Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 100 - The Four Horsemen of Chillpocalypse (Strider and Joe)

Episode Date: October 30, 2019

What up stokers, welcome to episode 100! To celebrate this momentous occasion, we brought in the main dawgs, Strider and Joe. Prepare yourself for good vibes, epic vocabulary, and full stoke....

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Starting point is 00:00:22 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 What up, Stokers of Stoke Nation? This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep in Chad JT podcast.
Starting point is 00:00:26 Guys, welcome to episode 100. It's been a hell of a ride. We're stoked you're along with us. And it's only just beginning, my friend. So, what up? I'm here with my compadre, Jean-Thomas. What up? What up, dude? I love you taking this Coronation episode and just putting it as a step in the journey. I think that's the right perspective. Oh, for sure. I mean, we're definitely celebrating,
Starting point is 00:00:49 but at the same time, I'm just celebrating what's still to come. You know what I mean? Yeah. We could go in so many quirky, crazy directions. It's like the Rainbow Road on Mario Kart. It just keeps going. We've been playing a lot of Mario Kart lately,
Starting point is 00:01:01 and I'm starting to get better than fourth place amongst the fellas we're playing with. Dude, it's true. Oh, fuck yeah the best the best you'll be playing soon oh hell i cannot wait dude wario dude oh dude he's strong and fast people say he's overall the best sorry if i'm like sound gross i'm chewing on this keto brownie never had one dude they're pretty good right pretty dank dude different texture but. Different texture, but dank. It's good. Yeah. And they're nice. Chilled. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Not hot. I keep them cold. Dude, taste, temperature, texture. The three T's of food, dude. Big time, dude. And you know what? Taste, dank, temperature, huge factor in this brownie. Absolutely. Did you chill them?
Starting point is 00:01:38 I chilled them, yeah. Thank you for that, dude. Thank you for going the extra mile for us. But all I was going to say about the trimmed true trimmed pubes was just um you know think about any um statue or anything like the washington monument or something like that like once you trim the hedges all around it dude yeah it's gonna look a little bit bigger you know what i mean well i think pubes when they're unkempt and they're uh not taken care of by you know uh uh tonic and and the lawnmower 2.0 it looks like they got like fried by like a fucking electrocution thing yeah like a bill nye the science guy like type you know
Starting point is 00:02:12 mad scientist you guys ever been sparked like that oh for sure yeah one time it was like we had a flood at my house and i was like no i want to play video games so bad and i stuck the thing in and i got a little bit of a yeah a little bit bit of a yeah one time this kid bussy at my high school he missed two days of school because he got electrocuted really how bad i guess bad enough to miss school he came back he looked the same yeah yeah but he had these haunted ghost eyes no no he was fine oh yeah he had seen things he'd been to the other side man dude getting struck by lightning that's got to do something to your subconscious where you're like, am I supposed to be here?
Starting point is 00:02:48 That happens. Yeah. I was riding horses, and they were sweating, and the guy I was riding with was like, yeah, if you're on a sweaty horse, they're just like real conductors, and lightning's attracted to them. Really?
Starting point is 00:03:03 And I was like, why don't we get off? He's like, no, no, he's a tough guy. He's like, we gotta keep riding. I put degree on this horse. Any purse brand. And if you get struck once, it's more likely you'll get struck twice. Is that how it goes? I know there's some dude that got struck like seven times.
Starting point is 00:03:17 He did, but then I think he ended up just kind of calling it quits, which is sad. He died, you mean? He took his own life. Really? Because he was so tired of getting struck by lightning? Yeah, like really did a number. But also. Dude, I respect that, but if I would have been his boy, I would have been like, dog.
Starting point is 00:03:34 No matter, it's not, get struck seven times, get up eight times. That Dwayne Wade philosophy. And then get back on the horse. Possibly getting struck by lightning may be the only time not to get back on the horse. Good call, dude. You know what I mean? Might be the only one. Yeah. But also, you got to think about this guy this guy we feel obviously we feel bad for him but dude that might change the chemistry makeup
Starting point is 00:03:48 in your dome getting shocked like that a lot you know what i mean what am i doing is like injury or something yeah or disease altering my perspective oh like what if i went from like pursuing dankness to not being able to feel dankness yeah it's fragile like that dude if you ever got any injury that changed anything about your persona i'd be fucking mad you know what you do mad you would injure yourself in the same way so that we could share the new get on the same maybe despondent perspective i could see that despondent because we're sharing it i would get on that jet ski though i highly doubt you'd get hurt on a jet ski. You know, I don't know. Yeah, wave runner. I don't see it happening.
Starting point is 00:04:25 I don't see it happening. So it'd have to be some fluke, like, I don't know, some sort of bus hit you in the ocean or something. So I'd have to do that. How would you injure yourself to match with JT's brain cam? I would do it in the same, as close to recreating as possibly what he was doing. Yeah. And knowing what a dang guy he is.
Starting point is 00:04:41 I mean, it could be like plugging in an N64 during a flood. I would just go do that. Or, you know, nowadays, knowing him, I might be like plugging in an n64 during the flood i would just go do that or you know nowadays knowing him i might be like at air one purchasing a blue drink and then maybe you know there was a cleanup on aisle three he didn't see it because he was getting so stoked looking around so i'd probably have to slip on something like you know green drink or something you know what i'd do what i'd facilitate that for you oh yeah and then i'd ask joe to do the same for me right he'd probably be late though that's so smart because then if you set it up for yourself it's not going to go yeah you'll you'll kind of lean into it and actory it yeah and you won't fall the way it happened to the other guys you need your buddy to set it up so you're unaware going into it you need an assist so you can really
Starting point is 00:05:19 hit that dome you need someone to straight up um what's that movie the game dude with like robert redford was it redford no it's um no douglas yeah douglas you need someone to like up... What's that movie The Game did with Robert Redford? Was it Redford? No, it's Douglas. Michael Douglas. You need someone to like Michael Douglas you. Thank you, Aaron. Respect.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Aaron, what did you think of the brownie? Don't say you didn't like it. No, no. I think Strider's right. I think the texture takes a little getting used to, but it's good, yeah. Aaron, you hated it. No, no, no. No, I didn't hate it.
Starting point is 00:05:48 I've had way worse brownies if this was the first brownie i ever had and like my mom made it for me i'd be like i was an accident like you didn't love me oh just based on texture you know but if you chilled it for me like my dog jt did yeah i'd be like you love me i didn't understand what you so you're saying you wouldn't you'd be disappointed in your mom my i would think and believe that my mom feeding me something that has texture somewhat like a brick, she might not care and value me. But, dude. It's definitely, yeah. It's not made with the love that your mom would and extra frosting.
Starting point is 00:06:17 There's different kinds of love, though. Keto love's a deeper love, I think. That's what I was saying. She's keeping you from brain fog. She's letting you develop with natural fat yeah because i definitely love you guys like a mother yeah she knows what's best and i don't even know it wheat is poison it's got four grams of net carbs and a brownie that's like a fifth of a banana yeah my mom gave me so much dessert as a kid i'm like now i'm rethinking it i'm like what did you mean by
Starting point is 00:06:42 that yeah that is now i have trouble remembering eighth grade. Yeah, dude, that's interesting. We were talking about that. You don't remember large swaths of high school. No, I don't remember anything. Whoa. Yeah, it just omits. Yeah, I truly think there are spots in my past, you know, my younger life where it's just like blank.
Starting point is 00:07:03 But also, when i get around friends it it comes back they come back yeah friends where i was at when i was at college with they were whatever but it comes back but it's always kind of fuzzy right but i take solace fuzzy is nice though fuzzy is a good feeling well yeah i think it helps me live in the present stay stoked um even though my life's been pretty stoked throughout so i don't have much pretty much any trauma to look back i mean there's you know um you've been through some shit yeah i'm fired up i fell off my bmx in front of my dad so maybe like that's yeah what happened flew up nosed it just ate freaking crete dude same thing happened to me i was ripping on a
Starting point is 00:07:44 bmx bike one time and i was hitting this jump better than i've ever hit it yeah we like built a jump like in this like shared yard we had with some neighbors yeah and then um and then i was like dad come out and watch me and so he's like chilling he doesn't want to do it and i finally like you know i'm like please please please please so he finally comes out there yeah and then every time i hit the jump i just i'm like end it like just landing on my front tire. And I'm not hitting it well at all. And then finally my dad,
Starting point is 00:08:07 after a while, got concerned for me. He was like, enough. Like, you're not hitting it right. We got to go back inside. And I was like, God darn it, man. Like I was smoking this thing before you came out here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:16 I bet that's what like X Games guys do is before they enter into competition, they make their dads watch. Yeah. Because that's the biggest test. Yeah, if you can stick it with your dad there like if you're a who's like one of the backflip kings metzger was he the king in motocross yeah pastrana carry heart before pastrana could land the backflip he would end his shows with throwing the bike in the air and then he would leave the bike do a backflip
Starting point is 00:08:43 and land on the top of the jump to end the show like just huck would leave the bike, do a backflip, and land on the top of the jump to end the show. Like just huck the bike and then just do a backflip free. Pretty sick. Yeah, pretty sick indeed. That's pretty sick. It's pretty sick indeed. I mean, if you see that, that's worth admission, dude. That's fire, dude.
Starting point is 00:09:04 That is fire. Why are you even downgrading to a backflip's worth admission, dude. That's fire, dude. That is fire. Why are you even downgrading to a backflip on the bike, dude? Yeah, yeah. The amount of timing, like knowing where you are. Sick. Do you think his friends get annoyed? They're like, oh, fucking Pastrana's coming. He's going to do 10 backflips at this party.
Starting point is 00:09:19 That is how it is when your friend's like really good at something and then they always pull it out. You're like at a party like, oh, this is the moment where this happens. Yeah. One time our buddy. I'm guilty of that with dancing a little bit. But here's the thing. You have fire moves.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Yeah, dude, I'm going to back you on that all day long. It's just passion. Thank you. Spontaneous dancing just raises stoke, so it's always good. But there was one time, and I got to rip on my bro a little bit here, dude. Time to get zinged. And he'll remain anonymous to protect his integrity
Starting point is 00:09:46 because he's a good dude do I know him? you know him and you're going to know him instantly I might call him up you probably already know this this was a 4th of July party dude this is also the same dude
Starting point is 00:09:54 from a few podcasts ago double faulted in every single tennis serve dude against JT that one time yeah and we were having a sick 4th of July party
Starting point is 00:10:03 and honestly dude this guy was mvp dude he went to another party hijacked the dj brought the speakers over set it up dude like we combined it was the most epic thing ever in venice dude it was the sickest party ever but dude he had this moment that was premeditated and it was psychotic where he got the whole party quieted everyone up he created he was responsible for all this stoke then he made it stop happening so he could rip a jimi hendrix style uh solo of the star sprinkled banner and like everyone would watch him which is sick but the reason he was doing it was unchill because it was like yo look at me what i can do it wasn't like oh dude it was just so manufactured that it
Starting point is 00:10:41 was wrong it was pretty so he he got everyone at the party said come upstairs in 10 minutes there's gonna be a really special show yeah he told everyone at the party there's like 100 people at this fourth of july party so everyone goes upstairs from dancing and from playing beer pong and from talking and doing whatever they all get up there and then he plugs in his amp gets on his guitar and he plays not just the star spangled banner but like one of the longest versions of the star spangled banner i've ever i mean he probably played for 10 minutes and there was moments where i was like i'm gonna go cut his mic or cut his amp and then i was like fuck it and i just let him play and he had a cigarette dangling from his mouth but you know what's funny is it was so gross it was so like um self-involved but within five minutes of doing that he was making love to a girl in one of the downstairs
Starting point is 00:11:25 rooms it worked and with him it works because it's it's who he is and that was driving him the whole time to make that party sick to get the dj to get more amps so his solo could be more epic makes me think of once again my boy michael douglas when he says in a little movie called wall street where greed is good he was greedy for that attention you know ended up being good for all of us we all bended it from right the capitalistic moment from our boy that kind of is a natural segue into like how uh necessary evils actually benefit the entire system because we watched that yellowstone video right and guys actually at home if you're listening joe maurice he's supposed to be right here and be here right now but he's running late yeah so but he probably didn't he doesn't normally
Starting point is 00:12:07 read that or watch the topic so yeah uh we might be fine starting without him but yeah so basically the the video we watched was that they reintroduced wolves who had been basically uh extinct from yellowstone into the climate there or into the environment there. And they ended up, you know, the deers were overpopulated. They ran off the deers. So then all like the lower tier animals that the deers had been eating grew back up. And then the whole and then the beavers came back and they started building dams, which fixed the rivers and the rivers started building up the vegetation, which helped with like the actual mountain size and change like the topography of yellowstone like the wolves fixed all of yellowstone and sometimes you got to have that
Starting point is 00:12:50 apex predator in there for some like trickle down benefits yeah it's like the earth is an organism yeah he's like dudes i put the wolves here for a reason all right i'm gonna fuck up the rivers until you get this right yeah yeah do you think the do you think the the earth has consciousness i think it's gotta nice here's my logic on it because i have no science to back it i just have my whimsical thoughts on it i just think if it birthed us beings who have consciousness i think it's got to have something in there that makes sense because we're like a part of it so put us here like carl sagan said to contemplate itself right yeah it's legit yeah that's sick you know what that is that's probably pretty chill that might be sicker than a pastrana back for the conscious earth but honestly dude pastrana being so in tune with earth
Starting point is 00:13:43 and knowing where he is on that bump dude before catching fat air that's pretty dialed in that's pretty sick i wonder what the earth was thinking when it birthed pastrana it was like i created a fucking apex predator dude i think i think fellas need something pretty sick to talk about yeah he's like i'm gonna have this dude do point break stuff in real life yeah because he jumped out of that plane without a shoot ursul i love comp oh yeah he did do that yeah that was pretty amazing yeah that's i mean yeah you're kind of cool for life after that yeah not that do that to be cool but if you do do that because that's your thing that's cool and it was organic wasn't manufactured like our boy on fourth of july yeah dude yeah i i you just took such a badass bite of that brownie, dude.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Yeah, I didn't fuck around. Dude, just in case any of you guys aren't watching on YouTube and you missed the moment and you're listening in your car on the way to work or, as JT's cousin so kindly does, falling asleep, which is soothing, which as he was saying. Molly, she says it actually calms her down and it's a nice way to go to sleep, which I'm so jacked on. That fires us up.
Starting point is 00:14:41 But I'll do it again for the cameras because, you know. Oh, you took another badass bite. chill you're a badass dude wait so which that's what i was thinking too is that like with the yellowstone thing it made me it made me appreciate like bullies which i could be one at times but like i'm thinking about the people who bullied me in like high school i'm like maybe they were good for the environment i mean you don't want them to be overrun you don't want too many wolves but maybe a couple is good because it keeps you sharp and then like maybe like it some people do stuff that does need to be curbed and they're the ones who call it out and then it it like kind of is a good regulator for the system
Starting point is 00:15:19 i mean i don't want to i don't want to i don't want to endorse being an asshole, but I'm just saying maybe the system works. I don't know. No, I think what you're saying is what that committee... Who's the guy that started corporate? I don't want to sound like I'm justifying my own asshole behavior. No, no, no. But maybe that's back to what I'm trying to do. But it has to be also regulated.
Starting point is 00:15:39 You know what I mean? There's got to be a hunter or whatever. It's got to be balanced. Exactly. That's the thing. There's a duality of life. But I think you were saying the point of, who's that comedian that, Weissman, Sam Weissman? Not Weissman.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Jake Weissman, right? From corporate? Yeah. Aaron. Legend, dude. Love that show. He's got a, yeah, it's a great show. He's got a great joke from his stand-up where he's like, dude, bullying, dude?
Starting point is 00:15:59 Everyone's against it nowadays, but you kind of need it. Who's going to be there to shove those nerds in the lockers where the books are to like you know get rockets to the moon and it's kind of like well i guess that's the most you know reptilian way of thinking of that yeah no i like i like what you guys are saying because i think it's a more optimistic look at how things are i mean things are messed up and there's suffering but i think it's you can kind of suffering but i think it's you can kind of look at the way everything is functioning and be like you know maybe i don't know i'm trying to say in a way that doesn't sound bad i know what you mean but it's like maybe maybe maybe the system isn't as fucked up as we think it is and we should you know appreciate it appreciate it and just maybe just appreciate life a little bit more if that
Starting point is 00:16:46 makes sense i think so because like then it's like it's a nice way to look at it because then it's not bad guys good guys yeah or bad girls good girls it's just people people and then things are out of balance and they need to be balanced again right yeah i mean the dao de ching by lao tzu fire balance he was huge on like hey i know that guy ralph seems like an asshole yeah the one who shoved you on your way to school yeah but actually he is uh good for you dude and i didn't really land that as nicely teddy put you in a trash can that's good because you're gonna have a fire startup later on yeah but dude that kind of goes into it i don't know if we want to talk about it yet but that last vid that you sent us dude about assholes in that town in china right so this was really interesting
Starting point is 00:17:28 there's a town in china and a couple where they're testing a new concept where they have information collectors go around look at citizens report back to the local government on what the citizens are doing and then they give all the citizens a score on their social behavior and their social goodness. And if you fall below 1,000, you can't get nice stuff like airplane tickets or loans. And so you have to take a bus instead of a plane. So you're riding on a bus for 15 hours instead of having a six-hour flight. Amazing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:00 I love it. I love this. And I think Joe. Joe's not here, but I'll do Joe. It's good. Yeah. Yeah. We got to be watching people and not here, but I'll do Joe. It's good. Yeah. Yeah. We got to be watching people and making sure they're acting right. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:18:09 No, look, it's because it also goes with human nature. You know what I mean? Like how all the animals are responding to everything. Dude, we're humans. We're animals, too. Speak of the devil. Oh, what up, dude? Someone's got to report to the local community that Joe's late.
Starting point is 00:18:22 How is anybody here? Oh, come on, Joe. It took me an hour and a half to get here. Joe, we all use this wild technology called Waze. We use Waze and we gauge the navigation. Did you guys sleep over? Seriously, how is everybody here? Don't come in all charming.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Yeah, dude. No, because I don't understand. The 100th episode. The 100th episode. I left. It took me an hour and a half to get here. It's all about the journey. It took you an hour and a half. Took you 100 about the journey. It took you an hour and a half.
Starting point is 00:18:45 It took you 100 minutes, dude. Sorry. When did you get here? On time. It was early, dude. You got here 10 minutes early. Early is on time, dude. Why?
Starting point is 00:18:53 I got here early enough to meditate before the pod. You guys came from right here, though. I was like, you know who else came from this side? I could be coming from Timbuktu. I would have been here on time. No, there's no way to make it on time. I could have flown on six different connecting flights. Hollywood's Bowl.
Starting point is 00:19:08 There's a lot of things happening. There's a lot of things happening. There's a lot going on. There's a lot going on. Irishman player. A lot longer than I thought. Yeah, that's what's going on. But you know what you're doing, Joe?
Starting point is 00:19:16 And it's not your style. You're making excuses. Oh, well, too bad. I respect it. I do respect it. Joe short circuits everything. So how's everything going? We're talking about, and you probably didn't watch it. You didn't watch the video, did you? Yeah, I respect it. I do respect it. Show short circuits. So how's everything going? We're talking about, and you probably didn't watch it.
Starting point is 00:19:27 You didn't watch the video, did you? Yeah, I watched it. The second one? No, the second one you sent. Two hours ago? I listened to it. It was in Chinese subtitle. Right.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Okay, so basically in China, they have community watchers now, people who collect information on what all the citizens are doing, report it back to the local government, and you get a score on how well you're behaving. I got the gist of that. What do you think? I couldn't understand what all the reactions were, because it was in Chinese. So you don't have much of a taste.
Starting point is 00:19:55 When I was driving, I didn't have a chance to read the subtitles. Imagine a world... I watched the animal one. Did you already talk about that? It's pretty cool. I'm not really a science and nature right, let me bring it down. Imagine a world... I watched the animal one. Did you already talk about that? Yeah, what did you think about the animal one? It's pretty cool. Yeah, I'm not really a science and nature guy,
Starting point is 00:20:09 but I thought it was pretty neat. It is cool. The way the wolves, you know, brought, you know, created life for other animals like beavers and stuff, which are... Fox. Oh, yeah. Otters, dude.
Starting point is 00:20:22 The bear population comes back. Dams. Hummingbirds. They help make dams. Eagles and hawks hanging out together. It's just beautiful. Otters, dude. The bears. Population comes back. Dams. Hummingbirds. Help make dams. Eagles and hawks hanging out together. It's just beautiful. It was good stuff. It was sick.
Starting point is 00:20:30 A lot of sports team mascots. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. Speaking of which, how are your bears doing? Trubisky looks like a killer out there. Thanks. Killer of offensive momentum, dude.
Starting point is 00:20:41 I don't know. I don't want to talk about it. Hey, I have Alan Robinson, though. He's been cleaning up on my fantasy squad. Yeah, because he's the only guy who gets the ball thrown to him. That's what I like. Should we circle back to the China thing? Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:20:52 So pretty much, dude, I got fired up on this. And look, there are boundary problems. And if it gets out of control, this could be very, very bad where we become like our own big brother. You know what I mean? But, dude, I love the fact that if you are an asshole, you get treated like an asshole, and there's a quantifying system for it.
Starting point is 00:21:09 I was like, dude, I was so entertained watching this. Like, people going and donating, and it sounds sketchy because they don't know where their donations are going. Some government officials, like, you know, fancy dinners could be, but they say it's going to charity. Hopefully it does.
Starting point is 00:21:21 But I love, dude, and I always say this, dude, I think everybody should be required one year of service, industry work, not military, industry, dude. Be a valet, be a waiter, see how it is to treat people and be treated. Invaluable, dude. So I love this quantifying system, but it has a lot of dangers. And, dude, I mean, you got to feel for the people, like the guy at the end who's trying to get his score back up. He's like, I donated money, blood,
Starting point is 00:21:47 and I did volunteer work and now my score is good enough to get a plane ticket. I'm like, this poor fuck, dude. But they don't say what he did bad. This poor bastard.
Starting point is 00:21:53 I donated a kidney and then I got a bus ticket to Shanghai. Just so his neighbors would think he was fucking decent. It's brutal. I want to know
Starting point is 00:22:01 what he did, though. What did he do? I don't know do i don't know i don't know how you drop below but then again what how do you sort of like you know quantify like exactly like bad deeds you know if someone says like a rude thing or like that you're down 10 points exactly you're gonna have to take a train and it get chaotic everyone's just filming each other like look what you did you cut me in line like i got you and then people don't do good deeds for the sake of doing good deeds yeah it's fake yeah that's the whole thing the system is based on like a negative aspect of human nature to appear good yeah to fit in
Starting point is 00:22:35 and to not be ostracized and and like i'd almost rather have people being assholes if it doesn't strip away that if we're going to just completely strip away the realness i mean yeah i mean it there's cool parts to it too but i don't know watching those people like watching the information collectors and their sick smiles when they're walking around and they're like what are you guys doing in here are you guys in here to get warm and like you're like you know if you were in there you'd be terrified this person's gonna say some shit about you some narc just walking around some tattletale and they had no reflection about it they were just like yeah i love collecting information you're like all right even though you're kind of hurting people's you know incidentally it could be hurting it's just weird
Starting point is 00:23:11 it limits freedoms and it's not good but i like the idea behind it i know what you're saying did you guys see the episode of black mirror that kind of is like this it doesn't always work like right if you're having a bad day like do they treat you as though that's your life like oh man like i'm just mad today so i'm kind of rude to somebody and then then i'm you know like you take you down aaron you brought some cool logic to this thank you everyone has their bad days or moments of weakness you know you can't pay your whole life for it but maybe you get a bus ticket a little more difficult to get a fucking bus ticket the only time i think you should really lose points the only time and i mean this sincerely the only time you should really lose points for your behavior is if you
Starting point is 00:23:54 are consistently late to your homies podcast and then and then i think you got to get dinged that's i think you got to get dinged for that or Or maybe, well, people don't know this, but you guys are recording this podcast in the middle of rush hour on the worst traffic day in the busiest traffic city in the world. And dude, I mean, that's a good point, but also we had this on the books for about a week. What time did you leave? Five. Five and I got here at 545.
Starting point is 00:24:20 How? Baby, I got valet magic. I got to say, though, Joe, you've equalized the hog energy, so thank you. Yeah. I Baby, I got valet magic. I gotta say though, Joe, you've equalized the hog energy, so thank you. Yeah, dude, we all do. My goal is not to be late. It's not a... It's not like with my
Starting point is 00:24:35 job, I'm never late for work, so it's like, you know... We just miss you, dude. We just wish you were here, dude, because we miss you and love kicking it with you, dude. Yeah, that's what's up. That's what's up. Well, I was just trying to be here, but. You're a great guy.
Starting point is 00:24:49 You know I love you. I love living with you. But I'm going to have to report you to the agency, and you're going to have to get double points. Yeah. Yeah. You're going down. I think you can drop the hammer. All right.
Starting point is 00:24:57 I can't hate, because I am often late, and it's because I get caught up combing my hair. Yeah. True. You got a heavy flow that's legit over there, dude. It's legit. And, you know, I'm often late because I decide to just do, like, five more sets of squats at the gym. And I'm like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:25:17 I can throw on another plate. I want the muscle recruitment. I'm just going to stay here and blast my ass. Dude, that is true of being at the gym. I'll be doing, doing like sprints. I'm like, I could do five more minutes. I just know that I'll like text you or strive. Hey, can we push it like 10 minutes? And you're like, no, I can't. I'm like, all right, I'll get to the treadmill. You're like super sad. Like I have to leave the gym early. You're like hands, like just stretching back towards the treadmill as you walk out. I was trying to burn 400 calories so i guess i'll stick to 375 yeah what else did you guys talk about we talked about
Starting point is 00:25:51 just that's it and then we covered like manscaped man danny almonte we haven't talked about danny almonte you want to you want to lead that one off in a little baseball parlance yeah i read oh yeah also it took me like a half hour to read that article. That's what else I was doing. It was a long article. Yeah, I mean, I already knew the background story, but I wanted to. Yeah, because that article was from 2001 when it happened, right? Yeah. Yeah, I mean, I didn't realize.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Yeah, I mean, because they went into the you know the father the kid and uh the coach and how it affected the coach and i don't know how the kid just like basically is playing dumb or they're keeping him ignorant of the situation that's very weird yeah the kid like was literally telling people like no i am 12 i mean i wonder how he is now that he's 30 i read i read a follow-up article that was from like a, I wonder how he is now that he's 30. I read a follow-up article that was from like a year or two ago where he's 27. He's married now, but he says everyone thinks of me as the cheat. Like, it does feel like a can around his tail, and he feels like he can't escape the shadow of what he's done.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Yeah, I mean, it's tough. Everyone knows it. Should I tell who Danny Almonte is? He was the Little League kid. His team was like the Little League World Series. It takes over the nation for a week, and he was the most dominant player in its history. He was throwing perfect games. He was the talk of the country,
Starting point is 00:27:14 and then it turned out he was three years older than the rest of them. Yeah. He was post-puberty. I mean, growing up playing ball, you're competitive, but you're competitive but you know you don't really you're not like cheating you know when like the most you got to play with is people like your age or one year older younger than you like that's how oh yeah the age difference at that point it's like you're like 25 older than the other kids it's it's yeah pretty significant yeah if you're 14
Starting point is 00:27:44 playing with 12 year olds it's yeah and that's when's pretty significant. If you're 14 playing with 12-year-olds, it's... That's when you're hitting puberty, dude. The difference in strength is insane. That's like my dong versus Joe's dong. It's not fair on the same diamond. You know what I mean? It's not the size of the dong in the fight.
Starting point is 00:27:59 It's the size of the fight in the dong. Maybe. That is the most fire thing I've ever heard, dude. Your dong hits zingers, dude. I'll hang my head on that thank you dude my dong would lean in just get on base you know just get hit you know yeah high on base percentage definitely but not putting the barrel of the bat on the ball no never cannot not enough you know stick you know what i mean just just get on base you know billy bean would be like all right we can work this guy a lot of broken bats. Yeah, and quick.
Starting point is 00:28:25 Quick Dom, you know what I mean? It's kind of like the difference between choosing Bowser and Yoshi in Mario Kart. It's like, what kind of talent do you want? I mean, you're going to get first either way, but it's how do you, you know. And are we doing a racer's cup or are we doing battle mode? You know what I mean? Racer's cup. Yeah, racer's cup.
Starting point is 00:28:41 You're going to want to go Yoshi. Battle mode, you're going to want to do a Donkey Kong or a Bowser. Yeah. When I was 11, I got put into a summer league baseball league with seven-year-olds. Me and my now departed roommate, Greg. And we ripped it up for one game. I was like 9 of 10 with like six triples. I really loved triples.
Starting point is 00:29:01 I had like five throwouts. And then after the game, Greg's dad came up to us and was like, hey, I've talked about it with your mom, and we've decided you two can play in your little sister's league. Greg's sister was like six. And we were like all puffy chests. We were like, we fucking dominated that game. And then freaking Mr. Gee will cut us down to size, dude.
Starting point is 00:29:23 That's hilarious. Yeah. I think I might have been the worst Little League player of all time. I was deathly afraid of the ball, dude. Absolutely hated baseball, dude. Playing with my dad, it was like he thought he was in the majors or something, like trying to throw someone out at home in Game 7 of the World Series. I'm like, dude, just relax.
Starting point is 00:29:40 I hate this game so much, dude. My mom would have to bribe me to go, dude. She'd give me $10 so I could go get hot dogs and snacks, dude. When did you say you'd leave games to go to the snack shop? Oh, yeah, that's all I would do. My coach never played me. Like, I played, like, the minimum. Like, you know, you have, like, Little League rules.
Starting point is 00:29:54 You've got to play everyone. Yeah, half the game. I got to play, like, the worst. Like, if we were down, I would go in late. Or, like, you know, the coach would assess what team. I always bat at ninth. I went an entire season with no hit. I got one hit, and the coach gave me the game ball. The coach would assess what team. I always bat at ninth. I went an entire season with no hit.
Starting point is 00:30:06 I got one hit, and the coach gave me the game ball. It was because I was so afraid of the ball that I ducked, and the pitcher threw a wild pitch, and I ducked down, and it hit my bat over my head and bounced into play. The catcher had stopped paying attention because he's a kid, and I just ran to the face. The coach was like, way to go. Good stuff from you.
Starting point is 00:30:24 Way to be present, cognitive. Did you know he was patronizing you? No, no, no. He was like being genuinely nice. Like he just felt bad for me. Like he was being a nice guy. But did you want the game ball? Oh, no, no, no. I did not deserve it.
Starting point is 00:30:34 I didn't even want to be there. I wanted chicken nuggets from the snack stand is what I wanted. Aaron, what? My last year of Little League was much the same. I went full season no hits my dad was the coach that's supposed to be a leg up
Starting point is 00:30:51 but still like the other there were two coaches my dad and another friend's dad that kid was the ace pitcher the shortstop and the catcher I was second half of the game Right field and I was like What the fuck Yeah right field is the left out
Starting point is 00:31:09 And I faked an asthma attack To get out of facing the giant But now you're a softball dynamo That's true You're the best player on your softball team Well I mean the best pitcher in the league Oh nice Way to come through
Starting point is 00:31:25 dude i i showed a lot of promise as a young baseball player i was shortstop i had a bright future then i broke my wrist because i fell off the top of a soccer goal post monkey bars yeah i don't know how i got you were getting after it yeah i was i was just buzzing off stoke and then uh i was convinced it wasn't broken so i had the the All-Star game. Huge game. And I came in. I was like, wrist is a little tender, but it can be all good. And then I would try to throw the ball. I would try to throw it straight, and it would just go directly to the right. From the injury?
Starting point is 00:31:56 Yeah. And I just never got back in the fucking, on the game, in the field. I made the All-Star team every year. Really? Every single year. What position the all-star team every year. Really? Every single year. What position? Whatever you wanted. First base coach, dude.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Catcher, pitcher, shortstop, first base. I remember hearing about this. Your coach said you always showed up during the third inning. Was that a late bit? No, my dad was my coach most of the time, too. Who schedules these games? Oh, sorry. Eight-minute commute to my whatever it was.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Hour and a half. Whatever's convenient for you guys. Who put the freaking diamond in downtown Chicago? Did you have a highlight moment from your Little League career? What was the big moment, dude? Did you hit a bomb? Did you hit a home run? I never league career what was like the big moment dude did you hit a bomb did you hit a home run i never hit a bomb i never hit one over you're kidding me not even close i went over the fence beast that feels so cool yeah it does i don't remember that's all dude the best fuzzies about it yeah i don't remember sometimes you don't even know that
Starting point is 00:33:01 you hit it that well it goes over the fence you. And you're like, dinger. Yeah, you know, truth be told, I could think that I had a promising future. But the truth is, we don't know. It could have been someone else's childhood you're remembering. Yeah. You know, but I take solace in the fact that Kristen Bell said she has the same thing. Whoa, that's cute. Yeah. She doesn't remember anything.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Nice. Kristen Bell's legit. She has a promising career. Yeah, she's killing it. People love The Good Place. Oh, yeah. Oh, dude, yeah. My GF loves that show.
Starting point is 00:33:27 It's supposed to be philosophically exciting. Good. All right, guys. The last thing we read about was an assassination on Kim Jong-nam. I didn't read that. I think the dictator of North Korea's brother. And the way they got him assassinated was pretty incredible. Yeah, these guys would definitely
Starting point is 00:33:45 lose uh social points in that chinese system for what they did dude yeah unchill to use this lady to you know for nefarious deeds didn't this just goes to show they don't care about they would do anything at any cost to murder and i like that use of the word nefarious that was legit oh dude appreciate that dude you know freaking on my computer at my desk area i'll go to cruisedidictionary.com just look up a word sometimes that's so tight yeah as you were your dad used to make you look up 10 words a day right very true wow yeah i had to read a book dude sometimes i have to read out loud dude while he's eating a meal dude i'd like slow down on a word from like you know to kill a mockingbird i'd be like you know how to get when he like finished a bite of spaghetti and then i continued it and be like nice joe so the
Starting point is 00:34:27 article basically was a story about this woman who got contracted by some people to do a prank show where she'd go up to citizens and rub lotion on their face and they would film it and they kept telling her how what a natural she was and how good she was at it and they literally did this bit like 50 times and they kept paying her more and take her into more exotic places to shoot it. And then she was from Indonesia. And then finally they're like, all right, this is the big one. We're going to shoot this one in an airport and you're going to go up to this guy and he's going to freak out, but you're going to rub lotion on his face.
Starting point is 00:34:53 So they put it on her hands. She goes up to the guy, rubs it on his face, gets out of there. Doesn't think anything of it. Next day she gets arrested. They put VX like poison, which is the stuff from the rock okay on her hands she puts it in this guy's eyes ends up being kim jong il's brother oh wow he dies and that's how they set up the assassination because it because the girl thought it was a prank she thought it was for a prank show and she thought she was going to be a celebrity in america like a big youtube sensation it was
Starting point is 00:35:22 like some big japanese producer he loves you you you're great, you got what it takes. And she comes from Indonesia. She's from a poor environment. She thinks she has a break of a lifetime. But I'd fall for that shit too. Of course. They shot like 50 episodes. I'd be like, we're on season three.
Starting point is 00:35:37 This is great. I'd be into it. I'm super susceptible to that. So what's up now? She got out of jail. She had a really rough time there. And now she's famous, which is what she always wanted,
Starting point is 00:35:47 but was it worth it? I mean, she was totally set up. I don't think there's any way. Yeah. Yeah. There's no way she could have been in on that. If she is, then that's an impressive... Then she deserved an Academy Award for her acting.
Starting point is 00:35:57 Then she's even better than we thought. Yeah, that's wild. And the people who orchestrated it got away with it. That irks me a little bit, dude. Which is cool in a movie, but not so cool in real life. Although they did kill probably a pretty evil dude. A little Machiavellian,
Starting point is 00:36:10 you know, to justify the means, but still, you know, what they did. Not to be anti-Stoke with liking violence. And they're North Korean agents, correct? Yeah. And they went back to North Korea. So did Kim Jong-un hire them? Oh, yeah. I think that's a nice twist
Starting point is 00:36:26 in the story is that he hired them because he thought his brother was going to try and overthrow him. That's always happened. They're always knocking off their siblings and stuff.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Very Shakespearean. And then he watched The Rock and he's like, this is what I gotta do. Yeah, he watched The Rock and he was like, hey,
Starting point is 00:36:39 he called his secretary. He's like, do we have any VX gas? Dude. She's like, I don't think so. And he's like, well, call Frank in paramilitary's like i don't think so and he's like we'll call frank and paramilitary and see if he's got any left behind over there hey this is frank what's up
Starting point is 00:36:50 do you have any vx gas no i got gel like hair gel vx gel i don't know where to go that'll work great you know how that shit works I got VX Joe baby you wanna do a YouTube style prank and kill this guy it's just water so I'm trying to see what everybody's drinking I got tea
Starting point is 00:37:13 oh okay just sipping on some agua dude would you wish it was a beer dude should we get into some questions hell yeah dude our friend Luke Casey
Starting point is 00:37:22 made a good point about the Chinese thing too with the where he said it's basically like religion and it's a secular state in China
Starting point is 00:37:27 so they don't have religion so people aren't acting good because they're trying to get to heaven so they need
Starting point is 00:37:32 someone else to be watching them it's not different than how religion works for most people where God's
Starting point is 00:37:37 watching you true and he's keeping tally of all that stuff alright so get 20% off free shipping
Starting point is 00:37:44 with the code go deep 20 at manscaped. So get 20% off free shipping with the code go deep 20 at manscaped.com. Hell yeah. Stay sexy this Halloween with a fresh hog. Do you guys have Halloween costumes
Starting point is 00:37:51 picked out? Dude, I got one. I got two, dude. My GF and I are gone. But what is yours? You're stoked. I want to hear this first. What do you got?
Starting point is 00:37:58 So I got one where it looks like I'm riding on top of a T-Rex. Nice. I have a safari hat on so it's like I'll be walking holding onto my T-Rex. Nice. I have a safari hat on, so it's like I'll be walking, holding onto my T-Rex, just like roaming around. Oh, that's fun, dude.
Starting point is 00:38:11 I think you showed that to me earlier. I showed it to you, yeah. It looks really cool, too. It's a good setup. Is it inflate or is it just like a proof of heat? It's inflate, so it looks like I'm just like riding around a frigging dinosaur. That's so sick, dude. Thanks, dude.
Starting point is 00:38:23 But tell me about yours. Dude, my GF and I crushed The Haunting Tales of Sabrina, which is legit. And actually, dude, kind of got me a little bit scared, so I'm glad we watched it together. And it's always nice
Starting point is 00:38:31 when you and your GF have a show crushed together. And she's going to go as Sabrina, and I'm going to go as, freaking, I'm embarrassed that I'm forgetting, Harvey, dude. So, you know,
Starting point is 00:38:41 not Nick Scratch, dude, who's also been on the show. I can do any spoilers right now if anyone hasn't seen it. But yeah, dude sick he'll be sick joe what are you gonna ask uh i'm not whoa oh when's the last time that's it when's when's the last time you did an outfit for halloween uh i think two years ago what'd you go as i don't know you know what you could do dude you could just go in a towel and that's it. And then people ask you what your costume is. You could say, hey, I'm running late.
Starting point is 00:39:10 That's a good one. That's a good costume. Somebody should do that. That is good. A guy who's running late, just wear a towel. Or run late. Wear a towel and sandals. And you get to be in a hurry the whole time at the party. So you don't ever get caught in awkward conversations. You're like, I'm running late yeah wear a towel and sandals and like and with a hog and you get to be in a hurry
Starting point is 00:39:25 the whole time at the party so you don't ever get caught in awkward conversations you're like i'm running late like carry a i carry a toothbrush and a comb yeah because you're like trying to that's like a really good costume that is really good i mean and it's you dude it's the best part is innate um all right guys first question jack what are you what's your cost oh yeah uh sally is gonna go as share from a clueless and i'm gonna go as paul rudd oh yeah it was like sort of my idea because i was like i knew she would dig it because she gets to wear a fun thing and look cute and then i get to just wear a flannel and not have to like but i'm still supportive and i'm still participating dude yeah guess guess what Harvey wears,
Starting point is 00:40:05 dude? Good contact. He wears a flannel. Oh, really? Hey, but do you have one of those, like,
Starting point is 00:40:09 do either of you guys have one of those jean jackets that have like the fleece on it right there? Yes. I do have one. Can I borrow that?
Starting point is 00:40:15 Yeah, of course. Legend, dude. Daddy has one too. Really? Yeah, try them both.
Starting point is 00:40:19 I need to borrow. Yeah, see which one. Mine's black corduroy. Really? I need like denim. Denim would be the best. That would be ideal. I got you. Black corduroy plays gooduroy i got you my dog that was actually supposed to be a gift for
Starting point is 00:40:29 somebody else years ago and then i forgot to give it to him and then after a while i was like it's too weird if i give it to him now so it's been waiting for somebody i love that it's too big for me there's a meaning to everything dude just like the wolves in freaking yellowstone i'd like to remain anonymous what up mr kroger mr. Parr I'm a 17 year old stoker who needs some advice From two brilliant modern day philosophers That's nice, thank you Like I said I'm 17 but I'm a virgin And don't drink or do drugs
Starting point is 00:40:53 I attain stoke via my family My dogs, education, sports I'm writing in to ask if I should focus on Chasing more adventure in life Or simply stay chill and happy And allow these ventures to encounter me later on in life raging sex etc thanks love the pod keep spreading stoke you're two genuine and care two genuine and caring dudes later bros it's nice i love you yeah yeah dude i'd
Starting point is 00:41:16 say follow your stoke man i mean you know it sounds like you're enjoying the life you're living right now it sounds like you're crushing it in all areas and honestly it sounds like you might be feeling some external pressure to like explore these different things that you know you might think you you might not actually enjoy you're just doing it because you think that's what other people want you to do so i'd say you know stay true to what gets you stoked and that's the path you should yeah let it happen naturally yeah seems to have it really together just yeah don't force it yeah he seems to have a good awareness of himself yeah and if you don't feel like it's the right time for you then trust that and don't let you know society make you feel like you're not doing what you're supposed to agree dude and that's what i'm saying it sounds like a little bit you're kind of
Starting point is 00:42:03 comparing a little bit looking at what other people are doing to get stoked, like watching maybe Travis Pastrana flip a dirt bike and land on top of a ramp, which that's what it takes to get him stoked. And that gets me stoked seeing that, but I'm not about to go do that. So it sounds like, dude, you get stoked on a little more, lack of a better word, like mundane, but it's not even mundane, just more sort of like day-to-day type stuff. Like me get stoked on a nice ipa that's not crazy it sounds like you're the type of guy who when you're 21 is going to get stoked on a nice ipa kicking it with your gf and you know
Starting point is 00:42:34 maybe by that time you're not virgin anymore and that's fine dude give it time it doesn't need to happen anytime soon so just don't go comparing and despairing dude just straight up stay stoked and be a straight-up ledge like you're. I remember when you lost your virginity. Yeah, I was amped. You were amped, bro. Do you remember when I told the story? Yeah. Strider was telling the story.
Starting point is 00:42:52 He was giving us the ins and outs of it, but staying respectful. Thank you. And then at the end of it, he was basically like, yeah, and I did a really good job. And then my dad was peering out the window, and he goes, oh, really? Did you, Strider? And we're all like, oh! I was b out the window and he goes. Oh really did you strider and we're all like I'm a ride and lost mine yet, but I couldn't say anything. I kept it a secret forever. Yeah. Yeah, there's a huge burden But now I'm happy it went down like that. Yeah, it's your own path i think i kind of like rushed tried to rush it too much and it wasn't like it happened at like a party and stuff and there were no like flowers
Starting point is 00:43:30 and right no candles just like kind of like a fuzzy like again i don't remember no what's those boats in venice oh uh gondola no gondola no gondola and uh but she was great no fantastic person but you know but you wanted the fireplace you wanted to peer out the window and see mountaintops with snow caps yeah dude you know what's actually a very poignant movie about this is um american pie yeah oh american pie fire very yeah fire but it just came out with i was trying to think of something that was like barnholz and um oh yeah blockers blockers yeah that movie good. You see the trailer and you're like, this is going to be so dumb.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Then you're watching and you're like, this is really... It's nice. This is a good story. That was a good flick. Yeah. I got to watch it, too. Barnholz is great in it.
Starting point is 00:44:14 Yeah. Cena just always brings it. Wrestlers just are the best entertainers. They really are. Yeah. Because their commitment is next level. And they got to cut their teeth in such a hard way of performing
Starting point is 00:44:24 where it's like, dude, it's just... just it's like dude like think about minor league baseball what an arduous journey that is or even like stand-up comedy of hitting mics and going and doing shows for people that are like watching a game in a bar that want you to shut up but like you're wrestling dude you're on the road it's just it's you your body's taking a beating dude it's just crazy mtv true life triple h and China were in it. They drove themselves. Even when they were pretty big stars in the organization from event to event. And it's every night. You only do the televised ones two nights a week, but you have indie shows or road shows
Starting point is 00:44:54 or something all the time. Wow. Yeah. Crazy. It's a hard-ass. But dude, Dollars to Donuts, I bet you John Cena and The Rock can't be in the same room together. Oh, for sure.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's just too much. Too much, dude. It's a charisma showdown. Yeah, exactly. rock can't be in the same room together oh oh yeah yeah it's just too much too much dude charisma showdown yeah exactly you can smile harder who can write a longer instagram caption their smiles are just like you think you're more likable than me yeah you think you're more likable than me he's like i had such a fantastic time at my wedding in hawaii like mahalo motherfucker mahalo they're both trying to be nicer to like the assistant who comes in they're like so you're gonna be on in 10 minutes.
Starting point is 00:45:25 Like, thank you so much. Thank you. It's really a pleasure to meet you. What's your name? Kyleen. Good to meet you, Kyleen. I just bought you an Escalade. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:32 You got to up them. That's hilarious, dude. All right. I am a freshman at the University of Miami. And despite the rays and babes, my stoke is nearing a low point. As a first semester freshman dude here, we are banned from any frat events due to second semester rush. That's a bummer. Fucking play some Mario Kart, dude. to being underage and not having money falling out of our asses. How can I get my stoke up and get to know all these lovely ladies given my current predicament? Fucking play some Mario Kart, dude,
Starting point is 00:46:10 in the dorm room, dude. Get some Guitar Hero going with the boys, dude. Get yourself a 30 rack of BL Smooths and kick it with the crew, dude. I mean, that's the thing, dude. In party culture,
Starting point is 00:46:18 gals are always going to have a slight advantage over dudes in terms of access. That's just the way it goes i think you just got to stay upbeat and cultivate your own personality so then when you do get your opportunities you got something to offer perfectly put dude look these guys they everyone was has been in your position the dudes that are in the frats now who are you know probably not a lot of them the best dudes are being their best versions of themselves at this point you know their their ambitions in life you know at least on the weekends aren't
Starting point is 00:46:48 greater than their belly and loins but uh i would say use this time to better yourself like my dog jt said and just know there will be plenty of parties dude don't worry about it and if you have a good group of friends you don't need a frat true that's your own frat right there. And I've found too that restriction leads to amped levels of creativity. So use this as inspiration. You guys are going to find the coolest ways to party and just view it as a gift. It's like we can't go there, but you know what? We're going to find the best way. And then when we go, we're going to be the best partiers on campus
Starting point is 00:47:22 because we know how to get it done in safe ways that are illegal and chill that energy that synergy among your crew is going to be undeniable dude like dude we once dressed up for a movie because we were looking to chill we dressed up for inception dude we wore suits dude and vests we acted like ushers we were raising other people's stokes not doing anything crazy not stepping out of bounds we brought our movie tickets in a manila folder. Like it was like classified. Yeah. It was amazing. We took a picture, dude. It was my default photo for a while. It was amazing. Raising my stoke moment. We weren't trying to go out and party. We weren't like, we drove to the theater, listening to Hans Zimmer. Yeah, dude, it was one of the best moments
Starting point is 00:47:59 ever. And guess what, dude, that was just us hanging with the bros and it's a memory for life, dude. And dude, here's the thing, piggybacking off what Chad said. I think he's right, dude? That was just us hanging with the bros, and it's a memory for life, dude. And, dude, here's the thing. Piggybacking off what Chad said, I think he's right, dude. Restrictions lead to creativity. A lot of the best filmmakers in history did better when they had a lower budget and more oversight because when they got that full budget and could give in to all their whims, it kind of went off the rails. You know what I mean? So get creative. Yeah, so true.
Starting point is 00:48:22 So, Chad, I'm a real dope straight betty but the problem is that i love football baseball softball flannel and home depot is my hangout so all the bros think i like other sweet betties and that's cool and all because love is love but how can i show the bros that like yeah i wear cargo shorts and carry a shotgun a natty ice and i've got the baseline down on everlong on guitar hero but that i'd like for ch Chad or Todd to maybe get a beer to Beachside. I mean, dude, I don't know. I don't get it. Anybody listening to this right now? But you know what? It's easy for us to be like, oh, you know,
Starting point is 00:48:54 guys are going to love you, but I do know some girls who are that way, and it can be tough for them to let down the I'm one of the guys attitude and really be vulnerable and be like, no, but I need, I'm looking for romantic affection as well. Aaron, you look like you got something.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Oh, I was just going to say, it's the baseline on ever long that hard. Oh, interesting. It's the baseline on any song. I don't know. Dang.
Starting point is 00:49:15 Maybe some, I don't know. I say that as a guy who plays the drums badly, but yeah, that is true. You know, baseline, you're just really getting the back,
Starting point is 00:49:22 you know, that you're the back one of the music, but yeah. So what do we think? I don't know. I'll shine. I don't, Yeah, that is true. You know, bass line, you're just really getting the back, you know, you're the back one of the music, but. Yeah. So what do we think, guys? Let everyone else shine. I couldn't really understand what he was saying there. It's a gal. Oh.
Starting point is 00:49:32 There's the confusion. Oh. It's a gal. And she's into stuff that is typically what guys are into. And the guys like hanging out with her, but they think she's into Bettys, which means other guys. I don't know what that means. They think she's a lesbian.'s which means other guys what that mean they think she's a lesbian oh but probably not really she's just saying that they don't
Starting point is 00:49:48 think that she's like they don't think of it romantically because she's so she shares so many interests with them i think uh well yeah don't don't fuck those dudes then yeah but i think she wants to oh nice maybe be more open about your intentions like say outright to a dude of your choice to be like look i want to take this a little bit further um and i want to play the bass line of everlong if i just died in your arms today yeah the sack yeah i mean i think it's just like you know these are these interests sound like they're come to you organically and these are your genuine interests like they're gonna be fired up that you've got so much in common you know yeah maybe it's more of a like a maybe she's worried about losing the friendship too and then
Starting point is 00:50:42 you know it becomes romantic and that can be tough. But I mean, being a dude and, you know, having been, you know, single at one point, though now stoked on my GF life, there's going to be dudes that if you show interest, they'll show interest back. Yeah. I wouldn't worry about that too much. And it sounds like you're down to earth and chill. So, and you know what?
Starting point is 00:51:04 It's not the easiest solution, but I think it's real, is that you just have to practice. Practice opening yourself up more and being vulnerable in new ways and saying things that you actually want and learn how to talk about those things. It won't come easy at first, and it might be awkward. And they could even react poorly and be like, wait, that's not the girl I know because I went through this on on the other side but if you keep doing it and you try with other
Starting point is 00:51:27 people too you'll get the hang of it and then you'll learn how to express what you really want yeah and dude as a when i was younger i i didn't really have game i just thought just by being in their presence like being like around the girl i like that things would chemistry would happen or yeah yeah you don't like well that's the thing you don't need game if you're a good looking guy you don't need it oh thanks well i'm just telling you that if that's what you're thinking was that's not wrong well but it didn't help it was it was still difficult you I must not have been that cute. No, because when I was growing up, I have no personality whatsoever. I never have.
Starting point is 00:52:16 You have an amazing personality. Not really. Not to women. I love it. But I'm just telling you. I don't think that's true. As a guy who was voted, just listen. See?
Starting point is 00:52:28 As a guy who was voted most attractive in my eighth grade graduating class. Oh, very nice. Dude, you got to see the photos. It's stout. It's incredible. The thing was, I was the shyest kid, could never talk, but girls love me just because women are very superficial. They also probably lied to you because you're a good guy, because you're solid, and you have a good heart and good morals and virtues.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Yeah, and they sensed that. I think they were very superficial. I think you've been into some girls who maybe didn't reciprocate and you're projecting that onto them oh it doesn't matter it just that's that's the way it is i think guys is joe the joker yeah is joe what the joker right and you have a great personality yeah well thanks all right yeah you got a great, great personality. And look, some people are superficial, guys and girls. Maybe you had a few experiences with some girls that were, but not all. Should we keep pushing? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Absolutely. We're fired up. I think what I was trying to say there, too, is be more open. Speak your truth a little bit. I would hold things inside. I would just look at them and be like know in my mind like telekinesis like let's make out but if i just said it verbally who knows what would have happened let me tell you squeaky wheel gets the grease but if you're too squeaky you get replaced closed mouth doesn't get fed boom there it is but a fish that never
Starting point is 00:54:02 opened its mouth would never get a hook in it that was dialogue i wrote one time balance i was stealing it was lines i heard like david mammoth saying interviews but that's everything my dog right once again we are back at the dao de ching by lao tzu thank you balance we are balance this is a balance you guys have great balance it's like a it's like a freaking your balance magnetic field yes it's like the balance in the ecosystem in Yellowstone. It's like the balance of Travis Pastrana on a fucking dirt bike. It's like JT on a fucking jet ski. It's like Joe in the diamond in eighth grade hitting bombs.
Starting point is 00:54:35 And it's like Chad on a shred sled. And we got big news, too, because we're upscaling our apartment. We're doing away with the two mini fridges stacked on top of each other. Whoa. What? We are. I just thought out the lower fridge. And that was incredible.
Starting point is 00:54:47 And he did it all by himself. No way. Yeah. Yeah. And that's tough work. Dude, put it in your room. Put it in your room. But Julie's friend.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Julie's friend's got a bunch of stuff. Because we're getting a great couch. I don't want all this hand-me-down stuff. She's barely used it. Yeah, I guess. Come on. I think it's going to be good. Are you afraid it's like craigslist style
Starting point is 00:55:05 couch like it's been no it's a nice couch i saw but it's beautiful he found it yeah it's a beauty oh i'm stoked i can't wait to come over and watch some ufc on that dude fire up get some pizzas to my soul dude are you i love me about it i gotta call her later dude you guys are you guys on twitch this is a pitch that i have for you guys you guys are always so busy talk it's you know that's owned by a chinese company and they're worried that they could be using it as a surveillance device oh really yeah no what's twitch put me on twitch and i uh dude jack what up dude thank you for all the good work put me on tiktok jack did he last hundred episodes am i being surveilled dude exactly using you as an instrument dude that's what it is weaponized it's literally non it is surveillance that's the whole thing the whole thing is you
Starting point is 00:55:49 watch people doing stuff so it's a website where you just go on and like a lot of it's for gaming a lot of it actually is like kind of like soft cam girling where it's like just girls in their underwear doing stuff like those like the highest twitch follows because you know sex and you know getting in gaming is what's legit these days but a lot of it's for like guys who are good at playing like call of duty and you'll watch someone who's who rips at call of duty play and he'll be like yo i'm gonna play call of duty at 11 p.m pst tune in and like it's the way like a lot of people shoot it is like with their back kind of like mystery science theater 3000 he's like sitting there there's like some dude in like doctor something
Starting point is 00:56:20 aaron i feel like might be able to correct me on some of this type of stuff but like uh in essence like it's just someone to watch you rip at doing something that you're stoked to do online. And I was like, dude, JT should Twitch fucking watching UFC because I love getting the commentary
Starting point is 00:56:34 when I'm there. But also, I like it just to myself. But there is something there to that. Yeah. You know? Aaron, what's your take on Twitch, dude? I mean,
Starting point is 00:56:48 I feel like there's untold millions we could all be making right now. Really? It's apparently, it's like a way of supporting yourself for a lot of people. Oh, wow. Dude, there's a valet that makes like, he says like he makes 80 bucks. He's like, yeah, he has 100 followers, which doesn't sound like a ton, but it's still solid. And he's a legit dude who valets and he's like yeah dude i go home and i game and i play i think he plays call of duty and rips really
Starting point is 00:57:09 yeah he's like i make 80 bucks a week and how many people are following you only like a couple hundred really yeah but they're loyal and i think they donate and you can like donate and stuff so it's pretty pretty wild yeah they can watch me suck at video games you for mario kart dude four player mario kart us having some i mean that would be uh dude we used to play a game in college where we would do play mario kart and if you got like you know when you got spun out like a turtle show or something yeah you gotta take like a shot of beer nice very fun i also did drunk driving which is where you gotta chug your beer before the end of the race that's yes yeah that's a fun one too yeah but we're not condoning drunk driving in real life just to be safe we're on mario kart which is legit legit
Starting point is 00:57:50 tangential there dude but i'm fired up what up savants of stoke chad and jt also possible what up to strider the relation expert and hog master uncle joe hey huge huge fan of the pod been listening for about a year and wanted to say congrats on the recent exploits. Okay, so my buddy Snake is dating this chick, unnamed, for about three months now and has had a great time with her. They bone on the regular and seem to have a great emotional connection when they are together.
Starting point is 00:58:16 Nice, dude. He's giving you the good intel. Unfortunately, whenever they aren't together, my dude is always stressed, anxious that he is being cheated on. This could be chalked up to paranoia, but his girlfriend has a bunch of dude friends, in quotes quotes that the squad has seen hit on her and talk shit about snake the lady friend recently took a girl's trip to canada where it has been revealed that she danced with another dude is this grounds for a breakup or should he stick it out thanks bros keep up the funny content and great advice nah i'm not gonna break up um i mean it's reason to
Starting point is 00:58:44 be uneasy i don't think it's reason for a full blown breakup especially if snake hasn't articulated to her that he would like her to have better boundaries with some of these dudes yeah snake yeah it's weird to think about a dude snake being worried about something yeah i'm like what seems like you perceive snake being on the other side it seems like right i'm so I envision Snake wearing a leather vest and not being able to tell if he's shirtless or not because he's got that rugged of skin. Being out there on a bike like freaking Lorenzo Lama style. They're just cruising.
Starting point is 00:59:15 They're renegade. I'm like the LA River ripping a fat drag race. Yeah. My dog, Snake. I don't think it's grounds for a breakup and i would try to practice the art of letting go you know not trying to control the situation because the more you try to control and in your mind control you know whatever she's doing not that it doesn't sound like he's like actively controlling her but like in his mind he's like thinking like what is she doing it's just gonna cause you more pain and more suffering
Starting point is 00:59:48 and if you practice the art of letting go and just saying you know what whatever happens in life i'll be fine i'll be fine and then fuck yeah that will and then you'll end up with probably the most positive results well if they're in it like that gets me amped up he's putting out positive chi i think and when you're strangling things into the way you want them it doesn't feel good when you let things just come to you it feels good yeah the heart of man festivity i'm so fired up you said that i was gonna say dude instead of being more of like a boa constrictor you know confining things be more like a rattler open honest communication with you and your loved one dude i love that be a rattler be around well if they're in a serious uh relationship that got her guy friend shouldn't be hitting on her unless that's just yeah those
Starting point is 01:00:34 guys that's suspect that she's hanging out with these guys all the time and that they're constantly putting in negative uh vibes into her yeah it doesn't sound uh dude just stay off this girl's lady fuck off yeah exactly yeah yeah i think the way to counter that is to you know be the stronger dude not physically but just mentally just be like i know i know she loves me so you can do what you want but it's not going to affect the relation. Exactly right. A wise author, I forget his name, said, instead of viewing everyone as an enemy, view everyone as an ally. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:13 And that will make your life legit. And a wise should-be author one time named Joe Rogan said, I picture everyone as babies. Whenever I see an adult, I just picture them as a baby. They're all just babies it's very true dude when i'm at valet i picture like a lot of these clienteles is like not babies but them in like fifth grade or something and it's very interesting what do you guys think about rogan having edward snowden on the pod definitely a bigger get than elon musk yeah big get huge get dude i'm not cool to watch i haven't seen it yet
Starting point is 01:01:46 yeah i think it's cool i'm fired up i started reading a brand new book called red notice dude it's kind of about snowed and stuff in russia so i'm fired up to be reading that sweet fire dude all right let's get into it strider what is your beef of the week oh dude or who so my beef of the week? Oh, dude. Or who? So my beef of the week is with my GS Ganglion, dude. A Ganglion, and I had a Wikipedia of this, dude. It shows up on joints, often in the wrist, which is where hers was. It's called a Bible bump because back in the day, they honestly today don't know what causes it. It's just like fluid in the skin.
Starting point is 01:02:23 And they called it a Bible bump because they used to hit it with a bible back in the day because that was like the book that most people had yeah and it had a big heavy binding and it would just spread the fluid out and it would go away and she had to go have her ganglion like some aspirated dude they had aspirated dude i had to look up that word and freaking just kind of drain it and uh kind of hurt her wrist dude and she was typing on the computer at work dude and i just don't like that that thing was kind of impeding her dude and making her feel any sort of pain so but i'm fired up that it's gone now but i definitely had beef of the week with the ganglion dude for being this sort of friggin just straight up enigmatic little
Starting point is 01:02:54 uh cyst dude and i don't like that dude nice dude yeah it's gross yeah joe what is your beef of the week yeah my beef of the week is uh is with people that talk at shows at comedy clubs, specifically the one that I work at. Like when I go to a movie, I don't see people talking in the theater, and that's on a film. Like if you're going to go to a live show, it's very distracting to the people because the person is right there. They can see and hear you talking. Please stop talking. And when I see you talking, I'm going to tell you to stop. I don't ask you to stop.
Starting point is 01:03:37 I tell you. I demand it. I demand that you stop. And I stare in your face, and then you're going to look at me kind of crazily, but that's the way it is. And don't step onto my turf and talk. What's your personality type again? It's the protector, right?
Starting point is 01:03:58 Yeah, it is. Or the defender. The defender it was. But the protector is a sicker name. I mean, that bothers me even more than hecklers. I don't even mind. Heckling can be... An ad to the show?
Starting point is 01:04:11 Well, yeah. I mean, sometimes it can be, like, a professional comic knows how to handle it. But then it's like... Oh! Guys, Aaron dropped a Coca-Cola in here, and I and i was like what you know i don't want that sugar but then the coca-cola says legend in it what dude they put those on coca-cola aaron beast move dude thank you amazing dude it's cool that's sick all right so you're taking
Starting point is 01:04:40 it to these folks yeah yeah i gotta tone it down though sometimes i must get into it with people yeah that's annoying though i don't like it when people disrupt shows it's like yeah i heard bill maher one time was ripping these like 9-11 truthers in his audience and he was like he's like audience audience it means to listen you listen and then they went boo boo and he went yeah and the cows disagree with me i was like whoa bill dude yeah dang yeah well he's got reps as a he's got reps on stage he knows how to handle it all right chad what is your beef of the week um my beef of the week is with uh trish at sweet fin uh let me preface say love Trish. I think she serves up a dynamite poke bowl. She knows how to mix it in.
Starting point is 01:05:27 She knows what's going on. She knows the right ratio. Lettuce to fish ratio. She scoffed at me when I asked to get... I get togarashi sauce every time. Ample amounts.
Starting point is 01:05:43 I like extra togarashi and usually i go with the wasabi shoyu just to add that kick in there and you know the other day i was feeling randy okay i was feeling tingly in my body i was like i'm ready for a new taste i'm ready for a new sensation i'm ready to freaking get out there and say what up to my taste buds in a new way and so i said you know what instead of the togarashi and shoyu let me go the togarashi and ponzu lime and she goes you're gonna put ponzu lime with togarashi and i'm like yeah i'm looking for a citrus kick and she's like i'm gonna have randy do it she had randy do it she wouldn't even do it she's
Starting point is 01:06:28 a pokey artist she hasn't yeah oh it would challenge her integrity as a pokey artist yeah and you know what i tried it delicious oh too much creative control in the pokey kitchen um so it sounds like um you know why don't you try the ponzu lime and add some togarashi in there and then maybe we can rekindle dude my beef of the week is not a beef of my own it is a colleen rooney and rebecca vardy colleen rooney is the long time partner of wayne rooney the famous uh famous British footballer. Got a boot. And she discovered that a friend of hers or someone in her circle
Starting point is 01:07:10 was releasing details about her life to the press. So she started feeding fake information at different people in her life, like being like, hey, I'm going to be doing this about a baby I might be having next week. And then telling another friend, hey, I'm going to Barbados with my cousin.
Starting point is 01:07:23 And then she would see which article, which information was popping up in tabloids and articles and it turned out rebecca vardy longtime wife of the famous british footballer jamie vardy from leicester city was the one spreading the negative info whoa yeah or not so she would know who oh that's yeah so she caught her yeah yeah it's pretty smart like sleuthed out that shit yeah and then so colleen rooney is known for being like very uh low-key and chilling rebecca vardy's known for like taking it to them so it kind of fits their personalities and colleen called her out on social media out of character for her and was just like i found out who did it. She ends it
Starting point is 01:08:05 after five paragraphs with just it's dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot Rebecca Vardy's account. Like, here's the kicker people at home. And then Rebecca Vardy came out with a defense and was like, it wasn't me. I've been really busy being pregnant. I'm too busy to be spreading rumors about
Starting point is 01:08:22 people. And then it was, and she said said the classic defense i've been hacked have we ever believed that anybody's been hacked no no you've been hacked by your own demons and they've taken control of your life and now you have to suffer the consequences yes yes oh dude it's a tale as old as time but it's told with modern times yep we're just using different devices to do it now yeah you know
Starting point is 01:08:46 used to be the stock you know the stock and the newspaper now it's the now it's the click the click click the click click
Starting point is 01:08:54 boom boom legit coming through click click boom click click pole dude that freaking what's the name of that band
Starting point is 01:09:02 Saliva Alt J right and Blue Crush when that's playing when she's surfing and shred that band? Saliva. Alt-J, right? And Blue Crush, when that's playing, when she's surfing and shredding, dude, with Michelle Rodriguez. Not Alt-J. P.O.D.? Yeah, is it P.O.D.? Yeah, you're talking about We Are, We Are. Yeah, it's P.O.D. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:15 We are the youth of the nation. Tommy was only 12. He had every reason to excel those guys are from my high school they're from your high school? dude sick they're about
Starting point is 01:09:33 probably like 8 years older than me do you ever party with them? they seem like they'd still be at high school parties no but other Christian dudes though right? yeah yeah the drummer was like he worked at the skate the skate shop down the street from me love that and like uh they kind of hit right as i was
Starting point is 01:09:52 like a senior and so they asked if we wanted like pa on their music video what and i was uh already too big of a too big of an ego i was like i'm not gonna pa for anybody dude i love that though dude my buddy's in there for a video. Exactly, value yourself. Yeah. That's sick. What high school, if you don't mind me asking? Montgomery High School in San Diego.
Starting point is 01:10:11 Oh, you're from San Diego. Nice, dude. Nice. Strider. What up? Who is your babe of the week? Dude, my babe of the week's got to be my GF, dude. Just, you know, I mean, she killed it this week because, dude,
Starting point is 01:10:22 like she does every week because it's been freaking hot out here in la dude i don't know if you know but we've got the santa ana winds dude just coming in everything's dry everything's 99 degrees and then at night it's like a 50 degree temperature swing so it goes to 50 which isn't that chilly but your body's just going what the fuck's going on dude you know and i'm in valet dude running around in the heat for eight hours dude not cruise home dude what does my gf have waiting for me dude straight up gatorades and bananas dude straight up freaking gatorades and bananas dude And I'm in valet, dude, running around in the heat for eight hours, dude. And I cruise home, dude. What does my GF have waiting for me, dude? Straight up Gatorades and bananas, dude. Straight up frigging Gatorades and bananas, dude.
Starting point is 01:10:50 Nice. Help me keep my muscles from cramping with that potassium and rehydrating with those electrolytes, dude. And she knows my favorite flavor is the G2 grape flavor, dude. Less sugar, all the same dankness, fired up. Nice, dude. Joe, who's your babe of the week? Nice. My babe of the week? Nice. My babe of the week is David Ross. He's just been named the new manager of the Chicago Cubs.
Starting point is 01:11:13 And I think it's exciting. It's an exciting hire. I think it's a good hire. You know, in 2016, he really was the, I believe he was the catalyst. You know, he was really the, he was like a coach then. And gave the Cubs that edge. You know, hit a home run in game seven. And I think bringing him as the manager is going to bring the Cubs back that edge again that they've been missing since he left.
Starting point is 01:11:44 He's been the heart and soul of that franchise for a while. Yeah, I mean, well, he didn't play there that long, but he... He left his mark. Yeah. Didn't Eddie Vedder sing a song about him or something or dedicate the seventh inning stretch to him? What did they call him, like daddy or father or something? What did they call him?
Starting point is 01:12:00 They called him Grandpa Rossi. Yeah, Grandpa Rossi. And look, you know, a catcher being hired on as a manager. Look, Joe Torre was a catcher. Sosha was a catcher. Yeah, catchers are good. Catchers call game. It's a good management position.
Starting point is 01:12:11 They seem to be good managers. And what's up? Sorry, Torre was actually a third baseman. Oh, shit, dude. Shit. Dude, I think I've valeted his car before, and I think I referenced him as a catcher, and he's just like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:26 So I just believed it, dude. Dude. Dude, I think he's going to do well for me. You guys got a squad, too. You guys are three guys who can throw up a 900 OPS. Yeah, it'll be exciting to see. Chad, who is your babe of the week? My babe of the week is the Stokers.
Starting point is 01:12:44 Oh, dude. Gotta give a the week is the Stokers. Oh, dude. Gotta give a shout out to the Stokers. You guys are the coal that keeps this train choo-chooing. Thank you guys so much for tuning in, for listening. You guys keep me, and I think the rest of the squad, I don't want to speak for you guys, but I think you guys keep us accountable. We preach the preachings of Stoke on this pod.
Starting point is 01:13:08 And you guys make us talk, walk the walk, talk the talk and walk the freaking walk. Cause you guys know this when we're not as stoked. And I appreciate that because now I've leveled up in my life to be as stoked as I can possibly be for you dudes because you keep tuning in and listening and being just an epic squad. So, really stoked
Starting point is 01:13:32 on the Stokers. Thank you guys so much for listening. And it's been an epic journey. Let's keep chugging along. Love that, dude. F yeah. The Stokers are our Chinese information collectors. Like Mr. Holland's opus. You are the notes we Stokers are our Chinese information collectors. Like Mr. Holland's opus, you are the notes we write, we are the notes you play.
Starting point is 01:13:51 That would have been a good quote. Oh, for sure. My baby of the week pales in comparison. It's Cliff Kingsbury, the coach for the Arizona Cardinals. Great quarterback at Texas Tech. Although, you know, at Texas Tech, they're always 8-4. They can always beat up for 600 passing yards on the lower tier, big 12 teams, but once they play the Oklahomas, they get right-sized.
Starting point is 01:14:15 But Cliff Kingsbury was balling out there. Then he became a young head coach. He had Texas Tech on an even higher plane of winning. And then he kind of plateaued, and they started losing. Then he was the OC at usc and they didn't look too hot and then somehow and i think it's just because he's hot he failed up and he got the arizona cardinals head coaching job and his first order of business was to draft a five nine and a half quarterback with the first pick in the draft looks scary but now they're three three and one and they look like they could actually be pretty solid and i got to give it up to you
Starting point is 01:14:44 kingsbury you might have got the job because you're hot but you're paying it off with genuine But now they're 3-3-1, and they look like they could actually be pretty solid. And I got to give it up to you, Kingsbury. You might have got the job because you're hot, but you're paying it off with genuine skills. So good on you. You're a babe with a brain, and I appreciate you. That's what's up. Use your assets to get your foot in the door and then have the follow-through. That's what's up. Strider, who's your legend of the week?
Starting point is 01:15:01 Dude, my legend of the week, and guys, forgive me. I have two this week and um it's you fucking guys dude congratulations oh dude thank you hundred fucking apps dude there's two dudes i don't know that work harder you guys deserve all the success you get you've you've earned every bit of it so fucking good on you guys dude legends keep cruising dude you're too happy to be here dude so fucking you are the straw that stirs the drink. The beast among beasts. The metal straw, dude, to save the turtles, dude, that stirs the drink.
Starting point is 01:15:32 The legend among legends. Clank, clank, clank, clank, clank. You bring that energy that... The creation straw. Yeah. You bring that energy that brings that finale firework to the Fourth of July. When I'm hanging with my bro game respects game dude you guys i wanted a moment to compliment you guys and you go ahead and 180
Starting point is 01:15:50 compliment me dude that's what's up with my dogs dude legends joe who's your legend of the week yeah mine's uh in that same kind of path uh yeah it's you guys strider aaron um it's been a pleasure to be on these uh episodes i've been able to be on out of the hundred i'd say i've probably been on like 15 and it's a lot of fun and congratulations oh thanks joe love you brother yeah you're a killer man i love you dude funniest guy alive thank you yep i mean your your legend was a little late dude because you went after me but dude that was still pretty well it was pre-planned no it was just the order I'm kidding I'm breaking your balls
Starting point is 01:16:31 big balls to break bring a heavy hammer dog bring in those Indiana Jones rollers Thor's hammers they're boulders they're boulders Chad who's your legend of the week uh my legend of the week is uh it's kind of the same vein it's this podcast and the dogs uh i just
Starting point is 01:16:53 gotta commend the podcast you know i honestly i've i've uh never been much of a talker in my life you know i've always been more of a listener and uh and this podcast has made me level up and break out of my shell you know and engage in the conversation now i'm really grateful for that because now i'm you know diving in and saying what up and speaking my truth a little bit more and i think i was holding it back and this just was the freaking uh crab shell breaker over thing or the nutcracker that broke me out the shucker dude the shucker yeah that shocked it was like no start saying stuff no i'm saying stuff and it's been uh it's been fun and when you speak there's an impact oh dude thank you man deep impact yeah less is more movie oh great
Starting point is 01:17:38 fucking movie yeah less is more too yeah yeah yeah it's true it's not a great fucking movie um and that's the dogs of course i mean I mean, you guys are frigging legends. JT, I couldn't be prouder to have you on this journey with me. I got you, dog. You're a freaking genius beast. I feel the same way. Thank you, dude. And Strider.
Starting point is 01:17:55 I mean, you freaking bring the positivity and you bring the vibes and the hilarious quips that come for days. I appreciate my dogs, dude. Joe, I mean, you know i already have your hog in my mind but i mean you freaking you light up my day dude you're the most funniest guy ever and you're a freaking gentleman with a strong moral code that i really respect true and yeah joe has the most integrity joe is joe dude like that's what the best thing is yeah he's not forcing anything you watch joe, you watch whatever. The guy's just a fucking straight up legend, dude.
Starting point is 01:18:29 And that's what's up. And Aaron, you're a legend, Aaron. Thank you, dude. You are such a valuable asset. You are my legend of the week. You add so much to this show. You engineer the shit out of it. You cut the shit out of it.
Starting point is 01:18:44 I mean, cutting between the cameras, that's what I mean, the shit out of it, you cut the shit out of it. I mean, cutting between the cameras, that's what I mean, the shit out of it. Good shit, man. And you are a star with the Stokers. And you're very smart, and we need that, because sometimes I'll be talking about things I don't know, and you'll come in and be like, actually, it's this thing.
Starting point is 01:18:59 And it's nice to have a compassionate fact checker in real time, So thank you. Yeah. I was going my whole life thinking Joe Torre played catcher. He apparently was a catcher third base and first base. But he won an MVP at third. Respect. Which is, let's be honest, that's third base.
Starting point is 01:19:17 He's third base. All right, dudes. Let's get into our quotes of the week. Strider. Oh, should you go? Are you doing the one I think you're doing? Oh, dudes. Let's get into our quotes of the week. Strider. Oh, should you go? Are you doing the one I think you're doing? Oh, fuck. Yeah, let's do that for sure.
Starting point is 01:19:30 Did you do another one? No, but the one I... We've been planning a tandem one. Let's do the tandem one. Are you ready to do the tandem? Yeah, it's the 100th episode. Can you get the other quote ready? Fuck yeah, let me get it.
Starting point is 01:19:39 Yeah, absolutely. I can pull it up for you too, brother. Because... Because we had talked about that, but I didn't know. No, mine's quick. It's pretty easy. It's just like a moment that I'll paraphrase. Yours is a more big speech.
Starting point is 01:19:50 No, you've got to do the whole thing. All right, all right. Good call, good call, good call. Joe, do you have your quote of the week ready? Yeah. Joe, what's your quote of the week? Yeah, mine was, you know, I had a lot of baseball in my mind today, thinking a lot with that article and then thinking about david ross so uh
Starting point is 01:20:09 my quote of the week is uh there's no crying in baseball from a league of their own oh dude because i was thinking because it it rings true because uh i remember growing up you know i played baseball football basketball like several years in a row um back to back and baseball is the only sport where uh i remember like kids would cry like during the game like barring injury of course baseball is the only sport where you like have time to cry um but you shouldn't that's that's the other thing because it's just sport like i remember kids that would just strike out and then they would like to be taking their helmet off after they struck out and they'd be like and then you know and then it's like get in the field
Starting point is 01:20:58 you know we got to go play defense now i don't need you to bring that negativity out in the field when you're going to make an error dude you know what's interesting i was watching a clip from thank uh from a league of their own the other day it's the last scene where kit knocks over dotty for the uh to win the world series in the end and you know people think dotty dropped the ball on purpose have you heard that theory i don't know i don't remember i don't i don't remember it i don't i don't remember the movie completely stride you know what i'm talking about wait go ahead at the end of a league of their own when dotty drops the people think she dropped it on purpose yes that's up for debate yes i do remember that they're like oh is she being like a good sister letting her yeah because she knows
Starting point is 01:21:37 kit wants it more yeah i thought that was the first time i saw it you thought that the whole time i saw it in theaters yeah i thought i never thought probably not but i yeah i don't think i thought people thought that i think she didn't saw it in theaters. I never thought. Probably not, but it looked that way. Yeah, I don't think I thought that. People thought that. I think she didn't because she tells the pitcher to throw her high heat, which we know from earlier in the film she actually can't hit. But it blew my mind that people were thinking that way. Yeah, I don't remember that about the movie.
Starting point is 01:21:59 Chad, what is your quote of the week? My quote of the week has an audio aid. Dude, multimedia. Do it! Just do it! Oh, yes. Don't let your dreams be dreams.
Starting point is 01:22:16 Yesterday, you said tomorrow, so just do it! Make your dreams come true! Just do it! That's good. Yeah. Some people dream of success while you're going to wake up and work hard at it.
Starting point is 01:22:32 Nothing is impossible! You should get to the point where anyone else would quit, and you're not going to stop there! No! What are you waiting for? Do it! That's awesome. gonna stop there no what are you waiting for do it just do it yes you can just do it bravo that's my quote that's just do it dude i love how he's just walking and he just comes in so hot. Yeah. Do it!
Starting point is 01:23:07 Yeah, I've got all the fucking fire quotes from the movie up right here. That's a fucking fire quote. I remember Shia doing that. Dude, I told you when I validated. That's the one I'm doing. That's the one you're doing, yeah. But mine's right above it. He's got a quote from Disturbia or something.
Starting point is 01:23:19 Dude, Disturbia, great movie. Dude, I like Shia right there because he adds different physicality for each just do it yeah yeah he really had a lot of variation there's a lot of passion and when he when he like that's my favorite you can hear it like crack when he puts the hand in the other hand yeah it's good stuff you've been on a huge shy uh kick lately i think he's doing for a comeback i'm gonna say it on the pod i think he's coming back hard he's been charming in a lot of interviews and i think he's you said he you said right he's compelling and he's got a movie out peanut butter falcon everyone says is a real real good yeah yeah he's a beast strider what is your quote of the week here we go dude from a dank movie kingdom of heaven of which like
Starting point is 01:24:02 it was about a week ago i told jt we were crushing some swingers cafe dude some tortilla soup and freaking chamomile teas like legends dude and freaking i go dude i watched kings of heaven he goes oh did you watch the roadshow director's cut it's like four hours long ago i didn't guess what then i did go and watch it and there's some stuff that they should have definitely cut out but also some sick stuff that i liked seeing but my quote is from that movie and this is let me give you a little context dude some freaking dan carlin style here dude you got solid in at the gates dude he's just coming in the city's gonna fall dude but orlando bloom he's fighting to keep the safety of the people there because when the christians took it 100 years earlier they slaughtered all the muslims there but
Starting point is 01:24:40 solid is not that man and anyway he's sitting there and he's got young boys he says any man capable of bearing arms you are a fighter blah blah, and he's got young boys. He says, any man capable of bearing arms, you are a fighter. Blah, blah, blah. And he's going on, and all these guys who are older men and young boys are picking up their weapons to defend the loved ones, because if they die, guess what? They're assuming that they're going to get their retribution, you know, and kill everyone in the city.
Starting point is 01:24:58 And then, Orlando Bloom, freaking Balin of Eberlin, dude, just freaking just goes, everyone take a knee. Every man capable of bearing goes everyone take a knee every man capable of bearing arms take a knee he swears them in as knights and like at the end he's like you know you defend your honor and uphold those who can't protect themselves the you know backhands this young boy who does a great job supporting acting goes and that's so you'll remember it and then they all rise and then this freaking bishop there he goes who do you think you are will you alter the world
Starting point is 01:25:25 does making a man a knight make him a better fighter or blendelblum turns around yes boom dude fucking everyone just literally everyone just gets a little taller in their boots they grow an inch in pride in that moment and they fucking get after it and it's just you know what's having each other's backs and being loyal and it fired me up strider's absolutely correct dude it's a story about balian of ibelin uh blacksmith who rises through birthright but that he was unaware of to the point of almost being like a king and everybody else bails on jerusalem during the crusades because they know that salah adin the leader of the Muslim army, has a way stronger army, but he doesn't leave because he has duty coursing through his soul.
Starting point is 01:26:10 So he gets on top of a rock at the castle, and this is what he tells to all the people who are scared there. He says, this is right before a strider scene. It has fallen to us to defend Jerusalem, and we have made our preparations as well as they can be made. None of us took this city from Muslims. No Muslim of the great army now coming against us was born when this city was lost. We fight over an offense we did not give against those who are not alive to be offended.
Starting point is 01:26:39 What is Jerusalem? Your holy places lie over the Jewish temple that the Romans pulled down. The Muslim places of worship lie over yours. Which is more holy? The wall? The mosque? The sepulcher? Who has claim?
Starting point is 01:26:57 None have claim. All have claim! That is blasphemy. Be quiet. Those are other characters. That's the same dude who was smack talking the night the hypocritical bishop we defend this city not to protect these stones but the people living within these walls that's what it's about bro hell yes dude that when he
Starting point is 01:27:18 that line a kingdom of consciousness is that what you're gonna say no no no i wasn't gonna say it but they all have line but that's what it is all have claimed on F flame. Yeah, that's exactly a kingdom of consciousness That's what Jerusalem is let's go, bro The leper King was and like always like stories of old has a very good breakdown on that film because he takes the epics and He really susses out with the philosophy is and it gets me fucking height. There's Ridley Scott makes an epic Did that guy oh yeah? Oh yeah? He's got the formula down, bro. In his action scenes, dude. I mean, he did Gladiator, right?
Starting point is 01:27:48 Yes, sir. Fuck yeah. Yeah, he knows how to advance plot using Massacre. Spectacle. Spectacle, yeah. That is true. He does use Spectacle, and I am a sucker. He did Black Hawk Down, too?
Starting point is 01:27:59 Yes. Yeah. And Thelma and Louise and Blade Runner. He did Blade Runner 2049 as well no it didn't even Ridley you dog Ridley you dog
Starting point is 01:28:10 he's a master of that Tyndall effect he always uses the dust particulates yes the particulates in the light he loves to float
Starting point is 01:28:17 oh right he always has that in the air I don't know what it means metaphorically it's like look we're just dust it looks pretty
Starting point is 01:28:24 it looks good. The earth is an organism. All right, we got to wrap up quick because Aaron's got to hit the roadie, dog. Strider, what is your line of the week for getting after it? Oh, fuck. Or your phrase of the week for getting after it. Honestly, I didn't have one, but since I was just looking at those two heaven quotes, it's this, dude. It's what was on the wall in his blacksmith shop.
Starting point is 01:28:40 He goes, what is a man who has not tried to make a place better? It's something like that. So that just fires me up, dude. Maybe it's all have claim that's it dude all have claim strider or joe what's your uh phrase of the week for getting after it uh i don't know i didn't have one prepared um well i didn't know that was a thing you guys keep adding oh you haven't been here since we did that no i know it's a it's a lot of work. Phrase of the week for getting after it. Yeah. I was being serious.
Starting point is 01:29:08 Just get out there and fuck. I don't know. Get out there and fuck. Oh, that's a great one. Get out there and fuck. Amen, brother. I might change mine to that. Be safe, though.
Starting point is 01:29:20 Be safe. Wear a condom. Yeah. They're cool. Can I steal that? That's my... Wear a condom yeah they're cool can i steal that that's my yeah wear a condom fuck yeah all right no i'll do one i'll do better you want to get another one it was good advice but yeah let's make swords out of enthusiasm nice dude and now a straight dead poet society like inspiration the moment dude that came from mother guy and pachu mama nice this is a china fact of the day from tyler cowan
Starting point is 01:29:55 any chinese person who has gone to elementary school or watched television news can explain the tale of china's 100 years of humiliation starting with the opium wars in the 19th century foreign powers bullied a weakened backward China into turning Hong Kong and Macau into European colonies. Students must memorize the unequal treaties the Ying dynasty signed during that period.
Starting point is 01:30:16 There's even a name for it. National Humiliation Education. Whoa. And that's what I call partying now. National Humiliation Education. Let's get it let's go bro hell yeah dude the only treaty i sign is like my dude's cast for when he breaks his arm gargling a keg dude put my signature on that dude health care dude all right fellas guys 100 episode 100 good job dude 100 see you guys at 200 i'll probably before that too but
Starting point is 01:30:49 see you at 200 for sure hell yeah oh yeah aaron any parting shot aaron's gotta go guys that's it thank you stokers later aaron's a legend, dude. Thank you.

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