Giggly Squad - Giggling about lavender marriages, skincare inventions, and St. Anthony

Episode Date: February 26, 2025

Paige is tight with St. Anthony and Hannah is addressing her lasagna controversy.get tickets to live showssign up for our newsletterpre-order our book Hosted on Acast. See for more i...nformation.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 At Fizz, they do things differently. They're here to offer personalized mobile plans with complete transparency because Fizz members are at the center of all of their decisions. There's no hidden fees, no false promises. Fizz is 100% online and if you don't like them, you can leave them whenever you want. And if you like them a lot, that's great because the more you stay, the less you pay. One of the best things is if you have leftover data at the end of the month, it rolls over to the next month because you paid for it.
Starting point is 00:00:31 So you get to keep it. So if you're thinking about a fully customized mobile plan tailored to your unique needs, then your Wi-Fi. Manifest that shit. We can't be managed. I mean, the day just got away from me. Hello my galactic gigglers. This week is going to be out of this world. Sorry, that was so millennial. Grace is so mad right now. So, wait.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Grace is like, I've been spending too much time with Grace because everything, I'm like, ew, so millennial. And I love being a millennial. The calls coming from inside the house. Well, I think it's just me being super self-aware. I'm like, can't do that. That's millennial. Yes.
Starting point is 00:01:17 See, I identify as Gen Z, so I'm allowed to call people out as millennial. But also, I love my little millennials. Like, we've been through so much together. And we've paved the way. No, like 9-11 was like so. You actually wrote something on the notes that's so millennial. I couldn't even believe you wrote it.
Starting point is 00:01:36 What did I write? Aiden or Big. Oh! That's like the most millennial thing I've ever seen. I was like, there's no way she's just jumping into conversation now. By the way, 10 minutes ago, I go up to Paige and I go, have you tried this Charlotte Tilbury blush stick thing?
Starting point is 00:01:54 It's so good. And she's like, yeah, we've known about it for four fucking years. Where the fuck have you been? And I was like, okay, I was just recommending a product. No, that is good. Charlotte Tilbury is great. It's good and it's fun to put on. No, I was talking to someone product. No, that high, it is good. Charlotte Tilbury's great. It's good and it's like fun to put on.
Starting point is 00:02:05 No, I was talking to someone and they said something like, well yeah, big is so hot. And I go, hot take. I wasn't into him. Yeah, like he seemed busy, which I guess is hot. And he had a driver. He was aloof.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Where were you driving all the time? No, I loved that he had a driver. That gave rich. It gave rich. I don't, but I liked Aiden. Here's, you would, here all the time. No, I loved that he had a driver. That gave rich. It gave rich. I don't, but I liked Aiden. Here's, you would. Here's the thing. You would.
Starting point is 00:02:30 When I first watched it, like in high school, like on his probably like eighth grade into like high school, I was big. I was like, obviously it's big. Then when I was like in college in my twenties, I'm like, she should have picked Aiden. Now that my frontal lobe is fully formed. I'm back to Big because like,
Starting point is 00:02:51 yeah, she could have picked Aiden, but she would have thought about Big every single day of her life. True for her, yes, Big. Clearly she hated Aiden. Like she literally, she could have, she left him for dead. She literally couldn't stomach him when he was fat.
Starting point is 00:03:08 And so that says it all. Also hot take, neither. Like literally there's more men in New York City, why are we having to pick from two? Yeah. That's what I always tell my friends when they're in a pickle. I said there's more men in New York City.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Wait, I just watched the Chris DiStefano stand up on Hulu. I have to watch it. You have to watch it, because he has this joke about how once you have kids, all your other friends who don't have kids, their problems are so irrelevant. And he has this joke where he was like, I was talking to this one girl and she was like, couldn't decide if she should break up
Starting point is 00:03:38 with her boyfriend or not. And I asked her, do you have kids with him? And she said, no. And he was like, kill him. You're single. Like, what are we talking about? Just kill him. And it's so true.
Starting point is 00:03:49 If you really sit back and think, your problems could be so much more complicated. We over complicate them. If you aren't married, you weren't engaged, you don't have kids, light them on fire. Who cares? Shout out to Chris DeStefano, who almost got me in trouble because he filmed us at the Knicks game
Starting point is 00:04:07 and I gave him the middle finger and then he posted it and it looked like I was giving the middle finger to like a giggler, like a random giggler who was filming me. I said, no, that was a comedian man who deserved it and it's his love language. And then he's like, he loves Giggly Squad. Who doesn't?
Starting point is 00:04:23 Who doesn't? And then Chris was like, oh, me and my co-hosts are gonna be the Giggly guys. And I was like, don't let me get legal involved. No, literally don't make me call my lawyer. Because we actually don't know how to do a legal battle. But see you in small claims, corp. See you in corp. We were so excited to announce the Vanity Fair thing purely
Starting point is 00:04:38 because we knew the Gigglers would be pumped the fuck up. Yeah, we manifested that. We said, where are the girls in the gays on the red carpet? And Vanity Fair said, hello. Hello. So we have to leave. I leave tomorrow. You leave tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:04:52 I leave Wednesday for, this is my question. I got a spray tan a week ago. Can I get a spray tan again, even though this spray tan is not fully gone? Yeah, you just have to exfoliate it off. No. That sounds so intense. It's not as intense as you think it is.
Starting point is 00:05:11 How do you know when it's off? My apartment's pretty dark. You just go by vibes. You go purely by vibes. You know, not to be sovereigns, but when you get a little scared, you know it's the right. Just get in the shower the night before you're gonna get your spray tan.
Starting point is 00:05:28 I don't have a loofah. What are we exfoliating with? Get like an exfoliating mitt and some like... Like Osea has a really good exfoliator. Yes, they do. That's the one I use. So get that shower. You use so many beauty accessories. Oh my God. It's insane. It's insane.
Starting point is 00:05:43 But no, we're excited about Vanity Fair. We've never been on a red carpet and you bring people together. Never. So I don't like. Tell your truth. Tell me, tell my truth. I don't know if Vanity Fair is really ready.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Like I think they need their legal team on standby. Definitely someone accompanying us on the carpet of like, please don't say that. Because it's gonna be silly. I do have to say shout out to interviewers who do all these award shows, because you have to know everything about everyone, every movie they've done, any reference,
Starting point is 00:06:17 what they're wearing. And I did ask that in the meeting. I said, no, if I forget a thing or two. But it's an after party, so they said that everyone's, like this is the last award show, they're just partying. And it's kind of like- So we're just there for literal vibes. Like only bringing a certain energy to the function,
Starting point is 00:06:33 which we don't know what energy it's gonna be yet. It's certainly not knowledge. I don't know if that's the energy we're bringing. Feel like, hey, can you guys stop giggling and ask literally one question? Yeah, one question that's important. I'm excited, I have no you guys stop giggling and ask literally one question? Yeah, one question that's important. I'm excited. I have no idea what I'm gonna wear yet.
Starting point is 00:06:46 I mean, me neither, which is crazy town USA. I've never waited till the last minute for something more important in my life. Well, we've never, you've done a gown before. Like you did the Caroline Herrera. I did Oscar de la Renta. Oscar de la, Oscar, Oscar? Oscar.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Oscar. I watched the SAG Awards to like get de la, Oscar. Oscar. Oscar de la Renta. Oscar. I watched the SAG Awards to get us going last night. Get in the mindset. Live on Netflix, it was really good. Wait, let's talk about Timothee Chalamet's speech. Did you see that? Yeah, I have thoughts. You have thoughts.
Starting point is 00:07:17 I have thoughts. I felt it in my bones that you were gonna have thoughts and hot takes. Do you wanna do yours? that you were gonna have thoughts and hot takes. Do you wanna do yours? The only hot take I really had was, I thought it was like a fine speech. If a woman made that speech,
Starting point is 00:07:35 there'd be a very different news day today. It was the only thing I could really think. Let me preface this by saying, I'm a huge Timothee Chalamet. We're huge. We love Timothee Chevrolet. Yeah. Also, he's so New York and as a New Yorker,
Starting point is 00:07:49 I love him. Like when they said he won, he was like, ooh, yeah, what's good? Yeah, and I'm a huge him and Kylie fan. Him and Kylie, we support. Yeah. I think he's been on this like insane press tour and he's run out of things to say
Starting point is 00:08:01 because he's actually like really good in press. Yeah. I think he also was a little off. Did you notice when he had to do his like announcement, he messed it up and he goes, should have made it to rehearsal. Like maybe he was having a day. He's gotta be tired.
Starting point is 00:08:14 I mean, the wicked girls are holding on by a thread at this point. No, a literal thread. Literal tiny thread. I mean, it's, they're Judy Garlanding themselves. Yeah, it's too much. It's like us on tour,landing themselves. Yeah, it's too much. It's like, it's on tour, we got it. No, it's, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:26 So, I've never felt more aligned with the Wicked cast than I do right now. And we don't even have to hit any notes. No, no, no, no. We're not being chucked into the sky. So Timothy, honestly, I loved how he started it. He was like, let me just say, some people make it look effortless.
Starting point is 00:08:44 It's not effortless, at least for me. I worked five years on this role. And then he stops and he goes, I just wanna say, I'm here to be the greatest of all time. It was giving rapper, but like when a rapper says it, you're like, yeah, respect. But he was like, yeah, I'm MVP. I'm here to be the best of all time.
Starting point is 00:09:00 I'm not there yet, this is a step. I wanna be Viola Davis, Marlon Brando, I want to be the best. And he walks out. And he chucks his mic at the crowd. Fuck all you untalented fucks, I'm better than all of you. But I do have to say with Timothy, I wish he had worded it like, I'm so grateful for this award,
Starting point is 00:09:21 and this is so motivational for me to be the best I can be and I'm so excited to keep working the hardest I can to be as great as I can be and fulfill my, like, whatever and just be like, thank you guys so much. Like, there's a little bit, you gotta have a little respect for the crowd, like you're in front of Harrison Ford. Yeah, well men can be a little cockier than women can be in like an overall setting.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Like, men can be an asshole and it'd be fine. Women can't be a bitch and it'd be fine. This happened to me at Starbucks. I was waiting for my Starbucks as one does. And this guy next to me is watching the woman make it. And he goes, less foam. Oh, oh. Oh, never.
Starting point is 00:10:01 But no one reacted. Like it was very normal. He was just like, hey, less foam. No one reacted. And like, I just thought if a woman had said less foam, she would have been arrested. I would watch the Starbucks barista spit in my coffee, hand it to me, and I would say, thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:10:17 We've all been there where I'm like, the color and shade of that macchiato is gonna ruin my day. But that's when you just say thank you and you move on. You take the L. But it's when you just say thank you and you move on. You move along. You take the L. But it's like, if he just added a please, or excuse me, can you add more foam?
Starting point is 00:10:30 Thank you so much. Yeah, so sorry, yeah. He literally just goes, more foam, please, no, no, please, more foam, less foam. No, if that was a girl. And I looked over, like. Who was making the coffee, girl or a guy? A girl, of course.
Starting point is 00:10:42 And she just kinda like nodded. Yeah, she's probably used to it. And he didn't even say thank you when he got it. How old was he? It was just a middle-aged white dude. Yeah, like 30s, 40s. Yeah, so this is my thing with Timothy. Then I thought about it again,
Starting point is 00:10:53 because I was upset. He's manifesting. Like I know some comedians will write like, like on their promotion, they'll be like, your favorite comedian, or that kind of thing, because people start thinking, oh, they'll be like, your favorite comedian or that kind of thing because people start thinking, oh, that's my favorite comedian.
Starting point is 00:11:09 So it's like you say it to people and then people start believing it. So him, he literally was manifesting by saying, I wanna be the greatest of all time. I just don't, say that to your therapist. Yeah, I'm not as mad at it. The only, really the only thought I had was like, he can say that.
Starting point is 00:11:25 He can say that like other people wouldn't, it wouldn't have been as well received. Like if Nikki Glaser got up after hosting and being, and said, I wanna be the best host of all time for all of the award shows, people would be like, okay, you did one and you did good, chill out. Or like, yeah, keep it in your brain. There was no need for it.
Starting point is 00:11:46 It does remind me though, which one of my favorite speeches of all time was Snoop Dogg, when he goes, I wanna thank me. For getting me there. We're like, no girl could ever do that. No, we could never. There was one tennis girl that was like, I wanna thank me and it was like really cute,
Starting point is 00:12:00 but everyone was like, okay, calm down. No, not to bring it back to me, but like going through a breakup, like half my comments was like, okay, calm down. No, not to bring it back to me, but going through a breakup, half my comments are like, you got where you are because of a man, which is the craziest thing ever, but you can't credit yourself. This is my thing. Well, as a tennis player, I was always coached,
Starting point is 00:12:18 and did I always do it? No, but I was told, speak with your racket. There's a lot of trash talk, there's a lot of saying, I'm better than you, you deserve this, whatever. Speak with your racket, and for him, it's like speak with your talent, which he has. He's also, I love him, he's the most humble, funny, cute guy.
Starting point is 00:12:35 I think he just was feeling himself that moment. It's just in front of all the most talented other actors. Like I'm coming to be better than all of you sitting here. It felt like he was like, I'm gonna be better than all of you sitting here. It felt like he was like, I'm gonna be better than all of you, just watch me. It was very rap video. Yeah, it was. Which, you know what?
Starting point is 00:12:50 New York, your shit out. But let's keep an eye on him. That's, yeah. That's what I'll say about that. Side note- Maybe he'll come to us at Vanity Fair. Oh yeah, oh fuck. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:03 He's gonna look at me and be like, you're the worst interviewer of all time. No, we support the movie, Shallow Mane. I just think it was unnecessary because I actually think he can be one of the greatest of all time. Well, that was the thing. That's why, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:15 I was like, no, you are on your road to the greatest of all time. You don't have to say it. You are amazing. Okay, yeah. Side note, just some tea. Friend Dresher comes up and I'm like, I miss her, what is going on with her?
Starting point is 00:13:29 Because she's the president of SAG, which is a really tough job. I Googled it, first thing I see is, you know her high school boyfriend, she married for like 20 years and he came out as gay? If you see the photos, you're like, well. Fran, that's on you. Fran, open your eyes, Fran. If I had a nickel.
Starting point is 00:13:48 So, and they're like best friends, obviously. Yeah, well, they're not so married. No, but they were together for 20 years and then he came out as gay. But she's remarried, right? Yes, I believe so. But she found out, cause like a tabloid was like exposing him.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Wait, that's fucked up. One cause like a tabloid was like exposing him. Wait, that's fucked up. One, that a tabloid exposed him, but two, I don't see it as a loss. Not at all. I mean, it's like you live 20 years with your best friend. Yeah. Do you know what they call on, the Gen Z's are calling it? Grace, correct me if I'm wrong, a violet relationship.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Lavender. Lavender. Um, peri relationship. Lavender. Lavender. Lavender. Periwinkle. I was so close. A lavender relationship, which is kind of fucked up because people see couples online instead of, because I guess it's not socially acceptable
Starting point is 00:14:34 to be like, gay. They just write lavender relationship. I mean, if I had a nickel, if I had a literal nickel for all the gay men I've dated. I'm only attracted to like very toxic straight men. Yeah. I feel like life would be easier. I love a toxic guy.
Starting point is 00:14:50 I'm obsessed with a toxic guy. Some girls always end up with like gay guys. Yeah. Which is like, I'd love to know the science behind it. Is it like, is there dad gay? I'd also love to know the science behind it. How do we get there? Are there some girls who like a tinge of gay?
Starting point is 00:15:05 I think it's because it's like deep down, I know you don't like, you don't even like women, so I know you don't like me. You're the ultimate challenge. I do have to say, when I see a hot gay, I'm so turned on because I'm like, you hate me. And that is loathe how I was born. That is my biggest fucking turn on.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Also, I think it's my own insecurities because I'm like the gayest straight girl ever. I want a man to make me feel like a little dainty, girly flower without having to change myself. So that's why I've dated like gorillas. But then for you, I think you're so girly that you can handle more girly man and you still are girlier than him.
Starting point is 00:15:41 We didn't feel the same. See, if I'm with the girly man, I'm like, what's up, bro? No, I feel like, no, my new vibe is ultra, ultra masculine. Yes. I need it. Yes. That's what I'm looking for. Are you putting feminine energy out there? I think I'm very much in my feminine energy right now.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Are you sleeping on the right side of the bed? I sleep on the right side of the bed. Okay, then you should be good. Yeah, but then everything, everything points to, I'm gonna be okay, but who truly ever knows? Actually, one of the girliest things that I wrote down was, I had a pimple last week that literally ruined my social life, and it was like so traumatizing,
Starting point is 00:16:20 but I figured out two things that I was like, I can't wait to tell the gigglers. Okay, so I had this really bad pimple, I popped it, but it wasn't going away. I took my Lumify eye drops, put it on my pimple. Wait, you were doing a full, like woman in stem. Yeah, I was like, I have concoctions that I've just made up.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Put my Lumify eye drops, redness immediately went away. Then I took Neosporin because I had dried it out so badly that the skin around the pimple was like dried and crackling and I just looked a mess. I mean, it was my fault because I attacked it. You were at the end of the substance. Truly. Then I put Neosporin on it, literally gone the next day.
Starting point is 00:17:01 You wanna be a dermatologist so bad. Wait, that's incredible. Yeah, so I was like, I have to tell the girls, two like non-skincare products, and Lumify is probably gonna like email me and be like, please do not. This is not for skincare. Girls are gonna end up in the hospital.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Yeah, they're like, I drank my Lumify. No, you guys, we're gonna say it again, and we shouldn't have to say this. We are not doctors. Also, you were in Miami, and you we shouldn't have to say this. We are not doctors. Also, you were in Miami and you were like going out to dinner with people who were not me. I knew you were gonna bring this up. Like I don't mean it in like a negative way.
Starting point is 00:17:32 I just wanna know like how was it? Okay, I went to Miami. I got to Miami on Thursday. Cause dinners could be hard. I went to dinner Thursday night, but low key. Then I had to work like a literal 13 hour day on Friday. Did that and I, one of my girlfriends came to Miami with me and I was like driving back to the hotel after my work day
Starting point is 00:17:51 and I was like, Alexa's literally on drugs if she thinks I'm going out with her tonight. That's crazy. I was so surprised to see you. I'm getting home, I'm showering, I'm putting my pajamas on. Mind you, I had a 7 a.m. flight Saturday morning. I was like, I can't go out.
Starting point is 00:18:04 But did you have full glam? I had full glam. Okay, so had a 7 a.m. flight Saturday morning. I was like, I can't go out. But did you have full glam? I had full glam. Okay, so that factors into it. I walked into the apartment, she said one sentence, and I was like, okay, I'll come with you. Barata? She's in sales. She's in sales.
Starting point is 00:18:16 She really got me, she got me good. This was like OG Paige, went out till 3 a.m., got back to my hotel, slept for one hour, got up, went to the airport. If anyone saw me at the Miami airport on Saturday morning, no you didn't. No you literally didn't. This reminds us back to the OG days when we drive to the Hamptons on like a Thursday and you'd be just in sunglasses like about to puke and I was like, what did you do on a day? I was like, I walked through the Miami airport
Starting point is 00:18:49 with a hat on and sunglasses, not because I wanted to be cool. My eyes were crossed. I literally couldn't see in front of me. And you used all your eye drops on your pimple. Yeah, I was like, no LUMIFY because it's literally on my skin. I felt, I was like, I sat there waiting to board and in my head
Starting point is 00:19:06 I was like, Paige, you're almost 33. Why don't you figure it out? But I had so much fun. I literally needed it. Hot take. I want the Miami airport to be better. Like, because when I go to Miami, I love Miami. The airport, I don't know if it's because they don't pay income tax. I don't know what the science is, but they've left it for debt. Miami airport gives that there is a casino in the vicinity. And there is not. Miami airport gives everyone retired
Starting point is 00:19:36 and they're in Boca right now who ran it. It feels like I lost all my money. It feels like. You can't even walk. Like there's nowhere to stand. Walk? There's nowhere to eat. Nowhere to eat!
Starting point is 00:19:48 I'm sorry, I'm not getting a tuna fish sandwich from Subway at 7 a.m. in the Miami airport. I bought three of those little things of olives, which was a bad choice, but I panicked, and I was like shoving olives in my mouth for a snack. So yeah, like, when we've traveled to a lot of horrific airports, Miami, you could do better. Miami can do way better.
Starting point is 00:20:10 And I know we're like cocky because we have fancy LaGuardia and Newark, which took years off our lives. We're in New York City, as we should have the greatest airports, because you fly from New York to every, you can fly from New York to anywhere because it's the best city on the planet.
Starting point is 00:20:27 We take it for granted. We take it for granted. Like I'll be somewhere and I have to fly somewhere else and they were like, you can't. And I'm like, it's a plane. No, wait. It's a plane. I didn't realize that until I spent so much time
Starting point is 00:20:39 in the South. I was like, oh, and I'll just get a flight to here. And they're like, no, you can't. I'm like, what? That's why we drive five hours to places cause there's no direct flights. No, and I'll just get a flight to here. And they're like, no, you can't. I'm like, what? That's why we drive five hours to places because there's no direct flights. No, and I'm not stopping. One thing about me.
Starting point is 00:20:51 I'm not stopping. I'm not doing a connecting flight. No. I emotionally can't handle it. But we don't deal with it that much because we live in New York, but yeah. Even though like planes have been falling out of the sky, I've had this real like, if it's meant to happen,
Starting point is 00:21:05 it's meant to happen vibe about it. I was on a flight yesterday and these two, talk about karma, this one woman in the front, you're supposed to check your bag. She gets away with it somehow and I watch her get around the guy and she doesn't have to check her bag. Gets there, they're like, ma'am, you gotta check your bag. And then the bathroom starts to flood and she's in the first row and the guy and she doesn't have to check her bag, gets there, they're like, ma'am, you gotta check your bag. And then the bathroom starts to flood
Starting point is 00:21:26 and she's in the first row and the rug that you're on is literally getting wet. And I'm sitting there just watching this and she's losing her mind and I was like, that's what happens when you don't check your bag. Here's the thing, I'm listening to what the airport people tell me to do because I don't work here.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Who am I to decide? Can I say one more thing about male pilots? Yeah. I can't get off a plane anymore. I've literally, now every time I get off a plane, I think they've listened to Giggly Squad. They know I am Giggly Squad. So when they say, thank you, have a nice day, I'm like, I feel like you put a little extra
Starting point is 00:22:04 on from that one for me. Side note, why do they feed you like you, have a nice day, I'm like, I feel like you put a little extra on from that one for me. So I know, why do they feed you like you're in Little League? Like, I do not need pretzels and a cheese stick. Like, give me hummus, give me like popcorn. Like, give me something nice. I don't know. A Camilla. We love the marketing girlies at any company.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Like the marketing girls run the country. Like, they really do. What is commerce? Marketing, I don't know what it is, of the marketing girlies at any company. The marketing girls run the country. They really do. What is commerce? I don't know what it is, but it's the girls our age. What's going on with the disconnect from airlines, their food, and brands? Because why there hasn't been a Chipotle collab on the fucking airplane?
Starting point is 00:22:46 Like I don't get that, where are we missing? Apparently there was a Shake Shack one and people were like complaining like I don't want my airplane to smell like a cheeseburger and I said I will pay money. For my airplane to smell like a cheeseburger. I'll pay extra money. And it was like a limited time, limited flights. No, no, I want to get on an airplane and feel like,
Starting point is 00:23:03 oh shit, this is going to be so fun because I can literally order whatever from like, it just, they need to step that up a notch. Also like, I'm not asking for much, like what about a Pop-Tart? Right? Just like a s'mores Pop-Tart. Like I'm not asking for the craziest things.
Starting point is 00:23:17 I don't want mustard pretzels at 7 a.m. Or they're like, they're either like too healthy or too unhealthy, do you know what I mean? No, like I don't need a quinoa with a tarragon sauce. It's a literal brick. Get the fuck out of here. It's literally that, or it's the saltiest 500 calorie two pretzels you've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Anyway, I'm not happy about it. So anyway, that's why, oh, I have one more note. If you're a pilot, don't practice your material on me, on the plane. When it's 8 a.m. and these guys start trying their one-liners, start your own podcast or crash the plane. I don't want to be a part of this.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Like, it's 8 a.m. and I want to be asleep and not worry about things. And sometimes they're really, the only people that can be funny are actually the steward I. Because they're these like pissed off women or gays. They can be funny. Absolutely. One more question. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:16 I have a lot of thoughts. Yeah. I'm like immersed in tipping culture right now. I know what you're going to say. Have you ever tipped the stewardess? I'm like, we literally have to tip an iPad. I have no one ever tips a stewardess when they're literally like waking people up, which they shouldn't, that should be illegal.
Starting point is 00:24:32 But like they're talking about one-on-one. Yep. My flight to Italy, I tip my stewardess. What did, did she like go down on you? No, I just, I think if you're doing like an overnight eight hour, you've fed me two meals. I'm gonna throw you a 20. Wait, now I'm upset.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Do they stand there when you're walking off cause they wanna be tipped? I've never seen a tip. No. But then sometimes I wonder, am I insulting someone if I give them a $5 bill? Yeah. Like that's a, like.
Starting point is 00:25:02 If you're tipping, you're throwing a 20. I think for anything. Also, who has cash? If you have the question, my dad. If you have a question in your head, should I tip this person and I don't know like how much, I always, it should just be a $20 bill, I think. So I had this guy driving me around for my Alabama shows
Starting point is 00:25:19 who I loved, I'm obsessed with this man. And at the end I was like, I don't have any cash, can I Venmo you? Oh yeah. And then he's like, I don't have Venmo. And I was end I was like, I don't have any cash, can I Venmo you? And then he's like, I don't have Venmo. And I was like, no problem, I'll Zell you. And I get out the car, try to Zell him, doesn't work. Text him, hey, how can I pay you?
Starting point is 00:25:33 Cash up, I tried download Cash App. It's a whole thing, you have to put your card in. Okay, actually this weekend in Miami, all the bellmen bringing my bags up and stuff, I'm like, I have no cash, can I Venmo you? Everyone takes Venmo now, like in a tipping sense. It's good, but it's so much more intimate to have to Venmo, like it,
Starting point is 00:25:52 where cash is, there was such a beauty. It's like, I don't, now I have your phone number? Yeah, like did I need it? I don't wanna see that you Venmo'd your friend for a Long Island iced tea last week. Yeah. And now I have to be friends with you forever. No, Venmo can be invasive.
Starting point is 00:26:05 But it is good if you're bored. Like when random people friend you on Venmo, I'm like, this is like, it's inappropriate. It's inappropriate, but if you're dating a new guy, find his Venmo and just, you'll learn more about him than if you're just like scrolling his Instagram for sure. If you know someone who loves taking a million photos, but they're literally just like all on their camera and you have to scroll
Starting point is 00:26:27 The camera roll and like you never really see them and they never can really find exactly the picture they're looking for Well, why don't you take their photos and put them to good use with a unique stylish digital picture frame from Aura frames? Aura frames is named the number one digital picture frame by wire cutter and for good reason. It's easy to set up and it has different frame options so it'll match your decor in your home. It also makes the best gift ever like if your mom loves collecting photos or if your grandma has a ton of pictures of all of her grandchildren, obviously you're the favorite, then it's the perfect gift for them. It's also such a sentimental gift, like if there's one memorable photo for all of your family that you all absolutely love. It could be from a big
Starting point is 00:27:10 event, a vacation, or just the favorite person in the family and that would be me. The best part is that it comes with unlimited storage, so all you need is the free Aura app and a wi-fi connection and you can upload as many pictures and videos as you want all year round. So right now you can save on the perfect gift that keeps on giving by visiting For a limited time listeners can get $25 off their best-selling Carver matte frame with code GIGGLI. That's with promo code GIGGLI. Don't forget to mention that we sent you and show support for our show, terms and conditions apply. I'm in the process of helping one of my best friends
Starting point is 00:27:48 plan her bachelorette party. And the first thing we thought was we need an Airbnb because we wanted to do like one dinner at home or just like a PJ party. And it truly is way more convenient than the hotels. It's easy to split the price. And I just feel like you make so many more memories when you're all in the living room together
Starting point is 00:28:04 rather than separated into separate bedrooms So next time you're planning a trip with friends or family a bachelorette or just an escape getaway check out Airbnb Because they truly are way more fun If you just moved into a new space or maybe you just want to revamp your current space and you live in Canada Then you need cozy cozy is a Canadian furniture company that brings adaptable, high-quality furniture to everyday living spaces. They focus on customization, so your space is gonna be different than everyone else's
Starting point is 00:28:33 and you can build around their pieces. Cozy also can just grow with you. Cozy is truly revolutionary and modern. Their module sofa collections highlight how customers can start small with a loveseat and expand into larger configurations. They're also so durable and they're so easy to disassemble and reassemble. So transform your living space today with Cozy. Visit, C-O-Z-E-Y to start customizing your furniture. Okay I feel like we see the word peptide everywhere and just because
Starting point is 00:29:04 something says peptide on the label doesn't mean it's actually doing anything for you. That's where OneSkins OS01 peptide is different. OneSkins peptide goes deeper and it's scientifically formulated to penetrate the cells within skin's deep layers improving key skin health markers like collagen production, hydration, and skin barrier function. One of the things I learned about my skin was I had ruined my skin barrier and I didn't know so any products I was putting on top of my skin just weren't working because my first step was already bad. All of OneSkin's
Starting point is 00:29:38 topical supplements are backed by lab and clinical studies and they're all powered by the OS01 peptide. It's the first and only peptide scientifically proven to target the cells that contribute to lines, wrinkles, and thinning skin. And some more good news, OneSkin just lowered the threshold for free shipping here in Canada, so if you spend $125 on your order, it ships free. What I love most about OneSkin is their eye cream. It's just like so lightweight. One, I love their packaging. And two, I know that it's actually working. OneSkin was founded in 2016 by an all-women team of scientists, women in STEM, with PhDs in skin regeneration, stem cell biology, immunology, and bioinformatics. Okay, they're really smart women, okay, so I trust them.
Starting point is 00:30:27 And after testing the efficiency of more than 900 so-called anti-aging peptides, they developed the OS01 peptide, the first ingredient to reverse skin's biological age by reducing the accumulation of succinct cells, a key driver of skin's aging. Founded and led by an all-women team of skininct cells, a key driver of skin's aging. Founded and led by an all-women team of skin longevity scientists, OneSkin is redefining the aging process with their proprietary OS01 peptide, the first ingredient proven to help
Starting point is 00:30:56 skin look, feel, and behave like its younger self. So get 15% off with code GIGGLI at That's 15% off with code GIGGLI at That's 15% off with code GIGGLI. After you purchase, they'll ask where you heard about them. Please support GIGGLI Squad and let them know that we sent you. Invest in the health and longevity of your skin with Oneskin. Your future self will thank you.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Chris, what are you up to on Venmo? You want me to check? Yeah. Yeah, let's see what your latest emojis were. Chris, what are you up to on Venmo? You want me to check? Yeah. Yeah, let's see what your latest emojis were. While you check, I'm going to do an egg freezing update because that seems appropriate. Oh my gosh. Thank people for editing, going to get a haircut, more drinks.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Oh, you pay your barber through Venmo. Tip. Tip on Venmo. Okay. Okay. No. He's got a guy. He's got a guy. I love when guys have, okay. No? He's got a guy. He's got a guy.
Starting point is 00:31:47 How often do you get weekly? Yeah, what are you, a weekly shape up? Things are going alright now. I'm popping back up to weekly. Weekly. I'm popping back up to weekly. No, I've realized I only want to date men who have a weekly shape up.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Chris, on your birthday, we're gonna get a guy to come and give you a haircut during the pod, okay? Wait, I love that. Chris just got so excited. I literally love that. This is what dreams are made of. How are your eggs doing? Are they scrambled?
Starting point is 00:32:13 Are they sunny side up? It's a process. It's like a full process. There were definitely things where I was like, oh, that's like more extensive than I thought, or oh, that's way easier than I thought. Okay. So I went for my appointment.
Starting point is 00:32:26 I had to do a blood test. I had to do an ultrasound. Did that, everything came back normal. Then I did a Zoom with the doctor where he just like explained more things, like in detail. And now I have to go. Did you listen?
Starting point is 00:32:42 I did, I listened. Did you take notes? I actually asked a couple of questions and he said, good question, good question. And I said, yes, A plus. So now I have to go and do like just like a quick appointment with the nurse to like teach me how to do the shot.
Starting point is 00:32:58 And then once I get my next period, I call them and I say, hey, I have my period. And then I go in and I get my shots. You get more shots. So I get the shots that will be like 10 to 12 days. Okay. Then, and you do them while you have your period. Then when you're done with the shots,
Starting point is 00:33:15 you go in for your egg retrieval, which is only 15 minutes. Which I just had no, you are asleep, like you're under anesthesia, but like what they call like local anesthesia, I think. So like you're breathing on your own, you're not like incubated. Wait, so you're sorry, you're doing your own shots.
Starting point is 00:33:34 You do your own shots. But then when you have your period, they come in. No, no, no, you always do your own shots. Okay, but you don't have to do it until you have your period. Yes, so like you, I'm going in for them to teach me how to do it. Got it. And then once I get my period. So like you, I'm going in for them to teach me how to do it. Got it.
Starting point is 00:33:45 And then once I get my period and I'm like, I'm ready for them. So you only do shots for a week? You can do them for like 10 to 12 days. It's all individualized. Got it. Then you like sign this whole consent form and all this, whatever.
Starting point is 00:33:59 The one thing I just didn't think about until I saw it was there's a question on the consent form that's like, okay, and if anything happens to you, what would you like us to do with your eggs? So the options are like discard them. Scramble. If you're married, do you want to give them to your spouse? Like, would he make a baby with your eggs? Would you want to donate them?
Starting point is 00:34:26 Oh, I hate these like future questions. I'm like, I literally don't know what I'm gonna have for breakfast tomorrow. How many years you want us to like free, have them for? I just did like the largest one. I didn't know you had to pay to like bank them. Yeah. Like they literally take up rent.
Starting point is 00:34:42 Yeah, no, you're paying like a rent. Is it more expensive, I wonder, in New York City than like somewhere else? Well, it's probably legal in other places. I don't know. I don't know if it, I don't know what like the pricing is around the country. Square footage.
Starting point is 00:34:53 But I was like, wait, I don't know. I was like, I literally don't know. And she was like, look, we can always go back. Like you can always go back and if you change your mind, like if you do get married and you're like, yeah, if something happens to me, I would want him to have them. Part of me was like, why wouldn't want a child walking around and them not having me? Like that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Or be like, why do I have these weird mental demons and my mom can't explain them to me? Right. But also I'm like, if I had a sister and say she couldn't get pregnant, I would want her to have mine. What if your brother's wife can't get pregnant? Well, that would be incest. My brother's sperm could not make a baby with my egg. That would be so highly illegal. I literally spent three days in Alabama.
Starting point is 00:35:43 You're like, give it to you. Well gosh, Jarna Paige, give it to your brother. He'll have a baby with it. And like, nope, super, super illegal. Could not do that. Could not give my brother's wife my eggs. Well, I was thinking about my friends, my Becca, who's a lesbian.
Starting point is 00:36:02 I was like, do you wanna use your brother's egg and put it in? Sperm. Sperm. And you guys, I was like, do you want to use your brother's egg and put it in? Sperm. Sperm. And you guys, I don't understand any of it. No, I understand. I just haven't talked about it. I think it's so good that you're explaining this
Starting point is 00:36:12 because we don't know the details unless you sit down. Also, I feel like our parents' generation, this wasn't as popular. I love the place I'm doing it. It's called Extended Fertility. The doctor is just so, they really do break it down of like, you're gonna have these questions. You actually don't even know it yet.
Starting point is 00:36:29 And here is like, first let's do your blood test. Let's make sure everything. And he said that I'm at like a normal age for 32. And they can really, like, can they say, yeah, you're definitely gonna be able to have a baby? No, but they can give you like the percentages of like, you know, in a couple of years, like how hard will it be for you to get pregnant?
Starting point is 00:36:54 And if your eggs are 32 now, like could you get pregnant at 42 with these 32 year old eggs? Like, yeah, you definitely have a chance, but like, so they really just break it down for you so nicely. Yeah, it's funny. I don't know anything about my eggs.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Yeah. I say eggs weird. I don't know anything about them. You do say it like my mom. Eggs. So I'm hoping that like, here's the other thing now. I'm just like waiting on my period. Well, I'm, are we synced up?
Starting point is 00:37:18 Cause I'm supposed to have mine on Tuesday. Oh, fucker. Okay. Don't be jealous. Tuesday as in like tomorrow? Oh yeah, I'm like so PMS-y right now. I cried. Oh my, I'm crying over everything. Well, here's what I'm manifesting
Starting point is 00:37:33 and recently I've been praying to Saint Anthony because I feel like him and I are just boys for things that aren't even locked. He's literally like 100% accuracy. He's never failed me. Do you wanna know what I used him for last night? I ordered pasta, but they didn't have ravioli, but I wrote in the note,
Starting point is 00:37:48 if you have ravioli, can I please have it? And I was like, I'm definitely not gonna get ravioli. Then I said, let me just say a prayer to St. Anthony. And I said, St. Anthony, St. Anthony, please come around, something's lost that must be found, and it's my ravioli. St. Anthony was dealing with an amber alert, and then he's like, hold on one second,
Starting point is 00:38:03 Paige de Sorbo needs ravioli. He needs ravioli dealing with an amber alert, and then he's like, hold on one second, Paige the Sorbo needs ravioli. He needs ravioli and a spicy vodka sauce, and he came through. So I literally pray to him for things that he doesn't even specialize in. So I know, no matter how good of a person you think you are, whenever we get an amber alert, I'm like, I'm in the middle of a text.
Starting point is 00:38:19 I'm in the middle of a text, and you're gonna frighten me with some six-year year old's bullshit. What did she do to deserve it? Okay? Like I'm- No, and you wanna know why? It's always the dad.
Starting point is 00:38:31 It's like, let's just find where the fucking dad is before we all send a text. No, so I'm hoping that I get my period when we get back from Giggly Squad last leg of our tour, because that would be ideal. Okay, so all the gigglers are in on it with you. Yeah, so like manifest that I could then, because then I'll be home for like the two weeks to do the shots. Can I say like the most fucked up joke that I'm not doing on stage? I did it once and it didn't
Starting point is 00:38:58 get like that kind of a response, so then I lost confidence in it. Okay, great. It's really inappropriate. It might need to be cut. I wanna do a joke about why getting older is better and how getting older is better because if you run into a pedophile, you're like, oh, I'm safe. Because if you see any other man, you're scared unless he's a pedophile
Starting point is 00:39:17 and you're like, phew. Yeah, wait, that might have lagged. There's something about like, There's something there. Yeah, pedophiles are really scary unless you're in your thirties and all the other men are scary. Yeah. I didn't even get to all the things I've watched.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Have you watched the Gabby Petita- Oh, I thought we were gonna say the same thing. Baby girl? No, no. I watched a show on Hulu this past weekend. Okay, you start. I watched a show on Hulu called Paradise. It's so freaking good.
Starting point is 00:39:46 My guy from This Is Us, Sterling K. Brown, he plays- Oh, I love it. No, he's so good in this. He plays like the bodyguard of the president of the United States. But it's about like the world ended and now it's like all these people that have survived and they're in, but they made like a fake town.
Starting point is 00:40:03 So it's like normal work. I love apocalyptic stuff. But it doesn't give apocalyptic of like they're running around being zombies. Cause that's like, I don't like that apocalyptic. Yeah, I'm like, it's dusty, it's dirty. It's not for me. This is like they live in homes and like they have shoes on.
Starting point is 00:40:19 I do feel like zombies are 90s grunge though. It's kind of like, it's kind of Charlie XCX. I've never been into like a zombie, like whatever. It's such a good show. There's only eight episodes, six are out right now. And I don't usually like stuff like that, but it's a really good show. I wasn't a fan.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Like I just, I don't think it was that well done of a movie. Do you remember the apocalyptic one with like Julia Roberts and stuff? It was on Netflix. It was called like the end of something. Oh, when they couldn't see. Oh stuff, it was on Netflix, it was called like the end of something. Oh when they couldn't see. Oh no, that was different.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, but it was really bad, but like. They all went to the Hamptons. Yeah, yes, which, but the Hamptons were only 20 minutes away, it just didn't make sense. But then when one of the, all the Teslas started like. Freaking out. Freaking out. And then when the big boat like got turned,
Starting point is 00:41:05 it started to scare me to be like, are they warning us for something? Which I'm conspiracy theories. I'm getting so high. Here's the other thing. Well, I'm not fighting. I'm like, I'll take myself out. Like please, me and Daphne are, see ya.
Starting point is 00:41:17 Like I don't give a fuck. Someone was talking about, what are they called? Preppers who were like prepping for the end of the world. And I was just thinking about like, I'd really rather kill myself than talk to a doomsday prepper about Joe Rogan for like 24 hours. No. Like you don't wanna be stuck with people who are preppers.
Starting point is 00:41:35 Being in someone's basement eating a can of beans, like get out of here. Unless they have pop tarts, I'm not going. No. Okay, so you're familiar with the Gabby Petito case. I am. Because we're journalists. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:41:49 So this, if you're like, oh, I remember when it happened, because it happened pretty recently, they have so much footage and interviews from Gabby's family of Gabby Petito, she falls in love with Brian Laundrie, I think that's his name. Yeah. And then they head to Florida. You get all these new details.
Starting point is 00:42:08 His mom hated her. Like kind of thing where she didn't like that she was taking attention from him. Like real boy mom vibes. And she even had sent him a note at the end being like, I would bury a body for you. Like all this stuff. The mom?
Starting point is 00:42:22 Yes, a note basically being like, if you killed someone, like I will protect you, I'll do anything you need. But Gabby, it shows how she started talking to her ex-boyfriend being like, I have to get out of this relationship, and they show all the police footage when someone called in and was like,
Starting point is 00:42:37 this man's hitting a woman, and then they ask her questions and he comes out and he's like, yeah, she's being crazy right now, and like, I hope she talks good about me. And then she's like, sorry, like she doesn't wanna get him in trouble. So she's like, yeah, she's being crazy right now and I hope she talks good about me. And then she's like, sorry, she doesn't want to get him in trouble. So she's like, sorry, I hit him. Like it was, cause he had like a scratch on him
Starting point is 00:42:53 and they were like, did you hit him? You can hit a man. Well, that's for as long as it's legal. Yeah. But also like no girl hits a man for no reason. But they literally put him in a hotel for domestic. Violence. No, for people who were domestic victims,
Starting point is 00:43:07 abuse victims, and she's stuck in the van because they think she did something. They could have saved her life that day. Even if she did hit him because he pissed her off or like whatever, have you ever been in a situation where like you've looked at your boyfriend and you're just like, if you really did want to kill me right now, like you could and there's nothing I could do.
Starting point is 00:43:27 I know my husband's ACL is torn and like, I feel like I could run away from him. A hundred percent. But in reality, he's six, five. Like there really would be nothing you could do. Yeah. I mean, I saw it like I kick him in the balls. Right. I could poke his eye.
Starting point is 00:43:42 Right. No, you'd have to like squirm and figure it out. But all those TikTok videos that are like, hold his hand like this and twist it. Right, no, you'd have to like squirm and figure it out. But all those TikTok videos that are like, hold his hand like this and twist it, like you know you're not gonna do that in the moment. No, you're not gonna do that. In the moment. Take his time.
Starting point is 00:43:51 In the moment you're so shocked, like you're literally just thinking about surviving. So that's insane to me. It's so spooky because she's crying and she's like, sorry, I have bad anxiety, like I freaked out. And she's trying to protect him. He's not protecting her.
Starting point is 00:44:04 And he's basically like, yeah, I have bad anxiety, like I freaked out, and she's trying to protect him. He's not protecting her, and he's basically like, yeah, she went crazy, and they believe him, and then weeks later, she's murdered. But this is the crazy part. They don't, no one knows where she is. The parents of her are texting the parents of his, being like, where's Gabby? I haven't heard from her.
Starting point is 00:44:20 Your son isn't texting me back. What the fuck's going on? The parents aren't responding. So police go up to Brian's parents, and they go, hey, what the fuck's going on? The parents aren't responding. So police go up to Brian's parents and they go, hey, like where's Gabby? And they go, you can talk to our attorney. And they're like, whoa, like we're just checking in. Unpopular opinion.
Starting point is 00:44:37 My child comes to me and says, mom, I killed someone. I don't wanna manifest this. Oh my God, St. Anthony, we're not manifesting this. Am I protecting him? Fuck yeah, I am. I think I am. Now, if my child is a sociopath, but he is.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Serial killer, he is. I'm not protecting them. You have to go to jail. You need a therapist. You'll be there for your kid no matter what. If your kid murders someone, they're capable of murdering again. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:09 And they're not gonna, I mean, I don't think they'll be killed unless they're in a state then they could be killed. That does the chair, whatever. Visit your kid weekly in jail. Yeah. Like, as where he's not hurting other people. Does the chair is crazy.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Yeah. Close the chairs. Also chairs, crazy, like they don't even let you lay down like they make you sit up. No no no no no no no. But this is the conspiracy theory. So everyone's looking for Brian Laundrie and the parents are like he's here but like the cops don't have the cape they can't get him yet. Then apparently he escaped and went hiking somewhere because this was also the hardest thing.
Starting point is 00:45:50 These people love hiking, so I was having trouble wrapping my head around that storyline of it all. So I was, I don't know, I couldn't relate. But then they do this whole search party for him. And then the parents in one hour find him, I'm putting that in quotes, and his body was already decomposed. This is what they're saying on TikTok, that to identify him they brought the teeth to a dentist and that dentist was the mom's brother. There's a conspiracy, I don't know if
Starting point is 00:46:17 this is accurate, but there's a conspiracy theory that he's still alive in South Africa, I mean, sorry, South America. Wow. No, like it's a lot to process. I'm stressed out. How big is his tooth though? The point, the thing is it probably wasn't his tooth. That was like. Oh, I was still hung up. I'm like, so he took out all his teeth
Starting point is 00:46:41 and he's in South America with dentures? That's a crime in itself. No, so that her brother who's the dentist was like, yeah, that's Brian. Yeah, it's him. So that she could hide him in a different country. Remember there was also a conspiracy theory. He was in like the flower bed in their backyard.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Yes. I loved that one. That was one of my favorite ones. It's a rabbit. I was like, this is a real Scooby-Doo thing. She changed him into a rabbit with a magician and now he lives in her flower beds. So that's fucking horrible and scary.
Starting point is 00:47:07 But one thing I did like about the documentary, it really shed a light on the victim. I hate when they're like obsessed with like the man and how fucking crazy he is. It was literally just being like, Gabby Petito was an amazing fucking person. Here's something else to note. Someone kills my daughter, I'm showing up to your house.
Starting point is 00:47:24 I'm ringing the doorbell and I'm shooting you in the head. Like there's just, I don't get, I will have called the cops prior. Like meet me here because you're gonna get, and make sure you have your handcuffs because I'm going to kill someone. Imagine texting the parents and them not responding to you when you say do you know where your daughter is.
Starting point is 00:47:40 I would have killed those fucking parents too. Well then we're wondering like, why are the parents not in trouble for like, whatever it's called, like hiding a fugitive? Yeah. Which is crazy. An accessory. They should be in jail too.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Apparently he wanted to get her away from her friends and family kind of. Classic. So he brought her in a van to be like, let's do a van thing. Cause that was kind of her dream. And she goes, I'm gonna do a, then I'm gonna make money
Starting point is 00:48:03 and do like a YouTube van vlogging thing. And he didn't believe in that. He made fun of it. And now her vlog has millions of views. I'm in the process of helping one of my best friends plan her bachelorette party. And the first thing we thought was we need an Airbnb
Starting point is 00:48:19 because we wanted to do like one dinner at home or just like a PJ party. And it truly is way more convenient than hotels. It's easy to split the price. And I just feel like you make so many more memories when you're all in the living room together rather than separated into separate bedrooms. So next time you're planning a trip with friends or family,
Starting point is 00:48:36 a bachelorette or just an escape getaway, check out Airbnb because they truly are way more fun. Okay, I feel like we see the word peptide everywhere and just because something says peptide on the label doesn't mean it's actually doing anything for you. That's where OneSkin's OS01 peptide is different. OneSkin's peptide goes deeper and it's scientifically formulated to penetrate the cells
Starting point is 00:49:00 within skin's deep layers, improving key skin health markers like collagen production, hydration, and skin barrier function. One of the things I learned about my skin was I had ruined my skin barrier and I didn't know, so any products I was putting on top of my skin just weren't working because my first step was already bad. All of OneSkin's topical supplements are backed by lab and clinical studies and they're all powered by the OS01 peptide. It's the first and only peptide scientifically proven to target the cells that contribute to lines wrinkles and thinning skin. And some more good news, OneSkin just lowered the threshold for free shipping here in Canada.
Starting point is 00:49:39 So if you spend $125 on your order, it ships free. What I love most about OneSkin is their eye cream It's just like so lightweight one. I love their packaging and two I know that it's actually working OneSkin was founded in 2016 by an all-women team of scientists women in STEM with PhDs in skin regeneration stem cell biology immunology and Bioinformatics. Okay, they're really smart women, okay, so I trust them. And after testing the efficiency of more than 900
Starting point is 00:50:12 so-called anti-aging peptides, they developed the OS01 peptide, the first ingredient to reverse skin's biological age by reducing the accumulation of succinct cells, a key driver of skin's aging. Founded and led by an all-women team of skin longevity scientists, OneSkin is redefining the aging process
Starting point is 00:50:32 with their proprietary OS01 peptide, the first ingredient proven to help skin look, feel, and behave like its younger self. So get 15% off with code GIGGLI at So get 15% off with code GIGGLI at That's 15% off with code GIGGLI. After you purchase, they'll ask where you heard about them. Please support Giggly Squad
Starting point is 00:50:54 and let them know that we sent you. Invest in the health and longevity of your skin with Oneskin. Your future self will thank you. Sonic the Hedgehog 3. Welcome home, my boy. He's now streaming. will thank you. Plus with the Fizz loyalty program, you get rewarded just for having a mobile plan, you know, for texting and stuff. And if you're not getting rewards like extra data and dollars off with your mobile plan, you're not with Fizz. Switch today. Conditions apply. Details at
Starting point is 00:51:39 Are you on the side of TikTok where girls are just like posting their like, their legitimate abusive husbands? And it's like, I'm like, wait, but you're still married to this guy? Like you're in it real time. Like what if he sees this? Like posting him doing something? Yeah, like I'm on the side of TikTok where all of these girls are posting like videoing
Starting point is 00:51:59 their husbands and the husbands don't know it and being like, no one's gonna watch your TikToks. And then they do get like a bunch of likes and people are like, leave him. But that makes me so scared for them. I'm like, wait, you're still in it though. Like, what if he catches wind of this? It's very interesting.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Cause it's like when you're in this like scary place, you're really crying out for help. But these people don't expect the videos to go viral. And next thing you know, he's exposed in a way that he could hurt you. I'm not on that side of the screen. Oh, okay, sorry. You don't know where my algorithm has taken me.
Starting point is 00:52:41 I'm only lost in cat videos. One time we were on tour though, when I heard a guy, do tour though when I heard a guy, do you remember when I heard a guy yelling at his girlfriend in the hotel room and I called down to the front desk? Yes. That was scary.
Starting point is 00:52:52 And it took everything in me to not open my door and go out, but I was like, I can't, like what are you gonna do? I don't want him to know my room and yeah, and then like beat me up. What are you gonna fight him? No, I was like- No, you did the right thing. You did the right-
Starting point is 00:53:08 I was like, I'm literally gonna, I wanna murder this guy. Honestly, if anyone's man, if any man's voice gets raised, like even slightly, I'm calling the police. No, calling the police. I actually one time was with a boyfriend and someone called hotel security on us because he was screaming so loudly. And in that moment, I was so embarrassed because I've never had to talk to hotel security.
Starting point is 00:53:30 But in that moment, I was like, I know a girl called for me. Isn't that crazy? What did you say? I was like, oh, well, I'm fine. But yeah, I was like, oh, he's just like, you know. I'd be like, okay, this is the fucking tea. But what are you gonna do? No, yeah, because obviously you told on him, he's just like, you know. I'd be like, okay, this is the fucking tea. But like, what are you gonna do?
Starting point is 00:53:46 No, yeah, because obviously you told on him if he's in trouble. Right. It's a very, very, oh, sorry. I just like- That was your inner child. That was my inner child. My inner child.
Starting point is 00:53:57 My inner child. My inner child. Weird transition, have you watched Baby Girl? Yes. Okay, it's a very controversial. Wait, this is controversial. What are your thoughts? As someone who literally watched 365 days
Starting point is 00:54:15 during COVID every single day and used my vibrator to this man, I love a sex scene. I love a sexual movie. I love putting myself in the mindset. It does not, it's never too much for me. Baby girl made me uncomfy. And I'm never like, I literally felt like a mom.
Starting point is 00:54:33 I go, this is too much. Really? I did, I was not aroused. You love choking. You love it. Yeah, I love like a dominant, like there was, I don't know if it was because it was Nicole Kidman and I feel like I have a relationship to her. Yeah, I love like a dominant, like there was, I don't know if it was because it was Nicole Kidman and I feel like I have a relationship to her.
Starting point is 00:54:49 That's my mother. That's my mother. Yeah, I was like, no Nicole. She's my mother. So Gabby Bryan, one of my good friends had the funniest response. She was like, first of all, no one's believing that Antonio Banderas
Starting point is 00:55:01 has never given you an orgasm. That's not, that's really not. No, that was wildly inappropriate. That was a miscasting. No, because in my head I'm like, wait, your husband's hot as fuck. Also Antonio Banderas will make you come just pronouncing his own name.
Starting point is 00:55:14 Yeah, I was like, this is not. And then she was saying how she kept like licking milk, but pretending to be a dog. And I'm like, that's just like factually incorrect. Yeah, like your cat. Cat's like milk. Cat's like milk. Um, I, this is the thing, I thought he was like so hot.
Starting point is 00:55:30 He was so hot. And, but then I saw him being himself, which is British, with like a weird haircut, and then I got the ick. So I love him in his American version. There were also just like certain things where I was like, okay, you're not doing this before work. Like she got like all ready,
Starting point is 00:55:44 and then it was like Mimi at a hotel, it's, what time is're not doing this before work. She got all ready and then it was like, meet me at a hotel at, what time is that, 6.30 a.m.? You can't do anything to me at 6.30 a.m. but get smacked in the face, like what? No, get off of me. But there's theories that make it a little more interesting. I thought it was fun. I just think there's two types of people,
Starting point is 00:56:03 people who were like, this was too much, and then people who were like, like, okay, you like made her drink milk, like do more. I thought it was gonna be just like, those types of movies though, really never, I feel like do well. At the end you're kind of like,
Starting point is 00:56:17 like Grey's, like Fifty Shades of Grey, like it was never really it for me either. I was just like. It reminded me of the Barry Kiyogan movie. Yeah. Like, they love getting a baby girl boy dancing to music awkwardly long periods of time. Yeah, and there's just like, I'm too interested in like, logistics.
Starting point is 00:56:37 And it's like, he showed up to the house. It's like, now you're just being messy. Like, don't talk to my kids, you know? So, I want to say a spoiler. Okay, I'm gonna say spoiler alert. It's been out for so long. Fast forward, like the Charlotte Tilbury. Yeah, it's literally been out for almost.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Fast forward, but what makes it a little more interesting is, you know, it kind of doesn't make sense that like the dog attacks her and then he brings the dog back and it seems just like very planned. And she's like, you just like get people, like you understand me, you like saw me. Apparently he's always been dating that girl
Starting point is 00:57:11 and that girl knew what she was like and that girl told him the whole time to do that stuff. So that at the end she could say, but then it's funny at the end, she's not even like make me CEO. She's like, let me talk in the YouTube videos. Here's the other thing. If you're below the age of, what am I, 32?
Starting point is 00:57:30 If you're below the age of 31, you're a fetus to me. Like there's in no situation I'm looking at a male intern and being like, you could probably fuck me really good. This is my thing though. I think there's an age of woman where you, you like kind of forget what young guys are like and you're like, wait, it would be fun to teach them. No, not for me.
Starting point is 00:57:50 No. Like a guy. See, I feel like you and I are similar in that. We're going old decrepit. We're going, remember how hot of girls you used to be able to get? Here we are, we're not going opposite. Let me teach you. No. able to get. Here we are. We're not going opposite. Let me teach
Starting point is 00:58:05 you. No, I've taught enough men enough things. Luann gets it. She's not. Yeah. She's different than that. She's fine. Yeah. She's fine. Do you now think, because I got you to be a cat girl, could you see yourself with a zaddy? 100%. Why? I could never see myself with someone younger. I could only ever see myself with someone older. Who like falls asleep at like nine. I would love that. I would love it because I have, I like to do things by myself at night.
Starting point is 00:58:33 No, I party at night. There's nothing I love more than like, like occupying my boyfriend with like his favorite show. And it's like, okay, I'm going to put this on for you. And then I'm going to go do my stuff. Like, you know, so I could go older, I could never go younger. I just, I really couldn't. And I do have to say, I feel like in your 20s
Starting point is 00:58:50 going a lot older, there's a weird power dynamic, but you're kind of prime time for Azadi right now because you're financially independent. You know who you are, you know what you want. An older man is not gonna like- A crisp 44? Ooh! No, but also let's discuss how 44 is when their faces
Starting point is 00:59:10 like become like their men. Yeah, they're men. Like no offense, but like I see a 35 year old guy now and I'm like, okay, you still have to call your mom. You still have to call your mom. Yeah, yeah, you still call, your mom is still like nervous that you're not gonna get married. 44, they're like, we don't give a fuck what like nervous that you're not gonna get married 44. They're like
Starting point is 00:59:25 We don't give a fuck what he does. He doesn't even have a mom, you know, like no I'm down for that Oh my god. I'm excited for you. See we're we're merging Here's the other thing that people don't realize the Vanity Fair red carpet is also me speed dating So I better get ready for that, Hannah. Wait, I'm gonna be Chris Harrison. Yeah, no. There's no Bachelor in 2025. Yeah, there is.
Starting point is 00:59:51 Yeah, there is. It's called the Vanity Fair livestream. Vanity Fair red carpet. Wait, someone comes up and I look at you and you're like, no, and I'm like, sorry, we can't interview him right now. She's not interested. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:00:02 They're like, no, you're supposed to interview me for my movie. And I'm like, sorry, I don't want to go on a date. What is interview? I'm not available. They're like, page, it's not why you're here. What is interesting with meeting these like A-listers that we're going to do is like, you know them,
Starting point is 01:00:15 but then when you interview them, first of all, you get their vibe and you also see their actual height. I'm nervous that some celebs, I feel like I'm never going to be able to enjoy their movies again, cause I, I'll be friends with them now. Here's the thing though. Not friends I feel like I'm never gonna be able to enjoy their movies again, cause I'll be friends with them now. Here's the thing though. I'm not trying to date an A-lister or someone famous.
Starting point is 01:00:32 Who's the guy behind you? Who's your manager? Well, it's normally a stressed out female publicist. Yeah, that's true. But like, is your financial manager also here with you? Or maybe your agent is here. You go, who's your agent? Who runs the agency? But who really runs. You go, who's your agent? Who runs the agency?
Starting point is 01:00:46 But who really runs everything? Yeah, who's calling the shots? Cause you're a puppet, a little puppet. You're a little baby. No, it'll be interesting. It'll be interesting. So to wrap this up, I caused some drama in an elite. Amongst?
Starting point is 01:00:59 Elite Daily posted a video of fuck, Mary-Kill Italian food. And the cancellation was close. I wanted your opinion because at first I was like, I don't know if I said the right thing and I thought about it and I go, no, I'm going to double down. I think I was right. And I'm not someone that just like will blindly support anyone. It's definitely not me.
Starting point is 01:01:23 But let me tell you something. I think you made the right call. Wait. I think I did. Tell them, fuck, marry, kill, lasagna, pizza, or chicken parmesan, and why. Chicken parmesan is just like, it hits everything. It hits everything.
Starting point is 01:01:37 Sometimes with lasagna, if you don't have a meat in your lasagna, and I personally sometimes don't like meat in my lasagna. You have pasta and you're like, I need a protein, like I need a meat. People fuck up lasagna. People fuck it up a lot. Also like you always feel like it's too much lasagna. Not like too much. It's like the soup of pasta.
Starting point is 01:02:01 Yeah. And I'm going to tell you, say something else. I never order lasagna out. Never, never. I'm not going to a restaurant and ordering lasagna. Lasagna, I hate to say it, lasagna is what people make when there's too many people at the party and you just want people to be fed.
Starting point is 01:02:14 Right, and that's why leaving it on your stoop, it's homemade. It's homemade. And that's better for me. Yes. I'm not getting it out at a restaurant. It's a casserole. And pizza is...
Starting point is 01:02:28 We're not gonna kill pizza, that's better for me. I'm not getting it out at a restaurant. It's a casserole. And pizza is, well, we're not gonna kill pizza. That's crazy. Late night, pizza has always been there. Pizza cold, pizza warm, pizza with toppings, people, pizza with just cheese. Every time, turn me around. Yeah. Every hole, let's go. But chicken parmesan, like I respect.
Starting point is 01:02:44 Like I respect its, like I respect. I respect its mind, I respect its body. I one time dated a man that was just like, well I actually, I shouldn't really come for this because I feel like you like this too. That was just like pizza with pineapple on it is so good. It's very Des. Des has a really good comedy bit about pizza.
Starting point is 01:03:01 And I think it was in that moment that I was like, I just will never orgasm to you. I'll never think about was like in that moment that I was like, I just like, we'll never orgasm to you. I'll never think about you later in life and come to you. So know that. Des, I'm going to ruin it, but this is one of my favorite jokes. He jokes that when people say like, oh, I don't like pineapple with pizza. And then he's like, why?
Starting point is 01:03:22 And they're like, I don't know. It's like, oh, so you don't like something. Like have you ever tried why? And they're like, I don't know. It's like, oh, so you don't like something. Like have you ever tried it? And they're like, no. And he said it's giving like, when guys are like, oh, I would never date another man. It's like, what are you afraid of? If you tried it, you'd like it.
Starting point is 01:03:34 Yeah, yeah. I've tried it though and I don't like it. Yeah, I would never order it out of the blue. Yeah, and I would never order it over things. But I like pineapple as my fruit. I don't like when pineapple's in other foods. I don't like a pineapple sauce on a random chicken dish. So I'm... Get me out of it. Unless it's kind of Caribbean. Yeah, but even then I'm just like, I don't like when things are sweet that are supposed to be savory.
Starting point is 01:04:03 Yeah, and some people are obsessed with sweet and salty together. Yeah, and I'm not one of those people. I like them individualized. But anyway, that's just a little bit about me in my palette. What time are we at? We have to promote two shows, Vegas and-
Starting point is 01:04:20 Salt Lake City. Salt Lake City with the Mormons. Who knew the Mormons were not buying tickets? I'm just kidding. We have actually a couple tickets left, and we love the Mormons. Who knew the Mormons were not buying tickets? I'm just kidding. We have actually a couple tickets left and we love the Mormon community. We take back everything we've said. This is the last time we're doing Giggly Squad outfits
Starting point is 01:04:34 and I have nothing left. I have nothing left to give. We love you guys. Thank you for giggling with us. And then next time we talk to you, we will have done the Oscars. Oh my God, we're gonna have so much tea. So next episode is gonna be so cheap.
Starting point is 01:04:48 Next episode, make sure you're swipe, subscribe. Don't miss it, swipe up. ["Swipe Up!" by The Vogue plays over music plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays over video plays They're here to offer personalized mobile plans with complete transparency because Fizz members are at the center of all of their decisions. There's no hidden fees, no false promises. Fizz is 100% online and if you don't like them you can leave them whenever you want. And if you like them a lot that's great because the more you stay the less you pay. One of the best things is if you have leftover data at the end of the month, it rolls over to the next month because you paid for it, so you get to keep it. So if you're thinking about a fully customized mobile plan
Starting point is 01:05:31 tailored to your unique needs, then switch to Fizz. Sonic the Hedgehog 3. Welcome home, my boy. He's now streaming. No! On Paramount Plus. He's now streaming on Paramount+. He is much more impressive than the Hedgehog I fought previously. Dude, I'm standing right here.
Starting point is 01:05:50 Sonic the Hedgehog 3, now streaming on Paramount+.

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