Girls Gone Bible - Dating, Relationship & More | Girls Gone Bible

Episode Date: May 30, 2023

We talk everything modern day dating, relationships, love and what the Bible says about it all. Is the idea of wives submitting to their husbands out dated? Should you live with a significant other be...fore marriage? What about splitting the bill on the first date? We also answer your guys' questions :) we love you so much. Jesus loves you the most. -Ang & Ari if you’d like to support Girls Gone Bible 🙏🏻🕊️🤍 Paypal- Venmo-

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, GGB gang. This is Anjanari, and we have a question for you guys. Do you want to make a podcast? Spotify's got a platform that lets you make one so easily, and then you can distribute it everywhere and even earn money, all in one place for free. It's called Spotify for Podcasters, and here's how it works. Spotify for Podcasters lets you record and edit podcasts right from your phone or computer,
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Starting point is 00:01:12 get started we love you god bless you and our girls gone bible baby episode two let's go we just want to say i we can't even believe the outpouring messages that we got. We are just over the moon. it's one thing to go and put yourself on a public platform and put yourself out there and put your personality and like your thoughts and opinions and all that in a time where it is like pretty scary to have an opinion on anything. Um, but then it's another thing entirely to go and put out literally the most important thing to you ever, which is our faith and to open ourselves up to criticism on something like that. Um, And unfortunately, no matter how many nice messages you get, it is really jarring when you do get something that's not as nice. But I will say, everything that people have said to us,
Starting point is 00:02:16 all the support, all the stories that people have shared, literally being like, I can't believe I found you guys. I feel like you're my best friends, because I've gone through the same thing that you have. And I'm just sharing our stories. I mean, it's incredible. We're just we feel so blessed that we can help people because that's all we're trying to do. It's just relatable and help people. So love you guys so much. Thank you, Jesus. So cute, isn't he? Jesus is the cutest. He's truly the cutest. All right, so today we want to talk about relationships because it's a jungle out there and we already know how difficult it is
Starting point is 00:02:53 and how much people are struggling and we want to touch upon some subjects. So on the topic of dating, dating is an interesting beast. It's really especially in these big cities like we're in L.A. And yeah, it's really fun to try and have a godly relationship out here. What is your type? What is my type? Yeah. Like personality wise. Everything.
Starting point is 00:03:17 What do you look for in a man? Well, I truly look now for and I'm really not just saying this, like a God-fearing man. Like he's got to love Jesus. It's my number one requirement. I told you this earlier actually that I used to have a rule when I was younger that I was like, as long as he's baptized, it's okay. You know what I mean? Like he doesn't have to, I'll take care of the rest.
Starting point is 00:03:42 As long as he's baptized, the seed is planted, whatever. That's completely different for me now. I literally can't settle for anyone who doesn't love Jesus as much, if not more than I do. And not that. And I've had relationships where the guys were like completely nonbelievers and they've been great. where the guys were like completely non-believers and they've been great. And you know what I mean? And actually, the people who have been like most encouraging of my faith were the non-believers. Isn't that so interesting? But I just know now where I'm at, like as I get closer to, you know,
Starting point is 00:04:23 wanting to start a family and settle down and get married and all that stuff like I just think about my man's loving Jesus and like raising my kids with somebody who will pray over them you know what I mean I can't even picture a life with anything else yeah it's like forget about tattoos and muscles I didn't like someone that we don't have to forget about that no but it's like there's nothing that turns me on more than i got like a god-fearing man i mean okay maybe not turns me on but you're just like oh i love that hey this is all our girls done but we're not perfect no i agree though i agree i always think about like i can't even imagine how much I would love a guy who loves Jesus.
Starting point is 00:05:07 You know what I mean? What's most important to me, other than that, is somebody with a strong sense of humor. Oh, yeah, you for sure need that. Yeah, I just want to laugh. I really, I want to have a good time. Banter. Banter. I need someone, I need someone tough enough who will, you know, there has to be the solid roast to flirt ratio. You know, I need him to be able to banter with me, but I need him to be strong enough to, like, get the banter back. Because guys say that they want to, like, banter with a girl, and then you say one thing, and it hurts their feelings.
Starting point is 00:05:39 You know what I mean? Yeah. But, yeah, I just, I want to to have I think what I really look for in somebody is somebody who wants to be happy and you'd think that everybody wants to be happy but they don't because if you really truly want to be happy you would like take the steps towards having that and a lot of people don't well that's one thing I can say about you is you just exude so much joy because of your faith. Yeah. And yeah, I can't even picture you as someone that is less than that.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Is like moody. That you have to carry, yeah, carry them through now. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, like, listen, everyone's going to have bad days, obviously, and like bad months, years even. But I think it's just like the heart position of like trying and like wanting wanting well that's what you do every day you're not perfect but one thing you do have is joy
Starting point is 00:06:32 i mean even through the hard times you're like okay it's okay yeah you have i've learned that from you big time yeah that's sweet what else what else are you doing okay what else uh what do you look for in a guy the same thing i really like a god-fearing man but i'm not talking about someone who puts you know john 18 in their instagram profile i'm looking for someone who really you know yeah you know um isn't trolling on the internet for women has respect manners you know really controls his lost um someone that's completely in their masculine i mean that is probably one of my biggest things too i need a provider and I can take care of myself, but someone that makes me feel safe, if you make me feel safe, I will be the best version of myself. A hundred percent. So
Starting point is 00:07:32 yeah, that, those are the biggest things for me. That really is something that we should talk about is the whole feminine and masculine situation, because, um, that's something that I've learned about in the past couple of years um and I think it's a topic that is a little weird for people because they're like I love that women are taking control and and want to have their own I think that's beautiful if it's one thing my mother always taught me it's that you you know never never rely on anyone for anything because, you know, anyone can pick up and leave. So you always make sure you have your own. So that's why I've always been a worker and always had my own money. But I do believe in the roles. Yeah. Do you agree? Yeah, I do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:21 It's funny, as I've gotten older, I've started to adopt more like traditional values and beliefs. And there are things that society pushes on us that if you're not careful, you'll think is for your benefit, but it's really for your detriment. Like men and women have to coexist harmoniously and work together. And there has to be like some sort of push and pull. Like there can't be. Where are the men? What happened? And I'm so sorry to say this.
Starting point is 00:08:56 No, I really am. But I am going to say it. What happened? I mean, and I don't know who's to blame, but I just feel like men don't want to be men anymore. I don't know if it's the city we're living in, but it's I feel like we're around a bunch of Peter Pan. I'm like, what happened to men and values and family and taking care of their women and just being the man and the protector. I mean, you know? Well, it's this whole thing of everybody.
Starting point is 00:09:38 It's like both genders trying to be the same thing and trying to one-up each other. And we've kind of both done it to each other. Women have stepped up being like, no, I don't want to be. I'm independent, and I don't want to be taken care of, and don't do that. And don't tell me what to do and all that stuff. And then men have been like, okay, well then like, how about you pay the bill? You know what I mean? So we've both done it to each other. Like we're all to blame. No, absolutely. And women saying, oh, I don't need a man. I don't need a man for nothing. Yes, we do. I say it all the time. Of course we need men. We need each other. Of course the time we need men we need each other of course we need
Starting point is 00:10:05 exactly we need each other yeah you know you know what there's and I'm not gonna obviously ever name by name and I don't want to break I always say to our like we need to promote the things that we love instead of talking about the things that we hate because we don't want to put anything toxic or negative out there but like you know there are for example, there are a couple of women in the podcast space that I was listening to the other day where they had this whole like episode where they were talking, saying that, you know, families don't need fathers anymore. Like kids don't need dads. If we don't have dads in the home, society will fall apart. It's already happening. We need moms. We need dads.
Starting point is 00:10:46 We need the family unit. It is the most important thing. Like, we got to get away from this idea that we can all be single, alone, away from each other, and that, like, we don't, we need each other. I agree.
Starting point is 00:10:59 I agree. We do need men. I don't know. I didn't hear that podcast. I mean, I guess I can say a lot of women are I guess so hurt maybe that they are just like I give up and I get it I get it completely and and that's the like it's like the hurt of the world that just keeps perpetuating it and like I'm sure of course it comes from a place of hurt but I think even though it does we still can't
Starting point is 00:11:23 enable that like type of thinking and behavior because it's it's really it does we still can't enable that like type of thinking and behavior because it's it's really it's bad we can't enable it now we we need each other yeah and I I too like a masculine man I it's the most important thing to me um because I am naturally very feminine emotionally and by the way when we talk about masculine feminine masculine doesn't mean like football players you know like six five big fighting everyone that's not masculinity and the idea sorry the idea of toxic masculinity can't actually exist because masculinity in and of itself is not toxic it's the opposite of toxic it's noble it's stoic it's strong it's like a pillar for the family it's the most beautiful thing that needs to be celebrated encouraged and like implemented back into our boys into society
Starting point is 00:12:13 um and then femininity doesn't mean just wearing dresses and painting your nails and you know what i mean femininity is it's like spiritual softness, nurturing, that like feminine motherly almost instinct to like take care of things and nurture and grow. And it's, and it's beautiful and it's not weakness. You and I are both really feminine and really strong. I know for myself, like I, I truly don't, I'm very far from weak and I'm also really feminine. So that also doesn't mean weakness. But we need those things to coexist together harmoniously. Yeah, and being masculine too, it's being in tune with your feelings
Starting point is 00:12:59 and not running away and taking charge and being a man, stepping up. Yeah, it's stepping up. Let me, I will tell you a way I've heard masculinity described that I loved. A masculine man, you could describe as like a rock. Like his emotions are so solid that nothing can move him. That because, okay, women are so emotional, right? And we can like come at a man and with all of our emotions and all of our feelings and where it's irrational and whatever and it's like all over the place but because a masculine man is so solid we come to him and he
Starting point is 00:13:35 just solves those problems he doesn't like ignite the fire he doesn't make it worse he doesn't like throw he doesn't run oh that he absolutely doesn't run. Like a masculine man sits there and he gives you solutions. That's what masculinity is. And so if your dude is like yelling at you and making your situation worse, that's not him being masculine. That's actually a really feminine trait to like not be able to handle your emotions in a man. Yeah. This is so, like, it's such a touchy thing, but I think it's important, and we have to talk about the things. It's okay. I don't even think we're saying anything bad.
Starting point is 00:14:12 This is the truth. I know. Ari's a lot better with this stuff. I just, I really, truly, from the bottom of my heart, come from a place of love. Me too. And I want things to get better. Like, I want people to understand.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Women and men are both to blame for this, by the way. Yeah, absolutely. They just are. I'm not, I would never talk about men in a negative light. No, no. I love men and our women. Oh, and we love everybody. We love women.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Anyway. But let's talk about dating while being close to God, because that's what this whole thing is about. Have you noticed a difference in your dating life or the way you approach dating or you approach love since getting close to Jesus? I'm trying to think. I know how they are for you. How? You're the same as me in the sense that being close to Jesus really helps you get like a grasp on your emotions and it helps you not be ruled by them because we're aware. Yes. Yeah. You know, we're aware that God's will is more important than the way that we feel and the way that we feel ultimately is very deceiving at times.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Whereas God is always right. Like he's he's always always correct he always knows what we should do and his will is the right way to go um so I know that makes a big difference yeah and I can see things now and people yeah where I couldn't before because I'm so close to God now yeah I can see things in people I'm like oh no he gives you discernment I absolutely I have seen a massive change with you I mean you've always been so intuitive and discerning. But I really have seen, like, the further your relationship with Jesus has progressed, you can see things from a mile away that you would have ignored before. And you'll, like, see it in their eyes. They'll be like, something's off.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Something's not right. I see. I don't. Like, this seems harmless but i actually think that this is what's going on underneath and then you're right and i'm like what's going on over you know what i mean like do you think about the relationships you were in i mean you thought the world of whoever you were with and then you really can see who someone is it's not in the relationship it's after the relationship i mean and it's scary
Starting point is 00:16:26 it is you're like who was i with that's so scary that's a that honestly is one of the most scary like parts of you could be with someone for 40 years and not know who they are you have to see characteristics now yeah did i say that right okay what are we trying to say what are you trying you have to see characteristics characteristics yeah you said right i said character did i say it right you what did she say okay so i didn't say that yes i did okay so i have a thing that i say words wrong oh my guys it's it's the funniest thing. Oh, the other day. No, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:17:06 You have to hear this. So the other day, when we were going to stagecoach. Hold on, hold on. Hang on. What are you going to say? Wait, hang on. When we were going to stagecoach the other day. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:14 We're driving and we're listening to this guy, T.D. Jakes. He's a bishop and he's really famous. And he goes, his name is Bishop T.D. Jakes. And then all day she's like put bishop on put bishop on oh first she said bishop and i was like what did you say and then later all day she's saying put bishop on put bishop on and then days later she's like hey can we listen to bishop and then i'm like who are you talking about like which bishop and she goes the guy from the car and i was like you know that's his title and not his name right I love you so much you're the best so what about you what about me um
Starting point is 00:17:54 how is your relationship with Jesus changed with your relationship everything literally everything everything yeah um you know what's funny is my I think what I'm most in submission to God with in my life is my relationship my romantic relationships because there are other things like you know career work money social media like friends like there's a lot of stuff that I you know will stumble and fall and not be obedient, whatever. But when it comes to romantic relationships, I'm like, maybe not at first. There are a couple of times where I'm like, hey, Jesus, I like this guy. I think I'm going to date him. And God's like, don't do it. And I'm like, let me just try.
Starting point is 00:18:36 And then you don't do that. Yeah. And then like a week later, I'm like, I hear you. I understand what you're saying. When you do that prayer. Oh, yeah. I mean, we all know that the ultimate prayer is God, if they're not for me, get them out of my life. And like 48 hours later, they are out.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Yeah. He works quick with that one. He loves that. Yeah. I'm really, really obedient when it comes to my romantic relationships because I truly believe that it's the most important relationship that we have. relationship that we have it encompasses like every other relationship or friendship in our life into one and then add the like romantic element that you don't have in any other relationship it's it consumes you and it will dictate the rest of your life literally and so when it comes to that I'm just like God whatever you want you want. And let me tell you.
Starting point is 00:19:25 So last year I felt like God had taken me through a couple of different things that were similar. And I know looking back and I knew in the moment, too, that he was really growing me in my relationship with him. And he was completely ridding me of the need to have control over my life and he was like I don't want you focusing on your feelings and ever again like I want you to be able to focus solely on me and what I want for you and that no matter how strongly you feel for something or somebody I want you at a drop of a hat to like look to me and be like okay if God doesn't want this for me I'm gonna let it go you know and so we went through that a couple times last year and it really has gotten me to a place of healthy I think I detachment almost like I'm really detached in a good way that if somebody's not for me that's okay you know what I mean yeah I simply cannot try to make anything work that I
Starting point is 00:20:29 know isn't for me I don't get sad over things or guys that aren't for me like you've seen I think that I have a really good thing about me where I am able to think very logically in difficult situations and be like is this my man if this isn't my man why am I going to be sad over a dude who's not my man you know and so yeah being close to Jesus has given me like a power it's really really empowering yeah and I to piggyback off what you were saying. You are so. Sorry, I've never heard you say anything like that. Piggyback?
Starting point is 00:21:14 All right, no, it's cute. Can I? I like it as professional. Whenever I'm serious, you can't handle it. No, no, I can. Piggyback. Yeah, you, anyone, you could be with someone for four or five years think that they you're gonna marry them anyone can switch up on you at any second so you better never love anyone more than you love yourself and that is a lesson that one of
Starting point is 00:21:40 the biggest lessons i learned this year um like you talk about detachment, it's so key. You can love and give yourself, but you have to guard your heart. Absolutely. Always, because anyone can switch up on you. They really can. Yeah. I know, and that's why when we make, that's why it's called making an idol out of something. We put it above God into where that's why God says anything that you have in your life that if you lost it tomorrow, you wouldn't be OK.
Starting point is 00:22:12 You've made an idol out of it. And that counts for people, too. And I just I haven't made an idol out of somebody in a long, long time. I don't so much make an idol out of like uh boyfriends as I do friends like I will out of with friends sometimes because I love my friends and family yeah yeah but friends for me like sometimes I'll I'll be I just love them so much like if I love you friends or a friend friend just one this is my only friend babe you're my only friend who else um no but she's not kidding by the way my i'm gonna be completely vulnerable and honest here um you know for me i am so in my feminine that when i love someone i just i've only really loved one
Starting point is 00:23:02 person and when i love I give them my all. And I'm just there for them and their family and devoted. That sometimes you do. I mean, yeah, you're not supposed to make an idol. But as a woman, I don't know, in my experience, you want to be devoted. And you want to be there when they're working and help them. And just sometimes you do get lost. And you do lose yourself a little bit.
Starting point is 00:23:25 And so that's okay but you know people listening it is okay to to be there for people but go ahead tell them one thing I was gonna say one thing Arielle Ritz my you are Oh one of not one of you are literally the greatest woman I've ever met in my life. And if I was a guy and I had somebody like you, I don't even know how anybody ever like what who in their right mind would ever, ever, ever, ever, ever mess up with you. Like nobody truly. Nobody can find it. No, but I really do feel that way about you. And I don't feel that way about you and i don't feel that way about you seriously you're so you're loyal you're devoted you're a good woman you're gonna be
Starting point is 00:24:11 such a good wife such a good mom like you are just the most trustworthy person on the planet and it's not easy to find that in la like you know what i mean yeah your values are so solid what you care about what you believe in your morals you're you know what I mean? Yeah. Your values are so solid. What you care about, what you believe in, your morals, you're, you're just like, you're good to your core. I just hope I can find somebody that I love as much as I love you. And I like, speak, that's facts. I'm not even kidding. I wish the same thing. We will. We will, right? Yeah. All right. I wonder who God has for us. I'm not even kidding. Sometimes I look around in L.A. and I'm like, every guy here is 45 doing ketamine at the club. And I'm like, I don't think that's my husband.
Starting point is 00:24:52 I can't. I don't want to get into these guys. It's frightening. Yo, you meet a man who's 50 and he's like, I'm not ready to have kids. He's like, I'm not ready to settle down. And I'm like, bro, what? Go start a family. What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:25:11 You go back to where I'm from. I'm from Massachusetts. I said that in the last podcast. But that's the most important thing to people is their families, their wives. What's your attachment style? Well, I would say it used to be anxious. I think it's how you grew up. Like growing up, I used to, my mom's not going to like this. Oh, well, I have to be real. You have to be real. Sorry, Roberto. I love you. My mom, I used to have to sort of chase her for love. Wow. You know, she like, she, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:06 Wow. You know, she like she. Yeah. And when I was really nice and loving, she would be like. So for me, it used to be anxious. But from spending this past year completely isolated and alone, I would say I'm secure now because anxious is not the way to go. It's a really bad way to be. I mean, I wouldn't say bad, but it's a really bad way to be I mean I wouldn't say bad but it's not a fun way to be no definitely well and I'm avoidant and it's obviously completely different but very similar in the sense that it's not good for you it's not like a healthy way to be but you and I are both I mean I'm avoidant secure. I can be secure. It just depends what situation I'm in. If things are rocky or they're shaky or they're weird, I'm completely avoidant. But for the most part, you and I both have zero trouble expressing our needs and our wants. And you know what I mean? And that's what being secure is. But so interesting how, you know what's so funny is our childhood literally determines everything and I
Starting point is 00:26:46 never like in acting class sometimes we're in the same acting class and greatest class in the world but sometimes we do these exercises that are I don't know they're hard for like inner I feel well that's fine it's more yeah the talking about my feelings is a little hard but it's like the inner child work and stuff like for me I'm always they're like you know picture younger self and I'm like she's fine like she's okay that's me being so avoidant with my own feelings that I'm like she's good like I get like that too because we don't want to ever be victims right and I just think yeah I just believe I don't know there's sometimes I think there's almost been like an overcorrection of trauma of like we spend a little too much time focusing on it focusing on it rather than focusing
Starting point is 00:27:30 on like the solution to get over it that's just my two cents I don't know that's just that's just what works in my life but um yeah I think that it's really hard when you are dating someone with like a different attachment style than you. Well, the anxious and the avoidant usually end up together. Yeah, I typically will end up with someone with anxious attachment. And I'm always with avoidance. Oh, that's so funny that you mentioned that because we realized something recently that you typically go for, if you're, we don't have to keep this in, but like that you'll go for like emotionally unavailable guys. And I have never gone, gone for an emotionally unavailable
Starting point is 00:28:14 guy. Like they're typically overly emotionally available. You know what I mean? And so I wonder why that happens and what the difference in our upbringing or whatever it was. You know what I mean? I know. But avoidance usually don't, I mean, I don't know. Well, I have dated someone who was also avoided and it was absolutely miserable. Well, he was a narcissist. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Is that too much? Is that too much? I don't know. We'll see. Let's get to the questions. Okay, so we got so many questions about so we'll just answer it in one about the topic of like being equally and unequally yoked with somebody and would you date someone who wants to know Jesus but not necessarily Christian yet what if you both agree spiritually but you notice things that uh they do that aren't like what you like or what God would want.
Starting point is 00:29:08 What do you think? So this goes to values, right? I mean, the most important thing in a relationship is having the same values. It's key. It's gold. So if you don't have the same values, it's going to be very hard. Yeah. For me, I want someone who's a good person I know a lot of Christian men that are out you know not being Christian men so yes for me I need a
Starting point is 00:29:33 godly man it's a non-negotiable for me but but that doesn't necessarily mean that they're the you know greatest people on the planet yeah it doesn't mean they're perfect I'm not I mean look there's there's still good guys out there you want a good man who's respectful like we were just saying has manners um but yeah i mean if you want to have a family and you want to take them to church and have them grow up with your values yeah you probably want someone that has the same values as you yeah so the bible talks about how being equally and unequally yoked it's like we can be friends obviously you'd be friends with everybody but like God encouraged us to encourages us to be friends with non-believers and people of different faith and everybody and it
Starting point is 00:30:16 doesn't matter where their faith is like we should still embrace them love them and be near them and that doesn't necessarily mean that like being near them will make us come down in our faith um but the one thing that he says is that the one area that that doesn't apply to is your romantic relationship and especially like who you end up marrying like he does not want us unequally yoked and like i said earlier i used to have a requirement of being baptized and that was enough for me and it's it's just not anymore and it's something that like maybe take to the Lord because and other people are asking like what if you know they're interested in being being close to Jesus what if uh they're willing to learn and like I have dated somebody
Starting point is 00:30:56 who like literally gave their life to Jesus after meeting me and like and how do you feel about that would you be with someone like that I would I, I would. Okay. Um, I would, it's not necessarily when I think about my life and what I want, just because of where I am, that's not what I would love to happen, but like what God willing, whatever his plan is, whoever he wants for me. But yeah, I think, um, I just, I mean, and we're also going to talk about headship and male leadership and stuff I just I know I really want somebody to pray over me like I imagine that at one point or another in my life my faith isn't going to be as strong as it is today and I I'm sure I'm going to go through hard times like I have in the past, maybe even lose my family. You literally never know.
Starting point is 00:31:46 And like I need someone to be there who's going to be able to pray for me and bring me back and like carry me and lead me. You know what I mean? I really don't want to just as a female, like I just don't want to carry someone through the faith. It's just not what I'm interested. If you feel like that's your calling and like you like that and I have liked that in the past I used to love doing that if I'm being honest it just goes back to when you're so deep in your faith you just want someone who's right there with you so it's basically to sum up that question I believe that you need to have the same values yeah I believe that nothing's perfect but having the same values I feel that that relationship Yeah, definitely. And it's it's something that we're workshopping with you because it's your own journey and you take that to the Lord.
Starting point is 00:32:35 And who knows, maybe there's so many there's countless stories of marrying an unbeliever and then, you know, they later come to the faith and stuff like that. And so you never know what God's plan is for you. But just know for me personally he's got to love JC he has to be cool though you know what I mean not that Christians aren't cool they're the coolest I just if you're not chasing God's heart you better not be chasing mine oh let's go Mark that's pretty good um so let's read another question should you oh this is something we talked about should you wait to be married until you live together i well i was just talking about this with you the other day are you texting no i'm looking something up go ahead um i do feel that you really know someone when you live together um I don't think you should rush and live together I think you should date and
Starting point is 00:33:35 really enjoy each other and yeah I get that and I understand what you say about. Can I say one more thing? Yeah, yeah. But where I am now in my life is I'm not living with anyone until I know they're going to be my husband. Absolutely. Because I'm not going through that. Well, because I agree with you completely that you don't know somebody until you live with them. And it's a massive change in the relationship and the dynamic of a relationship. a massive like change in the relationship and the dynamic of a relationship i will say full transparency i have lived with a boyfriend before i have lived with somebody i've played house i've done it all um i don't i would never do it again i don't agree with it i don't i think that it's really detrimental to a relationship but there is a statistic that shows and it's completely like separate from the
Starting point is 00:34:26 bible it's not biblical but studies show that you have a much higher i don't know what the exact percentage is but you have a much higher um chance of getting divorced when you cohabitate together before getting married and i agree with that like i i get it because you know why relationships are so hard and they get harder as time goes on and the phenomenon the whole idea that you won't always be in love as as in love as you were in the beginning is real love changes and it grows and it evolves and so when you move in with somebody it completely changes the dynamic it's really fun at first and I'm sure it grows and it evolves. And so when you move in with somebody, it completely changes the dynamic. It's really fun at first. And I'm sure it all and it can always be fun. But it's like at some point, you can really run into something difficult when you start to feel like
Starting point is 00:35:15 roommates. And I just think that without the commitment of marriage, it's like, you move in, you start to feel like roommates, you think you're not in love, let's just break up and we'll go find people we are in love with. And then you do the same thing over and over and over again. Because without that commitment, why would you stay? You know what I mean? It's kind of like I was thinking like our relationship with God. Like there are days where I don't feel like I know I love God, but there are some times I don't feel that fire of loving him. But because I'm committed to him, I'm going to stay on this path to him because I have that commitment.
Starting point is 00:35:47 And I don't know. But even though I don't always feel that way, you know what I mean? Yeah. For me, I for sure want to wait till marriage. I mean, then you see my sister. She's been with her husband now for 10 years. They moved right in together. They have the most incredible relationship yeah so I mean yeah it's it's for me personally it's preference yeah it is I mean that's just that's my two cents on it I wouldn't do it again and I don't plan on it yeah and it's a lot too when you're gonna
Starting point is 00:36:19 you're gonna move in with someone that's that's a big deal I mean you better know that that's going to be your guy yeah for sure because that's going to be hard yeah he better be paying the rent though being joyful in singleness I okay so this was the first time I really spent time alone. Yeah, like alone alone. And it was so hard. I mean, I Yeah, it was really hard. But I can't even tell you how much I found myself through that and how much it changed me as a person. Yeah. And as a woman. And let me tell you, because I was so isolated and I spent that time alone, I don't need anyone for anything. And that is priceless. And that's when you attract the right person. So true. There's so much joy in being single. There really is. Just think about it. I always, whenever I am in a relationship, because ultimately,
Starting point is 00:37:25 obviously it does pull you from God a little bit. It has to, like, you can't help it. I will oftentimes in a relationship be like, God, I wish that that time I was single, how much free time I had to spend with God. I wish I like cherished it more. You know what I mean? And don't worry about anything because God will provide you and he will bring you your person when it's time. Exactly. Don't ever worry. Somebody asked, what is your view on male leadership in a relationship? This is one of my favorite conversations and it's a touchy subject, but we're going to be just completely open and honest. And I just want everyone to remember that just because something,
Starting point is 00:38:00 someone believes in something that you don't doesn't necessarily mean that anybody's wrong as different things work for different people there's something called a biblical submission and it's wives submitting to their husbands and in a time like today that's such a crazy concept for people and trust me if I heard something like that years ago I'd be like someone leading me you know what I mean like I would have such an attitude about it the closer I've gotten to God the more and nobody's told me to feel this way nobody's pushed this on me the more I realize that this is actually what God designed and it actually is right and I truly believe that there can't be two leaders in a relationship like somebody's got to steer the ship and there can't be two captains
Starting point is 00:38:45 honestly and I know for me personally like I feel like I'm a leader I'm really confident in my ability to do life well and make decisions and lead myself so I don't need to be led but I want to be led yeah and that's when you're your most feminine, beautiful self. Exactly. Exactly. And so there, you know, it's biblical for wives to submit to their husbands, but we submit to our husbands and our men because they are worthy of submitting to and never submit to a man who is not truly submitted to God, first of all.
Starting point is 00:39:23 And I know for me I have they need to make you feel safe and protected in order for you to actually submit to them yeah let's not forget that and and this is the thing about submission to that people forget is like people think men leading their wives is kind of like asserting their dominance, like being dominant. And people will be like, oh, women have it so hard. Like men get to be the leaders and do this. I truly believe that men have the short end of the stick when it comes to that. Men are supposed to love their wives the way that Christ loved the church.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Do you know what Christ did for the church? He died. Like you literally have to be willing to die for your wife and your family. All of your boyish, selfish desires, needs, wants, all of it doesn't matter. Like it's out the window and your family comes first. It's Christ like sacrifice. It's really, it's a lot. It's heavy. Okay. Someone said, I think there's a misconception that if we know God, we can't have fun. The opposite, right?
Starting point is 00:40:28 If we know God, we can't have fun. Yeah, people think that like being close to Jesus means that you live like a really strict, like lame life. No. We have fun. Let me tell you, I've lived a lot of different lives. My life close to Jesus has been the most fun. I have such a I am literally like I don't drink I don't smoke I don't do anything honestly my life is a little boring
Starting point is 00:40:50 at times because I don't go out like I don't what I have so much fun you have more fun than anyone drunk at the bar I really do I have such a good time I like being close to Jesus is fun oh wait I have a good one how to introduce your significant other to religion without being overbearing I don't know I'm definitely overbearing one time a guy called me I mean you know it's funny he was the most religious guy that I've dated but you know he said to me after I think we got into like an argument or something and he was like oh yeah well something something you're weirdly religious. Yeah, but it's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:41:28 That's why we go back to values. You need to be with someone on your level. Oh, yeah. A hundred percent. When to know if God wants you to give them another chance struggling with that now. Well, is the guy going to prove that he should have another chance? Right. is the guy going to prove that he should have another chance.
Starting point is 00:41:43 Right. You know, when a guy, everyone screws up. If a guy fights for you and shows that he has really done wrong and wants to prove that to you, I believe in second chances, of course. That's beautiful. I really like that. I know I'm warming up to the idea of second chances a little bit, but I think, too, you just, you take it to God. You, you know, you really spend time in
Starting point is 00:42:05 prayer and see you do that's the most important thing and yeah and never forget that God will always bring you peace so whenever you're feeling confusion it's not from God if someone is trying to come back into your life and it's weird and you fits anxiety and it's confusion and it's like I don't know if someone comes back in your life and it's like you feel a peace about it it's from god so just listen listen to your gut which i think is the holy spirit relationships are never easy you know that you're going to have your ups and downs you're going to go through horrible things it's it's about who will stick by you through that. Exactly. Really. How to fight off lust. Take it away.
Starting point is 00:42:56 It's just all about self-control, and we go back to the same thing with a man. Having self-control over social media, having self-control over the thousands of women half naked on Instagram. You know, it's self-control. Yeah, for sure. And I think when you – go ahead, what do you – What do I think? No, I – yeah, I mean, self-control is everything. If you can have self-control, then –
Starting point is 00:43:23 Yeah, for sure. I mean, it's something to bring to God. I'm telling you guys, I'm going to have a whole podcast episode on secular music because one of the main ways that lust will come into your heart, and I know that's so lame to say that, like the spirit of lust, whatever. It's real, and it's not good for you even though it might feel good in the moment it might feel good to feel it it might feel good to act on it like it's not a good thing and um the number one way that like lust can enter your heart
Starting point is 00:43:55 is through your eyes and through your ears the things you're watching and the things you're listening to and what you're taking in and the social media and the women and the guys and like all this stuff and so you just you bring it to god you have self-control and like you just be aware of it um and just be careful because it's a slippery slope and trust me not mother theresa neither of us like we have to um you have to be careful you have to be careful with everything you do somebody asked do you split the bill on the first date no um don't even offer don't even pretend to like reach no you you know what you do don't even get me upset right now you sit back you smile you say thank you and that's it and you know what and if they aren't like so much in their masculine to deal with that stay back stay feminine they'll grow into it like it's
Starting point is 00:44:42 it'll be awkward for a second but let let's be real, boys and girls. We're not playing this game. Is that what they're doing? I don't know. That's not what I'm doing. That's not been my experience, but I've heard of it. Listen, relationships are hard. Dating is interesting. Add the component of like trying to live a life with Christ, even weirder. Do your best best you know what
Starting point is 00:45:05 actually before we go somebody said something in here about um sorry guys let me just get it because it's important how do you handle regrets of past relationships and choices that you've made here's the thing about regrets and past I've done so many things in my life that I regret. I've done a lot of things that I have to carry with me. I've done things, you know, there are things that I did last year that I don't align with now. There are things that I did yesterday that I don't align with today. And the beauty of being one with Jesus is that every single day we are a new creation every single day we're made new in Christ and nobody including yourself including the enemy can hold your past against you because the day that you give your life to Jesus you every single day
Starting point is 00:45:58 his grace is new his forgiveness is new and you're made new and so you don't have to live with any of that no matter who tries to bring it back up even your own mind that tries to remind you of the shame and the guilt and whatever, you know. So don't even live with regrets. Have everything be a learning lesson. That's the beauty of life is that we don't have to live in a space of feeling guilt and shame to where we don't, you know, let ourselves grow. And this is also the thing about regrets is that people hate to see you change. It's so weird, but like nobody, the truth is nobody wants to see you grow. They don't want to see you get better. So people will constantly remind you of your past. Even you will remind yourself of your past, but that's not you anymore.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Even you will remind yourself of your past, but that's not you anymore. And Jesus, by the way, always saw you as the holy, blameless, pure, angelic creation that he intended you to be, even when you were doing things that you regret and, you know, no longer align with. Yeah. And it's about taking accountability, too. When you take accountability for what you've done and you own it and you forgive yourself I think you have no you should have no regrets truly yeah and I mean we're not perfect at all but we really do try to live a very truthful honest life exactly with people with everyone in our lives and you know it's just it's a it's a walk it's a journey you get better every day you as long as you're close to Jesus like he knew guys there's scripture that says while we
Starting point is 00:47:33 were while we were yet sinners Christ died for us he was on the cross and they nailed his hands and they put him up there and they he died on the cross knowing that we were going to go against him, sin, deny him, reject him, betray him. He knew all of that. And he died for us still because he loves us that much. He knew when he formed us in our mother's womb that we were going to get out here and act foolish and do things that we shouldn't be doing and not saying saying that it's okay at all, but, like, he loves us and he just wants a relationship with us. So as long as you stay close to him, every single day, you fall, you do something you don't, like, you know, you do something you regret,
Starting point is 00:48:17 you learn from it, try not to do it again. You do it again. I don't care if you do it a hundred times. Try again. You just try. And don't let anybody tell you that just because you keep messing up or that you've messed up that you can't that you're not that you're not good yeah I think that's really why we started this podcast yeah you know I just have seen you know so much you know I get it you know guys we love you so much. God bless you. God bless you. Thank you for all the kind messages.
Starting point is 00:48:46 Seriously, you are what keeps it. We're talking to our millions of fans. No, seriously, like you, anyone who's ever commented something kind, we see everything, especially like on TikTok and stuff. I see every single thing and it's genuinely what keeps me doing this thing. I remember for a long time, God had been pressing in on me, being like, I want you to start speaking. I want you to start making videos. And I literally, full transparency, I was like, I don't want to because I don't want to behave. Like, I really don't.
Starting point is 00:49:19 I don't want to change how I dress, how I act, how I talk, how I post. Like, I'm not interested in that type of responsibility. And I just feel like I kept hearing God be like, you have big dreams, right? I gave you those dreams, but I'm not going to help you fulfill and make those dreams come true until you prove to me that I can trust you. And you're not proving to me that I can trust you with the way that you're acting and be, you know what I mean and then if I can't trust you with this how can I trust you with something so much bigger and so I literally was like okay god stop posting thirst traps except for the one the other day
Starting point is 00:50:02 Morgan do you know something I don't know what I one the other day. Morgan, do you know something I don't know? What did I post the other day? Did I post a thirst trap? Yeah. No. You do every day with your videos. Just kidding. All right.
Starting point is 00:50:13 All right. Okay, guys. God bless. We love you. We love you. We read the Bible. Sorry. Am I a Bible thumper?
Starting point is 00:50:23 We're Jesus freaks. Freaks. Yo, yo. Somebody, what did somebody say to me the other night I'm not even kidding we were out somewhere and this guy goes he saw my crosses and he was like oh you're religious whatever and then I said that I don't drink and there and this guy looks at me and goes are you one of those sober religious freaks yeah i go for those sober religious jesus freaks i go that's the best comment i was like that's the best thing anyone's ever said to me he literally could have been you're so beautiful i was like oh my gosh i am we are sober religious freaks she's kind of sober not really
Starting point is 00:50:57 love you love you

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