Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep 117 - Strider Joins!, Oscars, Coronavirus, Dongs

Episode Date: February 19, 2020


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Starting point is 00:00:00 Headphones on, we are ready to roll. Captain, say what up. Ah, what's up Stokers of Stoke Nation? This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. Guys, before we begin I want to remind you once again that we are brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dongs, little or large, are looking fresh. Because, guys, if you want to get the right kind of dong cut, we'll talk about this later,
Starting point is 00:00:44 but there are different types of don cuts and manscape is the only company on earth offering the premium best don cut on the market okay because you're gonna get the only don cut that you want okay so you know when you go to Italy, when you go to Greece and you see statues, what do you notice? Well-trimmed pubes around little dongs. For sure. Yeah. So use code GOD20 at manscaped.com if you want to have that kind of feeling, you want to have that kind of impact on culture with your dong.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Dude, they say Leonardo da Vinci was the illegitimate son of somebody so his whole life he tried to find a dad through his work like all the people who became his like proprietors or whatever you know who paid for him to do his research and and art his patrons yeah he was trying to fill that that void yeah but none of them had as small of a dong as his dad so he never found the right fit yeah that's the truth it's like yeah i think that's got to be like there's probably some science to back that dude it's like you know like the mitochondria like that's how they track like mitochondrial eve in africa that like half the planet's related to so what up exactly dude and then uh i bet you know dong there's probably like a genetic uh you know
Starting point is 00:02:05 dominant or recessive trait dominant maybe if you have a big dong recessive if you got a small dong i'd imagine that might be the biology yeah for sure well with the way things are transpiring in the culture and from what we've seen in the past i think small dong might be the dominant gene yeah for sure yeah definitely in my family. Yeah, for sure. What up, Stokers? Locked and loaded, Captain. Got my compadre, John Thomas, and we are here with the recently hit the links,
Starting point is 00:02:37 recently shredded the pal, and always shredding his relation a good way, the savant of romance, Strider Wilson. Thank you, my dog. Yeah, dude, I've been living a vacay lifestyle dude we've been uh working on a project together dude and i've uh taking a little hiatus from valet life right now dude and i'm just dude i freaking shredded the slopes of big bear we hit summit because they got nice mellow runs me and my gf together nice time then jt and i cruised down to san diego and then friggin uh did i've been like on a va like a it's been the weekend dude for the past few days for me just you're easy to vacay with dude
Starting point is 00:03:10 appreciate that side praise you don't get anxious no i'm chilling dude yeah you you can travel to a place and not feel anxious about going back home yeah you like what like the sunday blues or the post vacay blues you know i'll get them a little bit it's's funny, if you ask my GF, she'll tell you, like, I'm too intense because, like, when we went to Thailand a few years back, like, I'd be, like, looking for maximum shade. She'd just be posting up, reading her book. I'm like, we've got to move. Like, there's better shade there.
Starting point is 00:03:34 She's like, this is totally sufficient shade right here. I'm like, all right. And I guess, like, and I'll do that when I'm very guilty of, like, if someone's eating a sandwich I'll be like dude you're doing that the wrong way I'll be like you gotta you should dip that right now that's like role occupancy I guess when we travel together I'm the more anxious one so
Starting point is 00:03:52 you take on the more chill persona yeah I mean dude we're very compatible dude very very compatible but dude speaking of Big Bear why don't you tell the dirty side of Big Bear that drive out there oh dude the 333 no But dude, speaking of Big Bear, why don't you tell the dirty side of Big Bear, that drive out there. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 00:04:07 The 333. No, the 330. 330. That road, dude, is a disaster. Dude, you do not go up that road. And then, dude, I mean, luckily the weather was nice. Like we didn't need chains or anything. But dude, it could be icy as hell going up there.
Starting point is 00:04:24 You could need chains. You'd be rolling. I don't get car car sick you got pretty solid steel stomach yeah although it is sensitive to certain foods but still i don't get yeah i would not describe your stomach as steel bro that is true but i don't get motion sickness or anything like that like i can handle uh yeah actually actually that's a lie dude i went to freaking six flags and the riddler fucked me up the stand-up coaster yeah oh the stand-up oh but dude they jacked me up to green lanterns that's the is that the stand-up one what's the one we went on x uh x2 dude that thing is rotating in too many on too many different axes that'll give you a concussion yeah yeah dude you're spinning sideways backwards while the roller coaster's flipping and it does a
Starting point is 00:05:01 90 degree angle it goes straight down my brother and i we went there on the right angle yeah right angle dude my brother and i went on a september weekday so no one was there smart we rode it 10 times in a row it's incredible oh my god how did you do that i was about to ask how many rollercoasters can you ride in a day oh dude i could have kept going the only thing that stopped us was like, you just keep banging your head. And I'm like, dude, this gave me CTE, but it was worth it. Yeah, your dome needs a rest, brother. You could probably be a fighter pilot.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Dude, that's what I always wanted to be as a kid. Like, I love Top Gun. My dad's like, you have to do math, though. And I'm like, why is that part of it? I never understood that. They said Ted Williams was a hell of a fighter pilot. The great baseball player. Oh, for real?
Starting point is 00:05:44 Yeah. He brought that great hand-eye coordination that he had pilot. The great baseball player. Oh, for real? Yeah. He brought that great hand-eye coordination that he had on the stick, and he brought it to the stick. Yeah. Yeah. The only math you need is when you're taking out aliens in straight-up Independence Day. Box two. Clear.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Away. Box one. Away. Those little X-links, dude. I mean, you track them. What a great way to film shooting those rockets. Eagle one. Fox two.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Yeah. Doesn't anyone have any missiles left? Yeah. I do, sir. I'm back, boys! Randy Clay, dude. Wait, Dad! Dad!
Starting point is 00:06:16 Yeah, that Keanu Reeves kid. Dad! Dude, that movie made me like... I got depressed as a kid after seeing that movie. I was bummed out seeing that. Really? Because, dude, there was so much loss. Destruction?
Starting point is 00:06:28 Yeah. Yeah. And the aliens were so mean aliens were so very empathetic of you yeah what about in bond movies did you feel bad when he just like mowed down henchmen never never never so do you think it's like connect do you think there's like a like an ethnocentric quality to like you only feel that kind of empathy if it's i think so on american soil i think when it when it came home on independence day and they start coming after us on our own turf. Man, I take it personally. That triggered something for you? It did something. And when Will Smith says, welcome to Earth, fucking dude, fire line.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Yeah. But dude, the 333, or 330 bros, nightmare. Everyone's going, oh dude, you can get to the mountain. Dude, you're in LA. Two hours later, you're on the slopes. No, dude. No, no, no, no, dude. Five hours later, you're on the slopes. No, dude. No, no, no, no, dude. Five hours later, you're on the slopes.
Starting point is 00:07:08 You got to wind your way up that mountain. Hopefully, the weather's good. Hopefully, you don't boke on the way up there, dude. Then you get up there. I mean, if you have your own gear, you're all right. I ski my GF Shreds. I'm a Sky. She's an Urgent, dude.
Starting point is 00:07:21 And, dude, you got to rent those skis. You ever walk in ski boots? Good luck. Good luck, dude. Good luck.is. You ever walk in ski boots? Good luck. Good luck, dude. It's terrible on the feet. Terrible. I mean, they squeeze your feet and then if you haven't skied for a while, your feet get sore and they just ache in there and it's like
Starting point is 00:07:36 they seem so archaic and barbaric. Dude, I was fired up on those words. Over Christmas break, i was snowboarding with uh with the my xgf and we were riding and then you know she was just doing the greens and i was like oh man i'm aching to get up on the mountain so she takes a break to go get some hot chocolate i'm like all right i'm taking the gondola up after one run i was like i'm never fucking doing that again i just never got better my skills plateaued at 12 and I've just been on that same level for way too
Starting point is 00:08:07 long. And it's like, if I'm not going to be really good at this, I'm not having fun. Like barely getting down the mountain was the race. Yeah. A hundred percent true. My dad though,
Starting point is 00:08:16 he can shred. My dad calls himself Jean-Claude Lafitte de France when he skis. He has great style. Even with that big ass. Yeah. That's awesome. That ass probably helps him do the power behind that thing, dude dude yeah i i i really skiing i i just stuck with skiing because i was like i was already good at it exactly i was like i don't want to learn it because like and i would
Starting point is 00:08:36 just go straight for the double blacks as a kid i'm like i'm doing moguls i'm doing the steepest runs and then i just um but at first i hated it because i you're cold i still kind ofuls i'm doing the steepest runs and then i just um but at first i hated it because you're cold i still kind of like i'm like why would i go to a place that's cold yeah bro yeah i don't like the cold yeah like you can booze there it's fun to booze in a ski town but i then i get hung over and i'm like all right i'm ready to leave i love seeing instagram videos of other people doing it i'm like oh it looks fun dude they all look like fun cool people they're all fun cool people yeah yeah i'm just not dude you want you want birth control dude you you go watch a family on vacation skiing dude you watch the parents the mom and dad at each other's
Starting point is 00:09:14 throats trying to get their kids dressed up everyone's cold yeah kids gotta pee but they're in a onesie dude dad's like just go in that just go in the suit i don't care yeah kids can't walk in their things dude yeah i'm just like, when is the vacation happening in this moment? It never happens. Does it make you hesitate? Oh, it does make me hesitate, dude. This is very visceral birth control, dude.
Starting point is 00:09:36 It'd be nice to give me my GF's date. Freaking just, what up? You raise a nice family. You look at it, it's very sweet, but then you look at the stress going into that, and I'm like, it's a lot of work. That's a lot of work, i mean i have older siblings i see them with their kid i mean they just send their kids to ski school they're like just go have instructors take care of it because dude i mean it's just to get the ski clothes on or um oh dude it looks so i'm like yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna I'm going to head out.
Starting point is 00:10:05 You know what I see when I see that shit, though? What? I'm like, relief from the tyranny of self. I'm like, I'm not thinking about me dying at all. I'm just thinking about this little shit and how I can get him off the mountain. Yeah. That's an interesting way to think about it. But maybe that won't go away, and I'll have that, and I'll be worried about it again.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Figure it out. I'm dying. Yeah. Get your clothes on right before I have a stroke. It could happen with the amount of stretch you're giving me i had you to get relief and then my mind started creating problems a weekend yeah you've only been creating more problems for me do you understand that you've complicated my life you haven't simplified it did i watch this movie up in the
Starting point is 00:10:38 air with george clooney sure dude sure jason reitman and it's supposed to be like about how you should like you know towards the end you got a backpack yeah well it's like more towards like you should connect with people have family
Starting point is 00:10:51 yeah and I was watching that I was like you know what his life looks pretty nice well that's the thing yeah they make his lifestyle
Starting point is 00:10:56 super appealing in that movie yeah that's why the whole time I was thinking about it but he's quick he's mobile
Starting point is 00:11:02 right nothing slows him down yeah and he's hot he's just crude yeah he's so hot so he's still he's still right nothing slows him down that yeah and he's hot and he's just yeah he's so hot so he's still he's still like sleeping with good-looking people whenever yeah that's true yeah i think they gotta put that in description like this is only doable if you're super hot you're george clooney yeah silver-tongued clooney dude yeah and fire fire cameo from our boy sam elliott in that as well oh. Great casting to have him be the guy who
Starting point is 00:11:26 drops the wings. Danny McBride was great in it too. I really enjoyed his character. I like both sides because he's really sweet and you connect with your family and that's really sweet but then there's the other side where it's like you're just cruising solo.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Yeah, he's on his mission. Well then yeah, it's a good movie. Well speaking of movies, the Oscars just happened last Yeah. Yeah, he's on his mission. Yeah. Yeah. Well, then, yeah, it's a good movie. Well, speaking of movies, the Oscars just happened last night. Yeah, dude. What up? Big ceremony. So it's just, and I'm borrowing this point of view from Corey, our friend. Like, what a sad indictment of the times that we can't find hosts for the Oscars.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Yeah. Like, we can't get anyone to host the Oscars. We're going to look back on this time and be like, everyone was so pissed off. No one knew it was funny. So we just didn get anyone to host the oscar like we're gonna look back on this time like everyone was so pissed off no one knew it was funny so we just didn't have anyone host the oscars it's like dude like get john mulaney and nick kroll to do it they're perfect i thought love those guys i thought steve martin do you see steve martin i didn't i didn't him and chris rock were they good so good chris steve martin's the best yeah what they do a good host um what were they doing uh they just had this monologue together they were just sort of bouncing jokes off each other and uh they commented on like something
Starting point is 00:12:31 like oscar's so white so they got political a little bit right but he's so likable that like i feel like whatever side you're on you were just like i love this guy yeah i think he'd be a good host now just playing devil's advocate here okay are the networks uh are the abc is on abc right choosing not to do uh a host just to keep the run time down like they did that with the emmys everyone was like oh it worked great people still got jokes and everyone came out and did some bits i don't know it's like do do that's interesting i i did always really enjoy like you know billy crystal putting himself like in the movies and like that really fun intro you know like i liked the video that they did I really do miss that from the Oscars but as far as like they're not being a host that comes out
Starting point is 00:13:11 and says this just to like introduce somebody yeah keep it rolling yeah and you still get good moments from like Steve Martin that's a good point I was still three and a half hours long that's I mean was it successfully keeping the runtime down I mean it's definitely not gonna be shorter with a host i don't think yeah aaron what was your main takeaway from the oscar could have used a host to explain why eminem was there yeah i didn't get that at all i got home and joe's like you missed eminem i'm like why is he there they're like because it's been 17 years since lose yourself like it wasn't even a round number i was like why is he there yeah yeah it was weird i it didn't make sense to any of us watching and we were like
Starting point is 00:13:47 then we had to look it up it's like oh he didn't perform that year it's the only year the winning song didn't perform but it's like they should have set it up beforehand or something yeah that's cuckoo they like played a bunch of the songs that were in movies that were very successful like the rocky theme and or eye of the tiger and stuff like that like it was a cool montage that led into it but it was like okay but why is this song now yeah it's too random yeah what did you guys uh think of uh the speeches any speeches stick out um i mean i always loved brad he was great yeah i wish i would have seen it i didn't get to see Brad
Starting point is 00:14:25 he said David Fincher and some other guys helped him with the jokes yeah beast Taika Waititi cause he was like
Starting point is 00:14:33 the first indigenous screenwriter I think so that was cool nice who was someone oh Laura Dern Laura Dern was good she was good
Starting point is 00:14:40 god bless you god bless you dude yeah her just like a tearjerker she talked about her family parents are like her heroes and uh yeah bruce what else joaquin phoenix uh i like what he was saying it was like broad about like being good and then of course the internet blew him up about like the cows with like the milking stuff
Starting point is 00:15:01 and we're never like are you it was keep it in the lane keep it in this lane joaquin but joaquin doesn't play in lanes you know he's all over the place there was just you're just like dude how much stuff is he gonna talk about yeah or how specific is he gonna get but i mean like i i agreed he was you know he was in the right direction from a humanity standpoint yeah but yeah go ahead i love him but if he was coming over to my house for dinner, I'd be like, take it easy, dude. Oh, totally.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Like if he's giving a toast, well, you just start off. So he looks so upset from the beginning. He's like, Oh God. Oh fuck. Dude,
Starting point is 00:15:35 that's how he started standing up. He's like, no, stop. The way he said no was hilarious. He goes, stop. Oh dude,
Starting point is 00:15:41 it was unreal. And then the way he talked about not feeling like he was better than people like he was so worried that people would think that about him he was like i don't first off i want to say i don't feel better than any of the other nominees or even any person in this room right now i was like we get it dude you're you're humble it felt almost like uh he's in like aa yeah he's giving uh what are they called a share yeah he's like i've been a scoundrel i've been a piece of shit i've drank myself to death but you know we can all come back from that and people give me second chances and i love second chances and that's why i'm here
Starting point is 00:16:17 and i just want to thank my higher power for getting me here and uh thank you for this award that might have been what it was well that is great and i agree with that sentiment but that comes after like cows the planet mixed in with like you know cancel culture mixed in with like something else and you're just like all right but is it like it's like it's like the more like and the emotional intensity to his eyes were like glazed over with tears i mean he was so was so emotionally present. But is that what makes him a good actor, too? It's just that he's like... That's what I was thinking. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:49 If he went up there and he's like, hey, everybody, thanks so much. I loved playing the Joker. Todd Phillips, thanks for the great part. And to join Effort's productions, you guys did a great job. And yeah, let's have fun tonight. Yeah. He wouldn't be that menacing maniac when he's on camera. His floor for weird is way, way higher than anyone else's floor for weird.
Starting point is 00:17:07 But as well as his ceiling. It'd be very impressive if our boy Brad Pitt or John Mulaney went and played the Joker and did what Joaquin did. I'd be like, this is an unbelievable performance. Or like Liam Neeson or something. Like, whoa, this guy is outside of himself. Insane. I bet you Daniel Day-Lewis can do it.
Starting point is 00:17:24 He seems like a grounded guy, even though he's eccentric. But, like, you hear him talking, you're like, oh, he's an Irish dude. He has an earring in, so he's not acting. But he waxes poetic, too, though. He does wax poetic. But, I mean, his baseline energy level is not Wiley Weird baseline energy level, which Joaquin is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:38 But, I mean, he's had a difficult life and all these things, and I think it all plays into his. Yeah. He uses it for his performance. And you can't deny being very sweet towards his brother yeah amazing and then that yeah i think maybe that's why heath was so people i mean i'm sure people talk about this for years but i think he i mean he seemed like a really chill guy yeah that's a great kind of i don't know if he was fun loving but he seemed like to have a little bit more of like an easygoing side to him.
Starting point is 00:18:05 He's Australian. He's got to be fun loving. Right. Right. For sure. That's so true. Have you seen the comparison to Tom Waits and Heath Ledger's Joker? Like it's a case study.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Like it's like the exact same. Oh, really? Like if Heath Ledger's set out to do an impression of Tom Waits, then he nailed the Joker. Interesting. But I think that almost contributes to it more. The specificity of finding that and making it fit. It's the same thing with Johnny Depp
Starting point is 00:18:31 using Keith Richards for Pirates of the Caribbean. It's such an interesting choice. But it does sometimes when you see it, you're like, oh, you're just doing that guy? I don't think it should take away from it because it's still a brilliant combination to put together. I don't think it takes away from it at because it's still a brilliant combination to put together. I don't think it takes away from it at all.
Starting point is 00:18:47 I think an impression that isn't a full impression becomes an original character. You just put a different point of view on it. Who was Johnny Depp doing an impression of? He said Keith Richards. I didn't know that. Keith Richards was in it and then they tried to get
Starting point is 00:19:02 Jagger in there too. That's cool. I was just reading about Keith Richards. He's an interesting dude. Because he just roasts Mick Jagger. Yeah, and he's like, I'm the only fucking one who will tell him this shit. It's pretty hilarious. What about, dude, I thought it was, I totally agreed with Jane Fonda when she went up there
Starting point is 00:19:21 and said that the most important thing in the world is awareness. Oh, for sure. Nothing more important. For sure, dude. That's the story of my life. You gotta be saying, this is what's up. Yeah, you're right. And then Parasite won Best Picture. That was cool. Well deserved. Dude. I did not think it was gonna win. No, nor did I.
Starting point is 00:19:38 I didn't either. But I think it's like the most right I can remember in my life that the Oscars got it. I was like, yes, yeah. That was the best movie. So good, dude. They nailed it. It's crazy. Bong Joon-ho seems like a cool dude.
Starting point is 00:19:50 He does. Total. I will drink till morning. Yeah. And do the translator. Give it up for the translator for the entire person. I was watching it. I was like, that must be a stressful job.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Cause you're like, wait, can you say that again? Oh, dude. She's gathering all that stuff. stuff a couple words change the entire sentiment yeah she's like oh fuck dude I forgot I was not listening what did you say yeah I spaced out hold up oh yeah thank god
Starting point is 00:20:17 yeah yeah your dad oh dad yeah it was fire I've been having some pretty epic dreams lately yeah you were telling me about this oh what up well last night i had a dream that i got a kitten and i was just you know saving it from danger i love that you know i was just walking on the street sort of like gta style and i was just had this kitten i was just like or even like the movie keanu i guess or does their kitten get kidnapped kitten gets kidnapped i think i never saw it so i had this kitten with me and i was
Starting point is 00:20:49 just keeping it safe from danger mortal danger i don't really remember the specifics but i fought off a lot of dudes that's awesome dude yeah i love that and then i had a dream saturday night i was supposed to get lunch with brad pitt I kept getting held up, and I missed it. No. That's a nightmare, dude. Yeah. That's a nightmare. That's not a dream.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Did you hear back from Brad about how he felt about you missing it? Yeah, it was piss. Damn. Yeah. Sometimes I'll get fired up on being in a dream, and I'm like, oh, I want to go back to bed and get back to that point in the dream right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Yeah. Be sick. You talking about sex dreams? What, dude? Oh, no, dude. Oh, no, dude. Maybe, dude. What's your standard sex dream like? It's just me and my? What, dude? Oh, no, dude. Oh, no, dude. Maybe, dude. What's your standard sex dream like?
Starting point is 00:21:27 It's just me and my GF, dude. We got probably just a nice little two-story home, dude. Three beds, two and a half bath, and just solid, solid, solid lovemaking session going on. And warm, dude. Sometimes when I'm butt butt naked i don't like being chilly you know like my my upper girdle is getting chilly yeah um getting started of course once in the throes of passion things are naturally warmed up but a nice warm environment dude i like when it's cozy i like a cozy lovemaking environment it's what's nice when you're in the mountains you
Starting point is 00:22:01 know what i mean snows outside you're warm in there together It's nice. Do you and the GF ever have the same sex dream on the same night, dude? We have I don't think that like the exact same details. I think hers probably goes a little longer But uh We have definitely it was that you don't last long you mean hard on yourself. I'm being accurate on myself I don't think she would say that i don't know dude yeah i don't think you know what i don't think she would say it but she would know it because she's freaking my rock and she wouldn't put that negative out there but you know what i gotta put that out there i gotta be to be real. This is podcasting. If you're not real while podcasting, dude,
Starting point is 00:22:46 then what the hell are you doing? Then you're out, dude. I just look at you as the picture of stamina. I preach, dude. I preach. Sometimes you get amped up, though. You know what I mean? Do you engage in dirty talk?
Starting point is 00:22:59 Can we dive into that a little bit? You know, it's funny. On JT and I's San Diego trip, we met this legit dude. I think his name was Armando, dude. Tight guy. bit it's you know it's funny on jt and i san diego trip we met this legit dude i think his name was armando dude tight guy and uh i dude i i can't take myself seriously when doing dirty talk yeah or like even sexting i'm like i just feel like so out of character you know in my my jet we you know we've tried before and she's doing a great job straight up crushing it and it's on me it's like literally you know we had a conversation she's like what is like are you not fine i'm like literally
Starting point is 00:23:28 i'm just kind of like immature about it i'm on the other end of this but i do too much dirty talk i had a girl make fun of me one time she like did an impression of my dirty talk like i was like oh you're so pretty and she's like oh i'm so pretty you shut up oh yeah sorry sorry my bad but yeah i told that kid armando he was like he's, yeah, sorry, sorry. My bad. But, yeah, I told that kid Armando. He was like, I want to keep it spicy with my girlfriend. She's on the other side of the country.
Starting point is 00:23:50 I was like, you got FaceTime? I was like, you're freaking on FaceTime, dude. Oh, nice. I think that's great advice. I think that's great advice. I mean, it's hard, but you figure it out. Yeah. Yeah, I kind of follow.
Starting point is 00:24:02 I've been made fun of for being too silent. You're just, breathing and you need to pick up the speech so i've been trying to i'm a little more in your lane a little bit though because i'm just kind of like it feels good you're being modest again though because you're doing box breathing though right oh legit well you gotta you gotta keep you know of course you got to uh warm up the capillaries so what's that look like you go that's how you're doing that you're doing that the whole time you're making just so imagine that's my upper the upper part of my body and then my hips are just jackrabbiting. Whoa. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:24:46 Wow. Rapid firing. That's an impressive athletic move. It's impressive. The juxtaposition is erotic. Correct. That's the word. Exactly right. The stillness up here with the rapid oscillation going on down below
Starting point is 00:25:03 is really, really conducive for coming. stillness up here with the rapid oscillation going on down below yeah exactly well i mean conducive for uh coming that was the best contact we've had yeah that was the the boned yeah it was just the right it was just right yeah i mean stokers if you really want to get explosive down there uh maximize your breathing whileize your breathing while you're engaging in coital things with a manscaped dong. For sure. Dudes, what else? How are you guys feeling about the state of the world? Good?
Starting point is 00:25:38 Are you guys worried about coronavirus at all? No, I'm worried for my mom. She's going on a cruise. Whoa, yeah. If it gets on the boat, you get quarantined for 14 days. virus at all no i'm worried for my mom okay she's going on a cruise whoa yeah and she might get if if it gets on the boat you get quarantined for 14 days oh no and cruise ships are traditionally places where illness spreads yeah rapidly often wash your teeth wash your teeth they make you wash your hands constantly right i'm just like they weren't virus and shit they wouldn't offer her a full refund what's the town where
Starting point is 00:26:05 they're having the issues the i'm i sound so wuhan i think wuhan dude our friend cooney was telling us that they're having like that there's videos from there that are pretty horrifying yeah of like people out after curfew and the cops being uh extraordinarily violent with them wow yeah yeah i mean i think it's like a complete like you know it's always a government state but like it's uh intensified to a real scary totalitarian nightmare degree aaron aaron have you been keeping up on it not not too much i think we all feel pretty safe yeah i think so i mean do you guys ever do you ever think about wearing one of the things around, one of the face masks around? Nah.
Starting point is 00:26:47 You know why primarily they do that is if someone is sick, it's to not get other people sick. Oh, really? Yeah. It's to contain your own. Yeah. I was considering wearing that to the office when I was sick that one week. I remember that. But that would have been weird.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Yeah. That would have been pretty hilarious. And it was good for you to rest. It was good for you to rest, dude. I know. That was so hard when you came in and everyone was like. Dan was like, I talked to Janelle. What is it?
Starting point is 00:27:09 Accent. I talked to Janelle. You can't come in. I'm sorry. You just can't. So then I'm like. But although I was crushing World War II in color. Oh, hell yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:27:20 I love that. The Midway episode. That's what I'm saying, dude. The Midway episode. The Midway episode. Undersold value of how important a turning point that was in the war. Yeah, people don't really talk about it as much. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Yeah. What gets most love? Are you familiar with it? No. Is that in the Pacific? Yeah. I got no knowledge. I know a little bit about the other side, but not too much.
Starting point is 00:27:41 Battle of the Bulge? No. Battle of the Bulge was fire, yeah. Big time. Where's that? In Italy? I was like in the Bulge. No. The Battle of the Bulge was fire, yeah. Big time. Where's that, in Italy? I was like in the Ardennes Forest, like Belgium.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Belgium, yeah. Oh, okay. And yeah, huge battle. You know, the 101st Airborne holding it down. Oh, yeah. Patton will tell you he came in and saved the day, but you try to tell that someone in the 101st that they didn't hold their line,
Starting point is 00:28:01 because they did. Where'd you pick that up? From the movie, watching Patton and also watching banner brothers oh that's from uh garnier says that in banner brothers essentially i paraphrased a monologue from garnier and banner brothers where he's like you know he's like the kind of rugged italian dude what's the story behind that it's like the the allies were like there's no way they're gonna make a full-on attack like they're they've been beaten down badly and then was it was it Patton who was like they're making the full attack or something uh I don't know if they did they but someone made the call he's like I
Starting point is 00:28:36 think something's up it might have been I don't know dang that I'm not sure who that was I know they put Patton somewhere else to misdirect, but at that point it was a stale of winter, so they were just digging in. Yeah. And nobody thought that anyone was really going to make any moves. And then the Nazis were like, oh, this is where the line's the thinnest.
Starting point is 00:28:56 It's where they'll least expect it. They were right. That was the thinnest line, but... Hart. Too fast. I heard an interesting perspective on Brexit from Ezra Klein on tyler cowan's podcast and what he was saying is that england feels like they kind of got disrespected post-world war ii like they never got the credit for being the country that kind of was primarily responsible
Starting point is 00:29:15 for stopping the germans and now who's the most powerful country in the eu germany and there's this like deep-seated resentmentated resentment that they feel kind of like alienated from their rights a bit and that might be what's spurring on some of this momentum. Interesting. That is very interesting. This is the smartest fact I have in my head today. I doubt it.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Look, we're just getting warmed up. There's stuff in there, don't worry. Dude, that just lubricated me in the direction of some more. Thank you. The Battle of Britain, dude, when the frickin' Luftwaffe was trying to bomb it and the frickin' Spitfires were. Yep. The RAF, dude.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Royal Air Force, dude. Just holding it down. Just some blue-collar dudes getting up in a plane quick. Amen, dude. Dude, that's what I would have wanted to do if I were in World War II. Be badass. Be an ace. Right.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Yeah, be an ace. Yeah, dude. Be sick. Getting a Spitfire. We got some of that from Sam Kean's book about Joe Kennedy. Oh, yeah. Yeah, John Kennedy's older brother. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Who was a terrible pilot, but just was like desperate to be a hero. So he'd volunteer for every mission and ended up blowing himself up with some terrible bomb rig. And his younger brother just kept getting all the recognition. Yeah, he was like pissed at John. He was at home after John came home and got all of his medals for like tugging a guy with his teeth from like a sinking ship and he was in his room crying going i hate him so much and then uh it's so sad this just speaks to the futility of war the mission that he volunteered for they were going to try and blow up some silos that they thought were like really dangerous german weapons and it turned out
Starting point is 00:30:43 it was all just decoys that the germans had put there to get them thinking about something else a lot of them too it's like they're you know like battle of midway all the torpedo pilots what i don't know what you call they're basically it was a suicide mission like one came back and it's like if you're one of those dudes i mean it's terrible yeah i got a dong cut oh yeah you're not happy with your haircut no that's fine it's it's still beautiful yeah yeah you're full but i understand even if a haircut's only 80 of what your expectations are that 100 kills you yeah like when someone doesn't give you the haircut that you wanted when you went in there yeah it's really a betrayal i mean this lady she she was supposed to do my hair on Saturday.
Starting point is 00:31:25 My hair was in a good place, but it was bushy in the back. I said, just clean out the back. Next thing I know, she's convinced me to reshape it. Yeah. And then I look at the ground. I'm like, where's all this hair coming from?
Starting point is 00:31:34 Yeah. Yours looks good though. And you know what I think the problem is, is when they don't seem to listen to you all the way, it's like you feel like they're trying to force their opinion on you. It's like, this is what I think you should do here. you're like no i told you what to do don't force your sense of style on me i fucking know yep customers right and then my lady was pretty and nice yeah you know she had that shoulder thing that they they massage you with
Starting point is 00:31:59 for a little bit all those things are the best you know so i'm like you know my instinct is to is to want to be nice to her. But then I have all this anger. Yeah. Because she effed up my do. Yeah. You know how it resolved itself? I tipped her nicely and I went out the door without saying a word. That's exactly right.
Starting point is 00:32:17 That's how it goes. You know what? I'll tell you. And it's the worst because I've gotten many a dong cuts because every time I go in, all they do is give you, they go shorter on the sides and then longer on top that's how a haircut's supposed to be i guess ronaldo yeah i don't i don't have ronaldo hair i have poofy hair look terrible but i never say anything i go back if it's the same person i just go all right here we go yeah make it even all around never never it's the worst i hate confrontation though you know sometimes
Starting point is 00:32:47 like i'll see the haircut being good and then the conversation's too good so you know i'm keeping it real yeah and just gets too too too short well that's like whenever we get like hair and makeup for like you know going to like shoot something or a show they always like brush my hair and i'm like thanks you made me look like you now look like a girl like they literally like i look like a girl right now they're like poofing it out i'm like what the fuck is going on i didn't know what to say yeah you looked at me you're like they fucked up my hair and i was like they told in my head i'm like they totally fucked it up but i didn't know what to say to you i was like yeah it's all right no you were honest though okay you got honest you're like yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:33:28 it looks pretty lame i'm like i'm like you know just trying to and then they come out you know if there's like a a cut they're like all right cut and they like come out you know like hey what's going on and i finally i got so upset i was like i don't like it poofy oh you told her that's good i don't like it poofy she's like i was like all right later that's good dude and it comes out weird because you've been thinking it you've been biting the bullet yeah and they're doing so much tinkering you're just like no more yeah on hawaii five oh it was like it was like super hot and muggy and they kept coming out and like i was like i was like i quit poofing it like they would mess with it i go in the bathroom like flatten it out because they like brush it
Starting point is 00:34:11 i'm like why and they go trust me on camera it plays on camera yeah you see it on camera you go this absolutely looks terrible on camera i look like a fucking real exactly dude exactly should i do a mid-read before yeah all right guys i'm interrupting this podcast to let you know once again that we are brought to you by manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed for looking after our hogs for making sure that our dong pieces are looking fresh as fuck because when you step out into the dating scene, when you step out to say what up to your significant other, when you step out to say what up to your dogs in the locker room, you want them to know that you care after your junk, alright? And this goes for ladies too, you know? We all have pubes and I'm not afraid to say it.
Starting point is 00:35:00 So get the Lawn Mower 3.0 and make sure your dong looks like the statue of david you know i'm talking tapered bush dong bush yeah like maybe uh i like this idea you know maybe put like some cool messages in there you know like i don't know like uh what would jesus do or you know like um live strong just like carve that into your pubes they put like a like a freaking um live laugh love yeah live laugh love what are those things called a um no shirt no shoes no service perfect something like that yeah put like a um a maze in there, you know, that people can play games in. A little labyrinth. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Or you can do tic-tac-toe. Ooh. This is all possible with the Lawnmower 3.0. Precise. Absolutely. We've been getting a lot of great emails from people saying how phenomenal the 3.0 is, like what it's been doing for their region
Starting point is 00:36:06 and beyond that, their confidence. So I'm happy to be repped by a good product that's helping people. Yeah, it's awesome. Dude, we're also brought to you by... Oh, wait, I need to do this. Oh, sorry. Use code godeep20 at manscaped.com,
Starting point is 00:36:20 godeep20 to get 20% off your order and just put a spiral on your pubes and hypnotize people. Yeah, a little double helix. DNA is coming out of there anyway, you know what I'm saying? We are also brought to you by our buddy Connor Loffman, who runs a really fun stand-up show in San Diego called Tiger Tiger. And he has another one that I forget the name of but follow him on Instagram he's a great dude and he runs a really good show and then or Thunderbelly right
Starting point is 00:36:49 uh Thunderfest Thunder yeah yeah that might be the other one are you reading off here no okay and then we're also brought to you by the Wine Vault and Bistro that's his wife Alma's restaurant in San Diego. It's really tough to get a table at, but it's supposed to be fire.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Really, really impressive food items over there and a great wine list. And I think it's a really romantic place to bring someone. So if you're looking for a spot like that, that's the place to go. But you better make a reservation because they get packed, bro. I think they're only open like three days out of the week. It's a cool place like that. Oh yeah, straight up V-Times Day coming up. Ooh, I'm fired up for V-Times Day.
Starting point is 00:37:31 That's the thing I like about Los Angeles is that there's a lot of eccentric restaurants, a lot of eccentric places. Like in LA, it's like, bro, you gotta go to this place. It's open two days out of the month for four hours. You can't change your food item orders. They got like three things and it's a four hour out of the month for four hours you can't change your food item orders they got like three things and it's a four-hour line i'm like i gotta go i gotta
Starting point is 00:37:50 go i gotta get the pastrami there and and that's like la has so many places like that and they just don't really make sense but they're the best and i just don't think that you get that in a lot of other places it's character it's nuanced it's part of the deal you're in the city you know you're gonna get mistreated but you're gonna have the best meal you've ever had in your life. Yeah, like at 2 a.m., they open up the kitchen in the back, and they throw out forgotten slices of pizza, and it's the best pizza you've ever had. You're like, I'll be there.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Let's go. 100%. I love restaurants where they make you feel insecure. Totally. Yeah. Delis do that a lot. You know where it does that better than L.A.? Yeah, what are you doing here?
Starting point is 00:38:20 You sit down. Idiot. What do you want to order? Idiot. Dummy. You want to order? No. All right. You guys ready? If you. We want to order. Idiot. Dummy. Oh, you want to order? No. All right.
Starting point is 00:38:27 You guys ready? If you're not ready, oh, you're getting punished 15 extra minutes. Yeah. You get a 15 minute punishment if you're not ready to order. Yeah. Good luck getting refill on water. What are the specials? There's a sign right there.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Oh, yeah. They're written right there. Oh, do you want to make a substitution? Sure. Go ahead. And then they're not writing it down, memorizing in their head. Good luck getting you want to make a substitution? Sure, go ahead. And then they're not writing it down, memorizing in their head. Good luck getting that right.
Starting point is 00:38:49 Kidding me? For sure. Can I get a bagel with tomato and lox? Here's your onions. I only gave you onions. Thank you. Dude, should we call my brother? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:03 He's got a hot take. Let's go. By the way, while you call, Connor Lockman show, Thunderbar Comedy. Thunderbar Comedy. Thunderbar Comedy. Connor's a great dude. He's a great guy. Hey, what's up, dude?
Starting point is 00:39:14 Aaron, is that coming through? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I just need to turn it off. Chris, what up, dude? Good to have you on Back to Back Weeks. What's up? But, dude, you have a different foe this week. It's not Chad. It's Aaron.
Starting point is 00:39:26 Cause I called you to talk about the movie, the last samurai. Cause you had mentioned that you wanted to see something good, like the last samurai and the last podcast. And then you delivered on that. You went and saw the last samurai. And so I told the guys, I was like, Hey, my brother wants to talk about the last samurai. And then Aaron said, I don't like that movie. So the table is set on guard.
Starting point is 00:39:46 Uh, what did you like about it, Aaron? Chris, what up, by the way, my dog? Amped, dude. Strider, what's up, dude? Just chilling, dude. I think the problem is there's too much downtime between some of the action scenes. Like, you want that in a movie, like generally speaking,
Starting point is 00:40:06 but I think there's almost too much and you get, I get bored. Did the romance turn you off? It shouldn't. You didn't like that sense of place in the, I think you need that difference in pace to illustrate the difference in lifestyle that made it so alluring to a man who had spent so long in war. The anachronistic samurai.
Starting point is 00:40:26 See, man, you didn't even need me. JT's got it. But go, baby, go. Chris, tag it. Yeah, no, I mean, some of my favorite moments are him just yelling, Sake! And that stuff, you know, in between the actions. Seems like you're totally right. You know, you need to see him kind of get won over slowly by their ways. And then you got some nice voiceover that he's writing in his journal talking about how he finds them so interesting and what he finds so
Starting point is 00:40:52 beautiful about their culture and how they live their life and then just when they're starting to get it going fucking ninjas come in so like and that's awesome you know then it slows down then tom cruise decapitates someone like i feel like they pace it so well it's a pretty breezy two and a half hours tom cruise said his forearms tripled in size training for that film really yeah that fires me up sorry you gotta love this movie right i i absolutely love last time right i think it's so beautifully shot. My boy, Ken Watanabe. I mean, dude, literally,
Starting point is 00:41:27 when I hang up with one of my brothers, my younger brother, before we end the call, we go, I shall miss this conversation. To quote Ken Watanabe at the end of the movie. Fire. And I think that plays into what Aaron just said. I think the pacing is Tom and Ken Watanabe.
Starting point is 00:41:43 I forget the character's name. Katsumoto. Katsumoto. Katsumoto, legend. Getting to know each other and having these nice conversations, you know, in this beautiful Japanese. I mean, I think visually that movie is amazing. And then the way of the samurai when he's talking to the emperor, who's his enemy at this point, but he still has such loyalty that he says to him, but if you tell me to kill myself right now, I'll do it.
Starting point is 00:42:04 You're like, dude, to have that loyalty to a code i never seen that before after that movie came out i got plastic samurai swords and i would duel my mom yes do a call good guys fired up did you uh did you have good flow like you do now and did you put it into a uh tom cruise style like man bun that he had i tried tried as best I could. Chris, you got me two rubber knives for Christmas so we could fight with him. Yeah, I know. We just got to block off some time.
Starting point is 00:42:35 You had to get it in. Yeah, but the last scene was also got a lot of good, they're not straight action scenes, but you have him getting the crab kicked out of him in the rain. training yeah the training kind of services is a little it's really rousing but it's not like uh it's just him getting whooped on but it's dope what about and then them practicing yeah it's pretty cool what about this it's not like a full fight what's up what about the scene when she puts on the armor i mean yeah i love the understated romance with taka nice dude we saw the gentleman last night the new guy richie movie my main takeaway
Starting point is 00:43:14 jeremy strong bad in it yeah i mean dude that movie looked bad was the movie bad you can just go ahead and see it doesn't get good till the third act, and then it has some energy. But McConaughey is good. Love McConaughey, my boy. Yeah, walking out, JT said it was tedious, and that was a very good description for the first hour and ten minutes. Would you recommend seeing it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:42 I just like seeing movies. It's bad, but it's watchable. Yeah. Somebody asked like what are you what are you saying but it's logical you know yeah yeah like somebody asked me at work like should i go see it i'm like i mean i don't know like what are you gonna see instead of it like if you don't have anything yeah go check it out like what are you gonna do instead of like are you gonna be working on your novel in that case stay home but if you're not working on your novel go check it out check out the gentleman yeah good call does it match up to Snatch in any way no
Starting point is 00:44:06 Chris anything about the Oscars last night before you you hop off I don't know man we were mostly watching The Gentleman I mean looking at
Starting point is 00:44:15 Bong stuff actually do you know what I meant to talk to you about was did you see Adam Sandler's Independent Spirit Award speech oh yeah so good yeah he did
Starting point is 00:44:22 he did the Bobby Boucher voice or something he did like his like yeah but he crushed it dude it was hilarious yeah you know made fun of himself a little bit but also like stuck it to the oscars but didn't seem bitter it was pretty nice it's like five minutes you should totally check it out yeah i thought it was great you know parasite one big that was pretty sweet and all the bong speeches were great yep sounds like he was gonna party really hard i just saw a picture of him at the oscars like pushing two of his oscar statues
Starting point is 00:44:55 together to make it look like they were kissing so i think a kid playing with his gi joes and i was like this guy gets it nice alright dude later boys Aaron it was nice talking to you man I'm really excited to one day put a face to the name yeah cause Chris you were just talking about last night about how much you like Aaron's takes I should mention that yeah I do I always think that you know
Starting point is 00:45:17 you like a lot of the same stuff but when we disagree it never seems like it's coming from a place of negativity you know you're not a hater like a lot of fans can get about stuff so i appreciate that big time yeah you know what and i will give this another watch dude this is a very stoking this is what i'm talking about here is done boys i mean i'm i'm a tom cruise guy so like I'll give anything he does another watch. We should all go see Top Gun together.
Starting point is 00:45:49 We should get a crew of like 50 dudes to see Top Gun and we should all dress up for it. Mustaches, flight suits. Dude, I'm fired up now. I haven't dressed up for a movie in a while. That'd be fun. Yeah, let's do it. I'm Glenn Powell. Alright alright we'll talk soon Chris
Starting point is 00:46:05 love you alright love you too later later dog Glenn Powell that's a good that's a good tap tap by you right there dude
Starting point is 00:46:12 Glenn Powell does it right he's a good dude that's like when you that's like calling backseat window instead of shotgun yep it's like you know
Starting point is 00:46:20 you're not gonna get much heat for it but it's a nice second play cause that's where everyone's going for it once they don't get shotgun. Yeah. And it's like,
Starting point is 00:46:27 nah, did I call a backseat window just being smart? You're not going for the title. You're going for comfort. Yep. You're not reaching for the stars. You're landing on the clouds. Yep. Which are fluffy.
Starting point is 00:46:35 Which one is Glenn Powell? He's the dude from Everybody Wants Some. He's a blonde-haired guy. He's also in a movie that's set up. He's in the new Top Gun. Yeah. I thought you were talking about the old Top Gun. No, no, no. If I was in the new Top Gun. I thought you were talking about the old Top Gun. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:46:45 If I was doing the old Top Gun, I would be Tom Skerritt. Yeah. The old guy? Viper. Viper. I'd be Viper. Hell yeah. I'd be Slider.
Starting point is 00:47:01 He's cool. I used to be able to name all of the call signs. I probably still call them. Fire him up. I used to be able to name all of the call signs. I probably still can't. Hollywood. Fire him up. Don't do that. Okay. We obviously have Maverick and Goose.
Starting point is 00:47:10 Thank you. We have Slider. We have the Iceman, of course. Then you've got Hollywood and Wolfman. Yep. You got Cougar who flamed out. Right. Fuck, I forgot about Cougar.
Starting point is 00:47:25 You got Merlin, who takes Goose's place. Dude, Merlin. Amazing, yeah. Also, Sundown, the only black guy in the movie. Yep. Legend. I thought Merlin was the black guy. No, Merlin is Tim Robbins, who is way too tall to be a fighter pilot.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Yeah. 6'5". It's ridiculous. Way too tall to be a fighter pilot. Yeah. Six five. It's ridiculous. You've got Jester. You got Viper. There's a guy who's, he's basically a featured extra. He, I forget his name. He's married to someone famous too.
Starting point is 00:48:00 But his call sign is Chipper. Whoa. I'm looking at the list right now. I can't believe you got that one. I feel like that's the trip up one. Yeah. And then, and then James Tolkien, the bald guy, Mr. Strickland from back to the future is stinger.
Starting point is 00:48:12 You knew that? Wow. How'd you figure out that guy's call sign? I think it's on his, it might be on his uniform. Was that, do you, and you said, sorry, do you said sundown sundown? Yeah. You got them all. Aaron's a legend, dude.
Starting point is 00:48:26 Good stuff. Oh, except for Charlie. Oh, well, of course, yeah, call sign Charlie. Call sign Charlie. Charlotte Blackwood. Beast. Good stuff, man. Beast, dude.
Starting point is 00:48:36 That just got me fired up. We got to cut that as a clip. Yeah. So people can just get off on it. Jack, can you cut that as a clip love you jack what thank you jack call sign clipper what up chad what up jt maybe strider what up aaron and maybe a fire special guest like keith eckert rip pat tillman yeah we hung out with keith this weekend we were talking about pat tillman he's the greatest beast um keith's the beast i'm writing to you guys today
Starting point is 00:49:04 because i'm living in melancholy times. I live in Palm Springs area, which is frigging beautiful, but I can't seem to find a girlfriend. The field is not that big out here for women compared to somewhere like the LA area. I try not to let it get to me, but it's been a while. I'm on the dating sites with fire picks and I get matches here and there, but it never really leads anywhere. I'm asking for your advice on how to end this drought.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Back in my old days, I used to go to the bar and let loose, but but i am sober now so it's kind of weird for me to hit on girls now thankfully i got my squad to keep my stoke levels raised and keep my mind off of this any advice would be greatly appreciated and bt dubs chad i don't know what ellen is talking about you have a fire tan oh dude thank you so much yes the lawnmower 3.0 is a freakinggin' game changer. That's for sure. Dude, I would say you're crushing it, man. And I don't think you have anything to worry about. You will find a fire GF in time. I mean, there's no rush.
Starting point is 00:49:58 Enjoy your life. Enjoy the time with your squad. I think if you're just focused on the lack of GF, then what you'll get is more lack you know just if you take some time to be grateful for what you do have you know with your your dogs the time you have you live in palm springs you can bronze year-round coachella's nearby you can play golf you can you know sit by a pool you can do a lot of stuff if you focus on that and live your life and enjoy your life maybe you find something that you're working towards like a mission and just keep bettering yourself a lady's gonna walk into your life and you're gonna be like
Starting point is 00:50:35 she's perfect you know but i think when you're like constantly worried about the lack of someone and you're just searching all over the place, it's really, I think it, it's really difficult to find what you're looking for. I think you need to let that person come to you. Fire. I mean, you're in Palm Springs, dude. I get fired up about how well manicured that entire town is. I feel like I'm in the Sims when I'm cruising around out there. Um, also did you got a heavy, uh, geriatric community out there dude i mean i don't know like what your age is or how old you are but dude you cruise into like a early bird special or somewhere out there dude you know you're cruising the links on pga west or something
Starting point is 00:51:14 like that dude might meet a nice older lady out there you know what i'm saying dude so definitely yeah definitely you can get mauled by a coug out there in the desert so you can desert coug so uh just look out for that i don't know if if that's what you're going to do, but everything Chad said is pretty fire, dude. Cougar flamed out. Sorry. Cougar flamed out. Back to town.
Starting point is 00:51:32 No one had his wing. Dude, I love being a cougar cub. Yeah. It's nice. Maurice. Dude, I think you're going to do great. You just got to keep trying and don't, uh, I think sometimes we can get stuck telling ourselves a story. You know, we get convinced of like the worst case scenario of something. And then we just
Starting point is 00:51:55 reinforce that idea in our head over and over again. And, uh, it can sometimes make us believe it's more true than it is. I would just try to disconnect from that and be like, you know, can sometimes make us believe it's more true than it is. I would just try to disconnect from that and be like, you know, every night is a new night and a new me and whatever happens, I'll be all right. And dude, just strike out, just talk to people and say not weird things, but say things that don't feel so comfortable coming out of your mouth,
Starting point is 00:52:21 but you know, are coming from a good place. Like you can just walk up to someone and be like, Hey, do you think people are as connected as they should be? And then they might think you're a weirdo or they might answer you honestly. And then you go from there. And then that person could end up not dating you or you could end up dating that person. But just try to open yourself up
Starting point is 00:52:36 to as many experiences as possible. And then I think good stuff will come out of it. And you'll learn. That's what's up. And the cougar thing has really fired me up. That kind of makes me want to move to Palm Springs and be a pool boy. Oh, yeah. Dude, get a job as a pool boy, dude.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Like the Marriott. Yeah. Dude. That's a fire call, dude. What up, stokers? First off, I want to preface this email by saying you guys are the legends of my week on a recurring basis. I look forward to the pod every single week and it never fails to raise my stoke and help
Starting point is 00:53:04 me crush my work day. With that being said, I'm going through a dilemma that I need some advice from some fellow stokers and maybe the homie strider with his endless relation knowledge. Two months ago, me and my GF of two years broke up and I find myself in a massive predicament. I started seeing another girl and we've been on a few dates and it's going
Starting point is 00:53:18 really well. We both don't want to rush anything, but while I was visiting her last time, she mentioned she was nervous since I just broke up with my longtime gf i don't really think about it until she said something so essentially my question is should i be concerned i'm moving on too quickly our breakup was very mutual considering we lived together and didn't bone the last four months of our relationship any help you legends can give me would be stellar and if you find yourselves in charleston sc hit me up and i'll show you around this beautiful city. Thank you, Big Ferg. My dog. I mean, it sounds like, you know, this dank new potential GF you've been hanging with.
Starting point is 00:53:49 It's just gauging. It feels like she's just testing the waters, dude, seeing if you're, you know, getting committed. It sounds like you guys are having a nice time together, dude. And hopefully you're boning at a better clip than zero times per four months. But, you know, sounds like you are. And I just got to say, like, yeah, it seems like she's just checking in for maybe a little reassurance, dude. Maybe you just got to give her that and be like,
Starting point is 00:54:08 and the fact that you wrote this question maybe makes me think that, I don't know, are you fully past your ex-GF? And you want to make sure that hopefully you are. And if not, just be honest with this new lady that you've been hanging out with. But yeah, it sounds like if she brought it up and you didn't bring it up,
Starting point is 00:54:23 or I don't know, maybe there's something you're doing with your energies or the way you're talking maybe there's something you're doing with, like, your energies or the way you're talking that's, you know, I'm not addressing the email or something. But from what I've heard in this email, it doesn't sound like you were hung up or anything like that. So just let her know. Give her the reassurance. No, you're my main, you're who I want to be with, you know.
Starting point is 00:54:41 Just be honest and straight up if that's what you're feeling. Yeah, that's dang. Yeah, and I think, yeah to be with, you know? Just be honest and straight up if that's what you're feeling. Yeah, that's dang. Yeah, and I think, yeah, be honest, man. I mean, you know, I think come from a place of empathy, be like, look, I understand how you could potentially be worried in this situation. I did come off, well, yeah, I did come off a long-term relationship. And so, but I can just just i think to be honest but i can assure you it was very it was a mutual breakup and um i really don't have any feelings for her anymore and you know
Starting point is 00:55:15 i like going on dates with you and i like eating steak with you potentially i don't know what your your diet is but i just assume you called yourself big ferg so you know i just assume you like to eat steak um so yeah that's that's my piece yeah dude i like that like coming out of being like no i know where you're coming from yeah that might freak me out too because i think that'll show the person that you're you're at least thinking about their point of view in like a empathetic way yeah and then dude i mean what's too fast you You know? Some people move fast. Some people move slow. I think, you know, you should always be pushing yourself a little bit.
Starting point is 00:55:50 You should be, you know, when relationships are new, there's always a little discomfort. So you have to kind of, you know, not lean into it, but sit in it. And she's probably just feeling that a little bit, that discomfort. So you just gotta assure her and, you know, there's no rush but you
Starting point is 00:56:05 know there's also no reason to to slow down at this point just keep chugging keep plugging along go on some more dates keep talking about stuff learn how to communicate with one another share a fire kiss a couple glasses of wine find a big blanket yep Yep. Snubble, double, double. Watch some Dawson's Creek. Yes. Watch the episode where Joey and Pacey first make love. On a ski trip, I think it was. And then when the episode ends, don't say anything for five minutes.
Starting point is 00:56:41 Just sit in it. Yep, just sit in it. Season three. If it rains, get out in the rain and suck face oh that's a good call yeah put your arms in the air and your your head back and just feel the rain on your skin no one else can do feel the rain on your skin no one else can deal it over you. Only you can let it in. No one else, no one else can speak the words on your lips. Treat yourself with words unspoken. Live your life with arms wide open. Today is where our booth begins.
Starting point is 00:57:17 The rest is still unwritten. The rest is still unwritten, my friend. Dude, thank you for letting me have that one little thing. I was out, dude. I was out. Oh, you were? Yeah. we didn't let anything happen yeah you you created that magic dude you king arthur yeah the sword came out of the stone correct you had the pure hand pure soul for that for that moment dude dude aaron what do you think i mean i'd sign you guys as a guy group. Oh, thank you. You know about that right now?
Starting point is 00:57:46 Yeah. Thank you, too. Dear Chad and JT, what up? I'm super nervous even to send you this message. I don't want to mess up your flow, but I need your sage words. Like you guys, I'm looking for love, kindred spirits, and a raging good time. I thought I found the perfect place for all this when I decided to follow a girl I used to know from high school a few hours north of my homeland. It was a super chill idea when I had it, but subsequent raging has landed me back in Pallet Town.
Starting point is 00:58:10 Did he move somewhere for her? Yeah. And then here's the story. To signify our undying love in future children, I bought two baby bro ducks. Mac Miller and John McCain were angels who deserved nothing but the best. But after one week in my basement sleeping room complex, I realized these conditions were unsuitable for raising my little cherubs.
Starting point is 00:58:28 I took the ducks and set homeward to tell my family about my premature fatherhood and beg for their help in sheltering my ducks. When I got back, my parents weren't home where I left them. So after gradually placing my ducks into the straw-laden whelping pen we set up for my dogs seven years ago, I decided to get my phone fixed.
Starting point is 00:58:44 On my way back, I was struck down. My venerable Corolla's engine stalled on the streets. To make matters worse, I was picked up by the police on an unresolved warrant. Unbeknownst to me, my parents, it turns out, were at their cabin and would be unable to find a tend to my ducklings in their fragile state. Finally, when I was in jail, my basement had a flood of epic proportions, which killed my fledglings i'm devastated by my loss and even more so the cosmic repercussions this could have on my life and ability to actually father children to father actual children looking for advice on how to move on and starting a new thank you guys love you i mean my dog usually we're saying you know advice for the last dude i think big ferg
Starting point is 00:59:24 you know maybe it was make yourself a little uncomfortable you know advice for the last dude i think big ferg you know maybe was make yourself a little uncomfortable you know push the edge a little bit that's for a lot of us who are like more uptight i think before our dog here and i don't want to come down hard but like the decision making process is going along and the links that you're having in your own dome are not correlated to any sort of like baseline understanding of like a very grounded reality i think like he needs to really assess uh decision making and like um this like purchasing these ducks to prove that you can be a father to a girl that i don't know if you've talked to sounds like you're spending a lot of time in your own dome maybe you might want to be very impulsive yeah very
Starting point is 01:00:02 impulsive you got to talk to someone i You're being very impulsive. Yeah, very impulsive. You got to talk to someone, I think, maybe professionally. And then if you're following this girl, do not do that if she doesn't know about it. And then, yeah, man, you know, wrap up any warrants and, you know, communicate with the parents. But I think, yeah, I would definitely talk to some pros. Yeah, I don't think it's time for you to have kids i think it's time for you to uh to grow up and uh you know i don't say this from a superior position i need to do the same but uh you know this is a good lesson for you and i'm sorry that it had to end the way it did i feel terrible for the ducks um but yeah you need to like Strider was saying, really think about things in a like
Starting point is 01:00:45 three dimensional way, you know, and think about how each choice, what the ramifications of that choice could be. And then, uh, yeah, just try to be a bit more, uh, compassionately strategic. And then I think, uh, and you have it in you because, because you feel bad and you know that something was wrong and what happened and so think about what that was and then move forward in a better direction yeah man i i concur with uh my dog strider and jt i mean you've got a long life ahead of you and there's no reason to try and rush into these big life decisions you know take some time to sit and think um and you know if you're having trouble with the boozing
Starting point is 01:01:34 or the raging you know i certainly have had my troubles i mean best thing i ever did was quit drinking for a while and i you know it gave me clarity of mind so if that's an issue i would uh you know um put the booze down sit think and uh lay the foundations for good life so that you can actually become a good father in the future and have a stable life um because inner peace is the dankest thing out there yeah for sure the dankest and you sound like a very sweet guy it sounds like everything you're doing is well intended and that's intended and that's good um maybe you just need a little bit of structure i don't know what what this uh warrant is i was like when i was here in the first like first uh when jesus was like halfway through it i was like oh i was here in the first like first uh when jesus was like halfway
Starting point is 01:02:25 through it i was like oh you should join like the army or something like that or get get some structure in your life if you can do that i don't know sometimes they're strict about law breaking in the past and that's a bummer uh maybe dude trade school don't don't go to sleep on that dude because skills are big time and it sounds like you're a dude who likes to get you know you got some ducks you're a dude who wants to get, you know, you got some ducks. You're a dude who wants to get involved in something, you know, use your hands, do some honest work, and I think some good structure could be nice. Electrician, something like that.
Starting point is 01:02:54 And you can make freaking straight up bank doing that down the road, so. Dear Chad and JT, what up, Stokers? I'm currently a junior in high school. Prom season is coming up, and there's a girl I sit next to in chemistry class who I want to ask. The only problem is we haven't really talked much before. How should I play it? From your fellow stoker, Dylan. Dude, start talking to her. Yeah, dude, start talking.
Starting point is 01:03:13 Let me hit you with some chemistry, dude. For every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction, dude. You start talking, she starts talking back. That's what's up, dude. Then you get lucky. I mean, maybe you're a junior in high school i don't know i was gonna make this leads to a little biology joke but maybe you've refrained from that play it safe be yourself you know respect the ladies but uh yeah my dog get out there step up to the plate start doing it if you take an l you've lived life you get busy living or you get busy dying you know who said that to me jt my dog oh really exactly right yeah i was fired up on that quote thank you yeah that's awesome um uh i forgot what the question was for a second he wants
Starting point is 01:03:54 to ask a girl to prom but they haven't talked i got it uh thank you um yeah dude just talk to her say what up um you know i mean you got to break that ice at some point just say what up you know be like oh i like your book um because once you break that ice then you keep building on that you build report michael rapaport and then you you know next thing you know you just say hey look i want to go to prom And if you build that rapport with her and then you just come at her super confident, you know, just like I know what I want and what I want is you at prom with me. I mean, you know, I can't promise she'll say yes, but I think it's pretty likely. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:04:41 And if you want to keep the streak going, dude, maybe, you know, you live on the edge a little bit, don't talk to her and just ask her with a straight-up poster board, dude. Don't even use words. What up? Let's go to prom, dude. Let's do this. Like, in a cool way, like in Laguna Beach when Steven asks to go to the prom,
Starting point is 01:04:55 they put her over that bridge, dude. Yeah. It's fire. Fire. Dude, I've been crushing The Bachelor lately. I want to watch it bad. Isn't it good? It's so good.
Starting point is 01:05:04 It's so good. I so good i mean how many seasons has that been on like 16 or 17 yeah dude we were talking more i guess i just think it's been more because they also do the bachelorette oh right there's been like oh yeah and then there's bachelor in paradise so it's like is this never year round i think it's a year-round industry yeah that's hilarious yeah beast he's like look he's like to this one girl he's like look i need to know if you're if you're into this because this process works it works i know it i have full faith in it it works all right so i need to know that you're fully committed to me and that you're into this because if not what are we doing? Yeah. It's like the Stanford prison experiment of romance.
Starting point is 01:05:46 Dude, that's what it is. People adopt into the roles so quickly. Dude, if I would be on The Bachelor, you'd be like, Hey, Victoria, can I get some one-on-one time with you? And all the guys are like, Oh, dude. And you're just like, Later, dudes. I don't know. like, oh, dude. And you're just like, later, dudes. I don't know. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:06:08 No, dude. I'm trying to follow this up. I don't watch much Bachelor, dude. Dude, if I... That's not making sense. I kind of didn't get it. Love doesn't make sense. Did you get it?
Starting point is 01:06:20 No, no. I don't watch much Bachelor. But the first one that you did, I 100% got it. Okay, okay, okay. And I was tracking. Sorry, I got carried away. I got carried away. No, you got I don't watch much of Ashley. But the first one that you did, I 100% got it. Okay, okay, yeah. And I was tracking. Sorry, I got carried away. No, you gotta get carried away.
Starting point is 01:06:29 I was like, they get it. They're on board. But you weren't on board. I fucked up. You finished up big time. And we were both just like. No, I saw the reactions. I was like, oh.
Starting point is 01:06:39 I'm gonna go home. But it's created this nice Stoke-induced moment. Yeah, I think that was nice. Hey, JT and Chad and all other presidents. I hope you're having a great day with some high UV rays shining. First off, I just wanted to share an absolute beauty of a moment. I'm a freshman at the University of San Diego. Is it Toreros?
Starting point is 01:06:55 Toreros. And the first night of school, my roommate and I were just hanging out, taking pulls from a bottle, having a classic bonding time. Then somehow we got on the topic of podcasts, and we realized we're both Stokers. We were so amped and had a massive dap up for that and i knew we were in for a wild ride i know he'll be listening what's up thomas you kook just wanted to thank you gents for the great moment and all the advice and laughs that are shared on this podcast anyways on to the deal i've been talking
Starting point is 01:07:16 to this girl for three months at this point we've only sucked tongues even that took a while to get to i met her at a party and felt a special feeling about her nothing unfolded from that night i. I DM'd her the following Monday and got her snap. We chatted for a couple weeks until we had the availability to hang out. She told me she wasn't an easy hookup. Totally okay with that. She's a dime and a good time to be around. We both party hard and are flirtatious people. A dangerous mix, but when we came together, we were totally chilled and chatted in my bed for three hours. She kissed me on the cheek. Brutal. I was so confused. I couldn't understand that. Then the following night, she came over again. Same deal. Talking. I was so confused. I couldn't understand that. Then the following night she came over again. Same deal.
Starting point is 01:07:45 Talking. Deep talking for hours. I go in for the kiss. Bam. She moves. She says she wants me to completely understand her. So she lays everything out on the table for me. How she feels and expectations.
Starting point is 01:07:54 She was concerned about her reputation amongst her peers. The school isn't that big. 9K undergrads. I look deep into her eyes and say, you need to stop caring what other people think of you so much and do what the fuck you want to do. She grabs my face and starts the making out with me. No boning though. We haven't hooked up since. It was before break. Then finals.
Starting point is 01:08:12 We have been talking for the past three months since then. Daily conversations, the whole shit. We just got back to school and she texts me. She got the idea that I wanted to be exclusive with her, but that's not at all the case. I mean, we haven't even boned. She talked to my best female friend and informed me that she really likes me. Thinks I'm super chill and cute.
Starting point is 01:08:29 All really good things, which makes me feel great. But she wants to pocket me to date in two years once we are juniors. That is really difficult for me to comprehend. Yeah, it's insane. What? It's insane. I'm going to date you in two years? What?
Starting point is 01:08:44 It's narrative. The hip pocket. I'm going to date you in two years? What? I like it. I've never been in a relationship before, but I do connect incredibly with this girl. I feel you, brother. I want to ask for help on how to navigate this because she's a sorority girl and I'll be a frat guy and we'll be constantly seeing each other and flirting with others. In the meantime, I need to seal this deal. It has been driving me nuts.
Starting point is 01:09:02 I need to get that nut off. She is bad. Dude, this is the best thing I've ever heard, dude. I like how he vacillates. 100%. Dude, the whole line he got, he was trying to like, in his head he sounded like a nice guy. Fuck it. Don't worry about judgment.
Starting point is 01:09:21 Do what you want to do, which is hopefully me right now in this bed, please. Fuck me. Who cares that anyone thinks it's like, dude, I mean, this guy, dude, hilariously written. There's more. Oh, there's more. What do you suggest I do in regarding to hooking up with her, but then also keeping alive this kinetic bond we have while pursuing others? Or should I just get the hook up and completely move on?
Starting point is 01:09:40 I've never been stuck on someone like this. I've been blessed with a handsome set of jeans And love talking to every pretty girl I meet Neither of us want a relationship right now Though I really do think I could see myself with this girl Later on for the long term Thank you gentlemen for your wise insight Really generally appreciate it Thank you dude
Starting point is 01:09:54 Dude this is what it's like to be in a hot dude's head We just figured it out He needs to date her dude Him and this girl are meant to be together I can tell Dude I mean look Dude ask her to marry you You should marry
Starting point is 01:10:05 this girl he's a freshman yeah dude everything i'm reading is dude i like this girl but i'm so fucking horny but dude the thing is like this girl's really nice but i'm super fucking horny and i'm gonna be horny for at least two more years dude and uh i mean it's like dude sounds like she wants to date she told you she's not gonna be easy to hook up because she wants to date and she and and you're a dude and that's totally fine if you're honest with it. If you do just want to hook up, that's chill. And maybe you're thinking, you've even said it yourself, down the road we could date, but she'd want to date you now.
Starting point is 01:10:35 You don't go taking a Porsche out. You don't buy a Porsche, take it back to the dealership, and say, I want to buy this in two years. No, dude, as soon as you drive it off the lot. Isn't that what she said, though? She wants to date in two years now dude as soon as you drive it off the lot is that what she said though she wants a date in two years yeah but then later in the email that that was gold him creating that narrative that was out of nowhere yeah but i think that's what she told him though oh she did say i want to date you in two years yeah that's gold yeah yeah see this is that's confusing that that well confusing. I love the chemistry they have.
Starting point is 01:11:06 Same. I think set the two-year date, you know, put it on your calendar. Be like, I will date this girl in two years. And in the meantime, you know, keep having this bond. I mean, my dog, you're living in San Diego. Yeah. And you're having a crazy romance. Just keep doing what you're doing.
Starting point is 01:11:25 Yeah, I don't see any reason to change anything yeah maybe corral the horniness a little bit but good luck with that yeah here's what I do recommend you keep updating us on the shenanigans between you I did want to say that yeah please let us know what happens that is true but I love that moment like do what the fuck you want to do yeah yeah dude which was so, please make out with me and bum me right now. I pictured him like sitting on his motorcycle out in the parking lot. He's like, but I'm worried about everything. And he like throws his cigarette on the ground. He's like, fuck everybody.
Starting point is 01:11:56 And then he just turns his motorcycle on and rides away. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, man. That was crazy stuff. What up, council? So I find myself in a bit of a situation. I've been talking on and off with this lady for a couple of months now.
Starting point is 01:12:08 We went out for our first date last week. We saw The Gentleman, Guy Ritchie's latest film. It was so fire and a perfect date movie. She's gorgeous, smart, and really funny. Super sweet, right? Before the date, she told me she was actually non-monogamous, seeing multiple people, and I thought that was cool, you know? I appreciate her expressing her independence and getting after it.
Starting point is 01:12:23 I don't really have time for a relation anyways. On the date, I could tell there was a connection, but I didn't invite her back to my place. Fast forward a week to last night. I'm asking her what her plans are for the weekend, hoping to squeeze a nice bone sesh, but instead she invites me to a swingers party that she's going to with another guy. Maybe I'm traditional, but this isn't exactly my ideal second date. Am I looking at this all wrong? Should I just move on, or should I try and find a partner of my own for this swingers party?
Starting point is 01:12:45 Love the pod. Love you guys. Love Aaron. Boom clap. Dude, be a bro. Go to the swingers party and bring a friend. This is the other guy's older brother. This really is, dude.
Starting point is 01:12:55 That's hilarious. This is like in five years. Dude, I say go to New York City, buy a cape with a hood. Yes. Buy a mask. Yes. And hit the swingers party.immers offer yourself up as tribute what is she saying that i offer myself as this tribute i think not true i forget oh yeah dude get yourself
Starting point is 01:13:14 a nice cape dude go in there with a nice family the opera costume yeah just do it right or go get a wand go with maximus from gladiator oh great call dude you know that nice cool spiky helmet he's got yeah and dude if they have a swinger name your swinger name is spaniard yeah the spaniard okay and also dude if you don't feel like going to the swinger party i wouldn't judge yourself as being like too square i think a lot of people fall on that side of the line yeah dude i wouldn't want to go yeah no no No, no, no. No, dude, I was, dude, I would not want to have a threesome. I don't think I would be able
Starting point is 01:13:48 to get hard. Yeah. I think I'd be like, I need intimacy with one person. I need them to accept me. I can't, how am I going to manage that with two people
Starting point is 01:13:55 at the same time? Yeah, I don't think I'm secure enough for a threesome. Like, in that sexual, that sexual confidence, I mean, I mean,
Starting point is 01:14:02 I think I can, you know, do my thing, but with two people, I just don't see it. I can give I mean, I think I can, you know, do my thing, but with two people, I just don't see it. I can give them shoulder massages while they kiss. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:11 I'm down. I mean, I have to grow a goatee to do it. Yeah. For sure. Yeah. You definitely need one of these old flavor savers. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:18 All right. Last question. What up, Chad and my fellow JT? I know you guys get a lot of breakup questions, so sorry for asking another one. No worries, my dog.
Starting point is 01:14:24 My long-term girlfriend broke up with me over a month ago, and it's been a really difficult time. We were long distance for a lot of our relationship because of college. We had the same level of love, respect, and admiration for each other. However, the distance was too difficult, and she felt like she needed to find herself, so she broke it off. Since both her and I are young and relatively unsure of what we want
Starting point is 01:14:40 out of lives, we are uncertain if our paths will cross again or if we might date in the future. This is hard for me to swallow because i really thought i was going to marry her do you just have any advice regarding how to move on with my life and not wait for it but still stay open to a possible reconnect also second question should i ask her to delete my nudes from her phone it's not like i don't trust her or anything but it bothers me a bit knowing that someone who isn't my girlfriend has the most intimate vulnerable pics of me thank you dude so much for the advice and putting out such a positive podcast i think i found you guys at the right time in my life at a point where i
Starting point is 01:15:06 have been most receptive to the wisdom that you two impart oh thank you so much chad and jt you guys are both incredibly special people keep spreading stoke thank you thank you thank you um that goes to strider of course as well oh for sure you guys legends uh yeah i think it's totally okay to ask them to delete nude photos of you i think i think if they a good part, I mean, that's a good barometer to know if you should date them in the future is how they respond to that. So yeah, I would totally be like, yo, I don't want that stuff just floating around out there. I don't regret sending them to you, but I just don't want them floating around. So please delete them.
Starting point is 01:15:41 Yeah. And that's, I think that's the least they can do. 100%. And dude, as far as you know all this stuff of keeping the window open and the possibility and all of that you can't control all the windows the only way you would be doing that is blocking yourself off from finding more relationships in the hopes that this one lasts i think you got to move forward dog life rolls forward you know what i'm saying oh it's it's a lady. You either let her know, oh, this is a lady. Sorry, sorry, sorry.
Starting point is 01:16:06 Yeah, I mean, yeah, this works for guys and girls. You keep moving forward. You keep yourself open to meeting somebody new. And if this person's meant to come back into your life, if this guy's meant to come back into your life, then you know what? You just live organically and it will happen. you know what, just live organically and it will happen. You know, you don't want to subconsciously shut yourself down or block yourself off from meeting new people and having nice positive life experiences.
Starting point is 01:16:30 You know, don't be beating yourself up or blocking yourself off from any joy that could come from someone new. So, yeah, I think that's, and you can't control, like, how this person's life is going to go or who they date. So just go out and, you know, when the time is ready, you know, when emotional, when the time is ready you know when emotional when you feel emotionally ready go out there and uh you know get out in the field you know what i'm saying and yeah as far as the nudes go 100 you can ask and that and this guy should delete
Starting point is 01:16:57 them for sure if he already hasn't yeah i definitely agree mean, there's no, I totally recommend asking him. I mean, for sure. And also, yeah, I think, you know, I understand where you're coming from. I know how painful it is. And I mean, breakups are the worst, man, or lady. I know. But I think this is a time to invest in you. You know, live your life. Have fun.
Starting point is 01:17:27 Do things that you like to do. Indulge in your activities, your passions. You know, if there's something that you're really interested in, keep developing that. Keep developing yourself. You know, read cool books. Watch cool documentaries. Watch cool movies.
Starting point is 01:17:40 And, you know, just keep developing yourself physically, mentally. You know, however it is you like to, you know, just keep developing yourself physically, mentally, you know, however it is you like to, you know, so that when you enter conversations, when you get back out there, you know, you're excited that you have stuff to say in conversation, and you're just fired up on life in general, so you don't need a partner to validate you in any way. Not that I'm saying that that's how you are but you know it's like if you keep just living your life i mean the right person's gonna come along yeah and you did distance for so long they were in distance for so long yeah it might be nice to
Starting point is 01:18:14 to be in the immediate yeah i think it's nice this is a welcome change chad what is your beef of the week uh my beef of the week is a dude with sign do you know this guy yeah the instagram guy yeah normally he says cool stuff but i gotta i gotta beef with him this week because he had a sign that said stop making fast and furious movies whoa you know what dude sign wrong call on this one my dog all right and because of that i'm not i'm really starting i'm really starting to not appreciate your your sarcastic quips okay and and these you know whatever it is you're trying to say because when you start attacking the fast franchise what's next you know we gotta start coming in and saying hey dude that
Starting point is 01:19:05 was not a cool sign um although i respect what you're doing but you really ticked me off at this one because um i don't think that's the general i think these signs are basically you're stating what the general population thinks and i don't think that's what the general population thinks i think the general population thinks make these movies bigger better and more absurd okay yeah i think that's proven in the box office for sure so do a sign i respect what you do i've enjoyed your content but you really ticked me off this time and i had to say it so love it yeah what's your beef my beef of the week is a historical one it's a charlie chaplin and adolf hitler so charlie chaplin made the movie the great dictator which was lampooning hitler and has a brilliant speech at the end that's been put to some beautiful images on youtube
Starting point is 01:19:56 i'll definitely check that out stokers and uh i guess what charlie chaplin didn't know was that hitler was a pretty big fan of his and And Hitler's feelings were really hurt when The Great Dictator came out that his favorite comedian thought he was such a douche. So I just think that's a, you know, classic thing where, you know, you love an artist and it just turns out that they don't dig you. It's like Radiohead and Coldplay are kind of like that, too. Yeah. Yeah. But but you know neither of them is like Hitler Strider
Starting point is 01:20:30 Hitler had his feelings hurt yeah I don't like this man Charlie could you tone it down a bit it's kind of a little vicious in the third act you really treat me like a dick and I've never been anything but nice to you. I don't gesticulate like that, Charlie. It's a little
Starting point is 01:20:48 too vigorous the way you're doing that. It's not quite accurate, I don't think. He's sitting with Goebbels. Turn it off. Turn it off. That's okay. You can keep watching if you like. I'm quite going to go to the other room. I'm going to go to the other room. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:21:03 Goebbels, turn it off now. I don't care go to the other room. I'm sorry. Turn it off now. I don't care what Charlie does. Fuck Charlie. I'm going to play cello. Strider, who's your beef of the week? My beef of the week is with dudes who don't have the...
Starting point is 01:21:19 This is kind of a tough thing for me. I'm being a little harsh by doing this. But dudes that don't have the right balance of um when you're like watching a game and they're watching the game but they're talking to you too much and asking too many questions and like other subjects it's kind of an art form when you're watching games with with some bros and you know i recently went out with uh you know my gf to watch a game and a few of her friends and stuff and everyone there was very nice very very nice and one did very very nice very very nice but we're watching the game and i'm getting i'm getting too much
Starting point is 01:21:55 backstory i'm just chilling look maybe i was a little grumpy maybe i was a little hungry to be honest my g and f we're gonna go get we're gonna go get some dank burritos at hugo's after the game finished so we weren't gonna um, you know, eat right there. Maybe had I eaten, put a little something in my tum-tum, I would have been a little less grumpy. So I might've been grumpy, but just having that balance of watching games or whatever activity you're doing and where the conversation's at.
Starting point is 01:22:17 So it's a nuanced beef of the week. I get that. Maybe it's on me more. I need to hear some examples. Can you go in? Yeah. I mean, look, we're watching basketball. And the dude that I was watching with maybe hadn't on me more. I need to hear some examples. Can you go in? Yeah, I mean, look, we're watching basketball. And the dude that I was watching with
Starting point is 01:22:28 maybe hadn't played many sports, and he's like, oh, man, yeah, yeah. Basketball, like, I play tennis three times a week. And I'm like, I don't want to be hearing about your tennis schedule. It's not your main. Exactly right. It's just not.
Starting point is 01:22:40 I'm like, and look, I'll talk tennis with you anytime, but right now, dude, honestly, and quite frankly, dude, we were in the fourth quarter dude and it wasn't too close of a game had it been a close game i would have been able to be like i could have come in and be like oh whoa dude look what um mickle lebron just did right there you know whoa i can't believe that and then that takes my attention out but even if i did that the dude would bring the subject back in you know what i mean if i if i did that's like if someone's like, Oh, I've been to Zurich. And then you're like,
Starting point is 01:23:06 Oh, you've been to Zurich. Oh, that's crazy. I've been to Tallahassee. Yeah. And you'd be like, cool,
Starting point is 01:23:13 cool. What's your Tallahassee story? What did you meet somebody who's like, no, no, I know. But I mean, it was like,
Starting point is 01:23:18 then, then in my domain, I'd be like, what is, do you meet a Swiss dude in Tallahassee? What's going on? There's none of that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:23 You do lose your Swiss army knife in Tallahassee. Yeah. You got to really come Army knife in Tallahassee? Yeah. You got to really come out with a hyper interesting story. I got invited to a swingers party this weekend and I'm going to go. What do you think about that? I've been dating this girl for two weeks now. It's the second date. Swingers party.
Starting point is 01:23:37 Then I'm like, all right, I've got the game to vote anyway. What's going on, dude? Let's talk about it. You know? But hearing about your doubles schedule, dude? Your doubles schedule? When I'm trying to watch LeBron check at home against the G State Warriors? No.
Starting point is 01:23:56 Chad, what's your babe of the week? My babe of the week? Oh, it's Lieutenant Colonel Kilgore. Oh, yeah. Watched Apocalypse Now last week. Dude colonel kilgore oh yeah i watched apocalypse now last week dude lieutenant kilgore's the man if you guys don't know he's a robert duvall played by robert duvall he's the guy who's like napalm love the smell of napalm in the morning smells like victory and then he's uh there's this guy i think his name is uh lance i don't know if it's a lance
Starting point is 01:24:27 or he's the surfer oh he's like he's like the best sir he's from south bay which is cool like oh this guy that guy's from the south bay he's the best surfer in the south bay and i'm like what pv nice uh and uh and he's just like he's like so he's gone so insane from war that he's like not worried at all about getting killed. And I love it. I love it. It's the most entertaining thing I think I've seen in a while. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:51 It's a great scene. Yeah. I got to give a shout out to Lieutenant Colonel Kilgore for entertaining me in that movie. I heard there's tons of extra footage of scenes they shot with him. And, oh, so there's, so one of the guys so apparently there's one deleted scene where so he he's like he like he's like we're gonna go do this battle at this one point at this one place in vietnam because it has an amazing surf break so the guy can surf and apparently there's a deleted scene where like he brings these surfboards and one of the soldiers
Starting point is 01:25:21 steals the surfboard so he's just circling in a helicopter looking for the surfboard. Oh, that's awesome. He's like, where's my surfboard? That's hilarious. So I don't know if that's going to make sense to the Stokers, but I tried. Dude, you got to watch Heart of Darkness too. It's the behind the scenes. Oh, yeah. I heard that's great. Yeah, it's crazy. He almost killed himself making that movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:40 So check out Apocalypse Now, guys. Self-financed and shit. Shredder, who's your babe of the week? Dude, my babe of the week's got to be my GF. Because she recently, you know, V-Times Day is coming up, and we've been taking some trips. And we've been dating a long time now, and she finally named my dong.
Starting point is 01:26:00 And I'm happy to announce its name is Gavin Leatherwood. Nice, dude. Yeah. So we're fired up because we've been... That's a great name. He's actually, I'd say, a reoccurring role on The Chilling Tales of Sabrina. He plays Nick Scratch, and he's a hot dude.
Starting point is 01:26:19 That's a real guy's name? It's a real guy's name. What a name. He's a solid actor, yeah. Gavin Leatherwood. It just sounds like a dong name. You know what I mean? So it's fire.
Starting point is 01:26:29 Sounds like a fullback from like the 50s. 100%, dude. Putting on those leather caps, getting in there, just hard-nosed football in your face, getting it done. And yeah, that's maybe the type of love I make. Well, I'm proud to know gavin leatherwood thank you for sure would you say it's fitting having known me and you've seen my dog absolutely yeah right away it makes sense it's like when uh dirk digler comes up with his name and you just
Starting point is 01:26:55 see the lights exploding it just works yeah it cuts glass dude yeah when my gf said it i was like it felt so nice it felt right at home it felt like an old sweatshirt did you ever have a name for your dog no i never had a name oh really no i never called my dong anything or just looked up what a little dude do you feel anything in your dong when she said it i definitely did feel a surge of energy no it's a nice surge of energy straight through my baby the week is uh my mom's bf greg nice dude he Dude, he's a beast. I love the guy. Some of the best energy in the world. Always positive.
Starting point is 01:27:30 A real stoke master. Like, he's always trying to raise stoke, and I appreciate that. He raises stoke in my mom, which I extra appreciate. And he raises stoke in me. I was, like, super bummed out there for a while, and he was so warm and receptive to my feelings and, you know, treating me like one of his own.
Starting point is 01:27:44 It means a lot. And, yeah, it's long overd one of his own it means a lot. It's long overdue. Greg, you're a beast. I love you, dog. Thank you for just being a great guy. That's awesome. He's a great guy. He's always stoked. He always has the biggest smile on his face.
Starting point is 01:28:00 Every time you see him, he's just like, what's up? What are we doing? I asked him one time, have you ever felt have you ever felt like awkward in a situation? He's like, no. Love it. Let's go, dude. That's awesome. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:11 Chad, who's your legend of the week? My legend of the week is Harrison Ford. Nice, dude. Yeah. I mean, long overdue. Maybe I've done before, but you know, he could go every week. I mean, the movie star of movie stars. I mean, you watch him and he just has it.
Starting point is 01:28:28 Yeah. I love watching him. I love Indiana Jones. I love Star Wars. I love Air Force One. I love What Lies Beneath. I watched Blade Runner this weekend. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:37 Did you watch the new cut? The final cut, yeah. Is it worth watching? Are there a lot of different scenes? I haven't seen any other cuts, so I would say, yeah. Fuck yeah. Fire. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:48 Sorry to interrupt. No, no, I love it. But, I mean, his charisma is just off the charts. I mean, you just watch him. He doesn't have to say anything, you know. He's just so cool, and I love watching guys like that. You know, him, Brad Pitt. I mean, they just inspire me to just get out there and live my life and have fun.
Starting point is 01:29:09 It's a special trait in a human being that I don't know where it comes from, but maybe it comes from naming your dong. It would be fire if that's where it came from. Yeah, I don't know. Prepare to be inspired. I guess my former's dong name used to be probably Hand Solo. Because Mammoth Development is the name of my dong. prepare to be inspired guess my my former's dong name used to be probably hand solo mammoth development is the name of my dong what's that's awesome dude yeah thank you dude um
Starting point is 01:29:35 so yeah give a shout out to harrison ford you're a beast he also loves the amazon which i respect and uh he's like uh i forget the quotes from that speech do you remember any of the quotes from it no but it's funny watching him because you're like oh he needed an extra take for this yeah yeah here's the great line where he's like your house is on fire you wouldn't just let it be on fire our house is burning yeah and he delivers it with fire yeah yeah and dude in wyoming he flies rescue missions when like the park rangers and stuff don't have the resources he'll fly up into the mountains and like
Starting point is 01:30:10 rescue like a abandoned hitch abandoned hiker that's exactly what he'd be doing because he has that put upon personality where he's like alright I guess here we go is there anything cooler than that? it's the best
Starting point is 01:30:24 just like a reluctant obligation answers the call like fuck they need me again right when I was ready to relax I gotta go save somebody he landed his airplane on like some golf course in Santa Monica cause it was like an engine blew out or something and he's like
Starting point is 01:30:42 fuck it I gotta land on this G course love that oh yeah I remember one time when I was a kid I was watching an engine blew out or something. He's like, fuck it, I gotta land on this G course. Love that. Oh yeah, I remember one time when I was a kid, I was watching Air Force One with my mom, and he's like, get off my plane! One of the best all-time finishing lines. Great line. And my mom was like, oh, he is so cool.
Starting point is 01:30:57 And I was like, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. American Graffiti, young Harrison Ford. Oh, dang. Small bit part. It was George Lucas it was before Star Wars he's a freaking legend in that movie
Starting point is 01:31:08 he's just this drag racer dude he's cruising around just being a badass I like when he's talking about when he talked about how he was trying to make it in Hollywood
Starting point is 01:31:17 because he didn't make it until like mid 30's really he's like you know I was just on the bus and I'm like you know what I just gotta outlast
Starting point is 01:31:24 everyone here that's the dude that's the truth persepare yeah he's right yeah last man standing He's like, you know, I was just on the bus, and I'm like, you know what? I just got to outlast everyone here. Dude, that's the truth. Just persevere. I think that is right. Yeah. Last man standing. Not growing angry or malcontent. Yeah, don't get bitter.
Starting point is 01:31:32 Yeah. Yeah, that bitterness doesn't serve anybody. Yeah. People don't like to hear it. Strider, who's your legend of the week? My legend of the week is from this dank book that I just finished called Red Notice, dude and uh this guy bill browder wrote it he's this investor straight up stanford grad dude russian descent his uh great or his grandpa ran for president in this country on the com as a communist like way back in the day wow and he's got um russian ancestry and so he like he's like in his 50s now maybe 60s i don't know
Starting point is 01:32:06 but uh right after the berlin wall came down his whole entire thing like out of coming out of stanford was just like i gotta tap in to this market specifically russia and dude the guy finds deals dude he finds deals in poland he goes and finds deals in um uh um russia and like gets like a bunch of investors so it's very interesting to like because i'm getting fired up on finance now and stuff and uh it's interesting to see like he manages a hedge hedge fund called like uh hermitage capital i think and dude just like all this crazy stuff in a red notice is like when uh you get a um i think it's like a pretty much like a hit on you. And like the Russian government, Vladimir Putin wanted to take this guy out.
Starting point is 01:32:51 Because I guess he made too much money. They didn't like that and all these things. And one of his lawyers did. It's very tragic. I don't want to do too many spoilers. But like if you want to read it, it's really, really good. But he passes a law in this country called like the magnitsky law after sergey magnitsky one of his lawyers um and uh it's like basically says because his company like got so screwed over by the russian government there's nothing that like we can do as being a u.s citizen um it's basically saying like all
Starting point is 01:33:23 these oligarchs who just really mistreat and like are totally totally corrupt can get sanctions by the u.s government and john mccain helped him like pass that law so he got like some shit done on like not only investing but literally legally so this guy's lived a pretty amazing life so bill browder did legend of the week nice yeah and obviously this is a little bit dated now when you know when mccain was a senator it's past for sure but dank book dude good read red notice love it my legend of the week is uh san diego oh spent the weekend down there it's just it looks beautiful it's uh weather's great and the people stoked. You go into a bar there here in North park,
Starting point is 01:34:06 you go into the belching beaver. Everyone's just stoked. They're having a great time. Flat brim caps everywhere. Dudes with big arms, man, fit, fit environment.
Starting point is 01:34:19 I mean, CrossFit Olympic village is San Diego. And yeah, I just had such a nice time down there. There was a lot of stokers, which was nice. I had a really nice time talking with the stokers. And I was just, if I ever decide to get out of this hustle, that's where I'm going, straight to San Diego.
Starting point is 01:34:40 Rosalita style. I'm going down to Mission Beach. That's a little Bob Dylan song that I rewrote. Performed really well by... You go, you go. Jim James, my morning jacket. Dude, so good, so good. They're making a new Bob Dylan movie.
Starting point is 01:34:56 Oh, really? James Mangold, the guy who did Ford v. Ferrari. He's got a new one coming out, and he's got Chalamet playing Dylan. Wow. I'm fired up, dude. So if you were going to say Adam Driver right there, dude. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 01:35:10 Chloe Fineman did a funny impression of Chalamet on SNL. Did you see that? It was really funny. I got to see that. She might have taken some years off his career with that one. Aaron, you're from SD. You represent it well. Big love to you and all the people in that area code.
Starting point is 01:35:24 Thanks, buddy. Very tight city. Where are you from in San Diego? I'm from down south. I grew up three miles from the border. Imperial Beach? Damn. Yeah, just east of that.
Starting point is 01:35:37 Damn. Yeah. Legend, dude. Aaron, do you have any legends or babes or beefs? I got a few things, yeah, sure. What up? Aaron, do you have any legends or babes or beefs? I got a few things, yeah, sure. What up? Well, my beef of the week is with the skin on the back of my left hand.
Starting point is 01:35:55 I have a rash that is really puzzling. It's medical talk, but it's fucking annoying. I think my batting gloves from softball created it and it's just it comes and goes it's really frustrating and i just want it to go away keep it dry keep it cool you know it's probably a fungus you put that in the glove fungus thrive under dank aka moist warm environments yeah i haven't been wearing them for a while just to let it breathe, but I still got to put my glove on to play. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:36:31 I feel you. But, yeah, it just keeps, just when I think it's going to go away, it comes right back. Oh, man. It sucks. Resilient. But we know you'll persevere, and that one day you'll get rid of it, and we'll be here to slap that hand when it happens.
Starting point is 01:36:46 Absolutely. Looking forward to that high five. Sure. Chad, what's your quote of the week? I'm going to go with, that's from Lieutenant Colonel Kilgore. He's like, I will not hurt or harm you. Just give me back the board, Lance. It was a good board and I like it.
Starting point is 01:37:11 You know how hard it is to find a board you like. If I say it's safe to surf this beach, Captain, then it's safe to surf this beach. I mean, I'm not afraid to surf this place. I'll surf this whole fucking place. Nice. That's gold my quote of the week already dropped it once but it fired me up it stuck with me and my dog jt didn't even know but he said you're either getting busy living or you're getting busy dying and i love that i think it's from glory oh it's from shawshank oh right yeah dude i mean that's
Starting point is 01:37:47 i think i was thinking morgan freeman and glory right oh man had the right actor the wrong thing um all right my quote of the week is from ezra klein on the tyler cowan podcast and they were talking about polarization in america i guess ezra klein has a new book about it and uh first i like that they were saying that there's been other times in american history in our short history where we were even more polarized. And I think that's good to remember, because I think sometimes we can be prisoners of the moment and be like, this is the worst it's ever been. And things are definitely crazy, but we've gotten through other times that were similar. And then he was kind of saying why polarization is always bad. And he said the alternative to polarization is often suppression of disagreement so maybe
Starting point is 01:38:25 sometimes it's good that people are having it out and they're you know really trying to adjudicate this conversation although it doesn't feel like they're really trying to do that it feels like people are just screaming at each other but you know maybe argument doesn't generate more heat than light and this will actually illuminate some stuff and we'll get to a place where we have greater understanding for sure get some discourse going chad who is your what is your phrase of the week for getting after it um this is gonna sound negative but i promise it's positive sit down oh oh i like that i'm fired up no that sounded hot fired me up yeah yeah sit down i wanted to sit down more than I was already sitting.
Starting point is 01:39:06 Yeah, I'm trying. Sound like a page cruise. When I say that, I'm picturing someone at the Venice Whaler by the beach, and it's Saturday, and you've made a commitment to day drinking. And he's like, actually, I want to go run some errands. Sit down. Oh, nice. You you're gonna have another ipa that's oh that fires me up stratter what's your phrase of the week for getting after it
Starting point is 01:39:31 a phrase of the week for getting after it deed and i don't want to be too braggy right now this is not very humble of me but um the birds are chirping because i hit the links today and uh the birds were chirping. One to be exact. Hole number seven, front side. I got a four and a par five. What was the yardage? I was playing the whites. Were you one and two?
Starting point is 01:39:55 No. Yeah, I was on a two and then I two putted. It wasn't very long. I was playing the whites. It had been a minute. Truth be told, I was playing the whites. How long was the eagle wasn't very long. I was playing the whites. It had been a minute. So truth be told, I was playing the whites. How long was the eagle attempt? Not to take shine away from the bird. This was probably a 14 footer that I hit.
Starting point is 01:40:12 Yeah, I hit a 14 footer. Have you had an eagle before? Oh, an eagle attempt. Oh, dude, dude, dude, dude. No, no, no. The eagle attempt didn't even register. Oh, you jumped a birdie from 14 feet? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:20 That's a nice putt. That was a big putt. Yeah, eagle attempt. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Wasn't doable? No, no, no. Have you had an eagle before? Never. I've hit the pin on a par putt. That was a big putt. Yeah. Eagle attempt. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Wasn't doable? No, no, no. Have you had an eagle before? Never.
Starting point is 01:40:27 I've hit the pin on a par five, though, to almost get an eagle, but it bounced out. That's awesome. This was another day. Took some roll. I thought you were... Shot an 87, Bruce. I thought you were going to say... Today?
Starting point is 01:40:35 Yeah. Shot an 87. That's good, dude. Wow, really? Yeah. Dude, you can... It wasn't that hard of a course. It was...
Starting point is 01:40:40 He's got a nice swing at Griffith Park. Dude, golf. I thought you were going to say an actual bird was chirping. I'm not slowing down the group. I ain't slowing down the group. I thought you were going to say an actual bird. I'm not slowing down the group. I ain't slowing down the group. I thought you were going to say an actual bird. You're like, this bird was chirping. Technically, though, you do play up against the backside of the zoo.
Starting point is 01:40:55 Is it the Griffith Park Zoo or the Burbank Zoo? Griffith Park. Griffith Park Zoo. And there were a lot of exotic birds chirping over there. That's cool. Dude, I remember I was five strokes up on you on the ninth hole. We were just playing the front MR band and I choked. I remember it.
Starting point is 01:41:09 It was big. All right, dude, my phrase of the week for getting after it is a two verses from the Bruce Springsteen song. Prove it all night from what I think is his best album. Darkness on the edge of town, baby,
Starting point is 01:41:21 tie your hair back in a long white bow. Meet me in the fields out behind the dynamo you hear their voices telling you not to go they've made their choice they'll never know what it means to steal to cheat to lie what it's like to live and die prove it all night prove it all night girl there's nothing else we can do so prove it all night prove it all night and girl i'll prove it all night for you fire who do you cast in the bruce springsteen biopic that's gonna happen oscar isaac no he's not he's not big enough yeah ben affleck no christian b? I could do Bale. Is he too old now? Chris Pine. Love Chris Pine.
Starting point is 01:42:07 Can he sing? Josh Brolin? They can make it happen. Brolin would be good. Brolin. Nicolas Cage. Fuck yeah. I love Cage.
Starting point is 01:42:17 I'm a Cage guy, baby. Our buddy Jake Cannon, he has a new podcast out of the oral history of Nicolas Cage. I love it. I'm going to listen. Let's do this. Good young actors. Who's young now that could play in a few years? I'd cast Tom Holland, the kid from Spider-Man.
Starting point is 01:42:35 Really? Nah, I'm kidding. I've seen his car, dude. When JT sunk his seat down, dude, that's how big he is. I'm not shaming, dude, but you've got to be Bruce. You've got to have presence. You've got to be up there. You've got to make it happen.
Starting point is 01:42:43 You've got to believably be able to fix a Harley honestly in my mind lift it over your head oh you know who I'd cast Adam Driver don't say these things he could do it though he'd be good at it
Starting point is 01:42:54 I know dude he would do a good job that's the pain and that's what makes me so mad but no and he'd probably take singing lessons and take it real serious
Starting point is 01:43:01 and do just good enough I think he might be the best guy available really no i think so honestly someone else is gonna come up i mean i'm gonna be strider wilson dude i'm playing bruce you got 15 years that's what i've been thinking let's go time i think i don't know if i make up i don't know if my hair slides on the stage nope the physicality you're right i'd have to start doing some yoga i'd have to start doing some morning yoga with my gf now trini starts today you know what yesterday at the oscars i was i was finding this thing out we cannot let this may be another beef the second beef of the week
Starting point is 01:43:37 beef it this is less medical talk more real talk we can't't have British actors playing American fucking heroes anymore. What movie had you watched? It's tough because she is super talented and she was nominated for Best Actress. Saoirse Ronan? No, the girl from Harriet is British. Oh. And I didn't know that until yesterday at the Oscars. And it's like, dude, Harriet Tubman, like an American superhero.
Starting point is 01:44:08 Man, I'm a real dildo for real. Thinking who the hero was out of that group. I mean, she played a big author, but yeah, you got to give it to Tubman. Definitely Tubman. It's tough. So like Tom Holland as Bruce springsteen would be another like super disappointing call by hollywood like yeah shia labeouf oh dude he should be bruce springsteen there you go like at least yeah he's coming back around he's he's getting out there he's at the
Starting point is 01:44:39 oscars dude shia um dude you know what i've got a theory when you're auditioning you're in an audition room if you come in talking like oh hello nice to meet you hi my name's you know tom holland fantastic okay all right and then you go start doing your your sides and then you're just like hey mary jane look out get down it's like dude that juxtaposition of just the way you're acting like that's more impressive if you're an american dude like from the i don't you either like have to so be that guy to get it from that i just feel like the prestige factor of speaking in a british accent and then switching into your acting it's like whoa this is craft right witnessing it whoa i i agree with you but then there's also like uh i think that's a really good point and your tom holland was
Starting point is 01:45:19 incredible thank you but uh melanie linsky from up in the air this character um oh yeah she's from new zealand and when she was auditioning for i think it was the steven soderbergh movie maybe the informer it might have been a jason redmond movie she never let them know she was from new zealand because they wanted to cast an american smart yeah so she was just front to back i'm an american yeah that's badass i'm fine with that if they're hustling but i don't know we've we gave we literally gave the british people superman and batman uh with christian bale and and uh what's his name henry cavill and now we got robert pattinson playing him yeah i'm ready to break a chair you got me so fired up you know what pattinson springs team i love pattinson dude
Starting point is 01:46:00 i'm all on board you can do it let's go i know it goes against what we're saying right now, but I don't care, dude. Pattinson's going to bring it. I'm full-thrown. Dude, after seeing Good Time. I've been meaning to watch that. Dude, and then that with Lost City Z. Dude, yeah. I re-watched that.
Starting point is 01:46:16 Dude, you are so right. I didn't even know that was him. He disappears. Yeah. You're like, what? That's Robert Pattinson? He's just doing little physical things, just existing. It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:46:25 And he drills it in The King, dude. Dude, The King, yeah king yeah yeah he's great in that that accent he nailed it he can't stop so far can't stop won't stop in his veins that's why they can't stop won't stop screaming his name natalie natalie i saw something that said that he's like scientifically the most attractive human being man alive really symmetrically like according to science not not it's just according to science I heard that same thing
Starting point is 01:46:49 about Denzel back in the day really yeah well they're both hot there's no doubt both great looking guys yeah
Starting point is 01:46:55 alright guys should we wrap it up yeah yeah Strider thanks for coming in dude thanks for having me I'm always stoked to come in always
Starting point is 01:47:02 highlight of the week we're brought to you by Jackson Hole Winery guys check out their stuff they got some the week. We're brought to you by Jackson Hole Winery. Guys, check out their stuff. They've got some great wine. We're also brought to you by Douglas Lubricant, the best in the biz. They've got tons of flavors, cherry, orange, vanilla, original, anal. And I'm going to go get a Flying Dutchman.
Starting point is 01:47:19 Oh. Yeah. Maybe we'll have to cruise with you. Dude, I was feeling the same thing. Yeah, let's do it. Let's go. Let's go. Now we're fired to cruise with you. Dude, I was feeling the same thing. Yeah, let's do it. Let's go. Now we're fired up.
Starting point is 01:47:26 All right. If you need advice These guys are really nice You wanna know What to do, where to go When you need someone to guide you. To have your own peace time. You're going deep.
Starting point is 01:47:54 You're going deep. Let's go deep. I'm going deep. The cat and the cat. Deep. I'm going deep I'm going deep

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