Girls Gone Canon Cast - Game of Thrones S8E3 Q&A: The Longer, Uncensored, Uncut Night

Episode Date: May 5, 2019

You asked, we answered: if the VIP Livestream wasn't enough Long Night for you, we made it even LONGER.   All The Colors by Dj Quads Eliana's twitter: Eliana's reddit account: Eliana's blog: Chloe's twitter: Chloe's blog:  Girls Gone Canon Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, welcome to Girls Gone Canon. This is a Season 8, Episode 3 Q&A and Predictions episode on The Long Night. I am one of your hosts, Chloe. You might know me as Liza and Arbor on the internet or at my blog, And I am Eliana, another one of your hosts. And you might know me as GlassTableGirl on the Song of Ice and Fire subreddit on the Maester Monthly Podcast. Maybe you know me as
Starting point is 00:00:45 arithmetric over on twitter hello hello so we obviously did not put out a normal episode three recap review like we've been doing on tuesdays this week because we were at ice and fire god we did our vip patron live stream right after the episode if you haven't checked it out jump on youtube go to girls gone YouTube. It is our only video. Brand new. We'll be using that probably mostly for live streams, but it is up there. There are some good hot takes from right after the episode. We were
Starting point is 00:01:14 joined by a lot of fandom guests, some friends from History of Westeros. We had our friend Rebecca, Lady of Waves. We were joined by a lot of other people who went to the convention, such as B-Word, who you Lady of Waves. We were joined by a lot of other people who went to the convention, such as B-Word, who you might know as a person who does a lot of great riddles on Twitter. You're also joined by, of course, Lady Gwynn and some of our other friends, like from the Drinks and Knows Things podcast. It was a great time. And, you know, you can actually hear our
Starting point is 00:01:42 answers. So I'm gonna say it was a success. I think so, too. I had a lot of fun doing it. We had some technical difficulties getting it started. But Ashea from History of Westeros, our girl, she was there for us. She got us going. We made it happen. It took a village to have a live stream.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Yeah, as they say, Ashea is the best. And truly, she is. She is the magic that makes dreams happen so we are taking a break from our normal book podcast next week uh usually on fridays you get an episode we will not be releasing that this episode is going to be kind of in a mostly uncut uncensored episode of us answering some questions from patreon from emails from twitter just from different friends that sent us some insights asking about Season 8, Episode 3. We kind
Starting point is 00:02:28 of felt like it was cheap to only do the YouTube video, so why not give you a second Season 8, Episode 3 episode? Because why not? We are kind of benevolent goddesses and also you're probably going to be getting this episode sometime Sunday morning or Sunday
Starting point is 00:02:43 and just a flag, if you are listening to this right now, we are doing a live stream, another live stream, right? Like later today with the Knights cast. Yes, yes. At 5 p.m. So if you're listening to this in the morning. Yes, EST, jump on. We're going to be hanging out with the Knights cast,
Starting point is 00:03:04 talking about season eight, episode three, season eight, episode four, some predictions, our thoughts. So you might hear some of this stuff tomorrow or today, whatever day you're listening to, but check it out. For sure. And you know, cut us a break if you are listening to this after Sunday and like everything we say is wrong, because, you know, this is this is game of thrones this is a song of ice and fire and sometimes the points don't matter you know oftentimes the plots are made up and the story doesn't matter oh my god uh what a divisive episode i didn't realize it was gonna be so divisive like after we watched came out of it That we have three more episodes and this is, or yeah, three more episodes. And this was divisive. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:03:48 Oh no. The timeline will be fire this week. And it's so funny because we were all like, we were all in it. We were all together after episode two. We're like, Oh yes, let's all cry together.
Starting point is 00:03:58 And then after that, we're like, let's all yell at each other. Yeah. I'm a little disappointed in some ways that, uh, I don't know. I'm a little disappointed in some ways. I liked the episode in a lot of ways. There were a lot of really positive parts of the episode that we're going to talk about today, but there were some negatives.
Starting point is 00:04:13 There were definitely some negatives that could have dealt with some thematic resonance, you know? Yeah. Yeah, let's explore that more through some of these questions. So I'm going gonna jump into them yeah our first question comes from one of our friends on patreon ryan is that he said brand seemed to make such a point about jamie returning to winterfell and even protected jamie so that he didn't you know get executed for shoving children off of towers it seems jamie has to survive for a bigger purpose but he didn't seem to play a pertinent role in the battle for Winterfell.
Starting point is 00:04:46 What do you think his purpose is going forward? I mean, it feels like a lot of people didn't play a pertinent role in the Battle of Winterfell, but that doesn't mean that they didn't. Does that make sense? Like, what if Jamie stayed alive to protect Brienne? What if it was that we need every single man there to help with the fighting? We need all the strength we can get. What if it's Nikolai has several episodes left on his contract? What if it's that he has the best butt?
Starting point is 00:05:17 And we think that's an important purpose. What if Brienne saw that? I really hope that his purpose is, you know, the Valonqar and doing what we know is set up in the story and the books and a little bit in the show. That would be interesting. But I just don't know that it matters any of it anymore. Exactly. The points don't matter. What matters anymore?
Starting point is 00:05:42 I don't know. Does it matter? I guess I hope he has a bigger purpose because otherwise that scene with Bran was silly. Uh, there's a lot of stuff like that, right? There's a lot of stuff that just feels undercut after the last episode was over, kind of cut and dry and just done. So I guess hopefully he has a big purpose in the war to come against the Lannisters and reuniting kind of the realm together and defeating evil uh standing up against his family and against the wrongs they've done redeeming himself or
Starting point is 00:06:10 humanizing himself maybe yeah and I wonder to an extent like I don't think that's something that Bran just said for the hell of it but I do wonder if it's something that was written in there just to justify it a little because I think a big part of that scene between Bran and Jaime is their exchange where they realize they are different people now because of that incident and while obviously Bran isn't like probably super pleased about it at the same time
Starting point is 00:06:36 bigger fish to fry but it also feels almost like a scene of forgiveness like he has a scene of forgiveness and we're going to get this a little later on uh get to this a little later on with theon and bran as we've discussed in the theon book episodes is very much set up as something like a godlike figure who can give that forgiveness right just because of how he's been positioned in the stories of different
Starting point is 00:07:01 characters and he gives that to jamie yeah he sees the repentance and he says you are forgiven and i think that's a really big part of jamie's plot now jamie has that forgiveness now he can move on with his life and to be fair he did play a big role i mean he was under brienne he was slashing left and right was he under brienne yeah he was under brienne because he's a bottom bitch top and brian okay done we all know brian tops jamie and no he did play a role i mean to say he didn't really play a pertinent role i guess that's not fair i guess yeah let me embody everything i've read this week on the timeline that everybody played a role oh my god I'm sorry that's literally been the timeline right I don't know I'm paying attention I'm talking about vanilla ice cream and chocolate
Starting point is 00:07:51 all right I think that's an important conversation that needs to be had as summer uh not the not the wolf um not the season within game of thrones but actually in real life starts coming in and I'm like I gotta think about all the ice cream I'm gonna eat. You know the shocker there that you like chocolate is that you know I'm a vanilla bitch, so we complete each other. You do! You're the ice to my fire or vice versa.
Starting point is 00:08:16 If love and hate can mate. Then we can have Neapolitan ice creams. Who's the strawberry? The dragon must have three heads. The cat? Alice Ann the cat my cat alice and the cat our producer so janey's gonna do stuff maybe it's i think his role has to specifically do with his family uh that's obviously his family has pushed him to do some terrible shit in the past and he's used that as his reasoning for doing such you know the things he does for love uh obviously he has to
Starting point is 00:08:43 overcome those things that he has done for love so i think his purpose definitely will be to aid against the lannister armies in what faction i don't know i'm not gonna say he'll kill cersei because i think aria's gonna kill cersei with his face because i i'm chaotic evil now i chaotic evil don't even am i wrong i mean like i don't know like you hope so but am i i don't even know what i hope anymore there is hope what is hope chloe i just feel like so much was done in this last episode that undid everything we all thought so i don't know i i think that we will see jamie do something maybe yeah he's gonna do something and especially with you know braun allegedly heading up there with i don't know a thing um that's a plot that's a plot that's a plot braun matters it's because
Starting point is 00:09:35 he has a contract again jerome flynn has a contract yeah you have to remember again george wrote these books because he wanted to write a story that was unconstrained by all of the thing what the constraints are that we're dealing with yeah the constraints of like television shows whether and you know we usually interpret that as being like budget and like literally what is filmable but apparently that's also things like a contract so yeah i mean look at the way they wrote around jerome scene with those sex workers. He's in King's Landing. The only important people in King's Landing are Cersei, Qyburn, the Mountain, and Euron-ish, right? And the Golden Company, I guess.
Starting point is 00:10:11 And apparently Bronn. Yeah, and apparently Bronn. And Bronn's scene couldn't be with Lena because him and Lena Headey have beef. They dated, and I heard there was some abuse in the relationship, some crazy shit. So they would not be in a scene together. Lena Headey refuses to be in a scene with Jerome Flynn. So obviously they had to write around that. So again, constraints.
Starting point is 00:10:30 These are things we don't see on the page in the books. Exactly. So speaking of the books and differences between the show and the books, we got a question from our good friend Warren. Quick question for one of my hosts and our other hosts, please. Yeah, Warren knows what's up. Warren's been paying attention. As an ex-show watcher,
Starting point is 00:10:53 oh, I didn't know ex-show watcher, and strong book advocate, I'd like to ask your thoughts on how book and show aria are different. In parentheses, Maisie is incredible though. She is really, really great. As a massive Arya fan, I have a thought. Does anyone think they tried
Starting point is 00:11:10 to have Arya from Game of Thrones imitate Eowyn from Lord of the Rings? I love Aunt Zelda. No, Warren, you're onto something there. If you know us, you know we're not very big Lord of the Rings people. I haven't really read the books i know elliott i don't think you have as well i have watched the movies they're there i i kind of remember them you know there's there's
Starting point is 00:11:33 hope for us yet it's just um not this day stars haven't aligned yeah yeah not today so but aria does have that kind of duality not only does she kind of reflect Eowyn but she has a little bit of Arwen in her as well right like Eowyn she's the daughter of a noble house and she doesn't want to be a proper lady she wants to carry a sword she wants to fight with her brothers but Arwen is the daughter of the heir's father or Jon's foster father and Arya is loved by Jon just like Arwen was by her brother, and as a sister and a romance in Aragorn's. And so it's interesting that George originally wanted there to be an Arya love triangle, right, with Tyrion and Jon. I think we're seeing a lot of that move
Starting point is 00:12:16 around with characters from that original outline. So there's definitely some sort of resonance in Arya as an Aeowyn or Arwen type character, especially with the name, right? Arya, Aeowyn, Arwen, definitely something to be said there. But I would say there's a lot of differences between the book and the show. Arya in the books has a really strong sense of empathy. We see it with how she treats the small folk. Her story very much so revolves around common folk and small folk as she goes through the Riverlands. And we also see her unable to give up her identity. And the show really failed to grasp some of those inner POV moments that Arya has
Starting point is 00:12:51 of her embracing her wolf identity, her wooden teeth, her dire wolf identity. They just kind of had her become an assassin. And then she suddenly got a plot again this season, which was really nice. They've been really writing her well this season, her and Sansa both. I can't say enough about it that they've been actually writing these characters. It's weird. Yeah, they actually have been, which I think is good. Yeah, I agree with what you said that they've lost, I think,
Starting point is 00:13:20 a lot of that interiority. I think that, I guess the question is how they're different. I think before I get to that, I think that they are the same in, we see how Arya in the books keeps Needle. And that also happens in the show. And I do think we will see her rejoin, rejoin the pack because she does repeat those lines within her POV of like about how the lone wolf dies but the pack
Starting point is 00:13:45 survives and she thinks to herself that was wrong I'm still here so I do think we're going to have that sort of a lot of ways that growth happens in stories right is that someone starts out with one point of view and then they have a different one at the end and I think we're gonna see her rejoin that pack in in the books as well but i guess how it's different i don't know that she necessarily clashes with sansa so so easily when she gets back i don't i this is this they've both been like searching for each other all they can think about is how like oh but that was sansa and sansa's dead and i'm alone and they both think you know like oh it would be so sweet just to go home. They're two sides of the same coin
Starting point is 00:14:27 in different ways and they need each other. Yeah I'm trying to think of how it's different and I don't know if I can articulate it better than you I'm still stuck on the ways that I think it's the same like how I think some things that'll be different obviously Arya will be younger I think there'll be a lot
Starting point is 00:14:43 of other parts of her journey before she gets back to westeros i don't think it'll be as quickly resolved as it was in the show i do think she will rejoin gendry i don't know if they will sleep together but i do wonder if some sort of romantic thing is something that george is going to revisit because he does say that they will probably meet each other again and says that they're both very young but we see that he's kept some sexual elements in aria's storyline even though she's like real young she's like 11 in the mercy chapter 11 12 yeah she was supposed to be older but he's kept those and i do think that maybe i don't know if it's like a we've addressed this before but I don't know if it's a
Starting point is 00:15:26 sex scene but something like that was in line so I don't know if that really answers the question that well but I think it does I think there's a lot different but there's also a lot similar they have captured the essence and unfortunately in any adaptation you're going to lose that translation from
Starting point is 00:15:42 an internal point of view having characters have feelings and thoughts you're going to lose that it's hard to really you know perpetuate that in only dialogue and as we know game of thrones really tends to lack in the dialogue that's their weak spot their dialogue is not the best there are times when it's good and okay and there are times when i'm like what the fuck was this but we have another question from lady bird one of our good friends and followers who was hanging out with us on the live stream. So shout out to her.
Starting point is 00:16:09 She wants to know, oh God. She wants to know, what do you think of Tyrion and Sansa's relationship? I heard a theory a long time ago. It would be them in charge or ruling at the end of A Song of Ice and Fire. And after last week, it's possible, especially if Jon or Dany or both die.
Starting point is 00:16:24 I did a rewatch of Game of Thrones before season 8, and their relationship was quite warm when Sansa wasn't, you know, being forced to marry him, or, you know, the death of her parents, or her mother and brother. Sansa has a moment with Tyrion where they joke, even. At the Red Wedding, he puts his hand over hers when Joffrey brings out the Robb Dwarf, and Sansa helps Tyrion by picking up the wine for him. And she also wants to know, was their relationship warm in the books?
Starting point is 00:16:47 My theory at the beginning of the season was eventually Tyrion would leave Dany's service and support Sansa, and so it would be Jon and Dany against them. I'm not sure it will come to that, but their small dialogue in the crypts keep my theory kind of alive, at least. Um... Um, so in the books, I feel that Sansa and Tyrion's relationship is very, it's more on the cold side of lukewarm. It's not as terrible as it would be as if she were married to, like, Joffrey. But, like, that's setting the bar real low, okay? And it's not warm. It's not freezing.
Starting point is 00:17:29 She's very much a child bride. Yeah. The thing is she's a child bride and she hates the Lannisters. She doesn't want to be married to the Lannisters. And I think that's something that I have never gotten out of my head when it comes to her marriage to Tyrion. His family killed her family. And I understand that they are allied now. But just because you have set aside your differences now.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Doesn't erase all of the hurt. That has been done in the past. No matter how well I guess Tyrion. Treated her in comparison to. The rest of the Lannisters. And again that bar is real fucking low. But. I don't know if it means that they rule together or not like i think that would
Starting point is 00:18:07 this is a personal opinion feel more bitter than bittersweet to me but yeah i think having them paired up together ruling it is bitter than bittersweet it uh it removes sansa's agency i think very much one of the biggest themes in the books is that, you know, Sansa needs to regain that agency. She has been abused. She has been forced to marry killers of her family. She has had all this down, down, down. And by the end of The Wind's Winter, we're going to see a lot of our heroes actually have some ups for once, right? We're going to see like all of a sudden, like Sansa's coming home. Arya's coming home. Our heroes have okay things happening. Dany returns to Dragonstone, maybe, just like in the show. I think we're gonna see our heroes finally
Starting point is 00:18:48 have some ups, and for Sansa, Tyrion as her husband isn't really an up. I think it's interesting what they did with the crypts and what they did before it, when Sansa kind of gave that bitter, almost Cersei-like discussion with him where she says, our marriage would never have lasted, and you
Starting point is 00:19:03 can't just use your wits right now. We't do shit down here and that's why we're down here and while i don't know if i love that for sansa's characterization i would have loved her to be able to uh maybe inspire some loyalty and like just inspire some just some comfort to her people down there in the crypts that were scared i feel like that's something Sansa would have done a little more of. But I'm highly of this opinion, if you've been listening the last couple episodes, that I think Tyrion is going to have some betraying to do. It's gotten a little attitude, even. We don't see the end of his Cersei scene. All we know is that Cersei told him she's Prego, and now she has something worth fighting for, which is exactly what he discusses with Jaime in the yard at Winterfell in the last couple episodes uh that Cersei you know has something to fight for and it almost seems like he's hopeful that maybe she'll
Starting point is 00:19:53 change and the same way as in episode one he says Cersei's bringing her armies in episode two Jaime shows up and says no she's not lol and everyone's like dumbass um and the biggest thing that stuck out to me was when he was in the crypts and he was complaining about how he was the hero of blackwater and he could be doing things and you you'd be surprised the whole the whole time him being in the crypts felt like a punishment to him from danny in my opinion like she was putting him there and he sat there bitterly saying well i could have helped you know i've done great things and we also get that moment with him and bran where they
Starting point is 00:20:25 obviously have some sort of discussion or talk or look and it trails off and you get nothing so i'm wondering if there isn't some sort of card they want to pull on us here yeah i don't know if it's going to be him betraying danny or him betraying like i don't know who like in the books i do think he makes play for winterfell i've said that before and like through sansa and i don't think that their relationship is as warm there in again in the books especially because tyrian's so different in the books he's a very uh he's a much more malevolent character all right he's trying to be like we should have poisoned all the wells and killed everyone in marine i'm like oh okay that's a take and he's just such a different character in the show and uh like in the books you can see how much george is inspired by richard iii uh in the
Starting point is 00:21:16 shakespearean play uh and he said it explicitly at balticon and i think if you watch richard iii uh basically you know i'm used to these books and this show but when i was watching that play i was like when are the people gonna stop dying people are just dying all the time i was like oh fuck that person died too and part of this is my lack i guess of knowledge of history whatever but um yeah i mean in the books he's whispering in danny's ear he's probably end up doing you know Um, yeah. I mean, in the books, he's whispering in Dany's ear. He's probably end up doing, you know, like he's going to end up meeting Dany and telling her this is what you should do.
Starting point is 00:21:53 This is how you should do it. And he's already whispered in Aegon's ear. Right. We see that in the books that Aegon, fake Aegon, Blackfyre, whichever you want to call him. We've seen him whispering in his ear and starting this next dance of the dragons almost, you know, like saying your aunt will never accept you. You better just go take it. Yeah. She's not going to, you know, she's already fought for her life.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Why would she accept you little egg? Yeah. So I'm curious if he's going to be a proponent right now to kind of come between Danny and John and stir that shit up, especially because I think that he really wants to be accepted by his family and he's never been accepted by them you know and he just can't it's so like effed up abusive that he he wants them to love him but he also despises them for never loving him yeah but it's so different though because like yes i understand that that's a character motivation there but it's less strong in the show because he still has jamie whereas in the books he's
Starting point is 00:22:53 completely cut off from the rest of them because of the reveal of taisha which very much isolates him from jamie that's that's a huge betrayal to him, he feels, from Jamie. And I think that that desire for love is still there, but it's just less, um, it nags you less, because he does have Jamie.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Well, Lady Bird gave us lots of questions, not just now, we have some later too, but next question is, do you think there will be a Night King type figure in the books? So we talked about this a little bit in our live stream. We had somebody here to say it a lot more eloquent. Poor Quentin joined us. But I think the biggest character that is anything similar
Starting point is 00:23:40 to what the Night King could be with that chaotic, like neat thing of death and bringing that harbinger of death is definitely Euron. If you have read the Winds of Winter chapter, The Forsaken, you can see that Euron is up to some dastardly black magic shit. Sacrifices and all this craziness.
Starting point is 00:23:58 I think he's definitely the person that could bring down the wall in the books. Not the Night King. He's interested in stealing a dragon. He's been to a Shian back, you know, just all these different little things. He has Valyrian armor. I think he is the closest thing to the Night King
Starting point is 00:24:14 that we're going to see in the books. That's it. I agree. I agree with everything that you've said. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You're a great wife.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Yep, I'm very supportive, and I'm here to stand behind you so good next question from lady bird is what do you think circe has planned after kyburn tells braun she's something else planned for the dragon queen it really got me thinking of her possible plans recently reading fire and blood gave me the idea that she could send the golden company to dragonstone to lay an ambush for Dany when her army returns. This would be similar to what Aegon II does to Rhaenyra. Dragonstone is Dany's base of operations, or was, and it's logical that she
Starting point is 00:24:51 returned there to get ready to attack. Before last week, I thought survivors might be fleeing from the army of the dead to the island, but guess what? Or no, so sorry, but guess that threat is done. Yep. Apparently. Lol. or no so sorry but guess that threat is done yep apparently lol i know and ladybird does say i still can't believe that's over there's got to be more to this i i dare dnd to surprise us i don't know
Starting point is 00:25:15 i don't think they'll surprise us a lot of people keep saying well what if the night king isn't over and because he touched bran and blah blah blah it's over i just want everyone to know it's over i think it's over and i'm like all right well that happened that happened cool blah it's over I just want everyone to know it's over I think it's over and I'm like alright well that happened cool it's been a good few years everyone good times I like that idea with the Dance of the Dragons with that
Starting point is 00:25:35 what Aegon does to Rhaenyra that he you know waits for and lays an ambush I can see that happening especially with their armies so depleted that's the biggest issue here is this long night was obviously kind of long and not really long. It was just kind of long. And it depleted their armies.
Starting point is 00:25:52 It killed off most of her Dothraki. It killed off most of her Unsullied, which, by the way, rewatching that episode, I finally had time after Ice and Firecon to rewatch this episode. That's why I'm so gung-ho about doing this episode tonight. But I watched that episode and it was really sad. The Unsullied. Watching Grey Worm open the trench. That look on his face, and he just has to leave his men. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Oh, that was heartbreaking. When he just finally did it, and you pulled the thing, and the trench goes up. My heart hurt. That hurt. That sucked. That sucked bad. You watch them all you watch the whites climbing over them and just devouring them down and that was it there goes dandy's armies she's depleted they're gone really easy way to defeat all the brown
Starting point is 00:26:36 people i guess thanks dandy but i have i have i have questions got problems, but whatever. Yeah, me too. And we'll never get any sort of reprieve of those questions or those problems. That is not a thing that will be addressed. Nope. Sure won't. Never. Anyway, yeah, I do really think this is an interesting idea. And along with how Lady Bird raises the question of, yeah, she has the Golden Company, like, at the moment Daenerys also does not have a navy because the navy is tied
Starting point is 00:27:12 to them through the Greyjoys, but Yara, lol, Yara, is over on the Iron Islands, retaking them from Euron on the other side of the country, nation, of the kingdom, from where Euron's forces are. Yeah, I think the Golden Company is probably, that ambush might happen. I mean, we know they
Starting point is 00:27:33 go to Dragonstone. We've seen in the previews that image of Dany and Jon, that very first trailer we actually got for season eight, we see Dany and Jon speaking in Dragonstone in front of that fireplace. It's the same fireplace we've seen them have conversations at before at dragon stone so we know they go to dragon stone probably at the end of the next episode or in the mid-end uh these next three episodes are long they're all gonna be long all of them are gonna be the long night so i feel like we're gonna have a lot of time to regroup i think next episode's gonna be a lot of uh regroup deal with the dead be sad and then they go to dragon stone at the end so an ambush could happen it's not out of the question it is not out of the question i think it's an interesting idea
Starting point is 00:28:15 it's anyone's game of thrones god damn it all right i'm just too predictable. All right. Next, we have a question from Marlena Morris, aka at X California Girl on Twitter. No I in girl. And says, if the White Walkers are really gone, what was the point of Mel, Stannis, Shireen, Renly, Shadow Assassin resurrecting Jon Snow, Quaithe, Bran, the reads on the show, make Cersei look like the smartest woman in the room when she's not? Or is she? Feels like the Night King was done dirty dirty I have no response to this question I'm just gonna stare into the camera and we can move on yeah I mean I guess there are so should I not give an answer at
Starting point is 00:28:55 all there are people who say that uh a lot of it was I guess about uniting forces in order to fight the larger threat which like I guess that's that's an explanation it just doesn't feel satisfying it doesn't feel narratively I think equivalent I don't know I understand the question that Marlena Morris is asking and I am
Starting point is 00:29:22 going to acknowledge the question and say yeah that's all we can do. Yes, that is a question. And I agree with that question, and I would like answers. I mean, there's obviously, like, reasons for it that don't have to do with this endgame, right? Like, the entire Stannis and Melisandre, etc. plot, all of these are explorations of power between Stanngame, right? Like the entire Stannis and Melisandre, et cetera, plot, all of these are explorations of power between Stannis, right, and Shireen and what someone is willing to do
Starting point is 00:29:51 in order to gain the throne if they're pursuing what they think is a higher calling. These are all explorations of that in and of itself. Yeah, it's an exploration of the many facets of the Game of Thrones, I suppose. And obviously we're never gonna get what we want from the book to show. It's just, there's no time. I get it.
Starting point is 00:30:09 I get that. It's an adaptation, but it is hard because there's all this buildup and there's just so much. And actually, Steph Bell, one of our patrons, did just say she wants to know, what was Bran doing? You know, like, and also, what the fuck does the princess that was promised me now or the prince uh I feel like there was a lot of stuff that got retconned just for a snazzy moment while I loved Arya having her moment and I did like the episode I liked enough of it I like
Starting point is 00:30:35 75% of it I would say it just felt like there's a lot undone and a lot of build-up was undone for shock value um you can try to justify it and give me all your opinions. That's fine. Whatever. But I'm just not going to agree. I just felt empty. It didn't feel thematically resonant to me by the end of it. It felt like all this buildup was for nothing.
Starting point is 00:30:56 I'm glad you have a catchphrase now. Thematic resonance. Yeah, absolutely. I'm going to see every time I say thematic resonance, everyone should drink. I'm happy you have this now um yeah yeah um i'm gonna point back to my previous answer where you know people have been talking about how a lot of the prophecies are about different people that come together i remember on our live stream ashea was saying that all of these prophecies might have been different people.
Starting point is 00:31:28 They all came together to each play a role in helping to defeat the existential threat. Did they, though? Did they each play a role? In their own special way, every single person out there played a role. Whether, you know baker again i don't know why i keep quoting this nowadays again i don't even like stanis that
Starting point is 00:31:49 much or small yeah i don't even like stanis that much but i keep fucking quoting him yeah greater small we must all do our duty and that is how it i guess not all of it was a duty but people were fucking out there and they were doing their thing and i i good for them i guess and uh and their thing and i i good for them i guess and uh yeah i got questions you know steph bell just like you i liked enough the episode i'm not super upset like a lot of people but still have questions i think i'm also like at the phase of you know the what what is it called the whatever cycle you know dab, DABDA, denial, anger, bargaining,
Starting point is 00:32:27 depression, and acceptance. I think I'm at the acceptance phase. I'm just like, this is what it is. The rewatch really helped. I think we both watched it on a big projector screen with a hundred other nerds at Ice and Fire Con, which was a blast.
Starting point is 00:32:39 I highly recommend coming to Ice and Fire Con if you haven't, but it was fun. But I also, maybe it was the energy of the room yeah when it all happened i just sat there and it was all a little anticlimactic and it was over i was like what um it just leaves so many questions that i know we're never gonna get the answer to yeah and we shouldn't have to ask those questions some source like i get it when you don't have the main source material i get it when you don't have a lot of time but there are some questions from this episode that we shouldn't
Starting point is 00:33:08 have to answer or ask even you know yeah i don't know next question you know the uh you know that gif of the guy that's like free real estate no you've never seen that will you send it to me i mean i'll send it to you but there's a better edit and it's just him going it's bad writing so we did get a question from one of our guys johnny guerrero much love to you my man here's his question with so much emphasis on prophecies not being fulfilled in the last episode what are your thoughts on prophecies within the series do you think viewers are misguided like characters like melisandre and Cersei? How often are they misinterpreted or self-fulfilled and none really playing out like they would think?
Starting point is 00:33:51 There's plenty to nitpick about. I didn't think Azor Ahai was one of them. I thought the difference in characters who believe things are out of their control and submit to higher power versus characters who refuse to believe they don't have agency. Jon and Dany was a major part of A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones, something that mirrored the real world. Yeah, so regarding prophecies in the show, I think it's different
Starting point is 00:34:12 from prophecies in the book. I'm gonna give a shout out to a guy I used to sleep with. Sup, Trevor? I don't think you actually listened to this. But he raised... That is some big dick energy. I'm out of here. Holy shit. I'm out of here. He messaged me and was like um so and he basically said that he doesn't think dnd like magic because it seems that a lot of
Starting point is 00:34:33 the things that were in the show that were cut out and he said that things that have been omitted were things like the non-brand sterk working or lady Makaro, and the horn, and then goes not to mention the potentially dope Lovecraftian shit with regard to Euron there, and most importantly hand-waved Bran training with a three-eyed raven. And he's like, there are more, but those were... And my response
Starting point is 00:34:57 is I think that this is all true, and I think it has a lot to do with... Not to be a huge show hater but i'm gonna like say it i don't think that the way that the show goes and the show runners the producers themselves like very understand the like i don't think david and dan understand the idea that magic can be a vehicle for deepening plot and character and and uh growth narrative etc and not just be used for oh shit moments does that make sense not that it's not just like badass moments but the way that prophecy operates in the series especially how you see it with cersei's
Starting point is 00:35:40 character is it shows you like similar to the way prophecy is working like some of stannis's stuff like especially because he's drawn so much like a macbeth like character um and like the prophecies are self-fulfilling because the characters fixate on them and it drives them and then it becomes a part of them and then they it comes true because of who they are not because of magic yeah that's the thing is like there is no azura high in the show people that are trying to fit aria to this azura high mythos that's fine but it's not in the show they straight up said in the after thing which you should never listen to if you care about this series about this show never listen listen to David and Dan after the show because it will just ruin your life. They thought of this at the start of season seven.
Starting point is 00:36:30 They retconned it. They also don't know that Sam is a POV. So yeah, they literally do not. I'm not trying to shit on them, but they don't know what they're doing with a lot of these characters. They're just hoping for the best. And Azor Ahai isn't a thing in the show show they talked about the prince or princess that was promised but at the beginning of season seven they decided aria should kill the night king and that's fine and it does work it really does work with all of her training and you know being silent as a shadow and fierce
Starting point is 00:36:58 as a wolverine and it works but they didn't build it up to work and that's my problem with it it's not about azor Ahai for her. It's about that she was trained and she was the one that could do it. But they use magic as a shock value moment and they don't use magic properly. Stannis, like you said, Stannis' plot wasn't about the magic. It was about power. It was about his power and him not being able to wield it properly and him not succeeding in wielding it. I don't think the prophecies in the show matter.
Starting point is 00:37:27 You look at Maggie the Frog's prophecy to Cersei and in the book, Cersei fixates on this. This is what drives Cersei into a deep paranoia that every single time one of her children dies, the prophecy becomes worse and worse. She's so embedded in this paranoia that Tyrion is coming to kill her, which is why when Jaime kills her, which is what I think will happen, I think a lot of people are
Starting point is 00:37:50 on that boat. If Jaime kills her in the books, it makes sense because she was never looking for that. She never thought Jaime of all people, her younger brother, younger twin brother would betray her. You know? Yeah. And like, just because, you know, Cersei is the one that is called out in this question, this question of how often they're misinterpreted or self-fulfilled, people take them literally because some of them are literal. Cersei's prophecies of how many kids the fucking king has and how many kids she has, those are literal, but those are born of who she is. Like, for example, if you're familiar with the story of Oedipus Rex, the prophecy is important, but the prophecy is the catalyst that leads to everything else
Starting point is 00:38:34 in the story happening. The prophecy says that Oedipus will kill his father and marry his mother in an attempt to prevent that from happening. The king does the exact thing that leads to Oedipus growing up far away from him and leads to the entire series of events happening and this whole downfall occurring.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Like, that's the whole thing. And I think that this sort of dramatic, maybe like reconciliation, this sort of dramatic tying together is when it comes to prophecy and it being a sword without a hilt is just not important in the show. Yeah, they haven't made it important and it's not important. And I think that's the big deal. I think everybody that's trying to push this,
Starting point is 00:39:21 oh, so Arya's Azor Ahai thing, it's obviously going to be different in the book. That doesn't mean that Arya's not thing it's obviously gonna be different in the book that doesn't mean the aria is not going to kill a lot of others in the book i mean that is you know like dark heart of course she is she's the dark sister she's gonna be out there with a valyrian sword fucking shit up in the books uh maybe you know like she will take out a huge amount of them but as it's been said the night king is not a character in the books he doesn't exist the knights king existed a very long time ago but there is no night king it's not a thing so uh to say like oh this is something in the books blah blah it's just not a thing it's not i don't know how else to say it yeah the prophecies i guess just don't matter uh johnny also asked if
Starting point is 00:40:02 we thought the episode would have been better if john made it to the night king and defeated him in a duel and he says isn't that the most obvious trope of the genre something that's not very george i don't agree with that uh i don't think it would have been better i really don't i of all the times that john has faced off against the night king no it it's fine that he doesn't kill the night king. I'm fine with Arya doing it in general. Now that I think about it, like the second rewatch, I was like,
Starting point is 00:40:27 all right, but it is built up that he's supposed to do it. It is built up that Dany and Jon are the song of ice and fire that are supposed to end the long night. And my problem really comes with Jon didn't do that much in this episode. He flew around on a dragon. He came down and he did battle a handful of uh white of whites and you know he he did his uh part in the war but he just didn't do anything my i wouldn't have a
Starting point is 00:40:50 problem with this episode if everybody had a part to play it didn't feel that way uh i'm gonna be real i wouldn't have been surprised if like john fucking died to the blue dragon i've been like lol but i don't even know if it's built up that it should have been john right because i understand that bran feels that is he's helpless but i think in many ways it is built up that bran especially because we see it going that way with euron in the books euron having been like a fallen student of Bloodraven, and I have said this before, and I will say it again, my insightful commentary, that the Bran-Bloodraven-Euron dynamic is like, in Kung Fu Panda, the Po-Shifuu, Tai Lung, Dynamic.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Yes, I'm following. Yes, and obviously Bran is Poe. Okay, and Shifu is Blood Raven. Like, I don't even need to explain this. Tai Lung is Euron, right? The fallen student.
Starting point is 00:42:09 And, again, Night King, is uh is a euron right the fallen the fallen student and again night king not in the books but probably a corollary to euron so it seems like it would have made sense to me if it had to go away that it wasn't john for it to maybe be bran and they fight on the astral plane or some shit and i i totally no i agree we uh we discuss as a poor quentin during the live stream you know because that's one of his big pet theories that he's made that you know danny is gonna fry uran with her dragons while bran fries him mentally and that's something that i would have really liked to see was bran in his skin changing and warging in this episode into those ravens i would have liked to see him in my head bringing down viserion or helping to do that i think that would have at least been
Starting point is 00:42:50 i don't know compelling uh it would have given him something to do because him into the ravens was it wasn't satisfactory to me it didn't satisfy me that bran just i don't know went into some ravens etc i get it whatever it it just undercuts all the feeling yeah i mean i don't know, went into some ravens, etc. I get it. Whatever. It just undercuts all the feeling. Yeah. I mean, I don't know, dude. Yeah. Bran and the Night King obviously had beef in the show. I mean, the Night King was literally coming to Bran in the Godswood.
Starting point is 00:43:14 I mean, the Night King was literally coming to kill Bran. And Bran gave that throwaway line in episode two, which I really love that he said, the Night King wants to take and erase knowledge. I thought I was like, oh, okay, we're getting some Night King like stuff. We're gonna learn. And I think my biggest fear of all of this is that they didn't give us any motivation of the Night King in the end. And they just killed him off and the Long Night's over because they want to save it for their Long Night show. That's what I think is happening here. I think we got a lot of shit removed.
Starting point is 00:43:47 A lot of information was removed and they made it happen in one long-ish night because that's it. They're going to do a whole show about it so they can't give away their cards yet. Because the show is actually the long night. It's disappointing. Yeah, it's really disappointing
Starting point is 00:44:02 that we're going to now go to a show, watch the long night all over again when we just built up for eight seasons about The Long Night. It just pisses me off. I'm like, really? Y'all withholding? Is that what you're doing? Because that doesn't make me happy. And I get it. It's a cash cow. Game of Thrones is a cash cow and they got to keep it going. But it doesn't make me feel good about the future of the spinoffs. It doesn't. And I think that I will probably enjoy the spinoffs for what they are. But I think that part of what I like about A Song of Ice and Fire and... Granted, I know we have the world book and Fire and Blood and stuff, but it doesn't give us all of that information. I like that ambiguity and I like that we get to learn things as it becomes uncovered, right? The uncovering of the story and realizing that, hey, maybe the story didn't exactly go like that
Starting point is 00:44:54 is very much a part of A Song of Ways and Fire, and you start getting that and seeing that, hey, maybe the story isn't what you thought first. I think Rhaegar is the best example of that and and that rhaegar sort of um recipe applies to the rest of the way legends and stories are in the stories because like we begin the story with robert saying that rhaegar abducted and raped lyanna and like maybe he did maybe he didn't but as you hear the story of the night of the laughing tree you begin to deepen it and like realize hey things are a little different like things start to um
Starting point is 00:45:29 come into more clarity and i think that's something that we will probably get more about the others and therefore i was not i i like the idea of the show the long night i'm all but also at the same time i'm like i don't i'm i would have been very satisfied with us getting resolution to all these things and not knowing exactly what happened 10,000 years ago. Well, that's the thing is they're giving us the long night, which is like the show version of the world of ice and fire, but they're giving us all the answers in this, when this, this series game of thrones is supposed to cover the main series, which is supposed to give us these answers,
Starting point is 00:46:02 these big questions that George teases in these smaller smaller books the world of ice and fire right uh you're hearing about all these things that are meant to enrich the main plot so the long night should enrich game of thrones right i mean that's not in the name of it george keeps saying i'm not allowed to call it that and we're like i'll see there but we're still doing it so this show about the age of heroes the long night shit that's supposed to enrich the main show in my mind because that's what george does with these novels these side novels but they're treating it completely the opposite maybe that's my issue they're treating game of thrones like oh but guess what if you listen to our next episode we're gonna put out from the long night with the successor
Starting point is 00:46:38 show you'll learn more about the others we waited eight seasons to learn more about the others there's no payoff yeah i think we should call it um game of thrones first class yeah x-men first class game of thrones first class absolutely yeah because i mean same showrunner etc anyways i'm gonna move on yes good idea and that brings us to another question from one of our patrons cra Craig Mulvey. He wants us to do some roleplaying. Are you ready to do some roleplaying? I'm ready. I'm ready. All right.
Starting point is 00:47:09 All right. Are you going to be the D&D master here? I will be our dungeon master. Okay. Okay. I'm ready. Okay. So you're a redshirt that somehow survived.
Starting point is 00:47:19 You've been through hell to fight for humans' ability to exist. So what's next the dragon queen is going to come ask you to turn right back around and fight cersei what the fuck uh craig goes on to say are you kidding i survived this horrific fight and i'm supposed to turn around and risk my life fighting living breathing humans yeah bitch i would stay in my keep i'd be like there's no more others i'm gonna stay here i'm gonna'm gonna eat some bowl of brown. Right? Yeah. I'm not going anywhere. What the fuck? Which, okay, so here's
Starting point is 00:47:50 where Dany's sacrificing for the North and her fighting in the last episode and losing Jorah and losing all of her armies. That's where this comes in. I get it. I get it. I get what they're going for. Dany proved herself to the North, right? She fought quote-unquote Jon's war. Yes, she fought war uh even though you know if she didn't fight they would
Starting point is 00:48:09 have just come south and killed everyone else yeah i was very confused about that wording too but i assume it was an intentional characterization choice yeah well i guess that's all you can assume these days you can assume things i guess that's all we have yeah it's uh not the best but I think uh especially from the previews for the next episode we see you know Dany toasting the north and talking about how we're gonna fight you know now that the great war is done now we have to fight the final war
Starting point is 00:48:35 uh I think they'll follow her now because they've seen her sacrifice for the north they've seen her lose her commanders her armies so I guess that's just what it is yeah i guess i did i'm the dungeon master so i'm gonna fucking role play shit all right so next question elise shopper elise asks oh you know i'm about to go off i'm so excited about this this is my shit you know this is my shit it's our baby boy it's our baby boy our baby uh our para larvae yeah our
Starting point is 00:49:06 para larvae yep yep yep elise asks do you think theon's death was a fitting end it seemed like lazy writing to just have him charge the knight's king i do think it was a fitting end same uh even the charging uh i get what you mean by lazy writing i think that there's a lot of lazy writing elsewhere we can complain about that led us to this moment. So I don't know if I would say this exact moment was lazy. I think that his death was perfectly fitting. He finally gets to protect the brother that he told everyone he burned. He gets to redeem himself for burning down Winterfell and he gets to go out not only as a Stark, which is how he went out. Bran told him, you know, you're a good man, Theon. Thank you. He was home.
Starting point is 00:49:51 He was home in Winterfell in the Godswood with his family, with Bran. And not only that, but he got to go out charging the Night King, dying like an ironborn, paying the iron price. He was going to die anyways. You know, that's kind of the problem here, like no matter what. So I'll give him that, that at least he got to go out with a spear in his hand, a sword in his hand. He got to go out as Theon, not Reek. And that's very much what he wanted, as we see in his chapters. He's like, I want to die feeling like a man. Not that manhood is determined by your ability to fight or anything,
Starting point is 00:50:21 but that's something that we see in his chapters, that this is something that he wants, and chapters, that this is something that he wants. And I think that it fulfills that for him. And I also think it has maybe some thematic resonance. Am I doing this right? Take a drink, take a drink. With other things that happened in the books. We just had Joe Magician on for our john 8 chapter in a game of
Starting point is 00:50:48 thrones and he has written some really great awesome essays called killing of a ranger part two came out recently and talking about like uh way more royce in the prologue and i think uh i believe he says that he saw the night king in the show maybe going out you know that that there would be some parallels with way more voice and i think you can see that with the way theon takes that stand against the night king yeah absolutely uh i don't know if it'll be exactly the same in the books however i see a lot of that plot of theon dying in the godswood guarding bran i could see that happening absolutely I wouldn't be surprised if this was pulled straight from the books if that was endgame for Theon Greyjoy him
Starting point is 00:51:30 going out and of course the biggest thing there that's thematic is him dying and his blood seeping out into the godswood you know he's in the godswood where he falls to his knees and he cries and all of a sudden he feels you know the gods would the heart tree saying to him, Theon. And it's Bran. Yeah. Bran watching him through the gods. Bran has been there watching Theon's arc in A Dance with Dragons for so long now that it felt right. It felt right that that's what he did.
Starting point is 00:51:56 He died. And part of him lives on now in the gods would with the old gods. You know, Theon is a part of the old gods now. And he's a part of Winterfell forever. Yeah. And was I sobbing when it happened? Maybe. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I was a dumb bitch during this episode.
Starting point is 00:52:09 There were a lot of, I think, emotional changes for people in the room. Like, I like how we were sobbing at this moment and then, like, at the end of the episode, you were just like, what the fuck did I just watch? And that's really probably why I felt that way, you know? Like, it was so emotional.
Starting point is 00:52:28 But the other big problem is I also didn't feel emotional. And then Jorah died and you were sad for Dany. But I just couldn't feel anything because I was like, what? What just happened? I just said for Dany, she's just alone now, okay? I know and I want to be sad for her, but I just didn't. Even second watch, I was like, it was sad, but it wasn't that sad. It wasn't Theon sad. That was was sad that was fuck me up fam that was like oh theon's dead so i don't know i think it was a good death i think it was the best death they could have given theon i don't
Starting point is 00:52:55 think you should expect a better death from david and dan for theon you know that was good it was fine yeah it was probably one of the better parts of the episode, in my opinion. Yeah, I agree. I agree. So next we have a question from Jesse Wright who asks, do you think Ghost is cool with the Raekal situation? Hell no. This dragon comes up in Ghost's house? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:17 He comes up in Ghost's house and his dad's stream just like gets on him like that? Like, okay. Okay. Maybe. Who's been there? Who's been there who's been there since the first episode ghost ghost has been there since the first ish episode sure he doesn't show up that much else other than like the first handful of seasons because you know they forgot about him or he was in the kennel sometimes you go on a vacation to go bang out your new girlfriend
Starting point is 00:53:39 and dragon stone and you gotta send your dog to the kennel man that's that's real life i guess i mean ghosts i think maybe they would get along if they just had them sit together you know they're i don't know but the thing is i don't think dragons are pack animals i'm gonna say this crazy thing that i heard it's very different actually but i'm gonna throw it out there because it's still about pets and animals i have a colleague who's about to give birth and someone owns cats and apparently what you're supposed to do is, like, you take the blanket from the baby, right,
Starting point is 00:54:08 as soon as it's born or something, and someone has to go home, and they gotta rub, take said blanket, rub it all over the cat so that they get used to the baby scent. And I don't know, maybe that's what we gotta do with either Ghost or Regal.
Starting point is 00:54:19 We take a blanket wrapped up in either Ghost or Regal and take it to other pet and wrap them, them like rub them all over with a towel you know they really straight up they straight up are trying to pretend that ghost wasn't missing for like two whole seasons and i think that's the funniest bullshit i've ever seen yeah i mean he ghosted and now he's back we did get another uh question from lady bird and it's a rant and i think it's worth reading i do uh i I think I'm going to. I'll read it, because it's a lot of what we've said, too, and good for you, Lady Bird.
Starting point is 00:54:48 I understand. I totally understand. She says, This is probably nothing you haven't heard this past week, but I have to rant to someone. That's us. We're the someone. To me, the show has suffered from bad writing since Season 2. Slowly at first, blatantly obvious in Season 5. I'll give you that. The past episode's flaws
Starting point is 00:55:04 don't surprise me in the least, but I still frustrated my biggest gripe is not that aria was the one to kill the night king it does make sense it's what she's been training for totally agreed but at the end of season seven we watch in horror as the night's king raises a dead dragon and uses it to take down the wall i think we were prepared to see him lay waste to westeros with his undead dragon for most of the season what they give us is one battle episode in which Night King and Dragon only appear briefly and are taken out shortly. That's it? Where's the dread?
Starting point is 00:55:30 The horror? I expected many of the big characters to die and the rest to flee at an overrun Winterfell. I thought they'd continue to try to battle and one by one be taken out, and either Dany or Jon sacrificing themselves and the dragons, and Arya could have somehow gotten through and kill him and take him out once for all. They compressed all that into one shorter night. It makes no sense. I agree. I do agree with that. It was built
Starting point is 00:55:51 up and then it was over. But how Lady Bird does say I'm done being negative though. Looking past the flaws. Episode was great. It was amazing to watch. Absolutely. Third viewing was still tense even though I knew what happens. The music and those visuals were amazing. Seeing D drogon covered in ice zombies was the most amazing horrific sight i'd ever seen on tv it was the ultimate picture of horror fantasy i really hope
Starting point is 00:56:14 we get a book announcement this year i think we all need it yeah for sure totally and that's i think that's a lot of what these fans what all of us fans feel like right now it was just a lot of build-up for one night. I don't like that. I wish there was longer. It is what it is, I guess. And honestly, this was one of the most amazing productions ever. I will give it that.
Starting point is 00:56:33 I was on the edge of my seat the whole entire time. I was like, what's going to happen? What's going to happen? After a second rewatch, I really appreciate it. I mean, they took 55 days to build this and everyone was exhausted and they were filming nights on nights on nights and it was very beautifully done. It was that dance of the dragons. Oh my god,
Starting point is 00:56:52 that was great to see. Even if it's not what we really wanted, it was beautiful to see those dragons in the sky just clashing together. I think that the dragon fire in the field was amazing. There was a lot of really beautiful stuff. It was really eloquent. The music was great uh it was just really well done i just don't agree obviously with the choice of it ending so fast but i understand i think the problem okay now now
Starting point is 00:57:14 that i'm gonna actually like sit and think about this for like a hot second this is the issue with us not having a 10 episode season right because Because it does all get condensed down into one episode and everything happens so fast. And A Song of Ice and Fire has multiple narratives going on and we've been building up the others and the whites for such a long time. And I agree, there's horror in some of these things, but we don't get i think the actual
Starting point is 00:57:46 ramifications of that horror like the ice dragon the not ice the undead dragon is used only to take down the wall which is great but it feels like it's underutilized right like if we had more episodes you get to space out that horror we needed more things that were kind of like mini hard homes leading up to the big battle to create more of that sense of loss i think and that sense of dread we already kind of had it but we needed to feel like this really was like the heroes like at their last legs we needed to feel like oh there are old men going out there in the winter because it's so bad and killing themselves and like being like oh shit that was a bad idea you know and yeah and there was someone else who was it who was it they were responding to poor quentin and and to you maybe and they were saying that aria killing the night king makes sense for aria's story
Starting point is 00:58:39 but it doesn't make sense for the Night King story. Yeah, absolutely. And I think that was a good way to phrase, I think, some of that incongruence that people felt when watching the episode. And I think that's a fair critique, and I think that, I don't know. Yeah, to have a villain, you have to have that villain make sense as well. And he doesn't have to talk, that's fine. I'm not asking for him to suddenly have a soliloquy of why he's a villain and give us a villain monologue but you do have to have it make sense for him as well and it's hard when people like bran and john have been so built up with the night king and aria just
Starting point is 00:59:18 returned home last season and showed up yeah and i mean like going back to the thing where i think the longer season would have helped like a lot of the way that dramatic structure works like in terms of acts you know you have the exposition you got the rising action you got the climax where shit turns and then you got the falling action which actually isn't about like the action becoming less but it's where the two sides clash right and one one side pulls, the other side pulls forward, next the other one does. And we didn't get if we were going to have them win against the others. And I think a few times
Starting point is 00:59:53 we've kind of had them suffer losses, like in Hardhome, but Hardhome was like fucking two seasons ago. All right? And like D&E lost one of her dragons but the hero still escaped. And I think that we're supposed to feel it that way. But that, for the audience, feels like it was two years ago you needed something this season
Starting point is 01:00:10 that felt like the side again of the others and the white rockers really really advancing and that tension just wasn't there you need to feel that build up you need you know you want to be worried that your heroes aren't going to survive right like for us watching this the stakes were just gone yeah where were the stakes they they won against the night king the biggest the biggest problem in all of it and uh it just didn't feel right it felt like they should have lost and retreated and there should have been one final stand you have to have that moment of like oh no our heroes what are they gonna do yeah and now Cersei Cersei is the problem that's what's weird because Cersei as we know in the books I mean I
Starting point is 01:00:51 think the biggest thing right now is she is taking a lot of Aegon's plot from the books but Cersei is incompetent as hell she's paranoid everything she's doing is undoing her own work and she doesn't even realize it yet she's completely incompetent and to have her be the big bad is almost a slap in the face because you know the only reason cersei's still alive is because lena heady is one of the best actors on the entire show send tweet and i mean i'm fine with the existential like larger threat ending before they turn to the rest of the seven kingdoms and i've and i said that immediately after the episode I said that in our live stream that, like, I think that makes sense to me that they're saying that the bigger threat is, you know, it's inside out of us because people deep down are terrible, etc. And, like, that's something that they're addressing.
Starting point is 01:01:36 To have it be led by Cersei? That's an interesting take. Yeah. But the problem is, you know, the Night King is now Euron. But, like, if it were crazy, like, fucked up, forsaken Euron, I'd be like, yeah, that makes sense to me. Yeah, if it but the problem is, you know, the Night King is now Euron, but like if it were crazy like fucked up, forsaken Euron, I'd be like, yeah, that makes sense to me. Like that is very much about how the
Starting point is 01:01:51 heart is desperately wicked. Yeah, and like having Euron, having Book Euron who's psycho and like raising krakens from the sea and just like murderous and tying bitches to the prow of his ship and sacrificing them. I'm fine with that that's cut my tongue out yeah that oh my god but this this you're on is like hot topic and he's like
Starting point is 01:02:11 i'm here because i got kicked out of my band because i kept sleeping with underage girls oh wow so i feel about this is that are we talking about are we talking about any specific bands right now chloe anyways so moving on to predictions. We did get some questions about some predictions for the next episode. We won't go into a ton of it, but I do want to have a great couple questions from Dallas. She was on the live stream with us. She's great. Look her up on Twitter, Dallas Lazarus.
Starting point is 01:02:42 She asked, are we going to get a Sansan reunion? No. You really don't think so i mean probably not but like the sansan queen of everything i'm telling you they will be in so many shots together and if they speak i will be pooping myself i will be on the floor laughing because oh my god at this point there's no way there's no way the only way we're gonna get this sansan reunion is if she holds him while he dies after he kills his brother that's it yeah i don't know if we're gonna get i don't know i don't know all sand i can't wait till the show is all over only because you know i'm about to go off about sandor i've kept my mouth shut for like eight, but there's a lot to talk about with what they've done with him in the show. And unfortunately,
Starting point is 01:03:27 he's a chicken meme now, and he doesn't give a fuck about the girl in King's Landing that told him it was okay to fucking cry. Yeah. So if we get a Sansan reunion, I don't know, I'll probably owe someone like 30 bucks. I'm pretty sure me and Lady Gwyn were betting about this actually. I don't remember. I was drunk.
Starting point is 01:03:44 I don't remember, but that's true. Yeah, I was too. But I'm pretty sure Lady Gwyn and I were betting about this actually i don't remember i was drunk i don't remember but that's true yeah i was too but i'm pretty sure lady gwynn and i were betting about this was this on the stream or like not it might have been off the stream it might have been just i don't even know okay weird so next question from dallas does sansa want to be queen i think sansa wanted to be lady in the north yeah i don't know if she wants to be queen anymore, but I don't know that she doesn't, not, that she's like opposed to the idea, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:04:12 I think she would be a great ruler. Yeah. I don't know if she wants to be the queen of everything anymore. I don't think that's a, that's a thing she wants. I think we've kind of seen that arc from when she wanted to be queen in season one, two. She was like, yes, I'll be the best queen ever. But then she in the end just wanted to go home. She just wanted to find home, find her family and keep her
Starting point is 01:04:36 family safe, which we're seeing a lot of as she asks Dany for Northern independence. And I think that's going to come into play. I think definitely sansa might unite the riverlands the vale and the north together since she kind of has the keys to those places but i don't think sansa wants to be queen yeah but i don't preclude that from happening to her well john abdicate is another question dallas asks i don know. I don't know anything that's happening. Who knows anymore? This show doesn't make sense. I think that there's heavy foreshadowing that's been laid down for Jon abdicating his claim to Dany. I don't.
Starting point is 01:05:17 Jenny of Oldstones. Jenny's song. That's the biggest thing. But I don't think it really matters if they get married. It doesn't matter. Just get married. I mean, look at all the Targaryens that just got married to fix this problem and look at the ones who didn't looking at you dance the dragons oh i'm also looking at uh granted like that picks itself
Starting point is 01:05:34 but i'm like okay jahari is not letting yeah i just i think it's silly because everybody, all of us, we all know they could just get married and it wouldn't fucking matter. Yeah. But at the same time, everybody's talking about that in the show. Varys, Tyrion, Davos. So to me, that says, will it not happen? I don't even know. Okay. I don't know anymore.
Starting point is 01:06:00 There's literally no logic. But like, not in like a cool, like, I don't know what's going to happen. But like, I don't know. I i don't know what's gonna happen but like i don't know i literally don't know i just don't we all thought we had ideas about the last episode and then they all didn't happen so it's like what's the point me smoking a cigar what's the point game of thrones haven't heard that name in a long time i'm also gonna quote dallas you know she has this great tweet i'm just gonna fucking quote her right here and because of it fits into the discussion that you and i are having right now like i don't fucking know dallas uh who on twitter
Starting point is 01:06:31 is d-a-l-y-c-e-l-a-z-a-r-i-s so dallas lazarus wrote did george rr martin write the red wedding for shock value no he wrote the red wedding to show us how winning the war in the short term does not in and of itself bestow your family name with everlasting legacy. Among other reasons that still have nothing to do with shock value. Like, of course it was shocking because we weren't expecting it. But that wasn't the core. That wasn't the fulcrum that made it so impactful for the rest of the story and i that's why i'm just like i don't fucking know it's gonna happen anymore because i don't know there's no fulcrum anymore for things whatever uh dolls also asked will we see house glover
Starting point is 01:07:15 i hope they hang their asses i didn't think about it but i i until like she asked this question and i'm like that'd be interesting if they did show up though and they're like um a lot of people are theorizing that they will show up with the lannisters and fight for the lannisters and that's interesting to me i'd like to see that just uh just to see that little turn and i hope that of course john gets to bring some justice to them for betraying the north because they've been assholes since season six yeah like remember when sansa and john go there and they're like nah fuck you we won't fight with you and then in the finale they're like we'll never break faith again and then all of a sudden in season 8
Starting point is 01:07:50 it's like what's the truth yeah you flippy floppies and then she goes what about the damned riverlands the riverlands I think we're gonna see them because it's rumored that Edmure's is coming back where is Edmure Tully bring out our son Edmure Tully? Bring out our son, Edmure Tully.
Starting point is 01:08:07 Arya didn't free her uncle, sent me. He's in the, he's somehow in there still. He's still alive, but he is, I've heard his actor's coming back. So I think we'll get, I think we'll at least get like a scene of him or the Riverlands joining the fray. Not the frays, just the fray.
Starting point is 01:08:23 Hashtag free Edmure. He's free now, right? Free Edmure. I don't even know. She killed all the frays, the phrase just the fray hashtag free and near he's free now right free on there i don't know she killed all the phrase so he must be i don't know or he's just been there and here's the deal we're never gonna get an explanation you're not gonna know what he's been doing just putting that out there why didn't he come north and bring his armies if he's gonna show up in the show what i? I don't know. I don't know. I'd imagine the Riverlands are the only place that really have food left and stuff, though. But do they have much farms?
Starting point is 01:08:53 I wouldn't be surprised. No, those are all gone. I don't know. Fuck it. I don't know. Fuck it. Fuck it. I think the associate economy is going to see a huge boost in agriculture exports. And we won't see any of that on the show nope nope none of that but so our final question comes to us from zach newman on
Starting point is 01:09:15 patreon and he asks what outcome over the next three episodes would be satisfying to you to wrap up this whole dot dot dot experience just for it to be over I guess don't just fucking end it I don't know I guess don't include my super pessimistic a satisfying I know I'm going to a satisfying way to end this for me this whole experience would be that
Starting point is 01:09:38 we get the last three episodes and then that weekend George says that the winds of Winter is coming out. That would be satisfying to wrap up this whole dot dot dot experience. I hope that like the ellipsis Zach put there is on purpose. I think it is. Oh, I think it is.
Starting point is 01:09:56 Love you, Zach. Yeah, I think that in the end, I just want to see some sort of wrap up of how the kingdoms come together. And I don't want it to be like Harry Potter epilogue, but I would at least like to know where everybody that's alive ends up. And I'd like some like sad deaths. You know, I want some shit that makes me feel like Theon dying. That was fucking great. This is the worst. I can't leave Theon's dead. I was like for about a good seven minutes, I was having an emotional breakdown about it. Like, oh my God. Oh my God. Is this what's going to happen?
Starting point is 01:10:27 Oh my God. And then like the rest of the episode happened. So whatever. But I was really emotionally in with Dion's death. And I just really hope that they really hone in on the emotions and they really make me cry. That's what I want. We're in this to cry. Yeah, I'm here to cry.
Starting point is 01:10:43 I'm here to get drunk and cry. I'm all out of wine. Yep. That's it. That's about it. So, Eliana, big predictions. Anything you think will happen in the next three episodes? Anything that you're like, this has to happen? No.
Starting point is 01:11:01 Elephants? Elephants? Oh, no, that's definitely not happening. Yeah, that's true. They have the money now yeah that's true they have the money I mean come on no white walkers tell me you can't afford elephants now I want Harry Strickland to be
Starting point is 01:11:15 flying back over to the east and bringing back elephants that's bullshit I definitely think there's going to be something with Tyrion I think we're going to see Yeah. I definitely think there's going to be something with Tyrion. I think we're going to see what the end of the Cersei scene was eventually, or at least hear or find out what it was. I think that'll happen because it definitely cut that scene off in season seven for a reason.
Starting point is 01:11:44 Sansa in a leadership role. Yeah, they have to figure out how to rebuild everything now that they're like, shit, everything's falling apart. Maybe we'll get a memorial. I hope we get a memorial. It would be nice if they do some sort of memorial, yeah. Yeah, I hope we have a remembrance or something moment.
Starting point is 01:12:01 I have a 40-page essay that I wrote about Daenerys dying but like I don't fucking know anymore they did say that the next episode would be Shakespearean but it seems like she's there in episode 5 so I don't fucking know
Starting point is 01:12:13 I guess we'll see word I don't need to sound like such a downer I'm really looking forward to I think this next episode and hoping that it provides some sort of resolution
Starting point is 01:12:30 slash satisfaction for what happened in episode 3 because I really loved episode 2 yeah I did like episode 2 and I really thought I don't know I loved episode 2 and I thought maybe episode 3 would really keep a lot of
Starting point is 01:12:45 that thematic resonance that we saw in episode two but it was different it was definitely different I was a little disappointed I think I got my hopes up a little too much because uh man I got my hopes up episode two was so good yeah with the minor little things that I maybe wasn't like I was willing to forgive so much minor stuff you heard me episode two I was yelling I love this episode I love this episode so it was great I was like crying happy tears it was a disappointing and like we were just talking about it uh when we were watching episode two at ice and fire cod people were like talking during Brienne's nighting and I was like excuse me like this is a historical moment you guys you guys need to shut up I don't care if this isn't the new episode like you don't just get to talk god it was history like we're watching history yeah
Starting point is 01:13:30 yeah anyway i don't know i have hopes that maybe they will continue uh continue on but we'll see we'll see all right well thanks for tuning in everyone yeah thanks so much guys if you sent in some uh questions we super super super appreciate it this has been a blast uh to just get our air our grievances we didn't really do a real episode this week for this thanks for giving us our space to be us and thanks for everyone thank you if you send in a question yeah absolutely and of course we all have different opinions in the show yeah it's not a bad show it's not okay what it is it's got a great this year it's beautiful it's cinematic i'm gonna appreciate it for what it is of course there are gonna be things that bug me
Starting point is 01:14:17 and really we're just talking about them to give you guys like to listen to and argue about so but that's fun yeah but and of, again, it's only going to last the next few hours. Let's see how it all plays out in a bit, you know? You know, in the end, Game of Thrones was really the friends we made along the way.
Starting point is 01:14:34 I thought we were doing Linkin Park, but okay. Nope, I was going to go this, but that's fine. That's fine, too. Well, guys, as always, I have been one of your hosts, Chloe.
Starting point is 01:14:49 You know me from the internet as at Liza Narber on Twitter, Tumblr, and And I'm another one of your hosts, Eliana, also known as GlassTableGirl. Be sure to set your alarm clocks because we are going on with Night's Cast live at 5 p.m. ET. Yes, so tune in for that. Check it out. And we will see you guys on Tuesday. For episode 4. Season 8 episode 4. Bye.

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