Ghostrunners - 330 - Soaking Wet in the Airport

Episode Date: May 13, 2024

We're back with another song, recapping some great memories from Gulf Shores, and gearing up for Timon's grad party! Check out Main Street Roasters and use code GRKC at check out for a 10% discount! ... Ghostrunners merch: Become a Patron and get exclusive content from Jake & Brad: Follow us on Instagram: Leave us a voice memo and ask a question: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today, yesterday, that we are recording this is my mom's birthday. Happy birthday, Trisha and Triplett. Close. Trisha. The consonants were right. The consonants, two N's? Like both of them or just? Yes.
Starting point is 00:00:14 Oh, Anna? No. Okay. E-no. I-N-O. Is she the hammock brand? Trisha Eno. Trisha M-inna.-N-O. Is she the hammock brand? Trisha Eno. Trisha M-Inna.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Inna-ma. One syllable with two Ns. One syllable, two. I'm struggling too. You guys are staring at each other. One syllable, two Ns. Oh, no. That's two syllables.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Yeah, it's Nordic. No, it's a normal thing. One syllable, two N's. Oh, no. That's two syllables. Yeah, it's Nordic. No, it's a normal. Uno. One syllable, two N's. Don't tell me. Okay. This is going to be a good start. One syllable.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Is it in the middle like that? Can I say that? No, it's at the end. Oh, okay. Come on. It's just like any vowel? Brianne. No, one syllable.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Oh, one syllable. Sorry. Oh, come on. Brianne. Oh, come on. Brianne. No, one syllable. Oh, one syllable, sorry. Oh, come on, Brianne. Oh, come on, Brianne. Lynn. There it is. Trisha Lynn. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:13 Trisha Lynn Triplett. That's my dad's middle name. Whoa. You don't think? Yeah. If you have the same middle name, what does that mean? I don't think anything. That's the intro no uh so reason
Starting point is 00:01:27 how did i bring that up oh yeah it's her birthday and uh i was talking to my dad recently we're just kind of going over you know he was like how's the gulf shores trip how's you know bondi update yada yada and i was like what's the latest on uh because the last i'd heard my mom was planning on retiring this year. Yeah. But also the last I heard, my dad had given her an ultimatum. You got to tell them. You can't just expect them to walk up one day and say,
Starting point is 00:01:54 Trish, I assume you're retiring this year. Trish, everyone knows, based on your performance, this is your last year. And you guys think I'm a people pleaser. You guys think I'm non-confrontational. My mom has two options. She can have a tough five-minute conversation with her boss that she loves, who also loves her, who she's been loyal to for 27
Starting point is 00:02:13 years. Or she can work another full year. She has chosen to work another full year instead of telling her boss that she's retiring. So that is where I get it from. Go Indians! Hey, hey.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Lindians. Go Lindians! Lindians. Best, best friends eating fast food on repeat. So come along, let's have some fun and go ahead, get on your feet. Cause it's the Ghost Brothers Podcast. Every Monday morning we're taking ground. Ghost Brothers Podcast. Ghost Brothers Podcast. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Yo, that's crazy. That's crazy. It really is crazy though. Like, cause there's certain things in life that are hard because it's strenuously like time consuming. There's other things in life. They're like, this is going to take five minutes, but I do not want to do it. You know what I mean? Like, like hard can mean different things. And this thing, this one seems like, Hey, it's hard because it's like a really uncomfortable five minutes. Yeah. And of course, Rachel's going, Hey, I get it. Yeah. I resonate with it to an extent. Like I need to have a phone call with somebody and I don't want to do it. Like it's
Starting point is 00:03:28 like five minutes and I'm like, I'll do it tomorrow. I'll do it tomorrow. Totally. You know, I remember having to, the conversation that I had to have with juggling Josh would be like, Hey, even though this is going great and the channel has exploded in a year, I'm leaving to go live in a limo. I did not want to have that. I can't explain it, but yeah. You know, the channel's called Jake and Josh. I'm just leaving. Yeah. I did not want to do that.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Jake's a common name. You'll be fine. You'll find somebody else. Find a new Jake. So yeah, I've had to have some of those tough conversations and it does stink. And I think there's a few other things going on. I think my mom just like doesn't know
Starting point is 00:04:01 what she's going to do in retirement. So it's not like she, you know, she loves her job too. So it's like, well... She also has a ton of vacation days banked to the point where she couldn't use them all, right? She's not even working next year. She's going on vacation. Yeah, Trish, do it.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Make it happen. She would never. We couldn't even get her to come to Hawaii. I'm performing in Hawaii. Come hang out with us. And she's like, it's a tough time. I wouldn't want to ask off. My dad's like, yeah, she only has 38 vacation days,
Starting point is 00:04:25 so I wouldn't want her to take one off. She kind of runs the school, though. It helps it stay afloat. It's hard to tell. She's a humble person, but I do think she is very helpful to be there. Incalculable. Incalculable. But yeah, I mean, that's a hard five-minute thing Whereas like last week on the beach vacation for seven days is a really fun thing to do, but it's quote unquote hard because we're just going nuts for seven days in a row. You know what I mean? Like that's, that's hard quote unquote, but it's, it's stupid that that's hard because we're literally like playing games the entire time.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Yeah. Recording pot, like doing fun things the whole time. Totally. But at the end of the week, it was like, man, I'm tired. I'm that was quote unquote hard. Totally. Yeah. What's the aftermath been like for you? Cause I know just quickly for myself, there's part of me, it's like, maybe this is like Saturday afternoon, like peak exhaustion. Yeah. I'm thinking like, I think next year we need to figure out like a new, just a new way to pace this. So Ben and I both don't lose our voice. So we're both not exhausted. Like there's gotta be a healthier way to do this. And now that we're four days past it, I'm like, we need to, we're getting lifelong memories. Why would we ever
Starting point is 00:05:34 slow down? Yes. A hundred percent. All that. Like I've already been like a few days. I've already been like next week, maybe we should go for two weeks, man. I don't know. This would be crazy. Oh, how do we do that? Do we do it? Like, do we do a day in between like every session? And then I keep like writing out different examples and I'm like, no, I think we just go for it, man. I think we just go for it. All it takes is like one sleep and you're like, I'm fine actually. I've kind of had this revelation in my life in general recently. And then of course it like just points back to God's design anyway, but it's like, like I had the revelation recently since Henry's been born of like sleep is so no
Starting point is 00:06:11 energy is so easily renewed in your life. Like, of course you're tired at the end of a day, but if you get eight hours of sleep the next day, you're just fine. You know what I mean? For the most part, I think you need two of them. No, not well, if you're like, well, it depends like, like our week in, uh, in Gulf shores, we were getting like five, six hours of sleep. If you have multiple of those nights in a row. Yeah. You need regenerative, like multiple days, but I'm just saying like in general, like I can, I can pour everything I have out into being whatever X, Y, Z woodworker, podcaster, dad, husband. But if I get eight hours of sleep next day, I'm just fine. Yeah. But then I told Catherine, I was like, you know, I'm having this real, cause I was, I was comparing it to camp where the whole
Starting point is 00:06:54 like motto was like, carry me out of here. That's what we kept saying. Me and this other girl, CMO, CMO, H carry me out of here. And, but then at the end of our time, you know, it was like, oh man, that was was tiring i need a little bit extra regenerative time but now that i look back on it i'm like i'm so glad i didn't like conserve my energy for two two weeks after camp was over because my energy is just fine right now you know what i mean but every once in a while i'm like i was telling katherine this i was like but it seems like every maybe like every once in while, you just need like one day to just like chill out completely. I was like, like just one day of rest, like every seven days. And I was like, oh, wait a second. That's what God's telling
Starting point is 00:07:32 us to do. It's like, as long as you get good sleep and you rest one day out of seven, I think you're fine. Cause like, yeah, I'm ready to go again right now to an extent. I could do it tomorrow. Yes. I think we could. But we do need a day of rest every once in a while. Yeah. Specifically this time, I'm still like somewhat tired, like three days later, still like a hangover a little bit from it. But you said Sunday, you were really tired. Yeah. Saturday, the day we flew back, I took a nap for two hours on the plane and then slept 12 hours that night and still was falling asleep at church. I was like, what else do I need to do? Am I ever going to be awake? I fell asleep hard at church. Not like, oh, Brad's dozing off. It was like holding my Bible,
Starting point is 00:08:14 like flipping it halfway up into my face. Dude, some of those prayers, man. Oh man, that's what happened, dude. I was like, I get to church, I was like, I'm feeling great. I can't believe I'm not more tired. All right, let's pray. I close my eyes. Don't ever close your eyes when you're somewhat tired to pray. Yeah, just that time to like look down and look at like a strobe light on your phone or something just to try and just stimulate the daylights out of you.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Like Catherine had to nudge me multiple times. Like, you're falling asleep. It's tough when you're sleep deprived. Yeah. So no, but overall, man, yeah, still, still feeling a little bit tired, but overall feeling good. I, uh, in the airport, pretty much as soon as I landed back in Kansas city, I got a text from a friend and she was like, Hey, you want to play in a golf tournament Monday? And I was like, you know what? Of course. That's a great, like, you know, reentry back into real life. You know, like I'm not going to go straight back into work, but whatever.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Yeah. And I was like, you know what? I didn't even ask you details. Like, I'm in. Let's just do it. That sounds fun. I haven't played a full round of golf all year yet. And so this guy, she gets connected to me with this guy who's a YMCA camp director.
Starting point is 00:09:25 Hey, shout out Jensen. So afterwards, actually picked his brain a little bit for maybe some future ghosty getaway plans. Cool. If we want to do a marriage one or a family one, what are some of the best YMCA camps? And so I wrote a few of them down. Rockies. He said Estes Park was a really good one. I don't know if he said Finger Lakes.
Starting point is 00:09:41 There was one, Tecumseh? Tecumseh. Okay. There's one up in New York, I think, or something like that. Yeah finger, like there was one to come. So to come, sir. Okay. There's one up in like New York, I think, or something like that. Yeah. He said,
Starting point is 00:09:46 there's one. He, he did say, he's like, none of these are going to be near like a major airport or major city. Like they're all going to be tough to get to, but there's one in the Mark Twain forest, only like an hour South of St.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Louis. Okay. That one could be fun. Do you think that's safe? That's outside the murder bubble, the muck duck bubble, muck duck bubble, Mark Twain bubble.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Cool. So that was fun to get a shot with him. But anyway, he was like, yeah, dude, love to have you. 7.30 is check-in, 8 a.m. tea time. I'm like, great, I'm going to get there right at 7.30, and you go to the range beforehand. And so I blow through breakfast, let's just get to the range. And I'm like, man, there are not as many people here as I would have thought.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Just fast forward, tea time wasn't until 9. Shotgun I'm like, man, there are not as many people here as I would have thought. Just fast forward. Tea time wasn't until nine. Shotgun started at nine. So got there pretty early. Okay. A lot of time on the range. Got a few blisties. A little blisty.
Starting point is 00:10:32 A lot of putts. A lot of practice chips. Wow. So you, yeah, you literally were out on the range for an hour and a half? I mean, I probably, there's like diminishing returns if you spend too much time. So it's like, all right, I've done 40 swings. I'm going to be tired if I do more than this. So I'll just sit in my cart and talk to the fellas.
Starting point is 00:10:50 So Tecumseh, that's got to have some Native American origins, right? You know? You know, my mom is Lindians, so there's something. But then we get playing, and there's only three of us in the four-man scramble. Kind of a bummer. Like, oh, would have loved to have invited Peter or Isaac or Brad to this.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Could have been nice. But it's fun. Like most Kansas City weeks this spring, of course there was a thunderstorm going on. Did you hear the hail this morning? Oh, yeah. It was loud. Do you get hail timing? I don don't know i sleep like a rock so sleep like a hailstone i bet you would have been awake by this well i don't know what time are you waking up to get here by 8 30
Starting point is 00:11:34 oh speaking of of that i uh i set my alarm for 7 15 yeah it's like that'll be plenty of time and i fell back asleep till 7 40 oh And it's about like, depending on traffic, it's like 35, sometimes 40 minutes to get here. So I had technically 10 minutes to get ready. Yeah. Didn't quite do that. It was like 15 minutes that I was ready
Starting point is 00:11:52 and then left. That's great. Hailstones. Welcome back, Timon. You guys want to hear a joke? Timon was on time for work today. Just kidding. No, it's fine. Whatever. I'll finish this quick. Sorry. Hailstorm. No, it's fine.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Whatever. I'll finish this quick. Sorry. Yeah, we got Hill. Yeah, but I might have, but he was sleeping through it because he might have to work by five minutes.
Starting point is 00:12:14 I'm just kidding. You've done a scramble golf charity golf tournament. So they have all these different competitions, ways to donate money, ways to win stuff. They have the longest
Starting point is 00:12:23 drive contest on a par five. I'm thinking, yeah, hey, our team of three is not going to win stuff. They have a longest drive contest on a par five. Oh, yeah. Hey, our team of three is not going to win this. I don't really care about having a good drive, so I'm just going to swing as hard as I can and see what happens. End up hitting it down the middle. Kind of fun. I get down to my ball.
Starting point is 00:12:35 You pipe? It's the longest drive of the day. Get to move the stake, put it in the fairway, write my name on it. Kind of fun. Fun. A few holes later, there's a stake on the green. And so I'm thinking it's probably closer to the pin maybe on your second shot or whatever i hit a ball
Starting point is 00:12:49 i'm like dang that's not that close go up this little placard wasn't for closest to the pin it was for longest putt like i'm glad i didn't put it closer now we have a chance the longest putt and get up there i'm the first one to putt i don't get a line or any kind of information i just go up there sink the longest putt get to move the stake put it in the green jake triplet longest putt yeah and then everyone's gonna be like looking at all these flags after you like who the heck is jake trip that's what i was thinking too i was like i'm gonna win these things they're like what was your score dude i'm like uh we barely barely under par honestly we were the we came in dead last um but we so you know courses kind of wrap around So as you're on like the 14th hole,
Starting point is 00:13:27 you can kind of go back and see like, oh, that's my longest putt one is still there. And then you go back on your 16th fairway and you're like, oh, my longest drive was still there. So with only a few holes left, I had longest putt and longest drive. And then the tournament was over. And so I didn't know who would want it.
Starting point is 00:13:42 And so I'm like, well, let's stick around and see. Yeah, you haven't been here that long. You didn't get here early or anything. We stick around, we stick around, and we stick around some more. We got to talk a lot about YMCA camps. How long? I left at 4 p.m.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Wow. It was the longest day. And in the end, I came in second place in longest putt and second place the longest drive same guy beat you in both no different guys i waited that whole time dang for truly nothing would you have gotten something if you if you hit it the guy said so the reason i waited around he's like dude i played this tournament last year pretty decent cash prizes if you win these things so i was like well i'll stick around for that yeah second place
Starting point is 00:14:22 zero oh for second place, zero. Honestly, they didn't even say who got second. I'm just assuming. Okay, I probably ended up getting second. Yeah. If you were that close, that late. With just a couple holes left. So yeah, just stuck around for hours.
Starting point is 00:14:37 But they did have lunch was provided. And I'm not one to really like feast. I was like, I'm getting my money's worth today. I am going to eat and eat and eat. And I had a million tacos. But nothing to really like feast. I was like, I'm getting my money's worth today. I am going to eat and eat and eat. And I had a million tacos, uh, but nothing to show for it. We came in dead last and,
Starting point is 00:14:49 uh, I didn't win anything. Was it fun though? Golfing? Did you, uh, it was fun towards the beginning. Like it was fun to just be on a really nice golf course and to be golfing.
Starting point is 00:14:56 But I get, you know, I've told this before, like my dad used to golf. And then once he had kids, my dad stopped golfing because of just like the dad guilt of being away. I don't even have kids yet. And I'm already feeling it.
Starting point is 00:15:06 Like as it started to go on and on, it's like, I got so much I could be doing. I got so much work I could do. I'm out here golfing. It's taking forever. I just want to be on my phone. I want to be like doing stuff and already feeling the like golf guilt. And I'm not even a dad yet. So I think nine holes is the right answer.
Starting point is 00:15:21 That's probably a good point. Because yeah, you 18 holes is too long to run a long time, four hours, three and a half, four hours. Like that's, that's too long. Add that with the,
Starting point is 00:15:32 the schedule of getting there, getting back, whatever. Yeah. Getting there early. So Jake, you just talked about being a dad. Oh,
Starting point is 00:15:38 Oh my goodness. Oh, Oh, he's dropping hints. Were you on the IG live the other day when V and that, where somebody was like, wait, did Brad just accidentally announce a pregnancy announcement for Jake and Rachel? I was like, no, I don't even know what I did.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Did you see that? Yeah. I saw it. I can't remember. You were like, I don't know. You mentioned something about having a young kid or something. I was talking. So talking about Bo.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Yeah. It was, it was when Rachel and Jake came over for Bo's birthday and Bo said something in a, like a little like kitty, kitty speech impediment. I don't know. It's my, I don't know if he said birthday or whatever. He said something like that.
Starting point is 00:16:12 And Rachel just laughed and whatever. And I was like, you just think Rachel, it's not, he's not going to be like that forever. He's going to grow up. And Rachel's like, Oh yeah,
Starting point is 00:16:20 you're right. And somebody was like, wait, did Brad just say that? I was like, I don't think I said anything like that. Maybe I didn't explain it very well, but it's so funny.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Like everyone, maybe I've ruined, you know, I don't know. Everyone's too, like trying to find all the little Easter eggs. Now that I, I kept one surprise from the ghosties.
Starting point is 00:16:37 It is so funny. Just like, they're like, Jake was asking Brad a lot of questions about his home birth. Well, Jake had a few questions for Katie, which he now she was pregnant. Jake was engaged in conversation. I think
Starting point is 00:16:47 he might. He's one of two people on a podcast and he was talking for half of it. Jake compared himself to his dad who had children. So it's funny. Someone came to my defense at the comments are like pretty sure Jake is dying for Rachel to play pro volleyball. So I
Starting point is 00:17:03 doubt she's pregnant and you would be correct. I'm still dying for Rachel to play pro volleyball. So I doubt she's pregnant. And you would be correct. I'm still dying for her to do that. Yeah. Is there any update on that? They sent an email. I'm on the email squad. Squad.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Hey, do you want to get on the email squad? I'd be like to be on the email squad. Would you like to be on the email team? I could be on this. What did you say, Big Daddy? I could be on the scuba squad. I could be scuba squad. And they said, hey, tomorrow, 3 p.m., big announcement, especially for those who
Starting point is 00:17:28 might be on the team. I'm like, ooh, Rachel, here we go. And the announcement was, we've chosen our practice facility. Which is where? Who cares? Wait, has Rachel tried out? No. Oh, okay. I don't even know if they're doing tryouts. Really? But I think they should. How are
Starting point is 00:17:44 they going to choose? I'm sure they just have a recruiter who just pl Really? But I think they should. How are they going to choose? I'm sure they just have a recruiter who just plucks from like Division I college volleyball players. Okay. Just like recruits them to play. Just like, yeah, reaches out to them specifically. Or maybe there's a draft. I don't freaking know. Who knows, man? But thank you, Tymon, for acknowledging the hint.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Tymon, hey, man. Hey. Hey, Tymon. What's up with you, man? Where you been? You haven't been in Gold Shores. No. I feel like I've had a lot of editing I've been doing. Doing my job, which I like.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Yeah, just like a lot of... I did all those... Not the Wednesday's episode ones yet, but all the viral clips. Hey, first one's posted. First one's working. First one's working. That's good. First one's working. Good job, Ben.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Yeah, what else? Oh, yeah. I mentioned like practicing for who's on first. Yes. And that didn't end up happening. Oh. What? It was, I think this is a little silly.
Starting point is 00:18:37 I think. Oh, let's talk about. Go off. Silly. It was like. Silly sound off, we'll call it. So it was, there was some like rain in the forecast. Oh. We're going to like, well, we'll still have this like, um, silly sound off. We'll call it. Oh, it was, uh, there was some like rain in the forecast. We're going to, we're going to like, well, we'll, we'll still have this like evening
Starting point is 00:18:50 event thing. And then it like, I think there was a four to five minute stretch of like pretty intense, like raining down. And it was like in that stretch of like, okay, well the evening is called off. Oh really? And then like about like two minutes after it just cleared back up and it was fine also you can drive in rain you can drive in rain i think you can drive in right you'd be careful but i think you can drive in rain i agree yeah but i think sometime i can't remember when maybe june or july i think we'll do like some
Starting point is 00:19:19 similar event well i think we'll do it unless there's like really bad clouds what if it's humid yeah true yeah the humidity think about that for for the roads gotta get at least before the 2024 election that is i do feel like we're getting so soft on weather oh yeah like it's wild how quickly we get snow days these like it's like there's a prediction of snow in the morning let's just call it off at 8 p.m the night before and then sometimes it either doesn't snow or like sn's a prediction of snow in the morning. Let's just call it off at 8 p.m. the night before. And then sometimes it either doesn't snow or like snows a quarter of an inch. There's no ice. I understand it's like all about the buses and stuff, but I'm like, it's all about the bus.
Starting point is 00:19:55 It's all about the buses. Yeah. And then, yeah, to cancel something because it's like they said it's going to rain really hard. Yeah. It's like someone, someone like planning it had to have just like. Yeah, it's like someone planning it had to have just not really wanted it to happen. They're looking for a reason to not go.
Starting point is 00:20:09 I will say that. Oh, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain. Look at all this rain. Come on, guys. Graydon and I, our prep was a little last minute, and we realized afterward, maybe that was a good thing that it got. Maybe it's a good thing we have a different chance to do it
Starting point is 00:20:20 because that script is just so, it relies on being word for word perfect right so yeah that might have been a problem but yeah you like skip ahead two lines and you're done yeah oh that would be tough yeah apparently uh so katherine responded to me she texts you know we didn't coordinate or communicate a ton during the week while i was in gulf shores yeah but she did text me she's like i'm gonna just find it but basically basically just loves timing. I think she's in her timing there. Like everyone loves timing. But I think Catherine's getting to the point where she's like,
Starting point is 00:20:49 she's always liked timing, appreciated timing. And I think now it's like, I see the light. Timing's the man. Let me see. Oh, man, we've texted a lot recently. I'm not trying to brag. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:03 So she first, she texted. Oh, come on. I can find it. I'm not trying to brag. Okay. So she first, she texted. Oh, come on. I can find it. I can find it. It's about time and doxology thing. Okay. So Wednesday,
Starting point is 00:21:15 May 1st, 12 Oh 3 PM. I want a bell to call everyone to dinner and I want to sing the doxology at the end of the meal. I want to basically recreate time and family. That's awesome. And then she said, listening to the podcast and hearing Tymon say he's going to perform who's on first, ask Brooks, her brother, who is the chef on the trip, ask Brooks to perform it for you. He
Starting point is 00:21:33 and Walker did it together once in high school. We should have done that. Uh, and then next couple days later, she sent me a picture of your grad party announcement, uh, invitation with just the emotion or the emoji with like the emotional like tears in it like so proud of timing uh so she just she's just loving time in these days man cool i'm excited for the grad party yeah i'm gonna be there sweet before you want me and after you want me gone all right i'll bring potato salad four hours yeah stay the night yeah you might want to what does he. You might want to put a lid on that. It's been in my car all day.
Starting point is 00:22:10 In the sun. Yeah, what can we expect? Probably music no instruments. Yeah. Acapella. There's going to be an acapella quartet in the background. Honestly, I'm not sure what to expect um i mean yeah i think it'll be pretty basic yeah we should probably we should like i think we'll figure out some like games to have going on yes games love games
Starting point is 00:22:35 give me some ideas i don't know should i come with the front half or the back half i got another get another grad party that day um i don't know i feel like my instincts is back half because it's like i feel like that'll be like everyone's all warmed up they're loose yeah everyone's voices and instruments already warmed up by that point yeah that's good how many people you think will be there i have not asked my mom like what she would be like getting the responses i feel like um i don't know i mean I've invited a lot of people. So hopefully people show up. His family.
Starting point is 00:23:09 My family. Yeah. Cool, man. Yeah. That'd be fun. Yeah, I don't know any other ideas for... I mean, just hanging out. Just fun times.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Is it a thing in the grad parties you guys have gone to? Is volleyball really common? Because I'm wondering if it's just in the people I know. Great question. Really common. I wouldn't say really common, but I would say it's like a thing. Okay. Okay. Well, it's just a time of year where you can have parties outside. And so outdoor games, volleyball is a common one, but I would say cornhole is somewhat common. Yeah. Sydney Anderson would call it cornhole bags, bags, bags. i don't play bags very often surely you do so yeah yeah i don't know man i think just having fun times with who which one
Starting point is 00:23:53 of your siblings should i look out for really that's the question like which one do i need to like like not mess like have a like warning before you like that guy he doesn't understand sarcasm do not mess with him. I don't know. Or one that I should really mess with. I feel like it'd be kind of funny if you just mess with Jesse. Yeah. Because I think he tries to act cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Just get through him or something. Okay. No, I don't know. Great. Really fun, man. Yeah. Oh, Jesse. What about...
Starting point is 00:24:22 Oh, maybe not on the podcast. Oh, yeah. Any inside information on Brandon that we could freak him out with a little bit? fun man yeah oh jesse what about oh maybe not on the pot well yeah uh any any inside any inside information on brandon that we could like freak him out with a little bit good question brandon is time is dad if you're new to the pot yeah brandon lynn no uh good question b lynn just call him b lynn any in the land you should you should tell him we've been for years and years trying to get him to grow a beard okay and he just like won't do it he just i don't know why he won't just like try it out. Just like mention,
Starting point is 00:24:46 oh, you look good with a beard. You could rock a beard. Something like that. Okay. B-Lin, you could rock a good beard. You must be Brandon. Oh, man, it's too bad I can't call you bearded Brandon. Beardy Brandon. That'd be fun. Dang. Okay, I'll just call you Brandon. There is like a decent, yeah, decently popular real estate. Yeah, follow him.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Beardy Brandon. Like, oh, have you heard of Beardy Brandon? I think you could be really good. I wish I was your name. That'd be cool. That was your name. Be Lynn. Okay. I'm pumped for you. Timon. Be Lynn. Uh, Timon, do you want to address some accusations that were some pretty harsh accusations? Oh, I'm glad you brought this up. Uh, so if you missed it a couple episodes ago, Courtney Miller, fitness, fitness, crazy Courtney Miller is crazy. She is. She's fitness crazy. Uh, do you think, or she thinks that you did not run your mile in an accurate time? Thoughts on that? I think it like, even if my phone isn't fully accurate, it sure feels like a fast mile. Cause I'm just pushing myself as hard
Starting point is 00:25:42 as I can. Um, And yeah, I just think even if it's not fully accurate, why are there apps on a phone if it's not like at least within a few seconds? Sure. That's my theory. Okay. But it'll sure be embarrassing if I like test it. Oh, that's a seven minute mile. So that would be why that would be kind of sad. But how'd you feel when you heard it? Were you listening? Just like, like i think no no i think at first i was like i was kind of like that i was like hey no no come on this is valid then she like started bringing up like her points and like her reasoning i was like dang maybe that's right i shouldn't be using a phone um but i think i i came back to like i think i got it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:25 Yeah. So, yeah. I had an idea. Okay. Since you're going to a Royals game later today. Yeah. Time and I are going to have the afternoon. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:33 We're going to head to a track. Oh. And we're going to let them prove it. Is time a no? Yeah, yeah. So I texted them. You got your rain shoes? Yesterday or a couple days ago
Starting point is 00:26:40 and I was like, hey, what if we did this Wednesday afternoon? Perfect. So I don't know how easy it'll be to find a track like during track season and during the school day, but we're going to bebop around until we find one. I feel like if you go at 1 p.m., it'll be good. And he's going to be done with his mile in five minutes.
Starting point is 00:26:56 106, yeah. There was a pretty lengthy post on Facebook about this. Nathaniel Wooden, who's like Mr. Strava app, posted how he believes in Timon. He thinks Timon did it. I need to read this. He just posted it a couple minutes ago. Yeah, I heard that
Starting point is 00:27:16 and I was like, poor Timon's not here to defend himself. But I also love the idea of Timon lying. Timon's not figuring out a hack. He's like a complete fraud. He can only do it. Try to like valid 20 minute mile.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Pretend that I am something that I'm not sporting. It's just like, that's funny. I will say like, what was it that Courtney was like? But if that is true, like he needs to be like training for the Olympics. And I'm like, I don't, I don't buy that at all. I'm like, I have so many, like I have a decent amount of friends like who do. And I'm like, I don't, I don't buy that at all. I'm like, I have so many, like I have a decent amount of friends like who do track and I'm like, they're all running significantly faster miles than me. Right. Or like, or like decently fat. I don't know. Like,
Starting point is 00:27:55 yeah. And maybe she thinks if you have the raw ability to run that fast, like cultivate it. But well, Nathaniel said that a requirement to run cross country is to run as under six minute mile in high school and so it's like sheesh i don't think yeah i don't think the timing's like some anomaly like holy cow this guy's next what if he was green yeah yeah like i mean i have and she was like i don't think he's homeschool theater kid like i was like i i have that friends who meet that exact same criteria who are running like six minute miles. I don't know. So I don't think I'm that crazy.
Starting point is 00:28:30 And hey, maybe it's all wrong anyway. By the time you're listening to this, maybe we already know. I mean, because if the live stream went well today, we already know if timing's been validated or not. Yeah. I'm hoping I, if anything, just beat my PR by a decent amount today. Because I feel like with the pressure of being like, I don't know, just with the pressure,
Starting point is 00:28:51 I think I could do even better. And you've ever ran a track before. Track is great. It's spongy. It's flat. Sweet. You have a great visual to know how far into it you are. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:00 All that organized. I'm three-eighths of the way through. Cool. How do stop losses work on Kraken? Let's say I have a birthday party on Wednesday night, but an important meeting Thursday morning. So sensible me pre-books a taxi for 10 p.m. with alerts. Voila.
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Starting point is 00:30:00 So many things happened. It was jam-packed. We did games. We did the speech jammer app. We did all sorts of stuff. Awards. We had awards. We had a talent show. Treasure room. Where to start? We did a Coke versus Pepsi taste test. We didn't want to give session one the same thing we're giving session two. We tried to mix it up as much as we
Starting point is 00:30:20 could. We did a good job. Can we just take a step back? We didn't really... I feel like we didn't repeat anything, did we except for like obviously lambert's and the cruise like that's about it i mean meals were different people like oh how are we gonna do are we gonna do different words for wordle and it's like brother we're not even doing work we're not doing world both sessions no way yeah we we've got it in us we create two different nights of programming, two different sets of games. Yeah. And so, yeah, shout out Brandon Falkner.
Starting point is 00:30:47 He went and bought some Cokes and some Pepsis. And I was like, Oh, what a great podcast game. You send one person from each team to the Coke versus Pepsi taste test. And knowing how difficult I've seen this to be, I was just like, well,
Starting point is 00:31:01 if they do get it right, I'll just time them just in case multiple people get it right. We'll see who got it quickest. Caitlin goes up first and she takes one sip of one. She's like, I think Pepsi. I was like, well, taste the other one to be sure. I don't know. She's like, okay, I think that was Coke.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Yeah, so Pepsi, Coke. I was like, great. Wow, you got it. 12 seconds. That's amazing. You got that. Then the ghosties went on a rampage. Yeah. Rain man over here. Yeah. It was the rain man of the nose.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Yeah. It was. So then, yeah. Cocaine man. I don't know. Inappropriate. Sorry. Chad Yoder broke the game.
Starting point is 00:31:41 So I had been starting the timer when the cup like hit their lips. Like whenever they were ready, whenever they started to taste it, you start the timer. And Yoder was just like, are you good? And I was like, yeah, whenever you're ready. And he just like leans over the cup, doesn't even touch the cup,
Starting point is 00:31:56 just leans over it and goes, this one's Pepsi, finally it's here. I was like, you're right. I don't know what your time was, but you're right. I didn't think you'd sniff it. And so I was like, let're right. I don't know what your time was, but you're right. I didn't think you'd sniff it. And so I was like, let's just give you two seconds. Who's going to beat that? Okay, Chad, you got it right in two seconds.
Starting point is 00:32:15 And then the next three ghosties to come up, get it right at right around two seconds, only smelling it. Yeah. In fact, Brandon Faulkner won. He got 1.4 seconds or something food critic we're like so ready go pepsi pepsi it was insane dude it's like it's like back in the day when everyone would do the high jump you know going over and then they're like wait we should do it backwards you know and so caitlin did it the way everyone thought you should do that the
Starting point is 00:32:41 i see it like she said yeah she was hurtling the high jump yeah Yeah, she was. Yeah, she was just jumping over face first. Yeah. And everyone else is like, wait, I think it's better if you do it this way. There's a better technique here. Yeah. So they all kind of broke the game. I didn't see that coming. Not a single person got it wrong.
Starting point is 00:32:55 They went six for six and four or five of them got it right without even tasting it. I still maintain that it's harder if you try them back and forth. That's where it gets messy. Yeah. I had no idea they would be able to differentiate via the smell that quickly, that easily. My bad. Yeah. Everyone thought that Pepsi was the one that was like stronger smelling, I guess.
Starting point is 00:33:15 I don't know. But yeah, they really cracked the code on that. And it wasn't like they had a full glass of Pepsi or a bottle of Pepsi. I would pour like a couple ounces into a red Solo cup. I don't know. It couldn't have been that easy to smell. Well, I tried and I couldn't. It was hard to smell it.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Maybe I still have very good taste receptors. The Coke versus Pepsi taste test is what I thought the Wordle would be. And I got them wrong, you know. We're testing things out. Wordle was tough. Karaoke proved to be about half and half tough yeah i think three out of six people we did a blind karaoke which was fun because people who
Starting point is 00:33:50 knew it well we actually had very different reactions the three people who got it right maddie oliver the song comes on and she just like rolls her eyes and like drops her head i'm like oh dang it she doesn't know it she's like there's no there's no extra value for performance, right? We're like, no, he's got to get the lyrics. Don't even have to say the melody. So you want to do the I stay up too late. Got nothing in my brain.
Starting point is 00:34:20 That's what people say. That's what people say. I go on too many dates. It was like, she got a word for what she'd have winning. She got like 99% of the words. Right.
Starting point is 00:34:34 And on the other end, we had Adam caution, Ryan Trezza. We gave them a fake microphone, which I really felt like that helped the performance. And they knew the song right away and killed it. And yeah, but,
Starting point is 00:34:44 but Maddie, I think, went second. And then Trezza and Kosh were like fifth and sixth. So there was a little desert in there. Everyone was like, I don't know if anybody else is going to know this song. It's just Maddie. And so Ryan kind of seemed like he knew it. And then he started singing,
Starting point is 00:34:57 I'll sing up to late! And everyone just started going, yeah! You know, it was awesome, dude. And then, yeah, Kosh just delivered a performance for the ages. I'll say right now, Kosh made me feel a little better about my singing voice. Got him!
Starting point is 00:35:15 What about Maddie? Just a little bit. I stayed up too late. I feel like all girls are just naturally somewhat good singers. No. Really? No. That is not true. I feel like they just sound... They just have nicer sounding voices. Yeah. When they're flat, they sound cuter. I also disagree with that.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Really? I think... Is he from Texas? This isn't anything sexist. Tymon's a liar and he's sexist. This is just personal. I think that it's slightly more enjoyable to listen to guys singing. I'm not saying anything about the talent of guys or girls. For me, and I feel like it's slightly more enjoyable to listen to guys singing. I'm not saying anything about the talent
Starting point is 00:35:46 of guys or girls. For me, and I feel like it's fairly common to think that. I don't know. But Jake's saying tone-deaf women are better. Than tone-deaf men. I haven't heard too many tone-deaf of either. And I don't think they're...
Starting point is 00:36:01 Tone-deaf women are awesome. No, TD d dubs they're great i hope they're some of your grad party oh no shout out one of my best friends growing up shout out becca you are so tone deaf their girls are tone deaf sometimes all right so i don't know if she listens anymore but she listens at one point so uh we also have some great talent show acts that night which we didn't get to talk about the podcast uh two specifically we were so creative as they're doing each of them i was thinking like this is so fun i wonder when they first did this like did they do this at a high school talent show did they do this in their youth group back in the day yeah they have this in their
Starting point is 00:36:36 bag basically like this is like one of their things that they yeah i don't i don't pull it out unless somebody calls upon it but i can do this as something in my repertoire because we split up the teams and say, all right, here are your teams. You need one person to do Coke vs. Pepsi, one person to do a talent show, one person to do this, whatever. So they don't have a ton of time
Starting point is 00:36:51 to even decide who's going to do the talent, much less come up with something. And we talked to these guys afterwards, and we're like, so when else have you done that? Mitchell's like, I've never done that before in my life. We're like, all right, Dominic, what about you? He's like, I've never done that. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:04 He's like, I've made that noise in my mouth before, but never done that. So their performances were Mitchell Bowser went up there with a script from a scene of The Office and just redid all the different characters from the Where Are the Turtles scene when they're doing the gift baskets. Oh, it was a one-man
Starting point is 00:37:19 monologue reenact. So he's jumping all around the room, sitting in a couch, popping up. Like ringing his suitcase where the turtles are the turtles it was it was unbelievable because it was like one of those things where you didn't see it obviously see it coming at all he didn't say like i'm about to do this he just came up had his phone out and just started talking you know subtle funny thing is that he was reading his phone landscape mode just kind of a funny thing that i enjoyed in the moment. Why is he reading this landscape?
Starting point is 00:37:47 He has a script pulled up. I feel like that's, it gives you a lot more like a largeness. You think it's not formatted, not formatted for vertical. I think you'll, you'll be able to see more vertical. For example,
Starting point is 00:37:58 if I find a, like I found the who's on first script when it's on my phone, we get it. You're doing who's on first. Everyone's going to go. Okay. Now that we're in town,'m gonna have it horizontal it's like it just makes the because if it's upward it's just like a sheet so like the words are super small so i can't like read them easily i don't know i've never seen a script on my phone you would know
Starting point is 00:38:17 you would know who's on first and then dominic you want to share what he did yeah so dom uh relatively quiet guy, but at the same time, like Dom and Mitchell, both, I was like, you guys have more that you're not showing yet. Like kind of thing. And just side bar real quick. Some of the best conversations I had all week were both with Mitchell and Dominic. They were awesome. There's great guys. And, and so like, yeah, I just, I knew Dom did youth ministry stuff, whatever. I was like, he's got something something there so he comes up he takes a drink of water before he goes first of all before he goes yeah
Starting point is 00:38:51 the act before him randall weaver randall weaver uh just a salt of the earth kid uh whatever guy uh comes up he's like i'm gonna be singing a song in Pennsylvania Dutch Amish. Yeah, traditional Amish Dutch weird and it was one of those things where like this would have been kind of funny like just by itself and just like like no one knows if he's just making up syllables. I should not.
Starting point is 00:39:16 See, yeah, that's what he's doing. That's not bad. Honestly, you might have nailed half of that thank you uh i'm pretty good but probably 10 seconds into it dom just puts his hand over his heart off to the side it's like very out of dress like looking at no one and it was just so it was so funny and so all of a sudden hopefully randall didn't like get self-conscious about this because all of a sudden everyone just like points to Dom and starts laughing at Dom.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Start dying laughing. So Dom already did something funny there. Goes up right after Rindle, takes a drink of water and just stands there with his like fist over his mouth and does a mouth trumpet of taps. It did it well. Yeah, whatever. Anyway, and then like does most of it and then just runs to the other end of the living room. And we're like, what's he gonna do now? And he just did it again.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Like he did like the second half of the second part of taps. And it was just so funny because when you don't know what to expect, it's just like, that was so good. Yeah. Just on the fly. That was so creative. That that's so fun i'm just gonna do taps with my mouth you guys do coke first pepsi i got something yeah and yeah and i asked his wife lizette i was like has he does he do that all the time and she's like i mean no this is the first time he's ever done it but like it's not that hard to do that she was like not impressed by it at all it's like but it's so funny that he did it out of nowhere so that was great and then yeah we did the awards which was always fun just trying to think about really random names and can you remember any of the ones that we had um like that were just i don't know we just try to get creative with like ways
Starting point is 00:40:55 to like incorporate inside jokes into funny things we gave um who was it who was so well-rounded oh oh it was chad yoder chad we felt like chad yoder was a very well-rounded? Oh. Oh, it was Chad Yoder. We felt like Chad Yoder was a very well-rounded guy. So if you remember from last Wednesday's episode, we gave him the Tia's Ball Award because Tia's always bouncing on her exercise ball, which is also well-rounded. And we gave Tia the Cinderella Award.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Yeah, for being famous. Yeah, famous for her ball or something like that. So just fun things like that. We have fun. We're just a little goofy. See, that gets over. We're just hanging out. Jake was like, we'll hang out as long as you guys want to,
Starting point is 00:41:34 as late as you guys want to. I was like, yes, we will. I had planned on taking two people, Michaela and Justin, to the airport early the next morning. But I was like, no way. We're partying. So I'm hanging out, talking to Gabe and Maddie, but I was like, no way we're partying. Uh, and so I'm hanging out talking to Gabe and Maddie thinking I should probably go soon.
Starting point is 00:41:48 It's midnight, uh, 1230, whatever it was. And Maddie's like, go ahead. You have something else. Well,
Starting point is 00:41:53 speaking of midnight, I had not done my mile yet that day. Genius. Yes. Go ahead. I not have a mile yet. And it was so fun. There were multiple times on the trip where go sees,
Starting point is 00:42:01 we would all run our miles together. It's some of my, just like, you know, uh, uh, on what's that word unbeknownst unplannedly unintentionally unprovoked you wouldn't think it but one of the more memorable moments of the trip for me just running miles unexpectedly unexpected okay joys of the trip were when courtney miller pushed us to run like seven and a half minute miles all together. That was really fun. And then this last night is crazy. Courtney Miller is crazy.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Me, Gabe and Rendall, uh, Rendall and Gabriel were both like, no, if you ever in your mile, I'm going to run it with you. It's just like, all right, here's what I'm thinking at 1150. We run our first one. And then at midnight we run our second one. And so they were totally down. And so we did that together. We ran a mile out one way, took like a minute break and then ran a mile back. And perfect. Um,
Starting point is 00:42:51 it was so fun. We just talk sports the whole time, got to know each other. Yeah. It's great. You haven't done too many times where you've done more than one mile yet, right? No.
Starting point is 00:42:58 At a time. How did it, was it just fine? It wasn't too bad. It was a little, uh, I drank a little Coke and Pepsi earlier in the night from the Coke first Pepsi taste test bubbly. And then Brooks had also given
Starting point is 00:43:09 out, I think it was like peach cobbler and ice cream. So it also had a little bit of that in my stomach. Yeah. And I actually did get halfway through the bluebell ice cream. I realized I hadn't done my run yet. So I stopped eating the ice cream, but I think it did somewhat affect the stomach. You felt it. No, it wasn't terrible. It was really, really fun. Great memories. But anyway, we went and did that. That was genius though. I heard, yeah, Jake's out doing his run right now. He's doing two runs in one.
Starting point is 00:43:30 I was like, of course, that's perfect. Yeah, it was awesome. Oh, that Saturday, Rachel had to do a run and I was just- Have fun, babe. I was just, you know, like it was funny. Yeah. Walking all smug around the house.
Starting point is 00:43:42 So anyway, yeah, to get done with that, I'm talking to Gabe and Maddie and Maddie's like, Oh Gabe, you should get out. You should go get the speech jammer thing. Like we should do that. And I was like, okay,
Starting point is 00:43:52 sure. And any game that gave Maddie have ever suggested brought done is always fun. Yep. They're just, they're so they're, they're fun game people. Have you heard about, and they live in Hawaii now.
Starting point is 00:44:03 That's fun game of them too. What city are they in? Uh, so, um, so anyway, Gabe brings out this thing and I think it's probably like, apparently it's been around forever. Like this, this speech jammer app. It's not like some revolutionary thing, but we'd never, I don't think anybody had ever done it. Time has never heard of it. Um, basically, man, are you pulling up a video? I was going to try to find some of game. So basically what it does is you put on headphones that are noise canceling. Ideally, they're turned up really loud. So you can't hear your own voice. And you talk into the phone, the phones, the microphone, and it will then transmit it back to your headphones, but like a half second delay or something like that, just a little bit of a delay. And what happens is all of a sudden you just certain people, not everybody, but certain people just cannot
Starting point is 00:44:49 coherently talk anymore. And we tried it. I think I, I sounded silly. You know, I sounded a little bit inebriated. Jake was next level, like a little bit more like, like Jake every once in a while, like had some like Twitch when he was talking. Yeah. It's like stroke inducing. Yeah. It's wild. And then Gabriel Oliver, that little guy, not little guy.
Starting point is 00:45:12 He's very tall and lanky anyway, but I mean, he just, it was unbelievable at what, what came out of this guy's mouth. And also what came out of our mouths. I haven't laughed as hard in years. I've never,
Starting point is 00:45:23 I've maybe never laughed as hard. My life. I told Catherine was like, I hard in years. I've never, I've maybe never laughed as hard in my life. I told Catherine, I was like, I laughed in a way I've never heard myself laugh before. Like I laughed at like this high pitch, like of course my voice was gone,
Starting point is 00:45:32 but it was like, I don't know what's going on. Laughing so, so hard. I was keeled over. There was one time I almost threw up from laughing. I was bent over and then laughing so hard.
Starting point is 00:45:43 Yeah. So between Gabe and then Mitchell Bowser, because Gabe could never finish a word. He would just keep Brad asked me earlier. He's like, what city were they in? Because Gabe could not say Honolulu.
Starting point is 00:45:51 No, he kept going. So, so I was like, just tell us how you got from, you know, Hawaii to Gulf shores. He's like,
Starting point is 00:45:57 so he flew on a plane at a Honolulu. I was like, wait, wait, say that again. What city? Why? Honolulu. I mean, it sounded like that. Like it was like, wait, wait, say that again. What's the UI? I mean, it sounded like that.
Starting point is 00:46:08 He's like, I'm just saying. Does it really sound that crazy? And we were all just dying laughing. It gave you a straight face. Like, I don't know. Am I messing up? He looked at me. He's like, I don't know, am I messing up? He looked at me, he's like, I don't know why I'm doing wrong.
Starting point is 00:46:34 That's a great impersonation of what he sounded like. That's exactly how he sounded, dude. So Gabe could never finish a word, which was so funny. It was just so long and drawn out. Mitchell Bowser, on the other hand, would never get to the end of a word. I feel like when he would do it... It was like he was going on 2x speed, but
Starting point is 00:46:49 also cutting off the last part of a word. So we're like, Mitchell, do another office scene with the speech jammer. And so he'd be like, Ryan says, Hey! Ryan says, Hey! It's who is his object? Who is his under up well how ryan used ryan used me as
Starting point is 00:47:09 it was unbelievable it was kind of like uh will ferrell when he's like everybody oh so those two are especially funny but then the other people celia talked more normal with the speech jammer app on celia was like looking at a tongue twister. She's like, the placid platypus. Am I doing anything crazy? Is this right? The placid platypus had a placebo effect. And I'm like, she's nailing this thing. This is better than ever.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Yeah. Daniel Ming was better. Yeah. Rachel had a little. Every once in a while. She had a little voice modulation issues. That's another Will Ferrell thing when he's done that. What about Courtney when she sang the ABCs? That was a strange side effect. like voice modulate voice modulation issues. That's the other world. Farrell thing when he's done that in like a,
Starting point is 00:47:46 what about Courtney? When she's saying the ABCs, that was a strange side effect. It was like, she couldn't, she like got into this really high register of singing. She couldn't get out of it. She got to like, E F G.
Starting point is 00:47:56 H I G K O N N L P. She's like, look, it's like, I don't know what to do here. Couldn't get out of it. That's interesting. Do you think it'd be easier to, I thought I did that? Like, oh, I should like, if I ever do it, I should read something, but like, I feel like, would that make it easier? I don't know. I think there, so I think that the quote unquote easiest
Starting point is 00:48:20 thing to do is to just do a few like quick words at a time. I think the more you read in a row without stopping, the more like it sounds ridiculous. So like Honolulu being a four syllable word like that, I think was harder than just saying, you know, we flew to, you know, whatever Gulf shores. That's not that hard. Yeah. Yeah. We flew from two Gulf shores for Honolulu. And I think there's certain like i know i would always get tripped up with ours like i think it has something to do with the way you talk especially gabe had trouble with his l's interesting um rachel also had a theory that if you have adhd then you're not affected by it um i also looked into it so this is fascinating
Starting point is 00:48:57 this has actually been proven to help people with a stutter it like counteracts what's giving them the stutter like they use this on people. Really? To help it. Anyway, I don't know what videos are which, but I'm going to see if we can play some of these of Gabe. And just to preface, first of all, we're not trying to make fun of anyone. This is not like any type of person. This is just how you sound on the Speech Jammer app.
Starting point is 00:49:24 When I was five. Oh, wait, pause it it real quick let's give him the context because you remember last week on the podcast gabe talked about uh his driver jeff and so we're like can you just reenact what you said or your car ride with jeff so he's got no not only is he doing this but he's doing it with an accent as jeff he's pretending to be Jeff with a speech tamer. Well, I was trying to retire, but I just couldn't see it at home. So I set up
Starting point is 00:49:57 my restaurant over here to my careful company, and now here I am. He's driving around on some buses. He's driving around on some buses. The country accent doesn't help me. The country accent doesn't help me.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Oh, my gosh. Poor Gabe. He was our puppet that night. I told him, I was like, Gabe, I'd pay you money for you to just – we should just have him like interview him on the podcast. It'd be really fun if all three of us were doing it. Like we all had our own versions of it and we just FaceTime Gabe and just talk to him.
Starting point is 00:50:35 Wouldn't that be awesome? It's so fun. It's wild. We did it with Hattie when we got back. Yeah. And Hattie wasn't terrible at it. Also, I don't think we had the best headphones but like yeah she just talked really loud and just like every once in a while would just say like repeat a sound yeah i pledge allegiance to to the flag what was the word she comes the boom
Starting point is 00:50:59 box box or something there was like a yeah a sound that she would say twice she was reading some book or something to us but man it was speech jammer check it out uh we found out that Box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, box, talk about our sponsor of this episode? Oh, yeah. Let's do it. Let me pull up... I don't know much about this company, so I've got to pull up the notes. Yeah, I will, too. It's a new sponsor? Is that right? Well, it's got to feel new in a way. Just a little hint.
Starting point is 00:51:37 I have to connect to the Rodecaster first. Shout out, Rodecaster. All right. I'm'm gonna start it who's starting it brad yeah sure at like 30 33 seconds or which i start and then show me can you do that good call good call just so we got it right. Oh, hey, hey. My life was dull. It was so great. Thought to myself, why do I even caffeinate? The coffee that I drink.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Oh, man, it's just so gross. I started to pray, God, please send me the Perfect roast, or else I'll just start drinking tea Would be a bummer for me But then his angel Sent me coffee They got it on Main Street
Starting point is 00:52:38 That's those good beats, baby Magic in my cup You know I gotta have it Daily, and you know I gotta have it daily. And you know they got it all. Single origin, small backs, best friends. Main Street, I think you're my new best friend. That's kind of high.
Starting point is 00:53:00 My new best friend. Yeah. The folks at Main Street are doing the most. Roasting and serving and sipping to ghosties. Coast to coast. And we got a promo code for you. G-R-K-C. Go on and get that juice. And now a family-owned coffee shop out the Midwest became the number one reason my mornings are so blessed.
Starting point is 00:53:31 I'm walking out Starbucks in distress like your coffee is garbage part in my fridge press. You know I gotta share it like I'm a good neighbor. State Farm is there and so is the flavor. Ethiopian, dang, that's major. I'm sipping, I'm thinking, I'll save her. They got it on Main Street, that's major. I'm sippin', I'm thinkin', I'll savor. Main Street, that's those good beans, baby. They're bitchin' like a funeral.
Starting point is 00:53:51 I gotta have it daily. And you know they got it all. What? Single. Origin. Small facts. Best blends. Main Street, I think you're my new best friend. Uh.
Starting point is 00:54:09 Yeah. Yeah. Signing out. Signing out. Signing out. So. Turn my headphones down. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:17 Heading out. Heading out. So. Heading out. Time card. Punching out. So. Maitre Roasters dot com.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Maitre Roasters dot com. You heard it. GRKC for 90% for 90 full price single origin new best friend single origin uh tell the background on that one yeah i for the two weeks in a row i tried to write a little song for us to perform about something i would normally just tell us a story in the podcast you guys really like mouse in the house so i was like let's keep doing this but with gulf shores coming up i was like i don't think doing this. But with Gulf Shores coming up, I was like, I don't think I have time to write a whole song while this is all going on.
Starting point is 00:54:48 Well, at the same time, one of my good friends, Claire Talaferro, is trying to raise money for K-Life. Ever heard of it? Yeah, love it. Would love to donate money anyway. She's like, I'm trying to do a thing where I'm going to write you a song for a donation.
Starting point is 00:55:00 And so I was like, this is perfect. Let me donate some money to K-Life. And I was like, Claire, would you like to write us a song for the podcast? So that was like, this is perfect. Let me donate some money to K-Life. And I was like, Claire, would you like to write us a song for the podcast? So that was Claire Talaferro. Yes. Shout out Claire T. Yeah. Who is a girl and wrote the song in a lower key and then sent us the instrumental version in a higher key, which is always fun. So we were just sitting high.
Starting point is 00:55:21 I think we could have sung it in a lower key, but that's no fun. No. Yeah. I thought it sounded great lower key, but that's no fun. No. Yeah. I thought it sounded great. Thanks, man. Thanks. I don't know anything about keys,
Starting point is 00:55:31 but I liked how I heard it. I don't know anything about keys. I'm not a janitor like Jason Morris. It was septic tank. That was a fun award to give out. One other thing from the last night of Gulf Shores, uh, just so I guess you mentioned this.
Starting point is 00:55:43 I learned that Mitchell Bowser, he's really coming up a lot this episode, he didn't say the word butt or sucks until college. Not bad. And then all of a sudden he let loose. He let him fly. Man, your butt sucks. I shouldn't have.
Starting point is 00:55:58 I shouldn't have. Yeah, that's crazy. Yeah, it was all time sheltered moment. So yeah, great guy guy great guy uh what did i learn about mitchell bowser recently oh he just posted a i don't know i was on his instagram and i saw that his car drove 250 000 miles that's it that's pretty cool though i was on his instagram his podcast no way yeah everything bagel. Check it out. Everything Bagel... There's Everything Bagel Podcast. That's fun.
Starting point is 00:56:30 Everything Bagel. I like that name. Everything Bagel. What else is going on? We got rained on going to the airport. Oh, I get rained on every day. Like that? Before you're about to board a plane?
Starting point is 00:56:44 No, not like that, but have you seen in the group me? I've been in the rain three days in a row. Yes, I did see that. Catherine also was on a walk with four kids the other day and like was around the corner from your house and got rained on. She's like, well, we're close, but we're not that close. And she just sent me a video of her like drenched. Brutal. Yeah. But yeah. Tell the story of heading to the airport. That was a bummer. Okay. First of all, I thought our flight was at 1230. Okay. It was at 1255. And so I, I don't know if you could tell, but I was in a little bit of a hurry. Could you tell like, like I was nervous. Like when we're like, we got to stop and get gas really quick. And then we got
Starting point is 00:57:17 to go and all that stuff. Maybe you couldn't tell. Maybe I was just pretty chill. I just thought you like to get to the airport early. Yeah. A little earlier than I do. Yeah. I had upgraded to A15, so I was like, I don't want to upgrade from nothing. I don't want to miss out on this. Yeah. Anyway, so we park our car. We rented from Turo, so we just park it in the economy lot. And we got a shuttle to the economy lot. I think they had shuttles, but we didn't see one.
Starting point is 00:57:42 And literally, as we're getting out of this car, as we're getting out of the van to get our luggage and stuff, it just starts raining pretty like nice, like hard, not hard, but like solid summer rain pellets, right? Like pellets. It's pretty good rain. Drops. But all of a sudden it starts coming down. And by the time that we couldn't find a shuttle,
Starting point is 00:57:59 so we just walked and it was a three minute walk. You know, it wasn't long, but it was plenty long enough to get drenched in rain not even halfway there and i said to isaac i said we're past the point of like i i'm already at peak wet like there's no other spot to get right and i'm only halfway done we're in it was raining really hard your bag is completely covered like the back of my head is wet like it is it has covered every angle of my body right we're soaked we got a flight in an hour it was not an ideal scenario or in Brad's case,
Starting point is 00:58:26 35 minutes, you know? So I'm like, gosh, dang it. Like there's no way like they board 30 minutes early. Like there's no way I'm getting through the security in five minutes anyway. So I'm like hustling to put my bag on.
Starting point is 00:58:38 Um, and so, yeah, I'm like obviously drenched and I'm like, well, I want to have dry clothes for at least a dry shirt. And so I just, as I'm checking my bags, I'm like, well, I want to have dry clothes for at least a dry shirt. And so I just, as I'm checking my bags, I'm like, I'm just going to change my shirt right here. And the lady's like, that's fine. Go ahead. So I literally take off my shirt right there in
Starting point is 00:58:55 the airport and change it out. Uh, put my bag on there. My bag is 59 pounds. The limit is 50, but they don't say anything. And so I'm like, okay, maybe they're just like feeling bad for me for being soaked. Maybe it's 59 pounds because my bag is soaked because they didn't pick us up. And so I was like, great, I'm not going to say anything. So I put my bag on their hustle to the security line. I'm like, I'm like about to enter security. And I hear Bradley Ellis back to this ticketing desk. And I was like, dang it. I know exactly what this is about. Went back and yeah, basically had to like, like rummage things out of my bag, put in a little duffel that I had to carry with me. Uh, and I, I, I told him, I was like, it probably wouldn't be 59 pounds. If your shuttle would have picked us up, I was getting a little feisty with them.
Starting point is 00:59:39 Uh, kind of jokingly, but anyway, worked out. Everything was fine. Cause there was a 1255 PM flight. My, uh, my bag was 52 pounds. Okay. And I really did think I was like, this is because my bag is soaking wet. I bet it would be under a hundred percent that adds two pounds. And they were like, ah, sorry. And so I was like, no worries. And so I took some stuff out and anyway, I went to go change. And then as we're making through security, it's kind of taken a while, but then that's when I see you had texted our group chat. You're like, guys, good news. Our flight is 20 minutes later than I thought it was.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Yeah. So then I thought our flight had been delayed. I was like, oh, Rachel, our flight doesn't leave till like 1.15. Brad just texted. I was like, let's go get lunch. We got all sorts of time. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:00:16 And no, it worked out. Slam some Chick-fil-A. I did see you at Chick-fil-A and I was like, man, that guy is so confident getting Chick-fil-A when you only have five minutes. You said 20. I was like, Holy crap. Like this guy. Yeah. It was also one of the things I, I said goodbye to Gabby nine times because I said goodbye to her at the house that morning. Then as soon as I get to the airport, I'm like, Gabby, Oh my gosh. Hello. And then,
Starting point is 01:00:40 then we see each other at Chick-fil-A and then, uh, like, all right. Seriously, I'm going to go get in line. Thank you for coming, too. See ya. And then by the time I've ordered, she still has not got her food. So now we're hanging out waiting for our food together. And then I'm starting to, yeah, whatever. It doesn't matter. I said goodbye to her nine times.
Starting point is 01:00:56 I saw Rendell as I was hustling to the gate. And he's like, Brad. And I was like, what's up, man? Dude, thanks so much for coming. I got to go. I'm sure you know. And then I get there and I probably look like a jerk that, yeah. I was like, I don't, man? Dude, thanks so much for coming. I got to go. I'm sure you know. And then I get there, and I probably look like a jerk that, yeah. I was like, I don't think he had to go that quick.
Starting point is 01:01:09 Randall texted me about that. He's like, why do you think Brad said he had to go? What's going on with Brad? I think it's because he was soaked. Oh, man. Anyway, that was a wild time. I've never been that wet going into a place where I'm like, I have to sit stationary for multiple hours. I think as I was walking in my head's down, just dripping to Isaac, I said,
Starting point is 01:01:29 this is a unique experience. I have just never been so wet going to anything, let alone an airplane. And we could have maybe sought shelter, like under something that like the bus was going to pick us up. But it was one of those things where I was like, we got to hurry. I think it's the best thing. Let's go for it. But yeah, it was a fun time. And then apparently there was a jean shorts fan on our flight that met you beforehand, Tony, but I, I was in front. And so I get there and I'm, I literally slept for an hour before like that night before we went on that plane. And so I got to my seat and was literally like, I put my head on the wall of the window immediately to sleep. And I hear somebody just go, Oh, he's, he's sleeping. And I thought, Oh, maybe this person is trying to sit in the middle
Starting point is 01:02:16 seat. I'm going to be polite and like, look up. And it's like, Hey Brad, we're huge fans of you. Uh, do you mind getting a picture with my husband real quick? I was like, how about, how about I shake your hand now and we take a picture later. Is that okay, man? It was kind of a surreal experience. She's like screaming things. I thought she was a Ghostbusters fan. She's like, yeah, we love conservative
Starting point is 01:02:35 homeschool. We're all the same thing. We get it. I'm like, okay. And then you just feel like all the eyes on you afterwards. Like, who is this guy laying there trying to sleep by the window. I got to give Tony credit. When he recognized me, he did it as publicly as possible. So then everybody thought I was way more famous than I was.
Starting point is 01:02:54 That's how his wife was, man. I mean, she talked so loud. And I was like, I promise, guys, we're normal guys. It was one of the few times in life I caught people taking a picture of me. Not with me. But Rachel and I both saw a guy at the front of the Southwest line just take a picture of me. I'm like, well, everyone wants a picture of this guy. Yes, send a picture to your daughter.
Starting point is 01:03:12 Like, do you recognize this guy? And then just started the snowball effect. Other people were like, I got to ask, what was that about? I'm like, honestly, I knew that guy in high school. He's insane. He thinks I'm somebody else. He thinks I'm a young Tom Cruise. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:03:23 He's messed up. He's messed up. He's messed up. Anyway. Anyway, let's do, you got to go to Royals baseball game. Let's do reviews of the week. Let's do it. I got a few to bring up.
Starting point is 01:03:33 One, Evan, the dog owner, left us a one-star review on accident, I think. He said, homeschooled. 10 exclamation points. Love the pod. Time and I'm homeschooled too. Period. Funny. So I'll tell you what. Time and I'm homeschooled too. Period. Funny.
Starting point is 01:03:46 So I'll tell you what's not funny is a one-star review. So if you could correct that. Get your mom to teach you how to put five stars in your book. Boom, roasted. Hey, teach. Yeah, just kidding.
Starting point is 01:03:57 But no, that would help us out a lot. We don't have any one-star reviews and it hurts our average. So please change it to five stars. Please do. And someone else, you got to stop getting in the habit of doing this. hurts our average, so please change it to five stars. Please do. And someone else, you got to stop getting in the habit of doing this.
Starting point is 01:04:06 Someone else said, I'm only giving this four stars until Jake adds me back on Be Real. I don't even have the app, so that's not going to happen. Just give us five stars. Yeah. But thank you for listening to the podcast.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Redownload the app just for this review, please, Jake. For the pod. Hey, nothing against Be Real. I take Rachel's about twice a month. I see time intake his sometimes. I know it's fun twice a month. I see Tymon take his sometimes. I know it's fun. I still have the app. I'm all set on social media.
Starting point is 01:04:29 But thank you anyway for saying you're crying laughing so hard. I appreciate that. Just please give five stars. April 24th, somebody said, Tymon's amazing. It's a five-star review from This Is My Review 1234. Have we done this one? This Is My Review 1234. Sounds familiar.
Starting point is 01:04:41 I don't know. Anyway, it's not familiar to me. Well, all i'll just say i just missed timing so i want to just shout out timing again so this review time has brought the podcast to a new level his impromptu songs with ai lyrics and random backing track recently are insane he makes it look and sound so easy to do facts i'm just blown away by his talent and how much he adds to the podcast facts not gonna lie initially i was a little concerned about him joining the pod facts because i wasn't sure about how it affect the vibe, which I love at that point. But
Starting point is 01:05:07 time has taken to a whole new level. Five stars for time and facts facts. Dude, thank you. That's very kind. This is my review. Yeah, my review of the week is going to come from Rubio to Jake. Apply for a survivor. You would win. Good luck. That's it. You trying to know to pick even either dude. Oh, I would get skinny though.. That's it. You trying to? No. No? Too picky of an eater. Dude. Oh, I would get skinny, though. That'd be fun. Traders?
Starting point is 01:05:30 Two thumbs down. Yeah. How far have you gotten? 17 minutes into it. Dude, the host of that is so gay. Right? I don't know. You've seen Traders on Peacock.
Starting point is 01:05:42 I didn't think that. He is trying so hard to be whatever he is. Was he gay or was he just European? I don't know. I see traders on Peacock. I didn't think that trying so hard to be whatever he is. Was he gay or was he as European? I don't, I don't know. Whatever. It's just Scottish. I,
Starting point is 01:05:52 yeah, just the whole thing was so over dramatized. See, that's what I think I kind of told you. I was like, maybe I still watch reality TV and that's fair. And I watched too many Mr. Beast videos.
Starting point is 01:05:59 So I'm like, get to the action. You've told me 18 times. What's at stake. I know what's at stake. I'm an adult. These are the teams the teams oh and one teeny weeny detail the traitors will all know who the traitors are everyone like looking around like oh why no way and if you're not motivated need i remind you that 250 000 is at stake? And they're like, yes. Okay. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 01:06:30 So Courtney and Ben suggested to us, I don't know. They also don't like diva. So maybe they're just to have bad taste, but yeah, I gave it a solid college try of 15 minutes. And I told Catherine, I was like, I almost immediately was like, yeah, this is not our show. All right. Amazing race is just so good, man. Everything else just pales in comparison. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:50 I like the idea of doing mafia as reality TV. It was a very fun idea. Got to get to the action quicker. And I didn't fully, did you get to the game they did where there was like, it was kind of on the background while I was doing dishes. Catherine was, yeah,
Starting point is 01:07:01 I feel like I was paying pretty close attention and they kept being like, as we go through this game, you're going to learn a lot about your fellow competitors. Maybe who's a traitor and who's not. But I didn't understand who was like motivated. Like, why would anyone be motivated not to succeed in this? Because the more money you get, the better it is for everybody.
Starting point is 01:07:20 It just seems like, what are we going to learn? Everyone has the same common goal. We're going to learn nothing. This is stupid. Sorry, Courtney. Apply for Survivor, not Traders. Survivor's got it figured out. It's pretty dialed in. Survivor's awesome. Okay. We already ended it with a jingle at the beginning of the
Starting point is 01:07:37 or the middle of the podcast. That was the jingle. I got it on Main Street. That was it. If you needed help remembering Dude, Mitchell Bowser just texted me, man Aww What'd he say? Say it in a jingle Hey, Brad, instead of a jingle
Starting point is 01:07:55 I'm gonna make sure it's nothing inappropriate Not inappropriate, too personal Is it okay? Yeah, sure Tymon, give me some backing It's just a simple beat. Okay. Hey, ho, hey, hey, hi, Brad. This is Mitchell Bowser.
Starting point is 01:08:11 Wanted to reach out and just say hi and share just how fun the GR getaway was. Dash, honestly, one of the most fun experiences of my life and something I'll hold on to for a long time. And I'm also too grateful for how much you and Jake care about us and people. And how you guys really do radiate the joy of the Lord. I'll continue to pray for your fam and I.
Starting point is 01:08:34 Hope to meet everyone someday. Palm tree emoji. That was great. That was really good. Thanks, Mitch. I did the whoop in there. Mitchell, sorry. I asked him once. I was like, Mitch, okay? He's like, Mitchell. Mitchell's good. Mitchell. Mitchell's good. Mitchell really good. Thanks, Mitch. I did the whoop in there. Mitchell, sorry. I asked him once.
Starting point is 01:08:45 I was like, Mitch okay? He's like, Mitchell. Mitchell's good. Mitchell. Mitchell's good. Mitchell's good. Thanks, Mitchell. Bowser.
Starting point is 01:08:51 What a guy. Bows. What a guy. Thanks, man. Can't get over that beat. That gum. All right. Change your one-star reviews to five stars.
Starting point is 01:09:00 Tell your friend about our podcast. And leave a five-star review if you haven't already. And leave a five-star review if you haven't already. And tell your grandma to leave a five-star review if you haven't already. And leave a five-star review if you haven't already. And tell your grandma to leave a five-star review if she hasn't already. Thank you. And tell your uncle to leave a five-star review if he hasn't already. Uncle. And tell your... Uncle. It's a tough word to wordle world. Wordle word. Holy cow.
Starting point is 01:09:17 And tell your aunt to shake it off. It's Pepsi. Love you guys. See ya. Ghostbusters Podcast. Ghostbusters Podcast. Ghostbusters Podcast.

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