Ghostrunners - 24 - Do You Enjoy Free Refills?

Episode Date: October 21, 2019

Jake needs a deal negotiated and there's only one man for the job... Santorino McCluskey.  Follow us on Instagram: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You ready? Ready man. We're gonna play some ball y'all! Black inside, black inside, black inside. Uh, uh, uh, uh. Yo Petey, how many yards you think you're gonna get this season bro? You know I ain't one to brag Big Blue, but I figure on at least a thousand. I ain't one to brag. Did I tell you all them white boys weren't gonna play for no brother?
Starting point is 00:00:20 Well who needs, who needs, oh! Here we go, here we go. Well who needs, no need. Oh, here we go. Here we go. Well, who needs them, baby? From now on, the Titans going to be powered by soul power, bro. He says,
Starting point is 00:00:33 so power. Coaches are coming in ominously. Put your hand down. You're smiling. Yes. Yes, sir. Why are you smiling? Cause I love football. Football's fun. Yes, sir. Why are you smiling?
Starting point is 00:00:45 Because I love football. Football's fun. Fun, sir. It's fun? Yes. You sure? I think. Now you're thinking. First you smile, then you're thinking. You think football's still fun? Uh, yes. Sir.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Yes, no, sir. No? It was fun. Not anymore, though, is it? Not right now. It's not fun anymore. Not even a little bit. No.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Make up your mind. Think, since you're thinking. Go on, think. Is it fun? No, sir. No? Absolutely not? Zero fun, sir.
Starting point is 00:01:19 All right, listen up. I'm Coach Boone. I'm going to tell you all about how much fun you're going to have this season. It's football season, baby. So we went back to Remember the Titans, I guess. This is episode 24. The Kobe episode. The Kobe post-rape allegations episode.
Starting point is 00:01:36 The Black Mamba episode. Yeah. I've been playing football recently, Brad, which you have missed out on, and I love reminding you that you've missed out on it. Thank you. I've already done it like three times, which you have missed out on. And I love reminding you that you've missed out on it. I've already done it like three times today. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, me and my friends have been just playing two-man touch football yesterday and the day before.
Starting point is 00:01:54 And I don't know why it's so much fun. Maybe just it's easy to play pickup basketball when you get older, but like pickup football, you know, you need a decent amount of guys. The weather needs to be nice. You need to have watched Remember the Titans in the last few months. Right, because if you quote that and people are like, what are you talking about? Everyone needs to be on the same page. It is unbelievable how sore I am today, though. Like, I went to sneeze.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Or I did sneeze. And like for a split second, it like generally crossed my mind that I might have like dislocated a rib. Like that's how much my ribs hurt. Like your ribs should not hurt playing touch football. You start feeling the tickle of the sneeze. You're like, no, no, no, no, no, no, please don't. It's like the tickle of a sneeze. Like you're like, no, I don't want this right now. I've sneezed like six times today.
Starting point is 00:02:31 So I bet I'll sneeze on the pod and you will hear me shriek in pain afterwards. It's crazy how sore I am, but it really is so fun. Isn't it funny that you can find pickup basketball players easier than pickup football? Because you need about the same amount, if not potentially less. Yeah, I wonder what that is. I don't know. I think that part of the reason that it's so great to play pick up football is because, yeah, you don't, like as a kid, you play it all the time.
Starting point is 00:02:55 As an adult, you're like, it is so impossible and so rare to do this. Yeah. That whenever I do get to play, it's like, oh, this is amazing. Yeah, we showed up two days ago to start playing it. Obviously, I'm still very familiar with the rules of actual football but for a second you kind of forget okay how did we used to play this like what are first downs do we want to do two completions or like five downs right two we were one hand two hand touch all these little rules yeah like you know scrum football that are we rushing the quarterback you know yeah mississippi how many
Starting point is 00:03:24 mississippi's can you rush or is it just like dead clock oh man yeah and we always played like one one down every drive you could do no mississippi and just go blitz them right away oh that is fun and we don't but we always do shotgun you know so you're still like five yards back every time you're back 15 yards like no no that's how i take snaps in case i punt it i need to be back this far i've been teaching hattie how to play football quote quote unquote. And I just really just teach her how to like do the cadence and everything. So I just like say blue for two, blue for two, wide 80 Omaha, you know, like just basically trying to teach her to be the next Peyton Manning. And then she says, down set hike. And I like roll her the ball and she loves it.
Starting point is 00:04:01 That's fun. Do you have any memories of like uh childhood backyard football times yeah i remember just loving the idea of like being at the bottom of a pile like just playing you know when i was five years old um a little bit um which was did not go in my favor for for most of my life um yeah i always loved i can remember like being in my living room and just like acting i'm all by myself but i have a football in my hands and just acting like i got stopped at the one you know like i mean my fantasy it's not even like i'm scoring it's just like i was a good play for both you contributed to the yeah to the team's success that's so good i just wanted
Starting point is 00:04:39 to be like part of like a big like pile up at the goal line you know for some reason that was like the most fun idea to me well no like growing up though did you grow up a chiefs fan i was joe montana for for halloween when i was like four or five so like uh whenever we were like 10 years old the chiefs had an incredible offense um led by the led the helm with priest holmes running the ball dick for me he had that signature like jump over the uh that was great jump over the pile basically and so i did that growing up i would like stack up a bunch of pillows you know like right in front of my couch and then jump over them and you would say anticipate the end zone anticipate the end zone
Starting point is 00:05:14 and we're going above it we're going in it does sound fun man oh man you should get in touch with priest do you think he still lives in kid city i know he really liked it here i don here. I don't know. I saw him on TV at one of the games recently, but I don't know if he was just getting recognized or what. I remember one time playing football after school one time. We were probably fifth grade or so. We were playing tackle, and I just remember there was this big kid, and I was a big kid too, but there was this bigger kid than me. His name was Lucas something.
Starting point is 00:05:49 What was his last name? Something. Is it a family name uh yeah i think it's italian italian okay lucas or something hello my name is lucas or something uh and he just caught the ball you know it was like a not a very long route like maybe 10 yards caught the ball turned around and i just drilled them take that lucas and he i don't remember many of the details except for that, and I remember he was wearing a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shirt. He got shell-shocked. Oh, you know he did. He took the Michelangelo beat down, basically. I just nailed him.
Starting point is 00:06:20 And I just remember all the other kids like, oh, yeah, yeah. And I was not like a really physical, like hard-hitting kid. So, like, that was like my claim to fame. Nice. So, I remember that. And then, yeah, kind of like you playing by yourself. I was playing catch with my dad the other day, which is really fun, too. You don't do that very often.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Nice. And I was reminiscing about how, like, you know, before he would get home sometimes after school, I'd just take the football and, like, throw it really high up in the air and then, like, run and go catch like, you know, before he would get home sometimes after school, I just take the football and like throw it really high up in the air and then like run and go catch it, you know, or like do it, like try to juke out the, the, uh, the air basically. Yeah, I would do, I don't think I would throw myself a pass and catch it. Like I was never that lonely, but I would definitely, uh, no, but I would do, I was never that much of a loser. No, I would do pretty much the same thing. Uh, i just didn't want to run as much i would just i would throw the ball up as if it was a kick so
Starting point is 00:07:08 like you know like put some backspin on it throw it like that and it was like a kick return so i just catch it myself and then juke out people yeah yeah so it was like it was more of the open field less of like a love it 60 yard bomb down the field oh yeah sometimes i would die for them if i had to it was great oh yeah football is yeah. Football's the best. Did you have a favorite football growing up? Were you a Vortex guy? Remember the Vortex that whistled when you threw it? Oh, of course I remember it. I was never a big fan of Nerf footballs, though.
Starting point is 00:07:35 I always preferred the more realistic football, the better. The better grip. Yeah. I had a Nerf football, though, that had hard plastic in there, and it was amazing. It spiraled so perfectly. though that was like it had like hard plastic in there and it was amazing it spiraled so perfectly so that was my favorite one growing up growing up when i was younger i was i like advanced coordination wise kind of before most other people my age did and i felt nerf kind of even the playing feel like anyone could throw a spiral the nerf but like i'm one of the few people who can throw a ball with the real football so i prefer to play with
Starting point is 00:08:03 that one you know so you prefer to uh only good yourself, not let your friends have fun. Yeah, I don't want them to be good. I want to shine here. My dad was a high school quarterback, so he taught me how to throw a spiral, taught me how to throw a football at a young age, so that was nice to have. Unfortunately, I was like 4'11 until about sophomore year of high school, so it didn't pan out to be any kind of quarterback myself. I mean, Kyler Murray's giving hope to guys like you, though, in the future.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, we're at the same level athletically. He's just a couple inches taller. Right. I mean, you were the Kyler Murray of your day. Of Stratford. You were kind of like a rest of development. It was ahead of its time TV-wise.
Starting point is 00:08:40 You were ahead of your time with sports. Yeah, it's too bad I couldn't have been a Netflix original from the beginning. You were the Buster Bluth of sports. Thank you. Yeah. Buster. What a character. Anyway, that's the football portion of this podcast. I guess that's it. Ghost Runners on second just turned into all-time quarterback. Ghost Runners on
Starting point is 00:08:58 second down. Boom. Nice. Something else, aside from football that's been happening to me lately, is just like a lack of... I don't know what it's called. Actually, I'm just going to let you diagnose me, Brad. Here's aside from football that's been happening to me lately is just like a lack of, I don't know what it's called. Actually, I'm just going to let you diagnose me, Brad. Here's what's been going on. Okay, let me get in my doctor mindset real quick.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Okay. Okay. Got it. The two times in the last three days, I have been driving home and have taken a wrong turn within a quarter mile of my own house. Oh no. And then today, do you notice I was a little late getting here? I was going to talk about that later, but go ahead. Yeah. I took a wrong turn of my own house. Oh no. And then today, do you notice I was a little late getting here? I was going to talk about that later, but go ahead. Yeah. I took a wrong turn
Starting point is 00:09:28 getting to your house. There's like two turns from Chick-fil-A to here. It's very easy. And I missed it. Or I, yeah, I just like kept driving. You went past my house. Yeah. Didn't even like, I didn't turn it. Were you on your phone? No. See, I was listening to a podcast. Oh, so you were very intently listening. Maybe if it's still looking at the road. Yeah, that's weird. So yeah, three times in two days now, I know exactly where I'm going. And I just have like a lack of judgment or lack of just like awareness or consciousness. So there's a clear, yeah, concentration deficit here. Oh, CD.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Not OCD, CDO. Concentration Deficit Disorders. What's the O? Oh, it's a big o in disorder disorder yeah concentration deficit disorder deficit is yes and some other people might call it attention deficit ado attention deficit disorder yes um uh so i, that's all I really have to say about it. That you're probably just too concentrated on other things. It's not necessarily something that you see in people that are not smart. It's usually people that are like, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:36 high achieving, you know, above, you know, like when they were, whenever they were kids, they had better hand-eye coordination than everybody else. And they bragged about it 25 years later. And so I think maybe people like that are the people that kind of suffer from it, but overall suffers a good word. Yeah. Overall. Uh, I mean, it's really not that big of a deal. Uh, you can drink a little bit more coffee if you want to help with the concentration, or you can get a little more sleep, uh, to, uh, natural, naturally prescribed things as well as you can, you can be one of my downlines for my essential oils line as well. And I can give you three different kinds of oils every
Starting point is 00:11:09 three to five hours. Um, then you'll need to then, uh, re reorder. Um, you would do that for me. I would, Hey, this one time I'll give you the special, um, the, the, uh, sign up special and you would downline for me. I would, I would DL for you for why. Um, yeah. So that's, that's, that's all I got to say, but, but I was going to talk about how very consistently, whenever we go from one place to another together, I beat you by a ridiculous amount. Like, yeah. Like I know that you drive slow, but I am amazed. Like, like I bet if we drive somewhere that's 10 minutes away, I will beat you by seven minutes. Like, like it's like not even close.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Like we were going, yeah, from Chick-fil-A to our house or my house to record this podcast. And I got there, cleaned up my shop, went to go get the microphones, brought them out, opened up the garage doors, did all these things. And you still weren't here yet. So, so, but maybe that's just because the, uh, I have a CDO. Yeah. I don't know what you want from me. I'm just trying to get a prognosis here. Oh man. Good to know that this is easily cured by just sleeping more coffee though. Yeah. It's a little bit of both because I was one or the other, not seriously concerned, or let me get you some frankincense. We can do that too. Okay. I forgot about the downline. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Yeah. I wasn't super seriously concerned, but once it happened the second time, I was like, oh man, am I like getting early onset like dementia or something? Yeah. No, that's exactly what you're getting. And so. EOD. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:35 You got the EOD. End of day. Not to be confused with POD. Oh, here comes the boom. Not them. Oh. Who are you thinking? We are, we are. Oh yeah. They sing that song too. No, they don't sing. Here comes the boom. Not them. Oh. Who are you thinking? We are, we are.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Oh, yeah, they sing that song, too. No, they don't sing here comes the boom. Who sings here comes the boom? No, they do sing that. Yeah, yeah. I was thinking of click, click, boom. Very similar songs. Boom, here comes the boom.
Starting point is 00:13:00 The version with, was it Nelly, was so good. Okay, so this is not P.O.D. then. There's no way P.O.D. did a thing with Nelly. You don't think they could be friends? Y'all don't really want it now. Boom. Here comes a boom. Here comes a boom.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Y'all don't really want it now. Why don't you think they could have made a song together? I'm going to look this up as we talk. Well, of course I'm too. What, you don't trust me to look it up? No. Okay, well I'm still going to look it up no okay well i'm still gonna look it up here comes the boom is just nelly look pod boom right there what'd you look up
Starting point is 00:13:32 pod boom nelly what'd you look up i think those are different socks oh so i hate when we fight i hate when we fight on the podcast i don't think this is fighting so he just like sampled it but like sam sampled it very, very heavily and like use their voices. Is that what you're saying? I don't know. You're wrong, Brad. You were wrong last episode about music. I'm the music guy now.
Starting point is 00:13:56 I'm going to end us with a jingle later. I should leave worship for your church. Well, it's all right. It's all right. Something else that's happened. So we shot last week's episode only like two or three days ago. So it's not too much has happened, but I'm just going to keep rattling off things. And you know about this, but I think it's a fun update.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Guys, I'm about to be an influencer now. Oh, officially. Yes. You're going to have your own downline. I hope so. A pretty big company reached out for me to like post on their behalf, which has never happened before. So if you thought you were influenced before, just wait. We haven't actually decided on a deal, but I did get to say a sentence that I was really excited about last week.
Starting point is 00:14:41 You're going to tell them, okay? Yeah, yeah. I love it. Why not? Yeah. Yeah. Well, I love it. Why not? That, yeah. Um, they, uh, they, we, we scheduled a phone call to talk like the deliverables and the rate and everything. And they're like, all right, for your following your engagement, we think you should get paid this much. And, uh, I've just always heard in business and negotiation, you know, you don't want to be the first person to say a number that puts you at a disadvantage
Starting point is 00:15:03 already. And you also never want to accept anyone's first offer. That's just negotiation tactics. And so I said, I wasn't planning on saying this, but I just said, you know, that seems a little low, but I'm going to talk with my manager over the weekend and I'll get back to you Monday morning. I do not have a manager. I have never negotiated anything like this before, at least on my own behalf. Like I've done brand deals with like when I was tubing back in the day, but never just my own Instagram. So, uh, if they call Brad, do you want to be my manager? I would love to have like an
Starting point is 00:15:33 alter ego as your manager. What would your name be? Um, I think Italian is kind of scary. Oh, I was going to say something McCluskey. Ooh. Yeah. Maybe, maybe it's like a, maybe it's like a Italian met up with a German. So it's like Santorino's like a italian met up with a german so it's like santorino mccluskey they call me santee or santa hey santa mccluskey what do you need okay you think you can get me get my client for that much what are you trying to wring us dry over here okay okay here um ring ring ring. Talk to me. It's Santo. Santo here. I'm looking for Mr. McCluskey.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Pardon me, sir. Mr. McCluskey. Oh, my gosh. I'm having a tough time saying your name, sir. I'm looking for the manager on behalf of... Do you have CDL, kid? I'm looking for the manager who works on behalf of Jake Triplett. Is that you? That's me. Santo McCluskey, in the flesh.
Starting point is 00:16:27 You got him. I've recently been talking to Jake, and he was saying that the rate of was a little too low and that he thought he deserved a little more than that. Well, yeah, you're giving us scraps. Give us a whole meal, kid. We want four courses all the way. Give us appetizers. Give us the entree.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Give us a nice dessert. And then you know what? Throw in a few drinks, if you will. We want a nice scotch, aged barrel, barrel-aged whiskey. And you know what? Include gratuity in there too. We're not paying the tip. Talk to us.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Okay. Don't give us the crumbs, kid. No, that's all. We got ratatouille over here. That's all very fine And thank you for saying all that, Santo Am I saying that correctly, Santo? Yeah, that's fine
Starting point is 00:17:10 Santorini is my real name But I go by Santo for friends I call you a friend I had trouble saying your last name earlier So I prefer to just call you Santo You can call me Santo, Santo Mac Whatever you want Okay, Mr. Santo Mac
Starting point is 00:17:24 I love what you're saying. Although I will say, I also don't know what you said at all. I'm looking for more of like a number, like how much do you think for two posts and two stories your client is worth? Sure, sure. You ever heard of George Clooney? Take his rate, double it it my kid doesn't get out of bed for less than 3k and i'm not talking about a tv ah yes 1080p never heard of it 3k only all right so the rate to get him out of bed is 3k so don't ask me about the right to get him in the bag because i already asked him he said he's not willing you know what why don't uh why don't i just give you a to get him in the bag. Cause I already asked him. He said he's not willing.
Starting point is 00:18:06 You know what? Why don't, uh, why don't I just give you a call back later, Mr. McCluskey. Uh, the right to get into bed with me.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Uh, thank you. You're going to be a good man. I'll tell you what you send me your best offer. We're not, we're not going to negotiate this. Send me one offer. Give it to me straight.
Starting point is 00:18:25 I'll talk to my client. He's a nice guy. He's a great kid. He's on the up and coming. You should see his social blade. Check him out. He knows what he's doing. He's working with good people here. I'm not going to say any names,
Starting point is 00:18:36 but he's working with people that might rhyme with Schmallek Schmadrigas. Okay? So just talk to him, okay? We'll get back with you. All right. Go Yankees. Okay. So just talk to him. Okay. We'll get back with you. All right. Go Yankees. Okay. Take care of Santa Mac.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Santa Mac out. Oh man. I hope she wants to talk to my manager. Yeah, I think she should. That would, that would behoove both of you. Cause I'm sure she would really,
Starting point is 00:19:02 you know, benefit from talking to a man like that. And you would obviously make a lot more money. So like, even if it lost me the deal completely, I would just love that video footage of you actually talking to this woman, like in that sense. I might also want to have a receptionist that answers my phone, you know? Oh yeah. Hello, Santorini McCluskey's office. How may I help you? McCluskey and Associates? Or I could have like an automated thing. Hello. Thank you for calling
Starting point is 00:19:28 Santorini McCluskey. If you would like to speak to him directly, please press one or stay on the line. Something like that? Yeah, that's great. What would be better?
Starting point is 00:19:40 Probably a personal... Do you think it makes it look better if your receptionist has been outsourced to another country? Does that make you look more legit or more of a guy who cuts corners to say? Hola y bienvenidos a Santorini, my close. ¿Cómo puedo ayudarte? Para inglés, press one. Para español, oprima numero 2.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Para Francés, I don't know. Toi, or... D'un toi. I don't know how to say present in French. What is coming through your street right now? Whoa, hey, hey, hey! We got a podcast here!
Starting point is 00:20:19 My goodness, that was loud. Yeah, that was the Superior Disposal Service. So, anyway. Well, those are some uh we can we can edit that out um the truck no i think the trucks could you know give us real shows that were legit urban feel yeah yeah podcast here in the here in the suburbs our urban vibe herb herb vibe stanley gives us our urban vibe um one like a more urban philip philis is a less urban Aunt Jemima Phyllis just had that mom look I wanted my mom makes the best salsa oh man
Starting point is 00:20:52 makes the best pesto one last update for us to talk about and then we can get into other stuff that's also happened to me probably a year ago
Starting point is 00:21:03 I want to say last summer that is when that Mega Millions jackpot got really big it was like in the news okay 450 million dollars sure i remember seeing that like this young kid like a 20 year old kid won it after taxes he got like 250 million dollars not bad and i don't remember what he did necessarily he did something noteworthy and newsworthy that made me like want to follow him on instagram i really can't remember what it was. He won $250 million, probably. Well, I mean, it's not like I just follow anyone.
Starting point is 00:21:29 It's pretty newsworthy. I think it was the way he handled it. I don't know. He just said something humble. I don't know. Whatever. And so I've been following this kid for over a year now. And pretty much every single time he posts, which he's a very normal guy.
Starting point is 00:21:43 He'll just like, at the Celtics game or with my girlfriend. He's just a chill dude, which I appreciate. But still, every time he posts, I'm's a very just like normal guy. He'll just like at the Celtics game or like with my girlfriend. He's just a chill dude, which I appreciate. But still, every time he posts, I'm just like, okay, why am I still following this guy? I don't know why I am. But then a few days ago, he posts and I like it like I do sometimes. And then the next time I check Instagram, he has blown up my feed. We're talking multiple likes. Followed me back.
Starting point is 00:22:03 I'm going to be rich. We are going to have a brand deal with the richest teenager that follows Jake. That's awesome. Easily. So yeah, that just happened. I don't know what the play is here. Do I just straight up ask for money? That's probably not it.
Starting point is 00:22:21 I'm sure no one ever does that to a lottery winner. Just comes out of the woodworks and asks for money. Yeah. So that's just something going. I'm excited. Yeah. I just, something's going to work out. ever does that to a lottery winner just comes out of the woodworks and asks for money yeah so that's just something going i'm excited yeah i just something's gonna work out you're rubbing elbows with the elite rubbing digital elves with him rubbing like i don't think he's gonna give me money but if it's like hey you're funny do you want to come to greece with me you say mama mia do i i say would love to but I'm pretty dedicated to this podcast. I can't leave my co-host behind.
Starting point is 00:22:48 I can't leave my bro. Oh, I get it, man. My bro host. Oh, nice, dude. Yeah, nice. Give me five. Nice. Oh, that's what I was going to maybe title the last episode.
Starting point is 00:22:58 I forgot about that. It was, hey, little weenie, give me five. I forgot. I thought about calling it that. Give me five, little weenie. Oh, that's funny. We'll just number this one or label this one as that. We'll label it.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Hey, Jake, I went to Chipotle the other day, and I have a story about it. Congrats. I finally downloaded. I was with you, actually. It was with you. I was going to say. I probably was with you. That was the day I finally downloaded the Chipotle app.
Starting point is 00:23:21 By the time I got to the register, I forgot to use the app. I'm so stupid. Oh, boy. I have COD, CDO. It's Call of Duty. You got something. You got something there. You got modern warfare.
Starting point is 00:23:31 So I was at Chipotle. And as you know, and as maybe the podcasters know, I always go wash my hands before I eat. That's one of my things. Yeah. I'm a weird guy. I like clean hands. So I was going to the bathroom to wash my hands. And I walk into the single use, like, you going to the bathroom to wash my hands and I walk into
Starting point is 00:23:45 the single use, like, you know, one person bathroom, like you can lock it behind you. It's meant for one. Correct. And you lock the bathroom, even if you were just washing your hands. Oh yeah. Yeah. Well, and that's, that's where I'm, that's where I'm going with this. Like, well, I wash my hands with my pants down. So I always lock it. Well, I open up the door and there's this man washing his hands and just turns around and doesn't really react to me being in the single bathroom with him. And I'm like, Oh, you know, classic, like Midwestern. Oh, I say, Oh, Oh, Oh, I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Go out and wait for him to, like, he doesn't say a word. And I'm like, and he's like a normal looking dude. Doesn't say a word, you know, dries off his hands, comes out. Um, and I kind of tried to like, you know, jokingly like make a face. So then I shut the door, decide, Hey, you know, classic, like, um, right before you're going to go on a road trip, your mom always says like, Hey, maybe you should try to go to the bathroom. So I was like, Hey, I'm here. Maybe I should just try. So, um, were you about to go on a road trip? Maybe, uh, you never know. Life's a road trip. Um, so I was, get your map. This is a little bit personal, but I was using the urinal and the
Starting point is 00:24:55 urinal, you know, right there. Um, the urinal is right next to like, right to the right of the door. And so like, if someone would open that door right now i would literally be face on hello like you are the first thing they see like i am parallel to the door my shoulders facing right there got it and so the whole time i mean obviously i locked the door but the whole time i'm thinking what if that door lock just doesn't work what if this guy wants to see me now he wants to even up the score one for one. Here I come. And so I was trying really hard to like go real quick because I'm like, what if this, yeah. What if this lock doesn't work? Push it out. So I've got a road trip coming up maybe.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm like, I'm squatting there and I'm just kidding. And so I, yeah, get done, pull my pants up. Just kidding. I don't. And go. So those were the first two things. Third thing is I go to wash my hands, accidentally use the sanitizer instead of the soap. Oh, it's the worst. The worst. You're like, okay, I'll just try to, you know, wash this off.
Starting point is 00:26:00 It doesn't even come off your hands like with water. It's on there. Gosh, I feel it. Anyway, got the soap on there, exited, chipotle which by the way um currently trending for me chipotle burritos are back folks stop getting the bowls try a burrito and you won't go back to the bowls do you know what i've gotten every time every time you've gotten a burrito thank you i respect it it's so heavy you i think you get more food if you get a bowl however the, the mixture just is not the same as it is on the burrito. The burrito tastes so good.
Starting point is 00:26:30 So if you don't believe me, just try it. You can always like squeeze it out of the burrito onto your basket if you don't like it. Kind of like go-gurt it out or toothpaste it out. You can go-gurt or crest or whatever, colgategate it out if you want but just try out that burrito um so yeah anyway i had a crazy experience not a crazy experience but just like a nerve-wracking experience it was insane you can say it was it was the craziest experience of my life at chipotle bathroom so i have two things to say off of that topic one when i well oh yeah both have to do with burritos in uh vermont uh when i was in uh vermont i had moe's yeah you had moe's uh no oh really i've heard of it and i know people love
Starting point is 00:27:16 their queso there that's what i was gonna say queso was great other ingredients not so great kind of like cutoba in a way uh but still pretty good. It was good to mix it up. Other thing that happened while I was in Vermont was I got walked in on in the bathroom. I was Old Man River in your story. I was him. You didn't walk it? Actually, sorry. Let me tell the full story.
Starting point is 00:27:38 I was in a public bathroom. No door to lock. But a woman walked in to the bathroom while I was peeing. And I was kind of like that guy. I didn't say anything. I was like, she'll figure it out. There's urinals in here. I'm peeing. You didn't say anything. I swear I did. Yeah. I was just like, did she say something to you and you just didn't respond? Like, cause that's what happened to me. I said something like, oh, oh, sorry about that. And no response. Did she say like, oh boy, here I am. Sorry about that. I didn't say anything. Like i look to my right because someone
Starting point is 00:28:05 is walking in the restroom i see it's a woman and i'm like oh that's funny like she'll realize it you know very quickly so i didn't say anything she's like oh oh my goodness oh i'm so sorry and then i just let her walk out now she's gonna be talking about on her you on her podcast i just don't think stuff like that is i don't know know. I don't really know what to say. I guess that's fair. You are in the wrong spot. Yeah. Yeah.
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Starting point is 00:29:05 Your teen requested a ride, but this time, not from you. It's through their Uber Teen account. It's an Uber account that allows your teen to request a ride under your supervision with live trip tracking and highly rated drivers. Add your teen to your Uber account today. What about this, Jake? I have random little things to talk to you about. That's cool. So, you know, my wife's personality pretty well. Catherine and I are both stubborn and think that we are always right. And we like to argue about little things that we shouldn't
Starting point is 00:29:39 argue about. Okay. This wasn't really an argument. It was just more of Catherine's personality. She said, FYI, you're wrong about this. And I know it because I looked it up. How do you say the word F-I-F-T-H? Fifth. You do? That's how I say it. That's how she says it, too.
Starting point is 00:29:58 She doesn't use that second F. Yeah, I don't. I say fifth. And she says, that's not the right way to say it. You sound uneducated saying it. I sound uneducated saying it. I sound uneducated? Fifth. That's how you, that's how it's spelled.
Starting point is 00:30:10 75th Street. Yeah. No, I can't. I'm not arguing that. Do you say Furt? Yeah, it's right over there on Furt Street. If it's spelled F-I-R-T, I would probably say it that way. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:30:20 So why wouldn't you say fifth if it's spelled F-I-F-T-H? I think it's because it's become like, that's the cultural standard now is to say it that way she said she looked it up and she said both are acceptable but she said that it's more common to just spell it without or just to say it without it Oh interesting that she had like research I wish she says so she's I mean you can google anything and find what you want on there you can figure out the pod said boom you know and whatever, like, but fifth. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:48 Fifth. Sometimes something I do pronounce wrong is, uh, I'll say, um, Oh, what is it? It's like height. Like, Oh, I'll say the wrong thing. Like, don't you just mean height? I'm like, yes, I do. Dang it. What's the difference in how I'm saying it?
Starting point is 00:31:01 I'm putting a, well, I know, but like but like, is there not a word that's height? No, it's like length. I don't think so. Yeah, length and height. I don't know if height is even a word. Just like your height. If you work for the Webster's Dictionary and you can clarify this for us,
Starting point is 00:31:15 leave us a five-star review on slash Ellis Custom Creations and let us know. Oh, speaking of Instagram handles, good idea, bad idea. Spend a little bit of money, maybe. I haven't talked to this guy. To get Jake Triplett instead of Triplett Jake.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Bad idea. Okay. Why? I mean, Triplett Jake's just fine. It's a little cleaner as I'm starting to get more and more brand new people to my page. I guess I just... They know what my name is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:48 I don't think it's that big of a deal. Like I think about some of the handles out there that are just like so bad. And yet they have so many followers. Like, I don't think, I don't think people very often are probably searching Jake triplet one word and not finding you. So I think you're,
Starting point is 00:32:00 Oh no. Yeah. Not from a search standpoint, just from like when I'm getting tagged and things, I think Jake triplet looks like a full name. Whereas triplet Jake looks like some sort of nickname. And then my name. Oh yeah. Yeah. Not from a search standpoint, just from like when I'm getting tagged and things, I think Jake triplet looks like a full name where his triplet Jake looks like some sort of nickname. And then my name. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Yeah. Yeah. Like there's, there's, you're like a three headed monster. Like you're like twin and fire. They come to my page. Oh,
Starting point is 00:32:13 he only has one head. Thank goodness. I might follow him. There's only one of him. Um, yeah, whatever. I mean,
Starting point is 00:32:20 I think it would depend on how much it costs. Yeah. Like I wouldn't spend anything if it's, if it's three digits, then even then I don't think it would depend on how much it costs. Yeah. Like I wouldn't spend anything. If it's, if it's three digits, then even then I don't think I would spend it. Yeah. Personally. But then again, your, it's your, your world is, you know, that world better than I do. My handle, my choice.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Right. That's what my Facebook profile picture says. My handles. My handles, my choice. And you're, you're, you're putting your hands right here on your, your, your left hand. Yeah. It's, it's my own campaign to try and get myself to orange theory. Yeah. My handles, my choice. And you're putting your hands right here on your left handles. Yeah, it's my own campaign to try and get myself to Orange Theory. My handles, my choice.
Starting point is 00:32:50 My oranges. My oranges. Yes. Should we move on to either Blanks of the Week or questions from Instagram? Let's go ahead and do Blanks of the Week now. Perfect. Well, let's hear that opening song for the segment. Blinks of the Week.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Oh, yeah. A little Kermit the Frog in your throat there. Blinks of the Week. Blinks of the Week. Nice. That was better. Was that good? Was that pretty good?
Starting point is 00:33:15 Never done a Kermit impression. I think you did just fine. Yeah, thanks, Jake. We're going to start with Poultry of the Week. If you're new, this is something that we are just upset with specifically this week and normally we would say like oh i have beef with this but this this nasty little creature called a tick bit me and gave me an allergy to beef and so um they're just trying to get it out of my life completely so poultry poultry only baby which hey shout out katherine
Starting point is 00:33:43 ellis your beautiful bride yeah made me poultry yesterday when everyone else was having beef low key those were really good did you think so medium key high key i don't care what key it is i thought that we made yeah she made you some chicken quesadillas it was awesome and normally like homemade quesadillas are just okay i thought those were really good so thank you lock, Catherine. Let's go ahead and lock it in. Both of our babes of the week, Catherine Ellis. That was us locking it in. Lock it in. What's that from? Maybe like Dealer No Deal.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Lock in your answer. Oh, it is? Okay, okay. Yeah. They're locked in. I don't know what it's from. Dealer No Deal is the most boring game show I've ever seen. It's very impressive how exciting they can make a mathematical game like this.
Starting point is 00:34:22 And there's no interaction on your part. You're just like, take the deal. Don't take, that's all you can do. Like Wheel of Fortune, you can be like, it's clearly Achilles heel.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Like you can like, you know, Mount Rushmore. Uh, I don't know. I, yes, you were saying, and we,
Starting point is 00:34:37 yeah, even compared game show to game show, there's big differences. And then even like deal or no deal to like survivor, like the depth that comes with a show like that. It's like, that's crazy. It's so boring. Howie Mandela effect.
Starting point is 00:34:50 Oh, that would be a perfect Wheel of Fortune before and after. Yes. Holy cow. Full circle. Oh, wow. You guys are sticking with me. I'm feeling it today. And Brad's the one who had the lattes.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Brad had like a 1.75 lattes today from Isaac. And he got to Chick-fil-A and said, I am feeling it. I was, dude. Off coffee? I don't have coffee every day. No, that's okay. I was going. Okay, anyway, Poultry of the Week.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Go ahead and start us off, Brad. Okay, so my Poultry of the Week. Every time I've been getting emails lately that I don't want, promotional emails, I've been doing a good job of unsubscribing to them. And it's great because then you don't have to keep up with random notifications all the time. It's like, Oh, it's so annoying to get those. Um, highly recommend. Yeah. Just do it every day for a week and you probably will get most of them gone. Um,
Starting point is 00:35:37 poultry of the week is whenever you unsubscribe from an email chain and they give you a confirmation email about your unsubscription. Unbelievably annoying. Like what? Like, no, I'm telling you, I don't want any more emails. I'm trying to get you out of my life. Okay. We heard you. So we're going to send you an email to tell you that we heard you loud and clear, man. It's like, what are you doing? Like, why just, just get them out. That just, I don't even, I don't want to say it, but it, Hey, be careful, Brad. I'm going to say it, but it, Hey, be careful, Brad. I'm going to say it.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Who cares? Hey, hide your kid's ears. It irks me. Oh my gosh. It irks me so hard whenever they say that kind of stuff. Cause it's like, no, like just don't send that. It'd be the equivalent of like you breaking up with someone and then they show up the next night at your house again.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Like, Hey, I know you said we're broken up. Uh, and I respect your decision, but did they stay at your porch? Just want to confirm that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I definitely heard you. There was no miscommunication on your part. We are broken up. We're done. And then they just, they just stare at you. Yeah. We're done. Okay. And they're just still there. And then they stand there and they say, Hey, Hey, let me know, uh, if you want to get back together or not, um, by just telling me real fast or just delete me and I'll leave. It's like, it's just so fresh.
Starting point is 00:36:49 I mean, it's a little thing, but I'm trying to clean up my email inbox and they are doing the exact opposite. I'm doing everything I can here. Yeah. So I'm looking at you overstock. Do you also feel like there's websites that no matter how many times you enter in your password and then click, remember my password, it'll still ask you for your password next time? I tweeted.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Oh, PayPal. They don't know who I am. PayPal, it's me. It's me, Triplet Jake. Maybe Jake Triplet someday. I don't know. No, I tweeted, I don't know, a couple months ago, like the most useless button in the computer is the one that says, save my password for next time
Starting point is 00:37:27 or remember me next time. Yes, of course. You never remember me. You never do. It's like the equivalent of meeting somebody with dementia or COD. Yes, Black Ops. Yes, like CDO.
Starting point is 00:37:40 I just can't believe it. So anyway. Yeah, PayPal, Sprint. What's another website? Oh, even Twitter on my desktop recently. Well, I asked me to re-log in all the time. I'm like, when have I ever not wanted you to remember who I am? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:54 That one's weird. I get the ones that are like financial institutions because they probably have regulations. They have to like have you log in a lot. But like, whatever. Just come on. It's still poultry, baby. It's me. It's me. But like, whatever. Just, come on. It's still Poultry, baby. It's me. It's me.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Santo McCluskey. They call me Santorini McCluskey. I will say that you don't use your Face ID. And if you did, then you could use your Face ID for PayPal. And it's pretty great. Oh, I'm a desktop PayPal-er. I don't even have the PayPal app. What are you?
Starting point is 00:38:24 I don't know. That's weird. Why not app. What are you? I don't know. That's weird. Why, why not? Why not have both? I don't, I don't know. You know,
Starting point is 00:38:28 you can choose to have both. Why don't I have both? Like I sometimes get on Facebook on my phone and on my computer. No, truly. I don't know why, why do I like every month I send your aunt money on PayPal and I always wait until I get home.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Yeah. Why do I do that? I don't know. How old am I? Yeah. Just, I gotta get home and get to my desktop. Why do I do that?
Starting point is 00:38:47 Fire up the dial up here. Never crossed my mind before. The title of this episode is going to be Baby Boomer Discovers Apps. So you're telling me I don't have to go to and then search Twitter in order to find? There's like a shortcut around this? Yeah, it does make me feel old and dumb for not realizing that okay i'm gonna get the paypal app when this is over um this uh this is brought to you by paypal this this episode paypal uh a good website
Starting point is 00:39:15 to pay your pal no it's a good it just i'm reading in front of me it just says a good website good website you the way you your cadence made it sound like you're about to say something else. I was being a jokey joke. I know. I know. I was, I was getting onto you about your jokey joke. That's like the classic, like women can't live with him. It's like on the, at all, whenever he's talking about you owe me tube city and he's like,
Starting point is 00:39:43 yeah. So he wanted to create these tubes that went all over the office with hamsters called Tube City. So, yes, I technically do owe him. And then that's how they end it. I always thought that was funny. Good reference. Thanks. My poultry of the week, I guess I probably shouldn't say the organization or the state or anything in case it does end up going through.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Missouri. No, no, no, no. Misery. It's a different state. There was an organization who reached out to me many moon cycles ago and said, and we talked about this back when, uh, like not on the podcast, but back when, uh, I remember we were playing rec basketball and I said, uh, okay, let me just start from the top. Um, this company asked me to be a keynote speaker. It was going to be a very big event. I was going to get paid very well for like 45 minutes of speaking.
Starting point is 00:40:26 And regardless of money, like speaking is just like one of my favorite things to do. Like one of those, like if money were no object, what would you do? Like probably public speaker would be my choice. So I was so fired up to do this. But then the whole like four-month process of like, and price hasn't even been negotiated. It's just been like them making sure I'm the right guy for the job has been very painstakingly annoying. So do you remember back when we were playing basketball? I said, okay, the woman just asked if I'd ever
Starting point is 00:40:54 spoken in front of 5,000 people before. And then already kind of, I'll say it perturbed me. Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa. Just because it was like, are you worried about like me getting nervous to talk in front of you? Like a hundred people is no different. Like public speaking is public speaking. Yeah. So I thought that was silly. But then my response was, I didn't know what to say. Cause I was like, well, no. But then I said, um, if, oh, now I can't remember it. I said like, but I think, uh, if it's anything like Jesus in the Bible feeding the 5,000 people, everyone will get what they wanted and people will be talking about it for years to come, which
Starting point is 00:41:30 I thought was kind of a funny response. And it's always good to compare yourself to the son of God. Never a bad call there. But then more recently, the woman trying to hire me was like, all right, we're still moving forward. We think you're our guy, but, um, you know, can we get some videos of you speaking? Maybe luckily I had some, I paid someone to get video footage of me last time I spoke.
Starting point is 00:41:53 So I was able to send her a video and then she's like, okay, this is great. What would you say? Like, it's going to be your talk about. So then I sent her the bullet points of my entire keynote. Then she said, this looks great. Can you send me some letters of recommendation of the last keynote. Then she said, this looks great. Can you send me some letters of recommendation of the last keynote you had? So then already at this point, like I'm 28 years old. Like I'm, I'm, I'm a man. What is that? Who's that? The Oklahoma state coach, my gun. He was like, I'm 40. I'm a man. Uh, but yeah, it still feels me as an adult to
Starting point is 00:42:22 have to go and ask another adult for a letter of recommendation from that talk I did a year ago. Okay. I don't know. Does that seem weird to you or no? Well, you're not like disclosing all the information and I don't know it. But like if this is like a really big deal that you're about to speak at, I would want to make sure that you're like the right guy for it too. That's my only thing. I don't think it's weird or I don't think it's like wrong of you
Starting point is 00:42:47 to like be a little bit like, hey, I'm legit for this. Like if you want me, then hire me, but don't like approach me wanting me to speak and then ask for multiple pieces of evidence. Because I think video footage is probably the best thing you can have. You can see my stage presence
Starting point is 00:43:00 and see the content I'm speaking about. Yeah. Anyway, so then I have to go and ask people for letters. It might be more of a formality too, depending on like if it's a corporate thing, they just need to have all their ducks in a row. Maybe. I don't know, due diligence kind of thing. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:14 Sorry. No, it's okay. I wanted your honest opinion. I just thought after applying for college, that'd be the last time I ever had a letter of recommendation or anything like that. Oh, and you apply for jobs and stuff. I never did that. So maybe that's why. Anyway anyway i'll wrap this up and so then like super recently it was like uh i emailed
Starting point is 00:43:32 the people this other school it was a high school i spoke at most recently and they're like we'd love to write you a letter of recommendation but it's like it's homecoming week and so it's just crazy it might be a while before i get around to that and then uh go back to the same woman who wants to hire me. And she's like, if I don't hear back from you this week, then I'm just going to move on to someone else. Did you tell them like, they're, they're going to send it soon. Yeah. So I was like, well, I could probably get it to you next week. And then she just hasn't responded. And at the same time, I feel like I can't go to the woman I'm wanting a letter of recommendation to be like, Hey, can you hurry for me? Like, I can't do that.
Starting point is 00:44:03 This sounds like a job for Santa. I think Santa could get you a nice, nice letter of recommendation real quick. I just actually have to be, yeah, my, my agent slash recommendation or I love writing letters. So I can whip one up. You might have to, I'll give you a percentage of the closing fees. You're saying I'm part of your downline. Yes. yes if you would you make me the happiest guy in this workshop and be in my downline perfect so sorry that took a little longer than i wanted to but i well i hope that i hope you get it it's just like a lot of money that i'm missing out on because it's homecoming week yeah yeah is there there's no one else that you can get recommendations from? Well, yeah. It's like they're all at this school. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:47 That homecoming week. Single school. Yeah. Well, good luck, man. Hey, it's all good. Let me know if Santo needs to come in. I'm a quick writer. Yeah, I appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Yeah. Our other... Well, if you like writing fake recommendation letters, please leave a five-star review with your favorite recommendation letter for Jake Triplett. Perfect. Or Triplett Jake. I'll let you know.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Our other Blank of the Week is going to be Product of the Week. We've never done this one, so with that also comes a new song. Oh. Put you on the spot. I think it's jazz. Oh.
Starting point is 00:45:22 See me about me, Product of the Week. Perfect. Do Iin' about me, product of the week. Perfect. Do I remember that one? You go for it. So this is also a little bit more of a poultry as well. Because it's not a positive on the product of the week. It's not a recommendation.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Oh, a poultry prod. Yeah, it's an irked poultry product. It's what you prod the chickens with. Yeah, it's like a skewer. Okay. And it is very simple. It is every single app. Like PayPal?
Starting point is 00:45:52 Like, yeah. And it's every single app that provides you weather forecasts. Oh, yeah. There's not that many good weather apps. No, no. Let me correct that for you. There are zero good weather apps out there. Thank you. Yeah, I've had issues with that. And like, so obviously with woodworking and things, I
Starting point is 00:46:11 transport wood in my truck with it, just open different types of wood species. Yeah. Black walnut and white Oak. I don't discriminate and move it in my truck. Um, and so I look at the weather on my phone a lot, and so I decided, like, hey, I'm going to get a good weather app. So I asked some of my friends who are way more into things like that than me, like, hey, what kind of app do you recommend for this? Were any of them chief meteorologists? No, Gary Lezak was not one of my people, or Brian Busby.
Starting point is 00:46:40 However, these people said, oh, easily Dark Sky is the one to go with. Oh, you better go Light Sky too. You don't discriminate. No, no, no. No, oh, easily dark sky is the one to go with. Oh, you better go light sky too. So you don't discriminate. No, no, no, no, no, no. So I went with dark sky cost me $3, which is the equivalent in app world. Like, I don't know about you, but I hate paying for apps. Why does it seem so expensive? It's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Like $3 for, uh, you know, yeah. Uh, KSO. Yeah, sure, sure, sure. But $3, whoa, $3 to know exactly when it's supposed to rain? All I want is just Doppler radar technology. That's it. I don't want to pay $3. I want your very advanced, yeah. And so I, you know, I spring for it. I wasn't happy about it. Ponyed up. And I cannot tell you how bad it is.
Starting point is 00:47:19 What makes it so bad? It will say 0% chance of rain at like, let's say it's 4 p.m. Which is a risky thing to ever say in general. 4 p.m. 5 p.m. it'll say 0% chance of rain at 4 p.m. And then 5 p.m. comes around. It starts raining hard. Like, not even like kind of raining.
Starting point is 00:47:39 Not like a sprinkle. Liars. And then you look back on it. It's like, yeah, heavy rain for the next 45 minutes to an hour and i'm like what like and multiple times i've had wood in my back of my truck that i've trusted this weather app and it just that sucks kills me and so then i was like okay okay okay i'll just go i'll just go with the you know default weather app terrible that has always sucked weather bug i think it's another one get out of here i don't like bugs and then i'm like
Starting point is 00:48:04 okay i'll just get like a local news app that also has weather on it. Very hard to access, though. They're behind 50 paywalls. You have to scroll through all these different ads for Mr. Good Sense, subs and sandwiches. Some sophomore at UMKC got paid $20 to code that app. Yes. Oh, gosh. And so it's just like, I just want to know if it's going to rain or not.
Starting point is 00:48:23 I would love an app that says, is it going to rain? And there's like that guy from a family, a family guy is like, it's going to rain. Or especially somebody just says, no, it's affecting your business. It's not just like, oh, I'm just a curious guy. I like the weather. So now every time I have a lot of wood in my back of my truck, I think about like my escape routes. Like, okay, there's a QT on this exit that I'll get to and just get it on the underpass. Like, and it's just so frustrating. I don't know
Starting point is 00:48:48 if anybody else gets that, uh, or has, or if anybody has a great, um, you know, recommendation, hopefully that's free or not. What's a way they could tell us like maybe a weather app. I would say the best way, like the most efficient way would definitely be to go to and leave us a five-star review. We'll see that right away. Yes. We look constantly. So anyway, that's my rant for products.
Starting point is 00:49:16 Don't get dark sky unless you don't want to know when there's going to be a dark sky. I've been using AccuWeather for just a couple months. Okay. And we're using weather for different purposes, but I have enjoyed it. Okay. So maybe try it out. Let me know if you think about it. I'm not saying you're going to love it. Well, here's the deal. I have such a low bar right now. Like, even if it like just say 30% chance all the time. And then I'll be like, well, they did say 30%. Like they weren't wrong. You know, if it doesn't rain, it's like, yeah, it's only 30%. But if it does rain, it's like, well,
Starting point is 00:49:42 30% chance. It's not bad. not bad so oh i don't know yeah no speaking of like the zero like saying zero percent chance of rain that makes me think of like doctors all across the country who are saying like yeah the doctors told me i would never walk again way too many doctors are saying that why are doctors still saying that like stop yeah like give them a little hope please. I wonder how they are trained with that though. Like how many people's stories are like, they said I would never walk again. And I just ran a marathon. What an idiot. So many doctors are just like, just vastly like underestimating people's abilities. I wonder if there are doctors out there right now though, that are like,
Starting point is 00:50:18 Hey, listen, like we don't say that people just hear that they have selective hearing of like, Hey, it's, it's more than likely that you'll never walk again. And then they say, Hey, they said I would never like, because that's, that's giving them proper hope. Like, yeah, it's more than likely that you're, that you're going to die. You know, we've done studies and doctors say I would never live again. And here I am. Look at me now still living. Yeah. And maybe it's like one of those, like, yeah, the doctors did say you probably will have trouble ever running later in life. But then when it comes time to like do a documentary on you, you embellish all of it.
Starting point is 00:50:53 Like they said, I would never walk again. The Mayo Clinic had no idea what was going on with me. Yeah. Turns out I just had CDO. Now I'm fine. Thanks to Shantix. Good product. I don't know. I don't know that is even is you see it on tv a lot my product of the week is very simple and a very pro product pro prod good good is screen protectors to put on your phone oh yeah you know it's kind of tough to maybe
Starting point is 00:51:20 budget it or like be okay with spending that money because you know you just bought a new phone now you have to buy a new case because it's probably a different shape and then on top of that now i gotta spend another few bucks on a screen protector and it's an easy thing to be like i don't need that but i'm just a huge proponent of it and i buy the nice ones too it's like 40 dollars uh what is it called like zag invisible shield not a brand deal but it should be and uh they do a great job no smudges you can like wipe it off on anything. Like nothing's ever gonna, um, really damage the screen. They have a lifetime warranty. Okay. So it'll crack before the screen ever does. So if it cracks, you just send them that and they'll send you a new one.
Starting point is 00:51:58 It's a great $40. Yeah. I had one of those back in the day and I cracked it and I did not send it back in. Yeah, that's okay. And that, but I got frustrated with myself. Like I think I lost it or something, but I, I have, I've heard that the new screens are better, like less likely. They probably are. Um, have you seen the ones that like the Instagram ads where people take like a hammer and like bang, bang, bang? No.
Starting point is 00:52:18 Yeah. It's crazy. Like they, they like whack them with a hammer. It's like, why are you, I'm a woodworker and I would never do that. Yeah. Yeah. I'm using hammers way more than anyone. And I still cannot see a scenario where I hit my phone with a hammer. It's like, why are you? I'm a woodworker and I would never do that. Yeah, yeah. I'm using hammers way more than anyone. And I still cannot see a scenario where I hit my phone with a hammer. Yeah, anyway.
Starting point is 00:52:30 Yeah, I just think it's a vastly overlooked product. So good. Think about it. I appreciate that. Yeah. Next time your screen cracks, think, should I listen to Jake? Yeah, think about it more in hindsight. Give me five, you weenie.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Our last Blank of the Week will just be a review of the week. Like I said, it's only been two days since our last recording, and it was a Saturday and Sunday, so the two slowest days for our listeners. But we still got a review, and it's by Molith. I think I'm pronouncing that correctly. And they said that the subject says, better than Trey Kennedy.
Starting point is 00:52:57 Uh-oh. But the body says, just kidding, equally as great as Trey Kennedy. Oh, man. They got us, though. They got me good. They got it. I'm glad we read both the title and the description on there.
Starting point is 00:53:09 So, yeah, if you guys want to leave a review, we'll read both. Yeah. And you know what? Let's go ahead and plug Trey's because he's probably not getting very many listens on his podcast. It's called Correct Opinions. He could use it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:19 He only got, like, he was in number three podcasts in the world when he launched. Let's get him up to number two. A billion subscribers on his stuff. Followers sorry i sound so i think subscribers is uh the right word on the podcast app oh okay spotify's followers i was talking about instagram anyway oh okay we're almost done but today we did ask our instagram followers for so questions concerning advice they needed uh the first one is from levi it says best one-liners to put in my dating profile brad you've been married the entire time dating apps have been around but
Starting point is 00:53:54 what do you think what comes to mind best one-liners but my dating profile um something about free refills i think okay um do you like free do you about free refills, I think. Okay. Um, do you like free, do you enjoy free refills? Because that just, that's it. Do you enjoy free refills? Okay. Levi, there's what, write that one down. Uh, it'll be intriguing. Cause they're like, uh, is there a punchline? What does that mean? Yeah. Like, yeah. Yeah. That is good. Leave them wanting more, like we've talked about many times. Like a refill does. Yeah. Yeah. Soda will always leave you wanting more.
Starting point is 00:54:28 Yeah. Do you like free refills? Question mark. That'd get me, because I'd be like, I do. I mean. Swipe whatever the right way is to swipe for that. Do you have like a hookup to? I've been hinged.
Starting point is 00:54:39 Is that what they call it? That's what it says. A big alert comes up, and it's like an old creaky door. Congratulations. You've been hinged give me some wd-40 for that hinge um okay this next one is from luke he says advice about fast food what do you do when you're trying to eat healthy at chick-fil-a like a salad you're just craving that sandwich and some fries with two packets of chick-fil-a sauce i luke i think you know. I think we know. Don't eat the salad.
Starting point is 00:55:10 It's not going to taste as good. No, just only eat Chick-fil-A once a week or something, or like not even once a week. If you're craving it, just go for it once and then do good things the rest of the time. Like good deeds? Well, yeah, good deeds for your mouth like uh target protection on your um sorry i'm okay target protection with your toothpaste um that'll help yeah mouthwash uh just water in general is good but yeah don't don't be that guy yeah my biggest advice i can
Starting point is 00:55:41 give with dietetics is what everything is going going to taste better, choose that one. And I'll tell you what, like out of all people to give dietary advice, it's got to be the overweight guy who eats whatever he wants and the very skinny guy who eats whatever he wants. We don't really – we're not very selective in our food. So – Got to be honest, that's the first time anyone has ever asked me for advice concerning food. Which is crazy. Like people are always like, there's no way Jake eats all that all the time. It's like, no, he does. Yeah. I'm fine. I think it's a peace of mind thing. Also metabolism. Uh, next question from Janelle Patagonia nano puff. Is it a worthwhile purchase or is it all hype?
Starting point is 00:56:21 So I don't have a nano puff, but I do a uh like similar thing in columbia like just like the you know very thin but very like insulated and it is awesome really yeah it's really worth it so yes is my opinion on that and i also think they look cool um and they show that you care more about um labels than people who buy columbia so i'm kidding. Take that Janelle. Janelle, I'm kidding. Janelle Monae, I hope is who that is. Probably. It's probably her. She just got done, you know,
Starting point is 00:56:51 collecting all her Oscars for Hidden Figures. Now she's here talking to us. So I don't know. What do you think about the Nano? Do you have any idea what they're talking about? I think I can imagine what it is. I've never owned anything Patagonia. I did have an iPod Nano though.
Starting point is 00:57:05 And I have played a couple of times with jigglypuff on super smash bros well that's where they got the um name from i'm imagining those two things like a giant jigglypuff looking jacket but with like a circle in the middle that you can spin like the ipod nano wheels and it has a patagonia uh sticker on top okay yeah yeah it looks sick i don't have the idea of it in my mind. So yeah, I'd say go for it just for that spinner wheel alone. Um, yeah, I think no, in all seriousness, I think those are great. Okay. Especially depending on where you live, if it gets under 30 degrees in the winter, I think it's much definitely worth it. Okay. If you're in Texas and it's like, Oh, this winter is so cold. It's 47 degrees. It's like, get out of here. Go buy one from JC Penny. Just do a couple
Starting point is 00:57:45 of pushups before you go outside. You won't even notice. Uh, this next one comes from Jake McDonald. He says, Brad, I'm about to have a daughter of my own. Yes. Fashion advice you can give on one, how to fashionably dress a baby girl and two, how to fashionably dress as a dad without looking like too much of a dad. Well, I appreciate that he thinks that I, yeah, that I, uh, because honestly, once I got married, it was like game over. I can do whatever I want to ever dress nice again. And then I don't have a, you know, a corporate job or anything. So I just, I wear work clothes a lot. Um, but thank you Jake for the question. Uh, the first answer is mostly just rely on your wife to dress them. Um, and also
Starting point is 00:58:27 just make sure you put them in bows and color neutral things. So whites, grays, anything like that. Blacks are good too. Yeah. Um, so that's, that's the first suggestion. Second suggestion is, um, personally for me, I just, I'm a big golf polo guy. Um, don't never, never once have I played a round of golf in my life. That's okay. Yeah. People definitely assume it because I wear golf pose almost every single Sunday to church. I know a couple of people in my life who've never been in Patagonia and they still have the audacity to wear Patagonia nano puffs, which I think is crazy. They've never been in the North face of a mountain either. And yet here they are.
Starting point is 00:59:05 And you know what? At the same time, they've never had an LL bean, but yet they're, they've never eaten an LL bean. Jake. Yeah. The answer is golf polos because they, they mask your dad bod better than most.
Starting point is 00:59:18 And then they also show people that you are a dad, but that you're pretty cool about it. Like you're not like a, you know, just, just wearing a random tee that you got from a Branson thrift store or something like that. So that's, that's my suggestion for you. Also make sure that I know Jake right now has a mustache. Make sure you keep that mustache going. Jake McDonald. I do not. You do not keep that mustache going. That will show everyone that you are not trying to get any women, uh,
Starting point is 00:59:45 because you already have one and you have a daughter. Um, you've bagged your dough. Yeah. You bagged your dough. So just, uh, yeah. Rock that mustache. Here's a question from Jackson. Uh, he said, I just really need to know if I should or not. I don't want to give too many details about it. Please help me out. I would say, you know, it's always good to have a support system around you. So I would say ask the people closest to you and get their opinions. But also like what's your tribe think, Jackson? Don't be afraid to step out and trust yourself and just go for it. Right.
Starting point is 01:00:20 I've done it. I've done it. Jake's done it. Yeah. And I wouldn't say that, uh, we regret it, but at the same time, it's not for everyone. So just really, um, get a Venn diagram, maybe going pros, cons, and neutrals, um, kind of like blacks, whites, and grays. And, um, really think about it. The first two weeks, it's going to take a while for you to get used to,
Starting point is 01:00:41 and you're going to feel a little bit of pain on your left side and your fingers will get a little calloused. Yeah. Yeah. But it will be worth it. And honestly, I think she's going to take a while for you to get used to, and you're going to feel a little bit of pain on your left side. And your fingers will get a little calloused. Yeah. Yeah. But it will be worth it. And honestly, I think she's going to love it. So I say,
Starting point is 01:00:49 go for it. Okay. This next question is from Eric. And this one is a little more serious than our other ones. This says, uh, advice for dealing with death in the family or other grief. Um,
Starting point is 01:01:01 it's a little heavy, but that's okay. I'll say this. So Catherine's family recently had a death in the family. Pretty unexpected, very unexpected. Um, and it's very obviously super, super hard and it is going to be bitter and hard for a long time. Um, but I think one of the things that it taught them is like, and it's kind of cliche, I guess, but just like, you can't obviously do anything about the fact that that person is gone yet. You lost that person, but you can't obviously do anything about the fact that that person is gone yeah you lost that
Starting point is 01:01:26 person but you can realize like how much you need to take advantage of the time you have with people and also just take advantage of the fact that you can express how you feel about people because I think that that was one of the things that sometimes whenever I go to funerals I feel like I hear people say these like very extreme, like very superlative things about like, he was so amazing. He was so great. And I don't know if people often reflect those things in their daily lives with those people. So just being appreciative of them, being appreciative of the things that you have now. And I know it's not like a great thing for like coping mechanisms, but just moving forward from this, I think that's, that's my advice is just take
Starting point is 01:02:05 advantage of the time you have with people, uh, teach them about Jesus because that makes death a lot more sweet. Um, and that's about it. Anything? Yeah, no, that's really good. Especially like, yeah, just like moving forward and moving on with, you know, the rest of your life. Uh, so I dealt with a pretty uh serious death in family when i was 13 years old yes i also dealt with who you knew which is crazy which is yeah kind of crazy like 10 years before brad and i met each other um but anyway yeah it's tough because you know i think everyone knows that you know time is the one of the only things that can really heal stuff like that the same with like a breakup or you know major setbacks in life like time is one of the best healers but unfortunately
Starting point is 01:02:50 you can't speed up time so i would just say like clinging to constants in your life are are going to help and you know things that you know if you are a religious person you know that could be god for you and his like a non-changing character, you know, that could be the family that you, you do have your friends that, you know, are not going anywhere and will always be with you. And just clinging to those things and standing firm on the things that aren't moving when your life does feel like it's shattering around you, uh, just cling to those things that, you know, you can count on. And I think that helps the time pass easier. It's a good word. Uh it's a good word because it's it's tough sometimes to know like all right do i want to
Starting point is 01:03:28 distract myself or do i need to deal with this i think that balance is tough and i probably shouldn't be the one to speak on it because it's a tough thing to handle but sure yeah cling to the constants and just know that here's another thing i think a lot of people say you know especially at funerals and the time around death they say say like, you know, life is so short. It can just be gone. I'm a big believer in that life is really long. And you know, like we have a lot of time to do a lot of things you want to do and seeing life in its full perspective from the, you know, its full view of just like, okay, right now I'm going through a lot and this is awful. And I can't imagine a way out of this, but like, I still have so much life left to live.
Starting point is 01:04:07 So many things I want to accomplish. So many things I want to do. So much left for me in life. And to start working towards those things. I think those are healthy distractions. Very good. Thanks for the question, Eric. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:21 KJ says, Jake, will you take my friend on a date? Maybe. You have to talk to my manager. will you take my friend on a date? Maybe. You'll have to talk to my manager. What's his name? Nice. Hey, Santo. Okay, okay, okay, okay. None of that.
Starting point is 01:04:32 Talk to my manager. Yeah, how much? Oh, that's weird too. Our friend Grant Huterberg says, best fast food hacks? Oh, what's mine you ask? Question mark. When you are at Don's and have ordered a cookie, three, and they aren't warm, simply put them in between your two McDoubles on the drive home. They will be nice and gooey when the time is right.
Starting point is 01:04:54 Great question, Grant. Thank you for asking that. That is solid. Can we talk about how he kind of originated the idea of calling McDonald's Don's? Yeah, I think it was him and Star Peterson. Yeah. And yeah, we've like told multiple of our friends like, yeah, there's this great new place called Don's.
Starting point is 01:05:13 Like we should go to it. Like dollar burgers, dollar ice cream, like incredible deals. Wait, it's just in Kansas City? No, no. There's tons of them. Wait, I've lived here my whole life. What's it called? Don's.
Starting point is 01:05:23 So you don't. It's like right there on like 79th and Stateline Road. What do they have? Yeah, dollar chicken sandwiches, dollar burgers, dollar ice cream. Like anything you can imagine. Yeah, so many good things. Can we go? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:35 It's right there on 79th and Stateline. And they're like, oh. Okay. Like, wait, like by McDonald's? They're like, yeah, right there. I've always loved like taking people like, we can go right now. And then they get in my car and they're like, oh, it's right there. I've always loved taking people like, we can go right now. And then they get in my car and they're like, oh, it's McDonald's. I love that.
Starting point is 01:05:50 Can I give a food hack? Fast food hack? Yeah. It's a little one, but Chick-fil-A spicy chicken sandwich. First of all, make sure you get the spicy chicken sandwich. Order it. Because it's the best thing on the menu. Oh, insider tip.
Starting point is 01:06:00 They are coming out with spicy strips and nuggets. We've been hearing. Yeah. Anyway, spicy sandwich and then get pepper jack cheese on it. They're going to put the pepper jack cheese right on there and give it to you. Do not eat it right away. Keep it in there, hibernating a little bit. The cheese will melt, similar to the cookies.
Starting point is 01:06:20 Yes. The cheese will melt down and it will be much more enjoyable. Because I'm a big consistency guy when I eat. Yes. Thank you, Brad. You're welcome. This one comes from Chandler. Not really asking for advice, just curious how much money you guys spend on fast food in a calendar year.
Starting point is 01:06:34 Uh-oh. Not trying to be that guy, just genuinely interested. Is that Chandler Mann? No. Oh, Chandler. She did text me yesterday, though. Fun fact. You probably have no idea.
Starting point is 01:06:48 Correct. I do a budget app through dave ramsey holler back oh hold on i gotta pause right there chandler also said if this is brought up and brad doesn't mention dave ramsey your next fast food meal is on me you didn't say it oh man oh no dang it i almost got free fast food. So predictable. Darn. I need to be less predictable, apparently. No, that was still hilarious because I was really excited. I was like, I'm going to ask Brad this. He's not going to mention Dave Ramsey.
Starting point is 01:07:12 I'm going to get a free meal. It did not take you very long at all. Man, yeah. I have this budgeted app called EveryDollar through Dave Ramsey. And we budget around $200 per month for restaurants. So fast food's cheap that's the thing like it's not that expensive yeah uh it adds up i guess you know chick-fil-a is the most expensive of all fast food today mine was ten dollars i was like i think oh because you got the mac and
Starting point is 01:07:36 cheese still the upcharge seems like too much yeah maybe it was good though yeah Yeah. We spend a lot. It's not great. This one comes from Janelle. Oh, different Janelle. Uh, what advice do you have for someone who is the branch manager of a paper company whose boss wants them to double growth in the next quarter? What kind of incentives would you offer? I love that. Great question. That's one of the best non-Michael episodes in my opinion. I'll go ahead and go. Instead of number one, you know, everyone has a home of some sort. Everyone eats food every day, but not everyone eats food for free and not everyone eats food on a custom table. So what I would do is I would offer them a gift card, a $50 of their choice to any restaurant that they want. And then also a custom table from Ellis custom that they use to eat that food on grow deeper relationships with their families and friends around and ultimately just have a better life
Starting point is 01:08:36 and warmer home because of that. Great answer, but not ever. What is that in the office where it's like everyone needs to something, but not everyone. What is that in the office where it's like everyone needs something, but not everyone. And then like. Everyone sits on a chair every day. But not everyone. Sits on a copier every day. Or even makes copies. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:55 Yeah. Sits on a copier. That's great. This one comes from Lauren. And this is funny because this is something I've actually thought to myself as well. Not different pronouns, but she said, he seems like the one, but he doesn't like chick-fil-a what do you do oh man i've generally thought about that before yeah like it seems silly and trivial but it's a pretty big part of my life people change lauren that's all i'm gonna say people will change taste buds change
Starting point is 01:09:19 actually every every seven years really on average true true story. Uh, for a long time, I did not understand why everyone loved Chick-fil-A so much. Really? I was kind of an anti Chick-fil-A guy. I was like, I don't get this. I don't get why it's so hyped. Like it's just fine. I mean, it's just chicken. They can change.
Starting point is 01:09:38 And Chick-fil-A has enough things on their menu where they can figure out something they like. And you know what? If they are the one, this is, this is real what? If they are the one, this is real deep, if they are the one, they'll change for you. They'll like it. They'll find their taste. I pride myself on relationship advice
Starting point is 01:09:51 and I cannot emphasize enough how much you should expect the other person to change for you. I think that's very important. Like you stay exactly the same. That's what Enneagram is all about. And you let them adjust really who they are as a person to fit your needs and your wings. Yeah. I'm a seven wing six, right? Is that how it works? It has to be to your side. Yeah. I'm a seven wing six. And so I have to have a four or else I'm not going to marry him. And if he's not
Starting point is 01:10:17 a four, then he'll become one. Yes. Right. He'll order a number four to become one. Four count strips meal, please. And a wing. Nice. Chicken humor. Pudding. This is kind of the same thing. I have a friend, Kirsten, and I think this is so unique because it's not like she doesn't like Chick-fil-A, but she had it once and it's just not gone back. And I was like, oh, so you didn't like it?
Starting point is 01:10:42 She's like, no, it was good. That's how I was. I was like, you had it once and liked it? No, she didn't grab onto it, though. That's how I was. I was like, oh, it's fine. It's so popular, and they're so present. It's like an easy thing to just grab.
Starting point is 01:10:55 Yeah. I'm just shocked. And so I'm like, you know, it'd be one thing if it was like, you didn't like it, or I'm going to make you go back so you like it. It's more just like, well, you liked it. Why would you not go back? Well, part of Chick-fil-A's, like part of the reason people love it
Starting point is 01:11:08 is because of the culture. And you don't necessarily just pick up on that. You might just go one time where it's really busy and you don't get that as much. You get a little instrumental cutlass in the background or some... You are my strong tower. Shroom, shroom, shroom.
Starting point is 01:11:23 Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure. A little, oh, what's his name? Brandon it brandon heath my savior oh that's good too that one that one's on all the time aaron schust yeah is it oh yeah baby you know all about the schuster nice juju smith schuster yeah okay thank you lauren that was a good question okay this one seems good i haven't read it through yet but uh this comes from Heather. Not sure if you're still potting. We are. But I could use some advice. You both seem so happy and like you both get to do what you love for work.
Starting point is 01:11:51 I'm miserable at my job, but also know I'm making a difference with the work I do, so I feel guilty to quit. Tough dynamic. How were you able to find that balance of needing a job but also enjoying what you do for work? Did it take a while? Ooh, that's tough. So she's feeling guilty about it she doesn't like her job she feels like she's doing good things but she's feeling she's like
Starting point is 01:12:12 she's making a tangible difference probably but doesn't like she's not personally enjoying it so i think oh go ahead oh my initial thoughts are like that's good that you have that um you feel that burden that you feel the way if you will tension sure yeah yeah like of other people and like well i am helping out but i think you know personal happiness and personal content and yeah just the joy you take in every day is not something to be taken lightly and so if you're truly miserable i think that takes a much higher priority over helping people or doing good things. Cause there could be other jobs out there that it could still help people and can still make a difference.
Starting point is 01:12:50 But if you're not happy, I think that's very important to get out of that. Yeah. That's, that's really tough because you don't know the whole situation, everything, but well, I tried my best. No, no, I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm saying it's tough to answer that. Uh, but I think just having perspective is a big thing for us. Like, like I, I had a job before this that I did not really enjoy.
Starting point is 01:13:14 And at first I like just did not enjoy life. And then eventually it was like, no, no, like, like life is not your job. Like your job takes up a huge part of your life. And so obviously it's important to enjoy it to an extent. But I think the perspective that you have to have is like deeper than, you know, just waking up and doing your job. It's like, how can you, I don't know. I think that making sure that you are happy is important, but also like, there's like this inverse, like paradigm shift reality thing where it's like, if you are worried more about other people being happy than yourself and you have
Starting point is 01:13:50 that perspective. And as long as you're like truly being selfless, I think you can find happiness in anything you do. It's like, but that's, that's complicated. I don't know your situation. Like if you're like just depressed all the time, I don't know. That's just hard to, to just like blanket statement of like, you'll be fine as long as you just, you know, get better as a person. Like that's not really what I'm saying. Change your mindset. Yeah. But, but seriously, like I have like my best friend from college had everything like on paper was just rough about his life. And he was the happiest person is the happiest person I know. And it's not because he has X, Y, Z in a row. Yeah. In a row perspective. Right. It totally. And so I think if we wake up every day, knowing how lucky we are
Starting point is 01:14:32 to be in the situation we were in, even if it's a suckier one than we could be in, you can have perspective on that. Granted, it's a lot easier to say that when we're in situations where we really enjoy our lives, but we don't always enjoy our lives, but probably more than other people. So I think I'll say, cause we're not necessarily saying the same thing, which I think is okay. But, uh, I think at this day and age being in America, being 2019, like there are so many opportunities to have a job that you really enjoy. And Brad and I both seen the benefit of going for it and taking that risk. So we are probably more optimistic than most people, but like, yeah, I've seen a lot of happiness in my own life by just going for it, by doing, and at least trying to do the things I really wanted to do and seeing them pan out later. So
Starting point is 01:15:16 I think in this day and age, like, yeah, it's, it's never been easier to find a job you love or just to go out and create that job you love that dog really needs to stop barking. Yeah. And we understand, and hopefully everyone else does too, but we understand that there are sacrifices that have to be made in order to get there. Oh yeah. We don't understand. Not only like sacrifices of time and effort and everything, like obviously you're gonna have to try hard to figure out this thing and it
Starting point is 01:15:41 might take time, but also like you might have a different lifestyle for a little bit. You might not have a nice car for a long time, or you might, you might have, like, you might struggle through whatever it is like financial stuff or whatever, like relationships might be less, I don't know. You, you might not be able to invest as much time in relationships because you're working hard to pursue this other thing in your life. So that's, that's hard. You know, you gotta, the grass is always greener. I don't know. We're just, we're just getting so philosophical here. The grass is always greener on the other side. You know, like I sometimes miss my, the constants of my old job, even though it's like not nearly as fun, didn't have as much flexibility, but it was like i had insurance and i you know knew exactly how much i was making every week and all this stuff so i don't know nice that's a great way to end to just say i don't know no or or maybe not no i don't know no yeah i think that's true
Starting point is 01:16:36 about the sacrifices it's uh you never know yeah thanks for that question, it was a good one. Well, I think we will end it here. The Kobe Bryant episode, the Jeff Gordon episode is coming to a close. Wow. Just a reminder, Trey and I are going on tour. Get your tickets November 4th through the 7th. Madison, Wisconsin, Des Moines, Iowa, Omaha, Nebraska, and Kansas City, Missouri. You can find those somewhere on the internet. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:17:09 Google Trey Kennedy Tour. I really don't know where to send you, but if you care enough, you'll find it. I'm not positive, but may have those tickets. I would be very shocked if they did, but that would be cool if you put that on your website. Anyway, Brad.
Starting point is 01:17:24 That is all we got for you. Thank you guys for the questions. Thank you guys for the reviews. We will see you next Monday. Brad, hit us with a jingle to end this one. Okay, okay, okay. Ooh, that's my ghost. That's my ghost.
Starting point is 01:17:41 That's my, ooh, ghost run apart. Ghost run apart. Keep it going, ghost run apart. That's my ghost That's my Ooh Ghost runner pod Ghost runner pod Keep it going Ghost runner pod Every Monday morning Cause we Ghost runner pod With Jake and Brad
Starting point is 01:17:53 The ghost runner pod With Jake and Brad Ooh That's my pod That's my pod That's my Ooh That's my pod
Starting point is 01:18:04 That's my pod That's my This. That's my... Ooh. That's my pod. That's my pod. That's my... This pod is Ghost Runners. G-H-O-S-T. Are you in the U.S.? It's Ghost Runners. Love you showing some love for Gwyn. Gwyneth out there.
Starting point is 01:18:18 Gwyneth. Gwyneth Stefani. That's awesome. Thank you guys for listening. Love ya. See ya later. Love you, Trish. Whoa! That's awesome. Thank you guys for listening. Love ya. See ya later. Love you, Trish. Whoa! That's my mom!
Starting point is 01:18:29 That's right. That's right. Your mom. Your mom, dude! Hey! Here comes the Here comes the Here comes the Here comes the Outro Music

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