Ghostrunners - 244 - The Wildest Flight to Amish Country

Episode Date: July 17, 2023

Katelyn Triplett joins to discuss the hardest words to spell. The boys discovered some sound effects and had themselves a ball! They also got special access to a Kansas City Chiefs event. Get your tic...kets to Grande-Boo: (Groups of 4 or more use code BOO25 for 25% off!) Check out Main Street Roasters and use code GRKC at check out for a 10% discount! Check out Good Ranchers and get $30 off with code GRKC Use the code “RUNNERS20” on for 20% off your first order! Get a personalized video from us on Cameo: Become a Patron and get exclusive content from Jake & Brad: Follow us on Instagram: Leave us a voice memo and ask a question: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We're rolling. Start. Let's do it! Hey! Yeah! Here comes the episode! Thank you guys! It was so great to have you guys here. Thank you, thank you.
Starting point is 00:00:12 Give a big round of applause for Brad Ellis! Stop it! No, stop it! Stop it! No, no, no! Jake is the guy we should be clapping for. Come on. Oh, thank you, guys.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Thank you. I tell you, if you loved me anymore, you'd be my mom. Okay, tough crowd. Hey, everyone that loves Tymon, give it up for Tymon. Tymon Amster, everybody. Nobody? Funny. His name is timing, but he's not here
Starting point is 00:00:56 to put the time in. This guy! This guy is good! Hey, hey, everybody quiet down, quiet down, quiet down. Shut up, shut up. Should we start the episode? Wow! Started!
Starting point is 00:01:16 Oh, that's in the middle of it. Okay, it doesn't start at the beginning. Put it in digitally then. Uh-oh, ooh, I think this tight beat means that it's going down with some random thoughts in white. Me too, Midwest best friends eating fast food on repeat. Oh, gotta be a fun episode. Tymon's not here. Oh, Brad's... No, I'm stuck. I'm stuck on my cord.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Brad's stuck on his cord. My cord is cannibalizing itself. There's stuff falling off the shelf. I'm committed to getting this without standing up. It's going to be a fun episode. Tymon's gone. Honestly, I forgot where he's at. I texted him earlier, and he said, yeah, I should have time for that.
Starting point is 00:02:10 I'll be riding the train back from Illinois. So anything I thought he was doing. I think he's in Illinois. Well, I forget. Oh, yeah, he's with his cousin or something, maybe. Yeah. Yeah, cousin stuff. Either way, didn't expect to be riding a train back.
Starting point is 00:02:22 So just Brad and I, and we got the soundboard to ourselves. We're going to have some fun today. We got a special guest you can see on YouTube. We got a chair. Who's it for? Stay tuned for about 20 minutes longer, and you'll see. We also got a Chief's bobblehead here. That's new.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Where to start, Brad? Where to start, brother? I'll tell you where to start. Somewhere between 10 and 2. I don't know that. I was thinking like 5 o'clock somewhere, but that didn't make sense for 10 and 2. Because we're driving. Because we're driving, because it's not an alcoholic. Yeah, I'm driving. I'm driving here. Where do we start? Jake, I went to Pennsylvaniasylvania this past weekend let's start there oh that's right let's start there um also throughout this episode we're gonna do something fun i'm gonna post a video to gene shorts comedy instagram and we're gonna see i'm gonna update you on its performance throughout the video at the beginning it could be kind of bleak.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Brad loves it. But then eventually, maybe the crickets will go away, and it's a viral sensation. Stop, stop crickets. All right, so Pennsylvania. We've hung out a lot since then, and I haven't really asked you about it because I wanted to hear about it on the podcast. Okay. So give everyone the context. What'd you go up there for again? Um, friend TJ is hosting a marriage conference. Uh, TJ and
Starting point is 00:03:52 Brooke run walk in love. It is a clothing company, but they also have a podcast where they talk about marriage, life, parenting, all the good stuff. Honestly, if you don't listen to it, I would recommend it because I think TJ and Brooke both have similar humor to us. They just have a little more substance to their podcast than we do, where they just are more direct about what they're talking about. But really, really love TJ. TJ and I connected through Jake because Jake used to be Trey's plus one at this influencer meetup thing that Trey was in.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Everyone brought their spouses. Trey brought me. Yeah. So it was, yeah, whatever, five couples and Trey and Jake. But Trey and TJ hit it off. TJ hit it off enough to listen to our podcast and said, hey, Brad, want to be in this fatherhood group called Integrated With Me? Joined him. He was awesome. So I was going up to Pennsylvania. He's from Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I always want to say Lancaster, Lancaster, Lancaster, Lancaster. I kind of tried to like make that a joke throughout the day where I would just be like making it more and more ridiculous. I'm like Lancaster, but I think it still sounds normal enough. Like that's how you're supposed to say it. That people didn't really laugh as much as
Starting point is 00:04:58 I wanted them to like, okay, yeah, he's getting to it. So yeah, Lancaster PA, uh, that's another thing they say in Pennsylvania. They don't say Pennsylvania. They say PA. No other state does that, I think. That's true. They're not like, I'm going to Los Angeles, CA. Yeah. Yeah, Topeka, KS. Vegas, which one?
Starting point is 00:05:12 NV, baby. NV, baby. You know, it's kind of cool, PA, like Scranton, PA. Yeah. No one else, I don't think. Kansas, KS. No, you're not being like, I'm going to Latham, KS. I will say from time to time, nah, it's not really the letters because we'll say like strafford moe moe is cool moe is
Starting point is 00:05:30 not bad casey moe is pretty sweet sounding i'm not gonna lie it's not mo but moe it's it's saint louis moe yeah it's acknowledging the abbreviation moe they put moe on a lot of things in missouri because that's all like como is like county, Missouri. So like Columbia, Missouri, well, but like Taney County, Missouri has a lake called Taney Como or Clay County, Missouri has Clay Como Lake. So it's like Clay County, Missouri. Yeah. Kind of cool. Kind of cool. Kind of cool. Not as cool as, you know, all the murder rates in Missouri, but it's less cool. It's less cool than that. It's cooler than that. Anyway, I was going to Lancaster PA and it's a small town, you know, two hours outside of Philadelphia. And, but I found a flight, like, like I asked TJ, like, what's the closest airport? He's like probably Harrisburg,
Starting point is 00:06:15 or I can always drive to Philadelphia to pick you up. I'm like, dude, like you are putting on this massive event. Don't worry about coming two hours to Philadelphia to come get me. Um, and so I looked up actually from you, I learned that you can just like Google flights. Like, so I Googled Lancaster or Kansas state of Lancaster, and it came up with like an option to go right to Lancaster airport and teachers like that. I could bike there. It's so close. I was like, prove it. Yeah. I was like strap on the pegs and let's do this. My wheelie bag in the back, just bouncing. Um, so I knew, I mean, obviously it's going to be a small, tiny airplane. So, uh, I fly from Kansas city to Philadelphia, Philadelphia to Lancaster, Kansas city, Philadelphia is a tiny plane by itself. Um, Kansas city, Philadelphia was,
Starting point is 00:06:57 yeah, not a, not a big flight. It was American airlines, but it was one of those like American airlines operated by envoy Air. Yeah. Something like that. And you know, I'm not that tall of a guy and my head was hitting the top of the airplane as I'm walking in. Congrats, tall guy. And I was like, okay, I can't imagine what the next one's going to be like. So it was a fine flight. You know, halfway through there was this guy that like came up to me and was like, Hey, can you switch to me? Can you switch me seats? Cause I was sitting next to this pregnant woman. That was another whole thing. It was a 6am flight. There was this pregnant woman, really long hair. And it was like this weird thing where every once while her hair would touch my arms. I don't know. She was sitting next to you. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:07:38 That wasn't like crazy long, but like halfway down her back. And it was just, it was just free flow. And she was trying to like readjust, she's pregnant. And so I'm like trying to give her the benefit of the doubt. And it wasn't like she was being weird about it, but like I could just feel her hair brushing on my arm. I'm a big guy already kind of squeezing in here. And it's like, you know, two, it's like only two in the aisle or in the, yeah, per aisle. So I'm just in there. And this guy comes up and he's like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:08:02 can you switch me seats? I want to sit by her. And I was i i turned to her and i was like is that okay with you are you i just want to make sure like i wasn't doing something weird like please no um switch with this guy and he's like i have the i have the front row of the airplane i was like first class yes i'll switch you uh not the front row of the airplane front row of coach and liar you know how those airplanes are like the front rows uh the seats don't have like the open open underneath the armrests do you know i'm talking about they're like solid panels underneath the arm oh yes not good for a guy who's a little bit bubbly and so you know i'm usually usually underneath the armrests is where i kind of spread out the legs some some spills.
Starting point is 00:08:45 And so I'm like, yeah, of course I'll go front row. And I'm walking up there. He's like, okay, it's, it's eight a. And I was like, wait a second. Eight a is not front row. Eight a doesn't seem like the very front, uh, walk up and there, there it is with the solid panels. Luckily I had a lot of leg room. So I kind of extended that way. All I have to say, not really great part of the story. Great part of the story is I get to Philadelphia. I know I have like an hour ish before my next flight, um, walking around, whatever. And I'm like, I should probably go check out my gate. Uh, gate had changed. So I went to the new gate. It was gate 18 a B I think I was like different, different looking gate than I've ever seen before. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:09:31 I come up to this gate and the seating area waiting for this gate, I'm not joking, is 15 chairs. Okay. And I'm like, okay, this is a tiny plane. It's Lancaster. That's how they do it there. I'm ready for a tiny plane. You had chosen your seats beforehand and it was one of those like one seat on one side, two seats on the other. Oh, sure. Yeah. You know, tiny plane. No problem.
Starting point is 00:09:48 It's how, how long of a flight can it be? And so all the flight attendants in Philadelphia were talking crazy fast. It was awesome. It was like a raffle or, you know, like a, not a raffle, but like an auction. Yeah. Like an auction or something. You see everyone give it to him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:02 I had a 13. Yeah. And so, so this woman's like, we got a link. And I was like, okay. Uh, look out my window of this, you know, 15 person gate and there's two buses out there. And I'm like, oh, interesting. Like where are the planes? Maybe like, I guess these buses are going to take it. Like that's how tiny this plane is. It's like not even in the actual airport. It's like whatever. Um, so they're, they're calling it out and I'm in boarding group seven and they're like, all right, fight, blah,
Starting point is 00:10:30 blah, blah, six 96 to Lancaster, uh, boarding group one, go ahead and board. No one stands up boarding group two. No one stands up. They're like, all right, all other available people. And I look around and like, I think one person had stood up the entire time before me and I was like, okay, I guess I'm going. So I walk outside and Oh, the, the flight to Philadelphia, the, the top bins were so small that I had to check my bag underneath. Have you ever had to do that? Oh yeah. Okay. So, and I only brought one bag, didn't bring my backpack. And so I was like, well, my computer's in there, so I'll just hold my computer. You can throw everything else. And so I'm walking out to do the same thing.
Starting point is 00:11:10 And they're like, do you have any lithium batteries in your bag? And I was like, oh, I have my computer. I can take it out. And they're like, oh, you can take it out if you want. But I mean, it's just going to get a little bit warm in the bus. And I was like, okay, I'll take it out. And so then I'm walking. I have no idea what that sentence would mean.
Starting point is 00:11:26 So I'm walking. So I'm walking. They're like, they'll tell you which bus to get on. I was like, okay. So I'm walking over to the bus, and this guy throws my bag underneath. It's like a charter bus. It's like a big, like one that you'd see like a youth group going on a ski trip. Or like we're going to prom? Yeah, maybe.
Starting point is 00:11:42 If you went on a prom in this bus, good for you. Okay. uh yeah maybe if you went on a prom this bus good for you okay i mean um and i get on this bus and i look at the the screen before i left it said flight 696 to lancaster one hour and 40 minutes i was like one hour 40 that seems like a very long flight for something so short oh no and so i'm boarding this bus dude i'm boarding this bus, dude, I'm boarding this bus. And there's two other people on this bus. It's me and two other people. I'm like, I don't think, I don't think we're flying to Lancaster, dude. I think we're taking this frigging bus. I think we are on a bus to Lancaster. And I'm like, I'm waiting there.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Still not positive. I was like, maybe they're going to take us down the runway to this tiny plane or something. I was like, there's no one else on this thing. And so I'm like, well, I'll just look, I looked at my, uh, confirmation email. It didn't say anything about a bus. It still felt like an airplane. It said, so, so this one is American airlines operated by American Eagle. And of course, Scott was like, Oh, I like Hollister. I was like, good one, Scott. And so operated by American Eagle. And so I'm like, okay, well it says flight nothing's on here. So I think maybe we're still flying, but an hour, 40 minutes, I Google mapped how long it takes to get to Lancaster hour, 46 minutes look pretty on the dot. And so I Google American airlines, flight 696 or whatever it was. And it said, boarding in Philadelphia gate 18 AB drop off in Lancaster gate. C U R B.
Starting point is 00:13:15 I'm like, that's, that smells curb. This thing is driving me to Lancaster, dude. So I took a flight, a flight that was not a flight. It was a freaking bus. I can't believe that can happen in America. I don't. And no one else, everyone else seemed to just know or just be fine with it. The other two people on the bus. I mean, there was three people in the, in the driver.
Starting point is 00:13:38 And I mean, we get going and we're literally like driving on the runway. We're just leaving the airport. On the tarmac of planes going 500 miles good job guys see ya what was that was that travels was that the other buses no brad that was an airplane and so i get i get to lane because so first of all like i'm like tj we're running like 15 minutes late and he's like in his head he said later it's like how did he know he was running 15 yeah hey when we hit some traffic it's six minutes like six minutes to go i was like we're on approach because i didn't want to like tell him yeah yeah because i didn't know maybe it was like a normal thing for people in that area and he said tj's like well i first of all i've never
Starting point is 00:14:19 picked somebody up from the lancaster airport before so i was surprised that you could get a flight and then i get there he doesn't see me come. He just sees me come to his car. He's just chilling at gate CURB. He's like one of 16 cars in this, in this parking lot. And, uh, he's like, how was your flight? I was like, good. He was like, you see that bus right there? That was it. And he didn't stop laughing for five minutes. He couldn't believe it. It's so funny. I mean, the fact that that doesn't say like, Hey, by the way, this is a bus. It will be kind of a bus and plane, right? Two different modes of transportation. By the way, this, this, this flight doesn't get off the ground. It's just,
Starting point is 00:14:55 it just drives on the turnpike in PA. Do you remember, did it seem like you did pick out a seat on an airplane? A hundred percent. I picked out a seat on the bus because on one side of the bus, there was one seat and on the other side of the bus, there were two, but there was literally, I'm not joking, three passengers on this. American airlines lost money on this thing. That's so funny to think about. You like kind of seeing clues, but not thinking anything of it. Like you go to pick your seat and you're like, wow, there's no emergency exit row. That's kind of weird. Yeah, that's true. And like, none of them were like upgradable seats. They were all the same price. I was like, I guess that's just because they all suck on this tiny thing. Like there's not a TV on every seat. It's just like every four. That's kind of a weird
Starting point is 00:15:33 airplane. Dude, honestly, though, didn't hate the bus ride. Yeah. I mean, it's kind of funny, though. And like, oh, it was awesome. Like Catherine called me like right before and I was like, I'm literally driving on the runway right now. Um, but like, you don't have to go through the whole of Baloo, the hijinks of, you know, standing in line here and all the security stuff. You don't get any drinks on there. They gave you a free mint on the way out. He's like, take a minute or two. If you want one, I was like, you're, you bet. I'm going to take a minute or take anything you got. I mean, that is nice. Uh, no airplane mode. No. Oh yeah. I got service. Yeah. I was on my computer, way more leg room, wake more comfortable seats. I was like, I don't hate this. I don't, I don't want to know how much I spent on
Starting point is 00:16:13 it because then I might hate it, but didn't hate it. It's so funny that they said your laptop might get hot. Exactly. That was like the first thing that tipped me off. I was like, well, what? I don't think it'll get that hot. I mean, what was it? Two minute ride. I mean, it's like, yeah, yeah. Hot on the bus to it. Yeah. It's not like, like, did you mean to say, yeah, I don't know. And looking back, I think it was like the, the, the announcement was like, so-and-so languages were going on the bus, you know, whatever. But I was, I could not understand what this woman was saying. And so do you looking back now, do you think that is very common? Or do you think it was like, hey, stuff is going down with airplanes, flight traffic controllers.
Starting point is 00:16:52 We're going to make sure we get you there one way or another. We'll take a bus. I think it's probably a new normal thing for Philadelphia to Lancaster. But I don't think it was like no one else had ever heard of it in Lancaster. Except for TJ. TJ's mom has been a flight attendant for 47 years. okay but i don't think it was like no one else had ever heard of it in lancaster okay except for tj tj's mom is has been a flight attendant for 47 years and as i was telling the story she stopped she goes i know what happened to you you took a bus didn't you i was like yes but she's the only one that had any idea so if you're out there and you've ever done this but it was just amazing to
Starting point is 00:17:19 me that like there was not 20 times more communication about like FYI. Hey, this thing that says flight 696 is not a flight at all. C U R B. Yeah. You're like, man. Yeah. It's like one of those things. Like it's American airlines, but it's ran by Greyhound air. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Yeah. That's the thing. Like if it was American Eagle, even Eagles fly, I've never seen an Eagle walk from Philadelphia to Lancaster. So anyway, it was, it was a great start to the trip. Had plenty to talk about. That was like my first thing I led with at the actual marriage conference and people ate it up.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Oh, that's great. Yeah, I was curious. I was waiting for other people to say, I did the same thing. Yeah, no, we all did that. Nothing. Nobody else did it. I like the idea of, well, Lancaster is very much Amish country. If there's one area in the United States that's Amish country, it's Lancaster, PA.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Oh, yeah. So I like to think that they're still coming around with different technology. So it's like air travel, no thanks. Well, yeah, we'll make you an airport, but you've got a bus here. Yes, exactly. We're doing one technology at a time. Right. We just got graphic calculators.
Starting point is 00:18:19 I love the idea of calling an airport and just no planes. Yeah. We're just a port for buses. It's a train station. Yes. So yeah, I did. I passed plenty of horse and buggies. There are a lot of horse poop on the roads, which is interesting. Interesting. Yeah. You don't think about that. At first I thought it was dog poop. I was like, how big are these dogs? Oh, you got some great Danes up here.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Yeah. Pennsylvania Dutch, you know? I was like, wow. And then I was like, oh, you're an idiot, Brad. These are horse, this is horse manure. So how was actually hosting the event? How was it? You were a little nervous, you know, trying to figure it out. Yeah, it was so funny. The inside joke. So I got there like, I think my plane rolled in, you know, about 1 p.m.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Lancaster on Saturday. And the event wasn't until Sunday morning. And so I spent a lot of time with TJ, Brooke and their family. And every time I would crack a joke afterwards, like they'd be laughing. I'd be like, Oh, Brad, you're gonna be just fine. You're gonna be just fine. What are you nervous about? So that was like the inside joke the whole day was like, Oh, you're gonna be just fine. Um, but yeah, it was, it was really great. TJ and Brooke are so laid back in the best way possible. Like they definitely cared about the event, but it wasn't like,
Starting point is 00:19:26 I don't think I could have done anything like that would have been really wrong to them. Right. I tried. No, I mean, I think overall their audience is a lot like ours where it's very forgiving, very fun,
Starting point is 00:19:38 loving, you know, humor sprinkled in with meaningful conversation. And so, um, yeah, I started off telling that story and people really enjoyed it. And TJ was there with me. So it was like, I enjoyed the little bit of banter for that part. So much nicer. So much nicer. Um, and then I, it felt like we were on tight enough of a schedule that I wasn't supposed to do much
Starting point is 00:20:00 great, crazy stuff. Great. Like it was like, okay, just go out there and introduce the next person. You know, sometimes I tried to sprinkle a little bit of humor. Uh, the thing that I think was the highlight for me and hopefully for everybody else, as far as my contributions go to the show is, so we introduce ourselves, uh, you know, TJ and I talk about the bus story. We leave TJ does like a quick 15 minute talk kind of introducing the day. Um, and TJ is really into working out these days. You know this, like, yeah, I feel like he's always loving it. Not in like an annoying way, TJ, but like, it's definitely part of his life now. And he's talking about it.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Um, and so he gave an analogy of like, Hey, I didn't used to like to work out. Like I, I didn't used to be comfortable with this stuff. I used to wear skinny jeans and I fit in them comfortably. And now these thighs are flying out of here. They're busted. And so he brought out a barbell to show, which is such a Jim Harto move. Actually, the funny thing was he was like, I brought something I'm going to carry on from Maui.
Starting point is 00:20:58 Let me go get it. And he brought it out, and no one laughed. And he's like, okay, that joke didn't land, just like Brad's. Yeah. He's like, that joke didn't land. Just like Brad's flight. Yeah, that's pretty good. But anyway, kind of introduced the day and was doing some different analogies within that.
Starting point is 00:21:22 And like, hey, I wasn't comfortable with weightlifting, but now I can't go without it. Like your marriage might be something that, you know, needs work, uh, but it's worth it, you know, kind of thing. But throughout this entire talk, he kept talking and making this joke about how in Maui, obviously you take your shirt off a lot more because you are, you know, on the beach all the time. And whenever these guys were working out, the first time he went to this CrossFit gym, this guy just took off his shirt to work out. And, and so TJ's kept making these jokes. And as he's making these jokes, I'm in the green room with my friend, Josh Stroud. Um, and I'm like, when I go back out there, should I have my shirt off? And Josh died laughing. He like, like, like a good 30 seconds before he even like said anything. He's like, he's like, that would be amazing.
Starting point is 00:22:06 And I was kind of joking when I said it to him, but his reaction to it was like, you think that's pretty funny? I bet everyone else would too. And so I'm like, I think I'm going to do it. I think I'm going to go for it. I know TJ well enough. And so we're in the back. This is a pretty cool venue that we're at.
Starting point is 00:22:21 We're in the back kind of watching him. It seems like he's about to finish up. So I take off my shirt and he's finishing up. And as I take off my shirt, here comes Brooke and Josh's wife, Christie. And so it's just the four of us just hanging out backstage with me and my shirt off. And TJ took about five minutes to land that plane to finish up. And so I'm just there in my, just shirtless. 80 seconds. Yeah. Okay. Whenever you're ready.
Starting point is 00:22:51 And so he finishes up, walks off stage and I walk back on and I just like, act like I'm the biggest Jim Hardo. Like I'm just walking. I'm like, thanks TJ. I was like, I hear Lancaster's the Maui of the Northeast. And yeah, people started dying laughing. Josh threw me my shirt and I was like, if you would have told me I was going to take my shirt off in front of 380 people today, I would have said, no thanks. Uh, but here I am. So that's so funny, especially cause you, uh,
Starting point is 00:23:15 preceded that story by saying the nice thing was I didn't have to do too much. Yeah. That's what was so great about it. Yeah. I, and then like right after I put my shirt back on, I just got really serious. And I was like, uh, seriously guys, Colossians says these guys, Josh and Christie's rap. I mean, he's a doctor of psychology. He's written all these amazing books that my kids love. I love them, you know? And it's like, you just had your shirt off, man. No one's listening to anything you're saying.
Starting point is 00:23:38 So, um, that was the highlight for me. Um, beyond that, it was kind of crazy. The, uh, the power went out in the afternoon. It was sort of pouring down rain crazy. The power went out in the afternoon. It started pouring down rain. The power went out four times. That is one area I feel like I could have been a lot better at. Back at camp days, remember the rainy day activities?
Starting point is 00:23:55 Rainy day, yeah. Schedule. You got to be ready for the rainy days. I was not. I was out of season. Midway through, Josh and Christy's serious kind of serious talk and so i couldn't just be like all right he wants to play simon says build it with your bodies all right campfire yeah you can build it but it was like every time it seemed like the power was back on and running for a while or turn off again dang luckily though i mean like i said everyone was
Starting point is 00:24:21 very forgiving and understanding of like what can you do do about this? Can't control this. And yeah, TJ rolled with it. Anyway, all together, it was a really, really great time. Met a lot of ghosties there. I'm terrible at murmuring all the names, but there were ghosties there that drove from North Dakota, 21 hours. That's awesome. Just unbelievable. I mean, people, just like Grande Boo or F12 or whatever,
Starting point is 00:24:43 people are coming in in droves from North Carolina, Kentucky, like Ohio, all these different places. And it just shows the value that TJ and Brooke have brought on their life. So yeah, overall, it was great, but took off my shirt, flew in a bus. Those are kind of the highlights for you. And the rest. Shout Shout out Walk and Love. That's awesome. They're just really fun. Love them. Maybe going to see them in November. We need to talk about that. We need to plan that pretty soon.
Starting point is 00:25:15 Catherine keeps getting on to me about that too. I think it's like 80%. You guys are in? I think. That's huge. 80%. Wow. 80%. Sweet. Fun. You know what that makes me want to say? Yeah! Woo! Yeah, baby.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Once again, we are sponsored by Good Ranchers. You guys know them. You love them. They're American meat delivered to your door. And guys, American-made real meat is under attack right here. Uh-oh. Yeah. What happened?
Starting point is 00:25:44 The lab-grown meat has officially been approved by the FDA. Meat formed in a Petri dish is going to be delivered, and you're going to think that's regular chicken. It's not. It's gross and nasty and unhealthy. Not good for you. If you want high-quality real meat delivered right to your door, you can trust the people at Good Ranchers to deliver it to you.
Starting point is 00:26:03 I'm talking steaks. I'm talking burgers. I'm talking steaks. I'm talking burgers. I'm talking ground beef. I'm talking chicken. Better than organic chicken. Better than organic chicken. That's what they call it. We are having people over tonight.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Brittany Jones. Shout out, Brittany, if you know her. B. Jones. She's coming over for dinner tonight. You bet your bottom dollar we're having some C3 bros slathered on some Good Ranchers chicken. Who's Brittany Jones? She's a friend from church, but I feel like she's... Oh!
Starting point is 00:26:30 Okay, B. Jones. Her husband, too, or just B. Jones? Just B. Jones. Okay. Yep. Cool. Well, anyway, everything Good Ranchers sources
Starting point is 00:26:38 is from local farms in America, so that's pretty cool. Remind me again, where's Brittany Jones from? Louisiana. America. America. America. Anyway, so.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Hey, let's give it up for that lab-grown chicken approved by the FDA. Let's give it up for Good Rancher's American Meat Deliverer. Oh, got the theme song going. Pressed a few buttons at once. Tymon, get back here. Anyway, yeah, Good Ranch is awesome. You guys know how much we love it. I was telling Trey about it.
Starting point is 00:27:17 He was like, I think I might try some of that, like Wagyu beef or some steak. And I was like, Brad makes himself a steak every day for lunch. He loves it so much. It's amazing. There's nothing like it. It's like, Brad makes himself a steak every day for lunch. He loves it so much. It's amazing. There's nothing like it. It's like once you go Wagyu, you don't go back. You don't go Bagu.
Starting point is 00:27:32 You don't go Bagu. Use our code. GRKC, $30 off at It's American meat delivered, guys. Just do it. Go crazy. Fun. Should we bring in our special guest?
Starting point is 00:27:51 Yo! Ladies and gentlemen! Give her a little introduction. Okay. Standing at 5'5", she started at shortstop her freshman year at Stratford Indian
Starting point is 00:28:05 softball, Caitlin Angela Triplett. All right! We've got a microphone for you down below there. You can pull that up on the table. Oh, Georgia. Oh, we got a pit bull loose. Georgia!
Starting point is 00:28:21 Brad's going to sing Georgia. I'll get the dog out. Georgia! You're biting my toes all day not that kind of not that kind of guy georgia all right oh welcome to the podcast so yeah you gotta that's great that's great you got it caitlin is the uh roommate oh hattie the other day was talking about miss Caitlin I don't think she's met you yet oh yes okay um so she was talking about you let me turn you up here can you talk for us real quick and see hello yes um so yeah she was talking about you because my kids love to spy on Jake and Rachel literally today in like in bed like we we brought them into our bed we're just hanging out and Hattie goes I'm gonna go check on Rachel real quick and Bo goes yeah I'm gonna go check on today in bed. We brought them into our bed and we're just hanging out.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Hattie goes, I'm going to go check on Rachel real quick. Bo goes, yeah, I'm going to go check on Rachel too. Yesterday night, they were talking and Hattie's like, yeah, Miss Caitlin's there. She lives there now too. Well, she doesn't really live there. She's kind of staying there. It's like a
Starting point is 00:29:21 hotel. It's like a hotel for a little bit. Jake and Rachel have a hotel. Yeah, the old triplet hotel. So anyway. Pet-friendly hotel. Yes. Good for you.
Starting point is 00:29:32 Hard to find a pit bull-friendly hotel. Pit for sure is. Pit-friendly. That's right. Anyway, yeah, Kaylin lives here now for the next two and a half weeks. And we're going to do a little schmores with her today. Brad came up with the topic. You want to introduce it to everybody?
Starting point is 00:29:47 Yes. It is words that are hard to spell. So what's it like to buy your first cryptocurrency on Kraken? Well, let's say I'm at a food truck I've never tried before. Am I going to go all in on the loaded taco? No, sir. I'm keeping it simple, starting small. That's trading on Kraken. Pick from over 190 assets and start with the $10 in your pocket. Easy. Go to and see what crypto can be. Non-investment advice. Crypto trading involves risk of loss. See slash legal slash ca dash pru dash disclaimer for info on Kraken's undertaking to register in Canada.
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Starting point is 00:30:52 The Phenomenon returns to Paramount+. The only way we go home is together. From new season now streaming exclusively on Paramount+. Summer's here
Starting point is 00:31:03 and you can now get almost anything you need for your sunny days delivered with Uber Eats. What do we mean by almost? Well, you can't get a well-groomed lawn delivered, but you can get a chicken parmesan delivered. A cabana? That's a no. But a banana? That's a yes.
Starting point is 00:31:16 A nice tan? Sorry, nope. But a box fan? Happily, yes. A day of sunshine? No. A box of fine wines? Yes. Uber Eats can definitely get you that. Get almost, almost anything delivered with Uber Eats. Order now. Alcohol in select markets.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Product availability may vary by Regency app for details. Fun. It's going to be great for an audio podcast. I tell you right now. And what are they even voting on? Are they just voting on, I guess, what they agree with? It's hard to spell. It's your vote.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Rock the vote however you want. Rock the vote. Yeah, how are you? Or do you want to give them some direction? No, that's great. hard to spell. It's your vote. Rock the vote however you want. Rock the vote. Yeah, how are you? Or do you want to give them some direction? No, that's great. Up to them. Their vote. I have been really struggling at Schmores lately.
Starting point is 00:31:52 You haven't won in a while. I'm not saying I'm trying to make you feel bad and vote for me, guys, but I wouldn't hate it. Kaitlyn's never won, I don't think. No, Kaitlyn hasn't won in a really long time. Yeah, she's a big loser. Kaitlyn, you want to start it off then? Sure. And then
Starting point is 00:32:07 Brad, would you like to go second or third and fourth? Second. Okay, I'll go third and fourth. Great. Alright, Kaylin, what's your first word? There was a B-Rail notification. Oh, do it. Do it now. I missed it. I'm two minutes late. We can still do it though. So if you do it right on time, you get two of them? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Do you care a lot about that i missed it yeah you're on there look at us we're being real and all righty jake for a while closer to the microphone oh okay jake for a while used to always like in rachel's be reals like act like it's a video that was always really funny you'd be like what's up everybody like all of rachel derails are blurry. Yeah, I'm always moving. This is Rachel. We're being real.
Starting point is 00:32:52 All right. Okay. First pick. I mean, one, one. Obvious one, one choice. You got it. I mean, we're all thinking it. Go ahead and say it.
Starting point is 00:33:00 All right. First one, restaurant. Ooh, really? I had it second on my list. That one's high up there. Interesting. Very commonly mispelled. I just rely on spell check for that. Really? I haven't figured out how to use it. I switch them. I get them confused.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Yeah. Caitlin, can you spell your name for me real quick? K-A-T-E-L-Y-N. I knew it. I had it. It should be on your list. I should have. It's not because I wrote it down right. That's a creative pick. Just like the name Caitlin or the name Katie, because it could be spelled so many different ways. Catherine?
Starting point is 00:33:28 Catherine's the one that gets misspelled all the time. I bet no one spells yours right on the first try. Probably not. Most people don't. Because I think – Or triplet. Triplet's tough, too, because – They usually do two P's.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Yeah, people really want to throw the second P in there. They know there's two letters. They just always pick P, though. Yeah. George is trying to barricade this door. He was sleeping on the bed and every time you would yell, he would just wake up and his ears would. Yeah, I walked in and.
Starting point is 00:33:52 He's worried what's going on. Georgia barked at me and you're like, he never barks at anybody. I don't know what's going on. I've never heard Georgia bark in my life. I was like, he senses my fear. He knows. Okay. Restaurant.
Starting point is 00:34:05 First pick. Restaurant's good. I like to use, restaurant. First pick. Restaurant's good. I like to use, feel free to use this. Anyone out there listening, feel free to use it. Hey, you. Want to go get dinner? Hungry? Hey, you. Tacos? I could go on a whole rant about this. Like a little accent there.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Restaurant. Hey, you. Hey, you. I'm so tired of cooking all these good ranchers every single day Little accent there. Restaurant. A-U. Oh, man. A-U. A-U. I'm so tired of cooking all these good ranchers every single day because it's so delicious. I just need a little bit of rest. A-U. Do I need to keep ranting about this or can we go to Arby's?
Starting point is 00:34:36 Huh? That character wants to go to Arby's? A-U. Huh? That's an Arby's guy. That is a stereotypical Arby's guy right there. I don't know if it is curly fries jamocha shake hey you
Starting point is 00:34:48 what is that what do you think he's doing I don't know where's he going I thought it sounded a little Hispanic but oh no hey hey that doesn't make sense but then you know he started to look like towards the end is you know in water boy his dad like
Starting point is 00:35:04 Bobby Boucher's dad, he's not in the whole movie. He comes back at the very end and he's like, Bobby boy! And he's cross-eyed. That's kind of what you look like when you were doing that character.
Starting point is 00:35:12 You look like Bobby Boucher's dad. Okay. Hey, you, Bobby! We're going to be famous! That's what you look like. Okay. I've never seen Waterboy. Quite the compliment.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Yeah. Yeah, you look like that cross. I've never seen Waterboy. Quite the compliment. Yeah. Yeah. You look like that cross-eyed guy. All right. You look a lot like him. My first pick is going to be onomatopoeia. Oh. I'm going to write this one.
Starting point is 00:35:37 You want to go ahead and spell it for me, Jake, to see if you got it? I think it's- No, there's mat. Yeah, onomat. I remember that. So put me down for onomat. Most spelling days you're in, you can just kind of take it in chunks like this. I Yeah, onomat. I remember that. So put me down for onomat. Most spelling days you're in, you can just kind of take it in chunks like this.
Starting point is 00:35:47 I'll just do onomat. It has mat in the middle. Yeah. You take it. Onomat. A. A. P.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Wait, what are you starting with? No, no, no. It starts with O. Okay. Put me down for onomat. I already put that down. That's why I went to the next part. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:04 Onomat. What's the next vowel? O. Is it all O's? Onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia. I don't think we know. I'm going to say A-P-E-I-A.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Nope. P-I-A. Excuse me? P-I-A at the me? What did he say? P-I-A at the end? Why isn't it not giving me substitutions here? I guess I can look at the actual. Nope.
Starting point is 00:36:32 Onomatopia. It wasn't O. O-P-E-I-A. Yep. Is everyone following along with that? So the way I remember that is, oh, no. Oh, no. My mat.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Oh, Georgia peed all over it. Does that help? That's easy. All right. My next one, this is a 1-1 for me. I've talked about it before. The hardest word for me to spell, rhythm. Yep, on my list.
Starting point is 00:37:02 I never know where. I know there's a Y. I know that something doesn't make sense. There's like a TH, you know, that runs into something. So by far the hardest word. How do you remember it? I'll tell you how I remember it. How do you remember it? I am a big
Starting point is 00:37:15 cool runnings guy. Well, you got to keep a rhythm while you're doing it. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, RH5THM now that is rhythm. It is alright. That's how I remember it. Sorry, you were going to say something about cool running? I honestly do remember it by thinking it's just like rhyme, but rhythm. Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Something, something, it's bobsled time. Something, something. Bobsled time. Something, something. Bob side time. Like that. That's not bad, actually. It starts off like rhyme. Yeah. Write them. Write them. Write them.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Remember that? That guy, he's like some, I don't know, some guy in Georgia back in the day, Rackham. Did you ever watch that? No. That was like back in like the Tourette's guy. Remember Tourette's guy? Bob Saget. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:09 It was like when I was a sophomore, junior. And that's what you're doing instead of watching water. Rackham. Yeah. This guy would just say rackham all over all the time. Rackham. Rackham. Somebody out there knows I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Next pick is a word that I commonly get wrong. Really rely on autocorrect. I'm going to go with itinerary. Ooh, I understand, uh, kind of what it's supposed to look like, but the eyes and ease and,
Starting point is 00:38:33 you know, I, I never take the time to fully spell it. Just get close. Just throw it in there. Yeah. Just kind of, uh,
Starting point is 00:38:39 you got it. Let's see. Caitlin spelled out one for us. I T. Uh huh. Okay. Okay. Okay. one for us. I-T. Uh-huh. Okay. Okay. I-T-I
Starting point is 00:38:50 N-E-R-Y. Oh, missed a syllable there. That's itinerary. A-R-Y. There you go. I think that's right. You got it. Good job. You are ready to be married. Thank you. Okay. That was a long clap. You got it. Good job. You are ready to be married. Good job.
Starting point is 00:39:06 Thank you. Okay. That was a long clap. My next one, I don't even really know. I kind of know what this word means, but not enough to spell it out very often. Acquiesce. I had that on my list. Did you? Yes.
Starting point is 00:39:18 I've never used that word. There's too many C's and Q's, and then you got the S-C together. No thanks. Do you use it very often? I acquiesce on it every once in a while. Let me put it this way. I acquiesce this morning. Acquiesce every once in a while. It's like on the office.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Word of the day toilet paper is going immensely. I don't think she says toilet paper. Whatever. What is run amok? Michael doesn't quite know how to say it. Right. Kind of like that. Your imagination's running amok.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Acquiesce, yeah. Had it on my list. Good pick. Thanks, man. Thank you. Do you know how to spell that one? Oh, so that one. Oh, I can't spell it.
Starting point is 00:39:58 I can't spell it. I need to acquire the letters. What does acquire start with, Brad? A. C. Q. Does it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Maybe that's me on my list, too. Yeah, you're right. I think I would have known that, I think. I think I might have. I don't know. I might have just done A-Q on that. Acquire is my honorable mention, for sure. There you go.
Starting point is 00:40:20 All right. Well, and then from there, just E-S. Mm-hmm. Okay. I remember it. All right, Kaylee, get two in a row. All righty. All right. Well, and then from there, just E-S. Mm-hmm. Okay. So I remember it. All right, Caitlin, get two in a row. All righty. All right, number two.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Fushesis. I don't even know if you said that right. I think I did. Caitlin's doing words that are hard to pronounce. Yeah. Yeah, we talked about that. Caitlin's like, uh, worst-ish-ish-ire sauce. How many S-H's are in there?
Starting point is 00:40:51 I think you're saying she. F-U-S-H-I-S-I-S. This is great. P-U-S-I-S-I-S. P-U-S-I-S-I-S. P-U-S-I-S-I-S. M-U-D-E-V-I-S. P-U-S-I-S-I-S. Medivus. Cremetus.
Starting point is 00:41:06 Something like that? Take your pick. Diabetes. Which one do you want? Diabetes. Type 2 Fasetus. I think it's Fus. Fus-e-cious.
Starting point is 00:41:18 And you were saying Fus-e-cious. I missed the S-H's around. Fus-e-cious. Fus-e-cious. Fus-e-cious, yeah. Fus-e-cious. Number two. That is aious. Facetious, yeah. Facetious. Number two. That is a really hard word to spell.
Starting point is 00:41:28 I'll give you that. Because it's more, it's like a T-I-O-S, T-I-O-U-S or something at the end, right? There's no S-H. And it starts with an F. Yes. I thought it was P-H for a long time. Harrison thought it was a P. That's why I chose it.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Facetious. Facetious. Oh my gosh. Just an all-time move by by Harry that's a good pick thank you are you being serious I was being so creases being damnated
Starting point is 00:41:56 alright my number three I have a long list I can't wait this is going to be like airplane that one gets me every time I have a long list apparently there's I can't wait this is gonna be like airplane yeah that one gets me every time um
Starting point is 00:42:09 nauseous oh good one oh good good one anything when you know there's vowels together yeah
Starting point is 00:42:15 lots of silent vowels nauseous nauseous nauseous how do you remember it I remember I'm a big Paul Walker Vin Diesel guy
Starting point is 00:42:23 like together only together yeah and so when he's like think we should hit the nausea on How do you remember it? I remember it. I'm a big Paul Walker, Vin Diesel guy. Like together, only together. Yeah. And so when he's like, I think we should hit the NOS, cuh? On Too Fast, Too Furious. I don't even know if Vin Diesel's in that one. And he's like, yes?
Starting point is 00:42:37 I don't know. But hey, whatever helps you remember it. Hey, but that's just how I remember it. Yes? Everyone, you know, everyone's on their own. Hey, you. Nos. Es.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Ese. All right. My next pick, let's see. I'm going to go, this is a little bit of a Jake Triplett pick because it's like a little bit outside the box. Yeah, fun. Which he doesn't throw away very often. I'm going to put, when you're trying to abbreviate street on your phone,
Starting point is 00:43:06 I live on a street, and I always say blank street, S-T, and it always, always, always, or St. Louis even. If you're from St. Louis,
Starting point is 00:43:16 I feel for you. At Louis. Yes, at Louis, every time. It's like, you got it. That's a common thing.
Starting point is 00:43:23 So literally, I tried to put it in my notes as ST on your phone. And my notes right now say at on your phone. Cause even, even my computer tries to correct it for me. I might potentially have a, have a hack for you here. Have you noticed anytime that like you make someone a contact in your phone? Yeah. It now, now your phone knows that as a word. Yeah. But dude, I got a lot of issues with iPhones these days. Okay. Go crazy. Go ahead. And I think you're just saying like, so then it would know like to do it that way. Just name someone and put my last name in there as Jake street. And from now on,
Starting point is 00:43:53 ST will be a word, but nowadays they are not even capitalizing it unless you're like tagging that person. Have you noticed that? Like I'll say Jake and it'll make you like put like tag Jake triplet in the thing, or else it'll just say, oh, like lowercase J-A-K-E. Kills me. You know, my big beef, anytime you want to pluralize a day of the week, it always puts an apostrophe S for you. Also. Which rarely do you need an apostrophe S for Mondays. Yes.
Starting point is 00:44:18 Monday's got to work great. Fine. That's fine. But normally it's like, yeah, I'm free on Mondays. I'm free on Mondays. Yeah. You don't need the apostrophe. I teach sculpt on Mondays. I'm free on Mondays. Yeah. You don't need the apostrophe. I teach Sculpt on Mondays.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Nice. I go to this awesome Sculpt class on Mondays. What about, okay, are you guys AirPod users? Big time? Yeah. You guys upper middle class? Have you noticed like when you get a text these days, Siri just like freaked out. I don't know what's going on.
Starting point is 00:44:44 They don't know contractions. Have you noticed this? Oh, I have that turned off. I don't know what's going on. They don't know contractions. Have you noticed this? Oh, I have that turned off. I don't want notifications in my ear. Okay. You? I haven't noticed that. It doesn't know can't. It's like can'ty, I can'ty come. I'm like, what?
Starting point is 00:45:01 We'll be there in a minute. I'm like, what is happening? Yeah, no, genuinely. I didn't T notice that. Shouldn't T. I'm like, what happened to the American language? Steve Jobs
Starting point is 00:45:15 dies and everything goes down the crapper. I don't know. Someone just told me they have when you have AirPods in for be real notifications, it says be real weird. It's like, it's time to be real or something like that. Yeah. It's one word.
Starting point is 00:45:28 It just, yeah, I think it's, it's, you know, you're like saying Bahrain or something. There was a, but rail,
Starting point is 00:45:33 I think maybe if you do Y a or maybe just Y a, I remember one time specifically gunner texted me and said, can't wait to squeeze you. And I remember in my headphones, it was like, can't wait to squeeze. Yeah. I was like, what in the world did he text me? So try it out. I don't know how many A's,
Starting point is 00:45:52 but I don't, I can't imagine it being more than one A. I've just seen Gunnar saying, can't wait to squeeze. It was like this goat just took over the phone. So anyway, all those things I like, I like that hack, but I don't know if it's working anymore on this iOS. I know from personal experience, when I met someone, it's like, okay, I don't know Dave's last name, but I met him playing pickleball. He's in my phone now. It's Dave Pickleball. So every time I spell that word, it capitalizes pickleball for me.
Starting point is 00:46:14 Yeah. Okay. I'll try it. I'll try it. Anyway. Okay. Is it back to me? My last two?
Starting point is 00:46:20 Yes. Okay. I'm going to go with conscientious. Conscientious. There's a T in there. You don't think so. You think it's going to be with conscientious. Conscientious. There's a T in there. You don't think so. You think it's going to be all S C's. Because conscious.
Starting point is 00:46:28 Because conscious. Yeah. Or conscience, which is crazy that those are even two different words. Yeah. Because they mean kind of similar things. Now that we're talking about conscience and conscious, I don't know what's the difference.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Right. I got out of the spelling being second grade on the word conscious. Wow. Still remember. Haunted Wednesday. Yeah. Wow. Still remember. I remember I missed incapable. It's kind of ironic. And then torrential. I remember asking dad, I was like, how do you spell that word? He's like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:46:53 How fast was a Stratford spelling bee? Like you got six people in it or something? I feel like I got second place every year if that tells you how. Oh, nice. Good job. How small the spelling bee actually was. Yeah, fascist over here. Fascist. Schedulicist. good job how small the spelling beat actually was yeah fascisis over here got second fascimus schodlisis
Starting point is 00:47:08 okay and then my last pick I'll go with liaison ooh okay tricky yeah you do not like a lot of vowels in there the vowels yeah
Starting point is 00:47:22 I know they're in there was it L-I-A I-A-S-O-N? Nope. That would be Hawaiian. That's too many vowels. L-I-A-I-S-O-N. There you go, yep.
Starting point is 00:47:31 Liaison. Yeah, I know. I would love to hear Siri try to read me a text from somebody giving me directions in Hawaii. Yeah. I mean, with all those apostrophes. Aloha, eloha, makaloka, awakawaka. All right.
Starting point is 00:47:46 My last one is going to be... Don't make fun of me for this because I'm a little bit embarrassed. The word is embarrassed. Embarrassed. Oh, yeah. Embarrassed. The R's and the S's?
Starting point is 00:48:04 I think it's just the R's. Yeah. No, I know it's two S's. I think you double up on both. Yes, you do. And I think I only give one R. I only give, I don't give it the respect it deserves.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Right? So, you got to really embarrass yourself. Because when you're embarrassed, it feels like a little. So, you remember it. Oh, here's an easy way. That sounded so different. Just say it weird., here's an easy way. Here's an easy way.
Starting point is 00:48:25 Just say it weird. Embarrassed. Just put two R's in. When you say it. Embarrassed. Say the second R. Embarrassed. Embar.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Embarrassment. Embarrassed. Easy. When you're embarrassed, it feels like a long time you're embarrassed. Boy does it. And you're always like, are you seriously going to, are you serious?
Starting point is 00:48:49 You start stuttering. Yeah. Are you kidding me? Are, are, are, are, are, are like a seal.
Starting point is 00:48:55 Anyway. All right, Caitlin, last pick, finish it off for us. Oh, we do four. Yep.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Oh, you ever seen Matt Rushmore? Okay. I already said nauseous. I was like, I'd like to say nauseous again. That was really hard. That was really good. Chauffeur. Oh, good pick.
Starting point is 00:49:15 Chauffeur. Chauffeur. I'm going to say C-H-A-U. A-U. A-U. A-U. Come back here with the car. I got to get to the big event.
Starting point is 00:49:30 I'm going to take away the A-U. C-H-A-F-F-E-U-R. A-U is right. Chaffier. No, yeah. C-H-A-U-F-F-E-R. Nope. What?
Starting point is 00:49:40 Yes. I was close. Okay, I had it. E-U-R? That's what my... When I typed it in, that's what it came up. It is A-U, and it's E-U. Yeah. I was close. Okay, I had it. E-U-R? That's what my... When I typed it in, that's what it came up with. It is A-U, and it's E-U. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:49 A-U. E-U. When I put the other one in with just E-R, it seemed all right. I don't know. It seemed all right, or did the object say that? It seemed pretty close. It had a blue line. What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:50:02 Mine also has a blue line. A thin blue line. I thought that was more of a grammar punctuation. This is technically a word, but I don't think it's the word you want. I don't know what to do. I'm going to do a full sentence. The chauffeur drove me around. No blue line.
Starting point is 00:50:16 Just needed a full sentence. With E-R? Oh, wait. No. E-U-R. Put it with E-R and see what happens. Is it one of those like both of them work? No, E-U-R. Put it with E-R and see what happens. Is it one of those, like, both of them work? No, it's red now. There's a word, buses. You can spell that two different ways,
Starting point is 00:50:33 with one S in the middle or two S's in the middle. Or the word canceled. Yes, that can have one L or two. Judgment. Can have an E-M-E-N-T. Yeah, it can. Yeah, it can. Yeah, it can. Yeah, it can. Yeah, it can.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Yeah, it can. Yeah, it can. Judgment. Judgment? J-U-D-G-M-E-N-T or J-U-D-G-E M-E-N-T. Judgment without an E does not.
Starting point is 00:51:03 Also, guys? Yeah, yeah, guys. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:06 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You're right. Chauffeur with the, just an ER is how you spell it in French. All right. Well,
Starting point is 00:51:12 well, that's how you spell heat in French. Dang it. Let the record show that Brad touched that one for himself. Did it to myself there. All right. We got any, well,
Starting point is 00:51:25 I'll summarize them real quick. Caitlin said, these are hardest words to spell. Restaurant, facetious, nauseous, facetious, and chauffeur.
Starting point is 00:51:37 Brad's are onomatopoeia, acquiesce, ST for street on my phone, embarrass. Jake's are rhythm, itinerary, conscientious, liaison. We got some honorable minch. Yes.
Starting point is 00:51:51 Also, Brad, you are right. If anything, judgment without any is more correct in the United States, it says. Huh, Caitlin, what do you have to say? You're about to be married, so you need to learn how to submit to a man. Might as well start with Brad. Might as well start now, huh? well start now my honorable mentions millennial anything like that millennium
Starting point is 00:52:12 millennial I screwed that one up too because are there two N's or not there are or nah yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:52:19 okay anything like that where there could be multiple letters like embarrassed or necessary if I have necessary down, I have beginning down. Because you start at the beginning easy. One G, two Ns.
Starting point is 00:52:30 Anyway, emasculate. I kind of said that to Brad. That one used to be tricky, but once you get the E, you can figure it out. And Brad goes, there's an E? I thought it started with an I. You would think so. But just like anything else, like, oh, you're mobile, now I'm immobile. You always put an I in front of it. But emasculate for some reason um i'd acquiesce i guess that was all my honorable
Starting point is 00:52:51 mentions millennial emasculate two that i don't struggle with but i see a lot of other people definitely that would say defiantly or no i always see definitely that one too definitely definitely definitely um and i obviously you know ls custom creations people ask about dining tables a lot dining oh they say dining all the time all the time uh this was more of a grammar thing but people from the smaller. I'm like, you have seen. You saw. Of course I see saw. People also like to really
Starting point is 00:53:31 mess up loose. They always spell it loose. You see that all the time online. Presence is one. The presence of mind. That one struggled for me. I get the S and the C maxed out. Longitude back in the day. I actually put an M in the front of it for a spelling bee. Have I told you that? No. Yeah. I was like in the
Starting point is 00:53:53 front. I was at the, yes, I froze Caitlin. It wasn't like I thought there was an M it was like, there was two people left in the spelling bee and they're like, all right, Brad, your words longitude. And I go longitude. M. I just froze. It's like on Billy Madison. Yeah. Are you going to the mall? Um, sacrilegious is another one.
Starting point is 00:54:18 I think it's hard. Okay. So I think it's sac religion and it's sacrilegious. Yeah. Uh, zucchini. Okay. And fuchsia oh good one run fuchsia by me real quick run that bad boy right over here f-u-h-s no way f-u-h-s-c-h-i-a brother that was almost too crazy it's not f-u-h there's I've never seen a word start with F-U-H.
Starting point is 00:54:46 Wait, it does have a red line under it. There's no way. You're literally just typing in exactly what you think it sounds like and saying it. Yeah, it's F-U-C-H. That's still really, really tricky. But I was like, yeah, there's no way it's F-U-H. Bro, it's crazy how hard this is to spell. M-F.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Golly. You're right. All right. Fuchsia's a really good honorable mention, though. Thank you. That's a wild word. Do you have any, Caitlin? Accessory.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Okay. The C's and the S's. Yeah. Or are there two R's? There's not. Oh, yeah. Sorry, there's not. Did you say necessary?
Starting point is 00:55:30 A little bit, yeah. It's tricky. Vacuum. Oh, that's a good one. I've never struggled. I have trouble with that one. Just being honest. Never went through a phase.
Starting point is 00:55:41 V-A-C-U-U-M? V-A-H-C-U-U-M. One C, two U's? V-A-H-C-U-U-M. Vacuum. One C, two U's. Okay. How do you remember that? I say C-U and U later. You're talking to the trip, huh?
Starting point is 00:55:55 Oh, yeah. Yeah. Last one. Diarrhea. Oh. Isn't that a little weird? Last one. Di-F-U-C-S.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Diarrhea. The R's, the H. Yeah. Wow. That's it. Do you remember Darby? What's her last name? Darby Madden from camp.
Starting point is 00:56:13 So her middle name is Ray, spelled R-H-E-A. And so her Instagram name was Darby Ray, but it looked like diarrhea. Darbaria. It looked like Darbaria. It says all those letters. We were like, Darby, you got to change it. That's unfortunate. She had a lot of nicknames.
Starting point is 00:56:26 Because also, I mean, Slumdart Millionaire. That was a fun one. Kentucky Darby. Yeah. Oh, that's a good one. Darbaria was great, though. Yeah, Darby is a cool name. Rachel and I were talking kid names recently.
Starting point is 00:56:37 Why? You guys talk to kid names? Yeah. Yeah, it's kind of fun. It's for fun. Yeah. Really? I don't remember ever having that conversation.
Starting point is 00:56:44 Grow up, Brad. Just being honest, It's for fun. Yeah. Really? I don't remember ever having that conversation. Grow up, Brad. Just being honest, you know? What do you guys got? You want to run in and find me? Everyone tells, well, this is kind of a funny thing. It would be funny to hear Rachel speak on this. She's always getting told she looks like something, and sometimes something.
Starting point is 00:56:58 Yeah, well, sometimes it's like weird. Yeah, not quite. Just inanimate objects. But it's usually like cartoon characters with like like not even like the good like it's never like you know you look like moana or elsa for my stage honestly yes she's heard that once before she heard that once don't say it don't if you think that don't say it out loud yeah she's always she doesn't yeah compared to just like weird creatures that might have like big features or whatever like big eyes or whatever and so i
Starting point is 00:57:25 don't know if that's crazy comedy but it's enough to where rachel's like man just one thing i want to be i want to be you know violet from the incredibles not you know uh edna mode or something like that you know like i want to be the good one yeah from the show but she also gets all these um just older actresses she's always getting we got we got it in the Gene Schwartz comments yesterday. Betty Davis, I think is her name. Betty Davis Eyes. Yeah, there's a song about it. A song about how big her eyes are.
Starting point is 00:57:51 So she's always getting that one. She's always getting Goldie Hawn. Anyway, this is a big sidebar. I'm saying all this, Goldie. We like the name Goldie. Goldie. She does look a lot like young Goldie Hawn. I like that.
Starting point is 00:58:03 Goldie's cool. Two light haired people probably going to have a nice. There's a chance. Yeah. Yeah, we can get a pretty golden-looking boy or girl. Golden retriever. Pretty cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:12 You know what we really like? Our inspo is TJ and Brooke's kids' names. We love the vibe of their kids' names. Yeah, they're very themed. That's like their style, I feel like. I think that's Rachel and I's style, too. June, Sunny, and Daisy. Just like very happy names.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Yeah. I love those. Yeah. I really like Sunny. Yeah. Do they spell it S-U-, Sunny, and Daisy. Just like very happy names. Yeah. I love those. Yeah. I really like Sunny. Yeah. Do they spell it S-U-N? Uh-huh. Put it on a list.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Yeah. I think I'm very attracted to names that end in Y or I-E. Interesting that you called it attractive. That's funny to me. You know, I think I get hot from things that are I-E. I love kids that Indenweb You know what revs my engine? Little boys and little girls
Starting point is 00:58:49 who end in IE Johnny I was like yeah I don't work at a school anymore Too many Rosies and Daisies I like Rosie Thank you Hattie
Starting point is 00:59:03 I love the name Ruby Nice and old But you go IE on Ruby? I like Rosie. Thank you. Well, don't stay around. Yeah, really. Hattie and Rosie. Thank you. No, I love the name Ruby. Oh, yeah. Ruby's good. Nice and old. But you go IE on Ruby? Why? Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:59:12 I like Molly, Lucy. Yeah, Catherine does too. I think those are in the realm of the Ellis's brand. We're much more classic. Yeah. We do like those. And I feel like Gunnar's going to have just a bunch of like hilariously like cool new things. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:25 Knox. Or just Nos. Yeah. He really wanted to name... His last name's Duckworth. He really wanted to name their kid Devante. Yeah, or Deuce. If he was a boy.
Starting point is 00:59:36 He likes Deuce, too. Deuce Duckworth. Deuce Duckworth is cool. He just loves the alliteration. Devante Duckworth. Named their baby girl Delaney, which is great. I would love for them to have a blonde-haired, blue-eyed kid. Devante.
Starting point is 00:59:46 Devante? Oh, where were you born originally? Were you adopted? Yeah. And Gunner's kid would pull it off, too. Yeah, probably could. Anyway, that's been Schmores and Baby Names. How's wedding stuff going?
Starting point is 00:59:59 Obviously, you're kind of there now. Yeah. You've got two weeks? Ready for it to be here. Yeah, 17 days. Wow. I'm excited. 17 days. Wow. I'm excited. Is there anything you haven't,
Starting point is 01:00:09 like, do you have anything on the list? I feel like Jake had a few things, you know, last couple of weeks to do. Our seating chart. Oh. We're kind of excited about.
Starting point is 01:00:16 We're waiting. I liked it. Yeah. It's like a little puzzle. Yeah. It's fun. We're just going to like print it out somewhere on Office Max or something,
Starting point is 01:00:24 but like. rather than like what i don't know send everyone a google doc send everyone on geocaching around the venue find your seat yeah good luck uh but yeah we're going to print it just like the day before because everyone that's ever had a wedding has said somebody's going to tell you like two days before that they can or can't go, so don't print your seating chart yet. Oh, okay. But yeah, we're excited to do that. Yeah, that's great.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Fun puzzle. That's really it. Yeah. I thought the seating chart was fun. I also didn't have nearly as many people at the wedding as Rachel did. We didn't have a ton of family or any interesting dynamics. It was just like, Casey Cornelius. Oh, what seat should he be at?
Starting point is 01:01:01 My one friend from high school, it's like, I'll put him at the can of coke table. They're so fun. And then like Josh Mayer, Trey, who do they vibe with? Or, you know. And then you just end up pairing people for like the weirdest reasons. Like, well, they, they each,
Starting point is 01:01:13 I know they each played baseball growing up and they have kids now. So they can talk about that. Not a ton in common, but. And you don't tell them that those things are the things in common. Like they both love Doritos, nacho cheese. You should put,
Starting point is 01:01:27 yeah. For seating charts from now on, maybe I should, no, I'm not going to do this too much work. Like beside every name, some facts, loves Doritos.
Starting point is 01:01:34 Or just have like a name for like, you guys are the Doritos table and everyone's like, why are you Doritos? I mean, I like, I like cool ranch Doritos. Like dude, me too.
Starting point is 01:01:42 Oh, okay. And then you got something there. Yeah. You always give them conversation topics. Like, here's why I chose you a Doritos. Like dude, me too. Oh, okay. And then you got something there. Yeah. You always give them conversation topics. Like, here's why I chose you a table 17. Um,
Starting point is 01:01:49 bring up fuchsia. Both like that color. How, uh, yeah. As, as a, obviously as the bride,
Starting point is 01:01:55 it's so much more planning. How's, how's, how's mama triplet been? How's, how's, I'm sure your dad's stressed. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:03 Yeah. Cause it's just, she's much more like, are you organized too? Or is that your personality? Yeah, a little, she's definitely more than me. Okay. Yeah. She has, she's doing all of the flower arrangements, all of our centerpieces, the bridesmaids. Okay. It's like, it's all fake flowers for that. And she has put together everything. Wow. Basement is like the ping pong table. The pool table is just filled. It's like a floral shop. Yeah. My dad's like, she spends like 10 hours a day down there. Wow. So she's done with all that, but we can't get into the venue till 11. So, okay. Oh, the day of. Yeah. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:02:37 So your house might look like a floral shop. Yeah. Um, she's a little worried about that, but I told my mom, you know, like every, like the photographer, all of our other vendors, I tell them our timeline and they're like, okay, great. Like it's normal for a downtown wedding to get in it. Like Emily Duckworth said they got in at noon. She said it was fine. Everything worked out. But yes, my mom's very organized. She has every table. We'll have 19 tables and every table has a huge box with every thing that we'll go into. That gets me going. I'm attracted to
Starting point is 01:03:10 that. I am attracted. I'm attracted to that organization as well. Yeah, it'll be great. I'm not worried about it. If you need any help, any hands on deck, Trish or Caitlin, let me know. All right.
Starting point is 01:03:25 Thanks. Bo is ready. Bo is ready. Bo is carrying one of those boxes. Oh, God, Dad. I can't wait for Uncle John, coach. Got to be doing the wedding. Can't wait for how that goes.
Starting point is 01:03:36 He sent me the script yesterday. It sounds good. Fun. Yeah. Yeah. He's going to do a great job. Dearly beloved. He's practiced it a thousand times.
Starting point is 01:03:45 He's so excited. Did you hear about, maybe, I think we talked about it on the podcast, but how Uncle John, we thought he looked like a blind guy. Did you hear about that? Like, Gunnar brought that up again recently and just started dying laughing again. Hardest I've ever seen Gunnar laugh. We're all in the pool hanging out and Uncle John
Starting point is 01:04:02 comes out like kind of carrying his shoes weird like kind of up in his armpit and maybe some shorts or something. He's got really big black sunglasses on and just kind of looking up a little bit. I mean, just everything about it was just perfect. And he's got some physical, like, he's getting older
Starting point is 01:04:18 and so I think he kind of walks a little funny. He's kind of waddling. And so I think, did you say it? Yeah, you're like, you look like a blind guy and Gunner laughed harder than I've ever seen him laugh before because he kept like I say that
Starting point is 01:04:30 but then he continues to walk it continues to really look like a blind guy for a while like not even looking down right yeah kind of feeling his way to the seat nothing to look at
Starting point is 01:04:37 yeah he was great but anyway you can get on with whatever you need to do the rest of the day thanks for joining
Starting point is 01:04:44 yeah all right see ya all right bye thanks got a sculpt right. Anyway, you can get on with whatever you need to do the rest of the day. Thanks for joining. All right. Got a sculpt. Awesome. Fun. Keep it there. It's fine. You got enough room? Yeah. That little squeak.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Man, that tickled my lips. All right. Man, it's hot in here. Yeah, you feeling it? Yeah, warm. Also, well, let's do a quick shout-out real quick, and then we'll talk about why I'm wearing this thick old shirt. Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:16 Main Tree Roasters is back. Hey-oh, hey-oh. They're back. Yeah yeah they are baby they're still back main street roasters you guys know them you guys love them we love them too uh contacted hayley said hey we're we're kind of up on our contract you want to keep going and they said yeah we want to keep going we want to do one every single episode and i said uh okay so shout out to main street roasters the best coffee in the world i'll say coffee i'll say it i'll say best smelling i'll say best tasting i'll say best small town indiana coffee shop to
Starting point is 01:05:57 go to uh-huh so shout out to main street roasters check Check them out. Promo code GRKC. 10% off. All the good things. Yeah. Go crazy. If you're all stocked up on coffee, get yourself a mug. There's nothing that pleases me more than people posting about the brands that we sponsor on here and say, it really is that good. And people are posting on Facebook group all the different flavors.
Starting point is 01:06:20 Flavors I didn't even know they had. Yeah. There's so many good ones out there. Check them out. You will not be disappointed. It's yeah. The yeah the main street is the url but if you're typing this in your phone just make sure you really spell out street because you know i might auto correct to at either way urls are picky yes spell out street that's a good point
Starting point is 01:06:37 jacob or just save main street roasters as one of your friend's names in your phone smart and then it'll always autoorrect and then every time you're trying to send directions to main street it just autocorrects to major got a fun anyway shout out to them major promo code grkc we love them get them uh okay so yeah we got some some fun things to talk about we got a mahomes bobblehead here i'm wearing the mahomes t-shirt wedding gift from gunner and uh so basically about a week ago i got a text from a guy uh from his name was jackson shout out jackson shout out jackson man big j and he's like hey uh i'm with the chiefs so it's like oh this is jackson mahomes
Starting point is 01:07:20 right turns out not not it's uh way better jackson delay works in marketing and he was just like hey we're doing a uh a private screening of quarterback that's coming out on netflix which any chiefs fan probably most football fans know about this coming out if you don't know basically netflix had a lot of success kind of uh with these new sports documentary series they did drive to survive brought a lot of business a lot of intrigue to the sport of F1, uh, racing. Then they did tennis. Then they did full swing, the golf documentary that was a success. And so we didn't know this at the time, but all last season, Netflix documentarians were following around Patrick Mahomes and it happened to be the year he won MVP the year he won a super bowl. And it is just like behind the scenes access. Like
Starting point is 01:08:02 we've never seen before, even chiefs fans who who like we soak up any kind of Patrick Holmes content we can get and we've never seen him like this like we're in his home we're like seeing what they do on the weekends we're seeing how he treats his dogs you know like it is awesome and also following him around the season he won MVP oh yeah and so chiefs fans especially are I've just been so fired up about this the trailer came out a month ago everyone was texting about it talking, talking about it. It looks so cool. Scott was so pumped. I remember, yeah, in the group chat, we were all just like, oh my gosh, this is incredible. And the fact that we just didn't know about it.
Starting point is 01:08:31 Yeah. Like it was just like a secret. Wait, he's going to be in the doc, like a really legit documentary. Like 10 episodes of Mahone. Hot dog. Hot dog. It was already the coolest thing. So fun to like drop in the middle of the summer when you're really needing some football.
Starting point is 01:08:46 And then yeah, Jackson texted us like, Hey, uh, before it comes out, we're doing a private screening at the chief's practice facility. If you want to, uh,
Starting point is 01:08:53 guest want to come, uh, we'd love to have you. Uh, yes. And so I was like, uh, texted Brad.
Starting point is 01:09:00 I knew he was getting back from Pennsylvania sometime Monday. And I was just like, please tell me you'll be free Monday night. And he's like, yeah, I can make it work. What's up? And I said, do you, do you trust me enough to surprise you? And I, at first I don't know if I did at first I was like, ah, and I was like, yes, yes I do. And let's do it. Yeah. So, so yeah, we,
Starting point is 01:09:19 Monday night was the night or I was getting home Monday from Pennsylvania from my bus slash flight. And yeah, I, long story short, my flight got canceled. I had to reschedule and everything. And so I had to have Jake tell me the night before, like, okay, this is going to cost me some money to get home. Is it worth it? What's going on here? He told me and I thought about it for like 15 minutes. I was like, heck yeah, it's worth it. I was trying my best to tell Brad if it was worth it without telling him at first. It's not like dinner with Patrick Mahomes. It's not something crazy intimate.
Starting point is 01:09:54 But it's pretty cool. I was like, it's like an 8 out of 10. I think it's worth flying back for. But I didn't know. And then eventually TJ gets on the phone. He's like, Jake, I think it's time you just tell us. We need to make an educated decision. In i was very appreciative that tj did that because i i don't know if the eight out of ten like because you're like you won't you'll be sad
Starting point is 01:10:12 that you didn't go but you won't it won't be like the end of the world if you didn't go and i was like well in that case maybe i should just stay but and then you told me and i was like no i gotta go to that that's pretty cool i gotta make that happen. So Brad woke up at 2 a.m. Central time, 3 a.m. Eastern time, drove with TJ to Baltimore, took two flights to get here. TJ is the real hero of the day. Like he's like, yeah, I'll drive you to Baltimore. No problem. It's an hour and a half. I'm like, are you sure that gum? Yeah. And it was worth it. It was awesome. Yeah. It was just so cool. I mean, we pull up to this practice facility. It looks so sweet. You know, you got to say your name to even get into the parking lot. Yeah, I was originally thinking
Starting point is 01:10:46 like we would drive together. But then you were already up north with Trey. And so I came and like, you know, my truck is the crappiest truck you can ever imagine. Like, it's not like the worst truck, like model wise, but out of those models of the 03 Chevys,
Starting point is 01:11:02 which is already 20 years old truck. I mean, it's rusted out like things are falling off like the hood spray painted like this guy's like there's no i pulled up and this guy's probably like there's no way this guy's on the list yeah yeah but i was like yeah jake triplets plus one brad ellis here it's like all right going in this is awesome yeah we get in there and uh well first of all so i before brad knew i was coordinating with katherine like is that okay for the day brad gets back can he go leave for three hours potentially and also the email i got said uh upscale chief's attire yes so i was talking to katherine like can you be in charge of dressing brad i don't even know how to dress myself for this but like let's you know can
Starting point is 01:11:38 you either way so we show up upscale chief style we look good yeah we'll post some pictures and anyway yeah we we get like pictures uh-huh and anyway yeah we we get like a little lanyard some cool stuff we take some photos and casey wolf was there the cheerleaders high five yeah yeah yeah we walk up this like really cool and long staircase and the cheerleaders are there just like doing the uh the palms and it's such a it's a long walk and it's only rad and i and they're not saying anything just smiling and doing that and we got there decently like it was like five gates open i think we got there at 5 40 and so it was like not a whole lot of people there yet and so it those pom-poms are loud and they're not saying anything they're just doing it as we're walking up and you just go
Starting point is 01:12:19 you're like you don't have to do that you guys really don't have to do that. You guys really don't have to do that. We can just... I mean, 20 plus steps at least, right? Yeah. And then that wasn't enough to quite like fill the time, that like joke and whatever laughter. So then I kind of just say to the sky, you guys know Morgan Noonan, we're friends with her. And then they're like, oh yeah, we know her. Okay, fun.
Starting point is 01:12:39 Oh, okay, we're through. Man, that sucked. Which we talked to other Chiefs people later and they were like, that's probably good for you guys wanting to spend less time with the cheerleaders because a lot of people want to spend a little too much time with the cheerleaders.
Starting point is 01:12:50 Sure, yeah. And we're like, no, that was, I don't know. Eyes on the velvet stairs. I am attracted to these stairs. But that was fun. We get in there and yeah, we just start just knocking, not knocking anything sorry
Starting point is 01:13:06 sometimes i get phrases like that mixed up knocking bows yeah rubbing elbows with the kc elite that's a funny character piece just yeah you get those mixed up so me and trent green were uh knocking boots last week dude for the longest time i used to think that hot and bothered meant that you were just warm and angry, like aggravated. Literally hot. I am hot and bothered right now. Yeah, the traffic. My older sister finally was like, hey, that's not what you think it means. My mom is hot and bothering
Starting point is 01:13:36 me right now. Gosh. Exactly. We were knocking boots. So we were knocking boots with people and yeah, I got to meet some fun folks and yeah, it was just fun. i didn't write anything down because i was just in the moment i feel like but i'm trying to remember some of the fun parts they uh unlimited fruit and drink but it wasn't like a dinner plate usually food food and drink i thought he said fruit sorry food and drink but it wasn't like a plate like a filet of salmon it was like
Starting point is 01:14:03 yeah the smallest fork i've ever seen in this little like disposable cup and man i went back i told rachel i was like i had a thousand of those and i was like okay i didn't actually have a thousand but i guarantee you i had more than anyone else there how many you think you ate i bet i had like seven yeah i went back a lot and you were so funny because you're like i wish this fork was bigger like it's just like like jake and brad are just like fish out of water at this place. I just get a normal fork. Like, I don't even know if they really think you should be eating the rice underneath.
Starting point is 01:14:31 Like, I don't even know if that wasn't their intention at all. You're like, gosh, it's hard to scoop out this rice. I'd say my first five little mini bowls. I still try to use the fork to eat the rice. And I don't know if you caught the last two. I just started shoveling it. I was just shoveling rice. You're like tapping it out. Hold on. You're working. Oh, you caught the last two. I just started shoveling it. I was just shoveling rice in my mouth. You're like tapping it out.
Starting point is 01:14:45 Hold on. You're working. Oh, wow. VP of marketing. Hold on. Cool, cool. Yeah, we did a cheese interview video at the parade. It was awesome.
Starting point is 01:14:53 Look up jean shorts. Well, it's called pretending to be the local news. But hold on. Yeah, honestly. A lot of people liked it. Yeah, it's just all about being bold in public. Oh, man. Dude, speaking of that video,
Starting point is 01:15:06 I followed up with Jackson yesterday and texted him, which he's in my phone as Jackson Chiefs, which is kind of fun. But just like, dude, thank you so much again for inviting us. We had so much fun. Also, I don't know if you ever saw this video we made at the Chiefs Parade,
Starting point is 01:15:22 but I said, if you ever need some high-energy guys to make some Chiefs, some fun, facetious content, Chiefs content, then we'd love to be considered. Yeah. And he said, for sure. Thanks for passing this along. Looks like you guys had a good time with it. I'll share it with the team,
Starting point is 01:15:38 and we'll definitely keep you in mind in the future. I'm sure that doesn't mean the marketing team. I'm sure that means the Chiefs team. I'll get this in Kelsey's hands. Yeah. Andy Reed will be watching this first thing in the morning. So that's so nice. He definitely show that to Pat, Pat, Pat, Pat, you know, just trying to be a family man, go trade. Uh, that was fun. And yeah, I guess speaking on the same token of like, yeah, we'd love to do anything. We were kind of telling of telling them like you know even when i got the text from jackson i mean i should go up and see what i said to him
Starting point is 01:16:08 because i was like dude you're i can't believe you're inviting me to this i'm not even gonna try to play it cool this is so awesome i'll be there i'll find someone i'm just going nuts yeah and we even kind of did that when we met him in person we were just like dude if you ever want to invite us to anything we will come this other girl came up who also works in like talent yes she was awesome she was great uh new zealand fun accent dallas texas dallas texas i went to school dallas texas i was like you did and we were just like uh anything you want to invite us to we will be there and brad just kept going like test us test us i dare you invite us to something you think there's no way we'll come to i bet we come yeah i was joking i was holding the jerseys before the super bowl i'll help you do it i was like you got a meeting with your boss you're
Starting point is 01:16:47 not looking forward to i'll talk to you beforehand brad i'll talk to you afterwards we will be there for you got a big taste a tease i'll help you with your taste so that was really fun uh what else we uh i mean pork bellies dude so yeah it's just like i don't i don't know i recognize a lot of people there like a lot of sports talk radio a lot of newscasters yeah bobby bell who's i don't know if he's in the hall of fame for the pro football but definitely chiefs ring of honor definitely yeah um yeah just like but then there were some people i was like i don't know if you're like me and you're just kind of a plus one here uh but there was this woman, I don't know, it was probably a 60-year-old black woman. Awesome. So fun.
Starting point is 01:17:26 Just so fun. And they had like four or five different food options, and one of them was just a pork belly and a little cup. It was just little one-bite-sized pork belly things. And they were awesome. I really enjoyed them. And Jake and I were standing right by them most of the time, just hanging out.
Starting point is 01:17:39 And this woman comes up. She's like, do you know about these pork bellies? I was like, oh, they're amazing. She's like, know about these pork bellies i was like oh they're amazing she's like i never had pork bellies before this this is insane you know we just became like best friends you're bonding over the pork belly she's like do you know where these are from i was like i don't know but if i do i'll tell you she's like okay you tell me that now um and then like she kept going back a few minutes later she's like i'm gonna pretend like i haven't been here before she's like oh they got pork belly oh i've always wanted to try those she must have had seven pork bellies yeah so she was really fun we uh we get into the
Starting point is 01:18:15 uh well as we're walking into the theater like brad just started getting extra silly like one there's people all around us and brad like pretty loudly he's like man it's so cool that patrick holmes is gonna make a special appear. Oh, I just ruined it. I just ruined the surprise for everybody. No one reacted. It was that in real life. No one turned around. No one even laughed at the joke.
Starting point is 01:18:35 Jake laughed. You laughed. Yeah, I was like, that's funny. But no one did anything. And then we get in there. There's a guy. Oh, we got to talk about when we were talking about the attire and we're like, what is Chiefs of Skill attire? brad's like i might just wear like a red kind of roback or promo code gr kc 20 or runners 20 yep either one works yep roback roback we love them uh and brad was joking it was like might just show up in a full suit and a chief's dude i forgot about that oh my gosh oh dude that was nuts yeah i was like that's obviously like because i
Starting point is 01:19:08 don't have any like chiefs i don't have a chief's polo or anything like that i have rowback polos because those are the best polos in the world um but i have a nice chief's hat i have like the chief super bowl hat and yeah i said that i was like i'll just come in a suit in a chief's hat there was a dude in that exact same thing. He was sitting in a row in front of us. We get into the theater, which is cool. It's where the Chiefs watch a game film. Really nice seats, great speakers.
Starting point is 01:19:33 And this dude wearing a full suit and a red Chiefs hat is just taking a little video on his phone, and he's kind of panning around. And before he can get to us, Brad's like, over here. Keep going. Keep going. Over here are us. And then we're doing all the things in front of the camera.
Starting point is 01:19:45 And then we're like, Brad's like, oh my gosh, that guy's wearing a full suit. And he did. Guess what, guys? He didn't look cool. Like, yeah, by that point, I think I kind of got in the vibe of like, okay, this isn't like some crazy formal event. We can be a little bit goofy here. Tell them about getting to your seat.
Starting point is 01:20:01 Also, yeah, I just, so my hands are full because there's also free snacks. They had peanut butter filled pretzels. You guys know how much I love those right now. You know we're going in on the snacks. So they were like in this fun little funnel cone shape. And I've got those. I got a water. And then they had mini cupcakes,
Starting point is 01:20:19 which I see why Kevin Malone hates them. They're actually already a miniature version of cake. Yeah. But I had a little mini cupcake. So hands are full and you get in there and they've got red and yellow popcorn for you. Hands are very full. And so I go to sit down at the seat, which is kind of like a movie theater seat where it's up and you're going to have to kind of use your romp to push it down if your hands
Starting point is 01:20:39 are full. Well, something with my pants or the chairs themselves. But like when I went to use my weight to push it forward, it would just slide off me and I would end up pushing the seat back. So like as much as I would try to do this, like it just didn't. I just couldn't get the seat to go forward. And I refused to like set anything down. I was like, I'm going to figure this out.
Starting point is 01:21:01 And I'm looking around behind me. There's like sporting KC player, like professional soccer. I was like, what'd you guys do with the slippery seat? Yeah. How did you guys like Graham Zussi? Like one of like the world cup, like members is like right behind watching Jake. Just like trying to ship me into this thing.
Starting point is 01:21:13 Man, is it slippery pants? How did the chiefs do it, man? Yeah. Yeah. Do you think, do you think Kelsey has like cupcakes in his hand when he's doing this?
Starting point is 01:21:23 And yeah, I also think I might've been the only person to bring a cupcake into there. No one else was spilling. I did get a video of the cupcakes. Yeah, we were just a little fish out of water there, but it was fun and we had fun. Yeah, we had a lot of fun. The documentary was awesome. The sound system was pretty cool in there. It's fun watching
Starting point is 01:21:37 with a live studio audience because there were funny parts. It is a lot of fun. Yeah, I laughed out loud a lot. Yeah, I think everyone's going to come out of this loving Kirk cousins or at least like our type of audience. I think I told Rachel's like, you're going to love Kirk. Oh, like, yeah, he's just an everyday guy that happens to be a football player. And like, yeah, like his house didn't even look super crazy.
Starting point is 01:21:59 Nice. Yeah. You know, like he had a huge backyard, but like the house itself is his master bedroom. They show his closet with all his clothes and stuff. It's just like, that looks like my closet. You know, like he had a huge backyard, but like the house itself is his master bedroom. They show his closet with all his clothes and stuff. It's just like, that looks like my closet, you know, um,
Starting point is 01:22:09 he rips up, gets, gets a hole, like burns a hole in his sweatshirt. That's my favorite sweatshirt. Oh man, it's my favorite. And it's like literally like a black sweatshirt with an Adidas logo.
Starting point is 01:22:17 Like it's no, it's nothing crazy. I bet they would send you another one. So anyway, it's just, yeah, I think overall I've already watched like part of the second episode. It's like, this is another one. So anyway, it's just, yeah, I think overall, I've already watched like part of the second episode.
Starting point is 01:22:27 It's like, this is so good. So fun. Yeah, it was a great time. Got a bobblehead to commemorate it. Yeah, we each got beheads. We got some memories. Yep. It was fun.
Starting point is 01:22:40 And yeah, who knows? Planted some seeds with some fun Chiefs people. You never know. Yeah. It'd be so fun to be the Chiefs guys. We probably talked for like 20 minutes with Matt McMullen, who's like the, I don't know, like he's like the Chiefs reporter. Like there's obviously like the main announcer for the Chiefs named Mitch Holtis.
Starting point is 01:22:55 I feel like Matt's kind of like the second guy, like almost like being groomed to be that guy potentially. I don't know. I don't know if he prefers the term groomed, but yeah, he's like probably next up. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And some line of fun chiefs. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:07 Success. But yeah, really fun. Good times. It was a fun event, but I think it doesn't even come close to what ground. It was going to be not even close brother. They will both be in Kansas city,
Starting point is 01:23:18 but that's, and they'll both be fun, but that's about all they have in common. Cause ground is going to be amazing. It's, it's going to be way longer. I'll tell you that much right now. Weekends worth. We have a couple of fun new things to tell you guys about
Starting point is 01:23:28 trickle them out there. I think you should start with the plan for Saturday night after the between shows kind of. Oh yeah, this is so fun. Um, shout out to Brandon Faulkner for the idea. Brandon's coffee corner. Brandon's coffee corner. He's like, hey, uh, in between, like after the four o'clock show, the people that are, you know, in between, do you think we go to Sinzetti's for dinner? I said, absolutely we can. So I don't care if you are, yeah, a part of the VIP package or not. Anybody's invited to Sinzetti's for dinner, probably be around 630 or seven, depending on when the show is getting over. What do you think? Yeah. What time will the show get over? Yeah, probably 630 or so. There's only one location,
Starting point is 01:24:04 one here and one in Denver. So do the one in overland park so if you're heading west you're going the wrong way um yeah i think it should be a lot of fun go get sin zeddy's before the little rooftop hang or maybe it'll be our send off for some of you that didn't get the vip which is totally fine uh because we're the vip package is dwindling and we don't have very many left quantity wise yeah it's true there are still quite a few of the normal ones though. Yep. And yeah, update on the rooftop hang.
Starting point is 01:24:30 We have a location finalized, secured baby. The rooftop is going to be at chicken and pickle. Yeah, it's gonna be pretty fun. Yeah, they, they have a roof.
Starting point is 01:24:41 It's really cool vibe up there. It's kind of a fun part of the city. And yeah, we're going to rent out two pickleball courts. If you guys want to play pickleball while we're there, we're going to have, I think, some food. There's going to be drinks. It's going to be awesome. It's just two hours with us.
Starting point is 01:25:01 No age, right? It's not 21. All ages. Yeah, all ages can come, which is one of the things we're really excited about with that spot compared to there's so many options for bars and stuff. And it's like, well, what if a mom's bringing her teenage kid? Like Chicken and Pickle is a great spot for everybody.
Starting point is 01:25:20 And it's just great vibes. Probably seven minutes from the, uh, venue, maybe like a little bit longer from Sinzetti's, but yeah, um, it's going to be awesome. It's going to be so much fun. A great way to cap off Ron Grande boo weekend. Yeah. Um, and if maybe this is the first episode you've ever listened to, or just flat out, don't know what we're talking about. Grande boo. It's a weekend of fun. You are all invited to come hang out with Brad and I, August 18th and 19th. We're going to do a live roast,
Starting point is 01:25:50 a private birthday party, live podcast show, standup comedy show with me and Trey rooftop hang, and maybe some other stuff that we haven't told you guys yet. Yeah. We got a few more surprises. I think next week might have some more to trickle in. We'll trickle in baby to tell you guys about.
Starting point is 01:26:09 I would like to like, I think it'd be fun to offer some kind of discount for anybody who would help us recruit some people to come like a, like a group discount or something. Yeah. And so like, what if we say like, if you order four tickets or more, you get a discount, like you get a bit kind of fun because no one has bought four or more yet. So it's not like anyone who's previously done this got screwed. Yeah, as far as I know, I think it's like, yeah, three is the max maybe so far. You thought Caleb Lee got seven last week. I did. I made a little mistake.
Starting point is 01:26:35 But yeah, if you want to bring your whole family or you had some friends or you had some strangers, hey, beat the system. Post in the Facebook group. Sure. Oh, I like it. Why not? I don't hate it. Do your thing.
Starting point is 01:26:47 That's fine. We're like encouraging them to 25% off that. That's yeah. Yeah. What's the promo code going to be? The boo 25. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:02 I was just a grande 25. Yeah. But, you know, some people out there, you know, Michiganders don't know how to spell grande. Yeah. Yeah. I was just like grande 25. Yeah. But you know, some people out there, you know, Michiganders don't know how to spell grande boo B O O 25 B O O two five. And that'll get 25% off. Yeah. Why not? That's kind of fun. I dare you. All right. I dare you, dude. Yeah. Let's join us. Yeah. Cause we still have, I mean, we're, we're selling well, but we still have more. So if you're on the fence, consider this your push. Because we are just, we're so excited about it.
Starting point is 01:27:29 It's like the majority of what we're talking about all week is just how can we do this? What can we do here? How can we think about this? So it's going to be so fun. Please come. Please come. Please come.
Starting point is 01:27:40 Just please come. Please do it. Golly, I'm so excited about it i'm so pumped would love for you guys to come especially like going to tj's live event i mean just there's just something about like and obviously you know this because you're performing like there's something about the energy of it there's something about like the deeper community like obviously walk in love those people got to know each other they became like i don't know it's just it's just cool so um i'm hopeful mean, imagine a whole week with these new friends,
Starting point is 01:28:08 like it's going or a whole weekend. I mean like a full two days. I don't know if maybe people are staying Sunday too. Like they're going to become friends with these people, have inside jokes with these people. We've seen lifelong friendships come from weekends like this before. So, um, yeah. Take me and Brad out of the picture. Just think about the community you'll get and the memories you'll make just with, you know know a couple hundred other ghosties you have this pretty cool common bond there's just something yeah they're salt of the earth people so humble salty uh should we do some reviews of the week reviews of the week i'm ready if you are great uh mine come on google docs pull it it is. Uh, mine's coming from
Starting point is 01:28:46 Michael PJ eight, do yourself a favor and be a ghosty. I think is what it says. Five stars, best podcast ever. I had the pleasure of meeting Jake at Trey's grow up to her in Atlanta. And it was crazy that in about a span of two seconds, while I was saying nice to meet you, I had the thought of, why did I say that? I'm so dumb. We've met before. Oh, wait a second. No, we haven't. Phew. That wasn't a dumb thing to say after all. Just having that internal thought to myself is a true testament to Jake and Brad's ability to become two of your best friends who you feel like you've known forever all through a microphone. It's obvious once you listen to this podcast that Jake and Brad are two of the most genuine people on this earth. They're funny and caring, and they even inspire myself to be a more positive person
Starting point is 01:29:24 with even the little things in life. If you're looking for a lighthearted, hilarious podcast, check these guys out and join the ghosty crew. You won't regret it. Let's get it. Michael J. Let's get it. Let's get it. I remember meeting you, Michael. That's awesome. Great to hear from you again. That's, you know, you're, you're so used to meeting fans and stuff. I'm not. And so I'm always like, like they say their name and I'm always like, hey, I'm Brad. And they're always like, I know. And I'm like, well, just in case you don't. Yeah, I always introduce myself.
Starting point is 01:29:51 Just feels polite. Yeah. You don't want to be presumptuous. They know me. They're in line. I know I am. There was a guy that came up to me. He's like, dude, you're really funny.
Starting point is 01:30:00 You should start a YouTube channel. And I go, do you know? He really, like, he did a pretty good job and i was like i okay you know and everyone else around him is laughing so okay got him mine's from just drinks uh says sup boys i've been a listener to the pod for a long time and i love it i probably started when y'all were at episode 55 i just want to say i also grew up listening to my dad's weird music. Daddy sang bass and mama sang tenor. But when we were kids
Starting point is 01:30:28 we used to change up the lyrics to daddy ate steak and mama made dinner. That's clever. So when I heard Jake bring up that I free-fren cracked up. That's a new word. Free-fren. She has a hard time spelling.
Starting point is 01:30:44 Oh, wow. And he's Haley from Main Street Roasters time spelling. Oh, wow. And he's Haley from matri roasters, brother. Oh, you're for her free from brother. Oh yeah. Part of the best free from coffee family in the world. Fun. Well,
Starting point is 01:30:55 thanks for the review, dude. I thought you were going to read the one. Did you see the other one about the guy from McLean's? No. Did he? Oh yeah. Read that one too.
Starting point is 01:31:04 Or just tell the story either one i i didn't even see that yeah basically like i saved that one for you but i like that one yeah so we met rachel and i went on a early morning walk one day this week last week i don't know when it was but uh we we got our stuff we're about to sit down and this dude walks like around the corner looks at us and freaks out like i've never seen a fan freak out in my life. I was like, this dude thinks that I'm Harry Styles. I mean, this is the kind of treatment you give, you know,
Starting point is 01:31:32 Shawn Mendes or something. I mean, almost dropped to the ground. I think he stayed on his feet, but his body dropped to the ground. Kind of a quick squat, both hands on his head. Did a full 360. I can't believe this. A full 360? I can't believe this. I can't believe this. You know, I was just like,
Starting point is 01:31:48 wasn't saying anything. I was like, you know, at this point, I assume he knows me, but I don't know what's going on. And yeah, come to find out, his name is Harry. He was awesome. He ended up sitting down and talking to us for probably 15, 20 minutes, but he, long story short, he came all the way, he drove in the middle of the night from Oklahoma to
Starting point is 01:32:04 support his friend who had a disc golf tournament this, uh, that day in Kansas city. And he came, I think, kind of to support his friend and kind of was like, well, I mean, Jacob Braddard, kid sitting, maybe I'll see him. And so he convinces his friend as, as they drive throughout the night, uh, they drive from like midnight to 6 30 AM and they go straight to McLean's with the hope of maybe he would run into you or I there. And this is, I think the second time ever that Rachel and I have woke up early and walked to McLean's. It's not a regular thing we ever do. And anyway, I think he was just losing it. Cause he's like, I can't believe this worked. Like I just, last night I was in Oklahoma. Now I'm at McLean's.
Starting point is 01:32:38 I mean, the odds of it working is very slim. Yeah. Yeah. So that was just really cool. It's really fun to talk to him. He like FaceTimed his girlfriend. We talked to her for a little bit. He goes up. He's like, I'm going to order something. I'll be right back. Well, that happens. Another two people come up like, oh my gosh, you're Jake.
Starting point is 01:32:52 I was like, oh, what's going on? Like, we're from North Carolina. I was like, whoa, what is happening? McLean needs to sponsor us, I think. Seriously. Yeah. Two out-of-state ghosties who came to McLean's because you're always saying like, come to McLean's, maybe you'll see us.
Starting point is 01:33:03 Right. It happened back to back and they were in town for the Taylor Swift concert, and so it was a wild 30 minutes of McLean's. Yeah, just a small world kind of thing. That's so fun. I've been to McLean's twice. The last two days, I haven't seen anybody. Just been sitting there by myself.
Starting point is 01:33:24 Bummer. Saw some K-State basketball players there yesterday. They didn't say hi. They are not fans of the content. Anyway, yeah, that was all fun. Brad, do you want to end this episode with a jingle? I do. This jingle is written by a
Starting point is 01:33:38 fan named Megan who signed the end of the jingle, Forever a Ghostie Megan. Oh, thanks. Don't know her last name, but... Thanks for your loyalty, Forever a Ghostie, Megan. Oh, thanks. Don't know her last name, but... Thanks for your loyalty. Hard word to spell, Megan. Yes, I'll say it's a different way of spelling it. M-E-A-G-A-N.
Starting point is 01:33:52 Nope. M-E-G-H-A-N. Nailed it. One more. Oh, I didn't nail it. No, no, close. Just keep spelling. You're not done yet.
Starting point is 01:34:01 M-E-G-A-N, classic. No, no, no. M-E-G-H-A-N. N? N, no. M-E-G-H-A-N. N? N. Two N's. Weird, Meggo. Maybe it's Meg-Anne. We don't know. Meg-Anne.
Starting point is 01:34:11 What's the song? Oh, my gosh. Uptown Girl instrumental, which is, of course, by? Elton John. That's right. All right. I think I'm plugged in. I think this should work. This one's for you to sing to Rachel someday. Is it really? From that perspective?
Starting point is 01:34:29 It's about Rachel. I'll say that. Fun. I pressed play a long time ago. I just want you to know that. I've heard that so many times. I know. All right.
Starting point is 01:34:38 Here it goes. All right. Here it goes. Do we need? All right. Here it goes. All right. Seriously. Here it goes. Do we need... All right, here it goes. All right, seriously, here it goes. Is it this one?
Starting point is 01:34:49 Here we go! Here we go! Top golf girl. Nice. She's been living in New Hartford Okay, Megan Running when she heard the ghost runners pun Her move to Kansas was a plan of God
Starting point is 01:35:14 Jake hoped to marry a sporty girl When he met Rachel at Pickleball And then he found out she was Topgolf girl a year of dating went by in the world she's not too tall and to surprise the ghosties at f12 her shirt revealed that r likes Jake. They bought a house for sale, a craftsman, a cross from the Ellis fam. But only Rachel lived there at the start. A promised house for two Christian hearts.
Starting point is 01:36:02 And next Jake asked her to be his wife co-host for life i'm having a hard time with the key guys Oh, runner's top golf girl Jake popped the question in Meadowbrook She didn't know Big Daddy bought the ring And that her family were all watching She made her choice And when she's walking She's crying down the aisle. And Jake was crying, he just bagged his dow-wow-wow.
Starting point is 01:36:56 Why is Jake smiling so much? Just because he's in with the top golf girl. Their parents prayed before she was born. So many heartfelt speeches from the fam. And the best speaker was a crying Steve. Trish threw the tissues. Goals. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, His Topgolf Girl You know he's in love with his Topgolf Girl Hey! His Topgolf Girl
Starting point is 01:37:51 You know he's in love with his Topgolf Girl His Topgolf Girl You know he's in love with his Topgolf girl. Nice. Thanks, guys. You guys are too kind. I know I hit the wrong key there quite a few times. That was tougher than I thought.
Starting point is 01:38:20 I thought you did nice. Thanks. Well done, Megan. Well done, Rachel. Shout out to Megan. Well done, Brad. Fun little show today. Shout out to Megan. Well done, Brad. Fun little show today. Shout out, Caitlin, for joining us. Vote on the Schmores in our Facebook group. Just join the Facebook group regardless. I'm shocked at how often maybe I'll meet someone after a show or something and they'll introduce themselves as a ghostie and then I'll mention
Starting point is 01:38:38 something about the Facebook group and like, oh yeah, I need to join that. Yes. So more people are not joining than I would think are not just do it it is fun yeah it's so much fun and it's a great way to interact and yeah so many different ways so thank you guys come to grande boo and yeah find some three other people and save yourself some money what a hack yeah i forgot to have any updates every newlywed couple uh it's been sent, it's been DM'd over 200 times already in the last hour and a half. I think that's a good sign. I think it's going to hit the algorithm in a bit.
Starting point is 01:39:10 Also, very interesting, you can see how many people have mentioned you in your story. We're on two people's story right now. This one is a guy named Blake Miller. Tap it over. This person's name is also Blake Miller. Remember the girl I met after the San Francisco show who took a $400 Uber?
Starting point is 01:39:24 Her name was Blake Miller. Different ones? Yeah, different one than these two. Blake Miller. And remember the girl I met after the San Francisco show who took a $400 Uber? Her name was Blake Miller. Different ones? Yeah, different one than these two. Blake Miller, common name. I guess so. Or we're a Blake Miller channel. Yeah, we're just hitting the algorithm for BMs.
Starting point is 01:39:36 Whatever works. While they're sitting there, you know? All right. Let's do it. Have a good week. See you Wednesday. Ghost from the Spotcast. Ghost from the Spotcast. Everybody morning, we're taking round. Ghost from the Spotcast. do it. Have a good week. See you Wednesday.

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