Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 15 - Complex People, Bird Shooting, and the Kardashians

Episode Date: April 25, 2018

Chad and JT dive deep in this one.  They discuss serious bonding with the bros, the question of whether most people are simple or complex, experimental boning, Chad's recent excursion to South Americ...a, sneaking into Coachella, the Kardashians, beefs, babes, legends, and, as always, answer some fire questions from the fans.  Check it out! For bonus content, check out our patreon: www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 all right stokers welcome to episode 15 of the going deep with chad and jt podcast my name is chad kroger i'm here with my colleague jtT. What's up, dudes? What up? And we are here live. Well, we're not live, but we're coming at you hard. We're live. Yeah, we're live recording. Yeah. Feeling the heat, feeling good, and hopping right into it. How are you feeling, JT? Well, I mean, you said you're feeling the heat, and I've got to be honest. I've been feeling the breeze lately. It has been a cold front in California. Indeed.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Except for one Saturday. Last Saturday was special. It was sunny the whole day. Yeah. But absent of that, it's been cold. The heat's coming back, though. I'm remaining optimistic in this trying time, but yeah, was pretty pissed today because of the cold yeah how did your uh anger manifest itself oh i don't know i guess i just i guess i mean mugged a few
Starting point is 00:01:16 more people in traffic but hopefully they understood i wasn't trying to send negative vibes but it felt like the earth was trying to give them to me. And I projected it onto people. I was like, mean mug. And I'm like, you're going to drive like that? And I regret it now, but people make mistakes. So how about you? Resistance is futile.
Starting point is 00:01:39 My anger manifests itself. Well, when I was younger, it used to manifest itself as like me punching walls. Yeah. With varying degrees of success. I mean, I think when you punch a wall, you want to make it a full fist through the wall. Yeah. But oftentimes I'd punch the wall and there'd be no give. Yeah. And leave me just with a sore hand.
Starting point is 00:01:57 That makes you look like a real Sally. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Not to call you Sally, but. No, I felt bad for Sally's out there who i know a sally who's pretty um strong upper body wise for sure and you know what lower body wise too nice strong trunk but yeah i'm just saying the intention wasn't met no i i know you're not picking on me
Starting point is 00:02:21 i love you to death um yeah but i i punched the wall and my fist wouldn't go through. And I'm like, damn it. When am I going to be a man? But now that I am a man, my anger just manifests itself as I'm more smiling now. Yeah. The more angry I get, the more I smile. Interesting. Yeah, I'm not going to let my anger ruin my good day.
Starting point is 00:02:40 That kind of confuses me because maybe on days when I think you're having a really solid day, you just are super pissed. It's turmoil underneath it. Yeah. But it's not a lie. It's me trying to make the best of what I'm dealing with. You're a complex guy. Come on, man. Don't compliment me like that.
Starting point is 00:02:56 You know I love to hear it. I know. I was just trying to pick on you. You're a complex guy. Yeah, I'm pretty complex. Oh, were you being sarcastic when you called me complex no i was being serious i was trying to i was trying to make a joke in there and it didn't work or it worked too well yeah and i'm unaware of my blind spots i think we're both just super
Starting point is 00:03:18 complex i think we did enough of this last week with the universe talk to you yeah yeah um do you do you on on balance do you think people are complicated or or simple on balance like yeah like if you had to like which of the world is one of the other i think people are complicated yeah for sure i could have gone either way but I think you're right I think the goal is to simplify it I don't know actually I think people I think people appear simple
Starting point is 00:03:56 but they might be the most complicated like people will often say to me dude you chill so hard sometimes I see you just staring at a wall and it seems like you're just like content with what you're doing and i'm like i'm actually thinking a lot but the wall is just something to focus on while i ponder huge questions you know i'm am i drinking too much bud? Am I partying too much? Am I not partying enough?
Starting point is 00:04:29 Am I bronzing enough? Am I... Should I switch to Hanes t-shirts? Am I fucking enough? We all think that. We all wonder. Are you? It's tough to say. I would
Starting point is 00:04:45 like I hate to betray myself you know I want to be mature but I'd have to say there's been only a few times in my life where I felt like I was fucking enough yeah few moments typically right after I bust
Starting point is 00:05:00 where I'm like you know what I'm doing this the right amount of times yeah and then 20 minutes go by and you're like I need to come again know what? I'm doing this the right amount of times. Yeah. And then 20 minutes go by and you're like, I need to come again. You're like, I need to come again. Let's bone again. Let's bone again.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Take you right on the bone coaster. Strap in. All aboard. Choo choo. Watch your hands. Hey, can you be caboose this time? She about to fuck me? She about to fuck me? She about to fuck me?
Starting point is 00:05:26 Yes. I'm not opposed to anything. Just because I'm instinctively not for it doesn't mean I'm going to rule it out. But if my girl wants to pummel my butt, well, that's just up to Chad. Dude, you mean it? Yeah. I mean, honestly, things like that are so complicated. I don't know if I could trust my own decision maker.
Starting point is 00:05:46 So I'd love to export that to someone I know has my best interest in, like, who understands me well enough to know what I would want. Dude, I love that because I think you always got to ask for feedback, you know, and if it's... I'm big on feedback. Why is it, why can't it be brought into the bedroom as well? You know, like if she's like hey so i was thinking maybe maybe we role play like all right well let me text jt about and see what he has to say about it i'd be like hey dude she wants me to play like a doctor what do you think i'm like chad you know i think that's a strong character for you
Starting point is 00:06:19 but um i don't know if that's really going to play to your strengths as much i see you as more of an explorer. Yes. Thank you. So if she could have you play an explorer and she could be part of the indigenous population when you land on whatever country you guys decide could be fictional, it could be real. And then,
Starting point is 00:06:34 yeah, I think, you know, you're someone who's looking for adventure. You're someone who's looking to find truths that will change the country you came from. And you're really looking to meet some different people. And she should be Mia Toretto
Starting point is 00:06:48 because that's what the explorer finds. You know what else? You're not just going to explore the land. Yeah. You're going to explore her body. Yes. Her mind. Her toes.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Yeah, yeah. Thank you for that feedback. I knew doctor was not my steez so you're a fucking beast dude all right i'm gonna tell her right now hey babe babe yeah yes honey oh i talked to jt about it you talked to jt about our bedroom life yes because one of my dogs will give me the best feedback you need to bounce ideas off it's just a little embarrassing what did he tell you he said i'm more of an explorer type oh my god right that's so hot yes thank you why not jelland get on top of me yes why do you think i have this hair you know i was going for circumnavigate this ass chad shellen thank you jt for i get anal now
Starting point is 00:07:47 because of your feedback jt are you calling me jt while we have sex no i'm just you know the the the royal jt okay the royal jt that sent you on this expedition king jt well i think he's gonna like all the gold you find in here. Is that your butt? Yeah. All right, how should I dive in? Honey, come on.
Starting point is 00:08:13 You just have to make a choice. Don't ask. Okay. Oh, babe, your cock is fat. Thanks. Oh, I'm your cock is fat. Thanks. Oh, I'm going to come. If I play with my pussy, I'm definitely going to come.
Starting point is 00:08:31 I don't feel a treasure in there. Honey, that's so rude. Don't insult my butt when you're in it. Well, you said there was a treasure. Not literal. But I'm an explorer. You know this. I don't just sail the seas of your butt honey for no reason i need to find treasure did you genuinely think there was going to be treasure in my butt honey ow feels good your cock's fat oh, that feels good You sound like JT getting fucked now
Starting point is 00:09:06 Oh, JT? Oh, what up, dude? How'd you take the place of my GF? Oh, yeah, you're gonna play that game again? Where's my GF? Where's my GF? What? Where you act too drunk every time we have sex Oh my god
Starting point is 00:09:22 It's me, it's always been me Oh my god. What? Are you coming? Yes. Why do you come and cry at the same time? Because I realize this every time. Because you're complicated.
Starting point is 00:09:36 It's my GM. Because you're so complicated. Oh. And so rigidly hard. Regardless of how many times you spew. Okay, I can't. I'm done. Later.
Starting point is 00:09:47 All right, that's it for episode 16. Love to hang out with you guys. All right, Stokers, sending you guys out on a high note. No advice this week, guys. Sorry about that. How was your trip? It was solid, dude. It was super solid.
Starting point is 00:10:06 I went to Argentina for my brother's 40th birthday. And I don't know, should I put it out into the public domain that I shot birds? Yeah, I think you should. I mean, just be genuine about how it felt and stuff. Yeah, so I went to Argentina for my big bro's birthday shout out to bill love you bill shout out to my bro mark love you mark my two bros the best legends of the week last week legends of the week every week in my head on top of the legend that i have um and uh yeah we had a solid crew when some of my big bros my my big bros crew. So his squad.
Starting point is 00:10:46 That was the youngin' on the trip. And we had a really solid time. We went pigeon dove hunting. I like to say pigeon. It makes me feel better about it. Because when you say doves, you're like, but don't you like release doves when you celebrate life? Doves are like sacred. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:02 But then like a crew, like a squad of dudes comes in and shoots them with shotguns a pigeon is a rat with wings yeah so i prefer calling them pigeons because they look like pigeons they weren't like white like doves they look like pigeons so i'm just gonna yeah you guys were pigeons and um yeah it was just a three-day shooting and eating spree. Orgy of shooting. Yeah. And feasting. Feasting on steaks, all kinds of meat, and just some serious, serious bonding. Dude, it scales high on the Masco scale.
Starting point is 00:11:36 For sure. I felt like it was almost as significant as doing squats for three days. That's how my T levels felt. Yeah, I think that's what steak and shotguns, I think they're on par. Steak and shotguns would be like a really cool name of a book. Give it to everyone's dad for Christmas. Yeah. It was cool. I love speaking spanish i'm fluent and uh perro yo may
Starting point is 00:12:14 gustar is that as fast as you can do it see bueno see an uber driver today quick tangent guys said that chad and i's laugh harmonized yeah it was beautiful it was really nice it's like one of those things where it's embarrassing but you're also like it's embarrassed but it's more sweet than embarrassing. Yeah. One thing I want to say about the trip, you know, it's funny. I feel like out of all my bros, I think I'm probably the most sensitive one. Your biological brothers. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Just because maybe I'm the youngest and my mom and I, I'm more of a mama's boy. I don't know. I'm just the most sensitive one more of a mama's boy. I don't know. I'm just the most sensitive one, I guess, I think. I don't know. You know what? I'm going to say this. Maybe I'm just more transparent about my sensitivity. But big bros, if you're listening, I think you guys are the sensitive ones.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Wow. Yeah. You know they're going to listen. Yeah. So, you know, you can call me sensitive all you want, but you know what? I see some emotion in both you dudes, and it's there. Dude, that's a big dick move.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Yeah. Because labeling what the other sibling is feeling is typically an older to younger move. Yeah. You know what I mean mean and they usually do that with me one thing my brother always likes to say is something like he can just tell when my energy's off yeah really it can uh it you know he'll be like you know why because you feel sorry for yourself right now i'm like the fuck how do you know this shit or it's almost like they'll like they'll like point out a way
Starting point is 00:14:06 you're feeling and the and you're like i don't know sometimes i'll be like but i'm not and he's like yes you are and i'm like well kind of but i'm not you know i don't know it's yeah there's a transformative quality to being labeled yeah but i just you, it was just, I'm not, you know, I'm not a big hunter per se, but I was pretty, it was a great feeling to shoot a bird in the face and then look over at my brother, one of my, one of the two brothers, you know, there are multiple moments like this and just see how much pride they had. You know, just, they would just be beaming genuinely yeah they'd be like that was a good shot and i'd finish off the bird
Starting point is 00:14:53 you know equal participants in the killing of a shared enemy yeah so i don't know just big bros i'm glad we could share that that at the expense of those pigeons. And thank you pigeons for helping strengthen the bonds of my brotherly ties. Dude, I was reminiscing on one of your stories a couple weeks ago at the bar in Newport where the guy comes out like the model looking guy. He's like, wait a second, dude. You think you can just clown on my friend like that, dude? Yeah. Newport where the guy comes out like the model looking guy he's like wait a second dude you think you could just clown on my friend like that dude yeah just like I can picture that with a girl
Starting point is 00:15:30 behind him yeah oh wait a second so you guys think you just roll up punch my buddy and then bail without repercussions it was more bro-y than that it was like oh what what hey dude what uh did you dudes think you can just roll up and sock my bro and then get out without something happening nah dude yeah nah dude that's so funny yeah i used to have like friends who are like such bros and i'm the biggest bro in the world i love bros come on bro um who'd just be like yeah dude people tell me like my punches are fast and on target he would like say that to me before our families would have dinner together i was like i, I thought it was awesome. I was like, that's fucking cool, dude. People tell you that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Yeah. And what vivid descriptions from his high school friends. Yeah. That's such a smart way to describe punching. She's like, wow, TJ, nice punches. I've noticed your punches. Yeah, you have enough punches between each other to study them and analyze them. But TJ, I've noticed your punches are super on target.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Oh, thanks, Billy. Yeah. Thank you, dude. each other to study them and analyze them but yeah tj i've noticed your punches are super on target oh thanks billy yeah thank you dude um i was hanging with my girlfriend i have a girlfriend stokers i don't know if i've told you guys that yet but i have a lady and we ran into her family by surprise and uh i don't know what it is like i can talk to anybody like you know you've seen me like you know i love communicating with people but like i could talk to anybody. You've seen me. I love communicating with people. But I can talk to a wall. But whenever I get in front of them, it really brings out the limp dick in me. And we ran into her uncle, and he hadn't seen me in a while. He's like, oh, so JT, what have you been up to?
Starting point is 00:16:57 And I was like, how do you mean? It was kind of a weird response. He was like, I mean, how have you been? And I was like, oh, pretty you been and i was like oh pretty good dude follow me on instagram i said some variety like trying to be funny but it didn't come across as a joke my girlfriend said i sounded totally serious so i asked this like 65 year old guy with a deep tan and hawaiian shirt on to follow me on instagram he looked at me like you're one of the weirdest people i've ever seen and i was like i'm not that weird. You just make me nervous, bro. Maybe you look at yourself. I totally relate to that.
Starting point is 00:17:29 I think that happens more often to me than you. Oh, really? Yeah. Maybe I'm just self-conscious. Yeah, I think everyone seems to adore you. Oh, thank you. You too. Get over here.
Starting point is 00:17:49 No, I think it's because i'm the youngest youngest dude so i was always kind of just you know i've always felt like my brothers were like watching everything i say he's scrutinized he felt scrutinized yeah so even when they're even when i'm they're not even there i'm just like man if margaret bill heard me say this, they'd think you're a fucking idiot piece of shit. So maybe that's it. I don't know. I know that feeling. Yeah. It's like the coach who stays with you.
Starting point is 00:18:15 You don't want to disappoint him. Yeah. Did you make it out to Coachella this year? No, I didn't this year because I was in Argentina murder murdering pigeons you seem like can i if i can be candid when i look into your eyes and you know how i do it i i can feel your conflict over what happened with the birds you can't yeah i swear to god yeah yeah there's there's some deep turmoil like even when you were talking to people before like like off podcast, they'd be like, how was your week? You were like, how do I say this? I did something.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Yeah. That's why I fell on the plane ride back. I'm like, I'm coming back a changed man. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, we all have to do things that we're not sure about. Yeah. It's an interesting thing. And we're both just nice.
Starting point is 00:19:01 We don't want to offend vegetarians who listen and stuff like that. Yeah. i know some of our fans would be like come on dude fuck the vegetarians yeah and then let's go get some pussy and then let's fuck that yeah you know like but the unfortunate thing is that the vegetarians usually end up being hot chicks that's that's true too you don't want to talk about it because you're like yeah i might talk to a hot chicken a little bit i don't think she's gonna like this at all yeah were you aware of that while you were killing the pigeons you were like hot chicks are not gonna like this i think i worried about that first but i'm like you know what i think that once they sense that like oh this guy's done some dangerous stuff there'll be more of a turn on i think there's some girls dude maybe not in
Starting point is 00:19:43 the cliques that we've been running with lately but there's some girls who would be like oh you kill animals that's very sexy and manly yeah yeah but those girls i'm always a little bit like it's a little mean what uh what uh so let's um everybody's gonna be coming to and from coachella do you uh do you have any really nice memories from coachella? I do. Uh, I think one of my best memories is a few years ago, I snuck into Coachella. Long story short, my boy, Jimmy, he's like, dude, I have a ticket for you. Come down to Indio. You're in. So I get down to Indio and I'm like, I'm like, so what's up, dude? And he's like, oh, dude, can I get your ticket? Sorry, dude. I'm like, oh, drag, dude.
Starting point is 00:20:31 I don't know how to get in. I don't have a ticket. So I just stuck around, hung out with Joe's dad for a bit. We had some IPAs. And at one point I was like, you know what? This is a great political discussion, Joe's dad. But you know what? I got to go melt my face I just got an uber and I'm like dude take me to the fairgrounds I'll figure it out from there outside the Coachella area and I'm like all right how do
Starting point is 00:20:57 I get in here so I'm just walking around and I see the exit and it's dark you know outcast is playing I'm like I gotta get in there so i start walking through the exit and literally i just walked right in that's awesome yeah and like there's one point where there's like security and i see security so i like stop back pedal and i see them looking the other way so i ran past them and i just kept running and eventually i just saw outcast and i was like did i just get into coachella without a pass and i was just like oh dude wait so when you would walk through the exit would you walk through backwards so what i would do is i would wear like a long sleeve shirt and then like the way people got in it like as you know you'd wear your wristband and you'd put
Starting point is 00:21:44 it through a little thing and it'd beep. They'd let you in. So I'd get in between two of my boys, and they'd put their wristband in and they'd beep. I'd do the same motion really quickly, and then the next person would put theirs in, and I'd be sandwiched in between and I would just slide in. Nice.
Starting point is 00:22:06 It was great. Solid time. My top Coachella memory is, or just this is a funny thing that happened to me at Coachella. Me and A-Bomb were there and we went to see Florence and the Machine and we were getting so hyped during it. Like we were just like jumping up and down.
Starting point is 00:22:22 We're like, this is fucking awesome. We're like, yes. She's such a a good performer she was like ripping the fucking stage up and we're just like yes yes jumping i'm done and these two girls behind us they tapped us and they went can you guys please stop making fun of this and i looked at her with so much hurt my eyes and andrew and i were like we're not making fun of it we love it yeah and then we turned around and just had sad shoulders like our shoulders sad and we just sat there still and then the girls literally after like half a song grab us they're like hey look we're really sorry can you guys start dancing again and we're like it's all good and then we just had their sad shoulders for another song
Starting point is 00:22:58 and then she grabbed us she's like guys seriously like i. Just have fun. And then we went, all right. And then we went back to jumping up and down. And I just been like, yes, Florence! Oh, man. I got to go back. We should go back next year. Dude, I know. I regretted not going this year. Like, last second, I just, like, me and my girlfriend were, like, at Del Taco.
Starting point is 00:23:21 And I just turned to her and I was like, should we do it? And she was like, do what? And I was like, go to Coachella. She's like like, do what? I was like, go to Coachella. She's like, over Coachella? She's like, no, I'm over it. I was like, I'm not over it. In my head I didn't say anything, but in my heart I was like, I'm not over it, babe.
Starting point is 00:23:36 I still got some Coachella in me. Dude, we should go next year. Let's just plan that shit. What about Stagecoach? It's a little lamer. Yeah, I like hard beats. If we had to pick, Coachella or stage coach, is it just easy? Coachella. For me,
Starting point is 00:23:51 it's Coachella too. Yeah. Stage coach, I'd go to wear a cowboy hat and I'd be like, oh, this is quirky and fun. And I think I'd get old after like an hour. I think every time you go to stage coach, you become, it accelerates how fast you become your parents by like 20 yeah i'm gonna stay young yeah by the fifth time you go like
Starting point is 00:24:11 you're fat with a huge beard yeah you're just like yeah i love the music it's laid back we just relax out by the rv pop some beers i brought some tri-tip this year i mean you can do that at coachella too but it's more dude you brought tri-tip yeah yeah and then like you make it no one eats it and then everyone eats it like at like three in the morning i marinated it with molly all right what's your uh take on fortnite uh i don't know what it is people keep saying talking about fortnite i'm like i don't know what this is what is it do you know it's a video game I might have already fucked up it might be a computer game I concur
Starting point is 00:24:50 I think it's a computer game and I think a lot of people like a lot of celebrities live stream themselves playing it so you can like watch like um luminaries like Ludacris or uh Annie Milonakis play Fortnite. Yeah. Cool.
Starting point is 00:25:13 What did you think about the Khloe Kardashian-Tristan Thompson thing? What happened? Okay, so Khloe Kardashian, the youngest of the three, was about to have a child with a nba player tristan thompson it's a good offensive rebounder and um right before the baby was born photos came out of him with a hot chick and it looked like they were about his like eyes were closed and his head was like nuzzling into her shoulder and then video came out of him in a nightclub making out with two like pretty
Starting point is 00:25:45 big mega babes and uh uh towards the end of the video like they're like sexually making out with them like they're like teasing them and they're like they're like laughing in between giving them these like sultry kisses and then towards the end of it one of the girls puts her hand on his wiener and just starts like getting like super goofy happy like she's like oh like this guy's got a big dong and he's just laying there like super laid back but obviously having like a pretty good time being like yeah that's my big dong and then um so that video came out right before chloe had the baby so everyone's like what are they gonna do what are they gonna do and if you went on like the comment section on instagram like everybody was like like most of the comments were people being like hey tristan
Starting point is 00:26:23 look everybody makes mistakes it's how we bounce back from those mistakes that defines who we are as a man and then some people were like you're a pig like you're you're the worst person since oj and then some people were just like hey man like you're the man still so it's a wide array i mean he was getting he was getting i doubt he liked any of it he He was getting hit hard. And then, and then the baby was born and they let Tristan into the room. And, and since then, Khloe has been presenting as like a happy couple. So the, the, the notion is, is that she forgave him. Interesting. And then some people think that it was, is this boring as fuck?
Starting point is 00:26:59 No. And then some people think that, that the Kardashians orchestrated all of it. Because the video and the pictures are from months ago. So whoever released them definitely released them to coincide with the birth of the baby. Which would work for a tabloid, but would also work for the Kardashians to give them maximum exposure and fodder for their TV show. Yeah. It's hard for me to care care about this stuff you know well do you like do you have like uh i mean for sure but do you like um do you feel bad for like chloe
Starting point is 00:27:37 no no yeah she's doing fine yeah I feel bad for Lamar Odom I feel like the sitch is always changing I just know for sure that Kendall is a babe alright dude let's get into it
Starting point is 00:28:01 who's your babe of the week my babe of the week my babe of the week uh my baby the week is my spanish teacher marta marta um yeah thanks to her i'm obviously fluent as you guys saw earlier um and uh she was just like a babe among babes like how do i describe her look she was she looked like a mix between penelope cruz and salma hayek like a super in shape just spanish babe marta and um i think she kind of truthfully i think she thought i was kind of a jackass because i was pretty heavy into partying then. But I think she saw a lot of potential in me because she always gave me second chances,
Starting point is 00:28:48 and I found it super hot. But Marta, just like, you know, your eloquence and what you taught me about, you know, the Spanish lisp and just the culture and just, like, your hotness in class in class made me like super interested in Spanish. And so you were able to take a dude who is, you know, getting into partying, you know, really just sort of not caring about school, just caring about my social status, about chicks and about, you know, living life to the fullest in that respect i think you were able to just like with just the essence of who you are you were able to put that
Starting point is 00:29:33 to the wayside and be like all right this is spanish class right now chad so i need you to focus and i'm like marta usually all i can think about is Bud Light. But right now, all I can think about is you. And she'd be like, see. And I'd be like, see. And then I became fluent. So thank you, Marta, for being such a mega babe in that respect. Nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:58 How about you? Who's your babe? My babe of the week is the director, Kay Cannon. I just saw her movie, Blockers. It was funny, dude. I really enjoyed it. John Cena is the director, Kay Cannon. I just saw her movie, Blockers. It was funny, dude. I really enjoyed it. John Cena is a phenomenal comedic actor. He had the right balance of real with hijinks.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Yeah, it was just funny throughout. It was a cool inversion of the typical virginity story. Yeah, I dug it. She's just a good comedy writer, and she's done other good comedy films and um if i'm being totally honest her google images ain't bad either oh you dog i'm telling you she's a fine looking stargazer yes and she used to be uh married to jason sudeikis um who i like to refer to as jason seduc ass. Why do you say that? I just think he's, and I don't want to turn Kay's, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:50 babe of the week honor into something about Jason, but I'll just get into this real quick. I just think he is kind of boring. She also wrote the Pitch Perfect movies, which I don't think we needed three of them, but I enjoyed the hell out of the first one. Oh, yeah. That was great.
Starting point is 00:31:04 I love singing in movies you know and i love good choreography as yeah you can see in our music videos not that our music videos are as good as some of the stuff i'm talking about our music video but it is yeah but it is thank you um and yeah so she's just a beast she did a great job eager to see what she comes up with next nice who's your uh Nice. Who's your legend of the week? My legend of the week, and I think you're going to be stoked on this one as well, is the Instagram account Get Strider Out of Benihana. This guy is just the super fan among super fans.
Starting point is 00:31:36 He is the absolute legend. And, dude, I don't know your real name, but you are there for us on every single post, every single podcast. You show your love day in and day out. I just want to make you legend of the week because I just want you to know that it does not go unappreciated. JT and I always relish in your comments because they're so well detailed. JT and I always relish in your comments because they're so well detailed. And, dude, you know, get strata out of any heart. You like you really know us and, you know, I think you could write.
Starting point is 00:32:17 We ever needed someone to write a biography on either of us. You'd be the guy. Thank you for just being just an amazing dude and just an overall legend and just like a solid positive fixture in our lives jt dude he's um he's a total beast uh for those of you who don't know uh get strider out of benihana is an instagram handle and you know a human being behind it and he um he comments on a lot of our posts and like uh strider get strider out of benihana the thing that you're like so amazing at is that like i genuinely feel like you have like a stronger creative point of view than i do a lot of the times on stuff not that i'm like amazing at it but it's me as me but then when you do me you're better at being me than i am wow i feel like i'm in like uh like a super dank version
Starting point is 00:33:08 like broey version like just south coast southern california version of like being john malkovich and i feel like when i read your post you've like climbed in to my head through like some kind of wave portal and you're just like crushing it way harder yeah he's just he's a beast sometimes i'm like dude is this is get strata a bit like is this my mom that's how well he knows us that's you're making my mind work who's your legend my legend of the week is a former nfl wide receiver david boston dav. David Boston went to Ohio State. The Ohio State. That's how their alumni always say it in their intros during football games.
Starting point is 00:33:53 And David Boston, he had one remarkable season. He had a couple good seasons, but he had one spectacular season where he led the NFL in receiving yards. I think he had 1,600 for the Arizona Cardinals. And he was just a trippy dude. Like for one thing, wide receivers are normally long and lean. I mean, they come pretty buff now, but for the most part, they're like long and lean. David Boston was like a beach body workout fanatic. So he had the most jacked arms you'd ever seen on a wide receiver. Like it looked
Starting point is 00:34:18 like Arnold Schwarzenegger was playing wide receiver, a black Arnold Schwarzenegger, but Arnold Schwarzenegger. And then one time my brother and I had the honor and privilege of watching him play the San Diego Chargers. We were at the game and my dad's friend Franz had binoculars and he gave them to my brother and I. And all my brother and I did the whole game was look at David Boston's arms through the binoculars. And we just put them down and be like, dude, can you believe the pipes on this guy?
Starting point is 00:34:41 And my brother was like, it's insane. And I think he had a great game. He had like eight catches, a hundred and something yards and a touchdown and we were just freaking out like all the san diego fans were like why do you guys love this guy so much my brother and i were like because he's jacked look at his freaking arms he's playing wide receiver and it ended up being like the worst thing that happened to him because he got obsessed with being jacked and he literally got too jacked to play football he was a 260 pound wide receiver when he went to the chargers the next year and like his coaches were like dude you have to stop
Starting point is 00:35:10 working out as much and he did a uh but he loved it because it got him attention too so he did like a photo spread for espn where he's shirtless and he had pierced nipples and i was like dude there's a fucking jacked ass football player he's too jacked to play football he's too muscular and it was like stealing away from his fast twitch who also has pierced nipples and i guess i've read quotes from players on the team who are like yeah like you weren't supposed to hit david full contact during practice because it'd tweak his nipples so he was kind of just too his priorities weren't being a good football player his priorities were like getting jacked and piercings. And that's cool because I love guys like that. He's kind of like a
Starting point is 00:35:48 in terms of just being too weird for the NFL like a Division II Ricky Williams. Who should be a legend next week? I'm going to legend you up next week, Ricky. Be ready for that. Yeah, it's always interesting. Do you want to be good at football or jacked? And it's like, how do I choose? Well, it's one of the weird sports where it's always interesting like do you want to be good at football or jacked and it's like how do i choose well it's one of the weird sports where it's like you kind of don't have to you can
Starting point is 00:36:09 be jacked and be good at football but he was like i want to be so jacked yeah and he just ended up he got too jacked to play football how many people can say that i got too buff to play football yeah that's that's huge all right who's your uh who's your beef of the week uh my beef of the week is with my treadmill and it's not because my treadmill isn't working or anything like that i'm literally just like i just got back from a trip and i'm super psyched to attack it with sprints tomorrow and i just want to sort of trash talk my treadmill. Before I just beat the fuck out of it. What are you going to do to it?
Starting point is 00:36:51 I'm going to sprint the fuck out of it. You know. It's not my treadmill. It's at the gym. So there's like 20 there. I'm just going to talk to it like it's just one treadmill. My beef is with you treadmill. Because I don't think you're ready for the heat. I'm about to bring to you tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:37:04 I'm about to rock your fucking world. and if you can't handle these sprints if you're gonna like do the oh we can't detect the runner or oh you know um we're gonna make a weird noise or oh we can't go that fast well then sack up dude because I'm coming in and I'm gonna sprint the fuck out of you so um my beef is with you just because I don't want to come in all friendly. I want to come in heated, ready to fuck you up. Because that's what I'm going to do to you tomorrow, Treadmill. I'm going to fuck you up with sprints. That's my beef.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Damn. Who's your beef? I don't really have a beef, so I'm going to have to come up with one off the top. Hit me. I'm going to keep it sports, guys. I'm sorry. I wish I was more diverse. I'm going Bjorn Borg and John McEnroe, legendary tennis players.
Starting point is 00:38:00 They played in the end of the wooden racket, small face of of the racket game where you had to be more of an extreme kind of player. Like you either were serve and volley or a baseline player. And I think they personified the greatest of each McEnroe at the serve and volley Borg with the, with the rally style guys. I'm really sorry if I'm off in my tennis game here too. I'm doing my best.
Starting point is 00:38:26 And Bjorn Borg was the best in the world. He was like this really cool, I think Norwegian guy. Can I double check that real quick? Sorry guys. Swedish. Damn it. And he was the best player in the world for a while.
Starting point is 00:38:41 And he was very cool. He was like a cool customer. But McEnroe, do you know much about McEnroe? Just that he's a big trash talker. He was a wild man. He'd be like, are you blind? Are you fucking blind to the judge? He'd be like, you're a fucking asshole, you stupid fuck. He'd be like, fuck!
Starting point is 00:38:55 He'd have like meltdowns while he played. He'd be like, fuck! Fuck this shit! Yeah. But so he was like, I think actually he was kind of despised by a lot of people because tennis is like a gentleman's game. Like golf. He's kind of a bull in a china shop.
Starting point is 00:39:10 Yeah, he was an enfant terrible. And so he was frowned upon. But they would have epic matches, I think specifically at Wimbledon. And the first time, or the second time they did it in like 81, Borg beat him. Next year comes around, they're sizing up for another finals match. McEnroe beats him this time and kind of mentally breaks him down in the game. Bjorn Borg retires, just retired at the peak of his powers. Something that McEnroe did to him broke Borg and made him not want to compete anymore and he
Starting point is 00:39:46 kind of just gave it over to mackinrow even though he could have had several more great years at the top and then new rivalries formed i think like jimmy connors and john mackinrow uh two churlish american men um but uh yeah i think it was just cool that those two guys were so different from one another and then also brought out the best in one another. So it's not as interesting as a beef, but, you know, it's... That's my beef. Beef. All right.
Starting point is 00:40:15 Let's get into some questions. All right, Chad, do you want to do our readings for the ads this week? Oh, yeah. Hey, guys. We know that you like to party we know that you like to have intimate relationships with the opposite sex or the same sex or the same sex keep it inclusive and we also know that as a result you probably like to have intercourse and or bone. So we want you guys to make sure that that experience is smooth, both in the way you do it, berry white, candles, et cetera, but also in the actual inner course itself, which is why you should use Douglas lubricant, the most versatile and the best
Starting point is 00:40:58 lubricant in the business. We guarantee if you useouglas your partner will be screaming at ecstasy all night and will say hey where'd you get this and you'll be like well i heard about it on the going deep with chad and jt podcast and i'm about to come so check out douglas lubricant if you get a chance thank you for that copy douglas fire gunner what up chad and jT love the pod I was hoping you guys could help a brother out simply put I want my ex girl back however this won't be any average feat we dated my freshman and sophomore year of high school and she
Starting point is 00:41:34 was my first girlfriend I'm a senior now and despite changes in appearance and mindset my desire for this woman stays the same in the midst of my pre sleep routine my thoughts stumbled upon the remembrance of her and I couldn't avoid the sensation of a brisk and refreshing nostalgia. Long story short, she was a straight up ride or die. Something I took for granted at the time. My main concern is that she won't reciprocate the same feelings. I decided I'm definitely going to give it a shot,
Starting point is 00:41:58 but I don't know. Do I text her one day and take it slow? Do I come out and spill my emotions? I don't want to come off too aggro, but at the same time, I want her to know what's up. Once again, love the pod. Love you guys. And hopefully y'all can help me regain the stoke I lost. Condolences. He wrote condolences at the end.
Starting point is 00:42:15 I think you misused that dog unless you think someone's dead. Yeah. Maybe he's just trying to make that a thing. Oh, okay. It's sort of like saying peace out. Condolences. Movement rejected. Like, imagine if Eminem at the sort of like saying peace out. Condolences! Movement rejected.
Starting point is 00:42:26 Like, imagine if Eminem at the end of Coachella was like, condolences, motherfucker! That'd be pretty badass. Yeah. Okay, now it's cool. So, he's trying to get her back? He's trying to get his ex back from freshman and sophomore year.
Starting point is 00:42:37 He didn't realize she was a ride-or-die chick, which he took for granted. Now he's a senior and he wants her back. And what should he do? He's just wondering how he should do it, yeah. That's the worst feeling when you're like, what did I do? How did I let her go? Dude, I might just be in a different kind of mood today, but to be completely candid,
Starting point is 00:42:58 I think you're remembering it probably better than it will be. That's a good point. Usually that's like 90% of the be that's a good point that that's usually like that's like 90 of the time that's the case yeah like you'll meet more ride or die chicks it is cool that you value that like i think that's a good thing to value is like a person's like loyalty and support because that that is rare to come by because we're selfish animals but uh and you found a good one but you're probably a good guy and you'll find another good one dude i think you're uh too young to to be looking
Starting point is 00:43:28 backwards yeah your life at this point should be about new experiences yeah what jt said what up guys love the pod just want to say please don't bring up something as stupid as the flat earth thing again made me want to turn off the pod and really killed my stoke if that little foam ball had its own atmosphere was so massive that its gravity can impact surrounding masses like the moon then the water would not fly off as much as portrayed also basic physics will tell you the force of a spinning object centrifugal force points inward towards the center i hope this clears things up all love brothers round earth. Round Earth. J-Bone. Yeah, you're right, dude.
Starting point is 00:44:08 My bad. Yeah. That video was so convincing. It was still a good video. Yeah. I mean, sorry I don't know what centrifugal forces are. You're a legend, bro. Dear JT and Chad, love the pod.
Starting point is 00:44:29 Been showing my squad what keeping the Stoke is all about since I started following the path to Stoke Enlightenment paved by you gurus and Paul. I have an inquiry for you boys, my only living source of Stoke inspiration. Sometimes we all need a little help to keep our bronzes. Dude, I'm sorry, we can't find the rest of this question, so I'm going to guess as to what the rest of your question was. So you're saying here we all need a little help to keep our bronzes. I think what this gentleman is asking in summation is, is it okay to get a fake tan?
Starting point is 00:44:54 In dire situations, yes. JT? Yeah, dude, I think go for it, man. I think you don't want to be the kind of guy who goes to get a fake tan a lot, but you can get a fake tan once in a while. I concur. Solid question. Yeah, it's actually a really good question. I've known this Betty I work at the same company with for a long time. We go way back to grade school. This broad has it all, boys.
Starting point is 00:45:19 Humility, smart, sense of humor, drive, and she's a babe. She's the type of person you could plow all morning until the roads were cleared of last night's snowstorm, and it was safe enough to bring into your grandma's cottage for turkey sandwiches on rye she'd drop hints every time we'd grab a coffee or a quick business lunch that she was doing her own thing and single she's pretty flirty with me and i can tell this betty feels a good vibe when we meet up i thought our conversational vibes in conjunction with her flirtatious attitude were a clear indication that a shot should be taken. Well, boys, shooters shoot. And on this occasion, my clapper dinged off the iron.
Starting point is 00:45:48 I asked her out and she told me that she'd been seeing someone and didn't want to take me up on it out of respect to the newly flourishing relationship, which I respect if true. This happened several months ago and now Cinderella and I still stay in touch. She'll invite me to coffees and even send me the rare text on occasion following up our in-person conversations. She's always so full of life and beauty that her glowing nature draws my attention like an O'Connor to a Toretto. At this point, I'm sadly still crushing on this girl. It's unclear if there's a path forward to capture her heart, if I'm just a pawn in her grand scheme of being chased.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Is this great white buffalo just stringing me out because she likes the attention or has a slam piece on the side? Did you gurus see a more enlightened path to slaying this immaculate dragon i'm hoping your knowledge all things carnal can guide me my path further warmest regards to the squad and wish you the highest of stokes jt from minneapolis guys chad is the most tired my dog has ever been but explanation must be given my dog is a beast he took a 20 how long was the travel day 24 hours 24 hours of straight travel landed at the airport came straight to my apartment started working on different uh projects we got going then did you go to the gym i went before went to the gym before fresh off the plane came to my place worked
Starting point is 00:47:06 on projects then we went and sat through a um a screening of a surf documentary and then we came straight here to do this so you know just a lot of credit to my dog for um having david goggins like marathon abilities thank you for being so understanding. Dude, my dog, of course. But I, uh, you're so calm. JT, I just want to highlight, JT, you're a fucking beast. He's the legend among legends. Everyone knows JT is the foundation of this rock, so.
Starting point is 00:47:35 No, don't go there. You know I disagree full-heartedly. And so does my mom. You're like, Mom, those comments are not healthy for this. Dude, I keep it real with my mom. You're like, mommy, those comments are not healthy for this. Dude, I keep it real with my mom. Yeah, my mom was like saying how great Chad was and had little to say about me. And I just told her like flat out, I was like, mom, you're hurting my feelings.
Starting point is 00:48:00 And she was like, oh, Jean Thomas, come on, you know I love you. You're the genius best boy in the world and I'm just like just a little bit less of everything mom I'm sorry guys I don't mean to disrespect my mother but yeah I'm a raw nerve I dig it alright to this dude I'm sorry man
Starting point is 00:48:18 I gotta drop and I do this with great reluctance I think you're a wonderful guy and I hate to do this to you but I gotta drop the the hammer of change on you. The amount of energy you're spending thinking about this girl versus the amount of energy she's spending thinking about you is so kind of clearly disproportionate that it's in your best interest and of you being the happiest you deserve to be to just move on completely i totally agree i had the same thoughts swirling around in my noggin um and i think we've all been there you know there's always that one girl who you're just like they've got your number yeah and like you just like you can't stop you know thinking about them you just want them to like sit on your face more than like anything in the world such a strong instinct yeah you're like dude if she sat on my face i know i'd
Starting point is 00:49:10 be happy forever i'd never want another thing in the world yeah you just gotta let her go and then the thing about the thing that's weird is that when you do let her go that might actually happen but you can't force it yeah because. Cause you're giving her poetry. I mean, you wrote your, she's pushing you into the poetic realm, which is like, that's what the ones you really crush on do.
Starting point is 00:49:31 But, um, she's not going to realize that until you're far down the road. Yeah. Sorry, buddy. Ryan, what up bros?
Starting point is 00:49:41 I'm an avid listener of the pod and actually want to say thank you for answering Jay and my question regarding elevating our corporate stoke a few weeks back. The advice was put into action and well received by our new colleagues. You guys had our back. So now I'm going to get you back by calling out my beef of the week from the April 4th podcast, Kevin. He wrote in asking your advice about a current predicament he finds himself in. He is dating this total babe, Becky, at his new high school in Cincinnati. But the issue is that her brother, captain of the hockey team, is the top outbid dog at the school. He continuously beats on Kevin and his cousin, Smiley, but now they have a chance to redeem themselves by challenging these jabrons to a race down a windy hill. Here's the thing. None of that actually exists because of the premise from an absolute legendary movie, Airborne, released in 1993 featuring an epic cast, Jack Black, Sean Green, and Shane McDermott, VHS below. I have no issue with Kevin drawing a parallel in his life to this movie, because if you haven't seen it, it is a cinematic masterpiece that hands down life lessons left and right.
Starting point is 00:50:34 However, I do have an issue with Kevin taking the premise and making it part of his life. You guys give your time assisting other bros and sometimes ladies on how to best move forward with their trying times. Maybe you need some sort of internal panel that vets this stuff when needed by the way kevin is my beef of the week keep raging on guys and thanks for continuing to be a beacon of light for those who need the guidance to get back on their path of stoke psl will be in san diego the last week of may first time out visiting some homies i plan on bringing my board and getting a few tasties if you want to introduce me to some of your favorite lineups that would be most appreciated on this end peace dude i guess we keep getting punk dude dude how
Starting point is 00:51:09 many times are we gonna fall for this like these these are good movies so the movie issues when put into real life form are hard not to take seriously yeah and especially because like whenever i hear these stories or like wherever people tell these stories you know they're just so relatable and they just reel me in so much and I just get so involved with them emotionally thank you to the noble people always pointing out that
Starting point is 00:51:37 they're actually movies thanks to you guys keeping an eye on that stuff and just like guys we're empathetic listeners don't take advantage of that actually movies thanks to you guys yeah keeping an eye on that stuff and just like guys like we're empathetic listeners don't take advantage of that yeah but on the on a positive note thank you for choosing dank movies yeah um yeah we've seen this movie we just didn't like put two and six together yeah i think that keeps my stoke at a major level what up council first off just want to say i'm a huge fan of the podcast and other platforms i six together. Yeah, I think that keeps my stoke at a major level.
Starting point is 00:52:08 What up, Council? First off, just want to say I'm a huge fan of the podcast and other platforms. I love the vibes and wisdoms you spread, and it has seriously changed my attitude day in and day out. My best friend and I are graduating from college in a few weeks. We have been dogs since sixth grade, and even though we went to school states away, we have remained brothers. To celebrate our graduation, we booked a trip to Ireland in the end of June.
Starting point is 00:52:24 That's sick. The only thing is this is our final hurrah before we both leave to different branches of the military to pursue our dreams of special operations, which means we probably won't see each other for years. You guys are pretty like badass friend group. Like these are like, you guys are like the kind of dudes that movies get made about. This is badass. What advice would you have to make this last trip with my best friend,
Starting point is 00:52:43 the best possible to carry us throughout the years any suggestions on places to visit also what are your thoughts on bros having to share beds due to limited space and finances best regards i'd prefer to remain anonymous oh i love that i love that you preferred it this was a perfect front to back i love the anonymity um i'll jump in real quick on the beds dude there's nothing wrong with sharing a bed never it's super fun cuddle yeah just around, be goofy about it, make fun of it. And then also it's like, you're just, you're, that's the point you're at where that's the wisest decision to make. If you, if one of you guys slept on the floor, I'd be like, what are you doing? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:18 Nothing wrong with that at all. And they're going to Ireland, they said? Yeah. And they want other places to visit or within Ireland? I think they just want like general ideas for how to behave on the trip, and then they also want some specifics. Well, I've never been to Ireland, but I've heard amazing things about the Guinness factory.
Starting point is 00:53:35 Right. Gotcha, got the Guinness factory. Apparently it's shaped like a Guinness glass. There it is. Go have some Guinness. Yeah, get drunk. Yeah. Is there waves? There are waves. You can shred. Yeah, Ireland's got shredding, right? Yeah, get drunk. Yeah. Is there waves?
Starting point is 00:53:46 There are waves. You can shred. Yeah, Ireland's got shredding, right? Yeah, it's cold as fuck, but you can do it. Let's recommend it to these dudes. Especially because they sound like hardcore dudes. Yeah, they're adventurous. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:56 So get some wetsuits and go shred. Shred together. That'll be a really fun memory. Just trust in Mother Nature and have a good time. I keep feeling like I'm doing a little bit of a sing-songy thing. I think my voice has been a bit sing-songy. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:54:12 so dude, do the right thing and have at it and then you'll be there. How about it? This is JT the Dog Par with KSFM. This is the dog coming at you. JT the Dog.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Welcome to KRS 97.3. Coming at me live, we got Chad. So tell me about something, Chad. What's it like to be a scion of the sea? It's cool. Well, there you have it, folks. It's cool to be Chad, scion of the sea. Coming back at you with more questions in just a second.
Starting point is 00:54:43 All right, I'm dropping out. All right, I'm dropping out. All right. Hey, Chad and JT, love the work you've been doing on the pod. You're my inspiration to embark on the spiritual journey for flow and self-betterment. I relate to Chad as it is in my nature to be a super chill dude, but a lot of people mistake my relaxed nature for a lack of masculinity and alpha maleness. I don't like uber aggressive douches who assume the alpha male role around women by just being super confrontational.
Starting point is 00:55:10 How do I assert my male dominance while staying true to my chill self? John, it's a great question. Yeah, if people are questioning you because of that, that has more to do with them than with you. You want to kick back and relax and you don't want to get in people's faces then i think that's probably one of the most alpha things you can do so um i'd say if anyone tries to like punk you for that or whatever why does me chilling have to affect you in any way? Why don't you go, go work out or something? Go bake an apple pie.
Starting point is 00:55:48 JT. Dude, I would say, um, don't get hung up on what they're thinking. To me, there's different kinds of alphas. Like an alpha doesn't necessarily have to be loud or quiet.
Starting point is 00:55:58 To me, an alpha typically is the person who's the best. And like, what does it mean to be the best? It means like you're good at what you want to do. It means you work hard for the things you want and you oftentimes get them so just be like super competent and good at whatever it is you're focusing on and it'll shake out who the alpha is like if they're being confrontational in front of you in front of girls it's not working like and if it does work you're over it like just keep moving the way to to prove to
Starting point is 00:56:25 them that you're the best with girls is just like hook up with the girl like the guy who makes fun of the guy in front of the girl isn't winning by any stretch you know what i mean he's losing himself in the minor battle and forgetting what it's really about which is like connecting with the girl because if you're if you're making fun of a dude in front of a girl you're not connecting with the girl um and dude i've made that mistake before so i it i did not feel like the alpha when i would make the funny joke and then my friend would go hook up with her i definitely did not feel like the alpha so yeah i think um there's a low-key way for you to assert your male dominance and uh and you'll seem chill while you do it. It's really just about staying focused on the greater goals.
Starting point is 00:57:10 Don't get lost in the melees that these animals will try to draw you into. My dudes, listening to this podcast has already started to affect my life in the most excellent and positive ways. Since I started listening, I now take only cold showers, have quit porn for good, try to get out in bronze as much as I can, have turned down a job
Starting point is 00:57:28 opportunity in order to keep my flow, and have attempted to cut my daily carbon intake in half. This is a beautiful summation of what we believe in. I've slowly been observing improvements in my various aspects of my life, and I can thank you bros for inspiring the stoke deeply buried within me. So my question is, are there any other simple daily remedies that you guys practice and maintain in order to improve your quality of life not necessarily say my quality of life needs improvement but i'm always looking for ways to boost stoke for sure we're optimizers over here too thanks guys keep it up joe he's looking for anything else just a new daily task that could help him boost stoke even more so what's he doing he's doing cold showers quit porn he tries to get out in bronze.
Starting point is 00:58:06 He turned down a job because they were going to make him cut his hair and he's cut his and he's cut his carb intake in half. Could you get more? Like that's just like he hit everything.
Starting point is 00:58:14 Yeah, this guy's a legend. Make your bed. Make your bed. Eat spinach. That's what I do. I eat eggs and spinach, dude. I like that work out a little bit each day journal
Starting point is 00:58:33 journal I always feel better if I journal for a couple minutes everything I'm about to do feels so much easier if I just journal for a couple minutes watch a David Goggins video watch something inspirational every day find something new to inspire you every day yeah go towards what's challenging i know you'll i know you'll hear all that stuff and you'll pick the right thing to do yeah my dude beast kayla carla carla thank you carla what up my question is more for jt because
Starting point is 00:59:02 he's a beast in the gym ch Chad's a beast in the gym too. Like I can't keep up with Chad on the treadmill and I think he's probably surpassed me at pull-ups at this point too. You're too kind. But Chad, I'd love your input as well. I'm a girl that loves to go to the gym and lift weights. I don't put up crazy weight, but sometimes it seems to intimidate guys. What do you think? Is it too weird if your girl has some muscle to her?
Starting point is 00:59:19 Thanks much, guys. Love the pod. Chad, how do I feel about muscly girls? You love them. I love them so much yeah i don't think there's anything wrong being a muscly girl i think it's awesome i think it's so cool to be fit and strong and capable and dude i always like when i used to go out with my crew i'd always look around i'd be like dude sometimes you know the toughies stay at home i'd be like this is a pretty soft crew if some hard ass tries to intimidate us at the bar we're gonna have to submit and that
Starting point is 00:59:44 was a horrible feeling but if i have a strong tough girlfriend with me like when we go out it's the same thing i'm like damn dude if anything goes down like i don't expect her to fight but i know she'll survive and that means a lot to me so i i love having that confidence that just like the girl i'm with if if like we get stuck out in the desert she's gonna be like she might save me you know what i mean like i think that's value added yeah beautiful what do you think about buff chicks i love them stay yeah so keep working out carla thanks that's everything that's it that's everything everything. All right, guys,
Starting point is 01:00:25 that will be it for episode 15 of the going deep with Chad and JT podcast. Thank you guys so much for listening. Don't forget to check out our Patreon for bonus content, patreon.com slash Chad goes deep. Uh, keep sending the questions. We love them. Chad goes deep podcast at gmail.com.
Starting point is 01:00:43 And, don't forget to go on iTunes, give us a rating and a review because those help us out and they're super greatly appreciated my dogs, so thank you guys all for just being legends and beasts and that goes both for male and
Starting point is 01:00:58 female and just stay stoked guys JT, stay stoked, guys. JT? Stay stoked, Stokers. Later, dudes. Later, dudes.

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