Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep 115 - Announcing Small Dongs on Fox, Superbowl, and Judges on Dance Show

Episode Date: February 5, 2020

What up Stokers! On this episode we discuss announcing we have small dongs on Fox, the Superbowl, and being judges on a dance show Sponsored by Manscaped: Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code G...ODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. Clean up your nuts!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 big daddy say what up and tell me i'm good what up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with the going deep with Chad JT podcast. Guys, before we begin, I want to remind you once again that we are brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our little hogs. And I say little hogs because we'll talk about it later. And guys, I mean, self-care is so important in so many ways. Emotional, mental, physical, pubal, okay? You need to make sure that the hair around your dong looks fresh because when you expose it to the world, no matter what size it is, you want to let people know that you care.
Starting point is 00:00:58 You care about your body. And you care about the parts that people don't usually see because the few people that do get to see your hog are going to be blessed by the sight of it and the nice, well-trimmed pubes there. So, guys, you know what to do. Go to manscaped.com. Use code GODIP20. Get the Lawn Mower 3.0. JT, have you trimmed your pubes lately?
Starting point is 00:01:21 No. Nice. Thank you. So, yeah, that's what's up. I'm here with my compadre, Jean-Thomas. What up? What up? Boom clap, Stokers.
Starting point is 00:01:31 How are you doing? I'm good, dude. Yeah? Yeah, I'm happy to report I'm well. Oh, nice. Yeah, I'm feeling good, dude. I like that energy. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Sweet. Yeah. What's up? When did you start feeling better i think two and a half days ago yeah i made the transition to feeling good so were you in like a deep low for like from the holidays until two and a half days ago or where do you kind of like roller coaster there was some breaks but uh the darkness was always calling to me. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:06 And now that that voice has been quieted for now. Yeah. And what do you think brought about the lift? I think some of it's just the natural ebbs and flows of life. Yeah. You know, sometimes you're down, sometimes you're up. I do think I took a lot of healthy action to make myself feel better. Did like a lot of therapy.
Starting point is 00:02:22 I listened to my therapist when they told me what to do. I started working working out again i hadn't been able to work out for like a month because my neck i think that was huge yeah um and then uh i stayed really connected i talked to people a lot i had a lot of like heartfelt conversations with people that's because the sadness was actually good because it clarified a lot of stuff like what my priorities should be and uh and how much i need people in my life yeah yeah so that was that was nice that's healthy i always find that whenever i'm low like the last thing i want to do is talk to people and it's something i probably need to work on but like that's smart of you to reach out to people and give a heartfelt what up it helps it helped me a lot well i'm really extroverted so
Starting point is 00:03:01 it's my nature to just be like hey talk to me to me, talk to me. Yeah. And, you know, sometimes I worry I'm taxing people, and I'm sure I am. But, you know, I spread it around, and most people are happy to step up for you. Yeah. And then I think the main thing I'm afraid of is death, right? And to me, connection is the opposite of death. Oh, nice. Yeah. That's profound.
Starting point is 00:03:20 I don't know if that's true, but that's what I feel. I dig it. Thank you, brother. Just feeling connected to people, and it makes you feel alive yeah that's cool uh yeah whenever i get low i just want to isolate and just stew in it but it's usually when i'm hung over yeah i just like sit in a dark room alone and trying to find the stoke but that's why i came over yeah it was so nice to be i was actually hung over i was feeling low yesterday right because I was pretty hung over after Super Bowl festivities
Starting point is 00:03:48 and yeah it was so nice of you you just came over to keep me company we watched Billy on the Street great show yeah and we just powered through
Starting point is 00:03:57 the darkness yeah in the light we did some pushups oh dude that was fire and we did the exact same amount of pushups and got tired and stopped at the exact same number i it was like 20 something i thought you were seeing me stop so you stopped and i was like wait were you gonna stop just naturally and you're like yeah
Starting point is 00:04:14 and i was like yeah that's when i was gonna stop that's when i was like we were meant to do stuff together it did make me feel good too yeah it was a good call by you well i did it because like i guess to go like chronologically we had like a huge week too so i think some of the ups and downs are tied to that yeah you know but um we we finished a part of this big work project that we've been a part of and some of the people we worked with uh it was our goodbye to them yeah and i was feeling awkward with them like when we were supposed to be celebrating so i went outside and did push-ups yeah and ran sprints like four times yeah to deal with the social anxiety. So then I was like, yeah, we should do push-ups again.
Starting point is 00:04:47 And it helps. Yeah, it's interesting. You can literally work through the sadness, I think. Yeah, for sure. And then my psychiatrist, he recommended that I be sad for stretches of the day. So when I Uber somewhere, I'll take 30 minutes. I just listen to the saddest music ever. Really?
Starting point is 00:05:04 I'm going to quote it later. Yeah, and I just cry. Does it help you? Oh, it helps me a lot. I just listen to the saddest music ever. Really? I'm going to quote it later. Yeah. And I just cry. Does it help you? Oh, it helps me a lot. Really? Because it's not despair. It's just sadness. And I have a different relationship to it. That's what he's trying to teach me.
Starting point is 00:05:12 To hold it close and to be aware of it, but have a different relationship to it. Is that because it's in you? Yeah, because it's always there. He doesn't want you to be in denial? Yeah, because you can't get rid of it all the way. It's there. He doesn't want you to be in denial. Yeah, because you can't get rid of it all the way.
Starting point is 00:05:24 It's there. And so it's more about just managing it and understanding it and being able to relate to it differently. Yeah. That's interesting because whenever I go on stretches of sobriety or something where I'm just working hard and staying pretty positive all the way, it's sort of like the – it kind of it seems i don't know if it plateaus but like the the regularity of happiness i'm like it gets kind of boring it gets old yeah yeah and then you need some like you need to disrupt it with some white claws or
Starting point is 00:05:58 something i'm feeling that right now yeah because i've been sober for like a month basically yeah and i'm like i think i'm ready to get fucked up and be a fuck up again yeah yeah yeah but like we were talking about this earlier today it's like how do you is that the healthy way to combat it or is there because i think we're both so sensitive that like the hangovers yeah they just put us deep down in like the mariana trench yes um unknown dark waters with weird fish with lights on their head yeah it's a scary place yeah um dude that's fucking fish and those things from pacific room are probably down there too dude for sure yeah and then weird mermaids like what's that one movie where they go like
Starting point is 00:06:35 oh like harry potter yeah gobbled a fire when there's like weird ass mermaids that was a good part of that that was that was one of my favorite harry potters yeah yeah the competition was fun yeah good on jk rowling to make unchill mermaids yeah and robert pattinson is cedric diggory oh yeah i forgot it was robert pattinson great as like a you know a natural just like cool guy yeah for sure but yeah we get we get down when we're hung over yeah so we're trying to find healthy ways to let off steam yeah well i was thinking today i was like maybe skydiving is the move dude i think that's perfect for you i think so too that's why whenever we do something big we're just gonna have a helicopter ready yeah well just take me up
Starting point is 00:07:13 yeah just take you up yeah yeah that'd be nice skydiving's chill i just i don't want to get too extreme again to base jump in i'm in dangerous territory yeah you gotta watch you don't get too addicted yeah but all those base jumping people who end up passing away doing base jumping, they're always like dating another base jumper. Yeah. And when they die, the other base jumper's always like,
Starting point is 00:07:30 they died doing what they love and now I'm going to go one kilometer higher to honor them. Yeah. And you're like, okay, well I guess that's just the life they've chosen. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:38 That's one of my favorite scenes in Long Cane Polly when the Australian guy just base jumps off the building in New York City. Oh, yeah. I think I hurt me coccyx. What do you think is something a healthy alternative for you? Well, I don't know, because working out is kind of fun, but it's not
Starting point is 00:07:56 like, I don't know, it's not like, it's not exciting. Yeah, it can get repetitive. I'll put on a big jam and daydream and like run. And that's like what I love about working out. But it does get. Dancing is good.
Starting point is 00:08:10 Dancing is fire. Dating is fun. Dating is nice. But there's a lot of complications with that. Yeah. You know, I don't even think, you know, I'm just trying to be more judicious in that department right now too. Right. But you can still have fun and be judicious.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Yeah. And then I don't know i honestly like some of the stuff we do like but it's but i don't know it's kind of that's kind of been conflated with like uh work now too yeah yeah but i don't know we'll figure it out though i'm open to it maybe maybe the stokers will have some suggestions yeah well it's funny because yeah stokers hit us up with suggestions for like how to laugh steam. ATV-ing? Dirt biking?
Starting point is 00:08:48 Like go out to Ocotillo Wells? Oh, dude, paintball? Paintball's good. Fuck yeah. Dude, you go out to Ocotillo Wells and you're in the dunes? You're just spraying sand? But you got to be careful coming around those corners because some other fucking idiot could be, you know, drunk off a six pack and just clobber you with a dune buggy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Dude. Yeah. Have you ever been- That's WCS though, worst case scenario. In a dune buggy yeah dude yeah have you ever been that's wcs the worst case scenario in a dune buggy yeah are those fun yeah they're super for atvs i prefer atvs yeah yeah just because you can get a little bit more aggro yeah you can you can play with it more yeah yeah dune buggy is pretty big so you can't really like whip it around as much yeah atv you can really you know fling that thing. Yeah. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Dude, one time my brother and I were ATVing and, you know, sometimes you're going up a hill and the hill's too steep and it kind of gets up on its two back tires. Yeah. And it gets a little dicey, you know? Yeah. But you got to get it up the hill. So you got to kind of just do it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:38 And you find the right gear or whatever. And then I just see my brother tumbling down the hill, his body. He's like fully geared up, but he's tumbling. Yeah. And then I just see the ATVumbling down the hill. His body. He's like fully geared up, but he's tumbling. Yeah. And then I just see the ATV tumbling towards him. Oh, shit. And I just started screaming. I'm like, Chris, Chris, Chris.
Starting point is 00:09:52 And then I run and I look down and I don't know what I'm going to see. And then I just see the ATV stuck in a tree above him and he's hugging the ground. And then he just crawls up and walked up. Like it just launched above him. That's so lucky. Yeah, I'm thankful for it. Should we call my brother right now and get his, you guys can settle your beef? Or should we do that later?
Starting point is 00:10:13 You guys thoughts on the beef? Yeah. Maybe later. Well, that was Friday. We had a nice night with our coworkers. We said goodbye. What a great bunch of people. They're the best.
Starting point is 00:10:24 It was so, man, I've never been around like a, like a smarter group of people for, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:32 for that long. Like, I literally felt like I grew and developed being around them. I felt my brain growing every day and my consciousness.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Yeah. Yeah. Bree, David, Corey, Jace, Dan and Dan, and Strider. Of course of course strider what a legendary crew yeah strider always bringing in the dank positivity the most beloved guy i've ever met yeah dude he's just walking around the office and people he has no right knowing are just having
Starting point is 00:10:59 real conversations with them and inviting them to parties they're like strider if you're free come to the super bowl party i'm like how'd you get invited i was like we just started talking god damn you man if you're free if you're free cruise by and then yeah they're all so great working on something like creative with uh with people you really respect is is very cool i know that's a very mundane point to make but i just i'm just mean i'm grateful it was cool yeah no it means a lot and uh yeah just um challenging yourself every day it's the best it is what i love yeah but it's so funny when you're like working for an extended period of time and you're like putting in hard work and you're like i'm gonna celebrate after this i'm gonna have like 20 beers uh gonna blow it out and then you have 20 work and you're like, I'm going to celebrate after this. I'm going to have like 20 beers,
Starting point is 00:11:45 uh, going to blow it out. And then you have 20 beers and you're like, Oh, I wish I was back at work. Yeah. I just, I,
Starting point is 00:11:52 yeah, it was hard for me cause I was sober that night. Yeah. And then, so at first I was really awkward, but then after a couple hours I loosened up and I was like, no, I'm having a fucking good time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Yeah. Like it was still fun. And then everybody else gets drunk and you're kind of like just smiling at them, you know, at their charming selves. They're all, they're all just so great. And then everybody else gets drunk and you're kind of like just smiling at them, you know, at their charming selves. They're all just so great. The best. And then Saturday we had a busy day.
Starting point is 00:12:13 What did I do on Saturday? Did some therapy. I worked out. Yeah, Joe and I went to Runyon because I wanted to have a nice tan for when you and I went on Fox. Yeah. We went on Water's World as we have done several times before. And this might have been the most personal mission we had yet.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Yeah, I prepped hard for it too that morning. I went surfing, I went to the gym, I hit the steam room hard. Yeah. For those of you who don't know, we were talking about dongs, so I surrounded myself with dongs. We announced to the country that you and i and
Starting point is 00:12:46 we're stoked on it his small dong we have small dongs we have small penises yeah yeah fired up and it was a it was so um cathartic to get it out there and so many people have reached out and said that they're stoked they were trying to destigmatize dong shame yeah yeah dude fired up on my little hog what up dude beast um You got a beast little hog, dude. Yeah, dude. I love it. 357 Magnum, but small. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:10 I don't think Jesse was that stoked because we were talking about dongs on TV. Well, he did tell us later that we can't come back on. Yeah. That's a bummer. But I think we'd be back. Oh, no, dude. I think these things happen. I think we had to honor the cause.
Starting point is 00:13:24 Yeah. And I think people come back together when it makes sense for both sides. Yeah. And, you know, if we can't go back, I'm still optimistic, you know? Yeah. And it's all good. We just, like, you know, we felt the urge and we had to talk about dongs on TV. It was important to get the cause out there.
Starting point is 00:13:41 And, yeah. So, I don't regret it. Yeah.'t regret it yeah we had to do it yeah it was the right thing to do yeah my dad at first was a little taken aback but after a while he was like that was cool yeah my girlfriend is not not uh not too fired up really um i was like look i mean she doesn't want the rest of the country picturing your dong, and you know they are. Yeah, and I was like, look, I'm going to be the face of this movement, but I'm proud of you for supporting my little dong.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Yeah, I mean, she's loved you for it. It shouldn't just be hers to have as a secret or whatever. Does that make sense? Yeah, and I told her on our first date, I was like, look, I'm doing this stuff in the public eye. I'm probably going to talk about my dong at some point. And so I just gave her a little bit of foreshadowing, a little bit of dong shadowing. Aaron, are you proud of us?
Starting point is 00:14:41 I am. I don't belong to your cause that's okay but i'm proud of you guys for doing it on tv thank you dude thank you and i'm stoked on your big hog dude dude yeah that fires me up i knew you had a big hog we need allies bro yeah you got a big freaking hammer in there yeah that's awesome dude no surprise gonna go to construction you're a beast dude um um dude plus
Starting point is 00:15:09 cleaned out my closet cleaned out my room found this jacket it looks fire I told I'm wearing it on here even though it's tight on me plus with this other thing
Starting point is 00:15:19 I got on I told Joe before I went to the comedy store there and then I said hey I'm coming to the comedy store and I'm wearing a new jacket. I braced him for it, because I knew it would be a lot for him to take in.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Yeah. You know, he's a traditional guy. He likes things the way they are. But yeah, I've been wearing this jacket. It's a cool guy jacket. Dude, it's a big move. I've always said this. It's a big move coming out with a denim jacket.
Starting point is 00:15:39 I mean, it shows a new level of confidence. Thanks. You're letting the world know that you're like, look, I'm opening myself up to criticism, but I look cool look cool and i know it and i don't think it's any accident i started wearing this jacket after our small dong declaration yeah i felt liberated and i felt free to express myself and the amount of support we got huge incredible so robust yeah and then sunday came along dude dude. Super Bowl Sunday. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Man, I was thrilled on that game. I mean, it was sloppy for portions. I mean, I guess that's what you expect. But Patrick Mahomes, dude, never seen anyone make it look easier. The guy is a legend. Telling his teammates on the sideline, hey, we're about to make history, guys. We're going to be talking about this game for a long time. Yeah. When they're down two scores in the fourth yeah i mean incredible i was watching the
Starting point is 00:16:27 game and i was like you just see that mahomes is on a whole new level you're like there's no way this guy's gonna let this game go yeah he's just not gonna let it happen he's a beast and i love the niners you know i was i was rooting for them but i was just like uh i just felt like jimmy he just didn't have the same fire no fire looking dude yeah oh yeah he's firing yeah and kyle shanahan dude that coach that they have yeah he's blown it in two super bowls with his play calling now i'm sorry i put the onus on him i think when they had second and five i know kc was selling out to stop the run but you're getting seven yards of carry you gotta got to run the ball. Jimmy gets it knocked down,
Starting point is 00:17:07 and then they're in third and five. It's just like, I don't know. I just didn't like the play call. And then he didn't call a timeout. When they're on their last play of the game, they have three timeouts, and they're scrambling to get the playoff. It should have been a delay of game.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Call a timeout. Get the play you need. This is your last play. Like, let's go. But, you know, I hope he'll get the monkey off his back same way Andy Reid did. It all comes in time. For sure.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Andy Reid's kind of like the old Shanahan. Nice. Yeah. I was happy he finally got a Super Bowl too. Oh, for sure. Beast. And what did you think about the halftime show? I loved it.
Starting point is 00:17:42 I was watching it. I was just fired up, pretty horny. And, you know, I was just really feeling the passion. I just loved it. I thought they were both great. Yeah, dude, I didn't like it at first. It won me over as it went along. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:57 And then I kind of got won over by all the social media things I saw other people saying. Yeah. Yeah. Well, so what didn't you like about it at first? I don't think either of them has that many bangers. Right. You know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Shakira, who I love, is Colombian. My mom was way ahead of the Shakira train. But she has like, wherever, whenever. Yeah. Which was never one of my favorite songs, even when it was like tearing up the charts. And then she has Hips Don't Lie, which I love yeah but then j-lo doesn't really have a single song that i would say is iconic yeah although she does have some that i love like um get right waiting for tonight uh jenny from the
Starting point is 00:18:38 block um oh i'm real with ja rule all good songs if ja would have come out, that might have put it over the top. Yeah. I Like My Love Don't Cost a Thing. Oh, yeah. Forgot about that. That might be my favorite one by her. But yeah. All from like about 1999.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Yeah, that's the thing too. Like they're playing their songs. It's not like they had a new hit to play. It was like all their songs from like the 2000s, like mid to early to late 90s. Mid to early 2000s to like late 90s. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:19:09 but I mean, I just thought they put so much into their performances. It was a cool performance. And when, you know, the, the famous moment that everybody's been replaying when Shakira did the tongue into the camera.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Yeah. Bold. Incredible choice. Yeah. Yeah. It was great. Um, it was very strong and it was, uh, yeah and it was um huge tongue dart and i was like did she think of that like a month ago or like a week
Starting point is 00:19:33 ago or like yesterday yeah much love to demi lovato too great job on the super bowl oh for sure anthem yeah when do you think shakir did do you think she was so in the moment that it came out or do you think she was planning out like when the camera comes i'm gonna tongue dart i think she knew she was gonna do it yeah yeah i think they were like doing choreography and she was tired and she was like oh and someone's like wait do that again yeah and she's like what say i'm tired they're like no what you did afterwards so i don't even remember what i did they go you did a tongue thing she goes you mean this and this? And they were like, yeah, do that. It's going to break the internet. Yeah, it's going to be huge.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Yeah. And then she is cerebral enough to be like, you know what? That's right. Let's do it. And then she's a good enough performer to make it precise when the moment counts. So yeah, I guess I'm fired up on it. I guess I'm fired up on that halftime show. I mean, I think people are treating it like it's the best halftime show ever.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Oh, really? I don't know. What do you think, Beyonce? Fuck. Dude. Prince? Prince. I like the Prince one, but I think it's slightly overrated.
Starting point is 00:20:31 I'm sorry. Oh, no. Yeah, fella. Oh, no. Brother, I'm telling you. Oh, no. Dude, you know what's the best one for real? For real, for real?
Starting point is 00:20:40 Aerosmith, NSYNC. Yeah. Nelly. Oh, no. And Britney Spears. Yeah. Oh, no. That was my Nelly, and Britney Spears. Yeah. That was my favorite. That was the best one.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Jaded. Jaded. Dude, I don't think I've seen the Prince one. I'm sorry to say. It's good. He did a cool thing where he had like a big drapes come down on each side, like 80 feet tall. And so you see a silhouette of him that looks like, you know, 80 feet tall.
Starting point is 00:21:03 And he has this guitar between his legs and it's kind of phallic. Oh, nice. Yeah. Like a dong. Yeah, it's like a dong. For sure. He played Purple Rain in the rain. When you say it like that, it's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Although Aerosmith and Nelly and NSYNC, I mean. Dude, it was incredible. The outfits they wore, amazing. The best is Adam Levine looking like a Chipotle bag oh he was the worst dude we were talking about that today and i hope it's like he just blew it on every level poor guy i feel for him dude yeah sucks dude sucks to do that dude i think a lot of guys aren't meant to be jacked no yeah he was better when he was skinny i think his voice was even better yeah yeah you should know if you're the type of guy who should be jacked or not yeah it's cool when they get
Starting point is 00:21:50 jacked for like a movie but when they stay jacked you're like i don't know if i want you to look like that yeah yeah like i know if i look super jacked like huge it's not a good look no i've overstepped before i've seen you when you bulk up i'm like dude let's keep it lean bro yeah yeah i've known that. And like my brother, he'll be so hard on me sometimes. He's like, why don't you do more Olympic lifts? Like, why aren't you eating more? You know, why aren't you bulking up?
Starting point is 00:22:14 I'm like, because it doesn't look good. Okay. Well, I feel like he's the bulky one and you're like the speedster. Yeah. Well, he's like. You need people to occupy different roles. He wants to. He's stoked on intimidating people. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:26 And I'm more kind of the opposite. Right. You're stealth. Stealth, yeah. Like, if I was super jacked for the Dong confession, I don't think it would have gone over as well. Yeah. He's like a B-5252 bomber and you're like a stealth
Starting point is 00:22:46 fighter yeah all right it's my brother chris what's up hold on is it coming through aaron yeah i gotta turn up what's up dude i'm here with chad and um he mentioned last week on the podcast how you you thrashed him pretty hard for loving once upon a time in hollywood yeah i heard it what'd you think i mean he's too far gone if there's no choice there's no point in even arguing when i when i heard that he went back for more based on our conversation. I was just like, all right, I give up, dude. You can't get in between us, Chris, all right? It's a fact of life. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:23:33 I mean, do I think you could have used those 40 hours to do something a little better with your time? Sure, but live your life, dude. You're doing fine. If there was anything you could say to Chad to get him off the pipe? I don't know. There are cooler movies out there. But, you know, whatever.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Like what? Yeah, what's the movie you've been digging? I don't know. What's The Last Samurai again? Oh, dude, that's a again oh that's good yeah yeah i've been meaning to watch it again i just got a hankering yesterday to just check it out in its entirety because i don't know the last time i've watched it all the way through because i'm usually watching on like amc or something right sure i was watching that i did watch that a lot as a kid. Ken Watanabe is a good guy. Very good.
Starting point is 00:24:27 Yeah. Yeah, legend. And I don't know. What's another movie with cool guys being cool? Cool guys. Usual Suspects is fun. Yeah, that's a good movie. Good call.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Cool guys being cool. Are you a Tarantino fan? Everybody wants some. Oh, yeah. Everybody wants some. Everybody wants some. That's the only movie I've ever taken my shirt off right after yeah dude i love tarantino he's a man i just thought that movie was boring yeah it was like i was waiting for something to happen and then when it finally
Starting point is 00:24:56 did i was like oh that's it you're under even while i was watching it like i'm like oh there could be something here like i'm having It's been a B so far. And then the ending happened. I was like, never mind. Everything that came before was a C minus. So you hated it. Maybe even a D plus. So the ending made you hate it?
Starting point is 00:25:16 It wasn't enough for all that buildup. Right. Because then I looked back and was like, oh, this was all pointless. Right. Whereas I was kind of giving it meaning because i'm like no something sick's gonna happen that's gonna bring it all together and then when it didn't i was like okay so now i should regrade everything that i saw and downgrade it i liked it though i like tarantino's idea of like rewriting history
Starting point is 00:25:38 and playing with fantasy like movies are fake and it's fantasy and kind of yeah and devaluing like the manson family right yeah they're not these big scary monsters although they are but they're kind of just like weird losers yeah yeah man i'm just thinking about how bored i was from during the bruce turn scene oh right you want to see you want to see cool brad like here's like 10 seconds and true romance is just as cool right and the rest of that movie is way sicker what is it your favorite Brad what is this Brad's best performance though because I think you could say it is um no I'd give like Fight Club or even Mr. and Mrs. Smith. He's just playing a cool guy in Mr. and Mrs. Smith. That's true.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Yeah, he's hot. And that movie's sweet. You want to talk about a bad third act, though. Jesus. Yeah, I mean, I don't know. I like the song coming. Yeah, it does feel like that. But I don't know. I don't mind. I like their outfits still reshooting. Yeah, it does feel like that. But I don't know.
Starting point is 00:26:46 I don't mind. I like their outfits in the end, their tactical gear. I like that the song comes back in as they're dodging bullets and rockets. Yeah, I do like the teamwork, the taps on the shoulders, and they would turn around. That was pretty cool. Yeah, grabbing the guns out of each other's vests. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:03 What about when Angelina's trying to find out the name of the lady he used to be married to? Yeah. Where does she live? No, you're not going to kill her. Yeah, exactly, dude. Cool Brad, being awesome. I didn't like how often she got shot. She got shot, it looked like a lot.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Yeah, she got hit with some serious ammo. It's a piece of cake shatter your your tibia yeah they got some like bruce wayne body armor but better i mean i i do agree with you on the bruce stern scene i mean there's a lot of build-up for him just to be like chilling but yeah it's and you know it's not that i don't respect you chad it's just like no it's wrong on this one you're looking out for me and you know it's not that i don't respect you chad it's just like no it's wrong on this one you're looking out for me and i appreciate it oh that's nice yeah um all right so you uh you legends have a good night thanks you too you too man all right love
Starting point is 00:27:57 you guys i'll talk to you later love you too bye we said that at the same time. That's nice. That's always fun when we do that. That always happens when we're at Uber's. We'll be like, what up? And then when we say bye, we're like, later. All right, dude. And then what else did we get up to? So Super Bowl?
Starting point is 00:28:20 Dang. Yeah, we watched a lot of Parks and Rec and Billy on the Street. Good shows. And then today, we were judges on a dance show right i forgot and we can't say what streaming service it's for but uh there's a new dance show coming out i haven't said anything i can't say yet right i don't think so i'm not i'm not totally aware of the parameters but i think you're in the clear right and we were judges the host was great yeah she was she had like some fire lines i was like you write that before yeah where are you coming up with this stuff yeah yeah and we were pumped dude yeah it was fun to watch people dance yeah i mean and and
Starting point is 00:28:55 the set was insane too and just like i was vibing with the host i was nervous about my uh judgments though you know because like dancing is so important to me. But I don't know technicalities. I think I'm pretty good at identifying passion and calling people out and saying, hey, I didn't feel it on that or, hey, I felt the fire. So I was really looking for that. But it's hard to throw down judgments on people who are putting themselves out there and just tearing it up on the floor. Dude, fucking one hundo, dude. Yeah. i want to be a judge on a talent show now for sure i think that might be
Starting point is 00:29:31 my calling right but i realized i'm not to simon cowell yeah you know what i mean no i'm more the randy jackson yeah i like giving love to the people because they're trying their hardest for sure you look into their eyes and they're vulnerable up there yeah they're like all right we really want to win this. We want to dance well. And you're like, I'm not going to tell this person something mean. Give them hope. Maybe as I did it over time, I'd get bitter and cynical, and then I'd start dropping really cutting remarks.
Starting point is 00:29:57 But at least for the first two years, I'd be all love, dude. Can you imagine if people go out there and, terrible, absolutely terrible. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it. The warm-up guy was good. Yeah, he was awesome. I don't think on those shows they've got to stop and reset. It doesn't happen like an hour straight.
Starting point is 00:30:13 It's like four hours for an hour of TV. And they've got a warm-up guy there with a mic who's got to keep everybody pumped. He was killer. Yeah. The audience was chill, too. They're bringing the energy. The guy's like, all right, bring it up. And they're like, they brought the heat. of beautiful people oh yeah and then um on this dance show what separates it from other ones is they sometimes hit the contestants with giant objects i love it it added a really uh
Starting point is 00:30:38 interesting element yeah for sure for sure and then then, yeah, now we're doing the podcast. We're kind of tie-tie. For sure. Anything else, dude? Oh, dude, I saw In-N-Out, they're selling shoes with the Vans logo on them. It's mostly just their red palm trees, which are legit. So I'm fired up on that. I think I'm going to have to get some of those. And, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:02 They look cool. It was so, like, fortuitous that they're the Vans style. Yeah. Like your favorite shoe. Yeah. With your favorite restaurant. They got together. There's just some restaurants and some shoe companies that you just know are a godsend.
Starting point is 00:31:16 And that's In-N-Out and Vans. What shoe style would In-N-Out have upset you had they gone with? Probably Air Jordans. Right. Yeah, those are so big and bulky and heavy. Yeah, dude. I mean, I love Michael Jordan, no disrespect, but when I see dudes, especially dudes like us,
Starting point is 00:31:38 rocking big-ass Jordans. You mean white guys? White guys, yeah. I'm like, what are you doing? I get a little snooty, too. I went up to, I won't say his name, but i went up to a guy and i was like so you're a big shoe guy huh i know it just it like bothers me it's like it's like it's like dude their shoes are so loud and so big like i he's i think i think he's i don know, man. I guess it makes the world go round.
Starting point is 00:32:05 You know, some people are loud. Some people keep it cool and awesome with vans, but that's kind of my beef. Different strokes. Yeah. And, dude, other thing, since we're kind of talking about a California sensibility in a way, and, look, I'm not complaining. We got it good here, but I am complaining. The wind has been apocalyptic. Yeah. I mean, what do we got, good here, but I am complaining. The wind has been... Yeah, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:32:25 Apocalyptic. Yeah. I mean, what do we got? 30 mile an hour winds, Aaron? Yeah, what's going on? Oh, at least, man. We got palm tree branches just dropping into the street. Not the palms, dude.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Second by second. The wind shut the gas off at my house. Oh, dude. I had an open fence gate and it hit the gas thing that was supposed to go off with an earthquake. What are we doing? It's so crazy. What are we doing out here? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Guys, we got to be nice to the earth, baby. Dude, I was on a scooter scooting. Yeah. And my back tire was kicking out from the wind. Oh. Yeah. I'm about to get thrown off my scooter when I'm doing 17 miles an hour. Man, fuck the wind, dude.
Starting point is 00:33:05 I was really not happy with it. That's part of the reason I'm wearing all these layers. Plus, I got the new jacket. I know. It was deceptively cold today. I was rocking a tee because I'm always optimistic about the heat. And I couldn't do it. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:17 You step outside. It's sunny. And you're like, all right, another beautiful California day. Yeah. That's why people move here. Yeah. Yeah. Man. I started throwing hands at here. Yeah. And then. Yeah. Man.
Starting point is 00:33:26 I started throwing hands at it. Oh. I tried to kick the wind's ass. You kind of did. Yeah. Body, body, head, body. Yeah. You threw down.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Head, body. You threw down with the wind. Little the fighter. Head, body. Mickey Wood style. I took it to the. Yeah. I beat the wind's ass.
Starting point is 00:33:40 I went to the head and then I went to the body. Knife, you run. Gun, you charge. Gun knife you run gun you charge gun you try you die knife you i love that he has a philosophy on that amazing um all right should we get into some questions yeah oh dude i'm sorry please no go i've been listening to this book what stoker recommended it to me shout out to him i'm sorry i forget the name um but it's uh it's like a basically a summary of marcus aurelius oh no stoicism and uh yeah i didn't realize you know gladiator his son is commodus and he's a freaking nozzle yeah he's not cool um that's actually like true like pretty true
Starting point is 00:34:18 to life oh bummer dude yeah he actually has some commodus who like once marcus aurelius died he bailed on the army and like they're in like hungary or some shit and he's like later dudes i'm going back to rome and he was like way too into like the status symbol of being an emperor and just was more like a celebrity and i'm like it's such a bummer that dudes like marcus aurelius have such renobsons he wanted it for all the wrong reasons. Yeah. Like imagine being the godfather of stoicism and your son's a schmalt. That would be tough, dude.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Hardest thing in the world. Yeah. Dude, I realize all I want for my kids is for them not to be sad. Oh, nice. Yeah, like if my son comes home and he's like, dude, dad, I blew up somebody's car with them inside of it. I'd be like, well, how do you feel about it? He's like, not that bad. I'm like, that's good.
Starting point is 00:35:06 Don't let yourself get bummed about it, all right? That's nice. Stay positive. I like that. If he's ever sad, I'm just going to be like, no, no, no, let me home. Let me home. What are you going to do to make sure that that comes true? That they're not ever sad?
Starting point is 00:35:18 Yeah. Just going to give them freaking a fire masseuse to come in and give them dank massages every day. Nice. Yeah. You know what I'm going to give them a fire masseuse to come in and give them dank massages every day. Nice. Yeah. You know what I'm going to give them? I'm going to come over and I'm going to give them wild salmon. Oh, that's nice. I think it'll help their domes.
Starting point is 00:35:36 And honestly, what I really mean is just good communication. Oh, for sure. Just talk. Yeah, and sometimes you can't avoid it. I'm just going to have to learn how to be okay with it because it's going to happen. Yeah. What if your son's a renob? Not that he ever will be.
Starting point is 00:35:48 No, dude, it could happen. But what if he had a bad egg, and a renob came out? Well, you know what my dad would do when I was being a renob? What? He'd kind of just, like, undercut me. Like, I'd be seven, and I'd do something, and he'd be like, do you think that's cool, what you just did? And I'd be like, what? He's like, the way you were just acting.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Like, you think that's cool? Yeah. And I'd be like, I don't know and then i just be like fuck and it worked it really did work yeah i mean it was like not the you know you felt a little grilled but i don't know i'll probably do something like that yeah i don't know i mean if your dad calls you a re-nob, that hurts. Yeah, my dad was funny too because the insults that he would hear us lobbing at other friends, he would incorporate into his vocabulary. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Like he never said douchebag, and then my brother and I started calling people douchebag, and then my dad one time was like, oh, and then you did that? Talk about douchebag. And he had this very pronounced way of saying it. Yeah. I was like, don't say douchebag and he was like whatever uh all right what's up lords of stoketown i got a dilemma on my hands i
Starting point is 00:36:52 think some of the other stokers can relate to i'm thinking of quitting my job because there aren't any companies that do what i want to do where i live and moving to a new place where i don't know a lot of people already new york in this case i'll need to get creative with meeting new people so that i can befriend some fire bros and make new memories in the process. What's some advice you charismatic Caravaggios have for moving to a new place and adjusting to it? Meeting new people and making sure your stoke tanks are locked and loaded. Well, dude, if you're moving to New York, it's going to be pretty easy there, I think. There's so many people who are moving there and they're in the same position as you so maybe the thing to do is just think of everyone who you're seeing as someone who's looking for a
Starting point is 00:37:33 friend same as you are yeah yeah so you're not bothering them you're doing them a solid because everyone out there is looking to form a crew yeah do i love that one of the best pieces of advice i had heard is uh to treat everyone like an ally like they're they're they want to help you to look at everyone as someone who wants to be your friend and wants to help you as opposed to you know some people have this mindset like they have enemies out there you know just treat everyone like they're your friend and they just want to be your dog and go rage with you. So I'd say have that mentality and you're going to do great.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Just get out into the world, say what up. Indulge in some activities, maybe join a softball league. Yeah, get recreational. Yeah, do some improv. Some trivia. Yep, that's what's up for sure nice aaron what do you think this guy should do i was gonna say you know joint find some recreational sports league yeah what what sport would you recommend i mean i'm a big softball guy
Starting point is 00:38:40 so you're a softball i did volleyball yeah that's a good one too, yeah. My team basically broke up because I was too competitive. They wanted to drop division. They were like, it's too competitive in this division. Let's drop one. And I said, I didn't want to get into the argument, but then one of the other guys on the team said, he's like, JT, what do you think? And I said, I think you lose at the highest level.
Starting point is 00:39:02 That's how I was raised. And the four people on the team who were just looking to have fun were like, okay, psycho. I was on about 40 milligrams of Adderall at the time. Dude, that's when you know you're doing drugs too much when you're doing it to be good at rec sports. Dude, you're going to be good though, man. Also read read a lot so when you talk to people you have interesting things to say but don't bore them with too much of the detail just have it ready to go when it comes up organically what up king leonidas and water god poseidon thank you thank you dude this isn't a question but rather a letter of endearment to chad jt and striders hogs well how germane thank you you. You guys hype of Joe's
Starting point is 00:39:46 hog a lot, and while it is undoubtedly deserved, the other three horsemen of the Chadpocalypse need some hype. Chad, does the carpet match the drapes? For sure. Your hog is dripping because your pores are open from the steam room. Your hog has the energy of a penguin, pulling rockets, babes, with minimal
Starting point is 00:40:01 effort and maximum chill. Dude, thank you. JT, you have the most emotionally driven and artistic hog known to man. Oh, dude. Thank you, dude. When he dropped trousers, all people see is the creation of Adam with a gold glow. Last but not least, Strider. Strider's hog is the perfect weapon for sieging the GF's nether region. His hog displays a subtle dominance
Starting point is 00:40:25 with lots of confidence like a fucking lioness, boys. Shout out the pod from the state you guys joke on the most, Montana. He signed it Barack Obama. I wish. Probably not. That would be cool. P.S. Shout out Aaron and Emma,
Starting point is 00:40:40 the unsung heroes of the pod. My dog. Writing about Aaron's hog next time. I'll gladly Venmo you to buy them a rack. Sauce me the request. Cool. And then he gave us his intel. Nice guy.
Starting point is 00:40:54 Nice. Dude, thank you so much for talking about my hog and all my dog's hogs in such a profound way. I never looked at it like that. And that just made me so fired up, dude. And thank you for acknowledging that the steam room opens my pores, and it's been nice being around a lot of steamy hogs. I think it's really been good for my soul. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Yo, Chad and JT and hopefully the Relay Shkuru and Hogmaster. We tried to have both of them on today, guys. I know they are missed, but the Relay Shk and Hogmaster. We tried to have both of them on today, guys. Yeah. I know they are missed, but the Relaysh Guru's in Big Bear snowboarding with his GF and the Hogmaster's at work. What's good, fellas? Hope all is well in SoCal. I'll write to you today
Starting point is 00:41:33 about a problem in my love life. For context, I'm in fourth year university and I met the lady in question in first year. That year we hit it off super well, became best friends, and one night we almost hooked up. If it weren't for my roommates being there,
Starting point is 00:41:44 I'm sure we would have. But now four years later, we remain super tight and we're both in super close-knit friend groups. It raises my stoke. But at the same time, I've had feelings on and off for this girl throughout the past four years, and I know she's had feelings for me these years as well. Now the feelings are coming back and are stronger than ever. I am super into this girl and I know how compatible we are because we're best friends and see each other every other day and always have the best time with her. However, there's an issue. She's got a dank BF across the pond.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Don't get me wrong. He's a stoker through and through. Great guy. But at the same time, I'm dying to tell her how I feel. However, I don't want to make things weird between us. Her and her BF are committed to each other. But if I don't tell her how I feel soon enough, I feel like I'm going to implode. Just wondering what the all-knowing entities that run this pod suggest I do here.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Any advice from the council would be greatly appreciated, my dogs. You guys keep raising my stoke 52 weeks per year, and I appreciate both of you for it. You too, Aaron. You're a legend. Can't wait to hear what you two have to say. Aaron, I feel like this is a good one for you because you always kind of like cut through the romantic fantasy that i can kind of get caught up in can you recap real quick uh he's in love with a girl they've known each
Starting point is 00:42:51 other for years they're best of friends but she has a really cool boyfriend that's how he describes him who lives across the pond which i have to assume means england or he's in england and he lives here oh fire mind blown yeah uh yeah you gotta let that one go if you like the guy you gotta let that one go if he's a complete douchebag maybe maybe you could you know sneak your way in there not sneak but you know but you could justify it to yourself more easily exactly yeah what do you think chad yeah i hate to say it i mean you sound like a great guy man and a cool dude and just a full-on stoker but as i was hearing it my gut was like he's gotta let it go yeah dude agreed you're gonna find somebody else better for you yeah Yeah. Yeah. Cause if it was her, y'all would be together.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Yeah. Yeah. These things work out the way they're supposed to, or maybe they don't in life. It's just chaos. But bro, go with the former dude. It is super frustrating when you're into a girl who's in a long distance relationship cause you're like, fuck, like I'm here. Yeah. Yeah. But if you, like, fuck, like I'm here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:05 Yeah. But if you, if he's a cool guy, then that is tough. JT. My, Oh dude, this one's interesting.
Starting point is 00:44:13 JT, there is nothing wrong with your neck. JT, my man been a dedicated listener to the pod. You made it quite clear with your history with various forms of spontaneous and chronic pain, shoulders, numbness in feet, neck,
Starting point is 00:44:24 et cetera. And your own acknowledgement of having hypochondriac tendencies. I can relate. I was the same way and even went so far as to have two surgeries on my back, along with chronic migraine issues and IBS for years. You mentioned that your therapist suggested that your pain may be serving as a distraction for emotional pain you're trying to avoid. Well, your therapist could not be more right.
Starting point is 00:44:41 You have TMS, tension mitosis syndrome. All the pain you're experiencing is absolutely real, but there is nothing physically wrong with you. This is a mind-body disorder. It's all explained in the book, which I urge you to read or just read the reviews and see if it piques your interest. It's called Healing Back Mind-Body Connection. I lived like you for 20 years,
Starting point is 00:44:59 constant worry about my health. Something's always wrong. Something's always hurting. One thing after the other. You don't have to live like this. I would encourage you to explore this book and find the actual diagnosis instead of guesswork and misdiagnosis aplenty.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Herniated discs do not cause pain. There's no such thing as a pinched nerve. Medicine has gotten entirely wrong. Give it a look, my friend. Oh, well, I certainly appreciate all that, man. I do think a lot of the stuff I was feeling, specifically the cold feet and the burning skin were anxiety related.
Starting point is 00:45:24 But I do think i jacked up my neck i was like power lifting five days in a row i haven't done that in years um and uh and there seems to be a correlation when i do weight stuff that strains my neck that i start to get some headaches and i don't know but i definitely think what you're talking about um has a lot of validity in it yeah people swear by that book really i i own it i have not read it oh okay but obviously it's all this stuff is super nuanced and no one has a complete understanding of it so i appreciate you giving me your perspective dog i think the mind body connection is definitely real real yeah for sure our bodies are built around our emotions yeah maybe not quite
Starting point is 00:46:06 but sort of um that was cool having that badass guy keith eckard on last week badass dude yeah he was cool guy um hey guys i have a question that i've been meaning to ask in a in a good discussion i'd hope so my current girlfriend of six months, a thing for over a year is Snapchatting her ex-boyfriend still. He's aware of us and I don't feel threatened by him or anything of that sort. I've been as respectful as I can by knowledge, their relationship and the things that have made her scared to cut off communication. Most are reasonable, but I don't live her life. So she doesn't draw people who are, or were big in her life, which I adore. She's caring and friendly
Starting point is 00:46:45 beyond words i've told her i respect and hope for her to maintain healthy relationships and that keeping in touch doesn't bother me it's the non-stop snapchatting it took me a lot of courage to express my discomfort we'll get on you with it without the start of our relationship and she was very understanding and agreed that it was strange of her to do right on but then it doesn't stop so i bring it up again and again and again each time she has some reason like he keeps snapping But behold weeks later. It doesn't stop. I love her and see wonderful thing and and see wonderful things for us We're genuinely good for each other and there's an immense amount of care and fun here I've tried the route of being so confident s that her snapping an ex won't bother me, but this is not good in
Starting point is 00:47:21 My idea of a fit partner for me personally. I'm confident in us, but that's not what it is about. Healthy post-friendship with ex? Cool. I wish I had that. Constant all-day snapping crosses the line. We've been strong in putting our frustrations forward as we think it's always worth it to work out, then hurt us. Am I in the wrong?
Starting point is 00:47:37 I don't even know what to do at this point because of how many times I've been genuine about it. Ugh, boys, I'm in need of help. I would appreciate your words a lot. Thanks for everything you guys do. Best regards, Jimmy. That's a tough one, man. I mean...
Starting point is 00:47:53 Yeah, I mean, I would not be liking that. Yeah, and I think you gotta... You gotta do something to try to put a stop to it. I mean, what can you do, right? It doesn't sound cool. I mean, yeah. But I mean, what can you do, right? It doesn't sound cool. I mean, yeah. But I mean... What would you do?
Starting point is 00:48:12 I was going to say ultimatum. But I was like, maybe that's a little too severe. Aaron, what do you think? So this person... Sorry, I keep missing these. Aaron, no worries, dog. So this dude is very much into his girlfriend. They get along very well, but she Snapchats constantly with her ex.
Starting point is 00:48:33 Oh, yeah. No, that's not okay. Like constantly. Like every day, like, oh, funny thing. Oh, yeah. I like Coke bottles more than Coke cans. Me too. You got to let that girl, just let her know how you feel.
Starting point is 00:48:44 He has though. Oh, he has? oh he has several times genuinely he's gone deep into his vulnerability and expressed that this is hurting me yeah peace out damn i'm done you can't respect like my feelings then why should i respect yours we're done yeah smiley later I knew you had a big hog Aaron you agree right yeah you're young there's gonna be other people well that's two out of three that are
Starting point is 00:49:12 saying later her bro but I don't know man try and talk to her one more time sure and then see what happens all right pathological liar situation help what up saltons of stoke Chad JT hopefully strider and and then see what happens. Alright, pathological liar situation. Help.
Starting point is 00:49:25 What up, Sultans of Stoke? Chad, JT, hopefully Strider and Joe's Dong. You got a couple of stokers from New Zealand here with full stoke tanks and cleanly puked trims. Shout out to the Lawnmower 3.0. It's legit. We've got a little bit of a situation on our hands and we've been dealing with it for a long time.
Starting point is 00:49:40 One of our buddies is breaking the bro constitution and cannot stop lying to us. His closest friends. It's gotten to that stage where his lies are beginning to affect their friendship and we find it hard to believe a single word he says we're a tight bunch of bros and we want to celebrate when one of our dogs has good old boning session achieves a life goal but we feel we can't believe believe but we've i'm sorry but we feel we can't because of his constant dishonesty his lies have caused a rift. This has introduced negativity into the group
Starting point is 00:50:07 as the bros often find ourselves talking shit about all the lies he tells because it's like he lies to get one over us. Recently, he has gone further and has said some risque stuff to some of the boys' GFs. Oh. For example, we were meant to be together and we should get together to make one of the bros jealous. What?
Starting point is 00:50:24 Is there any advice on how to approach this the bro schmoll is also very stubborn so may end up denying anything as an issue sorry for the long question stokers uh i mean this guy his behavior than a schmole because he's talking to dude's girlfriends and saying this stuff and like i mean there's something going on so i um i don't exactly know what i would do but i would try to create some distance between you and this guy yeah man i don't know how old you are if you're in high school it's tough because like you end up at the same place every day to like cut out toxic people yeah but uh so it kind of sucks you just kind of have to
Starting point is 00:51:15 stomach them or figure out how to like deal with them but dude if you're post high school later yeah yeah this dude is he's yeah he's not he's more than a schmole he's a bad person yeah like let's hook up to make the bros jealous and we belong together that's someone who has like i don't know weird motivations and i i've been friends with people who lied all the time and generally they're in a lot of pain and they can't face reality and that can get them into trouble like they can be bad news sometimes because people like that who are faking stuff all the time then they fake being tough or shit like that and then i don't know bad shit happens yeah yeah i don't mean to be too dramatic but yeah i mean he just doesn't sound cool i don't really encourage actually boking
Starting point is 00:52:02 the schmole i mean i don't think we encourage that. No. You want to accept the shmol for who they are, but find some way to deal with their behavior, you know, or whatever. But, I mean, this guy, he's crossed the line from re-knob to straight-up nozzle. And it's sort of even beyond nozzle. And I don't really know what that is but he's it doesn't get much darker than nozzle yeah yeah he's scumbag yeah dirt bag yeah yeah dirt sack
Starting point is 00:52:33 scumbag's the worst thing you can call somebody yeah you're a scumbag yeah but this guy has earned the distinction yeah so maybe you could just say to him straight up, although I don't want to put you in danger, just be like, dude, you've surpassed nozzle status and you're about to get boked. Yeah, I would even say with this weirdo, don't even say anything to him. Just start making plans without him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:57 Good call. Aaron, what do you think? Boke that small. Later. What up, stoke-aholics? I love you and I just gotta let you know. Anyhow, love you too, man. So the other night my GF and I got into an argument because I was telling her about urinal etiquette,
Starting point is 00:53:14 I assume, and she told me that she thinks I might be doing it wrong. So as two Stokers we knew there was only one place to go with this trying question. So when I go to the urinal, I pull my unit and nuts out and shake for no more than three seconds because anymore looks like you go to the urinal, I pull my unit and nuts out and shake for no more than three seconds because anymore looks like you're jerking one out, I think. My girlfriend said that she thinks guys
Starting point is 00:53:30 leave the button closed and pull their pecker through the zipper and hole in the front of their underwear. Then the third option was just pulling out the snake and leaving the gonads tucked up. Please help. Stay stoked and what up, mom? Dude, I would say follow your truth, follow your path, your journey when it comes to dong etiquette.
Starting point is 00:53:50 I personally, you know, I used to when I was less comfortable with my hog, I would go through the zipper. You went through the zipper? Yeah, dude, when I was like 12, that's when I would see other dudes doing it. Bro. I know. But I mean now, dude, I pull my pants down to like my knees i'm talking ass out baby you know so i'd say undo the button and the zipper and let that hog breathe man you know you were born with your hog, and you got to treat it right. And you got to get fresh air by the urinal.
Starting point is 00:54:27 And you got to, you know, be proud. What do you think? No, you got to just, like, unzip your pants, pull your boxers down under your nuts, and pee. I guess, yeah. Everything else is freaking crazy down. Pulling it through the zipper. What, dude?
Starting point is 00:54:47 Dude, zippers are scary. No, thank you, sir. I mean, I'm no expert, but I feel like I got to tell you guys that. Well, there's, I mean, I would see people do it, and then you start doing it, and you have to go dive in there. It's so absurd. Yeah. I'd say pull your pants down to your ankles.
Starting point is 00:55:14 I heard Bernie Brillstein used to do that. Really? The famous talent manager. Really? Yeah. Mark Maron told that story, I think. Yeah, he has pants all the way to the floor. If you're Bernie Brillstein you can do it Yeah
Starting point is 00:55:28 Baby Stoker My dudes I'm writing this from the cold Wintery east coast my stoke levels are still Skyrocketing though due to the arrival Of my first baby stoker I've grown up enjoying the outdoors and riding Shred sleds on all terrains And I'm hoping to pass the stoke on to this little guy.
Starting point is 00:55:46 Anyway, I can being a loyal listener. I thought I would see what advice to legends like yourself would give a first time father about passing on the stoke to this new generation shredders frigging love the pod and the positivity you guys are pushing. I truly think you're helping the conversations and outlooks young bucks figuring out what the fuck we're doing with our lives. You better believe my little guy will grow up going deep with Chad and JT
Starting point is 00:56:04 can't stop. Won't stop Tyler. Indeed. Thank you so much for the kind words. Um, Young bucks figuring out what the fuck we're doing with our lives. You better believe my little guy will grow up going deep with Chad and JT. Can't stop, won't stop, Tyler. And, dude, thank you so much for the kind words. I don't know much about fatherhood, but I would say set a stoke-filled dank example for him. You know, just be amped on life. Get into activities. Be a loving dad. And he gonna feel it man and he's gonna embrace the stoke and he's gonna get out there and he's gonna bronze as soon as he can dude i think uh work hard and just hug the fuck out of that fucker yeah yeah and he'll
Starting point is 00:56:40 be all right dude you know my dad did in front of me a lot? Pull-ups. That was so inspiring. That's awesome. He did a lot of pull-ups in front of me. And he would unbutton the button and the zipper and pull his underwear below his sack when he took a piss. That's awesome. Yeah. Beast.
Starting point is 00:57:02 All right, last question. What's up, Stokers of stoke nation absolutely love the pod it's gotten me through so many problems and has taught me to be super frat and chill i'm a high school senior and i've noticed one of this one member of my of the squad is in danger my boy has been friends with this girl for about a year and they've always been just friends but they hang out together almost every day recently my boy told me things that have been happening as of late sexually things the things he hangs the girl he hangs with is in a relationship with a scary dude in college who could put my dog in danger this girl totally came on to him and i've since he's always liked
Starting point is 00:57:35 her so it'd be hard for him to stop how do i keep my boy out of danger without getting his heart broken p.s absolutely love you guys y'all make my day so much better and help me through numerous lady issues. Fuck Puzio. Obviously, Eddie. Aw, thanks, dude. Yeah, man. I'd tell your boy to steer clear, you know, because you don't want to see anybody get hurt. Hopefully, nothing happens.
Starting point is 00:58:01 But yeah, I would encourage him not to get involved with someone who's involved at all. You know, it's always good practice. And then especially not someone who's dating someone who I know guys who have kicked other guys asses for hooking up with their girlfriends. It happens.
Starting point is 00:58:14 My cousin Alejandro was living in Panama, wrote a dirt bike over to the guy's school when he was 15, put on a school uniform that they wear at this other school, found the guy on his campus and kicked his ass. That's awesome. And then this other guy I know who I went to high school with, his girlfriend cheated on him with like nine guys, eight of whom could have kicked his ass, but the ninth guy couldn't and he beat the ninth guy's ass.
Starting point is 00:58:41 And then after he beat the guy's ass, it was at a party at my house. After he beat the guy's ass, he didn't beat him too bad, but he like bloodied him up a little bit. The guy came up to him and he was like, dude, that was awesome, man. He got his ass kicked. He's like, oh, dude, that was so fun, dude. And the guy who kicked his ass was like, the fuck are you saying to me? He's like, I'm just saying that was fun, dude, when we fought. And then the guy was like, get away from me, dude.
Starting point is 00:59:02 He didn't know what to do. He kind of hugged him and he was like, get away from me. I remember that story um yeah i i would i would steer clear uh advising us to clear because it's not a good path yeah all right should we do a mid-roll oh yeah guys i'm interrupting this podcast to let you know once again that we are brought to you by manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed for looking after our hogs for making sure that our dongles are looking fresh and clean guys because this is all about self-care self-love and, and self-love, and self-something for your pubes. Because, you know, you got genitalia, you got junk, you got something down there,
Starting point is 00:59:56 and you got something that you can handle and take care of, and that's your pubes, you know? I think it says a lot about a person when they really embrace the manscaping culture and, you know, maybe get creative with it. I mean, these are, this is just cutting edge technology, you know, a lawnmower 3.0, you can like carve what up into your pubes. You can, you know, give yourself just a classic runway. Um, you can give yourself the opposite of a runway. You could maybe put like a checkerboard there on your pubes. Oh, dude, thank you so much. Yeah, for sure, dog.
Starting point is 01:00:32 You could maybe put like a spiral or something just to like maybe hypnotize people when they look at your dong. So just crazy stuff like that. That's what you can do with these products, and that's why they're so legit and so cool. So use code godeep20 at manscape.com keep your trims pubed check out all their dank stuff you know like the ball deodorant my cousin got that shout out to evan he's rocking the ball deodorant his balls sound like they're looking fresh and smelling fresh um and uh yeah guys code go deep 28 manscape.com it's not christmas but ho ho ho motherfuckers that's it yeah and as always we're brought to
Starting point is 01:01:17 you by danny babona and uci baseball if you're a young buckaroo who can throw or hit that's where you belong uci they should call you see newport beach because it's right there um all right dude let's get into it chad what is your beef of the week my beef of the week is with um i'm just i'm just let i'm just going um stream of consciousness off the dome off the dome yeah my voice just cracked it's okay thank you it's enduring uh water fire wind love yeah i was gonna i mean we already talked about the wind but my my i've just thrown elements at you yeah good call i mean um let's go with we don't have to i'm i'm open to to swerve it my beef of the week is with fire nice you know um i mean i don't even know if i have to say but fire has been kind of a
Starting point is 01:02:16 piece of shit this year you know australia malibu 1.25 billion animals killed that's what they're saying that's insane um fire what are you doing dude um freaking stop uh yeah so i might be the weakest with the element of fire and also not to mention it almost ruined fifth element you know that was like the one thing that like they could get air they could get earth they get water. But fire was the toughest one. Yeah. It almost caused the destruction of earth in the fifth element. And it almost ruined something more important than that. What?
Starting point is 01:02:51 My dog's hair. Dude, yeah. I was cooking a steak one morning. Pan just catches right on fire. And I was like, stop trying to ruin everything I love, fire. Yeah. Fuck you, dude. What's your beef?
Starting point is 01:03:05 My beef of the week is with bars. I think I'm done. I mean, I'll go to some bars. You know, like, I like the bars around here, around where ATC is in Berman, because they're bars. People are just hanging out. They look happy to be there. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:17 It looks like they're just having one after work, and they're trying to decompress. That's cool. But these West Hollywood bars that Joe likes to go to, you can't talk to anyone there. You can't meet a girl at a bar. Yeah. You walk up to a girl at a bar in West Hollywood, she thinks you're out of your fucking mind. Yeah. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:03:31 So you dance for a couple songs, and then what do you do? You just sit there? I know you have a good time with your bros, but we could have a better time at the diner getting sundaes, which is what I recommended. I don't know, dude. These bars are whack. I hear you. Who's your babe of the week?
Starting point is 01:03:48 My babe of the week is this jacket I'm wearing right now. Nice. We actually got this at the softball game we were at. And it was in like a backpack they gave us. And I didn't even look in the backpack for like two weeks. And it was starting to get colder and colder. And I was like, you know, I don't really like to invest in winter wear because I think it just creates more winter,
Starting point is 01:04:10 which is not cool. So I was like, I'm not doing it, I'm not doing it. I go in the backpack and I found this fire jacket. It's a windbreaker, it's got a hood. It just feels nice. It says California Strong on it. I love it. I'm in love with it i love it i'm in i'm in love with it and that's fighting fire right this fights fire yeah california strong is a great
Starting point is 01:04:33 charity that fights fire so it goes hand in hand with my beef thank you for pointing that out let's go who's your babe my babe of the week is everyone at the gym because I got to go back in there after my neck injury, after a month of not being there. And dude, it's a great place to be. Everyone in there is just trying to get better. You know what I mean? I go in there, I see our buddy Graham. We got our headphones in. We're both just dancing in the middle of like the free weights area to a different song. You know, I'm talking to myself. I'm getting myself hyped up. I'm doing squats. I'm feeling like myself again. Yeah. Gyms are a great place.
Starting point is 01:05:06 That's awesome. And everyone in there, they're trying. You know? Everyone's weird. I love it. I love it. Gyms are the best. Chad, who is your legend of the week?
Starting point is 01:05:18 My legend of the week is these new high socks I got. Nice, dude. You know, I was never really into high socks because I just thought my legs were too short. I thought, you know, they're a little too stumpy. I got a long torso,
Starting point is 01:05:38 but I got short legs. I can't rock the high socks. I just can't do it. I can't do it and look cool. I know. Same thing with like boots. I was like, I'm not a boot guy. But then I got these new high socks. just can't do it yeah i can't do it and look cool i know same thing with like boots i was like i'm not a boot guy but then i got these new high socks um that's crazy because i yeah yeah right and i joined this gym and they gave you me like a gift certificate to like buy some of their
Starting point is 01:05:55 merch and i saw some high socks i'm like i'm gonna get some high socks try this out i got them my favorite socks they're working for you they're amazing yeah i feel so cool now. When I'm going to the gym and I'm wearing my high socks, I feel like I'm kind of like steezing out right now. Yeah. So I'm just really stoked to know that I can rock high socks comfortably and look pretty stylish in them. So shout out to these high socks for changing my life. Do you think it could extend beyond the gym, like where you wear them?
Starting point is 01:06:24 Yeah, I don't rock shorts too often, but I'm definitely going to give it a shot when short season comes back around. Dude, I like you pushing yourself. Thanks, man. Well, you're doing the same with that denim. Thank you, brother. New jacket.
Starting point is 01:06:37 Dude, my legend of the week is potato chip deli. Yeah. You know, Maurice, he drags me to these lame-ass bars, but he also told me that potato chip hasi yeah you know maurice he drags me to these lame-ass bars but he also told me that potato chip hasn't kept struggling with saying that has a new sandwich and they didn't need to get a new sandwich because they already had probably the best meatball sub definitely the best roast beef sandwich and according to strider the best turkey sandwich in west hollywood but did they rest on their laurels no they came out with the chicken Milanese. It's the best sandwich they have. You wouldn't want to eat it every day. It's pretty.
Starting point is 01:07:07 It's rich. It's very rich. Yeah. But if you're just showing someone the deli and you're like, hey, you got to get one sandwich. I think this sandwich is the best they got. Nice. And everyone who works there is awesome. I love the hat that I wear from there.
Starting point is 01:07:18 But most of all, I love their sandwiches, even though I stay away from carbs most of the time. But, you know, on Super Bowl Sunday, I got after it. And yeah, this chicken Milanese sandwich is amazing. And I just appreciate you guys at Potato Chip always pushing the outside of the envelope, trying to discover new, better sandwiches. It really makes me stoked.
Starting point is 01:07:34 So thank you so much. That's awesome. I love Potato Chip. It's a great place. Plus, it's right across the street from Erewhon. I mean, dude. Yeah. All that dankness in one square block
Starting point is 01:07:45 yeah aaron where you think's got the best sandwiches man you know langers no i haven't been there i mean there's a lot of places in west hollywood i haven't been uh i really want to go to fat sal's it's. I'm sure it's not healthy at all, but... It's pretty wild, because you're going to get everything in that sandwich. I mean, they stuff fries, roast beef, chicken, beef. I'm from San Diego, dude. Stuff fries in everything. Right.
Starting point is 01:08:13 The California burrito. Birth legend. I'm going to be down there on Friday. Yeah. Chad, what is your quote of the week? My quote of the week comes from, uh, old school. Sean William Scott's character, his name is Peppers. And, um, Will Ferrell picks up this thing from his, uh, his, um, what do you call it?
Starting point is 01:08:42 He, uh, what's like the pet petting zoo is that what it's called yeah his petting zoo like truck with a goat in it i think it's a goat and he's like he's like whoa and uh will ferrell's he picks it up he's like whoa what's this peppers comes in through hot sean williams got that's a tranquilizer gun. If any of these little fuckers decides to freak out on the kids, I could take them down. Ain't that right? He says, ain't that right to the goat?
Starting point is 01:09:14 And he smacks the... He pulls on the... Oh, right. But he's very sure of himself in that moment. I respect it. Sean William Scott, super underrated as a comedic actor. Yeah. He's got a couple classic performances yeah i mean he's great as stifler role models and goon yeah and peppers yeah that's a tranquilizer gun fan these little fuckers decides to take decides to freak out on the kids
Starting point is 01:09:38 i get to take them down nice and ain't that right i like like Will Ferrell, too. He's like, cool. Cool. Yeah. Dude, my quote of the week is from Jason Isbell, great Southern rocker, and he's got some really good songs about death. And If We Were Vampires is one of his best, I think, along with Elephant. So here's just two stanzas of it.
Starting point is 01:10:03 It's knowing that this can't go on forever. Likely one of us will have to spend some days alone. Maybe we'll get 40 years together, but one day I'll be gone or one day you'll be gone. If we were vampires and death was a joke, we'd go out on the sidewalk and smoke and laugh at all the lovers and their plans. I wouldn't feel the need to hold your hand.
Starting point is 01:10:21 Maybe time running out is a gift. I'll work hard till the end of my shift and give you and give you every second i can find and hope it isn't me who's left behind nice powerful stuff chad what is your phrase of the week for getting after it my phrase of the week is um uh damn the poor damn the torpedoes i don't know how was he gonna say i'll do it nice dude yeah that's so pure yeah that's like from the gut i'll do it what's yours mine is from the fray another great movie about death you know it's all about what do we owe to the dead and what do we think
Starting point is 01:11:05 life owes to us and how do we deal with the inconsistencies with those things. There's that great little poem that he says his dad wrote where it's once more into the fray and to the only good fight I've ever known, I live and die on this day. But I have a slight variation.
Starting point is 01:11:22 Once more into the fray, to the only good fight I'll ever know, I live in chill on this day. Chilling. Just chill. Just trying to chill. That's it. Awesome.
Starting point is 01:11:35 Yeah. What else is up, dude? I'm pretty beat. Yeah, I'm tired too. We really, Herculean effort getting through this. Yeah. What are you doing tonight? I'm gonna go chill and see my gf i think nice dude what about you
Starting point is 01:11:50 we go home probably edit this thing maybe watch something like the aaron hernandez doc there were some other wrecks i watched that around it's good right it's good yeah um yeah i liked it for sure aaron you got any plans no just gonna go home do you have any beefs babes legends or quotes you'd like to uh express uh i mean i have a beef from a couple weeks ago with the the documentary don't fuck with cats oh yeah is it too terrifying? No, no. The doc's actually pretty well made. They don't really show you anything that's going to really upset you.
Starting point is 01:12:32 It's three hours, and it's all good. And then the last line of the doc fucking infuriates me, where the person who's been kind of narrating the whole movie looks into the camera and says, or maybe the problem is you. Oh, dude. I'm watching this and I'm just like, fuck you. That's annoying. Yeah. What a cop out ending.
Starting point is 01:12:54 Yeah. Did you like when Wolf of Wall Street did it though? They were a little classier about it, right? They just flipped the camera. Never saw it. You never saw Wolf of Wall Street? What? Not a big Scorsese guy.
Starting point is 01:13:03 You don't like Scorsese? Not really. Whoa. Dude, Aaron. Aaron, dude. I Street? Not a big Scorsese guy. You don't like Scorsese? Not really. Dude, Aaron. Aaron, dude. I knew you had a big hog. Why don't you like Scorsese? Have you seen the classics like Goodfellas and Raging Bull, Casino, Taxi Driver? I haven't seen Casino.
Starting point is 01:13:19 My favorite is Last Temptation of Christ. Really? Yeah. I haven't seen it. It's good. It's Yeah. I haven't seen it, but. It's good. It's beautiful. It's beautifully shot.
Starting point is 01:13:28 I guess Bobby De Niro refused to be in that because he's such a Catholic. Yeah, there's no good reason for that. It's really good. Keitel's in it. I mean, why not? What's your second favorite Scorsese movie? Coon Dune?
Starting point is 01:13:40 No. What's your third favorite? Age of Innocence? I mean, what the hell are we doing over here? I like these polls. These are good. Yeah. your third favorite? Age of Innocence? I mean, what the hell are we doing over here? I like these pulls. These are good. Yeah. I haven't seen all of them, but I just haven't. To me,
Starting point is 01:13:52 it's always like, oh, well, this character is a shithead. Well, so is this one. Yeah, but they're fun. There's no one to really root for. Do you like Shutter Island? I did like Shutter Island. You know what my favorite Scorsese movie is? It's Hugo. I'm kidding. I did like Shutter Island.
Starting point is 01:14:03 You know what my favorite Scorsese movie is? It's Hugo. I'm kidding. All right. Anything else, Chad? I'm good. How about you? I feel good. Yeah, I'm ready to hit the sack.
Starting point is 01:14:20 Nice. Get some good sleep. You been having good dreams lately? Dude, I've been doing this one new app sync tuition yeah i don't even have it dude i don't remember my dreams but i think they're good that's good how about you yeah they've been pretty good lately oh they've been good yeah nice yeah i haven't been having the terrible nightmares lately that's awesome yeah that's so cool that is cool yeah uh i was worried because I was hungover last night,
Starting point is 01:14:47 and that's when I get sleep paralysis. Because if I don't sleep well the night before, then my body will be so tired that that's when sleep paralysis kicks in. And I put on sleep tuition, and it's like, it's all this like, it's supposed to be like noise to like, you know, it's like good for your brain. It's like sort of a meditation because it's like 3D sounds, you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:09 But the sounds on the track last night were so creepy. It was like stepping in puddles and then like a creaking wheel. And I'm like, what the fuck is this shit? How am I supposed to sleep? It was called Mystery. And I was like, fuck you, Synctuition. And then I put on um are you sure you didn't put on a halloween sound effects album dude that's what i'm saying they're like
Starting point is 01:15:30 carpenter they're like mystery helps your intuition please embrace the mystery and it's like i'm just sitting there like what the fuck dude that no bueno. Yeah. So I put on the movie star one. That one's legit. What goes on there? It's just like birds chirping, sunny skies, and it's good stuff. That's nice. Yeah. Guys, we hope that this podcast is like Cintuition for you.
Starting point is 01:16:01 Yeah, but not the mystery one. Not the mystery one not the mystery one if you need advice these guys are really nice you wanna know what to do where to go when you need
Starting point is 01:16:20 someone to guide you there's no half the world beside you. Go with the flow. Go with the flow. Let's go deep. Go with the flow. Go with the flow.

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