Gilbert Gottfried's Amazing Colossal Podcast - Mini #224: Mr. Skin Returns!

Episode Date: July 11, 2019

This week: The cinema of Russ Meyer! The Golden Age of TV nudity! The scourge of body doubles! And Gilbert learns the meaning of a "Marty Feldman"! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Baseball is finally back. Get in on Major League action and swing for the fences with BetMGM, the king of sportsbooks. Log in or sign up to play along as BetMGM brings the real-time action. Embrace a season's worth of swings with BetMGM, your one-stop shop for all things baseball. for Ts and Cs. 19 plus to wager.
Starting point is 00:00:22 Ontario only. Gambling problem? Call Connex Ontario at 1-866-531-2600. BetMGM operates pursuant to an operating agreement with iGaming Ontario. That's the sound of unaged whiskey transforming into Jack Daniel's Tennessee whiskey in Lynchburg, Tennessee. Around 1860, Nearest Green taught Jack Daniel how to filter whiskey through charcoal for a smoother taste, one drop at a time.
Starting point is 00:00:48 This is one of many sounds in Tennessee with a story to tell. To hear them in person, plan your trip at Tennessee sounds perfect. hi this is gilbert godfrey and i'm here with my co-host, Frank Santopadre. And this is Gilbert and Frank's amazing, colossal obsessions with the guy who loses all the recordings, Frank Fodoros. That wasn't it. I'm getting tired of defending you, Frank. And I'm erasing this right now. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:40 And we have a return guest on Skype from Chicago, live from the Windy City. Who is it, Gilbert? Mr. Skin. It's Jim McBride. You know, hi, Jim. You're the only guest. You're the only guest on this podcast where no one can say to me,
Starting point is 00:02:00 I haven't done my research on this topic. Yeah. I haven't done my research on this topic. Yeah. It's like you can't say to me, Gilbert, you're lazy. You haven't been looking at actresses naked and jerking off afterwards. I mean, you're very unprofessional. Jim is back for a return visit with this show.
Starting point is 00:02:27 When did you do the show with us? Was it 2015, 2016? I believe it was 2016. 2016. Your second year of operation. Our second year of operation. And you were at the sing-along night, not to do a callback to Frank Verderosa, who was not the guilty party, but you were there the night the episodes were lost. Yes, I was.
Starting point is 00:02:44 At the sing-along at Sid's Gold. Oh, my God. That's right. I was there. Yeah. Yes. He was there that famous night. party but you were there the night the episodes were lost at the sing-along at sid's gold oh my god that's right i was there yeah yes he was there that famous night and jim has a new book being mr skin 20 years of nip slips cheek peeks and fast forwarding to the good parts i love that title jim mr the whole family fun for the whole family family. And Gilbert was happiest. The thing that made him. There was a picture of me in the book. Yes. He's included. With my nipple showing.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Yes. Gilbert with a nip slip. Yes. Well, we also, on page 177, I believe, we put in there, we talk about Gilbert nudity, something that was created when I came on your podcast the first time. Don't say came on my podcast. Especially this show. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Oh, my God. You're right. Go ahead. Explain it to the uninitiated. Well, I thought it was genius because Gilbert said that he didn't set up nude scenes with a bunch of costumes and just something that looked uh you know set up he liked girls natural doing their taxes naked or cooking nude or whatever so we made a list of some of the great moments in uh gilbert new tell me yeah they're right here in the book page 177 when they do whenever a scene or movie is described as steamy and sensuous, that's when I'm not interested. Right.
Starting point is 00:04:09 And it was so interesting when you said that because I actually agree with you. I think it's sexier just to see someone sitting at a table typing or working on their computer and changing a no-pest strip. A girl sorting out her socks. That's it. Yeah. Yeah. So on page 177 in the list of Gilbert Nudity, the sidebar, one of the ones I chose was Kether Donahue from the show You're the Worst, where she was nude while eating Froot Loops, which
Starting point is 00:04:41 was super sexy to me. Excellent. I'm getting a hard on just hearing about eating Froot Loops, which was super sexy to me. Excellent. I'm getting a hard-on just hearing about eating Froot Loops. That was great. Oh, God. We had Blanchard Ryan in Open Water, the movie, where this couple gets dressed. She bears her boobs while reading in bed?
Starting point is 00:05:02 She's just reading in bed, nude, and it's so sexy. You inspired us also at our website,, to do a playlist, meaning a compilation of these moments that you could sit and watch for an hour at the website. I'm going to cry. Is this the greatest tribute of your career, Gilbert? Yes. You've received many honors over the years. This may be tops. Yeah. Some of the actresses have a sense of humor i mean you've got blurbs on the book from on the back of the book from our friend sarah silverman but also from anna paquin i mean they they have they they understand the spirit in which this is this is this is done and this
Starting point is 00:05:40 is intended that it's that it's affectionate we We did a thing called the Wacket Bracket, or we do it every year at right around the NCAA tournament time. And we do different things where maybe one year we'll have the best nude scenes from the 70s versus the best nude scenes from the 80s or the 90s or the 1000s, for instance. And one year we did that. And the 64-woman bracket, Alexandra Daddario won. Oh, yeah, she's here too. Oh, great, great. She's gorgeous. She's been in Baywatch.
Starting point is 00:06:12 She did that great nude scene in True Detective. Oh, terrific. And she said it on Twitter, and we have it on the book, where she said, Wow, what can I say to all the men who've ever turned me down? Now all you can do is look at photos and cry the salty tears of regrets it's truly an honor uh so thank you for your support yeah they have fun but to this i say who the fuck ever turned her down yeah that's a good point maybe someone there may be someone right jim let's go back we'll jump may be someone. Jim, let's go back.
Starting point is 00:06:50 We'll jump around as we always do, but let's go back to the genesis of this thing. I didn't know until I read this book that you were heavily influenced, as was our mutual friend, Mike McPadden. Yes, I heard that. Did you hear the episode we did with him? Oh, yeah. We'll get a plug in. The author of the new book, Teen Movie Hell. I love the way you describe him, by the way, in the book as the heavily tattooed maniac. Yeah. Mike McPadden.
Starting point is 00:07:12 My greatest and worst employee ever. He's been proud of that. For many years, yes. He's proud of that. But you were inspired as well by these sort of teen sex movies, these teen sex comedies of the of the 70s and 80s like kentucky fried movie and hots and revenge of the nerds oh yeah and him and i shared the love of these movies as do you guys from listening to the podcast with him but i always say that era from 1980 to 1985 when you had fast times at richmond high and private school and my tutor and all those movies uh fast times uh you know richmond high revenge of the nerds all that's my tutor and all those movies, Fast Times, Ridgemont High, Revenge of the Nerds,
Starting point is 00:07:47 all that stuff. My tutor, yeah. It just was such a great time. And I heard you guys talking about this, and I couldn't agree more. You could not make those movies today. You can't. There's just no way.
Starting point is 00:07:58 And right in the center of all those was, there was that movie Blame It on Rio. Oh, yeah. He loved that one.elle johnson oh she was great yeah and again think about that for a second where a a girl that was supposed to be in her in her teens maybe 17 years old it's amazing that hollywood made these things it was quite creepy yeah by the director of singing in the Rain, I might add. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Stanley Donovan. And yeah, you just couldn't make a movie like Blame It on Rio today. There were two movies that came out not too far from each other. One with, I think, my hero. What's his name? The French actor, Gerard Depardieu. Yeah. And another one with Tony Danza.
Starting point is 00:08:48 She's out of control. Yes. That was Mickey Dolenz's kid, Amy Dolenz. Amy Dolenz. Yeah. Yeah. And both of those movies were incredibly creepy because it's these guys staring at their daughters and they're showing their daughters really hot looking
Starting point is 00:09:07 and the guys who's their father staring at them. Very strange that they were made by studios. They weren't made independently. Those like porn would be afraid to handle it. Yeah, like I said, it was a different time. You guys talked about Revenge of the Nerds. Think about doing a movie today where you had cameras
Starting point is 00:09:29 hidden in a sorority and then you took the pictures and dispersed them around the college campus. Or Porky's. Or anything like that. We live in different times. Like in that movie too, Nerds,
Starting point is 00:09:44 where the guy dresses up as the girl's boyfriend to have sex with her now it's like whoa what the fuck is his today that may be considered rape yeah yeah yeah were the russ meyers movies also an inspiration jim well those movies i was a little young yeah i mean but listen as a guy who got cable television and a betamax in the fall of 1980 some of the earliest movies i taped were russ meyer films and i was always a big fan of you know voluptuous big boobed actresses so of course i love uh those movies but um uh you know and but it wasn't uh my my kind of uh sweet spot would be those teen sex comedies from from the 1980s that's when i was really coming of age and i'm in the beta max era and one thing i love i mean it annoys the the shit out of me but is to think of all the ways that hollywood goes to cover an actress up who doesn't want to do nudity keeps you up at night yes yes it's like well i love when uh a
Starting point is 00:10:57 girl's in a bathtub and she reaches for the towel and wraps the towel around her while she's still in the bathtub and then gets up. Yeah. Yeah. No, listen, some actresses just don't want to do nudity. It's just the way it goes. But that makes you appreciate the great nude scenes, more of the gratuitous nude scenes in history where maybe they could have been covered up, but they decided not to. So there's a balance there, Gilbert. And who are the actresses famous for being?
Starting point is 00:11:31 I know I've heard a few of them. There's actresses famous for being like, you know, if they go on the radio and you want them to be naked. Helen Mirren, for one. Oh, yeah. She's in the book. Was she the one that was naked in every decade? Well, she has the record in the history of movie nudity where she's been naked.
Starting point is 00:11:50 Gilbert, you'll like this. She's the only actress of who's been naked in six decades. She started in Age of Consent in 1969. She was nude in the 70s, 80s, 90s. 2010, she did Love Ranch with Joe Pesci where she was topless so it's like dimaggio's hitting streak it's a record i thought it'll ever be broken what an analogy yeah well i i remember years ago one actress you could depend on each time was valerie perrine yeah susan sarandon too oh suit yeah to a degree yeah i noticed that Sheena made your list and I bring it up
Starting point is 00:12:25 Jim because we just had Ted Wass from Sheena was just here on the podcast. And she and Tanya Roberts, hot Jew piece of ass. She was Jewish? Yes, yes. Her name was something like Blum. Don't mess
Starting point is 00:12:40 with him on this one. Yeah, don't fuck with me, man. Like Sammy Davis Jr. said, I think, in Convicts 4. He said, I'm a walking switchblade, man. He knows all the Jewish starlets, Jim. Yes. I'm impressed because when names are changed and you don't know their original name, that makes sense. Yeah, our name was something like Belong.
Starting point is 00:13:09 The way you're an expert, the way somebody could give you an actress or a year and you will know. What do you have? The flesh cards that you used to work from? Yeah, as a kid, before I had a computer or word or anything like that as a kid i used to make cards where i would write the actress's name on the front and some information on her and then on the back i'd list the movie she was nude in and how far into the movie and i'd have stacks and stacks and stacks of these cards and um i would just quiz myself when i'd be sitting around watching tv never never dreaming i dreaming the internet had ever come or I could start a website called
Starting point is 00:13:48 Other kids collected wacky packs. That was your thing. I remember in Sheena, that had casual nudity because she's about to go skinny dipping and she's standing naked talking to the guy, going, why? This is the way I swim. And it's like, oh, this is too good.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Well, yeah. And if I'm not mistaken, that was a PG movie. Now think about that for a second. Oh, my God. It was. It was. Think about all the nudity that Tonya Roberts did in that that movie and it got a pg rating could you imagine unbelievable i love how you say too when you die the smithsonian going back to your flesh cards
Starting point is 00:14:30 when you die the smithsonian will want to get their hands on your personal collection of celebrity nudity it's like abraham lincoln's early letters right yeah it may be it may be the world's largest collection yeah and you, before to even establish making these cards, I used to, when, you know, the skies opened and in the fall of 1980, my dad got me cable television and a Betamax. I would record any movie in the cable guide that had a big black end for nudity. table guide that had a big black end for nudity. And I would save just the nude scenes, not the whole movie, but just the nude scenes and tape them onto,
Starting point is 00:15:09 uh, and to other tapes. So I'd make compilation five hour tapes of just nude scenes. And I'd ended up with boxes and boxes of these things. That's how I was able to start developing my cards because I, as you know, just as a guy that was a collector, I was really into this stuff. And again,
Starting point is 00:15:23 I want to stress never dreaming I would make a career of this. I just did it for fun. It is rather amazing that this is in the land of opportunity that you could take something like this and actually make a very lucrative career out of a particular
Starting point is 00:15:39 passion. Yeah, and I like to say that, and Gilbert knows this better than anyone but all guys love nude scenes in movies it's just a fact we love it right yes and and all guys have probably at one time or another either either recorded some nudity on television or uh rewound to see what you're talking about yes i've been told i'm preaching to the choir here. I read about this somewhere. Yeah. But I'm the one guy that truly, just by luck and just a set of circumstances I couldn't control, actually made a career out of the greatest thing for guys, which is looking at nude scenes. I remember years ago, they used to have that magazine Celebrity Sleuth. I'm actually friends with him, by the way, because he was a skinspiration to me growing up in the 80s and 90s.
Starting point is 00:16:32 He is so talented. A skinspiration, Gilbert. Talk about someone that knows his stuff. Celebrity Sleuth is a legend in this field. Before the internet, I used to look at Celebrity Skin Magazine, Celebrity Sleuth Magazine, and even the Bare Facts Video Guide as they were, like I say, inspirations for what I became. Talk about the importance of humor, Jim, and how you approach this. In fact, it's number one in the book in your Mr. Skin's editorial guidelines. I mean,
Starting point is 00:17:03 you want this to be fun. You want this to be whimsical. Yeah, for sure. A couple of things. Well, when I started this, I remember, you know, I'm getting all this advice from people. And I remember one of the marketing guys that had approached me about doing a website. He wanted the logo of Mr. Skin to be a guy like opening a trench coat. And I, without knowing anything, I instinctively knew that that was wrong and i wanted to make the website fun and the and the logo for mr skin you know the man with the smiley face looks like a 50s uh yeah it's almost like the church of the subgenius guy yeah exactly yeah and i i felt i wanted you to come to my website and not feel sleazy feel like it's a fun place and
Starting point is 00:17:42 clean and on top of that, what I learned from Celebrity Sleuth and Celebrity Skin and some of my places that I looked for for celebrity nudity in the 80s and 90s was you have to make it fun too for people to come back. And when you're looking at so much nudity and talking about so much on a website, you'd get stuck with just saying breasts and buns and breasts and buns. So I wanted to make it fun. this in the book where just trying to you know if courtney cox is topless in a movie blue desert i'd say you could see you could see her two friends and you know try to make it funny it's corny i get it the helen hunt nude scene gave paul gave you a riser that was another one that gilbert likes to that likes to talk about or the hills are alive for julie andrews topless scene at SOB. The very first time I ever put on a radio show.
Starting point is 00:18:45 On the History Channel, they said, Mussolini moths likes blue shirpini. I think you made that one up. Yes. Yeah, that did not make it to Hitler or Tittler? make it to i will make or titler on the subject on the subject of that in comedy tell explain to gilbert what a marty feldman is i think i know what is it kill i that's a really unkempt no uh no nope it's not no nope nope marty feldman the wrong truth yeah yeah you're in the wrong
Starting point is 00:19:28 part of the body uh marty feldman's are when an actress's breasts point in different directions oh no no you want to know something you want to know something in my mind so sick in my mind i was thinking of marty allen he went to the wrong marty so you should have a separate no that's a larry fine that's a a larry fine is most i'm joking mostly in the 70s and 80s would be when an actress is wearing panties in a scene, but the hair sticks out the sides in much like the middle stooge is a head. Now, has there ever been a scene where a guy pokes with two fingers and they do a funny sound effect?
Starting point is 00:20:21 Oh, Lordy. Yeah. So, Jim, we talked about this on the previous time you were here. I mean, you had a job. You had a respectable job at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Merkin!
Starting point is 00:20:35 Holy shit! We'll get to Merkins in a minute. But you were not cut out for that, but you became the expert. You became the guy that other people could go to, that your coworkers could go to. Hey, Jim, what movie was it where so-and-so, or was Linda Carter ever nude in a movie? And you would instantly provide this information. In Bobby Joe and the Outlaw, 1976.
Starting point is 00:21:00 As previously discussed. Yeah, and so I talk about this in the book where i'm a clerk at the merc so you had brokers in the pit they're making the big money this is in the 1990s you have the runners that are the the the young kids that are making no money and then you have the the clerks which i was uh you know i'm watching desks doing sign languages uh hand signals and stuff. And yeah, I was living literally paycheck to paycheck. I was in my mid thirties, wasn't married, no kids living in a studio apartment and doing okay, but nothing great. But what happened was word got out in the pit. I was in the Euro dollar pit at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. This is in like the mid nineties. So
Starting point is 00:21:41 word gets out in the pit that there's this guy, if you ask him any actress, he could tell you off the top of his head if she's been nude, how far into the movie. And you got to understand this about the futures pits in those days. When it's busy, man, there was never a more invigorating job with the craziness of the pits and the open outcry and fast markets. But I was not a good clerk in fast markets. That's why I never made it to broker or anything like that. I get a little panicky. But during the slow markets, when nothing was going on, I was a star of the mercantile exchange because- He was the guy with the info. Now, keep in mind, this was in no way going to make me any money in my business,
Starting point is 00:22:20 but I mean, in the business I was in. But what happened was when times were slow, it's one huge locker room 2,000 guys standing around doing nothing and no trades are being made guys are like throwing paper airplanes and it's you know so then what they do is they'd write names of actresses on cards and a runner would come up you know and and throw it on there and I'd answer the question and make a joke and send it back to the pit. And I'd listen, and the crowd, I'd hear, like, all of a sudden, it'd be super quiet, and there'd be this just explosion of laughter. And it was a way for me to hone my skills.
Starting point is 00:22:51 Again, never dreaming I would ever do anything with this, but it was all these things kind of added up into me launching in 1999. Yeah, a lot of lucky breaks, too. You say you're a guy with a horseshoe up his butt. So what famous actresses have had a Larry Fine? Oh, God. The ones from the- The Netsabre.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Yeah. The ones that I- These are some pretty obscure ones from the 70s, but I'll send you a full list of this. But I have to tell you that it's funny because in this day and age you just the larry fines have disappeared it's everything we do we do playlists on cage monkeys and stuff or larry fines or whatever it's all i look at it's like everything's from the 70s and 80s it's so funny it's a it's a bygone era the
Starting point is 00:23:42 larry fine era gilbert that's right. That's what Gilbert likes to say. It was a more innocent time. Yes. Yes. We remember it fondly. Yeah. We will return to Gilbert Gottfried's amazing colossal podcast after this. Baseball is finally back. Get
Starting point is 00:24:02 in on Major League action and swing for the fences with BetMGM, the king of sportsbooks. Log in or sign up to play along as BetMGM brings the real-time action. Embrace a season's worth of swings with BetMGM, your one-stop shop for all things baseball. for Ts and Cs. 19 plus to wager.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Ontario only. Gambling problem? Call Connex Ontario at 1-866-531-2600. BetMGM operates pursuant to an operating agreement with iGaming Ontario. This episode is brought to you by FX's The Bear on Disney+. In Season 3, Carmi and his crew are aiming for the ultimate restaurant accolade, a Michelin star. With Golden Globe and Emmy wins,
Starting point is 00:24:41 the show starring Jeremy Allen White, Io Debrey, and Maddie Matheson is ready to heat up screens once again. All new episodes of FX's The Bear are streaming June 27, only on Disney+. I also appreciate, and got this out of the book too, Jim, that I didn't know, but of course this makes sense. This keeps with your whole sort of affectionate approach, But of course this makes sense.
Starting point is 00:25:04 This keeps with your whole sort of affectionate approach. And you have respect and admiration for these women. About Schmidt. Oh, yeah. Kathy Bates' nude scene in About Schmidt. You don't take the bait. You don't make fun of her body. You don't do any mocking.
Starting point is 00:25:19 You don't do any snark. To you, that's as important and should be appreciated as much as, say, Kelly Preston's nude scene in Mischief. Yeah, and listen, there's a bunch of ways to look at this. Number one, you could look at it like, you know, there's some guy out there that is so excited that Kathy Bates has done a nude scene. Why should we rain on their parade? But secondly, I think it's important. I think we have some of them here with us today yeah well but secondly it's it's important to just i think is to celebrate nudity and film intelligent like to us there are no bad nude scenes whoever gets naked we're excited if it's a female over 18 years old in a movie we're excited about it and
Starting point is 00:26:03 we we always are you know we celebrate it we're excited about it. We celebrate it. We're happy about it. That includes Kathy Bates. You remember Billy Gibson in The Shining, Gilbert, getting out of the tub? Remember that scene? Oh my God! The new dead woman? The ghostly woman? Her only movie credit is Billy Gibson. Amazing. And there was another girl who was the sexy version of her.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Leah Belden, yeah. Yeah. Leah Belden, yeah. But yeah, she changed, obviously. Oh, yes. You impressed me, Jim. Yeah, well, yeah. That was a, you know, not every nude scene is wonderful, but, you know, we still like to celebrate.
Starting point is 00:26:49 No such thing as a bad nude scene. What about Gilbert's nude scene in Funky Monkey? Yes. He wore a merkin, by the way. Very disappointing. And then there are those ones that, oh, God. I remember it's like when Cindyindy crawford was in fair game yeah with the baldwin brother yeah but it's like yeah her character was constantly getting naked but she
Starting point is 00:27:16 never was they would have her like showering where you see the bare shoulders oh you saw a little nudity in fair game. You saw some breasts, but you're right. It could have been, you think someone that's a model that has posed for some of the greatest photographers in the world, completely nude throughout her career would have done a little more nudity in that movie.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Yeah. Yeah. You see like two nipple shots that are don't add up to a full second. Right. Right. Yeah. No, you're right. Well, on the subject of Gilbert being disappointed, you don't care much for body doubles and Merkins. Horrible. Merkins.
Starting point is 00:27:54 I can't believe we're talking about Merkins on the podcast. But especially the CGI and the fakes. Yes. And I should say to you guys that in the 20 years i've done this i think back to like in the early days what i would always get it's a little today but big time in the first 10 years of my business would be like was that a body doubler the real actress or how do you tell if it's a body double but i think you guys would be pretty good at this too is you know you just have to see the face in the old days you had to see the face with the body, and you knew it was the actress.
Starting point is 00:28:25 A big red flag for body doubles would be this spectacular nude scene, and they'd cut away, and then they'd show just her face, but never the face and the body at the same time. I remember in Zap, when the blouse is ripped off, there's a close-up of a pair of breasts and no face. Or these stand-ins used to run around like George Steinbrenner on Seinfeld. They run around a weird sideways way, so you couldn't see their face. Okay, so you love the casual nudity gilbert i'm gonna say
Starting point is 00:29:05 i'm keeping track here you hate when actresses suddenly cover themselves up with like a towel the old bed sheet that's pulled up yeah yeah pulled up to the sternum and also you hate the fakes like jim does oh yeah and oh well yeah there was one the body doubles too there was one. The body doubles too. There was one movie where Leslie Mann, she's like, yeah. Okay, I know what you're going to say. You cite that one in the book. Yeah. Yeah. And I remember when I first saw the scene, I thought, wow, her body's too good to be real.
Starting point is 00:29:40 And sure enough. Yes. And that's one of the next things I was going to get to is in the first 10 years of doing this body doubles were that was the big thing i had to know was it a body double or not but i felt i was really good at it then the movie you're talking about called the change up came out in 2011 and i talk about this in the book so the scene you're talking about at the 46 minute mark leslie mann walks into the room and what is she was probably about 40 or you know she was either in her she's probably in her early 40s and you're looking at her topless going my god she looks like
Starting point is 00:30:19 a 24 year old i mean it was spectacular then you find out, which I didn't know the exact second I saw it, but we found out eventually that that was CGI nudity. And it's the first time that we as a website were like, holy crap, they're doing CGI nudity and it's good. It's really good. And I think the most famousgi nude scene would be from game of thrones remember the walk of shame lena heady did at the end of season five where she walked through the crowd you know all her constituents completely naked but that was a 24 year old uh model named rebecca van cleave and they they just put lena heady's head attached to this beautiful 20-something model walking through the crowd. And that's one of the big differences from my first 10 years to this last 10 years because they're getting damn good at that CGI nudity.
Starting point is 00:31:16 They really are. And I don't like it. No, of course not. That's horrible. Yeah, he's upset, Jim. Well, I think if you're going to pleasure yourself jim well i think if you're gonna pleasure yourself you deserve to know who you're pleasuring yourself too i i feel like it's fair if they're gonna get a celebrity a double then just have the double star in the movie oh yeah that's see but you know
Starting point is 00:31:40 it's funny you bring up a big point and it's a big thing I talk about in the book is the lure of celebrity. And people ask me a lot, why do you want to see an eight second nude scene of Jennifer Aniston or Courtney Cox or someone? Why don't you go watch an hour of porn? And the fact of the matter is it's that celebrity thing. And it's like, if someone you see on television all the time or movies or talk shows, you see them in magazines or whatever, you gain a connection to them. You feel in a weird way, like they're part of the family.
Starting point is 00:32:18 They're your friends. You know them so well. And 99.99 times out of 100 if i told you you could see the beautiful girl that you see at the coffee shop every day nude or some girl you've that looks like her but you've never met before nude which girl are you going to want to see and that's the lure of celebrity fascinating psychological angle to this the thing is but then they cheat you with the body doubles and the cgi yeah yeah because i mean i totally understand wanting to see a known actress that's always a lot more exciting like maria usben sky yes yes but she takes the kerchief off oh Oh, God. Oh, you know what was another cheat? For every year, every single Jennifer Aniston movie, a rumor would start,
Starting point is 00:33:13 and I think it would start with the filmmakers, saying she's naked in this movie. So, of course, every guy was interested. And when she finally did do nudity it was that movie the breakup where she kind of shows her ass but it's totally blurred and i know someone who claims he worked on that movie and said that wasn't even her walking that when you saw the nudity it wasn't her so not even her took us that gilbert yeah she took us a took us double that doesn't surprise me i don't well listen
Starting point is 00:33:50 it's she did do a movie called the good girl where you could see some breasts in bed with jake gyllenhaal and uh but for how beautiful she is and sexy i'm surprised she hasn't done more nudity because she really has a fantastic figure. Let's put your savant skills to the test, Jim. And I like the Hitler. Play with your clitler. Will you stop it? Hold on, Gilbert. I got to write some of these down for the website.
Starting point is 00:34:18 What, the riser wasn't enough for you? Real quick, Jim, we're testing. I pulled these names randomly out. I'm a 70s guy, so these are 70s names. I didn't do any research at all, and I don't know if they ever did nude scenes, but we want to see you in action. Ali McGraw. Well, do you remember the movie Goodbye Columbus?
Starting point is 00:34:38 Of course. Yeah, there you go. Oh, God. How did I not know that one? Lindsay Wagner. Two People, a movie called Two People with Peter Fonda. And I got to tell you, it's one of the hardest movies to track down, but I do have it at the website if you want to see.
Starting point is 00:34:54 You see the bionic woman topless. It's very nice. How good is this guy? He gets them right off the bat. We'll just have to get together and watch movies. Gilbert's coming to Chicago now. How about Pamela Sue Martin, Nancy Drew?
Starting point is 00:35:07 There's a movie called The Lady in Red, which was a John Dillinger movie from 1979. You'll have a hearty boy when you see that one. Oh my God! I set him up. Last one,
Starting point is 00:35:23 LaWanda Page, Ann Esther from Sanford and Son never saw I think I think she did a Don King or a I want to tell you what Larry Fine
Starting point is 00:35:32 I'm going to say this I'll bet you back in her day she had a killer body LaWanda Page she might have done an Oscar gamble well
Starting point is 00:35:42 she did a new scene she did a new scene and they said red fox you'll have a red cocks hold on gilbert i'm writing that down hold on so you still have you you still have the 50 employees it's still an intimate uh company it's still you know people love working for you is your mom still working for you my mom is still a skin turn. His mother's an intern. Yeah. And Gilbert, this did happen to me. And I mentioned it in the book where my mom is a sweet lady. She's in her 80s. She lives in Arizona with my dad. And
Starting point is 00:36:18 one of the great things about owning your own business is you have family members that can work for you. My sister works for me and my mom does some data entry for the website and and i got this email from her a few years ago now this is my mom who we you know she goes to church once a week very sweet lady and she sends me an email that said is that a shadow or bush because she was doing something so i had to tell her whether it was a shadow or bush and it's a very uncomfortable moment with my mom a couple years ago. Now, you showed this actress Mary Winstead or something. Oh, Mary Elizabeth Winstead from Fargo. Is that her ass in Fargo?
Starting point is 00:36:59 Oh, yeah. It is? She's lovely. Isn't that one of the cool things, things too that has happened in the last like 10 years is the basic cable nudity. Remember how it used to be only HBO and Showtime and Cinemax, you'd see nude scenes on television for TV shows. But now you got all these shows like Fargo and many others that feature actresses naked, even Bravo, those housewives shows.
Starting point is 00:37:29 They got tons of the housewives going for skinny dips and stuff. Now they'll pixelate out their breasts, but they'll show their butts. So it's funny. There's more nudity now today because of all the TV nudity across all these different platforms with Netflix and Hulu and Amazon. So though people may think, and it's probably rightly so that in the theater, we're seeing a little less nudity than we did back in the 80s and 90s. Television has made it so that overall we're seeing so much more, more than I've ever had. I'm glad we're living in a golden age and and it it used to be you'd go to all the crappy horror films that yeah like like like matilda may in life force yes yes your
Starting point is 00:38:13 favorite my girl yeah she never wore a stitch of clothing in that movie and but it used to be all of those like friday the 13th and halloween they'd be like sex before they were killed yep oh yeah yeah yeah so gilbert's gonna read the name of the book uh it's called being mr skin 20 years of nip slips cheek peaks and fast forwarding to the good parts. Merc and free. Yeah. From Jim Mr. Skin McBride. It's well written and it's funny, Jim. And also because
Starting point is 00:38:54 you're a history buff, there's a lot of good stuff in there about the history of film ratings and you learn about the Hayes office and all kinds of cool stuff. Yeah, well, thanks. And I also put a lot of lists and sidebars. The lists are great. And comics, because I figured most of my friends wouldn't read a whole book anyway, so I had to have
Starting point is 00:39:09 something to entertain them. Yeah, he has like five best black and white movie nude scenes, and you gotta go through the book again, Gilbert. Best nude scenes in horror. That's up your alley. Yeah. Yeah. Last one before we last test. Patti Darbinville.
Starting point is 00:39:25 Cat's Demon's ex-girlfriend. Oh, really? There's a movie called Bolitis that is one of those... I know that movie. She was in there in one of the really sexy lesbian scenes in that movie.
Starting point is 00:39:42 But she's gone on to do a lot of things. that movie probably came out about 1977 or so if you i don't even think it's been released in anything you know blu-ray quality but i know we have it at our website in in um video there is no stumping this man and and the one who built a career on being a sex symbol raquel welch i don't think there's anything on her what am i when people ask me name an actress that never did a nude scene that's the role raquel welch is is unbelievable because with the body she had and all those movies she did where she was in bikinis and you off her body, you would think.
Starting point is 00:40:26 And she grew up, I mean, she came from the 60s and the 70s. How did she never do a nude scene? It always blows my mind. She never did. The book is a hoot. Being Mr. Skin. Yep. Please give our best to Mike.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Tell him we love him. And give our best to Mrs. Skin. I will. I will. Thanks so much for having me. And I want to say I listen to your show all the time. I'm halfway through the Gavin McLeod one, and I just love it. I just love it.
Starting point is 00:40:53 The amount of nudity that Gavin McLeod does. You wouldn't believe it. Nip slips galore. Yeah, but thanks for having me on because when you're a fan of a show and then get to be on it, it's pretty cool. Come see us when you're in New York, when you're this way. For sure. We'd love it.
Starting point is 00:41:09 Thank you, Jim. Thank you. Thanks so much. Thank you. Thanks. Bye.

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