Girls Gone Bible - Modesty | Girls Gone Bible

Episode Date: July 21, 2023

Hi friends. Let's talk MODESTY. Modesty is a very important component of walking with Jesus and we're on this journey with you. We speak on what the Bible says about modesty, where we're at with it, w...hat modesty used to look like for us. We touch on social media and dealing with comments. We answer some of your questions as well. We love you so much and Jesus loves you even more. -Ari & Ang  if you’d like to support Girls Gone Bible 🙏🏻🕊️🤍 Paypal- Venmo-

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone! Hi guys! Girls Gone Bible. I'm Ange. And I'm Mari. And today we have another episode. First of all, we love you guys so much. You are like our little best friends and we get so... Our brothers and sisters. Truly. So cute. So today, guys... Alright, we're just gonna bleed everything out today. Listen, we're gonna be honest. We're a little nervous and let me tell you why let me tell you why because we're talking about something that we the the masses have been wanting us to talk about but we're gonna talk about today modesty and and we are gonna talk about it because even though we've made jokes in the past and and we've made comments about things that people have said whatever um we try to make light sometimes of difficult situations but the truth is like modesty is a part of you know walking with Jesus and it's it's
Starting point is 00:00:56 important and um it's something that we genuinely take seriously and no matter where we are in our journey with it um we we thought that it's it's really important to come on here talk about it and even address some things that people have said and uh you know do what we do best have an open honest vulnerable conversation and just bleed out in front of everyone like we do every time here we go go. All right. So about modesty, we have obviously our own thoughts, opinions, stories, exactly journeys with it. But I think what's most important is that we start out talking about the truth about modesty and that truth is found in the Bible. So let's hear what the Bible says about modesty. Yeah, let's read a little scripture. Let's start off with Colossians 3.12.
Starting point is 00:01:48 As God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. I really love this scripture because I want to start off by saying before we really dive deep into the modesty thing that you can be the most conservative person clothed head to toe and you can still have an unmodest heart so I think it's really important and I don't think we talk about this enough that we really need to work on our hearts like before everything else you have to make sure you have a good heart and a good head and i don't know i just feel like you know
Starting point is 00:02:35 we can people are i mean i know people that are super conservative and they're still cheating. They're still being very judgmental, not being honest. And we really need to, that, that to me, that's the most important thing. Are you a good person? It's true. Like Jesus does, God looks at the heart. He really does. Before he looks at anything else, he looks at your heart posture, your intentions, where you're coming from. And that's really important to know. Some other scripture that I have is 1 Timothy 2, 9 to 10. Likewise, also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Proverbs 31.25. So again, what's inside matters most. But the truth is, and whether we want to accept it or not, what we wear matters. Let's read the last one. Peter 3, 3-4. Do not let your adorning be external. The braiding of hair and putting on the gold jewelry or the clothing you wear, but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the impassurable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit,
Starting point is 00:04:14 which in God's sight is very precious. Amen. Amen. I know. I love that, a gentle and quiet spirit. in a gentle and quiet spirit um the truth is boys and girls that hi ggb gang this is and and ari and we have a question for you guys do you want to make a podcast spotify's got a platform that lets you make one so easily and then you can distribute it everywhere and even earn money all in one place for free.
Starting point is 00:04:45 It's called Spotify for Podcasters. And here's how it works. Spotify for Podcasters lets you record and edit podcasts right from your phone or computer. So no matter what your setup's like, whether you're at home or in the studio, you can start creating today. Then you can distribute your podcast to Spotify and everywhere else podcasts are heard. Then you can distribute your podcast to Spotify and everywhere else podcasts are heard. With Spotify for Podcasters, you can earn money in a variety of ways, including ads and podcast subscriptions. And best of all, it's totally free with no catch.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Ever since we discovered Spotify for Podcasters, you guys, it has changed the game. I mean, we're able to do video podcasts without just having to do audio podcasts. And we're able to do Q&As and polls at the end. And it has just brought us so close to you guys and really created a community feel. So we really recommend that you give it a try. Download the Spotify for Podcasters app or go to slash podcasters to get started. We love you. God bless you. Let's get into our journeys with modesty,casters to get started. We love you. God bless you. Let's get into our journeys with modesty, the things we've worn. We want to talk about the jobs. We want to really go into it, the things we've worn, the things we've posted, the jobs we've taken, and our hearts throughout all of it, where we were at in our faith walk. And
Starting point is 00:05:59 let me start by saying that I have worn some questionable things in my time, all right? I've worn some questionable things. I've posted some questionable things. One thing I really want to touch on is there was a time in my life, maybe a long period of time in my life, where I thought being provocative was empowering. was empowering. I really subscribed and bought into the societal ideology that like women's bodies are ours and they're meant to be like flaunted and that's empowering. And I really thought that that was empowering at one point. And I'm not to, you know, put down anybody who still is in that space. I just have to say for myself I no longer feel that way I don't think it's empowering to show off you know myself in a really scandalous promiscuous way
Starting point is 00:06:57 um I take photos I'm an actress Ari's an actress and a model um we both have instagrams taking photos and doing photo shoots and stuff like that is a part of our job um yeah look we that's the thing with you and I I mean we're learning every single day and look we understand with our platform that we have we need to do right by you guys and we do not want to be ignorant we want to glorify God and we can't just talk the talk we have to walk the walk yeah and you and I talk a lot about that so um this is a new journey for you and I that we are learning every single day and we're also like you know you're like our is this okay i don't know like we so what i was gonna say was you know i we've had some comments of people being like these girls
Starting point is 00:07:52 uh they don't care they don't want to learn they're not teachable and what i have to say to that is oh yes we are oh yes we're teachable we i promise if there's one thing that we are it's teachable we care so much and so deeply about what god thinks about us and for better for worse we care what other christians think about like we want to do right by god and by by everybody else we we truly do want to do we want to do right by you guys um and and we even got a comment um on one of our youtube videos that it was in such a positive way and we looked at each other and we were like wow you know what they're right we do need to do better you know it wasn't right yeah i yeah comments is a whole i mean we're on a whole tangent right now we we got to get back to modesty but i will say like somebody had commented
Starting point is 00:08:43 something on our youtube and it was this long thing and and talking about the fact that we've used like inappropriate slang and he wrote it in a way that was so godly and so kind but absolutely strict and and truthful and being like you're wrong like you cannot spell bad words out thinking it's okay you can't say you know blank around you know what I mean? Some things that I've said, and I literally wrote back there and I was like, Hey, you're right. I'm sorry. We're not going to do that again. And I like really made it a thing that like, I'm not, I'm done using inappropriate, uh, slang thinking that it's funny or cool or that it's like, you know what I mean? Like no more of that. Like if we're going to be pure, like we want to be pure
Starting point is 00:09:25 mean like no more of that like if we're gonna be pure like we want to be pure completely yeah um but back to modesty so we we asked questions and we got so many questions about modesty and here's the thing i am on like a true journey of modesty i have thrown out so many clothes first let me say okay for me i i get it like i i i did a lot of reflection and and once we got this platform i immediately was like well i was slapped in the face with conviction in the best way i was like there's so much i have to take care of there's like i gotta change some things like you said walk the walk i really truly we're not here to just talk the talk but i look at someone like Ari who I genuinely thought and think think still that you are one of the most classy conservative dressing women I know
Starting point is 00:10:14 in my life I know we have we have a lot of work to do and we we hear you guys and we really are trying we are doing and will continue to be to keep doing the best that we can so i i do i want to i want to talk about the fact that like you have to remember when it comes to modesty as well that people have different body types so modesty and the way we dress is not a one size fits all for exampleall for example Ari and I can wear the same shirt one of us is gonna look promiscuous one of us isn't and that's just the truth I can wear the same exact outfit as a girl who's extremely thin with no curves and I just because of my body type will look promiscuous in it and she won't and so I think we have to
Starting point is 00:11:07 keep that in mind I was thinking about it and I was like you know man I know some girls that take photos in their crop tops and in their bikinis but they have more compassion in their hearts and more empathy and they would never write the things that some of these christians are writing yeah you know so that's why i really really want to point out to really work on your hearts but again some of the videos that i went over and looked at in photos because you know i do this for a living i'm a model and i i was like you know what I understand like I shouldn't have that up there that's not what a Christian would have would have if I'm gonna sit on this platform and I'm gonna preach to you guys you know it says in the bible like I I can't have these kinds of things on the internet
Starting point is 00:11:58 and so that's why I really do understand I do so do I um yeah so and we hear you guys from the bottom of our hearts for sure I was in a relationship with someone who um knew Jesus was like a follower of Jesus and when we first started dating he and I know it's from God because it was something that was like should have been insulting but it wasn't It came to me with such clarity that I just received it. And I was like, I hear you. I hear you. He had said something like, would you ever start an OnlyFans? And I was like, me?
Starting point is 00:12:36 Like, how could you even ask me that? Yeah. And he literally goes, well, I mean, like, you post things that are basically like that so why like what do you what do you have such judgment about it for yeah and I was sitting there like hmm and I really took a step back and I analyzed like the things that I had been posting the the like presence that I had on social media and I took and at the time I was posting like seven stories a day of myself like I was so deep in it um and I had taken three days off of social media not posting one story not posting one photo of myself like absolutely zero attention um and this is coming from someone who I'm like I pride
Starting point is 00:13:23 myself on the fact that like I don't need male attention I don't need attention from it you know what I mean I loneliness is like not something that I experience in my everyday even when I'm alone like I just don't really ever feel lonely I have Jesus like why would I feel lonely I felt lonely yeah not getting that attention I can't even believe it I was not even aware and I know this might sound so silly to some people but when you're so deep in it you have no idea um the effect that it's having and and that was the first time and that was a couple years ago that I was like I have to change some things I remember you telling me that right like what am I put it like first of all this
Starting point is 00:13:59 this attention that I that I don't even I'm not even aware I'm getting even just the little like hearts on social media that's like a dopamine hit and that was a moment where I was like I have to change some things that was the first time I ever went through my Instagram and I said first of all like I'm really that back then I wasn't talking on TikTok or like speaking about Jesus but I was still posting about him and I'm like this is doesn't even make sense like what am I doing like this like that's truly one foot in the world one foot with God and that was the first time that I was like I took down a lot of things um and still even after even that I still had a lot more to take down I was it's like it was like baby steps and that was the first time that I decided like what presence do I want to have on social media
Starting point is 00:14:46 what what what do I and I thought to myself like the people in my life you my best friend my family my friends my my the people I've dated like even the people I'm in a relationship with like my physical appearance and what I look like in my beauty, like any of that is way down the line on the list of things that they love about me. And that's the truth. So why am I leading with that? You know what I mean? Yeah, that was when I really sat down with modesty. That was exactly what came up for me.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Yeah. Yeah. Look, it's OK to look good as a christian but we just have to be cognizant on what kind of message we're putting out there and what kind of people we want to attract and i'll tell you the minute i changed what made me really um change well there were two things i'll tell you a story but as i became more of a woman, I actually felt more beautiful being more covered up. Yeah, I felt just so womanly and classy and beautiful. And the type of people you attract is completely different in a good way. Yeah. And what I love to now is like, I'm just attracting all these godly people. And it's beautiful. I love it. That's all I've ever
Starting point is 00:16:02 wanted. But yeah, that's true. Yeah. I mean, and this is for men. This is for love it so much. That's all I've ever wanted. But, yeah. That's true. Yeah. I mean, and this is for men. This is for, like, men, too. It's not just women. It's, like, whatever way that you project yourself into the world is what you're going to attract. Yeah, exactly. And if you're putting yourself out, like, I know I can speak for myself.
Starting point is 00:16:21 If there's been a time where I am not putting a good image out there about myself like that's what i'm gonna get some crazies coming through like it's not gonna be good i really like your hair like this thanks i like it you look really pretty you look really pretty i know it's all about the hair and the makeup but i love it oh yeah i know someone's like you guys need to do an episode with no makeup on i'm like no i don't want to the one thing i'll say is i think it's so beautiful to be a woman and to be feminine like you will never like i don't wear makeup because i feel like i need well sometimes in the morning we look like slob you should see us in the morning sometimes we have have sleepovers. We'll wake up and we'll look at each other and I'll be like, who are we?
Starting point is 00:17:08 Some girls can wake up. They look beautiful. We wake up. Our hair is like. We look like monsters. When we wake up, I look at her and I go, what are we doing the night? I was like, do we beat each other up? She has like mascara smearing down her face it's the funniest thing i know truly
Starting point is 00:17:28 but um yeah so maybe we should be dressed but i love being a woman wearing makeup doing my hair i love it i love to feel beautiful i love to get my nails on it's our thing and there is nothing I don't care what any Christian says there is nothing wrong with that no no there's not and it's not beautiful to be girly and to be and to play with makeup into into and to want to feel beautiful I mean like literally every Sunday I get I'm not even kidding I love that and I'm like yeah and I'm like I'm getting dressed up for Jesus today I'm not even kidding like I love that. And I'm like, yeah. And I'm like, I'm getting dressed up for Jesus today. I'm not even kidding. Like, it's the Holy Spirit's job to take care of people, to convict people. And and I just want to say to that criticism without proximity is just gossip. You're not you. You don't want to help. Come on. Like there's somebody who has like John 316 for God so loved the world. He gave his only begotten son in his bio. I'm a son of Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:18:32 And then commenting vomit emojis on every single one of my photos. And I'm sitting there being like, you've got to be joking. You're actually kidding. Like, is that your your your righteous judgment that you're saying? Because people will argue like, you know, there's argument that christians aren't supposed to judge one another that's not true we are supposed to judge each other ari and i judge each other every single day we call each other out when we need to we call each other's blind spots we call each other higher and like that's righteous judgment because we love each other to death. And like we will do anything to see the other one doing well. And that but that's like righteous judgment.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Yeah, I have I have friends, people that I know. They're like, I'm not getting involved in this Christianity stuff. They're the most judge people, judgmental people ever. Like, I don't want to be judged. And that is that side of Christianity that we need to all work on as Christian. And when nonbelievers say stuff to me, I don't care. And that is that side of Christianity that we need to all work on as Christians. And when nonbelievers say stuff to me, I don't care. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:19:31 If you don't believe in Jesus, you can't get what you don't know. I don't mind. And I pray for them. Truly, it doesn't affect me at all. It's when other Christians, especially because I know there are people way further in their faith than I am. And I care about Jesus so much. Like I love him more than anything in the world for me. And so when we first started, when we first started and people are saying that we're fake and we're not real Christians and we're, we don't actually know Jesus. I really like, I didn't open my Bible for
Starting point is 00:20:00 like a few days after that. I felt like a fraud every time like it was like my life is built on my faith in Jesus and I I I was like having weird thoughts that like maybe I don't know him like maybe they're right Angie it's okay I know she and Angie struggles with this because her love for Jesus is the most beautiful thing. Like, you really are. Your love, you have really brought me closer to him. You are an angel in this world, and you are bringing millions of people to him, and I hope you know that. You know, the Holy Spirit is louder than any other voice that can, but it was weird.
Starting point is 00:20:45 Here's the thing. There are so many good people in this world, and they don't know. So many people are trying to find God, and they don't know. They don't know that they, you know, they're learning. People are learning. I didn't know when I was younger, when I was wearing my little bikinis and my little crop tops, that I was doing, you know, I was was doing it wasn't the right thing to do. So we have to have compassion.
Starting point is 00:21:09 We have to have compassion for people. And it's just just be aware of the way you speak, the things you say, the judgments you make. It's important because Jesus is the most compassionate, nonjudgmental person. And we really need to live like him and be like him. There's two sides, but I really sat with myself and I was like, hmm, I know modesty is about dressing, but what else does it mean to me? And I really sat and thought about it. And I was like, just thinking about like how I've been and stuff. And I was like, like how I've been and stuff and I was like modesty is pointing to him and unmodesty is pointing to myself and that was something I really had to learn and I am learning and working
Starting point is 00:21:53 through I mean I've been in the industry since I was a little girl and I had my my job was to look good and so I always have been super hyper aware of what I look like. And I think we just really have to be aware of not to glorify anything above God. And I'm guilty of it. I mean, I have been, I've put my attributes before him, career like what I look like and it's gotten me really lost in my life and it wasn't until recently till I'm like no I put him before everything um so I think that is a big part of modesty like do not put those things before him absolutely um I love that so much yeah and um I also wanted to talk about a time where I really like felt shameful I you and I both have done things we aren't proud of um I didn't grow up with Christian values I mean I love my mom and dad so much. I definitely didn't have it easy,
Starting point is 00:23:05 but I will tell you they, the one thing they raised me with was manna's respect and I never got sucked into that Hollywood life. And I moved to LA when I was just 18. And so I thank them for that. Um, but yeah, I didn't grow up with Christian values. I really had to learn everything on my own. And I've really done things that I am super ashamed of. Two years ago, I got offered a role. And my manager was like, this is really going to help you a lot in your career. It's implied nudity, but you're with a very big actor. And I just think it's going to be amazing for you so I accepted it and when I watched that episode I felt so sad so objectified just so gross I was like god that's my body and it's going to be out there forever and it just was something that sort of gave me a wake-up call it was like I am never doing
Starting point is 00:24:05 this again um I really felt like such an object rather than a subject like I was saying and um yeah that was that was the start of me being like you know what yeah I really have to cherish my body and protect it and it isn't for the world to see. I'm sure you have gone through that in your career and your life. Yeah. Yeah. There's a big thing about my career. And I get I get a lot of questions about the fact that I did.
Starting point is 00:24:39 I was on American Horror Story. And, you know, being on American Horror Story was a really pivotal thing in my career and um here's the thing first let me touch on the fact that there there are many many comments being like if you really were like a follower of Jesus you wouldn't be an actor you wouldn't be in Hollywood I so absolutely unbelievably strongly disagree with that because God put me here for a reason we are on assignment we are on a mission and there's not a single day that we are in this town or in this industry where we're not aware of our purpose here I think we've been given gifts by God himself to carry out the mission and the assignment and just between you and I like I'm aware of why I'm here and it's to bring light to the darkness and why would God why
Starting point is 00:25:34 wouldn't I be in a place where Jesus is so unbelievably not accepted to change that and why wouldn't we go to the place where where where the media is is what what's getting pushed why wouldn't we go there and try and get into that spotlight to bring people to jesus you know what i mean like yeah i i can't believe that i don't know i thought that was a beautiful thing that you role that you played i just can't even comprehend it in my head but anyways yeah i um modesty is is a is a modesty is i don't even know how to put it listen there's no code to modesty in our western society right and don't even take our advice take what the bible says yeah it's glorify god in everything you do and that includes with your body what you put on it what you put in how you treat it, how you present it to the world.
Starting point is 00:26:28 And, you know, you need to have strong discernment. And I know a prayer that I say every day is, God, help me glorify you in everything that I do, including what I post, what I wear, how I speak. Oh, that's another thing I want to talk about. Yeah. Our conduct and the way we speak. So that's probably the one thing for me. That's probably the one thing for me that I need to work on. I grew up in a household, Boston, Massachusetts.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Every other word my dad says is the F word. I mean, I can't even tell you. It's horrifying now that I'm learning not to swear so much. But yeah, I think that's something you and I are really working on is our speech. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And we do our best. And, you know, I stopped saying OMG. And I think that's profound in my life. Oh, that's one that I really used to say.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Yeah, I mean, I said it my entire life entire life yeah up until literally like not that long ago and I really cut it out I haven't in a while yeah we're working on that but that's another thing with modesty is the way you present yourself carry yourself the way you speak yeah we have a couple of questions that I think are really important. Somebody asked, how do you, how do you, somebody said, how do you deal with a partner telling you how to dress or commenting how you dress? And I think Ari and I have a bit of difference of opinions on this. You want to go first? No, go ahead. Oh, the vote. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:01 So I honestly, I'm just going to say it. I am. I am. I'm a submissive woman in by nature in a relationship I am and and I'm not like I know that's so backwards in today's society but I do think that the way that we behave dress act post speak is a reflection on I'm not married but our partner our husband whoever we're with, and same with them. Like, if they're out there being crazy, like, that's an absolute reflection on me. I am okay with the person that is closest to me, which would be my partner, my boyfriend, commenting on how I dress.
Starting point is 00:28:39 If they are submitted to God themselves, and if I know that it's coming from a good place. I think that, for example, I'm in a relationship right now and with a really, you know, true man of God. And he doesn't really, he never comments on what I wear. I think he really likes how I dress and he's never really had a problem. But I do give him, I've told him, like, you have permission to call me out kindly whenever you need to and and call me and show me things that I'm not seeing because we can't see everything ourselves yeah and so I give him full permission to call me out when need be and that includes on on how I dress he but he I know where his heart is and it's not from a jealous or controlling place um it's genuinely because he wants to see me at my best.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Yeah. You know, what do you think? I'm if you look femininity in the book, I think you'd see my picture. I'm so feminine and I am submissive, but I think because my thing is style and clothing, like I love style and I know how to dress and I know how to carry myself that if they come to me in a respectable way okay but I sometimes get annoyed I'm like I it almost feels controlling sometimes but again it's all about delivery if it's coming from a loving place um but I do think because I know how to dress, I'm like, what do you mean this isn't good?
Starting point is 00:30:05 I'm telling you, though, I've never seen you wear anything. Not once that I was like, oh, that's a little like that's a bit much. Or like, oh, I was like showing a lot of skin today. I've never thought that about you. Trust me, back then, I definitely wore some really questionable things. But now as I've grown into a woman I mean but people I mean I even posted a photo last week and I had that reference I love reformation by the way reformation dresses bury me in a floral reformation dress um but I had a dress on and it had a slit
Starting point is 00:30:40 and it wasn't super high neck and because I yeah yeah i get you um it it came off as not classy to some of the christians um which is news to me because i think it's one of the most beautiful dresses i have so i don't know um again i'm learning i don't know let's answer another question um i saw something on modesty for men because i know a lot of men watch this podcast right so let's answer i think for modesty for men in my opinion is you know say on their instagram are they being flashy are they only showing their attributes and their wealth you know i think that's probably a little bit unmodest are you showing just are you taking selfies like with your six-pack in the mirror every other photo yeah yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:31:34 so I think yeah just I absolutely agree with that would be again and and the truth is and I just really want to be clear I think that modesty is very important. And I want every especially young girls to, to be aware when they're putting stuff on their body and just ask themselves, like, does this glorify God? And how do I want to present myself to the world? Like, is this going to take away from attention from like, what really matters about me, which could be your mind, your heart, your personality, your humor. You know what I mean? Like that's the stuff that you want to illuminate because that's what actually matters because this means nothing. I don't know. It's all about doing things with taste. I mean, honestly, I my vibe like I love the 80s, 90s vibe, the high waist jeans, the little crop tops with my kids like i love the 80s 90s vibe the high waist jeans the little crop tops with my kids like i love that to some people that would be unmodest because i have the the belly showing which i mean um
Starting point is 00:32:34 modesty is important that's what i'm trying to say we're on this walk with you girls that's all i gotta say everything that i i i mean the holy spirit has worked at mighty mighty mighty mighty work in me and he still continues to every day and i invite him in the name of jesus to continue to work on me above all a pure and modest non-judgmental heart and again to wrap this up we are on this walk with you we are not perfect as you know and as you've been saying and we are going to continue to be role models and to work really hard at being the best christian women that we can be and i would like to end with a prayer if you guys don't mind I love your prayers um it's just it's something that I I say almost every day and I love it so much and we'll
Starting point is 00:33:32 put on the screen too and so I pray this in agreement with everybody listening right now dear God I thank you that my name is written in the book of life I am saved by the blood of Jesus God I thank you that I'm right with you. You've taken away all my blemish, stain, and sin because of what Jesus did on the cross. Jesus, I choose today to live by faith and not by sight. I trust in you, Jesus. Today, I believe the word of God is living and active, and I will walk by the word of God. Jesus, you are the way, the truth, and the life, and today I choose to walk by the truth. And I renounce and reject every lie from the enemy in Jesus' name.
Starting point is 00:34:10 In Jesus' name. I receive your peace today, God, as I rely on Jesus and not myself. Amen. Beautiful, Ange. I love you. I can't believe I cried on the pod. I'm not a crier at all, so we're going to cut that out. No, we're gonna cut that out no we're not cutting that out she's an avoidance so she
Starting point is 00:34:27 doesn't cry but she actually is very emotional very sensitive we love you guys and we thank you for everything from the bottom of our hearts you're our people you're our guys you're our girls like we love you you're our like homies and our friends and we're on this journey with you jesus loves you so much may the lord bless you and keep you may he make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you may he turn his face towards you and give you peace in jesus name we love you

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