Girls Gone Bible - Spirituality & Demonic Stuff | Girls Gone Bible

Episode Date: June 10, 2023

Study Bible I use- NKJV Study Bible, Hardcover, Burgundy, Full-Color, Comfort Print: The Complete Resource for Studying God's Word https:// (amazon) Pastors & Speakers to watch: St...even Furlich, Toure Roberts, Sarah Jake's Robert's, Priscilla Shirer, Jackie Hill Perry, Sadie Robertson Huff, Erwin Raphael McManus Books: Bait of Satan (John Bevere), More than a Carpenter (Josh McDowell), Walking with God (John Eldredge), Fervent (Priscilla Shirer) Love you so much -Ang & Ari if you’d like to support Girls Gone Bible 🙏🏻🕊️🤍 Paypal- Venmo-

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, GGB gang. This is Anjanari, and we have a question for you guys. Do you want to make a podcast? Spotify's got a platform that lets you make one so easily, and then you can distribute it everywhere and even earn money, all in one place for free. It's called Spotify for Podcasters, and here's how it works. Spotify for Podcasters lets you record and edit podcasts right from your phone or computer,
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Starting point is 00:01:12 get started we love you god bless you girl why am i holding it like i'm a singer i'm telling you the past two times i'm sitting there holding it like this it's really bad what's up you guys we love you so much we love you so much um so we were actually supposed to have a guest today it didn't work out he never showed up so so we're going off the cuff today yeah and we're uh we had we did a poll and we have so many questions and so we're just thinking should we do another advice session like that's what everybody it message us saying that they want yeah i think we're gonna do a little bit of that speak a little bit on the secular music and spiritual warfare yeah and then we also wanted to do something called jesus for dummies right yeah because i was a little dummy in general all this in general or what i guess is jesus well i did say character characteristic manuscript so cutest thing in the world anyways so uh yeah i think jesus for dummies
Starting point is 00:02:13 jesus yeah how do you get with jesus how do you get down with that guy i don't know what comes out of my mouth sometimes when we start this podcast and this is who I am, but I will start to say, I don't know, some interesting stuff. All right. So how do you start walking with Jesus when you don't know anything? Like say you've never gone up in the church. You don't know anything. You don't know about God and you don't have any Christian friends. What do you do? I would say start just sitting in the church prayer. Yeah. I think prayer is the best. And that just leads you to bigger things like sermons. And that's what I did. I had no idea what to do. You know, when I was down bad, I was like,
Starting point is 00:02:57 I don't know where to go, what to do. And there was this little church by my house and I would just go in there and sit there for hours and just pray and just ask, ask and you shall receive. Really? And so I would just start praying. And then I started watching videos on sermons, which completely changed my life. And then I just started praying and asking for what I wanted. And all of a sudden, everything I was praying for, he was bringing it to me. And I was like, oh my gosh, is this magic? I love you so much, Jesus. But yeah, don't you think? Yeah, exactly. I mean, I think that if you don't know anything
Starting point is 00:03:39 about God or about Jesus, I think the first place to go is into the Bible. I am number one Bible thumper, like you got me into the Bible because it's changed my life because it's God's word. That's him. That's like, if you want to get close to him, that's how you're going to get close to him is by reading the Bible. If you want your day to be completely different, you wake up in the morning and read just even just a chapter of the Bible. What is that Bible that you told me to get that I got? What do you know the name of it? Because people were asking about that. I can put it in the it's from Amazon.
Starting point is 00:04:15 It's just it's a new King James Version study Bible and super easy read. It's it's unbelievable. It has like pictures. It has explanations. And then it has like half of half of the Bible is like the actual scripture. And then the bottom half is an explanation of everything. And it's so I remember when I first got that Bible, I opened it. And for the first time, I literally go, I understand, I get it. Like I'm reading and I feel like I can see it playing out in my mind. And I was like reading it as if I'd already read it before, whatever book I was in.
Starting point is 00:04:47 And it was, I don't know, like it's really easy to read. And so I'll put it in the bio for people. I also want to say one thing. I know I talked about how I grew up Catholic. The Catholic churches were always really hard for me to understand. The masses, although they're so beautiful. were always really hard for me to understand the masses although they're so beautiful um i started going to the christian churches which was much more easy for me to understand the pastors and things like that um but yeah i struggle with that me too um okay and let's talk about it because i
Starting point is 00:05:19 don't really know so i grew up catholic and i love the Catholic Church. Me too. I want to get married in a Catholic Church. I want to like, I love going to Mass. I try to go every week. I go to, you know, I'll go to different types of services, but I try to go at least once a week. But I love the Christian Church. And you're not supposed to go to other churches if you're Catholic. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:45 But then I'm just like, I don't care about the denominations it's all jesus it's jesus if you're teaching out of the bible i don't care what baptist whatever denomination you're from like you know what i mean her and i will we remember we would go to the church sunday christian church and then after we would go to the mass and just sit there and pray yeah exactly and I don't believe there's anything wrong with that I think so too and then I also but I so we're gonna go to Jerusalem this summer you and I and I really want to get baptized in the Jordan River me too I don't think we're supposed to wait can we baptize each other can I dunk your head wait are you laughing the whole time can we please baptize each other morgan would you want to baptize us can i baptize you morgan morgan will like dunk our heads
Starting point is 00:06:37 i know morgan would be like we'll be choking be ripping his jewel like yeah morgan will be ripping his jewel as he's baptized no but i don't know well i actually told someone i was because i was talking about what was that photo that you love of jesus um the sacred heart sacred heart and it's like jesus with a little sacred heart and they were like well i thought you were christ. And I was like, I mean, it's Jesus. And he's like, so you believe in purgatory? Is that the right word? Yeah. Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 00:07:13 I don't know. That's the thing. I just, I don't know. I don't really pay attention. Every time I meet a Christian, they're like, oh, Catholicism is stupid. Every time I meet a Catholic, they're like, Christianity is stupid. And I'm like, Jesus doesn't want to hear this. Right. He's like not interested in any of this stuff. So I don't know. It's interesting.
Starting point is 00:07:30 But let's talk about something that has been so heavy on my heart. And that is this thing. All right. That is secular music. Well, I think you have a more difficult time with it. Because, I mean, me too. We love our Rick Ross, right? We get down with that guy. But. That's not who I expected you to say. I love Rick Ross.
Starting point is 00:07:56 I really do. I want to be his friend. Wouldn't he be fun to hang out with? Honestly? Let's hit him up. Maybe he'll come on the podcast. Okay, we're across the view. All right, never mind.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Sorry. This is what happens when you don't have a plan. Yeah, this is what happens when you don't have a plan. I am a huge country girl, so that's really all I listen to. Yeah, you don't have a problem with that. You only really listen to rap when you're around me. And I grew up listening to hip-hop it's like my whole childhood i'm so sorry what i just i was just picturing us in the car last weekend when we oh oh oh on the way okay let me let's be honest
Starting point is 00:08:38 atlanta vegas we know every word we're on the way back from stagecoach i don't know what we're listening to but me and ariel had a moment of literal conviction at the same time as one another we there was a lyric that was really not great and we sang it at the top of our lungs together we both look at each other and go okay let's put on the server we need to put on worship like it was so we literally felt in that moment like what are we singing right now? This is so bad. And our producer Morgan actually asked us when I got in, because I mentioned secular music last time,
Starting point is 00:09:10 and he was like, I listen to everything that you guys say, I hope. I listen to everything that you guys say, but when you said secular music and that hip-hop is bad, that really got me thinking, and I had to look up what secular music is. And so this is the thing about music, music, TV, media, movies, everything that we take in. There's something called the eye gates and the ear gates. And that's how we take in spiritual stuff, energy, whatever people want to call it. Everything is spiritual.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Everything we listen to, everything we watch, everything we watch everything we read there's a spirit behind it there's either going to be the spirit of christ or there's going to be the spirit of anti-christ and the thing with secular music is that there is secular music that's like not worship music that's not necessarily bad for you or demonic but there's there's songs that are clearly so unbelievably demonic if it's simply about money sex drugs hoes sorry hoes we're not grossed on bible for no reason i know seriously all right if it's that stuff like that's clearly demonic it's really bad for you to take that stuff in. And I have such an issue with it because I love hip hop.
Starting point is 00:10:30 I love that music. Even the music that's not that blatantly demonic. Some of it still isn't good for you. And the rap is so different now than it was back then, like the Tupac and stuff like that. Yeah. I will literally feel sick when i will even watching reality shows i feel like oh yeah well listen to this moment that i had the other day and this was like a big deal in my life i had a huge like revelation with
Starting point is 00:10:57 god so i'm in the car and i'm driving and i have some type of music on i have a song on and i feel i feel god starting to say to me, turn it off. Turn it off. And I know it's him. And I'm trying so hard with everything in my body to ignore him. Because I'm like, no, I don't. I love this. I'm not ready.
Starting point is 00:11:14 It's like a death. I'm not ready to let go of that music. I know that sounds really dramatic, but it is. And so I'm ignoring him and I'm trying and I'm trying. And it gets so loud that I'm like, I change it. him and I'm trying I'm trying and it gets so loud that I'm like I change it and then I put on a worship song and then I hear him again be like no silent like turn it all off and I'm like okay I turn it and I'm driving in silence for a second and I literally hear him go this is the root of all of your problems this is where every bad habit, addiction, sinfulness, lust, provocativeness, like everything that I struggle with starts with the music that I listen to. And I literally like I knew God was
Starting point is 00:11:56 saying to me, you can sit there in prayer all day long, reading the Bible all day long. You spend literally 60 percent of your day doing that. And he's like, but the other time you spend literally 60 percent of your day doing that and he's like but the other time you spend listening to this garbage and so it's like it all goes out the window and i knew in that moment like i have to do something so i went i did a week with no secular music what were you listening to morgan wallen i was listening yeah i was still listening in a country but like not as not as not even as much like i was trying to really only listening to worship when i tell you i literally felt a connection to god that i haven't felt in a long time i could hear him again and i can always hear him but it really stuff like that will it like muddles it like i can't't, it's not as clear. It gets really cloudy. I was hearing God so clearly that in any given situation,
Starting point is 00:12:48 I didn't even have to pray about it. I just knew. I knew what to do. I knew what he wanted from me. I knew what the right thing was and it wasn't hard. Can you believe that something like secular music that nobody would think about has that much of an effect on you? It's so spiritual.
Starting point is 00:13:05 I don't watch, I love scary movies. Psychological thrillers is my favorite thing to act in, which is something we can talk about because people, you know, I've been on American Horror Story and almost everything that I've done has been a thriller or scary or, you know what I mean? It's my favorite thing to act in. It's my strength. It's what I'm best at. And it's my favorite thing to act in. It's my strength. It's what I'm best at.
Starting point is 00:13:25 And it's my favorite thing to watch. And I can't watch it anymore. I know that like whatever's going on in there is coming into here. And it's really, it affects me. Like the visuals will stay with me for a while. It's really hard. And then I can't go to the bathroom by myself and I have to sleep at your house. Like it's, it's, it really is important.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Especially those performances too. They're so demonic i can't even believe it yeah like the sam smith i didn't see that one did you not watch that no he literally got on stage with devil horns and he was doing some like it was and then that's cool in today's culture i can't believe that's why we have to you know what's so funny about that is like so many people when we're saying like oh my god like he's so brave like you're literally going up there and doing exactly what hollywood is asking you to do there's nothing brave about that nothing go up there and like say in our father prayer or something and i'll think you're brave like don't you're literally going up there being like i'm on your side and doing what you
Starting point is 00:14:24 want like it's and this is the thing about dressing up as the devil or glorifying the devil even if say the devil's not even real what does the devil represent nothing good nothing positive he represents evil and death and just why are we why even if he's not real why are you sending that message out and then calling it brave? I don't understand. I can't answer that because I am, I can't believe, I mean, it's in cartoons now. Yeah. It's, it is, it is bad right now.
Starting point is 00:14:55 So that's why we have to really keep our eyes open on what we're watching and what we're listening to. Ask God for discernment. Ask him to show you the spirit behind everything. That's what I do. too. Ask God for discernment. Ask him to show you the spirit behind everything. That's what I do. And I can see it literally from a mile away because everything is pushing an agenda or pushing something onto you not to get really conspiracy, but like everything is we just have to be careful. I'm not saying, you know, that you can't live your life and become, you know, live in a under a rock and like not listen to anything. You just be aware your life and become, you know, live under a rock and, like, not listen to anything.
Starting point is 00:15:25 You just be aware of it and be aware of, like, how things make you feel. Because I know when I watch or listen to certain things, I can feel afterwards. I'm like, ugh, like my spirit is disturbed. Yeah. And on the topic of spiritual stuff and demonic stuff, let's talk about going to the club. And I really want you to tell the story about when you were in Miami and what you felt. Oh, yeah. I was telling Angie this.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Devil City. I was in Devil City. Miami and Vegas. You think? Yeah. Miami, yeah. It can also be very relaxing, though. So, yeah, I was in Miami with my 22-year-old cousin.
Starting point is 00:15:59 She dragged me to live. For anyone that doesn't know, it's a nightclub you went to the club all right so i go in there and i can't even tell you i had such spiritual warfare yeah i was panicked in there i mean when okay so basically when you get really close to god you can see things that you couldn't see before and i just saw such darkness it was it was bad i ended up having a complete panic attack praying in the club in the middle of the club just putting my head down i'm like jesus please get me through this I ended up leaving right away but yeah even the clubs it's dark man I'm telling you cut that out um I had to go to Vegas for a work thing last at the end of the last year and I have to go to Vegas for work sometimes and
Starting point is 00:16:59 I absolutely hate Vegas you literally walk in there and i'm like uh there's something wrong here sorry not to like shit on vegas but i had to go out one night and i don't go to parties i don't drink so like i'm not like what do i what am i gonna do at a party i mean what are you gonna do you don't remember when we went out a couple weeks ago all right what is you want me yo you want me to start exposing you one of our friends go yo does she drink she's having more fun than anyone up in this place i do have fun it's not a bad thing no i mean but like i'll go out i'll go out with my friends but not to a club not to something like that if you want to have a good time go out with ang we have a good time i really do um but i went out i had i had to go out and i was at i my spirit was so unbelievably disturbed this night in vegas that i was sick i was looking around and i felt like god had
Starting point is 00:17:59 i don't know given me different eyes to see things like i felt like I saw it was this is really bad but I felt like it was instead of seeing people I was seeing like demons I know where like literal demons like people so under the influence so messed up like so on so many drugs people doing all these drugs in front of me and I'm just sitting there like and listen I I live in LA I've grown up I've lived a lot of different lives I've seen a lot of stuff it's not I don't even get affected by that stuff anymore but like I this specific night I was like this is so bad I was looking around being like yo Jesus isn't gonna come back and drown you all not me though he's taking me with him but like it was really bad and you leave feeling
Starting point is 00:18:39 so sick I felt like I had the flu I know well yeah because it's so it's just all that energy everyone's so effed up and like especially when you're drinking and doing drugs and stuff like that you know you literally leave yourself completely open to the enemy to come like you have no armor whatsoever like you may as well invite them in because that's what you're doing when you when you black out and you leave your body like that. Anyways, Jesus for dummies. I also want to touch upon sermons because we got a question on, could you name some of your favorite sermons? And resources of books and sermons and stuff.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Yeah, go ahead. You know all that stuff. For me, what really helped me was a sermon. His name was Stephen Furlick. He was just so easy to listen to when I knew nothing about faith and I would just listen to him when I was in a really really dark place in my life this past year um he helped me so much I I almost he changed my life um and then Toray Torre. Torre Roberts. Torre Roberts. He's the best. Angie and I started going to Potter House.
Starting point is 00:19:48 It's a really great church in L.A. And he is the most incredible pastor. It's life changing. If you live in L.A., I would really recommend going to Potter's House. It's, you know, so grounded in biblical truth, everything that he says, while also being very inspiring and like moving and delivering. Yeah. And sometimes you oftentimes I feel like you almost have to choose with pastors. It's like either you get a feel good, inspiring message or you get something that's like about Jesus and changes you and convicts you and slaps you in the face. And that's the type of church that I like. And Torre is able to do both of those things.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Oh, he's so moving. I would say T.D. Jakes is one of my favorites. Yeah, Bishop. Bishon, he's amazing. Why don't you share? I love this story. I think we talked about it in our last podcast, but I just love when you tell this story because Angie struggled with confidence and being bold. And now she's literally the, I look up to her so much for her confidence and how bold she is.
Starting point is 00:20:55 And why don't you share that sermon that you would listen to? Yeah, Sarah Jakes Roberts. Oh, that's her. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, cool. You know, thank you though no i would listen to her and she i mean she's really um she just she will help get you out of a bad bad spot i struggled for a little while after i got sober i um was just dealing with a
Starting point is 00:21:19 lot of anxiety i had to it was almost it took me a long time to kind of come back into my body. I was really living in on autopilot for a while. Like after I stopped drinking, I probably didn't laugh seriously for like a year almost. Can you imagine me not laughing? My body was like literally in survival mode. And so I was just a shell of, even after I stopped drinking, I was a shell of a person for a while. It took a minute and I started listening to her and her words would just she would just basically be like do you know who God is do you know who your savior is like get up she has a sermon out there called get up and if I think guys and girls can listen to it but especially if you're a girl who's you're struggling with you you know, not feeling like yourself, not feeling good enough, not feeling bold enough or strong enough.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Listen to that. It's life changing. Some books that I love. There's a book called The Bait of Satan that is phenomenal. It talks all about how it's really bad to take offense to things. And I think that'd be really good for the time that we're living in right now. Yeah. I'll put more resources. I have so many books at home. I'll put them all. More Than a Carpenter is such a good book about Jesus. I'll put them all in the bio and then and we can do it like that. But the first book that you should
Starting point is 00:22:43 read is the Bible. Yeah, I think it's so hard for people to know where to start especially when they're in just such a bad place i mean the both of us we were down so bad i was so extremely heartbroken to the point where i couldn't even get up out of bed and go take a shower can you okay all right i really want you to tell this story and I don't want us to get off track so one of the questions that we got is someone wanted us to talk about our views on the women like Mary Magdalene we love Mary Magdalene we love her can you so let me tell give a little backstory about Mary Magdalene she is one of Jesus's like right hands in the Bible. Mary Magdalene was really, really tormented and messed up with a lot of demons at the time. And the high priest used to come and try to deliver
Starting point is 00:23:34 her from these demons and nothing would happen. And if the high priest couldn't do it, clearly nobody could. So everybody thought she was a lost cause um and then one day she met jesus seriously in person and he went and he put her hands on her head and said you are mine yeah he called her by name he said mary magdalene and she turns around and goes how do you know my name and then he went and put her hand his it's so it's so cute it wrecks me for so long and she just couldn't understand why she couldn't get out of it. Can you tell the story? And then so we when Ari and I first became friends, we spent a week. I slept over your house almost every single night. We were both down bad at that time.
Starting point is 00:24:15 And I said and we watched The Chosen every single night together and fell asleep on the couch. And that's when we learned we learned about Mary Magdalene. And can you tell the story about the shower? couch and that's when we learned we learned about Mary Magdalene and can you tell the story about the shower yeah I would my safe place was the shower I would I just sit in there and just pray and I just that's where I would go when I was heartbroken and I would have Angie sit outside the shower because we were inseparable and she would just talk to me and so I was in the shower and I was like Ange I was like do you think Jesus will see me like he did Mary Magdalene I know and I was like just ask him just ask him too and she that he did and you close your eyes and oh my god it could make me cry you literally go Jesus will you please heal me the way you healed Mary Magdalene yes and he came and he did he absolutely I was telling her last
Starting point is 00:25:06 night I I these are the conversations that we have together I was looking at you and I was like do you know who you've become since I've met you like you've always been the Ari that I love but you are like I'm not saying that you don't have problems but you kind of don't have you don't struggle with anything. I have so much joy and peace in my heart. And that's what God will do. He will bring you to the people that you're supposed to be close with. And they will help you get close to Jesus and then heal you.
Starting point is 00:25:38 I love you so much. Yeah. It's been one of the greatest honors of my life watching your walk with God. Thank you. And it inspires me so much. My girl. I know how hard it probably is for some people to just get up and do it, but I promise you, open the Bible, just walk into church, just get on your knees, pray.
Starting point is 00:25:59 And then I promise you just from there, everything will come. God will take care of the rest. Ask and you shall receive. Ask and you shall receive. Trust me. Seek and you will find. Absolutely. Knock and the door shall be opened to you.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Call on Jesus. Call in the name of Jesus. He will do the rest. You don't even have to do anything. Just pray. Ask. I love you, Jesus, so much. He's the best.
Starting point is 00:26:22 He is so cute. Let's talk about this. How to discern God's voice and will. Let's talk about God's voice, because I think this is something that really. I love this. I know. I love it. I love it. We're freaks. Morgan, do you think we're freaks? All right. Yeah, no, sweet. God's voice. I love it so much. When you tap into that, man, can I tell you the first time I, okay. So when people think of like God's voice, everyone, it's different for everyone. What do you think when you, when you, when you think of hearing God's voice, what is that like for you? Well well I never trusted myself with anything you know when you met me I was like do I do this what do I do I was so indecisive all the time but when you really not to go back to this but when you start reading the bible and God's word and really do the work he you will hear him so loud you just you can just hear that voice in your heart and you will know exactly what to do amen for me hearing God's voice is almost like I it's not like I hear a voice that's
Starting point is 00:27:32 different than mine I it will come to me as a thought and I will know that it's God because oftentimes the thought will go against what I as Angela want and that's how you know it's from God um or it's almost like something is downloaded into my subconscious like I just I will not know something and then all of a sudden I'll have a deep knowing and understanding of something I think I remember the first time I really that I remember hearing God's voice for real I'm sure I heard it throughout my life but the first time I could that I remember hearing God's voice for real I'm sure I heard it throughout my life but the first time I could really pinpoint it was I used to go into this little crystal shop by my house and I used to go buy sage and crystals and blah blah all the stuff and I remember I there
Starting point is 00:28:19 were these like little sculpture like what are they called like little statue things of all these different gods right there's only one god his name is jesus sorry um there are all these little gods and there was like god of money god of whatever and i saw like probably a god of money one and i went to go grab it and i literally got stopped in my tracks i'm like and then i hear all I heard was no you don't need that you don't need that yeah and I literally I literally go okay yeah I don't need that yeah and now that was the first time I ever remember being obedient to something and being like oh I'm not and I didn't even know that that's an idol at the time I wasn't even reading the bible like that so I didn't even know that that is bad and we're not supposed to worship stuff like that and whatever um that
Starting point is 00:29:05 was the first time and then some okay so at the end of last year I went through a breakup and it was kind of hard and I was you know not happy obviously and like I am so good at getting addicted to things that it's impressive like I give me anything and I'll probably get addicted to it. I love, like, things to help me sleep. I love melatonin. I gave up melatonin for Lent, actually. And I haven't taken anything since. But, like, I will, if I used to have trouble sleeping, I would take NyQuil or something.
Starting point is 00:29:42 And so I was taking NyQuil for a couple of days. And then all of a sudden I, like, was taking NyQuil every night to go to sleep because I felt like I needed it. And I remember I had at the end of this, you know, it's NyQuil and it was a couple, it was like max two weeks that I was doing it, but it's still not good. And I don't need it at the end of the day. Like God will put me to sleep. I don't need to be taking anything. And so I go into my bathroom and there was only a little bit left. And I go like this. I go to reach for it. And literally everything in my body stops me. And I heard God so clearly be like, don't drink it. You don't need it. You will go
Starting point is 00:30:18 to sleep. I'll help you go to sleep. Break this habit with me right now. Let's break it together. And I'm sitting there with my hand. If anyone me I would have looked crazy I'm sitting there with my hand out and I'm wrestling with God and I'm like but I okay God but and like going back and forth with him and ultimately I drank it still and I was disobedient and I was so sad afterwards because I was just like I'm so sorry like I heard you and I went against it and it's and it's okay like he's not mad and I and I and I didn't have any more after that but like in that moment I was like what a blessing it is to hear God's voice and then to ultimately not be obedient to it is insane it's it's the most incredible thing because like I said I was the most indecisive person i did not know how to make decisions angie can second that right
Starting point is 00:31:05 she would initially make the right decision because your gut is right and you are such a smart girl and like i will go to you for advice you're the number one friend i'll go to because i trust you i trust your mind i trust your. And so I would see you make the right decision and then go back on it. Always. And then ask five people for their opinion. And I'd be like, don't. Who cares what they think? You know what's up.
Starting point is 00:31:34 You know what to do. But now it's like the voice is so loud. I don't have to ask anyone for anything. And that's the thing with trusting god is when you trust god you ultimately will trust yourself that's right you know what i mean my god i love him so much could go on and on and on about him how to remain firm in your relationship with christ even when you're experiencing trouble well you and i trouble like spiritual warfare warfare anything just bad things are happening in your life and you know you trust God and then all of a sudden a family member gets sick or you lose your job or someone walks out of your life.
Starting point is 00:32:14 I'm a firm believer that life is hard. Yeah. You know, it's never easy. It's always going to be a roller coaster ride. But if you have God in your life and you have faith and you i mean you just it all works out for the greater good i always think that the sooner you accept this the sooner you'll be happy and it's that suffering is a part of life you're never going to get away from it you're never going to escape it bad things are always going to happen to you. So just ride it. That's the only option that you have.
Starting point is 00:32:46 And I think when your walk with Christ gets longer and you've progressed in it and you've been in it with Jesus for longer, you have more experience with it. And so it's easier to trust like where I'm at now. I've just been through too much with God to doubt him. And I do have my moments where I doubt him. It's really hard when a family member needs Jesus and they need saving. Or there's another area that you're so helpless in and you need God to come through. And because God answers my prayer so quickly, there are times where I'm like, I know that you can answer this. I know that you can come through for me right now. And I really need you to. And there are moments
Starting point is 00:33:29 where he doesn't answer things the way that I want him to, or in the time that I want him to. And those are the moments where I'm like, I've seen this play out before. I've seen every moment in my life that I thought was so bad. I've seen him come through and work it together. Maybe not right away, but he does eventually. Yeah, always. And so with that knowledge, with what it says in his word that he does work all things together for our good and for his glory and whatever the enemy meant for evil, he will turn for good. I believe him when he says that. I really, truly do. And I have my life experience to back it up. So in the midst of a really bad situation with tears streaming down
Starting point is 00:34:10 my face, I look up at the sky and say, Jesus, I trust you still. God, I trust you still. This situation is bad, but you are good. And just because my circumstances are not looking the way that I want them to does not mean I'm abandoning you now because you've never abandoned me. You will get through it. I mean, you will. And you know what? I want to be real for a second and not even do the whole like positive thing, because I'm just thinking about how like there are times where we're not going to understand God and we're not going to understand what's happening. to understand God and we're not going to understand what's happening and I know there's stuff in my life right now as we speak that like I can come on and do all right yeah we can do the whole like
Starting point is 00:34:52 you know God will work it out and he will he will but there are times where you literally have no choice but to trust him yeah because there actually is no other option and that's where people come up with the questions of like well why does god allow suffering in the world or whatever after adam and eve because we are born in adam and eve's bloodline sin entered the world through one man and it infected all of us after him whether you know we're born with it whether we've sinned or not in our lives. And so because of that, bad things are going to happen. God's promise is that he's going to be with us through it.
Starting point is 00:35:34 So I hope that that gives you a little bit of comfort. And this is the thing about prayer, too, is that don't just pray that God will change your circumstance around you. Pray that he changes you and your reaction to it. Because he might not be able, not that he can't, but like he might not change your circumstance, but he can change the way that you're looking at it. He can give you peace through it. Yeah. If I didn't go through everything i went through this past couple years i would not be here right now i would not be this person that i am right now
Starting point is 00:36:11 oh i know and what what did we read this morning i want to perseverance okay so funny that we say that because this morning we were reading the bible and i said god what do you want us to read he said romans 5 and I remember we read this. Romans 5, 3 to 5. Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings because we know that suffering produces perseverance. Perseverance produces character and character produces hope. Yeah. We have to suffer.
Starting point is 00:36:40 It is where we grow. It's where the magic actually happens. It is where we grow. It's where the magic actually happens. Yeah. I mean, if I didn't go through all of that pain of losing my stepdad and the heartbreak I did this year, I wouldn't be able to help the people I have be the person I am. There's power in our testimony. I know. It's just, yeah. And there are days, I mean, I called you the other day and I'm like, why don't I have the answers that I, I still don't have the answers. I still, I, I've prayed for a year now for, for answers that God still hasn't answered for me yet.
Starting point is 00:37:20 And honestly, I've gotten to the point though, that I'm like, there's beauty in not knowing. I don't need to know everything. I really don't. That's's where that's what faith is you know we faith we have that hope for things unseen like we don't know and that's okay and yeah and when he doesn't give you the answers I feel like he that's a test yeah how strong is your faith do you trust me that's so true that was good um so but i but yeah we're gonna talk more about all this my three i'm so strong about struggles and heartbreak and just people that are hurting because i went through so much of that so i really want to keep talking upon that because I know there's so many people struggling, just heartbroken, hurt, down bad. And we really I hope we can be voices for those people and really help them because if it's anyone who understands, it's us. The alcoholism, the just I went through so much mental health issues.
Starting point is 00:38:31 I went through so much mental health issues and God has really cured us in so many ways without medicine, just by prayer and trusting and having faith. So we really hope that we can, we'll keep talking about it. We should do a whole episode on mental health. Mental health, for sure. Really quick, let's talk about new age spiritualism really quick. Like, let's talk about New Age spiritualism really quick. Okay, so my, I'm going to let you kind of take the reins on this because you're, I feel like you're better at this. For me, what works is Jesus. I believe that if you're a good person, believe, as long as you believe in something, you then okay I think that that's okay as long as you believe and you have something to believe in um take it away Ange yeah uh
Starting point is 00:39:17 I just think it's okay no I'm drinking Nesquik. I got that for her last night because she was mad at me. So I stopped and got her some chocolate milk to butter her up. Listen, tarot readings, crystals. Let me tell you something. Oh, the tarot readings. I thought we were talking about the universe stuff. Oh, that too. No, I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:39:40 I'm kidding. I'm kidding. All right, listen. So I'm Albanian, right? I'm Eastern European. We grew up going to psychics. Like I was five years old. My mother, who is a true God fearing women, woman had no idea that that was wrong. That's why reading the Bible is important. Um, she, we would go to psychics my whole life. It wasn't until a couple years ago that I was like, I was so convicted by God that this is wrong. First of all, God is God. And if he wants to
Starting point is 00:40:13 give somebody the gift of prophesying or seeing things or you know what I mean? That's, that's his to give. We cannot go outside of him to look for someone to tell us what's going to happen in the future it's wrong it's a sin it's bad you give someone the permission to it's prophesying over you but to do a tarot reading or to predict the future and they say some crazy thing to you like you're gonna die in 30 years because of cancer and then it manifests right and then you and then then it happens and you're like, oh, they were right. No, actually, they literally prophesied that over you and then it came true. You gave them permission.
Starting point is 00:40:54 And when, you know, mediums and, you know, angel, whatever this stuff is, like the only spirit that you want to talk to is the Holy Spirit. And I'm so firm on that. And like if you call yourself a Christian and you wear a cross around your neck, that is the one thing I'm telling you don't play with. It's not okay. And like you see everything else. I'm a little bit like, I get it.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Like we all know you cannot be dealing with stuff like that. Oh, yeah. No. And I want to ask you something. Yeah. When you used to go to the psychics, did you ever feel like bad things were happening to you because you let in that demonic spirit a hundred percent so many bad things were happening
Starting point is 00:41:32 in my life when i would go to these psychics guys stay so far away from them i didn't know we were going on the tarot card reading topic it is so bad when you see that there is so much of that on tiktok too yeah block that oh i press not interested every time it is so incredibly dark you guys and it also it's not true and they'll be talking to you they'll be like yeah he's coming back he's coming no and when they talk about like your spirit guides those are demons yeah those aren't your friends it's all dark you don't want to talk to them that's bad and like demons are get like they do have abilities and powers and the ability to see things and whatever you don't want that the only power that you want to be dealing with is god i love you seriously please don't do
Starting point is 00:42:26 that all right trusting in believing in god's timing yes guys take it away sister i did not understand i was like what what what okay of all, I'm just going to be completely honest here. I cannot wait for the day that I'm a wife and a mother. You're going to be the best. I fantasize about it all the time. You know that's from God, right? That dream that you have to be a wife and a mom and it's beautiful and should be celebrated. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:03 right that dream that you have to be a wife and mom and it's beautiful and should be celebrated yeah and so I obviously thought I was going to be married and be a mother a while ago and that didn't happen so now I'm here with my beautiful best friend doing a podcast but um for this past year I'm like I'm watching everyone around me get engaged and get married. And they're, they're in their beautiful homes with their husbands. And I just thought that's where I would be right now. Yeah. But now that it's coming to the end of the year, I can see why. And guys trust in his timing. He is never too late. trust me when i tell you that i now know why i'm not married or i don't have children yet yeah it will all come when it's supposed to he is never late that is the best thing i've ever heard he really isn't I have such an unshakable faith
Starting point is 00:44:06 in his timing you know what I mean are you looking at me like that I love you the one thing that I really had to learn this year was just faith yeah I wish you like you guys faith I had not even an ounce of faith when I learned faith that's when I was just like all right you sit back I hear you yeah your timing not mine it is not on my time it is on your time and i'm gonna have faith and i'm gonna trust you and that is when everything started coming in my life how why are we in the name of jesus in the name of jesus amen how are we gonna trust our own timing we don't know what we're doing we don't know what we're talking about he knows what's up i can see him right now do you think
Starting point is 00:45:05 he guys do you think he loves us i love him so cute somebody asked how you deal with comparison and jealousy and you and i both listen i'm just gonna say it i'm not saying this to pat ourselves on the back neither of us deal with either of these things. I know for me, like, I don't have that competitiveness with other women, like, at all. I don't. And I think it has to do with the fact that, like, my mom growing up, my mom doesn't have a jealous bone in her body. And so I always had a role model who, like, loved other women. And she just was, like, she wants to see everybody do well even if she doesn't know them even if she doesn't like them so I grew up with that and I also look at
Starting point is 00:45:51 it like this if if somebody is being blessed if they have a good and perfect thing in their life that's a blessing from God how could I be jealous of what God is doing in somebody else's life you know what I mean that's right like if it's a win what I mean? That's right. Like if it's a win for them, it's a win for God. And if it's a win for God, it's a win for me. Absolutely. I know that's really corny, but like, it's the truth. It's how I feel. What, how could I, what, what do I, and why would I be jealous? It doesn't make any sense. There's there, and there's room for everyone. There's literally room for everyone. And you have to remember that people, other people have nothing to do with you like I and I genuinely mean this like a beautiful woman walking in the room simply just doesn't
Starting point is 00:46:30 make me feel any less beautiful no because she has nothing to do with me she doesn't take away from anything about me and I don't take away from anything about her and beauty is more than just a beautiful woman walking in the room for me as i as i gotten older i just realized how much more it is what is your heart like or you know it's it's so much more that's why i don't ever compare myself to anyone either because i know my heart i know what i have to offer and it's way more than having good hair and nice lips. Yeah, you're the best. You know.
Starting point is 00:47:09 All right, you guys. This episode was an absolute blank show because I had no... Our guests didn't come and then we were like, well, here we go. All right. We love you guys so much. We love you so much. We're going to end it by saying the thing we always say. Read the Bible. It's the most important thing.
Starting point is 00:47:24 Start and read the Gospels. Romans is the best. Have faith. Trust in God's timing. He knows what's up. And we love you guys so much. Listen. And we're going to put those sermons in the.
Starting point is 00:47:38 Yeah, we'll put everything in the bio. Yes. And just never forget that Jesus loves you. All right. Thank you, guys. Love you guys so much. Girls Gone Bible. Bye.

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