Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 110 - Strider Joins before the Holiday

Episode Date: January 1, 2020

What up stokers, in this fire episode we are joined by Strider to discuss the holidays, video games, and New Years resolutions. Jabwow!Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped....com.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's your dream? Going deep Chad and JT Ooh, salt and peppers here Salt, salt, salt, salt, salt and peppers here Salt, salt, salt, salt What's up Stokers and Stoke Nation? This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Guys, before we begin, I want to remind you once again that we are brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our bellends are not enveloped by a Chewbacca-style haircut. Because when you get an H-cut, you want to make sure that you're hitting that whole body. You know. I'm talking head to dong. Or pupil region. You know.
Starting point is 00:00:51 I think manscape. Even though it has man in the name. It can be unisex. And that's the world I want to live in. Because the lawnmower 2.0. It's applicable to everyone. Not just dudes. Not just dudes with a particular dong size all dongs all people um so and that's what i love about this company is that they're looking out
Starting point is 00:01:15 for the lower part region and making sure that you're grooming like john ham in a 1960s set television show called man mad men you know his haircut is what you could have near your dong if you get the manscape products like the lawnmower 2.0 and the ball deodorant so oh that's nice have you guys uh like um what's that de niro movie when he's the psycho at the beach when he like cape fear cape fear like a like a cape fear slicked back dong cut that'd be that'd be nice high and tight it's about the scariest penis imaginable that's a very very terrifying dong yeah but you know and it can't feel pain really like he like walks through like his superpower in that movie he just just does
Starting point is 00:01:54 push-ups and then all of a sudden like he can like walk through fire yeah yeah that's not his only superpower loyal is that his voice yeah yeah it is kind of like this weird, like... He's got like a Creole accent. Yeah. You could go with a taxi driver De Niro pube cut, just if you're going through a tough time or you're dealing with feelings of isolation. Great call. You know, give it a nice mohawk and express yourself. Express yourself. So use code GODEEP20 at manscaped.com
Starting point is 00:02:22 for 10% off your order and just some good vibes and supporting the show and a great company. So, what up? What up? I'm here with my compadre, Jean-Thomas. What up? What up?
Starting point is 00:02:33 Boom, clap, Stokers. And we're here with the ripper of Relash, Strider Wilson. What up? Friggin' what up, my dogs, dude? Amped to be here right now dude fired up to be here dude nice little midday recording right now dude the energy is good the energy is up dude feels good it feels like uh festive like there's like peppermint in the air oh yeah dude yeah holiday seasons dude right you know we're in the midst of it dude we're seven days out from
Starting point is 00:03:01 xmas dude i'm fired up dude i love it what's your favorite part about christmas the food my mom makes a freaking dank dank dank thanksgiving style uh meal and i gotta say i just i like that i like the uh that and then the lights dude i like the uh christmas tree being lit at night you know kind of kind of being the only light on and um and i know i'm going on and lantern with like three things, but my top three would be the meal, the lights, and then playing Halo 1 against my bros and just freaking fragging them, dude, with plasmas, dude, on prisoner level, dude. Legit, dude. So much fun.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Yeah, because they stick to the body, right? Yeah. A plasma is a very skilled. I love the plasma. It's basically like Drew Brees, dude. But I think you do throw them with your left hand. I think Master Chief's left-handed in that game. And I know you hit the left trigger to throw it.
Starting point is 00:03:53 But yeah, he's just freaking lasering plasmas at people, strapping them, dude. Great feeling to strap. Does it ever get tense? Oh, absolutely. Like literally my anxiety is through the roof when I'm playing. Like we can't play. There's a level called I'm playing. Like, we can't play. There's a level called Hang Em High. I literally, like, can't play.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Like, my heart's pounding. I get so mad. I'll yell. Like, my mom one time, I woke her up just yelling. Like, I just yelled the F-bomb in the middle of the night. Dude, she came like, what's going on? I was like, it's Halo, dude. So you stick with Halo 1.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Yeah, we're kind of truest. The other games, like, they weakened the pistol in later generations, and then I just, you know, it's on me. I didn't want to adapt. No, I respect that. I dig it. That makes me want to go play Halo. I haven't played in forever.
Starting point is 00:04:34 What's your favorite part of Christmas? Favorite part of Christmas? I think it's waking up next to a fireplace. Yeah. You know, there's a certain level of comfort you have with like a well-structured fireplace. And in college, you know, when I didn't have the luxury of a fireplace, I got the Yule Log DVD. Oh, yeah. And I actually, I had a date and I took her back to my, I was living in a garage at the time.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Of course. You know, so you could tell she was actually, like, into it because she was willing to go back on a date to a garage. And I put on the, it was cold. There's no insulation. And I put on the Ulog DVD, got the fireplace going, and we warmed right up. Nice. Dude, that gets me fired up dude thanks what's yours I love Christmas dinner that's always fun like after the food's over and then the booze is flowing and everybody's just like telling old stories yeah it's good reminiscing time oh yeah
Starting point is 00:05:37 I also love um being a schmool a little bit like when after a couple days I've started to get a little bit tense from being on other people's clocks I'll just be like, you know what? I'm not doing what everyone wants today. I'm staying behind and I'm doing my own thing. And I just lay on the couch kind of in defiance. I like that. What was I going to say?
Starting point is 00:06:00 Yeah, I remember Christmas mornings I love getting the Bloody Marys gun. Nice. Put that Kettle one in there and just cruise oh i love that you choose k1 dude that's an orange county brand yeah always the nicolette family i believe dude yeah yeah they're dank yeah dank dude dank dank dank so fucking dang uh jt you had a a little bit of a late morning here yeah dude we were doing the pod at noon i didn't set an alarm last night when i went to bed at like 1 30 and uh i woke up at 11 30 like oh no yeah and i had a good restful sleep with some powerful dreams i wouldn't even call them nightmares yeah they're They were just powerful dreams. And yeah, I had to hustle butt to get over here.
Starting point is 00:06:47 I mean, dude, do you think you slept extra because of how boring that Saban Belichick doc was? Do you think that it made you log some extra freaking hours, dude, to zing that doc? Perhaps, dude. It is a really superficial doc with little information in it that adds to either person's legacy.
Starting point is 00:07:05 I mean, like they're the greatest coaches ever, and you can't tell by watching the doc. They seem like your average Pop Warner coach. They're just like, yeah, you know, success, it takes a lot of focus, and you've got to work hard, and some of these guys don't want to work hard, but, you know, that's what it takes to be great. You're like, yeah, we know, dude. Of course.
Starting point is 00:07:20 It's like, what else is there? Get into the X's and O's. Get into the weirder corners of your personality. Like, let me get to know you. But maybe there's nothing to get to know. Exactly. That was actually going to be my beef of the week.
Starting point is 00:07:32 Oh, damn, dude. No, but dude, hey, we watched it. We're thinking about it.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Maybe they just keep it guarded. You know, they're like, I don't want to, you can do a doc, sure, but I'm not going to give anything away. That might be what it is. Yeah, yeah dude because they certainly did not give anything away
Starting point is 00:07:48 no dude and they just complain about like computers and how kids don't want to work these days it's like classic uh old guy complaints it's like maybe that was the only thing they felt comfortable talking about and they're just cross-cutting like doing taking clips of them saying the exact same things at practice that like every coach in the world has ever said at any practice it's like work hard hustle up and like look at man they both coach the same way it's like nah dude then at the end it's every code both of these guys like to de-stress through golf and like both of them are like golfing you're like this is so uninteresting this is what every fit 70-year-old, 60-year-old dude does. They golf.
Starting point is 00:08:26 I get it, dude. The Kelly Slater 24-7 doc on HBO is good. Have you guys seen it? No, I've got to check that out. It's good. He lives a nice life. On his days off, he just goes and body surfs in the water. He's like, I just need to stay in touch with the ocean.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Amazing. And he's just getting massages, and he's like, oh, I've been surfing too much and uh this competition's coming up i'm a little bit stressed i'm like yeah you're focused though dude and i like it such a chiller dude such a go-getter dude such an assassin in the water and that guy dude he rips a guitar too oh yeah yeah i was actually gonna say you know he's not as good as like Ben Harper or like a Jack Johnson. He obviously rips harder at surfing more.
Starting point is 00:09:08 But I think like the universe has to have everyone add up to a 10, which is like why, I mean, I'm not ripping on Kelly for being bald, but his flow is gone. But he's such a good surfer that in other areas, he can't be. Otherwise, it's just not fair, dude. You know, for like humanity. If he's like an amazing guitarist and he's like writing these amazing songs and has like flow like you chad i'd be like dude come on dude it's just not right even though you shouldn't you know it's compare and despair it doesn't really matter but it's just everyone kind of adds up to a tent oh his eyes are incredible yeah you know who has
Starting point is 00:09:40 beautiful eyes jt in the summertime dude he's got champagne eyes. Oh, yeah. The sun affects them. Yeah. Thanks, man. It's true. One time we were driving and we're looking at each other's eyes and I get a little bit of green in mine. He's like, you got a little bit of green. I was like, oh, fucking thank you, dude.
Starting point is 00:09:54 And then he's like, dude, you see my eyes? They're yellow. He goes, no, they're champagne. I go, that's a fire call. Dude, I, uh, uh, do you think it's hard to be friends with Kelly? Cause he's so competitive. Yeah, dude. Rob Machado is like the chillest dude in the world and you couldn't be friends with him I heard though that Rob Machado is not that chill
Starting point is 00:10:11 that's how he framed himself in that doc so he could serve as like a counter to Kelly's personality but I heard that was very like intentional on his part I heard he's just as competitive as Kelly see I don't like that's what's weird like surfing because you have to be like you know with surf culture intentional on his part. I heard he's just as competitive. Really? Yeah. See, I don't like,
Starting point is 00:10:25 that's what's weird. Like surfing, because you have to be like, you know, with surf culture, it's like, you're chill, you're laid back.
Starting point is 00:10:31 I'm going and I'm shredding. But because of these competitions, these guys are all competitors and want to win. But in that culture, you have to like hide it. Like if you're a quarterback or a football or any other, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:41 a mainstream sport, one of the big fours, like competitiveness is a trait that like people love he's a go-getter he's a winner yeah but then in like surfing or like extreme sports it's like you kind of have to not care but also get w's it's like dude just just come out and say you want to fucking win dude yeah you gotta be a cool guy that's like with kumail nanjiani we were talking about the other day like you establish a brand for yourself where you're like a nerd or you're like a stoner or like you you know and then like you establish a brand for yourself where you're like a nerd or you're like
Starting point is 00:11:05 a stoner or like you you know and then like you got to uphold that and sort of hide that because like yeah like we were like jt was saying to get to any place like that you have to have some fire inside of you you know you got to be a little bit yeah kind of uh you got to have something and you can't just be a fucking you know a wimpy dweeb dude a hundred percent that's like when i'm watching those like thomas middle ditch commercials dude when he's like i don't even know what like like who is this guy like it makes me not want to buy whatever that product is like that like weird like mumbling that he does but i'm also like off camera i can't help but think that he's like all right i want you to shoot me like this i'm
Starting point is 00:11:44 gonna get a little bit like. Yeah. You know, he probably didn't direct those commercials and anything. But, like, obviously, it's his character and personality that's the thrust of it. So, it's just weird. Yeah. Yeah, when he's in Silicon Valley and he's like, oh, I have a Pied Piper. I just want to make a Pied Piper.
Starting point is 00:12:00 And then the camera shuts off. He's like, you over there, you over there. Yeah. What's that grip doing? You're in the shot. He's likeian bale behind the scenes yeah i hear he's a genius improviser though like kills it like shakespeare and improv they're like the guys like a savant i've seen i've seen him before you really not at that like the ucb like facebook show was it facebook yeah that's one of those yeah him and zach woods yeah i've heard they're the two best yeah
Starting point is 00:12:25 they crashed there's someone new who's the best now some of the people were talking about it at work but i don't know what it is oh you've been to it what's the one that everyone says is the best now oh yes um that that's not an improv show it's a scripted show what's it called it's um dang a big time in atlantic city or something like that something atlantic city right oh It's not an improv show. It's a scripted show. What's it called? It's, um, dang, Big Time in Atlantic City or something like that. Something in Atlantic City. Right. Oh,
Starting point is 00:12:49 it's just called Atlantic City. Maybe it's just called Atlantic City. There might be an improv act that they put on there, but those guys are good. Like, you know, it's Brad Evans.
Starting point is 00:12:56 He's been on That's Huge before with his writing partner. They're solid. And it's like a, kind of a booked out show where they get good character actors and standups and maybe some sketch,
Starting point is 00:13:04 but it's always solid. I heard it's, I've been, I've been once, so I shouldn't say always I'm talking about like I know more. Um, Strider, what's the,
Starting point is 00:13:12 uh, regiment for decorations with you and your GF? Oh dude, I'm fired up that you just asked that dude. We had a nice little tree decorating date night in dude. It was so legit. We have our, um,
Starting point is 00:13:22 you know, I love the store. Um, Creight and barrel dude i just freaking get fired up on um or no sorry what i'm saying i do get fired up on crate and barrel but the container store because we have our containers just love how everything is so organized in there and uh we whip out the nice container that has our christmas decks dude put it out wait for my gf to get back from work dude poured ourself a nice little red wine, dude. I already had some dank pasta cooking, nothing special, nothing crazy.
Starting point is 00:13:48 So it's just some TJ stuff, you know? And then we didn't put on any Christmas music or anything, but we just decorated, chilled, you know? We always like to get like an ornament from a trip that we went on together and, you know, kind of talk about a memory there, put it on the tree and then just fired up. But we couldn't find our lights. I need to go buy some new lights for our tree. But that's kind of the ritual.
Starting point is 00:14:09 It's nice. Just kind of a date night in, decorate, chill, watch a movie afterwards. We watched Hustlers afterwards. Oh, hell yeah. Good movie. Great movie. J-Lo, dude. In theaters or is it out on video?
Starting point is 00:14:18 We watched it in, like, we rented it on iMovie. Oh, sweet. Yeah, it was damn good. I got to see it. It was sick. Yeah, it's just about how the movie really is built around J-Lo's impossible beauty at this point. That's awesome. Dude, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:31 My GF was like, oh, she's like, how old is J-Lo now? 50? Dude. Dude, blessed, dude. Fuck. If I'm in that shape at 50, dude, which I won't be, but dude, it's amazing. I'm not crazy about Constance Wu. I don't know. Neither know me and my gf i gotta say yeah i didn't i liked crazy rich asians a lot but uh after seeing hustlers not really
Starting point is 00:14:55 liking her that much in that i was like yeah but maybe i like crazy rich asians because of all the other aspects of it too you know like i like the mom character a lot henry golding was really good the mom and then just like the way the story moved was fun and constance woo didn't she like and i don't know the details of it but didn't she like kind of get like was beefing with her show that she was on she's like i don't want to play this role and like yeah she's got bigger movie offers so she wanted the show to get like axed i saw and then she came back and then the cast like welcome and the crew like welcomed her back to the show. Yeah, really? They were very magnanimous, yeah. Did we talk about that, or did I hear about that somewhere else? It was in the news a little bit ago.
Starting point is 00:15:29 She threw her crew under the bus. Yeah. Unchill, dude. Unchill. I would love for J-Lo to sass me sometime. Oh, that would be pretty awesome. If I ever saw her in person, I'd just be like, can you please sass me somehow? Yep. I don't know would she would sass me?
Starting point is 00:15:47 I'd leave it up to her to improvise, and I'd be stoked on whatever she chose in that moment. But I think one of my life goals is to get sassed by J-Lo. That'd be tight. But in a loving way. Of course. Just a little bit of sass. A little sizzle. Yeah, not like I'm insulting her or anything.
Starting point is 00:16:04 I just want her to come at me with some sass and be like, ooh, hurts so good. Yeah, like she'd get you with something you'd be a little bit gullible towards, you know what I mean? Yeah. You know, you'd be at, like, the pokey shop, and she'd be like, oh, and you'd want extra ponzu. And she's like, sorry, I just took all the last ponzu. And then you'd be like, what? And she'd be like, ha. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Something like that. That'd fire me up. It's so sick. Do you think she sasses a rod a lot for sure yeah but i bet a rod responds to it like oh i was totally oh babe i want the ponzu i already took the ponzu oh i was listening to the impeachment on the way over here impeachment all the congress congress peoples um just talking about the Founding Fathers. They always talk about the Founding Fathers,
Starting point is 00:16:48 which I love. You know, you gotta rep G-Dubs and frickin' B. Franklin, T. Jefferson. Yep. Legends. But the whole time
Starting point is 00:17:01 I was listening to it, I was like, you know what would be really dank? If we had a Jedi council. Oh, yeah. That'd be awesome. Some people listening to it, I was like, you know, it'd be really dank if we had a Jedi council. Oh yeah. That'd be awesome. Some people with lightsabers to be like,
Starting point is 00:17:09 all right, this is what the force says. And, uh, I think that should be our Congress. That'd be so, so sick, dude.
Starting point is 00:17:17 It'd be so dank. Dude. I think I've been, I crushed a lot of the, uh, star Wars, uh, original star Wars. I watched, uh, empire strikes back and of the Star Wars, original Star Wars.
Starting point is 00:17:25 I watched Empire Strikes Back, and I'm halfway through Return of the Jedi. I just decided to treat myself to that. I love that. What's your favorite? Everyone says they love Empire Strikes Back the most, but I love Return of the Jedi the most. It's my favorite one. I think it's my favorite, too. It's just so fun.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Dude, the forest moon of Endor, dude. They're cruising around. Empire Strikes Back is like, uh i mean i guess it has that big reveal moment but like i don't know luke's just such a buzzkill on that movie dude and uh but it's cool han solo rips it in that dude it's just so sick and you know what dude everyone rips these new ones but like those movies have always been kind of cartoonish you know like even just some of the lines that they're saying to each other like re-watching it yeah and what worked and like what people critique nowadays in it and stuff with like dude an empire strikes back you know
Starting point is 00:18:13 everyone in this last um what was the last one with luke uh the last jedi the last jedi how they don't like the mind stuff between kylo ren and rey yeah dude you're watching empire strikes back and in like the biggest moment of the movie in the third act, like towards the end, like, uh, there's a ship like flying away. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:31 And he's like, he's like falling down onto the thing. Um, and he's like already lost his hand and then he's in the ship and like, uh, Vader can sense that he's on there, dude, literally like it's these wide shots and then they cut to these extreme
Starting point is 00:18:43 closeups of Vader. So it's like a mask. You can't see anything. And he's like luke and then it cuts to like luke's face and he's like in a bed he's like no dad and they're like communicating which but i guess like it's the 70s the first time it's ever been done so it's like amazing new but you watch it and you're like what what the fuck is going on right now dude like this is unbelievable it's like him and his dad like talking in their heads to each other in this space battle but it's genius i don't know people are probably i'm probably going to get some vitriol for that but all i'm saying is the new ones aren't so as bad
Starting point is 00:19:15 when you consider that and empire strikes back is like everyone's favorite yeah i wasn't crazy about the last jedi because i thought some of the plot just went on to tangents that weren't really like fulfilling like the whole benicio del toro subplot so bad so bad and then i thought when leia went into the space and froze and then came back and was still alive yeah that just like no sense made no sense to me and then and then yeah some of the cartoonist stuff like when luke does the dirt off his shoulders when it's like his hologram and it gets shot by all the lasers. I was like, why was Luke doing dirt off your shoulders? Like keep it in the era they're in. I don't like these anachronisms or whatever.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Totally. And it did bug me. It felt like it undermined the seriousness of Star Wars. But maybe I'm misinterpreting it because the first time I watched it, I was six. No, but they do a Spaceballs joke. And I don't think they ever did that in the originals. Like the jokes they do would be cartoonish in the originals but like i think it might have been but they're not referential yeah they're not referential like they literally do like a like a
Starting point is 00:20:13 joking cut with brandon gleason's son where he's like being dead serious to something and then they cut away and it like totally undermines the stakes of his character right in like the first scene and I'm like pick a lane Star Wars. They had a really nice out too with Carrie Fisher when she gets blown out of the ship. I'm like It's a good ending.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Why bring her back? Totally dude. Do you guys think it's creepy that they're still using her shots from because she's going to be in the new one too. Dude it's creepy that they're kind of still using her shots from uh because she's gonna be in the new one too dude it's pretty wild dude like i bet you like i don't yeah it's like uh dude i mean even actors jobs are going to be robot robotized like if you have a look that
Starting point is 00:20:58 someone likes they can just copy your look and then put you in like everything's going to be cartoon yeah you know what I mean? Like everything's CGI. I got my face scanned for that. You did that? Dude, that scares me, bro. I don't know if I... How do you feel about doing that?
Starting point is 00:21:12 Well, they said you could be in a video game. And I was like, sign me up, dude. Put me in that system. That sounds tight. That sounds tight. GTA San Clemente. Is there a video game you wouldn't want to be in? I definitely want to be in Star Fox.
Starting point is 00:21:28 Oh, yeah. I love Star Fox. Are they remaking that? No. Star Fox is so sick, dude. I think I'd love to be in Star Fox. I'm trying to think of games I don't like. And Ross's enemy is my enemy.
Starting point is 00:21:39 You know what? I'm going to take umbrage with this, and this is going to be a very unpopular opinion, but I'm going to say it anyways. Super Smash Bros. Do not put me in that, Nintendo. Whoa. Yeah, you know what? I'm going to take umbrage with this, and this is going to be a very unpopular opinion, but I'm going to say it anyways. Super Smash Bros. Do not put me in that, Nintendo. Whoa. Yeah, you know what, dude? I think it's just because of my lack of skill, but I always felt that it was just like a
Starting point is 00:21:53 game where you hit a bunch of buttons. Yeah, that's what I think, too. And maybe it's because I'm not versed at all in that game, where even the people that are good at it, I'm like, they're just hitting buttons. It's like a dad watching, or like a corny dude watching jazz it's like they're just hitting notes like it makes no sense it's like no it's beautiful it's improvised so maybe that's how that game is but i'm like nah dude nah you're just hitting the a button the fucking lot dude i think what you're perceiving is correct i'd like to see you in the torock
Starting point is 00:22:20 dinosaur hunter dude just shirtless bronze to do i love it you know that was slinging dinos dude with a with your sick flow dude oh dude thank you so much so tight that is the first game that scared the shit out of me like i remember playing that i would play it as a kid at night and uh like stuff would jump at you and i was like it got me so fired up because i was like i was scared yeah dude i remember watching um my older brother play uh what's the what are the mia jokovic movies that she's in the franchise resident evil resident evil that game scared the shit out of me as a kid i'd have nightmares from watching my brother play resident evil dude i never i never played that oh you know what actually what game i don't want to be in zelda i never got into zelda i couldn't do it i can't do those long adventure ones i like already knowing what
Starting point is 00:23:05 my mission is too yeah you know i'm choosing your own mission sometimes it's fun but there's just too much space in between them i have to like genuinely travel yeah i'm not into that i don't play video games to travel i like where there's a group dynamic you know mario tennis oh mario Group dynamic. You know, Mario Tennis. Mario Kart. I guess Smash Bros. falls into that category, but I think tennis and Mario Kart are much easier to play, and you can incorporate drinking games into them. Dude, they did a Fast and the Furious, like Project Gotham. You ever play that game, Project Gotham? It was a sexy video game. It was so sleek. the lighting like everything it was like nighttime when you raced like all the
Starting point is 00:23:49 cars had like a shimmer to them i'm like dude like like i'm like my driver's wearing all leather like i just had like a nice like tapas style dinner dude yeah and at the end of this race i'm gonna like meet some art curator and we're gonna have like stand-up love session or something like that you know what i mean like that's what i feel like happens at the end of every race in that game i would imagine i think a fire game would be that sort of mood lighting and tone fast and the furious characters and mario kart rules so you can like use like not turtle shells but something from the fast and the universe like those little like magnetic grenade things that kill the computerized and it's like mario kart but with fast and furious like 10 second cars i like that that'd be fucking sick and i like incorporating sort of what the driver's doing beforehand
Starting point is 00:24:29 you know like eating some like marinated mushrooms yeah and then drinking some red wine and some cheese yes and then um just hitting the nos i you guys remember need for speed oh yeah dude need for speed hot pursuit anyone anyone is that the sequel yeah it's where the cops would chase you is awesome oh that's tight dude cruising usa in the arcade so much fun dude yeah the stand-up i remember playing the stand-up version there was no seat yeah playing that at ballpark pizza dude after i just took an l and aso soccer dude and just so so dude so fired up for post soccer practice soccer game pizza sessions and just playing so dude so fired up for post-soccer practice soccer game pizza sessions and just playing that game and then the diehard game right next to it yeah love those arcade games
Starting point is 00:25:10 do you guys have new year's resolutions um probably just fucking you know this last one i did a bunch of push-ups dude which i kind of tapered off on i was getting up to 60 in a row i was bumping them out dude and i was like i just want to do this every time i go get out of the shower correlating it that was last year's this next year i haven't thought of it yet dude do you think you so do you think you delivered on your last year's resolution i think i delivered 75 70 70 that's rock solid suicide yeah what's mine um i want to learn how to properly cook salmon. Whoa, that's cool. I think you can do that.
Starting point is 00:25:52 I think you will do that. You think so? Yes. Thanks. I think that's tight, dude. Thanks. Get some lemon in there. Maybe some asparagus.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Serve it up on a cedar plank dude oh dude presentational fucking litter that litter that cedar plank with some rosemary up top dude get those aromas on there and say hey don't dip it in the rosemary that's just for presentation i don't even know what that is yet but i will once i gain this knowledge of right salmon oh yeah it's gonna come naturally it's like you're just getting to the door of the salmon house yeah you're about to go in and explore all the different rooms i'm gonna have so much more vocab and there's five you know there's five types of salmon oh really yeah there's like there's chum there's like chinook there's king and there's two others i can't remember is there like north atlantic and then pacific there's a chum pink coho sockeye and king yeah there you go i had a few of them i
Starting point is 00:26:49 thought they're king is the highest in fat and usually the most expensive prize for its silken melting texture which is almost like smoked salmon whoa what is that no idea yeah so what's the different types what's the what's the most go-to like what's the one i'm eating probably fucking farm raised hopefully not is that a is that an offshoot of one one of these i mean yeah they probably take a breed of it like maybe they take king and just raise it in a farm but you want to get fresh you know if you can you know sometimes the farm stuff they get like some bacterial an easy mnemonic device to remember all of them is the five finger method. Chum is your thumb. Sockeye is your index finger.
Starting point is 00:27:28 King is your middle finger. Silver is the ring finger. Pink is your pinky. Yep. Did you see me? I mean, you couldn't see in the video, but did you see me put my hand up? No.
Starting point is 00:27:36 You guys didn't see that? I missed it. Oh, I did. Oh, it was up. Oh, yeah. Oh, it was up. I learned that when I went on a cruise to Alaska with my family once, dude. Really?
Starting point is 00:27:47 Yeah. Can you name all the planets? Oh, yeah, dude. Of course, bro. All the planets in our solar system, dude? Yeah. Yeah, bro. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter, Pluto, and Uranus. Not in order. That was good, though. Yeah. Thank you. What's your new year's resolution uh to be at peace oh fuck yeah dude calling my shot i love that yeah i think you can do it i think so too dude i think you're drilling starting now yeah dude i love it even though it's do you guys have plans for the new year's? No. A lot of pressure.
Starting point is 00:28:25 A lot of pressure on a New Year's celebration. I know. I've got one invite right now, but I've got to talk to my GF and correlate, dude, see what's going on. We've got to communicate about that. Right. See what we're going to do. Yeah, I forgot I'll be back in L.A. for New Year's, so I haven't even thought about it. I thought I was going to be – I'm going on a cruise, so I thought I was going to be cruising.
Starting point is 00:28:44 But to be honest, though, dude, not to be a downer, New Year's, I kind of like chilling on New Year's. Maybe it's like my contrarian side, but I'm like. I'm the same way. Like on 420, I don't smoke weed. Yeah. Society's telling me to rage. Nah, dude, I'm going to rage on a Tuesday night.
Starting point is 00:29:01 For sure. Yeah. You're not going to find me, dude, anywhere on New Year's where I need a ticket to get entry to. I'm not going anywhere that has a drink special or something like that. I'm posting up. I want to be with some people that I freak love with my dogs, dude, and their GFs, my GF. And we're just posting up playing good tunes, dude. Maybe we're watching the ball drop in the background, dude. Midnight strikes, dude. And then I get a nice healthy buzz and call it a night, dude. That's what's up. Yeah, nothing crazy, dude. Midnight strikes, dude. And then, you know, I'll get a nice healthy buzz and call it a night, dude.
Starting point is 00:29:25 That's what's up. Yeah, nothing crazy, dude. Maybe a champagne toast. Maybe, dude. I kind of like to just to start the new year off right on like a high productivity sort of level. I like to spend the night by myself watching Jeopardy. Oh. And then I crush Fast and the Furious and then I watch some YouTube
Starting point is 00:29:48 videos on um you know just like a new thing I'm trying to learn like welding and I you only just watch one but I'm making progress and then I wake up at hell yeah 7 a.m i go work out i hit the steam room for like an hour detox for the new year and then um i write poetry oh hell yeah dude it's beautiful that's a long day it's beautiful with a lot of productivity packed in there yeah full legend you know it's like it's like the morning of the new year you want you want to get the. You want to get the morning off right. You want to get it started off right. Where are you going, Schreider? I'm going to use the restroom real quick.
Starting point is 00:30:31 I'll be back in a minute. Right on. You want to do an ad and then we'll do questions? Oh, sure. Rip my jewel. Guys, I'm interrupting this podcast to let you know once again that we are brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed for looking after our hogs for making sure that our dongles are looking fresh you know why do you take your tuxedo to the dry cleaner dudes because you want
Starting point is 00:30:58 to give it the best care manscape offers a dry cleaner for your dong yeah you heard me right a dry cleaner for your dong except it comes in the form of trimmers that don't nick or cut your balls so you're safe from that but you're also looking so fresh and clean down there you know i don't know if you guys know this but the outcast song so fresh so clean is about pubes you know and manscaped they got from that song they're like the people that find people who started that company they listen to that song and they're like let's put this into action let's put this into fruition you know outcast set the stage and now we're going to create a product that allows you to be so fresh and so clean around your testicles scrotum shaft and bellend
Starting point is 00:31:47 amazing dude thanks so um yeah guys so ho ho ho i don't know if this can't it's gonna come out before no is it it might come out before the holidays, but if not, guys, happy holidays. You know, I highly, highly recommend that you get your partner or your child. No, not your child. Or your, an adult friend, the Manscaped Perfect Package 2.0 with skin safe technology and all that stuff. You know, you want to get your, and these products smell good, guys. Their manly scent is attractive.
Starting point is 00:32:27 It will help set the mood, if you know what I mean. You know, it's going to attract other people, not like bears. So get 20% off plus free shipping with code go deep 20 at manscaped.com. Oh, it's 20% off. I've been saying 10%. It's 20. Go deep 20, manscaped.com. Your balls will thank
Starting point is 00:32:45 you. What are you guys doing tonight? Going on a date with my GFD. We're going to go out for a nice Italian dinner, dude. Nice. Exactly. Classic little spot. Right next to the Troubadour. Famous concert
Starting point is 00:33:01 hall, I guess. Or music venue. Eagles used to play there and you'd rip it and then crush a meal next door dude you know this is you know a nice little um it's gonna be a pricier dinner dude but guess what dude my gf's gonna be off for the holiday um after today so we're gonna go out and just uh kick things off right dude for our nice holiday break dude so fired up dude probably get myself a nice chicken or an eggplant parm it'll be an a game time decision i'll ask the the server i'll be like dude what do you what do i gotta do
Starting point is 00:33:30 and then based on their discretion i shall order dude and my gf likes uh baked masticioli and they have it there that's why she likes going there what's masticioli dude i didn't know either it's basically just i don't think there's any uh meat It's just penne noodles with like a red sauce. And then the baked element is like a, I think it might be the cheese that's on there. And it's like a baked cheese crust on top. Very decadent. Very dank. That sounds awesome.
Starting point is 00:33:57 Yeah. Do you guys, when you're walking with your girlfriends after a late night, do you ever get worried that you guys are going to be potentially mugged or attacked or anything like that? Of course. I never have ever worried about that in my life. That's awesome. I think about it all the time. Every time I'm going to bed, like when I'm watching a movie, my GF's crushing a book
Starting point is 00:34:14 next door, dude. Watching, you know, reading something dank, dude. And probably a YA novel, dude. One of her guilty pleasures, dude. Although she's well-versed in her lit intake. I'll think to myself what if someone bashes through the windows because we have these kind of big windows in our apartment and i don't think there's any rail guarding up there i'm like what if some dude
Starting point is 00:34:32 just bashes through these windows right now a lot of times i think of like a whole like navy seal team coming in there for no reason i think about my doors like i'm like if someone really wants to get in here and they just took like a sledgehammer they could get in and they could do whatever they wanted dude i was it's so funny you mentioned this because i was listening to uh am 640 on the way over here and i crush am radio dude very adult dude and graduating dude and um graduating from fm to am dude taking things in and um they were talking about the golden state killer and that he originally a lot of serial killers will you know they target like young co-ed women yeah this guy was so because he kind of never got caught until i guess this 23 and me thing yeah uh yeah right the carbon dating uh wife who is no longer with us i heard her
Starting point is 00:35:18 contribution was critical in finding huge she's the one who coined the term golden state killer and then the cops try to say that they didn't use anything and but they refer to him as the golden state killer right so it's like obviously they were referencing her stuff yeah um but anyway like he would target guys who were higher social status than him like that was an element to like doctors lawyers oh wow and try to like belittle and then take, you know, obviously the women were the real victims, but just terrible. Wait, belittle them? Yeah, by like, you know, assaulting their wives and then. Oh.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Oh, wow. I mean, in his head, like, how does that math work? Sick puppy math. Yeah, come on. Sick puppy math. And just kind of gnarly. And then this radio program was just about the fallout of those couples and that they would often end in divorce and it was just obviously horrendous did for some reason i never really think about like uh getting assaulted or mugged or yeah i don't know i just it never like
Starting point is 00:36:17 crosses my mind you know i'm like if someone were to like step up i'd be like not chill and i just know that they would kind of be like yeah you're right um sometimes i'm laying in bed though and i do sort of picture i'm like what if someone just like charged through my bedroom door i'm like all right later earth you know what i mean are you afraid of ghosts yeah i am afraid of ghosts ghosts scare the shit out of me yeah are you afraid i'm afraid of the dark so i'm definitely afraid of like goblins and boogeymen but not like ghosts specifically they don't look like ghosts the things i'm afraid of yeah my my stepmom my stepmom at my one place or i was at they moved into a new house and i was spending the night there and she's like oh by the way we're haunted oh yeah she's like yeah we have
Starting point is 00:37:03 a ghost up there she's great i'm like what and i was in like a separate wing of the house totally isolated and i was like why would you tell me that she's like oh she's great you know she just hangs out there and then they made me sleep in that room one time oh dude i was dude i was heated i know i've heard my mom just be like fuck you leave me alone and i'm like i come upstairs my mom talking to? She's like, I'm talking to the ghost in the house. Yeah. I'm like, whoa. Terrifying.
Starting point is 00:37:28 But she wasn't saying it like, she was saying it like how she would talk shit to a friend, not how she would talk shit to an enemy. Yeah. Yeah. Did that scare you? It just made me feel like I was like, the ghost here? And she's like, yeah, we all know about it. Like me and like a few of her friends.
Starting point is 00:37:42 She was like, we all talk shit to the ghost when it's here. And sometimes it's being fine. I was like, oh, everyone's just on board that there's a ghost yeah yeah dude that's so terrifying i'd be i'd be so out in a second dude literally and this is pretty you know privilege growing up we my parents took me my siblings on a nice uh italy vacation dude i'm big on italy on this podcast right now, dude. Crushing Italian dinners. But we were in Venice, dude. And we went to this hotel and all of us were too scared to stay there. It was hilarious watching my dad.
Starting point is 00:38:15 He's like, yeah, I'm gonna stay at this place. Dude, we all just left. We're like, yeah, no. And there was nothing wrong with it. It was a nice place. But dude, it had like old decor. And like, it was like very terraced. Like Like you'd like go up these weird, like middle central stairs, like the architecture, something was off in that place, dude. And we were all like,
Starting point is 00:38:33 we're out, dude. Yeah. And just went to like, I don't even know any other hotel. I didn't, you, me and Greg moved into an apartment and it was a beautiful apartment. It was beautiful. And it was such a deal, but it was on like a street that was like a little bit rough probably not even that bad but i just got paranoid i didn't like the way i had access to the front door it was like street level and anyone could come up to our front door didn't have like any kind of like and when there's a lot of apartments i kind of feel like uh you're kind of anonymous because it's like why would someone choose your apartment over any of the others but this place stood out as like the nicest on the block and i was driving a nice car at the
Starting point is 00:39:06 time so we moved in for a day and i never spent the night there i called the guy we rented the place from and i was like i can't live here dude and he was like jt three girls live there right now they're fine they party every night nothing has happened i was like they're more badass than me yeah they're badass yeah yeah i did i i met one of those girls because i like was handling the move-in thing and she was like moving out at the same time she was tough oh she was cool yeah her room was a disaster total disaster i don't normally see girls apartments and and so i was in her room and i was like holy moly i was like this girl is living like everything is trash she's throwing shit everywhere yeah yeah i uh dude do you go to any inn in uh new
Starting point is 00:39:48 england they're all haunted oh yeah they're like my i went to go look at colleges with my brother we stay at like all these inns and stuff dude at one place there were dolls in my room everywhere that's creepy anything that anytime it's an inn it's haunted dude they were all haunted there shouldn't be two ends and in dude yeah there's this come on there's this one lady uh at like one of the like questionnaires for like people visiting the college and she's like yeah um what are you gonna do about the axe murderer that's probably in the forest right now and the guy's like oh what that was like her question um emma's from emma you're from new england right you got any
Starting point is 00:40:25 you got any haunted shit going on over there what's up i mean i definitely agree that most of the ends are things like that in new england are haunted but i think that's because everything they're so old it's like revolutionary war soldiers and civil war soldiers yeah like my hometown growing up used to be the capital of new hampshire before the uh before the declaration of independence was signed they they signed it in new hampshire the like new england people signed it in new hampshire and it's there's definitely some haunted ends and hotels they're cool but i wouldn't want to sleep in one yeah maybe during the day i'll go visit it and yeah i had a friend who worked in one and she would do like turndown service and she was like, yeah, I'll like turn down a room
Starting point is 00:41:06 and then people check in and like things are not how I left it. Wow. But nothing malicious ever happened. I kind of want to stay at one of those places
Starting point is 00:41:13 so the ghost of Alexander Hamilton will be there and he and I can just rap. Oh, I love that. That's so sick. I don't know if it's in an inn, but there's a building in downtown Exeter
Starting point is 00:41:22 where I grew up that is where Abraham Lincoln's son lived when he went to Phillips Exips exeter academy wow dude i got beef with netflix about lincoln right now because you know how netflix picks what your uh what image you get for a movie before you click it like there's like five different like poster covers and they pick one for you lincoln for me is not abraham lincoln in the thumbnail it's Joseph Gordon Levitt's character his whiny son
Starting point is 00:41:48 who like can't stop bothering him while he's trying to fix the United States do you think they're trying to tell you something yeah I think they're telling me I'm a punk
Starting point is 00:41:54 dude I was like why do you think that's gonna get me to watch Lincoln of all the cool shit in that movie he's the worst character
Starting point is 00:42:00 in the movie yeah you throw the worst schmole character at me you might like this JT yeah you might like this this is this like punk son who can't actually fight and get out of his dad's way i'm like fuck that dude can't fight that's hilarious that's hilarious um dude mine's just is freaking daniel day lewis just jacked dude special cover he's all cut dude oh he's just
Starting point is 00:42:22 super ripped he's curling a freaking he's just curling like a you know civil war cannonball on this arm and just throwing it like kettlebell style and just reading a book in this and a fat book and the other one from like epicurean or someone like that dude uh and new orleans has like haunted hotels there's there's this one place um i forget what it's called i think it's just called like the New Orleans Hotel. But James Franco stayed there one night because he's like, I want to stay in the haunted room. And so there's one room that's like supposed to be haunted. And he woke up and there's just a nun
Starting point is 00:42:52 standing next to him in bed. Whoa. Staring at him. Speaking of Daniel Day-Lewis, he said he was doing, I think, Hamlet. I forget which one it was. And he was doing a scene and he saw the ghost of his father out there.
Starting point is 00:43:05 Really? And he was on stage and he just got terrified and then I think he retired from acting for a couple years after that and just picked up cobbling wow yeah
Starting point is 00:43:11 he's such a true actor that like if he plays seeing a ghost the real ghost will come to see him that's crazy he's amused dude the ghosts want to talk
Starting point is 00:43:20 to Daniel Day-Lewis that's awesome that's his favorite scene partner dude we gotta get him on the pod. Oh, dude. I'd love that.
Starting point is 00:43:26 Getting him on the pod would be great, dude. Sporting his earring, dude. I like when he has his earring in, dude. We have a skateboarder one up and then the next up it's Daniel Day-Lewis.
Starting point is 00:43:32 That's the pod. That's the pod. It's range, dude. That's the pod. And we're like, do you know any schmoles? He's like, I know a schmole.
Starting point is 00:43:39 I danced with a schmole once in the, not literally danced, but we had a metaphorical interplay, and it was actually myself. I was the schmoll I was dancing with. Every character has a wound, and that wound is a schmoll, and often it's your own weakness.
Starting point is 00:43:55 It has to be sort of exercised out of you through scene work and analysis. And if you have a great scene partner, they can really get that out of you. For sure. Dude, should we answer some questions? Yes. What up, scholars of Stoke, Chad, JT, and hopefully Strider? What up? This might be a little long-winded.
Starting point is 00:44:13 My GF and I have been together for about a year and a half now. We've shared some dank times and experienced lots of new things together. However, more recently, it's taken a turn in the wrong direction. I've been going through a lot mentally and struggling to give 100% to her. I've been caught in a dead-end job to give 100% to her. I've been caught in a dead-end job for about six months and my stoke has reached
Starting point is 00:44:27 some critically low levels, dealing with some depression and anxiety because of it. Once I'm home after my long commute, which is typically spent listening to you guys, my dogs,
Starting point is 00:44:35 I often just like relaxing and playing some V-games on the box or going to bed rather than having a quality conversation with her. Ever since our initial breakup a few months ago,
Starting point is 00:44:43 kind of mutual, but more me breaking up with her, I just haven't had the right mindset and I haven't been happy in the relationship. I knew that the job has been affecting my mood, but I'm not sure how much of the lack of attention I've been giving my GF and the negative feelings that I have about our relation is because of the job and how much, because my head just isn't in it anymore. I guess what stems from this is two questions. Staying with her one,
Starting point is 00:45:03 staying with her will hurt her because she needs it. She sees that I'm not 100% in it, but breaking up with her will hurt as well. What do I, what do you think I should do in regards to the depression I've been feeling? I'm on my way to finding a new job to up my stoke, but other things, but what other things would you recommend I do to keep a positive mindset and to enjoy my life outside of the corporate world? Thank you guys so much for taking the time to read all this stuff and for the feedback you can give me. You do so much to get me amped every day, and I really appreciate all you do for the stokers around the globe. Much love, dogs. Boom, clap, and jabow.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Oh, man, that's so nice. I don't know, dude. It sounds like you're still kind of in, I think. It sounds like you still want to be in the relationship and you realize you have some stuff on your side of the street that you need to take care of to really evaluate whether the relationship's working and i think that's a healthy way to look at it yeah that would be the last thing that i would change but go through the order of changing the other stuff exactly dude i think they're not necessarily
Starting point is 00:45:59 correlated dude one's like work one's relationship i mean i understand one affects the other but uh One's like work, one's relationship. I mean, I understand one affects the other, but, you know, dude. Sorry, I'm chewing ice right now, but it's like, no, you sound, yeah, I think JT nailed it, dude. Just stay in it, dude. Focus up. As far as feeling depressed, I mean, you know, corporate career path can be tough. You know, it can seem like monotonous or whatever.
Starting point is 00:46:22 Get a dang hobby. Go take an improv class or some shit like that, dude. Do something a little bit fun and outside your comfort zone go fucking rock climb dude and do get you get yourself up to a v5 dude and uh yeah as far as your gf goes open honest communication dude let her know what you're feeling dude and don't take too much responsibility on yourself she's her own person too you know if you if you don't want to be with her don't be like oh don't be with someone because you feel bad about the breakup face the music you know go and do it too you know if you if you don't want to be with her don't be like oh don't be with someone because you feel bad about the breakup face the music you know go and do it if you're if you're feeling like you're uh don't want to be in there yeah don't do the death by a thousand tiny cuts just go in there and guillotine exactly because you'll you'll
Starting point is 00:46:56 subconsciously and partly consciously start distancing yourself too which is not fair and you're just wasting your time and her time too yeah yeah i agree i think um yeah i had like a moment this weekend where i was like kind of like just crabby and like brought bad mood to the table you know and um and uh yeah i think you just got to evaluate you sort of see where that's coming from and oftentimes you know if you're letting that bleed into the relationship i've found that if you just sort of i found that if you sort of just force yourself to take action or like try and uh cultivate a good mood or like be more sort of loving and interested oftentimes that sort of compounds and uh you're able to to run with that um uh what's the word you just you're able to sort of create that and then sort of keep going
Starting point is 00:47:56 up from there if that makes sense so uh i would like strider saying i would get out there do some hobbies you know get out into the world to uh do some things um they're outside of your comfort zone so you i think that you know and if you're making progress in something i think that's when you start to feel true happiness and i think if you start doing some loving things towards your girlfriend i think you'll find that that initial passion that you had when you first started, you know, taking her out to cafes and, you know, dantanas. Yes. Dude, I agree. Fake it till you make it. I think if you start acting like someone in love, you can become someone in love.
Starting point is 00:48:37 Right, yeah. There's a good short in Paris Jetem that I really like about that. Yeah. Like if you just process-oriented and you don't think too much about the stories you're telling yourself in your head, you'll actually end up creating a new story. Yeah. And, dude, that's nice, man,
Starting point is 00:48:52 because it sucks when you're not being good to your partner. You feel bad about yourself, and you feel bad for them. And everyone goes through those doubts. But my sponsor in the program I'm in for sex people will tell me, he's like, I'll be complaining about my relationship. He's like, well, are you going to break up today? And I'm like, no.
Starting point is 00:49:11 And then he's like, all right, so how about you just be the best boyfriend you can for today? Yeah. And if you can just make that call every day, pretty soon, you and your GF are having a good time. You're snuggling up on the couch and you're like, are we the cutest couple ever? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Dude, I was playing gta with my gf the other night oh dude and i was just like i was like this is it this is what i met this is what i dreamt of as a as a young teen with a boner so you know playing gta dude playing gta with someone you love and just you know doing virtual mass murder yeah so nice dude dude sometimes when i'm talking uh dirty during sex you know i'll say some more conventionally dirty stuff but then i'll get to a point where i'll just start saying nice things whoa like i'm like you know what i want to do i want to get you a promotion at work oh and then she'll be like she'll look at me right in the eyes and she's like all right how are you gonna do that and then i'm like i don't
Starting point is 00:50:08 really know yeah do you know what i want to do you know what i want to do i want to get coffee with your mom tomorrow just improve our relationship and then she's like are you really going to get coffee with her tomorrow i'm like no i'm just really horny yeah no no but you know what i'm saying yeah but i mean it's the it's the idea i also don't really want to choke, but you know what I'm saying. Yeah, but I mean, it's the idea. I also don't really want to choke you to death. You know, just kind of do the rules. Yeah, right, right, right. What up, my dogs?
Starting point is 00:50:35 My dog is recently out of a relation ready to get on the dating apps. He's been in the relations before Tinder, Hinge, et cetera, was a thing. So he's a new player to the game. I've given him my pro tips on the best way to spice up his profile to meet a nice lady but it got me thinking what tips do you bronze gods have for boys on dating apps i'm curious to know how you guys mix and match humor and pics looking bronze and stand out from the crowd sorry strider this question does not apply to long-term gf bros like you also my dogs i know just be yourself is a clunch answer here but i'm looking for real data chat gt what did your profile on hinge look like back in the day thanks my dogs i know just be yourself is a clunch answer here but i'm looking for real data chat gt what
Starting point is 00:51:05 did your profile on hinge look like back in the day thanks my dogs i'd have to re-download the app mine had a lot of clips of like chat and i on like fox it had one of those and then it had one clip of me just ripping it up in a nightclub dancing fire and then it just had some nice photos of like me with my fam you know so they so they could see I was doing some fun stuff, but that also had balance. And then I had one that was like a question like, it was like, what's your biggest weakness? Oh, no, I said, don't hate me if I,
Starting point is 00:51:38 and my answer was accept people. Fuck yeah, dude. And then my go-to karaoke song was genuine pony which it is amazing it's fun on there because you can pick the question you want to answer so a lot of it is just finding the question that can where the answer can most illuminate a fun part of your personality and then uh yeah dude you just gotta i mean i don't know what your friend does is he fish maybe a picture of him with a nice fish i love. Does he fish? Maybe a picture of him with a nice fish. I love that. Does he snowmobile? A picture of him on the snowmobile, but with his helmet off,
Starting point is 00:52:08 so he can kind of make out his visage. Oh. And then, yeah, maybe something with him and his G-ma. That's a great, great fire vocab. Great diction by my dog. And then, dude, it's trial and error. You've got to tweak it every couple months because it gets stale. But also, dude, just be yourself.
Starting point is 00:52:26 So true. Yeah, dude, I would say get some photos that show you in activities, you know, show you as a dude who gets out there, who gets into nature, who gets physical, who reads, whatever it is you like to do you know public speaking maybe you go to toastmasters a photo of you giving a toast oh that'd be fire that'd be so epic you know because i think you want to show that you're you're just you're you want to show your like jt was saying your fun side you know so but stay true to yourself you know don't stage some photos um i thought i think the best dating photo
Starting point is 00:53:05 i've ever seen dating profile photo i've ever seen that jt took it was joe doing laundry yeah joe was holding a laundry basket and smiling and i was like that's perfect and that encompasses who joe is yeah totally yeah i think that was his main photo too he crushed it with that oh dude i mean and dude the guy is right that wrote in, dude. I mean, I, I never had a dating app. I don't know. You had a nice steak dinner, like a Morton's or a Ruth Chris, but like shirtless, just saying, you know, they let this guy eat a nice porterhouse or a nice T-bone or Kansas city ribeye with no shirt on. He must be, he's a naughty, he's a naughty rule breaker,
Starting point is 00:53:44 but the people kind of like the way he breaks the rules it's kind of what that says to me you know maybe like just i don't know wearing shorts at like i don't know somewhere where you can't wear shorts yeah i think you got thrown something you know like you like a curveball in there like maybe like you playing basketball you giving a toast then you djing with a fedora and they're like, they'd be like, you playing basketball, you giving a toast, then you DJing with a fedora. Yeah. And then people are like, wow, this guy is mysterious.
Starting point is 00:54:08 Maybe he has an edge to him. Maybe he's corny as fuck. I don't know, but I want to find out. Correct. And dude, never underestimate the underwater photo. Pretty sick. That's legit. And dude, I think Chad's super right too.
Starting point is 00:54:19 If you do staged photos that aren't really you, you're going to start and someone likes you for those photos, then you're going to think they like you for that version of yourself and then you're gonna always feel like you have to pretend to be that person and that has uh you can't do that forever that that's gonna run out dog and then at some point it's just gonna be you so the sooner you can figure that out the better yeah emma did you ever do the dating apps and stuff very briefly they were not my favorite thing. For sure. It's not my way of meeting people.
Starting point is 00:54:50 But I actually just saw this graphic on Reddit the other day. Someone kept a record of how they approach people on dating apps and how often they got good responses. And they got the most good responses by just saying, hey, not like weird comments on their pictures or like weird pickup lines, just being like, hey, what's up? Got the most good responses by just saying hey not like weird comments on their pictures or like weird pickup lines just being like hey what's up got the most response wow whoa so try that that's huge but i think you guys are right show your real personality on there because if you fake it then like you have to be fake with that person the hours i spent just trying to conjure up the perfect line for somebody who probably was never going to want to be with me in the end anyways.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Yeah, I used to help my roommate with hers all the time and she was always trying to come up with clever little things. I was like, you know, you can just say hi. Or like, how is your day? Everybody loves having someone be like, hey, how's your day going? That's always nice to hear. Emma, what of the example photos we mentioned, and we can rattle them off again uh which of them would have most intrigued you um morton's shirtless i mean joe doing laundry laundry is always good i like a man with a clean house and like who you know because we've all been in people's apartments
Starting point is 00:56:00 and been like has this ever been cleaned this is gross nobody wants to go back to that apartment so it's nice to know that you're a well-rounded person though like you clean the house but like you also hit the club on the weekends but like you're also doing cool shit that you work on that you enjoy you want to show a little bit of all of it you're like professional side but also you're like party side but maybe also you're like i'm just hanging out in sweatpants doing laundry side yeah i think it's not one photo specifically it's like the combination of all the photos right it's the collage of your life yeah it's like how do you tell your story in like four or five pictures i've also never used hinge and i didn't know you could put like videos on it
Starting point is 00:56:33 oh yeah that's kind of cool it's very cool yeah that's neat it's it's it's really i only had tinder dating i think hinge is the best dating app and you know it's always contingent on you're living in a city big enough where there's a lot of uh people on there for you but i do think it's the classiest yeah and i think if you with your potential date if you leave them wondering whether or not you're going to show up with a shirt that's it interesting that's miss that's mysterious yeah i've also heard i think it was nicole byer was telling me that tinder has an algorithm that analyzes your pictures and how attractive you are and puts you in a category and matches you with other people in that category dude i've noticed that which i think is kind of fucked up it's like they're judging how attractive you are which is
Starting point is 00:57:20 pretty subjective anyway like what's one person finds attractive is not what somebody else finds attractive you know what i mean it's kind of like putting people's attractiveness into like measurable categories is like a weird concept to me dudes i have to go that's unchill no dude don't even trip but i don't know if hinge and bumble do the same thing i think they do probably on some level yeah hinge hinge they they say that they're like, we connect you with people that you have some connection with. So they'll be like, if you're like friends with Cameron from Fifth Bridge. It's like your circles, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:55 Which is why I think Hinge is higher. Most people I know who have found relationships on Hinge, they're like real relationships. It's not like, oh, I dated this girl for like a month and that was it. It's like people who've like been together for a year or two or like they're like they have found like their person on it yeah far more often on hinge than anything else because i think that's their goal yeah isn't their slogan like the app that's designed to be deleted or something like that oh yeah because because if they're successful you're gonna delete their app yeah that's cool dude i want to meet someone on if i was single meet someone on venmo dude and just look at my purchasing history dude big time
Starting point is 00:58:29 business player dude power spender that would be really funny if there's a dating app if there's a dating app that was like matched you with people based on your similar purchases yeah like this person also goes to this coffee shop seven times a week. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, seriously. Go get coffee with them. That actually works. I like that. Or, you know, they're going to the same sandwich spot that you like or whatever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:53 You know what? It means to me I might like to go get a bite to eat together. Or, hey, we're at this coffee shop. Coffee's a good first date. Coffee's a great first date. You're not going to be there too long. It's not a whole meal, dude. It's a nice public setting, dude. I don't know. know yeah coffee is a good first date because it's always weird to be
Starting point is 00:59:08 like let's go get a drink because what if they don't like drinking exactly everybody can get something at a coffee shop exactly but what about the uh the caffeine you could do decaf you could do a tea you could do like a chai latte or something and nowadays they're selling a lot of cold press juices at these coffee shops in the cities. You can get yourself a nice green drink, dude. Yeah, because a lot of times at those high-end coffee shops, the caffeine is so high it gets me jacked up. Gets you too amped. And my conversation doesn't flow.
Starting point is 00:59:40 Then you get yourself the decaf or you go with the tea. I think you've got to go with the juice so you feel nourishment. then you get yourself the decaf or you go with the tea i think you got to go with the juice so you feel nourishment yep you get jacked up on nourishment and then you just you know you start just you just talk like shakespeare you're just dialed in you're listening dude you're responding dude you're escalating the conversation in a legit way yeah uh yeah yeah because if you're nervous and then you like drink a bunch of caffeine you're just going to twitch and you're not going to be able to focus. Exactly. It's not ideal.
Starting point is 01:00:09 Caffeine, it's a freaking drug. I'm addicted to caffeine. I've got to have my coffee. I quit drinking caffeine for three straight years. Oh, you're a legend. I'm drinking it right now because it's busy and stuff. I drink it when I need it, every once in a while, but not every day. And going off it for three years, game changer.
Starting point is 01:00:24 I highly recommend it. I've heard that. in a while, but not every day. And going off it for three years, game changer. I recommend it. I've heard that. I got it. I've heard that. You will be surprised how much you don't actually need it. They're like first two weeks sucks. You're going to get a headache. You're going to feel low key.
Starting point is 01:00:34 You're going to feel like shit for a second. Just like stopping anything. Yeah. But once you're off it, it's great. And then when your tolerance drops, which it will eventually, when you do need caffeine, you need like half a cup of coffee to keep you going for 12 hours it's awesome amazing what benefits did you feel when you got off it my energy was more even there's no like you're not like hyping yourself up and then you're not crashing so you have more of an even energy and waking up was a lot easier i think probably
Starting point is 01:01:02 because you don't crash as hard at the end of the day, so your sleep is a little bit more even. Yeah, it just kind of felt better. It felt cleaner. I also drank more water because if you're not holding that coffee cup all day, you still can have that oral fixation of having a beverage, but it was water or tea or something instead. Got to have water.
Starting point is 01:01:24 Be pounding it all day long. If you're thirsty, it's too late yeah yeah my brother my brother he got off caffeine and uh he's always experimenting his stuff and he's like he's like chad caffeine is a drug yeah people don't really it's a it's a it's a high-powered drug i overdosed on caffeine in college by drinking too much coffee on an empty stomach and ended up in the emergency room. Dave Grohl had to go to the hospital because he was drinking too much. He was drinking like 10 cups of coffee a day and he had a heart problem.
Starting point is 01:01:53 Yeah, it'll send you into a wild panic attack if you're not careful and you get those heart palpitations and that's not healthy. If you can overdose on your morning beverage, it's probably not good to drink it every day. What's up, Stokers? Also a huge what's up to Strider and Joe if they are there. I'd like to stay anonymous due to the personal
Starting point is 01:02:10 privacy of my question. I've always been the fuel to my dog's fuel tank and try to be the same to everyone around me. I strive to be the funny guy that helps out whoever is in need and only provide good times and good jokes. I always want to keep the Stoke up and progress forward. However, this past week, two monstrous events have happened that completely depleted my Stoke. my grandma has been diagnosed with a severe form of colon cancer
Starting point is 01:02:28 and i just learned yesterday from a regular checkup that my blood tests appear to show hpv hpv is the most common std and is very minimal but isn't curable will definitely be something i need to disclose to any future wonderful women that i meet i know jt has gone through his dad's unfortunate cancer diagnosis so i was hoping to ask you guys how I keep up the stoke during my week that turned my life upside down thanks for all you guys do one of my highlights of my week is always when your new episodes comes out oh that's nice man thank you um
Starting point is 01:02:53 dude the HPV is no big deal I wouldn't stress about that at all I don't know if it's a guy or a girl that's female if it's female it's a bigger deal yeah there's bigger implications but it's a guy um I think yeah uh cause he says I try to be the funny guy oh yep If it's female, it's a bigger deal. Yeah, there's bigger implications. But it's a guy, I think. Yeah. Because he says I try to be the funny guy. Oh, yep.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Yeah, you definitely have to disclose that to ladies. Oh, yeah, you got to talk about it. But dude, there's actually power in talking about it. The more open you are about this stuff and the less it seems like it's bothering you, the less it'll scare other people. And so I would just, yeah, tell everybody. And after a while, it won't be so hard to tell people. It'll be hard the first time, but you'll build up the the strength i was going to be surprised how many girls would be like yeah i've got it too it's like something like 80 of people have it and i think some partners will
Starting point is 01:03:32 like that you have it because if they have it too they're like oh i don't have to worry about like this person judging me we're kind of on the same uh right playing field and then with respect to your grandma um you know dude there's so many ways that that could play out and it could take a lot of different timelines but i would just concentrate on uh but but it's good that that now you're thinking about time and how it could be less because that'll encourage you to really make it count and just make sure that you're checking up with her a lot hanging out with her a lot building some good memories and then whatever happens you'll know you know you emptied the tank and gave her everything you had and you'll both feel better because of it i think you know you'll be able to have peace about the whole thing but i'm sorry dude yep. Yep. I agree, dude. Yeah, I concur.
Starting point is 01:04:26 All right, dudes. One more question. Let's do it. What's up, guys? Please keep me anonymous. I'll keep it short. I've recently started talking to this new girl, and for the most part, she seems perfect.
Starting point is 01:04:36 She's super smart, funny, and crazy out of my league hot. I know she's into me because we've gone out a few times, and I can tell there's some genuine energy between us. Here's the problem. She has the same name as my mom. I swear it's not some Freudian Oedipal complex. It's just a weird coincidence. I genuinely like her, but is the name thing too weird? Thoughts.
Starting point is 01:04:50 My boyfriend has the same name as my brother. Boom. Disclaimer, she prefers a nickname to being called her actual first name, Kat, but a real name, Catherine, where my mom goes by Catherine. Well, dude, there you have it, dude. Yeah, I don't think it's a big deal, dude. Yeah, I don't think it's weird at all.
Starting point is 01:05:04 I think you're making it weirder. Oh, wait, you have the you have it, dude. Yeah, I don't think it's a big deal, dude. Yeah, I don't think it's weird at all. I don't think it's weird at all. I think you're making it weirder. Yeah. Yeah. You're like, oh, wait, you have the same name as my mom. Am I attracted to my mom? It's like, well, no one was thinking that. What?
Starting point is 01:05:12 Yeah. And now, because you wrote this question, now I'm like, are you into your mom? But I don't think you're actually into your mom. I think you just are overthinking it. Dude, she's got the same curve in her back as my mom. And every time I see them, I'm like, dude, what's the deal?'s the deal dude it's like that might be problematic i'm really into this girl but she has a vagina and my mom has a vagina dude and i'm worried yeah dude i think it's all good dude it's only as weird as you make it yeah dude i'd respect it too if you're kind of in your mom
Starting point is 01:05:40 um you know uh yeah i think your mom will take it as a compliment too she's like well you like that name huh um it's making it sound weird when i say that but i don't think it's a big deal at all uh yeah and uh i don't know man you're fine yeah if your mom start is like i want to start going by Kat now, then maybe you guys got to have a conversation. But until that happens, I think you're solid, dude. Yeah, maybe you could be like, when you introduce her to your mom, be like, her name's Catherine, but I call her Kat because I don't want to bone you.
Starting point is 01:06:20 Nice. Just clarify. Yeah. Dude, when you see your mom, dude, at Thanksgiving, go, Mom, what up? I don't want to bone you. Just let her know, clarify. Yeah. When you see your mom, dude, at Thanksgiving, go, mom, what up? I don't want to bone you. Just let her know, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:28 Yeah. And then say, but mom, you're really pretty. You're really pretty and special. Yeah. All right, dudes. Chad, what is your beef of the week? My beef of the week is with fire alarms. Dude.
Starting point is 01:06:43 Oh. Not, you know, if they're essential. My beef of the week is with fire alarms. Dude. Whatever, dude. Not, you know, if they're essential. You know, I realize that they're essential. You know, if there's a fire in the building, freaking let me know. You know, because I don't want to be stuck in a situation where there's a fire and people are like, you didn't know? And I'm like, no. So I get that they're necessary in that regard but dude fire drills and like i went to go to
Starting point is 01:07:08 the gym this morning and they're like the whole building shut down for a fryer drill and i'm like well i need to get in the steam room you know and i just we kind of just stared at each other it It was like, it was nice, you know, but they're kind of staring back at me. They're like, I know, dude, you need to get in the steam room. Like you need to hit that T-mill, but freaking fire alarm again, just going off. And I'm like, you know, so I'm basically just beefing with fire alarms this morning. Cause they gotten in the way of my morning routine and uh you know i didn't see a fire so you know i i think it's uh unnecessary and uh they're a little bit too loud
Starting point is 01:07:52 you know maybe they should have like a cool thing they say instead of like the beep beep they should have like you know like snoop dog or something just be like yo there's a fire get out dude and i'd be like dude that is a legit fire alarm that's badass yeah who let the dogs out could be a good fire alarm oh yeah or miami will smith miami yeah i got a feeling there's a fire in the kitchen right now the only problem with those is that i might just stay and dance with the fire because i'm feeling so much passion true yeah you got to calm the line your way out of the premises yeah yeah so true dude we should always just incorporate music into everything in society i agree will smith miami
Starting point is 01:08:37 everywhere changes your mood right when music hits your ears yeah your hips start gyrating you're like i'm feeling good music's so powerful like if aliens came to planet earth dude playing a song would be like the most powerful like form of communication i feel like yeah i know that like they flash lights and like you know close encounter with the third kind but i'm like dude you pump a fire jam like genuine my pony those aliens are going to be like this is what's's up, dude. Yeah. This is what's up. And they see people reacting, they're going to be like, these people party, dude. For sure. They say that music directly influences the way you see the world, the music you listen
Starting point is 01:09:12 to. Whoa. Which is why I listen to Walking on Sunshine every morning. Oh, that's a great song. Katrina and the- The Laws or something? Yeah. No, that's Katrina Law or Coastal.
Starting point is 01:09:25 What's up, Katrina? Time to feel good. I was literally just listening to it. Katrina and the Waves. That's what it is. Close to Law. Strider, what's your beef of the week? Alright.
Starting point is 01:09:39 I got a beef of the week, dude. Enough Adam Driver, dude. Who ordered this guy? Now, let me tell you what. I know I'm hating right now. I know this might be controversial. And I don't like to send out negative energy to any one person. And you know what, dude?
Starting point is 01:09:56 He's a great actor. I didn't watch Girls regularly, but everything he was in, he's bringing the heat. Black Klansman, he's good in that, dude. He's been good in other stuff i haven't even seen marriage story but here's what it is dude too many roles going to adam driver right now dude too many roles to driver dude kylo ren i mean fine whatever dude i don't know who else is going to play it but who who out there is wanting more adam driver and why am i being served this guy so much i don't know maybe i'm just a hater i'm probably just being a hater i'm done saturation though
Starting point is 01:10:31 i'm done because i liked him in girls but i was like but now it's out of control now he's like the biggest actor in the in the game he gets to do all the best artsy movies plus doing star wars i'm like dude it's unbelievable and he was in an npr interview he doesn't like to listen to his acting which i get that you don't want to listen to your own voice um i get it but then he like walked out of the interview my dude he walked out i guess he told him i think the guy was a punk in the interview the the um person that was interviewing him like i think the understanding was that they wouldn't play an acting clip and then they made him listen to an acting clip which is on show which is listen to an acting clip, which is on chill.
Starting point is 01:11:05 Interesting. Yeah. But an NPR usually does it right. I don't know what happened there. But that's not my beef with him, is that he walked out of the interview. My beef is oversaturation of driver. Too much.
Starting point is 01:11:19 I'm with you. Everything should be Brad Pitt. Yes, yes. He would have been a cool Kylo Ren. Yeah. That's so cool. You know how there was the enough LaBeouf thing, even though I like Shia, but I want some more Shia now. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:30 Yeah. We watched the Top Gun trailer and now I'm moving on, but like, I'm kind of over Miles Teller right now, dude. Yeah. Maybe Shia would have been better in that part. Yeah. Yeah. Dude, speaking of that trailer, do you watch the featurette too?
Starting point is 01:11:42 No. I mean, it's all like's all like there's some funny comments too it's all real like they put cameras in the fighter jets it's all real flying like it's the real deal because tom cruise is like you can't act that the g-forces on your face like the distortion you get so they just did the real deal like are the actors in the plane they're in the planes yes that's so sick and what do they have just like a naval like pilot flying in the front seat and they're in the back seat but acting like it's the front yeah that's what i think yeah i know movies do i know how they do that shit yeah for sure for sure um and uh yeah some of the comments were like marvel cgi star wars cgi
Starting point is 01:12:21 tom cruise move over that's's awesome. Real thing. That's so cool. Tom Cruise, he's a fucking beast. He's a beast, dude. Dude, my beef of the week is with the Nick Saban, Bill Belichick doc. Dang. Yeah. You get the two greatest coaches of a generation.
Starting point is 01:12:36 You put them together. You expect fireworks, and all I get is two pretty dull guys having a pretty dull conversation. Like Strider mentioned earlier, they try to cross cut between their coaching to show how similar they are. Well, yeah, they sound like every coach who's ever existed. I want to get into the nitty gritty of what makes them special. And there was none of that in this doc.
Starting point is 01:12:56 I was like bored to tears the entire time. And by the end of it, they were like, the art of coaching, the art of staleness dude like let's go man belichick's an animal and then they they they fool you they show bill belichick being hard on his players and then the last clip in the montage is him going run it again brady so you think he's hard on tom brady the clip was 20 years old it looked like he was doing that to brady his rookie year they gave me nothing about their modern times together. And I think that's probably
Starting point is 01:13:28 because Brady wouldn't allow it. But still, they didn't let us in. Belichick's all over different docs right now. NFL's top 100 players of the century doing all this stuff. And I like it because I like getting his point of view on it, but I want his
Starting point is 01:13:43 real point of view. and I don't feel like we're getting that it's just yeah just did not live up to the hype especially for HBO come on
Starting point is 01:13:51 y'all are the best Chad what's your babe of the week who's your babe of the week my babe of the week is going to be my GF nice dude
Starting point is 01:14:01 just gotta give her a shout out you know I got her some she's going to Mexico I got her some she's going to mexico i got her some sick ray bands nice for xmas and uh yeah she we just been uh she's just the best so uh you know she's so smart too like every time i'm like i'm like god dang I need to up my vocab. But yeah, just so beautiful, smart, hot, cool. Nice, dude.
Starting point is 01:14:29 Hell yeah, dude. Well said, bro. I love that, dude. Yeah. So that's my babe. Yeah, dude, just piggybacking off that, dude, my babe of the week's got to be my GF as well, dude. And honestly, dude, you want to know for what reason?
Starting point is 01:14:41 No particular reason, dude. Oh, dang. Just being the legend that she always is, dude. Nice, dude. That's what's up. My babe of the week is Kamara Usman, 170-pound welterweight titleist for the UFC. He had a big fight last Saturday against Colby Covington,
Starting point is 01:14:57 who's been playing the part of the villain. He's been a troll. He's been cutting promos saying, you know, this guy's boring, this guy's a loser. And I don't like it. I don't like the way he's playing it because it feels canned. It doesn't feel spontaneous. It doesn't feel true to himself. And most people have already noted that it was a conscious choice he made because he wasn't getting much traction. He might even have been on his way out of the UFC. So he developed this heel character to kind of, uh,
Starting point is 01:15:21 build up interest and it worked and it made me want to see him get his ass kicked. But I was worried no one would be able to do it because he's a good fighter. But Kamara Usman put him down, broke his jaw. And Colby's tough. He fought two rounds with a broken jaw. But Usman, who's a wrestler, just used those hands and put a whooping on him.
Starting point is 01:15:41 And yeah, I really appreciate that. that so thank you kamara for uh doing that and for uh you know he's not a knockout artist but he he he made it work for this one so thank you dude hell yeah love it chad who's your uh legend of the week uh my legend i've got two legends of the week it's our dogs uh jack and uhoter. Jack Siner and Cooter. I'm not going to butcher his last name. I think it's Hollins, but I hope he's cool with me saying that. Anyways, they're just two dudes who help us out. Jack, he's always cutting clips, running that Instagram account,
Starting point is 01:16:20 the Twitter account, the Going Deep. Does a great job. Just cranking them out. We've been pretty busy lately, so I really appreciate him just cranking out those clips for us keeping keeping the stoke high while we manufacture stoke for the future um and uh then cooter he's doing that dank artwork he gives us those epic thumbnails. Always crushing on that. They're always hilarious. And also he made like two, he made two pieces of fan art.
Starting point is 01:16:51 The Stoke Actually. You guys remember that one? Yeah, that was amazing. And then the Going Deep with Chad and JT. Like, I don't know how you, it's like an ad basically. It looks like, it's really cool. I got those.
Starting point is 01:17:04 He printed them out as posters for me. And then I got them framed for my new apartment. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah, so I'm going to put those up. Yeah, we haven't been over yet. Have you checked it out? No. Yeah, we've got to come over. When I put my wall art up.
Starting point is 01:17:15 Oh, dude, I would love to come check that out, dude. We'll play some Xbox NHL or something. Hell yeah. Get some nice frames at CB2, dude. Good materials. Cook some steaks. Oh, dude, I'm there. Maybe cook some salmon, dude, if it's ripe time.
Starting point is 01:17:28 Oh, if it's the new year. I hope it's the king salmon. I'll get a cedar plank. Nice. Strider, who is your baby of the week? Legend of the week, rather. All right, my legend of the week, dude. And I don't want to be boastful here, dude.
Starting point is 01:17:43 But my legend of the week is christian mccaffrey because um he fucking won me the fantasy league championship dude we do our league a little bit early dude because you know sometimes the guys in the league get paranoid about players getting rest or benched um we could probably do one more week next year but christian mccaffrey's been such a fucking navy seal with the ball this year, dude. Just powering it up the middle, dude. Finesse grabs, finding the end zone, making more reservations for six than a family of six. I mean, it is just, dude, just watching him play is so much fun.
Starting point is 01:18:20 We do a keeper league. I've had him on my team for three years. I drafted him as a rookie. I have a really eye for talent and value. This is getting into gloat territory here, but I just can't help myself. Dude, I took home the W this year because of McCaffrey, and I had a really well-rounded squad.
Starting point is 01:18:34 I don't want to sell the other guys short, but he was truly the cornerstone of my squad, and he's just a beautiful guy. He's so jacked. Honestly, he looks like what I like to imagine Master Chief from Halo looks like if he takes off all of his armor, dude then i like to imagine you know i i like to imagine him you know mcafree and cortana just having a nice like her style relationship uh joaquin phoenix style relationship
Starting point is 01:18:56 but anyway dude that's getting into their territory mcafree legend dude and thank you my dog congratulations on your title thank you you got more title chips now than anybody oh yeah i'm a i'm a dynasty now i've won um i've won three times in our league i saw the pain in your eyes when he was laying it out there it's tough i mean i'm happy that he gets this moment to bask in the sun feels nice um but i do know life will throw you upon the rock soon i'm talking next season when my team takes it to you, every fucking opportunity that we get. And you're losing McCaffrey this year, too.
Starting point is 01:19:31 He'll be back on the market. Yeah, we're only allowed to keep a player two years, so he's going to go back on the market this year. It hurts me. It hurts me to have to let him go. It's not my choice, Christian, if you listen. Yeah, congrats, dog. Thank you, dude.
Starting point is 01:19:44 My legend of the week is Robertbert pattinson oh dude great call so much respect for this dude comes through the twilight pipeline and you know is kind of not great in those movies but the more distance we get from him i don't think he was really put in a position to succeed and then after that he could have just gone the a-list route and done boring movies but he really you know searched himself and pursued cool artistic projects and dude he is a phenomenal actor yeah like he lost city of z he disappears into that role good times disappears into that role and they're completely different roles and he did high life this year which is a movie I've talked about that I absolutely hated. But look, it had a popular artistic director, and he was taking a chance.
Starting point is 01:20:28 And so I respect the fuck out of it. And I haven't seen The Lighthouse yet. But again, same deal. Doing interesting stuff with new hot directors. And really trying to be an actor. And the king. He's fun and the king. Oh, and he's great and the king.
Starting point is 01:20:42 Yeah. I didn't see that coming. Yeah, he's really fun. Yeah. And he's playing characters that are kind of unlikable and he makes you like him yep and they got heaps of charisma and uh and now he's gonna be batman and i think he's perfect for batman oh i can't wait for him to be batman at first i was like robert pattinson what but now that i've watched more of his movies this year catching up on him i'm fired up yeah he's gonna be oh because you just watched good times loved dude. He's amazing in that movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:06 Yeah. It's a heartwarming redemption story. Proud of him. Really proud of you, Robert Patt. I like in The King, he's like, are you scared? There's no shame in it. Yeah, dude. I can't do the accent.
Starting point is 01:21:17 He's so good with the accent. Dude, he does great. He's doing different accents in every movie. Yeah. Chad, what is your quote of the week? My quote of the week uh my quote of the week is from austin powers uh i've been crushing i've crushed the first two over the past couple days and um it's uh do i make you horny do i make you randy
Starting point is 01:21:38 love that i think austin powers do you think it's the most quoted movie of all time just by like everyone in the world like everyone was doing the austin powers voice everyone yeah probably worldwide yeah anchorman's up there anchorman is up there for sure yeah i'm watching those again that was just like it reminded me of the huge cultural impact that they had it was and dude mini me scott hilarious yeah and being older too now and like having a different perspective on stuff it's somewhat like a lot of it's pretty juvenile but like they're just it's like it has like juvenile stuff but then a lot of really smart jokes so you got that dichotomy that's what's up for sure strider um what is your quote of the week my quote of the week is i was talking to you about this the other day maybe both of you guys
Starting point is 01:22:30 i remember but uh and i was telling this story i think i was telling my gf this too but like uh and i don't know what made me think of it but it was hilarious it's a quote from my dad who i should actually call i've called him a little bit uh and i was like i think i was like tired or something like that like i was like you know because we've been working together it's been really fun but and like but i was like it's a new type of tire it's not like valet where i'm running around like we're using our our domes but i remember one time like in high school i uh after a game i was like uh my dad's like yeah like how do you feel after the game i was like i feel tired and he goes i've never been tired in my life it's the best quote i've ever had in my life I was like, I feel tired. And he goes, I've never been tired in my life. It's the best quote I've ever had in my life. I was like, I don't know, dude, I've seen you at breakfast before.
Starting point is 01:23:08 Like you look pretty tired, dude. Like you look like, look like you definitely just got out of bed and you're exhausted, dude. Right. So funny. But dude, him and he's like, he expounded upon, he's like, he's like, maybe at the time he's like, I'm 50. I feel 17. I'm not allowed to be 17. I don't know what he meant by that. He's like, I'm not allowed to be 17. I feel 17. Tired? Are you kidding me? It's gold. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:23:28 I've never been tired in my life. Hilarious quote. That's awesome. My quote of the week is from the movie Almost Famous. Oh, dude. One of the best movies ever. Yeah. And it's towards the end, they're all in a plane.
Starting point is 01:23:43 It's this young journalist based off Cameron Crowe's actual life who's on a plane, like really young, he's like 15. He's on a plane with all these rock stars in the band Stillwater. And it looks like their private jet's about to crash. So everyone's getting out their urgent feelings that they've always kept in. And they're all kind of just being selfish. And then this journalist has really lost his love
Starting point is 01:24:06 of the band and because he's seen who they actually are and it doesn't live up to what they purport to be and then they kind of pick on kate hudson's character like they they talk about her casually because one of the guys in the band was sleeping with her and they call her a groupie and she's actually a band-aid and william miller the the the writer goes that groupie she was a band-aid all she did was love your band and you used her all of you you used her and threw her away she almost died last night while you're with bob dylan you guys you're always talking about the fans the fans the fans she was your biggest fan and you threw her away and if you can't see that that's your biggest problem and i love her i love her that was a good impression of how that kid uh acts that too that was great oh thank you
Starting point is 01:24:53 dude i love her that's the exact cadence and tone i think appreciate it man beautiful my dog chad what is your phrase of the week for getting after it all right i'm gonna conjure this up from my uh my inner being my phrase for getting after it is let's plank the cedar oh fire fire dude all right my phrase for getting after it is i'm gonna give you the i'm gonna just i'm just gonna do it and then i going to give you the, I'm just going to do it, and then I'm going to give you the etymology. It's sang, okay? Sang, all right? That's my phrase we're getting after. The etymology, because I brought up Halo earlier,
Starting point is 01:25:36 comes from in Halo, when you do something well, they go, get some, Marines. And so playing it, when I'm playing with my brothers and friends growing up, we'd always go, get some. And then we would change it to get you some. Then we'd change it to get you sang. And then we'd change it to get you some. Then we'd change it to get you sing. And then we'd change it to sing. And then now we just go, sing. I love that, dude.
Starting point is 01:25:49 That's it. That's awesome. Yeah, dude, we did something similar with FIFA. At the time, there was a popular commercial that would say, play beautiful. And it was like, juego bonita. And then we'd just start going, juego bonita. Every time there was a good play. And then that turned into just, juego, juego.
Starting point is 01:26:04 Yep. Yeah. Just kind of have those things just juego, juego. Yep. Yeah. Just kind of have those things that happen organically. That's fun. Dude, my phrase of the week is a long quote from Ira Glass, the awesome producer of This American Life. Nobody tells this to people who are beginners. I wish somebody told me.
Starting point is 01:26:19 All of us who do creative work, we get into it because we have good taste. But there's this gap. For the first couple of years you make stuff, it's just not that good. It's trying to be good. It has potential, but it's not. But your taste, the thing that got you into the game is still killer. And your taste is why your work disappoints you. A lot of people never get past that phase. They quit. Most people I know who do interesting creative work went through this, went through years of this. We know our work doesn't have this special thing that we want it to have. We all go through this. And if you were just starting out or you're just still in this phase, you got to know it's normal. And the most important thing
Starting point is 01:26:52 you can do is do a lot of work, put yourself on a deadline so that every week you finish one story. It is only by going through a volume of work that you will close that gap and your work will be as good as your ambitions. I look longer to figure out how to do this than anyone I've ever met. I took longer to figure out how to do this than anyone I've ever met. It's going to take a while.
Starting point is 01:27:10 It's normal to take a while. You just got to fight your way through. Hell yes. I love that. Fire, iron, glass impression. And I love that quote. Super inspiring.
Starting point is 01:27:20 Yeah, it's a good one. That's good stuff. Emma, is there anything you want to say to the Stokers before we depart for our Christmas holidays? Just stay safe and have fun. Put some whiskey in that eggnog.
Starting point is 01:27:30 Oh. That's what's up. That's what's up. Mama. Do you guys like eggnog? Yeah, dude. I'll take a sip. I'm a guy who I'll sip an eggnog and I'll go.
Starting point is 01:27:41 Yeah, very nice. Every year I want to like it, I'm like, pour me a glass of eggnog. And then I tried it, I'm like, I like it. It looks great. i tried i'm like i like it it looks great i love the name i love the texture i love the smell i just had soy eggnog the other day for the first time and it was delicious that might be the move it's like a little thinner and less like thick in your cup it's a little easier to drink really good nice i like cream yeah cream is dang dude cream is dank, dude. I love cream. La crema. So dank, dude. Yeah, like a good whipped cream on like a nice dessert. A few years ago, I misread the whipped cream canister, you know, because it was like calories
Starting point is 01:28:14 one. And I was like, that's it? And I didn't realize it was like servings. Servings per container. 2,000 or something. Right. Totally. So I would just crush cans of whipped cream. Smart. Get a little whip it in there, you know, container, 2,000 or something. Right. Totally. So I would just crush
Starting point is 01:28:25 cans of whipped cream. Smart. Get a little whip it in there, you know, just to like get my dome right. Of course. And then I was like, oh fuck.
Starting point is 01:28:33 Tummy ache coming your way, dude. Yeah. Guys, have a good holiday, dudes. Yeah, happy holiday. Be safe out there. Dank new year. I hope you get to cultivate a love for eggnog.
Starting point is 01:28:46 That's my New Year's resolution, that I learn to love eggnog. Be at peace with eggnog. Mm-hmm. Eggnog. All right, dudes. Dudes. Happy holidays, Stokers. Happy holidays, dudes.
Starting point is 01:29:02 Have a freaking dank holiday, dogs. See you in the new year.

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