Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep 113- Did Joe Rogan like Dolittle, Chad's revenge body, and Self Love

Episode Date: January 24, 2020

What up stokers, in this episode, the boys discuss whether Joe Rogan really liked Dolittle, Chad losing love to his bro, and self love. Check it out!Thanks Roman. GetRoman.com/goingdeep for $10 off an...d free two day shipping.Sponsored by Manscaped: Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. Clean up your nuts!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello Stokers of Stoke Nation, this is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. Guys, before we begin, I want to remind you once again that we are brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dongles are looking fresh and clean. Because, guys, when you go to a different neighborhood or something and you see a nice, freshly cut lawn, what do you think? You think that guy is a lawnmower 2.0 and he trims his pubes daily okay and that's what we want you guys to feel like i don't even know what i'm saying right now because i'm so hyped on the
Starting point is 00:00:55 perfect package 2.0 and guess what guys they got the lawnmower 3.0 coming out that's three versions of lawn. And you're going to trim your pubes with that. So, JT, you manscape lately? No, dude, it's been a second. Nice. How do you feel? I think I'd feel better if they were a little trimmed up. Yeah. They don't look terrible.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Yeah. It's like they say, make your bed in the morning so you can start off on the right foot. For sure. I have pubed my trims in the morning just to like how often do you trim your peeps um you said twice a day right yeah but i mean i've i've been taking advantage of lunch also um three times a day yeah i mean you know i just it just feels. I love it. And I'm just so hyped on the hardware, you know, and it's just like, I know I'm not going to nick my sack and stuff, and it's just going to flow nicely. Yeah, discipline is one of the things I admire most about you. Thank you so much, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:58 So, guys, if you want to trim your pubes three times a day, hit up Manscaped. Use code GODEEP20 at manscaped.com. Your pubes are another thing I really admire about you dude thank you i've been actually i've been practicing my nudity a little bit more i'm just trying to get more comfortable like in the gym uh hit the steam room you know you usually keep the towel over you spread that open nice let the down hang uh and then i walk through the gym, locker room, towel on shoulder. What's your posture? Shoulders back, chest forward, waist forward. I want...
Starting point is 00:02:35 Dominant. Yeah, I want people to know. I want people to see it. What's your dick's posture? He's so chill, dude. He's just hanging. That's nice. Yeah. Especially after the steam room, he's just like dude he's just hanging that's nice yeah uh especially after the steam room he's just like oh dude that felt so good you know my pores feel good um i'm relaxed
Starting point is 00:02:54 the balls are not getting all up in my business right now they're just hanging so it's nice that's awesome yeah when was the last time you hung down the last time i was naked for a while um last night nice yeah where were you at home yeah yeah do you do anything or you just sort of i just walked around naked for a bit yeah and then i i was taking a shower and i had my phone in there in the ziploc bag and then joe called me yeah he picked up nice he was like are you in the shower yeah i was like yeah he's like let me? Yeah. I was like, yeah. He's like, let me hang up. And I was like, let's keep talking. Yeah. Does Joe, do you ever catch Joe just hanging down? Never.
Starting point is 00:03:31 He's got to do it. It's just not his personality. Yeah. But I mean, you know, if he, if he, if he did, I'd be so stoked. Yeah. I'd be like, dude, yes. Yeah. Thank you for trusting me with your nudity.
Starting point is 00:03:44 But you can't force that kind of thing do you think it's because he's he just keeps his dominance his power his inner darkness sheathed yeah he's like he's like you know what i don't want to i want to put that on people i want to easily dominate people i want to you know have a amicable uh state of being, you know, have a amicable state of being. But, you know, if the time calls for it, I will hang dong. Yeah, he's just a super polite guy. And I'm always like, I don't, with me, it's, we're past that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Yeah, you don't have to like, you know, observe those manners with me. Yeah. I respect that. Because I want to observe your banner dong yeah me too dude what's up just chilling what do you read dude you're on the night version of the light yeah on your phone you don't like it no i do i do. Oh, okay. I don't know why I got so self-conscious there. You don't like it? No, I don't, dude.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Change it right fucking now. Why did you do that? I think Sally was telling me that it's better. She was like, you got to turn it on darkness, and then people can't read what you're doing as much. I think I was like in a movie or something. Oh, they it's more clandestine yes sir so people can't read your stuff yeah nice i thought it was because of the like the light affects your eyes the blue light or something yeah i think the i in clandestine is clandestine dang dude but i was at the park yesterday and uh i was just chilling grabbing some sun
Starting point is 00:05:26 uh-huh you have been worried about disease lately for sure i thought i wasn't getting tanned so i googled is there diseases where you can't get tan anymore and there's none oh she scared the shit out of me yeah no i know right i was terrified too no matter what you have you can get tanned dude i'm hyperventilating right now dude is that scary oh dude my adrenaline's coming through the roof. Take anything from me, but not my bronze. Oh, dude. Emma, did you hear that?
Starting point is 00:05:51 Did you get scared? Do I get scared? Did you get scared? Of, like, disease? No, well, yeah, for sure. But, like, of what JT was talking about when he mentioned a potential non-tanning disease? Yeah, I mean, I definitely get that in the winter when there's not as much sun.
Starting point is 00:06:07 I feel pale and I feel grosser when I'm paler. So I kind of get it. Do you take solace in the fact that it's not because of a disease, it's just because of cloud coverage? And no matter what befalls you, you'll always be able to get tan. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:23 In the face of it. I mean, it's nice it's easier here than it is in like winter places for sure but yeah i got that totally for sure yeah when i was at the park i observed three 14 year old boys walking and one of them was cool he was kind of like timothy chalamet and ladybird oh damn and one of them was like medium cool oh fuck and one of them was uncomfortable in his skin kind of like Timothy Chalamet in Lady Bird. Oh, damn. And one of them was like medium cool. Oh, fuck yeah. And one of them was uncomfortable in his skin. Oh, sick. And then three girls their own age approached that they knew.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Yeah. And I just watched them. And I was like so fascinated. I was like, what is going to happen here? Yeah. And then the coolest kid just walked up and gave like a casual hug to all three girls. Yeah. And then the medium cool kid gave a hug to the girls.
Starting point is 00:07:02 And then the kid who was uncomfortable in his skin like put his hood on and just nodded at the girls no way yeah really that was me oftentimes yeah damn i think you might even given one of the girls a handshake and then he could sell he was just tense the whole time then they they went their own ways after a minute yeah and his shoulders just loosened up yeah he just went back to having a good time with life yeah dude you know what i've always thought they should have like a course in like college or high school on like greetings and stuff yes because some people are naturals at it but most people they don't know what they're doing and like you know that's a stress i deal with in the real world often do i go for the handshake do i go for the pound do i go with the handshake to hug do i do some kind of crazy shit and throw them off a little bit do i go for the
Starting point is 00:07:52 hook i don't you know you got to read that yeah and it's so tough it'd be nice if you had like a manual or something to be like dude uh this is what you do in this situation. What do you do now most of the time? I go for the handshake just to like, be like, just to sort of give off like a businessman vibe, even though I'm an activist. Can I feel it? Oh dude,
Starting point is 00:08:22 you hit that nice. Yeah. Cause you caught it right. I think that's really the key to a handshake is where the thumbs hit you get the web yeah the webbing yeah you want to really connect the webbing yeah and then grip hard yeah don't crush the guy but but squeeze but give it a squeeze yeah i like going for the handshake and then i like to improv it you know go for the handshake and then see if you can get a sliding motion in there to maybe turn it into
Starting point is 00:08:43 like a i don't even know what you call it like a clasp oh i like that yeah yeah and then maybe bring that in and okay this is what i do if you go for the clasp you pull them in all right yeah don't make it awkward just pull them in to be like get in here and then bring the other hand around the back yeah nice yeah pat them hard how many pads two perfect yeah what do you do what's your i mix it up your math because i'm like i'm mr spontaneity you know what i mean i go in every situation like this whole fucking thing could backfire yeah yeah and then so i you know i was at a friend's 30th birthday on saturday happy 30th robbie you're a wonderful guy and uh when i was leaving his irish cousins were there and i barely knew him and actually uh all the conversation we had was pretty stilted when i was leaving i just said you know what i'm gonna
Starting point is 00:09:27 hug you and i give him a little hug yeah yeah but most of the time i don't know what i'm gonna do yeah and uh you know i fuck it up all the time but what i try to do is just laugh yeah and then just be like like watch like what's up man what's up dude oh dude sorry dude no it's okay it's good to see you there bro yeah you too something like too. Something like that. That was sick. Yeah. I had a buddy, Greg, who would always go for the hug. And it was so warm and nurturing. And so maybe I'll start doing that.
Starting point is 00:09:55 Some people are huggers. Straight for a hug. Some people are just built to hug. It does feel good when someone's like kind of unsure and you just get the hug in. You just grab them. You bring them close. You just feel them. when someone's like kind of unsure and you just get the hug in, you just grab me, bring them close. It was, you just feel them.
Starting point is 00:10:06 It was my birthday at the, the office we've been at. Yeah. And the boss came over and hugged me. Yeah. And I hugged him deep, dude. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:15 He hugged me around the back and I just wrapped his arms up and I squeezed him. Yeah. And I realized, I heard him whisper. I'm not your dad to me. Really? No.
Starting point is 00:10:24 But I felt like, I was like, am I, is this too much? Yeah. But Really? No. But I felt like, I was like, is this too much? But I do like the guy a lot. So I was like, I squeezed him back. No, he gives off that vibe. Yeah, he's paternal, right? Yeah. Yeah. You look at him and you feel comfort.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Yeah, and he hugged me first. Yeah. Yeah. But I squeezed him good. Big squeeze. Just his arms, but I squeezed those arms. Hell yeah. Because I had his back to him.
Starting point is 00:10:44 He kind of hugged me from behind. Yeah what a great guy beast yeah he's a perma legend of the week perma parmesan cheese what's your favorite cheese um and do you know what manchego is sharp cheddar no fair what's manchego is? Sharp cheddar. No. Fair. What's manchego? I don't know, but I saw it on a menu the other day and I switched to cheddar actually. It was coming on a burger. Yeah?
Starting point is 00:11:13 Yeah. What's your favorite cheese? Camembert. Camembert. Whoa. Yeah. Is that a type of bear? I think it's a cheese from a bear. Wow.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Yeah. It sounds aggressive. Yeah. That's cool. Dude, I heard Joe Rog a bear. Wow. Yeah. It sounds aggressive. Yeah. That's cool. Dude, I heard Joe Rogan on his podcast. Yeah. Like I hear him on every podcast he does. And Robert Downey Jr., great one.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Yeah, I listened to that one. Oh, did you like it? Yeah, yeah. It's good. Good vibes, dude. Dude, Robert, he's so cool. Cool dude. There's like a, when a movie star of that caliber comes on, the tone shifts.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Yeah. Because where you can tell that Joe feels a little bit, I don't know if nervous is the right word, but it's like he looks up to them a little bit. He wants to make them comfortable. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, there was that part where Rogan was like, dude, I'm so glad you did Doolittle. I was like, I don't know if I talked to you off camera, if that would be how you, but that's a good way to open it.
Starting point is 00:12:07 It's smart. You know what I mean? Yeah. He's great. He does the best interviews. Yeah. Cause I think sometimes like even when we've interviewed people and I cut a lot of it out, I'm like, oh, I need to be like a journalist and get this person to like answer deeply,
Starting point is 00:12:21 honestly. But that's not always the most fun to listen to, you know what I mean? And you can get those people there maybe more easily if you make them feel good yeah well i think yeah it's interviews where they're having fun um that's the best i mean what are my favorite interviews i mean the one with brad leo on wtf was fun i mean they're so they're so huge in my mind in so many ways. So to hear them be so cool with Marc Maron. My favorite part was when Brad so sincerely, he's like, dude, I'm a fan.
Starting point is 00:12:54 I'm a fan. I'm a fan, dude. I was like, fuck, he's so cool. He likes stuff. Yeah. Yeah, he is really cool. He's having a moment in a life full of great moments he's having the moment right now it feels like yeah but i've never i've never been one for the the interviews
Starting point is 00:13:10 where they're really kind of like probing deep yeah like it's just like uh it um that's not the tone i enjoy i loved him i used to listen to early marin episodes like the first hundred and he would just fucking dig on people yeah like he'd be talking to zach galifianakis and he'd be like so you're in uh end of the wild yeah you're pretty good in that yeah and it'd be like just kind of like withholding and biting yeah but galifianakis would call him out on it and then it would reveal things about both of their personalities right yeah and so but he's he's one person who can do that i think charlotte man that god does that well too but but not everybody's that person yeah yeah like you can if you watch him with post
Starting point is 00:13:50 malone he's like he's like picking on him the whole time really yeah and post one has his girlfriend there and he's like you know he's gonna break up with you right like you know you guys aren't gonna stay together and postman's like why are you causing problems man i'm just saying dude yeah he kind of has that face too yeah i'm just saying and then they broke up really yeah how soon after i think it took a little bit but close enough where it made it seem like charlemagne was right yeah damn but i don't know if it's right to be right in that circumstance dude i didn't know mayor pete budiachage was gay oh you didn't no yeah i'm i'm more excited i'm like all right he's got
Starting point is 00:14:25 some zhuzh yeah yeah none of my friends mentioned it either it is kind of he never talked i mean i'm not following that stuff really at all but it is like i heard it briefly like a year ago but it's not like it doesn't seem like it's a common topic in conversation. No. That's good. Yeah. Dude, I... Are those notes for the pod?
Starting point is 00:14:55 Yeah. Cool. Yeah. I wanted to revisit a question from last week. A guy wrote in about how he was getting punched at punk shows, and he had injured one of their guys, and he wanted to get it on. And we told him he needed to jack off more, and so did the other guys. And I think that was good advice.
Starting point is 00:15:14 But also, I thought about it more because it kind of stuck in my head. And I was like, what should he do? You know what I mean? And I think sometimes I do a disservice because I tell stories about when I was in fights, but I don't tell stories about when I was in fights but I don't tell stories about when I ran from fights which is much more common right and at one time I stopped a fight these guys wanted to beat up my friend Clinton because he was beautiful and kind of pompous and
Starting point is 00:15:35 uh and they were going to kick his ass and I saw that they were going to do that like four or five guys and they would have beat the fuck out of us and so I just went up to the man I went dude we don't want to fight you and we're sorry for whatever you think we did i'm truly sorry we just want to get out of here yeah and then the guy was like all right and i was like all right cool and then like i was like and then clinton was like i'm not getting out of here whatever i was like dude shut up shut up shut up and we got out of there and i was thinking like maybe if this dude just went up to the guys and like apologized and then just said he didn't want to fight i think it would take a real scumbag to fight you after that yeah yeah i mean um because it's so unexpected it would throw them off balance yeah they'd be like oh well thank you all right i'll see you at uh i'll see you later
Starting point is 00:16:20 yeah and if they still want to fight you after that, maybe just don't go to those concerts. Right, yeah. This was the death metal one? Yeah, punk, yeah. Punk. Those death metal guys are crazy. Yeah, throw them some compliments too. Be like, I really like your torn black tee. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:39 It looks like you're in touch with death. I think in different circumstances, we really get along and we would have pretty interesting conversations and dive deep abraham lincoln do i not destroy my enemy when i make him my friend what a beast yeah i love that movie lincoln yeah the best dude so good like 30 great actors and every actor is like an oscar winner you're like what the fuck's going on here it's like a two-line part it's like adam driver yeah yeah strider's arch nemesis that's one of my favorite beefs and i think when i think of lincoln like the actual abraham lincoln
Starting point is 00:17:15 i think of daniel day lewis no yeah for sure that's the only lincoln although i know actually i i sorry i take that back i think of the disneyland one oh that's my lincoln i'm not familiar uh he's an animatron uh so he kind of just says one speech and that's it but that's how i think of lincoln nice it's mlk day today oh right yeah happy mlk day you're a good dude you too i meant i'm okay but you for sure my dog oh yeah i was like why are you saying that oh thanks dude emma you're you're a good lady you're a great person emma thank you i appreciate it oh for sure um what were you gonna say i was saying i'm starting to feel sick well i was i was so me i was so arrogant. I was like, it's never going to happen. Everyone else is getting sick.
Starting point is 00:18:07 I'm not going to. I do steam rooms. Dude, I literally was looking at you today and I was like, Chad will never die. There's a tickle in my throat. I'm pissed. I have low energy. I can't think well. That's as bad as it'll get for you, I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:18:20 It better. Yeah. God's looking out for you. But to more pressing matters, so you broke's looking out for you. So, uh, but to more pressing matters, you say you broke up with your GF. Yeah, we broke up.
Starting point is 00:18:29 It was about as mutual as it could be. That's nice. And it was a good breakup. Yeah. And it was hard. I don't know. Maybe we'll get back together in time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:37 It was, uh, I do think some of my anxiety was like about maybe wanting to break up and not knowing how you know and even some of the stokers writing in about it kind of made me reflect on it more yeah yeah but she's great she's a wonderful wonderful person um yeah yeah i uh you've handled it really well you've been uh able to uh bounce back i, you're pretty much yourself. Yeah. But I'm sorry to hear that, though.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Thank you, dude. Appreciate it, man. You guys had a good run. Yeah. I've been bummed about it. Yeah. It's funny. I talk about being bummed on here a lot,
Starting point is 00:19:19 but my psychiatrist says I actually don't. It's lip service. He says I don't actually let myself feel sad, that I just... Oh, you just talk it out. I just talk it. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm trying to sit in it more.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Yeah. Do you, are you trying to share it less or? Yeah. Do that less. And then like just, even though I'm sharing it right now on a podcast and then just sit in it more. Yeah. And just be like, like not like think my way out of it and be like, he says a lot of the
Starting point is 00:19:43 times when I feel physical symptoms and I'm like, oh, hurts or my foot hurts he says that's me i'd rather think that i was i had something wrong with my body than actually just sit there and think that i was sad yeah and i think it's mostly about my dad yeah that makes sense yeah because i love him yeah of course beast um i see i see moments where you sit in it though oh for sure yeah that's what i told myself yeah i was like i don't think that's the problem man where were you two weeks ago yeah exactly i know you just look over and you're just like yeah joe told me joe and i got a drink i'm not drinking right now but i went with joe when he got a drink on saturday He called me the next day.
Starting point is 00:20:25 He's like, are you all right? You looked like shit last night. I was like, physically or emotionally? He's like, both. He said, you look dejected. I was like, I know, man. But I don't know. It'll be all right.
Starting point is 00:20:38 It's funny the way he shows concern. It's the best. Yeah, because he called me to follow up. It's like incredibly decent yeah yeah you look like shit last night well i don't feel that great what i know so he came home last night and i was like okay i want to look better yeah and he comes in i'm like how do i look he's like the same there's no glow you're sad yeah exactly dumb ass yeah he's so funny don't no vaping there's no jeweling in here okay he's opening for bobby lee now it's awesome come on yeah huge big joe big joe i saw an instagram story saying going deep
Starting point is 00:21:17 and it was it was joe up on stage i saw that yeah yeah cool as fuck man that's awesome yeah one of the funniest guys ever the best what's going on with you dog what is going on i um you're hitting the vids hard you got a system now what's up you got a system now for video games oh dude yeah i've been addicted to jedi fallen order how deep into it are you like how far along well i have such an addictive personality that i get obsessed with things so i'm trying to crush it i'm just trying to beat it as fast as i can so i lose that uh obsession but i um i'm almost done with the game i've gone to okay so i went to kashyyyk i went to some other planet i went to dothomir uh nice dealt with the witch lady and the undead and just savored the fuck out of them and then um and i i you know i met some challenges along the way i had to face a lot of stormtroopers but i learned some powers built up my skill tree and uh just
Starting point is 00:22:17 went to the jedi temple rebuilt my lightsaber so i got a double blade with a pink um pink fuck what's the crystal? Damn it. Emma, do you know what the crystal is in Star Wars? Not off the top of my head. Kyber crystals. Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Kyber crystals. I got new Kyber crystals. I made them pink because real dudes have pink sabers. Kind of like a dog's dong. And now, I don't know what I'm doing. I'm back on Dothamir. Oh, nice, dude. And I think I'm going to face Vader pretty soon.
Starting point is 00:22:50 So you went the light direction, or it's the same track, but where are you at force-wise? Oh, force-wise, I can do the push, I can do the pull, I can push a lot of dudes. Oh, in terms of light or dark? Yeah. I thought you meant my tricks. No, no, I meant that too, but those are light tricks that you're describing, right?
Starting point is 00:23:07 Okay, so the character is Cal. Pretty standard white dude. Sort of pretty noble. You know, he doesn't really seem to be tempted by the dark side at all. He's kind of just like very... What kind of white? Like Irish? He does look Irish, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:22 He's got like chestnut kind of hair. Nice. Looks a little bit red but you know very principled he's like i'm light for sure uh and um not tempted by the dark side at all he just wants to but he does have this uh boss seer who she used the dark side once to uh take out some stormtroopers and she so she cut herself off from the force so he started dealing with that he's like what my mentor used the from the force. So he started dealing with that. He's like, what?
Starting point is 00:23:45 My mentor used the dark side? So, like, how do I reckon with that? And, yeah, so it's been a good journey. I've been making excuses not to hang out with people so I can finish this fucking game. Yeah. Here, I'll call you. Yeah, what's up?
Starting point is 00:24:04 Dog, what's up? Oh, hey, what's up dog what's up oh hey what's up dude dude we're at busby's east you want to swing by that's a pause what's up where you at busby's east you want to swing by and grab some brew daddies um oh i'd love to man but uh i gotta clean my sheets i've been jizzing all over him dude all right dude he's a tissue next time no i like using the sheets i gotta clean them later wow does that work do you want to try another one sure chad what up dude oh what's up dude i got an extra ticket to uh see lewis capaldi at the will turn come with oh fuck yeah dude oh that sounds so cool oh crap my brother's calling do you want to call me back after yeah i think i gotta go new york i'll see you all right later dude these chad
Starting point is 00:25:00 what's up dude hey? Hey, man. Me and a couple of the guys are going to do a weekend trip in Catalina. Oh, sick. Fuck yeah, dude. We're going to camp on the backside and observe the bison and go fishing for Dorado. Oh, that sounds so freaking cool. Have fun. Dude, that's crazy, dude. That's how, like, every phone call has been.
Starting point is 00:25:24 Dude. Emma, do you want to call us That's how every phone call has been. Dude. Emma, do you want to call us? Can we call you to hang out? Or do you want to call us to hang out? We'll call you to hang out. Okay, you can call me. You want to do both of us? Yeah, you want to do it on speakerphone?
Starting point is 00:25:35 Like a three-way call? Yeah, you're on speaker. Hey, Emma, what's up? Emma, what up? Not much. What's going on? Just chilling. Doing the pod.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Yeah, do you want to come over and do the podcast fuck yeah why not nice nice we'll see you soon all right we'll see you there later that's about how long i like my phone calls to be yeah dude i think every phone call especially ones that are work related go five to ten minutes extra every time yeah because there's too many dumb pleasantries and they're just they're like pleasant they're running around the same like topics over and over again yeah you gotta ask me the same question six different ways and i'll answer it six different ways and then we're good yeah so we'll see you on a saturday the second then right i'm like confirmed they're like great yeah second it's a saturday right all right so Saturday, and we'll come by at two, and it might last a couple hours, so that'll probably
Starting point is 00:26:26 take us to about four or five. I'm like, yeah. So we'll call it like two to five on the second, if that works for you. Yeah, yeah, that works. You sure that, okay, that works for you? Yeah. Wait, it's two to five on the second? Yeah, it's second.
Starting point is 00:26:41 It's a Saturday. It's like two to five, like the afternoon. Oh, crap. I can't make it. I have to go to the Apple store. I'll you guys dude you're gaming again i looked at the weather it's gonna be about uh 75 degrees i think i'm gonna wear blue jeans yeah cool bring a jacket though because it might cool down at night you know in case we run long yeah it might go yeah because because it's a couple hours but if we go to six it says it could drop to 60 yeah you don't want to be cold.
Starting point is 00:27:05 I know. I'm like, dude, hang up, dude. Hang up the phone. Go fuck yourself. Send me an email. Yeah, I'm like, please stop doing this to me. Please. And then they text you the morning of.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Hey, we're still good for two to five today? Yeah, well, then they reschedule. Then they're like, sorry, we can't do that today. You're like, all right, dude. Well, what the fuck, man? Are you going to repay me? John Mulaney isaney is right canceling plans is the best feeling ever yeah he says it's better than heroin it is i agree with that when you're like you know what i'm just gonna do myself a solid and i'm not gonna go out i'm gonna stay home on my own couch by myself feels
Starting point is 00:27:40 so good yeah dude we we were uh we were hungover for the holidays, and we had something. Do you remember that? It was on Saturday. We had an appointment. I was like, hey, dude, I think you want to push to three. Yeah, and I'm like, how about we just fucking cancel? First time you've ever canceled anything. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:57 It was incredible. I was like, dude. I laughed a little bit. I hung up. I was like, holy shit. Really? Yeah. I was like, that's never happened before ever. I was pretty hung, dude, I laughed a little bit. I hung up. I was like, holy shit. Really? Yeah. I was like, that's never happened before ever.
Starting point is 00:28:08 I was pretty hung, dude. Dude, you got after it. Way to get time. I threw up that night. Nice. I came out of the bathroom. Oh, yeah, you did. Three of the dudes were waiting.
Starting point is 00:28:15 They're like, you all right? I'm like, I threw up. After like four beers and a shot. I'm sorry, Stokers. The truth will set you free. All right, dude, should we answer some questions? Yes, sir. I have very limited battery on my laptop, so we'll have to...
Starting point is 00:28:31 I got a charger if you need it. Does it work with this one? It's got the lightning jack? Yep. Oh, dude, yeah. Can I grab that? Yeah, let me grab it for you. Emma, you're a legend.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Thank you. What up, Kings of Stoke? First off, just wanted to say I'm a big fan of the pod. I've been listening for around a month now and it's definitely helped change my view on life and how I live day to day. That's nice, man. Thank you. That being said, I find myself in a bit of a situation. I know how you guys feel about these kinds of questions, but feel like this might be a little different situation.
Starting point is 00:28:58 I graduated from college last year and moved around seven hours north for grad school. Two years ago, I met this girl through a group and we immediately clicked and became good friends and have stayed friends since. When I first met her, unknown to me, she was in a couple year relationship, but I thought she was awesome and I really liked her. After finding out she was in a relationship, I still hung out with her and we became friends. Now she broke up with that guy around six months ago and I find myself talking to her a little bit more than we did in the past. I'm definitely going to start catching heavy feelings for her. I can't keep her off my mind and I think she's perfect. I'm just not exactly sure if and how I should tell her how I feel about her. Right now she's still in college, seven hours from me, but is about to
Starting point is 00:29:34 graduate and move to within an hour drive. She's told me that right now she's not looking for a relationship simply because she's about to graduate and move, but I think it could possibly work because she's moving pretty close to me. I'm just not sure what to do in this situation. Thank you, dude. I think you're thinking about it too much, man. I mean, you know, she's moving close to you, and you guys are talking a little bit more. You guys are mixing it up. And did he mention if he's asked her out on a date yet?
Starting point is 00:30:18 No, never, because she was in a relationship when they first met. Yeah, ask her out on a date. Take her to Chili's. Get her a Corona Rita. Sounds great, met. Yeah. Ask her out on a date, take her to Chili's, get her a Corona Rita. Sounds great, man. Yeah. Yeah. And I think, I think, uh, it's great, man. It could all be great. Just ask her out. But I do think you're in a little bit of fantasy, not, not like it can't happen, but like you're, you're, you're saying like, I can't keep her off my mind and I think she's perfect. You know, you're going to feel that way about different people at different times in your life. But the reality is, you know, she's probably that way about different people at different times in your life but
Starting point is 00:30:45 the reality is you know she's probably a complicated person and and and you guys could still be a great fit but maybe like uh just breathing a little bit you know and being like you know this is just a person i like right now and i'll ask her out and we'll see where it goes from there but i wouldn't make it your be all end all but i like where you're coming from with the with being romantic though yeah i like what you're saying i think uh when people say you know when you think that someone is just like an angel and you can't stop thinking about them you think it's like the only person you're ever gonna think about like ever again yeah and so it's it's it's nice and when people say like you're gonna think that about a lot of people, you're like, what?
Starting point is 00:31:26 How? Yeah. But it's nice to hear that perspective to sort of get your dome a little bit straight. Yeah. Just stay romantic, but. Yeah, it's a hard. It's like a mixture of romanticism and realism and a little bit of stochacism. Yeah, just be like a little bit laughing at yourself. Like, man, and realism and a little bit of Stokacism. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Just, you'd be like a little bit laughing at yourself. Like, man, I'm, I'm being a little crazy right now, but you know what I feel, how I feel and I got to follow that out. Yeah. Yeah. Dude, it reminds me of some Stoker message when he's like, dude, I'm in love with this girl, but she says she doesn't want to be with me. What do I do?
Starting point is 00:31:59 And I said, you move on with your life. You just live as best you can. Find something you're passionate about. Get really good at it. All that stuff. One day later, he messages me. Dude, I'm in love with another girl. What do I do?
Starting point is 00:32:16 I go, this is a different girl? He goes, yeah. I'm like, whoa, buddy, you move fast. I like it. I'm all for those fantasies of you guys rolling in a field sucking face And then you milk a cow together And you drink the milk That's great Get drenched
Starting point is 00:32:31 What's up boys pretty much my whole life I've had a massive crush On this girl in my friend group she has known about it for the longest time And has shot my every advance down Recently however I was just told By my boy who's dating her friend That she's now into me While I trust my boy I haven't noticed a difference in her towards me when we hang out. How should I go about this situation?
Starting point is 00:32:52 I don't know, man. She likes you. Trust your friend. Next time you're with her, when the right moment comes, talk for a while and build up to it. But when the right moment comes, either you tell her how you feel or you ask her if you can kiss her or if the moment's really right you try and give her a respectful kiss yeah i say shoot your shot it's always worth it worse that happens is they say no and it's awkward for like a second and then you're adults and you forget about it nice yeah i the reason i laughed is because i just remember like myself in like fifth and sixth grade when you're adults and you forget about it nice yeah i the reason i laughed is because i just remember
Starting point is 00:33:25 like myself in like fifth and sixth grade when you're just asking like everyone you're like what would ariel say what'd she say what'd she say she like me no she thinks you're a douche oh fuck and then you have someone else would what ariel say she likes you i'm like what no way uh beating beating around the bush is never gonna get you to where you want to go. You know, you just got to go for it and just be like, whatever her name is,
Starting point is 00:33:49 Victoria, do you want to know a secret? I want to take you to Applebee's. Dude, that was like a poem. Thanks. Dude, when I was
Starting point is 00:33:59 angling to ask out my first girlfriend, she was a childhood friend of Strider's. Yeah. And someone goes, dude, I think she's got a crush on jt and strider goes no dude she's cool he doesn't even remember saying it i'm like yeah it stuck with me for so long i was like a motherfucking piece of shit yeah you son of a bitch god damn you uh i remember when there's this girl this girl sam
Starting point is 00:34:22 who uh she was like my first like crush in like fourth grade. Cause like her friend Olivia gave me a note. I was like, Sam is going to be on instant messenger tonight. Message her there and message her. I'm like, what up? And, uh, I was so shy that I never spoke to her in person. I was like, I can't do it. I can't. And then she dated my brother and I got so heated about it that we were at the swim. We were at the country club or whatever, the pool. And they were being all cutesy in the pool. And just to show my dominance, I was doing butterfly stroke the entire time,
Starting point is 00:35:00 flexing my delts. I came out, just lats were were swollen and i just looked at them beelined it to the locker room and i hung dong even your hot revenge body just yeah it was pretty small back then but thank you but lean yeah dude just straight butterfly that's awesome dude just for like an hour. With those young joints, able to withstand that. Yeah. I think she noticed. For sure.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Yeah. I bet if you called her today, she'd be like, this is Chad. She's like, with the butterfly stroke? I'm like, yeah. She's like, oh, wow, your delts are so pronounced. I'm like, yeah. What's up, bros? I've recently been lacking, and I have decided I need to get stronger physically.
Starting point is 00:35:43 With that being said, I'm also thinking this is a great time to start reading and getting the mental right. Just wanted to know some books that you would encourage me to read so I can gain some knowledge. On another note, your pod and Joe Rogan's pod have inspired a friend and I to make one.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Thanks for getting me stoked when the times are tough. Say what up to the main man strider and give Joe's hog a tap. I'm sorry, what was the question? He wants to know what to read. Oh. hog a tap i'm sorry what was the question he wants to know what to read oh i think you gotta do meditations by marcus aurelius i think you gotta do the untethered soul by someone else huckleberry finn by mark twain
Starting point is 00:36:19 you got anything else yeah when i first got into reading i liked christopher hitchens letters to a young contrarian which can make you very annoying but it's cool and it's brief um david foster wallace is uh consider the lobster and a supposedly fun thing i'll never do again and then i love the novels of richard price if you're young especially uh like the wanderers is very relatable but his best stuff is a lush life or clockers and uh they're like crime stories but like he says crime's just a lazy way into a plot it's really about who these people are and his dialogue is rich also uh joseph campbell's a beast the power of myth yeah hero's journey i love that stuff and uh get some history in there dude read about churchill or b franklin freaking b franklin read about cool dudes and ladies yeah that is inspiring i like
Starting point is 00:37:17 deep work by cal newport that guy's a beast it's all about disconnecting and getting into your dome let's go uh emma do you have any books you like um i've read a really good book it was over the summer i'm trying to remember the name of it but it's a book of interviews with judd apatow and he like interviews all the people he's worked with and stuff and it's really good i highly recommend it it's a night it's kind of a little inside baseball but like in a cool way yeah i've read that that's good yeah that one was really good poking a dead frog that's a good one it's all comedy writers yeah mike sax that one's good i like a good book that that it's like real like interviews like that but like also kind of funny sick in the head yeah nice way to like laugh. Yeah, that was really good. Oh, this is an interesting one. Title, is Alex Bregman still a chill dude?
Starting point is 00:38:09 What up, Brad and Leo? Oh, my bad. Always get my legendary duos mixed up. Oh, dude. You know how to cut to the core of me. Oh, my God. Dude. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:38:20 Thank you, dude. I'm writing you the moral dilemma regarding the Astros cheating scandal. I already have my mind made up on how I feel about the coaching staff in front office, but I don't know how to feel about the players, specifically Alex Bregman. Breg became my favorite player in the bigs after listening to his guest episode on the pod when I realized he's an absolute chiller who gets after it hard and hits dingers harder. Now it's pretty evident he was involved in this signed stealing cheating scandal, which is super unchill.
Starting point is 00:38:43 I don't want to judge his entire persona based off one moral mishap, but I'm for sure peed off he cheated the game that he's so passionate for. I'd love to hear if you think Breg is still an absolute beauty like I did after hearing him on the pod, or if we should rethink his legendary status
Starting point is 00:38:56 as a ball-playing bro. I appreciate the response, and thanks for always keeping me stoked, Chad and JT. Dude, that's a tough question because he's our dog. He was on the pod. Yeah. He's nice tough question because he's our dog. He's on the pod.
Starting point is 00:39:06 Yeah. He's nice enough to be a guest and say what up. But, you know, if the reports are true, he was complicit in this scandal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:17 And, was active in it. Active in it. And people make mistakes, you know, when there's groupthink, it's hard to resist so yeah i mean i think it's not chill yeah if he cheated but he can return to chillness through a
Starting point is 00:39:34 life of you know doing better too yeah yeah and i mean dude i'm not like perfect you know what i mean like i did stupid shit um i think when i first started doing stand up i would do like i would do like hannibal burrish jokes and stuff like that yeah yeah um which is like such an embarrassing thing to admit but i did so um i don't know i i don't think it's cool to cheat though and i the people i admire the most don't cheat they have strong ethics when it comes to that stuff but yeah it's it's tough to now i'm not sympathizing i'm not trying to you know sympathize too much but it's it's when you're exposed to a situation like that and you have you know it can be tough to resist the temptation.
Starting point is 00:40:30 And so sometimes if you're around that for a long time, maybe you'll resist for a little bit. Then you'll get caught up in it. And next thing you know, you're complicit in everything. So, you know, a lot of times people get swept up in it. But it definitely was not chill. There's a time when, you know, in high school on my e-contest, we had all the answers. And we were all cheating on it. And I did, and then he, like, caught wind of it. So this one test came up, and I answered everything from, like, I didn't study at all.
Starting point is 00:40:58 I answered everything from the last test, basically cheating. And he caught me. And he didn't get me in trouble. He just like i wasn't chill dude and uh you know your supply and demand is low and uh and i just felt like a doucher and i tried to be improve myself after that yeah that's another example i just got caught up in it i was like oh the option for something easier is right there i'm gonna take it yeah it's a good question what's up you deities mistoke you guys are absolute beauts and i think it's dope that you answer all your fans jt responded me when i sent him a video of some kid shredding his favorite karaoke song sorry if this is a little long but i
Starting point is 00:41:43 think i can shed some light on the discussion about if a bigger dong produces a stronger stream than you had a few pods ago. I couldn't find any peer-reviewed studies done on this, but I am in medical school, so I can tell you that the dong is comprised of erectile tissue, which is basically a sponge,
Starting point is 00:41:55 and their urethra runs through this erectile tissue. I hypothesize that since a large dong has more of this tissue, it can lead to decreased cross-sectional area of the urethra, and via Bernoulli's equation, that would mean there needs to be an increase in velocity so big dong equals stronger stream i also have a quick question if that's cool i recently asked you can ask any question after that fire explanation i recently asked out this girl
Starting point is 00:42:18 out in my class and she said she isn't looking for something right now we are still friends and hang out a good amount what do you recommend i do in order to make her think she does? She does want something right now. My game plan is just to be present and be me, but I'm not sure if there's anything else I should do. Thanks for being dude. You're a killer, bro. I mean, you know, stuff you send videos of your friends shredding at karaoke. You're a generous guy who wants to celebrate his dogs. You understand understand you understand mathematics and science and you can contextualize that into dong talk i mean bro you don't have to do anything it's coming out baby keep being you spread the good word of dong inertia velocity terminal velocity of urine coming out of the hog i wonder if there's as much cool math about lady streams oh good question well we can put it out to the stokers
Starting point is 00:43:13 and i'm sure we'll get some fire intel do you think kegels uh help the stream maybe i don't see why not it's like all the muscles in there right keeping it tight yeah so you can really just like projectile it yeah you really like shoot your shot fire dude um but yeah this guy's a beast just keeping you yeah keep digging that knowledge i like that what up dogs i kind of have a sitch that i thought would be a perfect question for you guys my best friend used to drop dong all the time at parties and it got all of our levels of stoke to skyrocket into the atmosphere he even had an alternative personality when he dropped dong of a pro wrestler called the annihilator it was so rad and it got everyone's
Starting point is 00:43:57 stoke levels to the next level all the dudes girls everyone but he has not dropped dong in many moons in our stoke tanks when we're all together has not ever been close to full is there anything i can say to him that maybe he'll one day dong in many moons and our stoke tanks, when we were all together, has not ever been close to full. Is there anything I can say to him that maybe he'll one day drop dong again and get our levels of stoke to that level again? Also, shout out to you guys for talking about driving stick shift on a couple pods ago. Very rad. Yeah, I mean, dude, driving stick. It takes me a couple rounds to get it back
Starting point is 00:44:18 into my system and remember how to do it. But once I'm flowing, it feels good, dude. Next car I got, I want to get stick. I don't know if they're selling manual transmission anymore. They're doing it. You get good, baby. You might have to get it custom. I'm going to have to get a Toyota Supra.
Starting point is 00:44:32 Oh. I was in Chile driving a little bit. It's all stick down there. And me and two dudes, I met a couple of European guys, one of which I think I mentioned on the pod, was very condescending to me when i predicted that john snow was the son of ray guard terry garrison he's like i don't think that's possible what a silly what a silly idea i don't have his contact info but what's up now dog
Starting point is 00:44:58 um but sorry it's way too no no keep it coming was so fired up. I was baked out of my mind on an edible, too. We met a girl out there when we were hiking, and she was like, oh, I need a ride back. And I was like, well, I'm driving, but I just learned how to drive stick. And he was like, no, he's a very good driver. Stalled twice on the way home, but kept us alive. Yeah. Let's go. I love it.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Dude, with the Annihilator, you know what I i would do you know what gets me is when people bring up old memories like epic stories involving him dropping dong and they're like dude remember that time when you dropped dong at terry's b-day party and uh you know you put it in the pizza i don't know sorry uh just keep coming with stories like that him dropping dong and how it made you feel how it made the squad feel you know just the sight of his hog coming out just letting loose embracing the streak boosting stoke wherever he goes just letting himself fly be free be happy and be himself um just keep conjuring up those feelings within him stir it up before you know it his pants are flying off you'll be seeing that
Starting point is 00:46:16 dong dude i'm just overwhelmed with compassion all directions here because i get where you're coming from where you want to see that dong and you want to get excited and you know there i think the best way to do it is get another person to start dropping dong and then that person right you know like the rehabilitator chain reaction everyone's talking about that dude and then your buddy's gonna get that competitive spirit coming back yeah you know and be like what they think he drops dong better than me and then he'll come out of retirement you know what i mean he'll start dropping dong and i feel for this guy you know, I've been the guy who drops dong. And sometimes you just want to rebrand, you know. Jordan took a couple years off from basketball, you know.
Starting point is 00:46:50 It's like he might just be recharging the bats. He might not be done forever. But if he is, you know, we still got to love him. It's like the documentary Hoop Dreams where everyone's super invested in this high school kid becoming an NBA player. And he's like, people always tell me like, hey, don't forget about me when you make it. And he's like, yeah, well, don't forget about me if I don't. Dude, I like where your head's at. You're talking about like a house of dong cards.
Starting point is 00:47:11 Yeah. One drops, they all do. So start that chain reaction, you know. Maybe get the guy from the last question to come in and talk about the physics of it. What do they say in the Three Musketeers? Drop dong. One and done, one for all.
Starting point is 00:47:29 For the dong-a-thon? Mm-hmm. D'Artagnan. I know what they say. There's a lot of nougat in this bar. Dude, I think Musketeer swords are the weakest of all the swords, too. Yeah? Those skinny sabers dude oh
Starting point is 00:47:45 i'd much rather have a broadsword yeah yeah what would you want would you want sort of like a smaller super sharp maybe katana okay okay katana or a broadsword what's a katana is that like a samurai sword samurai sword samurai sword you want a tori hanzo that's what i'm doing katana yeah um so you can kill Bill. Yeah, dude, broadswords, I mean, you're swinging it around. It doesn't look elegant. It doesn't look cool. It's power-based.
Starting point is 00:48:11 A katana, yeah. I'll take speed and agility every time. Absolutely. Like Conor McGregor said, timing beats speed and precision beats power. Man, that fight, 40 seconds seconds i mean i all the people who are saying it's a fix i get it i mean what would be better for the company than having connor just come out and dominate someone and look like he's totally back but serone gets knocked out a lot lately although he's a legend i saw uh dan bilzerian he bet like a million dollars on
Starting point is 00:48:41 serone no he didn't yeah he posted a photo of like a pile of cash and he's like for sarone and then i guess he posted another thing well shit bill zarian's a guy i'd love to see sad i know he's talked about it a little bit but like i remember i partied on a boat one time in cabo yeah i was so debaucherous when i got home i just bawled my eyes out yeah i just wonder if he's oh, I'm fucking all these chicks, and I'm shooting machine guns. What the fuck am I doing, man? I don't know who the fuck I am.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Yeah. He's got to have those moments. I think so. Bilzerian's kind of a cool-ass name. Yeah, it is. Bilzerian. Dan Bilzerian. Do you think if you were Dan Bilzerian, do you think you'd be happy?
Starting point is 00:49:27 No. Hey, Dan. I think it'd be fun bilzerian do you think you'd be happy no hey dan i mean there's aspect i think it'd be fun but i don't think i'd be happy i don't need i think you'd be happy for like a week yeah i don't know i definitely like to drop into that once in a while but if i don't know what do you think i'm a do you what do you think about him do you know him i don't think i know who that is oh man he's like this like uh he's kind of like the modern era hugh hafner but there's like more it's more testosterone infused he just like posts photos all day of him with like really hot women and he's like shooting machine guns all the time and he says like douchey things like my accountant tried to tell me not to spend a million dollars today, but I asked him if I was still rich,
Starting point is 00:50:07 told him to fuck off, stuff like that. Doesn't sound like my type of dude. So I'm not surprised I don't follow him, but maybe I should go check it out. Yeah. Yo dudes, first and foremost, thank you for everything you guys believe in. Hopefully the gang is all here for this one
Starting point is 00:50:20 or quite honestly, maybe hope that I just get an email back. Not here for the clout. So gents, I've been suffering for depression for about two years now some days good some bad I constantly dealing with never feeling good enough for my girlfriend my family or work I've been in the military since 2010 and unfortunately it has allowed me to develop a lot of fucked up feelings I constantly I constantly think my significant other is never pleased I constantly overthink and pry during every moment in all arguments it is leading me back down a dark path that I used to find myself
Starting point is 00:50:44 at home about two years ago. I was cheated on, lied to, and ultimately deceived by someone I wanted to spend a life with. Ex-girlfriend, aka home wrecker. I've moved past it all, met someone amazing, work has been better, family and friends all great, but unfortunately facing these demons I've created internally when
Starting point is 00:51:00 things get sticky with my new girl. Chatting JT, I want you guys to know that listening to your podcast has given me a lot of insight on how to live in shitty times. I've developed a fucked up mentality that I'm never good enough or everyone is out to get me. It destroys my self-esteem and depletes my stoke tank. I've been reading some decent books. Please suggest some of your favorites.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Been hitting the slopes with my friend from work, staying away from drinking, and just trying to find help where I can. Most recently, I wanted to end my life, but I knew it was never something I'd follow through with. My lady friend and I are no longer dating because of me constantly overthinking and creating situations and scenarios that might not be true. Long story short, fucking up our love life. I'm at a loss right now
Starting point is 00:51:33 and have been struggling hard. I feel I know the answers in which you guys can help I feel I know the answers in which you guys can help me out with. I would just love to hear if you guys have dealt with suicidal thoughts, how you've made it through bad breakups and what you guys would do when you exceed past rock bottom. I'm in the gym daily. I'm reading a chapter a night from any book I'm told to read and mostly ones I really think I'd enjoy. I'm seeking professional help and I'm
Starting point is 00:51:56 nervous as to what I should talk about. My girlfriend recently broke up, suggested me to seek help and I'm going to. JT, I've heard once or twice you've sought out therapy and how does one begin? Where do you start? I deal with depression, anxiety, and overall my ability to overly critically think about absolutely everything I pursue in life. You guys are doing
Starting point is 00:52:10 a justice society by shedding the stoke to those who listen. Much love, dudes. And hopefully I can receive some dope feedback. Yeah, you know, after college,
Starting point is 00:52:20 I struggled with drinking a little bit. It was like a year or two where I was just like drinking way too much and it got to the point where I'd like start drinking in the morning and uh so I took a break from it I stopped drinking for a while I went to therapy for like a few months and uh that's sort of what inspired me to get on this track of like doing things that make you feel good in like a real way. Because I started to recognize those urges to like drink or, you know, drink a bunch of coffee or do anything to just sort of like take your mind off of, just to give you that, I was always in search of that like up feeling.
Starting point is 00:53:14 And the more I engaged in healthy behavior and started becoming more sensitive to diet and, you know, thinking about my feelings, honesty, just sort of seeking out as much healthy behavior as i can the happier i got and the more i was able to sustain it um so that's just from my personal experience i know you know you're going through some tough stuff but i would say the best thing for me whenever i've been low is i've, whenever I, it's so hard to leave the house, but once you leave the house and you get out into the real world and you just
Starting point is 00:53:49 start doing things that you know are good for you, it just feeds your soul, I think. And you just, it compounds and compounds and you just build on that and build on that. And then you're able to build, um, a sustainable contentment,
Starting point is 00:54:03 I guess is the right word. But, um, and then it's also just finding something that you've just finding a path or a mission in your life that you want to, um, that fuel that, that you're never, it's not like you're really searching for an end it's like you're just searching for continual improvement and just um continual progress i think i think progress making progress in certain areas in your life is sort of the key to happiness i found so uh i hope that made sense i'm kind of my domes all over the place, but yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:54:46 That's what's up. Yeah, my dog. I'm sorry you're suffering, man. I think you're being really hard on yourself. I think you're being hard on yourself, and it's kind of grinding you down, and I know what that's like. You say you're worried that you're letting down your girlfriend, your family, and your work.
Starting point is 00:55:09 I bet you everyone at those places thinks you're pretty great. Yeah. And I think they all want you to be happy and that they're all probably pretty proud of you. It sounds like you do a lot of good stuff. I think maybe it's hard to be compassionate to ourselves sometimes. It's easy to dismiss what we're feeling or tell us that we're stupid or soft or weak or that we're focused on the wrong stuff. And you know, sometimes you
Starting point is 00:55:37 got to be tough, but sometimes you just got to just let yourself be. Like if one of your really good friends came to you and like told you all this,'d probably be like dude you're great man i love you and i just want you to be happy and and you're doing great and and i know you're gonna get through this but i think you got to say that to yourself you know treat yourself like how you would treat one of your really good buddies and just yeah be compassionate to yourself because you deserve it like you deserve to feel how you feel. And yeah, I've had dark, dark thoughts, man, all the way to the worst. And I think sometimes that was my inability to feel my sadness. So I was just looking for a way out, you know.
Starting point is 00:56:19 Sometimes you have an awkward conversation, you just want to run out of the room instead of just sitting there and like feeling those feelings. So I think when you go to therapy, and you definitely should, you just got to sit in it and really deal with it, or it will deal with you. And I know you're going to do great, man. You're a great guy. You got a lot of good stuff in your future. Don't beat yourself up.
Starting point is 00:56:42 Life's already hard enough. You deserve, you deserve to be gentle with yourself, brother. And thank you for serving, man. It's a, you know, it's a big commitment. Should probably maybe try some meditations. Oh yeah, that's great. Cause I always find that those help
Starting point is 00:57:00 when I have really dark thoughts. Like it's a really good way to try to clear your mind and find the good ones again. Yeah, I love meditating. That's good stuff. stuff yeah i've been doing i do like i've been like breathing exercises meditation i found this new app sync tuition i listen to it's like a meditation before i go to bed just puts me right to sleep sleep is huge i've been uh ever since i've been, like, more aware of, like, health and stuff, I've been, you're able to see, like, how much, like, lack of sleep and poor nutrition affects not only your body, but your state of mind. So, I just find that those are some real tangible things that can help. I just find that those are some real tangible things that can help.
Starting point is 00:57:50 And also, yeah, you know, like JT was saying, self-love, self-compassion. I've always found the idea of self-love has always seemed like such a strange thing to me. I'm like, what? Love myself? That's so weird. Yeah, because it feels like we're already the most important. I'm like, I do. I'm the most important'm like i do i'm the most important person in my life yeah i've never yeah it took like a therapist to be like
Starting point is 00:58:10 be like you hate yourself i'm like i never even like thought about that right i'm like what are you talking about but then once you start to like understand it it's it seems weird but i think the more you just meditate on it think about it it, then you're able to develop that. Because I think most people grow up without the right foundation to have self-love. Yeah, we don't get the tools all the time. And it's no one's fault, or sometimes it is, but oftentimes it's not. We don't always get the tools to deal with what we experience yeah i mean it's like you go into the world you you know you start dealing with social things and it's like um yeah it's so easy to uh
Starting point is 00:58:58 unless you're like a freaking fire baseball player right out the bat those guys probably deal with self-hatred too. Yeah, they're scared too. They're just better at compartmentalizing. I respect the fuck out of people who can do that. They put it in the swing. But not everyone's the same. And yeah, just be nice to yourself. And it's good you're getting help, man.
Starting point is 00:59:19 And keep writing and we'll email you back and we'll have a dialogue. Always get to reach out too. I think you'll find, like, it's crazy. Like, when I talk to most people too, it's like, and it helps me, most people are like, want to help. If you tell most people like, hey, I'm not feeling great, they'll be like, hey, man, it's all good.
Starting point is 00:59:39 It's not always the perfect thing that they say. But most people, we want to live by other people's happiness, not by their sadness. Yeah. It's a Charlie Chaplin movie. You know what I do? I watch Golden Retrievers. Because dogs always have the best. I mean, I watch all dogs.
Starting point is 00:59:57 Because they live life. They have the best approach to life ever. Dude, I'm putting in... Always stoked. Putting in smooth stimulation, dude. Yeah. Like, when I'm feeling super fucked, I't watch like dark shit no of course yeah yeah i just watch like a meditator i watch like waves you know what i mean yeah get some tranquility around you yeah watch some comedy get inspired watch brad pitt and once upon a time in ho, just watch him drive. That makes me happy.
Starting point is 01:00:26 Hell yeah. All right, dude. Let's transition. Thank you, Stokers, for all the questions. Oh, should we do a mid-roll? Oh, yeah. Guys, I'm interrupting this podcast to let you know once again that we are brought to you by Manscaped.
Starting point is 01:00:37 Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dong pieces are looking fresh and hanging well because when you take care of your pubes that translates to your soul the pubes enter the sixth chakra of the body which is the pubal chakra and that is the energy center that fuels your entire dongle region and makes the hair grow and the you know sexual pheromones and those hormones just circulate through your body dude and that makes you horny happy and healthy so make sure that you're trimming and you're trying guys they have a
Starting point is 01:01:18 new product coming out the lawnmower 3.0 i mean these guys are at the forefront of dong trimming technology i mean you know think back to the 1930s what did they have straight razors i'm not taking that near my pubes can you imagine if teddy roosevelt had the lawnmower 2.0 i can't dude i can't either i mean he was a rough rider i can't imagine him as a smooth rider he would have killed probably 10 times more bears if he had pubes he was he was a little dude when he was growing up too and then he just said i will make myself strong yeah yeah that guy could compartmentalize yeah his wife died one night giving birth to his daughter i think they both passed damn they said he sobbed about it the whole night yeah and then the next day he came out he said i have resolved myself to never cry about that again and he just moved on
Starting point is 01:02:09 dudes and in that spirit in that light use code go deep 20 at manscape.com dude there's there's another it's from the bully pulpit which is i did the doris goodwin kern's book i only read half but william taft is the other main character who is also president. Yeah. And there's a story in there that he just, there was a scoundrel in his town and he was a big dude and he just went up to the scoundrel
Starting point is 01:02:32 and he like threatened him with violence and made him move out of town. Damn. I like that. Hey, you're a scoundrel and a pervert. Yeah. Dude, pervert. We talked about that, right?
Starting point is 01:02:43 Greatest insult in the world. You're a pervert. You're a pervert yeah dude pervert we talked about that right greatest insult in the world you're a pervert you're a pervert that's why i was watching uh punch drunk love this weekend and his sister dude when he calls uh uh philip seymour hoffman that was one of the funniest things oh it's hilarious dude their scenes are so good he's like yeah well you're a pervert i'm warning you what's my name Barry Egan when he comes
Starting point is 01:03:10 what does Philip Seymour Hoffman say to him at the end when like Barry Egan's like and this is it like don't ever like do anything to me again he's like this is what happens when you become a pervert
Starting point is 01:03:20 something like that and then he turns around and then Philip Seymour Hoffman just goes enough like calls it he's like alright it's cool and around and then Philip Seymour just goes enough like calls it yeah he's like
Starting point is 01:03:26 alright it's cool and flames and he goes that's it yeah the best dude the greatest I gotta rewatch that
Starting point is 01:03:32 so I can quote it correctly just the greatest Barry Egan I have love in my life and it makes me more powerful I'm stronger and more powerful
Starting point is 01:03:41 than you will ever imagine I love it dude fuck yeah I drove to Utah and now I'm back here My dog What is your beef of the week My beef of the week has to go With
Starting point is 01:03:53 Dog hair I love dogs don't get me wrong I freaking love dogs But it's all over my car All over my couch all over my bed all over my sweater That I'm wearing right now you know Just freaking hair, dude. I mean, what's the deal with hair and falling out? Has anyone ever thought about that?
Starting point is 01:04:10 Yeah, there's a part of our testosterone that causes it to fall out. I wasn't talking about baldness. I was just talking about in general. Oh, good call. Like, you know, why does it have to do that? In dogs? Yeah, why are they shedding all over the place you know just keep your flow intact right um even with humans too i mean humans shed it's not even
Starting point is 01:04:33 balding they just shed i mean come on hair get it together you know stop getting all over my stuff you know i just moved into a new place now I have to worry about hair everywhere and I have to get a freaking lint roller. Dude, I'm stocking up on lint rollers. Those are the best. I know. Everyone should have one in their apartment. I want to spend that money on crisp white tees though. I don't want to spend that money on lint rollers.
Starting point is 01:04:57 I know, dog. There's nothing less stokifying than buying cleaning supplies even though having a clean place makes you pretty amped. What's your white teeth and you get the three packs or you get the solos? I go to J.Crew and I get the premiums. Oh nice dude. But sometimes they have the deals like two for
Starting point is 01:05:14 $25. Oh that's fire. And that gets me pretty hard. Gap's not looking good with their new line. It's been a little weak. Yeah. Dude actually that's my beef of the week is with the Gap. Yeah. Your new line is soft. Yeah. Urban Out that's my beef of the week is with the gap yeah your new line is soft yeah Urban Outfitters 2
Starting point is 01:05:27 what the hell is going on over there what's going on I haven't been there at all it used to be preppy SoCal now it's like white urbanite it's
Starting point is 01:05:35 yeah it's like the wide collars hanging past the knees they don't have regular white tees there really no
Starting point is 01:05:42 everything's got something on it closest thing they have is Patagonia. I rock that. But I was really disappointed. I mean, they still got the jeans I like, you know, the light blue. But overall, a very disappointing descent into a style that I don't like from Urban Outfitters. And Gap, you're where I normally go to just get good, solid stuff.
Starting point is 01:06:00 And your summer line, no, spring line, I guess, is what we're in right now. Because it's always like a little bit in front. Weak, bro. And that hurts me, dude, because I love the gap. You know, I rep them hard. Yeah, well, take it to them. Maybe they'll hear this and they'll get back on track. Yeah, it's all with love.
Starting point is 01:06:15 I just want you guys to improve. Dude, what's your babe of the week? Who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week is my GF's dog is my gfs dog rosie nice dude i freaking love dogs i mean i'm gonna get a dog soon a little too busy at the moment but i think i want to you know i'm not i'm not i'm not getting like i'm not pushing for a specific one you know because i want to when i see i'll go to like a shelter when i see the dog i'm going to feel the connection and we're gonna embrace um but i think it'm going to feel the connection, and we're going to embrace.
Starting point is 01:06:46 But I think it's going to be a black lab. Oh, the best. Yeah. Anyways, I took Rosie to my apartment. It was just us. It was a Saturday night. We had a nice little sleepover. I gave her water.
Starting point is 01:07:00 I gave her some food. We just chilled hard on the couch. She snuggled with me um and we just had a good time you know i was playing jedi fallen order and then we watched naked gun and then um i you know we just like had a nice little sleepover and um and then when i went to see her the other night she was so excited to see me she like embraced me and then she gave me like a playful bite which means that dogs are so excited they can't even like contain themselves so I'm just stoked to know that we have that bond that vibe and Stokers keep telling us more about your dogs and send us photos so we can say what up
Starting point is 01:07:40 that's nice dude yeah yeah people complain about doggy photos but it's like when you have doggies dude when you're with about doggy photos, but it's like they're doggies. Dude, when you're with a dog, you can't help it. They want to be photographed. Yeah. They're so cute. They're the best. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:53 Little bundles of joy, dude. What's your baby? Want to bite your face, cutie. My baby of the week is Luke Kukli, linebacker for the carolina panthers former defensive player of the year as many of you know he retired at the age of 28 most likely due to fear of cte he's had some hard concussions that we've witnessed and it was a hard thing to witness but i am just so impressed by this guy not only as a football player but as a man dude you got to read the way his teammates talk about him like he doesn't have social media, which is cool.
Starting point is 01:08:26 And all of his teammates still wrote these really glowing, uh, just assessments of who he is on, uh, on social media. Like Greg Olson said, words can't describe who Luke Luke Lee is as a person, friend, and teammate. We have shared countless memories together, both on the field and away from it. I feel honored to be his friend and always appreciate the impact he had on my life. Love you, buddy. I mean, they're teammates. So you're like, all right, I get it. But then, I mean, the depth of it. Trey Boston said,
Starting point is 01:09:05 And it just goes on, like jonathan stewart luke kukli is one of the most pure and authentic people i've met he was a great teammate and friend honored to have played with you the great iron will miss your present but i'm excited to see what the next chapter has for you love you bro and it just comes from every direction from teammate and opponent they all just say he was one of the best guys like to ever do it like they're all like yeah he was a dominant football player but doesn't even compare to the one that he to the person he was and i just i love that dude ethical gladiator what's cooler than that that's ass that's epic jack dude with a gentle soul. Come on. I like it. Fire me up, Luke. Fire me up. Chad, who is your legend of the week?
Starting point is 01:09:49 My legend of the week is my buddy Kevin L. Beast. College buddy. A.K.A. Mr. Plow. A.K.A. That's it. Clear the road. Clear the road because he's coming.
Starting point is 01:10:02 And if you have snow, it's getting tossed to the side on the sidewalk. That's where it goes. Yeah. So, Kevin, what up, dude? He's just a legend. He's just been a good friend ever since college. Just always looking out. Always bringing the laughs.
Starting point is 01:10:18 Always bringing the stoke. Always bringing the good vibes. Always bringing the good vibes always bringing the party you know like if you hit up kevin l and you're coming to visit town or he's coming to visit town he's bringing the rager he's bringing the good vibes and he's bringing the beer bong he's gonna make sure that you funnel at least three brews dude and then you create some good memories because kevin's all about he's just like he's one of your he's one of those dogs where you're just like dude you're a good memories because Kevin's all about, he's just like, he's one of your, he's one of those dogs where you're just like, dude,
Starting point is 01:10:46 you're a good dude and I like it. So shout out to Kevin. Keep being a beast. Mr. Plow. You roughed this yesterday too. Beer bong enthusiast, quiet environmental conservationist.
Starting point is 01:10:57 Cause they're not burning red cups. Absolutely. You know, they're green. That's what's up, dude. Who's your legend? My legend of the week is Greg Whitley and Gabby Butler.
Starting point is 01:11:08 Greg Whitley, the creator of Last Chance U, one of the best docuseries of all time, especially the first two seasons when we're at East Mississippi State. But dude, he's got another banger, Cheer, about the best cheerleading team in the country at Navarro College. Great characters, explosive athletes, and just the same kind of rhythm of Last Chance U, but in the other side of the sports spectrum.
Starting point is 01:11:35 And it's just as compelling and none more compelling to me than Gabby Butler. She's been famous since she was a little kid on social media doing stretches and just a freak athlete. She's like the most famous cheerleader in America. She drills it every time, but dude, she's so transparent on the show about how much pressure she feels and how it gets to her. And you're like, all right, well, you're an ace in the hole, total stud when you're on the mat, but then you also have a three-dimensional personality that makes you compelling. That's what's up. You are inspiring. Gabby, keep hucking aerials or they call it throw it your throws are off today
Starting point is 01:12:08 dude the coach super hot super smart dominant competitor she's freaking doing the battle ropes and then she's got a battle she's got the kids on the mat they like hurt their back but they hurt their back being foolish not really but just competing more than she would have liked them to and she's like keep going and the kid keeps getting hurt she's like again yeah breaking them maybe making them stronger you know world breaks this makes us stronger in the broken places but sometimes no sometimes you get hurt and it's degenerative for sure for sure chad what is your... Emma, do you have a beef babe or legend that you'd like to amplify on? My only beef is L.A. real estate.
Starting point is 01:12:53 Oh, dude, yeah. I'm looking for an apartment right now, and it's just fucking brutal out there. What's going down? I hear you. It goes fast. I heard once a place is on the market, it's gone in like eight hours. You got to be first to it. Yeah, things move really fast.
Starting point is 01:13:07 And it's like you have to give 30 days before you can leave your current spot. But when you find one, they want you in there in like two days. And like security deposits and like everything. The pictures are all lies. It looks beautiful and then you show up and it's actually a dump. So it's a whole game. Pictures are all lies now. I mean, there's too much we can do with like
Starting point is 01:13:25 composition it's like photoshop shop has gotten too good it's too good too good so you can't believe a single photo you see online it's all fake i know i had those experiences when i was moving to like what is going on you like think you find the perfect apartment you get all excited about it then you show up and it's like actually a basement with no windows. The size of it too. You're like, oh, this place is huge. And then you get in there and you're like,
Starting point is 01:13:48 it's a shoebox. Yeah, you're like, this is a glorified closet. What are you talking about? Who's your photographer? I want them to take pictures of my dong. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:13:57 Whoa. Yeah. Dude, I mean, I gotta say, Culver City. Yeah, that's definitely on the list. There's some good stuff out there. Throw's on the that's definitely on the list there's some good stuff out there throw it on the dar hell yeah i love it good vibes spacious good people
Starting point is 01:14:11 in culver city too right good people quality people good food yeah great food good steam room uh good steam room uh and then you got you know you got manhattan beach right there venice you got and then you got west holly I mean, it's a perfect location. That's what's up. Chad, what is your quote of the week? Well, this is off your recommendation, so I'm going to do a scene from Fast and the Furious. Yeah, because you've been crushing this.
Starting point is 01:14:35 Oh, dude, thank you. And I need you to prompt me. Okay. So I need you to go, Brian, don't lose that cool of yours. That's your meal ticket. Brian, don't lose that cool of yours. That's your meal ticket. Oh, my that cool of yours That's your meal ticket
Starting point is 01:14:45 Oh my can't take it again Yeah for sure I'm gonna get in the zone Yeah my dog The Paul zone Brian Don't lose that cool of yours That's your meal ticket
Starting point is 01:14:51 Well my meal ticket Well I can't pay for my own shrimp I got the shrimp Is it No see That's one thing you understand About me Dom I don't need handouts
Starting point is 01:15:02 I don't take handouts I earn my way every step Just gotta make a little Something extra on the side Like you Like me, Dom. I don't need handouts. I don't take handouts. I earn my way every step. Just gotta make a little something extra on the side like you. Like me? That's what I mean. What do you mean? That's what I mean.
Starting point is 01:15:12 Look, I'm not stupid, all right? I know there's no way in hell you're paying for all that shit that's under the hood of those cars by doing tune-ups and selling groceries. Now, whatever it is you're in on, I went in on it, too.
Starting point is 01:15:27 All right, well, we gotta got to get you in a car and get you to race war so I can start making some money off of you. Eat your shrimp. Is that what he says? It's kind of close, right? He takes the thing out, a piece of paper, he slides it.
Starting point is 01:15:39 He's like, what's this? It's directions to race wars. And then he takes a big bite out of the shrimp. He was great. All right, dude. Mine is more of a story. It's from Gandhi. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:16:00 Yeah. A mom comes to Gandhi with her son and she goes, sir, my son eats too much sugar. It is not good for his health. Would you please advise him to stop eating it? Gandhi listens carefully, turns to her and speaks to the son. Go home and come back in two weeks. The woman looks perplexed.
Starting point is 01:16:18 Two weeks later, she returned boy in hand. Gandhi motioned for them to come forward. He looked directly at the boy and said, boy, you eating sugar it is not good for your health the boy nodded and promised he would not continue the habit the boy's mother turned to gandhi and asked why didn't you tell him that two weeks ago when i brought him here to see you gandhi smiled mother two weeks ago i was still eating sugar myself nice gandhi yeah beast yeah I heard Cory Booker
Starting point is 01:16:46 kept quoting him on Ezra Klein right before he dropped out now me and the mad scientist gotta rip apart the block
Starting point is 01:16:54 and replace the piston rings you fried it's so good ask any racer ask any real racer it don't matter if you win by
Starting point is 01:17:04 an inch or a mile. Winning's winning. Dude, I love the extras in the back. So 90s, dude, with these huge shades. Oh, no. Yeah. Hey, how you stand by your car. That's how you drive it. Oh.
Starting point is 01:17:26 But Paul handles it all so chill. You gotta come at it with a smile. Yeah, dude, it's water off a duck's back, dude. Yeah, he's laughing at it. He's laughing. He disarmed Toretto like that. Beautiful. What are you smiling about?
Starting point is 01:17:39 Dude, I almost had you. Almost had me? You never had me. You never had your car. The best. Chad, what's your phrase of the week for getting after it? Let's rip apart the engine block. Nice, dude.
Starting point is 01:17:56 What's yours? Gandhi. Honor your incarnation. Nice. Yeah. Emma, anything you want to throw down in the quotes department? No, I don't have any quotes off the top of my head at the moment. That's what's up.
Starting point is 01:18:10 I dig it. Well, dudes, as always, we are brought to you by Danny Babona and UCI Baseball, one of the best baseball programs in the country, stewarded by one of the best coaches in the country. If you're a young buckaroo and you can swing or hit, that's where you should go. You should call UC Newport Beach because it's right there that's right I know Daniel Bobono he's a good guy he's a solid guy swings a good bat
Starting point is 01:18:29 throws a good line drive is that a tournament baseball term? close enough my friend and we're also brought to you by Douglas Lubricant guys the best in the biz guys you want to bone you want to bone well
Starting point is 01:18:44 and when you bone you want to bone. You want to bone well. And when you bone, you want to bone smooth. Okay? So next time you bone, bone right with Douglas. Tons of flavors. Orange, vanilla, lemon, citrus, tart. They taste great. Grape.
Starting point is 01:19:03 Original. Anal. Guys, and go out there this week and get after it. Get those Buku dollars, all right? What's up? What's been slowing you down? Illusions in your head. Throw them to the side and attack reality.
Starting point is 01:19:22 That's where you belong. In the ring. In the fight. In the arena. Taking on your belong. In the ring. In the fight. In the arena. Taking on your challenges. Sword in hand. Lion in your other hand. You got it by the throat.
Starting point is 01:19:36 You respect it, but you're gonna respectfully put it down. Slay your lion. Alright, later guys later was that a quote? no if you need advice
Starting point is 01:19:52 these guys are really nice and you wanna know what to do where to go when you need someone to guide you Step out the door Beside you
Starting point is 01:20:11 Go with the team Go with the team Let's go team Go with the team Go with the team Buster G I'm going deep Got to take a deep Run

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