Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep 151 - Nate Bargatze Joins

Episode Date: September 10, 2020

What up stokers?! This week we're joined by Nate Bargatze, beast comedian, we talk to him about stand up and life and then he gives some of the best advice during questions we've had on the pod.Sponso...red by Manscaped: Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagion.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up Stokers and Stoke Nation, this is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. Guys, before we begin, I want to remind you once again that we are brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean because we may be in lockdown, but that does not mean that your pubes can go astray. Keep them trimmed. Keep them tight so when you get out into the real world, people know what's up use code go deep www.manscaped.com and i'm here with my compadres and thomas what up boom clap stokers
Starting point is 00:00:51 and we're here with comic nate bargazzi we're huge fans so pumped to have you on yeah man thanks for having me big fan of you guys i listened to y'all y'all went on stern right like a few times yeah yeah and that was fun i was pretty sleepy he records it very early west coast time so i was a little tired on the last one but it was but it's he's incredible it was so fun to do it yeah yeah yeah he's did y'all listen to him and like did any like but y'all have ever heard of me are pretty young i guess so oh yeah and obviously you know them and listen to them yeah i've been a fan for like uh 11 years because i got um i mean i watched him on e when i was a kid yeah even though my when my mom wasn't didn't know because it was like not allowed yeah but uh i got serious in my like it was like a deal with like the new car uh so i started listening to him in like 2009 um and uh yeah i've been a fan ever since and kept serious you didn't
Starting point is 00:01:57 go ahead you didn't just let it run out you know a lot of people just get like a three month free trial then you're like i listened to them hard for three months, and then that was it. Yeah. I was like, Dad, can you keep paying for this? When you rent a car, I used to listen to him a lot too. I heard his CA interview when I rented a car from like Montana to Wyoming. Yeah. That's how you can tell how new your rental car is.
Starting point is 00:02:19 If you have it, then it's at least three months new. Right. Versus when you get one that's like you got to call the number and it's it's not i mean who knows how old this car already got some miles on it yeah i mean it's been through some stuff yeah it's some stories i uh yeah private parts his movie was i love that as a kid it was also one of the first movies like that uh like me and a lot of my friends had jacked it too yeah yeah it was kind of a milestone film for that yeah it was uh private parts was on my brief stint in college uh that i got nothing out of it
Starting point is 00:02:56 and it was my fault not the colleges but i was at western kentucky university for a semester and they played private parts on them. They had a movie channel and they would just rerun these movies, private parts. And then a movie with the guy that ran for Oregon and he ran, I can blink it on his name. He ran the mile like the quickest ever. Oh, Steve Prefontaine.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Yes. Steve Prefontaine. And they would, they would show his movie. There's two of them. Was it the Jared Leto one or the Billy Crudup one? I think that first, the Billy one. Without Limits. I think that's the better one. Yeah. I mean, I honestly didn't know there was two. This was the farthest I thought the
Starting point is 00:03:36 conversation would go. And the fact that there's another one, I'm like, well, I mean, maybe it wasn't even that movie. I don't even know. I could have been wrong the whole time. He's a legend. I read the guy from Nike's book, and he has just total, like, five chapters just dedicated to the magic of Brie Fontaine. I mean, he was, like, the first guy, right? Yeah, he was our guy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's super fun.
Starting point is 00:03:58 You're a big sports fan, right? I am. I am. Gigantic. Vandy, football, all All Vandy college sports. I mean, golf. Women's bowling at Vandy. They growing up in the South, you grew up being just a college sports fan. We had a lot of ties to Vanderbilt, and they're local from Nashville. I love them, but it's a tough – You're in a tough conference.
Starting point is 00:04:38 It's a tough conference, and yeah, we've had some ups and downs. That's some wild stuff. Can I ask you something kind of controversial? What's your take on Jay Cutler? I'm a fan, but because he went to Vandy, I'll always defend Jay Cutler. I love everything he does. And do you know that story? There's a famous story about him.
Starting point is 00:05:00 He's at the bathroom in a restaurant. And some guy goes to the urinal next to him and notices him. And I think it's in Nashville. And he goes, ah, what's up, man? Jay Cutler. He goes, I went to Vanny too. And Jay Cutler just goes, I don't care. And then walked out.
Starting point is 00:05:20 That's going to be his approach to a lot of things. Like when they had him out at wide receiver with the Dolphins, you know, that iconic play where he doesn't even act like he's going to run around. He just stands there dead. Yeah. And then on, on then Kristen Cavalier's reality show,
Starting point is 00:05:33 same thing. He just is like, just blase through all of it. But there's something endearing about that. It's, I think he's gotten a lot better. Like they, since they've split up,
Starting point is 00:05:42 uh, that it seems like, you know, he he's like i don't think he wants to be famous i think he's a guy that like he hunts yeah he's a dude that's he's just a dude that wants to be like he actually wants to be a regular guy and just happened to be an unbelievable athlete just has a howitzer yeah i mean so he but he seems like a guy that wants to be just kind of by himself and wants to be alone and you know and know, and then he, you know, and then adding her, his wife was super famous. And then she's like all about, you know, like I think just drama. I don't know what she does.
Starting point is 00:06:14 I know nothing about what she does, but I'd imagine she was on the shows that right that are about that. Like incredible reality TV villain. Yes. Yes. So she wants just constant you know we should have been i mean i bet she wants to be out and about and seen and getting in fights in front of restaurants and whatever and he's he's like i don't want to go out to eat you know he just wants to take down a buck yeah she wants to take down a buck you know i mean man like those are two way different people
Starting point is 00:06:45 i don't know why they i had two people that you're like why would you ever get married but they did here we are they live out there right nashville do you ever see them around no i think we get our hair cut at the same place it's like uh you know where i get my beard the moose i don't know well everybody no one's's going to see him there. He doesn't care. I want to ask you your hair, your hair has evolved a lot. I used to watch you all the time at like comedy, bang, bang, death ray and stuff. And you haven't much a sleeker style now. Yeah. Well, you know, the older you get, it's like, you just start,
Starting point is 00:07:22 I was a man, you know, I i mean then when you're starting out in comedy it's like you're just out till four every morning and i was in new york and you're everybody's drinking all night and then you're eating just mcdonald you're finding the mcdonald's that's open at four or five in the morning you're going in there and watching a fight as you order food and then so it was just a mess and i still eat i'm still a big fan of mcdonald's i love what they're doing and uh but now it's like i stopped drinking uh you know it's like you just kind of the older you get you're just like i can't do this stuff anymore man i started touring so much i was trying to do i was doing like 100 dates a year
Starting point is 00:08:01 and that was the plan and so you're just out so much you were like i gotta like and then once you cut that stuff out you just naturally lose some weight and i grew a beard that helped you know it's just i'm going the better way my first videos when i was like younger it's it's pretty bad you would honestly think it'd be flipped like that would be me now and then this would have be the young me but it's not men age well i think is what you know yeah yeah we got going for us i was wondering because you have such a unique style uh with your delivery and everything and and point of view did you did you uh sort of discover that pretty early on or was it something like when you started doing stand-up is it something you kind of had in mind like this kind of persona or is it did you discover
Starting point is 00:08:52 it after a number of years like how did that come uh it took i mean i always was you know being from the south i think helped my cadence my cadence was always a little bit slower just because how where I grew up and he just talks a little bit slower so that always that helped and you know and then figuring out was like I was just in New York and just watching guys and since I did talk so slow I do realize I had to put a lot of jokes in so I would try to even if I tell a story I mean I didn't think I was gonna be like telling stories I didn't think I'd be like a storyteller. I just I never, I never thought I was good at telling stories. And then it just I started doing jokes about my own life. And so then you just intertwine them and you make it conversational. And it was really trying to make
Starting point is 00:09:37 stuff conversation. That was a big thing I learned from Bill Burr and Patrice, watching Patrice O'Neill, watching them in New York is there were the guys that I kind of watched and saw up close and they and so I remember you know Patrice and Bird like they would talk about not writing your stuff word for word out like your jokes because you want it to be conversational so you need stuff you need your rhythms to be very much sound like you're just talking to the audience and you're trying to always do that i mean patrice was uh the best at you couldn't tell if he just came up with because he would intertwine the crowd into material so but the jokers were so good that i mean some of you're like he has had to have done that before and it's not like a crowd work joke it's not you're divorced here's a typical divorce response or whatever right it's
Starting point is 00:10:32 a real big kind of chunk you know like a 10 minute thing and yeah you're just like I think he just was so good at he could just ask the crowd something and then he can make that connect to whatever he was trying to say and he was just so good at that but yeah watching those guys were that was I mean that was a gigantic and helping it takes a long time to figure you know I mean somebody like you always either get your voice first or you get like joke writing first I think one of those come kind of naturally and then you just you just kind of build it from there. Then it just kind of changes over time. You know, I was used to be, I never moved. I was, you know, like Steven Wright, just standing there.
Starting point is 00:11:14 And now I, you know, I'm still, I'm never going to be animated, but I try, I try to move around a little bit. I even on, when I do shows now, like on stage, you know, you have two monitors kind of sitting in front of you. And I'll try to make myself see if I can walk outside of those monitors. Like I would, I mean, it's honestly, I'm not walking much. I mean, it's not even six feet. And I'm trying to make myself just get out of that six feet circle
Starting point is 00:11:44 because I'm super uncomfortable with moving that much. So I try to make myself like, you know, you see Chris Rock like pace across the stage. I mean, I could, he stalks the stage. He's got, I would be, I would feel embarrassed. That's just, I would, I would be, you know, I had, I had a joke about a baseball game I played in. I got inside the park, run off a walk. And I would say my third base coach was telling me to go home.
Starting point is 00:12:09 You got an inside the park, run off a walk? Yeah. I mean, the whole joke of it is I did it, and I got back to – the catcher was holding the ball. I ran to first base. He overthrew – he threw it to – then I ran to second. He overthrew second. I get to third. over through second I get
Starting point is 00:12:25 to third and I say my third base coach is telling me to go home he's like waving me home you know how like a third third base coach waves them and so even making that motion was a lot of like I had to make myself do it I was very uncomfortable doing I felt stupid yeah so I just had to go like no I'm telling the story I didn't like tell this. But then I slide home and the umpire tells us that it was only ball three, is the joke. Oh, really? Yeah. And I had a bat again and struck out.
Starting point is 00:12:53 So that's, you know. What did your teammates say when you got back in the dugout? Well, what I do in the joke is I didn't say, I explained like that. I say, I mean, like, they – like, I had it be confusing for everybody else because, like, the catcher – I mean, the catcher obviously knew I wasn't supposed to go. That's why he was holding the ball because he was thinking, like, I don't think he's supposed to go.
Starting point is 00:13:18 And then I just ran to second, and he's like, all right, I guess I'm wrong. You know, the catcher thinks he made the mistake. Right. And then sets off all these – all this other stuff that happens. Then you just get back and the ump's like, yeah, man, you can't do it. I mean, everybody was so confused. I don't think anybody – no one told – no one really explained it to the parents. They were pretty confused because it was a very exciting play to watch.
Starting point is 00:13:42 And just see me bat again, they just think that's a rule in baseball uh and then the other fun that i add on is something i never told is in my act but i the year before i had a triple off a walk that counted that was legit and when i was 12 so i mean as i'm running these bases i'm like this is what i do man it's like'm like, I just like, it's not on me. Don't let me on base. You don't know where you didn't hear about me. You don't know where I'm going to end up. Yeah. So that's, I mean, as I was running, I was like, this is just like Jackie Robinson steals home. You take bases off walks. Yeah. I just say, yeah, don't let me on.
Starting point is 00:14:21 I just, you never know where I'm going to end up. You know? Yeah. When you were in New York, since you watched Patrice and Bill, were you ever – because they always talk about that table in the back at the Comedy Cellar where they would roast the comics. Were you ever a victim of that? Yeah, we would go sit. I mean, you were never allowed to sit at a table. It was a very big deal to get to that table.
Starting point is 00:14:44 And we would always kind of – like sometimes you could sit there I mean, you were never allowed to sit at a table. It was a very big deal to get to that table. And we would always kind of like sometimes you could sit there and it would be fine. And then like if someone, a bigger comic came, like if I was with some buddies that just got passed there at the cellar, like they just got accepted to play there. That would be sitting with them. And if someone came, I would like scoot over and they'd be like, no, you can come over be like nah it's uncomfortable like you know it was a goal and so you didn't want to just be because you would see some people didn't care comics would just sit there and you're like that's the whole point dude is we're trying to want you know you want to be able to be allowed to sit there right uh when i got past there it was uh ben bailey bobby kelly uh i forget who else was up there but they you
Starting point is 00:15:27 know esty was there and they said this guy's you know as a young comic and she looked she watched me i actually got past at the comic seller and then i got to perform a lot and i used to have to go wait like as giraldo when greg giraldo was uh there sometimes he would show up, sometimes he not. Obviously, Greg had issues with a lot of stuff and drugs. So sometimes they didn't know if he was going to be there. So they would call and they would ask, you know, I'd get to go sit there and see. And he would usually show up. And then if he didn't, I would go up. But I got passed in there and then got kind of back out.
Starting point is 00:16:03 That was always the big thing with a seller. You get in and then you got to stay in. And then if you don't, you get out. So then I ended up getting out. And I was like, and I never, I wouldn't get spots anymore. And I remember one time I was sitting with Mike Vecchio, very funny comedian. And we're sitting there and one of the waitresses, they already switched. I don't think they really knew me.
Starting point is 00:16:24 And this was, this was right before i moved to la and so i had like a you know i don't remember if i did my commis central special yet but i had you know a half hour all these conans all this stuff and then the waitress came over it's like oh you can't sit here unless you're like past the club and that set me off that was one of the things that made me move like i just i i how much I love the seller, I didn't want to just become obsessed with this. Like it was driving me crazy. It wasn't good.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Right. Yeah. I was so – I was like so focused on this thing and that I was like I can't let this be my driving force. Like this is going to, it'll end me. If I just get obsessed with here, I'm going to end up staying here. And then I'm going to be 60 years old, just being sitting at that table. And I, and because I have to for work.
Starting point is 00:17:17 And so I didn't want that. And that was a big like motivation for me when I moved to LA. And now when I go back there,'s i love the cellar it's amazing right and i'm and it's there in a much better position because you're not it's not such a high priority in your life you can kind of just take it for what it is rather than like what it's not giving you or something and that's and that's what it it should be is you know when you're first trying to get in there i want to get past at every club in new york city before i left new york and i did the comic strip was the last one i think that i got past that which was funny enough the
Starting point is 00:17:51 first one i ever performed that but what was the lady there the old lady who ran the open mic there oh man she was a character yeah she told me no she would call me at two in the morning be like you're cute you're gonna but she would tell that to all the guys you know and it felt great to get that that love yeah we got she i got i got the usual we have too many white comics that's what i got that was the every they're like look you're gonna eat because they had the comic strip had this comic strip had this big audition night like monday night and you would go and you would get up. And I mean, everybody, they were saying, everybody would get told we have too many white comedians. And then, so you'd get your turn.
Starting point is 00:18:30 And then it's like, we have too many white comedians. And you're like, all right. I thought, well, I'm Southern. Maybe that helps, you know? Right. Then, no. Was that culture shock coming from the South, moving to New York and then to LA?
Starting point is 00:18:41 I guess more so New York as the first stop. Yeah. Well, Chicago Chicago I moved Chicago first so I was in Chicago for two years and that was Hannibal Buress and all those guys yep yep I started with Pete I started all those that's the group Kumail Pete Hannibal uh TJ Miller uh uh Calc uh Calcaning just left when I was uh there i mean there's a few other people i'm forgetting nick vader john roy was there john roy is the first comic i saw he just did star search and he came back and i took a class called comedy college in chicago and it was a great i'm not
Starting point is 00:19:18 saying anybody has to go to a comedy class but when you first when you move somewhere and you start somewhere i i think comedy classes are actually fine they're good for you they're not teaching you how to be funny but you're just you you're very nervous you don't know what to do and you're at least have a place to go and it makes you kind of it kind of pushes you to be like well i have to go to this class you know they're expecting me there so it was a good it was a great it was a great class but john roy came and like did a set and then like we got to ask him questions so I mean I would say John Roy like you know I still look at him like he was just I mean he was a Star Search guy like he was like every time I see him
Starting point is 00:19:55 now I'm like oh hey John I like know him and I'm like it's like fun to know John Roy because he was introduced to me he's just it was just. I mean, he was just on TV. And then we were talking to him and you were like, this is nuts, dude. But I started, then I moved to New York. I did exactly Crashing on HBO with Pete Holmes. I barked at the Boston Comedy Club with Pete. Pete got me barking there. That was the basically documentary somewhat, you know, not that's his life,
Starting point is 00:20:28 but I was on those corners. I was doing all that stuff with him. What was barking like? Did you see a lot of crazies? It was just, I was terrible at it. Cause again, I'd like, I just had no energy and I'm not, I never gave off, you know, like, uh, Oh man, this guy's really selling it to me. I want to go see what this is. It was, so I was, I was i was terrible you just sit at the corner and i mean that was one of my first my first uh goals was just i just didn't want to be on that corner it would be 20 degrees 10 degrees you're handing out these flyers and i just thought i learned that's what i learned that when you have goals if you ever have goals in life it's like just set goals that are that are right where you can get them.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Like, don't be like, I want an HBO special. And that's all you're focused on. It's I was just like, I don't want to be on this corner. How do I get off this corner? And then you just focus on that. And then the next thing, you know, you keep going. I barked a burr accidentally. He was when he was doing his first letterman. Because you're in a mood, dude. I handed fires on Times Square, too. You're just like, I mean, it's just a zoo. And you're just like, ah, you're handing stuff up.
Starting point is 00:21:36 But we did, to burr, I just turned. And I'm like, hey, we got a great comment. I just give it. It's burr. And I was like, I'm so sorry, man. Like I'm so – you know, and Burr was going to do his first Letterman, so it's not like he was Bill Burr who he is now. But I was just so embarrassed.
Starting point is 00:21:53 And he's like – I don't care, man. He's like, I'm trying to go run some spots. I'm doing Letterman. He's like, what shows are going on? You know, and I'm a brand-new comic, so I know every show. I'm like, there's this one, there's that one, there's this. Go wherever you want. But I remember that that's cool uh chapelle would always come in and a couple funny chapelle things one time we would sit outside so chapelle came in he would
Starting point is 00:22:15 just pop in he's doing chapelle show he's on top of the world this is right before he quit the chapelle show like he was he would come to the club and i mean it was very close to that he left to africa where everyone and uh we were sitting there with uh chappelle would walk in and go on stage so once he would go on stage i mean there'd be i did a show for one guy once i waited tables one time because the server didn't go up and then i went on there you'd be in front of four people six people and you're just trying to get some momentum with audience so if there's six in there and someone comes and looks in the window and they see there's six they're like all right we're going there and then you're trying to slowly you could maybe get up to 15 people uh so Chappelle would
Starting point is 00:22:59 come in and we just go outside and say Chappelle Dave Chappelle's on stage and it and then you could sell out the room because it'd be free and so they could just go in and sit and they'd sell drinks. And I told this one couple, I was like, Dave Chappelle's on stage. And they didn't, they were like, I don't believe you. And I'm like, we're at a comedy club. And I'm like, why would I make that? I was like, he's on stage. I go, just go look.
Starting point is 00:23:20 If he's not on stage, then walk back. And they were like, nah nah and they just left and like I just remember uh I just remember I was like this has been so and I always think about those people I think they have no like you know they could have watched it like they were interested they they were they weren't like I don't know who he is they everybody knew who he was and they were but they just didn't believe us. Their fear of getting tricked was more than their optimism that life could be great. Yeah, you're like, you can go sit for free and watch Dave Chappelle.
Starting point is 00:23:53 I remember him walking in on the phone once, and he was on a customer service call. I just remember him going, David Chappelle. And he kind of kept going. That always stuck in my mind. I don't know why. Well, it's like you would expect the customer service to be like, oh, my God, it's Dave Chappelle. Get him straight through to the important people.
Starting point is 00:24:13 But even he has to suffer through the indignity. Spell it out. C-H-A. I wonder if they've been tricked before because like i used we used to like run our own little shows at like the improv what is it called in westwood the improv oh the uh improv space the improv space and we would just like try to do you know because it's so hard to get time in los angeles so we try to get like our own 15 minute sets so we just put on our own shows like two of us and so the bark at people I'd just be like yeah we got comics from Kimmel, Conan, Jimmy Fallon like everyone and they're like it's like it's just you two dudes
Starting point is 00:24:55 I'm like yeah just go in and be like no one's in here I'm like yeah just stay we'll start soon and those days are so fun. With comedy too it's like you can do shows with comedians who are way better than you and then people will be like i've performed with these people yeah right right realizing comedy it's like it's not like acting where it's like really hard to be in a movie with tom cruise it's kind of easy to get on at least one show with great comedians so you can you can leverage that as yeah i mean y'all get it that was uh was it the brouhaha was it that show no no yeah was that was that in west or that yeah that's a lobster shack now yeah oh yeah uh yeah that that's what it was is so y'all y'all did it i mean essentially you're tricking people in you're saying these
Starting point is 00:25:38 i mean in new york uh your credits meant they meant meant nothing. Everybody had, everybody was HBO. They would bring people up and they'd be like, this guy was on HBO, VH1. VH1 was a huge credit when I, best week ever. Like that's right.
Starting point is 00:25:56 It was HBO, VH1, comics. I mean, the audience is like, this might be Eddie Murphy. I mean, there's a chance.
Starting point is 00:26:04 I mean, they're building up. It's just a guy that's, I mean, been on maybe one of those, probably none. And they would just always put these outlandish credits. And I remember just, and the credits like meant nothing because they were, you know, it's like you finally get on Comedy Central and then you're like, well, this guy's introducing everybody from Comedy central. So the audience has no idea.
Starting point is 00:26:28 And everybody's just always like, look at all these big names. Can't believe, you know, it's all just all a big lie. They would get in trouble at one in time square. I think it was called ha ha. And they would do, I mean, they would do a ton of shows. I mean like seven a night, they had a bunch of different rooms. I barked for them at first and barking used to be just comics. And then, then people started making money. So you'd get money for paying people to come and they would do this.
Starting point is 00:26:57 They would stand there and like, so then they changed like just regular people making money. It wasn't comedians, but they would always lie. They'd be like, Dan Cook's on stage right now. regular people making money. It wasn't comedians. But they would always lie. They'd be like, Dane Cook's on stage right now. And people would go. And I mean, no. I mean, just the farthest from Dane Cook is going up. Or they'd say Seinfeld.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Burr had a story recently. They would lie about Burr. They would say all these people, and they would never be there. Some people would be pretty furious about it rightfully so what's up guys i interrupted this podcast that you know once again we are brought to you by manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed for looking after our hogs for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean. Because I want you guys to take a second and look down. When was the last time
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Starting point is 00:30:04 Like, so there's still a little, like, I have to prove, you know, I've got a great line for, uh, following because I had to follow a lot of people. So I use the same line every time you can follow someone, you just get to go up and be like, all right, obviously the show's peak. So let's just try to get through it now. And it's a, it's just called, it's a very quick, easy, like, that's what I always look for is I try to get through it now and it's a it's just called it's a very quick easy like that's what i always look for is i try to find what's the quickest way to address like they just saw
Starting point is 00:30:32 someone super famous let me get it back to like it's all acknowledge that laugh at that and then i can do my act instead of trying to build it up but i've had a you know ray romano would uh when i was when I'm at comedy magic he would always come down and so I would always have to follow him uh you know I followed Louis CK once in a while ago that uh this was you know obviously when he was allowed people didn't care that he did comedy but But I was doing a Tonight Show. And so I was going to run my set in New York. So I was going to go on.
Starting point is 00:31:12 And then he went on and ran his SNL set. One of his more famous SNL sets that he did where he just kind of did stand-up. And so he went up first and did that. And then I had to go up. And then, you you know I'm trying to run this tonight show set so it's not like I'm doing 30 minutes I can go like figure it out then get back into it so that's kind of where I had to come up with that joke was just trying to be like all right I gotta I have to do I need a time to set out and you know but i'm also following this dude doing snl you know he's one of the best comics ever doing snl i mean he's in peak condition right as a stand-up so you had to just go up you know and try to do something so people don't get so people at least you have a good time but yeah
Starting point is 00:32:01 you learn and i mean if you guys had to follow i'm sure in la you got to follow a bunch of people yeah yeah who we preacher lawson is kind of a scary guy to follow just because of his energy output like he'll be doing like burpees on stage and they're like explosive and dynamic and then he has like good jokes and charisma on top of that and i remember i had to follow him once and he was like all all right, I got to go. And the audience went, no, please don't go. Like they were begging him to stay on stage. Yeah. Oh fuck dude. Yeah. Those following that. I mean, I learned early. That was a thing about knowing your voice. One thing I learned in New York was I would do shows like Will Savitz used to have a show and he did with someone else.
Starting point is 00:32:47 But it was, well, he's a black comic. He's all black. He's a black show. And they would, and so you'd go up. And I remember Will would host and would murder. As he, before he brings everybody up, would just murder. I mean, the people are there to see them. And they're like, oh, and come see some of our friends.
Starting point is 00:33:05 So you had to, I mean, you had to follow follow will like that will get like a standing ovation hosting and then you got to go up so i learned that that was like i never tried to make my energy match the person that i because sometimes you can fall into that right if you follow someone i did with rory scoville once i followed him and you know rory's very just kind of all over the place yeah yeah and so he did that it was so fun and funny and then I got to go behind him with an act and you know I'm just all I have is my act and I kind of try to do him a little bit and I just bomb and it was it was like oh like I can't you just can't try to match you got to get that audience into whatever you're which I mean you know y'all's rhythm too is
Starting point is 00:33:45 it's you we got you got to get people into that rhythm as quickly as you can and so you got to just not try to match it you got to be like here's something different maybe your first joke's not going to work but get them into the rhythm and then you can just do your regular set from there but if you try to match what they do it's not going to go good yeah you're right yeah have you developed like a lot of hop i find that it's kind of hard to have your brain wrapped up in some of this stuff especially with career stuff so i've been trying to like uh like i've been i've got really into like working out lately and it's like when i get overwhelmed with like career stuff i'll just focus on my workouts and like i'm like how are those going have you is that something that you've done like have you cultivated some hobbies to kind of disassociate
Starting point is 00:34:29 from or just detach rather from like uh just full uh focus on your career yeah it's golf uh i've become obsessed with golf yeah uh it's the best i i best. How are you? I'm all right. I'm all right. I'm like between a three and a four. Oh, dude. Wow. You're lights out. I've gone nuts.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Well, I mean, what's crazy is, you know, guys that are scratch would destroy me. Not destroy, but they're guys that can consistently shoot in like low 70s. But I've gotten – so this COVID, I kind of, I was already very obsessed with golf. I love golf. I love watching golf. And then I got, when this COVID happened is like, I knew with, you know, I think with brains, our brains as comedians were very obsessive and we think a lot. And so if you don't have an outlet for that, it can, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:31 it's not good. And so with this COVID thing, and that's a big reason starting the podcast was just trying to get that. I was trying to get, I like this, something's got to go somewhere because I can't just be sitting alone. Like I'm going to drive my family crazy. I think it makes you feel down and depressed and and then golf was a big is a big deal for me right now is I go to it I kind of treat it almost as a job I go every day yeah try to practice I try to get I'm trying to get better trying to really really work on it and since I can't do anything else it's just trying to put everything
Starting point is 00:36:04 into that and you know you still try to do other else. It's just trying to put everything into that. And, you know, you still try to do other things, but it's golf is the only thing that I found that I don't think about everything else. You got to focus so much on it that it's, you know, your brain doesn't get to wander like it does in other stuff. Yeah. It requires so much mental focus. It's vision. It's a really great sport for life. I mean, you gotta, you gotta picture the shot. If you want to shoot, you know, if you're trying to hit a draw or fade, not to get like a golf talk, but right. Like all this stuff. It's you gotta visualize that shot.
Starting point is 00:36:41 You gotta picture the line that's going to start on where the way the shape it's going to take how it's going to fall down you got to know that you can do the shot you got to be like i'm so confident in this shot that i know i can pull it off you you know and then you start learning that your misses so if you know that you're hitting a draw uh and then it goes a little right you kind of learn that your misses are like all right my miss is just a little bit right but basically you're you're taking out one whole side like so if i'm hitting every ball goes left then the whole right side of the golf course doesn't exist to me so when i'm on a t-box i know i'll aim down the right side because it's going to come back left maybe it goes back a little bit farther left than i want but it's not going to go right and so then you learn how to
Starting point is 00:37:24 like take stuff out and it's all stuff that I honestly think you can take in just regular life that you learn there's a lot of problems so you figure out here's the thing I can control so now I don't got to worry about these things and you can focus on just these other things and you kind of make your misses smaller and so it's it's you know it's very positive thinking you know it's very weird because in comedy i i don't think we are i never did but when you go on stage you're not always like i'm gonna crush tonight like that's like it'd be very weird to have that yeah you know if you had if you were about to go up and you and a comic and i've seen comics do it they're like dude i'm gonna kill tonight i mean i'll be like you're the you're probably the worst comedian that exists yeah that's true you think you're so
Starting point is 00:38:10 good that you you know I think comedy comes from like we're not I'm not better than anybody I'm an idiot I'm a loser just let me yeah try to make you laugh and like me I want you to like me you come from that kind of world and then golf is the opposite sports is the opposite of just i gotta be able to do i i can do this i'm you know i know how to do this i'm really good at this so it's uh you know it's two totally different things but it's good to have some positivity do you ever worry about the positivity affecting the the comedy because it'll take you too far away from that kind of self-deprecating perspective uh i do but it's you know it's like it's not like i'm gonna i'm smarter because of golf i mean truthfully i could be dumber because i'm only learning one thing during this whole time
Starting point is 00:38:54 off so uh and that's where all that stuff comes i worried about that stuff with like when i quit drinking you know you'd be like all right am i i had drinking stories and is that gone now am i not going to be a fun comic that like has these fun drinking stories and then you realize that you can't you know you don't want to rely on anything it goes back to the sum of the seller where i don't want anything to be like my thing like i don't want it to be like i can't do this right because of this you know i don't want to be like i can't quit drinking because i won't have an act that's like that's crazy like you know i you just can't you don't want to be this one thing i didn't want you know these comedy clubs the cellar i didn't want to be like that's the only thing that matters uh a funny story with that kind of
Starting point is 00:39:40 idea when i first started and i was in chicago i came back i I'd come back home and I was in Nashville and there's a, this open mic in Nashville at this place called bar car. It's a long time ago. And there was a comic, he had a ponytail and he would do all these ponytail jokes. And then one day he comes in, he cuts his ponytail. And, uh, we're like, what are you going to do, man? He's like, I got other jokes. All right. I don't, I'm not, I don't have just ponytail just ponytail jokes and he goes up he does one different joke and bombs and then he goes so i used to have a ponytail and then just does his own ponytail stuff and it's and i remember i
Starting point is 00:40:15 was like i don't want to be that guy i don't want to be like i can't i like i'm the ponytail guy and i have to have my hair a certain way i have to have all these things have to be exactly this way for me to be funny. I can't be funny. And you don't want that in your career. You don't want that. You know, I don't want to rely. I don't want to rely on one person. I never wanted to be like, if this guy stops taking me on the road, I won't have it.
Starting point is 00:40:39 I'm done. I wanted to be like, you know, if this doesn't work out, I can go, you know, all right, I can go this way. It's trying never to, you know, I've had a lot of people help me in my career that I owe a lot of thanks to. But I don't think I owe a singular person like my whole existence in the comedy. Right. I think that's what you, that's just what you don't want. You don't want to have to rely on that to be like, oh, I'm that guy's guy. And then you really can't ever
Starting point is 00:41:05 get out of that shadow did you have any mentors when you were coming up that sort of uh helped you along uptown uh i mean my biggest one was watching burr he was not necessarily my mentor burr would never even know that i was watching him as close as i was watching him yeah but burr was a big deal for me because I got to see him be just the guy doing his first Letterman to I went to his HBO one night stand taping with him and Patrice both taped that night uh then him shooting then that ONA story happened his opening Anthony in Philadelphia I remember talking to him like the next day when he got back, he's like, ah, it's great. You know, it just, I was just a young comic. So Burr was a very big deal for me to get to kind of watch.
Starting point is 00:41:51 And I would ask him stuff. He was very nice to me. You know, I would see him at always like, he never knew if he knew me, you know, it wasn't until maybe three years ago that I was like, I had to go, I'm Nate Bargetts, a comedian. I'm a standup comedian, lived in New York. Like, you know, where you have to like say all this stuff. Arrogance here. Like I've been introduced myself. I'm just showing that I'm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I used to do that with Patrice. I've been to, I went to Patrice's house for barbecues and stuff,
Starting point is 00:42:19 but every time I'd see Patrice, I was like, uh, Nate Bargetze I'm friends with big J Oakerson. And he's like, I'm friends with Big Jay, Oakerson. He's like, yeah, man. He would make it weird. He's like, yeah, dude. I know. Please quit introducing. I was like, I don't know, man. I'm sorry. But, you know, I would say watching Burr, Mark Maron was
Starting point is 00:42:37 Oh, your WTF is so good. That was one of my all-time favorites. When I got to know know him and he was very nice to me very early and then like just getting to become friends with him and uh you know i there's just stuff i took i remember one day we were watching someone and he was doing like someone's doing comics just doing crowd work and i was like god he's killing he's like if it's crowd work who cares and then you know not like trashing crowd but it's crowd work. Who cares? And then, you know, not like trash and crowd work,
Starting point is 00:43:05 but it made a point that I was like, yeah, who cares? Like, it's like, I didn't want to just be up there. I don't want to just do crowd work. You want to create, and creating an act is very hard to do. And you want to create, you know, the best create acts. The ones that you see that have this hours of material are the guys that you want to be and the comics you want to be so it was just little stuff that you would just pick up I mean so those guys were uh all kind of
Starting point is 00:43:32 big I mean I don't know if you know Gaffigan's been kind of big now we have the same manager now so I fit very much into his you know a married family both clean, uh, that kind of thing. So watching him and getting to know him and stuff like that, Chris rock, I opened for Chris rock. And, uh, that was amazing just to get to see what that guy's like off stage.
Starting point is 00:43:56 And that guy's so famous, man, that, you know, it's like just seeing him Fallon obviously too was with the tonight show and how much the, obviously, too, was with The Tonight Show. I've got a great relationship with The Tonight Show and with him, and he was a gigantic part. I mean, he introduced me into, A, doing The Tonight Show, and then we first sold our TV shows, these scripts that have never gone anywhere.
Starting point is 00:44:20 I've done a million of them. They don't go but even being in that world of writing scripts and going to pitch a show learning how to do that that's you know that's a that's a art into itself which i think comics are very good at pitching shows actually because we're very good at being funny in a room we've all been in smaller rooms we've all performed for less people than that that's in the room i mean like we've all done shows for two people. So you're in there with usually like five. And so you're just, we're just good at like being fun and funny to these people. That is true.
Starting point is 00:44:51 I did find like in our limited experience pitching that it's not as scary as doing standup. Like, and. No, it's, if you know what you're going to do, you know what, you know, I would say when someone pitches something, you got to really know what you're, what the idea that you're taking out. You to have all the answers they have questions and then you got to be you i mean a lot of times we're if you're pitching we're pitching
Starting point is 00:45:13 us to star in it so if you guys are pitching something you're starring in it why want y'all to be you like what you're selling me they want the show yeah yeah they want the show so you go in and kind of be you and you kind of go hey yeah yeah i mean it's very weird you're selling. They want the show. Yeah. They want the show. So you go in and kind of be you and you kind of go along. Yeah, you're just like, hey, yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's very weird. You're doing the same kind of jokes. You go to CBS, to ABC, to NBC, and you do the same material, basically.
Starting point is 00:45:35 I mean, I don't do the writer. But it's fun making them better, too. Like we did Adult Swim was kind of a tough one to get to laugh. So we were doing more jokes trying to get them to laugh. And they never laughed. But then we took those jokes somewhere else and they worked better and i was like okay it's interesting yeah it's funny like you like that room and that doesn't even necessarily mean if that meeting goes good or not they could just not be fun you know some people are big laughers
Starting point is 00:45:58 yeah and you just have a great time and then they're just like you'll see them at stand-up shows sometimes like you see these people they don't laugh at all and then afterwards like man i had the best time tonight yeah i would never guess that you guys hide it well yeah yeah yeah it seems like some people even in the room they have like a a rule it seems like there's there's a rule amongst them like i'm not laughing no matter what like that's just like we're not giving anything yeah yeah like they take pride in it like i'm not a i'm not an easy laugher they do you ever have uh like you ever feel that like on stage like sometimes you can be you'll be like you'll be out there i'll be there like 45 minutes and the crowd just feels a little tight and like it's that they're not laughing very long if they
Starting point is 00:46:42 laugh it's very quick and then they get quiet again yeah you have to you're kind of you have to speed your rhythm up a little bit to match their rhythm and then you like see you're like why is it weird in here and then that just makes it great and then the last 10 minutes is like amazing and you're like why did i not do that at the beginning you know like when you if i'd have done it 15 minutes in this could have been an amazing show but like right before you say good night you're like why are y'all weird they're like oh you're right we are weird now they're awesome and then you're like all right good night everybody and then that's yeah that's like uh that's like we we do the show at the the improv uh in the smaller room uh and we just know it has that
Starting point is 00:47:25 sort of weirdness to it where it's like people, if they laugh, it's going to be very quick. And then it's just very hard to break people in that room. So like, yeah, it is interesting how like some... That room is very tough. Yeah, a lot of comics won't do it.
Starting point is 00:47:42 Like, Tony Adams, I asked him one time, he's like, I just don't do the lab, man. He's like, I don't do it. Yeah, it's not comics won't do it. Like, Tony Adams, I asked him one time, he's like, I just don't do The Lab Man. He's like, I don't do it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's not – I've done it. You know, like, if I come in town, I do want to just get up. And sometimes that's just the easiest one to get up on. But it's not fun.
Starting point is 00:47:56 And you can sometimes go up. And that's one that you're – I don't know. It's almost like you're honestly talking to people that probably thought they were going to the other room and yeah and they have that energy of going like they're just like like is our table ready yeah yeah yeah that's funny we're just like hey guys what's going on you're like this is the show yeah you invite friends they're like all right so where are we sitting i'm like in here and they're like what yeah do we go in there in a second this is where we're gonna drink you're like this is it man this is the show i love that yeah yeah yeah nate what do you think you'd be doing if you weren't a comic
Starting point is 00:48:35 i would probably be delivering something uh you know i did fedex when i was in new york he's actually pretty good at it they told me once i was in new york he's actually pretty good at it they told me once i delivered in new jersey and they go that's the quickest we've ever seen it done that's awesome and uh so i at it i before i moved i was i worked for my buddy this guy hunter's delivery service and we would deliver he delivered a bunch of stuff i mean he delivered for sears like washers and dryers mattresses and so i i mean i had to learn how to read a map this for you'd have like the turn the map is you didn't have gps on phones or anything and so i just was like good i liked it i like driving uh so i i was reading water meters even before i started comedy which i would just read like you go to houses and drive and read their water meters.
Starting point is 00:49:27 So probably one of those jobs like working for the county or something, you know, like just some job that has some benefits. I mean, I didn't, you know, I didn't go to college. So besides my little, I didn't get anything out of it. I would just have just some whatever job, man. And your dad was a clown, right? Yeah, still a magician, actually magician actually oh i'm sorry well he was started as a clown uh that's where he was a clown when i uh was little and then he always did magic and then we grew up uh and then he's been a magician and he always had
Starting point is 00:50:01 day jobs and but he's very much he's uh actually just this year he's announced he's so there's the international brotherhood of magicians ibm it's a big magicians group and uh he's the president of that uh he just got that so nice uh yeah it's very cool and we're very proud of him and he's magic is a very you, it's a close-knit group. And, you know, there's only like 10 famous ones. There's not, it's not like it's comedians. There's a bunch of comedians that are very known and stuff. But Magic is not like that.
Starting point is 00:50:39 And it's maybe getting a little bit more, but, you know, he's kind of in the older school. He's been around and very involved in it. And so, yeah, I mean, I grew up around that. You know, I mean, magic is, I've seen it my whole life. The place we worked, it's, everyone there is really into magic. So we've done some trips to the Magic Castle. It's kind of different from stand-up too, where it feels like, like the way you were saying comedians are self-deprecating, magicians kind of act better than you.
Starting point is 00:51:08 And it's, it kind of rubs me the wrong way sometimes like everyone be like that magic was amazing i'm like yeah but that guy was like he thinks he's he thinks he's cool huh yeah yeah look how he's dressed yeah he's the only one in a tuxedo you don't think that was weird and they'll kind of make little jokes at your expense like they got these like canned lines where they're like oh i knew you'd pick that card because of this reason but it's like a little bit needling and i'm like who are you bro like don't talk to me like maybe i got some issues but i'm like yeah there's something very personal and see yeah uh well i get it but as a comedian you write jokes so that's our magic and they don't you know like they magic is what their thing right so the jokes are very they give each other tissue it's all stock lines usually they all just take each other's lines and
Starting point is 00:51:52 you know they come up with some lines what they make is the trick i mean they use tricks that everybody uses but what they sell and right vent or tricks and ways to do tricks so that's that's more of an art to it but it's not as magic is not policed like comedy is where it's like comics you know are very much like oh someone does that joke or whatever uh i don't think magic is policed that much like that i think guys take people's acts you're supposed to buy the act off the magician if you uh really it's if one of them creates one i mean some of them could be different ways i mean you could you know if you're doing coins and you know there's only so much you can do with this stuff but like a lot of times they yeah they they invent tricks and they and they sell them to each other and stuff like that. That's interesting.
Starting point is 00:52:46 Yeah. Do you want to answer some questions from our listeners? Yeah, yeah. So we generally give them advice on life and just try to help them through whatever issues they're dealing with. What up, Stokers? Sorry, this is a long question. So some of the questions can be a little long, Nate. It's sometimes hard to stay attentive, but no worries.
Starting point is 00:53:09 Sorry to advance to the long question, but I truly hope you read and answer my quest on the pod. I'm going into senior year of high school and I need some help. So my time in high school has been pretty subpar so far. My squad from frosh year started ghosting me my summer going into junior year and have been unsuccessful in finding a new squad that includes me in their squadly ventures. I've also been to only a couple of ragers my entire high school career, despite my desire and yearning to rage. I've never considered myself as
Starting point is 00:53:33 the guy who doesn't have friends, but as time goes on, I'm starting to notice that everyone in my grade has a squad besides me. What hurts the most is that everyone is friendly with me at school, and I can sit at a lunch table and hold a pretty deece conversation. But once school week is over, everyone squads up and rages and I'm just left at home by myself. I've made a great effort without seeming desperate to join a squad or to try to find a party that some friends are going to on the weekends. And it's always the same. I'll let you know if I can do anything or sorry, I can't. I already have plans every time. This is truly a test of my patience and perseverance in these trying times but i've decided to reach out to the most knowledge stokers in the field that i know that's you and chad and jt and chad and jt's freshly saved dongs thanks to manscaped
Starting point is 00:54:13 dude appreciate that plug so council do you have any advice on how i can go about trying to join a squad and get invited to ragers because i'm trying to live my senior year to the fullest and end high school with a bang and a bunch of bangers. Sorry for the long email. I really hope you guys read this because the pod is the only thing that keeps me going. Keep me anonymous dude to getting my coworkers hooked on the pod. Well, you have some influence there then you got people hooked on a podcast. That's no easy feat. Yeah. It's a big commitment. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:42 I think this guy, you know, I, you know know I think I get it like you're a guy that you're friends with everybody I would always tend to not feel like you're in like people's groups I wouldn't get you know I got homecoming king and I wasn't even playing
Starting point is 00:54:59 sports just you know I was very funny with the younger like the 9th and 10th grade girls, I was very funny, funny with the, well, I was fun and funny with the younger, like the ninth and 10th grade girls voted. I was very, my, my, I think in 11, like I was in 11th grade. I had like a good pool beneath me. Right. So that helped. But, uh, yeah, like getting invited. I mean, either this dude needs to throw his own thing. Dude, that's such dude needs to throw his own thing. Dude, that's such a good call.
Starting point is 00:55:27 Yeah. Yeah. You just throw his own thing or go to cooler stuff that's, you know, like what are you doing this weekend? You're like, oh, I'm going. And then he needs to go to something that's like cooler than a party, you know. Right.
Starting point is 00:55:39 If you went to, say, the Magic Cat, you know, I'm just throwing something out. But, like, go if there's something in town that you can be like, I'm going to this other thing that's better than this party, you know i'm just throwing some out but like go if you there's something in town that you could be like i'm going to this other thing that's better than this party you know i like i don't know yeah i i agree i think um you gotta start your own parties and also it's cool to be friends with everyone you know i uh it's so easy easy to look at other squads and just sort of be like, oh, man, I wish I was part of that squad. I wish I was part of the other. But I bet you the guys in those squads might feel limited by their squad.
Starting point is 00:56:17 You know what I mean? So I think the grass is always greener. But, yeah, I agree. I mean, maybe start your own, throw your own parties, greener but yeah i agree i mean maybe start your own throw your own parties get deep into a hobby where you meet people who share that same passion you know try golf paintball go-karts you know um he should throw his own thing though his own yeah his own rager yeah that's what i do you know yeah i i there was a lot of parties i didn't get invited to and it definitely hurt but i was also like home base for most of
Starting point is 00:56:50 parties and yeah if you're the trigger man on that stuff it changes the the game for sure i think uh and then also you know parties should probably be limited at this point because of covid but if if there are going to be parties yeah you should be the one you should be you know because this guy's gonna go to prison he's gonna spend he's gonna go to instead of college he's in prison because he threw a covid party well that's his water they cut his water off and you're like and he's like hey guys water got cut off because i listened to y'all's dumb advice and he's furious at us and you're like i'm sorry man you know i'm betting this kid's smart and thoughtful and sometimes those virtues can be overlooked in high school but as you
Starting point is 00:57:32 progress through life they get noticed more and more so i knew a ton of dudes who were not premier partiers in high school and look i'm not telling you to write off your senior year i think you should still make moves to to make it everything you want it to be but once you get to college i think you're going to be surprised at how you can kind of moves to make it everything you want it to be. But once you get to college, I think you're going to be surprised at how you can kind of flourish into the person that you kind of are yearning to be right now. And then everyone gets their time where they're the bell of the ball. And it's better to have it late, really, than to have it early.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Like the guys I know who were the coolest guys at parties when I was a sophomore in high school, some of them are still really cool, but a lot of them fell off. So it's a, it's not so bad to not have it exactly as you want it right now. Yeah. Or maybe go under grades too. If he wants to, you know, like 11th grade, if senior, this dude could be the guy that ties everybody together too.
Starting point is 00:58:21 I felt like I was like that a lot where you're you're kind of with you're never just dive you're never with someone so much of a group of a squad and so you end up like don't get it you're just not they don't think about you right away when they throw something uh but you're the guy that kind of that keeps all those groups together and uh this guy sounds like he could be that guy you know yeah i i was very much that guy in college just like i had many squads uh at one time and and yeah a lot of times they do throw their own things so maybe you know maybe a little bit more uh reach out a little bit more see what they're doing try and try and get into some stuff reach out a little bit more see what they're doing try and try and get into some stuff um because i think it's hard to sort of live your life just waiting for that one invite to come i
Starting point is 00:59:11 think you gotta go and do my voice is cracked uh you gotta go and grab it yeah that felt very confident to tell him that you're like you like that i don't know man maybe just go grab the opportunity you know yeah don't wait on anybody else yeah you take control yeah yeah you got none of those people are taking control i guarantee you none of those students are actually in control it's kind of just like they're walking with a group so whatever the group does and if you reign in you'd be the only one taking controls they have no choice but to listen to you because you're the only one that would even be you're the guy that makes the decision yeah yeah you control the squad yeah you could run this school dude we will have you running this school let's go nate you're right dude probably
Starting point is 01:00:00 right it's just sitting there for him to take it let's go dude you got this this whole school's yearning for someone like you to take the reins and deliver them they need you dude i need you do this yeah dude i was i was thinking too if he has a bunch of free time invest yourself in a badass skill you know so it something that you can be an expert in later in life. Like, you know, there's people, like, in comedy, there's people who start stand-up when they're, like, 16, 17. Yeah. You're like, fuck, I wish I had done that that early.
Starting point is 01:00:36 So if there's something you're interested in, maybe use that extra time to become a badass. For sure. Chad, are you clicking something? It's kind of making a... My bad. No worries, no worries. What's up, Chad?
Starting point is 01:00:50 What up, JT? I'm a longtime listener of the pod, but this is my first time writing in. I've got a bit of a sitch, and I was wondering if you stoked lords could shed some of your wisdom. I graduated high school this year, and I'm currently living with one of my boys.
Starting point is 01:00:59 Shout out, Sam. He's letting me crash with him, but I don't want to overstay my welcome. He's a great bro, but I can tell he's getting kind of bummed with having me around all the time. I can't afford my own place, but I also don't want to move back in with my parents. I've always wanted to try living in a van. It's something I think could be super dope, but at the same time, not very comfortable. Should I keep living with Sam and risk damaging our friendship? Should I face the
Starting point is 01:01:20 humiliation of moving back in with my parents, or should I go full-on van life? Sorry for such a long question. What did he say at the beginning? What's he doing? He's living at his buddy's house. He just graduated from high school, but he thinks he's starting to wear on his buddy. And he loves his buddy, and he feels guilty about it. So he's obviously trying to move back in with his parents,
Starting point is 01:01:39 or he's thinking maybe living in a van would be dope. I mean, living in a van would be dope uh i mean i mean living in the van could be yeah but i could yeah look if he if he's got that spirit and wants to try you know experiences nothing wrong with throwing some crazy experiences out you will then always have that story for the rest of your life i lived in a van for a little bit and that's a fun story. So you put yourself in that situation. I'm a big fan of putting yourself in situations that you maybe get a good story out of it. So that could probably help you but then also just live with you. I mean go back and live with your parents either. You probably do gotta get off your, yeah, if it's too much you gotta leave your buddy and like you know. I don't know his buddy in high
Starting point is 01:02:24 school or is his buddy just graduated? His buddy's got an important, what leave your buddy and like, you know, I don't know, his buddy in high school or his buddy just graduated, his buddy's got an important, what if his buddy's in a van? Like he's in a van. Right. He's like, it's just so tough,
Starting point is 01:02:32 dude. Like he's already in a van. He's like sleeping right next to him as he writes. He's literally like a foot away. He's like, hey dude, can you turn your phone light down?
Starting point is 01:02:38 Yeah. Yeah. And then he just turns the dome light on. He's like, all right, dude, you're hurting our relationship. And he's like all right uh you're hurting our relationship and
Starting point is 01:02:46 he's like yeah you know what i feel that i feel i'm hurting our relationship i suspect i'm hurting our relationship because he explicitly told me so that it's hurting our relationship yeah yeah sitting right next to me yeah uh yeah i mean you know living in vans out there man could be fun could be good there's a lot of problems you know with i mean going to the bathroom and stuff taking a shower you know it's a lot of that but if you just graduate high school you're young enough that you don't care about that would not enter your world before it yeah you'd love it you'd chase down a shower you'd be on board with it so So, yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:03:25 I would say, you know, try the van. Your parents are your fallback. If you want to try it, if you really want to give a van a go, you got to buy a van, though. You know, that's a – all right. Yeah, they're getting the van part, which is – that's a big move. It's a big move. But I'd say if he can do it and he can pull it off, try it out, I'd go for it.
Starting point is 01:03:50 Van life sounds sick. You could go to Yosemite. You could go just to all different parks, I guess. I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. There's a great chance you get murdered. So that's fun. You could get murdered. Yeah. Yeah. You could get murdered so that's yeah that's fun you guys get murdered yeah
Starting point is 01:04:07 yeah you could get murdered i love that out of you and your buddy you will be the higher percentage of you could say that is your story like there was a time right after graduate high school super surprised i was not murdered and you'll be like oh why because i lived in a van for a while and everybody like yeah that is true you had a you had a great it looked like you were trying to get murdered so yeah uh you know i did i pulled it off and you pulled it off so you either get murdered or you pulled it off it can only go two ways are you gonna live with your parents yeah which isn't a bad it's not a horrible option you save money mom makes good food um i'm 32 and i'm seriously considering moving back in with my mom i think it's you know i think if you have a cool career or if things are going well otherwise there's no shame in living with your mom um no not that not when that young i mean that out of
Starting point is 01:05:03 high school yeah i mean that's almost expected for him to live with his mom yeah and then and i think it's cool he's so sensitive to his buddy and that he's you know there's some people who like are oblivious they'll be on your couch for months and like i had a friend living with me one time and we walked by this apartment building that was being built up and he's like he's like oh dude that apartment building's gonna be ready in five months maybe i'll move in there and i was like i didn't say anything but in my head i'm like what i'm like you're just like gonna expect to live on my couch for another five months are you nuts but i love this guy he's a fucking man and like but sometimes you just need some space so
Starting point is 01:05:38 i don't know i think maybe just tell your buddy you got a move out date in mind and that might be sufficient like just tell him a date but hey bro i'm gonna be out of here by if you're if we're talking now maybe tell him october and then just make moves to have something set up for that yeah i like that because that might make the last couple months more fun too um all right i don't i just really don't know if i'm the asshole this scenario fucked my brain what's up lords of stoke i had a bit of a predicament the other day so there's this girl that i've known for a little while six months ago i thought i might want to date her then realized
Starting point is 01:06:15 our vibes didn't match up we didn't talk for a while and recently have started having fun conversations again so the other night i offered to pick her up and drive her home from the bar she was at 35 minute drive to bar for me and it's going well we get to her place and all is good to start then she's like hey can i take a bump of coke before anything happens i give her the all clear then the fun stuff dude bro i don't know it's tough to know if you're the asshole, you know, if you drove an hour and the other person's on blow. This is premature for me to say this. All right.
Starting point is 01:06:49 The issue is every time she's on her stomach, there's this brutal smell. What? I don't want to say someone forgot to wipe, but my fucking God. Things finish and – sorry. Things finish and my bro from out of town arrived in her town that night and said i gotta go right after the deed was done she she didn't tell me that it was a dick move because she said she took a bump of coke expecting to hang out afterwards i don't do coke and the smell out of that bong hole was brutal
Starting point is 01:07:18 and my bud wanted to see me am i the asshole for leaving right after because i was disturbed love the pod keep crushing the mess dude i would say this i would say look it's obviously easy to write her off because she's on coke and you think she has like poor hygiene but i do think you're kind of an asshole just because the person you're dealing with is a little wonky that doesn't mean you're acting right so i don't know i mean, is this something where you have to make amends? It might be nice just to say, yeah, I would send a text message saying, I'm sorry I did that. And then, you know, you don't have to hang out with her again,
Starting point is 01:07:54 but you could be polite. I think that's the least you could do. I thought it was on her. I thought it was on her. I think he did everything right. He did. on her i thought it's on her uh i think he did everything right yeah he did no uh yeah i mean look he he put himself to be even to be hanging out with a girl that that's what it is yeah he said yes and then at the and then in a moment like he finished having sex with her he didn't
Starting point is 01:08:18 see the butt and then be like oh this is too much it's like he got everything he judged her pretty hard after what he got it's like you should have you know anybody else when you said once she said i'm doing cocaine you'd been like all right this is where we obviously we're not going to hang out and we're not going to take it to that next level but he kept it going so you're like this girl ended up being pretty fun for you so you actually need to be saying how great she is like you know right she gave you a pretty awesome night that you did not say no to at any point so i mean i've been i've bet a million dollars this dude's gonna hit her back up yeah and also i'm sure there's been many times when your bunghole has smelled awful yeah
Starting point is 01:09:10 he's been there i'm sure so you know she may have had an off night maybe if it's a consistent thing maybe you know let her know but i don't know dude yeah give Yeah. Give it another shot and make amends. Say sorry. Yeah. I slept with a crazy person one time and I did a fake move where I was like, I got to take my brother to the airport. She called me out right away. Freaked out on me. Did some other crazy stuff. She's like, you don't have a brother.
Starting point is 01:09:44 Yeah. That's funny. I thought you were an only child. You're like, you don't have a brother? Yeah. That's funny. I thought you were an only child. You're like, did I say? But, you know, she was nice. Well, it looks like she's still getting around. She's still. She's this girl from this other guy.
Starting point is 01:09:59 It all comes full circle. She ended up sending me videos of her having really crazy sex with different guys to like i don't know why she sent him i think to scare me well she served them to you that night right no afterwards after she left she sent him to me oh she did yeah they were nuts um but i was nuts too i was on a lot of Adderall. I was crazy. All right. You were up to watch all those videos? Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:10:33 I was like, I'm not getting it. Send more. Yeah. All right. Mormon guilt in the sexy odyssey. Hi, Chad and JT. I grew up Mormon. I haven't been Mormon for about four years now,
Starting point is 01:10:44 and I've started dating people who aren't Mormon. I've been with three girls in the last year. In each case, I was unable to perform sexually. I was filled with anxiety, having to awkwardly end a great date with a long explanation about why I'm uncomfortable. When I make love with my ex-girlfriend, though, who I was intimate with when I was Mormon, everything's cool.
Starting point is 01:10:58 All goes according to plan. So what the fuck? Is this all Mormon guilt controlling me? Do I need to get to know other people better? What can I do to make myself more comfortable in intimate settings with people i'm attracted to thanks for all you do you do bros great job on the h3 podcast dude i think it's pretty clear you just got to have an emotional connection for your dong to feel safe to get hard i think i have that often too i think it's very very normal it's kind of it's sweet just uh and just i i had a thing
Starting point is 01:11:27 where like i had to be accepted by a girl for not getting a boner for me to be able to get a boner because i i felt like pressure so you know we all have our things i think just uh just be easy on yourself when it happens and then just stay nice and do whatever you can to to make up for it but you're good yeah he's uh uh yeah i mean look i mean he grew up mormon uh i know i actually know a lot of mormons uh great people and then he you know so it's like he's gonna feel obviously you grow up that way and if he's not that now then he is gonna feel bad about what he's doing but that's not about he said it's not a bad thing you know there's not enough dudes feeling bad and not being and being super cautious there should be way more guys like
Starting point is 01:12:12 that and so that's actually a terrific thing and you know and if people if he does feel weird just to talk about it you know uh like kids in like high school or like they graduate or they're younger, if you have anything that's weird, just make fun of yourself and like take control of it. Think about the Eminem scene, 8 Mile, at the end of it. He raps about himself. Live your life like that. Make sure if you have anything that's remotely can be made fun of, you bring it up first and then you control it from there.
Starting point is 01:12:48 And it makes even those people will be – I don't know. You'll get along better. That one guy earlier – yeah, the one guy earlier about the parties at the school, then go tell everybody. Like you can even be super honest there. If you're super honest, you can – goes a lot better it's and you control everything and i learned that i've not after eight mile which i was older if i'd known you earlier i would have crushed it even more but eminem was not born yet i think we were talking about that scene the other day that that scene comes up a lot and clarence I think about it a lot nice marriage just yeah you control everything and you just make fun of like I know what you're going to say about me
Starting point is 01:13:30 so here I'll talk about it I don't care you know I mean I learned it too a lot with comics comics were even when comics would be contradicting their themselves and I remember just having friends uh I've been by one of my best friends Luis J Gomez and I remember Luis was like he's a comic he Luis would just sit there and he would be I'd be like dude are you I would say something I was like you're you're wrong or something he's like oh no dude I know I'm I'm way wrong I'm totally in the wrong right now like but just him hearing him acknowledge that I don't know it just made me I was like oh like I don't know. It just made me, I was like, oh, like, I don't know. It means you know what you're doing more than they do, you know? Cause you're like, yeah, dude, I get like, I'm being absurd right now. Like this is,
Starting point is 01:14:13 I'm emotional. I'm being absurd. You know, that guy, you know, I was raised Mormon. I'm extremely uncomfortable with this. It's insane that I'm even here. Right. And then it's a fun experience that they're both having. And she's like, oh, I'm going to help this Mormon guy learn how to have sex and she's like oh that's understanding yeah then she is just being like and if you're super honest quick too i learned too you can be honest if you ever get confronted with something i always say like if someone ever asked you to help you move and you don't want to do it if someone's like hey we help you like no dude that's insane why would i ever do that the person will then go oh you're right I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked and they
Starting point is 01:14:46 laugh and everybody moves on but if you wait a couple of days it's now uncomfortable and you're actually start becoming the bad guy if you say no so just if you quickly say the answer like you know in that situation if he's with a girl and it's like why am I didn't you know he's like because I'm Mormon and this is crazy that I'm here it's not weird because you said it it's like just it's a very honest reaction dude nate i think you might be the best at giving advice of anyone i just call me in for the advice the longer the question the better you know uh let's dive i love i'm i'm 41 i'm at the i'm at a good age of i want to hand some advice out i love it dude we might keep bringing you back just for advice corner dude oh dude i would
Starting point is 01:15:34 love it i love uh i do love some advice i love giving it uh i love talking you like getting it always right uh not a not a big fan to be honest i don't like getting it uh it depends i gotta get it i gotta get it from someone above me like right like like uh someone older than me i i gotta give i gotta give it from someone someone that i you know that i would respect of where they like where they're at yeah i would i would and i would always take it from there that's the great thing about comedy and being in new york you talk about that comedy seller tale table the one thing that i love is there's a there's a ladder to the success so there's guys that i could technically probably
Starting point is 01:16:21 may have passed career wise but they could go tell me to grab them a diet coke and I'd go grab it tomorrow I'd go grab it right now like I'm going to do whatever they tell me to do because there's they're big you know my head they're always bigger you know John Roy John Roy is always a higher person to me just because that's how
Starting point is 01:16:40 I was introduced to John Roy and so you end up like thinking like that so the older guys you end up like listening to more. And I always loved that. I love that in comedy. I love that, you know, how that works out. Awesome. And you've got a new podcast coming out, right?
Starting point is 01:17:01 Yeah, I do. It's out. The Nate Land podcast. And just me and a couple of comics. We're're still kind of figuring we're just talking about whatever i don't know it might not be good you know you never know man you just get advice on it i mean yeah dude if you're giving advice i should i know well we we do get a lot of questions and so we try to uh we start every podcast reading comments that people say and i i get asked up but i i yeah i will we've thought about doing that with advice and i mean i didn't you know you kind of open a
Starting point is 01:17:30 door here i didn't realize i do love giving advice and i think i loved it i realized that i liked it more during this scenario i was like oh you know what this is yeah this is my thing i'm gonna go wake up my daughter and try to right now and just be like give me some questions she's like have you seen that scene in eight mile yet i know i go show her she's like her eyes i've got them i'm gonna pry it open watch the whole thing yeah yeah it's fun to watch someone watch something that's my favorite thing like when i show the wire you know a good scene's coming up and you're just like staring at them like oh you don't even know what's coming right now yeah yeah uh it's great talking to you guys yeah yeah absolutely so good to talk to you
Starting point is 01:18:13 yeah and check out the podcast uh everyone's listening nateland awesome yeah see y'all yeah have a good one my friend just put out call of duty rankings Awesome. See you. Have a good one. My friend just put out Call of Duty rankings. Oh, with the squad? And it's a three-minute video. Do you know where you land yet? I'm past ninth.
Starting point is 01:18:38 Oh, no. I guess it's not that bad. Are you hurt? Oh, he called me a lone wolf. No, no, it's probably correct. I think I might be better than Strider was just ahead of me. Strider's been putting in work. He is good. I mean, I don't play with – I haven't played enough with the two of you to,
Starting point is 01:19:08 to know who's, I mean, I've played with you guys, but it's, I can't tell who's better. Right. Um, well,
Starting point is 01:19:16 big ups to Greg. I'm gonna have to shout Greg out for, uh, for this later. Um, all right, dude, you ready? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:24 Chad, my dog. Who is your beef of the week uh my beef of the week is with the uh the mystery of hbo max uh where you know i have a roku tv and i'm trying to get the hbo max on my roku i can't find it and doesn't exist max on my roku i can't find it and doesn't exist yeah and uh i want to watch south park i i was like because i was trying to watch more south park and i was like where i was like why can i find south park anywhere and i was like oh it got taken to hbo max and no disrespect to hbo i love hbo hbo is amazing but i just you know i want want HBO Max on my Roku right now because I want to watch South Park. I want to watch all the great things that they're offering.
Starting point is 01:20:13 So HBO, if you're listening, I love you. And I'm just saying, you know, as soon as you get on Roku, I'm going to watch HBO Max nonstop. So it's not really, not too much of a beef, you know, it's just sort of like a heads up, like, hey, I've been on my couch. I'm trying to crush whatever you're streaming, all the good stuff you're streaming. So throw it on Roku ASAP because I want to watch South Park.
Starting point is 01:20:43 And yeah, you know, I've had to, I've gone to buying episodes Roku ASAP because I want to watch South Park and yeah. I've gone to buying episodes on Amazon. That's how desperate I am. That's their competitor. So they need to get on it. So HBO Max,
Starting point is 01:20:59 get on Roku ASAP. And I can't wait for that Friends reunion. Jennifer Aniston, I love you. And yeah. Nice, dude. Courtney Cox, I love you. And Lisa Kudrow.
Starting point is 01:21:16 Aaron, who's your beat for the week? My beat for the week is Car Trouble. Had to take my car to the shop today. It died on me on the way back from the studio. I think the last time we were in studio, um, luckily I got to start before the traffic started again. Um, and then I got stuck in a parking lot where it wouldn't start for like 10
Starting point is 01:21:40 minutes. So I took it in and thankfully it's all good easy diagnosis uh fair repair price thankfully i've been to this guy before and it was like it's kind of a similar issue that i had two years ago so uh i'm all good now but it's just like driving with anxiety that your car is gonna die at some point, especially on LA freeways. It's like, oh. Oh, yeah. That's a scary thought. You don't want to be that guy who's created miles of traffic. Even in COVID times, the roads are pretty clear.
Starting point is 01:22:19 Dude, when you see people on the 405 just stopped in the middle of the 405, you're like, shit dude how like how'd you that's terrifying yeah well it's also like one person well one person not paying attention i mean just plow right in you too it's like so scary yeah oh it's dicey for sure um my beef of the week dudes getting a little outlandish here i got a quad beef of the week if i was in and out i'd be getting a four by four burger full of beef dude um number one isis there was a huge tragedy in uh lebanon with the explosion that went off uh thoughts go out to lebanon guys donate do everything you can to try and help out.
Starting point is 01:23:06 It's a, it's just a terribly sad thing and a very scary thing that we all witnessed. And then ISIS took like credit for it, you know, even though it was obviously just like a kind of infrastructure and bureaucratic mistake. And I don't know,
Starting point is 01:23:21 like, you know, Bargatze was talking about in standup, you know, they police that stuff. If you steal jokes, you get banished. You know what I mean? So I think ISIS for taking false credit
Starting point is 01:23:30 for something they didn't do, I think they should be suspended from terrorism for one year. And that's my beef with them. I think I got a beef with a Civil war generals, like Confederate generals, grandkids who are still alive, you should be coming out and saying, bring the statues down.
Starting point is 01:23:53 Like you should be like, yo, that's my family member. I'm embarrassed. So let's bring it down. Because you got, if you say that, then no one can say anything because it's your guy.
Starting point is 01:24:03 It's your grandfather or whatever. And I was just thinking about that. Like if one can say anything because it's your guy. It's your grandfather or whatever. And I was just thinking about that. Like if one of my family members fucked up like that and they had shit named after him, I would hate driving by that thing. I would be like scrub it. And they wouldn't even have to fuck up that bad. They could just be an asshole. And I'd be like, don't name something after.
Starting point is 01:24:19 Even if they were great half the time, but they were an asshole the other half the time, I'd take their name off of it. And I got a problem with how we, why are we always building statues for generals like generals war is a thing that has to happen sometimes and i respect soldiers who are brave and put their lives on the line and fight to protect us but we could also build statues for like just chill dudes who didn't have a huge impact on the outside world, but were just chillers. And that might set a good model for people. If they're like, oh, who's that? They were just like, oh, that's just Ricky. He's just a laid back guy who cut hair and was nice to everybody. We'd be
Starting point is 01:24:53 like, okay, cool. And then we'd all be like, all right, maybe we should do that. But instead, we're just building statues for dudes who murk like a million people. And that can go bad a lot. Sometimes it doesn't age great. Even though they are brave and intelligent and probably have more fortitude than I do, it's just, you know, we could mix it up a bit more. 50-foot statue to Ricky the Haircutter, dude. That just lords over Venice.
Starting point is 01:25:20 Yeah. And then, sorry, I got a beef with magicians this i wrote this before we even talked to i think they act too cool and then i got a beef with people who take pictures of themselves smoking weed and they try to look like cool in the photo but they're like adults you're like what are you 12 years old you think you look cool smoking weed they're like sitting there like every photo they're like blowing smoke and they have a joint you're like hey like look i smoke weed're like blowing smoke and they have a joint you're like hey like look i smoke weed i haven't done it much lately but like i'm not a nerd okay
Starting point is 01:25:50 i don't act like it's like like it's it's so clear to me that these people never did anything bad in their early years and now they feel like they're getting their like outlaw cachet smoking weed when it's like legal and stuff it's like okay look i know your friends back home probably think you're an edgy edgy person now that you smoke weed and high resolution photos but i think i think you look like a freaking dork dude um yeah those are all my beefs nice yeah man uh i feel good i feel cleansed um yeah chad who's your babe of the week my babe of the week this is the only one I can think of so I'm going to go off the top
Starting point is 01:26:33 of the dome my babe of the week oh dude I mean these guys are legends too but I already have a legend so Trey Parker and Matt Stone. I mean, huge babes. They're genius. They take risks.
Starting point is 01:26:52 They're freaking, they're keeping, you know, they're keeping comedy edgy. Making us laugh for the last 20 years. Dude, when I was, like, when I was young, my brother was watching South Park and I was super young and my mom didn't want me to see it, you know, because I was too young. And she's like, she heard about, you know, it's like potty mouth fourth graders and she didn't want me to be influenced by that. And then my brother snuck me into his room to catch South Park. room to catch South Park. And it was the most transformative 30 minutes of my life. And my mom was right. As soon as I started watching South Park, I started saying cock, balls, fuck, and
Starting point is 01:27:40 shit a lot more. And I was too young to say that, but thank you Trey Parker and Matt Stone for helping me reach that level of maturity at such a young age. And I mean, dude, but they, they're just like South Park is so I still have yet to see Book of Mormon, but it's so genius. So I love it, dude. And a big what up to Trey Parker, Matt Stone. And I like that they're kind of like revere themselves as like Hollywood outsiders. You know, they're kind of like, they have this rebellious nature about them where there's just like,
Starting point is 01:28:13 it's so sort of admirable where they've created this thing for themselves where they're, they're sort of like above the, the politics, the politics and the and the fear of pissing people off yeah they've gotten to a certain level where and they built up their show to a certain point where it's like they're not afraid to tackle any subject or to make fun of any one person they'll they'll they'll go after anyone like in interviews they're like is there anything you won't touch and you're like nope that's the dream
Starting point is 01:28:49 especially in the climate we live in today to be able to have because I think you've got to approach comedy with a level of fearlessness so I think they're definitely someone to look up to I mean they're the best they're they're i think they're definitely someone to look up to and uh i mean they're the best so
Starting point is 01:29:07 they're my babes dude that's so true it is amazing like i don't think people like i don't think i realize like how hard it is to do that you know it's so easy to become friends with someone like hey i'm not going to pick on that person anymore or like this person i don't know is this person yeah and then they just are like no nothing is above us telling the truth about how we feel about things and it takes a lot of discipline to have that kind of uh integrity yeah and yeah they do you know when they when they got nominated for an oscar that when they went to their first oscars they went to it on acid wearing dresses yeah like dude you're on acid in front
Starting point is 01:29:45 of six six thousand cameras like you could just when i'm on acid i say crazy crazy things like i do not want to be recorded when i'm on acid and they were just like we'll just go to the biggest event in the world and be on acid yeah and their whole thing about they're like they talk about they're like because they're like they started, like, because they're, like, they started as, like, indie filmmakers, and they're, like, this is, like, against everything we stand for, you know? We're, like, indie dudes. And but then they're just, like, you know what? But they're, like, but it's the Oscars.
Starting point is 01:30:19 I'm not, like, I'm not going to knock out of the Oscars. So they've just got huge balls. And they're the ones who started. nuts yeah they're the ones who started to get me to say balls more often so thank you for showing me big balls and getting me to start saying balls and every time you say balls you add a little bit of ball to your balls right balls balls ohs. Balls. Oh. Balls. Thanks for adding it in, Aaron. Aaron, who are your balls of the week?
Starting point is 01:30:51 Babes of the week. Babes of the week. My babe of the week is the Soda Cactus Cooler. Oh, daddy. Nice. Dude, it's the drink of summer. I mean, as far as I'm concerned, you shouldn't drink it any other time of the year. But if you get down with some pineapple and orange soda,
Starting point is 01:31:11 it just feels like you're at the beach. Or in the desert, I suppose, too. Because there's a cactus. Beachy desert? Yeah, yeah. There's sand. There's sand involved. sand involved yeah it's good hell yeah that's refreshing it is good stuff my baby of the week is a muscle milk it's a protein
Starting point is 01:31:36 drink that you can have dude it's delicious the banana cream it was i would drink it if it wasn't packed with protein limited sugar and barely any carbohydrates like it's insane how good the banana cream tastes and it's good for you and you know how i know it's good for you it has stood the test of time how many other supplements cell you text no2 they're fly by night they're the flavor of the month everybody's using it to get jacked and then a year from then they don't even exist on the shelves at GNC anymore. Muscle milk has been around for going on 15 years now, providing us with all of a protein boost. And so I got to just, it tastes good. It's high in protein. I might have a chocolate one after we're done with this. I bought a four pack from Ralph's the other day. And it's just great stuff.
Starting point is 01:32:21 And I'm just so grateful to it. If you're ever looking. If you're ever at a gas station, you want something healthier, you don't know what to get, grab yourself a Muscle Milk. Grab yourself a Muscle Milk. And the name. It's got a great name. Milk, Muscle, what else do you need? What else are you looking for from protein? That's what you're looking for.
Starting point is 01:32:38 So, yeah, I love it. Chad, who's your legend of the week? Hot dogs. Nice, dude. Dude, i'm on a hot dog tear right now i fucking love hot dogs i love hot dogs uh i just love them dude uh yeah i mean they there's something about hot dogs and not because they look like wieners that i love so much is that part of it though maybe but you know i but if if we're going off like sexual preferences i should love tacos more right boom
Starting point is 01:33:14 but you know uh but i don't know dude i mean whenever whenever i whenever i go to event or there's like a holiday you know there's like fourth of july it's like what am i gonna eat hot dogs i go to a dodgers game what am i gonna eat hot dogs uh i'm having a rage with my buddies we're gonna grill hot dogs uh i mean they're just like the ultimate form of you know food celebration and and then you, you mix it up. You know, you go to Chicago. What do I get? Hot dogs.
Starting point is 01:33:50 I get a Chicago dog. I love Chicago dogs. I love sauerkraut. I love, you know, regular stuff. Poppy seed buns. Poppy seed buns. I love, you know, I just ate three hot dogs, no buns because, you know, I'm trying to stay tight.
Starting point is 01:34:05 But if I'm celebrating, I'm going to get a big-ass bun. I'm going to shove it in my face. Nice, dude. Dude, what about those hot dogs outside of bars? You know where the people are grilling them up right there? They got the bacon on it, and then they put dirty stuff on there. They put mayonnaise and all this shit on it. You're hammered.
Starting point is 01:34:24 You just jam that thing in there. It's like bacon like bacon wrapped yeah it's just filthy as it gets i love it yeah dude when i graduated from college and i was much sloppier drunk i was with my buddies in la and we we got one of those street dogs and i was for some reason oh it it's like my, it was Ask Clown. His parents put on a graduation party, and Ask Clown lived in L.A. And we put on, I was wearing like a white button-down, and I woke up, and there's ketchup all over it. And I woke up on Ask Clown's couch, and his stepmom was just kind of like staring at me, and I was like, oh, oh. She's like, do you have hot dogs i was like yeah she's like that's awesome
Starting point is 01:35:06 and so that's how i know yeah that's how i know hot dogs are legit mrs clown's a legit legend oh mrs clown yeah dude both both mrs clowns like there's mrs clown the the his his full mom and then the stepmom m Mrs. Stepclown. She's cool. Legends. Yeah. Aaron, who's your legend of the week? My legend of the week, I think maybe you did this back when it was out,
Starting point is 01:35:37 but my legend of the week is Jojo Rabbit. Oh, yeah. I caught it on the aforementioned HBO Max. It just came out. Where'd you watch HBO Max? Yeah, where'd you find that? So I have the Fire TV, which is Amazon's product and is not on there. They have not negotiated to have
Starting point is 01:35:52 it as an app, but I went around them and downloaded a version of the app. Because it's an Android platform, so you can download stuff like that. But yeah, what an amazing movie. I hadn't seen it when it was up for all the Oscars,
Starting point is 01:36:12 and it just blew me away how funny and sweet it is. And for being the subject matter that it is, it's just so amazing. Nice. That's awesome. Dude, my, I got to finish it. My legend of the week is Megan Thee Stallion and Cardi B. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:36 I mean, I've been a fan of Cardi B for a while. Like, I just could listen to her talk all day. She just makes great points and she does it in her own flavor and language. And like, but it's always insightful like she there was a netflix reality show about like american idol for rappers basically and all of her criticisms were just dialed like she'd be like why are people gonna pay to see you when you can't even be you and i'm not talking about being you for like a room of 100 people i'm talking about being you for potentially an audience of like 10 million. Like she just understood all these things on like a, a really smart level.
Starting point is 01:37:08 And then they came out with this song. What ass pussy? Have you guys heard this song? I watched the music video today. And dude, the video and then their verses, the way they compliment each other. Cause like Cardi B has kind of her staccato rhythm.
Starting point is 01:37:21 And then Megan, the stallions a little more like ratatatatat like a faster pace and it's so simple but it's so brilliant and then like i don't know it's just a it's a i think it might be one of the seminal pieces of art of our lifetime and i'm just thrilled to be alive when it happened and uh it's just they're just they're just remarkable yeah good on them and it's just so aggressive and but simple it's just and the beat is simple but you just listen you just start cracking up all right it's undeniable that's what it is it's undeniable yeah there's that one like two two two and a half minutes in or something
Starting point is 01:38:06 when Cardi B comes in with a verse. You're just like, oh, fuck, dude. Yeah. It's kind of, like, intimidating, but, like, in a very exciting way. Yeah. Yeah. In the music video, when Kylie Jenner appears. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:22 I was like, I got pretty horny. Yeah. Yeah, it was horny wall to wall watching appears. Yeah. I was like, I got, I got pretty horny. Yeah. Yeah. It was horny wall to wall watching it. Um, frame one to frame out. And, uh,
Starting point is 01:38:32 yeah, just, you know, respect. It's respect to those ladies. They really crushed it. Um, yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:40 Chad, who, what's your, uh, quote of the week? My quote of the week comes from the movie Road Trip. He's talking to Tom Green. His character is Barry Manilow.
Starting point is 01:39:00 They're talking to Barry's grandpa. I forget who's talking to him. Maybe it's the main guy. Dude, what's the actor's name? He's in Clueless. Which guy? Breckenmire. Breckenmire.
Starting point is 01:39:16 I think he's talking to Breckenmire. And the grandpa's like, you know what your problem is? You're all brains. Not enough cock and balls. It's a good thing to remember every once in a while. Absolutely. Absolutely. Aaron, what's your quote of the week?
Starting point is 01:39:38 My quote of the week is another Jimmy World lyric. Probably going to be doing this for a while. There's a lot of great ones um it's from the song if you don't don't it's off the bleed american album um it it's just it's one simple line it's just would you would you mean this please if it happens um and the song's kind of about like maybe hooking up with somebody that you were that that you've pined for for a long time. At least that's what it means to me, because that's where I was.
Starting point is 01:40:12 But ultimately, the song is about if you don't know if you love me, then you don't. That's basically what the lyrics mean. And I also went through that. So it's just a super sweet song. And they've started to bring it back into their live rotation back when we could go to concerts. How many times have you seen them live? 11.
Starting point is 01:40:40 Nice. Yeah. Have you seen Blank Alive? That was my first concert. Yeah. With Chris Cote. Opening up. Right. Dude, right. Yeah. Have you seen Blank Alive? That was my first concert, yeah. With Chris Cote. Oh, right, right. Dude, right, yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:49 That's right. I don't even know if this is the right quote, but I finished Ryan Holiday's book, Stillness is the Key, Fire. I'm looking forward to stepping into Demi Moore's book after this. He's talking about leisure. I like this book too, because it tackles a lot of different, like it tackles basically every part of life,
Starting point is 01:41:11 which I appreciate that, especially in a 250 page book. But he goes, leisure is not the absence of activity. It is activity. What is absent is any external justification. You can't do leisure for pay. You can't do it to impress people. You have to do it for you, which is true.
Starting point is 01:41:31 I've been taking that to heart more lately. I've been taking power naps every day. That's nice, dude. Yeah, it's been transformative. But power is like the intent, like i'm going to take this nap so i can crush it in the afternoon and you know what it is when i see you power napping i can tell it looks different than when you're soft napping your mouth is a little more closed your body's a little more together only nasal breathing and it's deep breaths coming in and out of the nose.
Starting point is 01:42:06 Box style. I love erect. And you have a heart on the whole time. Yeah. And you're sleeping on your stomach, so your butt is kind of like. Yeah, I've created a tent with my body. You're a couple inches in the air. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:21 Yeah. Well, that's good exercise for your hog. Yeah. I mean, given how you know small it is that it doesn't really make a difference i compare it to tommy caldwell's finger that he lost that he strengthened so he could still mountain climb like the best of them yeah it smells like my balls holding me yeah your, your balls are sturdy, dude. They're ballast you down there. Yeah. Chad, what's your phrase of the week for getting after it?
Starting point is 01:42:56 I'm going to stand on my dick. That's awesome, dude. You can stand with pride. Yeah. Aaron, what's your phrase of the week for getting after it let's let's do a bump and sniff a butthole dude my phrase of the week for getting after it this week is from uh deandre hopkins one of the best wide receivers in the NFL. And there's this incredible clip that everyone should watch where it's their first scrimmage of the season and they're going up against, I think it's the formerly the Washington Redskins, now the Washington football team.
Starting point is 01:43:37 And he misses a catch. And then D'Angelo Hall, but he shakes the guy. D'Angelo Hall, who was like their best cornerback at the time, comes up and touches him in the chest. And he's don't try that on me and then deandre hopkins don't touch me i'm a grown man and he's like or we can box and then deandre hall just started keeps talking shit and then deandre hopkins just goes he stares him dead in the eyes he goes i fear god he just keeps saying i fear god like he's like like basically saying like i fear no man i only fear god and then they go back out on the field and he shakes d'angelo hall so
Starting point is 01:44:06 bad that d'angelo hall falls and gets injured and then deandre hopkins finds the camera and he goes i don't start things i just finish him but like the whole thing all together is so badass but the line the way he says i fear god when he's talking to him is one of the coolest things i ever heard and uh yeah i just i don't know just beautiful so that's my phrase we forget after i fear god who who's the fighter this weekend who was like he's on mic and he's like i gotta take a shit man oh derrick lewis he's one of the all-time greatest yeah every every fight too he goes he goes i'm not fighting again until i lose weight and he never loses weight yeah he's the same guy who's like my balls are hot or whatever yeah he's the
Starting point is 01:44:46 my balls are hot guy yeah he's funny too he's like one of those dudes he's like i don't like fighting i don't watch fighting he's like i just do it because i'm good at it and i can make money doing it like he's he's a he's a character and his instagram is all people getting hurt and he just writes he's okay underneath it like a guy will like get hit by like a truck and he just writes, he's okay underneath it. Like a guy will like get hit by like a truck and he just writes, he's okay. And it's like Joe Rogan's favorite Instagram account, he says. Derek lives in Texas. Him and Joe can hang out now. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:16 Dude, is there a party with all these people leaving LA where I'm like, good, we're moving up some spots. Oh, yeah. Totally. Traffic will be better. Yeah. up some spots oh my god yeah totally traffic yeah yeah i mean uh yes stand-up isn't my main focus anymore but i'm like it might be easier to get spots yeah or if someone's trying to get interviewed for something and then they normally they were like hey we're gonna do theos and the fighter and the kid and rogan it's like well those guys, you know, in nine different places across the country now.
Starting point is 01:45:48 So you might be coming on going deep now. Yeah, what are they going to, like, fly people out? I don't – That's what Rogan said his plan is, but, like – Yeah, is, like, Theo going to fly people out to Nashville? That's going to be even harder. Yeah. I don't know. I don't – and, like joey's moving to like new jersey
Starting point is 01:46:07 yeah and ended his podcast yeah i don't i don't i mean i don't really understand it to be honest i don't know either i mean i've been but i've been i've been it is hard to live in la when you're not pursuing your dreams it is tough but i also this will end yeah so i don't i don't know no i'm with you it is a little weird you think it's gonna work out aaron or you think they'll all be back i feel like they'll all be back but yeah i just don't know why they can't be patient. Yeah. They have all the money. All right, guys. That was fun. Yeah, super fun.
Starting point is 01:46:50 Aaron, are we good for Thursday? If you need advice, these guys are really nice. You want to know what to do and where to go. When you need someone to guide you, there's always the half-hearted beside you. Go in deep. Go in deep. Let's go deep. Go in deep.
Starting point is 01:47:27 Get in deep. I'm going deep I'm going deep

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