Girls Gone Canon Cast - House of the Dragon: Unleash the D E4 Ft. Sanrixian

Episode Date: July 8, 2022

Distinguished artist of our generation Mallory Dorn joins us to discuss some of the art direction from both a creative and production based point of view, as well as the deep love for the lore of the ...dragons. Listen in to get a sneak peek at some of her future #HouseOfTheDragon related designs.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to Girl Gone Canon. Girls, actually. It's Girl Gone Canon featuring plus one girl guest. I am one of your hosts, Chloe, here for Hot D, Hot D Primer, Unleashing the D episode. Oh my god, I think this is episode four. I think this is episode four, featuring one of my very good friends. I'm so excited to finally have her on. It's not Aria episode time, believe it or not, or we'd have her on probably then too. But Mallory Sanrixian, hello. Thank you so much for coming on and hanging out with me for this. Hi, good to see you.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Good to be with you. Good to be here. I'm so hyped to talk some of that hashtag HotD. So thrilled that that's our actual hashtag we get. I'm so ready, so ready. You are like my dragon aficionado. When I think dragons, I think you. You love all things dragons, all fantasy dragons. Not just HotD, not just got. Got.
Starting point is 00:01:28 You are like my dragon queen. You've drawn so many. First of all, Mallory is like the artist. When I say the artist, I mean it. Two E's, whatever you want to put on it. She is the artist. She draws me all of my whims in the fandom. She has some gorgeous Stark arts, some gorgeous dragon arts. I have all of her dragons and dire wolf photos.
Starting point is 00:01:47 In fact, at Ice and FireCon during the Game of Swag, little scavenger hunt game for merch that fans left everywhere, the only thing I got was a Mallory packet of stickers. And I got all the dragons and all the wolves all over again, baby. So I love your art. Tell us what's going on in your thank you so much um well i am um getting ready for a big announcement um in about a week maybe week and a half by the time this comes out we'll see um you said soon so yeah i am going to be
Starting point is 00:02:20 opening my commissions for the first time ever since I have been in the A Song of Ice and Fire community. Yes, I have done work for people in the past, but I've always had a full-time job that has been very, very hard on me, so I haven't had a lot of time to create the pieces that I really want to for you guys. So that will be very soon. I've kind of soft-launched a Twitch channel that I'll be doing art streams on. And the biggest, most exciting thing is I'm coming out with a Patreon. So that will include, obviously, you're going to get to see early works in progress of new T-shirt designs. I have a How Strong one that has been in progress for about six months at this point. I believe I was showing it off at your wedding, Chloe.
Starting point is 00:03:06 So for quite some time. But, you know, life gets in the way and things get distracting, including that really hard job I mentioned. But long story short, Patreon is coming. Works in progress are going to be available. Also, I'm going to do some tutorials and some other things. I'm still kind of developing that right now. So look forward to that. I'm so excited about the tutorials. I really am. As most of you might know at home, Eliana is the more graphic artist of us. I can play instruments, I can sing, write, whatever you want me to do, but I can't really draw by nature easily I have learned a lot of skills in fact the other day I was looking at some stuff doing some stuff and I've definitely improved but Eliana is our
Starting point is 00:03:51 first hand drawer she usually draws uh one per POV a little artwork and I also make the little album arts that you see in your podcast app or whatever and Mallory has also contributed a lot to that I even have a tablet now but you guys Mallory and Eliana have taught me to draw with a tablet with a computer uh I have a couple days off this weekend so I am gonna do that I'm gonna do some drawing and I'm hoping to learn some more from these tutorials over at Mallory's new Patreon when it launches so keep your eyes peeled for that. And we will, of course, leave all of the links to Mallory's social media and the places you should be following her, like her merch store.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Something really cool about Mallory. I just have to talk about it because she's not going to. She's honestly very humble. She's very like, no, no, no. And I need, someone's got a, someone's got a cheerlead here. Mallory has so much like t-shirt merch with like all of her. You can get her art on T-shirts. You can get my husband has some of the art on T-shirt of like the Stannis shirt.
Starting point is 00:04:53 She has a cool little Stannis shirt. I know people like him. I've heard you should wear that shirt if you do. I have a pretty good amount of Mallory T-shirts. I've got her little tank tops. You can get tank tops. It's all Threadless kind of based, right? Yep. They host some of the shirts. It's through Threadless, and I'm looking
Starting point is 00:05:12 for better options, because honestly, sometimes the designs don't come out perfect. So it's a good reminder to tell anybody who has ordered from any Threadless shop, which is very prevalent in our fandom, that if you don't like your print, you can send it back to Threadless and get a replacement but I like to call it Sanri swag
Starting point is 00:05:27 there's quite a lot of Sanri swag out there with more to come I've got about 15 designs planned sketched out to launch before Hot D launches we'll see how many I get before we get Hot D but definitely gonna have some Team Greens Team Black shirts
Starting point is 00:05:44 a mushroom was right. Raynera did nothing wrong. Oh, yes. I'm sorry. Where is mushroom? And Raynera did nothing wrong. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Some sneak peeks. I love that. Where is mushroom? Where is mushroom? That's what it should be. Where is mushroom? Hashtag where is he? You know, where in the world?
Starting point is 00:06:02 Mushroom, but in a Carmen Sandiego outfit. Oh, that'd be great yes i usually associate that with ashara dane right i'm like where in the world is right ashara dane but i think we're in the world as much yeah i feel like mushroom would be the waldo in the situation and ashara would be like more like the carmen san diego i like it i like it though you don think Mushroom could be the femme fatale here. I don't know. I just don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:29 I'm just kidding. This is a joke. My God. Yeah. So I imagine you might have some dragon ideas when it comes to Hot D. Like as far as artwork and as far as design ideas. Honestly, I've been thinking a lot about the design and we've seen very little.
Starting point is 00:06:46 We've only seen a little bit and it's not dissimilar to what we saw with Game of Thrones, which doesn't surprise me. To be fair, they have to retain some sort of similarity to kind of evoke, you know, we're involved with one another in some tangential way. But what are we going to see with these dragons coming to a screen near us?
Starting point is 00:07:05 Well, I mean, I have so many dragon thoughts, Chloe. To respond to one of your earlier statements there was, you're talking about the way the preview footage we've seen of the dragons, which if I had to take a guess, in the trailer we got, the golden slash yellowish dragon is probably Syrax. And then later, I do not think that's Caraxes. I've heard a lot of people mention that. I feel like Caraxes is too large for the scale of what that's in.
Starting point is 00:07:33 That looks like more of a younger dragon, possibly one chained up in the dragon pit. But as far as what we've seen for the visual design of the dragons, they're very similar to the Game of Thrones dragons, yes. And as some of you may know or may not know, my real job, quote-unquote, is a 3D animator for the TV show Archer. I mainly work in realistic to hyper-realistic, meaning, like, extremely has to be on point,
Starting point is 00:08:00 every groove, every detail, every flake of dust, like, the glossy properties of this must match real word very difficult stuff so i understand um from a technical perspective how hard all this stuff is to do now for a show like hot hot d hot hot d i was gonna say hot of the dragon house of the dragon for a show like Hot of the Dragon. House of the Dragon. For a show like House of the Dragon, made by HBO, you know that there's a lot of money going in there. But visual effects do cost a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:08:35 So what I think they're doing is they're taking the original base models for Drogon, Viserion, and Rhaegal, which were all pretty much the same model, as far as I can tell from watching the show a thousand times, the same model, just painted differently. From what I can tell what they're doing for our new dragons, they're slightly modified. They're around the same, like, base. Like, obviously, it's going to be what George says is a proper dragon. Two wings, two legs, a tail, and a head.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Not four legs. And George and I differ on that, but that's okay. But it's the same dragon model, the preview footage of uh the first dragon flying in the trailer which i think is syrax um i watched that probably 50 times because i'm a crazy person obsessed with dragons it's syrax it's syrax like her horns look a little bit different and then the pop the punko punko jesus the funko pops that they released, the Syrax, her horns curve slightly different than what Drogons look like. So I'm hoping for dragon variety because George did promise us 16 unique dragons. And when I think unique I think, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:35 the same family or the same species but maybe like way different horns or different head decorations like those pokey points at the back are called the crest, the run along the neck, like, give me more variety so we'll see what we get and the coloring right the coloring and the grading on that and that is something interesting right the assets and for me the way i look at this comes from a very video game point of view right like i play a lot of sims 4 and I see them release each time they release an expansion pack or some sort of DLC content that you have to pay money for, even though it's the same assets they've slightly edited. At the same time, I'm not mad because
Starting point is 00:10:16 I get it. Like, why would you alter the original blueprint that worked so well too much? Like, use what works, alter it a little bit change the coloring the grading change uh the the kind of significant features like horns and that i'm hoping we see more of that like my favorite dragon god my favorite dragon is moon dancer um i love moon dancer i love bela bela is one of my favorite characters in all of pre-Ace Moth. I don't talk about her a lot, but I do love her. And I love, I used to have a bong named Anxar. It was a teal, silvery, turquoisey, beautiful bong, all swirly and gorgeous. I still have it.
Starting point is 00:10:55 I need to like get some parts to adjust it, but it's there. It'll come back. But that's like the one I think we're going to see. I think so too. I do think we'll see that escape eventually. Not now eventually we'll give them money for that right yeah we definitely will get to her um she is she's a beautiful dragon she's described as like what is it um pale green with pearl horns and crest i believe and um something i noticed like just being a maniac and looking at all the descriptions of the dragons and recently redoing a read-through and paying extra attention, the color variations obviously are going to get more and more diverse as the dragons are more and more inbred. three dragons that came over from old valeria valeria and maraxis and vagar which we actually
Starting point is 00:11:48 have all three of their colors now partially and thanks to me because i asked miss sam hogg on twitter what color is freaking vagar we have asked george three times please tell us we being aziz and ashea but we as in a fandom, and she did give us that answer. Vhagar was described as I have it written down here. Bronze with greenish-blue highlights and bright green eyes. That's beautiful. Yeah, right? Very
Starting point is 00:12:15 beautiful. Meraxes was silver with gold accents and eyes, I believe, and then Balerion is just described as black, straight black. A lot of people think maybe he was black and red like Drogon, but he in theion is just described as black straight black a lot of people think maybe he was black and red like drogon but he in the text is described as straight black as far as i remember but we have this black dragon the silver dragon and basically this bronze dragon metallics giving birth to all these other dragons and obviously inbreeding so it's kind of an interesting
Starting point is 00:12:41 reflection in a way for house targaryen becoming more and more inbred obviously at this point at the dance at the start of hot d we have more families marrying in but still the brother marrying sister tradition producing those uh inbred characteristics is definitely i think reflected in the dragons i love that idea i never really thought about their color being evoked through their breeding and that like i mean i i understand listen the sims 4 just put out a werewolf pack and i've been very much a furry for the past four weeks and i've been very into adding coloring i have like you can actually you can actually go in and like you can do real opacity fucking around with the opacity get a little transparent and
Starting point is 00:13:26 add highlights and low lights and colors uh you can add flame to their coat but but that says something right and i feel like there's something interesting about those three original dragons each one had a very different fate right like balerion actually dies of old age during jaharis one's brain which he does too maybe that's foreshadowing of the greatest dragon dying or whatever. Vhagar was named for a god of old Valyria, right? That's where the name came from. So not only is the color so interesting, but that alongside then, of course, its riders.
Starting point is 00:14:00 You get people, Visenya, you have Visenya uh riding and then of course vagar has balin targaryen ride him lady lena valerian and then prince amen targaryen and his remains are recovered a few years after the god's eye he dies in 130 ac in the god's eye and then maraxis yep oh maraxis rhaenys's dragon who of course dies in hell holt and is never seen again so just kind of like it's interesting thinking of like what the stark wolves right and the fates of the different wolves of what happens to rickon's wolf shaggy dog in the end we'll find out someday graywind of course lady of course and then you of course, and then you have Numeria and Summer out there, and Ghost. So then you have all these dragons, though. That's something that I find very prominent
Starting point is 00:14:52 in Fire and Blood especially, is getting to know the personalities of the dragons, where we don't really get that as much in A Song of Ice and Fire with Dany's dragons. We get, obviously, we get Dany and her um her great deep desire to protect them and also how they're kind of like her they're her house and they're also her children and they're everything that is important to her we get that very very clearly but we don't get to see like personalities or anything and yeah they're not like the direwolves you know they're not pets and we have that famous line a dragon is not a horse which if i remember correctly was when um poor baby jaceris tried to fly syrax and she shrugged him off
Starting point is 00:15:34 dropped him and i mean yeah they're they're reptilian and as an owner of both furry creatures and slithery creatures um i can tell you it is very different to have like a cold-blooded reptilian pet and then to have like a cat or a dog or I know a dire wolf is not a dog but it's still a creature that would bond more with a human so I think that's very interesting. Another interesting thing I was thinking about that Aziz actually says in I think it was his with Radio Westeros' Dance of the Dragons three-part series, he talks about the cannibal who we hopefully will get to see in Hot D, and I'm super excited about, who's a black dragon with green eyes, which is also the coloration of Shaggy Dog, which is interesting. house Targaryen eating itself. So that kind of led me originally when I heard this, whenever they came out with it about three or four years ago, I was like, wow, that's interesting. There could be something there with the colors of the dragons. I love that. And I actually think it's more likely
Starting point is 00:16:38 that Daemon is seeing in the cave one of those kind of dragons right before we actually see them claimed like sea smoke vermithor uh what's the one you just said cannibal cannibal cannibal like maybe that is more likely the one that we're seeing in those caves uh that's so interesting i love thinking of these these dragons that we're seeing before they're kind of ridden and chosen by some of these dragon seeds. Yeah, it's very interesting. If you remember, Syrax was actually born before and was raised, and Rhaenyra actually came and claimed her when she was seven years old. So she's a little bit bigger. The sizing is very hard to remember because there's so many dragons um i say
Starting point is 00:17:27 so many and really it's only like 28 but it's a lot but uh i think that'll become important the sizing in some aspects especially in some of the battles right between some of the older dragons the ogs versus the newer ones but at the time, I think it's kind of similar to, you know, the age debacle going on with some of these actors cast as older versions, younger versions, and what timelines mean. I've seen a lot of people get really into that and be really into what those timelines mean. And I'm like, I don't think I'm at it. I think they're just gonna kind of not pay that close attention to things like that. Like, as much as we are obsessed with this property,
Starting point is 00:18:07 for instance, me with my obsession with the dragon colors, I know that George doesn't really think that that matters as much as it does to me. I think some symbolism might be intentional, like melees and caraxis are both red. What does that mean? Some of it. And then the other ones, like Sunfire being described as the most beautiful dragon in the world what is you know like i feel like that can have implications for the story but i feel like george's specific thing uh sorry his specific picking of these colors might not be as much as i think it means but i think it's interesting to think about but as far as to what you're saying with um like the timeline and things like that and of course hbo taking this over they're probably gonna blur the lines on some things and simplify some things to make it easier i mean myself as a
Starting point is 00:18:57 fan of this actively consuming these texts for like five to seven years at this point i still can't keep all the targaryen straight i try my hardest hardest, but I'm like, Jaehaerys, Jaehaerys, Jaehaerys. And I'm like, I have to think and be sure I'm correct. So it's going to be a challenge for everybody, especially people who are show only or have no book experience. Yeah. Book experience. I do expect HBO will put out some infographics they used to do for game of thrones right of some family trees just to keep people's minds straight because that was hard that was hard for the common public to accept that these people are related these people aren't yada yada just keeping the trees straight uh i kind of love that idea of the parallels though the relation between the dragons
Starting point is 00:19:44 that you're speaking of and the people that ride them for example like belerion right you have agon one riding him you have uh king magor one area targaryen and then viserys one rode him very briefly before he actually died during jaheris one's reign so you have a very wide span where you have someone like Vhagar who was written from Laena to Aemond, etc., as we spoke about. I think there's definitely some kind of parallel between the Riders and the dragon and the colors and the Riders and the dragon like Meraxes, for example, with Rhaenys' coloring. It's Vhagar is the one where I know that the blacks have a lot of dragons on their side.
Starting point is 00:20:28 If I remember correctly, they have a few more. Until they don't. Until they don't. Until Sandry's gonna cry very, very hard when the storming of the dragon pit happens. But... Oh, Chloe! That's gonna suck! That's what,
Starting point is 00:20:44 season two, three? Three, three three hopefully four i don't know four hopefully as long as possible but vagar please vagar was visenya's dragon and vagar has always been a female dragon to me maybe it's like a girl power thing um i have this deep like belief that she was a lady and she laid the first clutches of eggs after maraxes died all you had was balerion which is agon big daddy agon big dick agon number one boy you know like that's not going to be the girl dragon sorry it's going to be vagar if their genders change vagar being on the side of the greens at the end like she was lana's originally and then being agon's uh i'm sorry amon's i was just like i don't know that just yeah that never sat right with me okay this is anti-green propaganda to be fair but like all of the dragons chosen during that funeral
Starting point is 00:21:38 by those boys seems like wrong it doesn't seem right and like some of them accept them yeah yeah yeah but like it just doesn't feel right right religiously speaking as a dragon yes it does not feel right it's very weird some of those some of those choices are very weird and that one was very weird for me especially like lena and vagar just breaks my heart like how she had both of her kids she flew both of her kids on the dragon just went down there and was like i'm picking the biggest baddest dragon that's left and i'm taking my baby son on a dragon ride and then she did it again with her other son and then she died and the last thing she did was she wanted to fly vagar and that just rips my heart out that you know some freaking man has her
Starting point is 00:22:19 afterwards i don't know that's anti-green of me as well but i told you what side i stand on yeah and there's something about the valerians and what they continually sacrifice for the targaryens and to uphold you know keeping their culture alive in some aspects that that that just makes me sad like knowing that inherently she just wanted to get to her dragon that something within her said go to your dragon and things will be okay and that's why you know bella and moondancer falling to the ground impacts me so much it's so sad to me that her first reaction is like i have to get to moondancer and i have to get the fuck out and moondancer dies and she lives and that i mean think of sansa without lady you know like that has to impact you that has to feel really empty and hollow that's a really good point that's a very good parallel um to draw between Sansa and her or Sansa and Lady and Bela and Moondancer god yeah um doesn't Moondancer like take out Sunfire though when they're when they're grappling in the
Starting point is 00:23:16 air yeah that's what I thought she wounds him enough that he never recovers and he's got that like broken wing uh for a while and sunfire is like a perfect symbol of like the gold and the glory of house targaryen and everything that should be right but then he ends up like deformed and dying and god just like his dragon sunfire was beautiful really was like glimmered and was golden and Aegon returns after still to rule right sending for some dragon some eggs from Dragonstone hoping he can hatch some new hoping that he can like move on
Starting point is 00:23:56 and get a new one and he can't hatch one and that feels more I guess we use the Iron Throne as kind of that metaphor like ah the Iron Th throne cut you you can't rule but your dragon refuses to hatch you're you're no true targaryen a true egg hatches to a true targaryen and it's very interesting how um how some eggs don't hatch for some people another thing that i found when i was researching uh about Dreamfire, I believe, who actually goes to
Starting point is 00:24:25 Helena during the dance and is on the side of the greens. But she was born way long ago, I believe during the reign of Aegon I, and she did not get to be very big as a dragon, but she laid many, many clutches, and it's noted that she laid many clutches. So when we theorize about where Dany's eggs actually come from in game of thrones um my money would probably be on dream fire or moon dancer because she isn't one that actually went north right to winterfell for example and a lot of people were like what if that's the clutch in winterfell which uh you never know what if it was or alissa farman with the dragon eggs for example it could have been because reina right that was her rider yeah so
Starting point is 00:25:06 those could be danny's eggs yeah those could very well be danny's eggs which and she could also be the mother of a lot of these dragons that we have in the dance and in the conflict so that would be really cool if like hers were the last ones to survive i believe it was Vermax who Mushroom said was the mother of the dragons in Winterfell, but again that's according to Mushroom so could easily be Dreamfire who did go north and so did Silverwing. She was hanging out with Cregan. I'm sorry, when Alysanne was hanging out with Cregan, you know, flirting, having a good time. Yeah, Vermax had gone north and then that was it right vermax attacked a fleet flew too low that flew too close to the water went crashing drowning into the sea and jake died too
Starting point is 00:25:57 it was rough they weren't very big either um at that point they were around the size of Tessarion and Sunfire. Maybe a little bit smaller. They were a little bit younger. Compare that to Cyrax and Quicksilver and Grey Ghost, who were a little bit bigger than that. And then a little bit bigger would be Meleys, Caraxes, Dreamfire, Silverwing. And then the wild dragons, because they're wild, Sheepstealer, Vermithor, Cannibal, only slightly smaller than Meraxes, who was slightly smaller than Vhagar, who was slightly smaller than Balerion. So it's really interesting how the more contained they are and the more hidden in the dragon pit the dragons are, they obviously get smaller and smaller and more and more inbred. So something going on there about the power of House Targaryen starting to turn in on itself and start to crumble for sure. And I'm really excited to see this on screen. I think I'm most excited about probably Rhaenys and Maelys and Daemon and Caraxes if I had to pick two dragons. Because
Starting point is 00:27:02 Vhagar is not Visenya's anymore. My favorite, if I had to pick one two dragons because Vhagar is not Visenya's anymore my favorite like if I had to pick one Targaryen I love more than anything it's Visenya yes I know she's like batshit insane kind of sad we're not getting her in hot d but maybe we'll have a conquest story but yeah melees and rainies for sure if anything I think Maegor's story could actually be very much so turned into a show the conquest as part of the first season maegor is the second half i could see that i'm not particularly inspired by maegor's reign personally that's a personal opinion that i don't choose to let maegor inspire me um but i feel like the drama and the witchcraft and like tyana for example example, I know you're a big Tyana fan.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Big Tyana stan in the household. I feel like those characters can be really inspiring, though the same archetype is like Miss Aria, Daemon, Rhaenyra. Yeah. I get it. I get where it's the same and it's all sandbox. But Silverwing, you spoke about Silverwing. Silverwing is one of the very last dragons, right? Silverwing lives at Red Lake
Starting point is 00:28:08 during the Regency of Aegon III. We don't know when Silverwing dies or died. Obviously, probably dead. But Silverwing could be out there. We just don't know. We just don't know. It's like the last bastion of like good house targaryen like obviously you named your cats jay and ally for like two of the best just quality good king good queen like out there making
Starting point is 00:28:33 moves for the people and obviously good queen ally is another one of my huge huge favorites and the fact that silverwing gets to live that long and she survives the you know like she's not in the dragon pit she's not around when that happens and it just makes me happy for her because she's a beautiful lady yeah she's a sweet dragon I feel like very graceful and yeah
Starting point is 00:28:55 I hope we get to see Silverwing at some point somehow because Ulf rides her right isn't yeah Ulf the white rides her so we should see Silverwing hopefully in seasons three or four, I think. Yeah. I'm thinking we'll probably see Syrax, um, Caraxes, um, maybe a bit of, I think it's Sheepstealer. If, if I'm like theorycrafting from the five seconds of the trailer we got, I think that's Sheepstealer iner in the cave his hair length it looks like post
Starting point is 00:29:26 stepstones because it's the shorter length of the time he could be going back to the veil right after his wife dies maybe could be like maybe he's like stealing an egg or something from there putting it back or i don't know but um definitely chloe uh matt damon hair uh expert matt damon Chloe, Matt Damon hair expert, Matt Damon expert in all things. Are you excited about Matt Damon? Wow. Matt Damon and Hot D. Mallory said it first. Sanrixian has
Starting point is 00:29:56 told us that Matt Damon is going to be in the Hot D universe. Who is Matt Damon? Who would he play? Old for the White? Hugh Old for the White Hugh the Hammer probably Hugh the Hammer you're in the Thor mode you know what I mean you're like ready for Thor
Starting point is 00:30:13 ready for the fake actors in Thor to show up yeah I have not quite accepted that we're getting more Aswath content for sure I'll believe it when I see it at this point unless this timeline this darkest timeline truly explodes and we all go to hell in the handbasket but oh yeah i know we're going sister we're on apocalypse year two right matt smith is semi exciting in this role because he's
Starting point is 00:30:39 just gonna be dramatic like brit drama dramatic and i love it i think i love it i i at first was like this is the funniest shit in the world to put one of my favorite actors in a role of a character i don't necessarily love love to hate uh but now i'm kind of really going with it and i feel like it's going to be like everyone's senior drama project you know what i mean it's just going to be dramatic it's going to be i mean that's what you need for Damon. He's just ridiculous. He's just like, I know everybody has their own headcanons of him. But I think that people need to pay attention to how good Matt Smith is as a character actor. Like, I watched Doctor Who with Viseria, our friend Viseria on Twitter. She made me watch starting
Starting point is 00:31:25 at season nine, going all the way through the 11th Doctor and sorry, the 12th Doctor. We actually got to the 13th now that I'm actually paying attention. We got to the 13th and fell off around there. I haven't gotten quite that far yet, but I am working on it. I am. I'm, uh, I've gotten to 12. are yet but I am working on it I am I'm uh I've gotten to 12. I um I know is is Matt Smith your favorite doctor? I do love Matt Smith I guess I don't know favorite doctor him and nine are up there I do love 10 I do find 10 a little overrated don't throw tomatoes and eggs at me I feel you all across the internet right now be like boo boo boo, David Tennant, best doctor forever. We love David. I love David Tennant. I do. I just also love Matt Smith's ageless qualities, right? Like he is able to play this age time Lord full of self loathing, full of vengeance and hatred and war at the same time of grief uh and tenant had a great time as
Starting point is 00:32:27 that too with a very great swan song at the end and matt smith got a great swan song as well if we're being honest his last episodes are amazing he holds the show very much together in a time where writing was the crisis uh peter capaldi did not get that lucky peter capaldi held it together the best he could but that writing isn't in crisis dear lord baby child jesus that writing is in the gutter like it just goes down and down for both him and jenna coleman they both uh they do the best they can and then he moves on and i haven't gotten farther than that I've heard some differing things on the future I'd love to go back and watch from Peter on or
Starting point is 00:33:10 Matt again redo Matt and go on but Matt Smith just he had a great run and he I think he was able to embody kind of like the idea of like darkness at the same time and I think Damon has got a lot of these complexities too right from being like
Starting point is 00:33:25 dark to also like caring yeah like suddenly he has a family he does somewhat care about instead of just wants them for power there is something else in that and there's also something more it comes along for him so i think it could be done well and i think matt smith could do a good job of doing it well to be fair he could really he could make me like the character everyone that could be big that could be really big that could be yeah i'm not the hugest damon fanboy but um i did want to watch doctor who basically so i could see matt smith in a role that people had said he's done really well and because i really didn't know him as an actor at all so i went through on this long journey also it was 2020 and there was nothing else to do because
Starting point is 00:34:08 we were in the middle still in the middle of a global panini so I watched about five million episodes of Doctor Who and yeah I hear what you're saying exactly but here seeing him embody that role and I think that anybody who's worried should watch at least a handful of these Doctor Who episodes especially the ones that he really shines and I'll give you a list at some point, anyone who's listening who wants it. But yeah, I think that he's a, I think he's a strong enough actor to pull off this complicated role. And obviously, there are going to be people who will think that, you know, like, it's my fave, whether that be Damon, whether that's me with Rainies or Raynera, and I'm like, I don't like this actress, or I don't like this actor, you know like it's my fave whether that be Damon whether that's me with Rainies or Rainera and I'm like I don't like this actress or I don't like this actor you know let's all just enjoy it for a while right like let's let's be happy for this content that George has said is
Starting point is 00:34:53 good and see how it brings us see what it brings us I love that there are like several people in this world like many of them have come on being like i just hope for peace and unity during this sweet show we're about to watch anthony and i'm over here like let it drip blood yeah no i'm ready let everyone just drip blood at each other and venom whatever anything can something happen on the internet these days my god i need some sort of entertainment you ever have to you know scroll twitter while you're pooping oh yeah like come on uh every day every day i need something new give it to me i need a little tap tap on the vein tap tap yep i i mean we've got so much coming and people who think that
Starting point is 00:35:38 this is a nice story we're going into i'm sorry y'all but we're reading the same books like i've read fire and blood twice now um but for what's laid out in aswath and the a song of ice and fire it's there you can see what happens like you know what's what's going on so i mean how many sunfire eats a dragon and eats a person you know like this is this is not a nice story. Let's not even get started on blood and cheese. And that probably won't be till what, like, at least third season, second season? End of second season. That's episode nine, season two, maybe?
Starting point is 00:36:20 I'm going to write it down and I'm going to bookmark it or take a picture of it with the date so that when this happens, I can tweet it like how I go back to your one tweet about Rhaenyra dying on screen yeah I got the year wrong but I did tweet as soon as they announced hot d was in you know speculative territory that we were thinking of doing hot d that we were all thinking of the hottest d's as soon as they mentioned it I was like oh good we're gonna watch a Targaryen queen get eaten on screen that's gonna go great they're very bold they're bold they're very bold you know what I mean like that is a bold big dick move I think they could do it to make it meaningful because that was the problem nothing meant anything in Game of Thrones after season four. Yeah. Season four barely meant anything.
Starting point is 00:37:08 After that, I mean, nothing meant anything. So some things meant a couple things. Like series six had some great fan service moments. Series seven had a couple character moments that were like almost there. And then series eight had a few moments that were completely overshadowed by all of the what in the fuck moments. And it was just like an emptiness while watching it it was just like an emptiness like a howl-less like
Starting point is 00:37:31 how after all these things that we've gone through how is this the end for some of these characters like i'm saying it without saying it you know what i mean but like how do you build a house on no foundation right exactly you can't you can't and like hot d has this great luxury and this great opportunity simultaneously that we're going to watch you know it all unfold and see from point a to b to c to z how exactly renero loses her mind at all the bullshit happening to her and how she's groomed by different people and push in different directions and all in different directions. And all of these things that were removed from different characters being removed, different plot lines being cut, different adaptational changes taking place.
Starting point is 00:38:13 And just different characterizations across the board with Game of Thrones, where Hati is a, you know, it's a very, what's the word? Contained. It's very contained. It's a very contained story. There's a beginning. There's a very, what's the word? Contained. It's very contained. It's a very contained story. There's a beginning. There's a middle. There's an end. There's a version before George got to elaborate.
Starting point is 00:38:31 And there's a version where George got to add more around the beginning, middle, and end. I mean, Ryan Condal and Miguel Sapochnik, they have it. They've got it on a silver platter. They could do this really well, in my opinion. It's out there. It's all written. They could do this really well, in my opinion. It's out there. It's all written. They can. And it gives me, yeah, seriously, it gives me so much hope that George is excited about it.
Starting point is 00:38:52 He's involved in it. I know that it had to be hard as an author to have your ending, quote unquote, revealed on screen and then just see the outlash. So, I mean, like i i try to be understanding like so the fact that he's excited about this bears good news for me i feel like it'll be really really good especially since they have everything laid out for them exactly like you just said and man they've already started it haven't they in the trailer the one trailer we have so far where rainy says something like men will do anything not to see a woman in power i'm getting it wrong don't at me yeah but you know what i mean and i mean ah the queen who never was saying that to renear target i'm just like oh
Starting point is 00:39:37 god interrupted in my veins that's the shit that i'm living for that's the shit i'm so excited to see yes we have these wonderful dragons that i could go on and on about for four to five more hours for you claire but it's really those interpersonal conflicts especially with the with the targaryen women these warriors who can ride these crazy things and it's like oh you can't be queen you have a dragon but i'm sorry a crown is not for you something similar to the dragons being expanded on as far as their cosmetic appearance their cosmetic appearance like you mentioned um i'm really intrigued on the characters right like we get this expansion of looks in targaryens that we get to see what a valyrian
Starting point is 00:40:18 looks like in game of thrones finally we didn't really get that in game of thrones we got it here in hot d and eve best you have to watch nurse jackie if you haven't i want to watch an episode right after this i'm so excited right now i'm like into it she's awesome she's in that you'd really like her i think but she is the like when she was announced for rainies i was really excited i she's like a choice that i never saw coming but you, there's only 10 British actors. Just kidding. Just kidding. There are only like 15 actors that have been in like eight British things. But she is a person I'm like, okay, I could I could see it. And then Steve
Starting point is 00:40:56 DeSant is another one that I love his work. There's a lot of really strong acting that could hold up even I'm not casting predisposed notions i'm just saying that if there was a poor script and these actors had to use it i would respect and be able to follow along like some of the things that our actors in game of thrones had to do were not always dignified yeah i expect the things that our actors in Hot D will do, despite the name, will be very dignified. But if they had to be handed a poor script, I think they could do it.
Starting point is 00:41:34 Yeah, I think that the weight, at least the weight of some of the actors and actresses, as you mentioned, that they carry in their previous roles will definitely carry them through. Not saying it's going to be a bad script again, but I think that they will be able to do a lot of stuff. But what if? But what if? Yes, what if? What if we have to live through this again? What if we all go through this? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:56 That's insanity, right? Yeah. If that happens to us again, are we to blame? Is that fool me twice? That's fool me twice. us again are we to blame is that fool me twice that's fool me twice yeah i think at this at that point um we all just decide that we're going to be um yellow jacket stands for the rest of our lives and we don't talk about any other show or we all just dive into the lost fandom and just disappear like that's honestly what i would think about doing what What are you in your home watching right now? What are you guys streaming? What is the thing right now there?
Starting point is 00:42:29 Well, I've been really into The Boys season three. Have you been watching? Not yet, but it's on my list. It is now on my watch list, on my watch list. I have a serialized little account. It's just, I like to eat. I'm not great at movies. I try. My husband loves
Starting point is 00:42:47 movies. I'm not a movies person because I don't have an attention span because I have ADHD. But I like shows because they're like 30 to 45 to an hour and then you can like trail off in the middle and pause it and come back and it's not too bad to finish.
Starting point is 00:43:03 You can finish it and be done or you can do another if you're really focusing so i really am enjoying that uh i need to do the boys that is on my list i'm watching the great right now i'm almost finished i'm getting close to the end of that of where we are caught up i'm watching i'm finishing battle star galactica the the reboot in the 2000s. That's hurtful. I'm in pain. I'm very sad. I'm in pain.
Starting point is 00:43:30 No one touched me. That's Frasier. Very into Frasier right now. And that's where I am. That's 2022. We're watching. Pat has me watching The Wire because I've never watched it before and i apologize oh my god yes i actually worked at blockbuster during the height of the wire and everybody would come to me and say this is the best show ever so naturally as a little um anti-establishment
Starting point is 00:43:59 girl i was like no fuck you i'm not listening to whatever you want me to do or watching whatever you want me to watch i'm gonna watch something something stupid. And I did, but I've learned my lesson. Um, I love it so far. I think it's gotta be, like, one of Idris Elba's, like, first, like, big roles. Um. It's up there. It's up there. Yeah, like, um, I was like, oh my god, is that Idris Elba? So, like, I knew nothing about it other than vaguely what it was about going in, and I've been enjoying that. Also, of course, Stranger Things Season 4, I haven't watched the second half yet, but I'm getting ready to watch that, and I'm about halfway through the third season of Umbrella Academy, which is great if you haven't watched that. That's a very good one. I haven't caught up with Umbrella since Season 1, so I gotta get back into it.
Starting point is 00:44:44 Yeah. Now that you say that, I think I watched a couple of season two episodes. That's a cool one because it's written by freaking Gerard Way. You know that, right? Yes. Yeah. Yes, I do. Listen, to the end, my friend, to the end.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Absolutely. I saw a kid at Six Flags who could have been older than 13 with a My Chemical Romance shirt on, and I literally had to chase them down and stop them and be like, is that a fucking MCR shirt? And they're like, yeah. And I'm like, give me a freaking fist bump, kid. In the wild. In the wild.
Starting point is 00:45:14 This is a 13 year old like child. And I'm this old woman, like at this point, 33. And I'm just like, yeah, give me a fist bump. Young woman. Young woman. You are still in the first 30th percentile of life okay i saw them at like a warp tour i just want you to know i saw my chemical romance at warp tour that's how serious i am and i had like a a three cheers for sweet revenge shirt album shirt that i eventually
Starting point is 00:45:39 i outgrew it so i actually cut off the the top of it right ripped the collar off ripped the shoulders down so they could be a croppy, down your shoulder thing, cut the bottom. I wore that shit as a crop top off the shoulder for so long. I made that work for me. I loved My Chemical Romance. That album was, I mean, I
Starting point is 00:45:57 liked all of their albums. I love Demolition Lovers is like the bop, the jam, but Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge is a creative ass album like you can give it you could say whatever you want about it but you can't not say that that is a yes good for those boys and now gerard has a show a comic a graphic novel his weirdly rough um the way my life works i uh actually was hired right outside of school in like 2011 uh 2012 to do a comic book inspired by gerard wayne making his comic books um by a band that
Starting point is 00:46:34 i will not name because they never paid me so um they're dead to me but long story short i did end up on a zoom call sorry this was before zoom was a thing it was skype but a skype call with jared way and i like literally got to be like hi jared i love all your stuff and yeah i mean three cheers for sweet revenge top 10 albums of all time for me so that was crazy but he's he's just a really intelligent like man and i like the way he messes with storytelling and how he likes to include like music and soundtracks to his stories because that's such a big thing obviously when we're watching television or movies the soundtrack is always going to be hit or miss and that has such an influence on us so the fact that he's
Starting point is 00:47:17 thinking about the story and these are the songs that would play and i can write those songs was always really interesting to me and uh umbrella academy always has a slapping soundtrack for all three seasons so far for what that's worth he didn't go cheap on the budget for audio for sure and i really love you know it was inspired umbrella academy was very much inspired by chris claremont and mark sylvestre's x-men runs which i love those are very near to my heart and dear to my heart the art of them especially the splashes of color and the splashes of design and some of the light-hearted levity but also some of the very dark drama within those runs and i think umbrella academy does kind of embody that i think you can see a little bit of that in umbrellambrella Academy and the way, I mean,
Starting point is 00:48:05 the way Gerard and the show is guided by music, especially that, that feels very special. I hope that, and I mean, we have Robin DeJuay back for House of the Dragon, right? So we know the soundtrack is going to be motherfucking slacking.
Starting point is 00:48:19 We know that the music is going to be going off. Oh yeah. No matter what, No matter what. No matter what. I mean, how many times did you listen to Danny's, like, the Targaryen thing? The. Like flames erupting. How many times did you listen to that?
Starting point is 00:48:42 And, like, even if the show wasn't great at the time the visuals and that song was enough the stark themes you know what i can imagine a better stark future than what they gave us just by listening to the song so i could i could get down with that you know so him back is a big deal a big deal yes i am so excited about that that it'll it'll carry the feeling and the mood and the atmosphere so far um from a critical perspective all the cgi looks great i didn't have a problem with any of the cgi in game of thrones i thought it was all amazing um the amount of work and labor and time put into all that stuff. I remember complaining in season seven that Dany's dragons all look the same, Drogon, Viserion, and Rhaegal. And then at the end, when Viserion fell, I was like, oh shit,
Starting point is 00:49:33 they were doing that on purpose, so you wouldn't know which dragon it was. They were purposely hiding the colors, because as soon as that happened, you know, the ones that were left, you could obviously tell Rhaegal's bronze and green, Drogon's black and red. So I'm so excited that that atmosphere will be there and I know they're going to do great on the CGI. We haven't probably gotten a lot of the previews of the dragons just in general because they're probably still working on that CGI right now. I can tell you that I've worked on eight episodes of Archer since December. It's about a three week to four week turnaround per episode. And I've had, I've done everything from, you know, 50 backgrounds an episode to 300 backgrounds an episode. So it just depends on when they need that CGI, how much is going in,
Starting point is 00:50:15 how many people are working on it. It's going to be a lot, but I think it'll be beautiful. And I'm so excited to see our babies on the screen. And it's only 20 to 30 minutes for an Archer episode right like this is going to be the upwards of an hour yeah this is a lot and they don't want to blow their load too early right on dragons in the trailer
Starting point is 00:50:36 because a they're not ready yet like you said they are finishing that up until the last second you know that some poor motherfucker is going to be like go run this down right now and get it to the office get it uploaded take this file and get it there and once you get it there don't stop don't talk to anyone and you have like 1.3 minutes to get there like you know some fucker is gonna be stuck with that job yeah to give you to give you just like a base comparison
Starting point is 00:51:04 like there's like four people me another girl and then like maybe three or four five people who work on archer and the other side uh just for the backgrounds i do the backgrounds and there's a team of maybe like 50 i don't know exactly because they don't communicate that with that to me but maybe 50 like actual people all together making these 20 to 30 minute episodes that's eight episodes it takes us you know six to eight months to do that so this is 15 times that scale like just for the vfx shots who knows how many artists have touched this at this point um and yeah exactly like you're saying like we haven't really gotten a break in the entertainment industry. There's a lot of things going on in animation, pushing for better pay for new artists.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Hashtag new deal for animation. Storycraft unite. You know, like, we've been pushed through this pandemic because what does everybody rely on when they're trapped at home? Media. Media and entertainment. And, you know, there's been no break. We were all just thrown inside and told, told okay you can do this from your room now so it's a it's a lot of work for these people and it's some of the best that
Starting point is 00:52:13 I've seen I was really did not like the dragon and the Witcher for instance I thought those were very poor but the Game of Thrones dragons I thought were great so it's been a couple years now, technology's better. You know, like our new render engines are better, so I can't wait to see what they come up with. Especially with the fire. With the fire sims they're gonna be, quote, fire. Haha. But yeah. Do you think we'll see any changes in flame on some of these dragons? We should. Sunfire has golden flames um i think has what black and red bellarians were black um cesarean has blue i think meleys is described as red i think caraxis is described as red so we might see some different colors in the flames which would help
Starting point is 00:52:59 to differentiate them for sure but they always do um the color grading on all the shots so obviously um it might not might not be perfect yeah yeah yeah i'm interested to see how they'll differentiate them right what what sort of differentiation will happen for the dragons yeah because you have to you have to make them look different just like you have to. You have to make them look different, just like you have to make the Targaryens look different in some aspects. Mallory, this has been a really fun time. I'm really glad you got to come on today and chat about dragons with me and chat about hot D's with me and the D's to come and the D's that will be coming. That being said, tell us where we could find you online. Any last words and thoughts to close out? And hopefully we'll have you back soon. Oh, well, I'd like to say thank you for having me.
Starting point is 00:53:52 I had a wonderful time with you unleashing my dragon autism, if you will. But yeah, thank you for having me on. I want you to know that you have improved wildly and your art as your journey has progressed because i remember your first pov drawings and i remember when you were drawing with a mouse and killing yourself and i'm going to get you out of gimp don't worry eventually i'm going to get you out of gimp but i just wanted to um mention that and um thank you you guys know me i'm at san rixian s-a-n-r-i-x-i-a-n um on twitter uh pretty much everywhere uh i will be launching a patreon and commission soon so that will be put out through twitter and uh links will be provided so check it
Starting point is 00:54:41 out if you want some t-shirts, if you just want to look at my art. There's a tag for all the dragons I have drawn since like 2013 until now on that website if you want to look at that, and also aswaf tags if you want to look at that art. So thank you. Yeah, I've got lots of Mallory art at home. I suggest you do the same. Order some up over at her page in her shop. There's even a commissioned piece that I commissioned privately, very privately. I got in. I know some people. I got in before the Aeswaf public commissions went live, and I got myself a little piece.
Starting point is 00:55:20 And spoiler, it's for an essay I haven't published. So will I publish it for mallory maybe i will is it marcella lannister maybe it is you might find out thanks so much thanks so much guys you definitely should publish it i think it's a very interesting idea and i really like the piece i created for it so let's get that out there for the world. I'm working on it this summer. I'm hoping by the fall, you'll have something. Thanks so much, Mallory. We'll talk to you all very soon. Will Eliana return? It's a surprise. Stay tuned till next week. Goodbye.

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