Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep 114 - Keith Eckert Joins, Endurance runs, Navy Seal BUDS, and Kobe

Episode Date: January 29, 2020

What up stokers! Keith Eckert joins and we discuss endurance runs, navy seal BUDS training, and Kobe.Sponsored by Manscaped: Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. Clea...n up your nuts!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 headphones on starting the pod now oh mama what's up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with the going deep with chad JT podcast. Guys, before we begin, I want to remind you once again that we are brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dongs have the proper groin grooming. Because when you see a dude and you feel that energy from him, you know that he trims his pubes with Manscaped. And we have the new product, the Lawn Mower 3.0. Look at that beauty. It has gold on the box, gold lining.
Starting point is 00:00:51 I mean, we were talking earlier, they use probably laser technology to laser pinpoint your pubes and just zap them away. So guys, don't miss out on a true modern feat of technology. This is like the ancient the pyramid ancient pyramid of pube trimming it's great thanks uh and uh i'm joined by my first off keith do you manscape i do not have one of those my roommate does and he can't stop talking about it oh really yeah what does he say uh he says it's unbelievable it gets um i mean i think his uh his girlfriend's happy about it too
Starting point is 00:01:31 dude you gotta follow up and do the same they yeah they have uh he's got there's like ball cream and everything wow how do you tend to your area um classic scissors scissors and uh an old school it's not a lawnmower, but it's like a trimmer. Yeah. That works. Yeah. That works, but the Lawnmower 3.0 is, if you want an upgrade and sort of a smooth operation going. Something specifically designed for the job.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Yeah. I'll definitely be upgrading. Yeah. Better match fit. Nice. All right, sweet. And I'm here with my compadre, Sean Thomas. What up?
Starting point is 00:02:04 Boom, clap clap stokers and uh we're here joining me keith what is your last name by the way it's eckert keith eckert it's a good name endurance athlete uh how would you describe yourself i would say i'm just an average bro because i know you guys i like your guys's mission statement just giving advice to average bros definitely an average bro but i like to push out of my comfort zone and do these endurance races that i once thought maybe were impossible but you just keep doing them and pushing out of your comfort zone and and then you realize it it is possible to do things that others might not think you can do were you always a good runner no i was a terrible runner what was your
Starting point is 00:02:39 like sport i mean so i wrestled growing up and I ran to cut weight. And so I didn't really like running at all because I was losing weight. Like I was hungry. And then once, I don't know, I started to get a little bit older and slowed the pace down. I realized running could be fun. And I wasn't running on the streets anymore. I was running in trails and like, you know, beautiful scenery out here in California. Right. Very topography. Yeah. Nice. What inspired you to get involved in these competitive endurance events? So when I was in high school, I read a book called Born to Run. Yeah. And it's, yeah, it's a great book. And I was a terrible runner, but I read this book because I heard someone, oh, they run a hundred mile races. And I remember running like 10 miles one time. Like, dude, that's far. Like I just did 10 miles. I've never like 10 miles one time like dude that's far like I never run 10 miles so then to hear people running 100 miles I just couldn't believe it so I read
Starting point is 00:03:30 the book and that motivated me and in high school I said one you know one day I'd like to run these far distances and then when I turned about 26 or 25 I did my first 50 mile race wow nice how'd you do it was terrible I It was a mountain race. I was totally underprepared. I trained the entire time in Coronado. So at, you know, no elevation. Right. And then I was training with my buddy and he was more stoked on it than I was.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Like, oh, let's do this 50 mile race. And I was kind of like, all right, whatever. I'll give it a shot. And a day before the race, he's like, dude, I can't do it. He wasn't able to do the race. Why? He got really sick. I think he had something with his appendix.
Starting point is 00:04:08 He might have got his appendix taken out. Yeah. But then, and at the time, I didn't own a car. But I was out of the Navy, and I was working for this wealthy guy in Coronado. And he's like, oh, dude, you can take, he drove a Maserati. He's like, you can take my Maserati. Oh, that's nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:22 And so these running events. Four-door or two-door? Doesn't matter. Yeah, yeah. It was a Maserati oh that's nice yeah and i and so these running four door or two door it was four yeah yeah um it was a maserati so he's like dude take my car and these running events are very um granola and great people but i mean everyone's driving yeah everyone's driving a subaru and i showed up late and i pulled up in a maserati and everyone's like who's this asshole you know and um totally was underprepared didn't have the right shoes I forgot my watch forgot my headphones what what shoes did you wear I was wearing I love the brand it's Sakani yeah they're they're they're they're street shoes and this is
Starting point is 00:04:56 a very technical mountain race right and so I rolled my ankle about 100 times finished the race fat like massive black and blue ankles, swollen and then all I wanted to do was get out of there I'm like I can't wait to finish this race just so I can leave because I was so miserable and then I drove it was a three hour drive back to where I was staying in Carlsbad and I couldn't even get out of the car
Starting point is 00:05:18 I immediately got in the car did this three hour drive through traffic by the time I get there I open the door and I couldn't get out of the car it was like in um wolf of wall street when leonardo dicaprio was trying to get into the uh ferrari it was just like that i was staying with this girl and i called her i was like you got to come downstairs and help me out of this car because i can't get up right and after that i was like there's no way i was like that was 50 miles how does anyone run 100 miles right and from there my mind just kept going i I'm going to keep doing this.
Starting point is 00:05:45 I want to keep doing this because it was uncomfortable. But I was like, how does someone do 100 miles? And then I finished my first 100 miler, and then I read about 200 miles. I was like, how does someone do that? So I signed up for that. And then 240 miles, how does someone do that? So what's the longest you've run? 243 miles.
Starting point is 00:06:02 So is that straight? It's ready, set, and you can you have time limits so you can stop if you want but if you miss that checkpoint they take you out of the race wow so do you stop to eat you'll stop to eat and um you call them dirt naps so you'll just like you're running and you're getting so tired and you're hallucinating and you all you want to do is sleep so you just like all right that spot looks fine you just fall over on the trail and you're hallucinating and you all you want to do is sleep so you just like all right that spot looks fine you just fall over on the trail and you run a little backpack maybe that you have a jacket in or uh some warmer clothes because as soon as you stop and some of these races are
Starting point is 00:06:32 pretty like 10 000 feet in the air in october so it's snowing or um so you need to you need to stay warm but you just take a 15 set your watch take a 15 minute nap and what are the hallucinations like the hallucinations for me are always weird. I always see like a house or like, Oh, there's a house. Cool. Like I'm really thirsty. I'm out of water. There's a house over there. And then like, as you start to go towards the house, like, Whoa, actually there's nothing there. That's my, my biggest one is seeing buildings in the middle of the, uh, of the woods. Yeah. And it usually happens on these longer races. So the, the 200 mile races, like when i'm like 48 hours in and you haven't really
Starting point is 00:07:06 slept yet that doesn't freak you out like my brain's making images uh no it definitely freaks you out but it's exciting it's like cool yeah yeah it's uh it's a natural high it's a runner's high of just it is freaky but it's um it's exciting at the same time because you're like you're pushing that limit that you don't really know if you can go much further right like for example in that in the moab 240 i was so tired but it was also so cold and i didn't have the right cold gear at the time that if i knew if i fell asleep i might get hypothermia or something like that so just to force yourself to do something that you don't want to do like all i want to do is stop and sleep i did not want to run anymore right but to push yourself beyond that point it almost wakes you up a little bit
Starting point is 00:07:49 because there is like a sense of danger like i can get hypothermia it's snowing out yeah how do you know if what you're experiencing is like something that genuinely calls for you to quit the race or it's just your body wanting some relief but not necessarily you're not in danger it's it's weird because i've never felt really in danger but i've and only in one of the races i've ever felt like quitting it was the first 100 mile race i ever did and um i'm coming to a checkpoint it was probably like six miles in between checkpoints so you get you get to this one station and they might have water or food for you and then i had six miles to go to the next one and i did not feel like running my knees were killing me everything was just aching and I remember just being like okay let me just try to get to the next checkpoint and in that six miles like you're probably only going
Starting point is 00:08:32 20 minute miles at that point because you're walking so it took a while and that's when like quitting finally set in and it wasn't but I you stop you think about it for a second and you're like you know what I'm actually fine and I feel like every time I've done a race, I've come to that point at least. And 200 miles, you're going to come to that point 10 times in the race. And you definitely grow from it. But I don't know if I've ever felt in danger where I'm like, I need to call for help. Right. Dude, you're making me want to work out.
Starting point is 00:08:59 I'm like, man, I've got to go to the gym after this. My neck's been hurting. I'm not even doing push-ups right now. Are you not doing anything? No, it hurts. It seems like in those races, you know, you get like a second win. It seems like you'd have to have like five or six wins. Definitely, 100%.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Like in that first 50-mile race, even that is so long. How would you, I mean, I'm sure once you got to like mile 10, you were just like what the fuck how what kept you going in that first one the for me would be almost i don't want to say embarrassment of of because i kind of told a lot of people that i'm doing this wrong right and and then for i didn't want on monday for them to be like oh how was the run and be like i quit 10 miles in yeah and so it wasn't and it's i, I mean, there's not, I mean, I wouldn't personally quit, but yeah, just, and I enjoy when people like, what, you ran 50 miles?
Starting point is 00:09:53 And they get excited for me. Right. They're like, that's cool. Like, so I don't want to let them down and be like, hey, my buddy's running 50 miles this week and then not do it. Yeah. Reminds me of the time I was at Buffalo Wild Wings and I did the Buffalo Wild Wing Challenge and I quit after my first wing.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Oh, no. Did you? Why? It was too much. It was too hot? It was too spicy. I was like, I can't do it. I was chugging milk.
Starting point is 00:10:14 And then a lady three tables over beat it. No. Like five minutes later. Did you feel like you let your buddies down at all? No, because I fucking took it to my max. I had my shirt off. I was like pouring milk on my body like i really did just hit the roof yeah i uh i can relate to not that it's anything close but
Starting point is 00:10:32 last year my brothers and i we skinned up a mountain okay just a ski mount it's like 3 000 feet but um in that first like you know that first half of it you're just like um it's you're just like what am i doing this is insane like i'm tired like it's cold as shit but then i i got addicted to that feeling of like reaching the top yeah and it was such a uh after i did it i was like i'm gonna do this tomorrow like this it's so i i can totally sort of understand where you're coming right with that that feeling of because it's such like a tangible thing of accomplishing that race or like getting to the top of that mountain. It's like the best feeling.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Yeah, because you pushed outside of your comfort zone a little bit, and you're like, oh, it wasn't that bad. So what can I do now? How much further can I push out of this comfort zone? Yeah. Until finally you just, I mean, now I don't mind. I could sign up for a race tomorrow if I had to. I feel because even if I'm not trained for it, I could just push out.
Starting point is 00:11:26 I felt the crappy before. I remember what those feelings feel like. And a lot of times I'll take out my phone. If I have my phone on me, I'll note it. Like, oh, mile 71. Remember you wanted to quit? This is how you felt. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:38 And then I'll read back on those. Like, dude, that wasn't that bad. You know it'll pass. Yeah, exactly. This too shall pass. That's so important. It's hard to remember that too. It is.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Yeah. Because you, I mean, your mind will still be like, dude, just quit. That 100 mile race, I was like,
Starting point is 00:11:52 who cares? Like, I'm not doing this for anyone besides myself. And then once I said, well, you're doing this for yourself, like, this means something to you,
Starting point is 00:11:59 so finish this race. And it sucked, but then, you know, you get that high again and you can start running again. I was walking for six miles and all I wanted to do is quit. I felt sorry for myself and I was like, that's stupid, man. Just, race and it sucked but then you know you get that high again and you can start running again i was walking for six miles and all i want to do is quit i felt sorry for myself and i was like that's
Starting point is 00:12:09 stupid man just you know you've been uncomfortable before just push a little further and then you can always relate back to that like whatever you're doing if i was at work and work sucked i'd be like well i've i've been in worse moments than this so yeah i feel i can always relate back to some of these races and use those low moments as positive, like looking for the positive in those low moments has helped me in life just in general. For sure. Is it the same cast of characters in every race?
Starting point is 00:12:33 Yeah, yeah. I'm telling you, the people that run these races, they are the most interesting people of all time. They're just some awesome people because I'm definitely usually one of the youngest people out there. A lot of them are up 40s or 50s um and they're just some characters man but you see the same people they're awesome they're just and i've done you know 10 races where they've done you know some 20 30 40 50 100 races over 100 miles long right and they're just like expert woodsman, I would say sometimes,
Starting point is 00:13:06 and they've experienced so many ups and downs and ups and downs in their life just from running these races. Yeah. They're all so positive. It's a great community to be around. Right. That's cool. Yeah, there's probably no mopey endurance runners.
Starting point is 00:13:19 No. Do you have like a partner that you run with or are you mostly solo? Mostly solo. I definitely have a lot of friends that run but mostly all my runs are solo. I get up in the morning and try to do five to six miles sometimes. On the weekends I'll add distance but I mostly run solo.
Starting point is 00:13:36 What do you think about when you're like deep in an endurance run, when you're like 50 miles in, 60 miles in? Do you have like normal thoughts? Like you're like, what am I going to do tomorrow? Yeah, you know in like Forrest Gump when he's like in the running scene when he's like oh i think about bubba and i think about lieutenant dan and mama but mostly i think about jenny yeah i think about that quote a lot actually and then i think about like who is my bubba who's my lieutenant dan my mama who's my jenny yeah who's your lieutenant dan um definitely my lieutenant
Starting point is 00:14:03 dan is the guy I work for now. His name's Brian Tucker. Shout out to him. Yeah, you're hitting this too much. I'm sorry about that. Getting excited. Yeah, he's my Lieutenant Dan. He's my boss now.
Starting point is 00:14:14 He's someone I don't want to let down. Right. That's cool. That's cool. Who's your Bubba? I have a couple Bubbas, man. I've made some good friends, so I have a handful of Bubbas. I don't want to say anyone's name.
Starting point is 00:14:26 Okay, yeah. Yeah, you have a friend here now, someone that I know, but he can't be on camera due to the nature of his work. Yeah. Yeah. And you're actually doing work to help people who are in the armed services, right? Correct, yeah. I've done a few.
Starting point is 00:14:39 This will be my second endurance event for people in the armed services. I did a swim. It was a 16-mile swim in Maine, and that was for a group called Seals for Sunshine. And it's for kids with terminal cancer or any terminal sickness. They go to this camp in Maine, and they get to have fun for a week and be around other kids that are sick too and just act like a kid and have fun and there's events for them and so we swam 16 miles of this lake and i think we raised about 75 000 oh nice and so that pays for um that money goes to military families for kids that have
Starting point is 00:15:17 terminal cancer so they're because the camp is open to anyone with with any disease that needs help or and it helps their families too So that money went to purposely for military families that have, may have kids with a disease and something that they, um, something that's terminal. And, um, so that was my first event. And I wasn't a good swimmer at the time either, but I'd got, I'd been asked by another guy like, Hey, can you join the swimming group? And, um, how is swimming compared to running? Swimming is so boring boring because you think about
Starting point is 00:15:47 your heads we're in a lake your head's like face down in a lake yeah you don't know like no it's hard to gauge the distance it's murky water you're looking at every couple you know strokes for a breath yeah every 40 minutes or so we'd kind of pull up to the boat and they'd toss us some food and we'd eat our food and then all right get to swimming again what do you eat it's weird because you don't want to eat like you're swimming so you think about like just being in the pool you don't want to really especially when you're working out you don't want to eat food i ate a lot of pb and j's and a lot of snickers bars just because i wanted something sweet the water was like the water tasted like crap so you know yeah what's your diet like these days that's why i think i'm definitely just an ordinary bro because i got there's like
Starting point is 00:16:25 these super athletes that really focus on their diet and i don't i don't like i'll eat pizza i'll eat like you know junk food i'll so i'm i have a fairly normal diet but i feel i can eat a lot because i run a lot so i can eat i don't mind eating crappy food and going out and drinking a bunch of beer sometimes because i know oh this week i week I'm going to run 50 or so miles. Yeah, Rod Smith, the football player, wide receiver for the Broncos, ESPN did a profile on him where he's like, everybody talks about how healthy they eat. He's like, all I eat is cereal.
Starting point is 00:16:55 They follow him to the store, and then they film him at night going to bed. He's just eating Trix, and he's like, tomorrow I'm going to go out there and dominate. That's so awesome. Yeah. I've been lucky in that sense where I can really kind of eat what I want. Recently I've tried to do plant-based. I mean, I'm not super successful at it, but I've been giving it a shot, trying to consciously give it a shot. Sure, it's noble.
Starting point is 00:17:12 It's hard. I've learned more and more that it's important to have a balance. If you're going so hard and super strict in one diet, then it's got to give a little bit. You've got to indulge. Everything in moderation everything in moderation yeah yeah even moderation and moderation yeah exactly sometimes you got to go extreme yeah yeah but yeah i do think that variance is good for the brain because you get too stuck in one way of doing things yeah i mean obviously some things you need that like you know sobriety for some people but for the most part it's like mix it up a little bit your brain
Starting point is 00:17:44 craves that. And it does get monotonous, I feel, just like, oh, I'm going to be plant-based forever, which is, I mean, I grew up eating meat, so it's hard to just give that up. But I'm consciously trying to do that. Yeah, like Ralphie Cifaretto said, I eat fucking pork and meat by the fucking truckload.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Yeah. Something like that. By the carload. So you grew up in Arizona? Yeah. And then you so did you go to the Naval Academy for wrestling
Starting point is 00:18:06 I went to the Naval Academy I got in like not as I wasn't recruited then I went to the Naval Academy prep school and I wrestled Naps
Starting point is 00:18:15 Naps yeah in Rhode Island in Rhode Island I had buddies who went there really yeah dude those fellas would get bored I'm talking
Starting point is 00:18:21 really yeah they'd come home they were like stapling their arms for fun and like yeah they were all having sex with fleshlights maybe that was just my friends no that's boarding school yeah yeah it's a fifth year of high school it's boarding school and it does get boring they became like huge weekend warriors oh yeah like when we go partying they were like we're gonna fucking rage it's funny i swear like military academies especially
Starting point is 00:18:44 like they almost breed just weekend warriors like that because monday through friday we can't go out yeah and so then all right you had 12 hours on saturday you're like all right well i got a drink for that entire week yeah pack it in get your bang for your buck yeah yeah it's tough to uh keep like hormonal teenagers in captivity like because i was in captivity like that i was at boarding school for like whatever and uh i i we had to get we were so desperate to get fucked up they were like we heard if you eat a lot of nutmeg then you get fucked up so we ate like a you know a jar full of this nutmeg spice does it work the i felt kind of stoned but it wasn't worth it because of my it was like eating cinnamon yeah yeah i was just like i was like i was like how much do i eat
Starting point is 00:19:24 it's just like i felt kind of i knew a kid at wilderness camp which is where they send like bad kids to like learn chores yeah and uh he came back and he was much better for it but he was like yeah when i first got there we'd uh we'd cover a uh a rag in like paint cleaner yeah bury it for a week piss on it shit on it then pull it out drain it and drink that that's some good stuff he's like yeah i got fucked up yeah i bet yeah that sounds like it would do the trick whatever it takes yeah um so you were at naps went to naps um wrestled there and what weight were you i was 133 pounds and then 141 pounds nice yeah do you like wrestling i do like wrestling i think cool it's my favorite sport it's the best because it sucks and it's the most 133 pounds and then 141 pounds. Nice. Do you like wrestling? I do like wrestling. It is cool, man.
Starting point is 00:20:05 It's fun. It's my favorite sport. It's the best. Because it sucks. And it's the most elemental, too. Yeah. It's like it's the first sport, I feel like. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Besides running, maybe. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Just grab another guy and put him on his back. Yeah. And it sucks. And I wasn't that great, so I constantly got beat up all the time.
Starting point is 00:20:20 But I think that builds character. That was good for you. Yeah. Yeah. Kind of learned to love it. Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to get my ass kicked again. Did you wrestle the ohio states and all those no i never did i know i was i was rarely in the lineup i was more of just a uh backup and get beat up but you
Starting point is 00:20:35 supported the fuck out of your dog yeah exactly yeah you know i wanted them to do well yeah you sent me a video of life in annapolis with the chow calls yeah plebes yeah intense it sucks way to get the menu. It's being on a sports team gets you out of some of that stuff. Oh, really? So that helped a lot. I did chow calls, but not as much as all the other kids had to do chow calls. Did you like the Naval Academy?
Starting point is 00:20:55 You know what's funny? I didn't like it at the time, but you make your closest friends there because I think when you're doing shitty things together, that just builds that camaraderie. And you all relate on like man this week sucks but we're in it together so the friendships you build at the naval academy i'm entirely thankful for um but there are a ton of strict rules i think man this place sucks sometimes and academically it's it's difficult too yeah it's one of the best schools in the country it's an engineering school and i mean i wasn't great in math so and then so after that see so if you come one of the best schools in the country, right? It's a great school. It's an engineering school, and I mean, I wasn't great in math, so.
Starting point is 00:21:26 And then so after that, so if you come out of the Naval Academy, you come out as like a second lieutenant or something like that? You can go to the Marine Corps, and if you go to the Marine Corps, you're a second lieutenant. And if you go into the Navy, then you're an ensign, which is the first level of officer rankings. Okay, and then so which route did you go? I went Navy. Nice, cool. And then, so did you serve in the Navy?
Starting point is 00:21:46 I did, yeah. Only for a little bit. Right. Yeah. And then you tried to become a Navy SEAL, right? So that's where I met our mutual friend. Yeah. And yeah, so I went to Bud's and it didn't work out for me.
Starting point is 00:21:58 I didn't quit. I kept having this problem with my lungs where I would go into first phase, which is where you do all the stuff people see, the lifting logs and running with the boats and laying in the cold water. And I'd go to Hell Week and do Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. I'd always get sick. I'd start coughing up blood. And that happened four times.
Starting point is 00:22:21 It just kept happening. And finally they sent me. Four times in the same BUDS cycle? No, so I would go and I do a buds class and then I would cough up blood in hell week and then get sent back and kind of hang out for like three months and they be okay go to another one and go to the next one and same thing Sunday Monday Tuesday of Hell Week cough up blood go back three months come to the next one and I did that four times. Wow. So why were you coughing up blood? Did they ever find out? They did. And I went to a lung specialist. And I guess he's
Starting point is 00:22:52 kind of said, well, you have thin lung tissue. And when your body gets cold, blood or something leaks in there and you just cough it up and my oxygen level goes down, which I guess can get unsafe. So then I got disqualified from scuba diving because of that and got out of the Navy. Oh, man. Was that really hard on you? You know, it's funny because I was talking with our buddy recently and we talked about that. And it was hard for a day, I'd say. It was really hard, especially because all my roommates were still in training.
Starting point is 00:23:24 All your buddies were doing it? Exactly, yeah. And then I was like, well, I can't just dwell on this because it's going to make no positive in my life. I'm just like constantly upset about it. So I just, that's kind of when I switched to ultra running was right then. Right. I mean, I was upset, but then I'd like, okay, I got to close that book and open a new one because there's nothing I can go do about it now.
Starting point is 00:23:44 Right. And your lungs are good for the ultra running. That's kind of one of the reasons I wanted to start ultra running because I wanted to see if I'd be fine. And thankfully, I've been fine. And on the swim, I was the most nervous, that ultra swim I did, because every time my lungs would bleed, it would be during, we'd be just getting out of the water. And so I was nervous. I didn't really tell anyone.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Like I didn't tell anyone else in the group that I, just because I didn't want them to worry. And I didn't want them to be like, well, actually, you know what? You can't do this swim. So I was, thankfully I was fine. The water was warm though, which was nice. That might've helped a little bit, but I did that swim and there was no, that was one of the things I thought about the whole time. I was like, wait, how am I breathing right now? How am I breathing? How do my lungs feel? And thankfully nothing happened. Could you feel it in your lungs when you'd get it at buds yeah because you i'd go to take like a deep breath and i just couldn't it was like it was a very short breath like you try to breathe in deep and it would just stop you because that's all in your lungs the fuck out of you right
Starting point is 00:24:35 it it didn't because i wanted that goal so bad that i didn't care i was so you were more frustrated you're like damn why is this happening exactly yeah because it yeah. Because it happened four times during BUDS, and it actually happened at the Naval Academy once, and then our tryout to go to BUDS, it happened there too. So was it just the cold temperatures? That's kind of what I think it is. Yeah. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Which, like I said, yeah, it did suck, but I tried to move on quick because I just realized there's going to be no dwelling on this. Right. Because you can't do anything about it. Yeah. It was like the decision's final, like you're done. And you're still dedicated in some respects to people who are serving, right? Correct. Yeah. So, um, a lot of my buddies are still in the military. Um, and then I did that,
Starting point is 00:25:18 the seals for sunshine. And then I'm doing a race in Alaska, the Iditarod, um, trail invitational. And I'm doing a race in Alaska, the Iditarod Trail Invitational. That's a 350-mile run on the Iditarod Trail. And we're doing it for, me and some buddies are doing it for the Seal Future Foundation, which helps transition Navy SEALs into life after the military. Right. And it's not that they need help, but it's just like, you know. Everyone does.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Yeah. And no one deserves it more than them. Yeah. Yeah, I think it's not that they need help, but it's just like, you know. Everyone does. Yeah. And no one deserves it more than them. So, yeah, I think it's. So it's, yeah, they, I mean, it's just like a little assistance, like kind of, oh, yeah, we got all these ways to help you. So let us help. Yeah, it's got to be so hard coming from such an important and single-minded pursuit and then to not have it anymore. single-minded pursuit and then to not have it anymore yeah and then to be in to go from this like high octane military life yeah to a civilian life where it's not really like that all the time and um no one's in the military so you can't just boss people around and tell people what to do it's there's and and it also helps with uh with guys health they um maybe can help things that maybe
Starting point is 00:26:22 the va won't help with. It's just a nice. It's more specialized. Yeah, so we're raising money for that. And we start that March 1st. We start the run March 1st. And we're hoping to finish in five days. Cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:34 That's great. How long did the 240-mile run? How long does that take? It took me 107 hours. Okay. Oh, my God. So ready, set, go. Wait, it took you five days? Yeah, something like that.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Four days and three fours? Yeah. How often did you eat? I ate all the time on that. I have a little backpack, and I would just pull out Power Bar, Snickers, or PB&J, Cliff Bar, yeah. What's your flavor? White Chip Macadamia. Oh, dude, nice.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Nice. That's a good one. They freeze, though,'s the one yeah they do yeah my jaw would get tired if you take them like skiing i said that from like skiing yeah like like god damn it i can't chew this yeah um so when is that race march 1st nice yeah and it's the longest one you've done it'll be the longest one i've done it's it's more the weather's gonna be terrible it's gonna be really cold uh i think we last heard that the finish line was negative 37 degrees that's what um so it's gonna
Starting point is 00:27:33 be that's freezing it's yeah it's way freezing um it's been as low as negative 50 um so so do you just like run in a parka or like Yeah, we'll be layering up nicely. That's going to be even more tiring to run in. What kind of shoes do you wear? We're still debating that. Boots? Yeah, boots. Arc'teryx makes some good boots.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Solomon makes some good boots for this. I know a boot guy. Do you really? I don't know if they're good for what you're doing, but I know a boot guy. I'll have to get his number for him. I'd like to help you. Yeah, for sure, dude. And then you can put over boots on
Starting point is 00:28:05 if it gets really cold which I mean because if you get frostbite you can lose your toes yeah things like that so
Starting point is 00:28:11 if you get frostbite you're going to stop right I mean I want I'm like the plan is to finish you keep running you keep running
Starting point is 00:28:18 keep the blood flowing it'll warm the toes back up I think so yeah but we'll be pulling we'll have a sled attached to us so the idea to ride is the famous dog race that people know about yeah I didn't want'll be pulling, we'll have a sled attached to us. So the Iditarod's the famous dog race that people know about.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Yeah, I didn't want to sound dumb, but I was like, are you going to be racing against us? So the dogs start a week after us. Oh, okay. Yeah, so we might see them. I mean, if we're slow, because hopefully we can finish
Starting point is 00:28:34 in five days. If we're still out there, they'll probably come zooming by us. Oh, really? Yeah. And you say you party pretty hard around the races, right?
Starting point is 00:28:42 Yeah, that's, yeah. Which is, I've never really altered my lifestyle to do these runs. And that's kind of why I try to tell everyone, people are like, oh, I can't do that. I'm like, yeah, you can, man. You just put your mind to it. And I've never really altered my lifestyle partying.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Like, for example, that first 200-mile race I did, so I did another 200-mile race three weeks after. And in that three weeks, I should have been resting, but I went to Mexico because I had some buddies going on deployment, and we just partied for five days. And instead of resting, I partied. And then I paid the price for that next 200-mile race because it sucked and I wasn't ready for it.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Yeah. And then that first 50-miler I ever did, the one where I forgot my watch and my headphones, I was staying at a girl's house, and we went out that night before, and I was up until midnight drinking beers, and I had to leave at 4 a.m. And I woke up at 4 a.m. I'm kind of like, wait, why is my alarm going off? And I'm like, oh, shit, I got this run to do. And, yeah, so I partied before that one.
Starting point is 00:29:41 I had a 50K where I was, yeah, I've always kind of done stupid things before these races. Yeah. Only because I want to still have fun. I mean, these races aren't always fun. So I'll, you know, have fun the night before sometimes. Yeah. Like one of the races, they had alcohol at one of the aid stations, and no one was really having a beer.
Starting point is 00:30:00 I was like, I'll have a beer because, like. It's good, too. It's calories. Yeah, and it's a nice day out. I heard people drink beers during regular marathons, right yeah so that was that and then do you ever just do a regular marathon just as like a morning little jog uh no no i've never actually done a regular marathon i've ran 26 miles as like a workout but i've never done i've never signed up for a marathon yeah yeah do you so do you you consciously making it like you it's not like you get swept up in the party.
Starting point is 00:30:26 You just consciously, like, I need to have fun. Yeah, if my buddies call me and they're like, hey, we're going out, but I have a race tomorrow, I'll go out. But I'll try to be, okay, get home at midnight or don't drink as much. Drink some water. Are you able to wake up? Like, do you get – I sort of get lost in the hangover. Like, do you get lost?
Starting point is 00:30:43 Are you able to just get up right away and just work through it? used to be able to but any of my friends who listen to this know now that i cannot deal with hangovers anymore yeah they're the worst they're debilitating two days debilitating yeah i can't do anything i had like four shots on saturday i'm still suffering yeah oh really i feel like i'm at like 60 percent yeah yeah right you're not operating a full level and i like and this was up until like I could do that, but like up until all since six months ago, I can't do it anymore. It's so hard. It gets me mentally.
Starting point is 00:31:14 It makes me depressed pretty much. Maybe if I had something like an ultra marathon to like just work my way out, that's something I should do. What was the best part of your day yesterday? Oh, yesterday I was super hungover so I went to there's the golf tournament down in San Diego the farmers insurance open sure is that a Torrey Pines it's a Torrey Pines yeah and I got so hammered yes on Saturday yeah I don't like I don't remember the uber ride home I woke up my room there was like just taquitos everywhere yeah
Starting point is 00:31:43 and then one of my buddies one of our buddies comes in and he's like you want to run 10 miles and I was like I did not want to run 10 miles but I didn't want to let him down so I was like okay I'll go run with you and we go to breakfast first like a quick
Starting point is 00:31:59 get coffee and a little acai bowl for breakfast I couldn't take any bites of the acai bowl I could barely drink the coffee and then I acai bowl for breakfast. I couldn't take any bites of the acai bowl. I could barely drink the coffee. And then I was like, I'm just going to go home. And my buddy's like, dude, you cannot go home. Like, I'm not letting you go home. So we did this run, and it was terrible.
Starting point is 00:32:19 I was, like, hoping I'd get hit, like, just like, or, like, roll an ankle or, like, a car would just clip me. Something that would let me just go home. What happened here to your thumb? Oh, I did a ruck run the other day. So I was running with weight on my back. And the weight was, it was a really crappy ruck, so I had to just hold. It was like 45 pounds. I had to hold it the whole time.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Oh, man. Yeah, cut my hands up. How do you deal with injuries? Do you get injured often? I've been thankful that I haven't really gotten injured. You stretch a lot? No, I don't. And I haven't really gotten injured. You stretch a lot? No, I don't. And I don't really roll out. Dude, I think you're just a specimen.
Starting point is 00:32:49 I think you're different. I don't sweat much neither, I think. Oh, really? Because I've even thought like, how am I doing this? Because I'm thankfully knock on wood, never been not hurt. Yeah. Besides the lung thing. But like physically, like my body's been held up very nicely.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Nice, dude. That's awesome. And I also equate it to, I also like, I lift weights where I don't know if a lot of other runners lift weights and maybe. That strengthens it up. You're kind of jacked. Thanks, man. Very good.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Yeah. Yeah. You said you're going to do MMA now? I'd like to. I'd like to transition into MMA. What's going to be your, are you going to go into like straight MMA training? Are you going to try and do like jujitsu first or Muay Thai or what are you thinking? I'd like to go straight into MMA.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Yeah. I feel like I had that, I have a little bit of wrestling background. You got the wrestling background. Yeah. And even like it was college wrestling, even though it was division one, I got killed a lot. But I, at least I think I have a strong base in wrestling. But the reason I want to switch to that is because during these, like during the runs, like if you get tired, you could just – I could sit down.
Starting point is 00:33:46 I could take a nap if I wanted. And I want something that's – Fights, they don't let you do that. I mean, you can't just – if you sit down and take a nap, the dude's going to – Yeah, so I like the idea of pushing out of my comfort zone, and I think these races I've gotten comfortable doing. So I need to – That was something you mentioned on the phone.
Starting point is 00:34:02 It's very close to Chad's philosophy that being in discomfort is... It's a good thing. ...is necessary for change. I love it, yeah. Yeah. Well, I feel like even for you guys doing comedy, if you're going up on a Tuesday night all the time and maybe there's no one there,
Starting point is 00:34:14 I'm going to step up and go on a Friday night because I'm comfortable with this Tuesday night now. Maybe Friday and Saturday, there's more people, more nerves. Well, that's the best when you put yourself out those in those situations where it's like big risk big reward yeah especially like stand-up or something it's it's it's the best feeling is that you're addicted to it no stand-ups become my comfort or really stand-up or whatever it is we're doing has become my comfort zone going out to a bar on a saturn and it has become my discomfort zone really yeah
Starting point is 00:34:42 there's something weird about that yeah like just being social normally i'm like why is this so terrible yeah this is really fucking hard do people expect something from you guys like uh expect that you're funny or no it's not too bad that way yeah i think if i if we were to think that if i was thinking i think it would be in my head yeah uh i think you know um people are really nice people are super nice and i think they just want you to be nice in return yeah they're always stoked and like i love it like i'll just be like i was you know walking at like the the grove the other day and some guys go oh threw me one of these i'm like made my day i threw him one back yeah it's really nice yeah it's nice but the first time you guys did it was it like oh the crazy uncomfortable
Starting point is 00:35:23 yeah it's my buddy and i we went and saw you guys out in Long Beach. I was nervous that night. That was scary. Because it was performing for the armed services and stuff. You want to do a good job. Yeah, I definitely got nervous too. I still get nervous, but it's more of like a... I actually feel more comfortable on stage really yeah uh so it's like tons of nerves right before and then once you step
Starting point is 00:35:52 on stage it's like a switch goes off and you're like oh i feel nice yeah i was almost trying to sound too cool i still get if it's a big thing i get really nervous for it but i just mean like if it's like a routine night where i'm just going up it it feels like practice. But if it's a big show or we're doing when we did Ellen, I get freaking hyped up. How about the city council thing? The first time you guys
Starting point is 00:36:15 are like, I wonder how this is going to go. A lot of nerves too, especially because the first time their cops are there. I'm like, what like what if i like get in trouble for really you know i don't know i was just i knew i had freedom of speech so i could you know say what speak my truth but i was like i just got nervous i was like you just got the
Starting point is 00:36:37 worst case scenario yeah i just i was nervous but i just kept reading the bill of rights and i'm solid yeah you just gotta read the constitution if anyone gets pissed i can just throw this yeah check this out yeah what up dude yeah which one of us is abiding by these principles yeah um nice dude that's awesome you big comedy fan i am yeah i i watch a lot of uh just youtube i'll click anyone i mean and then go into comedy shows like your guys's show was great. That was so funny. Yeah, that was funny. Man, there was, I'm trying to think of one of the guys' name on there I thought was hilarious. I mean, everyone was great.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Ari Maness? Yep, yeah. Yeah, he's a funny dude. Man, there was one other guy, too. Santino? Yep, yeah, Andrew Santino. Yeah. Yeah, he was funny.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Yeah, he's a beast. We had Strider up there. Strider was up there. Annie Letterman. Oh, yeah. And then, I forget the other lady's name. Jackie Fabulous. Right.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Yeah. She's funny. She's really funny. Yeah. My mom loves her. Yeah, she was the one that was on, was it America's Got Talent? Yeah, AGT. I love Jackie Fabulous.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Yeah, my mom was like, I don't know. Did she get to meet her? No, she missed her. Oh, man, because I remember we were all talking, and then she's like, I need to meet her. I need to meet her. And then someone's like, I think she left. And then we had left after that. She missed her window. Man, it's too bad. She to meet her. I need to meet her. And then someone's like, I think she left. And then we had left after that. She missed her window.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Man, it's too bad. She'll meet her. Life is long. Not always. Yeah, this Kobe thing. Yeah. That hit me hard. He's my legend of the week.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Yeah. Me too. Yeah. I think he's everyone's legend of the week. But dude, yeah, that crushed me. Yeah. Driving up here from San Diego and every billboard. It's everywhere.
Starting point is 00:38:06 It is sad. It's incredibly sad. Yeah. I mean, he was so larger than life. And I think with athletes, you just don't think that they can get hurt. But life is fragile. And he was so young. I mean, he lived such a large life.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Yeah. And he was only 41. It's incredible. It's crazy. Yeah, it was a tragic day yesterday. Yeah, it was a tough one. Still tough. Yeah, and then being here in L.A., I mean, we were at the mall,
Starting point is 00:38:33 and there was like 20 dudes walking in Kobe jerseys, and it's like, I feel like that's going to be going on for a while, especially here in L.A., which is awesome. People are saying this is like the worst sports death ever. I really think so. I was trying to think. In our generation. Yeah, Magic Johnson, when he was HIV positive,
Starting point is 00:38:50 people thought he was going to die. And then I think Roberto Clemente died. Yeah, in a plane crash. Yeah, flying to go help people, which is terribly sad. Being from Arizona, we have Pat Tillman, the football player that played in the Arizona State then the Cardinals and then joined the Army Rangers and died in Afghanistan hero of mine yeah yeah I talk about him often yeah he was the reason I wanted to join the military really yeah
Starting point is 00:39:13 yeah that's cool he's a great guy yeah did you see that documentary about him the Tillman story yeah the Tillman story yeah it's phenomenal it is it's great and he was just like a stand-up dude like so complicated so interesting. Yeah. Like, read a ton. Smart guy. Yeah, graduated early, started on his MBA, or his, like, a master's in history. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Yeah, very complicated guy, it seems. Very ethical warrior. Yeah. And then his family was so tough and dogged. Yeah. Every year in Arizona and Tempe, they do the Pat Tillman run, and that's huge. It's 30,000 people every year to do this run, and it's 4.2 miles, and it's a cool time.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Went this year with some buddies. It's awesome. Yeah, and he just looks the part, too. He does. He's the best jawline. Yeah, so jagged. He's got the long hair. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:59 Yeah. Yeah, what a stud. I talked about it before, but his brother, too, at his funeral, all the politicians go up there, and they're making kind of flowery statements about how Pat's in a better place, I would have stunned. I talked about it before, but his brother, too, at his funeral, all the politicians go up there. Yeah. And they're making kind of flowery statements about how Pat's in a better place, which is nice, but they didn't really know him. Yeah. And his brother just couldn't handle it.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Went up there, chugs a beer. Yeah. He's like, Pat would have loved that. Yeah. He goes, all you people are saying Pat's in heaven. He didn't believe in that fucking shit. Yeah. He's an atheist.
Starting point is 00:40:19 He's fucking dead. Yeah. He's an atheist. He's fucking dead. Yeah. And then hops off. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:24 Yeah. Really just. Yeah. Yeah. All the proceedings. Yeah. yeah he's an atheist he's fucking dead yeah and then hops off yeah yeah really just yeah yeah all the proceedings yeah um yeah he's amazing um all right you guys want to answer some questions let's do it all right first up can we mention that i may look at this out but jt taught the guy the unseen guy the unseen guy here who's a buddy, I taught him. Did I teach you? Is that too much credit? Was that the first time you had masturbated and watched porn?
Starting point is 00:40:53 It was my first porn experience. Yeah, right. So we... The tutelage wasn't like... Yeah, it wasn't hands-on. I'm making it sound grosser than it was. Yeah, it was more, I was just like, hey, man, we're going to be watching this for a couple hours.
Starting point is 00:41:04 If you want in, find a corner um but that's i i would i would have been i would have been so honored to be uh at that age to have jt's tutelage and it was a good time and then but i worried for years that i had because we lost touch for a bit i was like i fucking might have scarred this dude and then we talked and he's an amazing guy he's doing great i think i i think we talked about it at the uh yeah both times when the first uh couple minutes of sorry man i was really scared that first time but like you were fearless yeah thank you thank you i appreciate that yeah he was saying he was scared i was fearless i appreciate that. He's saying he was scared I was fearless. I appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:41:47 I've always been courageous in that department. No fear. The guru of cranking it. And now I'm retired. I'm not even really in the cranking game anymore. And you say you're not really in the cranking game. No, not really. Keith and I were kind of debating the merits of cranking versus not
Starting point is 00:42:05 cranking and i'm i'm like i'm testing out the other camp you know i'm just like seeing seeing if it's good over here yeah yeah honored um that's good we talked about it should we do a mid-roll oh yeah yeah yeah so speaking of uh genitals guys we are brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dongles are looking fresh as fuck. Because when you jack off, when you jack off, you want to know that your pubes are up to snuff and you're not disrespecting your hand yeah it's like one of those things where it's like i'm not being sexy for other people i'm being sexy for myself yeah you know well self-love is the most important thing yeah i mean we cover
Starting point is 00:42:54 this often on the on the pod i dated a girl who said she used to light candles when she masturbated i was like wow we're different yeah um yeah but you care for yourself in a different way no i've actually i've evolved more in that direction and now i think that's actually lovely yeah but i'm saying there's different styles that you know yours is more like aggressive for sure sorry stokers yeah um but anyways if you want to you know and practice more self-love you know get the man get the lawnmower 3.0 Maybe apply some ball deodorant. Get some of those wipes. Maybe get some Lycra shorts to secure everything in place
Starting point is 00:43:32 and show the world that you mean business with freshly trimmed pubes. Manscaped, use code GOD20 at manscaped.com. Trim them nice, guys you know trim them nice guys trim them nice and as always we're brought to you by danny babona at uci baseball if you're a young buckaroo who can throw or swing the bat the place you need to go is uci they should call it uc newport beach because it's right there let's go anteaters he just played in the alumni game he struck out the side um all right first question what up chad jt joe strider and aaron aaron what up dog He just played in the alumni game. He struck out the side. All right. First question. What up, Chad, JT, Joe, Strider, and Aaron? Aaron, what up, dog? What up?
Starting point is 00:44:12 Nice. Long time listener. First time writing in. I wanted to commend all of you for being positive influences on myself and many younger guys like me. The biggest thing I've gotten out of listening to you guys is that loving and showing love for your dogs, family, GF, and others is so fucking tight. I've actively become a better friend, brother, and son because of it.
Starting point is 00:44:26 It's becoming a natural feeling of gratitude, love, and happiness. That's very nice, man. Thank you. I have you guys to thank for opening me up to it because I used to think it was soft and corny as a naive, immature college kid. Following that, I'd like to ask what gets you guys out of bed every day and fires you up. Has it changed as you have gotten older?
Starting point is 00:44:40 For me, it used to be becoming better each day, but now it's evolved to becoming better with loved ones, and it seems more significant now p.s i've been using let's throw out the instructions religiously nice congrats so what gets you fired up to get out of bed keith you know right now it's it's this race the iditarod i'm raising money for you know some of my my buddies have benefited from the seal future foundation so i want to's this race the idea rod i'm raising money for you know some of my my buddies have benefited from the seal future foundation so i want to finish this race and raise a ton of money for them so every day i'm i gotta train and i gotta try to push our link out to people and
Starting point is 00:45:14 raise money because i've seen how it helps my buddies so you know i wake up every day and think about that and you know i i gotta get up because i don't want to let them down or let anyone down because i've committed to this race and once I make this commitment, I've got to finish. So that gets me up, fires me right up. That's awesome. For me, I think that sparks a lot for me because I think about as I've gotten older,
Starting point is 00:45:37 the things I'm mad at or upset at are much more real and important. When I was younger, it was about a girl who didn't like me or it was a friend who I thought was luck Like when I was younger, it was about like a girl who didn't like me or like it was like a friend who I thought was like luckier than I was or something. It was kind of rooted in silly envy. But now it's like the stuff I'm mad at is like cancer or something like that. And so it's like if I can,
Starting point is 00:45:57 but so how do you fight that? You know what I mean? What can you do? You can just be mad at it or if you dedicate your life to try to help people who have it or to try to make it so less people get it, however you do that whatever your skill set is maybe that'll give your life the purpose that'll make it feel like it was worthwhile yeah definitely yeah because you know just go at
Starting point is 00:46:13 the thing um yeah well it's sort of related to what you're saying there's nothing i love more than um having a productive day so if i go to bed and know the night before that the next day i'm gonna like there's a ton of things that i'm gonna do maybe i'll wake up and work out or wake up and go surfing and then like do writing or something and then watch like a cool movie just stuff where i i know that it's it's gonna be like a productive day for me. That always fires me up. And, you know, what else? The Lama or 3.0. That fires me up too.
Starting point is 00:46:55 I'm excited to try that out. Like not being lazy, I guess that's cool. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's that one quote from Kobe Bryant that's like, he says, I can't relate to lazy people. Right. I think that's really cool. Yeah, there's quote from Kobe Bryant that's like, he says, I can't relate to lazy people. Right. I think that's really cool. Yeah, there's a good Nietzsche quote, too, where he says, he who has a why to live can bear almost any how.
Starting point is 00:47:11 Yeah. Let's go. He was on blow when he wrote that, though. Just all fired up. Let's go. What up, Chad and JT? Let's write more. I like to write.
Starting point is 00:47:23 What up, Chad and JT and and maybe strider can you keep this anonymous for me please so basically i've been struggling recently because one of my best friends is a girl and i've always thought she was super pretty but we were just friends so in new year's we ended up hooking up and going back to my place together ever since then i felt different with her we've always joked about us dating because most of our friends always say we should but every time it comes up she always says i'm just her best friend and she doesn't want to date i think i might have feelings for her more than that though but if i tell her how i feel i know that she doesn't feel the same way so wouldn't so it'd make the friendship weird i really don't want to lose my best friend but i also wish i could tell
Starting point is 00:47:55 her how i feel towards her thanks my pod you know the answer you're gonna hear and we're gonna tell you to go for it um maybe sit in the feelings make sure they're valid you know make sure they're not just like a sort of a uh a flame inside your dome you know make sure it's like a deep burning eternal torch inside your heart and uh if you know that to be true then i'd you know pull the trigger and say what up in a romantic way that's definitely some good insight you know go like push out of your comfort zone man maybe that's not a comfort it's uncomfortable for him to right to approach this subject but maybe that's the advice I like to give everyone. Just push out of your comfort zone.
Starting point is 00:48:47 So maybe go for it. Definitely go for it, man. Get uncomfortable and see what happens. Yeah, I think having a balance of romance and realism where you go into it being like, oh, this could be the one. But then there's also another part of you that's like, it's probably not, but I won't find out until I take a swing. And the important thing is that I try.
Starting point is 00:49:03 And then if you can kind of juggle those two truths, because they're both true, I think you'll find yourself at a place sooner where you do find that person that's right for you. And it could be this person. But who knows? You don't know until you try. For sure.
Starting point is 00:49:19 And I think going on the idea of stepping into discomfort, I think if you step into that discomfort and you give it your shot no matter what the outcome i think you'll be happy yeah because at least you know the answer it's either yes or no and and he'll be proud of himself for taking a chance and uh putting himself out there i got turned down for a girl's phone number on friday yeah yeah she came up to me she's like hey i've seen you before you're really funny i was like oh cool it's on and I just went through a breakup so I've been kind of lonely. Yeah. And then
Starting point is 00:49:47 we were laughing together and then other people came in and intercepted our convo and there was too much. I couldn't talk to her because there was like three people in between us. Right. Yeah, and I was like, oh, man. But then before she went and got into her Uber, I ran up and I was like, yo, hey, can I get your phone number? She said, I've had a boyfriend for three and a half years. Oh. And I was like, later.
Starting point is 00:50:04 That's not a huge rejection, though. No. She she had a boyfriend it didn't hurt at all i was fine yeah you know what you wouldn't send me lose something yeah and then i realized actually it was too soon for me to get back into dating ever anyways and i felt kind of lonely so i was like you know i'm just gonna press pause but that's a different ice cream yeah that's nice that sounds nice do you eat ice cream i do eat ice cream i try not too much flavor like anything with coconut in it oh no there was that coconut in it i'll eat it that's you know i don't hear that that often really yeah i'm sure it's true for a lot of people but i i but coconut especially uh especially on cookies it's so good but ice cream too yeah it's fire you know where you see the
Starting point is 00:50:42 coconut ice cream a little more often is when it's on a stick oh they do that a little bit my dog yeah that's good stuff you know like gas gas station ice cream yeah like you pull you slide that thing open oh it's the best it's the greatest i get the choco taco those are good you know i like those little swirly cups that come like red or black with the vanilla in there and you get to give you a little wooden spoon for it yeah do klondike bars? Dude, very nice. Do they come in Neapolitan? I've always kind of... I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:51:09 I don't think so. They should. They should, yeah. Maybe a... Ice cream sandwich? Reach out to them, yeah, yeah. What would I do for Neapolitan? A lot.
Starting point is 00:51:16 More than, yeah, I'd do for the other thing. You could race for a Neapolitan Klondike. I'll do that, yeah, yeah. I'm doing this for charity and Klondike. That makes sense at the Iditarod. Yeah. How do you say it? Iditarod. What's up,
Starting point is 00:51:32 legends? My name is Thompson. Yeah, that is my first name. I have a quick question for the bros. I recently accepted a teaching position out of high school. I was wondering how I should come in as far as setting the tone with my students and how I should run my classroom. Something to note is I am currently serving the Army National Guard. Do I use that to my advantage and how I should run my classroom. Something to note is I am currently serving the army national guard. Do I use that to my advantage and give off a little intimidation factor and
Starting point is 00:51:48 show that I don't take any shit or because I'm only 22 and a diehard stoker. Does that mean I come in and absolutely bring the juice, good vibes and spread stoke and risk being a pushover. Any advice you guys could give when it comes to being cool, but respect a teacher would be greatly appreciated. PS shout out to my brother Camden for being a total legend. And thank you bros for being so open with your lives. It's truly an inspiration.
Starting point is 00:52:08 The positive vibes you guys give off are contagious. Thanks again, and fuck Puzio, your pal Thompson. That was nice. Puzio's a dude I fought. I heard that one. I like that story. It was a good story. I just friended him on Facebook. Did you? Were you nervous? Did he accept? He accepted it. Really? Yeah. Do you think you're going to fight him again? I don't
Starting point is 00:52:24 think so. I mean, he does have like some, like most of his photos on Facebook are like him shooting guns and stuff. Okay. That got me a little fired up. Like, who do you think you are, bro? Yeah. You know? But then at the same time, like live and let live.
Starting point is 00:52:34 You know what I mean? I think when we meet, it'll be all love. But I bet you if we hung out for a couple of days, the tension would simmer. Yeah. And at some point it might be on but not to the death just to like choke out again just to see who's yeah just to see who'd wind up on top does he look the same he looks pretty good dude yeah yeah he's got long hair looks like he's still in shape yeah is he still in oc no where's he at no he left my turf um i don't know i think he's in a
Starting point is 00:53:01 he's in arizona oh really? Yeah, he's close. Keith, you might. I was going to say, maybe I can go down there. If you want, I'll take care of him for you. No, don't do that. That's a very nice offer, though. Thank you. No, I've got to do this on my own. You could invite him to the MMA gym.
Starting point is 00:53:15 Yeah, I appreciate that. Would you like me to go as far? I don't know yet. I'm trying to look at a couple different options. We'll see. Yeah. So what should this guy do about teaching should he come in hot or should he try and be the cool guy uh i think why not a combination of both
Starting point is 00:53:30 yeah be a cool guy but be firm when you have to be um because i think if you go too far in either direction you don't want to go in the extremes you kind of want to go in the you know the middle i mean you want to teach these kids and you want to be set a good for example for them. But you, I think you also want them to like you sort of like Robin Williams and dead poet society, you know, so they're inspired by you and they want to learn something, but also that they can't just like cheat on their test and get away with it. That's I think. Yeah. I have kind of like a pessimistic outlook on it. Cause I taught when I was 18, I tried to teach kids in Costa Rica and it went bad. I ended up throwing a dodgeball off a 14-year-old's face at close range.
Starting point is 00:54:10 And the principal was just staring at me like, dude, what's going on? And I was like, I've totally lost my cool. And it was hard for me to get the kids to stop punching me sometimes. But then I also remember like when I had young teachers, their first year, we always took them for a ride. They were just too close to us in age. They didn't have the subtle sense of authority that other teachers had. And we would just do whatever we wanted. But I think you learn.
Starting point is 00:54:36 You know what I mean? And I don't know what the right way for you to control the classroom is. But I know you'll figure it out over time. Just stick with it. And don't let those little shits make you cry. Definitely. I couldn't imagine being 22 and a teacher. It's tough. out over time just stick with it and don't let those little shits make you cry definitely i couldn't imagine being 22 and a teacher it's tough like for high school kids like like dude i was just here four years ago well yeah because you're 22 you're still partying like i i had a p teacher
Starting point is 00:54:55 when i was in eighth grade who would like try and discipline me and i could just tell he was like probably dumber than i was yeah and then i met his rugby coach he's like oh yeah that guy's an animal he's out of control we had to kick him off the team i'm like yeah he's trying to discipline me get the hell out of here david when you when he threw the ball at that kid jt what the fuck i just went i went and then i was like and i turned and the principal was just like, what are you doing? What are you doing? And I was like, oh, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Put my head down. What did the kid do? The kid was like, oh! You know those hard rubber balls? It was the real dodgeball. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was like a real dodgeball. Well, he was like being a maniac, but not that it justifies what I did. But I just remember I ran up, took like a full like.
Starting point is 00:55:43 Crow hop into it. Yeah, crow hop and just. And then. i did but i just remember i ran up took like a full like crow hopping yeah crow hop and just and then um instantly i don't know if i instantly regretted it but i instantly was like there was a a moment of just awareness where i was like what the fuck are you doing you've been hired to teach these kids english just beamed one in the face. He just beamed one in the face. He's a big 14-year-old, but doesn't justify it. Nah, dude, you got it. Just come in, be cool. If one of the
Starting point is 00:56:11 kids acts up, be like, point to the other. Corey taught us this one. Corey said when he was a substitute teacher, if one of the kids acted up, he'd turn to the other kids and go, does he always act like this? And the kids would be like, yeah, and then the kid would be all embarrassed. That's a good tactic. Yeah. That's nice. All right, this is a long one, but it has a good title.
Starting point is 00:56:29 Teacher Had Not Jacked Off. This is our wheelhouse. Pointing to my old friend. He just gave me a knowing smile. What up, Chad, JT Strider, my boy Aaron, and ideally a dank guest such as Margot Robbie or Val Kilmer. Dude. That was a good guest. That margot robbie or val kilmer dude that was a good guess yeah nice i come to you in the face of a dire situation i was recently listening to your most current episode as of today episode 112 while on my way to school for reference i'm a high school
Starting point is 00:56:55 senior in minnesota so your pot is the only thing fire enough to keep me warm inside my beater toyota minivan with a busted ac anyways i was getting absolutely jackless in your conversation on the importance of jacking off to avoid being too aggro. Since I had just milked the Magnolia, I was feeling great. Unfortunately, the second I stepped into my first hour class, I could tell that my teacher
Starting point is 00:57:15 was not feeling my positive energy. I wasn't going to let that get me down, though. So I took my seat and kept a big cheesy grin painted on my face while my teacher angrily passed out the final our class had taken the week before. Mine slid across my desk with a nice, juicy B-, right in the sweet spot. Naturally, I was juiced with this success, and my stoke continued to climb.
Starting point is 00:57:34 So our class was going through the test, and eventually I came across a question I had gotten wrong. Without trying to get too greedy, I raised my hand and respectively asked why I had missed points on the problem, to which my teacher replied, maybe you missed points because your answer was wrong. Not going to lie, this was a burn on par with Ellen telling Chad that he wasn't that tan. It hurts, dude. Dude, she scorched you, bro. Thankfully, I can take a joke and I just smiled and laughed. Apparently, my teacher didn't like my casual attitude,
Starting point is 00:57:57 so it was at this point that he completely flipped a switch. He started yelling at me about my lack of work ethic and telling me that if I didn't take this class more seriously, I'd never have success in college. his emotions didn't chill from there eventually got to the point that he was screaming about how hard he worked while every one of his students just glides through life without a care in the world it got to the point that the whole class had gone silent and the only thing that ended up stopping his tirade was his own shortness of breath as the whole class sounded under amazement of the outburst we just witnessed i could feel
Starting point is 00:58:22 the overall stoke of the room drop faster than JT when he takes a ring punch from that bitch Puzio. Fuck Puzio. I knew someone needed to be done, so I conjured up all the stoke Chad, JT, and Strider had put in me that morning and said, Mr. B, you need to jack off. To my surprise, this completely honest and well-intentioned statement was met with laughter
Starting point is 00:58:40 from the class and a look of disgust on my teacher's face that reminded me of Joe drinking a blue drink. I was immediately sent to the principal, who also needed to jack off but we won't get into that and given a full week of lunch detention so i guess my question is pretty simple was i in the wrong in asking my aggro teacher to jack off and if so does the punishment fit the crime your boy from the great white north keen i'm conflicted keen because on one hand i do find what you did to be objectively funny. But if I say that to you, I'm worried that you're going to keep up this behavior in the future and that it's going to have more dire consequences.
Starting point is 00:59:11 I would say you did something funny. It looks like you got away with it with minimum repercussions. So, you know, pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered. Don't test your luck again. And maybe to be nice to the teacher, bring him whatever he likes to drink or whatever he likes to eat, bring him that next time you see him. You don't even have to do it in front of the class. Just on the down, they'll go, hey, dude, I see you,
Starting point is 00:59:32 and just slide him over a Neapolitan Klondike or something like that. Yeah, dude, I mean, I think your heart was in the right place. You were trying to raise the stoke, lower the tension, get this guy calm again and uh you know i think the world isn't ready for you you know this they the world needs some work to do to understand what you were trying to say to them so um you know you had a good run maybe you know keep it to yourself next time just for your sake just for you know so you had a good run. Maybe, you know, keep it to yourself next time just for your sake, just for, you know, so you don't get punished.
Starting point is 01:00:10 But I do commend you on your efforts. And thank you for raising the stoke and telling this guy what he should have done in that situation. Yeah, I definitely appreciated those guys in high school that could break the tension like that. But, you know, a week of lunch attention isn't that bad. So yeah, I think it's pretty lucky to get that punishment. I'm sure it could have been a lot worse.
Starting point is 01:00:32 So yeah, maybe don't test your luck anymore with that class. Yeah. Yeah. He cranked it for sure. I mean, the teacher's obviously going through something. And he stroked the magnolia. What was the phrase he used? I think that was, was it pump the magnolia or something yeah dude so uh last week we had an obgyn no no we had a a
Starting point is 01:00:51 different sort of medical student write in and tell us about if uh dick size had a any sort of correlation with size of the stream and emma was wondering how it worked with females and this week we have an answer my dogs i'm an obgyn resident and couldn't help but take interest on Emma's comment regarding the power of a urine stream for females and whether Kegel exercises can boost the pee force. While dudes enjoy a thunderous roar in the toilet bowl, the most common urinary concern for women, however, is incontinence or leakage. Kegel exercises are used to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which helps keep urine from leaking, which is the opposite of forcing pee out. In fact, a way to teach people to do kegels is have them act like they are trying to desperately hold in a full bladder or an impending fart. I hope this is interesting and sheds light on a very common problem for women that many
Starting point is 01:01:37 don't feel comfortable talking about. Thanks for filling my stoke tank, Anonymous. All right. So it's an issue for women. What's the issue? I guess he was saying women can sometimes have issues with leakage
Starting point is 01:01:47 oh right with urine coming out when they don't want to so if you do Kegels you have better control gotcha yeah good to know
Starting point is 01:01:56 now we know and being a girl seems hard it does dude it's a lot tougher than being a dude yeah seems like there's always
Starting point is 01:02:02 I don't want to generalize but you know seems tough there's a lot more going on want to generalize, but you know. It seems tough. There's a lot more going on. Dudes have it pretty easy. Yeah. Are we talking about when it comes to health of our privates? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Just the whole situation. Yeah. Yeah. It's tougher for gals, I would say. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's nice having a dong.
Starting point is 01:02:19 UTIs, dude. Oof. Scary. Yeah. Worst thing that happened to me was my ball swelled up and it was kind of cool to like show to my friends what how did that happen i got this thing called epididymitis okay and uh i don't know where it came from the doctor thought it came from anal and i was like unfortunately not uh but i just took some antibiotics and it swelled down but
Starting point is 01:02:42 it was pretty big it was like a little tangerine. Oh, really? You know, for the doctors like, here's some antibiotics and you need to wear a jock. I was like, all right, dude. So did you go to like Big Five and buy a jock or something? I did, yeah. And it was actually during graduation from college. So I was just sitting in bed with a jock on, just like, this kind of sucks. But it was a good story and a good visual gag
Starting point is 01:03:07 yeah that's fun it'd be probably fun to show people yeah yeah so they'll get my nut were you scared um i was scared it was testicular torsion because i had had that in fifth grade my left nut's been through the ringer wow dude yeah um but my dad had it at the same age so we bonded over that i heard that hurts it does it hurt a lot and that's why i was worried it was because it can kill your testicle yeah um so i went into the emergency room and uh it's kind of funny when you're in the hospital just showing your dong you feel and they're just squeezing your nut and then you're just kind of like out in the open this guy yeah and the guy's like you need to wear condoms bub and uh and uh so i wasn't really scared after that actually so he sent me home i forgot about this he sent me home the nurse sent me home he's like it'll be fine and then like a couple days
Starting point is 01:03:57 later i'm like it's not fine like it's it's growing so i went back i went to a urologist and he's like here's some antibiotics i'm I'm like, thank God. So yeah. Once you get antibiotics, I'm like, it's kills everything. It's cool. Yeah. I'm like, I'm cool. Yeah. But the moments leading up to that year.
Starting point is 01:04:13 You guys worried about this Corona virus? No, no. I feel like everyone's just going to freak out about it. Yeah. It's only a couple of people, but they're both in California. There's one in Arizona now. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:23 But I feel like we have enough good enough medical care that someone will take care of some doctor i read an article it was like don't even worry about the regular flu like 8 000 people have died from the regular flu yeah yeah crazy i had that last week did you really yeah hey chad jt strider joe and it's funny actually he kept coming into work with the flu and I felt bad because he's such a beast like he wants to get the work in but we were all like dude you got to go home and did you go home or you just I went home yeah I would drive in and I was like I think I'm okay today I don't think it's contagious and everyone's just like staring at me I'm like
Starting point is 01:04:59 I'm gonna go home uh so and it was funny too because we'd call in to like get your opinion on stuff and i'd be like chad what up and he'd be like i'm like how you doing you're like 100 i don't know dude i hate being sick so much especially being an athlete yeah but it's like the worst it's the worst like it kills a whole week of working out it does yeah and what can you do yeah it's like i've i've i had the flu actually over Christmas break. Oh, you did? Yeah, I missed it. I didn't even go out on New Year's Eve. I didn't even get to party. I was so sick. I was just throwing up. It's brutal.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Yeah, and I hadn't been sick in a while, but yeah, it ruins, you can't hang out with your boys, you can't work out. Being sick's terrible. You're a little isolated. Yeah. It lowers stoke for sure. It definitely kills the stoke. Yeah. You mentioned last week on the pod, you were like, dude, I think I'm getting sick. And I was like, no shock, because I've never seen you really get sick besides that stomach virus.
Starting point is 01:05:49 It got me good that night. Yeah. I finished that Star Wars game. Oh, you're done? Yeah, I finished it that night. Thank God. I got so addicted to that. And then it just hit me like a ton of bricks.
Starting point is 01:06:01 I think it was holding out so I could fight Darth Vader. Nice. Is that who you fight at the end? Yeah. Fuck yeah. It's pretty cool. And then as soon as it like a ton of bricks. I think it was holding out so I could fight Darth Vader. Nice. Is that who you fight at the end? Yeah. Fuck yeah. It's pretty cool. And then as soon as it was over, you got sick? Literally.
Starting point is 01:06:11 I felt it coming on, but as soon as the game was over, I was like, oh. You had to defeat evil before you could get sick. Exactly. That's honorable. Yeah. For sure. It made me think about Jedis. Like, do they get sick?
Starting point is 01:06:23 You know? And like, if they get sick, like, do they still live? Yeah. it's funny to picture obi-wan kenobi with a cold yeah give me a tissue yeah all right let's go let's go kill these droids yeah all right hey chad gt strider joe and joe's hog our friend joe's got a big hog first off thanks for leading the charge on saving the coral and for always getting my stoke tank charge my name is chase wellington and i'm running for president of america my plan is to open up a fifth branch of the military called the turtle force He has little cute emojis of turtles, too. Nice. I'm in dude i love that yeah it sounds good well what's your favorite animal keith man i would have to say a bear nice yeah i think bears are cool i heard one in the wild once i didn't see it i just heard it like breaking sticks like it sounds like a big animal and there's apparently bears in the area so i assume it was a bear yeah yeah they're huge
Starting point is 01:07:30 yeah yeah thankful i didn't see it yeah i just started clapping for some reason i don't know why just for the good just like to know that nature you were that i was there that there was something out there that maybe he would be afraid of but yeah probably wouldn't be afraid of that oh i thought you were applauding the bear for existing i was just like trying to be loud like scary yeah yeah yeah the turtle force sounds cool true it does sound cool sure that's cool uniforms being a master chief is cool so yeah it's a good rank is that a real it's a real rank yeah okay nice in the navy yeah fuck yeah yeah what up sultans of stoke and any other guests i'm a long time listener to the pod and never fails to refill my stoke tank whenever it's low.
Starting point is 01:08:06 I'm a high school senior and recently started dating a girl who I've been friends with all through high school. We have a lot in common and I really like her. The only problem is that my dogs have been telling me that I should be worried due to the fact that she hangs out with a lot of different dudes when I'm not around. I understand that she is her own person and she has a right to hang out with who she wants, but it definitely makes me uncomfortable. How should I approach this dilemma? Should I just try not to worry about it and trust her, or should I listen to my boys? Thanks for the advice and fuck Puzio.
Starting point is 01:08:30 Peace from Connecticut. Thanks. I would say trust her until she gives you reason not to trust her because there's no point in being paranoid. I mean, that's just not going to be good for anyone. Yeah, and I think jealousy is a very uncool trait to have. Yeah. And so, yeah, let her hang out with who she wants to hang out with.
Starting point is 01:08:52 If there is reason to be on edge about it, then maybe you shouldn't date in the first place. But I always feel like listening to your boys is a good thing because you might be like tunnel vision, like, oh, I really love this person. But your boys usually can see the bigger picture. Right. So I always kind of try to listen to my boys. But definitely I wouldn't be jealous.
Starting point is 01:09:10 Like, she's got a life, too. Let her do what she wants to do. But, you know, the jealousy is not a good thing to do. But I always try to listen to my boys. Totally agree. It's hard because, like, I really do. Like, I try to get my friends' opinions on everything. I'm like, what do you think about this what do you think about that yeah i mean i i think if you got
Starting point is 01:09:28 good people around you they'll steer you in the right direction in the right direction yeah but sometimes dudes can overreact to some of this stuff so i think uh i think what chad said like be be mindful of it but if you're if you trust, I think that'll make her want to be with you more. Yeah. Yeah. People like being trusted. Yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 01:09:51 Dear chat and JT, what up stoke legends? I'm going to keep it short on this one. I'm super depressed and I've been struggling with this feeling for a while. Sometimes it varies and some days are better than others, but I still feel generally shitty. Do I need to see a doctor? Any advice would be sick.
Starting point is 01:10:02 Thanks. JT from New York. Whoa, weird. I'm JT. Um, shitty do i need to see a doctor any advice would be sick thanks jt from new york whoa weird i'm jt um yeah i mean i think if you're if you're going through a tough time and you think seeing a therapist is the best option go for it uh i've dabbled in therapy but i've never really gone into it heavy um but any kind of help you can get on that front i think is health is paramount.
Starting point is 01:10:25 You know, we're talking about even getting sick, like the flu, I mean, it's the worst. So just, uh, I think putting your health first is epic. So if you, if there's someone you can see about it, then reach out, I'd say. Yeah, I would say depression is not anything to take lightly. So seek a professional. Right. Because they're definitely going gonna help you out and uh yeah i'd say seek a professional on that one because depression's not anything to take lightly
Starting point is 01:10:50 at all yeah dude thanks for writing in and yeah it's always good to ask for help so thank you for writing into us i know you're gonna be all right just uh yeah go go seek professional help and and they'll steer you in the right direction. You'll be all right. And keep writing in. Yeah. Solid name too. Yeah. Oh dude. Thanks man. Thanks dude. That was really nice. What up dudes? I'm a pretty new listener and absolutely stoked on it. I've been in a relationship for two years with the same girl, but while I was at bootcamp, she left on an LDS mission.
Starting point is 01:11:22 We're both members where she said she wanted me to wait for her and I agreed. But I'm leaving on my own mission for two years in Germany in June and I won't see her for three years. She'll be home waiting for about a year and a half for me. Recently I've become really close with this girl I grew up with and we're starting to develop feelings for each other. Since all of my other homies are off on missions of their own, I've been spending tons of time with this second girl. I love my GF and would never want to cheat on her or anything of the sort. But sometimes I don't trust myself because the second girl is such an absolute unit what should i do tell my gf i don't want to wait anymore cut ties entirely with
Starting point is 01:11:51 the second girl just continue to hang out and hope nothing happens i'm lost and confused but i want to make the hap but i want to i want to make everyone the happiest possible including myself it's tough yeah that one's hard yeah i mean i've never been in that situation before man i think uh dude honestly i don't even want to say it i don't know what are you gonna say i was gonna say maybe a year and a half's a long time. Three years? Yeah. Oh, I won't see her for three years. It's a long time.
Starting point is 01:12:29 It's a really long time. A lot of things change in three years. Yeah. I mean, one time I was on a plane going to Utah, and there was a bunch of kids, Mormon kids on the plane, and they were the sweetest kids in the world. They're like, hey, we just got back from our mission. What should we do?
Starting point is 01:12:43 I think I told this story before. I was like, oh, get some In-N-Out, whatever, whatever. And then when we landed, I got to see them, see all their family for the first time in years. And it was beautiful. Like one guy saw his baby for the first time and his wife was sobbing. And I was like, oh, there's power in these rituals and in choosing this life. But for me, if I'm being honest, if it was me in your situation, I think I would break up with the person and see what happens with the second person. But that's me and I'm not in the faith. So I can't really speak with any kind of
Starting point is 01:13:10 authority. And you know, I think there's beauty in abiding by the rules of a certain belief system. But that's my, that's my sort of horny answer, I guess. Yeah, I, I agree. I mean I mean it's it's tough to say but also if you if you're spend this time waiting for someone it could prevent you from going out and living your life especially when you're young and sort of having the experiences that you need to have telling people to jack off and whatnot um so you know i would uh yeah i wouldn't you know it's tough to say but i think i would go out and explore yeah i'm not yeah no go keith go baby i would say yeah being in that like uh you're not seeing someone for three years it's there might be not much communication things could change right i would uh i would i mean i'm sure extremely polite dude um i've got
Starting point is 01:14:11 a lot of friends that i've known they're lds and they're all awesome polite people so i'm sure you could find a way to politely say that maybe we shouldn't date for the next couple years and because you're gonna be doing your own thing i going to be doing my own thing and who knows, maybe they'll get back together in four years. But man, three years apart from someone to date, it's tough. And he said at the end of the email, he said, I just want to make everybody as happy as possible. And I think that's a noble place to be coming from.
Starting point is 01:14:38 But at the end of that, you have to realize you can really, if you're not taking care of yourself, you can't take care of other people. So you might look like a bad guy to one or two people, but it's okay. They're tough. They're resilient. They'll get through it. And dude, but yeah, I hear what you're saying too about people from the LDS.
Starting point is 01:14:54 I went to a wedding. All the old people looked like decrepit. Then my family friends who are Mormon, they looked pristine. They looked perfect, dude. Their smiles were like electric. I was like, like look there's something to a healthy lifestyle yeah aaron what do you think um yeah i i'm always of the belief that uh you're young get out there don't attach yourself to someone who can't be with you just uh you know just
Starting point is 01:15:29 respectfully uh part ways and um maybe you'll meet again but you know live your life yeah get out there all right chad what is your beef of the week? My beef of the week is with your brother, Chris. Oh! Yeah, what up, Chris? What up? Chris gave me the business this weekend at JT's birthday party about loving Once Upon a Time in Hollywood,
Starting point is 01:15:59 and his arguments were valid. You know, I see where he's coming from. He told me, he's like, like look he has two legends on screen leonardo dicaprio and brad pitt they're cool they're cool as fuck and what does he do with them nothing and when any conflict comes brad just smirks and he gets away with it that's not cool and he's like you're watching it too much and it's unhealthy chad and uh i took that in and to spite you chris i watched it another time oh dude i watched it on sunday and i enjoyed it even more and i'm like you know what i don't think you understand the power of cool all right jt mentioned that one time the power of cool oh it's powerful that's what i feel when i watch that movie, the power of cool. Okay?
Starting point is 01:16:47 What is Brad Pitt naturally best at? Being cool. You know, I didn't watch Kobe Bryant to go bowling. I didn't want to watch Kobe Bryant go bowling. I wanted to watch him play basketball. And I want to watch Brad Pitt be cool and have good hair. So I love you, Chris, but I had to stick it to you on the pod. Dude. Wow. We got to call him next week for his rebuttal. Oh, he I had to stick it to you on the pod. Dude.
Starting point is 01:17:06 Wow. We got to call him next week for his rebuttal. Oh, he's going to be fired. He was so fired up. He's going to be fired up for sure. I couldn't stop laughing. He was just like, he's like, what are you doing? Loving this movie so much. He has two legends and he doesn't do anything with them.
Starting point is 01:17:21 What are you doing? And I was like, you have a point. Dude, we could call him now but i think it's better if he hears the pod we let him stew on it for a week so he can come in with yeah both barrels next week let him build up the anger yeah keith what's your beef of the week my beef of the week man it's hard for me to say this because i love the guy so much is mark walberg oh wow because he's my favorite actor favorite dude in the whole world and i I always DM that dude, like, hey, man, what do you think of this? I jokingly ask him a question about the race that my buddy and I are doing.
Starting point is 01:17:53 And I figured he was in Lone Survivor. Maybe he'd say, oh, this is cool, and I'll push it out to my network. But I see all the time he never sees any of my DMs. And obviously, I know he's not going to read it. But my beef of the week is with Mark Wahlberg. I wish he would just one time read my DM. Dude, rock solid beef. Dude, I do a joke about Mark Wahlberg
Starting point is 01:18:10 because he said if he was on one of the planes during 9-11, he goes, there would have been some blood on the floor and I would have landed the plane. Just the absurd confidence, dude. Do you feel that good about yourself? It's like, of course you would have, dude. You're in the departed. Dude, my beef of the week is with my neck i hurt my neck and uh it has prevented me from being able to weight lift or do anything uh athletic things that regulate my mood make me feel good
Starting point is 01:18:37 about my body make me feel sexy me feeling sexy is very important to me when i don't feel sexy i don't want to do stuff as much and uh yeah I just can't wait for this thing to get better. Because it's like, I mean, you saw me today at work. I tried to throw down some push-ups just to get the blood flowing to help the creativity boost. And then I was stuck like this, dude. I'm just stuck. And I don't think I've ever realized that our ability to move can go away. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:19:03 So really, it taught me a valuable lesson to honor and prize and love my mobility. Right. Yeah, so I'm stretching. Yeah. I'm going to get back, but it's been hard. Dude, not being able to move your neck is the worst. Dude, it's the worst, dude.
Starting point is 01:19:17 Yeah. Turn around like this. Hello. Yeah. Yeah. All stiff. Like all square. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:24 Hey, it's hard to ask for numbers like that too yeah oh yeah she was very turned off by my stiff neck i was like hey where are you going how about i get those how about i get those digits i'm like i'm fine let me help you into your let me get in the car with you hey JT what's up yeah tough alright Chad who is your babe of the week
Starting point is 01:19:50 my babe of the week is the the docuseries on Netflix World War 2 in color nice dude I was crushing that
Starting point is 01:20:00 last week it's fire it's you know my favorite episode Battle of Midway it's it's so good and uh i would recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it um it's just a great documentary and uh you learn a lot about the heroism in world war ii it's pretty astounding so dude yeah you were ripping
Starting point is 01:20:20 it up at lunch today i was like this is a fire conversation with strider you know who knows so much about it so i was i was pretty amped to flex my knowledge a little bit yeah you guys were like getting into the weeds about like midway i was like oh this is yeah high level conversation right yeah he said torpedo i'm like i know about these torpedoes let me let me dive into that a little bit and then he's like uh oh and then spit fires and uh the the Spitfires in France, you know, Dunkirk. They were fighting off the Luftwaffe. Dude. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 01:20:50 I know that. That's some knowledge I know. And what's the name of this documentary? World War II in Color. So they took a bunch of footage from all over the world. It's like in an intro. It's like from all over the world. And we repurposed it.
Starting point is 01:21:02 So now it's in color. So you can see World War II like you've never seen it before. Interesting. Yeah. Keith, who's your Babe of the Week? Babe of the Week, it's funny. I just saw this Miley Cyrus video of her covering Black Dog by Led Zeppelin. Nice.
Starting point is 01:21:18 And I wasn't the biggest Miley Cyrus fan, but her confidence and charisma singing this song that I've loved for a long time, she's been the babe of the last three weeks for me now because of that. I don't even listen to Miley Cyrus much, but because of this video, it's been my Miley Cyrus plays that have gone through the roof.
Starting point is 01:21:35 That's awesome. Dude, those backyard covers she does too of Androgynous by The Replacements. And dude, Jolene, unbelievable. She's a powerhouse singer. Yeah. Yeah. No joke.
Starting point is 01:21:47 My Baby of the Week is from the show Cheer, which I referenced last week. I finished it this week. Tremendous show. Greg Whitley, you're a killer. And I should have made this person my Baby of the Week last week, but I went with Gabby Butler, who's a phenomenon and deserves it. But really, the heart and soul of the show is Jerry, who is just like sweet, effusive, tenacious, and just had a hard life, but channels that into
Starting point is 01:22:13 positivity and just supports his teammates always. I could learn a lot from Jerry, and I did. And he's a little bit thick, but dude, the guy elevates. He gets up and he's a little bit thick but dude the guy elevates he gets up and he's hitting the splits and he's doing toe touches yeah he had about 240 yeah incredible i love with a freaking smile on his face yeah then he's stunting you know he's doing a flip and then he's holding him up with one hand yeah he's my favorite one they build up for a two and a half minute session daytona if they fuck that up it's all I mean, we were talking about precision athletics. This ain't a best of seven series. You got two and a half minutes to go
Starting point is 01:22:49 full out is what they call it. And I loved it. And then this is another beef I got. The cheer federation doesn't let the show shoot at Daytona to shoot the national championship. They don't? No, because they want to control the messaging so much. Oh. Yeah, this bizarre
Starting point is 01:23:06 oligarchy of cheer freaks. Yeah. So you don't see it in the end? No, you see a bunch of cell phone footage and the footage that they give, but you don't get the great cameras that Whitley uses on like Mitt and Last Chance U. I mean, half the reason I'm in is because of the visual eye. Yeah. And then they fucking throw it out the window because he's
Starting point is 01:23:23 over you know, controlling I don't know, just people. I bet he's fired up when he heard about that. I'm mad. Oh, Whitley? Yeah. Yeah, he's pissed. He's like, thanks for fucking up my fucking third act, dude.
Starting point is 01:23:36 Yeah. Yeah. Sorry for all the F-bombs, guy. I get fired up. But Jerry, thank you for just being sweeter than pie and stronger than metal. You're a great guy. Chad, who is your legend of the week? My legend of the week is yours as well, Kobe Bryant.
Starting point is 01:23:50 Kobe Bryant. I think that's unanimous. Is that your legend too? Let's just talk about Kobe. Man, such a – I mean, I can't – this and Paul Walker are the two that have hit me hardest in my life yeah it was just when i first i i saw an article posted from someone on instagram like a tmz and then i saw in the comments like oh this is fake like tmz's website crash and i was like i was like fuck you man like why would you post something like that and keep it up like what a piece of shit and then i started to then i googled it more and then
Starting point is 01:24:25 more reports started coming because i saw the the headline i was like there's no way i remember the tmz post it said kobe bryant has died or something like that it just seemed like too dry yeah yeah yeah and and i so then i went on tmz i saw their website crashed i thought the same thing like oh maybe they got hacked and someone put that and now the website's down right and then i kept googling it because i would see other people posting about it and then finally i saw espn like and i was like whoa yeah like sources confirmed i was like jesus yeah it's so it's incredible too because like you know it's a big deal but then when you see how big of a deal it is for like everyone you know like all the teams taking a 24
Starting point is 01:25:01 second clock violation i mean yeah we just found out today the lakers are going to postpone their game yeah these are not normal responses to things and it really speaks to like how much he meant to people right you know what i mean he was a huge i mean dude growing up in socal like he it wasn't always this way shack owned socal for a while i think people forget that yeah and then kobe just no one ever imposed their will like kobe did he literally took southern california from shack and he just reprogrammed all of our brains to always believe it was his And then Kobe, just no one ever imposed their will like Kobe did. He literally took Southern California from Shaq, and he just reprogrammed all of our brains to always believe it was his. Yeah. And he just owned it.
Starting point is 01:25:31 And I know LeBron's here now, but it feels like it will always be Kobe's. It will always be Kobe. Yeah, he is the Laker legacy. 20 years in one team. Yeah. The amount of rap songs he's in, the amount of other cultures and genres he's touched it's incredible
Starting point is 01:25:46 just seeing all on social media everyone talking about it and then growing up in SoCal he's huge but growing up in Arizona you almost couldn't like him
Starting point is 01:25:56 because he's always beating the Suns and the Suns had Amari Stoudemire and Steve Nash and Sean Marion that was one of him when he was at his best
Starting point is 01:26:02 he was playing with Smush Parker and Lamar Odom he had nobody on that team. And he was just putting up 40 a game. Yeah. Going nuts. I watched the 81 point highlight today.
Starting point is 01:26:11 That game was incredible. Yeah. He couldn't miss. Dude, I was out of the country when that happened. I remember I went to a little computer for like the five minutes internet. I go, Kobe dropped 81. I was like, oh my God. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:20 And dude, you could see he was on such a tear at that point. He put up like 63 against the Mavericks in three quarters. He was in a zone that few athletes ever get to. And the cool thing about him, especially, it wasn't he was just an athlete. He had work ethic, too. Yeah. That's why I really like that quote. He said, like, I can't relate to lazy people.
Starting point is 01:26:38 And he'd have teammates that he'd call out for being lazy. And you got to think, wow, that guy's in the NBA, too. And then another athlete in the NBA is calling him out for being lazy. And you got to think like, wow, that guy's in the NBA too. And then another athlete in the NBA is calling him out for being lazy. So just his, his dedication to his passion in life, like how dedicated he was to the game of basketball is it's insane to think about. Yeah. Oh dude. I heard he was the first guy in practice. I heard you didn't want to beat him one-on-one because he wouldn't let you go after that. He'd make you keep playing them for the rest of the night. Yeah tenacious best degree of difficulty shooter i've ever seen to like like 50 of the points i feel like he scored were like really
Starting point is 01:27:10 hard fadeaway shots right at like the out of bounds like just falling away and then just like low arc but somehow could bury it um yeah like a pretty good rate right crazy i have some funny stories uh clay thompson told me a story that he went to kobe's camp you know where kobe like when clay was in high school and so he's doing a q a and clay goes kobe do you have any weaknesses he goes no next question and then uh one time i guess clay was in the locker room and this is kind of like egotistical but it speaks to who kobe was and what he could accomplish when he put his mind to it. Regardless of how sensitive it was to his teammates sometimes.
Starting point is 01:27:48 Feels like, hey Kobe, so we're playing like Memphis tonight. I think we want to pass the ball to Powell and then we want to dish it back out to him. Then Kobe just goes, nah, I'm going to drop 50 tonight. Then he put up 50 on him. That's awesome. Yeah, he's just a fierce, fierce competitor. Dude really did just like,
Starting point is 01:28:04 I mean, when you talk to L.A. people about Kobe, the level of love that they have for him, it's just not even rational. You know what I mean? Yeah. You're like, Jordan had better numbers than Kobe. They're like, no, he didn't. I'm like, no, look at the numbers. They're like, no, he didn't, dude.
Starting point is 01:28:18 Yeah. Like, Kobe just like, I don't know, he was like a god to us. And what's even more tragic is it feels like he was just getting started in life yeah like he had so many of the he he wasn't like he retired and he was just gonna rest on his laurels like he was like in entrepreneurship and investing in mentoring kids coaching his daughter's basketball one in oscar yeah on an oscar i mean this was a guy who just really took life by the horns i mean like in every aspect possible and just dominated life and it's so he just had such a thirst for he felt like he could do anything he did like kids books just doing everything you can while
Starting point is 01:28:58 you're here yeah and it's that's that's what makes it so much more sad is just like you know that this guy would have just kept living and just powering through. He was special. Yeah. He's such a special person. He definitely lived a life worth telling about. People are going to talk about him forever. I think everyone, all the stokers could try to live a life worth telling about.
Starting point is 01:29:18 That's awesome. Yeah, have a life worth commenting on. Yeah. Dude, there's a movement now. I saw it on Bieber's Instagram to change the logo to kobe yeah that's awesome dude i like it i like the silhouette of kobe yeah and i heard jerry west doesn't like being the logo he like never wanted it i heard he never got paid for it yeah kobe was like a son to him i'm sure he'd be happy for it yeah yeah and people are like yeah someone made
Starting point is 01:29:38 a good point today like if kobe didn't die he wouldn't be the logo i'm like but he did die yeah you know what i mean he's gone and we want to honor him yeah make him the logo I love that and he was the most aesthetically like beautiful basketball player ever
Starting point is 01:29:51 so it fits for the logo I know he looks so good dude when he was out there the smoothness when he played the magic in the finals he threw it off the backboard
Starting point is 01:29:58 to himself through a double team it was like the creativity was insane yeah and he could be mean man yeah I remember Pau Gasol was complaining a lot he goes tell Pau to put on his was insane yeah and he could be mean man yeah i remember pal gasol was
Starting point is 01:30:06 complaining a lot he goes tell pal to put on his big boy pants and he goes i eat first pal eats second by the meets third but he could he could back it up and he's one of those guys too that like like i growing up i i saw like the end of jordan's career pretty much that's like when i started being able to remember so like kobe was pretty you know i i saw the end of Jordan's career pretty much that's like when I started being able to remember so like Kobe was pretty you know I saw the end of Jordan's career so it's like first come into like the light watch basketball it's like Jordan that's but I mean Kobe's the guy I watched me too through the majority of my you know young life and we knew him for the majority of his life yeah he was in the NBA at 17 20 seasons yeah he spent more time being famous
Starting point is 01:30:46 and being a great basketball player than he did not yeah yeah i remember him in those uh sprite commercials oh yeah dude he would just you know sing some threes and just chug spray and i was like i need to get some sprite asap good looking dude yeah tragic man and then to lose his daughter in the accident too, and just the other people. My buddy Ferraro played for the baseball coach at OCC. Oh, really? He passed away, yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 01:31:10 He said he was a great guy. My heart goes out to all their families and stuff. It's truly tragic. It's crazy. Yeah. All right. What is your... I forgot to...
Starting point is 01:31:23 Let me pull one up. Keith, do you have a quote of the week or a phrase of the week for getting after it? I might not have prepared you enough for this. Do you want to take a second? Yeah, I can think of a couple. I'll get something. All right, I'll do my quote of the week real quick.
Starting point is 01:31:34 It's a quick hitter. This is from Ambrose Bierce. It popped up after I was done working the Calm app, doing a little meditation. Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret. That's true.
Starting point is 01:31:48 I got into it with my brother on Saturday at my birthday celebration and I was drunk and I acted like a cock. And yeah, I love my brother. He's a great guy. I regret speaking from a place of anger. Stupid.
Starting point is 01:32:04 All right. I guess I'll just go with the one I said. Live a life worth telling about. It's a quote that I'm not sure who said it, but whoever said it was right. I don't think anyone wants to just live a boring life, so live a life worth telling about. Yeah, get after it.
Starting point is 01:32:18 Yeah, and then you're going to experience a lot more of life. So go do some cool things, and maybe when you one day die, people are going to talk about you, and that's a cool thing. Yeah, who dares sit down to write that has not first stood up to live? Yeah. Unless you're ripping a fat beer bomb from the second story at one of your buddy's places.
Starting point is 01:32:37 That's the only exception, dude. Exactly. My quote, Kobe Bryant. This relates to what you've been talking about. Everything negative, pressure, challenges is all an opportunity for me to rise. my quote Kobe Bryant this relates to what you've been talking about everything negative pressure challenges is all an opportunity for me to rise
Starting point is 01:32:49 what a beast dude what a beast his photo he looks so good it's a good photo yeah he's in the NBA at 17
Starting point is 01:32:57 he's a kid beast yeah alright do you guys have a phrase of the week forgotten after it Kobe nice yeah uh alright do you guys have a phrase of the week forgotten after it? Kobe nice
Starting point is 01:33:09 phrase of the week forgotten after it? get uncomfortable I like that nice alright mine is from Troy character named Achilles
Starting point is 01:33:19 you might know something about this little Brad Pitt action shit do I Mermenons! My brothers of the sword! I'd rather fight beside you than any army of thousands! Let no man forget how menacing we are! We are lions!
Starting point is 01:33:35 Do you know what's there waiting beyond that beach? Immortality! Take it! It's yours! And he holds up the sword. Yeah, that's what he does. And look, did I appreciate what Achilles did after he took the beach? I mean, he had a great little melee section,
Starting point is 01:33:51 taking out some, you know, good Trojan soldiers. And then, you know, he didn't have to cut off the head of Apollo. Yeah, that was pretty disrespectful. That was a little too much disrespect. And then he shows off with the big spear throw, and that's all well and good. You know, taking out an enemy fair and square. But, you know, his pride and his vanity kind of did get in the way but he was a stud so i think
Starting point is 01:34:10 you have to take those things on balance dude can you do that again and we'll do the uh yeah the mermaid and cheer dude you don't know how happy it makes me for you to ask me to do it again my brothers of the sword. I would rather fight beside you than any army of thousands. Let no man forget how menacing we are. We are lions! Do you know what's there, waiting beyond that beach? Immortality!
Starting point is 01:34:38 Take it! It's yours! Yeah! That fired me up Alright, Stokers Yeah, good stuff Aaron, do you feel that? Definitely heard it Are you ready to grasp immortality?
Starting point is 01:34:54 Aaron, I don't feel like you're fired up But I feel like when you get in your car You're gonna get fired up You're gonna burn out of the parking lot It's a little depth charge inspiration I like it Thank you, brother Dude, Kobe, rest in peace, man of the parking lot it's a little depth charge inspiration i like it thank you brother dude kobe rest in peace man keith thank you so much for coming on this is great i gotta have you back on
Starting point is 01:35:12 our friend in the back when uh your job situation changes we'll have you on as well yes maybe we'll revisit the great master base in the early aughts oh yeah or perhaps it'll be well maybe we'll move on to different more fruitful topics i wish i could see that in color oh yeah like jt's masturbation in color yeah now compiling footage from all across the world jt jacking off like you've never seen it before really good book david eagleman some stories from the afterlife and he breaks up different versions of heaven and one of them is you have to watch all the thing you do in life in blocks. So all the time you slept, you have to watch that in blocks. And then one of them is you have to watch all the times you masturbate in one straight block.
Starting point is 01:35:52 And I was like, oh, daddy's making up about 30 years of time. I'm going to need a lot of popcorn. But I'm in a program now. I work on it. I'm a happier man. All right. Are we good? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:05 We good? yeah we good? thanks Keith is there anything else you want to say? check out the Iditarod Seal Future Foundation and I appreciate you guys having me on the show and it's for a great cause
Starting point is 01:36:15 so I mean if you guys could check it out dude can we call you are you going to have your phone on you while you're racing? I should yeah can we call you
Starting point is 01:36:21 while you're racing? oh yeah we could try to make that happen dude let's do that let's do it yeah Let's do it. Yeah, we'll be your on-air correspondents. Perfect. That'd be awesome.
Starting point is 01:36:28 Dude, that'd be so cool. That'd be cool. Yeah. Hopefully I have some good stories to tell you guys. Yeah, dude, let us know. Yeah, it'll be cool. So I'm excited. 350 miles, a lot could go wrong, a lot could go right.
Starting point is 01:36:37 It's going to be cold. Do you worry about what place you get, or is it all just about finishing at a time that makes sense to you? I used to care. I used to care what place I got, but there are so many things can go wrong in that time that I just want to finish. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:49 I hope you don't get shin splints. Thanks. That was a real thing. I used to think they were a joke until I started running a lot. Oh, dude, I get them. Yeah. I get them when I do 100 yards. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:56 Yeah. Yeah, they hurt. They hurt, bro. It's like a concussion of the shin. Yeah. Yeah. It's pounding. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:02 Dude, best of luck on the race. Thanks, guys. I appreciate it. Yeah, I'll definitely give you guys a call and then i'll let you know how it goes absolutely yeah send us photos and stuff for sure we'll definitely call you as you're running man for sure i'm really curious that'd be awesome yeah for sure right on dudes well thank you for all you do man and thank you for coming on appreciate you guys yeah yeah it's great talking to you stokers uh i'll see you later that was fun yeah Thanks, guys. That was cool.
Starting point is 01:37:25 Thank you so much. If you need advice These guys are really nice You wanna know What to do Where to go When you need someone to guide you There's a one else in the world beside you
Starting point is 01:37:47 Go and dream Go and dream Let's go and dream Go and dream Let's go and dream I don't know.

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