Girls Gone Bible - Purpose | Girls Gone Bible

Episode Date: September 2, 2023

GGB:) hi beautiful people. happy friday, we hope you had an incredible week! this weeks episode is on PURPOSE. “what is my purpose” is a question that absolutely plagues people. we dive into what... purpose is, how lacking purpose is a result of so many mental health issues, and how to figure out what God’s purpose for you is. we tell stories on how a lack of purpose has negatively affected us in the past and stories on how we walked into our God given purpose and it saved us. the true meaning of life is to know Jesus, and to make Him known. your calling isn’t the job, or the relationship, or the money & status. being in relationship with Jesus is your calling. all the other stuff falls into place when you realize you were created with a PURPOSE and that purpose is to know the One True Living God. we love you so much. Jesus loves you the most. -Ang & Ari Only One Life - By C.T. Studd Two little lines I heard one day, Traveling along life’s busy way; Bringing conviction to my heart, And from my mind would not depart; Only one life, ’twill soon be past,  Only what’s done for Christ will last. Only one life, yes only one, Soon will its fleeting hours be done; Then, in ‘that day’ my Lord to meet, And stand before His Judgement seat; Only one life,’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last. if you’d like to support Girls Gone Bible 🙏🏻🕊️🤍 Paypal- Venmo-

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Before we start, you guys, I needed to talk to Ari about something. Oh, Lauren. No, no. What is it? It's just something that's been on my mind a little bit. I feel like I don't really understand why when we hang up the phone you don't say I love you. I always say I love you. More often than not, you hang up.
Starting point is 00:00:25 I don't know. You hang up and then I say love you and then you hang up. Or I don't say love you. You have earrings in. I know I don't have earrings in. I know. I forgot that. Your ears are so little.
Starting point is 00:00:36 My ears are what? Little? So little. Okay, wait. You have little ears too. Okay, wait. I don't say I love you you don't you rarely ever so sometimes I don't say love you to spare my own feelings and my ego and then I feel bad because I'm like that's not like me I love saying I love you when we get off the phone
Starting point is 00:00:56 okay I have a question for you oh god what why don't you spend more time with me why don't you spend more time with me? Why don't I spend more time with you? I have neglected every friendship, relationship, my own family for my relationship with you. Every friendship? I, yes. Okay. I have neglected every, nobody gets my time more than you do. So who's getting all your time?
Starting point is 00:01:23 You. And who else? Uh, Jesus. All right. Hi guys. We are really excited to come on today because we want to talk about something very near and dear to our hearts and that is purpose. Your life purpose, God's purpose for you. I feel like purpose is something that plagues people of every age. I believe that a lot of mental health issues are a result of a lack of purpose in life. It's the constant question for everyone. What is the meaning of life? Why does my life matter? What is my purpose? What am I supposed to do?
Starting point is 00:02:08 It's really hard. Yeah, it is. And really existential. And thank God we have the word to rely on. So. All right. What are we reading today? So today we're going to read out of Luke chapter one, and we're going to start at
Starting point is 00:02:26 verse 26, Christ's birth announced to Mary. Now in the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph of the house of David. The virgin's name was Mary. And having come in, the angel said to her, Rejoice, highly favored one. The Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women. You want to keep going? But when she saw him, she was troubled at a saying and considered what manner of greeting this was. Then the angel said to her, Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a son and shall call his name Jesus.
Starting point is 00:03:12 He will be great and will be called the son of the highest. And the Lord God will give him the throne of his father, David. And he will reign over the house of Jacob forever. And of his kingdom, there will be no end. Then Mary said to the angel, how can this be since I do not know a man? Which means how can I be pregnant when I've never been with anybody? And the angel answered and said to her, the Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the highest will overshadow you.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Therefore, also that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of the highest will overshadow you. Therefore also that holy one who is to be born will be called the son of God. Now indeed, Elizabeth, your relative has also conceived a son in her old age. And this is now the sixth month for her who was called barren for with God, nothing will be impossible. Then Mary said, behold, the maidservant of the best stories. I don't know if anyone hasn't heard the story of when the Holy Spirit, when the angel of the Lord came to Mary, but it's just so beautiful. And I don't know if there's so many stories on purpose in the
Starting point is 00:04:25 Bible, but this is such a good one because her purpose was to give birth to Carrie, to conceive Carrie and then give birth to the, to the living God. Yeah. And I love when they say in 35, the whole, the Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the highest will overshadow you. Like, I just love that so much because most of the time we think so small and God's purpose for us is bigger than we could ever imagine. You know, we think that we're not good enough. We're not educated enough. But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, there's nothing you can't do when you have the power of God within you. It's so true. I know.
Starting point is 00:05:13 This gives me so much. I just feel so empowered when I read something like this. The Holy Spirit will come upon you in the power of the highest, like the power of Jesus, the same power, the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells within us and can help us fulfill our purpose. And I mean, I imagine, and then in, in Matthew chapter one, it talks about kind of from Joseph's perspective when he was supposed to, he was supposed to marry Mary, and they had never been together. And then the angel of the Lord came to her and said, your wife is going to conceive.
Starting point is 00:05:50 And he's like, well, that's not my baby. So I'm just going to... And Joseph was such a good man that he was like, you know what? I'm just going to put her away quietly. I'm not going to make a spectacle of her. And I'm just going to have her give birth. And that's it. And then the angel of the Lord said, no, your purpose in this situation is to be there for
Starting point is 00:06:08 Mary. You're going to be the father of the living God. So beautiful. And I mean, I don't think, I imagine Mary went her whole life not even knowing what her purpose was going to be. And her purpose was arguably one of the greatest in the whole Bible. And so we have so much to talk about today on purpose. I want to start with reading what the, what is the meaning of purpose? So purpose in a general context means the reason for which
Starting point is 00:06:40 something is done in a particular way, an object to be reached, a target, an aim, or a goal. And then the biblical meaning of purpose is purpose means the reason for which you were originally designed by God, the reason for your very existence. What do you think about purpose? Oh, purpose has been the biggest, one of the biggest things in my life, especially this past couple years. I think, like I loved what you said earlier, I think that it can cure a lot of people that suffer from such severe depression and anxiety. It's because they don't have purpose. When you have purpose, I'm not saying it all goes away but you find that that's what we're here for yeah that's why we're here we're here because God has a purpose for each and every one
Starting point is 00:07:33 of us exactly like I said I really struggled a lot this past couple years I hesitated to read this but it was so funny I felt like it was put on my heart to read it. I was in my new place and I was going through my things and this old journal fell out. And I just like opened it because I ran out of journals. And I, in the first page, I wrote October 21st, 2021. Can I read it to you? So it says, God, I pray you help me learn my way. I have spent months not understanding where I belong, not knowing where I'm supposed to be feeling incredibly purposeless, not feeling good enough, listening to everyone around me thrive in their careers, yet I'm still so stuck. I pray you help me find happiness in my career life I hope something comes and gives me energy and a push I'm tired I don't wait I wake
Starting point is 00:08:34 up in fear and anxiety not knowing what to do or who to be I feel like it's the only thing missing in my life isn't and I just like broke down when I read that I can't believe it I can't believe it either that's why journaling is the best thing you can do because it reminds you of where you were and you can compare it to where you are now and I can't believe he would open that up to you and like bring that highlight that and bring it to your attention to so because there are times where we forget how far we've come and it's little reminders like that that are like actually do you like you should be so grateful of where you are right now hi yeah he wanted me to see that it was like wow what is purpose to you i have any time in my life that i struggled with my mental health, I was lacking purpose.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Yeah. And I know for me that I've tried to fill myself with so many different things throughout my life. Boys, relationships, substances, my career, money, attention, like all of the things we are insatiable I have tried finding purpose in so many things and there is only one thing that I've been successful at finding my purpose in and that is Jesus I'm just I had this like later in my notes but I'm just gonna say it now because it's I had this like later in my notes, but I'm just going to say it now because it should be the basis of this whole podcast. Our sole purpose in life is to know Jesus and to make him known.
Starting point is 00:10:13 That is our why. That's our reason. That's our end and our beginning. Like the day I started living for Jesus, I don't have to look for my purpose. He's here. He's within me. I have my purpose. I don't need to wonder and think, when is it going to come? When am I going to find it? Am I going to stumble upon it? He is our reason. Yeah. You have to tell our story too.
Starting point is 00:10:35 All right. Well, okay. So me and Ari have a story about before we started Girls Gone Bible, and let's just say that Girls Gone Bible is the best thing that's ever happened to us. We did a poll yesterday for everyone to ask questions about purpose. And I wrote at the top of the poll, we love you guys so much, it's insane. And it's so random that I said that, but I really in that moment felt so overwhelmed
Starting point is 00:11:01 at the fact that we love you guys so much. And to answer your questions and to hear your stories, to get your messages has given us everything we could ever ask for in our lives. And I know both of us have gone looking in so many different places for purpose. And this is like, finally, I just feel like God is like, you went through a lot to get here, but I'm so happy that we're here now and you found it. And Ari and I have a situation. So we go to one potter's house in LA. And one Sunday, it was just her and I in church.
Starting point is 00:11:37 And they were doing an altar call at the beginning of the service. Toray was, Pastor Toray was preaching and they did it at the beginning. And there were people like, it was first, let me say that One Potter's House is such an anointed church. Things change in that place. Things happen. They transform, like lives change there. The spirit of God is there. And there were people like wailing in the audience and people were crying and me and Ari were overtaken by emotion. We were crying and we had a moment where the music was playing. Everyone was looking forward. And then they had, they say something where they have you turn to your partner and say, you both say something that you need from God or you want to change or to be delivered from.
Starting point is 00:12:26 And then the other person says, it is done in Jesus name. Me and Ari, I'll never forget it because that's the moment our lives changed. We both had tears going down our face. We looked at each other crying like little girls. We said the same thing at the same time. We needed to be delivered out of the situations that we were in. Ultimately, we needed purpose. We needed Jesus.
Starting point is 00:12:53 We needed to live for him for real. We wanted to get away from the people we were around, out of the environments we were in. We looked at each other like little girls. Crying, holding each other. It was one of those moments I will never forget. It really was. It was one of those moments that we left there and we looked at each other and we said, we need to remain patient because something's going to change. We kept saying it after that.
Starting point is 00:13:20 We were like, something's going to happen. And very shortly after it did. We started Girls Gone Bible maybe two weeks later and our whole lives changed. We never expected it. We didn't know, but we knew that day we came to into agreement with each other and with God that like we were done in the life that we were living and things were going to change and he was going to move. We went through a lot in that time. We had to learn a lot. You know what I, you know what it
Starting point is 00:13:51 is? I think sometimes God doesn't change our circumstances because he's trying to change us within our circumstances. You know, our inner strength, our maturity, our character, all the things that we must need for the greater purpose that God has for our life. And I know that's what He did for us. That's why just know that your wilderness season or your breakup or whatever pain you're in, whatever you're going through, it's all for such a greater purpose God has for your life. Angela and I went through so much and I know it was just building us and building us and building us to the purpose that we have right now. A hundred percent. And he was just getting us ready. He was equipping us. Yeah. I, I don't know. I'm just so grateful to him but the truth is our purpose came
Starting point is 00:14:48 when we were so submitted to God like I we couldn't have stepped into that purpose before that and I do want to say something that purpose doesn't just mean that you're going to purpose like living in God's purpose for you and spreading the gospel doesn't mean that you need to become a preacher or a speaker or, you know, get out on a podcast and start speaking like you do that at home with your friends, with the people around you. So don't think that like purpose means you have to do this big, grandiose thing. And if you're not in the spotlight, you're not in your purpose because God, first of all, most of the time works in obscurity. Like he, sometimes you'll think that you're, you're not even chosen because you're hidden, but really God is just waiting to highlight you
Starting point is 00:15:44 until he's ready, until you're ready, until the time is just waiting to highlight you until he's ready, until you're ready, until the time is right. And like, for example, Jesus went 30 years, like 31 years before starting his ministry. Nobody knew all that time that he was the son of God. Like he was the Messiah, the Christ, the Alpha, the Omega, the beginning and the end. Like he is the God of all gods. And he went 31 years humbly, not like looking for that attention. And then when God said it was right, he said, my time has not come yet. When God said it was right, he elevated, he started to fulfill his purpose. Sometimes you'll go through years of routine before you're provoked to your purpose.
Starting point is 00:16:22 Yeah. You know. before you're provoked to your purpose. You know? We got a lot of questions saying that, we got so many of the same questions about purpose, people asking, should I wait? Like, what do I do while I'm waiting?
Starting point is 00:16:38 Do I wait for God to clearly tell me what to do? And I really think that God wants us to do. He wants us to we've all been given gifts we've all been given talents while those aren't our sole purpose those gifts and talents he still wants us to get up and do something if God woke you up today if you have breath in your lungs and blood running through your veins you have a purpose purpose. Get up and do something. Yeah. Something. God wants to see you work and put it to the test and work hard. Yeah. Yeah. No, I was, um, I was just thinking about this because I was doing things that I didn't want to do, but I think because I kept going, I kept, I, I, I, he kept me so humble. I failed and failed and failed, but I
Starting point is 00:17:26 kept going and I kept trying new things. And now that I feel like I am living in my purpose, I'm so grateful for it. Yeah. You know, I love that you say that. OK, this is a conversation we had the other day because are you what I love about Ari is you're literally one of the most hardworking people I've ever met in my life. I mean, she has done so many things. You've started businesses and she's done it all on her own. No one backing her, no one paying for it. Like you've done so much and you've tried.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Maybe sometimes things didn't work out the way you wanted to, but you didn't care. You just picked back up, learned what you needed to learn and then did the next thing. But you never stopped. You kept going. And now it's equipped you to like handle things really well with our business now. Yeah. And, you know, the conversation we had the other day in the car when we were like, sometimes we try to force a purpose in our life that isn't actually God's purpose. Let's talk about that because a lot of people asked, how do you know if something isn't God's purpose for you? I heard this quote about like balancing our desires with God's needs. Like God knows what we need. So if we don't have something, it's ultimately because we
Starting point is 00:18:48 don't need it yet. Yeah. Like he hasn't put us in our current situation, like for no reason. He has a purpose and he has a plan. Yeah. So I feel like we can trust him in such a way that our talents and our desires will be used for his intended purposes, for Him and His glory. Yeah. You know? Wow, I love that so much. It's like what you said, like our gifts and our talents will be used for His glory. I think we need to look at when you want to find your purpose, I think you want to look at what has God given you already?
Starting point is 00:19:26 What talent? What gifts? What strengths? What has he given you that it's clear like you were born with these gifts, right? Because that could lead you to your purpose. And then you also want to look at where are doors opening for you? Because I think sometimes when you're doing something, and I'm not saying, okay, because this is a little tricky.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Yeah, because I'm not saying that like, just because something is hard, you should give up at it. But I do think that you need to be honest with yourself and be like, do I feel like God is backing me? Do I feel like he's opening doors? For example, my acting, right? I truly believe that is God's my purpose has changed I used to think that acting was my purpose now I know that acting is a means to get me into doors to fulfill my
Starting point is 00:20:13 purpose in spreading the gospel yeah right but like I was given the gifts and then God has consistently opened doors for me yeah it's been an uphill battle at times it's been really hard there have been times where I'm like, am I even supposed to be doing this? But I've always felt God backing me because it just made sense. There have been other things in my life where I'm like, this doesn't make sense because I don't have peace in it. I don't have peace in it. And I just want to say that when you're not obedient to God, he will never give you peace in whatever you're doing. And it's something I've had to look at that He's not going to bless my sin.
Starting point is 00:20:48 It's true. It's true. I was thinking about my, I was thinking about everything with my purpose. Like I, I came here when I was a little girl, like I was just, I was 17, barely 18. And I had big dreams. Yeah. You know, I had big dreams and I came here and I, if, if you're in the industry, you understand, you know, one month you're on top of the world. And then the four months it's, it's instability. So you, so it's like, I had constant anxiety. It was taking over my life. Like I could not be present in the now. It's, I was just thinking when, when, when, when, when, what, what am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to do? Who am I supposed to be? And I, and I feel like that, that is not how you find your purpose. That like, that creates obsession. Yes. And the, I, I really, really, I can't say this enough, like the way to find your
Starting point is 00:21:48 purpose, like Angela said, is being faithful to God and following him. Sorry. Yeah, like I didn't understand what I was doing, what decision to make. I was broken. I was confused and I just kept hearing God be like, I don't want you to do anything right now. I want you to just stand still because it's not your time yet. Yeah. Like I know now that I feel like I'm finally in my purpose right now, I can see him. I'm seeing all the dots that are connected and I'm seeing that in order to do anything, I had to find him first. I was too focused on me and my career and everything. And I wasn't, it's, it's not about me.
Starting point is 00:22:36 This, this life isn't about you. It's about Jesus. And until I find, found him and I devoted my life to him, that is what, that is how my life is where it is now. I am so annoyed. Literally the whole time you speak, I'm like, I get so excited. It's so true. I'm telling you, you can't, people are like, what if I missed my calling? What if I didn't pursue it when I should have? What if I didn't know and I missed it? You can't miss your calling if you're focused on God. He is the calling.
Starting point is 00:23:09 He's the calling. He's the purpose. He's the focus. Everything else will come. The job and whatever you're supposed to be doing in your average everyday life. But he is the purpose. And go ahead. the purpose. And go ahead. I don't know if you, if you like, if you had this as well, but I constantly had this like daunting, nagging voice in my head that I, that God wanted more for my
Starting point is 00:23:34 life. Like I had been in the industry for so many years, but I just felt it in my heart that I, there was more, like I always wanted to help others always I actually right after COVID I was going to go to nursing school but obviously that fell through and it's just it's crazy like he'll plant the seed I feel like yeah I love that you were gonna go to nursing school when you yeah because you were like I don't know what to do all I want to do is help people and this is the only thing that I know I can do. So I want to become a nurse. That's the cutest thing ever.
Starting point is 00:24:08 I just wanted to help people. And I didn't know how or why, but I kept thinking about it. And when I started devoting my life to God, I would sit at church and I would just look at him and I would say, Jesus, I don't know what to do, but who do you want me to be? What do you want me to do? but who do you want me to be? What do you want me to do? And where do you want me to go? I didn't even know if I was even supposed to stay here. But when I really fully surrendered my life to him and I was like, I'm just going to be still right now. Sometimes the best thing to do is just be still and not do anything at all. Not saying don't work. I mean,
Starting point is 00:24:44 I've had to take care of myself my whole life. So I've always been a worker, but sometimes you don't really have to worry about what you're supposed to do. Just be still and lean on God and keep praying and asking him and tell him to guide you. Um, some, what is it? Psalm 46, be still and know that I am God. What is it? Psalm 46, be still and know that I am God. I mean, I love that so much. Like, just be still. Know that he is God. Know that he will take care of it. Can I add on when you said that you felt like God was being like, I don't want you to do anything right now. There was one time where someone had commented and said, we love Socrates. He's like our favorite side character
Starting point is 00:25:26 in the girls gone bible cinematic universe that was so cute but like Socrates I remember one time I called him and I was saying Socrates I have not had a lot of work recently I'm not really making like I'm fine financially but like I want to work like I want to do something why am I not having this type of work or that or whatever and he well, the reason is because God wants you to spend time with him. Oh yeah. You told me this. Yeah. And in that moment, I was like, every time that I feel like I'm lacking work, which I easily make an idol out of sometimes, every time I feel like I'm not having work, I know it's because God is saying, hey, remember who your true provider is. You get close to me and you focus on me during this time.
Starting point is 00:26:10 You have no idea how much I struggled. I mean, you guys and by the way, anyone who compares your life to others on the Internet, it's all an illusion. Yeah, true. I mean, we live in Hollywood. It's it's none of it's real. Everyone puts their best photo up. No one ever puts their bad ones up. But I struggled so immensely. I can't even tell you. I couldn't even I went months without a job. Yeah. And I just I couldn't understand why. And it truly is because I was not focused on God. And he was just searching, trying so hard, so hard to find me, for me to find him. And yeah. And it's just so funny because the life as a Christian, it is obviously the best thing you can do in your life, but there is a sense of,
Starting point is 00:27:01 and it's a good thing. It's a good little thing from the Holy Spirit. Like God just won't let you be. He's like a good father who wants the best for us. And he knows what we can accomplish and what we're capable of. And he's not going to let us. He's just not going to let us settle. He's not going to let us do less than what he created us to do. And so he'll sit there and be like, that's not what I want for you. And he just like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:27:24 It's just, I think it's cute And he just like, I don't know. It's just, I think it's cute that he's like that. That's true. In terms of purpose and God's will for your life, the number one prayer you can ever say is our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, in my career as it is in heaven, in my life, in my mental health, in my relationships as it is in heaven. His will be done over ours, his plan, his purpose, his will. When you surrender to God, you really don't have to worry because he will work everything out. He'll figure it out. He really will. That that's why he says don't be anxious for nothing but in everything with prayer and supplication thanksgiving make your request be made known to god like you don't have to worry about anything and i i was thinking too you know even people
Starting point is 00:28:18 coming that can't afford colleges and stuff like some people come from really difficult backgrounds. They come from abuse. They come from broken relationships. They're broken. And they're so broken. They're like, how can I possibly even find my way? Well, guess what? That's going to be an even greater testimony for you. It's going to be just, just understand that God is so close to you and he will, he will be there with you. Right. And he will use all of those things that you believe are a disadvantage. He will use it to your advantage.
Starting point is 00:28:52 He did it for me. That's who he is. He did it for me. When I started even my career, even my podcast with you, I was broken. I was broken. And he used all of that for my greater good. So. You're, the Bible says, I think it's in Matthew six, seek first the kingdom of God. Yeah. Seek first Jesus first. That's before you worry about your purpose in life, in what you're supposed to do.
Starting point is 00:29:26 You seek first the kingdom of God. You get close to Jesus. Our purpose, God's will for our lives, is to know Jesus and to make him known, to bring other people to him, to bring other people to Christ. And you will see how everything else in your life just flourishes when you focus on him like that. And I feel like a lot of the time when people are not close to God, now there are some people who go their whole lives not knowing Jesus who are fine. That's the truth. Now what happens after they die is why it's important to receive Jesus and receive salvation. But there are so many people who don't know Jesus, and that's truly why they feel empty. And I don't care what anyone says.
Starting point is 00:30:14 That is their reasoning for being empty because we have a God. That is why. A hundred percent. We have a God-sized hole in our hearts that nothing can fill except Jesus. And we were created to have a relationship with Jesus. That's why when you're not in relationship with him, you're not spiritually right. Like you don't feel good. I know when I wasn't in relationship with Jesus, I did not feel good. I was not right. My paths were not straight. We were created to have a relationship with him, to be in fellowship with the Holy Spirit every single day.
Starting point is 00:30:48 And without that, we will always feel empty. We will always have lack. But with him, he can do exceedingly and abundantly more in our lives and in our hearts than we could ever ask for. That is why I know. That's why I'm so passionate about this, because I have watched what he did in my life and in your life. Yeah. And I couldn't, I would be in a hole, a really deep hole that I was in just a year ago.
Starting point is 00:31:17 If I didn't just seek him and find him, he literally changed my life. He brought me to my purpose. seek him and find him. He literally changed my life. He brought me to my purpose. He, he just, that's why we come on here every week. And we just really want to help you guys because he is the way he is the way he is the way. And I'm telling you, I know it sounds silly. I know it sounds weird that if I just preach the gospel, if I tell other people about Jesus, that will make me feel full. Yes, that is our sole purpose in life before anything. And I can't tell you how freeing it is to sit here and be like, oh, actually, first of all, life is a blip. I remember somebody asked my 95-year-old grandma, what was it like to live so many years? And she said it was like blinking.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Oh, yeah. It was like blinking oh yeah it was like blinking end of summer how i know it's the end of summer we didn't even go to the beach no seriously like we it goes by so fast this while this life is so precious and so important it's nothing compared to what comes after in life with jesus and that's that's why you have to be kingdom minded you have to focus on jesus you you you't, you can't be so consumed with the riches of this life and, and money and fame and success and all this stuff and work and, and material things because you can't take it with you. You're going to, yeah, that's, that's why so many successful people are so empty because they don't
Starting point is 00:32:43 have Jesus. You can have all the money in the world. I see it every day here. They are the most emptiest people. It's because that's all they think about is career and money and this and that. They don't have God. If I'm being honest, the more money you have, the more miserable you are. Money is the root of all evil. You can be successful. Yeah, you can be successful though. You can do really well. I know very successful people that have God in their lives, but they have balance. It's all about balance. But yeah, if you're sitting here thinking, well, how is God going to help bring me to my purpose? Oh, He will because He did that with me in under a year.
Starting point is 00:33:18 And we have to be honest what it is. And we don't preach the gospel because someone is holding a gun to our head and forcing us. We do it because we've lived the experience that when Ari and I both started reading the Bible and then telling other people about Jesus, bringing people to Jesus, that is our purpose. And I just, I really want us to, we did this a couple episodes ago and we really wanted to do it again today. We want to give anyone an opportunity who hasn't come to Jesus to say this prayer with us. Jesus loves you so, so much. I promise you that your purpose is found in him. It's a life that is worth living, a life that is full, a life that has meaning and
Starting point is 00:34:07 purpose. And you will never again ask yourself, what is the meaning of life? What is my purpose? Was I created for a reason? You are created by him and for him, and he just wants you to come back home to him. So say this with me, if you'd like. Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe you died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite you to come into my heart and life. I want to trust you and follow you as my Lord and Savior. In your name, Jesus. Amen.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Amen. I love that so much. Purpose. Purpose. That is your purpose. amen i love that so much purpose purpose that is your purpose and we'd also like to say too while we're here that saying the prayer is great we would really encourage you guys to get baptized if you can get baptized by the name of jesus and the holy spirit become new in christ i mean it's the best thing you can ever do your that'll be your birthday, basically, your new life, your new self, your new soul. What do you guys think about Ari and I hosting
Starting point is 00:35:12 a Girls Gone Bible baptism? I would love that. Also, what do you guys think about us doing, maybe we could do a live baptism and a live Bible study, like all in one even. I know that we keep getting those comments about the Bible study. I would love to do a live Bible study. We should probably do that. Write in the comments what you guys would want us to do because we really want to put something together. And so we could have a little help and direction. But I don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:44 I just feel like a girl's gone bible baptism I just not everybody lives in LA but let us know if you'd be willing to travel and we can even do a live taping also like if we'll we'll have people there that are in LA and we'll also live tape it so people can tune in and watch it yeah absolutely yeah man it's just so crazy how our purpose changed. Oh, yeah. I mean, you and I used to sit here and just talk about just being in the industry and things like that. And it's just God really just amazing. I can't tell you how freeing it is, too.
Starting point is 00:36:19 I'm so happy to not sit here and be like, I want to be like, I don't. I know. I'm just like, please. It's so freeing. It's so freeing to live for Jesus. People think that really, it's just so funny because people think religion means that you have to abide by all these rules and that it's strict and a life of, you know, just being confined to whatever Jesusesus is freedom you have no idea sin is is strict and and you know holds you down and back jesus frees you yeah the truth will set you free jesus christ is the truth he is the one true living god you guys like he there's nobody like jesus there never will be there never was he created us for a reason, for a purpose. And I have this written
Starting point is 00:37:09 down here. It's Colossians 317. Whatever you do, whether in word or in deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus. So it doesn't matter what your career is. If you're a firefighter, a pilot, whatever, you work at the grocery store, you do whatever, like do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus. You don't need to come on a podcast or get up on a stage to spread the gospel. In fact, I really before we do anything, I really want to read this. I love the questions that we got. this question. I love the questions that we got. This girl said, feeling a calling to be famous, but can't tell if it's God or just me wanting attention, lol. I love the lol. And I was thinking about this so much because people really, really think that fame is a good thing and I just want to say not me and Arielle are not
Starting point is 00:38:07 famous by any means obviously but we have clearly had some attention now and you know from the podcast and from whatever most people like they did a poll in school saying like what do kids want to be when they grow up and it used to be the firefighters and the astronauts and whatever it is all everybody's answer is basically to be youtube or tiktok famous i know and that's why i mentioned earlier about the internet is such an illusion oh yeah it really really is it's not what you think it is it's all it's it's not real it's not and also i think the reason most of the time people want to be famous or they want attention is because they want to feel seen. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:46 And we are here to tell you that attention doesn't make you feel seen. In fact, it actually feels the opposite. Yeah. Because to feel seen means that you feel understood. Yeah. And when I get attention on the Internet, while a lot of it's good, and sometimes, especially the people on the YouTube and the Spotify, like, we feel so understood because you guys get us. Those comments and that stuff on, like, the Instagram, I have never felt more misunderstood by people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:12 I don't feel seen in a good way. And alone a little bit, too. Oh, my gosh. It's so lonely. Yeah, when you read those negative comments and things like that, because you can't help but read them, it's a very weird, lonely feeling. And I think it's a very weird lonely feeling and I think it's a lot of spiritual warfare too I know there's been days where we just feel completely like dead like yeah if we're being honest since this like comes so many great things because we
Starting point is 00:39:36 have such purpose and we're really helping so many people but then there's another side of it where we feel completely like depleted. And I have goosebumps. I'm so happy that you mentioned that. Yeah. Because you're so right that we have had the biggest purpose of our life and it has not been easy. So you need to remember that a lot of the time God's purpose for you won't be easy. Look at Mary.
Starting point is 00:40:07 lot of the time God's purpose for you won't be easy look at Mary yeah Mary I'm like I don't know why why the passion of the Christ the scene where Mary is on the floor and she's watching Jesus up on the cross literally wrecks me every time yeah Mary's you could say Mary's so cool she's so lucky she got to have Jesus she got to be Jesus's mom she had to watch her own son be crucified as an innocent man yeah they tortured him I know how nothing could be more difficult she's a mom at the end of the day regardless of if that's her purpose like she has his mom that's her baby that's her son and I don't know like just you're so right. Yeah. I think as a, as a young girl, especially like we're just looking at the internet and we're looking at all these celebrities and all this, all the money they're making guys, when we just, when we tell you it's not what it looks like,
Starting point is 00:40:56 it is those are just focus on God, focus on God, focus on God. And he, you will know what to do. God, focus on God, focus on God and He, you will know what to do. And also just trusting. I mean, trust can feel like an awfully big pill to swallow, especially when we must take a completely different route than the one we were expecting. But that's why we must trust God despite our feelings. We must stand on his promises, even when our mind is begging us to feel uncertain or confused. Yes. His promises are yes and amen. And you can stand on those promises. I have here, um, first John chapter two, verses 15 to 17. Do not love this world, nor the things it offers you. For when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you. The world offers only a craving for physical pleasure,
Starting point is 00:41:56 a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but from this world. And this world is fading away, along with everything people crave. But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever. The things of this world are fleeting. They are here today. They're gone tomorrow. But the kingdom of God is forever. And that's why we must pursue Jesus and righteousness. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:24 It's the answer. I'm sorry. That's the answer. That's the key. Jesus is the answer to literally everything. Yeah. There's no going around it. There isn't. Honestly, I know we sound so repetitive, but I lived it this year. I really, really did. I mean, when I tell you couldn't book a job, couldn't, I was completely just mentally gone because I solely was just so focused on me, me, me. What do I do? Where do I go? Who am I supposed to be? And I did not even focus on God for a second. And my life has, I think I wake up every morning and I put my hands up and I look up to him and I say, God, thank you so much. Like you have changed my life. Like you, I don't, I'm sorry. I know. I mean, I even have friends, they're struggling. They don't know who to be or where to go. And I
Starting point is 00:43:22 just encourage them, guys, I'm telling you, the minute you stop focusing on your purpose and you just stand still and you focus on God and you pray to him and you make him your first priority before anything else, that is when he's going to provide you with the career and your purpose and what you're meant to be. But until then, you're going to just keep going down this path of struggle and not having an identity. Yes. I mean, I think that's the biggest thing too. Like I don't, I would say I really didn't have an identity and I really do believe that's why nothing was coming into my life. How are you supposed to fill your life purpose with no identity? How? You know? Yeah. And not only will he bring you the purpose, he's going to bring you the right people to, to give you the confidence.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Some people just don't feel good. I know it because I lived it. I just didn't feel good. I couldn't even get out of bed in the morning, you know. And when I really just started focusing on him, he'd been he brought me all the people that that lifted me up. It was like you and then, you know, you like lifted me up and like brought me to where exactly I was supposed to be. They're going to be like angels they come into your life you know man yeah I mean he he's how do I drop this mic he's the greatest he's the he's the greatest the identity in Christ thing is I mean we should have a whole episode on putting our identity in Christ. I remember when I was younger, I remember being like 21 and I was just, I had absolutely no identity. And it's, I thought I did. I thought I was a confident person. I thought I was this and that. I was,
Starting point is 00:45:18 I didn't know anything. I didn't know who I was. My, my identity was built on the people around me, the people in my life, the things in my life. And you know what happens when everything comes crashing down? Because it will, and you'll lose everything. Where does your identity go when those things are gone? That's why he is, Jesus is our, the cornerstone, our firm foundation, the only thing that we should build our life on, because he's the only thing that can't be taken down or away from us. And I just want to say, because like we're going to answer questions, but we got, we, we got this last minute question and I, uh, a girl asked, what if I don't have a purpose? I'm a stay at home mom. Is that enough? And I just want to tell you moms that being a mother as a woman is the greatest purpose you can ever have.
Starting point is 00:46:09 I mean, please understand that there is nothing more purposeful. And that is the hardest job to be a mom. I look at my friends. I'm just like, you are a warrior. Truly. Like, you're the real warrior. Yeah. You're raising children.
Starting point is 00:46:29 And I even look at mothers and I'm like, I wish I could be there right now. So you're looking at us. We're looking at you. So it is the greatest gift, the greatest job. We applaud you. Truly. Yeah. I love that so much.
Starting point is 00:46:44 We look at them and they look at it. The grass is always greener. We'll try to go through these quick. I have this one. Feel like my calling is to a job that is not Christ-centered and very anti-Christian. How do I bring Christ to it? I'm going to speak from experience. And I don't know exactly how to answer this one because I'm still, I've done some things.
Starting point is 00:47:05 I'm figuring this out as I go. But something that I realized recently, I was in bed the other day and I was thinking about some things that I've done and possible things. And I was like, but like if God, you know, if this opportunity comes into my life, it's got to be from God. If it pays this well when God knows I need it, it's got to be from God. And I had the realization that God will never ask us to sin to provide for ourselves. That's right. Yes. And that's all I'm going to say to you.
Starting point is 00:47:32 I feel you. I understand you. I'm going through it sometimes. Yeah, we go through it a lot in our career. Believe me. But it's not necessary. And you'll know when you get close to God, you'll know what's right and what's wrong. And you'll hear it really clear in your head.
Starting point is 00:47:49 And sometimes, though, he does ask us to go into spaces that don't make sense for us to be. And because he someone needs to represent Christ in there. But it's all about discernment. And it's your relationship with God. And it's up to you guys. Close doors, closed doors. I believe closed doors or a non-occurrence is to bring about a new fruit into your life or a new opportunity while preventing and protecting you from a path God never had intended for you. Wow. So again, I will say this. There is there is purpose in your pain.
Starting point is 00:48:28 I'm 27 and I feel like I've missed God's purpose for my life. Thoughts. All right, my girl, let me tell you one thing. 27, you are young, young, young. Come on. You are so God. Society makes us feel like if you didn't hit your peak at 21, it's over for you. And that is so far from the truth. You're just beginning your maturity. And I will say, first of all, 30 is the new 20. 40 is the new 30. We're just getting better. We're living longer.
Starting point is 00:48:55 We're getting better. Like, it's never God. Like, how old Sarah and Abraham, right? They were, I can't remember the exact age, but they were very, very old before they had their kid. And they were obviously thinking they would never have a kid because they're that old. And God was like, actually, no, because with Christ, all things are possible. And so you're never too old. Even if you were 60, I would tell you, you're definitely not too old to fulfill your calling that God has for you.
Starting point is 00:49:22 So true. fulfill your calling that God has for you. So true. Somebody said, how can we hear our purpose if the enemy is keep whispering in our ear? Let me tell you one thing. I'll do what you do. Let me tell you one thing about the enemy. Of course, he's going to whisper in your ear and distract you and get into your head and try to put you off course. But let me tell you something else. The voice of God, the sovereign God, the Lord of Lords is the only voice that matters. And you, through prayer and through asking God, Lord, I ask you to silence, shut the mouth of the devil in my mind. I ask you to silence him, silence his voice. And I want you to amplify your voice.
Starting point is 00:50:04 God, give me ears to hear, give And I want you to amplify your voice. God, give me ears to hear, give me eyes to see and amplify your voice. So I know clearly that it's you in Jesus name. Jesus name. Purpose when you feel unworthy. When I came into this podcast, I felt insecure and unworthy, but I did it anyway. And when God sees that, He will be right beside you, pushing you, and the Holy Spirit will be in you. And like I said earlier, when the Holy Spirit's in you, it will do the work for you. Funny story real quick. When Angela and I first did this episode, we filmed our first episode. I watched the episode. I could barely even form a sentence. I was, I looked at her. I said, you need to find a new co-host. I'm not doing this. I cannot be vulnerable. I can't even
Starting point is 00:50:57 like properly speak. I don't feel good enough. Well, thank God I didn't let the enemy get in my head. Let's go. All that unworthiness, it's all from the enemy. Rebuke it in the name of Jesus. I promise you, just keep going and keep putting one foot forward. Also, when you have those thoughts, I know we've talked about this so many times, it gets easier to ignore when you realize what it is. If you're thinking awful things about yourself, that's not you, nor is it God. Like understand that that's the enemy and just like laugh at him. Be like, we literally laugh at him. I really and I'm not kidding you. Like I can. Can you say this too? I don't think bad thoughts about myself. I hear some of my friends the way they talk about
Starting point is 00:51:43 themselves, how ugly they are. I have been through so much in my life. I love myself so much. I don't even let those thoughts come into my mind. And if for some reason they do, I literally laugh at those thoughts because I know what it is. Yeah, it gets easier when you know. That's why wisdom, biblical knowledge is so good because you realize these things. What do you recommend we do when we don't hear God's voice? We could do a whole episode on God's voice. But what I would recommend in short form is to one,
Starting point is 00:52:17 pray about it. Two, stay in the Bible, read the Bible, listen to sermons, listen to worship, fill yourself with the Holy Spirit all day long and ask the Holy Spirit to be in fellowship with you. I would then look at what could the contributing factors to why you're not hearing him be. What doors are you opening? Are you doing something that's pulling you? I know for me, there's different types of sins that will cloud me spiritually and I'm unable to hear God's voice. Yeah. When you really get into the word in the mornings and you pray and you talk to him, I talk to him like he is our father, but I talk to him like he's my best friend. I just talk to him when I'm cooking. And you have
Starting point is 00:52:57 this sense of calmness when you're talking to him throughout the day. And you just can, that's when I think his voice can really comes into your head. Yeah. Someone said, my prayer well is dry and I don't know how to fix it. I know for both of us, sometimes when things are hard, we don't pray and it doesn't make any sense because that's when we need Jesus the most. But that's why one, it's really important to have godly people around you to pray for you, to strengthen your prayer life again um but what i would recommend is one you force yourself because there are times where i have to force myself that's when you pray that's when you should run to him oh my gosh when you're so
Starting point is 00:53:33 resistant like i don't feel like it i don't want to you gotta go to him you force yourself yeah you ask god to restore your prayer life and help you with that. Jesus, please help me pray again. Show me how to pray. Remind me to pray. Convict me to pray. Yeah. How to know if the purpose you think you have is from God or selfish desire the devil? Well, it just, it just depends. Are you serving others? Are you being of help? Are you, I think that's when you know it's from God. I think for me, the reason why I felt really tired and not good in my career is because I wasn't glorifying God. I was doing things that were just not glorifying Him.
Starting point is 00:54:22 It wasn't helping others. I felt purposeless. That's why I had this daunting voice in my head, like, I need you to do more. I have more for you. Yeah, I love that. Serving God, serving others, that's our purpose in life. If you're doing those two things, you will do well. I think also to know whether if it's from God or if it's selfish desire, you need to look at who is getting the applause in everything that you do. Are you getting the, are you doing things for yourself to receive the applause or are you doing it for the applause of God? Are you doing it for the glory and the honor of God? Yes, yes. Say that again.
Starting point is 00:55:06 I don't remember what I said. Are you doing it for yourself or are you doing it for the glory of God? Is that what you just said? Yeah, yeah. Okay, because that is so true. We must do everything for God and not selfishly for ourselves. Yeah, because one day the thing is like one day you're going to be doing, doing, doing, and then you're not going to get the applause. And then it's going to be really painful.
Starting point is 00:55:26 But if you do it for the applause of God, that's nothing can take that away from you. Yeah, I think that's. Can I say one thing, too? While you're in, when I say stand still and focus on God, when you are feeling really depressed and alone and not purposeful, help others. Yes. Do the best thing you can do is love on others and be in need of others. That is going to, you will figure it out. And in those moments of helping people and loving people, and whether it's for animals or another human being, that in itself is going to give you so much purpose. So, so true.
Starting point is 00:56:12 Yeah. Love God, love others. I think. You guys, gosh, this was such a Jesus centered podcast and I'm so grateful. Me too. podcast and I'm so grateful me too I just love him and sometimes when we get stressed about the podcast because obviously there are moments where we don't feel like we're good enough to do this I always think we have the word we have Jesus he is it's not about us yeah at all like we we will never run out of things to talk about because the the word and God is they're never ending yeah so we want to thank you guys we always say this
Starting point is 00:56:46 but we love you so much your words you have no idea what they do to us I mean thank you talk about purpose thank you talk about purpose you have given us more purpose than we could even fathom in our heads like we we are so happy. We are so filled just to know that we have you guys. So we love you and we thank you and we appreciate you more than you will ever understand. And God bless you. God bless you. And we, we really are seeing all your messages and all your struggles and everything you're going through. And we are keeping you guys in our prayers as well. Yeah. Did I just say prayers?
Starting point is 00:57:29 Prayers. No, prayers. Do you know what I have? What? I hope it's not in the whole episode. What? I had a piece of an RX bar in my nail. I hope everyone saw it.
Starting point is 00:57:40 All right, you guys. We love you. Don't ever forget. Keep reading the Bible. Stay in the Word. Stay close to Jesus. We love you. Don't ever forget. Keep reading the Bible. Stay in the Word. Stay close to Jesus. We love you, but He loves you infinitely more. You have no idea.
Starting point is 00:57:51 May the Lord bless you and keep you. May He make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May He turn His face towards you and give you peace, peace, peace. Peace to you guys. We love you. We love you. We love you. God bless you.
Starting point is 00:58:04 God bless you.. We love you. We love you. We love you. God bless you. God bless you. In Jesus' name.

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