Girls Gone Canon Cast - House of the Dragon S1E7: Driftmark

Episode Date: October 4, 2022

  PRESIDENTIAL ALERT: THE GIRLIES ARE FIGHTING --------------- SPOILERS: ASOIAF, F&B, KOT7K, TWOIAF, ETC Join us at our Patreon: Follow us on Twitter: @GirlsGo...neCanon Sound Effects from Pixabay "Night Vigil" & "Big Drumming" by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music Music Music Music Hello and welcome to Girls Gone Canon Lodge's House of the Dragon, Season 1, Episode 7, Driftmark. I am one of your hosts, Chloe. And I am another one of your hosts, Eliana. Here we are at Driftmark. This was a fucking crazy episode.
Starting point is 00:00:46 This was, this one was nut-nut. This was, wow. Yeah. Wow. It's exciting. Shit's getting wild. Shit's crazy. Shit's absolutely crazy, and before we get too far in, because there's so much we want to talk about with you all, let's remind
Starting point is 00:01:02 you of our spoiler policy. Our spoiler policy for our house of the dragon episodes is everything pretty much uh a song of ice and fire fire and blood night of the seven kingdoms the world of ice and fire hell once in a while you might get a wins a winner reference though eliana hasn't finished all of the sample chapters so yeah maybe not not tons not tons think about what 50 I think I'm at what, 50% or something by now. Yeah, I think you might even be past that. Probably, maybe 60.
Starting point is 00:01:28 I don't know. With that said, that was an episode. They did that shit on live TV. They did on live TV. Absolutely. That was real time. You know, we sent a camera back in time to the dance. It was the first episode that i haven't watched with you
Starting point is 00:01:46 actually uh you were out of town out of our town right oh yeah it really was the first oh my god it was really horrible i missed you a lot yeah actually it was funny my husband and i both would turn to each other and be like where's eliana like we just knew this is something you'd be yelling on the couch about what was what was some of your favorite stuff from the episode? I think you and I have some of the same favorite stuff. It's really hard to actually pick one scene because it was just so full of bangers, right? Masterfully done, all of it. Like, it all fit in well.
Starting point is 00:02:19 The characters were really, they came into their own. Well, some of them did come into their own in this episode. Sorry, that's Agen 3 being made but yeah incidentally that was probably like the least favorite scene I it was just kind of lackluster that's how I feel actually a lot of people I think seem to feel that way you know it's kind of disappointing the way that it felt like such a dispassionate sex scene which I mean I don't know I guess I should not be asking for passionate sex scenes between nieces and uncles so uh the that's that's obviously problematic in and of itself but yeah especially you know compared to how it was shot in what was it episode episode four right and that had my my blood boiling you know i I was like, yeah, sexy, really gross,
Starting point is 00:03:06 and I shouldn't like it. And there is some of that here. Like there's definitely, there was some that I liked about it. It's not even that I didn't like it. It was just if I had to choose the scenes that I didn't care about. It was that. Yeah. You know, it was just like, I was like, Oh, yeah, yeah, we get it. You guys are gonna. Yeah, I agree. Absolutely. That was, I think, I it's hard to pick my favorite scene. I can only tell you my least favorite, which was that. And it's kind of a bummer because like, obviously, there's a lot we see between them, right? Because like storytelling wise with how tight a lot of it is, like and the scenes that we have missing, you know, the only one, yeah, the only one that they really kind of need to show is the first one in terms of storytelling. And because especially they're trying to take it a little differently, I guess, than Game of Thrones itself. So it seems like they're not trying to show us some of that just sex for its sake, right? In that way. That's interesting.
Starting point is 00:04:14 We might get some post-coital or that would be an easy way to have had sex. And my god, hopefully this gives Matt Smith a break because that man has been having sex all season in these episodes and it was weird that this is the least sexy for me because as as i talk about never shut up about dr who it's weird to imagine my matt smith having sex and the other sex scenes we've seen him in have been a little like the way they were framed were different and you know he couldn't get off the first couple so like that's you know that's easier for me to deal with but this time i was like dr who get back with your lego loss wig jesus jesus but we'll talk a little bit more about that later before we jump into some emails of note some quick housekeeping up top we will be back this friday with bran stark of bran 5 in a song of ice and fire very
Starting point is 00:05:06 excited to keep going on a game of thrones with that and of course last week we had that little week off we put out a his dark materials special episode that was unlocked unleashed by our patrons and thank you very much patrons for that you can get special episodes every single month bonus episodes whether they are about a song of ice and fire whether it's fire and blood or the other various stories in it or his dark materials or other literature movies etc that we are into that's at slash girls gone canon and you just have to pledge to the stranger tier above. And speaking of bonus episodes, we also do cover, of course, A Song of Ice and Fire stuff and Fire and Blood stuff. So if you would like to check out our Patreon bonus episodes, we just released Mothers of the Dragon Part 2, or affectionately called Smilfs the Dragon. Smilfs, Smilfs, Smilfs. yeah part one focused on rainies and visenya the conquerors sister wives and us yeah us and
Starting point is 00:06:10 reyna targaryen uh just because we have to start clarifying this now wife daughter of anis wife to agan but not agan the second because he wasn't crowned uh and also ends up becoming a wife to Maegor and Andro Farman but is actually a lesbian and really married to Alyssa Farman yeah and really married to Alyssa Farman even though they have a divorce spoilers they're separated yeah and then also Alyssa Valerian so that's part one part two is Alysanne because she had a shit ton of kids I don't know how we got through that episode in one go too because we were getting to a point where i was like first of all it's too sad it's really fucking sad i was i really twisted the i think you did because i twisted the knife on you too i was like hey chloe listen to this painful thing yeah it was pretty cruel uh that's
Starting point is 00:07:02 okay that's okay you cried during brand last week so i got your ass back yeah i got your ass i'll cry in the next one if you want how about that that's not uh that's not the only thing we do though we don't only cry our patreon we do cry though like a lot but uh bonus episodes are fun we've had a blast covering those two episodes mothers of the dragon part one part two i know, so far, definitely there's going to be a part three, maybe a part four. And then the future is open when George hooks up with blood and fire, you know, part two Boogaloo. Yeah, that happens. Yeah. Now the other stuff we do, if you are at our Patreon, and you are in the thunder tier and above that's ten dollars and up you get access
Starting point is 00:07:45 lifetime access you could say as long as you don't mess it up but lifetime access to the girls gone canon private discord uh as well as access to events every single month there we do a brunch happy hour this month is still to be announced keep Keep your eyes peeled and your ears. But we also do weekly House of the Dragon discussions. Our friend Maddie has been hosting them. She's been doing a hell of a job. And they're every Friday, 2pm ET, Eliana time. And a good time. I mean, last week sounded really fun. I didn't get to participate as much as I wanted to because of work. as much as I wanted to because of work. Yeah, absolutely. And we're actually going to reference some of the stuff that was brought up in that discussion today because, I mean, they're really juicy and there's some great takes.
Starting point is 00:08:31 But also, there are some great takes from that come in through email or tweet, right? Like this one was a banger. Like as soon as it came in, I was like, Chloe, you got to go look at this latest message we got. I was like, this one's good. good i mean it was so good that i immediately logged on to patreon messaged our friend corinna back and said i hope you know that i am literally screaming right now it was it was like just perfect timing for the week and it's about helena my bug child who i love corinna said
Starting point is 00:09:02 just a thought on helena i think she will know through a dream or through visions, Mailer would die as a child, which is why she actually chooses him to die in the blood and cheese incident. Not just because he's the youngest. When her other son gets killed in front of her, she'll probably know the prophecy is still coming for Mailer and that his death is still to come later when he gets ripped apart into tiny limbs uh anyways that's all for now keep up the great work thanks thanks
Starting point is 00:09:31 corinna thanks for making me sad and then loving me and leaving me like this yeah i thought this was wild you also editorialized a little bit you did make that a little more graphic than corinna wrote uh which is i mean i don't know i don't know what to say like my mind was blowed with this theory i was like that's good that is brilliant uh especially because i feel like what they're doing with the show is painting some of those grays and nuances right that's not everything is and alicent was mean to raniera and then the dragons burnt everything down but it is in a way it also is that just saying like it's not not that but it's not only that and that's what this really paints for me right that helena seeing visions
Starting point is 00:10:11 means that she might see some of the things coming from the dance uh you and i talked about how like you know her own death yeah could she have chosen it you know not unlike what lena does in the last episode in that she wants to go out like a dragon rider maybe helena thinks i don't want to go out the way that i see happening yeah that's true or maybe she's like well this is it this is the best i can hope for something right or i don't know taking her fate into her hands at least where she's thrown who knows could be larry's shit dude but yeah I don't know. I thought it was interesting.
Starting point is 00:10:47 It's a great way to make Helena's dreamer aspect a part of her character and not just something really weird or strange about her, but something that really, I think, plays well into the story, right? We see how they've made Viserys have dragon dreams or just like a singular dragon dream and how that ends up influencing his own actions so hey you know when we actually hear him in front of the fire talking about that telling alicent about his dreaming yeah uh baby helena is in her tummy at that time yeah she's preggo with her as an eggo. That's true.
Starting point is 00:11:26 That's true. That's kind of interesting. It's also interesting because like, you know, speaking of which, and we'll talk a little bit about how Viserys treats his children from Alicent, but it shows how little attention he pays to his kids that he isn't noticing that, hey, how interesting that my daughter also has dragon dreams. And it is also, I mean, it's incredibly easy to see his faculties, both physical and mental, have been going, especially in this 10-year time jump.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Yeah. He's definitely juggling a lot. And I mean, even when you open at the funeral, it's interesting how everybody at Lena's wake and funeral is how they're clumped, how each little group is clumped, right? You have Rhaenyra with the boys. Daemon is across from her, kind of watching. They play this little cat and mouse game, I feel like, throughout the whole episode of them prowling for one another, which is great, which is why I will say it's good it takes so long for them to get down to the beach.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Helaena is actually right at her father's side. I thought that was kind of sweet. She's right next to him, you know, like girl besides raniera yeah of the three he's like you don't suck yeah his second best girl but best best other child from best child from allison i guess and i mean she's she's tender-hearted right helena so it makes sense for her to also be comforting her and the other way around but yeah i mean the episode as you said opens up on lena's funeral a lot happens at this funeral it's a very awkward funeral it's not this is a huge scene it's awkward even starting from like the speech the weird eulogy and this was the first episode they shot of the entire season really you know it was the first episode they shot first episode we got production spoilers on so all of these actors that are
Starting point is 00:13:11 stepping into being aged up or you know somewhat aged up versions of these characters they really had to jump into it here right uh they're starting here but it's a perfect place to start the emotions are high uh everyone gets to really overact it out and figure out who the hell their character is and vaimond valerian is giving this eulogy for lena and it is actually very beautiful he spoke really well the high valerian like i just love the sound of his voice with it because i love hearing everyone's high valerian and this show kind of differs but he starts to lay the seeds that the strong boys or the valerian boys should not inherit driftmark he keeps saying things like true blooded and you know our blood keeping it pure and true very awkward for everyone they're like what why is this happening now during this eulogy? Especially Daemon, who laughs about it, right?
Starting point is 00:14:08 Yeah, it's kind of funny. It looks egregious and terrible, right, for him to be laughing at his wife's funeral, but he's kind of maybe doing it to take attention off Rhaenyra and the children,ting yeah especially because we know from his conversation with lana in the last episode that he quite obviously knows yeah already of their blood and of their predicament i mean by the end of the episode you see him figure out and take care of said predicament in a way absolutely i think though at the same time like i'm not i don't know they're setting up those seeds for vaiment quite obviously it's over for that guy next episode so get your vaemon standing in while you can he's gonna mouth off all next episode he's better than the previews ah mouth off don't give me any of that tongue vaemon but viserys is probably gonna i don't know he's not gonna live right like he's not gonna he's not gonna none of us do he's
Starting point is 00:15:04 not gonna live probably none of us do none of us make it out alive but he's probably not gonna live right like he's not gonna he's not gonna none of us do he's not gonna live probably and none of us do none of us make it out alive but he's probably not gonna live through the next episode at this point he looks pretty bad i i'd imagine end of episode we might see him die eight or nine you know uh with nine being called the green council and vaymond does have a point in some aspects like corllys obviously his pride. He's like, no, I'm going down with this ship. You know, a captain goes down with their ship and this is the shipping I'm doing. My family will stay together even if they're not my blood.
Starting point is 00:15:35 And Vaemon is like, but bro, they have everything. They have King's Landing. They have Dragonstone. Now we're just going to hand over these targs our place too like they they should be gucci and i do agree with that like they really they don't need more houses they don't need more homes they have enough houses yeah they can buy new vacation homes if they need it yeah and it's interesting how tunnel vision we get corley's being right because you can even see from the like front when rainy shows up in a few
Starting point is 00:16:05 moments in this scene with the twins and with Jocerys and I'm like you can see there's a little tension going on uh but first Rhaenyra tells Jace and Luce to go comfort their cousins Bela and Rainey Jace is mad he's like I don't get to fucking get comfort about my dad dying but he goes and does it anyway because he's a good boy which i really love uh and i'm i'm really sad because he he kind of has to shoulder all of this like not only does he not get to really mourn publicly for his actual father i'll get personal with you he also like doesn't get to explore that side of the relationship he is turned against like he's disallowed right raniera has basically told him you're not allowed to feel that which is obvious why because it puts their lives in danger this this is more than just like normal family stuff this puts their lives in
Starting point is 00:16:58 danger but i mean that's really you're stunting him so emotionally and telling him to keep it bottled up and he also has to keep it from his siblings. So they have to grow up not knowing this giant secret as much as possible, right? And maybe he'll, I mean, Lucerys will probably understand slash know, but Joffrey won't for the time being. Jace has to put this on his shoulders. He has to grow up and be the best big brother ever. He has to somehow be the heir to the throne with all these giant secrets about the throne and about his heritage it just feels so unfair you know the the bastards getting to having to grow up early like i wasn't allowed to really chase
Starting point is 00:17:35 after my biological father not that my mom ever said you can't but also it was obviously very they didn't want me to i could feel it as a kid yeah you know i think my mom maybe once offered me like you know i could try to get in contact with this family but i don't really know it blah blah blah so i don't know i never really felt like i had any sort of any sort of way to get in contact and never any path to do so. And Jace sure doesn't. Yeah, it's absolutely closed off from him now. And he hasn't gotten that much support either from his public father, right? I mean, he's there a little bit, but and it's not the same for him, because he understands. I mean, he can see it, right? He can see that.
Starting point is 00:18:22 And that's fine. Some of the kids might feel differently than him but for him at least he does want to explore that relationship with his biological father who clearly did also want to explore that relationship with them but uh uh he had to you know chris and cole fucked everything and then also so did larry's yeah and there's a lot of uh people who have to hold in that sort of mourning in this as well, right? Yeah, and you even hear from Luke later, they don't want this. Yeah, he's like starting to, he's learning what death is and starting to process that and what that means and for people to be gone, which is kind of sad because I guess he's the one who dies first. But
Starting point is 00:19:03 so at least I guess he doesn't have to live with that sadness to not be allowed to feel it and also to have no support for it it's just rough and I mean that's something Rainiera goes through as well and you can kind of see it's not the same of course but a little transference of like you get you don't really get to feel that grief I guess as part of it and to an extent even her own grief was cut short when she was grieving her mother because there was the anxiety of like, does this mean my father will remarry? And then, you know, things like my claim, etc. Right. And then also, oh, my best friend married my dad that's something that jace will probably feel too in a way right yeah they just had to stand there during this valyrian wedding and they're about to have two kids that look much more valyrian than them i mean i'm sure there will be some hurt feelings there absolutely i guess at least they're not going through it alone
Starting point is 00:20:00 right like they'll have each other to feel that with and then also they'll have their cousin fiancés to be like for a bit yeah they'll be like oh cousin fiancé I feel really strange uh about our parents marrying now and I didn't get to process any of my grief for both of my dads yeah that's kind of something else that feels so unfair right like by the way your dad your other dad's also leaving and never coming back but i'm marrying another new dad enjoy that whiplash jaceris it's rough and like you said like she didn't actually get i mean she didn't have any option to mourn either she didn't even really get to say goodbye to harwin right like we see that moment where they look into each other's eyes super close when they're saying goodbye, and she almost shakes her head a little like, no, we can't. We really can't. And he knows,
Starting point is 00:20:54 and she knows, and that was their goodbye, which is... Yeah, the closest we get to her being able to express any of that grief, right? Like it's not shown on screen. It's assumed to be something that's so private that it cannot be shown she has to be performing all the time as heir to the iron throne and and damon acknowledges that to her because he's like what about you you're not allowed to mourn for your lover when they're together and finally in private it's uh it's the first time anyone's thought of her in that yeah that's true and it is kind of like the sacrifice they royally make right like this is one of the many sacrifices they have to make for their own emotions and jace learns that as the heir absolutely he learns that as the heir as you know eldest child who's now being parentified a little but
Starting point is 00:21:41 that's well not not entirely but yeah he is he is a little absolutely like if you're if you're looking at that character journey you know having to take care of the other kids let's send him north and break his honor yeah send him north so that he can uh marry the wrong person helena my darling child is out here prophesying playing with bugs she has a spider and uh she has a little ditty that she says which is hand turns loom spool of green spool of black dragons of flesh weaving dragons of thread hand turns turns loom, spool of green. This kind of cuts around, right? Like we're cutting around the funeral and the wake at this point.
Starting point is 00:22:31 And her hand snaps closed over the shell that has the spider in it. And then she traps and kills it. And I love this because it cuts immediately to Laris as the spider. Which is great because we see him as kind of this mastermind right this uh geppetto if you will the the puppet master of this all and there's also breaking down this as a prophecy the sewing of war the looms right dragons of flesh dragons of thread very much so makes me think of the people sewing the the banners for tarens, but also the cloth dragon and mummer's dragon, right? That we see the mummer's dragon being one of the biggest things for Dany that kind of,
Starting point is 00:23:13 how do I put this, that it incites, you know, that doubt, that worry, that fear, and that paranoia that she starts to have to grapple with. And it makes me straight up think of that fake, huge mummer's dragon for Rhaenyra as well, because that is kind of what Aegon II's reign becomes in a way. Absolutely. And even that last line of the prophecy, right? It's dragons of flesh sewing dragons of thread or something like that. So it's very, very much that. And as you said, creating those banners and i like this line of hand turns loom which it's weird right i don't really truly get it but it's like uh i didn't get
Starting point is 00:23:58 it at first but it's that showing how it all goes back to the hand right it's not just larry's it's showing how it all goes back to the hand, right? It's not just Larry's, it's Otto, right? He turns the loom and from that loom comes out a spool of green and a spool of black, which is kind of fun also when you think about how in the book, Fire and Blood, these terms were inspired by dresses, right? So you're also, you've got the cloth imagery weaving into there um but also because of the hand that's what creates these different spools right it's about how auto drove a wedge in this family that hand that has reached in and then also there's all that other meaning of loom right like in which uh he is looming over the war. Yeah, like a giant shadow on the wall.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Absolutely. Kind of like, I don't know. Which? Someone else we know. Like Tyrion? We actually see, too, like in the previews for next week, we see Otto is absolutely taking power again in King's Landing.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Interesting. Interesting, Helena, talking about your grandpappy like that. It reminds me also of the Lyrio and Tyrion meeting, where he's watching the rings on his hand. Jules danced when he moved his hands. Onyx and opal, tiger's eye and tourmaline, ruby, amethyst, sapphire, emerald, jet and jade A black diamond, a green pearl
Starting point is 00:25:29 Very much so makes me think of the dance And the greens and the blacks Just as Agen and Dani are starting to be described in the story Yeah, and I mean, even speaking of rings They have a scene during Damon and Rainier's sex scene In which they kind of zoom in on Rainier's sex scene, right? In which they kind of zoom in on Rainier's hand and the rings she's wearing. And she's wearing three rings, two of which have stones,
Starting point is 00:25:53 of which one is green and one is black. Ooh, yeah. Okay, okay, I have to re-look at this. Especially, then you have that connection, right, of after this, Tyrion looks at his rings and he's like, I could live for years off of Illyrio's rings alone, though I'd need a cleaver to claim them.
Starting point is 00:26:16 So it brings you back to a little bit of that. Rhaego draws. It reminds me a bit of Rhaego draws, right, who gets his rings kind of chopped off and his fingers chopped off later in the war but also about uh rainies later when she takes off her rings right at the fire with corley's kind of showing like i want out of the war yeah that's almost like yeah hanging up her her sword which are her rings here, showing her power, her rings of power. Absolutely, absolutely. And also, I mean,
Starting point is 00:26:50 hold on. Oh, and I mean, the other obvious one in which rings going on hands, on fingers, right? And I'm sure people already discussed this last week but of course visceri's losing a hand and how he lost lionel and now he's got auto but it's not quite the same auto auto was the hand that caused right that uh that caused that infection i mean he didn't but figuratively it's funny because kim our friend kim renfro at insider pointed out last night on twitter too he's wearing emma's rings right yeah uh again the one that we see on her hand before she dies her little targaryen ring he's wearing that ring now too and so we see him start to wear that we see the references to emma come back and installing otto again and giving otto this power is in him wearing that ring again too is him like falling
Starting point is 00:27:50 back into that pattern in a way yeah absolutely of uh you know yeah non-rule letting others rule for you and he's kind of retreating i mean it would be pretty hard to do work and to rule in the state that he's in yeah absolutely it's about time someone started pitching it around here i'm just kidding alicent does a little you know okay she does a little too they all do they all do a lot all right we saw that alicent did things during the Stepstones war. But speaking of other things she does, right, she also is has decided to make her own marriage betrothal between her children. Right. The two brothers, Agen and Amon, discuss Helena, how Agen doesn't want to marry her and frankly thinks that she's a freak. And Amon is like, well, I would do my duty if i were betrothed to her
Starting point is 00:28:45 amon's like yeah she's my kind of freak he likes those freaky girls you know i think so rivers like right there yeah there you maybe you do have a point in this he's got a type uh there's so much set up for him like how he almost the damon and viserys aspect in some ways right that he's like i could have been air at least i would have gotten shit done yeah mom chose me maybe too much shit and i love it actually yeah like there's so much setup that this little fucker in just five to six years is gonna be in the riverlands burning everything down and there's also all this setup for aegon in the background being um a lush and only loving the flesh and booze which whomst amongst us doesn't he's just getting drunk and treating people like shit the entire episode and he's so mad at like it's really funny because he's like mad at alicent he's like how could you fuck this up we had it so good all we
Starting point is 00:29:42 had to do was drink eat be rich and let the blacks rule instead of us the greens like mother how could you how could you miss this yeah which is i think that's hilarious and that that's his character as like the teenage boy but obviously with a darker twist um which we'll get to in a second but yeah he's out here being j Gemstone at Judy Gemstone's birthday. It was, but I guess at a funeral, which makes it even more embarrassing now that I think about it. And I did think it was interesting that Amand is chastising Agen by describing Helena as Aegon's future queen. Like, don't call her that. That's your future queen. Meaning that even if Aegon doesn't really, like, hasn't internalized what is going on here between their family and Rhaenyra, Aemond absolutely sees what his mother is driving at. He
Starting point is 00:30:36 sees that there's a game plan and he's ready to go. And also we see Aegonon right turning into a darker figure speaking of again our house of the dragon discussions on discord this past friday our friend yogi uh made some great observations uh when when he joined about aegon and he used this term to define aegon called a sex pest which is you know someone who just serially, sexually harasses women. And that's what we see Agen doing to the serving women. And it's another side to how the nobles disregard and use the lower classes, which ties into the end of the episode with the servant that Damon kills. Absolutely. You can see that utter disregard that he has for anyone that's not them. Mm-hmm. And that is them, as we see with Helena.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Well, yeah, he's like, I don't care much for my sister. Kristen doesn't really like that Larry's is eyeing his queen during the wake. His queen. But Alicent shakes it off. She says it's only a look of pride from the new lord of harrenhal i mean kinda he's really he's uh a little jealous it's weird that the only threats he senses incoming on women are other men that want them i know right like absolutely useless terrible at his job i had hope for him i really feel bad like i hoped it was just
Starting point is 00:32:08 a really you know like you always say about jamie and cersei it was a miscommunication they didn't define their relationship which they didn't to be fair yeah no the miscommunication and the relationship that didn't go defined was the one between alice and andre nera that one that one was the one where they were she was likera. That one was the one where she was like, you're sleeping with other people? We were only supposed to do this for duty, but be in love with each other. Corlys gives Lucerys a little
Starting point is 00:32:33 seahorse toy. Oh my god, it's so cute. And tells him that someday everything the light touches will be his. Lucerys doesn't want that. He says, I don't want you. If I'm lord of the tides it means everyone's dead oh it's so sweet it's so sweet oh you will be dead luke oh god i'm not ready for that though yeah don't worry he won't have to deal with any of that
Starting point is 00:32:59 i'll just be dead yeah don't worry you'll be one of the dead ones yeah they see how it works and that's such like a poor luke that's such a very sad hollow thing for your second born middle born child child to say right like no because that means everyone's dead if i have that yeah that's how he looks at the world and qu Corlys is actually pretty touched by that. He's like, sure, that's not my kid. But that was a cool thing for that kid to say. Which, you know, there's a way that he could be Lord of Driftmark. Or Lord of the Tides without everyone being dead.
Starting point is 00:33:40 And that's if for some reason both Corlys and Laenor decided to pull a Jair Mormont. Which they will not. But, I mean, hey, hey if they did at least everyone's not dead for this but that idea though that for him to ascend means everyone has to be out of that path right that that's kind of what Otto is driving at but it's not quite the same and also it speaks to the loneliness of power right like for example Viserys is here in this position because they had this huge, happy family, and all of them are gone. It's just him, Daemon, even his first wife is gone, which is his fault. just Viserys even like Ned right for Ned to have become lord of Winterfell his brother whom he loved had to be gone his father whom he loved had to have been gone and I mean if you think about it to an extent that's the plight of for example Aegon V Aegon the unlikely how Viserys the unlikely actually he absolutely was as well they had to have councils to decide that shit, and even then they were like, he could do the least damage, right?
Starting point is 00:34:46 Question mark. Ugh. Rip. This is actually, like, not Luke's fate, but Aegon's fate. Aegon III, right? He's left all alone. Everyone's gone and he's left with everything, him and Viserys. Yeah. Yeah, very much also, as you said, right,
Starting point is 00:35:03 that's the next Viserys's fate being left alone but at least by that time thankfully he was able to build like some connections he had his like very hot wife who was way too old for him very suspicious oh the next generation of grooming yeah what is this a clamp comic a clamp manga i've watched this on the cw i swear i watched this in cardcaptor soccer grandma rainies comes to comfort the girls and she kind of ignores uh both jace and raniera side eyes them a little bit but they'll live well not that long but they'll live there's also that tenderness that also like a the tenderness tenderness between Rainey's and her granddaughter is just so sad, but also between Amon and Jace, right?
Starting point is 00:35:51 There's almost like camaraderie. He wants to reach out, but also he knows he can't. And that's what's really sad is because he gets kind of angry, right? He's angry that he did think about reaching out. You can see he tries then later the fight and it's like man they really they really pit these children against one another like this yeah it's a combination of that toxic masculinity of like you can't show kindness or tenderness in that way and we see that manifest in a second right in the scene we're going to talk about
Starting point is 00:36:21 soon but also yeah as you said like, like they're pit against each other. Yeah, it's lonely. Speaking of loneliness. Walks out into the sea. He's in grief at his sister's death. And you can see he just wants to feel some sort of connection to her in the water, right? And above though, at the same time,
Starting point is 00:36:39 Corlys makes kind of a scene and he tells Carl Corey, go retrieve your patron. And I just know, i just know i just know he was spitting in that man's face you could hear it absolutely a lot of people got in carl cory's face this episode poor motherfucker he's like what why is everyone so close to me and also also like i don't know about you what do you think like i feel like corley's did not need to be this dramatic about it if That just drew more attention.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Yeah, he was drawing more attention. And that's, I mean, that's whatever, right? It's for drama, I think, as well. Yeah. But that said, he does draw so much more attention. You see Vaemond clearly look over. There's so much set up about Vaemmond yeah during this great point great point which is good that they're they're bringing him in for all of that for the payoff also i don't know as you said right it's so sad seeing leaner out in the sea
Starting point is 00:37:33 and honestly though the way he's acting is just it is completely normal that is a completely like exactly how i would expect someone who was grieving their sister that they loved to act and no one was really paying attention because I think everyone else was like wow what a completely normal thing for someone to do when someone that they have loved is gone it's about time someone gets to grieve in this show right everybody else is too busy trying to like murder each other's lives great way of showing how corley's seems to constantly prioritize this performance over the rights and humanity of his offspring which they have a scene discussing but it's also sad because like just let laner sit with his grief even if
Starting point is 00:38:17 it's publicly because a i think that's normal and he's already experienced a lot of loss right like he speaking of people not being allowed to mourn publicly, couldn't publicly mourn the death of Joffrey Lawnmouth. And now to be told, like, you got to rein it in here, too. Just big sad. dislike missing out on so much of what we could have seen of lena but i'm glad that they actually showed him mourning her yeah that's an important part that he was allowed to like have a personality this episode in general besides getting drunk with carl was also very nice yeah absolutely and i guess now that i think about it he'll have more to mourn right like he'll have to mourn his old life his family and i mean even himself laner valerian's dead we kind of see that even damon is doing a little mourning in this episode some for his wife some for his family his familial connection that he's lost and damon and viserys finally get to catch up viserys says to him that his girls are the very image of their mother and how, you know, he knows that must kill him every day to see.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Viserys is wearing Emma's ring again. He's still grieving for her. And I think that that makes sense, right? Like my understanding of what people have been saying about grief is it's not something that ever gets smaller. We just learn to grow around it um and to grow bigger than it and that's something that like i'm like really touched by and now these moments of a series except it's pretty he's pretty rude to allison in a second which is mean but like i get it right because i'm still like learning to grow bigger at the moment too
Starting point is 00:40:03 um and yeah i don't know i just thought it was a nice gesture from viserys but also it lays groundwork very well for later of why he's struggling to see reynier's faults as he talks about that legacy of emma there's no reconciliation at the end yeah it's doubtful they will reconcile before Viserys' death, in my opinion. But there's also something really interesting in Daemon always caving to Viserys' Daemon, come home, I'll give you a job. Just come back. But this time, he seems changed.
Starting point is 00:40:37 He kind of seems like he won't and can't. And not to mention that there's going to be a huge wedge driven between them in the next episode which is you know raniera i mean he's driving his wedge into raniera yeah but that's also the wedge the wedge is damon's dick being driven into her over and over again i'm just now imagining sorry now i have a terrible image of a wedge-shaped dick and like what the fuck oh my god you did this god like a block of cheese gross demon's dick oh it's blood and cheese oh my god no you know there's something else that i noticed and that he said your girls are the very image of their mother and i was like that's interesting because you just admitted out loud that this is what true born children of someone from your line and someone from corliss's
Starting point is 00:41:32 line look like together oops awkward awkward though i i still stand by like okay the brown hair is suspicious especially because rainies does not have her dark hair but i don't know we know valerian features aren't always dominant and in real life i think like what darker hair colors tend to or black hair tend to be more of a dominant trait i don't know mixed race kids look very different like even within the same family oh yeah so absolutely i'm just yeah i'm making excuses but i'm like i mean we all know but you know literally as stated today we all know you know something that else that you were saying in regards to viserys and daemon and daemon does seem to almost always cave to viserys is like
Starting point is 00:42:21 come home come home like i was discussing this with my boyfriend last night of, you know, Viserys and Daemon's interactions and how part of the issue, right, is Viserys says like, oh, I made space for you. I'd like for you to come home. Like I want you to come home, right? But that's not what Daemon wants to hear. He doesn't want to hear like oh i did this thing for you or like i want you he damon wants to hear from the people that he loves is i need you i need you to help me he doesn't want someone to do things for him he doesn't want to feel like he's being helped he wants to feel needed and especially he wants to feel needed by viserys. That's probably waned in the past few years, but yeah. He's like, I don't want it to be something that is held against me. Like, not like blackmail, but you know,
Starting point is 00:43:11 like you could always come home if you absolutely have to as your last choice. He's like, why don't you tell me, like, I'm proud of you for what you did. I don't know. I also like, I kind of felt like Daemon saying the gods have been cruel to Viserys. Like, I don't know. Also, like, I kind of felt like Damon saying the gods have been cruel to Viserys, like, I don't know. I kind of thought that was a moment of kindness between them, like an honesty between people who are close, acknowledging that someone is having a difficult time. I know it's like kind of like a cutting jab, but at the same time, it's honest. I mean, Viserys is definitely having a hard ass time. At least someone notices yeah and i think people just want sometimes people want someone to notice and acknowledge that life is hard and things are unfair for them and i think you know when you go down that like it's kind of the core of what allison is feeling the past few episodes right and what bubbles over later like
Starting point is 00:44:02 won't someone just like say or see that what is happening here is unfair? Yeah, sometimes that's all that can, I mean, there's nothing else you can do. You can't make it fair. You just need someone to see it, anyone. Yeah. And yeah, Alicent is very much pushed to her limit in this. You can see a lot of that. Like, she wasn't necessarily incorrect the whole episode with the things she said it's just maybe she took it a step farther than i would have personally than eyes would have personally yeah okay so listen so damon gets pretty like annoyed at the end of this conversation he leaves and he goes to take a walk and he passes Otto Hightower. Boo.
Starting point is 00:44:48 He's like, hey, so sorry about your dead wife, buddy. Which is kind of, you know, callback. Because what, 12 years ago at small council, Damon was like, remember your dead wife, buddy? So good callback, Otto. Good job. But Damon tells him, no matter how fat a leech grows, he still wants for another meal. Oh, sick. I love it.
Starting point is 00:45:09 I don't know. It was absolutely petty and I support it. Yeah, I love it. The girls are fighting. Presidential alert. Rhaenyra is like watching all this and sees it. And she tells her children to go to bed now, despite their protests. And she makes to follow damon which pretty much everyone
Starting point is 00:45:25 notices yeah very awkward that was way too thirsty rainiera come on like i said the the cat and mouse game they seem to be playing during the whole wake while we i mean it's interesting right like we're weaving in between all these little vignettes of what people are doing at this wake and how they're grieving personally and all these inter dramas and in the house the dragon built episode for this they talked about how it was like every character had like a 17 page scene of interactions in this one big scene right like we still haven't gotten through this wake we're so close at the end of the wake right now uh but it was just thick very thick so i found that really interesting how they actually sewed it hand loomed it all together honestly they tied it all together uh but her following
Starting point is 00:46:13 him kind of is a pov choice too right like they show uh the camera from different angles of her eyeballing him throughout the the first part of the episode not like the last time yeah right not unlike the last time when he comes back and they're at the party together that's an interesting thought that it's kind of staged uh not dissimilar to the party they're at that's so funny right because the last time was at a wedding and that's everyone says right that's the time you see all your family members at weddings and funerals we get that awkward alicent being called emma moment and harold westerling which bless him absolutely they really made him prominent he's out there doing a couple things in this episode he tries to correct it he's like i will take the lady alicent
Starting point is 00:46:58 to bed your grace is that okay with you and doesn't even try to correct himself yeah he doesn't even know he said it i yeah he definitely might have forgotten and just been like wait what did i say there and was just like i can't deal with this which it's very robert and liana and cersei absolutely absolutely stinking of wine he crawled on top of me and whispered her name yeah and it's just kind of like dang for him to do it like after everything you know that allison has been through for him and like that she still like does care for him but it's she cares for him and she loves him in a way because they've been together for so long it's hurtful that like after everything she's done for him to disrespect her like that and in
Starting point is 00:47:46 front of everyone like how embarrassing all she has left is her pride right and he's not even giving her that it's dehumanizing he won't even look her in the eye on any of the complaints she brings to him and like yeah some of them are maybe not things he should you know nod his head at but i don't know the more you ignore someone the more they're going to act out absolutely he's very non-confrontational and so everything goes awry everything goes awry there's a definitely a lot of cersei robert vibes going on in this episode even later when we get that laner and raniera scene where they're both being honest about their marriage it's very much like the game of thrones scene
Starting point is 00:48:30 with cersei and robert that they that was a show only scene where they wrote in you know oh god if our marriage is supposed to uphold the realm ha ha ha this is hysterical which is a masterclass scene i mean it all worked out perfectly but there's a lot of those vibes of mid to late season one going on right now of game of thrones definitely there are some echoes there for sure um especially with some of those iconic scenes that we'll we'll get to in a second but first you know speaking of grief publicly and privately we get the scene of rainies and corleys i love this yeah so much it's interesting actually because you were just at my house the other day we kind of
Starting point is 00:49:10 mentioned in passing some feelings on rainies and corleys and i was saying there's just something interesting about his taiwan-esque qualities that everyone keeps talking about in interviews and how i had never seen corleys as a Tywin-esque character until how they've portrayed him in the show and I get it now right he's very much if Joanna was still alive but at that same time you can tell that Brainius wants this crown less than he wants it for her that he keeps putting on her head in their conversations right like oh this crown that was stolen from you and she calls him out on that on his hubris on his pride saying that maybe the gods are scorning us for it maybe they took our daughter because
Starting point is 00:49:55 we're reaching for the stars over and over again and she calls him out kind of on his fake wife guy feminism because it seems like he wants that crown more than she ever did. You know, something that you were saying just now, it made me also think of the way that Rainey's response reminds me even a little bit of Ellaria Sand as she's portrayed in The Feast for Crows. In terms of what she really wants with her family. And it's dwindling, right?
Starting point is 00:50:23 Like, they only had two kids and she's probably not having more based on the age of her kids and and based on what corley's does in this episode yeah also that a lot of things um i do love you know like the a this this scene is i think i was gonna say it's the highlight of the episode but there are actually very many highlights but this is definitely one of them it's just so good uh and also even the way that it's shot when he finally sits down on the chair and joins her by the fire it's their silhouettes and in between them dividing them it's that fire it's coming between them the targaryens and their own fire and blood is what's dividing their family. And I'm sorry, like the dialogue is just so good.
Starting point is 00:51:13 I love that they're not trying to like dumb it down, you know. And they're not trying to change it to feel like more, I don't know, hip or whatever. That they're doing things like i i pulled out a bunch of lines just because i like them too much and they don't mean anything other than i like the way that they sound of and they execute it perfectly they execute it so authentically but in earnestly of like tonight of all nights let us lay aside this falsehood and also like desire for the throne if not for yourself then for the scions of your house like they just they just did it they just were like yeah we're gonna say scions of your house whatever and then of course like those fantastic lines of what is this brief
Starting point is 00:51:55 mortal life if not the pursuit of legacy and we are that is the exploration of a lot of this show but like oh my god sorry they're just so good bangers bangers it's shakespearean as fuck i mean they give us every single one of these lines between them and it's kind of funny because eve best and steve tassant are fucking masterclass actors yeah right like those two in a scene together no wonder they made us wait on this shit because that could bring the house down those two together um they know they know they know how to command a room they have great line delivery they play off each other really well and have amazing chemistry and it's very sad because you see both of them for who they are and they're both weary in different ways and she gives him she gives him an old tomato and this is pretty big she says name
Starting point is 00:52:53 bela air not our bastard grandsons and he hesitates which is more than an answer for her right he says nothing and she says to him you can speak the plain truth as we both know it renera's children are not of your blood but lena's are they are her legacy history does not remember blood it remembers names is what he responds right as you said and i have to mention the broadway show ham absolutely there's mean, Legacy is a huge theme in that. Or Veep, right? You know, pick one. But there's a huge theme of Legacy, and
Starting point is 00:53:32 Eliana, you'll remember this, the song Stannis sings in the Westeros, an American musical, which is way easier to explain to you than Hamilton. I watched Hamilton. I make references to the same thing now i go legacy but i don't know the words but then i'm like legacy and then i see i see
Starting point is 00:53:50 i see lin-manuel miranda jump off to the corner of this of the stage and then i'm like then he says the other things it's something about a garden that you'll never get to see exactly exactly those words exactly i know it now chloe i know it um this is character growth well so i'm proud you know someday dr b series 5 is gonna be under your belt is it look under your chair look into your chair so the specific line she says there's a remix of that song of burn the the song for the musical burn there is a line in a remix of it which is called first burn which is an earlier rendition um eliana is into hamilton enough now but she's she's not here yet i'm so sorry eliana for dragging you to this i'm not i don't think i'm ever going to be as deep into Hamilton as whatever you're talking about. I've had years.
Starting point is 00:54:46 I've had years on you, is your problem. So there's a line in it. And the lyrics in the remix version in First Burn are... And basically, if you don't know what happens, Hamilton, Eliza Schuyler, they get married. He goes off to war. He comes back. Whatever. He cheats on her.
Starting point is 00:55:04 And she ends up finding out she has to fucking bear it in front of everyone so actually there could be some parallels here that she just like grins and bears it whatever but there's this lyric where in this version when the time comes explain to the children the pain and embarrassment you put their mother through when will you learn they are your legacy we are are your legacy. And that's what it reminds me of, right? She's like, they are your legacy. This is them. They're right here. Like, I know you're making big bets on this big fucking pointy ass chair that cuts everyone that sits on it, but we're all right here. Yeah, and I mean, in his ambition, right? He does lose most of the family. I mean, Bela goes on and has a great line. Bela goes on to have kind of a crazy little life, right? She has her baby Lena. She has Alan. I mean, it's a stormy marriage. She goes on and lives on and outlives them, and Raina too.
Starting point is 00:56:05 Yeah, they both do, which, thank God they do, right? And I mean, technically, in a way, Alan is also not of Rainey's, right? But that speaks to Corley's own kind of like obsession, right, with his legacy as he kind of sacrifices Laenor's legacy a little he even sacrifices his own he doesn't claim them as his blood in that same way he doesn't acknowledge them as his children yeah he has his own version of Rhaenyra-ing it all
Starting point is 00:56:42 in a way if the rumors are true of his bastards. I mean, I think they are. Yeah, they're definitely, like, his kids, but, um... Yeah. Not Laenor's. But... And I guess everyone will be like, what the fuck, then, when they show up and he's like,
Starting point is 00:56:58 these are Laenor's kids, and everyone will be like, uh, interesting, based on how they look. Also, especially if Laener's actually dead by then it's like when did he have the time right absolutely like when did he have the time uh never yeah like that he's he's willing to do all that and i mean to an extent right the legacy does live on past them we remember their names and by we i mean fire and blood does right people remember the stories of adam and alan and corlees and rainies but at what cost like what's the point of the legacy if you don't get to live that life yeah wouldn't you rather live your life and spend your whole entire life trying to yeah but it there's also like this other thing going on where it's like, I'm not sure if you've heard that saying where it's you die two deaths, one in which your physical body dies and you die a second time when the last person who remembers you forgets you.
Starting point is 00:57:55 Right. Or when your memory passes from the world. So interesting. but also in regards to the idea of bastardy with the valerians speaking of i mean the house of the dragon right we've been talking about like is aegon the conqueror is this even really like his progeny right no one knows or even remembers anymore if anise was his blood right history doesn't remember blood and it didn't matter it It remembers the name. And so again, it's like that theme of who gets remembered and who doesn't. It comes back a couple of ways in the episode, right? And even with the servant at the end. And I mean, one of the ways in which history does not, you know, that emphasis on blood for the targaryens that's damon and reyniera joining themselves at the end and tuning sound right as we're talking about with the valerian's house the the dance itself is a remembrance of both the blood there's a lot of blood there's
Starting point is 00:58:56 a lot of blood shed in the dance and the names and cheese and some of the names and the blood that was shed by those names and their own blood hey you know i i definitely levitate between like g-poi between yolo between all the cool catchphrases of like live your fucking life right like i think that was such a big theme this episode with laner getting to take off uh even though his entire family now has to live as if you know he's dead and for reneara too like carpe diem seize your uncle's dick is what this episode's about right just grasp it oh my god yeah yeah and reneara and damon just grasping oh my god just Carpang. Carpang. Just the absolute firmest hand job. Anyways. Rhaenyra and Daemon catch up on the beach.
Starting point is 00:59:49 They discuss what's been going on and how bad life is. Rhaenyra actually says to him, I loved this, that she doesn't believe Alicent is capable of cold-blooded murder. Not cold-blooded murder right not cold-blooded at least so implying she definitely believes alicent could possibly get dragged into something or fooled by someone but not necessarily intentionally hurt her we even see the look on alicent's face later when she does hurt her it is regret yeah it is like oh god what have i done i love you yeah but it also really reflects to that episode before the age up where alicent said the same thing to her dad. Literally the same thing about Rhaenyra, right?
Starting point is 01:00:28 She said, like, Rhaenyra would never do that to me, father. That's my friend. And they both do something on that day that that is said to change the other's mind forever. For Rhaenyra, it's Alicent coming at her with a knife. Rhaenyra has a little bigger of a tolerance for this right alicent is just like lying to me about kristen cole or about damon i should say which you know but that said lying to her that was kind of for her that and it's still a pretty you know it's a worrying thing for her because who the fuck does she have to trust no one yeah like rainier's lie is what left her completely isolated and again as we were saying earlier loneliness um but though
Starting point is 01:01:14 allison coming at her with a dagger definitely leaves something yeah something to it she's like i guess maybe allison could but technically that was not in cold blood. That was technically a very, very hot-blooded moment. Such a hot-blooded moment. And, you know, I do, same as you, I love that Rhaenyra defends Alicent here. Not just, you know, not just A, as you said, right? It's that brilliant mirror to Alicent saying it to her father. But not just that, but like she used to defend to defend rainiera saying that she'd be a good queen you know if i'm not mistaken from my memory of foreign blood and i'm sorry if i'm wrong but
Starting point is 01:01:50 i don't think allison does murder anyone in cold blood um nor does she necessarily order if i'm not mistaken any of the murders in Cold Blood throughout the dance, though she did raise children who were, in fact, very comfortable with doing that. But part of me is wondering if maybe they'll take that in a different direction based on her saying, like, to Larry's, I might have need of you. uh we saw in fire and blood and that we're seeing here isn't doesn't do that uh she just kind of you know doesn't really punish anyone for doing it as we see in regards to the reason here and all but regarding people who are capable of further depravity right because damon says i think that everyone has it in them to have that depravity and i have absolutely butchered that line that was also well written but i mean that is exactly reyniera's storyline with damon throughout right as he kind of encourages and and nurtures reyniera's worst impulses and and even later on when he kind of tries to curb them then corley's becomes that right starts more and more um exploring that but at the same time i think you know the driving force as
Starting point is 01:03:07 you said right like both of them it occurs in that same episode the person who kind of drives that depravity in alicent is very much reynera same as reynera the person that drives that depravity in alicent is reynera same as for reynerira alicent kind of catalyzes that for her right i think it's a great choice i've written them as close and intertwined and friends at the beginning because they both end up engendering that change in one another and you see otto being such a driver of that again the hand looms as we said or the hand sews because like he said to her this episode he says and it's just like emotional abuse whatever from him i didn't believe you had any of this in you he drives her further he's like finally wow like i didn't think i'd ever
Starting point is 01:03:59 see you act like this i kind of liked it she's like holy shit my dad has finally cared about me and she's put in between these two ideas once more uh you see how she's just gonna be driven further into it yeah absolutely i like how you called it out as um an emotional abuse because he is he's the reason she's so isolated right because he tears apart any of the real connections she had she finally gets her dad's approval uh when he comes in she's like stealing herself like he's about to fucking chew me out again or make me do something horrendous that i don't want to do it's the same cycle of abuse she passes down to her children yeah you see that kind of just right alongside one another i mean that's why the kids are so volatile later on absolutely
Starting point is 01:04:46 they are in fact very volatile uh yeah she did not raise them to be functional people she was i mean she's a barely functioning person so understandable understandably so she's kind of just like compartmentalizing and doing what she has to do yeah to get through we got beach sex you know it used to be boat sex in the old series for boat babby oh my god beach sex and beach babby aegon 3 being conceived in the sand kind of says a lot you know it's coarse and it gets everywhere oh yeah, that's true, actually. It is true. I like the dialogue of it all. I thought there was something interesting. Maybe I'll take this out.
Starting point is 01:05:29 But Eliana, I don't know if you noticed, there's multiple times where Rhaenyra insists that she's no longer a child. novel that we've read by Philip Pullman where oh my god the main character and several other characters insist over time in the novel that the main character is not a child anymore then uses it to kind of validate a relationship that may or may not happen we don't know it hasn't happened yet and whatever I'm not here to discuss whether I like it or not or whatever but it's interesting because it's doing the exact opposite similar thing though here in that raniera is you know she's justifying she's like i'm no longer a child you can fuck me now like it's normal you can fuck me your niece now instead i've been waiting forever and she tells him you abandoned me she feels like she was abandoned by him which he says i spared you but i thought that insistence of her no longer
Starting point is 01:06:25 being a child was interesting to me yeah framing wise it is interesting framing wise right because like it acknowledges that he did want her when she was a child and it's like bruh what the fuck and well that and the special gifts and the special treatment and she was already isolated at court and him you know uh in the books we don't get a lot of this in the show obviously because the time skips around but it said he came back to king's landing and went on special dragon rides with her all over to dragon stone and back and brought her very special gifts and you know from a young age up, he was doing those things and having these secret jokes and they spoke in Valyrian here. There's something
Starting point is 01:07:12 about it, you know, she was very isolated. This is her only real romantic experience outside of Harwin and Kristen now. Thankfully, she got a few few others but that was her only experience until then that's true and i mean that that probably messes someone up especially when it's your uncle yeah i mean as has been discussed right it definitely is like something that should be discussed in the context of grooming and yeah but also you know like what do you do like they're targaryens and they just the show has also been like i don't know this is definitely abuse and grooming but they're like what do we do this is what the story is at the same time and let's i love that though i love that they're leaning into that in some aspects and And I also, I mean, this is the thing. The episode four, was it episode four? Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 01:08:08 Oh my god. Where am I now in this season? I know, right? Where is the time gone? Episode four, you know, it was sexy. It was exciting. It was exhilarating. We all wanted to feel that excitement.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Like, it was the first time Rhaenyra felt free. Got that pussy tingle feeling. She's just like, let's go. We're in the streets and we're wild. I've never gotten to be wild. And even their making out and everything it was sexy. It was on fire. And I wasn't
Starting point is 01:08:33 I was actually delightfully creeped out and turned on by this scene. In season 4? Actually. Or no, sorry, in episode 4? In episode 7. Like this scene like it was weird because i was grossed out i don't know what it was i like their chemistry together but i was also grossed out in a way like skeeved out but also i loved it like i was like sexily skeeved out is
Starting point is 01:08:57 that weird is that a feeling i'm starting to wonder if that's maybe intentional because people are saying that they were disappointed by that sex scene but maybe that's maybe intentional because people are saying that they were disappointed by that sex scene, but maybe that's an intentional choice now that I think about it. Like, because it is supposed to be uncomfortable, right? Like, is that why? Like, it was such a weird, uncomfortable scene because they didn't want it to be sexy. It kind of feels that way because I think their wedding was very beautiful and sexy at the end. Like, there was definitely the blood and the, well, the kids, that was a little, you know, but besides the witnesses being there was definitely except for the kids the blood and the all the kids that was a little you know but besides the witnesses being there uh it was like the actual ritual of it and obviously them looking at one another and etc i mean no it's less sexy when you remember they
Starting point is 01:09:36 brought the cousins and the kids and the maester to the sexy blood ritual wedding okay maybe that's not as sexy but it was sexy otherwise. Like when you just frame in. And the bajillion orange and red and yellow candles. And the headdress. And we'll talk about this soon. So don't skip ahead everyone. It's passionate.
Starting point is 01:09:55 Yeah it's definitely a passionate scene. Yeah. And where this was passionate. I don't know. It's sad. And right afterwards too. There's that moment where Damon gets up and he's gone. And he's just out at the beach looking out.
Starting point is 01:10:09 But you see her immediately stand up and look around for him and immediately get up and go to find him. It's sad. And you see that her abandonment issues, like, they're there. They are there. And you know that she feels so isolated and she felt so alone. And, yeah, he's like a drug for her in a way. That's a great call out, though, regarding those abandonment issues, because that is essentially part of what starts, again,
Starting point is 01:10:36 driving that depravity in Rhaenyra as she gets older, like as the dance deepens. Yeah, yeah, progresses. As she gets older, as the dance deepens. Yeah, yeah, progresses. And also, that first abandonment is in many ways, right? Yeah, it's Damon, but it's also Allison. And yeah, that's a great call-out of her looking around. And even why she... I mean, you start to see glimpses of it last episode when she orders lanor to stay
Starting point is 01:11:06 um but also in regards to harbin right like she she's like i should have never let him go back to the riverlands that's part of it too she's like i let him go and he's gone forever i mean that's what drives her throughout the whole dance like you said look at how she holds joff yeah she won't let him go he's like what if i go get my dragon mom i can fix this i can go help us and she won't let him and he sneaks out and he does it anyway that self-fulfilling prophecy right and even before this she starts talking about how she believes in the curse of heron hall right and she believes damon's like that's silly that's very silly of you there's no way and she's like no it's it's at its peak heron's castle is literally evil like
Starting point is 01:11:51 it's swallowed it and it reminds me of danny a little bit right like growing up with dreams that came true and feeling like she's seeing the truth of the world and how it's working and reneera too in a way i don't know it's interesting yeah i also also my final thought on this part of the scene reneera claiming damon is really what this is right it's uh it's aligned with amand claiming vagar coming up next and it's reneera claiming damon too soon just like amand claims vagar quote unquote too soon in everyone's eyes right like everyone's pissed they're like what we didn't even get a chance which we'll talk about that but that's kind of what ranira did with her uncle she claimed him
Starting point is 01:12:38 yeah i think that's a great point right she she She, she, because both are, she sees Daemon as someone who's like a path towards power, to an extent, not just as her uncle and her lover, but also someone who can make things happen. Same as for Aemon, that's who Vhagar is, right? And also for both coming into their full potential, right? Becoming who they feel they are meant to be for reynira she feels that damon um helps complete her it's not like a toxic codependent thing at all um and for amon right as well he's like now this is who i'm supposed to be but you know coming back to what you're saying also about harrenhal and even abandonment and the curses i mean to an extent right like the battle at the god's eye it's just right there of harrenhal and it ends up taking damon big sad holy shit we're like oh it's bad that he's with her she's with her uncle but also they're in love i guess but also it's bad but also it's sad lots of feelings i really didn't think about it that was a great catch though on the curse of harrenhal being what takes him from her one final time you know not just her abandonment issues driving him away from her i mean the arms went out that too which is like if you have abandonment issues that's like your biggest fear in the world obviously because you have abandonment issues it's
Starting point is 01:14:19 in the name yeah it sucks yeah fucking sucks God. Can we talk about something that sucks less? Because I mean, this was, even though it was pitch dark, it was such a great scene. It was so fucking great. It was better on the laptop, but it was so dark. Yeah. I watched it. It was fine for me because we have our little projector and it's pitch black, so it works out good for us. But it's hard to watch in
Starting point is 01:14:45 daylight for sure without turning your settings up a little bit but Eamon claiming Vhagar was I mean it was fantastic I can see why and I hate to say this but I see why they didn't put the scene in tonally I see it didn't fit for Lena to claim Vhagar in those episodes and in that jump and I really wish we had more lena but i also think it would detract from claiming vagar for amand like it makes it i i think they wanted to really be able to balance and leverage him being a badass but also being a psycho in a way uh and it's it's a fantastic scene all together it's beautiful i love oh god when he crouches in the grass and the grass starts to whisper and even the music when he does claim in the grass and the grass starts to whisper.
Starting point is 01:15:28 And even the music, when he does claim Vhagar, there's a new song. At first it took me a little bit to get into it because it's like, it's literally just Dany on the Dragons, the doo doo, but it's like in a different key with a little bit of a different melody, even down to the do do do do do do do do do do, that part I like, you know, you know that part I like, Eliana. But it's very similar, but it's different and i liked it it just took me a few listens to really understand like that i wasn't just hearing that other song yeah but i really like that they separated it because no one in their fucking mind wants to see amand one eye on vegar to daenerys's song i mean that is kind of insulting in a way right like a differentiation of it a variant of it like what ramin did
Starting point is 01:16:14 priceless it was beautiful and i really liked that touch yeah it was it was such a well-done scene as you said right even the details of the music i don't know i still want the lena scene but i understand as you said right like structurally why it helps to make there only be like one dragon claiming scene and for it to be this one um especially because they are trying to complicate i guess amen it just sucks that they sacrifice like lena's uh development for that but also i don't know it could still we could still get it one day right like uh in a blu-ray or something it could happen i'd like really i'm just keep gonna keep hoping but i see what you're saying and it does make sense and it was really good i'm like you know i kind of love him i love amand i know i was like am i an amand apologist now but i mean it's hard to separate also like what he does later on but i guess that's the point no
Starting point is 01:17:11 one like is good in the dance um something else that sucks again i said i was going to be referencing quite a few things from the hot d discord discussions that occur on Fridays that this actually comes from our host Maddie who is doing a fantastic job of hosting these discussions and she had this great point that was very sad and we were all like wow Maddie why would you hurt us all like this of you know Aemond claims Vhagar and that means that Daemon and Caraxes, right, like those like, Caraxes and Vhagar were then kind of like lover dragons in a way, and thus have
Starting point is 01:17:51 to fight and kill each other. That's so awful, especially because, like, listen, in CK2, the Game of Thrones mod, Yeah, which is canon. No, it's not. It feels canon for me for some days but there's this event that like your dragons can be seen in the sky mating like they become a mating pair
Starting point is 01:18:14 so that is really sad and sweet to think that karaxis and vagar maybe ran across the sky together and also were in love and their connection that's horrible he does have to fight yeah and i mean like it is described that way right in the in fire and blood and and the princess and the queen when the two dragons do fight one another that their final fight is it is like a dance and they did say that it seemed almost as though the dragons were mating. And yeah, though, funny enough, you know, my boyfriend, when we were watching, like as soon as Eamon claimed it was like, oh no. Because, you know, he hasn't read Fire and Blood, but he can see the sides forming.
Starting point is 01:19:01 But it was like, oh no, that means that the daughters are going to have to fight their mother's dragon. And I didn't say anything. He thinks he's right. I'm like, he's almost there, but not quite. not quite i can't wait it's gonna be so much worse than that partner can't wait can't wait to hear about it it's gonna be so badass i mean until this scene last night i want you to understand that like there are some scenes in hot d that are gonna be for the girlies right and damon and amand at the god's eye maybe that to me isn't like cool cool i'm not like out there like yeah i'm so excited but last night it all clicked i get it now after seeing this scene seeing amand take vagar the complete badassness the ferocity i mean that little guy my god he's got a backbone that I don't even have.
Starting point is 01:19:50 I would have just, the second that fire was building in Vhagar's throat, I would have been like, bye, peace, see ya. Like, I know what happened to Quentin Martell. I'm not playing this game. Goodbye. Yeah. Amazing. Just absolutely amazing how it was shot. Yeah, Eamon's like a weird little guy. And it's just shot with this, like, beautiful sense of kind of kind of like that childlike wonder. It looks like something actually out of a children's fantasy movie, right? And I mean that in a really good way, because they've balanced that whimsy and that wonder with the horror that comes right after it, you know, complete whiplash.
Starting point is 01:20:26 right after it you know complete whiplash um but i also i like the details right like we didn't get to see lena claiming vagar or like really getting on or off of vagar so uh the ladder that's what the ropes were chloe they were ladders yeah they were fucking i was like i told you it was some sort of harness or something i'm like i wouldn't have guessed it was a fucking playground ladder okay you thought it was like noodle hair like she has hair you know like when people she's got yakisoba hair i was like why not or like it was just seaweed hanging off but of course it's a ladder and that makes perfect sense um also amen's ladder yeah it is he doesn't strap himself in also when he's in the saddle which i thought was really interesting
Starting point is 01:21:05 because then we see oh you fucking made a mistake uh because it's apparently very difficult to fly a dragon without that and coming back again to the battle of the gods above the god's eye between daemon and amon like then we see like that kind of sets up like how how badass it is then that daemon's like you know what fuck it and he unstraps himself to jump dragons to to take down i guess his nephew and who has basically the same name as him but a little different and there's that's so i i never really thought about the unstrapping part especially then the aim it is such a crazy son of a gun that he's out there and he's like look ma no seat belt yeah and yeah as you said right like the the scary thing of like he's he just like bucks up and like uses the fucking calm ass commands to like calm down
Starting point is 01:21:56 calm down right to to vegar and that that works and you know that that's the problem that Quentin Martell had right turns out dragons are only monolingual they are not bilingual after all this time no one has taught them the common tongue they might be bisexual but they aren't bilingual yeah get them on Duolingo
Starting point is 01:22:19 where apparently they have High Valerian but they don't have Tagalog or you know other like real ass languages so whatever dragon lingo they're learning their dragon lingo they got the app they're they're not that's the problem when amand lands he is like you know that boy is exhilarated he's feeling it he's feeling great and unfortunately the valerians aren't yeah not to censor him i feel bad because he was like having a great time and then they the kids come in and they're like what the fuck well that that's so he's like riding a high like he literally i mean
Starting point is 01:22:58 this kid just conquered literally he just conquered everything that his family kind of had talked down on him about, right? Like his big brother is an asshole where you see Jace being supportive to Luke. You see Aegon being a total prick to him, to Aemond. He's nice to Helena, probably because she's one of the few that's nice to him, right? Or nice-ish, even though she can be a little odd. He's like, I don't know, she's nicer than Aegon, nicer than mom. And he did what
Starting point is 01:23:25 they had been making fun of him for years about they're like you don't have a dragon you dragon this fuck and he went and got the biggest one i mean you can see he doesn't quite fit into his own family sometimes and this is the thing he wanted to make him fit in but it actually doesn't make him fit in it sets him apart yeah farther than the rest, as Otto points out. And of course, the Valerians, which again, a fucking fantastic scene. Bela goes to Jace and she's like another great connection to their alliance, their betrothal soon. But she goes to Jace and asks him to help because someone's stolen Vhagar, which, again, coming back to Qu quentin martell you don't just steal a dragon there's no dibs on a dragon a dragon will tell you whether they want you to ride it or whether
Starting point is 01:24:14 you should fuck off you know you might be able to tame it if you're skilled but no 11 12 whatever year old can just mount a dragon and steal it, quote unquote. Not unlike, think of the Free Folk, right? Like, they have the, you have to steal me, Ygritte, you know? If you claim me, you have to steal me. So in a way, yes, okay, there's kind of an idea there. Maybe Aemon does have to steal Vhagar to claim Vhagar as his own. But dragons, like, you don't know shit about dragons dude
Starting point is 01:24:45 yeah do you think he stole vegar i i agree it's kind of like what denarii says right a dragon is not a slave it cannot be stolen then like it's not property it's it's uh it's your partner right and and this is what we were talking about your made power flesh made power exactly and i don't remember what episode we were talking about this and i think maybe one of the prologues or when we just started brand and um i think our friend thunderclap was asking us about uh what we thought about like the the dragons as flamethrowers and like and it's so funny because actually they turns out the showrunners describe vagar exactly the way that we did i was like they're like cats they don't got any loyalty right and they describe her as an old cat and even the captions describe uh her her
Starting point is 01:25:30 sounds as purring i was like we got it we got it we understood and yeah i mean yeah like it's vagar has no fucking loyalty all right she she chose she's loyal to whoever she wants to be. And she chose Aemond. And also, like, it does suck, right? Because at the same time, again, speaking of loneliness and Aemond not being able to connect, Bela, no, Rhaena
Starting point is 01:25:57 was kind of, like, in the same position as him, right? Because she's also like, I feel isolated from our family because i do not have a dragon i do not feel like i belong and and for that to be taken and it's also a connection right to her mother but that's exactly i guess what the dance is about family betraying each other even if that's your mother's dragon that's a that betrayed you and i do i i feel for her right they're mirrors to each other in that way amen and and reina well in this episode i mean
Starting point is 01:26:33 the whole season is about inheritance in general but this episode specifically has the stirrings of yet another mini succession crisis when it comes to driftmark as we start to hear which is going to come and bubble up in the next episode but lena's death does leave that and it's interesting because in this moment when you have rainies begging corleys to please just name bella the heir dragons don't pass down through primogeniture through any geniture they don't pass down through a succession right you don't just inherit a dragon it's not the iron throne it's not the driftwood chair it's none of these it's not the sea salt chair the salt sea the stone salt the whatever the north one's called you know i mean we're in the cinematic universe of thrones now you guys so, but it's not. You don't just pass a dragon down. And obviously,
Starting point is 01:27:27 Laena, I mean, she taught them that. We saw her teach them that, that like, you can claim them, you can birth them. There are many ways to get them, but you have to get them. Dragons are not something that you can just constantly, I mean, hatchlings are one thing, right? Getting an egg, which we might see in the next episode with Damon, it looks like for the boys. Getting an egg in your crib becomes something that, you know, Reina. Reina from Aenys' line there. I guess they all are. Reina from earlier on in Fire and Blood.
Starting point is 01:27:57 She starts that tradition, not this Reina. Leaving those eggs in the crib becomes a tradition their family uses to bring this fire alive. But you do have to do something to have them. Something special has to exist. Some little bit of magic for them to be yours and for you to bind a dragon to yourself or bond with them. Yes, absolutely. And speaking of Reina, right? That Reina, I think Dreamfire is the only the only dragon right through which maybe something
Starting point is 01:28:27 passes like there is a way to inherit dreamfire which i know that you feel strongly about you have to be gay only the gays can inherit dreamfire is really i'm serious what if helena is we just don't know much about her i really hope to continue going on with her maybe she has some love so we just don't know yeah i do want to say about inheriting dragons it brings to mind as many are thinking about with little amand little psycho junior you're on and the theories of like him stealing a dragon right which i'm sure not a cast has talked about you're on in their episode which is out today as well so please head over and listen i just have a feeling that poor quentin fellow is just ecstatic about his weird little homeschooled amen targaryen son but i know this
Starting point is 01:29:13 because he's my roommate but you're on like it's the idea of you're on or agan or john claiming a dragon or a dragon being okay to bind itself to them that's interesting it takes boldness it takes spirit and courage it takes a little bit of magic it takes a little bit of some sort of connection whether it's blood whether it's just the magic yeah it's fire i think i mean i didn't think before but seeing it now on tv like this the way they're putting these themes it does make me think maybe we will see one of those dragons go to a different side i think we'll see the dragons go to different sides quite a few times like for example i think that as we've seen brown ben plum is quite up there as a candidate right he he had a rapport with the dragons so that's up there as one of the options and then i don't see brown ben plum as a character who sticks
Starting point is 01:30:03 around for a very long time so he could definitely die and then someone else could claim that dragon and I do see Aegon as one of the potential strongly as one of the potential options that would legitimize him a bit, wouldn't it?
Starting point is 01:30:19 it really would it's Worldstar first of all, the actual fight before we move on, I was sitting here like, throw the chair. Throw the sea stone chair. Or whatever fucking chair. The sea wood chair. The wood stone.
Starting point is 01:30:34 The driftwood chair. Throw the chair. Throw a piece of the chair, okay? Somebody, it was wild. Amon was being, to break it down for you, I'm going to be our breaker downer here. Amon shows up and he's all like, fuck off, what's it to you? Yeah, I took Vhagar,
Starting point is 01:30:50 I'd do it again, fuckers. And they're like, hey, that's my mom's dragon, how dare you? This is a real betrayal in our family. And to be fair, Jace and Luke are both kind of being very reserved. Luke doesn't know what's going on. Luke's like, why are we here?
Starting point is 01:31:10 Luke wants nothing. at first he really wants nothing to do with it with his evasive sand attack Luke you sand attack it was straight up Pokemon uh but you know they don't really go on the offense right away but Aemon says I'm gonna set you guys on fire if you ever fucking come at me again with my fucking huge dragon i'm gonna feed you to my fucking dragon definitely things kids say definitely you know in six years we're gonna see this boy burning down the riverlands it can't be a connection he's full of power it's definitely a connection and who he becomes but also like at the same time i think sometimes kids just say shit like that you know they're like i like, I'm going to feed you to my dragon, right? Like, I'm going to blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:31:47 But unfortunately, these are kids who develop into people who... Yeah, most kids in Westeros grow up saying they're going to feed someone to their dragon. Eliana, you're so clever to see it. Well, not feed someone to your dragon, but, you know, something to that same extent, you know? Like, kids love posturing, right? They say, like, oh, I'm going to do blah, blah, blah. And you're like, no,uring right they they say like oh i'm gonna do blah blah you're like no you're fucking not no you're not kid you're a fucking kid shut up yeah like kids will be like i'm gonna kick you out of my house and it's like no you're not yeah that's
Starting point is 01:32:15 true no you're not that's true they like to lie kids love lying and it was unfair right because then all three of them well four of them, they all fall in on him, right? And they're all beating the crap out of him. So, like, Jace draws the knife only when he gets pretty violent towards him. And then he slashes. And the bastard, obviously. Bastard kind of sets him off a little bit, right? Calling him a strong.
Starting point is 01:32:39 That was a little out of line, Aemond. It's a messy scene. Like, it's well done and shot. And it's intentionally messy a messy scene like it's well done and shot and it's intentionally messy i'm saying messy in a good way right like because it's hard to pick a side right because i do i'm like amen was a huge asshole for for the way that he shoves and hits both bella and reina but at the same time they did also come at him first they were the first to aggress but are you should you treat girls like that roughly um not necessarily but also because i was i guess kind of a tomboyish kid when i would get in fights i was like yeah fucking hit
Starting point is 01:33:16 me as hard as you can you know like absolutely dude don't hold back just because i'm a girl uh so uh the way that he treats them is absolutely abhorrent and disrespectful but also then you have all three of the kids wailing on him and i'm like that's not fair and then you also have people who have rightly pointed out like he was gonna smash that kid's like head in with the rock which interestingly you know amand again with the d the damon the d of the day amen at the end they could outrun him especially after wailing on him like they didn't have to continue to escalate this fight especially once they like pocket sanded him i kind of forgot about the rock i'm gonna be honest yeah until now and i'm like yep that might have been why i also was mad at amen to like put the rock down son yeah and like it was was it in self-defense was it not i don't know everyone
Starting point is 01:34:09 just kept escalating and so he's just like his uncle for real holding the rock in self-defense yeah also now that i think about it when you now that you said like he's like his uncle for real i mean taking on a bunch of people all at once uh Damon at the Stepstones. I love seeing him transform into darker Damon. I mean, he's also a feminist king, too. You heard him talking about his sister. I'm serious in a way. Yeah, I mean, they stand for a lot of the same values, but they're just both chaotic. Absolutely chaotic.
Starting point is 01:34:42 This is so funny because literally jokingly in our unleash the d primer episodes both emmett and maddie that came on made jokes about me accidentally becoming an amen stand during this season and i really didn't take it seriously but yet here i am boo boo the fool with the nose on i'm like that's my psycho son that's my boy i love love that idiot. Yeah, I'm torn. I like, I support who he is now and I'm like, I see how we got here and hilarious, good job for you, kid. But also I'm like, how dare you do that to Bela and Reyna. I love them.
Starting point is 01:35:15 Yeah, absolutely. I'm like Viserys. I'm like, we are a family. We are a family. We are going to get along. I mean, that's actually the beauty of this show though so far because this is just mimic it's a microcosm of the fight in the next scene right yeah it's the bubbling up of these tensions that the parents have shoved at their kids saying oh we don't like these people we don't like them well here we are it's bubbled through the kids it's coming to the
Starting point is 01:35:41 top it's rising and then in the next scene it happens again yeah which i also have to say in the next scene how come no one let bella and reina speak and say what that was frustrating at least good king robert would have let them speak i think he really would have like they this is literally their house like this is their family seat and home. Why did they have no rights to speak out on what happened? Anyway. Yeah. Times were different back then than they were in 1997. Yeah, that's true. Robert, feminists can't.
Starting point is 01:36:15 No, I'm joking. Absolutely not. Yeah. The big fight. Girls with their daggers. I mean, a lot of it, again, is about the series being like, we are a family. daggers i mean a lot of it again is about the series being like we are a family and but i i because again for some reason we like amon now i couldn't help but laugh when he smirks when they're like yeah he called them bastards and he's like yeah i did but also for some reason
Starting point is 01:36:38 that i am not charmed at kristen cole laughing at the you know things that are going on i'm like how dare you this is not the time for you to be laughing kristen, you know, things that are going on. I'm like, how dare you? This is not the time for you to be laughing, Kristen Cole, you asshole. But now that I think about it, the whole episode is maybe kind of about people laughing at inopportune times. Allison spends, I mean, Rhaenyra and Allison spend the whole episode gagging one another and others around them, which I love. Yeah. Like they're being very sassy. That line from Allison is totally like girlfriend come on she's out of control she goes entertaining his young squire's adventure about where laner is
Starting point is 01:37:11 and kristen cole laughs and harold westerling makes a face yeah again they're really giving harold like four things to do this episode which to me says he's gone next episode say goodbye to papa westerling the only westerling we've seen on tv ever oh my god you're right holy shit i know i know uh now i i really want to talk about a little bit of the end of last scene the fight but also this scene and how it's framed because it's actually framed and i've been thinking about this for a few weeks, actually, since you and I recorded with Kim Renfro. I've been thinking about this, that this is framed exactly like the scuffle at the Trident in a Game of Thrones, right? With Joffrey, Sansa, Micah, Arya, and the throne or the dairy scene where Robert calls them in and asks the truth of it. even down to the way not only the words from the book and what was copied to a game of thrones in the show but also from here in the show what they did between each person so for example in
Starting point is 01:38:14 i believe this is what kings wrote i think episode two of game of thrones robert baratheon says to your point now child tell me what happened tell it all and tell it true it's a great crime to lie to a king here instead we have Viserys to Aemon saying look at me your king demands an answer who spoke these lies to you
Starting point is 01:38:37 tell me the truth of it he says and then of course we have between Cersei versus what comes up with alicent cersei calls aria as wild as that animal of hers and that she wants her punished robert says what would you have me do whip her through the streets damn it children fight it's over she says joffrey will bear these scars for the rest of his life. So going to what Alicent says, she says Aemond has been damaged permanently.
Starting point is 01:39:12 Goodwill cannot make him whole. She says there is a debt to be paid. I shall have one of her son's eyes in return. She then says he's your son, Viserys, your blood. And she says that if the king will not seek justice the queen will and says sir kristin bring me the eye of lucerys valarian so i think it's like perfectly written it's one one in many moments for some of the things allison says like she straight up is almost quoting cersei on a lot of these moments really brilliantly framed really well done uh i mean god i kind of want olivia cook in a blonde wig whispering very quietly we have a wolf you know just just for a second just for
Starting point is 01:39:53 just for myself i mean maybe you do like maybe that was her audition tape because remember they gave her cersei lines we don't know what lines they gave her that's true that's true I would love to see that but she's not in a wig probably she should be I'll just imagine it I do think that obviously Viserys and Robert have a lot of parallels here in some aspects in the blindness right the acetic king the blindness uh and also in the like ah this is just kids being kids because obviously your asshole bastard son joffrey different bastard asshole son joffrey he was a right little bitch on the trident we do know that and he is lying now he is kind of the aim end of this scene right but aim end at the same time i love that he passes it to agan as as we'll talk about. And I love that he's like, this is bullshit. Why am I going down for everybody else's crimes?
Starting point is 01:40:49 Like, it's not just me. I actually love that it's reversed, though, right? Because the actually somewhat injured party is the one that you're not. Well, who's to say what you're supposed to like? But kind of a little douchebag, right? Like, you're kind of like i feel bad for him i do but also he earns it in some aspects yeah also amon doesn't feel bad for himself yeah he doesn't feel bad for himself so i don't think i should fully feel bad for him i mean
Starting point is 01:41:18 he says so he's like he basically i will badge of honor it you know i'll wear it as will badge of honor it, you know, I'll wear it as a badge of honor, you know, and he's like, fucking worth it. And it's interesting because, first of all, as you said, right, in terms of how they turned it on Agen, and I just want to point out, someone called that out of like, please, why is Agen unintentionally funny? on um the twitter user rainier as a mcqueen spelled m-u-h for mcqueen or no sorry the twitter user rainies mcqueen spelled m-u-h for rainies mcqueen and then like oh my god so many people replied to it with like hilarious versions of memes of people going me when agan's like me so funny i'm sorry i like i was just dying looking at those but yes allison absolutely plays this very much like cersei but at the same time you can see that the there's a very i think real and genuine like concern allison's like how they cannot keep getting away with this right in a way that is a little different from cersei's cunning uh when this goes down because i mean joffrey wasn't hurt that bad let's be fucking real right amand is absolutely very much hurt very badly yes and it's absolutely understandable
Starting point is 01:42:42 for allison to want justice and it's i actually see that the way that Rhaenyra turns it around and gets what she wants out of the situation as very Cersei-esque. you're changing the ideas of who's actually at fault, right? Like redoing everything so that it is unjust, especially because we know Joffrey was the aggressor there at the Trident. That one was much more clear, right? That one was much more black and white versus this strange gray thing of the children fighting here. And I just kind of see the way that Rhaynira does it as also very cersei-esque i like that especially a different cersei right um they both have that desperation but
Starting point is 01:43:35 reynira plays it a little younger cersei even kind of utilizing her father's power right to hide behind his paper shield in a way because she only has so much time until that won't work anymore that's true right because he'll be dead like they both that's the saddest part in some aspects here that they both are on a ticking time bomb all dependent on this man's death yeah they, they're clinging to him for that someone's a power. And then, like, that's when Alicent finally really finds out that she's powerless and she has to do things differently than she thought when Kristen doesn't do anything. But, you know, thank God, finally, Kristen, like, for one second, I'm like, okay.
Starting point is 01:44:24 For one second, I was okay for one second i was like okay maybe you do understand your job then he does something else like in two seconds i'm like you do not understand your job but she orders him and she's like you're sworn to me and he's like as your protector thankfully he does not move but harold westerling looks at him like you fucking idiot straight up like especially because he's like as your protector which very much is defensive yes offensive and alicent is absolutely while it seems like you might want to say it's defensive she wasn't there for the defense none of them were in fact like i attribute some of that like where was laner where was raniera where was alicent where were y'all where were your kids yeah y'all do it it's
Starting point is 01:45:11 not a clock do you know where your kids are yeah um y'all were busy machinating and scheming is what you were busy doing and now all of you are suffering the consequences of your major actions for the past decade and a half it's kind of funny because you know yeah like every time the kids sneak out which i mean that's what kids do right they get into hijinks i'm not like this is a that is a normal kid thing to do this is as george likes to say though turned up to 11 because someone lost an eye it's very much like you're gonna shoot your eye out right um you'll shoot your eye out shoot your eye out kid something that also really stood out to me is i like that you read aloud uh robert's line because it's actually very gentle right now child tell me
Starting point is 01:45:54 what happened tell it and tell it true it's a great crime to lie to a king it's a very gentle way of putting that whereas how viscerys does it is he goes to his son with this kind of aggression of your king demands an answer. And it makes me think of how last episode when Rhaenyra ordered Laenor to stay with her, right? Or even when Rhaenyra previously was commanded to attend Aegon's birthday party by the king, or even when Viserys orders Rhaenyra to wed Laenor. And I'm sure we'll see Rhaenyra start doing this more and more to people around her, ordering them by way of, you know, her own position. And it really shows, right, like, within these families and within these relationships, that imbalance of power,
Starting point is 01:46:42 when you are wed to a royal, even when you are one, when you're related to one within these relationships, that imbalance of power. When you are wed to a royal, even when you are one, when you're related to one, within these, it creates an unhealthy family dynamic that's just built on power as opposed to love and respect for one another and humanity. Especially because you see how Viserys clearly treats his children by Alicent so differently from Rhaenyra. Like, as we've discussed, we never really saw him caring for the babies in the earlier episodes he never even seemed that fond of agon the conqueror babe
Starting point is 01:47:10 and yeah yeah like his favoritism towards emma right is a big part of that but i also kind of wonder was he maybe a little warmer towards the children but not as much um but then when he realized that Otto calculated this marriage between between Viserys and Alicent like does he end up taking it out on his kids and on Alicent which is really sad that he he might take out Otto's machinations out on them again it's living up just like we see earlier with Viserys and lucerys the sadness that they're already exhibiting you know that deep doom that they're already feeling the true doom of valeria that's coming over them of like trying to live up to your parents everything right everything they expect of you and kristen cole even has it in this moment in this scene you know him saying i'm your
Starting point is 01:48:03 protector it brings up all those conflicts of everything you're supposed to do in life as a a king's guard of protect the king protect the queen you know listen to them protect their children do this love your parents love your siblings yes but that's also what's being passed down onto these kids by putting them into such big royal positions and i mean these positions come with prejudice with hatred built into them with blood rivalry even within within the same family right like we see that uh amand and agan do end up having a sort of partnership in ruling the kingdom right amand becomes like agan's hand right briefly um during or maybe he doesn't i don't remember but um amand and egan you know they
Starting point is 01:48:48 they work together closely to fight this war but even within their nuclear family they they have that hatred and that blood and i mean again amand names egan as the person where he hears all those rumors from, which ties nicely and creates that sort of cycle of how Agen was the one who lied last episode. It was like, yeah, it was definitely the strong kids whose names I cannot remember, yet I am blaming them for bullying
Starting point is 01:49:16 Amon. The bullying back and forth. When does it end? Like you said, like Ellaria said, when does it end? It doesn't.aria said when does it end it doesn't it really doesn't because now we get to as you said girls with daggers so well done the drama of it all uh allison grabbing the dagger the dagger point in ranira's face and the flames behind it as this is the prophecy this is the prophecy of ice and fire this is what ranira realizes she's trying ice and fire this is what vernera realizes
Starting point is 01:49:46 she's trying to protect her family from and yet the very same ancestral dagger with the runes and secrets of the song of ice and fire written within it in their language and coded in the blood right of their history allison is just waving in her face it's reduced to that moment and it's so tense um sexy and scary right i'm like oh my god are they gonna kiss or kill i can't wait to see both and you see the regret on both of them but raniera saying now they see you as you really are yes she's like girls stop fighting the wolves finally you know it's all unveiled and it's not even they see her as she really is this is the first time i think even allison sees her as she really is right she finally for the first time vocalizes
Starting point is 01:50:39 why she's so frustrated because she's done everything right and yet isn't allowed to do to get away with every isn't allowed to get away with anything where is duty where's sacrifice it was very well written where's honor everything yeah it's everything we have seen well honor's a horse um but it's everything we've seen her building to and her resentments building to yeah it's so sad it was uh i don't know i do feel horrible for her at the same time i mean because at the end of the night now even in the next scene right when she talks to her dad like she's like shit what do i do and he's like oh go grovel you know play the innocent play the innocent yeah like rainiera definitely kind of calculates for that cut, right?
Starting point is 01:51:28 Which is interesting because she will be cut much more times than by the Iron Throne. I'm starting to wonder if, like, the phrasing on the dagger, from my blood come the prince that was promised, doesn't necessarily mean then from Aegon's line, or does it mean from the blood that's spilled, right? Because here she spills blood. because here she spills blood yeah and then we see like this becomes a Targaryen family tradition in fighting civil wars and blood spilling exactly not like in that sense but I mean like also in the episode alone later then I mean I joked about it on on bird app but like
Starting point is 01:52:05 maester gerardus needs to go stock up on antiseptic because how many times did renera just cut herself open this episode whether purposefully or not uh but it brings you back to that blood sacrifice and to blood feeding magic yeah to magic happening from blood and i mean she's gonna continually have that it also makes you think of what the green council that we're gonna get in the future here where they all swear a blood oath alicent is the only one in the books that doesn't have to because she's but a woman it's a great point i think that yeah that also points to mean, she never took the oath, the blood oath of, you know, going against the Blacks. And you do see that there's still some love within her and within Rhaenyra for one another, right?
Starting point is 01:52:54 Because she doesn't kill Alicent. She kills her father. She never kills Alicent. Yeah. Yeah, there is something. There's something that's there. And as you said, right, Alison drops the dagger. She absolutely regrets at the moment it happens because who have you become, right? When you're fucking stabbing your best friend who's not your best. I mean, at least it wasn't backstabbing, I guess, you know. Also the heir to the throne. you know but um also the heir to the throne right like there's a it's a complex thing where a she's like i fucked up and also speaking of heirs to the throne what what was kristen cole doing why were you running into there all the king's guard had to be like don't do it they were like we got to hold him back or next thing we know he's pummeling someone's face in again because let's be real the person that he wanted whose face he wanted to pummel in at the wedding was reynira's because he's a terrible person.
Starting point is 01:53:46 And that's what he was going to do. Like, what are you going to do? Fucking kill the heir to the throne? Like, that's also not your job. You protect the queen, but not... The heir is being, like... The heir is the one who's being threatened. Anyways.
Starting point is 01:53:59 So, following this scene, Alicent feels major regret. Her and Otto speak at the fireplace. Basically, they have a conversation where he's like, honey, you did, well, you went a little too hard, but you did a great job. Didn't know it was in you, to be honest. And also, I kind of like that other weird kid you have.
Starting point is 01:54:16 I know we talked about Agen I, or the first son, Agen II, but, you know, what about that Amund guy? Because he really has talent, and it's a good thing he got us the world's biggest nuke. Yeah, he's, like, very proud of them. And, you know, as you were saying, right, she was anticipating being scolded and said got approval. And you can really see how that cycle of abuse, right, she, like, slaps Aeggen in front of everyone, right?
Starting point is 01:54:45 Like how that keeps getting passed down with these generations. And even the way Viserys treats his son. And like, she treats her children this way because that's the language that she knows from Otto. She doesn't know how to get love and approval from a parent. She's never seen that modeled. Her brother died. get love and approval from from a parent she's never seen that modeled her mother died um and you can kind of see like why reynira's children grew up nicer because reynira was treated with love by her father or at least he tried to right and her siblings received neither love nor the
Starting point is 01:55:22 attempt at it from both parents um kind of maybe helena kind of got some attempt at love from her mom but it reminds me something our friend rowan had said before about families and and abuse speaking with people who are like why am i acting this way and she explains like let's say you grow up in a household where you, I don't know, speak English, right? What language are you going to speak? You're going to speak English. So if you grow up in a household where the language is violence, then what language will you grow up knowing? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:57 That's all she's known. Yeah, that's all Allison's known. I will say she's a little lucky that uh she's not married to henry the eighth because otto's saying that well baseriz is gonna forgive you what else could he do and i'm like well well ask ambo lynn with her green outfits yeah let's find out what ambo lynn says uh and besides that's another generation or so when it comes to the Targs, am I right? Yep. That comes from Rhaenyra's line. Oops. Oops.
Starting point is 01:56:29 So after Rhaenyra's injury, Laenor and Rhaenyra speak an interesting, much sweeter, softer play on that Cersei-Robert conversation in season one of A Game of Thrones. And it's a very honest conversation. It's not cruel. It's not mean it's just honest about their place their position that you know they did the best they could laner is disappointed in himself that he wasn't able to be an excellent father he knows that he acknowledges that he knew the whole time and that maybe he wasn't always there for her they both kind of laughed that they had said at one point like this agreement will be fucking easy for us because it turns out
Starting point is 01:57:09 it really wasn't it wasn't easy at all no it wasn't and obviously it led to a lot of tragedy for the both of them right like both of them now uh have that feeling of losing a lover though it was probably way more traumatic the first time around for lanor but you know i kind of feel like there are some parallels also even of like otto and amen saying the dragon was worth the injury with reynira kind of maybe feeling the same like worth it to let the knife slash me but in terms of the honesty between the two i i i really do love that scene where um that affirmation reynira gives to lan Laenor because Laenor says I hate the gods for making me as they did
Starting point is 01:57:48 and she says I do not you know what it actually reminds me of is Aemon, Aemon's speech right? Targaryen Maester Aemon I'm sorry without it's hard to hear the
Starting point is 01:58:03 you know like so I'm like I want to make sure hard to hear the D, you know? So I'm like, I want to make sure that you're talking about Maester Aemon from present day, 297 AC. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Of course, of course. Live. It reminds me of what Aemon says, right? When he says, you know, we're only human. The gods have fashioned us for love.
Starting point is 01:58:22 I mean, that is the truth, right? Like Rhaenyraera says that's all they are she doesn't say say it but she says it what is it she says to him she says he says that he had hoped she had hoped to bear the children for him and the few times they laid together she says to him that you are an honorable man with a good heart it's a rare thing probably one of the last ones we'll see on the screen yeah absolutely and it is so sad right like as you said they they did try and we talked about whether or not they did last episode yeah i was wrong well you didn't say anything i'm the one who's wrong i'm wrong um because i guess they did do their duty right
Starting point is 01:59:05 as opposed to me saying i don't know it would be kind of neat if they didn't but regardless like i understand you know why i don't fault them for wanting to choose pleasure for wanting to choose happiness because you know what what is this brief mortal life it's not just a pursuit of legacy it it can be trying to find happiness steal happiness where you can get it and it's obviously like all life is yeah and it's it's harder you know when you're marginalized right like the way that laner is um as a gay man and you know the the exchange between them kind of ends with him like promising reyniera to be there he says you deserve a husband and i thought that was such an interesting line because then it cuts away but i feel like maybe unspoken by reyniera and what we see with the end of the episode is
Starting point is 01:59:51 the conveyance of the idea of so do you you deserve love too god i'm so sad let's let's start making it there right before we get we get to his, yeah, before we get to his boat ride, let's talk about another boat ride that's lightened the mood a little. Alison and Larry's. Lightened the mood. Yeah, I guess we're not there yet, because first, I guess, you know, Alison does, as
Starting point is 02:00:18 we discussed, right, like, she shows care towards Viserys. That's the duty part, you know, she played the role perfectly in a way that Laenor didn't, could not, which again, I don't fall to him for. And she is worried about Viserys. When she says sorry, I do think that there's a genuine regret there. And Viserys forgives her, and then he overlooks it but the we will speak no more of it and uh it's like yeah Rhaenyra has benefited from Viserys overlooking people's faults
Starting point is 02:00:51 um you know because he loves his daughter just the one uh but I don't know I feel like the Hightowers have also benefited from Viserys overlooking people's faults for many years until Rhaenyra finally put her foot down otto um you know he definitely overlooks the faults of his sons because they definitely have faults as we're gonna see aegon definitely has like clear faults and he forgives allison just now right like even though she wasn't entirely like in the wrong for feeling hurt the way she did but i will say you know if it weren't for the fact that there's a whole realm at stake and the stakes are very very high in this family being forgiving isn't bad i don't even know if i'd really say that she was forgiven
Starting point is 02:01:37 so much because it seems he was more like exhausted and collapsing because he's on the brink of dying he which he is yeah i mean i don't think that he even has the mental capacity or energy right now to go into it yeah moreover than anything i mean i think that he probably dies estranged from her with her and her father pretty much controlling his counsel in court and i don't know i would like him to for i would like them to find some sort of forgiveness but i don't think they will because i think that is a part of allison's heart you know that is hurt terribly that could never come back from that i don't know i i'm curious it's understandable she isn't right because like allison is kind of the person
Starting point is 02:02:24 she's gonna be now you know i think the first few episodes kind of are establishing how she becomes this way and this is mostly who she's gonna be and like it's understandable for her to to not really want or it to an extent because as we're shown in episode four she's just constantly undergoing marital rape there was no pleasure for her in her life um there was no love so she doesn't know how to she doesn't know how to communicate it yeah i will say it is something glorious to see the three dragons in the sky oh yeah it would appear that's all three of her children so helena claimed dream fire off episode off page and we already saw sunfire earlier with his horns oh my
Starting point is 02:03:12 god and i can't wait to see him up close in the glittering yeah i presume though that's all three of the children flying ahead with vagar taking off last which in the behind the scenes they talk about how vagar you know obviously too big to function because dragons just grow and grow until their death. And you see Vhagar needs a little extra, just like me, if I need to make a jump or something, I just need a little extra giddy up. I just gotta get a running start. So I loved that. I loved the shot of that. And it makes you think, like, Alicent was not really prepared to have three dragon-riding weirdo children.
Starting point is 02:03:46 You know, and that's certainly something. Who is? But, like, just sitting there, she looks up and she's like, oh, Jesus Christ, my children have flaming giant lizards. My children who are, like, not that much younger than me. Also not that smart. That's also true. One or two of them are, but not that smart. Not that smart two of them are but not that smart not that smart
Starting point is 02:04:06 alicent does recognize during this i think there's a big power shift she realizes i need allies and she speaks very courteously to larry's but also in a way curtly where you can tell that she's like oh i need to keep you on retainer first of all i need to keep my hooks in you big big power change and that he'll be rewarded eventually she says just stick around and see so i thought that was a very smart power move on her part that she kind of retied him to her yeah and that's all in a in a courteous way without being too blackmailing i agree and that's why i was kind of like oh is there something that does happen later down the line that i'm not that i'm overlooking right or maybe she could be i guess capable of murder in cold blood i don't know but i just thought that scene was funny
Starting point is 02:04:54 even though maybe it's not supposed to be because it was like allison maybe being like oh now he fucking learns how to ask for clarification beforehand. Let's get to it. Let's talk about the wedding. One of fire. And, well, the other one's not a wedding, but it's an absconding. Maybe you could think of it as an eloping. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:05:20 Everyone's eloping by sea. Yeah. By the sea? Kind of a beautiful back and forth. Yeah. By the sea. Kind of a beautiful back and forth. Yeah. I really loved that they cut in between because it's very much a twist, right? A second episode in a row where they're doing the outro, they show us that Lainer is gonna die, question mark. Question mark. Damon shows up and we'll talk about his Kermit cosplay, but he shows up and he's talking to Carl
Starting point is 02:05:45 and you think this is it. He's exchanging money. He's got the rock in his hand, you know, murdering Laenor. And then we have a conversation in the background between Daemon and Rhaenyra during all of this as well, which I really loved this conversation because it's about her rule
Starting point is 02:06:03 and what her rule is about to be and how to rule. And he's kind of advising her on that. Yes, absolutely. It's a it's a great ending and scene. As you said, we've got I don't know. I just can't take him seriously. Are we going to see Damon wear this fucking stupid evil Kermit cosplay like every single fucking time that he like does something evil like or something like morally ambiguous is he gonna wear this because please please please if anyone's listening
Starting point is 02:06:31 to this give give damon give matt smith and a different costume for this like he can have a variety of costumes it doesn't have to be this one every time i can't take him seriously you know you know he's going to you're gonna see him in flea bottom eliana you're gonna see him there in flea bottom in that outfit being like blood cheese we got work for you you're gonna see it and you're gonna screech about it give him a different cloak give him a different costume my god um eliana he's literally in the cloak in the next episode i'm so sorry when he goes to see miss aria it's in the trailer i'm so sorry i'm so sorry he looks like such a dumb edgelord oh anyway also when he's talking to carl it's just i think it's kind of funny they acted well but carl's like why is this man in my bubble
Starting point is 02:07:19 he like moves his head back we are too sir. Damon, you are far too intimate. Yeah. It's like, so are you going to kill me or are you going to kiss me? But it turns out he's like, I'm just going to pay you. But anyway. There's this line where Damon tells Carl about what Lainer's life could be in a way. He's saying, you know, it's framed that he's saying it as an enticing thing. Like you could have these things if you kill him.
Starting point is 02:07:49 Again, a great giveaway. And he's saying he has a dragon and, you know, and he has a name and anyone with the things this guy could have. If they went east, a little bit of gold that would take care of them. That's all they'd need. But also he's talking about laner in the way that he was spoken about by the pentoshi in the last episode because they were saying you know you could live out here your dragons you know your miniature little family that's also kind of a miniature army you could live here for free and be celebrated the rest of
Starting point is 02:08:21 your life in our menagerie we could keep you like that so he's actually offering that to carl he's saying you guys could go be free in the east laner has a dragon he has a name he has blood he has money if you go there you know you guys could also have this lifestyle of mine that i could have had i'm giving it up for you to marry ranhaenyra. Yeah. I mean, even beyond that, right? Like, it's a little reminiscent of, oh my god, I'm sorry, I keep doing a bad, I'm doing a terrible job of not remembering. Who said this? Because I just, like, see things
Starting point is 02:08:56 when I scroll through Twitter, but, you know, someone pointing out it's even, like, what Rhaenyra didn't do, right? That Kristen Cole was like, let's go do this thing. But it makes sense sense because it's like why would Daemon
Starting point is 02:09:11 give the speech about, you know, you can go across the sea and there are places where a man's name doesn't matter, only gold. And it's funny, right? It's kind of in defiance of the idea of it remembers names and Laenor's trying to escape that name. So it makes sense in the context of the idea of it remembers names and laner's trying to escape that name so it makes
Starting point is 02:09:26 sense in the context of laner um that that also is sad in the context of renero later that she has to go east and sell her crown yeah absolutely um and who does that yeah and then at that point it's only the name that they have left just as it was for Viserys and Daenerys yeah and I like there's some great lines in this one too right like fire is a prison
Starting point is 02:09:56 the sea offers an escape obviously they're talking a little bit like in this kind of code but the idea of fire is a prison especially for Laenor that fire consumes, as Maester Aemon tells us before, but also gives a little bit of clarity to all of these chain accessories and bandage motifs
Starting point is 02:10:16 that are on all of the clothing, right? And this idea of fire and passion as this binding force, something that Laerys was kind of speaking about at the end of last episode of how love kind of holds people back. But also the sea as an escape. Obviously, that's pretty clear, right, in terms of Laenor
Starting point is 02:10:36 and, you know, what I imagine like Rhaenyra and he actually probably spoke about this in that conversation or started speaking about it. You know, from the sea we came to the sea we shall return. That's what happens with Laenor. It's almost like a rebirth, right? A baptism.
Starting point is 02:10:53 He comes out of it as a different person. But also, I, and we'll talk about what the price is for this, especially like nobles getting to decide who pays that price. But I do really love our friend Lo, Lo The Links' thoughts. And they have a great thread on how this is a fantastic way to not have to play into the trope of barrier gays. The idea that being queer doesn't always have to be this tragic thing that there can be outcomes of happiness for you and that you get to choose for yourself yeah it's a completely great outlet for them to take this especially because i think we
Starting point is 02:11:33 can all say that we felt uncomfortable right in the book i mean within six months you have both of them die uh especially for laner and it's like very suspicious and i actually love that during this raniera says they will think it was me like what we're saying that we're going to do this puts an immediate stain on me i am the first person that will be indicated in this and it's true because you did then jump your uncle's bones and immediately marry him that very same day but that said that said uh it was uh it's a very sad little just voiceover for her to say like this is if we commit to this this is huge and it makes me wonder in a way you know lena was married or was betrothed to the bravo cc's son right or the sea lord and it's pre-agreed upon with damon and corliss in the book that they will duel for her honor that he'll duel the boy that she's betrothed
Starting point is 02:12:33 to for her hand so corliss agrees to that obviously we see here that corliss doesn't agree to any of this right this isn't uh this is not something that was pre-agreed upon with the family. So I wonder if they took a couple elements of that just to play around with it and then completely inverted it and let him leave. However, I do want to bring up something that's very dear to me. If you've listened to our podcast, you might, you might've heard about this. It's kind of interesting because Laenor gets to live his life out with his secret lover. Sure, he dies with everybody having rumors about whether or not he had bastard children in their eyes.
Starting point is 02:13:15 However, he is in the water, staring into the water, and then he's gone, right? He's gone on this rowboat. Is that not Ashara Dayne's death? It very much is quite like it the whole disappearing and i mean they're both kind of watery right like i uh the gray water watch very much so i mean literally i guess gray water now that i think about it yes the idea of her going with howland maybe yeah gray water and i don't know, the idea of having your name be behind the are they, aren't they of the bastard, the royal heir bastard, Jon Snow.
Starting point is 02:13:52 Oh, yeah. The Velaryons. I mean, that also is it. Azshara was used as a scapegoat for Jon's birth, right? Like, what if Jon came out having Valyrian features? Well, guess what? All these children came out for Rneara not having them he was supposed to be the ashara in this situation he was supposed to be what fended off those rumors yeah now he's taken by the sea he is taken by the
Starting point is 02:14:16 sea to go live another life another life another life hopefully the one that he wants. As his wifey does that. Yeah. Hopefully. I do wonder, obviously I wonder how the fuck they're going to handle Adam, Balarian, Adam of Hol, of course Seasmoke. I imagine, you know, I've seen a couple theories online. People are saying, like, what if Corlys goes to fight in the Stepstones and he ends up accidentally killing Laenor and Laenor's on the other side?
Starting point is 02:14:47 Dang, that would be fucked up. I don't, I don't think I want- That would be great, though. It'd be fucked up. I don't want that. I really hope not. Oh, I don't want it at all. Oh my god. I, I don't know. But it's an interesting thought. If it's not from Corlys, I will say at the very least, based on who we see Laenor is, it kind of feels like dying in battle is what he would want.
Starting point is 02:15:12 I would hope we get a scene of either him dying in battle. I don't want to CC it, but like him dying in battle and slash or see smoke rising up out of nowhere on Driftmark and just screeching. Just a horrible, sad screech. And Rhaenys and Corlys are awakened in the night and she like gets it as a dragon rider like she understands what it means but then that would mean he died twice for her exactly yeah that's gonna be horrible because i mean that is the worst part right like almost catalan-esque that yeah she thinks both of her children are dead but there was still one alive and she'll never know yeah and that he died for this cause yeah i it is really sad right because rainies obviously didn't want this but you know on the other hand like is yeah and she
Starting point is 02:15:59 even pushes corlees away and i mean i i wonder if this drives a wedge in their marriage because she said she warned him that wedding lanor to reynira would endanger him but you know now he's like living his best life um i guess big sad about his mom but at the same time like did he have that good of a relationship with his dad even like if his dad won't even acknowledge and see his son for who he is right we saw we saw corley's denying that lenore was gay i mean i think that's part of it they'll have all of this unresolved sadness and that impacts a person i mean that grows you see that changes his ambitions and how he acts during the dance and what he recommends to raniera yeah you see that he starts to play political and survival in the mid-end of the story yeah i think
Starting point is 02:16:52 this is very impactful i also saw some theories in which uh people have theorized that uh adam of hall could actually be uh lanor returning and i don't think that's going to be the case i think that would be a little bizarre i do not think that would be the case too soap opera yeah just a little too much this is not jane the virgin this is everyone is not a virgin no one is a virgin that's for sure not anymore not anymore there's something great as we go into the valyrian wedding ceremony here um there's a couple amazing things about it first of all that they created their own bit of lore they created a lot of lore in this episode from the valyrian wedding ceremony to the valyrian eulogy at the very front of the episode so it's a very it's great to have all this valyrian lore and to place it bookend
Starting point is 02:17:42 like this uh but they're wearing their robes are actually designed to look almost like dragon tamer robes which is great because it's the very embodiment of fire and blood there's something interesting damon says about the needing witnesses for laner's death because when you open their wedding scene you see in the corner they have witnesses they have bella reina jace so awkward and the maester they have a maester as well as their witnesses it is a little it's kind of fucked up right because you're like traumatizing these children further yeah they literally just laid aunt lena slash mother lena to bed to rest in the water which was beautiful and sad but like they just did it and now here you are forcing them to sit through this wedding actually the other kids have not buried both yeah
Starting point is 02:18:31 the other kids you know her sons have just buried to an extent both their dads it's very traumatizing and it almost reminds me a bit of the black wedding and how reina like her whole goal was keep her daughters safe in a way but yet they brought them through the door you know like that was the most heart-wrenching guts out the stomach thing but it's the opposite like these kids are standing there and they have to watch no of course the voiceover at this time raniera says i will not be a tyrant and rule through terror and damon says a tyrant rules only through terror he says if right okay we get it damon if the king isn't feared he's powerless if you are to be a strong queen you must cultivate love and respect yes but your subjects must fear you me sans a stark voice
Starting point is 02:19:18 actually damon well actually that right there is that was pretty big and that they i mean they still kill someone as we're going to talk about here for this to all happen right like she still has a rando fucking murdered so laner can live but i do love that the way this is twisted and the way we get the reveal reneara almost releases him right uh relieves him of his duty almost like when Jon Snow gets to fuck off of the Night's Watch and the great hit tv show A Game of Thrones you know he's relieved of his duties and she relieves him of his duties I do think that's what it is right because she's like well he did do his duty as best he could obviously it wasn't good enough and it was poor but that was their agreement they would do their duty and they would choose happiness and she's like
Starting point is 02:20:09 all right then let us choose our happiness perhaps we can do both our duty and happiness especially on her end right in terms of the targaryen looking heirs etc i strongly think this is something that they discussed and agreed upon because i really do think the right the right response to you deserve a husband is so do you you know he's lost a lot you know she's seeing that he's hurting uh and they might not be like close they clearly like buttheads but there's a love there that is a friendship it again like we discussed it as being maybe kind of like roommates but not in the joking way kind of roommates like actually roommates and sometimes you'll butt heads when you're with someone like even if you're friends and you live with each other you know absolutely that's like
Starting point is 02:20:54 you've been through this yep yes and you you set them free or you escape you escape to the sea chloe from the roommates you just gotta let him go yeah thankfully you did not kill anyone for that no thankfully not I did not uh I have to say I think I'm guessing not a cast will discuss this because I've been discussing with poor Quentin it is so brilliant that I mean this is very Davos right it's very much like davos that how do you think laner feels i mean he gets to go live his life but some random guy some man's fake hands butchered up to look like his own are up there yeah and i think uh poor quentin also even pointed out the comparisons with theon right uh theonon and the Miller's boys standing in for Ricken and Bran.
Starting point is 02:21:48 Yeah, I don't expect that to bode well. I mean, Laenor's got to die. We're going to see him die. I'm really sure of it, which is horrible. We get to pause it for now, but it's not a good way to start your brand new reign as not a tyrant for murdering someone so your ex can be happy so you can marry your husband your husband probably a bad way yeah your uncle sorry i get
Starting point is 02:22:14 that my bad my bad no it's not and also actually now that i think about it even like jane west no jane pool sorry we were talking about Harold Westerling earlier. Even Jane Poole standing in, right, for Arya. And, you know, like who ends up suffering when the nobles, the high lords play their game of thrones, right? Yeah. And, you know, again, that idea of history does not remember blood. It remembers names. And, you know, again, that idea of history does not remember blood. It remembers names. And it doesn't remember the blood, then, of the innocents who are lost so that those with names can live lives that they want, that they can retain their power.
Starting point is 02:22:57 And, you know, like, it's all these disposable bodies, and for Agen, it's the maids, right? The maids who are constantly subjected to his harassment and assault. Who's going to care about these handmaids if he uses them to satisfy their desires? Same as who will care if Rhaenyra used this nameless servant's body to satisfy their own desires, and Laenor as well. It's not the very last time we'll see that happen during their reign together i don't think either it's very much uh you know the the blood dripping from rainier's hand but even like in the last episode right after she gives birth a trail of blood follows them yeah i have to say this is the last episode we get these wonderful child actors
Starting point is 02:23:42 as the main child two episodes they only got two episodes and they actually stole my heart so a big shout out to ty tenant agan 2 evie allen helena leo ashton as amand leo hart jacerys harvey sadler as luke and of course baby joff who's not named but he's very small shanny smethurst as bella and eva osei gurning as reina you all did an amazing job and i hope you get to go on with some badass career stuff right launching it with this is so fun you guys were great for our children of the dragon and i look forward to see what they did with their careers and i have to say if you haven't watched the behind the scenes stuff you need to because leo ashton she plays amand he's so charming simply has stolen my little heart
Starting point is 02:24:30 he's just a cutie pie and he just made me laugh and all the bts stuff so sim highly recommend it he's so weird there's also just very you could tell he went all out he went all out yeah he there's also like a scene where he's like yelling at fabian like during the training ground scene he's like you're ruining the shot and also like i don't know his his outfits are hilarious like move over evil kermit the he damon should just be taking you know fashion cues from his nephew leo ashton's got it and he wears that emerald great he wears it great yeah chloe tell us about what happens next week all right i watched the trailer at 0.5x so you don't have to here's what's gonna happen next week we go back to king's landing otto is the hand ruling in the court speaking with viserys's name raniera is a little
Starting point is 02:25:20 doubtful of the high tower reign in king's landing We get a shot that looks like Rhaenyra in Viserys's bedroom, and then cuts to someone picking up a pair of scissors, uh, also looking like it's in his bedroom. Then we have Rhaenys in a room full of candles with a voiceover telling us Corlys is ill and Vaemond is there looking smug. Kristen trains with A amand and the targs rainy sits on the driftwood chair as vaimond approaches it we get the valerian sons at dragonstone with somebody near them that looks like they're wearing a strong outfit interestingly enough and they look very surprised at whatever entrance is happening we get a little shot of damon taking an egg i'm guessing for the babies for aegon or for viserys we have jacerys and aegon too with some tensions and fighting going on it
Starting point is 02:26:13 looks like at the feast the greens and black feast damon is once more in his kermit hoodie going to see miss aria she's here she's back by the way oh well i'm glad about that i'm not glad about it's only been like 13 years jesus fucking christ that's so true it's back, by the way. Oh, well, I'm glad about that. I'm not glad about the hoodie. It's only been like 13 years. Jesus fucking Christ. Oh, that's so true. It's been the longest time. Rhaenyra tells someone. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:26:32 Rhaenyra tells someone that this is a trap. Aemond is being a total weirdo to his nephews, per usual. A fight breaks out with the Targaryen boys, and then Otto ends this trailer, and so does Vaemond, where Otto talks about war breaking out and veymond walks into a yard looking warlike well he's probably not going to be feeling that way for long oh no i wish otto you can take the tongue out of the guy but not the guy out of the
Starting point is 02:26:59 wait a second i wish we could take the tongue out of otto me too man me too but you know what that's what happens when you try to get ahead oh oh try to get ahead all right oh well i'm ready to, you know, silence ourselves right now soon. Oh my god, we have become one, two, I should say, of the silent ones there. We apparently spoke treasons, so we must now get our tongues ripped out. Until next week, when they grow back. What the fuck is going on? Yes, until then, of course, you can find us and let us know what you think over on social media, on Twitter.
Starting point is 02:27:52 You can find us always on slash girlsgonecanon. That's C-A-N-O-N. Or you can find us via email. Send us some thoughts. You can email us at girlsgone gone canon at yeah make sure you're subscribed to us so you can get a notification whenever these come out on tuesdays for the public check it out over at your favorite platform like itunes google play stitcher acast iheart radio audible amazon you name it we're on there yes and of course you can
Starting point is 02:28:22 always find us on patreon where we have these episodes as well as bonus episodes for patrons in the five dollar tier and above and this past month's was mothers of the dragon slash most of the dragon part two aliceanne yes look forward to next month whatever it may be until then you can also join the thunder tier for ten dollars and up where you'll get access to weekly and monthly events like our hot d discussions on fridays 2 p.m hosted by our friend maddie or our monthly brunch slash happy hour where we hang out and it is good good good i love it as always i have been one of your hosts chloe and i have been another one of your hosts eliana we'll be back
Starting point is 02:29:05 next week for oh my god uh it's what it's the lord of the tides it is it is oh what an apt title and yeah we're here next week you know fire is a prison oh my god here for the old the true and the brave. Goodbye. Goodbye.

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