Girls Gone Bible - Relationships Pt. 2 | Girls Gone Bible

Episode Date: August 25, 2023

GGGGGGGGGGB HAPPY FRIDAY we're back with part 2 of our relationships episode and we answer as many of your questions as we can. we get hundreds every time we put up a submission box, so keep asking ...and we're bound to answer yours eventually! GRACE FOR PURPOSE PRAYERS- may our Lord Jesus bless you and love you today and everyday of your life. we're really beyond grateful for the GGB community.  we love you so much. Jesus loves you more. -Ang & Ari   Support this podcast: if you’d like to support Girls Gone Bible 🙏🏻🕊️🤍 Paypal- Venmo-

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Starting point is 00:00:00 so hey guys yeah we wanted to get to the questions because we didn't get to do it in the first episode so dealing with rejection when i gave everything rejection is is god's redirection i don't think they rejected you. God protected you. God removed them. And if you really trust the Lord, and I know it's hard when someone just abandoned you and leaves you, but it truly is God's protecting you. God's closed doors are covered in goodness,
Starting point is 00:00:40 and his plans are greater than yours. Yeah. Yeah. And I think, too, like, you can rest easy knowing that you gave your all. You know what I mean? Rest in that. You did what you were supposed to do. And if it wasn't enough for that person, that's not the person for you.
Starting point is 00:00:58 And I know that's really hard, but I've said it before. I'll say it again. I don't believe in rejection. No. I don't believe there's such a thing. No. If I'm not for somebody, I'll say it again. I don't believe in rejection. I don't believe there's such thing. If I'm not for somebody, it's not my fault. If they want something different, if they want something better,
Starting point is 00:01:13 which I don't believe in that either. I don't think there's better. I think there's different. And just have peace in that. Like, they're not for you, so what? It's okay. It's really okay. You'll find the person who is for you i know rejection is so hard
Starting point is 00:01:25 but just understand that we have to trust god and his plans and they are so much greater than ours and he is not jesus is the most compassionate person do you think he's gonna take someone away from us that he has for us exactly yeah no he's not really rest in that rest in knowing that so when you get that feeling of just sickness inside like oh my god i miss them i want them god isn't gonna take someone away that's meant for you. And if they're gone, and the one thing that I say to myself, or I have said to myself, I say, God, I'm going to trust you in this. And if they're for me, I know you'll bring them back. If they're not, keep them away. Yeah. So true. He's listening and he's there for you and he will, and he protecting you understand that next question um somebody asked what do you do how do you know if somebody is bringing you closer to god or if they're pulling
Starting point is 00:02:33 you from them from him um i would say because i have been in a relationship where someone really was pulling me from god and i didn't even know because I thought I was still reading my Bible. I was still praying. So, I mean, a telltale sign if somebody is pulling you from God is if you stop praying or if you get away from the Bible, you stop doing your normal godly activities that you usually do. In this specific relationship, I was being pulled from god spiritually so hard i and it's because this relationship was inhabiting my life like i was making an idol out of it without even
Starting point is 00:03:14 knowing it was just taking up so this person was like a vampire almost like just sucking the life out of me and like requiring so much from me spiritually that I had nothing left to give God, you know? And so you'll know, you know, when somebody is pulling you from God, if you know, if you're, if you used to hear God and you're not hearing him anymore, that person is pulling you from God. If you used to wake up and talk to God all day, but now you're spending too much time talking to this person and it's taking up away from your time with Jesus they're pulling you from God yeah I think for me the first thing that comes to my head when you say are they pulling you from God well or if they're not from God yeah better yet it would be if they're not believers oh if they're not if they're not spending as much time in God as you are and they're not leading you to God and leading you, I would say they're not.
Starting point is 00:04:10 They're 100 percent not from God. If you have a man who's so submitted in God and wants to pray with you and prays with you before meals and wants to go to church with you every Sunday, that is from God. Yeah, that is an equally yoked relationship. And that is 100 percent from God. Yeah. And he's constantly trying and just bringing you closer to him. And yeah, that's the most. Yeah. We talked about it last time. Does the person love you the way that God does? Like, is he making is he building you up and speaking and breathing life into the way that God breathes life into us? Or is he breathing death into you and making you insecure and making you a shell of yourself?
Starting point is 00:04:50 And you know what I mean? These are all signs if somebody is from God or not. We got the question, what really is a man of God? Yeah. When a man loves God, it positively impacts how he loves you. It influences his actions. It influences his values. It influences his character.
Starting point is 00:05:14 And it changes the foundation of the relationship. Do you agree? His commitment and loyalty and his devotion to God will inspire him to be committed. I am such a firm believer in that. He will know the significance of standing by your side through the really rough times and the good times. He's not just going to up and leave you. He's going to stick by you.
Starting point is 00:05:36 That's a man of God. You know what a man of God is? I really think that it's someone, and I know this is very extreme, but you know what? Marriage is really extreme. And so it's important to take extreme like measures to make sure that you're with the right person. I think a true man of God is somebody who would stay with you through the worst times. Like, God forbid you lost a limb. Yeah, and you know what I'm going to say? I'm going to get really gangster with it right now. You need a rider. A rider. And I'm not talking about someone who's going to like, you know, whatever.
Starting point is 00:06:14 You need someone who's going to go through hell with you. Yeah. Go through the hell with you. You know, people say, and I know like love is patient and love is kind. It's not always going to be kind though. It's going to get really hard. Love is like, I don't believe that love is always it's not always going to be kind though it's it's going to get really hard love is like i don't believe that love is always easy no love is hard and that love feeling of the butterflies it goes away and then who's going to stick by you through that and make the choice every single day because by the way love like people think oh love like the cinderella story no love is a choice it's a
Starting point is 00:06:47 continuous choice that you make every single day to say you know what i choose this person i choose this person and i'm going to choose to love them every day and though we're going to get through go through such messes and fights and we're going to have children and we're going to go through a lot yeah i'm going to stick by them and I'm going to make that choice every day. That's love. And I believe that is what a man of God is. Well, I'm telling you, that's why God tells us so much to rely on him instead of our feelings because our feelings are so deceitful.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Our heart, it says in the Bible that our heart is deceitful. We can't listen to it because guess what you're gonna get married and then you're gonna get to a part in your marriage where you're not gonna feel that in love and then you're gonna be like oh then maybe we should just get divorced and go find people that we are in love with and then you're just gonna keep doing it over and get that high again that first that that like that rush that no I mean, let's just have the most like grounded and mature conversation right now. You need to choose somebody who has the same intention about dating and marriage as you and about life and about family. Someone who is on the same exact wavelength.
Starting point is 00:07:59 That family above all is the most important thing in life. Your marriage and your children come before absolutely everything before time with the boys before vacation with the girls like because the again the feelings are fleeting they change they lie what's that one day you're going to feel in love the next day you might not and so you need to be in a relationship that's grounded in biblical truth that we do choose each other every day, no matter what, because we are under covenant under God. We are in covenant under God. And we made a commitment to one another.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Yeah. And you know what else we always talk about, too, which is so important. I feel like that three year mark. Yeah. That three year mark. That is when people give up. And let me tell you, that's when it gets good. Because if you stick with each other, the three-year mark, it's like you've been with each other for a long time. Those feelings start to subside. And then it gets comfortable.
Starting point is 00:08:55 The things that you once thought were cute about each other are kind of annoying now. We say it all the time, the three-year mark. Yeah. And that's when you have to really stick together through that. Yeah, absolutely. And then you enter into a new it's like getting refined again. And then you go through a hard part and then you enter a new part of the relationship that is you're so you've been through so much together and then it gets beautiful. And then you might go through a hard time again. That's love is it's just that's what marriage is and you know what let's fight the good fight and let's let's let's get married and let's try to stay married and go into marriage like i don't know
Starting point is 00:09:34 we live in hollywood and it's weird out here and like people get married for no reason they get married without the intention of even staying together forever i'm sure nobody gets married with the intention that maybe we might divorce but like they certainly aren't being like we're gonna stay together and stick it out and it's just like then what are you getting married for yeah and we get a lot of questions too like how do we know if we should marry someone and again I think it's just it's a choice but I just want hi ggb gang this is Anjanari and we have a question for you guys do you want to make a podcast Spotify's got a platform that lets you make one so easily and then you can distribute it everywhere and even earn money all in one place
Starting point is 00:10:18 for free it's called Spotify for podcasters and here's how it works Spotify for podcasters lets you record and edit podcasts right from your phone or computer, so no matter what your setup's like, whether you're at home or in the studio, you can start creating today. Then, you can distribute your podcast to Spotify, and everywhere else podcasts are heard. With Spotify for Podcasters, you can earn money in a variety of ways, including ads and podcast subscriptions and best of all it's totally free with no catch ever since we discovered Spotify for podcasters you guys it has changed the game I mean we're able to do video podcasts without just having to do audio podcasts
Starting point is 00:10:58 and we're able to do Q&A's and polls at the end and it has just brought us so close to you guys and really created a community feel. So we really recommend that you give it a try. Download the Spotify for Podcasters app or go to slash podcasters to get started. We loves you, who accepts you, who loves your family, who would do anything for you, who would stick by your side, who accepts you for who you are, who literally just goes through everything with you and genuinely cares for you, work it out. That's the person you need to stick with because let me tell you something, that is so rare. It's so rare.
Starting point is 00:11:50 And it's just when you find someone who truly loves you, it's so special. Yeah. And don't think the grass is greener because it's not. Thank you. Biggest thing ever, thinking the grass is greener. The grass is green where you water it we know that but like I feel like in relationships when you get to a certain part where you're not in the
Starting point is 00:12:10 honeymoon stage anymore and then you're like ah but you know there might be something you're gonna go through the same thing with somebody else you are like that's why commitment you have to commit for a reason because if you don't make that commitment you're just going to keep doing the same thing thank you that is why marriage is so important and we hear people say all the time oh why do i have to have a piece of paper why why do i have to get married why can't we do it in like six or seven years well i'll tell you why because it's a commitment you make to each other so you don't say oh no i'm gonna go find the next best thing i'm gonna go i'm gonna go do this oh you want to act like that well i'm gonna leave no and that's what's so beautiful about marriage and that's what we've lost yeah in this day and age you know and that's another thing about a man of god he'll be guided by his strong
Starting point is 00:13:00 morals and ethical values can i reiterate what i've said in the last episode of what like a true masculine man is because I already knew this but being with someone who is truly like the embodiment of masculinity has changed everything. A masculine man would be described as like a rock he is so solid in who he is and his emotions that he is able to be our rock when we're highly emotional we come to him with all these feelings emotions and whatever and they can be able to be our rock and be unmoved by us like we our emotions don't affect them because they're so solid in their emotions yes no, yes. No, that's, oh. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Because we, yeah, go. No, no, go ahead. No, because we are so emotional and we need someone so masculine that can just be so patient and just, I just love what you said. Yeah, that's a true side of masculinity to me is if I can come to you, I'm not saying that you let your girl come too crazy and like you know swinging like that's not okay but i can come to you and i could be like this this that and the other and like whatever and you're able to just sit there and not be
Starting point is 00:14:15 affected oh it's oh it's i couldn't ask for anything more in a man than a man who just stands there and been like i hear you all right All right. That's your problem. Here's my solution. I just like a dude who's like, yeah, you're going through something right now. And I'm so masculine and solid that I'm not even going to let it affect me. I'm just going to help you. I'm going to make it better. I'm not going to add fuel to the fire for you. I love that.
Starting point is 00:14:40 I know we just talked about this, but if men could just understand one thing, it's like if you just take care of stuff, we will give you the world. Yeah. When I have someone like literally just taking care of things, being so masculine, making me feel so safe. I'm just I'm literally I will literally be the best version of myself. Yeah. Someone who takes initiative initiative takes charge and is just like makes the plan that's something that's really lost on men these days and again
Starting point is 00:15:11 i get it it's not just the men's fault uh modern day feminism has done it and like back in the last episode i might be afraid to say that i'm not anymore no modern day from love i can't believe that that's a thing yeah it's it's all and it's all to empower women that's what the enemy does though he perverts things he and he blinds us to think that something is good when it's actually bad like he told eve you should eat from the tree um of knowledge of good and evil it's good for you you'll be like god you'll think like you'll know it all like god does and he made her think it was good when it was really bad i know i know and i i that's literally what our world is right now yeah it's like this feminine feminism like i know men men need to like
Starting point is 00:15:55 feel their feelings of course they do of course they do of course they need to feel their feelings they don't have to not be men to feel their feelings. The most masculine men I have ever known have all been in touch with their feelings. Jesus was the most masculine man ever. And he was so nice. And he was so, and like, you know what the thing, it's like a powerful man isn't actually a man who can do no harm. A powerful man is a man who can do harm and chooses not to. Yes. I just said yes yes no it's true yeah okay we're gonna give some secrets on how to deal because we're women one day we're gonna have a guy on here who will tell you the secrets of being masculine
Starting point is 00:16:39 because we can't answer all of those. But to be secrets with men. One thing that I know is you make men. We love this. What? You make men feel like something was their idea. Men want to feel masculine. This is how you build a man up. Yeah. All right?
Starting point is 00:16:56 Yeah. You make them think that it was their idea. Oh, yeah. You say, oh, or even if they're like, no. Wait, what was it? No, if they like say, if you say something, they're like no wait what was it no if they like say if you say something they're like well no no you got to do it this way you say you know what you're so right they love to feel like the man yeah just if you make them feel like the man they're gonna be they're gonna be the man but that's what we said in last episode that like we have to as women
Starting point is 00:17:24 because someone said how do you be a godly woman you build your man up how do you do that you speak life to him yeah tell him even if he's what i've noticed is like even when somebody's not acting exactly how i want them to i speak to them as if they are yes and it inspires them too yes it diffuses everything oh 100 if somebody isn't actually helping me around the house, for example, I'm not even married, but like say someone wasn't helping me around the house and I went to them and I was like, hey, I just want you to know, like, I really appreciate everything you've been doing. I love when you help me around the house. It makes my life so much easier.
Starting point is 00:17:56 You're the best for that. It's basic psychology. They're going to be like, oh, cool, that I get rewarded if I do this i'm i look good if i do this so i'm gonna go do this that's that's just the the mind of a man yeah speak life to them yeah what did you say she just had a situation where she was like and no one it's not being manipulative but it's knowing what to do to get a good read this is how you live in harmony within your relationships she knows that if she says to a guy you know i'm asking you i need your help in this and i'm asking you because i really trust you that guy is gonna be like me you trust me oh of course i'll do it oh yeah i'll do whatever
Starting point is 00:18:37 you want yeah you know what i mean it's just they love it oh what do i do in my waiting? A waiting season is not a wasted season. I spent this waiting season seriously digging so deep into my surrender. That's the first thing you need to do. First of all, let's surrender. And I'm not saying surrender and then go back to doing what you were doing a week later. I mean, surrender, trust in the Lord with all your heart. He knows the plans he has for you. And, and, and speak that into your life. Like really, really soak into that. He knows better than we do. He, he knows what our plans are and who he wants us to be with and what he has for us. you're in a waiting season i know for me my waiting season he was building my character he's been building my character building me in to who he wants me to be building me into the woman and the wife that i'm going to be for somebody he's built this past year i couldn't even imagine like being alone and surrendering to him and saying, I give it to you. I trust you. And just really focusing on myself and my friendships and who I am as a woman.
Starting point is 00:19:54 I whoever gets to be my husband is like and I can just say this so confidently is literally going to be the luckiest guy because I have really gotten to dig deep into myself and focus on myself and that's what I feel like you just do in your waiting season rest in the fact that he's working behind the scenes and orchestrating everything together for you yeah so true yeah one of the fruits of the spirits is patience yeah you don't know what he's doing maybe he's teaching you to be patient, to have faith, to trust in him. Right. Like I always say, I had little to no faith. Now through this waiting season, I have so much faith that all of my no's and my rejections or whatever it is, whether it be in relationships or careers, when somebody says no, I don't even flinch. I know it's God guiding me.
Starting point is 00:20:45 I know it's because God doesn't want that for me. I have so much faith that nothing even affects me anymore. Yeah. I can rest easy. Sometimes I dwell. No, it's so true. And you know what? As you're speaking, all I'm thinking about is that you have to remember, too, that romantic relationships, it's not the end-all, be-all.
Starting point is 00:21:10 It's not the most important thing in life, even though it feels like it is. You have to be so careful not to make an idol out of romantic relationships. And remember what Paul said. Paul said in the Bible that, because Paul never got married because he traveled the globe spreading the gospel. So if he he would not be able to properly like take care of a wife by being all over the place for Jesus. And so he dedicated his life to the Lord and never got married. And he literally says in Scripture, like, it is better to not get married. Although get married if you have to, if you can't resist temptation of being alone and you need to be get married although get married if you have to if you can't resist
Starting point is 00:21:45 temptation of being alone and you need you know to be with somebody get married but he says it's better to be alone because you can focus on god and there's no better relationship not even your marriage not even your romantic one than your relationship with god and sometimes when i'm i've said it before but like sometimes when i'm in a relationship I literally think about oh I miss being single man like I miss just simply for the fact that like I had so much time with God and now I feel pulled from it and I imagine when I'm married with children I am going as beautiful as it's gonna be and I'm gonna be I'm gonna love having a bunch of like munchkins running around I'm gonna be like remember the day where I could wake up and just read my Bible and have my time with Jesus. But that's why you, you have, but I'm going to say this to you. Yes. But you and Christian, you guys do do that. And that's why it's so important to
Starting point is 00:22:34 marry a man of God. Yeah. So you guys can do that together. Oh, I mean, today I, we read the Bible together every single day. We pray together every day. We pray for each other. All he does is pray for me. It's the cutest thing in the world. And like, yeah, that's but yeah, that's why it's important to be careful who you're with. And he absolutely brings me closer to God. And I know I bring him closer to God. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:58 But even even still, though, it's still like it's different when you have your alone time with Jesus. I mean, so focus on that. He sure did that with me yeah my life is jesus yeah the waiting season creates perseverance and it creates a deeper prayer life and it's the most beautiful thing and sometimes he will pull you away from things oh yeah so you can really solely focus on him can i be honest recently i had a moment where I had traveled. I was with my family. I was with friends. And I had a moment where I felt like I was with so many people.
Starting point is 00:23:31 I was being so social. I literally got alone. I said, God, I'm ready for an isolation season. I'm tired. I'm like, I'm ready. And I spent a little time alone. It's actually so beautiful once you know the significance of a waiting season. Like, it's hard, but it's so cool.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Can I just say, too, when you can stand on your own, it is going to change everything. Because I said this in I don't know what episode, but anyone can leave you at any time. No one's bound to you. And you just don't know what episode, but anyone can leave you at any time. No one's bound to you. And you just don't know what people can do. And when you're able to stand on your own, whoever leaves you, you know, you're good on your own. You always have to be good on your own before you can have a partnership. So true. Somebody said dealing with men, women in the corporate office setting while being married or committed and avoiding temptation. I was just going to say this is something I think about a lot, actually.
Starting point is 00:24:30 And again, I'm not married, but I've been in relationships. And I think it's obviously the most important thing to be faithful, devoted, loyal. Don't do ever anything that you don't want your person doing. anything that you don't want your person doing. And I think that you can be the most faithful, loyal person, but things can get messy and things get, like, you have to set such clear boundaries and, like, run from temptation. You have to avoid temptation.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Don't flirt with it ever. I think in, like, you're saying dealing with men and women like in the in your office in your workspace like you have to work with those people every day you have to pray about it and you set an intention every single day with God that I am going to be the most loyal wife or husband and I will never every decision I make, I will think about my partner beforehand and I will never do anything that could put me in like a compromised position. You know, I think that goes hand in hand with being with someone who's so deep in their faith, because when you're deep in your faith, you have strong values and you are going to the word. Yeah. You live in the word. And when you live in the word and when you live in the word
Starting point is 00:25:47 you're not going to act upon those things if you're truly a man a man of god or a woman of god yeah um so yeah i think yeah you you bring it to god you pray on it and you really make that decision yeah and set boundaries and avoid temptation that's just what keeps coming to me avoid temptation don't even go near it like if you feel some weird things happening you talk to this person and it makes you feel something you cut off communication with that person that could easily be the enemy sending someone to make you compromise the integrity of your relationship and so you really know again like nobody goes into a marriage thinking they're going to be unfaithful nobody sets out i mean maybe some people set out to cheat but like a lot of the time people end up in it and it happens quick and the devil is he schemes and
Starting point is 00:26:36 he like hits you where you're weak so just you be careful it's so true it's so true. It's so true. But God is more powerful than the devil. And as long as we stay in the word, we're good. I'm just thinking about when I said, and you can get in your head and you think it's you. How do you know if you're in the right relationship? Well, do your values align? Yeah. do your values align yeah do your values align i think that's when you know if someone's right for you are they leading you are they leading you to god like we talked about yeah are they bringing you closer like when it comes with such confusion and anxiety and they're not bringing you to god i think that's a clear indication that they are not for you 100 percent. I want to read a little bit of this scripture that says Ephesians 5, 25 to 29 gives like a clear explanation. I think of what husband of what marriage and relationships should look like. Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave
Starting point is 00:27:38 himself up for her, that he might sanctify her having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. In the same way, husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself, for no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it just as Christ does the church. So men are supposed to love their wives the way that Christ loved the church.
Starting point is 00:28:11 Christ loved the church so much. Men are supposed to love their wives as if it's them. Like you're supposed to be one flesh. That is the extreme way in which men and women are supposed to love each other. Men are supposed to love their wives. Wives are supposed to love each other men are supposed to love their wives wives are supposed to respect their husbands and you know what let me tell a story of one time I was in a relationship and we were having a lot of conflict and I think this is a clear indicator of like why sometimes there's tension in relationships we were having a lot of conflict
Starting point is 00:28:41 and we couldn't understand why we couldn't get it together. We're both good people. We love one another. We're not the type to fight like this or to are like, why can't we get it together? We're not like this. And what I realized was I were going through this. And as soon as it starts to get resolved, it came into my head without ever even reading the scripture of saying men are supposed to love their wives and wives are supposed to respect their husbands. And I said out loud to him, I think the issue is that when we argue, I feel like you're not loving me and you feel like I'm not respecting you.
Starting point is 00:29:13 And that's where the tension came from. Men want respect, women want love. And it is hard because we want different things, so we might be giving different things, but it's important to remember that through conflict, don't stop loving your wives right and women don't stop respecting your husbands during conflict yeah respect is one of the the biggest things for me if you start that disrespect with name calling oh you are so doomed and and don't even waste your time the one thing you never do is call each other names.
Starting point is 00:29:49 That is not a godly relationship. And once somebody ever disrespects me and calls me a name, that is not. The second a guy thinks he can call me out of my name is very funny. That's not even like we don't even play with stuff like that no let's answer another yeah how do you help your partner grow closer to god you keep the word of god at the center of your relationship it says in psalms 114 105 your war your word is a lamb for my feet a light on my path so if the word isn't the center of your relationship that means you're operating in a place of darkness so true so true yeah if the if the spirit of god is not dwelling within you both of you and in the middle of your relationship you're not going to love each other
Starting point is 00:30:40 right that's just you always bottom line yeah you keep it at the center if you keep god in the word and you're in the center of your relationship you truly will have the most magical relationship yeah how to find a godly man i think it's very a very simple short answer you become the person that a godly man would want yeah how you carry yourself how how you how you are in your own life the you know yeah well we got a lot of questions down um i really enjoyed this me too i relationships is something that we're probably going to keep talking about it's just like at the end of day, you want to have peace and harmony in your relationships. And I think that's what we want to encourage and inspire people to do.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Like, men and women have been put against each other for such a long time. And it's time for us to take that power back from the enemy, come together and realize there is a way in which we can live harmoniously with each other. Yeah. And serve each other in the way that which we can live harmoniously with each other. And serve each other in the way that the other one needs to be served. Yeah. And again, serving each other is the most honorable, beautiful thing you can do. It really is.
Starting point is 00:31:55 We're in it together. Yeah. Do you want to say a prayer? Dear God, I thank you that my name is written in the book of life. I am saved by the blood of Jesus. God, I thank you that I'm right with you. You've taken away all my blemish, stain, and sin because of what Jesus did on the cross. Jesus, I choose today to live by faith and not by sight. I trust in you, Jesus. Today, I believe the word of God is living and active, and I will walk by the word of God. Jesus, you are the way, the truth, and the life.
Starting point is 00:32:27 And today I choose to walk by the truth and I renounce and reject every lie from the enemy in Jesus name. I receive your peace today, God, as I rely on Jesus and not myself. In Jesus name, amen. Amen. That was beautiful. Guys, Jesus loves you so much pray to him about everything everything um invite him into every relationship in your life and read your bible read the gospels every day you know what I really want to put in the description box I want to put in the description. So we listened to this video. Sometimes it's really hard for people to pray. And there's a prayer that you can, it's on YouTube. You, you, you speak it after. Yeah. It's called grace for purpose prayers on YouTube. I'll put in the description. You can click, they have a bunch, hundreds of prayers that you can say,
Starting point is 00:33:20 and you can say it along with them. They has scripture. I say these prayers every day. You can literally do it while you're getting ready. It's beautiful to just soak into and listen to and speak it. Thank you guys so much. We love you so much. We love you. God bless you. God bless you.
Starting point is 00:33:38 May the Lord bless you and keep you. May he make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May he turn his face towards you and give you. May he make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May he turn his face towards you and give you peace. Peace, peace be upon you in your spirit, in your heart, in your mind. In Jesus' name. In Jesus' name. you

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