Ghostrunners - 33 - Smell Yo Good Self

Episode Date: December 23, 2019

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Honey of a tree, Clark. Is it a real one? Dug it out of the ground myself. Is that a fact? Get out of there! Don't worry about it, Clark. Little tree water ain't gonna hurt him. Before he left, he drank a half quart of Pennzoil. Boy, when he lifted his leg the next morning... If he drinks the water out of there, the tree will dry out.
Starting point is 00:00:22 It's not! Get out of there! Go to the kitchen! Get something to eat! Cute isn't he? Only problem is he's got a little Mississippi leg hound in him. If the mood catches him right he'll grab your leg and go to town. You don't want him around if you're wearing short pants if you know what I mean. A word of warning though, if he does start on you, you best just to let him finish. I just can't believe you're actually standing here in my living room. I never thought the day would come. I'm excited about it too. It's a crying shame the older kids couldn't make it. I got the daughter in the clinic to get cured off the wild turkey and the older boy, bless his soul, is preparing for his career.
Starting point is 00:01:00 College? Carnival. You got to be proud. Oh yeah, he worked last season as a pixie dust spreader on the Tilt-A-Whirl and he thinks maybe next season he'll be guessing people's weight or barking for the Yak Woman. You ever see her? Sorry to say I haven't. Big horns growing right above her ears. Ugly as sin, but a real sweet gal and a heck of a good cook. Can I refill your eggnog? Get you something to eat?
Starting point is 00:01:22 Drive you out to the middle of nowhere and leave you for dead? I'm doing fine, Clark. Just glad to be here. Well, well, well, everyone. Welcome to episode 33 of the Ghostrunners podcast. 33! 33. The Larry Bird episode. The Larry Johnson episode, baby. Sure. Patrick Ewing. Every famous basketball player besides Michael Jordan.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Reggie Miller, maybe? 13, I think. No, he was 30 something. Was he? Maybe. 31? I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:54 But welcome back. If you know, leave a five-star review. Yeah, leave a five-star review. Let's get out there quick. That was a little snippet of Christmas Vacation. I hope you enjoyed that. Whether or not you've seen the movie, I hope you still enjoyed it. There was a guy growing up at our church,
Starting point is 00:02:10 like a dad, that was literally the exact same person as Cousin Eddie. It was amazing. In a good way? In a way like Cousin Eddie. So probably not, probably less good than bad, but, or more good than bad, but still not, you know, kind of a kind of a wild guy. I worked with a guy once. So similar. Yeah. Sorry. I worked with a guy one time who kind of reminded me of a real life Dwight Schrute.
Starting point is 00:02:35 And that was actually pretty fun. Once I like I once I figured out in my mind that he was like Dwight, it made it more fun and less annoying. Once you embraced it. Yeah. Yeah. I was like, no, that's just, you know, everyone's different and he's a little different and don't be annoyed by it he's like he's the closest thing you'll get to dwight shrewd in real life so have fun that's that's one of the fun things after working in a corporate job the office became so much more relatable relatable to me um
Starting point is 00:02:59 but yeah you don't meet very many people in life that are like cousin eddie uh and this guy genuinely like not trying to be a character was cousin eddie he was a mailman uh that was his job not that cousin eddie's a mailman but anyway just an interesting dude yeah anyway 33 episode 33 we are actually in the uh the dining room of the ellis household uh the girls are out of town just girls are out of town. Just. The girls are out of town, the girls are out of town. The girls are out, the girls are out. And so the boys are in the dining room. The boys are in the dining room, the boys are in the dining room.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Boys are in the dining room. So our voices might sound a little crispier this week. Our voice is crispier, the voice. All right. The, oh no, keep going. The video quality will be a little darker this week. Quality's darker. Quality's darker.
Starting point is 00:03:48 The video quality is darker. But we're seeing each other for the first time in six, seven days or so. We got a lot to catch up on. Yeah. We've had a hiatus from each other. We've hiated. We've hiated. Yes.
Starting point is 00:04:00 I've hiated not seeing you. Yeah. Dang it. You beat me to it. Well, I hated it. It's not what a hate crime is. Yeah. I've beenatus seeing you. Yeah, dang it beat me to it Well, I hated it It's not what I hate crime is. Yeah, I've been to Mexico and back But you've been to Chick-fil-a a lot and they have several employees who are from Mexico, correct? So I've practically done the same thing practicar. I've practically done the mismo thing
Starting point is 00:04:22 Funny you mentioned that it legitimately crossed my mind. One of the first things that happened to me in Mexico, I was like, I wish Brad was here. And not for anything super sentimental or fun, but because... Not because I actually like you. Not anything to do with your personality or how we interact, but your skill set when it comes to Espanol. Oh yeah. First thing basically we do after you know going through customs everything is go get our rental car and the woman at and it's budget rental it's not like a you know a cancun right local because there were some options and stuff i've never even heard of in spanish but i was like budget at least i've heard of them and she said uh i said hey i'm
Starting point is 00:05:01 i rented a car here's my confirmation number. She said, habla espanol? And I said, uh-oh, nope. And that was kind of the tone of the trip. Like that really did set the tone of like, well, this is going to be tougher than it needs to be. And right then and there, I was like, I really wish Brad was on that trip because he knows Spanish and I don't. And no one else did? And so out of the six of us on the trip, no one spoke Spanish well at all.
Starting point is 00:05:28 It was not a good sign that I was one of our primary translators and my Spanish background is freshman year of high school. And it was my least favorite class. Like I know very, very, very little Spanish and I was doing most of the communicating all week long. So it was a little difficile. You know what I'm saying? It was a little, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:47 A little complicado, if you know what I mean. I would do that and not even try to be funny, but just like so many times I'm like, I don't know this word. And I, you know, I don't have service for Google Translate. And even though I downloaded it offline, for some reason that's not working. So I'm trying to say, you know, words and just like try to give you an example of just,
Starting point is 00:06:07 I'm like hoping it's like, what do they call it? Like a conjugate or something where it's close to the original. Conjugated. It's conjugated, I think. Whatever. Freshman year of Spanish. I don't know these things.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Conjugated just means like taking a verb and making it into like a verb. Like instead of saying to play, you say I play. It's like a conjugate. Gotcha, you change. Well, it's some word that kind of starts that way. Oh, conjugal visits. That's what I was wanting. I was wanting conjugal visits with them. Yes, for sure. No, but basically, I mean, it was a good trip. So whenever I was in Spain, sorry, I remember like, I don't know if this happened to you, kind of similar to what
Starting point is 00:06:40 you were saying. I remember people like if they didn't speak Spanish very well, they would try to say something and they couldn't say it very well. And then they got more and more stumbled. And then like words, even though that they, even that they knew how to say they struggled with, like, like if you're trying to say chicken, all of a sudden, like you're so flustered that you start saying polo, polo, you know, like, I don't know, like in every sense, yes. Like they, they start like saying hola you know like just like saying the the easiest words that they know so wrong did you ever find yourself like wow i know i know that one's not right you just said anyway like i i don't think so i would just try to navigate every conversation to the words i did know which isn't many you know just every single time i would it's like yeah it was just tough. And I got very good at, what is it?
Starting point is 00:07:26 Alguien habla espanol? That means, does anybody speak Spanish? Because I would call people and, yeah. You should have said, does anybody speak English? Oh, sorry. Did you say that? No, I guess I'm flustered now. You're right. It is happening.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Maybe that was the issue. I kept asking if anyone would speak Spanish. Does anybody speak Spanish here? They're like, yeah. Seeks. All these people were raising their you know, raising their hand, but they were jerks. And then they were sarcastic,
Starting point is 00:07:47 just fools that wouldn't actually speak Spanish to me. So maybe that was, I did too! Help! Mom! I can't!
Starting point is 00:07:55 Habla! I need help! Habla now! So, don't worry, this podcast isn't just going to be Jake tells you about his trip in Mexico, but there are a couple of stories and just things that I think were kind of funny and interesting
Starting point is 00:08:09 right off the bat. Yeah. Like I said, speak Spanish and that kind of set the tone for the trip. It was not nearly as touristy as I was expecting. I, no one's spoken English the whole time. I did not meet in another American the whole time. It was, uh, I mean, it was basically just like we got dropped in the middle of Mexico and just like, all right, have fun for four days, which is fine. I'm not really complaining. I was just very surprised. And I think when you go on vacation, vacation should be easy. It should be fun. And everything we did was just slightly harder than it needed to be because, oh, that was another thing. So there's an exchange rate, pesos to dollars, but it's kind of just different every place you go, apparently. Some places would be like, And now there's like,
Starting point is 00:08:49 So you just make up your own, and then you can't really negotiate with them, because I can't speak their language. You're like, no, no, no. Yeah, I would try to go, And that didn't work super well. And then, you know. It's because you're saying vente. What is that, 20?
Starting point is 00:09:06 Vente. Vaint. Vente. Okay. What is vente? I think it's like a window or like a vent. Crap. Well, the vent over there.
Starting point is 00:09:16 I will give you one window unit for a pollo. See, this is the thing. Habla, habla espanol? Alguienien this is why I shouldn't have been the translator so that tells you our trip went
Starting point is 00:09:29 I was the main comunicado and I don't know Spanish I mean I was willing to take a crack at it at all times I love it that's how you learn baby
Starting point is 00:09:36 yeah you'll learn baby you'll learn you'll get there baby so yeah you kind of brought up a point I think everyone has two different sides of
Starting point is 00:09:46 like their vacation desires i think everyone desires to go and have like an authentic vacation in the place they're going but they also have the desire of like wanting to be touristy in some ways like yeah not truly touristy like you don't want to just be like oh just a bunch of americans everywhere but it would be nice if we could go to Mexico, have the authentic Mexican experience, but everyone spoke fluent English. Like, just the ease of knowing how much something costs. I mean, most times you just order stuff and you don't even know what you're spending. Like if it's decently commercialized place, they'll accept dollars or they'll accept, they'll, they'll just be like, Oh, that's fine. You can, you can take it. But, uh, yeah, I don't know. Cause I'm the same way. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:10:29 Oh man, I just want to go to like the deep parts of Mexico or like, I really want to go to like this original part of Spain. But then sometimes I'll like, you know, go to a big city and be like, this is pretty nice. I do like this. They have a Chipotle here. Yep. They, yeah, they have my Starbucks. I know what an Americano is. I don't mean the white guy in the counter. Habla ingles. Yeah. So because of the first like 24 hours of the trip or so, I was really wrestling with like, man, am I racist? Am I upset because there's no white people here?
Starting point is 00:10:56 Or am I like, I was like, why do I not like that no one speaks English? Do I have a problem? Am I this like really ethnocentric, like privileged? And I think what I've narrowed it down to is, yeah, I just, I'm the type who would at least, I'm okay with being down there amongst the locals. I just want it to be easy. And it wasn't that easy, but. Well, you got to avoid a lot of the snowfall here in Kansas City.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Yes, we had to boogie to the elf stance. Yeah, to the elf's stance. He just stands there and we all just boogie to it okay everyone looked away he's crouching now crouch like that okay now he's he's uh you know kind of off to one side he's lunging to the left uh boogie to it um boogie to that elf stance that reminds me uh ellen degenerous came out with a a stand-up comedy special probably like a year ago so the first time in forever and i really don't remember much but i remember thinking oh it was good but one of the things that i do still remember was she had this whole bit on the positions you put your body in when
Starting point is 00:11:52 you're trying on shoes like you do all these like crazy positions you're like rocking back and forth front to back like oh i could do this oh this feels good oh yeah like this and like spinning and doing lunges oh this feels good sure yeah i could do this every time i every time i do a do a pirouette in my kitchen i'll i'll love these shoes yeah no this feels nice yeah like yeah the physical humor of it too is like that is that is so funny because everyone does that you're doing all these weird like yeah you're like pushing your foot towards the front of your shoe this feels nice like that's not how you walk yeah just walk that's all you have to do to try on shoes oh this feels good yeah the. Yeah, the elf stance. The elf stance. So anyway, snow was fun.
Starting point is 00:12:27 It was beautiful, man. But it was a little treacherous out there. Got to use four-wheel drive for the first time in the truck. Oh. And let me tell you. Cuatro suelos? Cuatro suelos drive. Okay?
Starting point is 00:12:38 Did you ever do that where you just like did like two words and you're like, I'm done. I hope you know this third one. That's what I did. Literally yesterday. Cuatro suelos drive? words and you're like i'm done i hope you know this third one that's what i did literally yesterday uh wheelo drive yesterday trying to tell the port i'm it's the last thing we're doing in mexico i'm trying to fill up the gas in our rental car before we drop it off at the airport and you know no she did she didn't hablo any espanol if you know what i mean uh and i'm trying to tell her like any what i know i did it on purpose that time and i think you did so i'm trying to tell her like, I know I did it on purpose that time.
Starting point is 00:13:10 So I'm trying to like communicate that I only want the tank to go three fourths full because that's what we got in this rental car. And so, yeah, I'm going in and out of Spanish a lot, you know, just like, you know, this is rental auto. You say a little bit of an accent. Yeah, like maybe that helps. That'll help him. Rental auto. You say a little bit of an accent. Yeah. Like maybe that helps. Oh, that'll help him. Rental. Yo quiero tres slash cuatro.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Seriously. I'm like, it's half it is. I'm only using the Spanish words I know. Fool. I don't know. And everyone in the car is laughing at me, but no one's on Google translate. It's just to watch Jake struggle in the front. Oh, that is, that's a pet peeve of mine is whenever it's like,
Starting point is 00:13:47 clearly this guy's struggling. Like clearly I'm in a tough position right now. Catherine, like do something for me, please. Like, Hey guys, you see how I'm struggling to tell this gasoline attendant?
Starting point is 00:13:57 Like, like maybe you guys could look it up back there. Huh? Use your international data for like two minutes over there. Huh? That's funny. You mentioned that I was going in and out of English and Spanish a lot. One guy stops us on the street to try and sell us something and we're like,
Starting point is 00:14:10 discount day? Discount day for a boat? I don't know. They're like, yeah, just get on that boat and you'll be forced to pay whatever they ask. Yeah. Anyway, I interrupted something you were saying. My bad. Oh, I was driving in four-wheel drive and it was like a cheat code, honestly. Quattro wheelo drive is like, I think I drive like a truck driver in two different ways.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Sometimes I drive in the most like 15 mile an hour, like could not care how fast I'm going. Just make it there. Make it there safely. Listen to country music, just windows down, like could not care how fast I'm going. Just make it there. Make it there safely. Listen to country music, just windows down, like loving life, you know, with my golden retriever in the back that I don't actually own. Yeah. You know, other times I am the biggest, you know, woman cleaner bag in the world.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Oh, I'll let's edit that. I am the biggest tool in the world. When it, you know, just like driving, like, Hey, you're smaller than me. I'm a big truck. So get out of the way. It got quattros. I understand now why certain trucks drive the way they do in the snow. And it used to freak me out. Like, why is that guy driving so fast? You just feel so powerful. You there, the snow does not make a difference when you're a four wheel drive. That's pretty cool. They don't call it four wheel stop stop though so you do have to give yourself some some chance to slow there was one time where i was like
Starting point is 00:15:27 oh boy i'm hitting the super room brace yourselves for it but honestly it was awesome it was like so fun uh i actually later on in the week uh helped a kid uh who went in the ditch helped him get out of the ditch oh that's awesome yeah put the put the old thing in four-wheel drive and yanked her out of there, which is pretty cool Wait, how'd you how'd you yank? Just with my hands. Yeah. Yeah, let me just roll down the window. Give me your own me Manos You probably noticed on my Instagram story I was trying to say stick it to the man to the motto. Yeah, and That's all you know, I'm sharing this whole you know the you know the word well no i mean i do now but at the time i mean you didn't think about like i mean i was
Starting point is 00:16:10 just doing it like oh yeah of course it's i was just like stick it to yeah el mono and everyone's just replying stick it to the hand i'm like okay i know i know now i know now you're the 19th person who told me el hombre but that was funny so people like on our trip that was kind of an inside joke stick it to the hand dude all right i'll stick it to the hand talk to the hombre because the peso ain't listening so anyway yeah uh uh we use chains is the answer to how we got him out chains chains to both both cars that's a good uh nick Jonas song, by the way. Also, might be Joe Jonas. Try to make the change, but the change only break me. Is that it?
Starting point is 00:16:50 That's it. That part, the little breakdown is pretty dope. I'd be like that. That'd be a good song to play next time you yank someone out of a ditch. Got me in chains. See, that's not one of the two stereotypical truck driver songs. You know, like, if you're... Well, I don't know. That's like maybe the third truck driver that like has like the lift kit on his truck so it's like way
Starting point is 00:17:08 too tall yeah overcompensating for something and just like listening nick jonas or joe jonas whoever it is yeah that checks out um so anyway love the four-wheel drive i now am going to look forward to the snow every time that is kind of cool it is really cool um i was like i was like katherine you need me to go get anything from the store you know like katherine like when it snows an inch she's like hunkering down texas girl yeah she's like oh we have bread and milk like why do people always need bread and milk like like you know what i mean you don't talk about yeah like we act like these become very essential all of a sudden like i haven't been carrying this right but if it's what if it's windy we need milk All we have is tortillas.
Starting point is 00:17:51 We can't eat tortillas when there's ice. I have taco meat and tortillas. How am I going to make peanut butter jelly sandwiches? What if some, like there's no other sustenance out there besides milk and bread. We need these because it's going to get icy. I don't know about this. You know how I, my lactose intolerance reverses when there's an ice storm? Give me the milk. They only have Wonder. They don't have Sara Lee. They don't have Sara Lee. Only Wonder. What if a stray cat comes to our porch, looks hungry, and we only have taco meat, Brad?
Starting point is 00:18:14 Get the milk and bread. You're right. We have to Linda Mono. Yes. Yep. Linda Mono. Linda Mono, take a Mono. Sounds like a nice Italian woman's name.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Linda Romano. Everybody loves Raymond woman's name. Linda Romano. Everybody loves Raymond. Hello, my name is Linda Romano. Yes. Si. I'm coming to your house asking for a sugar. Do you have any? We do not have a sugar, but we have lots of milk and cookies and a little bit of slice of bread.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Sucre means sugar, and I got to use that in Spanish this week because I watched Prison Break. Nice. And his name was Sucre in it. Prison Break just teaches you lots of life lessons. The gift that keeps on giving is Prison Break. Oh man. Here's something. Speaking of milk and bread. Love it. Speaking of the essentials, we had this perfect storm of low on essential things this week.
Starting point is 00:19:00 And it was during the snowstorm kind of thing. So it was kind of an ironic thing. We were dangerously, ridiculously low on all these things for me. Soap, shampoo, toilet paper. Oh, it's kind of the big three when it comes to hygiene. I'll tell you the one that's most important. Toilet paper. Yeah. It was like, like I was at first, a few times I was just like, I'm just gonna take a shower. I'm just kidding. I did. I had, I was like, I'll ah, I'm just going to take a shower. I'm just kidding. I was like, ah, I'll just go halfway in the shower.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Yeah, it's like I could probably figure out a way. I mean, how did they do it back in the biblical days? Yeah, how did they do it in the Aztecs, you know? But yeah, it was like, and so Catherine texted me. I'm imagining you just it's like child's pose face down on the ground in the shower it's like i'm just boogieing to the elf stance baby i'm like three minutes in here should do it three minutes i'm gonna move around a little bit oh man like yeah good thing we have the removable shower head huh i got that babe
Starting point is 00:20:01 got that hose for the removable one oh shoot yeah. So we were really low on all those things. Like we had like, I'm serious. It was like a dime size of soap. And Catherine has some kind of like homemade body wash that she uses, I think, with like essential oils and stuff. Potty wash? Sure. That would have been cool if that's what she had. Name? Maybe. I don't know. I mean, no toilet paper. It's okay. We got potty wash. Yeah. It's yellow. It's great. Um,
Starting point is 00:20:35 I don't know if I want that. Uh, that's what you do in the shower. Yeah. You put on the potty wash. Uh, wow. That's, that's a decently good, maybe terrible idea. I can't tell. I think it's really good. Um, anyway, so little toilet paper, so little soap. Catherine texted me Sunday morning. She didn't go to church because it was so, like, the snow was too much for her. I was like, can the Holy Spirit even move when it's this snowy? I don't, because, I mean, it didn't really snow in Jerusalem because it was the Middle East. Right, right. I've been praying, and I think the Holy Spirit just wants me to watch online today.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think, and plus i can take notes quicker because i'm already on my computer yeah yeah yeah and like it's just so much easier with the kids and i already got the milk from the store in the land of milk and honey it just it makes a lot of sense my mom's name is now honey because she's a grandma i got toast in the kitchen you, so anyway, she stayed home and she texted me, Hey, can you run and get some toilet paper? Cause we had friends coming over and watch the game like we normally do. And I was like, baby, like, I can't like it, the chiefs are on at 12 and, and you know, uh, church usually gets over 1150 anyway. Like it's, and it's 20 minutes away from
Starting point is 00:21:42 our house. So I'm like, I'm already going to be late for the chief's game i can't and she's like like luckily she's awesome wife and she totally understood uh but i had the great idea and maybe i shouldn't disclose the podcast but i went to the church bathroom got some of their you know half ply that is a good idea and put it up on the coat rack by my coat and as as I was leaving, I strategically just took it, put it in my pocket real fast, said, all right, you guys have a good day. Ran out of there, got in my four-wheel drive truck and got home pretty quick to game tiempo. Just a little bit too late. I love that you did that.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Resourceful. Thank you. I appreciate it. The funny thing was, I don't even think we needed that role. Um, you know, we were pretty stopped up. So I think that's, that's a lesson for you. I mean, the Bible is very clear to only take what you need and you took more than what you needed. You didn't, I'll bring it back. Yeah. So anyway, that's, uh, that's the thing. So this past weekend, I also had some interesting times on the road a little bit.
Starting point is 00:22:46 The, you know, when Michael Scott, uh, hits Meredith with his car and then Jim makes a comment. I think it's Jim. One day, Michael came in complaining about a speed bump on the highway.
Starting point is 00:22:57 You know, I wonder who he had been in the highway between Cancun and Tulum. There are speed bumps. Really? Yes. No joke. Didn't know that. And I sent old Johnny Lambert to the moon one time in the backseat.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Truly. There's like speed tables. Oh, for a second I thought Johnny Lambert was the name of your rental car. Oh. Send the old Johnny Lambert to the moon. No, that is my friend. Or Juan Lamberto. My friend who was in the car in the backseat.
Starting point is 00:23:24 Okay. Anyway, no joke. So if anyone's going down there, rent your own car. There's not a lot of street signs. Oh, and also no no lines on the street. Like as far as like you don't know if you're in the left lane or right lane. They just don't have lines on the street there. OK, so that very quickly on.
Starting point is 00:23:41 I was like, wow, no one's going to speak English here. And I just nail the speed bump going very, very fast. Was there any kind of like painting or sign or anything about the speed bump other speed bumps had signs and you know once i was new to look for them i could see them a little better but it still was not fun it was just stressful always driving um and i guess like the dad of this trip it sounded like yeah kind of which i don't mind that's how most of the trips go as i yeah i find the airbnb in the rental car and i i don't mind driving everywhere but also an aspect of driving on this trip and i'll try to tell the story as quick as possible but i did mention on my instagram story even though i was kind of joking about it on instagram but it was a pretty pretty serious thing it's our first full day in Mexico. We walk out of the restaurant, and our car is not there. We had parked on the side of the street.
Starting point is 00:24:32 There was no parking signs that said no. There were no signs that said no parking. Nothing seemed to be afoot. We parked behind several other cars. There's cars parked behind us. We're all just, this is our street to park on. And we get out, and our car is not there which was a weird feeling to be in the middle of mexico and not know what happened your car and
Starting point is 00:24:51 you just feel helpless because weird feeling regardless of where you are yeah even in america that would feel weird so oh another thing i probably told the story in backwards order a little bit before we went to the restaurant we stopped at the beach to hang out a little bit. And we find this kind of parking lot next to like a wall that I guess someone lives on the other side of. We got out of the car and this like probably 12-year-old girl is like, pesos, pesos. And I was like, what? And I was like, I think this little girl is trying to charge us to park here. And so some of the people on the trip were like, okay, how much?
Starting point is 00:25:23 And I was like, no, we're not paying this girl. Like there's no way, like she's like 12 or 11. Like this is just like, okay. I thought he's like, this has to, uh, this is just a thing they do to, to green goes down here. I'm sure, you know, which is weird. Travel Jake doesn't trust anyone. American Jake, I trust everybody. Leave everything unlocked. Everything's fine. Right. Travel Jake trusts no one. Oh, you want to take a picture with my camera? Sure. Go ahead, homeless guy. But not down there.
Starting point is 00:25:49 So that almost just led into the conspiracy theory. I don't think anything happened with that. I don't think that is actually the cause of anything. But it was kind of a funny thought of like, wait, did 12-year-old girl strike vengeance on us because we didn't pay? I guess it is possible. I don't think so. Because then it was several hours later we parked in a completely different spot but we really she was just trying
Starting point is 00:26:09 to she was actually saying besos besos she was like jeff besos from amazon no no she's wanting you to kiss oh see don't know spanish no or maybe she was maybe she wasn't yeah she's like jeff besos he's from amer. Maybe these people know him. Yeah. Who knows? So that was a funny part that added to it. It was like, man, it is karma for not paying this 12-year-old girl probably like $5. Probably cost nothing. But I was still just like, no, we're not paying this girl.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Just ignore her. And so we, okay, I'm going to try to tell this quick. We start just trying to talk to locals. Like, hey, does anyone know English? Does anyone know what could have happened to a car? Yeah. This one guy seems to be pretty helpful, but he also was like, oh, is it a red Kia? We're like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:54 How do you know? Yes, it was. But how do you know that? Oh, my primo Carlos, he moving down the street, man. Oh, policia. Very good. You don't know how to drive a red Kia around here, man. I tell you what, Policia. Very good. You know, I want to drive a red Kia around here, man. I tell you what, jefe.
Starting point is 00:27:09 So, yeah, he's like, oh, a Kia Rojo. See? I was like, yes. So it was a little suspicious that he knew the car we were driving. But we also found out later, I think just a lot of, no one has a Kia unless it's a rental car. So I think it's just like common. Like he just noticed it probably earlier in the night. So this guy is somewhat helpful.
Starting point is 00:27:26 He's like, I'm going to call my friend at the police station. Try to find out if they have it impounded. That's not super helpful, but he thinks he knows where it is, like which impound lot it's in. So he wrote something down for us. He's like, I think it's here. We're like, okay, great. He's like, but you can't get it until the morning and they might not be open. Why are those two things a thing?
Starting point is 00:27:44 Why is that a fact? Why are those double open. Why are those two things a thing? Why is that a fact? Why are those double facts? Why are those double facts? That's funny. Yeah, that was like a weird thing of news. Because then I'm starting thinking like, for all I know, this guy's in on it. And he's like, hey, shuffle their car around. I'm stalling them so they won't get it till the morning.
Starting point is 00:27:59 That is very paranoid Jake right there. I mean, a little bit, but also. This guy's in on it. I felt pretty targeted as an American because there aren't any Americans there. And I just feel like we might be taken advantage of. Oh, definitely. I'm the same way.
Starting point is 00:28:12 He's like, you can't get it till the morning. And, and also I just feel kind of extra stress because I kind of feel in charge and it's, it's my real car. Well, it's on you if the car goes missing. I was driving. That's the thing. All my camera gear is in there. Camera, drone, laptop, you know.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Well, just the insurance purposes of not knowing where the car that you rented from somebody is even if for even like even if you didn't have your camera stuff in there yeah so we call a taxi the next morning and half of us no taxi cab is bigger than just a normal car so only half of us can go okay and we get in the taxi car and we hand him the piece of paper we're like we think we need to go here and he goes which one like well we don't totally know which one and it was the corallone okay you put that in google translate it comes out to corallone okay that's pretty helpful you love that yeah like okay so i don't know that just means the same word it It's just no accent mark, but same word.
Starting point is 00:29:07 So taxi driver is actually so helpful. MVP of the trip, Alex. Great guy. If I had more money, I would have tipped him everything I had. Love it. More Bezos for Alex. Exactly. Yes.
Starting point is 00:29:18 So he's like, okay, well, do you have your, and it didn't sound like this. It was pretty broken English, but still English. Do you have your documentation from the police? No, I didn't know. They didn't give us anything't give us anything and he actually he was like oh bleep he's like oh bleep that's not good we're like oh geez she's like all right let me take you to the police station first so we get there and we walk inside no one's in there he goes oh yeah that might be closed because it's sunday might be they just closed down no crime what a life hack no crime let's go let's go rob the bank it's sunday that's awesome i was like how do we take advantage of this it's the purge once a week every domingo is the purge it's time to purge me domingo domingo for the gringos. Wow.
Starting point is 00:30:06 They're closed. He said, they might be closed. He's like, let's go talk to this guy outside. There is a guy in uniform outside in a little hut. Wait, sorry. I love that there's so many times where people don't know whether or not things are open or not. That just sounds like something that would never happen in America. Like either things are open or they're closed.
Starting point is 00:30:24 Yeah, they might have shut down. Yeah, I don't know. I think the kids got a baseball game later today. So there might be closed down for the night. Humidity is pretty high and they've got like pretty big uniforms and they get sweaty when it's humid. And so they just, they would rather just be in a t-shirt. Yeah. They're just, yeah. They're closing down early night. That's crazy. The police, like, like it's one thing if it's like a mom and pop hardware store on Christmas Eve. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, they're probably closing down.
Starting point is 00:30:47 They didn't get much business today. But the police station. Policia? You need the police. Closo? On me? So, the whole time, though, it's not that funny at the time. It's just like, geez, are we ever going to solve this?
Starting point is 00:31:03 What is stress, Jake, like to the other people in the party? Like, are you like, I would probably be a little bit sassy sometimes. Like I get a little sarcastic with people if they try to do something or like if I'm trying to talk to somebody and they're like, Brad, Brad, Brad, what about this? I'd be like, Hey, like I need just a second, dude. Like, I don't know. Like, like how are you reacting to those, to your friends? And I think everything was cool.
Starting point is 00:31:24 I mean, no one got on my nerves or anything with it. Like, everyone was helpful. And yeah, it was fine. I think Andrea, who I've traveled to Australia and New Zealand with and Kauai and this, she could tell. She's like, I've never seen you like this. Oh, really? She's like, but it's good, though.
Starting point is 00:31:37 She's like, I like this. I like that you're taking this seriously. And you're still optimistic about things. So I think I did OK. But we should travel together sometime. Let's have something happen to us. We'll love it, man. And we'll see what we turn into.
Starting point is 00:31:48 I mean, we went to the Chiefs game and... That was, oh man. That was a little stressful, but not anything compared to that, I'm sure. My catso. So we're at the possibly closed police station talking to the guy outside. And he was like, okay, I'll radio someone in, go back inside. So we go back inside, An officer meets us in there. And Alex, I mean, MVP Alex is on the ride over there.
Starting point is 00:32:09 We were like, Alex, can we, I will pay you to help us translate. If you want to keep coming with us, like I'll pay you. Because he was like, it might cost, he's like, you're going to have to pay them for the parking violation. And then you're going to have to pay the pound to get your car un-impounded or whatever. Just, yeah, whatever. Depounded. Deep. Yeah, something. That sounded weird. Sorry. have to pay the pound to get your car on impounded or whatever just yeah whatever deep pounded deep yeah something that sounded weird sorry um so i was like alex i'll pay you to just help us out so alex is in there translating with us and then i we go into like the back room and i'm trying to
Starting point is 00:32:40 think they don't speak any english but i don't think anything really crazy happened basically we end up paying it you know only only a lot $40, which is great Yeah, 40 American dollars for the deep pounding and for the not this is just for a parking ticket Oh the deep parking still I mean I tried to fight it though. Cause I'm like we didn't park illegally Yeah, why are we being you know, but they don't speak English. So just tough and I'm like, you know But what's why I can remember what why is okay, okay I knew it was like I was like it's something that but what's why I couldn't remember what why is. Por que? Por que? I knew it was like, I was like, it's something that's also because, but I couldn't remember what because was either. Dang it. Por que? I was like, quien? Cuando?
Starting point is 00:33:13 I remember the other questions. So I still don't know why we paid a parking ticket, but we did. It was only $40. So then we get in the car, go to the impound lot. We find it, it's in there, but the guy says, I don't take no credit card and no American dollars at all. So everyone takes American dollars. You would think that would be gold. We're number one. Yeah. We're the best. So Alex is like, well, I have 2000 pesos in my car, but it costs 2,900. So like, that's still not enough. But then there's this other taxi cab there. So then we knock on his window. Hey, how many pesos do you have? And so he's like, I have enough, but I'm going to charge you this much. So now we're negotiating with him. And then we finally get
Starting point is 00:33:53 the pesos. We finally get in there. And then I'm trying to negotiate with him, the guy who's works the deep pounding lot. He's not budging. And so just all around, just like, uh, this is an absolute mess to, and this is all on vacation, mind you, you know, and I don't feel like we deserved any of it. I feel like it's because we're Americans clearly in a rental car. This is all happened to us. Just the Mexican government. Well, I don't want to say any, I don't know if they're corrupt.
Starting point is 00:34:16 I don't know if they are, but I know I didn't have a good time. You ever watch Narcos? That was practically us. Yeah. So it was a journey. We did end up getting it back camera gear was all in there start to finish how long did that take probably two three hours really yeah but we got the we got the car back at like 12 30 went back into town and we were sitting down for lunch at 1 p.m eastern time Eastern Time, Chiefs game, baby! Oh, pya, pya, pya, pya, pya!
Starting point is 00:34:45 So I was... AFC West champion eat Chiefs time. Yes. So I was illegally streaming that on Reddit while eating some tacos. Oh, yeah. I had a lot of pollo con queso. Oh, did you? Because when you're allergic to red meat, you don't have a lot of options in Mexico. I had a different form of a chicken taco for about nine meals straight while there.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Tostada, enchilada, un taco, meals straight while they're yeah just the same thing they're all they're all just practically the same thing exactly yeah same thing i don't know how authentic any of that stuff is but i'll tell you though speaking of food bread i think the food could have been a little better the food of tulum the food of tulum yeah could have been a little better had i had had just a little something with me in Mexico. Oh, baby. I know exactly what you're talking about. Tell them what I'm talking about. We're talking about our latest.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Ow! Sponsor! Ow! Pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, pew! Our first product. Yes. To sponsor the show. Oh, I love products.
Starting point is 00:35:42 I love so much. And the thing I love more than anything is eating. So, uh, so this, this product is humble salt is what it's called. It's a humble salt company. It's a salt seasoned salt, uh, born in the mountains of Northern California at a place called J H ranch. It's an all purpose salt mix ready to make your next meal. Exceptional.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Oh, give me some exceptional meals uh the name comes from a quote by the famous writer charles spurgeon who said the genuine salt of humility cannot be used in excess i love i love that quote uh and i really truly this stuff is fire it is so good tasty oscar tasty with that humble salt it's so good. Tasty Oscar. Tasty with that humble salt. It's so good. And you can literally put it on almost anything. Like don't put it on ice cream, but everything else you could probably put on roads. If you want to de-ice it, I'll tell you what. Yeah. Just throw some of this humble salt on there. You basically got a four wheel drive car. People will be driving down your streets so safely and being like, Hey, you know what? You go ahead. No, no, you go ahead. No,
Starting point is 00:36:44 no. Hey, you have a nicer car. Hey, you know what? You go ahead. No, no, you go ahead. No, no. Hey, you have a nicer car. Hey, you know what? No matter what, we're all just good people here. We're humble. You know, it's crazy how humble they get. It's so crazy how humble people get with the humble salt. There's a rumor going around that the next need for speed franchise, you know, movie, they're going to make a movie in the snow.
Starting point is 00:37:01 They're going to lay a little some humble salt out on the road. It's going to be called want speed. You don't need the speed. I just want some speed. If you got it, I'll take it. Need for safety is what they're going to call it. Want some speed? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Content, sufficient with our speed the way it is. It's fine. Okay. Anyway, what does it do on food though? It just enhances the flavor. It's all this natural ingredients. You can put it on vegetables, salads, uh, Chick-fil-A chicken. I'm really excited to put it on. I put on my eggs this morning. Um, it is truly so good. And it's, it's from right, uh, in Dallas, Texas. Um, great guy named Davis is the one that started this
Starting point is 00:37:39 company. So, but Brad, I bet if they wanted it, they would have to pay full price to get this. Something like this doesn't go on sale, right? You can't discount a product like this. No, not unless you go to humble and order, uh, using the promo code ghost runners, all one word, 10% off. Oh, 10%. Um, genuinely it's really, really good. I don't know what else to say. It's, it's just, it's really really good i i don't know what else to say it's it's just it's really
Starting point is 00:38:07 really good seasoning so you can put on everything um after you cook your meat you can do it on their um eggs vegetables salads like i said put on anything um there'll be a link in our description for their website and yeah use promo code ghost runners to get 10% off. Check them out. Humble salt. Humble salt, baby. I love that, you know, when we talk to advertisers, it's always like, hey, 60 second mid roll. And then we talk for like three minutes. 60 second minimum is what we'll say. Yeah, 60 second minimum, you know, link in description.
Starting point is 00:38:37 In case we just don't believe in your product at all, we will just talk about it for 60 seconds. But we always believe in our products. So we want to talk about it. Easy to get carried away. I really, really enjoy this stuff. They sent us a sample, obviously. And I just, I'll be honest every once in a while, I just lick my finger and just dip it in there and just go with the old finger salt. Treat it like a fun dip. Exactly. So anyway,, C-O, promo code ghostrunners one word try it out you will not be disappointed
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Starting point is 00:39:43 A place who will not break us. The phenomenon returns to Paramount+. The only way we go home is together. From new season now streaming exclusively on Paramount+. Nice. Yeah. I got offered cocaine every single day that I was there in Mexico. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Kind of hard to do. Cocaina. Cocaina. Coco? What'd you say? I said, no. No, Kind of hard to do. Cocaina. Cocaina. Coco? What did you say? I said, no, no thanks. No gracias. I actually did,
Starting point is 00:40:09 I caught myself saying no gracias. I was like, so polite. They're like, cocaína, and you're like, oh, just a second. And you get out, your Google Translate, in, oh, and you press the button.
Starting point is 00:40:17 No. Or like, yeah, yeah. Camarón. ¿Tienes diet cocaína? Dr. Pepper? Oh, yeah, yeah. Cameroon. Tienes diet cocaine? Dr. Pepper? Oh, cocaine? Oh, no, no, no. Hey, hey.
Starting point is 00:40:32 The final night, I guess I wasn't convincing enough in my no. And so he brought it, had it out of a fanny pack. Not your typical M.O. for a drug dealer, I wouldn't think. Unzips his fanny pack and shows it to me as if I didn't know. You don't have it. I want it, know you don't have it i want it but you don't have i don't believe that you're even selling it oh man it's like showing it to me and like i i still still know that's like the stereotype of americans i think is that they just want drugs when they go on vacation every time in spain we'd walk by and they'd be like a scarf a scarf a scarf
Starting point is 00:41:00 you know like saying they want to sell you a scarf yeah and then they'd walk by and they just go marijuana weed like no i don't want either of those things double no marijuana weed marijuana weed is it illegal there did they need to be whispering or was it just like it sounded creepier and cooler it's illegal but it's like so not illegal it's kind of like uh speeding in america speeding in tex Yeah, sure. So, um, which is where humble salt is based out of is Dallas, Texas, by the way. So, uh, so you did not say yes to the cocaine. I did not. Um, yeah, I didn't say you would have a need for speed if you wanted to. Yes. I would have some need for nose bleed. I think if I did as well, but yeah. Did I tell you the other day? Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 00:41:47 No, you're good. You're good. The other day I had a cold last week. You know, Catherine told me, I'll take all this stuff. Elderberry is one of the big things to take these days. And I was like, Oh, I'm feeling a lot better. But she goes, yeah, but I know. But anytime you have a little bit of this and she like points to her nose. Oh, that's exactly how they offer it in Mexico. And she's like, anytime you have a little bit of... I'm like, you sweet, innocent little Christian girl. Like, do you not know that that is the universal signal for cocaine?
Starting point is 00:42:13 Yeah. And she just laughed about it, obviously. Good for her. Yeah. Anyway. Okay. I have a thought. So it's been cold lately, like I've mentioned.
Starting point is 00:42:25 And I was wondering if you think that these three things... I have a thought. Um, so it's been cold lately, like I've mentioned. Um, and I was wondering if you think that these three things, I was getting to bed the other night and I was like, Catherine thinks these things are weird. I wonder what the rest of the world, AKA Jake thinks about these things. Is this where you tell me that you didn't use toilet paper and you just showered instead?
Starting point is 00:42:40 I'm going to go ahead and Mark. That one is weird. Okay. Okay. Um, I didn't, I use some toilet paper. Okay. It was a hand towel. It was a hand one as weird. Okay. Okay. I use some toilet paper. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:47 It was a hand towel. It was a hand towel. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. It was a reusable toilet paper. It was brown hand towel.
Starting point is 00:42:52 So it's not like I even made much of an imprint. Gosh. Okay. Okay. So I have three different things that I did while getting ready for bed or, you know, when I was sleeping. And this is called weird, not weird? Weird versus normal.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Yeah. Tell me, is this weird or normal? Weird versus normal. Weird. Versus normal. First thing is I like to put on deodorant before I go to bed. Weird or normal? I think for me, that's just circumstantial.
Starting point is 00:43:23 If I'm a little, actually, no. Cut. Cut! I... 60-40 weird. Barely weird. Just a little weird. Just a little weird. A little weird.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Like the person that's like, yeah, yeah, he plays baseball, but he's also like a cellist. You're like, oh. Yeah. That's a little weird. Oh, that's kind of weird. Yes. Good analogy. Yeah. I think it's a little weird because, but then again, you sleep with someone else.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Correct. I do not. But I'll be honest. I think I do it even if she's not, like she's not home. She's out of town. I'll put on deodorant tonight. Do you sleep in a way that your arms are up? Sometimes.
Starting point is 00:44:01 I like smelling it. That could be why. Yeah, that's part of it. So is it more so that you don't want to smell your bad self or you do want to smell your good self second i like the frag that sounds like something that could get popular with like basic white girls like a vlizzo put that in a in a lyric smell your good self like white girls would eat that up i deserve to smell my good self you're right i smell my good self every day even domingo when the policia is closed smell my good self uh okay so somewhat weird somewhat weird i think you never do it i don't think so just because i'm like well unless it's like oh this stinks this is stanky well yeah
Starting point is 00:44:37 poppy this stinks because i kind of a theory like or not even a theory just the way i approach life like i would rather like i don't want to put deodorant on when I kind of smell bad. I want it to be gross. I want it to get in there. Like, no joke. Yeah, yeah. I do the same thing when I used to go to the dentist. My dentist left town, so I just kind of stopped.
Starting point is 00:44:59 But I would. You're back though. I would go, or I would stop at a drive-thru on my way to the dentist. I'm going to get my money's worth here. If you're going to clean my teeth, let's get in there. I'm going to give you something to shoot for. Oh, gosh. You're a poor dentist.
Starting point is 00:45:11 It's fine. You're a terrible breath, I bet, for the dentist. Do you think they smell your breath? They got the rag. Yeah. How much do you think that makes a difference? I'd say 85%. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:22 It stops at 85%. makes a difference i'd say 85 percent it stops 85 time so personally for me i would rather get real clean after i'm pretty dirty okay gotcha okay second thing uh is i if i am going to wear a shirt that night i don't always sleep in a shirt you mix it up um tmi yeah but lately it's cold uh and so if i'm going to wear a shirt or a sweatshirt or something it has to match my shorts not match like literally not like the same pattern but like i can't wear like a turquoise shirt and like royal blue shorts to bed yes 95 weird really that is so weird really why because it's. Really? Why? Because it's just like, I don't know. It's just like, like my swagger's off. I can't, I can't wake up looking like a fool.
Starting point is 00:46:12 What if there's a house fire? And then the news shows up, they ask me a question. They, you know. They're definitely only going waist up on the news story. It's a very wide shot. Right. They see everything. Screw you, man.
Starting point is 00:46:24 Hey, i'm not coordinated wide shot low blow oh sorry not cool man um would you call trey would you say trey needs a wide shot yeah yeah really so you really do that you match yes like i'll i'll like i'll be like looking through my shirts be like oh i can, I can't wear that one. Cause I'm wearing blue shorts. So how serious do you take this? If you're not wearing a shirt that night? Well, that's fine. Oh, so you don't go pale on pale. No, no. It's not literally matching. It's not the exact same color. No, I'm saying if you're going to go shirt off, then you go pants off, right?
Starting point is 00:46:59 That's the best way of matching. No, no, no, no, no, no. I'm not literally matching the colors. I'm saying like my khaki pants right now match my black shirt because they both go together. That's all I'm saying. I was just trying to get you to say something. I'm definitely not going buck for the angels. I know, I know.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Okay, okay, okay. Oh, I just bumped the camera. I'm sorry, Brad. Sorry, we're going to give you a wide shot. Readjust the wide shot on Brad. Okay, so that one's weird to you. Okay. Have you always done that?
Starting point is 00:47:28 Yeah, I think so. I'm not positive. I think so. Uh, yeah. Uh, I'm pretty weird like that. Do you know, do your siblings, do your parents? I don't know. I don't really want to know that stuff for them.
Starting point is 00:47:39 I don't know. It's weird. Not that weird. I don't know. Yeah. I don't know. Okay. Yeah. Tell me, tell me what you guys think. George ann if you're listening please definitely don't don't follow up with brad on this actually
Starting point is 00:47:52 i know my mom wears a nightgown okay just like a so it's always always matching because it's going down there so uh last one is and this is a winter specific one that Catherine gives me a hard time for. And I'm like, it's my sleeping experience. Why do you care? Uh, so first of all, you know, that I love a hood. I love wearing my hood. Hoods are great. Hoods are great.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Uh, and so in the winter, a decent amount of time, I'll wear. You sleep with your hood on? I sleep with a stocking cap on. What? Like you're a Santa every night? Yeah. How do I not know this about you? Well, I guess we've never slept together.
Starting point is 00:48:30 Right. But you sleep with a stocking cap? Decent. Like, I'm talking like a... Why not just a beanie? Why does it need to have like a... Well, it doesn't have to be a stocking. Like, it's not like an old school,
Starting point is 00:48:39 like Ebenezer Scrooge kind of stocking cap. It's like... That's what I'm imagining. It's like a Kevin McAllister, like a little ball on the top. It's like- That's what I'm imagining. It's like a Kevin McAllister, like a little ball on the top. It was my chief's one. Have you seen my chief's one? Yeah, I saw it laying on the counter up there.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Yeah, I wear it all the time. A lot of times I'll just wear it around the house and then I'll time for bed. And I'm like, I take it off. I'm like, ooh, my head's kind of cold. That is so weird. Really? If I, if someday I get married to the love of my life,
Starting point is 00:49:03 honeymoon, first night, we're in some all-inclusive resort, not in Tulum. And love of my life, honeymoon, first night, we're in some all-inclusive resort, not in Tulum. And she was like, all right, good night. It goes on a stocking cap. I was like, oh no. Oh, what have I done? Oh, how did I not see this?
Starting point is 00:49:14 I should have seen this coming. I don't know how, but I should have seen the signs. Should have asked her in premarital counseling. She probably, there's probably a sledgehammer around this bed too, somewhere. I know there is. I just think, what? She's biting her toenails. She's like, no, no. no no golly and oh my gosh she's taking off her hair she's got a wig oh she's a ball oh shoot um no no call back to like three episodes ago that was that's whatever i don't
Starting point is 00:49:40 think it's weird like katherine's like why are you wearing that you're gonna get so hot i'm like i'm comfortable right now don't worry about my comfortability why don't I worry about how comfy I am really though yeah uh I get your side of it is it weirder to wear a stocking cap than a hood and why I don't know I don't know I mean okay the answer is it's way weirder to wear a stocking cap, but I don't know why. I think because the hood is already attached to what you could easily be wearing. And a stocking cap is like extra thought to get something that I don't even own. I don't even own a stocking cap. You don't?
Starting point is 00:50:14 No. You need one so bad. I will. There are some times where I think, oh man, I wish there was a manlier way to wear earmuffs. Because my little ears get cold in the winter. Let's bring back earmuffs. Dude, we could try it. Let's bring back the muffs dude if i mean i don't want to jinx it or make people feel
Starting point is 00:50:29 disappointed if not but if somehow ghost runners on second read our minds and we get some earmuffs in the mail this week baby i will i will give everyone who donated a kiss on the mouth that would be crazy uh sorry maybe i'll edit this out whatever but that'd be a fun that'd be a fun thing for you to keep your word on i don't know why i said any of those things i just said but basically i'm just excited tomorrow brad and i are getting a package in the mail so sorry we recorded this before we're getting it but our fan page on instagram ghost runners on second who just continually impresses us knocks our our stocks off. Knocks our stocking caps off. Somehow convinced 46 different strangers on the internet to donate to this other stranger
Starting point is 00:51:12 for her to get us presents for Christmas, which is crazy. It is crazy. It's awesome. Somebody got carried away with the Christmas spirit this year. Yeah. I love you this many dollars worth. So we don't know what's going to be in there. Maybe earmuffs,
Starting point is 00:51:26 maybe not either way. I will be very excited and very pleased with whatever you guys did for us. That's crazy. It is crazy. Okay. Sorry. So back to the stocking cap thing. That is,
Starting point is 00:51:36 uh, let me know. I want further feedback than just Jake, because I know that, you know, Jake and I have differences in opinions of a lot of things. Uh, I bet you will get some cool feedback because most people, everyone does weird stuff in private, especially at bed. Like everyone has weird routine stuff. And I knew a girl in high school or not in high school, college, um, uh, honey hole girl. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:58 She, uh, she had a weird thing where she would sleep not with a hoodie on her, but next to her and lay the sleeve of the hoodie over her eyes. Why a hoodie? I don't know. The sleeve of a hoodie would go over her eyes. She needed the weight of it. And I was like, why don't you just wear like, what are those things even called? Like night sleep. Yeah, you got it.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Sleepy eye covers. Binoculars. Night vision goggles. I was like, why binoculars, but night vision goggles. She was wearing, I was like, why don't you just wear night vision goggles? And she was like, it's not heavy enough. Like I need to feel the weight and the darkness. And so that's a honeymoon first night thing that I'm like, Oh, okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:38 I just need a bag of rice over my face. They did not have fresh yams what how strange um anyway that's fun that's a fun i'm just saying i looked up i looked this up uh the night before christmas it says and i and mama and her kerchief and i and my cap i'm just saying probably probably a baseball cap Probably just like a good old-fashioned Dodgers got. Probably. That's great. I have one more quick story from Tulum, if you don't mind, Brad. This one will go much quicker than a motor car, and it has a way happier
Starting point is 00:53:18 ending. The night was two nights ago. It was the night before yesterday. Yeah, okay, that's good too. It's her last night. One of the girls, it was her birthday at midnight. So it's like, perfect. We're going to go out and bailar.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Bailando. We're going to go out and dance. And there was part of us were like, okay, but it is a Monday night. And we're not in like a place where there's a bunch of Americans who probably also look into dance. Like, is the nightlife in this random city in Mexico going to be anything? There's no, uh, Google maps is a joke down there as far as like trusting a business to know if they're open or what they're like. Well, yeah, that makes sense because the locals don't even know if things are open. Yeah. So it's not going to help their trip advisor is somewhat helpful.
Starting point is 00:54:01 And then the two spots we felt good about were no longer in business anymore. So it was like, great, great, great. So our only option is just to use our eyes. So we're just driving down the street with the windows down and no music, just listening for music and looking for something that looks nightclubby. You literally were just going where the music took you. Exactly. Yeah. It was like we were hunting a good time, which was kind of cool, I guess. But just looking for a place to dance. We finally park at a spot that seems like maybe there's something here and to our right is a spot that we parked at for some reason i decided to go left and go over the spot and because it looks like there's some bright lights and i see
Starting point is 00:54:34 it's right off the street there's no doors such as the dance floor is basically on the street anyway and there's no one on the dance floor but there is a dj which that means potential at least at least they're playing some kind of music that would require a DJ. You got memories to be made at that point. So I was like, who cares? Like, we'll just dance. We'll still have a good time. Even if it's just us.
Starting point is 00:54:51 So the six of us get out there and I start going at it. I don't even do my normal warmups, my normal dance calisthenics. I just, I just start going crazy. I'm like, I'm in Mexico. Who cares? Right. Next thing I know, we got a couple, a couple other people people in the mix probably just like two other people are in there also dancing they're they're feeding off the energy they're liking it like this is cool yeah about five
Starting point is 00:55:12 minutes later there's like maybe another five or six people in there like this is fun i'm kind of like trying to go around and engage everyone a little bit dance let them see the energy I'm doing. And they're, vamanos, okay? Yeah. Te gusta mi danza? Do you want to bailar? Con mi? Not too close, though. Not too close. So you're vibing.
Starting point is 00:55:40 They're vibing. It's just kind of fun. And then it happened so slowly that I didn't really notice it. But I kid you not, an hour after we got there, this place looked like Times Square on New Year's Eve. It was crazy. And obviously I don't know if I'm responsible for this, but I'm going to tell my grandkids that I was.
Starting point is 00:56:00 I'm going to tell the podcast that I was. I was truly so proud. You looked down and all these people were texting their friends like hey you know come come over here and then all of a sudden yeah i mean it was they're all taking pictures of you and then like doing this thing like you know texting their friends because i was again not a care in the world i was crushing it and it was just awesome like it was it was filled to the brim like you couldn't fit any more people people are all on the street talking and hanging out and i I was like, and we were all talking amongst ourselves. We're like, are we responsible for that?
Starting point is 00:56:26 Like, did we do this? Because no one was here before we got here. So if nothing else, I left my mark on Tulum. Like truly, I think I, and I was texting you. I was like, I think I just started. I forgot what I said. Just like a party, right? A revolution in the streets of Tulum.
Starting point is 00:56:39 And so I was, that got me fired up on our last night there. And one other thing that happened is I'm facing, my back is to the street. The rest of the five of our squad is facing me slash the street kind of course. And I'm dancing. Everyone's looking at daddy. And I look up at some point and they're all looking at me and their face is kind of different. And I'm like, what did I just do? Why did it, why are they looking at me that way?
Starting point is 00:57:01 Then I see they're looking on the other side of me. So I turn around and there is a man in the street in the fetal position getting kicked by six other men. Oh my God. Seis hombres. For real? Yeah. So he's just getting mugged right here in front of us.
Starting point is 00:57:15 And did anybody do anything? Sean on our trip actually ran out there to like help him a little bit. By the time he got out there, they were done kicking him. And I don't really know what he was going to do. Sorry, it sounded like it's a a serious thing i'm sorry for laughing but it sounded like yeah he came out there to help him but by the time like he was already kicked really hard so he
Starting point is 00:57:34 was he didn't he didn't have to help anymore he was planning on like like he was helping the bad guys that's what it's kind of the the ironic joke would have been anyway unfortunately they're already done kicking so sean didn't get to join. He was pretty bummed about that. But he got their numbers and he said they call him another time. He said, hey, I'm leaving tomorrow. But if you guys do anything in the morning, let me know. That's mean.
Starting point is 00:57:51 I'm sorry. That really is sad to see, I'm sure. Yeah. And who knows why? Maybe this guy deserved to get kicked. Good for you for seeing the positive and believing the best in the muggers. So we all just kind of watch this guy. Yeah, just get kicked in the street and then just kind of watched this guy yeah just get kicked
Starting point is 00:58:05 in the street and then just kind of kept dancing it was kind of weird okay it was or contigo is that the famous song contigo i think whatever anyway so yeah i was like okay i guess we'll just keep dancing i don't know wow so just i can tell story after story like in only four full three full days just a lot of stuff like that went down it's like oh yeah i'm not really on a vacation like this is crazy what i'm seeing crazy what's happening it sounds to me like i don't want to have that that experience of a vacation like if i'm gonna go to cancun again experience of vacation. Like if I'm going to go to Cancun again, which I did for my honeymoon, I'm going to go back to the resort. Yeah. Because that
Starting point is 00:58:49 doesn't sound like, yeah, it sounds more like a trip than a vacation. It was, it was very memory filled and it was still a good trip. And I'm sure podcast episodes to come, I'll think of other things that happened in Tulum, but for now that's all i'll say about it it was it was interesting oh sorry burping burping up some chick-fil-a okay um i want to play for you so i was the other day i was at uh isaac's house watching nfl primetime without you i missed you missed out um plug for nfl primetime best show on okay they know no they don't um and i saw this commercial and I just want to play it for you because I thought it was the most ridiculous product I'd ever heard of. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:28 I don't need to look at it. I can just listen. I'll show it to you too, I guess. Okay. Hi, I'm Casper. And I'm David. And we both had a really embarrassing problem. Sweaty hands and feet.
Starting point is 00:59:39 So we started to look for a solution. And when we couldn't find any, we decided to make one. Carpe Anti-Perspirant Lotion. It's really simple to use. Just rub it a dab and say goodbye to the sweat. We started hearing from thousands of people who are using and loving Carpe to help stop the sweat. And we learned that it's actually a medical condition called hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating. And that millions of Americans have it.
Starting point is 01:00:04 So we said, let's meet these folks And we hopped on a plane and this is it. Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hyperhidrosis makes it super hard to shake hands with people. What? Hard? It just made everything that I did a little more irritating. Oh, that's Tulum. I would recommend Carpe to anyone who is feeling insecure about their hand sweat.
Starting point is 01:00:23 So if you, like jamie like us have suffered from sweaty hands and feet you're the reason we made carpe try it out at carpe okay so okay i saw this and i just started laughing i literally got on my phone to write down the name of the product so i was like i'm going to talk about this on the podcast what is it goes what was that called again he like, I think I need some of that stuff. I was like, what? No, you don't. He's like, I can't shake hands. I know I'm serious. Like my feet are always sweaty. He's like, feel my hands right now. I'm like, I'm not going to, I'm like, that's the most ridiculous product. You take a liquid
Starting point is 01:01:02 to make your hands more dry. I'm like, like, like they're literally like, Hey, we invented this thing for an issue that we have where we sweat. That's basically just trying to replace a towel. It's like, no, just use a towel. Just, just take a towel and wipe your hands off or just do the classic, like wipe them on the side of your pants or something. Yeah. I just thought it was the most silly. Oh, I just had such a hard time shaking hands. I'm like, it's so irritating. Hey, did you forget your towel at the pool? Just use our bucket of water.
Starting point is 01:01:35 Dump it on yourself. Oh, and that's going to help? Oh, and then you just wait 24 to 48 hours and you'll be completely dry. I promise. If you're in the sun and there's a good breeze, you will be dry in days. I just. In the commercial itself, they try to add such a human. I mean, I guess I get why they do it, but like they're trying to be like a Domino's
Starting point is 01:01:53 commercial for sweaty people. So we went. So you see this guy like eating like a Big Mac and McDonald's. Yeah, I sweat all the time. This thing just darn near slipped out of my hand before you guys came here. Good thing is sesame seeds are on here for a little bit
Starting point is 01:02:08 of extra traction or else this thing would have been on the ground right now. I'm like, come on. Like, what is this all about? That's funny in and of itself. Just the idea of
Starting point is 01:02:17 using sesame seeds because you can't grip a burger. That's why they did it. That's why they put sesame seeds on burgers. You throw some seeds, I got a hydroskylosis or whatever they called it that's why they put sesame seeds on burgers you throw some seeds i got hydroskylosis or whatever they called it right isaac's like no it's a thing it's a thing so i mean i do i'm sure it is if they're if they have a product you know on here but i think a lot
Starting point is 01:02:36 of people do have clammy hands but it's a little extreme yeah i've had trouble shaking hands trouble trouble trouble's when you're in me Mexico and you don't have a car. I only, to be fair, I only have four fingers. But besides that, I'm a really good handshaker most of the time if I just had drier hands. Yeah, it was just fine to me. So I wanted to share it with you, Jake. No, that is funny. There's so many just like, I mean, they say, I learned this one of the few things I remember
Starting point is 01:03:05 from marketing classes in college, the, the riches are in the niches. And so they, they found people who at least think they struggle with sweaty hand syndrome and they'll probably eat that up. Okay. So good for them. I have this adult problem, uh, that you probably don't have to worry about something that I'd ever thought I had to worry about. Um, but as I was pulling into my driveway yesterday, two days ago, whatever it was,
Starting point is 01:03:28 I noticed this like little brown, something streak of something. Yeah, that's misleading. It was, it was the hand towel somehow got out of the house that I'd used a couple of days ago. Brad, you said you showered. I did. No, it wasn't anything like that it was a it was an object uh and i looked a little bit closer it was a dead squirrel in my yard oh you grew up on the country so maybe you have advice on this well you know what that means what bad luck for the next six months six months yeah oh boy everyone knows that i think my baby's doing six months. Sorry, Kathy. You have bad luck right up until the baby and then the baby's going to be good luck again.
Starting point is 01:04:09 Yeah. Yeah. So I don't want to touch that squirrel. And now it's snowed. And so it's like underneath the snow. You can't get diseases from a squirrel. Seriously though, like do I let nature take its course and hope that there's some kind of coyote around the neighborhood i don't think you want to coax a coyote into your yard or maybe just
Starting point is 01:04:30 a you know a dog on a walk with their with their headlight yeah headlight accompanied owner no you just grab a shovel and chuck that thing into the road into the road yeah and then it gets run over or it gets picked up by something, animal control? Genuinely, I don't know the answers to these questions. I've never had to deal with this before. Yeah, just throw it. Just get it off your lawn. Who cares?
Starting point is 01:04:54 Throw it somewhere. Just like Dumb and Dumber, the salt kind of style. Like just take it and just take it with a shovel. Just throw it behind me and just don't look where I went. Don't look. It might hit sea bass, but it's okay. I'm pretty sure my across the street neighbors both work at night and so i'll just go to the daytime sometime throw it
Starting point is 01:05:10 over there and just run good call mo style mo style run yeah so what'd you end up doing i haven't done anything with it yet we can go see it right now if you want to oh it's it's frozen down there you think you should i mean donate it to science if it's been frozen they. You think you should, I mean, donate it to science. If it's been frozen, they could bring it back to life. You're right. That's what they did with Ted Williams. I think. Yes.
Starting point is 01:05:29 Who? Ted Williams. Oh, the baseball player? Yeah. The legendary baseball. He, when he died,
Starting point is 01:05:34 they froze him. I didn't know that. Yeah. What for? I don't know. Maybe to see if there's going to be advancements in science that are going to make it so that he could come back to life. I genuinely don't know.
Starting point is 01:05:44 Wild idea. Look it up sometime ted williams that's cool i want to have some really weird like things in my will like i'll split up the money evenly to whoever but then also like hey i'm also not willing to budge on this like my i want my casket to have wings on each side and i want you to play this song at my funeral and freeze my arms. Wings on each side. I want to levitate for 15 seconds. That's cool that you have a squirrel. Okay. One more, one more piece of advice that I need your thoughts on. I was at Sheridan's last night. Frozen custard. Great. Love it. I got some, you know, just celebrated with some frozen custard before Catherine went away to Texas.
Starting point is 01:06:27 And was at the drive-thru window. And they took forever for this ice cream. And it was cold. It was like 25 degrees. And so I had my window rolled down and I paid him. And I was waiting for my ice cream. And I was getting very cold. And I was really uncomfortable.
Starting point is 01:06:42 I was like, do I roll my window up at this point? Yeah, I hear that. Do you? Yeah. Okay, because I didn't know. I was like, if they come and they're ready and my windows rolled up all the way is that rude to them and so i was like struggling like like just like a like an internal struggle i was like gosh so i kind of rolled it halfway up and i was like nah this doesn't feel right either like it's not really warming me up but it's also seeming like i'm not really respecting that i don't know and
Starting point is 01:07:02 my windows are very tinted so i kept them down but i didn't know if you had any sounds like you do roll yours up yeah because i feel like they know yeah they they know you're cold but his window was open oh not his drive-thru side why did he not close his i mean he took a long time to make these custards so maybe he was just kind of a dingus i don't know it was it was, it was an odd, uh, odd interaction altogether. Cause I was like, like Catherine wanted this specific, like peppermint, you know, concrete. And I was like, do you guys have a candy cane, uh, concrete? And he goes, yes. Oh, okay. It was, it was just as, as minimal of a conversation as possible. So I don't know what this guy's deal was, but it took him a good four or five minutes. I was very cold, not excited for
Starting point is 01:07:48 that ice cream anymore. But, uh, I love that when people just like, don't elaborate on their answer and like, all right, I guess I'll, I'll keep talking. Then I'll figure out something else to say. Brad, should we move on to our review of the week? Review of the week. Sure. We got some great feedback about grandparents' names. There were some really funny ones that y'all like. They're like, yeah, my, what was it? Grandma Pizza. Somebody told me theirs was Grandma Pizza. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:14 Another person told me they called their something. It was either Grandma or Grandpa Bumpers. Oh, Bumpers. Bumpers. Weird. Hey, come over here, you little bumpers. One of the reviews says. That's Bumpers' car. Pappy J and Gamma D. Oh, bumpers. Bumpers. Weird. Hey, come over here, you little bumpers. One of the reviews says Pappy J and Gamma D. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:29 Gamma D sounds like something you can like rush and have a lot of sisters. Yeah, so I'm a legacy at Gamma D. Oh, yeah. I really, I prepped Gamma D, but I didn't get in. So I got, I had to go to Pappy J. Pappy J sounds like a convenience store. Yeah. You just, I don't have any gas here, but we can, we can just, I'll give you a tow around,
Starting point is 01:08:50 around the bend here. And we can go to Pappy J. Did you eat lunch yet? The Pappy J. It has to be the Pappy J. The Pappy J. I didn't have lunch, but I did get a slice of pizza at Pappy J. So it's kind of holding me over now.
Starting point is 01:08:59 Oh yeah. Their pizza's not bad at Pappy J's. Yeah. But I appreciate all the reviews. There were multiple reviews that i loved i don't know why i never thought of this but talking about congrats brad ellis on your custom creation yeah great great love it that's awesome it is awesome um i i appreciate it one person said that we uh well i'm gonna i'm going to warn people that we're about to talk about a famous Christmas
Starting point is 01:09:28 character right now. Oh, good, good, good. Yeah, we got in a little trouble this week. Some people call him San Nicolas. If you are in Tulum, this person said, my poultry for the week when Jake and Brad flat out announced that Santa was a trick as a child. Don't worry, no childhood magic was ruined because that Santa was a trick as a child. Don't worry. No childhood magic was ruined because this mom was quick on the volume control. So, uh, yeah, that was, that was funny to me. Yeah. I don't think my target market, you know, or I don't think anybody that's listening
Starting point is 01:09:57 as a kid. I did not know we had kids listening. I also had a friend, Gary Perkins say, uh, literally said amen out loud when you were talking about the Instagram, uh Instagram reposting story. Nice. At least one amen. So we appreciate all feedback, whether it's a five-star review on, Ghostrunners podcast, Instagram, or just a friendly text or even a 16-package mail order. Either one will do.
Starting point is 01:10:23 I think my favorite review of the week, and it feels kind of weird to say out loud because it's just about us, but it was very nice. And I want to give them some props. It was a good review. The title says 60% of the time they reference The Office every time. Yeah. These guys are literally just talking to each other, which is a fun, that's great. And their conversations are everything.
Starting point is 01:10:43 I laugh at every episode. They keep it real and relatable with every episode they release quick wit and humor abounding this person's a writer these two riff off each other so well the time simply flies when you listen great podcast to listen to while you're doing task or community work all one all one breath all one breath um i did it i got two i ate two whole apples yeah i think that that was my review of the week too i'm gonna take you emilia pond emilia emil who knows no it's emmy liapond ah emmy liapond emmy liapond emmy liapond there and uh we'll go ahead and uh you know adjust your back that's a chiropractor sarah kaya comes in who's sarah kaya combs uh yeah that like, I love that one as well.
Starting point is 01:11:25 It was like, we could change our description of our podcast to that review, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And as I was reading that, that still feels weird to say out loud. Maybe I should have just said her name and said thanks for the review, but whatever. Thank you for the nice words. No, no, no, no. It's okay. I get self-conch about that stuff.
Starting point is 01:11:39 Yeah. Woo! Well, anything else? Anything else we need to talk about? We got Christmas coming. Christmas is coming, baby. The magic is in the air. Hattie and I played in the snow the other day.
Starting point is 01:11:51 45 minutes that girl wanted to play in the snow. That's a lot. And she only went inside because I said we had to. She loved it. We did snow angels. And she just, yeah, had a blast. I taught her that you could eat the snow. She could not believe that.
Starting point is 01:12:05 It was like this incredible epiphany to her. And then later on that night, we were giving her a bath, and we were done, and she was running around, and I was like, whoa, you're nakey. And she goes, no, I'm not. I'm like, yeah, you are, you're nakey. She goes, this is my quote of the week right here. I'm not nakey, I'm like, yeah, you are. You're Nakey. She goes, this is my quote of the week right here. I'm not Nakey.
Starting point is 01:12:25 I'm beautiful. So that's my quote of the week is I'm not Nakey. I'm beautiful. That's awesome. From Hattie Louise Ellis. I was amazed how much snow we got. I got back to my car last night. It was a lot.
Starting point is 01:12:36 It was like eight inches. Yeah. It was so much. Yeah. It was crazy. Also snow is kind of wild. Like the idea of snow is pretty cool like that just dust falls from the sky yeah it's kind of crazy it's really pretty but everything else about it sucks it's so
Starting point is 01:12:51 cold post post snow slush is one of the least like one of the worst things when it becomes brown slush yeah dude worst and like it's all over your shoes yeah you track it inside snow's dirty it is your car looks terrible too. We walked outside with Hattie. I walked outside with her and like one, 30 seconds in, she looked down at her snow boots. She's like, Oh, snow's getting on my boots. This is dirty. And I was like, no, no, no. I just lied to her. I was like, snow's super clean, which it can be at first, you know, it's beautiful. And I was like, Oh gosh, I spent 15 minutes getting you dressed to go out here and then you're going to hate it after 30 seconds and we're going to go back inside.
Starting point is 01:13:29 But yeah, she did not like it once you stepped in the snow and then you could see the grass. That really made her sad. That is sad. It is kind of sad. It's not that fun. It's not, yeah, it's kind of ugly looking and like, but oh, fresh snow, fresh powder.
Starting point is 01:13:43 Fresh powdered? Fresh powdered. Oh dude, let's go shred the gnar, dude. Double black diamonds. Since I was like 12 years old. No problem. Yeah, that's what I do, man. A couple of life updates.
Starting point is 01:13:54 I don't know why I said a couple. I have one in mind. Great. Just for the, for the ghosters out there. I'm moving again for the second time since I've had a podcast. And the basement of that will become our new podcast studio, which is pretty exciting. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:07 It will have more room. Yeah. We won't have to reset up everything every time we come in there. I know a lot of you guys like that we record in a wood shop of LS Custom Creations, which is this local handmade custom furniture company. Who's shipping cutting boards as we speak.
Starting point is 01:14:23 So if you're interested in buying something- As we speak uh yeah can i uh get a stamp over here and uh give me that address copy and paste um but i i really am trying to sell some cutting boards i made out of scrap so if you're interested in a last minute gift holler uh but yes we're moving yeah new podcast studio if you have any ideas of how we can decorate it, it'll be in an unfinished basement. Honestly, that's one of my most exciting things about it is we're going to, I'm going to make a desk for us, which is going to be sweet. And then I, I'm excited for like, like if you're interested, this is so whatever arrogant feeling, like people want to send us mail, but if you're interested in sending us things
Starting point is 01:15:02 to decorate the um the the podcast with i think that's gonna be really fun to just like accumulate things over time that we can put very very pardon the interruption-esque of us yes yeah yeah yeah so it'd be cool i'm excited just to have everything set up just to walk in somewhere and just the mics already be standing yeah and the tripods are already there yeah and the chick-fil-a you know is just the token we have a chick-fil-a keg know, is just. The token Chick-fil-A cups. We have a Chick-fil-A keg right there, you know, for free refills whenever we want. But yeah, moving out of the city into the burbs here in about a week and a half when this podcast comes out.
Starting point is 01:15:35 Moving in with Espresso Isaac. Yeah, baby. So I'm sure, yeah, there'll be more mentions of him in the podcast once we become roommates. Any non, what do we call them? Mediocre life updates. Yeah, mediocre life updates for you. Yeah, I have multiple things I'll just spout out. Saturday, went to a KU game, got to go in the suite.
Starting point is 01:15:57 Got to be in a suite, and it was really fun. Oh, cool. I don't have to say much more than that. No, that's fine. Other thing I did on Saturday before we went to the game, I went on a breakfast date with Hattie to Chick-fil-A, of course. Okay.
Starting point is 01:16:09 Our local Chick-fil-A on mission, in mission. Go see James. Yeah. Tell him Brad sent you. Or Jake. They'll know what it means. Yeah. Or Yake.
Starting point is 01:16:17 Or Ava. Awa. Yeah. Anyway, was there with Hattie. And then this dad sits down with his daughter and his little boy um and the little boy was probably like one and a half years old and had a like stocking had a beanie kind of thing on with like elf ears on it and Hattie just points at this guy like it was like the most innocent like cute thing but it was like so funny she points at him and she goes look dad
Starting point is 01:16:43 that guy's got a funny hat on and just starts laughing at this boy and you know it was just as cute it wasn't supposed to be mean but it's joyful yeah um but anyway it got me thinking and it's this is a movement i want to start like who are types of people we can point and laugh at like what is socially acceptable correct you know redheaded yeah probably you can primary blinds no they don't deserve it no redhead for sure if they're under five six yeah that's funny yeah the dwarfs out there no i didn't say that anyway i got the movement i want to start is not about pointing at people and laughing it's the exact opposite of that um pointing your foot at them and frowning. Correct. No, it is going, taking your kids out
Starting point is 01:17:30 as a dad. Dad's taking their kids out on Saturday mornings for breakfast. I want that to be a cultural norm of ours in America. I want it to be, I want it to be a thing. And here's my multiple reasons why. One, it is intentional time that dads have with their kids. Lots of dads work almost every day, you know, Monday through Friday. Don't see their kids until they get home at 6, 630. Kids are in bed by 730. They don't get much time with them. So intentional time.
Starting point is 01:17:57 Two, I'm going to guess it. Two. It lets your wife have some time. Enjoy her Saturday a little bit. Chillax. Throw in a little essential oil. See what Joanna Gaines is up to. Get some frankincense.
Starting point is 01:18:10 Get some fixer-upper. What else do you need? Maybe a latte in your hand? Smell your good self. You deserve it. Hey, girl. Put some Christmas spirit on and just go crazy. Get some Yankee candles going.
Starting point is 01:18:24 You know what I'm saying? Yankee candle. I just think it would be awesome for multiple reasons. Yeah. Those are the two main ones, but yeah, it'd be, it'd be loving on your wife and it'd be intentional time with your kids that I don't think dads are doing that well at most of the time. And I think that, yeah, whatever, not to get too deep, but I think that dads are just such a big deal to their kids. Yeah. And yeah, good dads make good kids. So I know that, yeah, I did it. And it was like, it was kind of a cool thing to be like sitting there. And then this other dad and his two kids got there. It was kind of like, yeah, yeah, man. Saturday morning, bro. Yeah. You know,
Starting point is 01:18:58 it's like, this is our time. It's our Superbowl. So anyway, maybe it's more of a norm than I think, but I want it to be every single, every single Saturday. Let's, let's make it happen to where, yeah, it's like an expectation that the mom can sleep in. They can go run an errand if they want to. They can, yeah, drink their coffee in peace because yeah, the more I learned about being a mom, the more I realized like those women are saints and it's so hard. It's so 24 seven that let's, let's, let's as dads just have a little bit of time for those women to not have to worry about that. So great. That's great, dude. Saturday mornings, I want you to send me on ghostwriters podcast or five-star review. You can just say it on
Starting point is 01:19:40 Like I did it. Yeah. Trust me. It's Saturday. I'm here. Just go, go out with your, with your kids. Right. It'll probably be a couple on Yost until I'm ready to do that. But you have my word. I will be surprised. You'd be surprised.
Starting point is 01:19:53 No, I'm just kidding. It's like, you start sleeping with a stocking cap. Next thing you know, there's someone in bed next to you. She cannot take it. Just.
Starting point is 01:20:02 Yeah. Anyway. Yeah. So that's a, that's one thing's one thing I've had the thought of. And actually ran by super fan Steven Swick, and he also agrees. Good idea. So that's funny.
Starting point is 01:20:13 My guy, Steve. Back to me, Mediocre Life Update. The show that Trey and I wrote and shot and did a lot of stuff with a couple months ago is being edited by Trey and I, and it takes freaking forever. I don't think I've said this on the podcast, but it just, for every like line of dialogue,
Starting point is 01:20:33 there's three different camera angles. We did five takes of it. And so it's like more work than anything I've ever done editing. So it's taking forever, but we're in a really exciting spot where we think we got the rough draft done, starting to like send it off to people, like give us feedback. And so it's taking forever, but we're in a really exciting spot where we think we got the rough draft done, starting to like send it off to people, like give us feedback.
Starting point is 01:20:47 And so it's really cool. We're at the point where we've seen this so many times. I don't even know what's funny anymore. I don't know what should be in and out. Yeah. So, but it is cool to see like this huge process coming to fruition and starting to get feedback on something you did good or bad. It's just like, cool. Cause you know, it's helping.
Starting point is 01:21:03 So yeah. Timetable, like we're almost done, like getting it picture locked. That's a word I learned like cool because you know it's helping so yeah timetable like we're almost done like getting it picture locked that's a word i learned oh you know you get it picture locked and then you can send it to the sound guy so like outsourcing a sound designer to like okay fix all that and then the color artist outsource that to like you know recolor everything and interesting hopefully it'll be out like by february when fe February. What is it? Como se dice? February?
Starting point is 01:21:28 Febrero. Oh, really? Febrero, yeah. Oh, okay. So that's just, yeah, just a little life update. Is still working hard at that. And it is taking forever. And hopefully it is well received.
Starting point is 01:21:43 And hopefully someone wants to pay us a bunch of money to do a second go of it. Love it, dude. So we'll see. Either way, it's exciting to be a part of it. It is really. Are you going to have like a bunch of money to do a second go of it love it dude so we'll see either way it's exciting to be a part of it it is really are you gonna have like a sneak preview you know sneak peek like you know in theaters yes yeah yeah you're gonna host a you know red carpet select markets you're gonna get out of like the limousine in slow-mo wave to people yeah i'll do that okay uh you have some mlus yeah mediocre for me. Uh, the jokes aren't back, but the mother dearest coloring books company wanting some things for me is back. You're kidding. Yes. What do they want? Uh, they want this like most ridiculous. I've it's way worse than jokes. It is fill in the blanks
Starting point is 01:22:20 of, uh, for Valentine's day for seven year olds, 12 year old girls. Oh. Uh, and they want me to, they're like, be as silly as you can, the sillier, the better. And then they gave me examples like, for example, my favorite thing to do on Valentine's day is blank. And so they say either I could do, uh, that doesn't seem that silly to me. No, exactly. Like I was like, that's a terrible example. Uh, but they could, I could either do fill in the blanks or I could do ABC multiple choice. So I pulled up a few of my examples here. And it was just like cringy even writing these.
Starting point is 01:22:50 I was like, golly. And I don't get paid as much for them. And they're way harder for me than jokes, honestly. Here's one for you, Jake. And these are like conversation starters. Cool. What's cuter? A, a baby's laugh.
Starting point is 01:23:02 B, a puppy dressed like Santa. Or C, a boy singing a song to his girlfriend. Man, what a silly question. I thought, right? How do I decide? So that was all you. You thought of all those options. If it were, yeah, if it were raining and I didn't have an umbrella to cover my head,
Starting point is 01:23:18 I'd probably use blank from my bathroom instead. That one rhymes. You shouldn't have. That's so silly of you. So how many of those did they want? i got one more okay i would hate it if my crush knew about my secret blank collection it was just like golly what what does my life come to yeah that that's kind of a weird spot to be yeah oh this whatever kind of writing this one but i i just my prompt was cuteness overload exclamation point oh geez pick one a baby elephant swimming b puppies running through the sprinklers
Starting point is 01:23:52 c baby lions wrestling oh my golly i'm embarrassed i didn't even tell katharine i was doing these for like a week yeah that that makes me just involuntarily shake my head when you said cuteness overload cuteness overload. Cuteness overload. Who am I sitting across from right now? Yeah, anyway. Dude, good for you. Thanks, man. It's writing the jokes, baby.
Starting point is 01:24:12 Fill in the blanks. Okay. I don't think I have any other mediocre life updates. I guess I could. I don't know. I feel so tired. When you're on vacation, I never sleep because it's like, why would I sleep? You're just done now. I know these fun people around.
Starting point is 01:24:22 Yeah. Like even last night, landed at 11 p.m., you know, know get my checked bag get driven all the way back but my car's at johnny's house of course i gotta get my car there i didn't get home till like 12 45 wake up and start working with trail that you know so i'm just a little you're you're drained a little drained uh i got one more thing yes drain oh yeah what do you A story drained. It's something that actually woke me up earlier. Today I woke up, turned on my car to 101 The Fox. Nice. Of course.
Starting point is 01:24:51 And Tom Petty's American Girl was on the radio. Do you know that song? American Girl. American Girl. American. American Girl! American! Then the girl! That's all I got. Yeah, I didn't know how American Girl went,
Starting point is 01:25:12 so I thought I'd go American Woman. I didn't even know what you were doing. American Woman! I'm very clear about that. It's kind of a hard song to sing, actually, so I'm not going to sing it either. Okay, thanks. But it just got me pumped up.
Starting point is 01:25:26 And then it had made me had this realization that hearing a song on the radio is so much sweeter than playing that same song on Spotify. Oh yeah. Yeah. You agree? Oh yeah. Like, like it's same with like seeing a movie on TV versus like popping into the old DVD player.
Starting point is 01:25:43 Yeah. There's something about free will and knowing you're making a decision that like takes away from the enjoyment of it. Yes. Right. I don't know. I'm kind of just coming out on the fly right now, but something about it feeling supernatural in a way or feeling, you know, fortunate is more, it makes it more fun. Like I can't believe this is on, which is so funny. Like it was halfway through the song. I could have easily gotten on my phone and press play and listen to the entire song but instead i just vibed with it on the radio it's like the weirdest like i would love to hear what an actual like
Starting point is 01:26:13 psychologist would say about that because yeah it is fascinating i think everyone thinks that same way because yeah you're like oh the radio is dying you know everyone's just listening to their phones and that's probably true yeah it's like i have unlimited access to any song i want i'm already listening to the radio why am i yeah why am i Yeah. I have unlimited access to any song I want. I've already listened to the radio. Why am I? Yeah. Why am I so much more excited when Hey Ya comes on the radio? When I could have listened to that every day.
Starting point is 01:26:31 One, two, three, four. I was like, oh yeah. Shake it. Yeah. That's a great. I'm totally with you. Yeah. I don't know what that is.
Starting point is 01:26:42 Like. When Shooter is on TV, which it is 90% of the time. I'll watch a little bit of it. I'll watch it. It's just a funny thing, dude. I don't know. So anyway, had that happened to me today, thought of my friend Alex Teen. Shout out.
Starting point is 01:26:56 Big Tom Petty guy. Salt of the Earth, Minnesotan. Oh, we almost made it through an episode without Brad. Also, why do you even have text tones on? It's on my computer. Yeah, still. Why? You don't have it through an episode without Brad. Also, why do you even have text tones on? It's on my computer. Yeah, still. Why? You don't have it on your computer?
Starting point is 01:27:09 No. I'm sorry, dude. Okay. No. I turned on my computer's noise to listen to. I'm sorry. The Humble Salt commercial. Nope.
Starting point is 01:27:17 I know it wasn't, but I just wanted to plug Humble Salt one more time. I turned on to listen to another commercial for you. Sorry. Sorry. It's okay. No no you get text you get text mediocre life update brad's getting texts um last thing i'll talk about here uh jake i saw online that they are recently deciding to make this toilet that has a downward it's a downward facing toilet i did see that 13 degrees, which is an interesting, um, number, but apparently after five minutes, it puts a huge strain on your legs,
Starting point is 01:27:50 which I saw that. It kind of made me curious. Like what, how bad does it get after five minutes? Like, ah, I'm not done yet, but this is purple.
Starting point is 01:27:59 The legs are purple. Oh, you like having to do some like crab looking walk or something on the wall like lift yourself up doing some hip thrusts you're like i'm not done yet but you take the handicap bars on both sides just like levitate there for a second like a male gymnast on a pommel horse like oh okay i can do it now now the arms are straining but yeah that's leg relief yeah i wondered like how popular it's gonna get like who's making those how quickly are those going to get installed into workplaces right surely they're not going to get that popular you would think because no one is going to be a fan of them
Starting point is 01:28:33 unless you are literally the ceo yeah like even like somebody i'm assuming like that just goes in for a you know quick quick dump and run they're, they're still going to be uncomfortable for those 30 seconds they're on there. Right. Or do you think it's not 30 seconds is impressive. Well, that's what I'm saying. Good for them. Um, do you think that like, it's not very uncomfortable at first and then it just gets more and more uncomfortable. I like to think that you were perfectly fine. And in that five minute mark, Oh, it must've been five minutes. Start shooting up there. You just,
Starting point is 01:29:13 you just hear somebody, you know, you're, you're working on your spreadsheet. You start hearing screams. Like, Oh gosh. Okay.
Starting point is 01:29:19 Oh, okay. I'm done. He must've hit five minutes. You see like three new instagram likes from some guy just went to the bathroom and then all of a sudden he's gone he's done i think what you should do is make a chair that has a 13 degree angle on it and we test it out and we do like like an endurance challenge like see if we can
Starting point is 01:29:40 sit there the longest entire podcast with this 13 degree chair. We're just miserable. Gosh, that is just, yeah, it's an interesting thought. A really mean thought, honestly. Like, hey, let's try to make something uncomfortable. But I don't know. Maybe it's a serious problem in corporate America that people are spending way too much time on the toilet now because of their phones. Yeah. Talking to people, calling them.
Starting point is 01:30:04 13 degrees seems like a lot and i guess you also need to know how far off the ground it is because that also makes a pretty big difference i don't think it's as i don't know i don't think it's as much as you think i mean think about 45 degrees i'm thinking about it that's a lot think about that 22 and a half half of that more or less not really yes maybe it. So maybe it's not that. Yeah. I'm curious that now I really want to, I did see a picture of like the diagram. It didn't look like it was crazy, but you could tell that it was tilted a little bit, but I'm sure they picked that angle for a reason. Like I'm sure they tested,
Starting point is 01:30:35 they, you know, they tried it at 20. They tried it at 10. All right. Sit there at 12 degrees. Tell me when it hurts. 14 degrees. It was like instantly like 30 seconds in. Yeah. Even the dumping runners they're they're hurting 12 degrees they were there for 15 minutes still but 13 was just right yep it's the uh it's the porridge yeah well that's yeah i don't i don't know what else to say other than like i'm intrigued i want to know what it's like that's not a bad idea for me to make some prototypes i guess you don't need to make two just make one and we can just have fun with it you just hear us randomly yelling at the podcast like oh yep five minutes up and if you
Starting point is 01:31:10 guys would like a 13 degree chair in the shape of a cutting board that is completely flat then you can hit up ellis custom creations for that that's right yes we'd love to sell you some so you make a chair but you don't sit on it i love it cool okay well that should do it for episode 33 for us the sexiest podcast in kansas that's two weeks running take that let's let's think of a good pun uh for kansas um another kansas podcast that we say take that blank like make up a like who's number two now yeah oh who are they the uh take that wheat whackers wheat whackers the jay hawker talkers oh that's what i was about to say i was like after brad goes i'm gonna do a jay hawk one the jay hawken talk is what i was gonna say
Starting point is 01:31:54 take that uh wild the uh the dwight d eisenhower long podcast oh no the one um that's just all about uh like like you know checking on you the eisenhower you doing yeah amelia air your heart's grievances who amelia air your heart she has roots here big time baby big roots big roots real deep into that ground it's kind of cool that like like pioneers of history like they were truly brave people like the wright brothers are just like yeah we we don't know if this is going to work but let's get in it and like see if we can go try to go really high up in this thing but it might just fall right back down and we'll die the first person to i don't know why i'm just on flight but you know the first person to try a hot air balloon that's a crazy
Starting point is 01:32:43 idea that's crazy we can use heat to keep this thing up. Crazy. The first people to, yeah, do anything, to try and ride a horse, that's probably kind of crazy at first. Fun fact, cowboy boots, speaking of horses, from Olathe, Kansas, invented there. Oh, you're welcome, guys. Yeah, so if you've ever worn shoes, they're pretty much just the version of cowboy boots. And if you don't wear shoes, then you cannot be my wife. We went over that a couple episodes ago.
Starting point is 01:33:08 That's right. Check it out. Okay. Whatever. Wrap it up now. Brad, hit it with a jingle. Okay. Let me.
Starting point is 01:33:17 Okay. Rocking around the Ghostwriters pod. And we do this every way. Your name is Jake and my name is Brad and we record and release every Monday. It's hard to snap along. Sorry. Rogging around the Ghost Runners pod. We talk about the office and our lives.
Starting point is 01:33:41 And maybe even have some pumpkin pie and some lives don't get into any beehives everything that could have rhymed i was like oh he's waiting to think of something that's gonna really make sense oh yeah yeah yeah he's filtering out the bad ones. You will get a really good feeling when you listen to the Ghost Runners podcast every Monday. Then listen again on Thursday. We get paid for advertisements, so buy our advertiser stuff. Yeah. And then maybe we can make more episodes
Starting point is 01:34:25 because we have more popularity. Woo! That ended strong. Did it? Yeah, I liked it a lot. Because I decided not to rhyme anymore.
Starting point is 01:34:32 Didn't need to go Lives and Beehives. Lives and Beehives. Oh, yeah. That's another Kansas podcast. Humble Salt, baby. Check them out. Humble Salt,
Starting point is 01:34:40 Lincoln Descripts. Thank you, guys. We'll see you next Monday, post-Christmas? Post-Navidad for another episode. And this... Oh, you got some?
Starting point is 01:34:50 Or what was that face? I was just going to say, please, not my dad. Okay. We are actually going to... No MP3 file this time. We're actually throwing in a voice memo to end it from one of our listeners. Hit him. Going to hit...
Starting point is 01:35:03 Do it! Oh, the weather outside is frightful. from one of our listeners. Hit him. Gonna hit. Do it! Oh, the weather outside is frightful. But ghost runners are so delightful. Jake and Brad have so much to say. Let it play, let it play, let it play. Okay, my husband put me up to this. We listen to your podcast all the time.
Starting point is 01:35:28 We love it, and we're looking forward to more episodes. Keep up the good work, guys.

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