Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep 143 - Reggie Henke Joins

Episode Date: July 24, 2020

What up stokers! This week on the pod we have, Reggie Henke, he talks to us about his various adventures in comedy, being forced to wear a tie to school everyday by his dad, and the greatest complimen...t he's ever gotten on a basketball court.Sponsored by Manscaped: Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagion.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh Mama What up stokers of stoke nation? This is Chad Kroger coming in with the goingin' Deep with Chad JT podcast. Guys, before we begin, I want to remind you once again that we are brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean because we're still in the QTing, guys, but you know what? that does not mean that your
Starting point is 00:00:46 dong should not stay fresh success is when preparation meets opportunity amen is that correct yeah and so you want to always be prepared for that opportunity with a well-trimmed hog okay you don't want to come in with some you know i mean these hedges are nice in the studio but that's not what you want your dong to look like although it is pretty well trimmed to take that back but you just you know you want them like the hedges except maybe a little less thick yeah green pubes would be cool what's up green pubes like a little hedge down there like topiary like a lot of Yeah, like topiary. What's topiary mean?
Starting point is 00:01:29 It's what Edward Scissorhands is really good at. Oh, like shaping grass? Yeah, trees and stuff. Edward Scissorhands and escaping? He's a creepy dude, that dude. Yeah. What's his deal? Where did he get this? I don i wonder i was like i don't
Starting point is 00:01:46 remember that movie too was it like a mom trait or a dad trait with the scissor hands yeah his yeah his mom had scissor hands and feet and he only got the hands oh interesting yeah interesting uh guys i'm here with my compadre john thomas what up boom clap stokers and we'm here with my compadre, John Thomas. What up? Boom, clap, Stokers. And we're here with our dog, the legend, Reggie Hankey. What up? What up, Chad? What up, JT? I haven't seen either of you in a while. Yeah, it's been a minute, dude.
Starting point is 00:02:12 It's good to hang out. What's your full name? Reginald Van Hankey. And then your brother's names? You're using up my first date anecdote. It's in the first 10 seconds. But yeah, no, my brother's name i'm the oldest and then my middle brother is remy hanky and my little brother's regis hanky it's remington though
Starting point is 00:02:30 is the full name right for yeah remington vaughn so he's rv i'm rv but then regis is just regis he breaks the mold his middle name is saint john oh yeah do y'all have some sick names dude yeah my dad rod big fan of r's i guess like r e yeah rv yeah rv yeah it's rv and then my middle name is van v-a-n like it's like oh two n's yeah oh he just made up a word it's not a like van if it was just v-a-n it'd be like he was trying to turn me dutch or. Yeah. But he just sounds... I like it. It sounds like a thing. It's a cool name.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Yeah. And Reggie's, like, the most casual name ever. I get to vacillate between, like, royalty and, like, a cool guy. Yeah. When do you introduce yourself as Reginald? I mean, I would never want that, to be someone's first impression. It'd be like, you kiss my ring, kind of. My name's Reginald.
Starting point is 00:03:27 I can't even say it with a straight face. If you were meeting the mayor or something. Garcetti? Sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'd say, what's up, Eric? I'm Reginald. No, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:38 No, I truly don't. No one even earnestly calls me that. It's just on my license. Have you ever been in an argument with someone, and they like, Reginald, call me Reginald. No, that's cool. Yeah. It's a good fake reason to be offended. Yeah, it's like amp up the respect a little bit.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Yeah. Yeah. Say the whole thing. Whenever you reiterate what your name is to someone in an argument, it's escalating things. Yeah. I don't want to spoil it. When we get down the line, my beef of the week is going to involve my name. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:04:13 Oh, cool. Yeah. Or I could burn it and then just try to like – No, no. We'll just touch on it. I'm a writer. Try to figure something out. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Like an hour and maybe come up with a single – Yeah, you're a brilliant writer. Thank you. Thank you. I love – this is so cool. hour and maybe come up with a single yeah you're a brilliant writer i don't thank you thank you you i love uh i'm so this is so cool i get to come in right when you guys are blown up again uh oh thanks to see those that response you guys always deserve it so great oh i appreciate it yeah it's been insane with the the mask video in huntington beach yeah yeah we've just been doing like interviews and stuff i'm pretty it sounds like I sound like a bitch I guess I'm tuckered out
Starting point is 00:04:49 it fries your nerves I think yeah you gotta be on I'm sure you can't take any of these very lightly are they trying to like get you guys on not being like gently sometimes they're like probing the perimeter to
Starting point is 00:05:05 see if there's any inconsistencies but for the most part they're pretty friendly yeah yeah yeah but it is i mean when you see what the media does and you're sort of you're always looking at the media and how they you know can take things you say out of out of context you know it's it's always in the back of your mind of like i gotta be like right straight on point on this one yeah kcal9 they took out a lot of like the more personality based answers they kind of just made it a brass tacks exposition kind of interview they made us seem a bit more sincere than we probably were in the interview yeah that's so funny yeah what uh so what didn't make it in the video was Is that all the juicy bits?
Starting point is 00:05:45 Was there anybody who's like... The craziest people made the video. Yeah. What probably got left out was some of the chiller people who just took the mask and were like, Hey, thanks guys. Good work. Right. The people who aren't going to be on the news.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Yeah. Yeah. But I'm glad there were those. That's kind of what I was asking. Yeah. There's a lot of chill people in Huntington Meadows. There's a lot of kooks, but there's a lot of chill people. Yeah, I probably had a little residual guilt from that
Starting point is 00:06:09 where I was like, people were like, Huntington Beach, what a bunch of fucking crazy wackos. Yeah, you guys are too nice for anyone to see. No, you guys are the best. Oh, thanks, man. Yeah, but it's fun. And then, yeah, we shot some stuff in San Clemente, too, so that'll probably be...
Starting point is 00:06:23 We'll see how that comes out. Yeah. We've got to piece it all together. Go ahead. No, go. No, go. Yeah. What?
Starting point is 00:06:34 I was going to ask. So you were writing on what a lot of people say is the funniest comedy show. I work for the writers. I'm not a writer. I get to do some fun stuff and be creative with them. The last in-person job I had was on season two of I Think You Should Leave.
Starting point is 00:06:54 We were four days into shooting it. We had four sketches in the can. Some really fun guests booked. It was like I was on top of the world. This is my favorite job I get to do. We shut down since now. It's just open-ended when it the world. Like, this is my favorite job I get to do. And we shut down since now. It's just open-ended when it goes back.
Starting point is 00:07:08 I'm not sure. Yeah, it's crazy. Yeah. We were working on a big project, and we just talked to, like, the people, and they were like, yeah, we don't really know when it's going to come back. And we're just like, all right, cool. Yeah. Just try and stay positive.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Right. It hasn't switched over to nothing's coming back. Like, it's at least, like, when that happens, that's the next big scary thing of like, we'll let you know if it comes back. That's what I'm afraid of. When the language starts to change a little bit. Yeah. When they're like, look, we're still hopeful.
Starting point is 00:07:38 And then you're like, why'd you say still hopeful? I mean, once a week a restaurant I legitimately like shuts down forever. Yeah. Scares me. J.Crew went down, shuts down forever. I'm, yeah, I'm not, it scares me. J.Crew went down. J.Crew went down, yeah. I think, I think with entertainment, though, and with, I think you should leave, it's on Netflix, right? Yeah. I feel like they, they're making some, they're doing better than they've ever done, so.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Yeah, yeah, yeah. They have plenty of money. Yeah, they were cover of Wall Street Journal yesterday. They got a 10% bump in subscribers. It's crazy that there's 10% of America that doesn't have Netflix. Yeah. Like, what do they do all day? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:15 There has to be a built-in part of their model that anticipates saturation, right? Like, you can't get more subscribers. Right. Some people just never have it i heard they're farming babies to make sure that there's new subscribers in the pipeline where what uh where's the baby farm yeah i kind of want to bust in uh open some cages that'd be a good advice yeah you're free then you give them hulu subscriptions It's me and Alec Baldwin Both seen babies on it
Starting point is 00:08:49 Why Alec Baldwin? I think he's a Hulu spokesman Or he was Maybe it's just like I see a guy in a suit I'm like, he's selling me something I thought because he was in Boss Baby Maybe
Starting point is 00:09:03 Is that a Hulu original? Well, just because we're freeing babies, maybe he's good with... I would buy it if he was so full of shit that he was like, I studied babies for two years. He's a smart guy. It's like a year studying bosses and a year studying babies. Yeah. Synthesize it.
Starting point is 00:09:21 I heard The Mandalorian is guarding the Disney Plus one. Whoa. So it's not Pedro Pascal. I heard he Mandalorian is guarding the Disney Plus one. Whoa. So it's not Pedro Pascal. I heard he was on set for like a day. No, it's the guy who walks around without the voice. Yeah. Who's a beast I heard. Really? Tim is his name. That's crazy. Yeah. No joke, you are aware
Starting point is 00:09:40 I mean, I was speculating that, but that's like a known fact that he's not in that suit ever. Apparently, yeah. I heard about that. I asked someone who I worked on, I'm like, was Pedro Pascal in the suit? And they're like, he worked for like a week on that show. This is motors.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can tell when Pedro Pascal talks about it, too. He's like, well, I talked to the stuntman about what kind of walk he would use in the suit. It'd be funny if he's right-handed and his stunt stuntman's like left hand or something it's just really obvious yeah that's hilarious um good and then you worked on the twilight zone as well right yeah that just aired the season i worked on um that was like the longest job i've had in la because it started may last year i started as the writer's assistant in the mini room. And it was supposed to be just this little temporary thing.
Starting point is 00:10:27 And I worked until the day before we aired. So I literally got to see, like, Conception. Really? Like, every step of every idea until it was, like, on the air. It was very cool. Did you watch a bunch of the Twilight show to prep? To prep, I watched every single episode of the original, which I had probably seen most of scattered.
Starting point is 00:10:48 But I sat down and went through it one, two, three, four, five seasons. Does it hold up? Some of them. It's a grab bag. Any anthology show like that will have a brilliant, unforgettable episode about, like, human emotions. But it's, like, about scary aliens. And the next one will be, like, guys playing pool being like,
Starting point is 00:11:14 are we in hell? They clearly had to, like, stay up late and finish some of the episodes. Like, they gave some resources to some, not the others. But that works against our show because people only remember the genius ones. Yeah. And they're like,
Starting point is 00:11:30 expect to be like, you can never predict that. You don't know what's going to resonate. It's crazy. It's so hard to tell. You just got to make as much stuff. SNL, I feel like, is like that too,
Starting point is 00:11:42 where everyone just remembers the Halcyon days from when they were growing up, but it's really just a selective memory. Although I do think, but even as I say that, I'm like, I do think SNL's worse now. I'm like that with sports. I'm like, Kabir Baja B. Milo's the best defensive end of
Starting point is 00:11:56 all time. Yeah, you're a big Packers fan. He's a beast, though, that guy. Yeah, he's in my mind, because he's in the news, because he's like a psycho, like, he's in a cult or something right in the news because he's like a psycho. He's in a cult or something right now. Oh, he is? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:11 He never left Green Bay, which is cool for a Packer player because they all have Bailey's. But he stayed and left his family, and now he's in a cult. What do you think about A-Rod breaking up with Danica? Or vice versa? I don't want to get too controversial on here. I heard, and did you hear who he might be with now? Who? Shailene Woodley. What?
Starting point is 00:12:28 That's the rumor I saw on Twitter. Wow. Wow, so he's big. He only dates stars. Stars, like powerful brunettes. Yeah. Yeah. That's his type.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Interesting. Power bees, yeah. I think I ran into her at some HBO show rap party that Alex worked. I think she's sober. So it's interesting to be like two. He seems like a sober guy, too, to be very like just sitting next to each other quietly in a room. Just keeping it together. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:01 I wonder who's more intense, her or Dan Danica or maybe Danica or Aaron who do you think drives to the grocery store when Danica and Aaron I bet Aaron Danica's like these roads can't handle me it would be like riding a tricycle
Starting point is 00:13:20 after riding a motorcycle all day or something someone said that NASCAR drivers are really safe when they drive on the road oh it was pastrana oh right and he was like i don't speed yeah yeah yeah um yeah that was that was interesting i've heard that yeah was he sitting right here he's such a legend that was over the the Zoom. You guys get real celebrities. I'm honored to be on again. Thanks again. I hope to have you, man.
Starting point is 00:13:50 One of the greatest. It's an honor. We're supposed to watch it. Did you guys watch the Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith Red Table? It's kind of parallel to the Aaron Rodgers stuff, I guess. I read the link. I'm not going to watch it. You didn't watch it?
Starting point is 00:14:05 I've had that conversation with a girl breaking up with, like, I meet with a girl telling me she, like, I can't. I don't need to live that. It's like PTSD. Yeah. I guess. It feels like he also didn't need to do that on screen. Yeah, and your ex and Jada Pinkett kind of,
Starting point is 00:14:25 they don't look dissimilar. I actually didn't, I wasn't thinking about that at all, but it's more me and Will Smith are the same. No, I just like, would you get that nitty gritty on this show with somebody? No, that's what I was thinking. I was like, and I try to be personal. I was like, this is definitely too much. And like Will's like leading the questions and he's like jada i think you
Starting point is 00:14:49 should tell everybody because i'm at your red table they always reference the red table they're like we're here at the red table i'm like are you doing like i don't know they get five thousand dollars every time they say yeah it must be yeah or they pray to it or something but like it's either it's either branding or it's god to them and then he's like jada i think you should tell everybody like what happened and why you did what you did and and how it felt when you were like cheating on me and you're like why why would you ask her that like it seems like the last thing he would want to why is he like lobbing her a devastating reveal about himself yeah she's like because you're inadequate like i was like why are you like what are you teeing her up for?
Starting point is 00:15:26 I don't think that's what it is, but that's what it I was like, what do you expect? She's just like, Suicide Squad. The part that stood out to me the most just a small part was the guy's name is like August or Augie. We'll refer to him as Aug
Starting point is 00:15:43 as if they're boys. So then you spoke to Aug. And I'm like how are you like close with this guy? I think he's like around the house probably. Yeah. I think he was. I think they're like we helped him get better. He had like health issues. Yeah. I assume maybe that's like mental health stuff. I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:59 And then. You could have had gout or something. Yeah. Yeah I think that's what it was. But I think if it was that you just would have said it right? Yeah. Yeah we were helping that's what it was. But I think if it was that, you just would have said it, right? Yeah, we were helping out with his gout. Yeah, if it was like diabetes, they would have been like, look, you didn't have insulin, so we got him some insulin. Yeah, it sounded like more... I don't know his work.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Do you guys? I don't know. Dude, I was hoping because you know a lot more about hip-hop. Well, to me, it sounds like a Dolly Parton kind of like the name. Like, I'm August Alsina. Yeah, right. I truly wouldn't have guessed it was a male hip hop artist. Yeah, it might not even be hip hop.
Starting point is 00:16:34 That might just be my prejudgment. Yeah. I think he's a hip hop singer, like a Ty Dolla $ign type. Oh, cool. I would not want a guy like that stuffing my old lady you just you hear him just like doing ballads upstairs that feels good and they also said one thing at the top they're like we ride together we die together bad marriage for life they said that yeah hilarious damn who wrote that on the way in That's so funny
Starting point is 00:17:05 I almost think they just do too much therapy And now they're like It made me want to stop going to therapy Because they were so like Well I realized a lot about myself And that I had to pursue my own happiness And that a lot of what was causing me pain Was my codependence
Starting point is 00:17:17 And I'm like just relax guys They're given too big of a vocabulary It's not that complicated It was too many words And they were such like such like uh elegant words i was like i don't know this all seems a little more raw and basic than how you guys are describing it yeah i was i i just texted my friend jimmy you know jimmy and he uh i was like i was like i don't really feel like going to the grocery store today i'm kind of like exhausted i don't want to be a guy who like needs app servants to do everything for him.
Starting point is 00:17:46 So I was like, just call me a pussy. I texted my friend. I'm like, call me a pussy, and that's all I need. I know it's not really real because I'm asking you for it, but I just invented the cheapest, newest therapy. Because it worked. I'm like, yeah, you're right. I'll go.
Starting point is 00:18:01 I had a similar experience. We were working out, me and Ferraro and Daniels. And then me and Ferraro were talking about how sex is not just about getting a boner because I have boner problems sometimes. And then my friend John was like, it's all about getting a boner. And I was like, I needed to hear that. But I was like, but also now you have to do an extra like 20 pistol squats because of that. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:18:19 I'm going to make you suffer. It's tax. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. It works on who it works on. who it works on so no it's a universe like people try to say therapy is this universal thing I don't know anything solves anything universally I totally agree yeah it's like one diet doesn't fit all it's like some people are allergic to peanuts you can't just
Starting point is 00:18:39 give peanut butter to everybody yeah I'm a peanut butter guy i love peanut butter yeah crunchy or creamy uh i'm in the crunchy phase right now you sound shamed i love crunchy what no no i was i was just analyzing my eating habits for the past month and i'd say i've been crunchy but i've had smooth phases as long as it's not that like stuff you can drink the oh dude no way where it's got the oil on top or whatever yeah like the the trey or joe's type yeah the all natural like yeah i don't know what is in peanuts that that's what comes out of them yeah yeah yeah like it's all natural i'm like let's get skippy yeah creamy is the best what about dude the redskins are now no longer the redskins you know long overdue um very long yeah yeah but uh what do you think they should rename them
Starting point is 00:19:33 uh well uh the of is there like is it down to anything official or do you mean like open-ended what would i totally open-ended what would you name them? I think they're leaning towards Red Tails. Of the serious options that seems like a slam dunk. You don't have to really change a lot of the branding. It like sounds the same. It honors cool hawks and like the Tuskegee
Starting point is 00:19:57 Airmen. Yeah. I was actually on there. I spent all day for this research job. I had like 800 Wikipedia tabs open. I was recently on the Tuskegee Airmen Wikipedia page and they have like sick what you call like army patches insignia yeah they're like they're on the bottom of the Wikipedia page I'm like I want like these are cool stickers yeah they're like they think it incorporate that in the branding um it feels like going from like so like racist to like honoring uh like a important group is like even cooler than just like meeting
Starting point is 00:20:35 in the middle and being like i don't know what are the other options like nationals or something i only know red tails yeah yeah that's a good point. I was going to say, like, Supras. I just think it sounds cool, and it's like a cool car. But I think that's cool to meet. Yeah, just like the Toyota Supras. And so take Washington now, too, just straight up Toyotas, like the city. Yeah. That's cool. Yeah, just the Toyota Supras.
Starting point is 00:20:58 Yeah. But I do like what you're saying about honoring another group in a good way. Yeah. But you never know maybe that could like be at some point they'll be like why'd you name a football team after like real people and like that would be bad or something right yeah i don't know so in that case i think this is a joke for a guy me and jt know who likes the redskins but they should be the Washington Foreskins. Because he has a foreskin and he likes the red skin? Yeah. Oh, dude, one thing that's cool maybe for animals is the owls,
Starting point is 00:21:34 because we heard an owl last night. Yeah. Dude, when you hear an owl, like, hooing, it's awesome. You got pretty excited. You love owls. I was like, it was so cool. Yeah. So maybe just like the Washington owl.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Are there any owl teams? That's a wolf. That's a wolf. I think the Temple Owls are a team. The what? Temple, that college. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. The owls? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:56 I love owls. I was going to get an owl, but I don't want to cage you that. Yeah, and you guys would be on different. You go to sleep pretty early. You could get pet ones. Yeah. I follow Big Boy. Not LA Big Boy. I'll cast Big Boy. Oh, yeah. He has be on different... You go to sleep pretty early. You could get pet ones. Yeah. I follow Big Boy. Not LA Big Boy.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Outcast Big Boy. Oh, yeah. He has an owl? I think I probably follow him both. But he has owl pals. Yeah. Nice. He'll be like whistle
Starting point is 00:22:13 and they'll fly to his arm. Really? Yeah. Dude, the Washington Outcast would be pretty cool. Yeah. I know they're from Atlanta, so it'd be like
Starting point is 00:22:20 not the right... Well, Tuskegee Airmen are from Alabama. Right. That's true. We're going all over the place. You know what would be a not the right well Tuskegee Airmen are from Alabama right that's true we're going all over the place you know it would be a dream come true the Washington
Starting point is 00:22:30 Small Dongs yeah if the Washington Small Dongs won the Super Bowl what do you think that would do their helmets would be
Starting point is 00:22:38 hilarious yeah let's brand that out what is the what's the insignia on that look like little dinky dong with nuts on both sides of the helmet
Starting point is 00:22:44 I think it should just be like a small like you can't even read the logo on national TV. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can barely see that thing. It looks like it's like the side of the Steelers helmet that's blank. We are small dong. Yeah, ferocious fighters probably. Like Ray Nitschke, the greatest linebacker of all time, famously drew his anger from his tiny penis. Really?
Starting point is 00:23:08 Yeah. That's fascinating. My dad just tells me things sometimes and I believe him. My friend's dad played against Ray Nitschke, and he was telling me stories about how tough he was. And he didn't mention his little dick, which I think was pretty cool on my friend's dad. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Yeah. I'm not small enough to be like furious about it but i could see it i could see myself buying some merch from the small dongs like oh cool yeah the color yeah the colorway is cool that's good to hear because we're literally making merch about small dongs yeah what is it like uh can you reveal any of it? Yeah, I think so. It's just a black shirt and just Helvetica font. You know, maybe Times New Roman, just very basic. Just I have a small dong in white, period. And small dong shame hashtag on the back.
Starting point is 00:23:59 I'd rock one of those. Yeah. Hell yeah. I'm going to wear one, yeah. I'm going to wear it all all the time I think it's a pretty big dong move to do that I was thinking you guys are talking about like mesh windows in the front of your shorts or something like oh so people can see it yeah no full full no shame uh I don't know like that's I don't I wouldn't wear them, but that's a...
Starting point is 00:24:26 Not yet, but maybe if they catch on. Yeah. They become a phenomenon. That's sort of like, I bet the pro-nudist council member would do that in Germany. That's a perfect transition, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that was a great sentence in that article you guys are talking about that you sent me because it's like fully clothed comma pro nudist uh council member blah blah blah like as in like
Starting point is 00:24:53 he's not how he wants to be right now yeah yeah he's not he's not in his like uh uber yeah yeah so what happened is is that in um germany right now they're having a debate over nudist beaches and it's gotten pretty contentious which we actually think is a good sign because it means they're not so worried about the coronavirus that now they can get to other big issues that need attending to are you guys pro nude beach have you guys been to a nude beach i've been to blacks a few times i saw you know, all types of dongs there. I was pretty excited. And some ladies.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Where's that? But mostly dongs. San Diego. Was it empowering? Yeah, except this one guy had a huge cock ring on and just like a hammer. Like one of those big cock rings that goes around the balls too. Showstopper. And he, he wouldn't lay down.
Starting point is 00:25:43 You know, he was literally just standing there just trying to flex on everyone you know showstopper yeah is that is that porn no it's his name the name of the guy oh yeah um i've been to one in vancouver uh british columbia there's one called wreck beach i went how was that it was fun i went with a buddy i don't know if i could have gone alone because i would have been did Did you go alone? I was just surfing, yeah. But one time, I've gone with friends a few times. Because I was, like, policing my eyeline too much.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Like, I was fine. I didn't care that I was naked, but I was worried that everyone was worried that I was worried about it. Right, right. I'm like, I was worried everyone could tell it was like my first time. Right. Yeah. You felt a little bit like, it's like when you go to a gun range and you first hear a bullet be shot, your body kind of like shakes. And you look around if anyone saw you.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Yeah. And it takes a couple hours to get used to just the noise. Yeah. It takes a couple hours to get used to seeing boobs and dongs. I was late to showering with the team in like high school cuz I was like a late bloomer my pubes didn't turn into that over there very early on took me a while it's in PB's just non-existent really like I I don't know it's I I was like 15 or something when I like stopped being a boy. Right. It felt really crazy late.
Starting point is 00:27:06 So I appreciate that nudity has power. Just because some people in a room are comfortable or a beach, it's special that there's still places in our fucking country. That's cool. Do you think that's inherent that we feel vulnerable with nudity, or do you think that's been conditioned into us or some combination of both? I think if we were just naked from birth,
Starting point is 00:27:31 there'd be nothing to worry about. It's like you want to see behind the sensor bar. You don't want to. If there's nothing, I don't know. I think that's probably part of the deal with people liking feet, too, because they're, like, hidden all day. You don't, like, get to, no one has hand fetishes. Oh, that's interesting.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Yeah. I've always wondered why there are foot fetishes. It's also, I like feet. Like, I'll suck on a girl's toe or kiss her feet, and they're like, do you have a foot fetish? I'm like, nah. It's like that Kevin Gates interview where they're like, hey, do you have, like, a fetish with eating butt nah it's like that kevin gates interview where they're like hey do you have like a fetish with eating buddies like no i do it like 10 of the time but y'all are making it like my whole repertoire and like for me it's like if
Starting point is 00:28:12 i just suck a girl's toe she's like you have a foot fetish i'm like i've also kissed your mouth do i have a mouth fetish i'm like it's not really that's can i put that in my uh my bumble mouth fetish that's's what I mean. It's like if I spend 5% of my kissing time on your feet, I don't think that constitutes a fetish. Yeah. You're like doing like lap timers of different parts of the body. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Yeah, I don't stay in one department too long. Yeah. Dude, you were talking about when you were 15 and being late to the uh to take the showers and i also remember we didn't know each other when in high school but you wrote an article about it was really compelling about how your dad made you wear a specific outfit every day to school yeah my dad was my um the vice principal of the high school i went to like a big public high school in central Wisconsin. And,
Starting point is 00:29:07 uh, I didn't like that one bit because he, uh, he's a good guy. I just saw him on great terms. Um, but he made me do a lot of shit in high school. I didn't want to fucking do.
Starting point is 00:29:19 And, uh, one of those things was, uh, I had a, uh, one man dress code. It was a public high school.
Starting point is 00:29:26 So you could wear whatever you wanted as long as it covered the right parts of your body. But not me. I had to wear a tie to school every day. Really? Yeah, every day. Wow. But he had nothing to do with like, like he wanted me to like look like anything in particular.
Starting point is 00:29:49 He wasn't, he's not like a dapper Dan kind of like snazzy dresser guy. He just had it in his mind that like a tie meant like success or something. Interesting. So I could, I'd wear like short sleeve, like bad JCPenney dress shirts, like clip on tie, cargo shorts and sneakers like i did not look like john ham like yeah yeah and if anything it's pushed me further away from like dressing nicely
Starting point is 00:30:15 because i don't i don't want to like i like same thing with like why i have like the long shaky hair and stuff like i don't yeah now that it's up to me, I'm going to go so far in the other direction. Dude, that same thing happened to me. After college, my dad was like, he's like, you need to cut your hair. You need to go buy some sweaters, some khakis. You're a professional now.
Starting point is 00:30:37 And I did it for a little bit because I was like, all right, yeah, yeah. I'm out of college. Time to stop partying so much. And about a month into it, I just burned them all. And I just let my hair grow long. I was like,
Starting point is 00:30:50 this isn't me, Dad. And then he was like, that was a test. That's hilarious. Did you really burn it? Yeah. Fuck yeah. Because he's very kind of a 50s mindset,
Starting point is 00:31:03 where he's like, you get a short haircut, you dress crisp, and you let people know that you're a professional. Yeah, like a firm handshake guy. Right, yeah. Our dads would probably be homies. Probably, yeah. I can see that. My dad's probably never said the word homie out loud, but he'd be homeless with your dad.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Same with my dad. And you kind of double-lifed it, right? Like you were valedictorian, but you also like partied hard but kind of yeah i the second part my parents aren't gonna listen right i don't know they might my brothers will i don't care i love my brothers but the um they already know everything no my i don't think my dad's ever listened to a podcast it's like uh yeah no i was a bad boy i was like, I have my trophy because I just came back from visiting them. I have my valedictorian trophy just on the floor in my room right now. It feels too weird to throw it out, but I don't.
Starting point is 00:31:53 You can't throw that out. That's amazing. Yeah, but like setting it on my dresser. Yeah, that might be too much. I was like a 30-year-old man. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like better things should have happened to me in the time since. I think it's visible, but only in the closet, you know?
Starting point is 00:32:08 If I need to pull it out, it's like a time when I need to, like, remind myself of my peaks. In my valleys, I'll pull it out and be like. Yeah, I think you need to have it in a place where people will, like, stumble upon it. Yeah. So, like, what is that it's like this big not to like nitpick whoever made these trophies but like i was about to turn it shouldn't like you you get like runner up in a pick a basketball tournament you get a trophy like it's a two-footer yeah yeah i should have had one that like i can like a christmas tree couldn't be like
Starting point is 00:32:41 so it's a tiny dinky trophy? Yeah, it's like this big. And they gave the same one to all the other highest honors kids. Mine wasn't distinguished as the number one one. Interesting. I don't think about it. I don't care about that. But if we're talking about it, yeah. They messed that up oh but yeah no i i uh like very stupidly uh tried to like go like sneak out every night i loved sneaking out i loved being mischievous and like basically i
Starting point is 00:33:16 like being underestimated that like oh this nerd doesn't party or oh this this party guy doesn't isn't smart like right living in. Being able to do both. Yeah. Yeah. I was telling Chad, of all the people I've ever known, you're probably the best I've ever known at partying and then being 100% at work the next day. I used to be able to do that, and I've just lost my capacity for it.
Starting point is 00:33:37 I have no interest in doing that much anymore, but it is a compliment. I'll take the compliment because it's like willpower sometimes. Yeah. Yeah. We had a few nights like that when we worked together in production where we'd just stay up all night raging and then come to work the next day. That was like you got to claim back your hour.
Starting point is 00:33:55 If they take 16 of your hours from you, you have to be wild with your other eight you get. Right. I like that mentality. Yeah. eight you get right i like that mentality yeah um but it does make you not like i guess not bad at your job but it doesn't make you better right yeah yeah that's probably true i don't think i was better because of the partying yeah but i felt cooler you know where would you say you're enjoying life more in that mode?
Starting point is 00:34:25 Right now? No, like on those times when you'd party a lot and then you'd be going into work and it's sort of like, would you say, would you sort of think like, I'm using my time efficiently? Or would you regret the party? No, that's too second level of a thought. I was in the moment, I want to be doing the best at work because I'm at work, and the second you get off,
Starting point is 00:34:52 I don't want to think about work. I want to be having the most fun I can possibly have. But you've got to build in transition times. Your body and your brain can't just flip like that. You need to sleep to move between those. Yeah, I crashed super hard. Life crashed from just pushing it too hard.
Starting point is 00:35:14 Yeah, but we're all thriving. We're all doing great. Life's good. And I would never do that on a show where I wasn't doing anything other than moving tables and chairs around. This is back in the early days when my value was not crashing trucks. To be the best PA on set, you had to literally just be competent
Starting point is 00:35:42 and be where you needed to be. That's something else I loved about you, though, or love about you is that you're competitive in a really healthy way, but you always wanted to be the best. I remember you went to Notre Dame. You're a valedictorian in your high school. You're a super intellectually and academically accomplished person. You're super smart when we talk to you.
Starting point is 00:36:02 And then you were a delivery guy at Domino's, and you were so jacked that you were the top delivery guy there. Yeah, I kind of didn't care, and then they started putting the rankings up on the wall. Oh, yeah? I'm like, I'm not going to lose. There's going to be an official document on the wall that says you're better at this job.
Starting point is 00:36:18 So I started sprinting up the doors. I liked that job. I was only there like six months, but I kind of got away with never having to do any of the hard closing stuff. I didn't really even have to make pizzas. I just delivered. Did they ever give you any high-profile clients?
Starting point is 00:36:37 They're like, you've got Papa John on this run. We need you to perform. Oh, no. We got Toby on this one? Put Reggie on this run. We need you to perform. We got Toby on this one? Put Reggie on that one. No, but in... When I was a pizza driver when I was in Austin,
Starting point is 00:36:54 me and a couple buddies moved there after college to just, quote unquote, figure it out. Which just meant doing shrooms and delivering pizzas. You played a lot of basketball, too. You were ripped, yeah. Yeah, I played one-on-one basketball
Starting point is 00:37:10 in Austin Heat all summer against my friend Joey, and we had a very contentious, we'd love each other, but carry a lot of emotional weight. Who won those games and stuff? When I need like feel really good about myself the moment i call upon is in austin playing on those pickup courts um this one kid just like who knows where he actually lived or how old he was like just like a hang out at the
Starting point is 00:37:39 court kind of kid uh he started calling me hercule so i was like i had like long hair i was in good shape i'm like like this kid's right i am herculean that's awesome you're honorable too because when we were playing poinsettia park we were playing pickup and fights always break out there and uh this kid like is just talking shit the whole game he's calling fouls on people and at one point him and reggie get into a disagreement reggie's like the chillest guy ever he's like not doing anything and then the guy goes man you fucking knocked that ball out you're fucking lying and then reggie just snaps turns the guy walks me and goes don't call me a liar yeah i i don't even know like what the next thing i would have done was but it it. It sent the message, though. He backed down. If your baseline is low enough that any, like, I like to stay even keeled, like you're saying,
Starting point is 00:38:31 and that way any deviation from that has meaning. Yeah, it's more impactful if you don't. Yeah, because I've never seen you do that before. Yeah, you were always, like, so, like, easygoing about everything. Then I was like, ooh, boy, don't call Reggie a liar. I get it, though. It's annoying when you're playing pickup basketball and people think you're cheating when you're not.
Starting point is 00:38:51 It's hurtful. It feels like platonic, too, because did you touch the ball or not? It's not like, did you mean to hurt that person with that foul? I'm like, no, I didn't fucking touch the ball. You're creating a reality that isn't true. I was just getting back into pickup when we had to shut all down. It's so fun. I played with your brother.
Starting point is 00:39:14 I played with Dustin. It was a good time. Yeah, Dustin, the luxury. That top free throw shooter in Texas his senior year of high school. That's how I introduced him. Does Chris have the same intensity as JT on the court? Chris is good at spacing and passing, and he'll take his reverse layups and make them when he needs to make them.
Starting point is 00:39:36 He's a good teammate. He's a better player than me. I'm probably a little more intense verbally or emotionally, but he's just as competitive he's just a little more quiet about it yeah i'm a little bit you can like feel it coming off me with my brother it's more of like a quiet cool no no because i played with jt last i guess it was last winter yeah and i mean dude you're a fucking firecracker on the court i was i was just like it was just like you know it wasn't even like a it was just like, you know,
Starting point is 00:40:06 it wasn't even like a, it was just like a casual game, but he was fucking. Pat Beverly. Putting the ball in the hoop. Idea. Yeah. Cause I, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:40:13 where do I make my contributions? Where am I a value add? I'm like on defense. Intangibles. Yeah. That's all pick dudes up full court and pickup. And people just like lose their minds. You're like,
Starting point is 00:40:22 dude, what are you doing? I'm like, I'm just trying to help. Yeah. I'm just trying to help. I'm just trying to help. It's good that I'm annoying you for my team. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:40:33 And then it raises the intensity of the whole game. Probably leads to more fights. Were you there when I almost got in a fight where that dude wanted to fight me? Probably. Was it the one where he said he had a gun? Yeah. Yeah. But before that, when he was like, fight me.
Starting point is 00:40:45 And I was like, I'm not going to fight you. And he's like, fight me. And I was like, let's go. And then I went up to him. And to try and seem tough, I started punching myself in the jaw. And I was like, let's go, dude. And I was punching myself. And then him and all of his friends started laughing.
Starting point is 00:40:55 And they all started hitting themselves in the jaw going, oh, oh. And I was like, stop. It really took the wind out of my sails. I was like, I'm over this shit. We're leaving. Yeah. And then they were like, we have a gun., I'm over this shit. We're leaving. Yeah. And then they were like, we have a gun. And I was like, no, we're leaving.
Starting point is 00:41:08 Yeah. They said they had a gun? Someone, the main guy didn't say gun. His friend, who was like on this, who was kind of a rabble rouser. I don't know if he was being honest. Was like, he'll get his gun. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Yeah. Thrash him. That court always gets spicy like that, though. Yeah. It's 90, or not, I don't know what percentage. I believe 50% of pickup basketball fun is the people watching, I think. Right. Yeah, I love watching.
Starting point is 00:41:33 I haven't played in forever, but I'd love to go there and watch. I'd love to do an anthropology of the types of guy who fucking showed up there. JT said you're really into anthropology, right? And gorillas? Yeah. There's two things you're really into anthropology right and like gorillas yeah there's like two things you're passionate about uh i studied that that's why it was my major in college um purely because it interested me and i didn't i was like oh math is hard yeah i was like high school math was fine i guess so in college math you gotta like try and yeah yeah you got you really gotta invest your time.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Yeah. I wanted to be an engineer when I started college. Cause I was like, um, you just get to do like sick Lego sets all the time. That's what I thought. I was like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:42:14 I'm like, I'm going to build millennium Falcons all day. Um, but, uh, the, yeah, it didn't last long,
Starting point is 00:42:23 but, um, anthropology rules. It's like digging up shit and like monkeys and, the, yeah, it didn't last long, but, um, anthropology rules, it's like digging up shit and like monkeys and, uh, like languages. And I'm using it a lot right now in this research job because we're world building. Um, so can you explain what world building means? So, uh, you know, like the game of Thrones universe or the star Wars universe has, um, a cannon or like an almanac you can buy that has kind of like these are the different planets in this universe or these are the different like peoples and where they live and the maps and the culture. It's like building a fake cultures from scratch, like filling that all in.
Starting point is 00:43:02 from scratch, like filling that all in. And a lot of that usually happens before or after Retroactively, after a movie exists. It's just kind of compiled by the art department or whatever. But for this project, the company is doing a cool thing where we're trying to provide the writer with, like build the world and then write a story within it. Whoa. Yeah, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:43:23 Yeah. And what was the line of. What was the line of... What was the track of... What was your thought train before I took you... How did you explain that? I don't remember. I did take these out of my pocket, though. Do you guys want a friendship bracelet? Yeah, and you almost brought smelling salts,
Starting point is 00:43:38 right? Well, I want... Pick your favorite color, because there's like six. Dude, I'll for sure rock that. Chad's already got some bracelets too. Yeah, I got this one. They were lasting me like a week each
Starting point is 00:43:49 and then this one's now lasting me like six. You just buy friendship bracelets on Amazon. You don't have to make them. Do each one of those friendship bracelets
Starting point is 00:43:56 are those for a specific friend? They're for... Well, I don't want to presume. Oh, I only have one. This is a Tony Soprano gold chain. Nice. I'm also wearing. This is Tony Soprano's gold chain. Nice.
Starting point is 00:44:06 I'm also wearing the gold necklace. I was going to ask you, what do you guys think is the most comprehensive? I got one for Aaron, too. I think I'll take the yellowish one. What do you think is the most comprehensive world that's ever been built in lit or cinema or television? In lit, it's got to be lord of the rings right in television um maybe because there's so fucking much of it star trek or something like that whoa you go star trek over thrones there's just like hours of continuity there's like multiple shows i mean i don't know what i like more is probably thrones
Starting point is 00:44:45 and but the body of work with star trek is so expansive yeah yeah i don't know how much of that logically they i'm not a trek guy i don't know if it's as impressive as it seems but what about what about for you i've honestly i've never watched star trek um yeah i think thrones just has star wars i mean yeah star wars amazing yeah i mean they have ever watched Star Trek. I think Thrones. Yeah, Star Wars? Yeah, Star Wars is amazing. Yeah, I mean, they have Endor. I mean, they have all those different worlds.
Starting point is 00:45:12 The Force. The Force. And then all the books. I mean, does Star Trek have a bunch of literature? Yeah. Probably. I don't know. Aaron, what do you think? Harry Potter? No, I think Yeah. Probably. I don't know. Aaron, what do you think?
Starting point is 00:45:28 Harry Potter? No, I think he's right that it's Lord of the Rings for sure. I mean, they have several languages just to go with that. And you can learn how to speak Elven, right? I mean, you can. I won't. If you're like a freaking cool dude. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Very carefully.
Starting point is 00:45:42 If you really want to get laid. I feel like that would help you get laid. Like, if you went up to a girl and you were like, I speak two languages, she's like, which two? You're like English and Elven from Lord of the Rings? I don't know. I'd want to sleep with that dude. Would you rather speak, what are the, is Orcish a fully developed language?
Starting point is 00:46:01 What are the... What the Orcs speak? The Black Tongue of Mordor. Yeah. Yeah. And then the, Star trek has a language right uh yeah klingon klingon yeah right great words klingon klingon yeah those those are jobs that are related to what i'm doing those like uh fake linguists who really build languages yeah that's cool it's it's cool it's definitely like uh i don't know what it benefits ultimately other than like being kind of interesting i guess it allows the grammar to just sound real or something and i think it allows
Starting point is 00:46:40 people can feel the realness in it and it it lets them go deeper into the world and spend more time there. That's when you get that Avatar thing where people are like, I want to live on that planet. I don't want to be on Earth anymore. People really want to. Yeah. Avatar 2. They want it to be real.
Starting point is 00:46:58 In production. Yeah, it's been going for years, right? 2 and 3? Yeah. I think they're block shooting. I saw one still they're all like in a pool of uh like green screen pebbles or something um but uh it's funny the biggest movie of all time what sam worthington who who what is yeah yeah what and he was in the the the
Starting point is 00:47:18 like myths one where he like fights like the cyclops and stuff wrath of the titans and all right yeah clash of the titans but yeah other than that he kind of he's disappeared yeah he uh i always think the acting in those movies is the toughest if you're like in a wrath of the titans and you're playing a greek god and you have to pretend like you're summoning a hydra like how do you do like it's easier to pretend like your wife just left you i'm like no i can kind of figure out how to be sad i've been through a breakup yeah just sit there and go here let me get straight into the camera yeah i wonder if there's did that your face look good in that shake it a little yeah yeah i think fosbender in X-Men First Class was the best I ever saw.
Starting point is 00:48:10 Yeah, when he's doing his metal telekinesis, I was like, that is how you do it. That is how you move metal with your brain. You know how Rob Hubel came on here and was talking about how there's gun guys that tell you how to hold guns? Yeah. There should be a Scarlet Witch lady or a guy who's like, no, aim your vibes. You want your hands above the midline. We go above the chest when we're going for a death strike. This is an underhand spell. Yeah. Don't lock your elbows.
Starting point is 00:48:32 That's a funny sketch. Acting like one of those people and going onto a film set or something and fucking with the actors. You're like, no, if you're gonna do a telekinetic burst, we typically like to come from a high guard. The actor's like, okay, yeah, yeah. Joaquin Phoenix is like, yeah, I get it, I get it. The actor's like,
Starting point is 00:48:47 who is that? Have you seen anything good lately? What's your favorite thing you've watched lately? I was texting about it. I've watched it twice this week because when I like something, I just sit down with my roommate and watch this movie. But Harsh Times, the
Starting point is 00:49:03 David Ayer. I didn't know it existed 10 days ago. But Harsh Times, the David Ayer. I didn't know it existed like 10 days ago. But it's Christian Bale is like a burnout ex-Green Beret. It's like Uncut Gems. He's just like spiraling, making bad decision after bad decision, getting fucked up. Yeah, they call him the Blanco. You know what his name is in the movie? It's Jim Davis. Really?
Starting point is 00:49:24 Yeah, also the name of the guy who wrote, like, Garfield existed in 2005. Oh, that's the guy who wrote Garfield? Yeah. That's hilarious. Jim Davis. Wow. Not as in the news as Scott, whatever, Dilbert, that guy. What'd that guy do?
Starting point is 00:49:39 He just got married to, like, a 23-year-old, and he lives in, like, a castle shaped like Dilbert's head, and he's a really big Trump guy. Really? He's in his 50s. Oh, okay. Interesting. Yeah. Where does he live? I think Big Sur or something. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:49:55 Oh, really? Yeah, but he literally has a turret shaped like Dilbert. That's hilarious. Yeah. It's funny that his whole thing is he made comics that are famous for, about, like, mundanity, and now he's, like, a big, loud, vocal guy. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:15 Going back to Avatar, I heard that's the coolest Disney ride at the moment. Oh, really? In Disney World, in the Animal Kingdom. You go on the Avatar ride, people say it's life-changing. And in the Imagineers doc, they were talking about when they made it. And you can tell James Cameron seemed a little bit difficult to work with because he helped them on it. And he's like, I thought it was too fast. It was too jarring and too fast.
Starting point is 00:50:44 I wanted them to slow it down. And we met somewhere in the middle. So I think everyone was pretty happy. I was like, oh, dude, that must have been brutal. Yeah, he seems like a difficult dude. He tells a story about pulling a gun on a producer that was like a prop gun. They were asking him to cut a movie. So then I pulled out the prop gun.
Starting point is 00:51:02 I said, oh, really? You want me to cut it? And he tells this story. It's like a charming story. I'm like, James, you pulled out the prop gun and I said, oh really, you want me to cut it? And he tells this story, like it's a charming story. I'm like, James, you sound like a fucking lunatic. He tortured his cast on, or not cast, crew on Titanic so much that they infamously, someone dosed the lobster that was set out
Starting point is 00:51:18 for the whole crew with LSD and like 60 people started tripping on the Titanic. Oh yeah, I've heard that. And he was aware of that? I think he ate some of it too. Like he, he didn't,
Starting point is 00:51:30 it was like a retribution of like, fuck this set. Like you guys are underpaying us or something. It was some, it definitely wasn't just like, oh,
Starting point is 00:51:38 it'd be cool to, I mean, it's cruel, it shouldn't happen. Right. But it, I'm sure it was like a, a protest against some is shoot down in
Starting point is 00:51:46 mexico i bet you paid in laborers not very much in the 90s right um but he the that ride you're talking about have you seen the youtube videos of the animatronics they have a lot uh yeah it moves it shouldn't move that smooth i know it's like fluid arm movement yeah i don't know how a robot doesn't go like like it's like whoa yeah some of the the robotics they've got going on there are pretty insane uh but yeah it looks totally realistic apparently i haven't been but and then like and the they're making a spider-man thing i Yeah, we're against that. Yeah, for sure. But they're showing some of the robots they're testing about how they launch them in the air and they do these aerial moves, all these flips and stuff.
Starting point is 00:52:35 Yeah, they're replacing stuntmen. They can spin better than anybody on these. And you just put them in a suit. Yeah, and you just launch them up. That's amazing. Yeah, it looks like a big like trapeze artist thing or something yeah i haven't seen that that's crazy yeah it's like the the guy from iRobot just getting like it does look like the iRobot guy yeah it's like
Starting point is 00:52:56 that dude just like with his weird look on his face yeah like that creepy pleasant look yeah yeah i wonder if robots will be able to do regular faces, too. If they'll be, like, less awkward than us. You know what I mean? Right? Yeah. Whoa. They're, like, constantly getting, like, vibed out by us.
Starting point is 00:53:14 They're like, get these weirdos. Yeah, they're like, these humans are acting uncomfortable. Yeah. But they'll sound smoother than that. They'll be like, these humans are acting uncomfortable. Like, dude, why are you so nervous? Yeah. They'll always know what face to make.
Starting point is 00:53:25 Like the chillest robot apocalypse. Yeah. You should get rid of these guys are acting uncomfortable. Like, dude, why are you so nervous? Yeah. They'll always know what face to make. Like the chillest robot apocalypse. Yeah. You should get rid of these guys with bad vibes. Yeah. Dude, just bail. They just kick us out of parties we want to be in. Yeah. Later, dude.
Starting point is 00:53:35 Like, hey, what are you guys doing tonight? He's like, oh, you know, I'm just going to be home alone. I'm busy. And you're like, all right. Yeah. The robots won't kill us. They'll just be cooler than us and won't want to hang out with us. Dude, that would be a hilarious apocalypse.
Starting point is 00:53:52 Yeah. That's kind of like the ending of Her. She just bails on him with the other AI. And the apocalypse happens because no one bones anymore because the robots are too cool. Yeah. And so they're like we're just not cool enough to bone you're right dude that's a good transition too because we we read about the boning crisis right
Starting point is 00:54:09 there's a massive epidemic in the world called coronavirus but there's another massive problem uh people aren't boning japan's population is going to be halved in like 50 years yeah i'm one of them it sucks you're not're not boning? No, who would I, I mean You bone. Shut up. No, I, yeah, I think it makes sense. Like, people wait for security and there's not a lot of security out there. I went out with you like four months ago and you
Starting point is 00:54:37 hooked up with someone. I was outside, like I was sad at the time. I was smoking a cig. I came in and read you were just making out with some lady on the dance floor. Yeah. I never figured out what her, what like Eastern European country she was from. Oh, she wasn't, right. Yeah, I don't have the ending to that story.
Starting point is 00:54:57 Yeah, she had an accent. It was very nice. Oh, cool. That's cool. Yeah. Yeah, it's interesting when you hear about the population decline because you just assume, you're like, oh, this is a good thing. Less pollution, less...
Starting point is 00:55:11 But I guess it could really mess up the economy. Right. We need purchasing power from all these new bodies. Well, it's going to be like everyone's going to be old at the hangout. Right. The demographics are going to push, so very few young working people are going to have to support a bunch of old. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:38 I don't know that it's bad or good. It seems good that you're not just infinitely growing because that wouldn't last. Yeah. I also think going down feels like we're losing. Yeah, it's weird that both are a bummer. Yeah. For a long time, I thought the problem was that we were getting too big,
Starting point is 00:55:56 and now I'm like, oh, now we're getting too small. That's almost sadder. Yeah. It feels more like human to be growing too much and to be using too much. The opposite feels like antithetical to be growing too much and to be using too much not the opposite feels like antithetical to our hard wiring yeah it's like will we shrink so much that we will lose interest in going to mars and then other places right yeah like our ambitions will dip
Starting point is 00:56:16 yeah like astronauts will be like i have too much space here like i have like acres i don't need to go right i just thought no it's a good call if you live in a cramped apartment you're like I want to get out of here yeah but if you have the whole apartment to yourself you're like
Starting point is 00:56:29 I'm kind of chilling yeah like if you live in Manhattan I'm sure a part of you is like I just want to go fucking Mars yeah you know
Starting point is 00:56:35 but if you have a pretty sick penthouse I think that's like what the all the like the Elon Musk's like let's go
Starting point is 00:56:42 live on Mars thing it's like he almost wants Earth to turn dystopian or something like so that he can be the guy who figured out how to Right. Like it's a let down like it's not a good movie if like everyone just like
Starting point is 00:56:55 stops overpopulating and like chills out. I get that. Yeah. It's like Churchill wouldn't have been a good peacetime leader so he kind of was there like a little part of him when he was like saying Hitler was bad that he was like, I hope Hitler's bad because I know I can fucking step up and stop him. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe you want the moment to match your disposition.
Starting point is 00:57:14 Maybe that's why Hitler, maybe that's why Elon Musk, maybe that's why Elon Musk is like developing like AI and the brain thing. So fuck us up. And he's like, oh, crap. Why don't we go to Mars? Right. The robots took over. We're like, you built the robot. You invited all the schmoles over who ruined the party.
Starting point is 00:57:36 No, that was Johnny Depp. It's all a scheme to get the girl to come home with you. To go back to your Mars apartment. Did you hear about that with Johnny Depp? It looks like he's being exonerated from a lot of the initial charges about him mistreating Amber Heard. And then one of the stories that they're using as evidence
Starting point is 00:57:54 is that she shit on his bed. Dude, yeah, there's photos. I saw the photos. There's photos of it? And then he laughed about it when they asked him and he said, yeah, I called her Amber Turd for a while. He did? Yeah. He's been so funny and relatable.
Starting point is 00:58:07 The things that have come out that have tried to make him look bad are him sleeping on the floor with ice cream spilled on his lap. I'm like, aw. Like, tuck him in, Amber. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's all like he's a little pathetic. And then you're like, yeah, he's doing his best and he's a little sad. Yeah, yeah. pathetic and then you're like yeah he's doing his best and he's a little sad yeah yeah uh but i i get all my news from that from this just text thread i have with my dogs i don't know if i
Starting point is 00:58:31 fully want like informed enough to comment on but it seems like she is that's true that's a good point i don't really know yeah um and then we read one other article about Harper's wrote this article about how free speech is kind of being infringed on and how a lot of public intellectuals and authors don't feel comfortable stating their feelings on stuff because they think there's forces of a liberalism gaining strength in America. Reggie, you're shaking your head.
Starting point is 00:59:01 You don't agree? Shut up. It's complaining. You have more money than me. you are talking about not having a voice in a letter where you have a platform that i don't have like you're doing fine what i'll engage with someone about a specific like i shouldn't have been canceled for x y or z but an open letter against the idea of being mad at people or like what what do they want i don't know but it's a lot of big writers on here and a lot of people i know what are you doing though like yeah and it's not and it's not people from one political perspective it seems to cross the gamut it's's very easy to sign something, I'll say that.
Starting point is 00:59:47 I don't know who wrote it. Yeah, that's what I'm curious about too. But for all of them to agree to it, I don't know. I don't think these people would sign it without thinking it through. So engage me then.
Starting point is 01:00:03 What needs to change that they're right about? I would think that they wanted to be more open forums of communication where just because someone – and, you know, there's obviously extremes where you don't follow this kind of philosophy. But, like, they don't want people to be not allowed in the door to talk about that. kind of philosophy, but they don't want people to be not allowed in the door to talk about that. I might be misrepresenting it to you, but I think they want people who are wrong to be
Starting point is 01:00:33 able to talk about their wrong ideas and have those wrong ideas battled out against other ideas without as much fear of losing their job or being deplatformed or just being a punching bag for the public at large. Which I guess I know why people are like, hey, don't be so sensitive.
Starting point is 01:00:52 Like you say something, you got to face the repercussions. But I do think that maybe we've gotten to a moment in time where it's a lot more heightened than it used to be just because of the tools at our disposal and just because of the overall emotional temperament of the country. Right, but I agree with everything you said but what are they mad about like who who's canceling who's who's stifling are they mad about like they don't is it jk rowling getting yelled at on twitter like what bad things are happening to them i don't know if it's that one.
Starting point is 01:01:26 Maybe like Jonathan Franzen, when he got in trouble years ago for saying something like... They're not talking about something from years ago. They signed this letter... Well, no, but it's all build-up. That's just the one I can come up with off the top of my head.
Starting point is 01:01:37 But they have to stretch. If they're not advocating for arrest the cops who killed Breonna Taylor, that's like a do something because something bad happened. Right. This just feels like a general airing of, like, it feels like you're all being, like, annoying to us. Right. But it's not addressed to anyone other than, like, the culture.
Starting point is 01:01:58 To the general public. Yeah. Like, I could write an open letter that's, like, people need to chill out about wearing stuff I don't like. Stuff bugs me. But you think they need to be more pointed in what the solution is or more pointed in what the problem is? 100%. Yeah. That's why it's interesting to me because it feels like they're railing against something they heard about,
Starting point is 01:02:25 not anything that's actually happening to them. But I agree with you that it could have been a bit more specific, but it was probably hard to get so many people to sign something and then get deep into the weeds on it, because I'm sure there's a lot of nuanced disagreement between them. But I just keep going back to the fact that for them to all to sign this like a lot of these people are really thoughtful people i think they must be they must be feeling scared you know what i mean and it's interesting that you should be scared right but they're
Starting point is 01:02:59 they're rich and famous like what are they They're scared of losing their fame and money, right? Losing friends even, I think. Sure. So, like I said, I'll engage with any one of them about any one thing that they said that someone told them they shouldn't be allowed to say. Right. Because that's a conversation. told them they shouldn't be allowed to say right that's a conversation but saying the world is mean or like the world is too uh like eager to to uh contradict our thoughts is like the vaguest like you would get a d on that paper in college because it doesn't have a thesis. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:47 I sort of viewed it as they're scared of where society's headed. Like, it'll get so... Like, if we don't pump the brakes on the sensitivity, then it'll get so drastic that people will be afraid to sort of speak their mind, I guess. Yeah. And I think a lot of good work will get shot. Like, I know like David Epstein,
Starting point is 01:04:08 who wrote the sports gene, like there was some stuff that he put in that book that was, you know, uh, scientific data, but that had like racial implications. And he said when he wrote that book, that there was scientists who had made those discoveries who didn't want to publish that data because they were worried about how it would lead to people perceiving them, even though they were just using standard scientific procedure to get there. So I don't know. I think that that's kind of scary. Maybe there's implications that I'm not even aware of, but obviously that's not put in here,
Starting point is 01:04:41 so I'm extrapolating that out from my own kind of interpretation i would definitely agree that no scientist who did that did his or her experiment the right way should ever feel like stifled from releasing something they believe to be true into the world like right that's fuck um but they are they are And look, there might be bigger problems in the world than that. There's a million bigger problems. Yeah. But it is interesting that these people are... Well, like, what...
Starting point is 01:05:15 I want to sympathize with people who have beefs with the man. Like, I'm an underdog rooting guy. Go Clippers. But you think these are all the favorites complaining about? About, like, perceived ref bias after they won the championship. 12th title. Yeah, yeah. So they're not going to win their 13th title and they're butthurt about it,
Starting point is 01:05:39 and you're like, you've already won 12 titles. But they haven't even played the season. Like, they're like, we might not win our 13th title. Like, they're like, we might not win our 13th title. It's all hypothetical. Maybe I'm wrong, but I sort of view it as they're not really looking out for themselves so that they don't get canceled in the future. I think they're sort of trying to protect the future intellectuals. I agree, too.
Starting point is 01:06:01 Or like the Young Bucks, who they have potential but not might not like fully develop because they just don't see the benefit of it yeah i don't think that the that their ideas if they're at all outside the norm will be received in a way that's like fair or conducive to them learning more and you think the current system is optimally uh designed to promote like voices fairly like that everyone who's no but that's but it's not like that it's even like meritocratic at all like somewhat i mean there's a lot of it that needs to be fixed i do think sometimes i mean i think most of these people are pretty talented um The ones that I recognize, at least. I can't say most. But, like, you know, I don't think Steven Pinker's...
Starting point is 01:06:50 He was on the Epstein Island like four or five times. Oh, I didn't know that. Was he really? He's in the specific testimony of, like, named victims. They're like, Steven looked like a wacky old scientist. Steven Pinker was there? He definitely was not doing something. I only know him from
Starting point is 01:07:10 his more sociological work and how he says the world's actually a pretty good place, so I hope he's not molesting kids because that would contradict a lot of what was in his books. But on his writing talent, I thought he was a solid thinker. Was Noam Chomsky
Starting point is 01:07:26 there? No, I think he's a good guy. I think he's old and I think someone sent him an email and he clicked on the wrong button. But no, I don't think this system's perfect, but I think there's multiple ways to try and improve this system. I just think just because there's other issues doesn't mean this issue isn't like an issue.
Starting point is 01:07:49 Sure. Well, it's an issue because the letter was written. Like, would we be talking about unfair voice amplification? Like, I don't. The letter is creating the cultural conversation about this issue. Right, which is helpful. Yeah, it makes a bunch of people go, like, what do I believe about this? Right.
Starting point is 01:08:13 But it's just too hypothetical. Like, I don't... Well, they might have even been scared to say what the examples were, because then it would, like, reduce the thing. People would just dismiss it based off that there has to be a point where you can't you have to get like you have to be like i should be allowed to say that i think this thing that i know a lot of people don't think right just say that like fight for the thing you want to say don't fight for this abstraction. Right. Like it's, it feels a little.
Starting point is 01:08:45 They're being too scared in the thing about fear. Yeah. I sort of read that too, how they're kind of like, they're very much like, look, we're left. We're on your side.
Starting point is 01:08:54 Like, we hate Trump. Like reiterate that like 10 times throughout. Yeah. The discourse is so far past that people are just like psychos. Not you. But I see, I read that as the proof being in the thing.
Starting point is 01:09:06 It's like they're even scared to say what they're feeling. They're so scared. They're like, hey, guys, we just want you to know we're afraid. They're like, afraid of what? They're like, nothing. Of change. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, so you think that they just see that the conversation,
Starting point is 01:09:18 that they'll be like obsolete or something like that? Or that they'll be rather... That's what it reeks of fear of no one's going to buy my next blue. Oh, I don't know about that. I don't think chomsky's worried about that that he's one of many and i've forgiven him already three times for being yeah i don't think david brooks is worried or martin amos the guys i know i don't know all those people seem they're long in the tooth and they're they're pretty well established. I'll talk to any one of them about it. I just don't. It feels like a bunch of neighborhood busybodies put a letter on my door that's like,
Starting point is 01:09:56 it would be nice maybe, we're cool, we don't mind your parties, but if maybe you thought about how late you party. Right, but what time are you partying until? Just come fucking talk to me about it. Well, how gnarly are your parties, too? I mean, that's the thing. Tell me what thing is too much.
Starting point is 01:10:14 Tell me where I've overstepped and engage with me that way. Right, but get specific. Don't just be, they're like, we should say something. But that would kind of scare me. If I went to tell someone, hey man, the neighborhood decided we just have to... And he's like, what part of the parties is bothering you? I'd be like, it's all good, dude.
Starting point is 01:10:33 I'd be like, rage however you want, man. You wouldn't root for that character in that movie? I don't know. It depends what the parties were like, I guess. Aaron, what do you think? Look, here's my open letter to those guys don't read your comments exactly right don't be so yeah it seems like they're just fragile anti-criticism it's like well there might be something they can learn from that criticism and though you know who gets the most criticism the people with the biggest audiences like the more followers you have the more people you have saying shit you
Starting point is 01:11:05 don't want to hear to you like i don't no one bugs me at all all day yeah i can say and they're used to like in the past who was criticizing them it was like critics but critics and writers they're they're from the same milieu now they're getting criticized by like the like regular people who have a voice now to reach them and so they're probably not accustomed to that also do believe, like, critics might be a little bit better suited for that. But I could also see how they'd be protecting the ruling class a bit. But I don't know. You're usually pretty harsh on critics. What do you mean?
Starting point is 01:11:35 You're, like, you'll, like, defend a genius who gets called out for, like, I'm probably thinking of a couple of very specific things. Like who? Like who? I'm just, like, AV club headlines that you a couple of very specific things. Like who? I'm just like AV club headlines that you thought were like. Oh yeah, they're trash now though. I mean, I'll talk about that all day. Yeah, they've lost their criticism.
Starting point is 01:11:52 Well, because they used to be real substantial critics and now they're like superficial critics. Now they talk about what's like cosmetically wrong with like the film rather than actually getting into like
Starting point is 01:12:00 the aesthetics of what's wrong with it. And it just doesn't, and maybe that's me being out of time with how things are judged now, but it just doesn't feel like, I don't know, as thoughtful as it used to be. But it could be that SNL thing where I'm just like, you know,
Starting point is 01:12:15 that's when I was young, so it felt more meaningful to me. But I don't know. They're pretty nice, their Twilight Zone Season 2 reviews. I love them. Hey, as long as they support my dog, I'm't know. They're pretty nice. There's Twilight Zone season two reviews. I love them. Hey, as long as they support my dog,
Starting point is 01:12:27 I'm all in. And look, if they invited me to something, I'd go. Were you nervous to read it? I had my, I had expectations and it came in over my expectations.
Starting point is 01:12:40 So I was, I don't think I was nervous, but I was like being very, probably overly cynical. And that, I guess, worked, insulated me that people were like, oh, this is pretty good. And then so you work with Jordan Peele a lot. What's he like? He's great. I haven't seen him in person in months, but when we were writing the show, he came in every day.
Starting point is 01:13:07 The room didn't meet without him. He's an Oscar-winning screenwriter, and it was me, him, and three other people in the room for a couple months. It was surreal. And the surreal part is that he's just a guy. He's got his like hoodie up and hanging out really yeah that's cool is there is there something about him that you could point out that you think makes him such a talented writer filmmaker yeah the i could tell you my top five mad tv sketches uh he's uh thoughtful i think that's i don't even need to go any deeper than that.
Starting point is 01:13:45 He's a thinker. Right. He doesn't say anything without chewing on it. Yeah. And writer's rooms are interesting, too, because everyone has their own kind of distinct value and their own distinct way of looking at things. Some people are really good with the logic of the story, and some people are really good at character and stuff like that. and then some people talk a lot and then other people don't
Starting point is 01:14:08 yeah some people just derail the whole thing for three hours talk about like what trump tweeted or something like it that was the most frustrating thing without uh being specific like a room that's ostensibly gathered to be creative just like who all would vote for the same presidential candidate like being derailed over and over again by someone who's not sure that everyone knows how actually they feel like over explaining right um yeah it goes back to the like just fucking chill like say less is usually the answer right yeah yeah i think uh yeah being in a room and when people bring up i don't know how much i can get into it but like when people would bring up like politics and it would take like an hour of just i'd be like i'd be so upset yeah you're looking at your watch yeah i'm like who gives a fuck we're at work yeah i'm i'm i'm i agree with you guys but i'm i'm prone to those
Starting point is 01:15:14 things yeah well i i don't i think you should be able to talk about anything going down on any tangent but if you're truly a writer you should be able to steer those back towards ways that they feed what you're trying to do there that day. You're getting paid fucking money to write. You're not getting paid to hang out and have the best politics. Yeah, you have that moment when you're ranting about politics, and then at the end you're like, alright, how do I shoehorn
Starting point is 01:15:36 this back into the second act? And that's why I think the characters should react the same way that he did. Yeah. And everyone's like okay we're at lunch actually so we can't we gotta wait an hour yeah yeah you don't finish till lunch I got it I've been talking the whole time should we answer some questions please
Starting point is 01:16:02 hilarious I'll cut this but dude the girl from Jimmy Tetra's party just texted me why are you ignoring me I haven't talked to her in like two years she commented on your thing right yeah
Starting point is 01:16:19 hilarious the other night I had a few and I texted a couple ladies at 1.30 in the morning just to picture me giving them the peace sign. Oh, that's smooth. Yeah. Yeah. Did you get some good feedback?
Starting point is 01:16:32 In the morning, not at the time. You know what that means? That they're good people. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. You're hanging out with cool people. They're like, I did that with an ex. I'd text her like two in
Starting point is 01:16:45 the morning then just the next day she's like hey how's it going and then i like i'd be like oh fuck leave me alone you're like why are you doing this to me why are you throwing this bag at me so hard yeah all right hey chad and jt and reggie i'm reaching out to you guys in search of an answer for a highly controversial fashion statement so So let me set the scene. I was walking the beach with some bros and I saw a couple of dimes. So my instinct to approach these women kicked in. And before I even got the chance to catch their digits, they pointed it out to how lame socks and sandals are. I was ridiculed with insults such as, you look like an old man.
Starting point is 01:17:21 These insults did damage to my confidence and made me fear trying to catch digits. I was wearing the light brown Birks with black Nike socks. So this begs the question, do you guys think socks and sandals are chill? Thanks. Andy, avid sandal wearer. Huge, dude. Did you guys fuck around with that?
Starting point is 01:17:40 No, I wouldn't wear socks with sandals. I wear my rainbows just with my bare feet in there. But here's the thing. I think if you can own an uncool choice with confidence, it becomes extra cool because it's the degree of difficulty. It's like in gymnastics, if you're going for an extra hard trick and you stomp it, you get a higher score. So I think you're just putting a burden on yourself to be even cooler. And I dig it man i i had a rolly this my friend from high school messaged me a couple days ago he's like i remember you and your lame rolly backpack when you came to when i transferred to a school junior year i was like i did that on
Starting point is 01:18:13 purpose everyone would be like who's the lame kid with the rolly backpack you remember me don't you yeah and they remember and then i'm like yeah and then i you know i was like but i had a really backpack but i'd have moments of edge too yeah i get. I get that. I don't think, I don't, he knows what he's doing if he, like, he loved that that person called him out on it, right? Yeah, he wanted that. Yeah. And then now he's writing about it. He's like, I'm a socks with sandal guy. Like, we're talking about it.
Starting point is 01:18:39 Yeah. You either wear it and don't talk about it, and then it's cool. But, like, if you're, like, trying to start a socks with sandal movement, there's cooler things to get behind. Yeah, I think movements happen naturally. Unless you're into it. Yeah, let them happen. Yeah, I think let it happen naturally.
Starting point is 01:18:59 If you set out to be the, You're just... It's too... What's the word? Contrived. Because you're like, I'm going to be the sandals socks guy. This is going to be a movement. People aren't going to... Unless you're really, really passionate
Starting point is 01:19:18 and it's something you want to die for. I don't know if people are going to be able to feel that it's genuine enough to hop on board. I feel that, dude. So you don't think the passion's deep enough? No. I need a second reason. Like, he's like, socks with sandals are my thing because I have, like, weird-looking toes, and it's the only way I'm comfortable on the beach or something.
Starting point is 01:19:41 Or, like, they provide warmth while you're simultaneously the extracurricular at the beach yeah he didn't defend his position from a like i get why people don't do it because it looks kind of weird right so tell me why you do do it yeah yeah good question struggling to kick a habit what's up bros during this time of isolation i've been smoking much more weed than usual i've been buying cartridges like crazy and it started to get bad i'm not a huge fan of these but i smoke them because i'm underage and living with my parents who would not be stoked if they knew i was smoking two to three times at the time of this email i'm officially eight days clean and i can feel my stoke tanks rising nice dude however i cannot sleep for the life of me it is currently 2 30 in the morning and i'm wide awake i've been thinking about starting smoking
Starting point is 01:20:24 again but only here and there and only with real bud not none of that concentrated jash so i keep my cleanse going or trust myself to limit myself it i i k that it is probably i know that it is probably jesus sorry guys i know that it probably isn't the greatest thing that a high school kid is blazing. Okay, so he's in high school. But when used properly, it really helps with anxiety and depression for me. Thank you so much for your time. You boys have changed my life more than you could ever know.
Starting point is 01:20:54 Much love. Also, please keep me anonymous due to the fact that this could hypothetically get me grounded. Martin. um yeah yeah i would uh i would always you know the idea of trusting yourself enough to to be responsible and not go overboard i feel like that always backfires because if you if that's all if that's already in your mind of like yeah i think i can i can control how much i blaze or smoke or whatever then there's probably some kind of an issue. Like, I don't think those thoughts will, if you're, like, abstaining and you're like, well, I think I'll get back into it and I can control it, then, you know, I'd say, I'd
Starting point is 01:21:40 probably move towards just sobriety from it. Dude, I think, too, like, Dr. Drew says that, like, yeah, weed might be working for you, I'd probably move towards just sobriety from it. Dude, I think too, like Dr. Drew says that like, yeah, weed might be working for you, but there might be a better method to help you with what's ailing you. You know what I mean? Like you could try, I know you're young and it's kind of tough to do these things, but like meditation, a little therapy, you know what I mean? Even I don't know what kind of over-the-counter stuff is safe for youngsters, but like melatonin or something like that, or just some like peaceful noises that you could play on a sound machine. I would just exhaust other options before I was like, all right, weed's the go to. And then also, I think I'm not super against smoking weed. I mean, I took a big break from it. I smoked again for like the first time in seven months, like a week ago. And, you you know, I had some good times with, I got hyper anxious too, but I think the people I know who started smoking weed in high school
Starting point is 01:22:28 and who are big stoners kind of stopped. They, their development kind of stopped there. They, they never kind of got out of high school metaphorically. Um, so I think the longer you can kick that stuff down the road and maybe get into it when your brain's fully developed, the, the better off you're going to be. So, yeah, I mean, I would just, I would, I would try to give it a bigger kick, especially when we're in these tough times with quarantine isolation, and you might not be going back to school. I know that's got to be super stressful for you, dog, and I'm feeling for you, but you know, just keep talking to us too. Talking is a good way to get through stuff. Yeah. I think if you're in high school and you can't get to sleep like something's going like
Starting point is 01:23:08 my personal experience is i very easily fall asleep whenever i want um which is nice i know everybody has that um but like you're 17 like you should be able to go to bed at night right like if you think it's because you don't have weed that you can't sleep like you should be able to go to bed at night right like if if you think it's because you don't have weed that you can't like you should be able to do whatever you want when you're 17 like right if if it's got you there already yeah there's something going on and i smoke weed every day like i uh love it but like when did you start smoking weed, too? Regularly, not until, like, early 20s. Right. But, yeah, I agree.
Starting point is 01:23:48 If I would have just been doing it back then, it would have. Like, I'm 22 mentally. It just pushes pause where you start. And that's like Rogan. Rogan didn't start smoking weed until he was, like, 30. Yeah. He's, like, he's going to be 30 forever. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:06 But also, there's other, yeah, like read a fucking book until you get tired or something. Yeah. Yeah. Go play, go dribble a basketball for a couple hours. You'll fall asleep after. Yeah, not to underestimate what you're dealing with. I mean, it sucks. Like when I can't go to sleep, it sucks.
Starting point is 01:24:27 But it's true, too. I didn't run into those issues until I got into my later 20s, and fear of my life not amounting to much was catching up to me. Yeah, I think he's, I think it was a 2.30 a.m. email. He was stressing, yeah. He was freaking in the moment. He's like, bro, I can't sleep. What the fuck am I going to do?
Starting point is 01:24:50 He probably did end up smoking weed that night, you know? Or maybe he didn't. Maybe he finally fell asleep around 5 or 6. Yeah, like, everyone's got different body chemistries and brain chemistry and stuff but uh it the the more you can like ride uh raw dog through life it at least reminds you that that's the like default yeah yeah dude i love that raw dog through life. That's badass. Yeah. Yeah, and you'll feel better about yourself. It's just how natural is the wave?
Starting point is 01:25:29 Yeah, but also, like, the quarantine of it all, I kind of think people should be smoking more. Like, the NBA guys in the bubble, they said they're not going to test them for recreational drugs. Oh, really? Yeah. I'm like, if you're going to test him for recreational drugs. I'm like, fuck. Oh, really? Yeah, I'm like, thank you. If you're going to take these millionaires
Starting point is 01:25:48 and make them live like college freshmen, I could at least let them smoke some fucking weed. Whoa. Dude, Jen Aniston reposted our video. What? Yeah. That's pretty crazy. That's cool.
Starting point is 01:26:01 I saw it on her feed. You guys got some big ones on this one. Yeah. Let's see. You guys got some big ones on this one. Yeah. Let's see. You got to slide in those DMs. What's up, dudes? We're here in Huntington Beach. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 01:26:14 What's her comment? I love them. We're here in Huntington Beach to solve the mask shortage. As you can see, no... I know these guys, Jen. Team Jen, dude. We hang out. All right, last question.
Starting point is 01:26:30 I read my girlfriend's diary. Okay. You already got a take on it. Don't do that. Yeah, right, right. All right, we can jump straight to the answer. What up, Stoke Legends and possible guests? I'm a longtime listener and first-time question asker.
Starting point is 01:26:43 I am in a happy relationship of eight months, and everything is going well. You buying that? Well, yeah, because I know people who are self-sabotagers. Right. Things couldn't possibly be this actually good. I got a needle in there. Interesting. I was house-sitting her place recently while she was away,
Starting point is 01:27:04 and I noticed a small spiral-bound book while perusing her dank bookshelf. I opened it and quickly realized it was an old diary of hers. I knew I should have put it back, but due to overwhelming curiosity, I started to read it. I really want this to take a hot sexual turn.
Starting point is 01:27:19 Is there pictures of the pictures? She met a hot Spaniard named Sergio. It contained her thoughts and feelings and even some sexual encounters about dudes she was with in her colleges oh nice yeah definitely personal stuff after a few pages the curiosity was overtaken by shame and i put the diary back i'm not a jealous person or anything and obviously do not care what happened before we met but i can't help but feeling that i violated her trust by reading the diary while she was away do you bros think i should tell her or just pretend it didn't happen?
Starting point is 01:27:46 Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Damn, that's a tough one. It doesn't sound like he's going to do it again, though, right? It seems like he learned his lesson. Sorry, I missed it. My head's in the clouds. He read a diary and didn't see anything bad, but it involved— he now has the guilt that he did that. Should he tell her?
Starting point is 01:28:07 And he just... And I think he kind of messed with his head, and he's realizing that he... You know, less history, more mystery is the way to go. But he wants to tell her about it. I mean, dude, yeah. Tell her. I mean, it's gonna... It won't go well. It's not gonna go well, but
Starting point is 01:28:21 it is the more honorable thing to do. Like, how honorable of a guy do you want to be? You want to be peak honorable? I mean, you fucked up. And hopefully next time the honor comes in before you make the mistake. But, yeah, fucking tell her, dude. It's going to suck. Also, like, plenty of guys would have read something actually bad in there.
Starting point is 01:28:39 Right. You're lucky. Yeah, she's a sweetie. Yeah. Yeah, it's good stuff. Do you think you should tell her? Yeah, I think you should tell her. Yeah, that she's a sweetie. Yeah. Yeah, it's good stuff. Do you think you should tell her? Yeah, I think you should tell her. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:48 There's probably a funny way that you accidentally did it. I was laying underneath it, screwing something, and the book literally fell down on my face straight to the page. Yeah, or you leave your diary out. You try to trap her. Right, yeah. If you don't have a diary,. You try to like. Right, yeah. Trap her. If you don't have a diary, just write a lot of cool stuff.
Starting point is 01:29:08 Like, man, I love my GF so much. She's so awesome. And then you just like leave it out. I hope she never fucking reads this ever. Yeah. Um, all right. Chad, do you want to do an ad? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:24 You psyched for basketball? I'm pretty pumped, dude, yeah. I'm really curious about what their lifestyles are like. I want to see if LeBron's in the same living situation as all the other players. You know what I mean? I mean, we saw the food thing. Dustin sent that on the thread. There's a good account.
Starting point is 01:29:41 It's like Bubble Life or something that curates like all the different snapchats it's a lot of wholesome guys fishing together playing video games building lego sets I'm a little frustrated that they get all these tests with instant responses the rest of us can't get that kind of access
Starting point is 01:30:00 but it's probably worth it I want basketball back I don't know if I'm going to count it as a full title, though. Like, if the Bucs win. It depends who doesn't play. Right now, everyone who's playing, it would count as a full title in my mind. Even with the Lakers not having
Starting point is 01:30:15 Avery Bradley, you know, that moves the needle enough? Well, I literally bet some money on the Clippers this year. I'm invested. that's who I would bet on I mean you gotta bet Kawhi at this point
Starting point is 01:30:26 that's cool ride the hot hand you gotta throw money into it for me yeah Clippers Montrez
Starting point is 01:30:32 my hat your brother and I went in on it with me oh really nice yeah did you put that action down when you were
Starting point is 01:30:38 on your way back oh yeah nice dude alright guys I'm here for this podcast to let you know. Ow.
Starting point is 01:30:46 Oh, crap. Oh, my dong. Those are the screams I make when I used to cut myself shaving before I knew about Manscaped. That's true. Thank you, Manscaped, for turning my loud shrieks and use of the word crap into multiple peaks of stoke. Because they are pubing your trims guys sorry but they are they are pubing your trims guys and they are guys i i'm i've been at jt's mom's house for the past week and i'm gonna go home today and first thing i'm gonna do is gonna i'm gonna shave my nuts
Starting point is 01:31:19 reggie have you manscaped recently it's been a minute i lost i was on a road trip i lost my uh device um so i have a new one ordered and it's in transit nice is it the highlight of your day when you do it uh no i'm like a uh it's not a low light but i'm uh uh like i love um procrastinating with tasks like like being a productive procrastinator. That's one of those tasks for me. I'm like, I turned my pubes. I'm not just sitting here like stone. I did something today.
Starting point is 01:31:54 Yeah. You can go to bed happy and watch The Simpsons or whatever and just be like, I did something today. Yeah. That's the same thing with having earbuds in while you're doing stuff like that. You're like, I'm learning and I'm doing something right? Oh, yeah, it'd be nice to listen to some like Russian literature while trimming my balls. Yeah, that's like the peak of sophistication For sure some Tolstoy. Well, it looks good a shade ski in the original Russian Balls going soft ski. Yeah
Starting point is 01:32:24 Okay back to the ad. Alexander, softball skin. Yeah. Men, start taking notes because it's time to reduce cuts on your nuts. The Manscaped Lawn Mower 3.0 has been beautifully designed to reduce these painful nicks and tucks. This is their third-generation trimmer. It has advanced skin-safe technology so you can keep your bad boys nice and smooth. The Manscaped engineering team obsesses over technology developments to provide you the best
Starting point is 01:32:50 tools for your grooming experience. And they spent 18 months perfecting the greatest ball hair trimmer ever created and just released the new and improved Lawn Mower 3.0. This is premium. And when I tell you this is premium, I mean this is premium. The battery tell you this is premium i mean this is premium the battery lasts up to 90 minutes so you can take a longer shave the water resistant technology allows you to shave in the shower too one of the coolest features is the led light which eliminates grooming areas for a closer and more precise trimming and let's not forget about the charging stand guys show your mower off loud and proud because this intelligently designed stand is a convenient charging dock powered by
Starting point is 01:33:25 usb so many people have written in stories about the lawnmower 3.0 i mean it's changed lives dudes and it's going to change yours just hop on board pube those trims look good feel good feel like you're a productive member of society even during the q-team i I love it. And then you won't make those screams that you do when you nick your balls, like, oh, oh, crap, geez, ah, my dong, oh, oh. So use code godeepww at manscaped.com to get 20% off and free shipping. Godeepwwmanscaped.com to get 20% off and free shipping. Your balls will thank you. You.
Starting point is 01:34:09 Oh yeah. Chad, my Lord, who is your beef of the week? My beef of the week is this ways. Once again, I mean, I know I've beef with them before,
Starting point is 01:34:19 but I think it's prudent to bring them up again. I mean, we are just driving back from San Clemente and dude, they were just getting way in the, you know, Waze was getting into Waze. Yeah. They're like, okay, so you're on the 5, and then I want you to get on the 10 East. And I'm like, okay, that's kind of weird to get to the podcast studio.
Starting point is 01:34:44 And I got on the 10 East, and they're like, oh, we just wanted to get to the podcast studio i got on the 10 east and they're like oh we just wanted you to take the 10 east so you could go around this short traffic jam on the five i'm like ways your shortcuts suck balls okay i don't need your shortcuts i'll stand in the traffic i'll need to do this roundabout little thing like on the 15 then back to the five it's like i'm too you know it's like it's like i'm going through like a maze here you know ways you're putting me through a maze ways and i don't appreciate it and you keep you know suggesting routes that i just know aren't correct and when i stick to my guns and i'm like, you guys are wrong, I take the other route
Starting point is 01:35:25 and it's correct. And it's earlier. So just less shortcuts, less crazy-ass left turns, you know, where you're just like, hey, take a left turn where there's no light and no stop sign
Starting point is 01:35:37 and it's three lanes across. And you're like, dude, I would rather be at a stoplight than, you know, and be two minutes later than try and cross this shit yeah because it's gonna take me like 10 minutes to build up the courage to do it it's stressful to even have to consider those unprotected dogs sometimes dude thank you yeah so that's my beef um what's gonna get you to stop using it if you've got multiple beefs?
Starting point is 01:36:06 Nothing. Maybe that's where the beef really comes from, is that you know you're going to stick it out with them. Yeah, because it's a long-term relationship. And I tried Google Maps for a while, but then I was just like... It doesn't feel like you're getting away with anything with Google Maps. Waze is kind of better, too. Just the screen looks better when you're following your car on that blue line.
Starting point is 01:36:25 Yeah. I'm a Google Maps guy. Why, why of better, too. The screen looks better when you're following your car on that blue line. Yeah. I'm a Google Maps guy. Why, why, why? It's just clean. I think it's simple. They never, like, dick me around like that, like sending me weird places. Right. Maybe one day I'll find the courage to break up with Waze, but... Yeah, no. Can you imagine being, like, an Apple Maps guy?
Starting point is 01:36:42 Oh, dude, no. I mean, I've used it on accident sometimes. You're like, what the hell's going on here? Have you ever met an Apple Maps guy? Oh, dude, no. I mean, I've used it on accident sometimes. Exactly. You're like, what the hell is going on here? Well, I already clicked it. Yeah. Have you ever met an Apple Maps guy? No.
Starting point is 01:36:50 Yeah, no. Steve Jobs deleted that app off his phone. Dude. I know this one guy who did it, Rodney. Oh, Rodney the Rod. Yeah. When Apple Maps first came out, I took it. I was trying to find, literally, literally I had to pick up, uh,
Starting point is 01:37:07 a cable for an Apple cable that I needed, like a Mac cable. And it took me to a dead end street and told me to get out and walk. What? Like, yeah, it told me to walk through like, it was like mad at you.
Starting point is 01:37:22 Yeah. It was like, get out of the car, get out of the car and walk in this dark, down this dark side alley of these houses to this UPS hub that's actually up on a hill and I can see it. That's hilarious. It's like those parasites that make mice unafraid of cats so they go get eaten by cats.
Starting point is 01:37:42 Whoa. So then they can eat the microbes inside of it. Yeah, they only can reproduce inside of cats or they like go get eaten by cats whoa so then they can like eat the like microbes inside of yeah they only can reproduce inside cats or something interesting reggie what's your beef of the week um a big callback it's with my brother regis and this is from something like six years ago it's not exactly the week but uh he's never officially apologized to me he's tried to explain it away it's not a big deal. But one time I went home, I think I was in college or just out of college, and went to go play pickup basketball with him and his friends.
Starting point is 01:38:13 And he's tall and athletic. He's the better basketball player than me, better athlete than me. But he's my little brother. And I'm playing with him and his friends and they're calling him reggie i was like what the fuck is going like he stole my name for a while is the beef right and and then he got caught because i just heard his friends calling and reg did he feel caught like when you called him out for it did he know he was He was like, no, no, no. They just do that. I don't want them to do that. I was like, you can tell people what to call you.
Starting point is 01:38:48 Like, this is a compliment, I guess, but like, that's my name. You're my brother. Like, you can have whatever name you want, but not mine. Right. He was on your corner, dude. Yeah. It felt a little like an identity theft. He was swallowing up your identity.
Starting point is 01:39:06 Yeah. Yeah. Because I'm like, what do they think my name is? Your friends who I'm playing basketball with. What did they call you? They didn't really talk to me. There you go. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:19 Old Reggie. Reggie Zero. Reggie Prime. Aaron, who's your beef of the week? My beef of the week is with what I've termed Epstein gotchas online.
Starting point is 01:39:36 So Sarah Silverman retweeted you guys no mask video and that was awesome. And I, for the wrong, I just, I went into the comments just to see what other people were thinking. So did I, dude. That was dumb. And the first person I saw was retweeting a photo they took, a screenshot of an old joke about child molestation that Sarah Silverman made, which she's probably made a hundred.
Starting point is 01:40:07 She's, that's her brand of comedy and okay out of context looks awful but it's sarah silverman she's always been kind of like that she'll make a terrible joke and then smile a wink and you know and all you just know of course she doesn't mean it and then the the person under that screenshotted a tweet of hers that said she wanted to name her child, and this is from 2012, she wanted to name her child Juan Epstein. As though that is somehow connected to Jeffrey Epstein. And so I,
Starting point is 01:40:42 and I see this a lot. Like a lot of people try to connect celebrities to pedophilia and it's just like uh like unless you have evidence what people tweet is not a thing um and i quickly pointed out to the person and i called them a mook as well uh that that's a character from welcome back cotter and then attached a gif of Juan Epstein, the actor who plays Juan Epstein, RIP as well. I didn't do the research. I wanted to actually
Starting point is 01:41:12 to see if that might have been the day he died that she tweeted that. But I haven't done that research. Nice. But seriously back off you trolls. Fuck off. Yeah, what's that to do with anything she's talking about? Yeah, people's that to do with anything she's talking about? Yeah, people are connecting dots,
Starting point is 01:41:28 and the board is the size of the earth. You're like, I just don't know how you're doing this. It muddies the waters for the real villains. Right. Yeah. My Beef of the Week is with TikTok, the social media platform. My beef of the week is with TikTok, the social media platform. I think that, you know, there might be kind of insidious goals behind the creators.
Starting point is 01:41:55 You know, I think they could be trying to collect data, information, whatever. But really, I just don't have the bandwidth to be on another social media platform. So I'm kind of stoked that it might be going down because of geopolitics. So I'm like, you know what? Later, TikTok. I'm almost glad that China was using you to gain insight into us. As long as that means you're gone, be gone, bro. I don't want to be on another one.
Starting point is 01:42:18 People are telling me, they're like, get on TikTok. I'm like, dude, I can't do it. I'm on Instagram too much anyways. I can't be on another one. And I don't understand the dances. The dances suck. What are those dances? I know I'm betraying my age, you know.
Starting point is 01:42:32 I'm a geezer, but I don't know. I'm like, later, dude. Well, I just, the idea of becoming a TikTok star because you're like dance, do these like simple. Yeah. It's like, it's weird. It's weird it's weird there's some clever stuff it's not all that but i i know what you mean like i don't get it either really yeah you love it no i i love like are you on that i love weirdos i i have yeah i have one but i um
Starting point is 01:42:59 i agree with what you're saying it feels like this test I haven't studied for that I'm hoping gets canceled. Yeah. I'm just like, yo, go bummer. No more TikTok. It takes pressure off me. I mean, I know there will be another one. I don't like the name either. I think saying you're an Instagrammer isn't the coolest thing in the world,
Starting point is 01:43:17 but saying you're a TikToker, it sounds worse to me. And I'm an Instagrammer, but it's cooler than TikTok. Drawn a line in the sand yeah I don't I wouldn't miss it I guess they'll all be like nothing they do on there couldn't be done on Instagram right? I don't think so no I heard it's very intuitive
Starting point is 01:43:39 it's like a very nice user experience but I don't think I'll ever find out famous last words. Chad, who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week is the reporter Stacy from KCAL 9, who we did a report with. Not because, I mean, I'm thankful that they did a story on us,
Starting point is 01:44:00 but more so because she got me really hyped on first aid, because I was skating uh a week ago i got these like these scrapes yeah i got one on my ankle too um yeah my hip bone and she was and she was like you need to clean that up better like do you go in the ocean you you you might have staff and it freaked me out but i was like but i've been properly i mean she she was like she's like you're gonna have staff if you don't get this figured out you need to put uh hydrogen peroxide on there you need to clean that out you get a marigel and then you get a prescription and it was a little bit over the top i realized afterwards but she scared me in the moment prescription for antibiotics yeah she scared me in the moment and on that thought i didn't really
Starting point is 01:44:48 appreciate being scared like that but it did make me tend to my wounds a little bit more and i think they're healing up quicker yeah sometimes you just need to be yelled at she did scare the bejesus yeah i was like so certain yeah i was like these are these are some media tactics here. That was tough, too, because they were a little disgruntled with us because we made them do our interview out of my mom's hot tub. Yeah. And in exchange, we had to wear our shirts.
Starting point is 01:45:15 That was the compromise we made. They didn't think that was funny? It is funny. No, they liked it, but the camera dude was like, hey, the lighting's off. And you know how everyone who's in a department, to to them like they're like this is the biggest thing like if you're a sound guy you're like this sounds not right and everyone's like it's good enough and then they're like don't say that to me you know what i mean right so he was like no there's too much light on your face and we had to be like look it's really important to us that we'd be in
Starting point is 01:45:38 my mom's hot tub my mom and greg's hot tub yeah but then But then, yeah, if she said, shout out to staff. Yeah. I don't think you have staff. Thank you. Yeah. It's because of all the neosporin I put on there. And then JT's mom's hydrogen. She's a babe, too.
Starting point is 01:45:54 She has hydrogen peroxide. I know Monica. Yeah. And Stacy was like, you're never going to find hydrogen peroxide. I'm like, Stacy,
Starting point is 01:46:01 we're JT's moms. Yeah, my mom's loaded with stuff. Were you staying there just for the? Just for like four days. Was it fun? Did you guys have fun? It's great, yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:13 Yeah, it was the best. Nice. Those workouts look fun. Oh, yeah, those were some good workouts. Yeah. We were throwing some weight around. We were pushing a pice that was pretty extreme. I'm quoting a CrossFitter from one of the CrossFit documentaries.
Starting point is 01:46:27 What's the best one? What one should I watch? That's a great question, bro. The fittest, the dominant, and the redeemed. That's the best one. He's writing it down. I like the way he just... Should I do My babe? yes sir
Starting point is 01:46:46 um it's my babe is this gorilla who lives in Japan his name is Shibani that's awesome he's like the most handsome gorilla in the world he was in the news a lot a few years ago cause like women were flocking to the museum
Starting point is 01:47:01 en masse to like he's like the Beatles. People want to see this gorilla. I follow him on Instagram. He's a handsome motherfucker. Trying to think other facts I know about him. He weighs 420 pounds.
Starting point is 01:47:18 And he is 24. Coco lived to her 40s. He's got a lot of life ahead of him. He's 24. Coco lived to like her 40s. He's got a lot of life ahead of him. He's just like, I've sent you DMs being like, look at the vasculature. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:32 He just has like spider web. Like he's like, he has, he's like two Aaron Donalds in the same body or something. Dude. Wow. Speaking my language. I got to check this gorilla out. Shabani?
Starting point is 01:47:45 Shabani, very stoic. He carries his power with grace. Is it spelled like a yogurt? S-H-A-B-A-N-I. It's not Shabani? No, but he's probably the best. I follow a lot of ape accounts. He's one of the better ones.
Starting point is 01:48:03 Oh, he's on social media? Yeah. great ape content thanks man there i some about of an ape speaks to me at reggie chill ball guys is the instagram oh yeah i i post apes but uh post videos on there sometimes too oh yeah for sure i can't find shababani. I'll make sure when one of you guys are... All right, I guess I'm done. But I'll make sure I say the right one. Let me see. Aaron, you want to do your babe? Sure, sure.
Starting point is 01:48:37 This is pretty quick, but this has been a cute teen find that I don't know if I knew existed before. Sweet Italian sausage. Ooh. I know that there's existed before. Sweet Italian sausage. Ooh. I know that there's always been the mild and spicy, and I'm not really a big spicy guy, but sweet Italian sausage has really kicked up all of my wife and I's cutene meals.
Starting point is 01:49:01 So thank you. Thank you, sweet Italian sausage. Amen. My baby of the week is the filmmaker richard link later i uh i sometimes forget about him but he's truly i think one of the great american filmmakers i watched his first movie slacker um which he made on like a shoestring budget and it's just like a series of vignettes and it it's like so literary and so well-constructed. Like you can see why someone would see that movie and they'd be like, okay, this guy could become
Starting point is 01:49:29 like a big arthouse director in a bunch of different genres just based off what he did in the first film because he really made something special from not having a lot at his disposal. And I know he's just so thoughtful and philosophical, but also bro-y, so you know I love that combo. He lived an interesting life. He was a college baseball player and then he didn't graduate. He worked on an oil tanker, read a bunch of great books and then came back and just was determined to be a great filmmaker. And he became that. And he made strong choices along the way to
Starting point is 01:49:56 become that filmmaker. Like he came to Hollywood, did some like Hollywood style movies, like the Newton brothers, and then realized that wasn't for him. And then went back to making art house stuff and then came back and made school of rock within the hollywood system then he had developed a skill to make something within the system that was still eccentric and interesting and fun um and yeah he's just he's just a brilliant brilliant filmmaker i mean there's that movie slacker dazed and confused the before trilogy i mean the first one is probably the most romantic movie of all time i've recommended on here. But if you're a young dude or a woman and you're about to go traveling and you want to live life like anything spectacular could happen, I would definitely recommend the first of the Before Trilogy because it'll fire you up to have a wide, big old heart and meet some special people along the road of travel. and meet some special people along the road of travel.
Starting point is 01:50:49 And then he did Boyhood, which he filmed segments of over 12 years with a kid as he grew up. And it's a really, I don't know if I'll watch it again. It's kind of a boring movie, but it's incredible in its scope and accomplishment. And yeah, he's just a beast. And like Mark Maron said, he makes movies about time, about how we move through time, and then about how time moves through us. Whoa, crazy.
Starting point is 01:51:07 And then, oh, we saw Everybody Wants Him. Yeah, give me a review of that movie. Yeah. JT nailed the feel of that movie when we walked out, which is, I just wanted to take my fucking shirt off. I did. I took my shirt off after the movie. I was so pumped up.
Starting point is 01:51:22 It's the best, like, just hangout weekend. Guys not being, there's no lesson like they're everyone just having a good time and it doesn't feel like um like uh corny yeah yeah and then we saw that right after we came back from vegas from like a massive bender in vegas oh dude when we were in ve Vegas, Reggie and I kept staying extra nights. Yeah, there was like six of us, and then four of us, and then two. Yeah, the amount of guys just kept dropping. And I blacked out at the pool one day, and I just was throwing up all over a lobby while Reggie carried me to a new hotel because we had to change places. And then we were doing drugs, and we had this crazy drug dealer come up who like
Starting point is 01:52:07 loved he was so cool we like loved him so much but then he came up to our room did all the drugs lost the rest of the drugs i think he took a shower for like 20 minutes at least yeah made us buy him a charger go drive somewhere else to get the drugs he came back did half of those drugs we finally lose him after like four hours. And then he comes to our room at six in the morning, knocks on the door. I open, he goes, I need $40. I was like, for what?
Starting point is 01:52:30 He's like, I just need $40, man. I was like, all right, dude. I gave it to him and I was like, I'll see you later. But yeah, that guy was insane. Yeah, the least effort scam artist. He like bleached us in the like, it didn't feel that way. When he lost the drugs, that was pretty, we were like, I remember you and I looked at each other when he was in the bathroom for 20 minutes
Starting point is 01:52:51 and we were like, if we were gnarlier dudes, we'd probably do something about that. Yeah. But we were like. Yeah, it's like, no, we're on a ride. Yeah, we're like, we're just on a ride with this guy. Chad, who's your legend of the week? Yeah, we're like, we're just on a ride with this guy. Chad, who's your legend of the week?
Starting point is 01:53:07 My legend of the week is my dog Nick, aka Ass Man, in reference to Cosmo Kramer. Nice. The Ass Man, because we're both Seinfeld fans. Yeah, Nick's my buddy from college. What up, Nick? I saw Nick, you know, I saw him recently at the beach,
Starting point is 01:53:27 and he was looking just more bronze than ever. I mean, he, this dude, he was staying in Florida for a while, and now he's come home to stay with his parents in Manhattan Beach a little bit. home to stay with his parents and manhattan beach a little bit but he was just like his tan was i mean you could see it it was like you know those images are like that we have those images of like the sun it's like the closest we've ever seen yeah it felt like it felt like i felt like i got solar flare from it and i swear to god my the cell the signal on my cell like flickered a little bit you know it disturbed the electromagnetic radiation if that's what's going on in there for sure it disturbed the frequencies it was like so it takes me a picture of this guy
Starting point is 01:54:17 later i want to i'll ask him for a picture of his tan yeah uh but he's just you know one of my best friends from college just a legend a beast we we partied a lot together we partied hard we had a coachella in my car um which is like we were just literally in in the my college house we were just sitting in the driveway in my car bumping deep house for like six hours and people would try to get in the car and we're like get away from us like this is our coachella you don't have a wristband bro yeah literally i was like this is my ford escape this is the ford escape tent go to you know go to the other tents this is my tent all right and we're playing mark harris right now is that his name? I think so. Calvin Harris? Or there might be.
Starting point is 01:55:06 Mark Knight. We were playing Mark Knight. That's who it was. And, yeah, so I just wanted to give a shout out. What up, Nick? Keep that tan up, dude, because it's inspiring. And, yeah, keep being a beast. And, yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:20 Rhett, choose your legend. My legend has to do with a man's body as well. It's Shia motherfucking LaBeouf. Oh, dude. Nice, nice. He is the greatest actor of all time. He makes interesting choices. I believe him in everything he does, even if it's kind of dumb. But the specific reason is for the new Tax Collector.
Starting point is 01:55:44 The movie's called Tax Collector. It's a David Ayer movie. It's another South Central guys running around shooting each other kind of action flick. But Shia got a real ass chest piece, like neck to waist real ink for it, for a role. Wow. Commitment, dude. Commitment. real ink for it for a role wow like i uh commitment dude commitment and like now you can only play a tattooed character you got a tattoo a full chest uh like uh and it's real yeah yeah he's gonna have that for the rest of his life yeah wow um and uh i want to steal the joke so bad but i gotta give aust give Austin credit. My, our friend Austin,
Starting point is 01:56:26 when I told him about it, he goes like, oh man, I hope he takes his shirt off in the movie. That's insane. Yeah. What a beast. Yeah. In Echo Park,
Starting point is 01:56:37 he like went to some local guy who, yeah, he grew up around here. It's like, everyone wants to be mad about that movie, but I think it's going to be awesome. Because of racial insensitivity and stuff? Yeah, that's why people are mad. They said he's doing brownface.
Starting point is 01:56:55 Have you ever gotten a chest tattoo for your dog? If you commit hard enough, you can supersede the issues what if there was enough outcry that people were like Shia can't play this role we need like a more we need you know and he's like dude I got a tattoo like my chest is fucked every movie he writes after that
Starting point is 01:57:18 the big mistake Aaron who's your legend of the week my legend of the week is another actor who's your Legend of the Week? My Legend of the Week is another actor who's celebrating a birthday today. He's turned 51. His name is Jason Clarke. I love Jason Clarke. Great actor.
Starting point is 01:57:36 I first learned about him on The Chicago Code, which was a Fox cop show that didn't make it past first season, but it was really good. He was super intense, and with his accent i thought and i'm i'm from chicago my family's from there i know a lot of people from there i thought for sure this dude's from the midwest and then i find out like i look him up i love this dude look him up queensland australia it's like oh fuck wow it's amazing and then he's great in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes my favorite movie
Starting point is 01:58:07 that's what I was just saying yeah that's your favorite movie so good cause Caesar beefing with the other dude it's got an ape shooting a machine gun
Starting point is 01:58:15 right on the back of a horse yeah dude you're taking rules no I'm right I'm right there with you man I loved I loved all three of those movies
Starting point is 01:58:23 Matt Reeves is doing the next Batman. Yeah. I can't wait. I mean, we'll see on that. But yeah, Jason Clarke is awesome. Yeah, dude, Zero Dark Thirty, crushing in that. Yeah, he's in a lot of stuff. He can do action.
Starting point is 01:58:36 He can do just friendly neighborhood dad. Yeah, and he can play kind of like a not tough guy and also like a really good tough guy. Yeah. Is there a movie where he plays an Australian? I can't think of one. I can't think of one. I know, I'm not really seeing one.
Starting point is 01:58:52 Yeah, he looks super menacing in the trailer for that Matthew McConaughey movie Serenity. Oh, he is scary in that. That movie is one of the stupidest, weirdest, most unique movies I've ever seen. It's weird, that writer's really good. Stephen Knight's like a fucking beast. Do you know the twist?
Starting point is 01:59:09 It's all a video game or something? Yeah. That's insane. Oh, okay. I theorized when I saw the trailer. I was like, this could be the coolest and most ridiculous Jaws parody or something? Because it's all in a fishing boat and stuff? I mean, McConaughey's good at being on a boat.
Starting point is 01:59:29 Yeah, yeah. I think our friend Dustin noticed that. Oh, Dustin? That's a good call, yeah. Beach bum rules. Yeah. Chad, is Beach Bum good? It's amazing.
Starting point is 01:59:41 I love it. I haven't seen it yet. I like the first half a lot. It started to wear on me. It's like sketch comedy. It's just like hanging out with people doing weird voices and stuff. Yeah, because I saw the trailer for it, and then for some reason, it seemed like it was a letdown.
Starting point is 01:59:55 I don't know why. I don't know who I talked to. I don't know if I talked to anyone about that, but maybe just it wasn't. It's not deep. I think people had too high of expectations for it, because it was it was corinne was coming off spring breakers yeah which i think was really really good and then mcconaughey was in it so it's like this epic combination it's a it's a logical next step after spring breakers of like none of the like moodiness and all right it's just goofy oh i love goofy it's's like a comedy. But it's dark.
Starting point is 02:00:25 It is dark, though. It's a little dark. The Efron tangent is dark. I thought that was one of the funniest. Oh, really? He's got like jean coat jeans and like a panini beard and he's like...
Starting point is 02:00:37 But they're doing awful things. Yeah. Totally. But you were just like, the costumes were just... I mean, like Martin Lawrence gets like his limbs eaten by sharks.
Starting point is 02:00:48 It's wacky. Chad, who is... Oh, quotes of the week. Chad, what is your quote of the week? My quote of the week is from American Pie Move from Van Wilder to American Pie. Nice. And this comes from Jim. Dude, did you see Little little mermaid on tv last night that aerial man she's so hot that's my quote nice my quote is uh my pops uh who said this on the announcements every day
Starting point is 02:01:22 at school uh he said do the right thing at the right time because character is your destiny. And it was, like, corny as hell because he said the same thing every day. And I hated that he made me wear a tie and stuff, but, like, it's, like, the truest thing there is. So I don't know where he came up with it or whatever, but it's cool to do the same thing every single day like that.
Starting point is 02:01:47 And it really lasers it into your brain. Love that, dude. Yeah. Aaron, what's your quote of the week? I'm looking for one if you want to skip me. Yeah, I'll quote my dad, too. My dad will talk about when people are kind of lit up, like drunk or loaded, they're kind of on fire my dad goes he's feeling no pain that's awesome that really is the feeling when you're just like in the zone like that and you're just like you know what
Starting point is 02:02:14 i just it's just i'm just moving through space that's what flow is there's no friction no pain yeah yeah oh he's feeling no pain um chad what's your phrase of the week for getting after? Aaron, are you ready? We'll circle back. Chad. I was trying to find a Jason Clarke quote from Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, but everything is like ape not kill ape. Caesar is home.
Starting point is 02:02:38 What does he say at the end? Who's not an ape? Who does he kill at the end? What's the home he's in? Coba. Coba. Coba no ape. Chad, what's your phrase that we can forget after it?
Starting point is 02:02:49 That's Shabani. Ooh. What's your phrase that we can forget after it? The stupidest tattoo I've ever seen is this guy I went to high school with. Had a, if you're not wasted your time Yeah, but uh yeah, I guess maybe I want to get after it that's what's up I'm blowing it. Yeah, that's funny Aaron what's your phrase that we forget after it
Starting point is 02:03:26 I don't know I'll run it real quick my dad had another one where my friends and I when we were like 17 we snuck into a 50 year old's birthday party and there was just a bunch of strippers there and they were roasting them tons of booze and we just got like we just had an epic night and they basically let us hang out
Starting point is 02:03:44 and when I got home we told my parents epic night and they basically let us hang out and when I got home we told my parents about it and my dad was like a couple martinis in and he just goes boys suck the vine and that was like
Starting point is 02:03:52 what he told us to do for life just suck the vine yeah it's very Bacchanalian I love it yeah exactly Aaron do you got one
Starting point is 02:03:59 nah I don't I can't I'm drawing a complete blank drawing a complete blank that's the phrase of the week for getting after it. There you go. Same. Chad, I think that's it, bro.
Starting point is 02:04:09 Cool. Dude, Reggie, thanks for coming out. This is a pleasure. Yeah, dude, it was so fun talking to you, man. Thanks for having me. To be on something, I consume myself. Love it. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 02:04:20 Thanks for listening. Yeah, of course. I'm going to... This will be my most listened one. Didn't you say one time you were trying to play it for your ex and you were like, no, it's good, and then she just wasn't getting it after a while and you were like, all right, I'll switch it off.
Starting point is 02:04:33 Yeah, on a road trip. That's why she's my ex. Oh, I said I promised the Dark Angels I would call them out, shout them out, that text chain. Robbie, Chris, Caleb, and Jimmy. Nice. Oh, dude, you know what else? I don't think I ever did my Legend of the Week.
Starting point is 02:04:50 I'm sorry, guys. Can I do it real quick? Mm-hmm. My Legend of the Week are the dudes I have been doing CrossFit workouts with at my house. It's John Daniels, who has only been to one because of some scheduling conflicts. Mike Ferraro, who comes up with the workouts, is a machine with every workout, sets the pace. Like Chad said, has a skate park for pecs
Starting point is 02:05:10 and just a beautiful man with a beautiful soul. Ross Cumming, just a bastion of power, explosive, powerful lifter, swinging those heavy kettlebells overhead with snatches and power cleans and just generally bringing the leadership and intensity.
Starting point is 02:05:25 And then Danny Babona, just quiet excellence, shredded midsection, and just absolute confidence. Love watching that guy move and work. And he's a baseball coach at UCI, so if you're a young buckaroo who can throw or swing, go to UCI with the anteaters. They should call it UC Newport Beach because it's right there. And then Chad joined us this week,
Starting point is 02:05:46 which was excellent to have him be part of the crew, throwing down some movements. But yeah, these guys have just brought me so much joy, and they've made me stronger, and I can't thank them enough. Did you say Tom? But Tom was my legend of the week the week before. Yeah. Yeah, I got to spend some time with them.
Starting point is 02:06:01 I mean, just like the hottest, most humble dudes. to spend some time with them i mean just like the hottest most humble dudes they're just like uh like hot humble smart perfect package they're hot just like a good they keep you motivated they keep you make you feel comfortable they let you know that you can lift more weight than you think that's what's up and they let you know that you have a powerful base even if you question your base you gotta question it sometimes there it is that's it alright dudes thanks for Reggie again thanks for coming on of course love you guys love you too
Starting point is 02:06:35 Aaron good to see you guys write in some reviews and I'll see you guys later if you need advice these guys are really nice you wanna know what to do where to go when you need someone to guide you We'll see you next time. Cat and Jake TV

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