Gilbert Gottfried's Amazing Colossal Podcast - Mini #227: Gilbert & Frank's Patreon Mailbag

Episode Date: July 31, 2019

This week: From the desk of Mel Blanc! Remembering Rip Torn! The comedy of Robert Schimmel! "Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman"! And Gilbert Gottfried meets Gilbert O'Sullivan! Learn more about your ad c...hoices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:42 partner Sun Life. The world is yours to Mel. Come on, listen to Mel. Gilbert and Frank's very amazing Colossal Mel Bag. Colossal Mel Bag. Colossal Mel Bag. Mel Bag! Hi, this is Gilbert Gottfried, and I'm here with my co-hosts, Frank Santopadre and the late Raybone. the late Raybone.
Starting point is 00:01:24 And this is Gilbert and Frank's amazing colossal obsessions. Yeah, you weren't wrong. I will be deaf by the time that we finish this. Wrap this show. How are you, Paulie? Not too bad for a guy being dead. I'm doing okay.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Yeah, talk to us. What's going on? It's cold on the other side here. We're back at Earwolf with Verterosa. We were off for the 4th of July. Dara's away. The four of us. That gives us free reign, pretty much. With no lives, are sitting here at Earwolf doing mini-episodes.
Starting point is 00:01:57 And did we ever even try to ask Rip Torn to be on the show? I don't think we did. No. I think when you were a chiller with Rip, he wasn't in great shape. Oh, okay. And I didn't want to pursue it. But what a legend. Yes.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Yes. Yes. R.I.P. The great Rip Torn. And as long as you're bringing it up, get well, John Davidson. Our friend John Davidson is having gallbladder surgery. Ah! So get well.
Starting point is 00:02:23 He had to cancel some dates. Get well, John. We love you, surgery. So get well. He had to cancel some dates. Get well, John. We love you, JD. Yeah. And we're going to do some gifts because these have been sitting in my office for months and I've been silently resenting Gilbert because most of them are for him.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Yes, of course. You don't know that Christmas fruitcake still isn't in there. We had dinner with Gino the other night. Shall we tell the fans that we went to see, we had an excursion we had a boy's night out we saw the other famous gilbert yes gilbert gino and i went to see gilbert o'sullivan who had not played new york in 43 years claire the moment i'm with you i swear close Do I swear? Close. Gilbert showed up without a ticket at a sold-out show, and just through the power of his celebrity, he got a free seat. See?
Starting point is 00:03:13 Powerful thing. And he had a better seat than I did, and I bought my tickets three months ago. So Gino hates Gilbert because he gets gifts from fans. I also hate Gilbert for the same reason. But we're actually going to open up some of these. This is from our friend Chris DeRose out in L.A. You remember Chris, the tour guide? Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Who was here and helps us with research on the show? Uh-oh. Look at this cool stuff that he sent us. This is Mel Blanc's personal stationery. Wow. Look at that. It's a Bugs Bunny. It's a Bugs Bunny.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Can you see that, Paul? Yeah. Yeah. Great. And this one, from the desk of Melvin J. Blank. Chris, we don't even know how you came by these, but thank you for sending. We don't know how you came on these. And Mel Blank's business card.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Oh. In a plastic, look at that, in a little plastic shield. Cool stuff, Chris. That's really nice. Yeah, I'm not letting you have those. Oh at that. And a little plastic shield. Cool stuff, Chris. That's really nice. Yeah, I'm not letting you have those. Oh, okay. Shit. I'll split them with you.
Starting point is 00:04:12 This came from a gentleman named Dave W. Stevenson. These are also cool. These are drawings. Paul, see if you can get a look at these. These are drawings. Chris, we're in a visual medium. I'm going to take pictures of these. These are drawings by the great Al Kilgore, the famous cartoonist.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Burns and Schreiber. These are from the 60s. Isn't that cool? Jeez. Look at this. This is Al Kilgore draws Henry Winkler. Oh, wow. We lost Al a bunch of years ago.
Starting point is 00:04:45 I thought you were going to say we lost Henry. No, we didn't lose Henry. We lost Al. But I don't know, again, where he came by this stuff. This is Uncle Miltie. These are pencil drawings. Burl is Gilbert's. Henry Winkler belongs to Frank.
Starting point is 00:05:04 This is up to you guys to fight over or not. Al Kilgore sketches. We don't know. Apparently, he was... Al Kilgore was one of the founders of the Sons of the Desert. Yeah. The Laurel and Hardy fan group. So I don't know how he knew Al or found these things or got his hands on these,
Starting point is 00:05:19 but these are great little... I just want to announce a proud moment. Gilbert just voluntarily realized... Yeah. Yeah, that I wasn't talking into the mic. And I didn't have to... He just want to announce a proud moment. Gilbert just voluntarily realized that I wasn't talking into the mic. And I didn't have to do... He just did it. He's a pro. He's a pro's pro. It's only been a few years. I pulled them first time in the whole time I've been doing
Starting point is 00:05:35 these shows. I'm no longer needed here. My work is done. There's a couple of other things here. These are shirts. Why are you needed at one point? These are from Ned Hastings, our friend at the Cartoon Network. We brought out some stuff that he sent last time, him and Casper Kelly. But there's more. These are shirts.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Oh, nice. For you, Gil, you love a free T-shirt. There's a large here. A free anything. There's one for you. If that doesn't fit, I got a smaller one. If there's a size ridiculous, I'll take it. Okay, there's one for Frankie.
Starting point is 00:06:03 There's one, I think this one's yours, Gil. Is there a medium or something? This one's yours, Gil, the small one. Oh, this is mine. Okay. Okay. And there's nesting dolls. Frank, these are yours.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Wow, what are they? Nesting dolls from this new show that they're doing. Oh, that's my neighbor. The pretty face thing. Yeah, your pretty face is going to hell. The pretty face is going to hell. And what do these things do? These are, you know what nesting dolls are?
Starting point is 00:06:26 Oh, and there's a bunch of others in them. That is hilarious. Oh, they used to have those Chinese ones. Oh, that's supposed to picture it. And the Brooklyn Museum used to sell those. Here's a joke book that was sent to us by Michael Garner, who was a cartoonist. He sent me one. I'm giving you one.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Thank you for that, Michael. A lot of fun. Cartoons. Original cartoons. What else? Take that before somebody grabs it. I'm off, Mike. Hang on.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Let's see. Oh, Gilbert's going to love this. Hey, Gil. This is also from our pal Ned Hastings at the Cartoon Network. Look at that. Oh! Tell the listeners what it is. The Wolfman.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Yes. Face of the Screaming Werewolf. Isn't that cool? Jeez. So it's not actually. It's a werewolf toy. Yes. It's a werewolf action figure.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Wow, that, yeah, I like that. Oh, Gilbert, I thought you might get a kick out of this Wolfman action figure. It's by a company called Lego. Easy for you to say. Yeah. Yeah. Ned, you're too generous. There's more stuff in my bag that I'll go through afterward.
Starting point is 00:07:45 But they sent shirts. They sent adult swim DVDs. They sent nesting dolls. Adult DVDs? There's all kinds of stuff. No adult DVDs. This is from Josh Chambers, and this is cool, too. This could be a mini episode.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Oh, TV turkeys. TV turkeys. TV turkeys. They sent a book of the worst TV shows. Okay, let's see if Thick of the Night is in here. I bet you it will be. He also sent, because we've talked about- Oh, look.
Starting point is 00:08:14 That's incredible. There it is. All right. Jesus. Don't tell John. Yeah. He also sent Josh Chambers 245's Dickie Goodman, Energy Crisis. Remember we talked about Dickie Goodman and those novelty records?
Starting point is 00:08:28 Oh my God. So he has the originals. What's the flip side? What is the flip side? How many did he make? One is Convention 72 by the Delegates. That's the one we've talked about. And Ruthie's Theme by Dickie Goodman
Starting point is 00:08:43 on Rainy Wednesday Records. I can't believe that he still has these. Josh, you're a man after my own heart. Oh, see, I... This is terrific. This is great. Great swag. Let me see.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Is Thicker Than Night in the TV Turkey book? Yeah. Let's see. Want me to look? Oh, yes. Okay. What, are you going to be disappointed if it's not in here? No, I think.
Starting point is 00:09:03 I'll bet you it is. Hello, Larry. Aloha, paradise. Life with Lucy. Turn on. Oh, yeah. Turn on. Turn 50 this year.
Starting point is 00:09:13 1969. Pink Lady and Jeff. Fridays. The Dumplings with James Coco. One in a Million. Me and the Chimp. The Gong Show. I don't think the Gong Show.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Hogan's Heroes. Three's a Crowd. Thick ofrees a Crowd Thick of the Night Thick of the Night There it is How did you know? I just thought Let's see if you're mentioned in the write-up
Starting point is 00:09:34 for Thick of the Night My eyes are scanning As Thick of the Night rumbled on toward its debut a cast of repertory comedians was assembled, including popular stand-up Richard Belzer, former SNL regular Gilbert Gottfried,
Starting point is 00:09:50 and Chloe Webb, the future star of Sid and Nancy. How about that? Former SNL regular. Yeah. Have you ever been called former SNL regular? Oh. There's six pages on Thick of the Night? Wow.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Seven pages on Thick of the Night. Gilbert's in his glory. There's a whole Thick of the Night? Wow. Seven pages on Thick of the Night. Gilbert's in his glory. There's a whole Thick of the Night chapter. All right, you'll get that. We'll do a future mini episode out of it. I'm saving the best for last. This is from our friend Patrick Izzo. Do you want to open this one?
Starting point is 00:10:17 Oh, okay. Because it's sealed. It's in wrapping paper, Charlie Brown wrapping paper. Lovely, colorful wrapping paper. Yes, Christmas Charlie Brown wrapping paper. I didn't want to rip it. I thought I'd give Gilbert the honors. All right.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Gilbert is tearing the page. Yes, this is riveting radio, isn't it? Or TV for the blind. Our hardcore listeners turned it off 20 minutes ago. He has moved the book from his right hand to his left hand. Disgusted as Clark Kent. Disgusted as Clark Kent. Disguised as Clark Kent. Disgusted.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Skill reading is fundamental. Disgusted as Clark Kent is. It's a better title. A much more interesting book a million ideas were coming in my head Disgustinus Claude Kent
Starting point is 00:11:11 Jews Comics and the Creation of the Superhero is that a man who knows you oh boy Patrick
Starting point is 00:11:19 and he's one of mine Patrick Izzo Izzo I-Z-Z-O Patrick thank you for that Gilbert's very happy i think you got a chubby yes okay what else is in the magic bag you know that that book reminds me of
Starting point is 00:11:32 a book that we we meant to circle back and talk about in an episode and never did remember we had a somebody sent us a book full of all the things you used to be able to order in the comic books oh yes i i got in contact with that guy he He was somewhere in the Midwest and difficult to get an engineer to. Even just going through that book would be fun. We'll do it. We'll do it. Last but not least, Ron Friedman's Christmas Songs for Jews. I believe you requested one.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Oh, yes. He sent me that. Paul, this is for you, also from our friend Ned Hastings at the Cartoon Network. It's a big one. Ray Bone, I've sent a book to you. I know you're a musical scholar, but thought you might enjoy getting some information about music as it appears in movies. A history of film music. That sounds great.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Look at that from Ned. That sounds great. Thanks. Passing that across the table. Our friend Colin Woodward wrote a book about the Civil War. I'm also going to give this to Ray Bone, our resident historian. Hey. Marching Masters.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Look at that. How about that? He's a piece of music. Who is this one from? Colin Woodward. Here's a piece of music that I once knew the name of. It's been in a million movies and TV commercials. And it's a chorus who sings it. And it goes singing like, da-da-da-da-da-da, da-da-da-da-da-da, da-da-da-da-da-da. Yeah, that's, how do you say it, Carmina Burana?
Starting point is 00:12:54 What's? Right, it was an Excalibur. Excalibur. That's a famous opera piece. Yeah, yeah. I would love to know how many times they've used that. Oh, yeah. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:13:05 Okay, Gil. Last but not least. Yes. I've got your last gift. I hold in my hand the last envelope. Hey-oh! This you're going to love. And this came and it wasn't wrapped.
Starting point is 00:13:18 It's Uncle Gilbert. Oh, my God! As a model. Now, the hand fell off. You're going to have to glue it back. The hand fell off in shipping, but I have the hand in the bag. Wow. Isn't that great?
Starting point is 00:13:32 And that's from Fred DeCenzo, one of our loyal listeners. And you want to describe what that is? It's the creature of the Black Lagoon. And what did he put in the front? And he put on a sign that says Uncle Gilbert. Because the creature showed up in a Munsters episode
Starting point is 00:13:52 as Uncle Gilbert. Isn't that a beautiful gift? Yeah. Because the gills. I'll get the hand. He also sent us an orange wedge that fell off. I have to go through the bag. There was an orange wedge attached to that. And the hand that fell off. I have to go through the bag. But there was a
Starting point is 00:14:05 there was an orange wedge attached to that and the hand the hand is somewhere in the bag. Yeah. But we'll glue it back together. Beautiful gift, huh? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:14 So you made out very well. Yes. Frankie got a shirt and a nesting doll. Frank's playing your chorus. And I got disgusted. Disgusted by Clark Kent. Is that the piece of music
Starting point is 00:14:24 in question? What? The part that just ended, actually. That's so funny. Sounds like the music from The Omen. Yes. Probably was used in that, too. That's it, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:41 The two Daves who are looking on for the next Dominion episode, they got it. All right. So that's it for gifts. Thank you. And I'm glad it's all out of my office, quite frankly. So thank you, Ron Friedman and everybody else that sent such wonderful gifts. Patrick Itzo and our friend Ned Hastings. And actually actually this book
Starting point is 00:15:05 about movie music looks great everybody else and Colin and Dave Stevenson and all of you guys and Krista Rose who
Starting point is 00:15:12 care so much about this show that they actually spend money on postage and send you things that are going to end up in the bottom of your closet oh exactly
Starting point is 00:15:20 yeah let's do quickly we did a we did a Facebook Listener Society episode of questions, and I solicited some questions on Patreon. Some of the people who support us on Patreon deserve to ask some questions. So I wrote some. Or I should say I printed some.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Here we go. Andrew LaPasha, I love Gilbert's appearance on the Carson podcast. Is there anyone that Mark Malkoff has had on the show that you're jealous of? I don't know. How about Mel Brooks? He had Mel Brooks? He had Mel Brooks, yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Yeah. Okay. But we all know we could have Mel Brooks if you picked up the phone and called his office. I wonder if Mel Brooks will be in the New York City area anytime soon. There's a thought. He also had Paul Anka and Mac Davis. Two other people
Starting point is 00:16:07 we want to get on the show. Steven Craigie or Craig. Here's a fun little trifle. I don't think you guys have ever done anything like this. Stoop, marry, or kill.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Do you know that game? Oh, yes. Yeah. Kathleen Freeman, Mary Wicks, and Margaret Dumont. You want to take that one? You know, someone once did that with some actor.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Yeah. Some handsome actor. I forget his name now. Isn't it called Fuck, Marry, Kill? That's the name of the game. Yeah. Yeah. He cleaned it up for us.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Yeah. How do you want to arrange that? Which one? Kathleen Freeman? Mary Wicks. Yeah. He cleaned it up for us. Yeah. How do you want to arrange that? Which one? Kathleen Freeman? Mary Wicks. And Margaret Dumont. I can't get a clear one on Mary Wicks right now. Oh, you don't know Mary Wicks?
Starting point is 00:16:54 You know her. She's the tall. She's in White Christmas. She's the tall brunette, very severe. John C. Untries. Hey, guys, how about dropping through those horrible one-hit wonder top 40 songs like Playground in My Mind, Shadapa You Face, Back When My Hair Was Short. We should do another one-hit wonders.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Oh, I'd love those. What'd you say? Back When My Hair Was Short. You know that song? No, I don't know it. Gun Hill Road. I look forward to it. Yes.
Starting point is 00:17:21 David Levinson. Hey, I still think the old Cinemax special from the early 90s, Greetings from Gilbert. Oh, geez. Is one of the funniest stand-up shows I've ever seen. Besides all the other great stuff, Gilbert does an impression of Jack Nicholson as Alice Cramden. Oh, yeah. Do you remember the bit? That was the bit I did.
Starting point is 00:17:41 The Honeymoon is the Motion Picture. With James Mason and Richard Burton as Norton. I remember it. And it was, yeah, Jack Nicholson as Alice. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Well, whatever you do, don't favor us with any of it.
Starting point is 00:17:55 No. Gino and I decided at dinner the other night that we could go on tour with Gilbert's Act. Yeah, I know. And he could retire. Luke Simon, a lot of us listeners must be L.A. based. So how about a live pod in L.A. sometime, Frank? It sounds like you guys don't do air travel. Well, that's mostly me.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Gilbert's on planes all the time. But we got to make this happen. By the way, my maternal grandfather died in a huge commercial plane crash in the 70s. Wow, you're really convincing me. Mega bus it is. Yeah, which I'm sure Gilbert will think is very funny. How about a few bars of Song of the New Wine from Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman? Ah, okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Say no more. For life is short and death is long And now we dance so happily May you live to eternity Oh my God! Tora, tora, toro, la I'm terrified. We're going to have to make this a two-parter. It may have to be.
Starting point is 00:19:16 And when he says, may you live to eternity, Lon Chaney Jr. jumps up and grabs him and goes, I don't want to live to eternity. Nicely done. Let's see. We will return to Gilbert Gottfried's amazing colossal podcast after this. Baseball is finally back. Get in on Major League action and swing for the fences with BetMGM, your dish. for T's and C's. 19 plus to wager. Ontario only. Gambling problem? Call Connex Ontario at 1-866-531-2600.
Starting point is 00:20:07 BetMGM operates pursuant to an operating agreement with iGaming Ontario. Spring is here and you can now get almost anything you need for your sunny days delivered with Uber Eats. What do we mean by almost? Well, you can't get a well-groomed lawn delivered, but you can get a chicken parmesan delivered. A cabana? That's a no.
Starting point is 00:20:23 But a banana? That's a yes. A nice tan? Sorry, sorry nope but a box fan happily yes a day of sunshine no a box of fine wines yes uber eats can definitely get you that get almost almost anything delivered with uber eats order now alcohol and select markets product availability may vary by regency app for details. Karen Kinney, can Gil and Frank suggest one little scene movie that everyone needs to see? A little scene movie? A little scene. Not popular. Little dash scene.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Oh. Not commonly seen. Little scene movie. You had a bunch of them on when we were doing those Thursday mini episodes. Yeah. Wasn't Billy Barty in a lot of little scenes? Yeah, there you go. Mostly taking Gilbert's parts. What were some of those ones?
Starting point is 00:21:11 There was that Edward G. Robinson movie you recommended. Oh, there was one I think was called Three Seconds. Yeah, you liked that one. Yeah. Yeah. And Best Boy, the documentary. You liked that picture. Oh, yeah. picture oh yeah best boy yeah oh and there was a movie oh god let's see there's that the paul raybone story yeah he loses a leg and comes back
Starting point is 00:21:38 yeah there was that monty strattatton. Edward G. Robinson. There's a whole bunch on the show. We have to go back. Oh, God, yeah. I will recommend a movie called Murder by Decree, which is a Holmes picture from the 70s with Christopher Plummer as Sherlock Holmes and James Mason as Watson, an all-star cast. And just recently on TV, they had 7% Solution. Also recommended.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Oh, that's a good one. With our guest, Joel Gray. About a month ago, you recommended that I watch Sullivan's Travel. Oh, yeah. How'd you like it? I loved it. Good. I loved it.
Starting point is 00:22:16 And so much of Brother Where Art Thou comes from the movie, as you had promised. Was that a... I delivered with my recommendation? Put that on the list of little scenes. I also recommend two little movies that came out maybe in the last 25 years called Five Corners. Do you know this picture with John Turturro and Jodie Foster? Written by John Patrick Shanley of Moonstruck. Holy smokes.
Starting point is 00:22:37 If you can find it. And a movie called Men Don't Leave with Jessica Lange. Two movies I love that nobody can seem to find. They're obscure. You can't. Yeah, they're obscure. They're obscure. Let's see. Oh, and then there's that movie we talked about a few times.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Which one? The Little Fugitive. Oh, The Little Fugitive. That's a great example. Sure. G.I.ers. G.I. small E-R-S. Many years ago, I saw Gilbert do a bit about Ned Beatty on the set of Deliverance, asking everyone about a page missing from his script. Does this mean anything to you? That I did on the comedy awards, like when they offered Ned Beatty the part,
Starting point is 00:23:15 and he read the script. Did they leave out page 37? And I came going, excuse me, there's no page. There's a scene missing. Oh, nothing, nothing. Don't worry about it, man. Just sign here. People who've seen Deliverance get the joke, right?
Starting point is 00:23:35 Who are familiar with it. Well, from Trick, I never saw you do that bit. Only once? Yeah. Please have Gilbert do the bit. I've been talking about it for 20 years. He just did it. Trixie asks,
Starting point is 00:23:46 What singers or songwriters would Frank and Gil like to have? You've already had so many great ones in Paul Williams, Jimmy Webb, Tommy James. Well, Paul Anka. That would be a great one. Mac Davis. And, of course, the great white whale is Burt Bacharach. Yeah, absolutely. So we'll work on all of them.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Adam Freed. Other than Life Stinks, losing out to Dustin Hoffman for Dick Tracy. Hey, no shame in it, Gilbert. Does Gil recall any other... They're calling you Gil now. Yeah. They're very familiar.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Does Gil recall any other parts he went up for and didn't get? Oh, millions of them. Any worth naming. Or a part in a film he thought he would be ideal for. Oh, jeez. You just told us one of those. Somebody said, I'm going to call you, and there's a lock on it. You're all set.
Starting point is 00:24:39 That was Mumbles and Dick Tracy, right? Yeah, that's right. Any parts that you see in movies and think? Oh, I mean, I see every part. Yeah. Yeah. I could. Harrison Ford in Air Force One.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Yeah. Yeah. I could see myself in Leonardo DiCaprio part. Lucifer Sam you guys have talked many times about Gilbert's guest programmer appearance on AMC
Starting point is 00:25:09 with Robert Osborne and the films he picked Frank if you were selected as the guest programmer what four movies would you pick and why
Starting point is 00:25:16 Skidoo perhaps he asks God that's hard yeah being there I'll just name four off the top of my head being there
Starting point is 00:25:24 Duck Soup yeah being there i'll just name four off the top of my head being there uh uh duck soup um two others two others broadway danny rose yeah and why not sullivan's travels why not yeah about it yeah go for it okay Sullivan's travels the movie he wants to make his old brother where other out there right which the Coen's yet then used as a launching pad um let's see Craig Walsh says I'd love to hear you guys each list a particular a particular favorite episode. So you can get on this, Raybone, including Dara. Dara's not here.
Starting point is 00:26:09 She's in the Berkshires. We'll have to answer for her. A favorite episode? Oh. I think you like Charles Fox a lot. I love Charles Fox. You got to sing Zapped. Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Two songs from Zapped and Ready to Take a Chance Again. And Charles Fox all this time was saying, I'll only do it if Gilbert doesn't sing my song. And we got him. Paul, why don't you take a shot? Favorite episode. It's hard. Jimmy Webb would be on a very short list.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Jimmy Webb. Oh, he was great. Good answer. Frankie? God, there's so many, but Tony Orlando was pretty awesome. Wasn't that wonderful? Great one. Wasn't that wonderful?
Starting point is 00:26:49 Another surprise one was Sonny Fox. Really great. Yeah. Really great. I'll pick an old one and a new one. New one, John Davidson. Yes. Which I thought was a perfect episode for us.
Starting point is 00:27:03 It had everything. Yeah. Before my time was Bob Costas. Bob Costas was great. Yeah. Which I thought was a perfect episode for us. It had everything. Before my time was Bob Costas. Bob Costas was great. Yeah. Bob Costas was the first. I was telling him a dirty, disgusting joke. That was a great one.
Starting point is 00:27:12 And he fell down on all fours and crawled around. We have video of it. You know, my favorite two episodes were that we never got to run was and then the other classic one was Oh, you did end up bleeping those out. Right. Because you wanted to start a mystery on social media.
Starting point is 00:27:29 There's a whole thread. Yes. I was getting PMs asking about it. Clever. Very clever of you. I'll pick the new one, John Davidson. The old one I'll pick
Starting point is 00:27:36 is Jessica Walter and Ron Liebman. Oh, they were good. Yeah. Which was an absolute blast. But there's some, Peter Rieger, there's so many.
Starting point is 00:27:43 I love the Jimmy Webb episode. There's so many I love. You know who's great on the craft of acting was Bruce absolute blast. But there's so many. Peter Rieger. There's so many. I love the Jimmy Webb episode. There's so many I love. You know who's great on the craft of acting was Bruce Dern. I love the Bruce Dern episode. Yeah, there's too many to pick. Gary Esposito. Frank S., do you have any unproduced or rejected TV comedy scripts that can be acted out on a mini episode?
Starting point is 00:28:08 Yes. Yes, and probably not pretty ambitious uh gilbert frank and paul what are your three favorite albums of all time you have three favorite albums well i'm i'm not a big music guy i remember i did own uh abbey road and Let It Be. Okay. So I didn't have that many. Oh, you know an album? Why don't you pick a comedy album? You know, I never, I don't think I ever had comedy albums. They always sound, they always made me feel kind of depressed.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Okay. Okay. But I did have the album Frank Fontaine, Songs I Sing on the Jackie Gleason Show. That'll do. Yeah. And that's why I got laid so much. I don't know. I'll pick Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Elton John.
Starting point is 00:29:00 It's the first album I ever bought. Oh, okay. Fleetwood Max Tusk and a comedy album uh child of the 50s robert klein i met what's his name recently and of course didn't ask him to do the pod who uh what's what's his first name fagan donald oh donald fagan fagan donald fagan yes i was in a store watching my wife my wife try on clothes and I get a text from Dara. Just a picture of Gilbert with... I sent you the picture. Yeah. Just a picture
Starting point is 00:29:30 with Gilbert and Donald Fagan at a party. Both of them looking bored out of their minds. Did you ask him to do the show? No, of course not. But now I've learned from past experiences. Now I have Dara do the work. Yes. So now Dara's working on Mrs. Fagan.
Starting point is 00:29:46 So fingers crossed. Wouldn't Donald Fagan be a great guest? He'd be a great guest. Let's see what else I have here. Can I throw up three favorites? Please do. I've been thinking about this while we've been talking. Meet the Beatles was the first one I bought.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Can't go wrong there. There. And I would say, for Elton John, I would go with a country-ish one. Tumbleweed Connection. Tumbleweed Connection. Great record. And the third would be Anything by Miles Davis. Very good.
Starting point is 00:30:13 None of you guys are going to go with Genesis to Lamb Lashdown on Broadway? Come on. Also great. Also great. An album I used to have. Mike Erickson. Okay, you'll love this question, Gilbert. Gilbert, Frank, Frank, Dara, and Raybone survive a plane crash on a snow-covered mountain.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Who gets cooked and eaten first? Can we just move? I got a bad feeling about this. Gilbert doesn't have any meat on his bones. Paul's missing skin, legs, eyes, and everything else. Paul's got no skin. He's not going to be very scrumptious. You guys could probably survive a good six months off me.
Starting point is 00:30:55 William E. Lee follows that up by writing, no problem, Gilbert's luggage would be full of stolen snacks from the hotel. Oh, yes! Barry Watkins would like to know, have any of the musicians on the show objected outright to Gilbert's sing-alongs of their songs, or have they all been willing victims? Well, I can think of one who was hesitant. Well, Charles Fox was very hesitant.
Starting point is 00:31:18 It took him two years. Jimmy Webb I didn't think was going to do MacArthur Park. Oh, he did. You won him over. And with Charles Fox, he fought it. And not only did he let me do the songs, but he played accompaniment on keyboard. He was having at least as much fun as you were. He had a blast.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Remember when Jimmy Webb came in and we were told he only had like 30 minutes? Well, he'd been doing press all day. He was exhausted. And then he stayed for, what, an hour and 40 minutes? Yeah, we won him over. Yeah. I didn't think he'd been doing press all radio all day. He was exhausted. And then he stayed for what? An hour and 40 minutes. And we won him over. Yeah. I didn't think he was going to sing MacArthur Park. It was a song that's personal to him.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Yeah. Yeah. I didn't think Peter Asher was going to sing Lady Godiva. Yes. Oh, another. And I remember what sticks with me with the Jimmy Webb episode is the secret meaning to someone and someone left a cake out in the rain was that somebody left a cake out in the rain yeah but it was an ex-girlfriend yeah it's a personal song there was uh he's in the park and someone was probably eating a piece of cake on a bench, and they left it there, and it was raining.
Starting point is 00:32:25 And I thought, all this time, I thought, what a beautiful symbolism. What does it mean? What does that mean? And it's like, yeah, that's it. That's it. It's a piece of cake in the rain. He did a little bit of Wichita Lineman,
Starting point is 00:32:40 which is him and the piano. That was great. And I like that better than the original song, and I wish he had done more. That's great. It was so good. Just to be present for this stuff. You know, we take it for granted how many of these we've had these people sitting here. We had Neil Sedaka sitting here playing, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:53 Love Will Keep Us Together and The Hungry Years. It's great. Show us a gift. For my fourth of my top three picks, I had one other I just thought of. You mentioned Peter Asher. Yeah. The James Taylor album, the first one on Apple. Oh, God. Spectacular.
Starting point is 00:33:07 What was the name of that album? James Taylor. It was called James Taylor. Was that Sweet Baby James? No, it was before that. That's the next one. Before that, yeah. I'm just looking forward to the next episode
Starting point is 00:33:15 when Paul continues to offer up albums from this episode. Well, if I think of some more, should I just not tell people? Last four questions. Kylie, who are the boys' favorite comedians that would not be household names, alive or deceased? Oh. Who do we know that we love that would not be? Boy, Carrot Top. Boy.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Well, you like Dick Capri. Some of those Catskills comics. Oh, yeah. Some of the Friars Club guys that we used to hang out with at the roasts. Certainly Dick Capri. I got a guy, Robert Schimmel. Oh, that's right. One of my favorite comics, the late, great Robert Schimmel.
Starting point is 00:33:53 And I worked with him on Caroline's Comedy Hour when you and I met for the first time. He's one of those that somebody should do a documentary about. A hilarious guy. John Panette. Oh, my God. Another really funny about. A hilarious guy. Yeah. John Panette. Oh, my God. Another really funny guy. Yes, yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Gilbert can't think of anyone but himself. Yeah, exactly. What about an old school guy? Yeah. John Panette. You could see in that last episode of Seinfeld. Yeah. John Panette, one of the funniest people.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Who was he in that final? He was the chubby guy that they wind up making fun of, and they end up in the clink. Two more. Did I lose my way here? Okay. Laura Pinto, our friend Laura. Hey, guys, most of all your episodes are hilarious, of course,
Starting point is 00:34:40 and I was wondering whether there have been any instances where one or more of you went into such uncontrollable laughing fits that you had to stop tape or at least Frank V had to do some heavy editing does that happen no we never edit anything I have to go back to your kitchen when we did the Steve Cox episode and you did that impromptu Jerry Lewis oh yes yes coffee table if you guys are on Stitcher and you have that episode, go back and listen. That was maybe one of the five hardest times I've ever laughed in my life. I couldn't get air. That's a good one.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Down to two more. Okay. Michelle Bentley. Have you ever considered getting some of the former actors or actresses from the show Soap and devoting an episode to it? Funny timing. We just had one. We just had Ted Wass from Soap who played Danny. It was a great show and a springboard for so many talented people.
Starting point is 00:35:35 Yes, look for that one. And there was one about, there was one for you, Gilbert. Here it is, the last one. Pete Nelson. What is Gilbert's earliest memory of a Universal monster movie? Mine is Dracula. Wow. He was able to get beautiful women to walk around in skimpy nightgowns.
Starting point is 00:35:54 My five-year-old self could not figure out what exactly was so great about that, but I knew it was cool. Yeah. Do you have a memory? Wasn't The Indestructible Man the first movie? Yeah, but that was in a universal. Right, right, right. That was one of those real zero budget.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Yeah. But The Indestructible Man, that was the first horror movie I remember watching. And it also had Joe Flynn. Oh, Joe Flynn's in it. That's one of the mad scientists. Yep, yep, yep. Oh, and it had, what is that guy's name? Robert Shane?
Starting point is 00:36:29 The guy that played Inspector Henderson? Yes, yes. Was that a monogram picture? It could have been. It was a cheapie. Monogram would make those real. Yeah. Hey, look up indestructible man.
Starting point is 00:36:39 Well, we got to go. But next time for the next show. So you don't remember the first Universal one? Not the first, because I didn't see them in order. Okay. All right. We want to thank the Patreon people. These were great questions.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Thank you, Patreon supporters. Nice presents we got. And thank you for supporting the show. And thanks to all the listeners who sent these wonderful, how cool is that Gilbert, that Gilman model that you have sitting there on the desk? Make sure not to lose the hand. I'll find you the hand. And the orange one. Yes, the hand might be stuck in there somewhere.
Starting point is 00:37:12 So thank you, guys. Thank you for all the generous gifts. Thank you, Ray Bone. Thank you, Patreon. See you next week. Bye. Bye. Listen up now If you want to know about
Starting point is 00:37:37 Papillon Soussou Or Long Trainhead Junior It's something we're used to Colossal obsessions These things that we've studied Like why Groucho helped Chico Cause he needed the money If you have a comment on Cesar Romero and those oranges thrown by
Starting point is 00:38:13 those young caballeros You can ask what you want anything on our biz But please keep it short Just like having finishes Listen up man Listen up man Listen a man Yeah, we'll answer your questions And that is a promise
Starting point is 00:38:56 Even the ones About Danny Thomas About Danny Thomas Listener man Listener man Listen to me Listen to me Listen a man Listen a man Listen a man Listen a man Listen Amell
Starting point is 00:40:06 Listen Amell Listen Amell

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