God Awful Movies - 160: O.B.A.M. Nude

Episode Date: September 11, 2018

This week, the guys team of for an atheist review of O.B.A.M. Nude, the story of a giant baby. I mean, that's not what the filmmaker would tell you it was about, but trust us, it's about a giant baby.... --- Come see us in London! We’re live on Saturday, October 6th, and you can get tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/god-awful-movies-live-in-london-tickets-47591873575 --- If you’d like to pick up a copy of our latest ebook; Diatribes Volume 2: 50 More Essays from a Scathing Atheist, you can find it here: https://www.amazon.com/Diatribes-Essays-Scathing-Atheist-Presents-ebook/dp/B06XQTJT4R --- If you’d like to make a per episode donation, please check us out on Patreon: http://patreon.com/godawful Our theme music is written and performed by Ryan Slotnick of Evil Giraffes on Mars. If you’d like to hear more, check out their Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/EvilGiraffesOnMars/?fref=ts All our other music was written and performed by Morgan Clarke. To hear more from him, check him out here: https://soundcloud.com/morgandclarke

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Before it even happened I could smell it like two minutes before they started talking about I was like are they gonna fucking start explaining how the fed is upon this game. I'm gonna use my shit if they start explaining how the fed is a Ponzi scheme two minutes later they're doing it I'm pounding on my keyboard random letters. Oh my god. I got so fucking angry. I started pacing around my apartment alone, ranting to nobody, I thought that's stupid. I went outside, I found a homeless guy doing the same ranting, pacy thing, and I just walked around with him for a little while, ranting a weird duet. Who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be who will be Ethan right. He's welcome back. Thanks Noah. So, uh, you know, who definitely puts their
Starting point is 00:01:05 penis inside their food. Um, present company excluded lots of people, lots of people do that. No judgment, but that includes Kendall Vecchio who made this movie. Again, no judgment just saying like the craft service table had lots of dick shaped holes in the food. I'm sure it did. And sitting 81 miles to my right is my bad friend Eli Bosnick Eli, how are you this fine afternoon, sir? Well, Noah, I'm amazing here on the series finale of God. No, no, don't say because you say that. Now I'm going to get 600 tweets going. Why and people are canceling their fucking Patreon. I get that you're eventually going to make a joke out of that, but nothing Eli says is sear it's never really. No, we were going to announce the that we were bringing the show to a close. We would
Starting point is 00:01:57 not put that in Eli's hands anyway. So tell us he's what will we be breaking down today? All right. We watched Obama nude. It's allegedly a takedown piece about Barack Obama that hints in the title that we're going to see Barack's beautiful, live naked body. But it's actually a big fat liar of a movie. And it's also the story of a repressed gay man making an entire movie to camouflage the fact that he really wanted to dress up as Barack Obama and fuck a male prostitute.
Starting point is 00:02:34 So that's the other element. You pretty much know that we could end the episode right there and you'd have all the information you need. There will be a male prostitute. Oh yeah. And Eli, how bad was this movie? Well, if you love Thanksgiving dinner with your racist family, but you wish it was intercut with a one act play
Starting point is 00:02:54 about why your uncle Ken shouldn't have been fired for saying the end words. You will love this movie. This is the ultimate God awful movie. It is everything or show has ever been about. It's got racism It's got sexism. It's got terrible acting. It's got man on the street interviews. It's got why is it in this movie? It's got a giant baby Everything our show was meant to be Yeah, it's like okay, so the movie is literally 50% man on the street interviews with people
Starting point is 00:03:28 who ask, are you going to eat that about cigarette butts and 50% losing an argument to your own straw man? It's incredible. All right. So is there anything you guys want to nominate this one for being the best at being the worst at? Best worst baby. Best worst baby.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Best worst baby. Best worst baby. Best worst baby. Best worst baby. Best worst baby. Best worst baby. Best worst baby. Best worst baby. Best worst baby. Best worst baby. Best worst baby. Best worst baby.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Best worst baby. Best worst baby. Best worst baby. Best worst baby. Best worst baby. Best worst baby. Best worst baby. Best worst baby.
Starting point is 00:03:59 Best worst baby. Best worst baby. Best worst baby. Best worst baby. Best worst baby. Best worst baby. Best worst baby. Best worst baby. Best worst baby. Best worst baby. zero lines, but this baby is the protagonist of the movie. It's the antagonist of the movie. It's the theme. It's the setting of the movie. It's everything. We'll get there soon. See if you can spot it. See if you can catch the baby. It's a lot of us is tackling me.
Starting point is 00:04:24 All right. So yeah, you guys both had best worst baby. I noticed I was going to go with best worst name both of a movie and of a main character. So yes, you'd never get to see Brock's dick in this, which is false fucking advertising. Payed a buck 99 on YouTube for this goddamn thing. But also like the Obam part is bullshit too, right? Like like the characters name, the main character, Kendall Vecchio's character is named Obama.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Because if they wanted to be similar to Obama, but not Obama, so what they landed on was Obama. Bob, mom, don't say. Bob, it's Shmo bum. It makes the New York Times anonymous op-ed look subtle. It's like my name rhymes with bike pants. You know, I am.
Starting point is 00:05:17 All right. Well, it's the baby's a load star. That's for sure. Well, there are things in its orbit. All right. Well, it's incredible how much insane they crammed into 80 minutes here. So we're going to keep the break brief. And when we come back, we'll dive into all the paranoid delusions that are Obama nude. I can't even say it without just spitting it out of my mouth, right? Oh, fuck youbama, it's my name. Lou Lou Lou, just opening Mador stuff. Opening Mador stuff is my favorite stuff.
Starting point is 00:05:50 So surprise. Whoa, guys, my birthday was last week. I mean, you didn't have to like do a whole thing. No, silly, this isn't for your birthday. It's for hair loss. It's for hair loss. Yeah, man, 66% of men lose their hair by age 35. That's right and that's three years younger than you.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Thank you. No, it's two. And by the time you notice hair loss, it's too late. So we thought, you know, surprise hair loss party. You know, to make you feel better. Nope, not doing that. Well you could have prevented it with four hymns.com. I could also have prevented it by not having you guys as friends or, you know, not letting
Starting point is 00:06:32 the door for hymns.com. A one-stop shop for hair loss skin care and sexual wellness for men. Hymns connects you with real doctors and medical grade solutions to treat hair loss. They offer well-known generic equivalents to name brand prescriptions to help you keep your hair. Plus, products are shipped directly to your door. I need to get new locks. And if you want to order now, our listeners get a trial month of hymns for just $5 today,
Starting point is 00:06:56 right now while supplies last. See website for full details. This would cost hundreds if you went to the doctor or a pharmacy. So go to forehims.com slash cam. That's F-O-R-H-I-M-S.com slash G-A-M. forehims.com slash cam. Is that a hair cake? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Probably shouldn't have put real hair on it. Yeah, dude, throw that away. Well, no, I just, I don't mean like waste the cake. Don't I was just curious. What was on it. Yeah, dude, throw that away. Well, no, I got just, I don't mean like waste the cake. Don't I was just curious. I'm Tony D. And I've got the bugger pegacon. And we are offensive Italian, American stereotypes. Look, we're not sure where we're supposed to be from because we're the creation of someone from upstate in New York. The Bronx, Brooklyn, New Jersey, it isn't clear. But what is clear is that Kenneth Belveteo doesn't speak for us. Sure, he might sound like us, but he couldn't be more different.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Because I self fictional illustrative objects, and I'm a dog with a horn and wings. Thank you. And we're back for the breakdown and we're going to open with the closest they could possibly get to George Lucas's logo without getting sued. They're doing they're doing the like text crawl thing after the logo, the like Star Wars thing. And it was so fucking proud of this. It says not so long ago on a campus, not so far away. And they were pumped about how they overlaid those two ideas just right. Yeah. So they described, they have a star wars, strong by the way, we will abandon the
Starting point is 00:08:40 Star Wars concept after this. They just did it for the opening. So they dramatically like explain the 80s, right? Like that you could have gotten the same message across just by putting one nine eight and one at the bottom of the screen as the scene started, but no, they went full Star Wars. Right. And what I learned from this crawl is that Ken Delvetschio knows the word desperate. He uses it to just grace like in a desperate time of a desperate man. Oh, what's another word for desperate? Use it a third time. Rule of three. Rule of three. We got it. Desperate. Desperate. No, don't. That's four. We got to do it three
Starting point is 00:09:17 more times now. Nope. Two more. Dispersed desperate. Also, I should point out that like this is very obviously it's supposed to be describing Barack Obama's early college life or whatever, but within it, he calls Obama a dark lord thought maybe we could have employed that phrase for the black guy, but no. Yeah, come on. Milk chocolate, Lord. If any, be accurate. It's beautiful, man. And at the very end here, again, in just sort of a perfect appetizer of what Ken del Vecchio is as a filmmaker, the opening crawl lights on fire. You know, on fire.
Starting point is 00:09:59 And someone was like, Hey, Ken, what does that mean? It's in space. And he was like, just light it on fire. I'll give you a one star. I want to the whole movie at this point to just be opening text call for the next two hours, just like Ken Delvecchio running around in front of a green screen, literally painting letters onto a rolling canvas that's going in front of it. Lower. He's getting all windy and sweat. Oh, just do it.
Starting point is 00:10:27 I need more yellow. Oh, crazy billion, crazy, crazy thousandaire money. I imagine he needs it at this point. We'll donate to his congressional campaign. All right. So then they, they need to take my fucking advice. He negates the whole opening by just saying 1981, but they add AD, you know, in case you assume this movie took place during the reign of Pharaoh meant to hotel the fourth.
Starting point is 00:10:50 No, no, this is 1981 AD, not the other one. Yeah. Yeah. To be fair, based on the furniture and the curtains, it could be BC. I mean, we are. Right. But the music, you know, right away now that it's 1981 and it's Barack Obama, who is an African American person. It's, it's black exploitation music is the music.
Starting point is 00:11:16 Fucking elevator shaft. Yeah. Thank you. Well done, sir. Well done. Yeah, no, I just had music. No, this is a black movie, but they don't have a black guy. It's going to be Kendall Vecchio playing the part of Barack Obama, right? And he spends the first 47 minutes of this movie demonstrating that he's done cocaine before. He's like, ah, you want to see how much cocaine I've done. Look how good I am. I pretended to do cocaine. So I'm going to pretend to do cocaine. Yeah. Ken, we get it. You do cocaine, buddy. And he's doing a bunch of other stuff, too. He's just like running through different substances and drugs. Like it's a lightning round of a game show. He's like, line of cocaine
Starting point is 00:12:04 nailed it. Uh, pint glass of whiskey done. Uh, bag of green stuff. Uh, uh, I don't know. Pass, pass. Back to cocaine. Yes. Okay. Might as well have a beer helmet, but for cocaine instead of running down to his nose. Oh, crazy billionaire money. That's how we're going to make the crazy billionaire money right there, guys. Um, and also, so the credits are going while he's snortiness cocaine and doing all his drugs in alphabetical order or whatever. And also interspersed with the credits are evil words, right? Yes.
Starting point is 00:12:34 It says like socialism, greed, communism, atheism, deception, separatism. Also, these are, these are all closest closes. Nuclear, godless antichrist. I wanted that to be the name of the god damn movie. I want to watch the movie nuclear godless antichrist from the fuckers. That's the Barack Obama story right there. I'm not out of that. Also, I thought it was a bold choice to play Obama as a white guy. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:02 That's what's happening here. I'm guessing though he got talked down from Blackface and he's like, okay, backwards hat. I'll do backwards hat. No question. He showed up the first day in Blackface and was like, huh? No, no. Oh, guys, I don't just, did you have your receipt for that stuff? I hope you have your receipt. It's not doing it. It's not. Okay. So then he looks up from his cocaine as the, as
Starting point is 00:13:32 the credits are ending and suddenly Willie Wanko's pimped in the pole dancing instructor are in his cocaine room with him, right? Oh, you mean the owner of every Italian restaurant and if someone tried to give a skeleton a facelift, that's it. Oh, his, his barber and his favorite stripper standing on opposite shoulders doing psychomachia. Yeah. Yeah. That's pretty much the whole first act is the, the psychomachia between these two. So the older guy says, nope, you're not hallucinating. And I'm like, yeah, because the drugs he's doing aren't hallucinogens, you guys don't know that, do you? Yeah. And, by the way, the woman, his favorite stripper, very clearly that he found and cast on a Monday afternoon, she, she's supposed to be like an angel, right? But she's clearly
Starting point is 00:14:14 evil. She looks like Sir Pentor's daughter and she's supposed to be. She looks like a kabuki mask of Anna Nicole Smith and she's supposed to be an angel. Yes. Yes. And so they start talking and there is supposed to be like Satan tempting him, but God tempting him to it the same time. There's this very casual Ken Delveque said he's going to rape the angel later moment that's very uncomfortable. Amazingly so this is the I've had my ladies moment?
Starting point is 00:14:47 Why the fuck? Okay, so this guy felt the need to make a movie just so he could look at us and say, no, no, I've had sex with women before. Conscious ones, dammit. I know how that works. I'm not likable. I'm not, I don't bathe regularly, but I have fuck, I've had my ladies. That's official.
Starting point is 00:15:04 I wrote my notes. I've had my ladies, Ken Dovetio, and he's defensively loudly to our waitress at dinner. I was not shouting. You guys were shouting. You were shouting. You were. I was being concise and that comes across. She was not listening.
Starting point is 00:15:23 T-t-t-t. So, okay. So Satan gives him some really shitty looking cocaine. Like, he gives him a fucking nickel bag of baking soda, but they don't know that that would be really bad looking cocaine, I guess. And the retired stripper angel only has hope to offer him. Dude, I wanted so badly for a flash cut to this lady on the street corner trying to sell hope. There's hope. Hope. Sit in on someone's couch.
Starting point is 00:15:57 God, dude has been 30 minutes fighting with his girlfriend. I just want to get some hope. I want to leave. All right. So then we get this, our first stock footage break, right? I just want to get some hope. And I want to leave. All right. So then we get this our first stock footage break, right? It's it's vaguely patriotic, but also almost entirely random at the same time. Well, I realize it's things that can del Vecchio thinks are America.
Starting point is 00:16:22 So it includes dirt bike races and bullfight. Bullfight. Yep. And just for the record, this is again, an anti-Boracco Bama movie and the stock footage montage ends with a shot of Abe Lincoln. Yeah. I might as well be deneshed as Susa crawling out the ground to see a fucking shadow. Yeah. All right. So yeah, and then we, we end that little stock footage montage and we're back in the same room. We were in a no seconds have passed. And apparently that's just there. So we'd have a place to put a scene break in our notes, I guess. Well, I have another theory and it was that they were rolling the most insane,
Starting point is 00:17:06 worst looking joint I have ever seen. It's an ice cream cone packed with marijuana. That would be amazing. What would be bad about that? Yeah, that's, that's a bad description of a bad and who doesn't like ice cream. Now I'm just like, I want two things. Yeah, right. Right, exactly. Oh, I'm sorry. But no, but it's a disaster of a joint. It's like they like looked at a dare book and they thought they could do it that moment and they were like smashed it together with their hands at the end. You have to kind of hold it in three places to smoke.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Yeah, it's one of those intricate system of trusses. No, you get in or in the side. I don't think this is a two person job. Yes, it is. Hold it. Do you have an Alan ranch? Why would you need an Alan ranch to realize what I'm talking about? Just smoking in a hammock.
Starting point is 00:17:51 So, yeah, so Satan offers it a half of a lame looking joint. And then he turns to the angel and he's like, hey, can you give me anything as awesome as this shitty looking joint? And she's like, Hey, can you give me anything as awesome as this shitty looking joint? And she's like, no, not really. Yeah. And so just everything this woman says, again, she's the angel, but she's just so fucking like confused. And she has no idea what's happened.
Starting point is 00:18:17 Again, pretty sure he's, she's just, you know, his favorite stripper and everything she says is like, it sounds like she just got asked to explain quantum physics at the Miss America page in question section. He's like, so heaven, hope, remember I said, oh, okay. I don't have any drugs. Desperate. Damn it.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Can I have some coke? All right. So, okay, but then he turns to Satan and he's like, well, can you give me, he's like anything you want. He's like, I want a woman. No, two women in bikinis that have sex with me. Oh, 90% of this movie's budget was paying the two attractive women who appear at this moment to be in the room with Kendall Vecchio and let him touch them. Also, by the way, my boy Barry O did not need Satan to be fucking two women.
Starting point is 00:19:08 He knows all over Occidental all the time. Garen to you. Nope. There was, there was no point in history. And he needed a satanic deal to stop fucking two men. He's fucking me right now. He's everywhere. And so then we moved to to he drags the two bikini girls off screen and then we move to more stock footage, but this time it's vaguely sexy, but in a terrifying way. Oh my God. It started wildly sexy with that like that woman limboing under the fire stick. It's like an inch off the ground, just bare vagina first like that. It was graphic
Starting point is 00:19:45 and beautiful. It is amazing because this stock footage collection is an insight into what Ken Delvetschio thinks sex is and it is terrifying. It's like limbo, but then it's just like someone shoving a salami into the gas tank of a Volvo. And then, okay, I mean, there's two guys pulling the horns off a dead ram. It's fine. Not negative for me. Now, I went on a roller coaster with him.
Starting point is 00:20:15 I went on a roller coaster. I was like, oh, tailpipe of a Volvo salami. Okay. Okay, now, now you're just killing civilians with a mortar. That's not, that's not. That's in there a mortar. That's less of a sexy image. Ken. Okay. Now, I come out of dragon. I do want to. I get it. I get it. I'm a sexy commoto dragon. It was a sexy one though. I was into it. All right. So then with that, that wraps up and we go back to, uh, can I guess he's waking
Starting point is 00:20:46 up now from his binosh wichwa? Yep. And he turns to, and Satan and, uh, stripper angel are still there. Well, you just, just sitting there watching me sleep. I just, just, just that. They're just silently sitting there. Do you do all the coke? Damn it.
Starting point is 00:21:04 And he turns to angel lady and he's like, well, can you make two fuckable ladies appear? And she's like, no, that's, I wish you hadn't set that. And again, it's amazing because you can see Ken's like little pig brain kick in because he's like, I don't fuck those two girls again. And that is when the two models he hired quit because they agreed to exactly one touch. And then so he he relights his shitty joint with a fucking mouse trap like Ruben Goldberg invention or whatever. And then he starts talking about all his daddy issues and and how his his mom doesn't love him because he's supposed to
Starting point is 00:21:50 be Obama. Right. And he's he's putting the joint in his ear and his balance on his head. Like he has no idea what's happening with this joint. It's like he's an alien trying to be an undercover cop just aggressively unnatural. Like an improv game and the joint keeps turning into a new item from the future that he never seen before. It's like Sam Francisco trying to like just throws on some dreads and think he's he can be a U.C. Sure. So yeah, so angel lady can't make the models fuck him again. So he's done with angel lady and he chooses Satan, which prompts yet another stock footage montage. This time of like it's basically where I really want us both, right?
Starting point is 00:22:36 This is the scary stock footage, right? Which to Ken Dovaccio is Hitler insects and people in Africa. Yep. Say it, man. Just say it insects, Hitler and black folk. Yeah. There's also I think there's a doe mixer in there somewhere. There is a doe mixer at one point, which I was, I was totally on board with those things are from the devil. I can. There's a guy selling Lucy's and, but then it ends with Marshmallow's getting posted. Yeah, because he ended the evil disturbing montage.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Yeah, and because it's fire like in hell. Okay, so then we cut back to him in the room with Satan. He's loading a bond, but he clearly doesn't know how that works. And now we're going to like, he's going to read a script that Satan brought along. They're going to, they're going to do lines together. Yeah. If you'll turn to page one in your evil guy handbook, right? And this is, I've actually seen this by the way. This is the who am I got your thing where you compare Hitler and Obama except this is a movie where you're already winking about. Look at me.
Starting point is 00:23:47 I'm Obama. So you can't do a Hitler is like Obama wink within a movie, which is I'm Obama wink. You can't wink double wink. Yeah. Look, Ken, when you wink with both eyes, you're fucking blinking, bro. Right. Yep. And they went.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Godwin. Who had 16 minutes? You got 16 minutes in the middle. Godwin. I had, I had a third of a second, which is right. I took me over though. I did take the over the $1.00.00. A good bet. But yeah, so they start reading along these lies and, and yeah, they're trying to describe Hitler in a way that you think they're talking about Obama, but it might as well be like similarities like height and favorite kind of pie, right? Because there's just like, there's nothing like none of the evil shit about Hitler is in there.
Starting point is 00:24:36 And most of the evil shit is just stuff that's not true of Obama, like what a terrible student and loser drop out druggy. And it's like, no, under that you'd have to Google him, but sure. Yeah, right. No one could find my birth certificate. And I grew up in a heathen faith. Yeah. So far, by the way, just to recap, this movie has told us that Obama is the opposite of Abe Lincoln and just like Hitler. I just wanted to, that's, that's the premise of the movie. That's where we're starting statement. Yeah, that's exactly. And he was, I loved how desperate he was to like spring the big trap that this was all about Hitler and not Obama. He's like, so that whole thing we just read, said I like the
Starting point is 00:25:20 story of Obama, right? Right? Say right. Say the word right. Say right. Somebody say right. We're two of us are here. Say right. It has to be you. You have to be the one to say right. Text me.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Text me the word right. Right. Boom. Roasted. Who said right? I think you said it. Goddamn. Nailed it.
Starting point is 00:25:40 And this is where they have the insane anything I want back and forth. Mm-hmm. Right. So Ken was writing this script and he forgot how many times evil characters say anything back and forth in anything, anything, it's one by the way, but anything I want, anything, anything. Anything.
Starting point is 00:26:01 Yeah. Anything. Anything. Anything. Yeah. Here is this man. Weird moment that can only exist because somehow can knew that Eli was going to have to watch this movie. Yes. The so he turns to Satan and he goes, my favorite. He goes, I want to go to a better school than this one. I want to go to the best school in the country and he points to New York City on a map and the devil does not not where you should point out. No, but it's Boston, Cambridge. Yeah. Well, yeah, unfortunately, there is one thing Boston's better at. Um, so, but then the devil goes, what? And why you and can't go fuck no, I'm talking about why the fuck would I be talking about it in my I'm talking about Colombia?
Starting point is 00:26:45 Dude, I was so hurt You could hear my gasp of joy and then my gasp of hurt It was like they got it on this with the dollar per so yeah And I you do are you fucking kid do I need to break out the rankings book for you at Barnes and Noble and fresh reality me and me and I at Barnes and Noble. No, I know and why you safety school. I'm at Columbia. I just wrote in my notes turned off the movie you guys can do the All right, and now it's time for us to meet dude All right, and now it's time for us to meet dude male hooker in a towel and a bow tie. Okay, so this character is amazing.
Starting point is 00:27:33 The chip and Dale's answer that yes, for no reason in the movie right now. No, because here's why he's in the movie. Ken D'Avettia when he was writing the movie was like, yeah, and Obama's gay. So I bet he would want like a gay guy to fuck. And then on the day of shooting, he wrote a scene where like he agrees to go fuck a guy and he was like, no, I'm not gay. I don't, I don't go fuck that guy. And they were like, no, man, you wrote it into the movie.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Why would we have this character? He's not gonna say, no, I'm not fucking gay. I'm not fucking gay. He could just be around. He could just be around. I'm not fucking gay. Obama's gay. Obama can come and do the scene if he could turn my emails. So what you see is Ken Delvetschio set a pit trap for himself and then fell in it and was like, I'm looking at it. I got honey potted. Yeah. So this is literally how the scene plays out. They walked to the stairs, a guy walks down in nothing but a bow tie and a towel and Satan
Starting point is 00:28:37 goes, Hey, you want to, you want to fuck this dude? And he's like, no, I don't want to have sex with him at all. Because I'm not gay. Like, so the scene is just, he has popcorn. I want that. Well, yeah, right at all, because I'm not gay. Like the scene is just popcorn. He has popcorn, I want that. Well, yeah, right. No, he did have a little popcorn. Because the secondary plot of this movie is how many disgusting foods can we get a close
Starting point is 00:28:55 up of Ken Dovechios fat fucking mouth eating? Is it a Eli Regrantz life choices? No, shit. So yeah, and he says like, he's like, so where did that guy come from and Satan goes hell? And he's like, Oh, that seems rough. And he's like, no, the commute's not that bad. Trust me, you're going to be making it pretty soon. Okay. I want to hear about the commute to and from hell. Hey, Barry, right? Yep, that's me.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Barry, get it, Barry, Barry, they get it. Like Brock, like Brock, like Barry's Brock. They get it, Ken. They get it. Barry got it. Anyway, I'm going to be your commute coordinator to and from hell. Oh, cool. So do we take a train or like how do you
Starting point is 00:29:47 can take the train? We actually got a direct subway line, except every car is empty, except for a smelly homeless guy. And every train runs local and it just stops exactly when you start to have to pee. So that's the train here. Okay. Okay. That does not sound great. All right. How's the drive? What if I drive? It's bumper to bumper traffic, but you have to do it in a yellow cab with the meter running.
Starting point is 00:30:13 And he's one of those guys that has the tube of air conditioning. Yeah, no, I didn't have the vents. Yep. That does not sound good either. Any chance I can walk it? Yeah. Actually, it's just a 20 minute walk. It's really short, but you have to make
Starting point is 00:30:25 the whole walk behind tourists from out of town who are across the sidewalk instead of in a row. Yeah, no, no, no, no way. I'm doing that. No, okay. I'll stab one of them. What about a boat? Can you do a boat? Yes, there is a boat, but it's the Staten Island ferry. a boat, but it's the Staten Island ferry. But it's covered in bees or something? Nope, just Staten Island ferry as is. Right, no, that makes sense. Yep. I'm not going to do the ferry. No. All right, but that's not like worse than going to Toys of Rest in Times squares. What I'm saying, I'm just that was hell then clearly. Where are they a burrow, whatever? So now it's time for Ken and Satan to make a deal.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Well, first Satan has to light up the cheapest imaginable cigarettes. If fucking Satan can't get a good cigar, he smokes black and mild. That's not even good enough for a blunt, right? Like you wouldn't even put a blunt in that. Get a touch master. You fucking savage. I literally wrote one step down from a Dutch master. When you and your friends didn't quite have enough for a Dutch master in high school. I'm going to white
Starting point is 00:31:52 out. Can we just eat it? Can we do the apple? Who doesn't apple? Yeah, right. So, okay, but before Oh, oh, bomb can be a socialist dictator. He's got to learn the issue. So this will be the rest of the goddamn movie, right? It'll be going through the various issues that he'll have to master in order to be the socialist dictator of America that they were certain Obama was going to wind up. Oh, and when they said socialist dictator, I wanted so badly for them to like flash cut to Jews being marched into free healthcare. That's actual showers, yeah, right?
Starting point is 00:32:32 And this is one of those moments when they confused the shit out of themselves and you lost the argument to their own straw man. He's like, yeah, I'm Satan and I'm going to explain how this works. You need to learn the issues if you want to be a socialist dictator and Kendall Vecchio as Barack Obama. He's like, cool, can I just be like ignorant and say I'm libertarian? It's like, you don't, don't be a dick. I'm doing the thing with Obama.
Starting point is 00:32:54 We're trying to be negative. You don't, you shrugged. You wrote this. Stop it. All right. So first topic, abortion. Now here's, here's how this all works. We're going to introduce a topic.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Then we're going to go out. We're going to do a series of man on the street interviews about that topic with people who have never heard those words before. And then we're going to come back and have a straw man argument between Ken Dovecki and say right. We're going to go to Heath's hometown and my new neighborhood. Whoever is out on the street calling 911 every time a fire extinguisher opens and they are our subject. Yeah. I wish I could see the part of Ken actually finding just chasing down random people. Excuse me, ma'am. Ma'am, should you be allowed to kill a baby, ma'am?
Starting point is 00:33:43 Just standing in front of people's cars so they can't back out, just answer a couple of questions. Yes, how do I deal? You're being weird. And I love like the first lady we see, we'll see a lot of this lady. This is old creepy lady that yells at kids
Starting point is 00:33:56 for walking on the sidewalk in front of her lawn. The sunglasses silent treatment lady. Yeah, yeah, exactly. She says, she says, I think abortion is one of the worst things that has ever happened to people in this country. Guess what color the lady that said that was? No, guess, seriously, guess. Also, it's best.
Starting point is 00:34:15 It's the best. It's amazing. Abortion's amazing. Also, this woman, the entire film, will deliver all of her opinions to the 45 degree angle of the camera. It's like she's giving the camera a silent treatment and she's talking to the camera's dad while she doesn't remember. Well, if anyone had asked me, this is what I think of a bitch. And is it time? There's, is it? Yes, yes, yes, yes, it is time for us to meet comically large baby.
Starting point is 00:34:45 This woman is holding Andrew Torres in a space suit. All right, this is, we can't possibly tell you how bizarre that you have to watch this yourself and I don't recommend it because you have to give Ken Dove actually a money to do it. But this lady is holding a baby that looks like an eight year old dress as a baby. It is gigantic. It is again, it's like a fucking prop.
Starting point is 00:35:11 It's the craziest. There is no words to express how big this baby is and how she doesn't address it. No, no, she just holds through. We see this lady over and over again through the whole movie. She's the entire time she's holding this gigantic baby as though that would be a normal thing to do. Also, that very same lady has a list that does not confine itself to siblings. No, she has trouble and it's the best. She's trying to recite the like pro-life talking points that she memorized five minutes before the shot, but she also has so much saliva in her mouth and she can't deal with it. And she says, I think a pro life, I have.
Starting point is 00:35:53 I, it's and she's breastfeeding a 25 year old man. It's the greatest fucking insane. It's, I literally could, I just paused the movie and was sucked into this image and this woman's voice like and she keeps using asses no matter what color is that? yellow. There's also a lady that jumps in here at one point. She said that the blonde lady who is like crazy, super hot. She goes like, I don't think babies should be killed, but I also think women should be able to choose to kill babies. So I'm torn. This is how a human would talk. I don't know why I'm not helping the turtle in the desert. Where the fuck can he find these people, right? He couldn't find man on the street. But then we find heath. High school girlfriend. The girl with the beer. The entire the girl with the beer. Day
Starting point is 00:36:59 drinker. Yes. Who's first line about abortion with her open bottle is, people just be careful, man. And this woman is definitely celebrating the abortion she had that afternoon just before it was like, she might as well be doing flare bartender tricks with a beer bottle and a little tiny urn of cremated feasts. It's the greatest. She's my favorite. Well, my favorite, I think is probably the chicken, the car that sings us with the abortion
Starting point is 00:37:28 baby song. Oh my God. So this woman had one, she was like, okay, I'll be in your movie, but I will not move from my view. And you will put in my song. And you have to let me do the song. I'm going to introduce it. And then I'm going to sing at least one verse of it.
Starting point is 00:37:43 And they're like, all right. Yes. Is it abortion, baby? Uh-huh. It is. It literally sits there singing abortion, baby. Uh-huh. You're dead now and your mommy hates you.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Yeah. It's the great. That's our new musical by the like Botswana goes on hold. We're a abortion baby. Absolutely. I'm picturing like Hamilton, but all fetuses like wrapping all showing up and having just after they get a board. I'm not giving up my baby hell.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Yeah. All right. I mean, I thought you were going to. So the clear part here, the clear message that we're getting from all of our man on the street, Montauga, is that we're going to hear from both sides here, adamantly anti-abortion and not sure. This is also where we get our first African American character who announces that she has eight children.
Starting point is 00:38:37 Yeah. And, and she kind of likes the abortion thing. She says that like it tickles, you know, like how, well, sneezes aren't that bad. They tickles. She's like, I kind of like an abortion now and again. She responds to the question of abortion, like some people respond to the question of cilantro. She's like, yeah, no, I don't. I don't get a little abortion on top of an omelette. I think it's great. And this is immediately followed by an extraordinarily racist woman who's like, we shouldn't be paying for all these Nick cut. We should start again. Can I start again? Okay, roll it again. We shouldn't
Starting point is 00:39:13 be paying for all these abortions with poor people poor poor people. Inner city people. Yeah, oh my god. We'll hear from her again. And I guarantee you, there were a lot of those. Can you say it again without the N word moments? And then it's time for my favorite moment in the entire living. I have no idea why this stayed in the film. Giant baby lady is sitting there. And this is all that happens. Someone reaches forward to like tickler baby or touch the baby or say her baby's cute. She just goes, please don't touch my baby. That's literally part of the movie. And it's safe. That's it. That is the whole thing is don't touch my baby. No, that wasn't as part of a response or anything. No, no, it was like Gary Bucy yelling.
Starting point is 00:40:02 It was like Gary Bucie yelling to it. It's enormous, enormous baby. Obviously shouldn't and by the way, the baby's getting bigger as a prank on his set. Is it not the baby got bigger since we last got it? No question that baby grows a foot and a half every time. Every new time back to amazing. Here's the thing is that we all independently have that in our notes at some point. Is it just me or is the baby getting bigger? So okay. Now we wrap up the fucking the man on the street montage with the don't
Starting point is 00:40:31 touch my baby moment. And now we're back in Ken's shitty apartment with Satan and Satan brought him some devil eggs. Get it? Cause he's the devil. Now we've seen this part of the movie before, right? We've watched it three times. Yes, because this... Three times. This segment was so good, apparently, that Ken Del Vecchio has put it in virtually every movie he's ever made. This showed up in the life zone and then in life zone two as a clip from the life zone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:03 The sequel to the life zone and the prequel are both clip shows. How amazing is that? The, the, the confidence is that serial killer levels of confidence. Jesus. It's like if all of Steven Spielberg's movies afterwards were called Remembrie T. Question marks. Yeah. So, okay. Spielberg's movies afterwards were called Remembrie T. Question mark. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:25 So, okay. Now, but, but this one, this unlike the version that they used in the life zone and the life zone two includes little cartoon snippets. Oh, my bad universe, Angelo. He got bad. He got bad universe, Angelo, to illustrate everything they say in this conversation. There is literally a flash cut of a fetus hanging off a uterine wall like a cliff like the NNF.
Starting point is 00:41:56 It's a legend of a building in an action movie like feeling its fingers back as a bad guy. It's a little creamy finger is getting healed back. So good. Buy a vacuum. Yes. Vacuum hiding at the bottom. Oh my God. It's so awful. So I got a code hanger. Just grab in one finger. So what's going on here is Satan is teaching Ken Delvackio. How to argue that abortion is okay, even though it's so very clearly obviously evil. So and this starts again, like I said, we've seen this before,
Starting point is 00:42:30 but this starts with him saying, now, would you murder a baby one minute after it was born? And of course, I say, where is it on the plane in relation to me, though? Right? Like, I don't have enough information right now. Is it, is it C 21 B or 21 C? These are the question. Right. But so, but yeah, like I said, we've gone through this argument before, but basically they're doing the whole, well, when a fetus can survive on its own, it's a child. As though that's the position of pro-choice search, right? Right. Their argument seems to be, if you can't tell me the exact second that a fetus turns into a Harvard scholar, a portion should be illegal. I have no, what is, I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:43:14 Well, the argument is no one knows for sure, so we know for sure, right? Right. Yep. And he just keeps naming, he spends like five minutes naming different time intervals, like, okay, what about one minute after being born? Well, no, obviously that's murder. Okay, one minute before being born. Well, no, that's still pretty close. Five minutes, no, 10. Okay. And like, I'm like, all right, well, if he names a few more time amounts, I'm pro life. Well, he got you then. Also, by the way, they mentioned at this point, he says, well, you know, they say abortion
Starting point is 00:43:49 is a constitutional right, but this so called constitutional right was invented by five men and robes. Um, okay, well, it was a seven to do decision. It was seven to decision. And by the way, those men and robes are the ones that are tasked with determining constitutional rights by the Constitution. So yeah, unless you think, oh, silly Christian movie maker, Ken Delvichio was a judge when this movie was made. Yep. Oh God. And yeah, so the other part of the argument is like, okay, well, things were different, you know, in 1973, when in 1973 when this decision was made, now science is different, and you know,
Starting point is 00:44:29 a fetus is viable more earlier. And, you know, okay, yeah, things were different in 1973, but as long as we're naming stuff that might need an update, things were also different when the Bible was broken. No. Maybe you guys want to switch that up first, you go first. That was early. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Keep using the phrase magically transforms into a human being when they are the ones who believe in literal madness. Yes. I should point and we should remind you, by the way, that through all of this Ken Delvekio is eating deviled eggs while he's talking. Oh my God, it's fucking revolting. It's, it's like the dubstep of ASMR. Like, they should play this at Gitmo. I don't think I've ever seen a person who looks more like if deviled eggs were a person. It's almost cannibalism. You're right. Yeah. God. And then
Starting point is 00:45:28 and then they wrapped this scene up in my favorite way possible. We didn't get to see this clip anywhere else where he goes, yeah. And if all of our liberal arguments fail, just call someone stupid. And I wrote in my notes, the argument of someone who has been called stupid a train. He gets them out of time Yes. They thought she'd think they won every time they point out that I'm stupid. Wait. Shit. Right. And then they closed this whole like it's, you know, it's the slippery slope argument
Starting point is 00:45:54 as the whole scene here is like, and they close it with a cartoon of a cartoon of a whole bunch of fetuses going down a slide at like an amusement park. And then a big pile at the bottom. I wanted to see like Lucy and Ethel just eating them like chocolate. That's really something. I just got even more jealous that you got to go to action park and I didn't. All right, so now it's time to get another man on the street montage, but this time, don't worry, we're not going to do something controversial like abortion.
Starting point is 00:46:26 This time, we're going to ask almost exclusively white people about affirmative action. Yeah, because because if we took a survey of the people who listened to our podcast of what they would like to not see after two older white men eating eggs talking about abortion. I think second or third place would be a bunch of white people disagreeing with affirmative action. Oh, my fuck. Yeah. So the opening on this one is a dude going, I think affirmative action is one of the worst decisions this country has ever made. Guess what color that guy was? Who said that? No, seriously. What's the question that these people are all answering? How bad did black people have it really? That's the question.
Starting point is 00:47:09 Come on. Last lynching was what? 1981? That's been like, that's like four Super Bowl. That's Reagan administration. Come on. Oh, Jesus, the one lady says, now I've seen friends of mine get fired for the first time That's been like, that's like four Super Bowl. That's Reagan administration. Come on. Oh, she says to the one lady says, now I've seen friends of mine get fired from their jobs
Starting point is 00:47:30 because they were white. And no, you fucking have it. Is that what you think affirmative action is to go and fire the white people? Oh, and we have this amazing pick meme on where they have to have the minority who agrees with them. And this woman, she's got darker skin and she goes, I'm a minority, but she doesn't announce
Starting point is 00:47:51 what minority she is. And I think it's because she's gonna be like, as a one-quarter Italian woman. You know this? These bootstraps I'm wearing. Right, right. My great grandfather was Persian. So we also do actually talk to one black woman
Starting point is 00:48:08 who is, you know, pretty pro affirmative action. She says, in corporate America, I only see like one in 500 companies with black leaders. And I'm like, Hey, wait a minute. There are three black CEOs in Fortune 500 companies, lady. that's way more than one. That's more than double of one. By the way, if we had a quality, that number would be in the fucking 60s. Right. There's also, okay, I'm not sure if this is an actual minority, but there was one other person who claimed to be a minority. It was the white guy that they clearly hired to say he was Puerto Rican and then say stupid things for the rest of the day. Chris Catan. Chris Catan. And he's literally like, I am a Puerto Rican person and I'm going to steal whatever I can
Starting point is 00:48:53 from white people using affirmative action. Yes. Undylay, undylay, repo, repo. And then there's the guy who says if black people want to get good jobs, they should be better than white people and they're not right and then there's the guy who says affirmative action leads to reverse discrimination. Okay, the thing is though, guys, we have affirmative action, right? This is not theoretical. The average income for a white male in the US is $31,313 for a black guy. It's $18,400. Imagine how good we white people would be doing if we weren't so reverse discriminated
Starting point is 00:49:28 against. Really? Cheese. Also, is it in, am I in, like, did I hallucinate this or did they actually allow one person to go, hey, man, do you have a better plan other than fuck black people and the guy's like, I'm right. No. And then they cut away.
Starting point is 00:49:44 Yes. That was it. Yeah. There was that like weird that gay couple and one was conservative and one was liberal. I'm pretty sure that's what's happening and they were fighting and the conservative guys like, well, it's nice for minority groups to have jobs, I guess, but not with affirmative action. That's also racist in the guys, the guys like, well, do you have a better plan cut? It was just no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 00:50:12 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, you know, hate non black folks as much as they'll let her get away with, but you can't really pay attention to that because the baby is getting bigger and bigger. And by the way, it's not moving. The baby is like doing the light as a feather stiff as a board thing, right? Abs. This baby is looming towards us like a solar eclipse. It is. It is crafty and it's a giant blue ox now. She's holding a giant blue
Starting point is 00:50:48 ox. Yeah. All right. And then we had back to the apartment so Satan can explain the real truth behind affirmative action. Right. And by the way, well, they do this, they are, they are putting together Ikea furniture, right? Yes! I really wanted to see a full realistic build of something from Ikea being built between Obama and Satan. So wait, you're telling me that when we can convince the poor to give their money to the I'm sorry, do you have one of these? It's a Z23 no 22 20 I think no, well check the bag.
Starting point is 00:51:35 I said we should have laid everything out beforehand. I'm not going to spend 45 fucking minutes organizing screws when I could just grab one from the bag. It's the same amount of time because now you're just looking for it. Why can't you just use your Satan powers to build this fucking thing? Nobody is powerful enough to build IKEA. when I could just grab one from the bag. It's the same amount of time because now you're just looking for it. That's why I hate you. Just use your Satan powers to build this fucking thing. Nobody is powerful enough to build IKEA. Nobody, do you hear me?
Starting point is 00:51:50 Nobody, it's impossible. Um, so and by the way, look, they're building IKEA for, we never see the funerg in once it's done, right? Because they do not finish the funerg in your life. And we never come back to it. There's never a reason why they're doing this. This is literally just,
Starting point is 00:52:07 he had to put some IKEA furniture together and film this scene. Yep. And, and this is where we get, and I got to admit, the Robin Hood was the bad guy theorem. I wouldn't expect in that. No, take from the qualified and give to the needy and that this is followed, they do
Starting point is 00:52:28 another cartoon cutaway. Yep. And it's followed by a cartoon Robin Hood taking from a king. So a qualified king, the Maritokecy known as monarchy, Maritoke or C. King's. Yeah, well, I love that subtle idea that qualified people are the ones with the money. You know, like Donald Trump, Betsy DeVos, Paris Hilton, qualified people. Yeah. The best of the right.
Starting point is 00:52:53 This whole, it's, it's literally like Ken Delvechio, red, the fucking John Gaul speech at the end of Atlas shrugged and came a few times right before he made this movie. So many needs to tell him that John Gaalt was an atheist. Yeah, right. You'd fucking start eye gouging himself on hand and blocking with the other until he's running around in a circle. It's in a karate fight with himself. Yeah. Yes. I bet that happened a lot of libertarian block karate. I, I, I, and I also love cuz like all of these movies feel like they, they, they, they've put the words redistribution and wealth next to each other. That's enough right? That's the fucking haunted house scary scream, right?
Starting point is 00:53:36 And I, I just like, I noticed that never comes up when it's poor people's money going to the rich, right? Like all economic transactions are wealth redistribution. That's what a goddamn economy is, right? How can that be your scare word? Well, Noah, I don't want I don't want to spoil the last part of our show here, but there is one other way to introduce money into the economy Okay, I don't even want to talk about it He's skipping the part.
Starting point is 00:54:05 Drinks, skipping that scene. I'm very angry already. All right. So yeah, then he says like something about like, because of course, Satan is explaining to him as they put together this Ikea furniture that you don't really want to help the poor people. You just want to sucker them into thinking that them having more money would be good for them.
Starting point is 00:54:23 To which kind of a guyous says, so where do I start to help these losers? Poor people losers. It's just synonyms, you know, it doesn't matter. Yeah. Exactly. And Satan's like, oh, you should become a community organizer first. He's like, oh, what's a community organizer? And Satan's like, oh, they're bullshit. They, they ruined, they ruined societal entropy. I'll explain later. It's like someone standing behind a charity worker going, yeah, look at me. I'm like, bucks for kids.
Starting point is 00:54:59 No, I have books to read. Dude, dude, I have books to read. So it's like me in high school is what I'm saying. Right, right, exactly. And then they cut away to another cartoon. Now it's like Kendall Vecchio's like society Superman because he's going to help trick everybody out the poor. And it's the best because even in the cartoon that he made, Kendall Vecchio as Superman
Starting point is 00:55:22 looks like the fat kid who works at Toys of Us wearing the suit they bought just pouring sweat. The best. Because you know, you know he got on the phone with evil angel, and he was like, Hey, man, I'm going to be made me so fat in the cartoon. And he was just evil and silent. Hey, how come I didn't look like Barack Obama in the cartoon?. I'm not in the car too. I'm not in the car too. I'm not in the car too.
Starting point is 00:55:48 I'm not in the car too. I'm not in the car too. I'm not in the car too. I'm not in the car too. I'm not in the car too. I'm not in the car too. I'm not in the car too. I'm not in the car too.
Starting point is 00:56:04 I'm not in the car too. I'm not in the car too. I'm not in the car too. I guess quick before he tells us how much cooler Ebenezer was before all of them ghosts showed up We're gonna pause for a quick break, but first let me give act three the hard sell Will Satan and Ken be able to assemble the foot Norton and time? Why the hell wouldn't they just use the same size to Alan wrench for everything? How the fuck am I supposed to screw P.C.A. and P.S.R. if that dowels already sticking out of it? Find out the answers to these questions and more when we return for the schizophrenic conclusion of oh bomb nude Find out the answers to these questions and more when we return for the skits of front of conclusion of Obam nude. You know, after 160 episodes here at God awful movies, we've noticed a pattern of man children using man on the street when they're running a little low. So just in case this episode runs short, we hit up the corner and our local Arby's to
Starting point is 00:56:40 get more people's take on Ken Delvecchio. Uh, what do I think of Ken Delvecchio? Local Arbys to get more people's take on Kendall Vecchio. What do I think of Kendall Vecchio? That's a good question, huh? He looks like the big boy mascot grew up and had three bad divorces. Why? Oh, Kendall Vecchio? He looks like someone has a baby until it grew into a physical man.
Starting point is 00:56:59 And his name sounds like a frozen pizza for child molesters. Global warming is bad. Don't touch warming is bad don't touch my baby don't touch my baby. I won't again I'm gonna touch me Every time you touch me And we're back for more of this shit when we last left off, Satan had already explained abortions and affirmative action. So now it's time to tackle the economy because when James Carville said it's the economy stupid, Kendall Vecchio was pretty sure he was addressing him by name. And because it was time to torture Heath and rights.
Starting point is 00:57:37 Well, not quite because first we're going to get the, the man on the street parts of this where they clearly seem to think that Obama did the bank bailout thing. No question. They keep talking about the bailouts. And then later in the Obama Satan thing, they're going to talk about the bailouts. They, do they think that Obama is the one that did the bailouts? Everybody.
Starting point is 00:58:02 It was by, it had to be done. Everybody who knew what they're talking about. So yeah, no, very clearly, well, we could have done it in a better way. But right, but again, it wasn't even the, the got the wrong fucking president. They're going to do that with wars later too. But the, um, we, we do check in with the, the black lady at this point. She says, well, a recession means that rich people aren't getting as much money. Nope. Dead fucking opposite, lady. Dead fucking opposite. Yeah, it's the rich that really suffer during a recession.
Starting point is 00:58:32 This is where she said, I'm still struggling. And it's like, hey, you know what might help with that? Not having eight kids. Abortions would help. Abortions. You're just for fun of them. Jesus. Like the fake Puerto Rican guy goes like,
Starting point is 00:58:46 I think it's bad for people to have a lot of money. And stocks, I don't even know what stocks are. Literally. They say, says that. They sound nice, right? Stucks, stocks. Like, you hear it? You hear it?
Starting point is 00:59:00 Stucks. Sorry, line, did I have another line? I'm a Puerto Rican anchor, baby. I'm a Puerto Rican anchor, baby. I'm a Puerto Rican anchor, baby. Fuck. Oh my God. And then fucking stupid sunglasses, silent treatment lady is just saying like, well, the problem was the government was making all them sub-prime loans. No, not the government. Look, okay, one fucking time at full volume. The recession was caused by cutting government regulation. That is the entire cause. So the government stopped giving sub-prime loans. Like, I want to know what they think
Starting point is 00:59:39 happened, though. Right? Like, I wanted to, do they think the government gives out housing loans and mortgages and it's, it is indecisive, rebel nonsense. Yeah. They're saying that we needed to let that nuclear meltdown of the economy just completely happen, like a controlled burn of the wildfire. It's yeah, uncontrolled. And let's have another great depression because that was great. Well, because it was great. Yeah, exactly. It wasn't the miserable depression people come on. God. And then, uh, then they try to get that guy to, to say he, to say he likes
Starting point is 01:00:14 Laysay Farak and I can't do it. It's so bad. He's clearly been prompted like moments before this. They explained to, it's Laysay Farron faire and he's like I believe in laissez faire it. Laissez faire to caught one more time. I believe in laser fire like. Laissez faire. Laissez faire. Laissez faire. Laissez faire.
Starting point is 01:00:36 Laissez faire. No. God. All right. One more time. You got me doing it. You got me doing it. I believe in laissez faire.
Starting point is 01:00:44 Economics. He is right. me do it. I believe in laissez faire. Economic. Yeah. Is it right? It's like, like, like, thoughts and prayers for the, the money stuff to work good. Yes.
Starting point is 01:00:53 Laser fair. Lil' affair. I just want to say, I think it was very nice of abortion baby, uh-huh, car lady in a pauser live masturbation video to do this interview. That was really my big takeaway. Also, we haven't mentioned the guy who's running for office in these videos, who seems to think that they've shown up to, to, to do a campaign video for him.
Starting point is 01:01:16 No question. This guy was running for assistant alderman of the Elf Club. He had already positioned his ridiculously large American flag. Yes. Oh, shit. And by the way, also, this is the first part of the man on the street thing where giant baby moves up to this point. I was like, there's a 50% chance that's just a dead baby that she carries around or something. But it started moving at this point and it moved like it was growing angry.
Starting point is 01:01:45 Oh, no question. I just wanted somebody to touch the baby again so bad. I just like, touch her baby again, please touch her. Please touch the baby and get beat up by a good drug. I just wanted it like it jumps out of her arms and fucking does a spinning pile driver on Kendall that you know, huh? I didn't have it. It was very, very disappointing.
Starting point is 01:02:09 Unfortunately, we just got more fucking stupid woman and stupid man on the street. And so, you know, you know, it wasn't amazing grasp of macroeconomics. Man, the people on the street in New Jersey who stop and talk to grown men and backwards hats with a microphone. Oh, that's who knows about my economics. My favorite line from this is where the guy goes, bailouts are contrary to our capitalist system. Oh, Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:02:37 Yeah, saving the banks is anti-capitalist. Well, if the government hasn't been given out all them predatory loans to begin with, God damn it. All right. So now we, we cut away from the man on the street to get an even worse explanation of these, uh, these issues. Um, but we're going to start this off with Ken disturbingly close to the camera and not like, look, if you want to be real close to the camera, there's a way to light that they didn't know, right?
Starting point is 01:03:08 The lighting is all behind him here. No, it's exclusively on the Vaseline. He smeared on his giant fucking lips. He's second before he turned the camera. They haunt my goddamn nightmaris. I'm if Katoone rise this from the deeps. I'm going to show him candle that she has lips and he's going to be like, oh, that's fucking gross.
Starting point is 01:03:32 But going back to the altar place. He is rough. And so he's given the, he's using his teleprop dirt that he has now. And he's, he's given this whole speech. And then the Satan's like, Hey, you were elegant charming and charismatic. Yes. And then the camera cuts right over to Kendall, Vecchio's stupid fucking face. I screencast it. Yes, you didn't put it in the nose. He is. What's the opposite of elegant charming and charismatic boom. There it is. It's him. He looks, he looks like he always just ate a Willy Wonka lemon. It's all puffed, but also squinched at the same time. It's crazy. I just love that he wrote that line for another actor to say to him, right? He wrote for someone and paid someone else to turn to him and say, you are elegant, charming and charismatic. Yes, you are. And then it's like Debbie Downer. It's just such a contrast.
Starting point is 01:04:33 And then they explained that the Fed is a punsy. Oh my God. I was writing in my fucking notes. Oh my God. I bet the next point rhymes with Fonsi team. I bet it does because they start talking about the Fed and how everybody thinks that the money is backed by gold because everyone just Wake up woke up from 1812 Mother fuck I could God damn it before it before it even happened. I could smell it like two minutes before they started talking about I was like are they gonna fucking start explaining how the fed is upon this game I'm gonna leave my shit if they start explaining how the fed is a Ponzi scheme two minutes later They're doing it. I'm pounding on my keyboard random letters. Oh my God. I got so fucking
Starting point is 01:05:10 angry. I started pacing around my apartment alone, ranting to nobody. I went outside. I found a homeless guy doing the same rantee, Pacey thing. And I just walked around with him for a little while, I think you're weird. You at. Oh, my God. It was so fucking sick because not only did they go for the whole of the feds of Ponzi scheme thing, but they don't even know how that bad argument works. Right? He fucks up that bad argument. Oh, Jesus.
Starting point is 01:05:40 And I'm writing to my notes at this point, like, imagine how stupid this movie would seem if Obama hadn't turned out to be a communist dictator, right? Yeah. And Ken Dovechio, like, interrupt Satan a few times with, like, counter arguments to the argument they're trying to make. He's like, explaining how, you know, it's all not backed by gold anymore, not that that fucking matter.
Starting point is 01:06:01 But he's like, 10 to the back is like, well, why doesn't God just create more gold for us? Don't. Don't. The Jews had a plan. No, no. And again, all of my notes for this whole section are just this man was a sitting judge during this movie. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:06:21 He stopped making this movie about how the fed is a Ponzi scheme and they don't have enough gold to maintain their satanic war plots. And he was like, one second, I got to go to termin how long someone goes to jail. That's isn't me. Every case, Kandell Vecchio ever presided over should be a no. The whole state of New Jersey should be dissolved into separate, boring plans just in case, Camda Vecchio had anything to do with any of the legal process involved. Go back to medieval fiftoms just in case. I love Eli's notes here. He's just written in here. This is all crazy person deep cuts. So I don't understand. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:06 It's literally, it's all like, you know what I'm saying? Illuminati more like aluminum soros. And I'm, I'm sorry. I haven't been a crazy person. Like when your friends kept watching a show after you and they're like, right season two. And you're like, no, no, no, I only watch these ones. I don't tell me anything about it. Harris. I don't want to. Oh, Jesus.
Starting point is 01:07:31 But yeah, so we started talking about the bailouts again. There's this weird moment where he seems to suggest that the porn industry got a bailout. Okay. What do you guys think he thinks happened? I would never presume to know what this guy thinks he thinks. Spurm banks are upon Z-Sum. God fucking, they prevent depressions, the fed, the bad things. It's for preventing depression. They gave us $80 billion last year. They just handed us $80 billion. They make money and they give it to fucking central bank. This is like, like, stop talking about this. Name any comments? Name any comments? Stop talking about the
Starting point is 01:08:15 vet. Stop saying that. God damn it. You know why? You know why I don't claim that quantum physics is a Ponzi scheme? because I'm not a fucking quantum physicist Everything I don't understand is a Ponzi scheme Look all I know is I bought all this health food vitamins. I was supposed to sell them to my friends and family At the Ponzi scheme. I don't understand what the Fed is that didn't work out for me. That's also Ponzi scheme. I don't understand what the Fed is. That didn't work out for me. That's also Ponzi. Yes. Birds is a Ponzi scheme. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 01:08:59 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no the street, montage, that starts off with a bunch of people saying, well, wars are generally started because of religion. Like what fucking century did you find these people in? I wanted them to go to one like a Templar night and he was like, yeah, that's on me. My bad for Christ in country, am I right? No, it's the economy stupid. The other guy next to me. Right. Right. Yeah. Exactly. One guy says worse start because of ego. And I'm like, wow, they saw Trump coming. Okay. Also, can we talk about oil is like the blood of the earth lady? What the fuck was she saying? This woman goes oil is like the blood of the earth. It keeps regenerating itself.
Starting point is 01:09:46 And I just wrote, nope. Yeah, it's like, you're going out of your way to be wrong about unrelated topics now. Ha, ha, ha. Jesus, fucking Christ. And then, okay, I gotta say, like, blonde lady in the purple coat, I fucking love blonde lady in the purple coat.
Starting point is 01:10:02 She was gorgeous and she was wonderful in all ways. But she says at this point, I don't think war accomplishes anything, but sometimes you have to do it to prevent evil. That's one person throughout that whole quote. Oh, yeah. If she had finished that sentence by being like, shut up. No, you shut up. It would be as consistent. By the way, in case those of you were following along with us, the baby is the size of a hippopotamus. She is holding a grand piano. It's insane. And then we cut back and then back to her again, she's Christ Christy is breastfeeding from her. It's unbelievable. It's the great. The baby is my favorite thing that we've ever done.
Starting point is 01:10:44 It's so good. And then at my favorite thing that we've ever done. It's so good. And then at the end of this, they realized that like, they're like, all right, fuck, man. All the ones on our side sounded fucking crazy just now. Everybody go around and say your anti holocaust. What? No, it's that poor, you can't.
Starting point is 01:11:00 Not poor, you can't. I want you to talk more about your plan to attack Canada. That was great. That was great. Yeah. Fuck with solid. Also, we should point out that during the latter half of this man on the street interviews, they put the mic back in its case, but kept doing the interviews. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
Starting point is 01:11:19 He's like, nah, it's charging, but it can record what it's charging. Go away. It's fine. Keep going. You're gonna make a podcast. Oh, Jesus. All right. So now we go back to Ken and Satan that the gay prostitute is back.
Starting point is 01:11:33 No reason in terms of the story here. This is the hottest dude that Ken dovetreon knows and he has my body. Like he's, she's going for Chip and Dale, but he's just like a guy. Yeah, I mean, do you think you look like that? Yeah, are you serious? I feel like you should have just I want you going to go and go and screen cap it and and post it on Facebook. I'll do it for you.
Starting point is 01:11:59 Never mind. I'll screen cap it and then I'll take a picture of myself shirtless and then you all can vote. We'll do a yes. We'll see if anybody can tell the difference. Yes, we'll do next down. And then they'll see who's who's me and who's right. Right. Right.
Starting point is 01:12:13 We'll see if they can. No, the science that right up. See, if I read that, Nealize notes, and I wasn't going to say anything, I was just going to go like, you sure do look like that guy, Eli. Yeah. All that. Jim, you go do look like that guy Eli. All that. All that. Jim you go to ask my wife who loves me and is married to me. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:31 No, she's going to be honest. Ask her also, by the way, and you guys might not know this. I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to clue you in Obama only ended the Iraq war to fool people into thinking that he ended the Iraq war. It's true. It was a trick. You see. Classic.
Starting point is 01:12:50 Classic ending the extremely costly war trick. Yeah. Also, this is where they start drinking bloody marries. So if you were wondering what the vices they display in this movie are, it's cocaine, marijuana, threesomes and bloody marriage. What my boozey ant orders too early in the day. And Kendall, Vecchio cannot not treat that piece of celery as a dick. It's nuance that flaccid piece of celery in his bloody marid be a dick so so bad he's licking the celery's
Starting point is 01:13:25 tape. He's pulling a string of olives out of Satan's ass. There is over the top. He was working the celery balls. He's got two onions. It's weird. So can anyone explain to me what they meant when they started talking about what we need war so we can destroy some of that money we created?
Starting point is 01:13:43 Okay. Okay. It is illustrated for us. See, there's a bomb that blows up a big pile of money. So they did help. Oh, yeah. This movie thinks that you literally need to, to destroy physically, to destroy the money that the fed fake, it magically created for you and sharing it back into pumpkin money.
Starting point is 01:14:06 I don't know. Okay, reality, ready? Reality. The fed increases the interest rate and inflation slows down. That's how that works. That's the whole fucking thing. That's one of the two things they fucking do. This movie thinks the fed creates conjures fake money, then pays
Starting point is 01:14:27 for a war with the fake money, which allows you to literally blow up some of that cash with bombs because now there's a war going and nobody notices the physical explosions. It's like, you know, shooting off firecrackers while you know a hitman kills somebody in the building. Yeah. Also, by the way, another thing you might not be aware of, Obama started the war in Afghanistan. Yep. They're very clear about that.
Starting point is 01:14:56 Yeah. Well, he also started the Iraq war. So, yeah, right, right. They certainly imply that. They say straight up that he started the Afghanistan one. Yeah. 2009 wars. I'm learning a lot today. Yeah, the rental on YouTube gonna save me four years of tuition. Turns out it was a Ponzi scheme this whole time.
Starting point is 01:15:17 God fucking damn. Hey guys, let's talk about global warming now. Global warming. Okay, just real quick one more time. 2009. 2009 is when this movie was made. Yes. Yep. And they tried to claim that the rock war in the Afghanistan war started in 2000.
Starting point is 01:15:40 They got retrospect wrong. Yes. Their hindsight is 020. Yes. Yes. Their hindsight is zero 20. Yes. Okay. Okay. We have to talk about this global warming. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 01:15:54 Yes. Okay. This global warming, man on the street section, begins with African American woman going, global warming is bad. I laughed so hard. I had to pause the movie and go pee. Bad Globes, stop it. No, bad Globes. No, but she does explain later though that it's not humans creating global warming.
Starting point is 01:16:19 It's power lines and cars, which she's pretty sure are animals or naturally occurring minerals. Natural things like power lines, exact quote. She says that. Also, also, by the way, global warming, that's just one of many science of the theories. For example, there's the theory of relativity. Right. No, that's... You got fucking music theory.
Starting point is 01:16:44 You got the theory in Lannister Big Bang theory. This is great show. It's good show. I like that. This is giant baby woman and she's like there, you know, global warming is one theory, but there's not so theories. Like the longer I hold my baby, the stronger and larger he grows by the end. No, I just wrote in it. None of this matters anyway, because I'm clearly holding infant galactyth for Earth only has a couple of decades left. Jesus. And also Puerto Rican guy shows up here, right? And they go and they go, he goes, like, I don't know what global warming is.
Starting point is 01:17:22 I literally, they were like, so what's global warming that clearly had to be the question. And he's like, I'm going to stop you right there. I'm not familiar with the words global warming, what or is. Guys, guys, Ken, even an attempt to peer up your objective, a bad one requires that you cut the bits where one of your interviewees literally never knows what you're talking about. Right? Say the rest of your line, oh, sorry, I'm the one doing the raping. Sorry. There's this old white guy who they've interviewed and he hasn't said anything particularly interesting yet, but he's obviously like standing in his yard that he was cutting with a pair of
Starting point is 01:18:03 scissors and he goes, I don't want to argue the science. And you can see him start to go because I don't know anything about science. But they just cut after that. So it's just, I don't want to argue the science cut. Yeah. You're talking about guy in the suit with the ridiculous American flag that they kept zooming in on and then back out. No, he has a great moment as well, but this is old man who's standing in the middle of
Starting point is 01:18:29 a yard because he was worried you were going to get on his shed. Yeah, he's the guy who goes, well, you know, I don't know if you've ever heard of the ice age, Glacier, New York, maybe you've heard of it. No, it was cold. That was cool. I think there's warm and broad. There was an ice age, ice is cold. Boom. I'm done. I drive a Dodd Stratus. Get off the goddamn shed. Yeah. And this is this is the baby punching, right? Yes. Yes. Exactly. Okay. So we're going to explain. I'll explain what happens. Okay, so the woman,
Starting point is 01:19:08 you know, when you have a baby and you shift it in your arms, so she tries to do that now with this fat idea. Chevy Avalon. And it pivots and punches her and she goes down like George for me and then not a friend. It is a real. It's amazing. She's trying to pretend that she's not being severely injured by this impossibly strong, large baby. She's getting crippled. Her legs, she keeps getting further and she's crumbling like Captain America runs up and he's like, baby smash and the kids. It's the best. I also love abortion baby, uh-huh lady at this point. She goes like, well, who can afford to buy an $8 light bulb that lasts 25 times longer than a $2 light bulb?
Starting point is 01:19:58 Um, it's the best. Who can afford an $8 light bulb? And I just, I wanted a giant pause there. It's like, no, no, don't cut away. Don't cut away. Give her a minute. I got it. With anyone with $8. Yes, yes. And they want to take dollars. This very likely takes place in New Jersey. So everyone going, I mean, it's not like we're going to have floods here. He's really steeped in irony right now. Yeah. No. The guy says the cost benefit analysis of saving the planet says it's not worth saving the planet. Yep. Does
Starting point is 01:20:36 it cost infinity dollars? It must cost slightly more than infinity dollars. I do believe because let's face it, the Fed could just print up some more of that fake money. It's not just need an infinity war. Oh, yeah, we found it. All right. So now we cut back to Ken and Satan, Ken's practicing with his teleprompter again, probably because he couldn't remember his fucking lines and holding a basketball. Well, right, because they wouldn't let him do the blackface thing. I just wrote, why is he holding a basketball? Is it cuz
Starting point is 01:21:11 he's supposed to be a black guy? Yes, yes. That's exactly it. Or maybe it was just the same as with the IKEA thing. He just happened to have one in his hand when they started filming. He's like, Oh, fuck. Okay, we're not doing the soft shoe or the black face will it be basketball backwards hat? That's it. Final offer. Also, okay, this is where Satan says and I quote, they're talking about how global warming isn't really a problem and it's all the big hoax by Satan to make people think that oil companies are bad. And Satan says, and I quote, the most common element on
Starting point is 01:21:47 the planet is carbon. It's not even cool. No, it's, it's like, I don't even know if it makes the top 10. It's a trace, basically. Yeah, no, it is, it is listed as trace element, right? It only seems like there's a lot because life sort of concentrates it in one place. But no, it's, you know, it depends whether you're talking about the Earth's Cruster the whole atmosphere and everything, but nowhere is it the like carbon in the top five? No, it would be iron or oxygen or nitrogen if you're talking to atmosphere, but it's definitely not carbon. Right, right, followed by silicon magnesium sulfur, nickel, calcium, aluminum, like like seriously, it's
Starting point is 01:22:25 way the fuck down the list. And then as if that's not fucking stupid and Googleable enough, he says, and again, I quote, people produce carbon every time they exhale. Nope. That's, that's, that we've got little tiny fucking microscopic 3D printers putting together atoms in our breath. What the fuck does he think? How does he? I don't even know how you get that wrong. No, it's carbon dioxide. Carbon.
Starting point is 01:23:01 And you only breathe in the oxygen. So obviously you're building the carbon there. Yeah Jesus fucking Christ and then by the way he mentions carbon credits and he's like like Kendall that he was characters like Well, what if we just text everybody based on how much carbon they they they output and that is accompanied by a goddamn Haunted house laugh. Yep. Right. That's their argument against carbon credits is that no, no, no, when I said that, there was a haunted house laugh. Remember that's evil. And then Satan agrees to make him good at basketball. That's how Obama hit all those three pointers. If you were curious, Obama is pretty good at basketball.
Starting point is 01:23:41 I've seen a place left too. Good South, but okay, I would pay enormous amounts of money to watch Kendall Vacchio play basketball. I believe that if we challenge him in this show, he'll play against you. We could get a one on one going between the two of you guys. There is a 100% chance that if Kendall that Joe has ever made aware of our movies, he will in this order one challenge us to a fight to threaten to sue us until he realizes that we're adults and that nothing he says can actually sue us or through although please can.
Starting point is 01:24:13 Yeah. Andrew is so erect right now. His penis just steered his car into oncoming traffic. I bet it can. I bet you can't even sue us. You couldn't even sue us if you tried. I bet you wouldn't even be able to. I didn't even take it. Not big enough to sue us physically.
Starting point is 01:24:34 I will try to sue us in this briar patch. I dare you to try to sue us in this briar patch. I will dress the way you dress in this movie for the court case. I'll wear a baseball hat backwards. Carry a basketball in there with the eight, eight hundred pounds. It'll be great. You could sleep for a night in his shed. How's that?
Starting point is 01:24:54 How's that? Can you just hold my knee? Lies shed all the shed you can eat. He will try to sue us and then try to fight us and challenge us to basketball in that order. I promise you. Promise. We got to make that happen.
Starting point is 01:25:11 Okay. And then we violently cut back to man on the street interviews this time to talk about healthcare. Yeah. And the question they're definitely asking these people is, should gross people get medicine or should we have freedom? What is your opinion on that with every single one of these actions, these interactions starting with like, shhh, you're not being detained, softly petting you.
Starting point is 01:25:39 Softly petting you, go ahead, tread on me. It's cool. Tread on my dick right now. And then answer. And the first girl is drunk girl, the girl from the beer and she's like, I want a health care, I fall down a lot. So that's it. Oh my gosh, she's so great because she's like very clearly getting drunker as we go. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:59 It's the great. I want the full tape from drunk girl. Yeah, right. I'm saying, okay, minimum three N word bombs. No, no question minimum, minimum. Yeah, I'm not going to take the other one. Yeah. There's also a creepy bitchy sunglasses silent treatment lady says, I think everyone having health care is dangerous. And that's the end of her thought. No reason. Just like she thinks it's dangerous. Then we have the argument lower the one guy's like, well, just look at Canada or actually, no, sorry,
Starting point is 01:26:29 look at imaginary Canada to make my point. Yep, but we're human, his partner again to a fight. Yeah. That's the best. Yeah, the log cabin Republican and his liberal big friend, they get all mad at each other. I love it. Yeah, there's also a lesbian couple in here that's going to have a fist fight after this is all over too, I think, because one of them says at this point, one of those two women says, you know, this is a horrible thing to say, but I don't think everybody's equal. And then they cut away real quick before she can go like, would national healthcare also extend to blacks and Muslims? Because I don't want to. I mean, like, you know, like national, like, you know, nation state, not like.
Starting point is 01:27:09 And literally, then there's just like a three minute cut of him being like, Hey, I think you're full of shit. And he's like, no, no, I'm not. You're full of shit. Yeah. Oh, you know, the guy who's 10 years, fucking solution to healthcare is literally get a fucking job. Yes. Oh fuck everyone in this movie needs to be punched constantly until they die except for the blonde girl in the purple coat. That guy I just wanted him to like in his head he's picturing someone dragging a flesh wound into their office job just like to do.
Starting point is 01:27:42 First day work to ignore them. I'm satan. Jesus, I just mean. When do we all get until next three months? Okay. And of course, we got to go back to giant baby lady who says like, I think I'm scary for the government to regulate any industry.
Starting point is 01:28:02 That's what she says. It's scary for the government to regulate any industry. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some radioactive lead to feed my gigantic baby. I think we found the problem. We explained the size. I wrote in my notes, and any moment the baby will replace the car in the background of this scene. And she'll be holding a small car in her arms. Oh, I just wanted it to reach up and crush mom's head like of my son men just like Full Lenny squash he picks up Thor's hammer smashers her head like Also love the guy who points out that unlike capitalism
Starting point is 01:28:38 Socialism can be abused Right and also did is this where we got the argument Yeah. Right. And also did is this where we got the argument against people having healthcare because of heart transplants? Yes. Yeah. What? So yeah, that's the backbone of a healthcare system is heart transplants. That's important. I get it. Like you're trying to say that like in capitalism, you could have a heart transplant faster. But this guy, he was saying that like it should be like hearts are for sale, just like anything else, like fucking thunder dome would just you buy. I like cut to him waking up in a bathtub of ice. Yeah. Okay. I deserve that. That was ironic.
Starting point is 01:29:21 Oh, wait. I always used that word wrong? Is this iron ears? That's. Oh, funny, fairie economics. You win again. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:29:33 So then we wrap up that man on the street bit. We come back to Satan. Now Satan's reading off the teleprompter. He's talking about how evil doctors are and then says, and I quote, some medicines kill more people than it saves. Definitely and correct, bro, you're thinking of poisons. Which medicine do you think he's thinking of? I mean, I mean, I'm like some opioids that are like that because those aren't life-saving drugs, but.
Starting point is 01:30:01 Uh, fluoride. I was sure it was the same. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, saving drugs, but uh, fluoride. I'm sure he's the same guy. No, he's on the only, I have like two minutes left to do fluoride. Right. Is he gonna do fluoride? You're slow and that, no, they don't do it. This is where he wants to legalize roofies and crack.
Starting point is 01:30:19 Yep. Yep. That's good. Yeah, exactly, exactly like Obama said in this campaign speeches like and I Feast in plants did or subsidize them. I couldn't tell what he was saying did Obamacare outlaw or did Obamacare even mention breast implants anywhere in that was that a thing like yeah did they out were women getting back Ellie breast implants So no, I think what it is is that he just wanted bad universe Angelo to draw women
Starting point is 01:30:46 with their boobs getting bigger and had to come up with an excuse. Yeah, he's just like and draw a thing where they all get their boobies bigger. Yep, yep, it's fun. But email that one to me separate. I am a sitting judge at this time. Yes, I am literally a municipal judge, but it's still a fucking judge. And on nothing, people called him your honor. He was writing a script. He was not paying it to someone was like, your honor. He's like, Oh, sorry. I was thinking about how I'm
Starting point is 01:31:19 going to have this guy draw ladies with the boobies getting bigger. Allow me to decide your case for you. So yeah, right. No, we so they go on and on about how he's going to trick people into thinking that having access to healthcare would be a good thing for them. And to which the Satan says, well, at least the stupid people will believe it. This is where he says, as an evil statement, I know, I'll appeal to human sympathy. I'm quoting that notorious villain Robin Hood again.
Starting point is 01:31:52 Oh, and then then he tries to like end this up. I like tricking us with like new speak word association, just like shooting words altogether like Obama universal healthcare approach, I'm fascists that try to circle the one that doesn't belong. You can't all one word now for fuck's sake. They literally argue that people both will and won't be able to choose their own doctor. They seem to think socialized medicine included telling doctors, which fucking medicine's though specialized in. They just like, yeah, they, he just has to fart out all the wrong he can quick before it's over, right? I feel like this movie is going to collapse into a singularity at any moment here.
Starting point is 01:32:36 Because it finishes with God, damn America, and then Satan turns to Obama and goes, no, you will damn America. Be and then I discovered that was the end of the movie, but then I discovered the most amazing and great awesome thing in all of history. I lost my goddamn mind. Okay. So obviously we were messaging back and forth as we watched this about gigantic baby. And we got the end on the horizon. Yeah, right. Right exactly. They puffed marshmallow man coming at you. And so at the end, they actually have all
Starting point is 01:33:16 the man on the streets listed, right? As people in this movie. And I noticed this because it shows more than four people as cast. So I'm looking, I'm looking all of them online for reasons completely unrelated to looking for naked pictures of the Blancheke and the purple coat. And this is when I found out that one of those characters, as it turns out, it's Lispy Lady with Giant Baby is Kendall Vecchio's wife. Yeah. Yes, she is. Which is that's that's Kendall Vecchio's giant baby. Yes, that's baby.
Starting point is 01:33:53 Dolvete. Oh, you could put those two next to each other like Eli and Swav the game. And actually not be able to tell the backyard. Yeah, no, I've got to say, honestly, that means that at a certain point in this movie, his wife told him, don't touch my baby. Ken, what did we say?
Starting point is 01:34:20 Don't touch your baby. Ken, Ken, what did the restraining orders say now? Don't touch your baby. God. Ken Ken, what did the restraining orders say now? Don't touch your baby. Baby already done told you twice. You know what's gonna happen when you asked the baby. Baby's gonna put you in a corner. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:38 Just a baby doing the rope a dope on. All right. Now possibly the craziest thing about this movie is that after Kendall, Vecchio made it and the life zone. He ran for Congress. No, like for realies. Now he didn't win, but I think it's only because he didn't have the right campaign slogan. So guys, any suggestions?
Starting point is 01:35:05 Oh, okay, Kendall Vecchio, my gigantic spawn will crush you in his ground field for me now. Kendall Vecchio, an avatar of what America has been doing right. All right, well, that's going to do it for our review of our bomb nude, but that's not going to do it for the episode just yet because we still need to do this again. Apparently. So Eli, tell us what's on deck. Where is good? This movie's subtitle could be called, I forgive you for getting raped. The movie says Christ. What? It's going to be fun. Oh, yeah. No, you can tell by how well they lined up English words in that title. So with that, so with that to look forward to, we're gonna bring episode
Starting point is 01:35:54 160 to a merciful close. Once again, a huge thanks to all the Patreon Dodgers. Help make the show go if you'd like to count yourself among their ranks. You can make a perhaps a donation at patreon.com slash God awful. And they're probably earn early access to an ad free version of every episode. You can also help us a ton by leaving a five star review on iTunes and by sharing the show and all your various social media platforms. And if you enjoyed this show, be sure to check out our sibling shows, the skating a, the citation needed in the skeptic rat available on iTunes, Stitcher and wherever else podcasts
Starting point is 01:36:15 live. If you have questions, comments or cinematic suggestions, you can email God off a movie is gmail.com, legal services for this podcast, provided by the law, this is a P. Andrew Taurus. Our theme song was written and performed by Ryan Slotnik of Evil Drafts on Mars. All of the music was written and performed by our audio engineer Morgan Clark Ann was used with permission Thanks again for giving us a check your life this week for Heathen right knee-liberalistic I'm an illusionist promise to work hard and another chunk next week until then we'll leave you with a breakfast club close
Starting point is 01:36:37 The Fed is not a Ponzi scheme. I will stab you. It's not a Ponzi scheme. It's stupid Ken Delvetsio was a goddamn judge. Ah, baby Delvettio is currently the size of Minnesota and growing. And it's a black hole. All holes matter. Sorry, man, folks, is that what you were going for there, Eli? I don't know. Movies words words just show up. Exactly. You're right. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:37 The preceding podcast was a production of Puzzle and a thunderstorm LLC copyright 2018. All rights reserved. C Copyright 2018 all rights reserved.

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