Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep 131 - Wim Hof Joins

Episode Date: May 13, 2020

What Up Stokers! This week we have the legend, Wim Hof. We talk about his breathing technique, using the cold as your master, and a ton of other stuff.Sponsored by Manscaped: Get 20% Off and Free Ship...ping with the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagion.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, guys? This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. Guys, before we begin, I want to remind you once again that we are brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trends pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that even during the Q-teen, we're looking fresh and clean. So, guys, use code GODIP20 at manscaped.com. And I'm here with my compadre john thomas what up boom clap stokers and we're here joined by the legendary iceman mr wim hoff thank you for coming onto the Oh, I love it. Getting the moves in.
Starting point is 00:00:48 I started out this morning. I've been doing your method for about a year now. Your breathing, your breath work. And then this morning I took a nice cold shower. And I feel great. Yeah. It's good, Chip. It works.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Yeah. And since that we have been gone into the science and showing that it actually is very good to get a lot better control over the immune system and your mood. The mood is in the head, you know. No depression. All that shit is gone so uh that's because of the science the credibility and then it took over in the world once you get the credibility people are able to take natural ways back uh to themselves and then they feel the change. And then it's done. You don't need too many words to make it happen
Starting point is 00:01:49 because feeling is the understanding. So, go ahead, JT. No, Chad, go with me. Yeah, so I just thought we'd start off the pod for people who don't know who you are or familiar with your method. Sort of, so you could describe the Wim Hof Method and maybe have the journey started? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:11 I was young, and I looked into the world. I saw war, abuse of power, money-driven people, monetizing everything, polluting the world, sodomizing the world and people becoming insensitive right what's going on man i will not be part of this i'm gonna have my own road i believe in happiness strength and health but there you are alone 17 years that is 41 no 44 years ago there I was alone in my philosophies debating with everybody but yeah the train of everyday just keeps on running so I had to enjoy and be myself and how I could be myself, you take a cold shower,
Starting point is 00:03:06 and you are yourself. You go into freezing water, and you wash all the sins, and the good deeds, and everything. Anything you think, you wash it away. Boom, it's gone.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Because you are not thinking. You are. And when you are are you will find out that we have an incredible immune system in control when you are and not into this thinking and conditioning of your mind body the way we are schooled and way we got alienated from our inner nature if you are then suddenly your mood is able to be okay happy positive going on fulfilling your dream anything you got inside has no inhibition that that is who you are that is the way I freed myself always with this feeling of being
Starting point is 00:04:07 going into the cult. Really, going into the cult freed me of the contemporary shit the way they brainwash us with advertising, wrong schooling, you gotta serve the system,
Starting point is 00:04:23 and this and this, and this, and this, and this. Fuck you. Out of here. I take a cold shower. It's not here. I am who I am, what I am, according to Mother Nature, whom I deeply, deeply respect, whom we have shown in the world to not respect.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Too much plastic in the oceans, too much pollution. You see Los Angeles right now, the angels you can see them in the sky again. The sky is clear and transparent and great. That is the city of angels. The angels when you look up the sky. Wow. And so are many, many places in the world. We got a little bit too far ahead. Something we have to lend in our lives, we think we possess it and we can abuse it.
Starting point is 00:05:27 And that is wrong so I began seven forty four years ago my trial my trail to be happy strong and healthy and to help the world to help them all living beings being a vegetarian at those times was a strange thing yoga was not known breathing was not. Yoga was not known. Breathing was not known. Nothing was not known. It was all completely different. There I began because I had a gut feeling. And that gut feeling I followed.
Starting point is 00:06:00 And that gut feeling brought me in connection with the cold water. And it freed me. The first time I went in it it taught me from the inside this is it without words but that's the feeling this is it this is what hey shit get high on your own supply that was that moment and when you get high on your own supply then the other day you are back to get a new shot and a new shot new shot new shot new shot and then because of the going into the cold freezing waters and i liked it i began to understand that if i was breathing deep like Breathing deep, like, I could change my chemistry inside and oppose the aggressive impact of the ice water. What made you jump into the ice?
Starting point is 00:06:54 Like, how did you even know to do it? God feeling, like an attraction. I was a seeker, a soul searcher. The soul searcher begins in the head. You ask yourself, you ask yourself, you ask yourself, you ask yourself, and you ask yourself. And you always keep on going. And so a seeker becomes a finder.
Starting point is 00:07:20 And what I was seeking for was not in my head. It was in my body but the total of my body or that you get as a seeker you will become a finder you get this sense what you are seeking for and that it makes connection and that connection goes through attraction and it was like crazy. Nobody did that those days. I saw the cold water with a freezing layer upon it, and I just went in because I felt attracted.
Starting point is 00:07:57 And then I knew this is it. This is it. This shuts me up. It turns me on. Boom. That's what it was. And that gave me all the motivation to keep on going 25 years alone, every day in every winter.
Starting point is 00:08:16 There I developed these deep breathing exercises, knowing that through deep breathing I could change my chemistry inside. I became an alchemist. And that's actually who we are all. We are all alchemists. We should be able to change our chemistry deeply. And with that, the mood. And with that, boosting the immune system and feel the power of the energy
Starting point is 00:08:47 metabolic processes in the cell that's energy so never shortage of energy never sick and always great feeling how about that i think that's. So I took that road and still the world was, you have to do this, you have to do this, you have to do this, you have to do this. And I just succumbed every time back to the cold water because that was what was making me able to become still in the mind and just feel? That makes sense. Right. It's like you always say that the cold is your teacher.
Starting point is 00:09:31 And it's like hopping into that freezing water forces your mind and body to go into the present moment. and then through the deep breathing you can um uh because you've been able to hop in the cold water and stay in the ice but also maintain a high core body temperature correct yes yes and even through the mind alone i showed in brain scans lately in Michigan, Detroit, in brain scans, how to have cold water coming to my skin. And then just by using the thought, make the skin temperature not going down. That is the power of our mind. That is not being taught in our schools. But I learned it in nature because what I saw as the product of our schooling in the way we have been brought up is a
Starting point is 00:10:35 world we are exploiting sodomizing abusing in it with our powers to make money more more more more more, more. Crazy. I think that is crazy. And too many people still get sick. Too many people are depressed and nobody gives a shit. So I came up with natural ways how to tap into the most valuable core values of humans, which is happiness, strength, and health. And I found ways, and I showed it through the science.
Starting point is 00:11:14 And I'm waiting, my mission is to bring this shit to all the people. They don't need to choose it, but they are in front of a non-dogmatic choice you want to be happy strong and healthy hey man here i got some tools you want to use them you got to do it this is it right and and so your method basically for for for everyone that they can use pretty much every morning it's it's a series of well they can choose pretty much every morning, it's, it's a series of, well,
Starting point is 00:11:46 they can choose pretty much, but for example, three breathing exercises where it's 30 breaths in and out. Yeah. And then they hold their, then retain. Correct. So let me explain.
Starting point is 00:11:59 It's three pillars. Number one is about say a cold shower a day keeps the doctor away. Keep it simple. Just do it. It is the best vascular fitness you can ever imagine. Think about it. Vascular fitness, we forgot. It's like 75,000 miles of vascular channels we got. blood vessels we got inside, capillaries, arteries,
Starting point is 00:12:29 and veins. And they contain millions of little muscles. And through the cold shower, they contract and open, contract and open. That means that the blood flow will be helped through the That means that the blood flow will be helped through the stimulated muscle totus to go through the system, the 75,000 miles I'm talking about, and it goes better to all cells. So it reaches the cells a lot better. Blood with oxygen, nutrients, vitamins, life force itself, gets better to the cells. You get more energy, and the heart rate is going down
Starting point is 00:13:10 with 20 to 30 beats a minute, 24 hours a day. That means stress is out of there. And that is the cold shower. Then we get the breathing. The breathing, the first thing you do when you go into the ice-cold water is, Yeah, you learn to breathe deep. Because when you breathe deep, you change the chemistry. That's what we have shown.
Starting point is 00:13:37 We have shown to be able, after doing the breathing exercises, not be alone. I instructed 12 people, 12 guys, and they could do it the same. Getting into the autonomic nervous system and the immune system, thought of both, impossible to influence by human will. And now they were robustly activating it, even so much that they received an injection with the bacteria, and the bacteria could not do anything. They had it completely under control. This is about inflammation, the immune system. We should be the boss over our tool, the immune system, to fend off what should not be in our bodies. And that is the virus and that is the bacteria.
Starting point is 00:14:30 When they begin to flame up, that is inflammation. We should be able to be the firefighter and to extinguish it. And that's being done through the breathing techniques. How it all works is a whole book. But in short, it is through these techniques, which you can find on our website. There's a free app and it works, guys. It works.
Starting point is 00:14:59 I thank you, Chad. I thank you, JT. Hey, J Coffee. I need coffee. I thank you, JT. Hey, J Coffee. I need coffee? I make stupid jokes. Oh, good. The thing is, for the guys who are watching, really, this works. And in French, they say, this shit works.
Starting point is 00:15:22 It really does. And we got all the university studies to prove that. To get into your immune system, to get the inflammation down, even the coronavirus or any other virus or any bacteria is causing inflammation. We are able just the very simple and effective to suppress the inflammation, the inflammatory markers through breathing exercises. So I wish for everybody in the world, and I always say the mother in Baghdad wants the same as the mother in New York.
Starting point is 00:15:59 They just want prosperity, happiness, strength, and health for the children. And I know how to guarantee that now. Because the world is living on sick people. The world is maintaining a system. I don't want to be controversial, etc. But it's gotten too far, guys. We have to get back to the inner power we are born with. It's all there.
Starting point is 00:16:23 And these breathing techniques are able to reconnect oneself to the immune system. That is the health. So we got the cold, which has taken out the stress. The heart rate goes down 20, 30 beats a minute. And the vascular system is stimulated. So it is able to bring more energy, oxygen, nutrients, and vitamins to the cells. That is a lot more energy and the stress goes down. That is the core. Then the breathing is able to activate effectively the immune system.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Not only the immune system, also the endocrine system. The endocrine system is the hormonal system. It's the good shit. It's like the drugs, the endorphins, dopamines, the cannabinoids. I come from Amsterdam, cannabinoids. Yeah. But this time, no sticky needed.
Starting point is 00:17:21 You just get high on your own supply. But also seriously for people with chronic diseases, this is the solution. So it works on the same receptors as marijuana, but it works on those without the drug as the instigating agent? Yes. The drug is the instigating agent? Yes. So that's exactly where I am, in the endocannabinoid system.
Starting point is 00:17:55 But I just did the study, and I showed it. There's a paper out, and it's all new science. Doesn't matter. Thing is, better breathe. We got this T-shirt. It says, freeze on the front side. Then you turn it around and it says breathe, motherfucker. And that's it. Keep it simple.
Starting point is 00:18:17 Take the damn cold shower. Do the deep breathing. And you get a hold of your immune system, your hormonal system, and your vascular system. way nature meant it to be, not the way the doctor points out because it brings shit. It brings dependency on pills, medicines, and a false belief that they are able to cure us. We are built, everybody, and born with the capacity to heal ourselves and others.
Starting point is 00:18:47 That's it. So with the breathing exercises, I've been doing them purely through nose breathing. Is there a right or wrong way to do it? Is it better to go in through the nose, out out through the mouth or is it just kind of just breathe nitro oxide is involved when you uh to open up the veins more and that is like relaxing that but that's through the nose but in the end people come up with the strangest technical little details. What we have shown seven years ago, for the first time in medical science, to go deeply into the autonomic nervous system and innate immune system, thought of inaccessible by humans up till then.
Starting point is 00:19:40 That means 200 years of scientific scrutiny, research, written down papers, etc. Then suddenly they say a complete shift of the paradigm, a shift of the perspective of what humans are capable of in their own bodies. That is what we have shown now. And so that is seven years. And little details. that is what we have shown now and so that is seven years and little details you know people ask me when they are breathing
Starting point is 00:20:11 how do I need to do my breathe through the nostrils one nostril or the other or the mouth or the belly or the chest or the diaphragm hey I don't care how you get it in just do it just breathe get it in. Just do it. Just breathe.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Get it all in and let it go. Get it all in and let it go. And it showed. We were the first ones in the university to show that. And with that, we changed fundamentally the capacity of humans to tap in to the deepest of their physiology at will. And so details, if you feel better doing it through the nose or the mouth,
Starting point is 00:20:54 it does not really matter. I am even able to breathe through my ass. Really? You can do it? It's yoga. Through my ass, man. But you don't want me to show that. No, we do.
Starting point is 00:21:13 That sounds like brilliant content. No, the thing is, anybody can do it, but I will never ask of you, can you show me your ass breathing man so your head under the water and your butt sticking out and breathe forever sometimes I'm at events with thousand people okay let's do all together the breathing that's what the people want what about the pee hole do what can you breathe out of your pee hole yes i think a whole lot of things are possible because they are called so-called
Starting point is 00:21:59 autonomic and autonomic nervous Controls for example the heart rate. And that you still are breathing. When your consciousness is not there. In the night when you are sleeping. So there are also muscles. In my dick. So they are able to open up. Yes or no.
Starting point is 00:22:23 But only we have never. Learned in our school. How to open up, yes or no. But only we have never learned in our school how to open up our pee hole. We never did. It's a whole different ball game. That's the next frontier. Yeah. that's the next frontier I can't wait to start doing that I so
Starting point is 00:22:55 do the breathing if you had sex and you do you are like exhausted and you do the breathing for 10 minutes, you like to go for a run again. Oh, nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Fully charged. Fully charged. Because you influence the hormonal system and the vascular system. And when the blood flow comes into the dick, it becomes hot like a rock. Yeah, man. And then you've got the endocrine system, the
Starting point is 00:23:34 semen. The semen is all about hormones. Liquid, hormones, vascular. It's the blood flow. It's all there, man. The lymphatic, it's all there. And we have the control. It's amazing. Just that is a great podcast.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Yeah, absolutely. I think on Loveline, they said they got the most questions of people asking. The most frequent question they got on Loveline is how do I blow a bigger load? So I think people, they care. The thing is, I can stay easily for two hours in ice water. Only after that, it's very difficult to detect my little penis because it's gone. But when it comes back, it comes back full loaded. Same here.
Starting point is 00:24:31 We want to be out of here, huh? When you're a beast, you're a beast with a piece. I love it, dude. That's awesome. It's all about life force. Yeah. If you are able to smile and to laugh and make jokes, then all this serious shit is out of there.
Starting point is 00:24:55 I like that. That is mastery over the mind. That's a good call. So if someone were to have boner problems, do you think if they were to incorporate the cold showers and breathing techniques, that could solve it? What kind? Like erectile dysfunction.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Oh, yeah. Yeah, I helped so many. I mean, in the end, they helped themselves. But, you know, when the dick is too small or there is no life in it, then when you get into the freezing water, it is even smaller. And then it begins to,
Starting point is 00:25:35 hey, shit, man, I know I'm so small. What is this? Let me get out of here. Let me get out of here. Boom. There he is. Nice. You just got to
Starting point is 00:25:48 stress it with the cold water and then it'll come back flowing. It's like it wants to punish you for something. But then you punish it. And then he will never punish you anymore. I feel like
Starting point is 00:26:03 when my self-esteem is low, think it gets smaller like genuinely i think there's like a correlation so get into the freezing water yeah freezing water and you get a greek penis and and and then you know you know those statues the g Greek? Yeah, the antiquities. Yeah. These penises, like circles. You see a couple of circles. You know? Yeah. It's like a retractable. Yeah, like a slinky.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Yeah. When you run, you should not have a dick of half a meter. Because it's painful. When you run. Right. Bam, bam bam bam bam it goes everywhere it should go in and that is what the cold water does but when you get
Starting point is 00:26:52 out then your veins are dilating again and then the blood flow is really able to get in I really advise you to get in. I really advise you to get into the freezing water.
Starting point is 00:27:10 You're going to love it. You're not only going to love it because your penis is going to be just Johnny straight, but alter your vascular system. Your self-esteem is going to be way up. Boom. Awesome. I did it last night. I took an ice bath last night in preparation for this and uh i woke up my mom at like two in the morning so she could supervise and i i went into the ice and it was it was great i love i did the breathing for the first time blew my mind i got a little lightheaded but then i saw you doing it with
Starting point is 00:27:40 other people realized i was par for the course and then I did the ice bath and I felt phenomenal. I mean, also just because like I did it. I was like, man, I can't believe I did that stuff. That's so wild. But it was like, I don't know. I think I'm going to keep doing it. Yeah, man. That is part of having self-esteem is feeling great.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Yeah, for sure. The mind-body connection. I was going to ask, are you afraid of getting a coronavirus? Yeah, for sure. The mind-body connection. I was going to ask, Wim, are you afraid of getting coronavirus? Yeah, coronavirus. So coronavirus is inflammation. Inflammation of inflammatory markers. And they are called interleukins. You've got the IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, IL-11.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Interleukins, inflammatory markers. That's what causes the inflammation. The damaging factor in coronavirus are those markers I just mentioned. And we are able, through these breathing techniques, to bring them down. But it is like when your house is on fire, when it begins, you are able to get it down. This is what the breathing techniques do.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Then you control it. But once it is all on fire, then it's difficult to even extinguish with a hundred firefighters that house. All the flames are... Don't wait until it is too late. That is a great frost. Don't wait until it is too late. That is with the coronavirus.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Don't wait until the flames are perishing the house completely and then you go to the hospital no before it all happens you got symptoms you feel bad you feel off you feel no good then you do the breathing and the breathing exercises we have shown in the university being able to fend off the bacteria's reaction on the immune system inside, causing fever, uncontrollable shivering, headaches, all over, agony, all that they could control. Because when it began, they came in with the breathing exercises, and those breathing exercises come up with adrenaline, with epinephrine.
Starting point is 00:30:07 And that epinephrine makes the inflammation go down. That's what we have shown. And all the people in the world should know this. And it is logical. We are not born with incapabilities in our life. We are born with the capacity to take down that what bothers us. Isn't that logical?
Starting point is 00:30:32 So back to the inner nature. Keep on doing you. Keep on doing the callbacks. It's going to help you a lot, JT. It's going to help you a lot. Really. You're going to have to have fun and good sex and good self esteem
Starting point is 00:30:50 it's all joyous life you should be smiling and happy and feel great boom that's it that's mother nature I love that mandate coronavirus and any other virus and bacteria
Starting point is 00:31:04 hey man I am into the universities into the mainstream I love that mandate. I love it. The coronavirus and any other virus and bacteria. Hey, man, I am into the universities, into the mainstream, getting there. Millions of people are taking off because they see the system. And the system is locked down here, locked down there. And it kills actually less people than the normal flu of every year. And once you get the vaccine, then still 60,000 a year die. Still, a normal virus, normal flu virus. They are just making money out of our stupidity.
Starting point is 00:31:44 And we are not stupid, but stupefied. And I say to the people, hey, learn to control your own mood, your own immune system, and your well-being. Because it's all there. We got the studies. We are showing it.
Starting point is 00:31:56 There's no speculation about it. And I tell you, the person in Asia, in the Middle East, in America, in South America, in Europe, in South Africa, it's only one thing they want is happiness, strength, and health. And we have shown how to do that through breathing techniques and going into the damp, cold shower to train our vascular system,
Starting point is 00:32:22 the blood flow, the vital force, and to be the alchemist, to be able to change the chemistry deeply inside of everybody. And everybody is able to do it. They called me the superhuman, like the Iceman and this and that. I said, fuck you. Everybody is able to do this. And I will show it and give me a bunch of people and a bunch of people who are not training
Starting point is 00:32:49 and a bunch of people who are going to train with me, like four days. And then they were able to tap into the autonomic nervous system, into the immune system, receive a bacteria and not become sick. And the other control group all became sick. In my group, 100%, nobody became sick. They should be taking that thing up in the world. But the money wants us sick.
Starting point is 00:33:21 They want us to be dependent on doctors, on pills, on medicines, because it makes trillions and trillions and trillions. They're in favor for a healthy economy on sick people. It's a sick world, man. And we have to bring sanity. And sanity comes out of your heart, out of your self-esteem,
Starting point is 00:33:44 out of your being, here and now, and bring it to the people. Let's all together wake up. Wake up to something that we are born with. To be happy, strong, and healthy. Or to be happy, which is the control over the hormonal system shown in university studies. To be healthy, shown through the control over the immune system and the strength, the amount of energy and metabolic processes in the cell to have control over that, plenty of energy, much more than you can use. That is who we are but they they brought us into
Starting point is 00:34:29 schooling that is serving a system that is killing the world that doesn't give a shit to the world doesn't give a shit to a lot of children in war it is insensitive it is a couple of assholes who think they can control our minds, but not my mind. And I got that. And I began when I was 17 or even earlier, I began to think, hey, this doesn't add up. Doesn't make sense. I believe in love. I believe in happiness and in strength and in traveling and excitement. All the good things of life.
Starting point is 00:35:02 and in strength and in traveling and excitement, all the good things of life. And when the shit hits the fan and disease is normal and my uncle has cancer and he is depressed and yeah, that is normal. That is the way things go. Fuck you. I'm going to make a change. And I do it together with guys like yourself.
Starting point is 00:35:23 Right. And together we are able with guys like yourself. Right. And together we are able to make the change. Right. And I think the important thing you're saying is that the natural way for human beings, like our natural state is strong, happy, and healthy. healthy we don't have to to to uh you know uh become victim to i guess the i don't know it's it's important to remember that that's the natural way yeah it's like meditation they oh i meditate for half hour oh another half no you should meditate 24 hours a day. It's a natural state of your mind to be tranquil and completely stressless being.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Because you are in control. That is your natural state. Then you don't need to sit somewhere and think of nothing. No, I got my thoughts in control. I use my thought power. When I use my thought power, I'm able just by the power of that thought to fend off stress in my body. I've shown this in brain scans and in blood proof and in bacteria injected, etc. How much do they need to get into their head to understand that all of us are born with the power to bring happiness, strength, and health, or with the power to control the immune system, the regulation of energy fields in the cell and the hormonal system.
Starting point is 00:37:05 It's there. It's there. And so that is there. And now we have a talk. I was looking at your thing. It was about beef of this week. You see, I got beef with the society. I got beef with the ignorance. I got beef with the society I got beef with the ignorance
Starting point is 00:37:25 I got beef with injustice I got beef with exploitation sodomizing the planet that's where I got always my beef on but I also have clashes with my own son that can be strong
Starting point is 00:37:40 I love him but oh man to the death what do you guys be strong. I love it. Oh, man, to the death. What do you guys clash on? Back again. And we love each other. We are great together. And my most ridiculous,
Starting point is 00:38:01 beautiful, cute little being is my young son. He's two and a half years. And he is such a, such a such a yeah I mean the charm of life the stardust there is and it overwhelms any kind of experience which shaped me up into my ego my understanding my wisdom yes or no it It does not matter. His charm, which is so fresh, is much stronger. It just blows me away. Boom.
Starting point is 00:38:33 There it is. I'm just struck by that. Wow. So that goodness we all are born with, that goodness. Where does it go wrong? We will make it right. And I'm using university studies, competitive university studies to do that. So there is no bloody speculation about it anymore.
Starting point is 00:38:58 We just give people the choice to be happy, strong, and healthy. And we bring it out. We got a feeling of justice. Like that's your work. Your work is to bring things out that make sense, to have sense and to share it, to share the love and the insights in a funny way, nice and light. And I love it. What did it first feel like when you started getting the scientific proof that your method was working, that you were able to influence your immune system and endocrine system? Yeah, that was in 2007, together with Dr. Ken Karmland.
Starting point is 00:39:40 And that was in New York. I just had done an ice record, staying in the ice for one and a half hours or something. And then the other day I went to an institute, biochemical institute. They took the blood while I was doing what I'm doing as the ice man. And then they saw in that blood, a week later, we got the results. They saw me influencing deeply into the vagus nerve.
Starting point is 00:40:10 And that was thought of impossible by humans. But now they had blood proof. So they had blood proof. And then a doctor who called me with the results, he said to me, Wim, if you are able to reproduce what you have shown in this biochemical institute, when they took your blood, you doing what you are doing, then that means huge consequences for human mankind.
Starting point is 00:40:40 And he was open for being investigative therein, Dr. Ken Karmland. He was open and he said, a range, a lot of diseases could be helped if we only would be able to control the vagus nerve. And yes, I know. And then he asked me, are you able to reproduce this to make other people able to influence likewise into the vagus nerve? I said, directly. Bang.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Yes. I can do that. Easy. Within a half hour. First, I said, maybe it takes a week, maybe 10 days. But it took four days. And now it takes a week, maybe 10 days, but it took four days. And now it takes a half hour, a half hour to bring people into influencing, into the vagus nerve, into the autonomic nervous system, into the going into the deepest part of the brain, thought of, inaccessible,
Starting point is 00:41:41 killing depression, killing psychosis or schizophrenia or anything, because we have an absolute sense of control inside. That's the way we are built. I only use deep breathing because the deep breathing doesn't miss. The deep breathing is the way we are. It gets into past our conditioning, past our shallowness. It gets into this depth and it connects us because it is us who is breathing. We are connecting consciously then with those deep parts and suddenly we gain control. That is like the baby when it is born.
Starting point is 00:42:25 There's nothing wrong with the legs of the baby, but the neurological pathways are not set, and that's why it's not able to walk. We have never used our deeper potential, but when we become adults like we do, and we use the deep breathing then almost instantly we are able to to have a connection with the deep systems of the immune system endocrine system vascular system lymphatic system that means actually all
Starting point is 00:43:01 the systems all at will is logic. You see the logic? This is through the breathing. Yes, through the breathing. That's the thing we got to bring to the people. And you got number three, pillar number three is the mindset. So the breathing is a little bit explained the very effective to be able to connect with deeper systems thought of possible to connect with by humans to battle uh disease and to battle
Starting point is 00:43:36 our mood disorders effectively boom there it is it takes a half hour guys just do it you know and if you don't believe it just do it and then don't believe it because feeling is understanding that once you feel then i don't need these words to convince you we are just having a talk here a great talk conversation in depth about life about a potential deeper potential to bring it to the surface that's why we do a podcast like this we bring it to so many more people we are not bloody egoists to keep it to ourselves we bring something good to all of you and if you still don't believe it then that's okay there is no dogma this is no religion but this is a forgotten depth a forgotten potential you got possibly
Starting point is 00:44:34 within yourself and we found a key you better make use of that key it's for free and entering the temple of your own being. That's amazing. Yeah, so with the mindset, for example, when you're injected with an exotoxin, what is going on in your mind? Not too much. That's the power of intention. The intention, oh, they're going to jam a bacteria inside of my system i gotta kill it i gotta do something but you don't even think you are determined you are focused you're not thinking about your wife your partner your house your surfboard, another wave coming in, or the bike which is jamming up your door so you cannot go out.
Starting point is 00:45:29 You are not thinking about those things. You know the bloody bacteria is going to come in and it's going to make a mess out of your feeling, your well-being, your blood flow, your chemistry. You're going to feel fever, headaches, all over agony, muscle aches, et cetera. And you don't want that. So that's your mindset. Your mindset is, shit, I got pain. I'm going to be in pain. I don't want pain.
Starting point is 00:45:58 It's like a mantra. No pain, no pain, no pain, no pain, no pain. In silence. Repetitive power pain, no pain, no pain. In silence. Repetitive power of intention. Your nerve is really engaged. Yeah. So that's the mindset. And for those, the third pillar in the method is mindset.
Starting point is 00:46:18 And the mindset consists of one thing. You have the power of your intention. And with that intention, you are able to do whatever comes from your subconscious to fulfill your dream. Your subconscious is your dream state, your vision quest. Your vision quest is inside you. That is a natural thing. It's not me. Your vision quest is inside you. That is a natural thing. It's not me. It's inside you.
Starting point is 00:46:47 You got to find out for yourself. But know that your thought is able to connect within your mind. It is like you own, and better learned, you own your own mind. Now connect with your own mind and make your thought able to connect with the depth of your own brain the seat of the mind and fulfill what you are here for your purpose your dream because you have a beautiful mind you are beautiful and if it things become ugly then get, then go to the toilet, shit it out, or do something strange, shit it out, because you are beautiful. Don't lose the power of the mind.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Robby Barbaro, It's like if you feel the depression or anything coming on, just get moving, get in the cold, get breathing. Dr. Dean Mitchell, Yes. Get even. Get to control over your hormonal system, which in the case of depression, it's dopamine, the serotonin uptake is messed up. So you need to get a hold, a revision, a reset button going.
Starting point is 00:48:01 CT, RL, alt, delete to depression. I bring back the hormonal balance inside my own brain. If you go to the doctors, they just kill the symptoms. They don't go to the course. You yourself know how to go to the course and effectively find a cure, an out balancing. That's you, the inner doctor. Make use of the inner doctor through the breathing, through the cold. They have shown in university studies. Don't begin to philosophize about it, just
Starting point is 00:48:38 do it. It's done. The thinking part is done you just do it or maybe you like to stay in the depression that's all to you it's okay you want to grapple have you grappled with depression before yes a lot a lot of times a lot of times but now i'm laughing about my depressions. I do. My depressions got depressed. They said, I don't want to be no longer with you. You are feeling too good. I'm out of here.
Starting point is 00:49:17 Don't you stop me? Don't you stop me? It caused the depression. Get the fuck out of here. You are in communion with yourself. And you are fucked up. And you know it. And you cannot get out.
Starting point is 00:49:31 So get into the cold shower because then the thinking stops. The thinking stops and in the cold, the deeper part of the brain where there is no thinking. And the depression is caught is is controlled by the thinking brain right it's like a cigarette addiction or any other addiction it's always through the thinking brain you got a life around it you make it your persona. You think you are the one with the cigarette, the one with the depression, the one with the grief. But when you learn to disconnect them, and that's what you do through cold showers,
Starting point is 00:50:16 you take out the thinking, then you get into the deeper part of the brain. Because you don't like to smoke, you don't like to be depressed, and you don't like to smoke you don't like to be depressed and you don't like to be in grief but you don't know how to have that disconnecting power within your own brain which got conditioned through this behavior and now i tell you you get into the damn cold shower and you wash it off you wash off the sins no i'm not into catholic consciousness because it's shit i'm into you know the elements of nature and the cold is an element
Starting point is 00:50:55 of nature and it helps us it's amazing it's amazing what the cold shower does i just took a cold shower before getting on with you guys and I thought, shit, man, this is just bloody great. After 44 years, the cold is still beating me up. Hey, you little shit, don't think. Be. Be here. Be here. And it always does the same beautiful trick. It tricks my mind to shut up and I'm here and afterwards I feel great. You know why? Because the thinking stopped and being there
Starting point is 00:51:31 is always great. What's your... Go ahead, JT. No, you go. You have a question based on that? No. What's your daily routine like? What's your diet like?
Starting point is 00:51:48 How do you sort of go about your day, and how do you incorporate this into your day? I have a real restriction. That's what I do. I never eat breakfast, no lunch. Later in the day, I can eat. So that gives me, like animals, you know, animals, they have no supermarkets and their groceries around. They feel an urge to go find food.
Starting point is 00:52:19 It's when their eyes become bigger, their adrenaline begins to rush because they have to find food. They have to become more alert. That is a neurological reset in the body. It's same. It's a simultaneous move, not only to find food, to be sharper, to see more, but also to have a neurological reset. And that we miss out always on because we got supermarkets everywhere we don't follow our feeling we follow our thought we think we need to have a breakfast then a lunch maybe in between something and then in between something again and then a dinner and maybe after the dinner, a dessert, and then go to sleep and digest everything. And then the other day again, hey man, leave your body sometimes alone without food. Then it's able to become a beautiful neurological renewal every day. That's what I think. That's what I take on every day. I want to feel the
Starting point is 00:53:29 appetite. I want to feel that the meal I'm going to take is going to be great. Not because I think, but because I'm hungry, because I have an appetite that makes raw beans sweet. Okay, that's one. Two, exercise. I like to do exercise. I like to do exercise until I feel pain coming in. Then even a little bit more. Amen. Almost sadomasochistic.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Yeah. But exercise and going into the cold, cold showers, they are always there. And if the freezer, tomorrow, for example, the freezer. We'll go into the cold cold showers they are always there and if the freezer tomorrow for example the freezer will go into the freezer it's minus 25 Celsius which is yeah very a Fahrenheit it's very cold it's a far far deep than the 31 degrees then and then freezing I got a freezer here and I'm going to run in my shorts inside for one hour, one and a half hour and then
Starting point is 00:54:31 yeah, that's tomorrow. I'll be running like 10 miles in deep freezing temperatures. That's tomorrow. Why? Because I like it. Because I love it. Because I love it. Because I like to hit the shit out of myself.
Starting point is 00:54:51 Do it good. You know, to be on top of it. Hey, I show. I'm 61. I can do stuff, man. That is dangerous. Dangerous. And I like it.
Starting point is 00:55:04 I'm in love with the danger and it comes to me and it beats me I love it that's tomorrow so that's training
Starting point is 00:55:17 muscle training yoga training whatever you know some flexibility I can do splits at any time. I can stand on one arm at any time. You can do the splits? Yeah, man. Easy does it.
Starting point is 00:55:33 Easy does it. Can you see it? I can do it now if I like. Yeah, let's do it. You do it too. All right, I'll do it. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:55:45 I'll try. Can you see me? No, you got to tilt the camera down a bit. Chad, are you going to try? You got to get in there. Yeah, I'll get in there. Can you see me? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Whoa. Wim, whoa. That's as far as I can go oh man wow I got three-fourths of the way Wim that's what's so great about you if that anyone's cynical about your methodology you literally are a like you're described as an extreme athlete on Wikipedia. Like you're just a, you have so much that you can do with your body that seems like. I'm a normal dude, but my belief goes deep.
Starting point is 00:56:40 My belief goes deep and I'm a man with a mission. I told you in the beginning, we have to bring happiness, strength, and health into the world. Those are the greatest core values of the world. If you are happy, you have no, how do you say, dispossessing more, going into war to beat others, competition with others. You don't have that because you feel happy. You are okay. And this I wish for every mother in the world to bring to their children. Every mother and father actually wants one thing,
Starting point is 00:57:19 to have a guarantee for their children's safety, prosperity, their happiness, strength, and health. And this is what I want to bring. I'm a normal guy with a deep belief in that. They ask me, what is enlightenment? Can you say it in one sentence? Yes, here it comes. Be happy, strong, and healthy, and the rest is bullshit.
Starting point is 00:57:47 So let's not take on the bullshit and walk around with heavy hats because we pile up all these beliefs, these strange things we have learned, and all these regulations, and suddenly we are heavy. We don't feel so good anymore. Feel light, not dark not dark feel light not heavy very simple yeah can we talk about some of your your feats as well like uh you climbing mount everest barefoot yeah i did a lot of barefoot things and they did the Mount Everest in clothes first with oxygen and then without oxygen, just in clothes. And then I thought, hey, man, I go without clothes and without oxygen.
Starting point is 00:58:34 And then I came to the death zone, 7,500, 600 meters, which is like 23,000, 24,000 feet up there. I had a good time, and there I was. I had no problem whatsoever. So we are able to do so much. I think you cut out. Did it cut out for a second there, Chad? Maybe a little bit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:02 What did you say happened at the summit? I'm sorry. No, no did you say happened at the summit? I'm sorry. No, no. I was not at the summit. I was most of the way up. I had to return because my left forefoot was saying, hey, go around because it's no good here. And now it's all okay.
Starting point is 00:59:23 But up there, I'm crazy, but I'm not an idiot. I don't go on if I see it's really not good. But what I say, what I state with everything I do is that we as humans are able to have a control far deeper and far more than thought possible by science. We got to wake up to our true potential. That potential is very able to maintain happiness, strength, and health in our bodies. That is what it is. What did the Sherpas say when they saw you barefoot yeah
Starting point is 01:00:06 amazing respect right this guy's badass badass good ass by the way I just saw pictures
Starting point is 01:00:22 of my ass old film like 25 years ago By the way, I just saw pictures of my ass. The old film, like 25 years ago. What an ass I had, man. Oh, yeah? A beautiful ass. Oh, that's awesome. That's the best muscle. I got a little tiny butt.
Starting point is 01:00:36 I'm trying to get it bigger. Hey, man, I think I've been training so much with my ass that I'm able, you know a walnut? You know a walnut? you know, a walnut. Of course. Yeah. I put them in salads. Crack a walnut with my ass muscles. Oh, no way. Yeah, man. Yeah. What I do is to have two little shelves between my buttocks and then get the walnut in between and then I just use my
Starting point is 01:01:10 muscles and you hear crack. You can call me the nutcracker. Can you actually do that? Yeah man if I do that on YouTube it'll become viral I think., I really want you to do it now, Wim. Yeah, man, yeah, yeah. Really, my ass, oh, I got a beautiful ass. And very muscular. I mean, it is strong. It's strong like a piece of rock. That fires me up.
Starting point is 01:01:42 Must be the eyes or something, I don't know. Yeah, yeah. It's yeah yeah that's great man yeah it's good ass talk great ass talk man we always got the ass covered but it's a beautiful piece of beautiful too oh absolutely i uh and then you crossed the, is it the Namibia Desert? Namibia? The Namibia Desert. Namibia Desert, full marathon with no water. Yes.
Starting point is 01:02:13 And together with a physiologist who was measuring me, I lost 5.2 liters of water, but my core body temperature remained the same. That was more than remarkable that is a control that is inside the head and it showed control in the cold but also in the heat thus we can call it control over temperature process those mechanisms inside the brain related to the body. Yes. And the control mechanisms of temperature, they also control depression.
Starting point is 01:02:57 It's in the same area, the hypothalamus. The deregulation, when it is there, you have no control, then you will suffer a desert run without drinking, or you will suffer hypothermia in a deep freezing environment like beyond the polar circle in winter, running in shorts. So normally, because we wear clothes all the time, we wear clothes all the time, we never stimulate our bodies to be able to endure
Starting point is 01:03:32 and to control temperature differences. We don't have that. But I've been exposing myself so many times in the natural powers of the cold and and also the heat in this case that my body knows how to control that and with my body my brain and in that brain and they got the midbrain that is the place where you learn to regulate also depression and your mood of course when you go in the cold oh oh oh that's movement that's emotion and you learn to control that so whenever you feel stressed could be by
Starting point is 01:04:18 bacterial inflammatory stress it could be a viral okay anything that causes a deregulation of the hormones inside the brain then you are able to regulate it only you have to connect with those with those mechanisms you are both like everybody I come back to the baby nothing wrong with the legs of the baby, but they're still not able to walk because the neurological pathways are not set. And thus, the same way we got. We never are trained in our schools how to use the midbrain, only the cognitive, the profane brain, the shallow brain, the neocortex, but not the mid-brain, the limbic system.
Starting point is 01:05:06 Thus, we have no control over our emotion. We have no control over heat, over cold, over disease. It's all there. Now, my teachings are very simple, very accessible, and very effective. It's not mine. and very effective. It's not mine. It's of modern nature, and everybody is born with it. These podcasts, they bring awakening to people. Oh, is it also in me? Oh, it is accessible within a half hour?
Starting point is 01:05:37 That is not possible. You better get that conviction out of there because it is yours. What is yours, you should be able to know and how to awaken through these breathing techniques and the cold showers and keep at it then you will get the mastery over your mood of your of your immunity over your energy and that's what you want. You want happy, strong, and healthy, being guaranteed for yourself, then what else would you like? Hey, that is like collateral almost. If you got it all right, then a little bit more is great.
Starting point is 01:06:16 And then the gratitude for it all is amazing. Because when you learn to feel yourself into the depth of yourself then you will be struck by all about the miracle you are and your beautiful mind that is able to control all that it's amazing life is amazing so we should And great. There we are. I love it. Yes. It's about love. It's all about love.
Starting point is 01:06:51 Unlocking human potential. Yes. When you had sex, then breathe 10 minutes more together. La, la, la, la. Goes again. Wim, you're horny dude the life force hey dude i'm on board yeah you're getting me horny uh wim can i ask you some quick questions and just get your takes on these things it's called pickums you just pick one or the other and i'll throw you some questions very quickly. Does that work? Of course.
Starting point is 01:07:25 All right. Extension cords or envelopes? Extension cords or envelopes. Yeah, extension cords. Because envelopes is paper. Paper is trees. We have to combine down too many trees. So extension cord and don't lose the extension cord because it's plastic.
Starting point is 01:07:46 Trees or bees? The bees. The bees pollute. You know, pollination comes through the bees and new trees will come. So, bees. Kilimanjaro or Everest? Oh, yeah. They are both mountains.
Starting point is 01:08:09 I think Kilimanjaro is better. Because on the Kilimanjaro, you go from the tropics to the heathen, to all the temperatures, all the climates. From the tropics, you go to the Arctic. So you see everything. And you can do it with so many people and that is what i love so cool uh dancing or hugging oh dancing dancing is good dancing is good hugging is also good but you, I say, give me a fucking corona hug. That means I do a double.
Starting point is 01:08:49 I do a double. I begin to dance with the people hugging them so much because fuck corona. They are lying about corona. Of course people die, but a normal flu takes more. I think corona has killed more people now than the regular flu. What? I think Corona has killed more people now than the regular flu. 60,000 a year.
Starting point is 01:09:13 Yeah, but we're at 70,000 in the U.S. already. Oh, yeah, 70,000? Okay, 70,000. Good. If that is happening in the beginning when it is all happening the the flu in general because there will come new viruses and then they have to come up once again one half year to uh to get a vaccination going yes that before that all, people should learn about this method to take this on the breathing and the cold to boost their immune system. And then when the flames of the disease are coming, the inflammation, the flames, I call them, then they are able to extinguish them, all of them. then they are able to extinguish them, all of them.
Starting point is 01:10:09 I think being healthy is definitely a good way to deal with it and prepare. Beer or weed? For me, it's beer. But I don't take neither of them anymore. You don't drink beer? No, not anymore. When did he stop? I'm totally okay with that.
Starting point is 01:10:32 I mean, I drink milk right now. Is that what you're drinking out of the bottle? Is that what you're drinking right now? Carter. And then Mariah Carey or Whitney Houston? Whitney. Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey. Mariah Carey is having some big boobs.
Starting point is 01:10:59 Whitney Houston, she got a great smile. Both are regular girls, actually. Nice girls, nice girls. They know how to sing, of. Nice girls. Nice girls. They know how to sing, of course. That's all nice, but I think I like my wife best. Oh, nice. Nice. It's really nice.
Starting point is 01:11:15 Sweet. Chad, do you want to do questions or you got more? I think I'm all set. Let's do some questions. All right. So, Wim, will you help us answer some of our listeners' questions? Yeah, sure. All right. This one's from Gary.
Starting point is 01:11:32 It's a little long. Good day, my dogs. I come to you in need of advice. As you both know, quarantine can be undank. However, one positive has been spending quality time chilling and knocking back a few brews with my siblings on Friday nights. At our latest kickback, I received some interesting intel. Allow me to paint the full pic for you dogs quickly. You see, I'm the oldest of five kids. I am 24 and back in my mom's crib
Starting point is 01:11:54 for the Q-team. The two next of kin are in college and above 21. Us three are the ones crushing brews in the kitchen together on Fridays. We live in the Northeast, so it's not nice enough yet to be outside. The two youngest are in high school. The two youngest will usually attend the Q-team kickbacks too, drinking something like a seltzer water or Schweppes. I digress. The night of the news, my youngest bro, let's call him Frank, decided to skip out on the kicker to play War Zone with his boys in typical 10th grade fashion. The four oldest are chilling, laughing it up and sharing some stories from the past. Stoked. Can I tell you something I heard about Frank? My senior sister says we let her speak. I was at Emma's girlfriends. I was at Emma's, her girlfriends. And her sister told me that
Starting point is 01:12:34 Frank has sex with his girlfriend all the time. And he has a huge wiener. We go silent. Jaws drop. What? I say not knowing how to react. Yeah. I told mom too. I didn't know what to do. She wants you to talk to him about it. We all cry laughing from the whole situation. Move on. This is where I seek your knowledge. How do I go about the sex talk with my younger bro? Chad, did your bros ever talk to you about this sacred deed? How could they have talked to you about it in a way that would have kept you stoked, but also stay cautious, use protection, and be respectful? JT, did your parents ever talk to you about this? I admire how open and honest your mom is with you about everything if she gave you impactful advice i would love to hear some examples of what i should bring up lastly do i congratulate him on the hog
Starting point is 01:13:13 i have no experience with a big piece as i am also a member of the small dong committee what up we went on tv and said we had small dongs uh because we do and we wanted to destigmatize having small penises that's just me talking about us when maybe this week's guest will have a greater insight insight on the bigger pain aspect of the question and can provide some advice on how to address that as well um yep did that make sense whim yeah sort of uh you know it's a lot a lot about sex, and we have been talking about the life force. Your life force, that is what makes the penis your life force. Don't be a dickhead with a big wiener and getting off because you will not. You will exhaust yourself.
Starting point is 01:14:09 you will not you will exhaust yourself and going with the life itself every day and feel great that that is that that is something to go for and i had a long time that where i was alone like 25 years i was very much alone with my own practices. But I felt good. I felt good about what I was doing. I was relating to myself. I felt into myself. I was not comparing with nobody. And there was no need to compare myself because I felt good. Learn to feel good, you, yourself,
Starting point is 01:14:47 not by comparing with others, but by learning how to connect deeply within. And with that, you will beat any penis, any length, any wiener, and any wiener. So yeah, going off of that, for this kid, his younger brother's having sex,
Starting point is 01:15:15 right? And he's trying to figure out how to talk to him about it? Yeah, he just wants to make sure his bro's being safe with that big hog. Yeah, I was going to go off what Wim said. Shoot for love. Start to... Have confidence in yourself.
Starting point is 01:15:34 Right. Have confidence in yourself. Because it's there. We have been looking too much to TV, the way they advertise things, the way you are dressed, the way you can sell things and promise a whole lot. And then we think the way we look, that is the way we are, but we are not. We have genuine feelings inside and they are great. We are not the way. That's what they do not school us in.
Starting point is 01:16:05 It's always something out there. But inside, there you can get a hold of yourself. And then you know something that makes you go and make your self-esteem go down. That is not the way to go. You get a hold of yourself and stay within yourself and develop there from. That's the natural way. And then you will be the winner.
Starting point is 01:16:35 Yeah. Not the wiener, the wiener. I think, you know, learn to love yourself unconditionally and to this kid don't seek validation through sex and boning and uh do it for love i'd say yeah and i would say when you talk to i i can't remember anything specific my mom or dad really told me about sex i think if i was just trying to sound cool about it, they would, my dad would just be like, that's not cool. Meaning like if I was trying to be like, yeah, I just want to bang and stuff like that. My dad would just give me kind of like a eye roll. And that kind of was
Starting point is 01:17:16 enough. But a more substantive talk, I don't know if we ever really directly had one. And I would say, or maybe we were always having one, but if you're going to talk to your brother about it, I would just be honest with him and be like, Hey man, it's cool that you're having sex, but don't, don't forget to be safe because I know when you're young, it feels like you can get away with everything, but there are consequences to our choices. And if that doesn't resonate with him, a good move is always to just make up a story about a guy, or if you have a real story about a guy who got caught up in a mistake like that and had to pay the price. Like, you know, if you have a friend from another school who got his
Starting point is 01:17:57 girlfriend pregnant and then he couldn't, you know, take his basketball scholarship to Gonzaga because, you know, he had a kid and then him and the lady ended up getting divorced and it was a bad road. It might scare him straight a little bit. So, and then, you know, my parents always made up stories like that. They'd be like, you know, when you're playing with fireworks, they're like, oh, hey, my friend Reggie lost two of his fingers playing with fireworks. And then you're like, okay, well, I'm going to light this firework and throw it away quick and not hold onto it for too long. And so you just got to give them kind of homespun fables that'll knock some wisdom into them. Yeah, my brother told me one time in college, actually,
Starting point is 01:18:32 he was like, dude, just make sure you get tested. You don't want that embarrassment. And that was enough for me. And just be real, be real, straight up. Yeah, maybe it doesn't even really matter what you say or what you just have the conversation and you'll figure out a way to connect with your bro yeah yeah yeah and dude i you know and i'll tell this guy you can use me i have herpes and uh yeah wear a condom
Starting point is 01:19:09 you had herpes i have herpes oh yeah yeah okay yeah all right yeah get into the cold shower yeah i have actually have kind of a little outbreak right now so i'm hoping it'll help thank you man yeah man it's it's like the immune system overactive immune system yeah that it is and you bring it down do the breathing techniques get into the cold shower and make it go away boom i love it lower the stress how to not get heated what's up stoked tato chips thanks for keeping pods coming during qT. So fuego of you guys. Been a Stoker since like summer 2017. Such a simpler time. I have a question for you all about how to not get heated. Lately, the smallest things have been able to get to me during quarantine and I've been getting way too heated way too quickly. Do either of you have any techniques
Starting point is 01:19:59 to calm yourself and maintain stoke or maybe like a favorite meditation or just any advice? Trying to drop a fat bag right now in this short temper's mouth also shout out to aaron you beautiful sweet soul thanks rob cold shot yeah or do the uh breathing do uh three four rounds of breathing then your mood is completely pacified. Yeah. Dude, I wrote this the other day because I was thinking about how often I can go down emotional paths that I end up not regretting, but being like, oh, that wasn't the right way to go. But I just felt like I couldn't stop it. And so I said, we try to be self-aware and to make good choices, but there are forces
Starting point is 01:20:44 bigger than us inside of us, weirdly, that will always take us into places we regret or that can be hard for other people. And what we do is we recognize it as soon as we can, sometimes after an hour, more likely after years. And then we cry and feel the realization of our misdirection and our new awareness and all its transformative power and go forward with new knowledge better than before until a new slipstream of feeling confusion and need pulls us back into the beginning of the cycle. I think, you know, dude, sometimes you're going to have a temper for a couple months. And the fact that you're already aware of it is really good. It's maybe giving you like a little bit of space to not let the
Starting point is 01:21:19 temper get you before you get to it. And I think it's okay if you're getting fired up a little bit right now. Just realize that, obviously, you're going to have better luck with your life if you're not getting fired up. But it's all right to get a little fired up. Yeah, and see it as a symptom. Your mind is asking for something. It asks, actually,
Starting point is 01:21:41 get back into this control you have, into this mood, which is balanced, which is feeling okay. It's a great opportunity, the quarantine thing, to be at home, forced, et cetera, to learn about your own mind. Your mind should be in control. That it is. That is simple. A controlled mind should be in control. That it is. That is simple. A controlled mind is your best friend. Not in control
Starting point is 01:22:10 is your worst enemy. So now it is the time it's an opportunity to learn to get a hold over the mind in any condition, any situation. So there it is. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:29 And you can do it just breathe breathe motherfucker yeah breathing my dude breathe yeah just breathe get in the cold dude i got in the cold this morning it's the best part of my day that's awesome you come out you just it works yeah all right uh last question moral conundrum what's up chatting jt i'm from san diego but go to college on the east coast and love listening to the pod to keep in touch with socal i usually keep my stoke up pretty high but recently i've been placed in a moral conundrum i love my girlfriend and i'm fairly chill with her roommates my girlfriend and i have always had a suspicion that one of her roommates let's call her brooke cheats on her boyfriend, but never had like hard evidence to confirm. Just as a quick background, Brooke and her boyfriend have been dating for
Starting point is 01:23:11 almost five years now. So it's a pretty serious relationship. Recently, my girlfriend told me that she found out Brooke had in fact slept with another dude. Well, I'm not close to Brooke's boyfriend at all. We do have mutual friends. I don't want to bring awkward negative energy to my girlfriend's apartment, but also hate to see Brooke just be a hoe like that, especially because the dude is a genuinely good dude who seems to be blindly in love. Would appreciate some advice on whether to intervene or just let nature happen.
Starting point is 01:23:37 I mean, dude, I, I don't, I just don't think it's your place. You know what I mean? I mean, it's, I understand why you're frustrated and it hates it i and it it does suck to feel complicit in a lie especially when you're not doing wrong but you feel like you're doing wrong now just through like omitting the truth to people but it's her relationship it's his relationship they have to come to it on their own time you can't play god and and and throw yourself in there i think it's it's worrying about stuff that's that really shouldn't be in your in your
Starting point is 01:24:11 universe you just got to focus on you and you and your girl just make it grateful just let it make you grateful that you and your gf don't do that yeah when what what do you think should he uh intervene in this adulterous relationship? I don't like adultery in my relationship. So if adultery takes place, then I'm out of it. That's very clear to me. But there can also be reasons why that all happens. True.
Starting point is 01:24:46 Very true. People to have seen it coming. So get back. Get back where it all went wrong. Because in the beginning, everything was great. Everybody was in love and it was great to be. And it was unlimited and amazing what you felt and then it slows down that is attention and love that
Starting point is 01:25:14 slowed down then you got to work on it but you did it and then that came in and then you ask yourself what do I have to do? I say, get back in love, get back to her and ask if you can genuinely work it out and get back on track. Because love is not about an uprising, hormonal uprising in the beginning because that's given now you have to learn to take it and to give it to the other so if you don't if you are not able to to get even in and clear in a conversation with her and yeah
Starting point is 01:26:07 and then pull your cards hell yeah all right Chad do we have a mid-roll or should we just get straight into the I can do the mid-roll after copy
Starting point is 01:26:21 guys I'm interrupting this podcast let you know once again that we are brought to you by manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims cubed for looking after our hogs for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean and if you're listening this pod right now put that dong in the ice if you want full blood flow and a hard erection dude going deep what erections baby erections guys you want the full package you know and once you get into the cold once you dip your dong into the ice and you get full erections you're going to want to make sure that it looks nice and going deep fans know how much we love shredding so thank you manscape for allowing us
Starting point is 01:27:10 to shred everything in our life except our sacks the sacred bag full of your nuts also if you're getting stoked by our new indie film uncut pubes then be sure to use manscape to keep your super dank dong clean during quarantine. That rhymes. Manscaped is the only men's brand dedicated to below the waist grooming and hygiene. You can eat. Oh dude, you can safely now draw the in and out logo on your pews by using Lawnmower
Starting point is 01:27:35 3.0. And because of the ceramic blade and skin safe technology, you can also not snag your snack, your sack or snack, depending on, you know on your activities during quarantine, while designing yourself down under. So get the Perfect Package 3.0 Essentials Kit. Get the Lawn Mower 3.0 Waterproof Cordless Body Framer
Starting point is 01:27:59 Anti-Chipping Boxers Travel Bag. Romp Your Swamp with the Crop Preserver and Crop Reviver. All that good stuff, and get 20% off plus free shipping with the code GODEAP20 at manscaped.com. That's 20% off, free shipping, manscaped.com. Use code GODEAP20. Your balls will be stoked. JT, have you manscaped recently?
Starting point is 01:28:22 Dude, I did. I did last week. I'm going to run it back on Sunday, I think. I think I'm going to get an Airbnb for a while and chill with this girl. Oh, cool. She just got tested, so we're going to get her test results, and then we're going to – For corona?
Starting point is 01:28:35 Yeah, and then we're just going to hang out. Yeah, so I got to be prepped for that. Dude, Manscaped wrote that copy? Yeah. It's insane. They must really listen to the pod. That was like – The In-N-Out logo?
Starting point is 01:28:51 Super specific, yeah. Yeah, I was like, whoa. Yeah, they really – I think they're – I mean, it's – I can't think of a better partnership. All right, so Wim, now we're going to be doing our Of the Weeks. You mentioned it earlier with the beef, so we're going to start it off with Chad. Chad, what is your beef of the week? My beef of the week is the comfort zone.
Starting point is 01:29:16 In honor of Wim, we got to go outside of our comfort zone. You know, it's, and I think going off what you said, like, you know, when we get back in nature and we, when we're in the comfort zone, that's when our minds spin. That's when we get,
Starting point is 01:29:32 you know, muscle atrophy and stuff. And, uh, when you get out of the comfort zone, that's where the true happiness seems to be. So get outside your comfort, comfort zone,
Starting point is 01:29:43 take risks, you know, even in the era of Corona virus, find ways to, to reach outside your comfort zone zone take risks you know even in the era of coronavirus find ways to reach outside your comfort zone and just uh keep being a beast so yeah it's awesome dog you push it dude you're never in your comfort zone well your comfort zone is being out of your comfort zone so you're always out of it my comfort zone is being alone, so maybe that's... I need to... Good.
Starting point is 01:30:09 So, what is my beef? I think, you know, I got six children, and a company, a movement, and I'm fighting ignorance in the world. I'm looking at what is going on right now with the coronavirus. We can beat all that, but that is individual. And I try to show that in so many ways. And I still get frustrated by having set the way out
Starting point is 01:30:47 and nobody gets into the way out. Oh, yes, maybe a lot of people will get the way out. But my mission is to change healthcare globally. So I got a big, big beef all the time going. And I'm relentless. I will always go on. I'm like water. Water can find resistance only in time.
Starting point is 01:31:18 If the water keeps on running, the water becomes invincible. It becomes stronger than the wall that opposes it. And so I call the wall the beef I have every week. And that's besides of the clashes I got in my own family. Because I'm like anybody. I'm like anybody. I got differences and I got to solve them. I got the family thing, the company thing, the whole thing. But my life force is stronger. It's like water and it's stronger than any wall that wants to oppose it. So my beef of this week was that,
Starting point is 01:32:08 what I just mentioned. And what else? There is something in the company going on with the dynamics. And these lawyers, they are so, I don't know, they make little stuff big. And things like that make it very
Starting point is 01:32:26 a lot of confusion that I got a lot of beef with that and I think you know
Starting point is 01:32:32 40 years of experience me of all what I've done I'm able to replicate
Starting point is 01:32:38 that in 10 minutes and then I ask can you solve this you have learned
Starting point is 01:32:44 all your life about expertise in the in being a lawyer on finances or company dynamics and then it takes weeks and weeks and weeks to reproduce and so the expertise is not there the the essence is not there. The essence is not there. And that is my beef. I'm looking at it. And I think, shit, man, I already know it better than all you guys by looking on the internet how it all works. But I got no power of attorney.
Starting point is 01:33:24 with the staggering ignorance always present in the world who are busy with people in equal division of power, disease, poverty in the world, et cetera. The whole controversial thing. That's my beef all the time. And for the rest, I love life. Nice. I love it. Good beef.
Starting point is 01:33:44 You came from a big family too, right? You had eight brothers and sisters? I love life nice I love it good beef you came from a big family too right you had eight brothers and sisters seven brothers two sisters now do you think
Starting point is 01:33:53 I was wondering this is like my armchair analysis but do you think part of what makes you such a determined person is that to differentiate yourself in a family that big
Starting point is 01:34:02 you have to be pretty unique yeah unique and competitive To differentiate yourself in a family that big, you have to be pretty unique. Yeah, unique and competitive. Right. Competitive in like colorful, you, yourself, original. Yeah. Find new ways, new things, and show it and be proud of what you have found. Yes, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:34:31 What do your siblings think about all you've accomplished? In the beginning, I was the black sheep. Now they are all the black sheep and I'm the white sheep. Yeah, I feel that. feel that still doing the same uh my b for the week is with the weekend the uh the not the days of the week but the recording artist uh i love the weekend but i think he's been kind of watered down by success. Like when he did that album trilogy, it was like so intense and it was so powerful. It felt like he dunked my head into a pool and the water was like hedonism and yearning and pain. And I was like, whoa, this is like thick water. And it felt like I was like,
Starting point is 01:35:23 just like moving through it. It was, it just, I don't know. It was, it was, it was an experience that not a lot of other, not a lot of other musicians have given me, but now it just feels like he's like airy and the music's not as substantial. And I don't know, it just doesn't feel as like unique and hard hitting. I just want him to go back to when he was just living out of LA or New York or wherever he's at when he was just in Canada. He was just stuck in his basement just writing about all of his grimy experiences. I miss that weekend.
Starting point is 01:35:54 That's my beat for the week. It's just my nostalgia for who the weekend was. Let's go back to that weekend. Nice. I got to listen to Trilogy. It's got some bangers dude house of balloons bro blow your lid off um nice hit when do you like the weekend the weekend it's always weekend with me amen um chad who's your uh babe of the week uh my babe of the week is so i i have an assault bike on my
Starting point is 01:36:26 balcony and i've been i've been cranking it out you know every day and the other day there's a guy running down the street and he's running by and he looks up at me and i'm cranking it and he gives me this fist pump like let's go so uh that's my babe of the week you know even though we're separated there's still that unity and uh we were both getting it in and feeling good so that's that's awesome uh wim who's your babe of the week uh my oh that's uh my son. My son. My son, actually, and my wife. Great. Both. My wife, because she is just...
Starting point is 01:37:10 I find her suddenly very new, genuine shape, I find. Her energy is completely different, very attractive suddenly. Why? I don't know. It just happened. And my son is just ridiculously cute. So, both of them. Both babes. Oh, that's nice. That's great.
Starting point is 01:37:35 My babe of the week is another recording artist. It's Prince. Dude, I learned about this Prince song when you were mine, off of his album Dirty Mind. Dude, it blew my dome. I had heard a lot of Prince and I'd always liked him, but I don't ever think I'd gone deep enough into the catalog to truly appreciate the genius that everybody says he is. And I mean, obviously he can play all of his own instruments and do all of his own compositions
Starting point is 01:38:01 and he writes really poppy songs and then puts all these different elements into him like his his you know high high voice but with this like raw sexuality and uh it's dude it's a killer combo and then this song when you were mine it's just like it's a frothy pop song but it's it's elegant and then i just i don't know i love bopping to it and then if if you really want an idea of what a superstar Prince is, watch While My Guitar Gently Weeps that they played at George Harrison's Memorial. And he does a solo during it that is maybe the best guitar solo of all time. And everyone there just, it's like Steve Winwood and Tom Petty, they all stop being musicians and everyone just watches Prince ascend above everybody else. And he like so close to God when he's playing this solo it just it it shreds on a whole new level and then George Harrison's son there and
Starting point is 01:38:51 he just looks and he just like is geeking out it's really sweet and yeah Prince you know gone too soon and I I just look forward to learning more and more about your music dude because it's it's unreal uh uh chad who's your legend of the week uh my legend of the week is this author don miguel ruiz uh so i yeah i read the the grapes of wrath recently and having that coincide with like the economy and stuff was kind of a huge bummer, but it was a great read. So it really expanded my dome. But now I'm reading this guy, Dom Miguel Ruiz, who's more of a spiritual. He's preaching more of a spiritual kind of stuff,
Starting point is 01:39:37 and that always puts me in a good mood to not worry so much about life and just remember that it's a fun ride, and any sort of obstacles or perceived challenges are just like, it's a fun bump in the road. And it just sort of, like Wim said, it's like water. You're just hitting the wall and you just keep going. So, yeah, that's my legend. Wim, who's your legend?
Starting point is 01:40:02 Whoa. Who's my legend, man? Being legendary. Anybody who is legendary. I come very close to the soul now, seeing the being legendary in anybody. In anybody. A gentleness. I see being a legend, it could be my neighbor
Starting point is 01:40:33 being friendly to me. Or out there in Amsterdam, most people are friendly to me. I got a good energy going. So they are friendly to me, But I'm into the soul. I'm into writing a new book that comes out in September or October. And it's about the Wim Hof Method. And in the end, it is about happiness, strength, and health. And those values, those values are close to the soul.
Starting point is 01:41:01 The soul is my legend. Absolutely. Bye. Nice. I love it. I'm into the soul. The soul is my legend. Absolutely. Nice. I love it. I'm into the soul. I want to explain it. Before I go, I got it all explained
Starting point is 01:41:12 through science, what the soul is all about. Be legendary. And the book comes out this September? Yeah, October 20th. October. How long did it take for you to finish writing
Starting point is 01:41:26 the book? I've always wondered how long it takes authors to... You know, the actual writing is being done after audio. It takes about a year. Okay. So you speak the book first. Yeah. Yeah. Wow, that's so interesting. Yeah. Once I'm on, then I got some good stuff coming out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:56 And it's not about me. It's about what is coming out. And what is coming out is based in a deep experience. So that is the book all about, about the depth, experience the depth. And then, yeah, it's coming out, how do you say, October. It took me 16 hours continuous in three days, continuous talking. Wow. That's so cool.
Starting point is 01:42:33 Yep. It's going to be a New York Times bestseller. Boom. No doubt. Oh, yeah. Good shit. Coming, all the signs is there and all my story where I
Starting point is 01:42:46 came from I'm a normal dude I'm a school I'm a dropout
Starting point is 01:42:53 from school changing science fundamentally in the universities how about that
Starting point is 01:42:57 I'm teaching doctors and professors all over the world yeah what is
Starting point is 01:43:04 that that is the quality of nature we do not know as humans nature knows and I have been in nature so much I did a lot of field work in nature so I got things they have not even have names for it. They are finding out. They are finding out through tests, blood proof and brain scans. And they never saw that before. Nice.
Starting point is 01:43:37 My legend of the week is my mom. Mother's Day is in a couple of days. This will come out after Mother's Day, but Mother's Day is in two days. And yeah, you know, I'm just running it back with my mom. Cause she's just an absolute ledge and you know, the coolest of the cool. And, you know, like last night when, when I tried your, your ice bath, I woke my mom up at two in the morning just to keep an eye on me. So I wouldn't do it solo. And she was totally game and down and super encouraging. And, uh, yeah, I just appreciate her always supporting my, uh, eccentricities and being eccentric. And yeah, I just appreciate her always supporting my eccentricities and being eccentric in her own, hugely eccentric in her own life. And always setting a model because my mom
Starting point is 01:44:13 always, like my mom used to embarrass me because she would just say whatever she thought, no matter what, and sometimes piss people off. But she never let the moment or the situation have priority over her truth. And even though that could bug me at times, I find it very inspiring because my mom is always going to live her life with 100% authenticity and I don't give a fuckness. And yeah, and it's a,
Starting point is 01:44:38 it's, it's really a rare. So I just love that about my mom. That's why she's my legend of the week. Yeah. That's awesome yeah what's up what's up
Starting point is 01:44:51 true spirituality dude totally she's very spiritual I got you I respect you all the love to you mom thanks man Chad what's your quote of the week uh my quote comes from this dude Don Miguel Ruiz all right wherever we go we see all these
Starting point is 01:45:15 beautiful creations of humans homes cars freeways buildings stadiums whatever we see we remember that it all first existed in the human mind. We made it with real action. Look at the ancient Egyptians, the Sumerians, the Greeks, the Hindus, and many others, where we see the great civilizations that existed around planet Earth. We understand that they first existed in the human mind, and then with actions, people made what they imagined come true. In the same way, you cannot make your own dreams come true without action.
Starting point is 01:45:48 Whatever happens in your mind will end in your mind and cannot become real until you take the action. For your dreams to become real, action must follow inspiration. Love it. So what kind of books does he write? He writes nonfiction? Oh, let me grab it. Get it, dog. What's up, William? Yeah, you look good. So, what was the question again?
Starting point is 01:46:17 It's, what is your quote of the week? Do you have a quote that you'd like to share? Yes. I thought, This is funny. Look. You see this one? Yes, monkey.
Starting point is 01:46:32 I love that. You got a monkey on your shirt? Pull it in. Let it go. Pull it in. Let it go. Man, dude, you're a character. That was awesome. That was awesome. I just found it. I found the t-shirt and I thought,
Starting point is 01:46:52 Hey, that's nice. Yeah. Yeah. That is a cool shirt. I think, I think you, it's crazy.
Starting point is 01:46:59 Like a monkey. I feel okay. I played up with the guitar I teed around with it nice crazy nice crazy like a monkey
Starting point is 01:47:15 Mike what are the weekends from the movie Cool Runnings one of the best movies of all time it's about a Jamaican bobsled team in the Winter Olympics
Starting point is 01:47:21 and a Yul Brenner who's the badass of the team makes a junior bevel who's kind of a a privileged kid trying to find his own way through life you know differentiate himself from his family and he just Yul just doesn't think junior has enough confidence so he makes him look in the mirror and he makes him say out loud to himself when he when he asks what does he see in the mirror he makes him say i see pride i see power i see a badass mother who don't take no crap let me get that again i see pride i see power i see a
Starting point is 01:47:52 badass mother who don't take no crap off of nobody and then he makes him say it again and he goes again and again and he makes him keep saying it until he believes it that's awesome yeah that's good That's good. That's good. And then we have a phrase of the week for getting after it. Wim, so this is like a phrase that makes people want to party.
Starting point is 01:48:13 Chad, do you have a phrase of the week for getting after it? Yeah. Spark the flair. Ooh. I just said freeze, you know, on the t-shirt. Freeze. And the other side was breathe, motherfucker.
Starting point is 01:48:31 Yeah. Breathe, motherfucker. I love that. Mine is from Warzone, from when we were playing Call of Duty. It's when your buddy goes down and you go, but he's not all the way dead. You go, I got your revive, or I'll revive you. I'll revive you.'ll revive you yeah i love that that's it when thank you so much for coming out of the pod this has been amazing you're the best
Starting point is 01:48:58 cool thank you for coming on it was cool hanging out with you guys yeah you too thank you like uh yeah we we had a nice time again yeah very nice yeah we'll have to have you back yeah when the book comes right on good if you're ever in la let's uh let's hop in a nice bath yeah that's cool that's cool i got some cold water with your name on it. No speech. And you get it going, the cold shower. I'm going to do it today. JT.
Starting point is 01:49:33 I'm doing it today. Great. But keep on continuous until whatever you got is out of there. That is one. What is the thing about JT? John Thomas. Your name is John Parr? John Thomas Parr, yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:54 Ah, John Thomas, JT, got it. But my mom's Colombian, so they call people there like Juan Tomas. They call you by your first and middle name, so they just shortened it to JT for me. Ah, got it. But yeah, if it'll fix my herpes and my depression i'm all in baby let's go yeah yeah yeah make the depression depressed i'm gonna beat the fuck out of it dog i'm gonna sit on that thing's head and crush it down with an ice block yeah let's go way to go way to go thank you when wait can you crack a walnut with your butt for it no it's okay we'll do it next time that's next time
Starting point is 01:50:30 all right all right thanks a lot man okay we'll see you soon thanks bye, man. Bye. Have a great one. Yep. You too.

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