Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 14 - Dreams, Steroids, Being Yourself

Episode Date: April 18, 2018

In ep 14, we dive deep into the world of naps, heavy dreams, philosophical talks, UFC drama, what it means to be yourself, Mark Mcgwire's dome, and as always explore beefs, legends, babes, and questio...ns. For bonus content, check out our patreon at www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Stokers what up stoke nation this is Chad Kroger coming in with my colleague JT what up dude what up dude what's up stoke nation stay stoked stoke nash um what's good um everything's feeling pretty good today yeah everything's turning up bases yeah i mean i slept for the majority of the day yeah i had a wild rambunctious weekend and uh i uh was uh sleeping it off today nice it was nice i didn't i don't think i had any dreams i haven't been dreaming as much lately which is good because when i dream i normally have nightmares so i wake up exhausted because i'm fighting my cowardice in my sleep especially during the day i i don't like to sleep during the day and then have dreams on top of it yeah it's a very
Starting point is 00:00:58 scary time do you do you typically have good dreams or bad dreams? I think typically good. I don't know. Actually, I don't know. I can't remember most of them. What's a standard issue Chad dream? Standard Chad dream? I'm running with lions and we embrace. Standard JT dream is it's like my brother and I are in an alley.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Some guy's robbing us. I run away. My brother gets shot in the alley some guy's robbing us i run away my brother gets shot in the head that's a good dream i wake up and i'm like you coward yeah and then i'm like you better make sure that doesn't happen in real life yeah dude i think i have a lot of like dreams about uh being back in school you know that's where you're like oh i'm gonna miss the test and then you like wake up and you're like i haven't had to take a test in like a year yeah i've had more of those dreams lately yeah where i'm like i'm not ready yeah yeah like i'm like oh the exams today it's so funny because i never studied for a fucking exam my whole life yeah like i got like i was like i don't know
Starting point is 00:01:58 anything that's on this test yeah so i'm not going to stress about it because it would be totally futile yeah i remember i remember one time in um i was taking econ in high school the teacher he's kind of a badass like he was he made a bunch of money from investments or like whatever on top of that he had a reputation for just putting out the same tests year after year so the answers would get passed down but the year i was in his class he caught wind of it and he switched up the answers a little bit i was the only one who didn't like realize it now this was when i was getting heavy into partying so like i was disheveled he the college advisor called me the most disheveled kid in school
Starting point is 00:02:43 tuck in like the front part of my shirt. So it gave that look. But then you look in the back. It's not tucked in at all, dude. Very rebellious. You get it. So yeah, this econ teacher, he gave everyone their test back and everyone did well. And then he gives it to me and he's like, study next time.
Starting point is 00:03:00 I'm like, copy. He's just one of those guys who's just like that was lame of you to do but i also don't give a fuck so i'm just gonna give you like a stern look and hope you take it which i think was more effective actually just because to be like looked down upon by such a cool dude who tests beers in europe i think that was more effective than being ratted on. Right, it stung you to disappoint someone you admired. Yeah. Do you know who Mark McGuire is?
Starting point is 00:03:31 Yeah. The home run dinger from the 90s? Yeah, big ass head. He's got a big dome from the steroids. He came out today and he was like, you know, I could have hit as many home runs if I wasn't on steroids. He's like, I just know in my heart of hearts that I'm a beast and I know my mentality is strong and I know I could have hit all many home runs if i wasn't on steroids he's like i just know in my heart of hearts that like i'm a beast and i know my mentality is strong and i know i could have hit all those homers without roids you know that i was just killing him for the past 10 years he's like these people
Starting point is 00:03:53 don't believe me and it's like um well you probably couldn't have yeah i mean i just don't i think that's so lame to be like oh you, those like drugs I was taking that made me way stronger and better at my job. I would have been as good without them. It's like, dude, you can't have it both ways. If you did it and if you accomplished all these things while on that thing, you can't say it wasn't because of that thing. And what are people supposed to say? They'd be like, oh, really? Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Yeah, it's all right, Mark. Then Barry Bonds comes out. Be like, Barry, why is your head so big? Have you seen Sammy Sosa lately? Yeah, he's white. What's the deal with that? I think he, you know, this is my armchair analysis. I think he's got that same self-loathing need to disassociate that Michael Jackson had.
Starting point is 00:04:43 You don't think it's... Like a disease or something yeah what's it called alopecia or something no that's where you can't grow hair uh fuck i forget where your pigmentation goes away right well maybe well then i feel really bad if that's the case i i've thought from the stuff i've read that he's like i have a disease either way my heart goes out to him neither one of those things sounds easy yeah what a weird thing to if that if it is like a self-loathing thing what a weird thing to to do well and also because it just never works out like you never look like he was a handsome
Starting point is 00:05:18 guy when he was just like his and again if he has a disease you're still handsome but i always thought the original sammy sosa was the best version of sammy sosa yeah he just appears what's up guys you're like what up did you see the footage of conor mcor going nuts? At first I thought it was staged. A lot of people think that. Yeah, because I was like, what the fuck is he doing? So he said Khabib was messing with his teammate, and that's why he had to go retaliate. He threw the dolly at the window? Psychotic, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Yeah. I don't know. Yeah, I don't think his teammates knew where it was going to go. I don't know Yeah I don't think his teammates knew How Where it was gonna go like I don't think anybody knew I don't even think Connor knew where he was gonna go I think he just got there and was like Reacting off instinct And anger and then cause you see him
Starting point is 00:06:16 At one point he goes break the fucking windows Break the fucking windows And his teammate the one who got picked on Has like a very shocked look on his face Like I think he was just as taken aback when he threw the dolly as anybody yeah it's intense yeah it's very intense he could just like break someone's neck and be like oh that was duh he fucked with me yeah and i'm the champ and also i fucking broke his neck dude to walk around as a champion fighter,
Starting point is 00:06:45 I mean, you gotta just walk around. Big nads. Yeah. I can't think of anything else where you'd have a... It'd just inflate your ego more. It's like pure megalomania now. He's just lost it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:00 And I think Khabib will kick his ass. Do you think you're a funny guy? Yeah, I think I'm a funny guy. Me too. Did you watch the Shanley doc? I thought it was good. It's kind of long. Yeah, four hours.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Yeah, I was like, you guys could have toned it down a bit. Yeah, they could have cut out a lot, I feel like. Yeah. I feel like most people think that it i feel like most people think that when you like once you make it you're like you're like golden you know you're just like oh i'm set i made it you know but i think that's it's just like the same problems come maybe even a little more heightened because there's more pressure and all that stuff. And more exposure.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Yeah, and it's just a little more high stakes. So it was just interesting to see. And to see his, I liked how spiritual he is. It made me want to study Buddhism and get into that spirituality side and just sort of like try and get in touch with my deeper self. That's interesting. What do you think? Yeah. It just,
Starting point is 00:08:11 it made a life pursuing perfection in your craft seem totally worthwhile. And at the same time, like really demoralizing. So it was an interesting combination. Yeah. Yeah. Everyone talks about being yourself like just be your be your authentic self and you're like what the fuck is that
Starting point is 00:08:29 it's hard to be decisive about how you actually feel a lot of times i'm like i don't know people like how do you feel i'm like i don't fucking know dude it's an amazing point it's an amazing point because i've like been at crossroads in relationships where like I've like someone's been like so you guys gonna break up I'm like dude we could get married tomorrow and I'd be okay with that or we could break up tomorrow and I'd also be okay with that yeah yeah it's like people how do you feel I'm like I don't know damn that was a truly epic and philosophical talk I think I think the stokers are gonna like it all right you want to get into your uh babe of the week okay my baby of the week this one uh i thought hard and i'm
Starting point is 00:09:13 like who's a mega babe that truly lived through the ages so i chose cleopatra cleopatra you are my babe of the week. So props to you. I just Googled you, so maybe we can get some info on you. She's a queen, last active ruler of Ptolemaic kingdom of Egypt. She was also a diplomat and a naval commander. Yeah, administrator, linguist, and medical author. Damn, what a scholar and a babe.
Starting point is 00:09:47 And she's a ruler, too. So, you know, she could just, like, dominate you in the bedroom. So, um, and, uh, I, uh, how'd she die? I think she died. I think her death was pretty savage, too. Cause of death, snake bite. Fuck, yeah. Cleopopatra you're a beast yeah so cleopatra you're my baby of the week just because like you dominated egypt and uh
Starting point is 00:10:14 you're a scholar in your own right and you're a descendant of like ptolemy and a bunch of those other dudes who created like the measurements for like triangles and stuff and uh and then you just like had like a super sick love pact with Mark Antony and you both killed yourselves at similar times so like props to you guys for like expressing true love and then dying by snake bite which is just so savage and tight and super erotic as well. You want to hear who my baby of the week is? Yeah, who's your baby of the week? My baby of the week is Jason Statham. Some people call him Jason Statham.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Some people are wrong. Jason Statham is an action movie star. He started off as a stunt guy, and then someone was like, this guy's too hot just to do stunts. Let's put him in some Guy Ritchie movies. He took over from the start. He's got a dry sardonic sense of humor to go along with some massive biceps.
Starting point is 00:11:11 He's in the movie The Transporter. He's in the Fast and the Furious movie. He's in the movie called Parker. Someone's like, damn. I never saw the movie Parker, but in the trailer someone's like, man, Parker, you got balls on you. And he goes, yeah, I'm surprised
Starting point is 00:11:23 I can even get on my pants. I was like, yes! St, you got balls on you. And he goes, yeah, I'm surprised I can even get on my pants. I was like, yes! Statham is just the real deal. He looks like he could really throw down. I appreciate that he went bald and he didn't get a hairdo, although he has one in the movie London. It looks ridiculous. And he's just always bringing the hardcore action fun in all of his flicks,
Starting point is 00:11:41 and I'm just glad he's out there. He just seems like a cool, cool dude. So thanks, Jason Stathamam for being such a badass yeah jason statham uh props to you dude um that scene where you do pull-ups and death race is just fire um like i don't know what you did to get like that good a tone but like just know that my dad who does 300 pull-ups a day was like he couldn't stop talking about it so you really accomplished something significant there great movie all right who's your legend of the week a legend of the week the legend of the week is uh my car my ford escape hybrid
Starting point is 00:12:18 i love that car she's been uh she's been with me uh since, and we've just been plowing California together. She's just been my ride or die, literally. And, you know, just a Ford Escape Hybrid, super reliable. I've got like 150,000 miles on her, and it's a hybrid, so gas mileage is off the fucking chain. So kind of green, but, you you know still looks kind of like a regular suv so like when people see me driving they're like oh that's normal dude and i'm like yeah secretly hybrid so like you know thanks for like um maintaining my like just level of um respect on the road um and i'm sorry to i know you have a Prius so I didn't mean to like
Starting point is 00:13:05 no offense taken and yeah just Forest Cave Hybrid thank you so much for just always being there for me on the road and taking me to all different types of waves throughout California I've you know hooked up with chicks inside of you
Starting point is 00:13:22 I've eaten in and out inside of you I've pretty much done everything inside of you. I've eaten in and out inside of you. I've pretty much done everything inside of you and you've always been there, stable and just playing podcasts and fire beats for me whenever I want and thank you for being you
Starting point is 00:13:38 for Scape Hybrid. What's your legend? My legend of the week is kanye west kanye west to me is a genius his music is so fucking good all of his albums you can see the growth in them and you can see the different directions he's going and whenever you think he's going to go this way he goes the other way and i think that's a huge part of art i think buster keaton said I like to let my audience get two steps ahead of me so that I can double cross them. And he also said, art has to
Starting point is 00:14:09 be surprising, but inevitable. And I think Kanye West nails that harder than anyone. Like he's just like got this massive ego, but at the same time, he's very self-aware about all the dimensions of it. And it leads to just like brilliant rock and music. When you hear that fucking song Power from my dark twisted fantasy, you feel what he was feeling when he wrote that song. And to me, that's the mark of a good artist is how close you can feel to their soul in their work. Like how close do you get to their experience? And the experience that he's trying to tell is an interesting one.
Starting point is 00:14:40 It covers all the spectrum of human emotions. I know a lot of people dog him because he acts crazy, but I think he does all that just to serve his art. And so I give him a total 100% pass. I just respect your contradictions. You kind of sound ridiculous in interviews. Like you don't speak in coherent sentences. I think those are overrated and you're like much more interesting for not really speaking
Starting point is 00:15:04 that well and then i like that um that you've gotten less enlightened the older you've gotten like when you started off you were like super socially conscious and now you're just like very gross and egotistical and i think that's kind of interesting to be like yeah i was smart and i decided against it. I like that. Yeah. I like that you're a fan of Kanye. Thank you. I like people who are still fans of Kanye.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Who's your beef of the week? My beef of the week is with the movie The Family Stone. Whoa. Yep. And I know this is going to be tough for you. Par's pissed and i think this is a a crucial a crucial difference between me and jacomo day so the family stone i went to see with my family holiday season we're like let's go watch this delightful rom-commy holiday treat. And it was warm and fuzzy. Luke Wilson, I really identified with him as that guy in the family.
Starting point is 00:16:10 He had longer hair. He lived in Berkeley. He was a documentary filmmaker. Diane, who's the mom? Diane Keaton. Diane Keaton reminds me of my mom, even though my mom's better looking but um i just her warmth i really connected to that um rachel mcadams is in there she's a babe sarah jessica parker oh i'd say she's a babe but kind of so annoying that i wouldn't want to ever like
Starting point is 00:16:38 you know romantically cocker thank you that's exactly the word I was looking for. And so it was just delightful all around. And I was like, wow, I really relate to this family. The dad's super cool. He smokes weed with Luke Wilson. I'm just like, this is like a really cool family. This makes me feel good, you know? And I'm just like, you know, and then there's this crazy conflict where Sarah Jessica, she just can't get along but somehow she's gonna find it because luke wilson's gonna come in and just be like look just be chill and she's like what and he fixes everything i thought that was gonna be the end of the movie and then they drop this bullshit bomb on you that diane keaton is gonna die and you're like so you're gonna end this holiday treat with tragedy i was so mad i was like because i don't like sad movies i like movies that make me amped or horny
Starting point is 00:17:33 or just like pumped up i don't like movies where they drop that bomb on you where you're like all right well thanks for ruining the rest of my day i'm gonna go sit in my closet so basically this is just my qualm against sad movies i'm just like they just piss me off i'm just like you know i got i watch movies to escape and feel good and feel stoked and so if you want to make some sad shit you know go watch that with your gothy friends whoever directed that movie but um just know that if i'm in the theater you better make me stoked i'm gonna be pissed and i'm pissed right now because i have beef with the family stone and um luke wilson still love you dog rachel mccann still love you what's your beef um my beef of the week nieto was a guy i knew in high school. He was an animal.
Starting point is 00:18:27 He really wanted to fight. He really wanted to fight people. He really wanted to prove his bona fides as a fighter. So first he went after this guy, Jeff. Jeff was not a fighter. Jeff was a golfer. And Jeff could be pretty annoying. And Nieto decided that he was going to stop him from being annoying by beating the shit out of him. So I tried to set up the fight. I was like, Hey Jeff,
Starting point is 00:18:50 Nieto really wants to fight you. Will you fight him? And Jeff was like, no, I don't want to fight him. And I was like, we don't really have a choice. He's going to beat the shit out of you one way or the other. So how about we do this right? And we set it up at a place where a lot of people can come to watch and you guys will do your best against one another. And Jeff was like, no, I don't want to do that. And I like jeff and jeff was like look par you tell nieto he doesn't want to fuck with me because i got some real savage backup and my backup will hurt him bad and i was like man that's pretty intimidating talk and i was like nieto has really good backup because nieto was a straight edge and um Nieto had friends
Starting point is 00:19:25 who were like 30 year old straight edgers who still have to hang out with high school kids because they don't drink do drugs or have sex so they can't hang out with people their own age they have to hang out with high school kids so I was like wow you must have like crazy backup if they're gnarlier than Nieto's backup and um they ended up not fighting Jeff just avoided him for the entire school year and then transferred but uh it turned out years later, I found out that Jeff's backup was his gardener. His gardener at his house one time told him like, hey, if you ever have problems, I'll back you up. So I guess Jeff was going to go to the fight and bring his gardener to fight Nieto. Yeah, which would have been a sight to behold.
Starting point is 00:20:04 But that's not the end of Nieto yeah which would have been a sight to behold um but that's not the end of Nieto Nieto and I had a summer school that year and uh this kid Andrew had quit the football team but he was still wearing a football sweater and Nieto took offense to that so he poured a chocolate milk on the kid and said fight me and I was in the same summer school class as the kid who got chocolate milked and so I did the same thing I was like hey um Andrew Nieto wants to fuck you up you're a pretty big tough guy this seemed like more of a fair fight Andrew was a big guy so I was like let's do it at the uh Cota da Casa general store let's invite a lot of people and let's make it a real uh a real production so um Andrew reluctantly agreed to fight uh nieto and when we got there
Starting point is 00:20:48 i had my dad drop me off with some friends i brought a video camera and when we got there there was a couple hundred people all of nieto's straight edge friends were there a lot of them in their 30s to watch the fight and nieto was real jacked up to fight he's like i can't wait to fuck this guy up i'm to beat his fucking ass. Quit the fucking football team. Oh, you wear a football sweatshirt after you do that? You fucking hypocrite bitch. I'm going to fuck you up.
Starting point is 00:21:12 And I was like, oh, Nieto's piping hot. So I did a lot of pre-fight interviews with people. I was like, hey, who do you think is going to win? How long do you think it's going to last? Are you excited? Stuff like that. And everybody was picking Nieto, and they were pretty jacked. And Andrew showed up to the fight. His friend drove him there and andrew showed up more drunk than i've ever seen a human being totally out of his head what's up everybody and then so we made
Starting point is 00:21:36 a big circle dave and andrew got in the middle um dave tried to tackle andrew andrew's drunk and fell down dave climbed on top of him, punched and kept punching him. And, uh, none of Andrew's friends were going to stop him. But one of Nieto's friends just came in and grabbed him and was like, all right, that's enough. And then, um, and Andrew woke up from his unconscious days and was like, oh, and then walked back to his car. He got into the car and they drove away and um Nieto was like riding high he was like yes yes I beat someone's ass and then he came up to me and he was like par did you film it and I was like yeah he's like give me the tape I want to destroy it or I'll go
Starting point is 00:22:16 to jail I was like you know let's not overreact like I'm not going to show it to anybody but we want to hold on to this as like a cultural artifact and then he was like give me the tape now par or i fuck you up and he had just gone like crazy with like bloodlust like he had beat somebody up he wanted to beat more people up i could see in his eyes and i was like fine psycho and i gave him the tape and he broke it you know that should have been the end of it but then monday at summer school came along i came into class and everyone's like the whole class knew about it because i'd pretty much been publicly setting it up and they were like so what happened and i was like oh yeah andrew got the shit kicked out of him at that moment he walked in he was like hey par and then he was like he like that kind of like grabbed me slash hugged me like he didn't know what to do with me he was upset at me
Starting point is 00:22:55 and uncomfortable but like what was he gonna do i was like he did get effed up and he sat down and then um so then break came and everybody went out to the lunch area except for Andrew. He was like hiding in the class. And then Nieto came up to me with like a gang of like 10 guys and he's like, where's Andrew? And I was like, Nieto, you already beat the shit out of him. You don't have to go find him. And then he's like, no, no, I need to go find him and taunt him. And I was like, all right, I think he's over by the bathrooms.
Starting point is 00:23:21 And then I watched from a distance as like 10 guys walked up to Andrew. He was just sitting there with his food. And Nieto was like, how'd that feel when I beat the shit out of you? And Andrew was like, oh, hey, what's up, Nieto? Oh, yeah, it sucked. And then Nieto was like, yeah, it did suck, huh? Now you know not to be a pussy. And Andrew was like, yeah, yeah, lesson learned.
Starting point is 00:23:41 And Nieto was like, yeah, fuck you. And they just stood there for all of lunch. And then Andrew was like, yeah, fuck you. And they just stood there for all of lunch. And then Andrew was like, okay, okay. Yeah. That was basically the rest of summer school for, uh, for Andrew. And then, um, yeah, Andrew was a good guy and yet it was a good guy. He kind of calmed down after that and was like cooler the next year. But then like the year after that, he became a douche again. You know, people just go through phases. Yeah. He's like a firefighter now. He might not even be a fighter fighter. I just know he respects firefighters. It's a poster like respect firefighters. Yeah, we all do, dude. No one doesn't respect firefighters. He loves dogs,
Starting point is 00:24:16 the American flag. And like when his wife makes like a good dinner, nothing wrong with that. It's a good life. Yeah. yeah all right let's get into questions hey guys i have to admit i'm in a tight spot i'm a freshman in college and while i have had a killer year raging and hooking up with some dimes i'm talking some very pretty women i realized that it wasn't enough i need to rage with the love of my life little backstory i met this girl emily in high school at the very first house party. She is a 10. On a dare from my friend, I walked up and introduced myself. I ended up getting her number and we talked for a while.
Starting point is 00:24:51 Talked is in quotes. I have no idea. What does that mean then? That you didn't talk for a while? You mean she sucked you off? Yeah, I don't know what that means. Unfortunately, the timing was never right. I would get a girlfriend and she would want me.
Starting point is 00:25:08 And she would get a boyfriend and I, now single, would want would want her all the while we never addressed the mutual infatuation it went like this for all of high school and yet all the while we remain super tight now we are going to different colleges but i know she's the one what do i do risk it all for the love and tell her how i feel or play it safe and lay low also where can i get myself that shirt of chad wearing a shirt of chad the one chad wore on fox the thing is epic keep shredding nick you know dude i'd say if that's how you feel i'd say you gotta tell her how you feel you know i'd i'd lay it on the line tell her how you feel see if you can create a relation i think you nailed it 100 yeah yeah i Yeah, I would go over to her house. I'd read her a Walt Whitman poem.
Starting point is 00:25:50 I'd make her a playlist with some generic songs and then some specific ones, but have a healthy balance of both. And I would tell her you're in love with her. Odds are she'll reject you, but it's still the right move to do guaranteed it's the right move heartbreak is good dude our boy g baby he got he experienced heartbreak and now he's a fucking beast he really is beasting yeah it's almost uncomfortable how much he's
Starting point is 00:26:17 beasting yeah he's like he's like yeah i got a six pack and you're like all right you got a six pack and then you see you're like damn you got a fucking six pack yeah what's up bros it's rick from csuf first and foremost i'm sorry for sounding like a douche the last time i commented on the pod i know talking about being able to get any girl i want is truly very lame and totally douchey that is not how i really am and chad's comment that i most likely jack off a lot really lowered my stoke feeling slightly hurt i try at least to put a number in on the daily to get the blood flowing to the geese. Shout out to Leo and Wolf of Wall Street, Millionaire Savage. You know how it is.
Starting point is 00:26:53 We got to think with the right head. Anyways, I started talking to this beautiful girl and we were pretty much dating. I took the kind part of your advice by kicking it down a notch and being more chill. Fucking worked. She's about to graduate and become a school teacher. She's so fucking mature and smart that i'm a little afraid to bring around the boys when we get together and drink no matter where we are whether it be applebee's or woody's war for crab cakes and mimosas we just love to be loud fun and a little rough rafty roughy to give up and not hang around my friends anymore just to be with there is
Starting point is 00:27:21 something i cannot fathom imagine jt if you lost your bro chad to a beautiful broad all because you love to express yourself while drinking a little tequila and some lime i want her to like my friends and be open to our raging and festives what can i do to fix this dilemma i care about her a lot and dating is something i don't do often so i want to do this right please guys help me i'm in a pickle p.s i love the fucking pod it's fucking hilarious fuck puzio and fuck carbs and long live good vibes jt don't worry about porn addiction when i did to solve mine is record myself having sex with my partners yes there was consent on the recording i found it better to watch myself than to watch others take it for what it's worth i hope this helps another experience like that in college
Starting point is 00:28:01 i was trying to date this girl um she's gonna come to my place and then somehow the i brought up that we have a pet snake and she's like i can't go in there and i'm like don't worry the snake's not in my room you know um and she's like i can't be around snakes so we didn't we didn't uh we didn't connect and then i was like well let's go to a movie like saturday so we went to a movie but it was saturday so i was obviously drinking hard so i hit up my boy mason i'm like mason can you drive us to this movie so we basically got chauffeured and um i was just like hey i'm back here just like hammered and there's a she was like yeah i'm not gonna go to this movie with
Starting point is 00:28:41 you i'm like why not and she's like because you're blacked out i'm like you don't like that she's like no and i'm like all right so it's similar i think i am like uh i when strider first started dating his girlfriend she's like a smart mature uh woman she came over to hang out with us. We were talking about our other girlfriend, not like none of us dated her, just our friend who's a girl barker. And then my friend Andrew for literally who knows what reason went, oh yeah. And by the way, Jill, that's Strider's girlfriend's name. He went, oh, by the way, Jill, we call her barker because she barks like a dog when you fuck her. And I just turned to Andrew and I said, why did you say that? And he was like,
Starting point is 00:29:24 what? And I was like, why would you say that and he was like what and i was like why would you say that that's not even true why did you just decide to say that to this girl who just came over for the first time and my friend andrew was instantly ashamed of himself and he was like yeah i don't know why i said that and then um the next day strider came out he was like oh thank you for uh like jill's a feminist so thanks for uh saying that so i think you'll find that your friends maybe are able to um perform above their uh their previous maturity level once they get around uh your girlfriend yeah have faith yeah exactly and i've said stupid shit like that before too i've said like way worse shit i one time i was dude was, dude, I did the most psycho thing.
Starting point is 00:30:05 One time I'm still embarrassed about this. My friend Greg started dating this girl and we were playing beer pong in front of her. And then I like hit a cup on Greg and I turned. Yeah. Now you want to know what it's like to get fucked by a real man. And everyone just looked at me. It was like, what?
Starting point is 00:30:18 And I was like, why did I say that? I don't know where it came from. Like some psycho need to be like alpha just came out of me. And I was like And then Greg just looked at me like Not threatened at all More just like
Starting point is 00:30:31 Are you okay? And I was like I got some shit I gotta look into Yeah I'm like you wanna know what it's like to be fucked Why don't you ditch the zero and get with a dude who can fuck you right I was a virgin at the time too So it was really just coming from a place of like empty masculinity that'd be so funny to see in like a tv show every no like literally everyone looked at me like my brother was there and he was just like
Starting point is 00:30:54 why are you the way you are and i was like i i don't know but i trust me i don't like it like i'm with all of you guys i think i immediately tried to apologize and everybody was like can we just move on and act like you didn't think i immediately tried to apologize and everybody was like can we just move on and act like you didn't exist for the last 30 seconds and i was like copy copy raja raja that drew hey guys i'm a senior in high school and started drinking my junior year that year was some of the greatest times of my life heading into my senior year though i've started to have horrible trouble drinking alcohol and it just tastes so fucking gross to. It's a problem because I've noticed I'm only really confident around girls when I'm drunk.
Starting point is 00:31:28 It's almost like I'm a completely different person. I don't know what to do. I hate the taste of it, and it makes me sick, but I need it to be confident. I just wish I could talk to girls easily while sober, but I just can't. The only way you're going to be able to get through this is if you just,
Starting point is 00:31:46 you know, don't rely on booze to talk to girls or whatever, just do it through your own volition. And the only way you're going to do that is through just doing it. So watch a David Goggins video and just go do it. Dude, honest to God. Um,
Starting point is 00:32:03 I got two things. One, I got into a real zone with being better at talking to girls by um giving myself like what chad's talking about like uh like uh like inspirational videos as like preparation i wouldn't watch david gong and stuff but i'd watch a scene from the movie out of sight with george clooney and jennifer lopez where george clooney's like super charming and then i watched a scene from the movie Closer, which is actually pretty savage. But there's a scene where Clive Owen's really charming while hitting on Natalie Portman. And I would just watch those and kind of like try to channel what those guys were doing, which was just like easygoing confidence.
Starting point is 00:32:36 And then the other thing I would say is that I used to think I needed Adderall to be good at my job. And I got dependent on Adderall. needed Adderall to be good at my job and I got dependent on Adderall. And then my therapist just told me that like my good was good enough. Like even if I only did like a B level job at work, like just to accept that, that like, that where a lot of us get into trouble is when we're trying to be like perfect all the time. And that's when we get dependent on things. And that's when we like start to feel like we can't do a good job without those things but you just have to let yourself be imperfect let yourself fail at hitting on girls and be okay with that and i think you'll find a lot more personal strength in the long run through that kind of thinking what were those movies again do you out of sight it's great movie
Starting point is 00:33:22 their chemistry is amazing. Which one? What's the other one? Closer. Should we give a shout out to our sponsors? Yes. All right. I got some amazing copy from Douglas. Hey, Stokers of Stoke Nation.
Starting point is 00:33:41 My name is Chad Kroger. You're house party enthusiast with my colleague JT Parr. Hello. And we are part of the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. Hey, guys. Now, times in the bedroom are intimate and they're sensual and they can be fun. But you want to make sure that you do it right and you want to make sure that you do it smooth. And you want to make sure that you do it smooth. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Lube, baby. Douglas Lube. With Douglas, you know that you're giving your partner everything that she needs for smooth boning, full sensation, and an intense orgasm. Or he. Or he. Thank you. Douglas Lubricant also comes in a number of different fragrances. Normal, strawberry, anal.
Starting point is 00:34:32 So next time you're boning, choose Douglas. Thanks, Stokers. Beautiful copy. Yeah, so proud to be represented by a great company like that. Yeah. Hey, bros from Australiaia love what you're doing over the first term of my third year of high school i've realized that the babes that are one or two years older and of a much higher standard and are much more in touch with things
Starting point is 00:34:54 like sex an example is my best friend's older sister who's a stellar babe and we flirt a lot mainly to annoy my buddy but also because i think she's a super babe do you think i should be chasing girls up a few years even though the older competition is often way more tall and have better rigs? Australian word for torso. Oh, I know what a rig is. And if so, how should I be going about it? Charlie. Hell yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:35:14 I love going for older chicks. It's the best. I've always loved hooking up with or dating older chicks. I just, I love. Me too. There's something about it. I don't know. Well, they're more mature.
Starting point is 00:35:26 They're more mature and you're just like, you know things, I can learn from you and like. They upgrade you. Yeah. And just, I just love the whole maturity thing. They're going to make you perform up a level, dude. So yeah, go for it, Charlie. But we've got one more question.
Starting point is 00:35:44 What up up council? I recently left bronzing and barrels for the cool crisp air of a Rocky mountain breeze. After one last pokey, I shotgun the 20 hour drive to Colorado and listen to every potty you bros made. It really kept my stoke running high during the late hours on the road. Thanks,
Starting point is 00:36:01 man. My question for you enlightened ones relates to an ongoing discussion between me and my Stoke, my Smoke Show life partner. She says she wants our two small love trophies to ride snowboard, but I grew up on the stick skis, and I think it's important for their brovelament
Starting point is 00:36:15 to start on the stick so they can truly beast a mountain. Do you have any advice on what they should do so we don't waste our months switching back and forth between these two professional shredding activities jj it's interesting i think i'm more tradition and all um so i i'm always on in the school where you gotta start out skiing and then if you want to make the transition to snowboarding
Starting point is 00:36:37 then you start snowboarding you can always make the switch to snowboarding but i think you want you want to start them off with skis so they have that option. Because you don't want them to do snowboarding and then decide they want to ski because it's a much steeper learning curve. Yeah, I'd start them on skis too. You don't want them having sex too early. That's a good point. Tough guy talk?
Starting point is 00:36:59 Let's do tough guy talk. Bro. Hey. What's up? Remember with tough guy talk, he always wants you to do bad things with him. What's up, bro? Hey, come in here. Hey, what's up?
Starting point is 00:37:12 Dude, why are you being shy? Come in here real quick. Okay. You want to know how you don't get shy anymore? Wow. You do a bump of the powder. What is that? It's cocaine, bro.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Come on. Dude, what is it? What is it not? It's everything. It's magic, baby. Because you know what you need it? What is it not? It's everything It's magic, baby Because you know what you need? You need a little Houdini in your life Come here, let me cut this up for you
Starting point is 00:37:30 I just I haven't done this since college Yeah, bro Ongoing education, bro What, you stopped learning because you got out of college? It's time for you to get your fucking master's degree Eat this up Right in the office?
Starting point is 00:37:42 People are watching Dude, everybody should watch Everybody's got to know What Top Dog Top Dog does what he wants at the office people do it in the dude everybody should watch everybody's got to know what top dog top dog does what he wants at the office okay um do i just snort it bro snort it or blow it in my asshole whatever you want to do bro i'm open for all of it blow it in your asshole yeah dude you fucking just like snort it in your nose then just fucking blow it off the table i'll put my asshole right at the end you know go my butt dude I'll get super fucked up and we'll have a laugh about it Alright, um, I love how game you are. Thank you for being open to this. Here you go. Oh
Starting point is 00:38:12 Look at him go. He's hungry. Oh That nose was hungry. It's so strong. Yeah, bro. It's pure Colombian, dude. Are you gonna do some? Yeah, dude I'm doing it all day Damn Are you going to do some? Yo, dude, I'm doing it all day. Damn. How much was that? I think that was like half a key. I'm just kidding, bro. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:38:30 I don't ever keep track. Math, weight, it's for nerds, dude. You know what I care about? Money. You know what money gets you? More fun, bro. Okay. You want to go get massages?
Starting point is 00:38:41 Right now? Yeah, bro. Where? Or we'll get the masseuse to come over here. You imagine that? We'll lay out on my desk desk we'll be getting rubbed while everybody's walking around do you do this all the time oh bro for sure it's a power move dude when you're getting rubbed in front of everybody when you're letting yourself feel that pleasure without any shame at the office you know what message that sends to the rest of these fucking stooges? What? It says, this guy's in charge. This guy doesn't mind
Starting point is 00:39:05 feeling good. This guy's not letting work be boring. He's our leader. I'm just, are they gonna give handjobs? Yeah, bro. I'm gonna give myself
Starting point is 00:39:19 a handjob. I don't want anybody to give me a handjob. I'm the one who knows how to do it right. You give yourself one? Yeah, but they watch. They watch?
Starting point is 00:39:27 Yeah, paying audience, dude. Okay, what about the rest of your office? Do you blow with them? I don't understand. Oh, the other people here? Yeah. Oh, I try to, yeah. I mean, some of these nerds,
Starting point is 00:39:37 they run away when I bring out the blowski, but they know I'm doing it, and they know they're missing out. I promise you that. They act like they're better than me, but they're not. They're scared. I'm really starting to feel it're missing out. I promise you that. They act like they're better than me, but they're not. They're scared. I'm really starting to feel it, that blow.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Yeah, you feeling good, huh? I'm like, my heart's racing. Bro, I love that. It's like too much. No, when your heart accelerates like that, it's because it's feeling a lot, dude. That's underneath all this debauchery is romanticism, bro. This fucking cocaine, dude, it taps into what you really need, which is love, dude.
Starting point is 00:40:07 You know what I love to do? What? Drop trouser. What? I love to drop trouser and pull dong. Why? Why not? God made me that way.
Starting point is 00:40:17 The Lord made me that way. You don't get embarrassed? Yeah, I get embarrassed sometimes. Embarrassed at how much everybody loves it. No one man should be this lucky. Do you have a huge piece? Nah, we all got average dicks.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Come on, we're human beings here. Nobody's got a big piece. You're not going to do heroin again, are you? Oh, the magic words.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Yes, of course we're going to do it again. We're going to do it right now. Bring over my tackle box. I put it all into a fishing tackle box. Here, bring it over here. Look at this. I got everything. Oh, look at this're going to do it again. We're going to do it right now. Bring over my tackle box. I put it all into a fishing tackle box. Here, bring it over here.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Look at this. I got everything. Oh, look at this. It's all well distributed. I make my secretary put it together for me every morning. That's all different types of heroin? Yeah, it's amazing, right? Is that the same needle we used last time?
Starting point is 00:40:57 No. Yeah, it is, bro. Dude, you got to take a while on the wild side, but don't worry. I'm totally clean. Here, tie me off, bro. Again? Yeah, bro. Every time, tie me off again. What are you talking about, again? Yeah, you want take a while to go on the wild side, but don't worry, I'm totally clean. Here, tie me off, bro. Again? Yeah, bro, every time tie me off again. What are you talking about, again?
Starting point is 00:41:08 Yeah, you wanna have fun forever? Then let's do this, bro. You're so funny, dude. You're so adorable with the way you tie me off. So innocent. Yeah, that's it. Tighter. Ah, look at my veins, dude.
Starting point is 00:41:20 The vascularity's sick, right? I'm hitting biceps like crazy. You have huge veins. Thank you, dude. Yeah, well, I've just been really trying to get my vascularity to a top-? I'm hitting biceps like crazy. You have huge veins. Thank you, dude. Yeah, well, I've just been like really trying to get like my vascularity to like a top notch place, bro. Can I poke you? Oh, you're into it now.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Yeah, of course you can poke me, dog. All right. Oh. Eh. Oh. I'm sleepy. And now I'm awake, ready to go. Give me another Bumsky before the heroin takes me down too low.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Woo! Business time. Alright, let's make a deal. You, me, lots of money. How are we going to make it happen? Sherry! Sherry! Yes? Call everybody. Call who? Call everybody and put them on speakerphone. Calling.
Starting point is 00:42:03 Hey, what's up guys? I'm here with my main man Chad And we're just having a good time What's going on with you guys Hey Ronnie Yep Let's make a deal How about we sell you 45 pieces of merch
Starting point is 00:42:17 For half the regular cost Uh No deal Hang up Fuck em Fuck em Fuck him Fuck him Fuck him Fuck him
Starting point is 00:42:28 Alright, let's cap this thing off Let's do some Molly Molly? Flick it into your mouth Open your mouth Open your mouth I'm gonna throw it in there like a peanut Oh, don't sigh on me
Starting point is 00:42:39 Come on, you crazy kid Whoop There it goes Now we're having fun I take mine Alright, Sherry. Yes. Sherry.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Yes. Sorry, I got too hyped up there for a second. I lost my cool. Sherry. Yes. Turn on the Avicii. Yes. Paradise.
Starting point is 00:42:59 Beats. Molly. Good company. Fuck me, dude. I want to dance, bro. Work time is over. It never really started. It's time to get my body moving.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Chad, dance with me, dog. Come on. Pump your arms, bro. I got to see what you look like when you move. I got to know what you look like when you lose yourself, bro. That's when we're at our realest When we're moving to the beat When it's four in the morning And when nothing matters
Starting point is 00:43:30 Except how much energy you can bring Oh my god dude I'll tell you what I miss my girlfriend from high school She was a wild one dude Kelly She was so cool, bro. How so?
Starting point is 00:43:49 What was I talking about? Kelly. Who? Kelly. I don't know any Kellys. Bro, you dance like fire, dude. You dance like a wild fire. You're spreading all over my house.
Starting point is 00:44:02 You're going to bring the whole thing down. I better get the valuables and get the fuck out of Dodge, dude. Bro. I miss my girlfriend from the Navy, bro. Who? Who? Your girlfriend from the Navy? What? You in the Navy?
Starting point is 00:44:22 You a sailor? You YMCA? You crazy kid. I love you. Fuck, dude, listen to those words, bro. They're so fucking honest. I get a good feeling. Man, I want to fall apart. I just want to dissolve into dust.
Starting point is 00:44:43 Let the wind carry me away, you know what I mean? Just getting swept into the wind into a spiral of sand. Consuming. I did more heroin. Bro, I did so much heroin. I gotta go to sleep, bro. Goodnight. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Where am I? The fuck? Hey, what's up, Chad? What up? What are you doing? Just chilling. Tie me off, dog. Again?
Starting point is 00:45:34 Fuck yeah. What do you mean again? The fuck? I'm already tied off. What the fuck? Oh, fuck, dude. I'm partying, aren't I? Did I just wake up mid-party? fuck? Oh, fuck, dude. I'm partying, aren't I? Did I just wake up mid-party?
Starting point is 00:45:47 Yeah. Oh, fuck me, dude. Look at all the nerds at work looking into the conference room. Hey, you caught me. You fucking idiots. Just let that play. Yeah. Just let that play. Okay, guys, that will be it for the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. Thank you guys so much for everything,
Starting point is 00:46:15 for listening to writing in questions, for being just the most stoked out, solid listeners we can ever ask for. So we love you guys if you want to uh support the pod um check us out on our patreon patreon.com slash chad goes deep and um yeah keep writing questions remember the uh email is chad goes deep podcast at gmail.com do not do the uh Do not do the other email because I might not see it. So, yeah, dudes, stay stoked. Keep listening.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Oh, and leave us a review on iTunes. We love those. And, JT? Love you, Stokers. Love you guys. Later. Later. Later. Later. What's your team? I'm going in. I'm trying to change it.

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