Ghostrunners - 415 - Podcasting in the Drive-Thru Until We Eat 100 Nuggets

Episode Date: March 5, 2025

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is this house still under? It's hard to tell what's under construction these days because. And what's that? Because there's just mud everywhere. Like, is that house doing something or is it just like they just need to put grass down on all the places that. Like that house with the porta potty in front, is that permanently going to be there? Like, are they are they trying to? Yeah. Are we recording? Is this the intro?
Starting point is 00:00:23 Sure. Great. Uh oh, ooh I think this tight beat means that it's going down with some random thoughts and white meat too. Midwest best friends eating fast food on repeat so come along let's have some fun and go ahead get on your feet cause it's the Ghost from the Spark Can. Ghost from the Spark Can. Every Monday morning we're taking grand baths from the Spark Can. Ghost from the Spark Can. Here we are.
Starting point is 00:00:52 This is our street. Not we're in a whole other state. Yeah. We're going from New Hampshire today. But we're driving to our local Chick-fil-A. Yes. From Montpelier, New Hampshire. Timon did a great job setting this all up.
Starting point is 00:01:10 And we're, we think we're good though. We're in the car. I think Chick-fil-A will be open by the time we get there. After Timon set everything up. Teasing, Timon, teasing. Timon's the best. I, I, I can't be what Timon is because I wouldn't care enough. I would just be like, it's fine, it's good enough.
Starting point is 00:01:29 It doesn't matter. Who cares if it's level or not? Who cares if, like you was worried about a buzz earlier. Yeah. And I was like, Timon, in my head, I was like, let him buzz. I can't help but notice you took a right out of there. You would have gone left. Where are you going? I thought we were were on our local Chick-fil-a. Where are you going? I'm gonna Lenexa Chick-fil-a. Oh
Starting point is 00:01:51 Yeah, we can't show how local we are Lenexa, New Hampshire also We did we talk about seeing the ducks. I think we talked about seeing the ducks Oh, we could show them the ducks, but did we ever talk about on the podcast? I mean you remember I do all too Well, what was my phrase for that you guys are gonna be floored. Yes, Lord. Yeah, you think the ducks are out right now It's a nice day, but no there's they fly south. I don't know. I don't know duck patterns I know a lot of patterns from a lot of animals. They're south people not ducks not ducks So here we are. What's your family doing today? My family today is kind of just had a regular day. I think we uh, I
Starting point is 00:02:30 Don't know. I saw Rosie scream at me from across the street when we were setting this up and then I saw Shadows through the fences of Bo and Hattie running around the backyard. And what do you think I thought Divo? Divo there's a Divo in there. There's shadows and shadows fences kids in the backyard. And what do you think? I thought. Devo. Devo. There's a Devo in there. There's shadows in the Devo. Shadows, fences. Kids in the shadows. So let's see how the camera does here. Nice, slow break. Tell me if you even feel a lurch here, guys.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Lurch? No. Lurch. Ah, that was a bad lurch. I'm sorry. No, that was pretty good. Jake screwed me up when he goes lurch. You don't know what a lurch is?
Starting point is 00:03:04 Lurch? I was like, I'm made up words. I could figure it out, but it sounds like something. Yeah, that was pretty good. Jake screwed me up when he goes lurch. You don't know what a lurch is? Lurch? Sounds like a made up word. Like a... I could figure it out, but it sounds like something, yeah, it's like a chore. Is it a real word? You guys gotta make you go spread lurch. Ah. Do you feel like there's...
Starting point is 00:03:13 It's Saturday. You feel like there's certain words that are like, I don't know if that's a real word or if my parents just said it a lot growing up and I just hear it now. Yeah, what would those other examples be? My dad says various sundries I Think they're the word sundries. I think it's I think it's I think it's various and a sundry Right. I think yeah, I don't think various a sundries is the right thing to say but he says it a lot. Thank you various a sundries
Starting point is 00:03:42 We used to my mom would make this a dish, pretty sure we were all pronouncing it wrong our whole lives. Masta, Keoli. Oh yeah. What? Is that how you're supposed to say it? No, I think that's how we said it. And it's how you think it's a, I've confused myself.
Starting point is 00:04:01 Edit. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. What did it go back to the ducks? No, that was the thing. I've confused myself. Edit. Edit is out. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Edit is all out. Go back to the ducks. No, that was the thing. Whenever I went to Stratford and you ran off to go to that wedding after we recorded, your mom said something about, do you want me to make you some for the road to go? I thought she said something chili, something like that.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Masta-chili. Yeah, masta-chili. And I remember thinking like, I don't want to eat chili on the road. I should head back. Which that's another silly thing. I should have, even if I didn't want to eat chili on the road, I should
Starting point is 00:04:35 have eaten chili with your parents for 10 minutes and not been so concerned about getting home. Like saying, you kind of owe him a bowl of chili. I think I do. Masta chili. Masta chili. What did I think she said? Like a bowl of something chili. Pasta chili?
Starting point is 00:04:50 I don't know. Pasta chili I would have said yes to I think. That sounds good. How much further we would have been to my Chick-fil-A by now. Yeah, but your Chick-fil-A. Okay, I'm kind of worried about our Chick-fil-A. You think it's not doing great? Oh, it lurched. Too much of a lurch. Okay, I'm kind of worried about our Chick-fil-A. You think it's not doing great?
Starting point is 00:05:05 Oh, it lurched. Too much of a lurch. I think- That was a quick place back. Yeah, I play sports. Yeah, I think every time I go by it, there's not very many people in the drive-thru. AKA, if we went there, we would go through once
Starting point is 00:05:20 and then be like, well, we're right back again. That's a good point, the busier the better. Yeah, I think so. So- Who's listening? Why do I sit? And then be like well, we're right back again. That's a good point the busier the better. Yeah, I think so So I was listening Why do I sit why do I start off senses like that? It's so dumb. I caught myself if you're if you're hearing this Yeah, that's so dumb like when I was talking to Janelle Benyel and said, sorry. I'm just talking out loud I got to be better. Anyway, we're gonna try to eat a hundred Grilled time in yep grilled nuggets and get a scam call see how this does in the car
Starting point is 00:05:49 Hello you called just in time Hello What's the scam they don't they don't want it anymore dude, they don't want it they don't want it They just want to hear your voice. They're just taking it's AI man It's all AI AI servers. Yeah, but yeah, we're gonna try to throughout the course of this podcast We're gonna do a lot of different things one of them being eating a hundred grilled nuggets Simon would you rather yours be not grilled? I can do grilled. I know time is running a bulk Yeah, but we're trying to be tough to get down the
Starting point is 00:06:24 I know time is right a bulk. Yeah, but we're trying to we're trying to be tough to get down the Fry yeah, no, I think I mean girls get great for bulking too because like that's still so much hundred percent. Yeah. Yeah Oh, yeah, for sure. I just didn't know if you were trying to go calorie dicey. It's true. I don't know Um, okay So do you want to go and pledge our numbers right now like kind of like you do like a walkathon like I guarantee you I will do at least 15 laps. I'm committed to 15 laps. Okay. I Am like decently hungry, but I think there's no way I can eat 30. Okay, so I'll commit to 30 So I'm gonna do it I'm gonna try to commit to 30 nugs I haven't eaten anything today I've had I had a I had a Latte that's good. So I've had a little bit of calories
Starting point is 00:07:06 in form of milk and syrup. That's about it. Can you commit to 40? Dude, what do you, no, you guys give me your numbers and I will do the rest. Yes, I can give it to 40. I'm also gonna try 30. I've had like a core power protein shake. That's all I've had today.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Jake, you didn't sell us what you've had so far today. Sorry I didn't do that. Camera's rattling like no tomorrow. It's alright. Once we get to the parking lot we'll be fine. I had a kind bar, a kind of breakfast protein bar. Okay. And then I had a protein shake. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:44 And then I had a bubbler with a little caffeine I'm gonna light suppress. I had a bubbler too. I had a bubbler too So I'm feeling hungry now and yeah, just nothing but grilled nuggets and water. Do you do you think? Okay, so how should I think we order 30 at a time? and We just kind of share it. Okay. And you just kind of go around. Yeah, sure. Yeah, whatever.
Starting point is 00:08:07 And then do you think they'll give us free refills on the nuggets? No. What are you thinking for drinks? No, I was thinking nuggets. Just like just for doing this video for them. Yeah, for drinks like that's that that should be something that we should normalize is like going around and like being okay asking for refills in the drive-through. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Like, hey, I was just here like 10 minutes ago and I ran out of my drink. Can I get a refill? And I think part of the rule is it's on you to be memorable. You can't remind them that I was just here. They need to know that you were just here. It's like, oh, yeah, of course. Yeah. We're just here. You're the one that doesn't have a shirt on. Yeah Yeah, maybe just a voice that I have I just surprised him with like this super high-pitched Yeah, I think I do.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Didn't expect the guy looking like you to talk like that. So bear with us. We're a few minutes out. We'll be to Lenexa Chick-fil-A soon. Okay, so you guys are going for 30 each. I'll go for 40. I pledge 30. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:20 Ty, did you work out today? I did not. Wednesday's my rest day. Oh yeah. You're down to four days a week. Yeah, right. Time would you work out today? I did not Wednesday's my rest day. So oh, yeah You're down to four days a week. Yeah, right. Yeah already relapsing with the gym. I guess no problem timing You guys you guys are just some person. I thought I was gonna be joining you at lifetime sooner than I was Geez, we went to I can't really said this on Ghostrunners, but we said on correct opinions We made the announcement mood swings is over
Starting point is 00:09:44 Faneat if anyone wants to buy it my old followers let us know but um yeah we're just kind of moving on we got other stuff going on in our lives so ending our membership at brook ridge golf and fitness can't just sever turns out it's not month to month oh it's a year-long thing. Oh Luckily spin zone our year is up on April 1st Lucky that could have been way worse Wow So you would have recommitted to a year? Work out better than it could have we just would have paid for this thing. Oh, thanks. I know money. Yeah So I get free golf for another month
Starting point is 00:10:24 How's do you have guest membership or guests guest passes for that? Oh, I should light those up Yeah, you should light those up, but I should use those up. So you get like four for the whole year. So I'll volunteer if you want to have somebody play golf with you. That's pretty Okay, are we fun? Yeah, as long as we keep having more days in March, get to golf for free, workout for free, and then I'll join you. I'll believe it when I see it. Dude, I think I'm going to join you soon. That's like, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Okay. It's going to happen soon. Okay. Yeah. Next week, dude. I believed it. I was even, I even had the thought the other day when I was at lifetime, I was like, I wonder if I'll see Jake today.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Just like, what a surprise. Like, what if he's here already? Do they let you do like, can I get a free workout in? Like, is there a free trial period? No, I could, no, there's not. I overheard somebody say, no, we don't do that, like at the gym the other day. But you could be one of my guests.
Starting point is 00:11:16 I think I get two or four a month or something. I don't need to use one of those. It's just like your golf thing. It's like, I haven't used them yet. But the only thing is with that is they make you sign in. And so you can't just use the same person four times a month. You can only be my guest once every 90 days or something. I've already looked up.
Starting point is 00:11:40 I found a gym with a day pass near my hotel in South Dakota. So I'm not gonna take days off like Tymon does. I'm gonna actually try to get better. Good for you, dude. That's great. That's when you know you're committed to it. So Tymon, you know, learn something from Jake. I'll get there. No, when you get there.
Starting point is 00:11:59 What do you guys think of Brad's truck? What do you think of Brad's sunroof? Pretty nice day out. Pretty nice, oh yeah. I was outside earlier and I was like, I wish it were warmer. You think 62 is gonna be 85 whenever it's been zero. But it's not bad, we're here, we're doing it.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Could've had eight nugs in my stomach by now. Why are you in such a hurry, Jake? Who knew Jake tripled to be the guy in a hurry? You're the slowest moving person I know. Really didn't expect you to turn right. Yeah, man. This is the Ghostrunners Chick-fil-A, man. This is where we record.
Starting point is 00:12:38 It makes sense. It makes sense. Mr. James is going to be here. He hasn't worked at Chick-fil-A in four years, probably. But when you're involved in Indian like him, you show up like a genie. Down there is a pickleball court. Yeah. Where we played before. Time and place every once in a while. Court. Good court.
Starting point is 00:12:56 They used to have a Panera there, but it moved down the street. Oh, really? Yep. How so? Not how so. How come so? The new development down here. How'd they do how so, how come so? New development down here. How'd they do that? Up with their lease. It was a month-
Starting point is 00:13:09 Hey, here's Brad's church. There's my church? You have a lot of shuttle buses. Oh, dude, it's a thing. Wow. Because that's the biggest bottleneck to our church is we don't have enough parking. We're kind of landlocked. Really?
Starting point is 00:13:19 Good for you guys, because I feel like you have a big parking lot. Yeah. So where do you shuttle from? Either over there. Sometimes you can go way down there to the elementary school. The old Panera. If you go to the elementary school, you get donuts if you shuttle. And so the kids always want to go down there.
Starting point is 00:13:33 Dude, I don't care what kind of diet I'm on. If the church is offering free donuts. Should I turn here or the next one? Turn here, next one, here, next one. Too late now. Too late now. Yeah, I know. 100% should have turned there.
Starting point is 00:13:43 I know, Jake. Now we're going to take a U-turn. Why are you in such a hurry? Too late now. Too late now. Yeah, I know. 100% should have turned there. I know. Jake, you all right? Now we're going to take a U-turn with the camera. Why are you in such a hurry? I was going around the roundabout. Felt the G's, baby.
Starting point is 00:13:53 I listened to part of the first episode when we were in the truck. We talked about, anticipate the yellow. Felt the G's on that one. There's no U-turn. Oh, wow. Have you ever been to this Chick-fil-a? I guess I go here quite a bit Did you know about this time did you think we're gonna have to u-turn illegally or something time? I always go in it. I knew this was an option Sonoma Plaza
Starting point is 00:14:15 Yep, see look at that. It's 60 degrees. It's been 60 degrees for five days. Why is the pond still? Frosty half halfway frozen. Yeah, it's slushy. I don't know, man. We'll talk about it. Something's up with climate. I don't need to roll down my window yet. Go ahead. All right, first order. This really sets the precedent, Brad. Okay, should we go-
Starting point is 00:14:33 Oh, seasonal key lime. Should we just go drinks first? Like, I mean, we have a lot of times to go through this. So hungry. Okay, okay. Go ahead. You're so hungry, but you can only eat 30. Dude, I'm famished.
Starting point is 00:14:46 No, let's just do the smallest count they have. I need something in my mouth. Okay. Get it going. A smallest they have? Because you can't get it going with 30. You can't start eating like five of 30. Can we just scope out this girl?
Starting point is 00:15:04 I'm wondering how should I judge her. I don't know. I shouldn't judge her, but she doesn't look nearly as fun as the guy up in front. We can only see the back of her. Yeah, and look at her ponytail. It's braided really tight. Don't you think? Do you not judge a ponytail every once in a while?
Starting point is 00:15:17 I wouldn't have thought to think, oh, that girl doesn't like that fun from behind. You don't do your hair like that if you're like I'm just ready to. No she's gonna be a little ball of fun. All right what do we say to her? Should I have my window down? I don't know that's kind of that's kind of aggressive. Yeah. I just don't know how to dance. I don't know if I'll be able to record. Yeah time is gonna fall in love real quick. Um should we ask her trivia questions? Are we doing that? Yeah we can do some trivia. Yeah no this girl's not fun. We haven't seen the front of her.
Starting point is 00:15:47 I just did. All right, now I saw the front of her. And? She's great. Really? Yeah. I'm pulling up my app so we can scan some points. I gotta get Ghost Hunter's credit card.
Starting point is 00:15:58 How are ya? What's it? Okay, we're doing a podcast right now. Is that cool? Yes. Awesome. Okay have, we're doing a podcast right now. Is that cool? Yes. Awesome. Okay. So we just want some, what's the, we're going to come through a lot of times. So we're going to like, just do a bunch of stuff. Uh, what is like the smallest amount of grilled nuggets we can get? Just the grilled nuggets, please. Just one? One nugget?
Starting point is 00:16:31 Okay. Okay. Let's Okay, let's do five. How much does one grilled nugget cost? Wow, you learned something. So we've been in 77 bucks today on Chicken. That's fun. You want to do five? Okay. Up to you. Up to you. Let's do 12. Let's do 12. Let's do 12. Yes, please. And then... A couple of waters. Yeah, three waters, please. Medium. No, not right now. We'll be back. What's your name? Ashley. Ashley. And my name is Brad, if you have... graph actually are you good with trivia? Oh? Okay, is somebody up there good at trivia
Starting point is 00:17:16 Okay, maybe Brad nailed it All right, can you scan this and then use his credit card, please? Thank you. All right, you got to know something. What's a good, easy one? What do you know anything about geography? Who's on the $20 bill? $20 bill. I'm really good with presidents.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Oh, okay. I'm not going with presidents. Which pres... I'm just kidding. Capital of Missouri. Oh, what about your president? Yeah, you're right. Largest organ in the body. You heard that one? That's a trick one. It's the skin. Best thing at Chick-fil-A. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:09 It's on the person. Do I get it? Or did you just pay with the app? It's okay. If you did. Okay. Cool. All right.
Starting point is 00:18:19 We'll see you a little bit, Ashley. Thank you. All right. I'll say it. What? I was was gonna say something nice. I was. What do you think I was gonna say? I don't know maybe something along the lines of I told you so. I already said that. Why would I say that? I already whispered that earlier in front of her. I was gonna to say, all right, new mission is that we're going to become best friends with her.
Starting point is 00:18:47 All right, yeah, win her over. And or she's going to run back to her place inside and say, please, can I go inside and somebody else be like this? I will slave over the greasy pots and pans. Just get me out of the drive-through window. She couldn't even, I knew she'd be nice. She's sweet. She was sweet. She was sweet.
Starting point is 00:19:05 She's sweet, but the hair did tell us a story. I'm telling you, it does. She couldn't even tell us what the, yeah. I thought she was more than just sweet. Just kidding. She was sour. Yeah. Many flavors.
Starting point is 00:19:20 She couldn't even give us the best Chick-fil-A thing. Yeah. Yeah. It's like, who you are. I'm like, okay There's no wrong answer She also didn't use the credit card This one's on me boys
Starting point is 00:19:33 Goodness for sauces. Hey your points though your points. Oh, yeah, no sauce We can get some what a nightmare Although I'm trying to do 30. I gotta go no sauce. This is a game. I really don't think 30 is that hard guys. I've never done it. I've gotten a 30 count and gotten probably maybe 20 in, I think. I will say it's going to be harder when we're going just a few at a time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Because you know, like part of it's like you eat fast enough so your body doesn't know you're full yet or whatever. Yeah. We're gonna know Maybe I should maybe for mine I should just like start with a 30 and just like start pound this guy's a real and you know him no He's fun, and what can you learn actually? I don't know how fun he is, but he's like I think he's fun How do you know his name time and time it comes here? I come here a lot And what he's got his hand is great
Starting point is 00:20:25 It looks like when you donate plasma. he's got someone's plasma on his hands That's a drink That is a no they sell that that's a lemonade I Should ask them a trivia question. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right Oh, he's on, he's crushing. What is our trivia question? Trick question. It's who won the French-Indian War.
Starting point is 00:20:52 The British. Good. Okay. Alright. Who won the French-Indian War? Give me a back view. Shout out Ethan Wolf. Ethan Wolf gave us like 10. We'll see what kind of category. Yeah, give me a few and we'll like pepper them off and then we'll come back through and be like... Okay. Which famous musician was known as the man in black? That's kind of an easy one. That's fun.
Starting point is 00:21:12 I hope so. Do you know that one, Timon? Timon's just checking his emails back there. Timon's trying to get Ashley's phone number. He's like, dude, anybody know? Anybody? He's doing this homeschool chat like, anybody, anybody know? Anybody? He does his homeschool chat. Like, anybody work at the Lennox at Chick-fil-A? Surely some of us do, right? Some of us. I do know a few people that work here. I should hope they're.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Are you at a homeschool chat, by the way? Homeschool chat. Or is it just Greenleaf? Homeschool Discord. I'm in a couple Greenleaf chats. Oh, this guy. We don't call each other the homeschool chat. Oh, now what does that hat tell you about his personality?
Starting point is 00:21:44 It looks like he's the bad guy in the Italian job or something It looks like he's like I wish I were in an in-demand, but instead I'm working in chick-fil-a I think he's gonna love it. All right when I'm working this camera, I can't really talk so don't ask questions Okay. Oh, I know her she's really fun. Well scream at her. I don't remember her name Yes, man You bet all right got some trivia questions for you? Yes, man. If I could have you guys pull up to the one side. You bet. All right. I got some trivia questions for you.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Okay. I got some trivia to ask you. What is it? All right. The first one is who won the French Indian War? Think about it. No, think about it. Come back to me.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Ask your friends if you don't know. See, he looked fun. He looked fun. He's good. I get a lot of FaceTime with the employees. Is that Drew right there? Drew come here! Yes! We need you on the podcast. We're not harassing, we're making them better and smarter. They're too grateful. No one knows about the war. He's asking everybody Drew All right. What's the next one? We got you? Oh me and black and black which Olympian has the most gold medals
Starting point is 00:22:54 That's another one helps right? Yeah classic. Look at Drew man. Always with the strut No Guess again. No Yes again No. No. Guess again. The Indians? No. Guess again. Uh, the... We'll be back around. All right, next question.
Starting point is 00:23:09 We're coming back around. We got more stuff coming. Yeah, come back around. Come back around, come back around. Who was the man in black? Go, go buy more. We are, we're going to. We are.
Starting point is 00:23:17 We're trying to eat 100 grilled nuggets. All right. Can we do it? Sweet truck. Hey, you too. He said sweet truck. True, maybe it's like we were in trouble. He did make it sound like, hey, you're taking too long here.
Starting point is 00:23:28 He said go back around six times. Which we're going to. Drew, we will. Drew, that's the whole point. Drew, it's not a YouTube short, it's a YouTube long. We're doing a YouTube long video. We're doing YouTube longs now. Alright. That didn't go great. We're doing a YouTube long video. We're doing YouTube longs now.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Alright. Alright. That didn't go great. No one was into it. No, that didn't go great at all. I'll tell you where it probably went great. Shawnee. Oh my gosh dude, you're right.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Should we go there now and come back here? Maybe. Not the best vibes. No, he'll be fine. It's not exactly, it's not happy. It's 1.15. Maybe. Not the best vibes. No, he'll be fine. It's not happy. It's 115. It's not the busiest part of the day.
Starting point is 00:24:10 There are seven cars in the drive-through. Chick-fil-A is used to 28. We'll take a quick lap. Quick lap, all right. Maybe do a go Culver's real quick. Culver's, see the vibes on Culver's? I like that Culver's a lot. You ever go there, Timon?
Starting point is 00:24:24 I don't think I've ever been. It's good one sweet I'll just say that take us around bread shows her buddy oh there's some there's some some hey guys got his hazards on for the geese now that's a little too cautious what if I just like veer up next to me like no no no did no, no, no! Did you see my hazards? They're for the geese! If we honk, will they do something? People will be mad at me, don't honk at the geese. How about the color of our grilled nuggets? Uh, they look great. I think that's exactly what they should look like. Alright, great.
Starting point is 00:25:07 Pulling in. Oh, scissors and scotch. I could go in and see if they could give me the worst calic of all time for the last two months of my life. Is this the one you go to? Actually, no, I usually go to the Prairie Village one. Big mistake. I tell you. Is this the red door you went to? Nope. Okay. I really you. Is this the red door you went to? Nope. Okay. Um.
Starting point is 00:25:25 I really avoid Lenexa. This is like my hood. I come here a lot. I love this area. Because of lifetime? Lifetime, church, mainly, yeah. Makes sense. That guy goes to my church.
Starting point is 00:25:38 That's Dave Stein. What's up, Dave? Let's go talk to him. His daughter? His daughter was in the podcast. We'll get her on. Oh There's somebody behind me. All right, he's taking My dad that's my dad
Starting point is 00:25:54 Hey, Dan Get over here He was I go to you know, he was having lunch with Dave this friend This is so great. How you doing? Hey. What's going on? We're recording the podcast right now. It's good to see everybody. Ask me a college anywhere. Somebody ask me something. Itty College. Grambling state. Grambling state in Grambling Louisiana. Louisiana Tech. Louisiana Tech in Ruston, Louisiana. Yeah, let's go all Louisiana. Louisiana Lafayette. Lafayette, Louisiana. It's actually called Louisiana University now by the way. Oh.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Yeah. Colorado State. Colorado State, Fort Collins. Sure. Northern Colorado. Greely. Alright, it's good to see you. You're just out here.
Starting point is 00:26:43 We're going through the church. I'm not sure I'm a friend. I saw Dave's time They decided he goes to church with us And I was like, oh there he is Well, that's we were gonna go try to see him but then there was somebody behind us. Oh, so I was like wait That's my dad I know we had the whole setup went to Red Door and myself with a wedge salad. This salad, some pretzel bites, it was really good. That's great. Yeah, we're just driving around. So the idea is that we're going to go through
Starting point is 00:27:13 the Chick-fil-A drive through multiple times and we're going to try to eat 100 total nuggets. 100 total nuggets. So is that one? One down. And the first experience we went through, the girl was kind, she wasn't super fun. And then we see our friend who owns Chick-fil-A, he's like, keep going, go back around. And so we're like, okay, I don't know. So we had to kind of regroup. We got a little, we got punched in the face a little bit. Yeah, we got knocked down. Yeah. Then we saw you. Yeah. Dave Stein's daughter is the manager of Chick-fil-A out in Grand Junction, Colorado. Oh, really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:47 I didn't know that. So she's working out there. So that's great. I knew that she was Chick-fil-A girl, but maybe we should go out to Grand Junction then. Maybe so. Drive on out to Grand Junction. She's a podcast listener. 10 hour drive.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Yeah, quick drive. So anyway. It's good to see you guys. You too. I can't believe this's so that's so funny I can't believe that we saw you that's good to see all of you yeah what should we ask him any okay dad'll know this one what musician was known as the man in black the man in black oh maybe he doesn't know. I don't know that, for sure.
Starting point is 00:28:25 Uh, um... Walk the line. Black Sabbath? No. Man in black, he always wore all black. Oh, I know, uh, Johnny Cash. Yeah, very good. What Olympian has the most gold medals?
Starting point is 00:28:35 Uh, Michael Phelps. Good, you're on a roll. Who won the French-Indian War? The French? No. Who? It's a trick question. The British. Apparently it's the British apparently it's British okay thank you the first president to be impeached you can close Andrew Jackson
Starting point is 00:28:54 Andrew Jackson oh okay why you guys are staying here I'm gonna take a picture all right this is great picture time time. Yeah baby. There you go. He's got his journal because I guarantee you he's like writing down either prayer requests or like random books that Dave said like. Prayer requests right here. There you go. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:29:15 If you have any just send them to me. That's awesome. Every once in a while I have some ghost runners in here. Yeah? That's so great. That's so cool. Every once in a while I read something about somebody and put them in there. You're the man. That's a great habit. It is a good I do, once in a while I read something about somebody and put them in there. You're the man.
Starting point is 00:29:25 That's a great habit. It is a good habit. What should we go ask Dave Stein about? Uh, ask Dave Stein about? He's long gone by now. About his three daughters? I bet he's gone now. I'm sure he's gone now.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Oh, I thought that was, he was one of those guys out there. No, no. No, he's gone. Dang it, Dave Stein. He was leaving with my dad. Yeah, good guy. But. Alright, it's good to see you guys.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Alright, love you dad. Jake, Brad, Tymon. This is fun. see you guys. All right. Love you dad. Hey Brad timing. This is fun I love that other guy the driver pretty much. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right. We'll see you all later All right vibes are back vibes are back vibes are back. Yeah, not every day you get a Dave Ellis sighting in the wild That's wild. It's so fun to think, that's my dad. I know him. He's right here. No, that's really good. You guys got a dig in.
Starting point is 00:30:09 While they're hot. Oh, we got another fork? No. Okay. That was a mistake. I might have a utensil or two down here. FedMGM, authorized gaming partner of the NBA, has your back all season long.
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Starting point is 00:31:13 All right, time to fill the silence. Spoon? Ah, I've been Trying to figure out how to One hand microphone one hand camera. It's kind of tough. Yeah Do at once here Yeah, they feel they taste great. They taste amazing time and put put both down and start eating. Okay What do you think Drew would do if we just ordered one nugget at a time? I don't think you'd love it. I can't believe they even allow that.
Starting point is 00:31:46 You can order one grilled nugget. 77 cents. I can't believe, yeah. I mean, yeah, I agree. Everything about it. I was like, surely she's gonna say eight. Maybe, I know they could do like technically you can do five and like a kid's meal or something.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Yeah, I thought she meant one order of Chick-fil-A. Yeah. Oh, that's wild. Here, we roll this up. or something. I thought she meant one order of Chick-fil-A. Yeah. Oh, that's wow. A cop cop cop cop play cool play cool play cool play cool play cool. Shall we ask him a question? Play it cool dude. Play it cool dude. Hey there's your dad. We're playing it cool. Oh there's my dad. I thought you were joking. No there's your dad. Hey, I love you daddy! Love ya. See ya. Go ahead, brother. Hey, go ahead, sir.
Starting point is 00:32:26 That dude's homeschooled. I don't know if it's a guarantee. Well, you thought that that girl was gonna be fun too, so. Tell me. How you doing? Oh man. A lot of AirPods out today. Is that common?
Starting point is 00:32:34 Do people just have AirPods in? Well, you don't come to Lenox, so that's common. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:32:42 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. How you doing? Man my air pods out today Is that common for this many people just have air pods in well you don't come to the next so that's kind of thing All right, I'm too in I'm going for two more All right, I'm fine. Oh, we're down a fork well. I got three now timon's got five. Yeah good They could use some sauce. I will say oh time and they're juicy you're fine I need to use my chicken lay sauces extra calories to so I have a little They could use some sauce, I will say. Oh, Ty, I mean, they're juicy. You're fine. I need some chick-fil-a.
Starting point is 00:33:05 And chick-fil-a sauce is extra calories, too, so I could use that. All right, I'm 5M. Good job. All right, this time. Oh, Ashley's gone. I'll only take the camera out if that seemed fun. I'll say. Dang it.
Starting point is 00:33:21 Ashley's further up there. How do I? I'll just wait until the beanie comes wait until they eating beanie comes to us till beanie comes to us All right. All right Yeah, I guess give me a give me a trivia question for ash Lob it up to her, you know, yeah, let's take it something easy What's
Starting point is 00:33:43 Ask about isthmus. Oh, here we go.. No come on back brother. Come on back. This guy was in a rap group in college. Christian University. Yes brother. Yes brother. What's up man? Hello how's it going? Good how are you? Good. Good. What's a good name for your order? Brad. Whoa you guys are doing some fun. We're doing a podcast live where we're going through the Good how are you good? Brad We're doing a podcast live where we're going we're going through the chick-fil-a drive-through while we eat a hundred grilled nuggets We're not ordering a hundred grilled nuggets right now. We're ordering them Well, I don't break we'll get 12 so far We'll give you the name. A credit card?
Starting point is 00:34:25 Yeah. Yeah, a card. Yeah, like a business card. No, it's called Ghost Runners though, but uh. Here, I'll walk with you up here. Come on. Let's walk and talk. How long have you been here? You've worked here for a while? I've been here since last year, since fall of last year. Okay. Cool, man.
Starting point is 00:34:38 We know Drew, but we now live in near the Shawnee one. So like. Oh, cool. Okay. Both of those are Drew's. So. Yeah, I know. And so it's like, okay, we'll support Drew that way over there. So. That's cool, okay, both of those are Drew's. Yeah, I know. And so it's like, okay, we'll support Drew that way over there. So we don't come here as often,
Starting point is 00:34:49 but we recorded a podcast episode here way back in like March of 2020. So on the inside. On the inside. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So now we're coming back doing it this way. So let's just do a 12 count again. Well, 12 count again.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Yeah. That'd be 24 total so far. Yeah. And can we get some honey roasted barbecue sauce with that? Please maybe a couple extra forks Couple forks and couple yeah, and maybe two chick-fil-a sauces too, please We can't do that. Well, do we have a trivia question? Yeah, okay. I don't want to like I know you guys got All right. Can you name two of the Great Lakes?
Starting point is 00:35:26 Mike them up I don't want to like I know you guys got all right. Can you name two of the Great Lakes? Mike I'm up Seven Great Lakes, I'm thinking of severance because there's that picture with the Two of the five Great Lakes like up in Michigan and Canada, why don't you come back around? Come back around any other ones. Oh, uh name name one Tooth the name of a tooth Any other ones? Oh, uh, name... Name one tooth. The name of a tooth. Uh, uh, Molar?
Starting point is 00:35:48 MOLAR! There it is! Alright, we'll be back for the lakes. I don't think we paid yet. Yeah, we're back. Sorry, brother. Here we go, sorry. That's how we...
Starting point is 00:35:56 I have a 12 count nugget with honey mustard and chick-fil-a sauce. Honey roasted. Honey roasted barbecue, yeah. Oh, honey roasted, yeah. If that's alright. Common prop. Yeah, I almost just was like How far are you into severance right now very recent oh, okay, we were not all right
Starting point is 00:36:13 Shut up. Just just pay with that Yeah, we'll see you soon run it He's more fun more fun more fun. Okay didn't understand the Great Lakes question, but a fun guy Great Lakes question, but fun guy great lakes Yeah, so I don't recall the confusion great lakes, but he said I can't think of the seven lakes because she's severance Oh, I don't know where we got off there. I haven't seen that episode yet. Oh, that's true Most of season two is about the Great Lakes seven lakes Who won it bro? Did you figure it out? Yeah, you won the war. Oh bro? Did you figure it out? Who won the war?
Starting point is 00:36:45 Who won the war? Oh, did I tell you? Yeah, tell me. The British. The British. Yeah. All right, what about this one? Give me another one.
Starting point is 00:36:53 How about State Capitol of Missouri? Jefferson City. Nailed it? There it is. Okay. There it is. What's the outermost layer of the earth's core called? Aztec. The crust. The crust. That's correct. Let's ask this lady who wants to know. What's the outermost layer of the Earth's core called? Azta.
Starting point is 00:37:05 The crust. The crust. Crust. That's correct. Let's ask this, this lady wants to know. This lady wants to contribute. I don't have a question ready. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:15 All right, we're gonna do five and 10 next, and we're gonna do condiments for Chick-fil-A. Later, not right now. There's so many questions that Gosi sent in, and so many don't have the answer. Oh, I should have said that that's my bad That's I prompted it wrong where when was door dash founded? I don't know. It's a group of crows called Oh, I know that one what mammal has pink milk. These are all great questions. I just don't know the answer
Starting point is 00:37:36 It was still actually animal. All right, next one. What's a group of crows called? I Should know this I trained for this. I should know this. I trained for this. Which one of these is mine, by the way? This is mine, so. It sounds sad. It sounds... Oh, I do know it.
Starting point is 00:37:53 It's muck duck. Yeah. But murder. Maybe we shouldn't even say it on here, honestly. Any other ones? Yeah. How many provinces are in Canada? Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:02 That's 11, right? Kinda. Oh, is it not? 10. That's what this person said. Oh, that's because, right? Kinda. Oh, is it not? 10, that's what this person said. Oh, that's because the joke is like, US is gonna be the 11th province after we lost. Is it? That's what it was,
Starting point is 00:38:12 because you know, you heard about the 51st straight? 51st straight? 51st straight. Here we go, homeschoolers here. Come on, how many provinces in Canada? How many provinces in Canada? 11? That's what I thought, dude. How many provinces in Canada? What? How many provinces in Canada? Eleven? That's what I thought, dude! Not quite.
Starting point is 00:38:30 Uh, nine? It was ten. Thank you, brother. What country was the Caesar salad invented? What? What country was the Caesar salad invented? Uh... Italy.
Starting point is 00:38:41 It's Mexico, mi amigo! Alright, we'll come back, we'll come back, we'll come back, we'll come back, we'll come back. We'll come back, we'll come back. Italy was a good guess. Julius. Mexico, really? Caesar. I don't know about these ghosties, I don't know about their answers. Alright, crack open those bad boys. Crack open.
Starting point is 00:39:00 We should ask for a few more bulls. We forgot forks. Dude, I'm almost as flustered as they are because you feel for the people behind us. Yep. You know, that's the whole thing. This is how Rachel thinks and correctly thinks I live my whole life. Just my whole life is just trying to get out of people's way. Does she not feel that? Surely she feels that.
Starting point is 00:39:17 To a degree. Okay. These are not grilled nuggets. Okay. Anyone want some honey mustard? And we still got honey mustard sauce. All right., we're going back around we're going to Shawnee We're here all right fine, I'm down to zero no here's my fork All right, brother
Starting point is 00:39:42 I'll eat those. This is great for me. I either tastes way better. Oh I got a thing more trivia We have so many Try ask them No, you know nice you're cool cool So I'll say another 12 kind of grilled nuggets. You guys should do, you should ask Ashley this time. Brother we tried last time, she didn't really want to do it as much as- She wasn't feeling it?
Starting point is 00:40:14 She said she wasn't good at trivia. Okay. Okay, can we do this while there's nobody behind us? Yeah. We play a game sometimes called Five and Ten. Five and Ten. Where I give you ten seconds to name five of the blank like of the things I say all right so let's do this five and ten for a
Starting point is 00:40:29 Ghostrunner or sorry five and ten for a Chick-fil-A employee can you name five Chick-fil-A sauces in ten seconds go Polynesian honey mustard barbecue ranch chick-fil-a sauce. Wow nailed it. Yeah machine Okay, we got oh we got somebody behind this Oh, yeah, let's do it 12 count grilled, please Yeah, my man walk and talk walk and talk just just slowly bankrupting us Why is it beeping at me dude because of I think because these are grilled yeah Why is it beeping at me dude? Because of... I think because these aren't grilled. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:04 What kind of sauces do you guys want? Um... Do we have what we need or we need more? Let's do some honey roasted barbecue please. Honey roasted barbecue, those are good. I'd take more Chick-fil-A honestly. And some Chick-fil-A sauce please. Honey roasted barbecue, Chick-fil-A sauce. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:41:18 9.48. Oh here, let me scan this better boy. You're gonna get some points today. Yeah, you guys are getting some points, that's right. 9.48 for 12. Alright. Just 77 cents each. You're gonna get some points today. Yeah, you guys are getting some points. 948 for 12. 77 cents each. Oh, you should ask Logan. Logan is like that. Logan!
Starting point is 00:41:32 Logan, where are you from? Are you high school or college? Yeah, I'm in high school. Where you go? Latham North West. Okay, walk down with us, brother. Go Ravens, yeah? Yeah, okay. Is Mr. Smothers still there?
Starting point is 00:41:45 Mr. who? Mr. Smothers? I don't believe so. Oh, OK. He was history, AP history. Can we ask you some trivia questions for our podcast? Shoot for it. Yeah, yeah, shoot for it.
Starting point is 00:41:56 You got it. What year was the first iPhone invented? 2007? How did you know that so fast? My guy, he's ready. I don't know, bro. What you know about that? What you know? so fast? My guy, he's ready. I don't know bro, what you know about that? What you know?
Starting point is 00:42:06 He's, oh wait, the school system baby! What is the rarest blood type among humans? I think O, I think O is, I feel like O is the most common. It's not O. It's like B? It's like B. It's AB negative. AB negative? AB negative. Never heard of it. Take it up with smothers. Alright. What's the best high school in Olathe? Oh Northwest, hands down brother. Oh no, it's south. It's south dog. That's the culture.
Starting point is 00:42:36 What do you know about that? What's the only planet that rotates on its side? Oh, what? Yeah. The only planet that rotates on its side. Oh, that's like Neptune. It's so close. Uranus? Bingo. Perfect. I knew it was one of those two blues. You're like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:52 One of the distant blues. I know. You know your planets, dude? What year did the Titanic sink? Oh, heck no. I don't know. Oh, heck no. Let's go like 1953.
Starting point is 00:43:01 Older. Older. 19. 48. 12. Oh, wow. That's like during World War I? Good. 1953 older older 1912 Good on the precipice on the precipice. Yes All right, we don't want to distract you coming up coming up you think of a trivia question for us all right Now look, I don't know if we've paid
Starting point is 00:43:24 I think we paid I think we paid Honestly, I don't know if we should not Did we pay? I think we paid. I think we paid I don't know if we should not getting the sauce we want. Yeah, get the nuggets we want Yes, the crook yeah, it's a murder of crows good job you got any questions for us I do not think about one. We'll be back around. All right, brother. Think about it. Try to stump us if you stump us Hey, if you stump us We'll give you a dollar if you don't you have to stump us. If you stump us, hey, if you stump us We'll give you a dollar if you don't you have to give us milkshakes You have to give us milkshakes. Talk to Drew. Tell him about it. Tell him Brad Ellis said so Just cuz it's not hard enough to just have a hundred. Alright, Tommy these are yours now. Alright, Brad and I are grilling All right, I think I've had seven so far. All right.
Starting point is 00:44:05 I think I'm at five. I'm I'm at least I think I'm six. All right. We got a fork and some sauce. Come along. That makes sense. Seven five. I might park, regroup a little bit. Park, regroup. Oh, there's there's a Rocco,
Starting point is 00:44:20 but he doesn't want to be called Rocco. Oh, he's moving on from Rocco. He's he's Cole now. Don't call him Rocco. He hates doesn't want to be called Rocco. Oh, he's moving on from Rocco. He's Cole now. Don't call him Rocco. He hates that. Does he actually, like recently, he's just like, that's not my name anymore?
Starting point is 00:44:30 I don't know. That's the problem of having a wacky nickname. Rocco. Through college is someday you're gonna wake up and say, no thanks. Yeah, his name tag says Cole. And I asked one time, I was like, we're calling him Cole? He's like, yeah, don't call him Rocco.
Starting point is 00:44:46 Oh, that guy goes to my church. Having Chick-fil-A, Lord's Chicken, Nick Square Engine. Shout out Nick. Nick Square Engine. He listened to the podcast, said he really laughed hard when Tymon said, what Tymon said that one time. Nick would be fun on the podcast too.
Starting point is 00:45:00 He'd be, did my fork, did you take my fork or? No, this is still my original fork that we had Tymon both been slobbering All over oh my gosh. Here's my fork so all right. We got to take turns. Do you want to eat or talk? I can do both to eat What's up, Drew? Hey, baby? How many does this catch? That's two. That's two nuggets at least right? Yeah No problem
Starting point is 00:45:23 Hey, you know what I'm'm gonna just bake the ads in. I'll just go ahead right now while you're eating. This episode is brought to you by Main Street Roasters. Brad, I know your mouth's full, but can you give me like a noise of kind of what your coffee sounds like when you're brewing it every morning? Oh, I was gonna say, mm.
Starting point is 00:45:40 What the coffee sounds like. Pup, pup. What the coffee sounds like. Yes. That is the same noise when I ask Brad to say, hey, make the most pleasant sound a French bulldog is capable of making. It'll also make that noise. And I'll say, hey, I just got a brand new garbage disposal. It's really quiet. Make that noise.
Starting point is 00:46:07 They're all three the same noise, but only one of them is pleasant because it comes with a smell, it comes with a taste, and it comes with the love of all of the Miller family, of Panappanee, Indiana. They're so loyal and faithful to sponsor us time after time, week after week. So if you guys drink coffee out there,
Starting point is 00:46:27 or if you know someone who does, we'd ask that you consider supporting us by buying them some Main Street Roasters coffee. They sell it in all types, beans, little ground coffee, K-cup coffee, whatever you like. They have a ton of seasonal flavors. So whether it's warm or hot, wherever you're at, you can get it, get it for a friend. What's website it's made sure and the promo code is grkc for 10% off great great ad
Starting point is 00:46:52 thanks i just had six right then oh that's efficient i'm at 15 yeah i'm at 12 the uh man time is gonna be just the non-grilled are so much better they taste so you think you would eat more of them or you think it would fill you up more? Oh, I could eat 15 more. Yeah. This is like the gallon challenge, where it's like, let's go for those for you. Chocolate milk tastes better, but it's
Starting point is 00:47:10 going to fill you up faster. Yeah. Be careful. Did you ever actually try that? Yeah. Never threw up, neither. Yeah, my first half gallon chocolate milk, my second half gallon white milk.
Starting point is 00:47:22 What, you completed it, and you didn't throw up? No, I did not complete it. I got like three fourths of the way through. It was like, I'm miserable. Oh, really? But didn't throw up. So I would just, just sucked. Yeah, just had a hard time.
Starting point is 00:47:34 Yeah. I did that yesterday. I went to go play boogerball and I got Chipotle beforehand. I've always prided myself on being a quick digester. Yes, you have. Not anymore. I just, I felt 300 pounds the whole
Starting point is 00:47:46 time I was playing. Yeah, just couldn't digest it. I was terrible. So now I know just give it a minute before we swim or pickleball. Let's not eat Chipotle. Let's not be finishing our last bite as we walk in. We've always said that no longer a good idea. Okay. All right. This is number seven for me. I'm done counting 13. Um, um yeah maybe we don't need to count individually we know how many we bought yeah okay who cares man we've done 12 12 12 so far what yeah 12 12 12 that'd be 36 on the 15 no no keep up with the big boys in front I'm Simon's checking his web MD out back there. His web MD? I don't know. I was trying to say something quick. Couldn't think of it.
Starting point is 00:48:30 Checking his web MD. Ginzy MD. I was saying we can just, it's probably easier to just keep track of total. That makes sense. Yeah. You can do your thing too. But just, I'll keep personal track. I will not share with you guys because I regret yeah, thank you didn't go well last time
Starting point is 00:48:49 Okay, so do you want do you want some more regular then I think they're cheaper anyway, so don't feel bad about yes Yeah, yeah, hey brothers. I don't feel bad All right, Logan was great. I need to queue up a few more Logan is yeah, he didn't even hesitate on the first iPhone model. That was awesome. He had to see that question this morning somewhere. How do you not hesitate? I saw real on that, you know, whatever.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Yeah. I did say, hey, have some questions for us. Yep, that's good. See if Logan knows sports. Now this trivia question, I don't know about this. Says who is often credited with creating the world's first car and it's not Henry Ford? Well, okay, so that's wrong. Maybe somebody else did create the first car, but the word that's credited is definitely
Starting point is 00:49:35 Henry Ford, right? Yeah, if you're going to throw in the word credited, then Carl Binns. No, it's an American. It's American or nobody. It didn't happen. It's a fake history. Right? Fake history, yeah. Whitewashing. Whitewashing. What is the common name for dried plums? Oh, it is. Um, apricots?
Starting point is 00:50:03 Prunes. Holy cow Now that's a question All right, I got a lot of stupid if it cuts are stupid don't make fun of questions So is it web MD I'm struggling diamonds back there web MD Guarantee you that woman did not know this was a QR code lane. Guarantee you. She had an alumni, no, she's an old woman.
Starting point is 00:50:31 36 down, boys. Third of the way there. Keep it up. Oh yeah, there's Logan. Logan's fun, dude. He goes, that guy goes, Logan's fun as far. You should have Ashley do it.
Starting point is 00:50:41 I don't know, I don't know. We tried Ashley, been there, done that. Time we looked her up, can't find her. What's crazier, the way Ashley reacted or the guy asking us if we had a card for our podcast? Yeah. I'll get that occasionally with Pickleball. Hey, my buddy was telling me you're the,
Starting point is 00:50:59 you do the Friday stuff. Yeah, yeah, can I get a card from you? I'd love to check it out. Like you kinda already said the card. you said you just said it's Friday pickleball at least pickleball those guys are old this guy was our age what are you guys just crap your pants no nope what I like I did not you someone in this car crapped their pants promise I promise I don't smell anything dude. I don't Next to me. Can I say I don't do that that that all
Starting point is 00:51:30 Really, I think I'm not known to crap my pants Yeah, I'm not I'm not trying to throw anybody under the bus, but I live with other people that do it more than me I'll just say that and I have been the one talking about how much gas I have lately I'll give you that this doesn't smell like my gas. There gas. This smells like someone in this car right now needs toilet paper. I don't smell anything. Yeah, nobody has gone now. But earlier I... Maybe it was just something outside?
Starting point is 00:51:52 Could've been something outside. It's Lenexa for you. I come to this area so I'm used to it. All right. Do we have a question for him? Yeah, I got a couple of food-based ones. All right. I will say... Oh, he smiled at us.
Starting point is 00:52:06 He's ready for it. Hello. I will say 12 in, a little bit slower. I'm feeling it. It's felt deeper than normal. Like I feel like I'm a little full already. I can absolutely push through, but. Like whatever you feel right now,
Starting point is 00:52:20 you have to eat two times that much. Two times that much? Three times that much. Right? I'm trying to get the 40. much. Two times that much? Three times that much. Right? I'm trying to- How's that work? Yeah, if you had 15, you still need to have 30 more. So you need two times that much. Okay. I think both of us are right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:38 It's two and three times. Flammable. Yeah, one X equals three. Yeah. Anyway, this guy- I think we got answers. This was the guy earlier I don't forget on camera, but he was walking across the street and bread that that guy's homeschooled And I mean it's the glass Latha it's the tinted glass. It's like the the blaze orange glasses and the fact these working at Chick-fil-a at 145
Starting point is 00:53:03 How does he do that? I'm gonna ask. Oh, yeah we gotta get to the bottom of that. Post it like a trivia question All right. Here's a question for you like read it off your phone. Okay now I Also do we pay it backwards kind of nice cuz we don't pay for anything anyway, I don't know if they've charged us the last two times We're up so quick too. We got a lot of cars behind us. Yeah Then again on the court up here is taking our sweet overpaying cash. We're paying in cash All right, no problem It's all good come on look come Logue. Come on, Logue. Oh, and I get the change for the...
Starting point is 00:53:47 My goodness. Also, I gotta say, I feel so validated. For years, I've complained, and it brings me no pleasure to complain, but about how often Chick-fil-A gives me honey mustard. And you guys are always like, is there a way you're saying it, maybe? It doesn't matter. I... She was flustered.
Starting point is 00:54:03 He was flustered. There were... Got microphones and cameras in his face. Big Logue. Yeah, yeah we're gonna get let's do some more. Oh Brad from the Ghost Runners podcast. We will just do 12 grilled and 12 regular nuggets, please That's it for food and then I'll do a if I come around again, will you give me a refill on my drink? Yeah, I thought no, it's water. Well, I'll get it. Can I get a diet Dr. Pepper, please medium? No, that's it please medium yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right oh did you even did you even like it, or did you just go back to my old? I scanned it.
Starting point is 00:55:07 Hey, what name does deer meat go by? What's another name for deer meat? I don't want to know. It starts with a V. You've heard it before. I know this one. It's not like vegan leather or something like that. Vegan leather. Venn diagram.
Starting point is 00:55:21 Vinnison. That does not sound right, bro. Hey, do you have a question for us? You can think of one. Think of one later. Get back to us. I'm trying, That does not sound right, bro. Hey, you have a question for us? You can think of one. Think of one later. Get back to us. I'm trying, bro. Get back to us.
Starting point is 00:55:29 All right. All right, all right, all right. All right, all right, all right. Logan's got some black friends. Oh, late to Northwest, baby. I'll say that. You didn't talk like that as a kid? Dude, what you mean, bro?
Starting point is 00:55:44 Oh, he's ready. Oh, he's rubbing his hands. What do we got? You didn't talk like that as a kid? Dude, what you mean, bro? Oh, he's ready! He's rubbing his hands! What do we got? You got a question for us? Sure! What's the capital of Poland? Warsaw! Correct!
Starting point is 00:55:55 Bingo! Tell Drew we need some milkshakes! Oh no, that's good, man. What country invented tea? China! Wow! Nice! We're all square! That's good man. What okay? We had any question what country invented t? Tea Wow We're all square. What about what do you call deer meat? All right a roll What what country is famous for their chocolate what what country is famous for their chocolate
Starting point is 00:56:22 Yep, yep Switzerland and I run a roll now. I'm gonna go back on him to see if he notices What country is famous for their chocolate? Yep. Yep. Switzerland. Switzerland. Yeah, nice. We're on a roll now. I'm going to go back on him to see if he notices. What country is, what country's capital is Warsaw? Oh, very good. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:40 We don't have it yet. Oh, no. We had it in the order. We ordered that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Cole, man. Cole's ready to go. Thank you, brother. Thanks, man.
Starting point is 00:56:50 All right, see you in a bit. You think of another question for us. Yeah. Rocco, you owe me milkshakes. Call him Rocco. Crap, what have I done? Call him Rocco. He's like, so seriously, like, that's not my name.
Starting point is 00:57:04 Name's Cole, bud. All right, I'm parking again. And we're parking. So this will be up to 48. Yeah. We got 12 and 12. Oh yeah, you're right, we were at 36. Re-crunch it.
Starting point is 00:57:17 60. All right. Heavy bag. Oh, Timon's popping his knuckles. That's how ready he is. 60 big boys. No problem. All right, do some work I'm gonna use some sauce I'm gonna use my sauce lifeline doesn't it feel like it's kind of like a lifeline yeah do we still have a one of these in there yeah we haven't throw anything away
Starting point is 00:57:38 will you get another one of these things out yep while we're eating, you guys got any wins of the week? Good question, good question. I got one. Sorry, my almost the entire thing just fell out the other one. What if I was like, all right, you get your 77 cents worth. We're split. There we go. My win is that I'm filming, I'm recording for this like, kind of concert type show thing. I'm just excited for, like bunch of angles, kind of like a bigger project. That'll be fun. When is that?
Starting point is 00:58:12 Friday night. And tonight I'm gonna go like set up or like prepare for stuff. That's nice. How'd you get that gig? Just people I knew through some shows I've done in the past. How did I meet them exactly? Is it just you by yourself doing it or is it like?
Starting point is 00:58:26 I'm kind of like running it and then a couple of people like on kind of like manning some cameras and stuff, but yeah, it'll be fun. That's awesome. Running it. Do you know the people that are gonna be taking orders from you? Yeah, Oliver, my friend is gonna be running one camera.
Starting point is 00:58:43 It's like pretty simple. It's like basically kind of just like making sure it doesn't like stop or get hit or something like that For the other people because they don't really have many people that just like do video in the area, but Yeah, I know Oliver and then this other guy. I don't know but they found him and he'll be good So yeah, and then I'll be like kind of wandering around getting like different fun angles and stuff. So Dad did it as well. I might the guy who like kind of hired me for it might edit himself But we'll see I can't hope I get to these are fun. Those kind of things are like fun to put together Sweet dude. Yeah, right. You got one of the week. Um, I
Starting point is 00:59:22 Brad, you got a win of the week? Um, I mean, the main win was like, that I talked about last, on Monday was the time with Evan and Taylor McClain was so fun. Um, there's always wins with the family. I'm trying to think of a specific one. I can, what you think my win, I kind of actually said this after the podcast on Monday to you guys, but you know these other three guys that are part of Friday Pickleball I mean like a year ago they were strangers. They were just New York guys who just we happen to have the same name like you know we didn't know if we'd get along have the same sense of humor have any type of like similar
Starting point is 00:59:59 values and like it just feels like we all fit in so well together like being at that massive PPA tournament and they were just like, every game that we were at, they were on the fence cheering us on. They also played too. We tried to find them, we were cheering them on. It was like, man, this is just, I don't want to take for granted how well we like work
Starting point is 01:00:17 with each other and fit in. Like this could be so different. Like these guys could be in their 50s and not think me and Isaac dressing in denim is funny at all. Right. These could be guys who are like, don't want to travel and they don't want to like sleep in an Airbnb with us for three nights. You know, it's like, man, this is just try not to take for granted.
Starting point is 01:00:35 Like this is working out really well. I'm so thankful for these guys. And it was just really fun. So try to be appreciative of that. Like we got a good thing going. It's like they don't, they're not too cool for school. No. Yeah. I think I get frustrated sometimes when it's like, like those guys are really successful dudes. Like they've done a lot of really impressive things and it's like, they could
Starting point is 01:00:52 easily be like, no dude, like we're too good for that. We'll stay in our own hotel. We'll just meet you there. Or like, yeah, we'll do our own thing and you know, kind of link up later. It's like, no, like it sounds like at least I don't, I don't know. But it sounds like from what you've said, it's like, yeah, we're all riding there together in the mini van that I rented and they, you know, they're cool with that.
Starting point is 01:01:09 And yeah, it was just great. So yeah, it was just fun. Every single point. I mean, I go back to the fence and like, one of them was there sharing us on and that's awesome. Yeah. Are they like a New Yorkers? Like, do they have an accent?
Starting point is 01:01:21 No, no, they, they just talk normal. That sucks. That's too bad. Yeah. Don't you wish that like sometimes you had an accent? Sometimes. Yeah. Yeah, sometimes. It's just- It'd make us more distinguished. And you just automatically have like an something interesting about you that we don't't have We just talk so normal my win I Just in general, I guess Bo's just been he's just been making me smile a lot lately He's like being really thoughtful like in a lot of different things. He's doing Which is really fun to see cuz I feel like for a while. He was just pretty selfish and like
Starting point is 01:02:01 Struggling with different things like that But now like I I come home and he's made something for me. Or he's like, dad, you can't go downstairs. I'm doing a project for you down there. Or last night, I don't remember exactly. Oh, we were having kiwis for dinner. And Bo and Hattie were having seconds. And Rosie, we realized, hadn't had any kiwis yet. And without even being asked, he's like, can have you can have my Kiwis you
Starting point is 01:02:27 have some of mine like which is just I'm not saying like he's never been sweet in his life but it's like it's just like very it's like oh you you thought about that without us saying like hey Bo can you share some of yours you've already had something like you know he might have understood that in the past but like now he's like doing it. Yeah, instantly. So that's really great. Yeah. He's almost five. Almost five.
Starting point is 01:02:49 Hattie's almost eight. Is that right? Isn't that crazy? I was thinking about that the other day, actually. I was like, wait, no, Hattie's born in April, right? No, March. We have three in March. So we have Henry, Hattie and Rosie are all March.
Starting point is 01:03:00 And so yeah, Hattie's gonna be eight, Rosie will be three, Henry is turning one. Yeah, how he's gonna be eight eight. It was all three Henry is turning one Yeah, eight eight like every time they have a new birthday and always sounds like holy cow You're way older like you're a different kind of person like eight feels like you're not even like a sweet kid anymore You're just like oh, yeah, you're going through at this point I'm just good life is hard eight all of a sudden Hattie is like so smart and like so whatever. Like just she's starting to be so much more self-sufficient and like, I don't know, just
Starting point is 01:03:32 impressive and We got any more sports in Hattie's future? We stick with cheerleading? I don't know, dude. Last night they were outside Hattie, Bo and Catherine were all bouncing on the trampoline. And Catherine showed them how to do like the bounce where you like jump up and like hit your butt first. Oh yeah, a little booty bounce.
Starting point is 01:03:53 I think that's fairly easy. Just don't lay it on your feet. You would think that was the craziest thing ever. That was pretty tough. Like Bo immediately. Really? Bo couldn't, Bo, he wasn't immediately like, able to do it and like, bounce back up.
Starting point is 01:04:09 But he was just like, just jump and then land on your bottom. Like, it's not that hard. And Hattie, I mean, we probably worked with her for 30 minutes on this thing, dude. Of like, okay, now just like, try to kick your feet out and like, try to, you know, you gotta bring your feet higher. If she just couldn't help it, she would always land on her feet. She would always land on her feet. And it looked like she was going to like, Okay, now just like try to kick your feet out and like try to you know You gotta bring your feet higher and help us you were always in our feet She would always land on her feet and it looked like she was going to like a cat
Starting point is 01:04:29 Paralyze herself or something like it was like the way she was like hitting and then like falling back on her back Like she was like lunging forward. I don't know. It was like I don't know So but I think had he's gonna play softball this one of her friends from church is playing, and her mom asked Catherine about it. And Hattie and Bo both just love playing baseball in the backyard. So I think she would have fun with that.
Starting point is 01:04:54 And Bo is already trying to play basketball. He's excited about that. Oh, that's great. Coach pitch softball for Hattie? I don't know how it's going to work. I don't know if it's coach pitch. I don't think it'll be tee ball. They don't do tee ball. I love a good coach pitch
Starting point is 01:05:07 Me too. Yeah, that's nice. Yeah, I think I would I would love to coach I say this now and I try I'm gonna try to mean it but like I'd love to coach as much as I can Yeah with the kids like I think it'd be so fun so when I've talked to Rachel I've always been like I don't think I'm good, I don't think I Necessarily really want to coach kids sports or anything, but if there's like a lack of good coaching options, I'd be happy to do it. You know, if like no one else.
Starting point is 01:05:33 Okay, really? You wouldn't. Knows what they're doing, like, oh, I'll do it. I just think it's so fun, like, I don't know. And maybe I would, maybe I'm so much less good at these things than I think I would be, but I think I would just be good at like Making it fun and like celebrating any win
Starting point is 01:05:49 Any like a small win that a kid would do, you know, I mean in yeah like summer camp type coaching exactly like Let's make sure we get this win here. Yeah down here. But I think I where I could get myself in trouble is like In some ways I would definitely cater my coaching depending on the skill of the kid. In other words, if you're a really good player, I'm gonna try to push you harder than, or I don't know if I would celebrate that every kid's basket the same way.
Starting point is 01:06:21 If some kid scores 15 baskets a game, I wouldn't go crazy every time. You know, I don't know. But I've got a second cousin, their family, they live in Blue Springs. And so we went and watched her game. She's a sophomore in high school. Six, two, six, one. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:06:38 Our place basketball. What genes were those coming from? Yeah. Mom's side. Yeah, I guess so. But anyway, we're sure to be continued I was real disappointed the coach brad. Oh, no real disappointed All right, log man log man log management. Oh man. We got somebody behind this tyman. How are you feeling back there, buddy? Pretty good. I got 27 nuggets in my system
Starting point is 01:07:03 Look my dog You got some you got a trivia question yet, okay Okay, you know what is the name of the one X's owner operator? Oh true severance How many colors are in a rainbow? 6 7. Oh you Roy G Biv? Is that what you did? Yeah. You got the I in Biv. Did you go Roy G Biv? BV? Indigo.
Starting point is 01:07:40 Ah dude you cannot figure. That's all right Time you want more I don't know Three more for 30. I take a five count. I do 32. He's pretty pretty of the normal nuggets. Yeah Could you five count normal nugs? Don Don yeah. Yeah, I got it right. You nailed it. You nailed it. Don.
Starting point is 01:08:06 Five count nuggets? Yeah, five count nugget and then? Another 12 grilled? 12 grilled, please. 12 grilled? Of course. Yes, please. Anything else?
Starting point is 01:08:15 That's it. Yeah. Sausage? I think we'll need to add funds. Honey roasted barbecue and Chick-fil-A sauce, please. Yes, sir. So five count nugget, 12 count grilled nugget, couple honey roasted barbecue, go Chick-fil-A at 13. Yes sir. So five count of nuggets, 12 count of grilled nuggets,
Starting point is 01:08:25 couple hundred roasted barbeque, couple hundred chick-fil-a, 13, 17, 18. He's adding funds. When you CC someone in an email what does the CC stand for? This dude doesn't email. Oh my god! What did you know about that? What did you know about that? I actually was pretty surprised you got that too. how often are you emailing? How many are you CCing? Well, no, it's like free in middle school. You know, I did like go through every Yeah, yeah, I like the schools. What was that class called? It was like Okay, yeah, yeah. All right you stay out here you be out here Yeah, you fit a beach on down the block Blocking it hot Lowe's not coming
Starting point is 01:09:20 All right get time into 32 nugs here, we're 60% of the way done as a as a family there is No other backs you know they're back. Noah, they're back. Noah, they're back. The boys are back. What's up, my dog? You got any questions for us? Warsaw. Poland.
Starting point is 01:09:35 Yeah. What instrument is used to measure earthquakes? What's it called? Oh, that's a Richter scale. Richter scale. Oh, nice, dude. I was thinking barometer. What are you really into?
Starting point is 01:09:47 Like what's some of your hobbies or like things that we could quiz you on? What's your wheelhouse? Sports. Oh. Sports. How many, how many baseball players all time have over 700 home runs? Three. Four.
Starting point is 01:09:59 Pujols is in there. Oh. Do you know the other three? Barry Bonds. Yep. Uh, uh, Joe Barry Bonds. Yup. Uh, Joe DeMott. No.
Starting point is 01:10:09 Mickey Mantle. No. Played with him though. Same team. Ted Williams. No. Those are good guesses. Is it Rob? No. Gary. No. He's on that team. He's like the most famous guy from that team.
Starting point is 01:10:22 Yogi. Yogi. No. Even bigger.. Great Bambino. Yeah, there you go. Babe Ruth. Babe Ruth. Yes, Babe Ruth, Barry Bonds, and then the guy who had 755. Who did Babe Ruth beat?
Starting point is 01:10:33 Like his last season. Henry, AKA Hank. Hank Aaron. Hank Aaron. There it is. Okay, okay. There it is. Oh, they're honking at us. Oh. Okay. They're honking.
Starting point is 01:10:45 They're honking at us. Is that Severn's honking at us? Do we need to go or they got our food or? They got our food. That's a good one. What jersey number is Luka Donchich? Oh. It's a weird one.
Starting point is 01:10:57 It is a weird one. 11? Kind of. 11 times. 11 times. I'll give you a hint. It's how much it costs for a grilled nugget. Come back around, we'll get your answer. One grilled nugget. Figure out how much that costs. One grilled nugget. Isn't that how much it is? 70 cents?
Starting point is 01:11:11 Yeah, it is. Nailed it. What do we got here? What do we got here? A trailer. Ask them. Hey, what do we have here? Hey guys, what do we have here? Quick question. What do we have here? Do we park again? Yeah, let's park. Getting full. So this is what? More forks. 60 plus 17. Is that right? Yeah, this puts it up to 77. Hey, it's a magic number today. Luca, grilled nugs. All right, so tour- Wow, that is the cutest thing. Oh, what is that? Ice cream sandwich? All right, so tour wow that is the cutest thing
Starting point is 01:11:46 Ice cream sandwich all right What an insult what do you got there an ice cream sandwich? Was that nice green save it looks like a miniature ice cream sandwich you're literally full from it funny like Get a grip. That's such a funny, like. Get a grip. Yeah, right. Okay, to our left, I wanna talk about this. Mod Pizza. And for me and my house, one, we serve the Lord.
Starting point is 01:12:15 And two, we're not going out to eat at a lot of pizza places. Okay. That being said, our most people like our other families like let's go out like let's sit at a pizza place. I just don't we're in a nice part of town that cost a lot of money to rent that out. I've been a company. I've never heard of a mod or you know they're not they're not one of
Starting point is 01:12:37 the big dogs. They're they're not a pizza hut. They're not a dominoes. No, but the mod is like a pie five kind of spot. Yeah, everyone's a person like you get your own fun pizza. It sounds like I need to be educated a little bit Yeah, so mod is like a ever modify Modification. Yep, this is probably where it comes from moderate Not early. So I was probably wrong. They're probably doing just fine. I just don't go to many pizza places, I guess Where that's kind of where you you don't go you're not a pizza guy What even when I was, I wasn't sitting down at them,
Starting point is 01:13:09 I also don't have a family. Well, yeah. This is me taking my own problems and just assuming, or my own habits and assuming everyone has the same ones. I just hope the nice folks at Mod Pizza are doing okay. All right? I just hope they're doing okay. I know that Catherine and Rachel have been to mod pizza together with Hattie one time well
Starting point is 01:13:27 So Rachel could tell you all about it. I think it's just pie five you know 2.0 kind of place egg on my face Egg on my face. I will say the place next to it is called cookie Co And I think it's supposed to be like a crumble crumble competitor have you ever been there also never been I've never heard of anybody It's so this area is just for people who got their second basically Hey, five school. We do our own thing. Hey crumbles pretty cool. Yeah, well, this is over there scissors and scotch target Yeah Burger King Burger King and Samsung Pepsi Yeah, I
Starting point is 01:14:04 Don't know. I don't know. Facebug. Mmm. Hot batch. Hot batch. We got ourselves a hot batch. Turn the light on, we got a hot batch.
Starting point is 01:14:14 This time I'm gonna let you eat yours and then you say I'm ready and then I'm just gonna... Are you sure it's a hot batch? Alright. Alright. Did I mention it was a hot batch? Might not have said a hot batch. Alright. Timing. Yep. Your turn to talk. How do you feel like it's going so far, Tim? I think it's going pretty well.
Starting point is 01:14:33 I swear I don't like three of these, but they're all together. I don't know. I'm really good at this. In case you haven't noticed. I like just coming up with I like when I have any option in the world because then I'm really good at narrowing it down and be like this is what I should talk about.
Starting point is 01:14:54 That's fair. That's hard for anybody, Timing. Hard for me. Alright Timing, I'll give you a category. Talk to me about groceries. Okay. Which ones have you been buying lately? So I do not buy a lot of groceries that's mostly at this point most of my mom but I've been thinking about I'm gonna have to learn how to properly buy groceries see that
Starting point is 01:15:14 Brad I was going somewhere with it because I specifically wish I was going to Shawnee in May I will be moved out so I need it May 1st yeah I need to learn how to buy groceries and cook because I'm bad at both. Yeah do you have like belongings? Like do you like you'll need to buy a pan. There's a shirt on my back. You'll need to buy cups right? Yeah. Or is Graydon gonna like. So I think what's nice is that since it will be Graydon and Katie's like They live after they're married. Hopefully they'll be like figuring out some of these things. I'm picturing careful
Starting point is 01:15:50 I don't know. Are you gonna be able to use like their newlywed stuff? I don't know that feels you think they would not let time and use their cups. Well, no, I just think that's a good question I wonder if they get stuff for their newlywed life if they want to wait Mary we're moving in here. Yeah, you know, I Think I might figure out some time it like if it's out. Yeah, of course use it. But like I don't know I don't know. You know I'm saying yeah, you have to buy. Yeah, you're to buy something probably Yeah, I'm trying to think of essentials that I will need to buy like obviously trash can for your bathroom Yeah, I don't know. Add that to the list. I probably will.
Starting point is 01:16:28 But the thing is, it's like, if I do end up just moving back home, it's like, what do I do with all this stuff? Yeah, like, so here's the question. I'm not even trying to be funny, but like, the bedsheets you currently sleep on. Yeah. Like, will you take those with you? Like, do you feel like you own those bedsheets? I don't think so. I'm gonna have to get a bed and bedsheets.
Starting point is 01:16:44 Because... Okay, glad I asked. because currently me and Jesse share a bed. And so I don't want to leave him with no bed. I don't think I knew you shared a bed. Yeah. It's four boys in one room and there's a bunk bed where Jonas and Mylon sleep on the top and bottom and me and Jesse in the bigger queen, I think. Big queen. A couple big queens.
Starting point is 01:17:03 Yep. Brad and I are sharing a big queen in the big queens. Yep. Brad and I might share in a big queen. In the big berm. Oh yeah? Nails off a couch. I don't care. I'll sleep wherever.
Starting point is 01:17:12 Big Queen. My big queen. Thank you. Yeah, that'll be interesting, Tyron. Like. Yeah. Cause you gotta get the whole experience of living out or else you're gonna to be like, well, I don't want to live out for sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:27 I don't have bowls. I want to learn from it. Cereal with a plate. Yeah. I don't know. I'll pass grading about that. Like how much will he just like take care of an event like in like married life in mind? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:39 Furniture. Yeah. I wouldn't, I would imagine that furniture stuff like a furniture stuff like a TV things like that I would imagine since they'll be using all those things once I'm out Maybe I'll like help them out a little bit. I don't know This is stuff we need to talk about we've got a couple months though Got a couple months. Yeah, I agree though. Like whatever whatever is like Bachelor pad type stuff is going to be out of there. Yeah. Likely. Depending on what
Starting point is 01:18:07 this girl is like but I think most girls are going to try to like that's like a thing they like to make a home. For sure. You're going to be like I don't know I just put that there because it fit there I don't know. Yeah what is Katie like is she anything like midge? For whatever reason you saying that with just like a little bit of chicken in your mouth me on Yeah, what is gay like is it a bit like bitch guys talking she like mid Hey, it's me here now. She looked like mid. Oh, yeah pretty similar No, yeah Katie she's she's pretty like easygoing and chill from what I can gather. But yeah, she would have, I'm sure, plenty of preferences on like...
Starting point is 01:18:55 I would imagine that it's not like her versus Graydon. It's gonna be pretty typical where she's gonna like, you know, know how she wants things a little more than he would. And he will be along for the ride. But I think he also is a bit of a clean freak and like he... Oh freak. What about clean freak here? Like he definitely cares about that type of thing. But yeah, I don't know. I'll be interested to see like what the like percentages of like how much I'm trying to
Starting point is 01:19:22 figure out with this stuff. My clean freak put me at work right now. Rugs are expensive, Tymon, I'll tell you that. Yeah. Don't get a rug, Tymon. I don't know if I mentioned this on the podcast, but the day of the Chicken and Pickle show, Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:19:36 You know, so yeah, we go do that whole show. You know, like 55 people bought tickets. We got to split half of it with chicken and pickle. I'm splitting it with Scott and Isaac. Yeah. Rachel also bought a rug that day so I broke even. So pretty good day. I don't know why that got me so good dude.
Starting point is 01:20:01 Rachel also bought a rug that day. Oh my gosh Don't say it in more in ya. Hey wait. I know this girl too. Everyone goes to my church How are you? recording a podcast Lynn See ya Give us a thumbs up that did not look like you knew her at all. That's Devon Henderson's wife Claire Henderson's mom. Oh cool. Well, how else do we want to know him? This is my church man, she just look like a nice girl who happened to me the chick play parking lot
Starting point is 01:20:33 She went and like when waves that waved back. Oh my god mad at me. Yeah, we got you. Yeah How he waves is that Logan's dad? Did he wait with his middle finger? He was black that was the joke he did not like the way I pulled out in front of him I don't know should we split a key lime lemonade just get your own bro kind of talking about it we're splurging oh no camera here I got a battery you guys think I can convince them to give us a free one without asking for one I think I get I think I give credit card if I just ask without asking for one I think I get I think I give if I just ask enough questions about it I think if I ask three questions
Starting point is 01:21:09 I'll say do you want just have one that's my theory can I try it all right no trivia there's only one goal this time no it's to get a free key lime lemon no no we can do trivia with Logan I think key lime lemonade is gonna come at the point of drop-off yep so dang this dang, it's just like consistently busy here. I keep thinking like, surely eventually there won't be anybody behind us. I know. Chick-fil-A is popular.
Starting point is 01:21:34 It's not like Mod Pizza. Mod right now, we can go through the lives as many times we want. I'm going to put the mic down. Oh, jeez. No problem, no problem. This is why, this is... We were talking about the first time we did this how it was a little bit less involved because we didn't have a camera.
Starting point is 01:21:54 We're back. Alright, we got some questions for old Loge. Not really. You think he's gonna remember my name is Don again? Yeah, that was great. Or you think he's gonna think it name is Don again. Yeah, that was great Or think he's gonna think it's something like will he remember Don or back to Brad? All right, I got a few here think he knows Forrest Gump. Yeah, he's young. Yeah, Forrest Gump's transcendent young pup Awesome some movie trivia. We're going for I'm gonna go we're gonna end it off with 30 here
Starting point is 01:22:24 We 30 count we need need 20. We only need 23. Yeah maybe I'll just do two 12s. Okay two 12s we leave one in the bag. Well well well. Oh well well well if it isn't blind tumble. How are you? You got a question or what? No it's alright you don't have to have one. You got people behind you. In the movie Forrest Gump, what does Forrest's mother say life is like? A box of chocolate. Oh, with the accent! That's great.
Starting point is 01:22:56 No, that's awesome. Good movie. Great movie. Long movie. Good movie. Um, you got another? Two twelve counts. Two twelve counts, yeah. Sausage with those? Um you know 212 counts 212 counts yeah Um I don't need anything and time is already tapped out. I think we're good yeah
Starting point is 01:23:18 What's the name of Batman's butler Nice guys a movie guy Cetaphile No Another type of phile. What's the name of Batman's girlfriend? Oh, shoot. Wait. Wait. Where's?
Starting point is 01:23:34 Oh, that girl. Is she not her girlfriend? I don't know what she was. Where's? I don't know who it is either. When he's saying, where is she, who's he talking to? Good question, Brad. When he's saying where is she who's he talking to? Good question bro give us an impersonation of the Joker
Starting point is 01:24:00 All right, what's the primary ingredient in hummus? What's up dog? How are you some oils? Thank you. People that were down to you know kind of do partake and everything. The group I got there in the drive at this point they're feeling a little bit stressed. They're ready to be done. Okay no problem. I feel like they don't really want to be on camera. Great great great. Yeah for sure man. Absolutely. Thanks. Thanks dude. All right you too man. All right. You too, man. I got you. I got you. All right. I guess that was it. So I don't know if you guys could hear, but we were just told that we're kind of stressing some of the employees out.
Starting point is 01:24:31 So it's kind of the opposite effect of what we were trying to have on them. But let's just say trivia is not for everybody. I'm not going to look at Noah this time. It seemed like Noah was having a good time. But Noah's the only one we're talking to. I know. Maybe they're wishing Noah was more engaged in Serving yeah, they were nice about it. Yeah. Yeah, no, you're right. No, no, no, no problem
Starting point is 01:24:54 You know what? We'll just we'll just take our nuggets and our free milkshakes and maybe the limeade thing Maybe the limeade not have nothing and then we'll say hey, we just we spent $60 here today, and we're never coming back because now we're treated Just kidding Probably tomorrow Don yep, Don big Don. Thank you brother. Yep You bet oh man. We're getting put in timeout. They're having a sport now that we let us sit there anymore Give me a man That's this is about as much we are in much trouble as Jake and Brad get it
Starting point is 01:25:29 I know we I knew we are in trouble the second drew started talking us felt like we're in trouble Yes, you're right. He didn't have the nerve to come tell us himself Hey drew say to our face That's fine. No, it's all good. We are kind of pestering them While they're working. I Know we're trying to be fun, but we're trying to these kids are homeschooled. They don't know anything. We're trying to help them learn We're just trying to try you guys said Joe DiMaggio for 700 home runs. We're trying to teach them Joe DiMaggio was a contact hitter
Starting point is 01:26:00 It feels like that freaky key lime limeade's not gonna happen from the... Yep. 100%. ...from the pull-up timeout spot. 100%. And we still each have 12 more nuggets to eat. I'll go all 24. One's 11. Timon, you're actually done? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:14 I think I had 32. Great. So you can't have any more. Feeling pretty good. I don't... I'm surprised. I think it's the maybe non-grilled that helped? Could be. Would it have been the opposite? I don't know. Could surprised. I think it's the maybe non-grilled that helped.
Starting point is 01:26:25 Could be. Would have been the opposite, I don't know. Could be. Feel fine though, feel nice and full. I don't think some of those regular ones, whatever the breaded ones are as big as much chicken. Yep. Yeah, that's fair. Well, guys.
Starting point is 01:26:39 Did somebody say chicken? Yes. When I'm not ordering from Chick-fil-A, you know where I get my chicken? Where? America. Yes. When I'm not ordering from Chick-fil-A, you know where I get my chicken? Where? America. Yes. Via the company called Good Ranchers. American meat delivery. Thank you brother. You too man. Thank you so much. We're never coming back. I'm just kidding. I'm kidding. When someone calls you boss, do you get tempted to just immediately call them employee? No, I've never had that thought. That's a funny thought though. I just thought of it just then. All right, here you go boss. Thank you servant.
Starting point is 01:27:11 Back to your quarters. Back to the kitchen. Man, Noah. I hope it wasn't Noah. It seemed- If Noah was having a blast. If he was having a bad time, then he needs to win an academy award because it looked like he was having the time of his life with us. That's facts, dude. Oh well. Oh well, boss. All right, let's go to Cookie Co. Dude, that's crazy that guy got mad at you earlier, too.
Starting point is 01:27:34 I think you're driving just fine. If anything, you're trying to balance this camera. You're driving slow and nice. Thank you. We'll just drive. Let's go to church real quick. Let's go to church parking lot. Anyway, I was talking about how I get my American chicken. We'll just drive over. Let's go to church real quick. Let's go to church parking lot.
Starting point is 01:27:45 Anyway, I was talking about how I get my American chicken. It shows up right at my door. There's no antibiotics. There's no seed oils. No added hormones. Wow. The company called Good Ranchers does all that for me. It's really nice.
Starting point is 01:27:58 So I know I'm getting farm to table transparency. I know I'm getting high quality meat. Yep. And it's all organic. Yep. In fact, that's normally what I order is the better than organic chicken. That's what it's called. Uh, they've also got some chicky, chicky, nug nugs, dude. I had those for the first time this week. Rocky world. Yes. And rock my kids world. Seed oil free chicken nuggets. So good. Yep. So good.
Starting point is 01:28:21 Yep. They are fantastic. And right now, uh, promo code GRKC, you're going to get free expedited shipping. You're going to get $25 off. And the big kahuna, the big right hook, the big wild cut salmon, you're going to get a big add on, like a free meat every month in your box for the next year. So it's like over $1,000 value just. Added in right now, the new Spring promo. So that could be chicken, that could be beef, that could be burgers. They got a lot of options.
Starting point is 01:28:51 Subscribe to any box right now using promo code GRKC and you're gonna get a free add on. So take advantage now, support American farmers. Don't believe me? You should. Man, that's good. That's a lot to say about that. Good job, That's great. Wow. They're even spelling your name like the female version. Look at on the bag. Dawn. They gave me the W. D-A-W-N. Dawn. And I thought Logan was cool. Full time. That dude straight up got me. Sexist public schooler.
Starting point is 01:29:21 And did we go? And oh, we're back to the regular nuggets. They screwed that up again. All right. That is a bummer. All right. That's going to be tough to get down. It's not necessarily tough to get down. It's just not as healthy. It's also, we're trying to shred here.
Starting point is 01:29:32 Yes, dude. I mean, that is crazy. That's worth, that's, okay, Valder, get off my high horse. That's worth enough, like, be like, hey, man, can we get our money back for those? I would never. We're going to eat them though. I know. I would never. We're going to eat them though. I know.
Starting point is 01:29:45 I couldn't. Because it's still pretty edible what they gave us. No, but it's not what we ordered. It's not what we ordered. You're right. But if we eat them, it's probably not OK for us to say, give us our money back for them. That's the tough thing.
Starting point is 01:30:00 I mean, how many times did we order? Five times? The order was pretty wrong two of the five times. I know. We're not trying to blast our Mean they were flustered they were flustered and hey, I don't even hold the name against him I don't hold the fork against them. Don was just funny. Mm-hmm That's just log being log man. He's hit though. They are very good I got a volleyball game tonight, I'm fine.
Starting point is 01:30:28 What have you been doing for cardio lately? Walking. I'm thinking about... You uh, you heard rucking? It's just, it's literally- Like a wearer? Like a heavy something? Yeah, just weighted walking. Huh. And- Just to make it more intense. Rocking sounds cooler, I guess. Yeah. I haven't done it yet, but thought about. First step.
Starting point is 01:30:51 Yeah, those are way harder to eat a lot of them. Tymon, you doing cardio? Occasionally. Not much, though. I play pickleball sometimes, and I ran a mile randomly on a treadmill at the gym- Whoa, look out. ... the other week. But yeah. On a treadmill? on a treadmill at the gym. Whoa, look out the other week But yeah treadmill not a ton. What got into you that day. I don't know. I was like, I just feel like I need to
Starting point is 01:31:11 I just felt too calorie'd I needed to burn some off but yeah for the most part i'm like I don't want to like Burn all the calories i'm trying to bulk with so doing like minimal cardio. That's a good point. Um For the bulk. Yeah, you're in a nice little phase right now. Just eat as much as possible and try not to do cardio. It's awesome. Yeah, did you, are you still, do you run at all anymore? Jake?
Starting point is 01:31:34 Me, no. You just went from like everyday running a mile to be like never again. Yep. That's wild. Do you miss it ever? I guess not, or you would do it. No.
Starting point is 01:31:43 Cause sometimes I think about it and I think, man, I'm glad I'm not doing that. Yeah. Like I'll see the part of the street where I used to turn around. I think I'm so glad I don't have to turn around there anymore. Really? I did not like that. Yeah. Well, there you go. Yeah. I thought about that the other day, cause I thought I saw you running and I was like, I don't think I've seen Jake running. I don't think he does that anymore. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:05 I know for a while you were thinking like, I'm going to do cardio along with. Yeah. Before I went with the shred plan, it was like, yeah, a mile occasionally, a hundred pushups occasionally, by the way, my dad and Steve Coupe still, are they still doing it? Yep. I think there was, there might have been one day where Steve Coupe was like throwing up a ton or got food poisoning, I mean where he didn't do it, but every day they run a mile, um, do a hundred pushups, a hundred sit ups.
Starting point is 01:32:29 So they're two months in going strong. That's amazing. Yeah. Pretty cool. The Rachel trickle down. Yeah, truly. But Hey, maybe you always hear about like you, it's the second person that really brings the crowd. Thank you
Starting point is 01:32:46 So maybe it's you because Steve Koop wasn't doing it when it was just Rachel. I've been around for a while and see That's good point. So No, it's that second That's we gonna we do a little work together after this or what I don't know I'll do whatever I Don't have anything going on till didn't sound like he's into it doesn't Look at work. He tried it. It's all he was planning on it Why just figured a Friday pickleball at it you need a little voiceover from me Possibly yada yada. Yeah
Starting point is 01:33:18 You think this place is still in existence right here It looks real real still in existence right here it looks real real this is the kind of stuff I used to drive by and be like I should I should rent that place out for woodworking mm-hmm and what am I looking at what is this I don't know it's it's it's something in Spanish we got a camera on at time what is a Mortimer building Mortimer it's a Mortimer and pestle it's like a pharmacy Mortimer I've never heard of a Mortimer I think that means like kind of like a like a building like that I could be saying the wrong word
Starting point is 01:33:57 though Mortimer yeah no probably saying the wrong word. Brick and mortar? No, no, no. Mortimer? What do you say, Mortimer? Overall, I'm glad we did this. It did not go how I thought it would. I think they were a little flustered, man. Maybe we were a little flustered. Maybe we yeah, we bring them maybe time and just took too long with the buzzing thing All right, I got a great way to end it on me good also current nugget count We're at around our last 1189. Yeah 89 I Didn't get a refill on your die dark pepper either. I thought about it brother. I thought about the whole thing It all flashed before my eyes
Starting point is 01:34:47 Here's a fun fact every time there's like a deer crossing sign here every time we drive down this road to the church I always go you guys seen deers Every time see I say deers and Catherine always is like it's deer Like I don't know it yeah like it's like she always forgets I forget every week Brad it's deer Oh those rocks you seen your deers a lot of them a lot of rocks holders I think I think rocks would be kind of cool to have in your yard Like all big old rocks like that if they're big enough to look like you're on purpose Yes, you have big rocks. You got pea gravel like I want some I think it'd be fun to have rocks like that for like the kids to play on.
Starting point is 01:35:26 You know, don't you think they would have some Yeah. Fun with those rocks? I love a good big rock. Right? Yeah. Like kids would I'm with you.
Starting point is 01:35:37 Jump off those things. Yeah. Yeah. Oh no, I think our backyard's already starting to look like a daycare a little bit. Like we got a lot of stuff back there. Playhouses, you know, raised garden beds, trampolines, all this stuff. What's your favorite thing to get from the garden right now? Right now?
Starting point is 01:35:55 Probably, I don't know, like those like dried up weeds that we have. It's so good dude. It's some of Marco's poop that somehow got over there. Yeah, some of that composted poop. Probably something like that. So. How are you gonna end it? What'd you have in mind? Just you wait.
Starting point is 01:36:21 Just you wait and see. Okay, I'll go ahead and wait. Got about seven minutes. I got a great surprise for you. What kind of pets do you have? Just horses? There's some horses. We got a dog and a cat. Oh wait, a couple cats maybe.
Starting point is 01:36:34 I don't keep up on the cats. Sounds like you don't. Yeah. That's such a country boy thing to say that. I keep up with the dog. Yeah, we... Our dog Max we've had for a long time. I remember Max.
Starting point is 01:36:44 Many years, yeah. Max is a chunky dog and cat, right? He's a little fat dog. Yup. Yeah, we our dog Max we've had for a long time. I remember Max many years. Yeah Yeah, as a is a chunky dog. Yes, right that dog. Yep. I remember him. Yeah, he's great though Max does just fine in the winter, right? Yes Doesn't like the summer too much. Yeah, he's getting kind of old He's getting kind of old. Max wears a shirt in the swimming pool, right? Yeah. Max never climbed a rope in PE? That same dog thing, oh?
Starting point is 01:37:12 Max, yeah. Max doesn't really know how to dive into the pool. Tries his hardest. All right, talking about these cats. I don't even know their names exactly. I think there's a Bonnie. The cats that I know, we had a Kristoff and we had a Chica. Kristoff and Chica were their names. What's the nomenclature? How do you argue deciding names? I don't know, fun name, character in Frozen. And then Chica is a girl
Starting point is 01:37:37 cat, means girl in Spanish. That was the extent that or went. But yeah, those are the ones that I like was friends with and cared about. Then they've we Kristoff might still come around. Chica has been gone for a while. I can't remember how she left. I told you I don't keep up on the cats. I remember how she left. But then I know we got Bonnie and some other cat now, maybe. But yeah, dog is the main pet. OK. And how many horses to two in the pasture?
Starting point is 01:38:10 We got Cisco and Brie still, I think. Cisco. Yeah, Cisco's got a bad foot. So kind of like more of a companion horse to Brie right now. Can't really be done much with him. Uh, but yeah. It's kind of fun. Just look out and see horses. Alright, that's fun. Yeah. They scare me though.
Starting point is 01:38:33 I don't go near them. Really? They can sense your s- they can smell your fear. Yeah, they just intimidate me. I don't know, like... I've broken my ankle falling off one. Well, that'll do it. Oh, yeah. And they're just big. You broke your ankle? How old were you? I don't-. I was probably, I want to say 11 or 12. Okay. I think there was like a family,
Starting point is 01:38:49 we had some company over. We were looking at the horses and I like just kind of, they were, they were both just standing there. So I just got on one bareback and then it just took off. And so I was like freaking out. Yeah. Just no saddle, nothing. I was holding onto its main. And then it like, it was just running straight for this fence or like, and I was like, what's going to happen when we get to that area? I was pretty scared. And then it just like at the last possible second, just 180 turned. And then I just kept going and fell on the ground and broke my ankle.
Starting point is 01:39:20 Might've just might've just been a bad sprain. I can't remember exactly. I broke it. I broke it. I can't remember exactly. No, you broke it. Say you broke it. I broke it. Four places. Yeah, that was too bad. That is too bad. I gotta say I've really enjoyed these nuggets to cap it off.
Starting point is 01:39:36 I've really been putting the hurt on this last 12. Yeah. Feeling good. Got a few more left in the tank. We need three more total to get to 100. How many of us are there here? Wow. Poetic.
Starting point is 01:39:50 Let's do it at the same time. Alright, hold on. I need my second to last one. So, here we are. Okay, so I'll tell you the surprise. I'm actually really slowing down now. Surprise ending. This whole episode. You've been talking my ear off about this new Shawnee location.
Starting point is 01:40:10 So guess where we're getting some key lime? Oh, that's a great surprise. That's awesome. I thought it was going to be the ducks. All this time, you've been talking about the ducks. We're going to Shawnee, baby. Uh-huh. All right. We're going to Shawnee, baby. All right.
Starting point is 01:40:27 You're going to be vindicated. These people here are going to be so happy to see us because we're the first people they've seen in five hours. What if they just like greet us, just like overwhelming, just like they, you know, shooting off fireworks. The trivia guys are here. Everyone, stop the business. Let's have fun with these guys. Okay. How many people do you think think are gonna be in this parking lot? Humans cars. Yeah You got a factor in employees are gonna be no. Sorry. How many how many people in the drive-through line drive through only? Chick-fil-a think over under is one and a half. Give me the under okay car. Okay, it's uh, I'm with you
Starting point is 01:41:01 It's 234 right now. It's gonna be one car. I Don't even I'm gonna say I'm gonna I'm with you. It's 234 right now. It's going to be one car. I don't even, I'm going to say I'm going to, I'm going to go double under. Really? I'm gonna, I'm going to try it. Guys. Come on. I'm going to try it. Hey, final nug. Everyone get in here. I don't know. Boys. Hey, like a hundred. We got to wait boys. Oh, there's two in here. Oh, we don't have to. It's 101. I understand. All right. Here we go. Good boy. Touching nugs. Good boy Mmm, they said it couldn't be done
Starting point is 01:41:29 They said no podcast and Kansas City's ever done it They said they said half of them are gonna be Breaded even though you don't want them to be because you're trying to be healthy We heard the haters we heard there's haters say you can't eat a hundred nuggets while podcasting and we heard them say you can't Get kicked out of a Chick-fil-a while recording We heard them say you can't order and get all your food correctly more than two times in a row And guess what you were right about some of that stuff Then we said oh, yeah, what else you got and
Starting point is 01:41:59 They said a chick-fil-a and Shawnee check it out. You said oh, yeah, there's multiple cars in the part the drive-through right now I see people about to start your shift. Mm-hmm Should have gone there. I should have got all right. We got a camera. I was worried about the camera But there's a guy behind me. It's worried about where I'm going. He's gonna give you the California. Howdy again All right, here we go guys. Here we go. Hang on No, brother brother brother brother from a quick left and a quick right Louis and Raj. Here we go. Is that what you guys use for football?
Starting point is 01:42:29 Yeah. Definitely Louis. I think we did Lucky and Ringo. That's more fun. Oh this guy is so tight. You're right there, Drew. Drew is cool, man. He's like, he's also, he's a Logan, got a little Logan in him. I will say every time I come here I get recognized. These are our people. Also, no cars. Zero cars.
Starting point is 01:42:54 So is that good or? It's actually zero cars. Alright. I don't know if that's good or bad though. I mean we just would have, it's a non-stop loop. Oh, here's my guy, here's my guy, I don't know him. You know, nope Yes, Jake triplet here. He'll know me. Yeah, I'm all time and you want you want something know something sweet time. What do you need? What okay? No, don't do that
Starting point is 01:43:18 Good brother. How are you man? We've been recording a podcast episode and we're in it off with some sweetness Yeah, so okay you want a key lime I think the key lime lemonade let's try it Oh, yeah, Brad B R. Ad B R. Ad or you get how would you spell dawn? B-r-a-d B-r-a-d or you get how would you spell dawn? Yeah, yeah, that's the test somebody else spelled it with a W DAW in and his name is Brad come on yeah Yeah, right exactly time what do you want you said surprised me, but I'm not gonna frosted dr. Pepper his head's gonna explode Oh you can't do it come on
Starting point is 01:44:12 Key lime frosted lemonade however, I would just do a doctor. How about just a doctor one? Yeah, I'll do a key lime frosted lemonade and then unfrosted Dr. Pepper is regular drink That is it, my brother. That'll be it. Alright, so just the key line for us to nominate and the Dr. Pepper, the scan points as well? Yes, just a second. Yeah, no worries. Gotta keep adding funds to this thing, man. What's the name of your guys' podcast? It's called Ghost Runners. Ghost Runners? Yes. That sounds amazing. It's awesome, dude. Come on. Check it out, brother. I will. You'll be on it. You'll be on there, bro. Yeah, yeah My man, okay, all righty your total is going to be 815 you seen customer prepaid. Yeah, thank you You don't say These are people I mean that was about as good of an interaction.
Starting point is 01:45:05 Gosh dang it. He's like throwing up the deuces to the camera. Oh what's up? Dude. That was amazing. Oh my gosh. That was great. He was so excited.
Starting point is 01:45:15 So great dude. That was great. That could not have been better. And then Drew, this guy's cool man. What's up brother? How are you man? My man. Hey we're recording a podcast right now. Is that alright?
Starting point is 01:45:26 Are you are you distract is it too much for you? Come on What do you think I mean let's chat chiefs next year where you feel about it I mean Kelsey coming back yes or no Because I'm always do haircuts There you go yeah, I yes fair we were doing trivia earlier. What are you into what's what's something we could quiz you on? Okay What are you into? What's what's something we could quiz you on? Okay, yeah Okay, NFL is cool. Yeah. All right. Um sick of a
Starting point is 01:46:13 Your teams of chiefs. Well, yeah Alright Won't be a tough chiefs question That's fair, yeah I don't know that much ball knowledge. That's fair, yeah. I'm not that deep into ball knowledge. Where'd Kareem Hunt go to college, you know that? No, no.
Starting point is 01:46:30 Okay. Where'd Charles Kelsey go to college? Wasn't it like Cleveland Heights? That's a high school. A high school, yeah. He's from Cincinnati. Yeah. What about, what are the teams in the AFC,FC what teams are in the AFC north
Starting point is 01:46:51 To Ravens That it Just give us a prediction what two teams will be in the Super Bowl next year. We're holding to it I gotta go to the Chiefs. I think it'd be like cool to see the Chiefs Lions Chiefs Lions. I like that, too Good deal. Did you get something is that maybe we only got one key lime frosted lemonade? We get another we yeah, do we need to order? Yeah, did you want to frosted or regular? I'll just do a regular lemonade regular key lime lemonade thing. Whatever Sorry, I I don't know what we ordered Beat them up
Starting point is 01:47:36 Alright, I'll do the prepay Yeah You guys know what's crazy is there's still no one behind us Yeah. Easy, I got a cement. You guys know what's crazy is there's still no one behind us. Yeah. It's interesting though. Like it's, I'm, this is more fascinating to me than anything.
Starting point is 01:47:52 Like why is this trick blade not- Why it's not as hopping as the other one? There's a, it's a little bit annoying to get to, but so is the next one. Yeah. It's not that annoying to get to. It's very minorly annoying. Yeah. It's like not, there's like a little access road that you have to get to. It's very minorly annoying. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:05 It's like not, there's like a little access road that you have to go to. Very visible. It's a very busy street. My crotch is getting a little cold. Can I throw this? Oh yeah. That's the plasma drink right there. Brad E from Cameron.
Starting point is 01:48:21 That's nice. All right. Should we sign off here we drive home sign off and drive sign drive drive drive drive drive well I hope you guys have enjoyed this episode it's been a fun time I left really hard the rug so that went out in South Dakota tomorrow man. Man, dude. Because we've also bought rugs. We bought some recently and it's just like, it's crazy.
Starting point is 01:48:50 It's crazy. Like, if you want anything somewhat good, it's like, oh my gosh, rugs. All right. So that'd be a lesson. Keep track your rugs, keep track your cats, and enunciate honey roasted barbecue. This episode has been brought to you by Good Ranchers and Main Street Roasters and Not Chick-fil-A. That's it.
Starting point is 01:49:13 Yeah, so we love you guys. We'll see you on Monday. Yeah. And thanks to Tymon for editing this. I'm sure it's going to be a easy one to edit, buddy. A smashing hit. Yeah, always appreciate you timing Have a great weekend y'all and we'll see you Monday

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