Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep 133 - Five Horsemen Join (Strider, Uncle Joe, Aaron the Great)

Episode Date: May 27, 2020

What up lords of stoke! You asked for em and you got em, the five horsemen of the chillpocalypse, Strider, Uncle Joe, and Aaron the Great. We talk q-tine, MJ, and dong!!!Sponsored by Manscaped: Get 20...% Off and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagion.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 No headset, Joe? No, I mean, I'm here by myself, so... Who's listening? How are the news I'll ask you during the pod everyone's fine I just need to pull up the Manscaped sends new copy every week now so
Starting point is 00:00:38 they're invested dude their copy like a week or two ago was like phenomenal oh they're the best they got like a playwright over there in their in their copy department uh they're they're really uh david mammoth yeah they're really stepping up the game manscape manscape what you want me to escape my man no no no listen to me i am listening to No, listen close. I need you to manscape your scape so you can be on top of it. That's my David Mamet impression.
Starting point is 00:01:09 A lot of repetition. I love that. Not enough swearing, though. He's got to have some more swearing. Does he have a lot of swearing in his plays? Yeah. Glenn Gary leads. Glenn Gary, Glenn Ross. That's a good movie.
Starting point is 00:01:22 I haven't seen it. I should watch it. You've never seen it? No. You've got to watch it. It's a good movie. I haven't seen it. I should watch it. You've never seen it? No. You've got to watch it. It's the best. You've never seen it, Joe? Joe, it would be your favorite movie of all time. No. I've only seen the...
Starting point is 00:01:36 I'll try to watch it. Joe's favorite movie is Richard Jewell. I just love when Chad does an impression of Joe saying Richard Jeard jewel i still haven't watched that richard jewel that was the only movie joe goes he goes richard jewel that might be the first movie i see in theaters in five years i haven't watched it well why do you like it so much i don't know i i don't i just i think it's an interesting story i'd like to hear it i'd like to see it you know uh yeah okay uh here we go um scooby-doo bop and uh no i almost i almost I almost said something that rhymed with cock. Maybe I should intro that.
Starting point is 00:02:31 You are about to talk about manscaping. Well, the rhyme that came to my head is Scooby-Doo-Bop, suck my cutie and cock. I don't think that's good for the pod. I'll send you a clip of it before I post it. I like it give me the fries give me the burger and put on that sauce this is chad kroger coming in with the going deep with chad and jt podcast guys before we begin i want to remind you once again that we are brought to you by manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that
Starting point is 00:03:08 our dongles are looking fresh and clean. And guys, we're all prepping for the reopening. And when you reopen, you also want to reopen your dong with some nice looking pubes. So use code godeep20 at
Starting point is 00:03:23 manscaped.com to get 20% off plus free shipping. That's godeep20 at manscaped.com for 20% off plus free shipping. And I'm here with my compadre, John Thomas. What up? Boom, clap, Stokers. What up, dog? And I'm here with Strider. Friggin' what up, bros?
Starting point is 00:03:43 Pleasure, dude. Always stoked to hop on the pod with my dogs dude great to have you back and then with the strictly angry haircut we got joe marisi what's up guys yeah i mean it's time to face reality i'm a bald man are you gonna stay stay bald i don't want yeah because when it grows back then there's like a lot of hair here and you know i don't want to be george costanza because the top is very slow so i want one length you know i don't want spotty hair like a spotty beard like those guys that have spotty beards i have spotty
Starting point is 00:04:26 hair it's the opposite i i don't know man yeah i like it too i mean there's like a there's like two chicks that dm me i like that you uh you went full commit dude that's what i like i like yeah because i just you know Now's the time to experiment. I think it needs a little bit of hair on it, though. Right now, it looks good with a 5 o'clock shadow on there. I think when it's just bone, it's a little intimidating. Well, I just think it needs to get tan. Today, I was out in the sun.
Starting point is 00:04:57 It's a little bit red. I think if it gets tan, then it looks... It looks better because when it's tan, then it looks better. Because when it's tan, it's like, oh, is that hair? No, that's just skin. Because if it's white, it looks too shiny and you look sickly. Yeah, I think that's what it was.
Starting point is 00:05:20 If you start now, just start doing push-ups, squats all day long, and a heavy upper body, upper girdle routine, it Could be the Mr. Clean dude for Halloween. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Like Mr. Clean. That'd be a sick Halloween costume, dude. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Squad, how are you guys holding up in the teen? Chilling, dude. Yeah, chilling. Just, you know, pretty much, you know, ready to not do this anymore. Yeah, I'm tired of sitting here. Yeah, I could hear your, even when you call me, I can hear your frustration. Yeah, I'm really depressed. You're fully depressed?
Starting point is 00:06:05 You get excited when you call me. You yell at me. Yeah, I've been getting in arguments with people too. It feels good though. Yeah. Sometimes it feels good to exact some emotion. Dude, we should get a number 43 kahuna, baby. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Yeah, let's do it. Let's do it. Tomorrow or Saturday, we should get a number 43 Kahuna, baby. Let's do it. Yeah, let's do it. Let's do it. Tomorrow or Saturday, we'll do that. Perfect. To good luck. Go ahead, Chad. Where do you get the 43 Kahuna? Jersey Mike's.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Yeah, the number 43 at Jersey Mike's. Oh, is that the Philly cheesesteak? Yeah, it's the Philly cheesesteak. Yeah, it's the Philly cheesesteak. Dude, it's so good. So good, dude. 53 might be the Kuhn. I might be mistaken. But yeah, we're talking about the number 43.
Starting point is 00:06:53 The cheesesteak with the dank Chipotle mayo on there. Yeah. I think that'll rip your QT blues. That's Philly cheesesteak in LA. And if you eat enough cheesesteaks, you won't want to go out. You'll want to stay right where you are so it's kind of a nice little you know subconscious little mind body trick right there yeah i like that i like that style house cheese steaks you won't want to go out you won't want
Starting point is 00:07:16 to leave your house they're conducive to sitting correct yeah stromy you know all these things nice reuben that'll make you want to stay inside oh if you eat a ruben and you want to go run like a 5k you're an elite person that's like mj smoking all those stogies dude yeah the guys i only started smoking stogies later in life you smoking stogies like at north carolina it seemed like, dude. What's going on? Dude, the image of him with the cigar and the baseball bat when he's talking about how it's easy to talk shit when you're up, that was like my favorite image I've ever seen. Yeah, that's pretty amazing.
Starting point is 00:07:54 It was so great. So effortlessly captivating. Yeah. I would love to hear – dude, honestly, this documentary, I love it so much, and they haven't even gotten into the Utah jazz stuff. I feel like they're going to hit it, you know, obviously in these last steps. But, dude, wasn't Stockton a huge shit talker? Like John Stockton was like one of the notorious big, big shit talkers.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Yeah, Stockton was notoriously a dirty player at hit talk. Okay, he didn't talk smack. He would just like smack your nuts. Yeah, he would do scra smack your nuts i think yeah he would do scrappy stuff with his elbows and yeah he would get away with it too yeah why because he's such a skinny dude yeah just a little bitch well no one expects yeah i mean no one expects mean, Stockton looks like this clean-cut guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:50 You know, doesn't look like he's up to any kind of trouble, but he was. Yeah. How weird is it that Jeff Hornacek was a good basketball player? You look at Jeff Hornacek and you're like, dude, this guy needs to give me, like, financial advice or, like, tax advice. And then the guy is just freaking lights out from beyond the arc. Yeah, a guy could shoot. Shooting his free throws? Yeah, he would say hi to his wife. Giving it up to his wife.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Oh, that's what he would do? Yeah, when he did this, it was his wave to his family. Yeah. Unlike Doug Christie, who is the most annoying basketball player of all time. Doug Christie, I don't think anyone's ever made me as upset as Doug Christie. That's it.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Because you love Kobe too? I think it's just my – yeah, it's my love of Kobe that turned into hate for Doug. Doug Christie, was he on the Kings? Yeah, he was on the Kings. I actually liked a lot of the players on the Kings team. I loved Bobby Jackson. Yeah, that was a fun team. I liked Chris Weber.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Yeah, you like Weber? Yeah, I like Weber, yeah. I always thought Weber was cool. He was. Yeah, that was a fun team. I like Chris Webber. Yeah, you like Webber? Yeah, I like Webber, yeah. I always thought Webber was cool. He was. Yeah, he was great. I remember when he got mad at the media because they were talking too much about him dating Tyra Banks, and he got all fired up in the locker room. He's like, I grant all you dudes interviews.
Starting point is 00:09:56 You put my shit out into public. I'm done with all of you. Get him, Chris. Don't let him blow up your spot. Yeah, dude, the media going after Jordan, dude. They're taking down Jordan. I mean, Chris. Don't let him blow up your spot. Yeah, dude. The media going after Jordan, dude. They're taking down Jordan. I mean, God. Yeah, he had it up to here with those guys.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Yeah, very little time spent with Jordan's personal life. You get nothing into who he dated or his family and stuff like that. Well, he was married for a while. For a long time. Is he not married anymore? No. Well, he's remarried to a younger, really hot chick. Nice.
Starting point is 00:10:33 But he's got three kids with his older wife. He might have some kids with this wife, too. I think I heard something about that. Yeah, he's got some new ones. Twin girls. Yeah, yeah. Oh, wow. Nice. kids with this wife too i think i heard something about his twin twin girls yeah yeah oh wow nice dude i think i think it'd pick up basketball games guys are going to be being harder on people on each other at the courts i think that's going to be the jordan effect from this
Starting point is 00:10:55 yeah it's really romanticized like being tough on people to bring out the best in them so you're going to get guys who have always felt like they should be doing that and they're just going to be at the pickup courts like you know you're better than that you know you going to get guys who have always felt like they should be doing that. And they're just going to be at the pickup courts. Like, you know, you're better than that. You know, you got to get that rebound. I expect more from you. And you're going to, you know, what I really liked about it too is how we talked about how, you know, growing up, how competitive are,
Starting point is 00:11:14 like if you have brothers and you're playing sports every day, just how competitive it gets. Oh yeah. That reminded me of playing with my brother and my cousins. Cause it would get heated. But that's why we made each other better. That's why I made the all-star team every year at baseball. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:35 It would be an interesting poll to see how many professional athletes are only child. Because I feel like you have to have a brother or somebody pushing you. That would be interesting to know. I bet you most professional athletes have siblings. That's probably a dumb poll because most people in the world probably have
Starting point is 00:11:58 siblings. It's interesting. I think it's an interesting concept. You've got to look at their dads too. I think the dads are a huge factor. Yeah. Yeah, but they can't...
Starting point is 00:12:14 They're not in the trenches though. We played games of 21 in my cousin's basement. It was like the bad boys down there we don't have 10 foot hoop they had a 10 foot hoop in their basement no it was you know we were little kids it was like a fisher price hoop that would okay go to like six or seven feet but it was one of those with a really hard rim so you could use
Starting point is 00:12:41 a regular ball but a mini belt nice i mean i'm talking when we're like eight ten years old we're not you know we're little kids but you're seeding that competitive attitude that's gonna pay yeah yeah absolutely right yeah i would i would be too much with my brother because he was kind of more passive than me and i'd be like you're not competitive enough and like we'd be working out together and i remember one time i was like get more jacked when you do bench get more pumped up yeah he's like you gotta know what it is yeah like for me growing up like when we played sports there was nothing more gratifying to me than beating my brother it just yeah because he's two years older than me so it was just motivate you know
Starting point is 00:13:27 and he would talk shit i feel like the oldest in the family's always always talks the most shit yeah my experience that seems i think that's the thing but yeah it's nothing better than being your brother itself well with my older brothers when they would get on my ass about shit like that, that would push me farther away from it. I'd be like, it was more like rebellious. I'm like, now I'm definitely not going to do what you're asking me to do. Oh, so you put the push in your attitude.
Starting point is 00:13:58 No, I would just try to beat them in other things. All right, well, yeah, you got to beat them at something. I think it was more like they were trying to get me to do things that I just did you got to beat him at something i think it was more like they were trying to get me to do things i just did not want to do and then uh but it did fuel some kind of competitive fire within me to where i'm like secretly i'm going to dominate you in this and then you won't realize it until i'm t-bagging you in domination you know that was sort of my my style dude my older brother my direct older brother greg was like he's always a wild card he's the middle child and uh he would just we'd play basketball together and he'd be like we're playing one-on-one
Starting point is 00:14:38 we're playing one-on-one i'm like i don't want to play and he would just like totally abuse me and dominate me at one-on-one and then then he'd go, all right, I want to take some shots now. And then he would just shoot and I would have to rebound and kick him the ball. And he'd go, kick me the ball, kick me the ball. And then dude, one time I had to drop a deuce and he's like, no, dude, no, you don't have to go. And I'm like, did I really have to go? And I crapped my pants and I jumped up for a rebound one time.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Green, green, gotcha corduroy shorts. Crap. Will you tell the story of your, your brother disrespecting the karate instructor? Oh yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:15:16 This is great. We went to a karate class at a country club called Marbella country club, which on its own is hilarious. And so we go there, dude, but my mom just needed like to get there's five kids in my family mom's like i need to put these kids somewhere so i can go and have sanity on my own and uh so she's like all right you guys are going to do
Starting point is 00:15:34 karate we're like all right cool and we show up in uh sub-zero and scorpion costumes instead of we didn't have any dude my mom and we're late to everything growing up we show up 15 minutes late dude i mean my brother just walk in dude my brother mom, and we're late to everything growing up. We show up 15 minutes late, dude. I mean, my brother would just walk in, dude. My brother's Scorpion, which I wanted to be, but he's like, no, I'm Scorpion. And then I was Sub-Zero, dude, so we show up in those costumes, dude, and just sit there and do it. And the sensei's name was Sensei Barney.
Starting point is 00:15:58 And you're supposed to call him Sensei Barney, but my brother would just go, no, dude, you're just Barney. He would just call him sensei barney but my brother would just go nah dude you're just barney call him barney dude you need to call me sensei like nah you're barney it was hilarious dude i think you got ended up getting booted out of that class and then i got i uh ended up becoming a yellow belt three stripes nice dude nice sick yeah would you use would you use the moral combat terms like were you scorpion or sub-zero i was sub-zero what was he sick because i know scorpions just get over here get over here get over here shit yes in the movie yeah sub-zero is kind of like right down the middle type of guy. Yeah, is that Guile? I think that's Ken and Ryu, right?
Starting point is 00:16:47 Ken and Ryu. Yeah, there's some great – Dude, the Street Fighter animated movie was dope. Did you guys ever watch that? Not the Jean-Claude Van Damme one. I've only seen the Jean-Claude Van Damme one, which is terrible. That's got a good oral history because he was just doing a ton of blow, and everybody was in over their head making it.
Starting point is 00:17:10 I love it. And it's just JCVd just living his life at 100 miles an hour yeah raul julia like dying oh he was dying yeah as he was playing bison yeah that happens in a lot of movies the guy in the lives of others was dying when he played that part and i think and and then peter postulate in the town was dying when he made that part and i think and and then peter postulate in the town was dying when he made that it kind of adds to the performances jason robards magnolia oh yeah right now making this podcast aren't we from the day we're born starting to die yeah that's true that's a quote from is that's the movie uh the danny devito movie when he trains the soldiers renaissance renaissance man it's from the movie i a quote from, that's the movie, the Danny DeVito movie, when he trains the soldiers. Renaissance. Renaissance Man.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Good movie. I was just thinking about that movie the other day when the guy was reading a letter from his parents. Yeah. Or his brother. Yeah, I never understood that when you hear stories about people who are doing blow all the time in the 80s, like making stuff. It's like, how do you just continuously do how do you not just wake up one day wanting to blow your head off and not
Starting point is 00:18:11 doing like how do you just keep doing work like some of the greatest stuff was made when these guys were on blow i'm like for how long because i can't tell oh yeah i think they do burn out a lot and i think the system protected them a lot too. Like they probably had days like that and they were like, guys, we're going to shut down for today because Mel's got a really bad headache. Yeah, yeah. I'll get someone to just be in his trailer like shaking.
Starting point is 00:18:35 And it's like the arts. It's like he disagreed with an angle in the script and it's like, no, no, no, we're going to shoot that script. He's just out of his mind. Yeah. He's yacked out in his trailer. And maybe if everybody's on cocaine, it kind of works. If it's 30 sober people and you're the only one on coke, then it doesn't work.
Starting point is 00:18:53 But if everyone's on coke – and dude, honestly, everyone on production does Adderall now too. So when I worked in production, I used to do a ton of Adderall, and I don't think I was the only one. Maybe that's new coke, just a little bit cleaner and easier to consume. Dude, now that I'm gaming so much, playing COD, dropping into Warzone with my dogs, it's like, dude, I need some Adderall to keep these late-night hours going, dude.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Keep my focus to get these Ws, dude. Yeah. Dude, I hear you. I got a little squirrely. You didn't kill a guy? Yeah, JT did get squirrely last night. Wait, what'd you say? What'd you say?
Starting point is 00:19:28 Season's still, you guys are still playing? I don't know at this point if I'll ever be able to stop. That's the best. I think I might be getting a little tired of it. Maybe it's just a day-long phase, though. Yeah. I'm probably getting tired of it. It's just a day-long phase, though. Yeah. It's just a day thing, dude.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Well, I played one Warzone game last night. I'm like, I'm done. I get sick of Warzone. I want to play more multiplayer. I don't know. You got to be playing a bad game with Schmoll. Yeah, maybe he's playing with Schmoll. Yeah, Schmoll, daddy. I mean daddy i mean look schmole he was one of
Starting point is 00:20:07 the worst gamers i've ever played with like dude he was like before the system arrived he was like dude we gotta play hill we gotta play i was like all right sick yeah let's play hello and i play halo on christmas with my brothers and stuff like maybe you know obviously like once a year but probably go heavy that once a year yeah brush up on my skills dude he was one of the worst player maybe i've ever played with yeah when we got like two people's bagging uh hilarious well he he does yeah he does freak out like and where he's like he's like what are you doing what are you doing don't move like dude and he's like we gotta hide here we can't he's like who's on the right i'm like i'm like it's a video game we gotta move somewhere like i want to to hide here. We can't. He's like, who's on the right? I'm like, it's a video game.
Starting point is 00:20:46 We got to move somewhere. Like, I want to actually, like, shoot people. I don't want to just hang out. And so maybe it's that. He's a lawyer. Yeah. Yeah, I was playing the other day. And Schmoll started playing.
Starting point is 00:21:03 And I was like, what are you up to he's like oh i was just yelling at a detective for like a half hour it was great oh like nice now you're playing video games hilarious yeah what else guys uh i just got in and out-Out. I got Double Double with fries. What up, Aaron? And I got another cheeseburger waiting for me. I think I'm going to go snatch it. Nice.
Starting point is 00:21:32 I tried to go there on Saturday. I can't. I'm not sitting in a 30-car line. Yeah, dude. If you try to go to the one up on Sunset Boulevard, dude. Yeah. It's crazy. It's insane.
Starting point is 00:21:42 It's too nuts. That's obviously the worst In-N- out in the country, I'd say. I tried to go to 430 last Saturday. 430 is a good time. It's in between lunch and dinner. It's supposed to be pretty chill. What's the best in and out? Avery.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Yeah, Avery's solid. Avery's a dank one, dude. Garnett in San Diego is pretty good. Love that one. You solidify that one these are the exits to exit off of um oh it's a five five mission do yep exactly i went to one in vegas on my way out to montana and uh nice yeah it was a really good burger like so you know sometimes it just comes out a little bit hotter and everything's a little bit more melted it was like that and then i just they were trying to hand me other stuff like boxes and i said just give me the burger they just handed me bang straight in
Starting point is 00:22:34 dude uh yeah jt you're in montana now how was that yeah i forgot about that the drive was good dude i'm adjusting to being in my dad's i kind of miss at my mom's, but it's nice being with my dad. He was having company and stuff and being a little wild. So before I came out here, he was partying, and I was like, you got to stop that. I do respect that he's partying, despite being ill with a… Well, Montana's pretty chill, right? His county actually has quite a few cases per capita. But yeah, it's pretty mellow.
Starting point is 00:23:04 They only get like one new case a day though lately um but uh your dad's gotta be careful yeah my dad's got the drive was really nice and then what was he gonna say oh dude i didn't want to shit in a in a toilet like at a gas station because i was scared about corona so i just uh went to a strip mall and went behind like a dumpster no yeah no way yeah that's worse no way yeah and then i just like what'd you wipe with i brought wet wipes and i have purell and then i uh i dropped my phone a little bit and now you're giving somebody corona yeah dude you're spreading it you're giving somebody Corona. You're spreading it through. Someone's going to eat that shit. Someone's going to eat it.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Someone's going to eat it. Someone's going to go and eat it. Homeless guy. I left $20 on it for whatever homeless guy found it to say sorry. Did you really? Yeah. Well, he'll get Corona then.
Starting point is 00:24:08 I don't think I got it. tested i'm good yeah i never had it i i got an antibody test it was negative oh really you had it for sure yeah no i think i negative for antibodies they said number one you have too much muscle and too big of cock the virus cannot get through oh you saw dr mizrahi yeah he's good yeah that's what he said joe speaking of which we haven't touched on this how's the hog man yeah pretty good i mean it's uh you know he's pretty lonely yeah that's a tough thing to lock down. Yeah. It's substantial, dude.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Did you get your hog separately tested for coronavirus? I was negative to that. Yeah, my hog was negative too. Did they give you two rooms? One for you and one for your hog? They should have, yeah. Do you have to put a face mask on your hog when you go out? Yeah, just on the tit.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Smart. It's good to be looking out like that. So you have to stitch together like three regular face masks to make it fit? Yeah, six out of three. Yeah, did you have to call Mayor Garcetti for some guidelines on what to do with your hog? I would like to call him. Dude, was that your hog that I saw?
Starting point is 00:25:34 Joe, was that your hog that I saw docked in the New York Harbor? It's called like the Mercy or something like that? Yeah, it's the Mercy, yeah. Is that your hog out there? That's a good name for a dog, the USS Mercy. Well, it must be nice having JT out of the apartment. Your hog can breathe now. You don't have to tape it up, right?
Starting point is 00:25:58 Yeah. Yeah. A lot of breathing room here. How is LA? How is hanging out at Julie's? I saw you guys went over there the other day. Yeah, I mean of breathing room here. How is LA? How is hanging out at Julie's? I saw you guys went over there the other day. Yeah, I mean, it's fine. You know, people are getting a little stir crazy.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Yeah, I don't know how this is going to go for the next couple months. I feel like people are going to buck. Yeah, I mean, it's like, you know, people are, you know, people don't want to go broke, so. Yeah. We're definitely at that point now where it's like, it's,
Starting point is 00:26:37 you know, for the first, like, month, it was like, alright, we're on lockdown, but now it's getting to the point where it's like, because it's such a complex problem, but, you know, it's it's like yeah because they say something different every day yeah and it's like you know now now the economy's really getting fucked up so now it's it's like this is one of the who knows what to do yeah it's crazy it's nuts dude. Yeah, I was, go ahead, Sharder. I was going to say, like, step one for these things is, like, just testing, you know? And, like, they haven't even been able to nail that down yet.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Like, they're getting, obviously, better because the only thing they could do is get better at first. And it's, like, that's where you're going to get all your information from. And, like, how does it stop? You have, like, what, herd immunity or you get a treatment or a vaccine? Like those are the things. Yeah. Yeah. They'll just go get it.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Treatment would be great, but it's far out. And then a vaccine is probably even maybe not quite as far, but. Yeah. It's all, it's all unknowns. That's what's so crazy. It's like every day I have to just remind myself that all I can do is take care of myself and put myself in a position to be okay if I get it and not give it to the people I care about. But beyond that, it's all uncertainty.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Yeah. Totally. Yeah. I'm reading Ryan Holiday's book, The Obstacle is the Way. I'm reading Ryan Holiday's book, The Obstacle is the Way. And that's helped a ton with just sort of not looking too far into the future. Because, you know, it changes so much. And just to sort of embrace each day and sort of embrace the idea that you can do your best today and then knowing that further down the line you'll just
Starting point is 00:28:26 you'll keep making progress forward no matter what comes your way as opposed to just like i went at the beginning when i would just like watch the news and i would just you know be like what is going on and it would just ruin my day i'm like this is not yeah productive i i'd rather just work on more tangible things and you know watch uh yeah it's definitely it's definitely motivated me like i've been the healthiest i think i've ever been like working out a lot I'm doing cold showers and Wim Hof breathing. And I got like, dude, like I got vitamins on vitamins on astragalus on elderberry. Oh, you're still doing all that stuff? I still do it every night. I got a better thing for you than all that.
Starting point is 00:29:19 What do you got? Well, there's this vitamin. I mean, better than airborne. I have this other vitamin C. Yeah, I'm doing the, I'm not doing the Airborne as much. I'm doing the Mega Food Multi for Men from Arowon. I got another one I'll show you. Yeah, please do. Send it to me, dog.
Starting point is 00:29:39 I don't want to give them any free advertising on here. Yeah, smart. Yeah, we'll make them pay up it's a jt did he do the drive and in uh two days yeah dude so i was gonna do it over three days because i was like i was kind of scared to be on the road for so long because i get intrusive thoughts that tell me where my brain goes you're gonna flip the car and i don't ever flip the car but it just sucks and uh but then i just pushed through and went to salt lake city so that took like 10 hours spent the night at a hotel there and then um and then did six hours next day to montana listen to the whole bob eiger book which is going to be in like my beefs babes and
Starting point is 00:30:21 legends uh oh nice yeah and then just listen to dudes and i took my mom's little my mom has like a little three series uh bmw convertible and i i drove that with the top down all the way through vegas nice baby nice and it's like electric blue so i was oh that's great i was like a scene yeah what did you get better gas mileage with the prius that's the no for sure but i fucked up my fender on the prius and i've had to duct tape it together so i was a little nervous doing that for 1500 miles or whatever yeah or yeah was vegas just silent dude like a ghost town when you were driving through it i didn't i didn't go through the strip, but I don't know. Salt Lake City seemed normal.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Yeah, Utah. I have a cousin that lives there. Yeah, Utah is pretty much normal. And they got a bunch of cases. Salt Lake City has a bunch of cases. Relative to Los Angeles, it's not different. But I've been there a couple times, so I do have something to reference it against. Granted, it's a pretty small sample, but like,
Starting point is 00:31:26 it seemed like everybody was being pretty normal. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What was it? What was it like getting a hotel? That was for me, it was really scary. I think for most people it wouldn't have been that bad, but I got there at like one in the morning. Uh, but it was weird. In the morning there was some people there and I let them take the elevator and I took the next one. And it ended up being the same elevator.
Starting point is 00:31:48 And I kept clicking the button to get a different one. And it kept being the same one. But it was actually, there was more people there than I thought there would be at the hotel. But it did feel dead. It wasn't like normally being at a hotel. It was like one person at the front desk, one guy cleaning up. That's it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:10 It's interesting. Like the beaches opened up yesterday. And whenever I go out, like I went surfing. And then even if I go for like a walk or the grocery store, except for the masks at the grocery store, if i go for like a walk or the grocery store except for the mass at the grocery store people feel more normal than you'd expect from just watching tv you know yeah uh like on the beach especially everyone's just kind of smiling and um the beach don't you have to like go in the water i mean it's like who goes in the water yeah but you know i saw some people sitting out
Starting point is 00:32:45 yeah like yeah but yeah apparently you can't chill yeah you gotta go straight into the water and they didn't open the lots which i'm like yeah yeah it's only like yeah it's like half open the lots are closed and you can't like yeah which sucks for the people who live there because now all these people going to the beach are just going to park on their streets now yeah it fucks up their residential park yeah it's so stupid people in montana are out and about like there's people wearing masks i think people are pretty safe here but yeah there's restaurants opening stuff but just still at that 25 cap which is so weird it's like i i don't know how those restaurant owners are going to make any money at 25 occupancy how can they afford to pay their people and stuff like that
Starting point is 00:33:28 yeah yeah i was talking to my buddy who's in the restaurant business and he's like they're he's like even when they come back they won't be at full capacity and he's like you know they want people need to get their jobs back and he's like dude it's just going to be so rough they're going to be splitting shifts among so many guys so it's going to be maybe slightly better but not near what it was and restaurants are so heavily relying on tips it's like it's pretty brutal well they're going to find a vaccine super soon so it's all good yeah dude what would we do if they found a vaccine soon that'd be so fucking great oh dude we'd have coachella now yeah fired up dude we'd have coachella yeah let's talk more about
Starting point is 00:34:12 that's that fires me up close for the first time in like 98 years if once all this stuff comes they should just do coachella every weekend for like four months. Yeah. And just like cram so much life and partying into those first four months. Yeah. I'll do drugs again. Me too. I'll even pack a Hollywood bowl and just rip it, dude. Dude.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Let's go. I'll be so out of my mind. I'll be like speaking in tongues. Yeah. Oh yeah. Wearing no shirt and like, you know, made like a Tarzan outfit.
Starting point is 00:34:50 Just, Oh, you'll be speaking in tongues and I'll understand every word of it. I'll be so fucked up. I'll be like, yeah, for sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:57 No, we'll be 11 and then we'll cruise out. Yeah. Oh, oh, oh, it's over. Yeah. That'd be so sick get on it scientists yeah it's funny go ahead chad no you go it's just funny like when something like this happens it's
Starting point is 00:35:19 like i i get disappointed in just everyone you know what i mean like i'm like like going into this i was like scientists will figure it out super fast. And then it's like, things don't work out. And I know the problem falls on like a hundred different people's shoulders or disciplined shoulders. I'm just like, dude, scientists, not as good as I thought they were. You know what I mean? Like I'm, I'm, I'm having to reevaluate my, my baseline confidence in different professional people. It's tough. But science is a practice of error.
Starting point is 00:35:49 You fail, you fail, you fail, you fail until you get it right. That's the scientific method. Yeah, yeah. It's like, let's get something right, dude. Let's go. Let's find that little monkey from Outbreak, dude, and let's get this thing, dude. Yeah, let's get Outbreak recently. Let's get Dustin Hoffman in the house, dude. Let's go. Dude monkey from Outbreak, dude, and let's get this thing, dude. Yeah, let's find it. Get Dustin Hoffman in the house, dude.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Let's go. Dude, Dustin Hoffman. And Renee Russo, let's get her sick so Dustin Hoffman's even more fired up. Yeah. Yeah. Need that motivation. Yeah, but he cares her. I don't want her to get, like, badly sick.
Starting point is 00:36:20 No, of course. Just enough to scare him. Yeah, we want to make a full recovery. Yeah, motivation. no of course just enough to scare him yeah we want to make a full recovery yeah motivation china's hiding the bat or whatever that armadillo thing is yeah dude i'm trying to let our journalists in there let them find the bat let them bring it back to the scientists let's go china like let me just clear the air we already don't think your country looks perfect right now from a government standpoint dude like okay dude like no one's i don't know who you're fooling anyone but yourselves with being like no we made no errors
Starting point is 00:36:49 we are all good it's like we don't believe you dude yeah yeah i know right let us in dude honestly if you are all good then just let us in and find it like it's unbelievable dude it's it's like if they took the l on it i'd have massive respect for it. Totally. Like, look, we fucked up. We were trying to look better than we were. We kind of, you know, fudge some details and other ones. I'd be like, China, I get it. You know, I'm not here to bust your balls about it. Just get back in line and on board with what everyone's trying to do.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Not behind us, just in line. And then let's figure this out. Yeah, we'll grill you a little bit. We'll break your balls. You got to get grilled. I mean, come on. Come on. But, you know, then after that, we'll be all good, dude.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Come on. I take no pleasure in it. You know, it's just, yeah. It's so funny. Just want to go outside and party, dude. It's so funny how immature some of you world leaders are like everyone's like china you let this have me like you're like i didn't start it the u.s started it oh yeah yeah yeah i don't know i don't know what you're talking about dude i didn't even start that
Starting point is 00:37:58 you're like dude it started there move it's the ultimate backyard like not back over like playground argument thing if someone accuses you of something just immediately accuse them and then yeah like it's like yeah it's what all the leaders are doing so that they don't have to take stock of their own failures they're just like they're blaming other countries it's like look like you've got to take care of your country that's your job like. Why are you pitching shit at somebody else? China, how many cases do you guys have right now? I don't know, like two? Yeah, they have like three.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Zero. Everyone's super happy, dude. We love when people speak their minds in Hong Kong. We love it. Even the symptoms. We love all these things it's all good they said the symptoms were coughing trouble breathing and fever and now we have like 13 more symptoms I'm like or did the virus mutate and those symptoms didn't exist in China I feel like they I don't know I don't know but but they
Starting point is 00:38:59 did say in like January they're like don't worry this doesn't transmit from human to human right you're like nice dude yeah china i'm bummed dude you're bumming me out yeah dude beef dude beef of the week maybe dude maybe beef of quarantine dude uh what else guys freaking i did shave my hair you can probably see if you're watching this on the youtube have you guys been putting up the zooms on youtube as well or just audio yeah we put them up yeah we did we didn't mention it yes i mean i mean joe's dome is so much more prominent than mine but yeah look at this dude sorry you got a great hairline a great shaped dome thank you all around it looks fire dude thank you i yeah i do agree it's probably better short i mean i just like having the long locks but
Starting point is 00:39:51 might you have helped line me up in the back dude it was sick it was a nice bonding quarantine experience for us i i like both hairstyles so you can do either one and you and you'll look like a legend it was hilarious i did I did get a DM today that was like, this guy's like, dude, stoked you shaved your head, but the locks were way better. Thanks, bro. I was like, thanks, dude. I was like, well, luckily you can grow back.
Starting point is 00:40:16 That's a good answer. Don't come back. Should we answer some questions? Heck yeah, dude. I gotta go to the bathroom real quick. All my dogs draining their lizards, dude. Yeah, I got to go to the bathroom real quick. All right, we'll just chill. Oh, my dog's draining their lizards, dude. All these big dicks got to empty, or little dicks, rather.
Starting point is 00:40:31 True, true. Joe's got the big, you know. I already emptied my little dong earlier. I snuck away and then came back. Hoping you guys wouldn't even notice. How's it going over at your crib, dude? It's good, dude. Just chilling, man. Gaming. Been doing a lot of workout videos with the GF, dude. hoping you guys wouldn't even notice how's it going over your crib dude good dude just chilling man gaming been doing a lot of uh workout videos with the gf dude like uh a lot of like i might
Starting point is 00:40:51 have mentioned this on a previous pod but dude i did a workout today it's like high intensity interval training with like pop physique and uh these other brands and uh dude they kick my butt man like it's like you were saying like dude i think i'm in better cardio shape than i've been maybe ever and uh it's good no it's great so i'm fired up on it like i was literally huffing and puffing taking a while to recover and also our apartment super hot and kind of stuffy so that's like working out it's like doing hot yoga kind of just naturally because there's no ventilation in here and i did a heart yeah how's your how's your psycho neighbor dude knock on wood nothing uh no current uh updates although
Starting point is 00:41:34 it is funny like i mentioned my apartment's hot so i'll like just keep the door open and then keep the screen door closed just let some air in and everything and like when he walks by to use the stairs he always walks by like this. And I can just tell he's so in his own dome of, I need to present myself as I go by. And that could just also be me projecting. So in any case, it's not a healthy dynamic, what's going on. So you think he's flexing when he walks by your place?
Starting point is 00:42:01 Yeah. To purport an image of strength to you? I think so. Does it work? Or you see through it? It does. No, he's buff. He's buff.
Starting point is 00:42:11 That's what's also terrifying about it. He's buff. He could kick your ass, right? He could definitely kick my ass. He could definitely pin me and kick my ass. And you've heard him sexually assault his ex-boyfriend. Yes. Right.
Starting point is 00:42:23 That's why it's afraid. Like, yeah, dude, why it's afraid like yeah dude if it was like an older dude that's a little scary for you partner dude exactly i know honestly though even if it was an old dude and he was into like voodoo magic then i'd be scared on a different level i'd be like oh dude he's like collecting like dna of me out there and he's gonna curse me or something i'm thinking of all these things the quarantine dude i'm having all sorts of new weird interesting thoughts going on here yeah Yeah, it is interesting. Yeah, I think it might be good for creativity, the quarantine.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Yeah, I've been a little bit productive. I've been doing some scribbling. I've been, you know, trying to stay active in that regard. It's nice. I've been reading more, which is great, dude. And, yeah, loving it. My GF's been stroking the piano keys, dude. It's awesome, dude.
Starting point is 00:43:04 She's got a keyboard. She kicks awesome, dude. She got a keyboard. She kicks butt, dude. She played. She plays well? Dude, she plays great, dude. She played shallow for me today. Whoa. Dude, and that's a hard song, bro, on piano.
Starting point is 00:43:14 And she doesn't play. I go, when's the last time you played? And she was like, oh, maybe 10 years ago. I was like, what? Wow. Dude, when I talk about your call on my instagram lives people accuse me of being in love with her you guys do share a love for each other i do i love her i love her dearly but i get i get like people because people be like she's not real
Starting point is 00:43:36 and then i'm like dude she's real she just doesn't want to be on camera it's like very understandable and then i get like protective and then when i'm done they're like you sound like you're in love with her i'm like i do yeah i'm like i do dude they're chinese government in you they're like dude prove it dude you need to prove it right you're like chinese government feels dude striders like oprah hiding his spouse dude it's crazy i mean dude i'm like jordan oprah dude you know look dude i'm i'm planning on being the the michael jordan of uh you want to see this media, Oprah, dude, you know, look, dude, I'm planning on being the Michael Jordan of media we go into, dude. So, you know, you got to protect those you love, dude.
Starting point is 00:44:11 You know, she wanted to look, if she wanted to come and say what up, she would, but she just frigging for work and stuff is choosing not to. Social media is an interesting thing. It's more weird that we are so into this. I think she just wants to be known for her own stuff too. And not known through our universe. Like she, she's an artist in her own right and does her own stuff.
Starting point is 00:44:29 So I think it's, it's, it's very, she's protective of that. I totally get that. Yeah. Very well put. Yep.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Exactly. You get it. Yeah. Um, yeah. All right, dude, should we answer some questions?
Starting point is 00:44:42 Yes. Let's go. All right. First question. Big hog, Joe, would you date some questions? Yes. Let's go. All right, first question. Big Hog Joe, would you date a woman who had your same haircut? Yes, I would. I think that would be cool. Be the shaved head couple.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Yeah, it'd be fun. Absolutely, yes. All right. What is up up my fellow stokers wanted to start off by thanking you for the positivity this pod has brought me to my life since i started listening i have extremely stressful career and this has helped me so much my question for you is in regard to my relationship with my girlfriend we've been together for two years a little background on myself i graduated from college a year ago i'm 23 years old and i love my gf a lot the issue i've been having is that i keep reflecting on my college years
Starting point is 00:45:26 and regret not sowing my wild oats when I had the opportunity before I met my girlfriend. I would never cheat on my girl because I truly respect our relationship and would never want to hurt her. The issue is that my mind keeps wandering to wanting to meet other women because I feel like I missed out in college. And if I'm being honest, I feel like the GF and I have lost some of that excitement that we used to
Starting point is 00:45:46 have. Something just feels kind of off. I would hate to let go of something, someone who loves me like she does and vice versa, but I'm afraid these thoughts of meeting other women won't go away. And I'll always live in regret. I really do love her, but I'm just not as attracted to her as I used to be.
Starting point is 00:46:00 And these thoughts don't make it any easier. I'm sorry for how shallow this sounds. What are your guys' thoughts? Dude, I might jump in. Is that cool cool if I jump in my dogs fire away baby I mean my dude look he's a young guy he's been in a dank relationship and here's the thing you talked and I've talked to a lot of older married dudes they go look you've seen a movie scent of one with Al Pacino you're always a lot of beauty around you're always aware of these women every day you're in a relationship it's not like magically you're in and you're always recommitting to yourself and enjoying things with your partner
Starting point is 00:46:33 and so it just comes down to he's thinking is the grass going to be greener you know and that's and sometimes you find out it's not always greener and so he's young and does he need to go do that? Maybe. And I mean, I would say, you know, he mentioned a little bit in this post that he feels like there's some chemistry lost. Why is it lost? Is he making sure it is subconsciously? So he's just got to have an honest conversation with his, his GF and, uh, you know, you can't,
Starting point is 00:47:01 he can't go do it and say, oh, I need to go do some experience and go find this and then hope that she'll be there waiting. Because if you do, then you can't expect things to be the same or go back to where they were. So, you know, I'm one for, I love my dank GF and I get fired up on that. So you know where my vote would be, but also at the same time, you got to be true to yourself. He gets one chance at life. So just make sure you're honest and you got to have the tough talk before you go do any acting or take action. Yeah, I agree. I think it's very natural.
Starting point is 00:47:33 He's feeling and I haven't been in a relationship longer than like a year and almost two years. But yeah, I don't know i always get back to this quote from bill burr on his special you people are all the same when he's when he's pretend playing catch with this kid with his son and he's like he's like there's just something about him you can't fucking leave. I'm like, if you seriously think hard and you're like, can you imagine your life without this person? And the answer is no, then you probably need to stay. But if the answer is yes, then maybe you need to reconsider. But yeah, I also wouldn't rule out maybe you know trying to do some things to to restart that fire you know throw a nice little duraflame log on there and
Starting point is 00:48:32 you know hop in a cold shower with one another and see what's up so yeah for sure yeah i i think and it might just be where i'm at right now but I feel like some of it depends on how long you've been having these feelings like I had a friend who you know I had more context with who wanted to break up with his girlfriend and he had really strong feelings about it and he'd had him for like a year and I was like all right well then you probably need to break up and he did and I think he's happier for it but if you're just having these feelings once a month or if it's been like a week of feeling like this, then yeah, it might be a bit premature. You should probably let it, once it takes up like maybe 15% of what the overall length of your relationship has been, then maybe you're getting into territory. But honestly, I dated
Starting point is 00:49:20 someone who I thought we should break up every day for a year. I needed that much time. I remember talking to my parents and I was like, I think I need to break up with her. They're like, you've tried hard enough for long enough. We do think it's time to break up. And you know, everyone has a different metric for it. And then I also think you are young enough. Sometimes the grass isn't greener and sometimes it's never going to be like way greener, but it might be a little bit greener on the other side. And I think you're young enough to find that out. And then I think there's different kinds of people. I think there's some people who are, they're like too stable or they're too steady and they kind of settle for things. And I think it's those people's mission to kind of push into being a little bit more adventurous. And then I think there's people
Starting point is 00:50:01 who are too adventurous and it's their kind of like life mission to kind of try and be a little bit more steady so if you're someone who maybe plays it safe too much maybe it is good for you to to you know just be out there without um any assurance in your life you know in that department if that makes sense. Yeah. Love it. For sure. Or, you know, you get yourself on, you know, 90 Day Fiance, dude. Go ahead and just, you know, get wild, dude. Go online. Get nuts. Create a different, entire different identity.
Starting point is 00:50:37 Make yourself, you know, change your name to like, you know, I don't know why I'm thinking the name Blastoise right now from Pokemon. Pokemon? Let's go by one name or something charizard yeah charizard dude wait have you watched 90 day fiance with that guy ed who's like been memed everywhere this is what made me think of it i've only seen that me you know that's a big fat guy on my head yeah the big fat guy with like the weird neck dude he's saying him and his girlfriend it's pretty hilarious. She's just like – The weird neck?
Starting point is 00:51:05 You mean the mountain he has for a neck? Yeah. She comes from like real destitute third world living, and she'll still throw it back at him and be like, I think we need to break up. And she'll go back to that before giving him an inch, and it just – it cracks me up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:22 Crazy. It's hilarious. My mom's like, he's such a good guy. He loves her. I'm like, I don't guy he loves her i'm like i don't think he loves her yeah i think he you know joe what do you think about this young gent and his lady yeah i mean i'd say d all of the above nice aaron you guys ready B and C and then. Yeah. As the older married guy that Strider spoke about. Legend. I heard this quote,
Starting point is 00:51:50 I think I heard it from Dana Gould, but like it's, it's not that you're in, you're in one relationship for the rest of your life. If he doesn't decide to stay with this girl and get married or whatever, it's you're in, you're in several relationships with one person because you're both constantly evolving in one way or another as you age.
Starting point is 00:52:13 Yeah, that's good. You could just be in a point right now where you're a little bit off. I think he just needs to be honest about that with this girl. Just be like, we're a little bit off right now. What's going on? Figure that out. If you can't, then maybe you've got to walk away. Great call.
Starting point is 00:52:32 Maybe they can. Oscar Wilde said that the shame of every woman is that they change, and the shame of every man is that they never do. I don't know if that's true, but that's's what oscar wilde said wow it's crazy it's like um uh confucius i've been reading some confucius who will be one of my quotes later but he's got a saying where it's like people who are constantly happy the um only constant thing about them is they're evolving all the time and changing you know but then he's got stuff that denies that where he's like the wise man and the stupid man are the only ones who never
Starting point is 00:53:10 change but you know probably in reference to something else yeah breaking up's a hard thing to do like it's easy to give advice on the podcast and be like dude you should just break up with him but it's a tough thing to do dude i've never oh yeah i've done it like twice and the girl had to help me both times i was like we're breaking up i was telling chad this i broke up with someone one time i was like look we've been fighting we have to break up and then she went no and i went all right fine we can get back together and then she went she gave me a pass she was like no we can't get back together just because you're making me happy i was like oh thank you so much thank you thank you i really appreciate you gotta pull the band-aid all the way off yeah it's tough man yeah how how would you break up
Starting point is 00:53:58 with someone what would you say um i mean i've been broken up with as a guy who's been broken up with uh at recess before i'd like to keep it sports related and you know probably do it at a at a ballpark i think would be nice well i'm drinking some beers and especially if my team's losing i think that's a good time to let her have it yeah see this game sucks let's break up after the seventh inning stretch yeah after the beer sales are all done i i just i was just talking to a friend of a mutual friend of ours who broke up with his a girl and he was very direct about it and he just told her like hey straight up i'm i i wasn't attracted to anybody else but someone's coming to my life i'm attracted to them i think we should break up and he said everything had been going good up into
Starting point is 00:54:53 that point and that the girl was kind of you know completely shocked by it and he felt all shitty but i was like no i think that's a good solid i mean you know it's not it but it was it was straightforward i like, I think you did the right thing. Yeah. You want to be straightforward and then, you know, gentle with your tone. I would imagine this, you know, straightforward and all happy about it. Dude, I've changed. I've grown. You haven't. I'm out. He's a successful, he's a successful dude in his, I think he's like 40,
Starting point is 00:55:26 and he was stressing about it. So like Chad was saying, it's not easy for anybody at any point. Like breaking up sucks. So, dude, stay together with this girl forever. Yeah. Take the easy path, my dog. Yeah, and plus one thing he's got to think about too is that with social media and Tinder and stuff, there's seemingly so many options, but it's not true.
Starting point is 00:55:57 If you make a connection with someone, it's a rare thing. So don't fall into that trap. Your Peloton instructor doesn't want to date you, dude. Yeah, it's true. Why do you guys say that to me? I've learned that myself. instructor doesn't want to date you dude yeah it's true why do you why you gotta say that to me dude my yeah one yoga instructor i'm still in love with her i'm like i think we've got a shot yeah dude yoga with adrian dude adrian's the best dude she's the best i did her yoga for runners and she's like namaste and i was like i love you and she's like namaste and i was like i love you yeah there is something about when someone there's something super hot about when someone's the instructor of a fitness class like at this pilates class i used to go to
Starting point is 00:56:34 i was in love with one of the i never said a word to her i just nod my head every day and say thank you but well you have a lot of pheromones pumping when you're working out and it's a turnout that for someone to be the face of making of what's driving that yeah and they're all they're all into plandemic which i think is it's it's it's for some reason annoys me and other people but even though i haven't watched i can't find it all these yoga instructors wait do you think this was a plan they're all yeah i guess so i haven't seen it so i can't really speak to it but it's it's a i think they're the thesis is that like the pharmaceutical companies are behind this correct me if i'm wrong and uh and i'm sorry to listeners who saw it and
Starting point is 00:57:15 and know better but so many like fitness instructors who are super hot or super into it yeah really for some reason it arouses me more with other people i'm like oh shut up but with fitness instructors i'm like all right yeah oh there's some yeah you're used to listening to them dude here's your form stay linear okay and now listen to this all the companies johnson and johnson you know whatever they're behind all of this they want your grandparents gone okay it doesn't matter what up Sorcerer of Stoke Chad
Starting point is 00:57:51 Mixed Martial Arts Adonis JT Relay Guru Strider Uncle Joe Aristotle of Audio Aaron and of course whatever fire guest you may have on the pod I write to you bronzing from the rooftop of my home in the true north strong and free that is Vancouver Canada by JT I have sought refuge with my family from this deadly pandemic that has forced me from school in california though i have been powering through the fast and furious movies to
Starting point is 00:58:14 cope with my inability to serve tasty waves or rage with my homies i have felt a sense of resentment towards a new piece of my identity that i have unearthed since leaving home i try to talk to my family and friends about it but it seems like they'll never accept me for what I really am. Maybe we all just want to be big rock stars, but I'm not ashamed to admit that I love the pride of Canada that is Nickelback. Despite being the 11th best selling musical act of all time, Billboard's most successful rock group of the last decade, it nominated for six Grammys, two AMAs, a People's Choice Award, and of course, the most prestigious award in music, 12 Canadian Junos.
Starting point is 00:58:48 Please do not give them the respect they rightfully deserve. I think he meant the opposite. Facts and accolades aside, nothing quite compares to the sensation of the wind through my flow as I bang out to the grungy vocals of your namesake, Trad Kroger. I refuse to be a schmullen to continue to live in fear that my love may be a bulkable offense.
Starting point is 00:59:06 What should I do? I cannot overemphasize the level of stoke that the pot has raised for my friends and I on road trips while soaking in the sunny D on the beach and on this crazy adventure that is life. I know I can count on you legends to remind me of what I really am. With stoke, peace and love to everyone except Puzio.
Starting point is 00:59:20 Fuck Puzio. P.S. Chad, my mom is also an artist from the Bay Area and graduate of uc berkeley who loves your mom's work my family is super supportive of everything other than my acquired taste in post-grunge rock and roll so i know this will be late but i would love it if you could shout her out for ig for mother's day art each day oh that's cool that's awesome nice yeah cool yeah let me know the um instagram and thank you for supporting my mom's work. She's a beast.
Starting point is 00:59:48 So, I mean, dude, this guy's – it sounds like his issue is he's fired up on a piece of his personality that he gets fired up on Nickelback, but others – what does he want? Others to just not judge him for that, or he wants to know how to go about presenting that in a way that won't be – Yeah, just stand by it. Yeah, just – Yeah, man, you can't be concerned. I'm almost liking Nickel about. Yeah. Stand by it. Yeah. Just. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:00:06 man. You can't be wrong with like a Nickelback. They got some good songs. Yeah. Yeah. Just be like, I'm Canadian. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:15 I mean, I think you nailed it. I'm a patriot. I think, I think you're right. Yeah. He's supporting his native bands. Do you guys want to sing?
Starting point is 01:00:22 This is how you remind me of what I really am. This is how you remind me of what I really am. I've been wrong. I've been right. Down there we are. To the bottom of every bottle. Dude, I went to a My Chemical Blondie concert one time. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:52 Sorry. And I was blasting Nickelback in the parking lot, and two little emo dudes jumped their heads into my window and went, did you know if you play every Nickelback song without the lyrics, it has the exact same chord progression? And I said, do you know you just revealed yourself to be a major douche? Get out of my car.
Starting point is 01:01:08 It's like when people go- At Matchbox 20? No, at a My Chemical Romance Rise Against concert. Oh, I think it's at Matchbox. Yeah, bro. Have those kids ever heard of the phrase, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, dude? That freaking chord progression is sick as hell.
Starting point is 01:01:20 And I also think like to feel that much better than other people that you jump into their window to disrespect what they're listening to. It like and look was i baiting them by playing the nickelback maybe a little bit but did they take the bait hook line and sinker dude and they revealed themselves to be schnaubs dude schnaub douche freaking douche nozzles dude dude you know what honestly dude to answer this dude's q i would say if anybody questions you about nickelback aaron's advice is great so you're canadian and then if they go what does that matter then just use the freaking trad kroger voice and be like what what i can't hear you what and just sing it like that dude and then they'll
Starting point is 01:01:58 just go away from you and also who is who is the biggest playwright during Shakespeare's life? Like Ben Johnson, Christopher Marlowe. Shakespeare wasn't the number one dude in his own era. And now, who's the number one dude? We don't know how history is going to remember all these bands. You know what I mean? Yeah, I mean, U2 could be U last, and then Nickelback could be number one. They could be the Shakespeare of our era. And people talk about their clever wordplay and their elision and invention and all that cool, you know, linguistic stuff.
Starting point is 01:02:33 Straight up. Posthumous, posthumous freaking stoke, dude. Yeah, John Kennedy Tooley wrote Confederacy of Dunces. He died with that book unpublished and then retroactively or posthumously gets the fucking Pulitzer, dude. So you don't fucking know, dude. You sit there andously gets the fucking pulitzer dude so you don't fucking know dude you sit there and you're my chemical romance you don't know shit dude good eye sniper nodded nodded yeah i would say this guy throw on some shades and crank it higher
Starting point is 01:03:01 and if people have something to say, just laugh. Just do it. And then, dude, tell them to look up ticket sales. And look, I like Bon Iver. But who sells more tickets? Bon Iver or Bon Iver or Nickelback or Nickelbock? Yeah, at least we know how to say Nickelback. No one even knows how to say Bon Iver. Yeah, I thought it was Bon Iver.
Starting point is 01:03:23 It might be. It is Bon Iver, I think. No. Yeah yeah i thought it was bonnie there it might be it is bonnie there i think no yeah i thought it was boner ver yeah at least nickelback's logically pronounced bro yeah dude dude yeah i mean dude i tried to sing photograph and uh schmole was trying to get me to sing it and he's like you're not hitting the right notes you gotta go to e right here and i'm tone deaf and i was like dude i just got so much more respect for nickelback now because i didn't know they hit different notes and now i do yeah i can't for electric yeah he's like he's like, you're not having enough attitude. I'm like, I can't, these guys are too good. You can't imitate them.
Starting point is 01:04:10 It's true. Yeah, it's true. Dude, they do a song from, uh, with, uh, the guy from, uh, with Santana. And then the guy from the calling also sings the same song with Santana. You can listen to both. You tell me which one's better. The Nickelback one. Chad Kroger one's better. Love that.
Starting point is 01:04:30 I did love that song with Santana song with the dude from, what was it, Stone Temple Pilots? Matchbox 20. It was the dude from Matchbox 20? Bring it back to them. Smooth. Great song, dude. You know what my take on why that was so successful was?
Starting point is 01:04:43 It made old people feel young, was it made old people feel young and it made young people feel like they knew older stuff yeah yeah it made them feel more like elegant in their taste probably those those people at the my chemical romance concert dug that only because the way it made them feel they didn't actually understand the emotion behind it you jumped in my window to trash my taste bro i like my chemical romance they are really good they were great that night one time we were leaving a devil wears prada jt and i went to go see devil wears prada together good movie and then i was like it was a great movie yeah i've seen that movie many many times it's fantastic and then what happened jt like some guy insulted like weren't we blasting
Starting point is 01:05:22 music or something like that no it wasn't us fighting we left and this like one like kind of a broey guy was dressed in like a suit yeah and he made fun of uh this uh like really fashionable gay dude's outfit and then the really fashionable gay dude started trashing him and he was like he's like you think you look cool in your daddy's jackie with your penny loafers on and then the bro started being really shut down and he just started looking at his phone he's like bro just walk away like he was gonna kick the guy's ass and then i i love a fight so i i stood like two feet away yeah you were like yeah well i didn't want them to fight i was just laughing at the argument yeah and you kept trying to get me out of there and i was like no i have to watch this it was just laughing at the argument. Yeah. And you kept trying to get me out of there. And I was like, no, I have to watch this.
Starting point is 01:06:06 It was compelling. And it was, you know, the power of the film. I beat you that bro. Dude, who's an idiot for making fun of that other guy. The power of devil wars brought it and made him conscious of fashion and
Starting point is 01:06:16 everything. You know, with that great scene with Meryl Streep, when she talks about the turquoise sweater or whatever, yes. Like down the, you know, how it got to be on the shelves at JCPenney
Starting point is 01:06:25 and make it accessible. Well, and the gay dude was like kind of tearing into him like that scene. I think everybody came out of it feeling more authoritative about fashion and they started picking at each other about it and then it was a showdown. Totally.
Starting point is 01:06:37 And I mean, by humans, don't we judge book by what you wear or don't wear? I mean, it's a statement, whether you make it consciously or not. It's pretty wild. All right. Dear Stoke Avengers, I love to remain anonymous and I'm coming to you with an urgent situation. I apologize that it may be a little long. I've known this girl for nine years now. We were both 21. Although we were young, I cannot express the depth of our relation. Since day one, we've been through it all. From best friends to dating each other for a year in
Starting point is 01:07:01 college, we broke up seven months ago due to distance and both needed to work on ourselves independently. Both of us have taken our time. And now that we're both home without distance for four months, we have seen each other a few times. So bros, I've tried for seven months to work on myself and have very well, but in the process of not being able to forget about this girl,
Starting point is 01:07:18 the times we've seen each other respectively through QT and have been great. It reminded me of the old times. I just want to input on if I'm beating a dead horse or time apart can really fix things. I was introduced to the pod a few years ago and y'all have boosted my stoke more than I can explain. Sending major good vibes to you both
Starting point is 01:07:32 as well as Strider, JT, and even the schmo himself. Keep up the major inspiration. Thank you, bros. What's the question? So him and this girl that he's known for nine years they're 21 they've known each other since they were 12 uh they were dating that horse or something they were dating each other for a year in college they broke up seven months ago to do the distance and to work on themselves independently but now they've both been home from the qt and seen each other a few times and he thinks they've had enough time to work on themselves.
Starting point is 01:08:06 So he wants to, to get it going again. I mean, I don't know what essence of, or part of themselves they want to work on. We're all multifaceted people. We all have, we're all vast multitudes within us,
Starting point is 01:08:22 but I don't know during the quarantine. I don't know if it's the best time you can do that. I mean, we are making a lot of self improvements and stuff, but I don't know. Yeah quarantine i don't know if it's the best time you can do that i mean you know we are making a lot of self-improvements and stuff but i don't know yeah it sounds like he's horny yep joe everyone's right out of my mouth i think he's horny and i and i love horniness i'm all for it i think it makes the freaking globe go around stronger than gravity yeah a lot of people have been horny during this quarantine i've i've been seeing it it's a double-edged sword i've been horny for you joe how's your hand taste i fucking pulled one of my calluses off from doing kettlebells and i'm bleeding a little bit
Starting point is 01:08:56 dude that's fucking badass dude honestly that's one of the most badass things i've ever heard yeah i mean i've been hucking those things i've been hucking those 20 kg bells, bro. Getting that clean press going. I just ordered some 12-pound dumbbells on Amazon. Dude, I'm fired up for those to get in here. Whoa, 12? Yeah. Just a lot of these workouts I'm doing are a lot of high, high reps.
Starting point is 01:09:17 So you don't need anything. You're doing low rep shoulder press with that? Yeah. You're doing 5x5 with that? Yeah, I'm doing a lot of it. Dude, what did you say, dude? 5x five with that? Yeah, I'm doing a lot on it. What'd you say, dude? Five by five with 12? What?
Starting point is 01:09:32 What are you doing with that? You're doing front squats and you're going for mass? Obviously, I'm not going for mass. I'm going for sculpt when I'm doing that, dude. Unbelievable, dude. I took some cheap shots. It's chill, dude. It's chill. I love you, dude. I love you love you dude i'm sorry dog torched my bad dude it's all good it's just you throw those bells around freaking you're
Starting point is 01:09:52 stronger than me every time we play pickup basketball every time you drive into me i feel like i got hit by fucking lebron dude it's because i got these elbows dude whoa it's direct force dude it's these it's like uh you know it's the opposite effect of a snowshoe, dude. It just gets right in there. Like pointy-ass elbows? It's lethal, yeah. Every time I play pickup, someone's like, dude, your elbows. I'm like, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Yeah, I hate elbows.
Starting point is 01:10:13 I know. I might be overcompensating for burning you, but I also remember J.D. Dawson, who played safety at UC Berkeley, walk-on, but had 4.7 speed. You chased him down at the beach. Yeah. Dude, I could run fast. Dude, I was a great soccer player, man. But then one day, my mom was in a strange mood. seven speed you chased him down at the beach yeah dude i could run fast yeah i was good like
Starting point is 01:10:25 dude i was a great soccer player man but then one day my mom was in a strange mood and she's like you need to pick a sport and i was like what i was like middle school i'm like what do you mean you need to get good at a sport and think about college now specialization i was like uh and i was like i like basketball she's like okay and i didn't realize that meant that once she wasn't going to sign me up for soccer again so that i naturally stopped playing soccer and uh you know bless my mom dude she drove us to hockey practice she did it all so i think she probably just needed to take a break on some stuff but uh yeah man i love playing soccer i real feel i really feel like if i was stuck with that you know i would have been ronaldo ronaldo i remember when he was a top guy
Starting point is 01:11:07 he was good i didn't have his skill set i would just been a defender like that dude from uh uh ivory coast who's that dude he's like a didier dragba yeah dragba he's a monster he was jacked he was one of the best soccer players out there he didn't get good too he's like 28 it's pretty yeah dude do you think that he would do go for mass and do five sets five by five on five talk about it you're hilarious uh all right guys last last last cue i'd like to remain anonymous or i can be referred to as kramer the ass man shout out out to Chad's love of Seinfeld. I recently received some grave news. My dad was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer and outlook isn't good. We're hoping he'll pull through but the statistics aren't on our side. Life is always
Starting point is 01:11:53 precious but even more so now especially during this pandemic. Given that my dad's time with us is most likely increasingly finite, what are some ways you recommend for better connecting with him, making sure he has the time of his life while he's still with us and then knowing that he's proud of me um well yeah i'm dealing with that and uh i would say it is i i was like really obsessed with the statistics at first now my dad's actually exceeded a lot of those expectations. So it's good yourself. It's good to make yourself aware of them, but then also realize that they're,
Starting point is 01:12:31 you know, and I don't want to, I can't weigh in on it one way or the other, but, and we're seeing this with the pandemic too. Statistics, they're, they're helpful for making us aware of the situation we're in,
Starting point is 01:12:41 but they're not a determining factor for each individual situation. So, you know, it's good that you're aware of it, but also none of us know what's going to happen. But the stuff that you can't control, yeah, I would spend a lot of time with them. I would be generous to them with your ear. And then if he doesn't feel like talking, maybe, you know, I interviewed my dad a bunch to get as much information out of him as possible so that we have stuff for posterity and also just for us to connect. And that was really great. And I had a new reverence for my dad's life where I started to really appreciate all that he's accomplished and all that he's been through. So, yeah, doing stuff like that and really, you know, making sure you have your ducks in a row for when they're not around will make them feel good and also make you feel good.
Starting point is 01:13:30 And then just, yeah, just try to have fun and savor it. Because I can tell you love them, and I know your dad's already proud of you. You did a good – you sound like a good kid. So just, yeah, just keep thinking on it, and you'll keep coming up with new stuff, and I'm sure it'll be meaningful for both of you a great answer beautifully put dude yeah that was great watch the movie about time i brought that up dude a fucking movie will get you busted up that is a good one that's more of a dad son movie right oh yeah dude that's how i took it i couldn't help but take it any other way it was
Starting point is 01:14:05 sold to me as a wrong call by my gf and then i was just crying dude all right let's let's do one more question uh hey chad and jt just want to say that i'm glad you guys are out here raising stoke during these trying times i'm hoping that you guys can share some wisdom and insight into my fringy behavior i like i like i like that description fringy behavior i've noticed that i don't really have a solid group of guys to call my own, and I find that I distance myself and ultimately prevent myself from establishing awesome friendships. It's not an aspect of myself that I enjoy, and I want to change it.
Starting point is 01:14:33 I've been considering hitting up some old friends, and I want to know if you guys have any tips on how I can go about changing my status as a rather fringe dude into something more respectable. Try to emerge from quarantine a more well-rounded person, and this is definitely something else I need to approach now's a good time as any kudos from the inland empire oh what up dude uh dude i would just start reaching out to people you know trying to talking to your friends talking to people that you knew uh reconnecting with people from your past uh you know and just uh i wouldn't be so focused on your past you know and just
Starting point is 01:15:05 I wouldn't be so focused on being like you know I need a group of friends right now I need a squad I would just start reaching out to people connecting start hanging out with people developing those relationships maybe since you're in the Q team go into the war zone with some dudes
Starting point is 01:15:22 get into the heat of battle and that will solidify your bond even more and you know it's just it'll just uh it'll just steamroll over time is that the right word it'll just make sense it'll keep building over time before you know your snowball that's what i was looking for it'll keep building over time. Snowball, that's what I was looking for. It'll just snowball over time. Steamroll is more badass. Snowball is also a pretty badass sexual move too. You could pull off with your partner.
Starting point is 01:15:52 A snowball? You know what a snowball is? Where she spits the jizz back in your mouth. Oh, sick. Nice. Talk about doing a snowball with some dudes not doing it with them but like just talk about how epic that move is like text some dudes be like dude have you heard of the snowball it's where she spits your jizz back in your mouth i'm being super safe with that stuff though i think you got a jizz in a cup and then pour it into your buddy's cup when you guys
Starting point is 01:16:22 have your arms extended and then he drinks it and then have him spit it back into your cup so you guys just don't mix germs too much good call that's definitely a quarantine safe maneuver that's a good call get yourself like those little dixie cups you use for listerine something like that and then dude when it comes to friendship like yeah i think i think chad's right i think you know you don't have to force it or anything. It's great that you think that this is an area of your life you can improve, but don't feel like you have to check that box. Just call up some dudes, see how it goes.
Starting point is 01:16:55 And these might not be the right dudes, but if you want some dudes, you're going to find your dudes. They're right around the corner. And also, I think always a good way to link up with people is through mutual interest too like if you have hobbies and stuff and stuff you're into it makes it so easy to talk to people like yeah like call of duty for instance like you hop on to call a dude and you're playing with your buddies you feel so connected you're not talking about anything other than the game you're playing and uh and it can really uh make the other conversations easier to get to. And then, yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:25 And I think a great indication of, you know, he mentioned a group of friends and everything. And I think, you know, if you're in your room with your friends and you're the smartest dude in that room, or not even just the smartest, or I don't want to say like virtuous or whatever, like just legit solid brill in that room. If you're the most, then maybe it's not the right room for you. You know, you don't want to run with the wrong dudes. Like all of the bros in here, you know,
Starting point is 01:17:54 Chad, JT, Joe, Aaron included are better than myself in very, very many ways. And they might look at me and say, Oh, Strider does this.
Starting point is 01:18:01 Maybe a little, uh, I don't, and I, it's not a comparison thing, but it's their strengths, you know? So make sure sure i think a good indicator of a group of friends is people that are great and you admire to be around and i admire all these bros in here so let that be an indicator and a vibe that you uh you feel you know you and you'll know it you know
Starting point is 01:18:19 you'll know it you'll be like you know do you, let's put it this way. You got a dude. That's so sweet. If all of your friends are, you're my dog. I love my dogs. Thank you, dude. But basically, if the group of friends you're trying to get with are all the dude
Starting point is 01:18:32 that brings the backpack to the party, that's not your friend. You got to mix it. You get one of those guys, dude. Yeah, because he used the word fringy. That's definitely fringy,
Starting point is 01:18:43 the guy with the backpack. That's the fringe, dude. You can't be. you can't be hilarious dude that's so spot on and i would say too if you're forming and thank you strider you're the sweetest man well my dad uh admire so much about you uh and everyone else in the squad but yeah i would say too if you're gonna form a squad you gotta have anchor. And what do I mean by that? You've got to have someone with a huge hog. Yes. Yep. That's true. It might not be what you lead with.
Starting point is 01:19:13 I mean, maybe you do when you're reaching out to friends. Lead with, yo, what up, dude? Just found out about snowball and how big's your hog. Maybe that's not the best thing to lead with when you're reaching out. But they are things that you need to figure out at some point in time, dude. I think, dude, if someone texted me that, I'd be like, this guy's the man. That's true. That might be your squad. I bet this guy's fun. He's a wild card. Yeah, he's pushing the envelope. Did you just hear about snowballing? How big's your hog?
Starting point is 01:19:42 Joe, you're a guy that other dudes really want to hang with what do you think the secret is yeah i'm really good with guys um i don't know just being uh straightforward with people and uh you know i i'm i don't know i just have always been able to relate with any type of guy um you know the bookworm the jock i'm kind of a hybrid in that way i can i can talk to anybody yeah yeah you just a gift i don't know how to describe it i think i think there's i think there's probably a hundred people who think that you're part of their squad in a good way. I agree. Yeah, multifaceted. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:34 And to all of LA, your hog is our hog. You are the group's hog. Guys, I'm interrupting this podcast to let you know once again that we are brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our bellends are looking fresh and clean. Because when you have people see your hog, they want to see the hose that leads to the bell. And guys, flowers are blooming, the grass is grown, and it's time to mow your lawn thanks to our sponsor manscaped you can trim the hedges below the belt safely and efficiently
Starting point is 01:21:12 i'm talking about ball trimmers baby manscaped is here to make sure your balls are smooth and smelling nice after all it is time for some spring cleaning guys i, I got to tell you, I manscaped today. I did full chest, stomach, balls, and I feel very aerodynamic. I feel cooler temperature-wise,
Starting point is 01:21:38 and I just feel great. Have you guys indulged in the trimmers lately? Let me see. Yeah, a little bit. Yeah, it looks pretty good. Nice. Joe? Yeah, I've
Starting point is 01:21:53 taken care of the head and my bikini line. Hell yeah, dude. Aaron? Yeah, I did a full service uh last week that's awesome that's so awesome i'm pumped on you guys doing that um so guys the perfect package 3.0 kit comes with the essential lawnmower 3.0 waterproof cordless
Starting point is 01:22:23 body trimmer and a ton of other liquid formulations to round out your manscaping routine this third generation trimmer features a cutting edge ceramic blade to prevent manscaping accidents millions of balls are about to be nick free thanks to manscaped's advanced skin safe technology and in the perfect package guys you're going to find the manscaped crop pres, an anti-taping ball deodorant and moisturizer. And you'll also find the Crop Reviver, which keeps your balls smelling fresh, just like spring flowers. So subscribe to the perfect package and get a new replacement blade, refill for your lawnmower, trimmer, delivered to your door every three months. Guys, oh, and for a limited limited time subscribers get two free gifts the shed travel bag $39 value add and the patented high performance anti-chafing manscape boxer briefs this is the
Starting point is 01:23:14 perfect package for your package guys make sure that while you're in the q-team your nuts are looking fresh okay so get 20 off plus free shipping with the code godeep20 at manscaped.com. That's 20% off free shipping. godeep20 at manscaped.com. It's spring cleaning, baby, and your balls will thank you. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:39 Nice. All right. Let's do it. Chad, what is your beef of the week? My beef of the week is people who repetitively ask if I'm doing okay. And let me preface it. I know it's a sign that they care and they're, you know, they, they want to check in, you know, but there's been some people who would like call me or text me and be like, are you okay? Are you sure you're okay? You're all, you're all alone.
Starting point is 01:24:13 Are you okay? I'm like, yeah, I'm okay. Except you keep asking if I'm okay, which is making me think I'm not okay. I am. I am okay. I do them. I'm bronze. I feel good. It's just like the repetitive, they're like, you're all alone. Are you okay? I'm like, yeah. I've got Netflix. I've got Call of Duty.
Starting point is 01:24:40 I've got books. I've got the drill factory. I've got the beach now. Dude, 100%. How could I not be okay? It makes me mad. I'm like, how weak do you think I am that I can't sit in my apartment alone and not freak out? Dude, I could do this for years. I think you're right too, man. You nailed it.
Starting point is 01:25:06 Call of Duty, Netflix, books, and the drill factory. If you got those four things, that's a strong hand. That's four of a kind with aces. And Zoom. I feel like I'm hanging out with everyone still. When I go to the beach, I'll talk to people from a distance. yeah it's like i feel like i'm hanging out with everyone still it's it's not and like when i go to the beach like i'll talk to people from a distance you know or even at drive-thrus and i'm you know i got in and out i'm like okay i can still talk to people
Starting point is 01:25:35 yeah a little bit different though i get i i get that that was part of the joke. No, but I love it. I feel like I'm vibing with all you dudes even despite the quarantine. I still feel as close to all you guys. Yeah. Yeah. I do. Yeah, me too. Maybe even closer.
Starting point is 01:25:58 I literally might even feel closer. Yeah. It sort of has washed away a lot of these more competitive feelings I would have. Me too. Yeah. It sort of has washed away a lot of my, a lot of these, the more competitive feelings I would have. Me too, yeah. Or like the worrying about, you know, like so intensely about, like I worry about career stuff, but just so intensely to where it's unhealthy.
Starting point is 01:26:19 It sort of has done a reset on all that. And I do realize I'm in a much more privileged position than a lot of people who are without work right now and stuff so i don't want to downplay that but that's sort of why i'm like at the moment i'm fine so when people ask me if i'm okay a lot i'm like yeah dude i'm fine like i'm not there's other people who are you know in a much worse situation so i i'm not gonna complain one bit for sure all right uh joe what's your beef of the week we'll go to you next uh i got kind of like a really like specific kind of weird one um i don't know how many people are gonna relate to it but uh i have a beef with uh al pacino in his early movies um he doesn't um
Starting point is 01:27:09 i find it very hard to hear him he's quiet yeah very quiet in the godfather and if you want i was i just watched serpico for the first time i have the volume at like 60 and then it's like too loud. I don't know where to put the volume at. I don't know who is running the audio tech back in 1972, but I'll speak up, man. I don't know what that was all about. Does anybody know what I'm talking about?
Starting point is 01:27:39 Yeah. It might also be the, um, the way that they're mixed now for like 5.1. A lot of times the movie studios mix the dialogue is only on the front speaker, and it is just so much more quiet than the surround. Just didn't have the sound mixing technology? No, they may have redone it.
Starting point is 01:28:02 You may be watching a redone version but oh okay that's still just how they do it and it's it bothers me too yeah all movies not just i mean but quiet young pacino sure it is crazy how alb transformed though because when you hear him in the godfather he's like his voice has like this high-pitched nasal too where he's like well what are we talking about sonny we're talking about a cop who lies and he's like so quiet and then you see him like in sense of a woman and it's like you know bombastic take a fucking flame throw it in this place take a flame throw it in this yeah yeah do you think you it was just for different characters do you think he actively worked on his voice? I think it's more of what Aaron was saying. Just like the sound,
Starting point is 01:28:49 whatever they were using for the sound for those movies. Some people say with Pacino is when he did Scarface. After he did Scarface, he kind of permanently started playing characters larger. Yeah, more of an alpha guy after that. Yeah, and it is weird like some actors they'll have one performance and then they'll get stuck in that performance for like like even like miles teller who kind of plays like uh arrogant douches in a lot of movies um if you watch his early stuff
Starting point is 01:29:17 like rabbit hole he's like very quiet and minor and then maybe they just have one part that is true to how they want to perform and then they get they just don't ever leave that yeah it's kind of weird all right joe's gone um because joe's my beef of the week dude no for real my beef of the week is this random dude when i was at the bank the other day and uh and i hate that i had to go into the bank during the q team but i had to i had to open an account but um and i had to prove my identity but i'm in there waiting to talk to the banker and there's this dude who's first of all taking a cell phone call inside when there's a sign-in sheet and they'll they'll come find you in this and he has his mask down in the security guards they're in security guards like
Starting point is 01:30:10 hey man can you put your mask on and the guy's like how am i gonna do that i'm on the phone and i was just like oh my god and i just felt so bad the security guard and i like made eye contact and we were both just kind of like oh god like he looked at me I was like yep yep you gotta deal with this guy yep that's the words and he's like sir okay and then luckily the banker called him over like at that time and then he's hung up the phone call so obviously the phone call wasn't that unbelievably important because then he hung up to go talk to the banker right in a second later I was like dude some, some people, man. Just that, dude. Not a chill guy.
Starting point is 01:30:47 Not a chiller, dude. No, for sure. Dude, Stone Cold Steve Austin had to get, someone was picking on him for wearing a mask. This is the best. Yeah, and this guy goes, that mask goes against your reputation. Stay strong, be a rebel, and do not conform.
Starting point is 01:31:00 Cool mask, but strip off the communism. And then Stone Cold responds, shut up, dude. That's amazing. So funny. So good. Shut up, dude. Shut up, dude. Shut up, dude.
Starting point is 01:31:22 I wish I could get to a place like that, of just being that jacked and that huge. That's all you have to say. A lot of confidence in himself to just be like, dude, just shut up. Exactly. Just shut up. Aaron, do you have a B for the week? I do.
Starting point is 01:31:41 My B for the week is with the movie Gross Point Blank. What? No. It's phenomenal. the week i do uh my beef of the week is with the movie gross point blank what oh dude no no it's phenomenal no aaron you don't like it at all no it's a macro beef oh dude wow let that movie open the doors of love to your heart dude yeah oh good no i love john cusack i love say anything uh much more than that uh but man it's i the opening scene with dan akroyd what are those two guys even saying like they're clearly improvising dialogue they have no business improvising dialogue the dialogue is brilliant oh no oh dude it's such a great premise for a movie i gotta i gotta watch that again it's i love that it's on hbo it's real
Starting point is 01:32:31 it's real rough i don't want to get into a semantic debate i just want the protein yeah exactly yeah me i mean there are some funny lines go chi on you no never yeah it's just weird interesting i was do you like akroyd do you like dan akroyd i do yeah i do but more for his No, never. Yeah, it's just weird. Interesting. Do you like Dan Aykroyd? I do. But more for his alien stuff, not really for his movies. Yeah, you're into the UFO angle. That's mostly the vodka. I'm into the vodka.
Starting point is 01:32:59 That's crazy. Had you seen it before? I'd never seen it. My wife and I both watched it last weekend on HBO. Probably my top 25 movies of the 90s. That's what I've been hearing from people after I posted about it on social media. But I don't know. Maybe you need to rewatch it.
Starting point is 01:33:24 I rewatched it two years ago on shrooms on New Year's, and I was just as blown away with it as ever. Well, I should have done shrooms to watch it the first time. Yeah. Oh, man. That's a huge beef, dude. Yeah, that is big, dude. That hurts.
Starting point is 01:33:40 Sorry. Truth hurts. It's true. My beef of the week is with Bob Iger. I listened to his book as per Chad's recommendation. I recommended to all the stokers. It's, it's great. It's so inspiring, especially the earlier stuff where it's like him on the come up and it's just like these blood and gut stories of him making it happen in the industry.
Starting point is 01:34:02 Once he comes into power, I think he has to play it a little bit safer with the perspective, but it's a super compelling book. And he's a really smart, interesting guy, has a great empathy for all of his bosses, for their weaknesses and their strength. And it's a super positive attitude that I think a lot of entrepreneurs have that's really great to hear because it just makes you feel like the world's going to work out better. But I have a beef with him because he talks about how the industry used to be harder in the 70s and 80s like it was a harder industry to work in and how there was like more horror stories of like bosses being abusive to their staffs and stuff and i've paid on not a ton but
Starting point is 01:34:37 on a couple shows and stuff and i would say it's just as hard now it's just the stories don't come out until years later you You know what I mean? Most bosses don't get in trouble when they're in power. And I'm not even talking about grave offenses. I'm just talking about garden variety, mom and pop, like boss being a dick and being unfair to their staff. And I think it's just as hard now as it was then. I just think you just don't know the stories yet. And maybe you're not as connected to the people who are working at that level.
Starting point is 01:35:05 But, but I think it's, it's just as hard to do. And then this is just a funny thing. He tells a story about going, when he was working in news, he went to one of this asshole news producers, studios to get a report on something.
Starting point is 01:35:18 And when he came in and asked him for the report, the guy flipped his dick out and said, that's my report. And, uh, how do you say it though he's like they have bob agger say it's so funny on the books on tape he's like i went into the news studio head's office and i said hey do you have the new report on our sports night tonight and he proceeded to pull out his penis 45 years later i still burn with anger at the memory of this yeah it's totally fair but it's just i was just dying laughing i was laughing so hard when he
Starting point is 01:35:54 told the story which is maybe not good i called chad and i was like dude bob eiger just told the story about a guy flashing his dick at him and i just was like dying laughing at the the because he has this very professional voice. So when he talks about it, it's actually. Yeah, that's fine. All right.
Starting point is 01:36:12 What his boss should have just said was shut up, dude. Chad, who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week is my babe of the week is uh this customer service rep aj uh i talked to you from go daddy um just a solid guy all around got me really into indian punjabi rap music uh which fired me up and uh he's a great guy to chat with you know he's a good customer service rep he kept the conversation going he kept bringing up new stuff we vibed over tiger king um and uh got into music and then ragers and cooking and working out i mean we covered all the bases in a customer service
Starting point is 01:37:02 chat so just want to give a shout out to AJ. Thank you so much. That's awesome. That was so funny, man. I loved it, dude. Have you listened to that rapper? I did, yeah. I listened to it in real time when I was chatting with him. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 01:37:19 Sick. He's good. That's good. Joe, who's your baby of the week? My baby of the week is actually Farmers Insurance. They're my car insurance company, and my bill this month was like $100 less than it usually is. Oh, nice. Which is a really cool move by them.
Starting point is 01:37:42 That's awesome. That's dope. Yeah, I think a lot of the companies are doing stuff like that, but yeah, it was cool just to see that. It was like very nice because I'm not driving anywhere, so don't
Starting point is 01:37:57 charge me. That's what's up. Strider, who's your baby the week dude my baby the week's gotta be my gf dude and uh i mentioned this a little bit earlier i kind of you know showed my hand but uh dude she's been playing the keyboard she freaking got ordered one in the q team dude to freaking you know just work on her dome and do something for some enjoyment for herself and uh i was just so impressed and admire how good she was. Dude, when she's immediately, I was like,
Starting point is 01:38:29 oh, I want to hear you play now. She's like, no, no, no, but I'll let you can listen when I'm ready. Am I right for sure? For sure. And then she was like, do you want to hear? I was like, all right, all right. And then she freaking just crushed Shallow from,
Starting point is 01:38:39 what's that freaking movie? Why am I blanking on that movie? Star is Born? Yeah, Star is Born. Not an easy song and a really great piano song too so gotta go to my gf dude that's awesome dude that's awesome dude my baby of the week and we talked about it a bit as well as is call of duty oh yeah what call of duty is doing in this time cannot be overstated like i am connected with my dogs and our friendship is deeper than it's ever been.
Starting point is 01:39:06 Like we are working together towards a common goal. The world is burning around us and we're having the time of our lives just blowing domes off and trying to be strategic. And, and the way it creates new dynamics amongst like, like I have friends who I've like, have always seen as having like one kind of dynamic and their dynamics are changing because of call of duty and like you get to see leadership qualities in some guys you get to see strategic qualities in some guys you get to see courage under pressure in some guys it's just uh i don't know it's it's been the i think the best part of the quarantine it's just playing call of duty and seeing everybody's personality shine. I couldn't agree more.
Starting point is 01:39:46 And then, dude, once in a while I'll play with random strangers, and you'll just talk to a rando and try to connect with them while you're playing Call of Duty. Sometimes, you know, there's a lot of weirdos out there. It's just a good sample size of what the world's like. And I don't know. I think Call of Duty is just maybe the most important thing in the world right now.
Starting point is 01:40:06 I think you might be right. Verdansk is the most important place. So true. Dude, it's huge. No COVID in Verdansk, dude. Although there is gas coming in heavily that will kill you. Dude, like Chili's strategy to get the recons and to know where the final circle is going to be.
Starting point is 01:40:24 Bro, just wait until we get to the legends of the week, bro. Just wait. Aaron, do you have a babe of the week? I do. My babe of the week is the Instagram account Saksquatch. You guys familiar? No. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:40:41 S-A-X-S-Q-U-a-t-c-h sasquatch it's some dude in north carolina who dresses up like sasquatch with a bandana and big ass shades and just plays saxophone covers out in the that is amazing it's oh dude it's amazing it's so that's awesome yeah that guy's a genius yeah and he does other stuff where he puts he does original songs too where he puts like he has like a keyboard and a loop pedal and a bass and he's he's really good and it's super fun and i just love anyone that's that insane that's all that's genius dude i'm to follow that. Yeah, it looks hilarious. I just looked at it. Uh-oh. Can you guys hear him?
Starting point is 01:41:31 Hang on, hang on. I don't hear him. Give me a second. I can hear Chad. There we go. I can hear him. Yeah, okay. Hello? Yeah, go for it. Okay, my legend of the week is Jerry Stiller,
Starting point is 01:41:48 who tragically died on Monday. I know him primarily through Seinfeld as George Costanza's father, Frank Costanza. Arguably one of the best parts of that show. I mean, he was so funny every time he just delivered the goods every time so memorable so funny and you could tell underneath it all he's a really sweet guy too i felt like um underneath the underneath the frank character he was just uh you could tell he seemed like he's probably a joy to be around.
Starting point is 01:42:25 And Zoolander, you know, he crushed it. I forget the character's name. But I just want to give a shout out. I will continue to watch Seinfeld in your honor and let your comedy live on. Thank you for all the laughs. And thank you for being Frank and also Jerry. Yeah, he's my legend. Nice, dude.
Starting point is 01:42:51 Nice. Joe, who's your legend? I mean, I feel like I should say I was going to go with one of the Peloton instructors, but no, I'd rather do Michael Jordan. Um, yeah, especially with the last couple episodes of the last dance coming up this
Starting point is 01:43:15 Sunday, um, you know, truly, uh, watching a guy that, you know, we admired growing up as kids in,
Starting point is 01:43:24 uh, in Chicago, just to see his competitive fire and see the way his teammates respected him and how he got the best out of everybody was just great. And he probably could have went pro in baseball too. They were saying that's just a true legend. And Terry Francona was his manager. And I did not remember that at all. So that was cool to see.
Starting point is 01:43:58 He stole 30 bases in a hundred games. He did? At six foot six. That's awesome. It's crazy. That's insane's insane dude well yeah because they said he also he hit 200 and they're like some of their best prospects didn't hit 200 yeah dude what about what about this is a different part but what about when his personal trainer tim grover talks about his commitment to working out oh yeah and starts crying yeah yeah yeah he does imagine
Starting point is 01:44:24 inspiring your trainer that much that they cry talking about your fucking work ethic. It's crazy, dude. That's like after the finals, he's like, so you're going to take some time off. And Jordan goes,
Starting point is 01:44:35 I'll see you tomorrow. Well, yeah. Well, that was after they lost to Orlando and the 95 playoffs. Yeah. Did that Orlando team, do they lose to the rockets?
Starting point is 01:44:45 Yeah, man. They should have beat the rockets that year. Did they, they made the finals. Yeah. Did that Orlando team, do they lose to the Rockets? Yeah. Man, they should have beat the Rockets that year. Did they, they made the finals that year? Hakeem works Shaq. Yeah. But that team was good,
Starting point is 01:44:53 dude. They had Penny Hardaway, Horace Grant, who was amazing. And that other guy, they mentioned Anthony or something like that. Nick Anderson. Nick Anderson was good.
Starting point is 01:45:00 They choked a few of those early games away. I think they could have won game one. And I think Nick Anderson bricked two free throws at the end. And I think Shaq had some free throw woes as well. And they just kind of weren't old enough. They were all, like, besides Horace Grant, their best players were all in their first three years or so. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:17 Who else was on the Rockets there? Was Olajuwon, was Ori on that team? Oh, that's right. Clyde Drexler was there, too. Clyde Drexler was there the second year, yeah. Yeah. And then I think they had Kenny Smith, the guy who was on TNT. Oh, that's when Clyde Drexler was there. Clyde Drexler was there the second year. And then I think they had Kenny Smith, the guy who was on TNT.
Starting point is 01:45:29 Oh, yeah, Kenny Smith. Yeah, he was a guard. Yeah, but it was mostly Hakeem, dude. He was the best player in the league. Barkley wasn't there yet, right? No, Barkley went when Jordan came back, so he missed the window. Oh, man. Yeah, Barkley, I think, went to the Rockets.
Starting point is 01:45:48 Didn't he go the year after Jordan retired with Scotty? And they were the best team in the league, but then they... No, he went the year Jordan came back from baseball. Damn. So the Rockets won two, and then Barkley came. They won nothing. It was pretty great watching those barkley highlights when he was on the suns in the finals dude that guy yeah he was awesome freak athlete dude that's yeah i think because he's a such a tub now people forget how good
Starting point is 01:46:17 that he was yeah led the league in rebounding at six six6". Jordan doesn't talk to him anymore. They're not friends anymore because Barkley criticized him as a GM. Yeah. Yeah. Dude, what about when Jordan cries at the end of episode seven? Dude, yeah. Spoiler alert. Break.
Starting point is 01:46:38 Oh, sorry. Yeah. I figure everyone's seen it for some reason. Yeah. It's like, if you don't want to play that way, then don't play that way. Yeah. Break.
Starting point is 01:46:49 Yeah. Break. You guys want to win titles or not? Go the fuck home if you don't want to. I don't think Jordan could do anything wrong ever, dude. I feel like Jordan could come in and literally, I mean literally he beat up Steve Kerr. Well, yeah. I mean we were talking earlier about, like,
Starting point is 01:47:06 he was the older brother who pushed all the younger brothers and gave the younger brother that fighting spirit. Joe, would you be mad if Jordan upper-decked your toilet? No. Yeah, I don't like that. I'd be honored. Yeah, me too. You would like if Jordan upperordan upper deck to your toilet
Starting point is 01:47:25 i would think i would love it i would think it means he sees potential in me yeah because he'd only be doing that evil thing to you because he'd be making you better at something he wouldn't do that if he thought i was a scrub yeah good call imagine walking in he's just he's upper decking it, just stone face looking at you. With a cigar, dude. I'd be like asking people like, who upper decked me? Was it Rodman or was it Jordan? And then they're like, it was Jordan.
Starting point is 01:47:51 I'm like, oh, okay, cool. I have potential. Yeah. If it was Rodman, I'd be like. Dude, it was Rick Smits, dude. Sorry, dude. Smits got you, bro. Greg Oyster tag, dude.
Starting point is 01:48:03 Oyster tag, dude. Yeah, Jordan's amazing most compelling human being ever aaron do you have a legend of the week yeah my legend of the week is comedian david cross nice um just thinking about how how good a stand-up he is how the like his first special the pride is back it's like just amazing top to bottom. Even the beginning, like it was like a sketch at the beginning. That's really great. Where it's like,
Starting point is 01:48:30 he's at a restaurant having dinner and a lady recognizes him. And she's like, you're David cross. He's like, yeah, yeah. And she's like, can you come do some standup right now?
Starting point is 01:48:40 Like across the street. And he's like, okay, okay. And then they do it. And then it's this whole adventure to get into the theater and then he does a special it's it's amazing and then of course he was on mr show which is one of the best um sketch groups of all time and sketch shows
Starting point is 01:48:57 and now he's married to amber tamlin and they have a baby. It's like another crazy chapter. And he looks kind of badass now. Yeah, he's all tatted up and hooded. Oh, he had Arrested Development. Yeah, he has a big... So many facets. Stokers might know him from a scary movie like Two or something like that. Yeah, Two with the weird hand. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:24 Take my strong hand. no that's chris yeah but i think david cross is chris he's in the wheelchair he's the dude in the wheelchair with the oh right yeah yeah yeah you're right yeah strider did you say your legend of the week not yet i mentioned it which is maybe why you delayed and maybe you were saving the best for last i don't know in any case uh no no dude, my legend of the week goes by Gamertag Sneaky Cho. This is our dog, Chili, dude. The dude is amazing at Warzone, bro. He comes in and he – honestly, we had it.
Starting point is 01:49:57 Everyone in our group of bros figured we had it all figured out of just edgelording our way in with the gas and then making our move, staying low. He's like, no, dude, we got to get recons and a scavenger buy up get our loadouts know exactly where it ends and then make our drop out there you go now you're back now i'd be happy to restate it okay my legend of the week this week goes by gamer tag sneaky cho our dog chili dude the guy's a freaking beast he's renovated the game of war zone battle royale for our entire group of bros we thought we had it figured out with edge lording he's like no no we got to get recons and scavengers know exactly where it ends then move in buy up get
Starting point is 01:50:35 our loadouts get gas masks get self-revised and he does it all fast dude and the guy's like he's commanding officer getting it done so what a beast beast. And then literally in the time we've been doing this podcast, he emailed me. He knows what weapons I use. He emailed me the best, the ideal loadouts for the M4A1 and the MP7 for Warzone. You got to forward that to me. Oh, I'll forward it to you for sure.
Starting point is 01:50:59 Yeah, he even said in there, he goes, forward this to any of the bros. I'll forward it to you. So the dude's just a beast, dude. And now everyone else is doing tactics right beast what's that everyone else is doing his tactics now right yeah yeah so fired up legend dude it's going to be 11 again dude what i'm dude i am 11 again yeah dude what Dude, one of my favorite War Zones. I'm jacking myself. Wait, what's up?
Starting point is 01:51:27 Sorry, Chuck. One of my favorite War Zones was with you, Joe, and Chili. Yeah, dude. That's a killer squad, dude. Joe is great, dude. Joe is great. Joe Palazzo is very, very good. Yeah, not me.
Starting point is 01:51:41 Joe P. Yeah. Although, Joe, with your haircut, you look like you would drop into Warzone. You definitely look like a dude. Yeah. Like Promenade West in Verdansk or something. Dude, I was probably the worst player in that squad. But for some reason, twice, it ended up just being me solo.
Starting point is 01:52:02 So I caught running on body buy you back dudes just again it's getting shot in the dome within like 10 seconds oh man that's awesome my legend of the week is uh long drives i did a long drive from here to montana we talked about it briefly earlier it was just incredible i was nervous to get out on the road i was like is this gonna feel like two years? But then you get used to just how time moves when you're on the road. And then on that second day, when it was six hours, it went by so fast. And you listen to music and it hits deeper. And then I listened to Always Remember Us This Way to reference The Star Is Born Again as I drove through Arizona. That opening line is that Arizona sun. And then I just looked at it.
Starting point is 01:52:46 And then you see what Bradley Cooper or whoever the songwriters were thinking about when they saw Arizona. You're like, oh, yeah, this song does speak to like the terrain here and to the environment. And then you drive through all these little towns. You just get to see how everybody else is living and you get a sense of everything. And you just feel kind of more in touch with yourself. Like I was just like, you know, I cried five times. I died laughing five times. I got fired up five times. And, uh, and then, you know, you get where you're going and I, I, I,
Starting point is 01:53:14 I'm actually really excited to drive back. It's, it's, it's super fun. It's long drives and you can still do that during the quarantine. You can be safe and just go for a long, long drive and then go check out something beautiful and then drive home and you'll you'll it'll be time well spent yeah long drives are the best it's amazing right dude i was thinking about you and your brother i don't like i remember you telling me you you and your brother drove from new orleans to new mexico straight shot no stop and i remember oh oh right right yeah yeah yeah and i remember when you told me about it i was like oh yeah that's pretty crazy but then doing it i was like i can't believe like
Starting point is 01:53:49 you guys were just alternating who was taking naps and shit like that yeah dude i yeah i gotta give the credit mostly to him because i slept like 75 of that trip but but we uh yeah we got we we started driving new orleans like three in the morning it's like an 18 hour drive yeah and then we we hit in and out in like dallas or something got 25 or 20 uh flying dutchmen and that was it we ate 10 flying Dutchman each. Oh, my God. They're still pretty good when they get cold. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:30 What does that mean? It's two patty, two slices of cheese, and another patty. Oh, no, a bread. Okay. It's like a meat cheese. It's like a meat grilled cheese. Nice. Chad, what's your quote of the week?
Starting point is 01:54:47 My quote of the week comes from Van Wilder, starring Ryan Reynolds. Her name is Naomi. That's I moan backwards. I remember that line. That's a good one. I watched that one of the horniest times in my life. So that movie stayed
Starting point is 01:55:13 with me. When they jack off the dog into all the eclairs and then they have those frat bros eat it. Oh yeah. The villain in that movie is great. That guy does a great job. Yeah. You know he kind of looks like Ben great job. Yeah. Yeah. You know, he kind of looks like, it kind of looks like Ben Shapiro.
Starting point is 01:55:27 Yeah. Yeah. Good call. Uh, yeah, that's a great movie. Ryan Reynolds, before he got some work done to his face,
Starting point is 01:55:37 his chin's a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. He's got his chin. Now he's got like a butt change. Spark is chained in. Smart. Joe, what's your quote of the week?
Starting point is 01:55:49 I don't know. I can't think of anything. We'll come back to you. Strider, what's your quote of the week? My quote of the week is, and I've been talking about this. I think I mentioned Confucius earlier. My quote of the week is from him, and it is, never give a sword to a man who can't dance.
Starting point is 01:56:08 Oh, nice. week from is from him and it is never give a sword to a man who can't dance oh nice i think it's got i think it's a layered statement and i like it you know it's like yeah this guy probably won't be able to use it well but also he's going to be too pent up he's going to be too wound up he's going to be angry with that sword in the sand you need a guy who's able to get out and express himself and move a little bit have some some humility. You know, you don't just give the weapon to someone who's all ego. So I think, yeah, fire me up. Love it, dude. That's awesome. Aaron, what's your quote of the week?
Starting point is 01:56:35 My quote of the week is, it's actually an album title by David Cross. And I have the visual for you as well, so you can see why I love it so much. It's shut up, You Fucking Baby. And here I'll share the screen so you can see it on YouTube. That's great. That's a good album.
Starting point is 01:56:55 Yeah. That's great. That's great. So he's, yeah, to describe it for people just listening on audio, he's giving someone a big hug and looking past them and it's called shut up, you fucking baby. And I just, I just love that, that contradiction of those two things.
Starting point is 01:57:14 Hilarious. That's great. My, my quote of the week is from the movie silver linings playbook. It's Robert De Niro at the end. He's talking to his son, Bradley Cooper, who's hasn't really recognized that he actually should be with Jennifer Lawrence and not his first wife that he's kind of hung up on. And then Robert De Niro says, let me tell you, I know you don't want to listen to your father.
Starting point is 01:57:34 I didn't listen to mine. And I am telling you, you got to pay attention this time. When life reaches out at a moment like this, it's a sin if you don't reach back. I'm telling you, it's a sin if you don't reach back. It'll haunt you the rest of your days like a curse. You're facing a big challenge in your life right now at this very moment, right here. This girl loves you.
Starting point is 01:57:51 She really, really loves you. I don't know if Nikki ever did, but she sure as shit doesn't right now. So don't fuck this up. Nice. I love that part, dude. That's great. That movie's so good.
Starting point is 01:58:04 Yeah, it's great, right? Yeah, I saw that alone, dude. That's great. That movie is so good. Yeah, it's great, right? Yeah, I saw that alone in a theater. And I was like, it just fired me. It was during like winter break, you know? And I was just, I just got, just like a, I just got wrecked. Dude. I feel you. I could feel that.
Starting point is 01:58:23 I was seeing the movie at the same time and I was like, I think Chad's hard right now yeah that's the right type of thing to get erected dude dude i think i texted that to you actually that's why i knew yeah you yeah yeah i told you it was hard that's why i knew yeah yeah when i saw that movie it was right after the dark knight shooting happened bummer um you're real assholed to the guy who did that and then um fucked with a sacred place fucked with a sacred place the fucking movie theater and uh i was seeing silver linings playbook at century city i was so paranoid and i thought someone in the theater was suspect and i was with my girlfriend so i felt the need to protect so i followed the person in the bathroom nice and did you get hard on being a protector yeah and then i was taking a
Starting point is 01:59:07 piss and i was like dude why am i too messy like this and then i texted you and i was like dude i'm trying to be a vigilante and i got a heart on and you said follow your heart dude yeah so i walked up to the guy with the heart on and i said if you pull out a gun during this movie i will fucking slap you with this thing and nothing happened did you see your boner yeah yeah he was looking at me he was like and then he looked up at me kind of scared i said if you fuck around i'll slap you with this thing and he didn't do anything for that he didn't even go back in the theater he was so scared that's so awesome yeah mission accomplished um chad do you have a friend or joe do you have a do you have a quote of the week yet yeah i guess uh um all i can really think of is uh a sub above and that's uh jersey mike slogan
Starting point is 01:59:53 uh i've got i've had them for lunch well i mean i've had them for lunch um like three days a week like i'll order like three wraps at a time and just have lunch for three days a week. I'll order like three wraps at a time and just have lunch for three days. Smart. Number seven turkey provolone. Yep. So I do that and yeah, they've really been
Starting point is 02:00:17 coming through for me. And Strider and I are going to get some 43s. Hell yes. I love that. That's great. That's fantastic. Chad, do you have a phrase of the week for getting after it?
Starting point is 02:00:36 Let me get the special sauce. Or no, maybe more of this more actionable. Let's get the special sauce. And then let's snowball. Nice, dude. more actionable. Let's get the special sauce. Mmm. And then let's snowball. Nice, dude. Steamy addendum. I like it. Oh, wait, wait. I got to change it.
Starting point is 02:00:55 I got to change it. Hey, dude, have you heard about snowballs? Are you hung? Joe, what's your phrase of the week for getting after it? It's, uh... Damn it.
Starting point is 02:01:19 Let me think of one. Strider, what's your phrase of the week for getting after it? Phrase of the week for getting after it is where are we dropping this is of course in reference to dropping battle royale and i love it i love that when i hear where we drop in promenade west every time baby yeah i love the promen. That's my territory. Same. This is of course in reference. Aaron, what's your phrase of the week for getting after it?
Starting point is 02:01:51 I guess my phrase of the week will, I'll pull it from a gross point blank. Just said, tells just I'm a professional killer. Yeah. Yep. Good part. All right. My, my phrase of the week for getting after it is this is a our friend luke casey was telling us he's he's uh he's from england and he was telling
Starting point is 02:02:12 us that during world war ii this was a popular song that everybody used to sing especially kids used to sing about hitler and it's kind of blue humor but it's a good way to put something evil into a perspective that makes it feel dumb and, and silly. Boring has only got one ball. Hitler's are so very small. Himmler's so very similar and Goebbels has no balls at all. I guess all the British kids used to sing that during WWE too.
Starting point is 02:02:44 That's great. Yeah. We have to come up with a Corona version, you know? Yeah. Yeah. And you know, take it to them.
Starting point is 02:02:55 Joe, you got a phrase that we forget after it? Yeah. Let's go to the beach. Beaches are open. You're allowed to walk on the beach. Let's go catch some rays, check out some babes. Oh, nice, dude.
Starting point is 02:03:10 Love it, baby. Yeah, I mean, I'm glad you can't sit because if I'm walking and staring at chicks, I stay on the move. I'm not creeping them out. Nice, dude. Peace. All right, dudes, that's it. What's up?
Starting point is 02:03:24 All right, guys. Is that the pod? That's the pod, baby. It was good catching up. alright dudes that's it alright guys is that the pod that's the pod baby it was good catching up nice dudes yeah we'll run it back soon love it yeah dudes stay strong in the Q team
Starting point is 02:03:40 let me know if you're going to the beach I'm doing Wimff's breathing method twice today oh dude that fires me up yeah i'm dude i'm gonna start doing it twice a day dude ever since that podcast i've been i've been hopping in the cold shower like when i wake up dude that's i do it at night that's awesome in the morning that's awesome too how is it in the morning just a straight shot of coffee it's just like you get so fired up and you're just like i i just get so happy and i'm like all right let's do this i know i want the shower to get colder i'm like is this
Starting point is 02:04:17 cold enough i know i have that problem too you just do it for like 10 seconds though and that's it no a couple minutes yeah you're not soaping seconds though and that's it? No, a couple minutes. Yeah, a couple minutes. You're not soaping up though and all that stuff, right? Yeah. Yeah? I do the whole thing, yeah. Yeah, well, in the morning, if I'm just doing a quick dip, I don't, but regular showers, I do regular showers cold and I soap up.
Starting point is 02:04:42 I'm going to get into one of these Montana rivers or lakes and just. Oh yeah. Yeah. That's awesome. That's awesome. Become immortal. Here's a character. Wait,
Starting point is 02:04:56 can I do my Wim Hof impression real quick? Yeah. When you breathe, when you breathe real and deep and powerful, you will feel a new happiness, a new surge of life. And I promise you, your boner, your boner will be strong, strong. When my dick goes in the cold, it goes by and it gets mad at me. And then I come out and the blood comes flowing to my cock
Starting point is 02:05:26 cytokinetic endorphin rush to your penis my friend surging scientifically verified the scientists are now saying it will boost your cock i promise you i do feel way better i feel way better yeah yeah that's amazing gets me high as fuck my cock is 18 years old i am 55 my cock 18 years old my cock is doing algebra too my cock has homework too my cock is going to prom. I picked my cock up off the school bus. It hasn't gotten its driver's license yet. It's too busy being hard all the time.
Starting point is 02:06:14 My cock has an SAT score of 1580. That's great. Oh, man. All right, dudes. I'll see you in the war zone alright later guys if you need advice
Starting point is 02:06:30 these guys are really nice you wanna know what to do where to go when you need someone to guide you There's no half the world beside you Go with me Go with me
Starting point is 02:06:57 Let's go Go with me Get in there Go with me We're cutting JT

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