Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 104 - Strider Joins, Movie Reviews, Pee Shy

Episode Date: November 27, 2019


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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's your dream ooh daddy what's up stokers of stoker nation this is chad kroger coming in with the going deep chat and jt podcast i'm here with my compadre, John Thomas. What up? Boom, clap, Stokers. And we're here with the Relish guru, the maestro of love, the furniture, uh, freaking name knower.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Name knower. Damn straight, dude. Strider Wilson. Legends, dude. What up, dude? Freaking amped to be here right now with my dogs. Fucking dogs, dude.
Starting point is 00:00:42 I can feel the stoke coming off your body i'm feeling all types of energy yeah i feel it too you turned it on yeah look we're doing a nice evening recording session right now dude i'm catching a second wind dude you know i know i was exhausted carry me baby yeah yeah dude believe me i'm ready to go dude look dude i'm fucking amped to be in the house with my dogs right now, dude. Catching a second wind, dude. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 00:01:08 But, dude, you know what, dude? It's been, the energy's up, dude, because right now, dude, I haven't been exerting myself on my two, dude, being bipedal in the valet lot, dude. I've been posting up, dude, just in an office setting with my dogs, dude, doing some work together, taking a little hiatus till the new year, dude, at valet. Yeah, dude, it's been pretty crazy. Yeah, it's nice having a set schedule where you can come home at the end of the day and you can just lay in bed and be like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:01:34 I did what I had to do. Because, look, we didn't, you know, we weren't using our hands or tools like that. We were using our domes and pens, dude. But it was still nice to go in, dude, clock in at work, dude, get some stuff done and then shoot a little pool. And I don't mean to bag on my dog, JT, over there, dude, but dude, I won, dude. Did you sink some shots? I did, dude.
Starting point is 00:01:53 It was close. It came down to the eight ball, too. But JT had a nice, powerful break, and he scratched on the break, dude, to his power. Well, a lot of people say you lose after that. If you scratch on an eight ball, you lose. Oh, right, right, right. I thought you were're gonna say after a powerful break you jinx yourself game over you you peek too early um but yeah strider had a really beautiful eight ball shot he banked shot to put me away i don't mind losing on that do you guys get into pool tricks like do you skip
Starting point is 00:02:20 the ball over balls or do you like do you do it behind the backs or do you like are you anal about uh pool or are you just sort of casual i'm probably pretty anal yeah yeah i'm not very anal about um you know rules or big uh stickler i just like when someone brings their own sort of uh craft and style of play know, anything that can sort of blow my mind when I see them playing, I go, whoa, I didn't see that before. Yeah. It's like I beat you, but you brought a lot of personality to your pool. Yes.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Yes. I agree. Even if they beat me, I'll be like, whoa, nice. Can I learn from this dude? I like the opportunity to sort of display confidence, like corner pocket. Then you do it and you follow through on it. You know, it's the ultimate test. Oh, it's a powerful, it's a powerful vibe.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Like if you make one or two balls in a row, you start walking around the table with a certain like, just like a little hop. Yeah. Yeah. When you come into a game and people are like, you want to play pool? And you're like, yeah, sure, whatever.
Starting point is 00:03:20 And you start sinking shots and you just, your shoulders are a little more square and your lats are a little more flared yeah hustling dude yeah it's nice you get that dude little pump yeah yeah we were once playing pool with this degenerate down in miami dude this uh i feel bad he was like young you know not that young but uh obviously 21 and up but he was just hammered and loved gambling and like hustling dude and like we were playing uh jt and greg and we didn't have the right number so we needed to add one this guy wanted to play and we played a few games for fun and then later he like came up to me like all sneakily he's like we'll just play for money in this game let's get him trust me we'll beat him like no i don't want to beat them like these are my friends that like
Starting point is 00:03:57 i don't want their money dude he's like no we'll take their money i'm like not you understand i don't want to play for money right now dude yeah so it's just a strange and interesting experience and then we lost and it was my bad and then he punched the wall in the bathroom he would just walk away and go fuck and then he punched the wall i remember he came back and i was he was like i just punched the fucking wall i was like dude don't break your knuckles man yeah at this place called what was it called the deuce the deuce yeah bar in miami that Miami that Andrew Kenward recommended to us. Did we ever go? I don't even remember.
Starting point is 00:04:27 I don't think we hit that one. Yeah. But it's a solid spot. Dude, JT was on fire. We went to this sandwich place next door. Dang, sandwich spot next door. He was cracking good funnies, dude. Kept doing a joke, like, asking, like, people that were there, like, and dude, being charming,
Starting point is 00:04:40 dude, not being overbearing, nice tone, dude. Just being like, yo, dude, do you want to split sandwiches? Go have these. And people were like no he's like oh and then the next day we had another bar and two ladies were like you're the sandwich dude and it was like amazing oh yeah they remember dude he let she was cool yeah yeah you gained celebrity status from that one visit yeah they remember me like you tried to take a bite of my like salami sandwich last night i was like i'm really sorry i was fucked up and then they were like you're the sandwich guy yeah i'll take it yeah i'm flirty yeah i was like that's cool i'll take a bite out of your sando it was commentary they were social commentary yeah yeah they didn't get any cheese on their sandwiches i was like weird yeah what do you think i asked them about
Starting point is 00:05:20 first the packers or cheese it's one or the other dude packers dude yeah dude for sure roger's gonna be healthy you do what's the deal with aliens dude he is good in those commercials he is great in those commercials i'm not big on that one dude though like the main agent dude who's like the slick agent who's like kind of the butt of the jokes i don't know why dude i was watching those uh samuel jackson capital one. I understand he's making a lot of dough, but I'm like, why is he doing those? Are they bad? No, it's just like... Does he really need it?
Starting point is 00:05:52 I think he's got enough cash. Dude, I think Spike Lee directs those. Oh, does he? I think so. Oh, maybe it's just a fun thing they like to do. Yeah. Man, make some dough with your bro. Yeah, maybe it's nice to work with him.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Why not? But it is hard when you watch something and you're like, well, what is this adding to anything? But maybe he's not worried about it. Maybe he's like, this is three days of work and I get like $2 million a year. Maybe he has fun doing them. Yeah. Maybe he goes on lavish trips too.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Dude, I saw a billboard on Sunset of Bradley Cooper. He was like advertising this watch, like the pilot watch. And there's just him in a leather jacket standing in front of an airplane. Like that's the kind of ad I want to do. Like people think i'm a pilot that's a fire yeah like this will miss this time telling device will make people think this guy's a pilot yeah dude you want to do an ad i'm like yeah make me look like someone cool it's he's either a pilot or a scuba diver dude or a race car driver dude those are the people that wear watches yeah what kind of plane was it it was like a prop plane like yeah cessna you know maybe one of those wing yeah maybe
Starting point is 00:06:50 one of those red bull ones something to play around in nice oh yeah he had good flow in it too i was proud of him he's doing great yeah drink a nice espresso with a sparkling water and then you know just go get some altitude for the afternoon dude dude. You know, take like a, you know, de force on a nice date and that, you know. But then look, if that's every date, dude,
Starting point is 00:07:11 then it's like, all right, we got dollars. That's why bachelor couples don't work out because like they meet in the most extraordinary circumstances. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Even though you think they're going to work out every time. Yeah. Every time, like, when Emily picked Jeff, I was like, they're destined to be together.
Starting point is 00:07:30 Two months later. Done. Hey, baby baby you want to fly again on wednesday how about we get a burrito all right yeah yeah do you want to have like a real bachelor bachelorette show dude you got to go see like a you know go take in some go walk through a museum dude then write an essay on that afterwards dude grade each other's papers dude get to know each other's domes and then go on an exotic date after that good call dude might not be the most compelling television dude but i think there might be something yeah i think i think there's something sexy about giving someone an assignment dude i agree oh yeah dude don draper would do that type of stuff dude a little too domineering in tone, but he would do that type of stuff. Who was the girl from Grandma's Boy?
Starting point is 00:08:09 I remember he'd be like, Oh, Leonard Cardinale. He's like, don't pick up the phone for the rest of the day. Yeah. Why don't you read 1984? Yeah, dude, exactly. Submit a 10-page book report. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:08:27 That's gold Aaron yeah do you think like dudes are trying hard enough to impress divorcees on dates no
Starting point is 00:08:37 no I think they need to be wine and dined a little more there it is yeah dude even just my gf my gf's not a divorcee which is just straight up ledge but dude you know I like to go out of my way and freaking just you know dined a little more. There it is. Yeah, dude. Even just my GF, dude. My GF's not a divorcee. She's just straight up ledge.
Starting point is 00:08:46 But, dude, you know, I like to go out of my way and frickin' just, you know, do something a little nice, something a little surprising. You know what I mean, dude? Like, frickin', oh, guess what, dude?
Starting point is 00:08:53 I just got us more honey bunches of oat in the pantry, dude. You didn't even know that I got that cereal. She gets stoked on that. But a divorcee, dude, and especially if you're a rich dude,
Starting point is 00:09:03 dude, and you know, you have multi-different properties, like one in Italy or something, like Thomas Crown style, yeah, dude, you if you're a rich dude dude and you know you have multi different properties like one in italy or something like thomas crown style yeah dude you got to go hang gliding dude you got to go out for nice surf and turf dinners dude you got to go you know on a racetrack and just rip the car pierce brosnan's so good in that movie he's the best his chest hair dude is fire faye dunaway who's in the original his therapist. And he's like, how do porcupines have sex? Very carefully. Great line. I mean, these are dangerous people who are getting close to each other.
Starting point is 00:09:33 They've got to be real suspicious. These are great. But you know what? They can't keep from fucking getting it in. That makes me almost want to be a thief so I can have high-stakes bones. It's exciting life. Yeah. I don't think there's anything better, and I do think if I was from the Boston area,
Starting point is 00:09:48 I might have probably tried to develop a town-style heist crew with my squad growing up. I'd be like, dude, look, bro. We're from fucking Charlestown, dude. Fucking Charlestown, dude. What do we do here? Same rules that I did, dude. We pull heists here. We play fucking youth hockey, dude.
Starting point is 00:10:03 No one has a shoulder like you got a shoulder, dude. You know what I mean? You shoulder the guy. I go in there. I'm quick, dude. And we get your little brother, dude. Yeah. He's amazing.
Starting point is 00:10:10 He got a tongue on him, that kid. He's talking, distracting, dude. He can talk. We get the money. We run, dude. We can move to Florida. Pample born. We take the money.
Starting point is 00:10:19 We go far. Dude, we're kind of just winging this together, being bros tonight, dude. We didn't even do any articles, dude. Speaking of our new fucking office gig, what up, dude? But it's nice because we don't have to wear suits, dude. It's cash, dude. It's creative space, dude. Central Air.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Dude, I'm so fired up on Central Air. So nice. It's so nice to deprive yourself of Central Air and then go back to Central Air. And you're like, dude, Sears got it right thank you so true dude i'm fucking stoked with my dogs right now dude are you pulling something up yeah what do you got what are you cooking dude av club came out with their top 100 movies of the decade i've been through it a little bit the immigrant in 99 it's a very boring movie unfamiliar once upon a time in hollywood was in there i was pumped on
Starting point is 00:11:05 that yeah fire dude creed was in the creeds and oh dude creed one dude high life is in there nah probably the most um awful film going you described it as this you go it's so bleak it's bleak it was very bleak yeah yeah there's no hope in it i guess there isn't a backdoor way dude you have andre 3000 in it and like like, he does like almost, like his performance is fine, but like, script like didn't give him anything to do. Yeah. What's he doing nowadays? I think he does whatever he wants.
Starting point is 00:11:35 But yeah, I think he's like, when he does guest verses, I don't know when's the last time he did it, on a song, they're always amazing. Yeah, he's a beast. Dude, he's the best, dude. Yeah, he's a beast. Yeah, he's so unique and talented. Dude, and then he was in the Jimi Hendrix movie, and his acting is like uncanny. Yeah. Like, he's he's the best dude he's a beast yeah he's so unique and talented dude and then he was in the jimmy hendrix movie and his acting is like uncanny yeah like he's so close
Starting point is 00:11:49 but the movie doesn't have any of jimmy hendrix's music so it's a total waste because like that's that's the whole reason oh because they couldn't get the rights yeah he's great in four brothers very good in four brothers yeah amazing the lost city of z's in there oh dank movie dude gone girl one of my favorites. Oh, I've watched that recently again. It was good. Spring Breakers, one of my favorites. Oh, Hereditary isn't that good.
Starting point is 00:12:11 I told someone Hereditary is not good. Forever, y'all. Spring Break forever. Hell or High Water. Great movie, dude. Paddington 2. Haven't seen it, but everyone loves it, dude. Mudbone.
Starting point is 00:12:23 It's not very good. I don't know Mudbone. Mudbound. Oh, I know that. Is that McConaughey? No, that's Mud. everyone loves it dude mud bone it's not very good mud bound oh i know is that uh no that's mud i think that was better right that movie's pretty great american honey 12 years a slave force majeure all really good what was number one is it ranked like hundreds like last or is it just like these are the no hundreds last it's in order okay yes what's number one dude are we getting yeah i'll get all the way number one is la la land somehow is in there la la land was not a good movie uh la la lame dude zinged so what's up dude
Starting point is 00:13:00 oh we gotta get better magic mike xl it's a very good movie yeah i've watched magic mike i gotta watch the second the sequel second one's just like pure fun like they get rid of any of like the supposed drama and they're just like really let's watch these guys try to entertain oh yeah um number one is mad max fury road oh great movie dude i love that movie dude it's incredible it is a good pick it's a really good movie it's hard to it's hard to find much fault with it dude everything's so realized everything's for so like happening for a reason dude some of that i don't even understand but i trust and like my friend dustin said in the end it goes back to where it started like the story is truly full circle genius dude what's uh let's what's the top 10 on that all right top serious love it
Starting point is 00:13:42 What's the top 10 on that? All right, top 10. I'm serious. Love it. Number 10, Lady Bird. That's good. I think that's like an 80 through 90. Phantom Thread. What?
Starting point is 00:13:57 Yeah, I know. It's crazy. Not even the top 10 best movie of the year it came out. Agreed. Francis Ha. What? Yeah, that's like a 90 through 100 um florida project i've heard that was good i've heard that was good moonlight are all of these in the last three years most of them moonlight was really good i don't know if it's number six but it's a wonderful movie. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:14:25 I'll never watch it again. But the filmmaking is so sensual. Like, you really do feel like you're kind of like floating with those characters. Yeah, yeah. But shouldn't like the top ten be movies you're going to watch again and again? Good call. I think Barry Jenkins, that director, is very good at talking about the way sexuality and first love can kind of unlock you as a person. How you open up from it.
Starting point is 00:14:50 It's not even about the sex. It's about just meeting this other person that gets you. Another part of yourself that's like, what up, dude? And no one else has been understanding you, and now this person gets it and what that does to you. I don't think I had that my first time. I did, but it was a quick meeting. First time I hooked up. I just zinged myself. I said I did, but it was a quick meeting I just zinged myself I said I did but it was a very quick meeting
Starting point is 00:15:08 dude I was like wait where'd you go dude it's true though I'm not gonna see I'm not gonna watch I haven't watched it again but you know what maybe that's not the best barometer for a film I would like to revisit films but there have been good films that I won't want to watch again like I don't know like this is probably not on
Starting point is 00:15:24 the list but like American History X good movie but dude the subject matter doesn't make me want to revisit right yeah that's true you know there's there's some others but yeah i think like what does it impact the viewer make you think and step outside of your own um comfort zone or circle of thought number five the tree of life yeah i haven't seen any of these movies bro jesus h you want something that's more watchable so that's yeah i'm agreeing with hours of slow slow slow but it's mind-blowing is it though it is or is it pseudo it's it's it's not as much oh shit is that bad how much did you spill a little bit could i kill this thing no probably not okay um sorry i uh what's pot time i know you guys aren't that favorable of it but i could watch that a lot yeah i liked it i'm looking forward to actually re-watching that yeah exactly yeah
Starting point is 00:16:20 that's a movie i want to re-watch just to see yeah like slice of life hanging with these cool dudes and it's a good point that's what i love imagine if that was quentin tarantino's first movie you'd be like whoa amazing right yeah yeah and i was talking to jt about this at the diner and then he had a great point which was would he have been able to yeah if you don't have those stars is it as good of a hangout movie but then but then the point was that he would have found great actors who weren't stars to do it well and his voice is in his writing is specific enough which is a sign of a good artist of pacific and specific and thought out that it would still hold yeah despite you know it'd be i suppose you would say if you're disrespecting actors which i don't like to do actor proof one would say right a separation is. Dude, I haven't seen any of these movies.
Starting point is 00:17:05 The Oshkosh for Hardy movie. Dude, I gotta say, I saw that one and I did not think it was as impactful as people said it was. It's interesting, too, because it's about a divorce in Iran, and they can't make rated R movies there. So it has to be very straightforward. Really? Yeah. I don't think you're allowed to. But then they find ways to tell these incredible parables
Starting point is 00:17:27 like within those restraints but but it didn't come through for me I needed more The Social Network is number three for sure it's a dank movie one of the best movies ever
Starting point is 00:17:36 that's a good rewatchable one yeah hard disagree on this whoa dude Aaron Aaron dude
Starting point is 00:17:43 you can't watch The Social Network unfriended dude kidding dude it's i found that movie incredibly boring you didn't find it hypnotic though that first scene where him and her have that banter and then it gets into that montage of harvard that doesn't look like harvard it feels like santa monica and dude i love a movie where any dude can just wear a hoodie, dude, and be compelling, dude. In a hoodie. That's what's up. This is going to be our In-N-Out, guys. Dude.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Oh. Our In-N-Out. You better lawyer up, Aaron. You didn't like that conflict? No. Yeah, there was a part of me that watching it, I was just like, Zuckerberg deserves all the money. Everybody else needs to get out of the way. two jack dudes just rolling yeah and he's just
Starting point is 00:18:30 passive energy the whole time just building and mounting if you would have if you would have thought of it you would have done it you would have done it if it was yours you would have done it that would make me so furious if he was like the opposite if i was one of the other guys oh yeah and he's just like no no no i'll be dude, I will fucking stomp you in the face. He'd be like, I can't wait for you to pay up. Yeah. I valet the real Winklevite Bros cars at work. I valet their cars.
Starting point is 00:18:55 How are they? They're chill. The Winkle Bros. They're just going to do their thing. Like the third best movie of this past decade has Armie Hammer and Justin timberlake in it no yeah it's weird army hammer twice but if it's like no did you not he for the one i don't like i don't like i don't like andrew garfield either i i really don't like and i really don't like jesse eisenberg it's a good point i don't think i like any of the actors in that movie. I think I'm winning this one. I don't like Dakota Johnson a whole lot.
Starting point is 00:19:27 But there's just something about it. I mean, Fincher's great. Don't get me wrong. Yeah, Fincher and Sorkin. I think Gone Girl's better. It's Fincher and Sorkin at their best. I don't know. I don't like Sorkin either. And the subject matter is Facebook. What?
Starting point is 00:19:42 We do a podcast here called The West Wing Thing. It completely tears apart that show. It's fabulous. You? No. We do a podcast here called The West Wing Thing. Completely tears apart that show. It's fabulous. You love The West Wing? No, I don't. I've never seen it. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Do you like A Few Good Men? Yeah, that's good. I've never seen it, and I love President shit, dude. Air Force One? Fucking dang. Murder at 1600? Fucking dang. Dave?
Starting point is 00:20:02 Fucking dang. Olympus has fallen. Olympus has fallen. Yeah, true, true. Olympus has fallen has good dialogue where they'll be like he'll be on the walkie-talkie with jared beller's character and they're like you better stop he's like i'll stop right after i put a knife in your fucking head he literally says that it's unreal it's very straightforward all right number two is the master no no dude yeah dude i agree aaron no dude did you one of those hilarious comment All right, number two is The Master. No. No, dude. Yeah, dude, I agree, Aaron. No, dude. Dude, you want to know this hilarious comment I've ever heard in my life?
Starting point is 00:20:29 There was this valet, dude, aspiring filmmaker, dude, and I love that he's getting into the arts, dude, but he saw The Master and I showed up at work. I was like, oh, what up, dude? And he's like, what did you do last night? I was like, oh, I saw The Master. Before me even asking him how the movie was, he goes, it's almost perfect
Starting point is 00:20:45 i was like what's for lunch today dude kidding me number one movie and i think this one do we already say what the number one was i think this one will uh get near universal uh support can we guess dude yeah can we guess yeah you can guess. Can we guess? Yeah, you can guess. What year is this again? 2015. Didn't we already cover it? Did we already cover it? Mad Max? Oh yeah, we already covered it.
Starting point is 00:21:17 See, that's a bold choice. Oh yeah, we did already cover it. I'm just having too much fun. It's super cool. It was a Best Picture nominee, but like it's not a period well, it is kind of a period drama in a way, but it's super cool it was a best picture nominee but like it's not a period well this kind of period drama in a way but it's not uh hoity-toity in any way it's like this is fucking flames and metal and the dude eating a lizard i mean dude it's a lizard dude with a bass guitar or dude with just ripping riffs on a little slingshot. But dude, the amount of not CGI looking filmmaking that's in it.
Starting point is 00:21:51 It's incredible, dude. That opening scene where the cars are just ripping. Grab you by the balls. It's so cool. Yeah, it's really good. And then all the little metaphors. He's like with the breast milk. The breast milk. Yeah. Bre breast milk as a metaphor is great life uh affirming
Starting point is 00:22:12 what would be your guys's favorite movie of the last decade that's a dang question it's tough last decade dude what movie's been firing me up aaron do you know um yeah the last decade i kind of forgot that that was the the time period we were working with but um i also i don't know i just watched i just re-watched dunkirk the other day and that movie is amazing but i don't know that it's the best of the decade but it definitely deserves more it's good so that should have been best picture that year i think arclight dome dude yeah that was amazing i think for me the scale of that movie and all almost all done practical as well so dude maybe um everybody wants some dude what a dank movie dude one that can watch over and over is inception yeah that's i can just keep watching that one
Starting point is 00:23:12 fire movie i love inception dude two nolan movies dude yeah don't forget how much of a how much of a thing how much of a uh what's the word event yeah like cultural 2010 that was like oh dude you have to see this that's that whole summer yeah he's like the smartest director working on a big scale like that yeah yeah i heard a story from aaron eckhart when he's working on batman where they're on top of a building and Aaron's like oh that's interesting all those buildings are their lights are off that's uh Nolan's like that's us well they're like downtown Chicago he's like turn off all the lights that's pretty crazy yeah that's a lot of command I'm gonna go with Margaret just to be off the beaten path what is that dude it's a Kenneth Lonergan movie
Starting point is 00:24:05 the guy did Manchester by the Sea they almost didn't release it they like took it away from him there's two edits of it I like the shorter one even though the longer one's supposed to be the one that has more his stamp on it and then it's just about this girl who watches someone die in a bus accident and then it's her like trying to make it right with that person's family but it's very sprawling and it's the most real movie I've ever seen. It's the truest to life I've ever seen. I love that. You know what?
Starting point is 00:24:32 And since we're in this decade still, in a little movie that's in theaters right now, Parasite. Oh, it's so good. Dude, I'd love to see that. Dude, I'll see it again with you, dude. It's amazing, dude. Yeah, it's so good.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Yeah, I'll go. I have to see ford v ferrari parasite what else is that oh jojo i heard jojo's good i heard jojo's pretty good too yeah you know tone very tone heavy but like almost like uh who's it paul thomas and wes anderson or paul thomas anderson that does like the whimsical movies wes anderson wes anderson yeah i wonder what the pitch for that was like he had some movies in the top 100 he did yeah grand budapest oh, yeah. Grand Budapest. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:06 I loved Grand Budapest. Yeah, it was really good. It's a great movie, dude. I love that movie. His movies are so funny. Concierge, yeah. Yeah. I also loved I Love Dogs.
Starting point is 00:25:13 You know what? I saw that. I watched that at home, posting up with another IPA, just enjoying myself. Here's a good one from the last decade. Drive. Dude, I love Drive. Dude, that was one where going in, I totally did not expect that to be the tone and what that movie was going to be and then i was so just taken for a nice uh drive dude the bursts
Starting point is 00:25:34 of violence in that movie yeah make me smile too like i'm like i'm watching it and then there's the motel scene people's heads get blown up like watermelons like falling on the ground yeah and i literally afterward you go like it cracked me up each other because it's so masterfully done and there's so much creative so much creativity put into it you're just like this is really weird and exciting like albert brooks when he puts the knife in that guy's throat yeah yeah dude just straight into him it's just so it's so creative yeah oh he puts the fork in his eye too yeah dude when you get sudden real violence like that the first time that happened to me was probably um what's the movie um the kubrick movie about boot camp in vietnam full metal jacket was probably the first
Starting point is 00:26:17 time that ever happened just shocking and disturbed but then another one awakening reawakening was guillermo del Toro's movie fucking Pants Labyrinth dude the violence in that just out of nowhere with those fascists I'm like damn dude unless you know the stakes are real you're not just in a fairy tale yeah out of sight it's like this like cool sexy kind of crime movie
Starting point is 00:26:38 but then there's just a couple of quick deaths that are like where he really holds the camera on it and he's like don't forget these are real stakes like these are criminals who kill this could get serious at any second gnarly dude yeah circling back to drive though that soundtrack is fire oh yeah dude you better oh dude yeah i do nothing but dream of you i love the intro i love the intro one where it's just like god what is that song it It's like, drive, dude. It's like, dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Because the clock's ticking. And it's like, ding-ding-ding. Yeah, dude, I love that. I'm going to listen to that shit when I drive home, dude. I should listen to that while I valet, dude, just backing cars up. It's good to listen to while you drive. Yes, dude.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Kavinsky is in the opening scene of two movies that year. Oh, for real? What's the other one? Can you name the other name the other one uh wait who kavinsky that night call that song oh can you give me a hint matthew mcconaughey oh uh uh what's the one where he's a sicko cop oh joe killer joe no lincoln is that killer joe lincoln lawyer yeah oh really Joe. Killer Joe? No. Lincoln. Is that Killer Joe? Lincoln Lawyer? Yep. Oh, really? Nice. Dude, great movie.
Starting point is 00:27:47 That's a good movie. Yeah, it is. Lincoln Lawyer's a movie, dude, look, if you're at home, dude, Thanksgiving's coming up around the corner, dude, if you're at home, dude, and you're with your family, dude, you got ideological differences or whatever, dude, you put on Lincoln Lawyer, dude, it's gonna bring families together, dude. That's a story everyone can get behind.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Absolutely. Guys, should we answer some questions fuck yeah dude yeah hey guys how's it going hope you're having a stellar day please don't read my name at the bottom if this gets read on the pod due to the privacy regarding this and a lot of my friends listening all right so my dilemma starts a couple years ago during my senior year of college my girl and i were watching some tv show and having a couple drinks and there was a scene with the threesome and she asked If I would ever want to do that thinking it was a trick question or something I said no initially But she didn't let it go and I said yes because I mean what dude hasn't thought about having two girls at once at some Point in their life still kind of cautious about the topic
Starting point is 00:28:37 So I didn't bring it up for a couple days But she ended up bringing it up and we went as far to make it happen as we could before shutting down the whole thing Right before because it didn't feel right to both of us at the time. Now it's been a couple years and she brought it up again this morning saying she wishes that we went through with it sometimes and how she thinks she would enjoy it. Obviously it's a yes from me. I'd like it to happen but all of the potential problems are scary to me. We've been dating for four years coming up early 2020 and I really don't want to mess it up with problems like jealousy, distrust, but I feel like we're in a much more stable and mature spot in our relationship than we were a couple of years ago.
Starting point is 00:29:08 And I think it could work. My question is, what do you guys think my girlfriend and I should talk about before seriously considering going through with this? I want it to happen, but only if it's done the right way and doesn't negatively affect the relationship. Thanks for the input guys. Not the worst dilemma I've had, but definitely something to think about carefully. Love the pod boys. Keep it up.
Starting point is 00:29:27 My dog. I, uh, I've never been in this situation, but from my sort of, from my perspective, I think you guys set some, uh, the conversation you have, you should set some boundaries, maybe set some rules. So, you know, going in what, uh, what will completely turn the other person off or set off you know some um some conflict between the two of you so sort of establish those rules maybe let just be open with each other about what you want from it and what uh what would turn you off for sure dude and i also think um it's from the sound of this it sounds like you guys have agreed this couple's agreed that's going to be a female partner not a dude that's
Starting point is 00:30:10 is that the gist that we're getting here i think that's kind of what it sounds like because he said what guy wouldn't want to be with two right right exactly um and so i would also say maybe consider have a conversation about picking the person that you guys experience this with together rather than like i don't know if there's like i feel like there's some details we might need of like is it are they married or they're just dating they're dating they're dating it's is it your girlfriend's friend primarily and it's something that maybe they maybe they've talked about and they're going to bring you in on or are you guys going to try to like meet someone else or what's going on there who's this
Starting point is 00:30:45 other party and is it neutral and is someone closer because it could i just get worried of the scenario where it's like is this a middle step to like she kind of just would rather be with this girl this was just my paranoid brain thinking or is it truly just a nice fun moment that fuck it we'll go do this and it's chill and whatever no heart no feelings whatever let's just go have fun which will be sick and then that's dank but i would just consider um the relationships of everyone involved from all angles for sure before going in yeah dude i would uh i've never been in this position i would uh yeah i've never been in this position i would check in with your girlfriend as much as possible as you guys go through it just making sure she's still down and then if you sense that she's not um maybe make it easier on her and then i would um not i've never been in a yeah my friend was in a three-way and
Starting point is 00:31:38 he said that afterwards his like girlfriend kind of called him out for giving more attention to the other girl so i just make sure you give your girlfriend, you know, a lot of attention throughout the process so it doesn't feel like a – but I'm sure you'll do that anyways. You seem like a really nice guy. So, yeah, just stay nice and God bless you. And, dude, maybe bring like a fresh bowl of fruit or something. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:32:00 Give yourself a different activity. If you need to give yourself a timeout, if any of the parties involved need a timeout, it out it's like dude let me go grab a nice piece of fruit dude you know fruit's like a sensual thing that you can eat during love making you know it's like a t-bone steak or something like that or you know fully loaded baked potato that's going to slow you down it's just go give set yourself up with something nice you need to take a time out or something you can kind of check over to and get in on that or offer to um your gf and this other lovely lady like a crafty table yeah crafty and like you know take a five take five go have a hard-boiled egg some fruit yep um
Starting point is 00:32:32 load up and then get back in the game yeah yeah keep checking in maybe have some like signals for each other you know like if it's going well and you're enjoying it thumbs up yep if you're not, thumbs down. Smart. Play Night Call by Kavinsky the entire time on repeat. That's a fire call, dude. That's a fire call. Aaron, what do you think?
Starting point is 00:32:53 I think it's important if you want to not let anyone feel left out, be sure and count your tongue darts. Yeah. Yeah. Let's try to do an equal distribution real quick. Have a tongue dart tally. Someone. Let's try an equal distribution. Someone requested these in... There they are. Oh yeah, here we go. Now the cab's on the angle, dude.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Aaron, do you tongue dart? Multi-angle tongue dart. I mean, I'm trying to learn from the master here. I mean, dude, here's the thing. You don't want to give yourself whiplash. You want to make sure you're good to go, dude. Stiffen up. Definitely don't bite down too hard dude and you know it's not it it looks like a violent motion dude but it's really it's intent the intent that's behind
Starting point is 00:33:33 it you know you should make like a master class on the tongue dart and then have one of those like youtube like commercials for it be like oh ready to dart into my office. And that's all I got. Yeah, like I swivel around in a chair like, hello. Yeah. But soon you'll be darting for Pepsi commercials. I mean, honestly, dude. The joy of Pepsi. The joy of Pepsi. And then just dart open a can.
Starting point is 00:34:03 And then just ba-da-ba- can. All right. Reflecting on the best commercials of the Super Bowl, Strider Wilson tongue darting a can open. Tongue darting a can, dude. Dude, you should have tongue dart the bottle cap challenge. Remember that? Oh, I remember that. When people would kick it open.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Dude, if you had tongue darted a cap open, that would have been the best one. That would have been a fire maneuver, dude. Yeah. That's a good idea. that would have been the best maneuver dude yeah that's a good idea that would have been badass that was dank yo my dude so my dog since kindergarten has been starting a new clothing sticker company and he does some dope artwork but he lacks focus because he stays geeked off the loud he won't get a real job and always complains about not having money but won't put money to his business i know we all got to live our own lives but i just want to see what's best
Starting point is 00:34:48 for my boy what should i do to increase my stoke for my dude and myself as well i'm confused yeah i i agree with everything and i agree with his concern but dude what the fuck is geeked off the loud yeah i'm just gonna go ahead i'll look at it i'm just gonna go ahead and ask the question Aaron do you know what geeked off the loud is dude it's gotta be the new smoke the doinks smoke the doinks dude doinks
Starting point is 00:35:14 let's light up some doinks doinks smoke the doinks geeked the louds I mean I love it I'm not gonna lie to you I love it
Starting point is 00:35:27 let's see if anything dude I appreciate this bro for asking this question because you want to know why dude we're all about to gain some knowledge
Starting point is 00:35:35 right now dude and learn some new jargon fired up on that loud is a bomb ass weed oh okay fuck according to urban dictionary
Starting point is 00:35:43 and he's just not being he's not focused he won't get a real job but he complains about not having enough money for his business he just wants his buddy to work harder at his business because he thinks he has talent yeah dude i love that man you just gotta talk to your buddy dude get your priorities right dude and just like look bro if you're smoking nugs and he's probably just saying dude that's fine dude i'm just chilling i bet you he's got a probably a pretty nice cushion where he's not making things urgent. You got to let him know this, dude. If you're not a little bit uncomfortable with where you are in life at all times, dude,
Starting point is 00:36:12 you're not pushing it, dude. When you're older, dude, and you're ready to, you know, chill, dude, retire, then you can just be cozy, dude, you know, posting up, playing golf, dude, talking with your bros, and then getting nice early dinners with your GFF, that's your GF for life, aka your wife. But dude, until then, then dude you got to be a little bit fucking uncomfortable not knowing quite what's next making moves dog so you just gotta you know light a fire under his his behind totally concur with what you just said there and on top of that you know i'd say sort of what strider was saying be real with your your dog. Spit some truth out and be like, if that's what you want, this is what you've got to do. But then also be accepting of his path.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Because you can't force anyone to do something that they don't want to do. So you can't say, well, you have to get a job. At the end of the day, he's going to do what he wants to do. So I would just speak your truth, let them know what's up, but don't be forceful about it. You know, just say, this is my opinion. You can take it or leave it, take it with a grain of salt. But, um, you know, the loud, you don't have to get geeked off the loud all day, but you know, if that's your prerogative and that's your choice and what up yeah dude i think it's cool that you're so invested in your buddy's success it's really nice but um and you can tell him but like like chad said you can't do
Starting point is 00:37:36 something for somebody else if he feels happy even if he's a little unfulfilled in that route it's gonna be hard to jar him into what you think is best for him. But dude, the best thing you can do is just, and it's so cliche, but just be the change you want in other people. If you want him to be a fire business person, maybe just model that for him.
Starting point is 00:37:57 And, and I think that'll have the best overall effect. It'll rub off. Or dude, if you want to be a bad guy, dude, what you could do is this dude, take his stickers and company and stuff that you like and just go straight up fucking incorporate or llc it dude and then own it and be like dude now i own you dude and you work for me
Starting point is 00:38:15 dude go make more stickers or you're fired dude that's a good call then get them working dude you know what i'm saying dude i love that What would you tell him if he was your sticker employee? Oh, dude, I'd be like, look, bro, it's freaking snowboard season, bro, and we're heading up to Bear, and there's tons of chairlifts and fucking little benches where you put on your bindings that need our stickers on them now, dude. There are coffee shops, paper towel thingies that need them on there. There are turn left speed limit
Starting point is 00:38:45 signs that need our stickers on them dude there are those little green boxes with energy things in them that i don't know what they do all over the city that need our stickers on them do you understand dude the supply is not meeting the demand bro pick it up dude also you can bargain with them be like dude i'll pay you in money i'll pay you in nuggies, dude, if that's what you want. Yep. It's doink season. Not doink season. Not doink season, dude.
Starting point is 00:39:11 And quit getting fucking, what is it, boked up on loud? Geeked up on loud. Yeah, geeked off the loud. Geeked off the loud, dude. Aaron, you were right, dude. You called it.
Starting point is 00:39:20 Nice. You said it was the new smoking doinks. Are doinks cigarettes or weed? Weed. Okay. Yo, Chad, what up, JT? Your council has solved a lot of my questions and returned stoke to my chi when I need it most. The dogs and I sincerely appreciate it. I'm hitting you up for your advice and counsel personally.
Starting point is 00:39:36 And counsel personally. The dogs and I are going to Moab for spring break 2020 and need your advice. One of our homies has a house there, which is the major rage pad and has provided many good times this homie saves our ass whenever we go to moab and is much appreciated i think you're thinking what i'm thinking dude but for spring day for spring break he doesn't want one of our best bros who granted a little awkward and weird but has been our lives for so long that he's our bro and has our respect and love, to come on the spring break trip for some reason.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Moab means a lot to this bro, and who wants to come? But he's unknowingly not accepted by the homie who owns the house in Moab. How do we get... I'm crying. I don't know why I'm crying I don't know why I'm crying How do we get one of our main bros accepted into this trip And included into this sweet party center So that he can rage with us and have a good time Thanks dudes, mad respect for you two and Strider
Starting point is 00:40:38 Cheers, Caleb and the guys Legends Dude, I gotta pee real quick I gotta dream real quick. You gotta... I gotta drain my lizard too. Should we just do a lizard drain sesh? Yeah. Where the fuck's Moab? Yo, what's Moab? Do you know?
Starting point is 00:40:56 It's in... It's from Mission Impossible 2. It's the... rock place that he's climbing on. Is that like Zion or whatever? Yeah, it's like by Zion. It's the rock place that he's climbing on. It's in Utah. Is that like Zion or whatever? Yeah, it's like by Zion.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Moab. Moab, dude. Moab, really? Oh, Moab is a city in eastern Utah? Yeah, yeah, it's the city. Remember Mission Impossible 2? When he's climbing the rocks? Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:41:26 That's Moab. It's in Utah. It sounds like it's in Ethiopia or something. I thought it was an abbreviation. No, no. I thought it was like Miami off of Absinthe Beach. Well, it could be. But no, it's not. A couple years ago, there was the mother of all bombs.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Oh, right. Dropped on Afghanistan or something. Yeah, yeah. Everybody went up there. ago there's the mother of all bombs oh right dropped on afghanistan or something but yeah dude you have a strong stream dude oh really yeah strider and i were both talking about it when we walked by oh that's nice i drink a lot of water dude it was on fire props to you thank you man i've been getting super p shy lately really at the office it takes me like a minute to start draining my my whiz do you think you're shy or do you think it could be something else you think it could just be like uh your p catching up to your head um like i have a long yeah like maybe the tunnel long or something yeah i don't know dude i think
Starting point is 00:42:27 no because uh it just happens at the office right yeah so i think it's a psychological thing where i'm just like the mind the mind dong connection isn't firing as well it'll come yeah i'll just work on it i'll meditate on it you seem good yeah no i'm good like when i see you walking into the bathroom i'm like that guy's gonna pee fine i when it comes out oh you know it's good it's not as good as your stream oh yeah ago we both commented on it was very healthy powerful yeah thanks yeah i was pushing extra no are you trying to burn time no yeah um dude so i realized moab is a city in Utah. Did you guys already know that?
Starting point is 00:43:07 I asked Aaron, dude. Aaron, let us know. I asked Aaron. I thought you were laughing about... Were you laughing about Moab because you had no idea what it was? And he used it like 18 times. Yeah, exactly. So weird.
Starting point is 00:43:16 I couldn't handle it. I was like, is that like a Call of Duty map? Like, what is fucking Moab, dude? And then Aaron knew exactly where it was. He's like, dude, you know where Tom Cruise is in Mission Impossible? And I just fucking locked eyes with Aaron. And I was like Aaron knew exactly where it was he's like dude Tom Cruise is in Mission Impossible and I just fucking locked eyes with Aaron and I was like thank you dude yeah that fired me up so they want to bring this dude
Starting point is 00:43:34 who's a little awkward and weird but he's been with the bros forever so he's kind of in the crew he's got lifetime pass he's a lifetime dog but the guy who has the house in moab doesn't want him to come that's tough dude promise something extra you gotta barter a little bit with the guy who's got the house
Starting point is 00:43:56 you just gotta be like all right dude if you let us bring um uh almost schmole guy i'll bring like this board game that you love and I'll buy you a beer each night and that's probably enough right there. Or I'll bring the Xbox or the PlayStation 4 and I'll bring these three games that you know that guy likes and then you'll get him maybe nachos
Starting point is 00:44:19 one of the nights or something. Yeah, that seems like the right call if these dudes want to get this schmole to Moab. Yeah. Just almost schmole. Didn't mean to disrespect, but yeah, if you're trying to get him to Moab, what JT just said is the right call for getting him to Moab. Yeah, it's so tough. I mean, JT is the best to answer this. You know, dude, he's been dealing squad dynamics a long time. It's difficult, difficult dude guys go through different patches i mean what's the honest reason that this guy doesn't like this almost schmold dude you know and i don't know man maybe they need to squash their beef on their own or maybe it's not even
Starting point is 00:44:55 that maybe it's just like these guys don't rub each other the right way they're not meant to be bros but it sounds like the guy's kind of just like this dude dude's lame. I don't want him at my house. That's kind of, he's like, it's my house. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe the dude will even with those offers just be like,
Starting point is 00:45:10 nah. Yeah. That's tough, dude. Yeah. He's not a peripheral dude. He's not like a, not a friend of the group.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Like dudes in the group know him. I mean, dude, maybe he's become a group vote dude. Maybe that's too light, but it's the dude's house. You can't really, you can't tell
Starting point is 00:45:25 him dude yeah yeah and if you're not the closest to him get a guy in the crew who is closest to him to be the one to talk to him about it and you know what you gotta tell him if you don't want him to come dude you gotta tell him yourself who's dude's house it is oh really put the onus on him yeah because that might that might don't don't make me go do your delegating, dude. If you don't want it there, that's up to you, dog. And I'm happy that you can confide in me. And dude, don't tell him threateningly. I was about to take a very high status tone.
Starting point is 00:45:58 But I would say, dude, all right, that's how you feel. It's your house. I mean, express yourself. Be like, I think he brings this to the group and that, and I think he'd really appreciate coming, but it is your place, I understand. I don't want to lower Stoke, but I think you've got to break him the news on the phone.
Starting point is 00:46:13 That's a good move. I like that. What up, Chad? First off, love the podcast, love the socials. Keep up the good work. To get straight to my question, we're approaching the holiday season, and I want to give my boyfriend some stocking stuffers that will totally make him stoked.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Any recommendations from you and JT? What up, JT? Thanks, dudes. Stocking stuffers. Douglas Lube. Helix Beer Bong. Those are the essentials. Stuff like that, the essentials that he needs.
Starting point is 00:46:44 Yeah, and then put some fun stuff on top maybe a little gag maybe like fake dog doo-doo or something that's always a funny one yeah a little itty bitty condoms yeah yeah little family friends would always get oh dude that's hilarious um you know maybe something if you want to get frisky maybe like a little more you know something for the relish um maybe like a book on uh you know something for the relation um maybe like a book on uh you know romance or i don't know how you know kinky you want to get want to get but i'll leave it up to you but then i think some candy on top nice i love that dude what do you like to get in your stocking dude i mean chad nailed it the essentials are fire also i feel like a stocking stuffer is always just a nice
Starting point is 00:47:21 gift card central dude oh good call you know what i mean a jersey a nice gift card central, dude. Oh, good call. You know what I mean? A Jersey Mike's gift card. A Panera Bread gift card. Whatever coffee shop they like, gift card. Maybe even a fucking nice couples massage gift card, dude. So those are nice. They fit in the stocking easily. I also, I do love, I love my See's chocolates, dude. You throw a fucking nice half pound of scotch mollies in my stocking, dude.
Starting point is 00:47:44 Yeah. Stoked. Stoked. So, yeah yeah fired up on that i love that my brother movie movie pass my brother for christmas he put coal in my stocking whoa he got some coal he got me coal but it's hilarious i like a ferraro rochere chocolates they have a gold shell on them yeah they're kind of like artisanal and feel a little like uh high class yep they're tasty as fuck they're so dang dear chad and jt what up my dog's been listening for a minute now i just want to say i am about i am about it love the pot and all the positive energy you guys bring strider and joe should be on full time anyways i've been seeing this girl for about two months now. We've been on like five dates in bone every time we go out and drink,
Starting point is 00:48:27 which has been like six times so far. I like her and I think she likes me. Hence the dates in bone sessions. I got out of a relationship about six months ago, so I want to take my time before I rush into things with her. But I also don't want to miss out on the opportune of developing, of developed feelings if I'm not sure where this is going. Every girl is scared of the quest. What are we? I'm scared of it too, but I don't want to ruin it by asking that. I just want to know where we stand. How do I bring it up? Like, yo, if I hooked up with another girl, would you be mad?
Starting point is 00:48:53 Because that's basically what it boils down to. If she would be mad, then we should be exclusive. I think I'm just nervous and my anxiety has been eating me up. Shout out JT for being so open about his battles with anxiety and just throwing this out there. I take Zoloft and have a hard time finishing. Haven't came once with the girl. Let me know what you boys think.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Having a tough time with this situation. Dude, totally normal with the Zoloft. Most of the time it's worth the trade off. I have friends who've gotten way better because of it. They're like, oh, but bro, I can't bust. I'm like, you have a lot more opportunities to bust because you're on it. But yeah, so just finish with your hand dog it's all good you know if you finish how you need to finish exactly right dude dude i think uh don't think
Starting point is 00:49:32 so much about it you know it like i don't know if he wants to be exclusive with her if that's if he wants to be exclusive then maybe you should ask the question but if he's sort of just speculating on what she thinks about everything. I think just go with the flow. If she brings up those questions, then that's the time to talk about it. But maybe she just wants something casual right now, too, if that's what you're looking for. I think he wants to date her, though. Is that what he's saying? I don't know if he said it explicitly, but he's like, if she says she wants to date, I'm down.
Starting point is 00:50:02 I just want to talk about it. I think he said, though, he doesn't want to catch feelings if he's not into it he's just protecting no he said he said i don't want to develop feelings if i'm not sure where this oh he's developing feelings yeah oh i think he likes her oh okay i heard it wrong uh it's been six times they've we got out of a relationship about six months ago and every time we go out, we bone every time we go out and drink,
Starting point is 00:50:29 which has been like, we've been on like five dates and bone every time. We go out and drink, which has been like six times so far. So I don't know if they've bone five or six times. Dude, either way,
Starting point is 00:50:40 if you like her, I mean, maybe it won't work, but like, you just got to say something. You just got to be like, hey, I like you. And it won't work but like you just gotta say something you just gotta like hey i like you and it will work she likes you exactly dude you like her she likes you you want to date her date her exactly dude yeah that's what i'm saying do you just let her know that you go look i want to date you to me you are worth the world i fucking like what you're all about i want to invest in you and guess what if you're not ready to make that a reality right now i respect that i respect what
Starting point is 00:51:15 you're all about but i'm all in on you i love that and then maybe i'm all in on you, dude. Thank you. And maybe at this point, you say, baby. And then hopefully, you're in a parking lot and there's a motorcycle nearby and you act like it's yours. You go, I got to go take a ride. And that's what's up. Well, okay. But I think he says, I got to go take a ride. He gets to his motorcycle and he grabs a second helmet and he turns and he goes, you're coming
Starting point is 00:51:43 with, right? You're coming with, right? Because here's the thing. What I'm hearing in this email. What if she doesn't ride motorcycles? Sorry, keep going. Oh, she doesn't ride motorcycles. Then you say, oh, that's okay.
Starting point is 00:51:51 Well, let's catch an Uber. Don't worry about it. I want to put you in danger. But what you do, or you say, hold on tight. You know what I mean? But what I'm hearing in this email is you are coming from a place of obvious and completely understandable human nature, fear and worry of rejection, which we've all been there, but that's part of the fun. That's
Starting point is 00:52:10 part of the love. That's part of the life that you get, dude, fucking trust in yourself and value yourself and know that you're going to be great for her. You tell her, you let her know I'm good for you. We're good together. This works. We drink and then we go and we fuck and it's nice. And I want to keep this going. That's what you're telling yourself in the mirror. You use a different tone with her. No, dude, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Maybe you do that. That was pretty good. You keep that intensity? Dude, it's cool. I think that's really good too to like say exactly what you want. And then at the, you can be like, look, I know it sounds crazy, but I just had to say what I want. And then she's going to be like, whoa, this guy doesn't pussyfoot around. He says what he's all about.
Starting point is 00:52:52 He risks embarrassment, and he goes for it. And he's going for it. This guy's not lollygagging around letting life happen to him. This guy's taking it by the horns, and he's risking it. Yes. And guess what, dude? And you know what people are afraid of? They go, oh, I'm afraid of commitment. I it. Yes. And guess what, dude? And you know what people are afraid of? They go,
Starting point is 00:53:05 Oh, I'm afraid of commitment. I'm afraid of this. Guess what, dude? I've been in a relation a long time. It's always a recommitment. It's a recommitment every day. It's just how much of the battle it is that goes into it because the
Starting point is 00:53:15 relationship is the investment you make together. And every time you got to put, you know, a little more work in or less work, or sometimes it's easy, but it's not like, Oh, once we're in a relationship,
Starting point is 00:53:29 that's it. Now it's on autopilot. autopilot nah dog there's always open and honest communication boom start with a nice president dude you're sizzling yeah legends my my balls greg lanuski my balls are big is that cool for sure dude it's nice it doesn't matter what size they are balls are cool yeah exactly dude hey dudes i'm a longtime listener of the pod and i'm really impressed with how you guys have grown over the last couple years i'm a 34 year old guy living in atlanta and need some advice i have a job that makes good money but i don't give it 100 because i don't love it my brother decided to move away from the city to live with his wife far away who is finishing her phd i'm not a very extroverted person and work a lot so i'm pretty much down to no one around here that i can be there for that can be there for me i've been single for a while after a couple of failed long-term
Starting point is 00:54:12 relationships and i'm struggling to figure out how to get back in the dating world and build a new friend group i whitewater kayak and have been silent because of injuries for quite a while ah damn i'm sorry dog so that only brings so the only thing that brings my heart and mind real joy has been missing my gut tells me that i need to leave atlanta and move to the pnw which is where i always wanted to be for some time but afraid but i'm afraid of change dealing with mild depression and trying to figure out this mental rubik's cube has been tough my stoke tank has been near empty for a while what advice would you guys have for someone that's stuck in a bit of a personal rut and is afraid of change thanks for being their true bras best johnny dude the best way to get over a hangover is you get out into the world you know your fear and change but you know what it's like it's like will smith said when he talked
Starting point is 00:54:59 about skydiving before he went skydiving everything in his body was telling him to stay in the plane it's like don't do it ultimate fear came over him and then he just took the leap and experienced true freedom so i think you got to take that move follow your heart you know what you want to do pnw baby get out there you're going to be afraid of the change. But once you face it and once you take the courage, once you have the courage to take that step, you're going to feel so free. And I'm sure it'll raise your stoke and you'll be frothing nonstop because you took action and followed your heart. Dude, what advice would you give to someone who gave you your question? You would tell them to go do that thing. Like, you gotta go.
Starting point is 00:55:48 You gotta go. You gotta get out of this. You're in a rut, and it's normal. And when you're in a rut, it feels like you're never gonna get out of it. But you can. You just gotta climb your way out, and then you're gonna look back and be like, I can't believe I was stuck in that rut. I'm really enjoying life now.
Starting point is 00:56:02 Right. And it's right around the corner. Yeah. Dude, and you're 34, you're young, dude. Fucking now. Right. And it's right around the corner. Yeah. Dude, and you're 34. You're young, dude. Fucking stoked, dude. And he's not married. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:09 Yeah. You're chilling, dude. I'm sorry your brother's gone and I'm sorry you're injured, though. Those two things will slow you down. But you're aware of it now so we can deal with it. Dude, right now, dude, you're in that fucking metaphorical kayak, dude. You're in some rapids, dude. You're having a tough time, dude.
Starting point is 00:56:23 And maybe it feels like the river's in control of you, dude you're still on that boat you're still topside you're still strapped in dude and you got some nice chill waters ahead of you dude so just keep freaking plowing dude on top of that i'd watch some inspiring movies up about people who went on adventures oh yeah surround yourself immerse yourself in that kind of content that keeps you inspired motivated and eager for the unknown you know absolutely what are some movies like that you guys probably know better um into the wild into the wild he dies at the end skip that part yeah skip that part midnight in paris comes to mind even though it's not like a huge adventure but like that movie always inspired me to just like yeah dude hidalgo to just meet new people and say what up yeah that's
Starting point is 00:57:05 true hidalgo's dank movie i mean ford vs ferrari is about guys just going for it and not accepting the right stuff yeah the right stuff movie um i was gonna say free solo but no free solo is still a dank movie oh yeah it'll be incredible you're not gonna be that guy but you'll be like i'm gonna do a little more than i normally do yeah exactly it'll help you like get a routine that can maybe be focused and shit i don't know barbarian day is the book yeah because it ends up good for that guy too and it wouldn't have he wouldn't be where he's at if he hadn't taken all those crazy chances yep dude this is kind of random i'm watching the imagineers doc on disney plus and like when
Starting point is 00:57:45 they were building disneyland like disney walt is i mean he he's like the beacon of success right now but i mean like they were they went three times over budget building disneyland um he really stepped out into the unknown and look what happened look what he's built now yeah um so he took a lot of risk a lot of chances, and he got the ultimate reward. So that's an inspiring thing that I've been watching. That's good stuff. Love that. Last question.
Starting point is 00:58:14 What's up, dudes? I want to start by saying thank you for the fire advice last time I wrote in, and thank you to Strider for also throwing in his wisdom on my quest last time. You dudes provide insight to so many stokers across so many topics. I don't think y'all get enough credit for being so versatile. I come with another situation that has been rattling my dome for a while now. I'm starting to feel like me and my dogs are going down different paths. I started my master's program this semester, and I love it.
Starting point is 00:58:33 I'm starting to make the switch from being that undergrad who partied every week to a graduate student who's serious about doing research that'll help people. My bros from undergrad are still 100% in party mode, and while I do love to rage with them, a beer at a bar turns into going to a club and not getting back home until 4 a.m. When we do hang out sober during the day, it doesn't feel the same.
Starting point is 00:58:51 It just feels like all they talk about is next rager or rave or trying to get after some ladies, which was cool, but it's getting to be repetitive. I made some friends in grad school, but it doesn't feel the same. They're too serious sometimes, and I feel like we don't click beyond work-related stuff. It doesn't seem like anyone is down to be friends outside of the class. I feel maybe I'm not mature enough to really vibe with people in grad school, but I also feel I'm outgrowing my squad. I've tried spending time by
Starting point is 00:59:13 myself and while that has been helpful, I feel like I spent a lot of time by myself already with all the studying and independent work I do. I've considered dating, but with my schedule, it's tough to meet people. Do I try to get the boys to understand I'm not down to party like I used to? Do I try to find a squad in my master's program? Do I just tough out the next two years as a I would uh you know stick to your mission first and foremost that's what you're uh doing that's what your sounds like your heart and soul is telling you to focus on because you're moving away from the raging um and I wouldn't that's a tough one i wouldn't cut out your friends completely you know keep them as your squad your dogs but um maybe if they ask to rage just you know be politely be like you know i i gotta work on i gotta study i gotta work on stuff um you know i'm trying to take it easy now these days and then um i think the friend i think the graduate school friends will come in due time
Starting point is 01:00:26 but i wouldn't uh i think i would just be patient stay focused keep working on your mish and then everything will happen as it should i think so too yeah i think dude you're on a good trajectory you know you seem like you know what you want. And I think out of that will come solutions to these problems. Like I think, you know, you still hang out with your bros who just want to rage. You just rely on them less. And then also with the grad school people, if this is your first year, you're just starting and you're just getting to know them. So it'll, it'll take time, but I wouldn't be so certain that you're not going to click with them. It might just take a little more familiarity. Yeah, and even do like, so it's always nice about like an indoor soccer league or a fucking kickball team. Like, yeah, it's not like your squad permanent, but like it's a group of people you can go be social with and kick it and chill and, you know, get a little exercise. So maybe looking at something like that, those are always fun. and then it sounds like a very normal transitionary phase dude like your friends will catch up to you in due time i'm sure it just might take them a second or two to
Starting point is 01:01:34 figure out what they want to do you know you're on a nice track like chad said stick to the mish these are normal um transitionary phases dude dude. So just stay stoked. I would say the only thing, don't go trying to keep up and partying and fucking doing too much with your friends. Because that might deter you a little bit here and there. Yeah, and I think also it's a good point that you're the first one to mature out of partying. But your other friends will catch up. I remember when our first friend was like, yeah, I'm just going to move out on my own. I don't want to live with other guys anymore. I don't want to party anymore.
Starting point is 01:02:08 And I was like, I felt like very attacked, you know? And then in due time, I was, I was right where he was at. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:02:15 Except I still want to live with other dudes and I still want to party. For sure. But I get what he was saying. It's always there, dude. I've had those thoughts. Yeah. Chad,
Starting point is 01:02:23 what is your beef of the week? Yeah, so I chose to watch football yesterday with my dog Miller. What up? And one of the only QBs I know from you guys is Mitch Trubisky. And so I got pretty fired up because you guys were like, yeah, he's not the best player. Like, he blows. And so whenever I have, like, knowledge of sports when I'm watching sports fired up because you guys were like yeah he's he's not the best player like he blows and so i was whenever i have like knowledge of sports when i'm watching sports and i can sort of
Starting point is 01:02:50 say what up to people and be like i know this thing i get really fired up so i was with my buddy i was with miller at saddle ranch and i was just like yeah mr bisky he sucks dude nice pass you suck you know and i got pretty fired up on that just to feel like I was a true sports fan for five minutes. Dude, he's the right guy to say he sucks, too. Yeah. Yeah. It's accurate, and also it's bonding you. So you're finding the silver lining of him having inaccurate passes, dude.
Starting point is 01:03:20 That's good. And I don't really have beef with him personally. I'm not really invested in his performance. But it was pretty cool to tell him that he sucks to the TV. Yeah. Yeah, you're keeping it at the TV. You're directing it there, dude. No one in your peripheral, dude, or anything like that.
Starting point is 01:03:37 This guy sucks. Yeah. I was like, oh, you suck. It felt so good. Yeah, Ben Branford has a good joke where he's like, I like sports because it's the only place where you're allowed to just yell at millionaires. Yeah. You suck.
Starting point is 01:03:50 You suck. That's great. Strider, what's your beef of the week? My beef of the week's got to be with freaking just whoever in the world is setting prices on furniture, dude, because it's expensive, dude. Me and my GF, we want to get some nice items dude i mean i'm stoked on my gf dude she's straight up legend dude freaking fine and dank prices on credences but dude we want to get a bed frame dude right now we got our box spring and our
Starting point is 01:04:13 mattress dude it's just posting up on the floor dude and honestly dude i mean me dude you know i can sleep on that forever and it's very comfy dude we we upgraded to a king size bed it's very dank and we got nice little matching nightstands but, we want to raise it up and get some nice, like get a frame, dude. These things are expensive, dude. I'm like, fuck, bro. So just kind of awakening me, dude, to that when I'm just trying to sleep, you know, in style. So that's the main piece of furniture. So whoever's setting bed prices.
Starting point is 01:04:44 Now, look, I guess effort goes into it, dude. And there's a market, dude. in style so that's the main piece of furniture so whoever's setting bed prices now look i guess effort goes into it dude and there's a market dude and there's all sorts of reasons dude but just not fired up on those reasons right now dude so just a little frustration dude can i offer some furniture knowledge on you and parts i went furniture shopping last saturday and right around this time they're having the black friday deals like i was at ashley home furniture i strolled in not aware of any sale going on i was like let's just see what they got and they're like yeah we're having an early black friday sale 40 off this whole weekend what yeah so be on the lookout for those oh dude yeah black friday's coming up yeah i'm gonna have to pick something we're gonna have
Starting point is 01:05:20 to pick something up yeah dude you're gonna go're going to go out that day? It's packed, right? Hopefully we can get it done online. We know the one we like. There's Black Friday online, too. I don't know. I'm so dumb. No, no, I mean, I don't know, dude. I don't know. Yeah, I think there is, though.
Starting point is 01:05:34 I think. Yeah. Yeah, Cyber Monday. Oh, Cyber Monday, dude. Oh, we're going for Cyber Monday then, dude. Oh, now I'm fired up. Dude, come Tuesday, sleeping in style. My beef of the week, dude, is a sports-related one.
Starting point is 01:05:52 Now, Michael Jordan is my number one basketball player of all time. And one of the reasons that I think this and that a lot of people think this is because he was so competitive, right? He's the most competitive star. He didn't want to just beat you. He wanted to destroy you. And he could work up that same level of competitive fire season after season. That's what we think.
Starting point is 01:06:13 But could he really? Because I don't think he gets enough heat for after the first three-peat, at the peak of his powers, retiring from the sport for two years to try and play baseball, which is also a competitive endeavor. But if you really want to be the greatest basketball player of all time and all you care about is winning, I think that should kind of affect how we perceive your competitive nature. So you needed a break.
Starting point is 01:06:34 You couldn't handle it. Now, I'm not saying I could handle it, but I'm saying if we're talking about him as the most competitive athlete of all time, don't we have to take into account that he took a two-year break from the thing that he was most competitive about? Yeah, for sure. Yeah, like if that would have happened, I don't know, maybe. It's just crazy.
Starting point is 01:06:50 Like if that would happen right now, dude. If LeBron took a two-year break and was like, I just want to do movies or something, we'd all be like, what? You're a basketball player, dude. Dominated basketball. And maybe Michael Jordan got that guff, and then he just came back and won three more, so it just erased the memory of it totally but i think it's got to be mentioned when we talk about his uh
Starting point is 01:07:09 his career did a strider took a two-year break from the tongue dart dude yeah same thing did that went and did like a nice little space cartoon movie dude with some bros and then came back to the dart i mean here's the thing it wouldn't have a global impact you know but maybe it would because i wouldn't be able to share new experiences with the stokers it'd have a local impact it would definitely have a local impact what was the local impact for jordan dude taking a step back you know do you think he felt satisfied he's like i've accomplished everything i want to accomplish let's explore or do you think he got overwhelmed and he's like i need a break yeah i think it was
Starting point is 01:07:45 baseball right yeah dude honestly i feel bad even bringing it up because i feel like the reason he did it was because his dad passed away yeah i think his dad got murdered and i don't know why that was what made him want to play baseball but i think that's the event in his life that made him change past and actually tiger woods after his dad passed away tried to give up golf and become like a navy seal so maybe it's because having that kind of uh terrible thing happen to you it really makes you realize that the thing you thought was going to make you happy doesn't make you happy when something like that happens so they try to find something else to fill the hole right dude you just wanted a beef and you came full circle on it now. You had empathy for your beef, dude. Yeah. And maybe that matters more than his competitive nature. Yep.
Starting point is 01:08:29 Chad, who is your babe of the week? My babe of the week is Mary Blair. She's an Imagineer. She basically did the color scheme for It's a Small World, Cinderella, and was basically Walt Disney's go-to for color schemes on the rides at Disneyland and in the movies and stuff. And she had like a keen eye for like the dankest color schemes. A lot of haters will come out and say, oh, colors?
Starting point is 01:08:54 I could do that. Not the way Mary Blair does it, all right? Not the way Mary Blair does it because she blends the kind of colors that will blow your mind and make you come back and be like, you know what I remember the most? It's a small world because the colors were so dank, all right? Her use of color was reminiscent of Joseph Albers, who I do not know, but I read that on Wikipedia and I got a woody from it. And so, yeah, I just want to give her a shout out.
Starting point is 01:09:23 Thank you so much for, you know, being just a beast in the artistic field of Imagineering. Guys, check out that doc. It's pretty dank. It just speaks to my, I love Disneyland so much. So I'm really pumped on it at the moment. Fuck yeah, dude. Hell yeah. Dude, we never, we'll talk about it later.
Starting point is 01:09:43 Um, Strider, who is your babe of the week? Dude, my babe of the week's got to be my GF, dude. Freaking posting up yesterday, dude. Nice little Sunday just chilling, dude. Watching some ball, dude. Checking my fantasy scores, dude. Watching my team drill it, dude. They're playing pretty well this year.
Starting point is 01:10:00 Knock on wood, they continue it. And, dude, then I hear a little knock knock knock right by the freaking apartment door dude but the thing is the apartment door is halfway open no one's knocking on the door dude is my gf dude just hanging this nice tasteful uh perfectly framed like uh like olive branch dude like sketch that we got dude a little while back so you finally we finally found a nice spot for it in the apartment dude and but at first i was doubting her i'm like dude why are you putting that like when the door opens it's gonna cover that up and then she's all don't worry about dude trust and i'm like all right so i'm just posting up chilling trusting then she closes the door and when the
Starting point is 01:10:40 door is closed which is obviously how it is most of the time when we're home, it looks very nice there. It looks very fucking nice, dude, right where she put it, dude. I was like, that's very good foresight, dude. And she sat down on the couch next to me, dude, and cuddled up a little bit, dude.
Starting point is 01:10:54 Watching my team, dude, reeling some stats together. And then, it just feels nice, dude. So it was a fucking dank addition that she just made. So, fired up on that, dude. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:03 Fired up on my GFs. Give us a second of the week's my gfs of vision nice legit uh my legend of the week is greta gerwig oh yeah or baby of the week oh my baby of the week oh no my baby of the week is uh reggie my buddy reggie nice multiple recipient winner dude guy legend babe but dude he showed me this uh this video series on youtube called dork town of these guys who break down sports videos amazing breakdowns really cool color and graphics i wonder how big their team is because it's like really thoroughly made and i'm like dude this is sophisticated and it's fun stuff and it's good like sports arcane information and they break it down in a really fun accessible way so yeah reggie thanks for recommending me on dork town dude chad who is your legend of the week my legend of the week is uh paul revere
Starting point is 01:11:55 nice dude american hero um i'm listening to a book on the revolutionary war just trying to get learned trying to get his story. Which is it? 1776? No, it's just The Revolution. Let me see the full name. It's The American Revolution by Gordon S. Wood. Oh, Gordon Wood? Gordon Wood. Matt Damon references him in Good Will Hunting.
Starting point is 01:12:20 He's like, next thing you know, you're going to be coming in here talking about Gordon Wood. And he's like, I will not be talking about Gordon Wood. And it's from like the reader. He drastically underestimates. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm just getting fired up on the, I mean, guys, I'm getting fired up on Imagineering,
Starting point is 01:12:33 getting fired up on the American Revolution. You know, just stoked on the American spirit, creativity, you know, liberty, pursuing your pash, all that shit and then paul revere who came in hot midnight ride to alert the colonial militia in 1775 of the approach of the uh british forces before the battles of lexington and concord he straight up warned them and he said what up dudes the british are coming the british are coming let's fucking get our muskets and get our bayonets and shank these dudes. And they did. Nice, dude.
Starting point is 01:13:12 They did. Hell yeah, dude. So I wanted to give a shout out to Paul Revere. Thank you so much for helping birth this country, this great niche. You should read the dank poem. There's a dank poem. I think I've read it. By Paul Revere.
Starting point is 01:13:23 Paul, Midnight Ride or something like that? I think I've read it. By Paul Revere. Paul Midnight Ride or something like that. I think I've read it, but I'd love to reread it because I don't remember. There's no other famous Reveres, last name wise. Yeah. No one is revered as Paul Revere. Dank. Fucking what up. Strider, who's your legend of the week?
Starting point is 01:13:37 Dude, my legend of the week's got to be freaking Tim Riggins, dude. Dude. Legend, dude. Texas forever, dude. I, uh, what's the diner he likes. They don't even have a place like mercy's where I can go and just feel like myself. Yeah, dude. Just the guy's the best, dude. He knows what he likes, dude.
Starting point is 01:13:56 He knows what's up. He's a hard hitting sophomore baller. First of all, I can't believe they're sophomores in the first season of Friday Night Live. It's hilarious. Yeah. It's crazy. But anyway, dude, uh, fr. These guys are seniors, dude. But anyway, dude. Frigging Tim Riggins, dude.
Starting point is 01:14:08 And mainly Taylor Kitsch because I was watching John Carter, dude. Not a good movie, dude. But dude, and I feel like it kind of did tank his career a little bit because it was so bad. But he's had other chances. He just hasn't been in anything like really good. I know, and I want him to take a step up.
Starting point is 01:14:23 Lone Survivor's close, and he's good in Lone Survivor. He's great in Lone Surviv good. I know and I want him to loan survivors close and he's good in He's great and loan survive. He got Aaron The miniseries that was on Waco one. Yeah, that was he was great in that he's David Koresh He's great. I've talked about he was my legend of the week on here one time for Fucking his rivals 90 year old mother to gain power of that cult. Well nice move. That's a nice move, dude That's such an interesting angle on set somebody
Starting point is 01:14:47 cogs involved dude uh I feel like Paramount Network has like dank stuff on it like was Yellowstone any good people liked it it was done by the guy who did a like like hell or high water uh I mean I love that movie that's the best movie ever I heard that's like the most viewed
Starting point is 01:15:03 show like of all time or somethingidan I heard that's like the most viewed show like of all time I've heard that too Yellowstone? yeah wow I saw one episode not that big
Starting point is 01:15:10 but I heard it's like dude I love Texas shit I love shit that's about Texas well I don't think Yellowstone's in Texas you're right dude where's that dude is it Wyoming?
Starting point is 01:15:18 I think Wyoming and Montana right? nice I think so you're right but let me tell you what as the crow flies from Wyoming, you're in Texas pretty lickety-split, baby.
Starting point is 01:15:29 But Kish is your boy. I'm loving Kish, dude. He brings it in John Carter, dude. I was watching him like, he's bringing it, dude. And then I just had to go Ting Briggins. I had to really step him up and just remind everyone how great he is.
Starting point is 01:15:43 Dude, my legend of the week, Greta Gerwig. Nice. I just like her vibe. She's a good actress. And no one else really plays it as grounded as she does. You know, it doesn't really feel like she's in a movie most of the time. But it's still entertaining.
Starting point is 01:15:55 It's not, like, boring. It's, like, low-key but still fun to watch. And, yeah, and she directs, too, Lady Bird. That was good. she's got stories too she's got Little Women coming out I like that she's directing yeah Chad do you have a quote of the week
Starting point is 01:16:17 yeah my quote of the week is from Walt Disney um all of our what up Disney uh fucking Disney, all of our... What up, Disney? Fucking, I don't know what I'm doing. From Walt Disney, all of our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. Talking to the dude who wants to move to PNW. Straight up.
Starting point is 01:16:40 What's your quote of the week? Dude, my quote of the week is from a dank little movie that I went and saw called Midway, dude. Freaking legit, dude. I teed myself up nice contextually for this because I watched a movie that's on Netflix, the actual footage of Midway. It's like an 18-minute film. It's pretty propagandic, but you know what, dude? It's legit.
Starting point is 01:16:55 And the guy that shot it, something Ford is his name. What was the director's name, JT? Something Ford. John Ford. John Ford. He actually got a Purple Heart. Like right when they got to the island, Japanese attacked. dude there's a fire line from luke evans dude and dude there's the wheel and deal in um you know fighter jet dive bomber dude named dick best dude
Starting point is 01:17:15 he's getting after it the whole thing he's a cowboy dude and then at the end of the series you know um luke evans who's like a captain they're running out of pilots dude they're running low so he's got to get in there and actually go fly a jet as well, dude. And his instincts lead him to the freaking Japanese aircraft carriers, which are like the primary targets to hit, dude, the fleet. They found the fleet just based on a hunch. And then, you know, they're looking at it, and he does this big dive bomb, and he looks at him. Luke Evans' character, who came down on this Captain Dick Best for doing too much stuff before, he goes, he looks at him and he goes, you know what, that looked like some cowboy shit you were doing up there.
Starting point is 01:17:51 And it was a freaking baller callback to earlier when he was like, you need to cut out that cowboy shit. And they looked at each other and they go, that's right. So just in a nutshell, my quote is, that looked like some cowboy shit to me. Nice. It was great. My quote of the week is from Kurt Vonnegut, and it's something that when I read a decade ago, it struck me as true. And now rereading it, I'm a little bit like, oh, dude, I don't know if this is the right way to talk about things.
Starting point is 01:18:19 But I did really agree with it at the time, and I think there's an interesting perspective in it. Okay, now let's have some fun. Let's talk about sex. Let's talk about women. Freud said he didn't know what women wanted. I know what women want. They want a whole lot of people to talk to. What do they want to talk about? They want to talk about everything. What do men want? They want a lot of pals, and they wish people wouldn't get so mad at them. Why are so many people getting divorced today? It's because most of us don't have extended families anymore.
Starting point is 01:18:43 It used to be that when a man and a woman got married, the bride got a lot more people to talk to about everything. The groom got a lot more pals to tell dumb jokes to. A few Americans, but very few still have extended families. The Navajos, the Kennedys. But most of us, if we get married nowadays, are just one more person for the other
Starting point is 01:19:00 person. The groom gets one more pal, but it's a woman. The woman gets one more person to talk to about everything, but it's a man. When when a couple has an argument they may think it's about money or power or sex or how to raise the kids or whatever what they're really saying to each other though without realizing it is you are not enough people it's interesting yeah i mean look you got to have different relationships in your life you know gotta have space you gotta have other people to your life. You've got to have space. You've got to have other people to bounce things off of.
Starting point is 01:19:28 You have your main partner, dude, but that doesn't mean you go and isolate yourself on an island. I feel that. Chad, what is your line of the week for getting after it? I'm going to improv one right now. Let's do it dog fuck do you want us to circle back yeah you can circle back where do you want it no don't go let's have a're gonna find it we'll stay we'll stay leave me all right all right no coming back stay all right let's stay um let's build some furniture oh very good i love
Starting point is 01:20:15 that i love that that's fine strider yeehaw oh i like that i'm feeling texas shit cowboy shit right now mine is oh dude love that song that's amazing dude it's so good dude lady marmalade when i was like in fourth fifth grade got me so horny yes i was so i was like fourth grade i was like yes you were i was like i am so horny right now christine aguilera bring it bring the heat maya dude maya maya maya oh aaron tell me you love maya dude the best voice in lady marmalade is pink by far yeah i think it's great i love all right all right dude i brought my she's legit my now girlfriend to see pink when we were first starting to date i remember that and she was like making fun of pink while i was trying to watch it at one point i had to be like hey you gotta can you let
Starting point is 01:21:12 me enjoy this a little bit more i'm trying to get into it seriously you can't be bragging on what's going on dude dude she's getting after it pink's like she got hurt like doing uh acrobatics oh dude her stage show is incredible yeah she gets on zip lines and stuff, and she's going coast to coast in an auditorium. That's awesome. Unbelievable. She leaves it all out on the floor. Just like Bruce Springsteen, she always leaves the tank on empty. She gives everything to the audience.
Starting point is 01:21:38 I love that. For a live podcast, we should do zip lines. Oh, that'd be cool. Oh, I would love that. That'd be amazing. Can you imagine Joe on a zipline? This is going too fast. Dude, go to Cancun.
Starting point is 01:21:50 I can't imagine him on a zipline. He's like, I'm not doing that. Oh, no, no, no. I'm doing it. My back. I'm not doing a zipline, dumbass. I'm going to get a sandwich. No.
Starting point is 01:21:59 It's hot out here. He's so cute. How do you even get a harness around that hog good call man yeah it's hog weight um chad also we just celebrated chad's b-day on friday oh right right that was that was dang super fun it's hard dude dude jt super sweet guy organized a party for me thank you so much it was epic thank you dude yeah it, dude. I brought him a cake and an Instagram video, and my smile, I'm so happy. We're going to get a fire party for you, though. Let's do it, dude.
Starting point is 01:22:33 Oh, dude, yeah. Buckle up, dude. Yeah. Better get some liability forms, because I'm ripe to burn whatever it is down, dude. I love that, dude. Strap up, dude, because we're installing NOS. Yes, dude. All right, my dogs.
Starting point is 01:22:49 All right, later, dudes. Later, dudes. Shratter, thanks for coming in. Dude, that was a fun one. I stoked my dogs. Yeah. Good stuff, dudes. That was great.
Starting point is 01:22:59 We brought it. If you need advice These guys are really nice. You want to know what to do, where to go. When you need someone to guide you, just stand out and throw a piece. I will go with the team. Go with the team Go with the team Bucks go team Go with the team
Starting point is 01:23:32 The cat and game team

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