Girls Gone Bible - Preaching to Unbelievers | Girls Gone Bible

Episode Date: May 3, 2024

happy Friday GGB gang:) we love this episode so much. we talked all about how to preach the Gospel to unbelievers. how to talk about Jesus to people who don’t know Jesus or maybe don’t want to do with Him! what to do when you're hit with opposition and insults. how to stand firm in your faith under pressure. how to disagree with someones beliefs, while still loving them fully. we're here to win souls, not arguments. to be in the world, and not of it. there's a scary amount of people in the world who still don't know Jesus. we have to go and get them. it's our responsibility. we love you so much. Jesus loves you more. -Ang & Ari WE'RE GOING ON TOUR!!!!!!!!! the first night of GGB LIVE SHOW tour is set for May 15th in Atlanta, Georgia at the Center Stage Theatre. click this link for tickets we can't wait to see you, love you, pray with you, laugh & cry with you. We want to see you at the Live Your Dreams Virtual Event on Tuesday, May 14th. Join me, Terri Savelle Foy, and special guests by going to to register today! We can’t wait to see you there!!!!! if you’d like to support Girls Gone Bible 🙏🏻🕊️🤍 Paypal- Venmo- HEY WHILE WE'RE HERE. WOULD YOU BE ABLE TO RATE & LEAVE COMMENTS ON SPOTIFY & APPLE PODS. IT HELPS US. OK BYE NOW LOVE YOU

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Holy Spirit talk. I'm so sorry, I think... Oh, we're keeping that in. What's in my tooth? I think just in the middle, up here a little bit. Really? Did you have a smoothie? No. Did you eat today?
Starting point is 00:00:15 What did you have for breakfast? Oh, Lord. Oh, Lord. What did you have for breakfast? I had one of those little chocolate protein balls. That's it? I know. you know I'm not a breakfast eater What'd you have? I had a juice
Starting point is 00:00:29 Anyways Hi GGB gang I'm Ange And I'm Ari And this is Girls Gone Bible We're a faith-based podcast where we talk all things Jesus, the Bible, mental health, all things to do with life.
Starting point is 00:00:48 We always say, come as you are, just don't say that way. Guys, I love you so much. We met so many of you this past weekend. We went to a country fest. And man, you guys are just the best when we meet you in person, right? You guys had us in tears in the middle of a country fest. We knew that we were going to meet so many of you there, and it was just, we love seeing you guys in person. We love meeting you out and just being able to hear your stories.
Starting point is 00:01:16 And I think this is a good time to mention that you guys, our first GGB live show tour in Atlanta is almost sold out. I can't believe it. I want you guys to understand. It doesn't make sense. Full transparency, when we first put it up, I remember thinking to myself, I hope that the front row sells out because otherwise it would be just a little embarrassing. I literally kept having thoughts like, what if nobody comes and our team is like, well, because we we got to cancel it
Starting point is 00:01:45 because there's like a certain number of people that I like if I knew that this was going to happen that it was going to sell out like this I wouldn't have believed you I truly well I know that God literally has blindfolders blindfolders over our eyes and I'm glad that he does because the fact that we're almost sold out makes no sense to me in my eyes no I don't even know what I'm gonna do when I meet you guys I'm gonna be I told Angela I'm like get ready to be there till four in the morning I know I literally just want to hug every single one of you guys you just have something on your lip where oh what is that why do I always get something in my tooth or in my lip? Same.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Me and my nose. Sorry. We'll take that out. So Atlanta Center Stage Theater, May 15th, you guys will put the ticket. What is going on? We'll put the ticket. Job of a driver. Job of a driver. Job of a driver.
Starting point is 00:02:48 We'll put the little ticket link down in the description. We can't wait to see you guys. And we have just one other announcement. I'm sorry. I feel like we're in church where they keep giving announcements before they start. But we, Ari and I, had the pleasure of speaking at a virtual event. It's called Live Your Dreams. It's by Terry Savelle Foy. And basically it's this, it's this online conference that they did where they
Starting point is 00:03:11 have so many incredible guest speakers, Ari and I being one of them, Ari and I were able to cover the topic of confidence and how to have confidence and how to have confidence through God and what that looks like. And it's just going to be a very motivating, inspiring conference with so many people that just, I don't think that any of these are messages that you guys would want to miss. And I love that anybody can go. It's online throughout all the different speakers. We're all going to show you guys how to develop the habits that you need to succeed, how to be effective instead of busy, and how to get real results. You guys can join us on May 14th at 6 p.m. Central Time.
Starting point is 00:03:50 You go to slash liveyourdreams, or I'll put the link in the description box below, and you guys can register there. We're so excited to have you join us in that. Okay. Okay. So what are we talking about today? We're talking about... Nice.
Starting point is 00:04:05 We're talking about preaching the gospel because this weekend we had the pleasure of doing that. All weekend. All weekend. With non-believers, with all different kinds of people from different walks of faith. So we just looked at each other and said, you know what? We should make this a topic this weekend because it was really interesting, but really special. What happened to us this weekend? It was really interesting. You know, the funny thing about being the Bible girls is that, and I love it. And we want to identify
Starting point is 00:04:40 as followers of Jesus. We want people to see us as, we want everybody, whether they're Christian or not, to see Christ exemplified through our life, regardless of whether we're talking about him or not. And so to have our identity be wrapped up in Jesus, it's all we could ever ask for. But it is so funny that everywhere we go, believers, non-believers, the world's least people you could possibly meet come up to us and they're like, whether their intentions are good or not, they want to talk about it.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Oh, yeah. And so we really got a taste of how important being studied up on the word, in the word. And, you know, I'm doing a lot of studying right now on apologetics. And what apologetics is, is basically being able to debate the faith in a way, being able to have the answers to the tough questions that people ask you. And thank God for that, because we were met with so many things this weekend. And we just want to take you guys through what that looked like for us and how we, even though there were kind of some tough moments, how it was actually such a beautiful experience. And people always say, don't go in the world.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Don't go in the world. Yes, go in the world if you can handle it. That's right. I don't understand when people, you know, the Bible does say, don't be unequally yoked with nonbelievers, right? But I mean, when you look at Jesus and what he does, did it when what he did, he was, he sat with the sinners and the tax collectors and he sat with them with such sincerity and compassion, you know? So I think we all want to, for me, like me reading the Bible
Starting point is 00:06:19 and reading his, learning about his nature and how he was, it's made me such a more patient, compassionate person, especially to others to not go to people with such a hardened heart and to, to understand where they're coming from and to really just listen to them with sincerity. So, um, I think all of our goals should really be to live like Jesus and And he never condemned people without faith and people that, you know, just sinners. So, yeah. And I know a lot of people, Christians are like, no, I'm not going to associate myself with them. Well, then how are we ever going to get the word of God out? Thank you. We're going to read so many beautiful things today on just that Ari and I, many beautiful things today on just that. Ari and I, our hearts are a burden for the lost.
Starting point is 00:07:15 They really are. We care about everybody, but we really care about the people who don't know Jesus at all. Because, you know, Jesus said himself, I came, it's not the healthy that need a doctor, but the sick. And he came to call not the righteous, but sinners to repentance. And there is more rejoicing over one sinner who repents in heaven than 99 righteous persons. So it's like Jesus loves the sinners. That doesn't mean that you agree with their lifestyle, but it does mean that they are just as important as your Christian friends, if not more important, because your Christian friends, they're already saved. They're already going to heaven.
Starting point is 00:07:48 They already are watching the sermons. They're watching the pastors. These people at Stagecoach, which we got even so much flack for going to Stagecoach, which that's a whole other conversation. Like those people who don't know Jesus, that's who Jesus needs us to go get. That's right. That's right. They need him. Like they need somebody to come to them and just live their life in a way that inspires them. That isn't condemning. That doesn't yell at them. That doesn't judge them.
Starting point is 00:08:14 That doesn't make them feel like they're less than for not having the same views, but simply just have a conversation with them. Yeah. And I think that's the, that's what's wrong with, with religion. It's like, we're constantly condemning people. You can't put labels on people. They're individuals who need help. They don't know when you don't know, you don't know. And I was one of those people. And so that's why we all stray away. Sometimes none of us are perfect. Think about how much grace God has given each and every one of us in our lives. We need to give that same grace to everyone. It's so true. Who are, who just don't know. So yeah. Do you want to read some stories? Um, so we're in first Peter chapter three, starting at verse 13. Now, who will want to harm you if you are eager to do good, but even if you suffer for doing what is right, God will reward
Starting point is 00:09:05 you for it. So don't worry or be afraid of their threats. Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. But do this in a gentle and respectful way. Keep your conscience clear. Then if people speak against you, they will be ashamed when they see what a good life you live because you belong to Christ. Remember that it is better to suffer for doing good if that is what God wants than to suffer for doing wrong. Christ suffered for our sins once and for all time. He never sinned, but he died for sinners to bring you safely home to God. He suffered physical death, but he was raised to life in the Spirit. So he went for sinners to bring you safely home to God. He suffered physical death, but he was
Starting point is 00:09:45 raised to life in the Spirit. So he went and preached to the spirits in prison, those who disobeyed God long ago when God waited patiently while Noah was building his boat. Only eight people were saved from drowning in that terrible flood. And that water is a picture of baptism, which now saves you, not by removing dirt from your body, but as a response to God from a clear conscience. It is effective because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. So this is 1 Peter chapter 4. So then, since Christ suffered physical pain, you must arm yourselves with the same attitude he had and be ready to suffer too. For if you have suffered physically for Christ, you have finished with sin. You won't
Starting point is 00:10:26 spend the rest of your lives chasing your own desires, but you will be anxious to do the will of God. You have had enough in the past of the evil things that godless people enjoy, their immorality and lust, their feasting and drunkenness and wild parties and their terrible worship of idols. Of course, your former friends are surprised when you no longer plunge into the flood of wild and destructive things they do. They slander you. But remember that they will have to face God, who stands ready to judge everyone, both the living and the dead. This is why the good news was preached to those who are now dead. So although they were destined to die like all people, they now live forever with God in the spirit, all glory and power to him forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Let's, let's stop. We have a
Starting point is 00:11:19 little more to read, but let's go back a little bit. And I think that we can start with telling kind of some things that we dealt with this weekend. So just going back, I want to go over a couple of things. Suffering for doing good. We always talk about how suffering is a natural part of life. And the sooner you accept that you will suffer, the sooner that you will live a peaceful life because you won't keep fighting it. Suffering is inevitable. I think that suffering well is something that people really need to think about because suffering, fighting that suffering that you're going to go through in life is just going to lead to such a lack of peace. just going to lead to such a lack of peace. But when you realize that you must suffer and you learn to suffer well, you learn to suffer in faith, you learn to suffer in hope, hope that you will
Starting point is 00:12:14 one day get out of it, that one day it will be over. It won't always feel like this. I think it's really important that we put an emphasis on suffering well and suffering in faith. that we put an emphasis on suffering well and suffering in faith. But in here, when we talk about, if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it, but do this in a gentle and respectful way. If people speak against you,
Starting point is 00:12:43 they will be ashamed when they see what a good life you live because you belong to Christ. So if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to give an answer. When somebody look, I don't know. So if you're a Christian, I know Ari and I get this all the time. People look at us all the time. And even if they are so against religion and they're so against Jesus and they're so against everything that we're about, they see the joy. Yeah. They see the peace. They see the hope.
Starting point is 00:13:09 They see the light. They honestly see the purity. Yeah, yeah. And it's something that makes them go, what is that? Yeah. What is it? Yeah. And Ari and I, like it says in Scripture, must be ready to give an explanation.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Not a debate, but we must be ready to explain why you have to. That's why I encourage everybody to study apologetics. There are books on it. There are videos on it. Get all study the faith, study the word so that when you're met with these questions, you can actually communicate and express and iterate why we believe what we believe. Why do we believe that Jesus is the Messiah? Why do we believe that he's our savior? Why do we believe that he's the one true way and that there's no other way to get to him? These are all so important. Why does he give us peace? What is the answer? It's because he's the prince of peace. It's because our sin, our depression, our anxiety died on the cross with
Starting point is 00:14:00 him. You said suffering, suffering for what is good. I, this is something I really had to learn through my journey because I never really understood suffering for what is good. Cause when I would suffer, I would run to, to the worldly things. And that's why I love when it says you have had enough in the past of the evil things that godless people enjoy. And that's one of the things that when we suffer, we go to the lust, we go to the feasting, we go to the drunkenness. And so when you are in this place of hard times and suffering, you know that you have a God that's going to carry you through. So you don't need to go to these things that you think is going to cure that suffering.
Starting point is 00:14:41 And I just wanted to say that because, you know, lately I have been, I have been going through some things, but before when I would go through it, man, it was like living in hell, the suffering. It was just, it felt like I was going to die. Like it was never going to end. And where I would go to another person or go to, you know, just a substance or whatever it was. Now it's like, I have God. And so my, I can sit well in my suffering. It may not be easy to do what's right. It's, it's, you know, cause a lot of people this weekend were saying, oh, well, how can you stay pure? And how can you, and that may look so foreign to other people, but it is, it's the but it's the pathway to peace.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Absolutely. It's so true. It's so true. I think a big, something else that it says here in chapter, in 1 Peter 3 is when it says, but do it in a gentle and respectful way. You never want to be out here fighting people on the gospel. That's not how Jesus, that doesn't glorify Jesus. That doesn't represent him in a good way. Having answers and being firm in your answers and being firm in your faith is different than like fighting people on
Starting point is 00:15:58 it. We don't fight people on it. That's never a good idea. And also you can't force somebody to believe in Jesus. You can't force somebody. And the thing about evangelism and spreading the gospel is that like our only job is to plant the seed. And then our second job is to have faith that God will water it. It's the Holy Spirit and only him that brings people to salvation. It's only the Holy Spirit that will reveal Jesus to people. But we plant that seed and and then we hope, and then we pray for that person. And you don't push it too far either. Like you have to have discernment, and you have to have wisdom. So I think, oh, and then just this right here.
Starting point is 00:16:35 If people speak against you, they will be ashamed when they see what a good life you live because you belong to Christ. Now let's get into what it was our experience this weekend. Because as you guys know, Ari and I have been in a little bubble. We've been in our bubble. And so we stepped out of our bubble a little bit. Not like anything crazy, but we went to stagecoach. We have friends from all walks of life. Now are they, like we've said, Ashley made a great point.
Starting point is 00:17:00 She was like, yeah, Jesus sat with the sinners and the tax collectors, but he also had his Peter, James, and John. So there's a clear distinction between that. Worldly secular people aren't in our Peter, James, and John. However, you better believe that if I came from the sinners and tax collectors, I am equipped to go and sit with them and be strong enough in the faith. You know what I mean? And so we go to Stagecoach, so much fun, love country, love. By the way, I just, I already know we're going to get some comments and we've been getting a ton of comments on our, on our social medias. Like how can you call yourself godly women, but be going,
Starting point is 00:17:39 you know, to the being of the world, going to a country concert and being around people is not being of the world. Being of the world is doing things of the world. And that's not what we do. You are allowed as a Christian to go and listen to feel good music, country music. We are allowed to go out and to have fun. You just, you know what to do and what not to do as a Christian. You carry Jesus with you everywhere you go. And you just don't put yourself in a position that you know that you can't be in. I like, as I've said before, being around, like it's not even like, okay, I went to the weekend concert a few years ago, probably like three years ago. And I will never forget being in there and the first song coming up and being like, this is actually a three years ago. And I will never forget being in there
Starting point is 00:18:25 and the first song coming up and being like, this is actually a satanic ritual and this is the scariest thing I've ever experienced and I left. I don't, and then that was probably the last time I really went to a concert, because I realized that there are demonic forces at work in a lot of these things.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Of course. Ari and I have enough discernment and enough wisdom, I promise you, to know when we're in a bad situation and we will never put ourselves in a bad situation. We are the queens of good, wholesome fun. And we're not going to let anybody take that from us because Jesus wants us to have fun. And Stagecoach was a beautiful experience.
Starting point is 00:19:04 It's not our first time going we are strong enough to be around people having a beer or two you know what I mean like that doesn't affect us we don't partake in the worldly things yeah and the truth is we did evangelize quite a bit so anyways it was beautiful and you know you can you're allowed to go to a concert and and not to you know after all of our friends went out and they partied, we didn't. We went home. We went home immediately after 11 o'clock. We were in bed.
Starting point is 00:19:32 And, you know what I mean? There's a way to be around people who don't share the exact same beliefs as you and not to be like them. Like, we are different. And it was very apparent this weekend that we are different. And at first, it was a little, okay, let's just get into it. So we go to Stagecoach. We're with wonderful, wonderful people. We're around so many people who aren't believers.
Starting point is 00:19:55 And it was as if, and everybody knows us now as like the Bible girls. And even the purity episode and all of it just has like erupted into this whole thing of everybody. They want to know about it. And the truth is, you guys also have to remember that if someone comes at you sideways about your faith or your beliefs or if you stand, for example, for purity. I know if I'm talking to someone about purity who is like literally in currently engaging in like a hookup relationship, that person, you have to understand that that person could easily be triggered and insecure because of your stance on something. Even if you're not coming at them, if they start coming at you for your faith, you should have compassion for them because
Starting point is 00:20:43 they're projecting. It's confronting that you are no longer partaking in something and they still are. It's like the same thing with alcohol. When people try to pressure you to do drink and do drugs, they don't actually care if you do. They just don't want to be the only ones. And so we're at this place, we're with these people, and it's as if Ari and I couldn't catch a break with the questions. And it was a beautiful thing. And we're there to answer everybody's questions, but it's not the easiest thing in the world to have everybody being like, okay, really? You're not going to have sex. Really? You're going to wait. Oh, you think any guy is going to want to like these, you know, it was such like, it was people who are, it,
Starting point is 00:21:25 what we believe in is so foreign to them. Like it's so foreign. So we would be ignorant to think that we can just come in speaking Christianese and expect to make a difference in their lives. We had to come so real, so raw and be like, listen, I know it sounds weird, but let me tell you why this is the case. Let me tell you. Cause when I used to have sex, when I used to do this, when I used to be impure, it led. I'm not going to use terms like it led to death because they'd be like, what are you talking about? We're like, it made me anxious. I had soul ties. I'm giving my body to someone who's not my husband.
Starting point is 00:21:58 And I truly believe that it's only meant for one person. And so we're talking to these people and we're answering all these questions. And in the beginning of the weekend, it felt almost a little bit confrontational. Would you agree? Yeah. And we had a moment where it was just a little overwhelming. We're answering all these questions. Everybody disagrees with us. We're standing so firm because it's who we are. You can't like you can't you just can't like I know why God uses us because you truly can't move us like you can't. But we get back. We like get back and we're alone. And I started crying because I just felt a little bit like it just felt overwhelming for a second. And it was it it's weird to have, to be misunderstood. But as a Christian, specifically as a leader in ministry, you have to accept being misunderstood. People are going to be committed to misunderstanding you and you have to accept it. Yeah. Yeah. I, um, I agree. I, yeah, you, you had a moment where you were like, you got overwhelmed, you know?
Starting point is 00:23:06 I think because I am, I had a little bit of an opposite effect, I think, right? I mean, I, the one thing I get really angry about is when anyone starts to condemn Jesus, I'm like, oh no, like that's when I start to get upset. But because of my old life, I'm just so proud of where I am that I'm like, I will be the first to tell you that I'm living in purity. And I'm proud to say it. I can understand, I guess, why some Christians can feel a little embarrassed because they lived, I don't know. I've talked to a couple of Christians and they're like, yeah, when they talk to me about purity, it's a little uncomfortable for me. I'm like, yeah. Oh, I'm not embarrassed at all.
Starting point is 00:23:46 I love it. Yeah, it's more so just trying to communicate it in a way that they can understand and feeling that response. I think the reason I got overwhelmed is because I feel a massive responsibility. It's almost like this is my one chance maybe to get this through to them. Jesus, please do your thing. And you did. You know how they say in the Bible, they were like, what are your gifts? Some, some have the gifts of speaking. Well, that was you. And boy, you, you got through to them by the end of the weekend.
Starting point is 00:24:17 It was really good. You did as well. It was, I can't wait to tell the ones that are really beautiful to watch. But, you know, I think about how, how do you get, how do you, how do you get through people? How do you share the gospel? And honestly, for me, it's like nothing's more powerful than telling your own testimony. And that's the first thing I do. And one of the girls had just said, you know, cause she was kind of watching me and she, we were taught telling them about my podcast and she had a little bit of different beliefs. And she said, well, how did you find God? And I said, it was when I didn't know who he was
Starting point is 00:24:50 at all. It was when I was at the bottom of the pit and I was really unsure, just like you. And I was, I didn't know if I could believe it. And I didn't know, but you know, I found him at the bottom of the barrel and boy, did he save my life. And there's nothing anyone can say to you when you're telling them about your truth of what happened in your experience. No one can rebuttal that. And so it's a really beautiful thing when you're able to share your experience and what happened.
Starting point is 00:25:20 And then they're like, whoa, like that happened to you. And then that plants a seed. And then they're like, whoa, like that happened to you. And then that plants a seed. And I think about my life because before I had found God in that church that day, I did have people planting seeds, little seeds. And although I wasn't able to fully surrender to God, and although I wasn't able to let the sin die, there was that seed planted. I'll never forget.
Starting point is 00:25:46 I had someone take me to church and I had someone put a sermon on. I had someone tell me how they were being pure. This happened like three times in a year before I found God. And when I hit the low place in my life to where I found God on my own, I remembered that day that I had went to church. I had remembered what that person said to me. I had remembered all of that. So that little seed that had stayed in me led me to run to what I remember them telling me. them telling me. And so even when, you know, there was a few times that weekend where they were like,
Starting point is 00:26:34 oh, I hear you, but I'm, I don't really agree. I'm like, it's okay. Like, that's okay. And I, and we looked at each other and we were like, that's okay. Cause we planted the seed. And when they're in that bad time, they will remember what you said. And so that's why it's so good. I even just by the end of the weekend, like what Ari and I, there's a beautiful thing as well. When you are, when you have Jesus in your heart, there is a godly glow. There's something, there's something that attracts people to you, whether they want to admit it or not. But there's just like it says, be ready to explain that hope. They see the hope and it attracts them. And then they're inquisitive.
Starting point is 00:27:13 And even if they're coming at you, making fun of you, which happened a couple times. But at the same time, I will say, you can't help but respect someone who's walking in purity. Even if someone's making fun of you for it, they're still respecting you. And that's something that we noticed as well. Because it's like, even though they don't agree and they think it's weird, you can tell there's a respect. And there's a respect because we're standing firm. Now, if we showed up and we're like, I don't really know. I think, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:27:42 They'd be like, that is not, it's not real, but it's so real and it's so authentic. And it's it's brought such a strength to us and like a calmness that people can't help but respect it. Well, that and that when when you talk about that glow, I when you said that I think about the glow comes from being sincere, being open, wanting to listen to people, having humility, having gentleness, just that sincerity. And I noticed like it didn't matter what they said. We still looked at them in a place of love. And that honestly comes from reading the word, you guys. Like reading the word is going to give you that Jesus glow because you really understand
Starting point is 00:28:23 the nature and how to have humility and gentleness and patience and kindness and all the fruits of the spirit. And that just, that makes people gravitate toward you. People don't want, if you come to someone and with that, with that heartedness, be like, this is what it is. And you need to be covered by the blood of Jesus. And you're coming to them. And we do that behind their back we do in prayer behind their back but to their face but if you're coming to them so hard like that no one's going to be receptive to that but when you come to them in love and say I understand and I hear you but but this is but listen to what I went through. That's going to make them say, oh. If people speak against you, they will be ashamed when they see what a good life you
Starting point is 00:29:11 live because you belong to Christ. Ari and I have this other thing where like, we would literally be friends with a plant if we could. Like we love, we love people. We love girl, like we love women and sisterhood. Like we love being around people and sometimes in group settings Girls specifically, but everybody can be a little bit maybe clicky or not intentionally
Starting point is 00:29:34 It's just like naturally you you stick to who you know and whatever Ari and I can't help but be the people who are running from every person being like let's all sit together Let's all play games and so by the end of it we're telling them we love them the first two minutes of meeting them and and we're just like we're sitting holding their hands being like tell us everything tell us your story and they're you know sometimes talking to us about crystals and you know some things that we don't believe some things that we don't believe in but you know what we didn't straight up go okay i'm sorry sister but we're talking about the universe he didn't do anything we're simply waiting we're listening we're hearing them out that's what they know it's all they know
Starting point is 00:30:13 and to like look at them like they're stupid or like they're demonic because they believe in these things when they simply just don't know yeah is so wrong of. And so we wait and we wait until it's like our turn to talk and our turn to share and that's when we speak truth. And we speak the truth not in a way that's telling them they're wrong but when you speak the truth it's like in Acts chapter 4 my favorite thing they remind me of Ari and I so much because Peter and John I believe are going around and they're preaching and they and they're getting in trouble by the Pharisees and the government. And they bring them aside and they're like, by what power
Starting point is 00:30:51 are you guys speaking this boldly with? And they say, it is the power through Jesus Christ, the man whom you crucified, but who God raised from the dead. And he gives this incredible speech. He said, the builders that the stone that you builders rejected became the cornerstone. It's one of the greatest speeches. And then the men are left wondering, going, they, it says that they're astonished. They're puzzled because it's these two ordinary uneducated men, but it was obvious. It was evident that they'd been with Jesus. Yeah. And that's why they were able to speak with so much boldness. It says the Holy Spirit came upon them. So when you speak, when you let the Holy Spirit speak through you,
Starting point is 00:31:29 it's actually hard to deny it. That's right. If their heart is so hardened, like just let it go anyways, the Holy Spirit will work. But when you let the Holy Spirit speak, that's, he's the spirit of truth. That truth will pierce through that person's spirit.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Yeah. So we don't have to sit there and be like, I'm right. You're wrong. Yeah. Just speak in truth. That's right. You know, sometimes I like even that weekend, I didn't even know what I said. I just, you just let the Holy Spirit speak. Can I tell you what you said? Oh gosh. No, no, it's good. No, I already has the most beautiful, you guys already know this. She's the most beautiful, empathetic, sweet person in the world. And whenever somebody's closed off, Ari has a way of making people feel so loved and so seen and so nurtured that they want to open up to them.
Starting point is 00:32:15 And that's what you just kept on doing. And like you said, you just shared your testimony and your vulnerability, which it's so funny how the enemy attacks you on your vulnerability. He always comes into your head and says, stop talking so much. Stop saying so much. Stop sharing so much. That's the number one, if you don't mind me saying, that's the number one attack that's on you. A hundred percent. And it reminds me of when Paul is in the New Testament and he's basically, he's telling God, like, they're after me. They're going to hurt me. Like I can't keep speaking. And God says, do not be quiet.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Keep speaking. And that's like with you, your vulnerability is what sets people free. And even just this weekend of you being like, guys, I was so down bad. You have no idea. I told him, I said, I almost didn't make it. And that's what I mean. Like you guys don't have to be theologists to go and preach the gospel. Come from your heart.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Share your story. Angela and I have really grown into and learned. And I think that's why we, you guys feel so safe with us is because we come from a place where we can really be real and raw and say, hey, look, like we struggle with addiction. We struggle with mental health issues. But God delivered us from this and he saved us. And so that's really when I think of preaching the gospel, you don't have to have all the right words. You come from the heart and let the Holy Spirit speak through you. And just say what he's done for you.
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Starting point is 00:36:37 Instead, be very glad, for these trials make you partners with Christ in his suffering, so that you will have the wonderful joy of seeing his glory when it is revealed to all the world. If you are insulted because you bear the name of Christ, you will be blessed. For the glorious spirit of God rests upon you. If you suffer, however, it must not be from murder, stealing, making trouble, or prying into other people's affairs. But it is no shame to suffer for being a Christian. Praise God for the privilege of being called by his name. For the time has come for judgment, and it must begin with God's household.
Starting point is 00:37:14 And if judgment begins with us, what terrible fate awaits those who have never obeyed God's good news. And also, if the righteous are barely saved, what will happen to godless sinners? So if you are suffering in a manner that pleases God, keep on doing what is right and trust your lives to the God who created you, for he will never fail you. So good. Suffering in the name of Jesus, being insulted for his name, just even being able to bear Jesus's name is such a privilege. And I'm honored to be insulted for it. I'm honored to be attacked for it. I'm honored to be misunderstood. Me too. And I, I, you know what, you know, it's, it's as simple as this. I lived a life of not obeying the word and it's truly living in hell.
Starting point is 00:38:08 And I, and I, and I know, and if I have to, it's a suffering for being a Christian. I, what I went through when I was living of the world, that's suffering, suffering. Maybe I, we go through some stuff now, but that's not even anything compared to what I went through when I wasn't obeying the word. Yeah. It's so absolutely true. And, you know, we, Ari and I even had a conversation. And this is where the apologetics and the studying really comes in. And it's not about head knowledge. It's about the spirit that lives within you to do the work.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Because I imagine there are many people in the world who have so much knowledge and are such incredibly intelligent Bible scholars who still can't reach people's souls because it's only the Holy Spirit that can do that through us. However, it's, again, really important to know what you're talking about and to know how to explain the faith and to know how to answer people's questions. Ari and I sat down with a friend of ours, a dear friend who is Muslim. And it was truly one of the most beautiful things I've ever gotten to experience. I am so annoying.
Starting point is 00:39:21 And I'm like, please let me read the Bible. And he's like, no. I'm like, please let me read the Bible. He's like, no. And finally he's like, whatever like please let me read the bible and he's like no I'm like please let me read the bible he's like no and finally he's like whatever all right read the bible so we read a little bit of the bible and you know I'm not expecting the guy to sit and get saved right then and there and who knows who knows if he ever will but all I know is that he started asking me questions because whenever and this is a friend of mine but whenever we talk like in in front of people it's always like a little combative and and just a little bit like you know not taking it seriously being like oh yeah jesus you know whatever and um when we sat and it was just the
Starting point is 00:40:00 three of us and we started talking about islam and we started talking about islam for verse christianity and just that whole conversation he was asking so many questions and he's like but what about this but what about that but what about this and we were actually able to answer everything that he was and I was able to we were able to talk about the theology behind everything and we backed it up with Scripture and it was a really calm sweet conversation where he was genuinely asking and he was surprised to be met with something that made sense you know I mean it was it was a beautiful conversation and again we didn't seal the deal we didn't finish we planted the seed we planted the seed and whatever God chooses to do
Starting point is 00:40:42 with that and then I prayed with my whole heart. I said, God, I know the way you visit Muslims in their dreams. I beg you, Jesus, let me get a call saying that you visited this man. I'm asking you, please. You were so good. Honestly, I'm looking at us and you're spitting out theology. It was honestly so beautiful. And at the end of it, he was like, I'm looking at us and you're spitting out theology. I'm just, it was, it was honestly so beautiful. And at the end of it, he was like, well, thank you.
Starting point is 00:41:09 And you know what he said, actually, at the end of it? I don't know if this is good or bad, but he goes, honestly, after this conversation, I don't just, I don't believe any religion. I said, okay, well, I think that's a step forward. Well, I think that's a step forward. The whole weekend we're like, we're looking at each other. Did we get through to them? We planted the seed, planted the seed. And then I'm like, I'm just like trying to enjoy a churro.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Someone's asking me about, but what about this? And I'm like, dog, like I'm just having a churro. Just give me one second. I'm just, I get it. I mean, like mean, like truly guys, if you, you wouldn't believe we're sitting here, we're like at this table with like huge, with like these celebrities who are like, not about G like who are just not about Jesus. And they're coming up to us going like, Hey, by the way, I want you to know, I can't, this is so real. I can't say it. This can't be my brand. I can't say it this can't be my brand I can't be open about it but I'm Christian too I love Jesus too and I'm like are you kidding me like there's so
Starting point is 00:42:11 many people in the public eye who literally are so oppressed in that way they can't speak about it and this is a whole other conversation we're gonna have a whole other episode on that I mean it's like real the things that you think and that you hear about Hollywood and the elite and just like all of that like you're not allowed to talk about Jesus. That's why God is making his own lane in the film industry and in the music industry where we are nobody can tell us that we can't talk about Jesus but it was really it was really interesting. I was thinking Matthew McConaughey had made a speech and the first thing he was like I just want to thank God and then he said made a speech and the first thing he was like, I just want to thank God.
Starting point is 00:42:45 And then he said that he looked in the crowd and everybody was right after he said that everybody started going like this. Yeah. Yeah. No, you're not allowed to. You're really. And that doesn't mean that we conform to the world at all. Let me tell you, we did not budge. We did not bend.
Starting point is 00:43:01 We did not compromise. Not a word of of foolish talk came out of our mouths. Not a not bend. We did not compromise. Not a word of, of foolish talk came out of our mouths. Not a single activity. Did we partake in that was against the word of God? We stood so firm in the faith. And I'm not saying this to pat myself on the back. I'm saying it to inspire you that you can do the same in, in what could have been so much darkness. We did our best to bring the light. Yeah. Oh, I have a good one. I had one of, um, one of my best friends. Um, he's a guy, he had called me at the end of the weekend. He's a, he's Jewish and I had been praying for him a lot. We've been praying together and, you know, I've been planting
Starting point is 00:43:40 the seed and he has been going through a rough time, like a breakup or whatever. And, you know, something happened, the light came to, to something and he had called me on Sunday and he said, Hey, I think everything's coming around. Do you think that was Jesus? He said, you've been praying for me so much, like all these prayers, like, and I'm just like, I'm starting to see the light. Do you think that was Jesus? I swear I put my phone down. I looked up. I said, thank you, Jesus.
Starting point is 00:44:14 I love when he comes. It was amazing. My prayer is always, I always say, God, you don't, I'm not asking for a sign or a wonder. You know, I have faith without those things. If I never see you do anything again, I have faith. However, if I could just receive a call, if I could just receive a call that someone says, Hey, that prayer, it did something. Jesus did something. Jesus just came into my mind. Like, I'm just always like, please just let me hear that you showed up for them. Yeah. That's, that's the most fulfilling thing ever. Another thing too
Starting point is 00:44:45 about preaching the gospel, I was just thinking about this weekend as, you know, people are sharing their struggles. And when you're separated from Jesus, you know, there is this lack of joy and lack of peace that you just have, no matter how you think things are so good. And so, you know, we're listening to people's stories and stuff. And I think another thing is to just simply be like, I'd love to pray for you. Absolutely. Or how can I pray for you? Or can we pray?
Starting point is 00:45:14 And no one's going to back down from a prayer when they're going through things. Oh, they want nothing more than for you to pray for them. And so when you pray for people, when they open their eyes, there is this glow in their eyes. And I swear, they just look at you like, whoa. And then that's a seed that you plant, prayer. I mean, you guys know the feeling when people put hands on you and they pray. So that's another great way to share the gospel. Simply don't force things.
Starting point is 00:45:49 Just say, hey, can I pray for you? And you pray for them for what they're going through and just pray. I love that so much. Every single time you ask somebody, even if they're a nonbeliever, even if they feel awkward, nobody's ever told me that I can't pray for them, whether they believe in Jesus or not, because that's hope for them. It says be ready to explain your hope. Like people need hope. That's all they're looking for.
Starting point is 00:46:13 Yeah. I was thinking about because I was thinking about the best way. There's somebody I forget who said it, but there's somebody who said that the best way to preach the gospel is to only speak a word when you have to. So basically meaning like it should just be based on the way that you live your life. Christ should be exemplified through our life. We should see him shining through us having the fruit of the spirit in our lives. Our fruit should be evident and he should also shine in the way that we speak in the things that we say. And I love that you say just the way you live your life. I can't even tell you how many of my friends back at home I've brought to Jesus, not by
Starting point is 00:46:53 shoving things down their throat, by simply living right and by them watching how my life has transformed, you know, and when you are living in the will of God and you are being obedient, even when it's tough, the transformation that happens in your life is so miraculous and, and, and they see it, people will see it and people will want that. They're going to want that. And like you said, people need hope. Yes, they do. Because aside from God, there is no hope. There is no joy. There is no peace. And as much as it may look on social media and, you know, people putting on face, a good face, there is truly such a lack of peace.
Starting point is 00:47:42 And I know because I lived that my whole life. Yeah. Amen. truly such a lack of peace and I know because I lived that my whole life yeah amen honestly it was a really really beautiful thing to see from beginning to end just how the whole weekend went and how I don't know I just I feel like we learned so much and sometimes you do get into this thing where people are like oh no don't go there that a bad look. And it's mostly it's not even that like people say like, oh, something is bad is going to happen to you. They're mostly like, that's a bad look. And I'm like, you know what? I don't care what's a good look.
Starting point is 00:48:14 First, what's a bad look? If I could go help people find Jesus or even bring them an inch closer to him, like I'm going whether it's a good look or not for me. You know what I mean? Like I'm going whether it's a good look or not for me. You know what I mean? This was, it was so fun and it was so transformative in our spiritual life. Yeah. Truly people need to realize things on their own sometimes.
Starting point is 00:48:44 But like I said, when you guys are preaching the gospel, just plant the seed. Just plant the seed. Just plant the seed. Because I'm telling you, I was one of those people who used to look at people that were living in purity. I used to look at them like, what? They're weird. I was one of those people, truly. But when I hit the bottom and I had to learn on my own, I then thought about those people that were living in purity and I said, wow, they were right. And that's what you do. That's what you'll do for people because they just don't know. And you cannot condemn people for not knowing they need help. They need you. It's like, honestly, Christianity can almost be so clicky sometimes where it's just like, you know, you look down on people who are struggling. You look down on people who don't have it 100% figured out.
Starting point is 00:49:32 And I'm not saying that you need to become best friends with people who are not doing well and who are not holy and not living right and let them infect you in that way. That's not what we're saying. But do not look down on somebody that God is still working in. You know, we all work out our salvation with fear and trembling. We do every day, regardless of being on a public platform, leading in ministry, talking about Jesus. We are working out our salvation every single day, just like everybody else. And so just to cast judgment on people instead of like really being I don't know and that but that's also the beauty with coming from
Starting point is 00:50:11 darkness and being like dog I get it yeah I get it I understand you know what I love that you said earlier earlier too you were like anything people say to you that doesn't come from a good place is truly out of a place of projection. And it's so true. And I think about that all the time. I'm like, when people come at me sideways, I look at them and I think, why are you getting? Don't you understand these people are hurting? For them to come at you that way, they're not right right here. They're going through something.
Starting point is 00:50:45 They've been hurt. And you have to look at people and that light. You know how much easier your life is going to be when you say, man, they're hurting. And that's why living in God's will. And that's the gift that we have is we will not look at people and that will say, man, they're hurting. But we still will look at them in a place of love and sincerity and humility. It's a beautiful thing about having Jesus, the Holy Spirit in you. Yeah, but actually being close to Jesus because compassion should be a natural response to being close to Jesus. You should be full of compassion. Yeah. That doesn't mean that you let people do whatever they want to do and agree
Starting point is 00:51:25 with people who aren't living right. We don't agree. People know that we don't agree with certain things, not because we tell them simply again by the way that we are living our life, not because we're above them, but just because we've had the revelation of why these things are wrong. I think the biggest thing that I learned from this weekend is simply that Jesus did sit with the tax collectors and the sinners and the prostitutes and he loved them so much that they didn't reject him even though he was calling them higher they didn't reject him because it was evident that he loved them people didn't reject us this weekend because it was evident that he loved them. People didn't reject us this weekend because it was evident that we loved them. Yeah. It is. It was. They knew. That's why they were receptive to
Starting point is 00:52:11 two weird Bible girls. That's right. Who they have nothing in common with. That's right. Oh, that's so good. And it's true. We came with them. Not one second did we come from a place of hate to them. No. And when you truly come from a place of love, they want to sit with you and they want to hear what they have to say. Yeah. Because that makes them feel safe. Yeah. You come with them and yes, we were stern and we didn't back down and we spoke facts,
Starting point is 00:52:38 but we always came from a place of love. Yeah. So we got some questions. Somebody said, can you literally demonstrate how you would share the gospel with someone? Yeah. And like I said earlier, the best, you don't need to use lofty words. You literally let the Holy Spirit speak through you. And like I said earlier, you use what you've been through and what God did for you when you were at the bottom. Oh, that reminds me of something. Go ahead. I'd love to read something in 1 Corinthians.
Starting point is 00:53:13 It was Paul's message of wisdom, and I relate to this so much. He says, When I first came to you, dear brothers and sisters, I didn't use lofty words and impressive wisdom to tell you God's secret plan. For I decided that while I was with you, I would forget everything except Jesus Christ, the one who was crucified. I came to you in weakness, timid and trembling, and my message and my preaching were very plain. Rather than using clever and persuasive speeches, I relied only on the Holy Spirit. I did this so you would trust not in human wisdom, but in the power of God. Amen. I think that's so when you are preaching the gospel very plainly, you don't need to use
Starting point is 00:53:53 clever speeches or clever words. You come from your heart, from what you've been through and what God actually did in your own life. And they can't rebuttal you they really can't they say hey oh that well wow that's what you've been through yeah I think that what Ari said is absolutely perfect that you always start I think what Paul does throughout the whole New Testament is so good you you will realize if you read Acts you'll see that every time Paul is going to give a big speech he always starts out with his testimony he always starts out with his testimony. He always starts out with saying, you guys, I used to be somebody.
Starting point is 00:54:28 My name used to be Saul. I used to persecute and kill Christians. And now I am a Christian myself because I've had the revelation of who Jesus Christ is as the Messiah and the Savior. And so he always, and then he comes with telling them the truth about Jesus. But he always comes with first being like,
Starting point is 00:54:46 this is where I come from. I was just like you. I thought just like you. But this is what God did in my life. And then like what Ari is saying about not using lofty language, not using impressive language. That's not what, in fact, that can almost be detrimental in a lot of ways. When you're speaking to people who don't know anything about Christianity, speaking Christianese helps nobody. And I think about this moment in Exodus. I love this so much. In Exodus chapter three, Moses is saying, so the Lord had just asked Moses to go to Egypt and that Moses was going to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. And Moses starts freaking out because he's saying, I am not the one for the job. So the Lord said, you must lead my people to Israel out of Egypt.
Starting point is 00:55:33 But Moses protested to God, who am I to appear before Pharaoh? Who am I to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt? God answered, I will be with you. And this is your sign that I am the one who has sent you. You have, when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God at this very mountain. So when Moses says to him, he feels so unqualified to do the Lord's work that he says, but who am I to appear before Pharaoh? God loves answering a question with, with not the answer to the question. He says, but who am I to do this? God said, I will be with you. Meaning it actually doesn't even matter who you are because I haven't chose you based on who you are. I chose you based on your obedience and your willingness to let me
Starting point is 00:56:15 work through you. The point is that I will be with you, not that you're the one for the job. And it's the same thing with preaching the gospel. And just one more thing in Exodus chapter four, verse 10. So the Lord is, God is still saying to Moses, no, you're the one you're going to go do this. He says, but Moses pleaded with the Lord. Oh Lord, I am not very good with words. I've never been. And I'm not now, even though you have spoken to me, I get tongue tied and my words get tangled. Then the Lord asked Moses, who makes a person's mouth? Who decides whether people speak or do not speak, hear or do not hear, see or do not see? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go. I will be with you as you speak and I will instruct you
Starting point is 00:57:00 in what to say. Do you understand we read that this morning and I looked at Angela and I go, I couldn't relate more to that passage. That is literally what I went through. I would look up at God and say, God, I am not qualified for this. I don't know how to speak. I'm scared. And I swear he said the same thing. I am with you. And he has been with us this whole time. And I just, I know a lot of you might just be like, who am I to go preach the gospel? Oh, you are more than qualified to preach that gospel.
Starting point is 00:57:40 Let me tell you. Absolutely. And it goes on a little later to say in Exodus chapter six, the Lord is still saying, go back to Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, and tell him to let the people of Israel leave his country. But Lord, Moses objected, my own people won't listen to me anymore. How can I expect Pharaoh to listen? I am such a clumsy speaker. And again, when the Lord spoke to Moses in the land of Egypt, he said to him, I am the Lord. Tell Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, everything I'm telling you. But Moses argued again with the Lord saying, I can't do it. I'm such a clumsy speaker. Why should Pharaoh listen to me? He kept counting himself out because he's a clumsy speaker.
Starting point is 00:58:19 And God is like, the thing that you think is to your detriment, I'm actually using. You don't like your voice. You don't like your voice. You don't like your speech. You don't like what you have to say. That's exactly what I'm going to use to bring myself glory. That's what he does. That's what he does. That's so good. That's what he did with me, I swear.
Starting point is 00:58:35 So I was like, I can't get up on there and preach the Bible and do all that. Oh, yes, you can. Boy, he did. So the question was, what would you, they said, give a literal answer of how you would go about giving a short explanation of the gospel. And I think what Ari said is perfect, that you start with saying, talking about your testimony, how did God move in your life? They will see the heart of God in your heart and through the heart of your story and what he did in your story. And then I think you can give a brief explanation of why God sent Jesus in the first place. And that was because there had to have been an atonement for our sins in every religion. It is a universal thing that, you know, sin must be punished and that you need a savior in a way. And Christianity
Starting point is 00:59:27 is the only religion in which we actually receive a true salvation because we're the only religion where you can actually have your, your it's at, you're actually, there's confirmation through the word that you will be, have salvation and you will get to heaven through your faith in Jesus. through the word that you will be have salvation and you will get to heaven through your faith in Jesus and no other religion can say that and then so if you go about the atonement of sin somebody had to atone for our sins there was always a separation between us and God in every religion there is no relationship there's no direct relationship with God except in Christianity because God so loved the world that he sent his only son to die on the cross for us. He lived 31 years on earth, began his ministry, did so many miracles and so many signs and wonders
Starting point is 01:00:12 that it says in Revelation that, or not, is it in Revelation? It says in the Bible that if they counted every single miracle that Jesus ever did in his lifetime, in just the two years, all the books in the world wouldn't be able to contain them because they were so many. So Jesus did so many there are so many eyewitnesses that prove everything in the Bible to be true. The Bible is 66 books written by 40 people over 400 countries that all point to the same thing they all point to Jesus being the Messiah. There is more historical evidence for the gospel of Jesus Christ being true than any other religion ever. It's if you actually dig deep into it, it's the only one that makes
Starting point is 01:00:53 sense on all fronts. And spiritually it's the only one where you have a loving, caring relationship with God. It's the only one where you have a personal intimate relationship with Jesus because he loved us so much. He literally died for us. Every other God in every other religion is so separate. They are so holy that they wouldn't even dream about coming down to dirty earth to live amongst us. They are better than that. They're holier than that.
Starting point is 01:01:20 Whereas God came down. He humbled himself even to the point of death. And he died on the cross and then he gave us he died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins that we would never have to do what we talked about in the resurrection episode you never have to atone for your sins in any way you receive forgiveness through your faith in Jesus and then then through his death, we receive the Holy Spirit, which is also something that is living proof in so many of us, in all of us believers, we have the Holy Spirit living in us. And that's proof in and of itself. And of course, there's so many other things that you can say. And then I remember a few questions that we got. Oh, well, I don't know, it could be made up. No,
Starting point is 01:02:02 there were 7,000 witnesses. And then, you know, another thing that I wanted to mention was, you know, people say, well, I know. I know what the Bible says, but what I believe and what you say very nicely is it's really it's not what you believe. It's what the word says. You can't change the word. So anybody can try to say what they believe, but it's what the Word says. So absolutely true. And people say then, but how do you know that the Word is the Word of God? Because I will speak from personal experience that when you apply biblical principles to your life,
Starting point is 01:02:39 and I know people can say that about any other book, but let me tell you that I didn't go into the Bible with blind faith. I went into the Bible saying, God, show me it's real. Because think about Noah's Ark is a little crazy for me. Jonah in the belly. It's a little crazy. I need you to, I need you to. Really? Yeah. I mean, like naturally you have questions. Naturally these things aren't the easiest, but when you seek and you will find, when you seek Jesus with all your heart and you seek the truth and you have an open heart, he will reveal these things to you. The Bible is full of promises from beginning to end. It's promise after promise after promise.
Starting point is 01:03:16 We know so many of them. You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. Every tongue that rises up against me in judgment shall be condemned. been formed against me shall prosper every tongue that rises up against me in judgment shall be condemned the Lord is my shepherd I shall not not want like there are so many promises that he gives and I have seen every single promise come to life every single one everyone has come true there is not one instance in my life that has contradicted scripture none. And so that's how you know it's the truth. We lived it. Yeah. We literally lived it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:48 And it's a double-edged sword, just like it says in scripture. It pierces the soul. It changes you. It renews your mind. It transforms your heart. It heals your heart. It cleans your heart. It's real.
Starting point is 01:04:00 It's the truth. And it's the only book. It's real. It's the truth. And it's the only book. It's the only holy book that, again, is based around a God that loves you so much that he would die for you. If there's a God that created every single one of us so intricately and so distinctly, he clearly loves us. He loves this creation. All signs point to God loving us. He created all of this for us. He created the birds to chirp and he created greenery to be beautiful and flowers to it so we could enjoy these things. He loves us so much that he created everything and us to be enjoyed. That's right. So if every other religion
Starting point is 01:04:39 doesn't have a loving God, it simply just doesn't make sense to me. Yeah. So true. It's the only, the moral of the story is it's the only thing that's actually ever worked. And this is coming from, I mean, I know you've been a Christian for many years, but I've tried it. I tried everything. So did I. I tried everything. I tried everything. So did I.
Starting point is 01:05:05 I tried everything. I mean, and let me tell you, it's the only thing that changed my life. So I can tell you as someone who tried every single thing, every method, none of it works. But the word of God. I love the Bible so much. I love Jesus for giving us the Bible and I can't I think not a lot annoys me but there's only one thing that annoys me and when they try
Starting point is 01:05:30 to contradict the words in the Bible cause not one word in here is wrong everything is right if I could have any wish any prayer answered it's that every single soul on the planet would come to Jesus.
Starting point is 01:05:47 Because we know that he is the way, the truth, and the life. Nobody gets to the Father except through him. So many people are lost. They're so broken. And their answer, their forgiveness, and their freedom is on the other side of this prayer. So if you feel called, we invite you guys to pray this prayer with us. Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe you died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and I invite you to come into my heart
Starting point is 01:06:20 and life. I want to trust and follow you as my Lord and Savior. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. Well, if you just said that prayer for the first time, welcome to the family. We love you. We love you. God bless you guys. Before we go, we would love for you guys to put your prayer request in the comments below. We want to know how we can be praying for you guys to put your prayer requests in the comments below. We want to know how we can be praying for you, your struggles, what you're going through. Angela and I just love to pray for you guys. You guys are truly our family and we love you like we love ourselves. So please do that for us so we can be praying for you. And let us know if any of the prayers that you had previously put in the box, if any of them came true or. Oh, I got, I got messages of people saying that their prayers got answered.
Starting point is 01:07:11 No. I had messages. Yeah. I got messages of people being like, I just want to say thank you because I put my prayer and I believe that you guys prayed for me and my prayer was answered. Wow. So please everybody put your request. And like we said last time, put your prayer request and then look to the person underneath you. Go comment and pray for that person. And let's just do a prayer chain and take it seriously because it's just as important for you to pray for other people as it is for people to pray for you. It is. And the power of prayer really works, you guys. And so, yeah, we would love that. We love you guys so much. Thank you for your continuous support. Thank you for loving us the way you do. Thank you for the encouragement
Starting point is 01:07:51 and just, just being, just acting as if we are your sisters. We just, we're so incredibly grateful. We would be, we wouldn't have this if it weren't for you. So we love you. We appreciate you. We're praying for you. And we just thank you. We love you so much, so much. Thank you guys for everything. Just like Ari said, your continued support through everything. We're about to hit a year.
Starting point is 01:08:19 It doesn't make any sense. Every Friday is the best day of my life with you guys. I put on my story recently it's as if it's as if every Friday all around the world wherever we are we're one we're together united and it's just the most beautiful thing may the Lord bless you and keep you may he make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you may he turn his face towards you and give you peace and Holy Spirit boldness and empowerment. In Jesus' name we pray. Love you guys.
Starting point is 01:08:49 Love you guys so much. you

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