Ghostrunners - 49 - Brad Made a Tik Tok

Episode Date: April 13, 2020

This episode has more voice memos than ever, more pickleball talk than ever, and also introductions to Louie Armstrong and Bhagavan Ellis. WE WANT YOU McGUFFIN! Follow us on Instagram:  Leave us a voice memo and ask a question: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Brad, when is your birthday? November 13th, 1990. November 13th. Okay. You know me. I love zodiac signs, horoscopes, astrology. There's a lot of words for the same thing. Maybe they're different. I love them so much. I haven't even cared to look them up. But Brad, I thought I would do you a favor today and read your scope. I don't even know what my sign is i think it's a cool one that's very common oh it's very cool sagittarius one of the coolest animals that lives in desert climates scorpion scorpion uh and here it is for april 11th 2020 this is this is uh your daily horoscope okay my door scope um scope. Oh, wow. This could not be.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Oh, this is good. Career matters couldn't be going better right now. Oh, of course. Yes. Scorpio, especially if you're in one of the communication fields, including writing, publishing, teaching, the internet. If you use the internet for anything for your job, you're doing great. Or mass media.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Your financial situation is probably improving very quickly. And you're making contact with the congenial, intriguing people who share your interest. You're also becoming more aware of the changes going on in the world. You're doing your part to help them. Bravo! Bravo! Thank you for being completely right. 100% accurate.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Always. I cannot emphasize enough how when You Were Born affects your personality. Wow. That's great. Ghost Runs Podcast. Ghost Runs Podcast. Every Monday morning we're taking back Ghost Runs Podcast. Ghost Runs Podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Oh, it's so true. I've had so many orders that I just have been bogged down for months. Months now. Speaking of bogged down. Bogged. Somehow we didn't talk about this last week. So in the mix of Brad and I being obsessed with pickleball, firing up that old passion again, a previous babe of the week of mine. Yes.
Starting point is 00:02:00 In the middle of that, so our friend gunner gave brad a nickname uh in pickleball there's a part of the court called the kitchen which i don't really know how they have anything to do with each other do you remember gunner just started calling brad the icebox gunner's just a funny guy you never know what i think of it i don't know why it's goofy man so goofy gunner starts calling brad the icebox because i don't't know, something with a kitchen. I think it was kind of a term of endearment because when we first started playing, I was much worse than the rest of you guys. And so I think Gunner was trying to have some kind of fun nickname to, like, make myself feel better about, like, how bad I was. Like, oh, the Icebox, here he comes. Or maybe, now that I'm thinking of it, maybe we said, like, you know, if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Oh, yeah, you will with the Icebox. Anyway, around that same time, this is all coming from Bogdown. Around that same time is when we all start watching Tiger King and get super invested into that. Brad cannot get enough of it to the point where he starts signing his text as Bogovan. Like Doc Antle from the documentary. Who is this? If you still haven't seen it yet, he's this like narcissistic, egotistical, manipulative person in the show.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Friend of God. Who, yeah, nicknamed himself Bogovan, which is, you know, whatever, has some sort of, it means a close friend of God or something. Yeah. So then Bogovan got switched down to Bog. So Brad just signs all of his texts, dash B-H-A-G, bog. And then that has made its way back to the pickleball court. He's now the ice bog. And
Starting point is 00:03:29 we use it in a sentence, I mean five times a minute. Here comes bog, yeah. We say all sorts of different things for bog. It's a very rich joke set, humor set. We ran into a fan at the pickleball courts this week. Yes! I gotta talk about it.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Jared. Jordan. Jordan. I know his name. Jordan came up and said that he listened to the podcast, which was so sweet. It was so fun because that doesn't happen that often. I wish I wasn't there for the initial interaction. I was still driving there.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Yes. So I wish I could have been there for that. Did he act like he like had heard of you? Like, did he give you any other information besides podcasts? Like, did he say like, I love your videos? Like, I'm always just so curious how people know about us and whatever. He said, are you Jake Triplett? And I said, I am. What's your name? You're saying who's asking, huh? And, uh, he said, I listened to your podcast and I said, wow, that's really cool. Thank you. I said, I listened to your podcast. And I said, wow, that's really cool. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:04:26 I said, Brad's going to be here in a little bit. You can meet him too. Okay. Yeah, because then later on, I like didn't know anything about this yet. And I like missed something. I was like, my bad, my bad. And he's like, my bog, my bog, my bog. Hey, my bog.
Starting point is 00:04:37 And he's like, yeah, it is your bad, Brad. And I looked at him and I was like, what? And I was trying to pretend like I knew him for a second. I was like, I'm sorry, man. And then I think you kind of bailed me out. You're like, hey, he listens to the podcast. I was like, oh, nice. Thank goodness.
Starting point is 00:04:52 But I have something to publicly apologize to him about because while we were playing, they were, he was there, Jordan was there with his friend playing tennis and they had a JBL or some kind of, you know, Bluetooth speaker. And we're listening to music. They were listening to some kind of, I don't know, we'll, we'll call him August Burns red. I don't know who it is. Some, some hardcore, you know, screamo screamish. And jokingly, like, I think it's pretty obvious when I'm joking, but maybe it wasn't jokingly. I was like, Jordan, what kind of, what kind of music is this bro? Something like that to this guy literally met five minutes earlier and figured out his name.
Starting point is 00:05:29 And he went over and changed it. And then they changed it to Justin Bieber. He's like, oh, this is the king of our generation, which I thought was awesome. It was funny. And then I think I gave, I just, not on purpose. He was probably hearing me do this, but I wasn't doing it on purpose. I was just like, Oh, the song yummy came on and I was like, the song is so boring to me.
Starting point is 00:05:48 It doesn't really change. Like it's just the same beat the entire time. And you probably heard me say that. He's like, I'm just, and finally he was like, Hey Brad, what kind of music do you like listening to? And so he probably thinks I'm like this guy that like, I don't know. I could have listened to scream all night if I had to, like I was just messing with you jordan so i apologize if you had any offense to that or if you were self-conscious at all about your music choices uh because i can listen to anything to an extent so anyway uh that that was it was cool though jordan jordan got to experience the true bog yeah he did
Starting point is 00:06:21 i was talking to my friend carson last night uh because i was trying to get a fourth for us to play pickleball last night so i was talking to him uh and he's like who have you been playing with i was like pretty much every night it's me bog um gunner and isaac and he said whoa that's like the the ghost runners podcast you know pickleball team he's like am i even should i even be invited that sounds members only yeah right it's exclusive and i was like yeah it would be fun for someone to listen to the podcast like all of our friends who we always talk about yeah are here on the court that would be funny yeah matt taylor park because it's true it's we're pretty tight circle we don't hang out with that or i don't hang out
Starting point is 00:06:56 with that many people we were very friends quarantine ready let's just say that right keep your circle small no problem yeah exactly and so that's why i think we feel a little more comfortable playing with each other too. It's because it's like, we don't see anybody else. We see only each other. Yeah. So, and you know, Chipotle workers. So.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Yes. Order for Jose. What have you been eating this week? Oh man, I've been getting, I'm glad you asked. I've been getting very into two different things. You'll never guess, but I'm going to have you guess. One of them is a fruit. Guess.
Starting point is 00:07:31 It's not. No. Kiwi. No.wi no bigger pomegranate bigger grapefruit yes yeah grapefruit's good grapefruit it is and it was like very good at all the this week it was like three dollars for seven of them i was like yeah i'll take that even if they're terrible i'll take that risk and i have one third per dollar per unit? That is good right there. Yes. Something. Dang it. And I just, there was one time for lunch. I'm not, I'm not embarrassed about this.
Starting point is 00:07:52 I had two of them. I had two whole grapefruits. For lunch? No, I had more than that. But yeah, that was part of my lunch. Do you eat it with sugar or just straight up? I just recently, it's just been straight up, but I have done it with sugar. I've had it both ways.
Starting point is 00:08:03 I like it both ways. This grapefruit is so good. It doesn't need it. That's awesome. Sometimes it's too sour, you know? It's the way it's just been straight up, but I have done it with sugar. I've had it both ways. I like it both ways. This grapefruit is so good. It doesn't need it. That's awesome. Sometimes it's too sour, you know? It's the way it's supposed to be. So I've been really into grapefruit. Also been really into sandwiches, which I know sounds very mundane, but I've been getting
Starting point is 00:08:14 into frying an egg and putting it on there, which I know is not your thing. You know, do another humble salt, put some humble salt on there, changing up the cheese content, toasting the bread. It's been, it's been a good time in quarantine. i've been having so much time to think about the sandwich uh i've been putting some of my extra honey roasted barbecue on there sometimes oh really oh very good highly recommend from chick-fil-a of course new chick-fil-a sorry first of all glad i asked i didn't know you were doing all that food so i'm glad i asked currently trending grapefruits and uh sandwiches uh but speaking of chick-fil-a the one that i've been helping out with and the So I'm glad I asked. Currently trending grapefruits and sandwiches. But speaking of Chick-fil-A, the one that I've been helping out with and the one that our friend has opened up,
Starting point is 00:08:49 has opened. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. So if you're in Kansas City, 435 and 87th Street. Yeah. In Lenexa. It's in Lenexa, Chick-fil-A. Drive-thru and mobile order only, but still no problem. That area is bumping over there. It's kind of cool. It's got everything you want. Culver's, Starbucks, Chipotle, Chick-fil chugula and did you say the starbucks and chipotle oh that scared me that sound i'm fine uh are really nice looking very nice too yeah have you ever been to like the lenexa like public square like the city market whatever yeah the next public market it's awesome yeah i almost have you been there right yeah sweet yeah it's all it's like one of those big food court mess hall not mess it's a mess hall
Starting point is 00:09:25 it's a mess hall the soldiers come in at noon and six for their they lay on their cots yeah slop uh anyway yeah it's a big food court kind of thing mess hall sounds like a boy scout term like yeah we're going to mess hall before yeah anyway anyway yeah that's have you been eating anything fun oh i mean just the same stuff Like, yeah, we're going to mess hall before archery. Yeah. Anyway. Anyway. Yeah. That's that. Have you been eating anything fun? Oh, I mean, just the same stuff over and over again.
Starting point is 00:09:49 I don't really care. Chipotle, Chick-fil-A, Chili's, the CH's, you know? Yeah. If it doesn't start with CH, why are you? CHI. Yeah. Been eating those peanut butter sandwiches, cereal. Just straight up?
Starting point is 00:10:02 Peanut butter and honey. Okay. Yeah. I had that for supper last night. When you do that, do you do the same peanut butter and honey okay yeah i had that for supper last night when you do that do you do the same peanut butter and honey on the same slice do you peanut butter one slice honey on one slice because that sucks it in yeah yeah peanut butter and honey are on the same slice you want to know how awesome my mom was growing up she would put the peanut butter and honey in a little jar mix it up for me and then spread it on the sandwich oh more
Starting point is 00:10:23 homogenous it It was wonderful. Yeah. Definitely was not soaking into any kind of bread. That's cool. Yeah. But that was probably because she was like making my lunch for later. If you're eating it right away, you're good. That's smart though. That's, that's cool. I just remembered something that my parents did for me, the food based. One time I got in trouble in elementary school. I don't even possibly know what I could have done because I was such a good little boy to get in trouble in elementary school. I don't even possibly know what I could have done because I was such a good little boy to get in trouble in elementary school. And now that I think about it, such a weird punishment. I had to sit in the corner of the cafeteria instead of some kind of detention or whatever.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Staring at the wall or staring at the – Staring at the wall. Oh, yeah. Just like sit in the corner. And yeah, I'm still, you know, I guess holding some bitterness. There's no way I deserve that. But my parents felt really bad for me. And I think I used to watch David Letterman a lot with my parents back in the day.
Starting point is 00:11:10 And he would always do the top 10 list. And so my dad wrote me top 10, or like the top 10 greatest things about sitting in the corner at lunch or something like that. I can barely remember it. I don't really know what was on the list. You can count the bricks on the wall. Hey-o.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Yeah, you don't have to worry about sharing with anyone. You can count the bricks on the wall. Hey-o. Yeah. You don't have to worry about sharing with anyone. No one's going to steal your stuff. I just love the funniest part about those top tens were just his, his like little non-sequitur, not, I don't know what the word is, but like in between them, he would always like do funny things. Like he'd be like, he, he, he. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:39 You know, like all those things. That was, yeah. Anyway. Okay. Anyway, in other news news i did some online shopping this week okay one because it seems like everyone else was and i was like i want to wet my beak on this action so i just went to the amazon home page just treated it like my facebook just kind of scrolling around like what am i interested in suggested for you tell me what i want amazon
Starting point is 00:11:58 exactly i legitimately did that and i'm not good at online shopping because i sent it to the wrong house oh no send it back to midtown kansas city Oh shoot. So I had to go back, go back up there earlier this week, get in there. And one of my, my really good friends is sitting on the couch. So we're, we're at least 13 feet away. So it's fine. Big couch. Sorry. We were not both sitting on the couch. He was sitting on the couch. I'm still at the front door. I was like, Hey, let's catch up. Let's talk a little bit. So we're talking, catching up. And in the middle of our conversation, a woman who I've never seen before comes in the front door of this house. That's the dream.
Starting point is 00:12:31 And this is starting well. And comes in, it says, kind of hurried. Hey, if someone asks for a midwife, she's around back. What? And then leaves out the front door. This is a real thing that happened to me. I look around to Austin. I said, what?
Starting point is 00:12:48 She was at the wrong house, right? And he said, no. And he said, you remember? So, yeah, this house I lived at, I lived in the carriage house. Right. But like eight people lived in the main house. Huge, awesome, beautiful house. Yes, amazing house.
Starting point is 00:13:01 During my time living there, the owner of it renovated the basement and then a married couple moved in there. Ben and Haley, Ben and Haley are pregnant. And today was their due date the day that I was in there and they're having a home birth. What? So everyone in that house is quarantined to the house whilst a woman is giving birth in the basement. Oh my gosh. Get your noise canceling headphones out for that one. Yeah. And that's what I was ordering. I was there to pick up headphones. I was like, you need these more than I do. You're like, just take the bows. I'll get some more. I'll get, I got school candies at home. I'll be all right. Oh, you're kidding. I was like, what a, what a scenario. Could you hear
Starting point is 00:13:39 anything? I know it wasn't, it hadn't happened yet. Okay. Okay. Um, but the midwife was around back and the way she worded it, like didn't like she could have been the midwife, but it was, but she also said like, she's around. If anyone asks for a midwife, she's around back. Well, there's also, have you heard of doulas? You heard that word? Uh, medulla oblongata, the part where anger is stored in the brain. That's right. It's a brain thing.
Starting point is 00:14:01 So it's like, it's like, Hey, just get your doula and just find your happy. That's why they're so angry whenever they're pushing. It's they're in their doula the doula's there no uh along with a midwife there's something called a doula which is basically just another word for like a pregnancy coach um she could have been the doula so maybe she was the doula and she was kind of running she was like the wedding coordinator you know wedding planner and then somebody else is the officiant of the wedding. The way she opened that door, kind of Kramer, like Seinfeld. She seemed angry. Yeah, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Okay. That was the weirdest sentence I heard this week. If someone asks for a midwife, she's around back. And then Austin's just hanging out on the couch. That's also crazy. Austin's just editing. Yeah, yeah. There's somebody downstairs.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Yeah, it should be about four to six hours. Oh man. That's what we're expecting. I'm not judging anybody Yeah, yeah. There's somebody downstairs about to update you. It should be about four to six hours is what we're expecting. I'm not judging anybody that does home births. I just don't think I could do it solely for the fact that there's not – you can't legally have a doctor, I don't think, at your home birth. Like a midwife is not a registered doctor. Kind of the chiropractor of the medical field.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Correct. I'm not trying to get into that either. Just kidding. chiropractor of the medical field correct i'm not i'm not trying to get into that either just kidding um but if something goes wrong i would just my personality that's scary yeah like if you need an emergency whatever we got to go to the hospital then so it's like having me at the hospital already yes i i totally am with you it's like having an outdoor wedding in april probably going to be okay but in the back of your mind the whole time you're going to have this like fear in this like anxiety of like, but if stuff starts to go wrong, then we are, we are screwed. Those Mayflowers don't just come from anything. They come from
Starting point is 00:15:32 the showers of the April. Yes. Oh yeah, exactly. I, Catherine's kind of talked about like, Hey, would you ever do at home birth? And I have just like, I will do a lot of things for you. I'll compromise in a lot of ways, but I don't think, and I don't think she truly wants to either, but she's a little more on that side than me. And I said, no, I won't. I think she knows though,
Starting point is 00:15:52 in the back of her head, like if I really wanted to, I could make him do it. Cause it's like, I just think that she has a power over me that I don't have over her. Like I think, if she's got a doula, then definitely she,
Starting point is 00:16:03 she, we're having a doula this time. Guess who it is. You'll never, you'll guess. I can guess the doula then definitely she we're having a doula this time oh guess who it is you'll never well you guess I can guess the doula you'll know you know her oh oh oh oh Allison no Allison's not the doula she's a nurse uh well I don't know too I don't know where they uh Chad's wife Jackie yeah Jackie the doula okay so wow yeah she's very Jackie had a home birth by the way I don't know why we're talking so much about this. This personal information.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Sorry. I love that you publicly called him Juice Man Chad. That's our nickname for him. Juice Man. I mean, I knew exactly what you're talking about. The dude loves juice. Oh, man. Anyway, there are some of our more granola friends.
Starting point is 00:16:42 They make their own booch. Yeah, they make their own booch they make their own booch he grows radishes in his backyard like very excitedly just like yeah man it's just cool to see how nature's bounty just comes out of the ground for you man so love me some chad yeah i kind of miss him chad's the one that helped me with the chickens by the the way. For anybody that's heard that story. We had a lot of new listeners. Give them the bullet point. The bullet point was watching some chickens, like babysitting some chickens for this family.
Starting point is 00:17:14 And they all died very quickly. 20 of them. I think there's like 20 chickens. And at first, only like 14 of them died. We thought, okay, we fix this thing. And then the next day, the rest of them. We thought we flattened the curve. No, we did not. My God. Yeah. Talk about a representation. Golly. It's, it's still traumatizing this day thinking about walking into that shed and seeing all those dead
Starting point is 00:17:33 chickens. I've never walked in on like numerous dead animals. I can't imagine. I mean, imagine one even is kind of scary. Just imagine opening your garage right now and it's like daylight out, but the garage is dark and there's just like a little bit of light shining out and there's just a dead squirrel on the ground. That is scary, man. That's just like, oh, I didn't want to see that. And just like, there could be more. And how did he die?
Starting point is 00:17:55 Something in the air? Am I breathing it in? Like, imagine like you have 12, 12 squirrels right now in your yard. Imagine walking out and they're all dead. That would be creepy. Right? That'd be freaky. Like what?
Starting point is 00:18:04 12 dead squirrels in a perfect circle why are they here yeah uh and why are they why are they not being taken away after they got killed like why are they just being killed and yeah because when it's snowed here there were deer prints and fox prints so they should be eating these squirrels probably oh can we tell the fox story deer definitely eat squirrels uh what's your fox story oh oh we saw a fox yeah we saw a fox uh the Deer definitely eat squirrels. What's your fox story? Oh, we saw a fox this week. Yeah, we saw a fox. The other night we were looking for pickleball courts and Isaac was going around and seeing if like ones were locked.
Starting point is 00:18:32 And we saw this fox kind of like roam. And then we just see Isaac come back like sprinting. Like, oh gosh, there's a fox. There's a fox here. That was the end of the story. Yeah. It's cool to see fox, fox eye out in the wild feeks feeks fakes cool fakes they're always by themselves i kind of feel bad for for foxes because they
Starting point is 00:18:51 seem cool yeah they don't have that many friends they're a nine-wing one so it's okay that's how they do it that does make sense in zootopia the fox definitely seemed like he had it together she had it together you ever see that movie yeah nice yeah yeah good one hey did you see I made my tick-tock what do you did you did I saw I had to have been the first viewer I'm sure it happened at 2 30 a.m I did I liked it and I saw that someone uh re I don't know what the word is re-alked. Retalked you. Oh, I could not believe it. They talked the talk. Kinsey Joy, man.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Shout out to Kinsey Joy for the retalk. And she like dressed up. She dressed up and went to like a power line and everything. I was so over the moon. It's like, you gotta be kidding me, Kinsey. Yeah, that's awesome. As far as I know, you don't get a notification on TikTok for that happening, which is kind of silly.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Yeah. She may have tagged me in it, in like the caption, I think. Oh, okay. Thank goodness. But then she also sent it to me on Instagram, but I just was elated for lack of a better word. Yeah. Brad did the amperage talk and it's a good one. Let me tell you, it's average. I uploaded that one video I talked about last week that, yeah, sitting around like half a million views. And then I uploaded this.
Starting point is 00:20:07 This is what's crazy about TikTok. I uploaded the same video just with a different audio. I saw that. Did you see that? It's like eight or nine hundred thousand views. It's the same video. And then there's other ones that I'm like, oh, that's way funnier. It's got like three thousand views.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Yeah, yeah. It's like what? Like eight people have seen it. Like this is so much funnier than the Macklemore concert. So this is going to make me sound so old, but like, can you share things on Tik TOK? Like how are people getting viral, like exponential views? You could share things outside of the app. Right. So there's like a little options thing and you know, yeah. YouTube link. Okay. You copy the link, whatever, download it even. Okay. But
Starting point is 00:20:40 how they go viral within the app is just you know the basically the main feed there is an explore page on instagram if you want to look at it that way okay you know the for you page is what people primarily scroll and so that's what i'm that's what i'm trying to figure out though is like if yeah i guess you're sharing it on other platforms but like you're not putting special hashtags in there that are making it no i've never used a hashtag you're not really even putting a great cap i mean your caption's fine but it's not like you're doing this SEO caption where you're getting all these right words in there. And so I'm just trying to figure out how they figure out the algorithm to be like, this is the one that you guys should watch. You know, I imagine it's
Starting point is 00:21:16 a lot like most other social algorithms where it shows it to a small percentage of your followers. It bases it on how it performs with them. And it's like, all right, this must be a good post good post right so we're going to send out to more of his followers as well as more random people see if they like it too okay but yeah i think tiktok just does a really good job with it because all they see things on my for you page that don't have a like yet oh really you know those it's not like it that blows my mind yeah like new app not everything is viral on your for you page it's like you might like this yeah so do you feel more responsibility to like, be like, I should like this if I like it. You know what I mean? Just in general on the app.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Yeah. Cause I'm not really a likeer. It feels like more of an endorsement. Yeah. Yeah. Like you deserve this. I hope your post keeps going well. Right.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Yeah. Yeah. Anyway. This has been TikTok with the Ghost Runners. We're going to have a segment every week where we check in. We need to play the Kesha song beforehand next time. Dude, I remember me and my buddy Anderson in college, big Kesha fans. You know, because that was what she was like at her peak, like probably 2013.
Starting point is 00:22:14 All those good songs, Tick Tock, Blow, you know, the other ones. Timber. Timber. Timber was like right around my wedding, 2014. Yeah. What was the one? We Are Who We Are. That was a good one. Your Love Is My Drug. Oh, I around my wedding, 2014. Yeah. What was the one? We Are Who We Are. That was a good one.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Your Love Is My Drug. Oh, I've remembered all the good ones. She's got a lot. Your Love Is My Drug was like such a like 80s like power ballad to me. I loved it. Anyway, one of her songs, I'm not gonna remember which one it was, but the whole song is great. Loved it. Except she has this line in her song.
Starting point is 00:22:41 On the lock, stripping down to dirty socks. Dirty socks? Gross. Ugh. oh i hated that like off brown like in white socks a little crusty around the toes like why are you walking like if you're going to be outside be barefoot don't have don't have socks on walking around the yard and that's the thing you're dead squirrels the song was about landscaping so that's what stripping down to work in the yard right stripping down in my dirty socks So that's what it's stripping down to work in the yard. Right. Stripping down in my dirty socks. Yeah. That's what she meant by that. Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:08 It was, I had, I didn't have great speakers. So it was kind of hard to listen, but she was, I think she was talking about, she's going to go outside and do garden work while sitting down. She's like, I want benches and hoes to go work on my garden. Right. She, she needed, yeah, she needed a little time to rest with her benches. Where are my benches at? She had multiple.
Starting point is 00:23:26 I think so. It seemed like she wanted them all there. Right. Absolutely. Shout out Kesha. Easily my favorite artist with a dollar sign on her name. Really? For me?
Starting point is 00:23:35 Tie dollar sign? Have you watched a Lil Dicky show? No, I need to. There's a scene in it where he hires one of his friends to be his manager. His manager is just like a, we'll call him a cerner guy um redheaded super pale just like a dorky looking guy thanks and he's like um i worked at cerner for two years just like super dorky like pale they were kind of different they were independent causes of each other just to help me describe anyway he's like america nerd i think you know little dick he's like a nerd. I think, you know, little Dickie's like, what have you even
Starting point is 00:24:05 done? He's like, I was at a party last night. Guess who I met? Todd Dillerson. He's like, Todd Dillerson. And he's like, Todd Dillerson. I wanted only one of the biggest rappers in the world. He's like, Todd Dillerson. Yeah. Todd Dillerson. He's like, Ty Dolla sign. Okay. Yeah, sure. He's like, Todd Dillerson, dude. He's like, you're getting lost in the details. Okay. I rub shoulders with Ty Dolla $ign. It's really funny. I love that. I can't think of any other like great examples of that, but I think that kind of thing is really funny.
Starting point is 00:24:30 It's like Mad Gab in real life. Yes. Yeah. Ty Dillerson. Ty Dillerson. Ty Dillerson. Ty Dillerson. Ty Dolla $ign.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Yes. You got it. We should play. We should do that sometime. Like a Mad Gab. Like a fake Mad Gab. I don't know how we do it sometime. Like a mad gab, like a fake mad gab. I don't know how we do it. I think I did it in the car accidentally last night.
Starting point is 00:24:48 So funny. You're bringing this up. He lost the, um, Oh, you asked right when we were leaving pickleball. That's another thing, guys,
Starting point is 00:24:56 we have played pickleball every single day of the week since the last time you heard us. We are obsessed. Yes. Genuinely. You asked Isaac if he had finished his cutting boards yesterday. He said he had and then I think I said No H use I's and I said it really fast and I said, what did you just say? I thought you said no itch. It's alright or something like that
Starting point is 00:25:15 But I just I just Isaac's a little like burner thing with all the different letters. Oh, no H I actually understood you. Okay, nice. No H used eyes. No H used eyes. Yeah. I thought it was pretty clever of him. He didn't have an H, so he used the I emblem to make an H out of it. Yeah, to put like a custom lettering in there.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Yeah, that's awesome. But anyway, yeah, no H used eyes. No Akey eyes. No H used eyes. Which is also, no H used eyes is also just like not a normal sentence anyway. No, very specific.
Starting point is 00:25:44 No H used eyes. So yeah, I not a normal sentence anyway no very specific no h use eyes so yeah i'm mad gab recently oh man oh speaking of games i have a theory okay i haven't thought about it this much uh recently isaac and i have been shamed a little bit for playing video games which i get it it's kind of a waste of time shame for time or shame for age or what? I think just for, I don't even know where that came from, but just like, I can't believe you still play video games. Okay. And it's kind of fair, but here's my thought in a time of quarantine, my comparison is let's compare video games to doing a puzzle. Sure. To doing anything recreational. That's not like, yeah, go ahead. Yeah. I have thoughts. Do you? Okay. yeah for some reason maybe this is like obvious or other people have thought about this before this just
Starting point is 00:26:28 crossed my mind this week of like hey these are not that different because i've even felt shame like i should probably shouldn't play video games that's a waste of time but when we're quarantined to our home i can hang out with my friends while playing video games yeah there's an aspect of competitiveness to it and strategy and fun yeah Whereas things like, okay, I'm going to play cards or go do a puzzle or whatever. Like most of them, that's just by yourself. Sure. You're not doing it with other people, not in your home. Right.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Yeah. I feel like those same people maybe that are like shaming the video game aspect of you are watching three to four hours of Netflix sometimes in a day. And it's like, why is one different than the other? The stigmas are way different, which is too bad. You're not gaining that much more intellectualism from watching a documentary of Tiger King than you are of playing Call of Duty. I don't know. It was so funny. Like in my fraternity in the college, so often, whenever we talk about if we want to give a guy a bit or not, people would be like,
Starting point is 00:27:22 I don't know. He's a video game player. It's like, no, seriously. That was like a thing. Cause it was like, it was like that represented a negative personality trait to some people. And I just always thought that was really odd that there was always like, there's this camp of people that's like, if you play video games, that means you're not motivated or something. And I'm like, no, it just means that's how you have fun. That's your like entertainment hour or two of the day. Yeah. You're playing, you're playing 15 hours a day. Okay. There's a difference, but like, yeah, you're playing, even if you play for three hours, one night, that's fine. Like that's like a movie. Yeah, exactly. It's just like, yeah. Catherine's been into puzzles lately. Uh, I've been watching a lot of Netflix. Like, it's like not that different. Everyone has their things that they
Starting point is 00:28:00 do by themselves, especially now they're on lockdown. Yeah. There should be no if anything the video games it's you are playing with other people and you know what and this is coming from somebody who's not a video like i used to love video games as a kid and i didn't really grow out of it i just didn't afford i couldn't afford an xbox 360 back in the day and so i never bought one then i just kind of lost interest in buying one but i still love them but it's like i haven't played video games very much in a long time at my house, but I still endorse it just fine. Yeah. Thank you. So I'm not like, I'm not like, Hey, I'm saying this because I also do it. I'm saying that's silly. Yeah. Don't be silly guys. I didn't play video games for like seven years, but now I'm back. It feels good. Oh, this was like the time I think I tweeted a couple of weeks ago. I was like, if there was ever a time where I
Starting point is 00:28:42 wish I had a video game system in my house, it's right now. Oh, it's awesome. All your friends are always online. You just hop on whenever someone's there. Yeah. You catch up with them, talk to them. Yeah. Call a precision airstrike with them.
Starting point is 00:28:53 It's a good time to bond that way. If you could get one game very, very popular again, that's not popular now, like in an old system, what would you do? Oh, oh, that's a fun question. Let's see. I was, I loved NHL hits actually. I was great at NHL hits. Chris Pronger, Matt Pronger, the guy for the St. Louis Blues, just deck people into the wall every time. I always play with St. Louis Blues. I'm ashamed to admit it. I think I had whatever iteration was the first one of NHL hits. And every time you
Starting point is 00:29:24 opened the game, it was the same song by Limp Bizkit. Keep rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling. And then I went to a St. Louis Cardinals game and that was Scott Rowland's intro music. Oh, sure. Yeah. Good song. Midway. Those Midway games, NFL Blitz, NHL hits.
Starting point is 00:29:39 It'll be slugfest. Those were also fun because they had like, we always call it the midway love it's kind of like mario kart if you're in last right like like you're down by two touchdowns they're going to like somehow deflect it off three other people's bodies and you're going to get the interception to score a touchdown if you were ever down by 10 in mlb slugfest you were hitting home runs every no matter what oh man it was awesome they're always close games so So you would say NHL hits. Yeah. My first thought was that or NBA street. Oh, NBA street.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Yeah. Yeah. I like that one too. I, this, I think golden eye for me. Like if, if we could like get,
Starting point is 00:30:14 yeah, 15 people playing golden eye at the same time all around on their own screens and stuff. And with like a little bit better graphics and stuff, that'd be really fun. Or Halo two. We've talked about Halo two for a while. It's,
Starting point is 00:30:23 it's part of my perfect day. Yeah. Playing Halo two. Anyway, this has this has been um video game talks with the ghost runners games with the ghosties oh man um okay on the way over here actually i i wrote something down because i got i was driving and i've had this new i don't know if it's a life hack currently trending whatever you would call it i have this new theory that cops aren't pulling you over. It's a dangerous theory. Um, but I think that it might be true. If anybody knows a truth out there about cops, yes or no, they're going to pull you over still. Uh, let me know in a five-star review, but, uh, I just think that they're not going to pull you over because there's a risk of them getting infected. And then the
Starting point is 00:31:00 whole cop army getting infected, whatever. And so I'm just like, they'll take it back to the mess hall and infect everybody else. So I've just been driving like 48 to 35. Like it's my, my job, man, my bog, like it's my bog. Um, and today I was just driving to your house and I drove past this like souped up Chevy Silverado. And I think this guy took it as like a sign that I was like trying to like size him up. Like I got a car seat in the back. You want to go? Exactly. Yeah. Got my, got my Yeti and my car seat and I'm good. Um, but, but like, there's like this stigma, like, and I don't have like Ford pride necessarily. Like, I guess I say that, but then again, you've never gone to one of the parades. No, no, no, no Ford pride parade. pride parade um but like i feel like some people are
Starting point is 00:31:45 like very into like very loyal like i'm a chevy man and this guy's got a four you know so it's like so next stoplight he like pulls up to me he's kind of looking at me turns green and he flies out of there i love that it's like one of those classic instances though where it's like he flies out of the green and then it turns red you know on the next stoplight so then we're right next to each other again it's like what are we gonna do now man so red, you know, on the next stop. So then we're right next to each other again. It's like, what are we going to do now, man? So I, I, I, you know, took the high road, had the, um, baby seat in the back. So I didn't want to do too much because Hattie was already kind of, you know, windblown. No, I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Um, but anyway, I've just been driving fast everywhere and I haven't been pulled over. So feeling good about it. I mean, might as well keep testing the theory. I just haven't seen any, like I've seen maybe three cops in the last 10 days. That's unofficial facts. Yeah. I wonder where they're at. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:32:32 They're kind of like a, they're like a groundhog. They're waiting for Easter to come up to see if they see their shadow. Right. Six more weeks of the coronavirus. They're hiding somewhere. Brad, you also said you brainstormed some stuff last night. You had some life hacks on the brain, on the bog? Yes, I have a few life hacks.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Thank you for bringing those up. So the first one came when I was getting in the shower. Don't visualize it too much. And this is just one I already knew, but I didn't know if anybody else knew. Do you know how to test the water temperature without using your... Obviously, we use our hand. We use our hand, but then you get in there, and it's like way hotter than your hand. Right? to. Um, do you know how to test the water temperature without using your, obviously we use our hand, we use our hand, but then you get in there and it's like way hotter than your hand. Right. You know what I'm talking about? Like may not way hotter, but it's like,
Starting point is 00:33:12 Oh, that felt okay on my hand, but it's a little bit uncomfortable on my body. I feel like, yeah, you're like a, you're like your stomach is more sensitive than your hand is to like heat. Right. And so, and so it's really awkward to just like jet your stomach out there. It's not easy. And so elbows. So what do you do? Elbows. Okay. Life hack number one.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Use your elbow to test the shower tip. I feel like that's going to lean like a cholo, elbows up side to side and just test that water. Lean like a cholo. Water's hot. Water's hot. Turn it down. It's too cold.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Interesting. I feel like that's a long reach though for my elbow. Well. Like to like really lean over there. I don't know. Our shower. Wow. That was cool.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Our shower is probably my least favorite thing about living here. It's so sensitive. And to the point where it doesn't even make logical sense. Like there's sometimes where I could turn. Like the knobs are sensitive? The knobs are super sensy. Okay. and then like i'll turn the cold down a little bit because i wanted to be hotter and then it just freaks out and it goes super cold no it does that four out of five showers you try to make it hotter and it goes really cold
Starting point is 00:34:15 yes it sucks oh it sucks peter peter if you're listening isaac and i looked up one day uh how to turn a two valve faucet system into a one valve. Oh, really? You have to like take off like, you know, the tile or whatever. Plumbing is very scary. Yeah. Yeah. I would not do that.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Well, we decided not to. I watched about 30 seconds of a YouTube video. I was like, oh, this is out of my jurisdiction. I'm not going to do this. But yeah, I wanted that one nozzle so much more. So much more accurate. Oh, man. Because that's the thing about a one nozzle, one valve so much more accurate oh man because that's the
Starting point is 00:34:45 thing about a one nozzle one valve is you can know where you like it you can base it off of like this is where i had it last time right i'm going 837 right here yes two valve i don't know it's just a little on the cold and much more on the hot right and that's not accurate i'll tell you how you can figure it out though before you get in adjust it with my elbows elbows yeah yeah yeah just start just unscrewing it with your elbows. Elbows. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Just start unscrewing it with your elbows. Yeah, exactly. Uh, so that's my first time. That's fun. That's fun. Okay. Second one, I'm going to call it, um, preheat reheat. Okay. So, um, yesterday got home from pickleball. Hadn't had dinner yet. It was 10 30. Same. I went peanut butter and honey. Okay. I
Starting point is 00:35:20 went, uh, leftover cheese pizza. It was Friday night movie night with pizza. Missed it. And I've learned through marriage that reheating things in the oven is always better. It's not always faster, but it's always better. So write that down. That's a hot take for you. But maybe you're like, well, I hate preheating or reheating things in the oven because it takes forever. Because you've got to preheat it and then cook it. Here's the hack. You literally press whatever bake, you know, three 50 and then you press start and you just put your pizza in there and you wait until it says that it has preheated and then it will be ready.
Starting point is 00:35:53 It's called the preheat reheat. Time efficient. Yes. It's great. And you don't have to like set a timer. You don't have to be like, I don't know if it's too hot now or not, you know, if it's getting too burned or whatever. Nope, it it's preheat reheat your pizza is heating up as the oven is it works out it's perfect probably i've never done it but i like that one um that's my life hack number two number three i believe um i have i have four total uh this next one is in honor of our friend gunner duckworth whose birthday is tomorrow easters which is yesterday if you're listening to this podcast on Monday, um, and he loves to always drain his battery before, uh, the, um, before he recharges his phone, which is fine. I think that's, I think that's right. I guess for your battery. I don't know if it makes that much of a difference. Um, but he drains it down to like, if it's anywhere
Starting point is 00:36:41 above 15%, he won't recharge it. And so he told me the other day that sometimes he'll just get on his Wi-Fi and just go to IGTV and press play on one of the videos. And then just let it like auto scroll to the next one for like hours until it drains his battery down. This is crazy to me. So that's life hack number three. If you need to kill your battery. Yeah, IGTV will auto autoplay onto the next one. That's just the most gutter thing you've ever heard, right? It is. It's for some reason makes sense. Yeah. Like, but just because it makes no sense to me. Cause he's so lovely. He's such the lovable, lovable dude. Happy birthday, Gunnar.
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Starting point is 00:39:42 And often I do a little dance with them. Like, Oh, Oh, Oh, sorry. Sorry. And I found out the hack. Don't, don't worry. All you have to do is look very intently at which direction you're going. And then they will know, Oh, he's going that way. You're not purposely dancing. You're saying like, Oh, whoops. Oh, sorry. You get there and then like, Oh, sorry. Oh, okay. Uh, you're like a horse, like lead with your head. Your head is where your body will follow. That's right. I'm like a horse. That's what Kesha was singing about. Yes. All my horses.
Starting point is 00:40:09 I don't know. Finches and horses. I was like, what song? I don't know. Yes, but just look where you're going. I know it sounds so simple, but I swear. In a supermarket, in life, just do it. And it's great.
Starting point is 00:40:26 Life hack number four. Wow. This has been Brad's life hacks. Thank you guys for listening. Yeah. That weirdly reminded me of something. I think it was a kind of a funny conversation that Isaac and I were having yesterday. Um, when you were doing your little dance there, um, on the sidewalk, it reminded me. So yesterday of a, of a Euro step. Yeah. So I was saying, which is basketball term for those out there. You guys know they're one of the guys i love to follow on instagram was doing a video kind of poking fun at like white dads okay so he came in to like check on his son you know uh hey hey bud um obviously didn't come down for dinner last night like while he's talking to him he's like practicing his golf swing you know just like so um how's school going buddy you know while he's doing his
Starting point is 00:41:03 golf swing and i thought that was really funny because it's just weirdly perfect. Yeah. And so I was talking to Isaac yesterday, like, what if that was the same thing, but the dad is doing like really elaborate basketball moves. Hey, bud, how's it going? It's like Euro stepping and like doing like reverse layups. I had a pickleball paddle in my hand. I'm just like, I'm going to talk to my son this way.
Starting point is 00:41:21 Just like backhanding pickleballs. So how's it going? You like anybody at school? Practicing my backhand and pickleball. Yeah. You're like, yeah, you're working on your pump set spikes. So what you look like? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Mom was saying that you're having a little trouble on math. You're like doing the curl hop, like into it. Yeah, there's a guy at my church who plays drums with me, and he does the golf swing thing all the time. Really? Uh-huh. It's like my dad did it, but it's like a white dad thing. Oh, yeah?
Starting point is 00:41:58 And he's like a couple years older than me. He's great. But, yeah, he does it all the time. He's a huge golfer. It's such a thing. Yeah, just be talking while you're swinging with your left hand yep yep had a good weekend that is awesome thanks for reminding me of that with your little dance hey you're welcome man life hack for you you know uh one more last thing maybe last thing about pickleball yeah
Starting point is 00:42:19 exciting news something for just you guys out there to be monitoring um oh, well, one, I've just been researching a lot of stuff. I'm just fascinated by this sport. I was like, who's the best? Check out this name. Tyson McGuffin is the best. McGuffin. Such a sick name. That is a good name.
Starting point is 00:42:36 He's the best player in the world. Looked him up. I think he seems all right. Okay. As far as how he looks or like his body, you know, nothing crazy athletic. Okay. Married a couple of kids. He's 28 years old. That's what we are. What? Yeah. We could do this. McGuffin? Tyson McGuffin. He's got like 3000 followers on Instagram. He's the best? He's the best. He's the best in the world. We could crack this. We could crack this market very quickly.
Starting point is 00:43:02 And so that's what, yeah. Oddly enough, the fact that he only had 3,000 followers is like, okay, this sport is not that big. Okay. Not that popular. I was like, what are our options out there? One thing led to another. And I say, Isaac, I'm looking at something right now. In October, the USAPA, we're all familiar with their sanctioned events, is having the
Starting point is 00:43:21 Kansas City Open. Oh my gosh. We got to play. We got to play. Oh baby.. We gotta play. We gotta play. Oh baby. So I told Isaac right then and there, I said, we're winning this. We're winning the Kansas City Open.
Starting point is 00:43:30 To go play for the chance for MacGuffin. Yeah, MacGuffin. Blueberry MacGuffin. Oh man. Dude. Okay. Well, if he's only got 3000 followers, I say we follow him on Instagram
Starting point is 00:43:42 with Ghost Runners Podcast. Message him and say, Hey man, we talked about you on the podcast. And then right now we publicly challenge him. What do you think? Tyson McGuffin? I'm sure if you're back team,
Starting point is 00:43:54 team McGuff. Yeah. Scruffy McGuffey. They call you during quarantine. Right. Uh, chicken and pickle is a famous spot. I'm sure you've probably been to Kansas city and played here at it before.
Starting point is 00:44:05 Oh yeah. You've been to cap. I'm sure you've probably been to Kansas City and played here at it before. Oh, yeah. You've been to Cap. I want MacGuffin this Friday night. Chicken and Pickle. Give me the Guffin. We want it. You can come to our house. We can call it the MacGuff House.
Starting point is 00:44:18 It's a safe home for quarantine. And we want it. We want to play you. Let's do it. We're all Rona free. We can touch the same ball. It's fine. It's fine gosh, I Public prediction score between me and McGuff Brad and Jake
Starting point is 00:44:42 11 of course, that's the winning number McGuffin. I'm gonna be honest. I'll be nice to you three 11 to 3 Beat it Beat it Oscar He's gonna follow us 3,000 I'd follow him Anyway Yeah That's not where I thought
Starting point is 00:44:56 That conversation was gonna go I like it though Tag McGuffin In every post we have From now on Alright What's his first name Tyler
Starting point is 00:45:02 Tyson Tyson It's a sweet name No it's not man Anyway Not compared to us man October 24th and 25th we have from now on, all right? What's his first name? Tyler? Tyson. Tyson. It's a Sweden. No, it's not, man. Anyway. Not compared to us, man. October 24th and 25th,
Starting point is 00:45:10 I'm pretty sure of the dates, the Kansas City Open. So we got, what, like six months to train. How realistic is it that that's going to happen? I think it's very realistic that I play in it. I think the fact that I win it won't be that realistic. I'm sorry, but it's going to actually take place. Oh, because of Rona?
Starting point is 00:45:25 Right. Oh, I think things will be happening. You got to be sorry. Won't be that realistic. And it's going to actually take place. Oh, because of Rona? Right. Oh, I think things will be happening. You got to be optimistic. It's so sunny outside. My gosh. How could a virus spread when it's this sunny? No.
Starting point is 00:45:32 No one ever gets viruses when it's sunny and nice outside from the flowers. From all the ridiculous things I've said about the coronavirus on this podcast. Now I'm like, well, I'm not going to try
Starting point is 00:45:41 to make sense anymore. Just double down on the stupidity. That's right. Probably. That's what podcasters do. Multiple times every week now, people will hit me up and'm like, well, I'm not going to try to make sense anymore. Just double down on the stupidity. That's right. Probably. That's what podcasters do. Multiple times every week now, people will hit me up and be like, okay, so a few episodes behind, just heard what you guys were saying about the coronavirus and wow. And that's all they say.
Starting point is 00:45:55 I'm like, I know. I don't even remember what we said, but I know it was so stupid. And I'm so sorry. I'm so embarrassed. I don't even know what it was, but I'm so sorry. There's no way that people didn't also have that thought. Maybe not 100% of our listeners, but we were not the only ones in the world to think, eh, it's not that big of a deal. Yeah. I just didn't know. No one knew any better. I was uneducated and ignorant. And
Starting point is 00:46:16 I think even then, and this is still kind of a sentiment I share now, which I got to be careful. I don't really want to talk about this, but even back then it was like, okay, we're hearing these warnings from the CDCdc like you've never heard before maybe we should be scared of this okay but how do we fight it just wash your hands guys and that like didn't really make sense in my mind i was like can it be that bad if the main proactive like prognosis we have is like just just wash your hands it didn't make sense to me like why like people were already doing that right i think that was the thing that was happening. Like how many people are just like, I'm good. Yeah. I just went to the bathroom. I'm just going to, just going to wipe up and get out of here. No, we know more about it. Obviously there's more you could do
Starting point is 00:46:57 than just wash your hands. But a month ago, that was seriously the thing, right? No one was staying in their homes because we weren't told to. It was just like, yeah, this is getting bad in China, guys. So just wash your hands. And I like what's china yeah you know they're different there it's different yeah um anyway we don't have to talk about anymore uh okay we have lots of voice memos you want to head that way i have so many voice memos uh yeah let's head that way okay hey jake and brad this is hunter crips from portland oregon uh i really love your guys's podcast i love how we're kindred spirits we just there's so much about us that we agree on besides one thing and that's lacroix's you guys are totally underrating
Starting point is 00:47:35 lacroix's they have a special ability and that is ice cream you know when you eat ice cream you take that first bite and the ice cream just hits you like, mmm. And the second bite, your tongue is coated with the flavor and it doesn't taste as strong. But if you were to clear your palate in between bites with LaCroix's, which is an excellent palate cleanser, it's not too flavorful and it cleanses it well. It makes ice cream just so much better. The experience is amazing. So my question is, what is your guys' favorite ice cream? Do you have any favorite ice cream hot takes? My hot take is Salt and Straw, which is known for Portland, Oregon.
Starting point is 00:48:11 They have Salt and Straw. It's not that good. I'd rather eat Haagen-Dazs than Salt and Straw. Love you guys' podcast. Thank you so much. Brand for you guys. Thanks, Hunter. Wow.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Okay, so he loves La Croix. Hot take. A guy from Portland likes La Croix. Who would have thought? Did not see that coming. He also i don't know shops of whole foods that is uh i've never thought about the uh palate cleanser aspect of it of eating ice cream i've never done that so he's saying eat a bite of ice cream take lacroix eat another bite of ice cream okay take LaCroix right by mouth twice daily yeah PO um so they're whatever that's maybe I'll try it I'll try it we just got I just went to Aldi yesterday to buy LaCroix for my wife bought the hibiscus kind what do you guys think of that Hunter you like that one what does that mean oh that's like a flavor yeah it's like hibiscus but
Starting point is 00:49:01 it's like hibiscus they're they're cute They're cute like that. Shows you how little I know. I legitimately thought it meant like, oh, it's high in hibiscus. Right. High in viscus. Low calorie hibiscus. High viscus, yeah. Yeah, it's very good on your bloodstream. Very, very good for the bisques.
Starting point is 00:49:15 It's like lobster bisque, high viscus. Yeah, it's like lobster flavor. It's New England clam chowder style. Yeah, maybe so. I'll try it out because I have ice cream and la croix at home he very well could be right i've just never even thought about that or tried it salt and straw i've had it before i've had in orlando i've had it in portland and yeah it seems pretty overpriced it's like a thing you should do when you're a near one but is it it's like a place you go though it's not
Starting point is 00:49:37 a place it's not a brand that you buy at the stores as far as i know okay yeah it was in like the the disney village or whatever in in Orlando is where I had it. Whatever. It's ice cream. It's kind of all the same. It's kind of like paying a ton for pizza. It's like, well, how good, how much better can it really get than like even the cheapest kind I love.
Starting point is 00:49:55 So I don't need to spend that much more on it. Right. All these $2.79, they are just great. They're good. They're as good as Desjardins. See? Yeah. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:50:03 Yeah. That's how I kind of view ice cream. We were just talking about ice cream yesterday, though, two days ago over dinner with Greg. Yes, we were. I was saying that Butterfinger is my favorite treat to have concreted. Your mix-in. My mix-in. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:16 And I said M&M's. And I said, whoa. Oh, hey, too crunchy, huh? It gives me cold teeth. Yeah. Too crunchy in there. My hot take about, I have two hot takes about ice cream. One is the store brand. I, and this one's going to get me in trouble with a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Oh, you're going to BB. I think the blue bell is fine. Oh, I think it's pretty good. I think it's so, so let me, let me clarify before people go up in arms. Yeah. Ben Rector last week, blue bell. I know dude. Exactly. So for the conservatives, man, in the South, they're going to hate you. Let me, let me just say this. Let me, Bluebell this week. I know, dude. Exactly. You're going for the conservatives, man, in the South. They're going to hate you. Let me just say this. Let me clarify everything. I believe that Bluebell is the best brand of ice cream. He's just not that good at songwriting.
Starting point is 00:50:54 I believe it's the best. I just don't. I think people think that Bluebell is like Michael Jordan and every other thing is like Steve Kerr or Tony Kukoc. It's like. And you're like, no, everyone else is Scotty Pippen. Everyone else is Scotty Pippen. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:07 Like Scotty Pippen, top 50 NBA players ever. And just because, or he was at one point, I don't know if he still is, but like Michael Jordan's obviously the best and Bluebell I think is the best, but I don't think it's like leaps and bounds above everything else. Like we need to drive to Tulsa because their Walmarts have Bluebell. People do that. Yes. People do that.
Starting point is 00:51:24 And it's like, it's good. But it's kind of like you're saying with pizza. Like, I don't think there's like this significant- Like disparity in like the top and bottom. So that's my first hot take. My second hot take is that I believe that- Hot air balloons should start serving ice cream. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:51:43 There's a business idea. Call it high scream. Oh, hibiscus and high scream. Second hot take is that frozen custard is better than ice cream. Just in general. I just, I don't know if that's that hot of a take, but I just prefer frozen custard over ice cream. I do like the way it's whipped. It's also so dense. You get a small, it's heavy. It's heavy. It's good. Yeah. Oh yeah. So those are my two hot takes. My favorite kind of ice cream.
Starting point is 00:52:07 If I just like get a flavor from the store is moose tracks. Moose tracks is great. Great. What are your favorite animal based ice cream flavors? Absolutely. Easily. And then blue bunny ice cream. Another animal.
Starting point is 00:52:18 Blue bunny. Dude, that's the thing. Catherine thinks blue bunny is absolute trash. And she thinks that, uh, blue bell is like so good. And I'm like, you find taste as you could not tell a difference. I'm convinced. Catherine. So anyway, favorite ice cream place to go though is Sheridan's Frozen Custard, I think.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Or Andy's. They're both very good. Yeah. So Andy's for me. Thanks for the voice memo, Hunter. We'll try your LaCroix. Hey guys, this is Olivia from Omaha, a recent attendee for dental work. A while ago, I had suggested that you guys do some
Starting point is 00:52:52 improv slang poetry, and it has been so fun to see how well it's been embraced and incorporated. For sure, put this talent on your casual resumes. Three quick questions. Answer as many as you like or have time for. First, arranged marriage or no marriage? Oh, no marriage. What would you choose? Do you think you could make being married to a complete stranger work over time? Second, buying someone a star or naming a star after them? Good idea? Bad idea? What do you think? Last, if you had to give a sermon what would your topic be or what bible story would you like to cover okay that's all i got thanks for being the only good thing about mondays besides the christian chicken being back open bye she loves canes okay that was a lot to process there popeyes girl uh i don't even know where to start. The star one.
Starting point is 00:53:48 What was that? Would I rather have a star named after me or buy one for someone else? No, she's saying, is that a good idea or a bad idea? I think to either name it for yourself or someone. It's a terrible idea. I didn't know you could do that. You didn't? You can name it. It's very cheap too, I think. Oh, really? $20 maybe. I could be wrong, but who cares? That is the most, there's nothing you can do with that information. Like I could lie. Hey, Jake, here's a certificate that I bought you a star. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:12 I think it's something that doesn't need to have. Call it Ursula Triplet Major. Like who cares? Like that's not, that's not. No, don't do that. If you have done it, you wasted your money. Go to Aldi and you'll save it back. The first question we disagreed on, what was it?
Starting point is 00:54:28 Arranged marriage or no marriage? Oh. Immediately, I never really thought about it, but yeah, I was like, no marriage. I said, no way. I'd go arranged marriage. It's probably because you're married and I'm not. I think that you can make a marriage work no matter what. I think I could.
Starting point is 00:54:38 But if I have the preference, I don't know if I want to roll those dice. Because I very much enjoy my life now as a single guy. And then you throw into the mix this huge curveball. It could be a great curveball. I could knock it out of the park. Right. Depending on that arm slot, depending if I can get a read on those seams early.
Starting point is 00:54:54 But I don't know. If it's a late breaker, I could get caught looking. Late breaker. Strikeout umpire. I don't know. Yeah, my initial thoughts are no marriage. I guess I'm thinking of specific girls now and I'm thinking maybe I wouldn't want that,
Starting point is 00:55:10 which I know that sounds mean. But for the most part, I think I could make it work. It's just one of those things where like if you're pursuing the right things and she's, or even if she's not, if you're pursuing the right things, you can make it work. But maybe you're right.
Starting point is 00:55:23 Maybe it's not. Yeah, you're not saying you can't make it work. You're saying you don't prefer it. Yeah. I think, in fact, even like an issue I have when I date people is every first date I've ever had seems to go great because I can get along with anyone. I'm like, this was awesome. We talked for two hours.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Right. That was fantastic. And then I have to like actually think like, okay, but did I like it? Yeah. I think I did, you know, whatever. So yeah, I think i can make a work with anyone for the most part but i just don't know if i would want to yeah that's funny i don't i don't know i because there's legitimately it doesn't really feel like there's much of a like
Starting point is 00:55:55 void in my life yeah like you know companionship every now and then it's like something like that would be nice but for the most part it's like i've been single for a long time. I've learned how to live by myself. Even when like I see other couples sometimes, and this is just more me, like probably having an unhealthy, no, it definitely is. It's like seeing other couples make decisions together. I'm like, look, look at that. So, so codependent, which is obviously not true, but it's, I'm so used to not having anyone else to make decisions with. Oh, that's one of the very good perks of being single for sure. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:56:26 No, I know that I'm like, you know, lucky and yeah, thankful for it. Right. But it's like skewed by view, even like two people helping each other make a decision. Like, wow, look at that. I think biblically it would say single, you know, being single is a gift. So yeah. So maybe you're right. And I'm a heathen.
Starting point is 00:56:43 No, I think you've seen the beauties of marriage and can see. No, I haven't. I'm getting, I'm, I'm starting to a little bit, um, mostly because of Hattie, but Catherine and I are just, we're on the rocks. Let's be honest. It's kind of a, the old work truck. It's going to take a while to get started. Once we get her rolling, probably in year eight, nine, hopefully things turn around. It's hard to slow it down. You know, it's hard to get off the exit ramp. So you just keep going. Just kidding.
Starting point is 00:57:07 There's no, what are those? The things in Colorado that like, what are those called? Like you're saying layaway or stowaway. Those are words for a superstore or an airplane. We both keep going like this. The hand motion is there. The breakaway, no. Runaway.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Runaway train. Is that what it's called? Runaway lane? Sure. Sure. Hey, if you're in colorado let us know what are those exit things called you need one of those anyway um yeah your marriage is on the rocks it's fine i mean but you're a scorpio though so you know you should have seen this coming that's how our scorps are scorps and leaves are you know tricky yeah um what was the third question uh if you had to give a sermon right now what would it be about i think it was a question okay this is a crazy question not crazy
Starting point is 00:57:51 um it's a lot to think about though i got one um i would i would preach over the book of esther i like it because no one ever talks about esther one shout out esther kim to the book of esther in fact you can make a pretty good argument that like if there's one book that maybe shouldn't be in the Bible, which I think everything is supposed to be in there. Don't hear me say that. But like, it's the only book that doesn't mention God. Right. I think it was also one of the only like Old Testament books that wasn't found in the Dead
Starting point is 00:58:20 Sea Scrolls. Something like that. There's like an argument to be made for like, oopsie, Esther. However, I think it should be in there. And I think it's, I would preach over here. I'm getting to the point. Esther is one of the best books for displaying irony. It's one of the only cases of irony in the Bible. And there's like beautiful, like different aspects of irony in that story. And so I think you could relate it to nowadays and be like, you can have make all these plans. Pretty much the story of Esther is like,
Starting point is 00:58:46 everyone has an idea of something they want to do. And it pretty much backfires on everyone. But queen Esther, the Vashti. Yes. Everyone tries to do something and it doesn't work out. And you could relate that to nowadays. We have all these plans.
Starting point is 00:58:57 You know, you're going to go to do this. You have these travel plans, tour plans with trade candy. Who knows? But who knows? I don't know. I'm just spitballing,
Starting point is 00:59:10 but they don't work out. That's my off the cuff answer. I think you could do a story like that. That's your answer for such a time as this. Yes. Okay. That's what I would do for now. I didn't preach tomorrow. Mine is much, I don't know, whatever. Uh, mine, I love the illustration. Have you heard Tim Elmore? He's a, he does habitudes. You've heard habitudes? Oh, I have. He does a illustration thermostat versus thermometer okay nice do you understand like where it's going like thermostat you set the tone thermometer you respond to the environment around you basically like uh so it's romans 12 2 don't be conformed be transformed kind of thing just the idea of don't be conformed to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. It's kind of like that pickleball serve you have
Starting point is 00:59:48 on YouTube. Yes, exactly. Brad comes to pickleball and I, guys, I saw this on YouTube last night. It's called setting the tone. Check this out. It's just like this super high serve that goes so slow, which I get it. It's supposed to be like, we don't need to talk pickleball strategy. No, this is a pickleball podcast.
Starting point is 01:00:04 We want you to go for it! So't need Doc Pickleball strategy. No, this is a Pickleball podcast. We want you to be a gopher! So every time any of us have a high serve, we say, set the tone. Set the tone. Here it comes. Olivia with another great. Be the thermostat. Great one. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:00:17 Yeah, thanks for all the great questions. And the slam po back in the day. Slam po back in the, oh. Hey, Jake and Brad. This is Jessica from Michigan. Long-time listener. First-time caller. I'm calling because I actually have been to the dentist a lot in the last two months because I'm actually a hygienist. So Jake, I know you've said in the past that you don't
Starting point is 01:00:33 really floss your teeth that often, but you know, you got this. I believe in you. And Brad, I just got to say that you are completely right. Aldi is the best and so completely underrated. So more people need to go there. But my question for you guys is I've listened to all your guys' episodes and it sounds like you guys have a pretty similar childhood to me. And my family is still into Adventures in Odyssey all the time growing up, especially on long road trips. So I just wanted to know if you guys used to listen to that as well. But I just got to say, I love your guys' podcast. It makes my Monday mornings when I'm getting ready for work, driving on my way to work, and puts me in a good mood before I have to go clean some more teeth.
Starting point is 01:01:14 So keep it up, guys. Love it. Thanks, Jessica. I never odysseyed. I would only if it was on the radio. Like every once in a while, it was on the radio when we were coming back from church or something. Really?
Starting point is 01:01:23 But it was like, I very rarely got it at the beginning. Catherine was big AIO, AIO-er. It seems like, yeah, you're one way or the other. Like I had several friends growing up who were like really into it. I don't know why we weren't. I really don't know anything about it. Hattie's starting to get into it I think a little bit. She also listened to GT and the Halo Express.
Starting point is 01:01:41 Oh, G-Eazy? G-T-Eazy. Oh. I was a salty guy. You ever listen to P-S-A-L-T-Y? Salty? Are these musicians? What are you even talking about?
Starting point is 01:01:48 It was like this psalm book. It was Salty. And he would sing all these songs. Salty, McGee and Me, Left Behind. I remember. There we go. Got one. Got one.
Starting point is 01:01:59 That's mine. Those are some of the ones I liked. You got any more? Just like book series and stuff or videos or audios got got real down on left behind i was the youngest and so like i had sisters that were older so we listened a lot of wow remember wow oh i had those big wow yeah big wow guy um i don't know what else i was i was pretty you know i was a heathen I had to go to the cafeteria corner a lot a lot uh I can't think of much else but yeah I'm sure we did a lot of the same stuff thank you Jessica sorry I'm not flossing that much um I just I don't want to yeah it yeah whatever how
Starting point is 01:02:39 much of your teeth are genetics though I feel like I mean this is coming from I have no knowledge of this all this is just a pure guess I feel like your your teeth are largely they're just kind of like your hair like your your hair is so much of just your genetics i know one of my cousins like never not never but like did not take great care of his teeth and never had cavities and then one of my other cousins brushed teeth very well and had cavities like my sister growing up took way and this was going to debunk the genetics case but my sister took way better care of her teeth growing up and she ended up having to have braces and had more cavities than i did yeah and you know well i feel like braces definitely you can't help right like you can't brush your teeth or floss yeah oh yeah i
Starting point is 01:03:19 see what you're saying that's a good point yeah you can't floss out the shoot i got an overbite just floss it out um maybe that's why those kids are you can't floss out the shoot i got an overbite just floss it out um maybe that's why those kids are doing that though the floss oh fortnight yeah it's a dental company hygienists are loving the floss yeah all right yeah thank you uh jessica what up jake and brad this is jd i figured now is a good time to leave you guys a message because i just had a weird past experience so i went Subway and it was very sketchy and very weird. Quarantine, everything shut down here in New York City. It's been a long day of delivering food.
Starting point is 01:03:51 I went to Subway. He made my wrap and then smooshed it into a ball. And when I say smooshed, I mean smooshed. So that's enjoyable. Then he was like, it's cash only. It's about $10. It's about $10. All right, man.
Starting point is 01:04:05 And I was like, for $10, give me a drink. And he gave me a drink. Weird experience. I thought of you guys. Love the show, obviously. I'm almost all the way caught up on 46. You guys are helping me get through quarantine. Wanted to share an experience with you guys in the last 15 seconds.
Starting point is 01:04:20 I left my home somewhere like two weeks ago, and I thought of you. I was like, you guys would have funny thoughts about this crazy experience. So that's not really a question, but what are your thoughts? I left my phone somewhere. How totally ridiculous is that? All right. Love you guys.
Starting point is 01:04:34 Bye. That last part sounded like Jerry Seinfeld. I left my phone somewhere. How am I going to get it back? I don't know where it is. Do you know where it is? You don't know. You don't know.
Starting point is 01:04:43 You never known. That's funny. That's funny about the subway thing he said the word smooshed I thought it was booshed couldn't tell a lot of lot of wind. Yes. He was in the Windy City of New York That's right. Yeah, and Sunshine State. He said I was like, yeah, it's about ten bucks. I love that. I Love it, too. It's like yeah, that's a round number ten 10 bucks. Just go ahead. Why don't you give me $10? Cough it up, hot chat. That's awesome. And then I love his retort.
Starting point is 01:05:10 Like, well, give me a drink. He's like, okay. And the guy's just like, yeah, I'll give it to you. He still knows that it's like a good deal for him. I was listening to a podcast this week and they were talking about that this guy that like works at this, it was also New York City,
Starting point is 01:05:23 like works at this pizza shop. Like he always makes it seem like, cause he's the owner. always makes it seem like because he's the owner he makes it seem like he's giving you a deal like you'll order all right i want two like buffalo chicken you know whatever mediums okay two buffalo chickens and a pepsi let's say why don't we just call it uh 14 like makes it seem like he's giving you a deal yeah and then when the dollar amount comes out you're like no that's that's probably as much as it should cost. Let's see. 12 inch subway sandwich.
Starting point is 01:05:48 Why don't you just, you know what? Just give me $9. Yeah. That's still a lot. That's what I'm going to be like. Yeah. If we do it today, I could do it for you for,
Starting point is 01:05:56 yeah, 1450. It's like, okay, great. Yeah. Just the way you word things. Yeah. It's all about the, the framing of it. Let's see for a video in,
Starting point is 01:06:06 okay. If you want 1080p, um, just say something that's like industry standard. Okay. If you want widescreen, um, I could probably do it for like a thousand. Yeah. And I can make that digital for you for another 45. What's up Jake and Brad. It's Bo from Colorado. First of all, so glad I went to the dentist in February because now I'm qualified to actually leave you a voice memo this week. Secondly, Brad, super pumped that you remember 10-10-2-20 because when I brought that up to my family as a memory not too long ago, they basically called me crazy because none of them remembered it. So thank you for having a good memory and finally what i would like for you guys to do is describe your dream home nothing is off limits so have fun with it and i look forward
Starting point is 01:06:53 to hearing what you guys have to say all right thanks bye 10 10 220 let's go thank you that's uh that's miss amaya i probably a long time ago. I talked about that. I Skyped into this like classroom. Yeah. It was her class. That's awesome. She's still listening. That's cool. Right.
Starting point is 01:07:10 Uh, favorite or dream house. Dream home. This is something I don't think I've ever thought about. Have you ever seen the movie blank check? No, but I've seen smart house. Is it like that?
Starting point is 01:07:20 Kinda. Okay. This guy, it's a movie. This guy somehow writes a blank check for a million dollars and then like get somebody to cash it and so this little kid's got a million dollars and he makes or he like buys his house that's clearly like a five million dollar house but it's awesome anyway must have been an undeveloped part of america it was yeah it was definitely like detroit or
Starting point is 01:07:40 something like that i don't know uh flint Yes. But he has a water slide coming out of his house. Oh, that's cool. Which that's, that's in the dream home for sure. But that's, that's my first thing. Let's, you know, just bounce back and forth. Yes. Home theater. Sorry. Let me bounce back and forth. Let me start with the first three. Home theater, French doors. And I think, okay, I'm going to start small. Great. A lot of natural light. Okay. That's a must. Okay. I want windows everywhere.
Starting point is 01:08:07 Are you imagining that you're in the city, in the country, on the beach? Oh, I haven't thought about that. I want to be in the mountains. Las Montañas. But I want to be in the mountains that are also right by the city. And by the city, I mean like by civilization. Salt Lake City would be a great spot for you. Okay, SLC.
Starting point is 01:08:21 I mean, well, I don't know about Utah, man. Arrange marriage. I'm just just kidding you're thinking of afghanistan oh yeah that's right uh i think my spot would be like i don't i don't know i guess hawaii that's just my answer for everything i just want everything to be in hawaii it'd be in kawaii yeah dream house is in kawaii okay somewhere a lot of natural light so much natural light um they're somewhere in the house sec in my second basement trampoline park park trampolines everywhere oh baby it's try to get hurt oh baby try to get hurt i would i would find a way i would tear my acl playing slam ball with you oh yeah there's goals down there for sure. Oh my gosh. Yes Absolutely slam on this camera. So everything's recorded you imagine I do anything slam ball. It would not be fair Oh, he gets to use hardwood floor. We have trampolines
Starting point is 01:09:13 He would still jump higher than That would be sweet though. Yeah, everything gets recorded in case you ever donk on anyone you've got a footage of it like it Yeah, GoPros in the corner. Okay, I would have a very technologically like state-of-the-art house like so many gadgets yeah like like like a smart house yeah oh yeah yeah yeah in fourth grade gifted class we had to come up with an invention and we had a big driveway out back in strafford and so my idea was an underground type of oh oh, I think I've talked about this before, but, um, like the bank, uh, shoots a, yeah, yeah, yeah. I would have that for my mailbox. Mailman puts it in and it's right into my house.
Starting point is 01:09:53 Fourth grade. I like this idea, but for like Vindi machine ask food things for me, like I want, I want to have some kind of machine in my house that has frozen custard, Dr. Pepper pizza, reheated, preheated on the oven yes and then you press a button and just right there to you in the driveway when you're playing pickleball and you're homemade you're not homemade professionally made pickleball course indoor and outdoor pickleball depending on what mood i'm in iop yeah that is there i want um on the food thing i want a water fountain but it's got different drinks in it. Oh, like Mr. Deeds?
Starting point is 01:10:25 Yes. Yeah. That's wine punch. Oh, yeah. Wine punch. So I've got different water fountain things on tap. I got cream soda. Okay.
Starting point is 01:10:31 Chocolate milk. Oh. McDonald's Dr. Pepper. Sure. And water. No. I'm just kidding. I guess just those three.
Starting point is 01:10:44 Okay. Cream soda, chocolate milk. You like root beer a lot. No? Not in the those three. Okay. Cream soda, chocolate milk. You like root beer a lot. No? Not in the top three. Okay. Not in the top four. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:51 What else would I have? I mean, definitely like a sweet, there's a podcast studio. There's like a whole just makeshift studio for anything. There's green screens, cameras. Yeah. Just a maker space as they call it. A maker space. Maker spacer.
Starting point is 01:11:02 Like this is a compound that we're living on basically. Yes. I want to have 10 to 20 mole women who also are there and they don't get to see the sunlight oh then you would love utah you're right solid city uh just kidding yeah yeah yeah cafe rio though yeah i have mormon friends okay i'm just gonna say it all right my best friend's mormon all right shout out scotty the new yeah scottsdale i could say that i have no no i have more friends it's fine yeah i'm just saying i can say that i have no no i have more friends it's fine yeah i'm just saying i can say that i have i have liberal friends just after you say anything oh yeah my
Starting point is 01:11:30 friend he voted for obama um what about your bed do you care i want a big old bed like a whole room that's just the bed like shack did you ever see shack's crib i did i know like like superman big circle, wasn't it? Yeah. Yeah. I want that. I think, I don't care that much about the bed. Any bed I've ever been in, I've considered it comfy, but I think one of those Tempur-Pedic beds would be kind of cool. Like where I can sit up in bed myself, I can hit a button and like, now I'm a little upright. Oh yeah. That'd be cool. I feel like those are like usually marketed towards old people, but I'm like, I want one of those.
Starting point is 01:12:05 I like sitting upright. Yeah. I'm, yeah, a homo sapien for a reason. Right. It's, I've, I've chosen, hey, I don't want to walk on four legs. I like it up here. About five feet, 10 inches off the ground. I'm good.
Starting point is 01:12:16 This is nice. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, okay. That's, that's it. That's all we want. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:22 No more. Um. Good. Keep going on that for a while. Thanks, B. Hi's all we want. Yeah, no more. Good. Keep going on that for a while. Thanks, B. Hi, Jake and Brad. This is Sarah from Texas calling because I was really excited about your endorsement of Aldi on the last episode. I'm also a hashtag Aldi advocate. It is the very, very best. One time my friend said it's like thrifting for groceries. And I was like, exactly. It is absolutely the best
Starting point is 01:12:46 I would love to hear your favorite Aldi product mine is the dinosaur shaped spinach and kale bites which sound terrible but are great with pizza rolls second I would love to hear y'all debate in this quarantine time who is most likely to survive an apocalypse out of the two of you? Go. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. Thanks for being an Aldi advocate. I like that hashtag. I want to start using that. At this point, yeah, we should make merch that's Aldi-based. You probably can't make money off of someone else's brand.
Starting point is 01:13:20 No, I think that's perfectly legal in America to make money off somebody else's brand. That's kind of what we did to the native americans so we're just doing it again oklahoma shout out shout out to you guys you keep it alive down there um favorite aldi thing i don't know we don't get that crazy sometimes we get raspberry goat cheese which sounds terrible to you probably but it's so good with some little fig crackers come on uh i don't know if i get anything that weird at aldi they got 299 lava cakes if you're ever in the mood you would get lava cakes that cracks me up honestly you know i actually never got one i got that from uh i got
Starting point is 01:13:57 that from luke cleaver back in the day when crinshaw first showed cleaver aldi he could not believe that lava cakes are 299 and he And he would talk about it all the time. That's awesome. Hey, you guys want to go to Aldi? $2.99 lava cakes. I will say Aldi has a very good imitation naked juice. Okay. It's really good.
Starting point is 01:14:14 I like that a lot. Strawberry banana. Imitation. No. Trans fat. I don't know. That's not a thing that's in naked juice. Anyway, who would win the apocalypse war?
Starting point is 01:14:26 Jake. Jake's fast and if it comes down to speed sure i don't know what it comes down to though it comes down to having kids then you would probably win i'd win twofold um i don't know enough about what skill set it takes to win i don't't even, yeah, I don't know. The only thing I'll say is that like, if it's a zombie apocalypse, which is what I'm imagining, I have relatives in Texas who have lots of guns probably. I haven't asked them like, hey, how many guns we got?
Starting point is 01:14:58 How much weaponry? Who do we got here? But I would imagine that your family does not have very many guns. Let's say your family has more than mine. Yes. My immediate, my house, zero guns. But we have a car that can get us down there and help us survive. This is a little off topic real quick, but I was asking Trey last week at his house,
Starting point is 01:15:16 I was like, dude, how's quarantine going? And he goes, I bought a BB gun off Amazon last week. To shoot the squirrels or what? Really? I don't think squirrels i think uh well i shouldn't say i should say what tracy's been a bb gun for um there's a kid on next door that plays his drums really loud and i'm just just said right in the forehead and then i went over this week and uh i was like hey you got a package he's like oh that's my rc car i was like dude you're turning into 12 years old yeah this quarantine middle school Maddox really took a toll on him. He's a method actor.
Starting point is 01:15:47 That's great, dude. Anyway, yeah, you have more access to guns and probably, but I have more access to proxy minds. Don't forget that conversation. Gosh, yeah, you're much closer. I mean, out of the two of us, you could definitely probably think of somebody from high school before I could that might have a personality of like, yeah, I get used to proximizing. Like, you know, like, yeah, we go to the old, uh, whatever. Remember that art, the army stores, like the, so all the old army clothes and stuff.
Starting point is 01:16:17 Oh yeah. There's like so many of those down in like Southwest Missouri. Yeah. Yeah. Green County loves them. They really are. Those things are awesome though. Like you just buy really cool army stuff there. You show up at the mess hall and one of those things are awesome though like you just buy really cool army stuff there you show up in the mess hall and one of those things
Starting point is 01:16:28 fit right in fit right in oh we're feeding we're going to that well the mess hall well a lot and i like it all right all right next voice thanks sarah hey brad hey jake this is esther the resident audiologist and best friend calling from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. And I was just calling because I love it when you guys do impressions on the show. It just makes me laugh so hard. So I was going to see who or what your favorite impression was to do. And if you could give us a little example on the show hope you guys are doing great love you guys and i will hopefully see you guys soon bye esther i love it i love esther esther she is our best friend she's right and she lives in oklahoma city oklahoma arranged marriage with esther yes or no yes we can make it work she's's the best. She's the bester.
Starting point is 01:17:26 Okay, so impressions are tough. One, I'm already not good at them. And two, when someone says, what's your best one? Do it right now. Then the pedestal is high. This is what he thinks he's best at. Have I mentioned on the podcast that I'm primetime, not pay-per-view? Oh, yeah, you have. Yeah, thing I say.
Starting point is 01:17:40 It's like, Brad, say that funny. Hey, Brad, you have that hilarious third-day voice. Do the third-day voice. It's like, ah. You, Brad, you have that hilarious third day voice. Do the third day voice. It's like, ah, you're just thinking it's going to be so funny. Okay. Well, I will, I will volunteer to be vulnerable and maybe you guys aren't going to think it's funny, but I think I do a decent Louis Armstrong voice. It hurts my voice a little bit. So I want you to give me a song and I will sing it as Louis Armstrong. Well, let's rapid fire three or four. Okay.
Starting point is 01:18:06 First, let's start. TikTok by Kesha. TikTok. I don't know that song. Star Spangled Banner. Oh, say can you see me by the dawns. Okay, now a Christmas song by Michael Bublé. I'm dreaming of a white Christmas.
Starting point is 01:18:44 Just like the ones I used to know. Zatarain's. Zatarain's. That seems like tough on the vocal cords. Yeah, it doesn't feel great. Thank you, Brad. Thank you, Esther. That was lovely.
Starting point is 01:18:58 Yeah, thanks. That was good. I will try to do one before the end of the episode. I legitimately don't even know what I would do right now. I would not. I would say you're a very funny person, Jake. I would not say that impressions are your thing that make you funny. No, there's a disconnect between my ears and my mouth, and I can't get them to like sync up. Like what I hear is not what I can reproduce.
Starting point is 01:19:17 Never has been. And I would say it's actually really funny to watch you try to do impressions. I have to think so hard, and I still can't do it. I'm like, I have to look down at the ground and try to focus. Like I have to think so hard. I still can't do it I'm like I have to focus like look down at the ground try to focus Like I could do like a skit character, you know, I could be sure fake country boy Yeah, but I'm not like impersonating it was specifically right, right, right Oh, I feel like I'm better at doing impersonations of our friends than I am of like famous people like let's say You said something to Esther, but she can't she didn't quite hear what you said, huh?
Starting point is 01:19:43 That's like the classic SD. What? Huh? All right. Thanks, SD. Hey, Jake and Brad. This is Christian calling in from Colorado. I have a two-part question, a little bit personal, and I may get a little bit of heat for my answers to these questions. But first question would be, when you're done going to the bathroom and it is time to grab the toilet paper, do you fold the toilet paper nicely and continue to fold
Starting point is 01:20:12 or do you crinkle? Now, I personally am a folder. I think it's the much more economically friendly and environmentally friendly way to go. And then my second question for you guys, and this is the one that I think I'm going to take some heat for, is when you wipe, do you stand or sit? I personally am a stander. I've been flamed for that, but I do know multiple people who stand. And I think, again, that's the right way to go. So I'd love your input on this. And thank you guys for the great podcast. See you guys. So I'll stand with arms high and folded for toilet paper. I don't know. Um,
Starting point is 01:20:53 getting personal on the voice. Really? Like I'm like a little, uh, like we're not even talking to anybody personally right now. We're just recording this and I'm a little bit uncomfortable with this, but we did have this exact conversation a week ago. Like both questions
Starting point is 01:21:05 we didn't talk about on the podcast i think or at least i didn't bring it up uh i had the exact same thoughts as him i was i used to be a water was a was a water my whole life um didn't know didn't know anything but wad um because i used to watch a lot of fox right water's world yes yeah and i went to church a lot so i had a relationship with wad um yeah water's world uh you were a friend of wad i was a bag of one but recently i'm this is embarrassing honestly this is gosh this is so i've been using kleenexes no don't use those do you know that well obviously it's very thin no that's not why uh don't use them because they don't uh oh flush yeah they don't like disintegrate in the water still i'm worried about my own hands before i'm worried about the plumbing i'm not using kleenexes oh what kind of kleenexes well they could rip they could they're thick i don't know okay okay
Starting point is 01:21:53 okay uh anyway i saw a youtube video recently that was like a jokingly like this is how kids are being taught how to wipe these days and it's so genius that they're being taught like this and i watched it and i was like maybe i should try that and so it's like genius that they're being taught like this. And I watched it and I was like, maybe I should try that. And so it was like the folding thing. And I fold. And now, especially in this quarantine times, oh, it's wonderful. It saves us so much money.
Starting point is 01:22:13 It's so much, so much worry every day of like, we're running out of toilet paper. No, we're not. Cause I'm folding. And then I sit. I used to be a stander, but I'm a sitter now. Wow.
Starting point is 01:22:24 Thanks, Christian. Brad's going to throw up talking about it. No, I'm not. I'm a sitter now. Wow. Thanks, Christian. Brad's going to throw up talking about it. No, I'm not. I'm just uncomfortable. I am a water and a stander. Yeah, you are. Something about standing, it makes me feel like I'm getting cleaner. I spread those legs out and you just dig in there.
Starting point is 01:22:39 Imagine you're... I don't even know what I'm going to say here. Imagine you're drilling for oil. Where are you going with this? Do you want, no, not drilling. Imagine you're fracking. Don't like that I said drilling. You stand up and you got fracking toilet paper all over yourself.
Starting point is 01:22:57 I don't know what I'm trying to say, but I think standing up just gives you more room to work. See, I just i just imagine okay let's say you got a hot dog bun it's open you open up the hot dog bun hey hey hey you put sensitive to my allergy please you got a turkey dog bun thank you you open up the turkey dog you put ketchup on one side mustard on the other side and then you you stand that turkey dog up you fold it back in and now all of a sudden you got they're just they're sitting together are you saying that my cheeks are clapping i'm saying yeah i'm saying that you're getting unnecessarily dirty when you stand up i uh you know it's like thanks for the thanks for the voice memo christian i guess i don't know i think either way it's
Starting point is 01:23:45 probably not even close to as clean as you get from a bidet but i just don't want to drill for for oil that way you know i love it oh man that was the most uncomfortable i felt on this podcast really i think maybe i'm okay with that kind of stuff are you you? Yeah. Hi, Jake and Brad. My name is Hannah. I never thought I would send in a voice memo because I hate the sound of my own voice. But when you said to leave one, if you've been to the dentist recently, I knew I had to leave one. I work at a dentist's office in Lawrence, and I'm starting dental school in the fall. And since you didn't want any dental-related questions, I will leave you with a suggestion. And that would be to shoot or brushing your teeth twice a day, as opposed to the 0.8 average you're at now.
Starting point is 01:24:31 Lastly, I am supposed to be getting married this summer. And if we get to have our wedding, Jake, I will trade you free dental care for life. If you will be our videographer. Love the pod. Bye bye. Whoa. Bye bye. Whoa. First of all, Hannah, your voice sounds great. Don't be self-conscious. Yeah. Love the pod. Bye-bye. Whoa. Bye-bye. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:24:46 First of all, Hannah, your voice sounds great. Don't be self-conscious about it. Yeah, great. Yeah. My gosh. Oh, my gosh. We love your voice. We listened to it three times just now.
Starting point is 01:24:53 We liked it so much. That's not true. But, uh, wow. She was in Lawrence. Rock Chalk, yeah. Okay. That's a pretty good deal. Because I have 11 cavities right now just kidding i don't free
Starting point is 01:25:06 dental work though is she even allowed to offer that yeah yeah because she's about to go to dental school put it in writing yeah so that's still three years before she could probably like even potentially like own her own dental thing where she could not i don't know hannah i don't know if you're i'm interested in position to offer me this but yeah let's chat about it uh did she ask this question just uh i think she just offered her services for mine i would think about that if i were you if you i am thinking about it in kansas you get some get some contract going for her though like i just don't know how soon i can expect free dental work yeah yeah this might be a IOU, a lot of accounts receivable coming my way in the form of dental work. But, yeah, we can talk about it.
Starting point is 01:25:50 Thank you, Hannah. Hi, Ghostrunners. This is Lizzie from California. Like, the heart, not the good part with each. I've been listening to you guys for about a month, and I finally caught up because of this whole quarantine thing, which sucked. Also because I was really sick, and I had to just stay inside and listen to you guys, which sucked. Also because I was really sick and I had to just stay inside and listen to you guys, which was not bad. It was amazing. But now I am back on my feet and I've been running a lot because I love to run and I love listening
Starting point is 01:26:14 to you guys. Well, and the other day it was like still kind of early. I like saw a possum like right under my feet and I jumped back and i saw another possum right next to it the little buddies and i screamed and that scared them and i was wondering if you guys have ever had any wildlife run-ins like that okay blessings from california bye-bye you had you've had one the raccoon you talked about it one time yeah i've had all sorts of run-ins i used to um chase rabbits in college all the time uh we saw just for fun yeah i've never talked about that yeah there were so many rabbits all over they chased squirrels no rabbits they were just bunnies everywhere at bolivar okay and so yeah i just like started chasing them with my friends would you ever catchly, which was what made it so fun
Starting point is 01:27:05 is because it didn't happen very often. Yeah. Yeah, we caught one a couple of times. It was sweet. Dude, that just shows how city I am, city boy. Because like if I got close to a rabbit and was about to catch it, I would get nervous. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:27:17 I don't know. Like once I held it, I would just be like, it's going to hurt me. I don't like this. Wouldn't feel confident. It was fun. They're so soft. And catch and release, guys, by the way. We're not doing anything crazy with these rabbits. But yeah, one time we thought we found a rabbit. We chased it back to this place and it was a
Starting point is 01:27:34 raccoon. That was really scary. Very territorial animal. Made a weird sound. Like a bark and hiss at the same time. Yeah. Raccoons are scary. We saw a fox this week. Back in my old place, I used to talk about this on the podcast. Every night I left, there was like a possum that lived there and I hated it. And other times there was a cat there. Oh, cats had kids on my back porch. Kitty cats. Yeah. Very protective mother. I don't know. I could probably keep thinking of things I've had, you know, I think everyone's had weird animal run-ins, nothing crazy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I, I would not very many, but I'm, I'm nervous about this
Starting point is 01:28:05 stuff. I get skittish with animals. I think you ever hit a deer. Uh, no, I've, I've gotten close a few times. One time, like they, it like jumped over my mom's van. What? Yeah. This is not real. Like the windshield of the van. Sorry. Not the, not the top of the van. Wow. Still though. It was pretty crazy. At least that's how I remember it. I was young, but. My sister got hit by a deer. Like it jumped into the side of her car. She said it, you know, freaked her out. She's like, we made eye contact. Like I saw the deer's eyes.
Starting point is 01:28:31 That scares me. Like that bothers me so much. I think because of Tommy boy, it like deer scare me. I really don't think you need to be afraid of deer. I know. That's what everyone says. They're so skittish. That's what everyone says.
Starting point is 01:28:43 But I still get nervous. I, yeah, you got to get over that somehow on night watch you did night well you guys had a truck for night watch so yeah we had a smaller camp so we just walked around and i remember there were a few times where we were like supposed to do this flashlight and i was by myself three in the morning flashing this light and all of a sudden these deer just like pop out and like run away freaked me out man when i was down at branson it's probably two months ago i rolled up and there were like probably 12 or 14 deer uh next to my car where i was parking it was awesome we're in lampy or in branson this is branson the k1 upper parking lot yes there's so many deer
Starting point is 01:29:15 that's where they and i just got out of my car and they still didn't uh jump away and so i just like stood in silence with all these deer it was awesome it was really cool that that didn't scare you at all it was cool cool. 12 of them? I mean, they weren't like surrounding me. What if they're like, let's get them? I think, I don't know. It happened to Tommy Boy. I don't think it's,
Starting point is 01:29:32 that's not what happened to Tommy Boy. It's exactly what happened. He was at a Christian sports camp. Slowly surrounding me. It was just like, they're over there. I'm over here. It was just like, cool. That is cool.
Starting point is 01:29:41 Animals are cool. Speaking of camp, Nightwatcher reminded me one time, a neighboring, just like farmers, cattle got loose out of the fence. And so we had these cattle running through K-West and then they jumped into the woods still on K-West property. And so Ward, our director, like 54 year old director was like, Jake, I saw you have an off period. Want to go catch this cow? And I was like, yeah. And so me, him and David Harris went and tried to catch a cow in the woods, which is weird,
Starting point is 01:30:13 like very, very thick brush. So the cow can't really move that fast. And we weren't trying to catch them. We're going to get them and bring them back to the farmer, but it was awesome. So they didn't grow up on farms and I did. So I had a little smart little idea. I was like, most cows, they probably get fed by like a bucket or something. I was like, I know the cows on our farm, even just when my grandpa would shake the bucket, they knew that like food was coming. So then we went and got a bucket and filled it with pea gravel and we were just walking through the woods, shaking the bucket and we found them. It worked. Yeah. It was cool. So I found a cow once in the woods.
Starting point is 01:30:41 So your grandpa was a farmer? Yeah. Angus. I don't think I knew that. Oh, really? That's a fun fact that I just learned about you today. Oh, wow was a farmer? Yeah. Angus. I don't think I knew that. Oh, really? That's a fun fact that I just learned about you today. Oh, wow. Cool. Yeah. That's awesome. I've been around some cows. Yeah. Apparently so you got the bucket knowledge. I think I rode a calf when I was little, but I don't remember it. Oh, that'd be cute. Send us a pic, Trish. We'll post on the Ghostwriters podcast. Oh, I have something I want to post on our account.
Starting point is 01:31:05 I found, do you remember, like four years ago, right when the Coke Ices came out? Yeah. We made that Snapchat story. I found it on my phone. We should post it. It's four and a half minutes long. It's the one where you're like going on a quest to find it.
Starting point is 01:31:16 Yeah, it's like four different McDonald's trying to post it. Oh, man. It was on Valentine's Day too. What a great husband I was. Yeah. That's awesome. That was actually our last voice memo. Thank you guys for sending him in this week. You have to send a voice memo in if, um,
Starting point is 01:31:32 look down right now. Are you wearing a white shirt? Oh, you better send in a voice memo. All right. Not if you own a white shirt, we all know that if you're wearing one right now, yeah. White shirt time to flirt with your voice hey please i'm married okay right now you should have one more thing to talk about then we'll wrap this up i referenced last week that we would talk about this um jake what do you think is more geographically ambiguous the south or the midwest oh they're both very loose people always are like oh yeah you know i'm from the midwest Like that's just the Midwest for you. And I'm like, you're from Minnesota. Yeah. Yeah. So I was going to say like Michigan, you're from Michigan. What does that mean to you? Midwest? I think
Starting point is 01:32:13 Midwest is a looser, looser term. It feels like it. Cause the South, I feel like I kind of know where the South is. South is like dirty South. Okay. To me anyway. And to most people like Virginia is the South, but Texas isn't. See what Texans out there. Do you agree? Like, it's like one of those things. I think Catherine would be like, no, I'm from the South. That's true too. Like each. Yeah. It's ambiguous. Cause Texans say they're South. What about Kentucky? South. Is it? I don't know. I know. Right. It's like right by Indiana. Indiana feels like it's like, we are definitely the Midwest. Yeah. They got corn. But then like Kansas, I feel like maybe Minnes like it's like, we are definitely the Midwest. Yeah, they got corn. But then like Kansas, I feel like maybe Minnesotans are like, Kansas is the Midwest.
Starting point is 01:32:51 Oh, we have to be. We have to be. Look at a map. We were in the middle, slightly west. Kansas is Midwest. Right? Kansas and Missouri are the heart of it. I feel like they are in the middle.
Starting point is 01:32:59 See, Missouri, I feel like. Oh my gosh. I think it's Midwest. I don't know. But I think there's some geography there that just or like the uh topography what else would missouri be if it wasn't the midwest i know that's what i'm saying though but they're in the sec so there's feels like there's a little like i mean that's what the last four years southwest missouri feels a little bit southern like in their culture
Starting point is 01:33:17 i don't know i i think it's the midwest personally yeah yeah no i definitely think it is um i mean just look at where it's at on the map. It is smack dab in the middle. It's not in the South. Like, why doesn't Michigan say, hey, we're in the North? No one wants to be in the North. Why don't they want that? Like, you border Canada.
Starting point is 01:33:34 Santa's up there. North Pole. You got great branding around the North. That's how the North Pole works. It's just the northern part of the United States, right? Yes. I think it's like up by Lansing. Kalamazoo maybe um yeah it's like borders borders the uh
Starting point is 01:33:48 country to our north therefore it should be the north canada correct yes um i don't know that's a good question i mean yeah it's it's tough there's florida south florida is obviously very geographically south but is it it's a cultural thing is it a geographical thing florida's its own is oklahoma what's oklahoma i don't know oklahoma and texas are just like you're good you got your own thing going on you got your own thing casinos and cowboys yeah that's right the seas anyway that's what i want to talk about that's a good question yeah i mean it was a five-star review and tell us what you guys think what you define it as is it more cultural is it more uh geographical is it a blend of both because it really is like very interesting
Starting point is 01:34:31 yeah i don't even know what i believe because working working at canna cook obviously there's people from everywhere and so you meet people that think oh we're from the midwest it's like no i'm from or they'll be like oh you're from kansas you're so northern and i'm like what i'm not i'm literally in the middle of the United States. So anyway, it's just very interesting. And then things that are like, literally Midwest would be like Colorado. Colorado is literally middle and West, but that doesn't feel like the Midwest to me. New idea, Kentucky, Tennessee, we call it the Middle East. The border Think about that. Peace in the Middle East for Kentucky and Tennessee.
Starting point is 01:35:06 The border is called the Gaza Strip between those two states. Yeah, it's, I don't know. I think if you're more likely to have an accent from that state, then you're like the South. Like Tennessee, like people even from like Nashville, which is not that far away from like being in like Missouri or like, you know, you can have an accent, like a pretty country accent living in Nashville. It's like, okay, South then. Okay. That's a new rule I just made up. Okay. So, so accents equals South. Yes. If you're on the border. Okay. Like, you know what I really
Starting point is 01:35:35 grew up with had any kind of Southern accent. That might be a hillbilly, but not like a y'all. So what about accents? Northern accents? Does that mean that you're not in the Midwest? Oh, don't you know? You betcha. That's north. Yeah. You got a coupon? I don't know if they say that.
Starting point is 01:35:51 ISAC? Anyway. Okay. I just want to talk about it. I had the thought the other day, because people always have been leaving us voice memos or saying stuff to us like, yeah, we just are big Midwestern people. And it's like, no, to me to me, that doesn't, you're, you're, you're,
Starting point is 01:36:05 you're from Minneapolis. Maybe if we get crazy this week, Steve, Steve, talk to us. Steve's big daddy. We can put some on our Instagram. That's like our definition.
Starting point is 01:36:12 Yeah. We've got the middle East in there. Right. The don't you knows the don't you region. Yeah. Uh, okay. Anyway.
Starting point is 01:36:20 Oh, one thing I would talk about, this is a cool story and relevant to this week. Uh, one of the, this, this is something that I've never really told anyone. One, because it doesn't exactly just come up. And yeah, it would be weird to necessarily say, but we have a beautiful story of poetic justice in my own life this week.
Starting point is 01:36:38 Back in 2013, 2014 in college, I, one of those years, not both of those years, but anyway, in college, I would get kind of talked to a lot by different administrators and people of power at SBU. In their eyes, I was pushing the envelope in a lot of areas. I think if you were to look back now at the things I was doing, you would say, that's silly that you ever got in trouble for that. But back then, Christians, I think, were like, should we even be using social media? We don't even know what this is yet. I mean, that sounds crazy, but it's not that big of an exaggeration. Like the Baptist college I went to, it was very like, I don't even know. Like, yeah, it was just interesting. And I was super social media, always making stuff, videos, parody accounts. I was all over it.
Starting point is 01:37:17 I, yeah, I won't go into more of that, but in the words of Michael Scott, I'm so used to being the bad boy. That was me for college. One specific time I got called into a guy's office who was like the, the Dean of student activities or something like definitely like 10, 15 years older than me, probably 10 years older than me. The DSAC is what? Dean of student activities, DSAC. Student activities council, Dean, DSAC. and he called me in his office for something i had been making or doing at the time the dsac did yes and i specifically remember because it was such a just crazy thing he looked me in the eyes and he said you're just not funny you do these things and you think you're so funny but you're just not and you need to you need to chill out yeah because these things just aren't funny.
Starting point is 01:38:06 I remember him like, that's a rude thing to say to anyone, even a friend, much less like you're in a position of power. You work for the school. You're like going out of your way. Call me in your office to like discourage me from these like things I'm doing, from these highly creative things that like, I think so many other universities would be promoting
Starting point is 01:38:21 and enjoying in any way. I just, I've always remembered that. Not like I'm like, and so I wrote it on the back of my microphone. I was wondering what that guy's picture was next, like on your bedside table. I was like, that's not your dad. And then it's a de-sac and I'm starting to get a little worried about you. It's just something I've always remembered. Here comes the poetic justice. This week I was hit up by SBU and they said, hey, we have our biggest event of the year that we're not able to do because of corona we would like to get you and trey to perform at it oh i connect them with trey trey's manager they hop on a zoom call together and it's that guy no is paying us to
Starting point is 01:38:56 come back to sbu to be funny how cool is that did you kind of milk it were you like so are you wanting me like to just do magic tricks or like, what are you thinking? Like I would do, I could do like how to tie a tie. It's like some sort of tutorial or what were you thinking? No, no, no. Just do your jokes. We, people really like your jokes. Oh, so people are like generally interested in my humor. Would that mean that people usually think I'm funny? Yeah. Something like that. No, I'm not going to say anything to him, but it's just something that, yeah, I've never forgotten because it was so surprising at the time when I just could not believe that he said that. And now they're paying us to come perform digitally for them. Except Trey's actually donating all the money, which is kind of cool.
Starting point is 01:39:35 So we're not actually taking any of it. We're just going to perform and do our thing. It's this week sometime. I think Friday maybe. Cool. So we've got to figure that out. Because they wanted us to each do our own sets. And I was like, I really don't think stand-up comedy is going to perform well digitally um and so we're going to
Starting point is 01:39:49 figure something else out to do sure but that's interesting about like like i don't think any i don't i'm sure he didn't have this intention i think he had the intention of like trying to calm you down because he thought you were some rogue college student but like i remember somebody when i first started doing woodworking that said basically like that's that's not going to work out like like you you aren't going to be able to make enough things to make this sustainable or something like that oh and and he was like he was saying it in like a very kind like i'm trying to help you i'm trying to be realistic with you as a successful business person he didn't know you're a scorpio though and that career matters have never been better gosh you're right.
Starting point is 01:40:25 Maybe he's right. Right. Like right now he's like, yeah, I was right. I knew Corona was coming seven years later or whatever it was. But anyway, and that like, I, yeah, I just had a little bit of a chip on my shoulder ever since then. Like, okay, I'm going to work to make sure this works. So I don't know. I'm not saying that that that's like a necessary thing in people's lives to like be told negative
Starting point is 01:40:44 things, but maybe it helped you in a roundabout in people's lives to be told negative things, but maybe it helped you in a roundabout way. Maybe you should be thanking that guy. Poetic justice. Hey, thanks, man. You're my D-sack. You're the only D-sack for me. Let's go, D.
Starting point is 01:40:57 Let's get a sack here. That's good. Okay, let's hurry and do reviews of the week because I have not eaten anything, and we've got to play pickleball soon. Okay. Gunner's birthday. I've got to give mine to study muffy top stud muffy top because he's from olathe he said hey guys huge fan of the podcast working from home for the first time for the time being it's one of the best things to do all day um brad you mentioned you've never
Starting point is 01:41:17 met anyone who's been to jumping catfish so i thought i'd let you know that i love that place as i'm from and live in olathe he might be the only person listening in Olathe that is not related to me, which is really fun. So he said, so virtually nice to meet you. You guys are like an extension of my own thoughts. So it's funny to listen to people who think like I do keep it up. I don't know where you're from stud Muffy top in Olathe, but I grew up, maybe I grew up. Yeah. I went to black Bob elementary school, frontier trail, junior high and, um, only the south high school where did you go you paused there in the high school because no yeah you're right i did kind of frontier trail is now frontier trail middle school whatever i don't want to get into it we were seventh
Starting point is 01:41:53 through not today they're sixth or eighth it's weird it's just the way the world's changing uh okay my review is going to be uh it says, another five-star review of being held hostage. Going to let Brad defend himself here a little bit. Oh, boy. I've thought about it. Go ahead. It says, this podcast is absolutely phenomenal. Jake and Brad, you both have the exact humor that I enjoy.
Starting point is 01:42:12 We seem to love all the same things. So, thank you for that. I love that you share that sentiment with us. It says, however, in the latest episode, Brad said that Ben Rector's songwriting was not that great and too poppy, which is outrageous. I agree with Brad about his voice, but his songs are genius. Four review for now sorry guys let's let's start let's talk about it p fled 2000 you keep having these you know unpopular opinions that are getting us four star reviews i know i understand it's it's almost all from the camp of girls who like poppy music
Starting point is 01:42:38 and so it's like yeah of course is this a girl 100 and let me tell you why. So first of all, I don't say, I'm not going to say I'm a bigger fan of Ben Rector than whoever this is. I don't know that, but I guarantee you I've known about him longer than anybody else listening to this because he's close friends with my cousin, worked at K West, which is where Jake worked. Yes. And when my cousin was there, he was a leadership. My cousin was on leadership. Ben was not. And so Ben needed somebody to go into the chapel, whatever you call it. And, uh, to practice piano like late at night. And so my cousin would literally sit there on the floor and listen to Ben Rector play piano for like two hours, like twice, three times a week. It's awesome. And so it's really cool. And so my cousin has all
Starting point is 01:43:19 these like deep cuts, like, like if you ever, I I'm not going to release them or anything, but he's got like all these like recordings that i have on some ipod somewhere that has like all these very initial versions of his songs back in the day which is really cool it's cool that those same songs were then like played over the speakers at kos like in that same spot you know four years later really yeah you know like wait like we would play his music there oh i see what you're saying really i thought you meant like the recordings that I have. Oh, no. Like the same song, I guess.
Starting point is 01:43:47 Right, right, right. Would be played later. The songs that he's working on. Yeah. So anyway, so I liked Ben Rector before. Like the stuff that I really, really love of his isn't even on Spotify. Like he like doesn't, he like didn't release it. But like Mrs. Jones, Disarm, like all these songs that are like Hank.
Starting point is 01:44:02 Some of my, I mean, Hank might have. Hank's a good one. Yeah. Great songs. Like that I don't even know if he has on Spotify. Um, but it was like my third summer at camp, he came out with this single called summer candy. Do you remember that song? No, he literally told my cousin and I, this is from the mouth of Ben. He said, I'm writing this song as a poppy guilty pleasure, girl song and it literally is the exact same
Starting point is 01:44:26 chord progression as and it came out the same summer as california girls by katie perry and so say what you want about ben rector i think i think he's so so talented but i think he absolutely knows that his audience is college and middle not young age, young professional girls for the most part. And he really, like his song Duo is just cheesy nonsense. It's beautiful. It's wonderful because he sings wonderfully, but it's just so goofy. And he knows that it's goofy and it's fun, but it's not, it's not like his old stuff. His old stuff was so good. And so much more heartfelt in my opinion. So I love Ben Rector. Don't get me wrong.
Starting point is 01:45:06 I think, like I said, I think he's got the best voice, one of my favorite voices ever. But I think that he absolutely knows how he's making his money. And I think he's saying, OK, I'm going to go towards that. I'm going to feed that well. I'm going to rinse and repeat on the same. This past album was just like the album before. I know, hot take. But anyway, and I still like it.
Starting point is 01:45:26 I listen to it. And that's actually a little bit of a tangent towards music. I like when artists have one type of style and just keep going with that style. Like Judah and the Lion. Sometimes they try to do like hip hop and then like bluegrass. And I'm like, no, I like you for hip bluegrass. Like just stay with them. Give me more grass.
Starting point is 01:45:44 Yeah. I'll listen to somebody else for hip hop. I don't need you. I don't need you to fulfill all my music tastes. So Ben Rector, I think is doing a great job for the people that like that style, but he's not, he's not revolutionizing anything. He's doing the same thing over and over again. And you're, you're loving it. P P floods. So yeah, Ben's the man. I've met him a couple of times. I met him once on accident. I asked the car next to me if they had a windshield scraper and it was Ben Rector's car. Yeah. So I was like, Oh, what's up dude. And I've met him a couple times. I met him once on accident. I asked the car next to me if they had a windshield scraper, and it was Ben Rector's car. No way. Yeah, so I was like, oh, what's up, dude? And I've met him a couple times since then. Yeah, he's a great guy. I went to IHOP with him after one of his concerts. It was him, Dave Barnes, Matt Works.
Starting point is 01:46:16 Wow. Fun times. One time at Ben Rector's own concert, he admitted, he's like, a lot of times people ask me, like, you know, how do you have so much to say about your wife? And he's like, I don't think all of these things all the time. Like this is, it's a, it's a song. It's a song. Yeah. He said that at a concert in college when I went to it too. And I was like, yeah, I like that you said that.
Starting point is 01:46:36 Because everyone in the music industry for the most part is doing that. You're at least somewhat catering to an audience. You're trying to build a brand around a specific, you know, marketing strategy. You're trying to attract certain listeners, customers, if you will. And he's very good at that. Yeah. You would be silly if you didn't have a target audience in mind for your music. So anyway, I think Brad's more commenting on musicians in general, rather than like Ben Rector specifically into poppy. Sure. Sure. I think it's okay to be poppy. Cause then Jake Triplett will probably love it. Oh, they're fun. They're fun. They're fun songs, but they're just not.
Starting point is 01:47:06 Disarm is my favorite song by Ben Rector. Anyway, you want me to draw me in a great worship song by Ben Rector? Yeah. Yeah. Draw me in. I don't think you can find it anywhere, but it's very good. He ended up uploading a more like PG-13 version. It was called Draw Me In Like One of Your French Girls.
Starting point is 01:47:21 Oh, yeah. Yeah, it was hot. It was not a worship song. It was a worship song of a different, take of your French curls. Oh yeah. Yeah, it was hot. It was not a worship song. It was a worship song but different. Different way. Take me to church style. Visually.
Starting point is 01:47:29 Yeah. Worshiping. Okay, Brad, end us with a jingle. Episode 49, seven squared, baby. Seven squared. Holy episode
Starting point is 01:47:38 because it's Easter. Holy, holy. I see Jake and Brad. Two microphones. We're here for you on every Monday morning. We love you so much. Oh, shoot. This is going into happy birthday.
Starting point is 01:48:00 I see Jake. We love you. We want you, MacGuffin. End it. Okay. thank you guys for listening follow our instagram and uh episode 40 52 is not that far away got a big announcement a lot of fun see you later bye bye love you katherine and esther Outro Music Bye.

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