Gilbert Gottfried's Amazing Colossal Podcast - Mini #142: Gilbert & Frank Read Listener Tweets

Episode Date: December 14, 2017

This week: Peter Lorre groupies! The last surviving Munchkin! In praise of Rupert Holmes (and Joyce Van Patten)! Vincent Price gets lucky! And Gilbert defends Lon Chaney Jr! Learn more about your ad c...hoices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 At Bet365, we don't do ordinary. We believe that every sport should be epic. Every goal, every game, every point, every play. From the moments that are remembered forever to the ones you've already forgotten. Whether it's a game-winning goal in the final seconds of overtime or a shot-on goal in the first period. So whatever the sport, whatever the moment,
Starting point is 00:00:20 it's never ordinary. At Bet365. Must be 19 or older. Ontario only. Please pay responsibly. If you or someone you know has concerns about gambling, visit's never ordinary. At bet 365. Must be 19 or older. Ontario only. Please pay responsibly. If you or someone you know has concerns about gambling, visit That's the sound of unaged whiskey transforming into Jack Daniel's Tennessee whiskey in Lynchburg, Tennessee. Around 1860, Nearest Green taught Jack Daniel how to filter whiskey through charcoal for a smoother taste, one drop at a time.
Starting point is 00:00:48 This is one of many sounds in Tennessee with a story to tell. To hear them in person, plan your trip at Tennessee sounds perfect. Hi! Hi, this is Gilbert Gottfried, and this is Gilbert and Frank's amazing, colossal obsessions with my co-host, Frank Santopadre. You didn't sound too sure about any of that, Gilbert. No. He's like a pro now. You don't have to tell him the title of the show.
Starting point is 00:01:52 You've come a long way. Yeah. We're going to do something here with this bonus episode, this Thursday episode that we haven't done in a while, which is listener mail. Okay. And we're going to read tweets. What do you think of that?
Starting point is 00:02:10 This is a high wire act. This is a high. We're lenders of comments. And you see what happened with them. That's right. Nothing good. Yeah. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Let's see how far I can get here. We're going to start off with, how are you, Paul, by the way? Nice to see you. Yes, I was outside of Gilbert's peripheral vision again, so you noticed I was sitting here. Yes. Where do we start? Where do we start? This is Ian Lichtenstein or Ian Lichtenstein.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Friday night. It's Friday night, guys. Wife and the kids are at the movies, have the house to myself, and about to watch the Gilbert doc. Ah, yes, my documentary Gilbert. It's a little disturbing that he has the house to himself. Yeah. And he's going to spend it watching the Gilbert doc. The good thing is he will be jerking off while he watches it.
Starting point is 00:03:07 So it's not totally crazy. Because war reenactors make people hot. Yeah, yeah. He's got hand lotion. It's hotel hand lotion. It's hotel hand lotion. In honor of. And a damp hand cloth for afterwards.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Gilbert seems to know too much about this. So he'll be jerking off to the Gilbert documentary, which I think is on Amazon and iTunes now. Okay. Did he get that right, Dara? Oh, Dara's nodding. Look at you, Gilbert.
Starting point is 00:03:39 You are a pro. See, I know about my documentary and about jerking off. John Charles Hunt, our friend John Charles Hunt, writes about the David Zucker Show. He says, Airplane 2 is not a total washout. It has Rick Overton. Oh, that's right. Rick is in there.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Not in the role I think he wanted to be in. He's like a lawyer. You know, like a bailiff. I think he's a bailiff in the courtroom scene. I've never seen the movie. Yeah, he swears the guy in. The jive guy. Oh, yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:04:13 One of the jive guys. For the most part, Airplane 2 is like, it's like at least 90% just a rehash of Airplane 1. David proudly claims that he's never seen it. And I don't think Jerry or Jim have seen it either. Rich SC, Rich SC, the original Rich SC. I love that in the podcast interview with David Zucker, we hear about Zucker's pilot TV show with the then-unknown Steve Carell. But, of course, Gilbert and Frank blow past that to ask,
Starting point is 00:04:44 what was it like to work with Theodore Bacall? That's our podcast. Bacall over Carell any day. Why talk about someone who's alive and working?
Starting point is 00:05:02 This is from Steve Harold, H-E-R-O-L-D, and he writes, I can't hold a candle to Gilbert, but it is a start. And he photographed in bags, can you see this? All of his stolen cosmetics from hotels. Oh, wow. And lotions.
Starting point is 00:05:17 He's got a pretty good collection there. This is only three or four Ziploc bags though, it's not in your league. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's an amateur league, but it's respectable. He's trying. The Hotel Association, I believe, has a picture of Gilbert on the wall. Oh, yeah. Return this robe.
Starting point is 00:05:37 Have you seen this, man? Janine Duffy writes, the interview with Zucker was great. I had to order the DVD of Police Squad. That show was hilarious. It really was. And what a few people are commenting on, there was that great story that David Zucker told that President Clinton. Oh, yeah, was trying to get him a date.
Starting point is 00:06:02 He was trying to get him to fix him up with Anna Nicole Smith. Yes! Yes, like, who's that girl in the movie? That's good. No, no, not Priscilla Presley, the other Ron the Blonde. I never heard you do Bill Clinton. Yes. You sound a little
Starting point is 00:06:21 like you're Paul Lynn with the flu. And it also falls in a little like you're Paul Lynn with the flu. And it also falls in a little to Don Knotts. A little bit. Well, Andy. That's some of the most insightful commentary on Bill Clinton I think I've ever heard. It's me
Starting point is 00:06:41 working political. Right. I love this. Did they let you vote is this guy's Twitter handle. Channeling Tony Clifton. So Dave Attell is on the Gil and Frank's podcast, and he mentions the movie El Cid. Did we talk about El Cid with Dave Attell? My God.
Starting point is 00:07:00 And Gilbert does not say El Cid Caesar? And you call yourself a comedian. I think he's trying to insult you as Tony Clifton. Yes. If I understand this. Here's a guy. Eddie Bowen sent us a very interesting. I thought you guys would like this photo.
Starting point is 00:07:15 I believe this is a picture from High Noon. You see this picture? This is Gary Cooper and Thomas Mitchell and Grace Kelly and a very old Lon Chaney. And they're all watching television. Oh, wow. On the set of High Noon. Have you seen this picture before?
Starting point is 00:07:33 Okay, wait. I'll go back. That's okay. Gilbert lost the image. Okay, where's Lon Chaney? Right there. Oh, my God. I don't know what they were watching, but we'll have to do a little
Starting point is 00:07:45 research into that. Yes, yes. That has to be High Noon. Yeah, it's the cast of High Noon. Cheney was the old sheriff. Yeah, they're sitting around. Grace Kelly's wearing a bonnet and they're sitting around watching an old, what looks like an old Sylvania TV. Very strange. We love getting stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Joe. Joe Cocatana. Coto Catana. Yeah, I think it's of our Native American fans. By the way, we just had Felix Cavallari of the Rascals on the show, and I'm trying to figure out why he was called the father of our country. Why he was by his bandmatesmates because Gilbert asked him how much tail he got. Yes. Pussy. Yeah. Joe writes, I cried four times, four. That's like five man years of tears. Is that what I wanted? Is that what you wanted? Sure. I laughed 400 times,
Starting point is 00:08:37 but that's just one episode of ACP. Oh, I thought he was going to say how the documentary moved him. Oh, a few people have said in a documentary. They've cried. That they cry. Yeah. Do you cry when you see it? No, I have no human emotions. Gilbert would cry if he had to pay to see it.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Yes, that would make him cry. But yeah, a lot of people have told me they've cried. It's very touching. During the documentary. It's very touching. During the documentary. It's very sweetly done. And we urge people to rent it, get it, watch it. Matt Stepanski. It's called Gilbert, and you could get it on Amazon or iTunes.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Or as your friend J.J. Wall calls it, Gilbert. And when it ends, it says Finn. What a reference. By the way, Gilbert is one more movie plug away from tying Charlotte Rae for her. Oh, my God. He's a long way off. Matt Stepanski. With Charlotte Rae, it was one of those things like,
Starting point is 00:09:45 I had breakfast today, and then you'd have to jump in with, and if you want to know about Charlotte's breakfast, her book is out now. Listen, she had an agenda. People aren't doing this podcast for their health. No. Or their pocketbook. Or their pocketbook.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Oh, my God, yeah. Matt Stepanski. Hey, Frank, I think you might approve of my DVD Christmas want list. Listen to this list, Gil. Bye-bye, Braverman. That's one for you. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Cold Turkey, The Drowning Pool. We love that one with Paul Newman as Harper. The Hot Rock, Where's Papa? Directed by our former guest, Carl Reiner. Smile with former guest, Barbara Reiner. Smile, with former guest, Barbara Felden. Oh, yes. The Brinks Job, Matinee, directed by Joe Dante, and Harry and Tonto. Wow.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Yeah, that's a great list. Am I missing any essentials he wants to know? And a few of them are George Segal ones. Correct. Yes, he's in Bye Bye Braverman and The Hot Rock and Where's Papa? Yeah. George Segal, who we are dying to get on this show. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:47 And we haven't had any luck. Joyce, Joyce Face. I just listened to this yesterday during the long card ride home from the holidays. Clint Howard was a great guest. And while I was listening, I looked up Rance Howard and read all about him. He sounded like a great dad. Yet, Clint's dad passed away. Oh, yeah. Rance, a character actor, veteran character actor, Rance Howard and read all about him. He sounded like a great dad. You had Clint's dad passed away. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:06 It's a character actor, veteran character actor, Rance Howard. Um, who we mentioned on Clint show and we should mention his passing. Ron Howard's never done our show. No. And he's not going to do it now after you told Clint to tell him to go fuck
Starting point is 00:11:19 himself. You think he takes that the wrong way? He's never called you for anything, huh? You weren't asked to be in Cocoon. It's outrageous. Give me one more year and I'll be... Did they let you vote? Oh, shit, my apologies.
Starting point is 00:11:44 He tweets us and Danny Bonaduce, our friend. I just found out about your loss. David Cassidy was one of the great stars. We haven't mentioned David Cassidy's passing. Oh, no. Either. Someone who came up on this show in a very humorous way. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:11:57 And we never got to ask him whether he could confirm or deny. Yeah, the story I had always heard was when he was at the height of his fame as a teeny bopper, he would leave his house in the morning and there'd be a fence around this house loaded with girls who were screaming for him. Walk up to the gate, unzip, stick his dick through the gate, and the girls would leap on it like rabid dogs. It was like throwing a sausage to starving animals. Paul's unfazed. He's thinking, every Tuesday. Why would somebody tell that story to Gilbert is what I want to know. I think that Gilbert might like that story. Danny Bonaduce claims that this is a strange way to pay tribute to David Kessler. It's the best way. That's back when that sort of thing was considered fun in the entertainment.
Starting point is 00:12:56 Oh, my God. Yeah. Now he'd compliment a girl on her hair and his career would be. Times have changed. He did pass away as we were mentioning him in an episode and played his music. Oh, we used the clip. Yeah, we went out on the Rupert Holmes episode on the great song that Rupert wrote for the Partridge family, Echo Valley. I get the numbers wrong. 8-6-7-5-3-0-9. Something like that.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Yeah, Tommy Two-Tone. But that was weird timing because David passed that week. We will return to Gilbert Gottfried's amazing colossal podcast after this. And now back to the show. Here's a picture. This is a reference to the Rupert Holmes episode. Somebody, somebody, the outspoken Mr. Gat, who tweets us a lot, sent us a picture of the bad toupee of Charlton Heston and the Warlord. The toupee he refused to take off. Paul, here's one for you. Who was the guest whose therapist or coach told them to go out there and not be afraid to die a death in auditions?
Starting point is 00:13:58 Do you remember this? Do you remember what guest this was? Oh, God. I took this advice and I performed in front of 600 people. Was it Richard Kind? Maybe. That sounds like it could be. I remember the story.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Yeah. That sounds like it could be Richard Kind. We'll do the research and we will figure that out and I will try to answer that. Linda Dalton. Not Linda Dalton. Also, rest in peace to Rance Howard, truly an entertainment dynasty, the Howards. Bill's TV talk wants to know, how long does it normally take from recording an episode to when it drops? To when episodes drop, they drop. Immediately. Gilbert goes up
Starting point is 00:14:40 to the roof with the episode. It all depends is the answer to that question. It depends on how many we have in the can. It depends on it. It depends on some serious artistic judgments. Well, I think people are thrown because we'll live stream a clip. Yeah. But then the episode might not come out for a really long time and then people think they missed it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Sometimes it's because we want to break episodes up. We don't want two comedy writers in a row we don't want two musicians in a row so we stagger them other times we're whole we're withholding something because of a plug because sometimes they get lost oh and and one time we had on sunny fox from wonderama yeah sure and he called us and he said, when are you going to be playing the interview I did? And we said, I don't know, about three, four months from now. And he said, I'm in my 90s. Could you play it sooner?
Starting point is 00:15:34 Three or four weeks. I don't know if I have that kind of time. Sonny was one of our one of our great episodes. On a surprise one. Bless our great episodes Bless that man Bless that man Reed Hawkins says nothing makes me smile during the holidays more than a Sir Cedric Hardwick impression
Starting point is 00:15:52 Thank you to this week's episode with Rupert Holmes Boy Rupert is just of all of our guests that people go crazy over and we get a lot of them a lot of tweets about certain guests Ruperupert has really become our Tony Randall, although Richard Kind will take offense at that. And another one that is always a new story. We were talking.
Starting point is 00:16:18 We got a call from Bill Macy. Oh, yeah. What's up with Bill? Yeah. From Bill Macy. Oh, yeah. What's up with Bill? Yeah. And Bill Macy said the hour he spent with us was one of his most listened to successful moments in show business.
Starting point is 00:16:34 Isn't that nice? Yeah, he's great. I think our pal Gino sent Bill some herring. We're going to have to check up on that. Man, I'm not even going to mention him. I purposely mention him because you don't mention him. You know, Oscar Peterson used to travel
Starting point is 00:16:54 with his own piano, but you've got to respect a guy who travels with his own herring. Yes, you do. Well put. Eric Ryan. I heard he's hot of herring. That's one of those tweets that you usually apologize for. Yes. We should have Bill become like a regular in the minis.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Just pop up. That reminds me of the crack about the sock market. Oh, yes. Yes, I made a killing in the sock market. Bill Macy's another one of those guys we can't really wait on too long. Bless his heart. He's 95. Eric Ryan Esquire, who writes us all the time and contributes a lot of stuff on Patreon.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Eric says, I can't believe all the projects he has in the works. Rupert is such a smart guest. He's accomplished so much. He's a treasure. Love the Jerry Lewis story and the David Cassidy voice at the end was great. So very, very down to earth, very nice guy, pleasant. Yeah. He is just sweet and kind.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Just fun. Yeah. Fills a room. I mean, and just a calming presence, the kind of guy you want to be around, especially in a madness like our daily madness. Empty Squares, Empty City Squ squares is our friend John Fodiatis. Every time I hear real Gilbert's latter day, Jerry Lewis, I want to reach for a throat lozenge. And then some. Now here, Angry Film Goer has writing to us about another podcast.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Are you familiar with a podcast that supposedly dissed Lon Chaney Jr.? Yes. Someone told me about that. This is a show called You Must Remember This, which is a nostalgia podcast. Oh, I want nothing to do with him. Okay. Because she apparently, the host of the show, is a lady named Karina Longworth, and she said that Lon Chaney was the worst. Oh, fuck her.
Starting point is 00:18:48 We had talked about having her on the podcast, but I guess that's down the drain. I have not listened to the show. I'm told it's a wonderful show. If you don't like Lon Chaney Jr., I don't want to talk to you. Oh, let's see. Here's a Finn. Finn. This is the end of your documentary.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Oh, yes. Finn, F-I-N. One for the GGACP list is Dame Diana Rigg. Oh, my God. She must have Vincent Price stories up to and including
Starting point is 00:19:22 getting him laid and there's a YouTube attachment. Oh, jeez. I have to click on that. Now I'm curious yellow. She's a dame now? She's a dame, yes.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Wow. Mrs. Peel. Emma Peel. Emma Peel from the Avengers. And who was the other one? Oh, there was a, yeah, I think she left the series. You were an Avengers fan, Paul? Yeah, I was.
Starting point is 00:19:46 There was a second. Second arm appeal? No, there was a second. No, second associate. Yes, an associate of Mr. Steve. Look who the fuck you're asking. He knows. I've got it in here.
Starting point is 00:20:00 It's inside. Lots of people, might I add, that lots of people are sending us Scarlett Johansson pictures. Oh, yes. Yes. Yes. This one may be fake. Lots of people, might I add, that lots of people are sending us Scarlett Johansson pictures. Oh, yes. Yes. This one may be fake. Is this the robot or the real one? No, this is her in a white bikini. It may be fake, but, you know, oh, the guy says, you probably have come across this.
Starting point is 00:20:18 And I've come across it several times. That's terrible. I keep a box of handy wipes by my computer. You always struck me as the shammy type. The sham wow. Oh, my God. You want to polish. The sham wow oh my god polish you want to polish oh wow yeah uh the monster hey do you remember i can't even get to these tweets do you remember uh you know billy mays used to be the king oh yeah he died i think he died he had a sudden heart attack or something. Yeah, I think it was from cocaine.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Yeah, I think so. But the original story that came out was so good. They said, oh, well, they were opening up the overhead compartment on the plane, and a bag fell out and hit him on the head. That was the original story, how Billy Mays died. And then they said. The ShamWow guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:31 And then they said, also, he had a major coke problem. That's what I heard. Yeah. Massive heart attack. But they did say it was a bag falling from the overhead compartment. We should do a show. I don't know how we're going to do this show tastefully, but when has that stopped us? We should do a show about unfounded, not, we do every show.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Mama Cass with a ham sandwich. Or the, I don't want to get into stuff like the Rod Stewart rumor or the Richard Gere. But there's dozens of these things. You know, I mean, obviously we're guilty too of promoting the Cesar Romero. I heard a Danny Thomas one. Oh, you did? Moving right along. Talk about a guy who needed some ShamWow for his tables.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Yeah, absolutely. Windex. More like the elevator operator. Oh, Squeegee. The Squeegee. The guy that cleaned the glass elevator. The monster. The monster.
Starting point is 00:22:39 He writes us to say, here's another white actor playing Asian. We were talking about the white actors playing Charlie Chan with Rupert. Peter Lorre's Mr. Moto. Yes, he made a chain of those movies. Yeah, he did. Can't believe they got away with that stuff in those days. And I heard Peter Lorre was once making a movie with some guy named Vincent something was the director. And the director wanted him to do a second take.
Starting point is 00:23:05 And Laurie said, sorry, brother Vince, I only do crap once a day. Wow. And the guy said, what about the Mr. Moto movies? And he says, that's different. I was on dope. Hilarious. Where do you get these stories? That's gold.
Starting point is 00:23:29 And then Peter Lorre would stick his dick through the fence. Peter Lorre was that popular. Yes, yes. Women were gathering around. No shit. People mix up Peter Lorre and David Cassidy all the time. Wow, Mr. Moto. And Peter Lorre had a recording. I think I love shit. People mix up Peter Lorre and David Cassidy all the time. Wow, Mr. Moto. And Peter Lorre had a recording.
Starting point is 00:23:47 I think I love you. I think I love you. So what am I afraid of? That's a song Gilbert loves to come across. He does. He does. I just came across it right now. Could you bring me a fresh pair of jeans?
Starting point is 00:24:10 Mrs. Yacoflus. Mrs. Yacoflus. We love hearing from her. Good night, Mrs. Yacoflus, wherever you are. Listening to you, Gilbert, listening to you and Frank now, Joyce Van Patten, what a great guest. Keep them coming. She was another surprise one. She was a goldmine.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Like, we both liked her. Yeah. Richard Kind brought Joyce to us. Yeah. Because she's George Clooney's ex-mother-in-law. That's right. Which is the Richard Kind connection. And that's a good song.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Someday we'll find it, the Richard Kahn connection. We got a knockout of music episode after this. The dreamers send me. He's fired up. All of us on the rich day. We know that it couldn't be magic. Should we call Paul and get him back or are you just going to torment him? Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:25:08 Well, I want to bring him back and torment him to his face. You know, he's a gentleman. He was nice enough to show up for your screening. He did. You mocked him again from the stage. Yes, I started at the screening. He came there, and I said, you know, I usually don't take requests, but this is Paul Williams fucking Shirley Temple.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Which he did in front of a theater full of people. Yes. Oh, Shirley, let me put my dick in you. Oh, Mr. Williams, that would be an honor. Oh, my God. Never saw a person laugh more than Tracy, his pal. Laughed when we did that. Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Oh, let's see. Leon Chase, I know he's a little young for you guys, but have you considered booking Jerry Maron, the last surviving munchkin? Oh, we have to. We've talked about Jerry. He's a little young. I don't think he's in very good condition.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Was he ever? Well, I'm also afraid to bring a little person into the booth because of what you're going to do. Even on Skype, I'm afraid it'll kill him. You're afraid I'll toss him across the room. Well, we could make it a mini. That's funny. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Colin Woodward. Colin E. Woodward. Hey, Frank, have you guys ever done a mini episode on great film scores? I don't think we have. No. We should. In fact, I have the perfect guest in mind. Yeah. I'm not going to tell you who it is. Oh, okay. I'm going to surf. For film scores. I don't think we have. No. We should. In fact, I have the perfect guest in mind. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:46 I'm not going to tell you who it is. Oh, okay. I'm going to. For film scores. Yeah, to talk about Jerry Goldsmith and John Williams. I mean, we could do it. We've talked about John Williams a lot. We could do a whole John Williams episode or two.
Starting point is 00:26:57 But I have a friend who comes to mind who I think would be. Is he Italian? He happens to be. Yes. Don't tell our listeners who I'm thinking of. But he's an expert on film scores. He's composed a few himself. It's a shame Marvin Hamlisch isn't around.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Yeah, when Marvin was tight with Rupert. Let's see what else I have. Some great drawings, by the way. The Paul Lynn drawing. Oh, yeah. And this is a moment to thank Steve Hanna, who did that wonderful Thanksgiving dinner art. Oh, my. And this is a moment to thank Steve Hanna, who did that wonderful Thanksgiving dinner art.
Starting point is 00:27:27 The Norman Rockwell. Oh, my, that was a great one. Which was just, and I sent it out, you saw it, which was Gilbert and I serving Thanksgiving turkey to Cesar Romero. And this Milton Berle is at the table. Yes. And a bunch of them. And Curly Howard and Julie Newmar.
Starting point is 00:27:44 And what wonderful work that was. Oh, yeah, that was a Julie Newmar. What wonderful work. Oh, yeah. That was a lot of fun. So we have to thank him. That was absolutely fantastic. We get a lot of great artwork. Yeah, we'll do a future episode where we just basically name check everybody. I don't have their names handy.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Let's see. Bob Ducart wants you to know, Gilbert, that he saw the Gilbert movie on video on demand. And my initial reaction was the movie is like a Chinese dish. Not because Gilbert looks a little Asian. You know, you could have been Mr. Moto. I know. You could do a modern day Mr. Moto.
Starting point is 00:28:19 See, this is what drives me crazy. Had I been born a couple of years ago, I could have been Mr. Moto, and I could have been an Indian chief on F2. Oh, easily. Or in some Corman movie, with Dick Miller, where you were playing a cavalryman and the Indian that get
Starting point is 00:28:38 shot. There was a sweet and sour taste in my mouth after I saw this. His hashtag is God bless Dara. Dara gives you a thumbs up from the couch, Bob. Let's see what else we have here.
Starting point is 00:28:55 I heard Paul Lynn used to get a sweet and sour taste. Now cut that out! I heard he used to get a thumb up from the couch, too. Oh my God. And people who would eat off Danny Thomas' used to get a thumb up from the couch, too. Oh, my God. And people who would eat off Danny Thomas' tables would get a sweet and sour taste. Wasn't this supposed to be a tweets episode? It was, and I've gotten through about 12 of them.
Starting point is 00:29:17 We have a few minutes left. Let me fly here. Someone tweeted, someone named Mario Cantone. Yes. What a surprisingly fantastic time I had with Real Gilbert and Frank Santopadre, only because I was miserable and tired. But alas, another fantastic holiday podcast was given birth in swaddling clothes here at all. It's going to play on Christmas Day, the Mario episode.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Boy, does that man bring it when he comes here. Oh, he's always fun. Yeah. Everybody tweeted, thank you, Mario. We can't wait for Mario. Bill Schaefer says, Lucy's character on the original radio show, My Favorite Husband, did you know this, Gilbert, was named Liz Cougat? Later changed to Liz Cooper?
Starting point is 00:30:05 Is she related to Xavier Cougat? Well, I don't know what they were going for. Richard Denning was her husband on that show. And his character's name was George. Now, what was the name of her last? Was that Life with Lucy? Life with Lucy was the last one. I would like to see a bunch of those.
Starting point is 00:30:20 I'm going to send those to you. I'll send them to you, and I'll send you the stone pillow. Oh, stone pillow I saw. That was like her. Do you know what this is, Paul? No. She played a homeless woman, a bag woman. Yeah, and it was painful.
Starting point is 00:30:35 It's like she beat Carol Burnett as far as like the comedian poor woman. Stone pillow is terrible. What does Stone Pillow have to do with it? Because she slept on the sidewalk. Yes. Oh, it's so poetic. Yeah, it was poetic. Poetic is what it was.
Starting point is 00:30:57 It's one of those TV movies that dares you not to give it an Emmy. Life with Lucy was the last one. I think we were, well, I know what this, this tweet stems from the conversation we had with Rupert. Oh yeah. I saw that something claimed that he knew all the Lucy surnames.
Starting point is 00:31:16 And then he said, no, I don't know where you got that. It was from an old people magazine. That was her last sitcom. And she was a grandmother. She was in her eighties and, and trying hard, but it was just, oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Yeah. Oh, trying to recapture. It's kind of like watching the 50-something Harpo run across a rooftop in Love, Happy. Oh, God, yes. Or when the three Stooges would slap each other, and you go, oh, these old men are going to get hurt. I retweeted this one from Greg Greenwald. I love this tweet. Do you want to talk about Ray Harryhausen movies
Starting point is 00:31:52 or obscure Karloff pictures from the 30s and 40s? Is a question asked only on The Real Gilbert Podcast. Hysterical episode. JJ says, I stumbled onto the man who shot Liberty Valance and I'm watching Carradine and Wayne chew the scenery.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Boy, that's a good movie. Oh, yeah. Let me find one last one to go out on. Mario writes, you bring me joy, Gilbert and Frank, but you're very difficult
Starting point is 00:32:19 to work with. He's stealing your lines. And finally... This is about... We'll go out on this. This is about... Oh, you're taking a lot of heat for being 14 minutes behind on the Mario duets.
Starting point is 00:32:40 I tweeted. I said to Mario, maybe the reason you're difficult to work with is you cannot get, you cannot catch him. The man is a professional singer. He knows. He's done Broadway. Right. He's got this crazy idea that you have to sing along with the music.
Starting point is 00:33:01 No matter what I do, no matter how Frank and I speed it up or how fast the karaoke track is, Gilbert will. Well, it's Gilbert is using a postmodern. Is that what it is? Yes. Postmodern. That's what it is. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Some people think it's wrong, but it's actually postmodern. We'll go out on Ernest the third. Ernest. Ernman sells out. This is for you. This is based on the Brick Overton conversation. We're talking about Sinatra's version of Mrs. Robinson. You cuckoo bird, Mrs. Robinson.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Jilly has a place. He put Jilly Rizzo in the goddamn song. You cuckoo bird. I heard Paul Simon in an interview he he wrote to us and Rick Overton, I heard Paul Simon in an interview saying that Frank's producer played it to him to get his approval and Paul didn't like it and the producer practically begged him, please let him release it, I don't want my family hurt.
Starting point is 00:34:03 I pray that that is true. And Paul gave in. Well, that is our first Listener Mail episode in quite a while. Keep the tweets coming. Oh, here's the last one. I lied. The brother Kite will go out on this. Given Gilbert's
Starting point is 00:34:24 interest in well-endowed male celebrities. It's a little disturbing, by the way. The two latest ones we got are Hunts Hall and Lon Chaney Jr. Mick Garris said Lon Chaney Jr. was endowed. And Hunts Hall, we were told, by his old castmate, Art Mitrano. Yes. Okay. Have you thought about getting
Starting point is 00:34:45 Cynthia Plastercaster on the show? Oh my God! I think she's the groupie that made the penis to Plaster. Oh, that's right. We can have her come and make one of you and put it on our merch page. It'll be a pocket size.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Like those little erasers you just put on the back of your pencil. It'll fit your wallet. So we'll do another Listener Mail episode down the road. Keep them coming. We thank our friends John Murray and John Fodiatis for their Listener Mail themes. We thank Paul for his stellar research on this episode. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Yes, again. What would we do without him? Keep the cards and letters and tweets coming You want to take us out with Mrs. Robinson? Oh You cuckoo bird Mrs. Robinson Thank you Frankie Ring-a-ding-ding-ding
Starting point is 00:35:42 See you next time Thank you, Frankie. Ring-a-ding-ding-ding. See you next time. If you want to know about Papillon Sousou Or Long Chaney Junior It's something we're used to Colossal obsessions These things that we've studied Like why Groucho helped Chico
Starting point is 00:36:28 Cause he needed the money If you have a comment on Cesar Romero And those oranges thrown by those young caballeros
Starting point is 00:36:47 You can ask what you want, anything on our bid But please keep it short, just like how they finish it Listen up, man Have they been ashamed? Listen, I'm mad Listen, I'm mad Yeah, we'll answer your questions And that is a promise Even the ones About Danny Thomas
Starting point is 00:37:33 Listen up, man Listen up, man Listen up, man Listen Amell Listen Amell Listen Amell Listen Amell Listen Amell Listen Amell Listen up

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