Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep 116 - Jimmy Tatro and Christian Pierce join

Episode Date: February 14, 2020


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Starting point is 00:00:00 I appreciate that you have the button on your phone, so... What's that? Is that your phone? Oh, right, yeah. I missed the button. This will be the headphone side. I don't want to get the new one because I... Bro, it's...
Starting point is 00:00:09 You're right. It's good? Yeah. What's your dream? Going deep. Trying to change me. What up? I haven't heard that song.
Starting point is 00:00:17 That's Gucci. Do you like it? It's pretty good, right? I feel like I haven't heard that song before. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. What up?
Starting point is 00:00:25 I heard that song. That's Gucci. Do you like it? It's pretty good, right? I feel like I haven't heard that song. Is that new? No, no, that's from the beginning. That's our boy, A-Bomb.
Starting point is 00:00:33 He's an OG. Austin. Banger. Nice track. Very talented guy. Guys, it's good to have you guys back. Good to be here. Do we need to do our ad first?
Starting point is 00:00:42 Yeah, we need to do our ad. Guys, welcome to... What's up, Stokers of Stoke Nation? This is Chad. I got thrown off a little bit. It's my bad. This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad JT podcast. Guys, before we begin, I want to remind you once again that we are brought to you by Manscaped.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dongles are looking fresh and clean because when you go to italy and you see the statue of david what do you notice his small dong no his pubes because he manscaped yeah guys uh we have two honored guests here today have you manscaped i feel like we should have come in after the after the manscaped ad why we like to get people's reaction i like manscaping is uh yeah fuck with it occasionally we'll have like an author on who like wrote a book about world war ii and he'll have to sit through the manscaped and then we get to find out if he trims his pubes that's a level up for him yeah yeah and a lot of
Starting point is 00:01:39 these yeah a lot of these academics they don't take care of their pubes the way they should they got their head in the clouds and they don't have their hand on the razor. Yeah, they got their priorities all fucked up. Yeah. Happens. But you guys, you guys do stuff to your pubes? You know, you gotta. You gotta keep them trimmed.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Yeah. Mine got cornrows. Whoa. Nice, nice. Does that hurt? At first, yeah. I got, you know, but they're all kawaii'd up. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Wow. Yeah. You feel me? What are you trying to make? I kawaii up that's awesome wow yeah you feel me were you trying to make it i wasn't but he's trying to get right into this clippers do you have to put a do-rag on him at night or anything yeah keep him fresh yeah yeah yeah i see those do-rags lying around i was like what is that little mini do-rags they're little mini-dos yeah and you put them on and pretend you're wearing it as like a mask or something yeah well i put one on he was i wouldn't and it's a mask or something. Yeah. Well, I put one on. He was, I wouldn't. And it's too late.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Yeah. And I already had it on. It's okay. Oh, interesting. I feel closer. So you don't like Hawaii? No, it's not that. It's just, he's clearly trying to start this Clippers beef.
Starting point is 00:02:36 You know, we went on KTLA this morning. He asked what I was wearing. I said, Lakers shirt. The guy shows up in a Clippers uni. I was already going to wear this. Yeah. No, no, no, no. He's not a Clippers fan. Are you a Clippers fan? I'm a Clippers fan. He's not. I'm a Clippers fan. No? gonna wear this no no no no he's not a Clippers are you a Clippers fan
Starting point is 00:02:46 I'm a Clippers fan he's not I'm a Clippers fan no well he is now but you're a Bears fan I'm a Bears fan so Chicago
Starting point is 00:02:51 it's convenient Chicago team is my first priority but I moved here as a kid grew up here and I moved here at like the dawn of the Laker
Starting point is 00:03:00 fucking rise you know what I mean for sure so you can't buy those tickets because they're expensive so me and my family used to go to Clippers games so I became a Clippers fan or fucking rise, you know what I mean? For sure. So you can't buy those tickets because they're expensive. So me and my family used to go to Clippers games.
Starting point is 00:03:07 So I became a Clippers fan because I went to a lot of Clippers games. And I was a fan through the real shitty times when no one was even thinking about the Clippers. Like McGatty, Darius Miles. Oh, yeah. Eric Piper, Kowski. You don't hear about this until now.
Starting point is 00:03:18 You know what I mean? This is first for you? You don't hear about these times of being a Clippers fan until... Yeah, two jacks for our basketball. Very recently. Yeah. Now he's vocal. Okay, you you don't hear about cory mcgetty baby all these times yeah two jacks for our basketball very recently yeah okay now he's vocal okay you just weren't hearing me they're they're not the kawaii's here pg13 works you know yeah and what i say is send them on back to san diego guys i went to i went to the chargers we go take the clippers get them out of here we don't disagree with that i I think San Diego deserves more sports franchises. I was just down there last weekend.
Starting point is 00:03:45 How mad is San Diego? They're hurting, dude. Hurting. Yeah. Dude, we went to the Chargers Stadium. Was it Union Health or something? Dignity Health. It used to be Qualcomm.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Oh, the new one, yeah. Dignity Health. Yeah, I do. Dude, that's a good place to watch a game. Yeah. They have a new stadium that's done? No. I thought they were going to share SoFi.
Starting point is 00:04:01 They're going to lease it from the Rams. They're going to lease the Rams stadium. No, they're sharing it. Well, they're going to lease it from the Rams. They're going to lease the Rams stadium. No, they're sharing it. Well, they're going to lease it from the Rams. The Rams own it. Okay. The Chargers are going to lease it. Well, SoFi owns it.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Yeah. So it's like you might as well just send them on back to SD. I mean, I'm not a Chargers fan, so I can't speak on that. Yeah. Do you think if they went back, the San Diego fans would accept them? Oh, yeah. I mean, it's not their fault. You know, I think I think think i think la just does not care
Starting point is 00:04:26 about the chargers right yeah at all like we just got the rams everyone jumped on board or like it took a couple years because they sucked at first and then it's like they finally get good yeah and everyone's like oh fuck yeah rams and then they're like well chargers too huh it was like a buy one get one free and everyone's like well yeah no i. Yeah, it was like rags to riches. It was too much. It's too much. What if we get Tom? We.
Starting point is 00:04:49 I don't know why I spoke like that. What if the Chargers get Tom Brady? Do you think that'll change the temperature of how people feel about him? I mean, I still, you know, I would stand by my statement. I'm team Rams. But I've always liked Tom Brady. I grew up, my dad's from boston so i grew up rooting for the rooting for the patriots and then i got to a point like you know a few years ago where i was like you
Starting point is 00:05:11 can't just not be from new england and rep the patriots with yeah i mean like i had a reason but i'm also like but once the ram showed up once yeah once i was like i'm you know i'm from l.a born and raised like we finally got a football team. I'm all in right away. Are they going to lose Gurley? I mean, he's pretty questionable right now. He has arthritis, right? Yeah, it's not like a knee thing that's going to just go away. Yeah, it's a degenerative issue.
Starting point is 00:05:37 Right. It was an issue last season. A lot of rosters were fucked. It bums me out. I can't talk early, yeah. Yeah. It is a bummer because he's just like, he's just not even in his prime yet, really. Yeah, he deserves more good years.
Starting point is 00:05:51 It's crazy how young these athletes are. They're all like 20. Right. It is weird. Now they're older than the prime of these athletes. Giannis is like 24. Anthony Davis is 26. You mean Giannis? like 24. Anthony Davis is 26. You mean Giannis?
Starting point is 00:06:06 Giannis. Anthony Davis is 26. He's 26. Really? That fucked me up. What? Yeah, I was like, wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:06:13 I thought he was like at least a little older than me. Yeah. That was a tough one. That's weird. How old's LeBron? 35. 34, 35.
Starting point is 00:06:24 I think he's aging backwards though he might be 32 now yeah i know he looks good how do you think he's doing steroids right now do you ever try steroids what i did steroids in high school swear i have a lot of homies who i didn't know did steroids but like casually fucked with it i think i told you guys last time oh yeah i think you did man i always want to tell you guys about this let's talk about it it was great but you know not long term not sustainable did you get jack you have pics yeah i got some pics yeah i would like to see those at some point it might take me a while to wrestle up but after the pod i got one of me in a shower in a bathing suit okay and i look like a house um yeah it was it was cool your face gets puffy and your back breaks out and who knows what the
Starting point is 00:07:04 long-term damage to your organs are. Right. But you can work out twice a day and put up some pretty big numbers on the bench. Nice. My dog. Clarity or happiness, baby? Which one? Happiness.
Starting point is 00:07:13 That's what we were discussing before the podcast. What would you rather have, clarity or happiness? I think happiness. Happiness. Clarity, I think, would make you less happy. The more clarity you have, you're sacrificing the happiness. The more you know about shit. True. Yeah, you think the ignorance happiness. The more you know about shit. True.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Yeah, you think the ignorance is bliss. Yeah, it really is. We were talking about how LeBron may potentially be, because there's some rumors of LeBron being choo-choo. Someone was like, honestly, if he was, I wouldn't even be mad. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, the thing is with basketball, it's not like it helps that much.
Starting point is 00:07:47 It helps with athleticism, but it doesn't help with your shot. It doesn't help with your finesse, your passing, your court vision. It's not like football where you get juiced up and do some serious damage. But the part where you run down the full court, chase somebody down, and block their shot. Hold on. I think you're a little too close. Oh, is that better? Yeah, it's a little...
Starting point is 00:08:07 No, no, better closer than far. I think LeBron juicing up is the plot of the new Space Jam. Really? Yeah, I think that's like... I can see that. Dude, the Looney Tunes, or were the monsters juiced up
Starting point is 00:08:18 in the old one? Yeah, the Monstars. Yeah, the Monstars. And then they fake juiced. What do you mean? That was like the whole thing. They got huge. Oh, right. Well, they stole the powers. They. Monstars. And then they faked juice. What do you mean? That was like the whole thing. They got huge. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Well, they stole the powers. They juiced up. MJ's, what was it? It's a commentary. His mojo. That team wouldn't work in the modern NBA. There's no good shooters on that team. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:36 On the Monstars? Yeah. You got Muggsy, Ewing. Zion could play for that squad. Yeah. Barkley. Zion is a real monster. Bradley.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Who's the fifth? Muggsy? No, he said Muggsy. You already said Muggsy. Ewing Yeah. Barkley. Zion is a real monster. Bradley. Who's the fifth? Muggsy? No, he said Muggsy. Ewing? Yeah, Ewing. Charles Barkley. Was Larry Johnson the fifth guy? It wasn't a dream.
Starting point is 00:08:52 It really happened. The part where they're walking through the hallway and everyone's good except Sean Bradley who just hits the... Yeah. All the little guys are walking and Sean Bradley just... Boom.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Yeah. What a great movie. I could never make it through because I'd be outside putting up shots by the end. Does it inspire you too much? I'd get too inspired. That first montage, just come on and slam.
Starting point is 00:09:16 It was Larry Jones. I'd be like, ah. So you missed the part where they lose in the end. What? They don't win. It's like Coach Carter.
Starting point is 00:09:23 You think they're going to win, they lose first round. Damn. Did you guys realize that happens in Coach Carter? I i re-watched it recently i was like hold on they fucking lose this shit you don't realize that they go to the whole arnez battle what was the guy's name yeah uh no battle was on their team they lose to the dude who was based off real life i think tyson chandler oh nice yeah to make it something like that is that in the bay or no no that's just where tyson went in real life where's dominguez hills at is that here in dominguez i think oh maybe he wasn't i'm just talking shit fuck it was but dude the speech from coach carter what are we
Starting point is 00:09:54 most afraid of the greatest fear is not that we're inadequate is that we're powerful beyond measure yeah coach carter was the worst thing that could have possibly happened to my basketball team because my coach saw that movie and was like, That's us. That's me. And he was like, We're going to condition the fuck out of these kids. But in that movie, they had natural talent.
Starting point is 00:10:15 They were good and shit. You can't just run kids that need more skills. Coach, we got to be shooting around. He's like, No, 500 suicides.ides yeah we're doing all this stupid conditioning shit and he's like feeling all like he's inspiring himself you know putting us through study hall like all the all the bullshit like coach we need to get some balls and we need to play we need to play basketball what position did you play i was a guard, shooting guard Nice I can see that What was your game? Threes
Starting point is 00:10:46 Oh, just let it rain? Mm-hmm Catch and shoot or off the dribble? Let it rain and then aggressively attack the basket Nice, dude Yeah What was your best game, I remember? I would have been a lot better if I was like 6'6
Starting point is 00:10:59 I love when people say that That was much better If I was 6'6, my game really would have made a lot more sense Dude, if I was 6'8", 240 and jacked, I definitely would have been the starting power forward. Right, yeah. I was a pretty fired dribbler. Were you?
Starting point is 00:11:11 But I just didn't grow. So by the time I was in sixth grade, I was like, I'm out. See, that took me until 11th grade. Really? To be like, maybe this isn't going to happen. Yeah, but I could dribble, dude. I could dribble. All you need is really good handles to just like hang on i think handles the most important yeah did you play yeah i played i stopped playing in high school though that's
Starting point is 00:11:31 like where i stopped nice yeah yeah i never played you know someone's no good when they say that they're really good at uh rebounding and defense oh yeah i can pull down some boards and i'm good at defense oh like kawaii le Kawhi Leonard So you can't shoot you can't dribble Nah but my defense though I pick up dudes full court and pick up That's a mental game He's very aggressive You slap the floor don't you
Starting point is 00:11:55 Yeah I slap the floor And I pass on every shot I've had dudes call me out of pickup They're like he's afraid to shoot I'm like alright relax dude Just let me suffer Make him go left Pass on every shot. I've had dudes call me out of pickup. They're like, he's afraid to shoot. He's afraid to shoot. I'm like, all right, relax, dude. Just let me suffer. They're like, make him go left.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Make him go left. He has no left hand. I know. They start calling out your weaknesses. It's so funny. JT has a lot of intensity on the... We had one with just our office pickup game. He's got a lot of intensity on the court. Well, yeah, and also the other people didn't really know how to play.
Starting point is 00:12:22 We were like, check ball. And they were like, what does that mean? We were like, wow, we're really starting from the ground level. And then, yeah, so. And you guys were Coach Carter. Yeah, so I was just playing down low. I was just boxing out and posting up. There you go.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Yeah, it's good stuff. What's your opinion on Kevin Durant? Because full disclosure, Jimmy was saying he. You know, like, he's obviously like a very very uh very good player you know i choose him a lot in 2k but i just think he's like the wackest superstar dude i love the hot take what so what makes him wacky thing he's just whack i just don't his his his whole vibe is off you know like like you take russell russell wilson for example you know like obviously this dude hates russell unreal but like shut up dude shut the fuck i love russell i love watching him play because i love a little guy who can scramble yeah you know it's like oh so perfect
Starting point is 00:13:15 and shut the fuck up dude he's the kind of guy that like secretly is doing some fucked up shit like no yeah his his fucked up shit hasn't been uncovered. His streak is too perfect. No way. He's secretly... Wow, you think he's doing a child porn? He's got kids in the closet. Wow. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:13:30 He's done some stuff where he described Ciara's beauty. Did I say that wrong? Yes. Sorry. He described her beauty on Instagram, and when someone typed in beauty into Google, what he wrote was exactly what Google tells you beauty is. Yeah. It's cornball
Starting point is 00:13:45 yeah and then what if he just went off the top of the dome though like he just has and then corny he gave a commencement speech and he made up a bunch of stories in it oh yeah like about getting cut from the team and then like fighting back to get his spot but it was all not true well didn't he he have a weird college career? He had to switch schools because he wasn't starting. Yeah, he was like a post-grad player at Wisconsin after he finished. Yeah, because they swapped out the real guy
Starting point is 00:14:11 and they put the robot in there. Oh, yeah. And that was when he became different. I like his hair. Yeah, he's learning good lately. Yeah. A lot of good off-season swag coming from athletes.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Yeah. Like The Rock. The Rock is an alien from athletes. Yeah. Like The Rock. The Rock is an alien. Right. Yeah. That was sent here to take over the earth. And he's doing it. And it's working.
Starting point is 00:14:31 I'm 100% sure. I'm calling it now. He's going to run for president. Have you guys met The Rock? No. I like The Rock, just for the record. I've heard his charisma's on fire nonstop. I heard when he makes those videos, because someone was saying, like, on Ballers, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:44 It was Chris. Yeah. Thank you. And he was saying that, like, you know, he makes those videos cuz I someone was saying like I was on ballers. Yeah, it was um, Chris Yeah, thank you And he was saying that like, you know He makes those video and I was like, yeah other when he's on set and he pumps out one of those videos where he's like We're here on the set of ballers. I hate my director. I'm kidding. I love him Yeah, just like delivers some like eloquently worded. Yeah one minute video. I like does he do multiple takes like is the whole crew? one minute video i was like does he do multiple takes like is the whole crew sitting around waiting for him like he's like ah fuck let me do take let me do take three real quick and the crew's just waiting he's like no man like he pumps those out one take up on the ground
Starting point is 00:15:15 professional like doesn't stop i love when he uh after he does cardio and he talks to his elliptical he names it bertha he does this uh the rock i've never seen i mean yeah i remember from like two years ago yeah he's all sweaty he's like yeah me and bertha what's up bertha we have a good time and he's like yeah she's shy wait who's bertha his elliptical which i always like he and joe rogan do elliptical which kind of confuses me yeah yeah i guess yeah they got so much weight up top i like the curve treadmill have you guys seen those dude i've been doing that bro that's the best the one that like just like curved yeah i just walk on like 25 minutes i'm not used to it it scared me i tried it yeah once you get it it's the best yeah when the
Starting point is 00:15:56 sprints on it yeah it's like the momentum keeps going next level yeah yeah what's yeah what's your guys's workout routines yeah jim what's your workout routine? My workout routine is like, I'll look at the clock. I'll be like, okay, I got like an hour and a half. I can do this. And I mob to the gym. I'll hop on the treadmill, run like a mile, and then just, you know, do whatever's open. Sick.
Starting point is 00:16:22 Nice. Yeah. Usually I'll do some pull-ups. Okay. I'll do some, a little bit of inverted bench and then some abs you know maybe some box jump maybe some jump rope is inverted that's incline or decline decline decline oh nice good for the lower part of the pack right yeah lower part of the packs lower titty it's the best part yeah what about you um i usually i'm really into stretching now i'm more than stretching i've ever been in my life and i'm like what the fuck was i doing like in playing sports in high school not doing this so i stretch and roll out for like 20
Starting point is 00:16:53 minutes can you reach your toes yeah i'm like the most flexible i've ever been which is like sucks that i didn't realize how long do you stretch for like 25 minutes yeah i think that makes you happier too like after you stretch i have a smile on my face. Yeah, I don't give a fuck if I miss, like, a whole other part of the work. If I did my 25-minute stretch, my day is so much better. And then I cardio on that curve, that curve boy. It's the best. And I only lift for, like, 25, 30 minutes nowadays.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Or swim. Swimming is my shit now. But he's here twice, you know? No. He's doing two a day. Fuck no. Nice, dude. I wish.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Or health house. Have you seen Christian with his shirt off? Dude, you're ripped. He's doing two a days. Fuck. Nice dude. I wish. Have you seen Christian with his shirt off? Dude, you're ripped. He's embarrassingly jacked. Yeah. You gotta keep it low key. He's too jacked.
Starting point is 00:17:31 If I was that jacked, I'd be embarrassed to take my shirt off. Yeah. Christian takes his shirt off. I was like, all right, dude, chill the fuck out.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Okay. Like calm down. You know, do you find it hard to like be subtle when your shirt's off? I try to keep my shirt on. Right. Yeah. It's yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:48 But dude, are you like, are you the guy that your friends are like, you know you know when you have a friend who's super ripped and then you get drunk and you're like, take your shirt off, dude. Do people do that to you? No, just Kyle Herbert does that to me. Jim's roommate. Oh, really? Yeah, but Kyle does that to everyone. I'm the guy who does that. Take a shirt off.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Yeah, that drunk person was me. Did you guys see that? It was a photo of these two guys. It said they partied together all night at the club. Oh, my God. And then they did a jersey swap. It's all for fun. But it was like their Hawaiian shirts, and they had partied together all night, and they
Starting point is 00:18:14 took a photo. But it looked like an NFL post-game jersey swap. It was just straight face. It was like, I met this guy in Vegas. We partied all night, and we did a jersey swap. They did a jersey swap. That needs to be a thing. That's the best.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Dude's just swapping shirts out of the night. Did that inspire you guys? Yeah. It kind of did, you know. I don't usually get inspired by, you know, that mean bullshit.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Because if you do find a random person to party with and you have a great night, like, I think that's rare nowadays. Oh, for sure. You click with a random person and, like, trust them enough
Starting point is 00:18:39 to keep partying all night. After college, for sure. So if you can accomplish that, like, it's dope. I was arguing with my brother at a bar the other day and i'd made friends with a guy before and he came up to me he was like yo jt chill dude and he was just a stranger that's really funny yeah he's like jt it's all good dude chill yes and then afterwards i was wrong but afterwards he was on my side he's like dude it's all good some people just don't get it i was like thank you dude i met 20 minutes ago
Starting point is 00:19:02 wow yeah he's a real one. Shout out to him. Yeah. His friend didn't like me. I could vibe on that right away. I think he was a little threatened by the connection. Could you take him if you had to? I don't want to say. Yeah. We'll keep it on low.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Cut to their angle and then just nod. Yeah, exactly. What do you guys do for inspiration? Do you guys, do you ever run low on inspo? You need something to pick you up? What do you go do for inspiration? Do you ever run low on inspo? You need something to pick you up? What do you go to? For sure.
Starting point is 00:19:31 It's a hard turn into a different direction. No, I was just thinking of last time we were lacking inspiration during a writing session. What did we do? Oh, I know exactly what we did. What did you guys do? And it worked. It worked really well. What did you do? Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:19:44 It's what it means. What'd you guys do? And it worked. It worked really well. What'd you do? Go ahead. Spill the beans. We ate some chocolate shrooms. Oh, those are great. And we were like stumped on the ending of Not Real Bros. I'm not going to say what it was. We won't say what it is. We won't say what it is.
Starting point is 00:20:00 But it was the finale of a show. We were low inspiration, low energy, kind of like moping around the writer's room like oh yeah we've been doing it for like a few days too and uh we're like all right let's just shake things up a little took shrooms and just mapped out the full outline of that episode yeah i'm like it was good it's good we're like wait is this are we just are we on shrooms or is this good like that is really good we said we sent it to the other guy that we ride it with who wasn't there that day. And he was like, dude, this is great. Okay, cool, it is great. But he was on mushrooms too.
Starting point is 00:20:34 No, he was sober. What's your riding process like? It's just the two of you usually? Usually, yeah. I just got this uh writing room like i moved like a few months ago and uh i turned this back house into like a full writing room yeah so i have like these five massive whiteboards huge whiteboards boom boom boom boom i've seen on your story a little bit yeah tv in the middle to airplay the scripts and then just like a bunch of seating and it's
Starting point is 00:21:05 it's great it's just a great vibe yeah it's a vibe it's a vibe like if we could you know if we like
Starting point is 00:21:11 sold a show and the studio was like yeah like we come to our studio for the writing room I'd be like no like
Starting point is 00:21:18 we should just do it at my place because it's we've invested a lot of energy yeah but then like it depends on what we're writing to how we start the session
Starting point is 00:21:26 yeah like for for real bros we it kind of it's the main thing is like you look at all the characters and like
Starting point is 00:21:34 where they're coming from yeah and just figure out where they need to start yeah and then you figure out where you want them to end up right
Starting point is 00:21:39 right and you go back and like check your work like if you write something in like episode like three and like alright this is dope you gotta go to ten and make sure that when you finish that, it's going to sync up.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Which is cool because we have these big-ass whiteboards all over the writer's room. So you can just be like, all right, four, this is what's happening. How about 10 over there? And look over there. Does that work? All right, cool. Do you do full outlines, detailed outlines before you start writing?
Starting point is 00:22:01 You start looking at the character. You want him to get from there to there. And like all the notable moments you want yeah that to happen that season and then you kind of you know you kind of write out per character like what needs to happen like episode by episode and then you have that all in front of you and then from there it's like uh what we've been doing lately is putting it in like a a keynote file and then you have like episode one two three and then you can like you write the scene you know say it's like you know xander's at the body shop and like installs 300 his 300th truck nuts you can take that and like click it and move that scene like and well let's put that in two let's put that
Starting point is 00:22:42 yeah and then it's just kind of equaling out kind of web them together yeah what you want and being like oh well this episode's pretty stacked we can move some of those things to this one yeah and then once it's kind of like that you have the full outline with all the scenes and you can go through and uh make the outline and then by the time you get to this scripting process it's's like all the work has been done. So yes, we do detailed outlines. And we try to also put, even if we don't have an idea of how we're going to get to a specific joke, but there's something really funny we know we want in there,
Starting point is 00:23:13 we'll put that on the map and then map around how we get there and how we leave there for the really big jokes. We're like, we don't know how we're going to get this in there, but this has got to happen. You've got to have that sidebar of shit like that you're like i don't know where this goes but yeah it's got to go in there somewhere so we'll just start writing and like do you ever worry about like having to do too much justifying to get to those beats or you've is it pretty easy
Starting point is 00:23:36 yeah sometimes you get there you're like like you have to cut some stuff you have like some there's for sure some jokes on that list for this season real bros and other projects that like had to hit the floor just because it was too much to make it work it was gonna fuck up the other stories and when you well with something like real bros it's like it's supposed to be ridiculous right yeah you know so it's like there's not as much pressure in that sense for like something not making sense like you know a baby you know she gets nine months pregnant in two days yeah the baby ages like five years in like a week like we've kind of broken the rules so with something like that it's like certain things it's funny though because certain things we're like we don't need to justify this it's just a weird fucking show and then certain things like
Starting point is 00:24:22 we have like we've thought out so hard, and we're like, well, that doesn't make sense. He would care. We would not do that. Yeah. And it's like, I don't know. We kind of need to figure out where to draw that line. There's a balance.
Starting point is 00:24:36 It's funny how serious it gets for how funny or dumb the joke is sometimes. Like, you spend three hours, like, seriously figuring some shit out. Yeah, the things you'll hear people like seriously talking about right yeah they're like
Starting point is 00:24:48 but if someone had a penis that small would they really make this kind of choice right based off the fact that their mother reacted this way
Starting point is 00:24:54 we had the same combo yeah and you're like no I don't and then you have to like sit there and be like I think you would
Starting point is 00:24:58 yeah right yeah exactly yeah it's interesting to find the happy medium between like applying so much logic that you out logic the funny out of it and then yeah it's interesting to find the happy medium between like applying so much logic that you out logic the funny out of it. And then, yeah, I think that's like the biggest battle, I think, in the room.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Yeah. What do you guys do? What's your process? Just talking a lot and chilling. A lot of looking at my cell phone. Yeah, you got to have the notes on your phone. You guys watch stuff for inspo? Yeah, I always try to watch and read stuff
Starting point is 00:25:25 because I feel like it just opens up pathways. I remember Patton Oswalt, who I don't even think is a sports fan, said he used to watch Gael Sayers run. Wow. Because he said like watching his genius in that field would transfer over to his comedy. That's interesting.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Yeah, I try to watch like, I don't know, just movies that are, like I try to watch stuff that's very different from how my brain works because I feel like it might open some stuff up. I don't even know if that works are, like I try to watch stuff that's very different from how my brain works because I feel like it might open some stuff up. I don't even know if that works. It's just what I do. No, I was going to say,
Starting point is 00:25:50 I feel like some of the best days in our room come from when one or both of us have went home and just watched something. Like a movie or a few episodes of a show and we come in like, yo, I watched this and it made me laugh or it was dope. And then that's just energy. Even if we don't write about that shit, it's energy to take you into the session. I feel like there yo, I watched this and it made me laugh or it was like dope. And then like, that's just energy to, even if we don't write about that shit,
Starting point is 00:26:06 it's like energy to take you into the session. Yeah. I feel like there's certain hooks. I look for certain hooks to put me in the right mindset. Like, you know, stand up or with like writing for like for our videos and stuff, watching stuff, you know, watching stuff or like with stand up, like recently I was like,
Starting point is 00:26:21 I need to write more stand up. Like I haven't written stand up in like a month. Right. And then you just listen to some and you get in that mindset and that just gets your mind. And then I'll do like free writing and stuff. And exercise that brain muscle.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Going to therapy too. Just clearing out all the other stuff so I just don't fixate on it when I should be focused on, yeah, the work. Yeah, I do do similar. I do like breathing exercises before. Breath work is real good. To take away the anxiety.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Some Wim hoff i get the most from like watching things or just experiencing things that i don't like oh interesting like i don't like i would never watch like a show i like to try to write a show just like i just i just don't i don't like i don't want to think about i i don't know because you have their logic in your head yeah i don't want to i don't want to go about, I don't know. Because you'd have their logic in your head. Yeah, I don't want to go down the same route. So it's like, it's things that I see that I'm like, I hate that, that usually start like make me think,
Starting point is 00:27:11 like I start thinking of ideas based off that. That's what Sam Peckinpah says he did. He says he did. Who's that? The guy who did like The Wild Bunch and like Straw Dogs. He's a big director in like the 60s, 70s. And he's like, I only watch things I hate. And then I just know how to go in the opposite direction.
Starting point is 00:27:24 That's funny. Yeah. I would say that's more my like. Yeah. And he's like, I only watch things I hate. And then I just know how to go in the opposite direction. That's funny. Yeah. I would say that's more my like... Yeah. And living, it's like living. Like if you don't go out and like get social,
Starting point is 00:27:31 like your inspiration plummets. Yeah. Like just do stuff, like experience shit. If you don't, like what are you gonna write about? And hanging out with funny, like funny friends
Starting point is 00:27:39 and funny people. It's just like... Characters. When you guys start like riffing on something and you're like, this is pretty good. Yeah. This is some good stuff. when you guys start like riffing on something and you're like got it pretty good yeah this is some good stuff when you guys map out the character arcs that kind of become the framework for the show are they like genuine character developments are they like comedic character developments or is it is it no they're usually like actually they are it's like a real hero's journey yeah yeah it's like you know don't you know you want duncan to get from like you know tick season two it's like duncan is you know you have him at
Starting point is 00:28:10 the beginning and he's like under his dad's wing wants to get out from under his dad we want him to open his own surf shop we want to get over his broken heart get over his broken heart like yeah none of it's like serious but then it's... But it's real character evolving. Yeah, and then we have jokes that we've accumulated over time that are in our real bro's note file that we'll pull up from our phones and be like,
Starting point is 00:28:34 those are the things you start... The main framework is serious storylines, and then you start sprinkling in all the jokes. Right. Because those can kind of land wherever yeah Most important is having that do you think characters need to have like a positive? Trajectory for it to be compelling for the audience fuck no Positive, but then it's like like oh yeah, you mean like like they like you know advance yeah
Starting point is 00:28:58 No, I think a character could like like fail harder and harder every episode But like if you're getting bigger laughs, like does that count as like, you know, an advancement? Like, I don't know. Right. It's just,
Starting point is 00:29:07 but it's just, it's going in a, there's a trajectory, but it doesn't have to necessarily be positive. Right. Yeah. Yeah. It's like review or something like that.
Starting point is 00:29:15 It's like that. Yeah. I guess like turtle from entourage kind of goes up and down pretty heavy. Yeah. So like, I didn't like him when he was doing better yeah that's i didn't like when he was winning yeah i just wanted him to be turtle i think it's fun it's generally funnier when they are losing um yes and something we've experienced
Starting point is 00:29:36 with this show is like it's like are they losing too much like are we just handing them l after l after l right it's kind of funny they got to have some wins here and there. But I think the audience really only cares about what you do with the journey. They don't really care about the destination so much. It's a nice payoff. That makes the ending of something good if you like where they end up. But the most part is like enjoying whatever you're doing with whatever they're experiencing and i think the reason people like real bros so much is because all these characters they feel real in a certain sense and like they they feel like oh like that
Starting point is 00:30:18 is how that guy would react in that situation yeah maybe he's taking it out. Maybe he's winning, but it feels right. His reaction is authentic. It could be some of the most fun stuff is a win from their point of view. Exactly. The audience is like, that's not a win at all, but from their point of view,
Starting point is 00:30:35 they're just stoked. Right. That's some of the best moments, I think. That is really funny. What's your favorite part of the process? It's in production and everything wow um there's so many i like a favorite from like every part of it it sounds whack and what's your but what's your number one right i got that was the question um well fuck because i love the reactions
Starting point is 00:31:00 from people right like i love seeing people get really happy and like laugh and like just have a good day yeah that's like seeing stuff we put out um but there's some there's definitely some times in the writer room where we just like laugh for like several minutes in a row yeah like i always say like no matter how like weird or like bad a day is the fact that i get to come to work you know nine out of ten days and laugh like that's something most people don't get to do yeah yeah yeah what would you be doing if you weren't doing this probably something music i think i asked you that last time you were on too deja vu dude i suck so what would you want to take a lap yeah i'll be back i would say my favorite part is uh like i hate the editing process gets so fucking annoying you know when you're in there it's like
Starting point is 00:31:48 yeah you have a rough cut and it's it's it's decent but it's not what it needs to be and you start diving in and looking at all the other takes and opening it up and like you get to a point where you're like i've i've fucked it up you know it's like i've put all these new takes in it's like we're jumping around it's all quilted together and it's messy in. It's like we're jumping around. It's all quilted together, and it's messy. And then it's like you just keep going. You keep smoothing it out. You keep smoothing it out. And finally, it gets to a point where you're like, when it clicks, and you're like, that's it.
Starting point is 00:32:17 There it is. That's how it needs to be. This is it right here. It's like when the puzzle's coming together, and you're like, oh, I can see the picture now. And it's that moment that I like the most. Yeah. It's the, it's the, when it finally clicks in the edit and you're like, that is the final, that's it right there.
Starting point is 00:32:35 I mean, the writing process is definitely my second, my second favorite part. You know, just the, just coming up with these ideas when you realize, like, you know, when we up with these ideas, when you realize, like, you know, when we're sitting there and we realize the vibe in there is like, we just came up with something really fucking funny.
Starting point is 00:32:52 That's just a great feeling. When something gets said and we're not thinking about it, we're both like, yup, put it down right now. Because sometimes it's like, okay, let me think, okay, I can see how that works. But every now and then, something gets said, you're just like, yup, write it right now. That's the best.
Starting point is 00:33:03 Sometimes you don't even need to say it, you know? It's just like we both, we both are in this, we're having the same conversation, we're writing the same thing, we know how we got to this point. So it's like, sometimes it's just being like, wait, should we? Yes, we should.
Starting point is 00:33:18 And it's like, we won't even say it out loud. Take a turn. But you just know you're on the same wavelength. So that's a great moment. That's a vibe. Do you have trouble watching're on the same wavelength so that's a great moment do you have trouble watching your gut watching yourselves on screen uh i used to yeah like during the editing process and you see yourself you're like oh dude i gotta step out i'm fine with the editing process when
Starting point is 00:33:37 i'm in control of the editing process i'm very critical yeah i mean i have trouble watching myself like i have to watch it a few times to get used to it. I think I'm critical of him too now. I've seen just so much. I know what are his best takes. So I'm like, all right, no. He's just a better one in there. I also like, I was just watching,
Starting point is 00:33:58 I got sent a movie I did last night that never ended up coming out. And it felt great. and then i'm watching it i'm like damn i wouldn't have chose i wouldn't have chose that i wouldn't have chose that i'm doing way too much with my face right there like i like with with with real bros or with something that like i'm editing or directing it's like if you don't like it you can change it right i'm like that take i did way too much so let's swap that out let's put in one that i like and let's do that for everyone but so when you're just acting in something there's a lot more nerves going in like you're showing up
Starting point is 00:34:33 like fuck what they choose right that's i hate that i hate and when you feel like when you don't feel good about that that's the worst yeah yeah because the editor just kind of boned you yeah it's like you know you you you want that obviously you want an editor that it's going to choose all the right from all the right takes but some people like they'll just use take one or they'll just choose a take and just let that one go so have you been like at a like a screening for something you're just like oh dude yeah yeah i i mean, not like disappointed, but like I've seen shit and been like, ah, I felt like that could have came out funnier. I see.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Timing could have, you could have fucked with the timing a little more and like, you fucked with my timing. Like, that's not how I did it when we were shooting. Like, I gave a different amount of time. And it's like those little, you know, shaving a couple of frames here frames here and there like could totally fuck the timing of the scene and it's like it could totally fuck the delivery of like the way an actor says something so it's like especially if they don't get the joke you were trying to make yeah yeah it's like sometimes get the inflection your voice was like the joke yeah you wanted to use that dot dot dot dot dot dot right uh-huh right and if it just goes straight
Starting point is 00:35:43 to the uh-huh it's like you lost the the joke right were you involved in the editing of american vandal at all no no but i like they just did a great job yeah so like i was watching it and i was like oh fuck yeah like that was truly something that i knew it was going to be good just because the scripts were fucking great yeah but um you know like i said you never really know how something's going to turn out and the way they did everything like the timing and just like everything was great like the graphics and stuff like i saw it and i was like holy fuck you guys made like a great show yeah um so that was a really cool that was a cool moment how do you
Starting point is 00:36:20 guys uh how do you guys manage your partnership to keep everything just running smoothly? Kush. Yeah, staying friends. Kush. Yeah, pretty much. Like blazing together, you mean? Yeah. Oh, that's nice.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Yeah, got like a ritual you do together? Nah, we just smoke kush. Yeah, I'm romanticizing it. Yeah, I don't know. It's got a rhythm to it, I guess. Yeah. It's practice. Takes years. How how long you guys been working together since 2011 that's pretty wild yeah yeah 2011 it's pretty rare yeah yeah it's uh it's a thing well did it sort of start out like you guys just started doing stuff too i think we talked about in the last pod but you started
Starting point is 00:37:04 doing the same podcast yeah i know you started doing stuff I think we talked about in the last pod but you started doing the same podcast yeah yeah I know started doing stuff together a little bit and then you're like alright we're partners or it's kind of like let's make shit together it was more of like a slow like uh Christian's role definitely like has increased a lot like
Starting point is 00:37:20 since where we started you know like when I had started a channel and I was like working with with my two high school buddies, and we were making videos, just stupid shit. And then I got to the dorm, and I was working with this guy who had a lot of equipment, and we started working together. And then that was when I found out about YouTube,
Starting point is 00:37:38 and people were making all this money and shit, and got like, I want to do this. And then I started to do that and christian and i kind of came to the realization we were both in the same like trying to the same shit yeah we can't we like like doing the same stuff um and he kind of came on board like you kind of you came on board like early on it was just mostly like helping like like behind the scenes a camera like writing when we started writing well that first summer after freshman year we linked up and started figuring shit out that's when we did like my friend jesse right yeah but it was like yeah and then we started
Starting point is 00:38:17 writing together and then slowly it became like sophomore year college where it really took off yeah and then we started writing, it got to the point where we were writing almost every single video together. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we would take these long drives between LA and Tucson
Starting point is 00:38:37 to try to make shit happen and sesh and just talk about what we wanted to do and just kind of aligned on it so now you're doing it i'm doing it and you guys have a show coming out together on uh quibi right quibi well we're yeah it's not official oh i'm sorry should we cut that no no you can say that okay it's uh you know we turn the scripts in we're just we're we're waiting for the final word on if we're gonna to do it or not. We have some good updates.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Nothing is set in stone. Don't want to get ahead of ourselves. We're very excited about what we've written. We've written really funny shit. And we wanted to do this as a series like that sleepover series that we did on YouTube. So we've been wanting to do that for a while. And we've had a development deal with YouTube Red for these scripts like three, four years ago.
Starting point is 00:39:30 So we've been sitting on this concept and these ideas for so long. We finally have a full show written. So it's like, yeah, we're excited. Let's do it. That's cool. Did you meet Jeffrey Katzenberg? Not yet. Not in person do it. Let's go. Do you meet Jeffrey Katzenberg? Not yet.
Starting point is 00:39:45 Not in person. Right. He called me. What was that like? At first it was an accident. It was because I did another show. No, it wasn't a butt dial. I did another Quibi show in Vancouver.
Starting point is 00:40:01 The now. Only on Quibi. You doing a plug? Wow. I'm still doing a plug. I'm trying to do a Q. Yeah. It's funny.
Starting point is 00:40:11 And where are they going with this? What was the point? Jeffrey Katzenberg. Oh, right, right, right. So after we shot it, I get a call from him on Saturday morning at 9 a.m. I get a voicemail. Hey, Bobby, it's Jeffrey Katzenberg. Give me a call back when you get this.
Starting point is 00:40:25 And I'm like, do I call him back? I'm not sure if that was actually for me. But I call him back. I'm like, hey, Jimmy Tetro, got a call. Said you were looking for Bobby. Not sure if that was, not sure if you meant to call me. No, no, I meant to call Bobby. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:44 All right, well, I'm going to call bobby okay yeah all right well i'm gonna i'm gonna call bobby then all right i was like bobby who's the director of my show and then he called me like three days later and they're like hey jimmy we got jeff katzenberg and he just called me like tell tell me i did a great job on the show all right but i don't think he remembered the previous phone call i didn't bring it up i was like, do you remember when you called me a couple days ago? I've heard he's one of those guys who can do like three or four hours of sleep, and he's just a tank. Yeah, I've heard that.
Starting point is 00:41:13 All day working. I've heard some stories. Yeah. It sounds pretty cool. Yeah. I mean, the fact that he is calling people like that is awesome. Like, can I get a call? Hey, Jimmy, we got Jeff Katzenberg for you.
Starting point is 00:41:23 I was like, oh, okay. Yeah. For sure. How old is he? He's in like his 70s probably is that right yeah she gets it he's a beast he's a beast a beast dude i have a funny story i want you were nice enough to invite me to your birthday party last year and i uh brought a girl um and i had only been on one date with her and like when i picked her up she had like super long fingernails like ton ton of makeup and like was clearly already on cocaine hey and then uh she pre-gamed your date yeah and then we we get to the party not so pumped I was like yeah I'm bringing her to this cool party I'm a little cool and then we get in there and she just starts like dancing like a
Starting point is 00:41:59 tornado like she's just bringing it on the floor and she's wearing a very provocative outfit move everybody like a cyclone yeah and I'm trying to keep up with her. And I'm trying to ride the cyclone, but, like, Chad's just laughing at me. I look over, and she's fully bent over, like, hands on the floor. And JT's like, what am I doing, dude? Damn, got you a real one. And then, like, 20 minutes in, she just quarters off with another girl, and they start making out.
Starting point is 00:42:24 What? And then i was like what's going on the other girl was and then uh and then she comes over and i'm like yo you're just like making out with a girl and she's like i didn't tell you i was bisexual and i was like no and then uh and then for the rest of the night i was like just trying to keep up with her and then she started like dudes started coming over and like dancing with her because like she was so wild and open you're like guys were just coming over and i would like have to like i would like get on the other side of her and like no i'd get on the other side and like look at the guy while they were dancing with her and then uh how did what do you say did you say anything just eye contact i would just
Starting point is 00:42:56 like kind of look at them and be like if i'm awkward enough this dude's gonna bail but most dudes didn't bail most dudes were like no i'll hang in the pocket as long as you will like i'll outlast you bro and then so i took a break and i spoke to a few other people at the party and there were some nice girls there and they're like how are you doing i was like i'm good i'm like i'm on a date with this girl but she's kind of like dancing with other people and they looked over and like oh my god she's making out with that guy and i was like oh right there yeah who was the guy you know no and then and then i and then i i was like you know what i'm leaving and then she came up to me she's like you're just gonna fuck no she got mad at me she's like you're talking to other girls at this party and i started laughing i was like are you serious i was like, you know what, I'm leaving. And then she came up to me and she's like, you're just going to fuck. No, she got mad at me. She's like, you're talking to other girls at this party?
Starting point is 00:43:26 And I started laughing. I was like, are you serious? I was like, I was complaining to them about how you're making out with people. And then she was like, whatever. And then she walked out. And then we ended up Uber riding back to her place. And then we made out a little bit. But then she's like, hey, my girlfriend's coming over.
Starting point is 00:43:41 So I was like, oh, well, that's cool. And then a girl came over. And then the girl goes, and now my two buddies are coming over. She's like, Jack and Ryan are coming over. So I was like, oh, well, that's cool. And then a girl came over, and then the girl goes, and now my two buddies are coming over. She's like, Jack and Ryan are coming over. And it was like 3 in the morning. And I was like, I just got scared. I put on my boots, and I bailed.
Starting point is 00:43:52 Bounce. Yeah, get the fuck out of there. I haven't seen her since. She said Jack and Ryan are coming over? Something like that, yeah. Wow, that's crazy. They sounded big, whoever the two guys were. Because I heard them on the speakerphone, and they were like, yo, we're at the elevator.
Starting point is 00:44:06 I was like, I got to get the fuck out of here. We're coming through. Whoops, because I heard them on the speakerphone, and they were like, yo, we're at the elevator. I was like, I've got to get the fuck out of here. We're coming through. Yeah. Whoops, just hit my head on the elevator. And I was like, oh, no. Six, five. Hold on, Ryan can't fit through the doorway. One sec.
Starting point is 00:44:14 But it was a good party, and she was a very interesting person. Yeah, it was pretty entertaining to watch. One guy comes. I thought it was Jack and Ryan. No, it just jacked Ryan. That party was fun. I liked it because it was jack and ryan no just jacked ryan that party was fun i liked it because it was like it was so dark yeah in that place and i wore all black that day which is a great idea when it's your birthday because like and black history month i was proud of you yeah man that's what's up man appreciate that yeah beautiful um
Starting point is 00:44:41 but it's cool it like When it's your birthday, there's a lot of pressure to talk to people and constantly getting pulled aside by interactions. But half the people didn't even see me because I was wearing my all black, black hat. I looked like I was security or something. You were incognito. So I could choose.
Starting point is 00:44:57 I'd see someone and be like, hey. And they'd be like, oh, there you are. Yeah, yeah. Nice situation. What are your guys' birthdays? Mine was a month ago okay yeah mine's in november scorpio oh i got a lot of september right before you i'm a libra oh nice nice what'd you do for your birthday we didn't do shit we went bowling it was casual
Starting point is 00:45:16 that's nice yeah i'm not a big birthday guy yeah i hate birthdays now yeah it was like we were i think we were like just wrapped real bros it was like a bad time To have a birthday Right It was a Monday Yeah Monday birthday is tough I think the older you get The less you give a shit about like I just don't want to
Starting point is 00:45:31 Invite a bunch of people To like Celebrate me Right I just feel weird Like I wish someone else Would be in charge of You deserve it
Starting point is 00:45:38 There's definitely Birthday services Yeah Birthday services You know You give them like a criteria And they spit out an option There should be an app like that I just go to disneyland sick i've been to disneyland so long
Starting point is 00:45:49 i love just going to disneyland bro where let's go dude i'm do you see the new star wars right is that no i saw the resistance there's like a whole little area right yeah i'm trying to hit that i think it's more of like a tram and then like a lightsaber comes through i'm stoked i'm kind of hyped on that yeah we can do some lightsabers dude i would i kind of want to get into that lightsaber like you know lifestyle no hold that and like there's like classes where you can like learn the choreography oh wow nice i'm playing a jedi game video game right now and it's all in order yes dude i think it's good you didn't plan on extra grandmaster mode did you no no i did like it's taking a while
Starting point is 00:46:25 yeah everyone did like yeah it's not that bad i'm like why is everyone playing on normal like we bought a we bought a lightsaber for a video in college yeah and like it was one of those things where i was like it's a it's a write-off like yeah i'm gonna get a dope one yeah and it was one where you hit a button and it goes like like shoots out and then when you move it or like hit stuff it goes like and it was so sick like we would turn the lights off and my other friend had a lightsaber and we would like have these lightsaber battles at night and it was all the sabers are dope it's honestly the best time i've ever had in my whole life wow the best time yeah bar none okay hands down easy you want to talk about it? No.
Starting point is 00:47:07 You one of those guys who peaked in college? I didn't take you for that. Damn, we got serious. We should probably bounce. It's a saber, dude. You want to see JT's therapist? Dude, he's a beast. Yeah?
Starting point is 00:47:17 Yeah, I'm here. I'm here. I've been thinking about hitting a therapist, just to get, you know, just to vent, you know? Dude, I was seeing three for a while there. Oh, damn. You had them on Roto? I had one dude, a CBT guy, I was seeing three for a while there. Oh, damn. You had them on Roto? I had one dude, a CBT guy, and then a hypnotherapy lady. CBT?
Starting point is 00:47:32 Cognitive behavioral therapy. It's really about deconstructing negative thought patterns and detaching yourself from the intrusive thoughts that you get. Wow. I try to do that to myself. I try to be self-aware of bad thought processes. Yeah. Yeah. I just vent so that to myself. I try to be self-aware of bad thought processes. Yeah. Yeah. I just vent so much to my friends.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Poor friends of mine, but you still got to send me the invoice for all that therapy. I got you. Yeah, yeah. I know that, though. She spread it around. You'd be like, oh, I called Robert too much this week. I'm going to switch over to Mike. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:00 Yeah. There's been so many times, like, arguments like a girl where you realize you're wrong. I realized I was wrong halfway through. Then I like go from like yelling, like apologizing. It's just like, what? Yeah. You just realized what you did was wrong. However, I'm like, yeah, I'm trying this self-awareness thing.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Yeah. That's my bad. Here they got loud. I fucked up. People love that though. If you can do that for someone and be like, you know what? I just realized I was actually wrong. Like the way they look at you will totally change.
Starting point is 00:48:23 Such an admirable quality. It's hard. Yeah. I try they look at you will totally change. Such an admirable quality. It's hard. Yeah. I try to do it even when it hurts. Like, I will say Felipe is very good at this. I told him this the other day. You know, hopefully he's not listening to this. But he's, like, very good.
Starting point is 00:48:35 My friend, like, goes in on these arguments. And I'll be like, dude, you're so passionate about this. Like, you're not actually this passionate about this. You're just, like, going all in on this argument. And he'll get hit sometimes with, like, a point, you know, a counterpoint. And he'll be like, yeah, that's true. You're right. And just switch his stance.
Starting point is 00:48:55 And I'm like, oh. You know what you got to do? Sometimes you got to fake it. You got to just be like, if it's like a lower stakes argument, you're like, you know what? Actually, you're right. And then so when you do double down, they can't say that you're a stubborn person who doesn't change their mind right like you almost have to do it for credibility you can't play these mind games with your therapist though no because i'll see right through it no you got to keep it real until you're doing
Starting point is 00:49:14 it again or it won't help yeah my therapist is good at that stuff he's like you're pandering to me you're just trying to make me feel good about myself because i'm like oh you're such a good therapist dude oh yeah he's like you don't have to do that so he gives you like better feedback yeah hopefully he's just some like nicer stuff you're like that's cool right yeah i just want him to like yeah you're good man that's cool we got a therapist in the world dude the bros go to therapy in this season which i which is probably interesting one of them yes yeah nice nice which one duncan nice the therapist is uh jay chanza sakar oh yeah yeah broken lizard legend yes i met him at a bathroom one time he's super nice Duncan. Nice. The therapist is Jay Chancasekar. Oh, perfect.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Broken Lizard, legend. I met him at a bathroom one time. He was a super nice guy. Just the bathroom? Yeah, we were both just trying to get into the bathroom at a pizza place. He was so nice. Yeah, you guys have some big stars in this season. Can I say Pete Davidson?
Starting point is 00:50:02 Yeah, you can say the stars. I saw him. He laughed at one of my jokes. I was pretty pumped. That's awesome. Yeah. I was like, ha ha. I was like, like, Pete Davidson? Yeah, you can say the stars. I saw him. He laughed at one of my jokes. I was pretty pumped. That's awesome. Yeah. I was like, ha, ha. And I was like, oh, dude.
Starting point is 00:50:13 You know Pete pretty well, right? You both do? Yeah, I know him now because of this. What do you think is, what makes him such a Lothario? What's the key to his swagger? I mean, the whole thing with him is he's just like, he just keeps it so real. And, like, it's not like, he doesn't sugar so real. He doesn't sugarcoat anything. He doesn't change anything he's going to say. He's no filter.
Starting point is 00:50:31 Kind of like Trump. Whoa, I wouldn't say that. That's what you like about him, right? No. No, but he just keeps it painfully real. Usually it's like pretty dark you know
Starting point is 00:50:49 so it's like but it's like that's just him and like the you know I've only known him for like two and a half years we did a show
Starting point is 00:50:57 we did a show together the guest book randomly yeah on TBS yeah and then since then like you know we just kicked it a bunch
Starting point is 00:51:04 and I did his movie over the summer which I just took him to the screening randomly yeah on tbs yeah and then since then like you know we just kicked it a bunch and i did his movie over the summer which i just took him to the screening it was actually pretty good it's judd apatow directed it right yeah judd directed it and uh bill burr bill burr is his place yeah bill burr is the fucking man um but that movie like if you watch that movie it gives you like a good understanding of like just pete as a person like i was like you guys did a really good job just like capturing him and his you know that's him yeah what was it like working on a big jet apatow movie with like an ensemble like that um where is it because it's improvised a lot right uh kind yeah yeah for sure i mean it was uh but i guess more to the original question
Starting point is 00:51:46 what was it like it's cool um it was it was cool it was it was a cool experience um you know i i didn't have i i'm a it's a pretty small role so i wasn't really you know there wasn't really that much to play with um but like it was just really cool to watch Judd do his thing. I always try to take at least one or two, however many things you can from an experience like that and just take pieces. I try to take a piece of knowledge from at least every set I'm on.
Starting point is 00:52:20 And when you get a chance to watch a legend like Judd Apatow, there's just so much you can to watch a legend like Judd Apatow and it's just, you know, there's just so much you can take from a guy like that. So I just, you know, appreciate the experience more than anything. What did you learn from, was it Phil Lord and Chris Miller on 22 Jump Street? That was fucking cool.
Starting point is 00:52:37 What did you learn from them? From them, it was just like, I was kind of like, my first movie was Grown Ups 2, and that was pretty scripted. And then 22 Jump Street, it was like, there was moments where the script would just kind of like go out the window. And that was like the first time where I would like, I was kind of like, I don't know, it was the first time I was exposed to like the shooting in like an improv kind of way, where it's like, you know, you'll do the take and then they'll be thinking over there and whispering to each other
Starting point is 00:53:06 and then be like, you know, do one like this, do one like this, do one like this. And the way you can like kind of shape something. And then especially like that plus Jonah Hill who just like rewrites the script in his head and it's funnier every time when it's like, he's incredible. Like it's ridiculous. So I mean it's like, he's incredible. Like he's,
Starting point is 00:53:26 it's ridiculous. Um, so I mean, that was just a fucking awesome experience for me. I was like 21 at the time and that was like literally my second movie. Yeah. Um, and they actually, I was able to actually like have some fun with the character and like,
Starting point is 00:53:40 they let me, you know, run with it a little bit. So that was, that was cool. Um, but yeah, I learned a lot from that one. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:53:50 Man. What else? What else is good? I've just been chilling, dude. You want this cookie? I found out today I might have a thyroid condition. No. What's the condition?
Starting point is 00:54:00 Well, I haven't talked to the doctor yet, so I shouldn't jump the gun. It's WMD? Yeah. Yeah. Our buddy Dan, he I shouldn't jump the gun. Because WMD? Yeah. Yeah. Our buddy Dan, he had a positive spin, though. He's like, well, it means you're like an energetic person who's stoked on life. He had it reversed, though.
Starting point is 00:54:14 Oh, he did? Yeah. Damn. But I am an energetic dude. I am an energetic dude who's stoked on life, for sure. Yeah, that is true. Yeah. But I'm stoked because it's kind of a manageable thing.
Starting point is 00:54:23 But I'm also jumping the gun. We don't know what it is yet. You should get a check, maybe. No, I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. Yeah. But I'm stoked because it's kind of a manageable thing. But I'm also jumping the gun. We don't know what it is yet. You should get a check maybe. No, I did. Not by those other three doctors. Make a new one. Yeah, it's a brand new one. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:30 Yeah, I did a full thing. I got everything checked. So I know like everything. But you know what's interesting? Is you can't ever know everything. Like there's some diseases, there's just no way to predict if you have it. You just find out when you find out. So that also kind of gave me some serenity about life because I was like, you can't know
Starting point is 00:54:43 exactly what's going to happen. Happiness or clarity. Exactly. Because I always thought the more I understood about things, the more happy I would be. And that's not true. Right. Yeah. You can just run yourself into circles.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Right. It's like when my stars and astronomy teacher told me that the universe is four dimensional and our brains can only think in three dimensions. universe is four dimensional and our brains can only think in three dimensions so there's no way we'll ever possibly be able to grasp what the universe looks like yeah and that was like it almost gave me closure yeah i'm like trying to understand everything you know the universe it's like all right i guess i just can't right you would literally drive yourself mad trying to dude yeah i always take solace in the fact that like our perception is limited basically what you're saying you know so it's like we don't know everything that's out there like right here although i did because i usually maintain happiness through like i'm like yeah you know you die or whatever and then you're just like
Starting point is 00:55:37 this energy thing and then you're just you know you do whatever yeah and then you just go into like some other dude's body yeah and then but day I was like, wait, that can't happen. So there's the clarity thing. I was like, what's going on? Yeah. The more I learn, the more I travel and shit, the more I realize, I don't know shit. Yeah. That's what I always realize.
Starting point is 00:55:58 I travel and I do something really cool. I'm like, wow, I'm figuring this out. That means I don't know anything. Yeah. So if you're an inside out, are like the five pillars of your identity? Oh, wow. So what was hers? Well, hers like changed because like one of them was like.
Starting point is 00:56:15 Because puberty fucked it up. It was like toys and then. There was happiness. Oh, you're talking about like the. The pillars that like the system runs on. Yeah. And then they like, they got broken down. Remember?
Starting point is 00:56:24 And if you lose like too many, then you're done. The pillars wasn't the people. No, no, no. What were the pillars again? The pillars are like, so in the end, it's like hockey, family for her. Oh. Yeah. It's like, what are the foundational?
Starting point is 00:56:37 It's goofball. Being a goofball. Yeah, being a goofball. Yeah. Oh, wow. Yeah. It's a huge question. It's a huge question.
Starting point is 00:56:44 Yeah, that's a big one. I gotta circle back. But goofballs probably won. Friends, family. Those last two. Fuck. Work. Hobbies.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Yeah, work's so general, though. Like. So you would say instead of work, you would say, like, passion? Yeah, I think creating. That sounds also vague, but I think I gotta, like, be making something. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I think creating. That sounds also vague, but I think I gotta be making something. Yeah. And then the fifth one is staying jacked.
Starting point is 00:57:11 Fifth one's jacked up. And I think people underestimate staying jacked. That's a big one. That is literally a big one. I'm not that jacked. You're shredded, dude. I've lost like 20 pounds in the past couple years. I'm just slimming. In tone? That's normal, though. It's that swim stretch life that I'm like leaning towards now.
Starting point is 00:57:28 When you take off your shirt, do you feel bad for everyone around you? He does. That's nice, dude. He's literally, right now, he's saying, I'm not that Jack. He's defending his Jack-ness, you know? He's saying, I'm not that Jack. I'm not Jack Ryan, your boy. No, dude, that guy was huge.
Starting point is 00:57:44 Just from his voice. I never got to put eyes on him. But just hearing it, hey, I'll not that Jack. I'm not Jack Ryan, your boy. No, dude, that guy was huge. Just from his voice. I never got to put eyes on him. But just hearing, hey, I'll be up in a minute. Well, you know who got eyes on him was your girl. Yeah. Yeah, she did. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:58 She was always very candid about all those things. You should have her on the podcast. She would be really good. Yeah. That would be funny. Bring her on. Talk to her about that night night and then you bring a girl just don't tell them that they're showing up i'll bring my girlfriend there you go or just some random or rando yeah yeah yeah uh what would your pillars be um then we can answer some questions
Starting point is 00:58:20 are these the things that like maintain your happiness yeah i maintain you yeah like that are the pillars of your identity yeah um family is definitely one friends for sure i think like where i it's not i can't see it being a land in inside out but like remembering where i come from because you know nowadays it's like my standards for what i will make me happy and what i need to be happy or like a lot more than what they were when i was you know so humility yeah i guess yeah like just just remembering to be thankful for what you have and not take it for granted because like you look at you look at yourself on a scale of like your previous self and i'm like i would be so stoked if i just instantly got everything i have right now when i was like
Starting point is 00:59:18 you know 15 or whatever right so it's just kind of trying to remember like that you're it's it's like an evolving like you're evolving and you just have to, like, keep. Perspective. Yeah, keep, stay aware of, like, where you come from. And, you know, because I, like, I don't know, especially when you're, like, you realize these things when you, like, talk to your family about shit. You know, like, talking about what you're complaining about and you're like oh man my problems now are like ridiculous compared to like my problems and like these are like first why like first world problems now like right so just kind of trying to remember that is is has always been a big big thing for me like
Starting point is 01:00:00 sometimes i'll just go drive by my old house where I grew up and be like, that's where you came from. So just remember that when you're like, if you're upset about like, you know, like just look at that little apartment right there. Like that was, you were happy there, you know?
Starting point is 01:00:17 So like, don't get so caught up in all this bullshit. Cause I think about the same shit, but it's also like a fear for me too. I'm always, sometimes I'm like, fuck, like I don't want that to happen.
Starting point is 01:00:25 I don't want, like, these. You don't want to be me. You don't want to go back. I don't want to go back. So I'm like, fuck, I better drive, put it in overdrive. Yeah. Because it feels good. It's like, it's like if you're averaging, right?
Starting point is 01:00:38 Say you're averaging, like, you know, 20 points a game, right? And you're like, that's pretty good, right? Yeah. Or say you're averaging 15 points a game, right? You score 25 and you're like, fuck yeah, good game, right? You're averaging, if you're averaging 30 points a game, all of a sudden your standards are higher and you're like, fuck, I need to put up 35 now. And that's, you know, it's like that average,
Starting point is 01:01:00 like maintaining that average is kind of like a like a like a mindset thing yeah so it's like now it's like now you drop 25 but you're like fuck that's under my average that was something that i previously would have been so happy about but now i'm like almost disappointed yeah so it's just kind of keeping staying aware of like where you were at previously is i think the biggest the biggest thing that's crazy you talk about Vince Carter like that. Dude, is he still in the league? He's still in the league. I think he just told that people was going to re-up
Starting point is 01:01:31 in one more year. Oh, really? I really admire how he went from being kind of like someone who didn't fulfill his potential to fulfilling it in a different way. Right. Yeah, just through sheer longevity and being able to get along with people.
Starting point is 01:01:44 He must be a great locker room guy to still be like a viable option for teams right how hard is it for like derrick rose like derrick like who like has these like crazy games now but like we know like if he didn't get hurt like yeah he's kind of back a little bit though which is crazy and dude he was squirrely there for a while when he was with the knicks like didn't they cut him because he just like wasn't showing up some like he was probably super depressed yeah he's about to give it up remember he was like i'm thinking about to retire yeah because he just like wasn't showing up like he was probably super depressed he was about to give it up remember he was like I think I'm about to retire yeah because he couldn't
Starting point is 01:02:08 handle the the comedown yeah it was some shit is he with the Bulls still no no he's on the T-Wolves now damn
Starting point is 01:02:14 I wish he was with the Bulls that shows how much I know but you remember him at his best I think you're brain selective though yeah I knew
Starting point is 01:02:22 yeah dude what are you guys pillars do you guys know your pillars my pillars? Do you have a name for your pillars? My pillars? It's a good question. Pillars. I go with, like, movement, like being able to move around a lot and stuff.
Starting point is 01:02:35 And I think about this monologist I like, Spalding Gray. When his body broke down, he, like, threw himself off a bridge. So I try not to take movement for granted. But much love to anyone out there who's not moving too much you'll get through it all things pass um number two bb connection like friendship and stuff like that family number three uh work just having a purpose something to get up for something that gives you positive feedback four would be up for something that gives you positive feedback for would be sex sex is dope thanks tight but you know with intimacy like everything and say I should really say intimacy yeah number five I don't know number five is yet it's that bit
Starting point is 01:03:22 that's okay man I only had one. Really? You had a few. You said friends, family. I had friends, friends, family, friends, family. You remember where you came from? And then you said something else that was cool, I think. Yeah. Well, I made the analogy.
Starting point is 01:03:37 It actually wasn't Vince Carter. I remember where I came from. It was more of a 2K. Right. 2K career. Jim's been a lot of 2K lately, taking it very seriously. NBA 2K? Jim's been a lot of 2K lately. Taking it very seriously. NBA 2K? Oh, yeah. I just dropped 53 the other night in the Western Conference final.
Starting point is 01:03:50 No, you didn't. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Who'd you play as? Me, dude. You do a face scan, and it's you. Oh, really? Yeah, it looks just like me.
Starting point is 01:03:59 It looks, no. My fifth one's honest. No, it doesn't. Hold up. It looks exactly like you. No, he's playing in blackface. Yeah. And it doesn't count.
Starting point is 01:04:06 You created yourself and you made yourself black? In the virtual world, you can be anybody you want. It made me black. I've seen Ready Player One. I did a face scan. It made me a black guy. Okay? I didn't choose.
Starting point is 01:04:16 And you didn't correct it? I didn't choose to be black. I think there's only a black voice, honestly, for career mode. Really? But that's what it made me look like a black guy but when i do the face things you know like the which celebrity do you look like it's you know you got like denzel it's giving me eddie murphy it's giving me denzel it's giving me i got martin luther king jr really like three times so what's that say about your face i don't see it
Starting point is 01:04:41 yeah i mean they're all weird but like it was just giving me i was just getting black eye after black eye have you guys done the like legit face scan thing i did that back in december what like the one that was like a big the old face one like what face like uh like it's like they put you in the city like the irishman oh no they use for our agent was like hey dude put yourself in the system i was like for sure and i did i'm like what i just do what the system he's like so these face they scan your face they can use it for like video games or like in the future they'll have a face scan from when i was this age so they can if i'm in like a movie and i'm older they can make me younger that's cool
Starting point is 01:05:22 and i think they can how long was that process? it was like an hour oh that's chill and it's all these cameras around you I said no just cause like I mean I don't know who would want it anyways but like I just don't want
Starting point is 01:05:31 to have my face in like a database I don't know if like in the fine print and they can use me for some like propaganda ad like 20 years from now yeah like you're gonna be
Starting point is 01:05:39 like how they're doing that movie with fucking James Dean yeah oh they are? I don't want to be dead and then they're still using my face yeah and you're not into the movie how do they have the rights i guess his family
Starting point is 01:05:49 signed off or something well it's whack i was thinking like gta san clemente that'd be very sick i think that i mean i'm just being optimistic here yeah that's what's going to happen. What are your five pillars? My five pillars? I'd say health, family, work, family, friends. Does it even count? Yeah. Yeah. I feel like that's a good one. I can tell you. They call them islands in the film.
Starting point is 01:06:18 I feel like my circle is like family to me. Yeah. That's hard to differentiate. Did I cut you off from trying to ask questions earlier? No, not at all. God, no. I don't have anything to me. Yeah. That's hard to differentiate. Did I cut you off from trying to ask questions earlier? No, not at all. God, no. I don't have anything to ask. It was family.
Starting point is 01:06:28 Hers was family island, honesty island, hockey island, friendship island, and goofball island. You nailed that goofball shit. Oh, dude. Hockey island.
Starting point is 01:06:36 Honesty island. I got to have that one too. Health. I'm going to do friends, family is one. Yeah, you do that. Work. Goofball.
Starting point is 01:06:50 The sun. Nice, dude. nice sun's a good one i like being in the sun yeah so if we lose the sun dude it's all over you're gonna have to regroup adapt yeah build a new island that would suck if we lost the sun that would suck dude um do you dudes want to answer some questions from our listeners some cues yeah. Yeah. Some Susie cues. None of these have been pre-screened. So we get a pretty interesting smattering. Um, all right. An epidemic sweeping our great nation.
Starting point is 01:07:19 What up you freaking legends. I'm reaching out to shed light on an epidemic that has completely taken over our planet, but somehow has never mentioned in the mainstream. Obviously I'm talking about savagery and uncleanliness that has taken over public restrooms across our great nation. I'm standing at the urinal and I whip out my freshly manicured dong to take a leak, which is a size
Starting point is 01:07:34 somewhere between Joe's and Strider's, but closer to Strider's. Our friend Joe is a huge hog and our friend Strider also has a dong. And suddenly I see some of the longest stray pubes known to man just sitting out not only in the urinal, but also on top of the urinal how does such a thing happen are dudes bushes so out of control that simply whipping out their dongs can cause pubes to fall out and what's with dudes being unable to flush the urinal just tap the shit with your elbow if you don't want to
Starting point is 01:07:55 touch it with your hand i'm starting to think there's a secret society of dudes out there do just get off leaving their mark in a gross way in public bathrooms please help bring this issue to light. Perfect time for you guys to plug our dogs in Manscaped as well. Damn. That's a real one because I,
Starting point is 01:08:11 public restrooms are hard, bro. From someone who drinks a lot of water, I gotta pee a lot. You drink water out of the public restroom? Yeah, someone drinks a lot of public water
Starting point is 01:08:19 restroom water. Damn, public tap water? I'm like always using public restrooms and it sucks because like they're always fucked but like at the same time like you don't really have any incentive to help it keep it clean because it's so fucked up i haven't seen pubes on top of the urinal that seems pretty intentional yeah
Starting point is 01:08:34 maybe he should just not go back there you don't see that i see that pubes on top yeah you see you see pubes i've won this same train of thought has crossed my mind where i'm like how did that how'd that get there were you y yanking? He had to be. Did you see a long one and yank it? Yeah. And then just, or just like shake it?
Starting point is 01:08:49 Drop it? Like leaving trails of himself to kind of like own the area? I don't know. I've never understood that. To throw out detectives for like a,
Starting point is 01:08:56 right. Wait, he was here. Yeah. Where were you on the night of the 25th at the 7-Eleven?
Starting point is 01:09:03 Check for my puke. It's a long run, I think there you can just take someone's shit and just frame them yeah I'm pretty fucked that's true that's why that's why I collect
Starting point is 01:09:12 rando pubes rando pubes nice dude I would I would tell this I'm gonna clone some people I would tell us dude be the change
Starting point is 01:09:19 that you want to see you know just be cleanly yourself and have good etiquette in there and then people will take notice bro doesn't have to just because it is doesn't mean it has to be this way. Yeah, because it's the same shit. If I go into a public restroom and it's pretty clean,
Starting point is 01:09:29 I'm going to try to keep it pretty clean when I bounce. Yeah. Treat public restrooms the way you would like people to treat public restrooms. Yeah, go one better. Clean the bathroom yourself, dude. Just go in there and just clean it. And then people come in and they're like, what are you doing? Do you work here?
Starting point is 01:09:42 And you're like, nah, I just care. Dude, I would say this guy, man, thank you people come in and they're like what are you doing do you work here and you're like nah i just care yeah dude i i would say this guy and thank you for writing in and you know spreading i think jane fonda said it best in the oscars there's nothing more important than awareness you know she said yeah yeah she was wearing the same dress she wore eight years ago because she doesn't want to contribute to more mindless consumerism geez so thank you for spreading awareness about these pubes a A-list actors are so aware. Yeah, what would we do without them? Dude, nothing more important than awareness.
Starting point is 01:10:11 Now we know about these pubes, and the best thing you can do is keep spreading awareness about it and keep manscaping. What up, mayors of Stoke City? Thanks to Strider's dank advice last summer, I got myself a kick-ass girlfriend, and she's been great. She always takes my celeb, Sean, and pong, and drinks cups like the legend she is. It's awesome. We've been super close friends
Starting point is 01:10:27 for as long as I can remember. And over the summer, we decided to give dating a shot and it couldn't be going any better. But recently we haven't been doing many exciting things, mostly just chilling out and watching TV and going out as in what it used to be. We still have fun, but we don't hang around each other until it's time to leave. I'm getting a bit concerned that she might be getting bored or something. I thought maybe the fact that we already know each other so well we kind of skipped over the excitement of finding things out about one another or maybe it's just a normal thing that happens after a while and there's nothing to worry about thanks my dudes for the help keep on filling the world with the legendary stoke game keeping it spicy in the relationships that's a real deal jim what do you think i'd say uh i would say try to avoid being
Starting point is 01:11:07 complacent try to avoid getting too comfortable yeah because i know you know you can get pretty comfortable with just doing nothing and sitting on the couch especially if it's you know people you like um people you see all the time we see all the time you like, people you like, it's comfortable, you don't want to do anything, you just want to hang. And then, I mean, this happened to me recently where I was just like,
Starting point is 01:11:30 I'm getting too comfortable with doing nothing. I'm just sitting on the couch smoking weed, not doing shit. I don't want to go out. But then I was like, fuck man,
Starting point is 01:11:39 I got to stop getting so comfortable with just not doing stuff. It's good to do that for a while. I kind of got out of my whole, I'm kind of over the whole going out to bars and clubs thing. But then it's like, I don't know, it's just making an effort to not do the same shit every night. And it does take effort. So I would just apply that to your...
Starting point is 01:12:04 Yeah, just do some random shit. Just be like, let's go hit that restaurant we've ever been to. Let's go, you know, just do something random. Go to a fucking escape room. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:14 Axe bar. Yeah, take it on yourself to kind of drive the ship and be like, hey, I got some fun ideas that might be not fun, but let's give it a shot. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:23 Yeah, get engaged in activities. I like escape rooms, paintball. give it a shot. Yeah. Yeah. Get engaged in activities. I like escape rooms, paintball, MMA fights. Paintball brings you closer than ever. Wow. If she's down with paintball. I recently told this dude to watch porn with his girlfriend.
Starting point is 01:12:34 Give it a try. Oh, nice. That's fun. Yeah. How'd it work out? Not for me. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:12:38 I haven't followed up yet. I'm going to ask. He didn't, he wasn't, he wasn't like into it at first. Who is the guy? They're both porn stars now. Right now they're just both fuck
Starting point is 01:12:45 This guy is from my acting class Oh okay nice What's his full name? You want to know his full name? I had a social too And his girlfriend Yeah yeah But he was looking for advice on how to spice up the sex
Starting point is 01:12:56 It was something like that He was like really against porn And I was like have you watched it with your girlfriend? And he was like no And I was like well then You don't even know the boundaries of like where shit could go
Starting point is 01:13:07 right interesting you might hate it but fuck it at least you did it and it's new and you're gonna have something to talk about
Starting point is 01:13:11 and like I might try that there you go and dude maybe if like just take your girlfriend to stuff you like and then she'll be like why don't we ever do
Starting point is 01:13:18 stuff I like and then you'll be like well what is that stuff and then she'll say and then you go do it yeah like an elimination diet alright what up
Starting point is 01:13:26 riders of the chillpocalypse you guys are my inspiration thank you for the pods and hilarious bits you do they brighten up my life i have a serious question about my mom my parents got divorced when i was 15 and ever since then my mom has leaned on me for emotional support and in a way i was spousified by her if you know what i mean i love my mom a ton and she is very important to me as well i recently moved to another state and i'm currently living with my gf and i am torn with how sad and lonely my mom is. She'll be going through knee surgery soon and is quite the hermit. She doesn't have many friends. She's still single and does not plan to date or get married. And not many of her kids live in the same state anymore. I know she
Starting point is 01:13:55 misses me and the guilt I feel about that is sometimes unbearable. I feel like it affects my life negatively because I'm thinking about her and just want her to be happy and healthy and not codependent upon me. I'm not sure how to proceed with this stoke, my lords. She is one of my best friends and I try to visit her as often as I can, but I always leave her and I can tell how sad and depressed she is when I leave every time.
Starting point is 01:14:13 I know both of you love your moms a ton and I think you guys could give me some solid advice. I'm planning on going to therapy because I feel like my mom did me a disservice with spousifying me. And also as another thing, I live in Utah and she lives in Arizona, so we're not far not far apart but still because of the distance i go and see her four times a year she has paranoia and traveling so for her right now traveling her traveling to visit
Starting point is 01:14:33 me is not plausible she has a lot of deep emotional scars from failed marriages and such sorry for the long emails dudes no we're in my dog wow i actually have a very personal response but can i use the restroom real quick can we pause pause? Yeah, for sure. Yeah, we'll wait for you. Maybe we'll talk about something adjacent. No, you take a break too, yeah. Yeah, I got it. Is this a little left, y'all?
Starting point is 01:14:52 Yeah. So Christian, you said you had a... Yeah, we're back on? Mm-hmm. Yeah, I have a... Okay, I was never spousified by anybody in my family, but my nana, my um jim knows she she's awesome she's super cool she's been pretty involved in my life and in 2018 her husband
Starting point is 01:15:14 my grandfather passed away and he was just like the fucking man and he was just like so cool and although he was like kind of sick for a while it didn't look like he was gonna like pass anytime soon so like it was kind of a weird like drawn out process um but when it when it happened like you know the normal grieving happened and it was rough but then like this and i only feel comfortable saying this because i know she's not gonna listen because she barely has internet but uh this year she was just like calling me a lot, lot more. Like she always called me like several times a week, but she was calling me like a few times a day. And it was just very obvious. Like she wasn't adjusting to like being alone,
Starting point is 01:15:54 like well at all. And I kind of had this sense of like, like service. Like I love my Nana. Like one, I want her to be happy. And I want to be here for her. And these like long phone calls where she's just kind of figuring out being alone but also like my grandfather was one of my best friends he was like the homie so like i also feel like i owe it to him
Starting point is 01:16:12 to just like be there for her so i started answering every single phone call which was like sometimes like two three times a day and we would talk for a long time and like half of those would turn into like how sad she was so I was just kind of like being there for her and listen I was kind of like her therapist I kind of feel like a little bit and like I don't not a fucking therapist I don't have you a therapist but I like tried my best but he's pretty good I try but it became the point where like if I if I didn't couldn't answer the phone for a couple days like you know she would not freak out but she would feel some type of way
Starting point is 01:16:42 or like that next phone call she like'd be like, where were you? Like, why are you so busy? And I found it like hard to kind of keep up with that. So that's my background with that. Did you say anything to her? Yeah, we're still breaking ground. We're still breaking ground. And it's been hard because like, I feel like my family doesn't like feel the same way as like in like obligated to like be there for her
Starting point is 01:17:08 um because like my parents are just trying to like be empty nesters now and like enjoy each other again you know i mean so they're kind of like don't want to deal with that depressing shit my brother is like just kind of in grad school trying to figure it out and even though i don't have more time than those people like i don't know i just look at it differently but it's a daily thing i talk to her every day still and like she throws little hints of like how sad she is and i kind of just try to explore it with her but she's also still kind of in denial it's a lot bro so i feel that dude that it's it's a lot like grieving and having someone who like if you are that person that picks up the phone then like you become that person and actually fucking okay last time I was here we were here I had beef we had to come on who you have beef with
Starting point is 01:17:53 right and it was my parents you guys remember that cuz they opened up the presents without me on Chris yeah dude this Christmas I also beefed it with my fucking parents again because I flew my nana out here because she lives in bermuda because she was gonna be home alone on christmas i was like no dude like that's whack so i was like come out here like we'll surprise the family be a whole great thing and she was like so excited when she once she got on board with it she was excited fly her out here and my my parents just like weren't down like really they weren't down to have her here because like once again they're just trying to like live their life and like um when she comes here she always
Starting point is 01:18:30 stays with us and i figured like she's gonna stay with my parents i don't have an extra bedroom i didn't at the time have a bedroom for her um but they just like didn't really want her her and her like sad vibes around so then she came and stayed with me which i didn't mind at all it was totally fine because like i was in and out and she would clean the apartment, which was dope. But my parents didn't want her living with me either. They're like, no, fuck that. She's going to make his life annoying. So my dad just booked her a flight back without telling me and kicked her out.
Starting point is 01:18:58 And I was like, dude, what the fuck? First of all, you just wasted my money because she doesn't get to take that round trip. So there's a few hundred dollars on the drain. And second of all like what the fuck but like it's his mom so he kind of has precedent yeah yeah but i'm i'm kind of i was like bro you guys just aren't trying to see how bad the situation is so like right once again i'm just like that i was taking her side and she was like venting to me about how mad she was so like it's tough bro and i don't have like an answer like how to like really handle it i've just been trying to make myself as available as possible you know i mean because it'd be hard sometimes that third phone call look at it like here we go like you gotta like really like stop whatever i'm
Starting point is 01:19:39 doing like gear up for it you're being hard on yourself because you feel like you're not yeah your job if you don't pick it up. Right. Yeah. That's tough. It's a lot of pressure. Yeah. So, fuck.
Starting point is 01:19:50 I didn't mean to take it there, but like... No, no. Thank you for doing that. I appreciate it. So, good luck, bro. If you're going through it, I'm there with you.
Starting point is 01:19:58 Yo, dudes, love the pod and I got a love question. I'm into this one girl that's a dime piece, but I'm getting hard mixed signals from her. But there is another girl that's attractive,
Starting point is 01:20:06 but not near the other girl, but she's hella into me. Which one should I go for? Should I go for the maybe or for the for sure? Thanks, bros. That's a pretty relatable one. Wait, he likes the maybe? No, he's more into the... The dime.
Starting point is 01:20:19 But the maybe... No, no, yeah, he's more into the maybe, yeah. Oh, I thought the maybe was more into him. Is that what it... No, no, the maybe... Oh, no, he's more... The maybe is the. Oh, I thought the maybe was more into him. Is that what it... No, no, the maybe... Oh, no, he's more... The maybe is the dime. I think so.
Starting point is 01:20:28 The maybe is the dime. The for sure one is a little less fine, but into him. Yes. Okay. I'll tell you what. The for sure one is going to stress you out a lot less. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:42 How? If she's more into you. Right. I mean, depends what he's looking for. If you just are looking for a hot girl and that's all you want, you know, shoot your shot with that maybe. I see. some stability or something uh you know might be more relaxing to go with the uh the girl that's more into you right go with the connection the connection yeah going with the hot girl the dime like that you're just fighting for the connection that like hardly ever works out yeah yeah it'll
Starting point is 01:21:21 fade yeah and then you're gonna probably lose the other one too and that time you spent trying to chase the other one yeah dime whereas if you go for the for sure maybe it's great if it's not the maybe will probably be more into you yeah definitely whereas if you go for the maybe the for sure might fall off right but don't go for the for sure just because she's down go make make sure like you like her yeah you guys can yeah i'd say uh don't settle in the sense that like if you have a connection with the for sure and like you're saying but you don't really you know don't go for the hot one just because she's hot um i'd say look at the connection and also um i forgot what i was gonna say so i'll leave it at that i mean that was solid that was good thank you go go for the connection over the superficial
Starting point is 01:22:17 go for the hotness yeah yeah chad do we have another ad before we get into our babes beef oh yeah let's oh i think there's new copy one sec let's brand it up you got any ads Jim you want to drop any brands real quick besides the now coming out on Quibi
Starting point is 01:22:32 and Real Bros or Simi Valley coming out February 14th on Facebook Watch every Friday is this going to come out after Real Bros drops
Starting point is 01:22:39 I think this is going to come out on Thursday and you guys come out on the 14th yeah day before Real Bros comes out tomorrow. Day before. That's better if it comes out before, right?
Starting point is 01:22:47 Yeah, hell yeah. Okay, cool. Let's do it. Make sure you have your trims pubed with Manscaped. Yeah. Because they have the new Lawn Mower 3.0 coming out. It's coming in hot, and it's ready to come in and take care of your dong in the best way we know possible, right?
Starting point is 01:23:00 Because there are no nicks. There's no cuts. It's skin-safe technology. Guys, when you drive down a street in the neighborhood and you see a freshly cut lawn what do you think fuck yeah nice that guy trims his pubes yeah and he's using a lawnmower like probably like a freaking deer is that a company john deer John Deere? A John Deere. No, he's using like a craftsman, whatever the fuck. And then he's using Manscaped for his dong.
Starting point is 01:23:32 So, and it's also Halloween. They said they were going to give me a Halloween or Valentine's Day copy. Do they have a Gooch scooper? Dude, good call. I feel like there should be one that just gets it in one swipe. Yeah. Gooch scoop. Just.
Starting point is 01:23:45 That is true. There's some like. That's crazy. Yeah. Gooch Scoop. Just. That is true. There's some like. That's crazy. Yeah. You don't want to have to keep going back. Oh my God. Manscaped, if you're listening, Gooch Scooper, that's on the next product. They've got ball deodorant.
Starting point is 01:23:56 They've got all kinds of stuff. Nice. I actually had a, I'm not going to tangent very long, but in high school I wanted to invent a body wash specifically for your balls and your dick. Nice. What would be the aroma? Oh man man it'd have to be something like subtle because don't be like me when i was like in ninth grade thinking i was gonna get hit all the time and i was like kind of mix some toothpaste into my body wash when i washed my dick thinking like the girl's gonna like that yeah just burned i was i was learning jt yes aqu Yes, Aquafresh. Oh, nice. I'd go with Colgate Classic. Nice.
Starting point is 01:24:28 I was like, I might get head today. Don't have it lined up. I love that optimism. I wish I could approach every day like that. What is that? Aquafresh. I don't even like head that much. So use code GODIP20 if you're going to take care of your nuts at Manscaped.com.
Starting point is 01:24:45 GODIP20. it's Valentine's Day do the right thing for your partner and that's what's up nice let's go Chad
Starting point is 01:24:52 what is your beef of the week my beef of the week is with palm weevils yeah I can talk about this yeah absolutely okay yeah so palm weevils they're killing the palm talk about this. Yeah, absolutely. Okay, yeah. So, palm weevils, they're killing the palm trees.
Starting point is 01:25:07 And as you might know, the government, the L.A. government is not going to replenish the palm tree population. Wait, what? Yeah, within like 50 years, all the palm trees will be gone. What? Wait, hold on. I'll be here in 50 years. Yeah. What do you mean?
Starting point is 01:25:24 It's big news dude so palm weevils are coming they're killing the palm trees and on top of that the government's like it's too much on the environment the costs are too high palm weevil yeah it's something like termite thing that that doesn't like cool aesthetics um so my beef of the week is with the palm weevil quit killing the the palm trees, you fucking knobs. Yeah. Which one is JT? What's the beef?
Starting point is 01:25:49 Oh, normally I go last, but I can hit it. Hit it. My beef of the week is with England. Okay. I don't like the way they treated Alan Turing, I think is his name. Because if you watch the movie, the... The Invitation Game? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:01 Love that movie. And then, so he comes up with this theory to crack the enigma code which basically wins world war ii for the allied forces and then the movie ends there and you're like oh what a hero and then in text they're like oh by the way we chemically castrated him the next day for being gay you're like all right well that's a hell of a way to repay the guy i mean just major boo-boo on england's part and i guess the queen came out a couple years ago and was like hey we fucked that up and you know it's a late, but I do appreciate making amends. So I guess it's all good.
Starting point is 01:26:30 So you're admitting you're wrong. Yeah, for sure. But I just feel bad for him because he did a lot of good work. And he came up with that Turing game. Is that what it's called? I think so. Where you can, like, see if a robot's human. Turing test.
Starting point is 01:26:41 Turing test. It's Machina. Yeah. And so, you know, just a lot of beastly contributions coming from that dude and i'm sorry that we uh 86 year dong that was really unfair of us um and i'm putting me in that uh what's your beef of the week christian you know i didn't know but now that you said england i'm gonna say china oh nice yeah i'm not usually up on like virus epidemics kind of stuff i don't know why corona
Starting point is 01:27:06 has like caught my eye but i also do you guys watch like those guys who are like the whistleblowers like trying to warn the world and china just fucking kills them oh really yeah i didn't know that well i mean there's no proof they killed that first doctor but like it's pretty obvious and then the uh the second whistleblower who was like posting youtube videos they just like took him in like he's a prisoner now so china's just fucking up with this coronavirus not handling the second whistleblower who was posting YouTube videos, they just took him in. He's a prisoner now. So China's just fucking up with this coronavirus, not handling it.
Starting point is 01:27:30 It sounds a lot like Chernobyl that I watched earlier last year. Great film, for sure. Right. So China beef, Mongolian beef. That's good beef, dude. Jimmy, what's your beef of the week? You know, I'm going to go with Rotten Tomatoes. Nice.
Starting point is 01:27:46 Oh, nice. You know, I just lately have been really not agreeing with some of these ratings. And the one that really sticks out is I saw Spring Breakers for the first time. One of the best movies ever. I could not disagree more. That movie, I am so mad that I watched it. It was the worst movie I've ever seen. And it was absolutely, it was terrible.
Starting point is 01:28:14 It was a shit movie. You didn't feel like it moved through you? Like it was like a sensory experience? I felt like it was a dude holding a camera saying, all right, guys, do hot stuff. Yeah, make out. Yeah, yeah. Okay, yeah, do that. And then he's like, just improv some badass girl stuff.
Starting point is 01:28:33 And they're like, just did that? And she's like, do you have any other ideas besides just flipping the camera off? And he was like, nah, that's hot. Maybe make out, blow smoke. It was like A-list actors trying to be real college girls. It was the most bullshit. And then it's like, you know, it was just, it was terrible.
Starting point is 01:28:52 And I think it has like a 72% on Rotten Tomatoes. And I saw that and I was like, you guys, this is bullshit. Rotten Tomatoes is bullshit. Someone told me, when I first saw it, someone was like, yo, you gotta watch it. I really think you'd love it. It was like a genuine recommendation.
Starting point is 01:29:07 I was like, all right, I'm gonna fucking sit down and watch this. And I was like, three quarters of the way through, like so mad, trying to figure out, like man, this better have some kind of fucking ending. And no, terrible. It was like they had a script, and then during all the dialogue,
Starting point is 01:29:21 they shifted into, they did montage stuff, and then they hung on what was supposed to be the montage. So you don't hear any of the storyline. So was your beef with Spring Breakers or Rotten Tomatoes? I mean, mainly with Spring Breakers. I fucking hate that movie more than anything. And I think awareness needs to be raised about how bad of a movie that was.
Starting point is 01:29:40 And the fact that Rotten Tomatoes is repping it at a 70% just really is detrimental to their brand, I feel. Nothing more important than awareness. My dog. Awareness. Chad, who is your babe of the week? My babe of the week is LaCroix, and yeah, I call him LaCroix. I love that they somehow were able to sell everyone these cans and be like it's flavored water you know and i love them uh but every time i'm drinking them i'm like this is fucking ridiculous
Starting point is 01:30:12 this is salt and water with like a hint of lime or coconut i like tangerine actually oh or pumple mousse whatever the fuck yeah that was not bad um so yeah i just like the the uh the cojones they had to call it the qua and to sort of market it i don't know i just every time i see the cans i'm like this is ridiculous but i love it it's been around for a long time the cans are just took off they look beautiful and they're all stacked up they do yeah they've been around it's just we're on set now so we're exposed to that right yeah and and it's like you feel like you're drinking sodas i so i think i think you get that same kind of joy it's just we're on set now, so we're exposed to that. Right. And it's like, you feel like you're drinking sodas. So I think you get that same kind of joy. Because when you're on set, you're looking at all the drinks and you're like, fuck, I
Starting point is 01:30:51 don't want to drink a Coke because it has 43 grams of sugar. Right. So what should I do? LaCroix. Yeah. I think it might be more. Jesus. Mexican Coke's like 53.
Starting point is 01:31:00 And your recommended daily intake is like around 50. So it's like you drink one Coke, you're like, all right, I right i hit it it's absurd so if you're drinking like two sodas a day yeah cut back yeah it's crazy christian who's your babe of the week just so i don't fuck this up what's the third one legend legend uh-huh okay they can they're kind of interchangeable yeah to let you behind the curtain i'm gonna going to go. Go ahead. You got one? Yeah. My baby of the week is Dua Lipa. Nice, dude. Nice to see your baby every week.
Starting point is 01:31:29 I mean. Did you see that stage performance she did that was like with the coordinated colors and stuff? That's the best description I got. No, but it sounds sick. I'll show it to you later. It's pretty fire. Why Dua? I mean, she's just the baddest.
Starting point is 01:31:43 For sure. Yeah, she's bad. What you got? Honestly for sure yeah she's bad what you got honestly fuck i wish i would have prepared i was gonna text you guys and ask you yo what are these three things again so i can start preparing but i didn't babe of the week i'm gonna give it to my uh my plant i have a fig tree i'm growing in my apartment right now nice figgy smalls and she's just like taking leaps guys like i wake up every morning she's got like a new fucking and she started off just like dry branches in a pod just branches no green on her and now she's fucking green so shout out for you smalls i'm watching you babe every morning i talk to her
Starting point is 01:32:15 and shit nice nice yeah that's what's up my baby of the week is matthew mcconaughey i don't know if i've shouted him out before but obviously i really admire the guy um i was watching his howard stern clip yesterday. They replayed an old one from like 15 years ago. And it's him talking about when he got arrested for playing the Congos too loud in his place naked. And the way he describes it is just so wonderful. He's like, yeah, so I'm naked and I'm banging on the Congos. And Howard's like, why were you naked?
Starting point is 01:32:38 He's like, I don't know. Everyone knows when you're naked, it's better than whatever else you're doing. And then he talks about the cops and they said you resisted. He's said you resisted he's like you're damn right i resisted they were in my house get the hell out of there and he's so like low-key just charming about it and yeah i've heard him on terry gross's interview i loved him on there he had a good way to describe being in romantic comedies he said if you go too deep you sink the ship and i just think he's a guy who's got you know he's full of philosophy i love it if that's your babe who's your legend uh well we're gonna swing back to yeah I love it. If that's your babe, who's your legend? Well, we're going to swing back to him.
Starting point is 01:33:05 Yeah, I guess. That sounds like a legend. Yeah, I mix them up sometimes so that we can broaden the depths. Got it. But, dude, you're very perceptive. I appreciate you being on top of it. This is going, yeah. Didn't I interview when he's like, cops came and they saw a bong and that just set him off.
Starting point is 01:33:21 He's like, and that was head down, just banging away. I didn't even hear him at first. He's a cool guy. I've heard that. Who's your legend? His dad died with an erection. I heard that, yeah. You talked about that on Howard, right?
Starting point is 01:33:33 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Which is pretty awesome. Just to quickly circle back, not to cut you off, but I do have a more recent beef that just, you know, we can skim past this, but my neighbor recently started drumming. He's a drummer now that's sick is he good?
Starting point is 01:33:48 my band's looking for a drummer he's not great and he's practicing a lot that's the worst sometimes in the morning so you know that's a fucking cool thing
Starting point is 01:33:57 that's a bit of a beef anyways let's go on to legends every morning one two three four that's how you wake up. Dude, he's not not drumming. Who's your legend of the week?
Starting point is 01:34:10 My legend of the week are Beez. What up, Beez? Dudes, thank you so much for making honey, for pollinating, for doing whatever else you do, for scaring the shit out of me, for scaring my brother, making him look like pretty big Sally whenever you come around. And yeah, I just want to give a shout out to Beez. I know that Beez are on the decline right now.
Starting point is 01:34:32 We're trying to get him to, you know. I think Brad Pitt said he's looking into that. You heard about my hive? Dude, I've seen it on your stories. That's just no joke. You got a beehive? I got arguably the biggest hive in Los Angeles. Hold on, you don't have a hive. hive has you it's very clear hey it's out of control we have
Starting point is 01:34:51 honey so you're keeping it oh we're keeping it it's probably this this big does it scare the shit out of you like this and a chunk of it like probably like 20% of it fell off like last year. And we took that comb and got the honey off of it. That's awesome. And it was delicious. Bomb as fuck. That's awesome. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:35:13 Yeah, it was really good. But a little concerning. There's, you know, definitely like 10,000 bees in his hive probably. That's an army. Yeah, it's a little concerning. Some people are pretty scared. Have you seen how bees find out who the queen is?
Starting point is 01:35:28 There's like five of them in there, and then one starts making noise through the larva that they're all developing in to say, hey, I'm ready to be the queen. And then I think she just eats the other ones. Nice. And then she just goes into her life of just shitting out bees. And they give her the royal jelly. And they feed her the royal jelly. That's the other religion. The craziest thing about the queen And they give her the royal jelly. And they feed her the royal jelly. That's the other relationship.
Starting point is 01:35:45 The craziest thing about the queen is... She gets the good jelly. If the queen dies, they all start going nuts, right? Like the hive will start going off and a beekeeper will come through with a queen. Wow. And they'll replace your queen and then the hive will...
Starting point is 01:36:00 Chill out. Settle. That's awesome. Yeah. That's crazy. Yeah. Fascinating. Interesting culture. where in your yard
Starting point is 01:36:06 is it it's on my side yard right so it i mean it's it's big i'll post some more updates on my story yeah they get in the house if you leave the lights on so like sometimes you leave all the lights on in the laundry room and the window open a crack like walk into the morning it's fucking bees everywhere oh that's crazy do you ever get like hammered and you're like i'm gonna fuck with it no not even i'm telling you you think it's cool once you walk out they're like oh oh oh like they're like buzzing no yeah it scares me just yeah they're just looking up and they're like where oh my oh my god you like see it how do you move when you see be like how do you defend yourself slowly yeah just back up yeah probably yeah do you get stung a lot i haven't been stung my roommate's gotten stung like five times
Starting point is 01:36:50 i haven't been stung no not at his behalf i've been stung though in my life yeah i've been stung by these bees right right they have an agreement yeah peace treaty that was so your legend was bees yeah i just want to give a shout out to Beez, dude. Thank you so much. Who's your legend? You've got to give me a second. Okay, my legend's King Princess. Have you guys heard this band? This group?
Starting point is 01:37:12 Dude, they're so good. Really? They get this song, Hit the Back. It'll get you fired up and moving. And the lead singer, she just has tremendous charisma. She looks like she could just possess your entire soul. i watch watch her live stuff from like colbert snl and it really will uh get you way too fired up what was it king what king princess king princess that's a cool name ain't i the best you had and i'll let you throw it down hit the back tell me you need respect because you know that i'm around i'm your
Starting point is 01:37:41 pet oh wow yeah yeah It's a little. Yeah. Fuck yeah. What's up, dude? Who's your legend? Thank you. Do you have a ledge? Yeah, I got one. Give me the ledge.
Starting point is 01:37:51 You know, I don't want to get too somber here, but legend of the week has to be Kobe Bryant. Oh, for sure. Dude, man. Shout out. As a lifelong Los Angelino. That was a tough tough one to process but you know the guy has just been
Starting point is 01:38:11 it was one of those moments where it was like you know someone like that goes down and it's like you kind of question everything like if that guy can die in like a helicopter crash it's like holy fuck it just kind of shakes it it just shakes everything up. And it made me kind of like, I just was like,
Starting point is 01:38:28 I couldn't get shit done for a while, but I think what you can take from it is you look at the way the world reacted to one guy and it's inspiring to see that one person can have such an impact on a city, on the whole world. And yeah, that guy's been my inspiration since I was like five, four, since he got drafted when I was four years old. I don't know if one person's ever put so much like energize the world so much. I really don't Mm-hmm. Like I'm not in our time. It's just yeah, it was a
Starting point is 01:39:12 Crushing one to process but as they say legends never die never and Kobe Bryant will be remembered forever, but shout out to Kobe Bryant shut up 24 Well that okay. I got my legend now hit. And that kind of helped me think about it. My legend is my flag football team. Shout out to everybody on there. It's the crew. Specifically, though, the homie Temple who made a leaping diving catch our first game two weeks ago, which was the same day that we lost Kobe.
Starting point is 01:39:41 He made this leaping diving catch and like tore a ligament in his shoulder Wow in the process it was like a fucking 40 yarder but he completed the cat completed the catch there's a video of it's crazy and we're like oh fuck yeah then he gets up in his shoulders off fucked we're like oh so we drive him to the hospital but that inspired the team this past weekend to fucking crush shit so now we're just awesome we're out there just balling yeah beast did their flag football leagues? Yeah, you want to try play? Yeah, it's fun. I know we met temple to he's hilarious. Oh, yeah, he's funny
Starting point is 01:40:11 There's a great voice. He does temple from everybody wants them. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, he's amazing. Yeah, so he's shoulder. Yeah, bro He's hurting. Hope you're all right. I'll show you the catch Oh, bro, well, I'm so I've said I said on last's podcast, it's the only movie I ever ripped my shirt off immediately afterwards. Wow. Everybody wants some? Yeah. It's a dope movie. Got me fired.
Starting point is 01:40:30 I love Richard Linklater. All right, let's do our last one. We'll combine. What's the last one? Our quote of the week slash, or it could also be your phrase of the week for getting after it. It's going to be made up. That's tough. I'm not going to lie.
Starting point is 01:40:43 My phrase every day for the past several days has been mamba mentality nice I put it on my phone I look at it every fucking day I love it that's nice yeah
Starting point is 01:40:50 Chad do you have yours? yeah I'm trying to figure out where I got this from so I have context oh here we go I'm gonna hop on board with Christians since I can't think
Starting point is 01:41:02 of another one mamba mentality? mhm I love it. Mine comes from Laird Hamilton. Nice. I think the key to happiness is maximizing each day. So if you're unhappy, here's a simple prescription.
Starting point is 01:41:17 Live harder. Nice, dude. Wow. That's kind of mamba mentality. Yeah. Live harder. Mine is from this Marky Basie song that I've been listening to morning. It's a love song.
Starting point is 01:41:28 And he says, would you know if I laid with another lover? We was on a break, babe, and I wore a rubber. And would you forgive me? Damn. That's awesome. He wore a rubber? Yeah. He's trying to write his most romantic song possible.
Starting point is 01:41:44 Nice. There you go. All right, Mark. But he's got to keep it real. Yeah. He wore a rubber. Good on you's trying to write his most romantic song possible. Nice. There you go. All right, Mark. But he's got to keep it real. Yeah. He wore a rubber. Good on you, Mark. All right, dudes.
Starting point is 01:41:50 Guys. Thank you, guys. Thank you so much for coming by. Yeah, guys. Real Bros comes out. Friday. February 14th. Friday.
Starting point is 01:41:56 Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day. It's going to be killer. JT and I are in a couple of scenes. You guys are in episode two. It comes out February. Oh, yeah. We've been talking about how fucking hilarious you guys are in it.
Starting point is 01:42:04 February 21st. Oh, dude. You guys are fucking hilarious. Oh, thank you. We crack up watching you guys' scenes. You guys are in episode two? Oh yeah, we've been talking about how fucking hilarious you guys are in it. Sorry. You guys are fucking hilarious. We crack up watching you guys' scenes. Oh, thank you guys. Thank you guys. Yeah, it's a funny scene. It's fucking really good. Yeah, thanks man.
Starting point is 01:42:14 You guys are good to see it. There's the screening. Oh, it's going to be at the screening? We're going to show it. Oh, it's going to be at the screening? Oh, dude.
Starting point is 01:42:20 People are going to peek at you. Oh, man. No, dude. I was trying to show my friend a little bit of that episode and he was like, he saw you guys come on screen and he was like, no, no, no, I don't want to fucking see this, dude.
Starting point is 01:42:32 You showed me this last year and it ruined it because I was like the funniest fucking part of that episode. I'm not watching this. Oh, that's nice. That's awesome. Well, dude, you guys are legends. Thank you so much. Thank you guys for coming in. Aaron. Yeah, good shit, guys. I appreciate you guys are legends. Thank you so much. Yeah, thank you guys for coming in. Aaron. Yeah, good shit, guys.
Starting point is 01:42:45 I appreciate you guys. That was fun. Thank you. Good to see you guys. Brotherhood. Dude, I didn't get any pics. We should have a... We had a good day drinking sesh in New York.
Starting point is 01:42:54 We should have a... Oh, yeah, we should talk about it. That really right in my day drink? We should have another sesh. We linked up. The four of us. I was jelly. I was sad after Howard Stern,
Starting point is 01:43:04 and you pulled me out of it. I really appreciate it. Aw, after Howard Stern, and you pulled me out of it. I really appreciate it. Aw, there you go. Thank you. We missed our flight. Fuck yeah. We got pretty hammered, actually. Dude, we were blacked out.
Starting point is 01:43:13 Damn, it was like that? You made it sound like it wasn't that cool. No, it was fun. I said it was fun. No, you're like, it wasn't that cool. You didn't miss anything. I didn't want you to be jealous, man. You said they can't hang.
Starting point is 01:43:23 That was true. That was true. That was a mess. I didn't say you to be jealous. You said they can't hang. That was true. That was true. I was a mess. I didn't say that. Sweet. If you need advice These guys are really nice
Starting point is 01:43:37 You wanna know What to do Where to go When you need someone to guide you To have the world beside you Go and dream Go and dream Let's go and dream
Starting point is 01:44:01 Go and dream Get in there and dream I'm going deep. I'm going deep.

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