Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep 150 - Matt Iseman and Strider Join

Episode Date: September 3, 2020

What up stokers?! This week we're joined by Matt Iseman, host of America Ninja Warrior and Factorious. He's an awesome dude with incredible energy. If that wasn't enough we also have Strider on! Spons...ored by Manscaped: Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagion.Get 200 dollars off all mattress orders and two free pillows at helix.com/godeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 oh mama what up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with a going deep chat and jt podcast guys before we begin i remind you once again that we are brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean because we're in quarantine right now. But, you know, that does not mean, I mean, I'm still taking showers and I'm still grooming daily. And you should too. And also I use the, uh, the,
Starting point is 00:00:48 the damn, I forgot the name, but like the hedge trimmer or something for your nose. Uh, good. Yeah. My, my GF was like,
Starting point is 00:00:59 you got to take care of your nose. There's some hairs popping out. And I'm like, well, manscaped delivered the tools. So I got in there. The weed whacker. The weed whacker.
Starting point is 00:01:10 That's what it is. Thank you, Aaron. So use code go deep www.manscaped.com. Here with my compadre, John Thomas. What up? Boom, clap, Stokers. And we're here with the relation guru, Strider Wilson. What up?
Starting point is 00:01:23 What up, dude? I'm freaking honored to be here, bros. And we're here with our guest, host of American Ninja Warrior, actor, comedian. You're on the Today Show as well, right? Yeah. Yes, I have been. Yeah. Today Show host, Matt Eisman. Welcome. And host of the new show, Factorious. Host of the new show, Factorious. What up, guys? It's awesome to bean, welcome. And host of the new show, Factorious. Host of the new show, Factorious.
Starting point is 00:01:45 What up, guys? It's awesome to be here, man. Yeah, good to have you, dude. Stoked to have you on. I am stoked. You're a jack of all trades, man. I saw, did you go to medical school at an Ivy League college? I did.
Starting point is 00:01:58 I did. I went to Princeton undergrad, then I went to Columbia Med School, and then I quit. What kind of, did you work in a hospital at all i did yeah i was so i i got my md i was doing my training at the university of colorado in denver i was doing internal medicine so i'm licensed as a general practitioner in california but it's been i'm i'm useless at this point again if they said, hey, are you going to help during the pandemic? And I thought, if they need me, we've lost. We're done. So it's been a nice career change.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Although a lot of my friends are on the front lines. If you watch ABC News, Dr. Jen Ashton is like, I grew up with her. Our dads went to med school together. And were in med school together and she's saving lives. And I'm doling out trivia, boys. Selling weed whackers and manscaping. People need it. People need it.
Starting point is 00:03:00 It is, you know, it's one of those things like, and I think during the pandemic, I always jokingly said, I left because I believe laughter is the best medicine. But right now, we don't know what's going on, but you realize how important things like this are, this podcast, how even though we're just seeing each other on screen or like Strider was talking about beforehand, playing Call of Duty, just some connection right now because honestly, isolation is, it's tough.
Starting point is 00:03:29 And so, you know, for me, it's been nice to be able to have Factorious out or to be able to jump on Instagram and cook in the morning or just to have some form of connection because I live in Hollywood and you just, despite being surrounded by people, it feels like we're all kind of huddled up in our igloos just waiting for this storm to pass.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Do you have a quarantine crew? I have a couple people I've seen. People who I was... Because we kind of stumbled into this, right? Like in February and March, we had hints that this was going on. So I have some people I've been seeing, I've been getting out. I'm trying to get into golf. Rather than playing Tiger Woods golf on PlayStation, I just try to get just trying to get out. So I have a couple of buddies who I've been getting out. And that was something that that was allowed early on. I've been getting to the beach too. I see,
Starting point is 00:04:23 Chad, you got some nice boards behind you. Oh, yeah. I will tell you, I don't live that far. I mean, I'm 13 miles from the beach, but you guys know in LA,
Starting point is 00:04:32 that can be an hour, hour and a half. And now we're like spoiled. It's so nice to be able to get out there, get the water and, and you just, just these little things that we used to kind of take for granted or thought we didn't have time for.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Yeah. I've been going to the beach almost daily since they opened. It was brutal when they were closed. I was like – Oh, my God. I had to get in a salt bike. I mean, when you get in there, you feel like, oh, yeah, you forget, right? It's just kind of the ocean.
Starting point is 00:04:59 It feels like it's just washing everything away. It's nice. Yeah. All right. How are you guys holding up? Rock solid. Nice, JT. Yeah. All right. How are you guys holding up? Rock solid. Nice, JT. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:08 I feel good. I've been watching 80s movies, assaulting myself on the assault bike. Which 80s movies? I watched Tequila Sunrise. Tequila Sunrise last night. I watched Crimson Tide yesterday too, which is 90s. But, you know, I got to shout it out.
Starting point is 00:05:30 I mean, Gene Hackman. Viggo Mortensen in an early role. Oh, yeah, Viggo Mortensen. The stuff about the horses at the end. Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's great dialogue. All right.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Who was it? Was that Ridley Scott? Who did that? Tony Scott. Tony Scott. Who did Top? Was that Ridley Scott? Who did that? Tony Scott. Tony Scott. Who did Top Gun, the original? Rest in peace. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:50 That's one of my complaints about this whole lockdown is that Top Gun Maverick would have appeared last month. And now, I heard it was December, then it got pushed to 2021. How dare you? How dare you keep Tom Cruise from fighting the communists or whoever the evil empire is he's battling? Probably the commies, dude.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Probably. They were the best. I mean, other than, you know, the Nazis in the 1940s, the commies, like Ivan Drago, Rocky IV, what a perfect villain. What a perfect villain. Red Dawn, when the comics come in. Dude, rural America and just wreak havoc, dude. And Swayze's up in the hills as Sheen.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Arrange me! Yeah, yeah, yeah. Then Dad. Oh, God. And that was crazy because I was in high school when that came out. I'm like, this could happen. We better be ready. I grew up in Colorado.
Starting point is 00:06:42 It could be go time, bros. DEFCON 3. Yeah, I think another high school game. This is as real as it gets, boys. They threw piss balloons on us. That's like with quarantine or like COVID, like all the doomsday preppers and stuff were like, I told you, dude.
Starting point is 00:06:58 I am stoked on, I've got canned everything. No one's coming near my house. That's what you realize, though. You don't have to prep. You just have to have a bigger gun than the guy who did prep and go take it. Right. That's what's scary, too. It's like it's in L.A.
Starting point is 00:07:14 There are no compounds here. Everything is, we're all tight. Yeah, we're all in it together a little bit. Except for Laurel Kennedy. You know, Quentin Tarantino wrote one of the scenes in crimson tide did he write the stein's one but not the stein's one the one where the guy gets into a fight over the silver surfer comic and then oh yeah of course yeah tarantino wrote that he's got good dialogue dude that was that oh that's one of the best parts. I just watched The Professional again.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Oh, Leon, dude. Yeah, Leon. I watched the American remake. Right. But Gary Oldman in that movie, talk about, like, 90s acting. When he would, like, take the pill and crack it, he's like, bring me everyone. Who?
Starting point is 00:08:01 Everyone! Just filling up scenery. But it was so good and and i mean uh what's his name uh jean renaud and natalie they were so good that was such a although you know it was kind of like this this falling in love like you know nikita or uh. Lolita. Kind of that Lolita thing, which you're like, I don't know if that in this era, maybe this movie is... That's when creepy was art.
Starting point is 00:08:31 There was like a huge... Creepy was art. There was like a four decade run where it was like, no, no, creepiness isn't creepy. It's high art. And we're all like, yeah, yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:08:40 If all the best minds are dedicated to explaining that, then I gotta follow the art. I wasn't into the relationship. I was into the killing and gunplay more. Yes. And then I watched John Wick. I was in like this.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Oh, that's so good. And Wick really felt like an 80s movie, just done in the current, the action in that was so. And I thought the best setup of a character where you see this russian badass and he's like whose car who came and punched my son he's like john wick's car and he's like oh and right there you go oh this guy's scared of john wick i know wick is the baddest man on the planet i love it you just set it up and then start killing. And it was perfect. So was it,
Starting point is 00:09:26 you were, you won the Celebrity Apprentice the year that Arnold Schwarzenegger took over. Yes, that is an important distinction. Yeah, that's, that is the invitation I got right there.
Starting point is 00:09:36 It's a little washed out. Did you say any, like, 80s quotes to him about his movie? Oh, oh. Okay, so, JT. So, so they called me,
Starting point is 00:09:44 they called me. And look, I was the last ditch invite, right? I got invited because I was on NBC. I was on Ninja War. And they called me like seven days out. Usually they were casting a month. And they call and they're like, do you want to do this? I'm like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:59 They go, Schwarzenegger is going to be the boss. I'm in. Because my childhood bedroom, my parents' house back in Colorado where I grew up, it's unchanged. It's the Predator poster right across from my bed. In college, I had Predator, Terminator, Commando. And so, like, I grew up. Like, there was nobody, nobody bigger than him.
Starting point is 00:10:18 So the very first moment, like, the first time I met him, we're in a press conference. And this is, they're introducing the cast and they're introducing, he walks in and sits down and they're like, what's going to be the hardest part? And nobody's answering. And I'm the least known person there, but I'm like, well, I think it's going to be hard not to quote the governor to the governor.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Hey, get to the chopper, do it. And he just goes, stone faces me. And I'm like, oh my God, I choked. And then later I find out he's just the, stone faces me. And I'm like, oh, my God, I choked. And then later I find out he's just the biggest ball buster. He just nonstop busting balls. He was, it was such a kick for me to get to do that. And then, like, we stayed friends. So this year, my birthday's in January.
Starting point is 00:11:02 He's like, hey, I have an event in Austria. I want you to come. I want you to emcee this thing, and then we're going to stay for this race. So on my birthday, I'm in Austria. He brings out a cake and sings happy birthday to me, and I'm like, are you kidding me? Like 16-year-old me would have thought it was more likely that Russians would invade Colorado than I would be hanging out with Schwarzenegger
Starting point is 00:11:23 having him sing happy Birthday to me. Wow. It really is like if I left Hollywood and just went and became a UPS driver, whatever it is, I would be like, it was worth it just to meet Schwarzenegger because the dude is larger than life. And it's just all the movies and quotes and so then we're I'm obviously quoting him non-stop during the show and then in the finale so this is 13 weeks in and and he finally comes in and and and I had these like little passport
Starting point is 00:11:58 things as part of my final project to handle when he goes is this a passport to mars i'm like total recall you think you're gonna quote you you're moving to me and not have me get it it was and the coolest thing is like the only person who loves schwarzenegger more than me is him so he was totally cool yeah i get it i'm rad yeah yeah it's so great we we lifted with him and at gold's gym and he was like giving a us an inspiring speech and it's so hard not to like impersonate him you know and he's like he's like so i want you to say i can do it and in my mind i was like do not do the accent do not do i was doing a deadlift i was like i can do it i was like oh like, oh, fuck. How cool is that?
Starting point is 00:12:49 You're working out with the world's greatest expert on bodybuilding. Yeah. And he's sitting there talking to you. He's like, man, that's this guy. And he just turned 73, and he's still kicking ass. He's still an icon. It's amazing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:02 It's fun being around him. Him in the jacuzzi with a cigar. He's like, you need to social distance. I'm in the hot tub having a stogie. His donkey and his little pony. His donkey. He's a social media giant. Yeah, he's a giant. It's annoying.
Starting point is 00:13:18 It's like he, you know, he TikToks before TikTok went away. He's everything. He's just completely savvy with it. Yeah, he takes everything on. He's probably on Call of Duty kicking ass, Strider. Yeah, my KTJ shield's about 9 to 1. I'm pulling moves regularly. No one.
Starting point is 00:13:37 Oh, speaking of which, Predator, by the way. Just rewatch Predator. Wow, so good. Yeah, great. So good. Supposed to be Jean-Claude Van Damme as the Predator. Wow, so good. Yeah, great. So good. Supposed to be Jean-Claude Van Damme as the Predator, right? But he didn't want to be in his suit the whole time. Yeah, and he told the Schwarzenegger,
Starting point is 00:13:52 he was telling him, you just got to do this, they're going to fire you. And it worked out for him. Try to do it. You got to do Predator self-destructing at the end that is insane i'm gonna work on that impression but that that is one of the iconic i love that scene, Dutch after he self-destructs, essentially a nuclear blast, and the colonel comes in the helicopter. He survived not only killing the greatest hunter
Starting point is 00:14:31 in the universe, he survived a nuclear blast. I love the end of that movie. And the sequels all sucked. Number two is weird with Danny Glover. The reason I saw it was Schwarzenegger. Right. You're definitely too old for this shit, Glover. Yeah, it's a weird transition.
Starting point is 00:14:52 You know, the Adrian Brody one's not terrible. Like the one when they go to the Predator planet or whatever, it's not terrible. I didn't mind it. I just felt like Adrian Brody was trying too hard to be a hard ass. For sure. For ass. For sure. For sure. For sure.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Some people have that effortless, like, oh, wow, I didn't know you could be a bad ass, but you are. Gary Oldman. Oh, yeah, Gary Oldman. Just drilling predators, just yelling at them. Oh, my God. Delittling predators. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Drexel against a predator. I mean, you really, you got to go back and watch the professional now just to see like how how how corrupt the cop like would i kill that kill someone i kill your little brother i'm sorry just mocking him as he's eating italian food and making it all sexual and then so you you hosted america is america how many seasons has there been of america season 12 of american ninja warrior will be coming up i started in season two on the network g4 was where we started which was gone and now is right resurrecting um yeah it's crazy i mean we we now have a spin-off show american ninja warrior junior with kids on it
Starting point is 00:16:03 it's it's crazy because this thing started out as there's a japanese game show one of those ones you'd watch late at night drunk on natty lights i don't know what this is but it's entertaining and then they they dubbed it in english it was a hit on g4 then they made the american version and it was like it was this eccentric game show and all of a sudden it's now a sport with gyms all across i mean now across the world it's gone worldwide it's it's crazy were you interested in like developing your own language for how to comment on a sport that hadn't it's very good question so i think i i think the the so a lot of people said like i i played sports played played baseball in college but but
Starting point is 00:16:41 broadcasting is a very specific beast where you have to, you just have to do it. And so, because people understand that they know the sport. So if you're incorrect, you know, people, it drives people nuts. If you call, uh, you know, call out the wrong play in football, whatever it is. And so I think we had the advantage of that. Nobody knew what the fuck they were watching as we're announcing it. And then I think that we took the time to learn the obstacles that, you know, we have the guys who are building it and talk to the athletes. So you try, but occasionally athletes will be like, well, that's not what I was doing. You're like, ah, you know what?
Starting point is 00:17:17 It is now because that's what I said. You know, you try to do it. And so now, and that, you know, now it's like American Ninja Warrior is kind of my, that's, that's my, my thing. That's all I got. But that started out as, as a joke because we would broadcast, we'd tape for like eight, 10 hours in a day. And you know, it's 10 out of 10 energy, right? The whole time it's, you know, wow, this is so amazing. And so i was blowing my voice out and uh
Starting point is 00:17:45 we have to you know you have to do those those are called ins and outs on the you know when you're coming up next watch this guy and so we're shooting those and they're they're camera moves so we had to keep doing it i was like god my voice is gone and so i was i was really grappling and so i said it once like up next and i'm a ninja warrior and i was kind of playing it up like, uh-huh, uh-huh. And they were like, what was that? Can you do that again? Do it more. And so then it just became like I sound like Cookie Monster
Starting point is 00:18:12 or Dikembe Mutombo. How do you maintain that 10 out of 10 energy? So I actually had to go see. The energy part's not as hard. I'm a pretty enthusiastic guy and and honestly like once once there are two things once you see athletes doing incredible things i think it's easy to kind of react and then the other thing is i like a camera like i like attention i i i enjoy an audience so i do stand-up comedy. But I had to learn my voice.
Starting point is 00:18:46 I had to go to a singing coach, like someone who works with heavy metal singers and people just on how to project and preserve the voice because, you know, we'd go a few days in a row, and usually by the end of the first day, I was shot. I'm like, this is untenable. And so, you know, I've over time gotten better at uh how i project but yeah i i i always feel like somebody somebody's like pump the brakes it's not that exciting but
Starting point is 00:19:14 so i i did do once but i did this thing evil live i don't know you know travis pastrana one of the great extreme sports guys he recreated evil Evel Knievel's motorcycle jumps, three jumps in a night in Vegas live. So these were monster jumps on an old school bike, like a 350 pound Indian. And so he's doing it. Like this guy is risking life and limb and you don't get to practice
Starting point is 00:19:39 because you can't practice in Vegas. So this is the first time he's, he did the jumps elsewhere on a smaller scale, but, and I'm like, this guy's risking his life. And somebody was like, no, you're a little loud. I'm like, what would he want? I'm not entertained. I'm sorry. I'm excited about this. It's my job to be a bit hyperbolic. I will acknowledge that. Yeah. We, we learned that we,
Starting point is 00:20:01 we did a show called get sent where we were like commenting on, on like surf clips, you know? Yeah. We learned that we did a show called Get Sent where we were like commenting on like surf clips, you know. Yeah. And we had to learn that because our typical energy is pretty like mellow, you know. Yeah. What's up? What's up, dude? Like I'm stoked, you know. But we had to learn that for the camera of just being like, what up, dudes? Like, holy crap. That guy just got barreled. And we did that for like, know eight hours a day oh yeah it does get exhausting when you're like not everything can be 10 out of 10 you and you yeah you'll find your rhythms but it's you know and and i think once you've done that it gives
Starting point is 00:20:34 you an appreciation when you watch other announcers totally like you see it to me it's like the soundtrack of a movie where you know if you ever watch scenes without like the music like top gun they made that final fight scene you realize without like the music like top gun they that final fight scene you realize how much the music programs us how to react and i think that's somewhat you know particularly on ninja warrior where not now everyone kind of knows it but initially where i think people will gauge oh is this impressive or not but these guys seem impressed so maybe we should be impressed i think there is you give them some kind of some little context for how to feel about exactly exactly we're not trying to manipulate them but we're trying to say
Starting point is 00:21:09 this seems exciting to us what do you guys think and there's like those defining moments in broadcasting history where like the broadcaster perfectly match like do you believe in you believe in miracles yeah yeah and we we're all so grateful to al michaels for not botching that for just understanding and what's amazing god he must have been 28 back then he was that young they redid the you know they or they they made the movie miracle in like 2006 and they had al recreating most of his calls they used his actual call for do you believe miracles was final seconds but they showed some footage of when they started the game. And there were two things.
Starting point is 00:21:47 He looks like a child. He looks so young. But the other thing is he painted the most unbelievable picture. If you watch, like, Al Michaels' opening of the Miracle on Ice game, he just sets this scene on a backdrop of global Armageddon and on the horizon young men fighting as warriors on the ice you're like there's there's no prompter back then this guy just wrote this the night before or whatever and came up with it and i'm like that guy's good that's i'll stick to ninja warrior being like wow that's amazing do you ever when the cameras aren't rolling, do you ever take some time to hit the course yourself and test it?
Starting point is 00:22:28 I have. I have. And that's why I don't anymore because the last two times I did it, I broke my foot. And this is on YouTube. It's on YouTube. My foot, I was on a trampoline. And I have rheumatoid arthritis, so my bones are a little chewed up.
Starting point is 00:22:44 And I hit this tramp, and my legs just buckled. I face-planted in the water, and my foot, I was on a trampoline and I've rheumatoid arthritis and my bones are a little chewed up and I hit this tramp and my legs just buckled. I face plant in the water and my foot snapped. And then I tried to like a year and a half later, I'm on the course and I was like trying to do this thing on pull-ups. I'm like, I'm not pulling up. So I tried to like flip off of it, hit my foot on the support mats and broke my ankle.
Starting point is 00:23:04 And they came into the trailer cause they saw me live and they go, what happened? I go, my fault. Don't go near the obstacles. I'm like, I won't go near the obstacles. That's a very standup way to handle it though. Oh, I mean, it was one of those JT. Sometimes you got to be like, you told me not to do it, mom.
Starting point is 00:23:21 I still did it. They told me not to go there. But the problem is you watch these athletes. That's my energy a lot of the day. You watch athletes who make it look so easy. And you think, I could do that. They make it look so easy. Then you get out there like, oh,
Starting point is 00:23:34 I might have written a check my body kit, Cash. What do you think is the most impressive thing about the best American Ninja Warriors? What do they have athletically that separates them from other people? i i i the the funny thing i think that the more than a physical trait i think they have a perseverance where the best athletes are the ones who train five days a week year round and you see them what's so cool is all this is documented a lot of these people will show their first times on an obstacle.
Starting point is 00:24:07 They weren't naturals, most of them. They couldn't get it. They couldn't do it. And sometimes, like one of our top female athletes, Jessie Flex-Lebrecht, the first time she saw a warped wall, she spent three hours failing, failing, failing until she finally got it. I would have quit after like three minutes.
Starting point is 00:24:23 And you see the difference of these people have this extraordinary perseverance where they love the challenge. And whenever the challenge gets ratcheted up to a level they can't handle anymore, they just keep banging their heads until they break through. And then the other thing I think is also the ability to perform under pressure because most of them aren't – they're not pro athletes. Most of them didn't play in college.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Some of them didn't play in high school. They don't have experience in game time situations where you've trained for a year. Here's your run. Cameras are on. You don't get any practice. You don't get to touch the obstacles till you're on them and if you screw up your year is done and for a lot of them their careers are gym owners so if they tank it they don't get the press like their business could be so the amount of pressure
Starting point is 00:25:16 that that these athletes face is is amazing and that they they rise to the occasion it's it's incredible and you know then i mean the particular stuff that's particularly impressive to me is like the grip strength um you know just the strength to weight so much of it is these athletes you know some of them are 110 pounds that you know 160 and under usually but they can just you know do pull-ups and fingertip pull-ups and to still have such flexibility and agility because gymnasts know exactly what they're going to face. They know exactly the width of that balance beam.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Our ninjas are like, I don't know. Let's figure it out when we're on the course. Yeah, grip strength seems like the toughest thing to really cultivate. They said that. They said that it takes, you know, you can build up like, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:07 you can build up pull-ups in a matter of months, but they talk about years and that's why rock climbers have such a huge advantage that they spent their lives doing. And you just, but you see, you just, people get pumped out and then their muscles will simply stop responding where the will is there.
Starting point is 00:26:24 And they're like i couldn't get my arm to release yeah it's like it's so impressive that they push themselves to the limit to their body's absolute limit and i mean it's you know it it really is it's a goofy show that works i think because of the passion of our athletes and that we really do you know there's never a wink in our show there's never any point where we're like oh this is good you know like like a wipe out or you know cannonball or you know holy moly i love tessitore and and wriggle they know you guys look up to your athletes there's no yes yeah a hundred percent we and we do and and we you know when someone falls it's not
Starting point is 00:27:01 like oh what a dope it's like you know what they they put themselves out there and for so many of these people just getting to the course you know whether it's we have people with stage four pancreatic cancer that people with parkinson's or you know people who've lost a loved one recently and you know as you go through things in life you're like i have such respect for these people who come share their story and then go out on this course knowing you might fall on the first obstacle you might feel embarrassed but you know we're never going to add to that because again like there's footage of me on the course i i i can't do it so is your stand-up that compassionate uh i i think my my stand-up i'm usually the butt of the joke and and i i think what guides my stand-up is i always my grandma came to a lot of my early shows and I was just like, ah, yeah,
Starting point is 00:27:48 there were certain things where I'm like, I'm not going to say this in front of my grandma. And so I love dirty comedy. I love filthy comedy. I love, you know, Rogan. I love Jim Norton and Bill Burr. I love these people who can be mean and acerbic. I, I, I just can't pull it off. I tried doing a roast once of Dennis Rodman, and I stunk. I was horrible because of every joke.
Starting point is 00:28:11 I was like, you know I don't mean this. I just want to tell you, I really think you're wonderful people. I'm like, you got to just, you know, you got to be like, hey, slap him in the face, and we're going to have a beer. I couldn't do it. So I think, you know, I just, I always, whenever I'm doing something, JT, I always want to feel like, hey, man, I'm throwing a party, and I want everyone to have a beer at the end i couldn't do it so yeah i think you know i i just i i always whenever i'm doing something jt i always want to feel like hey man i'm throwing a party and i want everyone to have a good time i don't want it to feel like hey you come here you're gonna be the
Starting point is 00:28:32 butt of the joke but we'll all laugh so or whatever we're all trying to be stoke lords who who throw down ragers and that everybody gets uh tilted at them and feels like they're free to be themselves and express their their desires and their insecurities yeah dude I feel like that is like the the ultimate that's the sentence that ends a great self-help book want everybody to get their tilt on man and to deal with your vulnerabilities and insecurities it's like man yeah when you do that that's the secret to life I think that's what we're all it's so funny you with your vulnerabilities and insecurities. It's like, man, when you do that, that's the secret to life. I think that's what we're all – it's so funny. You spend your whole – and I think stand-up is – stand-up is so amazing
Starting point is 00:29:13 because you start and you spend the rest of your career trying to strip away all the stuff you pretended to put on to just finally be yourself because I think the best stand-ups are usually the most authentic. And, you know, of course there's Larry, the cable guy. So these people are like, they're out there, but they're, there's something about comics like Chappelle, you know, Amy Schumer. So these people, I think where they just, you feel like, wow, they're really maybe an exaggerated version, but they're being themselves.
Starting point is 00:29:44 And I think that's you know when you start out on stand up you're like hey i'm you know you're you're trying to be like you know eddie murphy or any of these comics you grow up and you're trying to be anybody but yourself because it's really hard to go up there and be like i'm trying to make you laugh and if you don't laugh you're you're not laughing at me you're rejecting me so I think we all kind of put these you know these shields on to kind of protect yourself and I think that's it's really good point about entertainment but it's you know obviously the secret of life is to just be vulnerable and be yourself
Starting point is 00:30:16 yeah you need the bombs to just break away your walls you know what I think you're a lot more comfortable doing that when you feel like you have friends who are gonna be okay well bust your balls at the end of the day you know what? And I think you're a lot more comfortable doing that when you feel like you have friends who are going to be like, Hey, we'll bust your balls at the end of the day. You know, we got you having that safety. And that's,
Starting point is 00:30:30 that's what's really been cool on Ninja warriors to see this community that's grown up outside of the show where these athletes are, they become best friends with each other. They, they will travel the country to see each other, travel the globe with each other. And, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:44 it's about more than just tackling these obstacles. It's like they've all kind of built these lives. And it's awesome to see these people, you know, who just found this shared passion and this community that's arisen. And to see, like, little kids coming into it. And, you know, people found – it's like you find your tribe, right? You find the people who are like, hey, man, these are people are people like me and i really i feel like i'm my best self around them and i think god i was just saying that if you find someone who makes you your funniest or your happiest fucking grab on to them because that's that's that's the golden life when you
Starting point is 00:31:20 find those people where it's like it's like having a six-pack of Stella there a guaranteed good time they always you always leave laughing and going man I want to hang out with them more and I was I was just one of my best friends Matt Rogers I met this guy on a Hallmark show and just immediately I was like oh this guy's gonna be in my life for the rest of my life that energy and it's like yeah I feel like when we together, I just leave with a huge smile on my face. So being a Stoke Lord. I'm going to steal that term from you guys. Chad's great. I love it. It's a great Stoke Lord, man.
Starting point is 00:31:53 It came from the ether down to our squad. That's it. You know, the best ones, they're just on loan. Yeah, yeah. I love it. Yeah. You should bring, if you brought Stoke Lord to American Ninja Warrior, I will tell you, it will now be in there. Yeah, he should bring – if he brought Stoke Lord to American Ninja Warrior with Factorius.
Starting point is 00:32:05 I will tell you, it will now be in there. We are just Stoke Lords up here this season. Look at these people getting their tilt on. He was just so stoked running up that wall. They are going deep on the course. The subtle callback. Guys, I'm interrupting this podcast to let you know once again that we are brought to you by Manscaped.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean. And that was JT sneezing because his pubes are in the air because he just shaved them. And do you have a moose near the caboose that needs to be tamed? I'm talking hairy, big, and needs some support. Thankfully, our sponsor today, Manscaped,
Starting point is 00:32:53 has you covered to keep the hair looking nice and trimmed and feeling fully supported. Manscaped offers precision-engineered tools for your family jewels. Beluga, did you hear that? That's your moose asking for Manscaped. What? Yeah. I mean, mean manscape is the best they got an engineering team on the case they gave you a lamar 3.0 which has a light ceramic blade so it won't your nick your sack you can see your dong clearly you can see it in a nice crisp soft light um that'll just make you really... Sometimes I just keep the light on it
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Starting point is 00:34:22 yeah for the job back to the show. Oh man. Do you, did you rage a lot in college? Ah, you know, I think so, but probably based on like my friends who went to see you,
Starting point is 00:34:37 I don't think I did as much raging as they did, but yeah, I mean, we, we drank, we, we, we drank, we drank.
Starting point is 00:34:42 And, and I remember like my favorite time was usually thursday night at about 7 p.m we'd fire up sega pga golf and you just have like you know we had meister route and you just have like a 12 pack and it'd be like four or eight of us just playing games listening to you know guns and roses and nirvana and just getting ready to go out and knowing, man, the whole night's in front of us. And then we got Friday and Saturday. And it was just like that Thursday night when it was like the world,
Starting point is 00:35:17 everything is possible. All the fun's going to be had. Like those were the moments when you're like, I'm having fun now. And it's all going to go up. Oh, I love that. I miss those days. He just fired me up. I'm going to do that right now.
Starting point is 00:35:34 And I mean, that's what sucks right now. So all my college roommates and I, our 50th birthday is coming up. And for our 40th, we threw a party in San Francisco. Like we rented a bar, hired an eighties band, like all our families flew in and it was awesome. Like we got to do that for our 50th, but now we're like, I don't know. How are we going to do it? Where, where you, you just want to be like be with your friends and have some beers. And, and it just, it's a, it's a crazy world to think like, man, those,
Starting point is 00:36:04 those moments those those ones where you feel like everything else is worth it to get to get those moments like i remember our 40th birthday we were sitting there the band was playing don't stop believing and and we're on stage just six of us drunk going it was all worth it right here i want another one of those moments yeah yeah career. Yeah. I know. Our fantasy football draft, we normally do a destination draft, and it's – Oh! And, you know, it's tragic.
Starting point is 00:36:30 It's a bummer that we might not be able to get the whole game together. I know. And especially now Vegas is an NFL city, and you feel like what it was going to be. And so I'm a Broncos fan, so the Broncos are going to be in Vegas every season. There's going to be a home game – or a Broncos game there. And I just thought, you know, that would be great to go in Vegas every season. There's going to be a home game – or a Broncos game there. And I just thought, you know, that would be great to go to Vegas
Starting point is 00:36:48 with all my buddies from Denver and see the Broncos play the Raiders. What do you think about the Broncos this season? I like Drew Locke. I think we made some great offensive picks. I just – I think we're going to be smashing our heads into Patrick Mahomes' ass for another decade. Where I feel like not only the AFC West, but the AFC and maybe the league is going to be his little play thing for a while.
Starting point is 00:37:10 And I know that's how they felt when we had Elway. So it's like it all comes full circle. But he just looks – How many chips would you put? If you had to do like the over-under on championships for him, would like three and a half be where the betting line was? I mean, He's got one and it looks...
Starting point is 00:37:27 They're largely bringing back the same team. It's very hard to repeat, but I think 3.5 is a great line. That's a great line. I'd want to take the... You realize, Brady and Belichick, I don't know that we'll ever see that kind of run again.
Starting point is 00:37:43 It's not normal to win that much, obviously. It was just where he went to the Super Bowl almost half his season, I think, nine or ten out of 20. It's insane. So I don't know that Mahomes will be doing that. So I think it'll be tough to outshine that. But I think what we saw last year, he just looks like one of the greatest ever to play.
Starting point is 00:38:05 And that scares me for the Broncos. We're going to have to sweep the leg. That's what we're going to have to do. Dude, it didn't work. His kneecap came out of place. I don't understand him. He tried to break it. It doesn't work.
Starting point is 00:38:18 Dude, you've got to be a sick fan and get him on the Ninja Warrior course and be like, go ahead, Mahomes. I know, wouldn't that be good? Go ahead, grease up. I know, wouldn't that be good? Go ahead. Greased up the war. We're like, oh shit, we broke Mahomes. Like the Kansas City fans would be hunting us. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:35 Dude, Matt, can I ask you? You said you went to Princeton, right? Yeah. Did they have like there's a very dank movie called, and you've probably seen it because you know movies, The Skulls. And they have like, there's a very dank movie called, and you've probably seen it because you know movies, The Skulls. And they have like these like social houses.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Did they have like- All in crossbones was Yale. They had secret societies. Now, I will say this. Princeton did not have secret societies, as far as I know. Now, could they have been so secret that I just wasn't elite enough to be invited into them? A distinct possibility.
Starting point is 00:39:05 The ruling elite could be, could just have passed over Matt Eisen when I was there. You know, I came from a public school in Colorado. So when I went there, I think, you know, we didn't have fraternities and sororities. We had eating clubs, which are fraternities and sororities. You just don't live there. But it sounds snobby. I didn't feel like it was secret societies and that this was the corridors to power.
Starting point is 00:39:37 But Ted Cruz was a year ahead of me there. So maybe it worked. I don't know. But we didn't see it. I think Yale and Harvard, we always felt like they're the ones with. For sure. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:47 You know, they, they, they, they take you down and they show you how JFK was actually killed. And Harvard and Yale kids must suspect it's happening somewhere else. I wonder who they like think of as are the people who are. Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 00:40:00 I mean like, you know, George, uh, George W. Bush was, I think, sculling crossbones at Yale. So at least then you could be like, okay, these were the societies.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Right. He was in it. So you feel maybe. Harvard and Yale, though, they'd be like, of course it's us. Yes. We do rule the earth. We're not going to tell you, though. My dad was in the same fraternity as George Bush.
Starting point is 00:40:27 Is your dad the Yaley? Yeah, yeah, in Deke. And I was like, how is George Bush? He's like, he's a jackass. Yeah. No, but he was, like, very – he's, like, he got terrible grades, but he was very charming, which just, like, could chop it up with anyone and just sort of, like, crushed it socially. But his grades, he got, very charming and was just like, could chop it up with anyone and just sort of like crushed it socially.
Starting point is 00:40:47 But his grades, you got like Ds and stuff. I will say though, like at Princeton, all my friends, some were super smart and some didn't do that well in school. No correlation though. I mean, they've all done well, but I will say, I guess some of my buds are pretty high up in the corporate world. So maybe rather than politics, maybe it is the people who run the real politics run business. I don't know. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:18 There are some – yeah, there would be some heavy hitters. But they were dudes. I was like, you know, public school New York guys. Like, hey, whatever. These fucking guys. hitters but they were dudes i was like you know public school new york guys like hey whatever these you know these fucking guys and yeah now they're like worth uh which is great because they're very generous so like i'm gonna go stay at their houses or go on boats with them and i'm like oh this is great for me that's awesome yeah it's crazy the routes everybody takes it's hard to predict but it kind of always makes sense when you look back on it.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Yeah, and it's, you know, what I like, though, is I think most everybody seems that they're pretty happy with what they're doing. That's a big thing. I mean, like for me, I felt most of my friends who are still in medicine, they love it. Thank God. Great. There are people out there, so we get sick, they're healers, noble people.
Starting point is 00:42:02 But not for me, and I'm so glad. I mean, I don't know how you guys feel but how ridiculous is it like we make a living doing what other people watch to entertain like we our job is fun like i said my job isn't the job that that's easy the job is when you don't have work and you're scrambling or the, you know, the years you have to build it up. Yeah. You know, when we get to work, it's like,
Starting point is 00:42:28 man, it's like ninja warriors of blast. It's so much fun. And the apprentice was cool. I'm hanging out with like Vince Neil from Motley crew and, and Eric Dickerson, like Hall of Fame, NFL.
Starting point is 00:42:37 I'm just telling, you know, having them all tell me stories. Yeah. How were they? Were they all cool? I'm sorry. Were Dickerson and Neil cool?
Starting point is 00:42:45 They were. Everyone was awesome to me. was really nice and you know some of them were a little over over and just were on there to promote something i'm like totally i get it i get it but everyone was nice and and uh you know at least to me nice were you ever worried that you would do something like competitive and it would like reflect poorly on you in the right before right before I go on the bosses of Ninja Warrior took me aside and I go, look, people like you. Don't fuck that up. Right. What do you mean? I didn't think I was going to, but then I saw you got to do a pop up clothing store with dresses and you're being too hard on everyone about the JT.
Starting point is 00:43:24 Here's what happened. So I watched the season before with like Geraldo Rivera, Kevin Jonas, Brandi Glanville, Kenya Moore. And these people were horrible to each other. Saying things like a priest couldn't forgive. Like, I mean, cutting to the bone, making these people question their lives. Mean. And i was watching this at night and like my girlfriend at the time was like you have to stop watching what did i get myself into i was so panicked the biggest difference i think was schwarzenegger didn't really encourage or or stomach that right so thank god because you know if if vince neal had laid into me i probably would have been like oh that's that's, you know, thanks, Vince.
Starting point is 00:44:05 I would have just been hurt. Like, oh, he doesn't like me? I love feel good so much. So, but it was scary. And it's scary, like, you know, even though I know I'm on NBC, they're probably going to look out for me. You know, you do something dumb and you never know. You always, you always, and you know,
Starting point is 00:44:25 my mom said I was so relieved and you didn't embarrass me. I was wondering, so when you made a transition to stand-up comedy, did you just quit medicine altogether or did you gradually sort of ease into it? So, yeah, well, it was, you know, I kind of made the decision and medicine was all academic here. So I made the decision in and medicine was all academic here. So I made the decision in January. I had until June.
Starting point is 00:44:48 I get out in June, and I'm like, all right. I thought I was going to try stand-up. Not saying I'm going to become a stand-up comedian. It was more like I need to clear my mind. I'm struggling. I'm not passionate about medicine. And I think the problem is me. I think I just got to grow up. I got to clear my mind. So I'm thinking, I'll go passionate about medicine. And I, I think the problem is me. I think I just got to grow up.
Starting point is 00:45:06 I got to clear my, so I'm thinking I'll go out to LA. I'll, I'll do whatever I'll, you know, sir, whatever all do stand up. I'll do this just to,
Starting point is 00:45:13 just to clear my mind for you. And I thought, then I'll grow up. I'll appreciate medicine. I will come back and become an adult. And so that was my thought. So when I left medicine, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:45:23 Hey, I'm going out there to just clear my mind. And like three weeks into it, being out here, I just, I realized this is what I was meant to do. Now, and it wasn't like I was going on The Laugh Factor or performing in front of thousands of people. I was going to shitty open mics with other tired comics not listening to jokes. But there was just something about being on stage and hearing a laugh where I thought, I don't know how, I didn't know this is what I was meant to do,
Starting point is 00:45:52 but this is it. And thank God, I got into commercials early on, so I made enough money. You don't make much as a doctor in training, so I was making much more money in entertainment. And I was so much happier. And I didn't have a pager going off in the middle of the night with life or death questions. in training so I was making more much more money in entertainment and I was so much happier and I didn't have a pager going off in the middle of the night with life or death questions and I just
Starting point is 00:46:09 thought I remember it was probably it was probably a year before I stopped having like a phantom buzz from our call pager where I would just you know wake up in the middle of the night going oh god it's gonna be you know two hours of work and and it was just like, once I got out of that, I was like, I have such respect for, because medicine is not a job, it is a calling. It's a sacred trust that people place their lives in your hand. And I didn't hear that calling and I don't think I would have been good for my patients or good for myself. And I'm so grateful that I got the chance to find something that I absolutely love to do that I love I love I love performing I love having an audience I love coming on this podcast like for me to to to have found
Starting point is 00:46:51 what I what I feel like I was meant to do you know you I think you're realizing first of all how lucky are we that we can try different things that weren't where to place but that you actually find it yeah I was thinking like i could have been the greatest violinist of all time but i never picked up a violin so i don't know and and to have found i think what is my stradivarius i feel so lucky that that i stumbled into this when i grew up never thinking entertainment was a viable option so found it on my yeah did did you ever have a moment where were you did you kind of because did you did you go into it where you sort of like i love this no matter what i'm gonna be pumped doing this or
Starting point is 00:47:39 i did right away chad i was like okay i can't be deluded about this so i i initially said okay i'm gonna give myself so i realized i'm really liking this and i i said all right i'm gonna give it a year all in and then i was like okay but i i gotta see some progress i gotta get an agent or you know get book something or get on a sitcom, something. And I got into commercials and was making way more. So it was like, I just started, I kept make accelerating past like these goals. Cause I, I did, I, I, you know, I wasn't deluded coming out here. Obviously this, you know, 90% of people in this business aren't, aren't working at one time.
Starting point is 00:48:22 So I think I just kind of kept pushing it off a little more, a little more. And I think it was probably, I don't know, it was probably about 10 years in where I realized every year I'd made more than the year before. And at that point, I'd been on TV for like six years and had a couple shows. And I just realized, I think I'm going really give this I think I'm gonna be with this for a while and you know I still still to this day assume every season of any project is gonna be the last one I never assume that anything's a given and I think it you know it keeps you grateful it keeps you hungry but it keeps you kind of realizing, you know, unfortunately this is a business where it can all go away and, and that's it. You know, you're, you're just, the expiration date hits for whatever reason.
Starting point is 00:49:12 How do you stay even keeled with that? I think, I think I, I try to save a lot of money. I've definitely tried to plan, you know, to say like, if everything went away, I'd probably, I could move someplace, live a humble life. I'd probably be okay. And I also think at a certain point, I think what it came down to was I did realize with this business, you know, you can bet on a career. Like if I'd stayed in medicine, I could have said, being a doctor is a safe career. I'm going to bet on that.
Starting point is 00:49:40 I think with this, you really have to be comfortable betting on yourself. And ultimately saying like, look, I know this stuff can go away, but I trust that I will work hard enough that I've built enough relationships that I can find something, you know, maybe it's not going to be, you know, getting me a Ferrari, but it'll be something that keeps a roof over my head. And so I think that, you know, you kind of, you kind of have to comfort yourself saying, you know, nothing's guaranteed,
Starting point is 00:50:08 but I'll bet on myself that I'll figure out something and land on my feet. So I think that's kind of how I've made my peace. But, you know, I think this lockdown has been such a reminder of how you just can't anticipate things, how stand-up comedy is gone. It's gone. Now,
Starting point is 00:50:27 I don't know when it's coming back and how it will change, but you know, for the foreseeable future, there are very few clubs that are open and not a lot of people who are totally comfortable going there. So comedians, you know, are just, I'm lucky I have TV because if it were straight standup, I don't know how they're earning their living right now. And so, you know, who knows, who knows what's next where some new thing will pop up and broadcast TV
Starting point is 00:50:53 becomes the antiquated or, you know, people, you know, Quibi, Quibi was kind of the short attention span channel thinking everyone, you know, things are going faster and faster. If you have a commute, let's just give seven minute bites. And then the pandemic hits and it's all of a sudden people want, no, no, no. I want game of Thrones. I want, I want the extended cut because I got nothing but time. And so it's, you know, it's, it's, it's crazy where you just see how who knows what the future holds or how,
Starting point is 00:51:20 how these careers are going to change. So I think everyone's kind of had that reminder of, man, even if you think you know, you don't know. So just trying to stay flexible and be like, hey, man, if everything goes to shit, I'll just get up and put one foot in front of the other and something will happen. And I think that's kind of the mindset. And I think having been in
Starting point is 00:51:46 medicine and seeing people facing life and death, it's a good reminder of, you know, a show getting canceled, it sucks, but you know, we all get up the next day. And, and so I, I think, uh, you know, this pandemic has been another reminder that we didn't necessarily need but that uh man you know this is fragile so like let's let's be stoke lords let's enjoy what we got and the other thing is too like you never know if you're going to get to where you're going right like i better enjoy this this could be as good as it gets and and it's great so man enjoy this because for those people who are like i oh, I'll be happy when I get to that next level, you know, it's always going to be another level. So, you know, I think staying hungry but at the same time
Starting point is 00:52:30 stepping back and smelling the roses and just being like, man, I'm going to play video games later. I'm, you know, I got a house. Yeah. I love it. Although I did just take a whole bunch of video games to GameStop, and then the ones that they were like, those are too old. I just took them to Goodwill.
Starting point is 00:52:49 That was a tough one. Because I have every video game console that I've ever owned since before Atari, like the Pong. My parents' house are here, and I just took in my old PS3 and my Wii. Yeah. Dang, dude. Did you keep the old ones, though? Did you keep Pong? Did you keep Atari? I kept the really old ones. Those are at my parents' house.
Starting point is 00:53:11 And like, you know, I got rid of my 360 and my One, but I got my PS4 Pro, so. For sure. I didn't go crazy. Yeah, I was going to say, what's going on? This quarantine game? Listen, I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't know the PS5 was right around the corner and i'm definitely buying that for sure it looks good i'll get assassin's creed valhalla i can't wait these games are getting so good i just i wish
Starting point is 00:53:35 they would figure out vr he's like i have the oculus and it's like it's good lightsaber it's it's a little you're like this this this isn't just it's not what it is because you know you play for three you can't do vr for three hours you just can't like the headset and the stimuli it's too much you figure out what it is if it's ar whatever that next level is going to be of the super immersive games you know we just get a game one that kind of idea that'd be so sick just matt we get a game of just it's a singularity and it's freaking Thursday night forever, dude. And just let's go. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:54:08 We're just living a journey song, man. Stop. It's so sad. Quick, your voice. Yeah. I mean, I can't imagine if there was a game where it's like you literally have a lightsaber, you know? Right.
Starting point is 00:54:23 You're just battling. And just what Strider was saying with the sound effect and the weight, when you're cutting through like a steel blast door and there's resistance, but you're like, Oh, the saber is greater. Right. You have that feeling or to, you know, force, grab it and have it snap in your hand. Oh dude. The gloves will come in or probably when it'll just, it'll, you know, be in our brain and give us the stimuli where it's like,
Starting point is 00:54:46 I can't tell. Yeah. It'll be inception. Like, is it the dream or is it reality? Like, I don't know. Is it tiring to use the force? Like, does it tire out your body to use the force? Well, if you looked at Yoda, remember when he lifted the X-Wing,
Starting point is 00:54:58 he was exhausted. So I think it does. Right. Yeah, it looks like it. Yeah. You got to build up that, like, grip strength. Takes years. And there it is. Yeah. Being a it looks like it. You got to build up that grip strength. There it is. Being a Jedi is very much like being a ninja.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Well, it's like when Obi-Wan and Anakin sort of faced off with the Force in Revenge of the Sith, you saw there's a lot of grip strength going on there. There really is. It's like, who built it up more? And that's why when you have that mechanical Darth Vader hand. Yeah. Yeah. Matt, do you want to answer some questions from our listeners?
Starting point is 00:55:32 Oh, I would love to. Yes. By the way, oh my God, JT, I think I have that same lion back home at my parents' house that I had. Right here, dude? Yeah. In the jungle, dude. All right, what are the questions? Let's do this. All right, what up, Chad and JT? Long time listening here. In the jungle, dude. All right. What are the questions?
Starting point is 00:55:45 Let's do this. All right. What up, Chad and JT? Long time listening here. I had a quick question. My girlfriend of eight years and I recently split up. Since then, she has been going into clubs and partying, which has really drained my stove. I'd love to go out and party as well and maybe meet another beautiful babe, but with this
Starting point is 00:55:57 cute teen, I've been playing it safe. Should I continue to play it safe and hope that when it's all is over, I can meet a babe, or should I go out and rage now and try to get back into the bone game immediately i'd like to remain anonymous thank you guys for always lifting my spirits especially lately getting through this tough time in life also shout out to history is dank dude oh what up what up what up legend dude what up well i here's here's my opinion and i will say this as a 49 yearyear-old single man who's never been married. You look good, dude. Here's what I would say.
Starting point is 00:56:29 I think she's chasing something, and I don't know if she's finding it in the club, but this guy, if he was together eight years, I'm guessing he's late 20s, maybe 30s. And I think, like, look, if you really want to meet the girl, he has to set his mind. If he wants to be boning, sure, go to the club, get on the apps. But if you really want to meet the girl you're going to spend the rest of your life with, you're probably not going to find her in the clubs. You got to set your mind to finding that woman. Now, again, I'm single. So take it easy. don't get drawn and here's the other thing like you're not together whatever she does is her business so if she's boning if she's at the clubs don't let that don't let that don't let that hurt your mellow man that is that is her business and whatever she's doing it's not about you anymore so don't give her that power man find find someone who's going to appreciate you for all that you bring and all that you are
Starting point is 00:57:25 and ride with that one. Hell yeah. I love that. Yeah, I agree, dude. You got to invest in yourself, read some dank books, you know, and just sort of create, you know, create your own American Ninja Warrior. And here's the other thing I want to tell that guy when we talk about vulnerability, it's okay when your heart's broken, especially if she broke up with you and you still have feelings for her. That's tough. That's tough, and it's hard not to feel jealous when she's out living her life. But ultimately, just get through your sadness
Starting point is 00:58:00 and then just know there's going to be some happiness there too. But it's okay to be sad when you get your heart broken. Just to play devil's advocate, like if you can't take all this great advice and you do need to win, you just need to become a DJ at one of these clubs and just wear colorless leather jackets with no shirt on. Maybe your DJ name could be, and I'm borrowing this from what Matt said, Phantom Buzz, which would be sick.
Starting point is 00:58:22 Dude! Wow. Take a DJ name. What is he playing? I'm there, dude. He's playing heavy, heavy house beats. He's getting you horned for the beat. And he's just waiting for the drop.
Starting point is 00:58:33 Forever, dude. Forever. With foam cannons. Okay, now Strider has totally changed my mind. I want to go to the club and have this guy DJ for us. Phantom Buzz right now will be acolytes of yours phantom buzz is an awesome name you made it up that's your pager dude you just yeah that is strider you sample a pager for your bass wait jt what'd you say do you want could you be phantom buzz and get the club amped right now
Starting point is 00:59:02 yeah for sure are you kidding me of course dude um i probably have a sick dj voice like um what up my name is phantom buzz what up because it's always gonna be robotic what up this is phantom buzz everybody everybody get ready to drop it phantom drop it Drop it, Phantom. Drop it. Becky, where are you? Becky. Becky, are you here?
Starting point is 00:59:35 Are you here? That's actually just a sample on the song of me crying. Where are you? I've had sex with 80 women. I've had sex with 80 women. i've had sex with 80 women i've had sex with me he's got to be in a better mood after dj phantom buzz drop that mad dude yeah that was really good that was fire that was fire dude that was fun dude rose up dude you gave him a model um my stoke lords i'm living in my fraternity house this summer and some of the rooms are being rented by girls to keep the cost low
Starting point is 01:00:04 sounds like a sitcom or a really hot MTV reality show. There's this really smoking babe in the room next to mine, and we've boned a few times. Nice. He put nice in parentheses, but it is nice. However, though, the sexual chemistry is there. However, though the sexual chemistry is there, the emotional is not. And I really think she's just a big asshole to me.
Starting point is 01:00:23 But I just can't seem to get her out of my mind because she's too damn cute. What's going on, bros? How do I book this schmole? Out of luck in NorCal, Jordan. Damn, dude. I don't know, man. I think I get that sometimes. You know, the people who are mean to us are the people we'll die to please
Starting point is 01:00:40 is what the replacement said on Bastards of Young, something like that. But also, I would say it doesn't sound like the worst thing in the world i think you're right jt i think you know the guy has to again it's like what are you looking for man if if you can make your piece and say like this this is a summer thing, and you can be cool with that. I mean, it sounds like he wants more, and that's, you know, he's catching feelings. And it's like, which is awesome. That's where you want to be.
Starting point is 01:01:13 And ultimately, if you can't do without catching feelings, just know you're probably going to have your heart broken at the end of it. Right. Unless you think, you know what? You're right. I'm going to reel her in. Maybe it is one of those things where man be the hopeless romantic and say she may not like me now but
Starting point is 01:01:28 don't let her treat you like shit because i think if you allow that that that's on you so you know yeah yeah i think too one thing you can do maybe strategy is like to whatever she's mean to you you could do either a respond with stoke she'd be like that's awesome or just like or just like smirk and be like nice and i'll disable it i think eventually yeah yeah that's it sucks when people don't treat you well and i don't know what the vibe is yeah how many that could really be the difference. Like if she just kind of like not returning text messages or is she like outwardly,
Starting point is 01:02:09 I hooked up with this girl one time and then like a week later we ran into each other at red Robins and she was with her friends and she told me I looked like screech in front of like 10 people. And I remember I was like, that was, that was too harsh. That was like, I was like,
Starting point is 01:02:23 I'm hurt. Yeah. And she had peed in my kitchen before passed out drunk you should have told her that yeah yeah but how are you not nice you don't have great bladder control but at that time like peeing in someone's kitchen when you're passed out is like not it's like normal it almost right like i almost like was like she's cool yeah right i think you're i think you hit on something though because i know i have a buddy one of my dearest friends but when i was reading some of his text messages i'm like bro you're being needy here to the point where it's off-putting right you know so this guy's
Starting point is 01:03:00 got to be aware of man we've all been the needy bitch but but be, be aware. Like, is that what you're projecting? Are you, are you like putting your clamps in too hard? Or is it like, Hey, just, you know, figure out where this relationship is.
Starting point is 01:03:11 Cause we've all been there where you're like, Oh, I'm in love. And they're like, uh, we just, we just shared a, uh,
Starting point is 01:03:18 a jello pudding. That's all there was. Yeah. Yeah. She tried to play devil's advocate. No, it's a great point yeah strider was doing that earlier i don't agree and she could be being mean because she likes him yeah i think she's
Starting point is 01:03:33 in love with them dude why don't you move into a frat yeah i know cost of living is difficult and you know the situations are intense but with with all that's going on but i don't know and they did bone a couple times nice yeah yeah nice yeah let's not forget that is nice yeah but i do like that this guy has more feelings than he's looking for something more fulfilling i don't know i think you're on the right path i think keep doing what you're doing i think you guys have really mature well-adjusted uh listeners viewers here. Oh, thank you. We're searching for emotionally more, not just, you know, vacuous, meaningless.
Starting point is 01:04:10 I like these people. They're good people. They're good dudes and ladies, yeah. And ladies, I love it. And I was, you're right, I was just referring to the two gentlemen who've written, so women, of course. Oh, no, yeah, because we always just like they're good dudes but i think we've expanded more dudes is now like we actually dudes yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:04:32 the royal dude yes you guys are awesome yeah yeah you're awesome what's up stokers i've loved listening to your soothing v chords over the QT, and as this PCast has been a major boost to my self-reflection, self-improvement journey. This is a little bit long. Over the past year or two, I've grown so much as a person, I truly feel like I am crushing it all in most aspects of my life. However, there is still one problem, the Vader to my Skywalker,
Starting point is 01:04:58 the V-Mort to my Potter, the friend zone. It seems like every time I end up truly liking someone, I get friend zone. For example, a few weeks ago, there was a girl who liked me and her friends were encouraging me to make a move. However, I was a little wasted and didn't know her very well, so I decided to wait and get to know her first. After a few weeks of hanging out in the same friend group, I had grown to like her quite a bit. She was super cool and funny and had a unique perspective on the world. However, I was informed by her friend that she was no longer interested in me romantically because she was afraid of ruining our blossoming relationship friendship the reason this is killing my stoke
Starting point is 01:05:27 is because i feel helpless it seems like the only way to avoid the friend zone is to change my personality which obviously doesn't seem like a great idea so here's my question next time i meet a babe who feels like the pam to my gym is there any concrete action i can take to avoid the friend zone without changing my personality or is it the best solution to simply keep doing what i'm doing hope that time will eventually match me with a more suitable mate thanks a ton i hope you guys keep shredding the time the team dude you're good man i think this guy he just you're you're just judging yourself a lot and you're feeling a little gunshot which is totally normal that happens to a lot of thoughtful people i think uh and i think girls sometimes and guys you know we like someone then
Starting point is 01:06:03 we don't especially when you're young we're just kind of fickle with our feelings so i wouldn't put too much personal judgment in that i think you just got to push yourself a little bit just you know still be your normal self but just if you feel like you want to do something but you're a little too shy to do it try and do it and but if you fail hey it's not really failing we all we all it happens to all of us i think i think that's a beautiful question. And actually JT, I just loved your answer. I agree. I think the thing that struck me is he said, her friend told me she was no longer interested in me.
Starting point is 01:06:33 And to me, that's the thing is you haven't told her how you felt face to face. Right. And it's one of those things where you don't have to change your personality, but you, you do have to be able to put yourself out there and be vulnerable and say, I like you and be able to like, if you don't like me, that's cool. But I'm not gonna not tell you how I feel. And I think sometimes if you go up,
Starting point is 01:06:57 they may say whatever they're saying, if you come up and, and I think there is whether it's a confidence or a vulnerability or an honesty, but just of putting your cards on the table, because ultimately I think not only will you probably miss out on some opportunities, I think ultimately to be in a healthy relationship, you have to be able to express hard, you have to be able to express hard you have to be able to express your truths and be able to say things that make you a little uncomfortable so wherever you're going you will be better served by being able to go up to somebody and take that deep breath take that
Starting point is 01:07:37 plunge you go i like you yeah no i i love what you're saying because i had that problem a lot in college and high school of like uh looking back i think it was it was low confidence or maybe or just like shyness where i was just like i was like i'll just kind of stand here and yes they at that they they will sense that i like yeah yeah i'll just i'll just sort of like be like you know give him like a nod or something and then they'll be like oh he wants to like date and i just never i never really understood you know i just never uh yeah i would just say how i felt um and it took me a while to learn that but but yeah i think you just gotta you know say what you feel i think that's what i've learned you know don't don't expect you're just you're you standing there which is what i thought
Starting point is 01:08:25 you standing there and just sort of being close to them means that they'll forge a relationship face to face don't do it on phone don't do it on text right on insta do it where you can see expressions and electricity chemistry whatever like do it basically yeah i think this thing like of uh i'm at risk of ruining or uh of our spoiling our friendship it's like one person's already catching feels the friendship is spoiled at this point yeah like it can't be like like when you're telling your teller he's like look the friendship's you're gonna pitch it to our apprentice out here's our friendship it's decreasing over time there's a lot of diminishing returns our friendship but if we start getting intimate
Starting point is 01:09:10 look at this look at this graph it's going up now you see this and it does not plateau at least on this this little image big return on relationship if we get together in a sexual way right now big return on relationship exactly it's going to be a big quarter let me tell you right now it's a big quarter after the first quarter it's going to be no to take a little dive but that's okay no but dude it's like it's just an excuse he's making for herself i think we all were thinking the same thing put yourself out there and then for anyone future who's like i don't want to ruin the friendship you just gotta you're making an excuse to yourself you don't be mean about it you don't go i'm not to be your friend unless we start hooking up.
Starting point is 01:09:47 You got to just be like, be honest, however you're saying. More than friend feelings for you. Reciprocate, I respect that. But it's because the friendship's already weird if you're holding that back. It's true. It's true. All right, last cue. Guys, late nights and being old.
Starting point is 01:10:04 Chad and JTt ever since i turned this is ever since i turned 30 i've been having a hard time finding other people who stay up as late as me the bars closed early because of covid and everyone i know goes to bed before i even get home from work today i had the most amazing hair day and there wasn't even anyone around to even see it and it really killed my stoke do you have any advice for finding other people to hang out with late at night i'm single but i'm not really trying to hook up with dudes i just really want a cool people to drink a few brew hang out with late at night? I'm single, but I'm not really trying to hook up with dudes. I just really want a cool people to drink a few brewskis with late at night. Thanks for being the ultimate legends, Marie.
Starting point is 01:10:33 I don't know. I go to bed at 930. I got nothing, Marie. I feel like I want to go out and meet you, though. You sound so awesome. I think that'll be an effect a lot of people have hearing this and be like, this is the coolest person who's ever i i know but i get it where maybe she's not looking for you know the
Starting point is 01:10:50 date thing maybe maybe it is just like yeah i want to go ahead like you said i don't know the bars are closed right right yeah what is a fun way to do it i don't know you gotta i mean i would say like go to the beach but you know beach at night like a bonfire where you can still be distant. Yeah, people are doing that. San Clemente, down at the pier, people are having good, safe get-togethers down by there. I feel safer being outdoors or the ocean. Yeah, outdoors for sure. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:11:18 There have to be some people out there who are ready to go have some beers with Murray. Yeah. No question. I'm wondering if there's like an app or something, but then it's just creepiness is just going to come in. I was like, just thinking like the businessman that I've been thinking like tonight, just being like, you got to create an app called,
Starting point is 01:11:34 you know, Good Hair Day. And it's like, when you're feeling like your flow is good, you just get on and you can connect with people. But that's kind of like chat roulette. And we all know what that was. Right. Yeah. You've undone it because you're worried about perverts. That's just America, dude. It's America of like chat roulette. And we all know what that was. Right. Yeah. You've undone it because you're worried about perverts.
Starting point is 01:11:47 That's just America, dude. It's America, man. Yeah. Well, I think maybe she could use the power of social media, you know, just to be like, crushing bruise tonight. Go until 2 a.m. Message me if you're doing the same. And then maybe some people will reach out and you're like, oh, wow, George, I didn't know you liked to get after it until 2 a.m message message me if you're doing the same and then maybe some people will reach out and you're like oh wow george i didn't know you like to get after it live doing an instagram live
Starting point is 01:12:11 i was just gonna say i bemoaned i bemoaned zooms a little earlier instead of but it's better than nothing and to just jump on and be like you know search for some people in in within the fans here other people posting, Marie, some like-minded people who would just jump on and you guys have a good time. I would love that, dude. If there could be some connections. You guys need to host a social hangout.
Starting point is 01:12:35 You're right. Call it a great hair night. Oh, come on. Let's do this. That's what I'm talking about. You can't fight great ideas. You can't fight hair night. Phantom buzz is dropping.
Starting point is 01:12:47 You've got a party, man. That's awesome. I feel like you guys would be such good party starters, though, and just throwing it. And then you guys could literally play it for like half an hour. We're bowing out. Just go. We've created it.
Starting point is 01:13:02 You don't need to take me there the whole time. You guys could if you wanted, but you could just go. You're coming you don't even have to be there the whole time you guys could if you wanted or you but you could just go i'm we take the take no you're coming dude you're the master i'd be there yeah i want to have a a good drink night r puts the pa double r and party baby uh matt dude thank you so much for coming on oh you guys i've really had the best time you guys are legendary you are total stoke lords and I had, it's not too good.
Starting point is 01:13:27 You guys really, really brought me a good time, man. Dude, let's get some brewskis at some point. That was really nice. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:35 I'm Melrose and La Brea in that neighborhood. Oh dude. If you hear anybody's going out, let's do this. I love it. All right, well thanks, it. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 01:13:47 Great hanging with you. You're the best. You got great energy. I feel fired up now. Me too. I had a good time. I had a really good time. I needed this.
Starting point is 01:13:59 I needed this. We got what Marie was looking for. We just had what Marie was looking for. Yeah. Yeah. It Marie was looking for. We just had what Marie was looking for. Yeah. Yeah. It was nice. Yeah. My lord, Chad, what is your beef of the week?
Starting point is 01:14:13 Dude, my beef of the week is with Paris from the Iliad. Dude, great beef. So if you've seen Troy, you know, Paris is played by Orlando Bloom. And, yeah, I'm just beefing with this dude for thinking straight up with his dong, you know. He had, like, he either could have been, like, a lord or something in Asia, you know, whatever. He could have. Oh, one of the options. So three goddesses came to him, they're like what up dude you have
Starting point is 01:14:46 three options you can either you take option a then all of greece will be stellar you know just cruising everyone's gonna be happy prosperous you know togas will be on or off you know nudity optional just like a good time in greece option b you can be like a lord in like asia you know or something like that just you know a straight up ruler or you can have the hottest chick on earth and uh he chose the hottest chick on earth and that led to the trojan war which led to the death of hector his brother the death of achilles uh the death of a lot of great heroes and the destruction of troy so i'm just beefing with paris dude like that was unwise i think you're weak and i think you're the schmall of greek mythology and homer knew it and i know it
Starting point is 01:15:40 so suck it for sure and do And dude, Greek reality, dude. Yeah. I'm fired up that you have that perspective too, because they say Helen of Troy, you know, the face that launched a thousand ships, but it's like, dude,
Starting point is 01:15:54 she was just enjoying some nice lovemaking. It's Paris is bad, dude. I didn't even know that he chose from those three gods. So dude, thanks for clearing that up, dude. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:16:01 dude. I think, I think Athena was no, Aphrodite was the one who came in with that option because she's cunning. Love her. And she was like, I'm going to get Paris with this
Starting point is 01:16:11 because she knew he was weak. And he schmolded up and caused a 10-year war because he couldn't control his dink. Dude, I heard when Aphrodite pitched him those options, he was like, I want the hot one.
Starting point is 01:16:25 Yeah, dude. The hot girl. Get him the third one with the hot girl. That's what I want. Get out of my room, Hector. I'm talking to the gods. Hector's like, look, bro, look, I get it. She's hot.
Starting point is 01:16:41 Okay, I get it. But come on, dude. Focus up. You're going to start a war over i get it but come on dude like focus you're starting a war you're gonna start a war over helen like come on brother you you know come on and he's like but hector she's so hot jealous you just don't want me to have sex man allows is a douche i know it he's like come on hector he's like come on paris like i'm look like a nymph came up to me and prophesied that i would get killed in this and he was he's like but hector that's his voice the whole time dude i think that kind of killed orlando bloom's career playing that
Starting point is 01:17:18 character because in the end you like you know spoiler he gets achilles but he gets him with an arrow and he shoots him from like a mile away. Like these are hand-to-hand combat times. Yeah, he kills Brad Pitt. And in the Iliad, he doesn't even do that. He just dies, you know. He just straight up dies. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:17:36 Because his armor, dude. Yeah, what a knob. Knob city. Strider, what's your B for the week? My B for the week is it's sort of not clear so i might be being um a little bit you know rash by blaming apartment 306 in my new building but i have it on a few i did a little detective work they have been using my for some reason we have a new like call box code on our apartment
Starting point is 01:18:07 building for like when deliveries come and they've been giving everyone that comes to their apartment, our call box code. So I've been getting a million phone calls. Dude, they get DoorDash for like every meal. So breakfast, lunch, and dinner, dude, I'm getting calls from random numbers being like, yo, your DoorDash is here. And I'm like, my DoorDash isn't here. And then I've kind of had to be a schmold to DoorDash people because I'm like, look,
Starting point is 01:18:29 guys, I'm sorry. I can't let you in because if I let you in, then 306 is going to think things are okay. So you need to call 306 and let them know that it's the wrong code. And then now tomorrow, I have two people i need to talk to in my building now i need to talk to the people freaking that are raging on the roof blazing on the roof and then now i need to talk to apartment 306 so basically dude i've just become a grumpy old man yeah but dude you're like the best example of it thank you you're like a paragon of how chill that type can be i appreciate that and i'm you know i don't like confrontation it's going to take a lot for me to go and do that and when i do it youagon of how chill that type can be. I appreciate that. And I'm, you know,
Starting point is 01:19:05 I don't like confrontation. It's going to take a lot for me to go and do that. And when I do it, you know, of course I'm going to be like, Hey, I don't know if you've noticed, but,
Starting point is 01:19:11 um, Hey, I don't think, um, I don't know. Maybe it's like an accident or something's like, I don't know. You know,
Starting point is 01:19:16 wires are crossed. Just use the phrase, you know, wires are crossed. And then, uh, let them know you in the code, you know,
Starting point is 01:19:22 maybe you put it in your door dash. Sometimes you get their wires crossed and, uh, you know, probably we'll just figure stuff out so we can just uncross the code. You know, maybe you put it in and you door dash. Sometimes you get their wires crossed. And, you know, probably we'll just figure stuff out so we can just uncross the wires. That'd be nice. And so they're going to be like, what the fuck are you talking about, dude? Is my computer okay? I'm like, of course, it's fine.
Starting point is 01:19:34 I'll be like, you just change your code. You're going to be like that guy who wrote in, who's like trying to figure out how to properly woo these ladies. And you've got to tell them your truth. Be like, look, I get messages nonstop from DoorDash. I respect that you're getting food out. You're supporting small biz, but the code is incorrect. And you're really, you know, I just moved in here and you're killing my boner, my new apartment boner.
Starting point is 01:20:05 That's it. You're 100% right. Me not telling the DoorDash workers the code is just me leaning up at a party, trying to look chill and hope that a girl gets that and realizes I like her instead of me going down to 306, knocking on the door at a reasonable hour
Starting point is 01:20:20 and letting them know. Yeah. Guys, sorry. I need to grab my sweep too. I'm really Yeah. Guys, sorry. I need to grab my sweet potato oven really quick. Go for it. Aaron, do you want to do your beef while Chad gets his sweet potato? I don't want Chad to miss my beef.
Starting point is 01:20:36 I feel like he has expertise with it. I might need some advice. You're so much nicer than I am. I would just be like, no, I didn't order it. Go away. Or at least threaten 306 and be like, listen, I'm not accepting anything. I mean, no, Aaron, you're being too hard on yourself.
Starting point is 01:21:03 I was like that in the beginning, but it kept happening. So then it made me raise the question, why is this happening? And I was like, what apartment? And I asked, what apartment is it for? And I've asked that three times now. It's always been 306. I'm just assuming those are all 306 and now I got to go figure it out. Unreasonable.
Starting point is 01:21:23 Sweet potato is good. That's awesome. Aaron, what's your beat for the week my beat for the week is with hot sand i was like what could i have expertise in yeah i went to the beach went to will rogers on saturday uh my niece and nephew over, so we took them out there. It was like 105 here at my house. So we go down there, and it's only 76. Beautiful.
Starting point is 01:21:52 Great day. A lot of people are out. You know, distance, but out. And I try to walk in the sand to the ocean, because I try to distance so I'm not super close to it, where everyone else is. This sand had to have been
Starting point is 01:22:08 a thousand. I don't know what it was. You couldn't even bury your feet under it for relief. I didn't get sunburned, but I think I burnt my feet in the time it took me to get to the water. By then I was like, hell yeah, I'm jumping in the water.
Starting point is 01:22:24 I had no intention at that point. How can you believe in God when sand gets that hot? Yeah. It's that hot in Santa Monica. What the hell is it that's at the Sahara? Aaron, did you rock sandals? No, I was barefoot. I had sandals, but I left them at the spot.
Starting point is 01:22:49 Right. Yeah, I mean, that's a tough one. I used to teach at Santa Monica, and I would literally burn my feet, you know, running back and forth between the van and the spot. And I just had to rock sandals. running back and forth between the van and the spot. I just had to rock sandals. I think you just got to get closer to the water. I don't really know
Starting point is 01:23:11 what to do with hot sand besides rock sandals or rock sandals. You could rock sandals and just stuff them near the lifeguard tower or something so you know that they'll be safe. When you get to the the wet sand where it's cool you can just sort of stuff them in the sand uh right by the
Starting point is 01:23:32 lifeguard tower and i think but yeah i think sandals are really the only solution because i mean that sand will get you in 10 seconds or less oh yeah that's all it took they do make for you know pro beach volleyball players they have like special sand socks but you do risk looking like a kook if you're not going to be playing beach volleyball wearing beach volleyball socks but you know might be just worth the risk yeah it might be might show some dank maturity to accepting the the kook look for the better help. On my brother's football team, they played on turf that had like the black pebbles in it, you know? And when that stuff used to heat up in the summer, it could get really hot.
Starting point is 01:24:15 And they were doing bear crawls on there. And this kid, I think his name was Teske on the football team, was like, it's burning my hands. And then the coaches were like, hey, you're fine. Like, be tough, be tough. Dude, next day, kid came to practice, third degree burns all over my hands. And then the coaches were like, hey, you're fine. Like, be tough, be tough. Dude, next day, kid came to practice, third-degree burns all over his hands. Oh, no. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:34 Yeah, it's a tough struggle because, like, if I'm, like, walking to Trestles or, you know, even if you go to Malibu, like, you know, third point, and you park further down and there's you park further down the street so you walk along that path it's like there's always that eternal struggle because it's like i know the path is gonna be hot but i don't want to rock a wetsuit and sandals i mean that's not cool and usually i opt for the no sandals because i you know want to be cool but maybe i'm getting to an age where i can be like you know what sandal time and if you guys are gonna call me a kook then i'll say what up and
Starting point is 01:25:13 they make board shorts or swim trunks or wetsuits with a sandal pocket you know like someone in the back where it wouldn't affect you and so someone like down your thigh just a long pocket that would be cool like a maurice dong pocket on your board shorts that's a fire call dude my my beef of the week is with um a place that i love where i've with chad kind of hashed out a lot of harsh beef that I've had over my life it's with the it's with Sharky's I got a message from a dude who has a Instagram page you know I should cross verify a lot of this but I'm taking it as fact for now until I learn more and basically that uh Sharky's wasn't paying their people for their breaks. They were taking that all out of their wages,
Starting point is 01:26:09 but they were supposed to pay them. Like, you're owed an hour for missed breaks, which includes the 30 and 15-minute break, three shifts a week, 52 weeks, two breaks a shift. That's 312 hours that year's minimum wage. So I don't know. He has some other complaints with Sharky's, but until further notice,
Starting point is 01:26:28 Sharky's, you're on my beef list. Whoa. Sorry, dudes. That's huge. Yeah. Where are we going to squash beef? Chili's? You guys could go to A's, dude.
Starting point is 01:26:43 Yeah, A's Burgers would be dank yeah islands islands yeah we want to go somewhere that islands is better we want to go somewhere that has a beach feel yeah yeah and they got their cheese fries are dank chad who's your babe of the week sorry yeah chad you might be eating too close to the mic dude i think that's gonna be uh there There's some ASMR stuff, dude. Chad housing a sweet potato, dude. Called a muckbang. Yeah. When you eat into the microphone. A muckbang? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:12 Muckbang is a genre. Hopefully I give Stoker's ASMR tingles. What's my what? What's your babe of the week? My babe of the week is Atalanta. Greek god... She's not a goddess. I think she's a nymph.
Starting point is 01:27:30 Something like that. She's just a freak athlete? I think she's a demigod. She's got something in her. She's fat. She's like Zeus's daughter or something. But yeah, she's just like the original American Ninja Warrior. Just, you know know hucking foot
Starting point is 01:27:47 races nude just crushing everyone and like a bunch of dudes a bunch of suitors came up to they're like like we want to date you like please and she's like if you could beat me in a race no one could do it the only guy who could do it had to resort to trickery with some golden apples you know that humans cannot ignore and uh you know it's like she was such a badass ninja warrior that someone had to use trickery to uh to trick her into marrying her so swing of your shout out you know i'm stoked on your speed i'm stoked on how noble you were and, and just like, just a massive what up. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:28:32 Strider, who's your baby of the week? My baby of the week's gotta be my GF, dude. We just got some new fricking patio furniture, dude. It's sick. Immediately when she saw it, she pulled up on her phone. She's like, we got to get this rug. It's going to go great with this wood. You know, we got this dank piece of furniture from uh wayfair dude and it was just some fire call so just honestly the fact that we're going to be embarking on this
Starting point is 01:28:53 journey of making our new apartment look tight together so just fired up on that dude dude that's awesome she's crushing it she has a good vision i would say maybe my bf's vision to be or excuse me my gfs who's also my bf my best friend, besides my two freaking bros. What up, dude? Her vision, my GF's vision is my Babe of the Week. Nice. Aaron, who's your Babe of the Week? My Babe of the Week is a new podcast I discovered based entirely on my favorite band,
Starting point is 01:29:20 Jimmy Eat World. It's called Jimmy Eat Odd. It's hosted by two dudes who live in san dimas uh they're they're probably my age and just about as nerdy for them as i am and what's weird is it's their second favorite bands both of them but they're going through uh every song they've ever written one episode per song and so they're at like 40 right now um so i say hop in there they do like two hours on a song like it's crazy they get real deep on it um and then they did tangent on it like jurassic park and all this weird stuff uh which also makes it fun if you're not so familiar. And they play covers and all this stuff.
Starting point is 01:30:08 So that is my babe of the week. Is Jimmy World still your favorite band? Yeah. Your all-time favorite band? Mm-hmm. Awesome. Still going strong? I listen to Good Charlotte on the – I listen to Ever Living Skater Boy
Starting point is 01:30:23 and then Good Charlotte on the – I listened to Ever Living Skater Boy. And then Good Charlotte on the Assault Bag today. Whoa. That'll get you going. Yeah. The River, dude. That song about L.A. That Good Charlotte does.
Starting point is 01:30:37 I haven't listened to that. Oh, dude. It's like our lives. Dude, my baby of the week. So i went to palm springs for the last couple days which was really fun although it was 115 degrees which is uh hot but it's actually not as hot as you think it would be it feels not as hot but it's hot like i played golf strider we played golf strider played excellent shot a 41 on the front. I had like three straight. Whoa. Sick. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:12 And I was, Strider would say, I was not feeling good that first nine holes. I was like laying down. I was ready to quit. I'm a tired boy. Oh, yeah. We persevered. But I went with my friend. She's really awesome. And we had a great time hanging out.
Starting point is 01:31:20 And she was just like, it's great when someone's great on a road trip. Like my brother, we went to Montana. He was a beast. Paige was like just super fun uh to hang out but we had this moment where and and she's my babe the week but we had this moment where we're walking to the pool and we came out and there was just a mountain goat in this community where we rented a condo which is a mountain goat just sitting there and i'm looking at it i'm like i don't know what a mountain goat's temperament is and then so i start saying hey we got to back up and she's like no no i want to get closer to the mountain goat i'm like don't don't fuck with the mountain i'm like you don't know what that thing i'll do to
Starting point is 01:31:52 you and so i'm like i'm like and she has me on camera going honey back up back up away from the mountain goat and then i go i'm not gonna fight a mountain goat for you my mind my mind instantly like this just speaks to how i perceive the whole world too it's like i just see like a male predator of not even a predator but just a male species of any species and i'm like i'm like look they're coming after me they're gonna try and take this girl i'm with i'm gonna have to fight to the death that's just how i baseline see the world so i was like hey we got to get away from this goat so i finally i'm like i'm like come on i coax her to come inside we go the other way to get to the pool out the back door the goats on the other side waiting for us what yes dude i 100 believe this goat because then we
Starting point is 01:32:38 ran back into the into the condo the goat walked by us and tried to he tried to look like you i've got it on video too the goat tried to look like he wasn't looking at us and then he looked at us. This goat, he was into her. He was sly. This goat was into her and he was following her around. Aaron? Could this goat, now hear me out. Could this goat be the devil?
Starting point is 01:33:03 Yes. Good call. And I'm not so sure every goat doesn't have a the devil? Yes. Good call. Good call. And I'm not so sure every goat doesn't have a little devil in them. So then we're at the pool, and the pool has a soft perimeter where if the goat walks through some water, all it has to do is walk through a little wire fence to get to us. So she's like, hey, what do we do if the goat gets here? I go, don't worry. I've been thinking about that nonstop since we got to the pool.
Starting point is 01:33:23 I'm like, no matter where the goat enters from, we're going out that exit because that's where it was like more fortified it would have to come through the softer outside edges and then i i'd already decided this i go if the goat runs at you at the last second dive out of the way do you have to wait to the last second to dive out of the way but i go don't go to the ground because then i'm afraid i'll hoove you i'm afraid it'll give you a stomping so that's what we're gonna do and it felt good to just you know be locked in like that and be aware of the mountain goat and be ready to kill it but yeah how many lbs is this goat would you say and it's got horns goats probably dude's got a nice set of horns on it probably about 150 pounds and then dude and then the neighbors are there and i go you know right away
Starting point is 01:34:05 i'm like neighbors you see the goat then we got a nice 10 minute talk about the goats you know love that i guess they're gonna be on the mouse and it's not killed did did the other dude did the other dudes think that the goat was trying to court their wives no see they're not paranoid like i was i was i looked at the guy dead in the eyes ago hey you scared, you scared of the goat? And he goes, no, laughing a little bit. I go, okay. I go, all right, yeah. Well, you're the kind of guy who's going to get over his skis and end up getting his ass rocked in front of his old lady because he took the goat as a pal. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:34:36 I'm not that guy. I'm ready for you, goat. At the drop of a hat, I will rock and roll. Yeah. role um yeah but dude i i just realized deep in my subconscious or in my id or sub subset of subness is uh i just i just think everyone's coming for me especially if i'm with a girl i'm like if you're with a girl and you're out in public you just got a big target on you just be ready the world the world's coming at you um chad who's your legend of the week uh my legend of the week is uh my mom's dog luna again uh just a little update so um strider she my mom's dog has a lymphoma oh damn but we were waiting for the test, so it's more of like an update. And thankfully, it was like the B type, so it's less severe.
Starting point is 01:35:29 Hell, yes. Yeah, I just want – yeah, just a little update if people are interested. They want to hear about my mom's dog. Good. But it's the B type, so, yeah, she has a... It's the less severe type, so it's the one that she can survive, which is good news.
Starting point is 01:35:51 So I'm pumped for her and she's going through chemo, and so I know she's got the strength and the stoke to beat this fucker. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:08 Yeah. That's good to hear, man. I'm really happy to hear that. Yeah. Because the dog's only like four, you know? Yeah, it's young, dude. She likes to chase butterflies. Dog's part of the fam.
Starting point is 01:36:24 How's your mom feeling? She's good. She feels better she she's relieved um you know she she still is sick the dog is still sick so yeah she has to go through a lot of uh treatment but but it's it was it was the best outcome we could have hoped for given the situation. Nice. Yeah. So, and by chance there's like the best, um,
Starting point is 01:36:56 I'm not sure what the doctorate, but she's the best. The vet who specializes in this is the best one is an Albuquerque. Oh really? By chance. Yeah. So she's in good hands. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:37:11 So, yeah, that's what's up. I'm happy to hear that, man. Strider, who is your legend of the week? Dude, my legend of the week has got to be our bro, and I think we've done this before. We all have maybe at some point, but, Joe Pell is on dude. The guy's been, uh,
Starting point is 01:37:29 cooking up steaks and he made his mom's salsa dude. That was passed down from his grandma, dude. Come on. And he made steaks. He made New York strip steaks. Then he saw that I was, I was getting a little full and he goes,
Starting point is 01:37:41 bro, save that steak tomorrow. Breakfast burritos with steak in them, dude. Steak and egg breakfast burritos with that extra salsa I got. That's my mom's dank recipe. The guy is freaking Bobby Flay out there on the grill, dude. Just doing it right, dude. Freaking Joseph Flay, dude. So giving it up for my dog and his grill capabilities.
Starting point is 01:38:04 I respect a dude who can go beast mode on the grill and joe pelazon can and what about him off the t oh dude the guy was dude okay our buddy ferraro 350 300 350 off the t he was bombing drive dude i bought the same driver that he has and i do not hit it nearly as far as he does the guy has got power he's got power yeah he was for ferrara hit that no joe joe i mentioned joe did yeah ferrara was big but like with he hits hard too but joe off the tee is just a monster and look i don't want to rip on ferrara but what type of drivers that kid using yeah he's using a three one and he's teeing it real low What type of driver is that kid using?
Starting point is 01:38:44 Yeah, he's using a 3-1, and he's teeing it real low. Yeah. But, you know, Joe made the point he has too much power for a driver. The ball, if you hit it 500 yards, the direction of it, it can go into a different – he's off the course. I mean, look, at the time I do remember being like, hell, yeah, that's got to be it. But, dude, John Daly, Tiger Woods, come on.
Starting point is 01:39:04 These guys got power. Yeah. There's other power drivers out there. For a step up to the driver. What are we doing? Get a driver, dude, John Daly, Tiger Woods, come on. These guys got power. Yeah. There's other power drivers out there. For our step up to the driver. What are we doing? Get a driver, dude. What are you doing? All right. Aaron, who's your legend of the week?
Starting point is 01:39:16 So it's been no secret that I'm digging the new Perry Mason on HBO. Oh, yeah. Last time I was on, I gave a big shout out to Matthew Rhys. This week, my legend of the week, and I think Matthew Rhys was on my babe, but legend is the actor Shea Whigham. Oh, dude. Dude is amazing. He's in Perry Mason.
Starting point is 01:39:39 He was Steve Buscemi's brother on Boardwalk Empire Forever. He's just always awesome he always has like the best line in every movie he's in his one of his first movies is an amazing movie we've talked about before on this podcast tiger land great movie all right but yeah and he's just he's a narcos vice principals uh bad lieutenant he's so funny in that movie he's in Narcos, Vice Principals. Bad Lieutenant, he's so funny in that movie. He's so... And then... Shit. He's in Joker.
Starting point is 01:40:13 He's one of the cops in Joker. Yeah, he's got a... Would he be considered a character actor? Yeah, all the real girls. Yeah, he's in the TV show Fargo season three oh silver linings playbook that's the one i was thinking of as his older brother you know things are going so bad for you things are going so yeah yeah yeah it's just amazing like he's always kind of grizzled and gruff and i mean if he played that character his whole life it'd still be awesome
Starting point is 01:40:41 yeah hell yeah that guy needed spotlight that's perfect yeah true detective season one come on wait which guy i see in season one i can't picture his character uh i think he's one of the rednecks or something like he's one of those guys was he a dicey cop maybe maybe i don't really remember but yeah interrogator is he one of the interrogators no maybe not no one of the is he one. Is he someone that Woody Harrelson sleeps with? He's in Fast and Furious, guys. He's in Fast and Furious. What? Fast and Furious 6.
Starting point is 01:41:15 I remember him. Yeah, he's one of the cops. He's kind of a douche, right? He always kind of is, but he's so great at it like it's you can't help but love him he's a beast yeah shay wiggum what's up that's awesome great name too oh great name my legend of the week is a bill russell nba legend nba um you know just uh i don't know, like hero, basically.
Starting point is 01:41:46 Like just someone who, when you read about his life, it inspires you to be better. Cause you're just like, this dude came against so much adversity and just handled everything like a perfect legend. Like, I mean, just, so Wilt Chamberlain is always the first basketball player you learn about after Jordan.
Starting point is 01:42:02 Cause you know, he scored a hundred points in a game. But then when you actually learn about that era and Will Chamberlain was incredible you know maybe the greatest athlete in NBA history but Bill Russell beat him every time they basically played in the finals Bill Russell was like the guy who did all the intangibles thing and was just did all the things that your coach will tell you is what leads to winning and it did he's got 11 titles I think he has the most titles of anyone from any major sport. And he won the last couple as a player coach. He had so much respect from his teammates that they made him the fucking coach of the team. And we're like, hey, we'll just listen to you. And I think he had a famous moment where
Starting point is 01:42:35 the players weren't getting enough money and they weren't getting enough respect from the owner. So at the All-Star game, he basically organized it for them to not go out on the court. And the owners panicked and capitulated to a bunch of their demands i mean he helped a ton with race relations playing in boston which was a tough town for that and and just you know helped with uh civil rights and and then i just i saw a clip of him the other day where charles barkley's like uh kind of kissing his ass at like an awards ceremony and he mentions bill russell they cut to russell and bill russell instead of playing into all the kindness just gives charles barkley the finger and then when he comes up to his accept his award he goes he goes if i would have played against any of you and it's like shack bill it's like shack barkley uh kareem all these legends he goes i
Starting point is 01:43:19 would have kicked all of your asses and then just like a pure competitor and just a pure winner so yeah i think anytime if you got some free time just look into bill russell and you'll you'll be pumped he's a true legend um all right chad what's your quote of the week uh my quote of the week comes from uh will rogers shout out the beach aaron all right um i was looking at the quote and i just heard like from like nice just come to that i didn't even realize i was just like in my own world like that's nice yeah uh if there are no dogs in heaven then when i die i want to go where they went heaven then when i die i want to go where they went it was just like i i just love dogs so i mean i love dogs so much like if i could hang out with a dog all day i would do it every day
Starting point is 01:44:14 they just make me so happy i love them i've been hanging on my girlfriend's dog a lot rosie shout out and uh yeah i just snuggle that dog all day. She probably gets annoyed because she's like, dude, can you get off me? I'm like, nah, dude. Nah. And then my mom's dog. I want to get a dog soon, but I'm just waiting until it's the right time. Do it, dude.
Starting point is 01:44:40 Shrider's about to get a dog too. Yeah, dude. We're talking about it. We're talking about it. I'm caving. You're what? You're c caving here's the thing she wants it and you weren't kind of on the fence and i love dogs but i love other people's dogs look 20 minutes i'm hanging out it's the best i got no responsibility but then also i don't get that long-term bond like aaron has with his dank dog and you know our parents have so i'm more open to it it's essential you though you're
Starting point is 01:45:06 always reluctant because you're afraid of like but then you'll be the biggest dog person once it goes down yeah i think i think that's what happens yeah anyone yeah yeah i fucking love that thing dude yeah i want it to be little though dude you want a little one i love little dogs really tiny little like havanese. I love Bichons. I love Coton de Couture, whatever the hell type of dog my mom has. I love little mutts. I want to be able to stroke them and make business deals. You could be like Gene Hackman in Crimson Tide.
Starting point is 01:45:40 Yeah. Dude, I got to re-watch Crimson Tide. Denzel's the one in that he's dead he like is the second man right yeah okay yeah he's the executive officer i think yeah i think that's what it's called gene hackman and denzel going toe-to-toe on a submarine trying to trying to figure out whether or not to launch nukes at russia it's a perfect movie yeah yeah yeah i've seen it a long time ago, but I gotta rewatch it. Gene Hagman,
Starting point is 01:46:08 God help you if you're wrong. God help all of us. Nuclear holocaust. Yeah. Good shit. There's gonna be a nuclear holocaust. If you let this happen, there's gonna be a nuclear holocaust. Everything and everything we love is going to be gone.
Starting point is 01:46:26 Now, I need you to not give him those launch codes. Yeah, you got it. You got it. You got it, Sarge. Aye, aye. So good. Strider, who's your – what is your quote of the week? My quote of the week, and I'm messing it up a little bit,
Starting point is 01:46:42 but I was thinking of it when Aaron was talking about his hot feet in the sand and there was a dank quote that's like, you know, if you must, you know, in life you're going to walk across rocks or hot sand, if you will, you know, or life is walking across a beach with hot sand on it, you know, and the trick is only letting the soles of your feet get harder, not what's inside. Oh. I like that.
Starting point is 01:47:12 Nice. Aaron, what's your quote of the week? God damn it. I always have such a hard time with quotes, guys. I'm trying to... We'll circle back. What about something from Jimmy World? What about a dank lyric? Ooh, Shrider. What if it was Shrider?
Starting point is 01:47:27 Yeah, I mean. Probably just too many to choose from for Aaron because he loves them all. Yeah, and I'm also just terrible. Why not? I'll just quote the middle. The chorus of the middle. It just takes some time.
Starting point is 01:47:42 Little girl, you're in the middle of the ride everything will be all right everything will be all right dude i'm a little girl i think they're talking to me i am that little girl um all right mine is from marcus aurelius. What up, Chad? Oh, dude. Whoa. Short then is the time which every man lives, and small the nook of the earth where he lives, and short too the longest posthumous fame, and even this only continued by a succession of poor human beings
Starting point is 01:48:19 who will die very soon, and who know not even themselves, much less him who died long ago. Dude, I think that is just a base description of reality. And you can put more fun and exciting philosophy on top of that, but I think at the bottom of your Maslow hierarchy of philosophy, you need to understand that truth before you can push on into the other ones. Short is our time, little of importance, and doesn't matter what you do, it's not going to change those irrefutable facts. But that's okay because after we accept that, then we can really get started on what we care about.
Starting point is 01:48:54 Let's go. Yeah. Everyone dies and ends up in the same place. Yeah. Dust to dust, baby. You knew Marcus Aurelius. I never said I knew him. I said I touched him on the shoulder once.
Starting point is 01:49:10 So that's who he is, isn't that? That's supposed to be Marcus Aurelius, yeah. That's cool. That's because he canceled the mandatory games. And his son Commodus was a schmole. Historically, he was a huge schmole. I think he became emperor, but then he... I forget the history exactly, but he totally fucked it up. I mean, he was the opposite of stoicism.
Starting point is 01:49:36 He was just straight up knob. If you could make one movie that's historical fiction fact, other than In inglorious bastards for the obvious reasons which one would you want to be true the most oh so a movie that takes that makes something up but i want it to be true yeah once upon a time in hollywood nice oh that's sick yeah that's a great one dude reverse the sharing tape yeah that'd be great yeah freaking uh god there's so many good i'm trying to think which one is do you know what braveheart like when you hear the real story like yeah it was more robert the bruce than william wallace i guess but like
Starting point is 01:50:16 if that could be true i'd be pumped although except for the prima nocta i'm glad that was kind of made up true it's just been a big buzzkill maybe um my mountain goat fears you saw that goat right you scared of it i've been thinking about that all day partner yeah what the dude the goat was literally it was mad dogging me did the goat the goat was trying to get in your dome and guess what he won oh dude he's got free real estate in my head dude this guy's living rent free nice house playing by the pool every day with every girl i've ever loved
Starting point is 01:50:58 this piece of shit motherfucker dude i asked the girl i said i asked her i was like i'll probably cut this but we're in the pool hanging out. I go, when we make love, do you think about the goat? And she said, don't ask me questions that I can't answer. That's hilarious. She sounds cool. That sounds cool. It was a very good answer. That's cool. That's cool. Yeah. Dude, I pick a kid in King Arthur's court. It's a fun movie. He goes back.
Starting point is 01:51:25 He makes hamburgers. He freaking gets to travel through time. You meet the princess. It's cool stuff. That's awesome. Yeah. And you know who else is in that movie? Daniel Craig.
Starting point is 01:51:36 Oh, yeah. Ooh. Daniel Craig, dude. And he's like a hot knight. Makes sense. Yeah, that checks out. Where are we at on our string of things?
Starting point is 01:51:48 I think we're on Get After It phrases. Chad, what's your phrase of the week for Get After It? Let's stick that sweet potato in the oven and put on the butter. Nice. Strider? I've been re-watching, and I told you this the other day, I was re-watching and i told you i told you this the other day i was re-watching um fury road which is an amazing movie still it's so freaking good i hadn't watched it in a long time
Starting point is 01:52:13 amazing i might even watch it again but my phrase for getting after it and it's perfect witness me and then you just do something sick dude like you know pull your own pants down at a party you know peeing a dishwasher or something like that but it's not exactly chill to do maybe just on the balcony but just saying witness me and then like doing a strikeout would be very sick if i could do a strikeout for sure i love that uh aaron what's your phrase that we're it? For our guest, we're all ninja warriors. Nice. Dude, mine is from a Pat McNamara who's like a fitness expert
Starting point is 01:52:54 who was on Joe Rogan years ago. I love this guy. Dude, he's such a beast. And he was just talking about what fires him up. And he goes, look, we don't overtrain. It's called fitness, not brokenness. And then he goes, but it's also about hitting transverse longitudinal platitudes when you're working out.
Starting point is 01:53:08 Some words like that. He goes, because motion is lotion. And I like that. Motion is lotion. That's nice. That's nice. His Instagram is hilarious because he just finds new ways of working out like every day where he's like, he's going to hit a tire with a sledgehammer.
Starting point is 01:53:23 And then he's just like, he's like he's gonna hit a tire with a sledgehammer and then he's just like he's like bounce he's like he's like he's like shooting a glock while one-legged on like a bouncy ball yeah while doing like while doing like shoulder press just like shooting a gun totally yeah wherever he's at i had to go to the bank today if you do a wall sit while filling out a cashier's check form you will be working your quads but also being at the bank and getting done what you need to get done yeah he puts up videos where he's like he's like secrets to your own self protection when you're not you know when you need to rely on yourself always put a trip wire near your door. I don't know what his advice is, but he's like, always have your gun ready to go in your holster.
Starting point is 01:54:09 That's hilarious. That's a good character for JT to do. JT, because he knows about fitness and he's got paranoia about mountain goats. He's like, when you were having a nice time in the desert with a lady and you see a mountain goat, here's what you do. You pick up your kettlebell that you have on me,
Starting point is 01:54:22 preferably 42 pounds. You swing it at the goat's head. If you think someone's going to break into your room at night, move your dresser five or six times in front of your door. I do that. I do that. I barricade my door. Dude, his four principles for working out were so good. He said, one, health, live longer, live better. Two, in case you have to save your own life or sometimes you get into a car accident, you're in a flooded building, something where where you gotta go three save somebody else's life and four just when you gotta kick somebody's ass let's go dude let's go that's amazing i'm so dumb dude i heard that i was like this guy's one of the smartest people i've ever met
Starting point is 01:55:02 did you have to look that up you're like hold on is that marcus I was like, this guy's one of the smartest people I've ever met. Because you had to look that up. You're like, hold on. Is that Marcus Aurelius? What the fuck? Yo, we got a genius in our midst. This guy's a fucking beast. He crushes brews like every night.
Starting point is 01:55:17 Do you hear that in the road? He's like, yeah, every night my wife and I, we try to act like it's Saturday night. So we go out, we have five or six beers, and then I just work it off the next day. He's like, what do you drink? He's like, I don't drink Coors, but I like Barley Pops. I'm into craft beer.
Starting point is 01:55:34 I love this guy, dude. Yeah, he's the man. He throws good kicks, too. He does it all. Yeah. Yeah. He's a cool dude. He was a Navy SEAL, right?
Starting point is 01:55:44 Yeah, I think so, yeah. Yeah. He's a badass dude. Frog man. All right, dude. He was a Navy SEAL, right? Yeah, I think so. Yeah. Yeah. He's a badass dude. Frog man. All right, dude. This was so fun, man. Yeah. It was great.
Starting point is 01:55:53 Good to see you, dudes. Good to see you, too. Virtually. Matt Eisman, legend. Great guy. Fun. See you guys. if you need advice these guys are really nice
Starting point is 01:56:10 and you want to know what to do where to go when you need someone to guide you just have a coach beside you go with me Outro Music

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