Girls Gone Bible - Halloween | Girls Gone Bible

Episode Date: October 27, 2023

If you’re struggling, consider therapy with our sponsor BetterHelp. Click for a 10% discount on your first month of therapy with a licensed professional specifi...c to your needs. HI GGB GANG. LOVE YOU SO MUCH. The title of this episode says it all... we're talking about halloween, which takes place only a few days after this episode is released. Halloween may be one of the most controversial/debated topics in Christianity and we're here to say our part and try to help you navigate your way through this questionable holiday. What is the origin of Halloween? Is it a sin to celebrate? Is it okay to dress up but not participate in other activities? Should I take my kids trick or treating? We talk all things spiritual & demonic and honestly have a lot of fun throughout this episode. We hope this video helps and guides you towards light (towards Jesus). Please stay safe this weekend. We love you so much. Jesus loves you more. -Ang & Ari if you’d like to support Girls Gone Bible 🙏🏻🕊️🤍 Paypal- Venmo-

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Starting point is 00:00:00 May the Lord bless you and keep you. Just letting you know, this is a religious podcast. No, that's totally fine. We might say some crazy, crazy stuff. Honestly, a couple months ago, I started going into opening up my relationship with God. Oh, God bless you. Are you kidding? I grew up Catholic my whole life, and then when I turned 18, I became like atheist and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:00:22 Yeah. And because of all the evil in the world, I just had to go towards the light. I have show bumps all over my body. I am so happy for you and so proud of you. Oh, no, thank you. Yeah, it was one of those things where for months it felt like he was just trying to talk to me. Yeah, yeah. And then one day I was just like, because you know Catholicism, you ask.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Yeah. And one day I was just like, what's up, God? And I just felt the love in my heart and i do a podcast i'm so proud of you and i know it's so hard out here and it's really you know and but just stay on course because everyone is going to try to especially right now that you're coming back into the faith you're going to experience a lot of setbacks and you know discouragement but just keep going yeah and i used to work in hollywood i know you're an actress yeah it's like one of those things where i work in ho, and I was like, it's so bad.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Trust me. Yeah. That's all we talk about on here is how dark it is, and it's really weird out here. It's scary. And we have to be careful, yeah. Mute. And we got to do an introduction today. We can't play these games.
Starting point is 00:01:22 We got to say hi, Angela Ariel. Ready? Set. Go. Hi,, go. Hi, guys. Okay, so we're going to start doing an introduction because we never do. My name is Angela. And my name is Arielle, but I prefer to be called Ari. We are the hosts of Girls Gone Bible. This is a faith-based podcast. We talk a lot about Jesus and the Bible and how much we love him and Jesus for degenerates, basically. We talk about personal experiences and what we've been through and how we found God and how he's really changed our life. Yeah. So. So. Hi. Hi. What's up? How are you feeling today? You know, I feel really good.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Honestly? And you know what else? Huh? I'm feeling just so grateful for our friendship. Me too. Like, I'll just catch my, I've been catching, because we've been, if you guys don't know, we just came back from Texas. We did Janine's podcast, Happy and Healthy. It was incredible. We met with Maddie Pruitt.
Starting point is 00:02:25 And they are just the most incredible girls. We have built this friendship in like the matter of 48 hours. It was really beautiful. But I just, the whole time I was with you, I just kept looking at you. I swear, in my head, I just kept saying, I am so, so lucky to have you as my best friend. The past, like, five days, we are looking at each other randomly going, what would I do without you? What would I do without you? Everyone is talking about how, like, you need community.
Starting point is 00:02:57 You need community. And you do. It's really important. And we're looking for some good. We have good community. But, like, we always look at each other like, my community. It's just us. The blind leading the blind. I love you so much. I really love you so much. I had another moment where I was just looking at you being like, I'm so glad that we come from
Starting point is 00:03:16 where we come from. Me too. You know, I used to feel a lot of shame being like, oh, I'm not Christian enough or I'm not this. I'm not that. But no, I am so lucky how I grew up. You should be because you, from every painful or negative experience, the opposite positive has come out of it for you. Every bad thing that you've ever experienced has given you like the best qualities about you. You are the most selfless giving person I've ever met in my life. You would give me your last dollar. Like you will give the shirt off your back.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Same with you, sister. I just, I think too, because of the things you've been through, you have a compassion and empathy for other people that others might not have had they not been through something hard. Well, I feel the same thing with you. Thank you. We're the same person. the same thing with you. Thank you. We're the same person. We're the same person.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Thank you. I'm like, I have a peace in my heart that I just want to thank the Lord Jesus, our Lord and Savior, who literally provides a way of escape in any negative situation. And he is faithful and he comes through and he cleans up messes. And he's just like, I don't know. I'm just, it is well with my soul all day today. I keep looking at Ari going, it is well with my soul. He truly works all things out for the greater good. So whatever you're stressing out about you guys, just keep, keep declaring that over yourself. He works everything out for the greater good. Even if you're in a hard season, a waiting season, whatever you're in, he's working everything out for the greater of your good. He's so good. He's so good. So today,
Starting point is 00:04:59 so when this is released, this is coming out Friday. So this is going to be a couple of days. I think it's the 27th, a couple of days of days before Halloween yeah can we just see what's in that bag come on first she always said something up her sleeve I got us outfits but first I just want to say Halloween is a very controversial topic we're going to get into it we have a lot of a lot to go over a lot of opinions questions a lot to go over now we'll get into dressing up and if that's okay. However, I did get a couple of pieces of costumes. Okay. What did you get? Hang on. Hang on. She was so excited this morning. She said, can we go to the party so we can wait in the car? And then she would wait in the car. Okay. Hang on. I hope it's candy it is are you looking are you looking no okay okay so this is
Starting point is 00:05:47 my costume is that for a child probably what did you get me angela this is my costume no i got you something cute hang on does it look good yeah okay that looks really cute does it thank you Does it? Thank you. Is it a cow or a cat? It's a cat. A cat. A cat. Thanks. And then I got you. Angela! Yay! I got you again. No, I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Ears. I got you, Kelly. I do not have a bob. All right, are we going to wear this the whole episode? I don't think so. You actually look so cute. Let's take a look. Every time one of us stumbles on our words, we put on the clown nose.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Yes. Can we do that? Let me see that. Every time I see that. No, this truly has been me see that. Every time I see that. No, this truly has been me all year. Okay, okay. We can't read the Bible with this on our heads. All right, fine. Take it off just maybe later for the festivities.
Starting point is 00:06:57 I can, this is cool though. Oh, you just couldn't do it? Can you sip of that? I'm flying. This is a nice episode. Please, Angela. Okay, I'm flying. Please, Angela. Okay, I'll relax. No, really.
Starting point is 00:07:07 What? I need to talk to you for a minute. What, what, what? I'm not dealing with you drinking the whole one of these today. I'm not going to drink a whole one. I just had a couple sips. I'll relax. I'm going to put it, keep it over here.
Starting point is 00:07:15 No. Sorry. No, please. One more sip and that's it. And then put it away. Okay, okay. I am putting it away. I already see the crazies in your eyes.
Starting point is 00:07:25 The crazies in my eyes. So we don't like to typically read from the Bible. I mean, we don't typically like to read from the phone. We typically don't read from the phone. We like to read from the actual Bible. But today is a really important day of Scripture. And I want, I wanted to read. We read from New King James Version, but I wanted to read from an easier version,
Starting point is 00:07:50 not because I don't think you guys can handle NKGV. Because we can't. No, because I just want everyone to follow along and be really. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Imitate me again and watch what happens. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:08:04 I'm really. Hey. I have to get the hair. Come here. Hurry up. This again and watch what happens. I'm sorry. I'm really, hey. I have to get the hair. Come here. Hurry up. This is why you need to buy hairspray. Well, then, you... Did you just pull out my hair? How could she? All right. So, yeah, so the first...
Starting point is 00:08:21 There's so much controversy around Halloween, and we just, we want to shed some light and give people a little bit of a guideline as to what is right and what is wrong. And it's hard because everybody has a different opinion because Halloween is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible. However, there's a lot in scripture that will allude to a pretty dark night like Halloween and rituals and darkness and stuff like that. So let's start with, are you take it off? We're going to be in Ephesians
Starting point is 00:08:52 chapter five. Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. Live a full life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God. Let there be no sexual immorality, impurity, or greed among you. Such sins have no place among God's people. Obscene stories, foolish talk, and coarse jokes, these are not for you. Instead, let there be thankfulness to God. You can be sure that no immoral, impure, or greedy person will inherit the kingdom of Christ and of God. For a greedy person is an idolater, worshiping the things of this world. Don't be fooled by those who try to excuse these sins. For the anger of God will fall on all who disobey him.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Don't participate in the things these people do. For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light, for this light within you produces only what is good and right and true. Carefully determine what pleases the Lord. Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness. Instead, expose them. It is shameful even to talk about the things that ungodly people do in secret, but their evil intentions will be exposed when the light shines on them, for the light makes everything visible. This is why it is said, awake, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light. Living by the Spirit's power.
Starting point is 00:10:28 So be careful how you live. Don't live like fools, but like those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days. Don't act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do. Don't be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit, singing psalms and hymns and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves and making music to the Lord in your hearts and give thanks for everything to God, the Father, in the name of our
Starting point is 00:10:57 Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. An outline like this. So let's go through this a little bit, what we just read. I mean, I feel like this is the most perfect thing we could read on to talk about a topic as dark as Halloween. So God says, We're going to talk a lot about that today, light versus darkness. It's funny because I actually was kind of going about with you a little bit and I said let's let's have a little debate because I really didn't understand the full meaning of Halloween. Yeah. But when you start to read the scripture it's like oh wait a minute because it is such darkness right and so then as I'm studying all this this week I'm like I don't know if I can go to bed with her no it's no I mean I I haven't celebrated Halloween I have
Starting point is 00:12:16 celebrated Halloween every year of my life until 2000 until three years ago maybe maybe yeah three years ago was about the last time because I had conviction that I was like, this is not my holiday. And I didn't even know exactly. I wasn't even, I didn't even know what scripture said about it. I just knew I felt that like, this is not right. Whatever happens, especially in LA, like the parties and what happens and the outfits and every, it's just, I don't like what we're celebrating. It's not light. What was your, uh, your costume? I don't like what we're celebrating. It's not light.
Starting point is 00:12:44 What was your costume? You know what? I don't really appreciate you bringing up my past and me. Okay? God says that I'm a new creation. Come on. I've been made new in Christ, and it's okay that I was dirty Christina Aguilera. I rebuke it. I repent.
Starting point is 00:13:02 And I'm sorry, Jesus. I didn't know. I didn't know I didn't know oh man what was my worst one I we're not glorifying this at all we're not glorifying this I honestly was always really cute on my Halloween costumes I've been a you were a cheerleader I've been living out my glory days for the past three years being a cheerleader and I was a German girl too a German girl oh I've seen that outfit yeah yeah yeah see unfortunately Ari and I have spent a lot of our lives living in darkness yes not knowing the truth and not knowing the truth of first of all not even that Halloween
Starting point is 00:13:39 is bad but you just should dress modestly and there is a way to go about buying clothes that you should put on your body. And a lot goes into it. And we were really blind to that for a long time. Yeah. More so you. Okay. Yeah. You've been great.
Starting point is 00:13:57 You've never worn a bad outfit in your life. Anyways. Okay. Can I just read this? Because this is so intriguing to me because truthfully, I did not really understand Halloween until studying it. Go ahead. Okay. So I was doing my research. Okay. The name Halloween traces back to, what is it? Catholicism? Where is it? Is that how you pronounce it? Catholicism. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:28 The name Halloween traces back to Cath... Cath... Cath... Cathosalism. Give me that. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:14:37 The name Halloween traces back to... The name Halloween traces back to catholicism okay you said the name halloween traces back to catholic i can't say it angela catholic catholicism yes the name halloween traces back to catholicism halloween comes from the two words of hollow, which means holy person, and een, which is supposed to mean Eve. Hollow refers to the holy people or the saints celebrated within the Catholic Church on All
Starting point is 00:15:13 Saints Day, which occurs on November 1st. Did you know that? Yeah, I knew that it means the Halloween is short for All Hallows Eve. And Halloween is the evening vigil before All Saints Day, which is a religious holiday honoring Christian martyrs. Which we got a question that said, does the fact that it originally started as the opposite of All Saints Day give you pause? And the answer is yes. The enemy is a copycat and he, he can't do anything original. He can't do anything.
Starting point is 00:15:46 There's nothing new under the sun. He can't do anything that God hasn't done first. So he takes whatever, that's why they call him the copycat. He takes whatever God has done and then he perverts it and he makes it dark and weird. So like, just like God has an army of angels, Satan has an army of demons. So we have All Saints Day. He created Halloween or whatever, All Hallows Eve, you know? Yeah. saint has an army of demons so we have all saints day he created halloween or what all hallows eve yeah you know yeah in ancient times a celtic festival called samain saman oh yeah right mark
Starting point is 00:16:14 the end of the harvest and the coming of winter a time when the veil between the living and the dead was believed to be especially thin october 31st to November 1st. Apparently during this time, people would dress up as evil spirits to blend in with the actual evil spirits so they wouldn't get attacked by them. And that's where the whole phenomenon of like dressing up actually came from. So it has pagan roots. It's a pagan holiday and it is just not good good it's really not good i mean i mean we just put on cat years so it's it's a little bit hard because we're still a bit opinionated and we really try on girls gone bible to be biblically correct and factual but it's like we're a lot of this is like an opinionated opinion based conversation yeah because it doesn't say exactly in the bible
Starting point is 00:17:06 about halloween yeah it just it says don't partake in any evil works don't hang out with these people don't do what they do you guys we are so happy about today's sponsor today's sponsor this video is better help as you guys know better helped played a huge huge role in my journey, in my healing journey. And it's just BetterHelp, I can't even rave enough about it. Therapy is crucial if you're going through things or if you just need to talk something out with a therapist. And what I love about BetterHelp is that you can go in and really customize exactly what kind of therapist you want. And it's just, it's, I can't even say it enough how amazing BetterHelp is. Yeah, BetterHelp connects you with a licensed therapist who is trained to listen and give you helpful, unbiased advice. Starting therapy can be hard and the right
Starting point is 00:17:57 therapist might not be in your area. With BetterHelp, you can have your therapy sessions as a phone call, video chat, or even just through messaging if you prefer that. Whatever is the most comfortable version of therapy for you. To get started, go to slash girlsgonebible to fill out a questionnaire to help assess your specific needs. And then you'll get matched with your therapist in most cases within 48 hours or less. BetterHelp can match you to over 30,000 therapists in their network. BetterHelp can match you to over 30,000 therapists in their network. And if the therapist you're first matched with doesn't feel like the right fit, which a lot of the times is very common when starting therapy,
Starting point is 00:18:32 you can easily switch to a new therapist at no additional cost. People spend hours in the gym every week, so why not give your mind the same kind of attention? Over 4 million people have used BetterHelp to start living a healthier, happier life. If you think you would benefit from therapy, I encourage you guys to click the link. It's slash girls gone Bible. Clicking the link does help our channel, but I really, really again encourage you guys to go get therapy with BetterHelp. It's the easiest, it is the most efficient, and it's so beneficial to your life. And we at Girls Gone Bible really, really encourage you. Thank you, BetterHelp, for sponsoring this video. It's crazy because growing up, that was one of my favorite.
Starting point is 00:19:14 I loved Halloween. My mom dressing me up, going trick-or-treating with all my friends, you know, even up to, I don't think I dressed up last year, but a couple years ago, just getting dressed up, going to Halloween parties, like things like that. I loved it. It was always so fun for me, you know? I know. And I, here's what I think. I mean, I, when I, I only found this out yesterday that people would dress up as evil spirits to blend in with them.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Then that freaked me out even more because honestly, up until now, I thought it's okay to like dress up and take a photo I don't like the idea of going to a Halloween party I just think that there's too much darkness the veil between the living and the dead is supposedly open I just don't think I think it's good to go to bed early that night and wake up the next one you know what I mean I just I don. I just, I don't like the ritual of going out and getting drunk and celebrating darkness like that. Yeah. I think, I mean, I, I hear you on that. I have a little bit of a different take on that. I mean, after studying really what Halloween is and all the witchcraft, it's one of the biggest days of the year with witchcraft and stuff. It really does freak me out because I witchcraft just.
Starting point is 00:20:30 But I think you do. You can do everything in a tasteful way. Right. We have a group of friends and we're not we're honoring God by the way we dress. And, you know, you have a party with your friends and you you know have some fun I I don't know I just think I don't see the harm in it I that's that's just my personal opinion if yeah I don't think you should be dressing up as demons and devils oh absolutely not coming down your chin and going to Hollywood parties no I would say absolutely not but if you're having just a fun little party with friends and.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Let's talk about that. Let's talk about let's talk about scary stuff. Let's talk about because I just had to go into a Halloween shop and I will literally never go in one again. It was so scary. The scary mask, the scary faces, the blood, the death. This is the issue. Is anything because i do agree i think i think personally that you can dress up in a costume put on some ears and some do whatever you want and then be surrounded by people who aren't worshiping the devil and who aren't partaking in weird stuff or doing rituals or witchcraft any of that stuff you know what i mean i think i do i do think that you and I can have a couple people over and wear costumes and we're not celebrating the devil or anything like that. Now, when it comes to scary stuff and like gory stuff,
Starting point is 00:21:55 I don't believe we're so big on symbolism and we're so big on like we won't even wear like a T-shirt with a skull on it. Skulls and a lot of people, there's a lot of debate about skulls because people think, well, skulls, it's just the human body. Skulls represent death and Jesus represents life. And so we have life through Jesus. We don't need to be glorifying death. We don't need to be glorifying evil and darkness. And so that's where I really draw the line hard.
Starting point is 00:22:23 And there is no opinion in that. Like you cannot be dressing up as anything scary, anything demonic, anything dark. Yeah. I agree with you on that. Yeah. We have to live in the light, not the darkness. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:37 Symbolism is huge. And we see it everywhere. Yeah. Angela and I, you know, we live in L.A. and we'll be driving, and I'm not kidding you, on every single bus, on every single sign, everywhere is that. Exorcist movie. Is the Exorcist movie.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Everywhere we look. It's driving me nuts. It's awful. I used to love horror movies. Did you like horror movies growing up? I love them. I've been in them. I've been, I really am having a lot of revelation.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Same, same. Over the past year. I can't believe it, how much I was living in darkness. I used to live for horror movies. Me too. You know what I do love, though? I love to watch on Halloween. Hocus Pocus.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Well, John Ramirez, I just watched a video of him. Hocus Pocus is all witchcraft. I know it is. That used to be my favorite movie. I just heard John Ramirez say even the word Hocus Pocus is a spell. Yeah. Even just saying it, Hocus Pocus, is like tying ourselves to whatever like we're calling in. We're like coming into agreement with whatever dark spirit is attached to that.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Yeah. Which is insane. And I know it's a lot. And especially if you're a new Christian, this is like it's just really difficult to all. Yeah. Which is insane. And I know it's a lot. And especially if you're a new Christian, this is like, it's just really difficult to all take in, but it's real. And like you can get attached to these dark spirits really easily. Since we are talking about evil and darkness, we wanted to touch on a very heavy subject, which is the terror that's going on in Israel. We knew that today was the day because we couldn't have any more episodes not talking about what's going on. This is a really touchy subject, politically driven when it should only be emotionally driven,
Starting point is 00:24:15 because it's not about politics. This is about innocent people dying. Yeah, and as Christians, we are to stand with Israel. dying. Yeah, and as Christians, we are to stand with Israel. There are people getting brutally murdered, kidnapped, children and mothers getting raped. It is pure evil. Evil. And the truth is that Hamas is a terrorist organization. Hamas is the ultimate evil, and there is no standing by them. There is no defending them. Israel has the right to protect themselves. Yeah, they want an elimination of the people and that's pure evil. We have a lot to say about it. We are not going to just speak, you know, off the cuff. We have
Starting point is 00:24:58 some things written down that we really want to, that we want to go through. Over 250 Israelis reported dead and 1,500 injured, showcasing the human cost of the attacks. The truth is that Hamas is targeting civilian areas. This is a war where Israel must defend itself against Iran. Iran put Hamas on a suicide mission to prevent the emerging USA-Sunny Israel alliance and our mission must be to destroy the entirety of Hamas leadership and all of its capabilities. The truth is that Israel's defensive measures are a necessary step to protect its citizens and neutralize threats. Hamas is designated as a terrorist organization by many countries and international bodies due to its radical views
Starting point is 00:25:46 and continuous engagement in violent activities. This designation underscores the threat that it poses not just to Israel, but to regional peace and stability. Religious groups have organized prayer vigils and drives to provide support to the victims and their families, which is incredible. And many churches have called for peace and humanitarian support for the victims and their families, which is incredible. And many churches have called for peace and humanitarian support for the affected regions. It says in Exodus 22, 2 to 3, if a thief is caught breaking in at night and is struck by a fatal blow, the defender is not guilty of bloodshed. And Psalm 25, 22 says, redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles. You guys, this is such a heavy thing, and there's so much controversy around it. But all that we know is that this should not be a
Starting point is 00:26:35 political topic. This is not about religion. It's not about race. It's not about where you were born. It is about innocent lives being lost, tortured. It is the highest form of evil. And I pray in the name of Jesus that every innocent person on every side, from every country, from every place, any innocent person will be delivered from this horror. That God would provide a way of escape for everybody involved in this and that he will bring reconciliation and peace to the situation because it is devastating and heartbreaking. It is. It's I can't. I mean, we see it on the news and we're watching it. But but to just I can't even imagine what these families are going through, their kids and their their wives getting stolen. And it's it's it is just vile and we need to just keep praying every single day for these people yeah and i think what else is really important is that we really need to be careful where we are getting our information from and the sources that we're receiving this information
Starting point is 00:27:40 there's a lot of really dangerous violent ideologies being spread and I really say encourage you to take care of your mind and be careful because there are a lot of lies being told and the truth is that God loves Israel yeah those are his people those are his people and they will be delivered and freed in Jesus name Jesus name have you ever had like a supernatural dark encounter? I was thinking about that actually a lot, thinking, yes. I have never had, I can't say I've ever had like a true, I don't know, like supernatural encounter with a demon that, you know, like a lot of people do. What I have had is when I was in college. demon that, you know, like a lot of people do. What I have had is when I was in college, so after I got out of high school and I went to college, I was 18 years old and I was really close to God at
Starting point is 00:28:30 that time. I would say my prayers every night before I went to sleep. I would talk to God all day and I would pray in our father, a hail Mary and a glory be every single night. I remember I was sitting in my bed. I had a, I had a roommate at the time. I would be laying in my bed, looking out the window. And do you know what I would see in my head? I had a roommate at the time. I would be laying in my bed looking out the window. And do you know what I would see in my head? I would see like from the streetlights, I would see two red eyes as streetlights, but I would see them as red eyes. And in my mind, I thought it was the devil.
Starting point is 00:28:58 And the devil every single night, every single night when I would start to pray, like fear all throughout my body. I had no idea what the enemy was. I didn't know what spiritual warfare was. He wanted me to stop praying and it worked. I stopped praying because every time I prayed, I got scared and I didn't want to have that scary feeling. And every time I prayed, I would see the two eyes outside. They were just streetlights, but he was coming into my mind and giving me thoughts that it was the enemy. And so for a little while, I thought the devil, I didn't even know anything scripturally about
Starting point is 00:29:31 the enemy. I just knew that there was a devil. And that's what the devil does, though. He wants two things. And we know this. He wants to either make you think he doesn't exist or that he has way more power than he does. And for a long time, he made me feel like he had way more power than
Starting point is 00:29:45 he did. And so for a long time, I stopped praying. And by the way, that's the time in my life where I started to get into serious trouble and like not be well. Wow. Yeah. So how did, how did you break it? Honestly, I don't know. Just a couple of years later when I stopped being, I just stopped being sick. When I realized, Socrates, when I realized he would tell me about spiritual warfare and the enemy and how he influences our thoughts. But what about you? You have to be so careful, you guys. Have you had one? I, when I think about it, I think how the enemy has just been in my mind and the thoughts that he, the seeds that he plants in my mind and how he can attack my mind. So subtle.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Yeah. My compulsive thoughts. That's the enemy. Yeah. Telling me I'm not good enough. I'm unwanted. I'm not, you know, and then I would say there was a time where I was so vulnerable. And at this time, like my, all my social media pages were just getting flooded with tarot readers and when you're in such a vulnerable place that's when the enemy attacks you know and so um and also when you're vulnerable you will be like oh what is it you're you're you just want you want to like something yeah you want answers and so my for you pages were flooded with tarot readers which by the way I can't even believe how many tarot readers there are I know I mean yeah it's all yeah it's I mean I click not interested every time it comes up but
Starting point is 00:31:17 yeah it's real they're coming after you you do not let the enemy the phone is such a blessing and it's literally such a curse at the same time you have to be so careful what you're taking in if you see one of those terror things you go past it fast because it will come in yeah and so then i okay so then when i um two times in like two weeks i was i had gotten massages well both times the massage therapists were mediums and they told me and they started reading about my my life without your permission yes yeah they said hey I I don't want to freak you out but I see this and they started telling me about my future and I was like oh my gosh like I it was crazy and then and then you had another experience where
Starting point is 00:32:02 your friend went to one and what happened this is all during the same time in one of the worst times of your life. Yes. And then my girlfriend goes to a tarot reader. This is, yeah, recently. And she gets a reading and the tarot reader flips over a card and it said my name on it. And that's what happens when you're so close to God. The devil wants to get in. Did you tell your friend that she should not go to a tarot reader?
Starting point is 00:32:31 Yeah, and she told me to shut up. It's okay. We'll pray. But I, yeah, no, I used to go to mediums. And I used to buy into that stuff. And it is nothing but evil. And I was studying it really hard this past week because sometimes what they've said to me has actually came true.
Starting point is 00:32:53 Yeah. And so, and I think a lot of people go through that where they're like, yeah, but they told me everything and it's really come true. Well, yeah, because the enemy hears it, he gets into that tarot reader's mind and then they do make it come true. Well, yeah, because the enemy hears that he gets into that tarot reader's mind and then they do make it come true. Well, yes, exactly. So the enemy has, he is not all seeing and all knowing and all powerful like God, but he does have power. He does know things. He has spent his whole life. He studies us. That's how he knows our weaknesses. He knows our life. He knows our weaknesses. He knows what we want and what we desire. And so he will give all that information to the tarot reader. Like he will
Starting point is 00:33:30 all of that. They want it. So I, I believe everybody has gifts and I believe that people who are like tarot readers and, and people who do witchcraft, they probably do have divine gifts. They do have gifts of prophecy or gifts of healing or this stuff, but they're not getting their power from the one true source, Jesus, that we should be getting it from. They are not getting it from Yeshua, Yahweh. Like they are getting their power from the devil. I don't care how crazy that sounds. It's the truth. And like you, the devil can make incredible things happen, but it always comes at a price. It's never that when you make a deal with the devil, he always comes knocking. That's why it's not worth it because God's blessings are
Starting point is 00:34:10 true and they're good and they are, you don't have to repay God in any way. I know a medium and her life is such misery and she is in such darkness. Are you kidding? She's a good person though, but she is in such darkness. And when I was She's a good person, though. Yeah. But she is in such darkness. And when I was listening to Johnny Ramirez, when he was studying all the satanic rituals and stuff, how miserable and dark he was. And it wasn't until he found Jesus when he just saw the light and he was free.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Yeah. You know? This is a good time. Let's play that clip. So we're about to play a clip. It's John Ramirez. He is the ex Satanist he's like the head of the Church of Satan or someone really high up he he Like baptized his daughter to the devil when she was 11
Starting point is 00:34:56 I mean he was deep deep really really scary and now he's a pastor so we'll play that clip tell us a little bit about Where you were in relation to Satanism and worshipping the devil. Well, 25 years, 8 years old, boy, little boy, 8 years old, demon church. I learned being trained by high-rank devil worshippers, warlock and spiritual witches, turning me to know how to take over territory, demonic countries, different demon territory, demon principalities, first, second heaven. I was being trained all the way to the age of 35, sold my soul to the devil, got married on Halloween,
Starting point is 00:35:30 had a demonic wedding on Halloween. I baptized my daughter to the dark side at the age of 11. So that was my whole entire life. I mean, I breathed, ate, and slept witchcraft. You're pretty discouraged that you see Christians celebrating Halloween, why? I don't know how you can cheat on God. I don't know how you can cheat on the Lord Jesus Christ
Starting point is 00:35:49 because I don't see Satanist coming on Good Friday and coming and hanging out with us. Right? You know, I come out on Halloween, I had a demonic wedding. Why would you put your kids, your family, why would you put your purpose, your destiny, why would you put your whole eternity in a demonic altar? But people say it's just fun, candy, kids are having costumes on. But you said it's much more. The candy, you know, I never shared this before,
Starting point is 00:36:15 but this candy, people from different walks of life pray over these candies. And on top of that, I'm Tom Levine said, out of his mouth, you know, he was the ruler of the Church of Satan, right? Out of his mouth, he said, I want to thank every Christian parent for allowing their child to celebrate Halloween one time a year. The devil's holiday. So he said a couple of things in there. He said, I don't know how you can cheat on God. I don't see Satanists coming out on Good Friday to celebrate with us.
Starting point is 00:36:45 He's talking about Halloween. He's really serious about it. Like, don't even go out. Johnny Ramirez also got married when? On Halloween because it's the biggest witchcraft. It's the largest night. It's the most popular night for witchcraft of the year. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:02 It's the most popular night for witchcraft of the year. Yeah. Yeah. People that study witchcraft, Halloween is like our Christmas. Yeah. It's just such a big deal. I can't believe it. I know.
Starting point is 00:37:17 I know. Okay. This is something that I want us to talk about um in first thessalonians 522 it says abstain from every form of evil i want to talk a little bit about darkness and about there is like you know there are trends in life and there are trends and they come and they go at one one point, Machine Gun Kelly and Megan Fox. Drinking each other's blood. Yes, created a trend and influenced thousands of thousands, if not millions of kids, teenagers, young adults
Starting point is 00:37:55 to think that darkness is cool. Sorry. There's not many things that make my blood boil, but when I look at them, I don't care. I don't want to talk negatively, but when I watch them, I really do get sick to my stomach. Sick to my stomach. Sick to my stomach. The message that they're putting out and how much influence they have truly makes me sick.
Starting point is 00:38:20 Me too. When you don't know, you don't know. And a lot of people can be completely under demonic oppression and have no idea. And that is usually the case. I don't think that a lot of people, like, want to do bad. I don't think a lot of people want to send thousands of people following them to hell by their behavior and their influence. But I just think she's like, you know, we just we take a little, like, spoonful and, like, drink each other's blood.'s blood what do they do when did they did that when they got married or are they randomly sucking each other's blood like vampires all the time what are they doing i don't know i think it was one time
Starting point is 00:38:55 she said it was for ritual purposes only let me tell you guys this the enemy is gonna he has desensitized us so much to stuff like this so that we, while it is really gross and bad, people also are like, nah, whatever. It's real. Let me tell you, in the spiritual realm, I know we're so annoyingly spiritual, but it's all real. In the spiritual realm, blood sacrifice is the highest and most powerful form of ritual you can do. That's why Jesus had to come and be crucified. Blood had to be shed to atone for our sins. He is the blameless, spotless lamb of God. Jesus had to die for our sins with his blood. That's why through his blood, that's why we plead his blood over our lives. Blood is powerful and it's real.
Starting point is 00:39:41 And so doing blood rituals with random random like it is so unbelievably wrong and scary and evil it is evil it is yeah and um and you have to be you know what you know what i say in my prayers also because there is so much the truth truth of the matter is, is we are living in a very dark world. Yeah. But there is so much light with Jesus. And any time in my prayers, I always say, I break any witchcraft formed against me because you don't know what people are doing, who is against you. So you make sure that in your, you don't have to say it every time, but I do make sure to do that because I had a lot of darkness around me for a very long time. And so I just say, I say, Jesus, I break any witchcraft around me. I want to say one more
Starting point is 00:40:36 thing about Johnny Ramirez because I really did learn a lot about him. He, when he found Jesus, he had a lot of people coming after him. The interviewer said, well, what did you do to break it? And he said, it took about 10 days, but all I had to do was say Jesus out loud. Do you know how powerful that is? Just to say Jesus's name out loud and the demons flee, they go away. Of course they do. That's all you have to do. I'm covered by the blood of Jesus. I do it all day long. I'm covered by the blood of Jesus. He will break anything off of you. There is not one piece of witchcraft that can have control over you. If you're aware though, a lot of us are walking around with generational curses, witchcraft, a lot of weapons formed
Starting point is 00:41:22 against us that are prospering because we don't know. We don't know how to pray over it. And so I encourage you guys to pray. Pray against witchcraft. We should really honestly do a witchcraft prayer. Yeah. You want to pull it up? Yeah. Keep talking. Should we... Let me just read over a couple of the questions and see if you think we covered them all. Is it a sin to celebrate and dress up? What does Halloween actually mean? Is it okay to go trick-or-treating and dress up? Is it a satanic holiday? Does it matter if you just dress up for fun and not
Starting point is 00:41:54 participate in other Halloween traditions? Yeah, well, like I said earlier, we can't sit here and tell you, oh, you know, no, you can't celebrate Halloween. You can't go to a party with your friends. You can't dress up. But let's look at the facts of it. Like it says, abstain from every form of evil. So do you want to go out wearing blood all dripping down your face and dressing demonic? No. We want to always honor life. Yes. I think that personal conviction is huge. I think that when you are honest with God, like truly honest and not just having an opinion formed already and then bringing it to him and being like, thanks, Jesus, for confirming this when he didn't actually. I think being humble and asking God, seeking his advice and his what the truth is in Jesus, because we all the truth is we all have different convictions. And I think that that's the only way to go about it. You ask God for discernment for you,
Starting point is 00:42:49 your family. Yeah. If it's something that convicts you, then, then don't do it. Yeah, I do. Honestly, what convicts me? I'll be honest, like taking a photo in an outfit at home and then posting it just because I, it's, I love it because it's just fun to dress up as something, I think that's okay. Halloween night, I'm not leaving my house. Halloween night, I'm watching The Passion of the Christ at home with you. And we're going to like sit and pray. Like I do believe that weird stuff happens at night.
Starting point is 00:43:18 It is the night of the most witchcraft ever. There's something in the air. I really do think because when I have my kids, I want to dress them, but you could go pumpkin. Yeah. But so it's, it's, it's a tough one, but you, you pray about it and you do what, what you feel, what God tells you, what convicts you. Yeah. And like, and it's also like partaking in other activities. Like, can you carve pumpkins? Yeah, you can carve pumpkins. Yeah. Carve pumpkins, go Yeah, carve pumpkins. Go to a pumpkin patch. I just want you to know that Jesus is the light. He is the way, the truth, the life, and he is the light. And in Jesus, you will be in light.
Starting point is 00:43:52 In darkness, it says that we must expose the darkness. Do not partake in it. It's not cool. I have a really good prayer here if you guys want to say it with me. I pray this in the name of Jesus. I'll put it on the screen, but I want you guys to say it with me. And I pray in the name of Jesus. I'll put it on the screen, but I want you guys to say it with me. And I pray in the name of Jesus. Lord, anyone under the sound of my voice, this prayer goes to them as well.
Starting point is 00:44:12 Heavenly Father, I bow in worship and praise before you. I cover myself with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ as my protection during this time of prayer. I bind all principalities, powers of the air, wickedness in high places. I bind every soldier of the enemy and cast them out of my heart, home, spirit, and mind. In the name of Jesus, I command Satan to leave my presence with all his demons in the power of Lord Jesus. In the name of Jesus, I bind and break witchcraft, mind-bending spirits, spirits that block and bind will. I bind and break all rebellion, rejection, anger, hatred, bitterness, malice, slander, resentment, pride, dissension, distraction, perversion, and deception.
Starting point is 00:44:56 In the name of Jesus, I bind and break the spirits of fear, greed, addiction, drugs, and alcohol. I repent of all evil practice. addiction, drugs, and alcohol. I repent of all evil practice. I repent of all rebellion, and I ask to be covered in the wings of my heavenly Father and in the blood of Christ Jesus. Lord, please wash away my iniquities and make me white as snow. Heavenly Father, I humbly ask that you would quicken me. Show me the way that Satan is deceiving me. Show me how I am deceiving myself and where I'm believing falsehoods instead of in you. Reveal to me, Jesus, how he is hindering my spiritual walk and how he is tempting me.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Please show me where he is counterfeiting and distorting the truth in my life. I claim in every way Jesus' victory over all satanic forces active in my life. I reject these forces, and I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ with thanksgiving, glory, and praise. Amen. That was so good. That was good. And I really do want to say one more thing. I mean, some of you guys, including us, we've been there, have been doing things that
Starting point is 00:45:58 maybe aren't honoring God or you haven't been doing the best, but let me just tell you that God is the only one who truly sees our hearts. He sees our hearts and he is right there to meet you right where you are. And it is stronger than any power of darkness. Okay. So understand, do not beat yourself up and just let it out to him. He's going to be right there to meet you. And you just say, Jesus, I need your help. Get me out of this darkness. Help me. And he will be right there to help you. So, so good. Darkness feeds darkness. It really does. You'll stay stuck in it for forever if you don't ask for help, if you don't ask for jesus help and know that while the evil spirits and powers and principalities of the world can be really daunting and scary because there is
Starting point is 00:46:51 so much of it and it's it's it's important it's like a two-sided thing you have to be aware of it and know it because it is serious it is dark it is scary but at the same time you have power over all of it the same spirit that raised jesus from the dead same time, you have power over all of it. The same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells within you to deliver you out of all the scary stuff, all the evil, all the darkness. And so call on that and make good decisions. That's it too. Jesus will save you and he will take care of you, but you also have to meet him in the middle. And it says in 1 Corinthians 10, 21, you cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons. And if I'm being honest, I've spent a lot of my life hanging out with God and
Starting point is 00:47:37 the demons, partaking with the demons, and then going and reading the Bible, thinking that how much time I spend with God cancels out the things I do in the darkness. And it doesn't work like that. Yes, I break God's heart when I sin. Yes, I break God's heart when I grieve the Holy Spirit and I disobey. But it breaks His heart because He loves me and I'm hurting me. And so I don't want to live like that. I don't want to do things that go against what God wants for me. Yeah, it's the truth.
Starting point is 00:48:09 I love seeing you and I's growth because I've seen so much of that with us. You guys, we really are growing right with you. We are in this with you. And it's just funny growing and watching you even and just seeing us. We mess up and then we're like, whoa, the conviction and how we feel, how down we feel. Yeah. Watching your growth has been one of the greatest honors of my life. I mean, Ari, like you're always you've always been a good person. You've always had a good moral compass. You've always done the right thing.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Like you're somebody who does the right thing when no one's looking. And you did that whether God was in your life or not. But now to see, I mean, to see my little girl, Ari, the way she, the way she's like, Angela, that's not right. The way she calls me out, iron sharpening iron. But like, really, I mean, there are times where she'll be like, you know, that's not good. You know, that's a sin. And I'll look at her like, when did you become the sin police? Thank God that you did. But you hold up a mirror to me all the time. Same with you.
Starting point is 00:49:12 And I don't know. I just like, I love you. I love our friendship. I love this podcast. I love these people. I'm your lives. You are our lives. We love you so much you know every time we come on girls gone
Starting point is 00:49:29 bible we're not just like all right well what's the topic for the week i mean we pray to god with our whole hearts god what do our viewers need what does the audience need what like specifically person by person what can we talk about can that can hit as many people as possible? I mean, it's not for nothing that we, I don't know, we just, we want to help. We want you to see the truth and the light and receive healing. So true. Yeah. And I hope we're doing that, guys. I know, me too. I really hope. We love you so much, guys. We love you so much. Are we done? I think we're done, yeah. Wow. I love you so much. Are we done?
Starting point is 00:50:02 I think we're done, yeah. Wow. That went by so fast. I pray in the name of Jesus that you guys have an incredible weekend, a safe weekend. May Jesus be with you every step of the way. I plead the blood of Jesus over your minds, over your bodies, over your spirits, over everything connected to you, that he goes before you, that he has your back, and he protects your sides. Just be careful. And one more thing. We always talk about this, but scripture is so important. I had no idea about scripture. And the minute I started speaking
Starting point is 00:50:38 scripture over our minds and our hearts and our lives, whenever we're in trouble or we need it or we just need affirmations. You speak that scripture. Find your favorite scripture that speaks to you and declare it over your mind, body, and soul. Yeah. Yeah. And it's going to protect you. God's word is the armor and it's going to protect you. Yeah. We love you guys so much. I love you so much. I love you. May the Lord bless you and. I love you so much. I love you. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May he make his face shine upon you
Starting point is 00:51:08 and be gracious to you. May he turn his face towards you and give you peace and safety and protection. You're covered. You're good.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Go in peace. And so much health. Mental, physical, emotional, spiritual. We love you. Bye. spiritual we love you bye

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