Girls Gone Canon Cast - ASOIAF Episode 88 - ASOS Jaime IX

Episode Date: April 24, 2020

Whatever he chose... --- Eliana's twitter: Eliana's reddit account: Eliana's blog: Chloe's twitter: Chloe's blog:  Intro by Anton Langhage

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to Girls Gone Canon, A Song of Ice and Fire, episode 88, Jamie 9, In a Storm of Swords. I am one of your hosts, Chloe. You know me from the internet as LizaNArbor on Twitter or from, my blog. And I am another one of your hosts, Eliana. You might know me as GlassTableGirl on Reddit or on the Mason Monthly podcast. Maybe you know me from twitter as arithmetric i don't message you a lot on facebook but the other day i messaged you for the first time in a while on facebook just because we were there and i forgot that i have you saved as other girl i have you saved as jeff Jeff. I appreciate that. It says Jeff for your name. And I was like, this is confusing.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Yeah, we should maybe change it. I appreciate our aesthetic there. I mean, I know it's different because you also have a different color for your chat box. I think yours is like a sky blue versus the Facebook blue or whatever. Gotta be different. You know what I mean it is different god i am sad this chapter is sad it's a lot it's very heavy it's heavy it's sad like i didn't even realize it you know sometimes i read it and then i just like tear in and make some quick notes but sometimes I like I don't I don't I haven't often taken the time on a chapter lately and this weekend I did a lot of
Starting point is 00:01:51 reading for the cast and for personal pleasures and I actually read the chapter just like on its own I read actually about five chapters after this crazy shit right in storm or jamie in storm i was gonna keep going and then like sandor was about to die and i was like oh fuck this shit yeah i got like through the tyrian i got through i got i got through a few things but i stopped i was like man this is sad sad book i'm sad it was too much for me. I don't begrudge people for whom they say this is their favorite of the five books. I get it. Oh yeah, it is eloquently written. Everything falls in line.
Starting point is 00:02:33 It's heartbreak after heartbreak. It's stab, stab, stab, rip, rip, rip. It sucks. This chapter is one of those glorious, sad, heartbreak-y, like, oh, I can't believe this is happening. Good chapter-ish.'s like good at the end but it's like so heavy to get there yeah it's
Starting point is 00:02:49 a very like fast-paced tightly written book though even though it's like what second largest right out of the five books dick it is though hey we got a lot of emails and we keep saying oh oh, we're going to get to more.
Starting point is 00:03:07 We're going to get to more. And we keep just doing like onesies and twosies. So we are going to give you some fast and heavy emails, tweets of notes, reviews from some friends, some followers, some patrons, some buddies, some familia. I'm excited about this. We got an email from one of our friends ellie she said hey girls you've been talking about jamie and his sword hand and comparing him to john which reminded me of john's burned sword hand while he could still wield a sword and is known to be a good fighter it made me think to those burns in the asura high prophecy specifically
Starting point is 00:03:42 being born in smoke and salt everyone points to the the Tower of Joy for that, but I think we should consider his fighting the white as well. There's obviously smoke from curtains, and afterwards John mentions Ghost, the best of doggos, yes, being the only hearing John crying from the pain. Salt. Plus, this is right after he said his vows, right before Mormont demands he make a decision between the Wall and House Stark, and also right before the Red Comet. In theory, it means it's probably the same time as Dany's rebirth with the dragons. I think Jon's rebirth after being stabbed will fully include smoke and salt, but thought this was interesting that his second birth as a member of the Watch coincided so well with the prophecy. I haven't heard this discussed that much. a member of the Watch coincided so well with the prophecy. I haven't heard this
Starting point is 00:04:23 discussed that much. I like that a lot too. I think that's really well framed in general. I didn't really think of that as the other version of the prophecy, but it makes sense. Yeah, I've heard other ways that it's framed around things that happen in Jon's life, but I haven't
Starting point is 00:04:39 heard it tied to when he gets his hand burned, and I think that as I said, that does tie in very well thematically with what we're seeing for JB's character. I like that interpretation. I'm still like maybe in the camp that we'll never know and that it'll always be ambiguous who the prophecies are. I think it's better that way.
Starting point is 00:04:58 I know we're going to talk this episode about your distaste for the prophecy, I'm sure, again. Just that one. Just that one. Just that one. I know you like others. But this one, I don't know, I think it's better ambiguous. I kind of agree on the ambiguous prophecy train that, like, it's better off that way here. I think they both kind of are. I think Azor Ahai was the friends we made along the way.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Oh my god. You mean the last hero? The last hero is the friends we made along the way and the friends that we lost. Wait. Jojen. So speaking of friends that we made along the way, we got some other emails, both with similar energy.
Starting point is 00:05:38 One is from one of the Peets via email and the other is from Miss Mama on Podbean. And I just am touched that people this is how I'm interpreting it okay people were just so concerned about my joy that they were like Eliana you don't have to be stressed about
Starting point is 00:05:55 people running out of pages in the white book and as both pointed out you know you can Miss Mama talked about the screw binding screw post binding in books that would allow for more pages to be added. And Pete was talking about the spine and how, you know, because manuscripts were made on, some were written on vellum, aka calf skin leather, and could have just had the pages sewn back in so thank you everyone for bringing this to me and actually you know what i realized is the modern day version of this i've seen there are now like notebooks with like magnetic pages you know somebody on etsy has
Starting point is 00:06:38 actually made a blank white book a blank book of brothers it's amazing it's like 70 something dollars and i'm tempted i was like that's not as much as i thought it would be i know i thought it should be far more but shipping might be not factored in but um it's just like the folio versions right the folio versions that are coming out one came out of game of thrones the other one is coming out soon they're beautiful but those are like real pricey that's why i I'm like 70. Damn. Sounds like a steal. Okay. It was like well-bound and beautiful and hand painted and had brackets and shit on it.
Starting point is 00:07:09 I don't know. We got another email from shadow Fox and I don't know. I, I was really into this one because it's very on point. They've been watching the history of Westeros, Valerie Reedus that we talked about a bit ago, like last episode or the episode before. What did we talk about? We talked about a lot ago, like last episode or the episode before. What did we talk about?
Starting point is 00:07:26 We talked about a lot of stuff. And Joe Buckley has been doing the extra, the scraps and scrolls to coincide with that. So that's really fun. But Shadowfax has been thinking about Boros Blunt, wondering what his story could be in The Wind's a Winter and A Dream of Spring, which I think is generous,
Starting point is 00:07:44 but I like your spirit, Shadow Fox. He says, Boris is a Kingsguard of no skill or renown, and to the rest of my knowledge, which is limited, LOL, big mood, we don't know the how, why, or when of his entry into Kingsguard. During the story, we know him as the man
Starting point is 00:08:00 that'll do whatever he's told, from, you know, including beating the crap out of Sanza without protest, or selling Tommen out in in the riots becoming his food taster yada yada will he have a chance to prove he's not a coward to die in defense of tom and or do some other brave deed or will he be exactly what we think he is no redemption an old cowardly man no pride or honor we know george puts lots of thought and backstory into many characters it's not silly to question that he might have done something here with this minor character uh it's it's very thoughtful i hate to be the bummer though i'm gonna be a bummer nothing's ever fun about being poisoned
Starting point is 00:08:45 I guess are you gonna be blunt about it I hate to be blunt about it you guys Boros blunt but if you remember in a dance with dragons in the epilogue Boros is not in good shape right he's being Tommen's food
Starting point is 00:09:01 taster yes and he's like leaning on the wall for support, looking gray and like grim, like keeled over. Kind of makes me think, since we're seeing him in Kevin's POV, as he suffers at his job, Varys is most definitely poisoning him, or having someone poison him, which is also likely, considering that we talked about poison heavily in the last chapter, considering that we talked about poison heavily in the last chapter and in tyrian 9 storm of swords we hear at his trial various confirmed tyrian's midnight visit to grand maester pysel's chambers and the theft of his poisons and potions confirmed the threat he'd made to cersei when the night of their supper confirmed every bloody thing but the poisoning itself when prince oberon asked him how
Starting point is 00:09:44 he could possibly know all this having not been present at these events the unit giggled and said my little birds told me knowing's their purpose and mine ah a eunuch's weapon i think boros will be dead soon is is what i'm saying yeah it reminds me actually of john erin all the way at the beginning of the story. Yeah, the way it's framed from like the POV of Kevin, that he is, Kevin's floating along, everything's great and giddy and happy in Lannister land, right? Like they're finally getting everything they want. Kevin's like, Cersei's going back to Casterly Rock, right? Everything's going great.
Starting point is 00:10:22 We have Tommen under control. Now we just got to chill. Like, yeah, Tywin died, but I still got it. I'm holding down, holding down the fort. And then Varys is like, haha, what's up, bitch? You've been punked. And he just, like, shows up, crossbow
Starting point is 00:10:35 in hands, and he's like, welcome to MTV Cribs. Here's Grand Maester Pycelle. This bitch is dead. Yeah, Boros Blount, you see it from Kevin's POV that Boros is like keeled over, like trying to do his job, barely doing his job, obviously been
Starting point is 00:10:52 poisoned. I think we know. We've been known. Yeah. Not looking good, that's all. Doesn't look good for Boros. Maybe, yeah, he's being left alive for what? He'll probably be dead i don't think various wants any witnesses left but yeah it's like kevin kevin didn't even uh
Starting point is 00:11:12 he didn't think oh what an interesting red flag that the food taster seems to be getting weaker it's almost like i saw this happen before, but then again, they didn't really think that Jon Arryn was poisoned at the beginning of the series, but it's like interesting, Boros. Interesting, Kevin. Anyways. We got another email from our friend Michael Yaney, who, and I,
Starting point is 00:11:37 we just had to include this, it's perfect for this episode, says, was just thinking about how, for a moment, the Lannisters had two Valyrian steel swords in their family. The last time that happened in Westeros was with the Targaryens until Aegon IV gave Blackfyre to Daemon I, the Targaryen bastard. Similarly, Tywin gives Widow's Wail to Joffrey, a Lannister bastard. That's all I got. It's good. It's a good thing you got there, Michael.
Starting point is 00:12:06 That's real good. You should be proud of that. And I think like thematically, so there's this idea, and we'll probably talk about this as we get more into the sword, this chapter, but Valyrian steel requiring a blood sacrifice, right? That's an idea that's floating out in the universe. People have put forward that the only way to properly craft valyrian steel involves a sacrifice of sorts and thematically or dragonfire right and thematically this had a blood sacrifice right widow's wail it
Starting point is 00:12:39 could be catalan's wailing at the red wedding or cersei's wailing at the purple wedding yes it really ties in well throughout this book absolutely and of course that it was once all one sword ice but we're gonna get into the other the other sword of that later today, tonight, whatever. Hey, we have one last email to chat about. We actually got this like 10 minutes before we jumped on to record and I can't resist. I have to do the fate ones. That's a fateful email,
Starting point is 00:13:17 right? Yeah. I'm impressed. I'm like, damn, you just like got in right. Yeah. Right at the deadline,
Starting point is 00:13:24 right at the deadline. And we always get that. So those 10 minute emails, like just know deadline right at the deadline and we always get that so those 10 minute emails like just know if your email gets read and we like rave about it like this it's probably a 10 minute email it's probably like right before but we snuck you in and this is from our friend scott dibbles and bits that sent us a message saying i want to express my thanks about exploring the possibly problematic nature of Loras and Renly's relationship. Grooming is unfortunately not unheard of in the queer community, especially with age difference and social taboo on the relationship, which can lead to a lot of
Starting point is 00:13:55 insecurity and inner turmoil, both of which Loras obviously has. I almost wonder if Loras saw Brienne as a potential rival, not for Renly's affections necessarily, but time and admiration. This kind of makes sense in terms of this. In Jaime 8, you guys discussed how Jaime was missing clues all around him. It's interesting in both the chapters we see Loras accusing Brienne of betraying the king they both love, when Jaime has antagonistic interactions with Osmund Kettleblack, who Jaime later discovers is a rival for the queen Jamie loves. I do like
Starting point is 00:14:28 that. Very good call, Scott. Yeah, and yeah, thanks for sending in that email. Great last 10 minutes edition. Yes. I'm honestly very impressed, but yes, thank you for sending this in, and I think that adds
Starting point is 00:14:43 a lot of complexity, you know, especially as we into i really i really hope loris isn't dead you know i really think that loris is a character that i would love for us to dive into more especially like not just as a foil for jamie but just like he has a lot in there that ties into the other ideas in this story and i'm really hoping Loras made it. I haven't really made my decision. You know what I mean? I'm like, what I think is going to happen to him in my head. There's a couple of characters that I'm like, oh, this, this, this,
Starting point is 00:15:14 this outlines their end. And Loras, I'm just like, not sure, man. Not sure. Yeah. I find Loras very interesting. And obviously I don't think it's going to go quite the way that it did in the show they went a very different direction and I like the idea that we're exploring more of that
Starting point is 00:15:30 Tyrell scheming I don't know how much evidence there is for it I haven't read some of these theories in a couple of years it's been a while since I've read those but fingers crossed you know yeah just interesting character to me, you know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Just interesting character to me. But you know what else is interesting? All these chapters that we're gonna just also breeze right through as we get to Jamie's. We have a lightning round starting off with Sansa 6. Sansa is forced to take on a hidden identity before heading
Starting point is 00:16:04 to the Eyrie and is a guest at a lovely wedding in the Fingers. And she even catches the bouquet. Jon 9. Jon may have returned to his job, but it is definitely a hostile work environment. Jano Slint has him put in the ice cells. Tyrion 10. Speaking of cells, Tyrion wakes up and is taken from his cell to another day of damned
Starting point is 00:16:28 lies against him, this time very, very deep-cutting semi-lies from Shae. He requests a trial by combat and well, it was promising, but you know, it doesn't really go great and as we noted last week,
Starting point is 00:16:43 Oberyn dies. Daenerys VI. But first, a commercial break. We're traveling to Meereen, where Queen Daenerys must exile her most loyal bear while accepting a new knight into her service. Who could it be? Arshton Whitebeard. Whomst? Never heard of him
Starting point is 00:17:06 And that brings us to Jaime 9, A Storm of Swords Jaime begins a new day as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard Sick of the power struggle in King's Landing he sends the Maid of Evenfall away with an oath and a sword and embraces the power
Starting point is 00:17:22 of the Quill It's gonna be really hard for me not to break out into Hamilton and the sword, and embraces the power of the quill. It's going to be really hard for me not to break out into Hamilton, Westeros, and American musical songs the whole episode and have you just go, uh-huh, I was there. There's this song that is rewritten in the musical, Eliana, that you saw. The Westeros musical that you saw. It's just like, she's like, like it's gonna be really hard to stop myself
Starting point is 00:17:46 so I won't cause it's a song so anyways there are two thoughts one is Westeros has its eyes on you there's a song called History has its eyes on you and there's another song where Hamilton sings I wrote my way out
Starting point is 00:18:03 and it comes to mind now. It comes to mind. That was only for our Hamilton fans. Slash Westeros at American Musical Stands. I understand. I understand. But in the actual story, Tommen is signing a stack of papers being handed to him one by one by Kevin Lannister methodically. Two of them strip all lands and incomes from Edmure toly and brendan the blackfish toly
Starting point is 00:18:26 from that podcast jamie watches the men that all vie for power if this was power why did it taste like tedium he thinks i have to break down this seven dollar word that george just gave us because i thought it was an interesting use i looked up. He uses the word six times in the series, not counting Fire and Blood. I haven't looked at Fire and Blood, but like literally everything else. One time in Jaime, two times in Cersei chapters, once in a Dany chapter, in the World of Ice and Fire, Aerys II, and Rogue Prince. The World of Ice and Fire is a line actually about Lord Tywin, which is, Lord Tywin continued on as Hand of the King, dealing with the daily tedium of the Seven Kingdoms while the King grew ever more erratic, violent, and suspicious. So in my head, Sarsi and
Starting point is 00:19:17 Jaime both describe court as a tedium several times, and it's apparent they probably got that from their father. father obviously court's described as tedious in many other synonyms but an interesting dig on the word that was mostly surrounding them especially considering anne grohl the editor has been often said to kind of police george like hey why don't you use this instead you've used it elsewhere i wonder i wonder i mean it does make sense right it's the right word, I feel, for how Jaime feels because he doesn't feel powerful watching this. He feels bored.
Starting point is 00:19:49 And I do find that interesting that he calls it out. It feels to me like maybe a callback to how Robert felt when he was king. Like, I know that there have been actually a lot of really great analyses that liken Cersei's progression in Feast to her becoming more like Robert but I think that there's actually quite a bit that's similar between Jaime and Robert especially in this chapter and ties in well with what we were talking about in Jaime's first chapter
Starting point is 00:20:15 in Storm like both Jaime and Robert they were men who loved fighting they were fighting men it's and both of them say more or less words quite explicitly like that they never felt so alive as when they were fighting or on the battlefield and i think for robert he says fighting or fucking for jamie it's probably mostly fighting and his best sex scene again is the one where he's fighting with brianne and robert got to be the hero right whereas jamie ends up the villain at the end of the rebellion and I think that very much of course affects how they progress from there on out and what their disillusionment looks like and I don't know
Starting point is 00:20:55 if this is about power part of what makes it tedium is right now they feel very little power over their own lives especially Robert he's dead but he felt that when he was alive. Like, he didn't have freedom, he's all like, Ned, let's just run away. That's what I want. That was the power that he wanted, freedom.
Starting point is 00:21:16 And I think that you see that very well in Dani's storyline, especially in Dance, which is cresting for her, and Marine, that desire for freedom. And as you pointed out, tedium cresting for her and Maureen that desire for freedom and as you pointed out, tedium shows up in her story and they also yeah, they also both have this relationship with Cersei where they kind of just take
Starting point is 00:21:36 things out on her and we'll get into that later. Well, and the mentions are explicitly regarding how Robert used to feel about court in Cersei's chapters as well, so spot on. It seems like tedium is a very Lannister word. I think that's great. Every muscle in Jaime's body is hurting from the training against Adam Marbrand the night before. He thought that would be his best test against his new disability, and the knowledge of how bad he was at fighting with his left hand
Starting point is 00:22:06 is hurting him worse than the beating he got from Adam, which, spoiler alert, was really bad. Adam disarmed him three times. Which, there's actually this really funny line that I'm just gonna call out because you had me thinking about hands and all that stuff
Starting point is 00:22:21 in previous chapters in some of the double meanings of words. Handjobs? Yes. In fact, that is what this is about. No. about hands and all that stuff in previous chapters and some of the double meanings. Handjobs? Yes. In fact, that is what this is about. No. Jamie's like, it seems so simple, changing hands. It wasn't. And it makes me think again of that Office of the Hand, and Chelsed, and Tywin, and Tyrion, just like in general. That's it. That's the thought. Wait, wait, that is handjobs. Wait, shit, you're right. Yeah, the handjobs. And it's like the Defense Against the Dark Arts role in Harry Potter. You're right. It actually is.
Starting point is 00:22:58 I feel like that's like a fantasy given. You have false court are to Jenna Lannister and Emin Frey, who are to receive lands and incomes, which we know to mean, quote unquote, River Run, but we'll talk about that more in A Feast for Crows and probably later today. The following one legitimizes Ramsay Snow and names him Ramsay Bolton, and the next one names Roose Bolton the Warden of the North which basically it's a bullshit mummers show the entire time I mean he deserves that name you know like Ramsey Bolton
Starting point is 00:23:32 as you said Avenged the Red Wedding I have been known to say this we're very raw after all this but you know I think it's it is a bullshit mummers show and i think it's it is a bullshit numbers show and i think it's kind of funny that kevin is so insistent on like reading aloud to tom and like yeah that's what
Starting point is 00:23:52 this paper is for please stamp it as though like tommen gives a fuck right like about signing and tom is just like yeah whatever this is fun tommen's like I saw a cloud today. Actually, no. The next grant that's given out is Ralph Spicer. He's given titles to Castamere and moved to become a lord. So, Ralph Spicer is the uncle to
Starting point is 00:24:18 Jane Westerling, I want to say. It's Sybil Spicer's brother. I love that in comparison to Blackwater, this is a very different mummers show, right? It was bowing to Joffrey, now it's bowing Spicer's brother. I love that in comparison to Blackwater, this is a very different mummer show, right? It was bowing to Joffrey. Now it's bowing to the kid just stamping shit, and he hates turnips and he's chubby and cute. It's really easy to see the political strings behind all this. Obviously, this is a reread podcast. But it's also actually informing Jamie's path forward in A Feast for Crows in the next book as we finish A Storm of Swords with Jaime here.
Starting point is 00:24:48 While he doesn't want to be here, he still ends up having to deal with all of this, right? Like, Jaime right here is about to say, like, I want to leave. Fuck you, uncle. I'm out. Peace. But he still ends up having to deal with each of these people that we just mentioned. Today, he ends up starting the Arya plot. Ramsay's legitimized, so it looks better when he marries Arya for the North, and Jaime
Starting point is 00:25:09 sees off quote-unquote Arya, which we will talk about. In Jaime 5, Jaime speaks with Jenna about Riverrun and about all the familial problems going on. And then, of course, the Spicer plot is basically unraveled in The Red Wedding wedding as well he deals with that later in feast when sybil explains her complicity in the murders of the red wedding and we see jane again yeah it all comes back and this is such a great chapter that sets up the things that happen in feast and it just kills me that tommen doesn like turnips. I love turnips. I know. They're very good and expensive, really.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Yeah, I am like, Tommen, you could replace all the riches. You know, you could make more Lannister money if you invested in turnips more. But anyway. What is the currency exchange from bells to dragons? Does anyone know? Someone please do this economic breakdown for us jamie tuning back out it's like damn it i should have gone to ill and pain he can't tell anyone about it because if adam gets so much as like just a bit too drunk and cracks a joke it's gonna ruin everything about
Starting point is 00:26:21 the illusion of power that i have and then i'd be a joke but it's not quite ruin everything about the illusion of power that I have. And then I'd be a joke. But it's not quite as cruel as the joke that my father sent me. Jamie moves on rather quickly and does not tell us what the gift that his father sent him, the cruel joke he sent him, is. We will learn about it at the end of the chapter. We all know what it is. However, Jamie is framing it as like this awful, horrible thing, which it kind of is for him. The Westerlings all receive their pardons next.
Starting point is 00:26:50 They're welcomed back into the Peace of Tommen. Jonos Bracken is pardoned, which he also visits, as we know. Lord Vance, Lord Mutant of Maidenpool as well. Jaime tells Kevin he can handle the rest on his own. Kevin tells him, go patch things up with Tywin. But Jaime refused, and he's like, yo, this is Tywin's fight. He isn't going to mend this if he keeps sending Jaime insulting gifts. The gift was heartfelt.
Starting point is 00:27:17 We thought that it might encourage you. To grow a new hand? Jaime turned to Tommen. Though he had Joffrey's golden curls and green eyes, the new king shared little else with his late brother. He was inclined to plumpness, his face pink and round, and he even liked to read. He is still shy of nine, this son of mine. The boy is not the man. It would be seven years before Tommen was ruling in his own right. Until then, the realm would remain firmly in the hands of his lord grandfather.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Ha. See, it's funny. Things change hands easily, and also it doesn't remain in the hands of his lord grandfather until he's of age, because Tywin dies in like a minute. That was really good. Thank you. Full circle. This is kind of a dick move,
Starting point is 00:28:01 right? Because the one thing you loved was recently squandered and taken away from you. Hey, what was it called again, Jamie? Oh, okay. Well, here's a tool exactly for that. Like, how about maybe a hug and like you did the best you could, son. That would probably be enough.
Starting point is 00:28:19 Yeah, Tywin, you know, what if gift giving isn't the love language that we need right now? Tywin? More like Tyloos. For real, though. Why don't people say that more often, though? That's underrated.
Starting point is 00:28:32 In A Game of Thrones, we get really similar language from Robert, back to your Robert and Jamie parallels. John's service was the duty he owed his liege lord. I'm not ungrateful, Ned. You of all men ought to know that.
Starting point is 00:28:46 But the son is not the father. A mere boy cannot hold the east. So this is regarding Robert Aaron. I thought this was an interesting language. I was like reading this chapter and I was like, what chapter was this language in? And I had to go read a handful of things that I thought it was in until I found it. I didn't know where it was, but I also was like, that phrase sounds familiar. So thank you for
Starting point is 00:29:08 finding it. It did. It sounded so familiar, right? Every once in a while you hear one in your head, and you're like, wait a damn minute, that's someone else's wording. But that was the only other way I found this phrase. Like I looked for a couple different variations in the text, and the son is not the father uh came up and there's similar language here in a way and about to go religious for a hot second faith of the seven right it reminds me of the shield of the trinity a christian visual symbol it's like a triangle thing it has the aspects of the doctrine of the trinity and it's um a diagram with 12 propositions on it and two of these propositions are,
Starting point is 00:29:45 the Son is not the Father, the Son is not the Holy Spirit. And these are from the Athanasian Creed, which declare the Father uncreated, the Son uncreated, and the Spirit is uncreated. All three are eternal without beginning, and they're not names for different parts of God, but one name for God, because three persons exist as one entity in God,
Starting point is 00:30:04 which is kind of crazy science fiction when you really think about it. But I digress. It works here in a way, though, because the boy is not the man. He's not the father nor the God. The power that is happening through him, him being Tommen, the boy who is not the father or the Holy Spirit. The power he's getting, though though is the overall power of like tywin or kevin and overall corrupt like flowing power through him this is not his power anymore
Starting point is 00:30:31 right he is not the man and i thought that was an interesting comparison it is and even more far removed i mean he's not the father like the power is technically still coming from Robert as Cersei has pointed out in a few chapters ago and they're like dude you can't fuck this up yeah that's very interesting yeah until then though Jaime's gaining leave from Kevin
Starting point is 00:30:58 he orders Ser Meryn Trant to guard his grace and later turn him to Maegor's hold, thinking the whole time that he cannot let him or the Kettleblacks or Blount learn of how weak he actually is. He makes for the stables, finding some familiar faces.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Steel shanks, Walton! Steel shanks are grounded by Northmen, he's scurrying to prepare for the trip back. And Lord Walton expects them well you know chloe if you can appeal to the hamilton fans i can appeal to the cats fans is that what that was is that what it was oh lord bolton expects them in the north with their new prize aria stark allegedly they call her
Starting point is 00:31:48 a girl mounted on a horse a gray horse a gray girl a wolf clasp pinning her cloak to her dress yeah her eyes are big brown sad eyes and they speak differently than she does she tells jamie she remembers him from winterfell, which, not necessarily a lie. And I love that there's a focus on the eyes in this chapter, right? Not just in the Theon chapters. Even here, we're seeing she has big brown eyes, not the stark gray. Jaime thinks the girl looks older than Arya Stark would be,
Starting point is 00:32:20 and he asks about her wedding. She says she's to wed Ramsay, as he's a Bolton now, not a Snow. She says he's brave and that she's happy, but Jamie thinks, why do you sound so frightened then? He turns to Steelshanks after wishing her a happy marriage, asking if he received his coin. He did, Lannister's, Dad's, blah blah blah. Wishes him good speed ahead for the trip and off he fucks he looks at the girl once more wondering if there's any resemblance because the real Arya was likely buried
Starting point is 00:32:52 in Flea Bottom in an unmarked grave with the wolf pin you know this chapter really hammers home something that I think we might have discussed when we were reading the Theon chapters but again I don't know what we've talked about I think think we talked about this quite a bit, but I don't remember what, to what extent. But you know, this Lannister ploy, like has all the stamps of Ramsay
Starting point is 00:33:15 all over it. And what he suggested to Theon, like, obviously, like, Roose is a big part of it. But like, you know, here, maybe, maybe the boy is the man in some ways. And this chapter from top to bottom, like with Tommen, right, again, getting his power through Robert Baratheon, but not, and the discussions of Joffrey, and then Jaime also hiding his inability to fight, you know, it's a lot about people masking who they are. I mean, obviously, Tommen doesn't know, right? He's like, neither did Joffrey, know it's it's a lot about people masking who they are i mean obviously tommy doesn't know right he's like and neither did joffrey but it's all about that masquerade to keep power and it really hammers home again i think that comparison between jane again with the miller's boys that theon kills i'm not 100 sure how much of this we discussed in that
Starting point is 00:34:02 or the patreon episodes but like you know again it's that lower class slipping into the identities of the nobility and paying their price and like like why is jane not as important as aria exactly and i mean it doesn't matter you know they're monsters and you're just gonna let it go because it's easy it's easy it's easier he lets it go it's the same as again one more time we could have done this after the theon chapters because like there's a complicitness that both theon and jamie exhibit in these crimes like jamie knows what's happening and that there's a switch going on and maybe sure he doesn't know how terrible ramsey is it seems like it's not something that everyone knows that for the most part especially when they're not in the north but at the same time he can see that there's fear in her eyes
Starting point is 00:34:50 and like Theon does the same thing too right it's not a coincidence that both of them in a way very much owe this big debt to Bran and Jaime lets Jane go off on her torture anyway as theon executes the miller's boys for his plot and like yes of course this chapter is absolutely pivotal it's many ways uh turning point and the language is is showing that but like just a few pages before that happens jamie's thinking like about how to be better he lets this happen to jane knowing and like seeing the fear in her eyes like where's that chivalry for maids in distress that he's supposed to exhibit why is the attitude better her than aria i don't know if he's even that if he even thinks that he didn't say it but you know what i mean like why is that the attitude in general like that's how it feels it is actually in the language later on kind of says that he's talking to brienne and even brienne doesn't seem to really bat an eyelash which is surprising yeah even brienne's like whatever
Starting point is 00:35:50 and it might just be an oversight but like it also feels really fleeting like i don't know why it's so pivotal and important in theon's arc that theon like abandons all of his fear just to help this person that's suffering just as much as he is if not like shitty or you know on a more intimate intimate level like yes both both horrible acts of sexual violence and violence against both of them are horrible but like she she's married into it yeah and I wonder if he thinks better her than Arya same for Brienne because then it's not about their personal honor right they're like better her than Arya because then I can I'm not failing my oath to Catelyn Stark it is self-serving still yeah I don't know I know what we're supposed to
Starting point is 00:36:38 think about it you're not what we're supposed you know what I mean like I get yeah I get it it just like is still something that is a bummer to me because yeah especially though we get kind of a not a redemption on that let's not throw the r word out right now but we get kind of a better version of that with brienne with the kids later you know i think it's yeah i think it's less like this isn't a big part of jamie's storyline of course this is like a fleeting thing that's meant to be like an Easter egg for later on when it comes up in dance. Right? But
Starting point is 00:37:09 at the same time, it just, it sucks for Jane, of course, and like It sucks because we know. It sucks because we know, and also like, again, I acknowledge that in-universe, a lot of the people in Westeros, including those especially those in the South, aren't as aware of the
Starting point is 00:37:25 politics and what Ramsay Snow is like. Obviously. Obviously. They're like, I don't know, I guess that boy has the Bolton last name now? So. Well, he surveys a lingering dry pool of blood on the ground from the trial
Starting point is 00:37:41 that just happened where Gregor had killed an innocent stable boy. Jaime told the Kingsguard to keep keep the crowd out of the way but boros blount had lost sight of it fucking up shadow fox he's fucking up gregor was the only one left to pay for it and pay for it he was doing pisel was tending to his wounds but everybody could hear the howls throughout the night. Pycelle had told the council the flesh just kept oozing pus. The maggots wouldn't even touch him. His veins have turned black. The leeches that he puts on him all die.
Starting point is 00:38:16 It's not looking too hot for him, right? This is an intense pimple popping video. Qyburn needs to go downstairs. That's for sure. For sure. Pycelle wants to know what poison Oberyn used, and he's all like, Tywin, we must detain these Dornish men. And Tywin's like, no, that would make matters worse if we held them.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Which is, you know, kind of a similar plan Doran has with Baelin, right? Mm. Actually, yes, it is. Their thoughts aren't much different. Like, in the long run run it's just doran doesn't take as much action doesn't have the power time too so far doesn't have the stomach for for it right he's not as uh well-versed in mass murder as tywin is he thinks about it but he's like i'll save that plan for another day he's like interesting, interesting idea. Interesting. Tywin commands Pycelle,
Starting point is 00:39:06 keep Gregor alive. King's justice must kill him, not a poison blade. So they chat about Stannis. I thought this was a great conversation they have. Tywin starts off, you're a werelord very sent fisherman in the waters around Dragonstone. They report only a token
Starting point is 00:39:22 force remains to defend the island. The Lyseni are gone from the bay, and the great part of Lord Stannis' strength with them. Well and good, announced Pycelle. Let Stannis rot in the lease, I say. We are well rid of the man and his ambitions. Did you turn into an utter fool when Tyrion shaved your beard? This is Stannis Baratheon. The man will fight to the bitter end and then some. If he's gone, it can only mean he intends to resume the war. Most likely, he will land at Storm's End and try and rouse the Stormlords.
Starting point is 00:39:55 If so, he's finished, but a bolder man might roll the dice for Dorne. If he should win Sunspear to his cause, he might prolong this war for years, so we will not offend the Martells any further for any reason. The Dornishmen are free to go. You will heal, Sir Gregor. This is such a great passage. It's so juicy because Tywin was so close, like even his mention of Varys and Dragonstone was close. If you change the words here to Aegon and Jon-Khan's crew, this is what we actually get. Most likely he will land at Storm's End and try and rouse the Stormlords.
Starting point is 00:40:32 If so, he's finished. Just kidding. Aegon's doing that, but we know he's not finished because a bolder man might roll the dice for Dorne. If he should win Sunspear to his cause, he might prolong this war for years. So Tywin has the right of it. Dorne's swords are untouched. Besides, like the veil, they're the only untouched swords. And where he's wrong is that Aegon not only takes the Stormlands, making good on the connections that have been very much so ignored by both Stannis,
Starting point is 00:41:02 intent on his throne, and Renly, corrupted by the flowers. But then Aegon makes common cause with Dorne, and while it's not yet canon that Arianne seals the war deal with Aegon, I mean, they wouldn't be in the next books if she didn't. So anyways, this is just huge foreshadowing for Griff's arrival in the plot to sew all this shit up. And they are bolder men. Yeah, bolder men.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Would do that. Also, one last thing, because I will not stop. There's a quip in here, once more, of Lord, uh, Jaime's like, oh, Lord Tywin could command even the stranger, you know, because of him, like, delaying Gregor's death, but it's funny. It's funny because Tywin does it and he dies.
Starting point is 00:41:44 Ha ha! That's it. Thank you. Jaime now climbs the steps of the White Sword Tower, hears Boros's snores, Balon's cell is shut because he's guarding Tommen, and it's quite otherwise, and he's ready to rest, but wow,
Starting point is 00:41:59 we have a visitor. It's Cersei, looking like not just a snack, but a whole meal meal i thought this was just a gorgeous intro to what she looked like here everyone close your eyes get you know comfy get stretch your shoulders out you know everyone good you ready she stood beside the open window looking over the curtain walls and out to sea. The bay wind swirled around her, flattening her gown against her body in a way that quickened Jamie's pulse. It was white, that gown, like the hangings on the wall and the draperies on his bed.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Swirls of tiny emeralds brightened the ends of her wide sleeves and spiraled down her bodice. Larger emeralds were sat in the golden spiderweb that bound her golden hair. She's got style. You cannot say that Cersei Lannister does not have style. Yeah, say what you want prime minister can't deny dumbledore's got style um think of the dumbledore comics you know the yeah the little the little ones anyway something interesting here is how he associates both cersei and the brienne with the sea, but differently, right? In the last chapter in this chapter, he associated the cell, getting his cell looking out over the sea as like a new freedom, right? Like maybe he'd like the sea, he said in Jaime 8. And here he looks
Starting point is 00:43:39 out of his window and he sees Cersei against the sea. Right. But by the end of the chapter in this chapter and leader, and especially when he sails past Tarth, he thinks of Brienne when he sees the sea. Right. Very, very interesting. Very interesting changes happening of hands. Changing of hands happening here. And her view was of the sea during the trial.
Starting point is 00:44:02 Mm-hmm. So I want to bring back some fashion hour. It has been a while. How could it not? Oh my god. This outfit is like deck to the nines. This is like Met Gala 2019 or 2018 or 2017.
Starting point is 00:44:17 It depends on what year you're really going to the Met Gala, I guess. But Cersei was there. So Cersei has this spider web of gold in her hair. And I love how it's described when we think of hairnets right now, because as we know with Sansa, very recently with hairnets, it's kind of like symbolic of being trapped, right? Spider web in your hair, spider web of gold. Cersei is another person wearing a hairnet with an agenda around that hairnet and as we just discussed a little bit ago the Lannisters have been very much manipulated by
Starting point is 00:44:50 Varys the spider that's one way to think about it it's likely that Cersei's downfall does lie in Varys's eight hands that he's playing so to speak and it's also dressed as a total trapping of power all that glitters is not gold as you and I have explored many times, and power being what has trapped Cersei, and what destroys her as well as nourishes her. And it goes without saying that while Jastis symbolizes Cersei being trapped beneath that power, she is also using this hairnet as part of a trap with Jaime to ensnare him. The emeralds that play with her eyes so well,
Starting point is 00:45:25 her finest gown, her bare shoulders, her hair within this golden hairnet. Jamie is definitely caught within her spider web. Yes, absolutely. And I loved how you're exploring all those different layers of that there. With Cersei's outfit, I think another thing is, you know, she's dressed in white for the most part. And she's very much, we've seen Cersei do outfit I think another thing is you know she's dressed in white for the most part and she's very much
Starting point is 00:45:48 we've seen Cersei do this right before evoke the colors of innocence she did it during the Blackwater if I'm not mistaken and though everyone including Jaime knows that she's fucking not like duh but she's doing it right here to elicit Jaime's sympathies towards the helpless she knows
Starting point is 00:46:03 that he likes playing the role of the knight, even though he's so disillusioned on it, and she's going to call him out on it in a bit. Yeah, and in a way, she's doing this thing with her white innocence dress, right? With that manipulating, she's using it very much so to manipulate him
Starting point is 00:46:19 with that white dress, but also it's mirroring his kinksguard outfit. We're going to talk about the ways that Cersei manipulates Jaime via knighthood. And he's wearing white all the time. So she's also coming, shaking this white flag, olive branch. Her outfit is saying that she sympathizes with his position as the Lord Commander now, you know. But the gold and the green give away the truth behind cersei's real reason she's there the greed the lannister gold the green yeah all against that white backdrop
Starting point is 00:46:53 yeah and turns out part of why she's here right is cersei's upset because tywin wants her off any of the crown affairs on the council and asks jamie to please talk to him and jamie's like i talk to tywin every single day and she's like shut the fuck up you know that's not what i meant all right and seriously tom's explained why tywin's acting the way that he's acting and jamie finishes her sentence he's like yeah tywin wants to force me to leave the king's guard and go back home to casterly rock and she's like you know i too am being forced back to casterly rock maybe like this wouldn't be so bad we can go back together and jamie's like you know i too am being forced back to castle york maybe like this wouldn't be so bad we can go back together and jamie's like i'm not falling for that again last time i tried
Starting point is 00:47:30 to do that we ended up separated and i ended up as a king's guard jk that's uh not what he's saying explicitly but that's the backdrop seriously he's all like and tywin's taking tommen from me tommen is my son not tywin's. Jaime reminds her, Tommen's the king. This is what you did, what you married. And she reminds him he's a boy who just had to watch his brother die at the same exact job. And she's upset because of course they're forcing him to wed Margaery again. Twice his age, twice a widow now. How dare she be a widow, but actually in one way really truly as we discussed maybe how dare
Starting point is 00:48:09 she be a widow but anyways um i do like this line about circe acting like it's about tommen but it's really about her and her trauma to read it aloud like she was he is a boy a frightened little boy who saw his brother murdered at his own wedding and now they're telling him that he must marry and you know actually it's seriously the one who's terrified like about seeing Joffrey murdered at his own wedding not Tommen and she's the one who's mad because she actually as we know later and as we know from other previous chapters, she's mad because she's the one being forced to marry, not that Tommen is. Because Tommen's like, whatever, cool. New friends? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Fuck turnips? Back to Cersei's prophecy. It does make sense here, right? Because with no Cersei point of view, we don't realize this right now. But when we get to Feast for Crows, Cersei has to be totally paranoid at this exact second and terrified. Joffrey just died. Like that prophecy, gold shall be their shroud, they're next, then her. absolutely. I think rereading this, that prophecy really comes forth, especially when she talks about how powerless she felt when she was watching Joff die, and I don't love the prophecy, but I
Starting point is 00:49:33 know it makes sense here. Anyway. Yeah. It works. It works in places. Yeah. I agree that it's kind of a kitschy device when sometimes can grow unruly, but at least it's rooted. Jamie obviously doesn't agree.
Starting point is 00:49:48 He's like, there's really no harm in it. Tommen's lonely and Cersei's super taken aback. She's like, it's your son. And he's like, um, okay, but I've never been allowed to ever say that before. Like I've never been allowed to feel like it's my son. I had to give him up to that drunken lecher of a king. Yeah, not that Robert was allowed
Starting point is 00:50:06 to do it either, and that's another thing kind of the same between them, right? Not being allowed to be part of the raising of Joffrey and you know, the other kids. Yeah, and he thinks about Robert's death and how even that leaves a bitter taste in his mouth because he
Starting point is 00:50:22 thinks it should have been him who killed him not sarsi fuck you first off let her let her kill her husband okay let carol live let carol baskin live they we get this passage between the two and jamie tells her i only wish he died at my hands and he thinks when i still had the two of them if i'd let king slaying become a habit as he'd like to say I could have taken you as my wife for all the world to see. I'm not ashamed of loving you, only of the things I've done to hide it. That boy at Winterfell. Did I tell you to throw him out the window?
Starting point is 00:50:55 If you'd gone hunting, as I begged you, nothing would have happened. But no, you had to have me. You could not wait until we returned to the city. I'd waited long enough. I hated watching Robert stumble to your bed every night, always wondering if maybe this night he'd decide to claim his rights as husband. Jamie then suddenly remembered something else that had troubled him about Winterfell. Just to, you know, sidebar. We told all of you. You guys didn't listen to us, but Jamie did that of his own volition. Yeah. If last chapter was anything to, like, explain it, Cersei didn't want it.
Starting point is 00:51:34 She wanted shit. She wanted shit to get done. That's why she offered it up. But, like, Jamie did that. Jamie was, like, angry and just pushed him out. Yeah, and, I mean, he says as much in his interiority in the first Jamie chapter. Something that really pops out here is how upset Jamie was about Casterly Rock and about how he's like, well, I would have to leave all this and go home, Cersei. Cersei was like, hmm, that's nice anyways,
Starting point is 00:52:05 and skips right over it. And this is like a big defining moment that puts a line between the two of these people. Like these are, their love is very different to both of them. Cersei immediately just thought, well, you'll be with me. You'll be fine. What you need doesn't matter, Jaime. And in Winterfell, we get kind of this framing of how it was for them and it's very similar now for Jamie all this time dating Cersei has been just like him banging her in that tower like he thought he was having glorious romantic golden incest sex with his waifu in Eddard Stark's household, basically. It was a glorious golden fuck you to Ned.
Starting point is 00:52:48 But Cersei has never wanted any of it. Cersei's never cared. She just never has. Yeah, she's cared about it to the extent that it's a means to an end, as we see in many ways. Jaime as an extension of herself.
Starting point is 00:53:12 But it doesn't truly you know bring her pleasure in the way that jamie seems to think it does for her yeah i mean soon she's about to straight up be like oh you thought all of this was a real thing like you knew this could never happen right like you knew this since we were little, it couldn't happen like that. Yeah. Which I mean, yeah, it's true.
Starting point is 00:53:30 It could be. True. But like, also, why'd you lead me on for 25 years, sis? Jamie remembers something that doesn't have to do with Cersei's boobies. He remembers Catelyn being convinced that the Lannisters tried to kill Bran with a cat's paw,
Starting point is 00:53:47 and he brings it up. Cersei dismisses it, and she's like, Tyrion asked about that as well. And Jaime says, no, I saw Catelyn's scars. It was a real dagger. And Cersei shuts him down. She says, yes, I hoped the boy would die. So did you. Even Robert thought that would have been for the best.
Starting point is 00:54:06 We kill our horses when they break a leg and our dogs when they go blind. But we are too weak to give the same mercy to crippled children, he told me. Jamie then asks if she was alone when Robert had said this. Kind of alarmed by this. And Cersei mocks him, asking if he thinks Myrcella sent the man with the dagger, but he cuts the chase. Not Myrcella, Joffrey. And this is a soft reveal, right, of who
Starting point is 00:54:31 sent the cat's paw, who sent the cat's paw dagger after Bran. This is basically it. Yeah, and the other setup, it's also very subtle, right? It's subtle. A subtle knife. And that's why it's like, oh, wow. Amazing. It actually is.
Starting point is 00:54:48 It is. And that's a thing, right? It also comes up in Tyrion's chapter. You piece the things together and it's like, a child hungry for a pat on the head from that thought you let him believe was his father. He had an uncomfortable thought. Tyrion almost died because of this bloody
Starting point is 00:55:04 dagger. If he knew the whole thing was Joffrey's work, that might be why. And he's like, oh, maybe Tyrion did try to kill Joffrey. And it's interesting because again, Cersei is very much like Joffrey in this, in many ways too hungry for a pat on the head from their father. I mean, like all of the Lannister siblings are quite like this. And by that, I mean the first generation the lannister siblings are quite like this and by that i mean the first generation of lannister siblings not the second but at the same time you know they're also trying to rest themselves free of him it's like that's why they don't feel like they have any actual power they're like yeah i guess we do and that we're royals but not really yeah they're fake royals absolutely tywin's there controlling them but you
Starting point is 00:55:47 know it's great he's not gonna for much longer so congratulations everyone cersei doesn't care about tyrian she says he can take his reasons to hell with him and comes back to joffrey's death once more telling jamie about how joff fought and the terror in his eyes and how there was nothing she could do to save him. She says Tyrion sent Myrcella to Dorne. Joff is dead because of Tyrion and Tommen's all I have left. And then she begs him to leave the Kingsguard, but he refuses. She fights back tears and says, Jaime, you're my shining knight. you cannot abandon me when I need you most he's stealing my son sending me away and unless you stop him father's going to force
Starting point is 00:56:30 me to wed again hey that's obviously the big like that's how you get his attention right as we've learned he fought with Tywin about it already that's really what his big fight and his estrangement from Tywin has been about in the end and in this you kind of get this picture That's really what his big fight and his estrangement from Tywin has been about in the end.
Starting point is 00:56:48 And in this, you kind of get this picture. She opens it with, Jamie, you're my shining knight. And Jamie's been living up to Cersei's idea of what a shining knight is for years. And now, as of the last end of the chapter, he's been choosing to live up to his own version of a knight, which might not be fully formed yet, but he's working on it. Yeah, he's figuring it out. And I don't think that's a sidebar, because it's not just about Jaime living up to it, right? In terms of what Cersei thinks a knight is, but Cersei is also trying to manipulate and use what she knows she knows that jamie has always in a way wanted to be a knight like how he sees his role towards her like that that lancelot right jealous of robert protecting his queen uh you know of course not so much concerned about his sister's consent or lack thereof when it comes to being jealous of robert even though the phrasing
Starting point is 00:57:43 is ambiguous uh when settled out here yeah uh but as we know from his first chapter in the storm of swords again and circe's appealing to jamie's aspirations as the knight here she's framing herself as that helpless damsel distress all in white and her son being stolen in herself as well i do i do think she is very distressed though she is about being forced to wed again i mean we saw how great her first marriage went, and by that I mean terrible. But we also see what happens when he doesn't say yes. Yeah. We're getting there.
Starting point is 00:58:15 Yeah. Because right now, Jamie's like, wait, to whom? And she's like, I don't know, it doesn't fucking matter. Jamie, you're the only one I want in my bed. But he's totally fed up he tells her well tell Tywin all that and she refuses and she's like you're talking madness we'd be ripped apart like when we were younger we'd lose the throne and he begins to say the Targaryens but she cuts him off and she's like we're not Targaryens and yeah they're not they're not they're absolutely not he scornfully
Starting point is 00:58:43 tells her to be quiet because she'll wake his brothers. And she begins to beg once more and she starts to unlace his pants pretty pathetically, telling him she'll prove to him she wants him and nothing's changed. It has. Spoiler alert. He refuses to bang her, though, in the White Sword Tower and, in quotes, much less in the Lord Commander's chambers. tower and in quotes much less in the lord commander's chambers and i mean that makes sense because he's all like oh this place and you know i wonder if we're gonna see some sort of version of this with john and danny and winterfell ever maybe with like the lord's chambers or something just a thought just bullshitting but maybe think about it in the
Starting point is 00:59:23 the night's watch or in Winterfell? Either. I mean, either in the Lord's Chambers in Winterfell or in the Commander's Chambers. I doubt it. At the Night's Watch, I doubt that he'll be there still. Yeah. Wonder if I see something like that, though. I could see something happen there. She claims that
Starting point is 00:59:40 this is no different than the Sept, having sex in the Sept. It is. And starts to try to blow him again. And he pushes her away with his stump forcing himself to stand. Good job, though, to him. Like, A+. You gotta... That's some self-control.
Starting point is 00:59:56 Honestly. I mean, your dick's out. But, I'm just saying, like, wow, it's already out. You know what I mean? She points that out later on. She's like, dick's already out you know what i mean and she points that out later on she's like dick's still out buddy uh you're left with your cock in your hand the difference here not hand yeah the difference here is that cersei doesn't have faith in things right she's never held real power but power is what she believes in she doesn't really
Starting point is 01:00:25 believe in the seven like she did maybe when she was like 11 or 12 the only member of the seven cersei actually fears is the stranger failure death we get this line in cersei one a feast for crows where she's watching sir osman's lantern and there's a moth within it. She thinks she could still hear the moth fluttering wildly inside his lantern. Die, the queen thought at it in irritation. Fly into the flame and be done with it. And that's kind of like how Cersei is, right? Like that's her general disposition. That's just the stuff she thinks about.
Starting point is 01:01:03 She's not holy. She thinks Mother's Day and Maiden's Day and all that bullshit is just bullshit. Jaime believes in the Kingsguard now, right? Like he, this is disrespectful to his religion. This is his religion. This is his seven. It's broken, it's empty, but he's trying to refill his religion these are his seven gods these knights are his seven gods yeah that idea of honor and chivalry and trying to maybe live up to something absolutely he's clinging to it before he burns out you know yeah he lost and i think that's an interesting way of framing it because then it becomes an arc in which it's it's him losing faith right
Starting point is 01:01:45 and then coming back into the religion yeah yeah but of uh as you said the king's guard the language here really struck me uh because it says jamie pushed her away with the stump of his right hand no not here i said he forced himself to stand for an instant he could see confusion in her bright green eyes and fear as well then rage replaced it and as i read that and it's actually kind of very heartbreaking to me especially in the context again of the sept scene a few chapters ago because like yeah even though Circe is very much framed as manipulative, and she is, like, not even framing, she is, because, like, Circe can say no, not here,
Starting point is 01:02:36 same as Jamie does, because she's afraid of maybe getting caught, or, like, of course, her son is right there, his dead body, whatever, but she can't just make it stop same as she couldn't with robert like and that's why she rages and asks you know if they took jamie's hand or manhood because as you said like she's very she worships power she envies the power that robert and jamie have been able to have over her as a woman that she can say no but that doesn't mean it's going to be honored like Jamie's still stronger than her as Robert was and again as we saw in that scene like kind of reduces her to her body and like that idea of like oh we can
Starting point is 01:03:15 just have more kids and then the object for their projections and their self-actualizations and idealizations that in her and like in her perspective that's part of why she rages, right? Because masculinity and power, that's how she lashes out. They're very much intertwined with each other and sexuality and masculinity, power and sexuality. And I think that really comes through when Jamie uses the same language of no, not here as Cersei did in the Sept. And then he sees confusion and fear in her eyes as he stands up because, you know, fear. She's fearful because when Robert was displeased,
Starting point is 01:03:52 there was a risk that Robert would hit Cersei. It didn't happen often, as he told Ned, but it still did happen, exerting his physical power over her. And Jaime has the power to be able to say no. He has the physical power to shove her away to stand up even if he can't fight without his sword hand but no one knows that yet and like for seriously I don't know how often has she had that kind of power that's why she's pleading with Jamie and using the power that she thinks she has through her sexuality to help her be able to have a no that means something to another man towards their father and that's why she rages because she realizes once more how powerless she is again as she was powerless when joffrey died
Starting point is 01:04:29 and also it's like she spent so much time just like pushing it at them because she's supposed to you know what i mean like last week she was like no okay fine i guess have sex but then it's like what now you don't fucking want it yeah like this is all i'm worth to you people so now you don't fucking want it and it's scary because then you know on one hand she's like i don't want to be married off but on the other hand what what is her place like power if that isn't something she can use and that's i think a big part of cersei's dance and feast storylines when we eventually get to her chapters yeah especially because when this turns into a no and this turns into a total like rejection is really what happens here too yeah i mean there's a lot i don't think i
Starting point is 01:05:20 really thought of anything for now for it but she definitely like just splits and there's a snap and the rejection hits and she also just is just immediately like disconnect cold like don't give any emotion like he's not worth it goodbye kind of feeling going on here she becomes quite verbally abusive i mean they're that's why it's such a toxic relationship cold blunt just like fuck you um tearing him down emasculating him as much as she can making him feel nothing like what she feels right now she goes off she's like you know what i was a fool to even try you lack the courage to avenge joffrey why would you even protect tommen from Tyrion and Jaime doesn't think that Tyrion did it of course and Cersei does
Starting point is 01:06:08 and she realizes it and she says you great golden fool he's lied to you a thousand times and so have I hmm when people tell you who they are Jaime you need to listen
Starting point is 01:06:22 Tyrion's gonna tell them I I guess, in his chapter. For all I know. Yeah, and she gets even meaner, though, right? Like, as she goes, she says, well, Illyn's gonna have Tyrion's head soon, and maybe I'll give it as a keepsake to you, as it rots. And like, oh, Joffrey
Starting point is 01:06:40 is definitely also Cersei's son's points were just made, wow. Same offers, same gift ideas. Yeah. Who chicken or the egg? Jaime tells her that she's angering him and she responds very much so in unkind. Oh, an angry cripple. How terrifying.
Starting point is 01:07:00 She laughed. A pity Lord Tywin Lannister never had a son. I could have been the heir he wanted, but I lacked the cock. And speaking of such, best tuck yours away, brother. It looks rather sad and small, hanging from your breeches like that. intense scenes i feel like a lot of people focus on the latter half of this but these are intense like we start to see here more explicitly something that again we brought up in that scene like but also in some of the other scenes right but for cersei to bring up that jamie didn't avenge joffrey's death by killing tyrian because that's what she explicitly asked for in the set scene after that and then she cersei you know coming to jamie and we knew that she was avoiding him in the most previous chapter right after that it's it's part of her modus operandi that okay sexual act and i ask for
Starting point is 01:07:59 things i weave it all together and this time she's asking like help me leave escape marriage and steal tom in a way to cast really rock and then so in that frustration right she lashes out and attacks his manhood because the one thing like her sexuality that she thought was her power and that could make her wishes reality like it isn't working here as it used to on Jaime. And yet, even though she doesn't have power, Jaime still does get to have autonomy. Because, you know, yes, he does have a cock. He still gets to choose whether he wants to be in the Kingsguard, or if he wants to go back to Casterly Rock,
Starting point is 01:08:36 he gets to make his choice. And I think that's quite at the forefront of the story, especially with the last sentence of it, of this chapter. Yeah. So Cersei leaves him and he feels an ache deep within his fingers. We get a classic Jaime line. I've lost a hand, a father, a son, a sister, and a lover, and soon enough I'll lose a brother. And yet they keep telling me how Lannister won this war.
Starting point is 01:09:04 He heads downstairs, commanding Boros to tell Loras that he's ready to see her again. And a few hours pass until Loras and Brienne arrive. He waves them closer. What has he been doing? Why would it take so long? I know Jamie asked this, but...
Starting point is 01:09:19 He, like, complains about it, too. He's like, I wonder if Boros just, like, took side trips. Maybe Boros was shitting his brains out. Maybe he's been poisoned for a whole book, dude. We don't know. He waves them closer. He's reading the Book of Brothers, a little light reading on his chair. He awaits Loras's verdict on Brienne.
Starting point is 01:09:38 Loras is like, I don't know, mate. I still don't know. But maybe Stannis could have been the true perpetrator. Jaime tells them the news of Courtney Penrose dying strangely as well. And Brienne is sad for Courtney. She says he was a good man. But Jaime says he was stubborn. He says one day he stood square in the way of the King of Dragonstone.
Starting point is 01:09:59 The next he leapt from a tower. Yeah, I mean, it is pretty suspicious. Yeah, it's definitely suspicious me and poor quentin from not a cast have actually been discussing this and recently it was specifically mentioned the big shadow of valyrian the dread come again over agon and king's landing as you know basically daenerys on uh drogon and stis' shadow killing Kourtney is kind of the same appearance in this passage. Interesting. Especially because they're calling him King of Dragonstone, right? Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:10:37 I actually thought of something else here, and I was thinking of you when I was reading this, right? That imagery of Kourtney and the rumors of him leaping from a tower, it reminds me of people like Jahara and Helena and the other women who allegedly jumped from towers. And people are like, yeah, they totally jumped. And I'm just like, interesting that people are like, oh, it's weird that that man did it.
Starting point is 01:11:01 Maybe it was murder. It was murder. I mean, it was murder, right? We were all there. But like, when it's women they're like oh no she was just real sad yeah oh sorry a woman baby maker yeah we'll find a new one in the words of walter fray uh he tells loris let's circle back to all this later dismisses him and the next thing is the matter at hand which is brienne dressed once more in woman's garb this time much better fitting he thinks she looks ugly and awkward at first but then he realizes and tells her it goes well with your eyes the blue of the
Starting point is 01:11:39 dress it's a good color on you in fact he thinks that her eyes are astonishing. And I just want to point out that my analysis on Brienne's undertones is canon from this, and also I think it's Bidonica right on Twitter, has shown me undertones that do work for Dario with a yellow outfit. So truly, it all
Starting point is 01:11:59 comes down to that. Interesting. Interesting. Jamie had sent a septa, sept denise yo dude that's denise denise oh i was thinking of a medieval fun time world land where they see oh yeah that's denise anyways to pad the bodice out and shave it for her she lingers at the door and tells him, oh, you look different. And he gives us a classic line. Yes, a very classic line.
Starting point is 01:12:29 Close the door and come here. That line was named after the podcast. Close the door and come here. The source material for the books for Brienne and Jamie. And over the years, you know, they've done a lot of really in-depth and great work on analyzing Jamie and and brian's relationship yeah absolutely i would say like just friends don't just send a septa to pad your
Starting point is 01:12:53 bodies out and shape it so you look nice it's like that's cinderella dude that's best friends don't send you a makeover sequence. This was Princess Diaries. I've watched, yeah, that, there's also, what is the other one? Princess Brienne of Jenova. Yeah, it's like that or She's All That or literally every other thing ever.
Starting point is 01:13:18 I'm doing the shot now, are you ready? Oh, okay. Chloe's ready to get set, I've already finished my drink. And so, Brienne's like, oh, thank you. You look nice too. And compliments his snowy cloak. Then he shuts her down, being self-deprecating, being like, I don't know how to take compliments. I'm going to soil it enough soon. Big mood, big mood, Jamie. Brienne asks him what he meant when he was talking about loris and king
Starting point is 01:13:48 friendly and did you mean it when you said that i had honor jamie oh that's what every girl wants to hear yeah he reminds her whoa i'm a king slayer me thinking someone has honor is hypocritical at best he breaks the news about aria north, but he totally buries the lead and Brienne immediately begins to read him the riot act about Catelyn's oath, and he's like, that was the oath that started with a sword pointed at me, just putting it out
Starting point is 01:14:16 there. He then tells her he couldn't have given her the daughters back anyways because they're both gone, and this is where the lead got buried. Yes, Arya as well, because that was not gone. And this is where the lead got buried. Yes, Arya as well. Because that was not Arya that he just saw. He says he wanted to tell her before she took off stupidly and bravely after the girl and got killed for no good reason. Also because he loves her, but he doesn't say it out loud.
Starting point is 01:14:37 Or in his head, but we know. I mean. Yeah. Subtext. Also, you're right. He does bury the lead. And it's like, he just did that to troll her just a bit yeah it's really funny because this whole conversation he's very mad at her like
Starting point is 01:14:51 being all oh and now she's gonna be a stupid wench again but like she's being a stupid wench because of how you speak to her jamie and you know that she's going to be and you still do it. Hmm. What is that called? Sex? Not here in the White Sword Tower, Jamie, my god. Can't just be doing makeover sequences in the fucking Sword Tower, Christ. Where else is he supposed to have sex with another fellow descendant of Dunk? That's true.
Starting point is 01:15:20 And I bet, like, instead of, you know, you know how the scene, the classic scene, is like she comes down the staircase. Here it's her going up the staircase. Is this a subversion of tropes? With like Lucky by Britney Spears in the background. Oh my god. No, that's a sad song. We get this line and he says, you're not bad with a sword, but you're not good enough to take on 200 men. with a sword, but you're not good enough to take on 200 men. Again,
Starting point is 01:15:44 he loves her. But this is like, I felt like there was some others foreshadowing here. You're not good enough to take on 200 men. And also some end of a feast for crows foreshadowing, not with 200 men, but with biter, right? Yeah, like, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:16:01 15? 15 men? Not quite 20? It didn't seem like there were 20. I thought about it. I did. Fewer than 20. Yeah. But yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:16:11 I felt the same. Brienne is weary of Bolton realizing he's been given false coin here. And I love this wordplay because when you think about it, she's weary about Bolton being paid false coin with Arya. But Arya is currently paying with coin elsewhere. Yes, she is. And it's something that you kind of see in the way that women are described as they're passed off into marriage in A Song of Ice and Fire. I think that there's quite a bit of that wordplay, right? We have dragons, literally
Starting point is 01:16:45 a currency, and of course Daenerys' name kind of sounding like Daenerys, the Roman silver coin, and if I'm not mistaken, one of the early synopses of A Game of Thrones, you know, like, on the back of the book, when you're like, do I want to buy or read this book? Actually describes her as
Starting point is 01:17:02 the coin that her brother's using to, like, buy an army or whatever interesting I did not realize that okay I wrote about this in like 2013 I edited that out but for now Jamie says that he aka Bruce Bolton already knows
Starting point is 01:17:18 no one's gonna speak against it that's the point she's like why are you telling me your father's secrets and he's like no the hand secrets i don't have a father anymore motherless damn he's like i pay my debts and i promised lady stark the girls he begins to tell her that cersei believes sansa orchestrated it and rianne again will not chill for any second of her life she unfurls her Sansa Stark defense squad banner she blames Tyrion good for you and they discuss Tyrion's trials which were
Starting point is 01:17:53 I quote a bloody mess and the deaths that it brought and Tyrion of course is in the black cells till they kill him Brienne has the same dawning realization Cersei had, halfway through, that Jaime doesn't believe Tyrion did it. When Jaime says it has to be Sansa, Tyrion would never follow him in kingslaying and he was keeping silent to protect Sansa Stark, obviously. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:18:18 and he's like, no, I fucking wish I could sell her out, but anyways. Of course, like, all of this denial in Jaime's chapter is because, again, we haven't seen Jaime and Tyrion interact yet in his chapters, maybe either of them, and to make it more impactful, right, when Tyrion's like, jokes on you, I did kill him, I did not. But I'm gonna say I did and then kill her dad. Brienne though, she's like, I'm not gonna stand for sansa stark slander and injustice
Starting point is 01:18:46 and exclaims as much and he calls her the stupid stubborn bunch and then he remembers and then she blushes and she's like uh my name is my name is chicka chicka brienne of tarth mclovin Oh, shit. Jamie sighed. I have a gift for you. He reached down under the Lord Commander's chair and brought it out, wrapped in folds of crimson velvet. Brienne approached as if the bundle was like to bite her, reached out a huge freckled hand and flipped back a fold of cloth. Rubies glimmered in the light. She picked the treasure up gingerly, curled her fingers around the leather grip, and slowly slid the
Starting point is 01:19:27 sword free of its scabbard. Blood and black the ripples shone. A finger of reflected light ran red along the edge. Is this Valyrian steel? I have never seen such colors. Nor I. There was a time
Starting point is 01:19:44 that I would have given my right hand to wield a sword like that. That was not the time, Jane! He's real smug about it too, because he's like, now it appears I have. So the blade is wasted on me! Take it! Before she could think to refuse, he went on,
Starting point is 01:19:59 A sword so fine must bear a name. It would please me if you would call this one Oathkeeper. keeper ah he said the thing you guys oath keeper we heart a feminist king who sends his side chick out to do his jobs for him i see what sorry did i say that who said that i'm just trying to avoid my actual feelings so I have to you know amplify that one because I still do think it's bullshit but January 1st 2002 somebody asked George about some Valyria related subjects particularly one of them that did get a response was did Tobomot think back to a game of thrones with tobo mott you guys ever teach gendry the secrets of reworking valyrian steel interesting question said george so this was back in 2002
Starting point is 01:20:55 obviously we know tobo mott made these two swords widow's wail and oath keeper so the answer to this question has to be yes at this point because why would george say interesting question yeah and like why else would he have that set up there like that just thought i'd bring it up here because i feel like that is a confirmed thing now like i feel like that should just be confirmed it's side note i think of applesauce whenever i think of tobomot yeah i love that also i'm just like jamie lannister's just out here regifting swords he has like no second thoughts or qualms about it and i'm over here like am i allowed to regift things that my villagers gave me to other villagers oh i do it all the time like i know everyone does it and i should do it and mira is
Starting point is 01:21:42 out here being like yeah just go prank da Daisy with this if you don't like it. Whatever, give it away. I'm like, okay. Okay, Mira. Jaime tells Brienne the price that comes with Oathkeeper, that Cersei plans to kill Sansa Stark. Again, Brienne breaks the no interrupting rule that was previously put down
Starting point is 01:21:59 and he's like, calm the calamity that is your memories, Brienne, and I need you to listen. He tells her to find sanza and keep her safe so they can keep their vows and brianne's like oh i thought i thought you were gonna like oh and he's like yeah and he's annoyed as fuck with her and he's like here's the breakdown this sword is one of two made up of ned's swords so you will be rescuing sanza with sana's father's sword. It's a whole thing. There's the thematics, Brienne.
Starting point is 01:22:28 You're welcome. Yes, he's like, I did the analysis for you. Congrats. That's what I usually do for you all. So Jamie was Chloe here. In 2001 at Philadelphia Worldcon, the big buzz at the time was that there was a new POV for Feast, unrevealed at the time, and that George was having issues telling big events without adding this said new point of view. I thought it was incredible because that POV was Brienne.
Starting point is 01:22:56 This chapter, sending Brienne off with a sword, was George's cue to bring her in as a full-time POV to tell her story, as well as others in the story, like the Quiet Isle and the Children at the Inn, their stories as well. Yeah, this is the turning point. This is probably what made George go, ah, fuck. Why did I do that?
Starting point is 01:23:20 You know. That's true. That's true. George, fuck. one more book. Oh my god. Thirteen more books. Anyway. Yeah. We got insider knowledge from
Starting point is 01:23:36 no one. From Dippy Fish, the insider from Why does anyone believe him? Stop listening to him. He thinks so too. I know. He's just like, why is anyone believing me? Anyways.
Starting point is 01:23:51 He's not even posting about it anymore. This is the funniest part. People are just taking things he says out of context. Ugh. Brienne attempts to apologize for believing him to be complicit in his family's scheming and he cuts her off once more.
Starting point is 01:24:06 Take the bloody sword and go before I change my mind. There's a bay mare in the stables, as homely as you are, but somewhat better trained. Chase after steel shanks, search for Sansa, ride home to your Isle of Sapphires. It's not to me. I don't want to look at you anymore. Jamie. Kingslayer, he reminded her. Best use that sword to clean the wax out of your ears, wench. We're done.
Starting point is 01:24:33 Stubbornly, she persisted. Joffrey was your- My king. Leave it at that. You say Sansa killed him. Why protect her? Because Joff was no more to me than a squirt of seed in Cersei's cunt, and because he deserved to die. I have made kings and unmade them. Sansa Stark is my last chance for honor.
Starting point is 01:24:59 Damn. Chills. Yeah. Chills, bro. All of this really drives home again though that contrast between Jamie and Catelyn again both are sons both are kings one's expension the other's like I don't know whatever
Starting point is 01:25:13 obsidia I nutted once I nutted three times actually at least at the very least Jamie tells Brienne that kingslayers should band together anyways, and she bows out, swearing to find Sansa for both his and Catelyn's sake. And then he pulls out quill and ink,
Starting point is 01:25:35 ready to add to his own page to write it all down. Yes. I love this. I love this, like, part. And I was actually talking to Chloe about it. I was like, I'm too excited to talk about this part but we'll read it. This quote. Let's see if I don't cry challenge.
Starting point is 01:25:54 I will confess to you that I've read this quote probably four times this week and cried every time. Really? Why? I don't know why it gets me but the last line just gets me, dude. Gets me real hard whatever he chose see here i go i'm already doing it fucking vodka was supposed to help um beneath the last line sir barrison had entered he wrote in an awkward hand that might have done
Starting point is 01:26:20 credit to a six-year-old being taught his first letters by a maester. Defeated in the Whispering Wood by the young wolf Robb Stark during the War of the Five Kings, held captive at Riverrun in ransom for a promise unfulfilled. Captured again by the brave companions and maimed at the word of Vargo Hote, their captain, losing his sword hand to the blade of Zolo the Fat. Returned safely to King's Landing by Brienne, the Maid of Tarth. When he was done, more than three quarters of his page still remained to be filled between the gold lion on the crimson shield on top and the blank white shield on the bottom. Ser Gerald Hightower had begun his history.
Starting point is 01:27:01 Ser Barristan had continued it, but the rest Jaime Lannister would need to write for himself. He could write whatever he chose. Henceforth. Whatever he chose. He could. He could. Such a great ending. And it's such a great segue into what happens next. Yes.
Starting point is 01:27:22 In his story with Tyrion's chapter, of of course where he starts trying to be a knight maybe he doesn't save circe but he saves tyrian but anyway we'll get to there in a second i i i do love this i do love this like chapter so much like and the way this goes because like last time we discussed how jamie was like man barriston you could have included like at least one of my tourney victories all right like something you could have put something good that i did and then jamie's now the one writing a story right he gets the chance and like we know right that jamie's worldview is changing and he's now trying to chase after honor and live up to that and okay
Starting point is 01:28:08 yes we broke down the complexity when it comes down to gender and power that's seen just now between jamie and circe and it's it's very morally ambiguous but it's also very much about jamie right trying to uphold as as you said chloe like his new faith of the white sword tower what it means to him and being better about it or trying to live up to you know like all my heroes and all these other things like couldn't live up to chivalry i wasn't able to do it before but i never really tried he thinks maybe to an extent and now he's gonna actually try and you know all these they can all be two things at once like that scene that we were talking about in the white sword tower and this is of course part of jb's turning right it's remarkable
Starting point is 01:28:50 that of all the things that he could choose to write in his story he chose not to write those victories from when he competed in tourneys or like frame it as good or anything right even though he could and he chooses to start with his defeats like and that's actually when we as the readers get introduced into jamie's pov and storyline incidentally like and like jamie doesn't write that he slew 20 men on the way to defeating the traitor rob stark and defending the honor of his king joffrey it's like he writes uh no i i fucking lost. And then I fucked up all these other times right after. He talks about that promise going unfulfilled that he
Starting point is 01:29:31 was ransomed for. And in the way, you know, he's kind of leaving it open for Brienne, as you said, to finish that story, but for her to take that credit of the happy ending, not him. And I really find the way that Jaime writes his entry in the white book quite revolutionary in the way that a lot of these have been framed, right? Like, Jamie would define himself as much by his failures as by his accomplishments when given the choice. And in terms of what we see of other entries, like, Barristan framed in the book, like, Barristan is out here writing, like, yeah, I spear sword and i forgot the other one arrow at the trident like if he wrote it the way that jamie lannister is writing his entry the way that bairston would have written it would be wounded and failed to
Starting point is 01:30:13 protect his prince during the battle of the trident i think it also stands to reason when you think about that that like they're different people in their wants right at this point for Jamie this is the first time he's been able to and has wanted to acknowledge these failures he has never come to terms with them until now so writing it out is getting it out right this is yeah this is his very first like therapy session with himself in the white book it's him being honest with himself for the first time ever of what he did we've talked a little bit about some of the stuff that happened in season eight of the bad show uh that this book series is based on and if you guys aren't watching
Starting point is 01:30:58 that show or did not watch that show did not see the finale of game of thrones maybe tune out just for a couple minutes but brienne finishes jamie's book and we talked about how the book might allude to that last week a little bit in certain ways and i thought reading what she finished with is something really interesting to keep in mind captured in the field at the Whispering Wood, set free by Lady Catelyn Stark in return for an oath to find and guard her two daughters, lost his hand, took Riverrun from the Tully rebels without loss of life, important, lured the Unsullied into attacking Casterly Rock, sacrificing his childhood home in service to a greater strategy, outwitted the Targaryen forces to
Starting point is 01:31:45 seize Highgarden, fought at the Battle of the Gold Road bravely, narrowly escaping death by dragon fire, pledged himself to the forces of men in Road North to join the Winterfell alone, faced the army of the dead, and defended the castle against impossible odds until the defeat of the Night King, escaped imprisonment in Road South in an attempt to save the capital from destruction, died protecting his queen. I think there's something so incredibly powerful of the idea of Brienne finishing that story and telling the story that maybe Jaime wouldn't let himself tell, right? There's no one probably better that could tell that story than Brienne that lived it or some
Starting point is 01:32:26 of it if not all of it with him in the end there uh depending on whatever happens moving forward in their plot I mean they're obviously going to be strongly linked in the wind's winner but I think the fact that Jaime first realized his defeats and the fact that Brienne could possibly get to turn those defeats into triumphs not every good outweighs the bad and not every bad vice versa I like what you said about Brienne finishing his story not like in it's really sad to think about but at the same time like taken together it's a story of honor losing your way trying to do better and it's funny because of course in a physical sense that is what brienne's story is in feast right she's she's wandering she doesn't quite find sansa stark and like that's the
Starting point is 01:33:22 point but she's still going around doing the right thing. Whereas Jaime has been lost spiritually, morally, for a while, finds his way. He started in many ways, like Brienne's awakening to, hey, this is what the world is, so it makes sense for her to finish it and to be like, hey, you can sow the seeds for a better world later to sprout maybe with a dream of spring. It's never too late, you know?
Starting point is 01:33:53 Wow, she's actually crying, you guys. I told you I wouldn't be able to do it! Fuck you! I'm gonna call it out every time it happens on our podcast. I'm like, she's actually crying. I don't want to talk about it, and I really't even care about jamie lannister so she cares she's just being i don't care you don't know anything about me i couldn't even say that with a straight face she's like we do this podcast every week yeah so i don't know don't know. It's alright. Whatever. Jamie Lannister.
Starting point is 01:34:26 He did a thing. And then, yeah. So, the next chapter some crazy shit goes down that we get no perspective from Jamie on. Well, we do and we don't, right? We get Tyrion's perceptions of Jamie and, right, we get Tyrion's
Starting point is 01:34:43 filtered point of view of Jamie's physicality. And Jamie's very open with Tyrion, right? That's such a big, they have such a strong relationship, which is why, again, it's so impactful that we don't see them come together until the very end of this book, right? That's a closing of one of Jamie's arcs. And it's here with tyrian right after you know he had like this this scuffle with cersei and then tyrian just breaks basically destroys any ties that jamie was able to have with his family uh even though jamie still continues to
Starting point is 01:35:17 serve the lannisters in the next book but he's like you thought you were close with cersei uh no uh you thought you were close with me no and what's no. You thought you were close with me? No. And what's crazy is it's only, so it's five chapters later, basically, that we get to Tyrion 11, and then there's a handful of chapters before the end. It's not even the end of this book. So like you said earlier,
Starting point is 01:35:37 totally understand why people love A Storm of Swords, because it's just like, holy shit after holy shit after holy shit, right? But this is the end of Jaime, though though so we get a couple handful of chapters before the end of the book or like a handful and a half whatever i don't do yeah math but it's not this is not the end for the story at all so jamie just tapering off here is very interesting i I love the way George pulls back on it. But it is the end for Tywin Lannister. Darn.
Starting point is 01:36:10 So sad. Never gonna let that go. But yeah, I mean, like, Jaime's actions here, right, ends up leading to... I think that there's a way that you can read it where as Jaime tries to chase Honor, part of maybe what's been holding him back back same as with all the Lannister siblings has been their shitty dad and his actions lead to the death of his dad
Starting point is 01:36:30 yeah absolutely and that's something we're going to resonate a lot on as we start A Feast for Crows because we are going to start at home right we're going to start home in King's Landing with Jaime. He's going to be having the vigil over Tywin's funeral.
Starting point is 01:36:49 And he's going to come back to thinking about some of those ghosts of the past when past kings in his mind. Because Tywin is very much so the king in their minds. Let's be real, it's not Tommen. He doesn't control the realm. I mean, Cersei is still obviously a big part of how Jaime's trying to interpret his place in the world through his relationship and now broken relationship with her, but now it starts becoming
Starting point is 01:37:12 after that reveal to Tyrion, which Jaime had just been keeping right on the edge of his mind throughout all the Storm chapters. He starts now really, really trying to define himself not just in relation to circe but in relation to his brother so and his relation with the tyrells growing strong
Starting point is 01:37:34 across the whole city right that's going to be something that we'll have to uh think about and as we get into chapters like jamie too we're going to hear about his feelings more on Criston Cole, for example. The Kingmaker, as we talked about last chapter. Lots of Jaime chapters that are going to be right next to Cersei chapters and Brienne chapters as well. So I'm really excited for some of those different parallels we're going to break on into. And we're going to get Jaime out in the field. Get him out to the Riverlands. We're gonna get Jamie out in the field.
Starting point is 01:38:03 Get him out to the Riverlands. And you can see George start to hint more towards, like, as you were saying, that Chris and Cole parallels, yeah, and character with, like, there's that line that Jamie has in this chapter, right, of, like, how he had made an unmade king, so he's like, whatever.
Starting point is 01:38:20 Yes, the kingmaker and the kingbreaker. Kingslayer. Well, I think that wraps us up for jamie in a storm of swords holy shit we got through it that was a ride i they're really good chapters really good chapters there's so much not even just in jamie just so much happening around him or at him or near him stuck to to miss that he's not paying attention to. I love it. It is a,
Starting point is 01:38:49 it honestly, it's a good addition. It reminds me a lot of Sansa chapters and some of the stuff that happens at court around him, some of the political stuff that we get to follow. Absolutely. And he's like, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:39:01 How does politics work? But in a way, now that I think about it, when Feast and Dance were one book, that would have been right up against the Barristan chapters. Though Barristan was like a last minute addition. Yeah. Well, Eliana.
Starting point is 01:39:18 Well, Chloe. Where can you find us on the internet? Well, you can find us on social media you know we have these episodes that as you said we're gonna start up with jamie and a face for crows when we come back to a song of ice and fire but next week we're actually going to be doing a his dark materials episode we talked about a subtle knife earlier actually that was just a joke about a subtle knife but we are reading a subtle knife and stay tuned for when that episode comes out as well as when that next song of ice or ice and fire episode comes out by subscribing to us on twitter you can find us at girls gone canon c-a-n-o-n or maybe you too have something that you would like to say to
Starting point is 01:40:02 us you can shoot us an email at girlsgonecanon at Yeah, I get that 10-minute sweet mark in, right? Hey, if you are not subscribed to us, please take the time. Go check out your local podcast streaming device that you like, whether it's Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, Podbean, you name it. All of those. Subscribe to us there and of course again speaking of his dark materials we do have a patreon episode this month
Starting point is 01:40:31 which is about the his dark material series we are covering the novella once upon a time in the north but if you still need some more a song of ice and fire. Last month's Patreon episode was about Tyrosh and Dario. It's a me, a Dario. We talk about undertones. Yeah. Blue undertones. Thanks so much for listening. As always, I have been Chloe.
Starting point is 01:40:58 And I have been Eliana. Bye, y'all. Goodbye. Goodbye. I love when KK goes, oh. His songs. I have a villager that their favorite song is Comrade KK who is it? so it's a grumpy I'll send you a picture
Starting point is 01:41:38 Groucho it's Groucho of course Groucho marks Groucho I'm like wow I'm shaking but his favorite song is Comrade KK. So whenever I put it on he just stands in the square all alone and sings it. I haven't put music in my square so I should try that sometime.
Starting point is 01:41:54 You should. Okay I'm stopping recording now.

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