Going Deep with Chad and JT - DRAFT: Best Comedy Movies of All Time - EP 351

Episode Date: July 17, 2024

#goingdeepwithchadandjt #podcast #comedy Today we are joined by Chris and Strider to Draft the Best Comedy Movies of All time. Each list is very unique to each person depending on past experiences. T...hey will HAVE to give a dank reasoning behind each one to get the judges approval. Today we have a LIVE chat voting by chat and we also call Mr.Cream aka Aaron to see what his decision on who wins is!   LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW ON WHO YOU THINK WON!! We are live streaming a Fully unedited version of the pod on Twitch, if you want to chat with us while we're recording, follow here: https://www.twitch.tv/chadandjtgodeep Grab some dank merch here:https://shop.chadandjt.com/ Come see us on Tour! San Diego this Weekend - 5 shows! http://www.chadandjt.com TEXT OR CALL the hotline with your issue or question: 323-418-2019(Start with where you're from and name for best possible advice) Check out the reddit for some dank convo: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChadGoesDeep/ Here is the Total Draft Standings: (s/o HandA on reddit)Chad: 8 wins JT: 7 wins Strider: 7 wins Chris Parr: 7 winsBrad Fuller: 1 Win (The Ultimate Champ)Joe Marrese: 0 Wins (THE PEOPLES CHAMP) Thanks to Our Sponsors: HomeChef- the Best MealKits 18 free meals + Dessert for Life https//www. homechef.com/godeep MagicMind, Easy Rider, Botanic Tonics

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up guys? Welcome to the podcast. We have an excellent, excellent comedy movie draft happening. But first, I want to give a shout out to our sponsor, Home Chef. Home Chef, what up? You guys are the best in meal kit prep. I freaking love Home Chef. I made broccoli and chicken with parmesan sprig on it. It was very fun. Very sick. Very good ingredients. Very tasty. What up, Home Chef? Home Chef meals are effortless, even for someone like me who isn't making it on Top Chef anytime soon.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Hey. Yeah, why'd they write that in? They keep writing that and I'm like, stop. You know what it is? Oh, it's so people who buy it who don't feel like they're good cooks will then get it. Oh, okay, yeah. Respect.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Okay, thank you, Home Chef. Yeah, for a limited time, Home Chef is offering our listeners 18 free meals plus free dessert for life, and of course, free shipping on your first box. Go to homechef.com slash go deep. That's homechef.com slash go deep
Starting point is 00:00:52 for 18 free meals and free dessert for life. Homechef.com slash go deep must be an active subscriber to receive free dessert. Also, we got a new sponsor, Botanic Tonics. If you see that in here, this is a feel free classic Stoke drink, plant-based herbal supplement. So, check out Botanic Tonics.
Starting point is 00:01:16 That's what you see right here. Let's start the show. What's your dream? Going deep, Chad and JT. Guys, let's friggin twist my nipples and make me cum. What's up? Dude, I've never been that explicit, but welcome to the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. I'm here with my compositors, John Thomas, what up? Boom clap, Stokers. Here with the Titan of the T-Dart, Stradar Wilson. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:01:50 And the captain of the Keynesian era, Chris Parr. Hey. Nice. You got a lot. It's true. Yeah. Got a lot of friends. Let's fricking rock and roll, dude.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Should we do rock, paper, scissors, get it rolling? I think we should first address the large event that happened this weekend. What happened? President T, someone tried to assassinate the probable president. Yeah. I mean, the foresight on him to give the fist pump, genius.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Yeah. When he did that, I was like, oh my God, dude. And then- You can't teach that. No, it's just way to think on his feet. Yeah. It was crazy, dude. Some of the, I was on Twitter just just looking Saw like a photo of the guy like
Starting point is 00:02:47 After he got I saw a video of like the counter sniper. Yeah all that Yeah, so then it was like graphic. I didn't know what it was probably shouldn't have clicked I'll say this. Oh you saw a photo of the shooter. Oh really like a close-up. Yeah Wow But like you saw that interview where people were like said they were like pointing. Yeah. Trying to like signal is crazy. Did it shake you guys up at all? A little bit like I was like damn like the fact that he lived I think was like very good.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Yeah. But it was just crazy. I think somebody said that this it was a shard of glass in his ear but I don't know if it was a bullet that like it hit like the you you know, like protective glass that they have around speakers, but I don't know if that's true. I just heard someone say that, but that would make sense to me. But it's an awful thing. It's weird. It's also like we've never have we seen it? Reagan was the last one to get shot, right? Yeah. So we haven't seen it, although it's actually kind of like, it happens, which is crazy that it happens, but we just never experienced that before.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Yeah, it's sort of something that political violence, you didn't really, like the temperature's been turning up for a bit since like 2016, but I mean, the idea of a, I guess it's something you always think of like when it happened, you're sort of, you're surprised, but you're also kind of like, you know, things have been pretty volatile for a while. So I wouldn't say I was like surprised, but also not surprised. Yeah. He's such a divisive figure. I'm not surprised that somebody took a shot at him, but here it's like,
Starting point is 00:04:36 for it to actually happen. Yeah. And, and if, if he had been hit, that would have been awful. So I'm glad, I'm glad the guy, you know, I'm glad it wasn't. Yeah, it just felt like the last thing we needed. Totally. It was like an incident like that that will galvanize more excitement, more anger, more divisiveness. Yeah. Probably more conspiracy theories.
Starting point is 00:05:01 Oh yeah, they were already flying. I was on a text write, it's like even even my more level headed buddies were like, dude, this was planned. They're like Republicans plan. I'm like, I don't know, man. It pretty risky, bro. Yeah. It bums me out when people go into their like kind of a, the safety of their like party thinking. Yeah. And they're like, Oh, well, like he kind of deserved it because of this or like, or like, well, this and that. And I'm like, look, there's tons of context for all of it, but at its core, I don't like
Starting point is 00:05:30 living in a place where things like that are happening. Yeah. We're now, you know, it's fucking nuts. It's all about being able to disagree peacefully and settle it in the, the chambers of whatever fucking Congress. Yeah. And the ballot. So, very bad.
Starting point is 00:05:48 It's not real. Also, like Secret Service, I mean, they're, they totally fucked up. How do you miss that guy? I don't know. I mean, if those people are telling the truth that they were like, look over the air. Yeah. Look over the air. I mean, it's a total like, how do you, how do you mess, like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:08 It's like one rooftop. You can't. Yeah, that part bummed me out too, where I was like, I guess in my head, it's almost like fantasy where I'm like, oh, the Secret Service is the most elite of the elite. Nothing bad is going to happen to our leaders as long as they're on watch. Yeah. And then for someone to kind of slip through the cracks like that and be within like close range and be able to get that many shots off, that kind of like shook up my maybe naive confidence in a...
Starting point is 00:06:39 Yeah. David Goggins, I watched a video by David Goggins on it where he was talking about, this kid was 20, he doesn't know what he's doing, he doesn't know why he's doing it. It's all kind of, I think, especially with like, the news and people being more and more isolated and stuff. It's like, when you're in community, when you're in the world with people, it feels, you're like, oh,
Starting point is 00:07:06 all that stuff online is just, that's just like, that's just people talking. But when you're in the real, you connect with human beings. And I think it's kind of a time for people to time for people to realize that we need community. We can't be isolated on our phones getting angry online and then expect things. No, it does seem like he's a lone shooter. The textbook example that seems... Makes me give more credence to like, Lee Harvey Oswald. Yeah. Like was he just a lonely guy?
Starting point is 00:07:50 Right. See one photo of this guy. Although the video that's going around of the guy I guess isn't actually the guy, but the photo's real. But some guy apparently went on Twitter posted a video of himself pretending like he was the guy cause they look alike. I kind of like that you can't see too much
Starting point is 00:08:05 of the shooter too, because then you get these repeat incidents or morons being like, you know, people that have problems or mental issues are in selling on the internet too much. Yeah. Like, this would be my time. I'm like, dude, no, none of that. Don't celebrate this guy. Like, yes, we should maybe know his agenda
Starting point is 00:08:21 so we know all the facts, but like, just fuck it. Don't make him famous. Well, yeah, and we, I was talking to people about that this weekend. Like if you go check out all the JFK stuff in Dallas, it's mostly oriented around Harvey Oswald. Like you do a tour, I did a tour of his journey after the shot,
Starting point is 00:08:39 where you just go around to like his little like bunkhouse that he stayed in, you go to the movie theater where he got caught, you follow his track and try to see if it's like plausible timing wise. So I hear you. It's um. Oh, that's weird. Yeah. And I hope they don't do that with this guy, but it's like this inevitable part of like tourism andy tourism. Yeah, it's uh
Starting point is 00:09:13 It's really sad. Yeah. All right, but I'm glad I'm glad he's alive and I'm glad he was unsuccessful and the shooter and Hopefully we can move in a positive direction from this Yeah, be nice. All right, guys. Well, let's have a tonic for all the bummer vibes that might have sprawled off of this nasty moment. And let's give the folks listening something
Starting point is 00:09:38 fun to think about. Guys, today we are doing maybe our biggest draft of all time. We all love comedy. We do comedy. And today we're going to pick the best cuts of it. The best comedy movies of all time. People have been asking for it. And we're going to give it to you. I'm nervous, dude. Let's go. How's your evens? I don't want first. Chris, put that phone down and get your hand ready. Oh shit, my pants are ass. Nevermind, I'm ready. One, two, three, shoot. Ooh, one, two, three, shoot.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Oh, did I get the fourth pick? No. We all did twos. He did one. I did one. Oh, okay, you're going for it. Shit on my dick. One, two, three.
Starting point is 00:10:25 Oh, Trey. Oh, da, da, da, da. This is the first time I've been in a rock, paper, you're going for it. Shit on my dick. One, two, three. Oh, Trey. Oh, da, da, da, da. This is the first time I've been in a rock, paper, scissors. Okay, how do you do it? Your eyes are alive. Shoot, dude, I, shoot. Okay, so you call it. All right, rock, paper, scissors, shoot.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Oh. I said I wanted number one and I got number one. All right, baby, coming in hot. This movie walked so others could run. It was the first movie that popped into my head when I saw the trailers. When I saw this on the text thread, I'm going Caddyshack. Oh, no. It's an all-time cast. It's all-time directors, all-time monologues, unbelievably
Starting point is 00:11:02 quotable. I thought to myself, if I was on a desert island and I had a DVD player and I could pop in one DVD, this might be it. It's got boobies, it's got tons of laughs, it's zany. It's a story that's relatable about, the only unfunny dude in it is the guy Danny, the main guy who wants to get to college. But everything around him is amazing. It has one of my favorite things in comedy,
Starting point is 00:11:33 which is a funny villain. And the judge in this movie, his performance is unreal. And the lore around this comedy, I think there's one or two makings of Caddyshack. And it was just like a rock and roll party in the 70s. Like Bill Murray's on set for like, they're like, he's on set for four days. He comes in, he does Carl Spackler. He does these monologues. The rewrites for the movie, like it was very true to how the comedy is. Like you write one thing, you shoot one thing, you edit another, like the gopher through line came in way later. It's so funny.
Starting point is 00:12:10 You got this crazy dancing gopher. And it's got amazing writing. It's got Dangerfield. It's his first movie ever. He's fucking crushing biggest comic at the time. Besides like Murray and Chevy. They didn't even have a scene together. Harold Ramos, the director's like, we gotta fucking get the two biggest stars in a scene. And they hated each other at the time from SNL. They sort of like make amends a little bit, come in and do this improvised scene where like fucking Chevy Chase's character
Starting point is 00:12:39 shanks a ball into Bill Murray's like weird living lair, like his shed. And they have a great improvised scene that's like iconic. So unbelievable ensemble performances, individual performances, and perhaps one of the best comedic monologues from one of the best, the ultimate dude of Riz, which is Bill Murray hitting the shit out
Starting point is 00:13:02 of those pussy wheels or whatever it is talking about. He seemed to write a story and just doing it. It's like, he's getting about 250 though. He's getting about a seven iron. Yeah. I think you nailed it, man. And I agree. I think performance wise, it's definitely for me, my number one comedy of all time, the best funniest people all thrown a hundred miles an hour. I don't know if it's ever been matched across the board performance wise. Exactly. And it's tough to create a vehicle for everyone to shine because there's ego in comedy. There's ego. That's why Murray and Chevy don't like each other, but they're all Chevy Chase is doing his weird zany nah, nah, nah, nah,
Starting point is 00:13:41 thing. And you have room for everyone to do everything. Yeah, that's true. Everyone just kind of gets to be wacky in their own way. And if you like, nobody steps on each other, it all just coalesces into some, it's just funny. And then quote abilities through the room. I remember we were on vacation one time and people were in like the pool at the hotel hitting a ball around and people were just quoting Caddyshack and being able to look at each other like, these people are cool. We speak the same language. Yes So fucking sick probably my all-time favorite in a sports comedy movie, which I like I think I drafted him when we did sports movies It's good. It's fucking great. I'm out
Starting point is 00:14:16 I rewatched it a couple years ago and it was like what it's one of those movies where you're you're like the the belly laughs, it's aged so well and it gives you belly laughs where you're like, oh man, this is like, this is it. You watch some comedy movies where you're like, but then this is like, you're like, this is a masterpiece. This is like undeniable. That's true, like older ones, especially like pre 1980,
Starting point is 00:14:42 you'll watch Animal House and it's good, but I'm like, sometimes I don't even know what's supposed to be so funny about it. Right. Whereas Caddyshack, the moment I watched it, I was like, this is hilarious. I still relate to this. It's got one liners, but yeah, it's like raucous. It's kind of like fratty and things are happening, but exactly.
Starting point is 00:14:59 I'm like, what's hilarious? Like the pimple thing with Belushi. I'm like, maybe it created the template for modern comedy, which kind of really developed into the eighties. And it was the first one. It's almost like Lenny Bruce was standup. Where when he listened to it, he was like, this sounds out of date.
Starting point is 00:15:10 It's like, yeah, but it's set it up. So for what could follow. And slapstick, I love slapstick humor. It's so, I miss slapstick. But it's still got poop jokes with the baby Ruth. Even as a kid, my dad, every time we go to the pool, he's like, you're gonna throw baby Ruth in there? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:29 I want a hot dog. I want a hamburger. I want French fries. You'll have nothing, you'll like it. I mean, and- Judge smells, dude. Oh, the priest with the cardinal. Oh, dude, when he goes on his thing,
Starting point is 00:15:42 yeah, it's an amazing scene, dude. Chevy Chase, I mean, Chevy Chase and his Prime was amazing. He's sinking all the putts. Unfortunately, he became such a fucking Jabba the Hutt weirdo. What can you do, man? Just gotta tune him out, watch Caddyshack. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Everyone has their moment. Christopher. Dude, I'm going with a movie that. Don't you do it. I don't think... You don't need to know anything about anything because it's universal. It's a whole movie of basically people slipping on banana peels. You know, it'll never not be funny. You could show it to anyone from any time period. It's always funny to see someone get hit in the nuts and I don't think that'll ever change and I'm going jackass Whoa Cuz it will never
Starting point is 00:16:33 There's nothing that could happen that will make this age poorly. It is unbelievable. It is so funny It's just they are funny guys and they have good jokes and like outside of like them just running into stuff really hard. But it is the crux of it is just dudes doing really dumb shit. Yeah, it's like lots of lots of poop tricks. Just like the dumbest shit imaginable and it's so funny. And then you just get a bonus of them being a good hang and being funny. Yeah, that's what I was going to say.
Starting point is 00:17:08 When I think about these movies or a comedy, I think about if I'm at a sleepover and I'm going to put something on with my buddies, this is kind of the ultimate that experience. Yeah, but also I watched it with my mother-in-law and we're both crying, laughing. And she's going like, oh my God, that's disgusting. But she's also laughing as hard as you can laugh. And when I saw this in theaters, I don't know if I've ever laughed so hard. I mean, I was also, I mean, when did this movie come out? 2003? Okay. So I mean, I was in a nice sweet spot where I was like... The hardness of the laughs in the theater too, it was literally like pain.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Like I was... Oh yeah. My stomach was hurting. I didn't think I could laugh any harder or something like my rib was going to rip. Yeah, I was in pain. I was laughing so hard. Dude, the air horn at the golf course. Oh yeah, for real.
Starting point is 00:18:02 I think I was like, if you fucking blow that, I'm going to launch one right at you. What did I tell you? And then he does it. So then the guy tees one up and goes to launch it and you just hear him going like, oh shit, he's like. And then right as the guy goes to swing, they blow it again. The air horn, I mean, when he takes a dump in the toilet. Oh, the close up one?
Starting point is 00:18:21 Yeah. The fireworks in Bam's dad's van. That's so funny. Oh, the close-up one? Yeah, the fireworks in Bam's dad's van. That's so funny. I mean, it's just like, you can't beat that kind of humor. Oh, and it ends with the guy doing the, with Dunn, doing the car up his butt. The toy car up his butt. Oh my gosh, yeah. And getting an x-ray.
Starting point is 00:18:43 I don't remember eating that. You can't eat that. No, it's only... The x-ray is a good animal. The x-ray is so good. Can we put an image of that up in the pod, Jay? So funny. Alright Chad, you're up.
Starting point is 00:19:02 I mean, it's tough. I feel like, number one spot, I feel like I have to go with a classic. So I'm gonna go with airplane. Yeah, good one. I was hoping to get that. I love airplane. Again, slapstick humor. It's a, dude, I was watching, I mean, there's so many, there's so many iconic moments
Starting point is 00:19:25 in there. And Leslie Nielsen, I love that type of humor. You know, he's like, I mean, well, okay, he was like the pilot. He's like, have you ever seen a grown man naked? Oh yeah. I've been to a Turkish prison. And then he's like, I'm sure, don't call me Shirley or whatever it is. Shirley, you can't be serious. Shirley, I am serious and don't call me Shirley. I love Leslie Nelson is one of my favorite comedic actors and I watched this as a kid.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Even as a kid, I got it and it's a movie that still holds up. It's a classic. I think it kind of set the tone for comedic movies moving forward. I think it's very foundational to what we watch today. So I got to pay homage. It's great. It's one of those that's timeless too, where it's like everything they're talking about is zany and funny and like, you know, when the whole scene where the girl's like everything they're talking about is zany and funny. And like, you know, when the whole one, the scene where the girl's like hysterical with turbulence and they just take turns slapping her in the whole plane, they're like, they're like, I'll just take shifts slapping the lady.
Starting point is 00:20:33 The autopilot. Yeah, it's so good. You got the nun reading like next to the kid. And it's smart, stupid. Yeah. Yes. Like where it's the dumbest bits, but they play it so funny. Yeah. So straight. Yeah, the straight, that dumbest bits but they play it so funny. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:46 So straight. Yeah, the straight, that's the thing. They play it so straight, so good. The commitment. And Leslie Nielsen was like a, before this he was like a very serious actor so it was like for him to do this was big. His delivery is incredible. He's so funny.
Starting point is 00:20:59 He's so funny. The naked guns too. Oh yeah, the naked guns incredible. Since I always watch naked gun before I really had seen airplanes. So like they just put those. They're naked guns. They're both correct answers. And they're both in the same, they both do like kind of the same shtick. I do think airplanes are so funny.
Starting point is 00:21:13 The one like if you were giving people a course on it, that would be the main part. Yeah. I love that movie. You know, with an ex, I- Which one? I'm not going to say because this is going to be mean. Yeah. I tried to show her naked gun and she's like, what is this? Oh, I don't think it's going to work.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Yeah, it's not going to work, dude. Later. You don't get it. You're out. You're out. She had an IUD, so it wasn't even menstruating. Those things will back you up. Good pick. All right, dudes.
Starting point is 00:21:51 I'm going to go with a touching coming of age tale that was in a renaissance of comedy films, but to me stands out amongst the heap as the best and the most timeless. It had a brilliant performance. It was super relatable and bits of plenty. It has such a soft spot in my heart. I'm going to go with super bad. Yeah, great movie, dude. Great movie.
Starting point is 00:22:17 That, that, that Apatow era. So good. Yeah. Yeah. And you know, it kind of was late in the Apatow movies. So by when I watched it the first time, I knew it was hilarious. I knew I loved it, but it was just kind of like in the stew of all of them. But now when I think back, I'm like, man, that was a perfect movie.
Starting point is 00:22:35 And like to capture Sarah and Jonah Hill, they were so young, but they had such a, like just right away at the beginning when they're talking to each other and Michael Cera is complaining about the cinematography and the porn. And then Jonah Hill's character goes, I'm sorry, the Coen brothers aren't directing it. Like right away I was like, oh, this is it. I feel like we had had those conversations with Robbie, like us, we had conversations exactly like that, that I was like, and like it came out, I think the year
Starting point is 00:23:05 I was graduating from high school. So like it lined up so well and I was like, this is like not actually, but like, this is it. Like, this is my life. And it casted so well, like across the board, like Emma Stone as a love interest, she just popped off the screen. I was like, Oh, and then I hadn't seen a ton of Bill Hader yet. Kevin Corrigan, all the stuff at the party. When Sarah's got his thing, he's like, my brother's in town from Tucson. You're not going to sing for him? Bro, when he's all coked out so good. Oh, I've been dying for a fight.
Starting point is 00:23:40 I got to see these warlocks and then they're just sprinting. Yeah. The Joe LaFroglio guy, the way he kneels over and he's like, you look like, what's his name? Dude, his acting is so good there. Dude, the way they cut to that, when they're the Ted and Eugene music cue and they cut to that hard 35 year old dude just at the party like this is amazing, dude. And they walk in, you're like, dude. McLovin, dude. McLovin. He's so fucking funny.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Well, Hamid's the most common name in the world. Read a fucking book. McLovin? Yeah, it was either that or Muhammad. Why the fuck would it be Muhammad? There's one small moment I love when the guy's on coke and he's singing. He's like, these eyes.
Starting point is 00:24:15 And then it shows the one guy goes, wah wah. Oh, dude. And then, you know, it's, it's got a good heart too. Like the ending is touching when they're on the escalator. Yeah. The, the Apatow movies were so good at just seeding that stuff and then painted off. You're like, why am I being moved by this? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:31 And their fights really good. Their fights are cool. And then it gets broken up by the cops hitting them with the car. When they have them down on the ground, it's first shit. And then McLovin comes out of the car smoking a cigarette and slow mo and he sees his friends and they're like, oh, he looks so cool, he pops out. And he pops out and he goes, oh, and he's coming.
Starting point is 00:24:53 It's all so funny. And you know what I love in a comedy is like the ephemeral comedy movie that takes place over like a day or a night. Like I love like the real timeness of it. I love that in a comedy movie really, but I think it's so awesome. It's so good.
Starting point is 00:25:15 All right, for my next pick, I'm gonna go silly slapstick. I'm gonna go influential. I'm gonna go like opening comedy doors in my brain. Like, whoa, I didn't know you could think like that. I didn't know you could mess with the formula like that. And I don't even know if these guys would be my guys, but I look up to them
Starting point is 00:25:34 because of the way they look at things. I'm going wet hot American summer. Great movie, dude. Good call. Yeah. Great call, dude. Like so many different kinds of jokes, playing with like the thing that they're riffing on is so specific, but that made it more special. Like it was so
Starting point is 00:25:49 left to center. And then the performances, like for me, Ken Marino is in my top three comedic performers of all time. Yeah. And then this had a crazy cast. Insane. Like the eye on David Wayne to put like Christopher Maloney in there Bradley Cooper Paul Rudd Like before he was really doing comic early Amy Poehler like he just had such a good eye for who was funny Janine Garofalo was probably the biggest name at the time and even like David Hyde Pierce would be on Frazier for like ever and like I didn't and he's it's such a good part And it's so fun. It's like there's a million people. Joe LaTulio again. It's like, it's so fucking funny. Paul Rudd's character. The best. Oh, he's whatever. And
Starting point is 00:26:31 that's my favorite scene. I mean, it's always being replayed on like TikTok and stuff. But when Jeanine Garofalo makes some cleanup in the lunch hall. He finishes lunch and he just throws his plate to the side. You gotta pick that up. The physicality of the picking stuff is so good. And Bradley Cooper's gay too. Yeah. Yeah. It's like ahead of its time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Elizabeth Banks, dude. She's here. Oh, she's in it too. Yeah. Yeah. Producer. When they make plans for like 20 years in the future and then they're like. Oh yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:27:02 Okay. But like, are we say, let's say 930 for 10 It's like why don't we just say 10 and make your peas and cues to be there on time Yeah, exactly in our 30s and sounds like alright, but we have to stick to 10. Alright, cuz I have something 1130 Yeah, I've already moved it twice. I don't want to move it again. It's great. It's so good Yeah, and I think it kind of shifted comedy a little bit too my favorite joke is when they're playing capture the flag and it's and it's just a bunch of slow mo and then all of a sudden you see a Jamaican sprinter
Starting point is 00:27:32 sprint into the screen and grab the flag and take off. The chef is the best dude. The chef just fucking yeah with the can talking to him so good. The chef just fucking, yeah, with the can, talking to him, so good. All right, nice. And then humping the fridge. Chad, you're up, dude. Oh, me? Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:27:51 I gotta whiz real quick. You got time, you got time. Shit. Fuck, what do I do? This is a tough one. Oh my God, dude. I think I just gotta go personal. I think you gotta go personal with a list like this, dude.
Starting point is 00:28:03 I think I'm just trying to please a a couple of my boys with the pics. I know. And like not you. No, no. Can't please me. Can't be pleased. I gotta go with... He's never done it.
Starting point is 00:28:16 I gotta go with... This movie, when this movie came out, this changed... I don't know if there was ever like I can't remember a movie coming out where that there's a couple I can think of. But this is up there where it's like everyone was talking about everyone was quoting it
Starting point is 00:28:34 being in the theater. People were dying laughing. It's it was just next level. I go with Anchorman. Oh yeah. Dude. That's a romper. Milk was a bad choice.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Oh yeah, dude. I mean, you guys saw in theaters, Anchorman. Oh, great. I mean, you guys see in theaters? I do, oh yeah, oh yeah. The theater was going insane. Oh yeah, bro. I can't remember the theater ever like,
Starting point is 00:28:59 like it's, it's. When the News Network guys, that whole battle sequence. Oh, that was so fun. So good. up to you watch it again it's I mean did the Sex Panther yeah dude I was gonna say Paul Rudd again you just be an absolute beast yeah all these movies Steve Carell on this dude he just is like completely monotone. Years later. Handicapped. Rick, you killed a guy. Oh yeah, there was a horse and a fire and I killed a guy with a trident. With the trident in his throat. And then he cuts me, he gets the guy in the chest and then he just cuts back and he just smiles. And then the fact that they make the panda thing, the biggest story of all time.
Starting point is 00:29:43 I love it. Such a good choice. Paul Rudd. Panda watch. San Diego, a great setting for it too. Yeah, dude. I mean, I still say whale's vagina. Of course. I still say, would you get your clothes at the toilet store? I forgot about that one. What did you say? He's gonna say I'm gonna punch you right in the vagina. Did you say that to her? Oh, yeah. I just made that one. What did he say? He says, I'm going to punch you right in the vagina. Did you say that to her?
Starting point is 00:30:05 Oh, yeah. That's funny when they're talking shit to each other. That's it. The credits are rolling so you can't see them. I even wrote in my journal last night, Veronica made a very funny joke. Yeah, when he kicks the dog, too. It's so funny.
Starting point is 00:30:18 I love the outtake, too, where he kicks it straight up into the air. And he just smacks it over with his hands. He just hit me with a burrito, bros. The fact that it's so clearly of stuffed animal too when he kicks it. It's so funny. Like a lot of the best comedies too, I didn't get it right away. I liked it when I saw it in theaters, but then it took me a couple of rewatches for me to catch its rhythm and all of its jokes. That's what happens I I feel like, with really good comedies is like you laugh, like the funny parts are really funny, but then like the ten, like the funniest part are the times in between.
Starting point is 00:30:54 They're in between the biggest jokes that you get on the first one because people just say hilarious little things in between. And like with movies that are this funny, like that you quote the most, like the most obviously funny parts, but then you'll see other parts that you like quoting as you watch it multiple times and it ages. Like you find like little moments, you're like, actually my favorite part is like this little like throwaway line that this person said.
Starting point is 00:31:18 Yeah. And. You can actually gauge how cool someone is when you meet them by how deep their reference is. Right. True. Like if they do one of the top 10 lines, you're like, oh, you're just programmed by whatever's obvious.
Starting point is 00:31:27 But then you'll hear someone just like, pick out a small, like left to center line from dialogue and you're like, you're a cool guy. Yeah, you get it. When your voice is like, Yaz flute, you're like, oh, interesting, all right. Like you're paying attention to stuff in your own way. Yeah, I gotta change.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Like you're in a whole other category than I ever is. All right, Chris, you're up. Oh, shit. There's so many good ass choices, dude. Dude, are all these lists too American? Get out of here. I'm not following. You know what, dude? Because when I did my first list. I know this. Yeah, exactly. I had three foreign films on there. And then I punched myself in the face. Exactly. No, in the shoulder.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Are we doing five? You have a dead arm, dude. Yeah. Are we doing five? Looks like we're set up for five. I'm, I'm, I'm. I'll fuck around with five. Do we want to do five?
Starting point is 00:32:18 This is the rare case where I'm like. Maybe it's good just to have your Mount Rushmore. Cause I feel like I'm going to bungle my list. If I'm on the fifth one, it's going to be something that people don't, you know what? Dude, you know what? I'm going to ride the lightning. I'm going to MacGruber, dude. Whoa!
Starting point is 00:32:29 I'm going early with MacGruber, dude. So you probably could have waited, but I'll tell you right now. Luke, you went personal fast. Who cares? It's hilarious. I'm going, I'm going like with what I just think is hilarious. Also this is a Michael Pennex pick right here. Also Luke just got married and the Connor boys
Starting point is 00:32:46 They fucking love Them laughing at the movie. It's so good. I saw this it is the funniest movie It is it is it bro. It might be the funniest movie That's the thing is like I think Look, it might be early if you're looking at if you're looking if you're Googling and you're reading a GQ article, best comedy movies of all time, this may not even crack the list, but guess what? They're wrong. It is the funniest movie.
Starting point is 00:33:11 It is. They're wrong. It's so funny. The Jericho part. MacGruber and your dick jokes. I love saying them. I love hearing them. That's why I say them.
Starting point is 00:33:19 That's why I listen. The comedy genius and MacGruber is there's always just an extra beat. Like the joke happens and you think they're going to cut out of it, and then they throw in one more line and then one more line and you're like... And then when it hits you what they're doing, you just start cracking up. Exactly to that one, Val Kommer's character, Conferry, he has Kristen Wiig tied up, Vicki St. Elmo tied up, but she's like, stick it where the sun don't shine. And Conferry goes, oh yeah, where would that be?
Starting point is 00:33:45 And she goes, your butt. Your butt hole. Her character's so hilarious in it, dude. She's so good. And the thing is, I can sing the whole. One is a magical number, but two is a crowd that's true, but three is the perfect number for sure. If it's me, you two kids.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Oh, fuck, I fucked it up. She's so funny though. I love it. God damn it. That was a big one, dude. I know, I messed it up. Fuck. The way he bones.
Starting point is 00:34:16 Oh, him boning. It's the funniest thing. I'ma shoot. I'ma shoot. And then when he's having the fantasy and then he just cuts to him alone in a graveyard Before they bone she's just a pair of pliers in his thigh try to pull out a bullet. Yeah She's like the group her oh my god She's saying he just says it, leave it. I like holes.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Yeah, I like holes. It's so funny. He's so weird too. Like it's such a, you really look at Will Forte differently afterwards where you're like, what's going on in that guy's head? That he was able to come up with all that stuff. Which one of the best jokes is him with the license plate? Yeah, KFR 3.9.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Ryan Fulipa finds it later. He's like, oh my God. The first page of his book is clues and then it's just one, two, three, but it's empty. And then the next. It's the funniest you could. Yeah, I think I'm just going to go with super personal. Yeah, you listen to what makes you laugh. Those are the funniest movies. Dude, it's so good. It's the hardest laughs. Strider, you're up with two, bro. I know, dude. Okay, I'm gonna go with one that's just fucking awesome.
Starting point is 00:35:32 It's a banger for me. I'm going Tropic Thunder, dude. Nice pick. It's so fucking good. The performances are incredible. What Robert Downey does is unreal. Jack Black's character. And dude, and like, and it's just a sick fucking movie. Like the action, like you watch this movie, it's like, it's unreal. Jack Black's character and dude and like, and
Starting point is 00:35:45 it's just a sick fucking movie like the action like you watch this movie. It's like it's unreal. And you know me I love what I love a war movie. So it was tough for me not to take this number one but dude in the commentary that it has about filmmaking is really smart. And it's just a well that's it Ben Stiller is a great filmmaker and he wants to be Martin Scorsese and you can feel that when you're watching this. And you're like, oh, this is a dude
Starting point is 00:36:07 who like wants to make serious movies and they're making him make this. So he's going to make it as big and as serious as possible. It's pretty fucking sick. I probably told you. Even the way they did the previews up top. They're so funny. I remember I kept pissing off my parents
Starting point is 00:36:22 because like I just couldn't stop saying booty sweat. Like we were in Spain Spain I was like booty sweat Downey Jr. Greatest one of the greatest comedic performance of all the other than a Julian said oh, yeah Dude what when he's when he's himself in like the Maria Menuna's e-interview and he's like, you know Like I would say that my job is any different from a plumber construction work except my tools are the ones that unlock human emotion And then the Tom Cruise part Arms it I mean tropical it's like one of my favorite movies I was gonna be on my list for sure. It's just so absurd. I think it's my favorite
Starting point is 00:37:11 Shift to send is a survive from this. Oh my god It's also like the characters been shot like 40 times. Yeah, just cuts the rob down a journey goes down in Germany goes, survive, survive. So many times there's no, like there's no possible way. And dude, you've got, like Danny McBride is in this being a pyro. Yeah. You got, not Nolte, who's the fucking guy? Oh, Steve Coogan's the director, but Nick Nolte isn't it? I was confused with Busey.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Danny McBride. Yeah. Did you just say it? Quillett said a lot where he's like, oh, you're not in the hotel for a leave? He goes, beds give me nightmares. You know, probably the riskiest of all the comedies we have up here right now too. Yeah. Like took the most chances in offending people. Yeah. And there's things in this movie that you like, like the Robert Downey Jr. thing. It feels like it might be coming back now, but there was a stretch there where you're like, I can't believe they got away with that.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Totally. Dude, one of the best parts. You're not supposed to, he shouldn't have done that is clear in the movie. They do do it, but in the movie, everyone's like, dude, why did you, you should not have done this. And the hard, hard joke that they're doing when he's simple Jack and they make him. But the whole, the monologue about never go full retard is like, there's enough to it that you're like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:24 It's really smart. It's hard to argue with it. Yeah, how you get it like, like. The writing is there, the writing is there. Chomped the pants off Nixon, that's not retarded. Dude, that's incredible dude. Well what's the name? Lance, look at you, Lance.
Starting point is 00:38:40 What the fuck did I just hear, Lance? Dude, it's so good too. And then Jack Black, same movie, it's so good too. And then Jack Black, uh, he said maybe it's only about farts. It's about family and fuck you, you can't do what I do. He's so fucked. When he's tied to the tree, dude, come here, all swallowy,
Starting point is 00:38:56 dude, his mom, it's so good. Do you remember three weeks ago when I said your mother was a canker as whore? I'm sorry. Alright, Sheth, what's your next pick? Alright, for my next pick, I'm gonna go with Fuck, Shrestha, what's your next pick? All right, for my next pick, I'm going to go with Fawke, dude. This is where things get so scary, dude. This is where things get a little scary, a little hairy. But you know what I'm going to go with?
Starting point is 00:39:16 I'm going with another movie that I watched with the boys and from two of maybe the most comedic geniuses of all time. I'm going to go with Team America, World Police. I'm so glad I got picked. It's one of the funniest fucking movies I've ever seen in my life. Dude, when the dolls are having sex, I think I cry. I think I was crying.
Starting point is 00:39:36 I was like, this is, the positions that they do, dude. It's so good, dude. And they said that they put way more in that because they knew that they would, the MPA would be like, this is too graphic. So they're like, we did way more than we wanted so that when they told us to cut stuff out, we got to exactly where we wanted, which is so smart.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Cause like in the deleted scenes they have it, like I think they do like have them like pissing on each other and stuff like that. But like this scene's so, it's so good dude. And I just love the melodramatic tone of it and the actors and like intelligence dude, his voice is so funny and just everything dude, it's so good.
Starting point is 00:40:14 I mean the song, Team America, have you guys seen the live rendition where they did like a concert at Red Rocks? No, that's so. I mean, and the song holds up. Dude, it's so good. He's like, McDonald's, fuck yeah. Walmart, fuck yeah. Stake. Dude, when they cue it up, when they're sad, it's like, America, fuck yeah. It's so funny. I love this movie so much. It's one of the all time. Before they have sex, she's like, you could, you could promise me you'll never die. It's like, you know, I can't promise that. She goes, oh, well, if you could, I'd have sex with you right now. And then he grabs her and goes, I promise I will never die.
Starting point is 00:40:54 Also contributed to one of the funniest jokes I ever heard a person make while watching a movie. We were watching Team America and one of the boys was like, how did they get their eyebrows to move on the little doll, which is a good question. And then Reggie, who I didn't know that well at the time just goes motors This is like the last night a lot of guys have gone home because it's Sunday night and I was like team America That's what I want right now Like he couldn't understand it. I don't know if he was, like, fucked up or something.
Starting point is 00:41:25 But, like, he was fucking high as fuck. He didn't get the jokes? No, he was like, is this real? Who was doing this? Oh, hilarious. Daniels. That's classic. And then he was like, I knew it.
Starting point is 00:41:33 He kept asking, like, is this song real? Love you, bro. And we're like, well, yeah, it's a song that somebody wrote, and it's in the movie. He's like, so it's real? And we're like, what are you, like? Like, when do you? Chris had the best response ever, where Daniel's like, there's one part where they're like doing
Starting point is 00:41:47 Dirk and Dirk and Mahalakshmi. And Dan, oh, it's funny because it's just like playing. There's more to that language. And Chris goes, it's puppets saying cock. And we're all like, it was incredible, dude. No, but I get what he's saying. The thing that makes those guys so special is they execute the songs and like the animation at such a high level that people don't expect that from a dumb comedy. So their brains can't. Right. And Daniels is gifted musically, but like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:15 So like, I don't know what it was. He couldn't wrap his brain around the fact that like to where like he wasn't even laughing, even though I think under normal circumstances he would find the movie funny. He was marveling at the execution. It wasn't even even that he was looking at it going I'm so fucking confused right now it's like what are you it is a comedy movie it's like making fun of stuff also like dude the the monologue about Because it's a great model. Fuck my dick. Like, if you don't let this, if you put these, don't let this dick fuck that asshole. We're going to have our pussies and our dicks all covered in shit. It really is great.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Like it is good. It is like that is kind of like American foreign policy. Yeah. And like, in like, you know, like, look, sometimes pussies need to tell us we're being dicks, but also there are assholes that need to get fucked sometimes. It's true. The South Park guys are amazing.
Starting point is 00:43:10 They're the best. It's good they're repped on the list. Chris, you're up. You've got back to back fourth places from the people voting at home. I think they don't know. Well, I think he's going in the drought. You know how like comedies always get bad,
Starting point is 00:43:22 like good comedies always get bad reviews. Oh. You know, he's gone. It's like, yeah. Your list is getting bad, like good comedies always get bad reviews. Oh. You know, he's gone. It's like, yeah. Your list is getting bad, but 20 years from now. Yeah. That's cool. I don't, I mean, look, it'd be nice if I got like one, one, one all throughout, but yeah,
Starting point is 00:43:38 I know what I'm doing and I'm having a good time. I mean, all these choices are winners. Yeah, there hasn't been a, these are all bangers, dude. Every one of these movies I absolutely love. No misses yet. I love all these movies. Could happen at any moment. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:53 Who's taking who's taking good fellas? Yeah. Well, fuck. What do I want? There's just what's so tough is like there are just so many fucking hilarious movies. Lars and the real girl. And like what it's just what do I like to continue watching? That movie was 90 minutes.
Starting point is 00:44:08 I thought it was six hours by the time I got out of it. Yeah, but you liked it. I did? I didn't like Lars and the real girl. Look, we walked out of it. What did you just say, dude? Dude, take it back. Dude, you liked it and then I don't think we ever saw it again, which, you know.
Starting point is 00:44:23 That's crazy. Dude, fuck, there's so many bangers still on this list, dude. I know, dude we ever saw it again, which you know, that's crazy Dude, fuck there's so many bangers still on this. I know dude. We're going five. Do we got come on? Right, you got it. We got to keep it going. Did honorable mentions is gonna be off the hook I'll go big Lebowski great nice Cohen brothers. Get them on your list I was just Chris I was just a very cultured list in a way when I said that that's what I looked at on my phone Oh, Jake, I looked at he's about an L. OB. Oh That's crazy, I mean this one is incredibly quotable It's also the all-time move is all-time genius great comedy
Starting point is 00:44:58 But it's the movie that like dudes who like say they understand comedies or appreciate their own sense of humor They're like Big Lebowski is my favorite movie. Like it's that. Yeah, Jackass is like your shot of whiskey and this is like your nice red wine. White Russian. Oh! That's how you do it, bro.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Yeah, the dude, El Duder, El Duderino. He's the man. The dude is the man. He's hilarious. The dude abides. Opens up with, you know, the guy, the guy pulls out his bowling ball and goes, what the fuck is this? Obviously you're not a golfer.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Dude, uh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus. The greatest scene ever. We gonna fuck you in the ass on Saturday. Now, we fuck you in the ass on Wednesday. Hey, what's this day of ass shit? What's this bullshit? I don't care.
Starting point is 00:45:46 It don't matter, Jesus. Dude, I rewatched his intro of the Spanish version of Hotel California by Gypsy Kings a million times. His entry, there's no cooler entry than his film. And he turns and he points and then you just see his partner point back, dude. And then Walter's lying after you see Jesus, he goes fucking pattern ass, dude.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Oh no, he's convicted, dude. Walter, over the line! He might be the funniest character ever. CG's he goes fucking pattern ass He might be the funniest character ever like he's so good when he's at the kid when he brings the script back Look at what you're doing to your father And then when him and the dude in or whatever the dude tries to chill Walter out after a conflict and Walter comes back to earth He's like dude, what's wrong man? You're really freaking out Which is just kind of fucked up calmer than you are With nail polish Another movie I think went over a lot of people's heads when it came out. Yeah. Because I think it also came out, it was like their follow up to Fargo maybe and people
Starting point is 00:46:49 were expecting Fargo again and then they just went all the way in a new place. How much he hates nihilists. They just did not want to do the same thing. These men are nihilists. And then the nihilist is like, his girlfriend cut off a tall, it's not fair. Fair? Who's the fucking nihilist? And what does he want? Like his rug back because it pulls the room together like very like it's like it's like it's like
Starting point is 00:47:09 The rich Jeffery Lebowski has a wife who owes money all over town and somebody comes to collect but they go to the deadbeat Lebowski's house So funny, dude, it's it's insanely quotable. You can watch it. I've seen it a million times Oh, man, when they scattered Donnie's ashes. It's so good. I think it spawned conventions. I think people actually go to dude conventions dressed up as different changes from it. Yeah, there's a religion.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Lebowski Fest is a thing. I think it might be on the Wolf. It's incredible. That's how fleshed out that is. I like the Eagles though, man. He has the Eagles, man. That's what's so funny. It made me be like, should I hate the Eagles?
Starting point is 00:47:44 I know. I like it. Every time I listen to Take It like, I like, it made me be like, should I hate the Eagles? I know, I like it. Every time I listen to Take It Easy, I love that song. I'm like, am I lame? Yeah, but the dude is like, can you just change it please? I hate the fucking Eagles. It's character.
Starting point is 00:47:55 And they talk about In-N-Out. Oh yeah, the In-N-Out shout out. That's legit, yeah. You're a big dog. Great, great pick. So I gotta pay homage to a movie and also a comedic mind that has dominated 90s, 2000s. Oh baby, here we go.
Starting point is 00:48:12 I'm going with Happy Gilmore. Oh, you went with that one instead, dude! Okay, that's a great movie. I mean, Happy Gilmore still holds up Shooter McGavin, Chubbs. Dude, what the fuck? Mr. Gilmore, I'm your caddy. Probably the best villain ever in Shooter McGavin, Chubbs. Dude, what the fuck? Mr. Gilmore, I'm your caddy. Probably the best villain ever in Shooter McGavin. Oh, I mean Shooter McGavin is, you know,
Starting point is 00:48:33 it's Happy Gilmore 2's coming out soon. Yep. It's, dude, beloved interest, what's your name? Julie Bowen. Julie Bowen is so hot in it. Yep. Shoot, Happy lookout, huh? Dude, that guy. That guy's so good. Red Lobster, my tree. He's the best, dude. He attacks the cat. You're so funny. Oh, thanks.
Starting point is 00:48:55 Oh, there's a fan in there. Yes. Oh, well now your back's gonna hurt because you just picked up lawn duty. One of the best things of all time. Anybody else's fingers hurt? I think I just killed the Mista Mista lady. Mista, Mista Mista. She has the AC on her. I don't think Gilmore gets, or Sandler gets enough credit to,
Starting point is 00:49:13 just the idea of a guy coming into golf who plays golf like a hockey player is so genius. And even the way he hit the ball, that was such a creative way to come up with how he plays. And then everyone tries it. Like I've done it a million times. My friend Chris O'Connor, I still remember he blasted like a 200 yarder when we were like 11 doing
Starting point is 00:49:32 a Happy Gilmore style. It was the coolest thing I ever saw. It's the best. I mean, Happy Gilmores. Oh, the Bob Barker fight is so funny. And I like that his character's a good fighter and kind of badass. Yeah, it is cool.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Well, it's... He wrestles the gator dude. It's not two bikers banging in the woods. How am I supposed to chip? He's like, he's like, I saw two big fat naked bikers having sex in the woods. How am I supposed to chip with that going on? Best bad guy in any of these.
Starting point is 00:49:57 He's, he's an amazing bad guy. Number one bad guy. He's Judas. Him or Ted Knight. Which is funny, they're both golf bad guys. Yeah, so good. Golf tees up the comedic bad guy. He's Judas. Him or Ted Knight. Which is funny, they're both golf bad guys. Yeah. So good. It's all tees up the comedic bad guys.
Starting point is 00:50:08 The way he shoots, the way he does the thing. Wait, wait, when everyone's like, oh, he's like, he's like, Mr. Gilmore accomplished that feat no more than an hour ago. Well, moron, good for happy Gilmore my god Go to your home Is it a couple and you know the line you probably quote the most after the Kevin Nealon, is it a couple scenes? And you know the line you probably quote the most. Sure, how are you gonna show?
Starting point is 00:50:46 No, Red Lobster, my treat. Oh dude, the funniest line. That guy is so funny in this, dude. It's so relatable, you meet people like that in the world, they're like, hey man, you wanna grab a beer? You're like, fuck no. And you can feel it when you're being that guy, so it gives you something to say afterwards
Starting point is 00:51:00 to kind of cut the tension where you're like, come on man, Red Lobster, my treat. Dude, it's so good. You're gonna die clown, that's Carl Weathers. We're like, come on man, red lobster my treat. You're gonna die clown. That's Carl Weathers. Rest in peace, dude. I know. And dude, Weathers and him, the Chubbs, they had nice great chemistry. The Sandler's sweetness really helps a lot too. Yeah. It's got a good heart. He's doing it for his grandma. Yeah. And you really believe the relationship. And then dude, Bowen. Yeah. So, so hot. She's like one of my favorite love interest. I like that she took a big break and then came back in Modern Family and it was
Starting point is 00:51:29 like a, yeah. Well, it's like you read, you like, I remember when like I found it. Did you know that that's the chick from having it? Like, whoa. Yeah. It really cemented her as an all time. Yeah. It's huge. Alright dudes. Chad, I thought you were gonna grab this one because I know he's been such an inspo to you in terms of your comedic stylings. And to me, this with Jackass is the hardest I ever laughed at a movie in the theater
Starting point is 00:51:56 and the loudest I ever heard the theater get. It was a seismic event. And I think it kind of changed, again, like some of these other comedies, what people's taste was and what style of comedy was going to be prevalent. I'm going with Borat. Yeah. Oh, whoa. Dude, you know, I had my list and I- Forgot about that movie, dude. It's a good pick. I think about it all the time. We're like- It's huge. Because I saw Napoleon Dynamite like
Starting point is 00:52:19 way too late that it was played out. If you didn't see Borat opening weekend, because it came out during high school for me, like you must, all you heard all week was, my life. It was such like, it was culturally like, overnight success. Everybody, like it was huge. It was so fucking funny. And the style of film that was different, like, yeah, different style of comedy. Great, great pick. Dude, so good. I had no idea who Sacha Baron Cohen was. I'd seen some Ali G. I didn't know they were like the same person. And then so seeing the real Sacha Baron Cohen kind of, like I wasn't ready for it. I thought he was Borat. Not actually, but like more like that guy.
Starting point is 00:52:58 Yeah. All the jokes. I mean, it's amazing. It's amazing. It's just, it's an amazing. Him and the naked guy with the fucking dicks on each other. That's the hardest I've ever heard of that. His penis out is so good. My dad just kept, my dad just in between like belly laughs. Like when he could breathe, he would just go, where is his dick? I'm the fat guy.
Starting point is 00:53:18 Cause his belly. How dare you make hand party over Pamela? Dude, that hand party dude. Dude, it's so fucking good. Yeah, and just the premise of him wanting to meet Pamela Anderson the perfect girlfriend to have a crush on dude The most generic like hot babe. He's like Pamela Anderson One of my favorite lines is like right where he's just man on the street in new york and sandy like corners a guy And like with a briefcase and he goes he goes back away from me Do not come near my face and he goes I want to give you give you a kiss. He goes, yeah, I'll do it.
Starting point is 00:53:45 I'll pop you in the balls, man. It's so good, dude. Even like having it just a chicken out on the subway. Oh my God. There's little things too, where he like throws his bag down and goes, bookwak. Yeah. Oh yeah, dude, this is the rodeo.
Starting point is 00:54:02 The rodeo. Maybe shave that mustache so maybe you can pass for an Italian. Yeah, that was so good. We support your war of debtor. Yeah, great line and everyone's like. They hate Uzbekistan. Oh, so good. There's so many red dude jokes.
Starting point is 00:54:20 The bag of poo at the dinner and then he brings the prostitute. Incredible dude. Yeah, and then- Incredible. Oh, the church where he gets saved. Oh, yes, yes. Oh, oh, oh. He goes, oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah, so funny. Great physicality.
Starting point is 00:54:33 Oh, at the B&B. Or like Gypsy Woman where he's like, he sees somebody giving a garage sale, and he's like, oh, let's get this gypsy's tears for protection. Yeah, yeah, it's get this Gypsy's tears for protection. Come on Gypsy, cry. A lot of the funniest parts aren't the big pranks where he's actually kind of deceiving people.
Starting point is 00:54:54 It's just like the slice of life stuff. Yeah. Yeah. It really does feel like he, I mean, he was all over America, but he did, I mean, that prank was huge though. The rodeo one. The rodeo was incredible. Where he goes down there and goes, we prank was huge though. The rodeo one. The rodeo is incredible. We support your war of terror and the whole crowd goes nuts.
Starting point is 00:55:09 So good, dude. All right, for my next pick. I'm going with, you know, I think these guys, hold on. I know who I'm going with. These guys. These guys were the defining comedic creators of the early 90s when I was kind of coming of age and watching comedies. Here we go. Which one are you going with? That's what I'm still deciding because I have my personal favorite but I know which one was the more culturally important. You know what? I'm going with Dumb and Dumber. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:51 Good pick. I thought it was- I was hoping it would come back, dude. It was between Dumb and Dumber and there's something about Mary. As like, even though Kingpin might be my favorite- No, Kingpin's my favorite, but I had to go with Dumb and Dumber. These might still get taken. Kingpin is all time favorite. No, Kingpin's my favorite, but I had to go with Dumb and Dumber. And these might still get taken. Yeah. Kingpin is all time.
Starting point is 00:56:06 It's all time. But I just wanted to go with the one that I think kind of put them on the map and also like with just a cultural wave. Like I love Kingpin, but it didn't take over dialogue the way Dumb and Dumber did. And still, I think Dumb and Dumber is the most quoted out of all their movies. It's just yeah, just
Starting point is 00:56:25 a hilarious movie, great comedic performances. And it was kind of unique at the time. There wasn't a lot of hard comedy and they kind of had the belt. And I love a road trip movie, dude. It's so funny. You got to have some road trip movies. Dude, it's so good. It's definitely, yeah, it's all time, bro. His fantasy sequence where he's crushing that dinner and lights his fart on fire and everyone's like, this guy's the man. And the peanuts, I feel like I've seen you do the peanuts joke at a party where he just takes the whole thing of peanuts and go, it throws the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:56:58 Yeah, it's Jim Carrey too. Was that his first big movie? I think that was his breakout. Yeah, that was like a $10 million check that he told himself. He's like, I will get a check for $10 million. I think it was this movie. He's on, and then Jeff Daniels is actually a really funny fool.
Starting point is 00:57:11 He's so funny. Bro, he's so good in it. Dude, what he's like, when he has the extra gloves, yeah, we're the Rockies. And then they get in a fight and then he's getting choked out. Harry, your hands are freezing. It's so good, dude.
Starting point is 00:57:24 How about Williams? Amazing enough. Oh, he hands are freezing. It's so good, dude. How about the Williams? Amazing. Oh, he's so good. It's all dudes that like pull over. Oh, no, it's actually a cardigan. Or like, big gulps, huh? All right. You paid homage to that in like an early video we did.
Starting point is 00:57:40 Do you remember the lifeguard one? We were talking to girls and you're like, big gulps. You're like New Jersey, huh? Oh, you just got this day wrong. Yeah, that's funny. You don't even realize I got it from a spin, California Yeah, you know what else are the suits our pets heads are falling off I mean, there's so long there's so many dude and they're they're so smart about the dynamic I love that the Jeff Daniels character is actually smarter. Yeah, then the Carrie character, but the Carrie character is louder and more bold, so he's the leader. That was so like a-
Starting point is 00:58:08 Yeah. I mean, Lloyd can't read. Dude, Lloyd Christmas, one of the best movies named of all time. And even when he's trying to read, he's like, that, that, he's like, the. Also just throw away, literally throw away jokes of the lottery number's up there, he goes, all the right numbers, but in the wrong order. And then throws away the ticket to like biggest idiots. And then dude, when they need two oil boys
Starting point is 00:58:29 at the end of the movie, there's a town back that way. Sorry, my friend's a little slow. The town is that way. Man, there's some two lucky guys that are gonna be traveling around with those girls for three months. To get in the scooter, you go and do something so stupid and totally redeem yourself.
Starting point is 00:58:49 Yeah, dude, you have the best twist. Also, like the faces Jim Carrey makes, like when Jeff Danos calls him out when they're fighting over the girl in the end and he's like, I know you slept with my ex-girlfriend. And then Jim Carrey just shrinks into his body. She told you that? Dude, it's so good. Dude, the scene in the diner when they poison him by accident with the peppers and then they're squirting the ketchup and mustard up.
Starting point is 00:59:08 I mean, they're laughing so hard. Here, here, this helps. Or the sea bass scene, dude. Kick his ass, sea bass. So what happened? They totally trick a guy into paying for their tab and they get away scot-free? No. In the movie, they catch up with him about three miles down the road and slit their throat.
Starting point is 00:59:24 Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was a good one. It was a good one. What's up guys? I'm interrupting this podcast so you know once again that we are brought to you by Legends at Home Chef. Home Chef is the best meal kit biz in the biz. I made a chicken and broccoli dish. You did? Yeah, I put Parmesan on there, melted it. So good. My girlfriend was so impressed and I was the instructions are like super easy so You feel like Gordon Ramsay while you're doing it. Oh nice. Yeah, it's sick. They're legends
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Starting point is 01:01:17 All right Chad, you're up. Man, I'm torn between two. Both made me laugh so much, but one really just dominated my childhood and spoke to me and there's also boobs. Nice. Which is so sick. American Pie.
Starting point is 01:01:38 Oh, man. Bro, yeah. Great movie, dude. Good call. It's so funny. It's you got iconic characters. You got Stifler in there. It's all about losing your virginity. I watched it at a time when I was like starting, you know, I was still like 10 when I first saw it, but like I made my mom go see American Pie 2 with
Starting point is 01:01:57 me, you know, and like I loved it that much. Yeah. I um, this movie movie and one other are two that I just watched nonstop as a kid. So Stifler's mom, the pie. I love too when he's like, when Chris Klein's like to Stifler, he's like, why do you have to be so insensitive all the time? And Stifler's like, what? Dude. Whatever.
Starting point is 01:02:24 Stifler, maybe one of the best characters ever. Yeah, it's from number two. But I still just in terms of Stifler, when he sees Sherman, the nerd at the party goes Sherman and the fuck are you doing? The Shermanator. Oh, the term milf came from this movie. Yeah. So funny. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:02:46 It's so true. Great movie, dude. I mean, Shane and Elizabeth. Oh yeah, bro, as Nadia. Yeah. All time scene. Dude, it has all time scenes. Like that sequence, the internet. I mean, dude, it was a coming of age movie.
Starting point is 01:02:59 The Golden, oh, that's two. I mean, two is great. It's tough. Two's pretty amazing, mean, two is great. It's tough. Two is pretty amazing, but number one is so funny. I think number one, yeah, two has really funny moments, but I think one holds up more as like, two's kinda pushing it a little bit in terms of- Jim's dad, dude.
Starting point is 01:03:19 Chris, you're up. Oh man. Great pick. That's such a good movie. Mock. Yeah. I just love... Fuck. I think I gotta do it. There's so many good ones. I just love Chris and Wig, dude. I think I'm gonna go Bridesmaids. Oh nice. Bro, huge movie. I saw this movie a shitload in theaters. You know you always pick like the uh what the non-white dude thing the non-white oh well yeah i already got white dudes but i do love
Starting point is 01:03:53 brah i saw this movie four times in theaters i mean i like bridesmaids you still got chicks shitting their ass i love the melissa mcc like, it's like the funniest she ever was. She came out of, I had never seen her in anything before. Dude, when she's shitting in the sink and one woman's gone, it's peak of the 20s, she's like, Megan, no, look away, look away. She was the breakthrough. I mean, Kristen Wiig was hilarious, but I already knew she was really funny. I'd never seen Melissa McCarthy.
Starting point is 01:04:21 The one scene where she's trying to get Kristen Wiig off the couch and she's like they try to blow me up Yeah Dude, so I know where all the nukes around and I know the coats don't repeat that. Yeah, John ham to his performance He's so funny. It's a cute movie. I love when Kristen Wiig bombs where she's like Maya Rudolph in her off great chemistry She's like, oh, yeah, did he come over in your mouth and Kristen would kind of like laughs and she's like, oh my god Annie, no, he's like we just kept putting it there. So like, she does this. Like, where it's, dude, her with cunt. The movie is absolutely hilarious. Oh, yeah. The airplane. Dude, one of my favorite lines is him in like the after the movie where like it shows their like sex tape and she's just got like a huge sandwich.
Starting point is 01:05:14 She goes, I got this big old bear sandwich and he's just going, yeah, that's a good looking bear sandwich. That's so funny. She's amazing. Rumor Willis crushes it. Not Willis. Rebel Wilson. Rebel Wilson.
Starting point is 01:05:29 She's amazing, dude. It's a great- Dude, I watched- You should put peas on it. I watched her recently laugh out loud still. It holds up. Oh man, when she poops in the street. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:05:40 There's so many. I love when she freaks out at the bridal shower. The dress fitting is hilarious. The airplane is so funny. I mean, there's a lot of iconic scenes. It's just a... I love that movie. Kristen Wiig's like one of my favorite comedic acts.
Starting point is 01:05:57 She's so funny. She always just cracks me up. Strides two picks. All right, boys. Take us home, dude. there's a lot of tough there's a lot of ways to go fuck man there's so many good movies dude holy schnikes dude it's so tough holy schnikes do I take that movie dude dude fuck which one is that if I say it do I have I say it, do I have to take it?
Starting point is 01:06:26 No. That's Tommy Boy. Oh, that's a good one. Good pick. I don't know. I don't know if that's what I'm putting in yet. Is it all time? That's what I'm putting in yet.
Starting point is 01:06:34 I like it. It's a great, I mean, I think it is an all time movie. I mean, it's, it's unreal. That's not, that's not your pick? No, no. I think I'm going to go with, um, breathe. You gotta breathe. We should all breathe because it gets tense.
Starting point is 01:06:45 Breathe, dude. This guy. Yep. This comedic writer and performer has had so many banger fucking movies and he's passed his day. It's come and gone. He's actually put out something that was probably maybe one of the worst things I've ever seen in my entire life. fucking movies and he's passed his day. It's come and gone.
Starting point is 01:07:05 He's actually put out something that was probably maybe one of the worst things I've ever seen in my entire life. Oh, I know this guy and I don't know if I want number one or number two here. I think I know which one you got. We know, you know, I think I got to go number two and I think I got to do a power spot. Yes, dude. What do you think? You were thinking number two of a, you know what? And I think I got to do Awesome Power, Spider-Shack. Yes, dude. That's a great pick. What were you thinking?
Starting point is 01:07:25 You were thinking number two of another franchise. I thought you were actually deciding between AP and another one of his movies. Okay, okay, okay. But I like- No, no, no. That was in my mind. But he needed to be represented. But this one here, I'm like, bro, you have mini-
Starting point is 01:07:39 Oh, yeah. Dude, you have mini-meet. Dude, talk about quotability. This movie, I remember it was iconic for me. My buddies went and saw it in theaters. I think it was fifth or sixth grade. And they were quoting it nonstop the next day. And I didn't get invited to that birthday party.
Starting point is 01:07:52 And then I went and saw it. Nightmare. And it was the worst thing. But dude, it has so many iconic lines, the parody of Bond, and just the versatility. Dude, this controlled the American fucking lexicon for like a couple of years. Fat bastard and mini-managers. I eat babies.
Starting point is 01:08:12 Yeah. Will Ferrell's part. That's number one. That's number one. No, they always do. Oh yeah, Fon Faville. So they bring him back. It's possibly even funnier in two.
Starting point is 01:08:24 Yeah, you're right. Oh yeah. Dude, Rob Lowe. Rob Lowe, I love him, dude. Heather Graham, so hot. Babe. So hot. Fembots, dude.
Starting point is 01:08:33 Fembots. I mean, dude. It's so funny. It's so good. Dr. Evil, incredible. Dr. Evil's the best. Dude, when he starts bouncing the world, when he's like, oh, you want to take over?
Starting point is 01:08:45 Huh? You want to do this? Did you get it? Did you get it? Did you get it? Did you get it? Did you get it? Did you get it?
Starting point is 01:08:53 Did you get it? Did you get it? Did you get it? Did you get it? Did you get it? Did you get it? Did you get it? Did you get it?
Starting point is 01:09:01 Did you get it? Did you get it? Did you get it? Did you get it? Did you get it? Did you get it? Did you get it? Did you get it? Startup dude the this isn't three but I I was watching a clip last night of fat bastard I mean just the fact that there are characters like that fat bastard. He's I got a dick of crap I got a dick of crap though chocodonkey. He's so funny the other other white mate baby Baby, oh It's so good. I don't know. Jokes. Do you want to make you
Starting point is 01:09:29 horny baby? This spaceship just looks like a yeah. Johnson. I mean, dude, it's a it's just classic. You got one more pick brother. All right. It's so hard, dude. This is where it gets tough. Oh, we're doing five. Yes, sir. I mean, bro, spit it out. Fucking fuckity fuck. I'm looking at this shit. Don't fuck it up. There's another ilk of, you have these ensemble piece movies.
Starting point is 01:10:04 I have an ensemble piece already though. I think I might just go with a movie. Once again, the sequel was incredible, but this one, I remember my older brother showing it to me and me being like, it's cool that I know that this comedy is out there. And also I do think that it is like a groundbreaking comedy script written by, I think it's his first script he ever wrote, but I'm going to go with Friday. Friday's good. Oh nice.
Starting point is 01:10:34 Friday's good. So, just, it's Friday, you ain't got shit to do, gets you high, great, just set pieces, simple movie. Good Los Angeles movie. Good LA flick, Debo. There's some, I love- Iconic. I love LA movies where you're just out and like, like you're just in LA and it's hot, there's palm trees.
Starting point is 01:10:55 I don't know. And a weed movie. This is a weed movie dude. Oh yeah. You need a weed comedy. No one knows weed more than you. You know I love weed and Zenz. Sniff the finest bro. Dude exactly bro, I love government. I love weed and Zin. Sniff the finest, bro. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:05 Exactly, bro. I love government. I love G13 weed, dude. You're my favorite drug dealer too. Dude, thank you. I want that on record. You're high right now. I'm always high, dude.
Starting point is 01:11:13 That's the thing about me. I'm like the Hulk. Dude, yeah. So, pretty sick. I'm kind of a next Friday guy, to be honest. You know, I kind of like it more. I don't know why. I've only, I just like, for like, I've seen Friday like twice. I've seen next Friday 30 times. And I don't know why I've only I've just like for like I've seen Friday like twice. I've seen next Friday 30 times
Starting point is 01:11:26 We don't know how the first Friday is kind of got a more grittiness to it that makes the stakes high So you're kind of stressed out during it a little yeah next Friday's pure silliness Yeah, they go to Rancho Cucamonga and took a mother guys like it's yogurt man with a dog jizz on it And Mike Epps is really funny. He's like man. She got the new candies before they even come out She go to your Snickers has a new bar yogurt man with a dog jizz on him. And Mike Epps is really funny. He's like, man, she got the new candies before they even come out. She'd be like, true, your Snickers has a new bar. The wanker's gonna do it. Dude, Craig's dad's the best, dude.
Starting point is 01:11:50 See, every time I'm in the kitchen, why are you in the kitchen? John Witherspoon. Chris Tucker. I mean, Chris Tucker is one of the great comedic actors. He's so good, dude. Of our time, I think. All right, Chris, you're up.
Starting point is 01:12:03 I'm gonna go Wedding Crashers. Yeah. Good pick, good pick. That was Chris. I'm going to go Wedding Crashers. Yeah. Good pick. Good pick. That was Chris. I really didn't want you to take it because I mean, it's funny. Everybody is amazing at it. Everybody is so funny.
Starting point is 01:12:16 And obviously you start with just all time chemistry between Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson because they could just, they're so fun together there they seem like really good friends in the movie it's obviously like a great premise everyone's amazing in it Isla Fisher is so funny and like I never seen her in anything she's psychotic and it's hilarious but like there's so many good jokes the quotability is insane through the roof and they're just so fun together like the way that they argue, the way that they bounce off each other, it's so fun.
Starting point is 01:12:48 Incredible premise, incredible script, dude, where it's like these guys that are trying to get away from love, end up finding it. They're trying, you know, they have to grow up finally. It's just, it's the best, dude. Walkin', bro. Why is this? The best, and dude, fucking once again,
Starting point is 01:13:02 Bradley Cooper, the sack. the crap cakes in football. He's got to make the movie. It needs him. He brings his crazy energy to it. He's a great bad guy in it. Will Ferrell's cameo. Oh, Will Ferrell's cameo is my favorite cameo of all time. It's the greatest one. We saw that at theaters and like when he popped up, like it was just, it was a slight nick in a bottle. It's the most quotable scene you could maybe all buy. And that scene I think it's funnier because the best part of that scene I think or the thing that makes it is when the chick comes up
Starting point is 01:13:32 and he's like, oh man, I was all worried about you. Yeah, do you know what you need to do? I was all worried about you with the mind. He's like, yeah, you're still crushing it. And then there's this hand and then he goes, I knew you'd come around. Yeah, mom, mom. I never know what you're doing back there. You know what actually, we'll have some.
Starting point is 01:13:49 Yeah, the smile's so good. And then it was, yeah, picture of yesterday. Yeah, I rode my bike over to a funeral down the street. Dude died hang gliding. What an idiot. And kind of other than swingers, it's Vince Vaughn's best comedic performance. He's so dialed. Yeah, I agree. And maybe an honor will mention later,
Starting point is 01:14:07 another Will Ferrell. Yeah. Oh, that could get chosen right now. You know, I thought about it. That's a hot ticket. I thought about it, but. You just picked the first frat pack movie. Frat pack's big.
Starting point is 01:14:17 That's big. Yeah, dude, this movie's, this movie's so funny. It's so good, dude. So many great scenes. Oh, you motor button son of a bitch. You motor button It's so good, dude. So many great scenes. Oh, you motorbottons. Jack off under the table. You motorbottons, son of a bitch.
Starting point is 01:14:27 Are you gonna do that? Yeah, motorboating came from this. That's like a social lexicon now. Oh, some older chick made you grab her hooters. Oh, hot older chick. Oh, man. Chad, you're up, dude. There's some biggies still on the table.
Starting point is 01:14:40 Oh, dude, there's so many, dude. There's three movies that I'm trying to pick between. You can't go up, dude. There's some biggies still on the table. There's so many, dude. There's three movies that I'm trying to pick between. You can't go wrong, dude. I'll tell you, you can't go wrong. I gotta go. I mean, fuck. All these movies are so funny.
Starting point is 01:14:55 Okay. Okay. I'm gonna make this choice. I watched this movie literally every day for summer in 2002, old school. Nice. It's a great movie. I mean, come on. It's a banger, dude.
Starting point is 01:15:13 It's, I mean, there's another one I was thinking, but this one, it still holds up, still makes me laugh, makes me want to party. My boy, Blue. Yeah, so many quotable movies. I mean, dude, the dart in his neck. I mean, KY Wrestling. Snoop Dogg showing up to Mitchapalooza. Yeah, the street gang is so funny. Andy Dick doing the blow job class.
Starting point is 01:15:37 Oh yeah, that's great. He's hungry. He's hungry. Great sequences. Frank, I mean, Frank the Tank just when he downs the beer. Yeah, the Bed, Bed, Bath and Beyond line, dude. That one's like. All time.
Starting point is 01:15:48 Not sure if we're gonna have enough time. Yeah, tying the cinder block to their dicks. Also the line, earmuffs from Vince Vaughn. Glasses, earmuffs. Dude, one of my favorite details is at the wedding, the photo of Wolfgang. Of Wolfgang, where he's like posing, where he has like a very serious face.
Starting point is 01:16:05 I love you dad. I love Vince Vaughn when she's walking down the aisle. And he's trying to talk him out of it. I think this cemented Will Ferrell as a bonafide movie star. Yes, yes. Yeah, well it feels like he started, cause like old school wedding crashers, like obviously old school, or wedding crashers is a cameo old school. He's like the third lead. Yeah. But then he started like, and he's starring in movies where like he was,
Starting point is 01:16:31 he was the main guy and he gets all the hard laughs. Also in this movie is that band that goes fucking need you, Mo the Dan band, the Dan band. Incredible dude. And then you see like, yeah, I'm like looking around like what the fuck. And he's loving it. Yeah. It's a fucking need you tonight, tonight. It's so good.
Starting point is 01:16:50 And it was rock and roll. Like you came out of it feeling like fired up and like you wanted to get into some mischief with the boys. We saw it with our boys at Ocean Ranch. I remember we made fun of our boy, Ferraro for carrying too many sodas. He was just being a nice sweet guy. And we're like, dude, you got our sodas?
Starting point is 01:17:03 What are you doing? He's like, I don't know. Do you guys want sodas. He was just being a nice sweet guy and we're like, dude, you got our sodas. What are you doing? He's like, I don't know. Do you guys want sodas? Dude, they're synchronized dance too. I always wanted to do that with my boys. Oh, let's go Cougars. He lights on fire. The debate sequence too, when Wilfer like blacks out and nails it and then like the rage occasion guys like perfect response. Oh. Perfect answer. No burrero. Yeah, but you talked about what the dart in the neck is so funny. Also in the bathroom is like Craig Kilmore when he's like, you're not gonna tattle on me, are you? Can't do it. It's guy code. Something chicks too.
Starting point is 01:17:36 All right, good talk. We'll see you out there. Yeah, such a dick. I heard you touched, what's the boss's name? Oh, I heard you slept with some daughter. She just smacked him. Oh yeah, Goldberg. Pippen does a good job too with the bad guy in this. And dude, when he's flying home from San Diego
Starting point is 01:17:57 and he's going down the escalator and the guy's smacking his kid's head. Oh yeah, dude, so now he's like, whoa. Yeah, it's just so random. It's great. Oh dude, when they kidnap everybody in the van, to have the pleasure. Is it an orgy or is that the extended version?
Starting point is 01:18:12 Did they cut that out? It's a threesome. Yeah. In the one. This is Todd Phillips too, right? Yeah. All-time comedic director. He's got to be on the list.
Starting point is 01:18:21 Yeah. Yeah, I'm glad we got him on there. I think we've got most of the great comedy progenitors on list. Yeah. Yeah, I'm glad we got him on there. I think we've got most of great comedy like Progenitor progenitors on here. Yeah Fairly bros, we got an apple talman, although he didn't direct it. You got david wane Sasha baron cohen i've got the last one actually I think that's been missing. Oh, here we go All right. This is tough for me. So I'm gonna go with this guy's movie that makes me laugh the hardest.
Starting point is 01:18:47 This is very specific to me. For me, Wall to Wall, it's one of the funniest movies. But I also think this style of film, which this guy came up with, is so significant to the comedy landscape. It truly changed the way modern comedy was done. I'm going with Best in Show. Yeah, I was going say when I was thinking I was going to go Spinal Tap.
Starting point is 01:19:07 Spinal Tap, so I think Spinal Tap is the more classic of the one. And that came up with the mockumentary. But for me, Best in Show is wall to wall the funniest, greatest comedic performances, like people at the top of their game. And then I think the mockumentary, like the Office, Parks and Rec,
Starting point is 01:19:24 all these things got their moves from Christopher Guest. So, I mean, he is a weird guy. He's hilarious in interviews because he's such a bummer, but he can get into character and he can put people in a position to make a play. Yeah. And dude, the other guy that's in it that does like the announcing and like... Oh, Fred Willard. Fred Willard. Oh, Fred Willard's iconic in these movies. Yeah. He just doesn't know in these movies. Yeah he's where he just doesn't know anything about dogs and but he's in Pitch Perfect. What's no the guy from Pitch Perfect who announces oh John Michael Higgins. That guy's incredible. He plays um
Starting point is 01:19:56 wait who is he? He's that guy. He's the gay dude who's got the uh the Shih Tzu. He's so good. He's so good. He's packing and he's like so that that Michael McKean's like, you have three kimonos and like he has like 12 outfits for, we're going to be gone for 48 hours. Like you're right. I probably need one more kimono. And when you're packing and he's just dancing like this moving. And then, so good. To Parker Posey and her husband, where they're both just like so intense.
Starting point is 01:20:24 And then when they get, find busy bee and then he's like He's yelling at his dog. Don't look at the freaks and the fat-ass losers She's gotta get him the new toy and he goes it's a bear that kind of looks like well This is a bee. This is this is a bear and a bee outfit. Yeah, I need a so good Right, but I think the dog will this is And then the maid show me your papers. And then Larry Miller's part. It's so that. What's his part again? So Eugene Levy's married to Parker Posey. No, what's her name? Catherine O'Hare. I think. Yeah. And she slept with a
Starting point is 01:21:00 lot of people and they go to her ex-boyfriend's house. Yeah. And he's like, man, she had a body on her back in her prime. Yeah. And he's like talking about like one time at the lake and he's like describing like when they had and he's like, and then Eugene Love, he's like, okay, let's come down. He's like, hey, they say pictures with a thousand words. I only use like 50. And then his son tries to kill himself and he's got the dog on the, he's got a parachute little toy soldier. And then when they go outside, the dog that they want to show is like he's got a parachute wrapped to it he's sitting on the shed and Larry Miller is they talk about it at dinner where he he talks down people from jumping and Eugene was like so how many people have you talked on he goes well they all jump that's yeah I don't know what they tell you in
Starting point is 01:21:38 your little stories but trade secret they all jump had this guy today he jumps not a big deal happens all the time but on the way down his head gets stuck in a gargoyle pops off like a grape then when he hits the ground like they're Spring-loaded its intestines. Just shoot It's so good. Yes, these are best. I'm cool. It's just so fucking funny at it, dude, where she's like she's she's she's married to like the oldest guy ever who's rich and She's like yeah, we have, we could just talk or not talk for hours. We have so many shared interests.
Starting point is 01:22:10 Like we both love soup. So funny. Christopher Guest is the best. Yeah, Christopher Guest, Total Bees. All right. That's all of them, guys. Yeah. Honorable mentions coming to America.
Starting point is 01:22:24 Amazing. Wayne's World. Wayne's World was the one. Yeah. Honorable mentions coming to America. Amazing. One of the best. Wayne's World was the one. Yeah. Huge. Blazing Saddles. I was always. We didn't get any Mel Brooks on there. I know. Spaceballs was always my favorite. Spaceballs. Yeah. But I was a huge Star Wars fan. Robin McMahon and tights. I should have gone that. I loved Robin and tights. I think Step Brothers was very significant for people. I almost said Step Brothers, the hangover. It was that or Anchorman, right? Yeah. So we needed to haveKayle. It's just like my favorite Will Ferrell movies and maybe, or like, my favorite Will Ferrell performances are in Wedding Crashers and Old Spawn.
Starting point is 01:22:49 Same here. Oh, someone made a good point, Ghostbusters. You know, Ghostbusters is a really fun movie. Exactly. It's almost like, it's heavier on plot than you think. Yeah. What I like about like a lot of these other movies is like there is a joke every five seconds.
Starting point is 01:23:02 Correct. Like the hangover's like that, which is a big one. We didn't do any Monty Python, those guys. The Holy Grail is so funny. The Holy Grail, great movies. Ace Ventura. Ace Ventura, huge. Yeah, I'm a big one.
Starting point is 01:23:11 I'm a big when nature calls over pet detective guy. But they're both funny. When he comes out of the rhino, it's the funniest thing I've seen. Even before me, it's like kind of hot in these rhinos. Yeah. Billy Madison. Steve Martin movies, The Jerk. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:24 My Blue Heaven. My Blue Heaven is too much of a deep cut, but yeah, a wonderful movie. We talked about Naked Gun. I do love. Naked Gun, Mean Girls, Zoolander. We did mention Tommy Boy and Black Sheep. Swingers. Swingers, great. Dewey Cox. Oh, Dewey Cox is incredible. There's something about Mary. Knocked Up. Yeah, there's something about Mary. Oh, Pineapple Express? Pineapple Express is a great one. Office Space. That's one of the best.
Starting point is 01:23:48 Yeah, Office Space is great. That should have been on there. I should have done that. That's the one. The Lonely Island guys, Hot Rod and Pop Star. Hot Rod for sure. I had a hot take on Pineapple Express. I think it's a better movie if Paul Rudd's
Starting point is 01:23:58 in the Seth Rogen part. Yeah, yeah. I like Seth, his face. Danny McBride, Danny McBride is kind of the star. I mean, they're all so good at it, but Danny McBride is so fucking Hot Rods in pineapple Express, but you got McGroober. So you got like I didn't get I did get Anderson movies like those are pretty Napoleon Dynamite, but that movie makes you sad a lot too. It has a My list it has a very
Starting point is 01:24:23 Cedar Crapids like we talked about it all time the fucking Dean's II Hamlet II. Oh, yeah hamlet II is great Oh forgetting Sarah Marshall. Oh that one's so fun. So good. Yeah Other David Wayne, I just love wanderlust. I think that movie it's kind of my favorite of his but What hot American summer is probably a better pick and then dude in the loop. Oh, yeah American summer is probably a better pick. And then dude, in the loop. Oh yeah. That's a nice one. Hangover. We know I said hangover. It was time to pick ones that are TV shows. Cause oftentimes like Beavis and Butt-Head or In the Loop. I feel like the show is the peak of it. Right. Night at the Roxbury dude. We hadn't seen the show. Yeah. Night at the Roxbury. 21 Jump Street. That's a good one. That movie is so fucking funny. They're so good. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:03 All the Polly show. What's the best Polly show or one? Biodome one. That movie is so fucking funny. They're so good. Oh yeah, all the poly show, what's the best poly show or one? Bio Dome. Someone loves the best movie, Bio Dome's the funniest. Yes, exactly. Bio Dome is incredible, dude. Dude, Walk Hard, Dewey Cox, that maybe needed to get picked. I know, I thought it's, It's got so many good ones.
Starting point is 01:25:18 It's non-habit forming. Of the ones that I didn't pick that I wanted to, it was like In The Loop, Walk Hard, because I watch Walk Hard all the time. It's so good. All the movies that I've played. Walk Hard, and the song's not bad. No, all the songs are amazing.
Starting point is 01:25:30 All the songs are good, yeah. And they do different eras of songs. Dude, when he's doing his Bob Dylan phase. Oh, it's so funny, dude. It's so good. And there's so many of those biopics that are just like it's amazing over them now. It just we needed it Oh, yeah, Chichen Chong great movie. You're a fun one. Grandma boy. Grandma's boy. Oh grandma's boy great movie But dude the great trip should be more stuff. You think grandma's boy is great?
Starting point is 01:25:57 I love it. It's not on the list at all, but I do really like grandma's boy. Yeah, it does Oh JP bro at that time for me watching it like when I was like really interested Boy. Yeah, it does. Dude, JP bro. At that time for me watching it, when I was really interested in becoming a stoner, I was like, this is sick. Yeah, I liked it. Dude, honestly, oh, Idiocracy. Bad Santa? Bad Santa.
Starting point is 01:26:15 Oh, that should have been, yeah. Bad News Bears the original. Yeah. You know what's crazy? 1980 is when the hard comedy kind of starts. All the hard comedies before that, you're like, the movie's sad as shit. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:26 Yeah, like last picture show will be best comedy. I don't know if anyone's ever watched that. It's a tragedy. Harold and Maude, I saw it on a list. I'm like, it is funny, but like, I don't know. I just prefer the ones that are like a mile, like a just constant. We needed cocaine to get into the writing process.
Starting point is 01:26:42 Yup. To really get us to the zany place, just pure laughter. What we do in the shadows, it's another mockumentary. I love that they're talking about why eating blood from a virgin is the best. And someone's like, imagine you're eating a sandwich. Wouldn't you prefer the sandwich that hasn't been fucked? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:02 Elf, good movie. Ooh, animated movies. Very cute, good movie. Animated movies. Very cute, very adorable. The South Park movie. I don't mind Conley. Could have been picked. Oh, my foreign picks. Force Majeure is one of the funniest movies I've ever seen.
Starting point is 01:27:16 The level of joke in it is so high and the way it's performed is so real. That movie has the most relatable hard laughs. Wild Tales, what is that? Is it a movie Argentinian? Yeah, I think so. I think so. Yeah, it's all the shorts. Those are-
Starting point is 01:27:30 About Revenge. Freaking hilarious. Yeah. A lot of, well. Woman on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown, like Pedro Almavada movies are really zany and fun. And then I'm trying to think of more British ones. In the loop stuff, like all the Armando Inuecki stuff.
Starting point is 01:27:43 Four Lions. Four Lions is really funny. The Steve Coogan ones with his buddy, who's his like other brother that? Oh, the trip. The trip. Yeah. They're good ones. I never finished one of them. They're all good because I mean, Edgar Wright's movies are great, but I just. Oh yeah, Edgar Wright. We didn't do that at all. Yeah, I like those.
Starting point is 01:28:01 I like they're really funny, but like, I don't I don't know. They're like the pub one at the end of the world was the's the name of that one? World's End. That's my favorite. And like, I love Scott Pilgrim. Scott Pilgrim. Hot Fuzz is kind of not that good. I agree. I like the actions on that. He needed to make but like if you're making fun of action movies, he also needed to have sick action. He didn't drill it. He didn't have any. He didn't have it. True. Like a lot of the jokes are really good. But yeah, I mean, fucking End of the World is such a good movie. The World's End, yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:27 The World's End is so good. That and Scott Beverly are my two of my favorite movies. Woody Allen movies, so the hard funny ones, like Bananas and stuff, is really funny, but I don't know, my favorite Woody Allen movies are the sad ones. I like Annie Hall, which is really funny, but. Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Starting point is 01:28:42 Crimes and Misdemeanors. Match Point. I like his more, I don't know oh meet the parents oh meet the parents is so funny meet the parents is great oh and bruise in bruise oh yeah you're scary watch your movies oh scary movie all time With a finger what's it like and what is it number maybe it's later on but when they make fun of science when the Aliens put their penis. Oh, yeah, that's a that's a Which is the one where it's Christopher? What's his name? Chris Elliot with like my germs that that's number two, but that's the best joke in that one is like no Take my little hand.
Starting point is 01:29:25 No, get it away from me. My little hand. You know, Jay Roach kind of underrated as a comedic director because he did Meet the Parents and he did Austin Powers. Did he do Rush Hour? No, that's a. Rush Hour's funny.
Starting point is 01:29:35 Brett Ratner. Brett Ratner, yeah. Oh, yeah. I gotta take a whiz. Oh, Tucker and Dale versus Evil is fucking hilarious. Oh, I'm too dicky? That movie is so funny. Black Dynamite. Oh, Black Dynamite is amazing. Black Dynamite is one of the 80 men. You showed me about that movie. It's so
Starting point is 01:29:51 funny. Dude, the kid. Black Dynamite is my dad's name. He's like walking around with a chick that he's trying to sleep with and it's like, and it's running two little kids and she's talking to him. She's like, this is Black Dynamite. My mommy says my daddy's name is Black Dynamite. Yeah, mine too. He goes, yeah, run along now, little cat. Look, cat's got that name. He's like always having a threesome. Dude, he's so funny. It's so funny. I love that movie so much. All right, should we call... Kung Pao and Another Fist. Dude, I see you, dude. That movie is funny, not for everybody. I feel like you would hate Kung Pao. Did Fist. Dude, I see you, dude. That movie is funny. Not for everybody. I feel like you would hate Kung Pao. Did you ever watch it?
Starting point is 01:30:29 I think I would like it now. Oh, Marlott's is good. Kevin Smith. That's iconic, like the Kevin Smith movies. Days of Confusing Everybody Want Some are incredible movies. I don't think of them as like, street cops. But they're not like, laughs per minute hilarious. They're just great vibes.
Starting point is 01:30:42 That's what's nice about like... It's a fun hang. Like, the Hangover, like you literally... Like, the first the first time I saw it, I never stopped laughing. I was laughing curled out. That's kind of what I was looking for in these movies to where- Yeah, there's a hard laugh. The hangover is good, but I feel like Galifianakis is doing all the heavy lifting. He is, but he was also like, I felt like he was like a, he like kind of, he was the breakout from that movie.
Starting point is 01:31:05 Well, him and Bradley Cooper, but in different ways. Hey, what's up, Aaron? Did you get the last, what do you think, bro? No bends. We didn't do any bends. Like a boogie night is funny, but you're like, all right, is this a comedy? Yeah, well, and then it stops being funny
Starting point is 01:31:20 and there's still half the movie to go. You know what's the hardest one not for me to bend is Wolf of Wall Street. Yeah, because that movie is- I genuinely die laughing at that. It's amazing. It's amazing. And I don't know if Jonah Hill is- His best comedic performance. It's amazing. I don't know. It's like, he's just so funny. He's just talking about how the little people talk. We got to be careful about, you know, like, let's also be ready with a taser in case a little guy freaks out. And it's like the one of us. The way the Caprio riffs with it, he's like, dude, I love how smart you are.
Starting point is 01:31:50 It's a great boy. And then they're like, they're proud of themselves for like being inclusive of one of us. Hey guys, guys, what if we just treat him like he's one of us? It's so good. Aaron, you ready? All right. I'm you ready? Alright. I'm looking at the list. I like them. Do you guys want me to recap or do you have
Starting point is 01:32:10 you guys done that already? Probably, right? Yeah, give it a recap. Um... Oh, Waiting's a good movie, yeah. Okay, we got some good lists. There are two that stand out to me above the rest and two that are good, but I think one of the number ones is if you actually watch it, it's horseshit.
Starting point is 01:32:38 Do you want to guess which one I think that is? It's actually kind of hard for me to guess. Like Caddyshack? Yeah, I think Caddyshack's horseshit. Some people feel that. I don't think it's as funny as it. If you rewatch it, it's not as funny as maybe any other Chevy Chains movie. But that being said, let me get into my picks. All right.
Starting point is 01:33:08 Go, Ben. That is a really good list other than Caddyshack though. It's a tough number one for me. It's a take, baby. That's a take. Caddyshack, Tropic Thunder, Team World, Tournament of America, Austin Powers, The Spider Shag It's a take that's a tank I shagged off the thunder Shrabi thunder team world to America awesome tires the spider shag me one of the funniest movies ever song theaters Friday great picks just carry Shaggett one is tough for me
Starting point is 01:33:40 Objective I mean I've never been tired to just be objective. I think number three, that's a really good list too though, but I just think the other two or so are just head and shoulders. I think number three is going to be Airplane, Anchorman, Happy Gilmore, American Pie, Old School. That's a really good list. That is a tough, but like I said, I just think these other two are so good.
Starting point is 01:34:15 You guys picked some movies that I didn't think of. I wrote down like 16 last night and I didn't think of all these, so good on you all. Um, I'm going to go with my number two is Jack asked the movie, the Gruber, Lebowski, bridesmaids, wedding crashers, number one, super bad, wet hot America, American summer, or at one of the funniest films ever. Dumb and dumber, easily one funniest, probably could have gone number one in that list, but super bad, still good. at one of the funniest films ever dumb and dumber easily one funniest probably could have gone number one in that list but super red still good and best in show is a great round out with their draft whoever doesn't back was pick
Starting point is 01:34:52 that was a nice last bit I was a Mr. irrelevant of the draft it's the last John Thomas. JT, you got the dog dude. And then Aaron, I got fourth dude with Caddyshack. Aaron, you had me at two, so appreciate you dog. That's huge. I mean, I think JT did have the best list, and any of these could have gone any other way. JT's list is amazing. Yeah, I really liked it. You know what?
Starting point is 01:35:19 I gotta give a lot of credit to my lady. Let's go, I love that. She kept me on my rails when we were going through it last night. What were you thinking of putting on there that would like, maybe have tanked it? You know what it was? It wasn't different, it wasn't like crazy different movies.
Starting point is 01:35:33 It was different movies by those guys that I think like, like I would have gone like Wanderlust over Wet Hot, but then I would have gone like Kingpin over Dumb and Dumber. Could have done that though, but Dumb and Dumber's the move. I was thinking there's something about Mary for the Fairly Brothers, but you getting- Dumb and Dumber's it. You getting Christopher Guest. Dumb and Dumber's iconic.
Starting point is 01:35:51 Dumb and Dumber's it. Those are all such good movies. And then Best in Show or- Something about Mary and this Austin Powers and Spider Shag me are the two movies that I saw in packed theaters that just exploded. Yeah, we gotta talk about something about Mary. Yeah, we got to talk about something about Larry Ford. That was the Dick Zipper thing when he gets in. How'd you get the Frank Book B's? That summer that's all anybody was talking about. And then Harlan Williams has
Starting point is 01:36:14 maybe the second best cameo of all time behind Feral and Wedding Crashers. His cameo was the seven minute abs guy. Oh my god. You see eight minutes, you see seven minutes. Bingo. That movie is, it's a, dude the- The dog in the full cast. Oh, the fight with the dog is amazing. It's great, dude. It's so funny.
Starting point is 01:36:39 Is that the same weird lady that's in Kingpin that plays- Yeah, she's amazing. Bro, she's the best. In her boobs, dude. Dude, it's so good. Dude, Matt Dillon's so good so he's the funniest one in the movie Got a forehead like a drive-in movie theater, but he's a good shit Is there any movies you think we missed to that should have been on the list? Oh, yeah Well, I mean you guys so many good one, one of you had a Fairly Brothers movie.
Starting point is 01:37:08 Yeah, like you said Kingpin, something about Mary, Me, Myself and Irene is really funny. They were on such a heater for a while. So many bangers. Yeah. Me, Myself and Irene is amazing. His Hank character when he's talking shit to like the kid, it's between me and the kid. I gotta be. Dude, it's unreal. You want to start me up? Just open the joke and pull the card. The joke is there's three kids, when he's raising the three kids that are all geniuses doing it. I grow up, dude. Dude, there's something about Mary, I don't know if I, that might be the funniest movie. Yeah. It's really good. And it's got heart too, it's nice.
Starting point is 01:37:46 It's a fun... Ben Stiller. It would have been another Ben Stiller. Ben Stiller's a beast, dude. Dude, Heavy Weights, did we talk about Heavy Weights back then? Oh, we haven't talked about Heavy Weights. While you're at it, why don't you climb up there and take a hot steamy piss on the power lines.
Starting point is 01:37:58 Look, I'm not here to twist your nipples. Hot steamy piss on the power lines. Dude, Hank Evans whoa, whoa. It's the cheese. I got enough supplies last 72 hours. 151. Jim Carrey is a huge fan of cannibal corpse. So he gets them in every movie he can. Dude, maybe we got to draft best comedic actors next. Yeah. That's a good one. That's a really good one.
Starting point is 01:38:29 I'm like, is Carrey number one? Well, Liar Liar, which is like the like... It's so good. I wouldn't put it as like the best, but it's like, it's only Jim Carrey. Like it's like... The mask as well. Who else is going to do that? And people pick on him because they're like, oh, all he does is make faces. I'm like, it's hard.
Starting point is 01:38:44 That's the whole job. Taking risks like that? Like, also it's like, oh, all he does is make faces. I'm like, it's hard. That's the whole job. Yeah. Taking risks like that. Also it's like, oh, if you're really great at something, aren't you gonna do it a lot? And he's like, you look like a crazy person doing that on camera. And then like Ace and Cher, they're like,
Starting point is 01:38:56 what the fuck are you doing? Oh, it's gotta be so hard to know if that's funny. Yeah. Totally. Because he's being so, dude, I love it. He's like, Ace, you got any more of that bubble gum? And he just goes, that's none of Yeah, totally. Because he's being so, dude, I love it. He's like, AC, you got any more of that bubble gum? And he just goes, that's none of your goddamn business. I say that all the time. It's like, if somebody asks me a question and like, it's totally normal question, I love responding. I think every time I walk
Starting point is 01:39:15 the dog, I go, if I'm not back in five minutes, just wait longer. Like literally, I say that every time to my wife, every time I leave. All right, here's the list I came up with last night just up in Dome, which you guys didn't hit a lot of these, but you guys got some great ones on there. The Jerk. Yeah. Clerks.
Starting point is 01:39:34 Yeah, iconic, yeah. Here's a big one you guys missed. I'm shocked it's not there, Office Space. Yeah, that's what we said. Chad mentioned it. Shoulda got it. It's a great one. Yeah, Doctor Strangelove. Yeah, Doctor Strangel a great one. Yeah, Dr. Strangelove.
Starting point is 01:39:45 Yeah, Dr. Strangelove's huge. Yeah, Office Space plays at such a different frequency than all the other ones too. It's such more like a laid back hang in a good way. It's so totally. I wish I would have put that on there last or like Christopher guess. Yeah, Life of Brian. Do you like- Or Mark of Python, for real.
Starting point is 01:40:04 Yeah, which one do you like more? I like Life of Brian better. I've probably seen it at least. Aaron, he's a different guy. He's a different guy. He's not really, you know, yeah. The nerve of them to make a Jesus movie. Is great. And you see his penis. Yeah. I mean, it had to be it had to literally had to be financed by George Harrison to get it made. I mean, it's awesome. Harrison, dude, I was reading something funny about George Harrison. I guess he was mean to his first wife that left him and they go, what went wrong with
Starting point is 01:40:35 George? She goes, he started meditating. I hadn't seen Holy Grail until like a couple of years ago. My wife showed it to me and there's one joke in it We're like to cross a bridge you have to answer a question and then like truthfully and like There's like really complicated questions and then they get to one guy like what's your favorite color? He goes blue green and then he All right, well Aaron you got more
Starting point is 01:41:06 Vacation Oh That's what it is. Alright, well Aaron, you got more? Well, yeah, vacation. Oh, dude. I'm not a big vacation guy. A Christmas vacation. All those movies make me feel weird. I like Vegas. I know, we talk about this. It's the one we grew up on. Vacation makes me feel weird.
Starting point is 01:41:22 I don't know, there's something, but Christmas vacation does not. Christmas vacation's fine. Christmas vacation's fine. Christmas vacation's great. Ghostbusters. Yeah. Yeah, we discussed it because it's... Oh, Fletch. I haven't seen Fletch. Oh yeah, Fletch is good, but it's like a slapstick one. Like we had Airplane. It's a Viper. Yeah, yeah. Fletch is maybe more of a mystery that's funny, but Wayne's World. Yeah. Yeah. That was a tough
Starting point is 01:41:46 lead. Yeah. Big tough. What do you guys do? Wayne's World or Wayne's World 2? I might go to like it's funny. I like to war but yeah, just Chris Farley and it's so good. And then the monologue about the Brown M&Ms. The tougher ones you go Wayne's World or you go Austin Powers. Yeah, I go Austin Powers. think awesome hours were bigger movie actually, you know, I was just young I was younger with Wayne's world. I might have It's tough though Cuz like my I think it changes for me cuz like I think cuz I watched Austin Powers so much Ten years. Yeah, I'll probably I'm probably more likely to put on Wayne's world right now I probably would wait for has the best monologues. Like the Bengal tiger.
Starting point is 01:42:26 The shoe keepers owner was a different story. Beat him to death with his own shoe. The Ed O'Neill part. I love that. Oh bro. He's got best dude. Yeah I know what you want to do. You want to find out who did it.
Starting point is 01:42:38 Yeah he's so good dude. He's a passion. Yeah. Yeah. I was finally thinking about filing a grievance with the union. Look at his face, dude. That's so funny. The world's a crazy place.
Starting point is 01:42:51 Look at that face. I think something's going on with Veronica. Wait, what's her name in it? Is it Veronica? Oh, um. Cassandra? Cassandra. She's dancing with Christopher and walking and he looks and you see him off and you go, I think
Starting point is 01:43:07 there's something going on with Cassandra. So good. Also just when they're going to the club, maybe it's at number two, but he has to pace himself with swings. Swing, swing, swing, swing, swing, swing, swing, swing, swing, swing, swing, swing. Yeah, Garth's just having a conversation but he keeps breaking up. Me and Andrew, I used to say that when me and Andrew had a crush on a girl and the other guy knew and the girl would hook up with another guy to party, me and Andrew would look at
Starting point is 01:43:32 each other and go, I think something's going on with Cassandra. Spewing to this. I got three more. Blues brothers we never mentioned. Hit it, baby. Yeah, those are big. Those are great. Young Frankenstein, Blaylee, Chatt mentioned. Hit it baby. Yeah, those are big. Young Frankenstein, Blaylee, Saddles.
Starting point is 01:43:47 Oh yeah, yep. Robin Hood. I should have put Amazing Saddles on there. I had to pick an Eddie Murphy and this would have been a low, like a five pick, but Bowfinger. Oh, Bowfinger's good. Dude, Bowfinger's hilarious. It is funny. Jake doesn't know any of these movies.
Starting point is 01:44:04 Spill them all. Jake did. Well, I'm older than Jake. It is funny. Jake doesn't know any of these movies. Spill them all. Jake dude. Well, I'm older than Jake. We should do a draft as Twitch streamer. Yeah. Chubby Rain dude, that's right. It's so funny. I got to show it to the Laker group. Oh, hot shots and hot shots, part due. So good. I'm going part due. Yeah, I like number two more as well. I do. It's always the one that I saw first.
Starting point is 01:44:25 Yeah. And because I didn't, I wasn't like, you know, I was like two when a lot of these came out. It's like, yeah, I probably saw the sequel first. All right. Should we call it? Aaron, thank you, dude. Legend, bro. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:37 Thanks, Aaron. Thanks to JT. Thanks, brother. Later, man. Nice. Great draft. Good shit. Can I say one thing too? I just want to pay my respects to my dad has a great crew.
Starting point is 01:44:48 He's had friends for like 50 plus years. It's really an inspiration to see how they've stuck with each other through thick and thin and distances and time. And one of his dearest friends and a godfather to me and my brother, Freddie Ogans passed away after dealing with lupus for a while. He handled it like he handled everything, like just a true character. He was hilarious. It's good we're doing this on the comedy draft. Like 10 days before he died, he was trying to get a sailboat license.
Starting point is 01:45:13 He had just bought a boat to take it out on the water. And he was a real character. He took me and my brother to the Ohio State Miami National Championship game. One of the best games ever. Yeah, his girlfriend went to Miami and she was a huge fan. She was a cheerleader and they bought us all Miami games. And he took us to one of the greatest college football games of all time. And it's just like his dad's or his buddy's kids. And what a treat. He left his phone inside the stadium and lost it.
Starting point is 01:45:45 And he was pissed off the whole time. We had to stick around for like three hours afterwards because he was trying to find it. Yeah, we're all like, this is like a football game in history. And he was so mad. But I think he was such a character. And to me, the definition of a character is that someone, even when they're mad, sad, or bad, you still like being around them and you still remember those moments fondly because you could always see their whole heart
Starting point is 01:46:09 and that was Freddie Ogens. You could always see his heart and everything he did and that's what made all of his mischief so special. So rest in peace, Freddie, travel well, we love you. Love you. Legend. That was great. Oh, he's a good dude. He was a good dude. I'll repeat it for Eddie.
Starting point is 01:46:30 Should we end it there? Revenge of the nerds. Venge nerds get disqualified for rape. Straightforward, no ifs ands or buts about it. Yeah. That's what that scene is. Yeah. Yeah. I just wonder, like, can you just show those movies or you kind of just, you know, like, just kind of ignore this or we can fast forward. No, no, totally. It's a funny movie. Dude, uh, Ogre. Ogre's incredible. He's holding a guy over the balcony when he first sees him and he's like, no, it's just calling him out. And you see the two main characters and they're looking around like
Starting point is 01:47:09 like looking around for him and then he just finally gets so angry that he just drops the guy nerds all right sweet dudes sick

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