Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 106 - Back from Thanksgiving, Movies, Denver Airport

Episode Date: December 11, 2019

What up stokers, in this episode we dive deep into our Thanksgiving time with the fam, niece/nephew relations, some dank movie talk, and some juicy Denver airport discush. Check it out and jabwow!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Watch that. Oh yeah, right. I kind of want to hear it today. Ooh, get up and get down. What's up, Stokers of Stoke Nation? This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. How you living dude dude i'm good man i'm really good i uh we were here ready to go and then i i charged out to a bar to chug two beers before the pod shock top shock toppies yeah and we were talking about how i went to a burbank bar which is like a real bar yeah it's real people after work just having a beer rugged dudes right when i walked in the door i uh i breathed a sigh of relief i felt calm yeah yeah i feel like rugged dudes ladies you know how to play pool there was a lot of billiards going on yeah it looked like people were taking it
Starting point is 00:00:56 seriously yeah which i love that's legit i i would have loved to have spent some more time there but when you got a pod you got a pod do you converse with with any of the patrons i almost did because i bought two shock tops at the same time and i i was in and out of the bar in 10 minutes and uh i considered giving the second one to the lady next to me but then i was like i went i went uh excuse me ma'am all right i said miss i said excuse me miss and she didn't react and then i was like that's a sign i'm supposed to drink both of these good call yeah listen to the universe. Mm-hmm. The bar-iverse.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Do you believe in the universe, Emma? Oh, absolutely. So you think when it's, you think it sends signals to you as to which way you're supposed to make choices? Yeah, sometimes, totally. Hell yeah. Especially if you can't decide on something, you're like, well, I'm just going to sit with it for a little while and the answer will make itself known. That's legit.
Starting point is 00:01:43 I love that. Do you listen to, do you stay on the lookout for numerical messaging sometimes like the 222 or 333 like do you have a number that you see everywhere like you get a lot of checks that total up to that number like phone numbers or something that have that number in it like mine was always 818 like i always saw 818 everywhere really yeah i can't think of anything right now but maybe i'll be on the lookout for that yeah like i regularly will like go to cvs and buy stuff and it's like the total is 818 and 818 that's the that's an area code right yeah it's brody's number yeah which is weird because i noticed it like when i was in like high school
Starting point is 00:02:20 and then i met brody and he was like 818 for life and i was like are you playing a joke on me what's happening yeah did you feel a little like cosmically connected to brody yeah yeah absolutely he and i got along great that's awesome yeah i never talked to him you never talked to him no he's a great guy he was a great guy i was his producer for like a year and a half oh you were yeah i did his podcast right in here every wednesday oh that's so cool yeah i was a huge fan of his when enjoy it came came out on HBO in the short episode, like digital form, I thought it was like the best show I've ever seen. It was so, me and my brother watched it in just three hours straight. It was great.
Starting point is 00:02:56 There was one part where he's talking to Chelsea Handler, and she's like, you can be really intense, and you just keep talking, which can be really hard. And before she finishes, he goes, to do. And then she goes, to take. And it was so funny for that character to misinterpret it. It was like talking about the skill of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:13 I loved when he did our show one time, and he was the last comic to go up. And I loved his fake confidence on stage. It was so funny. He goes up, and he just stands up there and stares at the crowd and he spreads his arms out and he's like, Your headliner is here. It was so good. You know what? I did talk to him a little bit at shows.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Just not like a substantive conversation. Yeah. But him at live shows, I think he was the best live performer ever. That was his thing. He was a warm-up act for so long for so many people. I used to love, one of my favorite things, I used to love watching him do the midnight spot in the main room at the Comedy Store on Saturday.
Starting point is 00:03:56 The final spot. Yeah, it was so funny because there was only like 15, 20 people there and he would just bring the heat. He would always brag about how many periscope followers he had right he's like he had like 80 000 or something or it was like 120 and he's like i see these youtubers up on i i see these youtubers up on billboards with like a million subscribers and it's like well i got 80 000 periscope followers let's see you match that geek like this is used for the word geek i had a show man i had a show
Starting point is 00:04:33 bart lubich and he uh was up on stage and he walked into the crowd yeah and it just changed the whole dynamic of this show so much more like there was so much more danger in it in a fun way yeah when he was out in the crowd. And then I think Benji, what's Benji's last name, the dude from the comedy store? Afalo? Benji Afalo. I knew that. I don't know why I just said that.
Starting point is 00:05:00 But Benji Afalo was there and had told Brody he couldn't do both shows because the timing wouldn't match up with his set at the store. So from out in the crowd, Brody goes, oh, really? And he calls the comedy store. It's like 1020. He goes, when am I oh really and he calls the comedy store it's like 10 20 goes when am i supposed to go up at the comedy store yeah and they're like 10 50 and he just holds the phone at benji and the whole crowd erupted yeah it was like but it was such a like i would never ever do that yeah you know what i mean yeah like just go up there on your phone on stage and just you don't know what the person on the other end is going to say yeah he's pretty fearless on stage and i loved some of his jokes like he'd be like i'm very intense i get bo in the shower i love that joke i i shave with sweat i'm lonely sometimes i go
Starting point is 00:05:38 to the batting cages just to play catch what was another one he's like uh he's like i'm successful double parked right now yeah he's like doing well uh some people say i live with my mom i don't i live in an apartment with my sister that my mom pays for yeah he was such a good joke writer. Yeah, he's so funny. He was a, but I think Bill Burr called him like a comics comic. He was like, it wasn't always for the people in the audience, but the comics who were watching always had a great time. Yeah. It was almost better if they weren't on board.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Yeah. Because he'd get so upset, but like fake upset. Like when he used to go into the audience and like look at people really intensely who weren't laughing and be like, why are you laughing right now yeah bad energy yeah someone go arms crossed negative cross negative energy he slammed the mic down he's like what do you want from me people what do you want yeah he was the best yeah yeah um yeah i love brody dude i was reading about comedy store lore and uh there was that uh there was like when the comics weren't getting paid to perform at the comedy store and everybody
Starting point is 00:06:50 else was so there was like a uh uh a strike yeah and like letterman and lena who are now you know enemies were on the same side striking and then it said gary shandling actually scabbed oh i remember yeah i heard about that yeah which i didn't know about yeah and then uh and then this comedian steve labedkin uh this is a tragic story but it's interesting killed himself yeah and then his suicide note was like my name is steve labedkin i used to perform at the comedy store and he literally did that to uh hopefully move the the process forward and get them to come together and pay the comics that's crazy it's insane yeah to think that someone would do that to have that much commitment yeah it's it yeah when you read it you're just like holy shit yeah as someone who does stand i'm just like what the
Starting point is 00:07:34 fuck yeah is that that hotel right next yeah because sometimes i'll look at that hotel i'm like damn did that happen right there and it worked he did that and he got the comics paid yeah like thanks dude yeah fucking legend dude it speaks he did that and he got the comics paid yeah like thanks dude yeah fucking legend dude it speaks to the intensity and commitment of of some comedians yeah uh there is such a weird energy at the comedy store that you don't really feel in any other club yeah it feels like it has more history than the other places for sure yeah and like it's almost it feels like it's uh the way i feel when i go to new orleans is similar to the way i feel when i go to the comedy store
Starting point is 00:08:09 maybe because they're both haunted yeah there's ghosts at both that's what i was gonna say um but it's just like this sort of like it's it's just like a very unique vibe that you can't really recreate anywhere else yeah and it and it's uh it's. Yeah, and it's hard to explain, or it's hard to picture the hierarchy there existing anywhere else in the world. Yeah. You're just like, this is this weird random place where Joe Rogan is king.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Yeah. Have you met Joe at the store? I've seen him. I've never talked to him. I shook his hand once like three years ago. That's awesome. He's got a meaty hand yeah my brother has uh he's notorious for having like kind of like sausagey hands and like we all have kind of small hands but mine are like mine are thin you know and his and i was like mark joe rogan has twice the sausage
Starting point is 00:09:02 of your hands and his hands hands? It's thick. He has like bratwurst for fingers. He's like, hey, what's up, man? I'm Joe. I was like, I had to use both hands to grab his hand. You're shaking a log. Yeah. A powerful log.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Yeah, he's got a lot of power. That's what I'm trying to say. Dude, when I watch him throw kicks on Liam Harrison in YouTube clips. Yeah. Pow, pow, pow bees have you met joe yeah i've actually smoked weed with joe at the comedy store a couple times he's a cool guy oh cool i've seen him turn down weed yeah i've seen that too we smoked a joint with a couple of people like three days after we lost brody in the like that back patio back there and that was a really like interesting, we sat out there for like an hour.
Starting point is 00:09:47 It was a very interesting hour of my life. I bet. I was half in the bag, but I was like, please remember this tomorrow. Yeah. But yeah, that area,
Starting point is 00:09:56 like where the kitchen goes, like behind there. Back in that like weird little seating area, the patio, whatever in the back. That was kind of Brody's spot. Yeah. He used to hang out there a lot. Yeah. It's a, cool area but yeah joe's a cool guy he's kind of just like beefy all
Starting point is 00:10:10 over isn't he yeah yeah he calls himself a thumb yeah he says i look like a thumb with two thumbs it's like the thumb remember the thumb creatures from the spy kids movies what were they called they're like thumb thumbs or whatever they were like orange no i don't ever watch those it was on disney plus i'll check it out it probably it was on it was a disney channel movie i think so it's probably there are you caught up on the mandalorian yes unless the fifth episode came out i've watched four all four right i love it i've only watched the first episode you only watched the first one i didn't like, but then at the end I freaked out. I went, baby Yoda! Yeah, I didn't like the first one either.
Starting point is 00:10:48 It moves very slow. But once he starts getting into the action, it's really enjoyable. And I didn't... Yeah, it's... A Seafall Lee is in it. Oh, really? Yeah. Dude, he's killing it.
Starting point is 00:11:02 He's one of the villagers. Really? Yeah, you'll see you'll see him but i i that guy was always good yeah it's it's turning out to be action-packed yeah see if kills it yeah um but it's turned out to be action-packed and i'm enjoying it yeah i only watched the first episode it was a little stuff for me i also found it kind of weird when they cut to reaction shots of the mandalorian and it's just it's a mask yeah so they do these close-ups after like a like an intense moment yeah and i'm like what is he reacting he doesn't
Starting point is 00:11:32 react he's he's wearing a mask it's just a mask he's just like yeah it just doesn't move yeah all right well i have no idea how he's interpreting that. Did you feel something, though, when they did the reaction shot? No. Did you put in your mind, like, oh, he must be making this face? I was kind of like, no, I thought, why the fuck did the editor do this? I want to see him without the mask on because I like Pedro Pascal. Yeah. But I guess that's not in the Mandalorian culture. They they treat their armor and gun like their religion that's not the way
Starting point is 00:12:10 well i respect it it's not the way but i think i think they will reveal his face i saw a ford v ferrari oh yeah do you like it it was good it was entertaining you know i think a director said for a movie to be good it has to have three great scenes and no bad ones. And I feel like this movie had no bad ones, but only one great scene. But it has a great, great scene. Yeah? Yeah. Can you explain it, or is it a spoiler?
Starting point is 00:12:36 It's Matt Damon going fast. Oh, yeah? And he's doing it for a reason. He's scaring somebody. Oh, sweet. And it's really good. It's just shot so well. It's also funny just to watch a movie
Starting point is 00:12:47 with those kind of stakes where you're like, oh yeah, I hope Ford beats Ferrari. Like, why? And then it's in 1968, and they don't show anything else that's happening in 1968 because I think the stakes of the movie would feel so small in comparison. They don't show Martin Luther King or Vietnam or anything because i'm like yeah who gives a
Starting point is 00:13:07 fuck about these dudes racing cars yeah although it is badass that's interesting to think about they're like should we include anything and they're like no we're doing a car race yeah they're like we're showing a car race that's not even like in the top three most popular car races yeah so if we show anything else people are gonna be like wait why was i watching these car races again yeah yeah i saw jojo rabbit dude i want to see that scarlett johansson is uh she's wonderful in it she is well she just plays this she plays the mom and just a very sweet mom where you're like this is a great relish um but uh she's in three big movies dude year dude she's in movies all the time i don't understand what's going on they're like every month they're like scarlett johansson and she's like the lead she's in avengers she's in marriage story and she's in jojo rabbit yeah i'm sure she
Starting point is 00:13:57 shot avengers like yeah 30 years ago or something yeah i was wondering about the pitch for jojo rabbit because it's like it's such a risky uh premise well that's why take uh take you with tiki what t2 i'm gonna say his name wrong but he's you know awesome he said he couldn't get any big actors to play the part he played hitler yeah but i'm like i bet you didn't ask that many people because he's such a popular director right now of course a lot of people would have done it yeah i feel like he was just like he asked one person yeah like matthew mcconaughey said no and he's like all right well then i'll do it which is what he secretly wanted dude you want to play uh hitler nah nah man nah that's not really my vibe i'm gonna go teach at texas yeah i kind of like to roll with things i I feel like Hitler didn't roll with things.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Hitler didn't hook up with chicks. I saw Matthew McConaughey one time with his wife at a bar, and this was so cool. They ordered food, and she got hers and he got his, and hers was burger and fries, and he just looked at her and he goes, you know I'm going to have some of those fries. And I was like yes yes oh that's so funny you know he is you know i'm gonna have some of the fries yeah you think he's like in bed he's just like he's like coming to sleep he's good oh yeah i'm just not talking about
Starting point is 00:15:21 boning i'm just talking about it oh he's trying to go to sleep oh yeah alright I'm about to be out of it for a couple hours I'm gonna get my 8 hours and wake up refreshed alright and then he puts a cover over his eyes and she's like do you wanna fornicate tonight not tonight baby alright
Starting point is 00:15:40 I've already been fornicating with all my experiences today I gotta recharge the bats and come back tomorrow ready to impress, seduce, and make love to the entire world. Dude, I read an article on him that once a year or something after a big project, he just goes and disconnects he like goes to like the amazon or like you know peru or like machu picchu or um any kind of historical uh place like that where that's a ruin um just to like disconnect from technology and like just rediscover who he is right there's some like or it's like a youtube talk it's really oh that one i think i've seen it yeah yeah i feel like he has like 35 talks on youtube that have like 10 million views yeah
Starting point is 00:16:31 and every one of them i'm like i kind of know what he's talking about yeah he's always like there's you and then there's the other you and they're both hungry wolves yeah and both these wolves are trying to chomp on the same rabbit yeah but what's going on who's going to get the rabbit head who's going to get the feet well that's the thing both can be good you're like all right yeah yeah yeah i guess rabbit head and feet are both metaphors take a good look around your friend group you want to go hang around with those friends and say, let's go to the bar, let's get another shot. Or do you want to hang out with those friends and say, work harder, which one are you going to choose?
Starting point is 00:17:12 And you're like, yeah, I think that's pretty clear. Yeah, for sure. But I mean... But use both. Yeah, you got to, you know, use them sparingly. Yeah, use the work hard ones, and then after you're done there, use the bar ones. Yeah, balance in life so you know and what's coolest about him is that his dad died with an erection
Starting point is 00:17:30 dude that is the coolest thing about him yeah yeah how did his dad die i've never heard that before he was uh he's doing the deed yeah he was making love yeah what happens if you die with an erection um does it stay that way you just make oh forever you just make heaven whore me you just have to like fuck forever in the afterlife wow yeah well apparently his mom that really makes you want to do autoerotic asphyxiation good call like well eternity looks pretty solid now um you're like, JT, you've got about a day left. What are you going to do? Take Viagra?
Starting point is 00:18:07 Take Viagra and kill myself. Take all the Viagra you can find. I'm used to. Apparently his mom's like, bring him out naked. I want the world to see what a man he was. Yeah. Matthew McConaughey's like, that's right. I'm going to go drive a Lincoln now
Starting point is 00:18:25 that's something my mom would do if I die with a boner my mom would be like that's beautiful I was pissing one time with the door open and I look off the reflection and my mom's just smiling at me in the mirror I was like mom what are you doing she's like why are you so weird
Starting point is 00:18:40 I'm like you're weird that's beautiful John Thomas oh John Thomas he's got a's beautiful, John Thomas. Yeah. Oh, John Thomas, you got a nice dong. Oh, John Thomas, healthy pea.
Starting point is 00:18:49 So healthy, my strong boy. How was Thanksgiving? It was good. I went to New Orleans. I saw my brothers. We went out, we went to a Pelicans game.
Starting point is 00:19:01 I saw LeBron. Dude. Anthony Davis. He's impressive. Yeah. LeBron. Dude. Anthony Davis. He's impressive. Yeah. LeBron. I know people are hip to this. But, I mean.
Starting point is 00:19:09 He's thick. Well, just to watch him move. I saw him once this year, actually. Daniel took me. What's up, Dan? And then he just had the ball in the backcourt. He was dribbling up. And then a guy went to steal it.
Starting point is 00:19:22 And then he just turned and floated backwards like he floated yeah and i was like no human that size should be able to move like that right and i was like you're just so fucking special yeah anthony davis was he might be a bigger freak and because they kept booing him because he used to be on the pelicans so every time he'd get the ball they'd boo him and i'm like you're just gonna make him have the best night of his life yeah yeah you went to a game like fraught with meaning yeah it's pretty hilarious i mean you're playing basketball every time you get the ball 30 000 strangers are just like fuck you dude yeah literally fuck you anthony davis yeah fuck you anthony davis yeah um but uh it was cool and then i we just went out to dinner in new orleans and um we didn't have a traditional thanksgiving dinner i got rabbit whoa you did rabbit i ate rabbit i've never had what does rabbit taste like chicken is it good so it's good
Starting point is 00:20:20 yeah it's like it was basically like a big chicken nugget uh did you dunk it in uh there's some mustard i asked for ranch they're like we don't do ranch with rabbit you did a restaurant yeah we did a restaurant i forget the name but um and then uh what else did we do just i hung out with my niece taylor she's the cutest and then, uh, what else did we do? Just, I hung out with my niece, Taylor. She's the cutest. And then my brother Bill was there and then we were all kicking it. I hung out with my other niece and nephew. Um, they kind of just, you know, looked at me.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Um, but Taylor smiled at me. I was just like, what's up? And they're like, hey. We'll get there. I want kids to like me. I know. Yeah. I just...
Starting point is 00:21:15 Yeah, you know what it is? I think because I'm the youngest, I never really hung out. I always hung out older. So I'm really good at kicking it with people who are older than me. But younger, I'm kind of like, I don't know what to talk about with you you know because like i usually go straight to dong talk and you know he i mean this kid he's got another like five years before we can dive into that right but if you're the youngest you never have to worry about talking about something that's inappropriate right yeah oh, I'm six years old.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Hog talk all the way. But so it's, I just don't know what to say to kids. I want to. I mean, I smile at baby Taylor and she smiles back. So we're making progress. I talk to little kids like they're adults. Yeah, I've been observing people i think that's a move yeah i think they like it yeah because even if they don't understand it they know that you're you're treating them with respect yeah that that's kind of how i talk to
Starting point is 00:22:13 them but then we don't really make any headway from there and like so how's school all right legit oh they can't keep up their end of the bargain yeah well what do you what's like an example i'd be like all right uh rich what kind of uh vibe do you want at your birthday party and i'm like well i want to have like um this person and this person and this person i was like do they all get along like is that going to be like the kind of um are they going to bring the energy you're looking for and then i think they can actually reciprocate yeah yeah it's a good move i'll use that next time how was your thanksgiving it was good dude it was uh it was intense yeah yeah i uh i got back from dinner with my folks one night and uh they're like where are you going
Starting point is 00:23:01 and i just charged upstairs and i was like, I need a break. Yeah. Sometimes, I mean, family's intense. Yeah. But you know, they just know you so well. And I feel like sometimes they just want to like crawl under your skin. They want to get to you for some reason. I don't know. Or they just do get to you.
Starting point is 00:23:23 They definitely do that. Well, for me, it's that, and it's actually, I realize it's really helpful and like instructional. I'm like, oh, these people have all the weaknesses that I have. Yeah. Yeah. Like, and they're not like horrible weaknesses. It's like, they're the best people. I really love them. But like, my parents are just so competitive.
Starting point is 00:23:43 And I'll see them like, oh, well, I'm competitive as fuck too. And that's when I'm being really competitive. That's what it looks like. Yeah. And I'm, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:53 My, my brother, I know they, they, they want me, they want the best out of me. And so I think they always try to like, my brother would be like, why are you sad right now?
Starting point is 00:24:04 Don't be sad. I'm like, I'm not sad. He's like, you're very quiet. Make conversation always try to like, my brother would be like, why are you sad right now? Don't be sad. I'm like, I'm not sad. He's like, you're very quiet. Make conversation. I'm like, all right. How's work? It's good. I'm like, I'm like, I'm just, I get so I'm like, I'm like, all right.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Am I being better now? I don't fucking, I don't know. Right. You know what I mean? No, I totally get it. But. now i don't fucking i don't know right you know what i mean no i totally get it but yeah it doesn't feel like uh sometimes with family it doesn't feel uh like seamless yeah it's like effort yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but then at the same time you're like you know you love this person more than you
Starting point is 00:24:40 love anybody else right and you want happiness for them more than anybody else on earth yeah yeah it's it's it's uh it's the best yeah but i was happy to come back and just be back into like my routine right yeah for sure get back to like the steam room and i worked out with my brother that was fun yeah you guys lifted hard? We did cardio. Oh, nice. Some assault bike, Stairmaster. Dude, that's funny. Me and my girlfriend, Sally, she came with me to Orange County. We had such a nice time together.
Starting point is 00:25:13 That was really fun. But we did a lot of cardio. Yeah. And I don't normally do cardio. We did the elliptical. How'd that feel? Good. Good.
Starting point is 00:25:22 It changed up every minute. There was variety in it i was ready to be on the hill setting yeah nice you get it yeah i love cardio i i i'm sort of like the opposite i always have to get cardio in more than weight lifting that's why we're a good pair yeah it's cardio and strength i like like doing strength or lifting for sure. Emma, did you go home for Thanksgiving? I was in Denver with my boyfriend and his family or part of his family. It was nice.
Starting point is 00:25:54 How'd it go? It was good. I met his mom for the first time, which is always nerve wracking, but I think she liked me. So awesome. Right on. We're good. She liked you.
Starting point is 00:26:02 I usually do fairly well with parents. I bet. It's that whole girl next door thing. Nice. But yeah're good. She liked you. I usually do fairly well with parents. I bet. It's that whole girl next door thing. Nice. But yeah, it was a good time. Denver's freezing, but cool. It's a neat city. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:14 That's a great hurdle to pass. Yeah. Congrats. It's weird because his parents are divorced and I haven't met his dad yet, but his mom doesn't say good things about his dad. So I was just like, uh-huh, smiling and nodding yeah like i'm not gonna form this opinion right now yeah you just have to let it pass yeah just like okay sure my mom was freaking out my girlfriend really i mean my they get along great it's awesome but like uh my mom was like
Starting point is 00:26:41 when are you guys going to get married she's like you guys don't have the like, when are you guys going to get married? Really? She's like, you guys are going to have the cutest kids. When are you going to get married? Parents love that. Yeah. And I was like, yeah, you know, she just likes you. It's just their way of showing that they like you. It's just a really intense form of love. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Yeah. And we were talking about Denver earlier, the Denver airport. It's got creepy vibes. Yeah, it doesn't have devil eyes on the bull or something yeah there's like a horse statue outside of it that has glowing red eyes the horse is blue and the eyes are like glowing red and they light up at night so it's like you just see these eyes and apparently the guy who designed it died while building it or something like the horse killed the guy it's got like real weird vibes wait the horse killed the guy yeah but it's not it's like a statue so i'm not entirely sure on the whole story but that's the myth whoa or the lore or whatever
Starting point is 00:27:36 but that whole airport's real weird and they say that there's a and then like a lot of the paintings and stuff they like depict like genocide and they're like kind of racist. Yeah, there's like weird murals throughout the airport. Yeah. It's very weird. And they depict like Native American genocide, I think, right? One of them does. There's a bunch of them and they all have like weird messages.
Starting point is 00:27:58 As a way to remember it? As a way to reflect on it or as a way to celebrate it? Maybe that was the intention. I'm not sure. But it seems celebratory. Yeah. The whole airport has a weird vibe. And then you were saying earlier that there, it's like, there's a conspiracy that there's
Starting point is 00:28:12 an underground military base below it. Yeah. Yeah. That's the, that's the theory. Because the airport location, it's like 45 minutes out of the city or something. Yeah. With traffic and stuff. It's, it's, and it's like in the middle of like, it feels like the desert it's like completely flat it's in a valley yeah
Starting point is 00:28:29 and it's not the best location for landing airplanes it's like a pretty shitty location like there's lots of wind yeah it's a rocky landing every time yeah and they're so it's like it's like they built it out there for like a weird, no one really knows why. Oh, so that's what. It's like not convenient at all. Right. And it's because they have aliens under there. They're hiding something. Yeah, they've got the guy from Independence Day with, although he died, so they have his successor.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Dude, I think I'm kind of uninteresting because like I was thinking about today. I was like, what's my take on like Epstein? And I was like, I don't really, I'm not that interested in Epstein. Yeah. And I think I'm not that into aliens either. I like all that stuff because it's just like fun to think about. No, I think it is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:18 I think it is, but I'm just not like when there's an article on Epstein, I never read it. It's like you're interested in it, but you're not seeking out the information yourself. Yeah, like, I'm like, he, I don't know. Like, he probably was killed by somebody, right? But I'm like, in my head, I'm like, nah, he just killed himself. And then I keep moving. Yeah, no, I feel the same way. I mean, I was interested at first, but then, like, I just got tired of it.
Starting point is 00:29:42 I'm like, all right, you know, how many articles can there be? like the aliens and stuff i mean it's just like they're different yeah but maybe it's like you're just like too smart and sort of like rational to like believe it to like even like suspend disbelief well i appreciate that but it seems like it would be more rational to think epstein got killed right but my brain's like no it more rational to think Epstein got killed. Right. But my brain's like, no, it's rational to think he killed himself.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Yeah. But he, I think it's more rational to think, cause my girlfriend's been sending me articles and like, I don't read them, but it just says like Epstein's neck consistent with someone who was murdered. Right.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Yeah. I'm like, all right, well probably then. Yeah. I don't think Epstein himself necessarily matters, but like the concept that the government can lie to you is something to be aware of kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:30:29 I think that's why people latched onto it so much. It's totally something to be aware of. Yeah. But in my mind, I'm like, nah, I'm not into it. I just think it's a really easy thing for people to use as an example of like the government lying. So they've like all run with it real hard. Maybe it's like tough for some people to use as an example of like the government lying so they've like all run with it real hard maybe maybe it's like tough to for some people to to grasp like the idea of the government lying it's like such like a you know because then if it's confirmed that they did lie
Starting point is 00:30:56 and then i think it just puts your head in the spin because you're like well what else what did they lie about well it makes my head hurt because i think well what's the government is it like six people is it 12 people yeah is it like the entire state department plus like yeah is it like like how far does it go and how many people know and how many people make those choices i guess yeah but i do believe maybe it was just i guess with epstein thing i'm like it's like oh well even if it wasn't the government like a a rogue billionaire could have just paid to have it happen yeah you know like like uh i don't want to name anybody yeah but someone rich could have just been like no fuck that it makes you think about our trips to city council like did they have in hand in it yeah
Starting point is 00:31:42 i mean they all seem chill at san clemente huntington beach hermosa beach manhattan beach oh we haven't done huntington we pour beach we yeah we've done i don't know we haven't no we should yeah one of the best cities in america do you believe that aliens exist you're just not interested in them or do you believe that they don't exist i believe they don't exist so you don't think there's anything else out there no interesting but you believe in like the universe lightly yeah do you believe it's as big as scientists say the universe yeah yes so how i think you're right. What? That there is aliens.
Starting point is 00:32:28 But you just don't believe in them? Yeah, but my instinct is like, nah. But I think it's a limitation. Because you're right. If it's so fucking big, where it's infinite, well, then this probably happens. I just can't wrap my head around it. My brain can't.
Starting point is 00:32:45 It's too much. It's too big of a concept. It's too I just can't wrap my head around it. My brain can't... It's too much. It's too big of a concept. It's too big of a concept for my brain. Interesting. I have trouble just grasping on the concept that it's as big as they say. You're like, fuck, man. Or the fact that it's forever expanding. You're like, expanding into what?
Starting point is 00:32:58 Yeah, it's contracting and expanding and contracting and expanding. How can the biggest thing in the universe, like itself, get bigger? What is it getting bigger into? Does that mean there's space beyond it? What is expanding? But then they're like, oh, well, time and space aren't real.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Yeah. And then that's where I get, that's where my brain stops being able to even comprehend. Like right now I'm listening to an autobiography on, no, not just a biography on Benjamin Franklin. But it's kind of tough because I'm looking at the Audible and it's like 25 hours. Oh, that's a really long book. That's a long book. Yeah. And I'm like.
Starting point is 00:33:31 That's multiple books. I'm sitting there like forcing my brain to learn. I was like, I'm like, oh, oh, this is good for you. Are you retaining it? Kind of. He wasn't good at math. I know that know that okay it's almost like it's like infrastructure in your brain like even if you listen to that and don't don't fully get it it's like making the roads in your brain work better like it'll help me in some way somehow
Starting point is 00:33:56 yeah i told my brother i was like i was like yeah i'm trying to read like classic american literature and you know uh read more like you know um refined cinema and just like just be more culturally aware and he's like what do you hang out with a bunch of pseudo-intellectuals watch what you want to watch read what you want to read just be yourself dumbass i'm like that's also a good point it's great advice yeah and I think the populist message behind just liking what you like is powerful. Yeah. Yeah. But the thing is, what I like is to watch Seinfeld over and over again.
Starting point is 00:34:31 But I do like discovering new stuff. And when I venture out, I do discover new stuff that I like. So that's sort of the counter argument. You got to keep exploring. Yeah. Yeah. And I like knowing, like I listened to a book on the revolution. I like knowing a little bit more about the revolution.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Like the Stamp Act can suck a dong. And King George, you're whack, dude. It's beautiful, dude. Yeah. That's why you got to keep going into areas where you wouldn't normally search. Yeah. Dude, I'm reading a book. Well, I gave up on it.
Starting point is 00:35:00 I switched to another one. But I was reading a book on Picasso. Yeah. It's supposed to be the best book on Picasso. You got to read three books on Picasso. Oh oh christ it's yeah oh dude yeah it's a huge fucking commitment six pages in he's friends with some poet brilliant poet picasso probably the greatest you know visual artist of all time maybe yeah i say without any real frame of reference the guy wrote a poem about his dong he's like like, it's in more elegant language, but he basically says, no one's got a harder
Starting point is 00:35:27 dong than you. But he used words like a tumescent or something. Yeah. And it's all about Picasso's dong. Dude, I wasn't expecting that at all. I'm five pages in. Did he have a nice dong? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:39 It's his buddy saying how great Picasso's dong is. That's so awesome. And I'm like, all right, well, these are the cream of the crop of their time, Picasso for times beyond his own, and they're talking about dong. What a good hype man. There's a- Good buddy. There's a great-
Starting point is 00:35:52 He's surrounding himself with sycophants. Yeah. There's a great lesson we have learned this evening. Great minds love dong talk. There was a philosopher in ancient Rome who, I went on a Tinder date with a girl and she told me about this. She's like, I like this one writer. I was like, why was like why she's like he was really smart but then he'd say things to his enemies like I will dominate you
Starting point is 00:36:10 with my like my language but first I will butt fuck you what's the writer I forget I tried to look it up on Google and nothing popped up oh damn yeah I haven't been able to track it down I want to check this guy out but did you talk about wanting to watch Seinfeld a lot too it was something we were talking about before Yeah, I haven't been able to track it down. I want to check this guy out. But dude, you talk about wanting to watch Seinfeld
Starting point is 00:36:26 a lot too. It was something that we were talking about before the pod. I can't find anything I like. Oh, right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, I like The Sopranos.
Starting point is 00:36:33 I like Succession. Like at the moment. I like Chernobyl. Right now, there's nothing I can find that I like. Like in media or anything? I like watching
Starting point is 00:36:41 Oscar De La Hoya fights, but I've seen them all. Really underrated guy because even though he lost most of his big fights, he always puts on an entertaining show. He always makes it a good fight. But yeah, I can't find anything that I'm really digging.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Dude, if there's one thing... Shrill. I like Shrill. Maybe dive into some extreme sports docs. I've been watching Shane McConkie, this skier, this free skier slash base jumper. Great doc. What else did I watch?
Starting point is 00:37:08 I watched the Andy Irons doc, Kissed by God. I might watch that one. You like that one. Yeah, you were talking about it. They talk about bipolar. It gets heavy. Yeah. I feel like docs are a good thing to watch when you can't find a TV show
Starting point is 00:37:18 because you're like, well, at least I'm learning something new about this weird subset of people. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Have you seen the duck tickled yet no but i know all about it it's we talked about it a couple days ago yeah yeah buckle up it's a wild ride but it's fascinating really yeah getting blackmailed so you tickle more you
Starting point is 00:37:37 just there's no preparation for that yeah right also extreme tickling is a weird it's just like i don't want to say weird because i mean a lid for every pot but it's just a it's an interesting thing well that's the thing too about fetishes is that your own always makes complete sense and everybody else's is completely off-putting right exactly if you're into that by all means tickle away yeah you could be please don't tickle me you could be into like getting tomatoes thrown at you while you're naked and then someone else is like i'm in defeat and you're like you're disgusting right yeah i i when i get tickled i freak out i can't handle it are you really ticklish do you want to tickle each other real quick yeah tickle me we have a friend who's not
Starting point is 00:38:18 ticklish yeah my boyfriend isn't ticklish really drives me crazy our friend dan i was tickling the shit out of him the other day he wasn't getting he just doesn't move but it was kind of fun because i got the joy of tickling him without the consequence of someone not enjoying it or someone accidentally like elbowing you in the face yeah i'm gonna freak out are you really ticklish i'm super ticklish he's never touching him yet. He still hasn't even touched him yet. Just the thought of being tickled. Still no touching has happened. Alright, just do it, dude.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Okay, okay, okay. Alright, I gotta tickle you ticklish yeah you tickled me alright so you are ticklish is what I'm learning we should end the podcast no that's me I'm incredibly ticklish and when people find that out they like to use it against you alright here we go I'm trying to like figure out who I need to be while this happens
Starting point is 00:39:21 I'm like be manly while you get tickled like ah trying to like figure out who i need to be while this happens i'm like be manly while you get tickled so you're both dickless yeah wow that was awesome there you go yeah so in the extreme tickling thing though they tie you down what like your hands and your feet are like tied down and they like sit like whoever's doing the tickling like sits on top of you and then tickles you so you can't like retaliate can you hurt yourself by tickling no by getting tickled like can you spaz so hard oh i don't know i've that's a good question like can you like so hard or get muscle spasms? Yeah, I'd be worried about just crushing a rib in my reaction. Yeah, I would too, honestly.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Because I got all that torque when I get tickled. You're going to work your core, that's for sure. Yeah. You're going to get six packs out. Well, yeah, that's the other thing I was thinking about when you get tickled. A lot of times there's involuntary reactions. Your body, your limbs just fly. I'm always afraid
Starting point is 00:40:25 i'm gonna like punch somebody in the face by accident totally dane cook he nailed it he had a tickling joke and it was like he's like at first you're laughing and then after three seconds you're like get the fuck off me you're killing me it goes ugly real quick yeah he was the master of topics yeah like relatable topics yeah that was great yeah that was fun and we got jt back after draining his lizard what up dude i was uh you've seen the irishman yeah uh you know jimmy hoffa really gets along with his kids? Yeah. And Joe Pesci doesn't? Yeah. I'm Joe Pesci.
Starting point is 00:41:08 I really related to that. My mom loved Joe Pesci in that movie. She loved all of them. She goes, they're such nice guys. I go, they like kill people. She's like, oh, wow, yeah. She didn't even think about it. They have such good manners.
Starting point is 00:41:19 She totally overlooked the murder. Dude, the other thing is, I love that movie. I really enjoyed it. Al Pacino crushed it. Yeah. Have you seen the courtroom scene yet? I watched all of it, yeah. Okay, so the courtroom scene, and spoilers, guys,
Starting point is 00:41:33 where the guy tries to kill him, and him and his son beat up the guy, and he's like, gun, you charge. Knife, you run. Gun, you charge. Like, the fact that he had, like, an like a already like codified point of view on what to do with someone murders you with a certain gun. I just love that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Hilarious. I don't see the CGI bug you at all. Uh, just in the face, just in the sense where I, I can't get a good read on like their age because it was like, it was like Robert De Niro's old man body. But you know,
Starting point is 00:42:09 Joe Pesci's like, it looks like you need some help. He's like, ah, kid. I was like, kid? The dude's like 60.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Dude, the body was incredible. Yeah. When he beats the guy up on the street and he has like a geriatric body, he's like barely kicking the guy. Yeah. Like, I don't think he's doing much damage with his old ass legs yeah yeah it's pretty hilarious so you loved it i loved it yeah i
Starting point is 00:42:30 just love those like characters i liked i like the idea of like it felt so personal to martin scorsese to make like the mob the most important thing in human history yeah you know like they're responsible for all the biggest events yeah which is such a romantic way to think about like your own neck of the woods yeah yeah i liked it um all right isabella bushy i like a pretty gnarly bro what are some ways i can flirt and make a mind isabella what up thank you for your quash um can you define a gnarly bro Isabella, what up? Thank you for your question. Can you define a gnarly bro? I think it's a bro who gets after him.
Starting point is 00:43:14 This guy definitely parties. Yeah. Yeah, he probably has a lifted truck. He charges at life. He's strong. And I think he's probably tough to, he's got a lot of energy. And I think he's probably tough to uh he's got a lot of energy and i think he's probably maybe a little tough to uh to put in a box yeah a little tough to nail down yeah exactly he fills out his board shorts meaning like there's not a lot of like loose ends there it's all quad
Starting point is 00:43:42 and he metaphorically fills them out nice like he he is the part of the gnarly bro yeah he charges at life yep what are those things called when you have sunglasses and you have like the little rope behind it cool he has cool i can see it I have a visual now I hate to recommend this because I always think like being above board and kind is never a bad option but maybe like kind of like
Starting point is 00:44:16 give him some shit like be like nice lift on your truck is that a body lift I forget which lift isn't as good but be like doesn't look like a body lift i forget which lift isn't as good but be like doesn't look like a body lift i think body lift is better yeah like what is that like a six inch non-body lift and he'll be like what it's a 10 inch body lift yeah sorry i didn't look that way yeah you gotta you gotta test to see if he really charges as much as he portrayed yeah test him on the charge-ness can you charge
Starting point is 00:44:45 what's up babe or be like hey i know you can charge in all those ways but can you charge when it comes to asking me to dance right now can you bring it in that department because i'm looking for come on rude boy can you give it up yeah you got nice mud flaps but can you salsa probably not yeah you got to challenge him challenge him to his charge in this so he he because i'm sure he wants to find a mate who can charge with him so grab a charger's jersey um put some zinc on your nose and challenge this dude you know but challenge him. You know, you don't want to challenge him at his own craft, which is probably like chugging and squats. You want to challenge him at like like what JT was saying, dancing or drawing or making pottery.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Like you're like, you know, or even just opening up about his relationship with his dad. Stuff that he wants to do, but it's like at the edge of his comfort. Yeah. Yeah. Like show him a future where he could be a more gnarly bro with you. Yeah. And then if he's a real gnarly bro, he's going to jump at that.
Starting point is 00:45:54 Yeah. And then my girlfriend, like she really lights up a room when she walks into it. She just has such a good vibe. Yeah. And yeah, that's always good too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Like the first time I saw her, I was like, Oh wow. She's really enjoying life. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think there's like something to, and yeah, that's always good too. Yeah, like the first time I saw her I was like, oh wow. She's really enjoying life Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I think there's like something to you know, always be yourself But I think there is something that being like I'm gonna enter this room stoked. Mm-hmm. I think people can feel it. Yeah What do you think Emma? I think I agree with that Completely. It sounds like he sounds like type of dude that would respond to some healthy competition yeah nice but like fun flirtatious competition not like i'm gonna fuck you up competition yeah exactly yeah and not too like not about like too real of stuff either
Starting point is 00:46:36 right like if i win you buy a round of shots if you win i buy the round of shots yeah because either way you're taking shots together and uh i love that and not to do another plug but i just got to be like you trim your pubes today i did oh that's a good one right but like maybe i'll show you maybe i won't you'll have to find out right you just have to take my word for it which actually brings me to another thing our Our dog, Joe, legend, he has a big dong. Huge. Right. Massive.
Starting point is 00:47:10 And some people are like, well, have you seen it? I haven't seen it. And they're like, well, how do you know it's big? It's like, because I know it's big. Because I know Joe. I know Joe. He's honorable. He wouldn't tell tales about something like that.
Starting point is 00:47:23 Exactly. And he has Magnum XL condoms. So if he's lying so hard that he's going and buying fake condoms just to throw me off, he's got a big brain dong then. Have you heard his stream? I've never heard his stream. No. Does a bigger dong make a bigger stream?
Starting point is 00:47:41 I think physics would say yes. Interesting. My heart tells me that no. I feel like all urethras are treated equal and the same size, but maybe not. I could even see a smaller dong having a bigger stream. That makes sense to me for some reason. I think in my medical...
Starting point is 00:48:04 That's true. with my medical wisdom, I would say the muscles needed to hold up that dong also push out the P harder. Interesting concept. Yeah, I kind of buy that. For some reason, that makes sense in my head. Yeah, look, it's basic anatomy. You can look it up, you know's anatomy good show tough conundrums at the end of certain episodes you really don't know what choice to make yo what's up sup y'all adrian here dude seen y'all's cameos in city
Starting point is 00:48:38 council mean he's fighting the good fight for parting and other great causes i'm an old fan of y'all's social media presence but new fan fan of the podcast. I'm on episode nine, but I'm catching up. I'm the type of dude who has to see, watch, hear everything from the beginning because I'm kind of a completionist when it comes to media. But hey, I love all your guys' energy and everything you guys are all about. Ever since I started to listen to your podcast, my stoke meter has been off the charts. But my question is how should I keep my stoke up when the world is getting me down? I always keep the great times and awesome thoughts in my head 24 seven, but here and there life kind of hits me in the face with some massive negativity and i get bummed i try to self-motivate and give myself positive vibe but sometimes it isn't enough
Starting point is 00:49:13 and it hurts what should i do when inside forces i give out isn't enough good question um my dog thank you for the question. I would, first off, you know, this takes a lot of discipline and practice, and I think it's just something to work towards, is that when you have problems in life, when life gets you down in certain ways, I always try to look at the problems or obstacles as stepping stones to my positive involvement. So I think if you can shift your mindset a little bit and just be like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:49:53 This sucks this happened, but it happened for a reason and I'm going to have the best possible response to this situation and evolve to be a better person because of it, then I think that's a really healthy way to look at it. But I understand that that's easier said than done. But, you know, also whenever life gets you down, I think just do what makes you happy, you know, find something that, find an activity you love, whether it be paintball a bar class uh you know something healthy um soul cycle to just get you back in that you know headspace of like okay there is stuff in life that i really enjoy and it's they're boosting my endorphins and um now yeah I think it just helps. I do agree with that a lot, having smart feet.
Starting point is 00:50:51 Like when you're feeling bad, just get out of your room or whatever it is and go do something. Yeah, that can take your mind off of it and give you some endorphins if it's exercise, and then you'll be surprised how quickly those thoughts don't feel like a permanent reality. I would also say, though, it's okay to feel bad. Feel your feelings and don't feel like a permanent reality. Yeah. I would also say though, it's okay to feel bad, you know, feel your feelings and don't compound it by like getting mad at yourself for
Starting point is 00:51:10 being down. And then a thing I always try to remember when it's about the world, which is like just so much bigger than we are. And we, it's just the serenity prayer, which is like, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom,
Starting point is 00:51:22 know the difference. And that keeps me kind of like, you know, keeps things in perspective yeah I love that um question for the boys if he's on but Chad and JT I'm sure you boys got something cooking the dome so feel
Starting point is 00:51:38 free to hop in here I've been dating my girlfriend for about a for over a year and I truly love her issues we both leave for college next year and I don't know how to handle it I can't imagine myself breaking up with her but at the same time I don't see it working out at all if I can't see her she wants to stay together 100% if we do stay together I feel like
Starting point is 00:51:53 I will miss out on a lot of college experiences with girls and shit I don't know what to do my guys also have any of you guys had girlfriends in other schools in college and how did that go thanks boys and keep stoking um that's hard that is hard i i would you know assess the situation like are you is it like a you know kind of like grass is greener situation where you're like oh you know maybe i could be having
Starting point is 00:52:22 these experiences even though like i love my gf like, I'm having a great time with her, but could I be having better times? Because, you know, I think there's, like, a fine line where it could be that kind of trap where you just think everything's better, but then you leave the thing that you had and it could be, could have been great. So, you know, I would take take a but if you truly feel like you guys aren't meant to be together um and this is tearing you apart you know then
Starting point is 00:52:57 then you don't want to put her through kind of the agony of your eventual um distancing emotionally does that make sense absolutely who the hell knows you know yeah well it can it can you can stay with someone and it can work or you can break up with someone and it can work yeah i'd say most people most people don't end up with the person they were dating in high school yeah and most of the time for good reason but i'm a romantic i've seen examples and i have friends where it did work that way yeah so i i uh i don't know man yeah i've seen both examples but i will say i've seen more unhappiness from trying to make a relationship work right or worst case going to a different school like going to a school because your girlfriend was there yeah and then you guys
Starting point is 00:53:52 like break up like a month in that happens it happens so often so don't do that follow your path but i would test it out give it a you know give it give it the old college try my friend and you're gonna be okay yeah things are looking good yeah you'd have beer bongs in your future what up stokers please keep me anonymous considering a bunch of my dogs listen to the pod i've been listening for a while and y'all have brought stoke back to my life i'm 20 years old and i I recently lost a good amount of weight and I've been on a self-improvement journey. I've always been kind of a hopeless romantic,
Starting point is 00:54:29 but recently I've found that more and more girls seem interested in me. I've been talking to and hanging out with this one chick more lately and I feel like I'm at a good spot to make a move. How do I go about making my move without interrupting the group dynamic if I fall flat on my face? Keep rolling in the Stoke, best wishes. So she's in the crew? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:54:49 I think you're overthinking it, dude. I wouldn't worry too much about the group dynamic. Yeah. I think you being honest about how you feel and telling someone that you want to date them isn't going to F that up. That happens a lot in groups, especially at 20. You don't want to be the guy who's always hitting on every girl. So everyone's like, dude, you got a compulsion. You're thrown off the vibe because you're so obsessed with that.
Starting point is 00:55:20 But it doesn't seem like you're like that at all. Yeah, I don't think so. And I would maybe get a little flirtatious, present her, eat strawberries around her, eat lots of oysters, and then maybe sort of break the ice a little bit and be like, look, I dig you. I've been eating aphrodisiacs in front of you for a long time now.
Starting point is 00:55:45 Yeah. Dude, you're right. Because've been eating aphrodisiacs in front of you for a long time now. Yeah. Dude, you're right. Because I thought it was about the group dynamic. But I think he's just saying it's about the group dynamic. But really, he's just more worried about just falling on his face. Yeah. Not upsetting the group. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:56 And dude, it's cool to throw it out there. It's cool to risk falling on your face. Yeah. Just do a nice romantic shimmy over to her and then be like what up do you want an oyster do you want chocolate and then if she says no sure if she says no then be like that's chill and then respect her decision yep but i think basically bring her food and then see what happens emma yeah i mean nobody's mad when somebody brings you them food what would you recommend i mean if you're friends with her
Starting point is 00:56:34 already you kind of probably have an idea of what she likes right and just be like hey i was uh if there's like a restaurant or something just be like hey i was this place i know you love it thought of you so i brought you some it's like a hey i just, just be like, hey, I was at this place. I know you love it. I thought of you, so I brought you some. It's like a, hey, I just thought of you. You know, here you go. You can be casual about it, but then she'll think about it. You know what I mean? Like plant the seed.
Starting point is 00:56:56 Hey, I saw you were eating cookie crisps that one time, so I bought this box for you. Yeah. Like I love a milkshake, and if someone brought me a milkshake, it was like, I thought of you, so I brought you a milkshake. I'd be stoked. I would be so pumped. I one time brought my girlfriend milkshakes in a bucket full of ice that's the most romantic thing i've ever heard that's awesome good thinking good strategery with real ice cream that's the trick it's got to be real ice cream dude the uh the swingers shakes so good. Dude, I fucking eat at Swingers so goddamn much, dude.
Starting point is 00:57:27 I love being there. It's awesome. It's a great place. Do you see D'Elia there? I'm name dropping, but... No. Do you still see that squad there? I haven't seen them there in forever, but I go early.
Starting point is 00:57:37 They go at like 2 a.m. I go at like 11. Yeah. We're early birds now. I'm the early crowd. Dude, I put on 10 LBs over Thanksgiving. You did? Yeah. I'm down five already, but I put on 10 lbs over thanksgiving you did yeah i'm down five already but i put on 10 man you got the fluctuation i know i think it's from the medicage it's supposed to make your blood sugar super susceptible to carbon take interesting yeah
Starting point is 00:57:57 but i'm not mad at you brother sarah quill um hey guys during high school and even when i was an undergrad i was a really anxious depressed person I knew I was gay but I'd only ever dated girls I always fit the stereotype of a guys guy And most of my squad always joked about How many girls I was with Well recently I went away to grad school in a much more liberal city And ended getting a serious relationship
Starting point is 00:58:18 With a great guy and started to feel a bit more normal I want to tell my friends back home But I'm really nervous that they'll end up treating me differently Or just not want to include me anymore they can make some uncomfortable comments or jokes about gay guys am i a bad person because i betrayed them by not telling them up front about being gay i feel like i kept the lie going too long please help thanks mike dude not a bad guy at all yeah you're a great dude you do sound like a really good dude yeah dude i i think i think you know you seem like you're expecting the worst but you're gonna they're gonna they're gonna love you
Starting point is 00:58:53 dude i think so too i like whenever i've seen uh guys you know who come out you know it's always been a great response i think so too yeah so i don't think you have anything to worry about i think you're gonna i think you're gonna find a new level of love and support from your dogs that you never thought was possible i agree i think they're gonna be more hyped yeah because they're gonna be i think um they're gonna feel good that to feel good that you trusted them enough to tell them. Yeah. Yeah, I think they'll feel honored. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:30 And then when you feel honored about your bro, you get fucking jacked. Dude, I would get fired up. I'd get fucking hyped. Let's go. Like my buddy Dave was like, dude, I got to tell you something. I'm gay. I'd be like, fuck yeah, Dave. I love that you told me that.
Starting point is 00:59:50 Thank you. Yeah, they're're gonna be jacked dude and then i think also it'll help them because like if they're saying inappropriate things they should probably grow out of that and i think uh you know that's not being a wet blanket it's it's good for them yeah yeah yo stoke legends fire pod any tips on riding back on ridding back me i've had this plague for years and it def lowers my stoke to a few blocks under bedrock hard to self-conf while bronzing while your back looks like a like you barely survived a measles outbreak in the 50s um you know you can get facials for your back back shills yeah
Starting point is 01:00:29 dude facials though I did one my mom got me one in high school my face was bright red for the rest of the night and I went to my first stand up comedy show that night and I was scared shitless the whole time that Billy Conley was gonna be like hey bright red face it's definitely something you don't want to do if you have somewhere to be
Starting point is 01:00:44 because it will make your face red but they're great long term and they pop your pimples It was going to be like, hey, bright red face. It's definitely something you don't want to do if you have somewhere to be. Because it will make your face red. But they're great long term. And they pop your pimples. Yeah, that's why your face gets so red. Extractions, they hurt. Yeah, I usually get the last appointment for the day and then I just go home. And I don't leave.
Starting point is 01:00:59 But you can do the same thing for your back. They'll do that. And it helps. Dude, Jennifer Lopez and Hustlers. That whole movie is just dedicated to how she's a goddess. I gotta see it. Yeah, and how time just doesn't even, won't even touch her. And it's just every shot,
Starting point is 01:01:12 just a dolly shot of her being badass. She's tight. But my girlfriend told me it's a $16,000 a week regimen. That's crazy. That's nuts. $16,000 a week? You could change lives with that. $16,000 a week? You could change lives with that.
Starting point is 01:01:26 $16,000 for some mark of time. But does her beauty change more lives? It's inspiring. Than the $16,000 a week? It's inspiring to see her in hustlers. You're like, holy shit, yes! She's like in her 50s, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:39 I look at that and I'm like, okay, I need to go to the gym and I need to drink more water and I need to eat vegetables. Her and Brad Pitt are the two most iconic performances this year for the same reason. They're hot. You're still that hot? How are you so fucking hot? And my girlfriend, she knows when everyone's had work done and she sends me things about Brad Pitt's thread facelift
Starting point is 01:02:01 that he got. What's a thread facelift? That sounds like they're going to sew your face back on. I heard it's really painful. It sounds painful. Man, I love when people are still hot. It's the greatest. Thank you, J-Lo.
Starting point is 01:02:16 Thank you, Brad Pitt. Thank you guys so much. Dude, back me. Best thing, the ocean. Good call. If you don't live close to the ocean, sun. Sun, osh. Most importantly, wear it with pride.
Starting point is 01:02:34 And wear sunscreen. Sunscreen, coral safe. But dude, I promise you that no one's thinking about it as much as you are. Yeah. Dude, I had bad back knee senior year of high school. I played football first and only time for a year. And the shoulder pads. I didn't wash my shoulder pads ever.
Starting point is 01:02:55 And by the end of the season, my back was just pimpled. Also, change your sheets a lot. That helps. Because it's like your pillowcase gets a lot of oil. That's why you can break out if you have a dirty pillowcase. Change your sheets more often. It might help. I'm getting a pimple right here on my cheek.
Starting point is 01:03:11 I'm battling it every day because I haven't washed my pillow sheets in a while. Or silk pillowcases help with that, too. Oh. It's good for your hair, too. So maybe silk sheets. Oh, good call. And you know what? Cold showers, my dude.
Starting point is 01:03:23 Mm-hmm. Cold showers. Close up those pores. Keep them tight. Like J-Lo. What up, Masters of Stoke? Quick question for JT. With your mom being from Colombia, do you ever connect with Hispanic people or feel the need to connect with them? Do you speak Spanish at all? white and half Nicaraguan. I grew up in Maine, which is very white. And a lot of kids in middle school called me Mexican or beaner, things like that. I'm sorry. When I made more Mexican, when I made more Hispanic friends outside of Maine, they used to call me white, which annoyed me and made me feel like I didn't fit in. I didn't grow up speaking Spanish, but started learning at 16 and at 22. Now I speak quite well. Sorry for the long email, but always wondered how you felt about your Latino roots. Thanks bros. Tyler. I'm a dude by the way. Um,
Starting point is 01:04:05 yeah, I do identify with my, uh, Colombian roots a lot, but when I was growing up, everyone picked on me for, uh, uh,
Starting point is 01:04:14 they thought I was middle Eastern. Really? Yeah. Interesting. But yeah, I loved it. It's great. I love it.
Starting point is 01:04:20 I think it adds so much more to, to who I am that my parents were so different. Yeah. I like it. I think it adds so much more to who I am, that my parents were so different. Yeah, I like it. Chad, what is your beef of the week? My beef of the week, I'm a little bit late to the party. I think like 10 years or something, but it's going to be with LeBron James for picking the number 23. I was watching him at the game.
Starting point is 01:04:41 I was like, what are you doing, dude? Establish your own number. Why would you want to pit yourself again? I was watching him at the game. I was like, what are you doing, dude? Establish your own number. Why would you want to pit yourself against... He's painting a target on his back already. And then our buddy Corey made a good point that maybe it's because he picked it in high school and it's his established number and you know it's like associates it with good luck or something he doesn't really want to like change numbers so uh it could have been that he was just an mj fan as a kid and then just kept that number going but if that's not the
Starting point is 01:05:16 case then fuck you dude nice uh my my beef of the week and i didn't have one prepped is uh is um dads at uh weddings disrespecting the athleticism of the groom nice it's something i've encountered at a bunch of different weddings where the the father of the bride will get up there and be like hey everybody how's it going um you know thank you so much for coming here we really appreciate it um becky you're the light of my life you're a pistol and um you know my mother your mother and i couldn't be more happy and then um jared you know he's a good guy he's not much of an athlete but uh you know he really loves becky and we appreciate that i'm like why the fuck you gotta disrespect him dude I don't think it's necessary you don't have to bring up
Starting point is 01:06:09 his deficiencies like that I guess it's cause I'm not a very good athlete and so I don't want I don't want the I guess I wouldn't care that much but I'd rather he said something like
Starting point is 01:06:17 par you're so gutsy out on every field you play on you're a dank lord I was thrilled the moment I found out you kissed my daughter you're so gutsy out on every field you play on. You're a dank lord. I was thrilled the moment I found out you kissed my daughter and I really look up to you. Dude, that would fire me up. Ditto, sir.
Starting point is 01:06:37 Par. You got a huge hog. And I'm not saying physically. I'm saying with your aura. And I couldn't be prouder to have this huge hog joining my family, my squad, and marrying my beautiful angel, my daughter. I always hoped that she would marry a huge hog.
Starting point is 01:07:02 Yeah, build the guy up. Yeah. Talk about his hog. Yeah. He's got a huge hog. Yeah, build the guy up. Yeah. Talk about his hog. Yeah. He's got a big hog. Phil, I hope you got a big dick. What do you think of that, Emma? Do you think that'd work?
Starting point is 01:07:16 Yeah, why not? Chad, who is your babe of the week? My babe of the week is, so I've been listening to our dog Chris Cote's podcast, The Monday Mass. Check it out, dudes, if you want fresh surf news and skate news. And he turned me on to this new skate clip by Milton Martinez, this Argentinian skater who dropped a fire skate clip on thrashermagazine.com.
Starting point is 01:07:46 And it's raw and it's real and it's legit. So I know it will fire you guys up. So check it out. Milton Martinez, you're my babe of the week. My babe of the week is the Bathrooms at Swallows Bar in San Juan Cap capistrano orange county uh it's the number one bar in orange county and probably the world it's just a great fucking place dude you go in there there's a live band it's old dudes dedicated to the craft playing their hearts out and it's a good mix of demos you got young you got old and uh and it's just a lot of fun but the bathrooms used to have
Starting point is 01:08:25 naked photos of the opposite sex and i guess one of the owners died and they took those photos away and they also used to hang uh primarily women's underwear in the main part of the bar and they took that away too just updating but it was sad to see it go because it really was part of the charm of the city and my mom was extra bummed out mom was like no john thomas they took them away i used to take everyone who visited there and then to the church afterwards to confess i was like oh mom could you be more fun uh chad who is your legend of the week uh my legend of the week are my brothers mark and bill what up uh i had a great time with them over thanksgiving you know we hit new orleans we hit the town they encouraged me to eat rabbit um i ate a freaking rabbit and uh because of my brothers
Starting point is 01:09:20 and uh you know they're both dads now they're both crushing it and i know i'm gonna get better at talking to kids but i love my nieces and nephews so i'm working on that but like i had a truly special moment with my brother we were at the barcade on bourbon street crushing some pac-man you know and i was dominating not to brag but i was really just you know gobbling up some strawberries and uh i was like to my brother i was like so i was trying to you know get like emotional and like i was like so what's it like being a dad he takes my head and he slams it into the pac-man machine no he did it yeah and i was like things will never change and i love it is that what it's like to be a dad yeah
Starting point is 01:10:02 things will never change and I love it. Is that what it's like to be a dad? Yeah. Interesting. I love getting dominated, dude. I love it. Dominate me. I think that's so noble.
Starting point is 01:10:14 Thanks. Beast. Will you do me a favor, though? Will you make a commitment to me? Yeah. That next time you talk to children, you'll dominate? You want me to dominate them? You want your elders to dominate dominate you that's what the
Starting point is 01:10:25 kids want from you right that is what they want yeah now i know what to do emma i know what to do with kids now yeah you're gonna figure it out they're difficult i think kids are more connected to the universe than adults are yep that's awesome it's like the polar express wit like whistle yeah only the kids can hear it. Right. It's like they say, what do they say? True honesty is from children and drunks or something like that. Right. And who knew the emperor had no clothes?
Starting point is 01:10:54 Only the child. Yeah. Right. So yeah, you just got to talk to them like they're another human being. Because they can hear you talking to other adults. Yeah. They want to be treated with the same respect. And they can point out the absurdities in life that we've already grown accustomed to. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:05 Mm-hmm. Dude, my legend of the week is Eric Cantona, striker for Manchester United from France. And he's in the movie Looking for Eric, which is by the brilliant social realist Ken Loach, English filmmaker, makes movies about the working class and how they're just fixed into that spot and and life just keeps crunching him even though they're great people but this one isn't as bleak as some of those this one's fun and the second lead in it is this soccer player eric canton playing himself and he's fucking great he's so cool in the movie and i'm like dude how are you such a good actor when you're such a good soccer player and then He's so cool in the movie. And I'm like, dude, how are you such a good actor when you're such a good soccer player?
Starting point is 01:11:46 And then they show his highlights in the movie. And literally one of the highlights is so brilliant. And the way the characters talk about it is so great. Started to cry. Really? Yeah. Then me and Dan talked about it today. He chips the goalie running in and before it, like, it seems like before the ball even
Starting point is 01:11:57 goes in, he just turns around and he just looks at the whole world like this, like, hmm, with his chest out. And you're like, dude dude you're living it up and he says in the movies like i every time i play it i try to give the audience a gift like that's more important to him than anything it's just performing for the audience and giving them joy for life it's cool that's awesome chad what's your quote of the week my quote of the week comes from gone 60 seconds when uh angelina jolieolie and Nicolas Cage are sitting in a car together they're waiting on this rich dude to uh bone his uh romance of the night his flame of the night
Starting point is 01:12:31 one of the best scenes ever yeah it looks so sensual there's good music playing he lives in a penthouse he has a Ferrari and you know Kip Raines and Angelina Jolie no Memphis Raines and Angelina Jolie are to boost it but first they need this guy to start getting into the act of boning and straight up you know just lose himself just lose himself in his flame of the night because you know he's not married you know he's he's a rich guy and he's just he's taking home you know chicks and you know driving ferraris and um so i don't feel you, I don't feel sorry for him that he's getting his car boosted.
Starting point is 01:13:10 So they're waiting in the car, and then Sway, oh, her name's Sway, Angelina Jolie goes, what do you think is more exciting, having sex or stealing cars? And Memphis Reigns, Nicolas Cage goes, having sex or boosting cars um how about having sex while boosting cars yeah and they start to bone so cool and uh he's like well the stick shift you see the stick gets in the way and it's it's so you know it's like, well, the stick shift. You see the stick gets in the way. And it's so, you know, it's like, what's that word when things look like dongs? Double entendres?
Starting point is 01:13:51 No, it's like a shape. Do you know what I'm talking about, Emma? No, I don't think I do. Well, that's my quote. I think I do know think I do. Well, that's my quote. I think I, I do know what you mean, but I can't remember it. It's like penile or like phallic phallic stick shifts are phallic.
Starting point is 01:14:16 So dudes get back into manual transmissions. I'm telling you it's legit. It's the best. And you'll have a phallic object in your car. My boyfriend and I actually drive the same car. His is a manual. Mine's an automatic. And I'm almost mad that I have an automatic.
Starting point is 01:14:31 Because it would be so much more fun to drive manual. I'm just not good enough at it to do it in the city. It's so cool. Oh, you could do it. You just need like a day and you'd get there. It's so much fun. Yeah, they're a lot of fun. And you don't text.
Starting point is 01:14:43 Yeah, I think. You're more present for sure. I think they should still teach kids to learn on a manual of fun and you don't text yeah i think you're more present i think they should still teach kids to learn on a manual because it makes you listen to your car yeah and pay attention to things they should switch back to me you shouldn't be allowed to buy an automatic until you're like 20 yeah i like that what's crazy is that like is automated driving right around the corner too yeah i know i heard that i heard about a dude in his tesla who teslas can drive you you don't have to drive he just puts like a glove on the handle so it thinks it's he's there and he sleeps while it drives him really that's terrifying because i thought i read that they don't recognize red lights i've heard that they have some limitations
Starting point is 01:15:19 and in that like it'll stop if there's a car in front of you at the red light because it will stop because that car but if there's no one in front of you at the red light because it will stop because of that car but if there's no one in front of you and the light turns red it will blow it. Damn. So that's actually happening?
Starting point is 01:15:30 Yeah. That's wild. What's your quote? My quote of the week is from Braveheart. Awesome. William Wallace played by Mel Gibson
Starting point is 01:15:39 is trying to lead Scotland to freedom from the persecuting long shanks of England and he was ready to live a peaceful life, but then the, the English, um, attacked him. They, they attacked his lady and they, they killed his wife. And, uh, now he's on a noble quest of vengeance to, to right that wrong and all wrongs beyond it.
Starting point is 01:16:00 Sons of Scotland, I am William Wallace. William Wallace is seven feet tall Yes, I've heard, kills men by the hundreds And if he were here, he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes And bolts of lightning from his arse I am William Wallace And I see a whole army of my countrymen here in defiance of tyranny You have come to fight as free men, and free men you are
Starting point is 01:16:22 What would you do with that freedom? Will you fight fight against that no we will run and we will live i fight and you may die run and you'll live at least a while in dying in your beds many years from now would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!
Starting point is 01:16:55 I'm a goober! Scotland forever! I'm a goober! Dude, that was passion incarnate. And dude, What Follows is one of the greatest fight scenes in cinematic history mel gibson knows how to direct the fuck out of a movie and it's so it's i still think the best battle scene of all time executed on film and the best part about that is is that there's still a scene where towards the end two guys are fake fighting in the background you can
Starting point is 01:17:23 very much tell they're extras who are not motivated they're just swinging their sticks back and forth but even with that little glitch in it i still think it's the best that's hilarious chat what's your phrase of the week for getting after it uh it comes from our dog mason up in san francisco let me find the email dude he sent us a bunch of fire quotes from Ben Franklin about getting after it yeah which got me amped on Ben Franklin yeah and it just so happened that I just bought that biography on him before like before he even sent that so our domes are in the same spot. Okay, so first a note from Mr. Franklin.
Starting point is 01:18:11 The phrases in this dictionary are not, like most of our terms of art, borrowed from foreign languages. Neither are they collected from the writings of the learned in our own, but gathered wholly from the modern tavern conversation of Tiplers. I do not doubt but that there are many more in use, and I was even tempted to add a new one myself under the letter B to wit Brutified I have no idea what I just said there
Starting point is 01:18:30 that was beastly there was so much packed into that that my brain couldn't follow yeah so here's a phrase here's a phrase from B Franklin the legend he's uh he's eat a toad and a half for breakfast yo what man I'll just take away that he's let's eat a toad and a half for breakfast
Starting point is 01:18:55 a toad mine is from the film looking for Eric it's from Eric Cantona when he's trying to encourage the protagonist Eric Eric, to just take chances. He says, he that forecasts the perils will never sail the sea. All right. Anything else, dude? I think that's it. That was fun. Yeah, that was good, dude.
Starting point is 01:19:21 Emma, thanks for stopping in. Anytime. Dude, I got one more thing. I think Dirk to Luka Doncic is going to be the best superstar handoff since Brett Favre to Aaron Rodgers. And I think they're actually analogous in a lot of ways, other than Favre alienating the Green Bay Packers fan base more than Dirk ever did. And one more thing.
Starting point is 01:19:40 Some guys called me out for Michael Jordan because I said he took that two-year break to play baseball, and I thought that kind of impugned his competitiveness a little bit. But then I realized it was because his dad passed. And I was like, all right, that's kind of a cruel point to make. Then a lot of people messaged me. And I knew this story. But they said he actually left the NBA because of his gambling debts.
Starting point is 01:19:58 And that's what got his dad killed. And that David Stern, the commissioner, made him leave the NBA for a couple years. Oh, really? To let all that cool down. I didn't know that. Yeah, people think it was because of his gambling. He was forced to leave the NBA. Wow.
Starting point is 01:20:11 Yeah. That's crazy. But my non-conspiratorial brain's like, I don't buy it. Who knows? What do you think the balance is? Of all the conspiracies to all the realities, what do you think the balance is? Of all the conspiracies to all the realities, what do you think the balance is?
Starting point is 01:20:27 I think it's somewhere in the middle. Like 50% conspiracy, 50% what we think is real? I'd say 30% conspiracy, 70% what is real. So you're not mad at the people who aren't telling us that there's no, that there's, whether there's aliens or not? No, I get it. I think there's a balance to it. I think there's some things that like,
Starting point is 01:20:48 if everybody in the world knew about it, it would be probably pretty detrimental. You know what I mean? Like some of it, I think is a safety thing, but then there's some stuff where I'm like, who cares? Just let everybody in on the secret.
Starting point is 01:21:01 Yeah. Do you think it's possible? It's better. We don't find out who killed epstein no that one i think i want to know yeah yeah because if they tell us if he really was killed then like the government's doing lots of shady shit and i want to know that because they're in charge of a lot of aspects of my life yeah do you see that in uh i think it's in china now if you buy a new phone or get a new phone plan
Starting point is 01:21:27 you're required to get your face scanned for facial recognition software so that the government can have it dude we've been talking about it what is going on over there it's a mess china what is going on it's scary dude yeah nba players it's okay to say it's gnarly over there what's going on in china dudes i don't know if we have enough time to get into it no i know it's a weird place to end it but they got facial recognition to tell you if someone's muslim so that they can put them into a camp there and re-educate them dude what's going on in china we need to like intervene but i don't know how you intervene on China. Do they let our podcast go to China?
Starting point is 01:22:09 Probably not, actually. That's a funny question. I wonder if you can look up your listens in China. I bet you can. What up to our Chinese brothers and sisters? Mass respect to you guys. Hopefully you guys are doing good. And if you have any feedback, fire it over to us.
Starting point is 01:22:22 Yeah, teach us some stuff. Teach us how to open an Olympic ceremony. I would love to know. Nobody does it better. All right, dudes. All right. We'll see you later. Later.
Starting point is 01:22:34 Later. If you need advice These guys are really nice You wanna know What to do, where to go When you need someone to guide you Just to have a friend beside you I'm going to dream
Starting point is 01:23:00 I'm going deep I'm going deep I'm going deep

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