Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 102 - New Age Steve Irwin, Dean Schneider, Joins

Episode Date: November 13, 2019

What up stokers, in this episode we are joined by animal lover, Dean Schneider. He's an inspiring dude who moved down to South Africa to immerse himself with wildlife and learned about the true nature... of the animal kingdom. Check it out!Check out our t shirts at http://chadgoesdeep.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 oh what's up stokers is this on yeah or maybe the is the board not on oh there we go there we go the board's on putting that on oh you're good it's up to you my friend yeah whether you want headphones or not it's uh dealer's choice yeah are you guys wearing it or not i'm wearing mine i don't wear mine yeah i feel like i'm in a box sometimes when i wear them i like hearing my voice on the mic okay most people like i'll try it without to keep it natural yeah then let's see yeah that's what i like yeah um what's up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with the going deep with chad jt podcast and i'm here with my compadre john thomas what up boom clap stokers and we're here with dean schneider
Starting point is 00:00:56 animal how would you describe yourself animal act rights activist um i don't know man i don't know if there's a description yet for me yeah animal behaviorist lion boy lion boy i don't know man i don't know if there's a description yet for me yeah animal behaviorist lion boy lion boy i don't know yeah they call me any type of names let's let's get right into it what can you describe to the audience what uh what you do and what you're known for yeah well i think i'm known for in the public for all those videos with the lions and the wild animals in africa yeah um what i actually do is bringing animals into people's hearts i do educational and inspirational content which i spread all over the world to inspire and educate people about wildlife right because i believe that you know only what we love that's what we protect right right
Starting point is 00:01:41 and um the step number one is to create that emotional attachment to the animal world right and then we can call for action and stuff like that so but first that bond needs to be created right yeah yeah i i heard you talking about that in one of the videos and it really made sense to me yeah like if people feel close to the animals then they'll worry more about protecting them that's what. Yeah, because it's kind of out of sight, out of mind right now. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah, you sort of treat them as your pets.
Starting point is 00:02:09 I guess they are your pets. Ah, they're not really my pets, to be honest. It's like, you know, they are pretty wild, actually. They do hunt by themselves. They do feed off whole carcasses. I saw that. They live in a very natural environment. They live in the African wild.
Starting point is 00:02:26 orcas and they live in a very natural environment they live in the african wild so i actually want to rather take them away from you know people thinking that they are pets because they're supposed to live in the wild and they are not good pets even though there's lots of countries where the laws are so poor that you can't keep a lion as a pet or a monkey as a pet but they are definitely not good pets so is it a compound that you own and are they free range or is there like kind of a perimeter uh well there is a perimeter fence um it's 3.6 million square meters so it's huge right we have three mountains and rivers and natural dams and stuff like that we have thousands of wild living animals on that property and um i did build you know i started off i bought that property because i wanted to do something with animals
Starting point is 00:03:12 and it's in what country south africa in the north of south africa and uh and there i yeah i started off with the first line rescue and uh after that i built that pride of lions of six lions and they live in a camp which is 25 000 square meters but the goal is now to contribute the entire property to them so that they can hump by themselves and live a wild life actually but this takes a lot of paperwork as well we need to renew the perimeter fence and it's quite a lot of work which we still which still needs to be done before we can do that but uh yeah that's what the current situation i have a hyena there i have monkeys i've seen them all yeah i love them yeah i was actually wondering too like do you ever have to like because you're friends with the animals right in a manner speaking
Starting point is 00:04:02 and you're do you ever like worry that the lion is gonna take out like one of the antelopes that you're friends with no that's the well you know i don't bond with the wild ones it's almost impossible because the the for example the wild antelopes they are just wild you know when they see you they run away oh okay when it's mating season they want to fuck you up so you know You know, it's like that's proper. Have you been charged by it? Yeah, yeah, of course. What do you do when an antelope charges you?
Starting point is 00:04:32 You run away. What does your cameraman do? Yeah, as well. You know, it depends on what kind of antelope. Usually, they always run away from you because they don't know what you are. They're more afraid. And they're more afraid of you because naturally, antelopes, they are very low in the food chain.
Starting point is 00:04:49 So they have lots of reasons to run. They are usually made to run away instead of charging after. But if it's mating season, for example, or if you're in between the baby and its mother, then she doesn't give a fuck who you are. She'll just go after you. I know all about it. I've been to bars in Newport Beach when guys are horny. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:05:08 It's the same thing. Yeah. What were the first steps you took in forming the Lion Pride? Well, forming the specific Lion Pride or starting off with that mission? I guess maybe start with the mission. Start with the mission. Did you bring the lions in one by one? off with that mission um i guess maybe start with the mission start with the mission and i'm also because you basically did you bring the lions in one by one yeah yeah plus minus well with the
Starting point is 00:05:32 mission it's actually a little bit of longer story i'll try to keep it short now um i was always already super inspired by animals it started at a very young age through steve irvin right you guys know steve oh yeah crocodile hunt everybody knows him crikey yeah there we go and he was the one who brought wildlife into my living room i grew up in zurich i'm originally from switzerland not from south africa and um and he was the one who opened these doors to the animal world for me and made it accessible through the TV. And since ever then, animals were my ultimate passion. But of course, I grew up in Switzerland and I just followed that system.
Starting point is 00:06:14 I didn't have wildlife right in front of my door, right? So I ended up in the finance branch. And I was very lucky and blessed to be able to establish my own company in the age of 20. And over the next three years, now from 20 till 23, I was very lucky and blessed to be able to establish my own company in the age of 20. And over the next three years, now from 20 till 23, I was very successful. And that allowed me to be able to achieve goals, like general goals, which young guys have, like having expensive watches, nice cars, and, you know, a fancy lifestyle. You watch TV and you want to be like these stars and celebrities and be able to afford those things.
Starting point is 00:06:45 So you make it as a goal for yourself. And I reached those goals at a very young age already and realized then, man, this is not really what makes me truly happy. A lot of people, they think this will make them happy and it makes you happy for a certain period of time. But after a few months, that value, that that material value which you're actually looking for the emotional value not the material value but that drops it's not like with a dog or a friend you make friends with someone five years later you're better friends and the value increased
Starting point is 00:07:15 yeah you buy a car today two months later the value dropped the material one as well as the emotional one because you might first you know you you're driving that Ferrari, you hear the sound, you know you smell the leather, everything is so new and you're excited. After three months, you don't even realize it anymore. It's like you just go into, that's a vehicle which brings you from A to B. But you don't appreciate it anymore like you did. Differently with a dog, for example example after 10 years you come back home in the
Starting point is 00:07:46 first five minutes it's the biggest party because that dog is so happy to see you you feel that love you give that love back and that's what we humans are looking for that's why many humans have pets and especially dogs as pets because of that emotional exchange of energy right and uh this is what truly makes me happy. So I told myself, man, I got to change something in my life. I sold everything. I sold my cars, my watches, my house, my company, and everything. Got that money together,
Starting point is 00:08:15 and this allowed me then to start off with my mission in South Africa. What's the main thing you think, like, if you could distill it down to one, what's the main thing you think, like if you could distill it down to one, what's the main thing you think you've gained from friendship with animals? Everything, man. It just changed you completely. Yeah, completely. Like you learn so much from animals, like how to communicate with one another,
Starting point is 00:08:42 not between animals and humans as well, between humans and humans. They learn you how to build friendships. They learn you how to build friendships. They learn you how to be patient. They learn you how to just accept certain things and not wanting to change people. You know, everybody is the way he is. It's their nature. Yeah. And you shouldn't try to change, try to accept that person the way she is or he is. And if you can't, then step away
Starting point is 00:09:05 if you can't get along with one another. But the worst thing is to try to change somebody's nature. And this is like trying to have a lion as a pet. That won't work. On long term, it won't work because a lion is not meant to be a pet. Or if you put a bird into the ocean, he's not meant to be a fish.
Starting point is 00:09:23 You gotta accept him on his terms. Exactly. We got to accept these animals the way they are and not the way we wish them to be. And the same we should do with humans as well. And there's so many different levels and aspects where we can learn so much from animals. Communication, for example. How often does it happen? We have wars and we lose friendships and love because of miscommunication
Starting point is 00:09:46 because there is a misunderstanding you put something into the room which i interpretate the wrong way i give you a reaction you didn't expect now you give me another and that's how we start in a to have a huge discussion and argument and we end up quitting the friendship that happens on a daily basis we end up having war that's how wars happen in politics when they misunderstand one another in the animal world that doesn't happen there's no misunderstandings there's so clear communication you exactly know what's about to happen and uh yeah there's so many things we can learn from these animals man and that's what formed me as well. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:10:26 So when you moved to South Africa, what was your, you bought that piece of land and what was your mission starting from there? Okay, my mission started off to, I knew I want to do something with animals. So the closest thing which I could imagine what I could do to, you know, contribute positive to the animal world is rescuing animals. So I wanted to build a sanctuary to be able to rescue, to save certain lives. And I started off with that with the first line, which was Dexter. And obviously, I was also on social media, but I never planned to become a huge social media personality or have a global wildlife show or whatever. And yeah, I started off and I documented my daily life like everybody does, whether you work in a bank or you do podcasts or you whatever. You are on Instagram and you make stories and you show what your life looks like.
Starting point is 00:11:25 And all of a sudden, social media numbers went up. They saw me, you know, learning how a lion lives, living with a lion, raising a lion, talking to a lion, becoming part of a lion pride. Then we added lions. And all of a sudden, social media started to boom. And I got thousands, millions of views. And within a year, I grew over two and a half or almost two and a half million followers. And that gave me more perspective that showed me, okay, listen, I wanted to save single animals like single lives. But now let's see what what puts those animals into that situation where they suffer or where you need to save them? It's always the human in 95% of the cases. A human makes a decision and an animal suffers under it.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Whether it's we take away their habitats, whether it's they will be abused or used for something, it's usually always the human. So how can humanity, how can a human do that? Because he doesn't feel anything for them he has no emotional disconnect there we go again so what do we need to do we need to first of all educate them and second inspire them bring the animals into their hearts and this goes only together because you it's it's quite a fine line you can't just put viral videos out there and and grab people's attention and then but not use that attention to educate them again because then you become kind of a circus
Starting point is 00:12:51 online circus so you always need to make sure that the balance between viral videos and educational videos which really teaches people something is in a great balance and that's where you can make the big difference in the change. And you've got to keep it positive, right? Exactly. Always positive. I'm all about positivity. There are so many platforms. They show, they exploit animal abusers, animal cruelty, and this and that.
Starting point is 00:13:17 And my page is not about that. I mean, from time to time, if something serious happens or they really need a... I'm doing it as well but 95 of my content is about positivity because that's what drags people people are confronted with so much negativity during their day and in their lives they don't need even more negativity especially when you want to inspire them about something i want them to be confronted with wildlife when it's positive and not when it's negative. And yeah, that's how my mission then changed. Now, it went from saving single lives into trying globally to make a change and change the future of our planet's wildlife by making people love animals and then hopefully make them get in action whether it's you know
Starting point is 00:14:05 donating some money nor it's getting you know physically personally in action nor at least just standing up for animal rights when it's time for it even though you don't travel to africa or asia wherever doing something or you don't spend money on it but when you at least don't do anything what makes an animal suffer you know what i mean and yeah and it works quite well so far did you get advice on how to like interact with the animals or is it all self-taught yeah i mean there is no book which describes how to behave with lions or with hyenas yeah you're you're wrestling the line you're like sometimes you gotta bop them on the nose right and i was like did you learn that the lion, and you're like, sometimes you got to bop them on the nose. Yeah, of course. And I was like, did you learn that?
Starting point is 00:14:46 Did you have a boxing instructor? Or like, did you just? No, it's, you know, it's just, the thing is as well, these animals, they don't speak my language. I speak their language. And I had to learn that with learning by doing, you know, raising them, living with them on a daily basis. Not only like every month I see them for a few hours
Starting point is 00:15:04 or visit them for a few days. It's like I live with them on a daily basis from morning till evening. Sometimes I sleep in the camps with them. And that allows me to see them in situations and out of perspectives where nobody else can see them in those situations or shares those situations with them. So if you're then very attentive and you watch them carefully, you learn their body language. And all of a sudden, that body language, you don't even have to pay too much attention anymore,
Starting point is 00:15:31 but you see it straight away. I know straight away what's happening. And are their claws not always out? Because I noticed you got cut on the shoulder on one. Yeah, yeah. It's just they decide to bring the claws out. Exactly. The younger they are, the less they realize when to use them and when
Starting point is 00:15:45 not yeah they're like baby cobra parable exactly they are very uh playful and then sometimes they end up outside they use claws on one another as well just the problem is lions their skin is not attached to the flesh to the meat which means it is flexible it doesn't rips open when they use the claws they pull them the skin down and then it goes back up again and it doesn't opens up and creates a cut until unless it is aggressively done with power then obviously they end up having cuts as well with us humans it's different as soon as the claw touches our skin boom it rips it open and you bleed so that's a little you know it's a
Starting point is 00:16:25 little bit different but the older they get the more they are aware of their power and the less they use claws and stuff like that on you how long did it take before the Lions got comfortable with you was it just kind of the thing is a lion is a social animal and Dexter was the first rescue I had there. So he was looking to socialize with someone because he was alone. And the only opportunity he had to socialize with was me. I fed him. I spent time with him.
Starting point is 00:16:56 I worked in his camp. I built a pool. I built an overnight quarter. You know, it was like, and he always came up to me again. And then, you know, it was like and he always came up to me again and then you know it was like learning by doing we just became friends okay and out of whatever he learned me afterwards when the other ones joined uh to build that bigger pride we were already a little pride actually and they joined our pride now oh so you think he normalized you to them yeah like you were the
Starting point is 00:17:22 new guy in the crew and he's like he's cool no i was not the new guy the other one oh they were new ones right yeah and we decided that they are cool oh that's cool and but how did you guys talk about that it's just how you guys interact with each other yeah it's body language the thing is i i i got to read the other lines first so i bonded with them and i knew them they, they knew me, and I knew Dexter. So I bring one after the other in, and then I show Dexter, actually, listen, we are cool with one another. He sees that.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Obviously, they first have to sort out amongst each other who is the higher ranked, who has more rights and less rights. And then they get along with each other. So what was the funniest reaction you got when you told someone what you were going to do? Well, everything. Like, in 99% of the cases, people didn't understand it because nobody can really relate to a situation where
Starting point is 00:18:19 when you tell him I'm living with wild animals in Africa, then they think of a bad comedy movie or something like that you know what i'm like okay yeah you sure gonna do that and then obviously when it got serious they were like are you fucking stupid how can you throw away a life like that in switzerland where you have security where you have financial stability and friends and everything what you how can you throw that's what a lot of people are trying to achieve over tens of years in their lives yeah and are you just throwing it away to go into a country where you don't know anybody where you want to do something you've never done
Starting point is 00:18:56 before where you don't know the language not the law nothing and that's something I say I'm actually telling those people. Animals are my passion, yeah. But that whole project, what I'm doing is way more than just having a passion. I really believe I've been put on this planet for this. And this is way, like, there's only a few people they experience that in lifetime. There's a lot of people you find a passion in boxing you find a passion in music sorry you you find a passion in in so many different um things
Starting point is 00:19:32 but then finding a passion and knowing listen this is what i've been put on this planet for and there's nothing else i want to do in my life than this and i think before i die this is what you know this is what i need to and if i died and i'm before i die this is what you know this is what i need to and if i die then i'm i have to die while doing this you know what i mean and and i guess do you worry about that dying yeah no nice i mean i i really believe like we have our time and when it's time to go then it's time to go and if i do what I love and what I think I've been put on this planet for, then it doesn't matter if I die tomorrow or in 10 years. Obviously, I would love to live more 10, 20, 50, 60 years to be able to make a bigger change, to have an impact in this world and what I'm doing to fulfill my mission. But if my time comes, then it comes.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Have you learned anything about death by immersing yourself in the animal kingdom a lot yeah mmm circle of life yeah there we go circle of life and and that's something I really want to also teach the world because we humans are talked from a baby on that death is always something bad it's something terrifying it's something to be scared of it's something sad it's death is just evil you look you think of death you see the devil you see the hell you see just disgusting things aloneness yeah but this is not true death can i mean for a lion to be able to survive, another animal has to die.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Everybody who eats a dirt burger is killing animals. Everybody who eats a steak or is part of a barbecue or whatever is killing an animal. Just because he didn't see the blood or he didn't hear the animal screaming doesn't mean that it never died. You know what I mean? And I think this is something very important to teach humans out there that death is not necessarily something bad. I had to learn this when I started taking care of lions. You know, like the first animal, they can't hunt by themselves. I need to get the, you know, meat in.
Starting point is 00:21:39 How do I do that? Now, or I go to the Walmart or supermarket and i buy just some steaks and some chicken and just throw it in there with that i would support the big meat industry which i'm absolutely not supportive of um is there walmart in south africa yeah some sort of wall right yeah similar it's crazy yeah and um and or i try to keep it as natural as possible and get them whole animals from my property which anyway you know there's a lot of herd animals there's a lot of overpopulations maybe in a certain species you have way too many males now they fight during mating season they hurt one another it's part of regulating the wild population of the property and then you have to shoot them
Starting point is 00:22:24 right then you take them out and then first of all you know i was never confronted with shooting animals killing animals and stuff like that so it was quite brutal for me in the beginning but then with the time i had to realize man if if i want dexter to grow up if i want him to be healthy if i want him to become the king he's supposed to be then he has to eat whether he kills them by himself which he can't at this stage because he has no parents who can teach him that they're so um i have to do it in this case right but do you ever worry he's gonna eat your little monkey buddy like you have that buddy the monkey yeah yeah do you ever worry like dexter's like gonna like he won't get to him
Starting point is 00:23:00 oh okay yeah and they are usually not the you know the the prey animals of them do lions ever play with their prey or no yeah they do especially at young age and this is part of the training now since uh dexter and the the the pride they don't have a lot of opportunity to hump by themselves they don't get into those situations but as soon as they do as soon as i got a possibility the permits to put them in the back of the farm um then they'll do that for sure sometimes they do that over days it's they'll play brutal yeah wow what do you mean i mean like do they ever like like roughhouse with yeah i mean it's like at a very young age the mom goes grabs a baby you know the baby's hurt or has broken legs or something
Starting point is 00:23:46 like that baby antelope for example brings it to the young ones and that antelope is there for hours and days and the little ones they just jump on it and kind of attack it and learn how to oh like a heavy bag yeah exactly yeah and that's how and it's brutal, and I feel sorry if I see that footage and stuff like that. But how else should the lion survive? I only feel sorry because I have been taught that this is something to feel sorry about. We humans are the only ones who think that far. A lion just sees food. He doesn't see another animal.
Starting point is 00:24:20 And, yeah, it's hard to describe, but that's just reality, and we just got to accept that. What's your take on hunting? When do you think hunting is acceptable? Okay, I think since, you know, I think David Attenberg, he said in one of his speeches when they released, I think it was Planet Earth, or no, our planet. He said, once nature determined how we survive, now we determine how nature survives. And this is a fact. Humanity has become so big and so strong and so powerful
Starting point is 00:24:53 and so destructive on our planet that we created a complete imbalance in nature. So there is huge overpopulations of different species which bring an ecosystem a rainforest savannas and everything out of range and out of this reason i believe that if you hunt animals or kill animals to regulate populations then it's necessarily a good for the nature and environment right which is a fact whether scientists nor biologists, not everybody agrees with that. Like that's not something to discuss about.
Starting point is 00:25:28 I also believe that, and that's also something which changed my mind. If you hunt for your own meat, then I support that. Because there is, especially in South Africa, I know a lot of people, they make like two hunting trips a year and then they get so much meat in, they don't go and buy any meat anymore in the store. They have their own meat, they make like two hunting trips a year and then they get so much meat in they don't go
Starting point is 00:25:45 and buy any meat anymore in the store they have their own meat they make their own sausages they make their own they use the entire animal i'm a joe rogan fan i know all about it okay if you follow him on instagram he just eats his okay all year yeah and and they they they just use the entire animal now if it comes to fun and sports, like trophy hunting and stuff like that, then I'm out of it. Because I think it is not a sport. You can put up any signs you want to shoot. You can put up any, I don't know, dolls or whatever you want. You don't have to just shoot an animal to say, ah, I got it.
Starting point is 00:26:23 And then, you know, maybe hang the head somewhere above your TV or something like that. And there I say, there, I'm out of it. I can't understand that. I will never understand that. And I'm against it. Why the tattoo powerless? Did you get that after hanging with the lions? This is against faith.
Starting point is 00:26:40 You're powerless. Yeah. And there are certain things in life which happen where you just can't do anything about it. It's like just it is the way it is. You can't affect it. You don't have influence on it. You don't have power about it. So instead of destroying yourself, trying to or give yourself, you know, the…
Starting point is 00:26:59 I'm trying to learn that. What? To give up control and just have more humility. That's it. And there's so many things in up control and just have more humility. That's it. And there's so many things in life which you just can't control. But we humans, again, tend to have the absolute control over everything. And if we don't, we start being scared.
Starting point is 00:27:16 We start panicking. We start whatever. And that's just wrong. Like, as I said, nature and our planet is a whole system and it's so clued up and clever. There's so many things which just happen, which need to happen. And it's wrong to try to have influence in everything and to do everything the way you think. And animals could probably sense that, right? If you have that fear or if you're trying to control.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Yeah. I mean, it's a combination. I mean, it's a combination. Sometimes you have to control to be able to show dominance, to be able to symbolize, listen, you can't just do with me whatever you want. But sometimes it's also important to step back or just say, okay, listen, I give you the control and I'm not ruling about you or ruling over you. Like you do the rules, I follow the the rules but still don't fuck with me like it's yeah it's uh do you think the earth itself is a living organism the planet yeah we were talking about this there's this theory that the planet itself is conscious i think it is i mean if you look at trees and at you know i believe like what what is a living being all right
Starting point is 00:28:26 that that's another question and i think everything what grows what develops what transforms is life is part of life our planet in every single aspect is growing transforming and developing so it is living not in in a sense like not like a human but it is still living because it's transforming that's what my opinion is what have you learned about romance from the animals cacao a lot let me take a sip uh romance well you know since um for example lions they live in prides and um they are very social they're actually the only social cats next to male cheetahs which tend to build little groups called collations that's male cheetahs um but which are not super social but they just use the advantage of being you know hunting together and stuff like that
Starting point is 00:29:30 lions are really proper social animals they live in prides which are similar to for example a wolf peck or so and they need that social contact and there you can actually learn a lot about, you know, affection and love and how to protect one another, loyalty, family, you know, values, which actually we humans are looking for in every aspect, but don't get it always. Some of us are blessed to grow up in a family which is very close i have a lot of siblings and they stand together and some they have exactly the opposite or some they have very good friends while others they have no friends at all and there's always somewhere a lack where you uh looking for certain values which i can see in all these animals and in the way they behave with one another or in the way they integrate me in it and um yeah i think it talked me all over that all over that topic romance and and love and affection that you shouldn't give too much you shouldn't put too much in you shouldn't expect too much that's where you get more out of
Starting point is 00:30:42 it actually because the higher the expectation is the more the disappointment as well is but if you don't have a lot of expectation once you get it you're like wow that warms your heart now right yeah and this is already one thing we humans have a lot of expectations towards jobs and friends and family and everything instead of focusing on yourself and then when something comes in better it adds to it it's a it's a bonus and uh yeah we could like speak hours about that like i've been working non-stop on trying to lower expectations or not just romantically but just in general because you're right i mean it's um it just allows for so many more surprises in life and just absolutely
Starting point is 00:31:25 and just joy um because yeah like i think expectation that's like the root of suffering um so that's awesome i i gotta know what was the feeling like when you first hugged dexter wow well you know the thing is a lot of people, as well me, before I entered that world and that life, imagine the first time when you hug that lion's mane and your hands end up in that mane and you feel that power. The thing is, with me, it was a whole... That situation will never happen to nobody
Starting point is 00:32:02 because the possibility to just walk up to a fully grown lion and hug him like that is like there is no chance to do that yeah but if you grow up with them you get used to it before the time okay you know what i mean so i hug dexter when he's small i sleep next to him and he grows up and he gets bigger and then obviously it's not the first time i'm hugging a lion i'm growing into it yeah but the feeling is that feeling made me change my life yeah so i can't describe it in words but you can see it according to my life and my lifestyle yeah um how strong it is and and it is just you can feel it when you watch the videos yeah after i was watching your videos my girlfriend's dog i was just i was just hugging it for like an hour it's like give me the love
Starting point is 00:32:51 yeah she was confused but she'll get yeah it's also you know there's also a huge difference in you know you get a lot of footage out there on social media as well, showing somebody being able to make a clip with a lion or a tiger or hugging a tiger or just, yeah, having some footage with them. But being accepted from such an animal or such an animal to accept you in its environment is one thing so that you can take a picture or whatever. environment is one thing so that you can take a picture or whatever but being literally part of their family of their pride being able to speak their language and communicate with them on the same eye level is a completely other level is a different type of interaction is a different type of love of affection you get out of this so yeah i think the the good thing or what makes my footage as you described like it looks so crazy and so full of harmony and affection. And so that's because I'm speaking their language and I'm not their boss.
Starting point is 00:33:51 They are not trained. None of my animals. If I would tell Dexter to sit down or walk from A to A, he would look at me and think like, what the fucking hell are you talking about? Like, first of all, you're not my boss. You're not telling me what to do. And second, what is that? Like, he of all, you're not my boss. You're not telling me what to do. And second, what is that? Like, he doesn't know any signs or any words. So I speak his language
Starting point is 00:34:12 and I'll work according or function according to his rules when I'm with him because he's the king. I'm entering his world. It's not that he's entering my world. And yeah, I think that's a very important part as well. This is only possible when we live with them.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Now, how many people have the opportunity to live with them? You know, that's, yeah, comes one with the other. Why lions? It's not only lions. It's just that lions are my favorites. They were the first on the farm. And they are very social. They consume much of my time time so that's why you see
Starting point is 00:34:46 more lions i would say like 50 percent lions and the rest is different other animals as well jj to be fair jj and momo they're like my kids the capuchin monkeys and they wake up with me in the morning they go to bed with me in the evening, we sleep in the same bed. I have to feed them five times a day. So they are also a huge part of my social media and what I'm showing out there. But I guess what do you love most about lions? Everything, man. It's like that social, it's that social aspect.
Starting point is 00:35:21 They are super social. They have a super social behavior. They bond with you, they become your friend. aspect they are super social they have a super social behavior they they bond with you they become your friend like it's like really having a friend a new family as well it's like not just how should I explain it you know you have a dog right and my girlfriend does okay yeah I've had dogs okay so you guys know that type of affection you can get from a dog. That's the best. Now imagine that times five, times ten, because you have now five lions,
Starting point is 00:35:50 and every lion can give you maybe even ten times as much affection than you got from that one dog once you're part of that pride. Then also imagine that this lion could kill you within two seconds. He's so much stronger, but he's not using his power to kill you or hurt you, but rather to protect you and be, you know, teach you. That's what I think. The fact that every day the lion makes the choice to accept you and to somewhat go against its instinct
Starting point is 00:36:17 or prove that it has a different instinct that people would anticipate and love you, it must be an incredible surge of feeling that you get. Yeah, it's like you're bringing out the love. When you watch your videos, it's like you're bringing out the love in all these animals, like with the hyenas, the lions, the monkeys. I mean, yeah, it's incredible.
Starting point is 00:36:35 It's like when you watch a Martin Scorsese movie, you know, and I just saw the Irishman. It was pretty great. And, you know, all the mobsters, they're all so charming and friendly. You're like, oh, all these killers are awesome guys. You know what I mean? You get to hang out with the killers, but actually just know them as buddies. When you set up that shot where you had the most incredible, I would recommend all the
Starting point is 00:36:54 Stokers. That's what our listeners are the Stokers. What up, dogs? What up? Where they're, you have one where that's like a wildebeest or something. I'm not correct there, but four lions are just ripping it apart. And you get into the technical aspects of how they rip it apart. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:08 And it's pretty incredible the way they tear the limbs up and stuff. Yeah. But I was like, just as someone who's made some videos, I was like, how'd they set up this shot? Like, how do you get the four lions to show up on time? How do you get the wildebeest there? Like, are the cameramen nervous when these... No, there's only one cameraman. This is Noé.
Starting point is 00:37:24 And he's part of the pride. Okay. So he's actually the only person next to me which can get. And he's here right now. Yeah. Yeah. What's up, dude? Were you scared or no?
Starting point is 00:37:34 No, I also know them since they're small, so. You got trust. Yeah, so they trust him, and he trusts them, and this is the only way how he can get that close and record me like that's of unmeasurable value to have somebody going with me that path and he has maybe slightly a more distanced uh relationship because he has to be behind the camera so sometimes he has to kind of push them back to make it clear listen you you shouldn't be here now you should be that's what you gotta kind of how do you direct the lines you're like hey you're messing up my shot like you're
Starting point is 00:38:08 blocking the sun but you know when it's about feeding yeah when it's about feeding they don't care about me they don't care about him yeah they care about the food and if you touch the food or they can they're gonna get no it depends in which situation they always tell you how far you can go and not. How do they tell you? Body language and sounds. And most of the time, you know, like the first time you have to learn it. You know, you have to be very careful and attentive and see their reaction and body language. But with the time, you know exactly in which situation are you allowed to get closer and which not. in which situation are you allowed to get closer and which not.
Starting point is 00:38:47 So, for example, if there's only limited food after one or two days when they're busy chewing on that zebra for two days, for example, then the food becomes limited, less meat. And as soon as it seems for them to be limited, they don't want anybody close to it because now they are not ready to share anymore. As well, they learned over time that they we are not in competition with them we don't take their food away where they don't have to it's not like with the other lines from the lion pride they have to share or somebody else could eat it away and get some more than he gets it's different with us we are around we are there we help we help making the kill and organizing the
Starting point is 00:39:26 food but we don't feed off the same animal and they know that so that's why they are very very how do you call that where you know they let us very close to it because they know they don't have to share with us right but still there is also situations where they show you exactly listen step back otherwise i'll fuck you up do they ever get sad or are they get kind of disappointed as well and and and um how do you say disappointed and you know like yeah i think it's disappointed and mad at you yeah do they ever get depressed they can but usually when they are in a social environment they not because they have enough affection they can get from one another. Oh, so it's key to have buddies.
Starting point is 00:40:09 If you put a lion, which is a social animal, into a camp all alone, then it can happen that he becomes depressive. They say the cruelest thing you can do to a person is put them in solitary confinement. Yeah. I saw you handling the snakes, like the black mamba and the spinning cobra are those those are still venomous yeah yeah yeah oh wow they're wild uh snakes yeah you gotta be careful i know yeah yeah yeah i worry about you dude um do you keep them around the camp or do they just kind of show up and i don't keep them they're right yeah they're on the property so were they were they brought there as a rescue
Starting point is 00:40:51 or did they just they're just already they just live there yeah okay in the wild and it happens since we are living all in the wild and yeah my house there is in the wild and the camps are in the wild yeah it happens that that we cross paths yeah and uh in such situations yeah it can be dangerous it's not that they attack you but i like you know usually the workers before i bought that property and i moved in there they are they used to just kill those snakes because they're venomous they can you know kill a person an animal a dog and um out of this reason to protect themselves they killed them and i rather prefer to catch them and just relocate them put them into the back of the farm there's
Starting point is 00:41:31 enough food for them they can live there wild and you know there's no reason for me to kill them almost no reason i mean of course we have a baby as well there we have the dogs around the house can't you have a baby not me no but my farm and hatches baby yuka he's my godson he's two and a half years old now and he walks around he runs around oh he was in the video with the snake right with the big one yeah but that was not a venomous one right yeah the the ones which i'm you know handling easy and gentle and with other people and so they are non-venomous they are constrictors and they're also not wild ones they have been born in captivity for example the very big one lulu she's also an exotic species she's not from native to south africa so i couldn't just release her
Starting point is 00:42:15 back into the wild she comes from a breeder which had to sell his whole you know breeding facility whatever uh or close down and then he just you just tried to sell all the animals over to people. And then that's where, for example, how Lulu came to me. And yeah, I use her for educational reasons, to make educational videos, and super cool to have her, yeah. But back to the venomous ones, they just live around there. And then, yeah, obviously I catch them, and then I release them back into the wild. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Yeah, I had a snake. I had a ball python, cream python. A ball python. Cool. Yeah, they're amazing snakes. Yeah. We had a special bond. And then my buddy Jack, after graduation, he took him and they're living together nice.
Starting point is 00:43:01 Do they live a long time? I think he's still alive. Nice. Yeah, he's still kicking it um cool how long do lions live uh well in the wilds they get up up to 10 years and maybe even a little bit more it depends on how you know strong dominant they are um in captivity they can become 15 20 as well because you, you know, there is less danger and less factors which can take you down. Do animals die of old age in the wild? Yeah, it can happen. It depends what kind of animal.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Like an antelope? No shot? Difficult, yeah. I looked it up on Google one time. Yeah, it's very difficult. As well, you know, lions lines they are opportunistic hunters yeah they first go for the old ones right ones or the hurt ones or and if you get old then you just slower yeah you know it's like with us humans and you're more of a target for whatever hey that's a senior
Starting point is 00:44:02 citizen back off if you had to give out senior superlatives like like when you graduate high school they say like oh this person was the best dress this person was like uh the best at sports who's who do you think's the nicest animal good question yeah man i can't like it's like when you ask somebody of your five kids who's your favorite right you don't want them to find out yeah yeah but it's it depends on my mood actually right now it depends sometimes i'm in the mood to just chill with chucky rather the hyena rather than with dexter or any lion or the monkeys sometimes i just want to be with snow because i know his type of character, how he behaves and how he is, fits perfectly to my mood now. And it would just be so cool to be with him alone without the other ones. But I can't have that, you know.
Starting point is 00:44:53 So when I go in, then all of them come together. So I got to deal with all of them for the first 10 minutes until they calm down. And then when everybody's laying down and chilling out, then I can decide who I want to. So you got to give attention to everybody. In the beginning, yes. When you host can decide who I want to see you gotta give attention everybody it's like in the beginning yeah when you host a party you want to make everybody feel come exactly that's awesome Jackie we just hang out with hyenas like I saw the hyena and I was like yeah it's such a fun video to watch cuz you get this nervousness when you're watching you're like it's a hyena and like all I know about hyenas is like
Starting point is 00:45:19 that they're savages and from like Lion King that you can't trust them basically yeah yeah live in the Badlands yeah and you're like you're snuggling up with it they're absolutely different than what you learned in uh like yeah are any animals assholes no no right they're all the way they're supposed to be that's the cool thing you know we humans can be assholes by our own choice. Animals can't. They are just the way they are. And they have no reason to act like an asshole. If it seems to us that they are an asshole, then it's just because it's natural. But it's not because they want to be an asshole because they have, like, bad thoughts or something like that.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Right. They're not malicious or something. No, no. Do the monkeys ever get mischievous? Because they are assholes yeah that's the human side of it yeah i was in the monkey forest in bali and i had a i brought in a bunch of bananas yeah and then this one monkey i it was a bag of bananas yeah and this one monkey came up and just started pulling on the bag and i had a little tug of war sesh going on
Starting point is 00:46:22 and he ripped it open he took all my bananas he got dominated by that he dominated me i respected it you know go back one day and find that no i'm kidding no no he was my favorite one but yeah they uh it's fun yeah yeah monkeys they are very i don't know if it's the intelligence or i think it must be the their size of the brain must be bigger than the one of you know they can't just combine things they can use tools they can yeah you know they realize things which for example a dog wouldn't realize or rarely realizes and uh it's super cute it's super amazing to watch and to see and to experience but yeah they can be quite evil well yeah it's i i saw a couple things about chimps like one in the wild like a big chimp will punch a smaller chimp and then the smaller
Starting point is 00:47:11 chimp you'll literally see it feel bad about itself and then it'll walk over to a chimp that's smaller than it and like displace its anger yeah punch that one and you're like okay that's like that's human beings in a nutshell right there in terms of just like shit goes downhill yeah exactly yeah and then there was a documentary project nim where scientists in the 70s anthropologists try human beings in a nutshell right now in terms of just like goes downhill yeah exactly yeah and then there was a documentary project nim where scientists in the 70s anthropologists try to raise chimps in human environments so literally like a brownstone in new york and they have a chimp but then like once in a while the chimp it'd be like a totally normal kid 90 of the time but then 10 of the time it would just take somebody and they're freakishly strong
Starting point is 00:47:43 yeah and just swing it back and forth and crack their shoulder and cream it. Yeah. Yeah, well, all these animals, they are not meant to be in human environments. Yeah, that seems to me the difference. And that's just the fact. And we need to get human thoughts and brains off trying to humanize everything what they touch and everything what they see and interpret everything out of a human perspective, which is just wrong. If you look at nature, our human super intelligence to, you know,
Starting point is 00:48:16 everything what we do, how we live, it has just no space in the animal kingdom. It should, and actually we are part of nature we are animals too i don't see us as being something else but we act completely differently and we think way too far and you know the the profit of money and all the animals they don't have that you know yeah we have abstract concepts exactly exactly what kind of change would you like to see on earth within 10 years um wow there's so many things man but the main change is it one thing i can say now uh you can say a bunch of things yeah let it rip yeah yeah yeah okay um well first of all we need to oh that's actually quite complicated man we got time yeah you know the thing is we need to well that's actually quite complicated man we got time yeah you know the
Starting point is 00:49:06 thing is we need to decrease our population oh dude you're malthusian huh yeah not not necessarily you know i don't want to say we need to kill now uh half of the yeah but it's like even if you think it dude yeah but you know what the biggest problem is human wildlife conflict on our planet at the moment. And this is because the cities and villages and human population grows that fast that we end up in their habitats and the villages, which were once that big, they are now that big. We're an invasive species. Exactly. that big they are now that big you know invasive species exactly and and here lion prides and elephants and all kinds of wildlife and animals used to live and now we're taking away their habitats yeah and now they become an overpopulation in the rest of the wild now they eat too much then
Starting point is 00:49:58 there is too less food that is total imbalance yeah because of the growth of the human population yeah joe rogan described us as like, from a plane, we look like bacteria. Yeah, it's like AIDS on the human planet. We just continue and we destroy our own, you know, like, our own resources. Yeah, exactly. And I think since it is going to be hard to regulate our growth, you know, by birth control or whatever. You know, they did it in China already and you can only have one kid or whatever. But instead of that, let's just protect habitats.
Starting point is 00:50:34 Let's just decide, okay, if you want to continue to reproduce that fast, then you got to live on top of one another rather than just extending the villages and and taking away more habitat of the animals so we need to protect more wild habitats for these animals that they have home to live in because we're not ready to share with them obviously if elephants end up in a village happened the other day in china i know in india you saw that footage all over social media where they burned the elephants or they threw some i didn't see what happened and so yeah it went viral like a village and then the elephants ended up in that village and then they started to put them on flame and so because they destroyed their uh fields where they grew some
Starting point is 00:51:21 fruits and this and that and you know it's like a human wildlife conflict like everywhere india africa china australia everywhere you got these problems because there is no fence so if there is no fence the village can just continue you know getting bigger and the animals can just end up in there do you get mad at people ever like do you ever like just like when you like just uh well you know it always depends not really it's also the evil we seem to be and the much we can destroy the much we can build as well so i really believe in the good human as well i mean we are able and capable to destroy so much but what about all the good? What about those ones which are ready to build, which are ready to do something great
Starting point is 00:52:07 and give something back to that planet? And instead of just being negative about the bad ones, which don't care or destroy, let's just build a front of good ones, which are ready to rebuild and protect. And you can't achieve that while you're putting your energy into the negative ones. You can only achieve that
Starting point is 00:52:24 as long as you put energy into the good part of it and i believe in in that actually so i don't have time to think bad about humans or animals or anything like that rather let's keep it positive and try to build good were you always really positive yeah i think so i've been pretty much my entire life plus minus like that that's good yeah that's probably why you're so good at finance too right i mean do you think it was like a similar mindset that helped you succeed there that's helped you succeed in this yeah second it's the communication with humans it's building relationships it's understanding one another it's putting myself into your body and and and thinking okay what is right how would you feel in this situation when i say this or when i
Starting point is 00:53:11 say that the same i do with the animals i don't i don't focus on myself that's also something what humans do a lot wrong with animals they they put in the room with a snake or with whatever kind of animal and now you think about yourself how should i react what should i do how do i look like now and on it's all about yourself and you don't focus on the animal for me it's different if i'm put in a room with an animal i don't know i look at the animal and i first try to see what is the animal about before i start to react to it. Because every human being, same as every animal, is different. So if I put somebody in there, a human, you first need to find out what is he about
Starting point is 00:53:52 before you start to talk or listen to a certain type of music, something like that, to not confront each other with something. And yeah, I think it's more about trying to get out of your body and focus on what is in front of you instead of focusing on yourself. Expand your energy outwards. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, so if you're in a situation where you're in a room with an animal, how do you sort of assess what's going on? And then like, can you take us through like an example?
Starting point is 00:54:24 What kind of animal um let's say uh you see a lion that you're not familiar with okay in a room yeah what are the steps you take okay i would stand still and then i would look at him and i would see his body language is he walking towards me? Is he feeling insecure? Is he being dominant, trying to impress me with something? And according to his reaction, then whatever he does, I will react towards it. And first of all, you always react. In general, you keep yourself dominant because you don't want to be submissive as soon as you do that to an animal which is high in a food chain which is used to other animals being submissive to it um you get the risk to be
Starting point is 00:55:12 attacked so you make yourself big because lion is a predator and most likely is about to kill you so you want to make yourself big and and, listen, I'm not scared of you. So if something is not scared of a lion, he thinks, why is that something that's scared of me? Usually, everything is scared of me because I'm a lion. Now, if that something is not scared of me, it must have a natural reason. They don't know about humanity. They don't know about how clever we are that we can pretend to be something. Animals, usually they don't know about humanity. They don't know about how clever we are, that we can pretend to be something. Animals usually, they don't pretend to be something. And if they do, they have it as a defense mechanism, like little bugs or birds, which can blow themselves up.
Starting point is 00:55:56 And then all of a sudden, you know, the predator runs away because they blew themselves up now with different funny colors and bright colors. and that symbolizes venom and poison. And they think, okay, I'm rather going to let that guy be, right? That's the defending mechanism. So we don't have that, but we have the intelligence to imitate or we have the intelligence to, you know, pretend to be something, to be bigger, to be dangerous. intelligence to to you know uh pretend to be something to be bigger to be dangerous that's why for example a wild lion in the wild if i first would run towards a wild lion and scream he would run away first with the time he will most probably then realize oh man that guy's just doing a some sort of show i'll fuck him up now but yeah but in the first, he will be unsure because he doesn't know what a human is.
Starting point is 00:56:45 And he's totally confused. Why is now this living being running towards me trying to kill me? Does it help to work out? Yeah, definitely. It is actually very important that, you know, that whole love. They can feel your power as well and your weight and everything. Because what they do also with one another, when they come and say hello, they rub their head towards you. And then they lean towards you, right? And if you would then kind of almost fall over all the time and if they feel that you are not stable and that you're weak
Starting point is 00:57:25 it gives them some sort of dominance extra dominance and it gives them some sort of extra feeling like i can do with you what i want like you know you're lower than me so you have to actually show them if they come um you lean against them and then you hug them and you grab them and they want to them and you grab them and they want to feel you like they are brothers man they want that roughness they need it
Starting point is 00:57:50 I love wrestling my brother it's my favorite thing in the world and that's what they need to feel and that's where they see you on the same eye level and that's the cool relationship you want with them you don't want to be underneath
Starting point is 00:58:03 you don't want to be above you want to be on the same eye level and that's cool I think you want with them. You don't want to be underneath. You don't want to be above. You want to be on the same eye level and that's cool. I think humans need to touch more, right? Yeah, of course, man. It's all about touchment and so like. In Switzerland, is it a lot of touching or? You know, in my world, I usually hug a lot. Even though when I enter another culture,
Starting point is 00:58:21 sometimes people are shocked because now there's that stranger and he just walks up to me and hugs me when he says hello but i think after they got the hug they appreciate it yeah because it felt somehow good yeah unless you're stinking or i don't know but but yeah yeah do animals respond to your smell like is there like you ever put on like the wrong deodorant or something? They do when I, for example, when I've been with Chucky the hyena, and I go straight into the lion camp, they won't, like, they will walk away from me. What if you've, like, not to pry too deep, but what if you've, like, made love recently?
Starting point is 00:58:56 Can they tell? I don't know. Fair. That's a hard question. They definitely can tell by the smell and so that somebody is a female or male. I think they can maybe feel or smell the testosterone if you have a lot of testosterone because usually I think, I'm not sure, I'm not a doctor or biologist, but we have a certain, I don't know how you call that. Pheromones? Pheromones.
Starting point is 00:59:26 Oh, yeah. Exactly. And that can be maybe more or less, and they have a very sensitive nose. I used to work out with two buddies, Tej and Andrew, and I wasn't having sex, but Andrew was, and Tej could always tell when Andrew had had sex before a lift. Oh, seriously? Yeah, he'd be like, you just boned.
Starting point is 00:59:44 What was it about? I couldn't ever. Since the pheromones? I hadn't had sex, so I didn seriously? Yeah, he'd be like, you just boned. What was it about? You could sense the pheromones? I hadn't had sex, so I didn't know, but Andrew would be like, how'd you know? And Tash would be like, I can tell.
Starting point is 00:59:51 Maybe a lion would give you an extra head bump. But it's crazy, for example, the monkeys, the monkeys, they can feel when, for example, when Yuka was born,
Starting point is 01:00:02 or I think even when he was one year old when he was still feeding off the breast of sharon a his mother yeah um the monkeys would always try to go to the tits yeah because they felt there is milk really and they want to milk interesting and that's pretty crazy yeah yeah yeah that's that's so cool are we hopping into questions yeah should we? Yeah. Do we have a mid-roll? Shamans of Stoke, what up? First, I want to shout out Stephen King for being a phenomenal writer and allowing Frank Darabont to adapt a few of his writings into movies.
Starting point is 01:00:35 I didn't realize he flexed so hard outside the horror genre. I just wrapped up the Green Mile and I haven't wept like this since Sean McGuire broke down the emotional barriers of Will Hunting. I thoroughly enjoy an inexorable cry from a powerful story like that of John Coffey in Mr. Jingles. What films invariably make you reach that point of sweet cathartic release? Hopefully
Starting point is 01:00:53 the full squad is present for this one. I know you, JT, Chad, and Strider have softer sides and will provide dank answers, but I'm interested in what films make Joe shed tears in silent acquiescence. Thanks, be well. I showed a couple buddies of mine the game directed by david fincher we did not see eye to eye on this one and that hurt because i wanted them to like that film as much as i did what did you guys think you know i've seen it but i don't quite remember it um i'll have to revisit
Starting point is 01:01:17 it i mean david fincher's good director though is there dean is there a film that you like that makes you cry which one is there a movie you like that makes you cry? Which one? Is there a movie you like that makes you cry? Bro, there's a lot of movies which make me cry, man. I'm super sensitive if it comes to that. Yeah. There's so many movies, man. One movie was Machine Gun Preacher. Oh, yeah, the Jared Butler. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:37 Like when he gave up his entire life to save those kids in Uganda and, you know, that whole story. And there was different scenes where my eyes were watering. Did you watch that before you moved to South Africa? Yeah, yeah, I think so. Oh, nice. Yeah, yeah. So it was pretty inspiring for you. It was super inspiring, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:56 That's great. What about you, Chad? Well, actually, keeping with the theme, Lion King, when Simba climbs up Pride Rock, that gets me. Dude, I saw the live action one, too. Wow. It had the same effect. I was bawling.
Starting point is 01:02:11 My favorite scene, which got me really crying, was when he saw Mufasa, his father, in the water. Oh, yeah. When Rafiki, the monkey, showed him that his father actually didn't die. He's still here watching over him. Yeah. And then he here watching over him. And then he speaks to his dad. And his dad tells him, listen, you have a legacy. It's like, remember who you are.
Starting point is 01:02:35 I mean, that father-son stuff. This is so strong, man. It's just amazing. It's awesome. Yeah, just a really recent one I watched on the plane. And on planes, I cry more. I guess it's a thing. a really recent one I watched on the plane and on planes
Starting point is 01:02:42 I cry more I guess that's a it's a thing I watched Blinded by the Light which is about a kid who a Pakistani kid in London who falls in love with Bruce Springsteen's music
Starting point is 01:02:51 and it's a father son story and it just had me sobbing I mean I was just sobbing the whole time and then the movie I cried out the hardest and it's kind of embarrassing
Starting point is 01:02:59 was Freedom Riders where Hillary Swank's like a white rescue lady this one was amazing I was bawling the whole time. When she tells Mario, because you can tell he's tanking the class on purpose, that she's not going to accept his less than honest work.
Starting point is 01:03:12 Dude, my brother was like, you got to calm down. I was like, I can't, bro. I can't, dude. There's good people out there. One movie that got me was Hardball with Keanu Reeves. Have you seen that one? It's where he coaches this baseball team keanu reeves g baby g baby there's just the sweetest kid he ever met he gets shot yeah he gets he bites a bullet yeah oh shit dude it's
Starting point is 01:03:39 he'll crazy and it's got a killer soundtrack i was in fourth grade and I was like, what the fuck, dude? All right. What's up, Sultan Zestog? Much love and greetings. I'm writing about a situation that has been causing me some inner turmoil because I don't know how to address it without coming off like a total dick
Starting point is 01:03:56 and without potentially ruining a friendship. Basically, my GF of two years has this friend, a friend who has told her in the past that he was in love with her. She informed me at the beginning of our relation. She shut him down at the time because she didn't feel the same she told me at the very beginning of our relationship she still kept in touch with him while we were going out but it was only an occasional message here and there but recently we've moved to the same town as this dude and she's been messaging him more and more and meeting
Starting point is 01:04:18 up with him for drinks etc he always asks her to kick it with them but he never invites me or even asks how i'm doing to be honest he never seems to mention me, and when I see him, he looks sheepish. I really feel like I know he's in love with her still and would take the chance to be with her at any opportunity. It's now at the point that they message each other every day, every night before bed, before she cuddles up to me and we get down to some saucy action. She insists that the relationship is purely platonic, but I can't help but feel weirded out by this. I know this dude is really into her. What's more is that he has recently become her manager. She is a small time solo musician and performer, which I view as just another excuse for him to spend time with her.
Starting point is 01:04:51 Do I act chill and let this slide until I know something has actually happened? Or do I tell her that this is making me feel weird and try to set some kind of boundary? I have faith that my girlfriend loves me, but I'm still completely unstoked about how much time she is devoting to this friend who clearly has feelings for her and who i know is secretly hoping she breaks up with me and goes out with him instead any advice would be greatly appreciated wow what do you think yeah i think the situation is pretty clear in my eyes yeah yeah yeah um yeah you know i i think we humans tend to, how do you say, to hold on things for way too long. Right. Things which are just too heavy and drag us down.
Starting point is 01:05:34 And as soon as we manage to let go from it, we really feel how relieving it is actually or how it builds you up. It lets you stand up again. Yeah. And, yeah, I think everybody has to listen to his heart. it is actually or how you know how how it builds you up it lets you stand up again yeah and um yeah i think everybody has to listen to his heart i actually don't like to give advices to um um such relationship uh struggles because we will never be in that situation we have been in our own situations with our own girlfriends and ex-girlfriends and love experiences but as long as you're not in that situation yourself you know you can give any kind of advice but it will have a completely different effect to
Starting point is 01:06:12 that person so rather give just a general advice how you felt in certain situations yeah instead of saying what he should do now because it's absolutely up to him right yeah and uh yeah in my opinion it's just i think we keep on holding on things for way way too long i did that so many times and uh years later i thought oh actually i could have ended that already two years ago but i still somehow believed in it and loyalty and of course you don't uh you fight you fight for something you fight for love you don't want to just give it up quick quick but it needs to be is it a fear of discomfort you think that makes us do that like a fear of having that uncomfortable conversation yeah of course there's
Starting point is 01:06:56 so many fears we have like being alone is one i mean you still have somebody or maybe finding someone else again or building up what you built over time. You know, you're in a three year relationship maybe, and then it was a struggle in the beginning to get to know one another very well, and you know, and that's actually also a problem. We end up in, that's my opinion, we end up way too quick in a relationship
Starting point is 01:07:21 before we even know one another. And then, you know, and then you end up getting to know one another while you're in a relationship before we even know one another right and then you know and then you end up getting to know one another while you're in that relationship yeah but then you're already in it you can't decide not to be in it anymore you already said we we are in a relationship even though you didn't see all the faces of that person so actually that's one advice in general get to know that person first give yourself time even a year or two and if that person finds someone else and ends up in then that's how it's supposed to be but if that person is really meant for you when you're already in contact with that person it will lead to that
Starting point is 01:07:55 point and uh too many people they stress too quickly they are scared to be alone they are scared to i don't know what they're scared of. Dude, you're a beast. Yeah. I mean that in a brain way. Thank you. I love it. No, yeah. So what you're saying is you just got to let go, let things happen as they do or as they may.
Starting point is 01:08:15 I feel like a lot of it too, people, they feel a threat to like their personal power. Yeah. And that's a lot of, and if you just let go that's and if we are totally honest yeah if we are honest to ourselves we know the solution all the time right we know what's fact we just don't want to believe it right he knows exactly what what is fact and what's going on but he doesn't want to believe it yeah and me too i know a lot of things which I may be still doing wrong but certain things I just don't want to believe it because the current situation is maybe comfortable or you know it's just a lot of you know it seems to be a lot of work but fact is we just extend problems like this we just extend it yeah
Starting point is 01:09:00 we already know that it's not gonna work whether it's a business relationship love friendship or something like that just rather make the decision now. Life is about making decisions, and otherwise life will make the decision for you. And that's not always the right one. Emma, what do you think? Do you hear this one? The truth will set you free. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:21 I think he's right. I think you've got to give yourself some time to feel out the situation, but that does feel a little shady what that chick's doing. Yeah, I concur. But I also think you just need to be open and honest and ask the questions you need to ask of your partner. Just like ask for the truth. And if you don't think you're getting the truth,
Starting point is 01:09:37 then there's a deeper issue with your relationship than that dude. Right? Right. Like she can't commit. She's kind of hedging a little bit yeah and like if you can't if you can't ask questions of your partner and believe that they're telling you the truth then like you have some trust issues in this relationship in and of itself right like if she says she's nothing's happening you got to either trust it and if you don't then there's something
Starting point is 01:09:59 else to be addressed i agree 100 but i also think that the fact that he has to ask that question here and ask for advice and the fact that this situation makes him feel so uncomfortable is already a sign that it is wrong yeah so the main message for this guy probably is everything is unfolding as it should and he's gonna be okay okay in the end yeah yeah as long and i think i would tell him to say something that way yeah i mean just in general just but And he's going to be A-okay in the end. Yeah. Yeah. And I think. I would tell him to say something, though. Yeah. I would tell him to say something.
Starting point is 01:10:27 Yeah, I mean, just in general. But if it doesn't shake out the way you want. Yeah. Yeah. No matter what happens. Against faith, you're powerless. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:35 Yeah, exactly. I do agree with that. Don't try to control it. Let go. You'll be okay. Yeah. I think that's right. What up, Epic Stokers?
Starting point is 01:10:43 My dogs and I do an annual golf trip to Palm Springs it's like a you know Palm Springs mm-hmm it's like a desert town that's like two hours from here people go to a party and play golf and stuff all right Coachella's nearby as well okay you gonna Coachella's here no I've never been I don't know have you been to like music festivals yeah yeah I've been already but you know recently the past two three years I was so busy with what I'm doing in Africa. So yeah, pretty hard for me to... Did you party when you were in finance?
Starting point is 01:11:13 I used to. Before that, I used to run two nightclubs. Oh, really? That's right. Andrew told me that. Oh, so you used to get after it. Yeah, a lot. Do you miss that at all or no?
Starting point is 01:11:23 Sometimes, of course, yeah. I mean, now I'm pretty isolated in the wild in africa there's not a lot of opportunities for me to party that's why when i travel or when i go back to switzerland or you know it takes me traveling that whole mission sometimes i allow myself to go on a party or just yeah i go crazy i mean i'm still 20 i just turned turned 27 right it's amazing so my life is still quite young and yeah all right what up epic stokers my dog and i do an annual trip to palm springs we have a dank time golfing hanging out hitting the bars one of our friends always invites a schmole a schmole is a someone in the friend group that no one likes okay arena yeah yeah which is boner
Starting point is 01:12:02 backwards uh who constantly complains throws clubs and brings our stoke level down how do we tell our bro or the schmo that this dipshit needs to stay at home keep up the good work so like basically they go on an annual trip with all their boys and this one guy keeps bringing a boy that like is kind of ruining the mood yeah yeah well i think it's pretty simple just say say it straightforward. I mean, that's the problem with us humans. We go the roundabout way. We spoke about the communication, right, which we all fail at times. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:34 I think just be open. Not rude. It's also the question how you say something. You can put something this way or that way. But just say open and honest. Listen, we together, we spoke about it. And we came to the conclusion that this just kills our vibe. And it was not the same than before.
Starting point is 01:12:51 And we would appreciate to keep it in our circle and without that person. Yeah. And then, yeah. He lowers Stoke. And he can't. Is there a shmall amongst the lions? Yeah. Really? Nyla. Really? Wow wow she destroys so many vops man no way because she's she's just looking for so much attention yeah if
Starting point is 01:13:14 i got some love or give some love to one of the other lines she goes just to come straight into it yeah there's even a video where you where she acts pretty aggressively yeah um uh towards leo her brother i think i saw that one yeah and she's like like her head is here and she's like goes crazy after him and i'm like nila chill man and she goes back and then but still she continues to kind of you know how do you say growl or like growl growl yeah and then uh yeah just being bitchy yeah interesting man all right last question what's up sultan's the stoke to make a long story short i'm a freshman in college my roommate has high school habits she sleeps all day and only does her homework late at night she almost never eats
Starting point is 01:13:53 and i've never seen her brush her teeth or change her bed sheets i have the exact opposite of this i don't want these bad habits to drain my academic stoke any ideas on how to confront this tough situation thanks to time again like before just sit down and be open and honest but in a you know with manners and in a polite way yeah it's tough congo to have yeah a lot of people they or for example we had that situation as well you know you got a friend and he smells bad at times you know or i don't know does some things which people don't like or so, and you don't want to be rude somehow. You don't want to make that person feel stupid, but you only will make that person feel stupid
Starting point is 01:14:33 if you say it in a rude way. If you just say it in an absolute respectful way and you got to get the solution ready, right? Think of a solution. How could it be? And then say what you don't like and put the solution at the same time on the table so that the person is not just left with a problem. And now the person has to get right with it by itself. And yeah, I think that's how I solved most of my problems with other people.
Starting point is 01:14:56 Have you had conversations like that with friends? Yeah, of course. We had. I mean, I also in back in Switzerland, I used to live with friends in a house, for example, or, you know, you share a house, an apartment or something like that. And there's always situations where some person has certain habits which you don't have. And, you know, you just can't adapt in certain situations to one another. And then you just speak about it and you say, well, okay, but what is then the solution? Well, let's do it once like this or once like that. Or let's just keep it somewhere in the middle, and then it's about both of them to do their part.
Starting point is 01:15:30 Nice. Do you like to dance? Yeah, of course, man. What's your favorite thing to dance to? Man, just good music. I mean, I'm not that much into heavy metal and stuff like that. Sure, me too. More like, you know.
Starting point is 01:15:43 You like EDM? Yeah, no, more like hip- hip hop um african music my hips respond best to that too brazilian music funk were you were you an avicii fan or are you yeah sometimes yeah he's from sweden he's from sweden yeah yeah yeah a lot of people they come no yeah you kind of feel to me like the DJ Steve Irwin. Oh, dude. You're like the cool update of it. I like that. That's pretty nice, man.
Starting point is 01:16:10 Yeah, for sure. I'm going to say, we bleached our hair for the coral to bring awareness to coral bleaching because when the water gets too hot, the coral bleaches itself. So it's out of sight, out of dome, but now it's on our domes. Okay, cool. Yeah, but I know she bleached her hair too. Yeah. Yeah. That's what's up. Yeah. it bleaches itself so it's out of sight out of out of dome but now it's on our domes okay cool yeah yeah but i know she has leeches here too yeah yeah that's what's up yeah all right i was just thinking about lines boking a schmold because our thing our thing our phrase is boking a schmold it's like how you get the schmold out of the friend group yeah and we get tons of questions
Starting point is 01:16:42 about it you know like how do we go about doing this but I feel like lines are much more straightforward yeah yeah he's got to adopt that you know animal nature and just be straightforward and honest because I feel like lines will just straight up poke the schmo yeah extra be like Nyla yeah yeah and there's lots of videos where you can see it on my page yeah like Dex if Nyla does some shit or annoys somebody yeah she's gonna get a proper slap and that's it. Well, we don't have to slap one another. Right.
Starting point is 01:17:10 You know. A verbal slap. Exactly. A verbal slap. If it's like too rude. Right. If they just, you know, if they, how do you say, make you mad or, you know, stress you by a certain behavior they do,
Starting point is 01:17:22 but not specifically towards you, you just say in a polite, normal way. And sometimes you have to measure like, do you want to say it in front of everybody? Because as soon as you put pressure on a person, the person starts to want to defend herself. So an argue or a fight will start. So often it can help
Starting point is 01:17:42 that you take that person out of the group, you smoke a cigarette with the person or have a drink and you say, listen, between us, you know, this and that. And so and so what do you think? Can we, you know, don't you want to work on that a little bit? I just think it will be you would even feel more comfortable like that. And then that's how I like to solve problems. And if it's something a huge problem, which is with everybody, then, of course, you can bring it in a round. But never corner a person. Because as soon as somebody gets cornered, it's with us as well. If you have five people speaking against something, what you do, you want to protect yourself or you walk away from it.
Starting point is 01:18:19 Yeah, groups are scary like that. You get on defense and you start worrying about what everybody's thinking. You're not even arguing with one person. You're trying to perform for five people. There we go. And you end up not saying what you think at all. Yeah, and the same is with animals as well. You're just trying to protect your status, basically.
Starting point is 01:18:34 There we go. Yeah, I hate that. I can feel it in myself when I get it. That's actually what my thing is about. Because now we're going to do an of the week. So we do our beef of the week, which is either a person or a situation or a thing that we're upset with. Or it could be a famous rivalry or beef throughout history. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:51 Yeah, so Chad, do you want to kick it off? Yeah, my beef of the week is with this pole in the parking garage this morning. I scraped the side of my car on it. No. Yeah, it's not too bad. But I got to beef with it because i um i did valet and i was pulling out and i turned too early and uh just the the back right wheel well just caught right on it and uh it's one of the situations where i can't just like like i knew backing up it was gonna make it worse but i had to back up uh because it was
Starting point is 01:19:26 it just like crunched and i was like oh crap and then i was like i can't go forward because it's gonna get the rest of the car so i have to back up and just like double down on the damage so the valet guy was just watching me and he's like he was just like oh dude i was like yeah dude i fucked up i fucked up big time man and then there's a guy in another car who's watching me and he was just sitting in his car just watching everything unfold and i was like what's up dudes i'm gonna fuck up my car a little bit more just um so yeah my beef is with that pole uh what up, pole? You zinged me good, dude, in terms of the paint job on my Ford Escape Hybrid. So that's my beef, but I'm not mad about it. You know, I made it.
Starting point is 01:20:13 It's all right. He fucked up your car. No, no, it was my fault. It was your fault, right? It was my fault, yeah. You were fucking up his car. No, no. He fucked up his ride.
Starting point is 01:20:24 I fucked up my car. It's a nice ride. But I was just saying, I did valet because he did the parking job. Ah, now I got it. Okay, that's it. He parked it and then you didn't get out of it properly. And then I was pulling out. But it wasn't his fault.
Starting point is 01:20:40 But he was just watching me do it. And he's like, it's the paint, man. You fucked it up. And I'm like, I know. I do. I hate the commentary when you make a mistake like that. Yeah. I got into a car accident one time and my friend was staring at me.
Starting point is 01:20:50 And I just gave him the thumbs up. And he went, no, thumbs down. I was like, no, I know it's thumbs down. Yeah. I'm trying to save face. It's so embarrassing when people see that. It's tough. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:02 And how did it end? Did you just drive away as it would have yeah he nothing or he looked at it and he's like he's like the pain's fucked up i'm like yeah for sure and i'm like i'll see you later and he's like see ya um so it was really uh overall besides the damage i'd say it was a positive experience for sure you know i had a solid connection with the valley guy i think the world breaks us all and makes us stronger in the broken places oh dude it's beautiful that's my beef dude my beef of the week is with um the lady at the pizza shop i was in new york city for the last couple days we did a live podcast at caroline's it was so fun you know doing this in front of a
Starting point is 01:21:40 lot of people who are really responding well to it and uh just like a lot of love and it was really just one of the best best nights of my life and i'm in new york and i'm with some buddies from high school and we're having a great night we hit a bunch of bars i'm ripping up the dance floor i'm talking to people i feel 10 feet tall and bulletproof and it's always in those moments you never see it coming but we went to a pizza shop to grab a slice at like three in the morning and then a group of like five british girls walk in with two of their moms they're probably in like their mid to late 30s and they're they're really liquored up and the most bold one just starts talking to us and she's like what the fuck are you boys up to how's it going and we're like hey what's up and then
Starting point is 01:22:16 she's like hey are you from australia she's like yeah i'm from fucking australia she starts doing like a bad accent and we're like oh ha ha we start laughing she's like no and she just keeps talking shit but it's charming or it's like on the fence of charming and not charming but we can't quite place it so we're just rolling with it i walk away sit down wait for my pizza slice she keeps talking to strider and then i hear strider being like no no don't say that don't say that and then i literally hear her being like your mate's got pubes on his face she's talking about me she's like i'm like hey i heard you yeah and she's like oh shut up he pubes on your face shut up everyone else in the pizza shop starts laughing really so i'm like what
Starting point is 01:22:51 yeah i'm like okay what is pubes on your face like the the ball hair she was saying my face looks like that oh okay yeah so it's mean and then she comes over and sits at our table and like i just try to be cool i try to ask her questions i'm like so where are you from what do you do like i'm like oh you're married like how like, I just try to be cool. I try to ask her questions. I'm like, so where are you from? What do you do? Like, I'm like, oh, you're married. Like, how'd your husband propose? Try to like connect my way out of her insulting me. But then she just keeps going like, will you shut up? You have pubes on your face. You have pubes all over your face. And I'm like, okay, like, why are you doing this? And then finally at a certain point, I'm like, you know what? Let's just go to the, let's go to the diner
Starting point is 01:23:22 because we're going to get some ice cream. I'm like, it's just go to the let's go to the diner because we're gonna get some ice cream i'm like it's all good and then i go to leave with my pizza slice and then she grabs it and takes a bite and i go uh all right you can just keep it i guess like not knowing what to do because i didn't want to i had this urge to like stand up for myself and at a couple moments i did but it came out too hot and the guys i was with were like easy dude like she was like oh you got like a youtube page what are you gonna do film me She was like, oh, you got a YouTube page? What are you going to do, film me? I was like, all right, I'll film you. Thinking if I filmed her, she'd calm down.
Starting point is 01:23:48 My friends were like, dude, put your camera away. And I was like, oh, shit, sorry. And then so she took a bite of the pizza and I was like, you can just keep it. And then the two people next to her were like, oh, dude, you just punked that guy out of his pizza. And I was like, you guys are enabling the bully. But then when I talked to Strider about it later,
Starting point is 01:24:03 he was like, no, everybody disliked what she was doing. They just just didn't want to say anything but that's not how i saw it at all in my mind when i was getting bullied i saw everybody like loving it and loving that i was getting bullied like there was a moment earlier where i said something kind of cheeky back to her and another lady in the pizza shop like was like what what did you say like we didn't even know her kind of jumped on her side i was like man everyone here hates me and then it really ruined my night after having like the best time ever i was just fucking bummed out i was like fuck man and i realized what i should have did was and it's so hard to calibrate this stuff because like a week ago at that party i stood up for myself too much and it made things awkward because i should have just said hey it was really nice talking to you but i haven't seen my friends
Starting point is 01:24:40 in a while we just want to enjoy our pizza have a good night but it never even popped in my head that i should say that i either thought i should like go out and be like oh you think you're fucking funny or i should just take it yeah and and like just like you said with the animals you just got to set a boundary yeah and i just never set a boundary i let her walk all over yeah and i just i just gotta i'm learning you could you could also laugh maybe like i do have pubes on my face i tried but I didn't oh that didn't work no my laugh was so fake
Starting point is 01:25:07 because my feelings were hurt I was like I do have pubes on my face you start crying and I start crying like I couldn't fake the fun
Starting point is 01:25:15 like I wanted to be like that Strider was doing that like she would make a joke and Strider would be like and like laugh genuinely I was like it's a super power bro because all
Starting point is 01:25:22 my hurt was like front of my face yeah so dean do you have a beef of the week i was thinking about it while you were uh telling your beef of the week but i can't remember any situation where i really kind of felt hurt or a weird situation not really my man i love that that's great yeah all right well chad who's your babe of the week my babe of the week is uh the whole foods buffet uh have you been to whole foods you know it's this uh grocery store they have a fire buffet i love to get salads from there uh sometimes i get salads with tuna i like to go with the arugula
Starting point is 01:26:05 base uh i get tuna sometimes or sometimes they have like a beef stew option so i'll pour in the beef stew and i'll get a salad on top of that basically what i'm trying to say is the whole foods buffet is fire and they have excellent selections and they keep me healthy and um i get all my nutrition from the whole foods buffet so i want to give them a major shout out even though it's owned by big corporations big biz amazon what up not really um but i respect amazon i guess i don't know we'll figure it out anyways just want to give a shout to that buffet that's awesome dude my baby of the week is new york city oh dude i know i'm a socal boy but for my That's awesome, dude. My baby of the week is New York City.
Starting point is 01:26:45 Oh, dude. I know I'm a SoCal boy, but for my money, I think it's the best city in the world. Even just being there for a couple days, the bustling energy, the intensity of the streets, the way people are so no-nonsense. They do not do phony politeness in New York. I got into the cab on the way to the hotel. I was like, sir, how was your day? And he just looked at me like, what what don't ask me about my day and i was like whoa this is a new
Starting point is 01:27:09 a new breed out here yeah i had a diner i or i ordered then i forgot i wanted something else i'm like hey can i get something else the look of disdain that the waiter gave me that i ordered twice and that i was ordering so much crushed me but i loved it i was like this is very real you know the service industry there you got to bring it and then you feel that all throughout and that I was ordering so much crushed me, but I loved it. I was like, this is very real. The service industry there, you've got to bring it. And then you feel that all throughout the city. All the things that people say about it are true. Was it the first time you were there?
Starting point is 01:27:34 No, I've been there, but every time I go back, I've lived there for a while, actually. But I was so young, I don't think I really noticed all these things. I just took it for granted. And then this time I was really like, man, this is a special place. And the way people go into bars there when it's cold, they don't want to leave. And everyone's having a better time there than they're having here. It's really, like people say it's a fun hell and that LA is a sad heaven.
Starting point is 01:27:55 And I contend that to be true. All right. So New York's, and the comedy there is amazing. David's Hell. Beast. The greatest. The greatest. And then being at Caroline's Comedy Club, the people there were so cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:04 They were awesome. The management was so awesome. Amazing energy. The best energy. The greatest. And then being at Caroline's Comedy Club, the people there were so cool. Yeah. They were awesome. So awesome. Amazing energy. The best energy. And they're just very straightforward. Yeah. Very important as well. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:12 Dean, who's your babe of the week? I think the entire week already. Nice. That trip to L.A., which is specifically to place that global wildlife show, which we are busy with. And it just gives me an opportunity to take my mission to a whole different level again, to make it bigger and stronger. And there is lots of platforms which are listening to me and my mission and which want to work with me together. And I have lots of opportunities to inspire important people about my mission and to sell that show.
Starting point is 01:28:54 And this is pretty inspiring, man. This is pretty cool that it takes it to a different level. I'm busy since four years with it now. And it's my ultimate passion. It's the reason what I believe what i've been put on this planet for as we spoke about it uh before and yeah this is super exciting for me that's awesome yeah congrats on everything yeah well deserved um chad who is your legend of the week my legend of the week is my buddy chase g um he uh you know because i knew we were doing this podcast and i was like which friend of mine
Starting point is 01:29:26 resembles a lion the most it's chase he's got he's got he's got the mane um and uh that's pretty much it that's awesome yeah the mane yeah he's got the mane yeah i just want to see this guy's hair right now he's he's portuguese so he's like a portuguese line he looks more like mufasa he has a beard um no he doesn't he has stubble okay um but i'm just talking about his flow i mean he looks more like scar in terms of you know but a good scar a good scar yeah a benevolent scar right all right um so i want to give a shout to chase and yeah chasing that we we just uh we went to college together we studied abroad in australia which they have tons of crazy wildlife there too yeah um we went to stradbroke island they say they have
Starting point is 01:30:15 like nine of the 12 poisonous snakes there yeah yeah um and there's bats everywhere have you been to australia no not yet there's bats everywhere which you don been to Australia? No, not yet. There's bats everywhere. Wow. You don't see that here. We were in Byron Bay. I believe that's what it's called. And literally at sunset, the sky was just filled with bats. And you just see them flying.
Starting point is 01:30:40 It was like out of a movie. You're like, this is crazy. It's awesome. And we'd go out to bars and we'd look in the trees and the trees would just be filled with bats. Yeah, it was awesome. They'd just be flying around everywhere. I miss that. I sometimes have bats in my room.
Starting point is 01:30:55 Oh, do you? Yeah. This is annoying, man. You have to get them out of it. Because I have a thatch roof in Africa, which means it's very high so yeah they like to to hang there you know and then yeah all of a sudden in the night you hear like not you know it's not a fly it's like you know when a bat flies right right yeah and then it's like oh man come on i don't feel like having a bat in my room now and then you get up in the middle of the night and you
Starting point is 01:31:22 somehow grab that thing from the pool to clean the pool. Yeah. Catch it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's pretty cool, man. Yeah. That's awesome. All right, dude.
Starting point is 01:31:30 I'm going to... My legend of the week. I'll be right back. Hold on. I don't know. What's happening? I don't know. Does he has a dog no i thought maybe he's gonna walk in with his dog happy birthday wow it's my birthday today is it no seriously yeah congratulations bro
Starting point is 01:32:02 oh thank you my dog doesn't like carbohydrates but occasionally he loves to make flurry. Thank you so much. Yeah, of course. I appreciate it. So let's sing it to him. We got a couple people here. Very young. Happy birthday to you.
Starting point is 01:32:17 Everybody. Happy birthday to you. Thank you, guys. Happy birthday, dear Chad. Happy birthday to you. Thank you guys so much. Dude, thank you for this McFlurry.
Starting point is 01:32:34 Of course, my dog. It's a little too cold right now. I'm going to let it melt and then I will savor this. Thank you so much. My dog, happy birthday. You are my legend of the week. Thank you, man.
Starting point is 01:32:42 I love you so much, man. You're a beast. Amazing, man. Do you have a legend of the week. Thank you, man. I love you so much, man. You're a beast. Amazing, man. Do you have a legend of the week, Dean? A legend of the week. Who is my legend of the week? My legend of the week. Wow.
Starting point is 01:33:00 Who impressed me this week? Dexter? Well, this week started on Monday right right right so I was in the plane already there has to be somebody out of this environment yeah he's the coolest person you met in LA so far hey Andrew he's very cool he's cool guy what's up Andrew he's really cool shout out to him he's gonna do some like it yeah I think my legend of the week is Fenas. She's from Bunny Murray Productions.
Starting point is 01:33:33 They made Real World. Yeah, exactly. And she has just such a great vibe. She has such a great energy. Like both of them, Fenas and Julie, we started off with the pitches. And obviously, I started, you know, explaining my whole mission and everything. They knew a lot about it already.
Starting point is 01:34:00 But they never heard it out of, you know, how I explain my mission and my life and, you know, that whole way to where I'm now. And a day later, they started explaining it to the platforms in the same words. Like they really, you can see they soak it in like a sponge. And they really, like it was super impressive to hear how they really learned about my mission and how they cared about it. Because if you care about something and if you value it, you'll give it the same way further to the next person or to the next, you know. And it was just super inspiring to see how they have been inspired by who I am and what I'm doing
Starting point is 01:34:31 and that was impressive for me. So a huge shout out to them, they really feel it. It's not, you know, it's nothing fake in it. It's like. I know, I think people misunderstand. They think salesman, being a salesman is being like fake. No, absolutely. You have to believe in the product to make it work.
Starting point is 01:34:44 That's it and I could really see how they believe, but you have to believe in the product to make it work. That's it. And I could really see how they believe in it and how they believe in me and in what we want to create with one another. And it was absolutely nothing about money or anything like that. It was really they were feeling the mission and the good cause behind it and everything. And that motivated me very much. Nice. That's awesome. Then we do a quote of the week.
Starting point is 01:35:04 Chad, what's your quote of the week, my dog? My quote of the week comes from The Patriot, Heath Ledger. Heath Ledger, they're around the campfire. And he's saying, he's just talking to a soldier, and he's like, they call this the new world. It's not. It's the same as the old. But if we win, we'll be able to build a new world it's not it's the same as the old but if we win we'll be able to build a new world
Starting point is 01:35:27 a world where all men are queer are created equal under god and then later on that scene they talk about um they capture like a a wagon it's general cornwallis' wagon. Yeah. And they find some dogs and one of the guys is like, how about we eat some of the dogs? And one of the guys is like, eating a dog? And he goes, oh yeah,
Starting point is 01:35:53 a dog is a fine meal. Very fine. Very fine meal. The way they shake their heads yes in him because he's kind of like a scholar guy. He's a preacher. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:01 He's not used to war life. So, yeah. It's a good movie all right my quote of the week is i i first heard it on mark maron's podcast and it's a great one it's ernest becker from his book the denial of death i think that's where it's from and he basically talks about how all of man's problems come from our fear of death basically i think that's the general premise but i love this quote it says people create the reality they need in order to discover themselves so all those choices you're making all those mistakes you think you're making
Starting point is 01:36:28 you might have made them for a reason they might be leading you to something that you need to find out so you can be your whole self my dog super inspirational man fire yeah what's all of that what's your quote of the week huh i think i've used that quote of David Attenberg already before as well. I loved it. Yeah. How was it like? Once nature determined how we survive, nowadays we determine how nature survives. And that's pretty impressive.
Starting point is 01:36:57 But I actually got another. Let me quickly check. It's a big responsibility. Yeah. Huge responsibility. If you know for certain that the end of the world is coming, are you party more no you're gonna party you're gonna exactly do what i'm doing because i i love what i'm doing that's awesome that's an awesome answer that's good stuff so there was that that other quote which was super inspirational as well
Starting point is 01:37:19 and i have it here here it says why is it there we go how's mcflurry oh is it good you like m&ms more than oreo right good all right it says if you build an army of hundred lions and their leader is a dog in any fight the lions will die like a dog but But if you build an army of 100 dogs and their leader is a lion, all dogs will fight as a lion. I love that. That's super cool somehow, isn't it? I believe that, yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:53 It's about what you feel. It's about what you believe in, right? Yeah. You're only as strong as what you believe in. Exactly. I believe in my squat and my deadlift. Wow, okay. Chad, do you have a phrase of the week for getting after it?
Starting point is 01:38:09 Let's form a pride. Wow. Oh, getting after is like a phrase for saying how let's party. Okay. A different way of saying it. A way of saying let's party hard okay okay yeah it's like something you say to your crew to get them amped up before you hit the town yeah okay yeah you got everybody around you you're all in a circle okay they need to hear something
Starting point is 01:38:33 motivational to bring that energy to wherever you're going yeah mine is from the movie wayne's world and it's when a wayne is uh first laid eyes on cassandra and he's he's he really just love at first sight he really wants loved at first sight. He really wants to talk to her. And they do that Spike Lee shot where he kind of floats on a dolly towards her. He's just totally lost in his infatuation with her. And right when he gets to her, you're like, is he going to say something stupid? Is he going to come in too hot?
Starting point is 01:38:56 And then he just says, you want to go somewhere and talk? And she goes, sure. And it was that easy. And a lot of times, stokers will write and be writing like i don't know what to say to this girl it's like well sometimes the most straightforward thing and the least adorned thing is the best is the best thing so you know yeah so guys let's go somewhere and talk cool well what should i say let's be like a lion yeah yeah just be like a lion you know like lions are so in every aspect so cool so amazing super balanced between love and being a beast having energy being relaxed
Starting point is 01:39:36 yeah they just full of surprises yeah you can feel like i see in your videos you can feel the power inside of them but they're just playing around with you. Exactly, just be like a lion. They just contain it inside, so they're just like, there's that harmony. Who do you think is the smartest person who ever lived? I like to ask that. Who ever lived? Steve Irvin.
Starting point is 01:40:03 Dude, yeah. Have you met his kid? He died while doing what he loves. Steve Irvin dude yeah have you met his he died while doing what he loves that's the best way to go that's the best way to go man he did his entire life
Starting point is 01:40:16 what he loved he achieved a lot with it and he died while doing it like are you a fan of what his son is doing I think yeah of course his entire family doing? Yeah, of course. His entire family.
Starting point is 01:40:26 Yeah, they're all. I mean, there's a thousand ways of doing what we all are doing. I mean, we all have the mission and the goal to create a better future for our planet's wildlife. And I think what they are doing is one great way to do it. Yeah. Yeah. Super, super fan of it. Fuck yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:44 Dean, thank you so much much thank you for spending so much time yeah thank you guys for having me it was super cool your fellas are tired thank you guys for coming for sticking around warriors emma thank you yeah thank you very much um is there anything you want to plug like your instagram is dean dotider, is that correct? Yeah, exactly. You guys have to check it out. It's fucking amazing, dude. It's awesome. Yeah. Dean.Schneider, S-C-H-N-E-I-D-E-R. There you go. All right.
Starting point is 01:41:11 And dude, we look forward to what you have coming up out of all the stuff that you're doing out here. I'm sure it's going to be incredible. Yeah. That's good stuff. And happy birthday, my dog. Oh, thank you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:20 I'm going to go hug my girlfriend's dog again. Nice, dude. Yeah, thanks so much for stopping in. Super cool. Thanks for listening. Yeah, thanks, man. Thank you. I'm going to go hug my girlfriend's dog again. Nice, dude. Yeah, thanks so much for stopping in. Super cool. Thanks for listening. Thank you very much. If you need advice These guys are really nice
Starting point is 01:41:39 You want to know What to do Where to go. When you need someone to guide you, there's always a half-hearted side to go with you. Go with you. That's what we need. Go with you. The challenge is here. Bucks for me I'm going deep We're trying to take the team

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