Girls Gone Canon Cast - House of the Dragon: Unleash the D E3 Ft. Maddy

Episode Date: July 1, 2022

Esteemed Luminary, Friend, Scholar, and Patron Maddy steps in to chat with us on UNLEASH THE D, our impromptu-primer series for HBO's HOUSE OF THE DRAGON featuring 1 girl gone canon + 1 guest girl canon Maddy and I talk about the Greens, she gives me a history lesson on The Anarchy, and we joyfully debate opinions (while even coming to the middle on some!) follow Maddy on Twitter, @abhakhazia   pledge to be a patron of Empress Matilda's (but not that empress Matilda)    

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to Girl Gone Canon with a substitute girl. One of my friends, Maddie, is joining us today. I'm one of your hosts, Chloe, and we are back for episode three of House of the Dragon Unleash the D. And we're going to unleash it, baby. Today, we are going to unleash some dragons on them. Hello, Maddie. Thank you for joining us. Hi, I'm happy to be here.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Long time listener. First time caller. Happy to be happy to be here. A long time listener, first time caller. Happy to be happy to be on a swath red scare. Oh, my God. I told you I was going to say it. I knew you would. You have been threatening. She's been threatening me to say that when she someday came on for an episode.
Starting point is 00:00:59 But I cut that early. You know, you're here. No, Eliana. She'll be back. We are planning to come back eventually. You know, she's halfway around the world, and when she returns, we will be back to our Aeswaf prologues.
Starting point is 00:01:14 But for now, I don't know. I'm excited to have you here because you are a history buff. Like, I am not. I don't do history. We don't do history. So I'm going to lean on you heavily for some of that today because you have some really interesting comparisons about the blacks and the greens, but specifically the Queens party, the greens. You are my only friend that likes Alison. And by like, I mean, there's probably a stronger word than well i i'm not i'm not like that big of a green fan i think that like it says something that i am the most green liking person you can find because uh i don't like the greens that much i just like i think alicent is like
Starting point is 00:02:02 very interesting and i just don't like the blacks very much so I just end up being you know half devil's advocate half unironic Allison Stan no quarter or support for people like Otto Hightower or Amand who sucks so much yes i'm really excited to hear some of your opinions on amand because i don't really i don't really have opinions on those children like i'm sorry for them or happy for them or whatever too long didn't read but i don't i actually do i have i have opinions on all of them actually i think except for poor poor littleelor who are actually my strongest opinions are probably on maelor and jay eris and jay eris who got also ruthlessly killed rip rip i i'm interested to see what they keep of those children in the show like i i think that we see a lot of flatlining
Starting point is 00:03:02 in game of thrones of some of the characters and this is a sprawling story uh but the three on three kind of aspect is important i feel like yeah i've been wondering that too you know if anything i think they're more likely to cut blacks i think that they might cut joffrey yeah i think you're i think you're onto something there i do think they could cut him first of all his name is joffrey i feel think you're I think you're onto something there I do think they could cut him first of all his name is Joffrey I feel like that's gonna be a hard sell to people who watch the original show for sure or it could be the exact opposite though they could want to keep him I guess but there's also um Lehner's Joffrey too yeah that's true and they're gonna have to have him so maybe we get two strong
Starting point is 00:03:45 boys and i don't know we're getting i know for sure we're getting amand right definitely getting amand yeah um i could see them cutting jaharis maybe or something i don't know i could definitely see them cutting the whole maelor getting killed it that's a bitter bridge right or is that it yeah it's a bitter bridge that's such a bummer to me because i love that one that's a bitter bridge right or is that it yeah it's a bitter bridge that's such a bummer to me because i love that one that's it is a good scene but i just feel like it's not very connected to anything right because it's like with he's with this kingsguard who's kind of a badass that we never really hear about or see again like he's not with like i think maybe kristen cole is dead by then it's about the same time
Starting point is 00:04:22 I think maybe Kristen Cole is dead by then. It's about the same time. Amen. Well, it's Rickard Thorne, right? Is the case guard. Yeah, that's the guy. And when does he, has he been cast? Let's just, let's go to and see. I don't think, I don't think he's in anything else other than that.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Yeah, I don't. There's a very, there's a very wonderful drawing of him protecting little malor as a very poor baby i actually really find again of the children deaths that's the one that gets me i got real swell i get sad about jahira too i mean the blood and cheese incident i mean that's rough that's rough fuck you fuck you Fuck you, Damon. Bastard. I do think that there is a, and you on as a devil's advocate is bad for me, right? Because I'm usually trying to be unbiased. But we all know that I do not, I don't care for Damon.
Starting point is 00:05:16 I don't care for Damon very much. And it's hard because that whole like Jamie style redemption arc in the second half, It's hard because that whole like Jaime style redemption arc in the second half, Hattus in the second half, because I do really see Daemon kind of as a Jaime to Rhaenyra's Cersei in some ways. A little bit, yeah. There's a little bit of that there, especially with the end with him and Nettles. Yeah, that's very him and Brienne almost, in my opinion. We might see some reflections of that right when it comes to the winter no absolutely yeah well one day you know look under your chair next year tomorrow
Starting point is 00:05:54 we are we actually already have it and we're just waiting for everybody else to get it i think my favorite well i guess he's aligned with the greens at the start but he's kind of aligned with everyone he allies to anyone is clubfoot I actually really find clubfoot fascinating because he has those various and little finger characteristics right that we see at the front his scheming his silence I am excited to see him brought to screen he's probably my favorite member of the green council as it were because he's the only one that like seems kind of memorable you see that's like the problem with the greens is that we spend so much time with the blacks either in the main series because they're like the starks they're the tollies they're all the people they're all of our friends from a game of thrones
Starting point is 00:06:47 and then we also spend a lot of time with the targaryen blacks we spend all that time with corleys yes we spend all that time with um you know the whole black family growing up there uh but with the greens we i'm not even sure if all of the children of Alicent and Viserys are named until the war actually starts. We're following Rhaenyra so much on Dragonstone that we don't even get much context about what is going on back in King's Landing with Viserys and Alicent. landing with viserys and allison like like it's like they just show up we kind of pan back to them only when they get into fights for stating the obvious truth that reynira's children are not lane or valerians like i mean come on homie or when viserys dies and his grandchildren are there and they have no idea what to do because that was not part of the plan for him to die yeah they were really trying to ride that for a while right no pun intended i guess you did i mean
Starting point is 00:07:50 you're out of power without him it's very hard to hold no absolutely having his kids is not enough as someone who does not love history like you do but loves really shitty shows based loosely around history like rain or the great um i'm very into the great right now and it's so good have you watched it i've not watched it but i'm intimately familiar with the details of katherine i think you would really love it knowing that knowing that i think you would really love it does it show peter the third to be as much of a fucking nerd as he was in real life it does a little bit of both he's a little joffrey but also at the same time a little like complete nerd and weird but like also he like he like played with toy soldiers and then made up lies about him when he was like seven years old saying he fought
Starting point is 00:08:38 for frederick the great's army he's such a loser he's a great nicholas um holt plays him is that who beast he was beast in the x-men yeah he plays him and it's very funny like it's joke per minute you'll be popping off laughter but i've been i love that he is he is an intense he is like a humorous guy to like you from afar for sure well but with that in mind like like having babies, right? Having babies, back on track, but having babies ain't it like that or rain, right? Like watching Mary Queen of Scots on the great historically accurate show Rain, having a baby or having the baby is A, that is the first thing you do, right? When you're married, that's your job. If you're married to the king of everything, you're supposed to have his babies and that is supposed to help secure you, but it's not enough, especially not when there are little incest Targaryen babies all over the land scattered
Starting point is 00:09:33 around. It's not enough to secure Alicent for sure. And that's actually kind of where I see her being kind of like Catelyn, because I feel like it's easy to imagine i i forget if it's in the the last cat chapter of dan of sorry clash um or the first cat chapter of storm where uh catlin like kind of goes through her whole life and is being like catlin stark always did her duty right like when her father asked her to go and marry Brandon, she was like, okay. When that guy died and her father was like, marry Ned, she was like, okay.
Starting point is 00:10:15 When Ned takes her up to Winterfell and drops her off, she's like, fine, I guess, and shows up with a bastard. She's like, I guess I have to do this. I see a lot of that in allison because allison like what the world told her was supposed to happen to her including her father who i think is actually a lot like hospital i think those are very similar guys for sure um they told her that you're to get married to the king and your children are going to be kings and princesses, maybe even queens. And, uh, you are going to be protected by them and you are going to be safe and you are going to increase the glory of both House Targaryen and House Hightower.
Starting point is 00:11:02 of both House Targaryen and House Hightower. But what does Alicent get her whole life until the moment they take over? She gets her husband not one to make people mad and just not doing any clarification at all for what the new situation is now that he has male children or who gets to be heir or whatever. And she just has to put up with
Starting point is 00:11:27 like everyone accepting rainier is there which she told was told wasn't possible right her whole life nobody had you know really thought that that would be the case and then rainiera has these children that everybody knows are not legitimate and they get to be heirs after her and i feel like that just makes her more and more and more mad oh yeah right yeah it makes total sense when you view it from that lens and like it does i haven't really reread since the first couple reads of this book with that in mind um there's a lot i'm going to start a reread very soon i believe of fire and blood because it's time it is time but there's a lot now that i know i'm gonna view differently uh which that doesn't excuse that her children are complete
Starting point is 00:12:16 assholes no it doesn't and they weren't prepared they weren't prepared at all to rule they aren't better rulers right i mean it even kind of shows you why they were because they weren't prepared they weren't prepared at all to rule if they aren't better rulers right i mean it even kind of shows you why they were because they weren't actually groomed to rule because right because viserys was like i don't want to make people mad in turn makes more people mad at that same token he defies the great councils right the? The ruling from the great councils, basically. He's defying it. He is going against societal norm by choosing to let Rhaenyra continue on.
Starting point is 00:12:50 And also, like, how do you, to play devil's advocate, how the fuck do you tell your daughter, well, honey, unfortunately, I finally had some boys born, so you don't matter anymore. Good luck, princess. Well, I would say probably the same way he told her she had to marry Laenor Valerian.
Starting point is 00:13:07 And she was not happy about that either. He did like, listen, Maddie, goddammit. I mean, you don't just wave the little carrot in front of the horse and say, I'm going to take this carrot away if you don't marry Laenor Valerian. He said, if you marry marry him you will still keep your crown so then how do you say well you know i lied that time too okay well after maybe after she marries the larions that's when it gets really hard right because i finally figured out what viserys was doing because the first two times i read this book i was like this was not gonna work like i
Starting point is 00:13:46 don't know what he thought he was doing but i think i finally figured it out and i think the key here to understand is that nobody wanted damon to be king yes that was like the number one avoid thing to avoid so and damon is like palling around with the valerians he and corliss are going down to conquer the step zones and i think visera sees that and is like all right i gotta do something right and what he does is this is before agon is born right he gets all the lords to swear that they will accept rainiera as his heir which at the time was really logical because it's like it's either her or Daemon and we don't want Daemon even the even Otto Hightower is like yeah I'd rather be her than Daemon and we know his worldview. So, yeah. So I think his plan was, like, I marry Rhaenyra to the Valyrians.
Starting point is 00:14:48 That gets rid of that threat from Rhaenys, right? And then we got, like, Rhaenyra and the Valyrians. And they are going to be, like, an unbreakable coalition, right? And Daemon won't be able to stop them. Because I think he's viewing it as a war between damon and reynira right until probably they get married he thinks that's what's going to happen because i think you get this kind of impression throughout the whole books even for the high tower children of targaryens the male high tower children that because they
Starting point is 00:15:22 are half high tower they are less targaryen and they aren't as important. And the only people who are going to buy their claim are the Hightowers. And, you know, who cares about them? They only control the church and the maesters. I mean, that's not important. That's not important compared to owning a dragon, I guess. Well, and there you have it, right? Like, that is also part of probably why he didn't
Starting point is 00:15:47 just go ahead and undo raniera because he had to think about otto hightower's overreaching up jumped ass up jumping up the throne's ass and uh like i mean otto hightower's the goddamn worst he was always reaching but with that in mind everyone didn't want daemon you are so correct they were like anyone but daemon uh even so forth that like when daemon fucked rhaenyra he was like uh no uh no no no no no um because that would put daemon that much closer to the throne and when he and rhaenyra run off and wed we we see what, I mean, we obviously see that some of the very bad things that happened during Rhaenyra's career, during her very
Starting point is 00:16:30 short career, are kind of led by Daemon. And the other part of it is Laenor, right? A, the Valyrians are demanding the respect of their liege, and because of the support, because Corlys has resources, right? He has time and time to get those
Starting point is 00:16:46 resources where Viserys does not have the time to go get resources it's it's an easy easy pick Valyrians have money and trade and they control all of that right now um and Laenor obviously is not really into having children uh he probably does not want to have them he probably wants them maybe he wants them but he doesn't want to have them with reneara i i kind of think yeah i kind of think he doesn't want to have children i think he just wants to you know he just wants to live his life and not have to deal with uh all this bullshit that's placed upon dad and reneera's dad were like fine we'll do the deal and it really did work out like for all parties i will say that was a great peaceful marriage until oh yeah and probably got him killed and it was really good probably like yeah i know i know we i know we
Starting point is 00:17:39 disagree a little bit on who exactly damon killed i think we're both in agreement that damon killed his first wife fell from a horse the bronze bitch just fell off a horse one day i don't know oops and then and then when she uh when she she's like fine and then she gets back up and then she dies immediately oops and then what does damon do he does exactly what Euron does after Balon dies and he swoops in and is like, alright, this is mine. This is this Royce land, that's going to be mine. But luckily the Royce is like, no thank you. That's interesting to put him to Euron. He even has like his own phallia without, you know, the murdery parts with Lady Misaria
Starting point is 00:18:23 that we know about. The dragon egg, giving it to her his own absolutely true yeah raiding raiding the stepstones was basically all that you're on was doing that's true so i think that i think that there is a little a little year on in damon not not a lot there's more you're on and some other people but like just a smidge I mean Amon and Alice right there's also that kind of magic going on yeah that's a little bit of not necessarily a little bit more there but just more like here's the magic pot that Damon and Amon and Alice and all these people exist within. Right, the general vibe. Absolutely. You get this undercurrent.
Starting point is 00:19:07 The thing about Damon, though, and this kind of ties back to real history, is that the way that when there was a woman succeeding usually worked wasn't that people would talk about her like she was going to rule the country the same way they do with um rainiera and rainies they talk about her like hillary clinton is about to become president that's the way they talk about her they don't talk about her like maria burgundy is about to inherit all of her father's lands and titles right so because of that like you get kind of a little bit of weird dissonance
Starting point is 00:19:48 and i don't blame george for doing that like this is not a historically accurate world and he wants to portray gender roles and patriarchy a little different and a little more familiar to the reader right and that's totally understandable but you would think that daemon would matter more for the blacks because the only mention we really get of daemon when the jake and all those people are going around to rustle up support for renera is the lady of the veil lady jane i think who says well i hate daemon and he sucks and i don't want him to be in charge of anything, but I'm supposed to support Rhaenyra because she's like my cousin.
Starting point is 00:20:30 But like, back to the history, right? This is kind of all based on the anarchy in 12th century England. There was the Old King, Henry I
Starting point is 00:20:45 son of William the Conqueror he dies after his son dies in a shipwreck so he makes everybody swear that his daughter, the Empress Matilda is his heir and she's called the Empress Matilda because she was formerly married to the Emperor
Starting point is 00:21:01 of the Holy Roman Empire everyone calls her the Empress Matilda because the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Everyone calls her the Empress Matilda because the wife of the next guy, Stephen Obla, is also named Matilda. So it's super confusing. God bless history. So anyways, the Norman nobility of England does not like Matilda,
Starting point is 00:21:21 not necessarily because she's a woman, but because she's married to Geoffrey of Anjou, Geoffrey Plantagenet. And he's the Count of Anjou, and he's always trying to steal land in Normandy from them. In fact, when Henry dies, Geoffrey of Anjou and Matilda are in rebellion against him fighting the war in Normandy against the royal army and so when they die or when not when they die when he dies uh all of the nobility in england is like all right we're gonna pick his nephew who is actually like a terrible claim because he is the son of this his like younger sister and some some dude and
Starting point is 00:22:08 steven of blois is his name and they make him king and he's helped out by his brother who is the bishop of winchester which is the coolest job in the medieval church because he owned all the brothels in london um and yeah so they make him king and that starts a little civil war there and there's a lot of that but like that's where I think that it the greens just feel like what makes them so unsympathetic is because the guys who supported Stephen Abloh actually had a reason to. The guys who support the Greens don't really have one. Like, when they go to Boros Baratheon, right? Like, his reasons for supporting the Greens are terrible. It's like, Revere just hasn't paid attention to me.
Starting point is 00:22:58 So, I'm with you guys now. You know that meme that's like, five year plan, first three years, fuck it, we ball. That's Boros Baratheon's plan. He's like, 129 to 133, we ball. If Aegon's king continue to be Lord of Storm's End, if Rhaenyra's queen kill self, that's his plan. That's his plan. And he doesn't fuck around. Like, when they come to his house, he's like, yo, y'all are not welcome here. Get out. Like, it is, uh, I mean, before he goes cycle ninja on them, you know? Like, all of his daughters.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Oh, man. Um, I love. Yeah, his daughters that bait amand into fighting lucar is yeah into fighting luke and that's like the saddest actually uh we were just talking me and ara last week we're talking about how oh yeah no amand amand's gonna be a good tv villain i love i think that scene's gonna be really badass when they translate it to tv yeah him on vagar that's gonna be that's gonna be a big moment at the beginning of season two with the rain flowing and just you're too late especially because i mean renear is straight up sends him i think we could even see it as the finale of season one to be honest um just because of timing we could close on that oh that's interesting i just kind of think the last episode of season
Starting point is 00:24:33 one is just going to be the greens scrambling around trying to do their coup which the funniest thing is that people thought that they killed viserys like that makes no sense at all they had no reason to they were just banking the entire time that viserys was going to change his mind even though for reasons that you've mentioned that would have been really hard to do but it would have been really hard to do like very hard without well and that's the funniest part right like like you're talking about. Well, and that's the funniest part, right? Like like you're talking about the anarchy and how in the end Empress Matilda doesn't win. Right. But her son becomes the designated heir.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Right. So it's just like Agen 3 in that she loses the war, but wins the legacy, quote unquote, which when you look at it, she doesn't. I mean, like the legacy she wins is pretty shitty at the end of the day um no neither of them win a legacy really there's there's no victors here really the blacks end up on top like they their political coalition wins right yeah like they get what they want but like in terms of like the legacy aspect nobody comes off good that's part of the reason why i don't really like the dance it's like there's no there's really nobody to root for well and me with my humongous brain like i get it though like what it shows you is that like war bad i think george is saying war bad right
Starting point is 00:26:06 war bad i think george is saying war bad right the war bad stuff that sticks with us from the main series is not like i don't know tywin or tyrian being like burn the riverlands from the god's eye to the green fork or whatever it's us seeing them actually burn the riverlands from the god's eye to the green fork right we don't see that we don't see that yeah like that and the broken man speech like that's what we realize and understand sandor clegane breaking you know soldiers breaking the brotherhood yeah exactly you know all these side coalitions forming we don't see much of that in just because of the way it's written well i would i agree there but i would also argue that's why the end of the dance especially what george expanded on like the dance before fire and blood no totally lame right like over but the dance in fire and blood wired it's
Starting point is 00:26:59 lit it's like the end of it is so well expanded once you get to the dragon seeds and how you see reneara's campaign start as a hashtag feminist uh movement you know for women's rights but by the end it's a lie it's a fucking empty ruse it's a lie that ends up being used for power and all these people exploit her and she gets corrupted yeah and chooses the dark side over good. But then you see like Corlys. Corlys literally is like, oh, bitch, you got real crazy in the end. And he moves over to the greens. Corlys changes to the greens, defects to them at the very end, which like tells you everything you need to know about the trajectory of the dance.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Right. And the downfall. I mean, and the chapter titles. Right. Rhaenyara triumphant reneara overthrown is the next one yeah yeah immediately the people of king's landing are the ones that rise up yeah that's another parallel there's a little bit of a parallel to the anarchies because uh the empress matilda can never enter the city of london because the Empress Matilda can never enter the city of London because the people of London consider that they have the right
Starting point is 00:28:08 to proclaim who the king gets to be, and they proclaim Stephen, and they were not letting Matilda in that at all. You kind of see that with Rhaenyra and her reign in King's Landing, which goes very badly. Speaking of Corlys and switching sides, something I mentioned to you earlier um was that corliss is kind of like the uh tyrian in clash of kings to reynira in her rule because reynira in that in that period there's there's a lot of things that
Starting point is 00:28:39 you there's a lot of echoes i mean uh they literally kill the like the antler men that they kill in clash they literally just do that like all the time to get money to fight the war yeah which i think is kind of weird because like you would think that the greens would be way more cash strapped but it's the blacks that do that so i don't know why um and then you have like all the stuff that's just bat shit and like he's like, Corlys is the one trying to keep the lid on things. But his methods to keep the lid on things actually can cause problems. Which is also true of Tyrion in Clash. Corlys is when the heirs of Rosby and Stokewith die.
Starting point is 00:29:19 And he's like, you gotta give it to the Sons because, just kidding, this war is not about anything other than us being in power. Like, you thought that the laws of Westeros were changed? Wrong. No. And that's what causes the dragon seeds to switch sides, right? That incident. That is really what it turns out to be, like, it's not about the laws. incident that is really what it turns out to be like it's not about the laws yeah when they realize that she is like we're ready to rock and roll and kill them all uh i mean she does embody right the she never forgets a slight real or imagined that becomes very much something of reneara's character and that's that's what happens with nettles right and that's that's bad i mean i guess there's more of a real site there with
Starting point is 00:30:05 damon but she knew she had to know right that damon was sleeping around all the time like she had to know at least if not that but i mean no i i do think what like so he grooms her at age 15 and he shows her the mood and the stars inside her pussy and out, and is like, Rhaenyra, you're welcome for that image. You're very welcome. George is already too horny in Fire and Blood. Fire and Blood is so horny. It is a thirsty book. But he, you know, sells her the world,
Starting point is 00:30:38 takes her dragon back around the fucking universe, and ends up marrying her, getting that much closer to the crown like you'd think she knows but at the same time i mean he seemed pretty pretty good at charming her and getting through to her and telling her it's okay babe i got this let me just get these kids taken care of it's okay babe like i'm gonna go do this and then he leaves her and then suddenly she hears that he's probably betraying her possibly but she finds out the limited details which are he's with some girl who's probably like his bastard daughter let's be real as eliana loves to think yeah um he's such a gross man i don't know i find that chapter sanitizing him right like so hard like trying so
Starting point is 00:31:24 hard here's Damon and now we're cleaning oh yeah because we need we need Damon to die as like not a villain which is another reason why the greens just come off as like the heels because even when the blacks are the bad guys they're the the interesting bad guys right they're the ones who will turn and die for their beloved i love when raniera leaves and she like is forced to sell everything right her crown so she can get a ship and oh that's fucked up she fucking sold jaharis's crown and then she gets betrayed immediately right by what's his face broom uh and then she gets eated instead of yeeted she gets yeeted into the dragon's stomach it's it's very sad because you like you see all of a sudden like
Starting point is 00:32:15 the turn of renero that at the beginning it was about one thing at the middle it becomes about another thing and at the end it's over and i see a lot of the fleeing and running from king's landing i see a lot of that in cersei's chapters to come like i assume the winds of winter is going to be cersei triumphant and then the end of the winds of winter if not the beginning of a dream of spring is going to be cersei not triumphant, Cersei defeated. Do you think that it's possible that Cersei somehow makes
Starting point is 00:32:52 it out of the attack by Aegon? I think she's gonna flee to the Westerlands, in my opinion. If it's Valonqar that kills her, I mean, it has to be at home, baby. It's gotta be. It's gotta be. Yeah, it's gotta be Jaime. Or at least Tyrion.
Starting point is 00:33:08 But it's gotta be Jaime. There's no way. If it's Tyrion, I'll throw my book and then I'll pick it back up and keep reading. But I guess this may be more of a thing about when Daenerys is in charge of King's Landing. about when Daenerys is in charge of King's Landing, because it's very easy for me to imagine Cersei in particular doing this, but I guess Daenerys could do it too. The alleged incident where Rhaenyra, or I guess more properly Lady Vissaria,
Starting point is 00:33:47 sends Alicent and Helaena to the brothels for speaking out against them now it's unclear if that actually happened i kind of lean towards it it at least maybe happened at least something like that happened um if only because george seems really insistent on that it didn't happen in with uh gildane's and also it comes from mushroom's testimony and mushroom tends to be more reliable i feel like it's 50 50 on mushroom to be fair because i feel like a lot of what he says is true but like pulled back right yeah i mean it would be and mushroom is the one who favors raniera the most i also have a tendency to kind of believe a negative thing about Rhaenyra from Mushroom like I believe Mushroom Mushroom's account of what went down with Kristen Cole which I think that would be that's going to
Starting point is 00:34:31 be a big deal and big reveal in season one when it actually went down there I am really looking forward to that reveal I do think I mean it, maybe, and I mean, show Cersei, I guess, has done crueler things right on screen, like the drowning of the nun with wine, waterboarding a nun with wine was pretty, pretty great. Good job, Cersei. So I'm sure that we will see some of that. I will say this, I will say this, I don't think we're going to see that incident with Alison and Helena in the show. I don't say this, I don't think we're going to see that incident with Allison and Helena in the show.
Starting point is 00:35:06 I don't think so. I don't. I think that's too far. And that's why I think maybe it's pulled back from there a bit. Like, we're not going to see the disgusting thing that, like, Agon II was allegedly doing when they called him to become king. We're not going to see that either, right? We might see him getting sucked off, but it's not gonna be the gross details Mushrooms provides. Gildayne straight up
Starting point is 00:35:30 says, no, no, no, that's a lie that Aegon II spread. But I think there could be some truth to it, right? Like, I'm sure the suggestion was made. It also provides approximate cause for Helena's suicide. Yeah, because, you know, living in King's Landing as a prisoner married to someone that you hate forced to bear their children. That's not bad enough. I don't know if you necessarily need one. Fair enough. I mean... Mushroom sights that as
Starting point is 00:35:55 being what drove her over the edge, and it would give a deeper meaning, but I don't know. Her life's already really shitty. I feel so bad for her i just feel like the reason why i even bring it up is because i feel like it kind of is a rainera cersei parallel in the sense that not necessarily that cersei did anything like that but in the sense that cersei like has such a low opinion of other women and i could definitely see rainera yes i mean because
Starting point is 00:36:24 that is a lot of this right like first of all Cersei's interiority is literally just Selina Myers from Veep so I mean that's a strong Dany Cersei if we got Rhaenyra's POV I'd probably like her more because I like the unhinged Cersei stuff well and it's
Starting point is 00:36:40 funny I see her a lot like very Robert Baratheon-esque in a lot of these things. Like, I find it really funny that she, not funny, the whole idea of the brothel queen plot is suggested to calm her down from ripping out Allison's tongue. So, to talk her back, like, that was a clever move. That's pretty bad, I guess, when you think about it. Like, no, I'm so much more clever. What if we did this and just, you know, let them instead that's kind of fucked up too and it also i think like you're saying shows the daemon and miss aria i feel like i feel like we might we might have reached like a
Starting point is 00:37:14 synthesis on this because i think that miss aria brought it up but they didn't actually do it that's what i think that's that's my that's my new opinion on it now and that's that's why mushroom would repeat it, but doesn't seem to have any more evidence. Well, interesting that you say that too, because when we talk about kind of that structure of being similar to Cersei and hating not only herself, but all women and all people, not equally, but all people,
Starting point is 00:37:40 there's something in that that it's a test to be like, since you hate yourself and women so much, you wouldn't feel anything if I just put them in a brothel and they were forced to bear bastard children. Ha ha ha, isn't that so funny? And maybe even Rhaenyra was like, maybe that is too far, which is an interesting way to like show someone, bitch, you're going far. And it's not the good kind of far. And there's that part of Maelor's death the night of maelor's death when the head is presented to raniera i see very robert in her that like she knows the blood that's being spilled from her right hand man soldier and his team and she chooses robert style to look the other way and say yeah yeah yeah dead children that's fine yeah they're not they're not children they're dragons yeah and that's interesting taking the humanity out're not children, they're dragons. Yeah. Whatever. And that's interesting, taking the humanity out of all of it and being able to look over it like that
Starting point is 00:38:30 and showing that you're numbing yourself for this cause that isn't even real anymore. Just like Robert, right? Like, he chased a claim. I should be the rightful king because I do have the claim, quote unquote. I have dragon blood within me, quote unquote. Yeah, what a joke only when it deems useful and people people compare stannis and reynier a lot and i think
Starting point is 00:38:53 that's that's pretty much fair i think in a lot of ways especially around the way people talk about what they actually do right because it's like oh well stannis didn't do this melisandre did or whatever or his idiot florence in-laws did it right not stannis he wouldn't do that he wouldn't kill a child but he would how about that if it secured his reign exactly that's a great point right there too like it's a similar thing we see stannis do that he also was like if it secured his reign exactly that's a great point right there too like it's a similar thing we see stannis do that he also was like if it makes me king of everything what's one boy davos what is one boy one bastard boy something interesting is that stannis sees himself in agon ii i love that it's in part just because Stannis has never actually spoken to a woman.
Starting point is 00:39:46 Well, he spoke to Melisandre, so. But in part because Stannis just hates women. Yeah. So much. But the other reason is because I think he sees himself in Aegon because Aegon is citing the law. And Stannis is also citing the law. And nobody cares. Nobody cares about the law and nobody cares nobody cares about the law the only person they get to go over because the law is like jason lannister the baratheons just do it for vibes
Starting point is 00:40:14 and even people who damon had person has like personally pissed off go over to rainier anyways because they like her better they There's this mention in the first part when they raise the army in the Riverlands that people just remember Rhaenyra smiling at them being the realm's delight. Which is a little bit of a Renly thing to me. There is a little bit of Renly there
Starting point is 00:40:37 in Rhaenyra. People talk about Renly as being like Aegon. Yeah, especially because Renly wanted to be king. He was like, I'm bored to be king. Yeah, Renly really wanted to be king. And Aegon too, like, wants nothing to do with that at all. And nobody ever called Stannis the realm's delight, you know? You can say that again, buddy.
Starting point is 00:40:59 That's a great point. Yeah, there's something about Stannis being so lawful, right? That like, this is the law, which means I'm next by law, and I should have it. I think I find that interesting that it is a mix. I mean, it's all about to like, what's the point of the law if you're that powerful? Like, isn't it supposed to be that you get to make the law, you get to change the law, you get to be the decider, and they're running into no. the law you get to be the decider and they're running into no well and then like reynira reynira literally doesn't do that like she could have done that with uh the rosby and stokeworth case but uh corliss talks her out of it his reasoning is good to say like well now we can just kind of retroactively declare whoever we want to be illegitimate because we've changed the succession system like that reasoning is fine. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:46 But it, it, it's the problem. It's not changing the law. It's like Stanis' reasoning when he won't get punished the nobility and like try to change the world. He's like, well,
Starting point is 00:41:56 it's too hard, but you can do it. You just don't want to. It's too hard. You can try though. You could definitely try. I mean, isn't that part of your job too? Well well and that's the hard part is like i'm also of the other mind that look had raniera and
Starting point is 00:42:14 agan just married and dealt with it that way it would have saved this entire thing i mean none of this would have happened but i don't know though i mean we're gonna cite a historical example here famously cleopatra married her brother tommy the 13th and uh that resulted in a civil war anyways it's easy to imagine that that's true that's a great thing to look at actually to compare it to when you think about it over just like precedent right like it's like who gets to be in charge like they're married that's awesome but they they're not jairus and alice and they don't love each other right so they're gonna fight with each other and how long until that fighting breaks out
Starting point is 00:42:56 especially with dragons too and not only that but then there's also the other part of this that like it's targaryen exceptionalism was the last reign right everything was Targaryen all the time but they also learned that to be sustainable as Targaryens they can't just keep marrying one another they have to start forming a few alliances and so you have that great teetering edge for Viserys's reign where he probably also knew that he needed to have a few alliances to strengthen his claim and to keep hold on the seven kingdom that you can't just marry her to her brother and isn't it pretty fucked up that we've been forcing these targaryen women to marry only their brothers for a while it's pretty fucked up it's pretty fucked up and i don't like so i guess i don't
Starting point is 00:43:46 want them to marry obviously my favorite targaryen kings are the ones who are like all right we're integrating ourselves into the west roads to nobility we're not doing this bullshit anymore like they're on the second all the way down to agon the fifth like by the time you get to agon the fifth nobody he's like barely inbred like his great-grandfather was inbred and that's it. I mean, he has brunette kids. Dunk the small is brunette. Yeah. Because he marries a Dane. Yeah, exactly. And his uncle,
Starting point is 00:44:14 Baelor Breakspear, has black hair and looks Dornish. Yeah. I love Aegon III, but when his kingship doesn't get much and I mean, I'm guessing Fire and Blood Part II, which we'll probably get someday, probably sooner than we want. And the reason why we're definitely,
Starting point is 00:44:33 I feel like it's going to be hard to do Hot D after a season five, right? Is it's going to be hard to make an interesting show out of the back half of agon three's reign like other than watching the dragons die off nothing really happens you know similar to bran the end of season eight bran our king yeah what you'd have what you would have to do is just straight up if you wanted to continue the show you would have to do is just straight up, if you wanted to continue the show, you would have to just do a time skip and cut in at the beginning of the reign of Daeron. Absolutely. Because that's great TV.
Starting point is 00:45:13 Daeron through Aegon IV. And actually even beyond that. That's a much better show than the Daerons, honestly. And I really think if you got to the point where you could rip open some blackfire shit you'd be set like you'd have paychecks for life man i know i just i really wish that they'd start they'd done a show there instead of this i hate agan the fourth right like i feel like he is the grossest scummiest little fucker but big fucker depends on what time in history i guess but he he is like everything about him
Starting point is 00:45:47 sucks but everything tangential to him all the characters all the plots all like the black fires beginning all that is very interesting well it's also like it's also like you have a lot of like guides for this because there are multiple tv shows about the reign of henry the eighth exactly and his reign is literally just the reign of henry the eighth exactly and his reign is literally just the reign of henry the eighth except he starts more shit like that's it yeah and i think that's great i think that's i mean that would be another great way to start even if you start later on and you don't show his like youth and him being a handsome guy like you just fast forward it and you have it start and he dies like show his death
Starting point is 00:46:26 that's great have him be the episode nine death oh his fucking disgusting gross death with the worms and shit i don't i don't want to see that on tv actually it'll be fun for me that's that's like the worst episode nine concept chloe you just see worms coming out of this guy i think i just wrote it i just wrote season one of agan oh my god it's just gonna be like too fast too furious but like with the four it's it's gonna bomb like your uh your comedy routine on one time it's one time it was but you told me it was uh you know it was like a powerpoint presentation like event so i don't know this it was this place in michigan in a little hipster place where they did weekly events and they did a powerpoint comedy night and i you know it's fun it's whatever it sounds like a good
Starting point is 00:47:18 time so you're supposed to bring something somewhat interesting to keep people's attention but also funny and it's it was all a bunch of nerds right like i knew they were all nerds but apparently they weren't nerdy enough so going through agan four and his nine mistresses with comedic uh chloe commentary was not funny to these people it might have been funny to you all but it was not funny it would have been really funny to me i would have loved it was that even was that even before the world of ice and fire came out because if it was it was like 2015 or 2016 i used okay so at least it was possible at least it was possible that somebody knew what it was because if it was just like stuff you gleaned off the right that could be that could be rough
Starting point is 00:48:02 i'm like was this i'm looking i don't know if i still have it i might still have it wow wow amazing that's a brunch that is a discord brunch idea i'm like oh amongst all the unfinished essays i still have an agan for slideshow amazing yeah i wanted to say something else about the Hightowers. Sort of their class position, right? Because the Hightowers are obviously a super important family in Westeros. They're probably the most powerful non- Except for maybe the Valyrians.
Starting point is 00:48:40 The most powerful non-Great Lord House, right? Because they've got, in their backyard, they've got the faith, and they've got the maesters. However, the way people talk about them, this is like the peak of the Targaryen era where they're thought of as gods, right? The way they're talked about and the values they display, they have this kind of middle class respectability about them that i feel like people don't like like people will like they're simultaneously too rich to be sympathetic right because they are powerful in their own way even if it's not the same way that the targs are but they're also
Starting point is 00:49:20 not powerful enough for people not to call them like up jumped and like like power grasping hungry stuff like that they're like they're the up jump middle class and people hate that i don't know i know they're obviously not the tyrells well the tyrells are better oh my god i forgot to mention that at the front that she is is a Tyrell-loving Hightower apologist scumbag. No, I'm just kidding. I'm gonna break in after you're done with your thought to say why I like the Tyrells. And I think I'm gonna convince you.
Starting point is 00:49:58 The Hightowers do have a lot of power. They may not be as rich or as full of resources, but they have a lot of power. They may not be as rich or as full of resources, but they have a lot of power. So I think moreover, why they get called up jumped sometimes, Maddie, is because they have the faith at their beck and call and they sit in a little tower that overlooks everything in their domain that they watch from. I don't know. They have enough. I think they're good close the wage gap in westeros okay okay all right well like the tyrells they have a lot of soft power but they have less hard power than the targaryens because they don't have dragons right um they do now they might i mean who should
Starting point is 00:50:42 now they do i mean then they all died, but. Yeah, well, whatever. Who cares? They're dead now. Nobody cares about the Hightowers or the Valerians. By the time of the main series, which is so funny, how little this mattered. But like the Tyrells, they have a lot of soft power. And the Tyrells are like that, though, for for a specific reason which is because they don't function like a dynasty they function like the women of the reach that marry into them
Starting point is 00:51:10 are just using the tyrells as like a screen to keep peace in the reach that's the way i think of the tyrells and that's why i like them and that's why they're entirely ruled by women even when they're ruled by men that's very true like in in in the dance right they they were written off as like she wins to go with the greens but then the tarleys and yeah they declare for the blacks and then the tyrell see that it was like all right well uh we are not taking part in this because we are not picking a side in a Reach civil war because our entire existence is premised on everybody in the Reach agreeing that we can be in charge. That is a great point because Lionel Tyrell is an infant, right, during this. So his mom is the Regent.
Starting point is 00:52:00 It's his mom. And I don't know what house his mom comes from. It's obviously not Tyrell. It's his mom. And I don't know what house his mom comes from. It's obviously not Tyrell. I mean, it could be like a cousin, but I think that they're too young of a house by that point for it to be a cousin. I'm actually going to look that up. I wonder if it says it anywhere. No, but that's the same Lionel that goes to Dor and that's what I like about them they exercise the soft power and their whole thing is like drowning out the hard power of the Tarlys of the Rowans of the Hightowers with reach soft power and I think that's very that's very uh clever of them that's why they always end up on the winning side right it is clever because it seems like soft power but as we learn in you know a game of thrones clash kings when you deny
Starting point is 00:52:52 resources from an entire land that's turns very quickly into hard violence right so being able to look at the tarleys and look around and say yo we are your fucking food kings don't fuck with us it's the it's the uh the iron fist with the velvet glove i love that that's who they are it's true okay that's that's the that's that's how tyrell it's it's a race with thorns you know i'm not i'm not like fully convinced but they're fine they're fine they're cool they're cool i mean they're one of the more interesting ways of how to run a kingdom i think hoster toly does like kind of a similar thing except he does it just by beating the shit out of people well and that is something interesting like their people are happier for the most part
Starting point is 00:53:35 i mean not the ones that side with stamps but there aren't that many of them anyways yeah well it's just the florence and that's after they exactly right like that's after renly dies which is which is crazy that the florence uh would even back the tyrells right in renly um in the first place just like it's how it's crazy that hosta toli has somehow created a situation where the the brackens and the blackwoods are on the same side at the beginning of the war which they don't do in any other conflict that's something interesting right because west rose strongly uses marriage as their checks and balances for legalities as we're seeing right like so stannis married with a florence so that that secures
Starting point is 00:54:17 robert's reign that they won't rise up and rebel for someone else ha ha ha ha unless that's what makes some of these marriage alliances during the dance similar in that regard and shows you that like, maybe you shouldn't have checks and balances be because you married someone else powerful with control to resources or land or money. Maybe you should just put checks and balances in your government. Maybe, maybe, maybe if you care about the people, that's idea if not i mean just keep you know dancing upon your dragons but yeah just keep doing whatever you know you kind of associate the the greens with their kind of like middle class grasping that's very fray it's very fray but the
Starting point is 00:54:59 frays are big black partisans the entire war they were just starting to generate all their children you know what i mean they were just beginning yeah that's true they're just ramping it up walder's entrance into the family and eventual entrance into many other people uh kind of amps that up i think that's the only that's the only black things that they do that i really like is the Northern Frey army just crushing Cristid Gull. That rules. And Roderick the Ruin being like, I'm not giving you a death for the singers and shooting him three times with an arrow. The Freys were pretty staunch Targaryen supporters, right? Aegon the Conqueror being aided by him.
Starting point is 00:55:43 You have the Freys supporting agan the uncrowned against maegor during that time period up until little walder exists it is pumping out babies right in his era they aren't really hard grasping reaching people so much for that like they are they were looking for power quite obviously yes and he is laugh they laugh they are laughed at when they try to marry renera well there is someone yeah the one who is they isn't there multiple times with the phrase trying to marry a targaryen they laugh them out so hard yeah they left them out so hard don't they try to marry um they try to i feel like they're trying to marry somebody else later like in like the blackfire era maybe am i wrong about that maybe not we need some of our fray friends we need some micah and patrick daugherty here man i'm obviously everybody's
Starting point is 00:56:35 a fray hater because you can't not be a fray hater right it is kind of illegal yeah yeah but i do get the phrase what their deal is i think i think i'm wrong i think i'm just misremembering you're just making shit up yeah i'm just making shit up welcome to the podcast that happens sometimes it just it just seems like that's a fray thing i don't know if you listeners at home if you remember something from the world of ice and fire about a fray trying to marry another targaryen uh hit us up yeah hit us up please um but yeah let's see um yeah the frays aren't very fray uh but the northerners are very northern oh yeah oh yeah which rules it is cool the whole the whole army coming down it's just like we're here to die so i definitely see the parallels to modern ace swath right of like oh yeah well first of all ned obviously coming down king's landing to
Starting point is 00:57:34 finally you know say hey we don't play that game uh but but that said not just that but like that all the riverlands everybody coming together to king kings landing at this time and the war having ravaged them so horribly now they're trying to make amends and make you know the politics of the world finally fit and everything back to normal or at least try to find a new normal and fix it and i think that's going to be a huge echo of what we see at the end of dream of spring like the hour of the wolf will come again. I also think that's going to be, like, what Season 5 is. Because I was thinking about it earlier. I kind of think you have to, you can't
Starting point is 00:58:12 wrap it up in the same season Rhaenyra dies. I think there's too much that happens afterwards. There has to be, like, an So, like, my vague thought of what the show is going to be like. End of Season 1, that's the green coup. I think Viserys dies episode nine.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Episode ten is them getting all their shit together and getting Aegon crown. That's like the last scene. Then season two ends with Rhaenyra taking King's Landing. Season three ends with the battle over the God god's eye and season four ends with rainier dying and but i think season five i think it's gonna be kind of a compressed hour in the wolf and regency that's interesting i think they're gonna cast a slightly older egg on the third and that that would be like plausible for his regency to end. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:08 By the end of season five. Have it be him canceling the tour, the royal progress. Yeah. And then telling them, no, from now on I will rule now that I'm of age. Brah, shall we begin? Yeah, you have the hour of the wolf like the middle of season five, kind of. I could see that. I actually really think they could do Hour of the Wolf and the Regency probably in half a season.
Starting point is 00:59:32 So I could see them even killing her off up front of the season or towards the first couple episodes. Yeah, I thought about that too. I just think that they want to end a season with her dying. I do think the coronation idea was great at season one as a finale i think we could see i do think we might see them do storm's end however i can see it pushed to season two i think storm's end is going to be like the opener of season two it's going to be a wild open though that's going to be wild that's going to be crazy that's going to be that's going to be i don't know part of the reason why i think they might go for that in the first season is because that's going to wild that's gonna be crazy that's gonna be that's gonna be i don't know part of the reason why i think they might go for that in the first season is because that's gonna be a big
Starting point is 01:00:08 moment for people liking the show cgi alone right too i think they might go for it in season one because of that because they might want to end on a huge scene a huge dragon fight right um i think that would be a great way to end your first season of new dragon show i feel like everything that we've seen though in the promotional materials i think that viserys is going to be like a like a whole season guy yeah he's going to stick around to the last two episodes yeah because he does seem like he's kind of in like a similar position in that story he's not he's going to die in episode nine for sure that's yeah exactly nation i will say i think they might do something artsy and this is what i would do what i see in my brain
Starting point is 01:00:52 is them showing the coronations at the same time even though they're different time periods like a couple weeks apart or a week apart i you know what i'm seeing in my brain i'm seeing the uh end of season six with the Cersei and the musical montage. And the cutting back and forth and back and forth. The cutting back and forth. Yeah, that's what I'm seeing. I'm hearing different people muttering the words and the oils and anointments happening at both. And having Rhaenyra being crowned at the very same time as Aegon.
Starting point is 01:01:22 Okay, this is what I'm going to say. They're not going to show R reneara's coronation but they're going to show reneara giving birth yeah absolutely i i actually thought what i would love them to end if they don't do storm's end as the ending of season one i could see them ending with her just screaming into the camera like as she gives birth as the very last shot as this crowd that would be a perfect montage how about that that's what i want that would be such a good ending that's what i want that would be like a brutal ending and then i'd be like yeah it would be a brutal and it would get them season two though too because people as long as anybody watches the show they're gonna want more oh yeah well and if you look at it that way too
Starting point is 01:02:05 think about danny's plot aligning right it definitely aligned with her you know awaking fire and blood losing her child and then the funeral fire so i really actually see them copying some of that structure and a lot of people are very like they're not gonna do anything similar but let's be real they have you have to they have to they're probably even gonna just reference quotes like they're probably gonna have somebody say i drink and i don't know that's damon's new line the dragon dreams oh sure dragons didn't make us kings oh my gosh they make damon matt smith is literally going to be the peter dinklage of this show and i hope you're ready for it everything is going to be the Peter Dinklage of this show, and I hope you're ready for it.
Starting point is 01:02:45 Everything is going to be rewritten. Damon's going to make jokes and look straight into the camera and wink and laugh. The thing that sucks is that Corliss would be so much better for that. Yeah, I'm interested what kind of personality they're going to give Steve Chassant to play him or what Steve's really going to bring. Yeah, I kind of think that they're going to play him more serious,ve's really gonna bring yeah i i kind of i kind of think that they're gonna play him more serious which is kind of weird i think so too i don't think that he should be played serious especially because they've got bruno heller right creative rome one of the best hbo shows out there rome and the reason why that show is so good is because it's not very serious right so if they're gonna do
Starting point is 01:03:27 seven voyages or whatever nine voyages what is it nine voyages oceans nine voyages oceans nine you're gonna do oceans nine with Bruno Heller it's gonna be kind of comedic and I don't know how like a super serious Corliss it's gonna be a heist show
Starting point is 01:03:44 yeah I don't know how a super serious Corliss's gonna be a heist show yeah I don't know how a super serious Corlys is gonna fit in and I mean I see Alan as much more of the Davos character just for plot parallels but I do I do think that Corlys is going to have like gruff grandpa energy and that might be the kind of humor
Starting point is 01:04:00 we get from him there was this line in his older years I want to say it was in like fire and blood that he said he was known to say things like like he was clinging to life like a sailor clinging to the wreckage of a ship or something if i remember like just classic grandpa shit you can imagine all of like the valerian boys being like oh grandpa stop saying that and so i wonder if that's gonna be more exactly for him like it's not gonna be outright cracking jokes but it's gonna be have we even seen a lot of dialogue
Starting point is 01:04:29 from him i just i just i feel like i see that because i like i feel like i've seen a still of him like looking really serious so i guess that doesn't really mean anything the only dialogue we have heard from him in the teasers so far was the voiceover and the second teaser was him when he was saying that they don't history doesn't remember blood they remember names yeah and i believe he was saying that to the the boys the strong boys the strong boys yep because he loved them just like his own kids yeah and i do think i do think something you combine for humor is him showing up after Rhaenys dies with his bastard children because he was so afraid of her. Damn. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:09 Yeah. You're going to need that to cut her death because that's going to be a rough one for people. That's going to be such a badass but horrible scene. I'm not going to be happy about it, but I am going to love it because Eve Best is amazing. I don't know. I'm worried about that battle being adapted, though though because i think it's kind of confusing yeah it might be it might be simplified i feel like they can they can do that though because the battle of the black water is way more confusing than it is in the show i think there's going to be a lot of
Starting point is 01:05:39 simplifying of some of the dragon battles because there's a lot of this motherfucker jumped on this dragon and this dragon does this and then this dragon did this it might just be like vicious dragon fight in sky enjoy oh speaking of blackwater do you think they're gonna get george to write an episode i think that he probably can't i don't know this is i think he won't but i think he's giving a lot of support to them from what i'm hearing yeah i feel like he i feel like he won't either but i feel like they would let him in a way that they didn't really with game of thrones right they did let him write episodes obviously but if you look into like the making of them they did cut a lot of stuff he wanted out of those episodes i'm not sure if that's true with
Starting point is 01:06:20 black water so much as the first one he wrote season one well and that's the thing is he's being very like snow the sequel he's definitely been he's talked to them about like some of the stuff with that he's talked to them about some of it they should literally you know what they should call it though they should call it uh bastard motherless broken damned yeah yeah they should call it that instead they should just call it damn you know we really we got the jump on merchandise with our john snow water bottles you know i'm telling you the thing about it is i think that's the show that's most likely to be made stop if people like hot d they're gonna make the corley show yes right that That's entirely dependent on that.
Starting point is 01:07:06 If people don't like Hot D, they're definitely making Snow. Because they're going to do what Star Wars did. Remember how Star Wars is like, they decided after a solo kind of flop, they decided, oh, people want to see the original actors CGI'd in instead of seeing new actors play characters from the old team. And no one does want that yet. No one wants that. And something
Starting point is 01:07:31 even worse to really leave you with is I look for 10,000 ships but all they show me is snow. Like do that one. That one's perfect. They're not going to do that one. Fuck you. That's the one I'm pretty sure they're not going to do that one because it's about Dorne and it's about characters we don't know. They could fix what they did to Dorne.
Starting point is 01:07:51 They could fix it. But the problem is they ruined Dorne. Just like they ruined Jon Snow. They're not going to get people to watch a Dorne show because everyone just thinks of the bad pussy. It's just gonna be the bad pussy show. I think it's like one of the best things they could do to fix their legacy. Okay, well it's just like it's gonna over
Starting point is 01:08:14 it's gonna overlap with Corliss' show. Yeah, that's true. And then it's gonna be about Dorn. I hope Hot D does well so we get Corliss. How about that? That's our best. Okay. That's the best way through this, what you're sayingleys how about that that's that's our best okay that's that's the best way through this what you're saying to me today maddie that's the best that's the best that's the best hope god well i don't want snow right now we don't want it so we don't
Starting point is 01:08:35 want it we don't want it we really don't want it but i worry that we're gonna get i want hot d though i do want hot d i think believe it or not i'm looking forward to hot d i wasn't i was a hater for hot d i was a hate i've been a hater for all the new ideas for shows except for the corley show just because it's the creator of roam attached well i think anything that's creative right like if it has an ounce of creativity i'm interested but snow like you said cheap cheap cheap cheap snow cheap uh the maria show would be cool but i just don't think you're gonna get enough people to want it uh blood moon show was not looking forward to that so i'm actually kind of glad that that's gone um and hot d i was initially a hater but after hearing how much george is involved and i actually like the cost. I know that there's been a lot of discussions about the costuming,
Starting point is 01:09:27 some negative, some positive from you. But I like it. It looks very Renaissance. It looks very cool. It looks weirdly like this takes place 200 years after the original Theory of Series. But it looks really nice it's better than what rohan calls the the war criminal designs of the later seasons of game of thrones war criminal michelle clapton but i'm looking forward to it i'm excited i'm excited to hear about it i definitely agree
Starting point is 01:10:02 george's uh input seems like it's very helpful. Though, to be fair, this is very cut and dry and a finished story. So that makes it a little easier, right? A little. Yeah. It's something you can actually adapt rather than coming up with something new, which would be another problem with the Nymeria show. That's true.
Starting point is 01:10:22 And I think that's part of the problem with for me with duncan egg like we do know how it ends however however with that in our mind that we know how it ends like it gives them a little creative leeway to you know get in there and write something new work with george i don't know i don't know if we'll see that one either i don't i don't think i don't think duncan egg if we get it it's not gonna go to summer home well I look forward to discussing it with you when you know we're on season eight of Duncan Egg and all of a sudden they live in Yeetie or something we're on season 10 of Hot D which is just a season solely about Baelor being weird. Welcome to season 14 of Hot D. We're now in a shy.
Starting point is 01:11:08 Season 25 of Hot D where it's just the events of the regular season. Season 26, we're at a game of thrones. It's a re- It's a re-cast. What if it gets to like 40 seasons? You know, days of our lifestyle.
Starting point is 01:11:23 That's the best we could ask for. Well, there's no more Targaryens left, so I guess it's just following. It's following. It's following. We're finally reviving Daenerys, right? We are reviving her. Someone finds her and brings her to life. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 01:11:37 We're remaking season eight and season 41 of Hot D. Season 53 of Hot D. We finally get Lady Stoneheart. Finally. Well, Maddiedie this has been a blast thank you for joining me today please tell everyone where the hell they can find you online and hear more history from you all right well you can you can find me on twitter um my at is abacazia um i don't know it's hard to spell You'll figure it out. But I mostly tweet about politics history. I do
Starting point is 01:12:07 have the occasional very good Game of Thrones thread. I will have a good Star Wars thread every now and again too. What else you can do is you can follow my girlfriend. Her name is Matilda not to be confused with the Empress.
Starting point is 01:12:24 And her at is Scottish Mongol not to be confused with the empress um and her ad is um scottish mongol and she also has a patreon if you want to subscribe to that she's got uh many cool stories about uh her own fantasy setting yes highly recommend patroning matilda i am a patron of matilda and i love it i'm happy i'm I'm healthy. And my crops are watered. Thank you again. And this has been Unleash the D. You know, we'll be, of course, I don't know everyone if I'll be back with Unleash the D. I'm hoping I'll be back with Unleash the E for Eliana.
Starting point is 01:12:58 But you might hear from me again from our Hot D Primer series. Thanks, everyone.

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