God Awful Movies - 493: The Despiser

Episode Date: February 11, 2025

This week, Michael Marshall joins us for a review of The Despiser, one of the greatest achievements in the history of terrible cinema. Check out more from Marsh on Skeptics with a K and the Know Rog...an Experience. --- If you’d like to make a per episode donation and get monthly bonus episodes, please check us out on Patreon: http://patreon.com/godawful Check out our other shows, The Scathing Atheist, The Skepticrat, Citation Needed, and D&D Minus. Our theme music is written and performed by Ryan Slotnick of Evil Giraffes on Mars. If you’d like to hear more, check out their Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/EvilGiraffesOnMars/

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So that guy with the trash bag on is like waving people, but then he throws the flare into the water and then the troll doll is like follow the flare. Gordon follows the flare and drives off the bridge into the wormhole that was marked by the flare hitting the water. So like this was the plan? Like so many moving parts for this. Claire hitting the water. So like, this was the plan? Yep. So many moving parts for this. It's a very heavily choreographed.
Starting point is 00:00:31 They rehearsed this. Binbag Guy and Trolldoll had to rehearse this so many times to get it right. Godawful movies. Movie! Movie! Movie! Movie! Movie! Movie! Movie! Movie! Movie! Movie!
Starting point is 00:00:50 Movie! Movie! Movie! Movie! Movie! Movie! Movie! Movie!
Starting point is 00:00:58 Movie! Movie! Movie! Movie! Movie! Movie! Movie! Movie! Movie! Movie! Movie! friend Heath Enright. Heath, welcome back. CGI. We're getting into some technology. I'm excited. Technically, yeah. And unfortunately, Eli's gonna be unable to
Starting point is 00:01:09 join us today. He's really gonna miss this one. But in his stead, we're happy to welcome back guest masochist extraordinaire Michael Marshall Marsh. Great to see you again. Great to be here. I'm so glad I could make this movie. This movie is incredible. I loved every second of it. Oh, absolutely. Like if you love bad movies, this is one for you. Truly delightful. Absolutely. So tell us, Heath, what will we be breaking down today? We watched Despiser. It's the story of what happens when people who deserve heaven end up going to purgatory like World War I and World War II heroes.
Starting point is 00:01:45 And of course a movie writer whose wife doesn't understand that Despiser is a winner! Yes! And Marsh, how bad was this movie? Well, if you love dystopian tales of a ragtag bunch of rebels fighting for freedom and redemption against untold evil, but you also miss those sweet, sweet graphics of the PS1. You will love this movie. PS1 just pulled out its headphones and threw them down.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Right. No, but this is what happens in a movie when no one in the movie is ever willing to say, no, that's not good enough. Right? Nothing was not good enough for this fucking film. All right. Is there anything you guys want to nominate this for being the best to be in the worst at?
Starting point is 00:02:31 Yeah, I'm going to go with best worst review of this movie. And it's pretty positive. This is from this movie's pretty bad website. But they put this up there on purpose. It says, Despiser is the tightly scripted tale. Really? Yeah, yeah. And then it adds lots of machine gun battles,
Starting point is 00:02:53 car crashes, fireballs, turreted castle raids, and campfire dialogue about the meaning of the apocalypse. What movie did you watch? I don't know. It continues. It's The Beastmaster, as envisioned by Dante. What?
Starting point is 00:03:12 I loved it. V Dante. Three and a half stars. V Dante. Three and a half star review. I don't know out of what, but I'm assuming four. And that was by Joe Bob Briggs. OK.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Drive in movie critic. Well, if you had asked me what Joe Bob Briggs thought of this movie, I think I probably would just based on the name alone, could have told you he would have loved the tightly scripted Fireballs and Turreted Castle. Yeah, he scripted. Absolutely. We've got Joe Bob Briggs as understanding of Dante. That's what this is. That's why he's comparing it in castle. Yeah, it's scripted. Absolutely. We've got Joe Bob Briggs's understanding of Dante. That's what this is. That's why he's comparing it to Dante.
Starting point is 00:03:49 He's heard the word Dante at some point. All right. So I was piggybacking on the graphics issue that we've already discussed. I was going to go with best worst vehicles in motion. So the exaggeration in PS1 graphics that Marsh made earlier is that they were PS2 graphics, right? That's the exaggeration that he used. They're legitimately PS2 level graphics and like constantly there will be... Be fair. Yeah, right. There will constantly be these cars driving down roads and the roads are
Starting point is 00:04:21 uneven so the cars will like suddenly be at a dead angle and then flat and then upward angle and then flat. It's amazing. Yeah, it's so good. And I've got to go best worst self insert. Yeah. Because we've got a story here of Gordon who's an artist and Gordon is absolutely meant to be Cook, the writer of this. Phil Cook, I think the name of the guy who's the writer, director, did everything on it. Again, going to the incredible website behind this film, we hear the story of how this came to be. And it was written originally in 1989 as the story of a struggling young painter in a new marriage trying to be taken seriously
Starting point is 00:04:58 as an artist. But he writes, as time went by, both Gordon and I, the main character Gordon, got a little older. So now despise the story of an artist coming to grips with disappointment after many years of beating his head against the canvas. And he says, something that anybody who hits 40 can identify with. It's his midlife crisis. He had to rewrite it because he got too old and sad. I love that the character got older with him in his head. Yeah. Yep.
Starting point is 00:05:31 All right. Well, I'm not sure if this movie can be left alone with its own fucking shoelaces, so we're going to keep the break brief and when we come back we'll dive into all the 1.2 gigapixel per second action of Despiser. This movie is the Jeffrey Epstein of movies. second action of Despiser. This movie is the Jeffrey Epstein of movies. Hey Heath, what's with the ninja turtles and the footy pajamas? Oh, I'm reverting to childhood, Marsh. I can't handle the stresses of adulthood anymore.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Oh, is this a politics thing? No, good question. It's actually a dinner thing. Do you know that as an adult, I'm expected to come up with something to eat every single day, like multiple times? I do. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Well, I'm sick of that question hanging over me all the time. So I'm returning to a time when I could just ask my mom and then yell for like fish sticks if it was gross. Well, Heath, if you're tired of figuring out what's for dinner every night. Why don't you try hello fresh? What's? Hello fresh They're America's number one meal kit with hello fresh you get farm fresh Pre-portioned ingredients and seasonal recipes delivered right to your doorstep
Starting point is 00:06:41 Skip trips to the grocery store and count on HelloFresh to make home cooking easy, fun and affordable. Okay, that sounds great Marsh, but what if I don't have time to cook? HelloFresh's new ready-meared meals go from fridge to fork in just three minutes. It's the same high quality ingredients and restaurant worthy flavor that you expect from HelloFresh, just with none of the work. Okay, but what if I have more time than that, but still not much? Well their line up of prep and bake meals come together with minimal mess and only five minutes of prep, so your oven does most of the work, not you. Hello Fresh's 15 minute meals are done in just three simple steps, so you can eat better
Starting point is 00:07:18 this year without all the hassle. But have you actually tried it? I sure have. I love the way the meals unpack in seconds, and I love the way it saved time going to the grocery store. I had some delicious meals. All right, I'm sold. How do I sign up? Get up to 10 free meals and a free high protein item
Starting point is 00:07:34 for life at hellofresh.com slash awful 10 FM. One item per box with active subscription, free meals applied as discount on the first box. New subscribers only, Varied by plan. That's up to 10 free HelloFresh meals. Just go to HelloFresh.com slash awful 10 FM. All right. Thanks Marsh. You bet. Now, if you excuse me, it looks like Noah's having the same problem.
Starting point is 00:07:55 I saw him in there playing a video game system that came out when he was like nine. Oh no, he just like does that. No, he just like does that. All right, guys, welcome to the first writers room meeting for the Dispiser. Right. No, guys, look, I know that we've all got different visions for what this movie should be, but Craig said the only way he was going to let us use his copy of Spider-Man Movie Maker 2000 is if we all agreed to work together. So I figured we'd just all go around the room and say what movie we would make if we could
Starting point is 00:08:33 have our way. Right? Look, so I'll start. I want to make a science fiction movie about aliens trying to take over the world. Well, I want to make an action movie about car chases and explosions. Well, I want to make a Christian movie about the love and redemption of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Okay, good ideas. I want to make a dramatic exploration of a downtrodden middle-aged artist whose family and friends long ago gave up on his amazing dream suffocated by the parade
Starting point is 00:09:07 of humiliating creative compromises that fuel capitalism desperate to find one single goddamn thing in his life to point to and say, I accomplished that. Just increasingly certain that thing will never come. No one wants to be about that. Are you okay, Todd? And his wife would tell him that she hates him, but secretly, secretly, when she's talking to her mom, who also does definitely hate him, she would admit at that secret point that she actually did really, really love him and really believes that it could be something
Starting point is 00:09:40 more than a waste of quote, donatable organs. Uh huh. I saw a movie about a starving artist who winds up in purgatory, but there's a bunch of aliens who took it over. Why would there be aliens in purgatory? I don't know, Jaden. Oh, maybe the explosions could be nuclear. Hey, you're gonna...
Starting point is 00:10:02 You're gonna finish that. It's a bottle of sleeping pills. I know, man. And we're back for the breakdown and we're going to open up on a logo that might as well smash a beer can on its fucking head. It's an eagle cause I'm like, when Colbert did this, it was ironic people. Okay. Yeah, we got the sound effect as well.
Starting point is 00:10:23 We got the car of the eagle we got a text effect on the titles this movie is spoiling us right from the off it's great yeah yeah so we get this then it chants USA USA for a while yeah yeah exactly but then we get my best worst right away we get a car driving fast along the roadway and coming across a church in a PS2 game. Yeah. Honestly, I saw that the cars, it's it's smashed into a church. It's on fire.
Starting point is 00:10:53 And I was genuinely waiting for like Eli to step out of the car and be like, sorry, sorry. You know how Pringles crumbs get in the bottom and you want to grab it's hard and the hard to reach one. I'm really Yeah about that the burning car itself. It's because it's like silver and angular and on fire I wrote that's what you get for trusting a cyber truck on autopilot Doesn't it though? Yeah. No, I said there's a car burning or at least fire adjacent. The graphics are not great guys so that these four characters get out and they're all dressed like fucking Clue suspects
Starting point is 00:11:30 or something. Right? Pretty sure one of them is running Licka for Al Capone. I'm pretty sure from the way he's dressed. Yeah. One of them's an old timey soldier. One of them looks like they killed Kennedy recently, but we find out later that it is actually like
Starting point is 00:11:45 four people from four different time periods. Yes, no, it is a temporal village people on purpose, yeah. Yeah. Including someone who's Japanese, asterisk. Yeah, right, right. I almost went with best worst Japanese guy. So, but this is Kanjar's car, but where's Kanjar? I guess Kanjar is one of their teammates and then they find him hanging upside down from a cross as they walk in. So he's fucked.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Kanjar's gone. And it's great. He's hanging upside down from this cross by a single piece of string because to cut him down, they cut the smallest piece of like the thinnest string I've ever seen. And he's just like, that was very Lord Bearing string. Also like, because he goes, one of the characters name is Nimbus, and he turns to another character named Kumi, and he says, cut him down. And Kumi has a giant knife way too fast.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Like way too fast. It's a tactical belt and a tactical knife. So yeah, so Nimbus loads a few glowing pink bullets into his gun. I feel like you arrive with your gun loaded, right? Well, that's what those were, because he what he did. They've got a normal gun with normal bullets, but then he puts the gun down and it looked like he picked up a laser pen and I thought, oh, I really want the bad guy to be a kitten. I want people to be like, that's where this is going.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Like, I can, don't worry, I can, I can get him. Bad guy, bad guy. Yeah, but so they're going to go into the church. Charlie, who is the girl, she has a put me in coach moment really quickly. The only thing I want to point out is throughout the early stages of these graphics, this looks exactly like the British kids TV program Nightmare. And it's really hard because most listeners will not understand that, but it's really off putting because it looks exactly like an episode of Nightmare from like the 80s, 90s.
Starting point is 00:13:30 If anybody wants to know what traumatized every British child growing up, you should look at Nightmare on YouTube. And I do want to know that. That is K-Nightmare. K-Night. Yeah, it's K-Nightmare. Yeah, it's amazing. But yeah, it looks exactly like this. Like the Kano-Rogen experience. Yeah, exactly. Exactly like that, yeah, it's kind of nightmare. Yeah, it's amazing. It's but yeah, it's it looks exactly like this like the Kano Rogan experience
Starting point is 00:13:47 Yeah, exactly exactly like that. Yeah, is that the new show that you're on with Cecil? It is the new show on with Cecil It's fun. It's interesting. We should look it's really good It's okay. So the Mbs goes into the church where he finds the bad guy now I'm gonna just save you a lot of the headache that I have the like second to the main bad guy in this movie switches bodies. We don't learn that until way later. So like I spent so much time wondering who the fuck this character was, right? But this is the bad guy. And now they know that like big face scars are cool things to give your bad guy. So they decided to give one to their bad guy, but they gave him just a vertical cut across his forehead that looks
Starting point is 00:14:29 like a frown. It's so silly. Or a lobotomy scar. It looks like he's been recently lobotomized. Right. So yeah, but so Nimbus and the bad guy, this is the shadow man. They have a short tete-a-tete, and then they shoot at each other quite a bit. Yeah, I enjoyed that,
Starting point is 00:14:48 because they didn't know when it was just like, all right, that was enough speeches, right? Gunfight, gunfight, all right, cool. Yeah, right, right. So yeah, and genuinely, there is no way to describe what Nimbus is doing here without using the words, phew phew, right?
Starting point is 00:15:07 Like he's just starting, he's got to turn and shoot these other bad guys that are running at him. He's having a blast. Yeah. What's happening here is the actor is trying to sound like Samuel L. Jackson as best as he can. Yeah. Yeah. He's Shamuel L. Jackson. And the baddies aren't just running at him because at one point one of the baddies throws
Starting point is 00:15:29 himself through the window of the church like several stories up and then just kind of like lands on the ground in front of him. For so long, just out of nowhere. What was their plan? The two main people are fighting and then just like smash and someone flies into frame, hits nothing, does nothing nothing smashes into the ground completely useless guys this seemed really cool in my head i had a like i had a whole thing i went back i'm really sorry boss i thought i was gonna get him i missed by a lot what what did he
Starting point is 00:15:59 hope was gonna happen because like church windows are already like 20 foot off the ground or something. So at best he had a 20 foot drop into the fight. So yeah, so he shoots him with the pink glowy bullet eventually, and he lightnings explodes, right? There's a chase scene in here that I'm leaving out. And he does a speech from Joshua 23 instead of Ezekiel. It's so good. Oh, interesting. Yeah, I didn't even catch that. But yeah, like Nimbus will speak almost exclusively in Bible quotes, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Throughout the... Well, I'm sorry, in the action sequences, his shit talk will be Bible quotes, like Bible man, but he doesn't use them otherwise. Also, he says he does give a speech from Joshua 23, but it's just Joshua 23. Like, there's a bit missing there. Like, you've got the chapter, but not the verse. So it's like, I don't know, I've never heard a Bible like verse reference with just the chapter it's in. Yeah. Also, it went too long. So like he shot the guy and the guy's dead and he's like, that was, that was Joshua 23. He's dead. All right. Time to go into speech there. But he's not
Starting point is 00:17:03 dead. It turns out he's not dead. Well, sort of not dead, yeah. So okay, but then we're going to cut to our, we're outside of this weird universe that we've been in, the CGI universe that we've been in up to this moment. So we're going to cut now into the real world where Gordon, our main character, has been woken up by his boss in front of his computer. Yeah, in front of his 1995 copy of Photoshop is what he's. Right.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Yeah, exactly. Yeah. He was on 1995 Photoshop making a magazine ad apparently for a, a power drill called the Atlas. But there's a photo of David, like Michelangelo's David, not Atlas holding the drill. I was like, really? You didn't?
Starting point is 00:17:46 It's not very... You couldn't get Atlas? There's statues of Atlas. Yeah. Did you not have the rights to... Yeah. I couldn't tell if it was a drill or a sander or like a Hitachi magic wand. It was definitely some sort of power implement in front of this like naked statue. A lot of homoeroticism in the head. Some sort of tool that holds a glowing pink something. Yeah, I thought it looked like that too. But like we'll see other examples of his work in a moment.
Starting point is 00:18:09 And they all seem to be like imagery of classically naked men. And I thought this was like foreshadowing. It isn't. This is what they wanted him to be working on. I guess. I wanted this boss to be like, Gordon, can we have a quick word? I mean, we're doing drills here, mate.
Starting point is 00:18:22 They don't always have to be statues with dicks. You can advertise drills with other things. Trying to make it artistic. Whenever. So two notes on this scene. First is that somehow guy getting woke up on his computer looks every bit as unrealistic as shooting a demon with lightning bullets just dead. I have no idea how they manage that.
Starting point is 00:18:41 But secondly, this is a pretty boilerplate scene, right? Like this is a pretty basicplate scene, right? Like, this is a pretty basic standard beginning of the movie. We just need this boss to be an asshole and this guy to quit or get fired, right? Yeah. To sort of like teach us, to show us that, you know, this guy's down on his luck. Everything's going wrong for him. And they managed to fail so spectacularly, because like the idea has to be like for this to work, the guy has to just be doing his job and the guy, the boss has to be being a real dick and then he has to get like emotional about it or get frustrated and quit. But like he caught him sleeping on the
Starting point is 00:19:16 job. Yes. Right. Yeah. And also we found out he hasn't saved his work at any point and he loses all of his work with the click of a button. So he's like, incompetent in multiple different directions. The hero of this movie. Right. Yeah, exactly. But it happens to all of us once we get to 40. Like once you get to 40, this is very relatable, actually. These are perfectly reasonable concerns. Yeah. The boss is a dick.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Yeah. Once I hit 40, I started putting in statues with penises into all my work. And everybody's like, what are you going to do? I'm 40. But Gordon's fired. No, he quits. We have that whole moment. And he stands up like he's going to punch his boss and he's threatening his boss with his fist. But it's a very small moment. But when he's doing a fist, he's doing specifically the got your nose pose with his hand. So what he's trying to sort of persuade his boss with. Yeah. He also ends by yelling, you narrow minded, uncreative butt plug.
Starting point is 00:20:13 That's the end of the scene. He was pretty proud of that one. So then we cut to Gordon. He's driving home all angrily. He gets home and damn it if his wife's not moving out. Her U-Haul is mostly filled. I gotta mention though on the way home we get him being like, butt plug is what I said
Starting point is 00:20:32 earlier. Yep. I said to myself while driving. I said to myself in a scene that I wrote to myself about the thing that I just wrote. Yeah. It's fucking incredible. Yeah. I'm a good script writer, I thought to myself. Tightly scripted.
Starting point is 00:20:49 So he gets home and he's like, Maggie, my wife, why are you moving out? And she hands him the note that says they're going to be evicted like tomorrow. Yeah, he's not been paying the rent for a significant amount of time. And again, he's meant to be the sympathetic hero here. Like, oh, it could happen to any one Of us how have you been ignoring the fact that you haven't been paying the rent and then withholding that from your wife It's yeah, it's amazing. Yeah Well, and then the amazing bit is is he looks at the letter that says, you know
Starting point is 00:21:16 You have to be out by the 15th and he goes, oh, they said they'd give us another week and I'm like, yeah that would have helped You just quit your fucking job Why is eviction in movies always like a fucking pumpkin at midnight like every time? week and I'm like, yeah, that would have helped. You just quit your fucking job. Why is eviction in movies always like a fucking pumpkin at midnight? Like every time it's not ever like that. So yeah, so Maggie's going to live with her mom. Yeah. But Gordon's not invited. And then, so at this point he has to also tell her that he got fired.
Starting point is 00:21:41 And so they have a fight about how she's sick of being poor, but he's an artist, damn it. But he's not an artist because we've seen his work and it's fucking terrible. He doesn't have an eye for it at all. This guy is useless. Also, he looks disconcertingly like the disgraced sports presenter Richard Keyes. He looks exactly like that and I couldn't take my eyes off that. Throughout the rest of the film in my head, he's Richard Keyes.
Starting point is 00:22:01 He's like presenting like 1997 Premier League highlights. This is what's going on in my head. Marsh gave us a photo of that guy in the notes and I just thought it was a screenshot and I didn't think about it any further. Yep. Sure as hell did. So yeah, by the way, speaking of what a terrible fucking artist he is, as they're having this conversation, there's a painting behind him that they very clearly are trying to show you. Look at what a great painter he is. This is the most ridiculous gas station ass bathroom ass painting that you can imagine. Sorry. It's just crappy. It's just a sculpture of Thomas Kincaid with his dick out.
Starting point is 00:22:37 Really? Yeah. So, okay. So late that night, they finished packing the U-Haul and there's just this great moment. I see we all have this in our goddamn notes where the two guys that are helping Maggie pack the U-Haul, they do this sort of brushing their hands off, we're done motion. Yeah. It's the job done hands, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap is what they're doing to themselves. Yeah. Yes. But it's exactly in unison. It's right. Very clearly the director says,, no, no, guys, do like this.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Like you're done. And they just do it exactly three times both in unison. Slap, slap, slap. That'll hold. We said together. So Gordon and Maggie have their goodbyes. He says, I'll call you tomorrow. She's like, or don't or don't would be good. And then she just gone out of your life. Yeah you tomorrow she's like or don't or don't would be good and then she's just gone yeah yeah out of your life yeah and norm's like so beer and he's like yeah yeah so okay so
Starting point is 00:23:32 now we've got he's driving home or somewhere or something but he's tired right well is he tired i think he's i thought he was meant to be like absolutely wasted because it's like norm says to him beer and then the next thing we see is him like behind the wheel, eyes half closed, like incomprehensible. I thought he's like completely hammered by this point. Oh, he's 100 percent drunk driving and very depressed because his wife just left him. Yeah. The hero of this movie almost killed some kids while drunk driving. And he's like, oh, yeah, he's a sympathetic guy. Again, when you hit 40, it happens.
Starting point is 00:24:03 It's perfectly understandable. The situation is very relatable, actually. Yeah. Well, yeah. So that's the thing is. Happens when you're in your 20s and 30s too. Everybody deals with that. Yeah. But so here's the thing though is that like, honestly, that changes how sympathetic
Starting point is 00:24:17 the character is so much that I erased it from my mind, right? The idea that he's drunk because he's just a completely, he just belongs in hell now after this or whatever. So yeah, so he's driving along drunk, tired, whatever, and there's a couple kids playing on the road. They jump out in front of him, he swerves and misses him and he crashes. When he crashes, I freeze framed it just before he crashes it. Because I wanted to check out these properly sweet graphics, these 1995 Photoshop graphics. The kids, okay, that's bad graphics. The second before he crashes, there's some sort of weird, crucified, but sitting down brown man on screen.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Did you guys notice this? I thought I went crazy and I had to go back several times so I can catch the exact moment I could see it. Yeah, I see it in your notes. I didn't notice it in real time, but I was honestly, given how bad the graphics are, I'm going to assume that was an accident. Right? Like that guy was like, Oh fuck, I didn't mean to put an ad. Nobody will notice. It's Brad Pitt's dick. Yeah. That's meant to be an ad for a power drill that I've actually changed into this server.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Yeah. But so he stumbles out of his crash car directly into a FMV game from 1993. Right. Also, he tries to get out of his car and he can't because the camera's in the way. He sort of pushes the door and it won't move and then the camera has to take a step back to let him out. Oh, that's amazing. And their ability to create a dreamlike world within their budget is so shitty that they actually have a VO of Gordon going, why is everything so dreamlike here? These might look like bad graphics, but this is where I am really for real Yeah, it's so weird cuz yeah, he like swerves into I don't know a badly
Starting point is 00:25:57 CGI wormhole and then he pops out and he's in a partially still photo of a mob of apparently vampire hunters who are perhaps launching an ICBM. And I was like, Oh, I've had a stroke. No, no, no, no. That's what's happening in the movie. No. And so like all of these guys that are just dressed as as fry guys are running around
Starting point is 00:26:22 below him or whatever. And the main bad guy who is now in a different body is given a monologue to Gordon about how he's in purgatory now and he'll be part of the team of fry guys. Yeah. Yeah. And the thing is, he's in purgatory because the bad guy calls him a self-sacrificer. But that's not our experience of him so far. Because what we've seen is he's losing his job because he's falling asleep at work, he's lying to his wife about how much debt they're in, and then he's drunk driving his way into barely
Starting point is 00:26:52 missing killing some kids. And that is purgatory level behavior. That's how you get, not hell, that is purgatory. That's medium. It's good to know. And it's wild when we figure out who else gets sent to purgatory and why, like the standards that this universe is setting are incredible. He did some bad stuff, but if you're a pretty fucking great painter, you're really good stuff. So yeah, so they attack him.
Starting point is 00:27:17 He picks up a stick and whips a little ass with it, but just then, Nimbus and the gang show up in a Dodge Neon to save him. Right? They come with me if you want to live him. Right? Yeah. They've got like a blue model of a car and it is like a sweet skid with the incredible graphics and I looked it up at that point and this film came out in the same year as
Starting point is 00:27:39 the final Lord of the Rings film. So in terms of what the graphic standards could have been. What technology was out there. Yeah. The budget for this was 35 grand of his own money because he spent like a decade trying to get it financed and then was like, fuck it. I'm going to do it myself. That's amazing. And there's an incredible moment.
Starting point is 00:27:59 I don't know if you guys watched this with the subtitles on. I had the subtitles on, the captions on throughout. As the blue car filled with the heroes drives away, the bad guy, the subtitles, have him shouting, stand and fight, you Kurds. And I say, whoa, Kurds? Are you sure it wasn't turds or kurds? Or even like cowards, depending on the American accent. But no, the subtitles went, I'm sure he's making an ethnic
Starting point is 00:28:29 Specific political hot So they drive away there was an ICBM in the background of this they blow that up so that there could be a giant Explosion behind them as they drive away, right? Hey question if a bullet hits an ICBM a nuclear explosion happens? Nuclear explosion, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Obviously if anything at all hits an ICBM nuclear explosion. They're just hair trigger type stuff. It's like ACME ICBM. Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Yeah, it's actually how they're meant to be detonated. You've got to sort of send the missile and then you've got like eyeball it and just shoot it at the right time to blow it up. So okay, so they're driving away now the good guy team has Gordon and we're going to meet the team. This is where we're first going to be introduced to the incredibly white guy, Fumi Tamasawa. Yeah. I had to Google this because throughout this guy, as you say, Fumi Tamasawa is played by Frank Smith. And I was like, oh, you're really doing the accent, Frank. Oh, you can't.
Starting point is 00:29:22 I had lots of notes about him not being Japanese. And there were so many that I thought, I've got to look this up. So according to the film's website, Frank was first of all, a cop in real life and a sales executive for Biolabs. Oh, good to know. And he is of Japanese descent and has a love of Kurosawa films, which made him apparently the perfect choice for the role of the Stowart noble kamikaze pilot food. Oh my.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Jesus Christ. He is at least some hard Japanese, but he is also Frank Smith, the former Cop and Seals executive. Very top of the landing page. He's actually Japanese American. So just so you know, first thing you should know. It's fine actually. Yeah. He's, he's Japanese much in the way that every redneck I know is one 16th
Starting point is 00:30:02 Cherokee or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. But they're not doing the accent, Noah. Yes, that's the thing. Ultimately, he can identify with whatever part of his family he wants, but the accent is bullshit. I'm really glad that Kanjar got killed early and we don't have to have that character. Yeah. Whatever that accent might have been.
Starting point is 00:30:22 On Fumi, they really stress how Japanese he is. To the point where Nimbus is throwing around slurs and like racial stereotypes. At one point he says, oh, that's just Fumi's rice-headed version of things. Oh, is that what he actually said? Yeah, yeah. Again, it's captioned. It's on the subtitles. I thought this is not long after that line about Kurds. I thought where is this film going to take us? It levels out. It doesn't go as far as it could. But yeah, Jesus.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Well, it's going to take us to purgatory for the horrible racial stuff. Well, right. So, and right after that, of course, right after he says that, he turns to Gordon. He goes, you're not an atheist, are you? And I'm like, who do you have a slur for that? He doesn't know Gordon's Catholic. and he explains that they're in purgatory and Gordon's like, wow, you know, there hasn't been an action sequence in almost three minutes. And so then there's a sudden the car chase and they have to drive away from the bad guys. We get another VO that's like, this place doesn't look real at all. Yeah. Actually, we're in a world of bad CGI. Spider's Spider-Man Movie Maker 2000, assholes.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Premium. So, I've never used so many quotes in my life before as I did in this sentence where I wrote, they're dodging explosions as they drive their cars down the road. Like, literally, so often in this movie, it's just like they CGI'd something and you're just like, that's just a car driving down a road, man. You had a car and a road at your disposal at some point. It's like every noun in this film has to be in scarecords because it's not really there. Like, you can have some nouns sometimes.
Starting point is 00:31:58 So yeah, so, but the shadow man is chasing them in his car now. His driver gets killed, so he the shadow man is chasing them in his car now his driver gets killed so he has to dive roll out a lot of dive rolls in this movie. Okay, it was fun watching a like demon leader guy dive roll out of the car and then be like oh my fucking knee. Oh, it hurts so bad. I'm gonna throw up. I'm gonna throw up.
Starting point is 00:32:24 I'm a demon. They go I'm going to throw up. They go back to it. We get to see it. They do. Yeah. Yeah, they do. Yeah. So and then that ends and they're just like, oh, should we pick up our conversation?
Starting point is 00:32:33 We were happy earlier. He's like, yeah, yeah, pick up the conversation where we were. Right. Yeah, sure. So they drive on. We learned that Nimbus died in World War One. We learned that there's the despiser is the main bad guy who we haven't met yet. And the other bad guy is the shadow man.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Yeah. There's a great, when we learn when Nimbus is from the dialogue, I mean, this is tightly scripted. Remember very tightly scripted, impressive level of dialogue. He says an eye for in 1913, 1913, 1913. And this one's about to come. 1913. 1913. So, okay. So sometime later, Gordon wakes up in the back of their car.
Starting point is 00:33:16 They're in a garage camping out, right? This is where we first realized that the girl, Charlie, had been going for an Australian accent that whole time. Right? Did we realize that? Because I think there was a line earlier where she's Australian, and everything after this feels like she's meant to be somewhere between Dick Van Dyke and Mary Poppins. She's just taking the entire cast of Mary Poppins and smooshed it together.
Starting point is 00:33:43 At one point, her line is, I ain't no Jane Cole. And I think that's meant to be Cockney. Okay. All right. So I see I had her as Brooklyn gangster from the 20s up until this point in Australia and from this point on. Oh, I had her as very accurate British accent throughout. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Basically me. Yeah, completely. She talks at one point about Membo Jambo. I have no idea where that was coming from. That's you. You do something like that. I don't understand. I say that all the time.
Starting point is 00:34:10 She yelled bloody scrotes at one point. Is that a British or Australian thing? I think it's a bit of both. It can be a cockney thing. It's definitely an Australian thing. I think there's times when cockney and Australian overlaps and she somehow manages to miss both of those, all of those times. At no point does she overlap on that. Steve McLaughlin Swerves out of the way of the Venn diagram altogether. Well, so this is also, so they're
Starting point is 00:34:33 all sitting around having cans of beans, which they're going to do quite a bit in this film. They're sitting around having each a can of beans and they explained to him that what's going on here is that the Tunguska event, and I'm like, oh, I'm listening, was an aliens crashing into the earth in Russia. And when that happened, they died. And God couldn't figure out where to put them between heaven and hell. So he put them in purgatory and damn it if they didn't just take purgatory over. The timeline on that is weird though. Because it's like 80 years ago the aliens crashed.
Starting point is 00:35:11 But we know that Nimbus has been there since the first world war, which is more than 80 years ago. So was he, like, what was he doing in purgatory before then? Because to try and get out of purgatory they need to sort of win this battle. This battle wasn't there when he got there. So is he just like driving around like in some sweet cars going over some unconvincing CGI bridges waiting for a battle to arrive? With a shadow man already there? I have no idea. So like God made purgatory and then realized like I don't like the vibes in purgatory.
Starting point is 00:35:42 I'm going to try to like bump up the average. I'll send a few war heroes to like do some good stuff there. Also, all the bad guys, the rag men, I think they get called. Someone says, oh, those are soulless beings. So, well, why are they in purgatory? If they haven't got a soul, how are they in purgatory? Right. But as they're explaining this, somebody's like, oh, there's been an action sequence in like three minutes as there. So they hear a noise and Gordon and Jake have to go check it out.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Now, Jake, we haven't mentioned yet, but he's a private dick from 1923 or some shit. Oh, is he? I thought he was a cowboy to begin with, but that might've just been the tins of beans. I might've been confused by the tins of beans over campfire. He's got boots on. I thought he was a cowboy. So he does a southern accent selectively. So I guess I could see how you got that. Yeah. But they go to check out the noise and a little monster runs by and they're like, Oh, it must
Starting point is 00:36:37 be one of the little aliens that was on that spaceship that crashed into purgatory. Yeah. Because I think at one point he's like, what is it? It's like, well, the answer is whatever animation you could get for about $8. That's what it is. But like, is Jake meant to have never seen one of these before? Because he's surprised as well. Yes. But he's been here for ages. He's been here since whatever time he died, which is a significant portion of time ago.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Has he just got lucky and never encountered one of the aliens that's overrunning purgatory? I guess, yeah. Yeah, it appears that way. So they argue over who's going to squish it and it runs off, so they have to chase it deeper into this weird basement they're in. Right? So, to be clear, we see like a little green crab monster in like, you know, 8-bit. And the idea is that like, this alien was medium on its faith in Christ and had to go to Purgatory along with the war heroes?
Starting point is 00:37:32 I feel like what's supposed to have happened here, I don't know, because I don't think that the writer was entirely clear on this, but I feel like what's supposed to happen is that the spaceship crashed into Purgatory. Oh, okay. The physical place. Yes. That makes more sense than what I had in mind. And all the little aliens spilled out.
Starting point is 00:37:50 I don't know, because they're very unclear on that later. It seems that the aliens died and were sent to Purgatory. I don't know. Yeah. I'm not sure. I was confused about this because there was a bigger, we'll find, it will follow this little alien to a bigger alien. So I thought, well, this must be like a baby alien.
Starting point is 00:38:06 So I was confused as to why it's in Purgatory and not Limbo, because it's an unbaptized baby. It should be in Limbo. Okay. They put the... From a liturgical point of view. Physically crashed. Yes, the theology of this is all over the map, actually.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Yeah. Purgatory has like a place you can go to if you have alien technology that flies through galaxies. Okay. I think, yeah. So maybe. God probably fired the like director of aviation or whatever and replaced it with a reality. Yeah. So, but eventually the little alien takes him to where a big alien is. They have to fight the big alien and they blow it up with a grenade. Lots of grenades in purgatory as it turns out. Unfortunately the fucking mushroom cloud from this
Starting point is 00:38:46 grenade alerts the shadow man to their location. It's such a big explosion but like they are within throwing a grenades distance of the grenade when an explosion that large goes off but they're apparently fine. They're totally fine. Yes very selective grenades in this movie. We'll see that a couple of different times. But ultimately, so they run outside, they can see the shadow man coming. Gordon steps out in the street to stop him and then disappears. I love that like demon leader guy shadow man is he's driving like a Ford Taurus.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Yeah, yeah. Civic maybe. So yeah, so but then Gordon disappears and then he wakes up next to his wrecked car. His friend Norm is like reviving him. Oh God. And I really wanted this movie to be him like switching between reality and purgatory every time he dies. So he just like like binary sort of switches on and off.
Starting point is 00:39:44 It doesn't do that. That would be great. I thought something interesting was getting set up here with that, with like the way you would jump between these. Apparently you can just like physically crash into them. So yeah. So, and they have this stupid movie moment where like, you know, he's just been in this terrible accident and his friend's like, I got to take you to the hospital. He goes, no, no, I'm fine. No, you're not. Nobody outside of a movie character and a wanted murderer would be like, I don't need to go to a hospital in this particular moment. No, I'm fine. And it's like he's not fine because very clearly he's been thrown from the car in the crash. And we know that because he got a very slightly bloodied nose.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Yes. There's not a scratch on it, but his nose is very slightly bloody. So, you know, he's really, really struggling. Yeah. His car's fully exploded, but yeah. There's also one little moment where he looks up after this crash. He's supposed to be like back in real life and he looks up and he sees like an evil guy wearing a gothic hazmat suit in the middle of the highway. I had him as dressed as a baked potato, yes.
Starting point is 00:40:45 Uh huh. Yeah, like a gothic baked potato? Yeah, I just had him as a camp staring man, because he's looking incredibly, like his persona is very camp as he's doing it. Yeah. Okay. And that guy in the weird suit is just like, hey, okay bye. Like and that's it.
Starting point is 00:41:01 That's a weird assignment from the despiser. I'm not clear on like what would that accomplish, but... Yeah. But, so, okay, so he goes back to Norm's place, down some ass room with some beer. It's a plot device. It's to keep the audience up to date. It's tightly scripted. You don't know how to do it tightly scripted.
Starting point is 00:41:20 That's your problem is you're not scripting tightly enough. When he gets to Norm's house, so like Norm doesn't take him to the hospital. That would be the responsible thing to do. So instead he just looks after him the normal way, which is to give him an entire overdose amount of painkillers and some booze. And I thought, feels like that's a hint because he's not taking you to the hospital. He's giving you everything you need to finish the job you were doing. Oh, Jesus.
Starting point is 00:41:47 So, yeah, so he falls asleep. We zoom back and we go back to Purgatory. And this is where we see the shadow man limping up to the despiser to tell him he failed. Right now, the despiser, we haven't seen this bad guy yet. We're only going to see him in silhouette for right now, but he's got four arms and like five tails or whatever. And so we're gonna see him and we're also gonna learn at this point that the shadow man transfers his consciousness from one human body to another as he dies, right?
Starting point is 00:42:18 That question finally gets solved. Yeah. I like that they're trying to have this big talk to each other about, know like Demon strategy and Despiser again. Yeah, he has like a bunch of extra arms and legs because he's like a bug alien monster and we're just seeing his silhouette and he's clearly just like Doing like a kata with the weird sword Tails and I wanted the shadow man to be like hey
Starting point is 00:42:47 Don't do the kata for a second? It's so distracting what you're doing with your tails there. He's just supposed to be flailing his arms and tentacles in the air the entire time. I had the same thing like, why is he doing it? I don't do that with my arms when I'm told. It would be amazing if I did. Hey boss, do you want a fidget spinner maybe? Here, grab this.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Grab this in any of those hands with tails. It's cool. It's very rare that you think to yourself, let me make sure everyone can see how many arms I have in this conversation. So, okay, well, I can't help but feel we're failing in our effort to communicate just how bad this movie is. So we're going to take a quick break and re-strategize, but we'll be back in a minute with even more of The Despiser. Hey Noah, be honest. Does this t-shirt make me look cut, swollen, yoked?
Starting point is 00:43:32 It does not, no. Man, you had promised it was going to transform my dad bod. Hmm. Was it one of those ads from a social media company started at a university near Boston? Yeah. Yeah, it was. Well, Heath, if you're looking to improve your wardrobe, why don't you try Quince?
Starting point is 00:43:50 Oh, what's Quince? Quince is a great place to get high-end, versatile pieces of clothing at prices you can actually afford. Elevating your style used to mean breaking the bank, but with Quince, you can upgrade your style by snagging killer luxury essentials that sync with your vibe and your wallet.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Sounds good. So what kind of stuff do they have? Quince has all the must-haves like Mongolian cashmere crewneck sweaters from $50, iconic 100% leather jackets and versatile flow knit activewear, and the best part? All Quince items are priced 50 to 80% less than similar brands. No way. How is that even possible? By partnering directly with Top Factories, 50 to 80 percent less than similar brands. No way. How is that even possible? By partnering directly with top factories, Quince cuts out the cost to the middleman and passes the savings on to us.
Starting point is 00:44:30 And Quince only works with factories that use safe, ethical, and responsible manufacturing practices along with premium fabrics and finishes. I love that. So have you tried it? Yeah. I got some of the active wear from Quince and it's great for my workouts. Yeah. Yeah, I got some of the active wear from Quince and it's great for my workouts. Yeah, those workouts are probably better than mesomorphic t-shirt technology. Right, yeah, because those are nonsense words.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Nonsense words, yeah. So, where do I get some Quince? Indulge in affordable luxury. Go to quince.com slash awful for free shipping on your order and 365 day returns. That's Q U I N C E dot com slash awful to get free shipping and 365 day returns. Quince.com slash awful. Got it. Thanks, Noah. No problem.
Starting point is 00:45:15 So just for the record, t-shirts can't morph your body with technology. Yeah. You should leave a bad review about that very obvious lie on the aforementioned social media platform. Oh, they don't allow fact checking? Right. Yeah, got it.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Mm-hmm. Well, hey there Gordon. I'm Charlie and I'm from Australia. Welcome to the team. Uh, thanks. And I'm Jake from Texas. Glad to have you on board. Uh, glad to have you on board. Pleasure to meet you.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Hi, and yeah, I'm Fumi Tomisawa from Japan. It's an honor. Weird that you don't have an accent. Nope, nope, not doing the accent. We did the accents. The character was played by a guy named Frank Smith. I'm doing Frank Smith's accent accurately. Frank Smith did the accent.
Starting point is 00:46:07 Frank Smith looked a little Hispanic. I'm just going to talk normal. Fine, fine. Hey, hey, I have a question. OK, is it about my accent? No, no, it's about the cars, actually. Oh, OK. What do you want to know? How do we have cars in purgatory?
Starting point is 00:46:28 Do what now? I mean, does Nissan deliver here or is there a Nissan factory in purgatory? All Nissans are built in purgatory, actually. Okay, but how do we fill them up? Are there gas stations in purgatory? Yeah, but the pump is always out of order. Always got to go inside. Alright, what about the guns? Does purgatory have armories? No, my gun arrived in the same way that we did actually.
Starting point is 00:47:03 Okay, what did your gun do to wind up in purgatory? I'm not really sure it used to belong to some kid in Pennsylvania Watch out when you use it though. It pulls a little left just a little And we're back for more of this shit we're gonna rejoin the action with Gordon waking up at Norm's place the next day. Yeah. And he has some immediate leftover Chinese and some beast light from the fridge. I was like, fuck. Breakfast of champions.
Starting point is 00:47:37 This is traumatic. I've done that so many times. Well, we get to get over 40, you know, it's very relatable. It's very relatable. My entire college experience and 20s. Happens to us all. Also 40s. I'm fairly sure, given that he's at his friend's house and this is the normal stuff that his
Starting point is 00:47:52 friends got going on, I think his friend's life is more of a purgatory than the dream world is. So he calls Maggie on the phone I had in 1992, but he hangs up when she answers, I guess. For some reason, we see that happening on her side from the fawn's point of view. We get fawn count, like fawn POV, which is such a way to do it. And then we watch this scene where he's looking over his old sketches of her, but they couldn't afford to get a real sketch artist to sketch her. So what they've done is that they've CGI'd in sketches of her. Yeah. Right. They
Starting point is 00:48:32 put pictures of her through a sketch filter. But like it's video, not still. Like he drew Maggie into the video for take on me apparently. That's the level of graphics we're looking at. That's a Danish guy in a leather jacket rest user. Yeah. Yeah. Right. I'm surprised, Noah, that you don't have in your notes the thing that I had in my notes here, which is throughout this scene, something has been ticking loudly for six fucking minutes. Yes! Oh my fucking God! And worse than that, every time we get a different camera angle, the ticks aren't synced. So we get a different tick schedule every time we change.
Starting point is 00:49:09 Yeah, there would be a fucking syncopation or something every time. Pain. His rotary phone was stuck and it was just trying to get back. Just very slowly ticking back. Oh, it was the loudest clock imaginable. Yeah. So, but as he's looking over his old sketches do you think he read ticking clock in like Sid Fields and was like that sounds good
Starting point is 00:49:33 oh I didn't have one of those yet do you think that's why it's in a car because it's the hero's journey that's why it's a car so okay so so that I really want a three beat. I'm so sorry that I don't have a three beat. I don't have any other tropes. So as he's looking over these sketches, his nose starts bleeding and then he looks at this. He's got a pencil that's got the little troll on the end of it.
Starting point is 00:49:59 And the troll starts going, you're going to die. You're going to die. Which is the only thing that they bothered to animate this troll saying. So they use it 408 times in the next two scenes. Okay, this guy, Philip Whatever, had some serious aggressive negative experiences with troll dolls in the 90s apparently. But again, this is totally unrealistic. They do have this troll doll saying, you're going to die over and over again. And that's completely unrealistic because my sister had one of those in the 90s and
Starting point is 00:50:30 they're programmed with three different phrases that repeat on a loop. So it should be you're going to die, then another phrase, another phrase, then back to you're going to die. Exactly. So this movie makes no sense. It's complete bullshit. So he runs out of the house. He's walking down the street and he's stopped by a homeless guy wearing a trash bag like homeless guys do
Starting point is 00:50:50 Right, but apparently this is like a demon that's Invading from purgatory or something right to send him a message Yeah, and the demon guy's like you got to come back to purgatory. And he's like, no. And he just keeps walking. He was like, all right, I'm going to teleport up a block. Come back to purgatory, please. Or we'll kill Maggie. I don't know. Can we do that? Maybe. Yeah. So now what we reveal here is that the despiser now
Starting point is 00:51:21 desperately wants to get his hands on Gordon because Gordon managed to get out of purgatory. And that's what the despiser now desperately wants to get his hands on Gordon because Gordon managed to get out of Purgatory and that's what the despiser wants. Right? So they're now threatening Maggie. They're telling him that they're going to kill Maggie if he won't come back to Purgatory and show him how he did it. Yeah. So, okay.
Starting point is 00:51:41 So we cut to Mom's place. Mom apparently lives in Grand Theft Auto 3. Yeah, this is where we learned that this movie didn't even have, look at that tall building levels of money. What? Right. Like an office block that she lives on the very top floor of what looks like an office block.
Starting point is 00:51:57 Yes, exactly. Yeah, she lives in the penthouse of a WeWork for sure. Right, yeah. So we get a few moments of mom and Maggie chatting about what a piece of shit Gordon is. And you could just, you can just tell that the writer is imagining his ex-wife's words into this conversation or something, right? Because the mother-in-law is like, he's a piece of shit. He'll never amount to anything and you should divorce him. And Maggie's like, I don't know. I think he's actually a pretty good guy.
Starting point is 00:52:26 And if it wasn't for you always sort of imposing your will onto me, I think our marriage would have worked out just fine. Yeah, actually you're right Maggie. Podcasting is a great idea. I now agree. Economically sound decision. Yep. So yeah, so, but after the conversation, she sneaks away to call him and she notices a
Starting point is 00:52:48 guy outside the window of mom's penthouse apartment, like standing on the ledge. Yeah, who seems to be floating initially. Although he's standing on the ledge. I love this ledge, right? Because we do get to, like, when we cut to it, we'll see like from the ground and then back up again. So the CGI is like, huh, you know, it really is quite high. Don't worry about it's quite high. Then we see the ledge. The ledge is like an entire street wide. You could
Starting point is 00:53:13 set up a tent on that ledge and never worry about falling off. The jeopardy is just gone immediately. Yeah. Right. So Maggie sticks her hat out the window and she sees the guy. This is Jeff is the jumper, right? Okay. And she's like, Hey bud, you want, you're gonna jump. And he's like, yeah, I think I'm gonna jump. She's like, Oh, do you want some tea? And it turns into like a waiter scenario where she's like, tea, no, coffee, no.
Starting point is 00:53:41 He's like, Oh, just, I'll just have a water right now. Yeah. And she gets him a water. And then he's like tap water, not sparkling. You don't need an open bottle, just the tap water. I don't have to pay for it. I know where the coin is here. You get the expensive water and then it comes on the bill and I didn't want it. Do you have a creme brulee by any chance? No. So she goes, she gets him a water and she's like, hey, I'm going to come out on the ledge with you now. And we're all like, why though? Why would you do that?
Starting point is 00:54:07 You can talk to him perfectly fine without endangering your own life here, Maggie. And he explains that he's out on the ledge because he cost his bank that he works for billions of dollars. You got debanked like Mark Andreessen's real friend from Canada. I love this moment and I know the listeners are like, what the fuck is going on? Jeff's a demon and it's all going to be revealed in a second, but the conversation is so batshit that we have to go into it, right? Because he's like, I cost billions of dollars to my bank and I'm about to kill myself.
Starting point is 00:54:40 And she's like, yeah, no, I got some shit going on too. My husband total piece of shit. I just got kicked out of my house. He's like, oh, really? Let's talk about you then now. Jason Vale Well, she also, he says the name of the bank, it's Washington Central Bank. And she's like, oh, I've got money in that bank as well. So I thought the demon was going to try and persuade her to kill herself, like rather than anything else. It's like slowly kind of lure out on the ledge, give her the reasons to jump. And when that fails, we get one of my favorite moments, which is surprise crow attack to knock the water out of her hand.
Starting point is 00:55:11 Oh no, the crow's going to knock her off a building. Oh no, it's fine. No, actually the crow was just there to add suspense. It just didn't do that. But just then Gordon rushes in. Apparently he has keys to mom's apartment. He rushes in and he realizes that it's the demon pretending to be this suicidal guy. And the demons like ha got her grabs her arm and jumps off the building. Now, if listener, if you would like to watch this movie, it is currently, I believe it's on sale on Amazon for $0 and zero cents on sale. It's usual cost of $0 and 99 cents for rental.
Starting point is 00:55:49 See those tariffs are working. Bringing down the costs. But at 41 minutes and four seconds, the demon pulls Maggie off and they both fall off the building and we have to watch two people fall off the building and the graphics for the two of them falling off the building are hands down the most terrible shit the most amazing terrible shit I've ever seen yeah they're amazing they're amazing it's like they go instantly into like
Starting point is 00:56:15 skydiving balls together like so spread on okay what was the bird for though it didn't do anything no just a bird just flies by and it's like, oh, that's my San Pellegrino. And then they just do the rest of the scene that matters. That's okay. But so they fall down. Maggie survived the fall, but she's all comatose or whatever. So she's in the hospital and the doctor goes by Gordon and the mommy's like, well, you know, if she makes it through the next 24 hours, her chances are good. And I'm like, that's a nice way of putting, she probably won't live through the day. That's very, wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:56:47 I give a positive spin. She is hooked up to the world's oldest life monitoring machines as well. I'm pretty sure these machines are like monitoring Neil Armstrong's vital signs when he walked on the moon. That's how old these are. So yeah. So then, so he's, Gordon's sitting there with her after everybody else has left and a fucking CGI demon comes out of the wall to explain that they've dragged her into CGI
Starting point is 00:57:13 purgatory and will only release her if he'll come back and show him how to get out. Right, and I'm sure this was the movie fucking with me because when a wall grows a face and starts talking to you, that literally happens in the kids' TV show Nightmare. That's like a central part of what happens all the time. Wait, seriously? Yeah, it's like a game show where kids have to walk around a fantasy version of a medieval type thing and answer riddles and stuff.
Starting point is 00:57:34 And one of the riddles is asked, by a wall that's got a face. I thought you weren't fucking with me. I swear to God, if this wall makes Gordon answer a riddle, I'm turning this off right now. Okay, this guy, Philip, got like clockwork orange into watching Nightmare and like A Troll Doll was there. And like a bad thing happened and he wrote this.
Starting point is 00:57:53 100%. Weird. So also, by the way, the despiser is who's talking through the wall, I think, right here. Yes. Earlier, the despiser explained that he has one power in the tangible world and that power is Going into people's dreams and making them do his bidding. Yes, but now okay I mean he has like at least one more power that the wall talking because you make a wall you do a wall talk
Starting point is 00:58:20 Yeah, that's a big in back men as well. He can send some bin bag bag men. Oh, yes, right. Yes talk. Yeah, that's a big bin bag man as well. He can send some bin bag bag men. Oh, that's right. Yes. Why would God give powers to people in purgatory or alien monsters? Yeah, especially one might argue alien monsters. I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:58:35 Yeah, because we'll find out he's got one of the power, which is to very, very slowly pull like nuclear missiles through wormholes. But like very, very slowly. He's got that ability for some reason. And he's got a guy dressed as a baked potato out on the road. It's all kind of shit. Yeah. Hey, God, did you give a power that's like the opposite of nuclear non-proliferation? Did you do a nuclear proliferation power for an alien monster in Purgatory? In Purgatory? So, okay. I'm doing it in a mysterious way. Shut up.
Starting point is 00:59:05 So I love the listeners experience right now where they're going, what the fuck do these guys keep talking about nuclear missiles for? I know you think if the main fucking concept of this movie was nuclear missile based, we'd have introduced nuclear missiles at this point in the film, wouldn't you? Hey, I've been having the same thought throughout this movie, too. That was my experience until just about now. Yeah. So, okay.
Starting point is 00:59:28 So now Gordon, he runs back to Norm's place now knowing that his wife is in trouble. He stomps on the troll pencil topper, so that comes back. Yeah, it's probably the troll's fault, so that's fine. You've nailed it, Gordon. You've probably dealt with this whole issue by killing the troll pencil. But then he tells Norm, he's like, hey, look, Maggie's being held captive by a bunch of dead guys in purgatory and I need guns to get her back. And Norm reacts appropriately.
Starting point is 00:59:52 He's like, dude, no, you're crazy and need to go to a hospital. But he grabs Norm's he goes into Norm's gun closet. This is fairly common in America, by the way, Marsh. We all have it. Hey, Norm, you have you have a gun closet with the American flag on the wall right above it, right? And he's like, yeah, yeah, yeah. And obviously... Yeah, quick question.
Starting point is 01:00:10 Is that a giant unlocked box with several guns and it turns out some fucking grenades in it? A couple of grenades. I was about to tell you I also have grenades in there. Yeah, at this point, I was worried that Norm was in a militia. I was writing, where was Norm on January 6th? I mean, it doesn't matter now because he got a pardon, but we shields should probably know. They literally say that he's in a militia. I was writing, where was Norm on January 6th? I mean, it doesn't matter now because he got a pardon, but like we should probably know. They literally say that he's in a militia right after that because they have to explain why he would have grenades. He's like, those grenades are illegal. He's like, they're yours.
Starting point is 01:00:34 Norm is like, but I'm part of the militia. It's cool. Norm's going to purgatory. Don't worry about it. Yeah, he'll be fine. Well, he was there for a while, then he did get a pardon, so he's back out. All right, but so Gordon steals Norm's cars and his guns and his grenades, and he starts driving along. The cops are chasing him. There's a troll hanging from his window. That troll talks a bunch of shit too, I guess.
Starting point is 01:00:59 And then baked potato guy is in the road and he's got a flare. Also his bin bag that he's wearing, his garbage bag, is now like shimmering with all the stars of the universe, I think. Yep. Okay. That's how you know where this fits into the plot, Marsh. I thought it was a good device. Hey look, that effect is available on Spider-Man Movie Maker 2000.
Starting point is 01:01:24 It's goddamn good. We're going to get some use out of it. Apparently you sparkle with the color of the secret weapon that, like your kryptonite is also the color you sparkle with. Oh, interesting. Yeah, it's a little bit of foreshadowing. So yeah, but the trash bag guy directs him off the side of the road. He drives off of a bridge right into a CGI tunnel that takes him back to purgatory.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Right. OK, so that guy with the trash bag on is like waving people. But then he he throws the flare into the water. And then the troll doll is like, follow the flare, follow the flare. So Gordon follows the flare and. Follow the flair. So Gordon follows the flair and drives off the bridge into the wormhole that was marked by the flair hitting the water. So like, this was the plan? Like so many moving parts for this thing to happen by the despiser. Very heavily choreographed.
Starting point is 01:02:19 Like they rehearsed this. Like Binbaguy and Trolldoll had to rehearse this so many times to get it right. Right? Troll's just like, line, follow the flare. Sorry. Sorry. Keep rolling. Keep rolling.
Starting point is 01:02:34 I got it. I got it. I said follow the fare. I said follow the fare. He's looking for a circus now. I'm really fucked this up, guys. Does my hair look stupid? So, yeah, so he gets to Purgatory.
Starting point is 01:02:44 They let him bring the whole car and the grenades and everything and then he throws the troll doll out and he shoots it. There's a very long sequence with the troll running back and forth avoiding trying not to die. The trolls are more of a major character than his wife by this point. He gets more screen time and more lines. Right, yeah. this point he has more screen time and more lines. We watch a long sequence of a guy murdering a troll with a gun in the movie. Ineptly. What happened? I need to know what happened in his life where this fad made him so fucking angry. Well and then the very next thing in
Starting point is 01:03:21 my goddamn notes is he drives into the techno for a bit and we see his wife who has been TP'd on the Appian Way. I don't know what the fuck she's wearing little weird white and there's like toilet paper flowing behind her as though it was the despisers tail doing a kata or something. And he's driving by a bunch of crucified people. I have no idea what's happening right now. Yeah, I just realized the troll doll as well. The troll doll is like the troll motif goes throughout and that seems like a weird thing for a film made in 2003. But then I remembered it was written in 1989.
Starting point is 01:03:57 Oh, interesting. So he's included that because that was a really up to date reference that he still hasn't let go of. Oh, that was his skibbidy Ohio toilet that he put in there to be like, I'm hip. Yeah, right. Amazing. Let's play some pogs, huh? So, but eventually Gordon pulls over because he sees the shadow man and all the rag men, the fucking the bad guy from earlier and all the fry guys, all standing around an electrified missile drill.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Yeah. It's some sort of slave labor camp for evil animations, I think, because they're all very heavily animated. Right. Yeah. Yeah, very heavily animated. Right. Yeah, and so apparently somehow or another they're using this device to dig nuclear missiles out of the ground in Purgatory. Why would those be there? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:04:57 What? Also, they're going to use the missiles to get out of Purgatory, right? That's what the bad guys are trying to do? They're going to try that. Yeah. Yes. Why wouldn't you just let them leave? Well, because then they'd be in the real world and they would take over Earth.
Starting point is 01:05:11 Oh, the idea is that they zoop up and now they're going to like terrorize the real world as alien monster demons. Okay. All right. No, withdrawn, withdrawn. No, this is the plot makes sense now. We have no evidence that their intent is to terrorize the main world. They just want to leave. Like they landed in purgatory. Well, that's true. We have no evidence that their intent is to terrorize the main world. They just want to leave.
Starting point is 01:05:25 Like they landed in hermitry. Well that's true. Yeah, no, they keep assuming that. But yeah. It seems like they're just like really smart friendly aliens. They happen to look like bugs so everybody thinks they're monsters. That could be it. Yeah, I want to see if this movie from their point of view, if like they landed 80 years
Starting point is 01:05:39 ago, they're trying everything they can to get out, they realize if they take weapons that are going to destroy people's lives in the real world. If we take those off people, so they no longer have them to kill each other, we can use that to get out of here, saving two birds with one stone, in that we're removing nuclear weapons from the world and also freeing ourselves from purgatory. They are the good guys in this movie by a substantial margin. Yeah, because when they eventually nuke all of the other people in purgatory, they go to heaven. It's, yeah, right, right. It's a really interesting story. Strange. Just needs the needs the Cobra Kai treatment needs the wicked treatment there. Okay, so but then that night Gordon's camping
Starting point is 01:06:17 and Maggie all TP or whatever she shows up in like ghost form to check in on him. Yeah. There is an amazing fucking acting moment because all the acting in this movie is incredibly terrible like breathtakingly terrible except for when Gordon turns to her and he goes, are you all right? And she gives him the perfect. What the fuck do you think? Look, I'm doing a kata with like toilet paper all over me and you're sitting here in the middle of a lake.
Starting point is 01:06:47 I don't know what's happening. I think I got pulled into purgatory. No, I'm not doing great. I'm not doing great. Yeah. And he tells her in this conversation, I love you. And she says, I know. Oh, she hands all over to you.
Starting point is 01:07:00 Oh, you're here to sing it. I like spending time with your podcast, but I don't actually. So, yeah, but but she tells me has to go find all the other named characters to get act three going. And then she's like, OK, so I got to go back to dancing with toilet paper or else I get in trouble with the spider guy. Yeah, right. Right. So, OK, so he sets off to find the gang. The gang is mid-action sequence at the river. They're trying to... It doesn't fucking matter. It doesn't matter and I don't know, right? So they're just... They're running from the action sequence, right? And they're trapped.
Starting point is 01:07:37 Yeah. And is this the place that they were in last time? Because the building outside didn't look the same, but then when we see them, they seem be back in identical looking corridors with the monster that they previously explored with the grenade, but they're back. Is it just they had one set and we both do not think it looks the same? Or is it meant to be in the same place? I've no idea. I don't think it's supposed to be the same place. Just one CGI set, the mother-in-law's there in the background.
Starting point is 01:08:01 Also, and it's a really small point, but he's driving his, well Norm's car around, which means he's taken Norm's car to purgatory. So like, does the car have to redeem itself now as well? Has the car done something? Now up until now, the demon monster guys, the rag men, who I've been calling the fry guys, they've been running around with like blunt weapons and scythes and stuff. There's a scene here where the shadow man is swapping out all their scythes with machine guns, which was legit funny. I quite liked that. Credit where credit's due. Yeah, that was, that was excellent. Also this bit with Gordon in his car, like drives up
Starting point is 01:08:39 to this scene, but rather than going to the building to help, he drives to a nearby parking garage that's there. And there's, there's a multi-story parking garage in Purgatory. I bet the rates are really expensive and then you've got to like, when you get in, you've got to wait for someone, like ages for someone to like back into a space and then they pull out because they're not quite square and then back in again and you've got to like six, seven times with that. Can never find your car when you come back in. You know what?
Starting point is 01:09:03 I'm going to find street parking. Oh, now I have to get back out. Fuck. Can never find your car when you come back in yes, you know what I'm gonna find street parking ah now I have to get back out I'm gonna go into the mall and get a validation from like the pretzel place. I could go for that Okay, so but what he realizes this is that from up on his garage the good guys are all getting trapped on the roof of the other Building and there's a giant like radio antenna on the roof of the other building and there's a giant like radio antenna on the building he's on. So he just needs to blow up that antenna and it'll fall such that it'll create a bridge that the good guys can cross, thus saving the day. So he's going to do that, but he's going to do it really
Starting point is 01:09:39 fucking slow. Incredible slowly by duct taping some grenades to this radio antenna, which means he brought duct tape to Purgatory as well. Yep. I mean, I bet it takes him way too long to find the end of it, and then he does manage to find it, it kind of splits down the middle, and he's got to start all over again. He also brought beans. He brought guns.
Starting point is 01:10:02 Lots of beans. He brought guns, grenades, duct tape, a little bit of yellow twine, and a whole bunch of cans of beans. Okay, well let's be fair. Norm just drives around with a lot of cans of beans just naturally, right? That was already a gnar. And probably a lot of duct tape. We see what Norm's like. He's got duct tape in the back of his van. That box you keep for like useful items to be on the road with.
Starting point is 01:10:26 Yeah. Just full of bean cans. Absolutely. So, but, and I just, this is such a minor point, but hey, Gordon, you don't have to grenade all three of the guy lines. One guy line? I mean, that's not doing any work at all. And also I put a picture of it in our notes.
Starting point is 01:10:47 I know listener that you can't see our notes, but the effort that they put into CGI in this radio antenna across the two buildings is less than the effort I put into putting a screenshot of it into the notes. That is true. You had yours took way more skill to get that into. Oh my God. It's so bad. It's okay.
Starting point is 01:11:10 But now one of the time they've got to cross this makeshift bridge. So we have a bunch of suspense as the bad guys shoot storm trooper Lee from below. Okay. I did enjoy the walk across because they're like they're having trouble with the walk. They're like, oh, it's hard to straddle it. My legs are all I got a walk kind of silly to be clear though. They're walking on CGI nothing they're walking on nothing. So they're like mime me like an awkward walk with a green screen Uh, and then they added this it's so good and they're getting shot at yeah Like Jake is having to like straddle the mere the middle bit of the bridge as the choice he's gone for.
Starting point is 01:11:45 But how he's doing that is he's walking like he's badly shit himself and he's trying to avoid smearing around too much. Like he's resigned to some smearing, but he wants to minimise the smearing. Absolutely looks like that moment where you're like, I have to stop. I have to stop. I can't walk. I have to hold. Everybody look away. Oh, and then you've got the lady who was Australian at one point, Cockney at other points. She feels like she's just cycling through all the Anglophone countries.
Starting point is 01:12:13 She's going to be South African for a while, I'm pretty sure. She says of this bridge, quote, I could cross that bridge in half the time. That's literally the line reading. Yep. Yep. So, okay. Yeah. So Jake makes it across and Fumi makes it across. Kanembez makes it across. Yeah, he makes it across. So now Charlie's going last. And the bad guy gets there. So he's coming across the bridge with her. And she has to have the moment where she sacrifices herself and pulls the bridge down, but takes the bad guy with her. Yeah. And the way she pulls the bridge down
Starting point is 01:12:45 is to sort of like twist a tiny little bit of one of the nearby bits of metal on it, and the whole thing just instantly falls into its constituent parts. She might just find the one load bearing little bit of that bridge. Yeah, no, she might as well have to fire at it with a fucking targeting computer,
Starting point is 01:13:02 but use the force at the last minute. It's fucking ridiculous. Also, as that that's happening the good guys are out of ammo so they have to like run back to the truck to get ammo and what they see is that Gordon has packed like 1,000 cans of Hormel chili and one extra ammo clip in like a haystack formation. They're just traveling around in chili cans for a while. Yeah, it's so good. Like the way they get out of ammo as well. It's not like they all shoot and realize they're out of ammo.
Starting point is 01:13:31 It's like, eat some take turn to shoot like one bullet from their gun and then learn it's out of ammo and then go for their other gun, shoot one bullet. That one's out of ammo as well. We go through a chain of that happening. It's like 11 times. Yeah, it's goddamn amazing. So, yeah, but they don't make it back in time with the ammo. She takes down the bridge and her and the shadow man fall. And I think we
Starting point is 01:13:50 all need a minute to process the loss given our emotional connection to Charlie. So we're going to take a quick break. But first, let me give Act 3 the hard sell. Will Nimbus and Fumi be all like, pchewp, pchewp, pchewp? Will the Shadow Man be like, grrrr, grrrr? Will Gordon be like, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaĂ Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă Ă  conclusion of despiser. Somehow Fumi's onomatopoeia was racist. I don't know how they did it. It absolutely was.
Starting point is 01:14:30 But it was racist. Hey Heath, have you seen the sledgehammer? Oh, I think it's in the shed. Um, misleading exit sign. No, but good reminder. No, I'm actually tearing out some sheetrock to find the old phone jacks like Like for a landline. Yeah, man. I'm getting killed on my bill from big wireless
Starting point is 01:14:51 I'm fed up with the crazy high prices and the so-called free perks that actually cost more in the long run And the bill is always full of bogus fees this month. They try to charge me for undercoding Undercoding. All right. Well, I don't know about you, but I like keeping my money where I can see it. But unfortunately, traditional big wireless carriers also seem to like keeping our money too. Why don't you try Mint Mobile? What's Mint Mobile? Mint Mobile offers a phone plan that's a much better deal.
Starting point is 01:15:22 Say bye-bye to your overpriced wireless plan and their jaw-dropping monthly bills and unexpected overages. Mint Mobile is here to rescue you with premium wireless plans starting at $15 a month. All plans come with high-speed data and unlimited talk and text delivered on the nation's largest 5G network. Okay, but do I have to get a new phone and switch my phone number? You do not. Use your own phone with any Mint Mobile plan and bring your phone number along with all your existing contacts. Ditch overpriced wireless and get three months of premium wireless service from Mint Mobile for just $15 a month.
Starting point is 01:15:54 Well, that sounds great. Where do I sign up? If you like your money, Mint Mobile is for you. Shop plans at mintmobile.com slash gam. That's mintmobile.com slash gam. That's MintMobile.com slash gam. Upfront payment of $45 for three month, five gigabyte plan required, equivalent to $15 a month. New customer offer for first three months only,
Starting point is 01:16:14 then full price plan options available. Taxes and fees extra, see MintMobile for details. All right, thanks Heath. No problem. So I guess you don't need to break into the wall anymore. No, I'm still doing that. Really? You're going to do that anyway? And is that a rotary phone?
Starting point is 01:16:33 Yeah, no, I like that clicky noise when it spins back. Yeah, no, me too, actually. It's like, it's like the right. It's so soothing. Yeah. Tough year so soothing. Yeah. Tough year, man. Yup. The despiser.
Starting point is 01:16:54 Welcome to your evaluation. I am God. What? Oh, right. Sorry. So here's what happened. You died during a big crash. And when that happens, when you die, you get zooped up to the pearly gates.
Starting point is 01:17:11 And my guy, Peter, decides if you go to heaven or if you go to hell. Not really following that, but okay. Yeah. Yeah. So Peter said he wasn't sure how to handle your particular case. It was kind of an interesting one. So I'll be doing the eval. And according to your file, you have not accepted my son Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
Starting point is 01:17:39 Sorry, what? My son, Jesus, you never accepted him into your heart. You're supposed to do that. I don't know who that is. I'm a space traveling bug from another galaxy, man. Oh, are you? Yeah, I mean like bug body, extra arms, legs. It probably says on the paper that you're looking at.
Starting point is 01:18:01 Oh, right. Sorry, just give me a second here. The Spicer crashed in Russia. It's not except Jesus space traveling bug from another galaxy. There it is, there it is. Yeah, yeah, no that's on me. This is kind of last minute. I didn't really have time to read like the whole thing for the meeting. Yeah, no worries. No worries. So, uh, heaven? Yeah. Ah, well, here's the thing. Those are pretty clear for getting into heaven. You, um, you really got to love my son like as your personal savior. So listen, like, I'm sure your son's a great guy and all, but I've never heard of him. You've never published anything, even in my galaxy.
Starting point is 01:18:49 But like, you know, I'm super good for the universe. I invented intergalactic space travel. I was bringing that technology to Earth. So you know, seems maybe you could just make an exception, you know, because of the amazing science. Maybe you could just make an exception, you know, because of the amazing science You know what, you know what you're breaking my balls over here tell you what they want I can do Hergatory it's like a it's like the medium one You you have a medium one. Yeah. Yeah, it's for like when I can't really choose, you know then
Starting point is 01:19:24 For when you? I can't really choose, you know what I'm saying? For when you, God, can't choose? Correct, yes. Okay, so who's there right now? Oh yeah, good question. It's mostly rag people and war heroes who died fighting against the Nazis. Cool, yeah. Okay, I feel like you've been a real dick. You know what? Yeah!
Starting point is 01:19:48 Every single time with that, every time, maybe I'll bring him back. Like one of the richest men in the world. You don't know, oh God. Ha ha ha. And we're back for still more of this shit and we're gonna rejoin the action with the team some distance away mourning Charlie's
Starting point is 01:20:06 memory. Never even figured out what that accent was. Just want to say in the distance you can see there's some crows in the sky and it's like yeah there's crows in purgatory. Pretty sure it's going to be the ones that Disney removed from Dumbo. But it's dollars gross. You did help Dumbo so that's good but. Fumi's like, wow, those are racist.
Starting point is 01:20:30 So they demand to know how Gordon disappeared, but he doesn't know how. That doesn't stop him from promising to help them also get back out though. Which is incredible because Nimbus wants to get out. But how? You are more than a hundred years old. I really want you to get out into a decrepit super old body that immediately dies. It's a skeleton, yeah. They explain here that when you die in purgatory, it's like an atheist.
Starting point is 01:21:01 You get an atheist death. You're just dead dead. Yeah. Right. Which is good because they. You're just dead dead. Yeah. Right. Which is good because they needed that to have any stakes. Right? Because everybody would just be like, well yeah, you could get out of purgatory by dying apparently.
Starting point is 01:21:13 Yeah. Because they have this conversation while they're talking about Gordon's wife being there. And Nimbus asks some pretty unusual questions. At one point he says to Gordon, is your wife a gore either way kind of gal? And I was like, bit of a person. You only just found out she existed. I don't think she'd be prying that much.
Starting point is 01:21:30 There's a lovely bit of dialogue as well, because Nimbus says, well you know, only people who've fallen into despair end up here. And Gordon says, she fell from a building. And I wrote, into despair? Because I was just like, Nimbus. building, and I rolled into despair. But yeah, Nimbus is also saying like, okay, well, she's got a secret evil backstory. She is not Christian, if you know what I'm saying. What?
Starting point is 01:21:56 No, she's not. It wasn't the butt stuff. We did. We forgive her that she's a go either way kind of girl. Yeah. She likes my podcast, but they, they, they realized that they're going to need to raid the tower where the despiser lips. Right.
Starting point is 01:22:12 But to do that, they're going to need some cooler cars. So it's time to go to a car dealership in purgatory. I bet those rates are awful. Yep. Purgatory has a car dealership. We're going to see here in a second and it's called Friendly Phil's New Cars. So that's cool. Convenient.
Starting point is 01:22:32 What is the economics of Purgatory? There's car dealerships. We also find out there's gun shops because they go off and buy guns. We've seen lots of guns. So does someone work in the car dealership? Does Friendly Phil work in the car dealership? Who are the customers? Is it the shadow people? Does Friendly Phil work in the car dealership? Like, who are the customers? Is it the shadow people?
Starting point is 01:22:47 Do they make up the customers? Is there a currency? Are there weekends? Like, come on, let's world build here. I want to dig in. So, there's the mall with the parking garage. So there's like a purgatory version of that. Also known as a mall.
Starting point is 01:23:02 Interesting. It should have been called a limbo zine company. Oh, nice. Nice. But there's also this weird bit where like they both get like Corvettes or whatever. And Jake wants a Corvette too, but he's not ready for his own car. This has nothing to do with anything, but they they know they do shoehorn that in on her tightly scripted 90 minutes
Starting point is 01:23:32 So, okay, so they head out to get some ammo from the purgatory ammo shop from friendly Phil's new bullets or something Yeah, right, right also part of the Well, maybe they dig them up with the purple missile digger. I don't know. So just a really small one for each individual So just a really small one for each individual. Guys, I think we could just go to Dick's Sporting Goods in the mall, right? Yeah, we can get all the ammo you want. So then, OK, so then we head back to fucking Lego, Baradura or whatever, and we check in with the bad guys. Shadow Man has fucked up another body, so now he has to requisition another one from the
Starting point is 01:24:03 circle of nervous guys that stand around in the despisers throne room. Yeah, God, he is going through those bodies the way my wife goes through tubes of toothpaste. Like just squeeze from the bottom of the body. There's still plenty of life left in the body. Push it against the side of the sink. You'll get more life out of that body that way. Marsh, I've never felt closer to you.
Starting point is 01:24:24 Yeah, but this is where we learn that if they dig up, this is so stupid and convoluted and may I just say, not tightly scripted. If they dig up enough missiles, they can explode their way into earth, which means they don't need Gordon. Not at all. No. Anyway, so they... Again, okay, how are there missiles there? Who buried nuclear pirates in purgatory?
Starting point is 01:24:57 They were like, I gotta put my stash in there. What the fuck is happening? Oh, I thought they were pulling them in from Earth. Like this was like a purple, electric-y portal type thing that they drag them through. Oh, interesting. Like Earth. So they're all taking them from Earth into Purgatory. Oh, that's even better. So it's like a hollow Earth thing, but like Purgatory is Earth and then the hollow part is... Or like a little kind of portal kind of thing. Yeah, like a little teleport-y type thing. Like in Stranger Things, like they're opening a door to the upside down or something.
Starting point is 01:25:26 Oh, it's upside down. Sure, sure. Yeah. It's up, like north or whatever. But it's true that they don't need Gordon, but to a point where Despiser even has to say that earlier, like, oh, just when I was so close to being able to have my plan, now Gordon can just come and go. It's like, yeah, you've timed this wrong in the script. This makes no sense in the script at all. Like it could have been that you had no idea how to do it and Gordon arrives or Gordon needs to stop you blowing up the world and that's the jeopardy here. But the jeopardy shouldn't be that you want to do also know how Gordon's doing it. So you've got a backup plan, I guess, or other options. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:26:02 Yeah. Yeah. No fucking clue. Okay. So now the team is all sitting around the campfire, still mourning Charlie, I guess, when suddenly there's a nuclear Maggie explosion. So, what I guess what's supposed to be happening here is that Gordon is asleep and dreaming. While he's dreaming, the bad guys accidentally drop one of their nukes, which of course causes it to explode because that's how nukes work. And Maggie, with her ghost psychic communication toilet paper on the Appian Way powers, comes in his dream to tell him, hey, they got a bunch of nukes over here. You better get over here quick.
Starting point is 01:26:43 Yeah. And then she's like, I'm going again, bye. And then she shrinks really, really small because they can't figure out a way of making a fade away. So, he's like, grab the top corner of her, grab the little box in the top corner and slowly shrink it down. Okay. I just want to say that was one of the most challenging scene explanations I've ever had
Starting point is 01:27:01 to do on this show. So, I'm just pretty proud of myself for getting through it. All right. Okay. So this is when Gordon wakes up from that, I guess, dream and then he sees the mushroom cloud and he's like, that is a hydrogen explosion. We're all sterile now. Great.
Starting point is 01:27:19 Yeah. And I was like, what are you worried about right now? You can't fuck each other, this squad of four dudes and repopulate purgatory? What does that mean? You're in purgatory. Yeah. Also, like you're 42. You're not going to have kids now.
Starting point is 01:27:33 And the guy, Nimbus, fought in the first world war. His chances of having kids from here are going to be slim at best. It's like a hundred. Yes. Yeah. But this is where Gordon's like, oh, you know what they're trying to do is blow their way out of purgatory. We better stop them quick before they get to Earth and take over.
Starting point is 01:27:51 Right? Yeah. And he's like, yeah, we dealt with this in the Navy. Yeah. He says like, each of those rockets carry as many as 10 nuclear warheads. It's like, is that how the rocket, I thought they have one warhead. Do they have like 10 different warheads? Is like a sort of a nuclear hydra?
Starting point is 01:28:04 Is that how these things work? Well, if you cut off one warhead, two warheads appear. Yeah. So yeah, but Gordon knows his nukes, damn it. Right? Like they drive up to the to the Despisers tower and they pull out their binoculars or whatever and he's naming all the various nukes. So he knows his shit. This is where he's like, oh, just that bomb by itself is as powerful as the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima. And then Fumi has to go with the what now? It's all awkward. Awkward.
Starting point is 01:28:34 Yeah. See, that's crazy. Because we learned, as I said, Fumi is meant to be a kamikaze pilot. We learned he's in purgatory for his self-sacrifice. His self-. His self sacrifice was blowing up a battleship. An American battleship during the war. They don't really touch on that too much. He's on the wrong side of World War II and he's still in purgatory for it being a self-sacrificial act on his behalf. For God, it's about the heroics of it. It's not about what team you're on, you know. Balanced. So, then there's this weird fucking moment where Nimbus decides to tell us a backstory I guess. Yeah. What team you're on, you know, balanced.
Starting point is 01:29:05 So then there's this weird fucking moment where Nimbus decides to tell us a backstory that we don't need or care about, about the last time their team tried to attack this tower. The only purposes it serves is that it explains to us that the weird pink glowy bullets that he had from before were discovered and are the only thing that can truly kill the Shadow Man and the Despiser. Yes. And it's great because he's like, and I've only got one left.
Starting point is 01:29:34 And so, oh, and it's for the Shadow Man. And then, oh, so how do we kill the Despiser? Don't worry. I've got another one. I have a second one. But it's bigger. So it's a different, it's like a, it's like a, it's a grenade actually. It's like right out of Sid Fields again, but like they run into a problem.
Starting point is 01:29:52 It was like, we have one kryptonite. Perfect. Wait, we need to kill two Superman bad guys. I have one too. Kryptonite. When I said one, I meant one per bad guy. It's one per bad guy. We've got to ration them out. There's a great bit too where Jake's like, oh hey, what does the despiser look like? And Nimbus has to be very cool. It's great CGI, regardless of what you
Starting point is 01:30:17 might hear from podcasters in the future. It's actually pretty fucking solid for 2003. It's really hard to do. Yeah. So if you imagine like those wavy arm things you get outside of a used car lot, like three of those in one guy. So, okay. So now they're ready to go. They drive onto the bridge to attack the tower. Luckily, Gordon was in the Navy, which makes him a crack shot with a semi-automatic rifle from a moving car on uneven ground. So he's just plugging bad guys one after the other. And they drive past the gatehouse and they just shoot and they get through fine. It's like, if your big evil lair is in a massive, massive sea of lava with only one bridge,
Starting point is 01:30:59 a perfectly straight bridge on the way in and out, you've got to have a better gatehouse than that. Really, honestly, it's all about the gatehouse. It's all about the gatehouse at this point. So, gods are just like, you have to do a riddle. Even just second gatehouse would be bad. That's already been proven, just the second gatehouse, like 300 yards long. The little spikes that go the other way. Yeah. So, but the shadow man sees him. Apparently
Starting point is 01:31:25 he's out digging up missiles or whatever. He sees them. So he's chasing them now. There's a moment here where like Jake needs a grenade, but he drops it and it winds up on the floorboard and we're like, Oh, I bet, you know, that'll come in and become important later. It's no. And it's the week. No, not really. It does come back. The funny thing is just that it even comes back, but not in a meaningful way. It's so dumb. Yeah. I wanted the grenade to fall in between the seats and he's doing that finger thing for
Starting point is 01:31:52 like a minute. Yeah, just pulls up a lollipop or something. Yeah, right. It's an old fry. Oh, there's my fucking headphones. God damn it. Oh, and this car chase, again, it's so fucking stupid. It's so stupid because they at speed go straight through the gatehouse and the people, the bad guys in the gatehouse have
Starting point is 01:32:13 to like scramble around to get into their car for a perfectly straight road and their car catches up with the good guys who had a head start and a running head start. Yes. Which means either the good guys slow down or the bad guys have got a much, much superior vehicle. Either way, this car chase should be instantly done because the bad guys should be able to catch them immediately. But they get, it's Mario rules in that they get just like speed drop just enough to be
Starting point is 01:32:38 competitive. Rubber banding, a blue shell comes out. It's so stupid. They even show us the speedometer for a second of the good guys. Nimbus's car, they zoom in on the speedometer and they're going 45 miles an hour. Oh, do they? I did not spot that. Well, it's a pretty narrow bridge. That's actually very fast for a narrow bridge over
Starting point is 01:32:56 lava. Yeah, that's feasible. If you think about it. I would think I would go slower. But so they're driving along this bridge and they're in two cars, right? So Jake and Fumi get ahead, but then the Shadow Man fires a fucking blue shell, apparently. From behind and he blows a Minecraft hole in the bridge, right? It's like perfect squares that it blows up in. And it doesn't even destroy the entire width of the bridge. It just destroys the middle.
Starting point is 01:33:24 So it's like, oh, it's fine because one of your cars is already on the other side. You can just walk along the bits of road that aren't broken and get in the back of their car, there's space. All the bad guys done is stop him from catching you. They don't think of that. They do not think of that. They might as well just marble madness very slowly around the side. So yeah, so when they stop the car. Gordon jumps out. Nimbus is
Starting point is 01:33:50 still in it and the shadow man hits the car with his car and it skids halfway over the hole or whatever. But it's bad enough. The wreck is bad enough now that Nimbus is going to die. Right? So Gordon pulls him out and they have the last, the fleeting moments, emotional connection thing that happens between these two characters. Yeah. But Gordon drags him out of the car, but drags him in the direction away from the tower. You're already like the car is waged in the middle of the bridge. You could drag him towards the tower and then you don't have to worry about getting across anymore. You
Starting point is 01:34:24 fucking idiot. He doesn't do that Nope, he does not do that. He accidentally fires the big bullet the big Super bullet that was supposed to kill the despiser and then and and I love too because that's where like Nimbus sees him do that He goes well fuck now, how are we gonna kill the despiser and then he dies I know man, it's a side-scroller. We're going this way. Let's go. Yep. Yeah how are we going to kill the despiser? And then he dies. I know, man, it's a side scroller. We're going this way. Let's go. Yeah. Yeah. He just died from disappointment in Gordon.
Starting point is 01:34:51 Really? Honestly. So Fumi and Jake, they they they walk back over because again, like you said, you just walk over that one side of the bridge. They walk back over and they they have a sad moment over Nimbus. Jake says, and I quote, the big gun? Gone? No idea why he lost all of his small words there. But then Fumi does some racism and then they set his body on fire because it's cool to walk away from things that are on fire, I guess. But again, this is so, so stupid. First of all, they've got to pour a lot of petrol on
Starting point is 01:35:25 him. We haven't seen petrol stations, gas stations in Purgatory. I assume they're there. I assume they're not well-staffed or anything like that. Yeah. But they burn like Nimbus's body. So that's on fire in one side of the bridge. But on the other side of them is his car on fire. So all you've done is trapped yourself on a perfectly straight, narrow bridge between two places. And now the bridge is on fire. Right. Do you think this was like a metaphor about like burning the bridge to the past so you can only go forward to the future?
Starting point is 01:35:55 I don't know. It was pretty tightly scripted. So then the remaining characters, they drive somberly onto the tower. Gordon notices the grenade from earlier. He says, oh, there's a grenade in your floorboard. That's dangerous. And Fumi's like, oh, thank you. And he puts it back in his thing. Fumi's the one that had it in the first place.
Starting point is 01:36:13 So we've just returned to the neutral of Fumi has grenades. Yeah. We had Chekov's grenade has been found and will not be particularly deployed as well. Yeah. Oh, it's going to be pretty fucking important. Just put it in the console. That'd be great because it was as well. Yeah. Oh, it's going to be pretty fucking important. Just put it in the console. That'd be great. Cause it was rolling around.
Starting point is 01:36:28 Yeah. By the way, the bridge has a road that just from the bridge goes straight through an open door into the lair. There's not a gate or any closures or anything. They just like, they put all they had into that gate house. Really? Yeah. They really did.
Starting point is 01:36:45 The layer looks like it's been made out of the cardboard from the inside of cereal boxes. That's how badly designed this thing is. It's the best. And the first thing we see once they get inside, there's just a big pit with the rag people demons having like a disorganized collection of nukes just strewn about, laying there, like these nukes that they pulled out of the ground, like the little onions in Mario 2 and just threw them into this pit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:13 It's like when magpies steal like shiny things to line their nest with. They've done that, but with nuclear weapons. With nukes, yeah. There's also a great moment as they're driving into this fortress where they all have to like, they're going through the gate and they're all supposed to look up at the gate as they drive past it.
Starting point is 01:37:28 But of course it's all CGI so they're not looking at anything. So none of them are looking in the same place at the same time. They're all noticing different details on the way in I guess. I love that the movie runs into like a we don't know what to do now. In the movie, like we watch it happen they they get into the castle they get out of the car they see the dumb pit and then nothing happens and one of them's like ollie ollie oxen free except i think he says all ye all ye outs and free because he doesn't know that expression yes which was weird oh interesting and nothing happens and
Starting point is 01:38:03 then they're like hello bet bad guys Do we have like a final it feels like we have a final fight guys and nothing's happening did somebody press like our three and see if there's like a thing or like Sort of indication. Yeah, so so they all get there and they're like, well, so what do we do from here? And they're like, I don't fucking know and then the rag rag men start popping out of these holes all around them. They've learned that Gordon knows how to get in and out of purgatory and they want him to save them. So they chant free us like, like Eli doing a bit that Heath refuses to
Starting point is 01:38:37 interrupt, right? They do it for so goddamn long. It goes on for like 12 minutes. And I like that as well because it means that Gordon has been the talk of the town. He's been the gossip in all the canteens of the Rag Boys. But he won't free them. And so eventually they pick up weapons to try to attack them. They just pick up sticks and stuff that they can find around them. So Fumi just machine guns them all to death. Yeah. It's like, God forgive me. And then he just machine guns them all to death. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:05 And like, God forgive me. Yeah, he does. There's like, otherwise primitive horde with a machine gun. Yes. Okay, all the rag people when they came out, didn't it seem kind of like a weird musical was about to happen? It did, yes. Like, extras from Oliver now have to be saved out of purgatory. I really wanted a musical number.
Starting point is 01:39:26 And then I was like, I really wish the whole thing was a musical now that I think about it. Really? Well, you know, I have a feeling the rights are pretty cheap. And this is not, this again is another of the not tightly scripted moments. Because once Gordon is seen as like the Messiah to all of the rag boys, you'd think he like leads this rebellion army into like battle against the main bad guys and like frees them and everything. But when
Starting point is 01:39:49 they just sort of say, well, can you free them Gordon? He's like, uh, no. So they immediately turn again. So while you're out, they machine gun him. Yeah. So they all escape into these weird blue tunnels that eventually emerge into a glowing green sewer. Right? And it looks like it was shot inside of a super intense soft play area. What do you think the tunnels were for when they built this lair? Interesting.
Starting point is 01:40:20 So I was like, slides maybe? Like lair slides for the rag people to have fun. I always wanted that in my house when I was a kid, like a series of slides. When you were a kid. Once you hit your 40s, you still want slides. You still want slides. It's reasonable. Yeah. So they come out and they find this like triggering mechanism for all the nukes. Right. And fucking Gordon starts pointing out all the different
Starting point is 01:40:45 parts of it. Like this is a bit for Sesame Street and we're going to learn all the parts of a nuclear weapon kids or something like that. Yeah. He's like info dumping on you like nuclear weapons for his special interest. Yeah. Yeah. He points out he's like, that's a, an MGS missile launch board. So to be clear, he was in the U S Navy. So the U S Navy was arming purgatory apparently. So to be clear, he was in the US Navy So the US Navy was arming purgatory apparently and I was like, alright, you know what that that actually does track He's like I'm thinking that countdown timer activates the bombs Like thanks. Thanks Gordo. Solid. We appreciate that. Maybe that was it
Starting point is 01:41:22 But just then the despiser pops out of the water. And he's 40 foot tall! How deep is that water? They're not on the ground floor of this building. Oh, interesting. They taught me through the architecture of this building, they were like, well, yeah, the despiser is like, yeah, I'm going to need like the third floor to be 40 foot tall of filling water, so I can jump out and do the scavenging.
Starting point is 01:41:42 Okay. It just feels like this is bad property for drainage overall. Maybe we move to a different spot. Well, let's put in a bunch of tunnels. I was going to say it's perfect for drainage. So okay, so the despiser. This is uninsurable. Is there insurance in purgatory?
Starting point is 01:42:01 Yeah, there is. We have to get it. It's in the mall. It's bad enough trying to get insurance for a waterbed. Trying to get a water floor? An entire floor of water? Oh, you're never going to get insurance on that. So, yeah, so now the despiser, I don't think... I mean, I'm sorry, words fucking fail me on describing what kind of CGI.
Starting point is 01:42:20 Because it's almost like it almost looks like bad stop-motion animation. It's so bad. Right? It's very much there's a reason he was a silhouette for the rest of this film. Yes. No one wanted to blow this that early. Right. So yeah, so he grabs Gordon and he's about to eat him, but Gordon pulls out his pistol
Starting point is 01:42:39 and shoots the despiser in both eyes. And we get the despiser being like, my eye! Ow! Owie! My eye! Like, imagine the first time Jaws pops out of the water, it's like, OW! Fuck! Yeah, you can have paper cuts.
Starting point is 01:42:57 Who shoots a harpoon? Honestly! So good. And he has to be squeezing, my eyesight will come back in like two minutes and 30 seconds or something. I regenerate, but it's kind of slow. Just give it a minute. But this isn't the end of me.
Starting point is 01:43:15 And then he pulls the despisers like, but don't forget I have Maggie. And so he pulls Maggie out of this little fucking Fabergé egg cage that he's got. Yeah. That he then immediately smashes. So why was she even in the egg cage to begin with? He's just smashing her for effect. Like, look at it. I guess, yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:34 Get in there, please. It'll be really good when he gets here. Really distracting when she keeps dancing. Sometimes I need to close it up. So I'll just have it ready. And she's shrunk down to like half size because his Fabergé egg thing had to be a particular size in CGI. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:43:51 Apparently. So he throws her and then this is where Gordon explains his plan. He says, ha, but you know what? I happen to know that you don't have enough nuclear bombs to escape purgatory. Apparently he knows how many nukes it takes to escape purgatory off the top of his head. He was in the Navy. They teach you shit like that. They teach that in the Navy. Yeah. Yeah. So, but he's like, but if I, so if I blow up these nukes now, you'll lose all your nukes and everybody will get nuked and you won't even be able to get out of purgatory. Right. And he's like, Oh damn, don't let him do that.
Starting point is 01:44:21 It seems like you wouldn't arm it yet until you have enough of the missiles that you need. Well, all you have to do is drop them though, right? Or shoot them. There's no arming. You just, you know, touch them or whatever. Right, right. Exactly. Touch them hard. So the despiser starts yelling for the rag men to stop him. He says, I had to go back and count this. He says, stop him, rag men or stop him rag men 11 fucking
Starting point is 01:44:48 times in like the 90 seconds of this last 90 seconds of this fight it's incredible but ultimately he does pull out Chekhov's grenade he does I've come how would I completely forget that he does actually use the day he. Yes, to save the day. He throws it out where all the nukes are, and of course a grenade going off near a nuclear bomb makes it go off. You know, those damn nukes. Air triggers on those things. He is very lucky that the grenade had like a fuse, a timer that was long enough for it
Starting point is 01:45:21 to get all the way to the ground. Because it's flying through the air for a very long time. I wanted it to explode just when it's like coming down to level with the floor below where all the water is being stored. Right. Now, you didn't blow up the nukes and now all the water is draining out. This is a nightmare. Well, also he has to throw it out the window.
Starting point is 01:45:38 And have to replace those gutters now. Come on. This is why you can't get insurance, guys. So yeah, but then there's a huge nuclear explosion. There's a series of nuclear explosions, right? Fuck yeah there is. But we know that it's good nuclear explosions because there is a post nuke sparkle. And it's pink, which is the color of kryptonite, so you know you won.
Starting point is 01:46:05 Mm-hmm. Yeah, it's one of those good nuclear explosions, like the one in Hiroshima, if you listen to the American version of things. Yeah, right, right. So then we cut to somebody has, I guess, drugged Gordon out of the water and give him back on Earth, has drug him out of the water and given him CPR. So he's back in reality. It's morning now.
Starting point is 01:46:24 Just to be absolutely clear, it is morning. He's getting CPR, having been dragged out of the river. It is morning. It was the dead of night when he went into the river. How long has A, he been in that river, or B, has this guy been doing CPR? Eight hours of just constant CPR. Come on, I believe in you kid. You can come back. Matt McHenry I'm not giving up on you. Constant CPR. Come on, I believe in you kid. You can come back.
Starting point is 01:46:43 I'm not giving up on you. So he's out. But what about Maggie? Right. So he runs back to the hospital. Maggie is flatlining. But then he shows up and he's like, come on, Maggie, come home. And so she she's fine.
Starting point is 01:46:58 She comes back to life dramatically. She dramatically comes back to life. And then she goes like, Gordon, I dreamed you rescued me. And he's like, oh, fuck, that's just a dream. So I guess, I guess none of our problems are solved. You probably still hate my fucking guts though, then in real life, huh? And we're penniless and homeless and it's a real issue. I've got no job.
Starting point is 01:47:17 It's a real issue right now. Yeah. Yep. But don't worry about it because now Gordon is painting again. So we cut to his big gallery opening, which is how you know a painter's really made it. If they have a gallery opening. Just cut to Maggie's mom writing him a check for the rent again. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:47:34 Still an artist, huh? Yep. All of his art is incredibly shit. It's so bad. It's so, no. And then the very last one that we see is just a painting of all of like all the named characters from purgatory holding guns and looking at him. Yeah, it's amazing.
Starting point is 01:47:55 There's also, there's a moment here where Norm shows up and he's like, all right, man, you put a bunch of guns and grenades into my Jeep and you stole it. You drove off a bridge and no one ever found it. What the hell, man? Dick move, man. You have to pay me back for those cans of Hormel chili, by the way. I want those back. But like, Norm's having that conversation with, has he just blanked Norm for the months it's taken for him to get all this art together and organize a gallery exhibition? Has he
Starting point is 01:48:24 just not spoken to Norm? Right, he's like, you know what? I art together and organize a gallery exhibition. He's not spoken to Norm. Right. He's like, you know what? I'm going to his goddamn gallery opening. He's got to talk to me there. Well, I also like the other friend that we, I don't even think we even get a name for him. The other friend that's always with Norm, he just goes like, oh, are you still on about that? Come on, man. Once in a while, your friend steals all your grenades and crashes your car into a wormhole and you gotta move on, you know. I thought this was America.
Starting point is 01:48:54 And then we get one last shot of Nimbus and Charlie and Jake and Fumi all driving around in, I guess it's supposed to be heaven. It looks like Holland, so that's heaven, right? Well, they're in a pretty reasonable family saloon, which I guess makes it heaven. They're not in the fancy fast cars anymore, they don't need that. So they're in heaven. Right, right, yeah, exactly. Heaven is driving around with four people in just enough space in a mid-sized sedan. Yes, obviously. What is it for you, Heath?
Starting point is 01:49:28 I'm thinking of a person, place, and thing. Yes, right, right, right. Is it eternal paradise? It is eternal paradise. The green. Alright, well I guess that's going to do it for The Dispizer. I honestly, I was disappointed not to find out there was like a part two, three, four, and five to this motherfucker. Oh yeah, we need a series. Marsh, I hope you had as much fun as we did with this one.
Starting point is 01:49:47 Oh, this was incredible. Yeah, absolutely. This guy has an oeuvre of movies, by the way. Oh, excellent. They're not sequels to this, but he's done a bunch of stuff. Oh, I'm so happy. Wow, nice. All right, and of course, if you want to hear more from Mars, be sure to check out his new
Starting point is 01:50:01 podcast, The No Rogan Experience, which we're going to have linked on the show notes. If you want to know Rogan without actually listening to Joe Rogan, that's the place to go. So that's going to do it for our review of the Dispizer. That's not going to do it for the episode just yet though, because we still need to do this to ourselves again next week. So Heath, tell us what's on deck. We're going to be watching Hidden Secrets in our shared calendar,
Starting point is 01:50:24 by the way. Eli puts descriptions in sometimes next to it when he pastes a movie in the description says David AR White won't fuck his new girlfriend because his old one is dead okay that's all it says that sounds pretty Valentine's Day romantic it's gonna come out several days afterwards but Eli was was trying. I get it. I get it. So that's a look forward to programming episode four ninety three to a merciful close. Once again, a huge thanks to Mars.
Starting point is 01:50:50 Again, be sure to check out the show notes for links to more of his stuff and an even huge thanks to all the Patreon donors to help make the show go. If you'd like to count yourself among their ranks, you can make a prep so donation of Patreon dot com slash got awful and thereby early access to an entry version of our episode. You can also help a ton by leaving a five star review and by sharing the show on all your various social media platforms. And if you enjoyed this show, be sure to check out our sibling shows, The Skating Atheist, Citation-Needed, D&D Minus, and The Scepticrat, available wherever podcasts live. If you have questions, comments, or cinematic suggestions, you can email Goddalf from moviesandgmail.com. Tim Robertson takes care of our social media.
Starting point is 01:51:17 Our theme song is written and performed by Ryan Slotnick of Evil Giraffes on Mars. All the other music was written and performed by our audio engineer Morgan Clark and was used with permission. Thanks again for giving us a chunk of your life this week for Heath Enright, Neil Abosnick, I'm an illusionist, promise to work hard to earn another chunk next week, until then, we'll leave you with a Breakfast Club close. Donald Trump invited the despiser to meet on Capitol Hill to talk about strategy going forward for that region. The despiser gave Trump a detonator figurine as a gift.
Starting point is 01:51:50 Norm went on to have to get all new grenades. Gordon's new art career was going fine until AI came along and completely replaced him, leading him to drive his car into the river again, but for real this time.

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