Gilbert Gottfried's Amazing Colossal Podcast - GGACP Classic: "Time After Time" and "Island of Lost Souls"

Episode Date: September 5, 2024

GGACP marks the 45th anniversary of the 1979 release of Nicholas Meyer's terrific sci-fi- adventure film, "Time After Time" by revisiting this mini-ep from 2015. In this episode: Charles Laughton ...chases skirts, Gilbert tears down "Regarding Henry," Malcolm McDowell meets his future wife and the boys pay tribute to a lesser-known Lugosi classic. PLUS: "Jack the Stripper"! "The Night of the Hunter"! The brilliance of David Warner! And Marlon Brando inspires Mike Myers! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by CIBC. From closing that first sale to opening a second store, as a business owner, you've hustled to accomplish a lot, but the rewards don't stop there. When you earn two times more points on things that matter to you and your business, easily track those business expenses and experience flexible Aventura rewards, you'll realize how much more rewarding your hustle can be. Get up to $1,800 in value when you apply for the CIBC Aventura Visa for Business at slash Aventura Business. Terms and
Starting point is 00:00:29 conditions apply. TV comics, movie stars, hit singles and some toys. Trivia and dirty jokes, an evening with the boys. Once is never good enough for something so fantastic So here's another Gilbert and Franks Here's another Gilbert and Franks Colossal Classic For the month of May, the producer of the month is Dave Craig. Thanks for your support Dave. Now one of our Patreon supporters who I shoulducker like Will Barzarth can afford to sponsor this podcast, then you
Starting point is 00:01:50 can too. So fuck Will Barzarth and fuck anyone who knows him. them. Go to slash Gilbert Godfrey and sub port the podcast for the love of all that is holy. Hi, this is Gilbert Godfrey and this has been Gilbert Godfrey's amazing colossal podcast with my cohost Frank Santo Santo Padre and this is I fuck that up Yes, you were signing off Gilbert and Frank's amazing. Oh my god. Oh Oh, I'm sorry. What is my name? Maybe it helps if you sing it someone help me home Maybe it helps if you sing it. Could someone help me home? Hahaha!
Starting point is 00:02:46 It's come to that. I feel like Henry Fonda in Hunn Goldin's power. Or Harrison Ford in Regarding Henry. Well, let's pick those blueberries together. Oh, oh! Yes, Harrison Ford. Shall we start again? No, no, I like that beginning.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Oh, you like that? Yeah. Harrison Ford in Regarding Henry. Yeah. There were a bunch of movies that came out at the same time. Harrison Ford becomes a better husband and father and an all around man because he gets shot in the head and brain damage. Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:26 There was another movie where Richard Krenner, a TV movie. Oh, God. Richard Krenner becomes a better policeman and man because he gets raped. Oh, the Richard Beck, the rape of Richard Beck. Yes, he gets raped. So he's a much better man after that. And then I think William Hurt in The Doctor becomes a better doctor husband than you could be.
Starting point is 00:03:54 He gets a brain tumor? Yes, because he's always got brain cancer. Right. What would you call that subgenre? It's called, if something really awful happens to you, be glad about it. You'll become a better, a better dad. Wow, that Richard Crenner reference.
Starting point is 00:04:11 That's a movie Dave Boone and I have spoken about many times. Okay. And I guess I'll start. I want to talk about, last week I spoke about a Jack the Ripper picture and I'm gonna do it again This is a movie called time after time and I know this is a movie, you know Starring Malcolm McDowell Malcolm McDowell. I was one of the hosts on Saturday night live. That's right season I was right. Did you get on with him? Did you get along with him? I did I get it on not did you get it on with them?
Starting point is 00:04:42 Did you get along with him? Yeah, we were a little drunk. Were you in a sketch together? Yeah, it was well, that was a horrible season. I know, I know. You've purged it from your memory banks. Yeah, but yeah, they actually, in that in that episode, is that the one sketch of Saturday Night Live, that there's been horrendous sketches, but up there, if they picked the top five at least, this would definitely make it. The bottom five. It was called the Jack the Stripper. Wow.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Episode. Wow. And it was like a Sherlock Holmes type movie. Wow. Where the men dressed up as women and the women as men and it was about a guy instead of being Jack the Ripper, he was Jack the Stripper. It's a wordplay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:39 It was quite jaw-droppingly off. Well that was 1980. Is it possible that because he made time after time in 79 and it's a Jack the Ripper movie, that's what they were going for? Maybe. Let's do a Malcolm McDowell, Jack the Ripper thing. Maybe somebody saw the movie. Who the hell knows?
Starting point is 00:05:55 It's a terrific movie. Oh yes. Written by Nicholas Meyer, who we talked about the 7% solution last week, which he wrote. And he plays HG Wells he plays HG Wells who has a time machine and he goes back into the time machine to track he goes forward in the time machine to track Jack the Ripper played by the other great British actor David Warner oh yeah from the Omen and time bandits and straw dogs straw dogs and an actor we've talked about a couple of times and my best friend was a vampire.
Starting point is 00:06:26 That's right. That's right. He'd be great for the show, by the way. David Warner. Great. Get him on the phone. They both would be. And it's actually the movie where
Starting point is 00:06:35 Malcolm McDowell met his future wife, Mary Steenburgen. Oh, yes. They would marry and fall in love and marry. It's a terrific film. It's part fish out of water comedy because H.G. Wells is lost in modern day San Francisco. There's a great scene where he goes into a McDonald's and tries to order a meal. There's some comedy, there's some social commentary. It's a terrific movie. I love McDowell. He was never better than he is in this movie. Oh, please try to overlook the cheesy special effects.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Uh... When they travel in time. It's a fun movie. It's a popcorn movie. And somebody described it as an outrageously implausible tale done to perfection. And I think that's an apt description. So my movie this week, Time After Time, and you? Now, my movie, oddly enough... Will not be a comedy. No, will not be a comedy, obviously.
Starting point is 00:07:34 And it also has to do with H.G. Wells. You're kidding. This is so weird. This is a coincidence because we should tell the listeners we don't know each other's movies when we sit down to start. And now I heard that H.G. Wells hated the Jews. Really? Yes. Which puts him in good company with Oscar Wilde and William Shakespeare. And Paul Lind. And Paul Lind.
Starting point is 00:07:59 This seems to be a thread. And John Wayne. Himmler. Yes. Well, Himmler. This seems to be a thread and John Wayne Himmler yeah, yeah We will return to Gilbert Gottfried's amazing colossal podcast But first a word from our sponsor. No, this was based on a book by H.G. Wells and it was made into a movie, The Island of Dr. Moreau. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Wow. No, and actually, no, the book was The Island of Dr. Moreau. Right, yeah, you weren't going to recommend the one with Burt Lancaster or the Brando one which is worse. The Brando one I would recommend just for something that you stare at. Yeah it's an unintentional comedy. And go oh my god what has happened. The Brando one is great. Yeah incomprehensible. Or how what everything that could go wrong right goes wrong. Val Kilmer. Brando, well that actually influenced the Austin Powers film.
Starting point is 00:09:07 That's right. Of him having a tiny mini me. That's right. That's good trivia. And Brando of course weighs 7,000 pounds in it. He was the island. Yes, he has. He has white makeup on.
Starting point is 00:09:21 He played the island. And wears a metal bucket of ice on his head. It's that great period of Brando's career, like the Missouri Breaks, where he would just do whatever he wanted to do and just play it strange. And the directors would go, well, we can't tell him not to because he is Brando. I think it was Frankenheimer. I think it was the great John Frankenheimer directed that picture. And there's an earlier one with Burt Lancaster in the 70s.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Oh yes, and that one's also awful. Not awful, but in the way the brand the one, but just not good. So if I may jump the gun here, you're recommending the original with Charles Lawton, The Island of Lost Souls. Yes, Charles Lawton and my boy Bela Gossett. It's a good one, I just saw it. And that one is the first made out of that book and still the best and the creepiest. And it's like in the Brando version and the Lancaster version, they really zoom in on all the monsters. Like look at these monster makeups. Right. the Lancaster version they really zoom in on all the monsters like look at these monster makeups right in in this version it's very quick it's atmospheric this
Starting point is 00:10:32 yeah we probably didn't have the budget yeah to do that kind of monster makeup and and it's it's like they so the monsters just shown really fast and they go in and out and it's much creepier that way. Right. And Charles Lawton based his portrayal of this evil mad scientist on his dentist. I did not know that. Yes. Wow. Which lets you know. That's like weirder than Ed Woods What was it? Is chiropractor or the guy that replaced Lugosi in Plan 9? weirder than ed woods uh... what was it is chiropractor or the or the guy that replaced legosi in plan nine and and i think they were complaints about it
Starting point is 00:11:11 where i think like they were saying like they were going to censor it or stop its release saying that in in britain saying this is against the laws of nature oh yes and charles laughton's wife elsa lancaster the bride of nature. Oh yes! And Charles Lawton's wife Elsa Lancaster, the bride of Frankenstein herself. Right, right, right. Lanchester. Lanchester, I always got that. Elsa Lanchester, who is Lawton's wife, she said, well, Mickey Mouse is law. She was right. And Lugosi is like the leader of the animal people. He's almost unrecognizable. It's creepy. Coven and Hare. And he has to, he's the lawgiver. Right. And he goes, and he always goes to them, you know, what is the law? And they go, not to
Starting point is 00:12:09 spill blood, that is the law. Are we not men? What is the law? Not to run on old force, that is the law. are we not men? It's incredible the stuff you remember. Yes, and they've got creepy scenes in the House of Pain and where there are scenes where also you just see bits and pieces of like surgical equipment and screams. and pieces of like surgical equipment and screams. It's very it's it's it's almost expressionistic that movie. Oh yeah yeah and it wasn't made by Universal. Was Earl Kenton the director? Earl C Kenton? I will have to look that up. For some reason that name's popping into my head I could be way the hell off
Starting point is 00:13:01 base but it's a it's spooky and I saw it recently Yeah, it's creepy and Lawton's very effective. Yeah, and it and it holds up. He's an actor I love oh yeah, and also directed a terrific movie the night of the hunter. Oh, yes Which which will have to do Robert Mitchell will have to talk about on a future show Was a yeah, well you just you just told us he was married Elsa, Lanchester What could you possibly be referring to? He was a real he-man, we'll say, Charles Laughton. He was quite the skirt chaser. Charles Laughton had an eye for the ladies.
Starting point is 00:13:40 I like to look at the opposite sex. I see. So the beard in, Lugosi didn't have the only beard in the movie. Yeah, exactly. Okay, so this week, time after time, and Island of Lost Souls, the original movie based on H.G. Wells,
Starting point is 00:14:00 Island of Dr. Moreau, not the Lancaster, or hilarious brand, if you need Lancaster or hilarious Brando version. The folks behind the Sideshow Network have launched a new YouTube channel called WaitForIt. It's got interviews with comedians like Reggie Watts, Todd Glass, Liza Slicinger. Slicing, driving friends with her for 10 years. One of the funniest people out there and I still have a hard time with the last name, Liza. Our very own Owen Benjamin, that's me, takes you on a musical journey down internet rabbit holes and much more.
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