Giggly Squad - Giggling about boob jobs, body scans, and stoner energy

Episode Date: January 15, 2025

Hannah has stoner energy and Paige is not getting a boob job.get tickets to live showspre-order our booksign up for our newsletter Hosted on Acast. See for more information....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 In a darkly comedic look at motherhood and society's expectations, Academy Award-nominated Amy Adams stars as a passionate artist who puts her career on hold to stay home with her young son. But her maternal instinct takes a wild and surreal turn as she discovers the best, yet fiercest, part of herself. Based on the acclaimed novel, Nightbitch is a thought-provoking and wickedly humorous film from Searchlight Pictures. Stream Nightb Night Bitch January 24th only on Disney Plus I mean the day just got away from me. What's up my golden gigglers?
Starting point is 00:00:49 Um. Wait, Grace said we have to do something professional. Oh yeah, she said we have to promote our upcoming shows. Nashville, New Orleans, St. Augustine, Hollywood, Florida, Tacoma, Portland, Las Vegas, Salt Lake City. And let's not forget we're performing at Radio City this week. I've been watching stand-ups of people that have filmed them at Radio City just to like watch. Just to get the vibe.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Just to get the vibes of the area. It's funny, that would get me more nervous. Yeah, I think it's bad. I feel like that's the worst thing you could possibly do. That's crazy, because I did take a beta blocker while swatching it. I was like, wow, that's gonna be crazy. I like, it sucks, but I realize that life is just about
Starting point is 00:01:33 not thinking about what you're doing, because the second you're aware of what you're doing, you fuck it up. But you wanna be able to think about what you're doing when you're doing it, but it turns out like- No, you wanna live,. People don't let you. Look, everyone just get a lobotomy, things will work out. That's the newest thing.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Speaking of surgeries, rest in peace to Denise Richards' breast augmentations. Did she get a boob job? Two of her breast implants... Exploded? Wait, ruptured, that was the word they used, which is scary as fuck. Ruptured, that was the word they used, which is scary as fuck. Ruptured during.
Starting point is 00:02:06 I wonder if you know right when it happens. Truly I wonder if you can feel it inside of you of like I just popped a bag. When I was at a tennis academy, I had this huge muscle trainer, and he walks up to me one day and he's like, whatever you do, don't get breast implants. And I was like, I'm 14, why are you saying up to me one day and he's like, whatever you do, don't get breast implants. And I was like, I'm 14.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Like, why are you saying that to me? It was like so weird. And he goes, cause my girlfriend, she was trying to open the car and something poked her and she punctured, and it blew up her breast implant. And I was like, okay noted, thank you. Here's another reason why I went against getting a boob job. If something is going to happen medically, I know it's going to happen to me.
Starting point is 00:02:49 I know I'd be the type of body to be like, we don't want this and reject it. Rejecting it. And that's what happened to Paris Hilton. She got a boob job years ago and her body truly rejected them and she got them taken out right away. That's like me with cocaine. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Yes. Yes. And weed and melatonin. I took a Lemmy gummy. You know what's funny? Whenever I talk about you to people that don't know you, I always say, I'm like, she's so pure. Like, no, she's never smoked a cigarette.
Starting point is 00:03:24 That's like the number one thing I said. I realize, like, if you just look at me, I look up like a pothead, like, I haven't brushed my hair, I'm giggling and constantly snacking. Like, everything about me says pothead. Everything about you says she's hot. I mean, even your shirt right now, that's a stoner ass shirt.
Starting point is 00:03:39 No, I identify as a stoner. You are Seth Rogen. You're like, I don't want kids, I just want to smoke weed. Wait, I have- What's the update? I have something very important to bring up. I don't know if you know, like- I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Okay, let's say it's like, it was probably like 2012 and I, not to brag, but one of my biggest modeling jobs would be shoe fit modeling because I am the perfect size seven. I would go into showrooms and when buyers were coming to buy certain lines of shoes, I would be the model with the shoes on. I would see the shoes before the next season of like what they're buying. And I remember being there one time and I was presented with a sneaker wedge.
Starting point is 00:04:32 And I was like, oh my God, I'm obsessed. Like I, what are these freaking shoes? I love them. And I made them give me a pair, like when I was done. So I was like in Albany having zero business rocking a fucking sneaker wedge. I was a wag. On the ice.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Loved it. They're coming back full force. And I just feel like you are the epitome, sorry, Croc, sorry, Croc. But I just feel like you are a sneaker wedge girly. I feel like you just called me a Miranda. No. This is, okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:05:09 No, and this is- I have a lot of, let me process. Okay. Because I feel like sneaker wedges, they were like in for a bit, but they were never- They were in for like a second. Yeah, they were never considered. They were very, like they weren't in, in the country.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Like no one wore them in Albany. I remember being like, feeling like a freak, but like in New York City, everyone wore them for like a year. I wore, I think I wore them. This is my thing. I love Crocs so much and I love my heeled wedge Crocs. So like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:41 If the right sneaker wedge comes across my desk, I will. I'm into like the sneaker loafers that are New Balance. Everyone's been sending me and I was like, give me your 17 to them right now. Wait, I don't know if I've seen the sneaker loafer. It's like a silver, like New Balance, but as a loafer. Well, we have such different algorithms because this is the only thing on my algorithm right now.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Speaking of algorithm, unpopular opinion. Yep, I know what you're gonna say. Really unpopular. I can't fucking wait for TikTok to be gone. No samsies. I need my life back. Everyone's like, oh no, I'm not gonna learn anything. I miss my family.
Starting point is 00:06:18 I miss being dumb. I miss not knowing a goddamn thing. Ignorance is bliss and I enjoy it. Everyone's posting the funniest stuff of like me saying bye to my Chinese spy. Or like doing like the Congress thing, it's like, are you Chinese? No, so you are.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Nope, I'm not. Like I always, what I do like about TikTok is it understands me more than anyone. But also what I hate about it is it understands me more than anyone. Yeah, it's intrusive. Yeah, it's super intrusive. I like that it tells me more than anyone. But also what I hate about it is it understands me more than anyone. Yeah, it's intrusive. Yeah, it's super intrusive. I like that it tells me what to buy.
Starting point is 00:06:49 Like I don't wanna have to search for what I need. Like it tells me like, you're gonna like this. And I'm like, thank you, giving me 17 of them right now. But also with the mental health stuff, not to age ourselves, but we were the WebMD generation. Like you got a sniffle, you went on WebMD, it told you you were gonna die, and that was your fate. And before I had to search to be diagnosed with something,
Starting point is 00:07:12 where now it just like comes at you all day. Like you have sleep paralysis, like everything. Do you eat cheese? Okay, you have a problem. It's like, oh man. Then with all the information, like it's been crazy to see what size of TikTok I'll be on, where I'll be like, once you see three videos
Starting point is 00:07:28 of people saying the same thing, you believe it. Yes. So like the misinformation that's spread is crazy. From beauty stuff to politics to current events. And like, no one is above, like if three of your friends say something, it's a thing. Right. That's just a fact.
Starting point is 00:07:48 And TikTok for all the information that we've been able to like spread that's been great has equally been like the bullying and the lying. And I'm gonna be honest, I have learned things on TikTok. Have I implemented them into my life? Certainly not. Have I saved 4,000 workouts and recipes that I've never once gone back on?
Starting point is 00:08:08 I've never once gone back to a workout. And I save a ton of them. I'm like, ooh, that's a good one to do at home. Oh, 100%. I've sent it to you and been like, if I'm not gonna use it, you're not gonna use it either. I do feel bad for the people who blew up because they are so talented
Starting point is 00:08:25 and Hollywood would have never given them a time of day, but the people chose them and they were able to grow that. I just think it has significantly impacted my mental health based on alone, the amount of time I spend on it. Like when I get off TikTok at night to like fall asleep, I have to like sit there for 20 minutes and like decompress a little.
Starting point is 00:08:51 One of my favorite things to do is decompress, but like it's too overstimulating and I'm like, I'm actually ready for it to have my nights back. But sometimes TikTok, the algorithm's bad. Like I saw a video of a girl with a mustache, and she's like, would you date the male version of yourself? So I watched it, and it was funny.
Starting point is 00:09:12 But then it showed me 30 more videos of that, and I'm like, I'm not that interested in that. That's my thing now, show me girls with mustaches. Right. So look, there's pros and cons, but not to get big picture here, but I feel like I have a niece, I'm an aunt, which is very important.
Starting point is 00:09:32 I FaceTime her all the time and then hang up when she gets cranky. She is given strict screen time things and there's proven studies about the development of your brain. So I think it's starting with kids, but I think like in 10, 20 years, like adults are gonna be put on like a screen thing.
Starting point is 00:09:52 I think if people aren't all ready, people will be going to rehab for... Pumina right now? No, actually Pumina right now. I never get mad about a social media app closing cause we all know social media is not good for us. Right, like something else will pop up, people will be fine, but.
Starting point is 00:10:13 People will be fine. People are telling people where to go, which is kind of, it feels like when you're waiting for a train and you don't know what the train is gonna be and then they announce the train and everyone starts running towards the train track. I will say as a group of millennials,
Starting point is 00:10:30 we are funny on there. You know, like we've never been more together as a country knowing that like something's going away. So like I'm happy for the camaraderie. Oh, like all the millennials are happy? No, I'm saying like everyone's banned together of being like this app is gonna be gone soon, like save it or the fuck you want.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Like people are being really funny on it and I appreciate that. It's funny cause mine is like people crying. Really? Cause it's like the LA fires, which are so fucked up. So fucked up. And then like a 22 year old crying about TikTok and I'm like, let's get our priorities in order.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Which Giggly Squad, we just designed a t-shirt for the LA fires and we're going to give all the proceeds to a charity that we pick. If you guys have any charities that you're like really passionate about, send them to us. Yeah, we're like vetting, cause I feel like, it's like if we're gonna give money, I wanna give it to the right places.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Right, and make sure it's like going to where you actually say it's going to. Sometimes these like big ones, I'm like, mm. Is it to the right places. And make sure it's like going to where you actually say it's going to, sometimes these like big ones, I'm like, mm. Is it hitting the right people? Yeah, yeah. I mean, look, GoFundMe's are great, but you really do have to check them out.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Make sure it's a friend who knows the person. Yeah. This, cause during strifling times, is that a crazy way to describe it? What does strifle mean? Chris, what does strifle mean? Stryflin? What does Stryflin mean? Chris, what does Stryfl mean? Stryflin times? Grace is dying with the word.
Starting point is 00:11:49 It's not a real word, first of all. Urban dictionary. Stryflin? You're talking about Stryflin. Stryflin. She said, her urban dictionary says a combination of the word strife and trifle. Strife meaning difficulty, trifle meaning
Starting point is 00:12:02 not really very important. So maybe not Stryflin. Definitely not really very important. So maybe not strifling. Definitely not strifling. Definitely not. Wait, strifling is my life though. Not important. No, I've been strifling. No, I'm not kidding.
Starting point is 00:12:14 I've been strifling for like two weeks now. I'm not okay. Wait, can we normalize strifling? The origin is Italian. And if you use it in a sentence... Being really upset about things that don't matter. Yeah. No, but I didn't realize everyone I know lives in LA. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:12:37 It's devastating. I couldn't imagine. I just couldn't imagine. It is so funny too with all the technology, and we're so advanced. We have cyber chucks, that first of all, we can't figure out how to turn on a TV with less than two remotes. Second of all, that something so basic is fire,
Starting point is 00:12:55 like we can't. Yeah, they couldn't. It's almost weird, the world will always beat us. Like the environment will always be like, gotcha bitches. No, like they didn't have water. No, it's so scary. Like that's so fucked.
Starting point is 00:13:08 And there's nothing you could do. But shout out, I feel like, and LA, everyone needs to remember, like, yeah, it's huge mansions and famous people. And then tons and tons of normal fucking people. Yeah, I mean, the Pacific Palisades, I feel like those houses, like, that's such a nice area that I feel like those houses are passed down generation to generation. Like people have lived there for years. It's not just like celebrities. It's like, those are family homes.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Also New Yorkers, we all live in like tiny apartments. So when people are like, we lost our house, I'm like, holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. Someone posted and was like, I don't own jeans anymore. And it's like, oh my God. Like that's, I could not imagine losing everything
Starting point is 00:13:52 in a fire. It's just so sad. And also if you're there, they're just saying like the air quality is so fucking bad. So like don't be a hero, wear a fucking mask. Yeah, truly. We're gonna be going full mom on people. So I hope Denise Richard's boobs are okay.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Oh, and that's how we started. Yeah. She ruptured both her boobs. I watched Anora. You did. Okay, wait, when you were talking about it on the pod, I thought you had watched it. No, I don't talk about things that I've watched.
Starting point is 00:14:20 And I don't talk about things that I know. So we're on the same page. Now, my one note for Anora was was that I think I was being a little like I'm from Brooklyn I'll tell you how to talk if you're from Brooklyn and I did like part of her accent I'd be like I don't know if that hit because something like water she'd be like water. Yeah once I watched it I knew what you were saying. You could just tell that she was a girl from LA doing a very good Brooklyn accent. She's a phenomenal actress.
Starting point is 00:14:50 But I was also like, for her to go from, hi, I'm Mikey Madison, I'm so excited to be a part of this film, to talking like this, you motherfucker. I mean, honestly, it was low key a dream rule for me. And I think I was jealous. I was like, that was for me. And it's so big of you to admit that. And that's how I feel about Ariana Grande.
Starting point is 00:15:16 And just maybe jealous of her. I'm like, I don't want her to be Audrey Hepburn because I want her to be me. No, but people are saying that she's dressing like Aubrey Hepburn. Audrey, did I call her Aubrey? That's okay. That would have been, I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:15:31 It's okay. It's not my mom or anything. Wait, Aubrey would have changed her whole brand. Whole brand. Yeah, but she's dressing like with the little bangs. Yeah, which I did first at the CFDA Awards, but. Anywho. We're not comparing.
Starting point is 00:15:44 We're not giving a score. No, we're not. We, for anyone in a relationship, not you. For anyone. Oh, sorry, you're not in a relationship anymore. I was on stage and I have a joke about how like I never, I'm gonna say it, how no one asks me when I'm gonna have kids and that me and you will be getting interviewed
Starting point is 00:16:09 and they'll be like, Paige, when are you gonna move to Charleston? And then the crowd like kind of groaned and I was like, oh, rest in peace. And everyone was like, ah! And I'm like, but then they'll look at me and then go back and be like, Paige, when are you gonna move to Charleston?
Starting point is 00:16:20 I'm like, I'm fully married. And no one has any question about me. But also I do have to say, it is so hard to be in a public relationship. Doesn't I thrive by people not asking us questions about us? Right now. Imagine having your worst friends commenting on what they think your relationship's about.
Starting point is 00:16:44 That's what the internet is. Or what you're doing. I'm like, wait a moment. Imagine your shittiest friends hanging out with you, and you not telling them anything about what's going on with you, but they saw you, and then they go in the cab and talk to their friend gossiping about you, what they think's going on,
Starting point is 00:16:57 and you can hear it, that's the internet. No, the internet is literally someone texting you accidentally about yourself, and then trying to cover it up when you say something like based off of no information. This episode of Giggly Squad is brought to you by Wild Grain. Wild Grain is the first baked from frozen subscription box for our seasonal bre customizable to your taste and dietary restrictions. In addition to their classic variety box, they recently launched a new gluten-free box and a plant-based box that's 100% vegan. Best of all, they take the hassle out of baking since all the items bake from frozen in 25 minutes or less, with no mess or cleanup. I'm obsessed that you can just get pasta that you know is good and fresh. And also, wild grain just makes things so much easier. Having bread and pasta in my house and
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Starting point is 00:19:52 In a darkly comedic look at motherhood and society's expectations, Academy Award-nominated Amy Adams stars as a passionate artist who puts her career on hold to stay home with her young son. But her maternal instinct takes a wild and surreal turn as she discovers the best, yet fiercest part of herself. Based on the acclaimed novel, Night Bitch is a thought-provoking and wickedly humorous film from Searchlight Pictures. Stream Night Bitch January 24th only on Disney+. 24th, only on Disney Plus.
Starting point is 00:20:29 My favorite thing actually this whole weekend was, people were mad at me for a lot of things, but like none of them had to do, honestly pertain to me. Yeah. But the one thing that did pertain to me, that was like actually true, was people were like, oh, she thinks that she's a New Yorker. Like she's from Albany. First of all, yes, I am from Albany. And second, I am a New Yorker
Starting point is 00:20:47 because I've lived here for 10 years. But thirdly, they were like, a true New Yorker would never wear an Eagles outfit or like another team. And I just want to say, I'm a fair weather fan. Like, if there's one thing- You were never out here saying I represent New York sports. No, if there's one thing about me,
Starting point is 00:21:04 I don't give a fuck about your sports. Okay? The one thing about me, if the color matches my shoes, I'm wearing it. If my friend sends me a dope jacket to any team, I'm wearing it. Kristin, can we shout out to Kristin? And I'm not trying to turn it on people,
Starting point is 00:21:19 but do you not support women in the arts? And small businesses, actually huge businesses, but do you not support women entrepreneurship? I think that Kristin is going- Female founded companies? I genuinely think that she is going to become a billionaire on her own. Wow, I just got like titillated.
Starting point is 00:21:35 I think she just changed the whole course of like NFL. Can you Google titillated? I feel like that was the wrong word too. No, that actually I think was right. No, but like I just, it got me so excited because she's so fucking talented and she's being, what does it mean, Chris? It means stimulate her excitement,
Starting point is 00:21:52 especially in a sexual way. Yeah. Yeah, that was accurate. And that was fucking accurate. No, and the other thing is she's so fucking nice and like gracious and sweet. Like she DM'd me and she was like, I wanna send you a jacket.
Starting point is 00:22:04 And I was like, send me whatever one you want. And then I was going to the Eagles game. I was like, perfect. My outfit's gonna hit. Wait, Kristin, I will buy it. Can I buy a Knicks or a Mets or a? No, she only does NFL. But she's gonna expand.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Well, yeah, she will expand. She's expanding as we speak. No, as we speak, she's taking over the world. What I was gonna say about relationships that you wouldn't know about is that my latest thing is yeah, the concept of keeping score. Like I was talking to my friend who was like, you ever feel like he accuses you of this
Starting point is 00:22:39 and then you didn't do that? It's a lot of like, I'm not keeping, if you're keeping score, that's on you. I'm not keeping score. And this goes from like little household chores to whatever and just like my biggest advice for marriage is a reminder that like, you're not competing. You both are on the same team
Starting point is 00:22:55 and the second you guys start keeping score against each other, like that's just, that's a fight ready to happen. 100%. So my new line is, are you keeping score? Cause I'm not keeping score. Yeah, I can count that high. I'm not keeping score. Yeah. I can't count that high.
Starting point is 00:23:06 I'm illiterate and I don't know numbers. And here's the other thing. I don't care. Period. Period. The newest time to keep score. We are strifling out in these streets. No, I'm strifling.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Wait, let's... So Saturday morning... We try so hard not to get in trouble. It's actually a miracle. It's not a miracle. I truly try so hard not to get in trouble. It's actually a miracle. It's a miracle. I truly try so hard. I'm like, oh, I'm not even doing anything. We will listen to pause, be like, did we say anything to attack anyone?
Starting point is 00:23:35 I really need Us Weekly and People Magazine and Page Six to stop listening to Giggly Squad and taking the craziest things and writing an article because it's like, we're joking about everything. So we wake up Saturday morning and I'm getting a FaceTime from Hannah Berner and I answer it and there's Marcelo Hernandez. We're on a three way. I said, wow. Did you feel?
Starting point is 00:23:58 I got nervous. I go, shoot, I did something. You guys keep me scoring. Right in the moment I go, I did something, I said something, what the fuck did I say? Wait, I saw your face, you look, cause with me you never feel like you're in trouble. No.
Starting point is 00:24:08 You literally were like, what did I do? What did I do? Yeah. And when I told this story about how I texted Marcelo, and I said like, oh yeah, and he was like, fuck yeah. Like, I didn't mean to make it sound like that was a direct quote from Marcelo. When I initially told Marcelo that everyone thought
Starting point is 00:24:24 that I cheated on my boyfriend with him, his initial reaction was, LOL, what? And then he never responded again. But in the story, I was like, yeah, he didn't give a fuck. He was like, fuck yeah, like who cares? Then articles come out being like, Marcelo's exact quotes after he found out. And I, Marcelo was like, you're really fucking me over here.
Starting point is 00:24:44 And so I felt so bad. No, he was being so funny. He goes, so you said when the rumor came out that we were dating, I responded and said, fuck yeah. I've never said fuck yeah. Anytime in my, I would never say fuck yeah. I go, sorry, did you say kick ass? Like, what did you say exactly?
Starting point is 00:25:01 He said, LOL, what? Who is this? So he goes, how did you get my number? He did not say fuck yeah. Yeah. So anyway, that was like a bomb I had to defuse over the weekend. So I only got like 7,000 more.
Starting point is 00:25:13 And I'm like, I don't even know what you guys are talking about. I just wanted to wear a cool jacket. But we did have fun with our dads at the Knicks game. It was like a full circle moment to like, we got those tickets, we took our dads to those games. Yeah, we got those tickets because the owner of MSG owns Radio City, and so because we sold out Radio City
Starting point is 00:25:41 two days in a row, they were like, oh, here are some next tickets. And obviously we were like, we'll bring our dads. Yeah, and Paige the whole time was making fun of our brothers being like, where are they now? And your dad loved it. My dad was great. The only thing I cared about that night
Starting point is 00:25:55 was making your dad laugh. And I did it in the first half and I was like, I can go home. Do you feel like when you're hanging out with my dad, it was like kind of like hanging out with me at all? Exactly. Everyone was saying like, oh my God, our dads are so us coded.
Starting point is 00:26:10 I loved it so much. Like me and my dad's outfits actually kind of matched. Like his shoes matched my jacket. And you and your dad were very like sports. So Paige's dad and Paige are sitting and like so calm, collected, look great. Wait, I have another story. No, keep going.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Oh no, I know what you're gonna say. So then my dad is, my dad, I would say that I have a very split personality of like I can be my dad and then I can also be my mom. But the majority I would say I am my dad. Yeah, same. And so like when he's out in public, I know he gets socially like anxious and awkward. And here's the other thing, he can't hear very well.
Starting point is 00:26:56 So he gets even more nervous that like, he's not gonna be able to hear what someone's saying to him. And he's not gonna- He's also like a little shy. Like he's not trying to- Oh, he's so shy. He's extremely shy. little shy. Like he's not trying to. Oh, he's so shy. He's extremely shy. Where my dad is like, the party's here.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Right, unless you like fully know my dad, he's not showing his personality. He's black cat. And he likes a one-on-one. Like when I'm one-on-one with him, he's chatty, shy, chatty, but like if we're in a group, he plays security guard. He stands by the door.
Starting point is 00:27:20 He makes sure everyone is okay. He's like looking at the exits. He also like does not do things with my mom. Like this was a really big deal for him. Without your mom. Yeah, without my mom. Yeah. To go somewhere and my mom not be involved.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Like he was anxious. The funniest moment was he turns to my dad and he's like, so you guys eat a lot of Italian food? My dad was like, I mean, yeah. And he goes, but like every night is your wife making Italian food? And my dad's like, not every night. I mean, yeah. And he goes, but like every night is your wife making Italian food? And my dad's like, not every night. I mean, we have like Chinese sometimes.
Starting point is 00:27:49 And he goes, yeah, Kim likes Chinese, but I just want to eat her Italian food. And I was like, this is the sweetest conversation. If someone ever suggests like a different cuisine, he goes, I feel like we're wasting our time. He goes, why would we eat that and waste our time when we could eat Italian food? It was so you coded as we all went up, my dad and I ran to the buffet
Starting point is 00:28:08 because we were like, we're getting our money's worth. These people are gonna lose money on us at the buffet. And I look at your dad and he was like, I'll just sit here, I'm a little, you know, I'm not in the mood to eat right now. He was too overstimulated. He was too overstimulated. He was like, I'll watch you back, you go get food.
Starting point is 00:28:20 He didn't even like walk over to the buffet. But when we were sitting there. My dad got ice cream before dinner. He was having the best time of his life. He's like, my wife isn't around, we're getting ice cream before dinner. When we got to our seats, my dad got sat next to Billy Baldwin,
Starting point is 00:28:37 who I turned to my dad and I was like, hey dad, just so you know, this is Billy Baldwin. He like this and this and this. And he was like, okay. He was the nicest guy ever. He talked to my dad the whole game. My dad, I felt like this was my son and I was dropping him off to preschool
Starting point is 00:28:53 and I was like, it's okay, these are gonna be your friends. He's sitting to my right, he's holding on to my jacket sleeve while he's talking to Billy Baldwin because I could tell he was nervous. And so I turned to my dad and I was like, can you not hear him?
Starting point is 00:29:09 Or like, do you want me to also be in the conversation? Are you nervous? He was like, no, no, I'm okay. I just like want it. I just like, I was his security blanket. I literally went home and I cried, like thinking about it. Because I was like, that was so sweet. And our dads are so opposite.
Starting point is 00:29:23 We were sitting next to two actors and my dad never stopped to think like, oh maybe these are famous actors. He's shooting the shit with them. Wait, the guy, I love him, he's in. I think it's Skyler. He's in. Righteous Jumpsons.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Righteous Jumpsons. Which I hadn't seen but I recognized him. He's so good at it. His girlfriend was so nice. Wait, you have to watch Righteous Jumpsons, it's really funny. I have to. But my dad, the ball goes into Skylar's hands
Starting point is 00:29:48 and you have to give it back. So he gives it back and my dad's like, what, you're not gonna let me touch it? And Skylar, so he's busting balls with them. No, he's like, you're not gonna let everyone in line touch it, you just throw it back. No, we took our sons to the game. So then Skylar starts laughing hysterically.
Starting point is 00:30:02 They have a whole thing. Next time the ball bounces again, Skyler gives it to my dad. My dad's spinning it on his finger, having the best time. The time of his life. The time of his life. Me and my dad had one beer, we were drunk, and we're trying to get the players to look at us.
Starting point is 00:30:16 We were like, Jaylen, you're doing great! He noticed me. That's what we did the whole time. It was so much fun. No, it was a great time. It was super... Oh, No, it was a great time. It was like super. Oh, can I make a PSA? There was a video going around of someone filming us
Starting point is 00:30:32 and it got to me and I gave him the finger. Yeah. Not that everyone thought it was a giggler, but that was not a giggler. I would never give the finger to a giggler unless that was an inside joke. That was Chris DeStefano who deserved the finger. Of course.
Starting point is 00:30:47 He's another comedian and he was infringing on my personal space and he wanted the finger. So I gave him what he wanted. No, I love a Knicks game. We love a Knicks game. We did wave to Chris and Trey Songz that we were waving at him. So now we're in a band with Trey Songz that we were waving at him. So now we're in a band with Trey Songz.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Yeah. Yeah. And the neighbors know my name. So that happened. We know I'm literally Trey Songz's backup singer. I'm obsessed. No, but we had a great time and we definitely have to go back.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Yeah. One thing we didn't mention last week is the Giggly Squad cult got nominated for podcast of the year. With iHeart. Which, you know what's so crazy is like I do- We've never been nominated for anything. No, I do forget that like we have a podcast. That people listen.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Yeah, like I, it really. Yeah. Unless like we do an episode where I drop seven bombs and walk away, then I notice it, because I'll get the girls will be chatting. But week to week when we're just shooting the shit, I do forget. We're people's inside joke.
Starting point is 00:31:55 They don't talk about it on the internet. It's just we're in their head. Right, we're just inside joke girlies. So when I saw that we got nominated for podcast of the year, it was like a very surreal moment. And it's, I think the awards are at South by Southwest, but to vote, you have to like make a profile, which I know is like annoying.
Starting point is 00:32:15 You have to get a, I have to be honest, I haven't voted yet because it was like, you have to sign up for I Heart. And I was like- No, the admin, I was like, guys, no gigglers are doing this. Give it to someone else. This is our, if we've ever brought you joy, and I will do it right after this, there's a link.
Starting point is 00:32:32 Yeah. Press it. Put a username password for iHeart. Vote for Giggly Squad as your favorite podcast. And then we'll party till dawn. I mean, we'll go to bed at 9 p.m. 9 p.m. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:44 No, so I think that was like, we didn't even talk about it. We're so humble. No, I just think I thought it was a scam. Me too. Do you listen to any podcasts? When I used to walk to work and have a nine to five, I needed a podcast or music in my ear. I feel like with our job now, it's hard.
Starting point is 00:33:04 I'll listen to one of a lot of different people. I don't have one that I have to listen to every week. I'm the same way. I do one-offs. I'm also kind of nerdy. I like entrepreneurial pods, like how they built this and that kind of stuff. Or girls who started a brand. A couple months ago, I listened to Mariana Hewitt on a podcast and I was like, I'm obsessed with you. I love that stuff. Or I like Mariana Hewitt on a podcast and I was like, I'm obsessed with you. I love that stuff. Or I like comics talking about like how they made a joke.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Yeah. No, those are... Here's a good one. Here's the other thing. I listen to our pod every week. And that's where you're like sick in the head. That's where like your brain needs to be studied because... I listen to it every week.
Starting point is 00:33:42 I can't listen to my own voice and like kudos to all of you who like listen to it every week. I can't listen to my own voice. And like, kudos to all of you who like listen to me every week, thank you. I can't. You know, it's funny, I thought about this the other week. I usually don't like the sound of my own voice either, but I remembered when I, remember when you were little, like we had answering machines, like legit machines. Yeah, and you'd be like, just kidding.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Like people would do the most insane voicemails. I would beg my mom every day, like let me redo the answering machine. And she would always let me. And there was something about like pressing record and then doing, like I would do it in a Jersey accent. I would do it in a British accent. I would like come up with these different ideas
Starting point is 00:34:18 of like what the answering machine should be. And I was obsessed with it. And then I was like, wait, I host a podcast now. That was your practice to become a podcast. I was like, mom, record, I'm ready. I remember that I had one that was literally me giggling, which is so obviously us coded. It was me being like, this is not a leave-in.
Starting point is 00:34:37 Like, where's my, and I did that like in college and then I started to like apply for jobs and I remember my mom being like, hey, you have professional people calling you, and you're just giggling in your voicemail. Can you have more professional? I think I still haven't redone it for 20 years. No, I wish my family saved that machine. I mean, I was seven years old, and I was like, I think I could do a British accent.
Starting point is 00:34:59 Literally, because I watched The Parent Trap once. Now that you're single, are you gonna go to bars and pretend you have a different accent and name? Have you ever done that? Yes. What is with girls loving to do that? Being like, I'm British, my name is Annie tonight. It's just really freeing because I feel like you aren't,
Starting point is 00:35:20 you already know you're not, it's for the emotionally unavailable. 100% and it's for like it's stressful to be yourself It's almost like when you act as a character You're completely like do whatever you want cuz you're like, that's not me. He didn't reject me, right? You're just did Annie who's honestly kind of stuck up Well, you know it's funny cuz I feel like I've so I talked to so many I'm in my DMS recently too, because the girls are sending like a lot of motivational things. And so like being with the girls that are single in their early 30s, one of the biggest
Starting point is 00:35:54 things is like, we're not in our 20s anymore. So it's like, not that you can't be single the way you were in your 20s, you can do whatever you want. But it's you almost like don't wanna be. Like when I got single at like 28, I was like, catch me in every single club that exists in New York City. And like, I was there.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Like you could find me in a club. Now I'm like, I would pass away. Yeah, I don't know how you did that. If I went to a club till 4 a.m. Like I'd literally pass away. So it is weird, weird thinking of like, okay, well, what am I gonna do being single? I've done a couple dinners with my girlfriends.
Starting point is 00:36:31 I haven't gone out, out yet. At Algoma University, your future has no limit. Here, you can go further, in the classroom, in the field, and well beyond. We provide personalized education, cultural fluency, and training for in-demand careers. We don't just prepare you for the future, we prepare you to change it. Plus, Algoma has the most affordable tuition in Ontario. Make the most of your university experience. Go further. Apply to Algoma University today.
Starting point is 00:37:11 I remember when I was on dating apps when I first started Summer at House, guys were already referencing things or quoting stuff, and it was kind of weird because you felt like, oh, they already think they know me, and I don't love that I have to battle whatever image they think they have of me. And you're gonna have to deal with that
Starting point is 00:37:32 a hundred times worse. Can I? If any of these magazine people are listening, can I make a statement? Yeah, I would love it. I love how I want to make statements. No, before we started the podcast, Hannah goes, okay, now, look No, before we started the pod, Hannah goes,
Starting point is 00:37:45 okay now, look alive, don't say anything bad. And you're like, actually, I forgot two things. No, I just wanna talk about breakups. And I don't look at the comments or anything, but can we normalize not being completely destroyed after a breakup? I feel like everyone thinks that when girls get broken up with or they have a breakup,
Starting point is 00:38:07 that's the saddest thing ever. It's actually so empowering. And I've been joking how when girls go through a breakup, they're glowing the fuck up. They suddenly become like Pilates instructors. They're going to Harvard. They change everything. They've read 100 books.
Starting point is 00:38:21 They're asking their friends. You said a really important quote this morning. You said if someone sees a breakup and they immediately think, what did the girl do? That's mental illness. No, that's so scary. For relationships, it takes two to tango. In the history of anyone breaking up,
Starting point is 00:38:38 when has the girl ever done anything? No, but there's rarely one person that's the devil and one's great. Then why would you be together for so long? But I do have to say, I feel like also in terms of reflecting, I feel like girls after breakups will talk to their friends and be like, how did I end up in this? How can I do better? What's the thing?
Starting point is 00:38:58 And then guys will sit together and be like, who would win in a fight, a bear or a tiger? I do have to say for anyone going through a breakup right now, breakups to me are like corporate jobs. You're not actually going to get a raise unless you leave and get another job. You guys, I was 29, single during COVID, living with my mom, dad, and four cats. And she looked at me. She looked at me and she had that honest mom moment where she was like, do we wanna, She looked at me and she had that honest mom moment where she was like, do we wanna, like is there anything you could have done differently? And I looked her right in the eye
Starting point is 00:39:30 and I said, nobody got away. Yeah, I feel like that too. Nobody got away. Have you ever been broken up with? The only times I've been broken up with have been like messy situationships. You know the like two month there that like it goes. Oh a situationship. Oh a situationship.
Starting point is 00:39:45 Oh a situationship will fuck me up. Yeah those are all, I've never, like someone said to me like, oh are your exes reaching out now that you got a Netflix special or whatever. All my real relationships that have been like over a year have been like two people who know each other that I've gotten out of, thank God.
Starting point is 00:40:02 I one time mourned a situationship that was two months for three years. No, no, a hundred. Those are the ones, because you don't actually know them. Yeah, so I made up a whole scenario about this man. I don't think anyone's been upset about a breakup once you know the person, because you're like, yeah, I'll miss that, but also that.
Starting point is 00:40:17 I've had guys who I fully have been so into that my mom was like, can you break up with them? And I would be like, okay, and then you find someone else. But I've definitely. In the wise words of Kimberly Noel Kardashian, I didn't come this far to come this far and not be happy. And I think she saw it on the internet. Did she say that?
Starting point is 00:40:39 Someone else said it and she saw it. Thomas Jefferson. No, I just think there's such a media perspective of girls sobbing in the shower and being like, I'm nothing without him. Here's one thing I want to talk. I've been talking to the girls in my DMs. I have so many girls that are going through breakups
Starting point is 00:40:59 right now. I also think I push them to do it. To get a cat, break up with your boyfriend. It is kind of crazy to see some friends just like, see ya, like poof. If this was what it was to get you out of my life, God, thank you for protecting me. Thank you for steering me in a direction
Starting point is 00:41:21 where like certain people are kind of just like falling off. That's your 30s. And I'm so interested to see if the other girls in their 30s that are going through breakups, like if any of their friends that they didn't think would turn on them turned on them, because that's also a very weird head space to be in. I feel like in your 20s when your friends turn on you,
Starting point is 00:41:42 you go, oh no, what can I do to get them back? I suck, I need to be cooler, I need to be in. I feel like in your 20s when your friends turn on you, you go, oh no, what can I do to get them back? I suck, I need to be cooler, I need to be funnier. What's wrong with me? When you're 30s, when people show you who they really are, you go, oh thank God, I almost had them in my inner circle. I almost told them my hopes and dreams. I go, I got you out of my life for free. I go, bitch, that was the best thing
Starting point is 00:42:01 you could have ever said to me. See ya. And I do have to say, sometimes those people will come knocking back, but when you love yourself, you go, oh, I will never forget when I was down, being like kicked down a dead horse. So many people have-
Starting point is 00:42:15 You kicked me. So many people have lost complete access to me and I love it. No, it's honestly like so freeing. Like you can still be alive and be dead to me. Okay? And I won't even mourn it, but I'll have a funeral. Wait, I sent you, I sent you a funny meme. Oh wait. What? So me and Hannah went and did those full body MRI scans. We have a code for the
Starting point is 00:42:38 gigglers. We'll put it in the newsletter. Did you go to yours? Yeah. Okay, so this is Pranuvo Report. It was on like 34th and 6th. It's so crazy because before I went, one of my friends was like, Oh my God, are you claustrophobic? And I was like, I guess we'll find out when I'm in there. Me and Hannah went at different times, like Hannah was already in there and then I went in,
Starting point is 00:43:00 but when we both got out, we were like, I'll take a nap. I loved it. This was like, you know, was it scary? I was like, I've never felt more protected. Relaxed. I was watching the Jerry Springer documentary. I watched Sex in the City.
Starting point is 00:43:13 They put Netflix on. It was so loud. Like obviously there's like a lot of like machinery working. I almost fell asleep. I would have fallen asleep if they didn't come over the loud speaker and say you have to hold your breath right now. I was like, I was almost hitting REM.
Starting point is 00:43:25 I did fall asleep the last 10 minutes and it was the most peaceful sleep I've had in a while. So the thing with these body scans is like when do you scan your whole body? Unless you're like, even when you're getting an MRI, it's normally like just a specific part. So this is like a full body, just checking to see if there's anything going on.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Yeah, so it took about an hour. You lay there, you go in and out of this machine. There were certain parts where you had to, like, have the same breathing pattern. But, like, all in all, it was one of the easiest experiences. Then they send you your update. So I just opened mine. Oh, my God. Okay, so it's organized
Starting point is 00:44:00 versus nervous system. How many findings? Two. I had four. Oh! OK, click on it. Wait, are we going to find out something crazy right now? These are small, less than 5 millimeter white spots seen in your white matter of the brain.
Starting point is 00:44:13 This finding is relatively common in people over the age of 30, and the number of spots can increase slowly, if at all, with aging. These are generally asymptomatic, although in some people there is a slight correlation to migraine. The exact cause of these cannot be determined. Do you have migraines?
Starting point is 00:44:29 I don't, but I thought it was gonna be like, you're crazy. See, I got spondyliarthropy of the cervical spine. Mild degenerative changes in your, like they're bulges at C3-4, C5-6, and C6-7, with a mild central canal stenosis. These mild do not need a follow-up if you have no symptoms. But I mean, I think it's okay.
Starting point is 00:44:59 You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna check it with Des's. Yeah. Because we'll see what Des has. What else are you reading? Okay, my next one was I had one respiratory finding, one minor finding. What is it?
Starting point is 00:45:14 Consistent with sin, S-I-N-U-S-I-T-I-S. Oh, sinitis. Sounds like an Italian town that like got on, like literally was killed by lava. Oh, like back in Rome, sinitis was... What is it? Just like inflammation or infection in one more of the sinuses in the head. Oh, so you have like a little sinus infection.
Starting point is 00:45:51 I have a deviated septum, which is crazy because I only did coke once and I immediately got a nosebleed. We need to have one reproductive finding. Okay, what is it? A small amount of fluted in the cul-de-sac is normal. Discuss the finding with your doctor. Oh, I must, I bet I have a cyst. Oh my God, I think I have a cyst.
Starting point is 00:46:15 Or is that a baby? Hannah. Looks like a head. Yeah, because who would have been with- No, fuck me up. Tiktok. Page Six, why don't you chill? It's just-
Starting point is 00:46:33 We knew that you've had PCOS. I do, I have this. Yeah, so it's not that crazy, but- How, what's the thickness of your endometrial thickness? Where do you see that? I have it in my reproductive system because I just got an informational finding. It says, my endometrial thickness
Starting point is 00:46:52 is measured at five millimeters. I just want to know if that's tiny or big. I don't have measurements. Okay, so maybe it wasn't important. I have one musculoskeelitel, wow, I love the people at Pernuvo are probably like, these girls are too dumb to explain. No, the people were so nice there too.
Starting point is 00:47:13 They were so nice. Musculatel, oh yeah, so they're giving us $300 off for the Gigglers. Okay, amazing. And we're gonna put it in the newsletter, but I think it's Giggly Squad, no. It's slash g's slash Giggly Squad. I have a muscletelital thing.
Starting point is 00:47:27 We detected a region of bursitis. There is a region of bursitis located in the subcoracoid burst of your right shoulder. This is a benign condition. It's probably from serving really hard. From being a fucking beast on the court. Serving, sleigh. Not to bring up that I wasn't allowed to be out of the house
Starting point is 00:47:48 yesterday, but when I was at the Eagles game, there was someone on the team, not that I know any fucking people, there was someone on the team and their last name is sleigh junior. I was obsessed. If you guys have never seen the Key and Peele sketch. Chris.
Starting point is 00:48:02 If you guys have never seen the Key and Peele sketch of football last names, it's the funniest shit you'll ever see on the internet. Wait, Chris was so cute earlier, he said, can he come to Giggly Squad Live on Friday? Wait, so we're doing a Chris reveal. I already told you, you have to come, like legally. He's gonna bring a friend too, so he's not by himself.
Starting point is 00:48:20 I don't know if we have space for him to bring a friend. It's sold out. We'll have to talk to our people to see if they think. Who's your friend? Who's your friend? I don't know, I hadn't picked one yet. I don't know if I had that privilege yet. Yes, of course you can bring a friend,
Starting point is 00:48:34 but preferably not like bad energy. We've reduced it. Imagine Chris just brings this fucking douche bag who's like, you guys aren't even funny. Like heckle us on the ground. He's just heckling us the whole time. And I'm like, is that just Chris's friend that we told him he shouldn't bring?
Starting point is 00:48:53 We're doing a Chris reveal for Radio City. Also my nana is coming. She already has her dress. She's so funny. She bought, she was like, can you get me these boots? Cause I wanted to get her shoes for it. And she was like, make sure they're pointed toe or I won't wear them.
Starting point is 00:49:12 I was like, you are paid. Same, but like samezies. Imagine being 83 and being like, I'm not wearing your not pointed toe boots. Hannah, one of my favorite moments from your fucking wedding was Nana complaining about her shoes and how like she just was like oh I just can't believe I have to wear
Starting point is 00:49:29 these. Oh yeah because she had a stroke, she broke her hip like this she's had breast cancer and she refuses to wear flats. She wants to wear stilettos. The woman still dyes her hair, does full fucking glam, shows off her decolletage. I'm stressed. Wears a choker, has a matching choker for every outfit. They don't make them like her anymore. She's stunning. But also it's the day that she doesn't wanna wear
Starting point is 00:49:56 stilettos, that's when I know there's a problem. So like Nana, wear your stilettos even though you literally don't have a hip. And that's called athleticism. No, that's true. That I wondered where I get my phthozes from. She's like, I don't have toes anymore, but I'm going to wear... Are you okay?
Starting point is 00:50:13 Oh, speaking of, I think I have... I think I did something... I've been so into Pilates. I think I have a cyst in my wrist. Well, you just got a scan and you don't. I don't know if they caught it. Or is it a recent cyst? It's a recent, I think it's recent. How often are you doing Pilates?
Starting point is 00:50:30 I've been trying to go three times a week cause I'm out here. Good for you. See, this is post breakup. It just gets you going. I even got a shout out in class the other day, Paige Goodform. I said, what?
Starting point is 00:50:40 I was so excited. Wait. I said that's never happened to me before in my life. Are you gonna do Y7 with me one of these days? I will. I've been doing New York Pilates just because I had bought a package from them a couple months ago that I literally never used.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Yeah, I also, I sent you, there's a YouTube, I'll put it in the newsletter, this girl does a 30 minute Pilates that you could just do at home, you just need a yoga mat and maybe wait. I did it one morning. It was so, I was dying. Actually, Joey Camasta texted me and was like, I wanna be a hot Pilates girl.
Starting point is 00:51:09 And so I sent him my number and I was like, come anytime. I need more gays. Yeah. As a single woman, I need more gays. Yes, 100%. So if you're gay and looking, so am I. Wait, should there be an app for straight girls to connect with gay boys?
Starting point is 00:51:25 Yeah. Now that's a dating app I'd immediately go on. Wait, how has no one thought about that? Because there is something so much more humbling when like a gay man in my life calls me and tells me like what the fucking deal is. Would you rather a straight guy not like you or a gay guy not like you? Would you rather a straight guy not like you or a gay guy not like you?
Starting point is 00:51:46 Would you rather a straight guy not be interested or a gay guy be like, I'd rather talk about the straight men. If a gay man said like, I'm just like not really down with Paige. How do you think I feel every Gingly Squad live when a gay guy takes a microphone and goes, Hi Hannah, hi Paige. Paige, I'm obsessed with you. Hi Hannah. and goes, hi Hannah, hi Paige. Paige, I'm obsessed with you. Hi Hannah. I'm obsessed. No, there's something with me and gay men,
Starting point is 00:52:08 I just feel like, because obviously I am very girly, but I'm also very snarky, and sometimes girls don't have that same humor, and I think having a brother. Gay men loved my special. I think gay men who didn't see my Netflix special don't understand me is what I'm telling myself. But I do have a gay male following. It's just, I think, different kind of male gays than yours.
Starting point is 00:52:34 Yeah. I don't know what it is. Oh, also the lesbians messaged me and someone said like, they said that me and you are a lesbian couple. Yeah, just not sexually. Not sexually, but like we are a lesbian couple. And that you're like a femme icon,
Starting point is 00:52:52 like a hundred percent in the lesbian community. And they were just like, we all just talk about you guys. You're like the Ruby Rose of our relationship. Yes. And I'm like Portia. When we hold hands, my hand is facing down. Yeah. You know, like the girl goes like, No, you're my boyfriend. A hundred percent. That's why when everyone's like, like Portia. When we hold hands, my hand is facing down. Yeah. You know, like the girl goes like,
Starting point is 00:53:06 no you're my boyfriend. 100%. That's why when everyone's like, who's Paige gonna date? I'm like, she's good. She's in a happy relationship. She's been in a happy relationship, has supported and cares for her. So yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:18 No, I'm obsessed. We're obsessed with MRIs and the gays. And if Us Weekly says, Paige Sorbo and Hannah Berner are dating, see you in court. See you in motherfucking court. Put that on the record, and the gaze. And if Us Weekly says, Page of Sorbo and Hannah Berner are dating, see you in court. See you in motherfucking court. Put that on the record, motherfuckers. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:53:31 Anyway, yeah, thank you so much for giggling with us. I do have, I added a show in Irvine. Hopefully we'll be able to do it. And Alabama. Catch us outside. And Connecticut. How about that? Catch us outside and we can't wait for Radio City. Yes. Bye. Yes.
Starting point is 00:53:45 Bye. Bye.

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