Ghostrunners - 261 - The Difference Between Amish and Mennonites

Episode Date: September 13, 2023

We listen to voice memos from our fans! We tackle questions such as 'If you had to relive a Bible story, which would it be?' as well as 'What would you do if you came into a decent amount of money?' ...Check out Main Street Roasters and use code GRKC at check out for a 10% discount! Check out QP Goat Soap and use code GRKC for 10% off your order at Get yourself a pickleball paddle 20% off with code GRKC at Ghostrunners merch: Become a Patron and get exclusive content from Jake & Brad: Follow us on Instagram: Leave us a voice memo and ask a question: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Jake, you know we love our Facebook group here at Thrill the Ghost Runners podcast. Jennifer Smith, six days ago, posted some custom ghosty mad gavs, and I had fun looking at them, but I wanted to try to put my own in there, and it was a lot harder than I thought to reverse engineer some mad gavs. Well, even the first one she put, I feel like it's kind of tough. Yeah, which is so funny because once you realize what it is, it's like, oh. But it says, goat own nerds polkas. Goat own nerds polkas.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Goat own nerds polkas. Goat own nerds polkas. Goat own nerds polkas. It's a bit of a stretch. Yeah. Do you know what it is, Tymon? Yeah. Don't tell anybody.
Starting point is 00:00:45 I won't. Or, oh, oh, oh, near feet. Oh, near feet.
Starting point is 00:00:50 On your feet. That one's pretty good. On your feet. Sarah O'Dell had some good ones. Sarah O'Dell. Seating down to pee. Seating doubt to doubt OOP. Seating doubt OOP.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Heat the ot talk. sitting doubt upi heat the hot dog heat the hot dog it's hard when you know what they are Pamela Warren said I thought it was Mad Libs at first I was very confused yeah that checks out okay give me a noun
Starting point is 00:01:20 heat the hot dog cease sunder Give me a noun. Heat the hot dog. Cease, cease, sunder, and dull her expo rest-o-machine. Oh, that one's a good one. Cease, sunder, and dull her expo rest-o-machine. Cease, sunder, and dull her expo rest-o-machine. Should we just reverse and do our own where we're just like, Rendell Weaver.
Starting point is 00:01:51 That's the same. That's the same. Tie, tie, tie man at Hong Kong. What? Did I do it? Is that how you do it? Is that how you do it? Yeah. Time in and sensibility. Have a good Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:02:28 It's like, dude, I think you're being really offensive. No, no, it's Mad Gabs, dude. It's Mad Gab. I'm trying Mad Gabs. It's like you're literally doing sign language while you're doing it. Dude, that's really funny. It's Mad Gabs, dude. That's how I do Mad Gab. That's how you Mad Gab.
Starting point is 00:02:39 It's Mad Gabs. Do you want to play Mad Gab? Oh, roll it from there. That's great. Oh, my gosh. Uh-oh. Ooh, I think this tight beat means that it's going down. With some random thoughts and white meat, too.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Midwest best friends eating fast food on repeat. So come along, let's have some fun and go ahead, get on your feet, because this is the Ghost Rubs Podcast. Everybody morning, we're taking ground. Ghost Rubs Podcast. Ghost Rubs Podcast. Oh, that was Mad Gaps. That was fun.
Starting point is 00:03:22 I had a weird, very weird dream last night. It feels like a dream like this morning. I feel like it was like when Rachel got up, I kind of woke up and then I think the dream started. Basically, the dream was that I was being drafted for the NFL. Sweet. But it was like, yeah, it was sweet. What position?
Starting point is 00:03:40 That's the thing. Okay. None of it makes any sense. Well, it's a dream. Yeah. It's so funny like i was in like almost like a walgreens clinic if you want to kind of imagine it like that's your draft room or what this was so i i'm just meeting with this guy who's like got a computer in front of him and he's like on a piece of paper he's like all right so here's where like um the top uh i think it was, like I said, it doesn't make any sense, but he's like,
Starting point is 00:04:07 here's where five running backs have went in the first round. So do you like any of these guys? Like, would you want to play with any of these guys? And I remember even in the dream being like, I never knew how, I didn't know it worked this way. I didn't think I had to say. I didn't think I would get to choose. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:23 And why would I want to go with another? Well, maybe you're not a running back. Well, that's the thing. But he's like, yeah, we didn't think I would get to choose. Yeah. And why would I want to go with another? Well, maybe you're not running back. Well, that's the thing. But he's like, yeah, we want to pair you up with another good running back,
Starting point is 00:04:29 you know, so you can learn together. We'll thunder and lightning. And so I was like, well, I don't think I'm a, I remember thinking like, I'm not really running back.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Yeah. But if this is my chance to get drafted, maybe I should just be a running back. You know, like going through this, like, like, like this is my livelihood.
Starting point is 00:04:44 I have to take a chance here. Running back. Don't get paid as much as receivers these days. Yeah. These days is not good, but going through this, like, like, like this is my livelihood. I have to take a chance here. Running back. Don't get paid as much as receivers these days. Yeah. These days is not good, but maybe that he, that's where they see my talents best. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:51 You would get clobbered as a running back. Yeah. It just made no sense. I mean, yeah. And even this is what's crazy. I mean, this is just like four or five years of doing this thing,
Starting point is 00:05:01 but just like, I'm starting to think of content while I'm in the dream. And I started to think of like, Ooh, I mean, well, I mean, if nothing else,
Starting point is 00:05:08 good title for ghost, ghost runners episode is like, I was in the NFL draft. Yeah. Like I remember having that thought in the dreams. Like, well, at least we could title Wednesday's episode.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Like Jake was in the NFL draft. If nothing, yeah. If nothing comes from my NFL career, at least I have some content. I know the title will be good for one episode. And yeah, it's just like, I don't know. That's a weird part, but weird dream. I had a dream that, uh, Bo hit a grand slam, a walk-off grand slam.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Like in the pros or what? I don't remember anything else about it now, but I just remember waking up and being like, that was awesome. It was like, it was like one of those, like, go, you can do it, buddy. Go up there. Float it. Yeah, do it for me, bud. Okay, dad, I will. Went up there, and I think he was like Bo at three years old. It wasn't like Bo growing up as a 20-year-old, 25-year-old professional athlete. It's like Bo goes up there with his plastic bat and hits it over the fence.
Starting point is 00:06:02 I know people look into dreams a lot. I think I'm kind of on the fence of like, should we really be trying to garner this much from what dreams mean and tell us? But I am intrigued on why they're so weird. Like, why are they so just like strange? They're like this blend of like things that could happen, but
Starting point is 00:06:19 things that would never happen. Or like, where did that kid come? Like, that kid was in my third grade class. How'd he get there? Why is he in here now where did, where did that kid go? Like that kid was in my third grade class. How'd he get there? Why is he in here now? Yeah. What's he doing here? And why can't I remember what I'm doing tomorrow for my plans?
Starting point is 00:06:31 You know, like how, why, why is that there? I've heard that in dreams, all the faces are people you've seen. Yeah. You can't like create your own face.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Yeah. Oh, interesting. Like, even if you just like saw in passing in public or something like that, it's always a face that exists. Really? There might not be a better testament to what the brain is capable of than dreams because of like if you've got that all in there somewhere and you're able to like imagine it and feed it to your subconscious mind i mean just like you're storing so much in there
Starting point is 00:06:57 we just can't retrieve it it sounds like a ted talk like you'd be you'd be amazed how much your dreams, you know, can expand your life. Yeah. So live your dream. Hey, dreams die when you wake up. So for most people, so take an Ambien. You ever looked into lucid dreaming? I've heard of that, but I don't know what really, no. What is that? Lucid is the electric car maker, big in Marion County. No, they are like a Tesla competitor. But lucid dreaming is like a,
Starting point is 00:07:33 I think it's a way to train your sleep or your brain to where eventually, if it all works out, you could start to control yourself and your dreams or whatever. Kind of like Inception? Yeah. Really? Cause doesn't lucid mean being aware kind of, because I think,
Starting point is 00:07:49 yeah, it does like knowing that you're in a dream, recognizing that then you get the awareness. They're like, I'm in a dream right now. Cause I think like a couple of times I've been in a dream, like I've been, and I don't,
Starting point is 00:07:59 I feel like I barely remember my dreams. Like I dream, I remember a dream very well. Yeah. But like, there's been a couple couple times where i like realize i'm dreaming then i try to like fly or something it kind of works yeah so i see how like people could learn to control their dreams it's such a weird concept rachel has said that every now and then she will like wake up from a dream and it was a really good dream and then she'll try to quickly go back to sleep and she can reenter that dream again.
Starting point is 00:08:28 No. She said it's happened every now and then. You try to force yourself into it. Go back to Santa's lot. I want to win the lottery. It's like you realize it. Halfway through the dream, you're like, this is a dream. Don't wake up, though. Just stay here. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:08:44 You're doing it. You're all right. I know I don't wake up though. Don't wake up. Just stay here. It's okay. You're doing it. You're all right. Like, like I know that I don't really live in Yankee stadium, but I just want to be here a little bit longer. I know paper's dead, but he's right there. He's a good guy. Yeah. Anyway, that was my NFL draft dream last night. Um, this morning on the topic of sleep, my kids have been sleeping very unpredictably lately. That's cool. It's not cool. We're really specifically Bo and Rosie, mainly Bo.
Starting point is 00:09:15 But Rosie the other day, whatever, I was at my parents' house, long story short, didn't have a crib for her, didn't bring her like lovey, like her blanket that she likes to sleep with. So it wasn't going great already. Didn't really foresee myself like putting her down for a nap there, I guess. I don't know what I was thinking, but anyway, she fell asleep. It was great. And then like, and that was down in the basement, she fell asleep. And then like 30 minutes later, I was just having a conversation with my mom and my dad and my mom gets up to go do something in the hallway. And there's Rosie just playing with Bo and Hattie, just like got
Starting point is 00:09:42 like woke up, got out of her bed, like walked pretty far around like our basement to like walk up the stairs completely. We didn't hear her because she's small enough where she doesn't make any noise going up the stairs. And then we went back there and we had no idea. So that's kind of crazy. The whole rest of the day because she didn't sleep very much, but
Starting point is 00:09:59 it was awesome. At the same time, I was like, you might be the most rambunctious one out of all of them so far. So that's funny. Like she's,'s yeah she's finally mastered the stairs and she is utilizing them well stair master and then yeah bow is just i think i mentioned it last week like how he just wants to sleep on the floor yeah but it's like it's like progressed kind of it's kind of crazy i don't know what's going on with bow we got to figure out some stuff with bow if you guys have any tips on any of this stuff about to say, please let me know.
Starting point is 00:10:25 But yeah, he wants to sleep on the floor sometimes, which whatever. But now he's like sleeping right in front of his door. And so like, so you'll look on the monitor, you can't see him. And so it's like,
Starting point is 00:10:37 I got to go check on him. And then you open up the door and you're kind of barricaded in to the point where like, I'm like having to like, yeah, strong arm my way in, pushing him, basically dragging him across the carpet. Dogs do this.
Starting point is 00:10:52 But he doesn't wake up. Oh. And then I just pick him up and put him back in his bed. Oh, he's asleep for the whole dragging. But then last night, 4 a.m., I wake up because I can hear old lead foot. And I know he's getting like this habit of like going into Hattie and Rosie's room 4 a.m. I'm like, no way
Starting point is 00:11:10 are you waking up Rosie? And so I like bolt up that never gotten up faster in my entire life and just fly up and I'm looking around. He's turned on the lights to the playroom. And I'm like, where is he? You know, like he could be anywhere at this point. He's good at stairs too. And so and then I see him in the hallway to the playroom. Oh, my God. And I'm like, where is he? You know, like he could be anywhere at this point.
Starting point is 00:11:25 He's good at stairs too. And so, and then I see him in the hallway and he just goes, no, no. I'm like, what? He's like, my eye hurts, which is something he heard from Hattie because Hattie messed up. She got one of those like glow stick things and she like broke it on accident and got in her eye yesterday. So her eye genuinely hurt.
Starting point is 00:11:43 He's like, my eye hurts, so I can't sleep. I was like, go back to bed. But he had taken all the stuff off his bed and was like transferring it to Rosie and Hattie's room to like sleep on the floor in that room. I was like, we can't keep doing this dude. Like, and so I had to like take him back in there anyways, just 4am. So I like, of course I didn't fall right back asleep. And so I'm like sleep deprived now because of that. So anyway, just like it's on. And Oh, and then we woke up this morning. Catherine took a picture of it and I was still asleep. She came in, she like, show me your phone. And Bo was in the hallway with all this stuff sleeping. And I'm like, dude, what am I supposed to do with this? Like, how do we, do we just lock you in your room? You know? Cause then he's just going to
Starting point is 00:12:22 take his buzz light year and throw it up against the door and wake everybody up that way, man. So I don't know the answer. Threenager. Exactly, dude. Yeah. What do you do? I mean, you just give them a little extra something in a sippy cup, you know, put them down a little harder. Yeah. Do like melatonin or something for their kids. I'm like, no, I'm not going to mess with that. But hope my hope is just like, just hopefully eventually he'll just forget about it. Or he's not, he's not as enticed by like the idea of sleeping on the floor.
Starting point is 00:12:48 He's like, well, that was a silly phase. Yeah. But then again, he might be eight years old and still sleep on the floor if we don't stop this thing. It's so funny. He just loves the floor. Yeah. I don't know. And he has like, the stuffed animal situation has gotten out of hand.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Like it started out with like he had like a little like elephant blanket kind of thing and one bear. And that was just two things. And now he's got like a paw patrol dog. He's got another like beanie baby. He's got a moose. So all these different things. And some of them he wants to sleep with. Some of them he wants to tuck in and like put to bed himself. And I'm like, and then if one of them is missing, he knows. And I'm like, you just gotta, you just gotta suck it up, dude. You can't have one of them is missing, he knows. And I'm like, you just got to, you just got to suck it up, dude. You can't have all of them. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:13:27 So anyway, isn't there some kind of like parenting ideology where you don't get your kids any toys? Uh, maybe I think I've heard of that. I kind of, I kind of liked that. I was going to say,
Starting point is 00:13:37 I know that's hard, but it would be fun to try and do that. I told Catherine, I was like, that's the next thing we need to have as consequences is like taking away most of his stuffed animals. Like keeping those two main ones ones that like i think would be hard for him to sleep with that's his melatonin yeah 100 but all the other ones because had he kind of got to the point where it was like you have a mountain on your bed of these stuffed animals you can pick two
Starting point is 00:13:57 to sleep with you or something like that i don't know um and same with like the car like i never grew up with like toys in my car. We have like a basket of toys. And so sometimes the kids will just get frustrated because they don't have the right toy or something. I'm like, they wouldn't get frustrated if they had no toys to choose from. Yeah. Just look out the window. Just thinking about kids even 100 years ago, 200 years ago. Sure.
Starting point is 00:14:16 They had corn husks as dolls. Barely. Yeah. So anyway, I don't know. Figure it out. No toys. That reminds me of like giving kids a blanket when they're really young and then they can't sleep without that blanket. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:31 It's like just don't give them the blanket. Security blanket. Don't let them use any old blanket. Sure. You know? Yeah, and we've tried to be like easier on that with Bo and Rosie because Hattie definitely had like her lamby is what we call it, like a little lamb blanket.
Starting point is 00:14:45 And yeah, she like needed that blanket whereas like Rosie just needs a similar blanket or like Bo needs some kind of stuffed animal like we can give them a stuffed animal from my parents house or something but still I don't know I don't know gotta figure it out uh
Starting point is 00:15:01 little update so yesterday Rachel for the first time ever you know we've been together she's in school she's not working um but it's never needed to like borrow money we don't have the same bank account yet we treat it all the same we just haven't literally gone through that yet and she was like hey uh i think it's time i need to borrow a little bit. I was like, no problem. Borrow. And so I sent her a little amount and send it through. I tried to do it like just through my bank and that wasn't really working. So I was like, I'll send it,
Starting point is 00:15:33 send it through Zelle, just like Venmo for banks. I feel like it just, it works great. It's instant. It's awesome. And I go to send it. I'll just say the amount.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Who cares? It's within our, no, I'm not going to say the amount. Okay. I don't know. Whatever. It doesn't matter. Yeah'll just say the amount. Who cares? It's within our... No, I'm not going to say the amount. Okay. I don't know. Whatever. Doesn't matter. Yeah. Imagine a massive amount. Imagine like an amount that you could never
Starting point is 00:15:53 afford if you are not a just super successful comedian. I'm just kidding. I sent it to Rachel and within the Bank of America app, it's like, hey, just FYI, Zell, I mean, when you send this, these are very hard to recover. This is like sending cash to someone. I was like, well, I mean, that's if you're like sending it's like hey just FYI Zelle I mean when you send this these are very hard to recover this is like sending cash to someone and I was like well I mean that's if you're like sending it for like a business like this is my wife she's not gonna take my money like I hope she takes my money sure kind of thing I don't care text Rachel hey end up having to send it through Zelle so just
Starting point is 00:16:19 sign up for that whenever you can and get it to your bank and she comes back home later today she's like so try to figure it out um my bank which her bank is like a like credit a farmer's like credit union in iowa he's like they they don't work with zell they don't like zell they're never going to work with zell they don't even use electronic things yeah all paper paper. Yeah. And so I was like, well, that is interesting. She's like, I might be able to like transfer it to like my debit card, but even then it's through Zelle. It's just not going to work. And so there was a while where we were like, all right, well,
Starting point is 00:16:57 did I just lose that entire amount of money? Like did I just send it to no one or whatever? Like Zelle tried to warn me and I can't find it. Check the bank account this morning.'re back so okay at one point in time yeah it showed that i had sent that amount of money to rachel like it had left my account five million dollars yeah all right and it said like you know minus five million yeah and then today and it said it was processing today there is like it's like no record of any that has happened. You don't see the minus.
Starting point is 00:17:26 You don't see the plus. It's just not there. Okay. So are we good? There's no email. You didn't get an email saying it? It's like it never happened. It's like it was part of my NFL draft dream.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Maybe it was, dude. This is a lucid dream. I'm dreaming right now. You're doing it. I can do anything I want. It doesn't even matter. This is a dream. You're doing it, Peter.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Yeah. So I don't know. I think I got the money back, but I don't know I want. It doesn't even matter. This is a dream. You're doing it, Peter. Yeah. So I don't know. I think I got the money back, but it's like I don't know how much money was in my account before, so it's not like I could be like, oh, the money is back. You don't know how much money?
Starting point is 00:17:53 What? You don't know? No. You didn't pay attention to that? No. You're just doing just fine. Well, you just, yeah, I don't know. Go quick.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Hey, here you go. Here's money, five million. Well, surely, yeah. Surely, if you have, yeah, 30 million in there, it's not that big of a deal. Five. What's, what's,
Starting point is 00:18:08 what's one more, one more bill. Um, oh yeah. Well, if there's no indication, then there's no indication. It's just weird that it wouldn't say like,
Starting point is 00:18:16 oh, you might've said, and then you plus it. It's just gone. It's weird that you didn't get an email saying FYI, this, this didn't work. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Uh, cause you get an email saying like, Hey, the Zell transfer, they've accepted your money. Yeah. Because you get an email saying like, hey, the Zelle transfer was initiated. They accepted your money. Yeah. This happened. So stay tuned. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Mine lost it, mine not. But I think it's okay. Is that like the only thing going on like troublesome in your marriage right now? What are you referring to? Are you guys married? Oh, yeah, yeah. Oh, you are.
Starting point is 00:18:42 I thought you like had something specific that was also like going on. No, their certificate. Oh, yeah, yeah. Oh, you are. I thought you had something specific that was also going on. No, their certificate. Oh, yeah, you're right. You are referring. Yeah, Rachel and I might not legally be married yet still. So there was some problem with our marriage license. The first time getting in, I messed something up.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Apparently, you're not allowed to scribble. Why can't you scribble something out? I wrote Jake. It was the heat of the moment. I just got married. I'm like, oh, gosh, Jacob. Corrected instantly. They're like, we can't accept this because you scribble something out i wrote jake you know it's the heat of the moment i just got married like oh gosh jacob correct it instantly they're like we can't accept this because you scribbled out j-a-k it's like why can i white it out like we don't accept white out why not could you can i do it online oh of course not this is so difficult electronics in iowa yeah it's like all right no, whatever. We do it a different way.
Starting point is 00:19:27 The different way being forge all of it. Well, allegedly. Allegedly, of course. And then we turn that in. The city hall gets it. They say it looks great. The county gets it. It says, great, you're married. And then the state
Starting point is 00:19:42 gets it, which I don't know why everyone has to look over this. And they say, ooh, no can do uh something's wrong something's up with this did they say what it was i don't remember now okay and they said so rachel and jake we're gonna need you to send back the original that we gave you and i've got a copy you got the original yeah i guess so okay i've definitely never seen the original if anyone's seen the original rachel was saying she's like if anyone did have it it was given to my dad which was then given to me which are the two worst people to have this like remember last episode you said yeah we were starting our fantasy football draft and steve had to try to find his phone had to find his phone
Starting point is 00:20:18 to download sports illustrated yes um yeah i mean this is the guy who ran over his checkbook with a lawnmower yep Yep. And- He's not a detailed guy. Yeah, can be, but I think just like loses things often, you know, from time to time. Like 10 minutes before the wedding, he like went to Dollar General to go get glasses because he couldn't find his glasses. You know, just stuff like that. Great looking glasses at Dollar General.
Starting point is 00:20:37 They look great. Yeah. No, he's great. But it's just, I think he would say like, I should not be the one in charge of the marriage license. So we can't find it to send it in. So I guess we're not married. I don't know when we will get married.
Starting point is 00:20:48 I don't know if we have to find that. Can we just start from scratch again, go to City Hall and just say, all right, we're married. October 5th, I guess, is our wedding anniversary. Who cares? I jokingly, last night when you were saying all this stuff about the money woes, I was like, well, you know, a crazy thing that some people do when they get married is they like have the same bank.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Yeah. You're like, well, it's hard to do that when, yeah, all these different things. Rachel has a new passport that she's using for Australia. Yeah. Whatever, all these different little like stepping stones along the way. It's always something.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Yeah. It's always something, brother. It's always something. Tell you what. It's just not like priority one. Sure. You know. Oh yeah, it took Catherine, I feel like priority one. Sure. I know. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:25 It took Catherine, I feel like, a couple months to change her license, you know, driver's license and stuff like that. Honestly, there might be one, but there should be a service out there. It's like a concierge service that's like, hey, you pay a premium, but we will take care of all this for you. That would be awesome. Yeah. I hope that exists.
Starting point is 00:21:40 You would love it. I would love that. It's like a task rabbit for marriage. Yeah. Life changes. Yeah. I'm sure there's something out like a task rabbit for marriage. Yeah. Life changes. So. Yeah. I'm sure there's something out there.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Yeah, there's got to be a way where they could do it. Because I'm wondering if it's still so old school. Mail in your passport. Give me a break. And every state's different, I'm sure. Well, maybe not passport, but like the marriage license thing. Brutal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Anyway, tell you what's not brutal is soap. No. And I'll tell you what's not brutal within soap. No. And I'll tell you what's not brutal within soap. Goat soap. Goat soap. I talked about it on Monday, but yeah, I was up at Rachel's parents' house, and Angie, so supportive, she had QP goat soap ready to go in the shower, and it was awesome.
Starting point is 00:22:19 It really was great because I'm used to traveling, not getting my goat soap. It's not as enjoyable of an experience. It's not as nice, but this time it was awesome. So get you some goat soap. It just feels better. They have amazing scents. You're going to love it. Yeah, it's a local family.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Not local. It's a small business family from Florida started by a kid, Quinn, QP, Quinn Pittman, QP Goat Soap. And yeah, they just do it as a family. They're trying to teach Quinn. Quinn's learning new things about how to run a business as a 17-year-old kid. I mean, imagine how much more successful Timon would be if he was running his own business rather than working for us yahoos.
Starting point is 00:22:58 But they make a quality product. I officially have a favorite scent. You guys ready for this? Sandalwood. Sandalwood's my favorite. Really? I go love Spell, I think. Oh, good for you.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Yeah, I really like it. I do not have a least favorite scent because guess what, Jake? They're all amazing. But favorite is Sandalwood for both body and hair. They have both. They also have shaving, like facial soap, hand soap, all the different kinds of soap. It's amazing how much you can love your soap
Starting point is 00:23:30 when you go to, use the promo code GRKC, get yourself a discount. I believe it's 10% off, and check them out. It is 10% off. I was just trying to look through the Facebook page. Someone recently was like, hey, I want to support Ghostrunners even more.
Starting point is 00:23:48 What are all the advertisers? There were so many comments that were like, personally, I love QP Goat Soap. My favorite has been QP Goat Soap. It's a favorite among the ghosties. Join the movement. Get after it. The goaties. The goaties? Not bad. My wrist still
Starting point is 00:24:04 hurts from falling off the golf cart you know this weekend we were i was riding around the golf cart with rachel's dad and we were imagining what it'd be like to fall out of one it was not good i told i you know i went golfing with my friend jake size love shout jake uh he was with me and i was like dude i fell out of a golf cart a couple weeks ago and he could not stop because he knows me well enough to just imagine it and it's a pretty funny thing yeah dude it was it was not good and like i keep thinking like surely my wrist will feel better soon enough dang it still hurts it's it's getting better for sure it's not uh healing as quickly as i thought it would i was just like oh it's just a little sprain or something but little bone bruise we have actually i have have some beam, you know, I drink beam a lot in the mornings,
Starting point is 00:24:45 shout out beam. You can promo code. You see, um, but we, you know, I have like the small cup that I will often put a lid on, you know, and shake up the beam. And so put a lid on it, you know, shook it up, drank it. And then like two days later, I still had it in my truck, like whatever, kind of gross, but whatever. Um I had it in my truck, brought it inside and I could not open up. Like I could not squeeze enough with this hand to then get like, I tightened it too much. And so it's been on my like counter for probably two weeks. Just talk that way. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Just, you know, whatever, intimidating me. So. Yeah. I feel like the older we get, just the longer it takes to get over stuff. Yes, dude. You know, I was dead after sleeping in like pretty rough beds at both the YMCA of the Rockies and Estes park, and then going right from there to an Airbnb in Branson. And then at in Branson playing pickleball slip and slide, you know, and then golf, I just felt like I was dead. Yeah. So we're getting
Starting point is 00:25:46 old. We're getting old brother. And I tell you what, some things are fun. Some things aren't, but last Wednesday we did a schmores of instruments and it looks like time. It is going to run away with it. Time. It's got like 70% of the vote. I had like 8% of the vote. Oh yeah. Congrats time. So Brad is, I don So Brad is going through it. Like, as far as sports franchises go, it feels like I'm the Cowboys. What happened? Like, I was just a perennial winner. And now all of a sudden it's like,
Starting point is 00:26:13 will the Cowboys ever get it back? Even on weeks or years where it's like, they look promising this week. It's not even close. You know, flash in the pan kind of thing. I can't believe that it's not closer between you and Tymon. I know.
Starting point is 00:26:27 I think Tymon said voice, and everyone's just all in on voice. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, we're going to brad a break, so we're not going to do schmores this week, unless something comes up organically. Yep. Instead, we're going to do voice memos.
Starting point is 00:26:40 And we haven't listened to any of these at a time, so it should be fun. Perfect. First one's from Anthony Seth Deering. Is he the guy who sang the Richmond song? Yes. It'd be cool to hear from him. What's up, Jake, Brad, and Tymon? This is Seth from Kentucky.
Starting point is 00:26:55 I have recently finished all the episodes of the podcast and kind of bummed because what am I going to listen to now? Correct Opinions or something? Yes. I was also a fellow sheltered kid and I was homeschooled my entire life and I'm actually graduating in the spring. So it's awesome. I wish I could come to the ghost to get away, but I'm only 17. So I have to catch the next one.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Y'all are so amazing. I feel like I'm friends with you. Also, congratulations, Jake on bagging your dough my question for y'all is what is an embarrassing thing that you have said not knowing what it meant for instance uh once we were hanging out with friends i accidentally said a bad word not knowing what it meant the more embarrassing thing is i since i didn't know what it meant my mom had to
Starting point is 00:27:42 then take me aside and explain what it meant. Your mom. I love you guys so much. Uh, on your feet, on your feet. Ooh, that's tough for the mom. That's a tough look with the mom. I want to know what he said. Yeah. I really want to know what he said. Uh, I have a few really. Oh yeah. She's off the dome. I mean, I'm sure we, I'm sure the ghosties can be like, what about this one that you guys said? Nobel Peace Prize. Yeah. Well, one of them was in eighth grade. I kind of knew what I was saying.
Starting point is 00:28:10 I knew that it was like not super appropriate, but this guy was wearing like this cool like fur coat, and I was like, David, you look like such a pimp. Yeah. So whatever. Maybe we should say like, hey, don't listen to this with your kids or whatever if you don't want your kids to hear certain things. But I said that. And then this one's a little bit more,
Starting point is 00:28:28 whatever hot and bothered is like a, uh, term for like, when you're, you know, ready to like, it's warm outside, ready to have some, have some good times with your spouse. And I thought it just literally meant, cause when I get warm, I get like very angry. It's like when you can't get a hoodie off. Yes, dude. When I get very uncomfortable very quickly, and then I get hot, and then I get hot and bothered. So I'm like, oh, I'm sorry. I'm just so hot and bothered right now.
Starting point is 00:28:56 And finally, I feel like I've been using it for a couple years, and my sister was like, Brad, I don't think you should be saying. I don't think that. That means something different. So hot and bothered and 50 cent PINP. What was the one that your sister took you literally for around Thanksgiving? Oh, you do you.
Starting point is 00:29:13 And she was like, you go do yourself. What does it say? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's a good one. You do you. Tywin, can you think of any?
Starting point is 00:29:21 I'm trying to. I'm sure I have. The mishaps I can think back to, which I think everyone has this, like when you look back to something, when you cringe because of your own mistake, this wasn't like not knowing it, but for some reason I have this weird memory
Starting point is 00:29:34 of like a high school girlfriend's dad that I was talking to. And we're just having a casual conversation. I remember what I was talking about, but I remember that like I said something about like, yeah, well, I feel like in the in the school year it's nice because you get off for like so many holidays you know like there's labor day thanksgiving groundhog day and he was just like yeah yeah for some reason i think back to that all the time it's like that was so dumb of me to toss in groundhog day yeah i don't know why that stuck with me but i was like that was so dumb
Starting point is 00:30:04 and he went along with it, but I know in his head he was thinking, this guy is so idiotic. You think you get off for Groundhog Day? He's such an idiot. And I said that. And so that's one of those weird memories. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:16 You know, World Series Day. World Series Day. Sukkot. Sukkot. Sukkot. That was close. Sukkot. Sukkot. Sukkot. I was close. Sukkot.
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Starting point is 00:32:33 So... You can totally save, just not exactly like Dave. Save like only you can at slash ways to save. TD. Ready for you. All right, next one from Adam Bova. He was at Grande Boo. Oh, I love Adam.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Hi, Jake, Brad, and Tymon. This is Adam Bova, the bovine. I was just listening to your Monday episode, and Brad, your story about falling off a golf cart made me think of a question for you guys. So I already kind of talked to Jake a little about this at Grande Boo, but if you guys came into a mediocre amount of money, what would you spend it on?
Starting point is 00:33:07 Not like you won the lottery or anything, but you know, you came into a decent amount of money. So for me, my decent amount of money was from actually a workers' comp settlement. I got from a golf cart accident a couple summers ago where I flipped the golf cart and messed up my ankle pretty good, but I was able to take that mediocre amount of money and come to grande boo.
Starting point is 00:33:26 So it was very much well worth it. Also sidebar timing is an excellent pickleball partner. A highly recommend him. He is way better than he says he is. Okay. I'm running out of time. You guys are the best. Definitely do grande boo again.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Okay. Bye. We got to get time on the court. Thank you very much. I want to say, first of all, great voice on Adam. Yeah. Like should be a sports announcer. Bova, his vocal
Starting point is 00:33:50 chords sound really good. Very good. Yeah. Thanks. So, okay, let's define a mediocre amount of money. I would just say when I first thought of something, it's going to be a little more expensive than going to Grande Boo. Not winning the lottery, which I think of as millions of dollars.
Starting point is 00:34:05 That's like eight figures, 30, $40,000. And I thought swimming pool. Okay, perfect. Let's go 30, $40,000.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Cause I have an idea. I would love, love a swimming pool in my, in my house, in my yard, you know? Yeah. Mine with a diving board and a slide diving boards,
Starting point is 00:34:20 a must. And I want to maybe zero entry if I could, or at least like some nice stairs or something for little kids to enjoy without getting all the way submersed. Maybe some good winterizing options, maybe a good net, automatic cover. Sure.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Yeah, would love all those things. I don't know. Heated. Sure. Yeah. Ooh, yeah. I never had an in-ground pool. I'm sure there's a lot of features you can really...
Starting point is 00:34:42 No, yeah, me neither. I would love it, though. And I would let other people use it all day. I bet you there's a lot of features you can really... No, I mean, neither. I would love it, though. And I would let other people use it all day. I bet you would. Yeah. Neighbor Henry? If you know what here looks like, that would be so funny. Just a good old
Starting point is 00:34:58 Polish man, you know, just enjoying the pool. Sunscreen Henry. Don't forget. My idea, I'm sure I've probably talked about it on the podcast before, but I've wanted it for a long time. Pickle Henry. Don't forget. My idea, I'm sure I've probably talked about on the podcast before, but I've wanted it for a long time. Pickle barn. Oh, yeah. Big old barn. Yeah. Indoor pickleball court. Golf simulator.
Starting point is 00:35:14 Basketball? We could maybe have some basketball that comes down. Yeah. I don't know, though. The pickleball court has to be a good surface. I'm not willing to sacrifice the surface. Or we're going to do sport court so basketballs can still bounce. Yeah. Pickleball takes precedence.
Starting point is 00:35:27 You don't think that sport court and pickleball court are the same? No, bounce is different on a sport court. Yeah, yeah. It's got to be like that tennis court surface. Man, that's fun. So yeah, pickle barn. Maybe a little fitness studio up top.
Starting point is 00:35:39 Maybe there's a little loft area for Rachel. Okay. Do some workouts. Sweet. Pickle barn. Pickle barn sounds good. Timon, what would you do? I think just like some kind of studio for like shooting stuff. And even like maybe it could double as like an audio like music production studio because that's
Starting point is 00:35:58 something I'm so interested in. Like that'd be so fun to do. Yeah. But yeah, just like being able to invest in actually getting good gear for learning that kind of thing that does sound really fun it sounds so fun just a studio where you can make stuff and it's all soundproofed and all the gears there yes yeah like video and audio doesn't have to be huge but just like versatile we need to hook timing up with zane yeah they already kind of know each other oh they do a little bit yeah yeah. There you go. That's a fun question. Thanks, Bova. Seems like pickle barn,
Starting point is 00:36:27 now I'm thinking about it, might be pretty expensive. Surely, right? Yeah, you toss it in the golf simulator. The more things you mention, I'm like, ah, 30, 40,000? Yeah. Yeah, on top of that,
Starting point is 00:36:38 I don't even have the land for that yet, so. No, no, no. Anywhere. I'll put it under my house. Ooh, pickle basin. Are you allowed to just dig down as far as you want? I bought the land. No, no, no. Anywhere. I'll put it under my house. Ooh. Are you allowed to just dig down as far as you want? I bought the land. Do I have the land that goes all the way to the core?
Starting point is 00:36:53 That's a funny question. How far down do I own? Surely there's like pipes under there that they would say can't do that. But then if you go underneath the pipes. What if I leave the pipes? Just a little elevator down like 30 feet. I go until I hit water. Yeah. And then you got a swimming pool.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Simple. Cool. More people should, a lot of big cities think we need to build up. We need to be building down. Yeah. You know, where there's not,
Starting point is 00:37:14 uh, you know, chemical waste, smog, underground, and just people are very happy to just be living underground. Most successful people. They say I grew up underground.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Kansas City, they have those businesses in caves. Oh, yeah, that rock climbing place. Yeah. That kind of freaks you out. No service down, I don't know how far down there. Tons of storage units down in the caves. Yes. Springfield, Missouri, all of their city utilities are all under the city.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Do you know that? Springfield Underground. Yeah, and it's cool, but also really creepy. A little bit. Yeah. Which makes it cool. Yes. It's awesome.
Starting point is 00:37:52 Fun question, Bova. Bova. Next from Nathan. Sup, Jake and Brad Deuce. This is Nathan from Emerald, Texas, currently living in Louisville. I just started your podcast, currently up to episode 90-something.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Oh, wow. And I really enjoy how you guys have goofy times whenever life isn't so serious. It's been really great to see and hear that. Anyways, I got two questions for you. What do you think is the ideal way to spend $46 on your average Saturday? And what is the smallest thing
Starting point is 00:38:26 you can think of that has had the biggest impact in your life since the pod started? Take your time. I'm not going to get there for two years. So like a month. Alright. Toodles. Toodles. Okay. Randall Weaver. First one, $46 on a Saturday.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Golf tee time. First thing that comes to mind. Sure. That should be perfect. $46 when you have three kids doesn't go as far as you want it to. So you would be taking your kids with you? I mean, ideal Saturday? Probably.
Starting point is 00:38:58 McLean's is probably around $46. Okay. For you and three kids. For a nice, and maybe Catherine. I'll throw her in there too. She can have water. She can have like, yeah. We'll put ice in it. Whatever Bo doesn't kids. For a nice, and maybe Catherine. I'll throw her in there too. She can have water. She can have like, yeah. We'll put ice in it.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Whatever Bo doesn't eat. Yeah, right. The scraps. Golf tee time is fun. $46. My dad also will often, you know, take me to KU basketball games, and I'll be like, hey, I'll buy lunch for us. And then maybe some concessions.
Starting point is 00:39:24 I think $46 could get us lunch and concessions. That's pretty good. Maybe I'd take Rachel out on a nice little Saturday morning where we go, we go get some coffee and I say,
Starting point is 00:39:33 hey, get the venti. Yeah. And then, take it to breakfast. That probably doesn't add up. And then you just factor in like the depreciation of my car and the tires getting there.
Starting point is 00:39:44 Yeah. Maybe we're going to walk beforehand. So time is money. So eventually it does. That will add up to $46. I think that is nice, though. Like timing, if you have a relationship someday, it's way cheaper to go out in the morning than it is at night.
Starting point is 00:39:57 So remember that. Morning date. Morning dates are great. $46, you are a king. Like morning time, like 2 or 3 a.m. That would be an appropriate time to take a girl out on a date i'd say so yeah yeah when there's when there's not very many people out it's really dark and no one else can see you yeah okay and the next question was the smallest thing that's had the biggest impact on our lives
Starting point is 00:40:20 since we started the podcast. Microphone. Yeah, right. The smallest thing. Wi-Fi router. Smallest thing. I want to have a good answer to this. Tywin's small. He's not a thing, man. He's a human thing.
Starting point is 00:40:41 Smallest thing. Hair. What strand of hair? Fingernail. smallest thing hair what strange hair fingernail adam i mean try to think of an atom thing that's not actually a physical thing like that's had the biggest impact uh i don't know i don't know how i want to take this answer it's a tough question that's that's when it's when it's one answer for like a huge answer you know, huge impact. It's hard to. All right. Here's my answer for now.
Starting point is 00:41:09 I think it's the fact that it's a tiny thing, but Brad and I saying our friends by like their first and last names, like talking about the people in our lives, as if you guys should know who we're talking about, or like introducing you to our friends. I think for Brad and I, it just like made sense. Like, oh yeah, I'm sure we're going to talk about Gunnar more. So like, well, we're going to say his name the first time and we're going to continue saying his name. Yeah. I think an
Starting point is 00:41:30 unintentionally like brought people in to like, feel like they know us. They feel like they know our friend group. Yeah. That's a good word. Yeah. Just, just saying their names rather than like, Oh yeah, our friend, you know, he's, he's from Missouri. Yeah. He's, you know, cause then all of a sudden you don't, it's way harder to keep track of them. Yeah. Yeah. That's a great answer. It's a very small thing that I think we definitely did on accident. Um, this is not probably the biggest impact and that's what always boggles me down, bogs me down. Um, but an answer to this question is a Chick-fil-A cup in a video of ours. Oh yeah. That's a good answer. Before we ever even put stuff on, uh, like YouTube, we would have little clips on Instagram. Um, and we had our Chick-fil-A cups in there.
Starting point is 00:42:09 And this guy came up to us one time we were at Chick-fil-A worker and he was like, Hey, notice you guys had Chick-fil-A cups. Wanted to say thank you for that. Next time you're in here, uh, keep your wallets in your pockets. My name is Mr. James. And I was like, what? We get free Chick-fil-A forever. He texted me this morning. No way. Yeah, like an hour ago. He just texted me. It's meant to be. Yeah, that's cool. So just like that.
Starting point is 00:42:29 That was obviously huge, not only for that part of the podcast, but I think it did show us like, oh, we have a little bit of an impact here. People are noticing us, even though it felt like we were frauds for getting free Chick-fil-A. We're like, we have 45 people looking at our posts on Instagram, but like, and then it gave us some like excitement towards like going Chick-fil-A and hanging out and feeling like celebrities or feel like we have this special
Starting point is 00:42:57 privilege talking about the podcast, a bunch of Chick-fil-A. It was awesome. It didn't let us to dream towards more things. It was crazy too. I mean, he'd give Isaac free Chick-fil-A. Anybody who's with us, it was awesome that then led us to dream towards more things it was crazy too i mean he'd give isaac free chick-fil-a anybody was with us it was nuts like there would be times where i would like go
Starting point is 00:43:09 pick it up for my family on saturday morning it's 46 worth probably and he'd be like no dude i was like i can pay when it's my family he's like no like it's free always and that's why he no longer works at chick-fil-a anyway but yeah that was that was a great time so fun yeah good question yeah oh yeah that's fun to think about all these different nathan fike like or like what what what inspired f12 or what inspired like whatever all these different live events can we think of any of those i don't know like i guess what inspired the basketball game was me seeing um gosh what's his name the kid boba what's jordan's kid's name i can't remember now oh my gosh i'm being real bad at this lately what is his name watson ethan it sounds more like watson than ethan but oh my gosh that's gonna yeah we should know
Starting point is 00:44:00 this it's it's like a last name first name anyway he was up in the stands by himself at the basketball game and i thought there are so many stands there wait we should invite everyone to come there's no way we would get enough people to like fill up these stands oh my god are you looking it up i'm trying to figure out what his name is uh it's gonna be a while yeah, another, another fun thought like that. Um, other things. Yeah. Or what's the biggest thing that's had the smallest impact? There's a fun question. What about like things like, Oh, we should have done that. Should have, or should not have, should not have like we, I don't know. No, well, let's not,
Starting point is 00:44:47 let's not reflect on the bad thing. All right, let's go on to the next one. Tymon DM'd us. That was a small thing. Small thing, big impact. Tiny little DM. Yep. And the follow-up. Led to a lot.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Led to a lot. Good job, Tymon. Hey, guys. This is Lauren from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, home of the Amish and Mennonites. And I am indeed actually a Mennonite. So it was really fun to hear you guys' Amish Champs episode. And there are actually a lot of differences between Amish and Mennonites.
Starting point is 00:45:13 So I wanted to know what you guys assume is similarities and differences. Easton! Also, my coworker is the one that got me started to listen to you guys. She had listened to all the time at work um has merch and stickers on her locker and she claims she has nothing to leave a voice message about so let's call around her name's rochelle i'll get her to leave a voice message and you guys can make your assumptions and then uh she can correct them in her voice message since she says
Starting point is 00:45:45 she has nothing to talk about. That's kind of passing it off. Oh, she'll have something to talk about. Oh, she'll say something. What was this girl's name? Sorry, I missed it. Lauren. Easton. Also, it's great that, I mean, did I just nail it? Ethan and Watson? You throw those in a blender, you get Easton.
Starting point is 00:46:01 That's a perfect hybrid of his name. Ethan and Watson. Easton. I didn't even see of his name. Ethan and Watson. Easton. Easton. I didn't even see it. I just, as you're like kind of opening up that thing, Easton. Easton. Okay, so sorry.
Starting point is 00:46:13 I was distracted. She asked, what do we think the difference between Mennonite and Amish is? Yeah. I feel like Mennonites and Amish might look similar, but Mennonites don't have all the limitations technologically that Amish do. Yeah, I think Mennonites are a little toned down a little bit. They're a little more chill. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:31 Hey, iPhones are cool. Hey, I got something on the back of my head, but it doesn't mean I can't put AirPods in. Exactly. Yeah. Like, yeah. Big on bonnets. Big on the bonnets. And big on... Bonnets and big on
Starting point is 00:46:45 bonnets yeah whatever those are no yeah it's just funny big on bonnets and but yeah
Starting point is 00:46:53 still have like a wireless speaker they like to play pickleball with you know bluetooth speaker yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:47:00 um they also I feel like Mennonites are more religious I think so because the Amish is more of a lifestyle Mennonites are more religious. I think so. Because Amish is more of a lifestyle. Mennonite is more of a, you know, we do this because we're.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Yeah, I'm sure we're 100% right on this stuff. I think in Amish culture, you're going to find more names like Jedediah in Ezekiel. Mennonites. In Mennonites, you're going to find more names like Lauren, Sarah, Jeff. Emily. Yeah. Jeff. I think you might see some Jeffs I don't know
Starting point is 00:47:26 Jeff sounds pretty flashy for the men pretty flashy yeah let's talk facial hair what are the differences soul patches only for Mennonites
Starting point is 00:47:35 yeah like you can have facial hair but it has to stay right here yeah yeah I know in Amish they're called just like
Starting point is 00:47:43 male Amish female Amish but Mennonites it's like Mennonites or Wemennonites Wemennonites yeah that's a big difference and there's German Mennonites and there's other Mennonites I don't know I've always heard like German Mennonites
Starting point is 00:47:55 German Mennonites can have a little bit of they can have a soul patch underneath the lip and they can have just a tiny little like not a full mustache but a tiny little mustache above the lip as well that makes sense. German and Knights. German and Knights.
Starting point is 00:48:09 Other differences. What kind of sports do they enjoy? LeBarn James. You heard of LeBarn James? LeBarn James. LeBarn James is German and Knight. The Amish are big into volleyball. Are they?
Starting point is 00:48:20 They are. I don't know if the Mennonites are as well. The women and Knights, surely. Yeah. I'm going to say Mennonites are going through a little cultural shift right now. They're really into spike ball. That'd be awesome. But the Amish are loyal to volleyball.
Starting point is 00:48:33 Yeah. They're like, there's only one net for us. Yeah. Volleyball. Yeah. We don't take our net to the beach. We play right here next to the barn. And, you know, Amish are very popular with their furniture making.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Yeah, barn raising. Compare it to almost as nice as, you know, Ellis Cosmic Creations. Mennonites are more on the metal side. Think metal, mennonite. Mennonite. Metal workers, mennonites. Same when it comes to music. Amish is more like, hey, acapella.
Starting point is 00:49:01 Folky. You know, blow into a jug half full. There's your C sharp mennonite metal metal yeah like uh uh yeah cdc pink floyd sevenfold was big for the mennonites for a while there for a bit uh-huh so those are some differences that i know of those are yeah let's not let's not speculate too much those Those are just the ones we know. Yeah. There's just one, some positive.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Oh, and then, oh, oh, shell. What, what do we think of a shell? Oh, shell.
Starting point is 00:49:33 First of all, she puts her stickers on her locker, which is cool. What, what locker is that for that work? Doesn't she work at a Staples? Is that what it is? I think so. She must be Mennonite then,
Starting point is 00:49:47 because Mennonites are allowed to work at Staples. Metal, you know. Yeah, metal. Yeah. Amish, I think it's all, it's entrepreneurship. It's like you make your own butter, you sell your own butter. Yeah. You know, pastor, stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:49:59 Yes. Oshel. Oshel, yeah. Is that right, Oshel? Are you a Staples girl? Also, within. Oh, Shell. Yeah. Is that right? Oh, Shell. Are you a Staples girl? Um, also within Staples, she specifically works in the office chairs department.
Starting point is 00:50:11 So she could, she could tell you everything you need to know about office chairs, lumbar support. Speaking of office chairs. I think I said like a month or so ago, Rachel was like, all right, I have a date plan for you.
Starting point is 00:50:20 And then I like guessed it. Oh yeah. And recently my birthday was coming up and i was like you know what i need i think i needed like a new like office chair and i couldn't even like get the sense out she goes don't don't why do you do this oh why do you do this i already got you one don't go get an office chair stop getting yourself yourself things you need. Let us get you stuff for your birthday. It's coming up. You should know this.
Starting point is 00:50:47 I don't even think about that. It's okay. So we still haven't gone, but we're going to go to office max, pick one out. Fun. It will be. That's going to be,
Starting point is 00:50:55 that's, that's a funny like idea is like, you're like, okay, I've learned not to get myself things. Cause I'm sure my wife's thinking of getting up for my birthday. Yeah. And then you just get really mad at all the things she doesn't get you.
Starting point is 00:51:04 Really? No, I said it five times. We went in an office chair. What is this? A subscription to a facial cream. Why? I don't need that.
Starting point is 00:51:15 That's fine. You saw right before the wedding, the mustache part grows thick. Yeah. I'm fine. Slippery slope. All right. Next from Caroline.
Starting point is 00:51:25 Hi, Jake and Brad. This is Caroline from Georgia. Um, I wanted to leave a voice message cause I got so tickled about the wallet story with Brad leaving it in the lawn chair for nine months. And I was like, gosh, I got to write him in or send him a message or something. Um, my husband loses stuff all the time. Um, I do too, but I've gotten better over the years because I have systems like Jake. But anyway, so my husband lost his wallet like over a year ago. He never replaced it. We never could find it. We found it a year and a half later in the back of the lawnmower.
Starting point is 00:51:57 Like it had fell out of his pocket while he was driving the lawnmower and it fell under some metal piece back there. Wow. Didn't get chopped up. Just sat there for a year. That's awesome. It tickled me to death. And I said, oh my gosh, I got to write this in when I heard about your wallet fiasco. and it fell under some metal piece back there. Wow. Didn't get chopped up. Just sat there for a year. That's awesome. And it just tickled me to death. And I said, oh my gosh, I got to write this again when I heard about your wallet fiasco.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Also, about the scam, I heard that today and I got so tickled because my sister, someone tried to scam her like that. And so we started messing with them and saying, oh, like, you know, we know you're trying to scam us. We want in on it or we're going to report you. Anyway, y'all have a great night. Y'all are wonderful.
Starting point is 00:52:25 Great voice message, Caroline. Caroline, call in every single week. Yeah, I wanted to ride in, but I didn't know. I thought my answer was right. Yeah, sorry. Ride in every single week. Ride in every single week. I think, is that a Georgia accent or is that like more sweeping?
Starting point is 00:52:40 Would Louisiana people sound like that? Because whatever that accent is, I want it. That's got to be a certain subset of Georgia. That's like almost as different as like Midwestern to British. I was like, I love that. The way she said Jake. Jake. And then Jake.
Starting point is 00:52:58 I was like, that sounds awesome. Right. Systems like Jake. Yeah. That's amazing. Angie Coop, you need to tell Steve about that, that if you ever lose something, Hey, it could be on the back of the lawnmower. That's a great spot to look for things. That's what's so wild is like, yeah, you start,
Starting point is 00:53:13 you looked at all the normal places. Then all of a sudden it's like, okay, we got to look in the crazy places. I know it doesn't make sense. It would be in the back of the lawnmower. We got to check. So Rachel lost her Kindle this past weekend and we couldn't find it. We thought maybe it'd been left in the golf cart. Maybe it's at the golf course. Um, we're looking all around. Rachel really can't find it. She employs me and her mom to help look for it. And it turns out all three of us had looked in the spot it was in eventually and just didn't see it. It was in Rachel's suitcase. We've been there at least 24 hours at this point. We're getting kind of unpacked and I don't even know how Rachel at some point gotten home from the golf course
Starting point is 00:53:46 where she brought her Kindle, gets back to the guest bedroom and just stuffs her Kindle like deep into her suitcase, like underneath clothes. Cause like, I was like, I looked in there. It wasn't in there. Angie was like, I looked in there too.
Starting point is 00:53:58 So these people who lose things, they're not like us. You got to think differently. There's no rational thought. It's just like, look, and that's what my dad, my dad's found a few different things for me and's no rational thought. It's just like, look. And that's what my dad, my dad's found a few different things for me, and he just looks everywhere.
Starting point is 00:54:08 It's like, he looks in a backpack I haven't used in five years. It's like, just in case. He's checking his own pocket. Who knows? I don't know. Oh, wow. That's, yeah, that's good.
Starting point is 00:54:17 So, well, check it out, Caroline. I like that voice a lot. Check it out. Next one's from Courtney Miller. Hopefully, it's Courtney Miller that we know. Got to be. Went to Ghost Hunters Getaway. Coming it out next one's from Courtney Miller hopefully it's Courtney Miller that we know gotta be coming to the next one too
Starting point is 00:54:29 hi friends and timing Courtney Miller here I first wanted to start off by giving a birthday shout out to Dr. Ben he turns 30 tomorrow so that's really cool
Starting point is 00:54:41 and I'm really bummed we couldn't make it to Grande Boo but our child care had a graduation to attend to, and I think we all know how y'all feel about graduations. Anyway, I have a hot take and a question. My hot take is that Deva Wash smells absolutely awful. I don't think anybody under the age of 80 should be wearing it.
Starting point is 00:55:01 It reminds me of a grandmother who slept in a musty hotel room that had smokers prior. You got a bad badge. And my question is, I feel like Brad is in his fitness era right now. And so I'm trying to take advantage of that. But would either of you or both be interested in doing a half marathon? No. Oh, wait. Let me know. Bye-bye. I thought she did the whole Brad thing. Yeah. Half marathon? It was like right when I said
Starting point is 00:55:30 no, it cut out. It was weird. Absolutely not. Yeah, I was saying no before she even asked us what it was. If you came into a mediocre amount of money
Starting point is 00:55:38 and you said, Brad, I'll give you all that money if you run a half marathon, I would say, keep that freaking money in your bank account that you don't share with Rachel.
Starting point is 00:55:44 That's what I would say. I would say, no way. I don't want that at all. Courtney, that is such a nice thought. And I really like you and Dr. Ben. Happy birthday. And it is fun to think about like, oh, we all are in this together. Let's do something else together. Let's go to Six Flags together. No, I don't mind. I don't mind the idea of fitness together. I don't mind the idea of working hard together. But running a long time together sounds miserable or running a long time by yourself. I don't want to run forever. Rachel loves to run. I think it's awesome. She loves fitness, but she'll even say, I'm not going to do a half marathon ever again. She's like, the human body is not supposed to take
Starting point is 00:56:17 that much impact on your knees over and over and over. She's like, my knees just like, it was just like hurt me long-term. I think to run 13 miles straight, especially I've never done a full marathon as a big guy. I got to lose a lot of weight before I'm going to be running long distances. It can be dangerous too. Yeah. She's going to like, it's just not good. Uh, not good idea, but I would love to, I'll, I'll lift X amount of weights every day with you, Courtney, or something. Let me know. I'll, I'll, I'll do something, but I'm not going to know if they have half marathon was what she was trying to say. Zero percent. Uh, also the diva thing, my, my one recommendation to people that
Starting point is 00:56:51 might feel that way. And maybe it's just personal preference. Cause I feel like some people don't like it. It's just insane to me. Um, but you have to use probably one eighth of the amount that you think don't go crazy everywhere else like you know like a normal detergent you would use however much a cup or whatever it is with diva it's just like a very small little lid full almost and it will smell just as good like it smells good so maybe there's a chance you put way too much maybe either way it is awesome it does smell good what i do and there's different there's different scents as well if you don't like diva i tried some of the other ones that did not like them at all oh there you go i got like little sample packs yeah most of them are garbage but diva is so good
Starting point is 00:57:34 so good what i do what i do is this i go click click click no i like a medium amount medium to large size amount of laundry i throw in like a scentless Tide Pod. It's like Tide's still good. Get the stains out. It's still good soap, you know, but it's scentless. And then we toss in the Diva for a little bonus detergent, but also smelling.
Starting point is 00:57:54 I don't know if Diva's like getting out stains on its own. So you need a little Tide in there. I will say if you don't like Diva, but you still want a good, you know, soap for your washing, QP Go Soap has laundry detergent yeah they do i always forget that and no one's ever complained about that soap there you have it
Starting point is 00:58:11 does smell good just backed yourself again i think diva smells good too so um anyway hot take courtney i'm here in courtney i'm i miss i miss the millers i know it's gonna be fun seeing them in gulf shores uh one room available. Gulf Yes. It could be ours. I remember Dr. Ben said, he's a dentist, and he said, brush your teeth at night to keep your teeth. Brush your teeth in the morning to keep your friends. AKA, it's more important to brush them at night,
Starting point is 00:58:39 but in the morning, your breath will stank if you don't do it. Yeah, he was big on you only need to brush once a day. Is that right? Yeah. There you go. On the half marathon thing, Rachel decided she's going to do something January 1st. And then I was like, all right, I'll try it. Now Rachel's
Starting point is 00:58:53 dad and brother are also in. So anyone else, feel free to join us. What is it? One mile every day. Really? So, you know, it's walking or running or just one mile running every day. Okay okay all of 2024 i guess we're just gonna go as long as we can interesting because it's you know in theory it's not that much time it's 10 minutes yeah yeah yeah you know that's not bad but you know you
Starting point is 00:59:16 gotta prep a little before shower after yeah get out who knows maybe it'll be a runner maybe eventually you won't have a shower after because you'll you won't sweat very much that would be impressive yeah that'd be pretty fun but yeah it's about we're gonna start on january first you'll be a runner. Maybe eventually you won't have to shower after because you won't sweat very much. That would be impressive. Yeah. That'd be pretty fun. But yeah, it's about when we're going to start on January 1st when it's cold out, but we're going to try.
Starting point is 00:59:30 You have a gym membership, right? Country Club? I always forget about that. Yeah, they have treadmills there. Let me remind you. I've literally never used it. January 1st,
Starting point is 00:59:39 I bet you might. Think about it. Before we get on to more voice memos, we have a new sponsor alert uh time and can you hit the sound effect for the new sponsor alert please yes i can please don't oh we got it we just lost 10 listeners so that sucks hope it was worth it time and just kidding uh that was great so new sponsor alert you've heard about it before. They've been very generous to us with Ghost Runners live events.
Starting point is 01:00:08 But Vulcan Pickleball. Yeah, baby. Yeah, Dusty's the man. He's been really helpful to me just personally as I start to navigate the Pickleball world. He's been a good friend and also just hung out with him a ton at the PPA tournament a couple weekends ago. So I'm pumped that they are officially sponsoring us now.
Starting point is 01:00:25 And I feel like Brad and I, Pickleball's been a big part of ghost runners for a while so now we can finally give you a promo code a discount code yeah like what pickleball paddle should i use there's a million out there now the answer is once and for all vulcan their website is vulcan sporting goods dot com so i mean if you need a baseball bat go go get one, but, uh, pickleball paddles, uh, this is the place to get them. They have the largest paddle line in pickleball with over 50 paddles and colorways. Um, and so, and there's also just different levels. Like they're, they have, you know, some more starter paddles, but they also have some more advanced ones. And so whatever your level is, wherever you're trying to get into, uh, you can buy one for yourself.
Starting point is 01:01:03 They sent me multiple um that i've used uh actually in estes park i let a lot of guys use them and they're like these are awesome i'm buying one of these so yeah i mean back in 2020 i first started i used a vulcan paddle i used a vulcan bag uh their bag the v pro is the top selling pickleball backpack so it's so good they're doing a lot of stuff right it's the official paddle the ppa pro tour so go check it out promo code is grkc for 20 off that ain't bad that ain't bad vulcan sporting i like this tagline look good play better you will look good there's stuff i've like a lot of their paddles are pretty like colorful and just fun just fun designs yeah and their quality if you just started you can get something if you're looking to get a lot better they got something for for you too. My friend Ian, who's kind of notorious,
Starting point is 01:01:45 he was the one that was like, we got to upgrade to a Grand Wagoneer, love Vulcan paddles. Yeah, he knows fine things. High quality, yeah, nice stuff. Check them out, And Vulcan is spelled? V-U-L-C-A-N. Cool.
Starting point is 01:01:58 I tried three times and got it wrong. Oh, good. Oh, wow. Might be good to have this one. That's fair. Thank you, Vulcan. V-U-L-C-A-N sporting goods dot com promo code G-R-K-C
Starting point is 01:02:07 for 20% off man. Time. It's dumb boy. How'd you spell it? I'm trying to think Vulcan I will K apostrophe in how did that first I'm just Vulcan over here. All of my tries. I can't remember what the word. I think they all started with V-O-L. Oh, that's fair. I thought there was like a silent F
Starting point is 01:02:24 in there at the beginning Vulcan Vulcan now. I'm just kidding. You're not dumb. That's a tricky word to spell. Next one is from Jen. Hi, Jake and Brad. My name is Jen. I'm not sure if there's a timer on this. I'm going to kind of go fast here. I'm a new listener, but my husband and I have been watching your videos since the beginning. We love you guys. You're hilarious. You recently did a cameo for my husband for his birthday, Judd. I don't know if you remember doing this.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Oh, Judd. That was a Marine veteran. And you were making jokes over dogs and his big muscles. It was hilarious. Thank you so much for that first. And then second, something happened to me the other night. It's never happened to me before. I'm a new listener to the podcast,
Starting point is 01:03:11 and I've been listening one after the other. And in the middle of the night, I was dreaming. I had this deep dream. You guys were in it, and you were laughing and saying jokes and doing your thing, and I woke up laughing. So thank you for making me laugh in my dreams and keep doing what you're doing. All right, bye.
Starting point is 01:03:30 Wow. I would have bet a lot of money she's going to get cut off. She's going to go over the time. She did good, 57 seconds. Yeah. That's fun. Rachel has said a couple of times that I've like, either in the middle of the night or like in the morning,
Starting point is 01:03:40 like I'll be laughing in my sleep. Like I'm just having a funny dream. It's kind of creepy. It's like, she said it was cute. I was kind of like, like, not like, yeah, I was going to say, when does it get creepy? Like, okay. You're like, you're like doing your hands.
Starting point is 01:04:03 Oh, yeah. okay you're like you're like doing your hands like oh yeah oh that's creepy yeah no yeah apparently it was just kind of soft like oh my god oh rach rachel and i have started really calling each other just like uh just the we're not big on pet names but we will do things facetiously that's how it starts and recently it's been more of like shortening each other's names
Starting point is 01:04:32 like I love to call her R because it's such a bad shortening of Rachel like Rach is easier to say than R yeah R is like so hard to say hey R oh good to see you R it's a slow
Starting point is 01:04:45 one-letter word. R, do you want any? Yeah. All right. Well, I'll see you later, R. Yeah, exactly. What does she do for you, J? J,
Starting point is 01:04:56 the one that I hate is Bubz. Bubz is great. I'll wake up and I'm like, hey, morning. Morning, Bubz. Bubz is great. I'll wake up, hey, morning. Morning, Bubz. You got to be careful because eventually those are just going to be like joking so much and then all of a sudden it sticks. I know. We're nervous.
Starting point is 01:05:16 Our nightmare is that we use them in public around other people and they hear Rachel call me Bubz and they think, gosh, is that what she calls me? Yeah. He likes that? Hey, Bubz. Hey, Bubz. How are we doing? You have a good day, bubs? So bad. I like that. Anyway, thanks, Jen. Appreciate you. It's funny. You've been watching the videos for such a long time.
Starting point is 01:05:35 Yeah. It's so funny. Sorry, before you do the next one. It's so funny to like, we've done so many cameos and I remember specifically very few of them. You know what I mean? But people will be like, that video, you remember the cameo you did about this? And I was like, remind me some more because we're just so goofy in the moment and then just in one ear out the other. It's like, all right, we did it. It's hard to remember
Starting point is 01:05:58 those because we never watch them back. Whereas the podcast, sometimes we see them or we see comments, so people will be like, oh yeah. Whatever. I need to look into cameo. I think we got put in timeout. We've been, yeah, we were see them or we see comments. Yeah. So people will be like, oh yeah, whatever. I need to look into Cameo. I think we got put in timeout. We've been, yeah, we were delinquent for a while. Yeah, it was hard. We were traveling.
Starting point is 01:06:12 I think also the Cameo app like would not show me notifications. So I didn't think we had any. Yeah. Either way. And it was like, oh, it's expired. I was like, I didn't even know we had it. You didn't tell me. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:19 So we missed enough to where now they won't let us receive any. I need to look into like how we can get back. I think you guys just DM us personally on Instagram and we'll just do it. And you guys can just Venmo us and we just go around cameo and say, that's what you get. That's a great call. You know, I've been looking to put the sleeper fans football app onto my home screen.
Starting point is 01:06:37 I've been looking at what needs to go. See it. Just in your, in your DM, put at the very beginning of an all caps, cameo, cameo, cameo request,
Starting point is 01:06:44 something like that. Perfect. Circ's right uh all right another one what's up jake and brad and timing great addition timing keep up the good work my friend thank you jake my wife and i had a chance to come watch your show in cincinnati and you. Thanks. Dude, the Joe Burrow joke in Bengal territory was hilarious. Thank you. Because I am not a Bengals fan, and I really appreciate it. So ballsy move and great crowd work as well. Thanks. I came and saw you when you performed at the Stark County Fair in Canton, Ohio last year,
Starting point is 01:07:24 and, dude, you killed it then. You were 10 times better this year. I did not kill it then. I thought, man, this guy just keeps improving. So great job on that end. And my wife started to tear up when you came out on stage. Not sure what that was about. I guess it was the mall emotions.
Starting point is 01:07:37 Yeah. But it was so cool. It was a special night for her and I. Obviously getting to meet you afterwards, you were very cordial with all the friends and the fans and everybody out there. So great to meet you. Keep up all the great podcasts. You know, I try to be cordial.
Starting point is 01:07:53 What was the name? Jeremy Martin. Thanks, Jeremy. Jeremy. I bet you are the most cordial comedian of all time. I'm hoping to be on like a Forbes 500 cordial list. Yeah. They haven't made one and they will not respond to me. The a Forbes 500 cordial list. Yeah. I, they haven't made one and they will not respond to me.
Starting point is 01:08:06 The, uh, 40 under 40 cordial. Yeah. That'd be great. Yeah. Are there multiple of those like 30 under 30 things? Surely.
Starting point is 01:08:14 Except like I saw like a kind of acquaintance of mine on it. I was like, you're there's like local ones probably. Maybe that's Kansas city. 30 under 30. Yeah. It's like Cleveland metropolitan area. 30 under 30. And Cleveland, it like Cleveland metropolitan area, 30 under 30.
Starting point is 01:08:25 In Cleveland, it's mostly old people anyway. Yeah, unless you're Deshaun Watson. Yeah. Yeah. Because he's younger. He's an athlete. Yeah. Totally.
Starting point is 01:08:36 Anyway, Jeremy, that is really nice. Thanks for the kind words. Your wife sounds very sweet. So that's cool that she teared up when I came on stage. I get it, man. There's something about everyone cheering for you. It's because I had my jeans rolled. Yeah. So that's cool that she teared up when I came on stage. I get it, man. There's something about everyone cheering for you. It's probably because I had my jeans rolled. Yeah, also that.
Starting point is 01:08:50 I looked good. Oh, he's growing up. Alright, maybe just a couple more? I like it. Keep rolling. Cool. Bonjour, Jake and Brad. What is up? It is your official Louisiana correspondent And favorite French speaker Christopher here How are y'all doing?
Starting point is 01:09:10 Great man I'm doing good It was good to see you It's been a good week Grande boo That's good to hear Yeah thanks man I'm doing alright
Starting point is 01:09:18 Just driving back from work Trying to get in the shower Been pretty sweaty all day Trying to get in the shower Trying to figure out how to get in the shower. Been pretty sweaty all day. Trying to get in the shower. Trying to figure out how to get in that shower. What are you up to today? We've been recording the podcast for the most part. I woke up early with Rachel.
Starting point is 01:09:32 Got in the word a little bit. Bubs. Me and Bubs. Oh, no way. Yeah. So, sorry. I'll keep going. Both slept until...
Starting point is 01:09:41 Fun, fun, fun. Yeah. We got a pretty exciting phone call at 2.30. Oh, man. I'm sorry to hear that. No, fun, fun. Yeah. We got a pretty exciting phone call. Oh, man. I'm sorry to hear that. No, it's exciting. It's a good phone call. And then Ty and I are shooting...
Starting point is 01:09:52 All right. Well, y'all have a great day. See you, man. See you, buddy. I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sorry to hear that. Chris. Send me more of those.'m sorry to hear that. Chris. Send me more of those.
Starting point is 01:10:08 Come to Gulf Shores, Chris. Chris, come to Gulf Shores. Chris and Cindy, they were awesome. I got to talk to them so much at Grande Boo. Yeah, they're fun. And yeah, he was just so cordial, dare I say. I would say cordial. Very complimentary to the golf videos.
Starting point is 01:10:20 He was the one who got me these golf balls with my senior picks all over them. Oh, really? Yeah, he's the man. Clearly funny. Very funny. Bonjour. Bonjour. Arrivederci. Any thoughts for Chris?
Starting point is 01:10:36 Come to Gulf Shores? Yeah, I tried to give him thoughts, but he kept interrupting me. I'm nervous he's going to interrupt again. That was pretty funny. It's not over. Here's one from Brandon. Not Coffee Corner. Hey, honey! Get on your feet!
Starting point is 01:10:53 I'm doing a voice memo for the Ghost Runners podcast! Hey, Jake and Brad, this is Brandon from Grove, Oklahoma. Just wanted to say I love y'all guys' podcast. It's one of my favorites. And I've been listening to it for a very long time. And I've been trying to get my wife to listen to it with me, and she says she needs three good reasons why she should listen to it and what better people to ask than you. And then the second question is, if y'all had to relive a Bible story, which one would it be? All right.
Starting point is 01:11:30 Anticipate the yellow! Stop! Bye-bye. They get to get some breath. That was fun, Brandon. Yeah, thanks for that. A lot of energy, a lot of fun. I want more voice memos to start with.
Starting point is 01:11:42 Hey, honey! Hon? Hey, Bobzo Hon? Yeah. Hey, Bobzo? Bubby? Three good reasons for his wife to listen to the podcast. Let's all do one reason each, okay? Great.
Starting point is 01:11:53 I'll go first. Jake, well, I'll go first. Okay. My reason is Jake Triplett. Just imagine just this comedian who performs for thousands of dollars every single month. All of a sudden you get him for free for what? Three hours every single week. Wow.
Starting point is 01:12:10 I mean, talk about a value and you get to learn about him in depth. You get to see his process for, you know, marriage and joint bank accounts and, uh, you know, pickleball content and everything else. Wow.
Starting point is 01:12:24 Timon, what's your answer? I'd say just since the podcast is like... It's a great podcast, but the Facebook group... It doesn't get the... I was hoping you would do Brad and then
Starting point is 01:12:39 when it was my turn... No, no, no. Go ahead. The Facebook group, Tymon. That was great. Three good reasons. Jake, the Facebook group, and... Brad is in the Facebook group. I'm just kidding. No, no, no. Go ahead. The Facebook group, Tymon. That was great. Three good reasons. Jake, the Facebook group, and... Brad is in the Facebook group. I'm just kidding. I was just saying, the Facebook group is so great because you get all these memes and these inside... You make all these friends.
Starting point is 01:12:56 And yeah, I think that's a great way to make it more personal. And Brad. That's probably better than what it was going to be. I was hoping you were going to say Brad, and then when you were expecting me to say you, I was just going to talk about something other than you. Yeah, I mean, those episodes where we had Scott was really magical.
Starting point is 01:13:11 I remember Justin. Oh, Justin. Justin, man. What a guy. Talk about a guy who gets it. He actually did just text me. He edited our Things Teachers Say video. Sweet. That has the DraftKings integration in it, which the patrons got to see early. Shout out. Also, wedding videos there. But no, that's a good word in it, which the patrons got to see early. Shout out. Also wedding videos there. But no, that's a good word, Tymon.
Starting point is 01:13:26 The Facebook group is so special. I don't know if other podcasts are doing Facebook groups, but it's great. Everyone needs to. Well, I don't think other podcasts, if they're doing it, are doing it like this. I don't know. There's just something special about it.
Starting point is 01:13:37 Like if it's too big of a podcast, I don't think that it would feel personal on a Facebook group. It would get negative, I think. If it's too small of a podcast, there's not enough interactions. It's just like a perfect, it's awesome. We're in the sweet spot right now. It's so cool. Yeah. If we, if we get another a hundred thousand listeners, like, I mean, we're trending towards in the next month or so. Um, I don't know if it'll be the same. I'd be so sad. Yeah. Think about how much money I would wire Rachel then. Oh, so much dude,
Starting point is 01:13:59 way more than $5 for pizza. Uh huh.. So. Yeah, that's all it was. Yeah. Tommy, that's a good answer. Well, mine, I feel like if I say Brad, then I leave Tymon out. If I say Tymon, I leave Brad out.
Starting point is 01:14:14 If I say Rachel, I mean, is that fair to Catherine? It's fine. It should be fine. A recent list of the podcast. Consistency. You are going to hear from us every Monday and Wednesday
Starting point is 01:14:23 if you want to. The dynamic of our friendship has been consistent throughout. It'll always stay that way. Even the things we talk about is going to be consistently just mediocre life updates, funny extrapolations of humor of things that have happened in our life.
Starting point is 01:14:38 It's going to be clean and it's going to be funny. It's going to be uplifting. Yes. You could count on that every single time. Yes, absolutely. That's a good word. What did he ask at the end? Now I don't remember. I'll play it again. I'll hear his accent. Story. Which one would it be? All right. What did he say?
Starting point is 01:14:54 Bible. If you could be in... Oh, yeah. The ones I'm thinking of are the most impactful ones, but also do I really want to relive seeing Jesus go over the cross? I think I want to see some miracles. Well, my thought Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, like that would be, how wild would that be? Yeah. But am I, as a reliving,
Starting point is 01:15:15 am I one of the three guys in the furnace or like, you'd be fine. Am I Daniel in the lion's den or God's view? Or am I a lion? Which all of a sudden, you know, like, and I'm hungry and all of a sudden it's like, never mind. I guess I just look at my tail for a few more hours. What if I'm hungry? You know? Like, what role do I get to play in these things? Or do I just get to like bird type view?
Starting point is 01:15:38 Yeah. Or bird. Fly like birds. Bird. Birds are nice. You can get a different vantage point quicker. Maybe I just want to be Zacchaeus. Talking about vantage points. Because I can't climb trees very well right now. It'd be nice to experience that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:52 I think it'd be fun to see, to be there, just be a talents person for Jesus' first miracles. Like he just started his ministry. This year just walking all around, healing people, unblinding people, you know, like that had to be pretty sweet like the gathering like what i'm imagining of just like like a herd of people following him and just like sitting hey my grandpa's sick hey i can't right you know taste
Starting point is 01:16:14 i've long covered you know he feel heals all that what do you think uh yeah what do you think i'm thinking of like you know loves and fishes kind of thing like how how do you think that happened like how do you think that happened? Like how do you think all the extra food just came out? Yeah. I feel like when they weren't looking, it was there, but I would want to look the whole time. I want to see it appear.
Starting point is 01:16:32 Yeah. Or was it just like, they take a piece and they look back and there's that same exact pieces there again. Yeah. Or is it like all of a sudden there's like a bunch of bread in there, like sky high. How quickly was it replenished? Yeah. The logistics of these miracles. Yeah. The parting of the Red Sea. Like, sky high. How quickly was it replenished? Yeah. The logistics of these miracles.
Starting point is 01:16:46 Yeah. The parting of the Red Sea. Would love to see that. I think that's a fun scene. You know, pharaohs, you know. I should say so. On their tails. The burning bush. Moses up here. Yeah. He's back there. How did it part? Was it all at once? Was it just as they needed to go?
Starting point is 01:17:02 Just, hey, ten feet in front of them, parting. Or is it like all at once? Go for it, they needed to go? Just, hey, 10 feet in front of them, parting. Or is it like all at once? Go for it, boys. Chariots onward. Yeah. I like to see the logistics of the miracles. You got one, Tymon? Well, I thought of when you were saying logistics of miracles, I was like,
Starting point is 01:17:18 how did the whole crowd of 5,000 plus hear Jesus? Like he had no microphone speaking? Because I was there when The Chosen filmed The Feeding of 5,000. I was like in the crowd microphones. Yeah. Cause I was there when the chosen filmed the feeding of 5,000. I was like in the crowd. No way. There's a fun fact. Went with some friends.
Starting point is 01:17:30 Put that on your resume. So you've already, yeah. DM that to me. But like you, I mean, we, we barely heard the actor like,
Starting point is 01:17:38 and we were like maybe in the front third. Really? It was like 4,000 ish people there. So I was like, yeah, I wonder how that worked. I mean, that's just, and, and the Bible, I was wonder how that worked. I mean, that's just...
Starting point is 01:17:46 And in the Bible, I was reading this this morning. I mean, most of the time in that day, you would sit to teach too. So they're not even standing up on something. They're not projecting their voice. I should know this better, but isn't the sermon on the mount, like whatever the acoustics where they think it was, was like
Starting point is 01:18:01 crazy. Really? Like something on natural acoustics. That's funny you talk about it. Rachel and I were talking about it today. I was like, that like something on natural acoustics that's funny you talk about rachel i would talk about today i was like that would be fun to go to like they know exactly where it happened it'd be fun to see that yeah i know that's like a bucket list thing for sure going to it would be sweet to see you had natural acoustics yeah like these things that maybe seemed random at the time but like they were in a specific spot because the sound travels best there yeah it's like being circumcised on the eighth day like people don't know why god was telling to do that we know now it's when the um what is that? I don't know. Platelets? What's it called?
Starting point is 01:18:31 Hemoglobin. That like clotting, the clotting in your blood to stop you from bleeding. It's at its highest point. There's like four different vitamins or whatever. They're at their highest point, your eighth day of life. It's crazy. Yeah. Because the eight is not a biblical number. So it's like, all right, why is God commanding all these people in the Old Testament to get circumcised on the eighth day? It doesn't make sense. It was a scientific thing that no one knew at the time. We know now. That's
Starting point is 01:18:51 cool. Oh yeah. The eighth day, that's when your platelets and pathogens and everything is peaking. Well, there's reason number four right there. Circumcision. Yeah. Circumcision advice from the Bible. Yeah, that'd be fun. There's a lot of good stuff. Tower of Babel, how'd that work? Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. All right.
Starting point is 01:19:14 Fun question. Fun question. Maybe one more. This voice memo, actually, I'm reading here. It says, Frankie Lane, parentheses, sponsored by Main Tree Roasters. Perfect. That's a nice name to do that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:26 Go ahead and talk about it real quick. I believe he's mentioning the family-owned coffee shop in Indiana. Yeah. That can ship anywhere you want. That's right. Private label or grounded, ungrounded. Beaned. Whole bean. Non-beaned. Grounded bean. Coffee bean.
Starting point is 01:19:42 Coffee bean. Yeah, they're great. They're sponsoring us out the wazoo and we love them for it you guys please support them as well they're just a local midwest business family oriented get yourself a small little batch of coffee or get yourself a year's worth get put your own logo on it private label it grkc for 10 off go get some go get some taste we get some taste. Go get some smells. Get some for the cupboard. I'm excited to see when people private label them.
Starting point is 01:20:09 Show us what you guys make. Yeah. That's going to be so fun. The on your feet roast. Or just your family's last name. The Cucco roast. Cucco roast. You know?
Starting point is 01:20:17 Yeah. Love it. Maybe Frankie would like to do the Lane roast. Lane roast. Lane roast. That's what he says. Hey, guys. I'm just reaching out to you with a question.
Starting point is 01:20:32 Different kind of Frankie. My daughter, who is a volleyball player, will be at the National Christian Homeschool Volleyball Championships. Well, aren't we all? October 19th through 21st in Lawrence, Kansas, which is your hood. She loves y'all. She's a Patreon subscriber at 16.
Starting point is 01:20:50 All on her own money. And I know that Jake is going to be at a show and she would love to see Brad. However, she would be overjoyed if Rachel could show up because she's a volleyball player.
Starting point is 01:21:05 She's tried to follow everything that she can to see Rachel because she loves her. If Rachel had time to come and snap a pic with her, oh my gosh, this little girl would be so excited. I hope you'll let
Starting point is 01:21:22 Rachel know and see what's what if she's got some time. See what's what. We would love to see her. Oh. Got him. Frankie, I'd like to say sorry for misgendering you
Starting point is 01:21:32 and also thank you for the amazing voice memo. If I was in town, I could see Rachel and I definitely going to Lawrence and taking in some volleyball but I think she wants to see Brad. Rachel plays volleyball.
Starting point is 01:21:42 Tymon's homeschooled. Why don't you three go? That would be a fun crew. The trifecta. You, Rachel, Tymon, go watch the National Homeschool Volleyball Championship. Did you say October? 18th and 19th, I think. Oh, in the middle of the week?
Starting point is 01:21:54 Maybe. I'm supposed to be watching the kids while Catherine's at a conference, so I'll just bring the kids too. Wow. You know, no big deal. Easy lifting. Rachel watches the kids. Yeah, maybe that's the,
Starting point is 01:22:05 that's the play. Um, Frankie, I'll be honest. I think there's a chance that Rachel goes to that. She likes volleyball and she likes pleasing people. So I could see all you gotta do is ask, right? I will mention it to her if she's around, if she's available, then I think there's a decent chance it could happen. And yeah, we'll find a way to connect with, with your daughter. That'd be fun. Cool. Wish I, Tymon would have given me a heads up about all these homeschool activities. Learn about on the podcast. Look like an idiot.
Starting point is 01:22:30 Yeah, Tymon, when was the last time you went to the volleyball homeschool championships? Last week. Really? Yeah. They hold it weekly. Well, I streamed like an online, like an old version.
Starting point is 01:22:40 Love that. Yeah. Yeah, that's fine. Okay, well, thank you guys for the voice moments. It's been a while since we did that, so it feels to catch up um that is fun do it more often brad do you have a youtube comment of the week that you'd like to talk about on the podcast for us uh sure do but i also have a win of the week oh my gosh i forget every time what do you want to do first um up to you i'm gonna find my youtube or it's it's actually a
Starting point is 01:23:06 facebook comment let me dang it dang it dang it where is it i'm looking for my comment right now i don't want you think i'm just sitting here in silence just watching you found it strug eileen curran curran curran uh it's been a year since this is a Facebook comment from Facebook group, ghost rush podcast. It's been a year since I've realized the true impact of the ghost runners podcast in my life. Last year was the day before school started for my oldest. And I was behind on projects at work, eager to have a quiet house to catch up. Once school started, I wanted a little me time and to listen to the ghost runners. And then it struck me ghost runners. What would Jake and Brad do? They'd go Chick-fil-A. So I took the rest of
Starting point is 01:23:49 the day off, closed my laptop and brought my son to a special end of summer lunch together at Chick-fil-A. Now it's become an annual tradition of the last day of their summer vacation. My daughter is starting a new school and came with us today as well. Thank you, Jake Triplett and Brad Ellis for always reminding us to be intentional with our time. Make it count. I love that. And there's a picture of them at Chick-fil-A. Make it count. Make traditions. I think that's one of my favorite things that my family growing up did so well was we just had traditions. Some of them are super silly, you know, things around Thanksgiving that were fun or like whatever. Like we always put on weird hats on New Year's Eve. I don't know why. Weird hats and root beer from like a glass bottle. It was so fun. Like just any little
Starting point is 01:24:29 traditions are just so fun. And I love to hear that we have a small part in that for you, Eileen. So traditions are great. Yeah. My YouTube comment of the week is from Ryan Jacobson. My comment of the week is from YouTube. Uh, I really enjoyed the breakdown of the early 2000 CCM songs. I listened to the same of the early 2000s CCM songs. I listened to the same stuff in my teen years, and it's hilarious to revisit those songs 20 years later. I vote for this becoming a recurring segment on the pod, please.
Starting point is 01:24:53 Yeah, I think as we were doing it, we were like, this is pretty fun. This is pretty easy. We should do this more. Maybe it comes to Gene Shores someday. Maybe we should do it on the podcast. I don't know, but it was fun. We should do it more.
Starting point is 01:25:04 We'll figure it out. I agree. Thanks, Ryan. Hey, Wednesday.. We should do more. We'll figure it out. I agree. Thanks, Ryan. Hey, Wednesday. What's your win of the week, bubs? I got four wins of the week, Jake. Jeez. Maybe even five, technically. One for each of my members of my family. I'll try to go through them fast.
Starting point is 01:25:20 We'll go youngest to oldest. Rosie's just all around fun. She's just a win because of her personality um like i said she does the hi-yo thing oh she loves playing in the sandbox outside just all around just like loves me like loves running up to me and want me to hold her and she's just a really fun interactive age right now and it's like you can have conversations with her even though she's not saying words, but you can like talk to her. Bo, one of the week with Bo,
Starting point is 01:25:49 is that he's loving baseball right now. Loving it. Bo and Hattie both want to go outside and I'll just pitch them baseballs for hours. I mean, it's just so fun. They probably hit one out of every 15. But you got to catch her right there though. Yeah, we're working on it. Sometimes they don't want to be the catcher or whatever,
Starting point is 01:26:06 but it's fun. They hit the ball, and then they just sprint towards the fence, and that's like the thing. That's first base. Yeah. They sprint towards the fence, and if I get the ball and throw it and hit them before they get there, they're out. That's a fun game.
Starting point is 01:26:16 So they think it's baseball, and it's been a blast. And then Hattie, there's just two sweet stories with Hattie. So Hattie lost her first tooth, I think two or three weeks ago. Whoa. I'll talk about that on the podcast, which was fun. I guess if you're a parent out there and you don't want the persona of tooth fairy to be changed for your child, skip ahead one minute or something. But yeah, Hattie lost her first tooth.
Starting point is 01:26:43 Obviously, you know, we gave her, I think it was $1 because we're like, this is a precedent. We can't give her five bucks. Yeah. Gave her a dollar. Also put a note from the tooth fairy under there, which she thought was so fun. So ever since then, Bo has been like, I think I have a loose tooth. I have a loose tooth. And then, you know, he freaked out, like kind of like joking, or I think he was serious. He's like, I lost a tooth. I lost a tooth. He had something in his hand. It was like a piece of food from his tooth or something.
Starting point is 01:27:10 And so he's like, I'm going to go put it under my pillow. And he did it, and Hattie was so sweet and so considerate. She's like, I'm going to take a dollar from his piggy bank and sneak it under his pillow. Oh, wow. And so the next morning, she's like, Bo, did the tooth fairy come? And he's like, no. He's like, are you sure?
Starting point is 01:27:28 Check under your pillow. Sure enough, there it was. So that was just a sweet, considerate thing from Hattie of like, I know this isn't a real tooth, but I'm going to do that. So that was fun. That is fun. The tooth fairy is kind of wild. Yeah. You don't think about it much anymore. Hattie was so sweet. When she lost her tooth, she didn't even sleep on her pillow
Starting point is 01:27:44 because she's like, the tooth fairy comes. I just need to make sure. So I went in there and, yeah, tucked it under. And then also Hattie just recently got a new Bible, like her first real Bible. And I was so pumped about that. She has storybook Bibles and stuff, but she'd go to church. She's like, well, I can't find the exact chapter they're talking about
Starting point is 01:28:02 in Sunday school or something. So she got her own pink Bible from Mardell yesterday, has Hattie Louise Ellis on it. I mean, it's so sweet. And then one of the week with Catherine is just that I was gone for like basically eight and a half days. I was gone. I was home for like one. And she did such a good job being with our kids and keeping it afloat and having a great attitude. I didn't feel like I was like – she obviously missed me,
Starting point is 01:28:29 but she wasn't like complaining to me all the time or anything like that, and that was just – and she was also so happy when I got home, which is just the best feeling. Like your kids can be happy when you're home, and that feels awesome, but when your wife is like so excited and grateful for you to be home, there's nothing like it. Welcome back, bubs. That's right.
Starting point is 01:28:44 Those are my wins. My family is my win. No matter how many fun things I do outside of family, I just come back to it. I'm like, that's always going to be my wins stuff with my family. It feels like so. That's great. Yeah. Uh, mine is less significant, but my win of the week is that I'm, I'm rediscovering the passion for pickleball again. Oh yeah, baby. Golf is going down and pickleball is going up. I don't know what's happening to me. Is it still golf is bigger? Dude, it's close right now. It happens so fast. I don't know what's going on, but like I had an opportunity to golf an extra
Starting point is 01:29:12 time in Iowa. I think like Monday morning, the day of Labor Day, Tim was going out with some friends. He's like, you want to go? And I was like, I think I want to go play pickleball. Wow. So things are changing. A 2020 Jake is back now. so it is so fun yeah yeah it's it's good exercise not that golf isn't but yeah it's not as good as like
Starting point is 01:29:32 probably an actual workout but it's better than golf and it's better than sitting around oh absolutely you sweat burn so much 200 calories so yeah i'm just loving pickleball right now like isaac is also fine too we're just we can't stop playing. Really? It's so fun. You guys are just playing just because. Yeah. We'll shoot for an hour, then play for an hour, or whatever. Cool. So, on Wednesday, Pickleball's back. Get yours. Vulcan.
Starting point is 01:29:56 with a U. You get it. Vulcan Sporting Goods. Vulcan. Vulcan. Okay, that's fun. Well, this has been Wednesday with the Ghost Runners. Hope the Chiefs won. Hope they win next week. Sorry to whoever got knocked out of the Guillotine League. It's fun. Well, this has been Wednesday with the Ghost Runners. Hope the Chiefs won. Hope they win next week. Sorry to whoever got knocked out of the Guillotine League. We'll see you guys Monday. Anything else to add?
Starting point is 01:30:14 Check out merch available for a few more days. Oh, yeah. This is the week. This is the week. The extravaganza. The extravaganza. All the previous merch that we've ever had available this week.
Starting point is 01:30:25 Love you guys. Have a great week. See you later. © BF-WATCH TV 2021

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