Giggly Squad - Giggling about radio city, Molly-Mae, and anti-cuffing season

Episode Date: January 21, 2025

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Starting point is 00:00:00 In a darkly comedic look at motherhood and society's expectations, Academy Award-nominated Amy Adams stars as a passionate artist who puts her career on hold to stay home with her young son. But her maternal instinct takes a wild and surreal turn as she discovers the best, yet fiercest, part of herself. Based on the acclaimed novel, Nightbitch is a thought-provoking and wickedly humorous film from Searchlight Pictures. Stream Night Bitch January 24th only on Disney Plus. I mean the day just got away from me. Hello my Radio City gigglers.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Even if you weren't here this last week, we felt you. At Radio City. No, literally. We're basically the Rockettes if they had an attitude problem. If they were very grumpy and didn't like to actually go to the gym. We are out of shape Rockettes. The Rockettes never left their bed and just send each other memes all day. Dude, shout out to the Rockettes.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Shout out, I love them. Do you want to know what? I've never seen the Rockettes ever and I feel like that's so not page coded. That's so not page coded. I saw the Rockettes. And it's funny when you're younger, you literally are like, they just seem like Barbie dolls. Also, you're dying.
Starting point is 00:01:31 You're like sick. I actually think I have bronchitis. Can you spell bronchitis? There's an H. Then no. What's this, an H thrown? You're like, you got me. A silent H? Get the fuck out of here. No, I don't do silent H's.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Quick. Okay. Highlights of Radio City. I'll start. Okay. Or you start. My favorite moment by far, beyond it doesn't compare to anything, is when me and you by ourselves walked out onto the stage at like five o'clock before any before the doors opened I I instantly started crying which is so not I got so overwhelmed by looking out into like the empty crowd and standing on that stage that I instantly couldn't hold it in and Paige never cries so I was like that meme
Starting point is 00:02:25 where you're holding a broom and you start tapping your friend to be like, are you feeling bad? And then I was hugging you, but then I was like, does she need space? But yeah, I also think you'd been holding it in a bit. And you know when you start crying over something, but then it keeps going and you're like, okay, you just tripped.
Starting point is 00:02:44 You had one trip and you're like, life is so difficult. I think it's also for us, like I feel like, not to sound like sappy or whatever, I feel like when we started Giggly Squad, even up until we started our tour, there was so much noise about like, oh, Giggly Squad is stupid and like, what do they even do? And like, oh, Gigguk squad is stupid,
Starting point is 00:03:06 and like, what do they even do? And like, oh, they just like talk to each other and they think they're so cool. And like- Okay, that's literally just for men, but continue. No, that's, no, that's what I mean. Like, to have someone in your ear constantly of being like, oh, what is this tour?
Starting point is 00:03:19 And like, I mean, like, do you really think you're gonna like, blah, blah, blah, whatever, to stand in that moment and just be like, suck my dick. Like, you know. We're so Sicilian. We're so Sicilian. We're so Sicilian.
Starting point is 00:03:33 You used Jojo Siwa Karma. Wait, okay, so I get this video of me doing the worm slow-mo and I was like, I have to post this. It writes itself. It writes itself. But then I was like, do I to post this. It writes itself. It writes itself. But then I was like, do I do a Glowrilla? Do I do Frank Sinatra?
Starting point is 00:03:49 I went through all of them and then I just funny clicked JoJo Siwa and I was like, wait, why is this fucking perfection? But this is for all those people out there who might be going through something or you feel like you've been wronged in a way or people are out to get to you. First of all, if people are out to get to you,
Starting point is 00:04:03 that means you're shining. That means they're trying to dim a light that you have. You might not see the light, but they see it, and that's why they're trying to dim it. And if you keep working hard, you will rise above it all, motherfuckers. No, my enemies have been working fucking overtime. I actually don't know where they find me hours.
Starting point is 00:04:19 I'm like, TikTok's back. Why don't you take a breather? Take a fucking minute, bitch. I just have to say, what happened with TikTok, was that not TikTok just being like, gotcha? No, TikTok is a giggler. They literally came back and was just like, gotcha. But okay, why?
Starting point is 00:04:40 I know people love trends, but when everyone was just like revealing secrets and I actually wrote a couple What what was that try? Why are people acting like the world was gonna end? I'm like guys What why are we acting like this last time we're gonna see you ever and we're all going off the face of the earth Here's why I have a small circle of friends and it's because I truly don't believe that anyone gets me as a person. Some of the information these bitches were putting out, you'd have to waterboard out of me. I wrote some of my favorite ones.
Starting point is 00:05:13 First of all, it came out that this influencer who's everyone's paying a lot of money for her glute workouts has a BBL. No, no way. That's a lot of them. That's a lot of them. It's giving Legally Blonde when she was like, I'm just getting liposuction.
Starting point is 00:05:31 I'm just getting liposuction. It's the same thing and girls are all upset. Then a girl who does workouts was like, I wanna let you guys know I wasn't doing any of the workouts. It's like. And then a girl who, her whole thing was making coffee every day was like, I've never drank the coffee.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Oh wait, that's fucking hilarious. And then, some of the girls. She was a coffee influencer? Yeah, and then some of the girls were like, yeah, I've been on Ozempic. I liked those ones. Yeah, I loved those. I felt like it was a time for people to,
Starting point is 00:06:04 it was, it felt like the Titanic where we're all about to get off and you're like, I don't want to say anything I don't want to get anything off their chest And then the Titanic didn't sink They were like, oh wait, actually we found a life raft and you're like, okay You know the Sebastian Maniscalco skit where like his I think it's the name name of one of his specials where he's just like, aren't you embarrassed? Like when people were crying and then it came back, I was like, aren't you embarrassed?
Starting point is 00:06:33 Like delete it. When it was gone for a night, well first of all, everyone freaked out cause they did it early, which was fucked up. Like don't say it's going down on Sunday and then it goes down early and everyone was probably enjoying their last couple moments. But let's be honest,
Starting point is 00:06:50 people low key had the most freeing couple hours of their life. No, I started, when it came back, I actually felt like, oh my God, I'm trapped by social media. Even if you get away from it, it's like people are still on their chat. Yes, it, it's like it's people are still on their chat. Yes, yeah it's like when Instagram goes down or even like COVID we all for
Starting point is 00:07:09 a second we're like oh well I'm not feeling guilty for not like going outside because no one's going outside. That's how I felt. But people were posting funniest TikToks when I came back someone was like I had so much fun learning about who my kids are last night. Oh yeah I saw a bunch of women being like decided to get to know my husband last night. He's pretty cool. I actually started reading. I learned how to read yesterday. No there was a moment when like that Sunday when I was like oh it's going down tonight that I was like maybe I'll start puzzling. Maybe I'll get a hobby. No I was like, oh, it's going down tonight, that I was like, maybe I'll start puzzling. Maybe I'll get a hobby. No, I was like, should I become a painter?
Starting point is 00:07:49 Yeah. I think it was beautiful, but also so many people are able to monetize it and make money from it. Yeah, I mean, that part is like, I'm so happy for the small business people who their whole lives have changed, that's... But they're hustlers, so they would have hustled somewhere else. They would have figured it out.
Starting point is 00:08:10 If you started a small business and were able to quit your corporate job and live, you're a fucking hustler, and I'm proud of you. I just want us to all keep our eyes open. I am just worried about who's in power and why, and what algorithm they're trying to push on us. But hopefully it just helps us all get that bag and be entertained, whatever you do.
Starting point is 00:08:36 One more thing about the Gigglers, when I feel like we're performing for the Gigglers, I don't feel like it's like we're the stars and they're like fans. I felt like we all made it. Yeah, but also like in the crowd, like they're like joking back at us, which is like the comments.
Starting point is 00:08:53 No, so many girls in the front were saying comments that then I repeated into the microphone because it was fucking hilarious. They're fucking, they're in it with us. It felt like a big crazy brunch. And then we did a Q&A at the end and this girl raises her hand and she's like, can I come on stage?
Starting point is 00:09:10 And Paige was like, do you have a gun? Like there's like, has to be some more context to this. No, also there's never any security at Giggly Squad because I don't think the men at the theater know what's about to go down. So like we've had security straight up be like, if something did go down, I can't take on 6,000 girls. Yeah, and we're like, no, we know you can't.
Starting point is 00:09:30 Like, what do you want me to do, tackle a girl? We're not gonna let you touch her. Don't fucking touch her. So then she's like, can I just go on stage and show you something? And in that moment, I'm like, okay, she's a giggler. Like, we let her do anything. Yeah, do whatever you want.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Do whatever you want. So she goes on stage and we start, we're like, are you she's a giggler. We let her do anything. Yeah, do whatever you want. Do whatever you want. So she goes on stage and we're like, are you doing the worm? What are you doing? And she's like, just watch, just watch. She does a rocket kick down into a split. Yeah, she was perfect. The whole crowd loses their mind.
Starting point is 00:09:57 And I'm like, wait, all of you could be on stage right now. Wait. It was like a talent show for the Giggler. No, it's so crazy. One girl posted and it really just, I just felt like such a feminist icon. It made me so proud of us. She was like, Giggly Squad is proof
Starting point is 00:10:16 that women do not dress for men. There is not a man in sight at Giggly Squad unless he is a taken boyfriend. And if that's the case, we're not fucking looking at him. So the girls coming in their outfits, I was just so proud to be a girl, also in New York City. The girls can dress, honey. They looked so fucking good.
Starting point is 00:10:38 The girls, it's so funny too, who's dressing for you and who's dressing for me. Yeah. And it's to the point that I feel bad complimenting a girl who's clearly so page coded because I almost feel like she'll be insulted if I think her outfit's cute. No, the ties and the bows, it was just,
Starting point is 00:10:56 you know where you are. It was a perfect synergy. Radio City truly felt like the new house of Scientology. Well, someone said something like, TikTok is the new TV. Movies, like watching a movie on TV is like the new movie theater. And then movie theaters are like the new concerts.
Starting point is 00:11:21 And then concerts are like a full cult meeting. Yeah. No, we had, we started a cult. We low key started a cult. Joel Olsteen for Hot Girls. It's crazy we started on Instagram Live with like 3000 girls. See, that's why when people be talking shit about Instagram,
Starting point is 00:11:39 I'm like, look, we all- Put some respect on it. Put some respect on Instagram Lives during COVID for keeping us afloat during our dark, dark demonic times. What a time to be alive that was. What a time to be alive. Also, I do have to say, I used to think that like, straight guys should come on, come to Giggly Squad
Starting point is 00:11:59 if they were smart, because it's just all like the hottest, smartest girls, funniest girls, most successful girls in every city Like come together that in a show, but then I realized the girls by the end of the show want to stone a man Like it's actually unsafe for them No, I feel like the empowerment when you leave a Giggly Squad show you're like I fucking do anything Like I truly feel like the next president of the United States was in the crowd, you know? And she was wearing a tie, you know?
Starting point is 00:12:32 Like. The gigglers in the male bathroom and then there'd be like a dude in the bathroom and they literally beat his ass to be like get out of here, it's for the girls. One of my girlfriends came to the show and her boyfriend after the show was like, I was in the men's bathroom and I was uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Should I not be in there? I was like, no, get the fuck out of there, hold it. And now you know how it feels to be a woman 24 seven in August Earth. He was like, the line was crazy. I'm like, well, that's where we make friends, okay? So my dad actually could not come to Radio City because he had COVID.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Who knew that that was a thing in 2025? And like he got it bad. Like he was out for the count. He was down bad. So like down, down bad. So I call him, yes, no, he called me, humble brag, which we joke about like when your dad calls you, two things are happening.
Starting point is 00:13:26 He didn't mean to. It was a butt dial or your entire family is dead. So I was worried. He goes, hey, I'm so proud of you. I saw the photos. You guys looked amazing. I'm really excited for your book to come out. And I was like, what?
Starting point is 00:13:42 That's in April. What are you talking about? And he goes, my mom, he goes your mom sent me like a copy of the final book and I read it all weekend and I was like wait what? And he goes, it's the best book I ever read. I was like what? And he goes, no, He goes, I feel so inspired but I was laughing. He
Starting point is 00:14:08 goes, this book is gonna be amazing. And I'm like, dad, we didn't even get a quote from you on the back of the book. I didn't even know you knew we had a book coming out. Wait, can I add that we literally set up a playdate with our dads and I felt like, I felt like your dad, I felt like my dad was being like, can I have a sleepover with Danny? Or like, is that okay? You know, like when my dad heard that your dad wasn't coming to Radio City,
Starting point is 00:14:37 my dad's whole night was ruined. He was like, wait, what? He was so upset and when I said COVID, he thought I was lying. And then my dad goes, He was like, go call him. My dad goes, how's Gary? And I was like, Gary's great. And he goes, could I text him?
Starting point is 00:14:50 Like, is that weird? And I'm like, I don't even know if Gary has a, if Kim lets Gary have a phone. One note so funny is my dad doesn't have an email address. See, that's the energy I was getting. That's the energy my dad gives. The energy my father gives is, I don't know, ask him. Like, why the fuck would I have an email address?
Starting point is 00:15:07 Why are all moms so much better with technology than dads? Like, my mom has Facebook, Instagram. She knows how to use Google Docs. Because women put in the time. They put in the time to learn what they don't know. Because men wanted to be the 50s still when they still were in power. So they're not updating anything.
Starting point is 00:15:29 I love that he doesn't have an email. No, we truly have the epitome of girl dads. Yeah, my dad, remember with the Knicks game, we took a photo and I was like, okay, I'll post it on your Instagram for you. And he goes, put it in an Insta story. And I I was like you don't want to put me on your grid and he's like no I like to see who's looking at it and I was like my mom thanked me the other day for putting her on my grid she was like that was really sweet of
Starting point is 00:16:00 you I was like oh my god I'm obsessed with you guys I'm good one of our parents wants to put wants to be on someone's grid. No, my dad straight up was like, do not put our photo on my grid. I don't want that. It's going to ruin my grid. The aesthetic. Okay. Wait, speaking of grids, what do you think about Instagram changing the length of the photo? That threw me.
Starting point is 00:16:21 It threw me. And everything's like shifted to the left. I like that. We organize, yeah, it's not done. I feel like they're in the middle of something, but it's like, we put it as a square, so when you make it longer, also now I don't know what's,
Starting point is 00:16:34 look, again, we never change. And then we don't care. Social media's going through it right now. Social media's like Mercury and retrograde. They're trying to figure out their path Yeah, and like I I support it. It's just Do you remember when we got so upset about into stories? Like we lost our mind. We were like, this is snapchat
Starting point is 00:16:55 This is just snapchat like we were so mad wait for the longest I could like couldn't put music on my grid or my stories. I just got it fixed right before Radio City thank God thank God um we both went differently I did Frank Sinatra old school and you went like Cameron yeah I went I went old school rap Cameron so Paige is back in her music era sure and one thing we don't tell the gigglers which is I forgot cuz you I don't think you listen to music for like, four years, which was disturbing. Which we should have checked on that. You're like, it was too loud up here. Yeah, I was like, there's so much noise in my brain. I couldn't actually
Starting point is 00:17:39 think about listening to someone else. One thing about being you is we love hardcore, pussy popping, misogynistic, offensive, fucked up rap. Like we were getting our makeup done and I was like let's put music on. One point I think your mom was like oh, oh no. Is this getting you guys pumped up? I was like, actually, yeah it is. We're literally in the most female empowering green room,
Starting point is 00:18:09 like so powerful, and I'm like, put on some rap about fucking bitches and strippers. Getting money, yeah. And getting money. We do have the same taste in music. I told someone, they were like, oh, what's like your walkout song? And I was like, actually it's like your walkout song? And I was like
Starting point is 00:18:25 actually it's like ASAP Rocky like fucking problems and they were like they were like wait really? Like I would have thought you guys would have had something like poppier or like girlier like a female rapper and I was like I don't know it was the first ever song from the very first live we ever did and we've never changed it because it is just such a fucking vibe. And I feel like when we're walking out, it's like we're saying to the girls in the crowd, like you're a bad bitch.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Like. Yes. I love bad bitches, that's my fucking problem. And yeah, I like to fuck, I got a fucking problem. That's some empowering shit that we have taken. Yeah, no, I've taken that. Whatever, ASAP Rocky is married to- He's a girl's girl.
Starting point is 00:19:09 One of the most feminist bitches on the planet who is like an icon runs shit. So like if he, if anyone knows, it's him. So my new walkout song, cause I've been doing fucking problems forever, for my new standup, I'm coming up with ASAP Ferg. I don't know what's going on with the ASAPs, a lot of ASAPs. We love an ASAP.
Starting point is 00:19:30 I don't know the history of the ASAP and it's with the money signal, but I'm doing new level. So I come out going, I'm on a new level. I'm on a new level. Put these in the dirt, chain me with a new bezel. You know what's crazy? It is like, I have zero rhythm, I can't even dance. I feel like you're the kind of dancer
Starting point is 00:19:53 that like every now and then you can. Every now and then if it hits me, I can do it, but if I think about it too much, I can't. Like if someone watched you for an extended period of time, they'd be like, this is horrible, but like in a 10 second instant story, they'd be like, oh she's kind of hot answer. She's just holding back right now Yeah, that's the energy I want to give I want to I want you to wonder is she a good dancer or not Yeah, like is she a good dancer to prenting to be a bad dancer?
Starting point is 00:20:17 Right issue good answer, but she's just drunk right now. Yeah, that's the energy we want to give I Love getting organized and if give. I love getting organized. And if you don't like getting organized, well, January is the perfect time for you to actually get it done. Set goals and prioritize what matters. Thanks to Rocket Money, my goals feel achievable. Getting all your subscriptions in one place and canceling the ones you actually forgot about because you should not be paying double the money is something that Rocket Money can do for you. Rocket Money is a personal finance app that helps find and cancel your unwanted subscriptions, monitors your spending, and helps lower your bills so you can grow your savings. Easily create a personalized budget with custom categories to help keep your spending on track. See your monthly spending trends in each category
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Starting point is 00:21:57 And we were talking about like what hotels should we book and then we were like we really want to be together the entire time and booking a suite is just like too much. And so we keep looking at all these different houses and it just is making the trip so much more exciting to think about being in a house altogether. We can hang out in different rooms. We don't have to like go to bed and like not see each other. We can go into each other's rooms. It's so much easier.
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Starting point is 00:24:00 I was with Caroline Banowitz this other weekend starting my new material shows and she's one of my Gen Z best friends. She considers me Gen Z. I've never asked her, but I assume. There was one of those moments where I realized I was older than her. Stop. Oh my God, those are so humbling.
Starting point is 00:24:20 What was yours? It was humbling. Oh my God, oh, I'm gonna gag. Yeah. Oh, like it's just weird, because we're both Gen Z. So an Ashley Simpson song comes on, because I was doing my Angry Woman playlist,
Starting point is 00:24:35 and I was like, I fucking love this song, and she's like, it's so good, and I go, ugh, I miss her old nose, and she goes, what? Pardon? And I was like, Ashley Simpson her old nose. And she goes, what? Pardon? And I was like, Ashley Simpson's old nose before she got a nose job. And she goes, Ashley Simpson got a nose job?
Starting point is 00:24:53 My Ashley Simpson is brunette on SNL lip syncing. That's my Ashley Simpson. That is the only Ashley Simpson I've ever known and ever will know and I don't accept this new, this new Ashley Simpson is AI, okay? And she's like, she had no job and I go, and suddenly I show her the photos and she's like, oh my God, she's so cute and I'm like, were you three?
Starting point is 00:25:14 Hello? Hello? Ashley Simpson has been that bitch. She will always be that bitch. Be that bitch. She, one of the one things I love about Ashley Simpson is that like, had a career, awesome, amazing, everyone loved her and then she was just like,
Starting point is 00:25:28 fuck it, I'm getting married and like having kids and doing whatever the fuck I want and like loves her husband. She got so much backlash. So, from that SNL night. Where it's like nowadays, I don't. People just wanted to hate on her because one, they were mad that she got a career from her sister which like, if you're the older sister and you're a megastar
Starting point is 00:25:53 What the fuck else are you gonna do but help your sister out? It's not like she was copying her sister She was a completely different vibe of like punk and way different anger and badass and baggy jeans and grunge. And like, it was so great. Two things that stick in my head about like that time of life is Ashley Simpson getting berated from SNL and them calling Jessica Simpson fat
Starting point is 00:26:18 when she was a size six. Jessica Simpson is getting separated from her husband. It's breakup season, so is Jessica Alba, so is Kaia Gerber. So is Rachel from The Bachelor. Something's in the air and women are like, hey, you know what, no. Gary, can you get me a water?
Starting point is 00:26:40 And an oxygen tank. And an oxygen mask. I do think that I'm kind of loving this breakup season because normally this should be cuffing season But I feel like for the girls they're like it's winter and I actually just want to like watch murder documentaries and fart on my own And I don't need someone to cuddle with cuddling overrated get out of like summer is fun. You're hooking up your tan You're making out with guys winter Winter, don't fucking touch me, okay? No, like I wanna be wrapped in my sweatpants, in a fur blanket with my fuzzy socks,
Starting point is 00:27:11 and if you're also under my same blanket, I'm gonna get hot, and I don't wanna get hot. You know, like I have the perfect temperature right now, get your frickin' sweaty balls away from me. Do you know in certain other countries and cultures, partners have their own duvets? And that's nice. Yeah, I don't know why we're,
Starting point is 00:27:31 I mean the whole sleeping in the same bed thing. I'm so down to have separate bedrooms with my husband, but like sleep in the same bed at night. Like I'm so down to go to his bedroom at night and sleep and then like keep my room pristine and my stuff. I think that should be more normalized. We have separate rooms, but if we wanna sleep in the same bed every night, we can,
Starting point is 00:27:54 but I'm gonna go back to my room in the morning. Also, I feel like that sounds spicy. Yes. Miss me. Do you wanna sleep with me tonight? And it's like, I don't know. We'll see. I might come in later.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Yeah, like I'm going to watch my shows first and then like maybe I'll come in. Like you can like change your pajamas, be a whole new bitch. Or you can lock the door and put a chair in front of it and say, Ben, for your fucking self. I told you during my naughty years, my early 20s, when I was dating that guy Craig from Craigslist and we were hiding our. Which I feel like just doesn't get talked about enough.
Starting point is 00:28:33 It doesn't get talked about enough, but if we, and we didn't want the other roommates to know we were hooking up, we would be the last to be watching TV together on like separate couches, just happened to both be watching a show. And then we'd go into his room, and then at four or five a.m., I'd go back to my room.
Starting point is 00:28:51 And then in the morning, I'd pretend I was so grossed out and annoyed by him in front of the other roommates, like, he's making oatmeal again, ew. No, and how fun. Give the girl an Oscar. No, it's so fun to have a little. Will they, won't they? You know, yeah, will they, won't they?
Starting point is 00:29:08 I'm trying to think, what I do with Dez is I fall asleep on the couch and he's like, I'm going to bed. Can you please come in soon? And then I lie to him and I'm like, I'm literally right behind you. And then obviously I get a second wind and suddenly I need to scroll every single app and then I need to start a Molly May documentary
Starting point is 00:29:25 and then I come in at 2 a.m. and wake him up. Yeah. Accidentally. Let's get to it. Let's talk about the Molly May, let's get to it. Let's get to it. I. I watched all three episodes last night, for you.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Yeah, same. And I'm a fan, but I knew that we were gonna discuss. The way I loved her prior to this documentary, there's something about, here's the thing. What do you think is the Molly May effect? Here's what I'm gonna say. When you see certain people on TV or on Instagram or on TikTok and you see these influencers,
Starting point is 00:29:57 there are a handful, now there's a lot of people that can get a lot of followers, go viral, say something crazy, get a little traction. There are a handful of people that when you see them on a screen, you feel it in your soul of like, they have something. Like they have some it factor, they have some type of star quality.
Starting point is 00:30:17 You can't pinpoint it, but you're like, they make me feel a different way than just like scrolling all these influencers Molly May is one of those people where she just has this spark this like She's a star type of thing like when she appeared on the screen on love island I didn't know that she was like a famous influencer in England She had had some she had followers, but she was nowhere as famous as she is now. When she walked into that villa,
Starting point is 00:30:47 I was like, she's a star. I don't give a fuck about any other girl in this house, but her. And she was full blonde. And that's usually not my type. And I was like, I love her. And that was a season, the first season me and you ever watched together during the COVID season of Summer House
Starting point is 00:31:04 when we were trying to stay in bed because when we left we'd have to fight with people so we were just trying to watch stay in our damn lane look we tried we tried to stay in our lane people to know we were trying I said let's learn some English slang that'll keep us occupied but you know what is Molly May is very page-coded. Where like I didn't feel that connection to her. Okay. Like you immediately were like I was like I like her but I wasn't I think also yeah we me and Paige are different with like people that we become obsessed with. We've never been obsessed with the same people.
Starting point is 00:31:47 No, oh my God, no we haven't. No. We don't have the same, okay, we don't have the same favorite celebrities and we don't have the same favorite male celebrities. We have complete opposite type of men and complete opposite type of women. No like- we really do.
Starting point is 00:32:06 When we meet people, we've never both been hyped up for someone. Hannah, no, we haven't. Actually, I specifically remember one time meeting someone and you being like, oh my god, I'm so obsessed, and me being like, I feel like they don't really like me. Or when someone comes up to me and you're like oh my god Paige we love you and you're like okay well that was weird I'm standing right here like that does happen to us a lot I feel like all the time actually people will either be like obsessed with Paige or obsessed with me or like pretend to be obsessed with both
Starting point is 00:32:38 of us yes and we don't have to pretend we've accepted like I feel like if we met Molly May like she'd be excited to see you. Yeah, I get that. No, I love her. But my thing with Molly May is she really reminded me of you in that this whole thing is one, about her having a public relationship and then her dealing with backlash, whatever,
Starting point is 00:32:59 and then her starting her own fashion brand. But what I loved about this documentary, which made me fuck with Molly May, is that a lot of these documentaries are like, look at me, why I'm so amazing. This bitch cried the whole time. Cried the whole time. Cried the whole time.
Starting point is 00:33:17 And there were so many things that I'm like, they could have cut that out. I, and it wasn't even like, I don't know, just really fucking raw. I think another reason why I loved the documentary so much was like after we did our beta blocker episode and after we did like our breakup episode, I had so many girls saying like the nicest things to me
Starting point is 00:33:37 and they were like, no, you truly don't understand. Like I feel really seen with the things you said. Molly May said so many things during that documentary that I was just like, holy shit. Like I feel so fucking seen. Like yeah, I fucking knew that wasn't my fault. Like that is just so many different things where I was like, damn, I went through that same thing or like I know how that feels, whatever. Like she was really showing behind the scenes. for example, she's launching her first. Fashion line.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Fashion line, but she's doing her first event where people were gonna see it. And she's like, I haven't ever done like a live event meet and greet with people. And it shows her freaking the fuck out about every detail of it. And like, we've all been there where it's your name on it and you feel like other people aren't caring about it,
Starting point is 00:34:27 you care about it and you know you're the only one that gets backlash if it doesn't come out right. And you start just feeling like I'm fucked. And her leaning into that, her also saying how she takes hundreds of thousands of pics and sometimes will just give up on the pic. Like there was so many of that. That's so me coded. Remember when I was really obsessed with my grid
Starting point is 00:34:46 and it was like literally putting me into like. It was actually like ruining your life. No, I wasn't ruining my life. She even mentioned she was like, girls like me because my fashion and my grid. And I was like, oh, I guess that, I thought that was a thing you made up. No, my grid is like so important to me.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Are you telling me you think people don't follow me because they see my grid and they're like, oh. Well, pages don't. I didn't know that the grid is a thing. No, I'll follow a bitch in fucking Siberia if I'm like, damn, her grid is aesthetic. What makes a grid just like similar colors? It makes me happy.
Starting point is 00:35:21 Like, it's just like looking at it makes me happy. But like can you explain what makes a grid aesthetic? Or it's like you can't put your finger on it? It just has to be like equal parts cohesive but equal parts different and cool and like it's honestly a lot of pressure. Like I really felt for Molly Mae. I was like no I get it. Like your grid is so important. It's also our creative outlet. It's what we see in our brain. And then to put out into the world of,
Starting point is 00:35:50 I think this picture looks really cool next to this picture, and this outfit complements this outfit, and I'm wearing red in this outfit, and a little bit of red in that one, so I'm gonna put those pictures near each other because it looks pretty. Like it's all about matching. Yeah. pictures near each other because it looks pretty. It's all about matching.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Imagine a guy's like I was into Paige but then I saw her grid and she had like yellow randomly on like the third row and I was like I don't fuck with her. Okay well that man is gay. One of my favorite scenes was this meet-and-greet where first of all it was not organized. I don't know what they thought it would be, but they thought people would come in and casually say hi to her. But clearly every single person that went in
Starting point is 00:36:31 wanted a photo with her. And she's being so nice, but you could see she's doing hundreds of photos. And then it cuts to her hiding in the basement crying, saying no one's having fun. And I can't just sit down here the whole time, but whenever I go up, it's awkward. And then she had to walk outside and just someone was like hey just tell everyone thanks for coming she walks out she says thanks for
Starting point is 00:36:51 coming turns back and she goes that was so fucking awkward and everyone hates me like it was so funny cuz when you're a fan of someone you don't see that side of it that like yeah they're feeling embarrassed that's how I felt after my panic attack at Giggler. I was like, everyone hates this show. They're never gonna come. They think I'm bad at this. Like you really, you're in your own head. It reminded me of you.
Starting point is 00:37:14 It reminded of you in terms of like our first meet and greets, Paige would get blackout because she like couldn't. Do it, I was so nervous. And then you, because it was like, meet and greets can be hard, where every person you want them to have the best experience and if you think you had an awkward interaction
Starting point is 00:37:32 with someone, which happens, you think you suck and then you start spiraling and you think everyone hates you. I'm like, oh my God, that girl definitely hates me and is never gonna listen to Giggly Squad again. Here's one thing I do want to point out that I found so so empowered, I don't even know, whatever. Just like a fucking man, she was hitting the pinnacle of her career, something she had been working on for three years, no one even knew she was
Starting point is 00:38:00 coming out with a fashion line. It's literally about to drop within those couple of months. She's so stressed about it. She's been working on it for so long. Just like a fucking man to come in, fuck up her whole mental health. She's now gotta deal with him and his fucking problems while simultaneously dealing with launching this
Starting point is 00:38:22 that she's been thinking about since she was a fucking child and He just ruined it. He ruined it for her. I think about it all the time Not that this is related whatsoever, but when I watch the Who are they? Jonas Brothers, no, oh Tyson Logan Paul, what's his name. Oh, Tyson. Logan Paul. What's his name? Yeah, Jake Paul.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Jake Paul, the one that fought Mike Tyson. When I was watching his documentary, obviously his girlfriend was in it because it was like whatever. When men do a documentary about something that they're like, it's their career, their girlfriend or significant other or whatever is always in the documentary about how much she supported him and how much like What did she give up so that he could do that or like how did it impact her fucking day? Never touch on her fucking life and that girl's like a professional skier
Starting point is 00:39:16 Yeah, there goes a professional fucking athlete never touched on it didn't give a fuck We're here like when it's, but when it's a woman, it's so, if that was a man, if Jake or whatever the fuck his name is, was doing his, about to do that fight, and his girlfriend went and fucked up his mental health or like cheated on him or did something, they'd be like, you are the devil. How could you not fucking support him? But when it's a woman and she's putting out a clothing line
Starting point is 00:39:45 and a man wants to come in and act like, it's not that big a deal, like I'm gonna hit you with some real fucked up emotional shit. No one says anything. No one says anything. Why is Tommy not getting so much fucking hate right now for like, you ruined her launch. You literally ruined it.
Starting point is 00:40:01 I don't know, but I'd like to. Unless they're back together and that's a decision that she made, and I support her. Yes, and we support it. I do think that the mom made an interesting statement, or the sister, where they were like, we support you being married to Tommy, but it's not gonna be easy to marry Tommy.
Starting point is 00:40:18 So if you wanna marry a famous man, you can, but you're gonna have to sacrifice a lot of happiness when that famous man has a drinking problem. One time my mom said to me, I think you would live a fine life, do you wanna live a fine life? Ooh. Ooh. Ooh, bitch.
Starting point is 00:40:36 Kim, Kim, come on, it's 10 a.m., chill. I think we've all been in that position, I remember when I was in that position once, where I found a man and I knew like I got some stuff from it, from my ego. But I remember feeling like I was signing a deal with the devil and I didn't know what to do. But then my body didn't stop letting me eat.
Starting point is 00:40:59 So that's how I knew. My body was physically rejecting him. She had hit her goal weight, but at what cost? I remember I ordered a sandwich and it was like we were in board game by nine to five and I couldn't finish the sandwich, which was very out of character for me. And I was really paranoid that people were noticing.
Starting point is 00:41:20 And then I remember being like, what the fuck is wrong with you? You hate this man get out of this relationship just because other people think he's cool see I know when that happens to me when like I'm not genuinely an awkward person but when I start being really awkward and like clumsy I'm like oh my body doesn't like where we are or like what we're doing like I well yeah you almost your body starts to like fall apart and your brain and body are like you're not it's out being out of alignment that's what it's literally
Starting point is 00:41:55 being out of alignment and your body will tell you like this is not good for you no when I lose my appetite there's a fucking yeah there's one thing being nervous there's another thing your body getting sick from the situation you've put it in. So listen to your body girlies, we love that for us. Paradise is an all new series set in a serene community inhabited by some of the world's most prominent individuals. But this tranquility explodes when a shocking
Starting point is 00:42:25 murder occurs and a high-stakes investigation unfolds. Starring Sterling K. Brown, James Marsden, and Julianne Nicholson, Paradise is streaming January 28th only on Disney+. No, but I'm just so obsessed with Molly May. I think she also just seems so sweet and genuine and like works really hard and you know, and you wanna know the other thing? She didn't say a bad fucking thing about him. She did not say, she did not drag this man. She could have, she probably has got stories for days. The only thing she said that I was just like wow when she said
Starting point is 00:43:07 Tommy doesn't have a drinking problem But when he drinks there are problems and I begged him not to drink at my sister's wedding Oof like that. Oh My god, you must have been holding that in for so long and the shit that you probably dealt with behind closed doors to make sure that this man didn't get bad press or like because people would have inevitably came at you too and you want to know what if he did do some fucked up shit drinking the press would have just been like molly you're stupid for staying with him but but then when you don't support it it's like oh my god you couldn't like work it, you couldn't help it. And the drinking thing is crazy because they'll then be like,
Starting point is 00:43:49 oh, I know I cheated, but it's because of my drinking problem. And it's a thing, you feel empathy because that wasn't him, he has a drinking problem, but then you have to decide. And look, this affects a lot of people. Drinking problems, I personally don't know too much about it but what I know is it's not what you will see in the movies
Starting point is 00:44:12 always of a guy waking up with the shakes and then needs to have whiskey at 11 a.m. It's a majority of the time. And we joke about it as comics that it's, in your 20s it's cute, in your 30s you go, do I have a problem? And this happens to a lot of people in your 30s, men and women, but if every time you or your partner
Starting point is 00:44:32 or your friend drinks, some bad shit happens and they can't control it. That's a drinking problem. There's problems when you drink, that's a drinking problem. And look, I'm saying this as a firm coach right now because... You're also saying this as a wife of someone who is sober. Mm-hmm. So, you know, so like that's like a big... Actually, you know what? I do have a little two cents because my husband's been sober since 19, he's 19 years old, and I've learned a
Starting point is 00:45:02 little bit about that stuff. But there's a lot of people that, the only thing between you and success in your life and by success I mean a loving family, healthy friendships, a healthy career. Sometimes alcohol is the one thing that's preventing it. And I think that like our generation was kind of fed, oh a drinking problem is you wake up every day, your body can't function if there's not alcohol
Starting point is 00:45:24 inside of it. I've met a ton of alcoholics that can go five days without drinking, but the minute they pick up a drink, it's absolute mayhem. And I'm gonna be honest, he probably did so much shit to her that she never got over it. Well she said, she's like, I let him get away with a lot of shit so we don't even know.
Starting point is 00:45:46 We don't even know. We don't even know what she's protected him from. And I mean, as two people- And then it's like, it's in the public being like, all the hate is going to her, where she's probably sitting home being like, you don't fucking, if you knew half the shit this man has done to me, like, it's crazy. I just feel bad for her. We've done reality TV where we see the like,
Starting point is 00:46:10 people doing things when they're drunk that are so fucked up. Like, I've had stuff fucked up done to me, and then the next day, it doesn't count because they were drunk. But you, don't forget what they said to you, don't forget what they did to you, but then you're the fucked up one
Starting point is 00:46:24 because you're holding grudges when it's like, but they do this every weekend. But because I wasn't blackout, I have to forgive them. I'm gonna, let's take back the meaning of like holding grudges. You know what? If you did something fucked up to me two years ago and I never got over it, that's not my fault.
Starting point is 00:46:43 That's literally not my fault. That's literally not my fault. That's called boundaries. You did something so insanely fucked up that I wouldn't be able to get it out of my head unless I had a fucking lobotomy. So every time I look at you, I fucking think of it. That's why women were getting lobotomies in the 20s because men had prohibition getting blackout,
Starting point is 00:47:02 doing fucked up stuff to them, and then would lobotomize them so they'd forget what they did Truly so I I actually I know Molly's Molly may said in the documentary like I'm trying to get through all of this in the hopes That me and Tommy get back together and like I want her to get whatever she wants I really pray that she does not get back with him I hope she co-parents that beautiful baby with him and I hope she meets someone
Starting point is 00:47:27 who supports the fuck out of her. And like, also Tommy, you're not your brother. Like you don't have the career your brother does. Your wife makes more money than you. Maybe sit and chill for a fucking second. Wait, sorry, I'm laughing because I love how we started this conversation being like, whatever Molly wants to do is perfect.
Starting point is 00:47:46 And now we're like, if she gets back with that man. No, listen, what's the point? When she starts breaking down in the third episode, this isn't, okay, this is what happens. So she goes- Spoiler alert, this is what happens. Sorry, she does, she's like, I want to get back with him. We all got that like no
Starting point is 00:48:07 Because you're watching it and you're watching how amazing she is and then she's sitting there crying Not because of what's going on with her career, but because he's the stupid dipshit He ruined he ruined what you've worked your whole life or he tried to ruin it He tried to ruin it. He tried to ruin it. And I think as women, we sit back and we're like, he didn't mean to, he didn't know what he was saying. He like, and we make such excuses.
Starting point is 00:48:35 He knew what he was doing. He wanted to ruin it for you. He had no regard. That's why he got drunk at your sister's wedding, and fucked up whatever he fucked up. Like, he didn't care that you were about to go through all this turmoil simultaneously with the launch of your brand.
Starting point is 00:48:51 He didn't give a shit. It is so interesting though if the roles were reversed, if he would never take her back. Never. And if the roles were reversed and he was like coming out with some big thing and she went and like was it seen in a nightclub, everyone would be like, you're a whore. How are you outside? How are you doing?
Starting point is 00:49:07 The double standard is crazy. Can I be so mean right now? Yes. Because when I'm watching her and she's beautiful and she's smart and she's empathetic and she's an amazing mother and she's like, but he's great. It's like, I'm sorry. He's a CTE. guy who chose to be on reality TV for attention Pretty looking guy who's been spoiled his whole fucking life nepo brother not Ashley Simpson not not even as talented and
Starting point is 00:49:36 And it's like what what makes him so because I don't really believe in my heart of hearts that their chemistry Like he's that funny and he their chemistry, like he's that funny and he's that smart and he's that caring. Cause if he was, he wouldn't have fucking embarrassed you. Yeah, he embarrassed you. He embarrassed you and then you had to pick up the pieces. That's the thing. When a man embarrasses you and then you still get blamed
Starting point is 00:50:00 and then you also have to pick up the pieces and fix it, fuck you. Like I'll never forget it. Look, I love a good looking man. I've made very bad decisions based off of a jawline. But once you spend enough time with that good looking man, you will see their character and their looks fade so fucking quick.
Starting point is 00:50:19 So quick. I've, like, the ick you get, I almost get more icks when a guy's hot cuz I'm like oh you're not only you're lying like you're trying to cover it up with these yeah these blue eyes or whatever when you're actually the devil and I don't want to be conned and be treated like shit. And be the less hot one that's crazy. No 100%. So look we're not team Tommy right now. No I'm just not I'm Molly May all the way. And do I empathize with with people who are struggling with
Starting point is 00:50:54 addiction a hundred percent but you know what I also didn't like and she very subtly shows a scene in the beginning when they're in the hot tub when they meet for the first ever time and they're sitting in the hot tub and she goes do you like to drink and he says no and then looks at her and says do you like to drink and she goes not me neither you lied to her face the first time you hung out with her I'm never forgetting that shit I'm out wait I'm out something I feel like in terms of dating I truly feel and this is like just based off my own Like experiences and like say whatever you want
Starting point is 00:51:33 I truly feel like women do show you who they are from the jump and that's why men like fall for them where like I feel like you don't really truly see who a man is until like three to six months in, and then you're in it. And then you're fucking in it and you're like, wait, did I miscalculate? Because I told him what I was like and he was down. And he was showing you something. Yeah, and now all of the sudden you've completely changed.
Starting point is 00:52:05 That's why they say with the right one, he knows first, but you don't. Yes. Because you're looking at it logically. Yeah, that's, yes. Any guy you fell for immediately was wrong for you. 100 percent, oh my God, 100 percent. And must be honest, when I say I fell for him immediately,
Starting point is 00:52:23 I mean, you were scrolling his Instagram and you're like, I'm gonna marry that man. Yeah, like fuck yeah. No, it's because like women truly like, I'm like, I want you to be the best version of you, so I'll make that version up in my head. And then you realize they're not it. It was that quote we saw from TikTok earlier
Starting point is 00:52:39 where men start at zero and we start at 100. So he has to disprove everything, we believe in him, and we have to show them everything. Honestly, my biggest example of that is I started dating someone, and I was already on reality TV, and then halfway through, they were like, why do you do reality TV?
Starting point is 00:52:59 And I'm like, wait, what? You started dating me knowing this. I told you what I do, who I am, this I presented that to you and you're like, fuck yeah, I love it. And then halfway in, you're like, I don't love it, change it. And it's like, that's crazy though. It also reminds me of like,
Starting point is 00:53:16 men will not tell you who they are, they'll show you. So him being like, I don't drink, but then you're blackout all of Love Island or whatever. I don't know, I wasn't tracking his drinking. I don't drink, but then you're blackout all of Love Island or whatever. I wasn't tracking his drinking. I don't have a drinking problem, but doing the most fucked up shit is crazy behavior. And I do have to say, this is a little controversial, I love an addict.
Starting point is 00:53:38 I don't know if I was an addict in a past life. I connect with them. I've always, I've dated multiple addicts in my life. Well, women are fixers. Women are fixers. I've dated multiple addicts because I'm like, I'll with them. I've always, I've dated multiple addicts in my life. Well, women are fixers. Women are fixers. I've dated multiple addicts. Because I'm like, I'll help you. And I've done it.
Starting point is 00:53:51 I will solve all your problems that you've never been able to solve your whole life. But me and I'm professional will figure it out. Stick with me, honey. I'll change it. Also, when you feel love from an addict, there is no stronger love. Once he decides you're his source, girl, that is the attention I want as a Leo.
Starting point is 00:54:10 But then you realize, oh, this is not healthy. And also, he's always going to choose his addiction over you. Yeah, no, I'm definitely a fixer. And I like someone come in and fix me. How about that? How about no comes in and gives me some advice? but I also feel like the thing a lot of girls we like to be fixers because There is her no there's more maternal but there's also this like If I focus on fixing him, I don't have to address like what I'm missing or what I want or any of those things
Starting point is 00:54:44 Which is more complicated I think that's why being single is so healthy because you get to learn like what you want what you need so when he comes in and starts having issues instead of being like oh I have a new project so I don't have to focus on myself you go whoa whoa whoa I have a project here called me and if you're gonna fuck that up I actually like don't think this is gonna work out No, I mean, I've only been single for a couple months but like Already Just in terms of like my single life like my own like personal life like I
Starting point is 00:55:22 I never wanted to work at obviously like you want to work out because you want to like be hot or like whatever. I never wanted to work out because I didn't, I feel like I literally didn't care about my body. Like I didn't care if I was healthy. I didn't care if I was strong. And then when I was like single, I was like, Oh no, like I have to like stay alive, you know? And so it's just like yourself in these streets. Yeah. Certain things that I was like, I'll never be able to do that. Like, that's so not me.
Starting point is 00:55:47 I'll never be able to get into that routine. Random, like just naturally came, really natural. Like, I've been working out three times a week and it like, I haven't even thought about it. Like- I'm so proud of you. I don't know. It was just very empowering for like my own self to see.
Starting point is 00:56:03 Like, oh, I thought I'd never be able to quit, oh, I thought I'd never be able to quit that, or I thought I'd never be able to start that up. And so then when you're doing it naturally, you're like, wait, I'm way stronger than I was giving myself credit for. I was literally gaslighting myself. Also, I hate to say it, sometimes you think you're the problem,
Starting point is 00:56:19 but sometimes you just have to change your environment. It's very hard to change yourself when you're doing the same thing every day, but it's like why people move, or they get out of a relationship, or they start a new job. That helps you with change. Also one thing about being a caretaker,
Starting point is 00:56:34 I do have to say, we're not saying don't be a caretaker. Just make sure what you're caring for cares for you back. Right, it really is true. Filling up someone else's cup and then like not filling yours, it really drains you. Wait, did I, speaking of Pilates, cause I know you've been on a Pilates kick, we both subconsciously like started doing Pilates this week
Starting point is 00:56:57 and when I say started, I did it once last week. And I've done Pilates sporadically, cause you know I'm very busy with hip hop yoga. But I went with my mom a couple times, so I was like, I'm not signing up for a beginner class, I'm gonna sign up, it's called like mix, and it's like, make sure you've done at least three Pilates classes, I was like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:15 I got my ass kicked. You get your ass beat. Like, they started off being like, okay, take your legs and put it over your head, and I was like, this is a warmup? Yeah. No, the shakes I get during Pilates is crazy. The exorcism of your body.
Starting point is 00:57:35 And then they keep using all these words like pelvis, which I thought was a made up thing. When they say internal rotation, I'm like, what the fuck does that mean bitch? Are you talking about my clit? Like what are we talking about? They're like internally rotate your hip. I'm like how the fuck? Am I supposed to know if it's internally rotating?
Starting point is 00:57:54 They're like we're gonna use a muscle that you've never activated before. And I'm like here's 33? If I didn't need it till now, as like an appendix, I don't need it. I saw the funniest Pilates Instagram of like, after you murder someone and it's you pulling the dead body and then it goes to your Pilates instructor
Starting point is 00:58:14 and they're like, no. They're like, strong back. Strong back, raise your spine and the girl changes her posture as she's pulling the dead body. No, Pilates is really truly actually the only thing that helps my back problems Because I think I have back problems because I literally my back was not strong enough
Starting point is 00:58:29 So I would like hunch over and like it would just like hurt so bad And so I truly feel like it's the only thing that like builds muscle in my fucking shoulders in your pernuvo scan Did you have anything going on with your spine? I? Didn't okay, not to brag, but my L4 and L5 has a slip disc. Well, you're an athlete. You're an athlete. So you probably have so many old injuries that like. Yes, but I also think I have this obsession with,
Starting point is 00:59:00 do you know when you buy a sectional, that long part of the couch? That's where I thrive in my life. When in doubt. You love a chaise. You love a chaise. I love a chaise. I'm like a cat, that is my comfort zone.
Starting point is 00:59:12 There's a sunken spot in that part where I live my day. I'm lying down, but then with my head. Same. And so I was researching and they're the worst part, because sometimes I'll be sitting for a couple days and I'm like Wow, my lower back is killing me. Like I just like deadlifted something But your spine is supposed to not be that direction basically. So like we're doing it to ourselves That's why I got an adjustable base bed truly because I was like I can't
Starting point is 00:59:39 Sit like this because your head is down looking at your fucking phone and for all you Gen Z Zs, my fellow Gen Zs listening, being like, are we listening to a podcast about two girls complaining about the lower back? We're helping you get ahead of it. I have upper back problems, so actually, we're killing two birds with one stone. We're looking out for all of our spines, your L4, your L5. This is for girlhood in general. Keep your spine healthy, your mind healthy. Yeah, do yourself a favor, book a fucking Pilates class, pet your cat, and shake it off.
Starting point is 01:00:12 Okay, Taylor Swift. Literally, I wanna go do Pilates with Molly Mae and be like, let's find you a man, honey. Shout out Molly Mae, we love you so, so, so much. No, I love her. Thank you for putting out that show and being so vulnerable. No, I actually felt closer to the Gigglers when I watched it because obviously when girls DM me and they're like,
Starting point is 01:00:36 you really made us feel seen, I can appreciate it to a point because I'm like, oh, that makes me feel so good that my words helped you. Molly Mae's words helped me so I was like oh my god I fucking love the gigglers like I know exactly how you feel like all I wanted to do was like text Molly Mae and be like you don't understand like that helped me so much like I thought I was a raging bitch sometimes but really it was like no you were fucking up my shit, like move. Molly, when you were complaining about your grid
Starting point is 01:01:07 and the pressure of your grid, it really changed my life. No, it did. I was in a really dark place, then you talked about your grid stressing you out, and now I feel seen. No, when she was like, I take a thousand pictures and I delete all of them. I'm like, it's my favorite hobby.
Starting point is 01:01:23 No, we love you. We love Molly Mae. Quick update. We have, we added more live shows, y'all. We added more live shows. We're in Nashville, New Orleans, St. Augustine, Hollywood, Florida, Tacoma, Washington, Portland, Oregon, Las Vegas, Nevada, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Starting point is 01:01:40 I don't know if any of these sold out. Double check. Go to linktree.giggle.iggly squad. It's on our Instagram. Also, I'm going to Alabama. Jesus. When are you going to Alabama? I think next month, Birmingham. Let's go.
Starting point is 01:01:56 We love you guys so much. Thank you for giggling. I will talk to you later. We love you. Thank you for coming to Radio City. You guys are the fucking best. Yes, shout out. Bye.

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