Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep 139 - Matty Matheson Joins

Episode Date: July 8, 2020

Dudes, what is up?! This week, badass chef, Matty Matheson joins. He's really fun to talk to and has a great spirit. Check out his show, Just A Dash, on youtube. He's one of a kind. Sponsored by Mansc...aped: Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagion.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'll get up, I'll get down. What's up, Stokers? This is Chad Kroger coming in with the going deep chat jt podcast guys before we begin i remind you once again that we are brought to you by manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed for looking after our hogs for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean because when you step out into the world you don't just want a haircut you want a full cut, and that includes a well-groomed hog. So use code GODEEP, www.manscaped.com for 20% off.
Starting point is 00:00:56 And, yeah, so I'm here with my compadre, John Thomas. What up? What up, Stokers? Boom, clap. We are here with celebrity chef, internet personality, Maddie Matheson. What up? Hey, what up, Stokers? Boom, clap. We are here with celebrity chef, internet personality, Matty Matheson. What up? Hey, what up, Stokers? Yeah, so what do you want to talk about? What do I want? You know, how about the collapse of the human civilization?
Starting point is 00:01:24 I'm down to talk now yeah what do you guys what do you guys what do you guys want to talk fuck you what do i want to talk about holy fuck you guys i want to talk about what's going on with that wave in the back what's that wave this is my ikea wave wave. I got this when I first moved to LA. I'm going to keep it for the rest of my life. Where'd you move from? You're not from LA? No, from Orange County.
Starting point is 00:01:54 I was getting my own apartment. I was like, I need a piece of Orange County with me because the waves in LA are less than stellar. No, there's no good waves. No. There's not one. Not that I know anything about do i serve are you in la or toronto there's not a paddleboard big enough for the fucking big dog um the uh i live in a small town i live in a town called ridgeway i live like, I'd say it's like the same distance from like LA to Orange County, like from Toronto. So it's like about 90 miles.
Starting point is 00:02:32 So I live about 160 kilometers from Toronto in a little farm town. Oh, sick. Yeah, me and my wife grew up here. And then when we started having kids and like reassessing quality of life we moved down to a little little hometown you know dude i've been having those same conversations in my dome where i'm like i maybe i've been in la for like eight years i'm like it might be time to to get a little bit out of the out of the city muck i guess well what does the city give you you know like that's the thing about it it's like the city muck, I guess. Well, what does the city give you?
Starting point is 00:03:06 That's the thing about it. It's like the city doesn't give a fuck about you. So it's like a matter about, I lived in Toronto for 18 years and then I did my whole thing there. And then when I got to a certain point where I could make a decision about actually choosing quality of life over being in the city
Starting point is 00:03:25 whatever that means like whatever that is you know and then and then me and my wife were just like yo let's dip and we found this little cute farm and uh you know like what what do you do in the city that you can't do out in the middle of fucking nowhere you know yeah besides get some sush and maybe go to fucking air one and get some fucking oxidized fucking apple juice. Like, well, what, you know,
Starting point is 00:03:47 what are you, what are you trying to do? Dude? It's like, you're literally spying on me. That's basically my life. Yeah. I got,
Starting point is 00:03:54 I got my, these are my air one supplements right here. Oh, what are you suffering? What are you low on? What are you low on? Low on calcium. Low on vitamin D d found out about turmeric
Starting point is 00:04:07 turmeric lately yeah tomahawk and so i've been down i've been down on some of that and then um i do i get the blue they have a blue drink at air one it's like blue pearl almond milk and it's got like electro triglyceride in it or something like that and that makes you feel way better it makes you way more productive ever since drinking that has changed your entire life your it's got like electrochromiceride in it or something like that. And it makes you feel way better. It makes you way more productive. Ever since drinking that, it's changed your entire life. It's helped all my relationships. It's helped my spiritual relationships. Yeah, it's definitely made a difference.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Yeah, for sure. For sure. It's the blue. There's no other drink that's blue, except for like slushies at 7-Eleven. Slushies are deece. I've had a couple slushies dude i love that you would breathe we're big abrievers here yeah what's a breathe like yeah i don't i can't handle i can't handle the whole word you know it's too much it's too formal fuck it it's just like the thing about it is like that word wasn't like why can't that word's not your word you know it's like that's everybody else's word you know
Starting point is 00:05:12 people like you go when you go to london you know when everyone you can't even understand those fucking people because they talk completely in lingo and like abbreviations and things and like it's amazing it's just like like what do they call people's faces a boat because it's like looking yeah because the fight they're like check out that fucking boat and you're like what and then it's because of and then and then you're like what how does that work backwards and like oh that's a fucking boat race rhymes with face you're like what that's how you got you got to a person's face is a boat? Right.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Because it fucking rhymes with boat race? Where'd you come up with boat race? Like, fuck. Dude, I've never heard that. Yeah, but they got, you know, they're the best in the biz for lingo, I feel. What's the shortest, sorry, go ahead, Chad. Yeah, I feel like the Abreeves set a good rapport, too.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Yeah, they got strong rapport. Sets the tone for the conversation. Yeah, the Sash is strong right now. The Sash is chilling. It's chilled. It's fully on ice. And it's melting into our minds. And we're going to fucking osmosis it right back into the people on the other side
Starting point is 00:06:25 of zoom dude that's going to be some dank mitosis what uh what's the shortest word you've ever breathed is to is yo just fucking that's what i say just is did you say you've never said it is i feel like it's my girlfriend that you're ready for the is you're ready for the is my g jizz jizz is the ultimate jizz is already like the stupidest word it's a great word actually jizz that's a good word for sure jizz is like a great word and cum is kind of a not a great word no cum is nasty like cum is like naughty it's like old dude like an old guy's like
Starting point is 00:07:12 cum yeah he wants to eat like a bucket of cum yeah it's like that kind of guy you know it's super watery yeah jizz is like and then is Izz is like that fucking blue syrup drink from Air One. That's the jizz, you know? $15 a bottle. Izz. I just Izzed all over myself. I'll clean that up later. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:37 I don't think I've ever heard the word jizz used in porn. I'm going to jizz. I'm going to jizz. Yeah. I'm going to j. I'm going to choose. I'm going to choose. But they don't really announce. In porn, it's one of those things that they don't really... Real life, you always announce. Then you follow it up with an I love you.
Starting point is 00:07:54 A shame, I love you. It's... Porn, nobody ever announces. It's because they know they have to do it when the director chooses. Right. If you say I love you before the is, sometimes the is comes out stronger.
Starting point is 00:08:11 It powers it up. It gives it that little alley-oop. It supercharges it. I love you. I love you. I love your bleach dome by the way bang i believe this is the last time i was in um i we guided on my podcast you guys have to come on you guys have to come on
Starting point is 00:08:33 powerful truth angels oh dude dude and so i the last episode i dyed it and i'm gonna i'm gonna when i get i'm gonna shave my head when head on the first pod when I can get back to LA. So then I'm going to grow this and not touch it until I get back to LA, whenever the fuck I can get back to LA. And then I was going to braid it got my rat tail. I got this like little rat tail thing too. This little guy, this chiller in the back. So I'll shave my head when we get back to LA as a triumphant return. But thank you. I think it's really good. I look like, like a, like a Dutch,
Starting point is 00:09:22 like a baby Dutch boy that sells butter on the side of the street or, you know, just like a real, you know, just catching waves. Yeah. A Canadian. I'm just a poser. I just want street or you know just like a real you know just catching waves yeah a canadian i'm just a poser i just want to you know i just want to catch waves and be you know on the whatever surf spots on fuse tv yeah i was just on Fuse TV. Oh, were you? Dude, it's so funny. I just did this ASMR thing on fucking Fuse. Oh, did you? Dude, I love ASMR. Do you get the tingles?
Starting point is 00:09:56 No, it doesn't. I don't know. I'm a fucking shell of a human, really. But it really doesn't do too much. But they got me to do it, and i didn't really understand it so i was just doing some things with cones and stuff refuse that's not funny we actually we bleached our domes like two years ago for the coral just because the coral is getting bleached in the ocean so we bleach our domes to be in solidarity with it's true i think it's the coral yeah if
Starting point is 00:10:22 they saw your dome they'd really appreciate it. They'd appreciate it. I didn't know that, but, you know, I could tack that on to the many things that I'm fighting for. So the coral, salt bleaching the coral. Yeah. Water, polluted water, probably. Is it with the polluted? I think because the water's heating up, they have like a very specific temperature range that they can
Starting point is 00:10:46 exist in since the water's heating up they're they it's like a um it makes them super susceptible to mortality which in other words means they're dying uh they're toast yeah so degree free i think they'll bounce back. I mean, they're fricking. Resilient. I feel like the world's pretty resilient. Totally. Yeah. I mean, it's been around for a while, longer than us. So at least a hundred years. Yeah. At least. Good call. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Hell yeah. Is there a, is there anything you want to ask us yeah i have no idea so i googled i watched uh you guys on ellen i got a email um and it was really exciting to see you guys on ellen um i love ellen ellen ellen ellen she she's just like she ripples love and when you guys were on there it was really great and you know like how has that changed your guys's course in in history you know being on ellen um well it definitely helped my relationship with my mom um we really i mean we've always been close but i think we got even closer um just because i can
Starting point is 00:12:04 sort of like drop the Ellen thing. I'd be like, by the way, I was an Ellen. She's like, Oh yeah, I do love you that much. And I'm like,
Starting point is 00:12:11 thank you. A little justification. A little justification. It's nice. Yeah. It helps with my hinge profile a lot. Is that the border? What's hinge?
Starting point is 00:12:20 It's a dating app. Ooh. So do you, you don't have a partner at the moment? You're hinging? Uh, yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 00:12:28 I'm seeing someone, but it's, uh, we're not like, uh, uh, formally together or exclusive. How long would it take you to see somebody for it to be formal?
Starting point is 00:12:38 I think it depends on the person. I'm really trying to be open to it. I don't want to be like, I'm looking for a relationship or I'm just looking to bone. like to be like uh just taking each uh I don't know situation as as it develops you know and that makes sense so I don't know I think I was talking about this the other day I think there's always a moment when you're with someone where you're kind of you're always on the fence you're like should I keep seeing this person should I not and then I think there's a moment where they show you with someone where you're kind of, you're always on the fence. You're like, should I keep seeing this person? Should I not? And then I think there's a moment where they show you something and you're like, oh, that's the thing I want in my partner.
Starting point is 00:13:10 And then you kind of make the call, but that can be after a week or it can be after a couple of months. I tend to go in fast and like, say, I love you probably too quick. And maybe I don't even. What's too quick. What's too quick. Like date six? Or hang sesh, hang sesh, like, second time? Like date six. Yeah. Yeah. And I love you. Yeah, I love you. And you don't even know you don't even mean it. You're just infatuated at that point. And then, but then you actually like a boobie, you see like a really tight boobie, a little fucking little sundown light or a curtain. And you're like, I love you. Yeah yeah or they accept me when i don't get a boner that's a big one then i'm like i love you how nice is that you're like yeah i have a lot of
Starting point is 00:13:51 stress i have a lot of stress going on in my head you know yeah stress they don't we don't you know sometimes you know we're not this big powerful macho men you know sometimes we're soft cuddly little guys that have flaccid penises that just need a little suckle or just like a couple kisses and then just like a relax and then uh just like a full just a more of an embrace than a ground and pound this isn't this isn't like jujitsu you know every day it doesn't have to be like the olympics you know it totally yeah ground and pound like mark coleman pride fighting like mark coleman yes like mark coleman for sure like a grand and pound he was a beast i do when i was in college
Starting point is 00:14:36 my first girlfriend i always opted to be the little spin and i always got kind of clowned on for that you want to be a little spin I'm like yeah you know I want to just be in a little cocoon for a little bit um and you know I've always thought that I like so I like what you're saying that you know I think it's just like you know men need to be more soft sometimes I think you know uh flaccid penises happen every time you're not, you know, I'm not Axl Rose. You know? It's just, it's probably Slash. Yeah. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 00:15:10 He's the hardest, probably. Yeah, he's got to wear two leather pants on stage just to keep that thing. There's definitely two. There's not even, there's not just one pair of leather pants. Yeah. Or he'll tear his real. Just giant Reeboks. Just giant Reeboks.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Big old tongues hanging out. Is that your music? Are you a big GNR guy? Uh, no. I'm not like a, I don't know. No, I'm not like a real rock dog. I'm like way more like punk or hard. Like I'm a hardcore.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Like I grew up just like, you know, Cro-Mags and Judge and New York hardcore grew up just like you know chrome eggs and judge and new york hardcore just like you know that kind of shit is that like sayosin i'm probably way off yeah no no it's the same it's the same as saying i remember one time fuck where was i i was at some fucking festival and sayosin was playing and i was so hammered and And I went up to the singer and told them that AFI was better than that. Whoa. You guys wish you, like, they sound nothing alike. Like, you know, it's like, they're from Orange County, right?
Starting point is 00:16:16 Say it again? Yeah, I think so. Or they're big in Orange County, at least. I think they might be from Jersey or something. Yeah. But. It's from Jersey. But AFI, dude. It's like them in E-Town Concrete. they might be from jersey or something yeah but uh it's from jersey but afi dude i'm in etown concrete say say you're saying an etown concrete i remember when i was in seventh grade and i first
Starting point is 00:16:33 learned about afi and they were like dude like the lead singer makes out with dudes and we're like wow that's edgy and uh that was like and now i see him all the time sexual yeah now i see him all the time at air one he's always there he looks great he's like a broadway yeah he's got incredible precision on stage he's got a great jawline yeah really nice yeah he's great yeah he's kind of classically talented yeah but guns and roses and all that kind of stuff i was always into metal like right away like at a young age i was like way more into slayer and stuff than like guns and roses i love slayer did that inform your did that inform your cooking at all like that
Starting point is 00:17:13 culture uh i think i think growing up having being a part like being like a you know being a part of a different actual subculture at a young age I think really makes a difference in people and having a community based kind of world around you like you know from a young age just going to like basement shows I grew up like next to Buffalo New York on the Canadian side and so like I would go to Buffalo all the time in Rochester and Syracuse and go to Albany sometimes or going back to shows even in New York, like in high school driving, eight hours to New York to go to shows. I think just having that kind of background
Starting point is 00:17:56 kind of helps people navigate through the world. It helps them. You just have a perspective, and most people don't, even if you're part of surfing or skating or kind of these outsider kind of more um not everyone can just really be a part of them either you have to like you know either you're a poser or not but it's just like you know i think a lot of fucking um that really helps you get through work and get through like you know like i was a part like i was obviously uh you know like i went to school i went to cooking school right after like right after
Starting point is 00:18:31 high school because i just wanted to move to the city i wanted to get out of my small farm town so it's just like one of those things that just like you know going to shows and being a part of something definitely helped me kind of just navigate and have more almost like more like self-esteem i think you know yeah what do you think my favorite chef is i have no idea what i know like what do you mean like i'm like television vision yeah like what do you mean your favorite chef your favorite i know you know not familiar oh uh nigella don't know never heard of i stopped watching cooking stuff like eight years ago to give you frame a reference eight years ago i never watched cooking stuff really eight years ago to give you a frame of reference. Eight years ago. I never watched cooking stuff really. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Who would be? Who would be? Guy? I can't say guy. Is it guy? Is it guy? Fieri? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Is guy your guy? He's true. Anthony? I think it's Colicchio. Tom. Tom. I think I'm a Tom guy. Craft.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Okay. I'm craft all day. You like craft, eh? I'm a Tom guy. Craft. Okay. I'm craft all day. You like craft, eh? I'm craft all day. Avocado purees. Okay. Is that what they do there? I remember the first time I went to craft, it was like such a highlight, like being a
Starting point is 00:19:58 young chef going to New York. And fucking, I remember I went to craft before before before like he was on top chef and uh i remember just being like oh my god avocado puree he had this like dish with like wasabi beans and fucking or fucking uh edamame and like a salmon it was like the craziest thing to see on that on the east coast you know like we didn't grow up with fucking avocado and citrus and like all that i have beets and turnips and rutabagas but it's just like um i remember going to craft and being like blown away by having like such bright flavors from all clink you know dude what was your first dish that you uh made like like like i like that no what's the first dish i made cereal probably you know
Starting point is 00:20:53 i'm chicken nuggets i'm chicken nuggets chicken nuggets yeah chicken nuggets probably just like a just a fucking big old bowl of captain crunch um no i don't know i think early on i remember making like a recipe i guess that's what i'm going for the first time that i ever like the first time i ever like made a big meal as like i was in cooking school i was in cooking school and my mom it was like my mom's like i don't know i think it was like her 38th birthday and and i was in cooking school and maybe maybe 40 i don't fucking know anyway and and she asked me if i would cater her birthday and i went home and i made like all this i made like a lemon chiffon cake i made like fresh gravlax and i made like all of these things that I was just like I learned them all
Starting point is 00:21:45 I made like chicken liver pate Am I just like things that like I was cooking in school and it was so funny Like I bought a whole salmon and showed my parents how I could fillet a giant salmon and make gravlax and like all this kind of shit and that was like the first time that I like used my like my teachings and my skills that I learned and uh that's probably in like what 2001 so like that was like the first time that I really put something forward into the earth that that that I was like proud of or like using my skills you know that's cool that's awesome what do you consider yourself part of like a certain school of cooking like
Starting point is 00:22:25 like molecular gastronomy or anything like that yeah molecular just part of that crew uh it's me just air bubbles and and foams and um you know just different things vessels made out of different elements of food that can you know melt into your palate and make your you feel like you're at christmas dinner when you're eating a ball of air that's kind of like me and my crew but um no i'm just like a dude i only worked i worked at just french bistros i come from like the old you know kind of like i'm like kind of the last kind of, I feel of the broken, well, the restaurant system's fucked like everything,
Starting point is 00:23:08 but it's like, I only worked in like, I come from like a very Europe style kitchen setting. Um, I only worked in French restaurants. So lots of reductions, lots of reductions, lots of reductions,
Starting point is 00:23:23 lots of French food. And that's what i still like i love french food more than anything still but you know i heard a rumor that french food comes from italian food that like when catherine de medici left italy she brought all the recipes to france and that was kind of the the origin of it even though those two cultures kind of clash over who's like the. Yeah. I hate each other. Cuisine. Base. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:48 I, I, I don't know. I would, I'd probably say no, but, um, it's very different,
Starting point is 00:23:53 but the North, like when you're in Alsace and Northern Italy, there's a lot of like mixtures and things like that. And up there in that kind of area, there's a lot of dishes that transcend and some people you know but even like everywhere you go from in italy if you're every street is a different fucking bolognese you know who knows who knows it's not that's a cool sentence every every street's a different bolognese it's a memoir yeah there's a ball in it. Get Sheryl Crow to sing it.
Starting point is 00:24:26 I thought it was Springsteen. It could be a combo song. Springsteen? Like her and Kid Rock. Who did you think was better? You know that song Photograph with Sheryl Crow and Kid Rock? No. Yes, you do. Photograph?
Starting point is 00:24:38 What was it? Sing it. I can't remember. Wait. Sing it. Well, then how am I supposed to fucking remember? Damn. You can't remember. No. Sing it. Well, then how am I supposed to fucking remember? Damn. You can't remember.
Starting point is 00:24:48 No, I'm... Pull up your Spotify. Yeah, hold on. I'll pull it up real quick. Sorry, guys. Stay tuned. I like how you guys got the gamer headphones. It's called Picture.
Starting point is 00:24:56 That's why I'm like that. We've been hitting Call of Duty nonstop. Oh, really? Do you play Call of Duty? No, I'm not a gamer. It's... I'm not a i it's so funny like i would like i don't wish but i just don't it was not a thing my brothers are my brothers are big gamer dudes like well i guess i guess every guy is a gamer it seems but um i remember the the only games that I played early, early 2000, I always played Tiger Woods.
Starting point is 00:25:28 I love Tiger Woods. Cause we would just, it was like the perfect like drinking, hanging out game. Like you would just play and kind of get to like slosh beers. Yeah. And that was amazing. And then I remember we always used to do big grand turismo tournaments on my house and we'd all eat tons of mushrooms you just eat tons
Starting point is 00:25:45 of mushrooms and then just like race forever but after that like nothing those are only the game like gold and i gold and i was big but i'm older than you guys you guys are still you guys are youngies yeah we we uh did i i'm i wasn't really a game I was a gamer when I was like pre high school. And then once the Q team started, I was like, I was like, I gotta do something. I just got an Xbox. So the team teens, what, what, how are you guys feeling about the team? Do you guys live close to each other? Pretty close.
Starting point is 00:26:18 We've only seen each other a couple of times though. Cause we're both being pretty safe, but. LA's pretty hectic right now. Yeah. But you know, I'm actually really enjoying the teen. I mean, it's been stressful in some ways, but I think I was actually sadder. I was kind of depressed in January and I actually feel better now than I did then. It's kind of reset me. And like, I've been working out super hard, eating super healthy. And like, yeah, you look buff. You got good shoulders. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you so much,
Starting point is 00:26:42 man. And then, um, I i i spent like two months with my mom and then a month with my dad so i've really like i did a road trip with my brother yeah i'm like really pumped yeah where'd you where'd you go on the road trip uh my dad lives in montana where sorry uh bozeman in montana oh yeah which is a great town that's nice yeah i really enjoyed it and uh i've started horses yep no but i love horses i love a good quarter horse i love to just ride coolest thing i ever saw is i just watched like eight wild horses run one time and it yeah i was in australia and and we were we were flying we were in a helicopter going out to like a billabone and
Starting point is 00:27:28 literally we're in a helicopter it was like something out of a movie like we're driving over they're flying for like an hour and we were so we got so close to the tree and all of a sudden all of these wild horses came out and we were kind of almost like not chasing them but like we were just
Starting point is 00:27:43 flying over all of these like like 20 wild horses it was like one of the coolest things i ever saw they're so beautiful and they're just running because they love to run it's just that's what they're that's what they do it's like yeah you know they're they eat grass and run and are just beautiful strong powerful like clydesdales i I love that. Thumb roads. Yes. Just hooves. Just hooves. Hooves. The pounding of the hooves.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Just the rustling and the pumping of the hooves. Yeah, but they're powerful quads. Dude, that just fired me up. Bareback. You ever ride a horse bareback? It's kind of hard. I haven't. Would.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Would. Let's do that. I rode once with Jt i was i was holding on to jt oh yeah we doubled up that was yeah we got the bucks dude yeah i mean it really brought us together for sure yeah that's how it brings that's that's the kind of that's the vulnerability we need you know yeah hold on, we're holding on to another man. Yeah. Trust that man.
Starting point is 00:28:46 You know, trust that man riding that horse with you. Yeah. I mean, trust the shoulders, that's for sure. Man, look at this.
Starting point is 00:28:52 He's pumping. He's got big pump-up arms. Thank you. Let's get a quick flex. Can I get a quick flex? Yeah. Flex, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Let me see. Oh, whoa. Yo. Hell yeah. Ricky, don't. Oh, Oh, whoa. Yo. Oh yeah. Don't come knocking. Don't come knocking at JT's house. Thunder and lightning.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Wow. Yeah. What are you pumping? What are you pumping? You doing like Bulgarian split squats or like, yeah, baby. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:23 I got, I got some 20 kg bells. I'm doing a lot of clean and press, a lot of clean and jerk, a lot of snatch, a lot of front squats, a lot of Turkish get ups, just compound exercises that are giving me some functional strength. So in case I get hit with anything unexpected, like the Rona, my body. Yeah. The Rona is not coming anywhere close.
Starting point is 00:29:43 I want to hip toss the rona if it comes at me yeah that's what's up i wanted you to see that that's probably more of the um yeah what is your favorite restaurants down in the orange county i go to costa mesa sometimes and uh i love i love i love southern california i love i love the orange county Orange County. What are some of your favorite restaurants down there? Bear Flag, for sure. And then there's one in Newport. I'm forgetting the name, which isn't a good sign. But it's a seafood restaurant on the beach.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Why am I forgetting the name right now? But they have a really good chapino oh cannery no it's like fly a flying fish flying fish flying fish is good have you been in there no i've been i've been down to the beach where's that italian spot facing the beach right there. That little Italian... Mamma D's? Yeah. Maybe Mamma D's? I love Smokin' Oak. Smokin' Oak?
Starting point is 00:30:53 Is that a place? Smokin' Oak? What's the Japanese one? Like ramen shot. Jenkai's good in Dana. What about Dick Church's? Dick Church's is like my favorite restaurant. Oh, dude, I haven't been there. I should check it out.
Starting point is 00:31:08 You've never been there? No. It's like the best. It's like this old diner. Oh, that's good. And it's like the best thing ever, Dick Church's. But it's like the best diner ever. It's just like a really old American kind of style diner.
Starting point is 00:31:22 It's the best. It's really, really good. Where are you from? Are you guys from? Where in Orange County are you guys from? San Juan Capistrano is where I spent
Starting point is 00:31:32 most of my childhood. But my mom moved to San Clemente. And then I was born at Hoag in Newport. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:42 And yeah, it's a great place to grow up, dude. It was super chill. You know, a lot of good place to grow up, dude. It was super chill. You know, a lot of good athletes. Grew up with a lot of hot dudes. The dudes are the real. The dudes are the real.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Like the birthplace of dudes. Yeah. Super cool. Like super successful, like commercial mortgage lenders who surf all the time. Yeah. It's kind of the birthplace of shoulders too. Yeah. When God was like shoulders,
Starting point is 00:32:10 he was just like Orange County. That's where we're going to birth it. That's where it comes from. They walked out of the beach. They walked out of Huntington with their shoulders. Two giant shoulders came out of Surf City
Starting point is 00:32:24 with tucked shoulders. Just straight up deltoids. And then we evolved from there. Just walked out. It was just like, here you go, world. Here you go, world. Just like onto the sand. It's like in Canada, everyone's kind of big and strong
Starting point is 00:32:44 because everyone plays hockey. And, um, and it's like, when it's Southern California, it's always just like, everyone just do jujitsu and surfs and like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:32:54 more, more just big mortgages. Yeah. It just, I had big trucks, big trucks, a lot of big trucks. It was like the shoulders wanted a big truck and the big truck was on the beach and the Shoulders saw it
Starting point is 00:33:06 from afar in the ocean. They arose. Orange County had the Garden of Trucks instead of the Garden of Beach. It was the Garden of Trucks and some big shoulder saw some big calves. The Shoulders
Starting point is 00:33:22 just shouldered up to the Dodge Ram. Yeah. He's like, how are you doing? How am I going to get in here? And he's like, no worries. I got you. Just jump. Just jump six feet.
Starting point is 00:33:36 Just grab onto your door. That's why you got shoulders, to get up into those big trucks. Oh, for sure. Guys, I'm interrupting this podcast so i'm interrupting this podcast so you know once again that we are brought to you by manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims puked for looking after our hogs for making sure that our d-o-n-g dongs are looking fresh and clean because when you step out into the world and you've got a messy dink, you know, when your crank is looking just like a freaking, you know,
Starting point is 00:34:15 unkempt baseball field, shout out to Aaron's dodgeball team, softball team, then you know you're doing something wrong. But that's where Manscape comes in okay because fellas are you prepared to unwhale your summer bod are you because manscape is here to ensure your post q-team body is ready for the wild do not be the guy at the beach with a bear rug on your chest and if you grew some quarantine man tits the least you can do is make sure they're hairless uh i'm in escaped over the weekend and uh i felt great you know yeah i felt great manscaped is dedicated to helping you level up your full body grooming game they have forever changed the grooming game with their perfect package 3.0 the perfect package 3.0 kit
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Starting point is 00:36:55 the fuck is this you guys are weirdos yeah and uh i was like this is kind of mellow i like this and then i kind of put down my guard a little bit because I was just making fun of it. And then I was just like, okay. And then a couple years went by and then Laird, I got it up into the trust tree, the Malibu trust tree of Laird and Gabby. And just like do it. It's amazing because Laird's like supernatural, you know. He's obviously a very real ass guy and doesn't really
Starting point is 00:37:29 you know mince his words and he is who he is and he doesn't have to be anything that he isn't but i think he's like it was so sweet he was just like i was i don't know man he just guides you through it in the gentlest way actually you know because everyone all my buddies like it was so funny like everyone's like dude get ready man he's fucking get ready man i'm like i'm not a fucking athlete so he's not gonna like try to crush me like i'm not competition you know some some ripped surfer guy or some person who thinks there's somebody's gonna go up there i'm sure i'm sure he's gonna kind of tangle him up a bit but i feel like i think he was so sweet like from the jump like we have a lot of mutual friends and and so you know that was like one step closer into the trust tree and then and then but but doing the fire and the
Starting point is 00:38:18 ice man he's just like breathe through it he's just like a gentle like a sweet gentle guy that just wants you he wants you to experience he wants you to kind of like really try to like clear your mind do the fighter like you know he wants you to do it he doesn't he doesn't want you to do it for him doesn't want you to do it for anything else he wants you to like get the most out of doing the ice bath and and um you know it's uh he's amazing like he's he's so funny the dude but we showed up we showed up to that place and um dude he was like he was on a paddleboard tied up to like a rope and he was just paddling in place and he was just like he was just paddling he was just that's awesome yeah
Starting point is 00:39:01 you know it just like you want to talk about shoulders yeah it's just like man he was paddling for like 45 minutes and it was just like like it was incredible he's just like i was like that's a wild thing to see somebody do you know and it's just like i think he's uh you know he there's not too many people like lair you know totally he's like the nasa of surf he's the best i um are you friends with like pat tenor no we had him on our podcast but it was during the q team so but i i told him i'm like dude i want to hop in that ice bath so maybe when it's safe we can get into the trust yeah and everybody's like pat tenori right aruka yeah yeah yeah yeah cool cool yeah yeah yeah they're my dudes yeah i um i wanted to ask you because i was watching a bunch of your videos which make me so happy by the way on youtube uh
Starting point is 00:39:58 they're just so fun to watch and uh do you have like a set list of like recipes that you go to or is it kind of like whatever you're in the mood for that you're like okay i'm gonna make a video about this like how do you sort of decide decide on the dish for each video like for the videos well um i think it's like it's a combination of like i try not to think about it too much and most of the dishes that i have cooked on on the videos i try to like do something i actually haven't like done before or at least that iteration is different so then at least me doing something for the first time is better than doing something i've done 10 times because nobody wants to see this perfect thing i feel like the what the thing that i've kind of developed is that like i'm
Starting point is 00:40:45 i want to be the person that is trying to figure it out the same as the home cook and i'm i'm i'm trying to do something that i've never really done before and i always like it really goes way far out and then we get to reel it back in kind of thing and i'm always trying to figure it out the same way that anybody else would cook it like it's just like just because like it'd be boring for me to just cook bullshit stuff that i've cooked from my restaurants or something like that or you know like i'm just trying to cook something that people a can actually make at home and and and something that's fun and easy and affordable and like isn't like classist or anything like that and something that people just want to cook and make fun and like it's just one of those like sometimes like the first season of like just a dash i i
Starting point is 00:41:31 didn't even want to think about it i was just like yeah i'm gonna cook something every day whatever the fuck i'm cooking i'm cooking right and and so it was just like that was kind of like because i was just like i was so burnt i was so burnt on fucking even though vice was chill to work with you know it wasn't like a massive amount of headaches for me creatively or anything um but I just wanted to have an experience where it was there was like no emails there's no nothing like I shot just a dash with all my homies that like I shot like all my vice stuff with so I was just like hey like I want to just shoot a show come to my house bring your equipment there's
Starting point is 00:42:04 gonna be no fucking emails there's gonna be no bullshit and we're just gonna like go in my house we're gonna shoot like 12 episodes and every day i'm gonna cook so i do two a day but it's like every day i'm gonna fucking i'm gonna just cook i'm just i'm gonna cook some stuff it is what it is it's not like me doing like some algorithm like what hits on youtube or any that kind of fucking bullshit it's just like i'm just trying to cook stuff that i think hey i want to do first most of the time i'm pretty selfish i'm like i'm just cooking stuff that i want to cook really so it doesn't i and and now like even like i got my new like my new show thing that i'm doing on youtube like homestyle cookery like i I'm doing that because I built out during quarantine. I've been like saying that I wanted to build like a barn, like a studio in my
Starting point is 00:42:51 barn. I have a barn on my property. And I was like, I want to take one of the rooms in my barn and turn it into like a cooking studio. I've been saying that forever. And now that I'm like, everyone's been home. It's like, I've had the opportunity to, to be able to do some of the things that I've really wanted to do with our property and and so then i built that out and now i'm shooting a new show it's crazy like i'm shooting a new show where i'm cooking recipes from my new cookbook that comes out in like september and so that one was kind of where i'm like now recipes that i wrote a year ago for this book now i'm like baking and kind of trolling myself because it's funny because it's like like it's fucking like cookbooks are fucking you know stupid it's like oh make this
Starting point is 00:43:31 soup when it's a sunny day and it's fucking uh you know it's nice and you're like you know there's always like those stupid head notes on top of recipes and it's just like so i'm kind of making fun of that and so i'm reading my recipes that i wrote fucking over a year ago uh and it's like so i'm kind of making fun of that and so i'm reading my recipes that i wrote fucking over a year ago uh and it's so funny because i'm trolling myself i'm reading and making fun of the recipe that i wrote and then i cook it and um you know so that's a little bit different than just a dash and then i'll start shooting just we're shooting just a dash because now we've opened up in canada we've kind of been chill. So we,
Starting point is 00:44:05 we, we did all the testing for COVID and all that kind of stuff. So now everyone's kind of clear. So now we can, we can, um, we're going to shoot and get all the rental stuff is open again. The rental houses for equipment and stuff.
Starting point is 00:44:19 So I don't know, like it's just whatever we're just, I'm just trying to make bullshit. Yeah. How has your cooking evolved since you started? Like, have you gotten more simple? Have you gotten more sophisticated with it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:32 I just want to make things like a little more simpler for sure. As I get older, I definitely want to make things easier. Not easier, but just like less bullshit. You know, like it's like get the clutter away from you. You don't really need all that kind of bullshit. It's just like, just take a fish and make a really nice ceviche. You don't have to throw 16 ingredients in it.
Starting point is 00:44:52 You know, just like maybe try to make something, try to use like what, what, what's, what's better than like, you know, if you go catch something and you just squeeze some lime and some salt on it,
Starting point is 00:45:02 like that's the best, like, you know, like the best. So it's just like about stripping back and and and knowing when to stop adding i think that's the biggest thing that most chefs because most chefs it's like look at me look at me i can do this and this and this and this and you got 15 things on a plate and like does this actually make sense together and it's just about like i think the biggest thing is just like just becoming a little more mature and like allowing the ingredients to speak
Starting point is 00:45:27 rather than like my ego. Yeah. Yeah. That's interesting. What, what, uh, what's your favorite movie?
Starting point is 00:45:39 Mando? Dude, good movie. I don't know. That's a great, I don't know. My buddy, my buddy posted the other day. I was like, that's like the best. I feel know that's a great i don't know my buddy my buddy posted the other night i was like that's like the best i feel like that's the best and then and t2 is really good
Starting point is 00:45:51 i guess harold schwarzenegger's barbarian what's that other barbarian or conan conan i think commando my top three movies are arnold schegger, T2, Commando, and Conan the Barbarian. What about Big Night or Ratatouille? Probably Big Night. Yeah, Big Night. Okay, interesting. Because it's real life people. Yeah, Ratatouille is okay, I guess.
Starting point is 00:46:22 Oh, you didn't like Ratatouille? It's okay. I don't know. There's a didn't like Ratatouille? It's okay. It's like, I don't know. There's a little mouse telling me what to do. It's fine. I'm like, I don't know, man. No, my dad doesn't like animated movies. I'll be like, this animated film, it's so compelling.
Starting point is 00:46:38 And it really is about life and death and stuff. But it's just changing and put on real people. I'm like, okay, got it. Yeah, I'm not a huge animated guy. I'm not out here watching Princess. Like, I'm not, like, out here watching, like, Princess Monaco or something. Right.
Starting point is 00:46:50 But you are a very animated guy. I'm animated. I'm a big, you know, caricature of myself. For sure. You know? It's okay. I'll deal with that later.
Starting point is 00:47:08 Dude, so, one of my goals for this year is to learn how to make a really dank salmon like bake a dank salmon and i was wondering if i could go over sort of my process with you and see if it see if i'm doing it right absolutely i would love that okay so it's pretty simple but so i put salmon on the pan, olive oil down there, put some olive oil on top, salt, pepper. I've been doing it at 420 degrees for like 8 to 10 minutes, and I just put lemon juice on it. That's it. What do you think? I think it's perfect.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Yeah, it's perfect. Is your salmon squeaky or not squeaky when you eat it? I don't think it's squeaky. Is it super rare if it's squeaky? No, if it's overcooked, it's squeaky. Oh, no. That sounds good. It's molten.
Starting point is 00:47:58 It's nice. It's fatty. The fat's broken down. It's juicy. I think it's good. I think that's perfect you're not fucking around you're not trying to you know pour tomato sauce on it you know yeah no yeah well go off what you're saying what kind of salmon what kind of salmon you getting some alaskan you getting some
Starting point is 00:48:16 uh alaskan wild alaskan wild do you do you fuck with sockeye you ever had i've seen it but i've never pulled the trigger i think i needed to step in there wild. Do you fuck with sockeye? Have you ever had sockeye salmon? I've seen it, but I've never pulled the trigger. I think I need to step in there. Go get some sockeye. Go find some sockeye. You'll love it. It's so good. It's sockeye salmon.
Starting point is 00:48:40 I think that's great. I think you're a great chef. Thank you so much. What do you eat with it a little rice a little greens uh yeah i'll usually do lately i've been i'll do i'll do some caught some uh cotto or maybe some uh sometimes i'll do a salad with like arugula tomatoes cotto or maybe if like i need some i'll do like i'll bake some sweet potato which is kind of a weird combo but got kind of a weird taste i guess but uh yeah but it's been that's sort of been my go-to meal during the team that's nice yeah where are you getting your salmon
Starting point is 00:49:19 you're going to the fish market you're just getting it delivered ralph's yeah but i'd like to go to like a farmer's market just ralph's you're buying salmon at ralph's yeah my buddy ralph i like that yeah dude ralph's salmon from ralph's yeah yeah uh i'm getting steak from ross's oh yeah i've had steak from Ross's. It's good. Yeah, that's where you get the best steak. Also, I was watching one of your videos, and I saw you talked about when you played a lacrosse game on Acid. How was that?
Starting point is 00:50:03 That was good, man. It was just like one of those things where you're obviously um it was dude it's so funny like so it was like a field field like i played box and field and and so dude we were we were going to like this round robin um tournament and we were all on the bus and we were all just like our one buddy was just like hey i got a sheet and we're all like let's get it and everyone was just like and um and we like honestly like we got to the semi-finals and then we got kicked out because there's like kind of this our one buddy mike he was like a midi and he was just like hot tempered
Starting point is 00:50:44 and he smoked this kid. And then we started this like brawl and then we got, we got, we were just like, it was like a wild time, but we were just like, dude, you're just running around with acid. Like it was just like the colors, you're hot, you're sweaty, you're like, your adrenaline's going. And it's just like, we were running around like maniacs, but it was like, at the same time, it was like that perfect harmony where everyone was like, you know, when, like, you know, when you're on the like, how many times have you been like on acid or on shrooms? You're at the beach. And like, I remember one time I saw like my older brother. We were there and what he was like, yo, give me a cigarette. And like a buddy took a lit cigarette. I flipped it across the water. My brother just like, like caught it in his fingers and just like without emotion. And're like all on true it's just like those moments that like you're like how did that just happen like those perfect that it would never happen unless you you're just your body is fluid
Starting point is 00:51:34 and like your mind is like completely just disconnected but it's fully aware and you're just like that was like one of those things and it was just like it was awesome because it was just like we didn't really get busted either like everyone was like, that was like one of those things. And it was just like, it was awesome. Cause it was just like, we didn't really get busted either. Like everyone was like mellow enough, like besides the brawling and whatever brawls the brawl, but it's still just like, um, it w it was a funny day. Like, it was just like our dude, literally it was so funny. He had this, like, it was a Jesus head. It was like this like fucking beautiful, the sheet was like of a Jesus head and his buddy
Starting point is 00:52:04 was just like, beautiful, the sheet was like of a Jesus head. And his buddy was just like, yo, my brother, like it was like one of those things. My brother just came back from like SF and he smuggled this fucking couple sheets. And it was just like the, one of those things where it was just like the best acid ever.
Starting point is 00:52:17 And it was just, that's awesome. Yeah. It was good. It was all like the team. The team is like one organism. And you're all just in perfect harmony Like one giant, giant team Yeah, and then when Mike
Starting point is 00:52:30 Laid out that guy and then those guys rushed Mike and we were just like It was like Fully peaked It was good That's awesome Yeah, it was good So where do you guys Go, I guess right now The It was good. That's awesome. Yeah. It was good.
Starting point is 00:52:46 So where do you guys, where do you guys like go? I guess right now, the, I guess it's not so chill to go outside. Are you guys, have you guys eaten out? Like,
Starting point is 00:52:56 have you guys gone to like a restaurant yet? Or can you even say that? Is it still, is it weird enough now again that you'd say that like you can contribute uh the the bar is just closed so i haven't really haven't been to a restaurant no i remember he's fucked so i i don't know guys i've been surfing like every day the beaches are open uh but i've been ordering i've like gotten takeout from bear flag if i ever go down to newport um yeah but i haven't really sat in a restaurant yeah right yeah i've had a ton of takeout i played golf yesterday okay it was cool i feel it's perfect yeah it was like it was funny i was
Starting point is 00:53:42 talking to the group in front of us and i was like, how are you guys doing? And the guy was like, it's just good to be out. And it was so nice to just converse with some strangers out in the world as if things were regular. I was like, Holy shit, this is special. Yeah. Let's hug. Let's hold each other. Yeah. You're like, kiss me. Lick my tongue. Lick my tongue. I was like spit near me. Yeah. That was as close as we could get, but it was a But it was good. But no, I've been super careful and paranoid about everything.
Starting point is 00:54:09 So I haven't really ventured into the old world experiences yet. What about you? It's tough. Well, you're in Canada. Canada is a better sitch than here, right? Dude, where I live, there's zero cases.'s so nice it's yeah like and i don't know that's don't quote me on that but it's like it's pretty mellow but everyone it's mellow because it's small like in like it's in our region it's like 26 000 people so it's just like we i live in
Starting point is 00:54:43 a small town that's like 9 000, but, but it's still like, you have to wear a mask, you wear gloves, like when you go out and then like, we took it super, well, I took it super serious because my wife's pregnant. So like we're, we're having like our third kid. And so I was just like, yeah, thank you. And, and I was just like yeah thank you and and um i was super like okay like i'm gonna be the only one that leaves the farm you guys have to stay here and like because at first it was kind of like you had to go through it like it wasn't real and then you're like wait this is crazy this
Starting point is 00:55:17 is real and then like so i was the only person to leave the property for like two two and a half months and then and then um when things kind of when everyone kind of realized what it was and like these are just kind of like the new parameters of living your life and like going out then like because even like trish was going like mid like her midwife appointment and she would have to like stay in her car and the midwife would come out like do it through the car. You know, it was like a drive through mid midwifery appointment. And so,
Starting point is 00:55:52 you know, it's like, I don't know. You know, restaurant still seems crazy. I've walked into a restaurant to get food, but then at the same time, it's like,
Starting point is 00:56:03 I got, I got two pizzerias up in toronto and i was in there we're about to launch like a whole bunch of different kind of stuff and and i go in there and i'm like i got my mask and the gloves and we're doing all that kind of stuff up there and cooking and then i'm like well this is what everyone's doing you know i feel like if everyone just wears masks it's like that's that's all everyone's asking you know it's such a funny thing like you see these like freedom fighters for not wearing masks or all these karens and chads or whatever the fucking you know not you but dude none taken you know that's one of the good ones chad i'm rebranding chads yeah yeah you chad sees his rebrand and you're the face you were thank you so much you guys
Starting point is 00:56:46 follow do you guys follow like karen's gone wild that's the grave account yeah putting people in danger yeah i've been beefing with dudes online about mass and uh yeah it's interesting to me it's it's uh go to huntington huntington doesn't give a fuck. We're actually doing that. It's funny you say that. Are you? We're going to go hand out masks in Huntington tomorrow. Dude, bring somebody that's strong with you. Yeah, I know. We got shoulders right here.
Starting point is 00:57:17 Yeah, that's MMA country. I'm actually really good at talking. I've grown up in – I'm really good at de-escalating fights. I can cut to the quick and be like, look, we're sorry. We're not trying to offend you. This is your terrain. We're just going to go away.
Starting point is 00:57:33 There's no reason to hurt us. And then if you do that most of the time, they're like, all right. Go ahead. All right. Yeah, go ahead. You're like, here's five bucks. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:44 They're very exciting. Southern Californiaifornia yeah it's fun a special place down there just looks like a giant parking lot it's so it's like the most beautiful like the most beautiful parking lot you've ever seen like so it's the most beautiful dude it's the most beautiful or like i go um we go to like mastros all the time sure when we're down there and it's just like the funniest scene the first time i went there i was just like why did we come here and it's just like it like with a piano person singing and like it's every like rich family and it's just like every rich family and then in the bar it's just like weirdo guys with like obvious prostitutes or like like just very
Starting point is 00:58:23 high class escorts. It's just like the wildest vibe in there. And that fucking music playing. It's like, I love it. When I go in there and see that, when I go in there and see that, it like makes me happy.
Starting point is 00:58:34 I'm like, cause it's so honest about how gauche it is that it kind of, yeah, it feels refreshing to me. Yeah. Yeah. Like, I'm like, these guys aren't
Starting point is 00:58:45 even pretending yeah they're like no no i made all this money it's a full and i'm spending it on this on this high-priced escort and i'm eating all the all their seafood platters that come out with like dry ice yeah on the tower yeah and it's like the funniest thing too because like we whenever we go to like nobu it's like never busy and it's like the funniest thing too, because like whenever we go to like Nobu, it's like never busy. And it's like, I always find it so funny that it's just like, what's that little peninsula? That little, that like-
Starting point is 00:59:13 Balboa? Yeah, Balboa. And it's just like, whenever we, because I'm like, man, there's no way, like I always want to, if I'm eating sushi, I'm like, why don't I go to frigging Nobu? But it's so funny because I'm like, every time we go there, it's like not busy. i'm like well i'll go to friggin nobu but it's so funny because i'm like every time we go there it's like not busy i'm like this is the perfect example of like
Starting point is 00:59:29 what's going on like it's just like they just want this rich place to go but nobody's like going or something and it's like yeah it's pretty funny i don't know the scene is it's a funny southern california is a wild it's like just like pennywise and just like empty no booze yeah that's good it's a good description yeah just broham just broham walking to nobu one time broham's paying yeah that's that's what those uh those like visit california commercials should be just broham and empty no boo mosh pits of bro ham and then guys just in a big circle and then no boo yeah just giant dicky shorts you get it dude you fucking get it man that is it and then it's giant gray just giant gray dicky shorts are you are you like homies with a lot of uh like is there a lot of
Starting point is 01:00:28 camaraderie amongst chefs uh yeah yeah i'm homies with like it's just like um you know i i travel so much so it's kind of like i got like it's like like that thing. Like I got all my homies in LA. I got all my homies in New York. Like it's just like I travel all over so much that I've really been lucky to have such great friends kind of like all over the world. And like, like I love going to like Australia is like one of my favorite places to go. I've been there like six times. It's just like, it's, it's so, I love it there so much. And I have such good friends there. And it's like,
Starting point is 01:01:07 it's funny, like as I get older, like before it's like your world so small, it's like, I only used to like, you know, live in this one part of Toronto. And like,
Starting point is 01:01:15 that was my block. And all my friends were there. We used to just party and have a good time. And that was it. And it was such a great time. And then as, as, as I started traveling and doing travel shows and going around and meeting so
Starting point is 01:01:26 many amazing people, you just kind of like, just meet so many great, like, you know, it's like all the cliches. It's just like, you meet these people that are like the same cloth type shit.
Starting point is 01:01:36 All right. I'll go for it. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. We'll just keep that up. Sorry. Sorry. My wife's just seeing what we're going to make for dinner.
Starting point is 01:01:47 What are you guys making? I made some pasta yesterday. We're just going to eat leftovers. Nice. We'll go to Nobu. Dude, we will go to Nobu. Dude, I'm down. Just eat dessert sushi.
Starting point is 01:02:03 Yeah. Good description. Sugarfish, too. We should do a podcast from Nobu. Oh, dude. Yeah. Or on horses. On horses in the parking lot at Nobu in Malibu.
Starting point is 01:02:17 Dude, that's a powerful motif. Yeah. That would be – that's a good vibe. Is that a Matisse behind you? What kind of painting is that? That? That's my friend Darby's. I haven't hung it yet.
Starting point is 01:02:30 No, that's a good one. Darby Milbroff. Shout out to Darby. She's the best. What up, Darby? What up? Is there anything? We're going to answer some listeners' questions.
Starting point is 01:02:42 Is there anything else you want to ask us? Or you want to know? No, no, no, that's it. We're stacked. I'll,
Starting point is 01:02:49 I'll leave it until we meet in person. So I'll tell you anything, dude. Dude, I'll lay it down. What, what, what should I ask?
Starting point is 01:03:00 Like how, how many, how many, how many girls have you had sex with during quarantine? Me? Yeah. Just one. Okay.
Starting point is 01:03:09 Okay. Yeah. Dude. How's your calves? Are the calves? Oh, Chad has, like, the best. Chad, show them your calves. I'm not Chad Flex, but I do have some pretty.
Starting point is 01:03:17 Do you got good calves? I have some pretty legit calves, yeah. Angle it, bro. Let me see the calves. I'm glad you brought this up. Damn, your legs look nice in those pants. No. Oh, my God. Dude. the cab i'm glad you got this up damn your legs look nice in those pants oh my god
Starting point is 01:03:26 dude matthew mcconaughey would play your calves in a movie oh yeah that's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me if your calves were you know played by an actor it'd be probably mcconaughey oh dude the dallas byers calf i couldn't think of anything great movie i tried to do it a time to kill was just gonna be a time to build calves the lincoln calf yeah um yeah but yeah how many people have you slept with during the quarantine? Just my wife. Nice. My beautiful pregnant wife. How'd you guys meet?
Starting point is 01:04:12 High school. We've been together for... Whoa, really? That's so nice. 20. We've been together now longer than not. I know that. That's pretty amazing.
Starting point is 01:04:24 Yeah, we've been together since like grade 12, 12th grade. And you have two kids? Are they boys or girls? We got Mac. We got a boy. Our son's like four. And then Rizzo. Rizzo is, she's one and a bit.
Starting point is 01:04:41 And then we got another girl on the way in September. I love those names too. Yeah, MacArthur. MacArthur is the MacArthur. Then I got a good one. We got a baby girl coming in. Rizzo is
Starting point is 01:05:00 obviously a very rare female name. I got a fucking good one for the next one. Nice. It's tough. You don't want to name a kid just like fucking Fruit Loops
Starting point is 01:05:18 or just like some name that isn't going to be... You want to think that it's cool when she's a teenager, it's cool she's older when she's professional or whatever so it's tough do you think one of the kids upset that they named her apple i'm sure they're not stoked on it yeah you know it's a but at that same time who knows maybe you know maybe she loves it and i'm sure she does it's the only name she's ever known so who knows like you know i'm sure it's it's like you never know because that's what it is like she doesn't what she wishes it was rebecca like you know like i don't know how many apples we're talking about it right now i guess it's probably a pretty good name
Starting point is 01:06:00 you know but it still is one of those things that like i i i love you know it's forever it really sets a character you know yeah i need this kid named headbutt see that's a good one i always wanted to name mac i wanted to name mac tree fort i really wanted to name him tree fort and it's so funny because i talked about it for so long that some of my friends like it's so long that some of my friends, like it's so funny, like some of my friends actually call him Treefort. Because I was like, why did they call me Treefort? I was like, well, that was going to be like my first,
Starting point is 01:06:33 I always said that was going to be my first thing. Or I wanted to name my kid Captain Destroyer. But then I was too aggressive. Dude, for real? I wanted to name my kid Tank Destructor. That's a good name. Yeah. Our kids should hang out together.
Starting point is 01:06:50 I've always thought you should name your son Suplex. Oh, nice. And then Shoulders? Just Shoulders? My kid's name is Cabs. Suplex is a great name. I'll call him Supes. Supes.
Starting point is 01:07:04 Supes is a good name. We going call them soups. What's up, soup? Soups. Soups is a good name. We going German today or we going belly to back? Two different suplexes. Oh, my goodness. All right, we got some questions from our listeners. And this one's actually super apropos of the conversation we've been having. Chat in JT and any other esteemed guests. I would appreciate it if you kept me anon.
Starting point is 01:07:22 And it would be a huge win if Strider, a.k.a. the liege of love, was available for input. Strider's our friend. He's the relationship guru. Following a long and serious relationship, I was excited to get myself back out there and find some lovely ladies to spend quality time with. My intentions were not just to find some one-night stands, but the opportunities did arise a couple of times. However, things did not work out in my favor. I was totally unable to perform and my suspicion was that I was not yet fully through the emotional damage of my last relationship. Has this ever happened to any of you? I think it's not surprising. For me, the best part of a relationship was always the emotional connection more than the physical. So maybe people just can't follow through with the physical unless there is first an emotional connection. What are your
Starting point is 01:08:01 thoughts on this idea and that some people may require an extra emotional connection before being able to perform physically? Thanks for all the excellent advice you guys give. I know the next step is to work on myself, be confident and keep putting myself out there. It's a lot. It's a lot to unpack. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:17 Yeah, that fired me up actually. I think he's the evolution of man, you know, developing the emotional before the physical. That sounds cool to me yeah it sounds like a good dude and i think that that's exactly what we've been talking about just being more vulnerable and being like having that actual connection not just like throwing the is away dude totally i would i would just caution you don't rush the emotional
Starting point is 01:08:42 connection or force the emotional connection out of a need to get the physical release because sometimes we can do that too where we we know we need that connection so we'll kind of build it with people that it might not be who might not be the right fit for us just so we can get there and then that kind of leaves both of you guys in a uh putting the cart before the horse a little bit yeah and it may just be up front about like sort of what triggers the is for you you know just like look i need you know i need to have something going uh before i can sort of just release my is um because i need to be released with love or affection yeah and dude you're a beast at boning i know this guy throw down so yeah man
Starting point is 01:09:27 just be patient it's nice it's nice you're making all these connections anyways yeah it seems like you're doing good work out there so yeah just stay on it him even writing that long of a statement or email shows that he's willing to put in the work. Yeah. Good call. Stokelords, Aaron, hopefully Joe's hog and strider. I need help quitting vaping. I'm really addicted and I try quitting all the time to no avail. I've quit once before and lasted a few months. If you quit Juul, what did you do to quit?
Starting point is 01:10:00 Will cold showers help? Yeah. um yeah dude i uh i just sort of put down one day and and and when uh if you if you're like going on vacation i think that helps because you're sort of getting out of your environment and you're away from the like the triggers that make you want to want to hit the the devil's dick um and uh yeah cold showers definitely help and uh yeah i don't know i mean it is tough though it's it's so easy to just like go to like 7-eleven and buy one of those things yeah yeah i mean matt jt no maddie go um i JT? No, Matty, go. I don't know anything about the vape, but just quitting, you know? It's like quitting's not hard. It's just the day after that's going to be harder and the day after that.
Starting point is 01:10:58 So you just got to remember why you quit in the first place. And Jules just sipping on fucking, that's like Elon Musk is fucking is. like you don't know what that is you don't need to be doing that that's like 28 days later shit that's zombie zombie fucking juice you don't know what that shit is and it's just like just smoke go back to cigarettes like you know i stopped smoking cigarettes two years ago and it's just like i just just stopped. And then I never, you know, I was lucky that I, I,
Starting point is 01:11:27 I stopped after a trip. I was coming home and I stopped. And then I just was like, I'm fucking out. And I was like crazy. I was like smoking like a full pack a day. And I was just like, I was just reefing on butts.
Starting point is 01:11:39 And it's just like, it was just like, you have to stop. And you're only going to stop unless you're fucking mentally ready for it, actually. So if you're not ready for it, keep going, I guess. And hopefully you don't get too much damage. Yeah, they say that. And like, I'm a sex addict.
Starting point is 01:11:55 They'll always say like, hey, if you haven't had enough, go get some more. You know, sometimes people got to hit bottom. But I think, you know, just not having it in the house is a huge help you know just don't have it available to you and then just have smart feet just don't don't put yourself even don't even take driving court like drive yeah don't drive anywhere near a 7-eleven just take take uh take the long road the long route and just stay away from places where you could potentially grab that jewel and then dude also don't beat the fuck out of yourself if you do jewel a little bit like because then sometimes people you get caught in that cycle you're like oh i'm such a piece of shit and then it makes you do it more um so just like i fucked up but i'm still heading in the right direction
Starting point is 01:12:38 he could have like a replacement like if he's like if he has a temptation to jewel he's like and whenever i have the temptation i'll just go skate yeah go hop on a scooter and scoot kind of slappy yeah yeah um all right how to not eat my dad's pancakes without letting him down what up chad boom clap jt moving back home during quarantine has resurfaced a deep family issue that i thought i had overcome when i moved out to college my entire, my dad loved to cook me pancakes. Now, I know that sounds pretty sick, but now is when I need to tell you that these pancakes are terrible. He is super into health food, which I'm stoked on, but when it comes to pancakes, pancakes should be an occasional treat that tastes good. But these pancakes are dense as fuck and pepper with flax seeds. They taste
Starting point is 01:13:22 terrible, not to mention the evil carbs they are loaded with. Now that I'm living at home due to my internship being moved remote, I dread the mornings when I come downstairs and he announces, I made pancakes. This happens like three times a week. If he's not in the room, I avoid the pancakes and usually skip beefist as I've been cutting to get that quarantine six pack. But when he's in the room, he doesn't leave until I eat a whole pancake. To make it worse, he also suggests pancakes as snacks often, and will even reheat them and bring one to my room sometimes. Chad and JT, I can't keep eating these pancakes.
Starting point is 01:13:53 How do I let him know that I don't want his pancakes? I'm worried it will drain his stoke tank if I tell him I don't like them, especially in these trying times. It's tough. Yeah, Matty, have you ever had a situation where you had to tell someone like look I can't keep eating this
Starting point is 01:14:12 I don't know it's tough because it's just like you know it really is tough it's kind of like somebody put something really hard into it you know cooking cooking's hard if it sucks or tough it's kind of like somebody put something really hard into it you know cooking cooking's hard if it sucks or if it's good you know it's the same kind of level of like what you put into it kind of thing you know like like like like um yeah so i don't know it just really like i think i think i think i have a really good pancake recipe. And if you want, it's out there.
Starting point is 01:14:48 I made a video, and it's like the best pancake. It's easy. It's the best pancake. Fluffy, big. If you want nice, good flour, get some organic flour. It doesn't make you feel like a dump truck. And you just need to change the recipe and like be like hey dad you know i saw i saw this video why don't you try you love making pancakes why don't you try
Starting point is 01:15:11 making these pancakes these look crazy maybe he makes them and he kills it then he feels good about it and then he keeps making those pancakes or he makes somebody else's pancakes you don't have to mind but there's a lot of pancake recipes out there that like are fucking fluffy little capers rather than like dense fucking sinkers good call yeah i mean i i this probably isn't the most uh uh probably not the best advice but this option came up in my dome. You should be like, dad, these pancakes, they make me shit my pants. Yeah. All right, last question. What's up, dogs? Big fan, been listening for quite some time now.
Starting point is 01:15:53 So recently I got some depressing news that's had me down in stoke. So my lifelong dream has always been to be a fighter pilot. I've always said I'll stop at nothing to achieve this dream. Like honestly, I'd rather be able to fly F-35s all day than be a millionaire. So when I found out that my recent ACL and meniscus reconstruction surgery due to a snowboarding crash is an automatic disqualifier, I was gutted, but having a tough time getting over
Starting point is 01:16:13 it. So I was just curious what kind of advice you dogs had for raising my stoke in this time of despair. I just want to get that sense of guidance back in my life. You feel any advice is big time appreciated. Thanks my dog. Oh, PS ps i've been able to apply for a waiver waivers to get past this obstacle but it'll probably be years before they let me apply which is a major boner jam have we answered this before have we i don't think so it was familiar there's been multiple people that have broken their legs do we have a lot of fighter pilots it's very common in our emails yeah a lot of fighter pilots are listening that's so nice uh just keep doing why doesn't become a trainer do the do do
Starting point is 01:16:56 the teach people i guess you have to teach people by doing it i'm sure you can't teach somebody how how to surf by not surfing. Fighter jets. Yeah. Seems difficult. Maybe you could just pump. Maybe you could just get pumped. My buddy Rossi was at the Naval Preparatory Academy in Rhode Island, and they ended up booting him from the Navy because he had a bad back and they didn't think he'd be able to play football or serve because of it.
Starting point is 01:17:26 And he ended up walking on at USC and then became a productive football player at their program. Yeah. And, you know, it probably doesn't feel like it right now, but this is – you'll look back on it and you'll be like, wow, that was an interesting turn in my life that led to something so sick. So just stay on the path and don't lose hope and you'll find something that'll be even doper i think or maybe you'll get that waiver done and you'll
Starting point is 01:17:53 actually be a fighter pilot you know don't you know stay persistent yeah if he really wants to do it why doesn't he just wait a couple years doesn't mean shit in your lifetime or doing something you love yeah and you can pick up new skills on the way there that'll make you better suited for being a fighter pilot when the opportunity does arise yeah and rascal flats too the band they got those lyrics like god closes the door i hope you keep searching till you find the window or god bless the broken road that led me to you like you know these obstacles actually end up making us better and and it you know they can define our life for the positive because it's all about how we rebound from them jt what up
Starting point is 01:18:39 stoke lord i mean dude i'm obsessed with like crossfit right now Tia Claire Toomey Had she not lost the CrossFit finals In 2015 because of low self esteem She never would have come back and become A three time champion You know You gotta keep going You gotta take some hits
Starting point is 01:18:58 You never know what you got until you got nothing You never know what you got Until it's gone. To paid paradise. To put up a parking lot in Orange County. Beautiful. Beautiful. Matty, is there anything else you want to know?
Starting point is 01:19:20 How does one become an ultimate stoke lord? Oh, dude. How does one become an ultimate stoke lord? Oh, dude. I think it's a simple formula. You bronze. Yeah, tan. You got to be tan.
Starting point is 01:19:41 You soak up the osh. And then you do a beer bong. And you just become more and more proficient at it. Yeah. That's it. This was our first time. We were trying something new on this podcast where we were like, let's let the guests interview us.
Starting point is 01:20:02 So thank you for going on this maiden voyage with us. There you go. It was okay. I think we found out a lot about each other. You were great at it. Yeah, you're great. Thanks, dude. And Stokers, check out Matty's videos on YouTube.
Starting point is 01:20:19 They just brighten my day, seriously. So they're so fun to watch and great recipes as well. And it also makes me just want to make delicious food so i just want people to cook hopefully it sparks it in them you know yeah is there anything else uh you want to plug um check out my podcast powerful truth angels with two-tone um check my book my new cookbook comes out september 29th i don't know plug-in sucks but whatever check shit out cool check me out check me out stokers hell yeah dude it was great talking to you man yeah stay safe man enjoy the rest of your day yeah thank you guys appreciate you guys i'll be at Nobu next time you're in SoCal.
Starting point is 01:21:07 Yeah. We're going to go. We're going to get on horses. No way. Yeah. That sounds great. I don't think it would take much. I don't think it would take much.
Starting point is 01:21:16 Let's do it. Bear back Nobu. I'm pumped on that. Yeah. We'll catch the wave. You're really a delight, man. Appreciate you doing this. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:23 Yeah. Thank you guys for having me namaste namaste all right all right just leave or you can hang it's up to you yeah okay nice meeting you guys nice to meet you too man have a good one. Later on. Be well. He's great. Yeah, he was really cool.
Starting point is 01:21:53 Yeah. So nice guy. That's fun. All right. Well, Chad, let's kick it off, my dog. I got to pee real quick. Copy that. Let's chill for a second.
Starting point is 01:22:06 Oh, man. Aaron, you think baseball is going to come back? I mean, they're supposed to report Wednesday for spring training 2.0. I just read Mike Leak of the Diamondbacks said, I am not coming back this season. Yeah, some players are saying, hey, I'm not doing it. Chandler, Wilson Chandler, I think is his name, in the NBA was like, no, I'm just staying with my family.
Starting point is 01:22:31 Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's crazy. Because there's certain exemptions if you're high risk in any way. Like our closer is diabetic, so he would technically be, if he wanted to, he'd be high risk and he'd be okay but mike leake is just like nope foregoing 18 million dollar salary just well probably six or whatever they're gonna get this season but yeah the prorated yeah but um that's pretty crazy to just be like i don't i don't care it's not we be like, I don't care.
Starting point is 01:23:06 We're not ready. I don't think we are. Do you also think it's that he just doesn't want to be – because are they allowed to bring their family? What's the plus one situation? They're doing it in their home ballpark, so I guess it just depends on where you live anyway. Oh, so they're going to travel? They're not going to do like a bubble situation like the NBA?
Starting point is 01:23:25 No. Most of the games you play, two-thirds of it will be in your division. And then any other 20 games will be against American League teams in your same division. So it's minimized travel. No one's going cross-country. And they're all private jets and stuff like that, right? Chartered flights, yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:47 Yeah. Yeah, it's interesting. Yeah, there's no tobacco, sunflower seeds, no spitting of any kind. Oh, that's going to affect some guys. Yeah, chewing gum is the only thing allowed. Like, it's pretty nuts. Yeah. It's crazy with the Clemson football team,
Starting point is 01:24:05 like the 40 out of 120 people on the team got it. Yeah. And we'll see if that happens in baseball too. There is like a, a COVID DL. Yeah. That's what's, that's what's interesting about TV versus sports, too.
Starting point is 01:24:25 In sports, if someone goes down with COVID, it's not so different than if they go down with an injury. You just don't have them for a couple weeks. But if you're making a TV show and the director of photography gets COVID, what do you do? Does a new DP step up or do you shut down? Yeah, it's pretty similar. or do you shut down? Yeah, it's pretty similar. I mean, I'd assume you could have someone step up,
Starting point is 01:24:51 but they're all taking the risk. Yeah. You have to test everyone who was there. All right, Chad, you ready, my dog? Yes, sir. Chad, who's your Beef of the Week? My Beef of the Week is overconfident cyclists what up cyclists um look i respect you're trying to get your workout you're trying to get your sweat you're trying to crank the road
Starting point is 01:25:13 become one with the asphalt uh you know get some distance in there just freaking cycle but you know what dude there are cars in the road and i don't think that allows you to be in the lane of a car because a car is a huge metal object that's moving faster than you and it's just like i'm not even beefing with the cyclist i'm just like i'm just concerned i'm like dudes you know i'm driving i'm like you know just because you're on wheels doesn't mean you can get in that lane, dude. Like, be careful, dogs. For real. This is not chill.
Starting point is 01:25:57 You know? Like, I don't want to, you know, just get on a freaking, get on the Strand in Venice or Manhattan Beach and cruise there. Like, you don't have to get on the freaking highway. And, yeah, dude, just cyclists, dudes, be careful. Maybe go, like, a spin class or something. Get, like, an LED screen of you like traveling, you know,
Starting point is 01:26:27 through the roads and just, yeah. Yeah. That's what's up. Aaron, what's your beef of the week? My beef of the week is with the UPS, the United parcel service.
Starting point is 01:26:44 Uh, I'm, I United Parcel Service. I ordered a new computer. It was supposed to be here Thursday. It's Monday. They keep scanning it and putting it on the truck and then driving around with it for 12 hours and then putting it back in the warehouse. It should be here today, but I'm so annoyed. And there's like no one I can call.
Starting point is 01:27:06 I can't go pick it up unless it's already been attempted to deliver. So I just want my computer, guys. That's just that. Yeah. My beef of the week is with um weddings i love weddings but uh i think i think we kind of misrepresent how weddings are like people when you're single you think you can hook up at weddings and it's actually impossible it's impossible to hook up at a wedding and uh i think we should be more honest about that
Starting point is 01:27:46 and aaron i see i see you're sort of like is it impossible like in your gesture it's unlikely but impossible maybe not impossible all right but like most of the time everyone's already in a relationship and then if there is someone single there's always going to be 10 single guys per single woman and so like i was at my friend liz's wedding and just having a great time shredding the dance floor having really spirited conversations with people and then there was one single girl there and i was like you know what i don't want to i want to just have fun i don't want to be worried about that but then at a certain point i was like you know what i'm going to talk her. No one had talked to her the whole wedding. I go sit down and talk to her. Within two seconds, my boy Joe is on my left, my boy Greg is on my right, and they're
Starting point is 01:28:32 talking to her too. And I just sit there and be like, am I going to battle these guys for three hours? Which the likely outcome is that none of us hook up with her and we all go home frustrated with one another in Uber, or do I just have to let this go and go back to the dance floor and shred it with some aunts and grandmas and you know i took the latter because it was just the more it was it was the it had the higher likelihood that i'd have a good time um so yeah i just think you know if you're going if you're a young buckaroo and you're going to a wedding you just got to realize it's it's not what wedding crashers told you it was oh that's who my beef is with it's with the movie wedding crashers for you it was. Oh, that's who my beef is with. It's with the movie Wedding Crashers.
Starting point is 01:29:05 For setting this idea up in my head that weddings were like these big bacchanals where everybody got laid and it's just not the case. You know what I mean? What it really is, is you just get to be really excited for your friends as they venture forth into a union through life
Starting point is 01:29:22 and you get to see everybody's parents and really smile and laugh a lot with them but you don't have sex. I can tell you an industry secret. I don't know if my wife is right next to me. I don't know if she'll like it but I didn't get laid at my own wedding. Oh really? You're so tired. You just like right we'll get we'll get it in tomorrow right dude i've always thought that it's like you're out you're mean like the people whose wedding it is it always seems like it's kind of just work for if it's your wedding you gotta you gotta meet people you gotta be like a politician uh you gotta take photos and, and then you're like expected to bone.
Starting point is 01:30:08 That's not spontaneous. Oh, yeah. You know? You bone in Tahiti. Yeah. Hell yeah. Hell yeah. Chad, who's your babe of the week?
Starting point is 01:30:20 My babe of the week is Dan Castellaneta, Nancy Cartwright, and Hank Azaria. Voice actors for the simpsons dan plays homer amongst many others hank plays tons of people yeah one less now yeah yeah like snake the the the you know the criminal um mo mo oh dude he's so good mo mo's so good uh the comic book guy and then nancy plays bart which a lot of people don't know nancy cartwright uh a lady who's probably in her 40s or 50s now plays bart simpson and dude they just brought the heat i mean and and homer's voice i mean it's so perfect that that show is just the best it's just like such a fun place to escape into you just go into springfield there's bright colors there's funny stuff happening homer's just being a big dope but you love him bart's causing trouble but you love him mo is just this sad bar owner but he's hilarious i mean
Starting point is 01:31:26 it's all good stuff and it's all made possible because these legends came in and brought excellent voices and no one really talks about the talent of these people you know because they're not on screen and so they're kind of overlooked but like they're some of the most talented people in holly Hollywood for sure. And when you hear about their sort of like process of finding the voice, you know, it's like, Oh,
Starting point is 01:31:50 I based it off. It's gotten it from high school mixed with like, you know, Al Pacino. You're like, damn dude. Like it's awesome. So shout out to those legends for helping create such a great fun show.
Starting point is 01:32:03 I love it. Yeah. Nice dude. Nice, dude. Aaron, who's your Babe of the Week? My Babe of the Week is a show called Floor is Lava. Oh, nice. Oh, yeah. It's so dumb.
Starting point is 01:32:20 And there's too much talking. But it is just so fun to watch. It's so silly. I mean, it's literally like, I think it's like 1,800 square feet or something they said of just like this orange colored water and then all these like chairs and tables and stuff. You have to jump from one to the next to get to the end. And then ultimately the prize of a whole $10,000. But it's just the type of stupid entertainment that I can really get behind and that we could use right now.
Starting point is 01:32:56 It's like Wipeout, but I think even better than Wipeout. Wow. Nice. Yeah, the Verzi triplets are on. They are buddies. Yeah. On Floor is Lava. Spoiler alert, did not do well. Yeah. Yeah, dude, they're so jacked, too. Yeah, they're good dudes.
Starting point is 01:33:13 Yeah. Yeah. My babe of the week is Rich Froning, three-time CrossFit champion. Or is it four-time? Four-time CrossFit champion. Or is it four-time? Four-time CrossFit champion. Him and Matt Fraser are tied. He was the champ from like 2011 to like 2014, I think. One of the most jacked dudes I've ever seen.
Starting point is 01:33:37 5'9", 195. Really excelled in the weightlifting events, you know, when you got to bang out 100 snatches, 100 cleans, that sort of thing. It was never a great swimmer runner. So he was always down after day one, but he always came back and won the title. And I think the thing I like about him is, is that like, as I'm learning more about CrossFit, even though I'll never do it, is you have to know how to redline without going too hard to exhaustion so that you can't continue. So you have to know how to keep yourself just below your max effort, but still racing and performing at a high level. And that's a very precarious thing to do physically. And he did it better than almost anyone. And he also just
Starting point is 01:34:15 seems like a super cool guy. I watched him throw a football while he was running on the treadmill and he had good arm mechanics. I guess he's the quarterback on his flag football team. Melanie had good arm mechanics. I guess he's the quarterback on his flag football team. And he's just a beast, dude. He loves his wife a lot. She seems really cool. And if you want to learn more about him, you can watch his doc froning. He's also supposed to be one of the best ever when it comes to programming, like creating workouts. And I hope one day he's programming the events at the CrossFit games, because I think he would do a really good job. People were kind of frustrated with the programming at the 2019 event and with the way that they did cuts. It's interesting. All these insular worlds, they have deep politics to them as well.
Starting point is 01:34:53 And I'm really getting into it. But yeah. And then Froning and the current champ, Fraser, they're kind of friends, but they're kind of like frenemy vibes to him. When Fraser won one of the events, he tells the guy interviewing him, he goes, don't ask me about Rich. And you're like, whoa, why? What's going on there? But I guess it's just, he didn't want to have to define his reign
Starting point is 01:35:13 against somebody else's reign. He just wanted to have his moment is probably the more optimistic way to look at it. But yeah, Rich, you're the original CrossFit beast. Thank you for all you've done for personal fitness. Thanks, dude. Chad, who's your legend of the week? My legend of the week is Matt Groening,
Starting point is 01:35:31 the creator of The Simpsons. Yeah, I'm just on a Simpsons binge right now. Much like you with CrossFit, I've plowed through the first nine seasons. And it's just, it's, it's just a beast, you know? I know there are a lot of other people who contributed to the,
Starting point is 01:35:51 to the creation of it, but you know, I guess he was the, the, the first visionary. So shout out to him for just creating such a fun show that America can escape into, especially in times like these,
Starting point is 01:36:02 you know, I like watching escapism because you turn on the news and you're like what the fuck dude but then you watch the Simpsons and you're like I'm gonna be okay yeah so uh thank you Matt Groening for creating that world and uh yeah I've been watching a lot of interviews with him it's cool to hear about his process like he talks about how like he's talks about how all great animation shows or characters can be recognized through a silhouette, like Mickey Mouse. You see those ears? You know it's Mickey Mouse.
Starting point is 01:36:39 The Simpsons, you see their shadow? You know it's them. Batman, you know who I'm talking about. Freaking anyone else. so anyone else huge so that's a a cool little tidbit i learned from him and uh yeah he just seems like a guy who really kind of just followed what he loved and he's sort of like he's like even if i didn't have the simpsons i'd still be doing this because this is the only thing i can do and i like people who have that mentality of like they just burn the boats they're on their island and they're doing what they're doing no matter
Starting point is 01:37:17 what so i like that mentality so what up matt graining Groening? You're a legend. Nice. Aaron, who's your legend of the week? My legend of the week is Jon Stewart. Nice, dude. He was just on Joe Rogan last Friday, and it just reminded me how much I love that guy. He was just such a funny comic in the 90s, and then when he got the Daily Show job, just took it to a
Starting point is 01:37:46 whole new level um because the show was good with craig kilbourne um the five the fast five questions that was super awesome but then john just brought it to a whole other level and the political commentary the satire uh was never better um and i think it's still not quite where it was. And then he's just such a nice, seemingly just like this great guy who's still like fighting for 9-11 first responders. Now he's, now he's working with veterans. Cause apparently veterans are getting all sorts of diseases from some of the stuff they were subjected to in Iraq and Afghanistan. So he's still out there.
Starting point is 01:38:33 He's still putting up the good fight, and he's making movies now too. So that's great. Yeah. Yeah, his speech to Congress about 9-11 was epic. Yeah, he's done more since too, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, he's done more since too, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, he's great. Yep, one of the best ever.
Starting point is 01:38:52 And also Big Daddy, dude. Crushes it, Big Daddy. Solid. Yep. He's got his own way to tie his shoes. My legend of the week is my brother, Chris Parr. Christopher Hampton Parrr the big dog um we road tripped together to montana and dude my brother is just like the ultimate guy to go on a mission with like he is dependable he's reliable he's upbeat and he kind of has this like
Starting point is 01:39:21 um and it's my favorite attitude that someone can have towards a difficult challenge. Like instead of being like, yeah, we're going to fucking do this and kind of being like aggro excited about it, which is more my style. He'll just be like, hey, I guess we got to fucking do this. And I kind of like that like reluctant, but duty bound acceptance of a task. And my brother exemplifies that kind of masculinity perfectly. And yeah, he's just a beast. And I loved going on a road trip with him.
Starting point is 01:39:53 And it's just fun to do little adventures with your bro. And I'm so lucky to have him as a brother. He's just smart, funny, and sweet, and just a great guy to be around so that's my legend hell yeah and good taste in music like he threw on the hamilton he threw on the hamilton once it's not lake and it just changed the whole vibe of the drive it got me where i needed to go i needed something to sink my teeth into and I just went on the roller coaster of that beautiful musical. So thank you, Chris, for the good taste in the tunes too.
Starting point is 01:40:33 Chad, what's your quote of the week? My quote of the week is from Van Wilder once again. Nice, dude. So Richard, the antagonist is throwing a rager for his frat, which is, you know, of course sucks.
Starting point is 01:40:55 Uh, Richard does not know how to throw good ragers, but he has Jeannie who like kind of loves Richard. She comes out to him and he's like, she's like this party. So rocks Richard. And he's like, this party sucks rectum, genie. So that's my quote.
Starting point is 01:41:10 Nice, dude. Aaron, what's your quote of the week? I am trying to find one and I am having a hard time there. You want me to rip one real quick? Yeah. My quote of the week is from Haruki Murakami.
Starting point is 01:41:28 Again, I'm making slow work through his short story collection, The Elephant Vanishes. And in this short story, a woman has insomnia, and she thinks that reading Tolstoy and Karinina will help get her out of it. And she's talking about the way Tolstoy describes his characters, and she says he described them with wonderful precision. But that very precision somehow denied them a kind of salvation. Dude, I know what she means.
Starting point is 01:41:56 Like sometimes if you can analyze something accurately, it's almost like having dominion over it in a way that reduces the thing you're describing and so maybe sometimes it's more powerful to let it exist beyond your understanding is that kind of like when people like art critics or whatever are like this is what i got from the from it like it's a it's a mix of this a mix of that like blah blah blah then you talk to the artist and he's like i wasn't thinking about any of that but if that's the way you want to interpret it cool totally i i think it's also like um like if you can break something down so accurately you can be totally right on the money
Starting point is 01:42:48 and you can own that thing with how well you understand it but you're actually not letting that thing be as beautiful as it is by just not having to like kind of uh let it know that you know how it works right yeah i don't know i mean i still don't think that's know how it works. Right. Yeah. I don't know. I mean, I still don't think that's exactly what it is, but there's something in those two sentences where I was like, whoa, you nailed it. And he's probably talking about, it's a little meta too, you know?
Starting point is 01:43:15 Because it's like the character is reading Tolstoy, but that means Murakami read Tolstoy. So there's some kind of levels to his own relationship to literature in there and probably his own relationship to his characters all right Chad what's your phrase of the week for getting after it there's some salt and pepper on it ooh let's throw some salt and pepper on it. Ooh.
Starting point is 01:43:46 Let's throw some salt and pepper on it. More actionable. Aaron. I got a quote for the week that I found. It's all right. It's from John Stewart. And it says, if you don't stick to your values when they're being tested,
Starting point is 01:44:02 they're not values. They're hobbies. Ooh. And I think he's living up to that pretty good. Beast. Also, remember that he's so great and half-baked. Oh, yeah. Ever seen the back of a $20 bill?
Starting point is 01:44:16 Own weed. Do you have a phrase of the week for getting after it? Let's eat dad's pancakes. Oh. But this is Anton Ego's speech from the end of Ratatouille, my favorite Pixar movie. I was somewhat disappointed to hear Matty didn't love it, but I was also tickled by the way he took it down.
Starting point is 01:44:41 This is the speech at the end when the very pretentious food critic, Anton Ego, who destroyed the chef who worked at the rat's restaurant before him, describes the rat's food after he finds out it's a rat who's making it. And he came in prepared to hate the food. But this is what he says about the food. Last night, I experienced something new, an extraordinary meal from a singularly unexpected source. To say that both the meal and its maker have challenged my preconceptions about fine cooking is a gross understatement they have rocked me to my core i love it dude all right dudes all right thanks aaron yeah if you need advice, these guys are really nice.
Starting point is 01:45:28 You want to know what to do and where to go. When you need someone to guide you, just step out and go. I'm going deep.

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