Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep 153 - Chad and JT

Episode Date: September 23, 2020

What up Stokers?! This week Chad and JT discuss the universe being a 2D hologram, a concept neither guy really understands, they also discuss why people were doubtful about the iPhone, Joe Rogan moder...ating the presidential debate, and fake thank yous. Enjoy!Sponsored by Manscaped: Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagion.Get 200 dollars off all mattress orders and two free pillows at helix.com/godeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 call me sally and tell me it's tuesday oh wait hold on sorry my my cousin had one for me. I can't Oh do it dude. I can't let him down. Which cuz? Evan. Nice. Where is it? Oh where did he say? Oh I know where he said it.
Starting point is 00:00:41 You trying to track down the thread? Yeah. Okay. So start this. Start from here ready tickle my taint and tell me it's tuesday what's up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with the going deep of chad and jt podcast guys before we begin i remind you once again that we are brought to you by manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean
Starting point is 00:01:13 because when you see a fresh dink and you look at your dink in the mirror and you see freshly cut pubes where you're like, that looks like AstroTurf. It is so well manufactured so well maintained what's going on here and then you remember oh yeah i've been manscaping thank you manscaped um you changed my life have you manscaped recently yeah dude i had an interesting incident where like it really reminded me of how important my manscaped uh is because uh i was at my mom's
Starting point is 00:01:43 and i'd forgotten my manscaped in la and then i was like oh okay i'm gonna shave my pubes and my face and i do this every time i shaved my pubes first and then i was like why'd you leave the face second i was like you dumbass and then i was like i wish i had my specifically designated pube shaver with me so i wouldn't be in this totally predicament because i did just shave my face after yeah yeah you know i i don't i've done that before too i don't think it's that bad no i don't think it's your own juices it's your whole body it's it's hair from like three feet south is it really that much worse yeah yeah like is the grundle whatever's gone your grundle that much different from your face probably not yeah no that's what
Starting point is 00:02:20 i think yeah i think you're right yeah i dig Nice. I kind of like using the same razor for my pubes and my face, just to give the downstairs the same amount of respect. Oh, I like that. Yeah. Yeah. That's badass. Thanks. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:35 I'm sure your pack approves. Yeah, I think it does. Brand new turn of phrase for it. The pack. The pack. Yeah yeah that's a good rap group from the bay yeah was it really uh kind of nice they had a song about van shoes nice what was it coke white vans dude i don't even remember the song at all did that help inspire your love for vans no i think lords of dogtown did yes no i think performance by heath ledger yeah so good yeah i can remember when i first started wearing vans i think i started wearing vans before that but i don't know that was what like
Starting point is 00:03:19 the the classic like the classic vans when you see those, it's just like, you're like, that's it. Yeah. That's all you need. It is a good look. Yeah. Did Paul wear classic Vans? He wore Chucks in Fast and the Furious. And I think he switched to Vans in Too Fast, Too Furious.
Starting point is 00:03:39 But he never really wore like classic Vans. He wore like the, I don't even know what you call them the more of the skate shoe type right like the sort of there's a little bit more um stuff going on there nice i can't talk right now i feel like i'm jumbling my words no you're not oh really yeah we're just tired too yeah yeah we've had a long day yeah we've been do we've been kind of look i don't want to lick our own balls too much on on recording but we've had a long day yeah we've been do we've been kind of look i don't want to lick our own balls too much on but we've been working hard yeah i've been working hard yeah you know today was like kind of like during the day i was like because i'm so used to just having
Starting point is 00:04:16 a lot of stuff to do you know yeah and so today i like well i was at like i was like 10 10 a.m i was like surely there's something I'm missing. Right. I think I got to do something. Right. That's sort of like, because like when you're working a ton, you're like, man, I just can't wait till I get some rest. Then you do get that rest. But if you like are in work mode so much, you're sort of like restless.
Starting point is 00:04:36 You're just like a dog. You're just like. Yeah. What do I do? It turns into horniness for me. Yeah. Yeah. But those two things, they grow together. Yeah. Busyness into horniness for me yeah yeah but those those two things they grow together
Starting point is 00:04:47 yeah busyness and horniness yeah how does that manifest do you like need a release or do you just hold it in and do squats like what's that it's a little bit of both yeah yeah i need to release but then i also kind of try to channel it into productivity yeah like working out it's a good one yeah yeah a little more instagram stories interesting yeah yeah you told me that yesterday i was like wow i i can't believe you even made that connection that the horniness fueled your desire to create more instagram stories yeah it's uh there was a correlation yeah or just not knowing what to do with all that energy but i knew if i didn't dedicate it to making Instagram stories, it would go towards horniness.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Right. Yeah. And I can't afford that. Yeah. No, I hear you. That's smart. That's like channeling your chi. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:33 That's like tantra. I mean, if you looked at my daily masturbation totals, it would still be excessive horniness, but it could be worse. Yeah. Yeah. But it could be worse. Yeah. Yeah. It's interesting when you sort of like get into a mindset where you think,
Starting point is 00:05:51 where you start to believe that J-ing off is bad for you. Yeah. Because then it kind of like ruins it forever. Yeah. No, you got to go easy on yourself though. I know. I know. But it's like I sort of treat it more as like a gift now. Like if I have a lot of work to do do i'll try not to do it before those
Starting point is 00:06:05 work days so i can have a little more you know cheese a little more jing in my ding yeah uh and uh and then when i finish the work and i have a day off i'll just explode onto my sheets yeah well i think you're like a ferrari too like you need you need good gas good oil if you start putting that bad gas in there the car like doesn't run the same i break down and cry but i mean but i'm yeah ferraris do that yeah but i've never seen a no you're always running well though oh yeah every time i see you at the track that the car's running well yeah i try yeah maybe maybe i put on that face maybe just in my mind i'm sure like i'm losing it nah you're good you're good okay do you feel that way do you feel like you're losing it uh
Starting point is 00:06:51 no but i think a lot yeah i think i i think more than i think people think i think you know yeah i know i know you think a lot yeah I don't know if I'd show it. Because people are like, oh, you seem so chill right now. I'm like, really? You are chill, though. You are chill. You're just like, but I know how many ideas you get because you call me. So I'm like. So I know when you have ideas.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Yeah. But a lot of them are genius. So I'm like, I'm super stoked. Yeah. Well, sad with yours. It's fun. But yeah, I know what of the ideas. Yeah. But a lot of them are genius. So I'm like, I'm super stoked. Yeah. Well, it's a, it's fun, but yeah,
Starting point is 00:07:29 I know what you mean. Yeah. I got to try and stop thinking so much. My, my brain's just running away with me sometimes. Yeah. But dude, I think,
Starting point is 00:07:35 I think part of it is I just get so juiced up when we're working a lot that I start to, I I'm, I'm feeling so good about it that I don't feel that I'm kind of, uh, kind of getting shaky a little bit, or I don't know if shaky is the right term, but I'm just like really am. Cause you'm feeling so good about it that I don't feel that I'm kind of, uh, kind of getting shaky a little bit, or I don't know if shaky is the right term, but I'm just like really am.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Cause you're feeling so good. I'm feeling so good. But then I think I start to feel a little bit, a bit fried and then like, I don't, uh, and I, I keep doing things that'll fry me more.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Right. Yeah. Yeah. I hear you. And then, um, but, but I feel good.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Yeah. So you, you, you, you worry that you'll get too fried like you need to establish that rest time yeah exactly yeah which is crazy because i rest a lot but i think i just need it yeah yeah well there's something about when you're doing uh creative work where it's sort of like it it takes a a different part of your mind you know or it it makes you super tired right first off and so it's like a you know if you're doing sort of like menial tasks all day or just like sort of scheduling stuff or you know typing on the computer it's like i feel like that's way different than when we're like okay we have to like come up with stuff or like yeah perform you got to like rest
Starting point is 00:08:45 your brain yeah because you're like you just you need that period because you're like i'm about to like use all of this for an extended period of time does that make sense totally yeah no i feel that really acutely yeah yeah where i'm like dude i if i gotta like be on i need a lot of time off yeah yeah because it's like uh yeah it is you gotta be hyper vigilant you're just like all awake yeah sorry if i disturb you during your rest time no not at all dude no i get plenty of rest you're the best but i just like uh i uh i don't know. What else? I really fumbled that one. No, no, but I think it's interesting because it's sort of like,
Starting point is 00:09:41 it's weird that we're in Corona and our busyness is one of the highest it's ever been. Yeah. Yeah, it is but i think but i don't know maybe there's something to like when we have to like make stuff maybe maybe i think i think for me when we were making stuff i didn't put as much thought into like the preparation or like you know much thought into like the preparation or like you know i think like there's just so much more brain power i i don't know i think i like once you once you really understand what you're doing then you sort of like need to tune your brain but when you when you're sort of like learning along the way of like how to create stuff and like what you're doing i think you kind of i at least didn't i don't know what i'm talking about no you're i know i know what you're talking
Starting point is 00:10:32 about i do yeah yeah it's sort of like you start to understand okay which parts of my brain do i need to use whereas if um before it was sort of like a you're like a sponge you're like okay i'm just gonna go and figure this out but now it's sort of like this you're like a sponge you're like okay I'm just gonna go and figure this out but now it's sort of like this is what I have to do these are the beats I have to hit um
Starting point is 00:10:51 it's more professional am I making any sense you're making total sense yeah I mean I don't know it might be too behind I mean it's just a good conversation for us
Starting point is 00:10:57 yeah yeah yeah but it's uh it's um it's professionalism I think it's the same thing like whenever we go to do something now it's like
Starting point is 00:11:04 it feels a bit higher stakes than it did when we thing. Like whenever we go to do something now, it's like, it feels a bit higher stakes than it did when we first started. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe that's, maybe it's just, it feels higher stakes. Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Yeah. And then the people we're working with, you know, it's like, like the people we initially worked with were friends. We knew them first as friends and then as colleagues. But now we're meeting people as colleagues first. Right. You know what I mean? So it's i mean so it's a different it's a different just uh i mean it still feels the same in a lot
Starting point is 00:11:31 of ways but it's a it's a slightly different kind of a rapport i guess totally yeah um toes yeah dude we read an article that the universe is two-dimensional and we're living in a hologram yeah crazy i mean i was reading i was like i don't understand this but didn't make sense to me either sort of did yeah insofar as that i understood two sentences out of the whole thing yeah yeah well i think you touched on this before before we started um because when i first heard about the universe potentially being a hologram i was like oh that'd be such like you said a relief yeah i think you said relief in regards to a simulation right yeah i was thinking it'd be a relief because then the universe wouldn't be as ginormous as we think it is
Starting point is 00:12:16 because that's so daunting i think right yeah you know because you're like light years and like 18 billion light years. The thought of that is just what makes you want to explode. Yeah, this could potentially undermine all that. And they're like, no, it's actually really small. You don't have to know all those words. This might be a W. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Like if you didn't have to understand like gravitational waves. Yes. Because like that's been on my dome for like six months. Damn, dude. Yeah. I just thought about it. I'm like, in my mind, I'm like, oh, crap. I have to learn about gravitational waves soon. Just make sure you give your dome a rest and you think about Slurpees and stuff.
Starting point is 00:12:53 That's a good call. Yeah. Slurpees and like, I don't know, maybe like tangerines. Yeah. Although Slurpees can get complicated too. For sure. Like flavors. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:04 What do you go with? I haven't had one in years. Same much to think about yeah um yeah and then when it said that the universe was 2d i i was like okay so we're just like projections and i was like but yeah i felt i felt tremendous relief because i uh i was like if this is all a simulation then all these mistakes i'm making have already been preordained and then I won't feel them as much. Yeah. Like, there's no free will. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:29 That's kind of nice. But that's not really for you in the idea of, like, you can't create your future? I feel good about my simulation. Oh, you think it's... Yeah, I think I got a lucky one. Oh, that's a good way to think. Yeah. That's smart.
Starting point is 00:13:47 But... want oh that's a good way to think yeah that's smart but um but i and when people say okay so because i know this isn't about that but if it did say that we were i just want to get to what i want to say that if it does if it did say that we're living in the matrix the matrix is incredible yeah like how do i feel this much in the matrix right i'm feeling a ton dude yeah yeah you're feeling i'm feeling yeah you know steamy steaming willie steaming beeman from uh any given sunday steaming willie beeman steaming willie beeman i'm feely jt healy feely jt feely jt healy i'm a quarterback and i got and i'm sensitive yeah that's good when people hike they hike into your heart yeah heart heart on heart heart heart heart feelings heart at six yards on first down emotional toll for emotional toll 42 and hike emotions motions emotions
Starting point is 00:14:48 emotions hike heart um yeah depression depression anxiety it's an audible anxiety anxiety anxiety that's an audible anxiety anxiety anxiety all right you're gonna go for the euphoric trip all right hey you're gonna be running downfield baby and you're also gonna be running into your new life this is all about transformation i love you dude yeah um that was crazy though the world's 2D yeah that was pretty nuts that the world's 2D yeah I'm wearing Leo on my shirt nice dude
Starting point is 00:15:31 from R&J Romeo and Juliet yeah dude I had a spirited discussion with a lady I was on a date with about that she doesn't like
Starting point is 00:15:37 Romeo and Juliet that's that's a travesty she thinks she thinks they're too dramatic which I kind of like that she said that
Starting point is 00:15:43 because I'm so dramatic but yeah like offset I was like oh yeah we're different yeah that's cool She thinks they're too dramatic, which I kind of like that she said that because I'm so dramatic. Offset. I was like, oh yeah, we're different. That's cool. She doesn't like the notebook. That's a very interesting dynamic. You love the notebook, right?
Starting point is 00:15:58 Yeah. Me too. Dude, when they start making out on the boat. It's not over. It wasn't over. It's still not over. That was the most confusing boner I ever had. Because it was like, oh, yeah, love.
Starting point is 00:16:15 So it wasn't fueled by sexual things. I was erect because of love. That's awesome, dude. That's the best erection. First time. Yeah. That's an erection that can last. I was like 12.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Forever? Maybe not, but I hope so. Yeah. i was like 12 forever maybe not but i hope so yeah i was like 12 and i was like holy tomatoes dude there's a scene where they're uh where they're rowing in the lake and he's rowing and she's in there and then just this this torrent of rain comes down yeah and then they sit there and they're not and he gets soaked his white linen shirt is just soaked and then they're at this like tense moment he just starts smiling and then they both just start dying laughing it's so ridiculous they're like he's rowing the boat yeah and then um i was like why are they laughing but then i went i want to laugh like that yeah i want to laugh when it rains on me yeah yeah i wrote you every day i wrote you every day for a year it's not over it wasn't over it's great
Starting point is 00:18:01 dude walberg and fear you just watched fear oh yeah that guy uses some lips oh oh yeah dude he's buffing that movie he might be the toughest guy from any movie yeah walberg and fear might be able to take like achilles from troy he's made out of bricks he's like undestructible he's the dad's like kicking the shit out of him like throwing him through like you know glass and he's like just getting up and shaking it off like the terminator yeah yeah i love fear it's so uh man i just love 90s movies there's the feel yeah everything about them great texture the dialogue the texture the the style the parties they go to yeah it's all cool and then like teenage life seemed like it was like sort of like perfect back then well they're 17 yeah but they're
Starting point is 00:18:44 allowed into bars and the bartender's like no that's in like 10 things i hate about you like the bartender's like what's up verona yeah like you're 17 how you know a bartender yeah yeah where you can like get into and like you know warburg and fear he's like the pool shark yeah like the coolest seattle brewery yeah yeah uh does that make you want to check out Seattle have you ever been to Seattle I've never been no I kind of want to check it out you're going right Seattle I don't know what am I thinking about
Starting point is 00:19:11 not Seattle Santa Fe no I knew you were going to Santa Fe I got confused about where your dad was oh yeah yeah no I've never been to Seattle but usually around this time like when summer's ending i'm like pretty devastated but then i get
Starting point is 00:19:29 ready for fall i'm like yeah like i'm gonna start rocking a sweater and i'll get into it for a little bit and then once like once like once it gets past december i'm like all right back to summer dude yeah dude i got super sad last january I think some of that was seasonal. Yeah. Oh, for sure. I was like, I was feeling blue, dude. Yeah. Cause I was in Wyoming for a week when it was like ice cold. It was like getting into your chest. And I was just like, I'd look out into nature. I don't like nature that much, which is weird. Yeah. And I'd look out into nature and I'd be like, man, that's an unforgiving tundra. I was like, everything out there is just dying right and then i was like well i don't feel good yeah then i came back to california i was like all right
Starting point is 00:20:08 it's a little better yeah i don't like being in snow for an extended period of time it's tough i like i lived in snow for you know a year a couple years this is horrible. I hated it. Yeah. I thought it was going to be cool. I was like, sweet. I'm going to like, you know, it's going to snow. Maybe we're going to have snow days, you know. And then the snow came. And after one day, I was like, this fucking blows. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:39 It's horrible. It gets everywhere. You have like one snowball fight and you're like, that was cool. And that's it. Then you went to beach. It's horrible. It gets everywhere. You have like one snowball fight and you're like, that was cool. And that's it. Then you want the beach. It's crazy. Yeah, I think I'm just not, if you wanted me to be able to handle it, I had to get out there earlier. Right.
Starting point is 00:20:54 I'm just too old and soft now. I can't do it. Yeah. But you appreciate like the ocean, right? I love the ocean. Yeah. Like if that's cold? No, no, in terms of nature.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Yeah, I do like the ocean a lot. That's true. Yeah. That one. But like, I don the ocean. If that's cold? No, in terms of nature. Yeah, I do like the ocean a lot. That's true. I've had friends be like, dude, isn't that sunset crazy? It is crazy to me, but I can't sit and look at it for 20 minutes. I'm like, alright, come on, what are we doing? But I want to dial back
Starting point is 00:21:21 so I can appreciate it. If you were to go to like zion national park would you be stoked yeah if we had like netflix yeah so like he had like a couch and a tv at zion national park yeah like when we went to mammoth i made all the guys watch queer eye with me it was awesome right yeah yeah reggie had the best line he was like uh i was like if you were like one of the kind of uh you know super straight guys that they have on there who's kind of like hickey or whatever he's like it just walks in ladies like i think seven gay dudes just
Starting point is 00:21:55 kidnapped andy and then reggie had the best line he was like he's like how do you know they were gay it's like they were moving in slow motion Because they do all those montages on that show. Seven gay dudes just kidnapped Andy. He's getting a makeover, dumbass. Oh, sorry, I didn't know. Oh, that was him? That Van Ness character. He's getting a makeover yeah I wrote a letter
Starting point is 00:22:28 wait you can read you get a god dang makeover I'm getting a makeover yeah I guess I've been a little sad ever since my dog Charlotte passed away he was about my best friend yeah so I'm looking forward to you know
Starting point is 00:22:44 trying new things and And they give him a comb over, like a sport coat. He's like, hey! I'm feeling pretty good. I think I'm having fun. I think 7GayDude was just kidnapped Andy. The kids are like, Dad, you look amazing.
Starting point is 00:22:59 You look so good, Dad. Yeah. That show is good. I gotta watch it. Oh, man. so good dad yeah that show is good i gotta watch it um oh man did you read the article about the did you read the article about the dude who said that the apple iphone was gonna flop i i couldn't open that for some reason dude i agreed with his critiques what'd he say he says that it ignored the main reasons the ipod succeeded simplicity and ease of use because because when the first iphone came out it was really cumbersome so this is like 2008 or something yeah he said it yeah he thought it had too many functions in a single box that was
Starting point is 00:23:36 super wrong you know i was i was really resistant to getting an iphone when it came out me too i was like i'm gonna get you an iphone i was like, no way, I'm going to break it. Have you seen that thing? I was convinced. I was like, I'm going to break that straight away. And then he said people would hate the touch surface. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Which I was a little bit hesitant about too. I think I do remember not liking that too. I was like, oh, I like buttons. Yeah. It was hard for me. I didn't like it. But now I'm like, this thing's seven hours a day on it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Yeah. Dude. So Donald Trump said that he might do, that he was down to do a political debate with Joe Rogan as the, what's it called? The interviewer? The moderator. Moderator. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Thoughts? I'm down. I hear you man dude i think uh i'm down too yeah if you can't do it maybe david goggins yeah david goggins um t-max sink pat mcnamara yeah he's good maybe you take them on like a gun range or maybe just they both do sprints. I think former guest of the pod, Matt Iceman, host of American Ninja Warrior, would crush it. He would crush.
Starting point is 00:24:53 He'd bring so much positive energy to it. He'd be so fired up. That'd be awesome. Yeah, he'd do a really good job. Also, I like John Dickerson. Who's that? He hosts the Slay Political Gab Fest and Face the Nation, I think. Or he has some political show, I forget the name. he'd do a good rate he'd do a really good job also i like john dickerson who's that he hosts like the slave political gab fest and face the nation i think or he has some political show i
Starting point is 00:25:08 forget the name but i like him yeah who else who else do i like um you knew else would crush it my uncle your uncle yeah he'd be really good he'd be good you know i think my brother would be good yeah because he would just he kind of like he'll like say things to you and just kind of stare at you and like you kind of feel like he's trying to break you down so if he did that to them see who could really just take the test right he'd be like so they'd be they'd start the debate and they'd be like all right welcome to the debate my brother be like hey and they'd be like hey and then they'd just you'd see who'd break first because he'd just say hey and then you just make him stand there dude i like that make them hang in the discomfort yeah yeah skip the policy and just get into like
Starting point is 00:26:03 yeah who knows how to be chill yeah yeah because they just want to break the silence with their you know their script or their like charm or something they just like but who can stand there for 20 minutes and just be comfortable dude i like that yeah also if your brother would just like if it devolves into shit talking say hey bros no talking shit yeah just swipe it down like that yeah no talking shit let's keep it let's keep it specific you're talking shit knock that out knock that out dude no hey bro chill chill dog you're getting rowdy dude you're getting hot under the collar we need you to chill hey dude dude cameras there's cameras everywhere
Starting point is 00:26:43 take it down a little bit yeah dude i would i would apologize apologize dude come on say you're sorry dude say you're sorry for the last thing that was rude dude i i think i would i don't think i would do well in a political debate yeah i think you would you think so yeah Yeah. Okay, hell yeah. I would get convinced of the other side. I'd be in there to argue one side politically, and then the other guy would debate me. I'd be like, you know, that guy's making some really good points. Right. I'm on his side now.
Starting point is 00:27:16 I like that, dude. Yeah. Dude, that's fire. I'm the most gullible person. Someone that makes a good argument, I'm like, yeah, you're right. Yeah, but you're like the only person I've ever met who's aware of their gullibility. Yeah. That's true.
Starting point is 00:27:31 That's like a movie character or something. Oh, dude, thanks. Yeah. It's like, I'm gullible. Yeah. Oh, no, Mr. Potata. You put the ruse on me. You know I'm gullible.
Starting point is 00:27:42 I think I'm gullible with like self-awareness. Like, exactly. With self-awareness. Exactly. With self-awareness. Someone will tell me something, I'll be like, man, that is a super convincing argument and I really want to believe that. Then in my mind, I'll hover above it and I'll be like, just don't grasp onto anything. Right. That's how it kind of works.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Dude, have you seen what Troy Casey's up to? Yeah. Oh, yeah. He said said if god would have wanted me to have a mask he would have put one on my face and i was like so if god like wanted you to brush your teeth he would have just had like a toothpaste factory in your mouth like like there's a ton of shit we've added on yeah if god wanted me to wipe my ass he would have i would have pooped invisible or something yeah oh yeah if god wanted me to wipe my ass there'd already be toilet paper on my butt well did you see him at the freedom rally in like
Starting point is 00:28:38 may no maybe caught a minute yeah he's like i'm a california beach dude you know do no harm and take no shit and then like half of it he's like he's just yelling in the mic he's like freedom he's a good he's good on the mic he's very good he takes it ripped he takes his shirt off yeah he's right and he's standing on he's literally standing on like an apple box and he's just like he's like do you really want them injecting your kids and your grandkids with aborted fetal tissue where'd they get those babies from you're just like I was literally in bed just like whoa yeah
Starting point is 00:29:33 it's intense yeah dude um should we answer some questions yeah was there any other topics we wanted to oh? Oh, dude. No, dude, I wanted to try this thing. So I listened to, I watched Duncan Trussell's last episode of The Midnight Gospel with his
Starting point is 00:29:51 mom, and it's really compelling. I would tell everybody to watch it because she has like stage four cancer, and they're talking about it pretty candidly on there. And she has really interesting outlooks on life. But one thing that she did that was a meditative practice that was really interesting, and I want to try it on you, is can you feel the inside of your arm? What it feels like?
Starting point is 00:30:12 Just focus on doing that. With my mind? Try and do that. Try and feel the inside of your arm. That's so weird. Alright. Do you want me to tell you when i think i feel it yeah or what does that feel like to try and feel it it feels like i can feel the blood flowing through it do you feel i don't want to guide you too much but has it changed like your uh your your perspective on other things. My perspective? Yeah, because for me, it helps get me present.
Starting point is 00:30:55 And that's what she was saying it for. Oh, really? She's like, it'll make you present. It's like a meditative exercise that you can do. Just try and... Dude, I might be saying it wrong. I hope I'm not. But just try and feel the inside of your arms. Yeah, it switches me right away.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Oh, you do? Yeah. Everything else goes away. Yeah. That's awesome. And then you do the inside of your legs, and then you do sight, and then you do hearing. And she's like, that's a meditative practice that you can do for free every day. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Yeah, it was cool. Yeah, I remember I readckhart tolle one time i don't know if i talked about this on the pod but he talks about getting in the present moment where he's like when you when you observe when you observe the external world without judgment yeah as it is and for like i was trying i was in the movie theater i was seeing like oceans eight with my mom and uh i was like trying to like do that i was trying to just observe i did it and for like a split second it was like i felt present and i was like i was like whoa like the physical world is amazing it was like this weird thing where i was just like in awe of how incredible this like existence is you know what i mean like if you just take a second where you just like take in like this studio and then you're just like holy shit like look at where we are
Starting point is 00:32:18 you know it's crazy isn't that crazy Like this is like, people built this shit. Yeah. From their minds. And there's three cameras pointed at us recording us. Oh, shit. And we're talking. I'm being serious, too. I know.
Starting point is 00:32:34 I know. It's crazy. Yeah. I kind of got a little glib there, but it's because I'm, but I'm serious. Like. Yeah. It's nuts. So you actually are being serious?
Starting point is 00:32:43 I'm being serious. Sorry. Yeah. Sorry. That was dumb. Yeah. I'm being serious. This is, it's, it's a lot to take in being serious i'm being serious sorry yeah sorry that was dumb yeah i'm being serious this is it's it's a lot to take in yeah yeah it's weird like aaron we know you really well now yeah yeah and when we started we didn't know you well and now over the years now we know you really well yeah yeah and you're that's pretty crazy is this gonna make sense i don't know yeah but it's fun it could be it could be a trippy episode yeah it could be sergio rogany i like that yeah rogan dude
Starting point is 00:33:14 i don't think he should moderate the political debate the presidential debate i just don't think he knows enough about politics yeah no and it would be so snobby there but yeah no i mean it would just it would be so he'd be like are you serious right now yeah i do kind of want to see what he would do though yeah i would be curious like what if he did a great job do you think he wants to do it yeah i think he would do it yeah i think so dude because the importance of that yeah that would put him on such a legendary like legacy right yeah no comedian has ever done that no comedian's ever done that yeah moderated the presidential debate between donald trump and joe but like the size of this election too. Yeah. Yeah, it feels historical. Yeah. Guys, I'm interrupting this podcast to let you know once again that we are brought to you by Manscaped.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean. Because do you have a moose near the caboose that needs to be tamed? I'm talking hairy, big big and need some support thankfully our sponsor today at manscaped has you covered to keep the hair looking nice and trimmed and feeling fully supported manscaped offers precision engineered tools for your family jewels guys let's take a step back let's you know look at this from a different perspective. These dudes created a company to help keep your pubes in check.
Starting point is 00:34:47 And they sponsored the pod. And now they're trying to help you guys keep your dongs in check with clean, well-trimmed pubes that don't cut your nuts. I mean, can you think of a better company? No. I can't either.
Starting point is 00:35:02 They're the best. And that's why Manscaped says beluga did you hear that that's your moose asking for more manscaped and your moose by the way if you guys didn't catch on it's they're saying that's your dong your dong looks like a moose which mine i think it does most dangerous animal in like the wilderness oh for sure they'll come at you yeah moose kill more than bears really damn i think they're more territorial yeah because people get kind of cocky like oh moose where's the bear you're like oh fuck yeah exactly i think that's part of it too yeah we don't think of them as predators yeah you don't got to be a predator
Starting point is 00:35:40 to fuck somebody up yeah you just think of of the word moose and you start laughing. Yeah. I had a friend in high school who didn't believe moose were real. Really? Yeah. She was like, stop messing with me. I know moose aren't real. We're like,
Starting point is 00:35:52 no, moose are real. Yeah. She's like, oh, are unicorns real? We're like, no, but moose are. She just didn't believe it. She thought we were trying
Starting point is 00:35:59 to make fun of her. That's hilarious. The Manscaped engineering team just perfected the greatest ball hair trimmer ever created, the Lawnmowermower 3.0 the premium lawnmower 3.0 is waterproof includes an led light and is made with advanced skin safe technology no nicks or cuts on your dong and you got the crop preserver the ball deodorant and the crop reviver ball toning spray both super practical and they smell great too plus for, for a limited time, when you order the Perfect Package Kit,
Starting point is 00:36:25 you get two free gifts, the Shed Travel Bag and the Manscaped Anti-Chafing Boxer Briefs. I mean, cooling boxer briefs, they got so much stuff. I mean, the waistband is super elastic. There's no chafing. There's no rubbing. Pair these briefs with pH-balancing liquid products like the Crop Preserver, and you're ready for anything. I mean, your grundle is going to be freaking psyched.
Starting point is 00:36:49 You need to try this out for yourself. So get 20% off plus free shipping with the code godeep20 at manscaped.com. 20% off and free shipping with the code godeep20 at manscaped.com. Your balls, your moose, your caboose, JT and I will thank you. Thank you. All right, dude, let's answer some questions. Okay, cool. Freaking what up, my dogs?
Starting point is 00:37:14 Hoping my favorite guests are on today. Chad's bronze, JT's vulnerability, Strider's relation wisdom, and of course, Joe's huge slong. I'm a stoker all the way from New Zealand and have a question relating to my squad, guys and girls. So our squad consists of around 20 people and frequently gets together to party.
Starting point is 00:37:27 That's awesome. Some of us really love to rage and sometimes partake in some silly business, particularly Molly. Only about half of us are into this and often find ourselves doing it in a room. And once that happens, we end up hanging out there for a decent amount of time. The issue is that the other half of the squad have beef with this and think we are being exclusive. I definitely understand this perspective, but often we end up doing this without really thinking. Also, the half that tend to partake, including my dank GF, also happen to be my best friends in the squad. So there's nothing better than raging in a cozy environment, chewing each other's ears off.
Starting point is 00:37:56 I just wanted to get your perspective on whether we are in the wrong or how we can squash the beef, noting that stopping Molly isn't an option. I will also add that a few of the squad have had issues with us doing it in front of them before, which is one of the reasons we go off elsewhere. It's interesting. I one time remember walking to a Fourth of July party, and everybody was doing coke in the living room, and I was not comfortable seeing cocaine. I walked in, and I was like, I had judgmental eyes right away.
Starting point is 00:38:19 I was like, oh, my God. And they looked up, and they could kind of feel, and they were like. And then they doubled down and went to snortinging and I was like, oh, what's up? And I was like kind of shaken by it. But then once the party gets going, I think you kind of forget about that stuff. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:32 I would tell the non-Mali people to not worry about the Mali people, but I get why they're bummed out. Yeah. That was my initial instinct too, is to not tell them not to, to don't, I mean,
Starting point is 00:38:43 they shouldn't be judging them so hard but i get that maybe they feel left out totally because i think i think when you when a group of people they start you know doing molly or whatever doing substances together they naturally get exclusive yeah and they're like sharing in this special experience with each other so it's like of course when they're on molly they're not going to relate to their sober friends yeah kind of just standing there when all you want to do is like rollerblade neat popsicles you know yeah so but when i'm on molly i want to connect too so i think i think this this main dude you got to be that guy and you got to just run out there because you're very keenly aware of what's going on just when you do molly show them
Starting point is 00:39:28 you can participate with them when you're on molly right and i know that might take away from what you'd really prefer to do but you're on molly it'll still be fun yeah and then and then make sure nobody takes too much molly like and don't do it a lot i remember my friends had to have an intervention with me really yeah because i did it like at the beach one day yeah my friend John was like, you just did Molly to go to the beach. I was like, yeah, we're having a good time. And he's like, no, you're doing it too much. And I was like, yeah, he's right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:51 And I still freak out sometimes that there might be holes in my brain. Oh, really? I'll just be in the back of an Uber and I'll be like, hey, dude, do you think I might have lost my mind doing too many drugs? And he's like, I don't know, man. And I'm like, okay, cool. Yeah. I don't know man and I'm like okay cool yeah um yeah so I wouldn't you gotta keep an eye out on each other and make sure everybody's hydrated and being as safe as possible absolutely yeah space it out heavily um and do it under supervision just go to a doctor and do it
Starting point is 00:40:17 you'll still have a good time yeah and you don't want to get your serotonin levels below par you know not not you no but it's true because i don't do i don't do it anymore because of my bipolar medication i'm like i don't want to mess with my serotonin that much yeah i meant below par like the word pa oh i copied yeah okay i said that i was like i know you know i got some boost yeah oh oh for sure oh dude i've seen you lift oh bro come on yeah dude um but yeah i'd say space it out i like your advice about trying to connect with people but if it's creeping them out then bail dude that happens because if you're like sucking on a pacifier like trying to connect with your dog
Starting point is 00:40:56 and he your eyes are just rolling he's just like you're like i love you man he's like what dude just go find like a playground and hit the slide dude i've had those moments before like i love you man he's like what dude just go find like a playground and hit the slide dude i've had those moments before like i was on a date one time with a girl it was the first date and we smoked pot at the end of it yeah and we were just sitting outside and i ended up laying down on the street and i was like looking up at the stars yeah i was like isn't it crazy that we're just here at all she's like yeah i think i'm ready for bed now yeah it's like i was but i'd been doing that for like two hours that's's the part I forgot. Yeah. So she was like, all right, bedtime. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:25 I was like, all right, I overstayed. I'm too stoned. Yeah. But then I couldn't drive home. So I had to just sleep in my car outside the house for like an hour. Yeah. For a couple hours. That's the worst when you're like coming down and it's like early in the morning and you're
Starting point is 00:41:39 like, I gotta go home. And I, that's like the worst feeling on earth. And I wanted to tell her, I was like, I want to keep going. Cause I also, I'm not ready to go home yet. Right. like the worst feeling on earth I know I wanted to tell her I was like I want to keep going because I also I'm not ready to go home yet right yeah but that was my miscalculation yeah that's all good I think she had work the next day oh for sure but and also maybe maybe something for this guy maybe he could uh you know have his day scheduled be like you know talk to like the whole squad and it's like hey guys uh you know uh the eight of us the molly crew maybe not call yourself a crew the molly partakers i think we're gonna
Starting point is 00:42:14 take molly on saturday the 19th cool cool do you guys and so then just establish that so then they know weeks ahead of time oh that's when they're taking Molly. I'm going to go see Tenet at a drive-in. Smart. Good call. Hello, Chad and JT. I am a recently single male going into my second year of college, and I've been getting into grinding swipes on Tinder.
Starting point is 00:42:38 I'm attractive enough to accumulate a handful of matches, but then I hit a wall. My messaging and pickup game is so weak. My Tinder matches often ghost me because my opening lines are so bad. I was hoping all the bros on the pod would give their opening line Thank you, Legendary Stokers. Dude, I think you're probably thinking about it too much, and it's hard not to, because you're playing at the high chips table. You care.
Starting point is 00:43:03 You want these gals to feel you. You want to feel them i get it but i would just uh i would just say the first thing that comes into your head yeah yeah and just keep doing that and then your first thought will get better yeah i like that yeah like what's an example i'll just be like hey not their own the the thing yeah the shaka and then they're like hey what's going on with you and the first thing that comes into my head oh I'm on my computer watching a YouTube video about From the King just say what you're doing
Starting point is 00:43:33 and they're like what about you because I think we overthink it and we get into abstract land where we're like what do I say I'm doing it's like just chilling it's like just say what you're doing no it's smart because that can pique some interest too if you're doing yeah yeah no it's smart because that can pique some interest too if they're if you're doing something like kind of cool or interesting you
Starting point is 00:43:48 know yeah or even if you're just watching a movie that'll spark the conversation yeah like the patriot i love the patriot yeah and you just there you're off to the races you're like i'm watching the patriot it's the scene where mel gibson goes ham on all the british soldiers in his son's watch yeah she gets that she's like this is a lot i have to say something yeah wow i love that style of violence in that movie right yeah then you're like yeah roland emmerich's crazy yeah but uh i was thinking like i liked what you said earlier just the hay with the shock you taught me that yeah yeah um because i think when you when you come in with a line or you just come in with then they're like he's trying too hard he's desperate and there's nowhere
Starting point is 00:44:30 to go from there yeah like you say something witty with the first line yeah but there's no way to build off of that yeah then you have to be witty again now you're putting pressure on yourself to like be oscar wilde yeah it's like look you know he wrote his lines in advance yeah and he just printed them once in a book it wasn't a dynamic conversation where you've got to have it ready all the time. What I'm saying is, you're overrated, Oscar, okay? You talk a big game, you write it in your books. Can you do it out in the real world with me at a bar when I'm hitting on a 10? Can you do it then, Oscar?
Starting point is 00:44:59 Oh, because you were gay. Okay, but can you do it with the dude? Because I'll spin it to anybody. You copy that mr wild with a 10 with a 10 can you do with the 10 in your face um that's so funny i uh yeah because when you come in with like the the witty thing or whatever it's like to me that's almost like even though you think you're being unique and kind of like charming it's almost cookie cutter whereas like how many dudes actually come in with the hay
Starting point is 00:45:36 shotgun and you know i think i think you when you come in with the witty you sound a little bit like a magician too it's a little bit present it's a little theatrical yeah it's like ta-da yeah oh i am here in your inbox yeah yeah and then it's like another dude trying to impress me yeah and then you got this chill dude just like throwing up shockers just skating by yeah hey what up watching the patriot and you're like i want to hang out with that guy she's in her front window looking out the room trying to see what's exciting in the world you just blow by on her block on a skateboard and just hit her with a quick shock yeah yeah some guy comes up hey did it hurt yeah and you're like what dude then she's got romeo under the window with a rose being like you know pithy witty remark you know yeah oh how did you fall into this conversation yeah i don't know yeah i couldn't think of it i couldn't even
Starting point is 00:46:20 think of it yeah because it would embarrass me because they suck so fucking hard. Yeah. They suck so hard. Someone could do a highlight reel of all the things I've tried to say wittily over a dating app. Oh yeah. We've been there fellas. Yeah. To anyone listening. Ladies.
Starting point is 00:46:33 We've done these, we've done these things. No, not we've done this. That sounds so bad. No, it's true. Yeah. We've tried to be witty. I've tried to be witty. It's just hard not to.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Yeah. Dude, sometimes you'll write something to someone you're like oh man did i need to put so much sincerity in that yeah like i'll be like hey i had a really nice time with you i plan on seeing you again i hope that happens yeah it's like i don't know if that was if that all needed to be expressed yeah i remember when i date with someone and i was like i text after and I was like, hey, do you want to go on another date? And she's like, you know, to be honest I didn't feel a connection
Starting point is 00:47:09 and I was like, alright Well dude, that that is like a crazy thing when you feel a connection for someone and they don't feel it for you Or just to even say that was interesting for me The directness of it for sure yeah i had a
Starting point is 00:47:26 girl this i like this girl a lot and she was like hey i just it was like after four dates too yeah so like kind of hurt extra she was like because we kind of knew each other yeah she was like hey i'm just getting a friend vibe and i remember even thinking i think i might have even written this to her i was like i don't think so but i hear you yeah i was like i hope i wish you well all right no i said i was like i don't think so i was like i don't know i said i don't think so but i hear you yeah i was like i hope i wish you well all right no i said i was like i don't think so i was like i don't know i said i don't believe you and then i was like that's too much i'm sorry i was like i wish you well yeah but my initial reaction was like huh it's tough yeah but then you're like down the road you're like oh they saved me some time and
Starting point is 00:48:02 they were right probably money yeah you know yeah paper dates when they didn't report into it no it's true and i think that matters no it does yeah um and then it is true it's like if it if it's i think we've focused so much on what we're saying it's like look if it's gonna happen it's gonna happen almost in spite of yourself right yeah it's not because you like that's why a movie like Hitch is so appealing. Yeah. Because you're like, what if there was a Hitch guy? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:29 Who could just give me the playbook so this person that I genuinely like would just feel the same way. Right. Yeah. That's like, it is appealing. Yeah. Yeah. But in the end of that movie, Allegra Cole likes him because of the stuff he did that
Starting point is 00:48:41 Hitch didn't coach him on. Because he's such a dork. Because he's such a dork. Yeah. Yeah. When he like spilled the hot dog or whatever yeah and he taught me how to whistle really yeah did you teach him all that hell no hell no it's a great movie i remember in the trailer he's like you oversell this mother uh you know uh one of the first messages that caroline sent me she said she just went hey dog i was like that's awesome yeah there's just something about where
Starting point is 00:49:15 like it was just so like just felt so like cool to me yeah it is cool she's like hey dog she is cool yeah She's like, Hey dog. She is cool. Yeah. I was like, Hey dog. That's awesome. Yeah. Yeah. Um, yeah, dude, you're all good,
Starting point is 00:49:33 dude. Just, and just also just keep doing it. Uh, what up fellas? I have been writing standup bits for myself as an aspiring comedian until three years ago when I hit major writer's block. I was driving with my girlfriend in the night and hit a deer i immediately knew there was a good joke there something about the how the deer is so fast and agile at the slightest noise but when it's on the pavement with the cars
Starting point is 00:49:51 looming at it it just stands completely still yeah i know it needs some serious work or some sort of punchline or restructuring yeah then i was cruising through instagram and the grape juice boys page posted a meme pretty much about my bit and And now I'm unmotivated to finish it. Could you guys help me finish up this bit or help me get past my writer's block somehow? Dude, I would just move on to another bit. Yeah. Yeah. I think you'll come up with more.
Starting point is 00:50:17 And dude, this is a great thing that Steven Pressfield says of the war of art. He says the level of resistance you have to doing something. So how much writer's block you have is equal to how good that thing could be, which is just a nice way to think about it. Oh, that's interesting. Yeah. It makes you feel really good about writer's block.
Starting point is 00:50:31 Yeah. Um, and I think cause deers, deers don't respond to, uh, I guess they only see things as they move. Like something has to be moving for them to see. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:41 We learned that from, uh, the guy I knew Joe Rogan. Dude, I'm such a dork. We were talking about that today together yeah does it edge sight yeah i was like saying it like it was like brand new yeah yeah edge sight um so maybe if the car is moving at a consistent speed it looks like nothing to them yeah i would say i'd say keep writing i'd say do some free writing in the morning wake up write in your journal don't try
Starting point is 00:51:06 to make jokes don't try to be funny just write whatever is on your mind and you're gonna get some wild ideas in there because you don't want to get hung up on just like one bit because oftentimes those ones where you're like i know this will be funny if i did oftentimes those are just not even that good right and then you stumble upon the great ones and you don't even realize it until you like test it out in front of an audience and you're like, you like that one? You know what I mean? You never know. You never know.
Starting point is 00:51:32 Yeah. It's, it's interesting. Yeah. I mean, I think, I think that's, it goes across the board in art too. I think like big directors have said like, I thought this movie was going to be a hit. Yeah. I thought this one was going to be a flop. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Um, you just never know what audiences are going to respond to you or like bands will always be like, yeah, we almost left that single off the album. Yeah. You're like to be a flop. Yeah. You just never know what audiences are going to respond to you. Or like bands will always be like, yeah, we almost left that single off the album. Yeah. You're like, what? Yeah. Yeah. Like I think Miguel didn't realize like Skywalker was like the biggest single on one album. He like barely showed it to a producer.
Starting point is 00:51:55 Yeah. Yeah. It's crazy. It's weird. All right. Dear Kettlebell King and Assault Bike Beast, I'm writing to you today with a request for some wisdom and finding a Khaleesi, if that's even in the cards for me. I went through a pretty rough breakup with my girlfriend of three years
Starting point is 00:52:09 right before I moved to begin grad school two years ago. It came without warning and over the phone, and I was pretty devastated for a while. In addition to seeking therapy and realizing that I had to allow myself to the grief instead of suppressing it, I came to realize that I was in an unhealthy relation and that I was truly better off alone for some time and needed to focus on taking care of myself. In hindsight, I was exhausted and checked out of trying to keep up with her constant
Starting point is 00:52:31 needs and realized now that once I burnt out, she just dropped me to go find someone else or multiple people that could support those needs. It was definitely a bit of a one-sided situation in terms of effort, but your pod has helped me to find both peace and stoke within myself and I am doing much better. I have made new friends, been a more compassionate family member, and have gotten totally yoked. Nice. Overall, my mental and physical health and thereafter stoke are better than they have ever been before, but I find myself with zero interest into entering into another relation,
Starting point is 00:52:59 even after two years. I'm not sure if it's the QT and wanting to lay low. The fact that I have other things in my life that I want to figure out first, full-time work, possibility moving, possibly moving where I'll be living if I don't end up staying with my folks, that I'm still burnt out from my past girlfriend, that I haven't met the right person or that it just isn't in my destiny. I'm a pretty social guy and have no issues meeting people. But right now, over the past years, I just haven't had interest at all in anyone that I've met. It may be worth mentioning that I'm kind of an all-or-nothing guy in this space. I don't really date casually and generally like to get to know someone as friends for a while
Starting point is 00:53:32 before I even have any interest in taking things further. And I'm also not really into hookup culture. Even still, I still haven't met anyone that's remotely sparked my interest, and that kind of worries me. Dating apps suck because I feel like I'm expected to carry the entire conversation and if i don't have an interest in them there's not mutual and there's no mutual effort which there rarely is i've gotten zero motivation to continue to do so to continue to do so for some bros that have been sun-kissed cali for some bros that have sorry from some bros that have sons that sun-issed Cali wisdom, do you have any advice? Do you think I'm just burnt out, recovering,
Starting point is 00:54:08 or is this maybe a period of my 20s where I just need to get more of my life together before a healthy, serious relationship can materialize anyways? I think you need to just open yourself up a little bit more to it. I think you're thinking about all the ways that it can go wrong or all the reasons why you don't want to go on these dates, you don't want to go on dating apps, all those sort of parameters for what it takes for you to want to get into a serious relationship. And I would say just to sort of, you know, stay getting
Starting point is 00:54:45 yoked, keep working on your mental health, keep being a good family member, but just be a little bit more open to the possibilities that are out there. You know, it seems like you're kind of shutting yourself off to a certain extent to some people. And I would just say just to be a little bit more open and allow that person to come into your life. Don't worry about it too much, too. Just, again, that receiving mode where you just are open, say yes to life, and allow that person to come into your life. And it will happen, I think.
Starting point is 00:55:21 Yeah. I think you've got to zoom out probably a little bit I think you're uh because because you seem like you don't really want you're saying you don't really want to have a girlfriend right now but then you're writing all this stuff about about it so I mean sometimes we just get into a place where we're just wondering if we're heading in the right direction or if we're making the right choices but I mean I think if, I trust you, if you're making those choices, I think, I think maybe right now isn't the time, but it'll happen. And yeah, I mean, look, everything has its shortcomings. Dating apps do suck, but that's where things happen now. So I would just kind of, I don't know, I'd suck it up a little bit in that respect. If you got to carry
Starting point is 00:55:58 the conversation, you do it when you can, when you don't, it doesn't happen, but that's okay. And, uh, and you'll meet the right person. It's, I think it's kind of. When you don't, it doesn't happen. But that's okay. And you'll meet the right person. I think it's kind of cool that you're not into, like, the hookup culture and stuff. Yeah. I think people are really going to like that. Like, women will like that. You sound like a serious guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:15 So, and that gets cooler the older you get, too. So, I don't know. If you feel good about it, I would just keep going as you're going. And, yeah, be open to things, though. You know, you guys could have a meet cute. Yeah. And she could be just as serious as you and be like, hey, and I'm not trying to do anything hook-uppy. And then you guys both hook up on the first night.
Starting point is 00:56:36 Yeah. Yeah, a little dramatic, a little twist. You break your own rules. Yeah, you're breaking all the rules for her. Yeah. I don't know i i heard about this thing from tony robbins beast where he's like if you're looking for that partner if you're looking for that partner get out a notebook and just write it down write down
Starting point is 00:56:57 all the qualities you want in the ideal partner whoever it is whoever you want in your life just write it down so write down all the qualities you want of like your ideal partner in your life and according to him that's sort of like gets your mind in a state where you can sort of like spot that ideal person more easily dude two favorite tony robbins movies from his documentary on netflix one he's talking to a lady she talks for like five minutes about like all of her issues and then he goes tell me about your father and she just breaks down crying she just falls apart like it was like she was just sitting
Starting point is 00:57:35 there waiting for like the tiniest poke and he just poked her right where he had to she's like and I just wonder like why my relationships always go in a direction where I feel like I'm not getting what I need from the person that I'm supposedly committed to and he's like, and I just wonder, like, why my relationships always go in a direction where I feel like I'm not getting what I need from the person that I'm supposedly committed to. And he's like, tell me about your father. And she's like, oh, my dad. My dad was the best man I ever met. And then Tony's like, and fuck him. Fuck him.
Starting point is 00:57:57 She's like, huh? He's like, he ruined other men for you. I was like, damn, dude. He went there fast. Yeah. And then with this other dude, he's like grilling this dude. He's like, are you a masculine or a feminine man? And the guy right away just goes, feminine man.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Just totally yields to Tony. And then Tony's like, that's the one where he goes, roar like a tiger. And the guy goes, roar. And that's not like the most powerful roar. Yeah, it's kooky. I love when he's with his all the assistants. He's like, what do i need to do today he's like he's like all right we're gonna we're gonna talk to this person this person
Starting point is 00:58:28 server chat he's like okay one second just hops into his ice bath yeah i got five minutes let's do it yeah yeah should we keep pushing into the beefs sure chad who is your beef of the week? My beef of the week is myself. I got a lot of messages for eating sweet potato on the last pot. Oh, you did? Not a lot, but like three. Yeah, like three. But enough to feel it. Right.
Starting point is 00:59:02 To feel like I let the stokers down. And I'm sorry, guys. I was hungry, all right? You know, I hit the assault bag pretty hard, and I was trying to get some complex carbs. Yeah, for sure. I think it is. I was trying to get some complex carbs in.
Starting point is 00:59:19 And, you know, the pod, well, I was hungry. And I didn't, you know, in those, with that, with those headphones and that mic setup, I can't hear what's going on in the mic. So I didn't hear it. And I still haven't heard it. But apparently it was some loud chewing. And according to some people, made them want to throw up. So I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:59:43 I won't eat sweet potato into the mic again. But thank you for reaching out and being honest with me about it. I appreciate the feedback. And yeah, stay stoked. Dude, I admire that you took responsibility for it, that you've made a commitment to improve, and that also the food that you did eat was a really healthy one. That's good modeling for all the listeners. It's tuber if you're gonna if you're gonna annoy the audience
Starting point is 01:00:09 at least eat a tuber yeah if you're gonna eat in a moment when you're not supposed to eat something healthy so it looks like you're at least being like mindful in some respects yeah well can you imagine if i was eating like fries into the or no maybe the fries is this like ice cream that'd be so decadent yeah like come on dude because it was a sweet potato i was like he's being healthy yeah if i brought like a big sundae or something no you can't do that yeah whipped cream yeah yeah that would be pretty hilarious decadent boy i just pull it out from under the table yeah in a big like ornate glass yeah yeah like jimmy hoffa cherry on the irishman yeah oh yeah yeah That'd be a move. Man, now I want to get ice cream. For sure.
Starting point is 01:00:48 Aaron, what's your beef of the week? My beef of the week is with carry-out places that have music on. Like you go into a Subway or a Jersey Mike's. They're not playing enough Dishwalla? No, they're playing playing we're all wearing masks man it's fucking hard to talk like right i'm constantly repeating myself they're constantly like what what i'm like pickles pickles it's because you have dishwalla turn that shit off like for the rest of the quarantine carry out places no music i know it's gonna suck for you
Starting point is 01:01:26 maybe to have to work there maybe turn it on when no customers are in there i don't know how you're gonna make it work but man we all have to deal with this mask stuff fuck like just it make it a scenario where someone like me can fucking order yeah Yeah, they gotta be quick on the trigger. Pause on the Kevin Little, turn me on. Turn me on, turn me on. Let me hold you, conquer and
Starting point is 01:01:55 my body. You got me going crazy now. Turn me on, turn me on. Rum de rum de hum de hum de. Should we play something? Get the episode taken down? Turn me on. Turn me on. Ramde, ramde. Ramde, ramde. Should we play some? I think we'll get the episode taken down. Oh, yeah, maybe.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Damn. That's a bummer. That's a beef right there. Dude, my beef of the week is with feelings. Nice. Yeah, man. I just, you know, when I have them, I want to share them, and it's hard for me to hold back.
Starting point is 01:02:26 Yeah. But I think the more restraint I can practice, the better my life will be. Yeah. Is this in regards to the situation yesterday? Yeah. You can cut that? No, it's okay. I was just wondering.
Starting point is 01:02:37 No, that's okay. Yeah. But I'm just feeling so much, and I'm like, this isn't like a – and I just got to hold them. Yeah. And I even got to talk about it less yeah yeah but just tough no i hear you it i mean it's torture yeah is what it is but you could you could you could just take a moment to be excited about having that. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:03:06 No, but it's good to feel stuff. It is. Yeah. You know you're alive. Yeah. And that's why I was like, if this is the matrix, if this all is a hologram or a simulation, more if it's a simulation, I'm like,
Starting point is 01:03:18 they program so much feeling into it. Yeah. Yeah. But, yeah, I think feelings. You're fun. You're like a good servant but a terrible master right yeah yeah but i don't know maybe it's maybe maybe even thinking about it that way is not the way to think about it maybe you gotta have a little bit more of like a one of these things with it you know yeah does that make sense? No, I hear you. Nice. Dude, what's your baby?
Starting point is 01:03:46 What? Go ahead. Yeah, you're alive. You know, you could be walking along the sidewalk with your head down and hands in your pockets. Next moment something happens, you could be like swinging off the poles, dancing. Yeah. That's what's cool about them. Yeah, you're alive.
Starting point is 01:04:00 Yeah. If you're listening to this, you're alive. Yeah. What other podcast you gonna get that kind of affirmation yeah yeah for those people at home I'm taking my shirt off dude it's so funny some dude on YouTube is like JT's looking jacked and another guy was like, JT's looking jacked. And another guy was like, not jacked, but he definitely looks better.
Starting point is 01:04:31 But I respect that guy for holding the standard. You know what I mean? Like, let's not go cuckoo here. Chad, who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week is my mom's dog, Luna. She passed, unfortunately. She was just the best. my mom's dog Luna she passed unfortunately and she was just the best she was the best dog
Starting point is 01:04:50 beautiful dog I wrote I did an Instagram post about her she's the embodiment of love and happiness and she was just such a good companion to my mom and stepdad my mom went on a hike
Starting point is 01:05:07 with her every day and it's just tragic because she was only like four like four you know and it's just um she's had lymphoma it just she's like yeah and it just uh it was aggressive um so yeah that was that was tough um tough few days but you know uh i think my mom and stepdad are starting to move forward and it's uh it was tough for me too i had a really strong connection to to the dog yeah even though i didn't i you know i would see i would see luna you know you know a handful of times out out of the year but i just love that dog a lot you know um but yeah when i when i heard i was on the assault bike sweating it was like one of the hottest days of the year it was yeah it was actually the hottest day of the summer i was on the assault bike sweating and i heard in my assault bikes on my
Starting point is 01:06:10 balcony and i just started crying so there's like a fan on the assault bike you know so it's just super loud and so i'm sure the building can hear it and then they just hear this dude start crying. We're just like, oh, God. People are just like, what is he doing? But, yeah. So, Luna, if you're listening, I love you. You're the best dog ever. And you will be deeply missed and you are deeply loved by your family. It's beautiful, man. thank you she she was lucky to be loved by you guys yeah she that's what i said to my mom like you know
Starting point is 01:06:53 for the four you know even though she was dealt a bad hand with genetics um she lived she lived the best life she had good company for that amount of time that she was here it was she was well loved and had a great time she was you know
Starting point is 01:07:10 she was in Santa Fe out in nature going on hikes every day with my mom just running the trails and having a blast yeah
Starting point is 01:07:18 so um she had a good life for sure yeah yeah that's nice Aaron who's your babe of the week my babe of the week is former guest on the pod rob hubel oh no nice i don't know if you guys
Starting point is 01:07:34 have noticed uh his new thing on instagram is uh a character called dan gator and he's trying to get you out of your time share oh yeah goddamn time share it's that that man is fucking hilarious it just never never doesn't bring a smile to my face to just check out on his his instagram and see what he's up to he's so funny yeah he's the best um looks great all he's all gray looks great yeah he embraced it huh it's crazy it does look good yeah it looks it looks more natural in a way yeah is that too much to say no okay i don't think so we should have him back yeah he was fun if he comes back and mess around i think he will yeah my baby of the week is a dan donahue he's a comedian
Starting point is 01:08:18 uh who's uh just been using his time so well during the quarantine and he's just been using his time so well during the quarantine. And he's just been helping people nonstop. Like he's always doing some endeavor for the homeless. And he actually had an interesting escapade recently where someone put big like boulders along a underpass to try and prevent the homeless from having encampments there. And Dan went there that night and moved them and ended up getting on the news about it and became kind of like the representative of like
Starting point is 01:08:45 doing that, of like that movement to remove the rocks and then the guy who ended up putting the rocks there was the guy who wrote Fast and Furious and Dan talked to him on the phone What did they talk about? They just kind of like got a better understanding of what the other one was saying. I think the guy who wrote
Starting point is 01:09:02 Fast and Furious was embarrassed Oh really? Interesting And Dan was talking about how he's liberal so you can shame a liberal but you can't shame a conservative of what the other one was saying. I think the guy from who wrote Fast and Furious was embarrassed. Oh, really? Interesting. And Dan was talking about how he's liberal so you can shame a liberal but you can't shame a conservative. And I contend that to be true. You can shame the fuck out of me.
Starting point is 01:09:12 Yeah. And then he but yeah, Dan's a great guy. He's like super jacked, very handsome and just a great guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:21 So he's a babe. That's awesome. Yeah. He's doing stuff every day too. Like yesterday he was handing stuff every day too like yesterday he was handing out like mass to like to like uh the homeless it's just crazy it's like inspiring yeah yeah it's cool he's the kind of person i would be like like that warren buffett thing like you're the combination of the five people you surround
Starting point is 01:09:39 yourself with i'm like he could be one of those guys yeah yeah and then when he told me about him i was like i was like yeah like about how much he volunteers and stuff i'm like really like damn yeah he gets after it yeah and he's hot he's hot sorry dude if he watches this yeah he's like bro do you have to lean into the hotness so much i remember ashton Kutcher was on Real Town with Bill Maher one time and Dan Savage was on there and Dan Savage was kind of treating Kutcher like he's just a hot piece of ass
Starting point is 01:10:13 and he said something kind of rude to him and then Ashton was all loaded up and ready to go already had his response. He's like, he wrote an article about the dream celebrities that you'd like to spend time with and you had me on there and you just totally objectified me. And he's like, I would not have dinner with you. And to spend time with and you had me on there and you like just totally objectified me and he's like I would not have dinner with you and the crowd like cheered and Ashton was like fired up that's awesome cuz I think like Debbie Moore says in her book like
Starting point is 01:10:30 Ashton's like a really smart guy so I think he felt like kind of underestimated yeah so he took it out on the dude yeah that's a great place to come from yeah underestimated right don't underestimate Ashton Kutcher, dude. No. He's hot. He's hot, too. Super hot. Super hot guy. He's hot.
Starting point is 01:10:55 Demi Morrison in her book that he opened her up sexually in ways that Bruce never did. So, sorry, Bruce Willis. I doubt you care to read the book. You seem like you're on your own time, but I wouldn't want my wife saying that. Dude, what do you think Bruce Willis is doing right now? Dude, he's in a hot tub, right? No. Is he? What's he doing?
Starting point is 01:11:09 I wonder. I think him and Demi live across the street from each other in Aspen. Yeah. Yeah. I think. Sun Valley. Sun Valley. I think he's sitting in a chair just looking intensely at the wall.
Starting point is 01:11:23 Yeah. Lucky wall. Yeah. Yeah. just like looking intensely at the wall yeah just lucky wall yeah yeah dude the way he like seduced demi moore she's at a party with emilio estevez her former fiance they're kind of like seeing if there's still a flame there bruce is behind the bar at el coyote that mexican restaurant beverly and i guess he used to be a bartender so he's like doing cocktail moves like shaking margarita cans and he keeps serving her her drinks and catering the performance to her. Like, worked. Wait, wait. He was a bartender?
Starting point is 01:11:47 He was a celebrity at this point. He had been Emmy nominated for Moonlighting. But to impress her, he jumped behind the bar and acted like a bartender. And was like, taking drinks. Then slinging her a glass. Yeah, he was famously a bartender in New Jersey new jersey or new york oh okay he was uh coming up as an actor right there was like bruce springsteen was like the top guitarist and bruce willis was like the top bartender that's hilarious and so yeah but it worked he uh
Starting point is 01:12:16 they got married like a month later do i wish another movie like armageddon would come out yes like why not i think that could happen and i think we might know a guy who might make it. Yeah. Yeah. I think we do. That'd be awesome, another Armageddon. Yes. Nickelback could do the song this time.
Starting point is 01:12:36 Yeah, with Bruce and just like, just that whole squad. Just a ragtag bunch of dudes. Dude, run it back with the same cast. Yes. And then a few new subs for the people who passed yeah yeah that'd be awesome r.i.p michael eric duncan yeah yeah later mcd big man i mean it's such a heart it's just such a good time yeah it is it's one of the best movies ever it's like the end of the world but you're having a blast i mean and it's got some pivotal scenes
Starting point is 01:13:01 yeah i mean harry putting ben affleck's character back in the tube. I gotta do it. It's my job. My little girl's your job now. What's his name? Casey? I'd be damn proud of you. I'd be damn proud to have you as a son. Yeah. Casey? No. No, it's not.
Starting point is 01:13:21 My little girl. What is his name? What's Ben Affleck's name? Yeah. I know it. I'm right on it. Casey. What is it?
Starting point is 01:13:34 Dude, I'm losing my mind. AJ. AJ. AJ. And then when... Hit the button, Stamper. Hit the button, Stamper. Harry won't fail.
Starting point is 01:13:44 He doesn't know how to fail. Dude, when I saw that in theaters as a kid, you know when they're walking, you know, after the mission, so after they're back on Earth and they're wearing like the orange jumpsuits and stuff, the space ones, it makes it look like they have huge dongs.
Starting point is 01:13:59 Yeah. Have you noticed that? Because like the part over your hog is like a fucking... You unbutton it and then it just pops open. Dude, that was so intentional by costume to get the idea that these guys have big dongs. They look like they have massive cranks.
Starting point is 01:14:14 Yeah. Yeah. That's so smart. Yeah, because they're walking and the things are literally swinging. And as a kid, I was like, dude, Ben Affleck has a huge dink. Yeah. That sweetens the movie by 5%. that made me even more fired up yeah of course yeah i asked my mom about it too we were in the car right i was like mom can we get mcflurries she's like yeah for sure and i was like
Starting point is 01:14:38 also did you did you peep the size of those hogs? And she just looked back and smiled. She was like, permission to shake hands with the son of the most... The most observant seven-year-old I've ever seen. Permission to shake hands with the hands of the most perceptive child I have ever met. Did I? My dog. Who's your legend of the week uh john chigas nice dude yeah so john chigas just a great guy he works on a lot of our videos he's our camera guy uh and uh he's just like a hard a hard worker, really sweet, smart, knowledgeable, well-read, and just a great dude. I mean, you literally have nothing bad to say about the guy.
Starting point is 01:15:34 He might have the easiest vibes of anyone I've ever been around. Yeah. Yeah. His negative footprint is almost non-existent in terms of, like, he doesn't need anything. Yeah. He's the least needy person I've ever met. Yeah. And he's like, he's like always interested in stuff and he's just like, he's down for
Starting point is 01:15:51 whatever. And he works hard on our videos and just, you know, filming and stuff and getting in there and. And he's great at that. Getting the shot. Yeah. Yeah. He got yelled at yesterday.
Starting point is 01:16:00 Oh, he did? Yeah. Nice. This guy's like, this volleyball player's like, excuse me, could you not film us? We're working out. We're working player's like excuse me could you not film us we're working out we're working out okay if you could not film us we're working out thank you and chicas was like dude i remember that guy he was so authoritative about it yeah he's jacked yeah i was being like passive aggressive towards him afterwards i was like oh dude nice bump oh dude butter said but i was being afterwards. I was like, Oh dude, nice bump. Oh dude, butter. So,
Starting point is 01:16:25 but I was being sincere enough. I was like, butter said, dude, Oh, put it down, bro. Put it down.
Starting point is 01:16:30 Yeah. Cause he came in a little hot with like the, Hey, excuse me. We're working out. Thanks. Appreciate it, bro.
Starting point is 01:16:37 You know that. Yeah. Appreciate it, bro. The aggro. Like, thanks for doing that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:42 Yeah. I don't like that one. The aggro. Thanks dude thanks dude thanks you're like is that really thanks yeah are you actually saying thank you yeah are you still being a fucking ass can you not film us thanks yeah thanks like a sincere one there would have been nice like all right dude can you not film us we're working working out. Thank you, man. Appreciate it. Yeah. See how much better that is? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:09 You don't have to yell it in the same tone as like telling him to stop. Switch the tone on the thank you. Yeah. Yeah. That is always annoying me. Just don't even say thank you. Yeah. Just like, can you not film us?
Starting point is 01:17:18 Period. Dude, I'm sorry if I'm trying to sound like a Billy badass here because I've got got my ass kicked a lot, and I've run away from a lot of fights. But okay, one time I was at a bar, at the Brig in Venice, and I hit on this girl. I was like, hey, what's up? Hey, you should meet my friends or something. This guy was like, hey, bro, I'm her boyfriend. And I was like, hey, dude, my bad, I had no idea. And then he goes, that's right, you're...
Starting point is 01:17:37 He's like, that's right, bitch. He called me bitch. I was so apologetic. And right after, he's like, that's right, bitch. And dude, I snapped. I was like, he was the apologetic. And right after he's like, he's like, that's right, bitch. And dude, I snapped. I was like,
Starting point is 01:17:48 he was the little dude. I was like, I mean, I was like, dude, what the fuck? I was like, I'm a bitch.
Starting point is 01:17:53 I was like, fuck you, dude. I was like, let's go outside and fight right now. Oh no, I said this. I was like,
Starting point is 01:17:56 I was like, dude, text me or I was like, text me or give me your phone number and we'll meet. Like, we'll have fun tonight and then I'll meet you tomorrow at a park and we'll fight. He's like, I'm not going to fight you,
Starting point is 01:18:04 dude. I was like, why'd you call me a fucking bitch and then his girlfriend got in the middle of us and she's like she's like get out of his fucking face asshole like she started like shoving me and then i was like oh i was like dude your fucking girlfriend had to protect you i was like you're an embarrassment you said that yeah and then i walked away and then when i left they were outside arguing with each other and i just went up to him and i was like hey dude i'm sorry no bad blood and he looked at. And I just went up to him and I was like, hey, dude, I'm sorry. No bad blood.
Starting point is 01:18:25 And he looked at me for a second. Then we shook hands and it was over. Nice. But I was so mad. That's right, bitch. Yeah. Yeah, that's what I thought, bitch. He said something like that.
Starting point is 01:18:35 And I just lost it. I was like, what the fuck? What a funny thing to say. Yeah, it was just so unnecessary. Yeah. Yeah. The extra, like, he just stuck me deeper yeah that's what i thought bitch that's what i thought bitch i was like huh oh dude my bad
Starting point is 01:18:53 sorry i didn't realize that you two were dating that's right bitch exactly dude i couldn't believe it i was like i was so nice that always makes me mad when i'm genuinely nice and sorry and do like all the things right and then the other person kind of like when my head's down smacks the back of my head yeah like i'm like why would you do that yeah yeah that's so funny and we're working out here dude thanks thanks yeah thanks i guess we are filming them which is like a little annoying yeah yeah because in my mind yeah well knowing what i know maybe you can cut this but like knowing what i know about like filming and stuff yeah if someone's filming me in public i'd be like get that out of my face yeah i wouldn't say anything yeah don't say
Starting point is 01:19:35 anything if someone's filming you in public take this from guys who film people in public don't say anything it's like the cops yeah like everyone thinks they're gonna outsmart the camera they think they're gonna outsmart the cops the best thing you can do is just not talk. Same with the principal's office. Oh yeah, so John Chigas, your legend. And that's it. Your freaking legend. Great guy.
Starting point is 01:19:55 Aaron, who's your legend of the week? My legend of the week is I've been re-watching more Jeopardy on Netflix. It's kind of how I go to bed. I exercise my mind and then go to sleep probably counterintuitive but it works uh so my legend of the week is alex trebek um you know i want to make sure that in case you know obviously he's dealing with some really major health problems right now so i just want to make sure that i uh appreciate him
Starting point is 01:20:22 publicly uh before anything happens because he's done an amazing job on a really great show for a very long time. And that's super hard to do. Agreed. He's so good. He's a beast. My legend of the week
Starting point is 01:20:40 is Kathy Marisi. Joe Marisi's mother. Oh, yeah. She passed away uh last week so uh send your love to joe i'm sure he'll appreciate it you know i didn't know his mother uh well i i never met her in person i would just talk to her over facetime when she was facetiming with joe but uh you can see where joe came from and there's a reason joe's like the most wonderful guy on earth and truly truly just just a really special guy. One of the most honorable, straightforward, and grounded people I've ever met.
Starting point is 01:21:12 And his mom and dad were the same way when they would rap with him on the phone. His mom was so sweet, and it's just too bad. So yeah, Kathy Marisi, rest in peace. You are a legend above all legends. And, yeah, Joe was lucky to have you as a mom, and he'll carry on your legacy. Absolutely. Chad, what's your quote of the week?
Starting point is 01:21:41 My quote of the week is from Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean that's what a ship is you know it's not just a keel and a hole and a deck and sails that's what a ship needs but what a ship is what the black pearl really is
Starting point is 01:21:59 is freedom that's awesome I wanted to do the accent but it's like whatever I liked the voice you did yeah it was good is freedom. That's awesome. I wanted to do the accent, but I just, it's like, whatever. I like the voice you did.
Starting point is 01:22:09 Yeah, it was good. Thanks. Aaron, what's your quote of the week? Um, hang on, still looking for it.
Starting point is 01:22:27 Do you want to cut to the wide there of my video? Because I was curious how long you were going to stay on that single at chad so when i cut to the wide of me i was just doing this face just staring yeah like oh this is interesting sometimes when i'm watching a football game i'll think that they'll stay on like the same angle for 30 seconds. You're like, when are they going to cut? Is the person... What's going on up there? It's a fun way to watch football. Dude, and football's back. Let's go, dude. Some normalcy. It's so nice.
Starting point is 01:22:55 How was it without the crowds? Dude, I actually haven't even watched that much because we shot on Sunday. Then I was driving up here today. I was mostly just hitting refresh on my phone. And that was amazing. Because I got Devontae Adams and he had 14 catches. So every time I hit refresh, he had another catch.
Starting point is 01:23:11 And just watching the money pile up like that, it was so satisfactory. Yeah. Then Saquon, my running back today, had about 15 carries for seven yards. Not what I was expecting, Saquon. Not your fault, you're the best ever. But I felt like, I mean, I spent 94 bucks on him in him in our auction which is insane but our market's hyperinflated because we
Starting point is 01:23:28 have 14 teams and uh felt like i paid a buck for every 0.01 yards not what i was expecting yeah but so good to have football back let's go and then basketball's in the playoffs i don't know it's just good time a, do you have your quote? Still looking, unfortunately. What do you think about Odell Beckham liking to have girls take deuces on him? I like that he's exploring himself. Yeah, it's good he found that. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:24:01 I wonder if he was happy before or if he got happy after. Yeah. I'm sure he was happy before or if he got happy after yeah i'm sure he was happy before but he was so happy that he was like he's like finally starting to accept what he really likes and now he's really really happy yeah because he probably had a year or two of adjusting to it yeah like oh do i actually want to do this yeah i like to imagine that he just made the jump right away. Like the first time it happened, he just went Eureka. Yeah. He's like, that's it. Pow.
Starting point is 01:24:30 Everything fell into place. Eureka. Like what if it fixed his depression? What if he had been depressed and he's like, honestly, it fixed my depression. We'd all have to support him. If he came out and said that. Yeah. He should do that.
Starting point is 01:24:39 He should do that. He's like, dude, I was literally like, I felt so alone. I felt isolated. I was so sad and unhappy. And now I've never felt better. I'm ready to have a great season. I'm talking to my family all the time. I got shit on last night.
Starting point is 01:24:49 Yeah. I feel great. Yeah. And then the team's like pumped. They're like, Odell, did you get shit on last night? He's like, you know it. They're like, oh, we're going to get a W today. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:58 They're in the Super Bowl. And he's like, the coach is like, make sure you get someone real nice to shit on his chest. Make sure it's someone special this time, Odell. This is a once-in-a-lifetime thing. He goes, don't worry, coach. I know exactly the girl I'm looking for. And then he runs out to her. Coach is like, Odell, who's shitting on your chest tonight?
Starting point is 01:25:16 Yeah. How do you prep him for the game? He plays a boombox out of her window, like Say Anything. But the song is like... Chocolate Rain. Yeah. Or like... What even is that song? to like say anything but the song is like um chocolate rain yeah or like uh or what what even is that song what's a good dookie a girl dookie in on your chest song is that is that
Starting point is 01:25:33 racist song chocolate rain i don't know no because poop looks chocolatey is it aaron no i don't think so okay all right i'm gonna it up. Good song to get pooped on during. I'd say Kenny Loggins. The Danger Zone. Yeah, Danger Zone. Highway to the Danger Zone is good. That's it. You nailed it.
Starting point is 01:25:55 Aaron, do you have your quote of the week? For some reason, Nirvana smells like teenage spirit. That's good. Yeah. It's a little deli-y, but yeah. Oh, fuck. Yeah. Sorry. little delirious but yeah oh fuck yeah sorry dude so santeria by sublime oh that's a good one yeah i could totally get shit on during century love is what i got by sublime that'd be a good one yeah i don't practice santeria i ain't good hey do you want to prank call my friend Ross real quick? Yeah. I'll be your wife.
Starting point is 01:26:28 Okay. What is it? The shit in the pool at where? Someone shit at the pool at Monarch Beach Club under his name. Mr. Cummings? Let me look it up. That's his number. Hello there. This is... At the Monarch Beach Resort, someone pooped in the... that's his number hello there this is uh
Starting point is 01:26:45 at the monarch beach resort someone pooped in the someone defecated in the pool and they used his name and say the person in question is JT Parr oh can you open it again say JT Parr came in here with a date,
Starting point is 01:27:07 and he was inebriated and he ended up defecating in the pool. Okay. Yeah. It's coming, right? Yeah. if he doesn't do it we'll get his brother pick it up rossi call has been forwarded to an automatic voice all right i'll type in robbie's number real quick i know i them both by heart. I should have just done that. Monarch Beach Resort?
Starting point is 01:27:49 Yeah, Monarch Beach Resort. Did you say we couldn't get a hold of your mom? Mom? Damn it. Is that even a message? I think we gotta get a hold of someone. It's pretty late. People might not pick up.
Starting point is 01:28:08 That's true. Ross lives in New York. It's 137. Oh, shit. Yeah. But he's definitely playing Call of Duty. We'll get him next time.
Starting point is 01:28:18 Aaron, do you have your quote of the week? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I do now. What's your quote of the week? I have some more song lyrics from my boys at Jimmy Eat World. Let's go. It's a song called do now. What's your quote of the week? I have some more song lyrics from my boys at Jimmy Eat World. Let's go.
Starting point is 01:28:25 It's a song called Love Never. It's out on their new album, Surviving. Love ain't never been your friend. Love ain't never going to hear what you're demanding. Love ain't some magical thing. Love's never going to be the way you're dreaming. And I think that goes to the guy you emailed in. Right.
Starting point is 01:28:44 Don't try it. Lighten up. Have some Right. Don't try it. Lighten up. Have some fun. Don't overthink it. Amen. It's tough. My quote of the week is from the comments section of one of the scenes from The Notebook.
Starting point is 01:29:00 And someone said, when you like someone and they like you back, it's the best thing in the world. Yeah. For sure. It's weird. Yeah, it's cosmic. Yeah, it feels special.
Starting point is 01:29:14 Yeah. Two shooting stars hit each other. Yeah, like, doink. Doink. Boink. Doink. Doof. Did we just doof on each other?
Starting point is 01:29:24 Yeah. She's like, i felt the doof too all right come here let me get some more making out on camera When you stop just to make eye contact, you're like... I'm talking about when you're making out and then you stop for a second to make meaningful eye contact. Chad, what's your phrase of the week for getting after it? Hey, uh...
Starting point is 01:30:19 Can you shit on my chest while we listen to Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins? And dude, his last name's loggins logs that's perfect aaron what's your phrase that we're going after it i mean you just said it let's go make meaningful eye contact yeah let's go take a shit let's go take a shit on some guy's chest yeah i like both of those things. If you can do meaningful eye contact during the other one.
Starting point is 01:30:50 Can you imagine? That'd be pretty intimate. Dude, if you're staring. You're staring while she does it. Get off your phone. Focus. This is special. Look at my eyes.
Starting point is 01:31:03 Look at my eyes. Yeah, you'd feel close to the person i feel close to shit to you right now yeah that shit oh um dude my phrase of the week for getting after it is um one of the most fire exchanges between two of the tightest buddies in movie history it's from uh bad Boys. Bad Boys 2. Bad Boys for Life. When he goes, we ride together, we die together. Bad Boys for Life. Come on, dude. If that doesn't get you hyped, check your fucking resting heartbeat, because it might be at zero.
Starting point is 01:31:36 Chip one. If it was at one, you'd be super healthy. That means your heart needed 60 seconds to take in all that blood. Alright. Alright, dude. Dude all that blood. All right. All right, dude. Dude, that was fun, man. It was good hanging.
Starting point is 01:31:51 Yeah, it was a fun pod. It's always good to get in the studio. It is the best. And guys, we shot a video before this, so. Yeah. We were in here for a while. Yeah. All right, guys.
Starting point is 01:32:01 Aaron, thank you so much, man. Thank you to Aaron for your help and your patience and just being a legend. You're a legend, dude. Chad, I'll see you next week, dude. We're both hitting the road now. Yeah. Yeah. Are you going to see your mom? Uh, I'm trying to figure it out. My dad wants me to come see him and my mom's like nervous about me flying and right. So go see your mom first. All right. Yeah. is that still on the docket? I might. I'm just trying to figure it out with her because she's nervous about me flying. Oh, because you wouldn't drive out to see her? Well, I would, but it's 12 hours.
Starting point is 01:32:34 That's pretty brutal. Yeah. By myself. Yeah. Do you crush it, though? 12 hours? You'd like it, actually. I think I would.
Starting point is 01:32:41 You would really like it. Yeah. That's a good point. You'll enjoy the mission of it and then you'll you'll have like breakthroughs as you're driving you think so? absolutely
Starting point is 01:32:49 yeah I did a similar drive to Montana and the first hour was brutal and then after that I loved it yeah but I just
Starting point is 01:32:57 if I do drive my lease is fucked oh really? but maybe I don't need it shouldn't think about that how many miles? well I'm at like forty00 i need to my cap is at 10 500 by march oh yeah yeah that'll be kind of close won't it yeah i think i can fly though you can fly for sure i think it's safe fly the red airline that splits it up yeah yeah fuck covid man i know it's a bummer it almost feels like we're all at a place where
Starting point is 01:33:30 we've like now understand that it's around yeah but it's still not normal yeah you know yeah it's uh i know it's crazy yeah it's crazy world's on fire nuts all right yeah later guys we'll see you if you need advice these guys are really nice you wanna know what to and where to go When you need someone to guide you To have a throat beside you Go in the deep
Starting point is 01:34:13 Go in the deep Let's go deep Go in deep Get in there deep I'm going deep I'm going deep

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