Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep 152 - Jo Koy Joins

Episode Date: September 16, 2020

What up stokers?! This week we're joined by Jo Koy, we talk to him about how he's filling his time now, missing stand up, and his son following in his footsteps. Enjoy!Sponsored by Manscaped: Get 20% ...Off and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagion.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's up guys this is chad kroger coming in with the going deep with chad and jt podcast guys before we begin i'll remind you once again that we are brought to you by manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean because fall is just right around the corner and you got to start looking fresh. I don't know if you have maybe like a Halloween party coming up and you got to make sure those pubes are in line and in control so use code go deep 20 at manscape.com for 20 off your order and i'm here with my compadre jean thomas what up what up stokers boom clap and we're here with uh legendary comic joe coy welcome to the show
Starting point is 00:00:59 clean pubes clean pubes 100 uh keep it very And you Manscaped? 100%. Keep it very... Manscaped, by the way. Can I just give Manscaped a shout out too? Yeah. Oh, absolutely. One thing I love about Manscaped, they are the reason why a lot of podcasts exist. Right.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Really. So shout out to Manscaped, for real. My son's a teenager and he is cleaned up. Nice. Yeah. That's good stuff. That's good. You raised him well.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Yeah, for sure. So what do you think about this mass exodus of comedians taking off from Los Angeles? Are you sticking around? I got to. You know what I mean? Should we wait for the sirens to go, or do you want to keep that in the pod?
Starting point is 00:01:43 That's me. Is it? Culver City is on Oh, yeah, that's me. Is it? Culver City is on lockdown. Yeah, it keeps going. Yeah, they are going there. It's crazy in Culver City. Something's going on at Sony. Right?
Starting point is 00:02:00 Yeah, it's gone now. You know, I have a house in Vegasgas as well so i've been there a lot and um you grew up there as well right yeah that's where i started my stand-up career that must be crazy yeah because you know you got to remember you know i started stand-up in 89 you know and there there was no scene there was no scene. And, you know, you got to remember, 89, the only brand new casino was the Wynn. No, no, it was Mirage by Wynn. Steve Wynn dumped a lot of money into the Mirage, and that was it. Old Las Vegas was still there.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Stardust, dunes, everything. So it was very headline room. There was no open mic or anything like that. So it was hard to get stage time. What did you think of Vegas when it went more family friendly in the 90s? Loved it. Oh, you did? Oh, I loved it, man. You got to remember I'm from Seattle, Washington. It rained all day. I stayed inside all the time. So when I came to Vegas, I was out 23 hours of the day. I was just getting all the sun that I was neglected, you know, and then, and then on top of that late night eating and just everyone had a not dollar 99 steak and eggs. And then, you know, the Mirage open Treasure Island open
Starting point is 00:03:21 Excalibur open. It was like this big theme park for adults. And I was just – I was like 18, 19, 20. I was loving life, man. Did you watch big comedians out there? Yeah. I saw George Carlin. And this is back when you still had the – what are they called? Ushers?
Starting point is 00:03:38 Mater Ds? Whatever the – you know, the old school guys with the suits. Mater Ds. Mater Ds. And they would go – and it was me and my dad. Good for months, dog. Yeah, yeah. And my dad, I remember we got tickets to Carlin at the Bally's Hotel.
Starting point is 00:03:55 And my dad, you know, he had 320s. My dad had 320s. He goes, watch, I'm going to get us down close. Like, this was a game that they played back then. You couldn't just get assigned seating. My dad made sure to have 320s because he was going to get his son close to Carlin. And literally, the guy did exactly what the fuck he always does. He sat us in the corner by the fire exit.
Starting point is 00:04:13 My dad slipped him a 20. He's like, come on, it's my son's, you know, my son loves Carlin. He wants to see it. Oh, yeah, yeah, let me see. He's looking around. Let me see what I can do. And he walked us a little bit closer.
Starting point is 00:04:23 My dad slips him another 20. Is there any way? Oh, you know, one second. Let me see what I can do and he walked us a little bit closer my dad slips him another 20 is there any way oh you know one second let me see what i can let me ask somebody gets a little closer gives him 60 bucks so it's like 60 bucks to sit like dead center middle section yeah but it was carla man it was fucking classic carla man someone heckled him and he he got mad and you know i got to see uh you know that was my first time actually seeing a headliner like that. I was still like 16 or – no, I was like 17, 18. So it was amazing to see that. That's awesome. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:04:53 That reminds me of in Vegas the $20 sandwich tip. Have you heard about that? No. Tell me. If you go to a hotel and you're checking in the hotel, you put a 20 in between your id and your credit card so you can upgrade on the room yes yes that's right i forgot about that and it works yeah that was a big thing back then yeah yeah yeah it was heavy man yeah i remember you know when mirage mirage's big thing was uh umet, valet and baggage, right?
Starting point is 00:05:28 And those cats were raking in six figures, man. And you got to remember, those kids were my age. You know what I mean? Like 21, 22, and just they're buying houses. They got boats. And I was like, what the fuck? And I'm trying to be a comic. Like, what? And I remember my friend, my mom was friends with a lady. boats they got and i was like what the fuck and i'm trying to be a comic like what yeah i remember
Starting point is 00:05:46 my friend my mom was friends with a a lady and her son was the head valet because mirage was just so big everyone was trying to be a valet attendant at the mirage so even to get an interview was huge and i remember i got the interview and the guy offered me a job only because my mom knew his mom. And he goes, look, I'm fully booked. I got my staff. My mom is friends with your mom. I will just try and work you in. I'll give you like a couple days a week. You know what I mean? I'll give you a, you know, it'll be like graveyard on a Friday and then like maybe a Tuesday, but at least you'll be in. And if someone eventually quits or gets fired, get to move up he goes it's a great chance to be a valet and then i said no i said no it was the craziest shit man and the reason why it's because i knew i would get locked in i knew i'd be addicted to that money i knew i probably
Starting point is 00:06:38 wouldn't like go do gigs on the weekend oh that's another thing he said he was because i i told him it was like you know i might catch gigs on the weekend he's like yeah man i really need you on the weekends if i call you can't skip out i remember when he said that i was like dude i'm gonna quit anyway so i might as well just not take the job and i literally changed i literally said no and became a dolphin habitat tour guide that's cool that's not the mirage like i took i took that job over the ballet job and it was just mind-blowing i remember seeing him in the lunchroom at the mirage and he was just like you really said no like what the fuck but you know i no one knew how badly i wanted to be a comic and i knew that yeah i if i would have been a ballet attendant i'd probably still be a
Starting point is 00:07:23 ballet attendant to this day because the money was just so good, man. Did you come to appreciate dolphins more or less because of that job? You know what's funny about the dolphin habitat is it really helped me with my chops as far as like crowd work. Like I was always on my chops, but I didn't know any of those fucking dolphins names, man. There was nine of them.
Starting point is 00:07:48 There was nine of them in that pool and they were all gray, bro. And I literally would just make up names or I I'd use the real names, but point at the wrong dolphin. I didn't give a shit, man. It was just like, but the people, but the people listening wanted to believe that you had a relationship.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Yeah. Cause I want to believe that they do. They loved it. And they listened to everything I said. I gave a great tour but uh literally it was just me getting in front of people and it kept me on my toes and that was my that was my in how were you uh how how'd you get sets when you when you're starting on vegas like how would you sort of there were no finagle the open mic scene yeah there was no open mic scene? Yeah, there was no open mic scene. There was literally a coffee house at the time.
Starting point is 00:08:31 And then and then I met through that. I met this one girl that was had an in at a nightclub and and she got she's she was dating a club manager at Catch a Rising Star. And he came to pick her up at the end of the night and he saw my set. And then that's how I got into the MGM as a feature. And he gave me a bunch of two-for-one tickets. And he was like, just hand them to your friends, whatever, as many as you want. I'll give you hundreds, just fill the room. And I would give them out all to my friends. And then I noticed that the headliner wasn't even really bringing anybody, but everyone that was in the audience was there because of my two for ones. So then I was like, well, fuck it. I might as well just rent a theater and just do two for ones. And then that's how that all started. So I started renting out this theater and that's how it all
Starting point is 00:09:19 happened, man. It literally, it was, there was no open mic scene at all. Wow. Like a coffee house, a nightclub. And then from there, I went to my own theater. Yeah. That hustle in the beginning, though, even though it's tough, it seems like it's, for a lot of comics, they often say that those are some of the best times that they've had. Oh, yeah. I still remember.
Starting point is 00:09:40 We just did a photo shoot. I have an interview with variety and um and it's it's about my whole career and um i was like they wanted pictures so i i went out and took pictures at the hunt ridge which is the theater i used to rent it was literally it was in the worst area you could possibly imagine man it was it was on maryland parkway in charleston it's just like it's crack center you know what i mean but like i had to hire so much security just to watch cars in the lot um and and i i go to take pictures out front and literally the owner walks up because they're
Starting point is 00:10:18 selling the place like the timing was so crazy because i i had no idea how to get a hold of these people. And during my photo shoot, he walks up, he lets us in and we do a whole spread on the inside of that theater. It's all run down and everything. But man, the minute I walked in, just all these memories of my mom sitting in the ticket booth and ripping tickets and all these seats that I used to lay out and just the color of the walls. I was like, Oh my God. Like, like everything came back, man.
Starting point is 00:10:47 It was, it was so cool. Yeah. That's nice. That was 20, 25 years ago, man. Wow.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Yeah. Time's weird. Yeah. Time is weird about it. Went by so fast. Yeah. Yeah. Do you,
Starting point is 00:11:00 do you, uh, how long do you want to live forever? Yeah. 100% bro. Yeah. But it'll, it'll last, it'll last forever afterwards as well. Oh, that's true. Yeah. So as long as, you know, that was my biggest thing with my son is, uh, you know, when I, when I was coming up in the beginning, especially in LA,
Starting point is 00:11:22 he was young, so he wasn't getting it. Like he didn't understand what dad was doing. And now that he's a teenager, he gets it and he loves it, you know? And, and now that's pretty cool. Yeah. And now, and now I got to like leave something here, you know, after I'm gone, like it's that legacy. It's like, that's what dad did. So that, yeah. So yeah, if you want to live forever, then that's what you gotta do.
Starting point is 00:11:46 You gotta build your legacy, man. You gotta have a story to tell after you're gone. Wow. That's cool. That's powerful. Yeah. I like that.
Starting point is 00:11:55 So we didn't everything. And by the way, that's everything, man. That has nothing to do with entertainment. That's anything. That's anything you do in life. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:12:03 Whatever it is, you can leave that story. It's, it's there. No, I you know i mean whatever it is you can leave that story it's it's there no i think i think about it all the time i was telling people today i i will pretend to be my friends giving a eulogy to me at my funeral yeah i'll make myself cry like i'm like he's like my friend i'll be pretending to be my friend i'm like oh jt was one of a kind i'm like thanks brooks i like brooks too i haven't even met him but i like him man he's a good dude i had a feeling brooks would say something like that yeah he's really good at call of duty too anyone with the name brooks is anything brooks is the leader of a country band brooks is the
Starting point is 00:12:42 name of a fucking store that dresses men only. Like Brooks is just Brooks. That's Brooks, dude, 100%. 100%. If you're Brooks, that's you. You're the leader. Yeah. Where are we going?
Starting point is 00:12:55 I don't know. Brooks will tell us. Brooks has something planned. Yeah. So why do you think everyone's leaving LA? Do you have like a take on that? Have you seen it? Yeah i know i don't know if you remember the beginning of this pod but there was 15 fucking cop cars outside of dad's house yeah i i bailed too i've been in orange county for the majority of and now i'm thinking about moving to marina del rey so i will say this man
Starting point is 00:13:22 orange county has been the leader of southern california i will say that much you guys have been uh at the forefront of this movement does that make any sense i feel like you guys were the first ones to open up uh right no i'm being serious i'm not even trying to be funny like oc was kind of like the first to do a lot of that stuff. I live right above Universal Studios. Shit is not moving. Right. You know what I mean? Everything is still closed.
Starting point is 00:13:52 And hey, I get it, you know, but... I feel really guilty. It's hard out here. It's hard. I feel really guilty because I've been really pro-mask and really pro-social distancing. And then I went to an outdoor bar and like danced the other night.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Yeah. For like 10 minutes. And after like four songs i turned to my friend i was with and i was like i feel terrible i have to go home i can't be doing this but i literally had to get it out yeah i felt bad yeah i still feel bad i'm talking about because i have like a need to confess yeah i mean i feel bad too but you know what man that felt good didn't it it did feel good to dance yeah man, man. It's amazing how energy is appreciated when it's taken away from you and how we didn't realize that human energy is real, that we are connected.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Even though I don't know Chad or JT, there's something here. Even through Zoom, we got it, and that's that energy that we give one another. Now when we're physically in front of each other, it's even more powerful. It's nuts. How have you dealt with that? I mean, you're playing like these huge theaters and then all of a sudden, I mean, beyond the financial, how are you dealing with not having that energy interaction? I can't.
Starting point is 00:14:59 I mean, I'm using social media to pacify, you know what I mean? Or keep me or keeping this relevance, I guess. Right. Right. But but as far as like the stage that can never be replaced. And that's my that's my bloodline, man. Like, that's my love, my passion. It's like, yeah, it's like taking a paintbrush away from a painter.
Starting point is 00:15:21 It's like you can't the motherfucker is not going to go to the iPad and go, OK, here, this is the same thing. No, it's not. It's not the same. Like the new norm is not the same. It's not like I refuse to do the drive-ins. I refuse to do the, the zoom standup shows. There's nothing like being in front of a crowd of people and everybody just vibing, just vibing. No one knows anybody. I don't know anybody in that room and they don't know anybody in that room. And, but for, for two hours, we all know each other and we're all laughing and enjoying each other's company. That's, that's incredible, man. Yeah. So, so you haven't done any shows since lockdown? No, no, I don't, I don't want to either. I don't want to.. I don't want to.
Starting point is 00:16:06 There's just something about, look, man, theater's been around since the beginning of humans. As far as, you know, if there was humans involved, there was always one person that was the entertainer, whether it be caveman or whatever. I mean, we can go as far back as you want you'll always see a some type of venue or a coliseum or a theater it's just it's in our it's in our blood it's it's we have to have it and i'm reading the this this is not this was not part of our life this zoom shit
Starting point is 00:16:42 you can't you can't go back 300 years and see a computer with three screens on it and people talking no but you can't go back 500 years and see a fucking coliseum but dude i was really about the plague in england it lasted 40 years so we might be on we might be getting off easy i'm sorry chad what were you saying i was i was gonna say i uh yeah i i tried to do a zoom show because JT and I do stand-up. We've been focusing on other stuff, but that was sort of where we started. I did one Zoom show, and it was a soul crusher. I'm just going to say that because you're standing in your apartment alone,
Starting point is 00:17:19 and you're just like, you know, you hear like faint laughs from the Zoom chat. It's like, dude. You're just like, you know, you hear like faint laughs from the Zoom chat. It's like, dude. I know what you're saying because I had to like deny any other requests coming in because I'm like, I need to like maintain this love. I can't maintain the crowd from my kitchen. No. I love it when they're like, hey, you can do crowd work no you can't you
Starting point is 00:17:47 need a fucking crowd what are you talking about you're gonna be riffing off like the gallery yeah yeah yeah yeah hey nice books behind you jt what the fuck what are you talking about and if you heard a heckler's feelings they just shut shut the computer. Yeah. Yeah, they're out. Or just mute. Bye. I was wondering, what's the biggest, like, what's the most intense emotional response someone has had to your show? Like afterwards when you're meeting everyone?
Starting point is 00:18:16 Yeah. What's like the biggest one you remember? Oh, man, there's so many. There's some where you just want to cry because you don't realize just what comedy is you know and yeah i've had some where they came day of the funeral whole family and and and the dad was the biggest fan and that was the night they you know that they were all supposed to come that was the one where we all cried you know what i mean in? In the, in the, uh, the VIP line and I'm getting a little teary right now, but it was just like,
Starting point is 00:18:48 yeah, it's, and, and just like, they were all like, we were going to not go. And then we were like, no, dad would hate that if we didn't go. And we came tonight and I'm like, Oh, Oh, it's just like, it's amazing what laughter does, man. And, and, and you like hug them and tell him you love him and oh yeah we all cried man it was crazy man so it's just like you know and then and he was like a fan fan like he's been to a lot of my shows and they were showing pictures of me and him and i was just oh man so yeah it's that's beautiful when you you know like something sometimes we forget
Starting point is 00:19:21 that that there's more to it than just, I'll make you laugh. Good night. It's more than that. It's like their escape. It's their life. It's what they look forward to. Sometimes I forget when I'm going into a city,
Starting point is 00:19:42 people were waiting five months to see me. You know what I mean? It was five months of their life. That's huge, you know? So like – That probably makes you perform better too, right? Yeah, it's crazy. It's really, really crazy to see that. Yeah, what motivates you to do good?
Starting point is 00:19:58 I just love it, man. And I'm not scared. So I enjoy – You've never been scared? Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm scared that, yeah, it won't be funny. But I think I've been blessed to know that everyone in the audience is there to see me. So I got that working for me.
Starting point is 00:20:18 It's not like back in the day when I was traveling the circuit and it's just like, all right, no one's here to see me and I got to win this crowd over. Was that scarier? No, because I knew I was still going to make them laugh. But I don't know. I've never been scared like that. I enjoy the silence sometimes. Like if I'm working on a new joke, I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:20:42 You know, like if it sucks, I'm like, all right, cool. Let's move. That's awesome. I get it. Why did I do that? My bad. So when you started building up a following and you had bigger and bigger shows, eventually you're doing stadiums right now.
Starting point is 00:21:02 So that pressure to deliver for fans never never got to no i feel like that's sort of a new kind of pressure that a lot of people maybe they don't expect when they rise i think what it is is uh when you play like a big venue like that it's like you gotta so so when you stand on stage right and you're playing like the improv right and it's like you can literally see the smile on the last person's face up against the wall in the back you know what i mean and you still have that connection there's even a time where like like when i'll talk i'll look at that dude right in the eyes or i'll look at that chick right in the eyes and smile and she's way back there and there's that connection you know and they'll feel it too they'll feel it but when you're playing 15 18 000 right literally you're seeing all these exits with people walking to the bathroom
Starting point is 00:21:55 you know like literally just just silhouettes of people buying beer and and walking to the bathroom and just like it's just fucking chaos there's still people sitting beer and and walking to the bathroom and just like it's just fucking chaos there's still people sitting and watching and laughing but you're getting distracted because you see people like literally walking the hallways you know what i mean and that's the only thing that that that you gotta like conquer you just gotta like ignore it and it's hard you know what i mean you're right because you're constantly looking at like fuck like like sit down like but it's like yeah so that's like the only time where it's like you gotta like stay in that pocket and just keep going and and that's about the only that's the only thing that that that that i adjust to is when i see that stuff you know did that make sense did i even need to say that no totally yeah i've seen with comedians too when they're uh transitioning up the ladder
Starting point is 00:22:52 and they're getting to play bigger rooms that their joke writing can change too like yeah they'll start writing for maybe jokes that entail more movement because it helps to like be a little bit i don't know because it's a bigger crowd. Well, yeah, that's very important, JT. Think about it. You have to give off some type of energy when there's that many people, bro. 18,000 people. Yeah. 18,000.
Starting point is 00:23:15 Right. Imagine that. All they got is the – It's too much. Yeah, it's like you're playing in – I'm playing in Chase Arena where the Golden State Warriors play. It's like you're like, what the fuck? Like you can't stand in the middle, bro.
Starting point is 00:23:32 You got to move. You still have the luxury suites in between the two sections. So you have the 200 section, mezzanine, and then you got suite one, suite two, suite three, and then all of a sudden the 300 section up here by the roof. It's like how do you control that? You know what I mean? It's like you can't just stand in one place. There's just too much shit and distraction.
Starting point is 00:23:53 So you got to go back and forth and keep them moving. You got to keep them like going back and forth. Yeah, you have to. You got to pace. You got to look up. You got to look up and connect and pretend you're connecting or something, man. If you're just going to play straight like this, man, people are done. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:11 And I saw Jerry Seinfeld at the Pantages, and I was really surprised at how much movement was involved. It's very important. He was walking up and down the stage and doing the Rockettes leg movements, and I was like, whoa, this is full body. Yeah, yeah. But I'm give it open mics with six people where it's like incredibly I mean we do better shows but that's like that's where I practice so yeah I always wonder I'm like if I did a special what I just want to do it in front of six people in a closet that's funny bro that's funny but I do
Starting point is 00:24:43 think the degree of difficulty with performing for 18 000 i can't even wrap my head around it's pretty crazy man it's fun it's a lot of fun the forum was the most amazing in inglewood really i i couldn't get over that that was yeah and then being able to bring my son on stage and hug him in front of all those people it was just man that's nice that's great and it was two shows i did two shows there man i sold out two at the forum and that was just fuck man like that was that that was that's that story i was talking about yeah and hugging my son and being able to what my son said when i told the the light guy to turn on all the house lights my son goes dad i got chills when I saw them.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Cause you know, when you're in there in the dark, you don't really know. And then when I turned the house lights on, my son saw everything. Yeah. The roof. And he was just like,
Starting point is 00:25:34 dad, I got chills. I couldn't believe what I saw. And it was just amazing to share that experience with my son. Man, you guys are really close. It's nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:43 That's great. Is he going to be a standout i hope so he's good man oh really really i hope so i'm not pushing him but i was encouraged right i took him to malaysia and uh and i was about to go on stage and i remember i go joe do you want to you want to go up real quick and he looked at me he goes he goes are you serious dad and the way he said it with the confidence that he did i i really thought he was gonna go on stage and i started getting hyped up and he started walking toward the stage i'm like oh shit this is it's about to happen yeah he was only 16 when that or 15 he was 15 or 16 and i was just like oh shit this kid's about
Starting point is 00:26:21 to go up and then right at the last second he goes dad i have nothing to talk about and then and then he talked himself out which is fine but just that moment when he said like you sure dad i was like oh shit he's about to do it yeah my heart started pounding man i was like oh i hope this happens i would love to open for him do you think he has that that hunger inside him to to get on stage? I don't know if he'll have that. You know what I mean? Like his mommy is like she's here with me now.
Starting point is 00:26:54 She's in the other house. But she's great. And her and I, in the beginning, that's when that struggle was where we were burning DVDs, and she was helping me burn DVDs just so I can sell them for like four or five bucks just to bring extra money home to get diapers for my son and work three part-time jobs, borders, books, Nordstrom Rack, cleaning yachts on the weekend, doing stage time at the Laugh Factory. My son won't have to see that.
Starting point is 00:27:26 He's kind of blessed. If he decides to do stand-up, he can just open for his dad. Like there's no schmoozing and trying to get into certain clubs. Yeah, so – but, you know, I'd love to see him try, man. I would love it. Or at least act because the kid is – he's amazing, man. That's great. Yeah, you guys should do Ken Griffey Sr. and Ken Griffey Jr.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Dude, back-to-back home runs in the same game? Back-to-back crush sets. Crush sets! Good reference, by the way. Thank you. Are you from Seattle? No, I'm just a sports fan. Oh, okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:28:00 You know I'm from Tacoma, so Seattle's my home. Oh, that's right. I was speaking to your roots. That's good. That's why I'm from Tacoma, so Seattle's my home. Oh, that's right. That's right. I was speaking to your roots. That's good. That's why I shot my first Netflix special in Seattle. That was the whole reason for life from Seattle, man, was like I got to do this here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Great comedians have come out of there. Great art. Oh, hell yeah, man. It's good hub for art. Mm-hmm. Guys, I'm interrupting this podcast to let you know once again that we are brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs,
Starting point is 00:28:30 for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean. And that was JT sneezing because his pubes are in the air because he just shaved them. And do you have a moose near the caboose that needs to be tamed? I'm talking hairy, big, and needs some support. Thankfully, our sponsor today, Manscaped, has you covered to keep the hair looking nice and trimmed and feeling fully supported. Manscaped offers precision-engineered tools for your family jewels.
Starting point is 00:28:55 Beluga, did you hear that? That's your moose asking for Manscaped. What? Yeah. I mean, Manscaped is the best. They've got an engineering team on the case. They gave you a lot more 3.0, which has a light ceramic blade.
Starting point is 00:29:10 So it won't your Nick, your sack. You can see your dong clearly. You can see it in a nice crisp, soft light. Um, that'll just make you really, sometimes I just keep the light on it for like five minutes.
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Starting point is 00:30:40 i've been living here 20 years of course i know fucking swingers the worst fucking that's like if i went i love burgers hey man you ever hear in and out right all right delicious that's the spot i go to yeah it's pretty good that killed me when that place closed that's when i was like west hollywood's different oh i know i saw that i was driving down i saw it closed that was my son's favorite place too yeah um no but i'm talking like east coast diners man where it almost looks like it's being uh used for money laundering you know what i mean it's just got like oh yeah massive desserts yeah it's dicey there's a lot of lights everywhere it looks like old las vegas you know i mean there's an italian guy and
Starting point is 00:31:19 he's walking up like yeah you want pie what is? What is it? You know, like I like that spot. And it's got like this extensive menu that's got like nine pages. That's what I like. I like those kind of times. I heard Brian Regan after a set drinks a pot of coffee. Oh, that's good. Before he goes to bed. A full pot? Oh, that's good.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Maybe the comedian who was making fun of him was being hyperbolic. But he's like, Brian after shows goes back to his hotel room at like 10, 11 at night and just drinks a cup of coffee before sleep that's funny i saw brian regan uh 1990 at the the river riviera was it riviera the riviera improv no no no no harrah's improv in las vegas the harrah's improv and uh i I, first of all, you got to remember this is before anyone really knew who Brian Regan was, but like, you know what I mean? He was sold out, but I don't think people really knew who they were going to see. They were really there for the improv. Bro, I got there before the fucking line started. I stood in line for an hour. I was with my friend and I was that annoying ass fan man i was that fucking guy
Starting point is 00:32:28 you know and this is before i really knew what a headliner was i just knew i loved stand-up and i was doing open mics but i didn't know what what an annoying fan was and i was that fan man why what were you doing oh yelling out all his goddamn punch lines oh they were oh like a fucking i was a fucking asshole dude really but you gotta remember brian regan has like 900 sets you know what i mean so it's like and all of them clean hour tight gut busting like you know double over applaud break every five minutes every no every five seconds yeah and i'm just like, me and Chris, we're dying laughing, but we're like, this fucker hasn't done Science Project. This fucker hasn't done Cup of Dirt yet.
Starting point is 00:33:12 What about Donut Lady? And I'm talking like, we're talking about an hour into his set, right? And I look at my friend, I'm like, bro, I'm going to yell Cup of Dirt. I yelled Cup of Dirt, man. And I go cup of dirt. Like, cause there was like this moment where he was quiet. He was thinking about what bit and I go cup of dirt. I went like that, like an asshole. And he goes, Oh, okay. How am I going to, Oh, how am I going to start a bit where it doesn't sound like the punchline was just yelled out from the middle of the crowd oh you guys remember science projects and then they're
Starting point is 00:33:48 1990 bro 1990 man i remember when i got my myspace page and it says who would you like to meet and i wrote brian regan i still haven't met the guy one of the great you haven't met him no not yet oh really that surprises me i will are you gonna tell him that story oh of course i was like you were the guy in 90 at harris yeah yeah and he hung out at the bar because we went to the late show so it was his last show and he hung out at the bar i don't think he drank i don't think he did but he was just hanging out you know i mean people were talking to him and me and my friend walked up to him and they're like hey we were the ones yelling that was us you're welcome like and he's just like oh he had that look like oh go fuck yourself man but it was great
Starting point is 00:34:40 that was great man so when did you move to la i moved to la in 2002 so when when you came to la and you were you were starting at the factory was like dane cook was the biggest comedian in the world at that time uh thank you by the way dane cook was huge right so if you weren't in la and you weren't here when dane cook took the scene it's unlike you it's unlike anything you've ever fucking seen. I say this all the time. I was blessed to get into the Laugh Factory. By the way, it was a motherfucker to get into that Laugh Factory.
Starting point is 00:35:15 You know what I mean? Ralphie May is the only reason why I got into that Laugh Factory because I kept doing the theme show. There was an Asian invasion show. There was refried Fridays or some shit like that. It was like, they were all themed.
Starting point is 00:35:28 You know what I mean? It was like college Thursdays with Jay Davis or, or Ben Glebe would have a show. And, and I knew these guys and they would put me on, but Jamie Masada would never watch me. Even though, even when I would crush and I could see Jamie in the back,
Starting point is 00:35:42 we're in that leather jacket that he always wore. And I could tell he's watching my set. And then at the end of the set he'd be like oh i didn't see you buddy sorry uh maybe next really and i'm like i'm like what the fuck dude like i crush like please and all the time it was like clockwork hey buddy no i did not see you sorry i i saw you on stage but someone was talking to me about this so i did not hear anything about it. Like, fuck. And then one day, it was like a Wednesday or some shit, and Ralphie was on the same show with me. And he's seen
Starting point is 00:36:11 me before Ralphie did. And then Ralphie just walked up and he goes, hey, man, has Jamie seen you? I'm like, no. He's like, that motherfucker needs to see you. I'll make sure he's going to see you. And he literally got Jamie to watch me. And then at the end, he made me walk up to
Starting point is 00:36:27 Jamie and he goes, stop acting like you didn't see him, Jamie. He's gone tonight. Put this motherfucker on. He needs to be on the weekend shows. And I don't know why my Ralphie May sounds like Chris Tucker. I love it, though. But I love Ralphie May, man. I say it.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Before he passed, I used to say it to him all the time. I go, I can't thank you enough, man. Like, God bless you. Thank you so much. And I've always told his story that if it wasn't for Ralphie, I don't – you know, I was struggling, bro. I was broke. I had a little kid.
Starting point is 00:36:57 You know what I mean? I'm working at Nordstrom Rack. I needed someone in L.A. to see me, and Ralphie made sure that happened. So thank God. and I got in right in that time and and Jamie went ahead and signed me as a manager and literally I didn't need to work any other club I didn't need to go the improv I didn't have to go to the store or anything like that because I was doing the laugh actually seven days a week literally I'll go up at seven days a week and uh and yeah I was part of that I was part of that whole dang – like if you would have seen it, man, it was crazy.
Starting point is 00:37:30 It was crazy. What was it like? It was – let's just say it was to capacity every show. There were times where I thought the roof should have fell. Right. And I'm not even trying to be funny, man. It was like rock star stuff. It was, bro, like like you know they're standing
Starting point is 00:37:45 room only right and then you put another row of standing room only wrapped around that balcony and that balcony is only supposed to sit maybe 60 people maybe and he must have had at least 100 150 out there for sure for sure man it was so packed and uh and just the energy when you would walk in and that's the balcony by the way we're not even so packed. And just the energy when you would walk in. And that's the balcony, by the way. We're not even talking about downstairs. And just the energy when you walked in, you just felt it. There was just this energy of people waiting in line and they're finally inside. And they came all over the country to see. And man, those were the days. What do you think it was about Dane that made him so magnetic to so many people?
Starting point is 00:38:22 that made him so magnetic to so many people? It was young. It was young. It was new. Like I said, man, when I went to go see Brian Regan in 1990, there weren't 15-year-olds, 16-year-olds going to watch that show. I felt like I was the youngest one in there. And I think I was like, what was I, like 19?
Starting point is 00:38:42 In 1990, I was 19. So I felt like young. i remember when i went to watch chris rock at the riviera at at the oh man where was it anyways it was somewhere it was the riviera comedy stop or something like that and uh steve shirippa used to book it a lot of people don't know that steve shirippa was a comedy booker before he became a soprano yeah yeah is that true oh yeah 100 i used to call Steve Sharippa all the time with a fake name. Is that Bobby Bakalov?
Starting point is 00:39:09 Yeah. I would call Sharippa all the time because he was the only comedy club guy that would answer in Vegas. I would call him from 89 to like 91 or some shit. I'd be like, hey man, I do open mics. I haven't done open mics or anything. I was like, hey, I'm an open mic. I'm a local guy. I like to open up for any of your headliners. He'd be like, hey, man, I do open mics. I haven't done open mics or anything. I was like, hey, I'm an open mic. I love to, I'm a local guy.
Starting point is 00:39:26 I like to open up for any of your headliners. And he'd be like, hey, kid, go to LA, get some TV credits, get an agent, and have your agent call me. All right, buddy? That's the only way you're going to get in here. Because you recognize my voice. He was like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:41 And he was like, you know, so, you know, stop calling, man. I would always change my name. I'm like, hey, my name is Joseph Herbert. My name is Herbert Joseph. My name is Glenn Joseph. And then finally he was like, hey, kid, just move to L.A., get your stage, try to get some TV credits, get an agent.
Starting point is 00:39:57 That's the only way you're going to get in here. All right, kid? So, you know, I don't mean to be mean, but that's how you got to do it. And I'm like, oh, thank you, sir. And I stopped calling him, but that was kind of like my push to to get out of to vegas he beat tony's ass in that fight when he went to the lake house yeah he pulled through i'm kind of obsessed with the way like uh oh shit i didn't even talk about the the energy in the room like the difference between you know i mean that there was that movement it was that young movement it was a new
Starting point is 00:40:25 demo that that wasn't really like into stand-up like when i was a kid bro i went to see eddie murphy raw live i went to it wow i was 15 years old and i i i used my mom's credit card and this before ticketmaster there was no internet man like ticketmaster used to be like they would like sublet like areas inside department stores like oh where's ticket master like oh it's in customer service in in whatever nordstrom and you'd have to go up there and there'd be a little booth that said ticket master and that's what i did i bought my tickets on the phone they didn't question me because i i talk like my mom you know what i mean they wouldn't question uh an accent like i'd like to get two tickets to eddie murphy comedy show please and they're not going to be like oh are you sure or is that your
Starting point is 00:41:10 credit card they they fucking sold me the tickets man next you know my mom and i are driving to tacoma washington driving from tacoma up to seattle 15 she's dropping me and my friend off to watch uh eddie at the Coliseum. That's incredible. There's some comparison there with those two in terms of just the impact that they had on the youth and making them turn out for stand-up. Yeah, man. Kind of like their rock star-ness. Yeah, man. That was rock star.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Everyone forgets how rock star Eddie Murphy was, man, because I was in that Coliseum. Look at what he's wearing. Look at the red leather. Was he wearing the red leather getup? Driver gloves. He had driving gloves on top of the driver's glove. I love it.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Leather, bro. Leather. Leather with no. I'm working towards it. Eddie wore leather with no cotton underneath to absorb the sweat. He gave zero fucks. I can only imagine how hard. With no cotton underneath to absorb the sweat. He gave zero fucks. I can only imagine how hard it was to take that leather shit off his body at the end of the set.
Starting point is 00:42:17 It's kind of like a chamois when you clean a car and rinse it with that shit. That's what it felt like. He was a rock star, bro. Yeah. He did party all the time. He did everything, man. That guy was amazing, and he did music too. He did party all the time. He tried it. He did everything, man. That guy was amazing, and he's still amazing. Jamie Foxx is like that.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Like, Jamie Foxx is so talented. I don't think he could make 30 bad movies in a row, and we'd all forgive him because he's such a ball of talent. Has he made 30 bad movies? You better stop. You better fucking stop. The guy's a legend. I don't mean it like that.
Starting point is 00:42:42 I just mean, like, he's so talented that whatever work he puts out irrespective of how we perceive that we still love him yeah you better you better you better rephrase that i'm walking it back jimmy is fucking amazing man i from singing to to have you his impersonations like there's only his doc rivers is incredible his anything he could do anything he could sound like you if he wanted to he's that good there's only three guys that i think that are like knock out the park uh impersonators and it's it's jay farrow first of all eddie murphy is ridiculous man ridiculous d Ridiculous. Dana Carvey? Dana's beautiful. His are good.
Starting point is 00:43:28 He gets to the weirdest. Dana's beautiful. I met Dana. Holy shit. That was amazing. I met Dana through John Lovitz. How fucking cool is that? That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:43:38 How fucking cool is that? It is. I'm opening for John Lovitz at Cobbs in San Francisco this is about 14 years ago and he's like I have a guest that's going to come upstairs make sure you're ready
Starting point is 00:43:54 and I'm standing upstairs and here comes Dana Carvey I'm like oh two guys that I used to impersonate as a kid and here I am I'm opening for one and I'm about to meet the other one. It was legend, man. It was so cool.
Starting point is 00:44:09 Dana used to – or I used to go to the gym that Dana crunched in West Hollywood. Yeah. Have you been there? No. I've seen him walk by, but I haven't talked to him. But I've seen him do lat pulldowns. He's doing lat pulldowns. Nice.
Starting point is 00:44:23 Yeah, he's – He's a strong guy. He's a strong guy. He's a strong guy. How did you get involved with Chelsea lately? John Lovitz. John Lovitz had a show at the Laugh Factory every Wednesday night.
Starting point is 00:44:38 He was like, I have a friend named Chelsea Handler. She's hysterical. She's going to start opening the shows. I'm like, seriously? I never heard of her. No one asked. She started coming up at the store.
Starting point is 00:44:53 Yes, she's going to start coming up. She's so funny. And then she started coming around. She was opening up the shows. Oh, you know another thing he said to me? He goes, I don't know who she is. Oh, go to my MySpace. She's my only friend.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Aside from Tom. That's how he delivers lines. He just stares at you. Aside from Tom. He's got to be one of the funniest dudes on earth. He gets annoying, but he's fun. one of the funniest dudes oh he's fun he gets annoying but he's fun you know you're good friends with someone when they call you like john yeah he'll call he'll always call me and then i won't pick up right you just don't have the bandwidth for it at that
Starting point is 00:45:38 but he's fun i love him to death man but uh but But I met Chelsea through John, and John was like, you know, like you're going to meet Chelsea. She's going to start doing the show with us. And then she started doing the show, and it was so much fun because he would be up there for an hour, hour and 15 minutes, and her and I would just go back and forth at it. We would just make each other laugh. And then she was just like, hey, I got this show idea,
Starting point is 00:46:03 and I want you to be my sidekick. And basically I was supposed to be Chewy. And like I'll put you on, you know, I'll do Man on the Street with you, and you'll be my sidekick on the panel and blah, blah, blah. And we did a couple of meetings and stuff, and I said yeah. And then right around when we were about to start going forward on it, I just started thinking to myself, like, I don't want to be a sidekick. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:46:27 I work too hard to be a sidekick. I want to be Joe Coy, you know? So I called her, and I said no. I go, hey, Chelsea, I'm going to go ahead and change my mind. I want to, you know, pursue my own thing, and there's other stuff that I want to try and do. And she cursed me out, man. I wish I recorded it because it was so classic. It classic chelsea man it was so good like fuck you seriously is that what you're gonna do you're gonna make the worst fucking decision this is
Starting point is 00:46:53 gonna be the best fucking show this is gonna be you're gonna be sitting there more than well why did i fucking do that like she was just cursing me out that was a horrible impersonation of chelsea she'd be so much sharper by the way you know You know what I mean? And then, boom, she hangs up the phone. I just remember like, oh, fuck. And then I go to Nordstrom Rack. And then about six months later, Angie, my ex, she picks me up from Nordstrom Rack
Starting point is 00:47:16 or something like that. And she's like watching Chelsea. She's like, have you ever heard of Chelsea Handler? Yeah, yeah. She used to open for us with John. And she's like, like oh my god i was watching her show it's so fucking good and i remember going home and watching it and just killing it like oh i made the worst decision of my life because i could have been on that show i could have been whatever i could have been chewy whatever and then uh yeah about two months later she called me and she put
Starting point is 00:47:42 me on the panel and then uh after that, it was over. I was on it every week with her. I was on it so much that people thought that I was one of her writers. Literally, I was on every Tuesday on the panel. And I always sat across from her because her banter was so good. But yeah, thank God for Chelsea, man, because that shit gave me this other demo that i i didn't have it was this this other demographic that started filling up the seats in the comedy clubs it was crazy
Starting point is 00:48:11 what did she say to you when you came back on the show was she like hey oh she was cool chelsea is just that she says what's on her fucking mind and then she's done she'll she'll rip you to shit and then and then tomorrow it's a different thing because after that if you can perform, it's good. If you can't perform, she'll let you know or she won't let you know. She just won't bring you back. There were times where they introduced new people on the panel
Starting point is 00:48:36 and say it's me and Josh Wolfe on the panel and we would just look at the new person and we're just like this is going to be bad for this fucking person because we just know how Chelsea is. If she goes to you with a setup and you don't have anything, she was done with you. She was that quick to not use you,
Starting point is 00:48:55 and everyone thought it had nothing to do with us. The panel and the writers had nothing to do with who was on that panel. It was 100% Chelsea, and that's what made the show show so good she knew who she had the best chemistry with and she knew who to banter with and it was all organic you know and it was a special show man it was like the i always say it was the modern day carson like when carson waved you over to the to the desk usually meant your career was gonna take off and that's how chelsea was if she kept you on that panel, things were going to look bright for you on the road. And that's what happened to a lot of us. So I thank Chelsea a lot for that.
Starting point is 00:49:35 Should we answer some questions from our listeners, Chad? Oh, shit. Here we go. You ready for this? Hey, hey, look. You ready, bro? What's that? Oh, whoa.
Starting point is 00:49:45 Is that an action figure of you? That's my Funko Pop. What is that? Joe Coy Funko Pop. Look at that shit. What's a Funko? Wait, can we get you to put it on the mic? I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:49:55 I should have said that earlier. Joe Coy Funko Pop. Look at that, man. Is that cool or what, bro? Yeah. Is that weird to see yourself as an action figure? Bro, they own the company. But here's the thing, man.
Starting point is 00:50:06 Funko Pop is like some pop culture shit. This is kind of like when I was a kid and collect baseball cards. That's the kind of level this shit is, man. These people love it. It's amazing. So, yeah, I got that Funko Pop. That's going to be there forever. When I'm gone, that's going to be in my son's house right there.
Starting point is 00:50:28 That's my dad. When did that come in? About two weeks ago, man. We're almost sold out. How crazy is that? Wow. It's nuts. All right.
Starting point is 00:50:40 You ready for some questions, Joe? Let's go. All right. We get deep. Here we go. What up, Stokers? So I broke up with my girlfriend, LDR, of three months about two weeks ago. She called it off due to some mental stress caused by some personal events that had carried out.
Starting point is 00:50:58 I respected her decision and told her it was okay to take a break until she feels ready to continue. I'm totally chill with pausing the relationship. That means the betterment of her mental health. We have been talking casually since then as friends up until a few days ago when she said, I'm sorry, but I don't think I can talk to you anymore. I can't handle upholding any relationship of friendship right now. This broke me as I truly love her and having her completely disconnected from my life really dents the stoke tank. Again, I respect her decision and left her alone. She just moved into her college dorm to begin this semester, and I see her post on Instagram and Snapchat of her adventures
Starting point is 00:51:29 and people she is hanging out with. You got to just block her. That's me saying that. I am confused as to why she ended it with me, but kept up those friendships. She claimed it was not my fault for the breakup and simply just poor timing with everything that happened in her life at that time. So are those not real friends?
Starting point is 00:51:46 All right, but I'm going to disagree with you, JT. He shouldn't block her. She should block him. Right. Yeah. That would be nice. Yeah. Yeah. Just block him. And, and sometimes you got to cut things off cold. And I understand he's listening. It's him. That's talking. Right. And very young. If you said college dorm my guy you have 70 more years ahead of you this isn't it so slow down bro this isn't the only one so but but then again you're young and that's what you all you know is that but uh but unfortunately man she's not interested and that's the that's
Starting point is 00:52:27 the cold truth so she's she's on to her new life she's living her college life and now you get to take it as a blessing man you don't you know what i mean did you date a lot before getting married yeah but i was i wasn't good either man i'm just old now i'm old and wise and i'm you know i'm in a secure place so it's easy for me to say shit it's easy for me to break up it's easy for me to break up and walk away as well because there's more than just a relationship that's that needs to be secure what was hard about what was hard about dating for you when you were young oh i was insecure because you know i think? Oh, I was insecure because, you know, I think a lot of comics are insecure.
Starting point is 00:53:07 For sure. 100%. We're all insecure. And if you don't say you're insecure, then you're insecure because you're lying. You know what I mean? Comics especially, there's some addiction that we have with instant gratification.
Starting point is 00:53:22 We love to hear people respond to whatever we say. It's kind of like the crowd is telling us that we have with instant gratification. We love to hear people respond to whatever we say. It's kind of like the crowd is telling us that we're great and we need to hear it instead of just knowing that we are. Right. And we get that through applause and laughter. And when we don't get that, we need it, unfortunately. Does that make sense? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:42 So, yeah, and that's something that we – by the way, we don't need it all the time. What I'm saying is when we grow, you know what I mean? Like when I was a younger comic, I needed it a lot. Now I don't need it. I know that there's other things that make me feel good, and there's other things that are very important to me, like my son, making my son happy and making my son proud or, you know, being a father. For me, it's a lot of,
Starting point is 00:54:05 there's a lot of things that fall in line before a relationship. You know what I mean? There's so many more priorities that I need to be responsible for than to maintain a relationship. If the other person is not interested, it's easy for me to go,
Starting point is 00:54:20 yeah, you're right. Take care. Like I can really walk away that quick. It's kind of like De Niro in, you remember that movie that De Niro was in? He was like, you got to i can really walk away that quick it's kind of like de niro in uh you remember that movie that de niro was in he was like you gotta be able to walk away in five seconds that's so true you feel the heat coming around the corner yeah yeah but in the end he goes back for the girl he goes he does go back he does and that's what gets him fucking capped in the airport hangar there you go the motherfucker should have walked kind of like this guy that just sent you that message right well when do you think you reach that point
Starting point is 00:54:49 where you're able to to to cut off relationships easily like it happened kind of fast really yeah um yeah it was like it started getting easier for me i started really prioritizing when my son was born right so it's like, I would get into these relationships, but the minute that there was some type of friction or something that got in between me being a parent and maintaining a relationship, parent always won first. And it's a little selfish, but oh well, man, I can have a million relationships, but I can only be a father once. And don't get me wrong, I fucked up a lot. I don't want you to think I'm some kind of guru. Yeah. I fucked up. There's a lot of relationships I was in that was, I shouldn't have been in. And there was a lot of, but you know what
Starting point is 00:55:35 I mean? Like I said, there's that insecurity again, right? So we all have to deal with it. We just got to be able to identify with it. And it's hard be alone. Dude, that was so good for you to say that, JT, because that's the part. That's the hard part. And this is going to sound weird to say, but some people just don't fall in love with themselves yet. And I'm not trying to be creepy, but sometimes we forget that, like, hey, I'm allowed to love myself.
Starting point is 00:56:05 Can you hang out with yourself? Yeah, I need to hang out with myself, man. What am I going to do for me today? Yeah. You're beautiful, dog. You deserve it. Yeah, man. A friend can tell you so easily, but to tell yourself is hard.
Starting point is 00:56:18 If you're not getting that validation that amps up the ego, it's hard to do it when you're just sitting still. Yes. Yeah. that amps up the ego. It's hard to do it when you're just sitting still. Yes. Yeah. I feel like a lot of people,
Starting point is 00:56:28 cause I was told that by a therapist, you know, I was like 23. Yeah. He's like, he's like, he's like, you don't love yourself. Oh,
Starting point is 00:56:34 you have self hatred. Yeah. And I was like, and I know, I know cons even at that age, I had no concept. I was like, I was like,
Starting point is 00:56:40 what is self love? Yeah. Do you love yourself? I'm like, I'm like, I guess like, what the fuck are you talkinglove? Yeah. Do you love yourself? I'm like, I guess. What the fuck are you talking about? Yeah, but you know what's crazy, Chad, is that you say that,
Starting point is 00:56:53 but it is a weird thing to say. And it's a hard thing for you to accept. Even right now, even though we understand it, even when you say it out loud, it still sounds wrong. Yeah. Love yourself. Like, what? What are you talking about? That doesn't make make sense and it's still tough to grasp yeah yeah yeah i don't think i'm supposed
Starting point is 00:57:13 to do that yeah yeah yeah how do i do that yeah yeah i'm not used to that yeah i think i was such a pleaser that i'm like i'm like that's like i can't love myself yeah yeah yeah what are you yeah i hate me that's not yeah dignified that's not manly to like love myself i gotta save my love for other people yeah yeah 100 um but i like that this guy's feeling so much for this girl i do appreciate this dude's romantic inclinations but but I think Joe's right that, look, this person is clearly not the person for you. And you're torturing yourself watching her having a good time. And I think it's true. It does have nothing to do with you. She just wants to be free. And unfortunately, that's coming at your expense. But you have to- I like how you said that, KT.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Thank you. That torture is, a lot of people do that. I don't know if it's an addiction or what it is. Hold on, hold on. She's on Snapchat real quick. Hold on, let me see. Like, dude, that's gut-wrenching. Like, you already know it's going to be bad. So what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:58:19 What are you doing? And then for you to say, are those your real friends? What are you talking about? Yes, those are her friends. Yeah, he's too caught up in her hypocrisy yes and if you get caught up in that you're gonna just every person's gonna let you down a little bit yeah and so you found the right person and they're out there you just got to start making your own snapchat and instagram stories that make her upset but don't do it to make her upset yeah don't do it to i'm sorry yeah that was the worst advice you gave him so much good advice and then you fucking shot it down i might edit it out i'm sorry yeah i'll make it pretty in the post yeah just love yourself dude
Starting point is 00:58:56 yeah all right um next cue um i'm about to lose my job and i feel like shit what up pod i feel like shit i'm deeply depressed stressed and about to lose a job that i hate anyways but will be left unemployed in the recession i'm barely holding it together i want to do something decent to not feel like a piece of shit so i thought i'd write it into you and to make you both smile you both are dank tan hot jack chilling inspiring dank lord oh man thank you thank you that means a lot i hope you have a good day make someone else smile i hope you can feel good that made me feel better this is therapeutic i started texting random numbers compliments from a burner app that gives you a fake number this this has become some
Starting point is 00:59:42 sort of bizarre coping mechanism i I just talk to strangers or people who I hardly know, but have their contact and just say nice shit to them for a few minutes. Am I crazy or is this healthy? No, that's good. Yeah. It seems like a little bit of both. Am I also doing things to improve my situation, but I'm quarantined alone in a small apartment in a city I just moved to with no friends nearby. That's hard, man. All right, JT, I'm going to tell you why I agree with it. You ready? Yes.
Starting point is 01:00:10 Okay. Obviously, the dude's going through some type of mental shit, right? He's feeling it. And I'm not saying he's mentally crazy. What I'm saying is he wants to talk to someone, but he doesn't want to talk to someone within his circle. And that's what therapy is all about, right, Chad? You want to go speak to somebody and let them hear how you feel and yeah get a get a yeah and you don't want them to know who the fuck you are when you leave that office it's done i left all
Starting point is 01:00:34 my shit in that little office there and i'm gone some people can't go to that office man some people can't go to that damn you know some people can't sit in that waiting room so the reason why i think that's cool that app is because look man at least he's dumping some shit out at least he's pulling he's putting out some some uh some love out there and that makes him feel good and then when if someone responds back it makes him feel good because it's coming from a stranger dude everyone has a different way of coping with shit and if that's his way of coping with it then yo power to it and i would disagree with it if he was using that app to spew out hate out there like just randomly going hey man go fuck yourself bye and then just sending it so i mean yeah it's kind of weird but at least at least no you're right it's fucking beautiful you're right
Starting point is 01:01:20 it's fucking beautiful if that's how he's dealing with being sad and a little lonely like that's that's a really pure and and helpful way to do it there's a million other ways that are worse and so it's like that i don't know you're right he picked a really nice way to deal with things yeah helping other people yeah because the last thing you want to do is tell your group of friends i mean it's not bad to do because if you can't tell your group of friends that i'm sad then and they don't want to hear it then that's not your friends you know what i mean but yeah but some people don't want to tell people they're fucking sad you know what i mean that's that's why they're depressed because they're holding it in they're fighting you need that release and if that's his way to release without going to see a therapist because that's hard to
Starting point is 01:02:01 do too he's saying he said at the bottom of the email he's seeing a therapist online but it's not working oh okay well i mean whatever he's doing obviously he's taking the right steps but the key word that he said is i hate my job and and bro i you know i hate to be the guy giving advice but it's like we all hate our job it's till you find that one that you love like i didn't't like Nordstrom Rack and I fucking hated Borders Books and I hated cleaning yachts, but I loved the Laugh Factory and I knew that's what I had to do to be able to do stage time
Starting point is 01:02:31 at the Laugh Factory because Laugh Factory wasn't paying me shit. I had to go clean yachts for fucking corporate parties for God's sake. So we all hate our jobs. You just got to find
Starting point is 01:02:41 something you love, man. We all hate our jobs. If you're doing a job you hate on the way to a job you like it can make it bearable exactly you have to find what you love you have a why you can endure anyhow yeah that's good jay you're two for two today thank you taking a couple walks to write that down man have you ever tweeted that i think it's victor frankel from man search for me oh you fucking asshole yeah i was gonna say uh he made me smile he made me happy so whatever he's doing he's spreading love out there and if it's making him feel good he made me feel good yeah he's
Starting point is 01:03:19 spreading that energy like the energy you're talking about you know yeah man people need that energy and that's the if that's how you got to do it these days you know i've always said that man when you when someone gives you a compliment accept it because it's hard for someone to say that to somebody else and then when you reject it when you reject it one this person just gave you free energy and then you rejected it now he feels like shit or she feels like shit and now it's just wasted energy. Yeah, you just shut down the power plant. You took my energy and you didn't even take it. But if you take it, if you take it,
Starting point is 01:03:53 you feel good and I feel good. That's all you have to say is thank you, man. You don't have to fucking tell me that my shirt's wrinkled or oh, look at the stain though. Are you sure? Like, yo, shut the fuck up someone said you look good just be like thank you i appreciate that now we both feel good now we move forward that was a huge lesson to to take a compliment and just stand there and be like thank
Starting point is 01:04:16 you it's hard because you just want to be like oh damn well damn, well, you know, you, you got such huge biceps, but you just got to stand there and just be like, thank you. And, uh, yeah, it's so much more meaningful. Chad, you look great today.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Thank you. Hey, I had that. I feel good now too. That thank you made me feel good. Yeah. Thank you, dude.
Starting point is 01:04:41 I had the inclination of, I had the inclination to be like, you look good too. It was so powerful that you did it yeah dude that's nice um for this last question this is our last cue and um so in our in our lingo we say dropping dong that's when you get naked in front of people and uh last week they uh people asked in what the female equivalent was. And I think we suggested Flashing Bush. And then, you know, we felt like we were on kind of fragile, on tender ground, and we didn't want to speak for the ladies. And then Chad said Del Taco.
Starting point is 01:05:14 And it resonated with people. But this week we have a woman wrote in and said, Hi, Going Deep crew. A woman's take on dropping Lady Dong. Her version is flaunting Kitty. On the most recent episode, you discussed the lady equivalent of dropping Dong and ask any female listener to share their ideas.
Starting point is 01:05:34 When I heard the question, my mind immediately jumped to flashing Kitty. On further reflection, I thought that dropping Kitty or flaunting Kitty could be further improvements. I'm partial to flaunting kitty kitty still makes it very clear what we're all referencing but i feel kitty has a more neutral connotation compared to the other options similar to how dong is neutral now are positive flaunting
Starting point is 01:05:55 implies a little bit of swagger in the same way that dropping feels to me and dropping dong um and then she wants us to shout out her awesome husband, Patrick, who she gives much love to here. Patrick, you're a fucking legend, dude. Yeah, man. He built a business to fix pockets called Keep Athletics. Check it out, guys. He sounds like a beast, and you sound like a really nice partner as well. And so to the thrust of the initial part of the email, Flashing Kitty.
Starting point is 01:06:27 Yeah, man, Flashing Kitty. Yeah, man. Flashing Kitty. Is she asking if we agree with that? I think she was just more offering it to us as maybe as our go-to. But I think that's a prime candidate for sure. Yeah, let's go. Flashing Kitty.
Starting point is 01:06:38 Boom. Well, Joe, it was amazing having you on here, dude. Oh, thank you. That was fun. Yeah, it was fun. Yeah on here, dude. Oh, thank you. That was fun. Yeah, it was fun. Yeah. Thank you so much, you guys. Dude, thank you.
Starting point is 01:06:50 Yeah, dude, it was great talking to you. We're huge fans, so this is an honor. Aw, thanks, man. Yeah. That was awesome. It was nice meeting you guys. You too. And we'll see you afterwards, right, when this shit opens up?
Starting point is 01:07:01 I'll see you at the club. Dude, I hope so. What do you think? Are the clubs going to be – what are they going to be like when it opens up again? I don't know, but I made a promise to the improvs that I would donate some shows back to them so that they can recoup a tad. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:07:16 Yeah, man. They gave me my life. They gave me my livelihood, so I have to give back. How soon do you think Joe Rogan will be back? I don't think he's ever leaving he he aired tomorrow he airs tomorrow but he's gonna be in texas right yeah but that doesn't matter what do you mean physically do you think when do you think he'll move back to la oh man that's that's personal with him but right but i mean i thought we were betting on it like it was like a sports thing.
Starting point is 01:07:45 Oh, no, no, no. I thought you were like, he's gone. He ain't leaving. That dude's coming strong tomorrow. It's going to be huge tomorrow. I guess I was trying to lead the witness so that you would put – because I wanted to like suggest that everyone will come back to L.A. Oh.
Starting point is 01:08:00 This is kind of my hope. That's so funny. I think we're looking into it too deep la's fine man i think people are just taking a break and we need everyone's talking about leaving it's kind of freaking me out until it opens up and then they're coming right back this is that's what i'm saying yeah it's the mecca dude you know what you want to you want to you want to do something you want to gamble buy some property how's that yeah nice let's go age yeah for sure i love you guys yeah love you too man love you too man till i die no there we go that's wyoming
Starting point is 01:08:33 yeah yeah there you go there you go jesus christ not not very deep in my bloodlines, I guess. Yeah. So you, you got three specials on Netflix right now. Yeah. I got, I got, uh, yeah. Coming in hot. Oh,
Starting point is 01:08:51 I got a live from, live from Seattle. Yo, I didn't get, you know, live from Seattle. Wasn't given to me by Netflix. You know that,
Starting point is 01:08:58 right? Yeah. Yeah. I fucking paid for that, bro. They said no to me five times. Yeah. Oh,
Starting point is 01:09:04 wow. Dude, I'm selling out improvs left and right, selling 18 shows in a row. Shit, every improv across the country, I was packing it out, man. And then I was trying to get on Netflix. And they, well, it's not like they didn't say
Starting point is 01:09:19 they didn't want it. They were just like, we're booked for this year. And I was just like, I need to be in this group of uh specials which was 2017 roster i was like i need to be in this and uh and they were just like well we'll see you next year because we're kind of full and i was like all right well let me shoot it myself and i went shot of myself so my from seattle is 100 all mine everything from the venue to the thing behind me uh to the you know what i mean to the audience billing the the directors the producers the lighting guy i paid for all that shit man but now they've given you like three specials on top of
Starting point is 01:09:58 that right they almost didn't buy life from seattle until we submitted it to them and then they were like okay we'll buy it and then they paid me back for it. But if I had an option, I could have went – when they didn't want to buy that special – I mean, when they said that they weren't going to do a special with me, I could have went the bad route. I could have went on Twitter and been like, yo, fuck Netflix. I've been doing this 27 years. They don't want to give me a special.
Starting point is 01:10:21 Fuck Netflix. Everyone canceled their subscriptions. I could have done that. Money. Well, I'm not saying that dude i'm sorry i'm just saying i i'm just saying me personally like everyone has an obstacle everyone has an obstacle in front of them and it's up to you on how you want to deal with that obstacle and i chose to go around it and and and pay for the special myself and and bring it to them i believed in my product so much that I was like, fuck this, man. I'm going to shoot it and show them. And I gave it to them.
Starting point is 01:10:49 And next thing you know, they bought it from me. And if it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have got Coming In Hot. I wouldn't have got In Is Unlimited. And I got another one. I'm getting ready to shoot it right after this. So 2021, I'm going to shoot my fourth. That's great. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:01 I love you guys. Love you too, man. It was really fun. Thank you, Joe. I love hearing your story too man it's really fun thank you joe yeah i love it i love hearing your story too it's so inspirational i mean it the the just the the drive and hustle and belief in yourself to to get there is really i think it's gonna be great for our listeners to hear about too dude i love it i love crying man when's the last time you cried yesterday dude i love it you gotta clear out the hopper yeah man let it out bro yeah all right well if you ever want to cry just come back on
Starting point is 01:11:31 the pod dude we're here we'll cry with you dog let's go you guys can teach me uh i'm working on it yeah i try to see keep watching man i have moments where I'm like, this is a time when you should cry. Yeah. And then it doesn't happen. No. That's more powerful, though. When someone yearns to cry, I think that's more human than crying. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 01:11:55 Yeah. For sure. That's deep. That's deep. That makes me feel that. Yeah, to feel that desire, that's real shit. Yeah. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:12:02 Real shit. Hey, it's working you hear it yes on both sides you gave positive energy and he accepted it and i love it that's the whole deal yeah i love you guys love you too have a good day bye guys coming on thank you that was cool that was great yeah he's he's awesome yeah that hustle too is just chat what's your beef of the week uh my beef of the week is sea salt corrosion um so i was taking off my wetsuit three days ago pulling the zipper zipper pulls right off because of the sea salt and um you know it's uh and i called rip curl i'm like can i get this fixed now and they're like well you gotta send it to rip curl and then they're gonna quarantine it for two days you know two
Starting point is 01:13:00 weeks and i'm like dude like it's simple things like that you you take your wetsuit for granted you know you take things you take like your car for granted you take you know xbox live for granted um you take uh you know your pubes growing back for granted and uh you know nothing's guaranteed so that was just a reminder you know to keep take better care of my things you know i think that was kind of inevitable maybe i just don't have a hose here so maybe i could have hosed it off more but i just didn't have the means to do it but you know um my zipper ripped off and it looks like i'm gonna have to get a new wetsuit. So that's my beef. I guess things just breaking down over time.
Starting point is 01:13:49 And, you know, it's like you don't want to create more waste in the world, but then you got to get back in the water and you got to, you know. So, yeah, it's just, yeah, I guess I just wish there was more sturdiness in terms of things. Completely. Dude, two things. The photo that Caroline took of you when you were calling the wetsuit company, fantastic. I could feel the importance in the photo.
Starting point is 01:14:19 I was like, oh, dude, Chad's on it. Yeah, yeah. This is serious shit. Like a puff bar? Yeah. You looked like Gordon Gekcko dealing with an issue in wall street and then i wasn't a big fan of the photo i'm like i look horrible no i loved it i loved it yeah it was so authentic yeah um and then dude the thing you're saying about waste like i was just talking to ferraro about it today after we worked out, like, um, which are, uh, that's an important detail that it was after we worked out and he was just
Starting point is 01:14:49 talking about how crazy it is that we like every, every Wednesday, we just bring our trash out. And my mom has four, four by four cubes for trash. And we just bring that out every week and just dump it off. It's like humans waste a lot of stuff. And we have one, we have one can for recycling that makes us feel good we're like oh we're but then he told me that orange county's recycling department is so backed up that they're throwing a lot of that recycling just in a regular waste
Starting point is 01:15:15 are they really yeah yeah i try i know it it is insane the amount of the amount of waste yeah it's you take the trash out every Wednesday. My trash can fills up after like three days. I just emptied my recycling today. And there's already shit in it. And it's normal for us. We're just like, yeah, we just get rid of a lot of trash. I didn't even think about it until he brought it up today.
Starting point is 01:15:37 I was totally oblivious to it. Yeah. Yeah. It's crazy. No, it's nuts. It's like, how do you stop that? Because it's so ing no it's it's nuts it's like how do you how do you stop that because it's like it's so ingrained in our lives you know people are like oh you got to be you got to be resourceful you got to be you got to conserve your waste and you're like that's nice in theory but it's
Starting point is 01:15:57 when you actually try to do it it sucks balls yeah gotta step up yeah yeah i probably won't but you gotta step up if you ever listen to this be better than me step up yeah i mean i probably won't but you gotta step up if you ever listen to this be better than me step up yeah i'll step up if you step up send me some photos of you doing it i'm competitive you just gotta turn it into a competition yeah if we were like keeping tabs on how much our bros were conserving every week and whoever conserved the most got mass respect within the crew then i'd be like all right this shit's serious now that would be interesting my dog's respect has to be at stake for me to get super fired up and motivated do you treat conserving like crossfit yeah exactly and make it a little performative i'm a performer yeah yeah i perform better when someone's watching yeah i read better
Starting point is 01:16:40 when someone's around me i'll read more yeah really yeah like if i'm in a group and i have a book i'll read more that's why i read the if I'm in a group and I have a book, I'll read more. That's why I read the books when I was with my parents because I'd just be like – I'd just tune out and read a book and they wouldn't get mad because they're like, he's reading. That's good. That's interesting. Yeah, but when I'm by myself, it's really hard.
Starting point is 01:16:56 I'm the opposite. Yeah. No, I know. You work so well by yourself. It's really enviable. Yeah. I can't do it. I suck at it.
Starting point is 01:17:03 Or I could do it, but I'm not as good at it. Yeah. I can't even type when someone else is watching. Yeah, typing's hard. Typing's a hard one to do. If someone's over your shoulder when you're typing, you're like, are you trying to fucking break me down? Are you just trying to destroy me?
Starting point is 01:17:22 Oh, man. Aaron, what's your B for the week? Why do they need to quarantine your wetsuit? Can't they just leave it in the sun? I don't know. I mean, you know, I'm all for safety, but that was one of the more absurd things I've ever heard. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:38 It's going to quarantine as long as you would have to if you delivered it. Yeah. Get your wetsuit COVID tested. Dude, you might have to turn that off dog i'm sorry yeah no my my uh my vibrate doesn't work um can you get your wetsuit covid tested i could try i could i could bring it you know there's a there's a urgent care right here um so i could bring it in um know, there's an urgent care right here. So I could bring it in. It's wet.
Starting point is 01:18:08 You can swab it. That's what I always say. Yeah. Yeah. What if it came back positive? Would you still, like, hug it afterwards or would you stay away? I'd probably quarantine it on my balcony. You know, just because I don't want to, you know, I don't want to be like
Starting point is 01:18:25 one of those guys it's just like you know you dude you got to get out of here right you know it's sick you know i want to take care of it um and just you know you know sort of like you know sort of like when people are like properly you know if there's if they have like a grandparent in like a nursing home they like talk to them through the window i'll just look at it through the window and then quietly buy a new one and then you know and then sort of just uh maybe when it's not looking lighted on fire you go surfing with the other one and then come back and you're wet so it's like where were you and i was like i just wanted to get some food yeah yeah it's like you smell like sea salt yeah i know it's uh it's tough i mean just like joe was talking about was like breaking off relationships you know i'm i'm working on
Starting point is 01:19:15 it where i just gotta like you know throw the wetsuit in the dumpster but um i don't know. It's tough. You're still having sex with it. I get it. I mean, I've pissed on it so many times. In it or on it? Pissed in it. Sometimes I'll pee on it, you know,
Starting point is 01:19:35 if it's flat for a while, just to like, let it know, you know, like I'm still here. Right. And you're still mine. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:43 But it has, it has so much pee on it. Yeah. My friend Richard used to shit in them. Dude, you know, I don't think I'm there yet with mine. No, don't. He was weird. It was like a, yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:58 It was like a fetish. He was from NorCal. Right. Right. Yeah, I've heard that about them. aaron what's your beef of the week uh my beef of the week is with militias yeah i hear you dude that was actually gonna be my beef and i was like i went to something gentler but i I agree with you. Yeah. Guys, you're not cops. You know what's scary about them is how good they are.
Starting point is 01:20:31 It scares me how effective they are at fighting and how good they are with guns. Yeah, they're great at organizing. Yeah, they're so well-trained, and it genuinely scares me. I think if you're that well trained you're going to look for opportunities to show off your training 100 that's the whole thing about having an assault rifle or something like that you're going to want to use it you're going to want to show it off that's why i can't have one that's for sure because that's exactly what i would do but yeah just if there's a protest in a city around you or across state lines, that city doesn't need you to protect a gas station.
Starting point is 01:21:15 My beef of the week is with lobster rolls. I've never seen something that looks like – when you hear about a lobster roll, like the first time I went to Boston or Cape cape cod and people were like you gotta have a lobster when i heard about it i was like that's gonna be amazing and when i saw it at the restaurant like on their little pictures of the food thing i was like that's gonna be amazing and then i tasted a lobster roll and i was like this is trash and i thought maybe it was the place i was at but every lobster roll i've had since then i haven't enjoyed and i don't know it's something about the the the sandwich is too cold and the lobster doesn't really taste as good as lobster should especially since it's lobster you know you got high expectations for lobster and i don't know i i know a lot of people like them but i think they just like the idea of them i don't think it works as an actual dish and i'll go one
Starting point is 01:21:59 step further now that i'm just burning the whole fucking you know culinary world down i don't think french onion dip french onion soup works either what sounds fucking culinary world down. I don't think French onion dip, French onion soup works either. What? It sounds good. It looks good. But I don't think it tastes good. That's me. That's me, dog.
Starting point is 01:22:12 But hey. Yeah, I mean, I was with you on the shellfish because I was like, you know what? Shellfish, it should, in my opinion, crab, lobster, should only be eaten by itself with butter. Thank you. Thank you for that part. Yeah, thank you. But French onion dip, eaten by itself with butter. Thank you. Thank you for that part. Yeah, thank you.
Starting point is 01:22:26 But French onion dip, dude. Wait, did you say French onion soup? French onion dip. French onion soup. French onion soup. I mean, I just don't think you've had the right French onion soup, my friend. Dude, I've had it everywhere, brother. I'm trying to like it.
Starting point is 01:22:41 I get it everywhere. Go to like Connecticut or something. There's one place in Connecticut where they give you scissors to cut the cheese. It's like that thick. That's fun. That's fun. But is it good? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:51 It's the best thing of all time. It's like one of my favorite things to eat. Okay. I trust you. I trust you. I'm just saying. I love how we both have our hands up. Bro.
Starting point is 01:23:01 Bro. Bro. Bro, I hear you. Bro, I'm just saying. I'm not saying you're not saying it. I you you're right you're right yeah i gotta take umbridge protect your guy protect your guy look out for your guy i get it yeah that french onion dips your guy french onion soup why do i keep calling it french onion oh french dip yeah yeah i'm doing a portman too of those are you talking about french dip sandwiches no i'm talking about i meant french onion soup yeah i'm doing a portman too of those are you talking about french dip sandwiches
Starting point is 01:23:25 no i'm talking about i meant french onion soup but i'm confusing the french dips which i love which if i was that could be my baby the week next week because i already got the other two booked out but yeah french onion dip french dip jesus it's there's so much french and dip and shelly shelly sells she sells down by the seashore she sells seashells down by the seashore. She sells seashells down by the seashore. You're so good at it, dude. Dude, what about, I need a proper cup of coffee from a proper copper coffee cup. I need a proper cup of coffee from a proper copper coffee cup.
Starting point is 01:23:56 Did I do it? You killed it. I've been working on it. Have you been working on it? Yeah, because I mumble. Yeah, you don't mumble that much you're pretty articulate yeah i use i used to mumble interesting but now i don't beast you're a worker dog i know it what are you eating a tangerine i ate one yeah these are those are so good best lad zeppelin song
Starting point is 01:24:20 too chad what's your uh who's your babe of the week uh my baby of the week is uh luna again uh my mom's dog um yeah so she so it wasn't looking good for her last week she had like fluid in her lungs so they gave her like the full dose of chemo like 100 and I don't really know what that means. But like, this is the most we can get. And it wasn't looking good. My mom was like, you know, it might be too much chemo for and she might not be able to survive the side effects. But as of two days ago, the fluid is gone. And she was just lethargic and nauseous. But my mom took her on a walk yesterday and she went on a full walk and didn't want to go and didn't want to stop walking so i think she's uh she's pulling through
Starting point is 01:25:11 for now but it's it's been a it's been a roller coaster uh but it's tough when she let me know it's a gold it's a beautiful golden retriever and it's just like you know it's something like five years old. Monday and Tuesday, it was tough to get out of bed. I was so bummed. It looks like she's going to pull through for now, so just holding on for her. That's awesome. Yeah, my mom was happy too.
Starting point is 01:25:47 My mom, when she finally came home, because she was in like an ICU, and then she got to come home and my mom FaceTimed. And my mom was so happy. A lot of it was just how upset my mom was too. You know, it's all tough. But then my mom FaceTimed me when Luna was home, and she was so happy. So it fired me right back up. That's awesome, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:09 Yeah, that's it. Aaron, who's your baby of the week? My baby of the week is Andy Samberg. Nice. I finally saw Palm Springs, really enjoyed it. And then I noticed something about him that I've never noticed before. Is he has a dimpled chin. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:29 And kind of this pretty solid jaw. And I saw in him in that moment that he should be the next Fletch. Oh, yeah. Are they redoing that? I mean, they were always talking about it, but I think because of that dimpled chin and that kind of longish face reminded me of Chevy Chase at his peak.
Starting point is 01:26:54 And I was like, that's the dude. That's the guy who should be doing it if they're going to do it. My babe of the week is my barbell. I just got a barbell in the mail. I put two posts up about it on my story yesterday. I deleted both because I got self-conscious. But I really do just love it so much. I haven't lifted a barbell in like six months. And then to just do deadlifts with it
Starting point is 01:27:16 and then hang cleans, I'm just going to take you through my whole workout. And then front squats and then bench, like to just do bench with the bar. I mean, that's just, it connects me to the earth and to the universe in a way that very few things do. I really feel like I'm in my purpose when I'm benching. Because from a young age, you're always hearing, what's your bench? What do you bench? Then you start doing bench and you get the thrill of it. And now to come back to it, after having such a long break, it just reminds you of like, what's important in life. Those lifts are just fundamental to me being happy. And it was, and you know, I was working
Starting point is 01:27:57 out with this guy, Grady, and he's such a beast and he's such a great guy. And, you know, we're talking about our feelings and we're talking about dating and we're talking about death. And then, and then we're putting 275 on the bar and we're strapping it up and we're talking about dating and we're talking about death and then we're putting 275 on the bar and we're strapping it up and getting it to our hips and he's just feeling every muscle in your neck tense and he's pushing you. He's like, come on, go heavier.
Starting point is 01:28:14 You can give me two more reps. I'm not going to do those reps if he's not there. It just makes me so happy. So my barbell. It's a beautiful barbell from Power Systems. Come over anytime. Come take a gander at it. And then Ferraro chalked it up today. He put chalk all Systems. Come over anytime. Come take a gander at it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:27 And then Ferraro chalked it up today. He put chalk all over it. He's like, oh, you can clean it. And I'm like, you know what? It's going to get dirty. Let it get dirty. It's like in Gangs of New York, he says you leave the blood on the blade. I leave the powder on my bar.
Starting point is 01:28:39 It's history. That fires me up. Thank you. I was a little self-conscious there for a second. No, I mean, I connected so deeply to when you're doing squats, when you're doing bench, when you feel your feet pressing into the ground because there's so much weight. Yes. It's a great feeling.
Starting point is 01:28:59 You're closer to the core of the earth, and you're feeling the energy from there, and you're connected to it. Yeah. And that's what's you're connected to it. Yeah. Yeah. And that's what's pushing the fucking bar up. Yeah. That's nice. Yeah, it's good stuff.
Starting point is 01:29:11 Who's your legend of the week, Chad? Well, in a similar, similarly, Jason Statham's Pull ups and death rays Dude they're so badass I mean You know my dad went to see that movie Because of that in the trailer Because my dad loves pull ups so much He was like
Starting point is 01:29:37 He's like Chad Watch Jason Statham do those pull ups Look at those muscles bulging And I was like I get it you know The way he does them Chad, watch Jason Statham do those pull-ups. Look at those muscles bulging. And I was like, yeah, I get it. The way he does them, it's so badass. He's got the head down a little bit, and he's just squeezing the muscles, and everything's just lighting up.
Starting point is 01:30:07 And honestly, it was probably a pretty unnecessary scene like they just threw that in there yeah you know it wasn't it wasn't like fundamental to the story but it made the movie exactly it made the movie unnecessary by like screenwriting storytelling fundamentals but super important from just were people watching watching a movie. Yeah. Like in the town, Ben Affleck's hitting some pull-ups. Right. Dude. Huge. I needed that scene when I saw him, how jacked he got for that movie. I was like, yes. Thank you. Yeah. I think I wonder, I wonder if Jason like was like, I'll do this movie.
Starting point is 01:30:41 If I get a pull-up scene or if the director was like, he's like, we got Jason. We need i get a pull-up scene or if the director was like he's like we got jason we need to do a pull-up scene i hope the director was a good director and knew that and was like i need jason he can do pull-ups the best right they were like hey we got david harbour you know the cop from stranger things and he was like he's a great actor but he can't do pull-ups like jason yeah and then he's like we got a course correct dude totally top five pull-up harbor there top five pull-up scene yeah uh will smith i am legend yeah oh very good one very yes deniro deniro cape fear yeah yeah brutal clooney and the american maybe not top five but just another one i thought of um what's another good pull-up one oh gerard but just another one I thought of.
Starting point is 01:31:26 What's another good pull-up one? Oh, Gerard Butler in one of the Laura Croft Tomb Raiders. Oh, really? They come into his prison cell, and he's banging out pull-ups. Oh, really? Oh, I don't remember that. And he's getting a little extreme with it. I forgot Daniel Craig is in the first Tomb Raider.
Starting point is 01:31:40 Yeah. And he shows his ass. Yeah, he's a little too skinny in that one. I like when he beefed up for Royale. Yeah. I like my D. Craig with a little more meat on his bones. Yeah. Yeah, like D. Craig and Layer Cake. I like how toned he is in that, I got to say.
Starting point is 01:31:57 He's beefing up. He's heading in the right direction there, but we're not at ideal Craig yet. Look at those eyes. Those eyes in the shower scene, they're just piercing. piercing yeah he's got really pretty blues yeah yeah man i really fetishize the male body yeah me too yeah i mean dude brad pitt and troy is like you know when he post-beach battle scene where he's taking off his armor, he's like, I've seen the gods. You know, it's just like, dude.
Starting point is 01:32:31 He's so cocky with Rose Byrne. Yeah. Dude, I was reading. Oh, that's Rose Byrne. Isn't that crazy? Yeah. Oh, fuck. I was reading Time Magazine, and they did a piece on Troy,
Starting point is 01:32:43 and the shot was when Brad Pitt's riding the horse on his chariot. And I was so obsessed with the photo and his deltoid and bicep and tricep definition. I swear, I sat in cultural geography for five minutes just staring at that photo. And I was like, how can I get there? Yeah. At some point you realize that's just Brad Pitt. Yeah, that's a tough thing to to to accept i mean i have to accept it every day every day there's a yearning in me that wants
Starting point is 01:33:10 to fight against it and then i just have to be like dude it's just he's just a special bro yeah yeah i like to i like to believe in this theory that you know it's like we're all we're all one you know like we're all we all come from the universe we're all one. We all come from the universe. We're all one collective consciousness, and we're just the universe experiencing itself. Have you heard about that? Yeah. So basically, we get to be every person in existence.
Starting point is 01:33:40 You are Brad Pitt. Throughout time. So we will be Brad Pitt. Because time is a flat circle you know or i don't know if it's flat circle time is flat circle yeah it's a flat circle so we either have been brad pitt or we will be brad pitt according to that theory i hope it's in my future yeah yeah because i got a lot to look forward to then yeah and the thing about that that bums me out is like there's so many people that you'd want to be like oh dude that'd be pretty sick to be like daniel craig or jason state but then you know how do you like stay locked in you're like you know you just
Starting point is 01:34:17 tell the universe like dude i just want to kind of keep doing this over and over right like if you don't want to leave the iteration you're in that's a little tough yeah get too connected or or or you can't be too territorial about your real existence because it's it's very fleeting yeah you gotta you gotta be ready to go from d craig to hugh jackman i mean that's just the way things happen you gotta flow through all these a-list actors they're like dude come on i mean you're gonna be you're gonna be fucking you know orlando bloom next and you're like it's not as good as brad pitt you're like ah can i make different choices after lord of the rings yeah like no sorry yeah they're like you have to do uh i don't even know what movies he did after that besides Kingdom of Heaven and the entirely awful Elizabethtown.
Starting point is 01:35:11 Yes. They fired Ashton Kutcher from that movie for Orlando Bloom. Wow. There's no saving it. That's true. It's real bad. And on top of that, I'm just going to throw this out there. Katy Perry seems kind of annoying.
Starting point is 01:35:29 Whoa. Big. Wow. Aaron, what do you think about that? I mean, it may be annoying, but I'd enjoy the ride. But you know what? Chad, I've got to be honest. I watched a part of me her
Starting point is 01:35:46 documentary and i had that takeaway i didn't find her to be i love that that album that she did the the one with california girls and last friday night i talked about on here like two weeks ago that's like one of the best albums of all time it's got you know last friday night teenage dream california girls it's just all bangers but i agree with you yeah sorry katie if you're listening katie we'd love to have you on the pod yeah i love california girls such a banger and teenage dream i mean come on come on yeah erin who's your legend of the week uh my legend of the week is a a donut shop in Highland Park known as Donut Friend. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 01:36:29 Have you guys been? No. It sounds good. Do it. Do it as soon as you can. It's open right now. Carry out only, obviously. It was started by a former pop punk producer, Mark Trombino, who worked with Blink-182 and Jimmy Eat World.
Starting point is 01:36:50 So obviously I'm right in there. It's in Highland Park. There's a location downtown now as well. But just such amazing donuts. We had them at our wedding because we're such big fans of it. And we just went back for our four year anniversary. They got like glazed donuts with peanut butter and jelly in between them. Wow.
Starting point is 01:37:14 They're all named after bands, uh, which is cool too. But, uh, it's just unbelievable. You gotta, you gotta go there.
Starting point is 01:37:22 It's, it rivals voodoo in Portland. Really? And that's saying a lot. Wow. I've got to try both. That is nice. My legend of the week is Chadwick Boseman.
Starting point is 01:37:35 You know, actor who passed away tragically. You know, it's really interesting, too, because he didn't tell anybody he was sick. Yeah, we're hitting the Wakanda forever hand gesture now. I've been really feeling that too. Like it really put into perspective how special that film was and how special his performance was
Starting point is 01:37:55 because he really did play it with like some, all the words people have used, you know, it's so regal, it's so noble. And he really did just feel like a king in it. And he brought so much grace to it. And then, you know, he did the same thing with all these huge historical figures that also had like a king in it and and he brought so much grace to it and then you know he did the same thing with all these huge historical figures that also had like a lot of grace and honor to them like like jackie robinson and uh and thurgood marshall and it's um yeah he left behind in james brown he left behind a great body of work and and the way that he
Starting point is 01:38:20 you know was sick and didn't tell anybody about it is is really uh i don't know i don't know what the word is but it's powerful it's powerful that he did that and it makes all the choices he made after that powerful like you know doing the five bloods and it's all about how his old war buddies remember him like to think that he was sick when that was happening i mean it must have really meant a lot to him to play a character that's in just in people's memories and uh and yeah just added weight and gravity to all of his choices and and it seems like he lived a very intentional life and and you know you just you just i i like chadwick boseman a lot but i didn't think about him all the time and then when you he passes away you're like oh my god like he was a big part yeah like i i really did like like him and
Starting point is 01:39:06 admire him and care about him and and i'm sad he's gone you know 43 in the prime of his life looks super healthy and it's just a reminder that you know it comes for all of us death death doesn't care who you are it's it's it's sometimes right around the corner for for anybody and uh and so that's a powerful thing to be reminded of too. And so I'm grateful for that as well. But yeah, Chadwick Boseman, you were a great actor. I loved watching you and stuff.
Starting point is 01:39:32 You got to be in Black Panther, which is one of the movies of our generation for sure. And that was crystallized in your passing. And just hearing the way his coworkers talked about him too, like hearing Coogler talk about him.
Starting point is 01:39:43 And I just watched like a super cut of all his old co-stars talking about him. You know, it's just high praise from everybody. He sounded like he really took his job seriously and it mattered to him that stuff be done well. So, yeah, I hope you're in a better place. And, yeah, rest in peace, rest in love, rest in power. Yeah. Yeah, so tragic. we were aaron actually informed
Starting point is 01:40:07 us of that it was so unexpected yeah and and it was the same way i remember i was at a gym in west hollywood and one of our buddies was there um and he's like dude chad mcbozeman was lifting weights in there and i'm like really yeah and he and he's like, dude, Chadwick Boseman was lifting weights in there. And I'm like, really? Yeah. And he just like, he's like, and the whole thing about it was like, from the way, I never saw him, but the way like our friend sort of described him, he was just like, you could tell by his behavior that he was just a very humble
Starting point is 01:40:46 good dude if that makes sense like he didn't talk to him but just by the way he was at the gym just very respectful and just humble and just down to earth and just uh yeah that kind of stuck with me because I was, you know, because, yeah, it seemed like he was just a guy who was really kind and genuine to everyone and just cared about his, you know, doing good work and being a good person. Yeah, he was, like, aware of his status, and he didn't hold it over people. He tried to, like, live up to it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:23 Because was it Abby you were talking to? No, it was, i forget his name now he's the guy who moved to seattle who who dated like courtney sherman um oh john uh john mckay yeah yeah cut that out yeah for sure john mckay him and abby were trading stories and they said that one time he was in the gym they were trading stories on instagram i was reading them oh really yeah they they said that one time he was in the gym. They were trading stories on Instagram when I was reading them. Oh, really? Yeah, they said one time Chadwick was in there, and everyone on the treadmills started hitting him with Wakandas forever, and he gave one to the whole gym.
Starting point is 01:41:56 Did the whole thing. Whose Instagram is it on? It was on McKay's and Abby's. They were both talking about it. They had all these great stories about him in the gym just awesome to people when they were like because it was right after black panther came out so people were just rushing him with you know all this stuff and they were like no he'd hit it for everybody yeah interesting i'll check that out yeah it was heartening it was really nice to see um yeah one of the first movies my wife and I watched together was was 42 and uh if that movie had sucked who knows so thank you for being good
Starting point is 01:42:30 yeah it's hard to give a negative review to that movie too it's like what'd you think it's like yeah whatever yeah let me say Aaron you're like hey do I got a second date I'm like no the movie sucked Chad what's your quote of the week okay mine is from Brad Pitt in True Romance he plays Floyd yeah hey get some beer and some cleaning products
Starting point is 01:43:04 that's it nice hey, get some beer and some cleaning products. That's it. Nice. Ant, what's your quote of the week? My quote of the week is another Jimmy World lyric. It's from a song called Through on the album Integrity Blues. It's basically just the first verse. so great everything you're saying do lies out loud change anything go get mad have a child's tantrum till everyone knows how wrong you've been now that could read as a breakup song, but it could also be,
Starting point is 01:43:46 uh, about Donald Trump. So I like it for that reason. Cause it was, the album didn't come out in 2016. My, my quote of the week is, uh,
Starting point is 01:43:58 I was on Chad's YouTube and you've been watching so much history stuff on Greek mythology. Cause I, cause I put the video up on the YouTube, you know? And so I get your suggestions for a while I put the video up on the YouTube, you know, and so I get your suggestions for a while. And so I started getting all these history suggestions and I started watching them. It was so fun.
Starting point is 01:44:11 And then one was on Napoleon, you know, the famous French general and leaders war tour through Europe and his brilliant strategy at Austerlitz. That's like the peak of his strategy in battle. It's really a good watch on YouTube. I recommend it to everyone. But he has this line when they're going into the battle and his
Starting point is 01:44:34 men are tired and they don't know if they should keep pushing through. And he goes, let's finish this war with a thunderclap. That's good stuff. Yeah, I was like, nice, dude. That's a good line, Napoleonon yeah good for you dog um chad what's your phrase of the week for getting after it um i had it is from is oh here we go. It's from 300. On these shields, boys! Nice.
Starting point is 01:45:08 Yeah. Real line you were saying. That is a real line, yeah. Spartans had good comebacks. Love that, dude. Yeah, we'll fight in the shade. When you're in danger, the most badass thing ever. Yeah, I guess we'll fight in the shade.
Starting point is 01:45:24 I like Justified. Justified, he has great lines when he's in danger. He's like, hey, you owe me a cowboy hat. Some guy's wearing his cowboy hat. He's like, if we fight again this time, I'd be sober. That's cool. Aaron, what's your phrase that we forget after it? Joe Coy would do it. Joe Coy would do it.
Starting point is 01:45:46 Joe Coy would do it. My phrase of the week for getting after it is from Noah Baumbach's first movie, Kicking and Screaming, which is about really witty college kids who are graduating and they're kind of rudderless and they're kind of trapped by their wittiness. It's how they feel good about themselves, but it keeps them from progressing. And the wittiest of them all, character played by chris agam and he says i'm nostalgic for conversations i had yesterday and recently i've been really nostalgic for things
Starting point is 01:46:12 like that are just right in the rear view and i'm like oh i get that yeah now that makes it dude i was nostalgic for like fourth of july the other day yeah that was fun yeah just like the well the yeah just like because i know when that that month was happening you're like fourth of july was happening you know i was like consciously like i kind of i need to like appreciate this moment you know right because not only was it a great month, but also on top of that, it's just like July. July is like the best month. It's so awesome.
Starting point is 01:46:52 You know what I mean? It is the best month. I think I'm happiest during July. Yeah. It's good that you appreciate it because it's the hottest. Yeah. And it's like you're the most in summer at that point because when you're in August, school's coming back. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:05 You can see the end of it. But when you're in July, you're like fat in the middle of summer. So good. It's the best. No doubt. Yeah. No diggity. No doubt.
Starting point is 01:47:19 Dude, all right. I think that's it. Sweet. If you need advice These guys are really nice You wanna know What to do Where to go When you need someone to guide you
Starting point is 01:47:41 There's one step out the road Beside you Go with me I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you.
Starting point is 01:47:47 I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you.
Starting point is 01:47:47 I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you.
Starting point is 01:47:49 I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you.
Starting point is 01:47:50 I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you.
Starting point is 01:47:50 I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you.
Starting point is 01:47:50 I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you.
Starting point is 01:47:51 I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you.
Starting point is 01:48:06 I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you. I got you.

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