Girls Gone Canon Cast - Girls Gone Canon: Game of Thrones S8E4 The Last of the Starks

Episode Date: May 8, 2019

  THE GIRLS WATCH THRONES: hang out with Eliana and Chloe as they sit back to discuss the fourth episode of Game of Thrones Season 8: The Last of the Starks All The Colors by Dj Quads Eliana's twitter: Eliana's reddit account: Eliana's blog: Chloe's twitter: Chloe's blog:  Girls Gone Canon Patreon:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to Girls Gone Canon's Game of Thrones Season 8, Episode 4. The Last of the Starks. The Last of the Starks. Me. I love this episode. Me. I don't know what it's called. Do you know what it's called? Well, they didn't even tell us until much later, you know. It takes less time to internalize it, unfortunately, so it's hard. it unfortunately so it's hard yeah i'm one of your hosts chloe you know me as at lies in arbor on twitter tumblr lies in arbor and i'm another one of your hosts eliana you might know me as glass table girl on the song of ice and fire subreddit maybe on the maester monthly podcast or as arithmetric over on twitter with the hashtag floofghost2019 in my handle right now. It's important. We'll get to it.
Starting point is 00:01:08 We'll get to it. In this episode, you'll hear about Floof Ghost 2019. Floof him. He's a good boy. So, this episode is like, it opens up just like the timeline
Starting point is 00:01:24 opened up on Twitter today right what do you mean bodies everywhere just dead bodies everywhere everybody discoursing and fighting and just death all over the timeline wow that was uh that was a wild morning this is like a divisive episode apparently i think it's less divisive than last episode but i don't know i think like or people i'm like really pause okay i'm really positive about this episode how are you feeling so i'm coming at this from the perspective of a reddit moderator i think there's still a lot of things that we're seeing but i think it's less heated the discourse around this episode than it has been for the previous week and i stayed off of the
Starting point is 00:02:07 discourse kind of today i just like posted things about the episode very vaguely and didn't like interact much i just like retweeted things and whatever and i was happy i was fine i didn't participate but i saw like there was just a lot of this was the worst episode game of thrones is garbage and i don't maybe it's just because like i was saying that for years now and everybody suddenly is like this is the worst show ever this episode sucked it ruined everything and i'm just sitting here like first they came for dorn and sansa and you didn't say anything none of you stood up yeah Yeah, I mean. But I did. I did. Hiss.
Starting point is 00:02:46 And now look where we are. Hiss. Yeah, I don't know. I actually like, I was just telling you before this, I felt like the shackles came off during this episode. I felt free. I felt like the show can no longer hurt me. There was like some dialogue in a scene that most people are really expecting me to like hate and uh half of it was good half of it was bad but the bad stuff just fell right off me
Starting point is 00:03:10 didn't even bother me i'm unbothered yeah i mean bad writing cannot burn a targaryen so there's of course that that whole cycle right of when you have like trauma etc and i think you know we went through the denial phase a few years ago and then and then anger already we've got done that for a while and we had bargaining it really maybe if wins comes out it'll be fine but that that went in past and then we had the depression phase now i think we're at acceptance i think we're just yeah i'm at acceptance and this is the thing i'm right at acceptance i uh rated acceptance. I especially think this had some compelling moments, some great character moments.
Starting point is 00:03:49 I love the character stuff. If you give me character stuff and a tiny bit of fan service with maybe some nods to the book, I'm easy. You can satisfy me. Like, that's it. You can, whoop, you got me. So this did it for me. Yeah, I mean, I've just, you know, as I always say,
Starting point is 00:04:04 I've accepted that the real Song of ice and fire are the books. You all thought I was going to say the phrase you made along the way, now fuck that, it's the books. You almost had me. I know I did. I really, I got got. I know. You got got? Like G-O-T? Like Game of Thrones? Get the fuck out. Get the fuck off this podcast.
Starting point is 00:04:24 I don't know let's jump in we start with the winterfell memorial which i think was really beautiful again the show does best when it has like compelling speeches or no dialogue at all and that's how it opens and now their watch is ended uh we open with that death by fire yes it it was very moving watching everyone mourn the respective people in their lives obviously they were mourning everyone but having someone for many of these people to tie themselves to was just it was very nice and then you see like all the fire go up and it feels just like the battle again but in our hearts yeah and I love that little bit that there's like the Targaryen death, the Dothraki death, and a northern death all in one, right? Burning them. You have the Dothraki who they have the bodies of the deceased burnt beneath the open sky or their cows in a funeral pyre facing the mother of mountains to guide them home.
Starting point is 00:05:22 I just thought that was beautiful. That's a great detail. Yeah, I really like that that was they were all on their backs just towards the sky on those platforms and it felt very much so like a proper burial for targaryen dothraki and northerners all like especially because the northerners have just adopted that right because of well recently re-adopted i guess i should say uh the past the wall northerners definitely already did this but burning the bodies yeah burn them someone whispered oh that john chapter yes yes but of course i'm gonna blather on like i did last episode one of the best parts was theon and sansa putting the stark pin taking a stark pin out of
Starting point is 00:06:06 her dress and putting it on theon that was oh that nailed me in the casket i know burn me burn me alive i'm just like that hurt that was sad and that was their brother and he died a stark and he burnt a stark he he went on to the afterlife a stark yeah and i mean he didn't have to go to the afterlife as a stark but he went back as a good man. I think Sophie Turner has acted the hell out of all of her scenes that have to, I guess, do with Alfie Allen. I mean, you can really see that. Again, Theon Greyjoy was Sansa's hero. He helped her out of Winterfell.
Starting point is 00:06:43 He helped her leave her home, and he helped her leave her home and he helped her keep her home in the end yeah he did exactly the opposite of what he ever thought he could you know he thought he was ruined and thought he was garbage and he still redeemed himself and he did the right thing and of course the framework for the episode really opens with jorah with danny uh it provides the beginning of danny's loss and grief that helps kind of propel her arc forward it starts with jorah and of course we end with one of her other oldest companions in her journey uh dying which we will definitely get to but the framework is just there it's very moving amelia's acting is just too good. I mean, obviously we're not a fan of book Jorah,
Starting point is 00:07:31 but like regardless of whether it's book or show Jorah, Dany still loved him and that's why it hurt so much when he had to leave during his exile and his betrayal. And then, you know, maybe in the books he comes back and like whether we like it or not he was her old bear and he did his duty to his queen yeah he loved her he died for her i guess yeah yeah i don't love jorah but i respect him now i think that i respect him uh i respect him i'll give him that he was respected and it was very sad it was just as sad to see her emotion and watch her say goodbye one last time after she had already had to cradle him and there's no droga on here to put his tail around her this time and head around her it was hard
Starting point is 00:08:13 yeah she has to be the one to burn his body again this is another time she has to say goodbye to someone she loves remember she had to burn at least she got three dragons out of it last time when she had to burn like drogo but there's nothing there on the other end of jorah yeah she's losing everything it's very sad it's uh everything she's worked for and the people that have really held her there yeah and like bed her rock and and it's going and she's very alone in the north she's alone in a strange land she thought it would be home and it's not. There's no red door here.
Starting point is 00:08:50 No Willem. John's speech is pretty moving. Kit hasn't really had a lot to work with, I feel like, this season as far as speeches. And I just think his speech was really nice. It was beautiful. It echoes the aftermath of the Watchers on it echoes you know the aftermath of the
Starting point is 00:09:05 watchers on the wall battle and the aftermath of all these other battles and uh we'll read it aloud here hold on to put my best kit in my side everyone you need to see chloe's face as she gets into her kit mode it is our duty and our honor to keep them alive in memory for those who come after us and those who come after them for as long as men shall draw breath they were the shields that guarded the realms of men and we shall never see their like again and now they're watching sorry yeah i was in tears dude that was like really moving i was just like oh shit oh shit now they're watches and and ed and sam oh i know i loved that you know i loved that they he used a lot of the same language as the oath of the night's watch regardless of who they
Starting point is 00:10:00 are they were all there together and they were the night's watch together i also like the shields that guarded the realms of men exactly and i also love this idea of like it is our duty and our honor to keep them alive in memory i know that i i'm not sure if i touched on this in regards to the previous episodes how yeah sure brian has can like see anything that ever happened in history but a song of ice and fire it's called a song of ice and fire it's very much about that oral history and how we pass things along the memories that we keep of people and like we see how the stark siblings remember and always think of what would a rob have done or they think of what would our father have done they keep all of these people alive in their
Starting point is 00:10:41 memories and i think that's so important and a big backdrop for a song of ice and fire yeah it's very much so based off of legacy and to quote hamilton you know legacy what's a legacy it's planting seeds in a garden that you never get to see yes and that's what ned did he planted seeds in a garden that he never got to see but all of his children are kind of going on to become these great legends and heroes that did something to save the whole world from this threat. Whether or not we feel like the long night
Starting point is 00:11:12 was kind of shortish and wasn't as crazy as we wanted it to be, I mean, they still all banded together to save the world from a big threat. So it's just this legacy and now it's what they do next. Yeah, for those who come after us yes that was just a beautiful speech but well done well done on the open game of thrones thank
Starting point is 00:11:31 you for that that was emotional it was compelling on all parts the characters all did their part there that you did it we wanted space for breathing right we wanted space to mourn all those people and yeah had you jumped into this from like the end of the episode with all the battle stuff like that wouldn't have worked yeah that would have felt really disrespectful disrespectful exhausting it was as much a send off for the characters as it was the actors that have just grown up on this show or been on this show for so long. Really just a great send-off. Exactly. And now we celebrate their lives in this victory
Starting point is 00:12:11 with the Winterfell Feast, where, you know, Gendry, I mean, the hound calls him out. He's trying to find Arya. He's like, yo, where's Arya? And then on his way trying to find that out, Daenerys legitimizes him and makes him now Lord Gendry Baratheon of Storm's End. Very Aegon the Conqueror parallels here, right? Interesting.
Starting point is 00:12:37 With Orys Baratheon. Yeah. Yeah. Raising him to Storm's End. And I thought that was great to see Daenerys politicking during these next two moments right because after this she raises her glass to Arya when a big toast goes up about you know
Starting point is 00:12:52 Jon Snow and the heroes of the battle and she raises her glass and says to Arya Stark you know the hero of the long night yeah that was a good nod on her part it got a big cheer it was a good nod but it did not win over who she wanted it to win over which of course seemed to be sanza we see the character direction of the faces and she
Starting point is 00:13:12 immediately sees that sanza goes cold that sanza kind of stands up and she leaves the table and she's not very happy yeah but then we also get more cheering. You know, we're going to come back to that Sansa Dany stuff later. But then we get more cheering of Tormund trying to get Jon to chug. And we get Tormund chugging. But I'm going to say I am disappointed that we did not get Jon chugging. I wanted that. I deserve.
Starting point is 00:13:41 But do you know what I love? No. All of the Jon, you're so small shit this episode like especially one of my best friends miguel cosplays john snow and uh he's a little shorter than i am very accurately like sophie turner and uh kit harrington heights here in our friendship and it's just great because the whole whole entire episode torment's like you fucking small ass flea i'm like yep that's miguel that's him I know, it's kind of funny that they've made this a very canon thing about Jon's character.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Because Daenerys makes that joke to Sansa, too, about Drogo. She's like, he was taller. I'm like, okay. Poor Jon Snow. Also, Sansa's enormously tall. Yeah, well, excuse me, maybe everyone else is just enormously small.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Maybe we all are chloe yeah so there's that fuck off i did like torment in this episode like he was just torment is like that that buddy of yours that like everybody thinks he's a little wild and he gets drunk and you're like oh no he's really a good guy you guys he's just like he gets drunk and he's crazy and then the worst he does is like he gotta clean the puke out of his beard you know like or he tries to hug you a couple times like if you tell him no he's good but oh Tormund good time Tormund
Starting point is 00:14:51 you gotta put that bitch to bed you know just well it's not even that I bet you know Tormund's there goading Jon into drinking and vomiting I think Tormund's the guy who will hold your hair back he's also drunk but I think Tormund will hold your hair back while you vomit am I Tormund's the guy who will hold your hair back. He's also drunk, but I think Tormund will hold your hair back while you vomit. Am I Tormund?
Starting point is 00:15:08 I mean, maybe. You are tall. Shit. Am I Jon Snow? And this whole time I thought you were Jon and I was Sam. We're gonna just switch through all these roles constantly. Oh my god, is this roleplay? Is it? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:24 We get a callback of course to season two and whatever other season i know there's another time tyrian plays the drinking game that he does right the drink you know if it's about you and so it's brainy tyrian and podrick is there too and um did my ears deceive me or was there a taisha reference who who's taisha exactly so whoops listen i'm not gonna explain you know who she is eliana say her name oh no i know who taisha is like my god remember when that was a plot no oh never oh god but so brienne you know gets kind of into this game and she goes you were married before you were married to lady sansa and he drinks or no he doesn't drink he just gets mad and then he says something mean to her about her being a virgin but
Starting point is 00:16:10 he did drink i thought right i thought jb made him drink oh but also podrick drank during that i thought that was interesting okay does this mean podrick is a virgin but at the same time he departs from the feast with two women so he's also like maybe because like podrick's part of this game right because he drinks in the moment that tyrian says you're a virgin which makes me think he's part of this drinking game yeah you know well and so i'm guessing though that that's where you know he sang last episode so maybe that was a big joke they created that like podrick sang to them he didn't actually have sex with them and that's why they like just gave him his money back and they
Starting point is 00:16:48 just hung out and maybe he braided their hair you know like that's what i think maybe they just hung out and maybe like they wore facial masks and he just talked about how tyrian was such a dick sometimes i think that's what happened and i like that idea and the girls probably bonded with him over that because they're like yeah fuck lord fuck Lord Tyrion, we hate him. Yeah, exactly. I love it. I also want to say that I loved Gwendolyn Christie's acting during this drinking scene.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Her exaggerated facial expressions, they were girlish and fun and drunken. I think she did a great job throughout this episode. She's just a great actress in general, but she did a great job during this episode. When she smiled after she was knighted, you know, and it was that cute little smile. She just is so pure and so Brienne. She just like is Brienne. She makes my heart warm.
Starting point is 00:17:36 I think that some of these performances are just curtain call. It's getting me emotional because she's a great Brienne. The brainy stuff in this episode was sad and compelling and beautiful and similar probably what will happen in the books we'll get there soon but Jamie was like trying to get her drunk I was like Jamie she'll probably just have sex with you just make it romantic what the fuck I don't think he was thinking about that I think he was just like I'm trying to bro out with my friend who I kind of have a crush on. But, like, that wasn't in the agenda until, like...
Starting point is 00:18:11 Yeah, I wonder if he was also nervous because he was thinking about it. And so he's like, drink, drink with me, drink with me, yeah. I think so. I mean, Jamie's never had sex with anyone that's not his sister. Like, I don't know if that's the case. I think it's the case also in show canon, but definitely in book canon, he's like, I've only ever slept with my sister. I'm like, dude. That's fucked up.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Yeah. Cersei slept with a lot of other people, and Jaime's like, I've only slept with my sister. Yeah. Poor Jaime. And that's, like, what makes it so sad at the end. I think Jaime was very in character in this episode. I really do. it's interesting i'm
Starting point is 00:18:45 excited to see next episode but also fearful and i mean even before this episode i started getting excited a little i haven't had that feeling in a while that was nuts uh it was weird it was weird show feeling you felt that for episode two don't lie um i did but i don't know if i felt it to this extent because i kind of was just like I felt like this was really really uncharted territory the stuff that was getting there and I feel like a lot of like I don't think the plots were 100% to anything in the book except for maybe one or two things
Starting point is 00:19:14 the characters are all going to be different at certain points you know I don't think Cersei's even alive at this point anyways I digress we won't talk about that right now but I just kind of was like this is kind of uncharted territory. And I felt free. And I was like, this is this is good. You know, it's a good thing. And of course, the scene that happens after this is what scene is a scene.
Starting point is 00:19:37 And is it a scene? There's a scene that happens after this. Shut up, Eliana. that happens after this shut up eliana and i have spent so long lying to myself saying we'll never get a sansa and sandor scene i don't know when i convinced myself but i did it because i wanted to protect myself from the pain of not getting it yeah if you if you uh armor yourself in it no one can use it to hurt you is my armor is my armor. Okay, Eliana. So first off, Tormund, of course, after getting denied from Brienne
Starting point is 00:20:08 as Brienne and Jaime slink off together a little drunkenly and boozily, Tormund slinks back himself to the table next to Sandor and he like lays his head all up on him. He's like, the woman I'm in love with just rejected me.
Starting point is 00:20:27 But also it's kind of cute because yes, he clueless and an idiot and like you're like leave her leave her alone get a job torment the whole time like he's obviously was clueless he's like she just rejected me and later on he moves because of it and he's like well i don't want to bug her like so i'm just saying, you were respectful. Yeah, if he, he respected that when Jing was like, yo, chill. But. It's great how it frames this scene because he ends up getting, I think, like a camp follower or a woman of the north that's there at the feast that kind of latches on to him. So he goes off with her. And then Sandra Clegane is sitting there mostly like, please stop talking. You know, like, he's like, just leave me alone.
Starting point is 00:21:05 I just want to finish my wine. I love him. He's just like, we're not friends. Yeah, he literally is. He says that to everyone, though. He's like, hashtag no new friends is Sandor Clegane. I love him. Big energy right there, Sandy.
Starting point is 00:21:17 So Sandor, once Tormund leaves, this girl is like next to him. She's like, are you ready? Are you ready? And Sandor, like, first off, Sandor looks at her like, no, go away. Like, I don't want to deal with any of you people right now. She doesn't leave. And he growls at her. Bad dog. And, of course,
Starting point is 00:21:34 after he growls at her, eye contact is made at the high table with the Lady of Winterfell, Sansa Stark. And Sandor Clegane. Oh. What is it? What does this mean, Chloe?
Starting point is 00:21:49 What is this? Oh my god, don't make me talk about this. I'm gonna cry again. I'm gonna make you talk about it. This is like my big moment. It's your thing. This is your moment. I'm here to support you.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Best wife ever. I really am. So. Oh my god, Nia is up so i'm gonna be honest i some of the dialogue here as we said is a little gross but it's based off of an arc that they created in season five where sanza would take the role of jane pool from the books and go to winterfell and marry ramsey bolton and undergo a bunch of tortury, rapey stuff and just like be miserable.
Starting point is 00:22:27 And they took away all her agency, which is not what's happening in the book. Sansa is safe-ish in the Vale, eating lemon cakes and dancing and planning feasts and gaining agency back. So just keep that in your mind right now. She's going to get to Winterfell and it's going to actually mean something and not be built on raping her. But he kind of implies, I heard, it was a bad time, what you had to deal with up here. And Sansa agrees.
Starting point is 00:22:51 She's like, yeah, but he got his in the end. And Sandor asks how and she smiles at him and she just goes, hounds. And it's cute. He smiles back and he tells her, you've changed, little bird. And she's like, i'm not little bird anymore and she he's like what if you had just gone with me the night of the black water and she tells him you know like if i had gone with you i wouldn't i would still be that little bird and she like puts her hand on his basically to get to the point in the conversation
Starting point is 00:23:21 he says this line and it has a parallel to season four when aria when he's basically begging aria and trying to goad her into killing him he says to her like i wish i would have raped your sister that i would have at least one last happy memory and he's talking to sanza and he says to her there's only one thing that would make me happy but he like looks her in the eye and she looks him in the eye and she puts her hand on his the hand clasp it's very romantic and then she stands and she leaves him and that was it that was their closure it was nice uh it was just if i ignore half the dialogue which i did it wasn't a big deal i mean and honestly it is what it is it still closed the season five arc i guess and it just it closed her kind of standing up to his bullying ways in a way and telling him you know i'm not that same little girl and i've learned a lot thanks to people and people like you sandor
Starting point is 00:24:15 you know it's framed exactly like him saying this is my last happy memory before i go take care of my brother that's clearly what it is he's gonna go down and take care of my brother. That's clearly what it is. He's going to go down and take care of Gregor Clegane. I will say that I think there's a lot of valid criticism of the scene, of course, and how the show has framed the trauma that Sansa has had to undergo. The show could obviously have benefit from some female writers in the last couple seasons. We haven't had one since, I think, season four on the writing room, and that's pretty fucked up um whatever you could say it's not but you're wrong uh they really needed it i'm sorry but this this this plot was not delicately done no uh gross intangible intended and i i thought it was great that there were even some celebrities
Starting point is 00:25:00 that said some things like jessica chastain who has been working on phoenix with or dark phoenix with sophie turner right she's in that movie and she tweeted rape is not a tool to make a character stronger a woman doesn't need to be victimized in order to become a butterfly the little bird was always a phoenix her prevailing strength is solely because of her and her alone and i agree uh absolutely and those takes are. I think both sides of it can be true this time. They already did the damage. I've spent years and years hating it. I'm just going to let this moment happen because it was a nice closure for a relationship that I thought we would never really get closure on.
Starting point is 00:25:36 And at the same time, I mean, we know it was awful. We lived through it. We're still here watching. It is what it is, I guess. I hate what they did. was awful we lived through it we're still here watching it is what it is i guess i hate what they did and all i can hold on to is that sansa is in the veil and the wind's a winner and she is going to come back to winterfell of her own agency she's not going to have it be something like that i think that yes sexual assault is not the only way that you can make character
Starting point is 00:25:59 development it also doesn't necessarily make a character stronger i think if you want to look at a flip side of all that i would highly highly recommend reading Margaret Atwood's Mad Adam trilogy. I'm sure a lot of you are familiar with Atwood's work. Some of you are probably watching The Handmaid's Tale adaptation on Hulu. And, you know, she's a fantastic writer, especially when it comes to women characters. And I think that i am reading this scene to an extent as it's not sansa saying that she had to undergo all of these things to not be a little bird i think it's like you know same as with aria and brand like they know that they can't change the past brand tells jamie like well if you hadn't pushed me out the window i wouldn't change the past. Bran tells Jaime, like, well, if you hadn't pushed me out the window, I wouldn't be the three-eyed raven.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Yeah. And I was like, what fucking bird are we talking about in the show? I was about to say three-eyed crow. Yeah, it's three-eyed big bird. Sansa's the three-eyed big bird. Yeah, she's the three-eyed big bird. And Jaime, you know, wouldn't be who he is. And I understand all that.
Starting point is 00:27:04 And I think it's more of just an acceptance of these things happened to me. And I think if Sansa goes down the road of like, what if I had gone with Sandra Clegane? Like, I think that way only lies regret. That way only lies regret and pain. And she accepts that these things have happened to her. And she has had to try and learn to deal with that. And of course she wishes she could have gone with her good old friend, the old hound, you know?
Starting point is 00:27:32 You sad old hound. That's kind of the look she gave him. It reminded me of that line from Beast when she just looks at that dog and she thinks, you sad old hound. And that's exactly how I felt. And it was sad, but that little girl that helped to teach him mercy you know I mean she grew up into a young woman
Starting point is 00:27:48 and she's gonna be the future of the nation you know she's gonna be the future she is a young woman of the future and I love that it's sad it's poetic it's beautiful and it leads us of the future are you saying she time traveled through Bran?
Starting point is 00:28:04 I'm saying that she's basically... Fuck you. I was gonna say she's a... I like how that took a second to sink in for you. I was gonna say she's a Xenon. That's who she is. Oh, girl of the 21st century. Zoom, zoom, zoom.
Starting point is 00:28:19 And the hound is protozoan. Okay, anyways. Gendrya. Yeah, Gendrya. Tell me of Gendrya. Yeah, I think that Dave and Dan are really proud that they finally fucking nailed this parallel.
Starting point is 00:28:33 Yeah, oh my god, third try. Second try. Second choice to charm, apparently, you guys. The parallel must have three heads. I've said it before, I'll say it again. I don't mind it. I didn't mind it the last time, and I didn't mind it this time either. I like it. I like that that's not me parallel.
Starting point is 00:28:49 I like the tri-parallel, duo parallel, whatever the fuck parallel it is. Yes, I liked it. I like the way that they acted out the scene. Gendry's so fucking jazzed. And, like, you can see, even when he comes into the room and is talking to Arya, like, oh, guess what? Why aren't you fucking celebrating with everyone also? And you can see that she, like Sansa, like Bran, is a different person.
Starting point is 00:29:13 She can't go back to someone who enjoys the feast, even the last time we saw her at a feast, right? Like, she was out there throwing food at her sister. She's not part of it anymore. Yeah, it's not her world anymore, and it never was going to be her world. Even from season one, that's not part of it anymore yeah it's not her world anymore and it never was going to be her world even from season one that's not me and the worst of it really is that like gendry couldn't be with her or stay with her he was never going to be able to live up to her she wanted him to come north and work for her brother and she didn't understand as a young girl why that
Starting point is 00:29:42 was inappropriate like why he might be offended she was like well you can come work for my brother i guess you know and hang out with me all the time yeah like that's what makes those rich girl flirt jokes earlier this season kind of like when you think about it like come on because he never was anything he was just a bastard from flea bottom and he told her you know like i can't go with you i have to make my own way i have to forge my own ninja way yeah exactly he had to do his own thing and he had to find his own way and he tried to find his own way with the brotherhood and that's kind of where we see him in the books uh but that was a nobler meaning for him than just being a bastard who worked in a forge in flea bottom and back then
Starting point is 00:30:20 you know for her it was i could be your family yeah and he said you would be my lady well now it's he's so excited that he finally amounted to something something that aria stark my lady of winterfell could you know be with in society in the society they live in and that's not her it's not and that's never what she wanted it's kind of sad because at the same time you can see through their acting and i think i'm gonna just keep complimenting the actors this episode. All right. I think Maisie Williams does a great job in the scene because you can see on her face,
Starting point is 00:30:52 like she's legitimately happy for Gendry being legitimized. She's, she's really like pleased for him. And then when he tells her that he loves her and all these things, I think you can see on her face that there's a lot of complex emotions that Arya does love him. But as you said, she can't be what he needs her to be. And it's a very complex, different kind of love. It's not just romantic.
Starting point is 00:31:13 She loves him because they've been through a lot together. They lost people together. She was going to be his family. And she cares for him very deeply as a friend. And she trusted him, right, to be someone that she would have as her first sexual partner. But she also understands that, again, she can't change who she is anymore. She loves him, but loves him enough that it's not, again, just romantic. And to let him go to live to a fuller potential than she can provide for him.
Starting point is 00:31:43 He finally has his happy ending. and that's not her happy ending. Yeah. She doesn't, I don't think she really knows what she wants. You know, she just, she's had all of this trauma and she has her family back, but she doesn't quite fit there either.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Yeah. And I do think as much as that Sansa Arya drama was dumb last season, I think it really showed how out of pocket Arya is, how she just hasn't been around these humans that like function a certain way in this society. And this society has never been for her. She never wanted it. She never wanted to fit in like that.
Starting point is 00:32:15 Yeah, but she's kind of closed that door and she accepts that I've gone down a path where I can't anymore at all. And it's sad, but that's what it is. I wonder if to an extent, I got some sort of like kind of Alyssa Farman vibes. But now that like we're being sad about her, I'm like, am I getting Reyna Targaryen vibes, which would make me really sad. That would make me sad. And I want to add on to that, that while those might be the vibes you're feeling, and I felt the Alyssa Farman,
Starting point is 00:32:42 I would even give some vibes vibes especially later on when she leaves Winterfell to head off and she hangs out with Sandor again I would even give the vibes that maybe she'll just go west and maybe she'll go on and it'll be I don't know it'll be like the Stark kids
Starting point is 00:33:00 live on as legends like I was saying right like Arya goes west and she's the next Nymeria the witch queen who went west and found land or the Alyssa farm and who went west and maybe she found land or a place to live a place to be a place to be at peace right very similar to what happens to the hound the first time in the novels and in the show or much like I think will happen with Rickon that you know he ends up just lore Davos leaves him on Skagos and yeah he is a shaggy dog story but Davos saves him by doing that from the bloodshed and from all these politics and
Starting point is 00:33:31 Rickon lives on as like a Skagosi Stark king in legend and lore and he rode his big black wolf all around and I don't know I just think that like it's sad that they break up and the family doesn't get to be together but it's not harry potter you know like there's no happy happy ending it's gonna be bittersweet he's always said that george has so it's a little like the end of full metal alchemist brotherhood except they actually had family reunions and they won't you know how like al goes and he studies alcohol history and stuff whatever whatever you know not to spoil the ending of that while all this is going on the beating heart behind all of it danny is at the head table and her emptiness and loneliness is just ringing true a lot of
Starting point is 00:34:16 people have noted this already as they watch denarii's storyline and she also says it explicitly there's a line from torment praising john and says what kind of person climbs on a fucking dragon a madman or a king and it reminds me a lot of this of a line in denarius's story in the game of thrones where she is wondering you know how far is it from madness to greatness and we understand that they are two sides of the same coin i don't think that danny is mad but i do think that this is sort of a double standard and we'll get into this a little later that is being levied against her because what kind of person climbs on a fucking dragon it wasn't just john danny does it in the middle of the dragon pit she does it like in a time when the dragon is burning everyone else around her and like it's it's a different scene in the books
Starting point is 00:35:05 where she has to be the one and every it's fucking chaos and she's out there in wisps of silk and she climbs on this dragon and is she a madman or is she a king exactly and everyone is just celebrating and she did everything she should have she you know tried to toast to aria and she she gave storms and to gendry to make him loyal and to you know be courteous of her people that had given during this war and it just reminds me of a storm of swords the way she's sitting there and you can see how alone she is and isolated when she says in denarius six do all gods feel so lonely some must surely it's a it's a very sad passage and she is she's a very lonely god and the framing of the scene actually really brings you into that the music pulls back uh the music gets very quiet and it's almost like you're underwater or like
Starting point is 00:35:59 your ears are kind of plugged you see everybody celebrating john while the music isolates Dani and you feel those feelings in the pit of her stomach in your own stomach and you feel it grow. And it's not the first bit of isolation. We see this with Missandei with those mean racist northern kids. We see all the lords kind of staring down Dani and not cheering her when she arrives at Winterfell. She's lost her armies, her her closest friends all for the north and at the same time had she not come north and done that they all would have died anyways in the hands of an even bigger undead army but it still doesn't excuse these feelings like she's it doesn't invalidate her feelings she's alone in a strange land like you said she has no one and by that we don't mean she has aria
Starting point is 00:36:46 no she really doesn't have aria either yeah yeah yeah she doesn't and i think that's something that rings true to me of what we're gonna see in the books because the more that danny climbs to the top like at the top of the world that's it you're alone and i also think that they did a great job of showing this people have drawn comparisons to the scene where viserys is looking at daenerys and thinking that he's alone and he's never had people look at him like that and i i'm gonna give again props all the actors that if people can draw that comparison to viserys and the way that he looked in that moment i think that means Emilia Clarke fucking nailed it that's just really good acting
Starting point is 00:37:26 shit we get this moment where Tyrion and Bran have just a chat at the fireside and Tyrion tells him his wheelchair is clever and Bran reminds him of the saddle he made him and it gets brought up that Daeron Targaryen had a crippled nephew
Starting point is 00:37:42 who used the same design what? what is this why did that that's fake history and the only other thing this could be would be like if blood raven is darren two's half brother so in book canon it kind of makes it almost like me and bookshelf stud we're talking about this today it makes it almost like blood raven's air kind of fits that i don't know bran equals blood raven if blood raven's darren two's half brother so it's darren's nephew well we didn't get which darren it was right but it doesn't matter because it's neither like it's not real eliana this is show lore i literally like made sure i reread they just made this up so why why I don't know. I really
Starting point is 00:38:26 don't know. I mean, the original outline had different plans for Bran, right? Everybody tore that thing apart and CSI'd it and tried to figure out what letters were filled in, where the blanks were, the Texas, the Cushing library piece, but
Starting point is 00:38:41 the last book was originally going to be A Time for Wolves wolves so maybe a stark rule of musterose but is the world ready for that? I don't know I also am going to say for a second when Tyrion said that's clever I didn't think he meant the chair I thought he meant not being part
Starting point is 00:38:58 of the party I'm like that is clever I feel that Bran sitting far away from the rest of the party but apparently not apparently it was this thing I feel that, Bran. Sitting far away from the rest of the party. Yeah. But apparently not. Apparently it was this thing. Man, episode six is probably going to be called either The Hour of the Wolf, A Time for Wolves, or A Dream of Spring.
Starting point is 00:39:17 I bet it's one of those three. It has to be. It must be A Dream of Spring. I'm going to have to say, though, that all of this feast feasting and celebrating it kind of gives me the same vibe as remember when everyone's mourning Maester Aemon it's the cinnamon wind right where the Sam and them
Starting point is 00:39:35 and the Summer Islanders are telling Sam like hey sex is one way to honor the dead and you know we celebrate their lives even though like it's this weird mix, right, between sadness and celebration. And I think that this episode very much nails that. I think the biggest downer of this first half of the episode for me was the John and Danny scene. Like, I love the acting.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Yeah. But the chemistry is hard for me. They obviously are really good friends. And like when they try to make out and have sexy time with each other. Maybe it's just because we just had like Brainy and Gendry and Sansan. And those were all lit. But this is what you're going to hand me? This is like some raw chicken slapping on raw chicken.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Like that's all it felt like to me. I was like, guys, stop hissing and just like go back to fighting. It was so good when they were fighting isn't there a thing that says that when kit harrington and amelia finished up filming that kissing scene in front of like the waterfall they like turned away and started doing like fake gagging noises and stuff yep i mean they're bffs they're good friends completely married yeah so i it. It is a very weird situation. Yeah, but they're doing what they can and I think the chemistry this season
Starting point is 00:40:50 is way better than the one last season. Yes, very much so. And the writing kind of has worked around that, I feel like. I feel like the writing has helped a lot. Yeah. I will also say, you know, of course, Dani is asking John to not tell anyone. understandably so and i do think
Starting point is 00:41:10 it is an interesting part of john's storyline to ask him don't tell anyone don't be aegon targaryen because the first episode of this entire series and like the first interactions we get with john he's interacting with tyrian who's telling him to own who he is owen being a bastard if you are who you are basically like you make that your armor and no one can ever hurt you i just think that it's an interesting challenge that comes across his character yeah and it feels a lot i don know, maybe this is starting to feel a lot like Ned going south. A lot like very Hour of the Wolf. That, you know, he's maybe, I think he's very conflicted about his Targaryen claim now.
Starting point is 00:41:58 And about like what's happening, especially with the tenseness that's going on between him and Daenerys. And, you know, like that's a big thing to tell someone, like you need to give up your claim and you need to give up like your last name. It's very Aemon. We're reading right now about Jon and Aemon in A Game of Thrones. That's a big thing to tell someone, like, you need to give up your claim and you need to give up, like, your last name. It's very Aemon. We're reading right now about Jon and Aemon in Game of Thrones. And it's very, you know, Aemon had these trials, too. And maybe this is one of Jon's tests, right? Like, this is another test for Jon of this is my parentage and what do I do with it? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Yes. I mean, what do you fucking do with that? Go to a war council, I guess. Yeah, a war council. Daenerys wants to forge ahead with her plans to just go straight out and attack King's Landing, but go to Dragonstone first. Sansa thinks that they should rest their troops before attacking. They've all, you know, just fought ice zombies. I think this is a very logical statement uh we do see unfortunately later maybe they should have but daenerys is like nope we're going now you guys said you would support me and you're kind of acting like little bitches about it yeah and then john's like we're gonna do it and then mostly because his girlfriend gave him an ultimatum a scene ago yeah shit's weird it
Starting point is 00:43:06 sucks no more chicken on chicken unless you hide who you are god damn it oh my god raw chicken slap slap slap slap slap slap slap but we do learn i'm gonna throw this out there we do learn some of the dothraki survived and that means something to me because it's like did they just extinguish their entire culture last time i was like can you fucking that's fucked up i guess you couldn't see it so yeah it happened yeah anyway i'm just throwing that out there i was like oh okay good right i was surprised too i didn't realize it yeah and then after he leaves you know we get some meaningful looks between aria and sanza or after danny leaves and then they're all like,
Starting point is 00:43:46 Jon, we need to talk. And I'm gonna be honest, this is something that I wanted from this episode. I wanted the fucking four Stark siblings to talk to each other. I wanted the fucking- It didn't have to be in the godswood. I just wanted the fucking pack together, okay? And I got it. This is a thing I wanted.
Starting point is 00:44:02 Is it- Do you think this is the last time we'll get it, though? It might be. I don't know that it's how I want it. I don't know that it's... What I wanted, yeah. Yeah, I don't know that this is the last way that I wanted it, but I just wanted it at all.
Starting point is 00:44:18 I feel like that's kind of how the whole episode is, now that you say that out loud. Damn. Me with Sansa, and Sansa and Xandor, that was... I'm not sure that's how I wanted it, but I just wanted it. Yeah. I wanted it at all. That's kind of the problem with this episode. I will give it that.
Starting point is 00:44:32 I like this episode a lot. I keep saying I like it, but if I had to say there's a problem with it, it is that it's I wanted it. That's it. I didn't want it like this, but I just wanted it, so it's fine. Yeah. Ah, sigh. They're in the Godswood. I didn't want it like this but I just wanted it so it's fine. Yeah. Sigh. They're in the godswood. Jon argues
Starting point is 00:44:48 with them. He's like look we'd be dead without Daenerys you guys stop being shitty towards her and Arya's like yeah but you're our family like you're our brother not our half brother. Yeah. Not our bastard brother our brother. That was nice. And that means something coming from Arya because she has
Starting point is 00:45:04 always seen him as her brother they were the two that looked alike and i love that sansa and aria are a team now like it's we it's never i it's we john we we're a family but also if aria's just leaving that feels weird too that she's using all this we language but she's like okay bye forever family i don't know maybe they're she and sans are gonna be pen pals i think that'd be cute oh sunder raven yeah i'm into it i i like that idea and that's what's gonna happen now for me personally yep same and then my head canon yeah john hesitantly looks at bran and bran tells him it's your choice which i respect
Starting point is 00:45:45 the hell out of bran for doing that i was just like what's gonna happen and bran's just like it's your choice john's like god damn it then he tells bran reveal it and then it cuts to black i'm mad we didn't get to actually hear the reveal but we didn't need it we already knew what it was i think they thought it would be redundant yeah and speaking of redundant it piles us right into a tyrian and jamie talk and look i'm really sure that this speech with them together chatting probably foreshadows thing about their plot their family bonds and cersei and what's about to happen in the next couple episodes but i'm gonna be real with you chief i disassociated the entire time because i was just thinking about the beetle speech.
Starting point is 00:46:27 And I was just like, is this talk still happening? And then Bronn just shows up and he's like, I'm here to kill you. Cersei's giving me the Riverlands. And Tyrion's like, I'll give you Hardgarden. And Bronn's like, okay, bye. And they're like, no, you have to come with us and fight with us so we can keep an eye on you. And he's like, I'm not going to do that shit for you guys anymore. So, you know, and then he's like, see how this ends later.
Starting point is 00:46:44 Bye, good luck. Is anyone confused the way that I am? Like am like they're he's using a crossbow he's got a fucking you know it's comical he's gotta put shit back in the crossbow there was a split second there's a moment right where he has to reload it and maybe they could have made a move i don't know what do i know but maybe he braun is in fact as we all know a very good fighter so maybe he was just like too good for them even while reloading a crossbow i don't know braun should have died in season seven the spoils of war i've said this before and i stand by it look jerome we're not trying to take you out of a job. It's just more thematically resonant. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:47:27 Everyone drink. Our new shit. So Sandor and Arya are on the road again. Yes, it's cute. Electric Boogaloo, part two. It's cute. I'm into it. Yeah, I'm happy. They're cute together.
Starting point is 00:47:41 It's like murder dad and murder daughter whatevs. Yeah, and he can go off and watch her a little bit and make sure he's got her back. You know, that's cool. He's got her back. Sogz will be happy. Yeah. She sent, you know, she sent one of the swords there. I like it. Yeah. That's all we gotta say about that.
Starting point is 00:48:02 I mean, obviously. We already talked about Alyssa Farman takes, so. We obviously think they're going down they're obviously going to King's Landing or whatever. Yeah, they're going down to King's Road. Let's be real. You know that's where their unfinished business is. Sandor has unfinished business. Arya's going with him. So, the next
Starting point is 00:48:18 scene is framed with Daenerys preparing to fly. And Tyrion and Sansa chat. Sansa watches from the battlements as Daenerys prepares to fly and the dragons fly overhead. Daenerys, the second she steps towards her dragons, you can tell this is her home. This is all she
Starting point is 00:48:34 has left. These are her children. They're fire made flesh and they understand her even if the North doesn't. You can feel that in this scene. You can see it on Emilia's face that she immediately beams and she lights up and it's like when I have a really shitty day and i come home and my cats are there yeah that's what it is only it is they breathe fire and yeah and they fly fiery boys yeah and then of course you know sans is watching the dragons overhead and Tyrion tries to talk to her about, like, yo, so, like, why don't you like my queen?
Starting point is 00:49:07 And she's like, you fear her a little. And then I do think it's interesting that Sansa doesn't call Tyrion my lord anymore, Lord Tyrion. She just calls him Tyrion when she refers to him. Has there been anything as good as the Sansa-Tyrion scenes every time she's just like, and fuck you, Tyrion. And Tyrion, are you still talking? Yeah. It's been really good, the smackdown and I know I know she's not a fucking little bird anymore but at the same time part
Starting point is 00:49:46 of I think what Sansa's characterization is supposed to be is that she grew up still having a lot of that optimism and hope in a way that Cersei didn't in like that idea of I will make them love me and her telling Tyrion you are afraid of her a little there's no I think
Starting point is 00:50:02 hearkening back to that idea of I will make them love me do you understand what like my question i do um i want to say though the show really cut a lot of those moments from sansa you know we don't get much we get her singing to the girls at the blackwater obviously but we don't really get a lot of soft sansa otherwise they really did make her a little more shrewd a little more calculating a little more like cat i would say uh you don't get that internal pov so you don't get to hear her think of like being sad for people in fact her scenes
Starting point is 00:50:35 with shay in season three a lot of them um they're they're very cold and they're very cynical she's very cynical earlier on in the show i would say uh then she is in the books i think and in the books it kind of translates a little right like she starts using that to start thinking more but it's not purely negative thinking like yeah she just seems very cynical and shrewd and calculating in the show i don't know it's very Cersei, like you say. I don't foresee her being quite as cold. Yeah. And I mean, maybe we're wrong because, you know, Queen, North, cold, ice, whatever.
Starting point is 00:51:14 But at the same time, it seems inconsistent with what we've seen, especially because, well, then again, I don't know. Maybe she, like Ned, will have two faces. One of Lady stark and one of sansa yeah the lady and the and sansa yeah i like that i could see that maybe the lord face the lady face oh baby oh lady sansa finally asks tyrian he keeps asking like what's wrong why you you you sound like you're holding something back like why won't you talk to me and finally after like pressing her she turns and she says what if there was someone better than Daenerys with a better claim a better ruler I mean is he a better ruler
Starting point is 00:51:55 we're gonna get to why I don't think he is in like a split second thank god uh then we farewell in Winterfell yeah Thank God. A farewell in Winterfell. John gives Tormund and the wildlings the courtesy of staying in the north. And he's not just like, you know, north of the wall north. He's like, here, this is the north too, right? Even though, remember, Ygritte was like, I don't know, everything south of the wall is fucking south to us. Whatevs.
Starting point is 00:52:27 Tormund says it's not the real north. They need room to wander. And he plans to take them past Castle Black. Because, you know, we don't fucking need the Night's Watch anymore. I mean, we really don't. I'm being very serious there. That we know of. What if Bran's the Night King?
Starting point is 00:52:43 Oh my god, leave me alone. You're fired. You're fired, Chloe. I deserve it. I deserve it. You do. But what if he is after all this time? How mad will you be? I'll be pretty mad. I'd be pissed. Yeah, I'd be pissed. I'd be so mad. Fuck George R. R. Martin. I'd cancel the show. Yeah, I'd cancel the real A Song of Ice and Fire
Starting point is 00:53:00 and really then would be the Friends You Meet along the way. Fuck the books. We would stop doing A Song of Ice and Fire like right now yeah start something else we would just quit yeah sorry guys turban then tells john that you know he has a true north in him and then i don't know what that fucking means and john leaves i think that's just everyone telling john just like we had in the godswood that john's still historic a Stark, I guess. Yeah. That this is part of him. And then John's like, you know, you're gonna take Ghost with you, alright? Please take care of him.
Starting point is 00:53:30 And, like, this is why John can't be king in the North, okay? This is why John can't be king of anything. He can't even take care of his fucking dog. Okay? Like, I wanted to remind all of you that when we first- Chloe's just over this. When we first see the dire wolf litter, John hears something and he's like, what is that?
Starting point is 00:53:51 And then it's ghost, but no one else could hear him. So that means with that one ghost whimpers, only John can hear him. And John doesn't go over. He just looks at his fucking dog and he doesn't go over and he doesn't pet him. Okay. How dare he? I know. I know know i'm sorry i you just at least go over and you fucking pet your dog all right like and i am legend i'm assuming everyone here has seen i am legend and if you haven't i don't i assume you're not gonna ever see it it's
Starting point is 00:54:18 like been over 10 years it's like it's an okay movie the zombie thing is kind of passed you're never gonna see it all right and like will smith okay holds the dog he's about to kill his dog that's turning into a zombie but at least he holds him and he loves him for a little bit before having to like put him down for being a zombie it is but like john should have john should have fucking done anything he should have pat ghost ghost dude Ghost saved his fucking life. We literally just read this chapter, Chloe. I know, I know. But I'm going to provide devil's advocate here
Starting point is 00:54:53 and what if the meta behind it, because, you know, we love to provide explanations for the writing in the show. That's my favorite pastime. It's a hobby, actually. What if meta, John didn't pet ghost because he couldn't bring himself to say goodbye to him i mean i understand that we're headwinging ghost right now but at the same time like if he can't say goodbye are you saying that you think ghost is gonna come back because it wasn't a true goodbye well i i just don't think john would leave ghost like because of that bond and like okay so
Starting point is 00:55:33 obviously this whole thing is like the only nod we're apparently getting close to john and sansa resettling the new gift with wildlings and night night's watch members which i think has to happen in the book so that's stupid. Or maybe Sansa starts doing it, like, later or something. I don't know, whatever. But it was a nice small nod. But something here that I thought was interesting
Starting point is 00:55:53 was, like, I was talking to Dopjon from Twitter, if you know him. He's great. And he is a huge Lord of the Rings nerd. In fact, he actually got me to buy the Silmarillion when I was really drunk one night like blackout drunk and then i read about a quarter of it i didn't understand it because i've only seen the movies and like i vaguely like got some stuff from the book but
Starting point is 00:56:14 i was also shit show drunk why didn't he try to get me to buy the books okay like i just want to know like why was it the silmarillion and it wasn't like the main lord of the rings books john anyways that's a that's a question he can answer someday I'll get him a beer and he'll make him answer it but we're talking and we're talking about the scouring of the Shire and George has talked about how like the end of a song of ice and fire is going to be this bittersweet you know the scouring of the Shire and after the scouring of the Shire happens and uh they take it all out root and stem haha uh frodo you know he leaves he he doesn't stay there's a passage in return of the king where sam is like i thought you were going to enjoy the shire too for years and years after all you've done and frodo says
Starting point is 00:57:00 so i thought too once but i've been too deeply hurt sam i tried to save the shire and it's been saved but not for me and it's just like we were talking about that and just all the lord of the rings lore just as we get so close to the end all these epic high fantasy bits and lots of pieces from terry pratchett's work from disc world if you haven't read disc world i highly recommend it if you have time it's very long there's a lot there's a lot to read there's 35 novels so please do it i mean you have nothing but time right but there's just this line from frodo that it must often be so sam when things are in danger someone has to give them up lose them so that others may keep them this goodbye scene felt very bittersweet him giving up his dog saying goodbye to one of his brothers you know Tormund was his brother his wildling brother and his
Starting point is 00:57:52 brother the night's watch really they were all the shield that guarded the realms of men together right and then just when you think your heart can't take anymore as Tormund and Ghost walk off. Sam and Gilly walk up to say goodbye. Ugh. Ugh. Yeah. And Gilly's pregnant. She talks about naming it John if it's a boy. Cassie, no. John's like
Starting point is 00:58:17 the funniest in this scene too because he's like, can people just fucking stop saying my names out loud? Oh my gosh. I do like that sam was like yeah there wasn't really much to do here so yeah the citadel you know you can only read so many books he says yeah he did i'm like was that like a diss was that a diss track thanks dnd you can only read so many books nerds i will say that i loved that they were like you're my best friend but also I kind of expected them to say you are my brother yeah because they were brothers
Starting point is 00:58:49 because they were brothers and I literally just read these scenes like a few weeks ago also like they were brothers of the Night's Watch and it's like Sam's no longer a brother of the Night's Watch just because like now it's gone I guess but like they were brothers like even in their hearts yeah anyway they were brothers. Like, even in their hearts. Anyway. Missandei and Grey Worm, the next scene cuts to them sharing a hand squeeze on a boat as they start their journey to go take back the throne
Starting point is 00:59:14 with their queen. And Tyrion and Varys also discuss who should be king or queen. Missandei and Grey Worm, while you do this, you know what happens after you do this. This is literally... Yeah. There's a lot of characters getting a lot of characterization in the last and Grey Worm, why you do this. You know what happens after you do this. This is literally... There's a lot of characters getting a lot of characterization in the last couple
Starting point is 00:59:30 episodes, and I'm like, don't do that. I don't want you to do that, because then you die. Someone's gonna die. Sweet retirement plans, bruh. Yeah, once you plan to What was that tweet? Once you retire from the hood. Oh god. No, I don't remember that tweet.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Somebody tweeted, you know you can't just go saying you're gonna retire from the hood that's how you get shot that's how you get capped one of you's gonna die barriston retired look what happened to him yeah once you're about to retire you know like the cop who's like yeah i'm about to retire and then they die it's always like that always like that no matter the culture this also happens in uh in some anime that i've watched too so that's just how it is that too fma oh i was thinking psychopaths but that too i just figured since we were on an fma kick sure sure yeah oh fuck you're right oh hughes okay anyway it's not crap it's not what was it it's raining
Starting point is 01:00:26 anyway sorry sorry everyone sidetracked I am about to go on a rant about this conversation that goes on below decks right where Tyrion says think of the past 20 years the war the murder the misery all of it because Robert Baratheon loves someone who didn't
Starting point is 01:00:44 love him back and I'm just like everyone needs to hold the fuck up right here okay everyone needs to shut the fuck up because i'm gonna rant you know how tyrian earlier in the episode is all like brand you know history better than any of us and i'm like do you do either of you know history better than me eliana or better than jamie lannister apparently because like my issue is that we keep framing robert's rebellion as some sort of like paris and menelaus like trojan war battle over helen of troy and it wasn't that at all yeah okay like robert's rebellion again was not built on a lie all right this is like saying that the black fire rebellion started because damon loved his denaries and she was like married off years before the rebellion ever
Starting point is 01:01:29 or that rebellion ever started and like this is just again falling into the trap of the songs and we keep being told life is not a song okay because robert's rebellion started not because of any affections robert had for leona though that was definitely a big motivating factor for Robert, right? It started because Jon Arryn called his banners because Aerys violated the feudal contract when he decided, oh, I'm going to execute the Lord Paramount in the north and his heir at the same time, and then I'm going to ask my other Lord Paramount to violate guest right and send me the heads of his wards who are protected by it and like it bothers me that they keep framing it like this because in it's part of the reason that
Starting point is 01:02:12 I think viewers feel that the Sansa Daenerys conflict is so contrived and I think it part of that of course has to do with um I'm feeling redundant with the Sansa Arya conflict of last season which was totally unnecessary but I do think that there are legitimate reasons for the North to be wary of a Targaryen dynasty come again and that is of course rooted in the beginnings of Robert's Rebellion
Starting point is 01:02:36 okay and not in a fucking love thing which of course they're setting up because of like Jon and Dany but it wasn't that it was the deaths of rickard and brandon stark right it was it was that loss of northern autonomy and that aries was able to do this to them and everyone stood by and then like sansa if you'll remember had to watch her father die because the north like couldn't hold that power of the throne in that moment. She was a Brandon Stark, watching her father die in many ways in that moment.
Starting point is 01:03:11 And I think this is my rant. No, I mean, Sansa sees what the North has suffered. This is it. Every single episode, this whole entire underlying theme of Northern independence is what we're hearing right like in the end north has to be independent for any of this to fucking matter any of the loss to me because this is it like this is what they're losing from battling the others this is what they've lost from going south all of these feelings and you see it highlighted when sansa stands up with theon you know when theon hugs her and pledges to the North.
Starting point is 01:03:46 You see it then. You see all of this loss. And I love that the way they wrote this, yes, Sansa, they kind of don't know what to do with her, I feel like. But they also have written her pretty smartly this season. And she's been a big political player. And I hate that season five and season six were dedicated to like the Ramsay plot, because it completely undercuts all the weight of sansa being this political player and seeing what horror comes to these
Starting point is 01:04:10 houses that support the throne i mean sansa was a prisoner of war of the iron throne sansa doesn't believe in the iron throne she wants nothing to do with it yeah she wants northern independence because when you're a prisoner of the iron throne you get what happened to Sansa and what happened to Ned, what happened to Brandon, what happened to Rickard. Absolutely. And I think that that's perfectly acceptable. And I think that the show is missing a beat and really undercutting Sansa's motivations by not bringing that back up. Yeah, absolutely. So Tyrion, of course, comes back
Starting point is 01:04:48 to the idea that Davos, Varys, and Tyrion talked about earlier this season of marriage between Dany and Jon, but Varys actually says some interesting things. He says the North would never accept the incest of it, of the aunt and nephew, and that's a big deal. The show
Starting point is 01:05:04 finally is hitting some of these points all of a sudden. Like, why can't they get married? Oh, because it's incest. Wow. That's great, especially after the abominations that sat the throne, right? After everybody pretty much, that's anybody, knows Cersei Lannister and her children are not exactly cutting the clean line on the throne. They kind of just have the grown up. They kind of just have the grown-up
Starting point is 01:05:25 they kind of just have the throne out of fear right now from other people. Yeah. They do. They're not any Baratheon-esque at all, obviously. Then we have Vary's worrying about
Starting point is 01:05:42 Dany's sanity. Yeah, real light he just starts hinting, I just worry about her sanity. And it's kind of sad that that happens before what follows, because a lot of her sanity is going to get chipped away at. Yeah. And, you know, it begins almost literally the next scene. Literally out of fucking nowhere. This is like, this is probably one of the most like suspension of disbelief i didn't like the way they did this only because it just
Starting point is 01:06:10 like shot to the scene and then it happened uh you could have just had like a half a minute more of like flying around or showing the ships or something but you're in great joy attacks and ladybird called it this week when she talked about it for our season 8 episode 3 Q&A that's up on Patreon and Podbean the ambush on the way to Dragonstone yeah that's at AKLadybird on Twitter
Starting point is 01:06:36 and she had speculated that perhaps we'll have again an ambush on Dragonstone kind of like the way Aegon II camped out on Dragonstone infiltrating it during the dance of the dragons and you know got the jump on reynira and i do think that the idea of you know assuming that the showrunners are hearkening back to this that it is an interesting idea because then it is putting daenerys of course as we've always kind of speculated during a dance or whatever as that sort of mad queen in the context of Rhaenyra. I
Starting point is 01:07:09 do not think Daenerys is mad, and I do think that there's very much a narrative that's being painted of that, and I do think that is, of course, always been a question. Again, as we said, madness and greatness, how far is the difference between the madman and a king? And because I, in my essay, very much am heavily wedded to the idea of Daenerys being a Shakespearean tragic hero, believe that she cannot be mad, because I don't think that madness is part of what creates tragedy. It has to be her making these decisions of her own volition and fault that would eventually lead to that downfall but i do think that like it is interesting to see that parallel because reynira is painted as maegor with teats and mad when i'm like how are you gonna be out here calling
Starting point is 01:07:58 her mad when you literally have amon one eye on the other side on his fucking pile of skulls and I just I think it's interesting like why aren't we saying oh what if Jon's mad maybe Jon is mad because he didn't fucking say bye to his dog okay fire and blood really illustrates that and I think George is doing that on purpose to show
Starting point is 01:08:20 us this kind of nuance and this gray quality that Rhaenyra started off as the realm's delight and you see her descent you see the things that put her where she is and in the mindset that she is and defending what she has left as she loses everything around her
Starting point is 01:08:35 in the dance and Cersei in the show is doing a great job to paint that as being very cruel and awful per usual and just being Cersei and whatever in the show she uh she's worse than daenerys like you have to remember that cersei just blew up the set because she didn't want to deal with her consequences or problems like cersei commits all these crimes and then hides it by committing mass fucking explosions uh and it really hammers
Starting point is 01:09:04 home and hurts that as soon as we start this scene and it's so quick ray gall is just murdered through the neck my stomach was just oh it did hurt me like the first one sucked the second thingy from euron's machini bow thingy what are they called the scorpions yeah yes the scorpions and euron's of course is decorated differently i thought that was cool with the squid uh tentacles and the the crow's eye that was a great thing if you re-watch that take a look at uran's specific one but regal gets murdered through the neck it hurts my stomach i was just like oh that makes me sick he flops into the ocean and they start attacking the ship
Starting point is 01:09:41 next denarius doesn't even really have time to think but you see her face contort and her rage happen as she screams down at iran and i'm mad that the dragons didn't just she didn't have drogon lose fire then i wish she just would have flown up around and then done it but i get it i get it it was a very bad situation it was uh it was interesting. A little too rushed. It was rushed. I think I just was like, why didn't they counter the same way that I felt with Tyrion and Jaime in the tavern? But whatever, you know, we got to stretch this out. I did think that the scene where the scorpions hit the ships was pretty intense. I was like, yeah, I guess they don't have cannons. So that was interesting.
Starting point is 01:10:31 Yeah. And it's pretty well done. Euron gets a dragon huh interesting in a way he does i'm interested to see if this translates at all in the book it might he might kill a dragon i mean it's obviously that's he's very dragon oriented right now in the books is a kind of a he wants to get the dragon queen and you know he wants a dragon. He really doesn't probably care about having sex there that much. With whom? With Cersei? With Daenerys. Oh yeah. I don't think he cares about having sex with Daenerys. No, he just wants a dragon. Which is really fascinating.
Starting point is 01:10:56 Fucking pirate ass ice zombie bitch. Yeah. Great facial expressions on his part. Yeah, yeah. Pylos is kind of handsome. I'll give him that i was like oh handsome okay okay pilot okay daddy zaddy okay never mind my tug out zaddy oh my god oh my god the ships are attacked the crew gets shipwrecked right and uh of course missandei's nowhere to be found yes and i i was afraid she was dead. This was worse.
Starting point is 01:11:25 But I fell for Grey Worm in this moment, and it just gets drawn out and is worse. But before then, we have Euron seducing Cersei because he's like, I killed a dragon. And she's like, I'm pregnant. You can see all of this on Cersei's face. Lainahey's expressions kill this. Qyburn and the mountain are in the background.
Starting point is 01:11:45 But Cersei's like, yes, and I'm pregnant with your prince who's gonna rule the seas and the lands and unite it all. The kraken in the sea, the lion in the lands. Yay! Smile! Yes, touch my belly. I love you too. Ooh. Yeah. I will say I forgot Qyburn's voice sounded like that.
Starting point is 01:12:02 I was like, who's this old woman next to Cersei? And then, like, we pan over. I'm like, oh, that's Qyburn's voice sounded like that I was like who's this old woman next to Cersei and then like we pan over I'm like oh that's Qyburn speaking fascinating anyway I do forgot who said this someone pointed out on Twitter it's Robert Baratheon bait and switch all over again it's what Cersei's best at
Starting point is 01:12:18 apparently I mean sure gotta be good at something girl Euron says Dany is coming for her and Cersei orders the gates open to let all the thousands of innocents in because she thinks Dany would never kill the people of the city she wants to rule the innocents
Starting point is 01:12:34 so she goes to leave her balcony room area place she then has this dramatic line so much for the breaker of chains and it pans out to Missandei cuffed in her room because cersei hasn't fucked up enough women of color in the show at this point in the story you know we get it she's evil yeah i'm like okay uh yeah obviously missandei is all danny has left but
Starting point is 01:12:59 also really cersei is this your thing westeros is so fucking racist yeah i mean like you see it in the way that they refer to the dornish they're very xenophobic amongst one another i think in general oh agreed because even even like the way that people refer to the on dolls and the first men all one another but anyway then we have another war council this one's on dragonstone Dany is mad she mad but not that kind of mad she's just enraged at this moment she's very incensed she wants to murder Burr in the city and get Missandei back
Starting point is 01:13:34 for obvious reasons and avenge the death of her son her child Rhaegal it's not really her son you know they're you know changeable as the flame oh my god Varys is like don't do it lol and he like warns her against it he's like i would not be telling you this your grace i would never i told you i would look you in the eye if i did not agree with something you did and denarius is like i will
Starting point is 01:13:54 try once more to be the good guy even though it won't happen because cersei's a bitch and everyone knows or everyone will know that it's cersei who caused this, not me. Like, it's not me. I'm like, I don't think that's how narratives work, but, like, you know, good going. Good try. I do think it's interesting that the way that these scenes are. We have had nighttime scenes, of course, with Dany on Dragonstone before, but it reminds me of how there have been other people. I don't remember who.
Starting point is 01:14:23 I'm sorry. I really should be paying credit here, between Dany and Stannis, like, making those comparisons. And I think that the directing and the cinematography are giving us some of that here, because when Dany first came to Dragonstone, a lot of those scenes were shot in daylight, and it was a much more hopeful
Starting point is 01:14:38 looking war broom. And it looked so different from the scenes where Stannis had his councils by night and by fire and relore, but now Dany's scenes very much look a little similar to his and they're at nighttime. I would like to say I am one of those people. Thanks. Okay, credit to you. I will take some of this cookie. I will eat a little bit of the credit cookie. No, I've always thought that Dany served as a great analog after Stannis and something poor
Starting point is 01:15:02 Quentin from Nauticast and I have been chatting about this week is stannis is a direct warning in daenerys and john's plots for what's to come a warning against what route to take in stannis of course you have that great line you know davos i was putting the cart before the horse it's danny going north and saving the north from the whites with her dragons and knowing that she has flesh made flame and that she is the chosen one to do this in her mind. Right. I mean, there's all this prophecy, as we know, that everyone is built up thinking that this is their thing. Look at Rhaegar and how he died. He was obsessed with making sure that the prince that was promised was coming from the right line, yada yada. So Stannis kind of serves as that analog warning
Starting point is 01:15:46 right and of course him burning shereen in the show shows you that what does fire do it consumes and uh dragons don't plant trees as we know so i think that that is a great catch on the cinematography absolutely they are definitely showing the shadowy looks in the war council room and there's even that kind of that cold stiff feeling in the council room tyrian immediately kind of is in the throne room of various very king's landing but dark right like this is like dark mode uh he's with various and he is saying you know i'm he's defending denarii saying she's our ruler and she's gonna to change the world. And Varys is like, who do you think is the better ruler, really? Yeah, and Tyrion's saying, like, just because he has a cock doesn't make him the better ruler.
Starting point is 01:16:35 And Varys is like, well, actually, that does fucking matter. And what Varys is essentially saying is having a male heir matters in the eyes of Westeros. And I think that this very much reminds me of that idea of Varys setting up this narrative and the trappings of power surrounding Aegon in the books. Yeah, I think that's going to be a huge thing because Aegon's definitely going to take that throne far before Daenerys can. And this absolutely had those Blackfyre vibes, even with that earlier inkling of the possibility of the parallel with darren uh it just reminds me that this is totally the black fire plot leaving its traces and i can't wait for these damn books and then of course various telestarian where his loyalties have always laid to the realm of course yeah whatever dude yeah uh interesting they're giving him lines does that mean like various dead confirmed denarius gonna roast him because he's causing trouble i mean probably he's she probably will in the books too like especially if he's like in
Starting point is 01:17:30 camp blackfire yeah no illyrio and various those are gonna be some satisfying denarius roasts and that's the thing is in the books you know she is gonna have to burn her way back to westeros she has pentos and volantis and marine and you, she's all these cities she has to deal with. She has Qarth, possibly. She's going to burn her way back to Westeros and leave kind of a path. And we're going to see it firsthand in her POVs. And we understand why she does it. But from the outside, that's not what it's going to look like to other people.
Starting point is 01:18:02 There's major fire and blood targaryen woman getting passed over vibes happening here i really understand why george has said you know like fire and blood maybe denarius should have read it i'm interested to see where they're taking this because i'm kind of feeling like there's a lot of fire and blood shit in here a lot just like casual i don't mean like exact plots but they they obviously probably took a couple uh sneak peeks at other things in the in the series from him for sure and i love that very springs up the small folk of the realm because not only is there that feudal contract for the kings and queens to the noble people but there's also the feudal contract between the noble people and their common folk and protecting their small folk.
Starting point is 01:18:46 And they sign this in their royal blood or their noble blood, right? Like, you get the perks of being a high lord or being a king or queen, but you also with those perks are supposed to take care of these people. Exactly. And I think, you know, especially now that you're breaking up Fire and Blood, it kind of reminds reminds me of we get a split second of the scene in episode three in the big battle but it's not exactly the same and there are shades that are starting to feel sort of the storming of the dragon pits to me i did see someone on twitter say what if denarius gets to king's landing and the small folk kill her dragon? I don't think it'll happen, but that would be wild. Yeah, it would be wild.
Starting point is 01:19:33 Hey, it's happened once before. Procedure. Then we come back to the north in the Winterfell Courtyard with Sansa, Brienne, and Jaime, and then bedchambers? Eventually the bedchambers, yes. We end up there. We end up there.
Starting point is 01:19:46 And back in the courtyard. So we have a little journey here ahead of us. Sansa gets the news of the Dragonstone ambush, really fast raven, while Winterfell is kind of being repaired and tended to around them. I thought that was a neat detail. Just like there are people in the background saying, like, oh, get this, get that, and doing things, and people doing you know getting the food and getting the water and i don't know it's cool to see winterfell operating
Starting point is 01:20:09 and sansa being the lady uh i always love those little scenes we don't get a ton of them but they're nice what we get jamie follows both sansa and brienne trying to eavesdrop and sansa allows brienne to tell him because jamie you're you're that bitch you swore an oath you're supposed to be sansa's other protector but turns out you've been just like fucking off for the past however many years oh yeah that's right I guess he said he was gonna do that it really bugs me that he swore that oath
Starting point is 01:20:33 to Catelyn and I'm just saying that like he swore that oath to Catelyn and then he was just like hey Brienne can you do my homework for me for a year here's a fancy sword like go do my work for me bye uh i'm just saying just saying here we are at least they banged that's all i wanted again like did we love it it was good that's good sansa says to jamie kind of insensitive i really
Starting point is 01:21:02 didn't notice this actually uh until until, like, rewatching, that she always wanted to be there when they executed his sister, and it's too bad she won't get a chance, and then it pans over to Bramie again, but I was like, damn, Sansa. I mean, true, though, true. Yeah, I mean,
Starting point is 01:21:19 she's not the only Stark sister saying that, throwing that out there. it's definitely a thing that Arya and Sansa have in common but Arya's more like I wanted to be the one to execute her but there is of course I think kind of a parallel to maybe Cersei saying that she
Starting point is 01:21:35 wished that she could have been there to see the dragon die I wonder if we're supposed to be reading that into the episode is it that deep? I don't know it's probably not that deep but we could say it is it's smart though I mean they should take it from you they should pay you for it oh shit hbo show money so we pan over to the next scene where jamie is sitting at the foot of his bed examining his golden hand brienne is asleep in bed and jamie is obviously making a choice
Starting point is 01:22:02 he steals off into the night, but Brienne wakes up and follows and then Jamie throws rocks at her like Arya did with Nymeria, but verbally. Yes. I do think that's what it was. It hurts. It hurts bad. If you're unfamiliar with the Valonqar
Starting point is 01:22:20 prophecy, which I assume, I don't know, people who are listening to us are familiar with it because we're based heavily on the books um for people unfamiliar with that and of course maybe for brienne it seems like jamie is drawing all these comparisons between him and circe as though like he's trying to be with her but he's like not he's not trying to save her i don't know what he like we we know what's probably gonna go down but so jamie you know he basically tells her i'm horrible i'm hateful i'm the worst you know i'm garbage my sister's garbage i've done horrible things to be with her and go back to her i'm never gonna change i'm always gonna be problematic i have to leave like i can't be with you brienne it's not like that and gwendoline christie when she cries we cry god damn it and that was a scene
Starting point is 01:23:13 that was the most ugly brienne cry it was beautiful it was so sad it was so heartfelt i'll never be whole again after watching the king slayer dump my daughter truly a wrecking scene uh i could see it happen in the books as well, very easily. I mean, they probably spend a little bit of time doing the Stoneheart stuff together, but in the end, he's always gonna go back to Cersei to finish how it began. They have to go out together.
Starting point is 01:23:37 A lot of people are really pissed about this, but did you think they were gonna have babies? Or like get married? Like this is a Song of Ice and fire, not Harry Potter. This is not. This is it. Like shit's got to go down, dude. And this is in the books.
Starting point is 01:23:52 It's prophesied. It's time. Let's go, daddy. Daddy Lannister, take her down. Go out with her. Yeah. Let's go out together as you came into this world. I will say that Gilly trying to name her next kid John is pretty fucking Harry Potter
Starting point is 01:24:05 yeah that is for sure but I mean I think it's probably gonna be like this you know Jamie's got he's got business he's a businessman speaking of people dying and executing the execution of the whole thing really
Starting point is 01:24:22 yes truly that brings us of course to the closing of this episode and first I'm gonna say The execution of the whole thing, really. Yes, truly. That brings us, of course, to the closing of this episode. And first I'm going to say that this standoff reminds me again of Danny at Marine, especially with the sending out of a messenger. And I'm just going to throw it out there. Maybe if we had had strong Belwas, like things would have gone a little differently or at least there would have been a better parley. I will not be stopped um i would never stop you thank you um i have a slight fanfic-ish moment that is obviously not
Starting point is 01:24:52 gonna happen but like because you know it does give me those mirin vibes and remember they like snuck in through the sewers like what if they had aria with them going in through like all the like little underground tunnels and sewers of king's landing to go take care of Cersei. That's not what's going to happen. Maybe. I don't know. Maybe they'll do it later. I don't know. Anything could happen. Anything, dude. I mean, she killed the Night King. She could kill Cersei. That's easy mode.
Starting point is 01:25:16 Yeah, that's true. That's true. The Night King was easy mode. Are you saying Cersei's easy mode compared to the Night King? Yeah, absolutely. I think so. I mean, it's anyone's game of thrones yeah exactly thank you for just like supporting this for me but anyways so
Starting point is 01:25:32 these are thoughts these are thoughts I have you know one of our friends Cid's mom dog plant no trees which is a very clever play about dragons plant no trees I think and I hope she said did Dany and her small team in front of the gates of King's Landing remind you of danny when she got to karth that's a great parallel because she was she had nothing then and now look at her you know yeah and you know i did i did read
Starting point is 01:25:56 an interview that kit you know not being there yet john not being there, that it took two weeks in between him leaving Winterfell and going by foot. So, with that, her paranoia and her loneliness grows. She's stuck with Tyrion and Varys. She has to ruminate on it, and one of her advisors is afraid of her, the other one is planning treason.
Starting point is 01:26:22 It's going great. Things are going great in her camp. So Tyrion, first off, tries to reason with Qyburn. He's like, you're a reasonable man, Qyburn. Is he? Qyburn thinks he is. He says so.
Starting point is 01:26:37 Not important at all. I just really want everyone to know that I very much dig Qyburn's cowl. Very nice sculptural folds along the shoulders and neck yeah it's like the dark maester outfit you know it's like a it's like a dark mage maester outfit i like it very uh but not it's ex-maester kyburn at your service yeah have you noticed that people have been wearing color again this episode yeah it's very weird cersei's red dress is like fucking killer and denarius's red dress during the feast is awesome and sansa of course is wearing
Starting point is 01:27:10 her promotional dress with the uh the fur scales and that was awesome i just very uh very bdsm but good for her good for her yeah people are wearing colors sansa's been very like classier hot topic this season and i'm into it. Yeah. I mean, Hot Topic's aesthetic is different now. Everyone should read these articles about how Hot Topic's different. I gotta check it out. So, yeah, it's different.
Starting point is 01:27:34 Tyrion tries to reason with Cersei. LOL. These are just, like, saying it out loud is like, yep, he did that. Yep. like, yup, he did that. Yup, and then all of the parlaying, all of these negotiations do not work. And then Circe gives Missandei a chance
Starting point is 01:27:54 to give some last words. She says Dracarys. So good. Some fucking Braveheart shit. Yeah, it was effective. It was a great line. If they had to kill her off, I think it was compelling, you know? But it does suck. Like, it's heart-wrenching because these are the people that helped motivate Daenerys to go home and take back her home just to keep her going.
Starting point is 01:28:15 She's so tired. It reminds me of Catelyn's chapters. You know, she thinks, I just wanted to rest. You know, I just want to rest for a day. And these people are the people that are grounding her and keeping her on her mission and one by one she's losing them yes absolutely and i understand it being denarius has lost jorah at the beginning of this episode then she loses ragol then she loses misande and i think you can definitely see that the um you can definitely see that the show is very much highlighting Daenerys' increasing isolation and therefore desperation, especially as her troops diminish. of criticism out there and i'm going to address it of killing off missandei especially in service of the character development of denarius and perhaps even grayworm and you'll see the term
Starting point is 01:29:12 fridging which comes from in an issue of i believe green lantern where he comes home and he finds his wife stuffed in a fridge, dead. And it's this idea of killing off especially female characters in service of male characters' character development, like sacrificing them for that. And I think that there's a lot of valid criticism for the death of Missandei. I will say, of course, you're seeing people who are women of color, people of color, kind of falling on both sides. I want to emphasize that people of color, like, we're not a monolith in terms of our opinions. I do think it rubs me the wrong way. I'm not, I'm not super jazzed about it. But I understand that,
Starting point is 01:29:59 you know, this was part of isolating Daenerys. Like you'll see there are some Twitter, there's some people on Twitter whose opinions that I really respect on things like this, such as like Wikipedia Brown, aka E-Viewing. And she says that, no, she doesn't love it,
Starting point is 01:30:16 but it's very much part of like a pattern of what D&D have been doing. And she's not like offended by it. She thinks that it makes sense for the story and that the death that Missandei received was very stark-esque right hearkening back to ned stark's death but you'll also see some other people on the other side like saladine ahmad and um maybe even like fangirl jean if you follow her saying that yeah it wasn't great that like they killed off the last woman of color in the show for the white woman's
Starting point is 01:30:45 like character development and i think that if it had maybe just been this that would have been fine but the fact that a she's the last and b we have a pattern of these issues not being handled the best like i think that the handling of sending out the dothraki and the Unsullied before the rest of all of the Winterfell troops to die for strangers in this strange land wasn't, I think, the best optics. I think that I love the scene of, like, the fires going out. That definitely shows, like, the hope going out, but, like, that's not, that wasn't the most sensitive, especially because we see Daenerys, like, she only really interacts with Grey Worm amongst her troops, and she doesn't really confer with the rest of her Dothraki generals. We don't see that personal connection that she has, again, that cultural connection that she has with the Doth know it didn't feel personal anymore after losing those commanders from the dothraki that she used to have there was never a reconnect after season six and i feel like the groundwork that season five and six did not lay for this last couple seasons really is showing
Starting point is 01:31:57 in this last season and it goes right back to me and you saying like well we're not going to get it otherwise so we'll take it how it is yeah i mean if they had had like all this legwork in there maybe it would have been fine i just think that you know we're suddenly being like oh but what about the small folks lives and all the people's lives of who are going to die and it's like but what about the people like all the small folk that suddenly live around king's landing randomly. Yeah. It just feels off to me. And I think it's complex and it wouldn't have been so bad if it weren't part of a larger
Starting point is 01:32:31 A, cultural pattern where you see it happening and B, part of a pattern in which we criticize the show for not having women writers. And I think I'm going to criticize the show for not also having people of color in the writer's room. And I think that it's coming through.
Starting point is 01:32:48 And in many ways, those holes in the narrative and delivery of the show are starting to appear. If you're not a big book reader and you're just listening to us for the show, I know we reference the books a lot. I hope it just adds depth to your listening experience if you are a show only fan uh we welcome all people to this but we do talk about the books obviously and uh i wanted just as we send off missandei because it was a very amazing job from her actress to uh just the emotions on her face and that last word to just the emotions on her face and that last word, Dracarys, that was powerful in my opinion.
Starting point is 01:33:27 I really, I know this was a rush job. Obviously this whole season is a rush job. Look at the short night. But this death, while it had some inappropriate kind of framing around it there and we obviously need some diversity on our TV shows, especially HBO.
Starting point is 01:33:44 It's like, come on, man. Just imagine what you could be. But I digress. I'd love to do a little send off with a couple of my favorite passages just that are about Danny and Missandei's relationship, because Missandei was one of her closest companions who she she shared her hopes, her dreams, her fears, her desires. She wanted to keep her safe. It was a really beautiful friendship in the books and on the show.
Starting point is 01:34:10 Absolutely. I mean, she freed her, and it's very sad that Nisande died back in chains. Dani stroked the girl's hair. Say the word, my sweet, and I will send you from this awful place. I will find a ship somehow and send you home, to Nath. I would sooner stay with you. On Nath, I'd be afraid. What if the slavers came again?
Starting point is 01:34:33 I feel safe when I'm with you. Safe. The word made Dany's eyes fill up with tears. I want to keep you safe. Missandei was only a child. With her, she felt as if she could be a child too. No one ever kept me safe when I was little. Well, Sir Willem did, but then he died, and Viserys, I want to protect you, but it's so hard. To be strong. I don't always know what I
Starting point is 01:34:59 should do. I must know, though. I am all they have. I am the i am the queen the the daenerys to dance with dragons you sad yet oh i'm sad and i think it's a perfect quote for the the dilemma i think that danny's also going through here but for both for their relationship yeah there is the passage in danny eight in a dance with dragons Dragons Adawada affectionately named I thought we needed an Adawada I thought that would make you smile a little I kind of forgot that I'm glad that you brought it back
Starting point is 01:35:32 I just wanted to make you smile because I know you're probably real depressed right now and so am I So get ready, here we go This is where Daenerys requests Missandei to come talk to her If it please you missandei sat down beside her what shall we talk of home said danny noth butterflies and brothers tell me
Starting point is 01:35:58 of the things that make you happy the things that make you giggle all your sweetest memories remind me that there is still good in the world missandei did her best she was still talking when danny finally fell asleep to dream queer half-formed dreams of smoke and fire danny ate a double oh my god sorry to ruin the moment, but that right there is a lot. Again, very framing of what we're dealing with. Dany, Daenerys' heart is broken again this episode for the third time as the mountain slices off Missandei's head
Starting point is 01:36:38 and she looks ready to rain down fire and blood per Missandei's last word Dracarys on the Lannister regime yes that was it that was the uh that was the episode well that was an episode that's episode four
Starting point is 01:36:59 we have a I need a cigarette after that like a cigar I need like five cigars just light light them up, pop them in. You have the calm before the storm and then a bunch of drizzling. Next week is gonna be a fucking drizzle. Is next week gonna be a drizzle? Is it not going to be a storm? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:37:15 It's gonna be a shit storm. I'm interested to see what happens on the internet. There's a lot of people that are upset right now. So I'm just gonna stand there. I've been using the gif from Mean Girls where Regina George is standing in the middle while all the girls freak out over the burn book pages. Oh my god. That's me, sitting here just in the middle going, chaos is a ladder.
Starting point is 01:37:35 Chaos is a ladder. And you, a shadow, snarling in the midst of it all. Oh my god, that was like three different references. I loved it. Wow. Wow. Look at us fucking the last of the starks that's them the four of them which actually is quite a lot i'm gonna throw that out there three to four starks is actually pretty fucking good there were fewer left over from
Starting point is 01:37:56 the rebellion there were only like two so yeah and i mean like that that's an equal amount to the lanesters at the moment they're doing good good. It's more than the Martells. It's more than the Tyrells. It's more than the Tullys. It's more than the Arryns. They're doing great. You have Sansa, Arya, Bran, and you have Tyrion, Jaime, and Cersei. Wow.
Starting point is 01:38:18 They're actually doing pretty good. The Lannisters have been prospering. I'm very surprised. I feel like we're going to have some Lannister downfalls coming our way, one way or another. Lion and the wolf. Well, Eliana, that was a blast. I'm very sad. I think overall, I give this episode at least a seven or eight, if not more.
Starting point is 01:38:41 I think that the dramatic moments were compelling. The character moments were compelling. The acting moments were compelling. The character moments were compelling. The acting was believable. The music moments were very good. There were a couple moments I could do without. But as far as Game of Thrones episode on a Sunday night goes, it did the damn thing. You know, I sat back, my shackles were released. I don't think the show hurts me anymore. Thank God it's like two episodes to the end. So that took fucking long enough uh i think i'm good i think i'm gonna enjoy the last two episodes for what they are and hope for the book soon exactly and i mean yeah seven 7.5 i think it just needed more everything that it needed were things that wouldn't have happened in this episode right they were things
Starting point is 01:39:21 that would have happened before a setup i feel vindicated right now in my essay i'm just gonna throw it out there i feel vindicated that i still haven't put out yeah and i think that's all i really ask for out of anything in life to feel vindicated selfish wrong i'm right i swear i'm right you knew it all right i swear i'm right i knew it all along i actually did for four years, apparently. You're cleaning up so well. You are editing this doc and you are reading to yourself. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:39:52 Oh my god. Thank you everyone for letting us do this. You guys let us do this. We upload it every week and somehow you have not reported it. Oh my god. Please don't report us. We adore that you're listening to us. Hey, if you're a cop, you have to reported it. Oh my god. Please don't report us. We adore that you're listening to us. Hey, if you're a cop, you have to
Starting point is 01:40:08 tell us. If you're a cop, you have to legally tell us. You guys, thank you for listening. We're kind of barreling along this journey, and I'm glad we started doing Game of Thrones episodes this season. This has been a blast. If you like these episodes, we also do a regular
Starting point is 01:40:23 A Song of Ice and Fire read-through, but it's not so regular. It is from the point-of-view character by point-of-view character. We read through all POV chapters, one character at a time. Right now we're on Jon Snow, so we're in it for the long haul, and I think we have some interesting takes after the end of this show for
Starting point is 01:40:40 sure, so check that out. That comes out to the public on Fridays. You can check us out on iTunes Google Play Spotify Stitcher and Acast throwing it out there you do not have a new John episode this coming Friday or this week but you will have another new John episode picking up again with John 9 on May 15 16 and 17 but you know what is out there right now? John 8, where we talk about Maester Aemon, which I think is actually a very good chapter to read in conjunction with this past episode.
Starting point is 01:41:14 We did that together with Joe Magician. He's a great friend of ours and a great theorist. He nailed the spiral theory on Game of Thrones. So definitely tune in for that. Yeah, really good. And yeah, Targaryen And, uh, yeah. A Targaryen alone is a terrible thing, so if you
Starting point is 01:41:30 hang out with us during our Jon chapters, you will hear more about that, I'm sure. Make sure to check us out on Patreon. We have a Patreon. Patrons get some special access to some special episodes. They're very good. They're very fun. We had a blast with Manu, Manuclear Bomb
Starting point is 01:41:46 from A Scene of Ice and Fire. Oh, what was that? A couple weeks ago for our April Patreon episode here. So tune into that. $5 and up patrons get that. And hey, if you don't have any money to support us, we don't care. You can just listen every Friday. We're here, you guys.
Starting point is 01:42:01 We are very happy to have you hanging out with us. Yes. And hey, if you like us, leave happy to have you hanging out with us. Yes. And hey, if you like us, leave us a comment on iTunes. A rating on iTunes. We'd appreciate that. But if not, you know, send us some takes over on social media. You can find us at Girls Gone Canon on Twitter or at girlsgonecanon at As you'll see, we read some of these aloud and they bring us great joy.
Starting point is 01:42:24 They bring Eliana a lot of joy. She's very happy all the time. They bring you great joy. I don't like things. Especially not this episode. As always, I'm Chloe. You guys, thanks for listening. And I am Eliana.
Starting point is 01:42:35 Goodbye.

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